“If you take time to learn the fundamentals of Christ and His teaches, the wisdom He bestows to you for your efforts will guide you throw the highs and lows of life.”TB Practice and Purpose The Bible is the ultimate playbook for you to use in this game called life. Think about sports like basketball. Elite ballplayers spend a significant amount of time studying the film of their opponents. They also spend time practicing their shots, ball handling, defense, and everything in between. Take NBA players. These guys have been playing basketball for years and years. You would think will all of the time and practice they put in, there would be no need to watch game tape or practice. So why do they do it? Because practice and reviewing the film is the type of tool that defeats your opponent. The Bible and applying its wisdom prepares us to understand the devil’s games and how to win. Practice also helps us against the enemy when we’re tired The devil works hard to throw us off in several areas in our lives. He’ll attack when we’re tired, when we’re distracted, when we’re stepping up in our walk with Christ, and especially when we’re successful. But don’t worry, the opposition messes greatly with the first string because he knows how influential they are in spreading the good news. Fortunately for us, this is why we practice reading the Bible. When we’re tired, distracted, encouraging others about Christ, or stepping in our calling, this is when we must really hunker down and rely on the fundamentals. This is because God’s Truth supersedes our truths. So, when our neighbor offends us, we practice what we learned in the Bible, which is forgiveness so that it doesn’t become a foothold. When we have bills to pay, we pay them instead of buying stuff for ourselves. Fundamentals are Key Just like elite basketball players, we can get tired and weary, which is where the devil and temptation will rear its ugly head. When we rely on our flesh, we fail because we’re not built to weather storms such as these. Instead we have to rely on the teachings and the fundamentals of the word. The Bible is literally the game tape of how God defeats the devil. What better resource to help us in our walks with Christ! By studying the playbook–Bible– we have foundational strength and behaviors that allow us to have victory over our trials and temptations. We gain the spiritual muscle memory to shoot the ball, scoring even when physically we can’t go on. If you want to be on the championship team, study God’s playbook, the Bible. Are you studying how to defeat the opposition? Enjoy the reading 1 This message came to me from the LORD : 2 “Son of man, once there were two sisters who were daughters of the same mother. 3 They became prostitutes in Egypt. Even as young girls, they allowed men to fondle their breasts. 4 The older girl was named Oholah, and her sister was Oholibah. I married them, and they bore me sons and daughters. I am speaking of Samaria and Jerusalem, for Oholah is Samaria and Oholibah is Jerusalem. 5 “Then Oholah lusted after other lovers instead of me, and she gave her love to the Assyrian officers. 6 They were all attractive young men, captains and commanders dressed in handsome blue, charioteers driving their horses. 7 And so she prostituted herself with the most desirable men of Assyria, worshiping their idols and defiling herself. 8 For when she left Egypt, she did not leave her spirit of prostitution behind. She was still as lewd as in her youth, when the Egyptians slept with her, fondled her breasts, and used her as a prostitute. 9 “And so I handed her over to her Assyrian lovers, whom she desired so much. 10 They stripped her, took away her children as their slaves, and then killed her. After she received her punishment, her reputation was known to every woman in the land. 11 “Yet even though Oholibah saw what had happened to Oholah, her sister, she followed right in her footsteps. And she was even more depraved, abandoning herself to her lust and prostitution. 12 She fawned over all the Assyrian officers—those captains and commanders in handsome uniforms, those charioteers driving their horses—all of them attractive young men. 13 I saw the way she was going, defiling herself just like her older sister. 14 “Then she carried her prostitution even further. She fell in love with pictures that were painted on a wall—pictures of Babylonian military officers, outfitted in striking red uniforms. 15 Handsome belts encircled their waists, and flowing turbans crowned their heads. They were dressed like chariot officers from the land of Babylonia. 16 When she saw these paintings, she longed to give herself to them, so she sent messengers to Babylonia to invite them to come to her. 17 So they came and committed adultery with her, defiling her in the bed of love. After being defiled, however, she rejected them in disgust. 18 “In the same way, I became disgusted with Oholibah and rejected her, just as I had rejected her sister, because she flaunted herself before them and gave herself to satisfy their lusts. 19 Yet she turned to even greater prostitution, remembering her youth when she was a prostitute in Egypt. 20 She lusted after lovers with genitals as large as a donkey’s and emissions like those of a horse. 21 And so, Oholibah, you relived your former days as a young girl in Egypt, when you first allowed your breasts to be fondled. 22 “Therefore, Oholibah, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will send your lovers against you from every direction—those very nations from which you turned away in disgust. 23 For the Babylonians will come with all the Chaldeans from Pekod and Shoa and Koa. And all the Assyrians will come with them—handsome young captains, commanders, chariot officers, and other high-ranking officers, all riding their horses. 24 They will all come against you from the north with chariots, wagons, and a great army prepared for attack. They will take up positions on every side, surrounding you with men armed with shields and helmets. And I will hand you over to them for punishment so they can do with you as they please. 25 I will turn my jealous anger against you, and they will deal harshly with you. They will cut off your nose and ears, and any survivors will then be slaughtered by the sword. Your children will be taken away as captives, and everything that is left will be burned. 26 They will strip you of your beautiful clothes and jewels. 27 In this way, I will put a stop to the lewdness and prostitution you brought from Egypt. You will never again cast longing eyes on those things or fondly remember your time in Egypt. 28 “For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will surely hand you over to your enemies, to those you loathe, those you rejected. 29 They will treat you with hatred and rob you of all you own, leaving you stark naked. The shame of your prostitution will be exposed to all the world. 30 You brought all this on yourself by prostituting yourself to other nations, defiling yourself with all their idols. 31 Because you have followed in your sister’s footsteps, I will force you to drink the same cup of terror she drank. 32 “Yes, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “You will drink from your sister’s cup of terror, a cup that is large and deep. It is filled to the brim with scorn and derision. 33 Drunkenness and anguish will fill you, for your cup is filled to the brim with distress and desolation, the same cup your sister Samaria drank. 34 You will drain that cup of terror to the very bottom. Then you will smash it to pieces and beat your breast in anguish. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken! 35 “And because you have forgotten me and turned your back on me, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: You must bear the consequences of all your lewdness and prostitution.” 36 The LORD said to me, “Son of man, you must accuse Oholah and Oholibah of all their detestable sins. 37 They have committed both adultery and murder—adultery by worshiping idols and murder by burning as sacrifices the children they bore to me. 38 Furthermore, they have defiled my Temple and violated my Sabbath day! 39 On the very day that they sacrificed their children to their idols, they boldly came into my Temple to worship! They came in and defiled my house. 40 “You sisters sent messengers to distant lands to get men. Then when they arrived, you bathed yourselves, painted your eyelids, and put on your finest jewels for them. 41 You sat with them on a beautifully embroidered couch and put my incense and my special oil on a table that was spread before you. 42 From your room came the sound of many men carousing. They were lustful men and drunkards from the wilderness, who put bracelets on your wrists and beautiful crowns on your heads. 43 Then I said, ‘If they really want to have sex with old worn-out prostitutes like these, let them!’ 44 And that is what they did. They had sex with Oholah and Oholibah, these shameless prostitutes. 45 But righteous people will judge these sister cities for what they really are—adulterers and murderers. 46 “Now this is what the Sovereign LORD says: Bring an army against them and hand them over to be terrorized and plundered. 47 For their enemies will stone them and kill them with swords. They will butcher their sons and daughters and burn their homes. 48 In this way, I will put an end to lewdness and idolatry in the land, and my judgment will be a warning to all women not to follow your wicked example. 49 You will be fully repaid for all your prostitution—your worship of idols. Yes, you will suffer the full penalty. Then you will know that I am the Sovereign LORD .”
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« AnkstesnisTęsti » actual existence. On a former journey I came upon and was shown asome what similar old house in like manner made fictionally historic, a veritable romance in bricks and mortar. The old servant who did duty as a guide I found fully believed in the reality of the story and in the personality of the imaginary characters, nor would any words of mine unconvince him. Such is the magic power of the pen, turning fiction into fact and causing the creations of the brain to move, walk, and have their being, causing even, as in the case of Sir Walter Scott, remote spots to be visited by crowds of tourists to behold the scenes where imaginary heroes acted their part, heroes as real to many as those who actually lived and fought and died! Why, I have even had pointed out to me the very spot where the huntsman's horse fell, as described in the Lady of the Lake'! Continuing on our way we passed through a pleasantly undulating country with peeps ever and again of distant blue hills; a country it was that reminded us much of Berkshire. Certainly had we been suddenly set down thereabouts without being told what part of England it was, we should never have guessed that we were in a portion of Essex. Margaretting was the next village we came to, and again we were tempted to make a short stop to sketch the effective bit of iron-work that supports the sign-board of the Bull Inn. The church here is well worth a visit ; it contains an early and very fine ' Jesse' window, and has two picturesque old wooden open porches, but the most interesting feature of the A QUAINT SIGN-BOARD. ancient structure is its remarkable tower. This is constructed entirely of massive beams of oak, black and brown with age. The great timbers are curiously and ingeniously arranged to ensure strength and mutual support. Near to the south door is a unique brass; the figures are unfortunately mutilated and the inscription gone. It represents a knight in armour, with his wife, sons, and daughters, as was the fashion of memorials of the time, but what is especially remarkable about this brass is that the faces of the effigies are given in profile. I know of no other instance in which a profile is shown on a brass instead of the full face, and I believe that there is no other record of such a departure from the general custom that then obtained. This old turnpike and coaching road along which we were travelling is studded with villages and thoroughfare towns; every few miles we came upon a smaller or larger collection of houses, and so, shortly after leaving Margaretting we found ourselves at Widford. The inn signs of Essex are frequently of interest, and here once more our attention was arrested by the curious old sign-board of the village public-house. This has on one side of it a pictorial representation of bluff King Hal, on the other a woman without a head, intended we were informed for the unfortunate Queen Anne Boleyn. It would be interesting to learn the origin and true history of this quaint sign. We come across a Character-Origin of the Names of Places-Guide books at fault— The Good Woman'-An old half-timbered Hostelrie—Roadside England–The Love of the Country-BorehamA Fine Altar-tomb—The Ancient Craftsman and the Modern Workman--An Old English Farmstead–The Farm of the Future -Cottage Gardens-Witham-At the Sign of the White HartThe Kindness of Country People—How to discover Objects of Interest-A Fruitless Expedition—' Ghosts not kept here.' At Chelmsford, the next town on our road, we elected to stay the night at the sign of the Saracen's Head. In the coffee-room of the inn there we made friends with another traveller, who from his conversation was evidently an antiquary, and truly he looked his part, dressed as he was like a gentleman of the old school, fifty years at least behind time in regard to the fashion of his clothes ; evidently purposely so, for the quality was good although the cut seemed quaint to our unfamiliar eyes. Manifestly we had come upon an original character, no mere stage make-believe, and we rejoiced in the fact, for in these days of slavish uniformity, a genuine character is a great relief to the wearisome monotony of multitudes. We always make it a point when on a journey, as far as may lie in our power, to make friends with those people chance may throw in our path. Many NAMES OF PLACES. an interesting conversation and much odd out-ofthe-way information as to local legends, family histories, folk-lore, curious customs, and I know not what else besides, have we picked up by so doing. We found that even a plough-boy could tell us something that we did not know before, as to the habits of birds, the names of the less common wild flowers and plants, and other matters pertaining to the life of the hedges and fields, which were as familiar to him as they were fresh to us : the country lad is not of those who Love not the flower they pluck and know it not, And all their botany is but Latin names. But I am digressing ; to return to our antiquarian friend, we had a long and entertaining chat with him that evening about many things. During the course of the conversation he informed us that the road we had travelled from Brentwood was not only the old coaching highway to Colchester, but that it followed also the exact line of the ancient Roman street thither. Then we had a long discussion as to the origin of the names of the places we had passed through. It is always interesting to trace back the derivation of the names of country towns and villages, for frequently they have a real reason for their appellation, even sometimes helping to explain history or to hand down the exact spot where certain events took place, as for instance Slaughter Bridge in Cornwall where King Arthur fell mortally wounded. Thus the sleepy little town of Ingatestone, where we rested as we came along, is derived from Ing, a meadow, at-ye-stone ; a Roman mile stone having stood in a field at this spot. In like manner Margaretting, is from Margaret and Ing, that is St. Margaret's meadow, the ancient church there being dedicated to that saint. Widford, at which spot the road crosses the river Wid, manifestly explains itself, at least so I should have imagined; but for all that, one of the precious guidebooks I took with me deliberately states that it comes from the Wide ford over the river Can,' not by any means a single or the worst instance of inaccuracy I have discovered in these curious compilations, only unfortunately their mistakes as to facts are not always so readily to be discovered, for in this case we did not even come upon the Can at Widford. Some of the errors of omission and commission of the guide-book writers are both astonishing and amusing, as we shall see hereafter. Though I believe there can be but little doubt that we were right as to the derivation of Widford, it is not wise to jump too readily at a conclusion in such matters, even when such seems self-evident. For upon a former journey, seeing an old map with the very ancient and little town of Alfriston in Sussex spelt thereon Aldfriston, and knowing that there was a short way off a younger though still very ancient village of Friston, we at once inferred that Alfriston was name evolved from AldFriston, or Old Friston, the prefix we presumed being added to distinguish the place from the other Friston, and we should certainly have deemed our conclusion to be correct, had we not afterwards by mere chance, upon looking over some musty works
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- Categories: Music Sally – Super woman After his first single titled Diamond Queen, Sally from P2K record label is out with another mind blowing love song. As usual this is produced by the young Mesty the baddest producer. You would not like to miss this trending love song. He title this one super woman promising his woman the length he will go for their love. Listen and share your thoughts. What do you think about this song? We want to hear from you all. Drop your comments. RECOMMENDED SONGS FOR YOU 👇Dotman – Okay [Music] Kizz Daniel – Padi Mp3 [Music] Bbanks – For you Rude boy – Take it (Prod. By. Christring) [Music] Aloma ft. Davido x King98 – Give them [Music] Fiokee ft. Teni x DJ coublon – Osan Tekno – Skeletun [Music] Skofyfer – Birthday Challenge [Music] Wizkid ft. Banky W x Shaydee – Desire [Music] Bunkunmi ft. Johnny Drille – You can never be mine READ ALSO 👇
{ "date": "2022-05-27T19:51:51Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662675072.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20220527174336-20220527204336-00416.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8669126629829407, "token_count": 248, "url": "https://betajamz.com.ng/sally-super-woman/" }
Maynard Dixon (1875-1946) was a 20th century American artist whose work focused on the American West. WE THREE are fans and one day while we were “retreating” in southern Utah we saw a brochure advertising a tour of Dixon’s home and studio in Mt. Carmel. Goodness! It wasn’t that far away. So we zipped on over. Found out that a knowledgeable and generous couple, Susan and Paul Bingham, had established a mecca in the desert for us Dixonites. http://www.thunderbirdfoundation.com/ In 1938 Dixon had written to a friend: “Big news is we are going to quit Calif. & build us a log house in Utah, far from any large town. Mormons are simple honest farming people. We like them. Beautiful country, but cold in winter. Don’t know if we can make a living there, but take a gamblers chance.” For one week, each year, for the next six years, WE THREE retreated to his “log house” and under the influence of Dixon’s artistic spirit, we practiced the art of painting. Our first Dixon Retreat was in May 2008. It was COLD!!! We were getting our “retreat” sea legs that first year and made some “field notes” for future reference: bring a blender for our morning shakes, don’t forget the bug spray and sunscreen, warm AND cool clothes, more wet paintings storage, ODORLESS paint thinner (we had a spill of smelly turp in the car), be up at 6:30a (hard for Barb and me, no prob for Rox) , and someday paint a night painting. Fabulous southwest scenery, HIGH quality art in the Bingham Gallery, plenty of rock cliffs for me and Rox and plenty of horses for Barb. This view, above, is across the street from the Bingham Gallery. Dixon Retreat #2, May 2009. Now it is WAY warm! Location, location, location…the Dixon site was only 45 minutes from Zion National Park. At one time we had a goal to stop and paint at every car “turn out” on the road through the park. We hit quite a few. This is Barb and Rox painting in a wash, waiting for a flash flood to cool us off…lol. Dixon Retreat #3, also in May, 2010. We explored surrounding areas a little more stopping at Pipe Springs National Monument ranch, photographing people in western costume in Kanab, painted at the spooky “mystery pond” (Google Montezuma’s treasure in Kanab), and saw the full moon rise over the Coral Pink Sand Dunes. Every shared experience is still a unique and individual experience. In the photo above, Rox and Barb are standing by the old TV film set for Gunsmoke (series ran 1955 to 1975). We got permission to climb over the fence, carry our supplies a short trek, take photos, and set up to paint in the atmosphere of this (fake) old western town. Light good, temp not too bad…but the wind was unpredictable and kept blasting us. For Barb it was one of her worst “retreat” days. She just about gave up the sport of “plein aire”. For me it was one of my best “retreat” days. I love ghost towns and old wood, memories of my father’s dedication to Gunsmoke, and loved the sound of the wind in the trees. Dixon Retreat #4. We thought we’d try the end of June into July for some warmer weather. Way hot!!! Except in the morning and late evening. WE THREE got smarter. Barb stayed in the Dixon studio to paint and I got up early with Rox to go out plein aire painting. We joined Barb in the studio for midday. Then we went out again at dusk. One morning Rox and I set up in Barracks Canyon by the side of a dirt road under a tree for shade. Could not understand why a herd of cows began to gather around us. Art critics? They continued to gather, bunching in so close that we had to “shoo” them away from upsetting our paints. We finally noticed that there was hay strewn around our feet. We had set up in their feeding spot. They thought we were there to feed them. Rox (above) and I got lots of “cow” photos that day, I can tell you. Dixon Retreat #5. The first part of June 2012 was perfect weather. WE THREE are standing outside of the Maynard Dixon home that we stayed in each time we came on “retreat”. Continued our “smarter” regimen of Barb, a studio painter, painting in the studio, while Rox and I got up early and at dusk to paint outside. We gathered to work at midday and then at night we watched DVDs on Rox’s laptop while discussing great themes and solving the world’s problems…as well as sharing the adventures of growing children and the maladies of getting older. Dixon Retreat #6. The last week of June in 2013 was part nice temp and part hot temp. Fluctuations in conditions just go with the artistic life. The serenity and support of being with friends while working on the passion that has “dogged” us all of our artistic lives can never be over valued. This photo is of Barb and Rox working in the studio. We thought Maynard worked here, but found out he preferred to work outside under a tree in front of a shed by his house. Finally, that night, I set up to do a “night” painting and painted where Dixon painted. My compatriots had gone to bed so I was alone. Night creaks and rustlings, I will have to admit, made me a little nervous. Interestingly, I found comfort in the sound of trucks driving the nearby highway, both of us working into the night. What influences what we become? Who do we travel with? How are we affected by what we see and experience? It is insightful for me, having arrived at my 60th decade, to have plenty of history behind me to look back on. WE THREE started “retreating” south. In March of 1996 we drove to Moab, Utah. Thoughts of painting outdoors evaporated, however, at our first painting stop. It was really cold, foggy, windy…and then began to snow. Silly us, we thought going south in March would give us a jump on the painting season. I ended up painting a still life by lamp light in our hotel that night. Not to be daunted, we tried it again the very next year in the same month, March. It was 1997 and this time the weather behaved. What is an “art retreat” without some exploring? We saw the sign for Delicate Arch and took a hike. Wondered why the crowd dispersed early around us and then realized that we had stayed too long at the arch and would have to hike back…in the dark. We are not seasoned mountaineers and I don’t remember if we even had a flashlight with us, but this walk back became one of my cherished memories. The moon was full that night, the temperature perfect, and the comet Hale-Bopp could be easily seen with its distinct streaming “tail” with our natural eyes. Walking along in the moonlight conversing with friends…powerful poetry. In 2002 Rox and I drove to Jackson Hole to witness Barb being honored with multiple awards at the Arts For The Parks competition that year. Barb was painting and getting in galleries, Rox was teaching math and statistics at a university while taking art workshops, and I was making a living as a magazine and children’s book illustrator. Divergent roads. In 2005 WE THREE traveled south again. Thinking we were being adventurous, we stayed a night in Mesquite, Nevada. After scoping out the casinos for something to paint…they don’t even have chairs you can sit in to sketch the patrons from, we turned in for the night. Our room was on the ground floor and we didn’t sleep, what with the all night drunken shouting and swearing and flashing police lights through our window! The next day we packed up and fled to St. George, a much calmer place conducive to painting. We set up in Snow Canyon and I began to really see the beauty of the desert cactus. WE THREE have a fondness for the artist, Maynard Dixon. On an excursion to the MOA (Museum Of Art) on the BYU campus in Provo, Utah, later that 2005 year, we paused at his “Forgotten Man” painting. Little did we know that Mr. Dixon would have a significant influence on our “retreating”. Saga to be continued… Now 16 days away from our “WE THREE”, three woman art show reception on June 13 in Logan, Utah, my “looking back on” continues… Each year for the last six years I have journeyed with art buddies, Roxane Pfister and Barbara Edwards to Mt. Carmel, Utah for a week’s art retreat at Maynard Dixon’s home site. This year we went for the last week of June. Rox, Barb, and I have wandered in the world of art together since middle school. It is a precious long term friendship that has only deepened over the years. Paul and Susan Bingham, owners of the Dixon site and an accompanying prestigious art gallery have been very generous in providing this art opportunity for us and others. Even as I am writing this I am struck by my good fortune to have dear friends that I can share my passion for art and life experiences with, paint and draw to my heart’s content, adventure in the semi-wilds, laugh a lot, be under the influence of the ghost of Maynard Dixon, and be inspired by the quality art of the Bingham gallery. Following are bits and pieces from the week. This first sketch is of Diana’s throne. Waking up with a full bladder, hunger pangs, and the anxiety of making a living with my art, I climbed the 4 minute hike to an overlook that inspired Maynard Dixon. Sitting on a rock in the early morning quiet, amazed at the enduring magnificence of the landscape, the anxiety took a backseat and I started the day’s “work”.
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STAR Plus launches Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, premieres 12 January 9.30 pm STAR Plus launches Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, premieres 12 January 9.30 pm Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking here to see images.Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking here to see images. Shaadi Se Shuru Hogi Ek Prem Kahani Dabur Vatika Hair Oil presents " YEH RISHTA KYA KEHLATA HAI " Premieres on January 12, Mon-Fri at 9.30 pm on STAR Plus. Mumbai, January 6, 2009:- After capturing the viewers’ attention with the extraordinary telly-drama Sapana Baabul Ka…Bidaai, the No 1 Hindi General Entertainment Channel in India, STAR Plus extends its fiction line-up on the prime-time with Dabur Vatika Hair Oil’s Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. Produced by Rajan Shahi’s Director’s Kut Production, Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is a story of love finding its way after an arranged marriage and how two people bond and blossom together after entering into sacred ties of matrimony. Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai - the show presented by STAR Plus premiers on January 12 at 9.30 pm, will act as a balm to present day breakdowns in relationships. Intertwined with Indian culture, tradition, ethics and simplicity, the story resonates with STAR Plus’s ideology of building family values in a society that is witnessing rapid breakdowns in its cultural fabric. Recognizing the increasingly fragile nature of relationships in contemporary India, the show seeks to create a milieu of understanding, communication and love between a couple who were virtually strangers before they tie the knot. In its own simple way, Yeh Rishta Kya Kya Kehlata Hai seeks to re-establish traditional marital ties to strengthen the fabric of Indian society. Commenting on this show, Senior Creative Director, Vivek Bahl, said, “Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai seeks to build the concept of love within the traditional setting of an arranged marriage. It creates a quintessential contrast to the world around us where marriages, once considered sacrosanct in our society, are losing their sanctity and turning into relationships of convenience. STAR Plus is the epitome of a family channel upholding the tenets of a values-based society and is reflected in Akshara’s trials, tribulations and evolution from a young girl to a responsible member of a family in the show.” The story revolves around Akshara a shy, demure, obedient daughter who has been brought up like a princess in a traditional Marwari family. She has a very protective upbringing and has only experienced relationships that emanate love and protection. She is yet to discover a life beyond her over-protective mother or her disciplinarian father or her witty and loving grandmother. Soon comes the desired moment of marriage for Akshara and she experiences emotions beyond those that she is familiar with. Marriage catapults her into a plethora of new relationships, new emotions and a whole new environment. But most importantly, she discovers a unique relationship called LOVE, which eventually helps her stride through all trials and tribulations. The story is her journey from being the ideal daughter to a person striving hard to understand her new situation to ultimately move towards falling in love with her husband. – Dabur Vatika Hair Oil Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is a saga of an adolescent heart transforming into a mature one with desires and hopes that are in tune with her new life. While Hina Khan as Akshara will take the viewers through her journey of maturing from a naïve 21 year old to a responsible and mature woman, veterans like Vinita Malik, Sanjeev Seth, Lata Sabharwal and Amardeep Jha will engage them with their entertaining and effortless acting. To be a part of Akshara’s life and love, tune into Dabur Vatika Hair Oil presents Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, premiering 12 January, Mon-Fri at 9.30 pm, only on STAR Plus. Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai - Character sketches The Maheshwari Family Akshara (Age- 19) played by Hina Khan Akshara is a simple and sweet girl who has been brought up in a traditional Marwari family. She is the only daughter in the family in three generations; and therefore, she is adored and pampered by everyone. Nonetheless, the rules and regulations for her are the same as they are for others. She knows her limits and has never disobeyed rules. She is not a chirpy girl, yet has a lively nature that comes across through her expressive eyes and her attitude of accepting life just the way it is. Daadi (Age- 65+) played by Vineeta Malik Daadiji, the mother of the Maheshwari clan, has unquestionably accepted her place in the house after the death of her husband. She recognizes that though her sons respect her and give her importance, she should not interfere in their decisions. She allows Rajshri to take over the mantle of being the lady of the house and only guides her when necessary. Over the years, she has also developed a sense of humour and a keen sense of seeing things with a different perspective. She adores her granddaughter and in her company, Akshara finds unconditional love and acceptance. She is Akshara’s guide and friend. FATHER: Vishambhar Nath (Age – 45+) played by Sanjeev Seth Authoritative and dominating, this patriarch of the Mahehswari household is the bearer of family torch. He comes across as a strict disciplinarian, a believer and a staunch follower of traditions. He is very firm with his son Shaurya but is lenient with his daughter Akshara. Though he adores her and never talks to her in a raised voice, he has made it very clear that the girls/women of the household have to live within the strict rules laid down by society and no exceptions will be entertained. Behind his authoritative aura, he is also affectionate and emotional. He cloaks his vulnerability by being the responsible man who cannot afford to go wrong being the eldest son of the family. MOTHER: Rajshri (Age – 45) played by Lataa Saberwal Rajshri is the lady of the house. Being the eldest bahu, she shoulders many responsibilities, of which keeping the family together is her primary focus. She is affectionate, strict with Akshara but at the same time pampers Anshuman (her devraani’s son). She is an attractive woman and her simplicity makes her even more attractive. She gets hyper easily and can cry or laugh with spectacular ease. She can’t deal with tension. She never negates or confronts her husband publicly and guards his image fiercely. She is the only person who understands that behind his stern façade is a vulnerable man who has to play many roles to protect his family. Omkar Nath (Age – 47) played by Manu Malik Vishambhar Nath’s younger brother, Omkar Nath is a nice man. Fondly known as Omi Chacha by the kids of the house, he admits that it’s only sheer chance that he was born in a Marwari family because he is not cut out for business. He has a sensitive heart which he guards fiercely and does not reveal his vulnerability to others. He instead hides it with his wry sense of humuor. It’s only his wife who knows that he is a very sensitive man with an unique perspective on life. Yet, she falls short of understanding him completely as he does not conform to any preconceived image. He believes in God but not in the rituals. He is an amiable person but difficult to understand. Hence, the family has accepted him as he is without even trying to probe into his heart. Sunaina (Age - 42) played by Neelima Tadepalli Sunaina is the pretty and sociable wife of Omkar Nath. An affectionate woman, she displays great understanding and sensitivity. She is loved by all and has never questioned the authority of Rajshri. Even though she has practically raised Akshara, she never claims any right over her. With her understanding of finer nuances of relationships and her caring attitude, she has earned everyone’s respect. However, she feels that something is amiss in her relationship with her husband. Even though they are apparently happy, they lack togetherness. Sunaina Chachi is characterized by a sweet smile on her lips and a streak of sadness in her eyes. Varsha (Age - 19) played by Pooja Joshi Varsha is Akshara's best friend, and is as lively and innocent like her. They share every girlie secret, their grievances and sorrows together- she is Akshara's 'true soulmate'. Varsha, an only child, lost her father at a very young age, and is a more practical, confident and self reliant person than Akshara since she does not have the security blanket of father figure or brother over her head. Varsha has been regular in Akshara's house and has fallen in love with her brother Shaurya. However no one knows about their relationship! This is one secret that she has kept even from Akshara. Shaurya ( Akshara's Brother) (Age - 24) played by Ather Habib Shaurya, Akshara's elder brother, is an attractive and well built young man of today. He is overprotective about his kid sister and behaves like her father. Though he matches Vishambharnaath in aggression, he lacks maturity. He has a traditional and conservative approach towards women; 'they are to be protected' is ingrained as part of his chauvinistic training. Shaurya shares a warm relationship with Akshara but they do not share every detail of each other's lives. He projects a "I’m your big brother" image and has even kept his romance with Varsha a secret from her. Anshuman (Age - 12) played by Aman Sharma Anshuman is the youngest child in the house. He is an extremely amiable kid who hates to study and is a complete food buff- so overweight and very cuddly. He is otherwise a smart kid who always has a one liner ready for every occasion. He often brings smiles to people's faces even in the most tense situation and is adored and spoilt by everyone, especially Rajashri. Gopi Daadi (Age - 62+) played by Zarina Roshan Anwar Khan Gopi daadi is a friend and confidant of Daadi. She came as Daadi’s bridesmaid when she was just 12 and Daadi was only thirteen. She’s always been in the Maheshwari house since then and is more of a friend to Daadi than a servant. Gopi daadi has the authority to keep a check on the other servants. The bahus of the house respect her and even obey her. At times, she also scolds the bahus & kids of the house (but never Vishambhar or Omkar). Bhola (Age – 26) played by Bajinder Singh Bhola is an orphan who has been brought up in the Maheshwari household. He loves Rajshri, like his own mother and can give his life for her. Bhola is very muscular and learns pehlwani (hence a bramachari) and protects Akshara as his sister. He accompanies Akshara on all her outings like a bodyguard. Bhola is overtly sentimental. Dhaniya (Age – 23+) played by Sunita Rajwar Dhaniya is the comic relief in the household. She is cute, lively, and also the gossip queen. She loves Bhola but each time she tries to win over him, she is unsuccessful. Shankari Tai played by Amardeep Jha Shankari Tai is the renowned match-maker of Udaipur. She is much sought after by the parent of every boy and girl of marriageable age in Udaipur for her knack of putting together the perfect match. She is a colourful personality with a little sharpness in her tongue. But her years of wisdom is what gives her a very unique perspective on relationships and the skill of not just fixing an alliance between an eligible boy and girl but of making matches that are a perfect fit. Naitik (age- 21 years) played by Karan Mehra Handsome and youthful, Naitik is a typical son of a Marwari family. Well educated... yet somewhere tied to the customs and tradition. Naitik being the only son in the house of daughters was the most pampered and fussed over. His demands were met with even before he asked for them and even as his father tried hard to give him a more balanced upbringing, others made sure he felt very special. Though he is also a sensitive soul who cares for others and never hurts anyone, there is a certain pride in him for being born a boy! Together as a couple Akshara and Naitik will embark of a journey where both will have to shed the facade of being the people their respective families and ambience made them and accept each other in their most natural elements. © 2009 Dishtracking.com Guests cannot see links in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking here to see links.
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I hang up on from a phone call with a very good friend and I feel full of gratitude that she is well and happy, that I am well and happy, and that we are in each other’s lives. Over the past twenty years we have been though many changes but our friendship has always been there. We have supported each other through good and not so good times. There have been laughs and tears and lots of shared history. My life is richer because of my friend. Good friends are really important and they must be nurtured in order to thrive. When I was a girl, switching “best friends” whenever we got a new hobby was common. So was dropping our girlfriends when we got a new boyfriend and I can remember how that could hurt. Growing up means treating friends as though they are appreciated. Our good, long lasting friendships are precious. If we are not careful, we forget to tell them how much they mean to us. We should also understand that there are times when we need to be there for a good friend when they are in need, even if it is inconvenient. Friendship is definitely reciprocal if it is to work over a long time. Treasuring a good friend is a lot different from building a network for our business or social ambitions. It is also different from loving our family because they were born to be our connections. Making friends involves choices and choosing good friends is a consequence of knowing who we are. There are plenty of people on Facebook and they may be listed as friends but it takes time and common experiences to develop a real friendship. Not all friends from the past need to be carried into your world of today. It is wonderful to keep your friends from high school or college but if you want a healthy balance you will have to develop some new ones along the way. Especially as we age, people’s lives and situations as well as interests change. Some move away, some change, some die, some simply take a different path in life. So if you only stick with your old friends, you can end up with a very narrow world as time marches on. It seems to me that we should try to cultivate new friends and, at the same time, treasure the old ones. As always, balance is the key to intelligent living. No one can have an unlimited number of close friends but beware the person who insists that he or she must be your only friend. “Best friends” works better in 7th grade than in adulthood. One of the best ways to meet friends is to find a people you enjoy who have similar interests. These days, most of my friends are people I’ve met in my spiritual activities; once they nearly all came from my 12 Step program. Before that, most of them came from my writing activities. I still have a couple of friends from every one of those previous interests because they are a part of me and my history. Most of all, these treasured old friends have qualities that resonate in wonderful ways. What kind of people make the best friends? I love the ones who are always there for you. They can be there in times of need and they are wonderful. On the other hand, the ones who make me laugh are fabulous. I also love the ones who are interested and excited about new ideas and activities. And then there are my deep thinker friends and my deep believer friends. It varies from day to day so I guess they are all my best friends. What old friend can I contact today? What new person can I get to know better and maybe make a friend? I am watching a movie and the heroine, who wears a red traveling cape, packs up and leaves every time the North Wind begins to blow. I think to myself that I used to be like that and I’m filled with gratitude for where I am today. I am so glad I gave that particular cape away. There was a time when I would have said that the most important thing about having a good life is learning to bend with the wind but not break in the storms. Those were the days when I routinely changed addresses about every six months. Funny thing, my address changed but I stayed the same. Bending but not breaking seemed to be a good goal – about as good as it was going to get for me – during several earlier periods in my life. I actually started and abandoned a novel with the title, Bend With The Wind back in the days when I was an ex-patriot, drunken, failed writer in Oaxaca, Mexico. Thirty-seven years later, I still thank God every morning that I’ve stopped drinking. Let me tell you, I was a mess and I knew it. If Dr. Phil had been there and asked me how that particular role was working for me, my answer would have had to be, “Horrible!” In those days, I desperately needed to make a big change but I was truly stuck. I was very unhappy about nearly everything. Including the fact that I was forty and worried about losing my looks. That made me unhappy because I thought my physical attractiveness was the only power I had. I was miserable about my dramatic, drastic relationship with a married man. I felt so sorry for myself I wanted to scream because I’d been widowed twice and had lots of boyfriends who couldn’t fill the emptiness of my heart. I was defeated and discouraged because I thought there probably wasn’t a God and if there was one I would surely go to hell. The list goes on. So how is it that the wind shifted and I changed? I did something better than leave town. I actually changed inside because I got some help from some American snowbirds who were worried about me. They arranged an intervention and called it a lunch but to me, it felt like it was an inquisition. There were no rehabs in Mexico, just jails and insane asylums, so I got sober in Spanish speaking 12 Step meetings. My friends went home to the States and I continued to go to meetings in Oaxaca. Usually I was the only Gringo and the only woman. I could understand and speak rudimentary Spanish but it was very basic. Since I was an “intellectual” who could make anything complicated, having to speak what we called Kitchen Spanish was probably the best thing that could have happened to me. I had to keep it simple and that was wonderful. And I had to rely on my feelings about people rather than my usual judgments. There were men in those meetings who couldn’t read and yet I knew we were very alike. I was in the right place. For once in my life, the wind was shifting in my favor and many things changed over night. I opened up to life and became less defensive, and more loving immediately because I felt better about myself. I began to study religion again and experimented with Zen meditation. I continued reading New Thought books and books on mystical Judaism. The wind continued to change and I continued to bend but I never feared breaking again. Thank God for all those wonderful people who helped me. I was completely was lifted up by their caring and love while drinking lukewarm Nescafe made in big clay pots as I sat in a plastic chair in rooms with dirt floors. What big dream of change would you like to undertake to accomplish? I am sitting in my favorite chair, drinking my first cup coffee, from my favorite coffee cup. The cup is just the right size and it has a sepia photo of a young John Wayne. Whenever I use it, I smile and think about the friend who gave it to me. I have many wonderful friends and thinking about any one of them is a great way to start my day. Each time I see John Wayne’s mug, I am reminded that the great American poet Walt Whitman said, “I contain multitudes”. We humans are complicated and wisdom comes from acceptance of our complicated selves. As we gain wisdom we no longer have to try to be just one way all the time. We no longer feel we need to wear masks in order to fit in. I am through with masks but I do have many roles including grandmother, mother, lover, student and teacher. I also have a consciousness that is full of ideas, desires and opinions that may not fit all of those roles. I am who I am and like you, I want to be accepted for myself. And, like you and Walt Whitman, I contain multitudes… I love old movies, and especially horse operas with celluloid alpha males. They are not my only form of entertainment, but they are a continuous delight. I enjoy them the same way I enjoy opera – the story may be preposterous but who cares? In fact, one of my favorite operas is Puccini’s Girl of The Golden West. The real reason I love drinking coffee from my John Wayne cup is that it was a gift from a former student who is now a good friend. The cup may be an unconventional one to give to a wisdom teacher but it pleased me that it wasn’t decorated with the usual rainbows or butterflies. My friend is happy to know me for myself and she never insists I play the specialized role of teacher. While I am comfortable in the role of teacher, it seems to me that we can only be true friends when we are accepted as our complete selves. My personal wisdom journey has included getting comfortable in my own skin and learning to live with the fact that I am quite different from most people. Now I am comfortable letting the world know who I am, but it took a lot of years. My friend is dear to me because she never seemed to have a problem with the fact that I was who I was. I believe we all love to be seen as our complete selves, don’t we? When I was painfully young, I put all my energy into learning to play my roles and speak my lines. Many of those roles were uncomfortable in those days and I sort of ricocheted between Marilyn Monroe, Doris Day and Ida Lupino. In my long life, I have had many excellent roles but they were not always comfortable. There was a time in my life when I was living on the East Coast and making a successful writing career when I was very uneasy about letting anyone see the real Jane. I never talked about where I came from or who I was. I wanted to fit into the role of successful writer. All my friends seemed to have gone to prep schools and then on to Smith College. There was no way I was going to tell them I grew up in a housing project in Wilmington, CA and barely scrambled through California State, Long Beach. Honesty has always been an important value for me and I felt like an imposter because I kept quiet and let my friends assume I had their same background. Because I was out of sync with my own values, I was unhappy. I’d earned all my success but I was uncomfortable. How could they really be my friends if they didn’t know me? It was only when I took the risk to tell the truth, that I established true friendships. I have learned that it is fine to be complicated and to play many roles but it is not fine to pretend to be someone other than who you are. I treasure my friends who know me as myself and I try to be a good friend. I also try to be a good friend to myself by accepting myself as I truly am. Are being honest about who you are with our friends? For more information: you can post a comment or see some of my books for sale at www.NewThoughtWorks.net. I just hit my big mark! During the past 9 years, I have released over 100 pounds and I’m proud of that achievement. It obviously hasn’t been easy to lose the weight or I would have done it faster Slowly but surely, I plan to lose more. Sometimes it takes a long time to change habits, especially when you are prone to addiction, but you should never give up. When I quit drinking 37 years ago, it looked like an overnight change to my friends but I’d been secretly praying and meditating for at least six months before that. The same was true when I built my “overnight sensation” writing career. I wrote unsuccessfully for ten years before I made it to the big time. Change is not always easy and is often slow, especially when it means myriad small choices. The problem with compulsive over eating is that there is no way to hide it. You can eat like a bird in public but you soon outgrow your closet. If you are an emotional eater (and who isn’t?) the food creates a vicious cycle. You eat when you’re sad and the more you eat, the more of a joke you are. Believe me, there is nothing funny about being fat. When was the last time you saw the fat boy get the girl in the movies? Fat boys and girls are best friends, not stars. I knew I had to learn to accept and love myself before I could begin to lose weight. I used the lines of that wonderful Jerry Florence song for an affirmation, “I love myself the way I am and I am willing to change.” When I realized I was looking at other people with a weight problem and mentally condemning them, I knew that it had more to do with my feelings about myself than with them. I silently started blessing every fat person I saw, whether in church, in the supermarket or at the movies. It helped me change my consciousness and take the steps I needed to take. Loving myself the way I was an important step in my weight loss journey. When I wrote Wise Women don’t worry, Wise women don’t sing the blues, I included a chapter on accepting your size as it was. Of course, I prayed almost daily to lose weight healthfully. I also some times prayed to be willing to diet sensibly. I had been on enough crash diets to want to avoid most of the fads and I knew that there were no easier, softer ways. On a physical level, it was no surprise that diet and exercise were the answer. I wasn’t surprised but oh, how I resisted! I was too busy to eat right. I couldn’t give up sweets. Exercise hurt! Despite my stubborn resistance to changing my behavior, I did find my individual path; I chose smaller portions of healthy food that I liked. I chose fresh, real foods and avoided all the “cardboard foods” in the diet aisle. I took a nutrition class at the local hospital and kept a journal of my food choices. I learned I would lose slowly on 1200 calories a day and give up if I tried to go below that number. When I started eating 5 fruits and vegetables most days it became a bit easier. Eventually, I found that exercising in the water worked fairly well for me. I slipped often. And I plateaued often but I always returned to my goal. I was able to keep from packing it back on the way so many good people do. In my heart, I know that the most important thing I did was that I kept on doing my prayer treatments and journaling and so, with God’s help, my dream stayed alive. Today, I’m proud of my achievement even if I’m not an overnight success. I still want to lose more weight and I know I can do it. Now you must find your own path. Remember, You deserve the best! Is there a delayed dream I need to pick up and dust off today? I am skimming through the available movies on TV. There are not many when I exclude the ones that include rape, torture, murder, crashing cars or blowing up everything. So I pick up another historical romance knowing that while it may be predictable, it won’t be gory and it will have a happy ending. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer six years ago, I wanted to give myself the best chance I could for recovery. I knew if I died, life would go on and that my own life was complete in many ways but I wanted to live. I asked myself what I could do to help my recovery and I remembered that book by Norman Cousins. Anatomy of an Illness. It was published in 1979 and Cousins, a well-known journalist and intellectual, claimed that he’d used a cheerful attitude and laughter to help heal his life-threatening illness. He loved Marx Brothers films and used them, along with other choice movies to make himself laugh. He said that ten minutes of belly laughing would give him at least two pain free hours. Because I was a New Thought teacher, I believed that maintaining a cheerful attitude would be a key contribution that I could make toward my recovery. I decided to only use only books, TV stories and movies that made me laugh or at least had happy endings. I wanted my health challenge to have a happy ending so it made sense to put only happy endings into my mind. My doctor’s orders including staying cheerful as much as I could and so I decided that was the part of my treatment I could participate in. I entertained myself with cheerful stories along with saying my daily prayer treatments. I tried to talk to people who weren’t frightened and who expected the best. I tried to stay away completely from worrying about the outcome of my illness. If I started worrying, I would remind myself that I had done my spiritual mind treatment that morning and so had some of my friends. Therefore, God was in charge of my case and I had nothing to worry about. During the time I was receiving chemotherapy, I lived in my daughter and son in law’s home because it was easier for everyone. I went for chemo treatment five days a week for six months. The type of treatment I got took three to five hours and I turned to my first true love – historical romances. As a girl, I was enamored by Jane Austen and the Bronte girls. Now I know that the sales of modern historical romance paperbacks is huge. I have my favorite writers and I also reread the older ones by Victorian writers. It is a cheerful, harmless habit and I have the time. Now that I am cancer free long enough to be labeled a “survivor”, I suppose I could start reading Russian literature again if I wanted to. I used to love Dostoevsky and 20th Century Existentialist writers but somehow, I have lost my taste for anything except cheerful stories. As a by-product of my current choices, I know more about English history than I ever expected-especially the Regency period. Of course I don’t believe all that stuff the English thought about the French and I don’t believe that escape literature is any substitute for historical truth but the heroines are more or less grounded in their times. They are fantasy heroines in fantasy times. OK. So is the modern thriller. Why not fill your mind with joy and happiness? We know that our minds are like computers and what we put in is what we get. Instead of garbage in, garbage out, for a slogan around my house, it “Love and kisses, love and kisses everywhere. What kind of light entertainment do you enjoy? My computer went off in mid-sentence and then I noticed that the air conditioner and every other electric machine were also off. A phone call confirmed that the power outage was all over the neighborhood. That was at 4:30 PM. By 8:30 that night we all knew that the San Diego area from Yuma to Tijuana was going to be without power for at least eight and possibly 24 hours. When it became clear that the power outage was raining on the just as well as the unjust, it also became clear that the only thing I could only control was my personal behavior. The rest was up to SDG&E and I would have to wait it out. My first thought was gratitude for all the flashlights at my fingertips; my daughter and son-in-law live only ½ mile away and they are the kind of people who believe in taking good care of mama. I always have water, canned goods, flashlights and spare batteries on hand. They even came down to visit and we shared a dinner of scrambled eggs and veggies cooked on the gas stove by flashlight. Then we ate the ice cream in the freezer telling ourselves it would otherwise melt and we didn’t want to waste it. Despite the darkness and our lapsed diets, there is always a payoff in any difficulty. I went to bed earlier than usual and slept fairly well despite being unable to raise my beautiful electric bed up and down. The lights went on again at 5:30 in the morning. That’s the end of my story. The point of writing about this at all is that sometimes things happen that we can’t control. I was not responsible for the lights going off or on but I did have choices. I could have panicked or had hysterics. I could have stamped my feet and demanded, “Why me, God? Why me?” I could have blamed the Republicans or the Democrats. I could have said it was God’s punishment because we are all lazy sinners down here in the Land of the Locusts. The list of “could haves” is infinite and we get to pick and choose. I chose to think about those pioneers who went to bed at sunset every night just to save candles and how they crossed the country, built a nation and lived their lives without electricity. My mother used to talk about what a big deal it was when electric lights came to her hometown of Walnut Grove, MO when she was a girl in the 1920’s. At one time electricity was a miraculous phenomenon but now it is an invention we take for granted. We forget that there are still parts of the world where it doesn’t exist or is only in use a few hours a day. We also forget that infrastructure – things like roads, bridges, telephones, and electricity are only possible because we can live together in a cooperative, peaceful way. Maybe the best thing about a blackout like ours is that we are reminded how much cooperation and trust goes into creating civilized life. Right now, we are adjusting to the fact that our lives are so completely connected to other parts of the world, not just the United States and Canada. China impacts our economy, Mexico impacts our food supply and Afghanistan has difficulty training soldiers because most adults can’t read. This changing world and its extensive interconnection is almost too much to comprehend. Some of us react in fear and want to fight and right now we are in two wars. But war will only destroy and we will need to rebuild even if we win. We must find a way to build cooperation and trust or we will never get what we want on an international level. We must open our minds and hearts to our global village without fear. What is happening is happening. The world is shrinking and whether the issue is outsourcing or international financial exchange, we must build healthy, cooperative connections. . It seems to me that followers of New Thought are in a perfect place to lead the adjustment to our changing world. Our teaching so clearly supports change and connection and it is totally based on love. We know there is only one Mind, One Heart and One God. Why not add One World? We have many, many choices each day in which to choose love over fear. Am I resisting change in my life? Am I blaming others? Am I choosing to envision world peace and cooperation? I am watching teachers protest on TV. They are dressed in tee shirts and levis, carrying signs and they are madder than hell! Things are different since my days in the classroom but the issues are still the same – salaries, class size and respect. Suddenly, I remember my own protest days and how innocent I was about speaking up effectively then. It is almost as though I flashback to the 1960’s and I am watching myself in a movie. When I graduated from college, my career choices were teaching, teaching and teaching. I taught in four different districts and in each, the kids were fine but the system was dreadful. Some things don’t seem to change, although appearances are very different. When I began teaching 45 years ago. The women teachers had to wear dresses or jackets and skirts and the men were required to wear neckties and jackets. We were very polite but most of us were madder than hell. I was a true believer in collective bargaining and I went around to the schools and made speeches to other teachers persuading them to join my organization. I was usually asked to leave by the principals because the last thing they wanted was “uppity” teachers. I may have been a polite rabble-rouser but I was brave. In fact, I was so brave that I was elected to be head of the teacher’s negotiating council. It was my job to meet with the school superintendents and principals and work out the contract for the next year. We wanted things like a raise in pay, lower class sizes and more preparation time. Some things really never do change. I have always been proud of the fact that, in a paid advisory position, I pulled off the first teacher’s strike in California (Lawndale Elementary District). I think I’d seen myself as a minor John Steinbeck heroine… until recently, when I watched the news and my memory opened up revealing how anxious I was to please. As I watched the TV scene in 2011, I saw my1960’s life in my mind’s movie. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. When my teacher’s group of six met with the administrators’ group of six. I was both the spokesperson and the only woman in the group. There were no female school administrators then, though the majority of teachers were women. On my way into the negotiating meeting, I made it a point to stop and chat with the secretaries about how their kids were doing and girl stuff like new brands of panty hose. When we were all gathered, instead of sitting down and getting to work, the superintendent gave me money for the coke machine; I was told to go after 12 cokes and I did. See how my innocence sabotaged that meeting right at the beginning? I might have been the most articulate choice for the teacher’s group but I had a long way to go before I broke out of gender roles and could meet those big boys on a level playing field. Along with many women of my generation, I’ve had to learn to speak up and be heard. If you are interested, you can read about other aspects of my journey in my book, Wise Women don’t worry, Wise Women don’t sing the blues. That was then and this is now so I am free to see this memory scrap as either a comedy or a tragedy. However, I must ask myself if I’m still trying to please people? If I’m honest, the answer is yes and no. I’m much better about protecting myself from difficult people and bullies but I can still let my need to please others distract me. Sometimes I talk on the telephone too long and don’t get my work done. Sometimes I accept an invitation I’d like to ignore. Sometimes I choose a platitude over the blunt truth of my belief. Yes, I’m still a people pleaser sometimes but I know it is not too late to change. It’s true I’m no longer an innocent ingénue, nevertheless, I’m still the star of my own movie and I can speak my own lines. Isn’t life wonderful? Can you speak up? Are you a people pleaser? Who is in charge of your time and energy? I am busy reading about technology in the New York Times and trying to run as fast as I can to keep up with this changing world when I spot an article about our new poet laureate, Philip Levine, and I am distracted. Who cares about machines when poetry is available? It is very easy to get distracted when we have a goal and are working toward that goal. Sometimes it is foolish and sometimes it is self-sabotage. On the other hand, sometimes it is a gift from God – a reminder than we are more than mechanics; that we are the Beloved. Life is certainly about much more than goals and we all deserve a break from our daily tasks. The richness of life includes love and laughter and joy. Poetry can give us that and it can also remind us of our connection to each other and to a Higher Power. Instead of feeling guilty, I am glad when that I stopped to read about Mr. Levine and his work. I am especially glad when I come across the words that end his poem called “He Would Never Use One Word Where None Would Do”. They were: Fact is, silence is the perfect water: unlike rain it falls from no clouds to wash our minds, to ease our tired eyes, to give heart to the thin blades of grass fighting through the concrete for even air dirtied by our endless stream of words. I am immediately gifted with a sense of silence that is like the deep indigo quiet I sometimes achieve when I am meditating. That is what the poet’s words evoke and I have a moment of perfect peace. That marvelous experience washes my own mind clean, eases my tired eyes and gives heart to the aspirations that sometimes seem to be pushing through concrete resistance. My mind and heart are cleansed and I silently thank the New York Times and Philip Levine. Poetry is a great art form once you get used to reading it. Students of Science of Mind would do well to start with that great Transcendentalist poet, Walt Whitman. Whitman not only embodied the principles of Emerson’s teaching in his work, he is the most important influence in modern poetry. All the arts – visual forms, literature, music, dance and theater are a great way to feel connected to life. Some art is simply a wake up call but other art can be an inspiration and deepen our spiritual understanding. I think my best friends are not on Face Book but embedded in the art works that the artists created in their lifetime for me to enjoy. Mozart may not know me personally but I certainly have enjoyed my relationship with him. I have all this wonderful machinery that enables me to enjoy these arts and artists. I can download all the poetry I would ever want. I can watch gorgeous operas on Netflix and there are tv stations devoted to lecturing and demonstrating the visual arts. While I still prefer books, many of my friends now use their Kindles to pick up old and new novels with the flick of a switch or two. It used to be that the only people who had access to truly great ballet, theater and operas were in the big cities. I didn’t see an opera or a ballet until I was in my late twenties. The movies I saw were the movies that people in my neighborhood liked. Now I live in the suburbs and feel as au courant as any cosmopolitan New Yorker. Life is full of surprises and a lot of them are good. Despite occasional grumbling, I consider machines my ticket to the arts. We live in an age where we have created all this beautiful machinery that aids and abets our hunger for the connection to Spirit that comes from the arts. We are truly blessed. Read any good books lately?
{ "date": "2013-05-24T08:45:19Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368704392896/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516113952-00017-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9819661378860474, "token_count": 6603, "url": "http://janeclaypool.com/2011/09/" }
Despite the lengthy, mildly ominous title and the imagery of David Alan Grier decked out in Communist garb, they don't really have any bearing on the content. David's topics are varied, kicking off his set with a detailed description of his six and a half hour jaunt in the L.A. Marathon, filling the audience in on what to expect mile-by-mile as you inch closer to that seemingly unattainable twenty-five mile mark. The early signs of breakdown are insatiable hunger and thirst, culminating in looting, hallucinations, bleeding nipples, and the discovery of discarded, used tampons along the way. He talks a bit about his childhood growing up in Detroit, such as the crushing feeling when some malicious bastard would take a calculated dump in the pool, or how his folks decided to change things up one Thanksgiving a few years back and serve Tofurky instead of the usual holiday bird. Following some rants about drug use across generations (including an impression of a stoned Martin Luther King, Jr. delivering his famous speech) and how he avoids getting his ass kicked, much of the rest of his set revolves around love and sex. Most memorable is his Discovery Channel-style demonstration of the intricate mating habits of married couples. David goes on to chat about the giddy intoxication of falling in love, the largely ignored dangers of having sex, his quest for a woman that's been ridden hard and put up wet, and finally, how a lovely young lass in a widely circulated Internet video seen fellating a horse represents his female ideal. "The Book of David: The Cult Figure's Manifesto" was well-received when it debuted on Comedy Central less than three months ago. Always one to go against the grain, though, I didn't think it was all that wonderful. I've heard great things about David's stand-up act, but his intros on "Premium Blend" generally fell flat for me. I thought perhaps that the expanded platform would be different, and though there are some extremely funny moments in the special, they're too few and far between for my tastes. His delivery in "The Book of David" is top-notch, and the best moments are when he ventures into the bizarre and over-the-top. His increasingly disturbing description of the L.A. Marathon (mislabeled as New York on the DVD's packaging) is hysterical, as were his very physical recreation of a sex-crazed husband stalking his prey like it was a gazelle and his infatuation for an anonymous Internet bestiality star. So much of the material is just middling -- stoned historical figures, rehashed sex jokes, bar brawls -- that David's inspired delivery failed to generate much interest. As was the case with Wanda Sykes' "Tongue Untied" (which also hits DVD on July 22nd), it seems like a case of a talented performer given an opportunity to really showcase their talent on a wide scale and filling it with lackluster material. Video: "The Book of David: The Cult Figure's Manifesto" is presented in its original aspect ratio of 1.33:1. The pre-credits sequence is razor-sharp and looks phenomenal, though the bulk of the stand-up is closer in appearance to what I'd typically expect to catch on cable. There are no real flaws to be found -- some scattered video noise, almost certainly present during its initial broadcasts -- but the level of clarity seemed to fall ever so slightly short of the impressive looking "Sweat the Small Stuff". Audio: The Dolby Digital 2.0 audio (192Kbps) is typical for a stand-up release, with the majority of the audio limited to David cracking jokes on-stage and the audience bursting into hysterics. The sparse music throughout sounds rich and booming, accompanied by a hefty low-end kick. All I really go into this sort of DVD hoping to find is clear, intelligible dialogue, and "The Book of David: The Cult Figure's Manifesto" more than delivers. Similar to "Sweat the Small Stuff", the audio benefits from DPLII processing, spreading David Alan Grier's comedy primarily across the front channels, with some slight echo appropriately appearing in the rears. Applause, laughter, and assorted crowd noise are accordingly spread across all five speakers, and that immersion makes it feel as if I'm actually watching a stand-up performance rather than just perched on my couch watching TV. As seems to be the norm for Comedy Central releases, there are no subtitles, closed captions, or alternate language tracks. Supplements: A pair of promos for the special (1:08) follow the charismatic Communist leader theme, followed by six minutes of so of additional standup. "New York is a Melting Pot" is about David's encounter with a group of dozens of Puerto Rican skiiers. Alan Iverson, Dikembe Mutombo, and a recovering Shaquille O'Neal are name-checked in "My Favorite Basketball Players". David goes on to explain why "We Need a New Kind of Soldier" -- urban warriors, lunatics, death row inmates -- "soldiers that know how to whoop ass...and do it for fun and amusement." This additional footage is uncensored, by the way. The last of the extras on the Bonus Materials menu is an appearance on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" from April 2000, running around four and a half minutes. David pitches a Simon and Simon knockoff series to Jon, vocalizes flange-drenched "pimp music", chases Jon around the set, and manages to avoid plugging his new movie, Return to Me, altogether. There are three "Comedy Central Quickies". "The Ugly Truth", a snippet from Colin Quinn's "Tough Crowd" (3:50), is a holdover from the Kevin James disc. In it, Laurie Kilmartin, Greg Giraldo, Patrice O'Neal, and Greg Fitzsimmons debate the place of the overweight and unattractive in the workplace. "Trading Spouses" (8:03) is a sketch from "Chappelle's Show", spoofing "Trading Spaces" by having a dull white-bread family swap husbands with a misogynistic smack-talker. In a bit from "Crank Yankers", the rather accurately titled "Sporting Goods Spokesman" (4:10), David Alan Grier calls...surprise!...a sporting goods store, offering his services as a spokesman. All of the disc's extras are full-frame and feature Dolby Digital 2.0 (192Kbps) audio. The 4x3 main menu begins with some brief animation. Although there isn't a Chapter Selection submenu, the special has been divided into seven chapter stops. The disc comes packaged in a keepcase, with a generic insert detailing other Comedy Central stand-up DVD releases and a plug for the cable network's Friday Night Stand-Up. Conclusion: "The Book of David: The Cult Figure's Manifesto" is a decent DVD release of a stand-up special that didn't really impress. Considering the reasonable list price of $14.99, fans of David Alan Grier that didn't get a chance to catch "The Book of David" on cable can pick up the DVD without breaking the bank. I'd recommend picking this disc up as a rental or checking out the special on Comedy Central before shelling out any cash. Rent It. Related Links: Comedy Central's Book of David site includes a backstage interview and a video clip from the special. BreakTV also has some footage that can be streamed off of their website. Other Recent Comedy Central Reviews: Also hitting stores on July 22nd from Comedy Central is a reissue of Dane Cook's Harmful If Swallowed, complete with a bonus DVD of stand-up footage, along with "Kevin James: Sweat the Small Stuff" and the recent stand-up Wanda Sykes special, "Tongue Untied". Boring Image Disclaimer: The screen captures in this review are compressed, slightly digitally sweetened, and don't necessarily reflect the appearance of the footage on DVD.
{ "date": "2013-05-20T11:53:09Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368698924319/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516100844-00017-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.957294225692749, "token_count": 1699, "url": "http://www.dvdtalk.com/reviews/print.php?ID=6960" }
Katatapos lang magbigay ng paliwanag ni Atty. Hector Villacorta, chief of staff ni Senator Vicente "Tito" Sotto III, sa U.S.-based blogger na nagsasabing kinopya ng senador ang isa niyang blog post. Hindi pa humuhupa ang gulat at dismaya ng mga netizens sa ganitong balita, ngayon naman ay tatlo pang blogs ang lumalabas na kinopya rin umano ng senador para sa speech nito laban sa Reproductive Health Bill na pinagde-debatehan ngayon sa Senado. (CLICK HERE to read related article.) Ayon sa ulat ng Interaksyon, na lumabas ngayong Biyernes, Agosto 17, sinabi ng award-winning novelist na si Miguel Syjuco na guilty si Senator Sotto sa pangongopya ng tatlo pang blogs. Sa personal account niya sa Facebook, binanggit ng Canada-based Filipino novelist ang tatlong blogs na umano’y pinagkopyahan ni Senator Sotto ng ilang parte ng kanyang ikalawang speech sa Senado. “I've gone just through Tito Sotto's second speech and discovered he lifted, verbatim, from three sources easily found online,” sabi ni Syjuco. Sa kanyang sumunod na post, nagpasalamat siya sa kapwa blogger na si Raissa Robles, isang Filipina journalist, at sa online community na tumulong sa kanya sa pag-check. Sinabi rin ni Syjuco: “I found three instances of verbatim plagiarism. And all I had to do was plug in the English chunks of his speech into Google.” Narito ang paghahambing sa ikalawang talumpati ni Senator Sotto sa tatlo pang blog na nahanap ni Syjuco. 1. Senator Sotto’s speech: “Sanger was so intent on reducing family size that she seemed to not stop even at abortion. Many believe that under the right circumstances, Sanger would have condoned infanticide. Indeed she wrote in her book Woman and the New Race: ‘The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.’ “This comes from the woman who formed the philosophical base for IPPF. “But there was even a darker side to Margaret Sanger: a side that IPPF people try to cover up or explain away. That was her belief in ‘eugenics.’ Eugenics is defined as ‘the application of the laws of hereditary to physical and mental improvement, especially of the human race.’” “Re-imaging Life and Family: The Global Scandal” by Marlon Ramirez on talkingsense.multiply.com, September 2008: “…Sanger was so intent on reducing family size that she seemed to not stop even at abortion. Many believe that, under the right circumstances, Sanger would have condoned infanticide. Indeed, she wrote in her book Woman And the New Race: ‘The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.’ This comes from the woman who formed the philosophical base for Planned Parenthood. You can also see that her interest in birth control was not just due to some humane concern for health of women (which birth control doesn’t help anyway), but was driven in part by her desire to encourage women to engage in sex without having children. “But there was another side of Margaret Sanger; a side that Planned Parenthood people try to cover up or explain away. That was her belief in eugenics. Eugenics is defined as ‘the application of the laws of heredity to physical and mental improvement, especially of the human race.’ To Sanger this meant the systematic elimination (through birth control, including abortion) of all those people she and her cohorts considered to be of ‘dysgenic stock’ in order to create a race of superior intellectuals.” 2. Senator Sotto’s speech: “The two activists met in December of 1936 when Sanger traveled to India to speak with Gandhi about birth control, population and the plight of women in India. At that time, Sanger staunchly advocated the global use of artificial contraceptives and, in order to make the acceptance of such contraceptives easier to the Indian populace, sought to make Gandhi an ally. While Sanger claimed she merely wanted to pay her respects and give a personal tribute to Gandhi, she coveted nothing less than his endorsement of the widespread use of artificial birth control methods. Gandhi firmly stood by his belief that the spiritual bonds of marriage are strengthened by sexual abstinence. He thus completely rejected Sanger's plea for contraception as a tool to control population growth, fearing it would lead to an increase in non-procreative sex, which he viewed as immoral lust.
{ "date": "2013-05-25T19:34:20Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368706153698/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516120913-00017-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9295809864997864, "token_count": 1105, "url": "http://www.pep.ph/news/35321/part-5-three-more-blog-sites-allegedly-plagiarized-by-senator-tito-sotto/2" }
ATLANTA (AP) -- The father of a Georgia woman fighting a flesh-eating disease says his daughter is now able to breathe on her own, a milestone that sent the family's spirits soaring. Aimee Copeland is now focused on taking each breath without the aid of a ventilator, which will help her lungs recover, her father Andy Copeland said Monday in an interview with The Associated Press. Andy Copeland said her hands were amputated Thursday because they'd turned into purple "poison bags." But he said she's maintained her positive outlook since the amputations. By reading her lips, they heard her mouth the words, "the power of love is undeniable." Aimee developed a rare condition, necrotizing fasciitis, after cutting her leg in a May 1 fall from a homemade zip line over a river.
{ "date": "2015-03-27T17:23:17Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131296587.89/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172136-00221-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9736826419830322, "token_count": 176, "url": "http://www.wjhg.com/news/regional/headlines/Woman_with_Flesh-Eating_Disease_Takes_Own_Breaths_152296745.html?site=full" }
I have suffered from depression, insomnia, headaches, explosive anger, fatigue, menstrual cramps, mood swings, hair loss, low sex drive, and probably a few others I’m not thinking of. I can virtually guarantee if you are a woman over the age of 35, you have suffered from one or more of these symptoms of female hormonal imbalance at some time. If you’re going or have gone through menopause, you can add hot flashes and night sweats to that list. When I began the journey to take control of my health and no longer surrender it to Western medicine and prescription medications, getting my hormones under control was one of the first things I had to do. Hormonal imbalance can occur any number of ways. They are produced by various organs in the body. These primarily include the ovaries, the thyroid and the adrenal glands. Imbalance can occur due to aging, extreme stress with very little or no self-care, poor diet, and even not getting enough sunlight. Hmm, while we can’t avoid aging (well, I sort of think we can but that’s another article), the others are all under our control. So, the big question is, how do we get them back in balance? How do we regulate the hormones? How do we right the wrongs we have done to our body? As for my story, while I was once on multiple prescription medications including bioidentical hormones, I no longer use any prescription or over-the-counter medications and I am the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. I sleep soundly 363 out of 365 nights a year (hey, I am a mom, I do get woken up in the middle of the night.) I haven’t suffered from the majority of the above symptoms in years. So, here is what worked for me or I personally know has worked for others: - Get your hormone levels (I recommend estradiol, estrogen, progesterone, Vitamin D3, free and total testosterone, DHEA and a complete Thyroid panel at a minimum) tested by a doctor. It’s not something to mess around with so know what you’re dealing with before you start any sort of program. - Eliminating sugar and anything that creates sugar in the body (carbohydrates) from your diet. The only sweetener I currently use is raw honey. Yes, this is a hard one, but sugar acts like a drug in the body. It causes mood swings as blood sugar goes up and down in response to its presence and subsequent absence. And you don’t even want me to get started on artificial sweeteners. They are neurotoxins. If you think you are being healthier by drinking diet sodas or eating anything with an artificial sweetener, you have been seriously duped by all the companies marketing those products. - If hypothyroid is one of the conditions you are struggling with, consider using Endoflex, Ledum, Myrtle, Brain Power, Thyromin, or Multigreens from Young Living. I use Endoflex daily and Brain Power frequently. (All essential oil information can be found here.) - Forgiveness is CRITICAL! Letting go of your anger, resentment, guilt and fear releases so much from your body. - For insomnia, I recommend Peace and Calming, Lavender, RutaVaLa, Roman Chamomile and Valor. (All essential oil information can be found here.) - Get out in the sun without sunscreen for 20 minutes a day. This provides D3 which actually is not a vitamin but is a crucial hormone gained from sunlight. Most people are vastly low on their D3 levels. Get tested regularly by your doctor and supplement with a high-quality D3 drop. It can take many months to increase your D3 levels so start now, especially before the winter flu season as D3 affects the immune system. - For general PMS symptoms, there is nothing better than Dragon Time (hey, don’t tell me you haven’t breathed fire a time or two when you’re PMSing. And if you deny it, let me ask your husband or significant other and see what he/they say!). There is also SclarEssence, EndoFlex, and the MultiGreens. (All essential oil information can be found here.) - Eat a balanced diet of organic, non-GMO fruits and vegetables as well as grass-fed, pastured or wild-caught meats or fish. Diet can work miracles!! - If you know your progesterone levels are low (common in pre- and post-menopause) or you have had a hysterectomy, Progessence Plus Serum would be my recommendation. Others to try would be Dragon Time, EndoGize, PD 80/20 and Prenolone Plus Body Cream. Individual oils that could be used are fennel, anise, clary sage and sage. (All essential oil information can be found here.) - Take a good Calcium and Magnesium supplement. It’s important to take the magnesium along with the calcium. - Take time every single day for you. I don’t care if it’s 5 minutes or 5 hours (if you should be so lucky), but no one else is going to make you the priority. So, do it! You will benefit and so will all of those who love you. Balancing hormones is a very in-depth subject but using Young Living brand therapeutic grade essential oils, eating a very healthy diet, forgiveness, and most importantly listening to what my body is telling me, has taken me from being dependent on artificial medications to not needing any of them. If you are local to the Austin, TX area, please make plans to attend the Meetup that Carol Willess of Legends Reflexology and I are holding next Thursday, July 12, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. We will be talking more in-depth about this exact topic. Tell me about your experiences with your hormones and if you have questions, please ask away.
{ "date": "2015-04-01T01:03:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131302428.75/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172142-00241-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9377849102020264, "token_count": 1280, "url": "http://juliemcallister.com/essential-oils/hormones/" }
|Portal to Beeville, Bee County, and beyond . . .| "Free" web presence for Beeville/Bee County since 1996 |NWS Forcast||Government||Health/People||History||Hunting & Leases||Insurance| |US Gov't Time||Phone No.s||Photos||Real Estate||Recipes||Recreation| |Avian Flu | CDC||Religious||Restaurant||Resources||Retail||Task Force| |PandemicFlu.Gov||Tourism||Utility||Weather Page||Wholesale||Yard Sales/Auctions| The Historical Story of Bee County Texas By Camp Ezell Clubs and organizations have played an important part in the progress of the citizens of Bee County, both culturally and civically, and since the early days the people have been club conscious. The first clubs were for pleasure, and cards and dominoes were popular forms of entertainment for both young and old. In the early 1900s Five Hundred Clubs were organized, and by 191 1 the card players turned to bridge and whist. The Harmony Club, comprised of men and women, had many talented members and delighted audiences with programs in 1898. The Dugat Orchestra, composed of Estelle, Edith, Camille, Cecile, Mabel and Sid Dugat and their mother, Mrs. W. S. Dugat, frequently had parts on the programs. In the 1890s and early 1900s the men had an Anniversary Club which met once a month, and birthday dinners were served at the Nations Hotel. Dr. L. E. Parr, W. 0'. McCurdy, Jim Dougherty, B. W. Klipsfein, and John E. Wilson were among the members. The Beeville Club was organized in 1910, and the social event of the year was given by the men for their ladies. This was a strictly formal affair. In January 191 1 Jewel Malone was hostess to the Girls Five Hundred Club with the following members present: Lucille Barber, Lillian Bauer, Viola Blakesfad, Lilly Heldenfels, Rosalie Law, Loleef New, Mary Clair and Myrtle O'Reilly, Elizabeth Praeger, Jessie Ryan, and Louise Wilson. By 1912, Forty‑two Clubs were popular. Some of the hostesses were Mrs. R. M. Prather, Mrs. E. Blakestad, Mrs. August Meinrath, Mrs. J. C. Beasley, Mrs. Sam Mitchell, Mrs. Will Geffert, Mrs. Robert Beasley, Mrs. John R. Beasley, Mrs. John Wheeler. Mrs. J. S. Davis, Mrs. Carl Heldenfels, Mrs. J. W. Cook, Mrs. J. C. Borrourn, Mrs. C. L. Kimbrough. Miss Mary Brown, Miss George Offutt. and Miss Mabel Sturdivant. Mrs. C. 1. Swan organized the Country Woman's Club in Normanna on April 5, 1912. Mrs. Percy Pennybacker of Austin was present. This was the only country woman's club in the United States at that time. Mrs. Swan was president for several years. The Girls Canning Club was formed in 1912 under the sponsorship of Miss Lida Dougherty, with Mrs. Mae Click as the girls' leader. Mrs. Click was the first home demonstration agent in Bee County. A member of the club, Lucile Johnson. age twelve, won first prize for 206 HISTORY OF BEE COUNTY her article in the Picayune about her project. She described how she planted the tomato seeds and cared for the plants. She canned and sold 583 cans of tomatoes. The club members canned and sold over 2000 cans. Lucile also sold fresh tomatoes for 25 and 35 cents a basket. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnson and a niece of the late Mrs. Sidney Smith. The Johnson home still stands among the beautiful oaks lust across the line in Live Oak County. After Lucile grew into womanhood she worked many years at the Courthouse and for Elliott & Waldron Title & Guaranty Co. in George West. She is now retired. There was also a Bee County Poultry Club for both boys and girls in 1912. The Merry Maids Club in 1912 gave popular parties. The members were: Boonle McCoy, Sibyl Smith, Merle Dodd, Helen, Margaret and Mary Lacks, Letitia Law, Roma Ivey, Gladys Rees, Minnie Rice, Intha Collins, Mae Von Logsden and Margaret Perkins. Mrs. S. J. Coleman was the matron of the B‑Natural Club in the early teens. Anna Brauer was president, and later pursued her musical studies in Germany. In 1913 two active members of the Blue Bird Club were Cora Lee Gregory and her cousin, Catherine Gregory. The Stitch and Chatter Club was organized in 1913 with a teenage membership consisting of Eloise Laws, Ray Wood, Marjorie Wilson, Aleene Smith, Alice Ballard, Eleanor Campbell and Dorothy Chambliss as charter members. Later Lida Ransom, Hallie Gefferf, Blanche Partain and Marguerlte Partain joined the sewing and chatting. 'Then Anna Brauer, Hattie Merle Gregory, Ruth Prather, Lillian Marsden, Edwina and Emily Harris, Olive Klipstein, Fannie Mae Brown, Martha McCurdy, Grace Teas, Mary Simons, Edith Walker, Judy Addle Nunnelly and Fay Gregory affiliated with the club. Different matrons in the county entertained the girls and gave them sewing instruction. In the early teens there was the lively A.D.D. Club composed of twelve teenage girls whose main interest was parties. The meaning of the initials. A.D.D., was strictly secret, but has now been revealed to stand for ''A Dozen Darlings.'' Some of the darlings were Marjorie Wilson, Aleene Smith. Ray Wood, and Eleanor Campbell. Two of the other girls' clubs at this time were the Bow Knot and the Sans Souci. The first meeting of the Women's Federated Clubs of Bee County was held in the Methodist Bungalow on October 30, 1914, with Mrs. J. P. McDowell presiding. Clubs represented were: Skidmore Civic Club, Normanna Country Woman's Club, Mineral Literary Club, and the Beeville clubs, Merry Oaks Woman's Club, Mothers Club, Women's Christian Temperance Union. and Rosetta. HISTORY OF BEE COUNTY 207 Mrs. C. 1. Swan gave a talk on political science, She also led a discussion on patriotism. Mrs. J. K. Constantine gave a paper on civics, Mrs. McDowell talked on Bee County relics, and Mrs. W. R. Marsh on motherhood. In the 1930s the Jesters Club was organized with Mrs. J. A. (Marie) Donley as one of the leaders, The members studied and reviewed books and plays. During the war years in the 1940s the women were engaged in Red Cross and USO work. In the middle 1950s the Red Slipper Dancing Club was organized for the young teenagers with their parents as the chaperons. Parent‑Teacher Associations have been active throughout the county for many years. Beeville has an active Golden Age Club for senior citizens, The Firemen's Auxiliary ladies give moral support to the Fire Department composed of volunteers. They meet regularly and give entertainments occasionallly. The Ambulance Auxiliary Ladies are also active in the same way. By Fielen Y. Ezell At a 1901 pre‑Christmas party with Mrs. John C. Beasley as hostess, plans were made to organize a literary study club. In early January 1902, an organizational meeting was held at the home of Mrs. B. W. Klipstein, under the leadership of Mrs. L. B. (Mattie) Randall. The Bronte Club of Victoria was the sponsor of the new Beeville club and it became federated with the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs in November 1902. The club was named "Rosetta'' after the famous Rosetta Stone, the key to the Egyptian language. The motto was "Ad astra per aspera" (to the stars through difficulties). The flower selected was the yellow rose and the colors were white and yellow. Officers elected were: Mrs. L. B. Randall, President; Mrs. B. W. Klipstein, Vice President, and Miss Lorene Jones, Secretary‑Treasurer. The membership was composed of Mrs. John C. Beasley, Miss Jennie Berry, Mrs. J. C. Burrows, Mrs. John P. Buelow, Miss Florence Bell, Mrs. Fred G. Chambliss, Mrs. J. C. Dougherty, Mrs. George Fizer, Mrs. William H. George, Miss Lorene Jones, Miss Margaret Kennedy, Mrs. William W. Jones, Mrs. B. W. Klipsfein, Mrs. Robert Law, Mrs. Herschel P. Mathews, Mrs. Hugh F. Marr, Miss Mattie Mussetf, Mrs. L. B. Randall, Mrs. Riley Smith, Miss Nannye Teal, Miss Grace Welder and Miss Elizabeth Wood. Honorary members were Mrs. F, R. Pricham of Victoria, and Mrs. A. C. Jones, the step‑grandmofher of the late A. C. (Dick) Jones. The official meeting of the club was held on Friday, January 31, 1902. with Miss Jennie Berry as hostess. The course of study for the first year was Shakespeare and American Literature. The club met every Friday for two hours from September into June for several years. Then the meeting time was changed to Tuesdays, later in 1915 to every other week. and finally to once a month. The club now meets from October to May. The club met for the first several years in homes, at Miss Lida Dougherty's office, then at the Methodist Bungalow and for several years at the Home Economics Cottage on the high school grounds. In 1937 the Rosetta Club, Business & Professional Women's Club, and the now defunct Jesters Club acquired a building from the Baptist Church and moved it to a lot given to them by the City. It was named the United Clubs Building and became Rosetta's meeting place for approximately thirty years. The little library which Rosetta was sponsoring was moved from the Bungalow to the club building. The Rosetta members now meet at the Country Club, and the library has its own beautiful building, given by Mrs. James R. Doughe rty. At first the Rosetta Club was a congenial group of women coming together to have stimulating courses of study to improve their minds, but they were not content with this, so began to expand their thoughts and deeds. Their obiective changed from their own self‑improvement to a goal that not only stimulated intelligent development for themselves, but took in plans which tended toward the elevation or general good of the community. The club has never departed from this policy in its seventyone years of existence. One of the club's first civic projects was a city park, donated to the club by B. W. Klipsfein whose wife was a member. On May 19, 1908, Rosetta's Park was formally dedicated to the public. The women planted trees and shrubs and cared for the park until 19 14, when it was deeded to the City of Beeville and officially named Klipsfein Park in honor of the giver of the block of land. The Rosetta members were not only 'interested in their own park, but also in the beautification of Beeville. They set out shrubs and planted flowers on the Courthouse Square. They planted frees and sponsored plantexchange days. They had flower shows and held garden pilgrimages many times throughout the years. During the presidencies of Mrs. Eric J. Spielhagen, 1950‑1952. and Mrs. Reese Wade, 1952‑1953, with Mrs. Camp Ezell as chairman, a general beautification program was successful. All club members assisted in this project and local merchants and professional men cooperated. The Rosetta Club's keenest interest from almost the beginning of its organization has been the library. The members took over the small collection of books started by the pioneer women in 1887, adding to if whenever possible. They sold ice cream and pound cake at supper parties at Klipstein Park during the summer months. A band played in the bandstand. The money received from these events went to purchase books. The first fiesta the club held was in the late 1940s at Klipstein Park. Crafts and food were sold to obtain money for their projects. The fiestas became gala affairs and were held annually for more than twenty years. The Business & Professional Women's Club and other local clubs assisted Rosetta in these events, the proceeds going to the library to purchase books. During the last three years Rosetta has sponsored talent shows with public and parochial school students performing as another means of raising money for the Bee County Public Library. Altogether more than $26,000 has been contributed by Rosetta. In October 1963, the Rosetta Club sponsored the Friends of the Library with Mrs. R. C. Harris as organizer and Mrs. John Monroe and Mrs. C. S. Harris, Rosetta members, serving with her. (Note chapter on the library.) In 1964 the club donated $100 for a children' s school library in Peru to be named Inez Spielhagen in honor of Mrs. Spielhagen. The club has contributed heavily to the local Youth Center. In August 1908 the club sponsored the Lyceum which presented twelve performances here. In 1909 the cantata, Queen Esther, with local talent, was sponsored. The Rosetta members helped with the Civic Music and later with Community Concerts membership drives annually. On January 27, 1905, the traveling art gallery, under the patronage of the Texas Federated Women's Clubs, had an exhibition here which was sponsored by the Rosetta Club. In 1947 and 1948 the club brought the Texas Fine Art Exhibitions to Beeville. In 1951 the Children's Art Show was inaugurated by the late Louella Jones Borglum and has since been an annual event. In 1958 with Mrs. George Morrill as chairman the art show was expanded to include all children in Bee County. At thaf time 622 pictures were shown and there was an attendance of over 1200 people. The club donated $75 in prizes to the children. The years following have shown a tremendous increase 'in the quantify and qualify of pictures of the shows as well as in attendance. All the schools cooperate. In 1959 an art exhibition from the Coppini Art Studio in San Antonio was held in the United Clubs Building under the auspices of the Rosetta members. The club had many programs on safety and was influential in having drivers' education put into effect at A. C. Jones High School in 1951. Since 1953 U. R. Pfenninger, instructor, and other teachers have successfully carried on the drivers' education program. The Bee County Centennial Celebration was held in October 1958 with Rosetta members participating on many committees. Mrs. Camp Ezell, club president at the time, was the Spectacle Division chairman and Mrs. A. C. Jones had charge of the museum. The club in 1960 started the far‑reaching Literacy Program under the leadership of Mrs. Fred Latcham Jr. Workshops were conducted by Robert Likens of Baylor University for volunteers from various groups, clubs and churches in Bee County. Fifty persons weie trained to teach the Laubach Method for adult illiterates to write and speak English. Rosetta members gave their time and money. Mrs. Latcharn and Mrs. Ezell instructed teachers in Pettus and Normanna to give the programs in those communities. Mrs. Paul Schulz assisted. In 1964 the Rosetta Club began a new approach to the literacy program in the county. Mrs. Fred Grevelle was appointed chairman. She made talks to other organizations. A total of $ 105 was received for the project from Beta Sigma Phi Chapter, Rotary, Kiwanis, Soroptimist Club, and the Junior Service League. Freddy Moreno, druggist, lent his aid. John Rossi, KIBL owner, and the announcers, Rick Martinez and Al Velasquez, and the Bee‑Picayune were instrumental in reaching those who wanted to learn how to read and write English. Two‑hour weekly sessions were held at night at the A. C. Jones High School. George Briggs and Allen Donaho, teachers in the high school who spoke Spanish fluently, were the instructors. In May 1965, seventeen students received certificates for having completed courses. The fall classes saw many more students enrolled. Rosetta gave $150 to each of the two instructors for fifteen‑week courses in the winter of 1965. The club sponsored a pre‑school for Mexican‑American children. This created so much interest that if helped the Beeville Independent School District get government approval for a federal grant of $26,845 for Project Head‑Start. In 1964, Rosetta added another facet to their educational program when the members learned that children in some of the schools in the Philippines had no books or school supplies. Over 800 discarded books from the local school system were sent to them. Included were pre‑school books and books through all the grades. Mrs. Robert Webb of Berclair donafed a set of Compton's Encyclopedias and story books; Truman Gill's Beeville Coca‑Cola Bottling Company donated paper; the Jones High School Student Council gave a gross of pencils; Edward N. Jones gave a gross of pencils and the Beeville Publishing Company contributed other supplies for the children of the Philippines. S. R. Wofford's Hermes Transfer Company hauled the many boxes to the Post Office, free of charge. The Rosetta Club paid the postage and donated time and money for this overseas project which received worldwide publicity. Mrs. James R. Dougherty through the Rosetta Club gave money for a wheel chair for a crippled child and two Philippine children's eye operafions. Mrs. Viggo Gruy in 1960 raised $250 for a nurse's scholarship in honor of Mrs. Dougher[y. The Rosetta Club Was hostess to the board meeting of the Fifth District Texas Federation of Women's Clubs, in the fall of 1958 in Beeville, and to the Alamo TFWC in 1970. Rosetta, with other local women's clubs assisfing, held the Fifth District TFWC Twerify‑sevenfli annua; convention here, May 1‑3, 1928. The Wednesday Luncheon Club and the Home Arts Club gave a barbecue at the Dick Cook Ranch for the convention members. Sam Ezell rendered a violin solo at ‑The gala fine arfs evening for the ladies. The Alamo District TFWC annual convention under the auspices of the Rosetta Club was held in Beeville in March 1963. The state TFWC President Mrs. A. T. Carleton, aflended. In March 1970 the Alamo District convention was held in Beeville under the sponsorship of Rosetta and the club will again sponsor the convention in March 1974. Throughout the years Rosetta Club and many of its members have received honors and hundreds of awards, from the district especially, and many from the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs and a few in the General Federation. For d two‑year period‑ 1960‑1 962‑for work done in behalf of art and art Interest, Mrs. Camp Ezell as State TFWC Art Chairman won second place from General Federation of Women's Clubs (world‑wide) both for Texas and herself. In 1960 the Warren LeBourveau family was the Texas State winner 'in the All‑American Family Contest. They received many gifts and a trip to Florida to meet with other winners. The Rosetta Club sponsored the LeBourveaus. Mrs. Gordon Noble in 1960 won first in the sewing contest TFWC Fifth District. In 1961 Miss Mary Louise Everett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Everett, won the Vogue Sewing Contest in the sludent division in Alamo District TFWC. She was sponsored by Rosetta. In May 1962 at a TFWC State Convention in San Antonio the Rosetta Club was presented a certificate and a $300 check from Sears Foundation for the state community achievement award. Mrs. George Morrill was the club president and Mrs. Camp Ezell and Mrs. Dan Conoly were the commiffee for the Community Achievement Program. The Leadership Development Woman of the Year is always an outstanding award both for the member and for the club to receive such recognifion. The Rosetta members who have received this honor are: Mrs. 1915, D. E. Beedy; 1916, Jesse A. Chase; 1917, Jesse A. Chase; 1918, Camp Ezell. 1959, Fifth TFWC District‑, Mrs. Viggo Gruy, 1960, Fifth TFWC District; Mrs. Fred Lafcham, 1962, Alamo District, and in 1967, Mrs. Eric J. Spielhagen from Alamo District. In 1962, Mrs. James R. Dougherty received the Mother of the Year award from both the Alamo District and the TFWC. Mrs. J. M. Barnhart received the Alamo District award for the Mother of the Year in 1965. Mrs. John Rossi was chairman of the Muscular Dystrophy Drive and was recognized for her work. and the Rosetta Club received a bronze plaque from MDA Chapter Bexar County of the Muscular Dystrophy Association of America for services given. Rosetta member Mrs. Teal Adkins was asked by Senator Ralph Yarborough and other solons to go to Washington and present her paper on making Padre Island a National Park. Mrs. Adkins, the only woman member of Governor Price Daniel's Park Study Committee of fifteen members, had been a speaker on the subject in Corpus Christi at a meeting about Padre Island. The bill for Padre Island to become a National Park (81 miles long on the Gulf) was to come up before the House and there was strong opposifion to it. Mrs. Adkins was unable to go, but she was given $250 from the local banks to defray the expenses of the dentist, Dr. Jimmy Bauer of Refugio, to go to Washington and read her paper. Mrs. Adkins received the following message from the Secretary of the Interior: ''Many thanks for your great work that made the Padre Seashore possible. With admiration, Stewart Udall.'' (January, 1965.) Mrs. Adkins was also a member of Governor Daniel's State‑wide Water Conservation Committee and chairman of TFWC Conservation Committee. Throughout the years Rosetta members have been on both the old Fifth TFWC District, now Alamo District, and the state TFWC Boards. Mrs. Spielhagen was president of the Alamo District TFWC, 1964‑1966, having been first and third vice presidents prior to being president. Mrs. C. S. Harris held office for six years in the Alamo District and is now the president. Her term will end in 1974. Rosetta officers installed in May are: Mrs. John Galloway, President,Mrs. R. J. Welder Jr., First Vice President; Mrs. Burke Ellwood. Second Vice President; Mrs. Joe Burke, Third Vice President; Mrs. Dudley Braly, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Edward Wicker, Corresponding Secretary, and Mrs. R. J. Findley, Treasurer. Past‑Presidents are: Mrs. Louis Randall, 1902‑1905; Mrs. B. W. Klipstein, 1905‑1906; Mrs. Fred G. Chambliss, 1907‑19M Mrs. B. W. Klipsfein, 19081909; Mrs. Fred G. Charribliss, 1909‑191 1; Miss Lida Dougherty, 19111913; Miss Matfie Musseft, 1913‑1914; Mrs. J. P. McDowell (Maffle Mussett), 1914‑1915; Mrs. Fred G. Chambliss, 1915‑1916; Mrs. J. Chris Dougherty, 1916‑1917; Mrs. J. W. Brown, 1917‑1918; Mrs. J. R. Scott, 1918‑1919: Mrs. J. W. Brown, 19 19‑1920; Mrs. S. Lightlocurne, 1920‑1922; Mrs. James R. Dougherty, 1922‑1924; Mrs. A. C. Jones, 1924‑1925; Mrs. J. C. Burrows, 1925‑1926; Mrs. A. C. Jones, 1926‑1928; Miss Mary Brown, 19281929; Mrs. H. E. Lancaster, 1929‑1931; Mrs. J. R. Beasley, 1931‑1933: Mrs. Haggard Ray. 1933‑1935; Mrs. James R. Dougherty, 1935‑1936; Mrs. L. J. Freeman, 1936‑1938; Mrs. H. E. Lancaster, 1938‑1939; Mrs. R. J. Welder, 1939‑1940; Mrs. A. H. Geiselbrecht, 1940‑1942; Mrs. Rex West, 1942‑1944; Mrs. G. A. Ray Jr., 1944‑1946: Mrs. W. D. Walton, 19461948; Mrs. Wallace McKinney, 1948‑1950; Mrs. Eric J. Spielhagen, 19501952; Mrs. Reese Wade, 1952‑1953; Mrs. John Rossi, 1953‑1954; Mrs. J. M. Barnhart, 1954‑1956; Mrs. Eric J. Spielhagen, 1956‑1957; Mrs. Camp Ezell, 1957‑1959; Mrs. Dan Conoly Sr., 1959‑1961; Mrs. George Morrill, 1961‑1963; Mrs. Edward N. Jones, 1963‑1965; Mrs. Joe C. Faulkner, 19651966; Mrs. C. S. Harris. 1966‑1968; Mrs. William B. Moser Jr., 1968‑1969; Mrs. Dan Conoly Jr., 1969‑1970; Mrs. Fred Grevelle, 1970‑1972: Mrs. George Spikes, 1972‑1973. BEEVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT Ellis M. Quinn, former mayor of Beeville and a charter member of the Beeville Fire Department which was organized on January 3, 1905, wrote the history of the Fire Department for the Centennial Edition of the Beeville Bee‑Picayune on October 16, 1958. Mr. Quinn died in 1970. The facts recorded in this history, up to the time of the Centennial Celebration, are gleaned from his article. Additional information from 1958 to the present came from department heads. The charter members were Louis Beyeff, George Fahr, George Atkins, Charley Wright, Charley Sheldon, Frank McKinney, Stanfield Thompson, Dave Stockbridge and Ellis Quinn. All of these men have passed over to the Great Beyond. According to the early issues of the Beeville Bee, there were no fire plugs in the town, and while people answered fire alarms, which consisted of blowing whistles and firing guns, the only way they could fight conflagrations was with garden hose attached to the cistern that was furnished water by a windmill. In 1905, when the department was officially formed, the only fire‑fighting equipment the firemen had was the "bucket brigade,'' as there was only one fire plug in the city. If was located at the corner of Washington and Bowie Streets. The Beeville Cotton Oil Mill, then located about where the Whataburger restaurant now stands, had the only hose in the city. Any time a fire developed in the proximity of the plug, Jim Hermes, operator of a dray drawn by a pair of mules, would drive to the oil mill, get the hose, and bring it to the fire. Many people attended the fires and brought their buckets to help spread wafer on the flames. Beeville was incorporated on June 1, 1908. with John R. Beasley as mayor, under the aldermanic form of government. Shortly after that date the City Council purchased a chemical hand‑drawn hook‑and‑ladder truck and a two‑wheel hose apparatus that would hold three hundred feet of hose. That equipment was housed in a small corrugated iron building just north of Hotel Kohler. The Fire Department always entered the Bee County Fair parade each year, and W. T. Thompson, then an undertaker and later mayor of Beeville, provided a team of beautiful black horses to pull the truck in the line of march. When the department was organized, and for a number of years afterward, there were no paved streets lin Beeville. Mr. Quinn said the boys had as much trouble traversing the rugged and muddy roads (streets) as they did in extinguishing the blaze after their arrival at the scene of the conflagration. In 1925, they received their first piece of pumping equ*ipmenf‑a Rio truck that would pump 350 gallons per minute. The Chevrolet chassis was bought in 1927. and the firemen built a truck onto if. The Southern truck was bought that year and was sold to Brown & Root of Corpus Christ11n 1940. The American LaFrance was purchased in 1929, and in 1940 the Diamond T special booster was added to the facilities. During the early days of the organization several big fires destroyed downtown business property. On the night of January 3 1, 1907, nineteen frame buildings on the 100 block of North Washington Street and West Bowie Street were destroyed by fire. Exactly one year to the day‑January 3 1. 1 908‑the other side (east) of Washington Street was razed by flames, including the old post office building where the Rialto Theatre now stands. However, the post office had just been vacated. Other big fires 'included: Lindell Hotel, formerly the Commercial Hotel, and originally the Ellis Hotel, located where the Mobil Service Center now stands at corner of Washington and Corpus Christi Streets, burned to the ground in 1908. Saint Charles Hotel, on property now occupied by Grant Lumber Co.. burned in the early 1900s. Bee County Courthouse, erected on the public square by Viggo Kohler in 1879 at a cost of $3425, was consumed by flames on January 15, 1911. Nations Hotel, formerly the Barclay Hotel, located across the street from the present Post Office on St. Mary's Street, was burned down in 1914. Beeville's super deluxe Grand Opera House, built in 1907, was destroyed by fire one night during Christmas week in 1919. The heaviest damage caused by any conflagrations in Beeville since the town started occurred on the night of January 25, 1964, when fire broke out in the basement of Hall's Store on Washington Street. Buildings destroyed were: The old First National Bank building. occupied by Mergele's Jewelers, Ballard Drug Store, and Hall's Store on the ground floor and the Dougherty offices on the second floor. Approximately fifteen years ago, the firemen prevailed upon the Commissioners Court to assume some of the responsibility for the operation of the Fire Department because many of the alarms answered were to residences and places of business outside the city limits of Beeville. Since then the Commissioners Court has provided a monthly stipend to help the City of Beeville finance the operation of the department. Louis Beyett was the first Fire Chief. Others who led the men in exfinquishing blazes were: N. B. Walker, A. F. Lufts, R. H. Berry, Ellis Quinn. Louis Fox, Stanfield Thompson, Charley Stockbridge, Robert Sonley, Fritz Leverman, Henry Eissler, Fritz Leverman (second time), A. J. Bryan, Clyde Jenkins, and C. M. (Smiffy) Smith, the incumbent who has been chief since 1950, a total of fwenty‑three years. In World War 1, fourteen firemen joined the United States armed forces. In World War 11. fhirfy‑one went into service and three of fhese‑Mlfchell Davis, Bussie Black, and Jack Whife‑made the supreme sacrifice. One of the early Mothers Clubs was organized, with Mrs. C. 1. Swan assisting, on May 8, 191 1. Mrs. J. W. Flournoy was President; Mrs. W. R. Marsh, Vice President; Mrs. F. E. Mills, Secretary‑, Mrs. S. V. Thurston, Corresponding Secretary, and Mrs. F. E. Perkins, Treasurer. They planted trees and in 1912 gave $10 for dirt to be placed in low places around drinking fountains on school grounds, The present Mothers Club was organized on March 25, 1937, at the Mary May Flower Garden with charter members as follows: Mrs. Wayne Amick, Mrs. J. N. Barineau. Mrs. Roy Boggus, Mrs. C. A. Davis, Mrs. Bill Dugat, Mrs. C. C. McCall, Mrs. R. N. Mills, Mrs. E. T. Musseff, Mrs. Marvin Nutt, Mrs. W. R. Opful. Mrs. Jesse Walker, Mrs. J. 1. Warner, and Mrs. Harry Golstein, and the officers were: Mrs. Allen Marsden, Presi. denf; Mrs. J. D. Douthif, Vice President; Mrs. E. H. McCombs. Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. J. C. Cafes, Librarian; Mrs. A. L. McGuill, SecretaryTreasurer. and Mrs. Earl 1. Tingley, Reporter. The members paid $ 120 for a set of books on child training and characfer building which was purchased through the organizer, Mrs. Virginia Rice, representative of the Child Conservation League of America. These books were studied and discussed. The club sponsored a Tom Thumb Wedding and bought playground equipment for the children in the area of what Is now the Chambliss Addition. The club became inactive during the war years in the 1940s due to the mothers being engaged in Red Cross work. In 1949 the interest in the club became renewed and Flossie Neal became president. The presidents following her were: Monte Spikes, Catherine Athey, Jennie Alley, Gladys Diebel. Margaret Gardner, Lulan Fraser, Mary Wroten, Mildred Wilson, Bettye Lucas, Helen Kassen, Jamie Robertson, Elizabeth Millikin, Beth Pasley, Diana Braly, Sue Ellwood, Kay Hjartberg, Nancy Bell, Ann Stark, Patti Adair, Elizabeth Galloway, Paula Duffy, Pat Scott, Kathy Workman and Jodi Hueqler. The club members work each year with the March of Dimes program. The newly elected officers are Mrs. Eddie Dunn, President; Mrs. John W. Beasley, First Vice President; Mrs. Allen Dunn, Second Vice President'. Mrs. Buddy Brown, Recording Secretary,‑ Mrs. John Green, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Ron Coldeway, Treasurer; Mrs. Johnny Smejkal, Parliameniarian, and Mrs. Clifton Trllca, Reporter. THE PARENTS CLUB In the early 1950s the Parents Club was organized for mothers with preschool children. Each month a speaker talks on some phase of child guidance or training. Often the children play a part on the programs. In 1963 four books‑''The Infant and Child in the Culture of Today'' by Gesell and 11g; ''The Child From Five to Ten,'' by the same authors; ''The Years From Ten to Sixteen'' by Gesell, IIg and Louise Bates Ames and ''Parents Ask'' by Frances L. I1g and Louise Bates Ames‑were given to the Bee County Public Library in honor of Dr. Ernest E. Miller. The present officers of the club are: Mrs. E. J. New, President; Mrs. Joe Maley, First Vice President‑, Mrs. Russell Joy, Second Vice President; Mrs. James DeVoe, Secretary‑ Reporter‑, Mrs. D. R. Sugarek, Treasurer, and Mrs. Ed McKay, Parliamentarian. On May 17, 1912, the Rev. George M. Boyd, Methodist minister, received a Certificate for Scoutmaster from the Boy Scouts of America which entitled him to organize a troop in Beeville. A little later this was done, and Beevilie had one of the first troops to be organized in Texas (either the second or third one). The program was for character building and citizenship training. The following are some of the members of this first troop: Alex Cox. Lloyd Gregory, Warren Bates, Loren Bates, Ford Lockett, Festus Carroll, Maurice Simons, Clemence Chase. Henry Dobie. Lee Dobie, Ben Laws, Warren Young, CurHs Walker, Jarvis Miller and Shannon Miller. Many men of this community have given their time and service to forward the Boy Scout movement. Earl Hunt was known as ''Mr. Boy Scout of Beeville.'' Ralph Jackson, George A. Ray Jr., Joe Wroten, Lee Dirks, Earl Hunt, James V. Beauchamp, J. T. (Red) Carter, Marion Young, Robert Beasley, 1. P. O'Neil, John Shanks, Tom Brown and Sam Pieper are some of the scoutmasters receiving the Silver Beaver Award for service. Sam Pieper is on the Executive Board of the Alamo Council of Boy Scouts of America. CAMP FIRE GIRLS In 1912 Mrs. W. H. Laws organized the Camp Fire Girls which was active in the teens. If has recently been revived by some of the Navy Wives. The Girl Scouts was organized in 1939 with some of the businessmen sponsoring it. Miss Gertrude Linke was one of the first leaders and she continued in the work for several years after she married Alex Cowie. The program of a Girl Scout is character training and to enjoy and to be trained in outdoor living. Mrs. Alex Cox was one of the early workers. Mrs. Frank Boyd in the late 1940s became a leader. Mrs. Douglas Henslee was the Neighborhood Chairman. Bee was one of the four counties of the Girl Scout Whooping Crane body. Mrs. Ned Everett. Mrs. John M. Turner and Mrs. A. A. Nelson were leaders in the 1950s. Mrs. Lincoln Borglum. leader, with her husband, Lincoln Borglum, and Mrs. Nelson often took their froop of girls to the Girl Scout Camp at Copano Bay for fun and instruction. Mrs. Joe Ramirez Jr. was a worker. Mrs. John Hester, Mrs. Kenneth McClintock, Mrs. Charles Stewart, Mrs. C. O. Chesnutt, and Mrs. Scott McNeill worked with the Brownies, the seven and eight‑year‑olds, in the early sixties. Some of the Navy Wives who have been trained in the Girl Scout work have contributed their time. Mrs. Charles Darnell. Mrs. Robert Phillips are active in the work, as is Mrs. W. H. Blount, along with many other women in the community. TWO AMERICAN LEGION POSTS There are two American Legion Posts in Beeville and they work cooperatively for the best interests of the men and women who have served the United States Government in the armed forces. Bee County American Legion Post 274 was organized about 1920, following the close of World War 1. Records have been lost, many of the early members have died or moved away, and consequently historical data is not available. Dr. Houston Neeley, who served in the Army Medical Corps in World War 1, organized the veterans and it is believed that he became the first commander. Some of the other heads of the post were Lee Dirks, Clarence Miller, Louis Lee, Frank O'Reilly, Irving Saltzman, George Frels and Rowland Kinkler. The Bee County Post gained fame in about 1942 when Lee Dirks wrote a resolution endorsing the passage of the GI Bill of Rights, the Post adopted the measure, Mr. Dirks carried it to the Department of Texas, where it was approved, and he was delegated to present it at the National American Legion Convention in California for final approval. After that the measure was adopted by the U.S. Government and if became a law. Teal Adkins is the present commander and A. B. Moore is adjutant. The building the Post occupies was given to the veterans by the City of Beeville. It formerly was a dance hall on the Fair Grounds property. The Legionnaires razed the building and erected It on their property soufh of the city on the Refugio Highway. Charles Major Lytle Post 818 was named for a Negro man, Charles Major Lytle, who was killed while in defense of his country in World War 1. The late Judge James R. Dougherty, prominent Beeville attorney, oil producer and philanthropist, donated several lots on which to build a Legion Post Hall and some money to help pay for the construction work, and the building was erecled in 1952 on West Hefferman Street. The members sold barbecue dinners and paid out the indebtedness. The Post was organized in 1946 with sixteen charter members. Lymas Langley Jr. was the first commander, and following him were: Carl Mayberry, George McCarty, Lymas Langley, and the present commander is Eugene Langley. James H. (Pete) Lewis is the adlutanf. There are twentyseven active members today. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The official name of the civic organization that has been boosting this area for more than severty‑five years has been the Chamber of Commerce of Beeville and Bee County, Texas, Inc.. since if was chartered in 1940. But if had several other names prior to that date. The first community promoter was called the Bee County Immigration Association, organized in 1888 with L. F. Roberts as president. In 1899 the name was changed to Beeville Business Men's Club. In 1911 the Young Men's Progressive League was formed, with John B. Daniels as secretary. W. R. Marsh succeeded Mr. Daniels and served the league a number of years. In 1925 the civic body became known as the Chamber of Commerce, and Sid Kring was its manager. A year later Irl F. Cherry assumed the duties and worked for the interests of Bee County nineteen years. Since the chamber was chartered in 1940, the following have served as president: Dr. Ernest Miller, 1940; H. C. Brinkoeter, 1941; Dewey Pieratt, 1942; R. A. Hall, 1943‑, C. R. Gordon, 1944‑1945‑, A. E. Newsom, 1946; Cliff C. Mccall; 1947; A. E. Newsom, 1948*, Reese Wade, 1949; W. C. Dahlman, 1950; John M. Turner, 1951; K. A. Bennett, 1952; Gerald Workman, 1953; F. T. Williams, 1954; F. W. Parsons, 1955; Charles Galloway, 1956; Edwin Turnipseede, 1957*, Henry Hall Jr., 1958; Edward M. Neal. 1959; A. C. Short, 1960; A. E. Newsom, 19617 Malcolm Slay, 1962‑, W. B. Phillips, 1963; Fred Latcham, 1964; W. D. McCarty, 1965‑, Ross Parflow, 1966; Dr. Dudley Braly, 1967; Edwin Diebel, 1968, Edward M. Neal, 1969; Burke Ellwood, 1970; J. E. Chesnut, 1971; Dr. M. P. Huckman, 1972, and Charles Galloway, 1973. Frank Atkins has served as Executive Vice President of the organization since September 1967. BEEVILLE ROTARY CLUB The Beeville Rotary Club, oldest civic club in Bee County, was organized May 14, 192 1, under the sponsorship of the Victoria club. The Rev. Edward H. Hudson, Presbyterian minister, was the first president. The charter members were: Mr. Hudson, Blaine Barry, R. W. (Whizzie) Barry, Earl B. Hunt Paul Mueller, John R. Beasley, Will Geffert. Jesse A. Chase, Dr. Lawrence Griffin, Ernest Bond. George H. Atkins, Bob Smith, George Faupel, R. J. (Dick) Cook, Prof. W. E. Madderra, Buck McKinney, Mose Harris, Ellis Cowart, Alvin Brauer, Dr. Houston Neeley, Ben Coin. and Emory Johnson. The Beeville club is the parent of the Goliad and Pettus clubs, and furnished one District Governor, the late Dave Stockbridge, in 1949. The first big meeting the club sponsored was when Governor Pat Neff visited Beeville on October 17, 1922. During the early days of the organization. the Wheelmen were active in boys club work in its relation with the public schools. For many years the local Rotarians maintained a Scholarship Loan Fund for students who desired to enter college, and helped many youths to complete their university studies. For sixteen years the Beeville Rotarians have presented the Rotary Award to two outstanding members of the Senior Class of Jones High School at graduation time, in the form of a gold watch for the boy and the girl selected by a committee. Present officers are: Charles Reynolds, president; Albert McGuill, Vice President; Robert Wingenfer. Treasurer7 Charles Altimore, Secretary; Norris Rider, Sergeant‑at‑Arms. and Dean Patton, Parliamentarian. The officers and Robert Hollingsworth constitute the Board of Directors. The club celebrated its Fiftieth Anniversary on Wednesday. May 19, 1971, at 7:30 p.m., with a Ladies Night Banquet at the Country Club. Dr. Dudley Braly was chairman of the event. Rotarians the world over emphasize the original slogan of Rotary International: ''Service above self . . . He profits most who serves best." Also stressed is the Four‑Way Test: 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build good will and better friendships? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned? The Beeville Rotary Club helped to establish the Youth Center for area high school students. The club paid the salary of the director. In 1947 they raised the salary to $50 a month. Also in that year they donated $250 to the city to help purchase street markers, gave the Garden Club $50 for their free‑planting campaign, and paid for a case to house an iron lung purchased by the VFW through contributions from throughout the city. Rotary has sent boys to Boys State, has been a prime force in organizing and supporting the Bee County Junior Livestock and Homemakers Show, and has organized and supported Boy Scout Troops. For over twenty‑five years the Rotary Club has been host to the seniors of A. C. Jones High School at the weekly Wednesday Rotary luncheon meetings. In April 1960, the club hosted the District Conference for District 584 .of Rotary International. District Governor Sloan Bafchlor of Kerrville presided and Rotarlans came from as far away as San Angelo and Eagle Pass. The Rotary Club has been active in charity drives for Gonzales Warm 'Springs Foundation, Goodwill Industries, U.S. Savings Bonds, American Cancer Society, the Bee County TB Association and Easfer Seals and Christmas Seals drives. Rotary twice has brought musicians to Beeville for the cultural improvement of the area. Through the years several drives for free plantings in parks, and highway safety were club projects. Rotary helped organize the Pony League and Tommy Wroten was first president. Today the league has merged with the Colt League and is called the Babe Ruth League. Rotary still sponsors a team. The Beeville Club is 300 per cent in donations to the Rotary Foundafion, which provides financial backing for the Rotary Exchange Student Program. In 1972‑73 the first Rotary student attended Bee County College. He was Anders Anderson from Denmark and lived in Beeville in the homes of Rotarians Anders Benander and President Charles Reynolds. In 1972‑73 the Rotary Club gave financial support to the exchange student, Babe Ruth League, Community Concerts, Junior Livestock and Homemakers Show. and the Youth Center. Past‑Presidents of the club are: 1921. Rev. Edward H. Hudson; 1922, Blaine Barry; 1923, James T. Ballard; 1924, Jesse A. Chase*, 1925, George H. Atkins‑, 1926, Earl B. Hunt; 1927, Truman M. Gill; 1928, Robert A. Hall; 1929, Dr. Howard Lancaster‑, 1930, Tom Tucker and Dr. W. H. Jenkins‑, 1931, Ed Laski; 1932, Alwyn King‑, 1933, Rev. Dan Laning and Jack Forgason: 1934, B. C. Davis; 1935, H. C. Brinkoeter‑, 1936, Paul Russell; 1937, Robert Marshall‑, 1938, Dr. Ernest Miller‑, 1939, Howard Hambleton and Dr. Tom Reagan; 1940, Henry Eissler‑, 1941, John L. Huder; 1942, Monroe Fairly; 1943, Dewey Pieratt; 1944. John H. O'Connor; 1945, Candler R. Gordon, 1946, H. E. Yoward; 1947, Dave Stockbridge‑, 1948, Robert Beasley‑, 1949, Rev. W. J. Coleman, 1950, Ralph Jackson‑, 1951. Portwood Alley; 1952, John Shanks; 1953, George Brown; 1954, Lincoln Borglum‑, 1955, Rev. Everett Y. Seale: 1956, Jimmy Goodman‑, 1957, Charles W. Barnes‑, 1958, Dean Patton; 1959, Fred C. Lafcham Jr.; 1960, Dr. Scoff McNeill Jr.: 1961, Thomas W. Wroten; 1962, W. D. McCarty‑, 1963, Burke Ellwood‑, 1964, Dr. Dudley Braly; 1965, Dr. Orville Schroeder; 1966, William B. Moser Jr.; 1967, Fred Grevelle; 1968, Lester W. McCoy‑, 1969, Grady Hogue; 1970, Dr. Jerry Berryman; 1971, Robert Hollingsworth, and 1972, Charles Reynolds. At a meeting of the club on March 7, 1973, the following officers were elected for 1973‑74: Albert McGuill, President‑, Charles Altimore. President‑elect; Robert Winqenfer, Vice President; Alex Kibler, Treasurer, and Norris Rider, Sergeant‑at‑Arms. They will be installed at the first meeting in July. BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB The Business & Professional Women's Club was organized May 25, 1922, in Beeville only three years after the National Federation of Business & Professional Women's Clubs started in St. Louis in 1919. The objective was to have members become better business women for a better business world and to be civic minded. The club became federated with the National Federation. The charter members were: Dr. Catherine Compton. Miss Kathleen Compton, Mrs. S. M. Corbin, Miss Mary Cochran, Miss Sula Brown, Miss Tennie Brown, Mrs. S. R. Davis, Miss Earle Darby, Miss Fannie Doble, Mrs. Sidney Dugat, Miss Gertrude Linke, Miss Helen Ransom and Mrs. Etta W. Ringold. The officers for the first year were: Dr. Catherine Compton, President; Miss Fannie Dobie, Vice President; Miss Helen Ransom, Recording Secretary; Mrs. S. R. Davis, Corresponding Secretary, and Miss Sula Brown, Treasurer. The greatest difficulty the club had during the first years was findingplaces to meet. The members met in homes, the Commercial National Bank, Hotel Kohler. the Presbyterian Annex, in Miss Dobie's office, the office of the J. W. Brown & Company and in 1927 in Mrs. Dugat's studio until 1938, when the Baptist Annex was bought in connection with the Jester Club and Rosetta Club. The first meeting in their remodeled United Clubs Building (as the structure was named) was held on May 12, 1938. This was the meeting place for almost thirty years. From the beginning of the organization the club has helped promote better working conditions for women. Girls have been assisted with their education and in 1936 money was donated to buy uniforms for members of the high school band. In 1937 the club sponsored the Girl Scouts. In the early 1950s the B&PW (as the club is often called) gave Mexican suppers in connection with the Rosetta Fiesta for the benefit of the public library. The club in this way raised a total of approximately $2000 which was donated to buy books for the Bee County Public Library. Contributions are made yearly to the United Fund. Mrs. Mona Seymour Nuff is the oldest continuing member. She was voted info the club on July 26, 193S. Mrs. Grace Bauer is next in line. The past‑presidents: Dr. Catherine Compton, Miss Fannie Dobie, Miss Kathleen Compton, Miss Ezra E. Grimes, Mrs. W. R. Marsh, Miss Mary Wofford, Miss Kathleen Compton, Miss Gertrude Linke, Miss Daisy Rapp, Mrs. R. A. Hall, Mrs. Nelle New, Mrs. R. A. Hall. Miss Nelle Stoltzfus, Mrs. Gladys Kenworthy, Miss Carrie Wright. Mrs. Nelle Swinebroad, Mrs. Lera K. Knight, Miss Blanche Crumpler, Miss Mary Wofford, Mrs. X. A. Dunn, Mrs. Nell Richter, Miss LaNelle Trepfow, Miss Margaret Kinkler, Mrs. Margaret Kinkler Farley, Mrs. Ina Pearl Brundrett, Mrs. Lera K. Knight, Miss Marie Mills, Mrs. Lydia Kubala, Mrs. Lera K. Knight Miss Mary Wofford, Miss Willynne Rabb, Miss Mary Wofford, Mrs. Isabella Becker, Miss Jewel Gibson, Miss Donna Maley, Mrs. Lucille Minniffi. Mrs. Lola O'Donnell, Mrs. Nina Park, Mrs. Eloise Davis, Mrs. Anna Lee Lackey, Mrs. Ruth Anderson, Mrs. Myrtle Barber and Mrs. Lola O'Donnell. The incoming officers are: Mrs. Marjorie Routh, President; Mrs. Marjorie Fuson, Vice President‑, Mrs. Thelma Barnett, Treasurer; Mrs. Cathy Heard, Secretary, and Mrs. Lois Chesnutt, Recording Secretary. HOME ARTS CLUB By Helen Y. Ezell The Home Arts Club, under the direction of Mrs. Pryor Lucas and Mrs. George Atkins. was organized on January 5, 1924. They ''believed the health of a nation was to be found in the homes of the people'' and they desired to contribute in small ways to the betterment of this community. They felt that by coming together in a club each month for discussions and programs this could be done. Mrs. Lucas became the first president and Mrs. Atkins was secretary treasurer. The other members were Mrs. L. N. Connally, Mrs. S. R. Davis, Mrs. T. M. Gill, Mrs. W. H. Miller. Mrs. F. M. McKinney and Mrs. H. L. McKinney. Club membership was limited to twenty, elected unanimously by club members. This is still the rule. The first objectives were threefold: The promotion of art in the home, the study of home management. and child welfare. The motto was ''To be of service to others.'' The club meets in members' homes, the fourth Wednesday of each month from September to May, for programs, feasting and chatting. In civic work the members have cooperated in community affairs. The club contributes regularly of the Red Cross and other worthwhile projects. In the early years a street‑grading program was fostered. For the first twenty‑five years or more the Home Arts Club gave an annual grandmothers' party, the elderly ones of the county being the honorees. Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets are delivered to several needy families. Money Is donated to the Special Education Class each year for a Christmas party. The club members assisted with the Youth Center. For many years until the last two years they maintained a milk fund at the Jackson School which provided for 35 cups of milk daily to underprivileged children during the school terms. The club now contributes to FISH. On May 1, 1928, the club, with the Wednesday Luncheon Club, gave a barbecue on the Cook Ranch for the delegation of the Convention of Fifth District Texas Federation of Women's Clubs. They were meeting in Beeville under the sponsorship of the Rosetta Club. In January 1964 the Home Arts members celebrated their fortieth anniversary with a tea. They are making plans for celebrating the fiftieth year in 1974. Mrs. F. M. (Carrie) McKinney and Mrs. L. N. (Lena May) Connally. both charter members, and Mrs. John (Ina) Teague are on the Planning Committee. The Past‑Presidents of the Home Arts Club besides Mrs. Lucas are: Mrs. W. H. Miller, Mrs. F. M. McKinney, Mrs. C. M. Poff, Mrs. W. C. Binford, Mrs. R. A. Hall, Mrs. S. R. Davis, Mrs. F. M. Simmons, Mrs. C. E. Hall, Mrs. W. G. Gayle, Mrs. A. F. Sonberg, Mrs. L. N. Connally, Mrs. R. S. VanSickle, Mrs. A. H. Geiselbrecht, Mrs. Hance Hamilton, Mrs. A. C. Andrews. Mrs. Joe M. Barnhart, Mrs. John Teague, Mrs. A. J. Frels, Mrs. R. J. Findley, Mrs. Glenn Prine, Mrs. R. W. Dwigans, Mrs. C. L. Cox. Mrs. Grover Impson. Mrs. Toscoe Knight, Mrs. Thomas Wroten and Mrs. Camp Ezell. Mrs. J. R. McGuffin of Dinero was installed as president with Mrs. W. R. Custer as vice president in May 1973. WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON CLUB The Wednesday Luncheon Club was organized in the home of Mrs. J. R. Scott on May 8, 1924. The officers elected were Mrs. T. B. Knight, President; Mrs. Lonnie Borrourn, Secretary; Mrs. C. M. Poff, Critic; Mrs. J. R. Scoff, Parliamentarian, and Mrs. 1. F. Cherry, Press Reporter. The motto chosen was, ''Count that day lost whose low descending sun views from thy hand no worthy deed done.'' The object of the group was as follows: To stimulate and improve the mind and further those plans which tend toward the general good of the community and country as a whole. Interesting programs are presented each meeting. The charter members were Mrs. R. L. Atkins, Mrs. M. W. Bates, Mrs. Lonnie Borrourn, Mrs. 1. F. Cherry, Mrs. L. L. Griffin, Mrs. T. B. Knight. Mrs. S. B. Malone, Mrs. S. C. Mitchell, Mrs. C. M. Poff, Mrs. George A. Ray, Mrs. Leroy Roberts, and Mrs. J. R. Scott. Mrs. Lonnie Borrourn had the first luncheon meeting of the club in her home. The luncheons were held at first in homes of the members, and later in Hotel Kohler on the second Thursdays of the month. The club now has the luncheon meetings at the Country Club. In 1931 the Wednesday Luncheon Club was federated by the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs. The members have always been interested in the safety programs, especially for children. The club donated playground equipment for Flournoy Park, cooperated in cleanup campaigns for Beeville, and planted trees and shrubs. It has also had a student loan fund and scholarship fund. Regular contributions are made to FISH. Two charter members, Mrs. T. B. Knight and Mrs. Lonnie Borrourn, are still active. Mrs. Knight wrote the club's song. Mrs. Clyde Hebert is the president and Mrs. Joe Wade is the incoming 1973 president. The Beta Club was organized as a study group in 1930 at the home of Mrs. Sidney Hall with Mrs. Henry Hall as hostess. Mrs. Howard Lancaster was the sponsor. Mrs. Studeman was the organizer. Entrance fee was $39.95 which included the purchase of books required for reading. Louise Hunter was president and the other officers were Dolores Mitchell, Alleene McNeill and Norma Laski. Besides the officers the following were charter members: Mary Welder, Mae Forgason, Monna Ray, Ann Reed, Irma Jenkins, and Gladys Hall. The members met the second Friday of each month for a luncheon and program. They met for many years at Hotel Kohler and now meet at the Country Club. 'One of their civic projects was contributing to and being one of the sponsors of the Youth Center. The present officers are Inez Spielhagen, President‑, Charlene Ramirez, Vice President; Mary Bills, Secretary; Hal Adair, Treasurer, and Doris Jackson, Reporter. BEEVILLE KIWANIS CLUB The Beeville Kiwanis Club was organized on May 9, 1935, and since that time the members have been avidly engaged in civic work. The Kiwanis Club of Alice sponsored the birth of the local club. Jack Hathaway was the first president, and serving with him were Nick Karl, Vice President‑, Otto Schvab, Secretary, and Bert L. Wright, Treasurer. The charter members were: Bill Algea, Bob Atkinson, J. B. Arnold, Gene Bagley, John Blackburn, Harold Buckler, J. P. Deer, Hubert Degosserie, J. D. Doufhlf, J. P. Foster, Charles Galloway, Paul Granberry, Paul Hart, Jack Hathaway, Rev. Sam B. Hill, R. J. Hintz, Arthur Holland, H. Leroy Hunt, Nick Karl, Charles Kimbrough, Ellery Marsh, M. T. Marsh, Jack Nowery, A. G. Oresching, Brook Pagel, W. E. Potter, Joe Ramirez, Glen D. Smith, George Serur, Otto Schvab, Hugh Stephenson, Robert Taylor, Dean Wilson, Coy White, Bert L. Wright, Reese Wade, Douglas Hermes, Eugene McCann, Norman Hobrecht, Donald Von Dohlen, G. G. Ware, and Louis Woerndel. The past‑presidents of the club are: Jack Hathaway, 1935; Walter E. Potter, 1936; Douglas Hermes, 1937; Curtis Walker, 1938; Hal McCombs, 1939; Charles Galloway, 1940‑, Paul Schulz, 1941 ‑, H. E. Tolliver. 1942; Jack Cafes, 1943; Cliff McCall, 1944; Irvin Boothe, 1945; Hoyt B. Hamilton, 1946; Donald McDonald, 1947; Edward M. Neal. 1948; Kirk Bennett, 1949; Mr. Bennett was transferred by his company and his term was completed by Edwin A. Diebel; W. C. Dahlman, 1950; Gerald M. Workman, 1951 ‑, Warren H. Peterson, 1952; Dr. John Hester, 1953; Malcolm G. Slay, 1954; Richard Rudeloff, 1955; Floyd Parsons, 1956‑, Mr. Parsons moved from Beeville and his term was completed by Rufus Landers; S. R. Wofford, 1957; Dr. Allen Lasiter, 1958; Raymond Powell, 1959; Jack Megason, 1960; N. B. Tanner Jr., 196 1 ; Milton Trlica, 1962; Monroe Finke, 1963; Bill Phillips, 1964; Arno Gold, 1965; Stephen Fey, 1966; John Galloway, 1967; H. L. Mullins, 1968; Jon Newton, 1969; Richard DeBolf, 1970; Duane Baker, 197 1; Buddy Hahn, 1972; Mr. Hahn resigned and his term was completed by Mack Workman; and Ben Geisler, 1973, the incumbent. Dr. Bill Conrad is president‑elect, and he and the other officers will be installed in October. The Beeville Kiwanis Club has had members who have distinguished themselves in the councils and functions of Kiwanis International. The club has furnished three lieutenant governors for the Texas‑Oklahoma District: J. C. (Jack) Cates served in 1945. Charles Galloway in 1952, and Rufus Landers in 1965. Mr. Galloway was a member of the vocational guidance committee for Kiwanis International. Each year the local club stages a Kiwanis Karnival around the Courthouse Square for the purpose of raising money to finance the various projects that are sponsored by the organization. During the thirty‑eight years that the club has been active, literally hundreds of constructive plans for betterment of Beeville and Bee County have ended in fruition. The Kiwanians have stressed programs to help underprivileged children. For several years they paid for milk for school children who were unable to buy it; they built and maintained a lighted softball park; they sponsored a Boy Scout troop; in 1947 they were among the leaders who promoted the building of the Youth Center in 1949 they sponsored a county‑wide youth baseball program which led to the organization of the Little League and Pony League in Bee County; in 1957 the club sponsored the first annual Junior Olympics. In 1937 the Kiwanis Club started a beautification plan for Beeville, and this continued for several years. The Kiwanians assumed responsibility for the publicity of the early shows and sales of the South Texas Hereford Association, and in 1939 they staged a campaign that helped get city mail delivery for Beeville. In 1944 the club began its sponsorship of the Girl Scout Day Camp. In 1946 the club held the first annual Easter sunrise service with the aid of the Beeville Ministerial Alliance, and in 1950 the members began the observance of National Kids Day. They organized the Beeville Key Club for boys in 1952. To assist in the education of indigent children, the Kiwanians have provided funds for reading glasses for those whose vision is impaired. The club raises between $2,500 and $3,000 each year to finance the various proleds. BEEVILLE ACTIVE TWENTY‑THIRTY CLUB Beeville Active Twenty‑Thirty Club No. 297 was organized on June 26, 1947, with Bob Crawford as president. The first meeting was held in Zarape Cafe. Members are men between the ages of 20 and 39 years. Projects sponsored by the club through the years include the electric football scoreboard at Beasley Stadium, Safety Sallys at school crossings in Bee County, placing trash cans on the streets of Beeville, providing a public address system for the Little League Ball park, sponsoring two Little League teams each year, and donating equipment to the Fire Department and to the Beeville Ambulance Service. The club also sponsors individual projects to aid in all charity drives. In April 1965 a check for fifty dollars was given to the Bee County Public Library. Each year the club donates to the Twenty‑Thirty International Project Deaf Fund. There are many past‑active members in Beeville‑those who have passed the age of 39 years. Some of the early members who have 11 outgrown'' the membership age qualification include Raymond E. Eissler, Bill Pagel, Kenneth Harrell, Terry Glick, Jim Lundschen, Charles Reineke, Eddie Bertram, Scott Bledsoe. Monroe Finke, and Guy Prater. Many of the records of the club were destroyed by the high waters of Hurricane Beulah in 1967, but following are the names of some of the past‑presidents of the club: Chuck Denman, Kenneth McClintock, Bob Baer, Charles Sikes, Johnny Kircher, Jerome Boenig, Albert Henry, Richard Isaacks, Leroy Hadwin, Mike McWhorter, P. F. Malek, Raymond V. Eissler, Pat Wells and Dwayne Bradley, the incumbent. Present officers are: Dwayne Bradley, President; P. F. Malek, Vice President; Mike McWhorter. Secretary; Charles Cox, Treasurer and David Hurst, Sergeant‑at‑Arms. BEEVILLE LIONS CLUB The Beeville Lions Club was first organized prior to World War 11, but had to disband during that time because most of the members enteredthe various services for the defense of the country. The club was reorganized December 3, 1948, at a meeting in Hotel Kohler. Fourteen men were present, but by charter night, March 10, 1949, a total of 36 men signed the charter issued by Lions International. The Woodsboro Lions Club sponsored the local organization, and Arthur Mabray was the organizational president. Other presidents, and the order in which they served, were: Jack A. Baird, Walter Boenig, Jimmy Gardner, Edwin Turnipseede, Stephen Fey, Sam McCarty, George Hovey Jr.. C. A. FdIke, George Frels, Jack Wallace, Jack Love, Eddie Hamilton, John S. Baker, Dr. Norman Oliver, Darnell Allen, Jack Love, Jack Wallace, Rev. Doyle Morton, Eddie Bertram, Calvin Evans, Bobby Lane, Floyd McClung, Jerry Daniels, Paul Wilmouth, and Bill Moody. The first major project was the purchase of an eye‑testing machine which was presented to the schools of Bee County. The club has helped crippled children attend the Texas Lions Crippled Children Camp in Kerrville, has given glasses to underprivileged children, provided milk for indigent youngsters at school, purchased an audiometer for schools, raised money to build a lighted ball park for the youths of the community, and has sponsored many other worthy projects for the good of the people. Among their best‑known fund‑raising systems are the Christmas Seal sale, the broom sale to help the blind, the light‑bulb sale, and stacie entertainment. Ninety per cent of the money raised from the sale of brooms is sent to the blind people who manufacture the brooms. The local club celebrated its twenty‑fifth anniversary with a dinner at Gilberto's Restaurant on Saturday, March 3, 1973. The honored guests were Jack Love, the only active charter member of the club, and Bernard McWhorter and Jimmy Hicks, both of whom joined the club a few weeks after the charter was delivered. All three are past‑presidents. Paul Wilmouth recently completed his term as District Governor of 2‑S4, Lions International, and Jack Love is a past Deputy District Governor. Each year since the beginning of Little League baseball in Beeville the Beeville Lions Club has sponsored at least one of the teams. The new officers who will assume leadership of the club in July are: John Richardson, President; Dr. Fritz Oelrich, Vice President; Jerry Daniels, Second Vice President; Bobby Moya, Third Vice President; Paul Wilmoth, Secretary‑Treasurer; Eritis Rivera, Tall Twister; Bud Riblet, Lion Tamer, and Jack Love, Zaki Sailba, John Reeves, Steve Fould, and the president and vice presidents are members of the Board of Directors. The newly elected officers will assume their duties on July 1. Bill Moody is the outgoing president. BEEVILLE GARDEN CLUB The Beeville Garden Club held the first meeting at the home of Mrs. R. J. Beasley. It was organized December 8, 1953, with Mrs. C. A. Sullins as president. Serving with her were Mrs. Dudley Dougherty, Vice President; Mrs. Camp Ezell, Second Vice President; Mrs. J. K. Blue, Third Vice President; Mrs. Allen Lasiter, Secretary; Mrs. J. M. Goodman, Corresponding Secretary‑, Mrs. Ben Geisler, Treasurer; Mrs. Alex Cowie, Reporter, and Mrs. John Rossi, Parliamentarian. The club was federated in 1955 with the National Council of State Garden Clubs. The purpose was to learn and to act; to beautify both home and city. The first money‑making project of the club was a Betty Crocker Cake Mix sale. This was held annually for several years. A flower show was the highlight of the club annually for more than ten years. A Christmas arrangement show was sponsored before the holidays every year. The members planted shrubs and oleanders at the Youth Center, Courthouse Square, library and frees in school yards. The club sponsored the yard of the month project. The group presented a Blue Star Marker which is located on the southwest corner of the Courthouse Square. It was dedicated April 24, 1957. The wording on the marker follows: ''National Council of State Garden Clubs Blue Star Memorial Highway. A tribute to the Armed Forces that have defended the United States of America. Sponsored by the Beeville Garden Club in cooperation with the Texas Highway Department and the Texas Garden Clubs Inc.'' The past‑presidents are: Mrs. C. A. Sullins, 1953‑1956; Mrs. 0. B. Smith, 1956‑1957; Mrs. R. J. Findley, 1957‑1958; Mrs. Dale Roberson, 1958‑196 1 ; Mrs. Charles Gresseff, 1961‑1962; Mrs. Paul Schulz, 1962‑1964; Mrs. Kenneth Harrell, 1964‑1965‑, Mrs. Toscoe Knight, 1965‑1967; Mrs. Archie Roberts. 1967‑1969; Mrs. Carl Malone, 1969‑1971; Mrs. Leila Daley, 19711973. Mrs. Dick (Edith) Scoff is the incoming president. BETA SIGMA PHI The Pi Theta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi was organized in Beeville in 1954. It was sponsored by the Delta Delta Chapter of Corpus Christi. The first meeting was held in the home of Mrs. H. L. Daughters with Mrs. Lorraine Coleman as president. The chapter members were civic minded, especially along health lines. For several years a milk fund was established for Ann Burke School. Medical attention for children was a prclect. A Valentine ball was started in 1955 and was a brilliant affair each year with a queen chosen to reign. The Chapter became inactive in 1971. BUSINESS WOMEN'S GARDEN CLUB The Business Women's Garden Club of Beeville was organized on March 21, 1957, In the home of Mrs. 0. B. Smith, who was president of the Beeville Garden Club. The primary object was to learn basic rules for yard and garden work. The Bougainvillea was the flower selected and the officers were: Mrs. Mattie Freeman, President; Mrs. Elna Alexander, Vice President; Mrs. Frances Finke, Second Vice President; Mrs. Lillie Belle Sommerville, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Dora Fehlis, Corresponding Secretary; M s. Isabel Becker, Reporter, and Mrs. Gertrude Chesnutt, Treasurer. The meetings are held in members' homes on the third Thursday of each month. The club has had flowers and shrubs planted at Memorial Hospital and trees on school yards. Money has been given to Bee County College for landscaping. The present project is placing concrete fables and benches with overhead shade at roadside parks here. The women sponsor the Yard of the Month program. The past‑presidents are: Mrs. Mattie Freeman, Mrs. Harold Finke, Mrs. Bernard McWhorter, Mrs. Myrtle Barber, Mrs. Ross Parflow, Mrs. Ross Sommerville, Mrs. C. C. Becker, Mrs. Bernard McWhorter, Mrs. C. C. Becker, Mrs. V. Garrison. Mrs. Maude Warren, and Mrs. Ben Geisler. The Beeville Soroptimisf Club, an affiliate of Soroptimist International, received its charter on March 16, 1958, at a meeting held in the Rose Room of Hotel Kohler. Miss Mary Wofford was elected president but the following week she was married to Frank Daley and had to resign her office since she moved to another city. Mrs. Lee R. (Mary) Meyer was elected to fake her place and actually served as the first president of the club. Other officers serving with her were: Miss Becky Evans, Vice President; Mrs. Carol Palmer, Secretary; Mrs. Emma Finke, Treasurer, and Mrs. Jewel Taylor and Mrs. Carrie McKinney, Directors. Regional delegates were Mrs. Virginia Phillips and Miss Becky Evans. There were twenty charter members, and five are still active: Mrs. Irene Byrne, Miss Becky Evans, Mrs. Winifred Goodwin, Mrs. Carrie McKinney, and Mrs. Carol Palmer. Officers for 1972‑73 are: Mrs. Patsy Schmidt, President; Mrs. Anna Lee Lackey, Vice Prescient; Miss Becky Evans, Second Vice President; Mrs. Inez Stuart Treasurer; Mrs. Margaret McKennon, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Mildred Rader, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Margie Routh and Mrs. Carol Palmer, Directors; Mrs. Lois Dallas and Mrs. Daisy McGrew, Delegates; and Mrs. Doris Galloway, Alternate Delegate. There are twenty-eight members. The late Mrs. Fay Cox. a charter member, started the Golden Age Club, and the Soroptimists serve as hostesses for the December meetings of the senior citizens. The club has sponsored many projects, including: Helped with the oral Polio Vaccine, Sabine vaccine, and tetanus drives, sold United States flags for downtown stores and homes in Beeville, gave television set to Memorial Hospital and record player to retarded children's school, provided money to help several boys and girls to attend school, contributed money for gift to the Tuberculosis Hospital patients, furnished fruit for Huber Manor Nursing Home patients. assisted in the community clean‑up campaign, helped buy equipment for the City Ambulance Service, and donated to the United Fund and the U. S. 0., and the club gives a scholarship for Bee County College's Licensed Vocational Nurses School each year. Also the Soroptimisfs sponsor the S Club for high school girls. Past‑presidents of the organization are: Mary Meyer, Emma Finke, Irene Byrne, Anna Lee Lackey, Margie Routh, Daisy McGrew, and Inez Stuart. The Soroptimist pledge: "I pledge allegiance to Soroptimist and to the ideals for which it stands: The sincerity of friendship, the toy of achievement the dignity of service, the integrity of profession, and the love of country. I will put forth my greatest effort to promote, uphold and defend these ideals for a larger fellowship in home, in society, in business. for country and for God.'' PAN AMERICAN ROUND TABLE The Pan American Round Table of Beeville was informally organized in late 1963 when Mrs. James R. Dougherty called a meeting of several women who were to form the nucleus of the new group. Under her guidance and inspiration, the group was granted a charter by the state organization and began meeting regularly in January 1964. Monthly meetings are held on the third Wednesday from September through May. The Beeville Table is affiliated with the Alliance of Pan American Round Tables, with chapters established in all the countries of the Western Hemisphere. Their object is to further knowledge and interest in the social life, institutions and customs of the peoples of the American nations and to promote good will and understanding among them to provide the mutual knowledge, understanding and friendship among their to foster movements toward a high civilization, especially those affecting the women and children of these countries. The Beeville Table has granted a scholarship to Bee County College to the outstanding Mexican‑American girl graduate of Jones High School each year since the college opened in 1967. The group has also donated many books on Latin‑American history, art and culture to the Bee County Public Library, and has awarded a Spanish‑English dictionary to the high-ranking Spanish student in Jones High School every year. Directors of the Table have been Mrs. Dudley Dougherty, Mrs. Hugh Grove, Mrs. Henry Hall Jr., Mrs. Fred Ldfchdm, Mrs. Lon Cartwright, Mrs. Warren LeBourveau, Mrs. H. E. Lancaster, Mrs. W. D. McCarty, Mrs. Robin Pettus and Mrs. Dan Conoly Jr. JUNIOR SERVICE LEAGUE The Junior Service League was organized in 1963 in the home of Mrs. L. R. Hollingsworth Sr., with Mrs. Hollingsworth as the organizer. The program is Community Service. Mrs, Dudley Braly was the first president. The members have assisted in Community Concerts drives and have been hostesses for the Artmobile when it comes to Beeville each year and for the Golden Age Club. The money they have raised from bake sales, rummage sales, style shows, an antique show and a four of homes has been used to help restore the McClanahan House, Besides Mrs. Braly, the following have served as president: Mrs. Jack Pasley, Mrs. John Matthews, Mrs. George Blackmon, Mrs. Layton Adams, Mrs. Ellsworth Handy, Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. Kenneth McClintock. Mrs. Dudley Braly. and Mrs. Budgie Humberson. Mrs. Eddie Dunn is the current president. The Beeville Optimist Club was organized November 21, 1968, with thirty‑seven charter members. The Pleasanton club sponsored the local organization. The objects of Optimist International and their constituent bodies are to develop optimism as a philosophy of life: to promote an active interest in good government and civic affairs; to inspire respect for the law; to promote patriotism and work for international accord and friendship among all people, and to aid and encourage the development of youth. The charter members were: Otis Barker. Peter T. Blackburn, Albert P. Calati, John Elder, Terrence E. Glick, Marvin W. Jones, Dalton Leatherman, Ernesto C. Martinez, Rollie M. Royal, James Sheehan, Barry H. Watson, Wayne Wissnaf, Jess A. Young, James Ray Bissett, J. S. Blankenship Jr., J. A. Christensen, Joe A. Garcia, D. P. Hill, Hoyt Kesfler, Bill McKennon, W. L. Miller Jr., Olin Sanders. Larry H. Stroud, Jim Wilkerson Jr., C. C. Wofford, Gary V. Black, Derrell M. Bryant, Arland Cowart, Lupe P. Garza, Stephen Huntington, Lymas Langley, Jimmy D. McKnight, Jimmy C. Ramirez, Bernie Sandoval, Kermit Turner, R. E. Williams Jr., and Raymond A. Wrinkle. The first project of the club was selling Christmas frees. Bonham's Food Store offered the club their entire shipment of frees to sell on a fifty-fifty basis. The Optimists realized $500 on their first free sale. This money was used for youth projects. They sponsored a boys' oratorical contest and took the winner to San Antonio to compete in the zone event. Stephen Huntington did such an outstanding lob as secretary‑treasurer of the club that he was chosen as a field man for Optimist International. He is now in charge of the records division of the head office in St. Louis, Mo. In the fall of 1972 the club's motto, ''Friend of the Boy,'' was changed to ''Friend of Youth.'' This was the first year Optimist International permitted girls to enter the oratorical contests. Sixteen contestants entered and thirteen competed for scholarships. Students from the Pettus and Pawnee schools entered and Billy Hawke of Pettus walked away with the honors in the boys' division and Kathy Staples, also of Pettus, was the winner in the girls' division. Billy Hawke won third place in the zone competition in Corpus Christi and Kathy was fourth runner‑up. In the Zone 11 competition, the Beeville club won first place in the girls' division and second place in the boys' division. The winners are given a $500 scholarship to any college of their choice on the district level. Terry Glick was given a life membership in the Beeville club at the first district board meeting held in Victoria in November. At the second board meeting held last February in San Antonio, Mr. Glick was presented a three‑membership tie‑tack for being the first member in the south‑central district to bring in three new members in the Optimist year of 1972‑1973. The Optimist year starts in October and ends in September. The presentation was made by Phil McCardwell of Louisville, Ky., president of Optimist International. The newly elected officers of the Beeville club are: Clinton B. Richey, President; Terry Glick and J. D. Staatz, Vice Presidents, and Michael Jones, Secretary‑Treasurer. The past‑presidents of the club are: D. P. Hill. Otis Barker. J. A. Christensen, D. P. Hill, D. P. Hill, and Chester F. Sparks. RIO MEDIO CHAPTER D. R. T. Several pre‑meetings were held at the home of Mrs. George Tait with Mrs. Tait as the organizing president before Rio Medio Chapter of the Daughters of the Texas Republic was chartered on February 20, 1969. The officers elected were: Mrs. Eric J. Spielhagen, President; Mrs. R. J. Welder, Vice President; Miss Ida Campbell, Second Vice President; Mrs. William B. Moser, Chaplain; Mrs. C. B. McWhorter, Recording and Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Howard Fish, Treasurer, Mrs. W. R. Stubbins, Press Reporter; Mrs. Cecil Ballard. Historian, and Mrs. C. S. Harris, Parliamentarian. The objects of the organization are as follows: 1. To perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved and maintained the independence of Texas. 2. To encourage historical research info the earliest records of Texas, especially those relating to the Revolution of 1835 and the events which followed; to foster the preservation of documents and relics‑, to encourage the publication of records of the individual service of the soldiers and patriots of the Republic. and other source material for the History of Texas. 3. To promote the celebration of Texas Honor Days: Lamar Day, January 26; Texas Statehood Day, February 19; Texas Independence and Flag Day. March 2; Alamo Heroes Day, March 6; San Jacinto Day, April 21; Stephen F. Austin's birthday, November 3; and Founders Day, November 6. 4. To secure and memorialize all historic spots by erecting markers thereon; and to cherish and preserve the unify of Texas as achieved and established by the fathers and mothers of the Texas Revolution. The Chapter meets four times a year in April, September, November, and February. The charter members are: Mrs. Robert B. Allen (Mary Gay McWhorter), Mrs. B. A. Baker (Sarah Anne Tedder), Mrs. Cecil Ballard (Maurice Bradford), Mrs. Gene Banks (Margaret Jane Barber), Mrs. George Blackmon (Gayle Irby), Mrs. Robert Bocquet (Myrtle Rosebrook), Mrs. Dudley Braly (Diana Dugafl, Mrs. Kay Crowell Calaway. Miss Ida Louise Campbell. Mrs. L. N. Connally (Lena May Hodges), Mrs. Frank Daley (Mary Ellen Wofford), Mrs. Wayne Dirks (Ida Mary McGuffin), Mrs. Howard Fish (Josephine Shay), Mrs. James M. Goodman (Martha Iris Gill), Miss Martha Illene Goodman, Mrs. Cal Green (Birdie Persia Porter), Mrs. Larry Hamilton (Mary Elizabeth Miller), Mrs. J. A. Handy (Maurine Bradford), Mrs. C. S. Harris (Lena Elizabeth Welder), Miss Mary Clare Harris, Mrs. Kenneth S. Harvey (Marilyn McNeill), Mrs. Richard A. Henault (Mary Ann Collier), Mrs. J. W. Hitchcock (Sara Harris), Mrs. R. L. Hollingsworth (Eleanor Campbell), Mrs. V. T. Irby (Dora Alberta Seymour), Mrs. Norman Jennings (Nella Jo Sawey), Mrs. Clyde F. Lacy (Lena Mary Connally), Mrs. H. B. Long (Nella Fae Bradford), Mrs. John Matthews (Betty Gayle), Mrs. C. B. McWhorter (Ernez Skaggs), Mrs. Jack Miller (Doris Barber), Mrs. William B. Moser (Margaret Miller), Mrs. Robert Norton (Louise Wilson), Mrs. Mona Seymour Nuft (Mona Irene Seymour), Mrs. Robert Pearce (Mary Ellen Voss), Mrs. Travis M. Powell (Avis Barrow), Mrs. Joe C. Ramirez III (Mary Ellen Handy), Mrs. John B. Roberts (Marjorie Aleene McNeill), Miss Marii Roberts, Mrs. Will Roy Sanders (Stella O'Reilly), Mrs. Sarah Kay Handy Schuster, Mrs. Vincent Seger (Darah Behethaland Gayle), Miss Gladys Emma Smith, Mrs. Eric J. Spielhagen (Inez McKinney), Mrs. William R. Stubbins (Lee Ann McWhorter), Mrs. George Talf (Lucille Barber), Mrs. Mary McGuffin Taylor, Mrs. Robert Turner (Christine Miller), Mrs. R. J. Welder (Mary McCurdy). Past‑presidents are Mrs. Eric J. Spielhagen and Mrs. C. S. Harris, and Miss Ida Campbell is the president in 1973. Operation Concern was organized in June 1971 by a group of citizens deeply interested in combating the narcotics problem, especially among the youth, a problem which is prevalent throughout the world. Edward N. Jones was the chairman. The group consisted of representatives from schools, churches, law offices, clubs and officials in 32 towns in Bee, Refugio, Karnes, Goliad and Live Oak Counties. The main objective of Operation Concern of Beeville is to study, plan, coordinate and promote the prevention of drug abuse and to educate the public about drug abuse in the City of Beeville and surrounding area. NAS Chase Field cooperates with Operation Concern by furnishing films, slides, tapes and information on drugs and related sublets. The trained counselors and the Field's Counseling Service give their aid. The Bee‑Live Oak‑McMullen County Medical Society, Memorial Hospital, the Bee‑Picayune. the Board of Education of Beeville Independent School District. Dr. Grady Hogue, president of Bee County College, Frank Atkins, manager of the Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Dudley Braly. mayor. District Judge Joe Wade, Malcolm Slay, all the druggists, the city and county officials, Humberto Saenz, Dr. John Hester, and the majority of the business and prominent people in Bee County are vitally concerned and support this organization for the good of its youth and their families. Dr. John Hester and Edward N. Jones serve as advisers and Rev. Don Cureton is the new chairman. BEEVILLE NAVY LEAGUE The Beeville Council of the Navy League was organized in 1955 with C. R. Gordon as the first president. The purpose of the organization is to promote good will between the personnel at Chase Field and the citizens of Bee County. Social events are held periodically. Mr. Gordon served two terms as president. Succeeding him and the years they served were the following: Dr. Ernest Miller, 1957, Dewey Pieraff, 1958; Robert Noguelra, 1959; Judge Joe Wade, 1960; Fred Lafcham, 1961; M. L. Clewis, 1962, George Spikes, 1963; Edward N. Jones, 1964, Burke Ellwood, 1965‑, Dr. Dudley Braly, 1966; Richard Lucas, 1967, William B. Moser, 1 968, H. C. Brinkoeter, 1969; Dr. John Hester, 1970; Fred Lafcham, 1971‑, and Laurie D. Hunter, 1972 and 1973 (incumbent). The FISH Organization was formed by an Episcopal Church group in England with the objective of neighbor helping neighbor in emergencies. It quickly spread to other groups in many countries. FISH was organized in Beeville on February 17, 1972, with Rev. Tony Salisbury as chairman and Mrs. Richard DeBolt and Mrs. Evan Dean as assistants. Rev. Don Curefon is the present leader. FISH is a 24‑hour emergency assistance service with members volunteering for baby sitting, transportation for shut-ins, housework for the III and for other emergency needs. Teenage volunteers read regularly to the blind. Each issue of the Bee‑Picayune carries a notice similar to the following: Call FISH‑A neighbor to help you in your emergency can be reached at the FISH number, 358‑7500. VFW POST ORGANIZES The Veterans of Foreign Wars organized a county‑wide post in Beeville during late January 1973. There had been a VFW group in the county some years past, but if had disbanded for lack of leadership. The organizational meeting was held at Yougeen's Lounge. and the following officers were elected: Gene Holland, Commander Jimmy Myers, Senior Vice Commander; Paul Campbell, Junior Vice Commander, Bill Roberts, Quartermaster; Ernest Cude, Chaplain; Presley Roberson. Judge Advocate; and Jim Brady, Bill McGrew. and Sherman Wooten, Trustees. Thirty‑two members signed the charter, which was officially presented to the organization when the officers were installed. MUSIC THROUGH THE YEARS In 1878 Major W. S. Dugat and wife came to Beeville. Mrs. Dugat, who was educated in piano and voice in Philadelphia, began to teach both voice and piano. She taught her own talented children and in the 1890s and early 1900s the family organized an orchestra. The Ezell Brothers' Orchestra was popular here and over South Texas during the same years. E. L. Faupel and children, Robert, Letfle and Stella, taught music. Stella Faupel Oder was teaching piano and guitar until her death a few years ago. Sam Ezell in 1906 was rated the second best violinist in the state and years later was instrumental in adding band work in schools of South Texas. Ramon DeLeon, flutist, had a dance orchestra and taught various instruments to students from the early 1900s until his death about a decade ago. Chatauquas came to Beeville in the early 1900s. In 1907 musicals began appearing at the Grand Opera House. George Beever, violinist, organized a band under the sponsorship of the Beeville Fire Department in 1933. Schools throughout the county have good band and choral groups. Everett McAulay is head of the Fine Arts Department of Bee County College and is the college band director. Mrs. Anita Krueger is piano instructor. Fayette (Red) Camp of Corpus Christi held a weekly class in piano here in the 1960s. Mrs. Ruth Lindsey, mother of Mrs. George (Dorothy) Brown, taught piano in the 1950s and early 1960s and Mrs. Henry (Cecelia Brauer) Miller, Mrs. Allee Nuff, Mrs. Flossie Thomas Dleqel, Mrs. B. C. Brown and Mrs, Wallace Plafner were piano teachers for many years. Mrs. 0. D. Rudeloff, Mrs. Dewey Granberry, Mrs. Lucille Kinkler, Mrs. Alice Moore, Miss Nettle Brown, Mrs. Blucher Love and Mrs. Jack Powers now teach piano. And the Sisters of Divine Providence at St. Joseph's Catholic School have taught piano through the years. The San Antonio Symphony Orchestra has appeared here six times, five under the auspices of the Civic Music Association which brought many great artists of musical fame to Beeville. For the last nine years the Community Concerts Association has presented many musical programs, including concerts by Richard Tucker, Metropolitan Opera tenor; Dorothy Kirsten, Metropolitan soprano; Mitch Miller and his group. and many others. George Spikes became local president of the Community Concerts in 1964, a position he held until his death. Mrs. H. B. Hause succeeded him as president. Mrs. Teal Adkins is vice president; Camp Ezell, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Reese Wade, recording secretary, and Mrs. R. J. Findley is treasurer. In 1949 the Beeville Music Club was organized with Mrs. George Brown as president. In 1955 the club was reorganized. again with Mrs. Brown as president. The presidents following her were: Mrs. E. Y. Seale, Mrs. Warren Peterson, Mrs. P. D. Laughter, Mrs. Jack Felts, Mrs. P. E. Davis, Mrs. B. C. Brown, Mrs. Jack Megason, Mrs. E. B. Etheridge, Mrs. S. W. Cather, Mrs. John W. Henshall, Mrs. P. E. Davis, Mrs. Wallace Plafner and Mrs. John W. Henshall. MANY ARTISTS IN BEEVILLE AREA Art was taught here during the 1890s and early 1900s by Miss Nettie Abernathy, who married Duke Marsden. Mrs. Amos Welder, nee Ray Wood, has a painting done of herself at the age of two by this artist. In October 1896 the Dallas News had the following reference to the exhibits of the well‑known Beeville artist at the Dallas Fair: ''The Madonna and Child, and Morning, by Mrs. G. W. Greathouse of Beeville are productions of rare beauty and merit which must be seen to be appreciated. These paintings are now in the art department of the fair.'' Ellie (Mrs. A. C.) Wheeler taught art in her home studio from 1944 until her death in the 1960s. In 1954 Gladys (Mrs. J. K.) Blue and Helen Y. (Mrs. Camp) Ezell were instrumental in bringing Simon Michael of Rockport, Texas, to teach a Friday morning class in Beeville. Mr. Michael, a renowned artist and teacher, studied in the great art schools of this country and studied and taught art in Paris, France, for eight years. After thirteen years of instructing private classes here he joined in 1967 the Fine Arts Department of Bee County College where he continues to give art instruction. Mrs. Bobble Warwick and Waverly (Mrs. Don) Lewis also have taught art at the College. Shirley (Mrs. Alex) Kibler and Dolores (Mrs. Stephen) Horwood have classes in art there also. Ernez (Mrs, Bernard) McWhorter has held classes in crafts at the College and in her home. Mona (Mrs. Scott Jr.) McNeill has had both children and adult art classes for a number of years. Marjorie (Mrs. Bill) Whitenton teaches an art class. Helen Y. (Mrs. Camp) Ezell had a children's art class for eleven years and assisted Simon Michael In teaching children for four years. H. W. (Bus) Ellsworth teaches special classes in his studio on the Orangedale Road. Elizabeth (Mrs. Paul) Schulz teaches china painting. The Beeville Art Guild was organized in May 1964 with thirty‑seven members with Ila E. Richardson Rothlisberger as president. The presidents following her have been Nancy Frye, Lillye Dell Cox, Elizabeth Schulz, Helen Y. Ezell, Patricia Ruebush, and Rea Groves is the president for 1973‑1974. Every year during the Fall Rodeo the Guild sponsors a large area judged Art Show which is open to all artists, including Guild members and nonmembers, in the area. Cash awards and ribbons are given. Local artists who have been recognized or received awards for their work outside of the Beeville shows are as follows: Ellie Wheeler. Mona McNeill, Helen Y. Ezell, Lillye Dell Cox, Elizabeth Schulz, Freddie and Bus Ellsworth, Marjorie Whitenton, George Pinter, Georgia Bedwell, Ila E. Richardson Rofhlisberger, Annafair Buffs, Anna Lee S. Brown, Waverly Lewis, Rea Groves, Esther Barnhart, Jeanne Jones Hause, Pat Dougherty, Allen Hardy, Charyl Kennedy Dragoo, and Ernez McWhorter. Elizabeth Schulz has exhibited her wild flower series at the Witte Museum in San Antonio and in other South Texas towns. Ernez McWhorter was Artist of the Month in Corpus Christi with a one‑man show. The Fine Arts Department of Bee County College holds regular art exhibitions of local and out-of-town artists. The Episcopal Guild has had three annual art shows of out‑of‑town artists. The Rosetta Club has sponsored art exhibitions and children's art shows. The First National Bank for the last five years has sponsored an exhibition of masterpieces from the Country Store Art Gallery of Austin. Mrs. H. B. (Jeanne Jones) Hause has been the sponsor of the Artmobile of South Texas for a week showing in Beeville of great art for the last four years. The Artmobile with the fine paintings is financed by Mrs. John (Mae T. Dougherty) King of Corpus Christi and New York City. Mrs. George Spikes and the late Mr. Spikes' collection of treasured Colonial art has been exhibited several times. The Historical Story of Bee County Texas By Camp Ezell Updated Thursday, December 21, 2006 21:02 Copyright ©1999-2014 by Beeville.Net and/or the individuals/company/organization providing information on the pages. Beeville.Net began offering a Free Web Presence December 17, 1999 If you use a picture and/or article from any place on Beeville.Net, please, give provides assistance in web development and database implementation.
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Most prepubescent girls fall in love with ponies. I, on the other hand, fell for a turtle at age 7. The object of my affections wasn't even a real turtle, but an animated creature with an orange bandanna, a silly sense of humor, a bizarre obsession with anchovy pizza, and a penchant for yelling weird catchphrases when excited. Michelangelo, along with his three less-fascinating elder brothers, was beamed into our Istanbul flat right after school, where I would sit in front of the small kitchen TV, gnaw on a Crunch bar, and try to understand two things: what a "Cowabunga!" was and how the two-dimensional moving image of a green mutant could excite me so much. Pretty soon, I began asking every adult headed West to bring me TMNT stuff. I took a picture of myself in mom's wedding dress, took it to school, and told everyone I had married Michelangelo. I asked my parents to buy me pet turtles, named them after TMNT characters and prayed nightly for the Michelangelo-substitute swimming in the smelly bowl to magically mutate into the wisecracking "party dude" I saw on TV. Now, at age 28, I still have no idea what "Cowabunga" means. But after having had my heart broken by several human Michelangelos, I know why I fell for this animated turtle before I even noticed human boys. Ok, I will now admit what you could have never gotten out of me twenty-years ago: in the animated series, Michelangelo looked exactly like his brothers. And they all pretty much looked like, um, anthropomorphic turtles. Then why this specific crush? Because Michelangelo was funny and fun. While his brothers discussed serious matters around the kitchen table, Michelangelo would burst into the lair on his weathered skateboard with two hands full of pizza, a big silly grin, and appear almost luminous with youthful energy. It was this energy, the childishness, and the slight hint of emotional vulnerability that underlay it all that thrilled me. Remember the time you had that crush on the life-of-the party at college, the one who looked at you with big, almost-vulnerable eyes, and immediately left you in the hall to get the beer pong started? What about the boy who took you out on the most fun date of your life, got you drunk, and seemed so earnest and disarming that you ended up in his bed? The same one who stopped calling you two weeks later? That was a Michelangelo. This is why the first rule of the TMNT theory of dating is…. 1. Get over Michelangelo If you are like most women, you have a soft spot for funny, carefree, boyish guys with tender eyes. Michelangelos are particularly dangerous because they are not openly jaded and sarcastic like Raphaels; on the contrary, they are quick to get infatuated and quick to let you know how they feel. You will get burnt with a Michelangelo, mainly because you will lower your guard too soon. He will seem so caring and so understanding and so into you. And when he stops calling you because he is pursuing that mysterious blonde he saw at the gym the other day, you will not want to believe it. Your task should be to get over Michelangelo as soon as possible. Get it out of your system. Have your fling. Cry your heart out. Then tell yourself that you have been unlucky enough to fall for a Michelangelo and cut all contact with him. Don't take him back when he tries to come back (and he will), saying he misses you. You will only get burnt again. Getting over your Michelangelo will get easier as you get older and wiser, because, Michelangelos themselves don't age well and don't make much of themselves. Less dim ones, if my experience at Yale is any measure, tend to go to business school. Most will eventually tire of the chase, especially if they are losing their hair, and settle either with a sweet, dependable, nondescript girl, or a wise lady who will not take any of their shit. They will, however, continue to flirt furiously, with exes, colleagues, and yet more mysterious blondes they see at the gym. If you happen to marry a "reformed" Michelangelo, I wish you the best of luck. At least, your kids will have a fun, energetic father to play ball with them… and to hit on their substitute teacher. 2. "Settle" for Donatello The purple-bandanna wearing Donatello is your essential geek. He is all about science and technology and is generally not as violent as the other turtles, although he is fiercely loyal and will defend his brothers whenever necessary. Human Donatellos have many skills and hobbies, which allow them to use their brains but minimize social interaction and physical activity. They are good with computers, to say the least. They make really good boyfriends, if you can deal with their bouts of melancholy, insomnia, and indecisiveness. Therefore, the second rule of TMNT theory of love is to "settle" for your Donatello after you have slowly fallen in love with him without even noticing how it happened. Settle is in quotation marks here, because you will not actually be settling, although, if you are particularly attractive, your girl friends will think that you have. Your mother, however, will know better. Donatellos are smart, funny, and gentle, and, unlike Michelangelos they will always be successful and become hotter with age. Your human Donatello may have dated some pretty kooky looking women in the past (70s hair-grooming patterns, frumpy clothes, mousy hair -- you get the picture). But make no mistake, he will fall hard for a sophisticated, elegant, feminine woman and will remain appreciative and faithful. 3. Learn to discriminate between Leonardo and Raphael Raphael is hot. Raphael is powerful. But Splinter, the sensei, did not make Raphael the leader for a reason, and you should definitely not make him your husband. What you want is a Leonardo, a courageous yet caring leader, but it will take some practice before you can tell whether you have a Raphael or a Leonardo on your hands. The red-bandanna wearing Raphael is the bad boy, always ready for a fight and waiting for an occasion to puncture holes in his enemies with his sai. You will be drawn to his smoldering looks and his dark sarcasm. Masculinity (embodied by Raphael), however, is not the same as manliness (embodied by Leonardo): Lower-ranking primates have higher levels of testosterone in their blood, and Raphael is just a lower-ranking turtle, who has not yet quite come to grips with this fact. As a human, Raphael can and will get sullen, hurtful, and mean with you. Human Raphaels are always fighting wars in their heads, against the system, against their fathers, against childhood phantoms, and no woman can help them. They are too self-obsessed and too insecure to even be good dates, let alone soulmates. Once you have identified a Raphael, run away fast, to the rocking tune of the TMNT soundtrack. The blue bandanna-wearing, sword-wielding Leonardo on the other hand, is a very special turtle. The eldest, most-disciplined, strongest of the brothers, Leonardo would make a great father/provider, if that happens to be what you are looking for. Unlike Michelangelo, he will be dependable; unlike Donatello, he will be decisive; unlike Raphael, he is not quick to ignite. Yet, unlike his deeply flawed brothers, the human Leonardo will be a little boring. And such a mature, powerful yet gentle man is very rare; in fact, the last time I checked, he was already married and ruling the United States. The rest of us will just have to continue kissing a lot of frogs before finding the turtle of our dreams. Cowabunga to that!
{ "date": "2016-07-29T17:57:33Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257831770.41/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071031-00211-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9741992950439453, "token_count": 1686, "url": "http://www.yourtango.com/200948041/ninja-turtles-theory-love" }
Caribbean Princess Cruise Review by AnglerGirl: Good First Cruise on Princess Overall Member Rating Good First Cruise on Princess Embarkation: Fort Lauderdale (Port Everglades) Info: This was my fifth cruise, first time on Princess. I took advantage of the short 4-night sailing as a way to try the line, and brought my mom on this cruise as a Mother's Day gift. Travel to and from was simple as we are local. We parked in the covered garage at Port Everglades for $15 per day. It seemed to take forever to find an empty space because many sections of the garage were closed off due to repairs. Also traveling with us were 6 family members, in two additional cabins, who drove from the Orlando area the morning of embarkation who had never cruised before. Embarkation: A breeze. We arrived to non existent lines for card keys. The lines are formed by deck which makes things very simple with plenty of people to direct you where to go. Other lines could learn from Princess, they have embarkation down to a science. One very brave woman cut in front of us to the embarrassment of her husband. When I was called to the line next to her, I read her a very graceful More riot act for cutting the line, and advised her not to do it again while on board our ship. She stood stunned, not saying a word. Her husband said "I told you this was going to happen". Caribbean Princess is a large ship. Don't think I nailed my way around in the 4 nights we were aboard but I think she is a wonderful ship for longer hauls. Lots of nooks and crannies both outside and inside! The 4 pools are great and I enjoyed each of them depending on whether I wanted music, a movie, some solace, or aft shade. The pool activities were fun, the band was OK, but after Grand Turk, the main pool was very hot! I jumped out and into the shower to cool off. I think the heat may have been on, or the hot tub water was flowing through the pool! No biggie, but that water did not feel good on my sunburned hiney! Had a burger at Trident, it was so-so. Mom wanted a veggie burger but they said it would take 10 minutes so she had a chicken sandwich which was also so-so. The pizza, however, was to die for. I really liked it and so did others, including some more line cutters, and one 20-something who decided to shove my one of my in-laws whilst ordering her slice. I'm glad I wasn't there to witness. I should be the only person allowed to shove my in-laws, not some stranger. Certainly was a lack of over 18 aged folks with any finesse aboard. They were the minority, but seemingly everywhere. Like the couple who showed up for white gloved High Tea in dripping wet shorts and cut off tee shirts, with 18 finger sandwiches on their plates as if they were in a buffet, or the group of drinking age young people downing beers and shots, smoking, and cussing loudly at the Lotus Spa pool, and the lady who had cell service the whole cruise, chatting away during the movie, while the band played, at the aft pool, walking around wherever there was any activity...wherever there was an activity, she was a-chattin'. Don't know how anyone she was talking to could hear anything she said and from the conversations I overheard, she wasn't talking about anything but the weather to her friends at home. The milk and cookies guy and I were trying to have a conversation but the chatter appeared, so he carted off and I ran away from her (again). Oh, and the 2 couples during Island Night who literally stole 4 chairs from right under the butts of the people who were sitting on them. A fight almost broke out but those couples must have wanted those chairs because they planted themselves right at the table with the ones who could have easily given them a beating. It's not the cruise lines fault these types of people get aboard, but it does give a good insight into the fact that far too many people have not been using any form of birth control or the mere fact many of the cruisers aboard were raised by wolverines. I found pleasantness in the Kids Club where the well behaved peeps were hanging out. Although my niece and nephew wanted no part of this place, a couple of us adults had a grand time painting tee shirts with markers. Given there was a small pool and a bar right outside the club was an extra bonus. Beer gives one extra artistic talents! There were many drinking age young adults aboard - they all seemed to know one another. Other than lots of kids with large tattoos, iffy attire, and a quasi gang mentality, they were quite jovial and lent some fun especially at the pool games. We didn't mind them a bit and only wondered "why all that ink". I guess we've moved from one small tattoo to gadzillions. Ah, these kids today. I have come to realize that I like good food when I cruise. I enjoyed every meal, nothing was sent back. Dinners didn't blow me away but they were all good. I ate all my dinners at the late seating traditional and enjoyed the speed of dinner. Not a lot of waiting in comparison to X where my dinners tend to be an all night event often until 11 PM. We had breakfast in the cabin two mornings and the breakfast buffet two mornings. Breakfast was much better than on NCL but not as good as X. X has 'those waffles' which get addicting, but a nice assortment of fruits, meats, cheeses and granolas were had. Hot foods, including the bacon, were very good. It does get confusing in the buffet with people walking all over the place, but the smart people formed little lines and moved through the stations with ease. My lunches consisted of small turkey sandwiches and Caesar salads and fruit. Kudos to Princess on their breads - not a stale roll could be found morning, noon or night! I feel as if we didn't partake in many activities but casino action was pretty good at the machines, I won a couple hundred on a dollar slot, and the blackjack for me was fruitless although my husband did quite well. Really enjoyed MUTS, the piano player in the atrium, and my mom really enjoyed the comedy show. I heard the hypnotist was a lot of fun too. I was a little disappointed in the shopping aboard - the shops didn't seem to offer much for what I consider a large ship. I wasn't on a duty free shopping trip though so the lack of knick knacks and cosmetics were not a big deal. I did not go into the spa but have friends who love this ship and rave about the facilities. On a longer sailing I would have done much more but thoroughly enjoyed my loafing. Grand Turk: Took a cab into town - thought $15 was expensive but hey it's an island and they need tourist dollars too so we paid. Not much to see but walked along the shore, went into some old buildings including the library, a church where services were being held, got invited to stay and then to the prison. Our goal was to snorkel so we carried our gear to a beach in front of small inn. Unfortunately we didn't see much of anything but a few fish and grasses. If I go back to the island I'll definitely take an excursion to get to one of the reefs offshore. We met family at Margaritaville, and they really enjoyed it - the kids played in the pool and the adults were just hanging out. There was some sort of amateur hour booty contest near the swim up bar, and after taking a peek, and confirming there weren't any men shakin' their thing, we headed back to the ship and partied at the main pool. Princess Cays: Having sailed through these islands as a young girl with my family, I was pleasantly surprised at how the commercialization of this spit of land is transformed by cruise line. Very nicely done, and fabulous snorkeling for beginners, and those born with mask and snorkel like us in gin clear water. My husband said he met someone who had a cabana who was very pleased with the location and the service. Snorkeling in front of those cabanas is better than on the other side near the clamshells. The buffet was great and I made sure I'd gotten all my cocktails before the bar closed at 1:30. Stood in a long line to take the tender back but the wait was very minimal. Again, great job Princess! The night we left PC and headed home was a doozie. We were rocking in 8-12 ft swells. I popped a Dramamine and hobbled up to a pretty empty Skywalkers at 11:30 PM with my hubby. I really liked that space above the ship. Would have hung out there longer, but after a couple drinks and the Dramamine, body told me to get to bed. Our cabin was C605. This was my first non suite cabin and it was perfect for a short sail such as this one. I'm not convinced I'd take a BA again, because I do prefer to have a sitting area. The balcony made up for interior space. I loved it out there and found the size perfect. I did successfully shave my legs in the shower which I knew was going to be small. And it is small! I thought the closet space was excellent, and the beds were indeed firm but we never considered asking for the egg-crates. We brought our own sheets which was a nice touch of home and without asking our steward made up our beds with them. He kept us flush with ice, towels and fruit, even cleaning out my 4 cup coffee maker I toted along. Oh, I tasted the coffee on board and it wasn't really all that terrible. Our steward got a large tip on day 1 and day 4 and he deserved every dollar. He made us some towel animals too, which for 2 grown women were fun to get. My niece and nephew ages 3 and 5 got no towel animals in their cabins up on Aloha, so I brought ours up to them to enjoy. To nit pick for the sake of a review, I'll note that unlike our previous cabins (suites) I didn't have cotton balls or q-tips in the bathroom. Maybe they have those items in the suites? No biggie, I always pack my own. Overall, this was a great cruise. I don't think I got enough good or bad to rate Princess but would definitely sail the line again without hesitation. I'm still an X fan but I think Princess did a fabulous job on this cruise. Everyone was very friendly and helpful. I would recommend Caribbean Princess. I also wanted to thank my new friends from Cruise Critic. I met some lovely folks and the sail away was a blast! Less Read more Caribbean Princess cruise reviews >> Read Cruise Critic's Caribbean Princess Review >> Perfect getaway weekend with f... Good for Shorter Economical Cr... Bed Bugs & Bad Service Alongsi... Carnival is Not the Same A Whole Lot of Good A Wonderful Cruise Around the ... Wonderful Itinerary . . . Suit... A Very Good ROUND of the Briti...
{ "date": "2016-07-30T05:26:32Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257832939.78/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071032-00249-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9888807535171509, "token_count": 2378, "url": "http://www.cruisecritic.com/memberreviews/memberreview.cfm?EntryID=41929" }
The Change will explore powerful thought-provoking insights from twenty inspiring co-authors that will take you on a journey of self-discovery and personal change that will touch every area of your life. Ebook available at Amazon. Tired of kissing frogs? You Can Love Again gives you the tools to get out there and find your soulmate. A simple, straightforward guide to finding real love. Ebook and paperback available from Amazon. Amazon 5 star review You Can Love Again Understanding what someone is like early on is critical to any relationship By Ken Holmes on July 8, 2014 This book is full of simple and clear strategies for helping a woman get things back together and start her next relationship with her eyes wide open. Understanding what someone is like early on is critical to any relationship. Aligning goals and lifestyle is also very important.That and many other facts are set out in Jan's small book. I recommend this book to any women (or man) seeking help in this area. Amazon 5 star review The Change 2 ByChristine Marlowon March 20, 2015 Format: Kindle Edition I did not know what to expect with a book with so many authors but I am very impressed with the quality! I have many passages highlighted and will go back and read the book again. The book lives up to its title. If you take even a smidgen of the advice found here, you will enjoy profound changes in your life.
{ "date": "2017-08-19T13:19:56Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105451.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20170819124333-20170819144333-00377.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9411648511886597, "token_count": 298, "url": "http://www.divinedelights.co.nz/books.html" }
Warning for quoted misogyny, Islamophobia and descriptions of violence against women and harassment, not to mention Oppression Olympics. On June 20, Rebecca Watson of Skepchick posted a video discussing a panel she spoke on at the World Atheist Convention in early June. Here’s an excerpt of the relevant segment: And I was on a panel with AronRa and Richard Dawkins [which] was on ‘communicating atheism.’ They sort of left it open for us to talk about whatever we wanted, really, within that realm. I was going to talk about blogging and podcasting, but, um, a few hours prior to that panel, there was another panel on women atheist activists… I don’t assume that every woman will have the same experience that I’ve had, but I think it’s worthwhile to publicize the fact that some women will go through this, and, um, that way we can warn women, ahead of time, as to what they might expect, give them the tools they need to fight back, and also give them the support structure they need to, uh, to keep going in the face of blatant misogyny… So, thank you to everyone who was at that conference who, uh, engaged in those discussions outside of that panel, um, you were all fantastic; I loved talking to you guys—um, all of you except for the one man who, um, didn’t really grasp, I think, what I was saying on the panel…? Because, um, at the bar later that night—actually, at four in the morning—um, we were at the hotel bar, 4am, I said, you know, “I’ve had enough, guys, I’m exhausted, going to bed,” uh, so I walked to the elevator, and a man got on the elevator with me, and said, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I find you very interesting, and I would like to talk more; would you like to come to my hotel room for coffee?”… I’ll just sort of lay it out that I was a single woman, you know, in a foreign country, at 4am, in a hotel elevator with you, just you, and—don’t invite me back to your hotel room, right after I’ve finished talking about how it creeps me out and makes me uncomfortable when men sexualize me in that manner. This excerpt is from Melissa McEwan’s full transcript of the relevant section of the audio, which is available at Shakesville. There’s more interesting stuff in the full transcript, including an example of the kind of dynamic where an individual woman who hasn’t experienced sexism denies it exists at all. But Watson’s criticism of the man who sexually approached her in the elevator has let to the Internet exploding, predictably enough. Especially when Richard Dawkins commented, most unsympathetically. Here’s the setup: - PZ Myers, Always name names! [beware comments]: It’s not enough. Maybe we should also recognize that applying unwanted pressure, no matter how politely phrased, is inappropriate behavior. - Richard Dawkins, comment on “Always name names!”: Dear Muslima… Think of the suffering your poor American sisters have to put up with… Only this week I heard of one, she calls herself Skep”chick”, and do you know what happened to her? A man in a hotel elevator invited her back to his room for coffee… And you, Muslima, think you have misogyny to complain about! For goodness sake grow up, or at least grow a thicker skin. - Richard Dawkins, comment on “Always name names!”: Rebecca’s feeling that the man’s proposition was ‘creepy’ was her own interpretation of his behaviour, presumably not his. She was probably offended to about the same extent as I am offended if a man gets into an elevator with me chewing gum. But he does me no physical damage and I simply grin and bear it until either I or he gets out of the elevator. It would be different if he physically attacked me. - PZ Myers, Twitter: For those curious, confirmed: those comments were from Richard. Commentary (warning: some of these links contain extensive discussion of rape, including news coverage): - Jen McCreight, Richard Dawkins, your privilege is showing: …it makes me want to cry a little when you live up to the stereotype of a well-off, 70 year old, white, British, ivory tower academic. - Amanda Marcotte, Because of The Implication: I [got] an eyeful this weekend of how serious the problem of sexism in the atheist/skeptical movement really is, and how much hard work needs to be done to get a male-dominated movement to take the problem of sexual harassment and female alienation seriously. - Greg Laden, Ladies, Richard Dawkins knows how to protect you from being raped in an elevator: Most of the voices telling Rebecca Watson to quiet down and get a grip on herself are coming from, I think, men who just don’t want there to be a rule that says that they must modulate their behavior in connection to the idea that a very large number of women are sexually assaulted in their lifetime, and that the vast majority of sexual assault comes from men… - Phil Plait, Richard Dawkins and male privilege: Oh my. I have tried and tried to see some other way to interpret this, but it looks to me that he really is comparing a potential sexual assault to someone chewing gum. - Melissa McEwan, The Point, You Are Proving It: I always love when a man decides what the Important Things feminists should be worried about are for us feminist women. I also love the idea that American womenare mutually exclusive groups, and the idea that there no American women, Muslim or otherwise, whose lives are controlled and whose bodies are violated with impunity. - Rebecca Watson, The Privilege Delusion: When I started this site, I didn’t call myself a feminist… And then I would make a comment about how there could really be more women in the community, and the responses from my fellow skeptics and atheists ranged from “No, they’re not logical like us,” to “Yes, so we can fuck them!” That seemed weird… And I got messages from women who told me about how they had trouble attending pub gatherings and other events because they felt uncomfortable in a room full of men… And then, for the past few years as the audience for Skepchick and SGU grew, I’ve had more and more messages from men who tell me what they’d like to do to me, sexually. More and more men touching me without permission at conferences. More and more threats of rape from those who don’t agree with me, even from those who consider themselves skeptics and atheists. More and more people telling me to shut up and go back to talking about Bigfoot and other topics that really matter. - David Futrelle, Two atheists get in an elevator: That’s it. That’s the whole thing. You would think that most guys would be well aware that accosting a woman you’ve never met before in an elevator at 4 AM is, you know, kind of a no-no. But, no, Watson’s comments suddenly became [to her critics] an attack on male sexuality and men in general. - tigtog, Bye bye Dawkins: a voice from the past: … nothing I can do can stop Dawkins being stinking rich and lionised elsewhere, but I will longer read, listen to or watch his work and will not recommend that others do either.(Most links here are via tigtog’s post too, thanks tigtog.) Discussion is still continuing, for example David Futrelle documents on how some commenters are now regarding Watson’s actions as shaming and damaging a “nice guy” and thus singlehandedly discouraging nice men everywhere from their most innocent and gentle of propositions. What do you think? Got other links? (Please warn for graphic accounts of harassment and rape.) This is Watson’s original video post, it should begin playing at 2:20 when she begins talking about the World Atheist Convention. Again, there’s a full transcript of the relevant section of the audio available at Shakesville. Note: don’t take us posting about this as a sign that Geek Feminism is a specifically atheist or anti-religious site. We vary. But feminist discussions in geekdom-overlapping communities are always of interest and atheism and skepticism are very geekdom-overlapping.
{ "date": "2017-08-19T14:54:55Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105455.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20170819143637-20170819163637-00657.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9563519358634949, "token_count": 1867, "url": "https://geekfeminism.org/2011/07/12/sexual-harassment-discussion-in-the-atheist-and-skeptical-communities/comment-page-1/" }
FOR a long time, there have been two enduring questions about the job of the Scotland Office. First of all, what’s it for? According to the official mission statement they spend their days: “promoting the best interests of Scotland within a stronger United Kingdom.” But, with the arrival of the Scottish Parliament, it’s not exactly a full-time job. In the days when Labour was in charge Scottish Secretaries famously filled their days with guitar lessons and learning a foreign language. MOST READ IN NEWS LADS' HOL TRAGEDYPoignant last photo shows tragic Kenny MacNicol smiling with pals in Ibiza hours before his death MYSTERY PAIR SNAPPEDCops probe Snapchat pic matching pair who mowed down 10-year-old boy in hit-and-run in Edinburgh ‘We’ve lost a brother’First pics of tragic Scot Kenny MacNicol who was killed as he crossed road in Ibiza during holiday with mates BLAZE DRAMANine engines and around 60 firefighters rush to Fife to battle huge fire at Kincardine nursing home WARNING LINEWarning over black line on nails after 'beautician spotted it on client now diagnosed with cancer' CAN YOU TELL WHO HE IS YET?Outrage as prankster wins fancy dress contest dressed as convicted paedo Rolf Harris — while holding poster saying 'I touch kids' and 'I love Jimmy Savile' TRAIN SMASH CARNAGEPhiladelphia train crash injures at least 33 passengers after two trains collide at 69th Street Terminal station HEN HORRORBalcony plunge victim Kirsty Maxwell's husband launches search for mystery woman staying at Benidorm apartments where wife fell to her death 'YOU JUST WATCHED MY SON BEING MURDERED'Dad releases CCTV of the moment his son, 22, was stabbed to death 'Shocking' racismCarluke bigot refused to be treated by a British optician because she wasn't white BENCH MESSOutrageous moment randy couple are caught having sex on a bench in the centre of a lively Croatian tourist resort When Des Browne did the job, it was on a part-time basis and he managed to fit in running the MoD at the same time. But, for some reason, the department needs a Cabinet Minister, a Minister in the Lords and an army of spin doctors costing £686,000 — half a million more than in 2010. What for? The other big question has always been: Who is he working for? Is the Secretary of State Scotland’s man in Westminster or Westminster’s man in Scotland? And all of these issues are alive again as Scotland Secretary David Mundell comes under renewed fire for failing to secure VAT changes for Police Scotland. The national force is the only one across the UK forced to pay VAT. Scottish taxpayers work hard to supply the money to run the force so police accountants can keep busy handing over VAT to the UK Government. We pay out good money to collect taxpayers’ money and hand it back to the taxpayer. It’s pointless and wasteful. Yes, the Scottish Government was warned setting up the force in the way they chose would lead to VAT liability — and they didn’t listen. It’s their fault. But is allowing this situation to continue really a demonstration of “promoting the best interests of Scotland within a stronger United Kingdom”? When George Osborne planned to slash Scottish budgets by £7billion in exchange for tax powers, it was John Swinney and not David Mundell who faced him down. Before the DUP was paid off with a £1billion bribe to buy the votes that kept the Tories in power — with nothing for Scotland — Mr Mundell made his disapproval well known. Afterwards, well, not so much. He’s the Secretary of State for Scotland after all so let’s see some action FOR Scotland. Out the louts JUST when you think the cess pit of football hooliganism can’t get any worse, it does. It’s impossible to understand what could infect the minds of the louts who decided to mock terror victim Drummer Lee Rigby with their vile chants but the pain they have inflicted on his family is all too plain. His heartbroken mum Lyn is calling on bosses at Celtic to track down those behind the chants. Celtic fans should name them and shame them. If they choose to stay silent, they are part of the problem.
{ "date": "2017-08-22T07:26:49Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886110485.9/warc/CC-MAIN-20170822065702-20170822085702-00177.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.944399893283844, "token_count": 959, "url": "https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/1362339/government-police-scotland-vat-david-mundell/" }
Helen Highly Recommends Sophie Goodhart’s My Blind Brother as One of the Best of Tribeca 2016 Droll My Blind Brother Premiered at SXSW and Cracks Up Tribeca 2016 “I’m a superficial narcissist” “I’m lazy and judgmental.” This is how the two romantic leads in My Blind Brother introduce themselves to each other, and I fell in love with them both immediately. Then, when they both reveal that they perversely wish they could be invalids so they’d have an excuse to lay in bed all day and watch TV, I fell in love with screenwriter Sophie Goodhart. Add in a blind guy, jaded and bored with his own infirmity, who is smoking weed unabashedly in public, even with the police nearby, who says, “I could shoot up in front of cops and they wouldn’t do anything,” and I love this movie in full. It manages to be morbidly dark, joyfully funny and unsentimentally touching all at the same time. The storyline itself is genuinely fresh; unlike so many other films at this festival, I can’t think of another previous movie to compare it to. Robbie (Adam Scott) is a champion blind athlete and local philanthropic hero doted on by the community (and his parents) and seemingly incapable of wrongdoing. His apparently well-earned egotism is fed by his frequent, televised crusades to rise above his “disability” while also raising money for charity, where after each successful feat, he is surrounded by gushing reporters who never seem to notice that he tells the same, lame joke every time: “You look beautiful today,” Robbie the blind guy tells every female member of the press. Robbie’s hapless, unassuming brother Bill (Nick Kroll) knows the real Robbie to be arrogant, selfish and rude, but he still guide-dog-faithfully runs every marathon by Robbie’s side and never makes a peep when he doesn’t receive any accolades, or when even his own parents continually criticize him. One night, Bill escapes the relentless Robbie-worship by hitting up the local bar, where despite his best efforts to present himself as unworthy and unappealing, he gets lucky with an attractive and like-hearted woman named Rose (Jenny Slate). Bill is guilt-ridden because Robbie’s blindness was the result of a childhood accident in which he was involved. Rose is guilt-ridden because immediately after she told her fiancé she wanted to break up with him, he distractedly crossed the street and was hit and killed by a bus. After one pitiful, anti-romantic (yet soul-soaring) night together, Rose flees without leaving her phone number. Nonetheless, Bill thinks his karma might finally be coming around and that he’s found his sad-sack love-match. But his fantasy is soon squashed when his brother introduces him to his own new paramour – the very same Rose, who (without knowing he is Bill’s brother) has started dating blind Robbie in an attempt to make herself a better person. Now Bill must decide if he will put himself second again or finally stand up to his blind brother. Kudos to writer/director Sophie Goodhart for opting against a “when bad things happen to good people” script and instead going with “when good things happen to bad people.” Goodhart’s two, guilty, self-loathing characters are amazingly charming and lovable. Robbie makes a wonderfully heroic antagonist, whose capability and determination we slowly come to dislike more and more as the story unfolds. (The fact that actor Adam Scott looks quite a bit like a smugly smiling Tom Cruise doesn’t hurt.) And Goodhart’s ingenious twist on the conventional love-triangle takes the sentimental weight out of the usual wet blanket that hangs over traditional romantic comedies. This movie is bright and buoyant and makes us laugh at ourselves more than at mere jokes. Goodhart’s head-on attacks of our socially-correct attitudes toward both the physically handicapped and noble self-sacrifice are deftly executed dark humor that captures what’s funny about resentment, bitterness, and condescension. Her sharp jabs at “those less fortunate” never feel like bullying and never fall into rude buffoonery. Even as the movie escalates into full-blown wackiness, it still maintains its shrewd edge. Another strength to this film are the secondary characters. Rose’s prissy, eye-rolling, sarcastically unsympathetic roommate (Zoe Kazan) ends up with the stoner blind guy. Ha! It’s just another delightful quirk in this defiant film where apathy and under-achievement are treated as virtues and perfection is the problem to be overcome. Finally: a romantic comedy with mutually flawed lovers, where no sacrifice or self-improvement is necessary for them to win happiness and each other. Just to be fair, I will say that there are a few small spots where the script veers into impossible interactions – stupid things that could or would never actually be said. These mini-moments wouldn’t stand out so much if all the other moments in the script were not so true and all the other lines were not so witty. I am not usually a great lover of comedies, and the fact that I am calling this film One of the Best of Tribeca 2016 means it is truly something special. Unfortunately, my opinion doesn’t count for much, and this film may not get a broad theatrical release, so keep an eye out at your local art theater and on television. News Update: Starz is nearing a deal to pick up Sophie Goodhart’s SXSW premiere My Blind Brother, Variety reports. The outlet shares that the acquisition “will likely be the biggest sale out of this year’s South by Southwest” and is estimated to be in the low seven-figure range. The comedy was reportedly the subject of a bidding war among distributors like Netflix, The Orchard, Sony and Gravitas Ventures.
{ "date": "2017-08-17T05:45:23Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886102967.65/warc/CC-MAIN-20170817053725-20170817073725-00257.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9603777527809143, "token_count": 1298, "url": "http://helenhighly.com/my-blind-brother-review-a-shrewd-romantic-comedy/" }
I completed a couple of 5K fun runs lately. First, the Dulles Day 5K with Ben where we ran on a runway at Dulles Airport a couple weeks back. It was a great run on a flat and seamless surface (that's what happens when you get to run on an airport runway!), perfect fall crisp air for running, and a little morning date with just him and I. I don't really keep track of my times often, but I believe I achieved a personal best at this race thanks in part to the awesome conditions. I also ran The Color Run with my friend Kristin last weekend. Run would be a liberal term, because we walk/jogged most of it. It's not a race you can really run for competition, but a lot of fun, and had beautiful scenery at the National Harbor near DC. I had never been to that area, and now want to go back with the family. It was great to a girls morning with Kristin that was also some exercise. On Beautiful National Harbor Mail Organizers Full of Apps! - The Pioneer Woman Sour Cream Noodle Bake (Made with Ground Turkey) - Gimme Some Oven Lime Chicken - The Girl Who Ate Everything Lasagna Rolls - Eat Live Run Turkey Taco Casserole - Iowa Girl Eats Chicken Caesar Burgers - Heat Oven to 350 Enchilada Rice - Iowa Girl Eats Spicy Sausage Skillet I did try one new recipe recently, for Quinoa Cakes with a Black Bean Salsa, yum! Quinoa Cakes and Black Bean Salsa I'm prepping for a large fall shopping trip in the next few weeks. I haven't refreshed my closet, besides a few items from Target, in what feels like forever. So, I'm taking an afternoon to just go shopping alone, and pick up some fall and winter staples. It may be dorky to say--but I am SO excited!! I've been bookmarking items online to checkout when I'm at the stores--and I just cannot wait to do some focused power shopping. I'm most psyched to go to a store, and have someone help me find the perfect pair of jeans. I have a few pair that fit me well, but not great, post-baby, and I want a pair I can feel confident wearing with anything. Shouldn't everyone have one pair of jeans like that?? The challenge will be finding a pair that fit in my budget, as well as feel and look great. Any recommendations on clothing items, shoes or accessories you've purchased lately that you just love? I'd love any tips! And I'll fill you all in on my purchases after they're made, expect a lot of awkward selfies. =)
{ "date": "2017-08-20T00:18:25Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105955.66/warc/CC-MAIN-20170819235943-20170820015943-00057.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9662367701530457, "token_count": 574, "url": "http://alexastales.blogspot.com/2013/09/lately.html" }
Most women fear that as they age and the hormone levels drop, so too will their enjoyment of, and oftentimes desire for sex. Fortunately, while diminishing hormones and sex may happen in the same breath, the latest research indicates that sexual desire has less to do with these changes than it does with lifestyle and other women’s sexual health factors, at least some of which are under a woman’s direct control. According to reports from a group of distinguished European sex experts in the first ever supplement to The Menopause, the journal of the North American Menopause Society, the findings have helped healthcare professionals discard the notion that sexual difficulties occurring close to menopause are either biologic or physiologic. The new research was part of a series of studies conducted on female sexual dysfunction by the department of clinical psychiatry and psychotherapy at Hanover Medical School in Hanover, Germany. As part of the overall project, 102 women aged 20 to 45 plus answered 165 questions designed to flush out determinants of female sexual satisfaction. Specifically, researchers hoped to determine satisfaction with sex life in general, sexual satisfaction and orgasm during intercourse, petting, masturbation, attitudes towards sexuality, quality of partnership, and women’s sexual health myths. Based on the study, there appeared to be no differences with respect to frequency of sexual intercourse or the desire for sexual activity not involving intercourse among the differing age groups. Age did not make a difference in regard to frequency of orgasm or in sexual satisfaction ratings with their partners. For example, 29% of women up to age 45 reported having orgasms very often, compared with 26% of women over age 45. Even more dramatic was that while 41% of women over age 45 reported having orgasms “often,” only 29% of younger women reported having orgasm “often.” Among the few differences in the groups: Women over 45 reported having fewer orgasms during non-intercourse sexual activity or during masturbation. Both groups of women reported a dual dimension necessary for successful lovemaking that included having both feelings of emotional closeness to their partner and satisfactory physical experiences. After comparing all the answers from both older and younger women, as well as from women who reported sexual problems and those who did not, researchers concluded that the single most influential factor with regard to women’s sexual health satisfaction via intercourse was the quality of the partnership, in particular the quality of mutual respect, which then becomes of greater importance as a woman ages. After comparing these study results to earlier and ongoing findings, the researchers concluded that the basis of any sexual problems that did occur at midlife could not be drawn from menopause status or age alone. Instead, life stressors, contextual factors, past sexuality, and mental health problems are more significant predictors of midlife on women’s sexual health interest than menopause status itself. This study was just one of several research papers presented in the journal on the subject of women’s sexual health dysfunction. Each one striving to shed much needed light on a subject that some believe has been hidden in the shadows too long.
{ "date": "2018-08-18T20:52:03Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221213737.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20180818193409-20180818213409-00177.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9658380150794983, "token_count": 636, "url": "https://flirtpals.net/womens-sexual-health-age-doesnt-matter/" }
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{ "date": "2018-08-17T03:08:10Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221211664.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20180817025907-20180817045907-00297.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9249699711799622, "token_count": 1489, "url": "http://jayamsolutions.tk/gay-dating-site-thailand.html" }
Recently, Ray of Idolminded and now Pure Idol Heart posted THIS on Pure Idol Heart. As a fan of Pure Idol Heart in general (having named it my blog of the year at Idolminded) and as a fan of Ray’s writing (at Intl Wota and now Idolminded) I was really interested to hear what he had to say. A big part of this is because indie idols are near and dear to my heart. While I got into idols (like many people) with Hello!Project, and I have favorite idols in the current Hello!Project (Ishida Ayumi, Tamura Meimi) and in the 48 groups (Watanabe Miyuki, Oota Aika, Natori Wakana) as well as in Momoiro Clover Z (Sasaki Ayaka), if I had to name my favorite idol groups, or the groups I support the most it would be: Team Syachihoko (Major) rev.from DVL (indie) and MMJ (indie) Notice that next to each group I put their status and they’re fairly evenly split. Rhymeberry, rev.from DVL and MMJ are all technically indie and Babymetal, dempagumi.inc and Team Syachihoko are technically on major labels. However, for me it’s almost hard to differentiate. To me, all of these groups have an independent feel to them, regardless of their actual status as being major or independent. Both Babymetal and Rhymeberry are really interesting in regards to genre-bending. Team Syachihoko still performs primarily locally in Nagoya, and are really local idols like MMJ (Hiroshima) and rev.from DVL (Fukuoka). My most recent favorite, dempagumi.inc, is technically a local group (for Akihabara), and, in my opinion, have done their most interesting stuff recently, after a roster change and spending some time on a major label (including their genre-bending cover of the Beastie Boys classic ‘Sabotage’) All these groups have a lot of enthusiasm, a lot of energy, and a lot of excitement, moreso than some of the major acts I’ve encountered. In my head I refer to all of them as indie idols, even though that’s not exactly the case. As Ray mentioned, things aren’t necessarily very cut and dry. To me, this reminds me a lot about independent films, specifically the current Independent Spirit Awards. As you might imagine, the Independent Spirit Awards is an award that is given out to independent filmmakers. This is something I really appreciate, given the power that the major film studios have. However, last year Silver Linings Playbook got four awards including best film, best leading actress, best director and best screenplay. Now, let me just say that I absolutely adored Silver Linings Playbook; it ended up as one of my favorite films of the year (though Moonrise Kingdom ended up being what I considered to be the best of 2012). However, I would be hard pressed to call it an independent film. It had a budget of over 20 million dollars (which to many films is a very small budget) and was partially produced by and distributed by the Weinstein Company, a major force in awards season films, especially. They distributed The King’s Speech and The Artist, both which won the Academy Award for Best Picture. Again, I liked both of these films as well, but it’s hard to define these as independent films. Likewise, there are many films that come out from major studios that are almost designed to have an indie feel and appeal to the audience that likes that sort of thing. Indie, rather than a category for finances, has become almost an aesthetic and stylistic choice more than anything. I also found what Ray said about pushing boundaries quite interesting. Because out of the six groups I named, the “safest” or most traditional (I’d argue) are MMJ and rev.from DVL, the two indie acts, whereas the major label acts are pretty eccentric. Innovation is happening both in the indies and in the now majors, so it’s exciting stuff. I don’t know if I have much more to add other than agreement; it’s a tough and somewhat nebulous distinction to make, even if it initially seems cut and dry. Especia’s a group I’ve heard of only by name, but I never knew anything about them. They come from Osaka and were formed June 2012, and have six members. Since the name means ‘spice’ in Spanish, their goal is variety in fashion and in members. While I don’t immediately see it (the group itself seems pretty fashionable in a similar way), it’s a nice idea. What interests me is that their aim is to have 80s/disco themed songs/music. I’ve enjoyed this idol/disco fusion whenever I’ve heard it before (this blog isn’t called Happy Disco for nothing!), so when I saw this I was intrigued. Right when I started to listen to the title track off their latest EP, Amarga (they have two EPs so far, the second one considerably longer), I immediately heard the 80s influence; synth and saxophone. They immediately go for that 80s feel which is pretty interesting; while that’s not necessarily the part of disco-influenced music I enjoy (this feels a lot more 80s than 70s, that’s for sure), Especia’s music is unique. I can’t think of an idol group that’s ever sounded like them, even when thinking back to older idol artists. So while I’m not quite sure how I like Especia’s music (it’s not doing all that much for me, I’m afraid), I really admire that this group is so unique among all the other idol groups at TIF. In fact, if I was going to TIF I would probably go see Especia at some point, because I bet it would be a refreshing experience. The members also seem pretty talented, which is good because the music is so different that it would be a bit strange to hear lesser vocalists do it. So I definitely recommend you check out Especia; I can’t guarantee you’ll like the music, but this group is really different in a great way. Electric Ribbon’s a pretty unique group as well! There are three members but only two are up front performing; the other member, asCa, is the leader and is in charge of the music/producing. So, from what I can tell, they’re mostly self-run (or run by asCa) which is a pretty interesting and fairly rare group set up. Usually idols tend to be very corporate and run by big companies, but at TIF there are a few groups that are run differently, and that’s always refreshing. The girls also seem older than your average idol, so that’s another way they stand out from the crowd. They have a very electronic/techno sound, presumably based on asCa’s interests/abilities. So far there are two singles out; Docchi mo Docchi and Repurikapuriko, and both have been performed as early as 2011, so they have a bit of experience but not a lot of new singles. I definitely prefer Repurikapuriko, but so far I’m not quite into the music. One of the most interesting things is that on the second single fans are encouraged to send in remixes; in fact, there are separate tracks of each instrument in Repurikapuriko so fans can remix their stuff. So if you’re into electronic music and make remixes you should definitely check this out. I can’t say I’m going to follow them too much; it doesn’t feel like they’re a very active group, and so far the music isn’t really grabbing me. I find myself less interested in the idols up front, and with the woman in the back doing the music. So even though I might not become a huge Electric Ribbon fan, like with Especia I can definitely appreciate what they’re bringing to the table. ALLOVER is a bit intimidating to me. I’ve heard of them before, and I know of them, but I’ve never bothered to take much of a look. The reason I’m slightly intimidated is that they’re a super group of indie idols dedicated to spreading Akihabara culture. Members from indie idol groups including asfi, Doki Doki Dream Campus, Nato*Kan, Candy Go Go, Smile*Pocket, Anna*S, and Cover’s Doll have come together to create one giant idol group ALLOVER (Alice Project has also participated in the past, along with a few other groups). It’s really smart, in a way; I had only heard of a couple of these groups before learning about ALLOVER, so it promotes multiple indie idols. Further, ALLOVER is becoming more and more known, from what I’m aware, so it brings up every group. Currently there are 18 full members on three teams with 3 “support members.” The group formed last year, 2012, and have so far released 3 singles. The other great thing about having all these members from different places is, I imagine, it allows for a lot better production values than if these groups were doing something alone. I was immediately impressed when I saw their latest PV. It’s simple, but it’s definitely good looking. I am also impressed by their voices; usually the (unfortunate) bias I have is that an indie idol group isn’t going to have vocal training, but ALLOVER is very listenable. Ultimately, while I was intimidated at first, I’m really glad I found ALLOVER because now I know that they’re actually a pretty group, and one I’m going to keep my eye on for the future! OK, mini history lesson. Back in the day, Hello!Project was pretty much dominating the idol scene (other idols existed, but H!P was definitely pretty big). So, back in 2007, Tsunku created a rival project called Nice Girl Project, primarily by his own label TNX, as a rival to Hello!Project. So he took some Eggs and made The Possible (a group we’ll get to later), and Canary Club became one of the groups. Ogawa Mana was pretty much the star of Canary Club and of Nice Girl Project. Unfortunately, NGP has never really taken off, and eventually Canary Club stopped doing much and fell into obscurity. Their last single was in 2010, Ogawa Mana’s last solo release was in 2010 (a joint single with Berryz Koubou’s Sugaya Risako for the anime Gokujou! Mecha Mote Iinchou!). So it’s really interesting to me that Ogamana is suddenly doing TIF. She hasn’t really released anything lately, as far as I know she’s not doing much of anything. But really, Nice Girl Project, in my opinion, mostly came around at a rough time. 2007-2009 wasn’t exactly the best time for idol acts, before the current idol boom. Ogamana has some good charisma and is a good star; she only came around at the wrong time. So it seems that she has a new Youtube channel (Ogachannelofficial) with some new uploads and new songs. So it seems like she and The Possible are really trying to revive their careers. Which is definitely good for her; she’s cute, has that charisma, and is a really good singer, so I could see her having a good career resurgence with a little promotion and some good songs. I haven’t followed her that closely in the past (though I have a strange fascination with Nice Girl Project, so I check in on them now and again), but I’m really interested to see where she goes now, and I hope that this doesn’t fizzle out like last time. Okite Porsche is from the new wave band Roman Porsche. But beyond that he’s worked with Vanilla Beans, and DJs. Last year DJed at the Idol Club Night, the show for the sexier, adult idol groups. I would honestly be surprised if he did something different this year. More groups have been announced! My work is cut out for me! A group I haven’t heard of yet! These girls come from the “Happy Super Generation,” which, from what I gather, gets girls to become full-fledged idols, and supports/trains them. A lot of focus is on the idea of them becoming “real idols,” and working hard to debut. So these are five girls (one generation) from a project aiming to get girls with no stage experience to become real idols. (One of the things that I always thought defined an idol was that they didn’t really need experience and were new to showbiz, but that’s another blog post). ICT Lovelies released their first mini album “Dare ga Debut Dekiru no?” (Who can Debut?) last November and have since released another mini album. So even though there’s not too much about this group out yet, they have a surprising amount of original music out there. Most of what I found is rehearsal videos, and I haven’t seen a PV yet. They seem to have a more rock-themed sound and are actually pretty good performers so far. The whole “we want to debut!” theme is a bit stale at this point, and there are plenty of groups doing that whole thing. Still, for all their emphasis on the group being new and fresh, they’re actually pretty strong already as a group, and I find myself interested in them, despite my skepticism at their concept and and at Happy Super Generation as a whole. I have no idea if they’ll go anywhere from this, but I like them already, so I’d recommend checking them out. Afilia Saga is one of the many groups that I feel like I should follow more but I don’t. And it’s a shame, because they’re definitely a solid group that’s worth paying attention to. Afilia Saga, formerly Afilia Saga East, is formed of maids at the Afilia Saga maid cafe chain. The chain itself is set in an imaginary Afilia Kingdom, with a role-playing, magic concept to it as well. Needless to say, the ins and outs of the maid cafe chain are a bit irrelevant to fans outside of Japan (though I know I’d be all over this if I was in Japan), but it does explain why members have unique stage names, like Louise Sforzur and Laura Sucreine. It’s all a part of the maid cafe. So far the group has released multiple singles and two albums (the most recent release was their album Archism, that came out in April of this year). If you aren’t familiar with idol groups other than the main mainstream ones, Tsunku (of Hello!Project fame) wrote their song “Knee-high Egoist.” He’s also producing the Akihabara Backstage Pass cafe and their idol group with the Afilia Saga producer Chiyomaru, and Afilia Saga is considered to be a part of that massive group. Like I said earlier, this is a group I wish I’d follow. I like the concept (though I wish I’d see more of the whole fantasy world in their PVs, from what I’ve seen at least), and most of the songs/PVs I’ve heard are quite good. This is a well-produced group with really good production values, so if you want a group that’s not quite as indie as the rest of Tokyo Idol Festival, Afilia Saga might be a good group for you. This is a hard band to look up. Victory is not a very good idol group name if you want people to be able to easily look you up. That said, I’m not finding anything on them, and if you know anything please tell me. There’s no webpage linked, and all I can find is this picture on the TIF site. They’re holding guitars so I guess they’re more of a band? Perhaps they’re a self-composed idol group, like Kurikamaki, and just picked a name that’s really tricky. Otherwise I’m stumped. Sorry guys. EDIT: This morning I was alerted that Victory created their official site. They were a band of five girls created when they were in their last year of Elementary school. Now they’re a high school age band, and have participated in Teens Rock Festibal in HITACHINAKA as well as Rock in Japan 2011. So as opposed to be more idol focused, it feels like they’re going the route of SCANDAL and other bands. In 2011 they released their first single “Niji” (rainbow) and have since released another single, “Home.” They have some videos on their website, and I have to say that even though I wouldn’t classify them as idols, they kind of fit into my alternative/indie rock genre that I like to listen to when I’m not listening to JPop. These girls are clearly talented (the vocalist is wonderful and there’s some great instrument playing in Home) and I can see myself becoming a fan. So if you’re open to rock and bands as opposed to strictly idols, take a listen. Usa Usa Shoujo Club This is the group behind one of my favorite idol groups, Rhymeberry. While Rhymeberry was a subgroup, they’ve become their own separate act so I’ll cover them as such. The group currently has 11 members that perform regularly at the Akasaka Genki theater. The average age of the members is a very young 13 years old, because they (like Sakura Gakuin) graduate the girls once they hit high school age. Personally it’s not my favorite tactic, and I think it’s one that ultimately hurts groups (especially since they have to graduate some of the popular members), but if you like really young idol singers then Usa Usa Shoujo Club is one to check out. They’ve had multiple subgroups in their time; Chu Ni, Zipcode, and now Little Rabbits. Rhymeberry, the rap subgroup, has been the most successful. However, in the past year Usa Usa Shoujo Club has released their debut single “Number One” which sold 1000 copies (which tells you what level of popularity they’re currently at). Personally, while I like the group, it’s a bit hard to follow all the new members and graduations, especially since the main focus is on performing. The group is pretty good, though, and they’re very cute, so if you can get past that mandatory graduations thing then I definitely would recommend them to you. Also, go read my friend Magic Thomas Jefferson’s write up of going to an Usa Usa Shoujo Club event HERE. He talks a bit about going to one of their live events, and helped me out getting my initial information about the group last year (which got me into Rhymeberry). This is one of the first acts of the year that I’ve never heard of before, and wow it’s kind of an interesting one. This act actually comes from Stardust Promotions of Momoiro Clover Z, Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku and Team Syachihoko fame. Only, this has been around before MomoClo’s big major debut in 2010. This was originally a group of “big sister” idols known as S Spicy, but became a solo project of Kurita Moe, S Spicy 1. They released one single “Exotic Spice” in 2010 but haven’t done much of anything since. This feels like they’re doing what Nice Girl Project has done, by trying to bring back projects from old (See: The Possible, Ogawa Mana). The only songs from this group/solo act, Exotic Spice and Crying Face, are on the official website and definitely aren’t bad at all. So it’ll be interesting if they actually try promoting this, considering how well Stardust has been doing lately. Unfortunately, this lack of activity and the name have made finding videos about this group pretty difficult. So if you like Stardust groups you might be a bit frustrated trying to find any more. All I can provide is the link to their website where you can listen to the songs on their site (Exotic Spice is pretty good) Summer is upon us! As an idol fan it’s a really great season, not only because of events like the Tokyo Idol Festival, but because many idol groups release really great summer songs. AKB48’s Sayonara Crawl just came out, and NMB48’s Bokura no Eureka is coming up! It’s times like these that I thought I’d make a list of my top 10 songs about summer by an idol act. My honorable mention is Whiteberry’s “Natsu Matsuri.” Whiteberry isn’t an idol act, but this song has been covered many times (by idols, occasionally) and is a really excellent song about summer festivals. I love this song so much that I sing it at karaoke year round; it’s just excellent. 10. Poolside Daisakusen -Idoling!!! When I first started making this list, I did not intend for this song to make it. I remembered liking it, but that it wasn’t memorable. Still, I decided to rewatch the PV which I remembered was excellent. And while the PV holds up and is a really great PV, the song surprised me with how much I liked it. It’s a bit different from the other songs on this list and has kind of an old-fashioned sound to it. However it’s really high energy and fun in a totally different way from the rest of this list (that I attribute to the fast back and forth and ‘whoaaas’ in the chorus). It’s not necessarily the most classic idol summer song, but it’s fun and definitely worth a listen. 9. Pareo wa Emerald – SKE48 The 48 groups have a lot of summer songs. This is something I noted a while back, when I said that AKB48 does a good job of playing to the seasons that songs are released. Whereas Morning Musume only has one summer themed single song (Manatsu no Kousen), every 48 group releases a summer song almost every summer. It’s a good idea; even in the US, the concept of a summer song is still present, more than any other season. This meant, however, I had to narrow things down to the best of the best. So while Gomen ne Summer and Aishiteraburu are excellent songs I adore, Pareo wa Emerald comes up on top. The reason it ranks fairly lowly on this list is because I’d say that the lyrics, more than any other on this list, focus more on a relationship than summer. Yeah, I know almost every song on this list has an element of romance or summer love to it, but Pareo has some of my favorite lyrics about relationships. It has a bit of a different tone than some of AKB and NMB’s summer songs (that I’ll get to later, *hint*) but that’s not necessarily bad; in fact, it sets itself apart from other songs. Still, at its core it’s a high energy summer song that is a lot of fun to listen to. 8. Nagiichi – NMB48 While the decision between Nagiichi and Pareo was a tricky one, I ultimately went with Nagiichi. I have a soft spot for idol songs that do shortened titles, and Nagiichi’s one of the best; short for Nagisa de Ichiban Kawaii girl (the cutest girl on the beach). Which could apply for all of them really (but it applies to Watanabe Miyuki most of all, in my opinion!) The start is reminiscent of Ponytail to Shushu, but it quickly changes to be its own, NMB48 flavored 48 song. It’s a little sexier, but has very similar sensibilities in its energy and level of fun. This was NMB’s 4th single, and in my opinion it’s at this point that NMB really stepped up and showed AKB48 and SKE48 that they had become a strong group as well. NMB48 recently has started promotion for their new single, Bokura no Eureka. While it’s my favorite 48 single in a while, and I love the song, it’s not quite a standard summer song in the same way that Nagiichi is. However, it does show a bit of a more mature NMB48 and I whole-heartedly recommend you check it out. 7. Bikini wa Niawanai – Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 This is a song I’m betting most of you aren’t as familiar with, unless you’re a pretty big Watarirouka Hashiritai fan. This is a B-Side to Hetappi Wink, and right away gives a pretty summery image. The first guitar riff alone brings thoughts of the Beach Boys, and the whole song is very reminiscent of American surf music, a genre which I have to associate with the beach and summeritime. The lyrics are a bit unconventional, but fitting; it’s about how bikinis don’t suit the girls, and even though they’re older than they appear they still don’t have the bodies for bikinis. I’d take this to be an almost anthem for any of us girls who have felt unconscious about their body; this is a fairly rare sentiment to get from an idol song! The lyrics fit, and the song itself fits summertime in a way most idol songs don’t. 6. MAX Otome Gokoro – Super Girls I’ve never been able to get much into Super Girls. I like some of the members and the songs, but for some reason the group has never grabbed me. However, Super Girls has done a summer single for the past few years, and their first summer single (and their second single ever) remains my favorite Super Girls song. It’s just bubbly idol fun which is a lot of what I like about it (and ‘doki doki natsu dokyun’ might be the most idol-y lyric ever). While their later single Puri Puri Summer Kiss is fun, Max Otome Gokoro feels like it’s focusing more on general summer fun than Puri Puri (I was personally a bit put off by its PV). Plus, I like Max Otome Gokoro a lot better. Not much else can be said other than that it’s fun and a great summer song! 5. Coco Natsu – Momoiro Clover One of my strongest memories about becoming a MomoClo fan is waiting after Ikuze! Kaitou Shoujo for what came next. I watched pretty much everything MomoClo had ever done, and I was waiting. While Pinky Jones ended up the single, Coco Natsu was the first thing any MomoClo fan saw after Ikuze, so it had a lot of hype for a lot of Momoiro Clover fans. And while I would say Ikuze is a lot stronger, Coco Natsu didn’t disappoint! Definitely one of the odder songs on this list, pretty much everything about this is perfect. I especially like the verses with the back and forth between solos and the whole group’s “bashibaa coco natsu baby” parts. The instrumentation is also spot on, with some good background guitar stuff and often a tropical sound. The girls are very memorable too, with the repetition of ‘kokokokoko’ at various parts as well as the bridge part where they’re all shouting various things. While I keep bringing in high energy songs on this list (and there are more to come), this is another fantastic example. This song is perfect for MomoClo and is a perfect example of what I miss about Momoiro Clover (in relation to Momoiro Clover Z): it’s high energy, a bit strange, and just a whole lot of fun, perfect for a good summer song. 4. Ponytail to Shushu (honorable mentions: Everyday Kachuusha and Manatsu no Sounds Good – AKB48 When coming up with this list, one of my goals was variety. My hardest choice, being honest, was picking which AKB48 summer single I wanted to put on here. Because really, if you want a good summer song, Ponytail to Shushu, Everyday Kachuusha and Manatsu no Sounds Good are all good choices. However, I didn’t want a top 10 list with three AKB48 single songs and two 48 group single songs as well, so I chose the first big summer single for AKB48, Ponytail to Shushu. Ponytail to Shushu is, to me, one of the most underrated idol songs. Not that it undersold, but that it doesn’t really get enough credit that it deserves. RIVER was the big song that really put AKB on the map. Heavy Rotation became the big AKB classic song. But before Heavy Rotation came, Ponytail to Shushu really, in my mind, cemented AKB48 as a huge idol force and that RIVER wasn’t going to be their most remembered song. More than that, though, Ponytail to Shushu is really, to me, a perfect pop song. Even among AKB48 fans, Ponytail to Shushu really seems to be looked down on as frivolous and not as good as some of the other songs. And while Ponytail to Shushu might not have the depth of some of the other songs, for what it’s trying to do it’s nearly perfect. From the first piano notes, it does an amazing job of ramping you up into high energy that continues throughout the whole song, but never feels old. The back and forth throughout the chorus is really spectacular, and I love the instrumentation; the background instruments do a lot to keep up the tension within the song. The whole song is energetic and has a high tension to it, and really feels like a great summer song. It doesn’t need depth because it’s not trying to be more than it is: a REALLY fantastic, high energy pop song, which it does superbly. 3. Chu! Natsu Party – 3nin Matsuri One of the aspects of golden era Hello!Project I really miss the most are the summer shuffles. While the Satoyama units kind of do that now, there was something really great about getting the strangest combination of Hello!Project members together for a summery single and a little competition. While 3nin Matsuri isn’t the strangest combination of members nor is it the strangest song, it is one of the most fun songs, and it’s the song that I would say most captures summer. There’s a reason that, in the competition to sell the most singles, Chu! Natsu Party won. While all three members were all popular in their own right, the other groups had more members and girls like Abe Natsumi and Goto Maki. But Chu! Natsu Party is just bubbly energetic fun. There’s nothing complicated about the melody, nor the lyrics. The song’s about going to the beach in the summer, with the onomatopoetic word “chu” (kiss) repeated ad nauseum. But that’s kind of what a good summer song does; it’s fun and frivolous, but that’s the point. While I have a strong fondness for 10nin Matsuri’s “Dancing! Natsu Matsuri” in that it’s more ridiculous, to me Chu! Natsu Matsuri is more accessible, more fun and really more of a summer song. In that way, I’d say it’s almost the definition of a perfect summer song. 2. Natsu no Tobira – Matsuda Seiko A mini history lesson, for people who don’t know Seiko. Matsuda Seiko was one of, if not the biggest idol in Japan in the 80s. Whereas Yamaguchi Momoe dominated the 70s, Matsuda Seiko dominated the 80s and had a string of #1 hits. She’s considered the “eternal idol” and has been an extremely active singer. While I like a lot of classic idols, Matsuda Seiko’s definitely my favorite; she released a lot of good music, and has a real stage presence to her performances. Even watching videos on Youtube, it’s easy to see how Japan fell in love with her in the 80s and beyond. Natsu no Tobira is one of her early hits, and, in my opinion, one of her greatest. The steady beat in the background, the strings, and Seiko’s voice all contribute to a truly legendary song. Seiko’s performance is really strongest with the line “suki da yo to itteru no/masaka uso deshou!” where her voice really shines. One of the repeated lines is the rising “Fresh! Fresh! Fresh!” and that’s really how this song makes you feel. It’s energetic and exciting, and everything works together to make this a true summer classic. 1. Yeah Meccha Holiday – Matsuura Aya The first thing that comes to mind, at least for me, when it comes to idols and summer. Yeah! Meccha Holiday is something of a modern classic (though it was released 11 years ago), and has been covered quite a bit, notably on Sashihara Rino’s first single ‘Soredemo Suki da yo.’ The song is basically about being excited for summer, and does it very very well. Even though it’s been covered before, Matsuura Aya really delivers it well. Even though she has a really excellent voice, she really pulled off these high energy songs with a lot of aplomb. There’s really nothing like the original. This song both has the lyrics and the energy for a good summer song. It’s upbeat and happy, and exactly what I think of when I think of summer music. Hey everyone! I know I’ve been MIA for a while, but that was just me working hard finishing my degree. Haven’t gotten my diploma yet, but I’m graduating with a degree in Studies in Cinema and Media Culture with a minor in Asian Languages and Literatures. My minor being almost entirely fueled by my idol interests (since that’s what made me decide to take Japanese in the first place). But don’t think that since I was busy that I’ve forgotten about idols, specifically Tokyo Idol Festival! While seven of the bigger acts were announced earlier, recently 46 new acts were announced! While there are some notable groups that aren’t listed, last year there were groups announced within weeks of the show. So if you check the official list and don’t see your favorite act, don’t worry just yet. Idoling!!! is one of the headliner acts and has been with TIF from the beginning (2010). They were formed by Fuji TV in 2006 to be an idol group that would grow on their variety show, Idoling!!! So if anyone REALLY likes idol variety shows, Idoling!!! might be a good choice for you. In the past couple of years they’ve actually become better at accommodating fans by posting a lot on their YouTube, so if you are at all interested in this group check them out here: This isn’t that up to date for PVs, but it has some of them on there, as well. If you’re an AKB fan, you might know of Idoling!!! because of their collab single, Chu~ Shiyouze In the past year nothing huge has happened with Idoling. They’ve released two singles (the most recent being Sakura Thank You), and a member (Nomoto Manami) left. One member (Yokoyama Rurika) is making a solo debut. Otherwise, it feels like they are a pretty steady group, without much drama, which is either good or bad depending on what interests you in an idol group. Personally, Idoling!!! is a group that I fully recommend but that I don’t really follow too much. Especially after my favorite member (Yazawa Erika) left I don’t really have much drive to follow them. However, they are fairly equal in screentime for most of the girls, they have a lot of variety, and I really love a few of their songs (especially Me ni wa Aoba Yama Hototogisu Hatsukoi and Don’t Think Feel). They’re consistent and good, and definitely worth looking into if you haven’t. Another group I covered last year! As I mentioned then, they were originally B.L.T (the magazine not the sandwich) Idol College, formed in 2009. However, on March 31, 2010 B.L.T. Idol College was disbanded and Idol College was born the next day with all new members. It seems like they’ve done quite a bit since last year; last year they had released one album and one single. However, they’ve recently made their major debut with the double A-sides Shoujo Sotsugyou and YOZORA, and since they sold more than 10,000 copies in a month they get to go on tour. So it seems like they’ve made major strides from last year’s TIF. Their (somewhat unoriginal) theme is growth and becoming better idols, hence the “college” in their name. Still, this kind of fits seeing just how much they’ve really grown since last year, when they were doing very basic PVs and had a much smaller audience. I don’t know if I’d say they’re a force to be reckoned with, but they’re definitely a group to keep an eye out for because of how much they’ve grown over the past year. Up Up Girls (Kakko Kari) At this point I feel like the “Temporary” after the name is only there so they can use it as their logo, because really this group has gone a long way so far. Formed from seven former Hello!Project Egg members, this group is still under the Up Front label but isn’t within Hello!Project. They also go as UFZS to do KPop dance covers, but Up Up Girls (Kakko Kari) is their main pop group name. Up Up Girls are BUSY. They perform on a very regular basis, and since last year’s TIF have released eight singles as well as an album, In fact, so far they’ve put out three singles in 2013 and are releasing another one in June. This will put them at twelve indies singles and an album. They’re also very active online, streaming a lot of live things and putting things on their youtube. They do a lot of dance covers as well as six separate Harlem Shake videos. Yes, Up Up Girls are into internet memes. While I don’t follow them quite as much as I should, I personally really like Up Up Girls. The members are fantastic and they generally do a lot of quality work. I kind of wish they’d move into a major debut so they could get PVs and things, but there’s something nice about them doing a lot of indies work and putting out a LOT of stuff. One of the biggest issues with a lot of the TIF groups is that some of them barely put out anything and they don’t do a lot of new things. This isn’t the case with Up Up Girls at all. If anything, my only issue is that Up Up Girls really feel like a group you have to see live to really get the full experience (though this is the case with most idols). But they’re definitely recommended. Yet another group I’ve covered (this is kind of a trend). AeLL is one of the big seven acts that were announced first, though I honestly didn’t know they were that big and they’ve only released one single since last year ( Magic⇔Music). Formed in 2011, this group centers around Shinozaki Ai, a fairly prominent gravure idol. The group name stands for “Activity Eco Life with Love,” which I noted last year as being kind of a permanent Ecomoni; however, aside from their first single “Ecology Monkeys” I’m not sure how much this has been a theme for them. They performed at the hot stage last year, so it’s interesting to see them do my favorite song by them (Chu Chu Hareru Yeah) at TIF, if you haven’t seen much of the actual stages from the show. Like I said they’ve released one single and so far that’s probably my favorite song by them. Last year I noted that AeLL’s music tended to be kind of mid-tempo plain idol songs that didn’t interest me, but this adds an electronic element that fits them. All the members seem more glamorous than cute, which is a bit of a unique aesthetic. Personally, I don’t find the group to stand out that much. If you like the aesthetic of the group you might want to check them out, as well as if you like their songs. However, this is one group I’m almost constantly at a loss to describe because I don’t find them all that compelling to follow. If this group doesn’t perform ‘It’s Raining Men’ I swear it’s a lost opportunity and a shame. This is a pretty unique group in that it’s seven Taiwanese girls who acted as weather reporters on TV and on the internet. Seven were chosen to become idols and thus Weather Girls, focusing on being idols in Japan. Each girl represents both a day of the week, a color and a type of weather, and they have also been taking Japanese lessons to be better idols in Japan. They officially made their idol group debut in August of 2012, so they’re pretty new. So far they’ve released two singles, but they’re releasing another in June (Koi no Love Sunshine). All of their single titles fit with this weather gimmick that I wonder how long they can keep up with. After watching some of their weather reports, they’re certainly something; it’s less reporting as being entertaining while you watch the weather. Certainly more interesting than normal weather reporting! They are really committed to this weather gimmick, and their PVs are really well made. If any of this interests you I’d definitely recommend you check out some of their PVs or their weather reports. They’re definitely not a boring group, and I’d imagine seeing them learn Japanese would be pretty interesting. As a group they definitely have a KPop/SNSD aesthetic, which is cool but not really my thing. Nothing has really made me that interested in following them for the long term, but they’re definitely really interesting to check out!
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Aries Mar 21 to Apr 19 Looks like the week has begun on a positive note for you with certain aspects falling into place. If you feel obligated towards certain family issues it is better that you fulfill your duties. It can get a bit hectic with the travel plans this week. You have drawn the Card of the Hierophant so it is a good period for commitment or marriage for those who are considering it. Taurus Apr 20 to May 20 When the going gets tough the tough gets going that would be the right statement for you at this moment. You need to be strong as you have got the card of Nine of Wands and there is some things which are burdening you. There could be some things that are bothering you in your relationship so maybe it is time for you to make a decision what is best for you. For those who are single and wanting to get into a relationship this is not a good time, advises the cards. Gemini May 21 to Jun 20 Sometimes you need to break to be whole again. Your Venus is running a little weak so don’t concentrate on the things that are over or things that have ended. You have also drawn the card of the World, so there are definitely travel plans on the cards. There could be some professional happiness that is round the corner so there are reasons to smile. You are willing to take some risks on the personal front but it advised for you to be more grounded and think before you jump. Cancer Jun 21 to Jul 22 It is time to be practical and not be so emotional so it is better you think clearly. For those who are wanting to get married it is a good time to look at arranged marriages, says your cards. Some of you might be concentrating on your health issues. For those who are wanting to start a family now is a good time and you could see what your priorities are. LEO Jul 23 to Aug 22 You will be a little short tempered this week indicates your rahu and this is a good time to try and do some yoga and meditation. If you are feeling left out in certain family aspects it is better that you try and give your input. There could be a good change on the personal front as you would sort out some differences with your partner.Singles will get attention from the opposite gender. Virgo Aug 23 to Sep 22 You will finally find love and how! Your Venus and Jupiter both are very powerful, so it makes it easy for you to attract the right partner in your life. You will be getting a lot of attention and pampering and you will enjoy it and how. For those who have been going through a tough time in your career your wait comes to an end as finally your dreams come true and you get what you want. It looks like everything is going in your favour, says the cards. Libra Sep 23 to Oct 22 Your attitude will be that of gratitude. You will be thankful and grateful for whatever good things are bestowed in your life. You have also got the card of 6 of Pentacles indicating that you will be very giving in your career and family front. For those married your kids and family life will take up most of your time and you truly have reasons to be happy. For those who are planning to start their career you might do a course on some interior decoration or some hobby you are likely to purse. Also there is new love... there could be a new relationship on the cards. Scorpio Oct 23 to Nov 21 Never going to give you up and never going to let you down is what you will be saying to your partner these few days. You will be very supportive about your partner. For those who are looking for a career growth there could be some promotion, says the cards. There are some changes expected on the family front as well, as there could be some good news coming your way. For some, friendships could turn into love and it has been a while you have been hiding your feelings. Sagittarius Nov 22 to Dec 21 For those wanting to get married you just might land up getting engaged this year and this is just the beginning. The new week has started on a good note for you as there is some windfall of money expected soon. Your friends will support you a lot in your new ventures. You have also got the card of the Queen of Cups indicating that you will get good support from your mum or wife or any woman power in your house. Capricorn Dec 22 to Jan 19 You need to be more mature in certain aspects of your life and luckily you are getting there. As far as love is concerned you will be a bit confused about how to go about certain decisions. You really want to see a major career change and it will come but you need to be a bit more patient. There is someone who secretly admires you and you will feel like you should also consider being with this person. There could be some investments that you are thinking about and now is a good time to look at change. Aquarius Jan 20 to Feb 18 If your relationship has ended maybe there is some blessing in it for you. There could also be a special bond with some animals and you could also decide to do some charity. It is a good period to focus on some yoga and meditation as it will make you feel better. You are feeling a little heavy about certain issues in your heart, it is better that you share whatever you are feeling. For some you might decide to do a side business along with your current business, suggests your card Pentacles. Some family inheritance is also expected soon so you will be happy. Pisces Feb 19 to Mar 20 If you have recently shifted to a new country it will take you a while to adjust so you need to be a little patient with yourself. Life has come a full circle, you feel and whatever goes around truly does come around. You feel that there is also a good change inside of you for the better. You will also realize your self-worth and feel like this was long overdue. As far as health is concerned you can expect some positive changes. For students it is a good period as they will do well in their studies or exams. Your family will demand a lot from you, suggest the cards …it is up to you how much you want to give.
{ "date": "2018-08-17T13:23:32Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221212323.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20180817123838-20180817143838-00697.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9825931191444397, "token_count": 1300, "url": "http://www.iwmbuzz.com/horoscope/must-read-prediction-week-25-dec-31-dec" }
Did you know we have a family events WeChat group? Join two hundred other internationally-minded families for the latest information on what’s going on in Beijing. Send an email to [email protected] with your WeChat ID or add KippWhittaker or anp3rd on WeChat. Please note that readers should confirm with each organizer if events are canceled or scheduled as planned. Fresh Events This Week 3e Open House, Jan 22 All ages. 3e International School will host a series of Open House sessions for prospective Nursery (2 years old) to Kindergarten (6 years old) families to visit and tour 3e’s Lido campus. Families are invited to learn and ask questions of their experienced leadership and admissions team members to understand more about 3e’s dual-immersion bilingual program. Each Open House session will provide the opportunity to meet the Principal and Director of Research and Curriculum, listen to an informative overview of the 3e program and philosophy, tour classrooms and facilities, and discuss Admissions procedures. Free. 9.30-11am. Contact 64373344 or [email protected] for registration. 3e International School. MOPS session: Free from Worry, Jan 22 Adults. Join Beijing International Christian Fellowship for a MOPS session as Life Coach Carnisa Berry shares with us Five Steps to Overcome Worry. Carnisa is the founder of Berry Thoughtful Life Coaching, where she helps her clients realize that their dreams are just a thought away. She earned her Life Coaching Certification from World Coach Institute. Free. 10am-noon. Please RSVP to [email protected]. Beijing International Christian Fellowship. Movement and Meditation for Health and Wellness, Jan 23 Adults. Join Dafutang to practice Eight Pieces of Brocade and Raising Qi. These sets of simple movements are designed to move the Qi freely in the acupuncture channels and internal organs. Simple to do and highly effective for stress, pain, insomnia and other ailments. RMB 80. 12.30-1.30pm. Contact Shelley Ochs with any questions 134 3938 6197 (also WeChat). Dafutang Chinese Medicine Center. Atelier CNY Art Workshops, starts from Jan 29 Aged 5+. Atelier Fablab offers three brand new workshops for the Chinese New Year Holidays. Workshop 1: Build your city: discover urban design thinking and create the model of a city in larger scale; Workshop 2: Van Gogh: each day the students will discover one topic related to masterpieces Van Gogh created; Workshop 3: Sculpture Masterclass: look at sculpting through the ages, and across some wildly different styles. RMB 1,800-2,000. 10am-4pm. Follow WeChat Atelierartschool for more information. Atelier Sanlitun. Fun for the Weekend Kids Storytelling @ Bookworm, Jan 27 Aged 4-7. Come to the Bookworm to discover the joy of storytelling at the Bookworm with Karin, followed by craft and a cup of hot chocolate for little ones. Story to be shared: What the Ladybird Heard. Each session will host 15 children maximum. RMB 80. 10.30-11.30am. Check out https://yoopay.cn/event/38398257%20%20 for registration. The Bookworm. Fresh Events Next Week We Matter: HPV Education, Jan 31 Adults. “When you educate a man, you educate an individual; when you educate a woman you educate a generation.” Take control of your sexual health with this Oasis Health workshop at the Bookworm. Learn more about HPV in this English-language event. HPV is one of the most common STDs; learn how to get tested for it and how to prevent it if you don’t. RMB 50. 6-9pm. For more information or to buy tickets, visit: https://yoopay.cn/event/46843339. The Bookworm. Photography Workshops for Beginners, Jan 31 Basic photography workshops for Beginners at Moka Bros. The class will include: composition, aperture, shutter speed, ISO and exposure, camera handling. Help you get to know how to take pictures in manual mode and understand the basic concepts. RMB 600. 11am-3pm. Contact WeChat : @prissbaxter or 131 2470 7430 for more information. Moka Bros Sanlitun. BSB Shunyi Open Day, Feb 1 All ages. Come and see the British School of Beijing Shunyi campus in action. Take a tour and visit their Primary, German Primary and Secondary classrooms to see teaching and learning taking place. Talk to their teachers and learn about their curriculum, music and sports programmes. See their sports dome and other facilities too. Free. 9-11am. Contact 80473558 or [email protected] for more information. The British School of Beijing Shunyi Campus. YCIS Beijing Open Day, Feb 1 All ages. Join the Open Day on the Yew Chung International School of Beijing campus to meet Co-Principals, Noel Thomas and Christine Xu, and to learn more about their school’s unique education model. Parents will have the opportunity to see the exciting changes that are happening all across their campus and visit their newly renovated Learning Communities. Free. 9am-noon. Contact 8585 1825 or [email protected] for more information. Yew Chung International School of Beijing. ICVS “Departing from China with Pets” FREE Information Session, Feb 1 Adults. ICVS pet relocation experts will share step-by-step instructions on the newest 2018 exit process, winter blackout periods on pet travel, microchipping, vaccinations, rabies antibody titre testing, and other requirements to help you prepare for a smooth departure from China and an easy entry to your next destination country. ICVS pet relocation experts will help you make a plan for departure even if you may be considering multiple potential countries and do not have a clear departure date. Newest PRC Quarantine Bureau requirements affecting EU pet import will be shared. Prepare early to take pets overseas! Free. 11am-12.30pm. Contact 8456-1940 or [email protected] for more information. International Center for Veterinary Services. ISB Middle School/High School Open House, Feb 2 All ages. The International School of Beijing invites prospective parents and students of middle school (Grades 6-8) and high school (Grades 9-12) to come and learn about ISB’s challenging curriculum and innovative teaching practices. Meet their new Head of School, Mr. Patrick Hurworth, learn more about their high school and college guidance programs, and hear first-hand accounts from their student panel. An in-depth presentation from their middle school principal will follow the high school program. Families will also have the opportunity to tour following each divisional discussion. Free. 8.45am-noon. Contact 8149 2345 (ext 1047) or [email protected] for more information. FamilyLife Information Session, Feb 2 Adults. Marriage is a lifelong adventure of growing together through every age and stage of life. The happiest couples are those who commit to learning skills that help them whether difficult seasons and deal confidently with relationship challenges. Find out what over three million couples worldwide have experienced at FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember®. It’s your turn to make a great marriage happen. RMB 600 (couple), RMB 300 (individual). 7-9.15pm. Please contact Suzy Brown at 185 1865 4744 for more information. Yosemite Hotel. BSB Sanlitun’s Chinese New Year Temple Fair, Feb 4 All ages. Come and join British School of Beijing, Sanlitun to celebrate the coming Year of Dog. The Temple Fair will have craftspeople demonstrating their traditional craft-making skills, as well as vendors selling a range of Chinese products. There will be crafts for children to participate in, and Chinese New Year performances including the traditional Lion Dance, Dragon Dance, and a Kung Fu performance. Free. 11am-2pm. Please contact 8532 3088 for more information. British School of Beijing, Sanlitun. Riviera Bazaar, Feb 4 All ages. Riviera’s good old Sunday market will be in full swing again with the usual amazing selection of local products. With a range of vendors from fashion and household good to delicious foods and beverage you will be overwhelmed with choice. Bring the whole family and enjoy! Free. All day. Contact [email protected] for more information. East Lake Villa Clubhouse Lobby. BSB Shunyi Baby and Toddler Group, until March 2 All ages. Families with little ones ages 1-18 months can come to meet other expat families, enjoy playing with age-appropriate toys, creating seasonal crafts, singing, actions and lots more. Drinks and snacks provided. (Open to foreign passport holders only). Free. 9-10.30am. RSVP to www.bsbshunyi.com/BabyGroup as spaces are limited. Contact 8047 3588 or [email protected] for more information. The British School of Beijing, Shunyi. Flips & Kicks Plus: Gymnastics Classes at ISB (Monday evenings), until June 11 Aged 5+. Gymnastics classes for 5-plus years old. Come join International School of Beijing for gymnastics classes, to learn new skills, have fun, make new friends, and stay active! Classes taught in English by qualified international staff. Great foundation for all sports, helping create a love of sport that lasts a lifetime. Students from Western Academy of Beijing receive 10 percent discount. RMB 2,340. 9am-7.25pm. Please contact [email protected] or 1371846 2044 or 158 1068 6744 for more information and registration. International School of Beijing. Daddy and Me Time at Little Park, every 2nd and 4th Saturday All ages. Little Park has a playgroup called Busy Hands each Saturday from 10am to 12 noon. Every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month this playgroup has a Daddy&Me session, which highlights the importance of father and child development. It opens an opportunity to seek support from other fathers, and gives mommy the morning off. To make the morning even more enjoyable, Deli de Luxe offers a free coffee for the moms taking some time for themselves. RMB 120. 10am-noon. Please contact Nina (WeChat ID: Nina_32kids) for more information. Little Park. Spring Camp @Kerry Sports with Flips & Kicks Plus, Jan 29-Feb 23 Aged 4-12. Adventure Zone’s Spring Camp continues to engage your child to stay active and engaged. Let them learn new skills with fun activities such as gymnastics, martial arts, swimming, and sword choreo guided by English-speaking expert coaches. The classes are divided into two age groups: Group A 4-7 years old and Group B 8-12 years old. RMB 3,200 per week for a half day, RMB 4,500 per week for a whole day (Adventure Zone and Kerry Sports members get 10 percent off). 9am-2.30pm. For more information or to book your camp, please call 8565 2460, or email [email protected]. Kerry Sports. Photos: courtesy of organizers
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I'm not concerned about Fifty Shades of Grey I was eleven years old when I watched my first sex scene. Gasp! "Where were the parents?!" you may be thinking... Well, mine were sitting right next to me in the theatre and the next time I watched the movie I even brought a friend with me. I have watched this movie more than I can count on one hand. There were so many reasons to see the movie and it was an instant classic. The music. The history. The cinematography. A love story like no other. The movie was Titanic. I learned more than a history lesson watching Titanic. Remember when Rose and Jack slip away into the car storage under the ship? The two young adults have sex... it's steamy. Literally. I remember being embarrassed watching the scene. Even though I didn't see them fully naked, I knew what was implied. I had learned a thing or two from what was whispered on the playground and giggled about at sleepovers. My cheeks grew hot and I wanted to cover my eyes AND ears. But no, I thought to myself, "I am over 10 now. I am a big kid and big kids watch these adult things and don't squirm." In fact... I liked it. It made sex attractive. It made sex thrilling. It made rebellion fun. The thought of being in a relationship where the parents didn't approve seemed more romantic and exciting than a relationship that played it safe and honored the rules. Boring. This story line is why Romeo and Juliet is still read and Titanic is one of the most watched movies to this day. I wanted a love story like that of Jack and Rose with a passion that was bigger than the rules. I wanted an epic love story like theirs. Surely this was the "true love" I was encouraged to find. Following the Titanic, every other message from our culture confirmed that God's idea of love was not best for me and the world's idea of love was. I was fooled, and man did I learn some lessons the hard way. A great lie we tell ourselves is that what we see on the screen will not influence our actual lives. “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!" Matthew 6:22-23 If we fill our senses with the world and not God... why are we surprised that kids imitate the actions they see on the screen in front of them? why are we surprised that girls are growing into women that rate their self worth based on appearance? why are we surprised that kids watch a comedy that shows a sex scene and turn red not from shame but red from laughter? why are we surprised that Christian marriages end in divorce from affairs at the same rate as non-believers? why are we surprised to hear that young men (and women!) are looking at pornography and their sex lives are ruined? why are we surprised to hear that a youth pastor has been charged of sexual abuse? & children are imitating that abuse? We shouldn't be surprised. It is a battle, ladies, and a real one. May our relationships attract the world to Christ! May the world see that... our love perseveres through tough times and commits to love even when we don't feel like the other person deserves it. we can have a passionate and fulfilling marriage that is fulfilled by one person that is a gift to us. our husband loves us equally to himself and makes sacrifices for our interest. we submit to our husband's leadership not out of fear but out of trust in his leadership for our families. our daughters feel valued and worthy by the love their fathers show them. our sons grow to be men of integrity and honor women. Would you be happy if your husband saw another woman naked in real life and he didn't look away? Why is it okay on a screen? Those images don't disappear from their memory easily. So what are we supposed to do? Stop watching TV, movies, reading romance novels, listening to the radio and get rid of the internet? Ha! Impossible! Good try! Weirdo. I know, I know. It is hard and seems impossible. But are we willing to accept what comes along with that attitude? Are we okay with what could be lost? a child's virginity? sense of worth? a broken heart? depressed soul? another failed marriage? or even worse - someone falling from the faith? If we were to counteract the culture's presence in our lives with what God says than maybe we have a chance to battle the world's message but if we don't even do that... you're right, it's impossible! I am not concerned about Fifty Shades of Grey because we can quickly judge the story line as complete offensive garbage. A college girl enticed by a career man into a contracted relationship of sexual harm and domineering sounds like a romantic nightmare. But what about other films? The ones that are more subtle. The ones that seem less offensive and even entertaining. Those are the ones I'm concerned about... Now I'm not going to tell you what you should watch and shouldn't - the Spirit will work in your conscience what is good and right to do there. May we put in front of our eyes and ears God's example: "Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light." Ephesians 5:1-13 Am I to conform to the standards of my culture? what I feel? or the standards of my loving God? Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 The next time we watch something can we ask ourselves, "Is there a hint - even a hint - of sexual immorality?" If so, let's find an alternative. - Do some homework and check out the movie's review before you watch it here. - Talk about sex in a positive way to your children before the world does. - Watch this movie instead of Fifty Shades of Lame. - Instead of TV or a movie check out these great ideas by HHH blogger, Katy. - Build up your marriage by attending a weekend getaway or workshop. - Continue to write your own love story by doing something adventurous like tattoos or something less painful here. - Read the book Song of Solomon to each other as a dialogue and have a few good laughs. - Or better yet! Go to bed early and enjoy a night making love, true love, with your husband. Fully forgiven. Fully pure. Fully loved. Now that is romantic and sexy!
{ "date": "2019-08-24T00:20:38Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027319155.91/warc/CC-MAIN-20190823235136-20190824021136-00137.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9709633588790894, "token_count": 1695, "url": "https://www.holyhenhouse.com/blog/im-not-concerned-about-fifty-shades-of-grey" }
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We are so very excited to be sharing the release of Christine Brae’s all-new contemporary romance, THE YEAR I LEFT. What. A. Read! And we have not one, but two 5-star reviews and to celebrate Christine’s release, we are doing an exclusive giveaway! Carin Frost doesn’t understand what’s happening to her. A confident businesswoman, wife, and mother, she begins to resent everything about her life. Nothing makes sense. Nothing makes her feel. Maybe it’s the recent loss of her mother in a tragic accident. Or maybe she’s just losing her mind. Enter Matias Torres. As their new business partnership thrives, so does their friendship—and his interest in her. Carin is determined to keep her distance until a work assignment sends them to Southeast Asia where a storm is brewing on the island. In the midst of the chaos, Matias asks her to do something unimaginable, exhilarating, BOLD. Carin knows the consequences could be dire, but it may be the only way to save herself. An honest look at love and marriage and the frailties of the human heart, this is a story of a woman’s loss of self and purpose and the journey she takes to find her way back. Special Release Week price starts today! Download your copy for ONLY $4.99! Registered price: $8.99 Amazon now available: U.S | U.K | CANADA | AUSTRALIA Available 3rd September: APPLE BOOKS | NOOK | KOBO Amazon Paperback now available: U.S | U.K | CANADA | AUSTRALIA Paperback available 3rd September: B&N Reviewed by Anna on behalf of KFF Carin is a successfully independent career woman, a wife and a mother of a ten-year-old boy frantically juggling chores and duties. The recent death of her mother plus the growing distance between her and her husband adds up to her feeling of despondency and resentment, emptiness and overwhelming emotions. Reading through all these and how she reacted to family situations you don’t need to be a rocket scientist or a psychologist to know that she is clinically depressed; although her husband’s laissez faire attitude towards her doesn’t help either. This beautiful narrative is written in three parts, the first two in Carin’s point of view and the last one is from Matias’ perspective. Ms. Brae never disappoints with her stories, she has a knack of weaving a tapestry of words that will keep you entertained. Although I loved the plot of this story, I find the main characters a bit hard to like at some points in this book: Carin with her life-changing decisions, Jack’s emotional detachment and Matias’ selfish attitude. They might not be the lovable characters I hoped I’d find in this book but one can totally relate on how they feel. There are some minor details regarding Carin’s background that I thought was contradictory but I don’t want to split hairs about it because overall this is a wonderful story about life, love and second chances. “Because of you, I have heard the colors of the sky, seen the rushing of the wind and tasted the sound of love’s sweet words. To you, I give all my life, all my love, my present and my past. Whether together or apart the one truth I will always have is you.” I have followed this author’s journey in writing and considering that this will be her last one, I thought that she finished it on a high, at the top of her game. A truly poignant swan song this book is one of my favourite reads this year. Highly recommended! CHECK OUT THE BOOK TRAILER OF THE DAY I LEFT Reviewed by Sharon Thérèse at KFF If I had to describe Christine Brae’s writing in one word, it would have to be magnificent. The flawless second-person singular narrative in past tense is a powerful one, taking the reader on a crushing journey from the protagonist’s perspective. In my opinion, using this inner thoughts method was brave as it could easily have isolated the other characters. This was by no means the case. And then came another delightful surprise. Plentiful dialogue between her heroine and the other characters was executed in such a way that I couldn’t pull myself away. The true-to-life plot is remarkably good, and it’s clear to see from this book and others from Brae that’s she’s a well-travelled woman. Her description of places and happenings gave me a certain déjà vu feeling, bringing out all the smiles, sometimes tears. And not only did the fish and chips scenario make me chuckle, but the mentioning of Spanish cities and wording was delightfully spot on. I found it a tad difficult connecting with Carin Frost straightaway. If she hadn’t been so indecisive and got to grips with her issues earlier which was what I wanted, maybe I would have thought differently. Ahh, but later I realized how unfair my opinion of her was. The author clearly wanted me to suffer. Because I did…and a lot. With so much to lose, what’s there to gain by upsetting life’s balance when it appears that you have everything? Granted, she works long hours, is away from home more often than not and responsible for the running of a multinational business. A loving family, a husband who’s attentive and an adorable son wise beyond his years, yet with her admission, even when her selfishness was manifested, it became a welcome reprieve. ‘When you open up to even your closest allies, they always turn your deepest darkest secrets against you.’ Carin’s personal conflicts became mine and despite those around her having a very good idea she’s in pain, they don’t know to what extent. Unless she opens her heart to those who care for her, neither she nor they can move on. I’m sure many of us have had at one point or another experienced distress similar to hers. Illness, vulnerability in relationships, losing someone dear, these factors and more affect us deeply and we’re at a loss. Although her guilt is excruciatingly heartbreaking to read, I never ever blamed Carin for her actions. Intent on finding the peace of mind she desperately needs, I thought she would eventually find it. I’m leaving this question open for you. Will she? ‘I should be grateful, my life is so good. I have nothing to complain about. They’ve been trying to get me back, but I’m so far gone. I’m so far gone!’ Matias Torres is a successful Spanish businessman, drop-dead gorgeous, well-mannered and outwardly calms troubled waters. Inwardly, he also has problems of his own but of a different kind. Carin and Matias’ magnetic attraction for each other leaps off the pages. She tries to ward him off…well, as much as is possible and goes out of her way not to be around him. Still, all is not what it seems. “When he’s around, I live a few brief moments. And then I die again.” Here’s one totally smitten guy who’s respectful of her wishes. In one scene which left me aghast, he convinces her to take a running jump into the unknown. If Carin’s state of mind worried me, Matias’ worried me more. Why, when he has such a promising future, did he go to such extremes? Easy to answer, love. But in all its fragility and with so much at stake, trying his hardest to help Carin feel at ease with herself might not be enough. “Could love come that quickly? Could it die in haste too?” The before and the after. Part II is a game-changer. If I cried in the first half, heartfelt scenes in the second left me with a feeling of utter joy. Yet Brae still kept that sense of the fragility going. She gave me hope, she made me take a serious look at things we take for granted. Surrounding ourselves with seemly essential things that make us happy in Carin’s book, isn’t the answer. Actually, Brae’s look on life is nothing less than awe-inspiring, her descriptive writing which took me to paradise, out of this world. ‘We steal the moments that belong to others.’ Sadly, Christine’s creative penmanship we shall see no more. I can’t thank her enough for leaving us this legacy of characters impossible to forget, impossible to say goodbye to. The Year I Left is a masterpiece, it is everything. Brae coaxed every imaginable emotion out of me and had me rooting for both Carin and Matias. After turning the last page, I quite honestly didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or shout at the top of my voice. Not at all expected, it was an ending for a beginning. Or was it really? A love story with a difference, a top-quality romance not to be missed. Bravo! ‘Every beginning has an end. And every end starts with a beginning.’ Click HERE to enter KFF‘s exclusive giveaway! Win a signed copy of The Year I Left (only US & Canada), one $25 Amazon Gift Card and three eBooks. One prize each for five lucky winners! Thank you Ashley Baker for making these beautiful teasers with our favourite quotes! Christine Brae is a full-time career woman who thought she could write a book about her life and then run away as far as possible from it. She never imagined that her words would touch the hearts of so many women with the same story to tell. Her second book, His Wounded Light was released in December, 2013. Christine’s third book, Insipid, is a standalone that was released in June, 2014, and her fourth book, In This Life, released in January 2016. Her latest work, Eight Goodbyes was released on August 28, 2018. When not listening to the voices in her head or spending late nights at the office, Christine can be seen shopping for shoes and purses, running a half marathon or spending time with her husband and three children in Chicago. Christine is represented by Italia Gandolfo of Gandolfo Helin Literary Management. CONNECT WITH CHRISTINE Website | Goodreads | Facebook | Facebook Readers Group | Twitter Instagram | BookBub | Amazon
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So began my obsession with one of the most idolized men in sustainable agriculture: Joel Salatin. I romanticized poultry tractors running abreast in succession over our lush hillside. For over a dozen years I worshipped every word ever written or spoken by the legend of Polyface Farms. As a result, we built chicken tractors. We raised birds on pasture. The chickens foraged naturally, they remained free of fecal material, they had access to fresh air which prevented respiratory distress, and this method encouraged movement to prevent lameness. The poultry reaped the benefits, and we were pleased to have implemented practices we still use today. I owed a lot to Mr. Salatin and lived vicariously through friends who had opportunity to meet him. I hoped to, one day, thank him in person for encouragement he probably never knew he extended to me. My fantasized world came crashing down in 2019 when I witnessed, via social media, one of Polyface Farm’s interns dump a shipping box full of day old chicks from upper thigh/waist height into a brooder. Tumble, bumble they went onto the bedding. Day old chicks. I was mortified!! I could have done various amount of shit throwing immediately, but chose to reach out to the source and ask if she could explain this method of handling. I was not alone in my concern. Many others were questioning the literal dumping of chicks. Her reply, “Chicks are very sturdy little creatures. They are not hurt or negatively impacted whatsoever by dumping. We dump very close to the ground and they fall on a very soft deep bed of sawdust. It does not phase them one bit – they immediately hop up and begin running around! At Polyface we always make sure our animals are properly cared for but we have spent many decades working with animals and from our experience we understand what is humane and what is not. I understand and sympathize with your perspective but I think that chicks are not as fragile/sensitive as many might think. We try to use our time wisely and that is why we choose this method. If we felt there was a negative impact from this method we would make the time to do it differently.” After that, the video was immediately removed and I was blocked. I reached out to Polyface Farm directly. A kind woman replied that she couldn’t see the video and asked me to email it. I advised that the video was deleted and therefore I couldn’t forward it. I went on to explain my concerns: that the box was not close to the ground, that chicks are actually fragile, that humane handling only takes a few extra minutes. I asked if they approved of these methods. She replied, “Of course not! We pride ourselves on how much we care for our animals, the land and our fellow men. I did not see the video but will make sure the Salatin family sees your message asap! Thank you so much for your concern. I wish everyone felt the same way we do about them.” As a follow-up, I went onto another social media platform in hopes of finding the video to be able to actually forward it to Polyface Farm. I was thoroughly disgusted to see that this intern made the following public post, “This morning I posted a few videos from the arrival of our last batch of chicks. I have gained many followers on Instagram in the past several months; I am over 700 at the moment. In one video you could see the chicks being dumped from their box. This is not inhumane-the little buggers are incredibly resilient. However, even with an explanation of why we choose to dump the chicks, people became very aggressive almost immediately over the handling of the birds. I chose to delete my post, not only because I don’t want any negativity to affect Polyface. …. We do not raise humans. Animals are intelligent creatures that feel and respond but they do not have spirits, they do not have the same emotions as humans, and they do not think through things the way we do. While the intentions of many people are kind and well meant, they are not always accurate in their perception of what is humane and what is proper. My only request for you is this – remember that animals are not people.” Animals are not people. But I will always stand by my sentiment that regardless of the fact that animals may be serving a utilitarian purpose, they deserve to be treated with compassion. The reply I got from Daniel Salatin was dismissive and he ended the email with this, “We wish you the best and understand this was not the reply you may have wanted. But I do hope and ask that you don't blast us on social media sites just because you disagree. If anyone is looking hard enough, the right person at any time can find "animal cruelly" on any farm...even yours. Feel free to reach out with follow up and or other questions. We will not reply to finger pointing or name calling so be nice.” Patriarchy. One more man telling a woman to mind her own business and keep her mouth shut. As a survivor of domestic abuse, and a woman with an inherently flippant personality, it took every ounce of my being to not unleash a world of fury. In that moment I decided that I didn’t care if it took all day to unload chicks one by one, that we were better than Polyface. You never really know your food unless you really know your farmer. I have sat on this for nearly three years. Farmers come under deep scrutiny, much of it with justification, especially in commercial agriculture. We do not need revered farms/farmers negating all the work we’ve done to destigmatize small agriculture. I was recently told by several customers that the price of our chicken is a bit too high. When I asked what an acceptable price would be, nobody could seem to answer. Feeling incredibly self-conscious, and knowing full well that our farm takes a financial loss most years, I set out to investigate similar products at other Vermont farms. I was not able to compare apples to apples, or rather, chicken to chicken. We feed certified organic grain. We raise our birds on pasture and move them twice a day. They are processed humanely on our farm. Then they are vac-sealed and frozen. Two farms had prices greater than ours and they feed non-GMO (this is not organic). Another farm had a lower price, but fed conventional grains. One farm with a similar price point feeds organically but takes their birds to a USDA facility for processing. I couldn’t tell if our price was exaggerated or not because I couldn’t find a local farm with a comparative model of operation. I turned to commercial operations and found that we were less expensive than Costco and Perdue for organically fed, pasture raised chicken. These operations can buy their feed in bulk, whereby reducing their costs. I guarantee our definitions of pasture raised differ greatly. And I am certain their birds are not butchered humanely on-farm. I went back to the financial drawing board. Where could I cut costs? My labor was already factored in at bare minimum. I don’t account for hand unloading each individual chick from the shipping box to the brooder, or from the brooder to the poultry tractor, or from the poultry tractor to the kill cones. I don’t account for the coffee time in the barn or the field observing the animals to be sure that they’re thriving and making adjustments as necessary. I don’t account for the night checks to be sure that the heat lamp is still secure and my barn isn’t burning down, or to check what our livestock guardian dog is barking at when the birds are on pasture which sometimes means thwarting off attacks from bears, coyotes, foxes, and raccoons. I don’t account for the hours of cartoons our toddler watches while we butcher poultry because daycare… that’s a conversation for another day. I don’t account for my labor driving to pick up the chicks from the feed store, or my time driving to purchase grain. I don’t account for my time replying to emails and phone calls, book-keeping, or other administrative duties. I have only ever factored in my daily chore time and my time butchering/packaging the chickens. So now I am beginning to realize why farmers who feed inferior grains can charge more than we do. They, like most smart businesses, factor in all their labor! What do we really have into each chicken, even with my labor at bare minimum? $30.62. This is at current organic feed prices and does not account for inflation which is happening daily at an astronomical rate. This does not take into considerations the losses (which always occur even with the best care). And it does not reflect infrastructure repair or replacement. Poultry tractors, feed troughs, and water fountains do not last forever. It’s becoming increasingly obvious to me why our farm rarely makes a profit. For too long I have been satisfied with our mission to provide our community with meat from organically fed, naturally raised, humanely processed animals and less driven to have our farm be a viable business. So can we cut our costs and lessen the price to customers? Likely not. Why am I being so honest about what expense we have into each chicken? Because I sincerely want our customers to realize that we are not taking advantage of them. I want our customers to value our knowledge about the fragility of day old poultry, about correct initial brooder temperature and subsequent adjustments, about feed trough and water fountain placement so chicks don’t crowd or drown, about brooder shape so chicks don’t get stuck and suffocate in corners, about the proper amount of feed offered so the birds don’t literally eat themselves to death, about the weather watching we do and prevention measures we take to mitigate losses, about husbandry practices that can identify and treat illness or injury, about organic and regenerative practices that protect the sustainability of our land, and so much more. I want our customers to understand the effort we put in from brooding chicks properly to slaughtering them humanely. I don’t wish to sacrifice my effort because I believe the value is evident in our finished product. What’s the solution? Charge bare minimum because I love what I do. Or increase our poultry price to reflect my time which will increase it by at least 30%. I am not willing to make a call this season. I want my products to be accessible. If you can only afford $2.50/pound chicken, that’s okay. I am not bullying you into purchasing our poultry. I am happy you’re able to afford food. Too many cannot. What I refuse to do any longer though, is walk in the shadows of iconic farmers who talk a good talk but don’t walk a good walk. The reputation of agriculture, and my reputation, matter to me. I demand better for myself, my animals, and my customers. My only hope in sharing any of this is that you truly get to know your farmer and know your food.
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Now that Burns Night is drawing near, I felt like I should node some of the more...um...interesting poems of his. This one is from the Merry Muses of Caledonia collection "Come rede me, dame, come tell me, dame, "My dame come tell me truly, "What length o' graith, when weel ca'd hame, "Will sair a woman duly?" The carlin clew her wanton tail, Her wanton tail sae ready - I learn'd a sang in Annandale, Nine inch will please a lady. But for a koontrie cunt like mine, In sooth we're nae sae gentle; We'll tak tway thumb-bread to the nine, And that's a sonsy pintle: O Leeze me on my charlie lad, I'll ne'er forget my Charlie! Tway roarin handfu's and a daud, He nidge't it in fu' rarely. But weary fa' the laithron doup, And may it ne'er be thrivin! It's no the length that maks me loup, But it's the double drivin. Come nidge me, Tam, come nudge me, Tam, Come nidge me o'er the nyvel! Come lowse and lug your battering ram, And thrash him at the gyvel! , one's member : old woman : how I love
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Will be Russian Email Order Girlfriends or wives Illegal? Russian email order birdes-to-be are some of the most beautiful women on the globe. Many of these females are seeking overseas men pertaining to serious associations and marital life. Thanks to the internet, these females have become even more beautiful than in the past. You can find a mail purchase significant other from Russia, Ukraine, or perhaps other parts of Europe. Are Russian deliver order wives illegal? That is a question that really needs to get answered thoroughly. I’m a relationship mentor who has helped countless public locate a lasting and fulfilling relationship. The answer to this question is not a in most cases. There are numerous factors that determine whether a mail buy spouse is legal, but the most important one is the place that the woman lives. An european mail purchase bride may be legally situated in the United States or perhaps Canada. If she matches the requirements within the Immigration and Naturalization Service plan, she can easily be a US citizen. A Russian mail-order bride can also be by law recognized as a US citizen. The united states is not really above guarding the pursuits of international mail-order birdes-to-be, and no rules that says these ladies are outlawed. Yet , the UK is long gone the Assault Against Girls Act in 1994. What the law states helps to protect US ladies from rasurado, domestic assault, and exploitation. IMBRA and are there any legit russian dating sites VAWA both protect immigrant wives from exploitation. If you’re questioning, “is a Russian mail-order partner illegal? inches then read this article. The is also a safe haven for ladies looking for absolutely adore. While the strategy of marrying an eastern european mail-order better half is certainly not against the law, it truly is risky. Luckily, mail-order females can benefit from the protections of US laws. Many mail-order relationships end in divorce, though this percentage can be lesser if the https://wise.com/sg/blog/singaporean-marrying-a-foreigner woman lives abroad. Even though the risks happen to be higher, it’s also an effective option for someone who would like to marry a north american citizen. Are Russian mail-order birdes-to-be illegal? Normally, no . A mail-order bride is totally legal. Of course , it depends within the country when you live. A woman can be lawfully married in the US or another country, yet it’s not considered the best marriage unless it’s in america. The rules and regulations in america are very crystal clear. It’s also important to do not forget that a Russian star of the wedding is not a foreigner in the US. If you’re thinking about marrying a foreign bride-to-be, it is worth pursuing that the relationship is private. Although mail-order marriages are definitely not technically unlawful, the process themselves is a little dangerous. It’s very unlikely that you will be charged with anything, nevertheless, you should always confirm the person you marry. As an example, is actually not likely to become against the law for the foreign bride to be betrothed in the US. There is certainly no need to worry about the Russian authorities because these types of marriages are governed by rules and regulations of your home country.
{ "date": "2022-05-23T08:26:47Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662556725.76/warc/CC-MAIN-20220523071517-20220523101517-00617.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9459604024887085, "token_count": 697, "url": "https://www.giacomovaltcostruzioni.it/will-be-russian-email-order-girlfriends-or-wives-illegal/" }
So it begins… Haha! I think this one is my new favorite. HAHAHA! you guys are ingenious. They were actually just sort of ticked off over those rapid weather changes from sunny to stormy. this is my second favorite one It’s the return of the well! Are they still stuck in there? hahaaahahhaa =] loves it..<33333333 I guess it wasn’t their card… Why they got so angry? It’s a difficult trick they taught he was a witch… there was a time when people were superstitious and burned people who they taught were witches.. i think he knows.. o.o bahaha…u mean hes not a witch?… i am not a witch, i am not a witch And this isn’t my nose. It’s a false one. i’m still laughing wizard burning didnt work at all. the wizard simply put on a flame-cooling charm and shreeked for the muggle’s enjoyment. Harry potter? xD yay! harry potter! boo! harry potter 🙁 no! YAY harry potter! i can just picture him with this sinister sounding voice ”is THIS your card?”……love it! an his expression…oh man lol I Love how that one woman in the right is just spitting at at him, and those two who ‘witnessed” the witch are at the far back walking away. Ironically, he was charged with possession of gambling materials, not witchcraft. Now that I’ve killed my credibility, no one is going to believe me, but there was actually a fair amount of homosexual hanky-panky in the early Puritan colonies… and they perpetrators didn’t get burnt at the stake for it. There are records of the criminal proceedings. HAHA this one is great! It sad because it’s still sort of true to this VERY day, only to a lesser degree. Most people think you should burn at the steak for believing the war in Iraq was a bad idea and that global warming is a myth and that torture is wrong. global warming IS a myth O.o It’s only a myth in a sense that it’s completely man’s fault. Climate Change (the new name for it) is completely natural, we just sped up the process. 😛 Burn at the steak? I prefer mine rare. (Not to mention my flesh.) i dont know why, but it annoys me that it turns overcast when something ominous happens. Omg this shit is hilarious. i cannot control myself from laughing. Good job guys. This one and the Ghost buster reference are in my top 10! Definitely my favorite. This is the one I stumbled upon originally. This is hilarious xD ha. wingo! lol lmfaoo wo0ow this is my first time on this site and i luv it !!! This has happened to me several times, but as I am a magician, I disappeared. That’s a damn fine mustache. so funny jajajaja It was only a test group for the new monopoly game for pete’s sake!! Why the fuss??? Those two somber looking people walking away from the burning seem like they’re a step forward. NAME — Get a Gravatar
{ "date": "2022-05-24T20:41:28Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662577259.70/warc/CC-MAIN-20220524203438-20220524233438-00017.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9380086064338684, "token_count": 825, "url": "http://www.amazingsuperpowers.com/2007/11/the-magician/?replytocom=13134" }
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Touching Short Story Bread of Sacrifice Samira 'Azzam (1925-1967) When Ibrahim handed him the tobacco-filled pipe, he wished he could break down and cry like a child. He felt tears welling in his eyes and turned his head aside to wipe them away on his sleeve. In an attempt to hide his sorrow, he raised his head to peer over the barricade, but when he turned back to face Iris companions their grief-stricken silence brought the tears back into his eyes. The night, presided over by a distant, cloudy moon, seemed to grieve with them; everything in tile universe seemed to know his story. He longed to be able to give himself up to the luxury of sorrow, but could not. He longed to shake his friends, to throw away the armor of toughness and cry--cry without shame. He raised his sleeve to wipe his eyes, and felt the woolen shirt irritating them, reminding him of that talisman of hers he was wearing, that would protect him--as she once said--from every treacherous bullet. Yes, he could remember that night. It had been a night of stinging cold like this one, with a thin crescent moon. He had been ordered to guard the small hospital the Arab Legion had set up in a town house that consisted of four stone rooms and a small garden. The eight hospital beds were occupied by eight wounded men brought in following a battle between the Jewish Nahariya settlement and the Arab villages around Acre. Yes, it had been cold that night, and neither his kaffiyyeh nor his heavy overcoat were enough to shield him from the biting chill, so lie had taken to walking about in order to keep the blood from freezing in his veins. When he tired of this, he returned to lean against the hospital wall, near the door, gazing at the distant houses of the city which slept uneasily, fearful of sudden attack. He did not know what time it was exactly. The only remaining lights were the streetlamps on the main thoroughfares, and the night was silent save for the sound of a distant jackal. Yes, he did not know exactly what time it was when he sensed her standing near him in her white nurse's uniform, asking him whether lie wanted a cup of tea. He had not given thought to tea, nor to anything else; nevertheless, he felt it would be nice to have a warm object to hold against his chilled fingers, and accepted her offer gratefully. When she returned with the tea, he finished it off in four gulps so as not to oblige her to wait long, and gave her back the empty cup, murmuring some word of thanks. And after she left, he thought it would have been polite if he had talked to her a little more. He turned Iris head, searching for her shadow behind the window. He saw no one. He decided to thank her in the morning‑but who could she be? There were two female nurses, and he had seen nothing of her except her white uniform. The second night he was determined to be less rigid when she brought him tea. He waited a long time, but she did not come. He told himself that she must be too busy with those who really needed her care to see to his tea. Why shouldn't he, therefore, knock on the door and ask for his own tea? He hesitated, not wanting to be a nuisance. The lights went out, the city slept, leaving him and his comrades the responsibility of keeping vigil. It was about this time last night that he drank her tea. He flexed his fingers, frozen by the gun‑barrel, and wished for something to bring them warmth. No sooner had he lifted his hand to his mouth to blow on his fingers than her white uniform suddenly appeared p at Iris side and he heard her saying, "I've brought you your tea without asking; you won't refuse it, will you?" He raised his eyes, looked at her, and extended his cold hand to take the cup. He decided it would be nice to speak to her before drinking. "Don't you find the work here hard?" With a gravity he had not expected, she replied, "Do you think I'm not good enough for duties like this?" "I . . . No, not at all . . ." At a loss for words, lie raised the cup to Iris lips and drank quickly, scalding his throat. He returned the cup to her without a thank you, and when she had moved a few steps away, he called out, "Miss" why shouldn't he ask her name? There was no harm iii that. She stopped, and he approached her. "Excuse me, I wonder if I might know your name?" She laughed before replying: "And why not? We are all comrades I( here. My name is Wad. "I am Ramiz. My buddies call me Sarge. Should we shake hands?" She laughed and gave him her hand, then slipped away as lightly as she had come. Su'ad. How strange--another Su'ad. He seemed to have luck with this name. Some days ago the Acre Women's Committee had presented a gift of hand-knitted woolen shirts and blankets to the Arab Legion. In the pocket of each was a card bearing the name of the young woman who had knitted it, along with a word of encouragement. He still kept his. He felt for it in his pocket, pulled it out, and lit a match by which he read the words "Su'ad Wahbi," and below the name "May this shirt be worn by a hero." The match went out and the words vanished. He put the card back in his pocket. Could it be her? If it were, wouldn't that be a pleasant coincidence? He turned to the door, and found it locked. The third night he arranged to begin his shift of guard duty earlier in order to have an opportunity to enter the hospital and ask after the wounded. The door was open, and he went in. He saw her carrying a dinner tray to one of the soldiers. He greeted her and asked if he might visit them. She replied, "Why not? I'd like you to meet Hassan so he can tell you the details of the battle. I've heard it myself dozens of times, but it won't hurt to hear it once more." He followed her. He stood next to her in front of Hassan's bandaged head, and they both laughed to hear the wounded man say; "Su'ad is a strict nurse who wants me stretched out like a corpse. She won't even let me sneak a cigarette." As she laughed, Ramiz noticed that her teeth were very white, and her eyes shone with an indomitable will. The mood in the room en couraged him to ask; "Still, you'd agree with me that she's a good one?" "Good? She's the best of them all. She's better than my old mother. She's always around, giving this one something to drink, that one something to cat, answering the bells that ring in all the rooms. If ever she finds a moment to rest, you'll find her sitting by the door with her knitting." He remembered the shirt. His hand moved, finding the thick buttons of the overcoat that covered it. Opening the coat to show his shirt, he turned to her and said, "Do you recognize this shirt?" "Yes. So you were the one who got it." "Don't I deserve it? I still have the card. This way I will always remember my duty to perform as a hero." A persistent bell summoned her ail(] she left him with Hassan, who asked him for a cigarette which he promised not to smoke until Su'ad gave him her approval. Two weeks went by, and the wounded began to recover and leave the hospital, all except one who was transferred to another hospital. Ramiz's guard duty there was over, and he returned to his job training recruits. He would meet new recruits and release others until darkness fell, then he would take his rifle and go for his nightly guard duty. Only when dawn lit the sky did he go home and throw himself on the iron cot in his one room house. There he found time to think about her. An entire week went by, during which he did not see her. Where could she be? Why did he feel driven to think about her, and to treasure the shirt she had knitted? Yesterday morning he had discovered something as he got dressed. She had knitted and knitted without knowing who would wear the shirt. Maybe she had a picture in her mind's eye of what the man who wore it ought to look like. Obviously she wished him to be tall, with broad shoulders--a man she hoped would be a hero. He turned to look at himself in the mirror oil the wall and felt his muscular arms. He laughed at his own foolishness as he gazed at himself. But what harm would it do if he acted a little silly, burying his face in the shirt, for example, or kissing it? On the eighth day he chanced upon her in the street. She was not in her nurse's uniform. I He stopped her, saying, "I almost didn't recognize you out of uniform." She shook his hand and said; "'file hospital has moved and I couldn't think of anything; to do today. What are you up to?" "Training recruits during the day, and guard duty at night‑nothing much' And no teal" Her silvery laugh rang out. She caught him gazing at her and blushed. She started to walk away, and he rushed to speak to her before shyness overcame him. "I hope you don't think I'm being out of line. Couldn't I meet you somewhere?" "Our town is too small for that." "But we're comrades in arms. I train recruits, both men and women. Come to the Port Club. We can talk a little bit after I'm finished with drilling." They agreed to meet there at three. He was in the middle of demonstrating to a women's squadron how to stand firm holding a heavy rifle without faltering, when he caught sight of her. He continued with his job, and did not talk to her until the exercise was completed. Then he dismissed his class and turned to greet her, offering her a chair. "Aren't you exhausted?" she asked. "Who Isn't? But once I realized what sort of mobilization and preparations arc going on in the Jewish settlements, I wished there were sixty hours in a day. We have a tough job ahead of us." "Aren’t you afraid?" "Wary. It won't be easy. I think the Jews have stockpiled a great many weapons in their settlements. We've found out many things." "Have you gone there yourself?" "Yes, I used to go a lot before relations became strained. Now I can't go. I'm on their blacklist." He saw her observing him. Presently, her lips parted and tile determined look flashed in her eyes. "You know, I'm starting to believe that you are something of a hero." "A hero? No way, though your card has given me the inspiration to be one." "Do you still have it?" "Here it is." He handed it to her, gild as he took it back, lie pressed her hand briefly then released it. Then, to give her a chance to conceal her embarrassment he looked out over the blue sea in front of' him. It was spring. Springtime iii this part of Palestine is a sparkling sea, traversed by white sails during the day .lied lit by the twinkling Limps of fishing boats at night. The fragrance of the orange groves tills the air. That spring, Ramiz learned about two things--love and war--and the first gave meaning to the second. War was not simply an enemy to kill voraciously. Rather, it was the assertion of the life of the land he loved and the woman he loved. Palestine was clot only a sea with fishing boats, and oranges shining like gold, and not just olives and olive oil filling the big oil jars. It was Su'ad's black eyes as well. III Su'ad's eyes he saw all of Palestine's goodness. I, too, saw the image of a happy home for him, and a wife who would bear him young heroes and make her love the meaning of his existence. Each new day her image accompanied the news of battles in the morning papers. The battle of Qastal.1 The Palestinian counterattack from the Triangle of terror2 on enemy settlements. His and his comrades' raids on the infiltrating Jewish armored vehicles rolling down the road from Haifa to Acre to Nahariya. The heroism of his people in Salama, in every town and village. Then came the fall of Haifa.' He would never forget that evening. He was busy training the recruits. When he turned toward the sea, he saw dozens and dozens of boats filled with refugees. The people of Acre gathered at the city walls to learn about the new situation. They had been aware of the battles that were being fought in Haifa, and they knew that the British authorities had secretly helped the Zionists with fortified positions. Although the British had publicly declared that they would not leave Haifa until a few months after the end of the Mandate Period, they now suddenly announced that they had to leave the city. The terror poured down Mount Car Carmel onto tile Arabs who lived on the slopes. Tile British authorities spread terrifying rumors that caused panic. At the same time, they opened the port, and made their ships available to carry off anyone who wished to flee. So people crammed into them while gunfire spit out at them from the mountain. The boats dumped them on the shore of Acre, a human mass, some stunned by their wounds, others by hunger, still others by terror. The homes, the mosques, the monasteries, the plazas of his city were jammed with them. They brought Ills small city the burden of providing food and shelter for so many. That night he saw Su'ad with dozens of women volunteers, receiving the wounded at the port and assigning them to hospitals and homes. At the same time, the war of rumors began to play on everyone's nerves. He awoke the following day to a loud knocking at the door. He opened it and was astonished to see her there. She was crying. She said that her brother had got hold of a truck, loaded it with everything that would fit, then crammed his wife, his children, and himself onto it and drove to Lebanon. Twenty families in tier neighborhood had already done the same thing. Her brother had tried to make her come with them, but she had refused. She had argued with him and he had slapped her oil the face. All she could do then was run away. She would be the last to leave. He was startled and remained silent, not knowing what to say to her. When she tapped against Ills chest with her fist lie asked; "Have you done this because of tile?" She blurted out; "No, not because of you. Yes, I love you, It's true. Still, you're not everything!" And she left. He opened the door and went out into the city. Dozens of cars, both large and small, full and empty, were speeding off, like the wind. Baffled, lie did not know whether to weep or shout or start pelting them with stones. After a week the city was empty, except for the fighters, a handful of woman nurses scattered among the small hospitals, and refugees from Haiti or the surrounding villages. There was no more time for meetings with Su'ad. 1o the north and south, the enemy was lying in wait for a chance to attack. By day lie slipped Into the villages to gather rifles and ammunition; his tights were spent with five others crouched behind barricades set up of the roof of a disused cigarette factory. The city had to hold fast until the Mandate ended and the Arab armies could come in to fight the battle. These were his duties as assigned by the National Committee of Acre. When he had time to rest, he thought of Su'ad wondering how she was living and under what circumstances. One day lie was startled to see her suddenly; he stopped in Iris tracks. She was wrapped in a coat and was carrying a large basket. He did not know how to greet her, but she solved the problem by opening the basket and directing her words to all his comrades. "The National Committee was afraid you might run out of, food, so they sent me with these things." There was bread, cigarettes, and candy in the basket. Her eyes were filled with love. He wished he could embrace her in front of all his comrades. He felt lie alone had the right to walk a little way with her on her way back, and to take her fingertips in his trembling hand. Then he raised her hand to Iris lips, begging her not to do such a crazy thing again. She went off; and he stood watching her until a bend in the road swallowed her. She visited them repeatedly. She always stayed just a few minutes, but they were enough to arouse Iris emotions in a way that made him both tired and happy. Until the beginning of the week. The fighting grew more intense, with shelling going on for an entire day and two nights, and for part of a second day. The enemy's armored cars were advancing along the main road to Nahariya The fighters had to ambush them with artillery placed on the roofs of houses near the road. The battle did not subside until three the next afternoon. Some of the men lay on the barricades to rest, and others lay on the ground. He went down to wash at the garden faucet before heading to the city to find out what plans the Arab Legion had for hauling the wrecked cars into town. His face was covered with soap, when he heard the sound of a bullet, then another. As he quickly wiped the soap from his eyes, the sound of her voice rang in his cars. Turning toward the garden door, he saw that she had darted in. Her basket was in one hand and she held the other against her chest. At the beginning, he did not see anything wrong as she was standing, but then she fell into Iris arms and blood began to flow from her chest. He stopped her wound with his hand and called out to his comrades, who quickly threw their shirts to him to absorb the blood that came pouring out. She opened her mouth to speak, but a rattle in her throat choked her words‑then, with a single groan, it was all over. It happened so fast he could not believe it. A single horrible instant put an end to everything. How could time not have stood still, how could it have marched on, allowing her to die? Why did she not revive under his kisses and his anguished cries, and how could those eyelids not tremble with life as lie whispered Iris love to her? She was dead. How, when the fragrance of her hair still lingered in the air, the warmth of her hand could still be felt on Ills palm, and lie could still taste her lips against his own? Her eyes had never spoken of death, only of love and the promise of life. Rubbing Iris eyes to banish the nightmare, he gripped tile pipe Ibrahim had handed him, so that Iris fingernails would not bore into Iris palm. He stared at Iris comrades. "Yes, she is dead," their eyes seemed to say. We must take her from you and bury her on the hill over there. We'll mark her grave with a flag and proclaim tier a heroine. She loved you and became a symbol for all of us, Ibrahim and Wadee` and Salih, Ahmad and `Abdullah. A thin yellow moon and a few stars. Nothing but the darkness and the glowing ends of cigarettes. Behind the barricade they had neither food nor drink, and they had not slept. The rest of the night passed peacefully except for a skirmish or two at dawn. Then things grew quiet, and tile tired heads surrendered themselves to a sleep broken by hunger and fear. At dawn `Abdullah rubbed tits eyes and looking over to the piles of wooden boxes nearby asked; "Isn't there anything to eat?" Wadee` replied, "Sure, there's our hunger." He fell silent. There were Su'ad's loaves, stained with her blood. What a wretched dip for their bread! Their hunger became unbearable, and they were soon unable even to stand up. Ramiz felt that the situation was turning into a humiliating ordeal, and that he alone of his comrades could dare to consider eating the loaves. He covered Iris eyes with his hands. Could anything be worse than his being forced to feed her blood to Iris friends? He looked over at Iris comrades. `Abdullah lay on a blanket, as did Salih. Ahmad sat on a sandbag, pressing his hands against Iris stomach. They were ready to cat a dog's corpse, but no one reached fur the loaves baptized with blood. He would have to set things in motion. What would he say to his comrades? Tike it, for Su'ad has given us the bread and the dip? He bowed Iris head for a moment, then dragged himself to Iris feet. If the idea was too awful for him, he must go to the city and get them something to cat. He tried to stand tip, but lie was too weak. His comrades realized what his going to the city would entail. Any bullet would catch him like a little bird‑the open countryside between their post and the city center was wide and exposed. Armored cars protecting themselves by spraying out bullets in all directions could be expected to pass 'at any moment. So Salih took him by the shoulders and made him sit down. He sat down, and once again the battle between the blood soaked bread and their hunger began. There it was, still piled in the corner, in the basket, just the way Su'ad had brought it. It would hurt, but it would save five lives. What price would he pay? Could he bear to see the hands tearing off a piece and the teeth chewing the bread she had stained with her blood? His eyes clouded over‑no, it would never happen, even if they all had to die. They weren't any better than she had been, so what if they, too, died? She had died carrying bread to them, but they would die because they would not touch her bread. Her death would not save their lives. They would be rejecting the bread of sacrifice, offered to them to test their humanity, or his own humanity at least. What had they done that they should starve? But what if they did starve? They could just forget the bread was there. In any case, they were not considering it. They had abstained, willing themselves to wait for another source of nourishment, or to die, and with them would die the chance to avenge her death. Revenge? Yes, how could he have forgotten that? How could he choose to die of hunger like a dog, and to let five others die with him? So many encounters with death had insured 11111 to the thought of it. But if he could choose the death he wished, lie would not choose to die of hunger. Su'ad herself would never allow that of a hero. He shuddered in pain. He realized that throughout this last night he had thought more about his hunger than about Su'ad. Hunger had suspended all other sensibilities. What a horrible experience! He called to his comrades, and they were barely able to open their eyes. He would call them one by one: Ibrahim and Wadee` and Salih and Alimad and `Abdullah. They would form a circle around him. Then he would rise and bring the loaves of bread. As he put his hand out to open the basket he would tell them an ancient story known to this land and its people, tile story of the redemption of life by flesh and blood. Then he would bring the loaves and, with all the solemnity of an Eastern Orthodox priest offering the bread of Jesus he would tell them: "Eat, for this is my body; drink, for this is my blood." He would also cat some himself, and something of Su'ad would remain in him. How did this thought escape Iris attention before? Something was now nudging him, shouting and demanding, reminding him that lie had to do something for that body now buried in the corner of the garden. He pulled himself tip and walked to the other corner, his movements followed by five pairs of eyes. He could feel their gaze fastened on Iris legs. With a trembling hand, lie took the basket, opened it, and brought the bread to his lips. Then he approached Iris comrades, fell to his knees, and handed tile loaves out, saying; "Eat . . . Su'ad would not have wanted its to die of hunger." Then the world grew distant, and lie fell senseless to the ground. (Anthology of MODERN PALESTINIAN LITERATURE, Edited and introduced by Sara Khadra Jayyusi, translated by Kathie Piselli and Dick Davies)
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“Perhaps our greatest acts of violence are reserved not for those experiences that are most foreign to us but for the ones that are closest to the truth about ourselves.” – Jonathan Mooney In this article I’ll candidly share my thoughts about polyamory, monogamy, marriage, and about intimate relationships in general. One issue that seems to be a hang-up for a lot of people is the possibility of getting hurt. Monogamous relationships can lead to plenty of hurt when they go bad, and it seems reasonable to assume that polyamory could multiply this hurt even more, if only because more hearts are involved. One reason people fear getting hurt is that they’ve had some bad experiences in the past and haven’t fully recovered yet. Another problem is that people have an undue fear of hurting others because they’ve caused some pain in the past, and they’re still harboring a lot of guilt and regret. What does it take to let go of that fear and pain and to summon the courage to take new risks in your relationships, in the hopes of experiencing ever greater levels of joy? Basically, you just have to get back in the arena and do the best you can… without worrying so much about getting hurt. Over time your calibration will improve. You’ll get better at avoiding broken hearts, and you’ll learn to create joy more consistently. Unfortunately, you have to move through the hurt phase to get to the joy phase. If you live your life so as to minimize your potential hurt, you’ll endure a very dull, dreary, and cowardly existence. This is how drug addicts aim to live. Of course the pain always gets its say further down the road. Anyone who wants to live consciously must accept that getting battered and bruised is part of the game of life. It happens. When you get hurt, the best response is to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, tend to your bruises, consider what you’ve learned, and get back in the game with even more resolve than you had when you were knocked down. Wounds heal. This includes the wounds you inflict as well as those that are inflicted upon you. Life has knocked me down quite a few times. I’ve been arrested and convicted. I went bankrupt trying to build my first business. I was kicked out of my apartment because I couldn’t pay the rent. People criticize me publicly every week, especially this week. Hmmm… wonder why… Does it hurt when stuff like this happens? Sure it does. I’m not invulnerable. I know that life will keep knocking me down again and again. And each time I’ll get up, dust myself off, and tend to my wounds. Then I’ll say in my snarkiest tone, “Nice try, Life. Is that the best you can do?” I don’t want to reach my grave in pristine “like new” condition. I won’t die with my music still in me. When the coroner checks my dead body, I want him to say, “Damn… what the hell did he do to this thing?” Don’t try to grow a big callous around your heart to protect yourself from getting hurt. Don’t try to shield yourself from emotional pain. That will only make you cold and callous yourself. If you disconnect from your heart, you disconnect from everything. You’ll rob your life of all its delicious flavor. Instead, take the hurt as it comes, and fully accept it. Listen to what the hurt is telling you, learn from it, and grow through it. See the hurt as a gift instead of a punishment. Tune into the joy behind the sadness. The message of hurt is this: Despite what’s happened, can you still respond with love? Even when you’re faced with negative emotions, can you see beyond them and consciously choose to respond with love instead of reacting with fear? Can you see how helpful this process is in the long run? The more you get hurt, the more you develop your ability to choose love. If you look at some of the most loving souls on earth, their pasts are often riddled with the most wicked abuse and suffering you can imagine. Knock them down, and they keep coming back with more love. Do you sense the power of this way of living? I understand that not everyone has this attitude. What can I say? Is it really helpful to wallow in self-pity or guilt? Isn’t it better to accept the hurt as it comes, process it, let it go, and then move on? The human heart has a great capacity to heal. If you get hurt, you’ll recover. If you hurt others, they’ll recover too. If you consciously work on your healing, you’ll heal a lot faster than if you merely subscribe to the mantra, Time heals all wounds. Does this mean you should go around hurting people intentionally because, what the heck, they’ll heal? No, it just means that you shouldn’t fear it. It’s better to experience (or cause) one real broken heart than to fear a thousand imaginary ones. I know that by exploring polyamory, there’s a good chance that someone I’m involved with will feel hurt at some point. Maybe me. Maybe Erin. Maybe others. Maybe all of us. If I want to fully embrace the game of life, there’s no getting around that. It’s a risk. But I can’t live my life cowering under the covers like Shaggy and Scooby. I’m gonna be kick-ass Fred. You just know Fred was all over Daphne and Velma in the back of the Mystery Machine. Hmmm… I wonder if Mystery has a Mystery Machine. I have nothing against monogamy in general. I’ve been in a monogamous relationship for almost 15 years. Those years have involved an awesome amount of growth and joy. If you’re monogamous and happy about it, that’s terrific. If I thought monogamy sucked, I wouldn’t have stuck with it for so long. At this particular time in my life, I feel ready to move on from monogamy though. I can see that it would be the wrong path for me in the years ahead. Some people have asked if I’m bored with my current relationship situation. That’s an overly simplistic way of looking at it, but overall that’s reasonably accurate. Some people suggested the general prescription of spicing things up a bit and staying monogamous. The spice isn’t the problem though. The issue is what’s beneath the spice. I’ve gone through enough life lessons to know when it’s time to spice up my life by adding/changing projects and activities vs. doing a complete overhaul. In this case, it’s clear that it’s time for a complete overhaul of my approach to intimate relationships. Dropping monogamy is going to be a pretty radical change for me, much like when I switched careers from game development to personal development. This is going to impact every part of my life in a big way, as well as the lives of Erin and my kids. It’s going to be a lot of work to navigate this transition. I have no delusions that this will be an easy change. Marriage and monogamy are two different concepts, so let’s be careful not to confuse them. In contrast to monogamy, I think marriage is an unnecessary legal institution that does more harm than good. I got married to Erin when I was 26 years old. We met when I was 22. If I had it to do all over again, knowing what I now know, I wouldn’t have gotten married. What can I say? I goofed. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Of course, the year after I got married, I also went bankrupt, so perhaps those weren’t my best decision-making years. I very much like the notion of long-term, committed relationships. I think long-term relationships are wonderful. I just think marriage is a poor vehicle for expressing them. Marriage might be an okay vehicle for some people. I certainly know some pretty conscious married people. However, in the long run, it’s very easy for marriage to become a consciousness-lowering bugaboo. Of the very conscious people I know who are married, I think their growth would likely accelerate if they stopped being married, myself included. The failure rate for marriages is pretty high. In the USA most marriages end in divorce, and of those that don’t, probably most of those couples would be happier in the long run if they did get divorced. History also demonstrates that as divorce becomes easier and more accessible, more people are willing to end their marriages. So the overall track record of marriage, at least in modern times, isn’t particularly good. The institution of marriage is simply too far out of sync with the realities of human relationships. That being said, I’m actually glad I got married. Huh? The reason I say that is that being married for so long (almost 11 years) has helped me understand and relate to other people who are married. I rather like that I can share my thoughts about marriage as an insider. There’s just no way I could understand the realities of marriage if I hadn’t experienced it firsthand. Obviously with only one marriage under my belt, I may not be the world’s greatest expert on the subject, but it’s a lot better than having zero experience. You probably don’t want to know how many married people emailed me in the past couple days to say, “I’ve been married X years, and I can totally relate to all the things you’re saying with respect to polyamory. I’ve had many of those same feelings myself, and I applaud you for being so open and honest about it. I just don’t think my partner would ever understand if I tried to discuss this with him/her. Please keep writing about this — it helps me a lot to know I’m not alone in having these feelings.” Suffice it to say there was a lot of feedback. It might interest you to know that this feedback came from men and women about equally — if we compensate for the demographic split of my readership (which is about 65% male). The problem with marriage is that it pushes relationships into the realm of law, and that’s a huge no-no because that runs contrary to conscious choice. Just to be clear, I’m referring to legal law here, not divine law. Coupled with societal pressure, marriage applies an inappropriate form of force to relationships. To our credit, Erin and I discussed this problem to some degree before we got married. In our wedding vows, we actually declined to include the phrase “till death do us part.” It seemed unreasonable to commit in advance to being married for a lifetime, especially since we were both going through lots of growth and change. Erin once told me that Wiccans use the phrase “as long as our love shall last.” We didn’t use that phrasing ourselves, but I think we used something similar. The idea was that the status of our marriage should be subservient to the status of our relationship, not the other way around. My long-term relationship with Erin has been wonderful. I still want it to continue. My marriage to Erin, however, has had its share of issues. I’ve often felt trapped and constricted by the legal and societal ramifications of marriage. People relate to you differently when you get married. That can get a bit wearing after a while. Sometimes it feels like marriage is some sort of disease. Once you’ve been infected by it, you’re expected to cocoon yourself in a special part of society with other married people. You gain some things, but you also lose freedoms. This runs contrary to conscious living, which requires the freedom to make conscious choices. My experience has been that marriage closes more doors than it opens. Your experience may vary, and that’s perfectly fine. I’m just sharing my own experience. I’m sure I’m not the only married person who feels this way. I stopped wearing my wedding ring a long time ago. Occasionally I’ll wear it as a piece of jewelry, but the ring’s symbolic meaning is something I no longer connect with. I see it as a symbol of attachment and restriction, not a symbol of conscious living. In my opinion, wearing a wedding ring as a symbol that I’m attached to one and only one person runs contrary to the principle of Oneness. In lieu of a wedding ring, I’d prefer to wear a ring that says I’m connected to all of humanity… or to life itself. But presently I don’t find it necessary to wear a symbol for something I feel intuitively. Maybe later… Marriage has a very possessive aspect to it. My wife. My husband. It’s like you become someone’s custodial property. You are “spoken for” and “attached.” Does that mean no one else can connect to you in the same way? If you’re attached, does that mean you can’t enjoy new intimate connections? In practice marriage serves as more of a barrier to intimacy than an enabler of intimacy. If you find my views on marriage offensive in some way, I understand that. There’s no need to defend yourself though because I’m not attacking you. Just spend some time thinking about this, and get in touch with your true feelings about it. If you find the legal institution of marriage an attractive choice, then by all means get married if that’s what you want. Just don’t go dark and take the relationship behind the marriage for granted. Again, I think long-term committed relationships are great. But the current legal and societal institution of marriage is a poor vehicle for conscious, committed relationships. I think it’s rather appropriate that Las Vegas is filled with wedding chapels. Much like gambling, marriage can be quite a seductive vice. Family and kids Some people clearly have something in their craw about how polyamory might affect my kids. It’s weird to see people get all worked up about all the potential damage that will be done… especially when they’ve never met Erin, myself, or our kids. This is an area where people are clearly projecting their own personal issues onto us. Most of the negative feedback in this area is so far out of sync with reality, I can’t even relate to it. There’s just no shred of truth to grasp because such feedback has nothing to do with us whatsoever. The best response I can offer these fear-mongers is a eye roll. Maybe for good measure, I can add, “Oh, please. Get real.” Overall I expect that this change will be very positive for my kids. Emily and Kyle are both very social and love meeting new people. Whenever we have house guests, my kids love interacting with them. Emily likes to ask new people, “Are you vegan?” She’s our resident vegan cop. Just say yes no matter what, and you’ll be fine. My son Kyle loves to say to people, “Come play Halo with me, so I can kick your butt!” He’s quite a trash talker when he plays, which is pretty funny to see from a five year-old. Past experience tells me that my kids love it when interesting, open-minded people are brought into our lives. It just means more people for them to socialize with. The extra stimulation is good for them. If you think this is a bad idea, raise your kids differently. But it’s foolish to assume this will somehow damage my children if you’ve never spent as much as a minute with them. You’re just grasping at straws if you think that. If you actually met my kids and got to know them, you’d have a hard time making the case that this lifestyle choice will somehow harm them. Do you have a clue what it’s like to have a personal development expert and a psychic medium as your parents? My daughter actually goes around telling her classmates, “My Daddy is the smartest man on earth, and my Mommy talks to dead people.” Emily assumes that since I run a website and wrote a book “for Smart People” that I must be the smartest guy in the world. When I pick up my kids from school, sometimes little girls run up to me and ask, “Emily says you’re the smartest man on earth. If that’s really true, then what’s 100 times 100?” At least my math degree is good for something. Keep in mind that my kids share much of my DNA. First, that alone should scare you. Secondly, if you try to convince them they’re going to be damaged by my choices, they’ll just laugh at you. Then my son will proceed to kick your butt at Halo, after which he’ll give you a very loving hug to cheer you up. What draws me to polyamory is that it aligns very well with the 7 universal growth principles in my book. This means that pursuing polyamory is likely to be a major positive growth experience for me. If I don’t pursue it, I’d be turning my back on my own path of conscious growth. Let’s consider each principle briefly… my version of briefly, that is. Truth – Polyamory can be practiced with total openness and honesty and no deception. It’s been practiced for millennia. It’s a natural part of our heritage as human beings. To turn our backs on it and demonize it is nonsensical. That’s our social conditioning talking, not authentic truth. Without polyamory you probably wouldn’t even be here. Love – Polyamory means many loves. Creating and maintaining authentic, loving connections is its very core. Polyamory resonates with me emotionally and spiritually. It’s something I’d love to experience, and it can be a wonderful thing to share with others who are willing to do so. So it gets a big checkmark from this principle. Power – Will polyamory be empowering? It will be a major growth experience to learn about it and practice it, so regardless of what degree of success I enjoy, it will empower me to grow. It will also require me to further develop my self-discipline, my communication skills, and more. This is a path that will surely build strength, not one that will feed weakness. Oneness (Love + Truth) – Polyamory is more aligned with Oneness than monogamy. Monogamy is exclusive, while polyamory is inclusive. Connections that would otherwise be blocked can be accepted. Polyfidelity (being in a closed polyamorous relationship) is less inclusive, but it’s still more inclusive than monogamy. Authority (Truth + Power) – Since polyamory is experiential, it aligns wonderfully with the principle of Authority. It involves consciously authoring new relationships. My personal authority in the area of relationships will expand much more on a polyamorous path than it would in a single monogamous relationship, if only due to the greater experiential abundance. By writing about my experiences, I can share the lessons learned, which will benefit thousands of others too. This is all very good. Courage (Love + Power) – Is this the courageous path or the cowardly path? It should be pretty obvious that going polyamorous, and especially writing about it along the way, takes Courage. In my case I need a lot more Courage to go polyamorous than I’d need to stay monogamous. This is definitely a path with a heart. You may find that monogamy requires more Courage for you personally, and that’s fine. In my case monogamy would be the more timid route since that would merely require a continuation of the status quo. Polyamory is the level 30 beast that intimidates my level 20 character. Intelligence (Truth + Love + Power) – Is polyamory an intelligent choice? Yes, if the path is followed truthfully, lovingly, and powerfully, it can produce positive growth for everyone involved. Going polyamorous entails developing a whole new outlet for authentic self-expression. When it works, it has the potential to become a thing of beauty. Also, by writing about it, I can potentially boost the relationship intelligence of many, many people. One of the main reasons I’m choosing to pursue polyamory is that relative to monogamy, this path will increase my alignment with all 7 of these principles. This means I’ll grow a lot faster if I go polyamorous as opposed to remaining monogamous. It also means I’ll be able to share a lot more growth and learning with others along the way. If you’ve been reading my work for a while, I’m sure you’d agree that this change is going to inspire a lot more sharing of knowledge vs. what I’d be able to share if I maintained the status quo. I wasn’t just blowing smoke when I wrote a book about these universal principles. I really do live my life this way. My primary aim is to become as truthful, loving, and strong in character as I can (i.e. aligned with Truth, Love, and Power)… and to share what I learn as my legacy to humanity. We’ll see how far I can get before I’m assassinated. As I noted in my book, it’s not remotely easy to keep shifting into ever-greater alignment with these principles. But who needs easy when you can have growth instead? Is polyamory just about the sex? For some people, sexual variety can be the primary attraction to polyamory. Overall though, this is a very immature view of intimate relationships. Many people in the seduction community enter a polyamorous frame whereby their primary interest seems to be “sowing the wild oats.” Personally I see nothing wrong with this if it’s something you genuinely want to experience. This isn’t what polyamory is about though. Putting your genitals first is a phase that people eventually grow out of. Sure, it can be fun to enjoy some sexual abundance for a time, but after you’ve shagged everything in sight, that superficial level of intimacy grows stale, and you’re left feeling a bit empty, wanting something more. This pursuit leads many people back to the frame of a steady, monogamous relationship. They realize they want a deeper connection that goes beyond just having lots of sex. Even when sex is really good, by itself it can’t fulfill all your emotional needs. Many people are really uptight about sex. Sexuality can expose a lot of self-esteem deficiencies, especially body image issues. If you aren’t ready to face those inner demons, it’s easy to blame sexuality itself. This pushes you into a fear state and leads you to adopt a control strategy as a coping mechanism. You relate to sex as something that must be controlled instead of something you can experience freely. I believe the technical term for this is being anal retentive. I love sex. Nothing beats a good shag. But would I want to center my whole life around meeting Titan’s needs? (In case you didn’t know, every guy names his schmecky.) No… elevating sex as my highest need would be a huge step backwards. It would be dropping all the way back to eating cooked animal flesh, something I haven’t done since 1993. I think it’s great that we have sexual desires. Our sexuality is a signal to connect with each other. Those undeniable urges push us to go outside and talk to people, sometimes to mate with them. Initially we may be drawn to do this purely for release… to satisfy this biological need. But then we move past that state and say, “Hey, connecting with people is pretty cool. I should do this more often.” Your fear may encourage you to stay home and cocoon yourself in a comfy, cozy lair of security, but suddenly Agamemnon yanks you out the door (Persephone if you’re female). Of course you can stay home and take care of yourself, but that isn’t nearly as fun, and if that’s all you do, you’ll probably end up feeling very disconnected. I know it sucks to hear this, but you’re going to have to develop your Courage — with a capital C — if you want to get off your butt and connect with real people, sexually or otherwise. Although social conditioning may encourage us to believe that men are more sexual than women, the truth is that women enjoy sex at least as much as men do. It’s unfortunate that a man who gets a lot of sex is lauded as a stud, while a woman who does the same is shunned as a slut. That sort of social conditioning is really lame — it’s totally out of alignment with Truth and Love. Personally I think of a woman who’s open with her sexuality as a studette. I have a lot of respect for women who don’t feel the need to hide their sexuality. It takes a lot of courage to go against the social grain and deal with the consequences. Believe me… I know. It doesn’t surprise me that a few people have asserted that I’m interested in polyamory because I just want to go out and sleep with lots of women, consequences be damned. Much like the issue with raising kids I mentioned earlier, this is a pretty clear instance of projection. No one who says such things has even met me. If they spent as much as an hour with me one-on-one, they’d realize how far such statements are from reality. People who know me personally would find this a ridiculously immature lens through which to view my decision. I recommend that the people who think this way should go back to my very first article (The Courage to Live Consciously) and start over from scratch, since obviously the message about living consciously hasn’t gotten through to them yet. Go back and chew on 2004 for a while. I’ll still be here when you’re caught up. We all possess many channels through which we can give and receive love. Some may be highly developed, while others may be under-developed. Our strengths and weaknesses depend on where we’ve focused our self-development efforts over the years. Physical intimacy is one of those expressive channels available to us, quite a powerful one in fact. I’ve spent a lot of time developing my communication skills, so I know how to give and receive love through writing and speaking. I can also express love through one-on-one conversation. Some of my friends are entertainers. They can give and receive love by making people laugh and feel good about themselves. A chef can express love by preparing delicious meals for people to enjoy. Every medium has a different range of expression. For example, the medium of writing can’t adequately convey tone of voice. Many times when I write something in a tongue-in-cheek manner, people who aren’t familiar with my personality will read way too much into it, interpreting my words in ways I never intended. Writing has some nice advantages like accessibility and searchability, but I can’t express the full range of my personality through writing alone. Even my dietary choices serve as a channel for expressing love. By choosing to eat low on the food chain, I reduce the harm I inflict. I don’t torture and kill animals, and I also minimize harm to plants by (1) eating lots of fruit, which doesn’t harm the plants, and (2) eating plants directly instead of eating plant-fed animals, which would harm many more plants. Also, by sharing my choices with others, I encourage them to see if this is something they’d like to pursue as well. Just as I developed various other outlets for giving and receiving love, I want to further develop my physical and emotional intimacy channels. Why? Because I think that working on this area of my life will help me become a more consciously loving person. Polyamory seems like an ideal way to push myself forward in these areas. I’ve gotten really good at connecting with people en masse. I know how to write articles that help large numbers of people worldwide. Having this ability entails a great deal of responsibility, so I want to keep improving. I want to learn how to connect with people ever more deeply, and I can’t develop that skill through one-to-many media like writing and speaking alone. Instead I need to explore a deeper level of one-on-one interaction, not just with one person but with many different people. With a single person, my calibration will always be limited. I need to connect with different people in different ways in order to more deeply understand the core “soul” of human beings. I think polyamory is an excellent way to accomplish this. There are other steps I can take too, like doing one-on-one coaching work, and I plan to start doing that too this year. However, the depth that coaching can reach isn’t anywhere near what can be gained by exploring intimate relationships that are both physical and emotional. Of course there are plenty of other ways we can give and receive love. Polyamory is just one of many possible paths. At this time it’s the path I feel most drawn to explore. If you feel there are better ways to give and receive love than what I’m doing, by all means, go pursue those avenues. I’m delighted with the path I’m on, but it may not be suitable for you. You’ll need to find your own way. Is polyamory a selfish choice? I think those who frame it like that are coming from a place of wrestling with their own selfishness. I feel inspired by my current level of giving, and I want to expand upon that. This is a journey that I believe will be wonderful to share… on multiple levels. Developing this part of myself and sharing my journey openly with others is such a beautiful blend of giving and receiving. If I wanted to be selfish, I’d keep all of my discoveries and realizations to myself, so I’d have a competitive advantage over others. But that would pull me out of alignment with Oneness, so it makes no sense to go that route. To label this journey a selfish one is simply ignorant. I suspect those who label it this way are having issues coming to terms with their own desire for greater physical intimacy. Consequently, they attack me because I’m a symbol that reminds them of their inner discontent. Realize that intimacy isn’t selfish if you’re sharing value with your partner. Thoughts of selfishness only arise if you’re coming at this from a frame of low self-esteem, whereby you’re assume that you’re taking something from other people and offering no value in return. Instead, try coming at this from the frame that you are a worthy person, and anyone who gets to enjoy a relationship with you is very fortunate indeed. You don’t have to be arrogant and showy about it. Just stop acting like you have nothing of value to share. You have many gifts to give. Simply giving someone your full attention is a tremendous gift. Fully accepting someone as they are is another gift. The most selfish thing you can do is to withdraw from others and keep all your tremendous value to yourself. Connecting with others is your gift to share, so get out there and share it! Relationships with women It will take me a while to figure out what types of relationships with women I want to cultivate. I can’t even classify all the possibilities because there are too many to consider. One of the roles that comes up for me a lot is that of being a teacher. I enjoy this pattern overall, but in an intimate relationship, it needs to be balanced, with both people serving as teachers and students for each other. Otherwise it can too easily degrade into an unbalanced rescuer-victim pattern. Overall the co-teaching pattern is a very positive one that helps both people grow. I enjoy many friendships that follow this pattern, whereby my friends and I mentor each other in different ways. I’ve fallen into the rescuer pattern a few times during the past year, not in physically intimate relationships but in friendships. In the end it just ends up biting me. It’s hard for me not to want to help people in need, but if I do this from a rescuer frame, it disempowers the person I’m helping and delays their growth lessons. So I know I need to be careful to avoid falling into this trap. Overall the general relationship pattern I enjoy most is one of shared mutual growth. This includes teaching each other things as well as sharing new growth experiences together. This is one of the patterns that my relationship with Erin follows when we’re at our best. For example, I’d love to connect with a woman who really likes to travel. Erin enjoys traveling to an extent, but whereas I prefer going to places I’ve never been before, Erin likes returning to places she knows she likes. She seems to have more of a nesting instinct than I do. We talked about taking a weekend trip later this month. Erin wants to return to San Francisco (we were last there about 3 years ago), whereas I’d prefer to go somewhere I’ve never been to like Seattle. This is an area where polyamory could be a big improvement. My travel resiliency is much greater than Erin’s, so I could meet her needs as a travel companion and still have plenty of wanderlust to share with someone else. Obviously I always have the option of traveling alone or with friends, but part of what I love about traveling is the chance to enjoy new experiences with an intimate companion. I really want to get out and see more of the world, but I wouldn’t want to do that solo for long, and there are certain types of trips where Erin would wear out long before I would. I enjoy lots of go-see-do as opposed to relaxing trips where you might sit by the pool reading a book. Initially I’ll just have to stay open-minded and experiment. At this point I really can’t predict what kind of ongoing relationship situation will result from this pursuit. My best bet is probably to connect with a woman who’s open to having some fun, new experiences and who isn’t afraid to stretch herself. Relationships with men Several people asked me about having deeper relationships with men. What does this mean to me, and how would I incorporate deeper male relationships into my life? Just to clarify in case you didn’t know, I’m 100% straight. I can’t recall any time in my life where I seriously harbored any gay or bisexual thoughts. I have no qualms with people who are gay or bisexual. This just isn’t something I have an interest in experiencing personally. I have a lot of respect for people who follow such alternative lifestyles because they have so many delicious growth challenges/opportunities. I don’t have too many gay friends, so my knowledge in this area is very limited. Consequently, I don’t have much to say about this because I have no personal experience to go on. With respect to physical intimacy, I’m only interested in connecting with women. That’s simply where my heart leads. I feel a strong physical attraction toward certain women but not to men. I can appreciate the male body as a creation of beauty, but I wouldn’t want to find one lying naked next to me. Nevertheless, I can still enjoy a strong emotional intimacy with another man. Due to the nature of my work, many men have shared some pretty intimate stuff with me over the years. The intimacy I feel toward other men is different than what I experience with women though. In some ways the intimacy I share with men doesn’t go as deep as what I experience with women. There’s something about the male-female connection when physical attraction is part of the equation that helps create a deeper bond. This is something I really want to explore more fully… hence my decision to pursue polyamory. On another level, I’m actually able to enjoy deeper emotional intimacy with men. There’s a certain “guy code” that men have with each other that very few women seem to grasp. Our gender has its own shared culture that is quite amazing. I revealed some of this when I wrote the article How to Be a Man. I’m sure a lot of these gender differences are socially conditioned, but that doesn’t make them any less real as part of the experience of growing up male. There are certain things that men simply don’t have to explain to each other which makes man-to-man communication pretty straightforward, but which would normally require a lot of explanation to get a woman to understand (and the attempt will often be unsuccessful). A few years ago, Erin was playing on online role-playing game, and she started playing a male character. She joined an all-male team, and she noticed that the other guys would totally change their communication style as soon as a female character joined the group. Once the female left and it was presumably all guys again, the guys changed back. Erin found this fascinating. Not all guys change their communication styles like this, but it’s definitely very common. A good example of guy code would be the sort of stuff that’s shared in the seduction (or pick-up artist) community. This is a gross generalization to be sure, so please forgive it for being so, but there are certain things shared in that community which can serve as very empowering growth lessons for men… but which a woman would often find offensive, untrue, or preposterous. Deep down, however, men simply want to learn how to get better at connecting with women. What you may not realize is that the most effective advice on how to connect with women almost invariably comes from men, not from women themselves. It’s fairly well-established in the seduction community that if you ask a woman what women find most attractive, you’re very likely to receive honest, heartfelt advice that sounds reasonable but which utterly backfires when you try to apply it. The extraordinary truth is that a man who’s very good with women actually understands women significantly better than most women do. I suspect that statement also holds true if you reverse all the gender words. As it turns out, connecting with men and with women are two sides of the same coin. Some of my deepest connections with other men arise when we’re discussing women. Women absolutely fascinate us guys, and we spend a lot of time and energy trying to figure you out. Unfortunately, the social conditioning that men and women receive tends to make us really bad at connecting with each other. We get so skewed in our beliefs about each other that when we’re told the truth about how to connect, point blank, we dismiss it as, “No, that can’t be right.” When it’s at its best, the seduction community teaches men how to communicate with women in such a manner as to bypass all the blocks and shields that many women create out of habit. The end result is that a genuine connection of intimacy can be shared and enjoyed. If our social conditioning didn’t obstruct us from connecting with each other, there would be no need for a seduction community with such a massive number of resources being created. Some guys are paying thousands of dollars for this info. The more I can deepen my relationships with women, the more I can deepen my connections with men too. Some of the most authentic man-to-man communication occurs when men are discussing women and relationships. As I improve my ability to connect with women, I simultaneously improve my ability to connect with men. One of the best things one guy can do for another guy is to help him become better at connecting with women (assuming we’re talking about straight men of course). So even though my sexual attraction to women is different than with men, to me this isn’t an either-or pursuit. I can’t grow closer to men without also growing closer to women, and vice versa. These different sexual polarities may involve different connection strategies, but they’re completely compatible. This aligns beautifully with the principle of Oneness. I’ve seen this play out over many years in my relationship with Erin. The better I get at connecting with Erin, the better I am at connecting with other men too. Want to improve your relationships with men? Work on connecting more deeply with women. Want to improve your relationships with women? Work on connecting more deeply with men. The two pursuits are inseparable. Reaction from others Obviously polyamory is a subject that can polarize people, but causing controversy isn’t my goal here. I’m living my life in the way I feel is best, and I’m honestly sharing my growth experiences along the way. I know many people are helped by this sharing process. A few lives have even been saved by it — no joke. Overall, I’m impressed that most of the feedback — about 80% I’d say — is very positive, encouraging, and supportive. A lot of people are very, very curious about this and want to know more. Many have already walked this path or are walking it now, so I’m receiving many new leads to follow, including articles and books to read and people to connect with. If you’re supportive of this journey I’m taking, thank you so much. I really do appreciate it. If you happen to have a strong personal objection to what I’m doing, I understand that. I won’t hold it against you if you genuinely feel that way. But please try to understand that I can’t join you at that level of thinking, and I have no interest in debating polyamory with you if you’re personally opposed to it. These are challenging issues to be sure. It’s tough having someone question the way you’re living your life, nudging you to consider alternatives, even if it’s done indirectly. That can feel very uncomfortable. I know because I’ve been on the receiving end many, many times. The worst thing anyone can possibly do to you is to raise your awareness of something you don’t feel ready to face. My personal choices don’t invalidate the path you’ve been following thus far. You’re perfectly fine as you are right now. You don’t have to change your whole life around if you don’t want to. If you really can’t handle what I’m doing though, then please don’t willingly expose yourself to it. Following what I’m doing is totally optional, so if you continue to read what I share on this topic, I must assume that on some level, you have a personal interest in learning about polyamory, whether or not you’re willing to acknowledge it. I’m not going to try to trick you, so if you wish to avoid being exposed to such content, it should be easy enough to avoid it based on the article titles. While polyamory will obviously be a major focus of mine for some time to come, I intend to share info on other topics as well, just as I did last year. Regardless of any personal objections you may have, please understand that I’m quite comfortable with my decision, and I intend to move forward with it. As you can probably assume if you’ve been following my blog for a while, when I set a new direction, I really like to dive into it without delay. At this point I’m investing a lot of time and energy in educating myself about polyamory, much as I did when I was learning how to adopt a raw diet. I’m in the same “explosion of resources” phase I was in about a year ago. It feels a bit overwhelming because there’s so much to learn, but it’s also exciting because this is the phase where I can soak up new ideas very rapidly. One thing I’ll certainly do is to reach out and connect with others who are living polyamorously. I want to learn from people who are much further along than me at cultivating multiple intimate relationships. If I continue to maintain a social network where virtually all of my friends are monogamous, I’ll very likely fail because I’ll have no social support. A key lesson I learned in my efforts to switch to an all-raw diet is that if you have knowledge (Truth) plus willpower and self-discipline (Power) but you’re missing the social support (Love), you will almost certainly fail to achieve a challenging goal. Your existing social network will just pull you right back to where you were. Long-term success requires the construction of a whole new social network. It doesn’t have to replace your old network — it just has to be created. In order to succeed on this path, I’ll need to cultivate new connections with people who are happily polyamorous. I have to learn from those who’ve done it. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of them. Many people from this community have already reached out to connect with me over the past few years, usually because they were interested in my work. Seems only fair that I return the favor now. I know this was quite a long article, so congrats if you made it this far. I hope you found it worth reading.
{ "date": "2013-05-25T05:59:49Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368705559639/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516115919-00018-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9654343724250793, "token_count": 9899, "url": "http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2009/01/polyamory/" }
Great-sounding records can be made on home computers, but one man's convinced a fantastic studio is music's future This past summer, Zenph Sound Innovations had a problem. Zenph is a North Carolina-based company specializing in computer-generated “re-performances” of classic recordings with astounding results. But Zenph’s latest project — “The Spanish Masters,” featuring renowned cellist Zuill Bailey and soprano Isabel Bayrakdarian accompanying recreations of century-old piano-playing — was coming in over budget. That’s when Zenph’s management took a cue from the project’s setting, Manifold Recording Studio, which was designed with both old-school live performance and new-school open-source philosophy in mind. Manifold co-owner Michael Tiemann suggested that Zenph go the crowd-funding route to raise the money needed. “I proposed that we offset the costs by holding a recording salon,” Tiemann says. “So we invited a select group of people to come in and experience the music live in the studio as it was being created.” Six people came in to watch, and each paid $250 for the privilege. Presto, budget gap closed. If Tiemann has his way, that will be a regular happening at Manifold, a wildly ambitious high-end studio that opened over the summer in the rural splendor of Chatham County, North Carolina (near Raleigh). Thanks to his deep pockets from his position at the software company Red Hat, Tiemann had the means to turn his “passionate obsession” of a dream into reality. He spared no expense on Manifold, which is a remarkable facility with lavish attention to detail. Most of the building’s dimensions are based on the Fibonacci sequence and/or the golden ratio, with all the grids of the floors, walls and ceilings lined up to interlock and intersect with perfect symmetry. The wooden floor of the main studio is composed of a diamond pattern, and each diamond has 12 slats in honor of the 12-note scale of Western music. The studio’s technical gear is all state-of-the art, of course. Manifold is the sort of destination studio where you could imagine U2, Adele or some other chart-topping act setting up shop for a month or three to wax their latest opus. But if anything seems less practical than starting a record company right now, it’s building a high-end recording studio that rents for $2,000 a day. Having built it, Tiemann is convinced they will come — although the “they” he has in mind is less top-of-the-pops and more grassroots. Even though Manifold is very much a high-tech facility, Tiemann’s vision of it is steeped in the vibes of past glory days from the era before Pro Tools rendered studios obsolete. Speaking of models for Manifold, Tiemann cites the Beatles’ old stomping grounds of Abbey Road, where they pioneered the technique of using the studio as another instrument; Peter Gabriel’s Real World, a studio he says was “built to support creativity”; and most of all the old CBS 30th Street Studio, favored back-in-the-day recording venue of everyone from Miles Davis to Leonard Bernstein. “When Miles Davis would record at 30th Street, he’d bring three or four dozen people into the studio and they’d do a live recording session,” Tiemann says. “This was a lot like a musical version of the salon model, people gathering in a room small enough to support conversation and large enough to hold a diverse group of people. Glenn Gould, who recorded ‘The Goldberg Variations’ there, said that recording would completely replace live performance within 50 years. That was in 1966 and it has not quite come true, not yet. What we’ve got in mind is to bring together those two experiences, recording and performance.” To that end, Manifold is set up to do broadcasting or webcasting, just in case anyone is of a mind to make a recording/performance available to a wider real-time audience. Even without that, it’s a very comfortable space for a live audience of several-score fans. And with the right act and setup — an unplugged rock band, say; or James Taylor, who grew up right down the road in Chapel Hill and still has ties to the area — you could imagine Manifold being the perfect setting for the right kind of live-recording project. “Everybody still wants to make great-sounding records in great studios,” says Souvik Dutta, a producer scheduled for two Manifold projects in 2012 including one with Widespread Panic guitarist Jimmy Herring. “It’s like taking your kid to a baseball game to see his favorite player.” Still, are there enough projects like that out there to support a studio that cost millions to build? Tiemann is convinced there is, citing parallels with the slow-food movement. “Just as the slow-food movement encourages eaters to think more holistically about how food is grown, prepared and brought to the table, this co-producer model gives people much more access to the creative process of music,” Tiemann says. “They’re not just financially involved, but also participants in a stronger way than the traditional music industry has really encouraged. There is a new economy waiting to be discovered, new markets waiting to be engaged. We’re very early in addressing this brave new market, and doing so at a time when the record industry’s rhetoric is so wildly against anything new that it makes us look like the crazy ones.” Trying to sell an idea like Manifold is actually familiar territory for Tiemann, a guru of the open-source-software movement whose career began just as the Internet was coming together in the 1980s. Early in the game, Tiemann was doing a lot of work with open-source software, which is free and set up so that users can easily modify it. But open-source software seemed like a commercial dead end until Tiemann figured out how to monetize software that you give away: Sell support services, the software equivalent of giving away cell phones and charging monthly user fees. Red Hat, a company specializing in Linux software, acquired Tiemann’s company in the late 1990s, and he moved from Silicon Valley to Red Hat’s home base of North Carolina. Tiemann started out as Red Hat’s chief technical officer, eventually settling into his current role as the company’s vice president of open-source affairs. That involves a fair amount of punditry and acting the gadfly. Couple that open-source mindset with his lifelong love of music (he first recorded as a 10-year-old member of the Saint Thomas Choir while growing up in New York City), and Tiemann might be just the guy to drag the record and studio industries kicking and screaming into the 21st century. “People said the idea of giving away software and selling services to new markets would never work,” Tiemann says. “That worked out fine and this can, too. What would it be worth to provide a path to sustainable success in the music industry? I think that’s worth a lot. Strip-mining the low end, selling less and less quality to more and more people — there are limits to that model, and the music industry has done about as much of that as can be done. It’s time to try something new.” More Related Stories - Ray Manzarek, founding member of The Doors, dies at 74 - Beware of book blurbs - Did a Salon excerpt ruin Penn Jillette's chance to win "Celebrity Apprentice"? - Zach Galifianakis to take formerly homeless woman to "Hangover 3" premiere - Seth MacFarlane will not host Oscars again - "SNL's" uncomfortable Garner/Affleck moment - "Celebrity Apprentice" finale ratings hit a new low - Worst National Anthem fails - The truth in Kanye's anti-prison rap - Stephen Colbert to UVA: "You must always make the path for yourself" - "Game of Thrones," season 3, episode 8: A salon - Bieber booed, Miguel falls on fan at Billboard Awards - "Mad Men" recap: Love, acid and whores. Lots of whores - Taylor Swift leads Billboard winners - “Game of Thrones” recap: “We must do our duty” - "The Unwinding": What's gone wrong with America - Michael J. 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Credit: AP/Jenny Aicher Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., flanked by a grouper-eyed Michele Bachmann, addresses the IRS' admission that it targeted Tea Party groups in advance of the 2012 election. In an op-ed for CNN Thursday, the Kentucky senator slammed the president for his faux outrage. Credit: AP/Molly Riley Ousted IRS chief Steven Miller is sworn in on Capitol Hill Friday. Miller testified before the House Ways and Means Committee on the extra scrutiny the agency gave conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status. Credit: AP/J. Scott Applewhite Attorney General Eric Holder pauses as he testifies on Capitol Hill before the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday. Holder is under fire, among other things, for the Justice Department's gathering of phone records at the Associated Press. Credit: AP/Carolyn Kaster O.J. Simpson sits during an evidentiary hearing at Clark County District Court in Las Vegas, Nev., Thursday. Simpson, who is currently serving a nine-to-33-year sentence in state prison for armed robbery and kidnapping, is using a writ of habeas corpus to seek a new trial. Credit: AP/Las Vegas Review-Journal/Jeff Scheid Major Tom to ground control: On Sunday astronaut Chris Hadfield recorded the first music video from space, a cover of David Bowie's "Space Oddity." Credit: AP/NASA/Chris Hadfield When it rains it pours. President Barack Obama speaks during a news conference Thursday with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, inexplicably inspiring an #umbrellagate Twitter meme. Credit: AP/Jacquelyn Martin A smoke plume rises high above a road block at the intersection of County A and Ross Road east of Solon Springs, Wis., Tuesday. No injuries were reported, but the the wildfire caused evacuations across northwestern Wisconsin. Credit: AP/The Duluth News-Tribune/Clint Austin Recent Slide Shows - 1 of 11
{ "date": "2013-05-20T22:31:45Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368699273641/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516101433-00018-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9492499828338623, "token_count": 2516, "url": "http://www.salon.com/2012/01/28/can_music_learn_from_the_slow_food_movement/" }
By SHANNON WATKINS Like a lot of people who grew up in Anglophilic, middle class homes of a certain era, the spaghetti sauce I ate was made from scratch with nothing more exotic in it than canned mushrooms. It tended to be sweet and was about as Italian as Wonder Bread. It might have a few shakes of dried basil and oregano in it, but nobody from Naples or Sicily would have eaten a forkful and declared it just like Nonna’s. After exposure to good Italian restaurants and cooking magazines that are usually more aspirational than practical, I’ve developed a taste for less sweet sauces. In the gallery of my rotating preferences, I go through periods where I like the sauce to be downright briny, especially when made with anchovies, which a lot of people turn their noses up at. Really, they don’t know what they’re missing. When in such a mood, I like pasta puttanesca, which contains a number of salty, fishy ingredients, depending on what region of Italy you’re trying to imitate. Or, more realistically, what you like and what’s in your pantry. I feel that even a purist about authentic Italian cuisine can’t get too upset about your choices here; the dish itself only hearkens back to around the 1960’s. As for the “puttanesca” part, it’s Italian for “of the—,” ah…well, let’s say it was named after ladies who practice the world’s oldest profession. No, not gardening. According to legend, or as much legend as you can build up in only 50 years, the point is that it can be cooked quickly between, um, the company of one gentleman caller and the next. Which seems like an arbitrary designation, given how many foods can be made up fast—even in the 60’s, when microwaves weren’t around yet. Did some very sexist male chef name it, implying that any woman who cut corners in the kitchen to save time is of less than sterling virtue? And what does this say about Pop-Tarts? At any rate, it’s a tomato-based sauce that can have various amounts of garlic, anchovies, capers, olives and chili peppers, and is seasoned with oregano, along with plain old salt and pepper. I’ll reiterate that I love anchovies, even if they’re basically tiny little fish-flavored salt licks. However, it’s a rare day when I want myself and my kitchen to smell for hours after handling and eating them. I find that the trick is to buy a tube of anchovy paste, which doesn’t have quite the same punch but is still strong enough to get the point across. Like tubes of tomato paste, you can squeeze out as little as you need without having an open container of leftover product to deal with. Also, you can leave it in the bathroom for that one unwelcome weekend guest and tell them it’s fancy European toothpaste. I’ll also admit right here that I’m far too lazy to cook my own marinara sauce, even though it’s criminally easy in the first place. I prefer a jar of Newman’s, because it’s good and the money from it goes to charity, which makes me feel slightly better. You can just imagine what that chef who dreamed puttanesca up would say about me. All you need, really, is whichever of the above ingredients are listed that you have on hand, a jar of plain sauce and some pasta. Along with a basic green salad and maybe some crusty bread, you have a good enough meal for almost anybody. You might not want to get too involved explaining the name if one of your guests is the preacher, though. One more note: putting olive oil in boiling water is touted as a way to keep pasta from sticking to itself, which doesn’t work unless you know something I don’t. Make sure to put plenty of salt in the water, though, and once you drain the pasta, toss it in a bowl, drizzle it with olive oil and stir it up so each strand is lightly coated. Even if you refrigerate it plain, and the olive oil solidifies in the cold, once you heat it up the oil will melt again and the strands will slip and slide around without that gluey effect. 1 jar of plain marinara sauce 1 tsp. -1/2 Tbsp. anchovy paste, to taste (go easy to start) 2-3 Tbps. capers 2-4 cloves of garlic, minced ¼ to 1/3 cup of olives, green or kalamata or mixed, chopped red pepper flakes freshly ground black pepper Heat a tablespoon or two of olive oil on low and toss in garlic, stirring around to keep from burning. In a minute or two, the garlic will have infused the oil and released its aroma further. Toss in the capers, olives and anchovy paste and stir for a minute or two. Turn the heat up to medium-high and immediately pour in the marinara. Season with the red and black pepper and oregano to taste; check to see if it needs salt (it may not). The more you make this, the more you’ll develop your own taste for what proportions of the ingredients you like, and cook it accordingly. Serve over as much pasta as suits you. Well, there you go. I hope you enjoy it! Heaven knows what story I’ll have to tell when I give you my recipe for Jezebel Sauce.
{ "date": "2015-03-28T23:49:26Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131298015.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172138-00258-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9542964696884155, "token_count": 1209, "url": "http://www.southwesttimes.com/2013/07/pasta-with-a-heart-of-gold/" }
A new study suggests that an average woman kisses 15 “frogs” and has two long-term relationships before meeting the man of her dreams. She has four disastrous dates and is stood up once before settling on “The One”, the Daily Star reported. Women also live with one partner and have four one-night stands. But men play the field more with six one-night stands. The study of 2,000 Brits who’ve found their prince, discovered women will also go on seven dates, two extra blind dates and two dates with someone they met over the internet. But men will have eight dates, plus three blind and three online dates. The biggest difference between men and women is in the number of sexual partners, with men having 10 notches on the bedpost, compared with women’s seven. Most men and women both cheat and are cheated on once each. Brits also have one Gavin and Stacey style long-distance love affair before settling down. Eight in 10 reckon that they met their perfect match out of the blue. The figures emerged in a study to mark the paperback release of bestseller The Rosie Project, by Graeme Simsion, a tale of one man’s quest to find a perfect wife.
{ "date": "2015-03-30T18:29:33Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131299515.96/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172139-00082-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9573603868484497, "token_count": 267, "url": "http://www.hindustantimes.com/sexandrelationships/most-men-and-women-cheat-and-are-cheated/article1-1168951.aspx" }
This is shaping up to be a year Luke Bryan will never forget. The Leesburg, Ga., native scored his second No. 1 album when Spring Break … Here to Party hit the country summit in March. The next month, he took home the Academy of Country Music’s entertainer of the year honor. In June, Bryan, Eric Church and Jason Aldean shared a CMT Music Award for collaborative video of the year for “The Only Way I Know,” a performance of Aldean’s hit captured at the 2012 CMA Awards. As fans await the Aug. 13 arrival of his fourth studio album, Crash My Party, here’s a look at 10 tunes that have helped shape his soaring career. “All My Friends Say” Prior to making his debut as an artist, Bryan first tasted success as a songwriter. He penned the title track of Travis Tritt‘s My Honky Tonk History album and also co-wrote Billy Currington‘s No. 1 hit “Good Directions.” He signed a deal with Capitol Records and released his 2007 debut single “All My Friends Say,” which he co-wrote with producer Jeff Stevens. The party anthem about a guy cutting loose and getting drunk when he sees his ex after a breakup climbed all the way to No. 5 on Billboard‘s country songs chart in September 2007 — and a star was born. In this catchy up-tempo tune, Bryan extols all the virtues a girl can expect from a guy with a rural upbringing. In the chorus he proclaims, “Hey, I’m a country man, a city boy can’t do the things I can/I can grow my own groceries and salt-cure a ham/Hey, baby, I’m a country man.” This was the third single from Bryan’s debut album, I’ll Stay Me, which peaked at No. 2 on Billboard‘s country albums chart. “Country Man” hit No. 10 on the singles list in October of 2008. The first single from Bryan’s sophomore album, Doin’ My Thing, is a plaintive ballad that finds a man questioning if he still makes his woman happy and if she’s as invested in the relationship as he still is. Bryan co-wrote this hit with Lady Antebellum‘s Charles Kelley and Dave Haywood, and those distinctive background vocals on the song are Lady A’s Hillary Scott. Bryan edged closer to the top of the chart, yet a No. 1 single still eluded him as the song peaked at No. 2 on Dec. 5, 2009. “Rain Is a Good Thing” Finally, on the second single from his second album, Bryan scored a No. 1 hit as “Rain Is a Good Thing” hits its peak in July 2010 and remained at the summit for two weeks. He continued to have success with the country boy/farm life theme that made “Country Man” a hit. In the chorus, he shares a little about the circle of life as he sings, “Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey/Whiskey makes my baby, feel a little frisky.” “Someone Else Calling You Baby” Bryan scored his second No. 1 single with this tune he co-wrote with Stevens. It’s a sad song about a guy seeing another man’s truck backing out of his girlfriend’s driveway and she’s in the passenger seat. Ouch! It seems the whole town has been talking, and he’s the last one to know it’s over. The song is just a plea for honesty and some closure. “Country Girl (Shake It for Me)” This song was the first single from Bryan’s third studio album, Tailgates & Tanlines. Though it only peaked at No. 4 on the country songs chart, the single was a game changer for the rising artist. When he performed the song on the 2011 CMT Awards, it marked Bryan’s very first awards show performance, and his high-energy, personality-packed delivery was the most talked-about performance of the night. Even though the song was somewhat polarizing with its sexist theme, young country fans couldn’t get enough of the thumping beat and suggestive lyrics, and it helped propel the album to No. 1 on the country albums chart and No. 2 on the all-genre Billboard 200. “I Don’t Want This Night to End” The second single from Tailgates & Tanlines returned Bryan to the top of the chart, hitting No. 1 in February 2012. He wrote the song with Rhett Akins, Dallas Davidson and Ben Hayslip, a successful trio of songwriters who are known as the Peach Pickers because, like Bryan, they all hail from Georgia. Directed by Shaun Silva, the video shows Bryan as a country singer who falls for a girl and has a memorable night before she vanishes by morning. It was billed as a “prequel” to his next video for “Drunk on You.” “Drunk on You” Written by Rodney Clawson, Chris Tompkins and Josh Kear, this tune paints a picture of a romantic rendezvous by the river. Often referred to by fans as the “boom boom song,” it includes the line, “Girl, you make my speakers go boom boom/Dancin’ on the tailgate in a full moon.” The song spent two weeks at No. 1 on the country chart in July 2012 and became Bryan’s first song to hit the Top 20 of the Billboard Hot 100 when it peaked at No. 16. “Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye” The fourth and final single from Tailgates & Tanlines, “Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye” is a quintessential break-up song. Penned by Bryan, Stevens and Shane McAnally, it’s an up-tempo anthem about a couple who knows it’s over and opens with the sad but honest statement, “All we do right is make love/We both know now, that ain’t enough.” The guy proposes they have one last good time before they end it. Remember the Ray Price classic “For the Good Times”? Well, this tune might be this generation’s equivalent, perhaps less lush and poetic, but just as heartbreaking. “Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye” peaked at No. 3. “Crash My Party” Bryan scored his 10th Top 10 single with the title track of his new album, set to arrive in August. In a recent Billboard cover story, Bryan described the song as “a love song, and the whole thing is ‘baby, you can crash my party anytime whenever you’re needing me.’ It’s almost like a mixture of ‘Drunk on You’ and [Lady Antebellum’s] ‘Need You Now’ wrapped all into one.” Fans can hear Bryan’s latest hit live on his Dirt Road Diaries tour which has been selling out venues all over North America.
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Three foreign films lead off these new movies that have found their way to DVD and Blu-ray this week. "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" (Magnolia, 2011, PG, $26.98, in Japanese with English subtitles, deleted scenes, audio commentary, featurettes, trailer). "You have to love your job," Jiro says during this enchanting documentary. And the 85-year-old sushi chef certainly loves his, running a small — very small, just 10 seats — sushi bar in a Tokyo subway station. And people come from all over the world to partake, making reservations months ahead and paying as much as $300 a plate. When it's not making you hungry, this lean documentary is making you think about your own work, as well as your life, and especially your family. Simple and elegant describes both the amazing level of perfection pursued by Jiro in the meals he prepares and this lovely film, which is highly entertaining as well as thought provoking. (Also on Blu-ray, $29.98.) "Footnote" (Sony Classics/Blu-ray, 2011, PG, $35.99, in Hebrew with English subtitles, featurettes). This Israeli film is described on the box as a "wise and playful comedy." Wise and playful, yes (albeit with an occasionally irritating music soundtrack), but only half comedy. Comedy-drama is a better description of this tale of a father and son who are rival Talmudic scholars, the son reveling in accolades and the father a purist, both driven to extremes by fateful events. "The Monitor" (Lionsgate, 2011; R for violence; $26.98, in Norwegian with English subtitles, deleted scenes, trailers). Swedish actress Noomi Rapace ("Prometheus") stars in this supernatural story of a woman who escapes her abusive husband with their 8-year-old son and hides out in Oslo. She buys a baby monitor to keep tabs on the boy but it seems to pick up violent screams. A neighbor elsewhere in the apartment building, perhaps? Or is she losing her mind? OK thriller gets a big boost from Rapace's compelling performance. "Silent House" (Universal/Blu-ray + DVD + Digital, 2012; R for violence; two discs, $34.98, audio commentary). Seemingly shot in one long take by the folks who gave us "Open Water," this haunted-house yarn has Elizabeth Olsen (so good in "Martha Marcy May Marlene") playing a scream queen. A few jolts but you've seen it all before. (Also on single-disc DVD, $29.98.) "Meeting Evil" (Sony, 2012; R for graphic violence, language; $26.99). Luke Wilson loses his job, finds his house is in foreclosure and then Samuel L. Jackson knocks on his door, looking for help with his stalled car. Hapless Wilson offers assistance but soon finds himself in the company of a psychopath who kills for pleasure. Very dark satirical thriller, sort of cross between "Changing Lanes" and "God Bless America." "Brake" (IFC/Blu-ray, 2012; R for violence, language; $29.98, audio commentary, featurettes, music video, trailer). Secret Service agent Stephen Dorff is kidnapped by terrorists who want information about the president in exchange for the safety of his family. Well paced but implausible and claustrophobic, with an annoying ending. (Also on DVD, $26.98.) "My Way" (Well Go, 2011; R for graphic violence; $26.98, in Korean with English subtitles, featurettes, trailers). Supposedly about two young marathon runners during World War II, one Korean and the other Japanese, both taken prisoner by the Soviets and later forced to fight for Nazis. But it's really about the horrors of war, which is, sadly, undermined by shaky camera work and quick-cut editing. (Also on Blu-ray, $29.98.) "Treasure Island" (Vivendi/Syfy, 2012, $19.97, audio commentary, featurettes, trailer). Two-part British TV miniseries adaptation of the Robert Louis Stevenson novel about pirates looking for buried treasure stars Eddie Izzard as Long John Silver, with Donald Sutherland as Flint and Elijah Wood as Ben Gunn. Weak production of the oft-filmed story will give you new respect for the Disney version. (Also on Blu-ray, $29.95.) - Corporate lawyers argue over whether Colbert... - 'Pokemon Go' creators working to be... - What's troubling athletes arriving in Rio? No... - From The Who to The Decemberists: posters... - 4 tips for planning a successful family hike - Simple cheese and chive baguettes dress up... - Tech-heavy 'Nerve's' style wrestles its... - Game review: Pathfinder RPG book: Ultimate... - Corporate lawyers argue over whether... 1 - 'Pokemon Go' creators working to be... 1 - Heart-pounding 'Jason Bourne' makes the... 1 - Websites allow viewers, parents to... 1 - New Southern Utah Museum of Art at SUU... 1 - What's troubling athletes arriving in... 0 - From The Who to The Decemberists:... 0 - 4 tips for planning a successful family... 0
{ "date": "2016-07-31T09:52:12Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257828314.45/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071028-00109-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9435936808586121, "token_count": 1128, "url": "http://www.deseretnews.com/article/765592475/Three-foreign-films-lead-list-of-DVD-releases.html" }
Kathy Raydings is 57, and has just found her calling. It comes with a new name, too. Since joining Uber in January, the New Zealander turned Queenslander has made it her life's mission to get young women home safe after a night out on the town in Brisbane. After hearing claims from young women who felt unsafe travelling at night, 'Grandma Uber' decided she had a purpose. "It's taken me 57 years to find my calling and I think I've found it." When HuffPost Australia called, Raydings was out buying $280 worth of chocolates "for the girls". Along with her homemade paleo slices and sugar free biscuits, Grandma Uber packs her car with water, energy drinks, sweets and an esky full of chocolates (we're talking m&ms, maltesers, mars, snickers -- the lot) each night. "I have a huge Bundy Rum esky in the boot filled with chocolates. It usually lasts a week and a half," Raydings told HuffPost Australia. Grandma Uber is now driving 70 hours a week. When she's not driving, she's cleaning the car or sleeping, so that leaves about 17 hours of free time every seven days. She's driven more than 3,500 people in Queensland and her Uber rating is an unsurprising 4.8 stars. So how did the 57-year-old end up part of the ride sharing service? Working in the solar industry, inspecting houses for decades, Raydings was attacked by a client's dog in 2015. The incident not only left her traumatised, but with medical bills and limited work, prompting a downward spiral into serious financial hardship. The grandmother-of-two turned to driving for a bit of extra cash. After a couple of months Raydings decided to move from the Gold Coast to a much busier Brisbane to reach more young women. Raydner has been living with one of her brothers for months, but after countless hours of driving and saving she is now able to afford to rent her own place. She moves into her new home in Forest Lake on Monday. But that's only half of the story. Brisbane woman Amy O'Farrell heard about Grandma Uber from a colleague who would arrange for his wife to be picked up from functions, as she was frightened getting in cars alone. "I felt compelled to do the right thing and instantly shared her photo and name with the girls of Brisbane on a local, secret girls only page which I am well known on," O'Farrell told HuffPost Australia. The post gained more than 2000 likes in 50 minutes, and Grandma Uber's client base has since blossomed. "I've only been on Instagram since Friday," said Grandma Uber.. With an overwhelming number of potential passengers, Grandma Uber is now recruiting. The 57-year-old is meeting with two women on Monday to expand her mission. "They'll obviously need to get their Uber approval and credentials, but then drive under the Grandma Uber banner and logo. We'll dress up their cars with stickers so the girls will recognise that it's another Grandma Uber," Raydings said. "They just need to love the girls, treat everyone with respect, care for them, get them home. There's no rocket science to it." O'Farrell has also started a GoFundMe page to raise money for a Grandma Uber party bus, taking 12 women home at once. She's hoping to reach $15,000 but ideally $40,000 is needed for the bus. Not to mention bumper stickers, t-shirts and other Grandma Uber branding. When asked whether she'd like it to go nationwide, Raydings said it was "food for thought". "Well, why not? Why wouldn't we?" And for those wondering whether Grandma Uber does Maccas runs... yes, she does. Editor's Note: The Huffington Post's Co-Founder Arianna Huffington is a member of Uber's board of directors, and has recused herself from any involvement in the site's coverage of the company.Suggest a correction
{ "date": "2017-08-19T00:06:00Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105195.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20170818233221-20170819013221-00418.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9764642119407654, "token_count": 866, "url": "http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2016/08/17/the-grandmother-who-found-her-calling-helping-women-get-home-s_a_21453090/" }
I have preached over 800 times in my ministerial career. Of all those sermons, none has stuck in my memory as much as the one I preached on September 23, 2001, 12 days after 9/11. As I was reflecting on that horrible event and the continuing scourge of violence in our world today I decided to revisit that sermon, and I found the words of Jesus that inspired that sermon as relevant and as troubling now as they were 13 years ago. So as I pray for peace for a world seemingly bent on destruction, I share these reflections again. The sermon was preached at Jerome United Methodist Church on the text from Matthew 5:38-48 on loving one’s enemies. This week was harder for me than last week and not just because I was struggling with what to say here this morning. The suffering and agony of the whole terrorist ordeal became personalized and real for me this week. 3000 victims in the abstract last week were more than my mind could wrap itself around. But as individual stories emerged of real people with real names, victims and families and heroes and heroines, my already bruised and battered heart was broken over and over again. But from the very first hours of the tragedy my greatest pain and fear was not for the damage and suffering that occurred on September 11, as unbelievably horrible as it was. My greatest pain and fear has been for the inevitable escalation and perpetuation of violence that I knew these horrible acts would generate in retaliation that will inflict more suffering on more innocent people. A friend of mine told me just after the attacks that he had forgotten how easy it is to be a Christian in times of peace and prosperity. And he is very right. We turn to God and scripture for comfort and reassurance in times of distress, as well we must and should, but some of the most important words of scripture also challenge us and are hard to hear. And that’s why I have been engaged in a lovers’ quarrel with Jesus for the last 12 days over what to say this morning. I have tried every trick I know to avoid the difficult words we just heard from the Sermon on the Mount–these words that are high on the list of those we wish Jesus hadn’t said, but they would not let me rest. They have forced themselves into my consciousness over and over again, pleading, demanding, and crying out to be proclaimed. “You have heard it said…” O, have we ever – all the public opinion polls confirm in spades that those who want revenge are legion, and I include myself in those who are angry. Getting even is a natural human reaction, and we’ve all been there many times this month. “You have heard it said, an eye for and a tooth for a tooth.” Sounds like good advice. In fact, at the time those words were written, they were designed to limit revenge; so victims would not demand two eyes for an eye, or a whole mouthful of teeth for a tooth. But as someone has said, if we follow the eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth philosophy to its logical conclusion, we end up with a world full of blind, toothless people, and the cycle of violence and pain continues forever. “But I say to you…” Look out whenever Jesus starts out with that phrase and brace yourself for a zinger. “But I say to you, love your enemies. If anyone strikes, you on the north tower, turn the south tower as well.” O, Jesus, you’ve got to be kidding! We can’t do that! You can’t be serious. How can we possibly love those responsible for such horrific acts of death and destruction? But Jesus isn’t alone on this one. I’m not sure to whom this letter was written, but a copy of it was circulating on the internet this week; and it contains a very similar thought from a leader of another of the world’s great religions, the Dalai Lama. He writes, “It may seem presumptuous on my part, but I personally believe we need to think seriously whether a violent action is the right thing to do and in the greater interest of the nation and people in the long run. I believe violence will only increase the cycle of violence. But how do we deal with hatred and anger, which are often the root causes of such senseless violence? This is a very difficult question, especially when it concerns a nation and we have certain fixed conceptions of how to deal with such attacks. I am sure that you will make the right decision. With my prayers and good wishes, the Dalai Lama.” I couldn’t agree more with this analysis, and I have been pleased to hear more of these sentiments this week than I expected, but practically it’s not all that helpful. Of course violence begets more violence. Those who live by the sword die by the sword. We know that and want to believe peace is an achievable ideal. We’ve seen the failure of wars to end all wars and we want to be faithful Christians and follow the ways of the Prince of Peace. That’s all well and good in the abstract, but the question I want Jesus or the Dalai Lama or somebody smarter than I to answer is, HOW do we love our enemies? How do we love someone who can do to our nation what these terrorists have done? Jesus says a bit earlier in the Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” By whom? Not by their enemies or by most of their peers. Peacemakers, cheek turners, are more often called “yellow” and “coward” or “chicken,” but seldom even “children of God.” We would much rather go with Moses on this one wouldn’t we, but are we followers of Moses or Jesus? It is hard to find silver linings in some clouds, but even in tragedy there are some benefits. We see it in extended families that rally around each other when there is a death of illness. And in a similar fashion, the outpouring of patriotic spirit and resolve in the last two weeks has been amazing. One could certainly argue that this tragedy has created a sense of community that has been sorely lacking in our nation for many years. But Jesus asks us to take that sense of community one giant step further–to include even our enemies in the circle of God’s family. I had a flashback to Jr. Hi youth fellowship this morning. One of those awkward moments when we were circling up to say the benediction at the end of a meeting, and I found myself next to a girl and was afraid I’d get her cooties if I had to hold her hand. And some wonderful adult counselor saw the problem and stepped in between us to close the circle. That’s just what Jesus does when he asks us to love our enemies. When we can’t bring ourselves to take that hand, Jesus steps in and completes the circle. This doesn’t mean that justice and order are not necessary for us to be able to live peaceful, secure lives once more. It simply means that our attitudes and methods of seeking justice and peace need to be just and peaceful and loving; so that we do not fall into the trap of perpetuating the very kind of behavior we deplore. The Christian way to the goal of peace and security must be prayer and dialogue, not bombs and bullets. We follow the way of compassion and love and forgiveness. It is not an easy way, but it is necessary. And the best news is that success is guaranteed–guaranteed by the one who walked the talk of that love all the way to the cross to show us once and for all that love is stronger than death, that nothing in all creation, not terrorism or fear or death itself, can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Jesus did it. He practiced what he preached. But how can we love our enemies, even while we deplore their horrible deeds? I certainly don’t have all the answers–not even all the questions; but it seems to me there are two or three things that are necessary for us to have any hope of following Jesus down this path of loving our enemies. 1) We need to understand who are enemies are and who they aren’t so we don’t over-react in fear against all Muslims or all Arabs, or against everyone who looks different and therefore suspicious. 2) We need to study and learn and discuss so we understand better the complicated political and religious realities we are caught up in. We don’t dare oversimplify or stereotype. Afghanistan is not our enemy – it is a nation in ruins from previous wars and conflicts. Neither Bin Laden and the terrorists nor the Taliban are representative of the Afghan people, and they cannot be equated. Tamim Ansary, a writer and columnist in San Francisco, who is a native of Afghanistan, writes this interesting and chilling portrayal of his homeland: “The Afghan people had nothing to do with this atrocity. They were the first victims of the perpetrators….Some say, why don’t the Afghans rise up and overthrow the Taliban? The answer is they’re starved, exhausted, hurt, incapacitated, suffering. A few years ago, the United Nations estimated that there are 500,000 disabled orphans in Afghanistan–a country with no economy, no food. There are millions of widows. And the Taliban has been burying these widows alive in mass graves. The soil is littered with land mines; the farms were all destroyed by the Soviets. These are a few of the reasons why the Afghan people have not overthrown the Taliban. We now come to the question of bombing Afghanistan back to the stone age. Trouble is, that’s been done. The Soviets took care of it already. New bombs would only stir the rubble of earlier bombs. Would they at least get the Taliban? Not likely. In today’s Afghanistan, only the Taliban eat, only they have the means to move around. They’d slip away and hide. Maybe the bombs would get some of those disabled orphans, they don’t move too fast; they don’t even have wheelchairs. Bombing Kabul would only make common cause with the Taliban –by raping once again the people they’ve already been raping all this time.” 3) Perhaps most important, we must practice forgiveness. Someone has written that forgiveness is the key to happiness. The pursuit of happiness is one of our most cherished American ideals, and forgiveness is what it takes to be free of the burdens of anger and hostility that make happiness very illusive. One of the young widows of this tragedy was interviewed on ABC this week. Her husband was one of the passengers who apparently resisted the hijackers on the Pennsylvania flight and helped keep the tragedy from being even worse than it was. When Diane Sawyer asked this young widow with two small children and a third on the way if she wanted revenge, without batting an eye she said, “No, I don’t want any Arab women to have to go through what I’m going through.” And then to support her position she quoted the Sunday school song we sang this morning, “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight…” If she can forgive when her life has been altered forever, can we do any less? I’ve always assumed that forgiveness was for those who have wronged me, but I realized in reflecting on this tragedy that forgiveness is a two-way street. Forgiveness needs to be given, but before it can be given it has to be received; and to receive it, we have to confess our own sin and examine our own contributions to misunderstanding, prejudice, and injustice. To assume we are good and they are bad is far too simple and counterproductive and leads us in the direction of a blind toothless world once more. To understand why anyone has so much hatred toward our nation, we need to get to know these enemies–to understand what we may have done that we need to be forgiven for. And that dialogue can’t take place over the barrel of a gun or under the shadow of a cruise missile. How can we love these enemies, or anyone who has done us great harm? My favorite story about that kind of love comes from another period of unspeakable terror and suffering in human society, the Holocaust. After the war, a young Christian woman traveled around Europe proclaiming the good news of God’s grace and love for everyone who would repent and give their life to Christ. Corrie Ten Boom was a death camp survivor. Her entire family had died in the Nazi death gas chambers, and yet she was filled with God’s love and anxious to tell her story. Until one night when she was giving her testimony and looked out into the congregation where she saw a face that made her blood run cold. Sitting there staring at her from the pew was one of the former Nazi concentration camp guards who had helped to execute her family. She could barely finish her talk and hurried toward the side door of the church as soon as she was finished, hoping to avoid any further contact with this awful man. But he was anxious to talk to her and met her at the door. He extended his hand as he told her that he had repented and become a Christian, but, he added, it was so good to hear someone like her proclaim the unbelievable good news that God’s love was available even to such a terrible sinner as he had been. His hand was there, waiting for Corrie to take it in Christian fellowship. But her hand was paralyzed, frozen at her side for what seemed like an eternity. The silence was awkward, and even though she knew she should shake his hand, she could not. Finally, she said a prayer. She said, “Lord, if you want me to forgive this man, you’re going to have to do it, because I can’t.” And just then, Corrie said her hand moved of its own accord. She took the former Nazi’s hand and says she felt the most amazing surge of warmth and power pass between them that she had ever felt in her life. How can we love our enemies? On our own, we can’t. But with God’s help as followers of Jesus Christ, relying on and empowered by God’s Holy Spirit, we can, we must, and we will. Thanks be to God who gives us the victory!
{ "date": "2018-08-14T19:19:38Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221209562.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20180814185903-20180814205903-00178.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9771443009376526, "token_count": 3078, "url": "https://peacefullyharsh.com/2014/09/" }
Discussion in 'LISK Unidentified Victims' started by Dwntwnslim, Jan 25, 2012. Please place all future posts regarding Jane Doe 9098 in this thread. Thanks! Jane Doe 9098's sketch: Link Jane Doe 9098's NamUs page: I have not heard from Nursebeemee yet regarding Jane Doe 9098's scars. But, I have heard from RabidBadger who is also a WS vetted RN. Here is what RabidBadger has to say regarding Jane Doe 9098's scars. Please Note: This is RabidBadger's Preliminary Analysis: "Hi, I got your message and I am looking at the info now. I'm not familiar with the case at all so I'll have to spend some time looking at it and the injuries. But right off the hop, my instinct is no, it's not a fasciotomy scar. I work with patients who have fasciotomies and escharotomies extensively and have assisted with these procedures. Fasciotomies tend to be long scars, a small one would be virtually pointless. I'll have more opinion when I have a better understanding of the case." Ask Rabid if an "L" shaped scar means anything to her medically. It could also be from plastic surgery, a thigh "lift". edit to add: Here is an article from 2005, I am not sure how far back this type of surgery would have been done. Her scars also can be consistent with skeletal leg lengthen. It also can be to correct a problem with bones that grow in an abnormal way. Scars on both calfs and ankles would point to this. This could be another option what the scars were from. I am a trauma/burn/neurosurgery/general surgery critical care nurse. I see all sorts of trauma wounds, burn related wounds, plastics, orthopedics and vascular wounds. I am not overly familiar with cosmetic procedure scarring or less serious surgical scars. First of all, the description of these scars have been inconsistent, describing both ankles as surgical scars, then the left ankle only, no mention of the L scar on the namus profile, both legs having calf scars and then the right only, etc. Secondly, I do not (obviously) have access to the autopsy report or photos of the scars, so it would be virtually impossible for me to say with any degree of certainty what the scars are from. Thirdly, I have no idea if the info we have been given is complete or incomplete. There is no mention of abnormalities on xrays, no mention of non linear scars, track marks etc. Therefore these are either a) non-existent or b) being deliberately withheld, although I don't see how withholding info about possible remote injuries would assist in identifying her. With that said, these are the things I can say: 1) These have only been described as scars. Scars indicate the injury or surgical site has HEALED, and therefore precede the the incident that caused her death. Likely by a month or so at minimum. 2) I strongly feel these are not fasciotomy scars due to the short length of them. The only one that could potentially be one by location alone is the 3.5 inch scar on the inner side of the L calf muscle. However, it is much too short. 3) These are unlikely to be trauma related. When I say trauma related I mean major trauma, such as an MVA. There is no indication of healed breaks on xray. There is no indication of hardware found on xray. Therefore these scars are likely unrelated to a fracture. 4) the medial ankle scars could be related to surgery for an entrapped nerve or damaged tendons, ligaments. Couldn't say for sure without seeing them. 5) The calf scars annoy me, because the right one is described as posterior, then later described as lateral. So if they are surgical wounds I can't say what they are. If they were both posterior but mid calf I'd say potentially a calf reduction surgery. Laterally? I don't know. Unlikely to be major vascular surgery related, because I have yet to meet a vascular surgeon who doesn't perform without at least an 18" incision. I suppose venous congestion or varicose vein surgery is possible. 6) The L shaped scar on the shin has me stumped. L shaped surgical wounds could be a flap procedure, but from the shin, rather unlikely. It's not a thigh plasty because it's on the shin. It could be a graft donor site but those tend to be rectangular, and surgeons tend to prefer the thigh for donor sites. The L shape could also be consistent with a healed skin tear. I'd really have to see this scar to really make any educated guesses. 7) all of these scars, surgical or otherwise, could be related to lacerations obtained by whatever means instead of a planned surgical procedure. They could have been self injury marks, burn marks, "minor" trauma (ie: not involving a fracture), the result of being hit with some sort of shrapnel or debris like glass. The could also be excisions or surgical drainage of an abscess. Surgical drainage of an abscess is possible I guess if the woman were injecting caustic substances. However, there's no indication of any track marks or damage to the thighs, which would be the first place someone self injecting would go for on the legs. I lean against shrapnel or debris lacerations as well for the same reason, no damage or scarring on the thighs. Without indication on the shape of the scars, I couldn't rule out venous ulcers either. My sense, based on scarce information, is we are looking for either: 1) a runner/jogger who has required surgery for running related tendon etc injuries, possible other athletic interests 2) a woman who wears high heels a lot, causing potential damage to tendons, nerves etc 3) any other of the 3-4 billion other possible females. 4) If I had more info about the painted toes it might give us more clues as to who we are looking for. Are they done by amateur or is it a professional manicure with cuticle care? I'd be interested to see what some other medical professional has to say, if they have other ideas. But without further descriptors of the quality, direction, shape and location of the scars, I'm not sure anyone could say with certainty. I'm actually surprised the ME wasn't able to determine some possibilities. That leaves me scratching my head. But not without xray indicators of any sort of orthopedic procedure. Which is why I lean toward soft tissue injury/surgery. Jane Doe 9098 We have a woman who died in 1996, with scars on here legs that pre-dated her demise. Her death was the result of foul play. She was somebody's daughter/spouse/friend/co-worker. One of these people even for a very short time was aware of of her disappearance, ie "I have not seen Jane, does she still hang out here?" Probability is; she might have been involved in life outside the main-stream. If she was part of the main-stream there would have been missing persons reports, police awareness, and so on. (Has LE checked this out thoroughly?) If she had scars on her legs, she likely wore pants/slacks or opaque stockings in public. Her family/spouse/friends/co-workers likely knew about these scars. By the fact she had nail polish on her toes she cared about how she looked, Jane had the ability to take care of herself (not a homeless street person) If she was in the sex trade, she might have accumulated some money (bank accounts-safety deposit box) or was supporting a child or parent directly or indirectly, and the money stopped coming in. Possibly there were several people who knew her. somebody she was supporting her clients and or pimp medical practitioner, OBS-GYN maybe a dentist So at least four people knew of Jane's existence, which ceased in 1996 Likely three or four of these people were aware of her scars. Unfortunately some of these people may be deceased or unavailable 16 years later. I would also speculate that she lived in the NYC area. Where does one start the search? I have not figured that out yet. In the April 25,1996 news article in Long island Advance of the legs being found it states that both legs show healed surgical scars at the ankles. In addition according to police, the right leg has a 3 /12 inch scar in the posterior calf muscle and an L shape on the shin. The left leg has a similar 3 1/2 inch scar on the inner side of the calf muscle. Yes, which is why I said the reports are inconsistent. I can't rely on this article alone because it was written by a reporter who may have been given incorrect info at the infancy stage of the investigation. Namus and others are not consistent with this, so the autopsy report is really what is needed. Thanks for lending us your expertise! I don't know about anybody else but, I didn't go to nursing school or medical school so I couldn't make heads or tails out of the scar information. I just want to make sure you know that the time and effort you put into helping us out is greatly appreciated! Thanks so much rabidbadger, its great to finally hear a professional opinion on this, we have needed an attempt at a diagnosis badly. Doesn't the word "suture" more or less gaurantee that the woman did have an actual operation/stitches/treatment? Could it be stitches and scars from a minor injury that might occur at a beach community, possibly she injured herself waterskiing, jet skiing drunk, etc... An injury that could have been treated locally? Stitches performed by an emergency room physician in his in home facility perhaps? In the beach community I am from, there are no cars so you can get raced off the island by the police and driven to a hospital or get treated in the community by the local doc. We have many instances where our local doctor operating out of a beach house simply stitches you up, with follow up treatment when you can get off the island. your avatar is rad. That was my very first thought as well, Badger..."Oh, she was a jogger!" Of course, we can't know that for certain, but that's what my gut says. Anyway, truly a fantastic post. Thank you so much for the wealth of information you provided. You've given me alot of jumping off points for further research. Does anyone know if LE has come on the record stating that Jane Doe 9098 is the perp's first victim? If anyone has any links to a MSM article that states this, please post a link. I'm unable to find anything about it. I just heard from cats5vegas, another WS vetted RN about Jane Doe 9098. Here is what cats5vegas had to say: "Hello! My nursing background is mostly hospice and auditing. But I am a bit familiar with the fasciotomy procedure. [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasciotomy"]Fasciotomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] I attached a wiki link. A facsiotomy is indicated with a limb has so much swelling that it is too much to be contained within the skin. The doctor makes an incision into the fascia (layer of fibrous tissue that surrounds an area inside the body) in order to relieve the pressure and allow the area to swell without damaging nearby tissue. There is a picture in the wiki link. Although there are medical conditions which could cause a limb to swell so much, I think it is more common after an injury. (I have even audited charts where young adult men took Viagra to party, had the issue of erection lasting > 4 hours, had extensive penile swelling and required a penile fasciotomy. They won't be partying again for a while!) I haven't had a chance to look at the links you provided, but I'll see if I have anything to input. Go figure. You'd think a 4+ hour erection would be a good thing. Here is a link to a very small story about Jane Doe 9098 from The Suffolk Times: To get to the web site for the above link enter the following into the Google search bar: The Suffolk Times It is the first result on the first page. Do you know this woman? Police release composite sketch in Long Island serial killer probe By Crimesider Staff Jan. 9, 2012 Long Island Serial Killer Case: Police Release Victim Sketch By Aman Ali Long Island Serial Killer Case Update: New Sketch of Myster Victim Released January 9, 2012 by Chelsea Hoffman Police Ask for Help Identifying LI Serial Killer Victim January 8, 2012 Police release new sketch of one of the Long Island serial killer's victims Jan. 10, 2012 By Bernie Malone, IrishCentral Staff Writer All Media NY Police Release Sketch of Long Island Serial Killer Victim by Stephanie Ortiz 9 Jan 2012
{ "date": "2018-08-18T08:15:05Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221213508.60/warc/CC-MAIN-20180818075745-20180818095745-00498.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9604305028915405, "token_count": 2800, "url": "https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/jane-doe-9098-fire-island-jane-doe.160935/" }
The Boy Scouts in the Rockies by Herbert Carter I. PERILS OF THE TIDINGS OF THE CHAPTER III. THE LETTERS OF FIRE ON THE CLIFF. CHAPTER IV. THE BACKED BY THE STEP HEN MAKES A PLANNING WOE TO THE BIG HORNS. CHAPTER X. THE CHAPTER XI. HELD AROUND, AND WENT THE SAFEST WAY OF “SHOOTING” A CHAPTER XIV. THE CHAPTER XV. A DOWN THE SLOPE. FOR YOUNG ALECK. CHAPTER XIX. THE SIDE OF THE THE GUARDIAN OF THE SILVER LODE. CHAPTER XXIII. A WOLF BROOD IN ALECK COMES INTO HIS OWN AT LAST. THE CROW BOY'S THE TURN OF THE GOOD-BYE TO THE CHAPTER I. PERILS OF THE MOUNTAIN How is the cripple crowd coming on these days? Hello! Step Hen, any more snake bites? Hope you're not limping with that other leg, now? I should say not, Thad. But I'm always going to believe you did a lot to keep the poison from getting into my system, when you sucked And how about your game limb, Giraffewas it the right, or the left you bruised so badly on the stones when you fell? The left one, Thad; but thank goodness it's healing up just prime, now. That magic salve did the business in great shape, I tell you. Allan, I notice that you still have a halt once in a while. That old bear trap sure took a nasty grip on your leg, didn't it, though? It gave me an ugly pinch, Mr. Scout Master; and only for the fact of the springs being so weak and rusty that the owners had abandoned the trap, I might have been lame for three months. The witch hazel liniment you rubbed on helped a lot. Well, I'm glad to see you're all such a grateful lot, considering the little I was able to do for you. It's sure a pleasure to be patrol leader and assistant scoutmaster to such a wide-awake lot of boys as we have in the Silver Fox Patrol. Don't you think so, Toby Smathers? Thad Brewster turned a smiling face upon the sole man of the party, a genuine woods-ranger, such as the Government employs to look after the great forest reservations in the region of the Rocky Mountains, and the Coast, away up in the Northwest region. Wall, it strikes me they're a purty lively lot of scouts, all right; and lucky at that to hev a leader as leads, and holds the reins tight over 'em. And I'm glad myself to be guide to such a hefty bunch. That's what I'm asayin', Mr. Scout Master, the party addressed Outside of the guide there were just eight lads in the party; and from the fact that various parts of their attire suggested the well known khaki uniform which all Boy Scouts wear, the world around it was evident that these young fellows belonged to such an organization. This was the exact fact, since they had come from far-away Cranford in an Eastern State, and were known as the Silver Fox Patrol of Cranford Troop; there being another patrol known as the Eagles, mustered in during the late winter. Thad Brewster was the patrol leader; he was also a First Class Scout, and had qualified for the position of Assistant Scout Master, receiving his certificate from Headquarters many moons before. Second in charge came Allan Hollister, a Maine boy, who had had considerable actual experience in wood's life, and to whom the rest of the patrol naturally turned whenever a knotty problem faced them during The exceedingly fat and good-natured youth was Bumpus Hawtree, bugler of the troop, even though just now he was minus the instrument on which he was accustomed to sound the various calls, such as reveille, assembly, taps, and so on, the most popular being the second, as it was usually associated with meals. Bumpus had been looked upon as the real tenderfoot scout, up to recently; but having become lost in the big timber recently, he had acquitted himself so splendidly, as recorded in the preceding volume, that his mates now regarded him as one who had been keeping his light under a bushel. Then there was Bob White, otherwise Robert White Quail, a Southern boy, warm of heart, a faithful friend, and upon whom the leader could always depend in emergencies; Step Hen Bingham, whose real name of course was Stephen, but upon appearing at school for the first time he had insisted that it was pronounced as though made up of two syllables; Davy Jones, an athletic lad; Giraffe, really Conrad, Stedman, but given the significant nick-name because of a habit he had of stretching an exceedingly long neck most outrageously; and last but far from least, a dudish looking boy who at home answered when they called him Edmund Maurice Travers Smith; but among his playmates he was known simply as These Boy Scouts had seen some pretty lively times during the past year or so, down in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, where they visited the former home of Bob White, and found themselves mixed up with the moonshiners of that wild, inhospitable region; and later on up in Maine, where they had gone partly on business for Thad's adopted father and guardian, and to enjoy an outing, with a little hunting It happened that here among the pine woods of Maine, they were instrumental in recovering some valuable bonds and other papers that had been stolen from a bank, and for which a large reward had been offered. With this money in the treasury of the troop, they were able to lay out a great trip to the Rocky Mountain region for the following summer. As the money really belonged to the eight lads individually, they felt justified in using it in this manner; for the second patrol had only been formed after the Cranford boys learned what glorious times the Silver Foxes were having right along. One guide who had been hired had gone off with a party of big-horn hunters, who lured him with better pay, and the other had been taken down sick; so it came that the boys actually started toward the mountains without a convoy, their tents and camp-duffle being loaded on a couple of comical pack mules known as Mike and Molly, which animals afforded more or less amusement and excitement from time to time. They had heard of Toby Smathers, and only good words. In coming to this particular region they had hoped to run across the ranger, and secure him for their service while in the valleys and mountains; for he was said to be patrolling the big timber country, on which some thieving lumbermen were suspected of having set envious eyes. And by great good luck the boys had happened to meet up with Toby, after passing through a great variety of thrilling experiences, connected with the hunt for the tenderfoot who had gone out to find his bear. And as the ranger was able to engage with them for the balance of their stay in the mountains, Thad and his companions now felt that they need hesitate no longer, but might strike boldly into the heart of the Rockies. They had various objects in wanting to come out to this far distant region. Several who had the hunting fever burning in their veins, had sighed for a glimpse of big game, grizzlies and such; then another, who was rapidly being taken with the photographic craze, being Davy Jones, expressed a wish to snap off wild animals and birds in their native haunts, the famous big horn sheep for instance taking one of his amazing plunges over a precipice; Smithy was interested in wild flowers, and had heard great stories concerning the pretty ones that were to be found out here; and then there were several others who yearned for excitement in any shape or style, so long as it thrilled their pulseswhich was the natural boy spirit, always feeding on Some days had passed since the coming of the guide, and the breaking up of the camp at the foot of the noisy rapids, where three of the boys had remained while their companions were off for days, tracking the They had started into the mountains, and were at the time this conversation took place surrounded by the wildest scenery that any of them had ever looked upon. The trail led along precipitous paths, often with a wall of rock on one side, and a yawning abyss on the other, down which the boys could look and see trees growing that seemed to be dwarfed, but which the guide assured them were of fairly respectable size. As a rule the scouts were a rollicking set, full of jokes, and even playing innocent little tricks upon each other; but somehow the grandeur of the scenery, as well as the dangers of that mountain trail, rather stilled their spirits. Thad had also taken pains to warn them that practical pranks would be out of order during their stay in the mountains. He had heard of several that had turned out tragedies; and wanted to carry no ill tidings home to dear old Cranford, when the patrol set their faces that way. Step Hen had one trait from which nothing ever seemed capable of breaking him. He was exceedingly careless by nature, and forever misplacing things that belonged to him. And the fun of it was, that he could never see how the fault lay with himself; but kept bewailing the misfortune that always picked him out as a victim; just as though some invisible little imp were haunting his footsteps forever, and watching for opportunities to hide his belongings in the most unheard-of places. It did not matter that they were usually found just where Step Hen had himself dropped them in a moment of absent-mindedness; he would grumble to himself, and observe his companions suspiciously, as though he really believed they had been playing a little joke upon him after all. Thad had even lain awake nights, figuring on how the other might be radically cured of this failing; for Step Hen had many admirable traits of character, and it seemed a great pity that his record as a scout should be marred by so tenacious a fault. But up to the present the scoutmaster had not been able to build up a scheme that promised to effect a cure. And every once in a while the complaining voice of Step Hen might be heard in the land, wondering where in Sam Hill that knife of mine has disappeared to; last time I had it I was mighty careful to put it away in the sheath; and now it's gone like magic. Who sneaked it off me, tell me that? Funny how it's only my things that disappear all the time. Oh! is that it sticking up there in the tree, Giraffe? You say you saw me put it there? Well, I don't remember the least thing about that. Guess you must have been dreaming; but of course I'm glad to find it again. I wish people would use their own Perhaps, some time or other Step Hen might be given a lesson that would make so lasting an impression on him that he would begin to see the absurdity of being careless. Thad often felt that he would like to help the good work along, if ever the chance arrived. Smithy was more than a little curious in his way. He possessed a kindly nature, too, and had made friends with Mike, one of the pack mules. Often in the goodness of his heart the dude scout would walk alongside the burden bearer, talking to him, and patting the animal's nose. Sometimes Mike resented these attentions, for he was only a mule after all, and all scouts looked alike according to his manner of Smithy was walking there now, having the leading rope that was connected with Mike in his hand; in fact, he had wrapped it around his wrist absent-mindedly. And as he talked confidingly to the animal, he was also engaged in rubbing Mike's nose. Twice the mule had plainly given him to understand that he preferred to be let alone while staggering along these mountain trails, bearing that big pack on his sturdy back; but Smithy was really thinking about some wonderfully beautiful wild flowers he had seen clinging to the face of a precipice further back, and wishing he might be so lucky as to get hold of such a prize; so that he paid no attention to the impatient thrust from the It happened just then that Thad, Allan and the guide were in the advance. Something engrossed their attention, and they were holding an earnest talk-fest among themselves. Had it been otherwise, Toby Smathers, who knew mule nature like a book, must surely have warned the kindly Smithy that Mike was in a most irritable frame of mind, and that he would do well to leave him severely alone for the present. Behind Smithy and Mike came Davy Jones, carrying his little camera, and looking for new worlds to conquer. He had snapped off the procession several times, and of course the mules always occupied posts of honor in the pictures. Back of him Bob White and Step Hen were sauntering along, telling stories, and observing things in general; after them came Bumpus, puffing and blowing with the exertion; while Giraffe brought up the rear, leading the other pack animal, known as Molly; and just about as full of tricks as Mike ever dreamed of being. Thad was in the act of pointing toward the valley, glimpses of which they could obtain from their lofty position, when he heard a tremendous outcry from the rear that gave him a bad shock. Turning like a flash, the scoutmaster discovered that one of the patrol was missing. There was no need to ask who it was, for there he saw Mike, the pack mule, with his feet pushed out to keep himself from being pulled over the edge of the shelf of rock; while the taut rope told that poor Smithy must be dangling at the other end, with an ugly fall threatening him if by chance the rope came loose from his wrist, where he had wrapped it! CHAPTER II. TIDINGS OF THE LOST MINE. Help! help! Smithy's tumbled over the edge of the precipice! That was Step Hen shouting. He had happened to be the nearest one to the unfortunate scout, when Mike gave the other an impatient shove with his nose, that made Smithy lose his balance, and topple over the brink. Thad never lost a second, but went on the jump toward the spot where the stubborn jack stood, with his sturdy little legs braced like steel, as though determined not to be pulled over just because Smithy had stepped off the trail. Reaching the spot, Thad threw himself down on his face. He could peer over the edge, and see the dangling scout. Smithy was squirming at a tremendous rate, doubtless terrified at the sudden mishap that had overtaken him, and which came when he was dreaming of other things. Stop wriggling that way, Smithy! called the patrol leader; it won't do any good, and may shake the rope loose from your wrist! Here, try and get hold with your other hand; and grip it good and fast. We'll have you up in a jiffy, never fear! Oh! Thad! gasped the poor fellow, whose face was as white as chalk when he turned it appealingly upward; nevertheless Smithy had learned the quality of obedience, and particularly when he heard the acting scoutmaster speak; so that almost mechanically he groped around with his free hand until his fingers came in contact with the taut rope, when they closed upon it tenaciously; just as a drowning man will cling to the first thing he clutches that seems to hold out a single ray of Let me help, said a quiet voice close to Thad's ear; and he knew that it was Allan who spokeAllan, always self-possessed and cool, even in the most trying conditions. Thad was only too glad to have an assistant, for he could never have lifted the imperiled lad alone, since Smithy was no light weight; and did not know enough to help himself by digging the toes of his boots into crevices of the rocks, so as to ease the terrific strain on his Hold on tight, Smithy; it's all right, and you're not going to fall, understand that now. So, up you come, my boy! Another pull like that, and we'll sure have you on deck again. Easy now with that rope back there; Step Hen, hold to the mule, and keep him quiet, will you? Thad said all this in a reassuring, matter-of-fact tone, that was better calculated to put confidence into the faint heart of Smithy than anything else could. Step Hen and Davy Jones caught hold of the obstreperous Mike, almost frantic because of these strange carryings-on, and held him tight, so that he might not interfere with the critical work of rescue. And so Smithy was finally pulled over the edge. Once Thad managed to secure a grip of the collar of his scout coat, he knew everything was serene, for that khaki cloth was firm and sound, and capable of bearing almost any strain. The rescued scout sprawled on the shelf, panting hard. His face was still ghastly white, for Smithy lacked greatly in fortitude, and needed building up as much as the other tenderfoot, Bumpus, had, before his adventures in the big timber, that had gone so far to raise him in the estimation of his chums. Whew! that was a close shave! exclaimed Giraffe, from the rear, where he had been holding on the other mule with more or less difficulty; because, when Molly discovered that her mate was in some sort of panic, she also wanted to frisk around, and cut up, after the way of mules in general. Step Hen and Davy Jones were poking their heads over the edge, curious to know just what Smithy had been saved from. The former turned, and grinned. Guess you might have been bruised some, Smithy, if you'd gone on down; he remarked; but there's a big shelf that was waiting to grab you, just five feet under your toes. But as you didn't know that, and thought the drop was half a mile, more or less, I don't blame you for feeling shaky about it. Smithy recovered sufficiently to insist on crawling to the edge, and also peering over. When he really found that what Step Hen said was the truth, it seemed to annoy him, strange to say. Now, isn't that provoking, he declared, in his precise way of talking that he had learned from his maiden aunts; why, if I had only been aware of that circumstance, what an amount of mental suffering it would have saved me. When a fellow gets such a fright as that, he likes to know that it was worth while. The journey was soon resumed; but Thad saw to it that some one else besides Smithy held the leading rope of the tricky Mike. Perhaps the mule might never afterwards try the same game; and then again he was liable to break out in a new direction; for there was a little demon in that wicked eye of his, Thad thought. Already they were on the downward grade. By the time night arrived, the guide hoped they would have reached the lower canyons, where a camp might be made. All of the boys were really tired of climbing about among so many dangerous narrow paths, and would welcome the coming of the time when they could move around without constant danger of being dashed to death over some precipice. None of them claimed to be born mountain climbers. They preferred to take their fun in some other way. When the route changed somewhat in its character, so that the little party could gather more together, an animated conversation broke out. The guide was fairly flooded with questions concerning the country, and what he knew about its past. I've been all through here many's the time, Toby declared, waving a hand to cover the surroundings generally. And some other fellers, they've jest been fairly hauntin' these regions in years past; but 'twa'n't any use; for they never could find that old mine again. What's that? demanded Step Hen, scenting an interesting item, for he was always on the look-out for such things as seemed to promise a touch of mystery. A mine; what kind was it, Toby; who lost it; and why haven't they been able to find it any more? asked Giraffe, eagerly; while Bumpus crowded closer, for he had a little mercenary streak in his make-up, and was keen to discover a chance to lay by another store of hard cash, that might insure a succession of glorious outings for the Silver The guide seemed nothing loth to tell what little he knew. Why, you see, thar was a man named Rawsonmet him lots of times myself; and one time after he'd been pokin' about in this section, prospectin', he came to Greeley with his pockets just bulgin' out with the richest silver ore ever seen. All he'd say was he'd struck a lode that was mighty nigh the pure stuff. Then he went away, to try an' get up a company to work his mine, they sez, an' he never kim back. Nobody never knowed whatever became of Rawson; but heaps of folks has hunted high an' low to find his rich mine. Why, thar was that old miner, Kunnel John Kracker, I jest reckon he spent as much as four months several times up around here, pokin' into the most unlikely places you ever heard tell of. They sez as how he was so dead sot on findin' that same lost silver mine, that he near went dippy over it. And nobody has ever managed to locate it again, since that day so many years ago; is that what you mean, Toby? asked Thad. So she seems, Mr. Scout Master, replied the other, who always gave Thad this full appellation when addressing him. Bumpus, what in the wide world are you chuckling at, back there? demanded Davy Jones. Don't you know Bumpus enough, laughed Allan, to guess that already he sees the wonderful Silver Foxes discovering that lost silver mine, and just grabbing handfuls of cash right out of it, to pay the expenses of the next tripwhere's it going to be another time, Bumpus; down to the gulf, cruising; or along the Mexican border; for you know scouts should never go outside the borders of their own country? Well, why not? demanded the fat boy, defiantly; look back at the stunts we've carried through so far, and tell me if it would be so very strange if we just happened to drop in on this old hidden mine of the Rockies? Luck camps on the trail of the Silver Fox Patrol every time; and I'm ready to shake hands with anything that needs clearing up. You just wait, and see if I'm so far off, that's all. And just to think of his name being John Kracker; now, what boy could ever keep from twisting that around, and calling him a cracker-jack? chuckled Giraffe. That's a good one, all right, declared the guide, laughing heartily; and I'm some surprised, I am, that nobody ever thought to put that same on the kunnel afore this. I wish you could aseen him, boys. Why, he's as fat aser You needn't look at me that way, Toby, burst out Bumpus, instantly, for he was more or less touchy with respect to his size. I'm taperin' down right along these days. Why, I don't reckon I weigh within three pounds as much as I did when we said good-bye to And you lost all of that the time you walked and walked for days, huntin' for your bear! put in Davy Jones. Well, I got him, all right, didn't I, tell me that? asked Bumpus, proudly, as he patted the double-barreled ten gauge Marlin shotgun, which he insisted on carrying across his shoulder, while most of the others were satisfied to secure their guns to the pack saddles. You sure did, replied Davy, willing to give honor where honor was I was jest agoin' to say, the kunnel, he's as fat as all get-out, Toby went on, a twinkle in his eye telling how much he really enjoyed these little skirmishes between some of his charges. But all the same, he's the most energetic critter you ever seen. And temper, say, he's gettin' as red in the face as a turkey buzzard, struttin' around with a chip on its wing, ready for a fight. I 'spect some day the kunnel, he'll jest blow up, and disappear in a cloud of steam. And p'raps after all you might git a chanct to set eyes on him yet; because I heard down at Greeley, last time I was thar, that he'd passed through with a couple of fellers, and packs; so it looked like he meant to give that pesky lost mine another whirl, makin' p'raps the fourth time he's been Glad to hear it, spoke up Bumpus. Makes it more interesting to know that he's still got some faith in the story of the lost Rawson mine. But I'm real sorry for Colonel Kracker, because he's a back number since the Foxes have come to town. If he knows what's good for him he'll go away back and sit down. It's refreshing just to hear you say that, Bumpus, declared Allan. He's just talking for the fun of hearin' himself, that's what? grumbled Step Hen. What sort of chance would we have, a lot of greenhorns who never yet saw a silver mine; against an old-timer like him? For one I'm not going to take any sort of stock in the yarn. Like as not it's just one of the thousands of lies that are circulated all through the mining regions. Why, I've heard that there are just any amount of wonderful lost mines that never existed, my dad says, except in the mind of some crank. And my dad ought to know, because he owns stock in heaps of mines that was salted dreadful, just to sell to innocent people in the East. About this Rawson who was said to have found the silver lode that was nearly pure, Thad remarked, wishing to pick up more information; what sort of a man was he, Tobyyou said you used to know him once, I A pretty fair an' square sort of a prospector; and they sez as how he was that tickled over his rich find, sayin' that now his fambly could enjy some of the comforts o' life. Seems like his fust thought was 'bout them. But I never knowed whar he lived, except that it was somewhar down in Utah among the Mormons; though to be sure he wasn't belongin' to the plural wife colony, not much. Seemed to think all the world 'bout the one wife, and the children he'd got. Then it's too bad poor Rawson never lived to profit by his discovery, went on the scoutmaster. If he'd only been able to hand the key to his find over to his family, they might long ago have come in for a fair share of the profits of the lode. Well, Bumpus, if, as you seem to believe, in that stubborn way of yours, that the Foxes are just bound to tumble into this lost mine, we'll remember, boys, to hunt up the family of Rawson, and let them share in our luck. And now, as the afternoon is getting along, we'd better be thinking of hurrying, if we hope to camp in the valley this coming night. They made a little spurt, though it was always next to impossible to hurry those two independent pack animals, as contrary by nature as anything could be. Step Hen indeed declared they would do well to turn the animals around, and pretend to want to go in the other direction; when Mike and Molly would keep on backing until they had reached the valley below in good style. The sun was of course out of sight behind the mountainous wall standing like a great barrier in the west, when the little company of scouts finally reached the base of the eastern ridge. Thar's a hunky camp site jest over beyond that bunch of trees, boys; the guide announced; plenty of good drinkin' water for man, an' beast too. So let's head that way. Reckon you-all must be some tired with that long trip in acrost the range. Five minutes later, and they drew up at the spot, which Thad immediately saw was just the place for pilgrims to pass a night. Hello! there's been a fire here! exclaimed Giraffe, always on the lookout for anything that pertained to a blaze; for he was the greatest fire worshipper ever known. The guide flung himself down beside the ashes, and felt of them; while the scouts waited to hear what his report would be. Somebody camped here jest last night, declared the forest ranger, quickly; and like as not 'twar that ole Kunnel Kracker an' his party, bound to comb these mountains onct more, lookin' for the lost silver CHAPTER III. THE LETTERS OF FIRE ON Now, how'd he know that, Allan? D'ye reckon he tells the same way you would? asked Step Hen, immediately interested. Some of the others had seen the Maine boy do various stunts along the line of woodcraft, on previous occasions; and among others he had been able to tell just about how many hours previous a fire had been abandoned, by the feel of the ashes, as Giraffe always declared. Pretty much the same, I suppose, Step Hen, replied the other, pleasantly, for Allan, being one of the officers of the patrol, was always glad to find any of the scouts interested in picking up information; and never refused to assist to the best of his ability. Toby was examining the ground around the ashes with those snapping eyes of his, small in point of size, but capable of taking in every How d'ye suppose he did do it? persisted Step Hen, who was very determined, once he had set his mind on anythingstubbornness some of his camp-mates called it. Oh! there are ways easier to grasp in your mind than explain, Allan remarked. You just seem to know a thing. Some hidden instinct tells you, I might say. You feel a deadness in the ashes that's different from fresh ones. And then the looks tell you whether the dew has fallen on them or not. In this case Toby, I reckon, has found out that they seem mighty fresh; and so no night has passed since the last spark of fire died out. There are other ways of telling about how many nights ago it may have been made, if an old one. But you ought to make a practice of studying these things connected with fires, Giraffe, instead of being always wanting to make fresh blazes. You'd find the matter mighty interesting, and worth while, I give you my Say, that gives me an idea! exploded the tall scout; and mebbe I will. Just as you say, Allan, everybody's getting sore on me for wanting to always build fires and fires, and fires. I've been able to start 'em every which way, from flint and steel, to twirling a stick with a bow, after the style of them South Sea Islanders; and like old Alexander I'm cryin' for new worlds to conquer. Well, here they are, just like you say; and connected with fires too; right in my line, so to speak. Thank you for giving me the tip, Allan; I'm sure goin' to think it over. Thank goodness! exclaimed Step Hen, fervently. Now, what d'ye say that for? demanded Giraffe, taking umbrage at If ever you devote your colossal mind to the job of seeing how many ways fires can be put out, instead of started, the rest of us'll have a chance to get some decent sleep nights; because we won't be always afraid of the woods burnin' up with your crazy experiments, and Step Hen moved a little further away from his chum as he said this, not knowing how Giraffe might take it. But the tall scout, after meditating over the matter for part of a minute only remarked indifferently: Oh! that's all right, Step Hen; you've got your faults too, and big ones in the bargain. Ask Bumpus here if my faculty for makin' fires didn't save us from a whole peck of trouble that time up in Maine when we found ourselves lost, a cold night comin' on, two partridges shot, and not a single match in the crowd to start a fire to cook the game and keep us from freezing stiff. He knows. That's right, declared the fat scout, instantly, and with a fond look toward Giraffe, as memories of the occasion referred to came trooping into his mind, so that he could almost smell the odor of those cooking birds, thrust near the delightful fire on the points of long splinters of wood. Meanwhile the guide had come back to where the little party began to make preparations for the night, the packs having been taken from the backs of Mike and Molly, and everybody finding something to do in the Get anything? asked Thad, as Toby Smathers came up, a grin decorating his sunburnt but honest face. Oh! it was the kunnel, all right, replied the guide. I knows the mark o' his hoof among a thousand. An' he's got them two pizen sharks along o' him, Waffles and Dickey Bird. They been kicked out of nigh every camp in the silver region, but they just about suit the ijee of the kunnel, when he wants any dirty work done. And that's what you call finding the long lost silver mine, do you? asked the scoutmaster, smiling. Well, accordin' to the ijee of most decent miners, that same Rawson had the first claim on that ere mine; and any feller that rediscovers it ought to turn a third of the proceeds over to the fambly of the man as got thar first. But you don't ketch Kunnel Kracker doin' any such foolish business as that. He'd gobble the whole business, and snap his finger at the widow and orphans. But they's one thing I don't just exactly understand about the marks hereabouts. Seems to be a boy along with the gang. Now, whatever could such an old seasoned prospector and miner as Kracker want with a half grown boy up in this part of the country, when he's huntin' for a mine that seems to have dropped out of sight, like it fell through to China? That's what gets me. Perhaps it might be an Indian boy; we had a glimpse of such a half grown brave skulking along, one day. He seemed to want to count noses in our crowd the worst kind, and we wondered if he meant to steal anything; but after a while he just cut stick and cleared out, looking a lot disappointed over something. Giraffe here tried to get close enough to him to speak, but he was that shy he kept moving off all the time. We thought he might have expected to see somebody he knew among us, a boy perhaps, and when he found that we were a pack of strangers he didn't want anything more to do with us. This wa'n't any red-skinned boy, but a white, Toby declared, positively. An Injun would a toed-in, and wore moccasins; but he had on shoes, and turned his toes out, all right, civilized way. But then, just as you say, p'raps it don't matter a row of beans to us who he was. We may run acrost 'em sooner or later; and again mebbe we won't. When the two tents were in position it began to look jolly much like a camp, as Step Hen declared. The mules were allowed to graze on the little tufts of grass that grew in spots around, where there was enough earth to allow of such a thing. Close by was an occasional stunted tree, from which the boys easily secured all the firewood that was apt to be needed. And how genial that blaze did look in the coming night, as it shone upon the tents, the smiling faces of the scouts, and the general surroundings, so wild and lonely. Looks like we owned the whole world, remarked Bumpus, when you just squint around, and see the old Rockies towerin' up to the right and to the left, behind and before. Say, this is what we've been lookin' forward to a long time, ain't it, fellers? Bumpus seemed to be happier over the situation than any of the others. Really, it was queer how deep an interest the stout youth had always taken in this trip to the Wild Northwest. He it was who first suggested the same, and on every occasion he had fostered the idea. Up in Maine, when they first heard about that rich reward offered for the recovery of the missing valuables that had been stolen from a bank, Bumpus had been the one to declare that they ought to recover them, so as to have plenty of funds in the treasury, to pay the expenses of a grand trip to the backbone of the continent, those glorious mountains which he saw so often in his day dreams, and yearned so much to visit. Of course, by this time every one of his chums had become filled with enthusiasm also, and there was no faint answer to this question on the part of Bumpus. Pretty soon supper was started, and that was a time when the scouts began to be more or less restless. Tired as they might be, when the delicious odors permeated the outermost limits of the camp, no one seemed able to sit still. The fact of the matter was that they were ravenously hungry, and it was tantalizing to get the smell of the cooking, with the knowledge that it would be at least half an hour ere they could begin to satisfy their appetites. Any one who knows the make-up of average boys, understands that. I wouldn't like to be caught in parts of this valley, in a cloud-burst, Davy Jones remarked; I've been alookin' around some, and there's signs that tell of floods long ago. Guess a feller'd have hike some, to get away if a wall of water came whirlin' down here. But the hunting ought to be fine, don't you think, Toby? asked Step Hen, who had begun to have aspirations to equal the record of several of his comrades; and more than once declared that nothing less than a big-horn Rocky Mountain sheep would satisfy his ambition. I c'n just think I see the jumpers playin' leap-frog up along some of the cliffs that stand out against the sky yonder. We'll find sheep, sooner or later, all right, asserted the guide, who was engaged in cutting wood for the fire; and more than that he would not say, being a man of words rather than big promises. Look at Giraffe, would you? remarked Step Hen. He just can't quit playin' with fire all the time. What's he doing now? asked Thad, with a laugh, and not bothering to look up; for it happened that just then he was making some notes in his log book, fearing lest they slip his mind, if he waited until after Oh! he's got a firebrand, and standing out there in the dark he's doing all sort of queer stunts! with itwhirling it around several times; then movin' it up and down, quick like; after which he crosses it horizontally a few times. Why, just to look at him you'd think he was sending a message like we do with the wigwag flags in the day Well, that's just what Giraffe is pretending to do, right now, said Thad, after he had taken one quick look. Only instead of using flags, he's taking a light to make the letters with. Giraffe is a pretty good hand at heliograph work and all kinds of wigwagging, you know. I've talked with him by means of a piece of looking glass, on a sunshiny day, more than a mile away; and we managed to understand each other first-rate. Leave Giraffe alone, Step Hen. He's a nervous scout, you understand, and has to work off his steam some way. There couldn't be any better than brushing up his Morse code, I think. Huh! p'raps you're right, grunted the other; but it does beat all, how Giraffe, always finds satisfaction in playing with fire. There's one good thing, about it these days, ventured Davy Jones. What might that be, suh? asked the Southern boy, Bob White, looking up; for he was assisting to get supper ready. Why, we don't have to be afraid of Giraffe setting the woods on fire any more. It'd take a job bigger'n he could manage to get a fire goin' in this rocky valley, and Step Hen laughed as he said this; for indeed, the sparse and stunted trees that grew at intervals along the sides of the mountains did not seem to offer much encouragement to a How much longer do we have to wait for grub? asked Bumpus, sighing What's that to you? demanded Giraffe, from outside the limits of the camp proper; he having heard the plaint. If you went without a bite for a week, sure, you could live on your fat, Bumpus; but think of me. Why, in two days' time my back-bone'd be rubbing up against my front ribs; and in another they would have a riot. I've got a space to fill all the time. Please hurry up, fellers. Somebody blow the fire, and make it cook faster, won't you? You might be doing the same, Giraffe, 'stead of wastin' all your surplus energy aswipin' the empty air out there, called out Step Hen disdainfully, and yet with a slight touch of envy in his voice; for, truth to tell, he aimed to equal the proficiency of the lanky scout in the signal line. So they went on exchanging remarks, as the minutes dragged slowly past, each seeming more like an hour to the half-starved boys. In vain did those who were doing the cooking tell them to keep their eyes anywhere but on the fire, because a watched pot never boils. But by slow degrees the supper was nearing readiness. Bumpus was even making his mouth give signs of his eagerness to begin; and some of the others had even taken up their tin platters hoping to be helped first, when Giraffe suddenly came jumping into camp, wildly excited. Thad looked up from his writing, half expecting to see him followed by a savage mountain wolf, or possibly a full-grown grizzly bear; but to his astonishment the boy who carried the burning fagot of wood cried out as well as he could in his great excitement: ThadAllanlook! look! somebody's making wigwag letters with a blaze like mine, away up yonder on the face of that high cliff; and I could read it, sure I could! And Thad, oh! what do you think, it keeps on sayin' the same thing over and over all the time, aspellin' out the one word: 'help! help! help!' The scoutmaster jumped to his feet instantly, ramming the note book deep down in his pocket as he grasped Giraffe eagerly by the arm, Come and show me what you mean! I hope you haven't mistaken a star for a torch! CHAPTER IV. THE TORCH TALK. Every one of the scouts was on his feet by this time, even fat Bumpus managing to struggle erect with the rest. And strange to say, the supper that was just about to be dished out was for the time being utterly swallowed up in this new and thrilling excitement. They trooped after Thad and Giraffe, the latter still hanging on to his blazing torch. Toby was left alone by the fire; but after making sure that the supper was in no danger of burning up, the cool, level-headed guide followed his charges over to the spot where Giraffe had happened to be standing, when he noticed the odd signals from up on the face of the cliff. Where is it right now, Giraffe? demanded Davy Jones. Nothin' doin'! added Step Hen, in disgust. Now what d'ye think of that? The feller had his own eyes blinded by whirling his old blaze around so much, that he just thought he glimpsed another light up there. Say, p'raps Thad hit the thing on the head when he mentioned a star. Like as not now, Giraffe, he just saw one peepin' over the top of the mountains at him, and thought it winked. Well, this takes the cake; and all that fine supper gettin' cold while we're gaping out here. It's a burnin' shame, that's what it is. Me for the fire again. Wait! said Thad, in that tone of authority that always found ready respect from the scouts under him; it was the scoutmaster, and not their chum, who spoke, whenever Thad used that very stern voice. Give you my word for it, Thad, I saw it again and again, Giraffe went on, as if he felt that his veracity as a scout was hanging in the Point out the exact place, said Thad, promptly. I can do it all right, and don't you forget it, Step Hen, declared the tall scout, eagerly; and accordingly, raising his torch, he held it stationary at an angle of nearly forty-five degrees. Right there she was, Thad; and if you look close now, p'raps you c'n see a sorter glow like, he went on, again showing excitement. I believe I do, replied Thad. Here, give me that torch of yours, What are you goin' to do, Thad? asked the other, even while he complied with the request, which was in the shape of a command. Try and see if I can get a raise again. As Thad said this he started to wave the torch in several ways. Now he lifted it and lowered it rapidly; then it went out at an angle; and followed with several circles, or possibly a diagonal dash. And Giraffe saw that he was spelling out the word: Eagerly they waited to see the result. As the last letter was formed, and the wind-up sign made to indicate the message had been completed, to the astonishment of most of the boys there was a sudden response. Away up on the face of what seemed to be a high cliff a light appeared, and began to cut strange figures and lines in the air, as an arm swung it to and fro. And Thad, as he started to read the letters, realized that whoever it might be trying to get in communication with those in the valley, he certainly knew his Morse code all right; indeed a regular telegrapher and wigwag artist belonging to the Signal Corps of the United States Army could hardly have shown more proficiency in the business. Regularly then, without a hitch, the fiery finger outlined against the dark background spelled out the significant word: Thad read each letter aloud, for the benefit of those among the scouts who, not being so well along in the work, might have some difficulty in following those wizard flashes to and fro, up and down, Just like I said, ain't it, Thad? breathed Giraffe, as if he felt that his reputation, assailed by Step Hen, had been fully vindicated; but the scoutmaster did not bother answering his question, since he had his mind wholly bent upon solving the mystery of the mountains. Again he started making erratic movements with the torch he gripped in his right hand; and the staring Giraffe read what the patrol leader was saying to the unknown party perched aloft. What is the matter? Then the light appeared again, and it seemed as though the other might purposely be keeping it concealed between messages; and back came the startling answer, which Thad spelled aloud as it was sent: In troublecome uphelp me! Great governor! what d'ye suppose ails him? exclaimed Giraffe, seldom being able to keep a still tongue in his head, especially when excited very much; and just then he was quivering all over with nervous eagerness to solve the mystery. Somebody bring me another stick from the fire, said Thad; this one is getting burnt out. Giraffe, you go, because you'll know what kind I want better than any of the others. Giraffe might have felt like rebelling, because he hated the worst kind to lose a single word of that mighty interesting exchange of signals; but Thad, as usual, had been wise enough to coat the order with a little subtle flattery that served as oil to lubricate matters. Since none of the other scouts could be trusted to select the right kind of torch necessary for signaling purposes, why, of course Giraffe must sacrifice all other personal desires, for the common good. And so he walked toward the fire, though most of the time that long neck of his kept rubbering backward, so as to give him something of a chance to see what came next on the programme. Who are you? Thad waved upward, each letter being clear and distinct; for the scout leader knew the folly of running them into one another, and confusing the receiving end of the battery. When Thad had spelled this out, various exclamations arose from the Rawsonwhy, that was the name of the man who found the silver mine up in this country, wasn't it, Toby? cried Davy Jones, voicing the thought that had flashed into the mind of every boy just then. It sure was, replied the guide. Can this be him, then; has he been a prisoner all these years? gasped Smithy; at which there was a scornful laugh from the others. His name wa'n't Aleck; near as I kin remember 'twas Jerry, said P'raps, suh, he had a son? suggested Bob White. Just what I was going to remark, added Allan, eagerly. The intelligence that had come to them in that last reply had created a sensation among the scouts. Indeed, even Thad was so astonished that for the moment he could not find words in which to continue the interesting conversation by fire. Then his torch expired. Hurry Giraffe, and fetch me that other light! he called; but there was hardly any need of saying this, because the party in question was already advancing by kangaroo-like leaps, covering ground in a manner What was that last he said? he demanded, and Step Hen made haste to answer, partly because he wanted to stagger the tall scout; and then perhaps he realized that Giraffe would really give them no peace until he was told: Said his name was Aleck Rawsonremember what Toby told us about the man who found the mine long years ago! Well, this might happen to be his boy, we think. Keep still! Thad's going to talk some more! grumbled Bumpus. Again did the fire signaling go on; and the new torch selected by the expert Giraffe proved even better that the one that had burned out. Letter by letter did Thad send a long message, and Allan spelled it out as it progressed; so that by the time it was completed every one knew just what had been flashed upward toward the unseen receiving party Can we get up to where you are? Now the fiery finger in the darkness began to write an answer; every letter was plainly carried out, so that not in a signal instance did Thad trip up as he read it aloud. Yes, but come quickbring ropemight fall any minute! I bet you he's hanging on to a little narrow shelf of rock! But if he is, how in the dickens could he get the fire to signal with; that's what bothers me? muttered Giraffe. Where are you? signaled the scoutmaster, promptly, thinking to get all the information possible while the chance remained. On a ledge part way down the cliff, answered the one who had said his was Aleck Rawson. How did you get there? went on Thad. Lowered here, and left to die like a dog, came the stunning Did you ever hear the equal of that? cried out Bumpus. Now what sort of people could ever be guilty of such a horrible thing as that, I'd like to know? Oh! remarked the guide, they's a heap of bad men around these parts, I tell ye; but I got a notion I kin see through a board that's got a knot-hole in it. Ask him who put him there, Mr. Scout Master, Thad would have done this, even though Toby had not spoken; indeed, he was even then about to start putting the question. Who put you there? Colonel Knocker didwill you come and get me? The old villain! gasped Bumpus. He ought to be tarred and feathered for such a wicked piece of work. What d'ye suppose he did it for? I wonder now, if this same Aleck Rawson could know anything about the secret of that hidden mine; and Cracker-jack John just wants to torture him till he tells? That sounds like it, Bumpus; you're good at guessing things, after all, remarked Step Hen. Keep still, back there; Thad's sending another message! warned And in his steady way, the scoutmaster went on to flash back the Yes, we will come to you. Hold on! It may take us some time. Start Thank you! came from above, and then the light that had moved backward and forward, up and down, and around in eccentric circles, vanished, as though with that last word the torch, if that was what it was, had been exhausted. But at least it had served long enough to bear a startling message to the boys of the Silver Fox Patrol, camping there in the valley of the great Rockies. Now what? exclaimed the impatient Giraffe. Somehow, not one of them gave the waiting supper a single thought just then; for this new and exciting diversion had made them utterly forget such a thing as being hungry. I want several of you to go along with me, said Thad; Toby for one, because of his strong arms, in case we have to do any lifting; also Giraffe; and Allan, perhap you'd like to be in the party also? I certainly would, declared the Maine boy instantly; if you think I can be spared from the camp. Oh! said Thad, they'll get on all right here, because every fellow will be put on his honor not to stray away from the fire while we're gone. Bumpus, please let me have that rope you carry with you. It's proved valuable several times already, and may come in all right Bumpus had a very queer idea, in that he persisted in carrying a thin, braided rope wrapped around his body. It was of the sash cord species, slender, but extra strong. Bumpus had seen the great need of a rope once or twice, and made up his mind that he would never be without one, when abroad in the woods or wilderness. And it had proven useful to him too; in fact, but for its possession Bumpus might not have been there, so blithe and happy, at that very moment. Having unfortunately become mired in a slimy mudhole when lost in the big timber, he was slowly sinking on account of his desperate efforts to get out, when he happened to notice the convenient limb of a tree just a couple of feet over his head; and remembering his rope, he had thrown it, doubled, over the same; and by making a tremendous spurt, managed to drag his feet out of the sucking mud, climbing to safety. And of course after that nothing could ever induce the fat scout to think of abandoning that precious rope. So he started to unwind it now; and as if this might be a signal for some of the boys to assist, they seized hold of Bumpus, pulling at the rope, until they had him whirling around in a dizzy fashion, protesting all the while, but without any avail. Finally the rope was wholly unwound, and Bumpus found himself sitting there on the ground, with the stars waving in all sorts of queer circles over his head, for he felt as rocky as though he had been indulging in strong drink. But be aw_ful careful of that rope, won't you, Thad? he managed to call out, as the scoutmaster started to coil it up for carrying. I certainly will, Bumpus, replied the other; and thank you for the loan of it. Come on, those who are going with me; take your guns along, even if we don't find any use for them. And say, you fellows in camp, save our share of supper for us, remember! CHAPTER V. TAKING FATHER'S PLACE. Must be nearly up at the top now, Thad. It was Giraffe who said this. The little party of four, Thad; Toby, the guide; Giraffe, and Allan, had been climbing upwards steadily for more than an hour now; and even the long-legged scout was beginning to pant more or less from the exertion. Having been through the valley more than once before, Toby Smathers had been able to take them along the trail that led up the other side. Often they would have been at a loss just how to proceed only for his superior knowledge. And then the moon had risen too, which meant considerable in the way of light; for topping the other range, it shed its brilliant illumination on the side of the elevation the scouts were now mounting so bravely. How about it, Toby? asked the patrol leader, wishing to satisfy his own curiosity, as well as please Giraffe. Right thar, now, and arter this we ain't goin' to have much climbin'. But you-all want to be keerful 'bout goin' too clost to the edge. That drop is all of three hundred feet, I reckons, the guide And think of those sharks aleavin' that boy part way down the face of that awful precipice! said Giraffe, gritting his teeth in a way he had of doing when he wished to let everybody know just how mad he was. It's taken a whole hour for us to climb up here, remarked Thad; and we can hardly count on getting back to the camp in less than another, even if things go right with us. Well, wasn't I wise, then, in sayin' we had ought to snatch up some grub, to bite at on the way? declared Giraffe, triumphantly. I reckon, now, I'd never a been able to a dumb up this far, if I hadn't kept nibblin' away at the stuff they handed us when we was startin' out. And there's more awaitin' for us after we get back, which I take it is a lucky thing; because my appetite keeps on growin' all the while, what with this tough climb. On the way of course the three scouts had indulged in all sorts of speculations concerning the cause of Colonel Kracker treating the son of Jerry Rawson in such a scurvy way. And after the subject had been thoroughly discussed, it seemed to be the consensus of opinion that the boy must possess some map, or at least some knowledge concerning the location of the hidden mine, which the money-mad prospector, whose one idea in life nowadays seemed to be the discovery of this rich silver lode, was trying to force him to give Anyhow, Giraffe had declared, with conviction in his voice, I give you my word now, that Aleck's been a Boy Scout, some time or other; because he wouldn't a known how to wigwag that clever way if he Thad had come to the same conclusion some time before; and somehow the idea gave him more or less satisfaction. How often was it being made patent that the very fact of a boy taking up with the scouts might prove one of the most valuable assets he could possess. If the boy on the ledgefor they insisted on believing that this Aleck Rawson must be a fellow of perhaps their own agehad not known how to communicate by means of the telegraphic code, he might have had considerably greater difficulty in letting them know of his predicament, and asking for immediate assistance. Of course, there were plenty of knotty things that none of them pretended to be able to explain; but then Thad felt sure all would be made clear, once they had drawn the other up from his dangerous position on that ledge, down along the face of the precipice, that had been a cliff when they were below it. Now and then they would come to a pause, it being necessary that the guide take an observation, in order to locate their position. He had several ways for doing this, and Thad, as well as Allan, understood enough about them to know that Toby was making good. It was all so much Greek however to Giraffe, who fretted considerably because there was any delay, the need of which he could But in the end the guide announced that he believed they must now be about over the identical spot from which the fire signals had come. A dark void down below told where the great valley lay. The moon, about in the full now, was hanging there just above the opposite range, and lighting up their wild surroundings. Seems to me we ought to see him, if he's still there? grumbled Giraffe, just as though he meant to hint that if the imperiled boy had lost his hold, and fallen, it would be partly because they had been so slow in getting there. Perhaps we may, replied Thad, as Toby crawled to the edge to peer over; but it wouldn't surprise me if we found that the face of the precipice backed in, and that would keep us from sighting the ledge, or any one on it. Looky! there's Toby beckonin' to us. Come on, fellers! and the eager Giraffe started to move toward the edge of the descent. Knowing that Giraffe was inclined to be reckless in his haste, Thad kept close beside him, and whispered words of warning. Slow now, Giraffe, he said; be careful, because we wouldn't like to have you take a plunge down there. You'd never know what hurt you, if you did. Thus warned the other did slow up a little; but quickly they all reached a position where they could stretch their necks, and look over. The moonlight fell on the face of the precipice. They could even see away down near the base, where the sharp rocks that had fallen during countless years in the past were piled up in ugly masses. Just as Thad had remarked, if any one did have the hard luck to fall over, he would never know what hurt him. It does slant in below, Thad! said Giraffe, the first thing. Yes, and we've got to call out to learn whether he's there or not, returned the scoutmaster; then raising his voice a little he said: Hello! Aleck, are you here? Immediately they heard an exclamation of delight, and then came a Yes, yes, and right underneath you too, I think. Have you got a rope along with you? Just what we have; and I hope it's going to be long enough, Then quick, tie a stone to the end, and lower away. When you have got it down opposite to me, give a swing in and out. I can take hold easy enough, if you do that, came from below, in the eager tones of one in whose heart new hope had taken lodgment. Thad lost no time in fastening on a piece of stone, after which he started to lower away, all the while listening, hoping to hear a cry that the stone had gone down far enough. As he was getting perilously near the end of the rope, his heart had begun to misgive him, when suddenly came a hail: Hold on! that is far enough! Now, keep a tight grip up there! Get hold with me, the rest of you, said Thad, allowing the guide to be first; for he wished to take as much advantage of Toby's great strength as possible, when it came time for the hard pulling. Thad started to swing the rope inward and outward, as he had been directed. A minute later, and the one below called again: There, I've got it, all right; and I find you were smart enough to make a loop for my foot. Tell me when you're ready, and I'll let loose down here. It'll be a heavy load; and I hope you won't let the rope Looking down at the dim vacancy far below Thad felt that the other had some reason for feeling a trifle worried over the possibility of an accident; so he hastened to reassure Aleck. Four of us have hold here, and one is a strong man; so don't believe anything is going to happen to you, Aleck. Tell us when you're going; it's all right up here with us. Then I'm off! With the words they felt a sudden heavy strain, and knew that the speaker had allowed himself to swing clear of the ledge, as he suggested he would do. Careful now, everybody! warned cautious Thad; there's no hurry about it; and we don't want to knock him to hard against the face of the wall. Easy, Giraffe, Rome wasn't built in a day; and slow makes sure, sometimes. This is one of them. While Thad was speaking in this manner, he lay close to the edge of the abyss, so he could guide the rope, and avoid letting it be cut by any sharp stone; and at the same time watch out below. Foot by foot did the guide, assisted by the two scouts, draw the imperiled one upward. Presently Thad could see him plainly below, swinging a little, turning around also, but always coming closer and He was reminded somewhat of Smithy's little adventure on the preceding day; only in his case there had been really very little danger, although at the time the poor fellow had not known but that a thousand feet of space lay below him, rather than a beggarly five, as was later on discovered. Now Thad could stretch out a hand, and touch the other. Slower still; he's right here, boys! he cautioned. Then he got a grip himself, and held on. Giraffe came to his assistance; while Allan and the guide continued to grip the rope. One supreme effort, in which the one they were saving did his part; and then Aleck Rawson climbed alongside his young rescuers, panting hard with the exertion he had been through. Giraffe felt like giving a shout; but somehow he knew Thad would frown on any such demonstration. When scouts were in a region where danger of any kind might be expected to lurk, discretion must take the part of valor, and noise be utterly prohibited. He could distinctly remember the patrol leader saying just those very words, and not so long ago, either. So the explosive Giraffe had to bottle up his enthusiasm for another occasion, when the cork might safely be removed. The scouts had already discovered that in one thing they guessed truly; for Aleck Rawson did prove to be a boy, about the size of Thad, and possibly in the neighborhood of sixteen years of age. He was beginning to get back his breath now, and even moved a little further away from the edge of the precipice, as though it possessed only terrors for him. Nor could Thad blame him in the least; for it must have been frightful torture to be left all alone on a narrow shelf of rock, where he could not have any too good a foothold at the best, and might slip off if, overpowered by exhaustion, he dared allow himself to lose consciousness in sleep. Presently, when the other had recovered his wind, he might offer to tell them what it all meant; and just why that vindictive old prospector and miner, Colonel Kracker, had dared place a boy in such a position of peril; for it seemed a monstrous proceeding in the mind of Now the boy was moving. The first thing Thad knew, a hand clutched his in a warm, fierce clasp, and he heard Aleck saying: Oh! how can I ever thank you for getting me out of that scrape? I wouldn't try it, then, replied Thad, laughing softly. Why, we're only too glad to have the chance. It's been an experience to remember, too; the talk with the torches, the climb up the face of the mountain, and then hauling you up safe and sound. We're Boy Scouts, out looking for adventure, and doing a little hunting; and this has all been just great, for us. But think what it's been for me? said the other, with a quiver in his voice, although he tried very hard to disguise it. My poor mother and little sisters came nearer to losing their man of the house, than I'd like them to know; because, you see, I've just had to try and take my father's place ever since he died. Your father, then, was Jerry Rawson, I take it? said Thad. Yes, that was his name, answered the other, who had gone over and shaken hands with the guide, with Giraffe, and finally with Allan, in each instance giving a convulsive squeeze to their hands in a way that told more eloquently than words could have ever done what intense gratitude filled his boyish heart. The original discoverer of the wonderful silver mine that has never been located since that time, so long ago? Thad went on. Then you do know about that? Aleck remarked, quickly; I was wondering, seeing that you must be strangers around these regions, whether you had heard. Our guide, Tony Smathers here, told us; he used to know your father; and he said there was a family located somewhere down in Utah, the scoutmaster continued. My mother, and three small sisters; the youngest was a baby when he died, Aleck went on to say, as though he realized that explanations from him must now be in order, since these boys had done so much for him; and besides, even though they were next door to strangers to him, some sort of free masonry within seemed to tell Aleck that they were going to prove the best friends he had ever known. Do you feel able to walk with us down into the valley to our camp? I should say I did, and be only too glad into the bargain! exclaimed the other, his voice filled with delight. And while we're going I want to tell you just how it came that I was on that horrible little shelf of rock, placed there by Colonel Kracker, who said I would never leave it alive unless I gave up to him the secret of my father's hidden silver mine. And he promised to come up there above me every day, to ask me if I was ready to throw up the sponge. But I'd have died there before I played the coward, and told him what he wanted; for how could I ever look my mother and sisters in the face again, if I saved my useless life by selling out their mine to that cruel and hateful CHAPTER VI. BACKED BY THE SILVER FOX Hurrah for you, Aleck! exclaimed Giraffe, unable to repress his feelings any longer. Thad himself felt just as full of enthusiasm over the brave manner in which this son of Jerry Rawson had defied the man whose one desire in life now seemed to be the discovery and confiscation of the rich mine that had eluded his eager fingers for so many years; but he knew better how to repress his delight. They were starting along the top of the precipice now. Toby leading the way, and every now and then turning his head, to warn them of a particularly risky place. Thad had made sure to coil up that precious rope belonging to generous Bumpus, and which had so frequently proven to be worth its weight in gold. Never again would Giraffe laugh at the queer conceit of the fat scout in connection with the carrying of that As the going was so difficult, and as a rule they were strung out in single file, Thad thought that it would be just as well to defer all explanations until they had arrived safely in camp. Besides, that course would save Aleck from going over things twice; since those who were not present would naturally be just as anxious to hear the particulars as they were. So they spent all the time in making sure that they did not lose their footing, and take ugly tumbles; for the way was very steep, and the moonlight, after all, rather treacherous to depend upon wholly. Thad figured, from the clock in the heavens which he knew how to read so well, (figuring on the position of the moon, and the multitude of stars, from Sirius, and the blazing Belt of Orion, the Hunter, in the northeast; to bright Venus in the west, now just about to vanish behind the mountain ridge,) that they had been gone all of two hours, when once more they approached the burning fire. They could see some of the scouts around the blaze, and as they drew near, the voice of Davy Jones called out sternly: Halt! who goes there? Friends! replied Thad, carrying out the humor of the thing. Advance friends, and give the countersign! the sentry demanded. Silver Fox Patrol! replied the scoutmaster, continuing to stride forward, and closely followed by all the others of the returning party. Did you get him, Thad? asked Davy, instantly allowing his boyish curiosity to over-ride all soldierly qualities. That's what we did; and he's here with us, as hungry as they make them, replied the patrol leader. Oh! I only hope you kept lots of grub; I'm that hungry I c'n hardly walk, declared Giraffe. After snatching all you did too, when you went off? complained But think what we've done since, will you? argued the tall scout, as he pushed into camp, and hastened to settle down in a good spot, with the air of one who naturally anticipated being waited on by his Well, we cooked a lot more, Smithy hastened to remark; because, you see, we just calculated that you would be fairly ravenous, after your exertions. And so this is Aleck Rawson; delighted to meet you; my Cut that out; we call him plain Smithy! broke in Step Hen; and I'm Step Hen Bingham. The fat feller is Bumpus Hawtree; this other is Bob White; while the one who gave you that challenge is Davy Jones. He'll shake hands with you by offering one of his feet, because he's standing on his head about as much as the other way. And Aleck went around, shaking hands heartily. Plainly they could see that he was more than delighted to meet with such a hearty reception; and just when it seemed as though he needed friends the So the newcomers were quickly waited on, and found that a bountiful supply of supper had indeed been prepared against their coming, and by boys who knew what a mountain appetite meant, too. By degrees those who had been left in camp were told just how the rescue had been effected; and then Aleck started in to tell something about his experiences. I live with my mother and sisters in a town called Logan, down in the northern part of Utah. My father died several years ago, when I was a little shaver. He had just come back home, and told us he had struck it rich, and we would never want again, when he was taken down with a fever; and after being sick a week, he died. The last thing he did in his delirium was to press a little pocket looking glass, with a cracked front, into my hands, and close my fingers on it, like he wanted me to keep it. And we thought it was just imagination that made him do it, and that perhaps he believed he was giving me all the money he saw in his wild dreams. Well, as the years went along, I used often to look at that little mirror, just a couple of inches across, and think of my father. We never could find anything among his traps to tell us where the mine he had discovered was located. More'n a few times this here Colonel Kracker would visit us, and tell my mother what a big thing it would be, if only she could find some little chart or rude map among my father's things, to be sort of a clew to the lost mine; but though she searched, and I looked again and again, we just couldn't. And one day, would you believe it, somebody broke into our cottage while we were all out, and stole everything belonging to my father, from his six shooter and gun, to the old tattered knapsack that he used to carry, when he was prospecting for pockets of rich ore, or pay dirt anywhere along the creeks. The old snake! muttered Step Hen; for of course every one of them guessed who must have been responsible for this robbery of the widow's Aleck went on. And one day, it was only a month ago, as I was sitting there, fiddling with that same little pocket mirror, the back came loose. I was starting to pinch the metal tight again, when I discovered that there was a piece of paper between the glass and the back! The clue to the lost mine? gasped Giraffe, nearly falling over into the fire in his extravagant delight. Yes, that was what it turned out to be, continued the Rawson boy, actually smiling to see how deep an interest his narrative seemed to have for these splendid new friends fortune had raised up for him so opportunely. My father must have had a return of reason just before he passed away; and not being able to say a single word, he had pressed the glass into my hands, thinking that would be enough. But somehow it had never occurred to me that he knew what he was doing. And that's what brings you up here right now, I reckon; you mean to find that hidden mine, and claim it for your mother, and the girls? That is what I aim to do, replied the other, firmly. But I think that man must have kept a spy watching our house, after he failed to find anything among the things that were stolen; for I've since had reason to believe that every movement of mine was known to him. And when he learned that I was going to start north he guessed that I had a clue of some sort to the mine. And so he captured you, perhaps right here where our camp is now; because Toby told us there were the footprints of a boy along with those of Colonel Kracker, and his two cronies, Waffles and Dickey Bird, Giraffe ventured to say. They did drop in on me right here; and taking me sort of by surprise, made me a prisoner easy enough, remarked Aleck, somewhat shame-facedly, as though he considered it far from being to his credit; but there was something that happened before that ought to have warned me to be on the watch. What was it? asked the impatient Giraffe, as the other paused, while trying to eat and talk at the same time. Well, you see, down below here, I thought I ought to employ some sort of guide, because I wasn't altogether accustomed to being all alone in the wilderness; though I've always used a gun, and hunted. And along about that time I ran across a man who seemed to be friendly, and knew the country, he said, like a book. His name was Matt Griggs, he said; and the upshot of it all was he engaged to pilot me around up here as long as I wanted him. You see, my plan was to shake him just when I found my bearings, and felt that I could go on alone; because, of course I didn't want any outsider to be with me when I took possession of my father's mine. I was careful never to breathe a word of what I had in mind; just told him I wanted to knock around for a few weeks among the mountains up here. And unless I talked in my sleep, which I never knew myself to do, there wasn't any way Matt Griggs could learn from me the real reason for my wanting to come to this particular section. But one night I woke up, and found the guide searching through my knapsack; and then all of a sudden it struck me he was in the pay of that old scoundrel of a Colonel Kracker. He meant to rob me of my secret, and had thrown himself across my path on purpose, just about the time it was supposed I'd be wanting to take on a guide. Of course I covered him with my gun, and sent him away without a cartridge in his possession. He was ugly about it, too, and vowed he'd get even with me yet. Well, he did, for my treacherous guide came in with Kracker and a second man; so I reckon he must be one of those you spoke of, perhaps Waffles; for I heard the other called Dickey, once or When they took you a prisoner, they searched you, of course, hoping to find the valuable paper? asked Giraffe, who could not wait for the natural unfolding of the plot, but must needs hasten matters by means of pointed questions. They raked me over with a fine-tooth comb, replied the other, with a little chuckle, as though proud of what he had done; but of course I had been too smart to carry that paper where it could be found, and so they had all their trouble for their pains. Then Kracker was as mad as a wet hen. He stormed, and threatened, and tried to fool me with a whole lot of silly promises; but it wasn't any use. I just told him that even if I knew the secret of the hidden mine, I'd die before I gave it up to him, or any one like him. Well, you saw what he did, in the end; took me up there, and lowered me to that terrible ledge, saying he was going to leave me there to starve; and that when the buzzards came flocking around me, and I was wild for a bite to eat, perhaps I'd feel a little like telling him what he was bound to know, for he promised to come and ask me every day. This was when? asked Thad. I think it must have been about noon when they lowered me at the end of a rope, Aleck went on to explain. One of the men knew about that ledge, and the idea seemed to tickle Kracker more than a little. They just shoved me over, and it was keep a tight hold on that rope for me, or a drop to the cruel rocks away down at the foot of the precipice. Then, late in the afternoon I saw you come into the valley far below. I wanted to shout, at first, but was afraid you were only some of the other hard cases of silver mine hunters like Kracker. But I had found out in the meantime that in crevices of the rock some small trees had once taken root, several of them dying, so that I amused myself in breaking off pieces of wood and starting a little fire deep in a fissure I found, and which they didn't know anything about, I Then, to my surprise I saw some one making all sorts of figures in the darkness with what seemed to be a torch. I used to belong to the Boy Scout troop of Logan, you see, and for a little while I even manipulated the telegraph key in the railroad station a few miles out of there, on the Oregon Southern Railroad; so that I soon saw he was practicing the Morse code. And then a wild desire came over me to get in touch with you. What I did, you all know; and I'm the happiest fellow in the whole Rocky Mountains to think that I've found friends up here, friends who say they'll stand back of me, and help me win out in my fight for my father's mine. There were tears in Aleck Rawson's blue eyes as he said this last, and somehow every one of the scouts was deeply affected. It does not take much to arouse the boyish spirit of enthusiasm as a rule; and what they had already seen and heard of young Aleck Rawson, made the members of the Silver Fox Patrol ready to enlist heart and soul in his cause. There are nine of us here, said Thad, quietly, but with a firmness that thrilled the newcomer in the camp; it's true that all but one of us are boys; but then we've got guns, and can use them too, if we have to. And let me tell you, Aleck, we're the kind of friends that stick. We've heard a lot about this hidden mine that your father discovered, and believe that it ought to belong to your mother, and no one else. This old rascal of a Kracker is a regular pirate, a land shark that ought to be tied up to a stake, and tarred and feathered, for the way he persecuted you, just because you refused to give away your secret, which means everything to your folks. And Aleck, we're going to stand by you through thick and thin! We've met up with you in about the queerest way ever heard of; and after getting you off that ledge up there, don't think we want to call it quits. You're a scout, a fellow scout in trouble; and we wouldn't deserve the name we bear if we didn't promise to back you up to the limit. How about it, boys? That's the talk! declared Giraffe, with great vim. He can count on us, every time, said Step Hen. And so it went the entire rounds of the little circle, every boy echoing the sentiments that had made Thad, as the patrol leader, promise the harassed lad all the assistance that lay in their power. After that the camp quieted down, and the boys went about their ordinary pursuits. Davy was fiddling with his little camera, the fever growing stronger in his veins with each passing day. Indeed, where some of his chums talked of shooting Rocky Mountain sheep, grizzlies, timber wolves, panthers and the like, the Jones boy could be heard expressing his opinion that shooting the same in their native haunts with a snapshot camera, was more to his taste. And there was Step Hen, as usual, loudly bemoaning the loss of something that he just felt sure he had had only five minutes before, but which was now gone as completely as though the earth had opened and swallowed it up. 'Taint as though it was the first time, either, he was saying, in a grumbling tone, as of one deeply injured, while he eyed his chums suspiciously; it's always my stuff that's bein' so mysteriously moved about, so that I never know where to put my hand on the same. Now, I reckon more'n a few of you saw my service hat on my head just a little while ago; but tell me where it is now, will you? If one of you snatched it off in your slick way, and is just hiding the same, let me notify you right now it's a mean joke. Thad, can you tell me where my hat is? Having the question thus put directly at him, the patrol leader felt compelled to make a reply. Well, Step Hen, he said, slowly and convincingly, I can't exactly do that, but I think I might give a pretty good guess, knowing you so well. Just five minutes ago you showed up, after having gone to get a drink at the little stream that runs through here. There's a regular place where we bend down to drink; and I can just see you taking off that campaign hat of yours, laying it nicely on the bank, getting your fill of water; and then deliberately coming back to camp, leaving your hat there; and then you kick up the greatest racket because you suddenly notice it isn't on your head! Some of the other boys clapped their hands, while Step Hen looked foolish at the well-merited rebuke. Mebbe you're right that time, Thad, he said, meekly, as, turning, he strode from the briskly burning fire, heading toward the good spot alongside the little stream, where they knelt to drink. It was perhaps half a minute afterwards when he was heard to give a screech that brought every scout instantly to his feet, jumping for their guns, when they caught the meaning of his words: I've got him! yelled Step Hen, at the top of his voice; I'm holding him, all right! But come and give me a hand, somebody, or he'll get away! Injuns! Injuns! No wonder that excitement filled the camp of the Silver Fox Patrol! CHAPTER VII. STEP HEN MAKES A Wow! it's a regular attack! Keep hold of your guns, boys, and make every bullet count! whooped the excited Giraffe. Don't anybody fire a single shot without orders! roared Thad, who could never tell what such a fly-up-the-creek as Giraffe was capable of doing, once he got started. The guide led the way toward the spot where Step Hen still continued to shout and entreat. All of the boys had seen fit to arm themselves. Even Smithy, who had no gun, had seized upon the camp hatchet, and imagined himself looking exceedingly warlike as he trotted along in the wake of his comrades, making violent passes in the air, as though cutting down imaginary enemies by the score. They thus came upon Step Hen; and sure enough he was clinging to the back of an Indian, both arms being twisted desperately around the latter's dusky neck in a way that threatened to choke the other. Step Hen may never have read about the way the Old Man of the Sea clung to Sinbad the Sailor, using both arms and legs to maintain his hold; but Thad thought, when he had his first glimpse of the picture, that at any rate the scout was a good sticker. But then the Indian did not seem to be doing anything on his part to ward off the attack; indeed, he was standing there, bearing his burden with that stoical indifference peculiar to his race. There was no smile on his sober face that Thad could see; but he imagined that the Indian must surely appreciate the ridiculous nature of the situation. All right, Step Hen, Thad called out, when he could make himself heard above the tremendous racket the other was putting up; we're here to save you, guns and all. You can let go your grip, Step Hen! But you won't let him get away, will you, Thad? pleaded the other, earnestly. He's my Injun, don't you know; I captured him all by myself. I just bet you now he was meanin' to hook my hat, that's what brought him to the creek; but I jumped on him, and took him by surprise. Surround him, fellers, while I let him loose. My! but he's a tricky one, I tell you; pretended never to fight back a bit; but he was only watching for his chance. He didn't know who had hold of him, and that I was on to his game, all right. Stop talking, and let him go; you're half choking him, Step Hen! ordered the patrol leader. And knowing that Thad meant business when he used his official tones, Step Hen suddenly released his clutch, and jumped back, just as if he really expected his late captive to whirl and attack him. But nothing of the kind occurred. In fact, the Indian continued to show the utmost indifference to the fact that a ring of eager faces surrounded him; and that guns of various makes and kinds were thrust out at him, until the circle seemed to fairly bristle with a warlike Thad saw the Indian raise his right hand, holding the palm toward them, and keeping the thumb flat at the same time. That's the peace sign! muttered Toby Smathers; he ain't lookin' for trouble, I reckons, boys. Huh! he better not, grunted Giraffe, who had been amusing himself meanwhile in raising and lowering the hammer of his heavy rifle, as though he must have something going in order to work off his nervousness. Why, we could eat him alive, and then not half try. Ten to one is mighty heavy odds, let me tell you. And no wonder he holds out the white flag. It's easy to surrender when you ain't got a show. But I'd go slow about trusting him, Thad; these here Injuns, I've heard, are a treacherous lot, take 'em as a whole. Keep still, Giraffe! said the scoutmaster, sternly; let me do the talking, and the tall scout became mute, for the time being at least; though it was hard to keep him any length of time in that condition. Thad had already made a discovery. The moonlight fell upon the Indian, who now stood there with his arms folded, his whole attitude one of studied indifference; and it struck the patrol leader that there was something very familiar about him. Allan, isn't he the young brave we saw hovering around our camp before, and who wouldn't stop to be questioned? he asked, turning to the Maine boy. I was just thinking of that myself when you spoke, Thad, came the I wonder, now, why he keeps on hanging after us, the scoutmaster remarked. And I'm going to ask him first of all. With that he turned to the prisoner, and went on to say: Can you understand; do you know what I am saying? Yes, can speak same, all right, came the answer, in pretty fair Well, we want to know why you are hanging about our camp so much. Once before we saw you, and tried to talk with you, but you moved off. Now, away up here in the mountains you come again, sneaking around, and taking chances of being shot for a prowling wolf. Tell us why you do this? I don't believe you meant to steal anything because you've made no attempt to creep into the camp; but we want to know just why you hang around this way. Make come back more two, three times, look at teepee, see fine picture there. Never see like before. Much good! Ugh! P'raps sell same, bimeby, when go back! What under the sun does he mean by that talk, Thad? Sure we ain't in the picture selling business, even if I am taking some dandy snapshots. I wonder, now, has he seen me at work; does he think I'm a traveling photograph man, and wants me to strike him off, in his warpaint and feathers? Davy Jones managed to say all of this, but no one was paying much attention to his remarks. Tell you what, fellers, broke in the irrepressible Giraffe, just then; he's taken a shine to our tents, and wants to buy one when we're done with 'em. Knows a good thing when he sees it, he does. Just as if we'd let 'em go for a song, when they're cram full of associations for You're not on to it yet, boys; remarked Thad, quietly; it's the head of the fox which we had painted so cleverly on each tent that's caught his eye; and he just can't help hanging around, to keep on gazing at it, for some reason or other. For the first time they saw a sign of emotion flit across the face of the young Indian brave. He struck himself violently on the chest. Me Fox! he exclaimed, proudly. Soon me must have teepee for self. See picture fox on same, think can buy. Give much pelt for same. Ugh! what white boy say? Well, just to think of it, here's another Fox, all right? called out Giraffe. We're treading on his heels, so to speak, boys, when we take that name for our patrol. Glad to meet up with you; and by the way are you Silver Fox, Red Fox, or Black Fox; though to be sure they all belong to one family? I thought I ought to know him, burst out Aleck Rawson, pushing forward, and now I'm dead sure of it. Hello! Fox, you sure must remember me, Aleck; and the good times we used to have, when I lived close to the Reservation? The young Indian extended his hand without hesitation. No forget Aleck, not much. But him not with other white boys down in big timber. Where come by? How do? Much glad see again. My coyote pony, Flicker, yet in the run. Ugh! Shake! He means a pony I gave him when we came away from that place, explained Aleck, turning to Thad after gravely shaking hands with the Indian. The Fox is a Crow, and one of the smartest boys you ever saw. He can do everything that a grown warrior could; and some day they say he will be a chief in his tribe. We used to have great times racing our ponies, and chasing coyotes over the prairie. And I'm right glad to see him once more; though it puzzles me to know why he is up here, so far away from the homes of his people; and armed, too. Well, if he's an old friend of yours, Aleck, and you can vouch for him, why, of course he's going to be welcome at our fire. And it tickles me to think that the bright painting of the fox head on each of our tents was what attracted his eye, so that he just couldn't keep from hanging around at that other time. But surely that didn't draw him away up here; he's got some other business in his head; for he only discovered our camp just now, and was coming in to see us, I reckon, when Step Hen mounted his back, and then called to us to help Anyway, I had him gripped good and tight, you all saw, grumbled Step Hen. When these good husky arms of mine get locked around anything, it takes a heap to break me away. If he had been a hostile Injun I'd a hung on like grim death, believe me. No one ventured to try and take away any of his laurels. He had certainly yelled for help in a way that could not easily be excelled, they all thought. Thad led the way to the fire, after inviting the Indian to join them. He confessed to having just a little curiosity himself as to what had caused the Fox to desert the teepees of his tribe, and wander so far away from the reservation; but of course Thad knew better than to ask about the personal affairs of the other. If the Fox chose, later on, to take them into his confidence, well and good. He might only stay with them for a night, and then slip away; but since he was Aleck's friend, and seemed to be connected with the great family of Foxes, of which they were a Boy Scout branch, why, he would be welcome. As the Indian confessed that he had not broken his fast since noon, when he had munched a handful of dried deer meat, known as pemmican, some of the boys took it upon themselves to cook something for him. He appeared to be very grateful, and could be seen to sniff the air eagerly while the coffee was boiling; showing that he appreciated the white man's drink at its true value; for his people on the reservation enjoyed many of the comforts of civilization, and some of the luxuries, too, even to pianos that played themselves, and boxes that sang songs, and played the violin, and gave all sorts of orchestral music, so Aleck And while the boys talked on various subjects, as they sat around, Thad happened to be watching the face of the Fox when one of the scouts casually mentioned the name of Colonel Kracker. He actually saw the dark face grow stern, and that the Indian ground his teeth together, as if in anger. Seeing which Thad put things together, and came to a conclusion, whether right or wrong, of course he could not yet say. He knows Kracker, for he started when Davy mentioned the name, Thad was saying to himself. And the chances are that the prospector has done something to injure the Fox, or some member of his family. These Indians hate savagely; and perhaps this young fellow, hardly more than a boy, has taken to the warpath, bent on having a settlement with the big bully. Well, it isn't any of our business; but I know I'd hate to have the Fox camping on my trail, with hatred burning in his CHAPTER VIII. PLANNING WOE TO THE BIG If we get along in this way, Giraffe was saying, as he sat there watching the young Indian eat what had been set before him; two at a pop, not that they're just as welcome as the showers in April, though, we'll have to hustle some lively so's to provide grub. Keepin' open house, Giraffe! sang out Davy Jones, looking up from his job of placing another new film in his snapshot camera. Well, we've got our sign out to the Foxes; that's right, grinned the other, as he glanced proudly at the head that had been painted in really a clever fashion on the canvas of each tent. They sat up a while longer, and canvassed the situation; but the hour getting late, and several of the boys showing signs of being sleepy, it was finally decided that they had better turn in. So Bumpus had to pretend to blow taps, with his fist for a bugle; and as usual he acquitted himself splendidly. The young Indian's eyes sparkled when he heard that imitation of the real thing; and Thad imagined the Fox must at some time or other have rubbed up against the regular cavalry of the United States Army, so that he understood what Bumpus was doing. Thad and Allan had arranged matters with the guide, so that there would be some one on guard at all hours of the night. With those three men hovering near, there could be no telling what might happen. While they were not outlaws, or anything of that sort; still, after learning how they had treated poor Aleck, just because he very rightly refused to give up the secret of the mine that was his mother's property, and on which Kracker did not have the slightest claim, Thad could give a pretty good guess as to the character of the men. The guide had told him more than enough to stamp Kracker in his mind as a very unprincipled man. Thad believed the prospector was so determined to discover the hidden silver mine that there was almost nothing he would not attempt in order to carry out his designs. And since their camp now sheltered the boy against whom all his animosity seemed to be aroused, it was at least possible that he might pay them a visit, backed by his followers, men quite as reckless as himself. So it would seem to be the part of wisdom to keep on the watch for danger. It is the principle of scouts to avoid trouble, rather than seek it; and Thad believed in the old saying that an ounce of prevention is always better than a pound of cure. But the night passed, and nothing happened. None of the others were called upon to take a turn as sentries; indeed more than one of the boys slept like a log all that night, and never dreamed there was any watch being kept. Still, when in the morning they ascertained this fact, they reproached the scoutmaster for not having called upon them to share the vigil; since they always wished to do their share of the work. Thad knew that the coming of Aleck Rawson was bound to add to the excitement of their stay in the mountains; but he had already taken a great liking for the boy, and admired his sturdy independence, as well as his grim determination to once more locate the long hidden mine for the benefit of his mother and sisters. Come what might, Thad was not sorry the Silver Foxes had determined, individually and collectively that they would back up Aleck to the limit; and even give over some of the time they had expected to put in hunting, in order to help him take possession of his father's silver That meant then, sooner or later, a visit from the bully of the mountains, this arrogant Colonel Kracker, whom so many men seemed to fear as a terror; though Thad had already conceived the idea that the other must be a coward at heart. He fancied that no really brave man would war on a widow like he was doing; and torture a mere boy, in order to force him to betray his mother's secret. Let him come, then, if he wants to, Thad had said to Allan, when they discussed the subject for the tenth time, while breakfast was being made ready. We're able to take care of ourselves, I should thinkeight husky fellows, a brave man for a guide, who will stand up for us; then Aleck, and the Fox besides. It would be mighty queer, now, if we couldn't hold our own against three men, no matter if they are Oh! I guess we've seen just as bad before, replied Allan, with a confident smile. How about some of those moonshiners down in North Carolina? And tell me about that Charlie Barnes and his crowd, the hobo yeggs we ran across up in Maine. Then, remember Si Kedge and Ed Harkness the game poachers we met later on; and how they were sorry they'd ever bothered with the Silver Foxes? And to wind up the list, Thad, there were Hank Dodge and his French Canadian half breed pard, Pierre Laporte, the hard-shelled timber cruisers, who gave us all that bother when Bumpus lost himself down in the big timber. How's that for a crowd, tell me; and didn't we come out on top every time? I see you've got it all down pretty pat, Allan, he remarked. And sure enough, just as you say, after getting the better of so many bad men in all our travels, we hadn't ought to feel worried right now because three more bob up, and think to throw a scare into us. On the whole, this Kracker had better keep his hands off, or he'll be sorry. But how about our hunting? Allan went on to say. Some of the boys are getting anxious to make a try for a big-horn. Why, there's Smithy, a fellow we never expected would ever take the least interest in shooting, because his nature has seemed so mild, and sissy-likeI even heard him declare he wanted to make a try and see what he could do. Owned up that his father used to be a great hunter years ago; but that he guessed he'd inherited his mother's gentle disposition; while his hobble-dehoy sister she wants to play baseball, hockey, tennis, and those kinds of games all the while. And Thad, I think we ought to encourage that idea in Smithy. It may be the making of him, if once he gets waked up. Thad thought the same way. He knew the boy possessed amiable traits; but he had always been given too much to dress, and the little things of life, at which most fellows look with scorn and contempt. He must have the edges roughened a little, if he was ever going to hold his own when he went to college, or out in the wide world, where sissy boys are held up to derision. Nothing to hinder our hanging over here a bit, and seeing what the next move of this cannon cracker is going to be, he remarked. And the hunting? asked Allan. Why, a party could start out right from camp here, leaving enough behind to defend the place, of course, and keep Kracker from taking Aleck away by sheer force, if he did have the nerve enough to come here, the scoutmaster replied, after thinking over the matter for a Of course we ought to let the guide go along with the boys; for I wouldn't like to trust them alone in the mountains, Allan suggested. That's right, added Thad. Some of them seem to have a weakness for getting into all sorts of trouble from the word go. We can let one party start out, and after they come back, if they've had any luck, and the air's cleared some around here, why, another might take a different direction. You said Step Hen was wild to get a big horn, didn't you, Never saw him so set on anything; but then that's his way always. When he gets a notion in that brain box of his, you can't knock it out with a sledge hammer. And just now it seems that a real Rocky Mountain sheep with the big horns beats any old grizzly all hollow, with Step All right, we'll have to let him be one of the first party. He did so splendidly when he jumped on the back of the Fox, and captured him, he thinks, that some reward ought to be coming his way. And there's Smithy, I'll see that he has his chance to try a shot. Giraffe could lend him his gun; or Bob White's would do because it's a much lighter weapon than the other. And how about Davy Jones; he says he's just bound to get some pictures of big-horns on their native rocks, or making some of those famous leaps he's heard so much about; can he be one of the bunch, Yes, but that is the limit. Three frisky scouts will be about all that any one guide can keep tabs on, I rather think, replied the other, smiling as he tried to picture Toby Smathers endeavoring to hold the ambitious photographer, and the pair of would-be big-horn hunters, in check; for he imagined the task might resemble a circus feat of trying to drive half a dozen steeds at the same time. When the plan of campaign for the day was made known, there was considerable rejoicing, and a little grumbling. Of course the former came from those who had been lucky enough to draw prizes; while the discontent sprang from Giraffe, who had also cherished certain aspirations, looking to a pair of elegant big-horns, to decorate his den at home in Cranford. But if Giraffe did occasionally show a spirit like this, the best thing about him was the rapidity with which he got over the grumbles, as Step Hen called his little fits of the sulks. In five minutes he had apparently forgotten his disappointment, and was offering to loan Smithy his rifle, even before the scoutmaster had mentioned anything However, it was judged too heavy for a greenhorn to pack around all day; and in order that Giraffe might not feel offended, Thad smoothed matters down, as usual, by administering a little dose of flattery. He's only a new beginner, Giraffe, and not used to toting a gun. Why, his shoulder would be sore from carrying it all day. With an old hand like you, it's a different matter; and I rather think that gun just seems to fit into a notch on your shoulder, like it grew there. Now, Bob's gun is much lighter; and with those mushroom bullets, the small bore doesn't matter a bit. So we'll let him take that. Besides, if anything happened here that spelled trouble, you'd feel pretty sore if you didn't have your faithful old shooting-iron at hand. That's so, Thad; reckon you're just about right, said the tall scout, instantly, quite mollified. And Bob's gun'll seem more like a playtoy to Smithy, too. I always said mine was a man's gun; and when you pull the trigger there's bound to be something doing. In this clever way then, did Thad frequently stave off trouble and ill feeling among his followers. It requires much tact to successfully manage a pack of boys, representing all manner of dispositions. And the scoutmaster who is the most successful in his line of business, is the one who knows boys best, and has the happy faculty of entering into their ways of looking at things, heart and soul. During the progress of eating breakfast the talk was of course pretty much all about hunting the big horn. The guide was called upon to narrate all he knew concerning the famous Rocky Mountain sheep, often called goats by the hunters; and which combine many of the traits of the noted chamois of the Alps and the Appenines, with others that are peculiar to themselves. Any one who has seen them leap boldly from a ledge, and strike upon their great rounded horns far below, is ready to declare that there is not a remarkable spectacle in all the world of wild sport that can equal the sight. Possibly the Fox knew something concerning these queer mountain sheep; but as Giraffe said aside to Step Hen, it would needs be a monstrous lemon squeezer that could ever hope to extract any information from an Indian. Aleck, on his part, had often heard stories told about the animals now occupying so prominent a part in the conversation of the scouts; and he did not hesitate to hand over any information he had it in his power to divulge, hoping that it might serve a useful purpose to the intended hunters. Davy was thrusting several more rolls of films in his haversack. No telling what a feller may run up against, once you start out, The only trouble is, Davy, commented Giraffe, you can't make a meal off'n the things, if you're hungry, and game shy. I think Step Hen did a wise thing when he stuffed all he could get of eatables in his bag. And Smithy too carries a lot. Oh! you'll do, now. Thad says you'd better wait about half an hour, till the mists clear off'n the mountains. It's real early, anyhow, and the sheep ain't agoin' to run away; don't you worry about that. There is nothing that bothers a boy more than having to wait, when he's all ready to do something. The minutes seem to drag as though they were leaden weighted. If Davy unfastened that knapsack of his once to examine its contents, and make sure he had neglected nothing, he did it half a dozen times, until Giraffe declared he would certainly wear the straps out if he kept that up. Those who expected to remain in camp were going about their usual vocations, as for instance the cleaning up of the breakfast tin pans, and cooking utensils. When a company of eleven souls has been having a meal, these amount to considerable; and it took Bob White, Allan and Bumpus some little time to accomplish the task of setting things to Bumpus had gone to get some more water from the stream, and when he came back he was grinning broadly. Why, you see, he explained, there's an old rattlesnake coiled up over there, and I've been making him as mad as hops, poking at him with a pole. You just ought to come and see him strike, though! I heard him rattle! declared Thad, but somehow I just thought it was a locust waking up. Come on, boys, and let's put such a dangerous customer out of the way! CHAPTER IX. BAITING A RATTLESNAKE. Of course they all hastened after the scoutmaster and Bumpus; the latter really leading the way, with a consequential way about him, as though he felt that he ought to be looked upon as master of ceremonies, by right of first discovery. Here's the pole I had, when I poked him, he remarked, picking it up as he spoke. But where's the rattler? demanded Giraffe, just as swift as that; for he was always as quick as lightning in his ways. Show the old fraud to us, will you? Must a slipped away while you came to camp with Huh! sneered Step Hen, I'd rather believe now, Bumpus don't know a rattler when he sees one. P'raps it was only an innocent little garter snake he was pokin', and a locust was singin' in a tree all the Bumpus looked furious. He had lately gained quite an envious reputation for a remarkable knowledge of woodcraft; and he was up in arms at the idea of being thus placed once more in the tenderfoot Think I don't know a genuine rattlesnake when I see one, do you; well, what d'ye think of a feller that'd jump over a log without even lookin', and when a common garden variety of black snake gave him a jab, he hollered that he was poisoned by a terrible rattler, and could even see his poor leg swellin' up right before his eyes. Me not know one, when I've been in the Zoo reptile house down in New York, and even watched one swallow a rat! Well, I guess you're away off, Step Hen Yes, put in Thad just then, and it's too early in the day for a locust to be in the noise business; I ought to have thought of that myself, I own up. Let's look around, boys, and locate the thing; but be mighty careful how you step. I can cure a good many things with the few little remedies I carry; but excuse me from having to tackle a regular dose of rattlesnake poison. It is a bad thing, I tells ye, lads, asserted Toby Smathers, who had come along with the rest, even the Indian boy being present. Many's the time, years ago, I've seen the Injuns getting poison from a rattler, so's to make their war arrows more deadly. An' I tells ye, it war worth watchin'. If so be we kin find this critter, I'll show ye how 'twas done, if Mr. Scout Master sez so. First get your rabbit, before you start to cooking him, laughed Just then Giraffe let out a whoop. Here he is, all coiled up again, and looking wicked, now, I tell you! he called out; and the others rushed in that quarter. Well, he is a sorter big un for the mountains, sure enough, admitted the guide after he had taken a look. Wait here a bit till I come back with a piece of deer meat, and I'll show ye how 'twas done. Keep him riled-up like, but not strikin' too hard at that pole, or he'll empty his pizen sack on it. Thad had himself heard more or less about such things; or else read of them in stories of the old-time Indians, the Iroquois, Delawares, Shawanees and other tribes who disputed the way of the early pioneers; and he was just as eager to watch the process as any of the other boys. The rattlesnake was coiled, just as they always are when danger hovers near; because, when caught at full length, the reptile is next to harmless, since it cannot strike and make use of its only means of defense, its poison fangs. Thad saw to it that no one approached near enough to be in any danger. Once the pole was extended by Bumpus, just to show his mates how he had been baiting the awful looking thing. Instantly that flat head sprang out toward the object; and as Bumpus adroitly drew it away, remembering the injunction of the guide, the rattlesnake, finding nothing to strike, was thrown half its length out of coil. It was almost laughable to see with what haste it managed to curl up again, and with that rattle buzzing furiously, seemed to defy anything to Then Toby Smathers came hurrying up. He was fastening a piece of venison (which had been left over several days, and kept well in the dry mountain air,) to another long pole, which he had secured; not wishing to handle the one that had already been struck numerous times by the fangs of the snake. Now you're going to have something worth while to mudge at, old feller! cried Bumpus, as he threw his pole away, and pushed a little closer in the ring, anxious to see all that went on. Toby was soon ready. He thrust the pole out, and all of them could hear the sound of the concussion as the reptile struck the piece of meat fastened at the end. It made most of the boys shudder just to contemplate being hit such a venomous blow with all the fury of a Again and again did Toby cause the snake to repeat the blow, turning the meat around several ways, so that it might all be impregnated by Now that's about done, he said; and the quicker ye kill that crazy thing the easier I'll feel. Lost a partner once when on a range tending forests for the Government, and ever since I've got a grudge Thereupon Bumpus once more picked up his long pole and aimed a vicious blow at the raised head of the snake. Taking the creature fairly across the neck he sent it spinning away. Look out there! shouted Giraffe, giving a hop, skip and a jump in another direction; he may be playing possum on us! Keep clear of him, everybody; and you, Bumpus, hit him again as hard as you can. It ain't the easiest thing agoin' to kill a snake, let me tell you. Accordingly the fat scout raised his pole, and brought it down several times with might and main, on the neck of the fearful looking reptile; until finally Thad declared that it was beyond ever doing any And the rattle belongs to Bumpus, if he cares to claim it, said the scoutmaster. It isn't a pretty thing, but then every time he looks at it, he'll be apt to remember this occasion, and can picture the camp, the mountains, and all the rest of it. Including Mike and Molly, our gentle pack mules, added Giraffe; immediately bending down to assist Bumpus secure his prize. Now, you see, said the guide, as he held up the piece of fresh venison so as to show the streaks of green, where the terrible poison had permeated it, after they done this, the reds used to jest let the meat lie till it was old and soft, and chuck full of pizen. Then all they had to do was to push the point of an arrow into the same, and dry it in the sun. But I'm told they never do such things any more, which I take it is a good job. Thar be some things that seem too tough even for savages to use in war; and pizen is one of 'em, I reckons. For goodness sake bury it, Toby! begged Smithy, turning pale as he contemplated the object the guide was holding up. And I surely hope we will not have the misfortune to run across any of the same breed while we're stalking those strange big-horn sheep. Not much danger, because rattlers they's apt at this time of year to kim down to damp places, when they kin find such, the guide explained; but at Thad's request he did put the piece of venison If later on some hungry wolf digs it up, why, I'm sorry for that same beast, Giraffe remarked, as they returned once more to the camp. Must be near time for us to skip out, said Step Hen, giving the scoutmaster a look of entreaty, as though imploring Thad to be merciful, and cut their waiting short. Five minutes yet before the half hour is gone, declared Allan. An exclamation from the Indian drew their attention just then. The Fox was pointing, and on following the direction of his extended brown finger the boys saw what had caught his always vigilant eyes. Away up on the top of the cliff that towered so many hundred feet above its base several figures were moving. They were plainly men, and white men at that. No need for any one to dart into the tent, and get the field glass, in order to know who these parties were, though Thad did secure it, as he wished a closer view. It's sure that Krackerjack crowd! cried Giraffe. Better get a move on, Aleck, and drop out of sight before they glimpse you. But the other shook his head. It's too late for that now, he declared. Kracker has got a spy glass leveled at this camp right now; and he's sure glimpsed me before And when Thad a minute later looked through the field glasses at the three who were on the cliff he saw that Aleck had spoken truly; for even then the biggest of the trio was watching them through a pair of Now and then he would turn, to say something to one of his companions. These fellows, known as Waffles and Dickey Bird respectively, were not in the same class with the giant Kracker, with regard to size; though as to reputation, possibly they were able to run him a close race; since they were all looked upon as a pretty bad lot by the settlers and miners with whom they came in contact. Wonder what he thinks? remarked Davy Jones, who seemed almost tempted to try and use his kodak on the party, only his good sense told him they would look like specks at such a great distance, and there would be no satisfaction in the picture. How d'ye expect they ever found that Aleck was no longer on the ledge? asked Step Hen. Perhaps they may have been in camp somewhere, that gave them a view of the ledge, and looking in vain for Aleck, they hurried up to see whether he had fallen, or was climbing up someway or other, Allan And the chances are, they'll want to drop in here, now that they know he's taken up with us? said Giraffe. Step Hen looked anxious. Say, Thad, is that agoin' to interfere with our startin' out on our little excursion? he demanded. The scoutmaster knew what was in his mind. He smiled as he replied: Oh! I don't see why it should, Step Hen. Fact is, the time's up now; and as I've said all I want to about taking care of yourselves, why you might as well make a start. There'll be enough of us left behind to take care of Colonel Kracker and his friends, if so be they do chance to call on us. Bring us back some nice juicy mutton, Step Hen! called Giraffe. And Davy, be sure you snap 'em off in the air; we ain't from Missouri, but we like to be shown, added Bumpus. I say, Smithy, the country expects every man to do his duty, suh; and if you get your chance, I give you my word, suh, that little gun can be depended on every single time! shouted the Southerner, Bob And so, followed by the good wishes of their chums, the little party of big-horn hunters started forth, none knowing what strange events might be waiting for them among the wild uplifts of the Rockies. CHAPTER X. THE COMING OF KRACKER. They're sure comin', Thad! The scoutmaster looked up when Giraffe said this. Oh! you must mean that big cannon Kracker, and his two friends? he remarked, in such a cool tone that Giraffe fairly gasped for breath. That's them! he declared, with an utter disregard for grammar that would have caused him to lose some of his good points in school had the lapse occurred there. And my stars! they look ugly enough to eat us all up, without caring for bones! But I calculate they won't, all the same, replied the other, smiling with supreme confidence. Did Allan send you in to tell me? he continued, for he had delegated the second in command to keep watch and ward when he was busy in his tent doing something. Giraffe nodded his head violently; indeed, any one who did not know how tenacious a hold it had on that long neck, might have been alarmed lest he dislocate his vertebra through such contortions. Yep; and he said you was to come out and see for yourself, Giraffe All right, I will then. Thad quietly picked up his little twelve-bore Marlin before quitting the tent; and there was an air of business about his manner of doing so quite different from the fussy way Giraffe had of doing things, but which was apt to appear much more convincing in the eyes of any one who could read character fairly well. When the scoutmaster reached the open air he found quite a buzz of excitement around the confines of the little camp. It seemed as though the scouts must certainly be anticipating something in the line of trouble; because every one who had a gun was nervously fingering the weapon, and watching the coming of the three figures stalking toward the camp from across the little valley. There was Giraffe, first of all, gripping his big rifle eagerly, a grim look on his thin face; Bumpus had his ten-gauge Marlin clenched tightly in his hands, and perhaps some of the usual color was missing from his fat face; but he had a reputation to sustain now, and knew he must toe the mark like a little man; Allan had his rifle in evidence; and Aleck having lost his at the time he was captured, was keeping a hand close to one of his pockets in which reposed a small revolver which one of the other scouts had loaned him. Bob White did not have a gun either, since he had let Smithy go off with his; but he did not mean to be caught defenseless, should trouble arise; and back of him he was holding that handy camp hatchet. The Fox,well, if he was anywhere around the camp, Thad failed to discover him; and even at that exciting moment the scoutmaster remembered thinking that perhaps the Crow boy had hidden, not wishing any of the Kracker crowd to see him. Thad glanced around him. He had considered the situation before this, like the wise general who notes down in his mind the promising points connected with his chosen field of battle. Speaking a few words to Allan, who knew what the plan of campaign was to be, Thad sent the other over to a clump of rocks, from the crest of which, not more than fifty feet away, he could have a splendid and unobstructed view of the camp, as well as its surroundings. Indeed, hardly a snake could have crawled across that open space without being exposed to the sharp eyes of the Maine boy. Then Thad awaited the coming of the three men. Just as Giraffe had declared, he could easily see that they were all looking more or less angry. The big man in the middle interested him much more than either of the others, of course; because he knew very well that when Colonel Kracker took snuff, it was up to Waffles and Dickey Bird to sneeze; for they were only shadows of the leader, who always controlled their actions. Thad had never seen just such a man before; but for all that he believed that what he had said before was the truth. Red-faced, and looking like a big hurricane let loose on the land, still back of all this outward display of fierceness Thad felt sure there lay a really cowardly heart. Yes, no brave man would act as Kracker had done, and when it came right down to the point of facing death, he was pretty sure to quail. Thad turned, and spoke a few reassuring words to Aleck. Remember, we don't mean to let him lay a finger on you, boy. I've drawn a line out between that rock, and the scrub oak over yonder; and if he crosses that we're going to make him wish he hadn't. There'll be some work for me to do picking bird shot out of his fat legs, and binding up his other wounds; for we've sure got to stop him coming in to this camp, no matter what happens! It was a remarkable situation for the acting scoutmaster of a troop of Boy Scouts to find himself in. Very few others could ever say they had gone through a like experience, Thad thought. But then, that was no reason he and his mates were bound to let this tyrant walk rough-shod over them, and take Aleck away, to continue his harsh and inhuman treatment of the lad. No, if it were necessary, in order to avoid such a catastrophe overtaking them, he must give the command to fire on the enemy, much as he would ever regret the necessity for such a step. He wondered what the leading lights in the great organization would say, should the circumstances ever be placed before them; but then, scouts should acquit themselves manfully under any and all conditions; and that was just what Thad meant to do now. The men were now close enough to make sure that those facing them were only boys. Thad could see that Kracker was looking closely, as though anxious to settle that point first of all; and it agreed exactly with the opinion he already entertained for the big prospector; namely, that he was what Giraffe would call a wind-bag, or a puff-ball, like those every one has stepped on in the fields, that go off with a pop, emit a little cloud of dust, and then collapse. But what was there to be feared from a mere parcel of half-grown boys? Kracker doubtless believed that he could awe them with that fierce look of his, and the domineering way he had of holding himself erect; while it was almost certain that when they heard his awful voice, sounding like hoarse thunder, their very legs would tremble under them, so that their knees must knock together. But apparently no one was doing much trembling, as yet, for they seemed to stand there in a line, and holding their guns half raised, with the stocks hitched under their shoulders, in the manner of those who have hunted much, and know which might be the easiest method of flinging a gun to rest in a second of time. One of the men had a rifle. He was the fellow whom Thad guessed went by the name of Dickey Bird. But then, no doubt both Kracker and Waffles carried smaller arms about their persons somewhere, for Thad could see signs of their belts, and judged the heavy revolvers were swung back of them, where a hand could sweep around and lay hold of the butt easily. The scoutmaster had made up his mind that Kracker was the only one whom they had to fear in the least. With him removed from the game, the other two would turn out to be easily handled. In fact, they would probably throw up their hands in surrender the very instant anything happened to take the big man off. And accordingly Thad meant to devote all his energies toward cutting the claws of the colonel. He had given Allan his ideas on the subject, and the Maine boy agreed with him They were coming close to the imaginary dead line Thad had marked between that pile of rocks and the stunted tree. Half a minute more, and he felt that he must call a halt. Would they mind what he said; or, thinking that orders from a mere boy were not to be taken seriously, would they insist on advancing Thad gritted his teeth, and was more resolved than ever that if Kracker invited trouble he would get it, good and hard. He would find out that guns can be just as dangerous in the hands of boys, as men. But now he noticed that the big man had slowed up a little. Perhaps he did not just like the way they stood there waiting, and with so many guns handy, too. Thad deliberately cocked his shotgun. The sound of the hammer clicking could be plainly heard, just as the boy intended it should; and there was something terribly business-like and significant about At any rate, Colonel Kracker reduced his pace another notch, as if in answer to an unspoken challenge. He was not so brave inwardly as his fierce outward appearance would seem to indicate. His eyes were glued upon the figure of young Aleck, who stood beside Thad, just a step to the rear, possibly. And apparently Kracker was trying to throw all the force of his domineering character into that glare. It was really enough to frighten one into fits, Thad thought; but somehow it did not make him even tremble, because he believed surface indications often told what was not true. Keep on giving him back look for look, Aleck! was what Thad said in a low tone, intended only for the ear of the boy they had rescued from the cliff ledge. Oh! I ain't afraid of him now; he couldn't make me squirm when I was all alone, and in his power; so it ain't likely I'm shivering, now that I've got so many friends to back me up, answered the other, also in a hoarse whisper. Good for you! Thad sent back. At the same time he coughed. This had been arranged as a signal for the rest of those who carried guns, to raise them to their shoulders. The action itself ought to convince Kracker that he had reached the limit of the peace line; and that if he persisted in advancing any further, he might expect something to happen. It worked splendidly. The big man came to an abrupt halt, and of course so did Waffles, and Dickey Bird too. Thad did not think much of the last mentioned; but the other fellow looked to be just such a sort of second fiddle whom a man like Kracker would choose to assist him in his schemes, that were so often evil. And they were right on that imaginary line Thad had marked out, too; had they persisted in advancing three more feet he meant to call out sharply, and warn them to pull up. Slowly Kracker elevated that fat right hand of his. Many a time, no doubt it had given some poor wretch cause for trembling when he pointed that finger at him. Just now, with those terrible eyes of his glued upon Aleck, he made his forefinger move, once, twice, three times, in a significant beckoning gesture. Then he spoke, and his deep-toned voice was not unlike the rumble of thunder at a time the lightning is darting among the heavy storm CHAPTER XI. HELD AT BAY. Don't move, Aleck! said Thad, instantly, and he raised his voice enough, to purposely let the three men hear what he said. Of course the boy did not budge. Perhaps he even gave Kracker back look for look, only that there may have been a smile of contempt upon his boyish face. Don't you hear what I say, come here! roared the colonel. He hears you all right, but he feels quite satisfied to stay where he is, said Thad, in a cool tone. The other turned those blazing eyes on the speaker. Who asked you to put your finger in my business? he demanded, I'm not. It's you who keeps on meddling with things that concern this boy and his mother only. I suppose you are Colonel Kracker? Thad That's my name, and anybody who knows me would tell you that you're doing the most foolish thing in all your life, when you try to interfere with any affair on which I've set my heart. I want that boy to come to me! and he shook his fat finger threateningly toward Aleck as he said this. Then you'll have to take it out in wanting, let me tell you; replied the patrol leader, for he belongs in this camp of Boy Scouts; and we're going to stand back of him. If Thad was excited he certainly did not seem to be so; in fact Giraffe wondered how in the world he could command his voice so well, and speak so calmly, when on his part he was fairly shivering with the What's that you say? shouted the big man, bristling all over with rage until he seemed to swell up larger than ever. Why, you little imp, d'ye know what I've a good notion to do with you for this I don't know, and neither do I care, replied Thad, but there's one thing I do think you ought to know. Oh! you do, eh? What might that be? demanded Kracker, sneeringly. Turn your head a little to the left, and you'll see a pile of rocks, the scoutmaster went on. Now, look up on top of that pile, and you'll see a young fellow on one knee, holding a big rifle straight on you. That's one of our chums. He's from the State of Maine, where they teach boys to be able to hit a leaping deer straight in the heart every shot. Try and take just three steps this way, if you want to test his skill with the rifle. Or any one of you start to raising a gun; and my word for it you'll never know what hit you. Get that, Kracker? Evidently the big man saw Allan kneeling there, and holding his gun leveled. The sight did not give him any too much enjoyment, either, judging from the way some of the color faded from his face. He spluttered quite as much as before, but he had lost a good part of his make-believe courage. In fact, Thad believed he had the big bully on the run; and he meant to press his advantage. If I don't get him this time, I will later on, said Kracker, giving Aleck a look of intense hatred. Don't you believe it, declared the scoutmaster, cheerfully. We're going to see him through, and if it's necessary, we'll find a way of sending word to the fort, and bringing a bunch of hard-riding cavalrymen here to chase you out of the mountains. And just remember, Colonel Kracker, there are eleven of us, all told, well armed, and knowing how to take care of ourselves. We're no city greenhorns, either, but scouts who have had a whole lot of experience in hard places. Now, if you know what is good for you, keep away from our camps, wherever they may be. Our guide, Toby Smathers, who knows you like a book, says that lots of good people would throw up their hats and cheer, if they heard you'd crossed over the line. You understand what I'm saying, I guess, don't you? You're doing a fool play, young feller, believe me, spoke up the man called Waffles, thinking it was up to him to stick in his oar. They ain't many men as would dar' talk to the kunnel like you done. Better hand the boy over to him; he's his uncle, and has a right to take charge of him. That's a lie! burst out Aleck, angrily. He came around our home, and tried every which way to get mother to just tell him what she knew about the mine, promising all sorts of shares if only she'd trust him; but since she didn't know a single thing about where it lay, and wouldn't believe him on oath, either, course she didn't make any arrangement. But he ain't any relation of mine. It wouldn't make any difference if he was, Aleck; when you say you don't want anything to do with Kracker, that settles it, and Thad all this while kept his eyes fixed on the big man, because he believed the other to be just full of treachery and all kinds of trickery, so that he would be ready to do something desperate if only he thought he could take the young scoutmaster by surprise, and off his guard. You don't understand the matter at all, complained the big man, with something like a whine in his gruff voice now, showing that he was pretty nearly cowed. How is that? demanded the other, instantly. I'm meaning to be his friend, and the friend, of his folks, Funny way you have of showing your friendly feelings, then, I must say, declared Thad, with scorn in his voice; making him a prisoner, trying to force him to give up a secret you choose to think he carries; and when he refuses to take you at your word, putting him there on that ledge, to starve, or face a horrible death in perhaps falling down a couple of hundred feet. Kracker looked a little confused, but it was only a flash in the pan. Such a thing as shame was foreign to his nature. For years he had been used to browbeating almost every person with whom he had had dealings. The fact that first of all a mere slip of a woman had dared defy him, and then her boy did the same, nettled him beyond description; and he had arrived at desperate measures at the time Aleck, so unfortunately for the boy, fell into his hands. And now it galled Kracker to see how he and his two helpers were being actually held up by a parcel of half grown lads. Why, it would seem as though some mockery of fate had taken hold of his fortunes, and was finding keen pleasure in adding to his humiliation. He would have liked to rush upon these cool boyish customers, and to have trampled them under foot, as he had possibly done many men in times past, when he was less huge in his proportions, and could get around better. But somehow he did not dare attempt it. Perhaps it was the display of weapons that awed him; and yet Colonel Kracker was accustomed to seeing such things, and knew how to take them at their true value. Then it may have been the manner of the spokesman of the little party that had so depressing an effect upon the bully. Why, what was the world coming to, when mere boys began to hold the whip hand, and shape things as they pleased? He started to talk, but spluttered so much he could not make intelligible sounds. And his round moon face had taken on a deep red hue again, until it bordered on the purple. Thad, who had some knowledge of medicine, as we have seen on numerous occasions, really began to wonder whether the bulky man might not be getting perilously near the border line, and taking chances with a sudden attack of apoplexy, or else something else along those lines. Once or twice Thad had seen something move back of the three men. He dared not take his eyes off them long enough to look carefully, and at first could not decide whether it was a prowling wolf, bold enough to come thus near the camp in broad daylight; or a human being. He even suspected at one moment that possibly the invaders might have been in greater numbers than any of the scouts dreamed; and that some of them were even then creeping around, with the idea of turning the tables on the boys by a sudden coup. But that idea went glimmering, when he contemplated the utter impossibility of any foe crawling across the bare and open stretch of rock extending between their camp, and the foot of the rise. It certainly could never be done; and with the Maine boy keeping watch on things from his eyrie amid the piled-up rocks. Why, to be sure, it must be the Fox. The young Crow had vanished, Thad remembered, at the approach of the trio of prospectors. Just where he had gone the patrol leader had neither known, nor cared, at the time. He seemed to have some reason for fearing either Kracker, or one of the two lesser rascals with him; and appeared desirous of keeping out of their sight. Thad also remembered that the Indian boy possessed a gun. He only hoped he would not do anything rash; but then he had been present when the scoutmaster spoke to those under him; saying that as members of the great organization that made for peace, they must not use their firearms unless as a very last resort; and then only to cripple their enemies. The Crow had nodded his head with the rest when Thad asked for this assurance; and surely an Indian keeps his word. There, once again his head poked up into view, and this time so close to the men that Thad saw the Fox had been stealthily creeping nearer all the time. Did he have some object in his movements, or were they caused simply by curiosity to see how close he could get, unobserved, to the one he seemed to fear? Seeing that Kracker was too furious to even control his voice, the shorter fellow, whom Thad took to be Waffles, again put in his talk. It's plain to be seen you critters don't know the kunnel, he observed, bitterly, just as though he himself had had a long experience, and knew what it meant to stir up that vile temper too far. He never gives a thing up. He's jest like a bulldog that gits a grip. Ye may chase us off this time; but we'll stick like a plaster; and in the end git what we wants. We allers does. Oh! you don't say? remarked the scoutmaster, with cutting emphasis; well, the chances are the lot of you will get what you've been richly deserving a long time back, if you keep on meddling with our affairs. And now, suppose you skip out. We couldn't come to any agreement if we talked an hour. And we have some other things we want to do. Take your fat friend away, Waffles; he's liable to explode before long, unless you do. Amazed at the cool defiance of the boy, the man called Waffles mechanically started to obey. But before they had taken half a dozen steps backward, Thad heard a strange, hissing sound that he could not understand. The next instant, to his astonishment, he saw Waffles pulled over backwards, his feet sprawling awkwardly. His calls for help were half muffled, and for a very good reason; since he was being partly choked by the loop of rope which the young Crow Indian had thrown over his head with so much dexterity, and then jerked tight. CHAPTER XII. JUST TURNED AROUND, AND WENT AWAY! It was certainly a time for quick thinking, and speedy action, if the boys expected to avoid a tragedy. Naturally enough, Kracker and his one remaining companion, hearing the cries of the fallen Waffles, would think that they were being actually set upon by their enemies, and that no matter what followed, they must fight. It was to offset this that Thad first of all turned his attention. A collision must be averted at all hazards. It would be a terrible thing if the scouts became embroiled in a fight with such men, and either received wounds, or were compelled to give them. And so Thad, acting instantly on impulse, darted forward the very second he saw what was happening. Fortunately for all parties, the big man having been so dazed by his late baiting did not seem able to grasp the situation quickly enough to draw a weapon before Thad was upon him. The only thing the boy did was to snatch the big six-shooter from the hand of Kracker, now trembling with various emotions, in which fear may have had as much space as anger. Surround the other, and don't let him raise a hand, boys! shouted the scoutmaster to those who had followed close at his heels when he thus rushed forward. With the words he turned to where Waffles was still sprawling on the ground; but there was now more reason than ever why the fellow could not get up, because some one was sitting astride his body, and threatening him with a knife. Of course it was the Fox; and he seemed to have a storm of passion in his dark face. But while Thad had been prompt to knock the revolver from the hand of Kracker, he was just as quick to leap alongside the young Crow boy, and grasp his wrist. Give me that knife, Fox! he said sternly. The Indian looked up in his face; for a moment it seemed as though he might be about to mutiny, and positively refuse the order; then his whim changed, and opening his fingers he allowed the shining blade to fall to the ground. Ugh! hunt him long time; now find, make give up what snake in the grass steal away from teepee in reservation! he grunted, Oh! well, if he's got anything that belongs to you, or your people, why you've my full permission to search him, and get it back, Thad went on to say, quickly; only we want no violence here, if we can help it. We scouts generally manage to reach our ends without that, you know, Fox. Go ahead and see. We'll keep his friends quiet meanwhile, That's what we will, Thad, said Giraffe, who was standing close by, with his gun poking almost into the ribs of the big man with the purple face. We c'n do it to beat the band, I tell you. And here comes Allan in, to have a hand in the game. Didn't he keep a bead on the colonel here all the while; and if you hadn't jumped in, and snatched that gun away from him, I warrant Allan was just on the point of making him a one-armed man for a while. But Thad was not paying much attention to what the talkative Giraffe said, his attention being taken up with other matters. The Fox had heard him give permission to search the pockets of the short rascal he was holding down, after having caught him in the loop of Bumpus' rope, taken slily from the limb of the tree where the fat scout carefully kept it while in camp. The light that flashed athwart the mahogany colored face of the young Crow told how pleased he was with this chance that was offered. He immediately started to rummage through the various pockets of Waffles. Quite naturally the lesser bully objected to such liberties being taken with his person; and it must have galled him more than a little to realize that it was an Indian, and a boy at that, who was subjecting him to such indignities; for like most men along the border, Waffles undoubtedly held Indians in contempt. But when he raised his voice in stormy protest Thad told him to hush up; besides, the Fox leaned over and glared in his eyes with such a suggestive look that Waffles, being a coward at heart, gradually subsided, his protests taking the safer form of groans, and grunts, and wriggles, all of which were alike unavailing. Presently the Crow uttered a cry of joy. Found what you were looking for? asked Thad. Ugh! it is well! and as he said this the Fox held something up. Thad may have thought that the Indian boy was making a mountain out of a mole-hill, for if it had been left to him, he did not know that he would have willingly paid more than a dollar, at the most, for the object the Fox now gripped with such evident delight. But then, at the same time Thad realized that associations often have a great deal to do with the value of things. That peculiar strip of deerskin, decorated with colored beads that formed all sorts of designs, must have come down from some of the Fox's ancestors. Perhaps it was a species of wampum similar to that in use as currency during the earlier days, when men like Daniel Boone were trying to settle along the Ohio River. And then again, it might be that the fore-fathers of the Fox always wore this strip of beaded leather when they were invested with the office of chief to the tribe. At any rate, Waffles had apparently known of its value, and had stolen it, possibly hoping at some time to receive a rich reward for its safe return; for surely he could not have fancied it because he had any love for beauty, or meant to start a collection of Indian relics. Are you satisfied, Fox, now that you've recovered your propertyif that is all he took from your home? Thad asked. Huh! much like mark thief on him cheek, so know where belong! grunted the Crow boy, longingly. Don't you let him! almost shrieked the wretched Waffles, doubtless fearing that he was going to be tortured, as a penalty for his shortcomings. Them Injuns jest like to mark a man all up, when they gits the chanct. Tell him to git off'n me! I ain't a goin' to stand fur it! If he so much as puts the p'int of his knife on me I'll vow to Keep still, you cowardly thief! said Thad, sternly; and even Waffles seemed influenced by the hidden power in the scoutmaster's tone, for he broke off in the middle of a sentence, and finished it by mumbling to himself. Speaking to the Indian boy Thad went on: Run your hand over him again, and hand me any weapon you find. He's in a state where he might lose his head, and get us all into a fight, if we let him go armed. Willingly the Crow boy did as he was told. The search revealed a big revolver that was apparently the mate of the one Thad had knocked from the hand of Kracker. Now get that other fellow's rifle, Allan, continued the patrol leader, who had mapped out his plan of campaign quickly. He did not trust these men further than he could see them. They were quite unscrupulous; and after having been held up to scorn by this parcel of boys, there was every reason in the world to believe that they would plan a hasty revenge. And the fewer deadly weapons they had in their possession the better the chances would be for peace in that The rifle in particular Thad wanted to hold back. With it, damage might be done at a much greater distance than with the smaller arms. And knowing that the boys had long distance modern rifles, possibly Kracker and his followers might keep out of range. Besides, there was that business of Aleck's concerning the hidden mine; they had promised to stand back of him until he had secured full possession; and that was apt to keep them in the neighborhood for some time, always subjected to annoyance from these anxious ones, who longed to secure the prize that had tantalized their species for so long. So the rifle, and what ammunition Dickey Bird happened to be carrying in a belt slung over his shoulder, fell into the hands of the boys. They also retained possession of one of the heavy revolvers; not that any one fancied the clumsy weapon in the least; but as Thad said, to cut the wings of the party as much as possible. Let Waffles get up, now, Fox, said Thad, when all these matters had been adjusted, much to the admiration of the other scouts, who thought their leader must be just IT when it came to doing things. The shorter rascal was not slow to gain his feet. He was still boiling over with a sense of insult added to injury, and ready to vent his wrath in offensive words; but Thad cut all this short. Listen to me, Waffles, he said, sternly again; We don't care to hear your opinion of anything. Take a lesson from the colonel here, who knows when silence is golden. You don't hear him swearing around, and threatening to break a blood-vessel in his mad feeling. He's taking it all as cool as a cucumber. He knows when it's a time to laugh, and when it's a time to cry. Now, the sooner you gentlemen give us your room, the better we'll be pleased; and be sure to make it plenty of room, too; because we're all going to be ready to take snapshots at any of you we see, after half an hour has gone by. Kracker moved his lips, but strange to say not a sound proceeded from them. The man was so completely overpowered by his emotions that for the time being he had actually lost all power of speech. For this Thad was pleased, because he believed that had the big prospector been able to say one half that was bubbling through his mind, they must have been treated to an awful exhibition of hard words. So the three men turned their backs on their tormentors, and walked away; but it was certainly true that their retreat did not smack in the least of the jaunty and threatening manner of their late advance. They had, as Giraffe crowed jubilantly, the wind taken from their sails, and just turned around, and went away. Wonder if we'll see anything more of 'em again? remarked Bumpus, who had really carried himself quite handsomely through it all; though most of the time his eyes had seemed to be fairly bulging from his head, and he could be heard saying words over and over to himself to I hope not, remarked Thad; but it wouldn't surprise me if they bobbed up again later on. You see, it's perhaps the biggest stake Kracker ever played for; and for years now this hidden mine has kept dancing before him, beckoning him on. He won't give it up easily, I'm afraid. There, look at him turn, and shake his fat fist at us! That shows how he feels about it. He'd just like to have us tied up right now, so he could lay on the whip, good and hard. But boys, after this, it's for us to keep a good lookout all the time. Such fellows as Kracker and the others wouldn't hesitate at anything, if only they saw a chance to win out. And at his words Giraffe and his mates nodded their heads; but there was no loud demonstration; for somehow they seemed to realize the gravity of the game they were now playing, with the long lost mine as CHAPTER XIII. THE SAFEST WAY OF SHOOTING A GRIZZLY. Meanwhile, how fared the ambitious big-horn hunters? They had started out, filled with a determination to accomplish something, even if it took a couple of days. Indeed, the guide had said to Thad before leaving that none of them need worry if the party failed to show up at nightfall. The distances were so great, and the mountain climbing of such a stupendous character, that they might have to put in the better part of several days reaching the feeding grounds of the animals, and getting the coveted chance for a shot or two. When noon came it found them climbing steadily. They were entirely out of sight of the valley where the camp lay, so that they could have no knowledge of what was happening in that quarter. But so set were the boys on what had taken them forth, that for the time being they felt perfectly satisfied to quite forget other matters. Talk about your wild country, remarked Step Hen, when they all came to a little stop to eat a snack, and rest, so as to be ready for a further climb; this sure takes the cake for me. Why, that poor little Blue Ridge country ain't in it. You could put it all in a pocket, here, and it wouldn't be missed. Well, remarked Smithy, who was bearing up under the strain in a manner that would have pleased the scoutmaster, could he have been along to notice it; you want to be exceedingly careful how you say that before our hot-blooded Southern chum, Bob White, unless you're ready to get into a war of words. Oh! excuse me, chuckled Step Hen, I wouldn't be guilty of hurting Bob's pride even a little bit. I know he thinks that Land of the Sky country better than most other places. Well, it takes a lot of different people to make a world, don't it, fellers? That's right, it does, remarked Davy Jones, who had managed to snap off several pictures as they came along; but was trying to save most of his exposures for things that would count, live subjects, in How much further do we have to climb, Toby? asked Smithy, trying to appear rather indifferent about it, though the others just knew he must feel the strain more than any of them; because Smithy had never been much of an athlete, and up to date had yet to play in his first baseball game, strange to say. Wall, that depends on a good many things, the guide responded. Fust place, we don't know as yet jest whar the sheep might be feedin'. I'm headin' for a place whar I seen 'em more'n a few times, when I was prospectin' through this kentry. Oh! so you had a touch of the lost mine fever, too, did you? quickly remarked Smithy; for up to the present time Toby had never so much as admitted this fact; but now he grinned and went on: Why, yes, I've taken my look, and had jest the same luck as all the rest what thought they could pick it up. But about them big horns, boys; if they don't happen to be whar I'm headin' fust, then we got to go another two hours. But chances are, we'll find a flock in one of them places, an' git a shot afore nightfall sets in. With this comforting thought, then, the little party once more started out, after an hour's rest and refreshment. Smithy was doubtless feeling considerably better. He never complained, even while he limped sadly at times; and once came near losing his grip, when swinging across a bad place in the trail; so that he might even have fallen, only that the ready guide threw an arm around him, having been keeping Smithy was proving one thing, at least; he might never turn out to be much of a hunter; but he surely possessed his father's spirit, when it came to game qualities. And when he went back home, all the maiden aunts in creation would never be able to bring that boy back again to the docile habits that had marked him heretofore, thanks to woman training. Smithy had had a taste of real outdoors, and would never be satisfied again to live in that old sissy rut. It was about an hour after the stop that, without warning, the little party suddenly came upon a monstrous grizzly bear, slowly making his way diagonally across the track they were following. At sight of them the animal reared up on his hind quarters, and seemed to be trying to make up his mind whether he ought to attack these queer two-legged creatures, or go on about his own business. Step Hen half raised his gun to his shoulder; but instantly the guide clapped a hand over the lock. There were no convenient trees in which they could take shelter from an enraged grizzly; and Toby Smathers knew too much about these animals to have any wish to find one rushing at them, wild with rage from a wound. Got him that time! said a delighted voice. Of course it was Davy Jones. He had swung that kodak of his around, calmly focussed on the grizzly as the animal reared himself up to a terrible height, and then pressed the button. And perhaps after all that was the safest kind of shooting, when it came to a matter of grizzly bears. Even one of this ferocious species would hardly offer any serious objections to having his likeness preserved, for future generations to gaze upon. Keep still, all on you! warned the guide, who was holding his own rifle in readiness for instant use, should the bear conclude to charge them. We ain't lost any Mountain Charleys to-day, as I knows on. Big horns is what we kim out after. Let him take hisself off, if he will, and a good riddance too, I says. Which the enormous beast finally concluded to do. Perhaps he had had his dinner, and was not feeling in a particularly aggressive mood. No matter what the cause, all of the boys heaved sighs of positive relief when he shuffled away, looking back over his shoulder several times. Just like he wanted half an excuse for getting his mad up, explained Step Hen. He had a chip on his shoulder, all right. And I guess I'm glad you didn't let me start in on him, Toby. I might a missed knockin' him over for keeps; and then what a nice pickle we'd all been in. Excuse me from tacklin' a moving mountain like that, when trees are as scarce as hens' teeth. And I'm real glad, too, you didn't fire, admitted Smithy, who had turned somewhat white during the minute of dreadful suspense, while he stared at that monster squatted in their path. I was ready to back you up; but then what could you expect from a greenhorn? I never wished so much that I'd taken to this sort of thing before, as I did when that fearful beast was looking at me, just as if to say, 'you're the tenderest of the lot, Smithy, and I think I'll choose you, if I have room for any more inside me.' The other boys laughed at his words; but on the whole they thought Smithy had carried himself rather creditably, all things considered. And each knew, deep down in his secret soul, that his own heart had seemed to stand still; while his blood ran cold, as he stood there, awaiting the decision of the bear. They glanced around rather fearfully for some little time after that; but as nothing was seen again of the mountain terror, they finally concluded that the incident was closed. Again their thoughts went out toward the singular game they had come after. Many an ambitious hunter had sought to shoot a big-horn sheep in the Rockies, day after day, and was compelled to give it up in the end as useless, so Toby had informed them. The conditions were generally very difficult, and the game so shy. Besides, their sense of impending danger seemed to be abnormally developed; and on account of the rocky formation of the slopes where they found bunches of grass in the crevices, it was often next to impossible to stalk them from leeward. This being the case the tired boys were thrilled to the core when Toby finally announced that he had had a glimpse of the game. Of course they became wildly excited, and demanded that he show them. Creeping carefully up to a certain outcropping rock, they peered around its edge. And for the first time in their lives Davy, Step Hen and Smithy found themselves looking upon the queer animals that seem to live in the wildest parts of the Rockies, taking delight in bounding from crag to crag, and baffling the skill of the most experienced chamois hunters to get within gun-shot of their lofty eyries. There were seven or eight of the sheep, and as they were really just within gun range the boys could get a splendid view of them. They admired the tremendous curved horns greatly, and Step Hen quivered with eagerness to say that he had shot a Rocky Mountain sheep all by himself; while Davy clicked his camera several times, so that he at least might have a picture, in case they could get no nearer. I can't be sure of even hitting one from here, whispered Step Hen, turning appealingly to the guide. Ain't it possible to creep up closer, Toby? Oh! please fix it for us, won't you? just as though the guide had it in his power to do anything they wanted. But fortunately the lay of the mountain allowed Toby to arrange it; and he soon mapped out a route that they might crawl along, keeping well hidden from the feeding sheep, and getting gradually closer. Besides, it happened that luck was working overtime in their favor; because the animals happened to be feeding toward them. Now only two or three could be seen, nibbling at the tufts of grass, or leaping across some small fissure that tried to block them from other tempting pastures; and then again the whole seven would be in sight at the same After advancing slowly and carefully for some time Toby made motions that they dare not go any further. He also let them know by signs that, as the sheep were still coming in a line toward them, all they had to do was to lie quiet, and wait until the right moment. That was a period of great excitement to the scouts, two of them clutching their guns in hands that would tremble in spite of them; while the third was trying to find the best spot to hold his kodak, with a view of snapping off a picture just before the critical second came for shooting. Step Hen and Smithy had even gone so far as to select which of the seven sheep they hoped to get; and as they lay there, peeping out from their rocky shelter, it can be taken for granted that each of them had eyes for his particular quarry only. And then finally Toby touched the shoulder of the kodak owner, as a signal that he had better be getting to work. CHAPTER XIV. THE SHEEP HUNTERS. Davy Jones had made all his arrangements. He had only to press the button, when the slight click told that his picture was an accomplished fact, and that if the hunters did as well, the expedition might be set down as a glorious success. Davy had carried his shotgun fastened to his back with a strap, while he worked his little camera. Now he reached out for the gun, although realizing the folly of trying to do any execution at that distance with buckshot cartridges. Now! said the guide, suddenly. It would seem as though he spoke aloud purposely, knowing what the effect was apt to be. Every feeding big-horn raised its head instantly, and for the space of several seconds stood there as though carved out A better chance for a shot could not be imagined. That was Smithy firing first, and the second report told that Step Hen's little thirty-thirty was on the job instantly. One big-horn sheep fell over on the rock, and kicked several times. It might have fallen over the ledge only that somehow the body seemed to become fast in a crotch; and there it lay in a tantalizing position, for only by a most difficult climb downward could it be reached at all. Oh! I hit mine, and he's fallen down there! cried Smithy in a voice that just thrilled with wild exultation; and hardly had he said this than he added, in a deeply crushed tone: Oh! wasn't that too cruel of him now, to just bound off on his horns like they were skies, and get on his feet again? There he goes now, and see him limp, will you, fellows? I hit him, yes, I surely did! Well, he's gone, and that's the last you're likely to see of him, more's the pity, said Step Hen; but look at my game, would you, stuck there in among them rocks? Toby, we must manage to get him, some way or other. Tell me how it can be done, won't you? The guide scratched his head, as if himself a bit puzzled. Only one way I kin see, boys, he observed, and that means a lot more climbing for us. You mean we'll just have to work around, and get up there above the place where my big-horn lies, as dead as a door nail; is that it, Toby? questioned Step Hen, perhaps unconsciously placing great emphasis on that pronoun; nor could he be blamed for feeling proud, if half that the guide had told them concerning the difficulties encountered by hunters of Rocky Mountain sheep were true. Just what I had in mind, replied Toby. Then let's make a start, urged Step Hen. My stars! I wouldn't like to lose that splendid fellow for anything. Just think of having that pair of horns to put in our club room at home, Davy. I hope you got a good picture, too; because we c'n have an enlargement taken, and hang it under my horns. I don't see any growing out of your head, yet, Step Hen, chuckled Davy, as he and the third scout fell in behind the others, and started One thing made it a little easier now; they did not have to be so particular about moving softly, since their aim had been accomplished, and they had shot their bolt. But the way was rough enough at the best. Smithy had a hard time of it. He was forever bruising his hands, for they were not so tough in the palms as those of the other boys, who had been accustomed to work and hard play. Besides, often he took a little slide and in this fashion tore his trousers as well as made quite a gash in his leg. But the other boys rather fancied that Smithy, unable to wholly overcome his former love for fine clothes, grieved more on account of that big rent in his khaki trousers, than he did for the bleeding leg, though it must have pained him considerably. Still, he did not murmur; Smithy was showing much more grit than either of the others had ever dreamed he possessed. Like Bumpus, it only seemed to need a fitting opportunity to come to the surface; as is the case with many backward boys. As they turned an angle of the rocks, Step Hen gave a shout. What's this? What's this? he called. Oh! please don't shoot! shrilled Smithy, wonderfully excited again; It must be the sheep I struck with my bullet; see how the poor thing drags that leg after him? Let me have the pleasure of knocking him over, and putting him out of pain? Get busy then, or he'll give you the slip after all. Quick, Smithy, or I'll be tempted to shoot him myself. Whoop! you did it that time, Smithy! Good boy! and Step Hen fairly danced in his excitement. Smithy had made good. How he did it, he never could tell; but somehow, when he just pointed his gun in a general way toward the escaping big-horn, and pulled the trigger, why, the already badly wounded animal fell over, gave a couple of last kicks, and then lay But strange to say, Smithy was less given to excitement over his exploit than either of the other boys. As they all bent over the big-horn to admire his sturdy frame, and the head ornaments that distinguish him among all his kind, Smithy was seen to stroke the hairy back of the dead sheep, and clinch his teeth hard together, as though after all he felt half sorry that a sudden whim had caused him to actually take a life that nothing could restore. Evidently it would be some time before Smithy could so far overcome his former gentle traits of character to feel the hunter's fierce lust for his quarry. But this ain't getting my big-horn, you know, remarked Step Hen, as though the feel of those massive curved head-pieces had thrown him into a new fever of impatience to secure his own trophies; for it would be a shame if the greenhorn of the party should be the only one to exhibit positive evidences of their having shot game. Come along then, and we'll soon git around to whar p'raps ye might climb down, if so be ye're keerful not to slip, and the guide once more started off. Oh! do we abandon my big-horn, then? cried Smithy, as though half tempted to refuse to leave the spot on what might prove to be a wild-goose chase; to him it seemed like leaving the substance to try and catch the shadow. We kin come back this way, and take keer of it then, said Toby; and with this assurance Smithy had to rest content. After some further scrambling along the face of the steep slope, digging their toes into the shale that often crumbled under them, when they might risk a serious ride down the side of the mountain only for the fact that they managed to cling fast with their hands, they reached a point where it was extra rocky, and a pretty sheer descent. Down thar your sheep lies, the guide said, pointing as he spoke. Step Hen immediately laid his gun aside, and crawling to the edge he I don't see hide or hair of it, though, Toby? he complained. No more you kin, returned the other, with decision marked in both voice and manner; but all the same it's down thar, not more'n a hundred feet at most. I got my bearin's fine. Look off yonder, and yell see whar we lay when ye did the shootin' at the big horns. He's right, Step Hen, said Davy Jones, after looking to where the guide was pointing so confidently. I'd know that rock among a thousand. I'll never forget it, either. And yes, your sheep must be lying below us right now. I think the same, fellows, asserted Smithy, who was beginning to feel that he ought to give his opinion of things after this, since he was now an actual boni fide hunter, and had even secured one of the most wary of all wild animals in the whole West. But why don't I see it, then? demanded Step Hen, always very stubborn, and needing to be shown. Ye see, the guide explained, the face of the mountain backs in some, in a general way. That tells the story. The only thing that bothers me is, if I had ought to let ye try and get down thar, so's to shove the sheep off, and land it at the bottom; or make the riffle Oh! I wouldn't think of letting you try it, declared Step Hen, quickly. I'm young and spry, and used to climbing up cliffs and such stunts, besides, he added as a clincher, it's my big horn, you Had either of the other boys backed him up, the chances were that Toby Smathers might have refused to give his permission; for he knew that there would naturally be considerable risk involved in such an undertaking; but then both Davy and his comrade, Smithy, saw nothing so very unusual in the proceeding, the one because he was not accustomed to judging such things; and Davy on account of being such a clever gymnast himself, always doing dangerous tricks, such as hanging from a high limb of a tree by his toes, coming down the outside of a tree by using the branches as a descending ladder, and all such crazy antics, as Giraffe called them. Here, somebody hold my gun, said Step Hen, with an air of You're going to be some keerful, I take it? questioned the guide, Course I am; what d'ye take me for, Toby? Think I want to go to my own funeral in a hurry? Not much. Oh! I c'n be careful, all right. Don't you worry about me. And I want that big-horn worse than ever, I do. Here goes, then. He started down the face of the almost perpendicular precipice. There were plenty of places where he could get a good foothold, and secure a grip with his ready hands. The only danger seemed to be, as the guide had warned him, in having some apparently secure rock suddenly give way under his weight. He must watch out for that constantly, and never take a fresh step unless he was sure he could maintain his hold upon the last knob of rock. Call out if we can help any, Step Hen, was what Davy said, as they saw the last of their companion's head just about to vanish, where the first inward dip to the precipice occurred. Sure I will, and just you remember our signal code, Davy. I may have to use it if I get caught tight in a crack, and can't break away nohow. Good-bye, be good to yourselves, now, and don't go to believin' that there's any chance of me losing my grip. Then he vanished from their sight. A dreadful clatter of falling stones gave the two scouts still above a case of the trembles immediately afterwards, and Davy called at the top of his voice: I say, Step Hen! All right; welled up from somewhere below them; did that on purpose to test a stepping place. Ketch a weasel asleep, before you get me to stand on a loose place, why, it's as easy as fallin' off a log, CHAPTER XV. A FIERCE FIGHT WITH But although Step Hen spoke so flippantly, he was far from being as confident as he pretended. In fact, as he proceeded downward, he found his task getting more and more difficult. One thing that bothered him was the getting up again. He just felt sure that he would not be able to accomplish it; but then, if it came to the worst, doubtless the balance of the descent was no harder to manage than this; and after first sending his big-horn down, he might pick his own way after it, and the others could follow as best they saw Step Hen was a self-reliant boy, at any rate; sometimes the scoutmaster feared too much so. And since he had said he was going to get that game, and was already part way down the face of the rocky wall, there was nothing to be done but keep right along, which he proceeded to do. He could not get the slightest glimpse of his comrades. They were somewhere up above him; but just as the guide had declared, the face of the wall fell away in places, and this kept taking him further beyond their range of vision constantly. Whenever he could do so without imperiling his support, Step Hen would crook his neck, and look downward, in the hope of seeing where the sheep lay. He could not help thinking how much easier this effort would come for him, if a kindly Nature had given him the extensive neck that Giraffe possessed. There it is! he exclaimed, joyfully, as his anxious eyes fell upon an object just a short distance below, and which he knew must be the crumpled body of his big-horn. And I ought to get there now without breaking my neck. Wow! that was a near tumble, all right! Careful, boy, careful now! Them horns of yours ain't growed big enough to drop on, like the sheep do. He halted for a full minute, not that he was so tired in the arms, but to recover from the shock received when he came so near falling. Then once more resuming his labor, he presently had the satisfaction of dropping beside the motionless body of his victim. Bigger horns than Smithy's had! was his first exclamation, as he bent over, the better to see; and at the same moment he became conscious of the fact that some buzzards, or some other big birds, were swooping around close by, making him think they had looked on his dead sheep as their next dinner. Guess p'raps I'd better be tossing it over here, and letting it roll down to the bottom; then I c'n foller the best way there is, Something gave him a sudden fierce blow that knocked Step Hen down on his hands and knees; and he might have rolled over the edge of the narrow shelf, only for his good luck in catching hold of the sheep's Quit that, you silly! you nearly knocked me over that time! he shouted angrily; his very first thought being that one of the other boys, presumably Davy Jones, because he was so smart about climbing everywhere, had followed after him, and was thus rudely announcing his arrival close on the heels of the first explorer. But as Step Hen raised his head to look, to his surprise he failed to see any one near him. A dreadful suspicion that Davy might have pitched over the edge of the narrow shelf, after striking him, assailed the scout; and he was almost on the point of looking, when suddenly there was a rush of great wings, and he dropped flat on his face just in time to avoid being struck a second time. Whew! eagles, and mad as hops at me for comin' here! gasped Step Hen, as, raising his head cautiously, like a turtle peeping out of its shell, he caught sight of two wheeling birds that came and went with He noted the spread of their immense wings, and it seemed to Step Hen as if in all his experience he had never before gazed upon more powerful birds than those two Rocky Mountain eagles. Perhaps they had a nest near by, with young eaglets in it, and fancied that he was bent on robbing them. Then again, the big birds may have decided that they could make good use of the fine quarry that had lodged in the rocks so conveniently near their nest; and resented the coming of another claimant. But no matter what the contributing cause might be, they were undoubtedly as mad as a wet hen, as Step Hen afterwards declared, in telling of his adventure there on that shelf of rock, fully a hundred feet from the top and the bottom, on the steep face of the mountain. His first thought was how he could fight back, for he saw that he was to be at the mercy of the great birds that swooped down again and again, striking viciously at him with claws, beaks and powerful wings, until the boy was bleeding in half a dozen different places. In casting his eyes about, even as he fought with his bare hands, and shouted for assistance at the top of his voice, Step Hen made a little discovery. A tree must have grown up above at one time or other, for there, stuck fast in a crevice of the rock he saw a pretty good-sized remnant of a branch that he believed would make a fair cudgel, better than his bare hands at any rate, with which to strike at the attacking eagles. When he had clutched this in his eager hand the boy felt more confidence; and watching his opportunity he did manage to meet the swoop of the next bird with a whack that sent it whirling back. But they quickly learned to adopt other tactics, now that he was armed, both of them coming together from opposite directions; so that unable to dodge, or hit back properly Step Hen again found himself getting the worst of the fight. Would his companions be able to do anything for him; or was he to be left there on that shelf of rock, to either conquer his savage enemies, alone and unaided, or succumb to their ferocious assaults? All the while he was beating at them with might and main Step Hen kept up a constant shouting. He had a double purpose in this,hoping to tempt one of his companions to descend to his rescue, carrying a gun, since they seemed unable to hit the birds from above, though several shots had been fired; and then again it was possible that the sound of a human voice would by degrees cause the eagles to haul off. Take that, will you! the boy cried, whenever he succeeded in reaching either of his feathered assailants with his club. Come at me again, will you? Just wait, and see what happens to you yet! Ouch! that hurt some, now! Oh! if I could only swing this club around better, without bein' afraid of tumbling over, wouldn't I knock their heads off,wow! once more you'll have it, will you? See the feathers fly! I b'lieve they're weakenin' some, sure I do; but what about me? I'll bleed to death yet, if they keep on tapping me like that. So Step Hen went on, shouting and whacking away, doing the best he was able under the circumstances. Nobody could ever say at any rate, but what he put up a strapping good fight of it, he kept thinking; but all the same he cast an anxious eye upward whenever he could find a chance, hoping to see a pair of human legs heave in sight, and discover the welcome face of either Davy Jones or the guide. Bring a gun! Bring a gun! That was about the burden of his shouts. He hoped those above understood what he was saying. The eagles seldom went far outside a given circle, so that they could only be glimpsed from above occasionally; and it was like shooting at a disappearing target in the gallery, to try and hit them under such circumstances. Step Hen had knocked one of the great birds down for the sixth time, and was dismayed to see that he had not even then disabled it, since it immediately started to fly again, no wing having been broken by his club; when he thought he caught the sound of a human voice close by. Then some loose stones rattled down beside him, giving him a thrill of joy; for he knew now reinforcements were on the way, and it nerved him to fight on. Another minute, and some one dropped down beside the crouching Step Hen, who was breathing hard from his exertions, but still full of pluck, as a true scout should always be. Toby! he called out, in a quavering voice, and looking very grim, with his face so scratched, and streaked with blood; I'm sure glad to see you; but gladder to notice that you've got your gun! Look out! there they come again! Dodge, Toby, dodge; they're on to you! But the guide had snatched his gun from about his back, where it had been securely fastened with a stout cord. He had no time to aim or fire just then, only to swing the barrel around, and strike viciously at the swooping bird, that threw its claws forward as it pounced upon him, just as a fish-hawk might do on striking the water. The attack was quickly parried, and now Toby also had a streak of blood on his cheek, where one of those furious wings had struck him. Now he turned the gun quickly around in his hands. Leave one for me, Toby! pleaded the boy, eagerly. I ought to have the pleasure of knocking over one of 'em, after what they have done to me. Oh! you put it to that gay old robber of honest fish-hawks, sure you did! And he's gone down below-decks for good. Give me your gun, Toby; I must have it, I tell you! And the guide, understanding, as well as sympathizing with, the spirit that caused the other to cry out in this fashion, did thrust his repeating rifle into the hands of Step Hen, after throwing the discharged shell out, and sending a fresh one into the firing chamber. With a satisfaction that words could never paint, Step Hen followed the swinging form of the remaining eagle as it flew around so as to get in line for another swoop. And just as the great bird started to come down at them, the boy pulled the trigger. His aim was true, and the second eagle pitched forward, whirling over and over as it went tumbling down the face of the descent, just as its mate had done. Hurrah! shouted Step Hen, tremendously pleased with the final outcome of the fight with the pair of fierce pirates of the upper air currents; that's what they get for tackling me, ain't it, Toby? We gave 'em what they needed, didn't we? But say, I'm just thinkin' that it's going to be a tough old job for me to get back up where the boys are; and that p'raps we'll have to keep on climbin' down, after shoving the big-horn off the shelf. And the guide, after recovering his breath, which had been used up in his recent hasty movements in coming to the rescue, looking over the edge, admitted that he believed such a course was the only one left to CHAPTER XVI. DOWN THE SLOPE. The first thing, then, is to toss this feller overboard, remarked Step Hen, as he proudly touched the dead big-horn with the toe of his shoe, and tried to assume the air of a conquering hero; but his face was so sore, and his appearance so remarkable, that apparently his manner did not impress the guide very much. The sooner you get to water, and wash them scratches, the better, said Toby. I've knowed more'n one feller have a bad time from gettin' clawed by eagles; and the doctor said as how 'twar blood poisonin'-like. But seems to me most of that might a kim from you bein' hit by their wings. Just what it did, replied Step Hen, though he looked a bit anxious. And goodness gracious! how they could hit with 'em, though. Felt like you'd run against an electric fan, or something like that. Busted the skin every time too, and made the blood come. But never mind about that, Toby; shall I shove this thing over now? Just as you say, replied the guide; we'll be apt to find it when we get down; which I hope we can do and be safe, and sound in limb. Apparently Toby was a little anxious himself about the result of the next step on the programme. The scout accordingly worked the dead sheep loose, and cast it over the edge. He watched it go bounding down with considerable apprehension that the other did not comprehend, until he heard Step Hen remark in a relieved tone: Didn't break either horn; that's all hunky dory! Don't you think we ort to let the rest know what we're expectin' to do? suggested the guide just then. Why, that's a good idea, Toby, replied Step Hen. And while we can't see our chums, there's a way of communicatin' with 'em. Anyhow, I c'n tell 'em to send down a piece of string, and pull up a message I'll write. Davy Jones knows the code enough for that. He began making a series of queer sounds, that at first considerably amused the old guide; but when an answer came from far above, Toby realized that there did promise to be more merit in the signal code of Then a little later Step Hen exclaimed triumphantly: Here comes the end of the string, Toby, with a stone tied to it. If they can swing it in now, we'll be able to fasten this message I've written to the end of it, and send it up. Then the boys will know what we expect to do; and they'll try and get down some other way, to join us before night comes on. Because it'd be kind of tough if we couldn't bunk together through the night. After some manipulation with the piece of broken branch they succeeded in getting hold of the dangling cord, which Smithy had carried along with him, because of some reason or other, possibly from the same principle that caused Bumpus to carry that rope around wherever he went, thinking that it might come in handy sometime or Having dispatched the note to the other scouts by means of the cord channel, Step Hen and the guide started to descend from their perch. The way was anything but easy, especially to the boy. He had been weakened more than he realized by his hard struggle with those two fierce eagles. And perhaps his numerous wounds, slight as they seemed on the surface, made him less capable of keeping such a firm grip as he had before reaching the ledge. But the same old indomitable pluck held good. When a drop of perspiration, mingled with blood from those scratches, dimmed his vision, Step Hen would dash one hand impatiently across his eyes, and then go right on clambering downward. Toby kept as near the boy as he could. Had he possessed a rope he would certainly have fastened himself to Step Hen, as a means of protecting the lad against an ugly fall; just as the glacier climbers do when ascending to the snow-covered summit of some lofty mountain peak; so that should one slip, another, having a firm hold at the time, could bear him up. Again and again he cautioned his companion against trusting his weight on some inviting projecting knob of stone, which he himself had tried, and found wanting; for the guide had insisted on going first as a sort of pilot; when his real object was to be in position to clutch hold of the boy, if possible, should Step Hen make a bad move and fall. But they finally managed to reach the bottom without any accident happening, for which both of them were thankful enough. They threw themselves upon the rocks, utterly exhausted, and panting for breath. Step Hen was indeed very near a complete collapse; for the boy had been under a terrible strain recently, both mentally and bodily. After a little, however, when he had pumped much good air into his system, and regained some of his lost breath, Step Hen remembered. I hadn't ought to be lyin' around this way, when those fellers up yonder are all tied up in knots waitin' to know whether we've made the riffle, or got stuck part way down. So here goes to tell 'em. They know from my note what we want 'em to try and do next. So he started in again with those queer sounds that seemed to climb up the face of the cliff as though on ladders that were invisible. And there came back similar sounds, which Step Hen listened to with eagerness, finally crying out: They understand that we're safe down here; and Davy says as how he thinks he knows a way to work around. And now, since we've got some time on our hands, Toby, let's look about for a place to spend the But Toby had not forgotten something that he had spoken of before. As for the camp, I'll take keer of that, he said; while you drop down aside this leetle crick here, and wash your face and hands. The sooner ye git them 'ere scratches clean, the better, I reckon. Heaps of trouble kin grow out of a little keerlessness in that regard. I guess you're right, replied Step Hen, trying to make a grimace, but without much success, because the blood had dried on his face, and made it feel as stiff as though it had been duly starched on a washday So he complied with the ruling of the guide; and while the cool water made his cuts smart more or less, to begin with, still there was a sense of satisfaction in the cleanly feeling that soon followed. When he got back to the side of the guide again Step Hen discovered that Toby had found the place he was looking for, close to where the big-horn lay. Already smoke was beginning to rise, showing that Giraffe might not be the only one in the party who knew just how to go about making a cooking fire. The scout watched Toby with considerable interest. He learned that when a man has lived all his life in the borderland, he has picked up a good many useful little wrinkles that a wideawake scout ought to know; and Step Hen determined to profit by his experience in the company of Besides, now that all the excitement was over, Step Hen secretly confessed to feeling more or less tired; though had any of his mates been around, he would doubtless have scorned to display this fact. It was nice to just stretch out by the cheery blaze, and see some one else quite willing to do the work. The guide was only too glad to assume all the burden of getting supper, such as it promised to be. Secretly he was proud of Step Hen. He had started in with rather a poor opinion of the boy's qualities, and thought him given somewhat to boasting, and practical jokes. But he had found that he was full of grit, gave promise of being a good hunter, and was ready to attempt any sort of task, it mattered not how The way Step Hen fought those two eagles, alone and unaided, on that narrow ledge, had aroused the ardent admiration of Toby. While he worked, he cast many a secret glance toward where Step Hen was stretched out; and each time the guide would give a little satisfied nod, and a chuckle, just as though he were passing a critical judgment, and saying to himself: All wool, and a yard wide; he'll do, I sure reckons. He's got the real stuff in him, anybody with one eye kin see. And I'm sure goin' to tell Mr. Scout Master that same, too. He deserves to be put up a few notches arter this. Could Step Hen but have read what was passing through Toby's mind just then, he would have thrilled with deepest satisfaction. Why, the laurel wreath of the victor could not have given him one half the solid pleasure that would come could he but know he had won the admiration of this experienced forest ranger, and trapper-guide. Meanwhile, after he had the cooking fire under full way, Toby proceeded to skin the Rocky mountain sheep, making sure to handle the excellent horns carefully, as Step Hen begged, since they were almost He ain't a youngster, and at the same time he don't seem to be so very old, the guide remarked, as he worked, cutting up the sheep; so, p'raps we kin get our teeth workin' on him some. I never was much of a hand for this sorter meat; but in such a pinch as this I kin eat even mutton. Anyhow, it'll sure keep us from goin' hungry, and that's the game right now. I hopes as how the other boys kin get here afore dark sets in. That makes me remember I'm neglecting my duty; because I ought to be lettin' out a whoop now and then, just to sort of guide Davy and With that Step Hen managed to get to his feet, though he was surprised to find how stiff he had become, just sitting there. Toby grinned to see him wince, as he stretched first one arm, and then a leg. He knew what it meant. The strain of the recent engagement on the ledge, besides all that hanging desperately to the face of the precipice, was telling on the boy's muscles. When Step Hen let out a loud cry, he was pleased to get a response in the well-known voice of Davy Jones. The call came from a point not far away, and Toby immediately declared that the other scouts must be about half-way down. They're agoin' to make it, all right, I do believe! Step Hen Looks that way, for a fact, the guide responded. The day was almost done, at least down at the foot of that great wall that stretched upward for hundreds of feet. Lying there, resting the back of his head on both hands, and looking upward to where some buzzards were wheeling against the sky, Step Hen could hardly believe that he had actually descended all that distance in safety. He shuddered as he contemplated what an ugly tumble he must have experienced, if those fighting eagles had succeeded in knocking him off And just as the shades of approaching night began to gather around them, with a rather appetizing odor from cooking meat filling the immediate neighborhood, there came a hail from a point close at hand. Hello! there, glad to see you're able to sit up, and take notice, after all the row you kicked up. First thing Smithy and me want to know is, what under the sun was it all about? and with these words the two scouts staggered into camp, throwing themselves wearily down beside CHAPTER XVII. TROUBLES THICKEN FOR The scouts were pretty hungry, and they united in pronouncing the supper just prime. But then the conditions would not allow of any other verdict; and as Toby regretfully declared, they all had good teeth, while his were getting frayed and worn. But after a period of stress and storm, a haven does seem good indeed; and sitting there, chatting, alongside that blaze, which had now been built up into a real camp-fire, the three boys were feeling a thousand per cent better than they had a couple of hours before. Of course Step Hen had told all about his great combat with the two fighting eagles. He even led the doubting Davy along the foot of the descent, with a blazing torch in his hand, until they had found both of the dead birds, which they lugged back to camp with them, to show to the wondering Smithy as positive evidence of the truth of the story. And after that the boys would surely feel more respect for Step Hen's prowess as a hunter, and the possessor of unlimited nerve. Smithy declared that nothing on earth could tempt him to try and descend that precipice where Step Hen had done it; and was amazed when Davy announced that they had accomplished a feat very nearly as hazardous; only, coming a yard at a time, they had not noticed the I only hope nothing will run off with my sheep, Smithy had remarked, plaintively, at one time, after they had finished their meal, and were just lounging around, taking things easy. How about that, Toby? asked Davy Jones; will wolves be apt to rob Smithy of his hard-earned laurels? Don't know anything about that ere, grinned the guide; but if so be you mean will they come around, and eat his mutton, I'm afraid that's jest what'll happen. But, he added, as Smithy gave a plaintive little bleat, they cain't eat them big horns, you know; and I reckons as how that's the main thing you wants, ain't it? Oh! yes, if that is so, I shall stop worrying. But I surely do want to carry that souvenir back with me; because, you know that is my first game, Smithy went on to say. Wall, remarked the guide, with a nod, you had ought to be proud of 'em; 'cause they ain't many fellers as kin say the fust wild game they ever knocked down was a big-horn. I've knowed old hunters as couldn't ever git one, try as hard as they might. We had a heap of luck to-day, let me tell you, boys, a heap of it. And for mutton, 'twan't so very tough, either. Oh! I thought I heard some one give a funny little cough just then! exclaimed Step Hen, suddenly sitting up straight. You was correct at that, said the guide, quietly drawing his rifle closer to him, as though caution were second nature. There is some parties accomin' down the canyon here, and headin' for our fire. The boys, mebbe! exclaimed Davy Jones. No, I don't think they be, Toby Smathers added, straining his eyes to catch the first glimpse of the newcomers; for in this wild region, strangers are not to be always recognized as friends until they have proven themselves such. There's two of 'em, remarked Step Hen, and they're men, I c'n Hello! there, don't shoot, we're friends, all right! called a voice, so peculiar in itself that Toby immediately laughed aloud, as though he had no difficulty in recognizing it. Is that Sheriff Bob McNulty? he asked. Nobody else, came the reply; and unless I'm mighty far off my base, that must be my old friend, Toby Smathers, the forest ranger. The two men came on to the fire. The boys saw that the one whom Toby had called Sheriff Bob was a tall, angular man, wearing the regulation wide-brimmed soft hat, and long black coat that sheriffs out in the Wild and Woolly West seem to so frequently think a badge of their He impressed them as a man of sterling character; but they did not entertain the same sort of an opinion toward his companion, who was a middle-aged man, lanky and sinister in appearance, and with a crafty gleam in his shifting eyes that somehow gave Step Hep and Davy Jones a cold feeling of distrust. Why, what's this mean, Toby; you a forest ranger camping with a parcel of kids? exclaimed the sheriff, throwing a quick, interrogative glance toward his companion, which the other answered with a negative shake of the head, after giving each of the three boys a keen look, while a shade of bitter disappointment crossed his crafty face. Oh! it was an off season for me, Sheriff Bob, replied the guide, laughing; an' I thought I'd try playing guide again, this time to a bunch of Boy Scouts what come out to the Rockies from the Far East, to hunt big game. The sheriff grinned broadly, as though that struck him a good deal in the nature of a joke. Boy Scouts, eh? he continued, as he calmly sat him down by the fire; well, I've heard a heap about them, but these are the first I've set eyes on. They brought their nerve along with 'em I reckon, Toby? and he chuckled again while speaking. That's the way I thought about 'em fust pop, Sheriff Bob, remarked Toby, in a quiet, convincing tone; but I've found out that I sized 'em up a lot too low. They's eight of 'em in the bunch, and the rest is keepin' camp down by that willow that stands by the spring hole in the valley. We came out to-day to try and get a big-horn. The sheriff sniffed the air at this. Say, you don't mean to tell me they shot a sheep? he demanded. Two of the same, and at a pretty fair distance too. We got 'em both. This here, who is known as Smithy, had never killed anything bigger'n a mouse afore, I understands, an' precious few of 'em; while Step Hen here, he's had considerable experience up in Maine, which is said to be a good hunting ground. The sheriff pursed up his lips, and arched his eyebrows. Well, he remarked, I'd like to shake hands with you both, boys, because you've done what I never yet accomplished in my lifeshot a But sho! that ain't near all, declared the proud Toby; they got a couple of big grizzlies in the bargain; and right this very day Step Hen, he clumb half way down that cliff thar, to shove his sheep loose; and had to fight for his life agin a pair o' cantankerous eagles what had a nest up thar. I went to his help, an' thar the birds lie, Sheriff The officer whistled again. This is a surprise, I must say, he remarked. But Toby, if so be you could spare us a mouthful of that same mutton, why, we'd be obliged. We've got to be going in a little while, because, you see, I'm up here to assist this gentleman, who's name is Mr. Artemus Rawson, and a lawyer from Denver, look up a boy who's his nephew, and who's stolen something his uncle values a heap. We learned he was last seen on the hike for this country roundabout; and I'm bound to find him, by hook or by crook. I always do, you remember, Toby; none of them ever gets away from Sheriff Bob. Step Hen almost cried out, such was the thrill that shot through him. Almost instinctively his eyes sough those of Davy Jones, and a look of intelligence passed between them. Rawson, the sheriff said his name was, and he was a lawyer from Denver, looking for a boy who was his nephew, and whose name therefore was likely to be the same! Surely he must be referring to their new friend, Aleck. But the sheriff had declared the boy to be a thief; and they could never believe Aleck that, with his frank face, his clear eyes, and engaging manners. There must be some sort of a mistake; or else this so-called Artemus Rawson was a fraud of the first water, and just trying to get possession of that secret connected with the hidden mine, the same as Step Hen put a finger on his lips, and that told Davy to keep quiet, so that the others might not suspect their comrades in the other camp were entertaining the very boy these men sought at that particular And when he had the chance, Step Hen whispered a few words to Smithy that rather startled that worthy, who had apparently not noticed what was being said when the sheriff was talking; he having hurried over to try and cut some slices from the carcase of the big-horn, as he wished to get into the habit of doing these handy things about camp. There now remained but Toby; and from the sly wink which the guide gave Step Hen, upon seeing the anxious look on the boy's face, it was plain that he had grasped the situation immediately, and they need not fear that he would betray Aleck. While the two men were eating a little later, Step Hen tried to make up his mind as to what sort of a party this so-called Artemus Rawson might be. If he indeed proved to be a genuine brother of the man who had discovered the silver lode, and the real uncle of Aleck, then he must have been a different sort of a man altogether from the boy's father. On his small, rat-like face scheming was written plainly; and the chances were, Step Hen concluded, that he too knew something about the find Aleck had lately made, and was plotting to get possession of that precious chart to the mine. This gave Step Hen cause for sudden excitement. The sheriff had just said they could not stay all night with Toby and his charges; that they were bound in the direction of the valley, called by business. Then the chances were that they knew something of the boy's plans, and that he might be run across heading into the valley from the other side. They had laid out to meet him on the way, and take him by What bothered Step Hen was the fact that the sheriff had just said they were likely to come upon the camp of the scouts on the way, between then and morning, and in case they did, he promised himself the pleasure of dropping in to take a bite of breakfast with the smart scoutmaster and his chums, whom he would like to meet very much. Step Hen worried over this very nearly all the time the two men were eating. He thought those rat-like eyes of Artemus Rawson, so-called, were often searching his face, as though the man suspected that he knew something about the boy the sheriff had been engaged to find; and that being the case, the man would even go out of their way to visit the camp of the scouts, to see whether the one they sought might be And how under the sun could Thad be warned of the impending trouble? CHAPTER XVIII. PURE PLUCK. Well, I'm glad they're departed; because somehow I couldn't fancy that Mr. Rawson the least little bit, remarked Smithy, an hour later. Do you really think they have gone for good, Toby? Step Hen asked, eagerly; or might they just make believe, and hang around here to see if we had Aleck Rawson hidden away somewhere? Oh! they're gone, that's right enough, replied the guide; but I'm kinder of the notion they'll make it a p'int to pay a visit to the other camp by mornin', and p'raps sneak in on 'em by surprise like. Then you're of a mind that they have suspicions? asked Step Hen. That thar Artemus Rawson I reckon he allers has s'picions of everybody, replied Toby; an' I seen him watchin' you two boys pass winks an' nods when the sheriff, he happened to say the gent's name was Then he must have guessed that we knew something about Aleck? Reckon as how he did, Toby responded. But if that was so, how did it come that he never once asked us if we knew a boy by the name of Aleck Rawson? Step Hen went on. He was jest a leetle too slick for that, the guide answered. He knowed that you'd made up your mind to deny everything; and he guessed how the land laid. So right now, I shouldn't wonder a bit but what he's atellin' Bob all about it; an' showin' him how they'll as like as not find the boy they want right smack in the camp of the Boy Scouts. You're right, Toby! cried Step Hen. Now I remember that the sheriff seemed a little bit inclined to put up all night with us; but it was the other who said he wanted to be on the move. He even asked how long it would take to reach the main valley over on the other side of this ridge, by followin' the canyon route; and vowed he was good for a few hours' tramp, if the sheriff was agreeable. Yes, and he told how one of their hosses kim down lame, so they had to leave both animals in a place to rest up while they was in the mountains, remarked the guide; but it's sure too bad the way things is a settin' for that boy. You mean Aleck, I guess, don't you, Toby? asked Step Hen. Yes, Aleck Rawson. I wanted to see the kid git that mine his dad found years ago; but seems to me the woods is full of people as think they orter have a claim on it, afore the fambly of Jerry Rawson. If so be this ole chap is a uncle to the boy, he's a bad egg; I kin see that in his face. But Sheriff Bob thinks he's doin' the right thing in tryin' to arrest Aleck; and he'll take him away, if he ever lays eyes on him. I say, it's too bad. If we only could warn them? said Smithy, disconsolately. Mebbe we can, remarked Step Hen, eagerly looking at the guide in the same breath, as though it depended a good deal upon Toby whether this idea could be carried out, or not. Oh! do you really mean it, Step Hen? demanded Smithy, brightening up; for he seemed to be conscious of a new sense of reliance in the other nowadays, something similar to that he felt in Thad himself; Step Hen had been doing things, and that alone breeds confidence. I'm wanting to ask Toby something first, before I promise, remarked the other, cautiously, as became one who valued his word not Go on, then; what is it? asked the guide. Think hard, please, Step Hen continued, very soberly; and tell me if you believe you could take me to a place, not a great ways off, where we would be able to see the tents of the home camp, if daylight Toby's face turned into a grin; evidently he grasped the idea that had flashed into the boy's mind. After having seen how Giraffe had talked with Aleck by means of fire flashes, when the Rawson boy was away up on that ledge of the cliff, Toby was ready to believe these wonderful scouts capable of almost anything in the line of next Say, yes, I kin do that same now; that is, if you think you'd be able to climb a leetle bit more, he broke out with. Oh! I am not all tuckered out yet, declared Step Hen, proudly; a bit sore from my scratches, and that funny business, when I had to jump around so lively with two savage eagles tryin' to tear my eyes out; but you just show me, Toby, and see if I don't toe the mark, like a scout I'm sure you will, said Toby, admiringly; and the look on his face gave Step Hen a sense of reward for all he had suffered; in fact he could not remember ever feeling so pleased before, because he knew Toby Smathers was reckoned a prime judge of men, as they ran. How long would it take us to get up there? asked Step Hen, carelessly; yet no doubt with more or less anxiety, for he was conscious of the fact that however willing the spirit might be, the flesh was weak; and it meant a double trip, to go and come again. P'raps half an hour might do it, was the response of the guide. Up a place like this? gasped Smithy, pointing to the wall near Well, I should hope not, said Davy Jones. They'd be crazy to try that sort of thing, with only the moonlight to help. Step Hen did not say anything, but nevertheless he waited with bated breath to hear the reply of the guide, and seemed easier in his mind when Toby remarked: I don't doubt as he'd foller me, if I sez we must climb up to the top of that same cliff agin; but 'tain't necessary. This time we foller a canyon up, till we gets to a p'int as gives ye a view of the valley. I don't sure know, but I reckons we orter to be able to ketch a glimpse of the fire. Then let's start right now! cried Step Hen; I'm all worked up with eagerness to block the little game that the old Rawson uncle is settin' up for poor Aleck. We said that we'd see the boy through, and we're going to do it, or drop in our tracks atryin'. He managed to get on his feet, though only with an effort. Oh! yes, I admit I'm some stiff, he said in answer to Smithy's look of sympathy; and I'd like as not let Davy do it in my place; only he ain't up in sendin' messages as much as I am. Wish Giraffe was here; he's the boss hand at that. But p'raps I c'n make Thad understand. I only hope we get the camp, all right, that's all. It was the spirit that makes heroes that forced Step Hen to quit that cozy camp, where he was feeling so nice and comfortable; and follow after the tireless guide, when he walked on up the canyon. But they would not hear a single groan from him, if he had to make his lips bleed, biting them with his teeth. Step Hen had always wondered just how the old martyrs felt, when they were being led to the stake; he believed he knew now; for he experienced a fierce sense of exultation with every twinge of pain that walking gave him; but with set teeth he kept grimly on. That was a long half hour to the scout. He would never forget it to his dying day. And when Toby finally, after what seemed an eternity, announced that they must be very close on the point where in the moonlight much of the big valley could be seen dimly beyond, Step Hen mentally thanked his stars again and again. Presently Toby turned, and looked. Here she is! he remarked; and the boy grunted in reply; for there may be times when the spirit of thanksgiving is too deep for utterance. I see her, Toby remarked almost immediately afterwards. Do you mean the fire, Toby? demanded Step Hen. It cain't be anything else, even though they've let it get low. And now we've a job afore us, to get some blaze started right here. Wood ain't too plenty round these parts. Let's look for some. But when Step Hen started after him, the guide made him sit down to rest, promising to come to him when the fire was good and ready. Your part of the work will begin about that time; let me do this fire makin', the good-hearted guide insisted; and the boy was only too willing to sink down. A short time afterwards, when Toby came to announce that the fire was in full blast, with plenty of good brands that might be used for torches; he found poor Step Hen sound asleep, just as he had dropped, being utterly exhausted. The guide looked down at him with pity. He had taken a great fancy for the plucky scout; and disliked arousing him the worst kind; but there was no other way. Step Hen had to be shaken half a dozen times before he would consent to open his heavy eyes; then he stared up at Toby, as though for the moment he could not place things. I got the fire started; and there's aplenty of wood handy arter all, for you to use as torches when you signal the camp! said the Oh! cried Step Hen sitting up, to be sure; and I really think I must have been dozing while you were doing all the work, Toby. Give me a hand, won't you, please; I'm ashamed to say my legs seem so silly stiff at the knees I just can't straighten 'em out? Wow! to think of me being such a baby as to feel that little circus this way. I'm real ashamed, that's what. You ain't got no call to be, I promise you, boy, declared the other, a tremor in his voice; You showed the pluck of a grown man. And if I could a took yer place, which in course I couldn't, never havin' been trained to wigwag, or handle a telegraph key, I'd sure let you sleep on; for ye desarve it, that's right. Step Hen made a few movements, regardless of the pain it gave him, so as to get his arms in working order; because he knew he would have to use them a great deal, if he were lucky enough to get an answer to The guide showed him where to stand, where he would be in the shadow, and the blazing, moving torch show; and he then pointed out the distant fire, down through the gap in the mountain chain. They ain't touched it since we kim here, he remarked; but that makes me think it might be done any minit now. So p'raps ye'd better show me the way to fling that there torch around, to let 'em know we're here, an' wantin' to talk. I kin do that part, I reckons, an' save you Step Hen was agreeable, for he knew that he would have all he could do later on, to handle that beacon, should he find a chance to send the message he wanted the scoutmaster to get. For some time Toby waved his torch around without there being any response; and it began to look as though he might have all his trouble for his pains, when Step Hen was heard to give a little eager cry. There! he exclaimed, I believe I saw a light move, just then. Yes, look, Toby, there it is again; and as sure as you live, they're answering us! Now, give me the torch. I only hope I haven't forgotten all I knew about sending messages, because all poor Aleck's hopes for his future may hang on my being able to warn them the sheriff and old Artemus Rawson are heading that way. Now watch close, Toby! I'm going to start in. CHAPTER XIX. THE WARNING. Step Hen was all of a tremble when he first began to handle that burning splinter of wood, provided by Toby Smathers, to serve as a fiery pen; and with which he hoped to write letters in the dark background he had chosen for his location. Just as he had himself declared, regretfully now, Step Hen had never been a shining light in this code business. Indeed, up to lately, he had rather considered the whole thing something of a great bore; and when ordered out on the hills to wave signal flags, he had only obeyed under protest. There had been plenty of things he much preferred to this sort of detail work. But after seeing how successfully a method of communication had been established between the scouts in camp, and Aleck, when the latter was being held a prisoner up on that shelf of rock, Step Hen had had his eyes opened. He realized what a really valuable thing a little knowledge along these lines was apt to prove, at most any time. And he had then and there resolved to improve his scanty share of information whenever the chance came. Right now he was secretly glad that since that occasion he had been asking some questions along the line of acquiring information. He had even had half an hour's practice with Thad, early in the morning, sending and receiving messages. How fortunate that was, Step Hen reflected, just now, when he found himself placed in a position where a knowledge of wigwag work was going to prove of the utmost importance to the boy whom the scouts had taken At the same time it was with considerable nervousness that he started in to ask his first question. He meant to inquire if the one answering him were Thad himself; but when he had made the last letter of the message Step Hen was afraid it might seem so bungled that all he would receive might be the well-known signal: Don't understandrepeat message! But to his delight there came the three letters: Encouraged by this, Step Hen became more ambitious. He spelled out his own name, and added a few more words: This is Step Hensomething important! Then he almost held his breath as he waited to see what effect this would have. The answer began to come back, slowly and positively, Thad allowing plenty of time for the other to make sure of every sign. And staring eagerly, unconsciously spelling aloud just as he received the message, Step Hen caught this: All rightunderstandlet us have news. It's going splendidly, Toby! cried Step Hen, almost ready to jump up and down, in his excitement and joy, despite his wearied condition. Thad's taking it, word for word. I reckon I c'n make him understand something, even if I am such a big bungler at this thing. But I tell you right now, after this I'm going in for wigwag work the hardest you ever saw. It's the greatest stunt a scout can follow up. Why, it's worth everything else at such a time as this. Now to tell him about the two men headed that way, and how they're after Aleck Rawson. With that Step Hen once more applied himself to the task before him. His heart was set on doing something that the scoutmaster would compliment him on when next they met. Step Hen had aroused himself to the fact that an occasion like this demanded that a scout should prove his worth. It might mean a merit medal for him, if his services were deemed of sufficient value. Toby, seeing that the torch would not be likely to last out the labored conversation that was to follow, busied himself in getting another ready. As he was as good a hand at a fire as Giraffe, this did not prove a heavy task. Meanwhile Step Hen kept on sending his messages in short, jerky sentences. He lacked confidence in himself, and dared not launch boldly forth in a description of the strange thing that had happened since the four of them had made camp, after their big-horn hunt. When he had spelled a sentence he would almost invariably add the query, understand? meaning to repeat if the answer came in the negative. But Thad was an expert at this sort of work, and could puzzle out the meaning of what Step Hen so blunderingly sent, almost as though he might be a mind reader. Two men came into our camp after dark! went the opening message. Yes, Thad replied, briefly, and evidently not meaning to say anything calculated to confuse the signal sender. One a sheriff, name Bob McNulty. Other older man,name Artemus Rawson.Get that? There was a little interval at that. Perhaps Thad might be figuring it out; or he may have mentioned the name aloud, and be speaking with some one who was near by, possibly asking Aleck if he recognized the Yes, came the flash, presently. Step Hen had begun to grow cold. He felt that if he once found himself cornered, and making mistakes, he was apt to get rattled in his excitement, and forget the little he really did know about sending and receiving. So when Thad replied that he had grasped even that name, the sender found himself imbued with another relay of confidence. When he started in once more, he sent a little faster, though the scoutmaster at the first opportunity warned him to go slow and sure. Say looking for Aleckthat he has robbed uncleheaded down valley when left hereUnderstand that? Yes, but not so fast. Go on, came the reply. Step Hen understood that Thad gave him this warning, not because he was himself unable to receive at that rate, for he had seen the patrol leader and Allan go smoothly along at twice the pace. He was thinking of Step Hen, for he knew what was apt to happen if once the other overstepped the bounds, and muddled himself up; as like as not he would get his signals mixed, and after that be utterly unable to send Be with you by morningwe think they suspect Aleck thereyou know what to do. Yes. Good for you. Anymore? Step Hen sighed with relief. The great burden of responsibility had fallen from his shoulders on to those broad ones of the scoutmaster. Yes, Thad would surely know what to dohe always did when the emergency arose. And that was what made his chums feel such implicit confidence in their leader. And Step Hen thought that while he was about it, and the message business working so very smoothly, he might as well let Thad know of their success; so he managed to say: We got two sheep! Smithy shot oneI got otherhad warm time I tell you. Anything new at the camp? Sure. They came and paid us a visit, Thad replied, slowly, so that not a word did Step Hen lose as he spelled the message out. Do you mean Kracker? he demanded. Yes. He tried to ride over us rough-shod; but we took him down a peg. Sent the three men awaykept their gunslooking out for them all the timeif you happen to meet hold them offToby will know. That was an extra long one to take, and several times Step Hen had to wave his torch so as to interrupt the sender, and have him go back to the last period to repeat what he had to communicate. For of course Step Hen, like all new beginners in wigwag work, telegraphy, and kindred things, was a better hand at sending than receiving; because in the one case he knew in his own mind what was coming next, and was not apt to get confused; while in taking a message, if he lost one small fraction of the same, while his mind was grappling with that, he failed to catch the next letter, and thus was apt to become hopelessly But thanks to the intelligent manner in which Thad managed his end of the air wire, and the positive way in which he moved his fire pencil, the message was finally all grasped, though Step Hen was rapidly becoming exhausted by his efforts, and the mental strain that bore on him so heavily. Better quit thar! advised the guide, who kept a close watch on things, and was able to understand just what the tired boy was Pretty soon, Toby, replied Step Hen, slowly. I've done better than I ever thought I would, and Thad knows about that Artemus Rawson. He'll see to it that Aleck isn't around when they come to camp. Oh! ain't I glad though I brushed up my code work with him early in the morning, though. That business with Aleck in the night made me ashamed to be so dull. I want to ask him one more question, for there he's waving to know if I'm done. Get through quick, then; we orter be back in camp, said the guide, not unkindly, but because he saw the condition of Step Hen. What is it? Thad was signaling, waiting each time after asking the question, to receive an answer. Will you have Aleck hide himself? asked the other. We'll head back to camp in morninghave to get Smithy's horns first, went on Step Hen. Has he taken to growing a pair? Thad asked, quizzically. His sheep I meanlies back a bitlook for us about noon. The last wavering movements of Thad's torch far away in the distance told that he was echoing this concluding word. Then it vanished. The talk-fest was over; and Step Hen felt that at least he had done himself proud for one who had paid so little attention to this really important adjunct to the education of a Boy Scout. And mark me, Toby, he mumbled as the guide kindly threw an arm about his tottering figure, though Step Hen hardly comprehended the fact, I'm agoin' to take up wigwag work after this, sure I am. Never thought it could be so interestin'. It's sure great. Here's our camp, ain't it? You tell the boys what I did, won't you Toby; I'm feelin' kinder tired like? Guess I'll sit down a spell. Davy Jones and Smithy were wild to know how it had all turned out; and while the murmur of the guide's voice sounded, as he related the story of the message sending, poor played-out Step Hen sank to the ground, dead for sleep. In less than two minutes he was lost to the world, the last thing he heard being the low voice of Toby Smathers, recounting the recent splendid feat of the scout whose message had undoubtedly saved Aleck Rawson from impending trouble. CHAPTER XX. SHERIFF BOB'S BOMB There they come! It was the observant Old Eagle Eye, as some of the boys called Giraffe, who gave utterance to these words. Early morning was at hand. All through the balance of the night those left in the camp in the valley had been momentarily expecting to have the sheriff and his older companion drop in on them; but possibly Artemus may have found himself unable to travel as fast as his ambition would force him, and the pair had been compelled to rest up somewhere on the road. Every one in the camp was of course on the line of duty at daybreak. While Bumpus and Bob White started to get breakfast, Giraffe and Allan were using their eyes as best they could, seeing that the mists still hung over the valley, obscuring things at a little distance. Thad was invisible, also Aleck. Truth to tell they had betaken themselves off within an hour after that astounding message was received from the far-distant point where Step Hen waved his fiery Of course, one of the first things Thad had done was to question the other concerning this man who called himself Artemus Rawson. Aleck admitted that he was in truth his own uncle; but added that the lawyer from Denver had fallen under the same spell as many others, and was allowing himself to dream of being the one to re-discover the long-lost Aleck had said that it seemed as though every one who heard about it became imbued with a mad desire to possess the treasure. There was Kracker who had made several long searching trips up here with that one object in view; and was even then doing everything in his power to get possession of the secret. Crafty Uncle Artemus had gone about it in a different way. He had hung around the dwelling-place of the widow, and in his sly, lawyer-like method, tried to learn what was going on. He suspected that the secret of the location of the mine had been discovered in some way, from the change in the atmosphere about the Rawson home, and the air of excitement that could not easily be subdued; but no matter how he tried, he could not learn just what it all meant. Then came the sudden vanishing of Aleck. This must have given the lawyer points and he started after the boy. His accusation concerning his nephew having robbed him was of course all a part of a fine little scheme he had hatched up. While the big prospector believed in actual force to squeeze the secret from the unwilling lips of the lad; shrewd Uncle Artemus was inclined to try and make a show of having the law on But in both cases, actually robbery was intended. And Thad believed every word of the explanation made by Aleck. He could not have done otherwise, looking in those frank and fearless eyes, and reading the clean soul of the Rawson boy. So the scoutmaster had decided that he and Aleck would disappear from the valley camp for a short time, leaving no trail by which they could be followed. He did not tell a single one of his chums just what the plan was, because he was desirous of keeping the secret. Then, in case the sheriff questioned them concerning the movements of the missing two, they could truthfully declare they did not know a thing But Thad made preparations looking to the carrying-out of a bold project which he and the Rawson boy had talked over between themselves. This was nothing more nor less than a hunt for the long-hidden silver Thad thought that the sooner Aleck made sure his little chart, found concealed in the back of that small pocket mirror which his dying father had placed in his hands, was correct, the better. And that accounted for several queer things he did on leaving camp, one of which, the taking of the only lantern they had brought with them, astonished Bumpus very much indeed, not to mention Giraffe and The Fox had not been invited to join in the expedition; but later on it was found that he had disappeared. Still, no one was worried, for it seemed to be taken for granted that he must have followed Thad and Aleck. They remembered that the latter had claimed a long-standing friendship with the Fox. And it was also known that the Crow boy had become an ardent admirer of the scoutmaster, whom he believed to be a chief worth serving. When Old Eagle Eye, then, announced that the two men were coming, the others craned their necks to look. Allan told them not to appear too curious; and so those who were busy at the fire went on with their culinary labors, cooking a bountiful breakfast, as it seemed that they might have company. Sheriff Bob and the lawyer soon strode into campat least the officer did the striding part, for old Artemus seemed pretty nearly fagged out. A burning desire to acquire a glorious fortune so easily was all that kept him up, otherwise he would never have been able to have stood the long tramp as he did. The first thing the sheriff did after replying to the salutation of Allan, was to scan each one of the four boys in turn, and then turning to his companion, say tersely: None of these the one you want, I reckon, sir? The old Denver lawyer looked dreadfully disappointed. His ferrit-like eyes had flitted from one to another of the scouts, and each time he changed base his long cunning face grew more like a blank. No, my nephew isn't in sight, as I can see, Sheriff, he replied, with a frown, and a look toward Allan, as though to say that it was his opinion the boy might produce the one they sought, if proper force were Having a hunt up here in the mountains, are you, boys? asked the sheriff, as he followed the example of the lawyer, and dropped down near the fire, crossing his legs tailor-fashion, as though he meant to make himself quite at home. Yes, we want to get a big-horn or so to take back with us, replied Just the four of you? continued the other, arching his heavy brows as if with surprise. Oh! no, there are a lot of other fellows, replied the scout who took Thad's place as leader when the other happened to be absent. Oh! that's it, eh? Rest off on a little side hunt right now, I reckon. P'raps you've got a guide along with you, too? the officer continued, bending his neck, so that he could see inside the nearest tent, the flap of which happened to be on the side toward him, and thrown back to allow of ventilation. Oh! yes, we've got a guide now, though for a long time we had to go it alone, and managed to get on pretty well, Allan continued, wondering why it was he could catch a peculiar quizzical gleam in the snapping eyes of the other, once in a while, when the sheriff looked straight at him. Who is he; perhaps I might happen to know him? asked the other, accepting a tin cup filled with coffee, from Bumpus. I'm sure you do, sir, Allan hastened to remark; and then, remembering that he was not supposed to know of the visit the sheriff and his employer had paid to the camp of the big-horn hunters on the previous night, he hastened to add: everybody knows honest Toby Smathers, the forest ranger, I should think. Well, I should say, yes, I did, replied the other, commencing to calmly devour the piece of venison that had been placed on his platter, as though his appetite was sharp indeed this bracing morning. And so you boys have come away out here just to see what we've got in these Just what we have, sir, replied Giraffe, thinking that he would like to have the sheriff notice him a little. And I declare, you seem to be fixed pretty comfortable like, the other went on. Just look at the tents they brought with them, Mr. Rawson. I've always said that on the whole they were better than the old-fashioned tents. You can see how the heat of the fire on a cold night is sent back into the tent; and there's aplenty of head-room here. Yes, both of 'em as cozy as you please. He had seemed so very much interested in the subject that he even laid down his tin cup and platter, and gaining his feet, passed over, to peer into each tent, as if bent on ascertaining what the interior Allan, of course, knew just what this meant. The sheriff was looking for Aleck, as if he half-expected to find the hunted boy concealed under a pile of blankets. And yet it puzzled Allan to note that, in spite of the keen disappointment which would naturally follow a failure to locate the boy, Sheriff Bob was even chuckling as he once more sat him down in the circle, and resumed operations on his breakfast. Something seemed to be amusing him, Allan wished he could tell what. He felt it must have some connection with the search for Aleck Rawson; though for the life of him he could not decide what was in the The talk soon became general, though Artemus took no part in it. He sent a beseeching glance every now and then in the direction of the officer, as if begging him to do something; but whatever it might be, evidently Sheriff Bob was in no hurry, and meant to finish that good breakfast first, anyway. Presently, as he emptied his platter the second time, and swallowed his third cup of scalding Java the officer remarked: I know something about the Boy Scouts myself, it happens. Got a youngster down below that belongs to a troop. Great thing. Teaches lads lots of the right kind of outdoor business. Makes 'em healthy, and able to depend on themselves a heap. My kid, he's dead stuck on this signal business with flags and such. Glad to see it, too. Takes me back to old times, as sure as you live. He stopped there, and seemed to reflect. It was as though memories might be arising that were pleasant to look back upon. Meanwhile Allan was conscious of something like a little thrill passing through him. He seemed to feel that this was no accidental mention on the part of the man with the twinkle in his eye; but in fact, it might have something deep back of it. Yes, Sheriff Bob went on, presently, turning straight toward Allan now. I used to belong in the army years agospent six years of my life in the Signal Corps, and was accounted a pretty good operator in wigwag, telegraph, telephone building, and heliograph work while I served. And honest now, I must say I never enjoyed a finer half hour than I spent last night, sitting on a rock up yonder, and watching that lively little confab you held with your chum, who, I think was the boy calling himself Step Hen. He did the job up pretty well, considering; and as for your Thad, he's chain lightning on the send. Yes, siree bob, that was a picnic to an old Signal Corps man like me, as you can easily understand, my boy! The four scouts sat there as if frozen stiff. Consternation was written all over their faces; and no wonder the humorous sheriff, as he saw what a bomb he had exploded, chuckled, and then laughed aloud. CHAPTER XXI. HEARING ALECK'S SIDE OF That good and hearty laugh on the part of the sheriff did more to reassure the scouts than anything else could have done. Giraffe, who had been holding his very breath in consternation, allowed the air to flow in and out of his lungs again; Bumpus regained his color, while his staring eyes concluded apparently not to pop out of his head this time; and as for Allan and Bob White, they lost some of the look of alarm that had spread over their faces. Yes, it was as good as a circus to just sit thar, and enjoy reading that little talk, the sheriff went on to say. I could 'most imagine myself back again in the army, out in the Philippines, teachin' some of the awkward squad their p's and q's. And the news was some interestin', too. So Aleck, he was to make himself scarce, was he? Seems like he did that same, too, with another chuckle, and a shrug of his shoulders toward the tents which he had so lately examined without profit. Allan hardly knew what to say; but boldly taking up the cudgels he Well, Mr. Sheriff, what else could we do? Aleck was a scout, one of our organization; and if you've got a son who belongs to it, you must know that a scout is always supposed to be ready to hold out a helping hand to a fellow member. Aleck was in trouble. He had fallen into the hands of a party of prospectors, headed by Colonel Kracker, who were bent on forcing him to give up the secret they thought he carried, concerning the long-lost silver mine his father was said to have discovered years ago. H'm! say you so, boy? the other observed, while the lawyer pricked up his ears, as if suddenly interested. Kracker around here, is he? Well, that's some interesting news, you're telling me. You say the boy had fallen into their hands, and that you rescued him? If you'd like to hear about it, I'll be only too glad to tell you, Allan went on to say, eagerly; for somehow he had already taken quite a fancy toward this sheriff with the humorous twinkle in his eye, and thought it only right to make a friend of him, if it could be done. All nonsense, Mr. Sheriff, spluttered old Artemus, who feared lest his case might be losing its grip, and that the officer would refuse to aid him even were the boy found. He's trying to swing your sympathies around against my interests. Remember that you carry a warrant, and are sworn to serve it. I always does my duty, Mr. Rawson, don't you fear, replied the sheriff, with a frown; but just now it's a part of my business to hear all I can concerning the way your nephew came to join in with these Boy Scouts. Now, just go on telling me what you started to say, my boy. At that Allan picked up fresh courage. The sheriff was inclined to favor them, he realized, even at the expense of straining his duty. Why, one of our number, Giraffe here, he said, happened to be practicing the wigwag code outside the camp, in the darkness, using a brand he'd picked from the fire; when to his astonishment he saw answering signals from what seemed to be the sky. Well, when we made out the one word 'help!' you see our interest was at once raised to I should say it would be, remarked Sheriff Bob, showing the deepest attention, as though the prospect for developments in the story began to excite him. Our scoutmaster took matters in hand, Allan went on. You just said he was clever at sending and receiving messages. Well, he's a cracker-jack, that's what he is. And it so happened that Aleck, he not only belonged to the scouts, and had learned everything about signaling; but he served as a telegraph operator for a short time on a side road, when the regular man was taken sick; so he could even beat our Thad at talking with his hands; and that's going some, I tell you. But what was Aleck doing up there; and where was he at the time? asked the deeply interested sheriff. Kracker and his two men had caught Aleck; and unable to make him tell what they wanted, what do you think the cowards did? Lowered the boy down to a shelf on the face of the cliff, and left him there, saying he would starve unless he weakened, and gave up his secret; which Aleck vows belongs to his mother alone, and nothing on earth would make him betray. And they left him there, did they? growled Sheriff Bob, frowning in a way to indicate his opinion of the said Kracker. Just what they did. He saw us come into the valley, but thought we might only be some more of the same kind of wolves, wanting to torture a poor boy. But when he saw Giraffe, here, making letters with his fire-stick, something told Aleck we must be Boy Scouts. So, finding some wood on the ledge, he managed to make a little fire in a crack that ran into the rock; and with a brand from this he started to call, repeating that one word over and over again'help'! This here is some interesting to me, son, remarked the big sheriff, as Allan paused to get his breath, for he was talking so fast and so eagerly that he had almost exhausted himself. And so, after you learned where he was, and how he came to be thar, I reckon now you boys started to climb up and rescue the otherhow? That's what we did, sir, broke in Giraffe, eagerly. Four of us, counting the guide, managed to climb up the mountain, and with a rope we carried, hooked Aleck up off that ledge the prettiest you ever saw, that's what we did, with a defiant look toward old Artemus, who was sniffing through all this talk, just as though he refused to believe a word of it. And that's the way we came to have him in our camp, sir, Allan went on to say. We heard his story, and believed it, too. He's got a mother, and a lot of little sisters, who look to him to carry out the work his father started. But every one who ever hears a word about that hidden mine Jerry Rawson once found, seems to be just crazy to take it away from his widow. She has hardly a single friend to trust. Even her relatives plot to beat her out of this valuable mining property, and try all sorts of things, in hopes of getting hold of the secret. And now you know just where we stand, Mr. Sheriff. As scouts we must stay friends of Aleck. He was here, just as you know; but he's gone away, and none of us know where to. Thad took him off during the night, and all he said was we might expect to see him again when he showed up. So you can't pump any information out of us, you see. And even if we knew anything, we wouldn't tell, asserted Giraffe, belligerently, feeling that the honor of a scout was in question right The sheriff looked from one to another of those four boyish faces. By George! now, I reckon it wouldn't be any use in me tryin' to scare you by threatening to jail you for aiding in the escape of a desperate criminal, would it? he remarked, pretending to look very serious, but with that twinkle again in evidence, as Allan saw. You just couldn't; declared Giraffe, while Bumpus began to move a little uneasily in his seat; in the first place, we don't know anything more'n we've told you; secondly, we haven't assisted anybody to escape, because we're right here, johnny-on-the-spot, and it's our scoutmaster who's gone; and then, last of all, there ain't any desperate criminal at all; only a poor, persecuted boy, with the grit that you just want your own chap to show, Mr. Sheriff,ready to fight everybody, for the sake of his mother and sisters. Sheriff Bob wagged his head slowly, as though mentally digesting what the other had just said. H'm! that remains to be seen, boy, he remarked; although Giraffe believed he did not feel one-half as ferocious as he chose to look just then. Duty is duty, no matter how unpleasant it may seem, sometimes. I'm glad to hear you take that sensible view of the matter, Mr. Sheriff, said the old Denver lawyer, in his oily tones. You mustn't believe one-tenth of what boys say. They would as soon prevaricate as eat their breakfast; that is, some of the breed would, though doubtless your son is an exception to the rule. These scouts, as they choose to call themselves, have fixed up a story to suit themselves, and they hope to enlist your sympathy; but I know that a stern sense of duty will compel you to close your ears to anything they may say. I demand that you exercise every effort possible, looking to the immediate arrest of my rascally nephew, Alexander Rawson, whom I accuse of stealing valuable papers from my pocketbook while I was a guest under his mother's roof, and then disappearing. Oh! very well, sir, don't excite yourself about my movements, remarked Sheriff Bob, assuming a pompous air, though Allan thought he winked slily in his direction while speaking. You will find no cause to complain to my superiors concerning any shortcomings on my part. And up to now, you must admit I have been unflagging in my endeavor to locate the fugitive from justice. Make your mind easy, Mr. Rawson, I see my duty clear in the premises, and can be depended on to do it. Watching his chance a little later Allan followed the sheriff, when the latter went to get a drink of water near by. Artemus looked as though he wanted to keep them from having any communications out of his range of hearing; but he sank back in his seat again, plainly afraid of invoking the anger of the big sheriff, who, he already felt, did not feel any too warmly toward him and his cause. And as they sat down by the little stream to dip up some of the clear water with the tin cup Sheriff Bob had made sure to fetch along, Allan made it a point to tell the other all that Aleck had said about the motives of his father's lawyer brother, and how for a long time he had bothered the widow, trying to find out if she knew anything about the hidden mine; which until lately of course she had not. Allan knew how to talk. Moreover, he had an interested listener in the officer, and that counted for a great deal. Besides, he felt deeply for the persecuted boy, and his heart was filled with a desire to assist him secure the legacy left by his father, than whom no living soul had ever gazed upon the hidden mine. Sheriff Bob listened to all that the boy said. Several times he scratched his head reflectively, and made a grimace, as though conflicting forces had begun to engage him in an inward war. And when finally Allan declared that he now knew all, the officer drew a long breath, and remarked, quietly: I seem to smell a pretty good-sized rat about this game Mr. Artemus is putting up; but as I said, the warrant he swore out is in my hands for serving, and I just reckon I'll have to do my sworn duty and arrest this same Aleckthat is, if so be he shows up while we're around Allan looked him squarely in the eye; and he was sure one of the lids above the blue orbs of the official dropped a little in a He too drew a long breath, and with a smile on his boyish face, said as he arose: Thank you, Mr. Sheriff, thank you very much! CHAPTER XXII. THE GUARDIAN OF THE As has been mentioned before, Thad had a plan in view when he left the camp in company with Aleck, somewhere about midnight. Though for certain reasons which he considered good, he had not seen fit to take a single one of his comrades into his confidence, the scoutmaster believed that the only way for Aleck to win his own game was to find the long-lost mine, and take possession of the same in the name of his father, who had been the original discoverer of the lode. Scores of hungry prospectors, besides Kracker, had done everything in their power to locate the mine; though none had descended to his last unworthy methods of trying to torture Jerry Rawson's son, in the hope of profiting thereby. As the claim of the original discoverer rested only on a scant foundation, of course the man lucky enough to find the silver lode again would have a right to hold possession, in the eye of the law. He might choose to pay the widow something, but even that was a matter resting solely upon his conscience. Thad had a reason for carrying the only lantern belonging to the scouts; and he hoped that if they were so lucky as to find that Aleck's rude little chart told the truth, they might utilize that means of illumination when entering the mine. Of course both of them carried their guns, for there was no telling when they could return to camp. An arrangement had been with Allan, so that day and night there would be a sign shown, calculated to tell the absent ones whether the coast were clear, or the lawyer and sheriff still hovered near by, waiting to entrap the Rawson boy, should he show They had moved along for some time, when Aleck broke the silence by saying, with considerable feeling in his voice: It makes me glad to know you believed what I told you, Thad, about that business of my uncle. If you could only meet up with him once, I'm sure you'd know the tricky kind of man he is, just from his looks, and the smooth way he talks. But no matter what they all do and say, I'm just bound to carry my plans out. My mother approves of what I am doing; and she is thinking of me, and praying all the time I'm up here, trying to take dad's place. Don't mention it, said Thad, quickly. Of course we all believe every word you told us, no matter whether we've met this rascally uncle of yours or not. Our chum Step Hen did, and I reckon he wasn't much impressed with him, from the way he talked. And as you belong to the scouts, our first duty is to stand by you through thick and thin. Only as long as you believe in my word, Thad, added the other. That's true, returned the other, quickly; even a scout has no business sticking up for a comrade when he knows the other is in the wrong; but we believe in you, Aleck. And if only you could find that mine, I feel sure all of this funny business would stop. Once you had put in a claim, with the proper witnesses, and hurried to file it before the court, nobody could steal it away. And that's going to be just where the Boy Scouts can help you. Well, we'll know more than we do now, before a great many hours, asserted the miner's son; unless this little map is all wrong, and poor dad only believed he had found a rich lode. But remember, he brought home specimens that were nearly pure silver; and every one who saw them said they beat the world for richness. I can remember my dad saying that there were tons and tons without end of that same sort, in his mine. And then he was suddenly taken down sick, and died with the secret untold. All these long years, when we've been poor and wanting many things, there that secret lay in my hand, oh! hundreds of times, and I never dreamed of it still accident showed me the paper, back of the glass in the little pocket mirror that dad had carried with him a long time. They relapsed into silence again for a long time, each busy with his thoughts. Aleck knew what few simple directions his rude chart carried; he had gazed at it so many times that it was photographed on his mind, and there had been no need for him to rip the seam of his coat, and take the slip of faded paper out. Kracker had not dreamed how near the coveted clue had been to his hands, at the time he actually held the boy, and closely examined all his pockets. It's lucky, remarked Thad, after fully an hour more had passed, with both boys pushing forward steadily all the time, over rugged ways that severely tried their abilitiesit's lucky, I say, that we are heading exactly away from the direction where that Sheriff, and your uncle, must be coming from. Yes, but I knew we'd do that before we ever started out, replied You've been sizing up the region all day in camp, and laying your plans, if the chance ever came to try them out; isn't that so, Aleck? You never said truer words in your life, Thad, answered the other. I found a pretty high rock on which I could perch; and that gave me a chance to look over in this region with those fine glasses of yours. And I tell you now, it gave me a great thrill when I recognized something dad had marked on that little chart. It seemed just as if I could hear his voice calling me from the grave, and telling me I was doing the right thingto go ahead, no matter who tried to stop me. What sort of a land-mark was it you saw? asked the other scout. Why, you see, he made a rough sketch of a rock that looks a whole lot like a human head, Aleck went on to say, earnestly. Why, hello! I remember noticing that very same rock, the time I went up to take a look, and see if I could get a glimpse of our hunter squad. While about it, I turned the glasses around, to see if there were any sheep on the sides of the mountains to the south. And it was right then I saw that outline of a face, cut in the rock, just like somebody had used a giant chisel and made itnose, mouth, chin, forehead, all complete. It startled me a little at first, Aleck. I should guess it would, Thad; but think what it meant to me, when I had seen it on dad's little chart; and knew that the entrance to his hidden mine lay almost in the shadow of that face! I think he looked on it as the rock guardian to his silver lode. Is that a fact? ejaculated Thad, partaking in a measure of the excitement that shook the frame of his companion; Well, that's more than you've seen fit to tell me before, Aleck; and it's some interesting, I own up. I meant to tell you everything, Thad, believe me, declared the other, quickly, and with some emotion. After the fine way you and your chums rescued me from that shelf up on the face of the cliff, and said you'd stand by me, no matter what happened, why, I made up my mind that I would keep nothing back from you. By to-morrow I expected to take the map out from the lining of my coat, where it was sewed in by my mother's own dear hands, so that nobody would ever think things had been disturbed at all. And now, I'm surely hoping that we'll both set eyes on dad's mine before another dawn breaks. For your sake, Aleck, I hope that will come true. You deserve all the luck in the world, and that's what every one of our fellows say. But only for this moonlight I'm afraid we'd have had a hard job of it, coming all this distance; because the way is mighty rough, and both of us have stumbled lots of times as it is. We might have used the lantern, of course, but that would have put it out of business later, when we wanted it bad; and besides, it's flickering might have told our enemies where we were. Aleck felt a thrill of pleasure at the way the other used that word our; why, it was just as though the Silver Fox Patrol had adopted him into the troop; and meant to make his cause their own. For a boy who had seldom had a friend to give him even words of encouragement, this was a glorious happening indeed. He felt that it had been the luckiest hour of his whole life when, in the midst of his bitter dejection, left alone on that high and isolated rocky ledge, he had discovered the strange movements of that fiery pencil, that seemed to be making all sorts of extravagant figures and circles in the air, which he knew stood for the means of communication between scouts. Let us work our way around this spur, he said, a while later, after they had continued to advance further into the depths of the I can guess what you are thinking, Thad went on to remark; you believe that we must even now be in the neighborhood of that rock Well, I've tried to judge the distance, and how we got along; and it seems to me we ought to be nearly there. What do you think, Thad? asked the other; and from his manner it was evident that he laid considerable importance on the opinion of his companion. Just what you do, which is, that we must be getting close to where we saw that great head outlined just as if some scupltor had chiseled it from the solid rock. But even if we fail to find it, Aleck, that may be because of the formation of the mountain. Besides, this moonlight is awfully deceptive, you know. Wait, and we'll soon learn, was the confident answer. I sat there, and looked for nearly an hour. I guess I got every rock fixed on Well, I've had a few of the same impressed on my knees and shins, chuckled the scoutmaster, drily. But we've no need to complain, because, considering all the things we've had to fight against, I reckon we've escaped pretty slick. See anything yet, Aleck? No, I own that I don't; but then, that may come from lots of causes, the other boy replied, trying not to let his disappointment show in his manner or speech; for he knew that Thad did not believe in a display of weakness in scouts. Perhaps, when we've pushed on a little further, we may be able to glimpse the face again. Wait right here, said Thad, suddenly. Oh! did you hear anything? Wouldn't it be too unbearably hard if we learned that some one, perhaps that cruel prospector, Colonel Kracker, had been ahead of us, and located the hidden mine? He could hurry to enter his claim, and my poor mother would not stand a ghost of a show. Was it a voice you heard, Thad? I didn't hear anything to bother me, came the reply, accompanied with a low chuckle. I was only thinking how often we strain ourselves to see something away off, when all we have to do is to turn our eyes up and look. Aleck instantly caught on to what his companion meant. He bent his head back, and gave utterance to a low cry of satisfaction. Well, if that doesn't beat anything? he ejaculated, apparently highly pleased; it's the head, as sure as I live, and towering right above us, almost. No wonder I couldn't see it, looking away off, and thinking it lay further on. We've found the land-mark dad set down in his little map, Thad. And now to discover the crack in the wall, hidden by the hanging vines, where he followed a fox in, just out of curiosity, and discovered the richest silver lode he ever knew about. Oh! I'm just shaking all over with excitement. And I sure hope my mother's thinking about me right now, thinking, and praying for me to CHAPTER XXIII. A WOLF BROOD IN THE It was plain to the young scoutmaster that Aleck had studied his map carefully. For after he had taken his bearings anew, from the rocky head that towered almost above them, the other was able to make a direct course to the foot of an adjoining cliff, where the moonlight fell upon the chalky wall. Thad saw first of all that there were strange markings across the face of this cliff, or rather running up and down. They consisted of several thicknesses, and as the boys drew closer, he discovered that what he suspected before was the truth; and that these were caused by vines that ascended for various distances, clinging tenaciously to the Toward their base they seemed of unusual thickness; and it was easily believable that one of these might conceal a fissure in the rock, just as Aleck had mentioned, when speaking of the way his father discovered the entrance to Aladdin's Cave of treasure. The boy seemed to be counting these dark veins traversing the face of the cliff, and when they came to the fourth one he stopped still. There it is, Thad, the vines he marked, fourth from the right! he said, in a low and trembling voice, as though the intensity of his feelings almost overcame him. Yes, I can see it, replied the other, steadily, feeling that he must bolster up Aleck's courage in this trying time. And we want to know right away whether it really does hide a gap in the rock. Come on, He led the way forward, with the other half holding back. Feverish with impatience though Aleck might be, to know whether all his hopes were doomed to be shattered then and there, or allowed to blossom forth into glorious buds of promise, the poor boy suddenly felt a weakness come upon him. Only for his having such a staunch-hearted chum at his elbow, ready to take the lead, there is no telling how long Aleck Rawson might have hesitated there, before that mass of clinging vines, afraid to take his courage in both hands, and push on to the goal. But it was different with Thad. He strode up to the vines, and with one sweep drew them aside. The act disclosed a fissure that was several feet in width at its base, and running some distance up the wall; although growing gradually smaller, until finally it merged into the gloom that held sway aloft, back of the screen of vines. Aleck gave a low cry of rapture. It's here, just as he said it would be, in this map I carry! he exclaimed, as he clutched the arm of the scoutmaster. I hope I'm not dreaming all this, Thad; tell me I'm not, please, that's a good Well, replied the other, laughing gently so as to convince Aleck that he was perfectly cool and collected, and ought to know what he talked about; so far as it goes, your map is absolutely correct, Chum Aleck; and I don't see any reason to doubt the rest of the story. In my opinion we're going to discover something fine before a great many minutes go past. What shall we do, Thad; you see, I'm so upset with it all, that somehow I look to you to arrange things. Perhaps if I was alone, and just had to depend on myself, I'd do better; but it's so kind of you to help me out, and you're so capable of doing it all. Please fix it up as you think best. All right, then, returned Thad, readily. First of all, I'll light our little glim here; for if we're going to poke along into that black hole, I reckon we'll be wanting some sort of light to see by. Don't think I'd like to take a tumble down some precipice, myself; not to speak of running across a wild beast. What makes you say that last, Thad? demanded the other, quickly; do you get a scent of it, too? I had an idea I did, and somehow it made me think of a menagerie. Hold up just a minute, and we'll be able to see something. As he spoke Thad struck a match, which he applied to the wick of the lantern. It was a good type of its kind, and as soon as the wick had been properly adjusted no one could reasonably complain about the quality of the illumination produced. This done, the patrol leader hastened to lower the lantern so that he could examine the ground close to the bottom of the fissure in the Plenty of tracks, all right, was his first comment. Can you make them out, and is it a bear? asked Aleck, almost unconsciously swinging his gun a little further to the front, while his fingers sought the lock. Well, no; the marks differ very much from the tracks of a bear, either a black or a cinnamon. They look more like made by a dog's paws, Thad replied. But a dog wouldn't be up here; you must mean it's a wolf, that's what, Thad, Aleck hastened to observe. If that was a guess, you hit the nail square on the head, Aleck, chuckled the scoutmaster. A wolf has been using this hole in the rock for a den; and from all I can make out, the tracks seem pretty fresh, Then you think the old chap is in there now, do you? asked the I wouldn't like to say; replied Thad; but there's just one thing we've got to do, and that is, believe it to be so. A wolf caught in a trap is some dangerous, they tell me; and in case this happens to be a mother wolf, with a litter of whelps, she'd fight like everything, But we're going in, Thad; ain't we; you won't let that stand us off, after coming so far, will you? Oh! if there were a dozen wolves, and every one of them ready to fight from the word go, I'd just have to learn the truth before I left here. For her sake I'd take any risk Well, I should say we were going in; and right away at that, returned Thad, taking a step forward. I only thought I ought to put you on your guard, so that in case we came on the thing, you'd know what to expect. Have you got your gun all ready to shoot, Aleck? Believe me, yes; and while I don't want to brag, still I've always called myself a pretty good shot, even at a jumping wolf, replied the other; since he now knew that Thad did not mean to be deterred by any sort of ordinary difficulty, Aleck began to seem like himself, being able to keep his feelings in restraint. That was the influence of a cool, determined comrade, like the scoutmaster. Such a firm, collected spirit always exerts considerable influence over those with whom it comes in personal contact. Thad held the lantern. He preferred doing so, even though it must necessarily interfere more or less with his taking any sort of aim, should the occasion suddenly arise whereby it become necessary for him to fire. But then, it was very important, Thad thought, that they keep the lantern intact; and of course he had never been alongside Aleck in action, so he could not tell just what sort of coolness the other would display when a time of excitement arrived. Besides, when one is perfectly at home with a gun, it is possible to shoot without ever raising the weapon to the shoulder. Instinct takes the place of aim on such an occasion; some people call it shooting from the hip, and that would be as good a designation for the method of pulling a hasty trigger, as any other. Of course, they kept close together. This was rendered necessary by the narrowness of the fissure, even had not their personal wishes in the matter forced the two lads to touch elbows. They strained their eyes as they slowly advanced, looking ahead most of the time, yet not neglecting to also observe the walls as they And already Thad was beginning to notice a peculiarly marked streak here and there, that had a rather dingy, black look, and which he strongly suspected might, on investigation, prove to be the outcropping of the marvelous ore of silver, which, further on had been revealed to the startled eyes of the prospector, years ago, doubtless causing him to blink, and pinch himself, under the belief that he must be only indulging in a maddening dream, such as all of his class are visited with from time to time. But before they could pay the slightest attention to these things it became absolutely necessary that they find out the truth about that wolf business. And as they pushed steadily inward they were constantly on the alert for the first sign that would give warning of danger. I heard something like a growl, then! whispered Aleck, suddenly. Sure thing, answered the other, steadily; and we ought to get a sight of the animal's eyes, quick enough now. Look for twin fires, that burn like phosphorus in the dark. And hold your gun on them as soon as you sight them, but don't shoot till I give the word, unless the beast Ten seconds later, another and different sound came to their Cubs whining, as I live! ejaculated Thad, half under his breath. Then it's a she wolf? said the other. I reckon it is, the scoutmaster answered. But what are you waiting for, Thad? Aleck demanded; I suppose that makes it a tougher proposition; but now I've come this far, I've just got to go through to the end. We will, all right, Aleck, never fear. I was just holding back to see if my eyes would get a little more accustomed to the dark over there; but now we can go on again. Ready all the while, are you? Yes, indeed I am, Thad. Now I think I can see what you said I Meaning her yellow eyes glistening with fierce madness; because there's nothing more ready to fight a hundred enemies than a mother wolf with whelps. Steady, forward we go, slow but sure! All right, Thad; I'm as cool as anything now; all my excitement seems to have gone when there's real danger afoot, remarked Aleck, in an even voice that backed up his words. I knew that would be so, Aleck, replied the other, in a low tone. But I can begin to see the figure of the wolf now; can you? Yes, and she's standing over something that seems to move, the That must be the cubs; yes, listen to them growl, would you? Young as they are they understand that an enemy is near. Ten to one the hair on each little back is standing up like bristles, right now. But seems to me we've gone about as close as we ought to, Aleck? Thad came to a halt. The light of the lantern showed them a dim, half crouching figure ahead. It was the mother wolf. Undoubtedly she might have found means of escape by retiring further into the place; but nothing would induce her to abandon her whelps. And Thad found himself obliged to admire this valor in the animal even though necessity compelled him to rid the country of pests by wiping out the entire brood of wolves, whelps as well as mother. CHAPTER XXIV. ALECK COMES INTO HIS OWN AT LAST. Do you think we're close enough, Thad? whispered Aleck, as they bent forward, and strained their eyes to make out the dim gaunt figure that blocked all further progress, and which they knew full well must be that mother wolf. Yes, answered the other, in the same cautious tone; if we went any further on, I'm afraid the beast would fly at us; and in that case you know, we'd have a harder time taking aim. Thad had managed to set the lantern down on a level place, where, he hoped it would stand little danger of being knocked over, in case there was anything in the nature of a fight between themselves and the wolf. This allowed him the free use of both his arms, which of course was the main idea he had in view, when getting rid of the lantern. Of course Thad had never had any experience in thus entering the den of a wolf with young ones. All he knew about it he had heard from the lips of others, or possibly read. Somehow, just then it flashed through his mind how history told of Israel Putnam, afterwards a celebrated general in the Continental Army, crawling into a wolf's den as a youth, and fetching the animal out, after a severe fight; but so far as Thad could remember, that was not a mother wolf; and Israel had an easy time compared to what it might have been under different conditions. Well, there was their intended quarry; and with two guns to depend on, surely they ought to make quick work of the beast. The only difficulty about it was the treacherous light, for the lantern flickered in the draught; though until that critical moment Thad had paid no attention to this fact. Have you a bead on her head, Aleck? he whispered; at the same time himself drawing his gun up to his shoulder and glancing along the double barrel; for Thad was of course carrying his Marlin with him at Yes, came the answer. I'm going to count, slowly and evenly. When I say three, let go, I understand, Thad. All right. Hope we get her, sure. I'd hate to be bitten, or clawed by such a mad creature. Here goes, Aleck! One! A second passed, and then came the word: It was drowned in a tremendous, deafening crash, as both guns were discharged so closely together that it made one report. Thad of course had a second barrel to hold in reserve. He had more or less difficulty in seeing through the thin curtain of powder smoke that followed the double discharge; but at least no sprawling figure came flying at them, with snapping jaws that were eager to rend and She's done for, Thad! exclaimed Aleck, joyfully, as they heard a commotion beyond, and could see something moving with short jerks, like an animal kicking its last. Waithold on till I pick up the lantern; she may only be wounded, and get you, if you don't look out. Besides, those cubs are partly grown, and may be big enough to show fight. Thad thus held his comrade back for a brief time until he could snatch up the light, and take his place in the van, which was really what he wanted to do. As they approached the spot where a dark bundle lay, they could still see something of a movement. She isn't dead yet, I'm afraid, Thad, cried Aleck, who had a single-shot rifle, and was therefore without further means of defence until he could find time to slip another cartridge into the chamber. Oh! I guess so, answered Thad; what you see moving must be the whelps. Yes, I can see one right now, and he's a savage looking little beast on my word. We'll have to knock him on the head, Aleck. Wolves must be killed wherever they are found. Nobody ever spares them, Toby Smathers says. They're of no use at all, and do a great amount of harm, killing game and sheep, and even weak cattle in the winter season. Aleck soon dispatched the growling cub with the stock of his gun, and then looked around for more. Do you expect that this was the only whelp? he asked. Well, no, but the other must have escaped, somehow, replied Thad. It doesn't matter to us, though, for the little beast will perish, without a mother to supply it food. But although Thad never dreamed that such a small thing could have any bearing on their fortunes, it proved to be a fact, as would be shown before a great while. Shall we go on, now? asked Aleck, after they had looked down on the big lean wolf that would never again hunt game in the passes and valleys of the Rockies; I'm anxious to see what lies beyond, you know, Well, I don't blame you a bit, either, Aleck; in fact, to tell the honest truth, I'm feeling somewhat that way myself, even if I haven't got the interest you have in the matter. So let's go right along. Have you loaded up again? I'm just finishing now, Thad, came the reply. Accordingly, the forward progress was resumed. Thad saw that they were rapidly drawing near what would likely prove to be a chamber of some size; and he anticipated that whatever was to be found would greet Just as he expected, a couple of minutes later they passed out from the tunnel which was a continuation of the fissure they had entered, and found themselves in a vaulted chamber. It was of some height, for the dim light of the lantern just reached the roof. Oh! what a strange place! exclaimed Aleck, looking around with something like awe; and to think that this was that my father saw that time. Do you expect this can be the silver lode, Thad? and he pointed to the wall, where a broad streak of darkish ore cropped out. Thad was no miner, but he had been interested in geology at school, and knew a little about the appearance of precious metals in their I don't doubt it one little bit, Aleck, he said, with a quiver to his voice. And see here, you can tell that some one has pounded off pieces of the ore; why, I can even note where the hammer struck; and on the ground small bits still lie, just as they fell years ago, when your father found his way in here, and made this grand discovery. Shake hands, Aleck! I want to be the first to congratulate you on finding the hidden mine again. You're a lucky boy, let me tell you. I'm glad for your sake, Aleck; and for that dear little mother who is thinking of you right now, no doubt. Thank you, Thad, replied the other, with a break in his voice, although it was joy that almost overcame him. And what do I not owe to you, and the chums of the Silver Fox Patrol? For if you hadn't come to my rescue, when that scoundrel of a Kracker had me caged on that horrible little shelf of rock up the cliff, like as not I'd be there still, and ready to tell all to save my life. I don't believe that! cried the scoutmaster, quickly. I've seen enough of you to know you'd have died before you gave him what belonged only to your mother. And the chances are, you'd have found some way of getting down from there, when it came to the worst. Yes, fallen down, most likely, when they had made me so weak I couldn't look over without getting dizzy. But Thad, let's forget all that now, and look around here. How it thrills me just to think that dad found this mine so long ago, and that during these years it's remained hidden from all men; just as if something might be holding it back until I grew old enough to come up here with that chart, to discover it again. Why, I can almost believe that he is here right now, and smiling his approval on my work; for he was a good dad, I tell you. They prowled around for a long time, examining the walls of the chamber, and following up the wide lode of rich ore, until Thad, inexperienced as he was, could estimate that it must prove to be a very valuable mine, once placed in working condition. Here, let's both of us fill our pockets with specimens of the ore, the patrol leader remarked, when they began to think of once more seeking the exit, so strangely hidden from the eyes of any possible passer by; like as not you'll want them, to convince some capitalist that you've got the goods, when making arrangements to sell a part of the mine, so as to get the money to work with. Yes, that sounds sensible, declared Aleck. Dad did the same; and if he hadn't those specimens, nobody would ever have believed that he'd found anything worth while. And now, do we start back to the fissure in the cliff, Thad? Might as well; replied the other. And while we're about it, let's drag out the dead wolves, so as to throw them in some hole where they won't bother any more. I wonder if that other cub came back; I'd better make ready to knock it on the head, for it would die anyway, without a mother. Aleck's voice had a catch in it as he said this, and Thad understood; the boy was thinking of his own mother, and how her prayers for his safety must have been the means of raising up for him such staunch friends as the scouts of the Silver Fox Patrol. But when they came to the place where the animals lay they saw nothing of the other partly grown wolf. So Thad, having his gun and the lantern to manage, took charge of the offspring, while Aleck tugged at the big she wolf; and in this fashion they drew near the exit. It was Thad who uttered this low hiss of warning. His action was prompt in addition, for raising the lantern, he gave one sturdy puff, causing the flame to vanish. Utter darkness surrounded them. Aleck had dropped the leg of the big wolf, and drew back the hammer of his rifle. Perhaps it was the other cub, Thad? he whispered, as softly as the night wind creeps in and out of the trees, caressing each leaf as it No, it sounded more like voices! came the equally low reply. Voices! Oh! do you mean men may be near us? gasped Aleck, a cold chill passing over him at the dreadful prospect of losing his long-sought patrimony just after finding it. It sounded like that Kracker; listen, and we'll soon know, Thad went on to say; and crouching there, the two boys waited for a repetition of the suspicious sound. CHAPTER XXV. CLOSE TO DISCOVERY. When the sound of the voice came again even Aleck heard it plainly. Why, it seemed so very near that his first thought was that the men must have found the entrance to the treasure cave, and were pushing along the tunnel at that very moment. But on reflection Aleck realized that this could not be so, for the voice came from somewhere in the I jest ain't agoin' any further, an' that's a fact. Might as well rest up right here as keep on. I never was for comin' back, to spy on them ere scouts, but two agin one kerried the day. So here we be, tired in body, hungry, and nigh 'bout ready to drop. I say let's camp, and wait till mornin'. That's Dickey Bird, whispered Thad in the ear of his companion. Aleck had had a load taken from his breast. Although the three men might be so close to the entrance of the mine that they could toss a stone into it, still it seemed only mere accident that brought them here, and not design, or a suspicion as to the truth. Another voice chimed in now, that of Kracker himself. Oh! as for that, I'm about as leg weary as you can be; and ready to rest up a bit. So Waffles, stir around, and gather some tinder to start a blaze. This night air is some cool, too. And say, I'm that hungry I could eat anything 'most. But with only one six-shot gun in the crowd, it's going to be hard lines to provide grub, I reckon. Then why'd you turn back, when we was all started for a place where we could git all the eats we wanted, with money to pay for 'em? grumbled Dickey Bird. Why? Any fool could see that, retorted the big prospector, sternly. Here I've been looking for this mine years and years, and it's got to be the one dream of my life to find the same. That boy knows; he's just been waitin' till he growed up big enough to start out. You saw how he acted, and said he'd die before he'd give up what belonged to his mother. That proves he's got the combination, either in his head, or somewhar about his clothes, which we couldn't find. Well, said the grumbler, what good is that same agoin' to do us, now that he's in with that party of scouts, who say they'll stand up for him right along? We ain't got no show, seems to me, Kracker. We ain't, hey? replied the other, disdainfully. Jest because you can't see anything before your nose, you say they ain't nothing doing. Let me tell you we never was nearer that same mine than we is now. Thad felt his companion give a sudden start; he himself was wondering what these strange words of the prospector might mean; though he could not believe that the other could really suspect the presence of that fissure back of the vines. As how? Mebbe you wouldn't mind tellin' me, to ease up the pain in my legs; while Waffles, he's astartin' that ere fire? Dickey Bird went Sure thing, answered the big man who controlled the party of mine seekers. If that boy does know the secret, he's going to open up while he's got them scouts to back him, ain't he? He'll want to feast his eyes on some of that same rich orethat goes without saying. All right, let him, say I. We'll try and be close enough at hand to discover whar the pesky entrance lies; and while they're hangin' on up here, it's us to streak it for town and file a claim on that mine by description. First comer gets the persimmon every time. I ain't been in this line of business all my life without learnin' something. Again did Thad feel his companion move restlessly. It was as though Aleck felt a sudden fear oppress him lest this sly old thief should yet get ahead in entering a claim for the mine. The flicker of the kindling fire now began to show through the vines at the mouth of the opening. What if these men stayed there until morning, how were the boys to leave? Even when the moon stopped shining upon the face of the cliff, the light of the nearby fire would continue to light it up, so that they would not dare try and creep out. Such a movement, if seen or suspected by the campers, must arouse their curiosity, and lead to an investigation. Then the only thing that could save the mine for Aleck would be a hurried rush to town, in which they might be beaten by the others. It was not a pleasant thought, although of course, if necessary, the boys could stay there without any great amount of privation. The constant chance of discovery would bother them much more than anything Dickey Bird was still grumbling, it seemed. Things evidently did not please him at all, and only because the fear he entertained for Kracker, the man might have deserted the expedition. I jest don't like it around here, and that's what, they heard him say presently. It ain't the nicest place agoin' either. Now what d'ye reckon that ere rumbling noise was, we all heard a while ago? Waffles, he sez it was thunder; but they ain't nary a cloud as big as my hand anywhar 'round. Sounded more like earthquake noise to me. I was in that shake down at Frisco remember, an' ain't likely to forgit how it starts. If these here mountings began to roll over on us, we'd be in a nice pickle, now, eh? I tell you I don't like it any too much. Drop that kind of talk, Dickey Bird, ordered the big prospector, gruffly, and draw up closer to the fire here. You're cold that's what, and things they looks kind of blue like. Get warmed up and you'll feel better. I've got a little dried meat in my knapsack, and we'll chew on that for a change. Good for you, Kunnel! exclaimed the discontented one, whose mood probably had its inception in hunger, after all. And don't be long about passin' that same around, will ye? I'm that nigh famished I could eat Indian dog, though I never thought I'd ever come to that. The three prospectors sat down around the fire, and in order to overhear what they might say while they munched at the tough pemmican, Thad crept closer to the vine screen. Something moved ahead of him, and he thought he saw the vines tremble, as though giving passage to some sort of body. Immediately afterwards there was a shout from one of the three prospectors, and they could be seen scrambling hastily to their feet, showing every evidence of alarm. What is that coming this way? roared Kracker. Say, looks like on'y a wolf cub, arter all! declared Dickey Bird, with a catch in his husky voice, showing plainly how startled he had Well, now, that's just what it seems to be; knock the critter on the head, one of you, and the big man dropped back again to his seat. It was Waffles who picked up a club, and jumping forward, hastened to wind up the earthly career of the motherless wolf whelp; though the savage little beast snarled furiously at his approach, and showed Now I wonder what next? remarked Kracker, as he watched the other engaged in a regular fight with the cub, which would not give up the ghost as easily as Waffles had evidently anticipated. Indeed, the second man had to also arm himself with a club, and put in a few vicious blows before the wolf whelp was subdued. That's what comes to a man when he ain't got no gun! complained Dickey Bird; from which remark it might be taken for granted that if there was only one revolver in the crowd, which the scouts had allowed them to retain possession of, Kracker had made sure to hold that. Oh! that was only a cub, and a wolf ain't anything to be scared of! remarked the big prospector; though he turned his head even while speaking, as though he fancied that he heard something moving in the bushes back of him, with visions of a red-eyed furious wolf mother coming to demand satisfaction for the killing of her offspring. Whar d'ye reckon the critter kim from now? demanded Dickey Bird. Oh! whispered Aleck, as though something warned him the danger point was getting very close now. First thing I see, he was acomin' away from the rock yonder, remarked Waffles, pointing straight at the hanging vines that screened the fissure so completely. Then it looks like he might a come out of them vines? suggested Reckon, now, he did, replied the other. Go and take a look, Waffles, added the big man. If so be we expect to sleep right here, we want to know if there's any wolf around. I ain't so fond of the ugly critters that I want to have one crawlin' all over me when I'm trying to get some rest. Look behind the vines, I say, Waffles, and make sure. Waffles did not seem any too anxious to obey. Possibly, if he had gripped some sort of firearm in his hand, he might not have shown the same timidity. Perhaps he too had an animosity toward ferocious and maddened wolves; and besides, it had been his hand that had given the finishing blow to that nasty little spitting cub, just now, and the mother wolf might have it in for him on that account. But then he feared the scorn of the big prospector even more than he did the possibility of danger from a she wolf bereft of her whelps. And so, rather hesitatingly to be sure, the man started toward the cliff, with the intention of lifting the screen of vines, and peering behind Of course he would immediately learn of the fact that there was a fissure in the rock; and curiosity was apt to induce the men to make an attempt to explore the cavity, since they were all experienced miners, and eager to discover signs of a find in some unexpected place. Closer came Waffles. He was now within a few feet of the vines, and indeed, had one hand stretched out, as with the intention of clutching the mass of vegetation, and drawing it aside; while the other gripped that stout cudgel, with which he expected to defend himself desperately, should he be attacked. Aleck was quivering with suspense, and Thad could easily understand that he must be handling his gun, as though tempted to discharge this, and frighten the man off. But that would be giving the secret away, for these men were cunning; and after they had come to figure things out, they would arrive at something like the truth. If discovery were to be averted other means must be employed in order to keep Waffles from raising that curtain, or at least daring to venture into the fissure as much as one foot. Finding the ear of his companion Thad managed to whisper in it the Do just what I do; we've got to scare him! And Aleck pressed his arm, to let the scoutmaster know that he understood; even though the means to be employed might as yet be a mystery to him. CHAPTER XXVI. THE CROW BOY'S HONOR. Just as the prospector had started to draw the curtain of vines back, there came a most dreadful growl that made Aleck jump, under the belief that the she wolf he had been dragging after him, might have come back to life, and was about to pounce on the destroyers of her Then all at once it struck him that Thad must have been the cause of this savage growl; that was no doubt what he meant when he spoke so confidently of knowing a way to frighten the man off. Indeed, Waffles did spring back instantly, uttering a cry of terror. He fully expected to see the beast that had uttered that ferocious growl come flying through the vine screen, leaping at his throat. What is it? shouted Kracker, himself scrambling to his feet clumsily, owing to the girth of his waist. He seemed to be dragging something out of a rear pocket, and no doubt this was the single weapon which the Boy Scouts had allowed the men to carry off with them, at the time Kracker and his companions found it necessary to confess themselves beaten in the game of wits. A wolf is layin' behind them vines; didn't you hear her give tongue like sixty? Ketch me aliftin' anything thar, I tell you. Ugh! I ain't lost no wolf. Chances are it's the mother of that cub, too; an' she'll be that mad when she knows we killed it, nawthin' won't stop her rushin' the camp. Let's clear out of here? But we got our fire started, an' all of us feel dead tired, too, complained Dickey Bird, who was evidently struggling between two opinions, and did not know which was the lesser evilremain where they were, with that savage beast hovering around; or once more pursue their weary way elsewhere. Kracker had approached close to the vines, and Thad thought it a good time to give another growls which he did with new emphasis. And Aleck, not wanting to be left out of the game entirely, tried his hand Look out, Kunnel, thar's two of the critters! shouted Waffles, turning and edging further away from the rock wall. A hull den of 'em, I reckons! added Dickey Bird, who no longer cared to stay in such a dangerous vicinity. Thad reached out his hand, and shook the vines violently. This action completed the demoralization of the three prospectors. Almost weaponless as they were, they seemed to lack their ordinary courage. Run! they's comin' out arter us, Kunnel! cried Waffles, suiting the action to his words, by turning and dashing wildly away. The second man followed close at his heels, just as thoroughly demoralized. Kracker might have stood it out, for Kracker gripped a firearm in his fat hand; but when he found that he was being deserted by his companions, the big prospector also started to run clumsily away, breathing out all manner of threatenings against the other two Thad no longer growled, but lying there on the rocky floor of the fissure, he shook all over with half-suppressed laughter. That's the time we saved the day with our growls, Aleck! he whispered, when he could control himself to some extent. The other lad felt even more exultant. The mine had been in danger, but thanks to the ready wit of the scoutmaster, the enemy had been frightened away before they learned anything. And so Aleck, feeling that he had plenty of cause for rejoicing, soon joined Thad in soft No danger of those fellows coming back to investigate, do you think? he asked. Well, if you could judge from the hurried way they lit out, I guess we needn't dream that they'll ever want to see this cliff again, And when we want to, we can crawl out ourselves, can't we? Aleck Sure thing, right now is the time, because they're traveling for all they're worth, and never even looking back over their shoulders as they gallop along. How about these wolves; shall we drag them out, and throw the carcases away in some hole? asked Thad's companion, evidently only too glad to do just whatever the scoutmaster decided were best. Indeed, he had reason to feel the utmost confidence in Thad Brewster; from the very first this new friend had directed affairs in a way that Aleck looked on as simply wonderful. It was almost like a dream to him, the coming of these scouts, their championing his almost lost cause, and bringing success out of failure. No wonder then that Aleck felt so willing to trust this staunch friend through thick and thin. No wonder that he asked his opinion, knowing full well that whatever Thad decided would be best. Might as well get rid of the things while we're about it, was what Thad said. Sooner or later you'll be entering this passage again, I hope with capitalists along with you to look the mine over, and decide how much money they'll advance to begin its working; and you wouldn't find it nice here, if we left these bodies to cause a disagreeable odor. But we must be careful not to disarrange the vines. And I want to rub out any tracks we may leave, before quitting this place. Accordingly both the mother wolf and the cub were taken outside. It was not a difficult thing to find a deep hole into which all of the dead animals could be cast; and after this duty had been accomplished the two boys returned to the mouth of the hidden mine. The fire had been kicked under foot, and extinguished; though Thad afterwards made sure to place the embers in such a position that it would appear to have gone out of its own accord. This was to keep the prospectors from suspecting the truth, should they have the temerity to ever come back again, for one of them had lost his hat in his mad haste Then lighting the lantern, Thad tried the best he knew how to smooth over any footprint he or his companion may have made close to the fissure in the rock. He wished Allan might be there just then, for he would have known how to go about it better. All right now, he announced a little later, as he arose from his What had we better do, stay around here, or try and work a little closer back to camp, to see what has happened there? Aleck questioned. I was thinking it might pay us to do that last, the scoutmaster replied. We needn't show ourselves, of course; but could hang around until your rascally old uncle and that sheriff went away. Now, if only it was some one else he wanted to nab, what a fine chance this would be for you to get him as an officer of the law to help you locate the mine. But I suppose that would be too dangerous. It's an idea worth thinking about, Aleck declared, and we may find a way yet to carry it out. I hope we won't run across those three scared men, because they headed this way when they ran off. You don't mean to carry the lantern lighted, do you, Thad? Well, I should say not. It would only advertise the fact that a couple of very fresh Boy Scouts were wandering around. Why, those very men might sight us and lie in wait to capture you again, with which Thad blew out the lantern. They started on. Thanks to the moonlight they were able to keep their course fairly well; sometimes under the low trees, and again among masses of piled up rocks. Far above their heads towered the mighty mountains, their tops capped with snow. Thad never glanced up at them without thinking how eagerly he and his chums had looked forward to this chance for seeing the fortress Nature had built up and down the Western country, separating the Pacific Coast from the balance of the land. Listen! said Aleck, laying a hand on his companion's sleeve. Did you think you heard a voice again? asked Thad, whispering the words, for there was a spice of danger in the very air around them. I sure did; and there it is again. Whatever is that man doing? Sounds to me like that Waffles? suggested Thad. But what would he be praying for, tell me? asked Aleck. Praying? echoed the other, astonished himself. Well, listen to him, would you; he seems to be begging somebody not to hurt him? Do you suppose they've gone, and had a falling-out among themselves, and the colonel is threatening to finish his man for running away? Aleck went on, still keeping his voice lowered. Why, hardly that, because he ran as fast as the rest of them, replied Thad. But come, let's creep forward a little, and find out what all the fuss is about. As they proceeded to do this, the sound of Waffles' peculiar voice came more and more plainly to their hearing; and sure enough, he was certainly pleading earnestly with some unknown one. Think what a guy I'll be if so be ye do hit, and cut my pore ears off, jest in spite work? he was whining; I admit that I done ye dirt, when I hooked that bead belt from yer place, meanin' to sell the same. But shore I didn't know as how ye vallied it so high. Never'd a put a hand on it, if I'd been told 'twar a sacred fambly relic, and that outsiders hadn't orter touch the same. Let me go this time, Fox, and shore I promises never to do hit again. My ears is all I got, and think how I'd look without the same. Ye got me down, and I cain't help myself, ef so be ye mean to do hit; but better let me off this time. You ain't a wild Injun, and you knows it ain't doin' right to try and mend one wrong with another. Let me go, Fox; I'm asayin' I'm sorry, an' a man can't do more'n that. The mystery was explained. The Fox had followed Thad and Aleck from the camp, no doubt with the idea of standing up for them, if they needed help. He must have been hovering near when the three prospectors started their fire, and witnessed all that happened afterward. When the three frightened men made their wild flight, the Fox, still burning with a desire to wipe out the insult that Waffles had put upon his family when he took away that revered wampum belt that had never before been touched by profane hands, had followed in their wake. Finding a chance to jump on the back of Waffles, he had borne the man to the ground. Doubtless the other two had continued their mad flight, never caring what would happen to Waffles, and only thinking of saving their own precious bodies. And ever since that minute, the Fox had been sitting on the fallen man, telling him how he meant to punish him for his mean act, by making Waffles a reproach among his fellows, since only thieves have their ears sliced off in some countries. Thad nudged his companion, and they started to creep closer to the spot where the two figures prone on the ground could be indistinctly CHAPTER XXVII. THE TURN OF THE TIDE. Hold on, Fox! that man has been punished enough; and besides you've recovered the belt, so there's been no real harm done. Let him get up! It was Thad who said this, as he and Aleck broke cover, and appeared before the astonished eyes of the two who were on the ground, the Crow boy flourishing his knife in a way calculated to make any one's blood The Fox seemed to recognize that Thad spoke as one having authority. He had seen him manage things in the camp of the scouts, and noticed how willingly the rest of the boys recognized his leadership. And secretly the Crow boy admired Thad more than any paleface lad he had ever met on or off the reservation, saving possibly Aleck. So he immediately arose, and hastened to conceal his knife. Give big scare, so him never try again! he muttered, looking down. Don't ye believe him; he just meant to take my ears off, for a fact, exclaimed the man as he gained his feet, hardly knowing whether to start in running once more, or trust to Thad to stand between himself and the injured Crow boy. Well, then, we just happened along this way in time to save them for you; and Waffles, suppose you clear out of this as fast as you can. Don't forget what we said about shooting, if ever we found you around our camp. Now, if you get away in a hurry, I'll agree to keep the Fox beside me. Only if you know what's good for you, never go near the Well, I never will, make up your mind to that. Hold him now; I'm going to skedaddle out of this on the jump! and sure enough Waffles did, rushing away as only a good healthy fright could urge on a tired Nor did any of them see him again, or either of the other two for that matter. They must have made up their minds that the region around there was unhealthy for fellows of their stamp, and that the sooner they turned their faces toward civilization the better for them. Joined by the Fox, Thad and Aleck continued to walk toward the distant camp of the scouts further up the valley. The night was getting well along when they halted to rest, having gone as far as was deemed advisable. They had talked it well over, and the Fox had even told them what he knew about Sheriff Bob. This information was of so pleasing a nature that it seemed apt to have more or less influence with regard to making their final decision, as to what their plan should be in the morning. They were up early, and had a bite to eat, a little food having been brought along by the far-sighted scoutmaster, who when he and Aleck cleared out, did not know when they would get back again. Again they talked matters over. Thad was of a mind to betake himself back to the camp, leaving the others in hiding; but where they could see a signal he would make, if so be he wanted them to come in. This thing of your hiding out like you're a common criminal is all wrong, the scoutmaster had declared, somewhat angrily. And I'm going to put it up to that sheriff in a way that must convince him he's been humbugged by your scheming old uncle. Then we can get him to go with us, to see you put up your notice, and claim the mine your father originally discovered. After that you can go with him to the place where you have to file your sworn declaration of entry, and have things all done according to law. The Silver Fox Patrol will meanwhile camp in front of that wolf den, and hold it secure for you! Understand all Indeed, I do; and no fellow ever before found such grand good friends as you and the rest of the scouts have shown yourselves to be to me, and as he shook hands with Thad, on the latter's leaving, Aleck had tears in his eyes. Oh! that's what scouts are for, you see; to be a help to each other, and to anybody that's in trouble, when they can lend a helping hand. Now, watch for the signal; for if I give it, you can feel satisfied you have nothing to fear from that sheriff. With that Thad strode away, heading in a roundabout way for the camp, so that his coming from a certain direction might not betray the hiding-place of the other two. Great was the astonishment of Allan, and those of the patrol who were in camp, when a lone figure was seen approaching that they quickly made out to be Thad. All sorts of possible sources of new trouble loomed up in their minds; but as the scoutmaster drew nearer, they were considerably relieved to discover that he was smiling, as though not worried in the least. Of course the sheriff and Uncle Artemus had jumped up when the others did, and observed the coming of the young scoutmaster but with different emotions. The lawyer only wondered whether this might mean the surrender of his nephew to the authority invested in the office of sheriff; but the official himself was engaged in studying the approaching lad, of whom he had heard so much, and drawing his own opinion with regard to his character. Glad to see you again, Thad! called out Bumpus. That's right, and so says every one of us, echoed Giraffe, determined not to be left out of any talking-bee, if there was one. Thad only nodded, and smiled. He walked right over to where Allan stood, and engaged him in earnest consultation; while the others looked on, not knowing what to make of this most unexpected turn of events. Presently Allan turned and called out: Would you mind coming over here, Mr. Sheriff; we want to tell you something that ought to interest you, about this case? The shrewd lawyer tried to hang on to the coat-tails of the big sheriff, as he exclaimed, half threateningly, half pleadingly: Don't you go, Sheriff; they want to blarney you into believing their side of the story. You've got a warrant for the arrest of a vicious young fellow, even if he is my own nephew, who has robbed me of valuable papers. You've got to do your sworn duty! Better stay by me, and the pay'll be sure. I wouldn't mind doubling what I promised, if so be I get my papers back. And the boy can go hang, for all of me, then. But the sheriff tore himself loose, and walked over to where the two earnest-faced scouts were awaiting him. Allan introduced him to the patrol leader, and from the hearty hand-clasp which the officer bestowed upon him, Thad felt sure that the case of poor badgered Aleck Rawson was as good as won, even before he had commenced to do any He began at the start, and related all that Aleck had told him of his troubles in the past; and how not only Kracker and his kind had annoyed the widow of the dead prospector, but this sly old lawyer as well, all of them imbued with the same mad desire to learn where the hidden mine was located. He related numerous instances that almost amounted to persecution, whereby Uncle Artemus had tried to force the widow, through stress of poverty, to sell him the secret he believed she carried locked in her breast; until presently Thad saw by the angry glow in those blue eyes of the sheriff that he had accomplished the aim he had in view. Meanwhile the old lawyer had been on needles and pins. He jumped up and sat down again half a dozen times. Of course he could easily understand that Thad was trying to wean the sheriff away from his duty; and there were signs that told Uncle Artemus this very thing was gradually being accomplished before his very eyes. He could not stand it much longer, and finally he advanced toward the spot where the sheriff and the two scouts stood. Thad had no longer the slightest fear that his work would be undermined. He knew that Sheriff Bob would not longer lend his official stamp to any such underhand work as that which this slick lawyer from Denver was endeavoring to carry out. And so he could view the coming of the other without anxiety. I hope you haven't allowed yourself to be at all influenced by any specious story you've listened to, Mr. Sheriff, the old man started to The officer drew his capacious hand across his chin, as though collecting his thoughts, in order to frame a suitable reply. I've been listening to some mighty interesting facts, Mr. Rawson, Lies, every one of them, I warrant you, sir, snapped the lawyer, who began to feel that he was losing his grip on the case right then and there, since this little whipper-snapper of a leader among these boys appeared more capable of swaying the sheriff than he could himself Oh! I don't know about that, Mr. Rawson, the sheriff went on, his eyes losing some of their twinkle, and a steely look taking its place, which Thad understood must be his official face; I know a heap more'n I did about things when I agreed to take this here warrant, and execute the same for you, by arresting a lad you claimed was your nephew, which was true; and who had been stealing valuable papers from you, which I reckon was only a yarn. Do you mean to say you'd take the word of a mere half-grown boy rather than that of a gentleman, a lawyer of considerable repute in Denver, as you happen to know, Mr. Sheriff? Things have got to a nice pass when that can be. Listen! thundered the sheriff, turning squarely on the astonished lawyer, and shaking his finger under his long nose; you lied to me about all that valuable paper business. It was you that wanted to steal something you believed this lad carried about his person, a paper that would tell you where to find that hidden silver mine! And I was fool enough to believe you, and to be hoodwinked that way. A sheriff is sworn to do his duty only so long as he believes he is doing right; he has no claim to persecute an innocent party. I came all this way with you, though from the first I suspected you had a card up your sleeve, Mr. Rawson. Now understand it first and last, I consider myself no longer in your service. Not a cent that you promised me will I touch. I'm going to try and make amends to this poor son of Jerry Rawson for what I've done to worry him, by standing up and helping him take possession of his father's mine. He's found it too, because look at these specimens of the richest silver ore I ever set eyes on. Understand that, sir? Butyou carry a warrant for his arrest! bristled the lawyer, as a The big sheriff pulled a paper out of his pocket, which he proceeded to tear into a score of fragments, laughing scornfully meanwhile. Do you see that, Mr. Rawson, sir? Now where's the warrant for arresting Aleck, your nephew? Call the boy in, Thad; I want to shake hands with him, and tell him Bob McNulty is ready to back him up in holding that mine. And he's got a whole lot to be thankful for, I tell you, boys, that when things looked darkest for him, a lucky chance, or some people would call it the favor of Providence, sent you scouts into this valley to camp. Not another word, Mr. Rawson, if you know what's good for you, sir! CHAPTER XXVIII. GOOD-BYE TO THE ROCKIESBOUND FOR HOME. This is Aleck Rawson, Sheriff McNulty, said Thad, some little time later, when, in answer to his signal, two figures came promptly into The officer greeted the boy warmly, and what he said caused Aleck's cheeks to burn red with delight, as well as his eyes to sparkle, as he turned them, filled with gratitude upon Thad; for it seemed to him the scoutmaster must be little short of a magician, since he could even change enemies into warm friends. Why, even Uncle Artemus, as if he knew enough to get in out of the wet when it rained, came up, and wanted to congratulate the boy for having won out, and found the mine his father had first set eyes on; but Aleck had too many bitter feelings in connection with the artful lawyer, and coolly turned his back on him. Arrangements were soon made whereby the sheriff would go with Thad and Aleck that very day to see the mine, and be a witness to the act whereby the son of the first discoverer laid claim to the valuable property. Then he said he would accompany Aleck to the city where the legal part of the business must be completed. He also declared he knew the very capitalist, a man who was the essence of honor, and whom he would like to interest in the matter; so Aleck expressed a wish to meet him, that some arrangements might be quickly placed before his mother. His one thought seemed to be to get the glorious news to that waiting little woman as soon as possible. She had suffered enough, he declared; and please Heaven this would be the end, so far as money could bring relief. On the following morning, then, the sheriff left, with Aleck and the guide keeping him company, and old Uncle Artemus tagging on; anxious now to get back to Denver, and take up his legal business, since his hopes of ever having a share in the newly-discovered silver mine were crushed, wrecked by his own malicious actions toward his brother's family. Had he done what was right in the premises, instead of greedily wanting to grab the whole, as Aleck put it, Uncle Artemus might have been the very capitalist needed to develop the mine; but no one had any faith in him any longer. Of course Thad took his scouts, and made a permanent camp there, about where the three prospectors had started to settle down late on that night, when the boys were coming out of the fissure in the rock. How the others did laugh, again and again, when they heard all about the fright given to Kracker and his companions, by the growls which Thad and Aleck managed to emit. Of course the big-horn hunters had come in before that other day was much more than half done, and Smithy was proudly carrying the horns that had belonged to his quarry. He hardly seemed like the same Smithy they had known so long. Why, he was a transformed boy in many things, and even failed to brush off the dust some one pointed out to him on his khaki garments. And when Smithy reached a point that he could ignore such things, there must surely be a great transformation taking place in his make-up. He was brim-full of questions now, eager to learn the thousand-and-one wrinkles of woodcraft, and expressing his determination to accomplish wonderful things before many months had And Thad knew that Smithy would prove a sad disappointment to all those thirty-seven old maid aunts and cousins who had spoiled him in the past; for he had suddenly discovered that he had the red blood of his father running in his veins; and the lure of all outdoors was beginning to take hold of him. Never again would that boy be satisfied to sit at the feet of an old lady, and learn how to make fancy-work; oh! no, after this, the baseball and football fields would claim a goodly share of his attention; for Smithy was bent on making himself manly, a credit to the father whose name he bore, and who he knew had once dearly loved to hunt, and fish, and spend his vacations in the woods, close to Nature, as do all men who are worthy of the name. Before the time limit which Thad and his chums had set for their stay in the haunts of the Rockies had fully expired, Aleck and the sheriff, accompanied by Toby Smathers, and several gentlemen who looked like financiers, came back. They had no sooner examined the mine than arrangements were immediately made for forming a company to open it. There was even talk about running a railroad spur up the valley from the nearest connection, so that the rich ore might be taken to a smelter, and stamping mills; though possibly it would be decided as an easier proposition to bring these things to the mine. And so, one fine day, the Silver Fox Patrol of Cranford Troop of Boy Scouts said good-bye to Aleck and several others who had become their friends since arriving in that region, where the massive Rockies reared their snow-capped heads toward the blue skies, far outreaching the clouds at times. Toby Smathers was to go back with them as far as the nearest town on the railroad; and then he expected to return to the mine, having been offered a splendid position by the company. Aleck meant to go down and see his mother and sisters presently, when he could keep away no longer; and pour into their laps some of the first proceeds from the now newly-discovered, but long-hidden silver mine. And later on Thad had long letters from the Western boy, in which he fully described the happiness that now reigned in his home; and again and again did that good little mother send her warmest regards to the brave lads who had been so instrumental in gaining this great fortune for the Rawsons, and to whom she must ever feel gratitude of the deepest kind on account of having her son spared to her. Of course we shall expect at some future time to once more make the acquaintance of Thad Brewster and his jolly lot of chums belonging to the Silver Fox Patrol. With the advent of the new patrol, and other lads still clamoring for admittance into the troop, Cranford was apt soon to take a front rank, as a town where the boys were organized for good. And when so many enterprising lads as Allan, Step Hen, Giraffe, Bumpus, Bob White, Smithy, Davey Jones, and last, but far from least, the efficient assistant scoutmaster himself, Thad Brewster, continue to get together at every available opportunity, winter and summer, bent on having a royal good time, it may be set down as certain that lots of remarkable things are just bound to happen, that would make splendid But for the present we will have to let Bumpus take his bugle in hand, and in his customary clever way sound taps, lights out.
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Dysfunction is the name of the game in David O. Russell’s most recent Oscar nominated film Silver Linings Playbook. While the dysfunction is obvious in some characters, it takes some characters longer to prove how “crazy” they really are. Nominated for eight Oscars, including a nomination in every one of the big seven categories, Silver Linings Playbook is a darkly comedic masterpiece. Opening in a mental hospital, the film shows glimpses of main character Pat Solitano’s (Bradley Cooper) final days just before his release. Picked up by his mother Dolores Solitano (Jacki Weaver) Pat is taken home to live with his parents in Philadelphia. Greeted by his father Pat Solitano Sr. (Robert De Niro) it becomes clear that Pat and his father have a strained relationship. It appears to be due to Pat and his problems but as the film progresses we come to realize that his father, an obsessive compulsive book maker, has problems of his own. Released from the hospital with a bipolar disorder and anger issues, Pat becomes dead set on seeing his wife which is impossible. After the tragic incident that landed Pat in the hospital, his wife took a restraining order out against him. Pat desperately tries to contact his wife through his friend Ronnie (John Ortiz) and his wife Veronica (Julia Stiles) who are friends with Pat’s wife. It is with them that he meets Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence). A young woman who is just as damaged as Pat, the two strike up an odd friendship. After being widowed at an extremely young ate, Tiffany becomes a depressed, non-trusting sarcastic person. Coping with her lose by sleeping with strangers, Tiffany starts down a bad path with a number of men treating her as an object. When Tiffany and Pat first meet, their relationship grows out of necessity. Pat is hoping that Tiffany will bring a note to his wife while Tiffany needs a dance partner in an upcoming competition. The two spend time together, eventually realizing that they are not only good for one another mentally but that they care about each other. Brilliantly written and directed by David O. Russell, this film highlighted the struggles of living with a mental illness. We watch family and friends that clearly love each other very much struggle to express themselves and understand each other. Tiffany and Pat once reference matching each other’s crazy, an odd way of saying that they are starting to understand each other. In a stroke of pure brilliance, O. Russell uses the camera to try and get the audience to understand what the characters are going through. It’s as if he made the camera bipolar. Mirroring the mood swings of the characters, the camera jumps from manic to depressed. Sometimes it can’t focus on just one thing, panning around a room while a character is talking rather than focusing on the speaker. At other times there is chaos but the camera can only focus on one thing, be it anything from a person’s face to a building. The camera stays tight on that one thing in a POV close-up. The camera, like the main characters, has mood swings and some times has trouble focusing on what’s important. Normally this would not work but for this film it was a brilliantly creative move. Earlier I mentioned that the film was nominated for the big seven Oscar categories which are Best Picture, Best Director, Best Writing, Best Actor (Bradley Cooper), Best Actress (Jennifer Lawrence), Best Supporting Actor (Robert De Niro) and Best Supporting Actress (Jacki Weaver). Cooper and Lawrence both deserve their nominations and possibly both deserve to win. Cooper will have a harder time than Lawrence, who won the Golden Globe for her performance, going up against heavy hitters like Daniel Day Lewis and Denzel Washington. De Niro also deserves his nomination for the whole film but specifically for a tear-jerking speech he gives to Pat. As of right now I would give David O. Russell the Oscar for Best Director and don’t see me changing my mind in the near future. I give this film a 10 out of 10. It certainly has the stuff to win Best Picture but in a year of amazing films, Silver Linings Playbook will have to fight for its win.
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Over the last three years, 21 people have formally complained of excessive force by police officers in Elizabeth, 16 have made allegations of wrongful arrests, entry and searches, and 10 have accused cops of committing various crimes, records show. During that same period, Elizabeth officers were charged with sex assault, beating a handcuffed man and driving drunk, among other wrongdoing that led to indictments and at least one guilty plea. Yet in 2016, 2017 and 2018, according to data obtained by NJ Advance Media, internal investigators at the troubled city department did not substantiate a single claim of serious wrongdoing by police. Authorities say the internal affairs numbers, which are required to be compiled under state attorney general guidelines, don’t tell the whole story – partly because the gravest allegations get referred outside the department for a criminal investigation, putting any internal inquiry on hold. Still, civil rights activists in Elizabeth say for years, police have failed to properly investigate their complaints, sometimes going so far as to intimidate residents who tried to report problem officers. Confronted with the data, city officials pointed fingers at each other. Mayor Chris Bollwage blamed Police Chief John Brennan, accusing internal investigators of playing favorites in their inquiries. Brennan defended his internal investigators and countered that his former boss, Police Director James Cosgrove – a Bollwage ally and fundraiser who recently resigned amid allegations he used racist and sexist slurs – was the one who interfered in internal affairs. Meanwhile the Union County Prosecutor’s Office, which took over internal affairs functions at the department in April amid mounting complaints, has pledged reforms at the 300-officer department, which serves New Jersey’s fourth-largest city, one of the most diverse places in the state. Acting Prosecutor Jennifer Davenport told citizens at a community meeting last week her office was doing a “deep dive” to overhaul internal investigations and workplace culture. “Our review of the Elizabeth Police Department’s internal affairs functions remains in its earliest stages, and as such, it would be premature to make any definitive assessment," Davenport told NJ Advance Media in a statement when asked whether she found the city’s internal affairs numbers credible. “However, we are fully confident that this process will result in substantive improvements to the fashion in which complaints are received and adjudicated.” The promises for change follow the ouster of Cosgrove, who led the department for more than two decades until an inquiry by the prosecutor’s office found he had for years berated staff with racist and sexist slurs, prompting the state’s top law enforcement official, Attorney General Gurbir Grewal to call for his removal. Bollwage, the mayor, has yet to publicly address the allegations against Cosgrove other than to accept his resignation after discussing the prosecutor’s probe with the attorney general. He also did not respond to a list of questions from NJ Advance Media about the internal affairs data, instead providing a brief statement laying the blame on Brennan, the department’s top sworn officer, who answered directly to Cosgrove. Bollwage said he “raised many of the same issues (regarding internal affairs) as well as others” with the attorney general. The mayor claimed he asked Grewal to remove Brennan and “change the IA leadership,” citing “favoritism” by internal investigators and saying under state rules he lacked the authority to intervene. A spokeswoman for the attorney general declined to comment on that request. SERIOUS COMPLAINTS UNHEEDED Last year, NJ Advance Media released The Force Report, a never-before-seen database of police use of force records, which showed how often officers reported using compliance holds, punches, kicks and even their guns in the line of duty over a five-year period, from 2012 to 2016. Police in Elizabeth reported using force at a rate higher than 90 percent of New Jersey police departments, including those serving larger cities such as Newark, Jersey City and Paterson. Following Cosgrove’s ouster, NJ Advance Media requested internal investigation summary reports for the city going back three years under the state Open Public Records Act. Police internal affairs records are largely kept secret in New Jersey, meaning all but the most egregious cases of police misconduct are withheld from public view. The summary reports do not identify individual officers or complainants, instead outlining the number and general nature of complaints, as well as whether they were upheld, disproven or thrown out for lack of evidence. Between 2016 and 2018, the internal affairs office fielded 246 complaints of wrongdoing by Elizabeth cops, sustaining 54 of them, the data shows. But 47 of those cases were categorized as “rule violations” and the remaining seven pertained to officers’ “demeanor." Complaints over rule-breaking are more likely to come from within the department, while complaints of excessive force or wrongful arrest are more likely to come from citizens and those arrested by police, experts say. There is also not an exact match between complaints made and the outcomes of investigations, because internal inquiries can often span calendar years. In fact, during the three-year period NJ Advance Media examined, the Elizabeth internal affairs office “exonerated” cops in more excessive force cases than it took in, logging 22 exonerations compared to 21 complaints. The data also doesn’t reflect some of the gravest allegations against Elizabeth police officers, though officials counter there’s good reason for that. Dig into the numbers and you won’t find rookie cop Samaad I. Bethea, who was indicted in February on charges he sexually assaulted a woman last year. Or Officer Edward Shields, who was indicted last year on simple assault charges for allegedly beating a handcuffed suspect in police headquarters in an incident recorded on a body camera. Assistant Prosecutor John Esmerado, the county prosecutor’s investigations supervisor, told NJ Advance Media there can be a lag between when a complaint is made and when the outcome is logged in the internal affairs summaries, particularly when the allegations result in a criminal probe, which puts the internal one on hold. For example, he said, “we have two pending criminal cases against police officers, so there’s no finding while those cases are pending.” Elizabeth is hardly alone in its track record of dismissing citizen complaints of police violence. Experts say internal investigators can find use of force or a search or arrest to be improper without the conduct becoming criminal, but records have shown some departments around New Jersey rarely uphold any complaint that doesn’t result in a criminal referral. An NJ Advance Media probe of the Atlantic City Police Department’s use-of-force record found between 2007 and 2014, just two of 570 excessive force complaints were sustained. In Paterson, where the U.S. Attorneys Office has charged multiple officers in an ongoing criminal probe, the television station ABC 7 found just one of 183 excessive force complaints was upheld from 2014 to 2018. Maria Haberfeld, a police science professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York, cautioned that it’s not unusual for departments to receive far more complaints of excessive force than they uphold. “For people outside law enforcement, every use of force to them looks like excessive force, because force never looks pretty," she said. CHIEF DEFENDS INVESTIGATORS, COMMUNITY CALLS FOR REFORM The debate over police oversight in Elizabeth has been muddied by a bitter feud, with the mayor and ousted police director on one side and the chief on the other. Following the internal affairs takeover by county prosecutors, long-simmering tensions between them boiled into public view when the mayor, Bollwage, disclosed an unspecified internal affairs complaint filed against the chief, Brennan. The nature of that complaint remains a mystery. Through his attorney, Brennan stood by his internal investigators. Any suggestion that internal probes were done improperly is “nothing but a political lynching perpetuated for nefarious and selfish reasons" by the mayor and his allies, said the attorney, Stuart Alterman. “The political winds have now changed with the ouster of the former director and political intermeddling of the police department should now cease," he said. At the meeting at the African American Cultural Center Thursday, the acting prosecutor, Davenport, and several staffers heard residents say they have no faith in Elizabeth’s internal affairs process after seeing complaints of excessive force and wrongful arrest dismissed time after time. The county officials said anyone who distrusts local police can still report wrongdoing to county or state authorities. Several residents said that extra step shouldn’t be necessary. Rev. Joseph Adair, a former president of the Elizabeth chapter of the NAACP, said the office’s pledge to revamp oversight going forward was not enough. “I think it would be better if you were to go back several years to investigate internal affairs and find out some of the things that may not have been investigated or (were) covered up,” he said. Have a tip? Tell us. nj.com/tips Get the latest updates right in your inbox. Subscribe to NJ.com’s newsletters.
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In this weeks Voyagers! Rewatch, Cory and Tom create something new and lose something old as they discuss episodes 5 and 6, “Worlds Apart” and “Cleo and the Babe.” Bogg and Jeffrey, desperate to get away from a freezing Siberian snowfield, find themselves voyaging to 1917 Aqaba, where Lawrence Of Arabia has been captured in sharp contrast to the original history on which he led a successful revolt with the Arab people against the Turkish Ottoman empire. Bogg tries to help but a fire breaks out trapping Jeffrey, resulting in Bogg tossing him the Omni so he can escape away to… Menlo Park, New Jersey, in 1879, where he faints after his near death escape, with a woman and her husband coming to his rescue. When he awakens later, he finds out that the man has taken the Omni to his workshop and actually dismantled the machine in an attempt to figure out how it works. Jeffrey is distraught but upon finding out the man is one of the world’s greatest inventors, Thomas Edison, he calms down, believing Edison’s promise that he can put it back together. Bogg tries to figure out a way to help Lawrence escape from his imprisonment, but his attempt is thwarted and both he and Lawrence are now set to be executed. Meanwhile, Edison finds himself discouraged at his lack of progress on inventing a stable electrical light bulb, further depressed by his backers demanding more rapid progress. Jeffrey manages to get the backers to allow more time, but breaks down when Edison decides to give up after many more attempts. Luckily, Jeffrey’s dismay leads Edison to happen upon the idea to use a cotton filament for his bulb and they finally create a successful light bulb. Edison then fixes the Omni and Jeffrey returns to Aqaba, managing to land on top of a guard that was taking Bogg and Lawrence to be executed. Along with an Arab woman named Medina, they all go into the catacombs beneath the city to escape. Lawrence, Jeffrey, and Bogg escape but Medina is captured, leaving the three to come back and using a hidden stash of weapons and explosives to save her and take over Aqaba. As Lawrence leaves to fulfil his destiny, Jeffrey and Bogg voyage back to… 1879, Menlo Park to witness the night the entire street was lit up for the first time with Edison’s light bulbs, leaving our Voyagers basking in the glow of their own green light. Lawrence of Arabia was Thomas Edward Lawrence; an advocate for Arab independence. The Turkish-Ottoman Empire had taken over Aqaba, a port on the Red Sea. If they could regain control, it would allow British ships to send supplies to Arab forces. During the actual battle for the port, Lawrence was injured after shooting his own camel accidentally. Later in life, he changed his name to T.E. Shaw, and was killed in a motorcycle accident. Lawrence was played by Judson Scott. He’s had a lot of Star Trek roles; He was in Wrath of Khan and the TNG episode Symbiosis, both with Merritt Butrick (Kirk’s son, David). Medina was played by Shanit Keter. Her character’s name was also a place in the Middle East. Edison’s workers were real people; John Krusie, Boehm and Upton. They were called muckers and received a workman’s wages. The average work week was six days, 55 hours or more if Edison had an idea. He worked several teams at a time so he could pump out inventions. “He could wither one with his biting sarcasm or ridicule one into extinction.” “The privilege which I had being with this great man for six years was the greatest inspiration of my life.” Krusie was played by Arthur Rosenberg. He was in the QL episode Raped, playing the Dad Jim McBain. J.P. Morgan arranged the merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson Houston Electric to form G.E. The biggest bank today is Morgan Chase and Company. Cleo and the Babe: Bogg and Jeffrey find themselves landing in Rome, 44 BC, Just after Julius Caesar was murdered on the Senate floor. Caesar’s wife Cleopatra should have escapes to Egypt but the Omni’s red light confirms that that hasn’t happened. The Voyagers manage to help the queen escape the palace walls to a field where she can then make her way towards safety but she begs Phineas to stay with her, sneakily activating the Omni as she and Bogg voyage off to… May 21, 1927, where a large crowd reacting to Charles Lindbergh’s transAtlantic flight finally landing in Paris causes Bogg and Cleo to become separated. Bogg retrieves Jeffrey and as the two search New York City for the Roman queen, they discovered that she isn’t the only thing wrong in 1927: apparently Babe Ruth never ended up playing for the Yankees resulting in Yankee stadium never being built. The pair leap back to 1919 where they find Babe Ruth pitching for the Red Sox when he should have been known as a hitter instead. Jeffrey teaches Bogg some trick pitches in order to push Babe out of pitching and then teaches Babe how to hit those pitches, making the manager realize that if Babe was a fielder instead of a pitcher, he could play in every game and thus win more games with his hitting abilities. With Babe’s future set, Bogg and Jeffrey return to 1927 where they find Yankee stadium intact and soon discover that Cleopatra has changed her look and has been hanging out with notorious mobster, Lucky Luciano. Bogg and Jeffrey infiltrate Lucky’s club and discover that Cleo is to act as a diversion enabling Lucky to stop Babe from making his 60th home run in order to win a huge bet. The attack however is foiled and Babe finally hits the record setting home run, with Bogg and Jeffrey grabbing Cleo and voyaging once again to Ancient Rome, placing the queen back where she belongs as our two heroes voyage off to their next green light. Isaac Newton never actually got hit on her head with an apple, but merely witnessed it happening. Ed Barrow sold Babe Ruth after the 1919 season. This was after he set a record of 29 home runs. Babe’s 60th home run bottom was of the 8th, not the 9th. After Caesar was murdered, Marc Antony, Marcus Aemilius and Octavian (Caesar’s adopted son) became a three person dictatorship. Antony was married to Octavian’s sister but had an affair, and three kids, with Cleopatra. Eventually, Marcus was kicked out, Antony was declared a traitor, so Octavian ruled solely. Antony and Cleopatra escaped to Egypt where they committed suicide. Lucky Luciano was played by Michael Gregory. He done a lot of video game and cartoon work but is still a working actor. He’s appeared in many sitcom guest star roles. We know him as Col Wojohowitz in the Quantum Leap episode Star Crossed, Donna’s father. Babe Ruth was played by William Lucking. He’s worked pretty regularly up to a few years ago. He also played Colonel Lynch in the A Team TV series. Captain America 2: Death Too Soon Ken Swafford played Barrow. He was in “Captain America 2: Death Too Soon” as Everett Bliss along with William Lucking, who played Stader. Norman Snow played Marc Antony. He was Commander James Hartig in QL episode Nowhere To Run, where Sam was a war hero who lost his legs. John Achorn played Reporter #1. He played Irv in the QL episode One Strobe Over The Line. He still sporadically works. Reporter #2 Charles C Stevenson. Was in the L&C episode Resurrection as Priest; the episode in which Mason Drake dies and dead men come back to life. He later played a Priest again in the episode Sex Lies and Videotape where Lois and Clark get caught romantically with him dressed as Superman. He’s a consistent working actor. Next week we’ll be discussing “The Day the Rebs Took Lincoln” and “Old Hickory and the Pirate”. Add It To Your Library: Do you want to buy this series (from Amazon or iTunes)? Do you want to help support The Rewatch Podcast and the other Golden Spiral Media podcasts? You can do that by clicking this link: http://www.goldenspiralmedia.com/support. We would greatly appreciate it! Send in your feedback by calling 304-837-2278 or by visiting www.goldenspiralmedia.com/feedback Follow the show on Facebook or Twitter @RewatchPod
{ "date": "2019-08-21T03:18:28Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027315750.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20190821022901-20190821044901-00058.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9723391532897949, "token_count": 1878, "url": "http://www.goldenspiralmedia.com/rw-268-voyagers-s01e05-06-worlds-babe?replytocom=45940" }
There is a certain paradox in lives of those considering themselves “believers”. By “life” I mean its theoretical part including understanding of processes, events and worldview in general, and also its practical part, including daily walk with the Almighty, communication with Him and practical expansion of Father’s Kingdom here on earth. The sum of theoretical and practical parts, their combination produces our spiritual level. The realia of “everyday religious life” are that level of many members of Almighty’s people, unfortunately, combines two very different spheres. The first one – in the Congregation, during fiery preaching, Scriptures reading and meditation on events of distant past, where unimaginable, supernatural (for a regular person) things happened. The second one is oftentimes very boring and dull life, filled with solutions of constant mundane problems. During worship some of them take a grip, put on the happy face on the façade of their “old tent” and try with different degree of authenticity to play a role of a devoted believer, and if they do not raise somebody from the dead everyday and bring down fire on earth, that’s just only because there are too many others, no less important things they have to do for the Kingdom. The major part behaves more humbly, and has majorly lost faith that real life can be filled with different supernatural events, as we see it in the lives of Bible heroes. This part of the congregation was made to believe that this dull, gray life making no difference is the mundane everyday of a contemporary Christian reality. And it is done on purpose, to destroy their faith in what’s written, destroy their hope that the times of glory must come back, and we are not going to be outside observers, but direct participants. Some use different religious doctrines to explain why it cannot and must not be, why we shouldn’t prepare for that, and that “fire from heavens” is going to be brought only by the evil dragon, from whom Christians can either be “raptured” or hide as best as they can. And one has to be prepared to become a martyr at best, watching the Almighty’s people being destroyed by the “evil power of the antiChrist”. Of course, it happens not with everybody and not always, the lives of many are rather transformed and the mind enlightened, but the general state of the Almighty’s people now is not like the militant attitude Joshua son of Nun and Caleb had. Religion has been trying very hard to separate supernatural, intensive events that we see in the Scriptures and often hear in some testimonies from the listeners themselves. Fit theories were “painted” explaining the “heroic epic of the past” and “vane mundane uselessness of the present”. They’ve built “ plastic religious cliché” to somehow explain to those very curious, that there’s nothing real behind those painted religious pictures. Religion has always tried to turn King’s children into an obedient herd of not thinking, not seeing, not hearing anything, except for those who usurped the right to interpret the Scriptures. It was so in the times of Yeshua, it was so after Him, and it is so now. That’s the reason why many of Almighty’s people live in illusions of religious pictures for years, with which they cover their entire lives just as many cover walls of their rooms with different posters. Many “believers” try to lure people “from the world” into their world, in which there’s future, but unfortunately often no answers to the present around us. Of course, there are answers to many questions, but there are always those “curious” people, who bewilder religious leaders by their uncomfortable questions, putting them into a very uncomfortable position, to say the least. Babylon is a “mystery”, and one of its planes is to cover with secrets everything dangerous for the darkness kingdom, that the enemy is so afraid of. More than that, he is afraid the sons and daughters of the Almighty are going to be revealed. The enemy tried to make King’s people believe in some religious and pseudo-scientific stupidities, simultaneously uprooting the true understanding of existing realities: our true origin and the real state of affairs in the spiritual world. And that is the paradox of religious worldview: to believe in made-up illusory pictures and not to believe in Truth as it really is. The revelation of Truth as it is without any “religious polishing” is one of the main tasks of the Heavenly Father, so that true spiritual reality would be revealed and connected to the realities of our world in our everyday life. So that there would be no religious «split”, but so that wholeness of understanding of the things that happened and keep happening now would come, with everything that surrounds us in everyday life. Stop walking around that mountain… Many people think they can learn the Truth and existing realities only through the Scriptures. Undoubtedly, the Scriptures are the tool of learning the Truth through the Almighty’s Spirit, but in fact the depth of Word knowledge that we have often prevents us from explaining many things and facts surrounding us. Sometimes we need to have a direct revelation from above to understand certain moments and see new levels of reality, hidden until a certain time. The second instrument of learning that we’ve already mentioned is the creation itself, as it is written in Rom.1:20, that “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made” (NIV Translation). It is the foundation on which people got revelations from above with the help of the Holy Spirit, even when there were no Scriptures per se. The Scripture itself is in fact a documentary of Heavenly revelations in the amount that the Almighty appointed. Unfortunately, many clichés and stereotypes, forced upon people by the nowadays religious community “blur” the majority of questions asked by seekers of Truth. One of the standard answers, where there’s no understanding of what’s happening, is this: “Don’t beat your wonderful brains out because of all that obscureness! The world is filled with evil, when the Lord comes we’ll all finally understand everything. And meanwhile it is going to be hard, there’s a lot we don’t understand, but we’re waiting for the breakthrough, hallelujah, amen!” Such clichés are indeed lively, but they don’t give answers we’re supposed to have. And who, if not the children of the Heavenly Father, should have such answers, while it is written in the letter to Romans that the whole creation eagerly waits for the revelation of the sons of God. It is written: «You have made your way around this hill country long enough…» (Deut.2:3). Judging by the time, many should have stopped to walk around the hill of revelation about salvation. It’s time to go on, seizing other revelation hills, which were captured by the enemy in the land of our Promise. Without it there cannot be enough understanding of the fullness of Almighty’s will, and therefore, faith He wants to give us through that. We must know our Heavenly Father personally, eating from the Tree of Life, which is Himself, and constantly be transformed into His image. It’s not just a goal, it is like the air we breathe, and without it everything else is devoid of meaning. By knowing Him and letting Him constantly change us from the inside, we must always try to understand His heart, His ways, His plans, so that we could become an answer for those having questions. Just as Yeshua was an answer for everybody in His time, we also have to be an answer now for those around us. If we are indeed His disciples. He has clearly said that He calls only those His friends, who try to follow everything He commanded in fullness, and also to whom He revealed what He’d heard from the Father Himself. “There are no secrets from friends!” – many of you heard this motto, but it came from the spiritual world based on this verse of the Scripture: Jh.15 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. One of the results of our friendship with Yeshua are definite revelations which He tells us from His Father. We need them not only to boost our self-esteem or satisfy our curiosity; the revelations He wants to reveal to us are extremely important for us, because through them we can enter the maximum level of His grace, wisdom and glory. Each level of glory has its own levels of revelations. Revelations of this topic, laid out in the following sections, are some more pieces of the whole picture, which help us better understand the events of “days of the distant past”, so to say, and some Scripture passages which many of you heard, meditated upon, but which were still unanswered completely, due to religious stereotypes inhibiting us from thinking in a right direction. In the ninth part we touched upon a subject of worlds’ plurality, and analyzed some Scripture verses that help us see it. The Scripture says that there are more than one world, for example, it is said in the letters to Hebrews: Heb.1 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he created the worlds. We analyzed the question, how we can understand that there are actually 70 “worlds for living” based on the Scriptures. Perhaps, there will be more of them in the future. Wait and see. Many things related to this matter are still hidden from us till a certain time. Here we analyze only things directly reflected in the Holy Scriptures first of all. As we can understand from everything we’ve discussed before, and also from the very context of the Scriptures, the level of sin damage and also the level of destruction wasn’t the same everywhere. The Scripture says that “…neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen” (Isa.26:18). Some worlds suffered more, some – less. This matter is still hidden from us, and we don’t know the state of those “other worlds” now: what is the level of damage there? Were they fully covered with the waters of takhoma (outer waters outside the dome (rakiya) and the whole “earth construction”), as it is described in Gen.1:2, or some worlds are now in different degree of “working order”? Where do those who “have not fallen” live now? I think, it is a matter of direct personal revelation which actually doesn’t influence the understanding of this whole concept. So, let’s concentrate now on what have been revealed to some degree. I have a revelation that part of these worlds were actually fully destroyed, and those “Survived”, who remained there, were saved and taken from there before the land was completely destroyed. The “rapture” which is supposed to happen in the moment of Yeshua’s return “after the tribulations of those days” is a prophetic reflection of THAT SAVING and RAPTURE of the Survived before some of those worlds were completely destroyed, as it is written: “I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of Yahweh, and by his fierce anger. (Jer.4:26). We are going to speak about such worlds now. It is a very significant piece to understand what happened then and happens now, while the world we live now is this “Final Testing Ground” – one of the nine worlds that had maximum destruction. All of that is going to be analyzed later, and right now let’s cover some seemingly trivial issues, which are usually not discussed in religious world, and if they are, people usually try to move to some regular “stereotypes and cliches”. Why people were created? It seems to be a simple question. The second verse of the first book of the Scriptures, which we thoroughly analyzed in the second part, shows us a picture of total destruction on earth. In the 12th chapter of Revelation we can see the third of the stars, i.e., sons of the Almighty, was seduced by the dragon, that’s why they were thrown down on earth. In the 2nd chapter of Bereshit we read that a man was told to guard the garden of Eden from somebody. In the beginning of the third chapter we see a cunning nahash, who was allowed to blatantly temp Hava, who didn’t actually understand the problem. In fact, death came into this world through this temptation at the very first try, which up till now led to terrible sufferings for billions of people, and perishing in hell of some lesser amount. So, summoning all your common sense, pray, tell, what was the meaning of human creation after all this terrible destruction described in Gen.1:2? Because for every person, who is not very sophisticated in Scriptures and in all those religious “twists”, it is obvious that people were allowed to be tempted, and this “permissiveness” resulted in death of billions of people. Why, after such tragedy, the Almighty would create humans in this world, foreknowing WHAT is going to happen? Why did He let many of His children on this earth suffer and die? We read the Scriptures and see Him show His care and love. He is not a sadist and not a “loser” after all! Why would He let a weaker woman to be tempted, without organizing proper protection for His daughter through Adam and His Angels? Why would He set up His little, inexperienced children, leaving them one on one with evil and raving treacherous nahash?? Why after all THOSE events satan wasn’t tied up as he’s going to be bound during the millennium Reign? Why wasn’t this wretch convicted after THAT tragedy and there is so much waiting, spreading death and sufferings in the meanwhile, until this criminal is finally thrown into the lake of fire? Why wasn’t this fallen cherub contained, dismembered, or at least shot for murdering so much of the children? Or, for Christ’s sake, why wasn’t he imprisoned as those sons of the Almighty were after the events described in the book of Bereshit chapter 6, and then in a little more detail in the book of Enoch? Why was he and his accomplices given a respite, during which they had a chance to kill those, whom the Heavenly Father loves that much? If we consider all that, and believe that the Most High is Omnipotent and He is the perfect Love, can everything that happened to Adam, Hava and their descendants be called love?? What gimmicks the religious “experts” have to use in interpreting the Scriptures to explain a neutral person free from any religious blinders and having a common sense, and prove that it is a real love? Maybe that is why majority of people does not answer the call of the Gospel? If not for the supernatural touch of the Holy Spirit on the souls, all those far-fetched explanations could have been only an obituary and not an explanation of what had happened, and Almighty’s perfect plan for our salvation. Religion wants to fill our mind with a specific substance, some “spiritual margarine” instead of the oil of the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. Say NO to this “margarine”! It is written, that the Almighty is longsuffering to us, not willing that any should perish: 2 Peter 3:9. OK then, a reasonable question: if He doesn’t want that any should perish, then why new souls come to this world, a significant (if not major) amount of whom goes to hell? For three saved, who were born, there are just as much not saved, the others remain in question, while it is often unclear how one spent his or her last days and minutes before death and whether they were able to reconcile with the Father. Why would He allow to give birth to, say, ten new souls, if at least half of them is going to die? Let’s assume, He longsuffered those five, who were saved, but the other five perished nevertheless! It is written that the purpose of the longsuffering is that NO ONE would perish! Then why letting the amount of people increase in hell? Many perish and one saved!? Why can’t He just separate the sick from the healthy? Why wouldn’t He stop death? Why He has to wait for so long, increasing death? Where is the common sense in that? We read in the Scriptures the teaching of Yeshua the Messiah is sound. Where is the soundness here in such religious conception?? I think that if everyone made their decisions based on reason, then considering these arguments, and there are more of them, not many people would like to chose such faith. And it is a great mercy and real love of our Heavenly Father, that with all those religious misbeliefs, He releases supernatural love, shows miracles and confirms everything said not by words, but by actions. Majority of people try not to go into such difficult speculations, but receiving real help and protection they just open their heart for Father’s Spirit, and, starting with this moment, personal restoration processes begin. But they still get questions further on, and the enemy skillfully uses all those religious misconceptions and perversions to sow doubt and lead souls away into the darkness. Also, many people told of the Heavenly Father’s love ask these questions right away, and it is very hard to give sound answers to them. That is one of the reasons, why the fullness of the Gospel cannot be released for everybody. TWO witnesses are needed for the fullness of Truth, and this principle is integrated into souls of absolutely all children of the Almighty. If we add fullness of Truth to the fullness of the Spirit manifestation, it will bring maximum fruit. Some doesn’t need that in the beginning of their journey, while they have enough “bats in the belfry”, and in the moment of acute need they don’t have time for right concepts. But they are going to need them later, while for some it is important to get everything straight from the very beginning, at least in general terms, to help them open their hearts. The fact that many have reconciled with the Father speaks, first of all, of His great mercy and grace related to the “first Witness”, but how much more people could have responded and stayed, if the “second Witness” was added? We do remember the Heavenly principle: “one have chased a thousand, and two have put ten thousand to flight”, don’t we? If we read the Scriptures carefully, connecting together all the pieces given in the beginning of the book, including those clearly shown in the Scriptures, we could see that in spite of some idyllic state that was described to us in the 2nd chapter of Bereshit, humans appeared on earth not for a blissful life. They came not for living in comport, it wasn’t their purpose to start with. When we carefully read through the second chapter, we clearly see the artificially created environment and all those originally planned situations, that occurred in the next chapters. Starting with Gen.1:3-4 we see the Almighty separating light from the darkness. Where from and when did the darkness as a spiritual substance come? You’re right: from Gen.1:2, that describes the events of total destruction and desolation. Prophetically, we can see how the separation of light and darkness takes place, and it is a keynote, a red line drawn through the entire Scriptures. The darkness appears in Gen.1:2 and in verse 4 we see a prophetic description of division between light and darkness. First it happens in the spirit realm. And in the next 5th verse we see a physical reflection of this realia: day is a reflection of the spiritual light, and night – a reflection of spiritual darkness. The creation of night is a temporary phenomenon, it will stop existing when sin as a reflection of spiritual darkness is destroyed. We can read it here: Based on LCV’19r translation: Rev.21 23 And this city has no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the bright light thereof. 24 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk their life’s walk in the light of it: and the rulers of this Earth do bring their voluntary glory and honour into it. 25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. The darkness was allowed to come, it was brought into the light in order for its nature to be illuminated and judged, as it is written that the Almighty “bringeth out to light the shadow of death” (Job 12:22). During earth’s restoration, starting in Gen.1:3, the Almighty didn’t try to make it a “paradise for living”, but in fact created a quarantine area, covering our temporary dwelling place with rakiya or a dome; while it actually didn’t exist before. I think it is clear for you what quarantine means. Quarantine is a tool to contain the spread of the virus and death, acting through it. It is done in order to save those, who “caught” this virus. Trying to find some exit from this religious dead-end, some “authorized specialists” make the following argument. They say that such darkness, terror and sufferings were allowed to show Father’s mercy through Yeshua’s sacrifice. It is no doubt that what Yeshua has done is such a great mercy of the Heavenly Father and Himself, that it cannot be adequately fathomed by a human mind, at least in our present position and state. But such love, shown through that mercy, doesn’t answer the questions listed in the beginning of this section. If EVERYBODY were saved, one could have been speaking of mercy through Yeshua’s sacrifice, without understanding of the quarantine, in spite of all sufferings. But without realization of what has really happened during the time period described in Gen.1:1-2, one cannot give a reasonable answer to all those questions. The 5th chapter of 2nd letter to Corinthians tells about our sufferings in this temporary body, weakened by sin, and that during our time of inhabiting it as an old tent we groan, anxious to return into our glorified body, which is being stored in Heavens as part of our inheritance, waiting for us. We are waiting starting from the point we left it, being sent to this earth, into this world for our spiritual quarantine. Translation under Kassian’s edition: 2nd Cor.5 5 And that is the very thing God created us for, giving us the Spirit as a guarantee. The point of our coming here is not a “paradise life”, we are born here for TRIAL – “that is the very thing God created us for”. But in order not to “scare children” in the very beginning of the journey “for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of justice” (Heb.5:13), Heavenly Father doesn’t give everything at once – He prepares us step by step to understand “everything as it is”. Spiritual kids speak only about things they care about most of all: salvation in eternity, what they can and cannot do, in order to keep this salvation, and also help in their everyday problems. It is 98% of their worries and spiritual searching. Sadly, but it is true. But concerning those, who want to be like their King, not preaching the “Gospel of salvation” but bringing the “Gospel of the Kingdom”, it is said: Prov.25 2 It is the glory of the Most High to conceal the Word (and “deed” – davar – Heb.) but the glory of kings is to search the Word (deed) out. Why salvation comes by FAITH? Have you ever thought why do we have such barely understandable, to say the least, way of salvation — through FAITH? Faith in whom or what? And is it really FAITH? Or maybe, it is not faith in something or in someone but TRUST? In Hebrew language this word has three main planes, which are shown through three different words. The first plane is a matter of our heart, its faith and ability to receive words of the Almighty. The second plane is a matter of mind and also certain emotions as personal display of the soul. The third one is a physical manifestation, an action as our trust reaction towards the Almighty in fulfilling His will. In Greek it has a simplified sense, although the word itself is rather multi-faceted: Πίστις pistis loyalty, trust, conviction, faith. Why has the Most High decided to save people exactly through FAITH? What FAITH? Faith in the Almighty, that He exists? Well, demons more than everyone believe that He is, does it help them at all? “Repair of the world”, or Tikkun Olam in Hebrew, is something that is our main purpose on this earth: Yeshua taught us to pray for the Kingdom of the Father to come on earth as it is in Heavens. But repair of the world without repairing oneself is completely impossible. That’s why the main test for those undergoing this spiritual quarantine is a TRUST test. THEN many fell and stopped trusting the Father as they should have. That’s why the golden thread of all this present test in this world is to learn trusting Him IN EVERYTHING. That is the reason why salvation comes through TRUST test! It is written in many translations that “righteous shall live by faith”, but it is not the exact translation, while notion of “faith” in our present day understanding is rather vague. But the entire context of the Scriptures consists in the fact that this very plane which speaks of TRUST and of LOYALTY is the main essence of this word. The LOYAL are first of all those, who TRUST! Trust is a mutual thing. There is a phrase many of you have probably heard: “Fired due to loss of trust”. Some people may not trust the Heavenly Father, but there are also cases when the Father stops trusting them because they are not loyal. Trust can be lost. Here in this quarantine we all walk our path and learn to fully rely on our Heavenly Father’s Word and His faithfulness by opening our heart for His love. On the other hand, we try to be loyal and through that we restore His trust in ourselves. There is a very interesting moment here concerning those who are called the Remnant. How to test the TRUST of those, who didn’t lost it THEN? Those called the Remnant remained loyal THEN, and they got into this quarantine while they were defiled by death and it affected some of their actions and decisions. From the point of view of loyalty to the Father, it wasn’t critical. The Remnant didn’t not lose trust, but they are here in this Testing Ground, being partakers of Yeshua the Messiah’s sufferings, Who showed us all the example. For whom did Yeshua die? Rom.5 8 but the Most High shows his sacrificial love for us in that while we were still sinners, Messiah died for us. Let’s have a mindful consideration of what is written. Messiah died for those, who WERE sinners AT THAT MOMENT. It is not written, that He died also for those, who WILL BECOME sinners. Based on this Scripture verse, Yeshua could die for those, who already died being a sinner, or who was a sinner being his contemporary. Of course, only those “sinners”, who acknowledged the Almighty and His commandments, trying to live accordingly, could be included into this category. However, their “apologies” and efforts, their feasible sacrifices, couldn’t displace the sacrifice, that Messiah was supposed to bring by Himself. If we continue with this reasoning, how can one die for those, who is not yet born and is not in fact a sinner? At that moment there were really not yet sinners, right? How can one who is not born yet and whose souls seems to be clean from sin be an enemy with the Almighty? I have heard a sort of “argument”, that those who are not yet born are also “kind of sinners” because they sort of “sinned in Adam”. Such “twists” are so saturated with “religious perversions” that normal people’s brains just cannot accept that. That’s why many cannot accept that “Gospel of salvation” format, being forced on them. The Scripture insists that “what is lacking cannot be counted” (Eccl.1:15). Until the soul is born and “come through Adam” it is even theoretically cannot sin in any way: neither according to the Scriptures, nor according to common sense. There are no two witnesses to blame it neither for evil motifs nor evil deeds. That’s why it cannot be called “sinful”. We have already analyzed that Scripture passage saying that Adam has become a DOOR that gave death right to enter this world and a spiritual quarantine being organized here. Adam and Hava’s sin affected only the avatars, i.e., bodies of their born descendants, and they have become “weakened by sin”. But it couldn’t affect the coming souls, otherwise Yeshua, who has become like us IN EVERYTHING, would also be defiled by sin, and we know it’s not true. Could Yeshua die “in advance” for future sin? Of course! In fact, He did, because His Redemptive sacrifice continues its action into eternity. But it doesn’t answer the question with which we started this section. We are talking not about sins that were, are and will be happening for a certain while, we are talking about the sinners. The Scripture (if we take it as a foundation of our discussion) is very precise, and the Almighty in His wisdom and “literacy” could of course write everything clearly. But it is written as it is, and only Truth can make a sound explanation of it without taking to different gimmicks. The concept of the “Testing Ground” has it very logicly, therefore, the passage quoted above says that Yeshua died for all three categories of sinners, who sinned THEN, that is, before the moment of “Testing Ground” creation: for those, who was already physically dead before His redemptive sacrifice; for everyone, who was alive at the moment of this event, and also for all those, who has not yet come to this earth for their spiritual quarantine. One more verse related to the question, for whom Yeshua actually died. Many people repeat the learned phrase that Yeshua died for all people, but it is absolutely not true. He didn’t die for ALL people. Let’s read what the Scripture says: Mtt.1 21 She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Yeshua, for He will save/redeem/heal His people from their sins. Yeshua saves and redeems ONLY HIS people from their sins, not just everybody. HIS means those, who were sowed into this world by the Father to undergo their spiritual quarantine. Speaking about death for the sins of the “whole world” the Scripture clarifies that by the “whole world” it means only sons and daughters of the Kingdom, not literally everybody, while “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up”. Yeshua prayed only for those, who are “from the Father”: Jh.17 9 I am praying for them. I am not praying for this whole world but for those whom You have given me, for they are Yours. In the days of Peleg… Bereshit 10 25 To Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided, and his brother’s name was Joktan. All of us (mostly) remember this Scripture passage, which to many people was somewhat mysterious and strange. It is this verse that is often used for explanation and understanding how out of one kind of whole great continent called “Gondwana” formed everything we have now. We are not going to dig into different technological details of this fact, but we’ll try to consider this piece in our topic’s framework. Based on the understanding that there exists 70 worlds, and that inhabitants of all these worlds were supposed to have their “Testing Ground”, it was necessary to create corresponding conditions on the earth of our world, which would be a prophetic reflection of that. Actually, the earth’s division, with its main phase happening during the days of Peleg, was a preparation to create necessary geographic and climate conditions for those 70 peoples coming for their spiritual quarantine. The name Peleg translates as “fragment” from Hebrew. There are several planes of understanding here, but the direct one based on the verse itself is that the earth was divided into fragments. Another plane says that people as nations spreaded into different directions like fragments. Before that, as we remember, the languages were divided, and it was the first stage of this program. The earth’s division is phase number two. During a certain time people filled all places fit for living and started to settle. This process was constant, of course, including the fight for especially “fat pieces” of land, but in general the main goal was achieved. Already then, when different separate language groups started to get to the places appointed for them, at some point the souls from those 70 worlds started to come for their spiritual quarantine. Before people didn’t have such ways of communication as we do now, therefore, it often happened that big rivers separated big nations and civilisations from each other. They were given an objective opportunity to be separated from each other to create necessary “platform”, some physical “base” for the souls coming from different worlds, having different conditions. But that was not the only problem. The main problem was that during long time placed into the period described in Gen.1:1-2 every world had their unique development path. Each had their peculiarities, culture, each had their own development pace, so they all had very different levels. The inhabitants of each of these 70 worlds formed their way of thinking and uniqueness based on their specifics. Their levels of sin damage was also different at each stage of development, and it have been necessary to make provision for that before the incarnation time of all who has been coming for their Testing. Please, notice how much difference there is between many nations and groups of world population today. It concerns not only skin color, eye shape and different traditions. No skin pigmentation, climate and geographical characteristics can explain how could three blood brothers give rise to such divers descendants, different not only in appearance, but on the inside as well, both in their way of thinking and many other parameters. Try to compare Koreans and North American Indians, Bushmen and Germans, Esquimau and Berbers, Russians and Hindus, Greeks and Turks, Gypsies and Japanese. No doubt, separation from the Father, rebellion against Him, idolatry and other “sinful pleasures” which are actually abominations, really increased personal degradation. However, some degree of idolatry have been found absolutely everywhere, therefore it cannot be the only explanation why there is such a big difference between “peoples and tribes”. Civilizations rose and fell, nevertheless, there were such great differences between the representatives of different nations in their way of thinking and solving problems, that it’s impossible to explain it only by some temporary isolation of “forty-second cousins”. There were always general things passed on in oral tradition. There are some “memories”, describing some “prehistory” in the same manner. Very often historical tradition of each people has stories that describe its origin from one first forefather. According to pshat, i.e., literally, it is Adam, who was first human after this earth’s restoration. But prophetically, it is some “first Adam” of one of the 70 worlds. In spite of having something in common, these different stories of different people have something unique. It can be explained by the fact that information could be gradually garbled being passed on from fathers to sons, but sometimes this one reason cannot explain everything: it is actually manifestation of some deep genetic memory, which is stored in our neshama, and shows through nefesh. We can see that different peoples and also certain groups of people had various “specializations” of some sort. Of course, their geographical location could be a part of the reason, but it wasn’t all. If we consider the sphere of war, battles and “art of war”, for example, some things can be seen clearly. It is well-known that there are more and less militant nations. There are those more prone to trade and other peaceful “specialities”. There could be several people living close to each other geographically, but completely different in their belligerency and in their ability to master military arts. There are people “militant to the bone” who really stand out in this sphere compared to others. They can adapt really quick in case of some extreme military actions. Their way of thinking is “geared” towards this to the limit. They think fast in this area, their reaction is instant, they plan ahead, and understand many details which others cannot even spell right after a week-long seminar, not to mention everything else. There are nations, where such qualities appear not occasionally, but en masse in one or other degree. All worlds lived through big amount of wars and different conflicts, as a result, those which didn’t fall too early, formed these or that “specializations”. Some people dream of musical instruments, some of travelling, some of swords and military actions. And by the way, it often happens that these people are not even connected to these areas in their waking life. However, it is in these “dreams” that they feel “real”. We have covered such moments in section called “Life as a dream”. These abilities didn’t rise from nothing: Based on NIV translation: Eccl.3 15 Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; for God repeats what has already been. These abilities as some “dispositions” are nothing else as talents, that were already put in and developed THEN: the Almighty “repeats what has already been”. Many war-related skills are manifestation of DIN quality, which is “righteous judgement” in Hebrew. These skills, as part of Almighty’s nature, were manifested in His children in various degree THEN, when THAT war was near. And then those skills were polished, getting people EXPERIENCE. As it is written «…mature, who by constant use (experience, training) have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. Experience is a seal of ability that we have, an inner talent. When it is invested right, it begins to grow. Talent is not yet mastery — only being multiplied by experience it becomes one. Abilities are in fact gifts we have, multiplied and sealed by experience through which they are somehow “ingrained into our spiritual and genetic source code”. They are somehow “archived” in our divine memory — neshama, and being used, they start to unfold. From above mentioned Scripture passage we see a principle of prophetic repetition. It is applicable to earth’s division for “70 peoples”. It is also connected to wars and unions, with attempts to achieve “greatness”, etc. Our “human history” is a reflection of THAT history: Gen.1:1-2, which is much longer. The existing worlds were created in a way that nobody could get in by some “physical” way, that is, just covering some physical distance either by foot or using some other technical devices. One could travel a lot of ways inside each world, but there were definite borders between the worlds, which one could cross only by transitioning through one dimension into another. Transitioning from one world to another was possible by different “vehicles”, like using something the Scripture calls “heavenly chariot”. But it doesn’t change the matter itself: to get from one world into the other one had to make a transition “into another dimensions”, as people sometimes say. Those transitions were made through different “gates” which are often called “portals”. The first type are those being inside worlds, the second one — those that are between the worlds. In our world they are often called “star gates”. This topic is rather broad and specific, therefore we’re not going to dig deeper into it. In the last parts I’m going to touch upon some important points, that are necessary for understanding and with which some of you will have to deal during the last days of final battles. For a deeper comprehension of this matter, you can read Additional materials: “Spatio-temporal fabric”and “Supernatural translocation”. It’ll help you to get some “basis” for understanding this issue. The word “dimension” is rather relative, but it helps to get the main idea. There are other terms, like “parallel worlds” and “reflections”. The Holy Scriptures call them “worlds”; in Hebrew there are two worlds: tevel and olam, and in Greek — aion. We have discussed Greek term in part nine, so here let’s analyze the Hebrew term for this notion. Hebrew language has three main words connected to world and eternity: תֵבֵל tevel universe, world, earth. This word is used 36 times in the Scriptures. If we accept that there are other worlds aside from our world — “Earth”, than this world is more than others corresponds to the collective idea of all the worlds taken together. If we take all Scripture passages where it is used, and take the collective idea of created worlds as its meaning, we will find no logical contradiction. Isa.14 21 Prepare slaughter for children because of the iniquity of their fathers, lest they rise up and possess the land, and fill the universe (tevel) with their cities. This verse is directly connected both with the father of sin, who was a “murderer from the BEGINNING”, and the fallen, who “have taken up the slack”. This passage prophetically speaks of the events of Gen.1:2, when “slaughter” have been prepared for those, for whom “ancient serpent” and the fallen had become spiritual fathers: Jh.8 44 You are of your father the devil (of this slanderer’s genome (DNA)), and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the Truth, because there is no Truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own [resources], for he is a liar and the father of it. The next verse speaks of the DIN action — a righteous judgement manifested in the Almighty’s trials, and which is the tool to affirm and teach the truth (righteousness) and justice in in the face of rebellion and sin: Isa.26 9 …For when Your judgments are [done] in the earth, the inhabitants of the universe (tevel) will learn righteousness. Hebrew language has a word עַד (ad), which has one only meaning — eternity, eternal; always, everlasting, forever, eternally. It is used 48 times in the Scriptures and always has these meanings only. For instance, Yeshua is called Everlasting Father in Isa.9:6: אֲבִיעַד — Avi_Ad. There is one more word, which is universal in terms of these two meanings: עֹולָם — Olam. It is used 412 times in the Scriptures. In majority of cases it has a double meaning. Its main translations are these: 1. world, universe. 2. humanity as gathering of all existing people, souls. There is a common rule to understand the meaning of a Hebrew text, at least in the language of Tanakh. Translators choose all words that are there in the Scriptures, analyze their context and usage, and based on that make a conclusion, which variants are the main ones, which are acceptable, and which have a right to be as prophetic hints. As for the word עַד (ad), there is no doubt. It has very “narrow meaning”, main one is related to a great period of time — many ages, eternity. In respect to the word תֵבֵל (tevel), it is the same. It is very “narrow”, meaning some territorial, geographical aspect, and denoting some “world” or “universe” where those created/born by the Most High live. However, in respect to the word Olam, it has a double meaning. It has two major planes: “universe in the sense of multiple worlds; world in the sense of creation in general”, and also “eternity”. In a famous prayer of blessing the Almighty: “Barukh Ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh haOlam…” — the word “haOlam” is usually translated as “universe”: “Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe…” Although variant with “eternity” is acceptable, as additional one. Judaism traditionally has understanding of worlds plurality, although there was never any specifics or “strict consensus”, so to say. Ex. 15 18 The Lord shall reign forever and ever. Shmot 15 18 Yahweh imlokh leolam vaed. There are two words used in this case, which can either strengthen each other’s meaning if they are the same, or they can show two different planes, if there is a difference between them. Based on all of the above, grammatically and contextually correct translation is the following: Ex. 15 18 The Lord shall reign in universe/words and eternity. The reason we see this phrase translated in the New Testament Scriptures mostly as “forever and ever” is, in fact, translation of the original Hebrew phrase “leolam vaed” in “Greek interpretation”. And actual correct translation of this “forever and ever” phrase in all senses is “in worlds and in eternity” both in Tanakh and in the New Testament. We can say for sure that if we saw such translation in the Holy Scriptures, we would have already asked about plurality of worlds and would have already gotten corresponding answers, and “spiritual quarantine” concept would have already become unanimous perception… Sin was removed from Heavens together with all the rest, and the fallen cherub has been thrown down from it like a lightning: the Firstborn expelled him. The word “lightning” in Hebrew is בָרָֽק barak, and it has the same root with the word בָרֶקֶת bareket, which is a name of a precious stone. The bareket stone was third in Hoshen (High Priest’s breastplate), and it is very likely that it was an emerald. It was a stone of Levi’s tribe, the descendants of which were later appointed as firstborn in Israel, fulfilling corresponding functions. It were they, who killed 3000 idolaters after the people sinned with the golden calf, and when the result of this sin manifested in them in some physical way, so that they could have been distinguished among the rest. It happened after Moshe grinded the golden calf into dust, thrown it in water and made everybody drink it. It was an image of what is described in the book of Numbers, chapter 5, where the procedure of finding out whether a wife was cheating is being written. The situation with the calf was like it. During the opposition period the Firstborn in their “Heavenly side” are Heavenly sons of the Almighty who remained loyal to their Father. They were those who threw the fallen cherub and the other fallen from Heavens. Yeshua has mentioned that: Lk.10 18 And He said to them, “I saw Satan (adversary) fall like lightning from heaven…” The fallen cherub, “fallen from Heaven”, is not a lightning, but he was thrown down from it “LIKE lightning”: very quickly and with thunder audible after he “hit hard” the sphere of earthly worlds. It is lightning, that is the symbol of the Firstborn, as we said earlier using the example of Levi’s stone — bareket (emerald), and also in another passage: Mtt.24 27 For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. “Lightning from the East” is an image of those 144 000, of which it is written in 7th chapter of the Revelation, and through whom the manifested glory of the Almighty is going to act during the last days before the coming of Yeshua the Messiah. They are the prophetic fulfillment of “the Firstborn of the Last days”. Lightning always goes with thunder, and thunder is a symbol of Heavenly shofars (trumpets) from Revelation chapter 8 and 9. For many it is going to be interesting to learn, that word “east” in Hebrew is “kedem” and its numerical meaning is 144. Besides, the word “kedem” has another translation plane: ancient, from times of old, and it is relatable to the word Olam we analyzed earlier. Therefore, a phrase “lightning from the East” can have absolutely correct prophetic meaning: “144000 Firstborn of old ancient times”. The letter TAV in ancient Hebrew, which was used to write Tanakh books, is significantly different from its modern “babylonian analogy”. Originally letter TAV looked like a cross, and one of its forms looked like letter “X”. Some semantic meanings of the letter TAV: “ending, final, summary, stop”. That’s why the name of Levi’s stone or “glory of firstborn” prophetically — bareket (emerald) can be translated as “lightning/firstborn (barak) are ending (tav)”, “lightning/firstborn (barak) are drawing a cross (tav)”, “firstborn with lightning speed (barak) are putting an end (tav)”. THAT war in Gen.1:2, has its prophetic shadow, its prophetic glimpse in the events described in Revelation 12, which says that Michael and his Angels waged war with the dragon and its angels and thrown them down from Heaven to earth. Judging by the last events, this battle process and “throwing down” is in its final stage. “The son of the morning” undoubtedly wanted to get the power of the “Firstborn”, putting his throne, i.e., his authority higher than that of the “stars”, which symbolize the sons of the Almighty. That’s why in the world around us we can see that he tries to picture himself as some “super-lightning, striking down from Heavens”. It is reflected in symbols and songs of different music bands, it was depicted as double lightning on German Nazi’s collor patches, and also in many other forms. In reality he has become an object, that the Firstborn have thrown down with a speed of lightning, and that’s quite a different story. Urim and Thummim One of the elements of the High Priest’s clothes, serving as prophetical tool of his ministry was Hoshen, also known as Breastplate. It is described in Ex.28:15-21. These 12 stones are called “urim and thummim” (Ex.28:30) in the Scriptures, and their exact translation is “fiery” or “completing the wholeness”. Each of these stones had the name of one Israel tribe carved on them in intaglio (the letters were protruding as on print). That’s why to understand the message point connected to the special characteristics of glory, which each stone symbolizes, it is important to understand each tribe’s special calling. The basics of it can be seen in two prophecies: of father Jacob to his sons in Bereshit, chapter 49 (Genesis), and also in Moshe’s prophesy in Dwarim, chapter 33 (Deuteronomy). When the High Priest asked the Almighty, wanting to get a definite answer from Him “through urim and thummim”, he opened Hoshen, which was on his chest, a rectangular folded in two, inside which there were those precious stones put in their own settings. It was somewhat like opening up your laptop. And the answer came when certain letters comprising the names of the tribes of Israel started to shine, forming words and sentences. It is impossible to identify these stones with absolute accuracy for now, as also the names of some tribes of Israel. There are some main variants, with each having certain foundations in the Scriptures: there is a number of researches on that, which nevertheless, don’t give 100% definite answers. There are several versions connected to stones matching the tribes. One of them, being the main one, says stones corresponded the order of sons’ birth. Septuagint has this variant. Another variant reflects one of Hebrew traditions, based on another order: First, Leah’s sons — Ruven, Shimon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zevulun, then the sons of maidens in order of their birth — Dan, Naphtali, Gad and Asher; and only in the end the sons of Rachel — Joseph and Benjamin. There are some other variants, but the main issue revolves around the stones 5th through 10th. There is also another detached variant, which is connected not with Hoshen stones themselves, but first of all with the months of Hebrew calendar, where the tribe of Levi is somewhat “centralized in its static universality” and instead of it and the tribe of Joseph there are tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. Twelve planes of reality As for prophetic symbolism, there is a certain understanding that each Hoshen stone is a prophetic reflection of different planes of reality. First is 12 tribes of Israel, 12 planes, 12 unique special pieces, comprising the entire people of the Almighty, as it is reflected in New Jerusalem (female gender), where the name of each tribe is written on one of the 12 gates. Second is 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit (“she” female gender), which are necessary for full development and transformation of the souls of Almighty’s children. Third is 12 music notes, 7 of which are basic or “strong” notes. This image has 12 planes of prophetic message through 12 disciples of Yeshua, representing the entire people of the Almighty. This message is to every nation, like a beautiful music piece: a symphony of Heavens, so to say. These are 12 fundamental bases in New Jerusalem (“she” female gender), which have names of 12 disciples written on them. Fifth is 12 levels of glory in New Jerusalem (“she” female gender), reflecting Wife and Bride of Yeshua. Sixth is 12 staffs of power of King’s people in 12 spheres of life. Seventh is 12 spatio-temporal dimensions, forming the structure of the created world, using the example of Hoshen (breastplate) with its stones, placed in the spatio-temporal fabric in a manner that makes them connected together in one construction, interact with each other, but at the same time not to “overlap”, disturbing each other. We are going to talk about it in detail in part 15. Eighth is an image of 12 DNA chains, which glorified bodies initially had. Nineth is 12 months as 12 periods, time segments in a certain time cycle, like 12 hours on the clock-face. Tenth is 12 systems in human organism, which reflect 12 spiritual planes of function in Yeshua’s Body, i.e., in the entire people of the Almighty. Eleventh is 12 full baskets of food, that supernaturally appeared through Yeshua. They symbolize 12 types of Heavenly spiritual food, that gives spiritual formation to 12 spheres of life and ministry of the King’s people. Twelfth is 12 zodiacal constellations, consisting of lights built in rakiya or the Heavenly dome, which prophetically reflect 12 periods, time stages in the life of Almighty’s people, undergoing their Testing. Of course, there are other planes, but those I think are the main ones. As we already mentioned, and as someone once said: “The whole world is filled with echoes and parallels”. The reflection of the existing reality in our physical world was present always and everywhere. Navaratna is a famous and popular Eastern ornament consisting of nine precious stones. According to Hindu epos, it is an ornament of “Krishna”, who is a reflection of one of the the Almighty’s fallen sons, and also generally the very “ancient serpent” himself, who is the fallen cherub. Navaratna has nine stones: eight in a circle and one in the center. There is usually a red stone in the center, carnelian or ruby. Navaratna is a sort of “reduced Hoshen” (breastplate) of the former “covering cherub”. Those nine stones, described in Ezek.28:13, fully correspond to nine stones from the 1st, 2nd and 4th row of stones in High Priest’s Hoshen (Ex.28:15-21). These stones were embedded in the clothes of the former “covering and forming” cherub. The clothes, as we said earlier, is a prophetic symbol of the entrusted ministry. Compared to the High Priest’s Hoshen, the “covering cherub” lacked three stones from the third row: leshem, shvo and akhlama. Regarding the last stone it is known, with high probability, that it was an amethyst, and also that it was connected to what is called “hashmal” in the Scriptures (mentioned 3 times in Ezek.1:5,27; 8:2); it can be metaphorically translated as “Heavenly electricity”. As for two other stones, it is more difficult. The seventh stone — leshem — was probably light-brown with chatoyments and shades. The eighth one — shvo — was most likely a chrysolite of greenish color, more like bright green. According to Septuagint the seventh stone (leshem) corresponds to Gad’s tribe, the eighth one (shvo) to Asher, and the ninth (akhlama) to Issachar. The main version, connected to Israel’s “movements in the wilderness”, says the seventh stone (leshem) corresponds to Dan, the eighth one (shvo) to Asher, and the ninth (akhlama) to Naphtali. I have often asked the Father concerning this matter, while as you see further on, it is connected not only to stone’s cost and beauty, but to special characteristics of the supernatural glory, which they symbolized. As a result of those questions and prayers I got the following revelation and understanding. Each stone combined a certain degree of Hesed (goodness and mercy) quality, and Din (righteous judgement) quality potential. In stable, peaceful times Hesed quality prevails. In times of “moving through the wilderness”, where there’s opposition, extreme and war, Din quality becomes the leading one. Every period of time, depending on existing realia, one or another quality is more prominent. Apart from inner potential of every stone, having both planes of these realities, there is a special characteristic of each type of glory. As many of you remember, six tribes proclaimed blessings for obedience to Almighty’s will on mount Gerizim, while other six proclaimed righteous judgement for rebellion against His commandments on mount Eval. Here, through the tribes, there is a hint that some types of manifested glory were more “wired” for military specifics during opposition. Tribe of Dan was located towards the most “spiritually dangerous” direction, say, the “North” (most attacks and problems for Israel came from there), during the movement in the wilderness. Asher and Naphtali also monitored the situation together with the tribe of Dan. We also know Scripture’s principle that when one doesn’t manage to fully or partly do their tasks, somebody else can be put into that position. For example, Ruven “messed up” and was disqualified as a firstborn. Then Shimon has also “messed up” with his aggression and initiative to kill his brother Joseph, so he was also disqualified. However, we know that mistakes of some persons or tribes cannot stop the Almighty from achieving His goals. That’s why it is written “Let another take his office (watch)” (Acts 1:20). So all events that happened in Jacob-Israel’s family led to original disposition changes because of these or that steps and mistakes: we can observe it during the wilderness period. Hidden potential abilities of manifested glory, symbolized by three stones from the third row of Hoshen: leshem, shvo and akhlama, were revealed most of all during THAT war and opposition in general. My revelation of that matter is that manifested glory, symbolized by third row stones, in the aspect of their Din quality, corresponds to the tribe of Dan during Israel’s movements in the wilderness. From the “power of the future age” specifics point of view, the glory connected to leshem stone was best of all revealed through “haphazard” ministry of Shimshon (Samson). This “explosive” supernatural power to lead the war, which is usually connected to the action of glory symbolized by akhlama stone, and which is connected to some characteristics of the Naphtali tribe: supernatural speed, “Heavenly electricity” potential, and “Heavenly galgals (swirls)”. “Dan acts together with Naphtali”: that was the word starting the revelation that Father gave me related to this matter. Dan and Naphtali were blood brothers, born one by one from one mother. It has power and speed, and also ability for supernatural camouflage, including changing of appearance, voice etc, visible to others. As for the tribe of Asher, through it we can understand some points connected to glory, symbolized by shvo stone. First of all, it is supernatural protection and also increasing of unusual resilience to some kinds of damage and ability to quick regeneration. These manifested glory abilities were closely connected to specific fruits of the Spirit. In Father’s Kingdom nothing happens for “no reason”: without corresponding responsibility, necessary purification and transformation of character and soul in general. There’s only some “advance payment” to help start the movement. Possessing the potential of all three types of glory implied relevant commitment level together with a certain level of soul being transformed into Father’s image. All these three brothers were sons of maidens, so their status was lower than that of their brothers, whose moms were official wives. There is a hint to humility and meekness. So here we have another very important prophetic image to understand. Once there was a time, when Jacob, returning with his beloved family into the land of his Promise, had to meet his dearly beloved brother Esau, who has been long dreaming of “hugging him to death”. The latter even got 400 armed men for moral support, which only increased brotherly feelings. In preparation to this long-awaited meeting, Jacob improvised a very interesting disposition of all his loved ones. In the avant-garde he placed his maiden-wives with their children: Dan, Naphtali, Gad and Asher. Then, somewhat in the distance he placed his not very beloved wife Leah with her six sons. And in the very latter end he put Rachel with Joseph. At that moment Jacob was, in fact, an embodiment of the whole Israel, i.e., people of the Almighty, that’s why he had the greatest anointing on earth. What he has done then, not even comprehending the spiritual essence of it, had the most power prophetic impact on the entire people of the Almighty for the rest of times. Esua constituted danger which could bring death and annihilation. And Jacob, who actually got a new name before that — Israel, has, in fact, committed a very serious prophetic action. He posted his four sons in face of maximum danger, therefore prophesying over the lives of their descendants, the tribes of Israel, the maximum glory during the times of danger and strong opposition. That’s why the camp of Dan, having three tribes of these four, covered the most dangerous “North” direction. As for the tribe of Gad, this tribe was one of the most “militant” ones, which is evident by two main prophecies concerning it: Gen.49:19 and Deut.33:20-21. What Jacob-Israel did at that point has become a prophetic reflection of certain spiritual realities and situations, that happened THEN during THAT war. Three qualities, three fruits of the Holy Spirit, which were somehow connected to these three types of manifested glory, have become a weakness in “son of the morning’s” character, which he wasn’t able (and later didn’t even want) to develop in himself. My personal revelation is that these three qualities were humility/meekness, trust in patience, and sacrificial love. Those children of the Almighty, who got some degree of manifested glory connected to all or some of these stones, got through very serious transformations and trials, and as a result they were entrusted with corresponding level of glory, which has become a powerful weapon during THAT war. The whole potential of those three, and all other types of manifested glory as well, is going to be revealed in fullness through the part of Almighty’s people during the times of Last days’ opposition, before Yeshua the Messiah returns. Nine worlds model Model depicted in this Eastern ornament, Navaratna, consisting of nine stones, corresponds to the ancient understanding of how worlds are structured, which is seen clearer in Scandinavian myths and legends. According to them, there is some “group” of nine worlds, connected to each other in a certain way. In the center there is Midgard, i.e., “middle world”, which means the world we now live in — the Earth. Around it there are eight worlds. Earth is in the center, and the major events take place everywhere around it and on it. The foundation of such worldview has been imported and established by those who are often called the vikings. Their ancestors were majorly descendents of the tribe of Dan and Naphtali, part of whom migrated along the coast of Europe after the destruction of the Second Temple, and about 5-6 century A.D. got to the regions of Scandinavia. For instance, name of such country as Denmark — “the mark of Dan”. It was through the descendants of ancient Hebrews that the foundation of this world view, this conception got into “Scandinavian regions”. From all appearances, ancient Israel has kept part of this understanding, maybe, in the process of events something else was added from the spiritual world, after which it was conventionalized by heathen format of the people they settled with. Ruby or serdolik: a precious red stone in the center of this “composition” of nine worlds, which is an image of our world — Earth. This stone, אֹדֶם ódem, has the same root with another Hebrew word — אֲדָמָֽה adamá (earth), and it is translated as “red”. There is such revelation that our world, where all the “Final Testing Ground” events take place, was one of nine worlds that got under rebels’ power, later called the fallen, who started an open opposition against the faithful. In the 9th part I quoted a revelation, which I believe was given to me by the Almighty during Autumn of 2018, where He revealed some things connected to it. Each of these nine worlds, as others among 70, was governed by the Council, which was comprised of both Heavenly and Earthly sons of the Almighty. Each Council was originally presided by one of the Heavenly sons of the Almighty, from the first “brotherly” and first “time” generation (we are going to cover the topic of generations and dynasties separately, in part 13). Later on, according to spiritual maturing, increasing of wisdom and experience, the authority was supposed to be handed to the first of Almighty’s sons, who appeared in the corresponding world, and also to his descendants. This principle is described in the book of Daniel: Dan.7 18 But then the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and in eternal worlds. This Scripture verse has several levels, one of them is that at certain stage the power of “Watchers”, i.e., the Heavenly sons of the Almighty, appointed by Him in that world, was supposed to be handed over to the “locals”, i.e., Earthly sons of the Almighty. Sin did its evil job, and one of its results was that some of the Heavenly sons of the Almighty didn’t want to hand over the authority given them for a while, and by different excuses they tried to solve this matter for their own benefit. Minister of the ninth level The fallen cherub, who was still “covering cherub” then, had authority to supervise the existing worlds to the extension of his competence. To understand this matter one has to have at least general knowledge of the managing and subordination structure that existed THEN. It was like a big empire having its autonomous republics, subjected to central power. Each of these “republics” had its “cabinet council”, and the head of this council was in fact some sort of collegiate head of this autonomy. Besides, the “central organ”, which was located in the capital of this empire, had its “imperial ministries” responsible for their own spheres: defence, culture, science etc. If we take it as some sort of a general model, the “covering cherub” was responsible for a certain sphere or “ministry”. In Ezek.28:14 “the son of the morning” was called a “covering” cherub. The word “covering” סכךְ (sahakh) is mentioned 23 times in the Scriptures, and it has two main meanings: 1. covering block, close, block, seal. 2. form, weave; form by covering. In regard to the second variant — “to form, weave”, there is a corresponding Scripture passage which gives us an illustrative description of this plane: Understanding of this word’s interesting planes (and also of all situations the fallen cherub was involved in, which we can find in the Scriptures) can help us see a certain specific activity connected with regulation or, speaking in other terms, with partial covering of Creator’s special glory, connected to His revelations. It was done in order to form right understanding of Almighty’s nature, His will and mysteries of creation step by step and with wisdom, so that it would help to develop in harmony, according to His plan. That was his responsibility and specifics: to give right doses of certain knowledge and revelation of existing creation and its principles, of course, in such amount and form it was revealed to himself. It was important so that everything would develop in harmony, and that there would be no failings, damage or imbalance. Talent and wisdom in this sphere, imparted in him, — all of that became his main weapon against sons and daughters of the Most High, when guided by his already distorted nature and risen ambitions he urged them to violate appointed order. The prophetic shadow of what happened THEN was reflected in the way nahash urged Adam and Hava to eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge first, before they ate of the tree of Life. After the right order was violated, a “system failure” occured: Adam and Hava didn’t have enough filling of Life to digest and receive certain knowledge. The commandment to eat of every tree was given first, and if we read the original text further, it becomes clear there was no prohibition to eat from the tree of knowledge, but there was an order to eat of it in a way that wouldn’t make one “die”. It was possible only if they would eat from the tree of Life first. Balance between Life and Knowledge has always been, is and will be a very important point in the lives of all King’s children. We cannot live without knowledge, because it is written that “the soul of fool despises knowledge”. Together with it we know that knowledge in itself puffs up, but love, which is a result of Life’s manifestation, edifies. Also it is said that “if anyone loves the Almighty, this one is given knowledge by Him” (1 Cor.8:3). As we remember, changing the order of the addends should not change the sum. However, if we violate the order of different “technological processes” the result can be very different, which often led to very-very sad and even unfortunate results. Based on everything mentioned above, we can see and understand that the “covering cherub” has been this creature of high level of power and authority, who was responsible for the sphere of right order of manifestation of Creator’s glory, for right and harmonious combination of Life and Knowledge; so that it wouldn’t harm but increase wisdom and knowledge of the Most High and His creation. This sphere was his main responsibility: “… I established you…” (Ezek.28:14). In some translations of Ezek.28:13 one can read that there were some brass and percussion instruments somehow built into the “covering cherub”: Ezek.28 13 …with gold. The workmanship of timbrels and pipes in you (“BAKH” — female gender: vocalization indicates fem.gen.) Was prepared for you on the day you were created. In relation to some words translated here with “musical inclination”, many translators argue because certain part of Tanakh’s words is still not restored unambiguously; that is a real reflection of the fact, that not all revelations appointed for us have been restored by this moment, and all of it is still in process. In spite of that, there are ample reasons for such translations, while these words themselves and their root letters have the corresponding meaning and it does not contradicts the context. Praise and worship were not a direct responsibility sphere of the “son of the morning”, although he was a pro in this area. But, of course, he wasn’t the only one. However, these musical abilities and “instruments” built in him helped him to better understand the harmony of Creator’s divine nature through experiencing the movement of the Holy Spirit. It was necessary so he could perform his main task with quality, rightly and carefully regulating the transfer measure of the entrusted revelations to the children of the Almighty. It was important not only related to some personal level in the life of every son and daughter of the King, but also related to regulating development pace and dynamics of all Earthly worlds for their correct interaction. In some sense, even a bit jokingly, one can call the “son of the morning” a “minister of the ninth level”. Do you recall all those tales of the evil vizier — sultan’s advisor, who wanted to be like him and steal the power from his children? “Vizier of the ninth level” 🙂 … All those tales didn’t come from nothing: the entire spiritual realm is filled with them. The amount and specifics of stones in cherub’s clothing was a confirmation of his status. The original text says that all nine stones, listed there together with gold, which is a metal (serving mostly as stone setting) and a symbol of divinity, were fastened to his clothes, but the musical instruments — tambourines and flutes — were built in himself. Nine fruits and restoration of the stolen Unfortunately, “the ancient serpent” with “his tail drew a third of the stars”… In fact, for a while he managed to fulfill his plans in some degree. Those sons of the Almighty which were Watchers over their worlds and presided over their Councils, followed the lead of “son of the morning” and bowing down to his plans were in fact dependant on him, opening their worlds for the power of sin of this “ancient serpent”. They opened the worlds, where they had highest power at that time for the influence of sin virus. By doing that they actually gave the “covering cherub” an authority of a “Watcher” over these worlds. We can see this “capture model” replayed prophetically in Adam’s example in chapter 3 of Genesis. In spite of the fact that Adam remained a patriarch of all people, he was deprived of the glory he had, and through it his power over the existing world started to diminish, and he and his wife had been banished from the “mission control center” — the Garden of Eden. Once the fallen cherub said to Yeshua: Lk.4 5 Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the inhabited world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Because of disobedience and choosing to follow an “alternative path”, Adam lost the glory he had, and delivered all of his authority to nahash. Prophetically, sons of the Almighty had done the same thing being the Watchers of the worlds THEN. Only because Adam passed over all rights to this world, the fallen cherub got the authority and opportunity to come “to report” before Him together with other sons of the Most High: Job 16 Now there was a day when the sons of the Most High (bney Elohim) came to present themselves before Yahweh, and Satan also came among them. Job 21 Again there was a day when the sons of the Most High (bney Elohim) came to present themselves before Yahweh, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord. These passages describe the fallen cherub’s coming before the Almighty with a world report, where the “Testing Ground” is taking place now and for which he became temporarily responsible by deceiving Adam and Hava. The wicked dream fulfilled: the fallen cherub managed to get into the circle of the Almighty’s sons. For a while he was able to place his throne above some of the stars, which were in fact sons of the King whom he was able to tempt and deceive. One of the planes of understanding the nine stones fastened to the clothes of the former “covering and forming cherub” was the following. All gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit were originally imparted into everyone in a certain “amount”, as fundamental; but everyone had their own “specialization” of some sort. Further on, the gifts, as precious stones, had to be cut and polished accordingly, and the fruits were supposed to be multiplied. These two processes were initially interconnected and synchronized. The general amount of stones corresponded to amount of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and it wasn’t some strictly limited gift, but rather some formed qualities of divine character, releasing Creator’s glory. Although at some point the stones were fastened to the clothes of this cherub, the glory they symbolized was not the same all the time; it changed depending on the state and level of some or other fruit of the Spirit, which defined the corresponding character feature and soul qualities as a whole. It was allowed for the Watchers, who were initially deceived by this cherub, to be of the same amount as the stones he had in his clothes. Related to that I had a certain understanding in the process of getting all these revelations. Notwithstanding all his mastery of manipulation and deception, the “son of the morning” was supposed to have definite acquired divine qualities, which were a necessary condition and a “tool”, so those he tried to influence could see real manifestation of Creator’s glory, behind which intrigues and ambitions already started to form. We do remember the fallen cherub can come as the “Angel of light”. The “son of the morning” had really manifested fruits of the Spirit at that point, which were formed during a long period of his ministry, and we remember that the Scripture teaches us to “know someone by their fruits”. In this area the “son of the morning” had a certain “potential”, which he used to deceive and tempt the sons and daughters of the Almighty, through whom he got access to desired authority. These acquired qualities have become some “screen” masking his ambitions, and using that he could pour in the poison of doubts, false thoughts and ideas for a while, fueling their ambitions and suggesting to “think over the alternative ways”: maybe he didn’t use these exact expressions, but they were somewhere along these lines. All of that we can see through the context of the Scriptures. Figuratively speaking, this “ninth level vizier” initiated the sin virus spread through which he actually got authority over these nine worlds, bending them to his will. He used this as some “earthly platform” or “base” to organize universal rebellion, which was formally launched against the “faithful”, but in fact against the Creator, to fulfill his own ambitions. Technically, those “Nine Irreconcilables” remained heads of their worlds but their actions and commitments allowed the fallen cherub to get access to maximum influence and actual government. Important part in all that was that after a certain division many ministering spirits and different beings followed the lead of the fallen cherub. In fact, he became a head of a huge army which included many sons and daughters of the Almighty as well, admitting his power over them in this opposition. Many of Almighty’s children, who sided with the fallen, didn’t just “dislike” this cherub, they actually hated him, although they were afraid of his personal might, cunning and serious “resource potential”. Many of the fallen sons of the Almighty were not inferior or maybe only slightly inferior to the fallen cherub in potential and abilities, however, they never accepted his personal authority over them, while they still had to consider him, showing him due respect as a partner in this opposition. Nine fruits of the Spirit, nine divine qualities — one for “each situation”. I think it is just a symbol, however, it is a very significant one, showing that potential of acquired qualities can act for a long period of time even when its carrier is separated from the Most High, and unfortunately, it can be an instrument for seduction of those, who see it as a sign of authority and influence. We have a lot of such examples in our lives. As a “prophetic shadow” it was reflected in nine nations — descendants of Cnaan, who seized the “Promised land” becoming oath-breakers of the agreement between three brothers: Shem, Ham and Japhet. According to their agreement, what we understand now as the “Promised land” was given to the descendants of Shem by lot and given oath. The confirmation to that we see in words of Joseph, who said that he was “stolen away from the land of the Hebrews”, answering the question where he came from when he got into Egyptian slavery. “The land of the Hebrews” is the land of descendants of Heber, who was Shem’s grandson. In fact, Israel was restoring “historical justice” returning the land which belonged them by right on the basis of the fathers’ covenant. By this time this entire land was filled with tares because of idolatry, and it makes clear why Israel was commanded to annihilate all peoples, who had taken what wasn’t theirs. It was a prophetic act which prophesied restoration and redemption of these nine worlds, deceived and captured by the “son of the morning”. Regarding tares Yeshua once said that every plant that was not planted by the Heavenly Father is going to be rooted out. In those times Israel was fulfilling this commandment by returning the Promised land. The council of nine Number 9 in Hebrew is expressed by letter TET — ט — the figurative meaning of which is “unsteady place, swamp” or “snake in a basket”. Considering all of the above, one can understand how deep is this definition, having both spiritual and historical background. There are such notions as “Union of nine strangers”, “Union of Nine”, “Council of Nine”, “Nine Unknown” and many other similar things connected to some nine persons In our world and in our history. There is not much information in books or even Internet about it, however, there is some. Even the abstracts of it show that all of this is some prophetic shadow of what happened long ago, while everything visible came from the invisible. As I personally see and understand it, all these “prophetic shadows and flashes” are nothing else but, first of all, prophetic reflections of what occurred THEN. A portion of it, as I believe, was revealed to me and I shared it in part 9, which speaks of some events related to the “Union of Nine Irreconcilables”. Another aspect of this matter is going to be shared in the last 17th part, while it is connected to the presently acting structure of darkness, where all those nine persons, called world rulers in the letter to Ephesians, are present. I want to give you a short list of the major points, found in different interpretation in the media space. Council of nine — mythical (?) organization, allegedly exercising constant monitoring of scientific and research activity in the world, with a purpose to prevent developing and implementation of inventions, able to bring annihilation of humanity. One of the legends say that it was established after the Great battle on Kuru field (Kurukshetra), in which according to the witness of Mahabkhatrata the “weapon of gods” was used, similar to modern nuclear and chemical weapons by its killability. One of the legends say when in III A.D. Emperor Ashoka has seen the battlefield, he understood that humanity can destroy itself, if it has a necessary weapon. The King gathered together nine wise men and established a “Council of nine”, with an aim to do one’s best to prevent technological development of mankind. The legend also says the best scientists, mages, astrologists and philosophers were gathered with a purpose to continue their researches without publishing their results. Such group of researchers could be useful to increase one’s opportunities and influence, but the main purpose of the Council of nine was to prevent implementation and even creation of inventions, knowledge and findings, able to bring humanity to the next level of knowledge. The activity results of the Council of nine are often found in history in killing of scientists, able to bring science onto a new level, after which their researches vanished. “Nine unknown” is just a tip of entire society, having a lot of representative in the whole world. The legend says that Council of nine have gotten hold of the books, perhaps ones from Atlantis, and there were nine books. Each book contained knowledge from a certain area of science, which is even greater than one we have now. The legend also says every of the Nine was given one book to guard it and prevent the leakage of knowledge from it. It was also stated that the society itself used the knowledge from these books, and in large part because of this knowledge it reached such influence and opportunities. First book tells about crowd psychology and influencing the human masses. It is considered to be the most dangerous among those nine books, while it helps to control the entire world. Second book is dedicated to nerve system. This book contains the information on different ways of killing. It describes the details of how to control the stream of nerve currents, how to kill and revive a person with one touch. It is considered that the martial arts appeared due to leakage of information from this book. It is rumored that one Tibet Monk returned from a far journey and taught his fellow comrades the first fifteen movements. Third book is dedicated to micro and macro biology. Fourth book contains knowledge of chemistry. It describes interconversion and transmutation of metalls. Fifth book speaks of earthly and outer-earthly ways of communication. Sixth book is the book of the Council of Nine and is dedicated to gravitation. Some years ago some Sanskrit documents were found in Tibet (in Lhasa), and they were sent to Chandigarh University for translation. Dr. Ruth Reina of this University stated that these documents contain instructions on how to build some apparatuses, very much like “spaceships”. Their way of transportation was “antigravitational” and was based on a system much like unknown power of “I” used in “lagkhim” existing in human psychic, “a centrifugal force, enough to overcome all gravitational attraction”. According to Hindu Yoga’ teaching, this “lagkhima” allows people to levitate. It also describes possible flight to the Moon. These ships are called “vimans”. Perhaps, these were abstracts from this very book. Seventh book talks about such phenomenon as light — sunlight, electric light and light of other kinds. Eighth book contains information on cosmogony and laws of universal development. Ninth book is dedicated to sociology and tells of laws of societal evolution. It allows to foresee rise, development stages and demise of societies. Big Nine gods of Ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt’s lore tells this country was established by “nine white gods, coming from the North”. I’m not going to mention these gods here, while I don’t want to speak of the names of those, used in idolatry. Mystery of the Nine Unknown. Nobody can say for sure, when and which nations got the legend of Nine Unknown — mysterious keepers of ancient knowledge and wisdom. Some researches see this legend as a reflection of destiny of heirs of Nine Kings on the suburbs of legendary Atlantis once serving the first king, called “Atlas”. It was this person, who seemed to be one of the first descendants of those Almighty’s sons who sinned with earthly women. Tolkien’s works highlight nine Nazguls-Ulairs, an unusual union of “nine immortals, dressed in grave dust”. According to his version, they were first descendants of bordering lands’ ancient rulers, once subjected to Great Numenor; with Numenor being a fantastic reflection of legendary Atlantis, which Tolkien never tried to hide. Atlantis was part of the world before Noah’s flood, which had a developed civilization of nephilims (fallen) being hybrids with changed DNA — the descendants of the Almighty’s sons, receiving knowledge and high technology from their fathers, which they knew. I’d like to make a note on the “sixth book” mentioned earlier, describing the matter of “gravitation” and rather its control for levitation. Actually, according to Holy Scripture’s principle, it is something called the “power of galgal”. In the Scripture in Dan.7:9 we can see there are fiery galgals before the throne of the Most High, which are translated with the funny word “wheels”: Dan.7 9 …His throne was a fiery flame, Its galgals a burning fire. Galgals are some “fiery swirls”, if we can translate it this way, and they are a principle and some tool, with the help of which the Almighty created the existing world, first of all, on its micro-level, forming something called “elementary particles”. Controlling this “power of galgals” in some part helps to control something we call “gravitation power”, to levitate and to fly without propeller, reactive and other engines, that we know. Beginning and ending Our world, in which we are going through the “spiritual quarantine” now, is “our” only to some extent, while this world contains everyone who lived in Heavens and in all of the 70 worlds. This world we call “earth” is in fact one of 70 worlds, where the common “Final Testing Ground” was organized, and it is one of those nine worlds, which was more than any other touched by THAT war. There is an understanding that our present world, one we call “earth” — adama in Hebrew, has become the center of rebellion, some “firstborn”, who has given in to temptation of the “ancient serpent”. All other eight worlds grouped around it, creating so-called “Union of Nine Irreconcilables”. And we remember this Scripture passage: The original text has an adverb οũ (gu): where; which is connected to geographic and spatial point, not with time. It is in that place, in that world which suffered of the action of sin most of all that the “spiritual quarantine” took place. The first stone in Hoshen was this odem — serdolik or ruby, which had the name of the eldest son Ruven engraved on it; he was deprived of his firstborn status due to a known reason. Earth — אֲדָמָה adama — is a cognate word with this stone — אֹדֶם odem. Everything is supposed to end there, where it first started in the earthly world: Yeshua destroyed sin with His death and resurrection where it first started. He came into an earthly world, took an earthly form and lived according to earthly laws to reopen this closed door to Heavens, to the House of our Heavenly Father.
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Watch Jake Gyllenhaal, Tobey Maguire and Natalie Portman in the trailer for the dramatic love triangle ‘Brothers’, a remake of the 2004 award-winning Danish film Brødre, in theaters December 4, 2009. Synopsis: ‘Brothers’ tells the powerful story of two siblings, thirtysomething Captain Sam Cahill (Tobey Maguire) and younger brother Tommy Cahill (Jake Gyllenhaal), who are polar opposites. A Marine about to embark on his fourth tour of duty, Sam is a steadfast family man married to his high school sweetheart, the aptly named Grace (Natalie Portman), with whom he has two young daughters (Bailee Madison, Taylor Grace Geare). Tommy, his charismatic younger brother, is a drifter just out of jail who’s always gotten by on wit and charm. He slides easily into his role as family provocateur on his first night out of prison, at Sam’s farewell dinner with their parents, Elsie (Mare Winningham) and Hank Cahill (Sam Shepard), a retired Marine. Shipped out to Afghanistan, Sam is presumed dead when his Black Hawk helicopter is shot down in the mountains. At home in suburbia, the Cahill family suddenly faces a shocking void, and Tommy tries to fill in for his brother by assuming newfound responsibility for himself, Grace, and the children. But Sam is not dead; he and a fellow soldier have been captured by Taliban fighters. In Afghanistan’s harsh, remote Pamir Mountains, Sam is subjected to traumas that threaten to rob him of his very humanity. At the same time that Sam’s sense of self is being destroyed overseas, Tommy’s self-image is strengthening at home. And in the grief and strangeness of their new lives, Grace and Tommy are naturally drawn together. Their longstanding frostiness dissolves, but both are frightened and ashamed of the mutual attraction that has replaced it. When Sam unexpectedly returns to the States, a nervous mood settles over the family. Sam, uncharacteristically withdrawn and volatile, grows suspicious of his brother and his wife. Their familiar roles now nearly reversed, Sam and Tommy end up facing the ultimate physical and mental challenge when they confront each other. In the shifting family dynamics, who will dominate? And how will the brothers come to terms with issues of love, loyalty, and manhood—and with the woman caught between them?
{ "date": "2020-10-30T13:39:36Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107910815.89/warc/CC-MAIN-20201030122851-20201030152851-00378.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9630560874938965, "token_count": 512, "url": "https://www.movienewz.com/brothers-movie-trailer/" }
We had a busy day last week and needed to grab a super quick lunch in-between meetings. Knowing we had about 25 minutes to eat, we chose a good-looking diner on a side road that we had never been to before. It was a standalone building, 50s “DINER” style, shiny and inviting. We were greeted at the door and as we were guided to our table we noticed a glass cabinet of “Miracle Grow” cakes, pies and cookies. These are the kind of desserts you see only at Diners and the kind only a giant or someone planning to go on a fasting diet the next day would attempt to eat. We ordered off the “fast menu” which included a drink, sandwich and a very big piece of pie. It took a while before our food actually arrived but it was worth the wait (um as far as diners go). My hamburger was thick and juicy and the perfect temperature. The fries were fat, hot, crispy on the outside and mushy on the inside. Yum. The portion size was enormous so after eating half of what was on the plate, and knowing that we were in a rush to get to our next meeting, since we weren’t offered the pie we decided to leave without it. I went to the counter to pay and was surprised that we were charged for the entire “bundled price” even though we didn’t have the pie. When I inquired with the man at the register, another man, whom I came to find out was the owner, become immediately engaged in the conversation and agitated by my “lack of pie”. Within seconds he forcefully said to his manager, another woman and the waiter, “Give her the pie. She paid for the pie. Give her the pie. Now!” Gosh, at this point I really didn’t want the pie and I was a tad startled by his passionate directive, but was amused and impressed with his pride. Then he picked up a pizza pie sized vanilla chip cookie, motioned towards me with it and said, “From me to you”. WOW. What tremendous pride. This guy had put out a bundled offering that he felt would benefit his patrons and he wanted to make sure I got my full value. So now I have “pride” on the brain. One definition of pride (that I like) in the first sense comes from St. Augustine: “the love of one’s own excellence”. Yes! That’s it, excellence! During good times it’s challenging to maintain excellence and during bad times it’s even harder. Excellence is the receptionist who lives paycheck to paycheck but dresses impeccably every single day. It’s the waitress who memorizes the specials menu and can recite the preparation down to the very last detail. How about the Operations Manager at a retail store or business center to stops in her tracks to pick up a piece of lint on the floor (well I perceived it to be lint) or the guy who gives you the extra cookie to ensure he tops off a good experience. And, it’s even the daughter who wants to show her mom and dad her amazing grades or that she just swam her first lap in the pool. Yep, I know that pride can “get in the way” sometimes, but when harnessed appropriately, “pride” provides a competitive advantage on an individual and an enterprise-wide level. What’s the level of pride in your organization?
{ "date": "2022-05-18T13:05:08Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662522270.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20220518115411-20220518145411-00418.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9839273691177368, "token_count": 747, "url": "http://www.pirrottimarketing.com/757-2/" }
Justice League Unlimted: Season Two (US - DVD R1) Gabe wipes a tear from his eye and says goodbye to his favourite heroes Justice League is a great show, probably the best all around comic adaptation in television history. Super Friends is campy pile of garbage, only entertaining as an inadvertent joke. Its Marvel corporation counterparts, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, and Fantastic Four were just as bad. In the '90s cartoons took a step in the right direction with X-Men and Spider-Man, but neither series managed to cross the threshold into entertainment children and adults could both love (well, for the most part). It was the super-stylized Batman animated series that really did the trick, but even it didn't have the full on satisfaction of a great plot, perfectly defined characters, classy and not so classy humour, and effortless adept action scenes (at least not until a bit later). Justice League didn't get off to a perfect start, but in time the writers crafted overall story arc and carved their characters into real three-dimensional beings. To really appreciate the show, one really needs to have seen it from the beginning. It's like having a genius shift through decades of DC comics and distilling the perfect versions of the best stories so you don't have to. It does help to have seen the last few seasons of Batman, Superman, and Batman Beyond, as the Timm/Dini creative team really tied up all their series with the same bow. The problem is that bow was tied at the end of the series’ third season (more precisely the first season of the second series). The bow was made pretty heavy stuff. The arcing story was a kind of elaborate adaptation of the themes of Alan Moore's much celebrated Watchmen, themes that were also covered in Mark Waid and Alex Ross' Kingdome Come. If superheroes are depended on to save mortals from all threats great and small, they are given too much power, and may look upon themselves as gods. They may put us under martial law, assuming they know what is in our best interests, in effect becoming villains. To avoid this possible future (covered in season two of the original series), a government splinter group develops their own super heroes to fight the Justice League, but in the chaos these leaders miss the betrayal burning right under their noses. Justice League Unlimited season one ended with the showstopper to end all showstoppers. I read comics on occasion, but I haven't been a full on super hero fan since I was a child, but this crescendo of soap opera theatrics, three seasons of character development, and the larger than life explosions had me nearly in tears. I'm not kidding. I know it sounds ridiculous, especially considering I'm the guy who thought Babel was emotionally insulting, but seriously, there was a lump in my throat. How could the creative folks possibly top what was effectively their series finale? Well they couldn't, and I'm sure they knew they couldn't (they really thought that season one was going to mark the end of all of their DC series), and season two (really season four, and sometimes called season three) takes a different route of sorts, without doing away with the winning formula all together. Some fans call the season a victory lap. With the big adult, arcing plot out of their system the writers focus on honing other things, mainly humour and character development (there are even a few rather randy gags thrown into the mix this time). Without the bridles of government conspiracies and totalitarian dictatorships, the staff are free to explore the silly side of super heroes. They keep things a little more 'real world' than The Tick series, but there are still some decidedly silly episodes here. The season still has an arc overall, though. Lex Luthor, having lost his connection with the Kryptonian super computer Braniac at the hands of the Flash, is blackmailed into joining super intelligent gorilla Grodd's new Legion of Doom. It seems Grodd has recovered a small chunk of Braniac, enough for Luthor to theoretically resurrect him. The Legion spends half the season looking for various historical artefacts that may help Grodd's world domination cause. This affords the writers the option of cutting loose in ways they normally wouldn't, and the introduction of the Unlimited format the season before opens the possibility of writing stories about some of the more obscure characters in the DC universe. This is the 'kitchen sink' season, and only the two-part finale (which ends the series entirely) really strives for too much continuity. This isn't a bad thing, as the episodic format leads to some of the series most memorable episodes. Though he did get to save the day at the end of season one (or two, or three, whatever), Flash didn't have many episodes to call his own, here he gets the two best. Green Arrow doesn't have any lead episodes, but he becomes a real entity, and a perfectly defined character. The only character that is greatly missed from season one is Jeffery Combs' The Question, though it's understandable that the lack of government conspiracies is good call for his absence. Praising the series cast, style, and animation seems kind of moot. If you don't like the look, you probably won't like the show, and if you don't like animation or super heroes you aren't likely to notice that this is some of the best writing in animation history. If you weren't aware how great the cast was on this show I'll throw a couple names out for you: Ron Perlman, Michael Ironside, Michael York, John C. McGinley, Jeremy Piven, Tom Sizemore, Michael Rosenbaum, Dennis Farina, J.K. Simmons, Dana Delany, Powers Boothe, Robert Englund, Bud Cort, Eric Roberts, John Rhys-Davies, Phil LaMarr, Jerry O'Connell, Jeffrey Combs, Clancy Brown, and of course, Mark Hamill. Fans of Joss Whedon's Firefly can also find Adam Baldwin, Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, and Morena Baccarin. Now I'm going to do something I've never done in a series review and do a quick episode breakdown, because it doesn't look like I'll have the chance to write about another Justice League DVD any time soon. This might take a while... I Am Legion opens with Lex Luthor’s escape from incarceration, and Grodd baiting him into joining the new Legion of Doom. Luthor is sent to Blackhawk Island as a test, where he meets resistance from Flash, Hawkgirl, and Fire. Blackhawk Island houses a great many amazing weapons confiscated by the Blackhawk fighting squad in the days following WWII. This episode is a little too short and over-stuffed with ideas, but succeeds in setting up the season's overall plot, and features some really touching and funny moments as Hawkgirl teases Flash about his attraction to the oblivious Fire. Shadow of the Hawk is a Hawkgirl heavy episode. She meets her personal stalker, an archaeologist named Carter Hall who thinks he's the reincarnation of Hawkman, Hawkgirl's past life love. Batman and Green Lantern are suspicious. This one is actually a two-parter, and deals with Hawkgirl and Green Lantern's lost love. Batman also gets a chance to be cool, something lacking overall in the season. Chaos at the Earth's Core deals with a group of second and third tier characters accidentally stumbling upon an underground world that battles over a giant chunk of kryptonite. The episode starts cute, with the crew fighting a giant spinning turtle in Japan (shades of Gammera, of course), but the rest of the episode is kind of a weak The Two Towers like thing. To Another Share is another of the weaker episodes (comparatively), and involves another Gorilla Grodd attempt at stealing a mythological power. The episode features some blatant political and environmental issues as Princess Diana attends a U.N. summit on global warming, representing her homeland Themiscara who aren’t too happy about the recent climate change. Beyond this and some witty one-liners, the episode is only important to the series because J'onn J'onnes (the Martian Manhunter) leaves the league to try to understand humanity (who he admits he doesn't particularly like). It also features Wonder Woman doing her trademark spinning costume change from her original live-action TV series. Flash and Substance is one of my two personal favourites in the collection. It's Flash Appreciation Day in Wally West's hometown. Flash invites Batman, who in turn forces Orion, the blood son of Dark Seid to go with him. Meanwhile, a collection of four of Flash's archenemies decide to crash the party and kill their bane. This is the single most Flash heavy episode in the entire series, and is almost as heart-warming as the perfectly sappy Christmas episode that was part of Justice League season two. The episode is hilariously pokes fun at the private lives of super-villains, who are a pretty pathetic bunch, especially Mark Hamill's The Trickster, who Flash calmly orders to start taking his meds again. It's equally amusing because Orion, the only character on the team darker than even Batman (with the possible exception of The Question), struggles throughout the episode to understand why the clown Flash is so beloved. Coming from the war torn planet Apokolips, virtue in compassion is an alien concept. Dead Reckoning sees the end of Grodd's reign as he puts into motion his ultimate plan...to turn all of humanity into apes. But the episode is really all about sad DC B-lister Deadman (who apparently featured in the Batman Animated Series comic, but never the show), a ghost trapped in the physical realm. Deadman’s spiritual master and fellow Buddhist monks are 'killed' by Grodds goons, and he goes to the League for assistance. The episode is amusing from an arc standpoint, as Luthor abruptly takes over the Legion at the end, but the encapsulated story is very dark, and ends with Deadman taking control of Batman's body to stop Devil Ray's sneak attack on Wonder Woman. Deadman shoots and kills Devil Ray, and Batman is left holding the gun. Patriot Act is clearly, from its title alone, another of the politically minded episodes, and has more than its share of allegory. General Wade Eiling, reeling from his defeat at the end of season one (or three, whatever), and his subsequent demotion, is still convinced that the League is a great threat to American security. He steals a Nazi super serum from Star Labs, and turns himself into a Hulk-like monster. Eiling attacks a parade in honour of Metropolis' greatest heroes (in an obvious nod to the real life heroes of 9/11), where he meets up with Green Arrow, Stargirl, S.T.R.I.P.E., Shining Knight, Vigilante, and later the Crimson Avenger and Speedy, all characters without superpowers. The irony of the situation eventually dons on him. This is another of the season’s better episodes, even if it's a bit sappy. The Great Brain Robbery is the other of my two favourites, and another Flash heavy episode. Now that Luthor has control of the Legion of Doom, he's focusing his efforts on pulling Braniac out of the rock taken from Grodd. Assuming Grodd still has access to something, Luthor tries to pull the information from his mind. Meanwhile, Dr. Fate tries to pull information from Flash's mind about Grodd's possible whereabouts (it has something to do with a first season episode where Flash was taken over by Grodd). Luthor and Flash end up switching bodies. The episode is extremely convoluted, but it recognizes this fact regularly. It's kind of a spoof of the ridiculous Super Friends cartoon. Luthor fighting his way out of Justice League headquarters with Flash's powers (‘At least I'll be able to find out the Flash's secret identity...I have no idea who this is.’) is almost as funny as watching Flash try to keep the mind switch a secret from the Legion (‘Aren't you going to wash your hands?’ ‘No, 'cos I'm evil.’). Fans of Smallville will especially enjoy the episode because actor Michael Rosenbaum ends up voicing Luthor in Flash's body, a character he plays in the flesh on the live action show. Grudgematch is a continuation of a first season episode involving an illegal superhero fight club. To bring in more cash, Roulette and Luthor find a way to brainwash and control female members of the League and pit them in brutal fistfights. Huntress (minus the Question this time, though he does have a cameo where he discovers a 32nd flavour of ice cream) investigates the problem, and soon finds herself in the ring with her rival Black Canary at her side, and the strongest women in the League against her. The episode is emotionally and thematically kind of a throwaway, but has some of the best martial arts choreography and animation in the series’ history. It also features a shadowy cameo from Nightwing, the original Robin. Far From Home has Supergirl, Green Lantern, and Green Arrow kidnapped and taken to the 31st Century by Brainiac 5 and Bouncing Boy, the only members of the Legion of Superheroes free from the Fatal Five's mind control. This is Supergirl's final episode, as she opts to stay in the future, which more closely represents her home world. It's a nice cap on her relationship with Superman, but the episode is stolen by Green Arrow, whose dry wit seems to save him from certain doom in a world where he's rendered entirely obsolete. The episode was partially intended as a pilot for the Legion of Superheroes spin off (who were also featured in an episode of Superman), but when the show finally aired it was entirely different. Ancient History is a continuation of Shadow of the Hawk. Shadow Thief captures Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, and Hawkman, and forces them to witness a vision of their possible past selves. Hawkgirl and Green Lantern had developed a relationship behind Hawkman's back in the ancient era, and their affair ended in tragedy. The episode isn't one of the series best, but scores big points for not resolving the issue of Green Lantern's devotion to his current girlfriend Vixen, despite the fact that he knows he'll have a child with Hawkgirl in the future. Shockingly adult fare for a superhero cartoon. Alive begins the series finally. Luthor is shown a vision of Braniac's last pre-earth whereabouts, and puts the Legion to work constructing a rocket ship. This leads to a coup d'etat, and the Grodd loyal members attack. The episode is particularly memorable for three reasons. Firstly, it features several particularly gruesome character deaths. Grodd is thrown into space, Killer Frost instantaneously freezes the rest of the Grodd loyalists to death to prove her newfound devotion to Lex, and Lex uses his ex-lover Tala's spiritual powers to resurrect Braniac, violently sucking her dry of life in the process. Secondly, the episode features nary a single member of the Justice League; it is entirely populated by villains. But the most memorable moment in the episode comes when, instead of resurrecting Brainiac, Luthor accidentally resurrects Darkseid, who had perished in an explosion on Braniac's base way back in the first season of the original series. It's a great twist moment, and for fans of the greater Timm/Dini animated universe, it's a great way to bring things full circle. Destroyer ends things as they began for our heroes, with another alien invasion. Darkseid, back from the dead and more powerful than ever, decides to toss out his treaty with New Geneses and attacks earth full force. The Justice League is forced to enter a shaky truce with the surviving members of the Legion of Doom to stop the threat. The episode is basically an action free-for-all, and offers a sort of closure for Superman, who gets to finally pound the crap out of Darkseid, and Martian Manhunter, who makes a shocking return having found love in a middle-aged Chinese woman. Both characters lacked the level of closure given to Flash and Batman in the previous season, and Green Lantern and Hawkgirl in this season, leaving only Wonder Woman's arch unfinished of the original seven. Destroyer really should've been a two-parter though, outside of Alive, mostly because the Justice League seems to quell the invasion pretty quickly, and rather effortlessly. Earlier episodes feature less aggressive alien species giving the League a lot more trouble, though I suppose the Thanagarians did have some pretty heavy technology on their side. The fact that Lex Luthor is the one who saves Earth from Darkseid is another really nice touch. The heroes are only able to take out the minions, and even Superman is overcome by the leader of Apokolips. For all their efforts the League is entirely indebted to the genius of their greatest foe, though had the series continued, one wonders what Luthor could've done with the power he now possesses. Some might see the final minutes of the battle as a cop out, but I think it was perfect. The Justice League DVDs have quite a history. Season one was presented full-frame and season two in non-anamorphic widescreen. It wasn't until the release of season one of the Unlimited series that Warner Bros. finally anamorphicaly enhanced things. These discs are also, thankfully, anamorphically enhanced. The next step in this progression of improving video would've been to make this set progressive rather than interlaced, but I guess we'll have to make do. Interlacing is a big problem with animation, more so than live action because of the crispness of the lines and boldness of the colours. Here there are plenty of cases of overlapping frames, and that get real old real fast. Combing isn't so much a problem, just a trickle here and there. The colours are bright and pretty, without blooming, but there are some noise problems. The biggest issue is red, more specifically the red of Flash's costume, which quivers with blocks pretty consistently. Edge enhancement is a slight hair better than that of the previous release, but still occasionally present. The transfer is nice overall, but blown up on an HD set its problems become readily apparent. Widescreen is one nice way of creating a theatrical experience. 5.1 surround sound is another. Unfortunately, like all other Warner Bros. animation collections, no one's taken the initiative to remix these episodes. The Dolby Surround track is nothing to laugh at though. These tracks are very busy, featuring larger than life music and sound effects, and relatively well centred and clear dialogue. The surround channel works a little overtime, more so than even some so-called 5.1 tracks I've heard. Even without a designated LFE track the bass is pretty bombastic, and rather well separated to boot. The general cleanness of the track is the real beauty, and with just a bit more production it could've been perfect. Every time I come to the last set in an animation collection from the animated DC universe ( Batman, Superman) I pray for a great big encompassing documentary about the Timm/Dini/Riba/Lukic/Dos Santos creative process. Again I didn't get one. Boo hoo. What I did get was a set of partial video commentaries, a featurettes, and a music only track, which isn't too shabby. The video commentaries only run for sections of episodes. I would have greatly preferred more full commentaries, but admit that this creative team has a habit of losing interest in talking during most of their previous tracks. The tracks are endowed with images of the commentators talking, and occasionally production art. The most intriguing thing one can take away from all this is the fact that these guys really do write on impulse, and all the continuity is almost accidental. The featurette is entitled ‘Cadmus: Exposed’. It's hosted by the voice of the Joker, the embodiment of Luke Skywalker, and all around comic book geek Mark Hamill, who tosses the creative team a couple of softball questions. It's nice to hear about the Cadmus storyline from its writers, but it's curious to include it on this DVD collection, rather than the last one, where the events actually took place. Again, the intuitive writing style of Timm and company is pretty shocking and impressive, and it's kind of fun to watch Hamill geek out. The last extra is a music only track on the series' final episode Destroyer. Timm introduces the episode, but sadly makes no mention of his original composer Shirley Walker untimely passing. This might have been an oversight, but it's also possible that the scene was filmed before her death. I'll feebly try to remedy this by dedicating my review to Walker, a film score genius that wasn't given her proper shake outside of the DC Animated Universe, even though she's written what are, in my mind, even more enduring themes for the characters. And that includes Superman, John Williams fans. Anyway, the Justice League composers aren't exactly chopped liver, and the track is a welcome addition. It's too bad that a full orchestra was out of budget, as it always worked so well for Walker with Batman, and I'm not a huge fan of the wailing guitar tracks, but overall it's pretty magical. What can I say other than I'm so very sad that this seems to be the end of the Bruce Timm styled DC Universe. Some of the creators are involved in more recent and redesigned animated shows, but The Batman, Teen Titans, and Legion of Super-Heroes (I'm told) don't hold a candle to monumental achievements like Justice League Unlimited. These are my favourite versions of all these characters, making it difficult for me to appreciate new live action film versions, other cartoon versions, and sometimes even the original comic versions. I've been spoiled. There's a few STV movies on the horizon, but I'm not positive they won't be recycled designs in a new universe (like the awful Braniac Attacks feature released last year). Until then, all fans can do is re-watch these collections and hope others see the light. Review by Gabriel Powers This product has not been rated Release Date: 20th March 2007 Disc Type: Single side, dual layer Audio: Dolby Digital 2.0 Surrond English, Dolby Digital 2.0 Surrond Portuguese Extras: Cadmus: Exposed, Video Commentaries, Music Only Track on Destroyer Easter Egg: No Director: Dan Riba, Butch Lukic, Joaquam Dos Santos Cast: George Newbern, Kevin Conroy, Carl Lumbly, Phil LaMarr, Maria Canals, Michael Rosenbaum, Susan Eisenberg Length: 299 minutes Follow our updates OTHER INTERESTING STUFF Bruce Boxleitner Interview: Area 51 DVD | BD Craig Smith DVD David Prior: Part Two DVD Simon Heller DVD Sheldon Hall DVD Live Feed: Unrated US - DVD R1 Rollerball UK - BD Cannibals US - DVD R1 Set Up UK - BD RB Whipped AU - DVD R4 Trouble with the Curve UK - DVD R2 My Ex 2: Haunted Lover UK - DVD R2 Django Unchained UK - DVD R2 | BD RB Gone in 60 Seconds UK - BD RB Beautiful Creatures US - DVD R1 | BD
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Displaying items 13-24 of 1459 » View wsbtradio.com items only< Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-122 Next > That old-fashioned way of cleaning your baby's pacifier with your own saliva could transfer germs that actually help boost the infant's immune system and stave off allergies, according to a recent study by Swedish researchers. But the study is also... Associated PressPORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The mayor of Portland, Ore., has conceded defeat in an effort to add fluoride to the city's drinking water. With more than 80 percent of the expected ballots counted late Tuesday night, the Multnomah County election website... The Aberdeen Central High School PTA would like to thank the following businesses for their generous support of the 2013 post-prom party on April 20: Aberdeen Dental Associates, Aberdeen Dermatology Associates LLP, Aberdeen Parks, Recreation and... Amid all the rancor over America's health-care system, one Orlando nonprofit has been quietly caring for the poorest, most vulnerable patients for 20 years. The Health Care Center for the Homeless is marking its milestone birthday Wednesday evening from... The following guest commentary was written by David Chaffee, of Petoskey, former Title XX Social Services Administrator, Office of Planning, Budget, and Evaluation, State of Michigan. Gov. Snyder's bold lead to expand Medicaid to 133 percent of the... The Hartford CourantThe month after the Lehman Brothers collapse in the fall of 2008, Peter Collins was downsized with a half dozen other people from at a Bloomfield commercial printer. Collins, 51, who had spent his whole career as a printer and had been with Finlay... Six businesses took home awards at the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce's 16th annual Small Business of the Year Awards gala. The overall winner this year was Naperville Dental Specialists and General Oral Health Care, which also took home the... Tags: Small Businesses, Dental Health, Business PORTLAND, Ore. — Proponents of fluoridating Portland's water supply had no trouble getting the local Urban League on board. Here in the biggest city in the country that still doesn't treat its water to prevent tooth decay, studies show that low-... ReutersMLB Team Report - Chicago White Sox - INSIDE PITCH It was a seventh-inning infield single that bordered on being an error, but at this point, Sox infielder Jeff Keppinger would take it. Hitting .188 and in danger of losing a starting job when Gordon... South Bend TribuneCASSOPOLIS — A Niles man whose obsession with a Cass County woman led to her unlawful imprisonment, sexual assault and an eventual 14-hour standoff with police will pay a heavy price for his crime. Despite Michael Long’s tearful apology, Cass... Tags: Theft, Sex Crimes, Abusive Behavior, Corporate Crime, Punishment May 22, 2013 |Story| Chicago Tribune May 20, 2013 |Story| WTXX-LTV May 22, 2013 |Story| AP Broadcast May 21, 2013 |Story| Aberdeen News May 20, 2013 | Orlando Sentinel May 21, 2013 |Story| Petoskey News May 21, 2013 |Story| Hartford Courant May 21, 2013 |Story| Chicago Tribune May 18, 2013 |Story| Los Angeles Times May 18, 2013 |Story| Reuters May 17, 2013 |Story| Orlando Sentinel May 17, 2013 |Story| South Bend Tribune Original site for Dentistry and Dental Health topic gallery.
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I’m back! I was in England for two weeks with four days in London, a week in Cornwall, and two days in Salisbury. I wasn’t looking for fiber art in any serious way, but some very interesting things came my way. To wit: 1. Fashion and Trade at the National Maritime Museum London was, most unusually, stifling hot. So we took a boat down the Thames to Greenwich. We just happened to be in the National Maritime Museum when these elaborately gowned women swept by. I asked one of the women who seemed to be part of the entourage what was happening. As part of a celebration of a new permanent gallery, Traders: The East India Company and Asia, fashion students had created ensembles with Gavin Fernandes, London stylist and photographer. Each ensemble represented a facet of the trade conducted by the East India Company There was a short lecture followed by a fashion shoot. I’m the most unfashionable person in the world, but I love that kind of thing! The woman on the left represented the spice trade with actual spices sewn to the bodice as decoration and the one on the right represented the tea trade with quite obvious tea bags forming part of the trim of her overskirt. The construction and detail of these garments was amazing. 2. Chairs in St. James Park Cutting across St. James Park in London, we came across these chairs which were printed as part of an art project. There are many plain chairs available, but you could make an afternoon of just walking about the parks of central London searching for different chair art. 3. Traditional Wheat Weaving It was a harvest festival at the Eden Project near St. Austell. I gave traditional wheat weaving (really plaiting, I believe) a try and managed to bring my little piece home in one piece. I’m reading a book about the making of the Eden Project which is, I would have to say, more interesting than the place itself. Tim Smit is a man with a vision, as he also drove the restoration of The Lost Gardens of Heligan which was my main reason for going to Cornwall. 4. Knitted Graffiti These were bike racks at the Eden Project covered in colorful knitted sleeves. The far one was stitched with “Ode to the bicycle.” This was on a pole at the bus stop at the Eden Project: “Ode to the bus.” I like how the colors match the trees behind it. A woman at the bus stop said knitted graffiti had been the topic of a BBC radio item just that morning. This is the first “yarnbombing” I have seen, but the tradition is alive and well in the UK and around the world. 5. Salisbury Cathedral Hangings No surprise that there were a lot of embroidered artworks in this Cathedral whose foundation stones were laid in 1220. But in Trinity Chapel there is an emphasis on prisoners of conscience throughout the world with an Amnesty International candle always left burning. This embroidery was worked in mainly silver thread and is a small part of a large installation. I didn’t see any sign about the artist(s) although other artwork did have attribution. (UPDATE on October 20: Leonie Hartley- Hoover sent the very useful message about attribution for this artwork: When I saw the Salisbury hangings in your newsletter, as an embroiderer first and foremost, I recognized the work of Jane Lemon, MBE. She is a very well respected embroiderer who is held in very high esteem and she is an absolute master of metal thread work. She worked in costume for BBC television for some years and prior to that she worked in costume at the Sadlers Wells ballet before turning her hand to ecclesiastical work which is her first love. Jane has had a long association with Salisbury cathedral and created The Sarum Group of embroiderers whose work is featured in the Cathedral. You mentioned you could not see any artist’s accreditation on the pieces which is not surprising in that Jane often defers to the group rather than take a bow herself. It was timely indeed that you mentioned her work as Maggie Grey had a post on her blog regarding Jane’s Prisoners of Conscience exhibit the day prior to your newsletter coming out. Both Mag and Jane are former Presidents of the British Embroiderers Guild, which I am affiliated with. Thank you Leonie, as I hate to feature artwork sans attribution. 5. Fiber Alive This was a vine trellised on a restroom wall at Stonehenge. Nature’s weaving.
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The Whole Story and Other Stories by Ali Smith 192pp, Hamish Hamilton, £10.99 In Ali Smith's story "Virtual", a woman goes to visit her aunt, who is in hospital for a minor operation. While she is there she sees in a neighbouring bed a beautiful girl so emaciated that her legs "were like the legs of one of those white bodies from the last war dead on the ground and bulldozed into a pit". The girl, she discovers, is anorexic and has had to drop out of university. In order to see the girl again, the narrator comes to visit her aunt a second time, unnecessarily. It transpires that her aunt isn't really her aunt, but a close friend of the narrator's dead mother. "What would your mother say?" she asks, mocking her too-assiduous visitor. "Her bad daughter being so good at last?" The narrator offers to feed her aunt's fish, and worries what she could have meant by calling her "bad". She worries that she will overfeed the fish and kill them, which she's heard is easy to do. On her third and final visit to her aunt, the anorexic girl speaks to her. She has her whole family there and they have given her a small Japanese toy called a virtual pet. She's supposed to look after it: it's a clumsy parental message, telling her that it would do her good to take care of something, to think about something other than herself. I hate it, the girl tells the narrator despairingly. It's really irritating. The narrator returns home and wanders around the house. "I couldn't think what to do," she says. "I couldn't imagine what to do next, or how to be able to do it right." This is a story as good as anything Raymond Carver ever wrote: it comes from Smith's 1999 collection, Other Stories and Other Stories . What distinguishes it is its linearity. Where the unskilled writer of short fiction crowds everything around a single observation and hence begins and ends in the same place, a story such as "Virtual" is a process of transition. It remains faithful to the sequence of time; it demonstrates how, as human beings, we are transformed by the act of living. In "Scottish Love Songs", a story from The Whole Story , two different women are haunted by a spectral Scottish bagpipe band "in full regalia". Needless to say, comparisons with Raymond Carver don't, in this instance, suggest themselves. I'm sure there are many who delight in Smith's bizarre side, but in this age of lies I want to be told the truth. Smith's mastery of the sublime is God-given, but her loyalty to the ridiculous is rather more manufactured. Reading her stories and her Booker-shortlisted novel, Hotel World , one quickly comes to feel that one is in the presence of a writer of unusual nakedness, whose fear of marginalisation causes her to clothe her disclosures in idiosyncrasies. This nakedness is what she shares, strikingly, with Carver, yet his sensibility holds its shape more consistently than hers because his canvas is more fastidious: he dominates his own fictional world so that his voice can't be compromised. In this new collection, Smith offers her fragility as part of an assortment, so that "The Book Club", a stringent, beautiful little tale with a mechanism like a Swiss watch, about memory, death and the difficulty of expressing love, sits alongside "May", an opaque, rambling narrative about someone who becomes obsessed with a tree. She may believe that her art is bound up with darkness and should be counterbalanced by play, but, in fact, it is when she tells the truth that Smith effortlessly transcends the standard parameters of contemporary fiction. "Paradise", a long and mostly brilliant story about tourism, demonstrates exactly why this is. The first part of the story is concerned with a hold-up in a provincial Scottish burger bar, in which the thieves brandish garden shears and a leafblower. The second describes a cruise on Loch Ness, during which Gemma, a callow girl working on the boat as a holiday job before going to college, has become so brutalised by indifference that she refuses to give water to a tourist suffering dehydration. The first is unbelievable; the second isn't. What is unsatisfying about The Whole Story is that it shows Smith capitulating to her tendency to the arch and the outlandish, while her tender understanding of human love and sorrow lies fallow. It's hard not to feel that her voice is wasted on a story about a fly in a second-hand bookshop; but still, I'd rather read that than most of what passes for good writing. · Rachel Cusk's The Lucky Ones is published by Fourth Estate.
{ "date": "2015-03-30T10:59:10Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131299261.59/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172139-00251-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9766687154769897, "token_count": 995, "url": "http://www.theguardian.com/books/2003/apr/26/fiction.alismith" }
|Reviews for Undisclosed Desire: Part II Love & War| | RebeccaMonroe chapter 26 . 2/8 I can post my review lol Oh my poor Pandia...:( if she knew... my favorite part is the part where Pandia and Hector are together ! its beautiful moving and sad too ! :/ Each time they are together i think about Ares...if He knew what she is doing at this moment He will kill her lol | RebeccaMonroe chapter 25 . 1/29 Awww *.* my Mars ( well actually my second Mars ;-) you know what i mean ) its such a sweet side ! Im melting ! And the scene with the graves is moving! My Mars crying...aww... How did Aglaulus and Alcippe die? :/ " my love" " dearest " so He still loves her...Pandia would be kind of jealous? I mean not exactly jealous but said annoyed...i cant find the right word lol Airlia looks like her...poor Ares ...loosing his first baby ! Good job ! You did well with this unknow touching lovely side of our Ares . I LOVE a mad jealous etc...Ares but i love also him like that. Oh and of course i live it make a mess in this room ! Ares in rage *.* | RebeccaMonroe chapter 24 . 10/1/2014 Thank youuuuu for this great chapter! "It was a secret dream of hers to see such a sight…a sight of a happy Ares" awwwww :) " In Thebes, he had allowed himself to admit what he has been in denial of for so many years…he loved Pandia" F.I. .L.Y ! :D He admits it !yay yay yay # ##%!# #!#! so He didnt love Bellona nor Venus? i think its not the first morning with Pandia cause if i remember well when He tried to get her pregnant He had sex with her in the morning and in chapter 20 they wake up together ..just saying its ok :) " what must it feel like to be loved by her" hey idiot yes you Ares! she already loves you! XD " His keen eyes were following every movement she made" cuuute " The very sight of them laughing together was a scandal" im shocked too lol i like a lot the talk between Hector and Andromache :) it was very friendly! ". And like a moth Ares flew to that tantalizing flame that was Venus and momentarily forgetting Pandia" badass! rrrrr men remain men lol " "I hope Venus and the children are doing well and please send them my best wishes," " ah ah ah thats my girl! XD " "I did no such thing, because the very thought of him with you in such a manner would plague my thoughts into madness." im dying *.* i LOVE the talk between Hector and Pandia ! honestly...PERFECT! Jealousy... pain... resentment ...arguing(yes i love when they argue too even with Ares) and passion i love the fact Hector wanted to see her again and made his best to find her!:) "You my love have a unforgettable face," she "It beamed, "how could I been so bless to have you." Sooooo sweet *.* | RebeccaMonroe chapter 23 . 9/28/2014 MMM let me guess...Helenus loves Andromache doesnt He? Poor Cassandra her punishment is rude...to see the future without do anything! Sad moment :/ Àww Ares dancing with his daughter ...cute:) :) and the fact He watch Pandia during it ...i love it! " "Very much so, I had the notions that tonight entertainment would have been something with Ares being tied down and beat with a horsewhipped by a very angry Pandia." LMBO! She nodded her head to her sister's assertions, "One day Ares will have to atone for his sins, that I promise you." YES! Why its not good according to Bellona that Pandia is the new obsession of Ares? I laugh again with the scene of Ares and The bed! The couple in the garden... ? Mmm helenus et Andromache? The talk between the two women is touching thymey are kind with each other good! But i though Pandia wont be so kind to her i mean Nice but not kind cause she is the woman who will bed his lover and give him a heir.. | RebeccaMonroe chapter 22 . 9/24/2014 "Now my Muses and I are happily to say were back to business" lol! " sex was taught to be a pleasurable expression for lovers or spouses to reflect their emotional connection" " when they did come together something magnificent and beautifu" nothing to add ! love it the scene with Airlia is sweettt she is smart! "There was no work to be done that day, for his thoughts always went back to Pandia and their last night and early morning encounters"yes carry on to think about her ! ! " tonight I would prefer no company." ouch lol phenomenal yeahhhhhh :D " Can I not persuade you?" ah ah ah XD its my boy lol love it ! Cant wait for the next ! | RebeccaMonroe chapter 19 . 11/8/2013 Oh thé big space in reviews chap 21 was a birthday cake :/ | RebeccaMonroe chapter 21 . 11/8/2013 HAPPY 20 th BIRTHDAY! Oh my...you post it ! Finalyyyyyy yeahhhhh thank you ! Im going to devour it ! PM when i come back home 4 m'y reaction im son happy | Bobbi chapter 20 . 9/29/2013 Oh my goodness, PLEASE update soon! | Niky D chapter 20 . 9/10/2013 Oh my so much has happened I can not wait for an update please don't keep me waiting. | RebeccaMonroe chapter 20 . 8/18/2013 What a end ! . . ! NO NO NO lol You teased us with this surprised end ! ;-) The ring ? oh its a dangerous idea knowing the pitiless of Ares if he discovers her affair ! But the idea ring is so sweet too ! #Lovely Nothing would afraid Hector about his love for his Dia ! :-) Poor Apollo his own son steal his love of his life :/ IN short its a beautiful chapter ! | kay103 chapter 18 . 4/26/2013 When will you be updating? | Rois and Cross chapter 16 . 11/9/2012 you've got such a wonderful story, it'd be even better if it had a tad bit more discriptive writing | RANDOM1 chapter 1 . 10/2/2012 Knowledge of greek mythology and ancient history is telling me what i think is coming... pandia needs to finally let loose on Aries' ass! I await your next update ith baited breath and popcorn :) | Guest chapter 1 . 9/28/2012 oh ow she will get pregnant. | fanfictioner chapter 13 . 8/15/2012 I've been on fanfiction for years and I just heard about fictionpress. Undisclosed Desire was the first story I clicked. After reading part I, I just HAD to read part II. Two words to describe this... Beyond amazing. I'll definitely be checking back to see if you updated. Keep at it, please! (:
{ "date": "2015-03-31T10:40:24Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131300464.72/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172140-00163-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.949178159236908, "token_count": 1607, "url": "https://www.fictionpress.com/r/2949043/" }
By Web Bard (Copyright 12/00) Reese pulled the car into a parking space in front of the inn. She looked over at Beth and smiled. "Come meet my family." The women walked toward the huge wooden door to the inn. Reese opened the door and was immediately pulled into the arms of a petite older woman. "Mamme " Reese wrapped her arms around her tiny grandmother. She looked up to see her grandfather walking toward her. She pulled him into the hugging circle. "Pappos, it's so good to see you." The family continued to hold each other as Beth waited patiently by the door. Reese's grandmother looked over her shoulder at the young blonde woman. "Please excuse us," said Mamme as she pulled away from Reese. She motioned for Beth to come closer. Mamme took one step toward Beth and cupped the young woman's face in her hands. Beth smiled and looked into steel blue eyes that held her captive. Just like Reese. The two women stood in silence and continued to memorize each other's features. Beth moved her hands to Mamme's shoulders. The older woman soon pulled Beth into an embrace. She placed her hand on the back of the young woman's head and pressed it to her shoulder. Mamme felt the tension ease from Beth's neck as she gently ran her fingers along the back of her hair. You're home, little one. Just relax. Beth just closed her eyes and drank in the affection from the older woman. Reese stood beside her grandfather with her arm wrapped around his shoulders. The older man looked into his granddaughter's eyes and nodded. He knew, too. Mamme slowly pulled away from Beth and reached out her hand to include Reese. "She is the one." "Yes, Mamme," said Reese as she took her grandmother's hand. "She is the one." Beth blushed and lowered her head. Mamme lifted her chin with the tip of her finger. "I didn't mean to embarrass you. I told my Reese many years ago that when the right person came along that she would know it. As soon as I looked into those pretty green eyes of yours, I knew. Pappos knows, too, don't you?" "Oh, yes," said the old man. "But I knew it from looking into our Reese's eyes. She looks at Beth the same way I look at you." Reese looked at Beth and smiled. I knew they would love you. "Enough of this," said Mamme. "You must be hungry and thirsty after your drive. Come to the table. I have prepared a feast for you." "Beth?" Reese reached over and placed her hand over her friend's. "Why don't you go upstairs and unpack our things? I need to talk to my grandmother for a few minutes and I'll be right up." "After that delicious meal, I don't know if I can even move," said Beth as she smiled at Mamme. "Thank you so much." Beth pushed herself away from the table and walked over to Mamme. She bent down and kissed her on the cheek. "You've made me feel so welcome here. I can't tell you how much that means to me." "You belong here, little one," said Mamme. "Now, please, do as my Reese says and relax by the fire in your bedroom. I won't keep her long." Reese waited until she heard Beth close the door upstairs before talking to her grandmother. "Mamme? I'm going to ask Beth a very important question in a few minutes and I don't really know what to say." "You want to make a commitment to her, don't you?" Mamme's blue eyes stared directly into her granddaughter's eyes. "Just tell her what you feel in your heart," said Mamme. "She will know what you mean to say. Do you want to have some type of ceremony to celebrate your joining of souls?" "Mamme," said Reese softly. "She hasn't even said yes yet. What if this is not what she wants?" "My child," said Mamme as she pulled Reese into a hug. "She loves you like you love her. I know this as sure as I know the love between your Pappos and me." Mamme looked over at her husband and winked at him. "Wait here for a minute. I have something I want to give you." Mamme returned with a small wooden box. She opened it and held it out for Reese to see. Inside the box were two simple gold bands. "These rings have been in the family for centuries. Each generation has passed them down to the next generation. Your Pappos and I designed our own rings and never wore these. I would be honored if you would take them." "Mamme," said Reese as she gazed in disbelief at the rings. "I can't take them. I I " The older woman took the rings out of the box and placed them in the palm of her granddaughter's hand. "I know that you are the one who will bring the truest meaning of love to these rings. Perhaps one day you'll understand the history and tradition behind them. Just trust me, please. The rings belong with you." Reese felt a tear run down the side of her face. She took a deep breath and pulled out a velvet pouch from her pocket. "I guess I'm more like you and Pappos than you know. Before I left home, I had a jeweler design two rings for us." Mamme looked at the intricate pattern on the two rings. "That's the Lion of Amphipolis, isn't it? What does the other pattern mean?" On either side of the small lion's head was a geometric pattern of Celtic knots. Reese caressed the side of the ring. "Beth is part Greek and part Irish. I wanted to blend the two cultures together." "It's beautiful," said the grandmother. "Now, give me your hand." Reese placed her hand in her grandmother's. Mamme took the antique gold band and put it on Reese's ring finger. Then, she slid the newer ring next to it. "Look. They fit perfectly." "Yes," said Reese. "They really do. Mamme, are you sure about giving me the rings?" "Reese," said her grandmother in a stern voice. "Now take them. No arguments." Her voice softened and she placed her hand on her granddaughter's face. "Now go and talk to Beth. Tomorrow, we will celebrate Christmas and will discuss the ceremony." "She will say yes," said the older woman. "Now give your grandparents a kiss and go upstairs." Reese took a deep breath before she opened the door to their room. She looked over at Beth, who was sound asleep on the chair in front of the fire. She had curled herself up into a ball, with her arms wrapped around her knees. The young blonde had a slight smile formed around the curve of her lips. Reese couldn't believe she could love someone as much as she loved this woman. She walked very quietly over to the chair and sat down on the floor beside it. Beth began to stir and moved to stretch her arms and legs. Reese turned herself around and placed her hand on her partner's leg. "Jeez! You scared me," said Beth as she jumped at the sudden touch. "Where did you come from?" "You were sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to disturb you." Reese pulled her self up on her knees and then placed her head in Beth's lap. Beth caressed the long black hair cascading down her lover's back. "Honey? Please talk to me. Something's been bothering you ever since we got to Greece. I want to help if you if I can." Reese lifted her head and looked into Beth's green eyes. It's now or never. "I need to talk to you about something very important to both of us." "I'm right here, love," said her partner. "Talk to me." "There's so much I want to say to you." Reese lowered her head and tried to maintain her composure. She took another deep breath. "You know that I love you with all my heart, don't you?" "I want to ask you something." "Yes?" Beth reached for Reese's hand, which was now shaking. "I want you to share my life. As my partner. As my lover. As my soul mate," said Reese as she solemnly looked at Beth. "You are the best thing in my life and I love you. I know that what I'm about to ask you won't be legal. Not yet. But it doesn't matter. What does matter to me is that I want to be by your side in this life and the next." Reese dropped to one knee and took Beth's left hand. She removed the friendship ring she had given Beth in the summer and placed it on her right hand. Reese pulled the velvet pouch out of her pocket and shook out the two custom made rings. She took the smaller ring and slid it on her lover's finger. "Beth," said Reese as a lump rose in her throat. "Will you marry me?" Beth gasped and looked down at the intricate gold band on her finger. She looked at Reese and upon seeing the tears forming in her friend's eyes; she could no longer hold back the emotions rising to the surface. She cupped Reese's face in her hands and kissed her softly. "Yes, honey, I will marry you." "I I had two rings made," said Reese as she reached for the second ring still in Beth's lap. "The lion stands for my family and the Celtic knots stand for yours. I had them especially designed for us." "No, let me," said Beth as she took the ring from her friend. She placed Reese's left hand in her own and slid the gold ring over the long slender finger of the woman she adored. "I love you more than my own life. I promise that I will love and honor and cherish you always. Will you marry me?" "Yes," said Reese as she stood up and pulled Beth into an embrace. "I will marry you." The two women stood wrapped in each other's arms in front of the fireplace. Beth leaned her head against her lover's chest and listened to the gentle rhythm of her friend's heartbeat as they gently rocked back and forth. Reese pressed her cheek against the top of her friend's hair and breathed a heavy sigh. Beth turned and looked up into Reese's blue eyes. "Is this what you were worried about?" "Yes," said Reese. "I was petrified that this wouldn't be what you wanted. I know how you feel about me, but I wasn't sure that you were ready for this kind of commitment." "Reese," said Beth as she caressed the side of her friend's face with her hand. "I was committed to you the first night we met. I knew when I first saw you that we were connected in a way that I couldn't explain. And then, when you kissed me, that was it. I knew that we were destined to always be together." Reese leaned down and captured Beth's lips with her own. She then pulled her friend closer and whispered in her ear. "I love you." "I love you, too," said Beth. "Honey, do you think we could sit down for a few minutes?" "Are you okay?" "I'm fine, considering the woman I love just asked me to marry her, and I'm overwhelmed and overjoyed " Reese interrupted and took Beth by the hand to the bed. "Hey, it's Christmas Eve. Do you want to open up one of your gifts?" Beth suddenly jumped up from the bed. She ran to her suitcase and pulled out an envelope. "I almost forgot. I have a surprise of my own." She handed the envelope to Reese. "I had no idea you were going to propose to me tonight, but I've had something planned for the past few weeks. I wanted to give you something special for Christmas. But before you argue with me, I want you to know that this is something I've been saving for my whole life." "What is it?" "Well, open it." Reese opened the envelope and read the legal paper in her hand. "Beth, it's the bill of sale for the house. What did you do?" "I couldn't stand the thought of ever losing our dream house, so I bought it." "But you can't afford this," said Reese looking at her friend. "You couldn't possibly have purchased the house on a magazine writer's salary." "I just put a substantial down payment on it to make sure no one else could have it," said Beth. "We close on the house in two weeks. I want the house to be in both of our names and we can both make the rest of the payments together, okay?" Reese was stunned. She couldn't believe that Beth had used all of her savings to do this. It was their house now. Amazing. "I can't believe you did this for me. For us." Beth took Reese's hand. "You are everything I've ever dreamed of in a best friend. To top that off, you are my lover, my partner and my soul mate. We live in a beautiful home and we're now planning the rest of our lives together. The house just completes the picture. I hope you don't mind that I didn't ask you before I did it." "Of course not," said Reese. "But I would have helped you with the money, you know that don't you?" "I know," said Beth. "I just wanted to give you something special." Reese pulled Beth down on the bed beside her. She ran her fingers through her lover's hair and leaned in for a kiss. "You are a special gift to me. The greatest gift I've ever known." Beth kissed moved her head lower and began to kiss the inside of Reese's neck. Her fingers began to move slowly over her lover's body. "Um, Reese, um, can the rest of gifts wait until tomorrow? I want to make love to my fiancé." "What gifts?" Reese smiled and began her own trail of exploration of her partner's neck and chest. The fears and tension were gone. Beth said yes. Nothing else mattered except the woman in her arms. Nothing. to be continued Back to Main Page
{ "date": "2015-03-29T22:23:37Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131298755.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172138-00171-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9910884499549866, "token_count": 3097, "url": "http://www.academyofbards.org/fanfic/w/webbard_sc11.html" }
At the Bar Ben continues to keep tabs on Kevin a.k.a "Butch", who now has his hands full since Kelly a.k.a "Theresa" has shown up. Rourke wants to know why she is there and Butch explains it's his wife. Rourke wants to know where her wedding ring is and "Theresa" tells him that's why she's there...her ring went down the drain AGAIN and "Butch" needs to help her get it back! Rourke gets a phone call and has to leave. Ben tells Kevin and Kelly the charade is over, but Kelly and Kevin have other plans. Meanwhile Todd has been in the bar watching them and burning Sam and Viki's pictures in an ashtray. He follows Rourke outside with information about his new buisness contacts Butch and "Adelade." Before he can say a word though, Ben introduces him as Dectective Manning, and Rourke leaves. Ben tells Todd he will be on him and he will not hurt Viki again. Todd returns to the bar and beats up the jukebox, orders a beer and writes a note to himself to GET BO/NORA/LINDSAY/SAM and BEN. At Bo's office Lindsay continues to lie to Bo about her affair with Colin, and Bo continues to get tougher with his questions about the affair. Nora walks in and wants to know about Lindsay also. Nora tells Bo she hasn't lost her lawyering skills and wants to be active in the prosecution of who ever did this to her. Hank enters and overhears this and welcomes her aboard the case. Lindsay leaves, looking upset and nervous. Hank, Bo and Sam brainstorm on how to go forward with the case. They decide to offer Colin a deal of unlawful restraint instead of kidnapping....Colin refuses, saying he knows nothing. Meanwhile, Nora confronts Lindsay about there "friendship" and asks "Why do we hate each other so much?." Sam then warns Lindsay he will find out the truth and she can count on that! Viki has Betty Rollins over to visit and they discuss cancer and Viki's diary. They plan on running an awareness campaign in the Banner with early detection being the subject. Joey stops by and they talk about Kelly, and Joey's plans for the future. Afterwards, Ben comes home and Viki kids him about looking through a bridal magazine. They start planning their wedding. At Kevin's office Kelly teases Kevin about her new "Look" and Kevin is obviously excited, but Kelly leaves him hanging and says she is going to work on the shooting. Kevin calls out to her that he loves her. \ Share this story with friends, family or the world. Kelly goes to see Todd at the Sun in hopes of getting a job their. She has decided she doesn't want Kevin controlling which stories she is working on. Todd isn't there, but Kevin shows up. The two cuddle in Todd's office and Kevin convince her not to work for Todd. He promises to let her work on finding the Mob shooter no matter how dangerous it is. Meanwhile, Todd sneaks into the Buchanan mansion to talk to Blair. When Todd asks her about Ben, she and Max have such a strong reaction, Todd thinks there may be something to find out. After Max and Blair leave the room, Todd teaches Starr how to eavesdrop. He wants her to spy on Blair and Max and report back anything they say about Ben. She excitedly agrees. Starr tells her daddy how much she loves keeping secrets. "You are your mother's daughter," Todd replies. As Todd leaves the mansion, he nudges Starr towards the room where Max and Blair are talking. She gives Todd a "thumbs up" and proceeds to spy on them. She hears Blair say "no one can find out who Ben really is!"... Viki and Ben discuss Todd and how he never changes. Viki is upset with herself for letting Todd back into her life. Ben doesn't think she should blame herself for being a loving person. Viki opens up the Sun and the front page headline screams, "Mob Doctor a Gigolo!". She is can't believe he would lash out at her like that. Ben convinces her not to confront Todd, but later goes to Todd's office to have a few words with him... At Nora's house, Nora is becoming more irritated and impatient being at home. She decides she needs to see Bo and figure out what is going on with the case against Colin. Lanie tells her that she will be moving out soon and getting a place of her own. Nora invites her to stay on as a housemate. Later Mathew comes downstairs and runs to Lanie's arms instead of Nora's. When Lanie asks why he doesn't want to hug his mother, he replies that his "mommy is a ghost." Nora asks if that's what the kids in the playgroup are telling him and he says yes. Nora becomes more determined that ever to bury Colin for what he did to her and leaves to go to the precinct. Later, Lindsay shows up and realizes that Lanie hasn't told Nora that she is involved with Bo. Lindsay uses the opportunity to taunt Lanie and remind her how important Nora and Bo are to each other. When Nora shows up at the precinct, she becomes irate when she finds out Colin got out on bail because there wasn't enough evidence to keep him locked up. Although Bo tells her to sit tight, she sneaks out and grabs Colin's keys out of the police envelope containing his personal belongings. She goes to his house and begins to wander around looking at all the rooms. Just as she starts to head up the stairs, Colin walks in! Share this story with friends, family or the world. Jess is visiting with Will who is concerned that Sam is running out of options to help him. He admits that it's only 7 years that he'll be at Statesville and as long as he and Jess are back together, he'll be able to handle it. Jess refuses to listen to this or to have Asa win. He tries to talk her into going back to class; she goes to make a phone call. In police headquarters, Bo gets in touch with Antonio and Sophia, who are tailing Colin. He advises them that Nora may be in the house ahead of Colin and they are to find her and get her out. Lindsay and Lanie who are nearby, over hear this phone conversation so Lindsay rushes off to Colin's aid. Lanie goes to visit with Will and he confides in her that he's scared but has tried to make Jess feel better. Roseanne is looking for Antonio and when Sykes orders her to go away, he's working, she announces that she wants to see Will. Just then, Jess goes by and tells her to stay away from Will, she's done enough damage. After Roseanne assures her that she's trying to help and has even worn a wire to try to catch Asa lying, Jess calms down, apologizes and runs off. Everyone has done what they can to stall Will's trip to Statesville, John informs Roseanne, no one is happy and they really need the tape of Asa's confession. Asa and Max have a chat while Starr eavesdrops nearby. Asa is extremely angry over the fact that Viki is engaged to Ben and threatens to find a weakness or secret to harm him. He wants to kill him! Ben has no secrets left after today's Sun article, Max points out to his father. And he'll take care of Ben himself. In the hallway, Starr demands that Nigel take her to see Todd. She even threatens him with telling Asa that Nigel put his heart medicine in his eggs. Nigel mutters about her being like her father as he agrees to take her to the Sun. Jess comes by to pay Asa a visit as Max excuses himself. She wants to make him a deal about Will-his freedom for Asa's getting his family back, since he has everything but that. He could give Will a pardon, he won't care if others then think he lied. He tells her she's a Buchanan for sure, but she doesn't want the honor. He says he can't help her, he wants her to be happy and thinks that'll be without Will. Ben informs Todd that he's made a mistake by bringing Viki into his fight with him and that she's hurt by what Todd has written. He lets Todd know that he's warned. Just then, Todd fields several phone calls-there's been a work stoppage, employees calling out sick and computers are down. Ben has friends, he politely lets Todd know, and there will be further info on Todd in the Banner if he doesn't cease what he's doing. Later, Starr shows up with Nigel in tow, who leaves father and daughter alone. Starr gives Todd the news: Ben has a secret that Max doesn't want Asa to know and Asa wants to kill all Rappa-Davidsons. She assures her father that this doesn't bother her, since Asa never gives her Christmas presents anyway. She likes seeing her dad smile and he tells her things are going their way. Nora tells Colin she gained admittance to his house because the door was unlocked. He's highly doubtful since his keys were missing from the police station, but assures her he's not nervous that she'll find something to help her regain her memory. In fact, he hopes her visit will clear everything up. When he keeps calling her Scarlet, she calls him on it, but he insists it was her idea in the hospital. As they're chatting, he locates his keys where Nora put them. He proclaims his innocence again and offers to take her on a house tour. She refuses at first but changes her mind when he tells her not to be scared. In the meantime, Antonio and Sophia show up at the door, quietly announce their presence and bust the door down. They train their guns on an inside doorway as Nora and Colin emerge with cups of tea. Sophia mentions that they had a report of a "718" in progress. Bo arrives to see if Nora's in danger. He and Colin exchange words over the broken door. When he grabs Colin and tells him to stay away from Nora, the doctor orders Bo to stay away from him or he'll press charges. Nora wants to be arrested for trespassing but Bo won't have cuffs put on her. Colin mentions the tour they were about to take as Lindsay walks in and runs to hide as everyone else is leaving. Afterwards, she tells Colin he's lost his mind, to think about taking Nora on a house tour. She warns him not to implicate either her or R.J., asking if he received R.J.'s message. Lindsay is sick, Colin tells her and he's sick of everyone including Will. Lindsay thinks he only cares about Nora. She mentions that the tape would set Will free and after she leaves, Colin gets it out of the drawer and plays it. As he does this, we see Jess sitting in the park thinking and Ben visiting with Will in his cell. Colin thinks maybe he should let Will rot in prison, it would serve "her" right. Back at Police Station Ben bumps into Max who warns him to back off of Asa. Ben warns Max to have Asa back off of Will or things will happen. Bo and Nora get back from Colin's where Bo yells at her for breaking into Colin's house. She's upset, she doesn't remember the real her, she yells back and in the meantime nothing is happening from the investigation. Bo tells her that the DNA results will take time but she's resistant to his giving her orders. Lanie appears in the office and calms Nora down by telling her that everyone is trying to help, but she risked her life and it's not right. Bo orders an escort to take Nora home and thanks Lanie for her sticking up for him. She reminds him that Nora is in pain for losing him twice, they kiss and are spied on by Lindsay. Antonio and Sophia wander in, Antonio questioning the "718" that he's never heard of. She made it up, she jokingly says, because she didn't want them in trouble for breaking Colin's door down. Antonio spots Roseanne who wants to see him but he tells her he's busy. She mentions that she also wanted to see Will. Sophia manages to get Rosie aside to ask if she's spilled the beans on Sophia's feelings for Antonio but Roseanne assures her she hasn't. Share this story with friends, family or the world. Llanview Police Department Roseanne comes by to visit Will in jail claiming she is "worried" about him. Will finds this hard to believe but softens when Roseanne tells him she "tried to get the cops off your trail." Will asks if it is really over between she and Cristian which causes Roseanne to wonder if Will is doubting Jessica's commitment to him. Admitting that he trusts Jessica "like nobody else" he also confides that it's "fine while I'm in here...but when I'm gone, who will she turn to?" As Sophia and Antonio are "engrossed" checking R.J.'s files for clues into why he and Lindsay have been seen together, R.J. comes in and observes their sleuthing. He offers, in his snide way, to simply fax them his schedule for the week and enjoys telling Antonio that "everything is not about you" when Antonio offers that R.J. has dropped by just to "get in my face." R.J. pushes another of Antonio's buttons when he asks about Cristian and this time it's Roseanne who steps in to stop the argument. However, R.J. enjoys telling Roseanne that she is "nothing" to him so she shouldn't think that she can protect Antonio from him any longer. When she claims that Antonio doesn't need protection, R.J. enjoys taunting her. "Once again you show your ignorance." After R.J. leaves, Antonio voices his fear that R.J. is "going after" his brother, but Roseanne suggests that Antonio let Cristian take care of himself. Antonio hears this advice as a suggestion to turn his back on his brother and refuses to take it; Roseanne feels rejected by Antonio and gets upset when he refuses to go out with her. Sophia returns and misinterprets the tension between Roseanne and Antonio as a "fight." Roseanne leaves in a huff and Sophia tells Antonio "there is no way you can be too worried about your brother." Officer Shelby interrupts with a "tip" for Antonio about a Cristian sighting in the park and he hurries off to see his brother. Meanwhile, Bo is in his office telling Melanie about the "amazing" effect she has on him, making all the pressures of his day simply "go away" and how lucky he is to have her in his life. She concurs that there is "no place I'd rather be" so they agree to "escape" from all of Bo's duties and visit the park. Bo and Melanie find it "incredible how much has happened" since the 4th of July when they were together in the park. Bo wants Melanie to understand that he has "to try to help" Nora but he confesses he feels uncomfortable about not telling Nora "about us." Melanie claims that Nora is in "an adjustment period" and can't be expected to "absorb that much all at once." While Bo is not surprised by the fact that Nora and Melanie would get along and even like each other, he surmises it must be awkward for Lanie to live in the same house while keeping their secret and asks what she and Nora talk about. Since they talk about Bo, Melanie decides to "keep it in confidence" between she and Nora. Bo accepts that and they hold hands and kiss as Don Henley's song "Taking You Home" plays over the scene. Later, Bo's pager goes off with the news that the final forensics report on Colin's place is ready. Cristian runs into Jessica in another part of the park and he apologizes for his previous behavior when he was "drunk...and a jerk." Jess informs him that her mood is not about him or his behavior but about her grandfather and how he has changed. She is incredibly hurt that Asa has allowed his feud with the Rappaport family to poison him against his own family and she feels powerless to do anything to help Will. Jessica also apologizes to Cristian "for what I did to you" and admits that she had lied to him without even knowing that she was doing it. Cristian asks her to "be straight with me and yourself...is what you feel for Will love or do you feel responsible for what Asa did?" Reluctantly, Jessica admits that "what I feel for Will...it's real, it's love." It's not the answer Cris wanted and he doesn't understand how their love could have died since "it was you and me for so long." Jessica is conflicted, too. "I do love you but I can't be with you...I don't want to feel this way...I've tried to change it but I can't." Jessica admits that when Megan died something changed and she felt Will was the only one who understood. Cristian claims this is a cop out because Jess had pushed him away after Megan's death but he reluctantly accepts her decision. "I can't handle this anymore...you feel the way you feel, apparently that's all that matters." Jessica leaves and Antonio joins his brother, claiming that he knows "how it feels." That doesn't make Cristian feel any better, however, and he asks to be left alone. He assures his big brother that "I won't kill anybody, I won't jump off a cliff, I won't drink myself stupid" so Antonio agrees to give Cristian some space. R.J. watches Antonio leave and approaches Cristian. Asa is in a foul mood since Jessica's visit and when the doorbell rings he advises Nigel that "unless it's a matter of life or death" he is to get rid of them. Colin piques Asa's interest and gets an invitation to come in when he claims to have come "about the Rappaports." The two men agree that the Rappaports aren't "friends" of either of them and Asa is further intrigued when Colin tells him that "the blonde your son Bo's been chasing...used to be my wife." Colin tries to further endear himself to Asa by claiming he is "involved" with Nora's case because "she's something special." When Asa can't understand what Colin wants him to do about their mutual dislike of Sam and Lindsay, Colin admits it's what Asa has already done that "interests" him. Asa is furious when Colin tells him he heard that Asa "framed Lindsay's kid" but he really goes off when Colin reminds him of the tape that was "lost" in the train wreck. Asa accuses Colin of a "shakedown" and lies that there was no tape. Of course, Colin knows differently and enjoys taunting Asa with the "what if" that tape turned up. "You'd be behind bars and Will would be free." Renee interrupts as Asa calls for Nigel to throw Colin out. Asa explains to her that "this loser is on his way out" but is shocked when Renee reveals that Colin is the person who kidnapped Nora. "You're a dead man." Although Colin tries to claim he "had nothing to do with it," as proved by his being free and not in jail, Asa doesn't accept this explanation of the "lousy low-life...so-called man who victimized an innocent" woman. Asa goes to his desk, takes out his gun and turns it on Colin. "If Bo couldn't take care of you legally, I'll do it myself." Renee encourages Asa to show Colin "poor man's justice" by shooting him "right between the eyes, or lower." A freaked out Colin decides it's time for him to leave. "They're right...you're a complete madman." After Colin's exit, Renee asks if Asa would really have shot Colin. Admitting he was "sure as hell tempted to," Renee agrees she was tempted to have him do it and just wishes it "could have scared a confession out of him." Asa misreads Renee and assumes she is "still on my side" and has come back to him. He is dismayed that Renee has brought a preliminary settlement agreement for him to sign. Instead of letting the lawyers handle it, Renee "wanted to look you in the eyes and ask if anything has changed" Asa is adamant that Renee "take me the way I am" and claims he is the "same as always." Sadly, Renee admits that "you're not the man I loved...and married...hate has taken you over." When Renee asks Asa to "sign this and we get on with it," he just walks out of the room. Lindsay stops by to "talk...just the two of us." Nora warily lets her in but admits that "I was told to keep away from you...by more than one person." Lindsay confesses the "bad history between us" and claims she wants to give Nora the "answers you're not getting." Of course, Nora takes the bait. "I'm looking for the truth anywhere I can get it...as long as it is the truth." Lindsay mixes the truth with her lies and gives it to Nora shaken, not stirred. She claims that Bo was the cause of all their problems and that they would be married if "someone" hadn't come in and "annihilated" their wedding. When a confused Nora asks who would do such a thing, Lindsay delights in informing her, "You did." She then claims to "understand" this ruthlessness as Nora's "self preservation" and "instinct" because she was "always possessive about Bo." A dazed Nora then asks what Lindsay did that made her do this. Lindsay serves this lie straight up, with a twist, "You brought up a mistake I made before Bo and I were even together." Nora feels that Lindsay isn't telling her the whole story but she has heard enough to make her feel that Lindsay "must really hate me." Lindsay immediately back pedals and claims that she "got over it" and Nora can't use this for a "motive to kidnap you" because after all it "turned out for the best." Unwittingly setting herself up, Nora asks if this means Lindsay met someone else. Lindsay enjoys telling Nora, "No...Bo did...Who would have ever guessed that the love of his life would be right around the corner?" When Nora demands to know who "the love of Bo's life" is now, Lindsay pretends to change the subject and claims she needs to leave before Melanie arrives home. Nora calls her on it. "You came over here...to tell me...you wanted me to know...stop tap dancing around..." Lindsay enjoys giving Nora the answer she doesn't want to hear: "Lanie." Overwhelmed, Nora doesn't understand why Melanie and Bo would keep this "mercy secret" from her. "He told me everything else...Bo can tell me anything. He knows that." Lindsay pleads with Nora not to tell her sister she spilled the beans but Nora throws her out and then throws a pillow around the room. Later, still in shock, Nora wanders the room mindlessly picking up Matthew's toys as Lanie comes in the front door. If looks could kill... Back at LPD Colin comes into Bo's office all full of piss and vinegar claiming that he's "sick and tired of all this" and threatens a lawsuit against the department for harassment. He challenges Bo to "spring whatever clever trap you think you've got set for me this time" but Bo calmly advises Dr. MacIver that "I don't have to trap you...I gotcha!" as he hands the forensics report to Colin. Share this story with friends, family or the world. Starr tries to get Nigel to take her to meet her dad (Todd) in the park, but Blair catches her and makes her go to bed. Skye is searching Starr's room, and slips into a closet when they walk in. As soon as Blair leaves, Starr tells Skye to come out. Starr asks Skye what she is doing in her room. Skye tries to lie to her, but Starr isn't buying it. She demands that Skye give her cash or she'll scream. Skye gives her the cash, but she tells anyway. Skye faces Blair and they argue about who Max really loves and take verbal shots at each other. Skye gets the last word by saying that Max loves her because she can see it in his eyes. She dares Blair to try looking for it. Blair throws her out. In the Park R.J. offers Cristian a job, but Cristian refuses. R.J. insists it's a legitimate opportunity. Todd interrupts their discussion. R.J. tries to convince Cristian to talk over a drink, but Cristian leaves anyway. Todd and R.J. exchange the usual sarcasms about trying to kill each other, and about Téa. Todd thinks they should be even now, but R.J. assures him they are not, but will be soon. Todd wants to know if R.J.'s threat is about Té but R.J. isn't telling. Todd tells him that he did nothing to Téa. R.J. goes on and on about Todd's "intimacy" problems, which causes Todd to lose his temper and threaten to kill him. Todd is just about to throw the first punch when he hears Blair calling his name. thing she does is yell at him about telling her what secret game he is playing with Starr. She demands to know why Todd wants to see Starr so late at night. Todd yells back that Starr can see him whenever she wants. Blair needs to know what he asked Starr to do. Todd thinks it's fine to have a secret with his daughter. Both tempers are flaring, and Blair asks Todd if he wants Starr to turn into a "miserable, lonely, vindictive, Todd clone". Todd makes her even angrier by saying that it has already happened. They take turns making snide remarks about each other and she slaps him. That brings them both back to their senses and they find out that they were both really angry about something else (Skye and R.J.). They calm down and talk about their problems. Todd tells her that Skye is not worth it and neither is Max. She points out that at least Max isn't trying to change her. Todd realizes she is right. Nobody really loves him. Everyone (Sam, Viki, Téa) has tried to change him...everyone except Blair. Melanie comes home to find Nora waiting for her. Nora mentions that Lindsay came by and told her about their past (how Nora interrupted Lindsay & Bo's wedding etc). Lindsay also said that Melanie is the new woman in Bo's life. Melanie admits that it's true. She tells Nora that they didn't want to tell her right away because it was too much to deal with, and Bo cares about her very much. Nora gets defensive and she doesn't want to hear about Bo's feelings from Melanie. Melanie offers to leave, and Nora doesn't try to stop her this time. She waits by the door as Melanie gets her things. Melanie explains that she was only trying to help. They admit that they really like each other. Nora says she's grateful for all Melanie's done, but they both admit the situation is too complicated for them to be friends. At the Police Station Bo, Hank, and Sam show Colin the forensic report that gives proof Nora was in his house. They found a strand of Nora's hair in the laundry room, and flakes of skin with her DNA in the upstairs bedroom. Colin warns them not to start celebrating just yet. Sam tells Colin that he should be taking this more seriously because any jury will convict on this evidence. Colin tries to get a deal, but Bo and Hank say it's too late. Colin tells them this is as close to prison as he's going to get. Sam knows he has something up his sleeve. Lindsay sees Will. She tells him she's been trying to see him since he got back but "they" wouldn't let her. He and Jen are her whole world. Everything else has fallen apart. Will assures her he'll always be on her side no matter what happens. She asks him what he means by that and realizes he's talked to Sam. Will believes that she had nothing to do with it. Sam comes down to tell Will that they nailed Colin with the forensic report. Will asks Sam to say he doesn't believe Lindsay was involved, because she needs to know Sam doesn't blame her. The best Sam can do is to say there's no evidence linking Lindsay to the crime. Lindsay insists they should concentrate on keeping Will out of prison. One of the guards informs them that someone has to leave because another visitor is waiting upstairs. Lindsay volunteers to go. The surprise visitor is Colin. He wants Sam to help him. Sam and Will rub in the fact that they are putting him away for a long time. Sam talks about how Matthew suffered without Nora and now he is going to make Colin suffer. Colin tells Sam he has to choose between revenge for Nora or Will's freedom. Melanie shows up at Bo's office to let him know about what happened with Nora. She apologizes for Lindsay telling Nora. He tells her about the forensic report. Melanie thinks that although Nora seemed okay when she left, from personal experience she knows Nora must be hurting. Bo insists on going to Nora, and Melanie says she feels like the "other woman". She hates to be adding to Nora's pain. Bo insists that Nora would understand that she tried to help, and that Nora is not her responsibility. Bo assures her he will see Nora through whatever she needs, and still take care of he and Melanie's relationship. They kiss goodbye. At the end... · R.J. sneaks into Todd's office and leaves a note saying that Téa wants to see him. Cristian catches him in the office and asks if this was the legitimate opportunity he offered. · Lindsay runs into Melanie in Bo's office, and Melanie asks her why she told Nora. · Bo shows up at Nora's house. She is furious, and even calls him a jerk. · Colin promises he'll help Sam if Sam helps him. He says he has evidence that can clear Will. Share this story with friends, family or the world.
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Amanda Seyfried as MK Voiced By Amanda Seyfried AMANDA SEYFRIED (M.K.) has established herself as one of Hollywood’s most captivating young leading actresses. Seyfried is best known for her starring role in the Universal Pictures hit film Mamma Mia! Seyfried highlighted her vocal skills as Sophie, the daughter of Donna (Meryl Streep). The film, directed by Phyllida Lloyd, was released in July 2008 and has grossed more than $600 million internationally. Seyfried will next begin production in Seth MacFarlane’s upcoming film A Million Ways to Die in the West starring alongside MacFarlane and Charlize Theron. Seyfried most recently starred in Universal’s film adaptation of Les Miserables, in which she plays Cosette. She starred opposite Anne Hathaway, Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe. Tom Hooper directed the film, which was released on December 25, 2012 and has grossed over $400 million internationally. Seyfried will next be seen in Lionsgate’s The Big Wedding, where she stars opposite Robert De Niro and Diane Keaton. The film will be released on April 26, 2013. Later this year, Seyfried will star in Millennium/Radius Films’ Lovelace, a drama directed by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman. The film tells the true story of Linda Lovelace (Seyfried), the world’s first adult film star, who is abused by the industry and by her coercive husband, before fighting back and taking control of her life. Peter Sargsaard and Sharon Stone also star in the film, which will be released in 2013. In 2011, Seyfried starred opposite Justin Timberlake in New Regency’s sci-fi action thriller, In Time, from writer-director Andrew Niccol. The film, distributed by Twentieth Century Fox, revolves around a society in which aging stops at the age of 25 and where time has become the currency. The film was released on October 28, 2011. Also in 2011, Seyfried starred in Warner Bros.’ Red Riding Hood. Produced by Leonardo DiCaprio’s Appian Way, the film was directed by Catherine Hardwicke. In 2010, Seyfried starred opposite Channing Tatum in the box office hit, Dear John, the adaptation of the Nicolas Sparks (The Notebook) bestseller. In the film, Seyfried plays a young woman who meets and falls in love with a soldier (Channing Tatum) while he’s on leave. Lasse Hallstrom (The Cider House Rules, Chocolat) directed from a script by Jamie Linden. Dear John grossed more than $100 million worldwide and is the highest opening film to date for Sony Screen Gems. Also in 2010, Seyfried also starred in the Summit film, Letters to Juliet, in which she plays a young American who travels to Verona, Italy to answer letters people write to the fictional Juliet of Romeo and Juliet fame. The film is directed by Gary Winick (Bride Wars, 13 Going On 30) and also stars Vanessa Redgrave, and Gael Garcia Bernal. Also in 2010, Seyfried starred in Chloe, an Atom Egoyan-directed thriller where she shares the screen with Julianne Moore and Liam Neeson. Seyfried plays an escort hired by a successful doctor (Moore) to test her husband’s fidelity. In 2009, Seyfried starred in Jennifer’s Body. In the film written by Diablo Cody (Juno), Seyfried plays Needy, the best friend of Jennifer, (Megan Fox) a possessed cheerleader who begins killing boys in a small town. On the TV front, Seyfried received critical praise for her starring role in HBO’s Golden Globe nominated drama, Big Love. A Pennsylvania native, Seyfried began modeling at the age of 11. She soon turned to acting and landed her first contract role in 2000 as Lucy Montgomery on As the World Turns. In 2002, All My Children signed her to the contract role of Joni Stafford. Her big break came in 2004’s Mean Girls, the Lorne Michaels/Tina Fey/Paramount comedy-drama, where she co-starred with Lindsay Lohan and Rachel McAdams. Together they won the Best On-Screen Team Award at the MTV Movie Awards. In 2005, Seyfried starred in the Sundance Film Festival favorite Nine Lives. Written and directed by Rodrigo Garcia, the film also starred Sissy Spacek, Glenn Close, Holly Hunter, Robin Wright Penn and Dakota Fanning. In 2006, she appeared in Alpha Dog, directed by Nick Cassavetes, and starring Justin Timberlake, Sharon Stone, Emile Hirsch, and Bruce Willis. Seyfried followed this with American Gun, starring Donald Sutherland, Forest Whitaker, and Marcia Gay Harden. Amanda currently divides her time between Los Angeles and New York.
{ "date": "2016-07-24T20:23:14Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257824146.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071024-00133-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9431859850883484, "token_count": 1055, "url": "http://www.epicthemovie.com/epic-characters/amanda-seyfried-as-mk" }
Before I get into today’s lecture, :P, I want to mention that Thanksgiving and the other holidays are totally messing with my time to costume….and also, my time to blog. But I have gotten *some* stuff done on Idris, so I swear I will update that page soon! Okay, so there are some costumes that are just easy to steampunk. Anything that hails from the Victorian time period, for example. But what if you want to make something steampunk that isn’t Victorian? Funny enough, I was already planning to write about this subject, and then I went to this year’s Steamcon, and one of the panels was on how to “Steampunk your Fandom”. Of course I went, and the panelist pretty much said everything that I had floating around in my brain! But, for those of you that couldn’t attend *that* panel, here’s my take on the subject. I’ve been steampunking my fandoms (and everything else) every since I discovered I was a steampunk. Two of my upcoming costumes (just given their own pages to the left) are my Steampunk Hufflepuff and my Steampunk 10th Doctor. Right now, I’m going to talk about the 10th Doctor costume. This is the 10th Doctor, in case you aren’t a Doctor Who fan. Basically, he’s just a man in suit and a long coat. A very gorgously wonderful man. In a wonderfully gorgeous coat. The back of his coat has this fabulous buttoned flap: When you steampunk something that isn’t visually in the steampunk aesthetic, there are two things you need to do. You need to make it steampunk (obviously!) and you need to express enough of the original design/character so that people won’t just think “Oh that’s a cool steampunk outfit” and fail to realize who you are meant to be. In my case, I also want to make my steampunk’d 10th Doctor a woman as well. My first idea was to make his suit as an Edwardian woman’s suit, because the lines are quite similar. His suit is very straight and skinny, and so were those Edwardian suits: And this would have worked fine. But I’ve worn this type of skirt, and I know how you have to move when you wear one! The 10th Doctor’s physical trademark is his love of running and other exhausting activity…and that sort of thing is NOT going to happen in this kind of skirt. I also considered making a Victorian bustle skirt, but that had nothing whatever in common with the look of the Doctor’s suit, and I just couldn’t settle my mind around it. And then, I remembered this Victorian oufit: It’s a Victorian cycling uniform, from the Kyoto Costume Institute. Here is a Victorian woman’s outfit that is made for activity! And it has similiar lines to that of a modern suit. Oh, yes, I can see a female Doctor wearing this! I googled a ton of different cycling uniforms, and I discovered that women frequently wore spats or gaiters with them Such as this pair: My other problem had been what to do about Ten’s shoes. He wears red canvas sneakers…not exactly Victorian OR steampunk! But…imagine a pair of red canvas spats, worn over a pair of white Victorian boots. Yes. That works. The 10th Doctor is active and physical. We’ll put my Ten in a blue pinstriped cycling suit, with white boots and red canvas spats. Now for the coat. This is the single most recognizable thing about the 10th Doctor, and if we take it away, our Ten will be just a woman in a cute cycling uniform. But neither can we leave it exactly as it is, if we want to stay at all true to the “look” of the Victorian era. The back of it, with the buttoned flap, is easily its most distinctive detail. That has to stay. But the front…we can play with the front! What about doing a tailcoat? Victorians wore them all the time. Since this is steampunk, and doesn’t have to be historically accurate, we’ll have our Ten wear a modified tailcoat over her cycling uniform. We’ll crop the front of the 10th Doctor’s coat, and make it more fitted to a woman’s body. But we’ll leave the buttoned back flap pretty much as-is, creating a steampunk-y version of a tailcoat. Instead of a tie, we’ll have her wear a cravat. The 10th Doctor has a fabulous bit of tech, his sonic screwdriver, and we’ll maybe play with that bit to add a more steampunk feeling. The 10th Doctor loves various props, and in one episode, he wears a pair of 3D glasses. What is the steampunk equivalent of 3D glasses? Goggles with one red lens and one blue lens, of course! Yay goggles! I like having an excuse to add them to a costume; goggles are cool. Here is my finished concept sketch (and forgive the fact that I cannot draw the back of a buttoned-flap tailcoat to save my life): So here are my tips for how to steampunk anything: 1) Think about your character/thing/person. What are her/his abilities, strengths, likes, and favorites? What does s/he value in his/her costume? Comfort? Fashion? Does he have an item of clothing that he is never without? Make a list of the things that he has to have in order to be “him”, and then modify those into Steampunk equivalents. 2) Try to think of what a Victorian version of his work/job/hobby would be. If he has a profession, what would his profession have worn in the Victorian age? If it’s a profession that’s been around for a hundred + years, that’s a simple thing to google. If it’s something new to our age, you’ll have to look for a more ancient equivalent. A computer tech today might have been an engineer in the past. 3) Look at the cut and style of his costume and props/gear. What does it LOOK like? What does it do? Could be made tooperate with steam? If he does magic in his real world, could he do the exact same things using mad inventions and Victorian-age tech in a steampunk version? 4) Don’t fret about being too “historical”. If there is no Victorian equivalent to what you want to do, then just do it anyway. Steampunk is about having fun, and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise! 5) Don’t fret about it not being “steampunk” enough. I cannot stress this enough. For every steampunk costume I’ve made, there has been at least one person who commented that she doesn’t see what makes it steampunk. Don’t get scared and start hot-gluing gears all over or stick a pair of goggles onto your hat just to “make it steampunk” – unless you want goggles on your hat and a lot of gears. Steampunk is one part aestetic, one part attitude, and a whole airship full of whimsy. In a world that embraces mad invention and time travel, there is no way there isn’t justification for your vision of steampunk. I don’t care how “big” a person is in the steampunk community, don’t let them convince you that they have the only legal definition of steampunk, and if you aren’t playing by their rules, you’re doing steampunk wrong. I’ve heard one Really Big Name say that (among a bunch of other things) anything post-apocalyptic can’t be steampunk. In my opinion that’s load of hooey. We aren’t recreating the past, we’re imagining a new future for that past. Who’s to say that some evil inventor didn’t destroy most of the known world in my version of 1885? Who’s to say that the world in 2085 wasn’t destroyed, and the only books that survived were a Victorian etiquette manuel and a textbook on steampowered technology? What do you think the world the few surviving people created might be like? My view on steampunk is, if you can figure out a story to go with it, and you’re having fun, you’re absolutely doing it right. And with that, I’ve been meaning to say that, while I absolutely adore comments left on my blog, any of you can also feel free to email me as well, with suggestions, pleas for help (I don’t promise to actually be ABLE to help, mind you!) or whatever else you’d like to say. Bear in mind that I don’t do costuming for people other than myself (although I plan to make a few pairs of spats to sell, and embroidered purses as well, so if you’re interested in either of those….) Also, I’d love links to your own costuming blogs if you have one, or photos of what you’ve done – especially if something I did/said inspired you to make it! Also, I am not one of those people who jealously guards my photos/designs, so if you want to post pictures of mine on your own blogs, have at it. And I get a TON of people asking if I’ll sell my airship pirate jacket. I don’t plan to, but feel free to copy the design for yourself, or find a professional to copy it for you. I don’t mind, honest, and if the professional costumer says she won’t because copying someone else’s work would be unethical, tell her that isn’t true in my case, and refer her to this post! Anything cool I post or make is there to be shared with you – I just appreciate all the praise and enthusiasm for my costuming! My email is [email protected] If you email me, please put something in the subject line so I will know you’re not a spammer. I have a very active spam filter, and while I do check my spam folder for things that accidentally slipped into it, subject lines of just “hi” make me think you might be a ‘lonely sexy woman’ who wants to show me pictures I’d prefer not to see, or else some kind of Nigerian royalty! *grin*
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"It's an attempt at educating the hearing public about life for the hearing impaired," Tara explained, "and I'm hoping it encourages parents to talk to their own children about school bullying and the harm it does in the long run." Tara started losing her hearing when she was four years old, so she understands deafness. However, it doesn't bother her. "I like being deaf," she told me. "I communicate with others just fine. I read lips. I can talk. I can write dialogue." In high school, however, she was a loner. She was very much like Kelly in A Facebook Affair when she was younger. She was made fun of and bullied for her disability. By high school, most of the kids had become more interested in sex or drugs and had lost interest in making fun of her. She didn't have many friends, though, she told me. "If you could apologize to someone in your past, who would it be?" I wondered. "Gawd. There was this girl named Linda. In middle school, she was made fun of just like me. She was just different from the others. There was nothing wrong with her. She was just timid and beaten down. Knowing how she felt, I was nice to her. I sat with her at lunch and stuff. Well, after a while, she began following me everywhere. EVERYWHERE. I could not go to the bathroom alone. I'm an only child and easily smothered. I snapped at her one day to leave me alone, and I could tell I'd hurt her feelings. I'd give anything to take it back. She never bothered me again, but I felt horrible from that day on. I felt that I was no better than the kids that mistreated me. If I knew her last name, I'd look her up." I asked Tara what inspired her to start writing. "For real? A trip to the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum," she said. "That's where I first learned about the Van Buren sisters who rode their Indian motorbikes across the United States in 1916. They were even arrested for wearing pants! Well, as we left the museum, I had their names written down, and I told my husband, 'I want to see if I can find a novel about these women!' (I'm a huge historical fiction buff.) Well, there was no novel, so I said, 'I'll write one.' And I did! It's Ride for Rights." "When did you first consider yourself a writer?" I asked. "That's a tough one. At times, I still don't. It seems no matter how stories I write, how many pieces get published, someone always manages to burst my bubble with a question like this: 'Is this a real book? Can I walk into a story and buy this? Or is this just another ebook?' Ouch. So, I'm still struggling with that," she said with a laugh. Tara said that most of the time, she feels as if she's just talking to herself when it comes to getting word of her books out. "I Facebook, blog, twitter, and it seems to do nothing. People aren't buying or reading my work unless I hand it to them on a platter." She laughed. "I sit there sometimes…just saying, 'Why do I bother?' I've discovered the only way to get people to read your work is to make it free. The only way to do that is to self-pub. Then your book is free and everyone comes running, but yet they then bash you for self-pubbing. So, it feels like a no win situation at times. Though I don't write for the money, if I give everything away, I (or the publisher) don't get reimbursed for cover art/editing expenses. So what to do? I just keep hoping that the quality of my work will speak for itself." Tara has written ten stories now, some of them short stories. Her favorite is Dog Tails: Three Humorous Short Stories for Dog Lovers, because it is based on her own dogs—Lola, Pudgy, and Jazzy. "I had a ton of fun writing that one as I planted myself in their minds and thought like a dog and tried to capture their individual personalities," she said. She loves hearing from readers, but she did have a request. If you just want to criticize her or tell her about an error you found, she asks that you please write up a review and just take away a few stars. "It gets trying," she admits. "It doesn't help motivate me getting messages like that!" The best letter she has received was about A Facebook Affair. "The reader told me that her mother was deaf and that the book was touching her and teaching her stuff about her mother that she never knew or thought of. It was lovely." Tara actually wanted to be an F-16 fighter pilot while she was growing up, but her deafness did not allow that to happen. She was, however, an aircraft mechanic for eleven years. "I love airplanes. I have conveyed this in my writing. Afterburn is about a female sheet metal mechanic. That comes out March 23rd from Breathless Press. It is under my pen name, Sonia Hightower. I also talk a lot about my dreams and being deaf in the aviation industry in my memoir, Deaf Isn't Dumb, coming April 27th from Breathless Press. And, I have a fun Christmas story coming out December of 2012 featuring a woman fighter pilot. Operation: Enduring Santa." Tara told me that it's funny how she came up with the pen name of Sonia Hightower. "Okay, my married name is Hightower, but being a modern day woman with my own identity, I kept my own name. I told my husband I wasn't his property. SO, if I had taken his name, I'd be Tara Hightower. Well, when I first thought of a pen name, that's what I was leaning towards, BUT my husband's brother married a Tara. Ack! Basically, if I chose Tara Hightower, I would be using my sister-in-law's name. So I went with Sonia, part of my middle name, Soniamarie." Finally, I asked, "What advice would you give a new writer just starting out?" "Listen to your editor. An author never has an unbiased opinion about their work. Listen to others, learn, and grow. Remember that reviews are constructive criticism, and that you can't improve if you don't know what you are doing wrong, and trust me, we all do something wrong. Without criticism, you cannot improve!!! Also, write about what you love. If you write about what you love, readers will love what they read. Your own interest in the matter will leap off the page." About the Author: I'm a reader, writer, and a dog mom. I like to both read and write about strong women. My works include: Dog Tails: Three Humorous Short Stories for Dog Lovers (based on my own pooches), A Facebook Affair, Ride for Rights, When We Meet Again, Deaf Isn't Dumb (April 2012), and Operation: Enduring Santa (December 2012). I also write racier stories as Sonia Hightower. Sonia has penned Sinful Urges, Afterburn (March 2012), and Taking It Too Far (October 2012.) Find the author online at: Kelly Littleton takes the plunge and finally joins Facebook to socialize without the limits that her hearing impairment gives her. On a whim, she looks up a childhood friend. In sending him that first message, she ignites the memories of a crush from twenty years ago. But will they turn into the flames of romance, or end up the ashes of a Facebook affair? Brandon Hopkins has a lot on his plate. A recent divorce, a pregnant sister, and now, he realizes he's in love with a woman who lives states away. Can he overcome the boundaries of internet romance to make this desire turn into something real, or will adversity and distance be their undoing?
{ "date": "2017-08-24T03:13:33Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886126027.91/warc/CC-MAIN-20170824024147-20170824044147-00619.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9866211414337158, "token_count": 1714, "url": "http://longandshortarchives.blogspot.com/2012/03/interview-tara-chevrestt.html" }
What records have had the greatest impact on YOUR life? Here’s 10 of mine. By Fred Mills It started as an innocent Facebook “make a list” meme—favorite records, blah blah blah. Me being the extemporaneous gasbag that I am, I took the concept and ran with it. Well, strolled might be a more accurate description. But it did seem that certain records have had a profound impact upon me as a person and not simply as a music journalist. So this is not my all-time Top Ten; it’s more of a confessional. (Thanks to fellow music maniac Glenn Boothe for tagging me in the first place and getting me started here—now you know who to blame.) Day 1 of 10 days. 10 all-time favorite albums. What really made an impact and is still on your rotation list. Post the cover, no need to explain (unless you want to), and then nominate one of your FB friends to share theirs. Various Artists – Garden of Delights 3LP In ’71 my record buying options were pretty limited; I was still 3 years away from shipping off to Chapel Hill for college (but when I did finally get there, I encountered my first store that sold both new and used records, so things would ramp up considerably, as would the balance on my parents’ Visa card), and while my hometown’s five-and-dime as well as Mack’s Record Rack mom-and-pop store did stock albums and singles, including stuff like Cream, Hendrix, and Steppenwolf, the odds of them having an album like this one were pretty low. So it’s likely that I found this at a headshop in Charlotte, about an hour away, called Infinity’s End, as they had a small but vital bin of records that was very much of an underground bent. I bought my first hippie fanzine there as well, along with patches, headbands, rolling papers, etc. This compilation was a revelation and it completely rebooted my mind, much like those great Warner Bros/Reprise 2LP “loss leaders” collections of the era had done. It’s not every day you see the Stooges, Judy Collins, Atomic Rooster, Renaissance, Love, Crabby Appleton, Incredible String Band, Spider John Koerner, Tim Buckley, Audience, and Earth Opera all on the same album, testimony to the genuinely visionary – culturally subversive, too – nature of the Elektra label at the time. And it was also my first exposure to over half the artists, notably David Ackles, Roxy, Bamboo, Rhinoceros, Koerner, Earth Opera, and the Voices of East Harlem – several became instant faves. The album also had full liner notes on the sleeves of all three LPs that detailed each artist – more fully, in fact, than the aforementioned WB/Reprise titles – effectively schooling me in ways very few albums had done previously. If this were to be released for the first time today, I’d be all over it like the true #vinylporn hound that I am. I can’t say I’m all that interested in multi-artist anthologies these days, but in the ’70s, compilations were our mixtapes and playlists, and the gateways to discovering new music, particularly if there wasn’t a non-Top 40 radio station with reception in your hometown. So there’s both cultural significance and an emotional resonance attached to Garden of Delights for me. For the rest of you, there are plenty of cheap copies at Discogs, and I’m not sure if it’s ever been on CD, so it is well-worth the purchase. Day 2 of 10 days. 10 all-time favorite albums. What really made an impact and is still on your rotation list. Post the cover, no need to explain (unless you want to), and then nominate one of your FB friends to share theirs. Flamin’ Groovies – Shake Some Action (Sire, 1976) I already owned “Teenage Head” and loved it, but when Cyril and the gang went full Carnaby Street and tuned up the 12-string, something seismic occurred. The title (and opening) track alone was downright volcanic – journalists (yours truly included) have written entire essays just on that song. And as I have mentioned many times, my family has orders to play the song at my funeral ‘cos I want folks to leave the church grinning and singing along; the ushers have been instructed to allow air guitar as well. For me, the album also represents one of those classic scenarios you only get from walking into a record store. In ’76 I was attending UNC-Chapel Hill and living in a trailer nearby, just over the Chatham County line (no pun intended). The first North Carolina Schoolkids Records was on Franklin Street in Chapel Hill (original location, two door down from the Varsity Theater), and it had been recently opened by a young hippie couple from, if memory serves, Ann Arbor or somewhere in that vicinity of Michigan. Kinks-worshiping and savvy retail merchants, they had sized me and my musical tastes up early on and would tip me to new releases they thought I might dig. My parents didn’t “dig” the subsequent uptick on their monthly MasterCard statement… but I digress. So there I am one sunny afternoon, wandering into the store, and John, the co-owner, nodded, reached over to the bin of LPs beside the house stereo, and dug one out. “Hey Fred, I bet you’ll like this new one, you ever hear of the Flamin’ Groovies?” Yes, I had, but not the new LP. He lowered the needle onto side A, and my mind proceeded to be blasted into outer space well past the rings of Saturn…. Trust me, you won’t get anywhere near a similar experience browsing the playlists on Spotify, or letting the algo-bots of Amazon making suggestions. Support your local indie record store! Day 3 of 10 days. 10 all-time favorite albums. What really made an impact and is still on your rotation list. Post the cover, no need to explain (unless you want to), and then nominate one of your FB friends to share theirs. Spirit – 12 Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus (Epic, 1970) The 1970-72 period yielded a ton of records that would go on to be among my all-time faves, and the 4th album by Spirit is easily in my top 10. In 1970 I was already into the band to a degree, having been primed from the get-go with early single “I Got a Line On You.” But I didn’t have all the records yet. “12 Dreams” wrapped its sonic tendrils around me like nobody’s business, and I even bought the 8-track version as well so I could hear it in the car. In fact, the first time I heard it was on 8-track. A vivid memory I have is of riding to Charlotte with friends for a concert one evening, and as I sat in the back seat of Bryant Hunt’s green Mustang fastback, the (cough) “enhanced mood” gradually coming over me, the Spirit album unfolded in metaphysical waves to match that “mood.” I can even hear in my mind right now the telltale “ka-CHUNk!” as the 8-track player advanced each of the 4 programs. (For all you kids scratching your heads about what I’m describing: go look it up.) Years later, in 1991, I was interviewing guitarist Randy California from Hawaii and I related that anecdote and he got a huge laugh from it – and he genuinely seemed to appreciate getting praise for his work over the years and “12 Dreams” in particular. “We did know it was special, yes,” he replied to me, ever the fanboy, asking a lot of obvious questions along with a few pretty insightful ones (if I do say so myself), when I asked him did he know it was a different kind of record when they had finished it, given that the original lineup would split very soon afterwards. Randy died tragically in ’97 while saving his young son from a riptide off the Hawaiian coast, and I bawled when I got the news, having by that time scooped up every available Spirit record and California solo recs and well into a live tape collecting habit. I still miss him terribly, and “12 Dreams,” with key tracks like “Nature’s Way,” “Nothing to Hide,” and “Morning Will Come,” has never been too far from my heart. Day 4 of 10 days. 10 all-time favorite albums. What really made an impact and is still on your rotation list. Post the cover, no need to explain (unless you want to), and then nominate one of your FB friends to share theirs. DJ Shadow – Endtroducing (Mo’ Wax, 1996) “The music’s coming through me”… it sure went through me, too. Sometimes a measure of a record’s timelessness is how many reissues it has undergone, and in the case of Shadow’s epochal debut, with Discogs.com listing in excess of 40 iterations, one supposes that’s a pretty strong argument. And even if you have gone for the deluxe/expanded versions, which admittedly yielded all manner of crucial-listening proximate material, remixes, reimaginings, etc., the original 1996 release is THE one to own, and THE one for unadulterated listening. I was working at Zia Record Exchange in Tucson at the time of its release, and as the store’s import buyer, had already caught the buzz on DJ Shadow, and I subsequently ordered heavily on any imports and singles the album yielded – “What Does Your Soul Look Like” remains a stone classic of the nebulous genre known at the time as trip-hop. Soon enough I found myself on the telephone interviewing the artist for Magnet magazine, and rather than suffer through a conversation with an obvious sampling/hip-hop neophyte (that would be me), Shadow patiently discussed his motivations and inspirations, and even a few of his methods. At one point he asked me about record stores in Tucson, and he audibly became excited when I told him about a nearby store that was 95% vinyl, one that even had a special “invite only” vinyl inner sanctum for pre-approved customers. I have no doubt that he went crate-digging in Tucson the next time he came through Arizona. The album as a whole is soulful, nebulous, psychedelic as fuck, and amazing music to listen to barreling down the highway – a perfect road-tripping album. A few years ago Magnet had me, a former editor and contributor to the magazine, contribute to a feature on the greatest albums of the ‘90s: My choice was, no question, “Endtroducing,” and it remains my selection to this day. I’m Fred Mills, and I approved this message. Day 5 of 10 days. 10 all-time favorite albums. What really made an impact and is still on your rotation list. Post the cover, no need to explain (unless you want to), and then nominate one of your FB friends to share theirs. The Who – Live at Leeds (1970, Decca/Track) Another entry from the 1970-72 period that was so influential upon a young Fred Mills, stuck in a tiny North Carolina nowheresville and counting the months until he might be able to ship off to college. People will debate endlessly over WHAT IS THE GREATEST EVER LIVE ROCK ALBUM: Is it the Allman’s “Fillmore East”? The Stones’ “Ya-Ya’s”? MC5’s “Kick Out the Jams”? Nirvana’s “Unplugged”? Cheap Trick’s “Budokan”? FRAMPTON FUCKING COMES ALIVE?!? (I’ve always been mildly offended that Humble Pie’s “Rockin’ the Fillmore” doesn’t regularly make these lists, but I digress…) “Live at Leeds” is obviously “THE” greatest—there’s no comparison, no live platter as viscerally thrilling, as brick-in-face immediate, as GENUINELY live (e.g., no post-production “sweetening in the mix” going on). The original single LP still wields a hypnotic power over yours truly, just like it did in 1970 to my teenage brain. Since then, a number of expanded iterations have been released—the bootleggers, naturally, beat the band’s official label to the punch—primarily in order to showcase the “Tommy” portion of the Leeds concert that was not originally included. All versions are must-hear, a point I made in a 2,500-word review for Goldmine Magazine in 2001, on the occasion of the release of MCA’s 2-CD expanded reissue. But you still owe it to yourself to experience the record as it was originally intended, from the track sequencing to the duly noted, intermittent, crackling sounds in the audio to the memorabilia-stuffed sleeve (which was designed to mimic classic bootleg LP sleeves like the Stones title mentioned above and Dylan’s “Great White Wonder.” Within a year of the release of “Leeds” I would finally get to see the Who in concert, in Charlotte NC touring behind “Who’s Next.” A decent chunk of “Leeds” material was still in the band’s setlist, and the show remains in my all-time Top Ten concerts… hmmm…. NO ONE on FB has ever thought about starting THAT tagging meme, right? Day 6 of 10 days. 10 all-time favorite albums. What really made an impact and is still on your rotation list. Post the cover, no need to explain (unless you want to), and then nominate one of your FB friends to share theirs. Sidewinders – Witchdoctor / Auntie Ramos’ Pool Hall (1989 & 1990, Mammoth/RCA) I’m cheating somewhat by listing two albums here. But (a) they are, indeed, of a piece, to such a degree that I sometimes find myself having a hard time remembering exactly which song goes on which album; and (b) for a long time I carried around a c90 cassette in my car that had both albums on it. The Tucson band played so-called “desert rock” – a mélange of garage and power pop with occasional classic rock leanings (think Tom Petty meets Neil Young), and infused with primal energy and some of the most pristine melodies you could get this side of Neil Diamond. It’s not a coincidence that one of their best tunes was a cover of “Solitary Man.” By 1990 I was deeply in love with Tucson bands, thanks to discovering them via English zine Bucketful of Brains, and subsequently writing about them myself in US zine The Bob and elsewhere. By 1992 I was LIVING in Tucson, subsequently meeting and hanging out with members of the Sidewinders, River Roses, Giant Sand (including future Calexico members), Naked Prey, Al Perry & the Cattle, Rainer & Das Combo, and more. (I was a few years away from meeting this awesome Arizona band called The Beat Angels, but all in due time…) Admittedly, the grass is always greener from afar, and when I did move to Arizona and eased my way into the local music scene, some of my idealism dissipated as I realized dope really had its grip on some otherwise brilliant, talented folks and it undercut their mojo. But even though I moved back to NC after a 10-year run in Tucson, the place permanently holds a special place in my heart. In fact, it was the Sidewinders song “Get Out of that Town” that started the love affair: One night, when my wife and I were looking at places we might want to move to, having started to burn out on Charlotte, we were literally on the verge of throwing darts at a map of the US. Pouring another glass of wine for each of us, I cued up the Sidewinders, and the aforementioned song began to play: “Get out of that shopping mall,” sang the band, “C’mon down here!” And while they were referring specifically to Arizonans getting out of Phoenix and relocating to the far more culturally progressive Tucson, the fact that we North Carolinians had been slogging away working at malls for way too long made the song seem personalized for us. Two vacations and one Mayflower moving truck to Tucson later, we arrived on July 5, 1992. The heat that first month or so just about did me in, but with the Sidewinders and some of those other bands I mentioned, I knew I’d be able to make it. Day 7 of 10 days. 10 all-time favorite albums. What really made an impact and is still on your rotation list. Post the cover, no need to explain (unless you want to), and then nominate one of your FB friends to share theirs. Patti Smith – Horses (1975, Arista) This is a no-brainer. Not only did she revolutionize the whole notion of “women in rock” – in the process demolishing the earlier objectification “chicks in rock” – Patti subverted the so-called feminine “ideal,” which of course had been a patriarchal construct. In the process, she became a hero to both females and, dare I say it, males (including this one). Put another way, she grabbed the baton passed to her from the likes of Janis Joplin, Grace Slick, Joan Jett from the Runaways, and the Millington Sisters from Fanny, and outpaced all the subsequent rock ‘n’ roll competition. “Horses” itself was revolutionary, from its surreal poetry and pointed sexuality to its punk/garage musicality and invocations of an earlier rock ‘n’ roll era. I must have played it 6 times in a row the day I brought it home from the store – I still own my original copy, and it’s hopelessly battered (thank you, Record Store Day, for the 180gm reissue a few years ago). I communed with Patti twice, in significant fashion. The first time was when the band came to Memorial Hall in Chapel Hill for the Radio Ethiopia tour, and I managed to ease my way into the stage crew by simply showing up at soundcheck and offering my services. Naturally I grabbed a few opportunities to get autographs and yak with the bandmembers. One abiding memory is of some fellow students gathering outside the venue to listen to soundcheck, a couple of them clutching gifts for Patti, and she instructed the security to let them in and allow them to stay (it was a general admission show I think). A classy lady who cares very much about “the people.” She walks it like she talks it. The other time was not long after my mom died, a phone interview for a Goldmine Magazine cover story. Ironically, I conducted it from my mom’s house while I was living there in my home town for a few months to get it cleared out and cleaned up and ready for sale. I told her how I’d had 1996’s “Gone Again” with me during a summer beach vacation that also turned out to be the last time I’d be able to spend extended quality time with Mama – and how, ever since, I’ve associated that album with those memories. “I hope they are good memories,” Patti murmured, noting that one key through-line of the album for her was the notion of loss and how we process it. She added, “Sometimes, the role of the artist is to provide a shoulder for the rest of us to lean on when we most need it.” Thank you, Patti, for offering that shoulder when I needed it. Day 8 of 10 days. 10 all-time favorite albums. What really made an impact and is still on your rotation list. Post the cover, no need to explain (unless you want to), and then nominate one of your FB friends to share theirs. Joe Strummer & the Mescaleros – Global A-Go-Go (2001, Hellcat) This FB exercise is technically about albums that “made an impact” on me, and not an all-time Top Ten list; for the latter, my list would probably change every year, whereas here I’ve been talking about stuff closer to Desert Island Disc territory. The second Strummer/Mescaleros album certainly qualifies, and not simply because it has some kickass music on it while also showing off Joe’s more eclectic impulses as well as his democratic approach to fronting a band. Prior to its release I had a CDR promo of the album from Hellcat as I was preparing a couple of stories on Joe, one of them for the Phoenix New Times (I interviewed him over the phone from England in advance of some Southwest and West Coast shows; at this point we had given birth to our son in early 2001 so we’d moved back from AZ to NC to be closer to family, but I was still writing for a couple of weeklies in the region… ah, the good old days of freelancing, when you could actually make a credible living as a music writer…). I had also arranged to interview in person in NYC, where the band was going to appear at Irving Plaza the same week as the CMJ convention; this was to be a cover story for Magnet Magazine. So the morning of my flight north had arrived, my bags were packed – along with my Strummer notes – and sitting beside the front door. Then the phone rang, and it was my wife’s sister: “Turn on the TV fast.” This was the morning of 9/11. You know the rest. Needless to say, my plans changed instantly. (I would still get my NYC sojourn, a month later, as Strummer’s original date was cancelled and rescheduled. And I’d still write my cover story, even winding up in Dick Rude’s Strummer doc “Let’s Rock Again,” which included footage of the band onstage and backstage at Irving Plaza. Strummer was awesome. We talked about 9/11 a little, too, and it clearly had shaken him as well.) But for the time being, the psychic discombobulation of 9/11 was profound, and intense. We decided to get away from TV and news reports for a few days and rented a cabin near Asheville, about 4 hours away from my hometown where we’d been living. The only media we consumed on the trip were newspapers and WNCW-FM, a community station out of nearby Spindale with a heavy Americana focus. Not a talk or news station. And as it turns out, the just-released Mescaleros album had gone into heavy rotation on WNCW, so it basically became my de facto soundtrack for the mountain trip. To this day, I associated the songs on the record, and Joe in general, with 9/11, all the shock and horror and grief… and the deep, abiding sense of relief and love I took from knowing that I had been with my wife and kid, and not on a flight to NYC, when the towers fell. Those feelings of relief and love, and a kind of mental smile, are what I still experience when I listen to “Global A-Go-Go.” What a gift. Thanks, Joe. Day 9 of 10 days. 10 all-time favorite albums. What really made an impact and is still on your rotation list. Post the cover, no need to explain (unless you want to), and then nominate one of your FB friends to share theirs. The Slits – Cut (1979, Island Records) Like all of the other entries I’ve been writing about, this album has a significance for me that goes far beyond the music. Of that music: released during the punk explosion, its blazing blend of rock and dub was unlike anything else I’d been listening to, and it quickly went into heavy rotation on the Mills stereo. That the nude cover itself was outrageous goes without saying, a bold feminist statement intended to both shock – it wasn’t every day you’d see three attractive young females standing topless and deliberately de-prettifying themselves so overtly; this was not a strip club mud wrestling depiction, in other words – and teach. I’m pretty sure more than a few record stores sold it in a paper bag, or at least with paper across the breasts. I like to call this record, “How I learned to stop worrying and love the dub.” Cut to late 2004, and I’m on the phone to the Slits’ Ari Up. A slightly expanded CD of “Cut” was about to be released in the US, so I was doing a story for Harp Magazine on the record and the band. She was utterly delightful, with a great memory for detail, a self-deprecating sense of personal pride, and comfortable in her own skin and with her legacy, which certainly wasn’t a huge as, say, her peers in the Clash or the Pistols, but she knew that the Slits had been pretty damn influential, and an inspiration to female rockers operating in a male-centric music business. One memorable portion of the conversation involved her recounting some of the harassment she’d experienced as a woman, particularly a woman who “invited” abuse by being deliberately in-your-face, visually. She even teased me a little when we talked about the LP sleeve and I mentioned that I’d had it up on my wall across from my desk: “You haven’t said yet how good I look on my website,” she giggled, referring to her current musical activities. I think I mumbled something about downloading photos off her website to hang beside the Slits album, and her throaty laughter told me she was pleased that she could still work her charms on a hapless male journalist. A few years later I would interview her again about her solo projects, and she was just as much fun a conversationalist; I’d also get to see her performed with a reunited Slits during SXSW one year. She passed away, sadly, in late 2010, following a battle with cancer. I’ll never forget that wicked laugh of hers, and I have hopes that now, in the #metoo era, a new generation of young female artists will discover her and her music and draw inspiration from it. Day 10 of 10 days. 10 all-time favorite albums. What really made an impact and is still on your rotation list. Post the cover, no need to explain (unless you want to), and then nominate one of your FB friends to share theirs. [TIE] U2 – The Unforgettable Fire (1984, Island) / Dream Syndicate – Medicine Show (1984, A&M Obviously I’m cheating here for my final entry by listing two. But my mid-’80s memories are indelibly inked with these two classics, and they continue to inform my emotions and ideals to this day. “I got a Page One story buried in my yard”:@ The Dream Syndicate‘s second full-length hit me with a psychic immediacy I didn’t anticipate, for as powerful as its predecessor, “The Days of Wine and Roses,” was, this -to me, at least – marked a quantum leap in both the songwriting of frontman Steve Wynn and the collective group’s ability to remain true to its Amerindie ethos and its willingness to step into the void and embrace the potential of mass appeal. (We can all thank R.E.M. for laying down that particular blueprint…) To this day, both the smouldering noir-rock narrative “Burn” and psych-skronk epic “John Coltrane Stereo Blues” bring me to my knees, and with last year’s return to the record bins by the band, accompanied by extensive touring, it’s clear from that Wynn understands that he and his band have created a legacy as meaningful as any rock band you’d care to mention. And what a timeless album he and his compadres crafted. I feel honored to have seen the Dream Syndicate in its prime and touring behind the record, and even more chuffed to have interviewed Wynn when it finally got remastered and reissued on CD, a free-wheeling conversation that detailed the lead-up to, the making of, and the aftermath surround “Medicine Show.” (Read it here: http://blurtonline.com/…/scene-crime-steve-wynn-dream-synd…/ ) There’s not a bad record in the D.S. or Wynn solo catalog, and the group has become a contemporary force unto itself with 2017’s “How Did I Find Myself Here.” But “Medicine Show” is in a league all its own. Front-page news, indeed. U2’s “The Unforgettable Fire” has a specific Mills backstory I’ve told many times, so just go here ( http://blurtonline.com/feature/joshua-tree-u2/ ) to read it in case you are so inclined. In a nutshell, the 1984 album came out at a time when I was neck-deep in publishing a U2 zine called U2/USA, and as the band hadn’t quite gone mega in the U.S. just yet – that would come with in 1987, with “The Joshua Tree” – little publications such as ours were still able to enjoy access (and in our case, occasional unlimited access) to the U2 extended family. Sitting alone in an Atlanta arena dressing room with Bono one night, after the concert, and passing a bottle of wine back and forth while conducting an interview, is one of those “tell the grandchildren…” stories that a lot of my fellow rock journalists will no doubt identify with. This isn’t about that. Rather, “TUF“‘s spiritual and emotional impact upon me at the time is what I remember the most. It opened a lot of possibilities within me, the kind that I want to think led me on a search on how to become a better person and how to care about the world beyond my little self-centered bubble. I realize that’s a ridiculous cliché, and I probably never genuinely lived up to that type of lofty ideal; it’s not like I suddenly got religion (although I would experience some moments in the album’s aftermath that I can only describe as “metaphysical”), or that I suddenly became a die-hard activist (although since January of 2017, I have gradually found myself renewing certain social vows I took three decades prior, and remembering why I took them), or even that I suddenly surrendered all my vices and proceeded to live a life on the straight and narrow (don’t get me started). But because the album arrived at the proverbial time and place, and as I was approaching a crossroads of sorts in my own life, I associate it with a period of learning and renewal for me. Rock ‘n’ roll can be a catalyst for change, after all. It’s not just dope, guns, and fucking in the street.
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“All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone,” the philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote, in 1654. According to Screen Time, a recent addition to the iPhone’s operating system that purports to help users deal with the addiction to screens which the iPhone is designed to foster, my typical daily phone activity includes ninety minutes of texting, one hour of reading, another hour of e-mail, yet another hour of social media, and about seventy “pickups,” meaning that I check my phone about four times per hour. I carry my phone around with me as if it were an oxygen tank. I stare at it while I make breakfast and take out the recycling, ruining what I prize most about working from home—the sense of control, the relative peace. I have tried all sorts of things to look at screens less often: I don’t get push notifications or use Facebook or watch Instagram stories; on my home computer, I have installed a browser plug-in called StayFocusd, which turns off Twitter after forty-five minutes of daily use. On my phone, I use an app called Freedom to block social media for much of the workday. If any of my digital chastity belts malfunction, I start scrolling like a junkie, pulling myself away just long enough to send frantic e-mails to the apps’ customer service with subject lines like “Freedom not working!” For journalists, Twitter, in particular, functions as an increasingly familiar form of contemporary labor: paid in exposure, pitched as fun. Some of us also write about the online world, making the use of social media a professional necessity. Every week, it seems, a journalist will proclaim, on Twitter, that he is leaving Twitter, or will write an op-ed about how he’s stepping away from social media—a style of essay so common that it was parodied, last month, in the Wall Street Journal. “Fifteen minutes ago, I stopped using Facebook, Instagram and Twitter,” the writer Jason Gay began. “Within seconds, I noticed I am happier, less irritable, more contemplative and balanced. I’m kinder to neighbors and pets. I’m spending more time on activities that matter.” It’s true that, after months or years of gazing at pixels and transcribing the minutiae of life, a writer contemplating a single unshared sunset can become a smug transcendentalist, high on an ephemeral taste of analog Nirvana. But it is not only journalists who are struggling to escape from the endless loop of flattery, anxiety, and distraction that social media provides. Nearly three-quarters of Americans have taken steps to distance themselves from Facebook. Entire families try to observe a “digital Sabbath.” Parents seek screen-time alternatives to the Jungian horrorscape that is children’s YouTube. And yet a mood of fidgety powerlessness continues to accumulate, like an acid snowfall on our collective mind. According to the Georgetown computer-science professor Cal Newport, “willpower, tips, and vague resolutions are not sufficient by themselves to tame the ability of new technologies to invade your cognitive landscape.” In “Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World” (Portfolio), Newport argues that we must establish a “philosophy of technology use.” He recommends a monthlong digital detox—a Marie Kondo-like decluttering period, in which a person takes a complete break from all optional technologies. When it’s over, the digital minimalist slowly reintroduces these technologies on her own meticulous terms. She might need only an hour of Instagram each week to catch up on her favorite babies and dogs. She might, Newport suggests, prefer to hold “conversation office hours” at a local coffee shop rather than constantly text with her friends and acquaintances. Newport defines a digital minimalist as someone who drops “low-quality activities like mindless phone swiping and halfhearted binge watching” in favor of high-value leisure activities such as board games, CrossFit, book clubs, and learning to “fix or build something every week.” The goal is a permanent change of outlook and behavior, like converting to veganism or Christianity, in service of a life that is more holistically productive—one in which we turn to digital technology only when it provides the most efficient method of serving a carefully considered personal aim. When you’re first learning to become a digital minimalist, it’s important, Newport explains, to keep doing stuff. “Reducing the easy distraction without also filling the void can make life unpleasantly stale,” he writes. Sitting quietly in a room alone is for experts. At the beginning of March, I decided to embrace the cliché and try to follow Newport’s advice. I bought a basic watch, adjusted the settings on StayFocusd to cut my home-computer social-media allowance to fifteen minutes, and changed my Freedom settings to block Twitter and Instagram altogether. (I had already deleted both apps, but I re-downloaded and re-deleted Instagram frequently, and I used my phone’s Web browser to look at Twitter.) I vowed to leave my phone in the apartment whenever I walked my dog. It didn’t feel feasible to quit social media entirely—I am, after all, a journalist—but I wanted to stop picking up my iPhone every time I felt even a moment’s mental pause. More than twenty years ago, the writer Michael Goldhaber observed, in Wired, that the Internet drowns its users in information while constantly increasing information production; this makes attention a scarce and desirable resource—the “natural economy of cyberspace.” Goldhaber speculated that, when the “attention economy” had matured, nearly everyone would have her own Web site, and he warned readers that “increasing demand for our limited attention will keep us from reflecting, or thinking deeply (let alone enjoying leisure).” In other words, he roughly outlined the social-media age. Social-media companies monetize everyday selfhood: our preferences and personal data are tracked and sold to advertisers; our relationships are framed as potentially profitable conduits; we continually capture one another’s lucrative attention by performing some version of who we think we are. Over time, we have absorbed these terms and conditions: we might retain very little of the value we create, but we have allowed social media to make us feel valuable. These platforms encourage compulsive use by offering forms of social approval—likes on Facebook and Instagram, retweets on Twitter—that are intermittent and unpredictable, as though you’re playing a slot machine that tells you whether or not people love you. Dependency, eventually, assumes its own logic. Recently, vague reports circulated that Twitter was considering getting rid of likes. Users protested. If I could flip a switch that would allow me to get book recommendations from Twitter and puppy photos from Instagram without seeing how many followers I was acquiring or how many people had liked my posts, I would. It would help me waste less time on the Internet, and feel less invested in it. Of course, this would not provide me with as many regular infusions of useless dopamine, or make Twitter or Instagram—or the companies that advertise on them—very much money. During the first few days of my Internet decluttering, I found myself compulsively checking my unchanged in-box and already-read text messages, and scanning the same headlines over and over—attempting, as if bewitched, to see new information there. I took my dog out for longer walks, initially trying to use them for some productive purpose: spying on neighbors, planning my week. Soon I acquiesced to a dull, pleasant blankness. One afternoon, I draped myself on my couch and felt an influx of mental silence that was both disturbing and hallucinatorily pleasurable. I didn’t want to learn how to fix or build anything, or start a book club. I wanted to experience myself as soft and loose and purposeless, three qualities that, in my adulthood, have always seemed economically risky. “Nothing is harder to do than nothing,” Jenny Odell writes, in her new book, “How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy” (Melville House). Odell, a multidisciplinary artist who teaches at Stanford, is perhaps best known for a pamphlet called “There’s No Such Thing as a Free Watch,” which she put together while in residence at the Museum of Capitalism, in Oakland. Odell investigated the origins of a blandly stylish watch that was being offered for free (plus shipping) on Instagram, and found a mirrored fun house of digital storefronts that looked as though they had been generated by algorithm. The retailers advertised themselves as brands that had physical origins in glitzy Miami Beach or hip San Francisco but were, in fact, placeless nodes in a vast web of scammy global wholesalers, behind which a human presence could hardly be discerned. Like Newport, Odell thinks that we should spend less time on the Internet. Unlike him, she wants readers to question the very idea of productivity. Life is “more than an instrument and therefore something that cannot be optimized,” she writes. To find the physical world sufficiently absorbing, to conceive of the self as something that “exceeds algorithmic description”—these are not only “ends in and of themselves, but inalienable rights belonging to anyone lucky enough to be alive.” Odell details, with earnest wonder, moments in her life when she was reoriented toward these values. After the 2016 election, she began feeding peanuts to two crows on her balcony, and found comfort in the fact that “these essentially wild animals recognized me, that I had some place in their universe.” She also developed a fascination, via Google Maps, with the creek behind her old kindergarten, and she went to see it with a friend. She followed the creek bed, which, she learned, runs beneath Cupertino’s shopping centers and Apple’s headquarters. The creek became a reminder that under the “streamlined world of products, results, experiences, reviews” there is a “giant rock whose other lifeforms operate according to an ancient, oozing, almost chthonic logic.” Odell elegantly aligns the crisis in our natural world and the crisis in our minds: what has happened to the natural world is happening to us, she contends, and it’s happening on the same soon-to-be-irreparable scale. She sees “little difference between habitat restoration in the traditional sense and restoring habitats for human thought”; both are endangered by “the logic of capitalist productivity.” She believes that, by constantly disclosing our needs and desires to tech companies that sift through our selfhood in search of profit opportunities, we are neglecting, even losing, our mysterious, murky depths—the parts of us that don’t serve an ulterior purpose but exist merely to exist. The “best, most alive parts” of ourselves are being “paved over by a ruthless logic of use.” “Digital Minimalism” and “How to Do Nothing” could both be categorized as highbrow how-to—an artist and a computer scientist, both of them in their thirties, wrestling with the same timely prompt. (At one point, Odell writes, she thought of her book as activism disguised as self-help.) Rather than a philosophy of technology use, Odell offers a philosophy of modern life, which she calls “manifest dismantling,” and which she intends as the opposite of Manifest Destiny. It involves rejecting the sort of progress that centers on isolated striving, and emphasizing, instead, caregiving, maintenance, and the interdependence of things. Odell grew up in the Bay Area, and her work is full of unabashed hippie moments that might provoke cynicism. But, for me—and, I suspect, for others who have come of age alongside the Internet and have coped with the pace and the precariousness of contemporary living with a mixture of ambient fatalism and flares of impetuous tenderness—she struck a hopeful nerve of possibility that I hadn’t felt in a long time. Odell writes about the first electronic bulletin-board system, which was set up, in Berkeley, in 1972, as a “communal memory bank.” She contrasts it with Nextdoor, a notoriously paranoid neighborhood-based social platform that was recently valued at $1.5 billion, inferring that the profit motive had perverted what can be a healthy civic impulse. Newport, who does not have any social-media accounts of his own, generally treats social media’s current profit model as an unfortunate inevitability. Odell believes that there is another way. She cites, for example, the indie platform Mastodon, which is crowdfunded and decentralized. (It is made up of independently operated nodes, called “instances,” on which users can post short messages, or “toots.”) To make money from something—a forest, a sense of self—is often to destroy it. Odell brings up a famous redwood in Oakland called Old Survivor, which is estimated to be almost five hundred years old. Unlike all the other trees of its kind in the area, it was never cut down, because it was runty and twisted and situated on a rocky slope; it appeared unprofitable to loggers. The tree, she writes, is an image of “resistance-in-place,” of something that has escaped capitalist appropriation. As Odell sees it, the only way forward is to be like Old Survivor. We have to be able to do nothing—to merely bear witness, to stay in place, to create shelter for one another—to endure. Despite the political edge in her writing, Odell does not recommend particular legislative policies that might address the current situation. She locates the potential for change in individual acts of refusal, which, she argues, make space for others to follow. She cites the 1934 West Coast Waterfront Strike, the origins of which can be traced to an anonymous protest publication that appeared in 1932, called the Waterfront Worker, and the union reorganization that followed the National Industrial Recovery Act, in 1933. The strike spanned nearly two thousand miles and was supported by sympathizers across the country. Farmers contributed food; women formed a relief agency. The protest affected all of San Francisco: after employers broke the picket line, and at least two people were killed by police, more than a hundred thousand people across the city staged a general strike. This, Odell writes, is what we need: a project of “refusal, boycott, and sabotage”—a “spectacle of noncompliance that registers on the larger scale of the public.” If I were to go on strike from my nebulously compensated quasi-job as a purveyor of stupid tweets about my writing and my personal problems, there would be no way for me to make that action visible on Twitter without negating its effect: to speak out against something within the confines of the attention economy is, inevitably, to bring it more attention. It is hard to grasp how individual acts of refusal would build collective momentum outside the platforms that they aim to refuse. Last year, after a former employee of the political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica revealed that the firm had collected the data of millions of Facebook users and given that data to the Trump campaign, the hashtag #deletefacebook trended—on Twitter. Sean Parker, the first president of Facebook, has called the platform a “social-validation feedback loop” built around “exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology.” Tristan Harris, who worked as a “design ethicist” at Google, has said that smartphones are engineered to be addictive. The U.S. government already regulates a number of addictive substances, and plans are afoot to monitor social-media companies more aggressively. Mark Warner, the Democratic senator from Virginia, has issued a series of proposals, such as requiring platforms to identify foreign agents posing as Americans and allowing the federal government to set mandatory standards so that algorithms could be audited. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi commissioned Ro Khanna, the California representative whose district includes the headquarters of Apple and Google, to draw up a ten-part “Internet Bill of Rights,” which addresses access and privacy and net neutrality. Senator Elizabeth Warren argues that Amazon, Facebook, and Google have become monopolies, and need to be broken up. But none of these proposals directly concern the monetization of attention that both Newport and Odell worry about. Legislators might succeed in granting citizens more control over the data that they generate by using the Internet, but social-media companies will, presumably, continue to treat their users like little countries that can be strip-mined to make other people rich. We remain attached to these technologies in a way that is clearly affecting the health of the body politic. Newport insists that our Internet-fuelled lack of mental peace and quiet is a better explanation for the current wave of American anxiety than “the latest crisis—be it the recession of 2009 or the contentious election of 2016.” He cites Virginia Woolf’s case for productive solitude, in “A Room of One’s Own,” the 1929 manifesto in which Woolf explains that a sixteenth-century woman with a gift for poetry would have been a “woman at strife against herself. All the conditions of her life, all her own instincts, were hostile to the state of mind which is needed to set free whatever is in the brain.” Newport writes, “In Woolf’s time, women were denied this liberation by a patriarchal society. In our time, this oppression is increasingly self-inflicted by our preference for the distraction of the digital screen.” Reading that sentence produced a reaction I often experience when I look at Twitter: first, I burst out laughing, and then I felt sad. Newport, who wrote the books “How to Win at College” and “How to Become a Straight-A Student” before making a philosophical turn, acknowledges that several of the world’s biggest companies now rely on profit models that “reduce autonomy, decrease happiness, stoke darker instincts, and distract from more valuable activities,” but he never identifies as a culprit the ideology that has allowed these profit models to flourish unchecked. He describes smartphones and social media as technologies that seek to exploit you, and, in a chapter titled “Join the Attention Resistance,” he counsels aspiring digital minimalists that they will need a “ruthless commitment to avoiding exploitation.” He does not, however, suggest that exploitation might be actively curtailed rather than merely avoided. Even when comparing social media to cigarettes, he does not mention the possibility of government regulation. These days, and in no small part because of the atomization engendered by social media, it can feel that every last thing has been privatized and individualized. In “Digital Minimalism,” ethics and politics, too, are reduced to the individual: it is not, it seems, the system of power that matters but what you, alone, choose to do about it. “Vive la résistance! ” Newport writes. Odell and Newport cite a common philosophical inspiration: Henry David Thoreau. Newport admires Thoreau’s idea that the “cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run.” Odell praises Thoreau’s orientation toward “a still more perfect and glorious State, which also I have imagined, but not yet anywhere seen.” But Thoreau, whose mother, famously, did his laundry during his two years of camping on Ralph Waldo Emerson’s property at Walden Pond, is an inadvertent exemplar of the difficulty of setting oneself apart from society. He is also a reminder that living a life of enriching separatism is more attainable for those with certain preëxisting advantages. I first began tweeting about seven years ago, after I’d moved from Texas to Michigan to get an M.F.A. I began publishing essays and interviews, and tweeting links to them; to make my Twitter account less boring, I shared my most earnest and most flippant thoughts. I got a part-time job as an editor, and then a full-time one, in New York, and then a writing job at this magazine. My ability—my eagerness, even—to render myself digitally available played a role in this: by giving the attention economy access to my selfhood, I accrued the professional capital that now allows me to stop doing so, if I want to. Odell, who uses Twitter, and believes that “total renunciation” of such a culturally central medium would be, for her, both a moral and a pragmatic mistake, recognizes that this is a time “when everyone from Amazon workers to college students see their margin of refusal shrinking, and the stakes for playing along growing.” Many people still earn their livelihoods offline, but an online presence is often a requirement not only for jobs in the gig economy but in order to piece together a financial safety net. (One in three GoFundMe campaigns is for medical care.) More and more of us cannot afford to step away. Practicing digital minimalism may be akin to getting a personal trainer or developing a Transcendental Meditation practice—a rarefied form of self-improvement. Odell believes that this sort of change will nonetheless reverberate, that it will revive support for noncommercial public spaces that benefit everyone. “If you can afford to pay a different kind of attention, you should,” she writes. Newport quotes the comedian Bill Maher, who, two years ago, on his HBO show “Real Time,” said, “Checking your likes is the new smoking.” In the past year, both Twitter and Facebook have faced waves of bad press. For all its current ubiquity, social media might someday occupy a status akin to cigarettes, which are peddled as a pleasure and a relief to the lower classes but which élite Americans largely attempt to avoid. My Newport-inspired Internet cleanse happened to coincide with a handful of other events that made me feel raw and unmanageable. It was the end of winter, with its sudden thaws and strange fluctuations—the type of weather where a day of sunshine feels like a stranger being kind to you when you cry. I had just finished writing a book that had involved going through a lot of my past. The hours per day that I had spent converting my experience into something of professional and financial value were now empty, and I was cognizant of how little time I had spent caring for the people and things around me. I began thinking about my selfhood as a meadow of wildflowers that had been paved over by the Internet. I started frantically buying houseplants. I also found myself feeling more grateful for my phone than ever. I had become more conscious of why I use technology, and how it meets my needs, as Newport recommended. It’s not nothing that I can text my friends whenever I think about them, or get on Viber and talk to my grandmother in the Philippines, or sit on the B54 bus and distract myself from the standstill traffic by looking up the Fermi paradox and listening to any A Tribe Called Quest song that I want to hear. All these capacities still feel like the stuff of science fiction, and none of them involve Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. It occurred to me that two of the most straightforwardly beloved digital technologies—podcasts and group texts—push against the attention economy’s worst characteristics. Podcasts often demand sustained listening, across hours and weeks, to a few human voices. Group texts are effectively the last noncommercialized social spaces on many millennials’ phones. On the first day of April, I took stock of my digital experiment. I had not become a different, better person. I had not acquired any high-value leisure activities. But I had felt a sort of persistent ache and wonder that pulled me back to a year that I spent in the Peace Corps, wandering in the dust at the foot of sky-high birch trees, terrified and thrilled at the sensation of being unknowable, mysterious to myself, unseen. I watered my plants, and I loosened my StayFocusd settings, back to forty-five daily minutes. I considered my Freedom parameters, which I had already learned to break, and let them be. ♦
{ "date": "2019-08-17T14:51:34Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027313428.28/warc/CC-MAIN-20190817143039-20190817165039-00339.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9603261947631836, "token_count": 5224, "url": "https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/04/29/what-it-takes-to-put-your-phone-away" }
Patricia Arquette was busy un-transforming. She was returning to her old self, after being Tilly in “Escape to Dannemora.” Then she found Dee Dee and “The Act.” “I started losing weight after ‘Dannemora,’“ Arquette sid. “Then I stopped for this.” It’s another true story, another troubled soul, another transformation — this time holding back a tad. For “Dannemora,” Arquette put on weight, changed her voice, became a replica of the woman who aided a prison break. She won a Golden Globe and a Screen Actors Guild award, with more to come. Then, just as she was trimming down, came this role. “This real lady was like a hundred pounds more and I thought, ‘I will die, … so I’ll just stop here.’” Still, it’s another drastic change in voice and mood. Arquette becomes Dee Dee, hovering over her seemingly disabled teen-ager, Gypsy That also meant a transformation for Joey King, 19. “Along with shaving my head, …. I wear several stages of fake teeth,” King said. Then there was “being in the wheelchair, being in Gypsy’s clothing.” Dee Dee clung to an earlier image of Gypsy. She was, Arquette said, “keeping her young (with) the color palette … of their pink house, their purple walls, their dolls and their stuffed animals.” Many parents may cling to younger images of their kids, but Dee Dee went further. It became a murder story “about love that is so extreme it becomes toxic,” said screenwriter Nick Ancosta. He created “The Act” with Michelle Wolf, a lawyer-turned-journalist who had written about this in Buzzfeed. Dee Dee fooled everyone, Wolf said, including herself. “To be a successful fraudster, you usually have to believe the fraud.” It is, Arquette said, “a distorted love affair. I am a little exhausted of playing crazy women.” — “The Act,” eight-week mini-series; available starting Wednesday, March 20, on Hulu.
{ "date": "2019-08-25T15:16:48Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027330750.45/warc/CC-MAIN-20190825151521-20190825173521-00059.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9714322686195374, "token_count": 509, "url": "https://www.mikehughes.tv/2019/03/21/arquette-is-back-new-troubles-new-transformation/" }
Living in a downtown urban city can be inspiring. Everything is fast from the people who are out there trying to be successful to the cars zooming by to get to their destination. However, we believe in looking stylish as you take on the world. The stylists at Beverly Hills have created the perfect outfit that make any woman feel powerful, sexy, and ready for success. Read more to see how this look was put together. Blazing in Pink Who says pink can’t make you feel empowered? Our stylists in Beverly Hills store selected our beautiful Chloe Blazer in pink. It is made of 100% polyester and copper fiber. This ladies blazer is a structured piece that is both classy and chic. The stylists decided to pair the blazer with our white Nina Pants. These white pants are tailored to hug nicely around the waist so that women can highlight their lovely curves. Our stylists not only included one of our new leather handbags but also added our adorable Emily Pumps in sand to complete the outfit. These classic shoes are a must have for every woman. These sexy womens leather shoes feature a pointed toe and a 3.5” heel. We absolutely love these shoes for their versatility and comfort. Sleek Black Lace Increase the sex appeal of the outfit by selecting a bra and panty set to compliment everything. Since the whole outfit is white and pink, why not add some contrast underneath? We recommend selecting our black Bella Unlined Bra. It has a 2 row and 3 column hook closure and convertible straps. You can wear the bra as a halter or crisscross design. Our unlined lace bra adds a little lift to the chest, as well as sexiness. We recommend purchasing our stunning matching Bella Lace Bikini, which are just as comfortable and seductive. Candy Apple Red Red is always a color of passion, love, and excitement. We think pairing this look with red lips is the perfect way to complete this trendsetting style. We highly recommend wear our conditioning lip definer in candy apple red. Our signature lip liner comes with two colors, so you always have options if you want to experiment with other colors. They are made of natural ingredients such as Rosehip oil, Vitamin E oil, and Macadamia Seed oil to ensure its glide on the lips, leaving them feeling soft and smooth. Lastly, we suggest pairing this lip liner with our vibrant Red Brick Mousse Lip Color lipstick. Our matte lipstick has light touch to the lips, long-lasting and easily applicable when you are running late to work. And voila! Now you are ready to make the world your own in this urban sexy, chic style. Get it girl!
{ "date": "2019-08-23T16:54:00Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027318894.83/warc/CC-MAIN-20190823150804-20190823172804-00379.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9450294375419617, "token_count": 558, "url": "http://blog.evestemptation.com/the-lifestyle-of-a-downtown-trendsetter/" }
My special guest today is best-selling author Kirsten Osbourne. I had the pleasure of meeting Kirsten at a recent authors retreat and I can tell you she is a very dedicated writer as well as a fun lady. She also co-hosts the Pioneer Hearts group on Facebook, popular with readers and authors. As a change of pace today, I’m skipping the usual interview and headlining Kirsten’s new book. If you like this streamlined format, please let me know. About the author: Kirsten Osbourne hails from the state of Wisconsin, but has lived in Texas for almost thirty years. She is a mother, a writer, and a wife. Married to the love of her life for fifteen years, she knows that true love exists and wants to share her vision of love with the world. Writing is something she has always loved and plans on doing for a long time into the future. As Kirsten Osbourne, she writes contemporary romance as well as historical. As Morganna Mayfair, she ventures into the realm of paranormal romance. She invites you to join her in her world of fantasy and make believe where there is always a happily ever after at the end. Welcome Kirsten! I’m delighted to spotlight your latest release: Violet At the age of twenty, Violet Sullivan is on her way to having everything she’s ever wanted. Her first art show was a success, and despite a slight altercation with the gallery owner, she knows that she is going to go places. A husband and children aren’t on her horizon. She can’t have a career and a family, can she? The only thing Jonas Smith can concentrate on is justice. His sister and brother-in-law have been murdered, and he won’t be able to rest until he sees their killer brought to justice. He only wishes he could stop thinking about Violet Sullivan. Will the two of them be able to see past their differences to find the passion lurking inside? Will they find love before it’s too late? The woman that entered the room left them both speechless. Her hair was pure white, and she couldn’t have been a day under seventy. She practically bounced into the room and sat down beside Violet. “I’m here to apply for the job of traveling companion.” Violet looked at the other woman and immediately noticed the twinkle in her eyes behind her huge spectacles. “Why do you want to be a traveling companion, Miss Blue?” “Oh, honey, you can call me Edna. I’m old. I think you can see that if you have eyes in your head, and you do appear to have eyes. I’m old, and I’ve been making hats for fifty years. Do you know what it’s like to do the same thing day in and day out for fifty years? Of course you don’t. You’re young.” She reached into the pocket of her dress and took out a silver flask, taking a deep swig of whatever was in it before tucking it back into her pocket. “Well, now that I’m old, I realize that I haven’t done some of the things I put on my list when I was a girl.” She turned to Violet. “Do you have a list? All of my friends and I, when we were very young, made lists of what we wanted to do before we died. I wanted to marry, and I almost did, but poor Harry died before we had a chance to reach that pinnacle of love that’s expressed in a physical way.” She shook her head. “Anyway, on my list was to ride on a train and to see New York City.” She looked over at Jonas. “So will you have me?” Jonas blinked a few times, not sure he’d caught exactly what she was talking about, and what on earth was in her flask? “Do you like children?” “Of course I like children. What kind of question is that?” She looked at Violet. “Are you with child? Is that why we’re going to New York? I’ll either help you take care of it, or we’ll find a nice family who will adopt it. Either way, my lips will be sworn to secrecy about your bastard child!” Violet bit her lip to control her urge to giggle. “I’m not having a bastard child, Miss Blue…I mean Edna, but I thank you for being willing to protect my reputation. I’d love to have you go with me.” Suddenly she could see herself sitting beside this woman on a train bound for New York. She would be laughing the entire time. Jonas stared at the woman for a moment. “The child is my nephew. He’s three, and he’ll be traveling with us. While we’re there, I need to pack up my sister’s house and decide what to keep and what to donate. She died a few months ago.” “Oh, Mr. Smith! I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ll be happy to help with your sister’s child too. He’s not a bastard, is he?” She peered at Jonas expectantly as she waited for his answer. “No, he’s not a bastard. Does that matter?” “Oh no, sir. I love bastard children just as much as the regular legitimate tots. More probably. They need more love, don’t you think?” Jonas didn’t feel at all qualified to answer her question about whether bastard children needed more love, and he still wanted to know what was in her flask. “What’s in the flask, Miss Blue?” She pulled the container out of her pocket again and took another swig after unscrewing the lid. “Oh this? This is my cough tonic.” She put it back in her pocket and looked at Jonas expectantly. “Cough tonic? I haven’t heard you cough even once.” “See? My tonic works! Would you like some?” She pulled it out of her pocket to offer him a drink. Jonas held one hand up to refuse the tonic, but couldn’t help but notice that Violet was giggling uncontrollably. Why…Violet was turning violet she was laughing so hard. “No, thank you.” He looked between the two women, wondering if Edna Blue was really the kind of woman they needed on their trip. After a moment he shrugged. “If you’ll excuse us for a moment, I’ll let you know our decision.” Jonas turned to Violet wishing that Edna had closed the door behind her. “Do you think that Edna would be a good companion for you?” Violet grinned. “Oh yes. She will keep me entertained when nothing else possibly could. Please, may we take her with us?” Now that she’d met Edna, she wanted no one else to go on their trip with them. Edna was the only choice as far as she was concerned. Jonas sighed heavily. “Do I have a choice?” “No, I don’t believe you do.” She was thrilled to have the option of taking the sweet old woman who was just a bit off her rocker with her. “I love her, Mr. Smith!” Jonas shook his head. “I can see you do. All right. And please, call me Jonas. We’re going to be spending a great deal of time together. There’s no need to continue to be so formal.” “All right, Jonas. I think Edna is the perfect solution to our dilemma.” Jonas decided to hold his tongue over the kind of solution he thought Edna was. “Miss Blue?” he called out loudly. Edna popped back into the room, her frizzy white hair bobbing wildly. “Yes?” “We’d like you to go to New York with us, if you’re willing to accept the job.” Jonas knew as soon as he said the words they were a mistake. He felt a huge sense of foreboding, but it was too late. He’d made the offer, and he was a man of his word. Jonas shook his head, wondering what he’d gotten himself into. Edna was definitely not the type of woman he’d wanted to take with him to New York. She was going to be a handful. There was no doubt about it. Edna smiled radiantly at Violet, her face lighting up at the girl’s words. “I won’t let you do anything you oughtn’t do. I promise! When do we leave? I need to pack my things!” “We’ll leave one week from today. I’ll send word after I buy the tickets about what time we’ll need to go.” Edna nodded. “That will be wonderful. I will see you then.” She rushed from the room mumbling about all the things that she needed to do to be ready for the big adventure. Jonas watched her go and leaned back in his chair. “Did that really just happen? Is that crazy woman going to New York with us?” Monday couldn’t come soon enough. Visit Kirsten on these sites:
{ "date": "2020-10-21T12:51:10Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107876500.43/warc/CC-MAIN-20201021122208-20201021152208-00499.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9789105653762817, "token_count": 2101, "url": "https://lynhorner.com/2014/11/09/monday-author-meetup-kirsten-osbourne-2/?like_comment=20058&_wpnonce=bff36e8f67" }
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Tag: dating online Online dating connects people all over the world and allows communicating 24/7. No problems finding a woman, chatting, or going on online dates. That’s so easy, the only thing you need is your smartphone or a laptop. A lot of men and women prefer online dating because their lives are so busy and they don’t have free time or energy for meeting in the cafes or bars after a crazy day at work. Those meetings take your time because to know each other better one meeting is not enough. How to make a woman happy? The question many men ask themselves, trying to do their best for their beloved ones. To make a woman happy is simple and hard at the same time. Women appreciate deeds and particular features of character. We have made a guide for you, it will help you to behave right, to do the things that you lady expects, and, of course, you will be able to make a woman happy. Many men faced manipulative women in real life. Some men have already dated with them and know the warning signs pretty well because they have already gone through this, some men have heard about that and don’t want to get into trouble. However, almost every person knows about manipulators and wishes to avoid them building happy relationships with a nice woman. We recommend interesting facts about the manipulation of women in our blog. You must read this article and arm yourself with useful knowledge. Military women are single and wish to create a family. Would you like to try building relationships with a woman in the military? Here are the best tips on how to date a military woman from Ukraine read in our blog. We will tell you about her features of character and expectation, you will know more about her life and how to behave. All the answers to your questions that will help you to become happy and build harmonic relationships. You have already joined a dating website or you are just thinking about this you should know Top 10 tips about dating Russian women. These useful pieces of advice will help you to understand Russian ladies, to build relationships with them, and to do everything right just to be happy together. Knowing useful tips, you will be able to avoid common mistakes and to impress a Russian woman. Have you ever thought that following very simple pieces of advice will bring happiness to your life? We are ready to reveal this secret with you, so let’s get started.
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For all the Ahab-centric Apple enthusiasts that have been anxiously searching for their white whale (AKA the White iPhone 4) your search will come to an end on Wednesday. Hopefully the white iPhone 4 won’t kill you like Moby Dick killed Captain Ahab. According to leaked documents from the Best Buy inventory system the phone is finally coming after months and months of delays. This is good news for Apple, as the release of the iPhone 5 has likely been pushed back to September rather than the usual June release date. This should give Apple a “new” product to lean on for a few extra months. The delays have been attributed to manufacturing difficulties. Apple co-Founder Steve Wozniak shed a little more light on the subject, suggesting that the white paint allowed too much light in when taking a picture, creating poor photo quality. That didn’t stop one industrious high school student in New York City from ordering white iPhone 4 parts from Foxconn in China and selling them as iPhone conversion kits. He made an insane amount of money before Apple’s lawyers threatened a lawsuit if he didn’t take down the site. Given the recent supply shortages of Apple products, it would be surprising to see very many of these elusive white iPhones in stockrooms. Inevitably that means some lines will be forming in front of retail stores around the country. And as soon as folks pick up that white iPhone, the first thing they’ll do is slap an iPhone case on it, making it impossible for anyone other than them to tell that they have a white iPhone 4. If you always feel like somebody’s watching you, then you have a lot in common with Rockwell, and with good reason if you own a smartphone. That someone watching you is named Steve Jobs and he is fascinated at how many trips to Starbucks you are taking each and every day. It was recently revealed that devices equipped with iOS 4 have been using the GPS feature on your phone to keep a log of everywhere you’ve been. The data can go back months and months, and is stored in a “consolidated.db” file. The translation to that basically goes a little something like this. Every time you sync your phone with a computer, the stop by stop tracking your phone has been doing of your whereabouts is backed up on that computer. The same group that figured out that Apple devices were tracking people’s movements have also found a similar feature in Android. They have determined that this data is being collected intentionally. Why this data is being tracked is unclear, but has caught the interested of the Government. Sen. Al Franken (MN) has already sent a letter to Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, to inquire about the privacy breach. Consumer privacy has been a hot button issue on Capitol Hill as both houses of congress are trying to pass consumer protection legislation that would give cell phone users the option to opt out of ad targeting campaigns. Ad targeting tracks a users web browsing habits as well as their age, race, sex and location. That information is then sent to advertising agencies who can then send advertisements specifically targeted to the user. So yes, the next time you feel that big brother is watching you just watch Rockewell’s video and know that you aren’t alone. Somebody is tracking your every move. My sister would love this if it managed to permeate to her local farmers market. And I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who would love to see the proliferation of Square’s cute little cell phone accessory that turns any iPhone into a credit card reader. Square has been around for awhile. But now it has made its way into Apple stores across the country. And at just $9.95, it’s hard to imagine any small merchant not wanting to take advantage of the ability to take credit cards with a very portable device. The device plugs into the 3.5 mm audio jack, just like a hands free headset would. And with a subscription to Square’s service, even the 7-year-old down the street with her own lemonade stand can take your credit card as payment. Square also sells an Android compatible device. They charge a flat fee per transaction. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of ways this will help small business and independent contractors. Rumors are swirling that the iPhone 5 will come with an aluminum back – and the town’s people rejoiced. Perhaps Apple thinks that an aluminum back is more aesthetically pleasing than the glass backing on the iPhone 4. Or perhaps they are tired of hearing how the glass backing on the iPhone 4 holds up to a grain of sand about as well as I can hold up to a right cross from Mike Tyson. It’s true, it was reported and confirmed that something as small as a grain of sand could crack the back of the iPhone 4 if it got trapped between the casing and certain slider cell phone cases. That crack eventually would cause the phone to shatter. Ironic that Apple accessories designed to protect the phone were contributing to its destruction. Another major flaw in the iPhone 4 was the antenna, which when held a certain way caused calls to be dropped. This widely became known as the ‘death grip.’ This issue is rumored to have been resolved as well, as the iPhone 5 is expected to use an internal antenna. Obviously these are all rumors, and the iPhone 5 isn’t expected to be released until June/July, so lots can change. But if the rumors are true, Apple might actually be listening to critics and making changes rather than just do whatever the heck they want to do. Smartphones still make up the minority of cell phones in use in the United States. The fact that there are still so many cell phone users out there using feature phones demonstrates just how big of an untapped market there is for Google (Android), RIM (Blackberry), Apple and Microsoft (WP7). As you can see by the graph above, Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the US, and has achieved that status despite being the youngest player in the game. Of the Android army, HTC phones are the most popular a surprising figure considering the popularity of the Motorola Droid line of phones on Verizon, the nation’s biggest carrier. Apple is a close second, and should see a bit of a surge through the first half of the year as Verizon just launched the iPhone 4 and is expected to sell as many as 11 million iPhones this year. Tied with Apple is RIM’s Blackberry OS. But Blackberry phones have seen a steady decline since the rise of Android and there really isn’t any indication that they can stop their fall from grace. Microsoft comprises a surprising 10% of all smartphone users in the US. But that figure includes their Original Windows mobile platform in addition to the newly launched WP7. Bringing up the rear are HP/Palm’s Web OS and Nokia’s Symbian, who carry less than 10% of the market combined. That low figure is exactly why Nokia recently announced that they are dumping Symbian in favor of Windows Phone 7. Whether that move results in a greater market share remains to be seen. For now, it really is a two horse race between Android and Apple with Blackberry fading fast. The iPad 2 was officially unveiled today by King Jobs and that sound you heard was third party iPad accessories manufacturers jumping for joy and screaming like little girls. Third party manufacturers have made boatloads of money on the back of the original iPad, and there is no reason to believe that they won’t be raking in the moolah with the second generation device either. Apple is looking to make a few bucks on accessories themselves, as they introduced a full line of iPad covers in every color of the rainbow, with a snazzy magnetic closure. The covers are only designed to protect the screen and flip around and serve as a kickstand for the iPad 2 when not covering the screen. Apple also introduced a new HDMI data cable that will allow users to connect their iPad 2 to their televisions. The best part about the HDMI cable is that it is backwards compatible with the original iPad, the iPhone 4, and the latest generation iPod touches. The iPad 2 goes on sale on March 11th and will be available in both black and white. It’s thinner than the iPhone 4 (not a typo) and features a front facing camera and a dual core processor. Oh, and it will cost exactly the same as the original iPad did when it first came out – $499. One of the biggest knocks against Apple is that there products are so much more expensive than their competitors. Those complaints haven’t fallen on deaf ears. According to Apple’s COO, Tim Cook, the company wants to be ‘for everyone’ not ‘just for the rich’. In a recent interview, Cook revealed that cheaper iPhones were on the way and that Apple may even come out with no contract phones available on a pre paid basis. That would be great news for third party cell phone accessory makers who are already making millions off of the popularity of the iPhone. If pricing makes Apple phones available to more of a mass market, then there are several companies who could reap a windfall of cash, not just Apple. Of course nothing concrete has been set, or a timeframe set for when we can expect to see these cheaper devices. But rumors have definitely been swirling the past month or so. It started with the rumor than an iPhone nano was on the way that was ½ the size of the current iPhone. Those rumors were quickly debunked, but clearly the electronics giant is looking towards more budget friendly phones in the future. Why people get so geeked up about a White iPhone is still beyond the scope of my understanding, however they do – to extreme levels actually. Technically you can get a white iPhone 4 faceplate and accomplish the same visual effect. And while I realize that it’s not the same thing, the idea of waiting months upon months for a phone color variant that may or may not ever come to fruition seems nothing short of whacky. The white iPhone 4 has been rumored for a long time. Each time those rumors proved to be cruel jokes. People got so impatient that a high school senior managed to buy a bunch of white iPhone 4 components direct from Foxconn in China and started selling conversion kits online. Amongst his customers was Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. The Woz got in before Apple forced the kid to shut down his website, threatening to charge him with possession of stolen goods if he didn’t. Well, the white iPhone 4 simply won’t die, and we finally may have reason to believe that it is officially coming next month. Rumors first started to abound when employees of Vodofone Germany leaked a screenshot of their inventory list featuring the white iPhone. Rogers Canada also has the white iPhone 4 in their inventory system. And within hours of those leaks, a similar screenshot was leaked by Best Buy employees here in the US, with a release date of February 27th. The sheer number of carriers/retailers that are adding the white iPhone to their inventory systems at the same time tends to lend some credence to the rumors. Good news for you holdouts. You’ll probably be able to pick up the white iPhone 4 a mere 4 months before the iPhone 5 comes out. Yay. If you happen to live anywhere in the US where winter is accompanied by below freezing temperatures, don’t use your iPhone 4 outside. Apparently a woman in Norway had her phone completely shatter when she pulled it out to make a phone call. When she took it into her local Apple store they told her tough noogies, the iPhone 4 wasn’t built to withstand sub freezing temperatures. They also claim that the phone isn’t designed to withstand temperatures above 95 degrees. Pretty much, if you don’t live in San Diego, CA, your phone runs the risk of being destroyed by nature. We already have read how a single grain of sand caught between the glass backing of the iPhone 4 and certain slider iPhone cases can cause the device to shatter. But this is just plain ridiculous. To be fair, there really is no indication of how long the woman had her phone exposed to extreme temperatures, but should that really matter? More than 90% of the US experiences sub freezing temperatures for several months out of the year. Are people who live in these places only supposed to use their phones inside lest the risk voiding their phone’s warranty? Hopefully the iPhone 5 won’t be more fragile than the bubble boy. But knowing Apple’s obsession with aesthetics, we aren’t holding our breath. Perhaps it was consumer demand that is driving Apple’s hardware manufacturers. Or perhaps it is the fact that a high school senior in New York bought a bunch of white iPhone 4 accessories, figured out how to assemble them, and has made a small fortune selling them that is driving Apple. Whatever the case may be, the white iPhone 4 is coming this Spring. We’ve heard all of this before from Apple. Their excuses thus far as to what the white iPhone 4 hasn’t come out have been that manufacturing the devices has been a bit more difficult that they had anticipated. But then a 17-year-old kid managed to buy parts direct from Foxcon in China, and sold them online along with a kit on how to assemble the parts to make your own white iPhone. That didn’t last too long as Apple is threatening to charge him with selling stolen property if he keeps on doing business. If you’re anything like us, you’re not quite sure why someone would go to such lengths to get a different color phone. And we’re not the only ones who feel that way. But the fact remains that the white iPhone is one of the most talked about phones in the blogosphere. If I were you, I’d wait until this white beauty makes its way to Verizon. According to Consumer Reports, AT&T is the worst carrier in the US. Consumer Reports rated the 5 biggest carriers in 10 different categories, ranging from call quality to customer service product knowledge. AT&T finished dead last in all 10 categories. US Cellular, the smallest of the 5 carriers by a wide margin, scored the highest. Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile finished 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively with fairly even scores across the board.
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Watch James Corden And Tom Hanks Reenact All Hanks's Movies In 8 Minutes On 'The Late Late Show' We're Loving Facebook's New Options For Hiding News Feed Posts You Don't Want To See Warning: This Mash-Up Of 'Goodfellas' And 'Rainbow' May Ruin Your Childhood These One-Star Amazon Reviews Of Nigel Farage's Book Are Priceless Jeremy Clarkson Controversy: Now The Waiter Speaks Out Meet Albert, The Cat Who Looks Permanently Angry Please check the checkbox to indicate your consent HuffPost Daily Brief Get top stories and blog posts emailed to me each day.. View all RSS feeds Make HuffPost your Home Page About Our Ads "The Huffington Post UK" is provided by AOL (UK) Limited. © 2015 AOL (UK) Limited its affiliates and licensors
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Nicosia digital agency in internet limelight April 18, 2007Posted by grhomeboy in Media Radio TV. A Nicosia based digital agency has been nominated for one of the most prestigious internet awards, with the winners to be announced on May 1 in New York. Yesterday, the Webby Awards nominated Sideshow Ltd in the Best Business Blog category for its blog ‘UX Magazine’ (www.uxmag.com). A blog is a user-generated website where entries are made in journal style, usually displayed in reverse chronological order. Approximately 50,000 new blogs are registered every day around the world. Founded in 1996 and hailed as the “Oscars of the Internet”, the 11th Annual Webby Awards received a record 8,000 entries from over 60 countries this year. It has been established as the leading international award honouring excellence on the Internet, including Websites, Interactive Advertising, Online Film & Video, and Mobile Websites. The Cyprus-based nominee, UX Magazine, is a monthly blog publishing articles from some of the best writers in business, technology and design. According to its creators, “it was created to deliver a central place to discuss the critical disciplines that enhance user experience.” Sideshow Ltd’s General Manager Alex Schleifer says the nomination has also shown that Cyprus can compete at the highest level. “Our nomination shows that it doesn’t matter where you are and that Cyprus can produce award-winning websites on an international level.” He added: “Since we are one of the thousands of websites who submitted as one of the nominees, it is a great honour to be short-listed, especially at the Webby Awards, which are the biggest awards in our industry.” The winners of the awards will be honoured at the Webby Awards Gala in New York City on June 5, with the ceremony to be hosted by comedian and actor Rob Corddry, star of Fox’s new sitcom The Winner and a former correspondent for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. The awards are judged by the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences, a global organisation that includes David Bowie, Harvey Weinstein, Arianna Huffington, Simpsons creator Matt Groening, Jamie Oliver, Internet inventor Vinton Cerf, and RealNetworks CEO Rob Glaser. As a nominee for a Webby Award, UX Magazine is also eligible to win a People’s Voice Award. Voting is open to the public from April 10 to April 27 at www.peoplesvoice.webbyawards.com Sat Nav on its way to Cyprus April 18, 2007Posted by grhomeboy in Telecoms. GPS technology has arrived in Cyprus with the launch of Track and Talk, a company specialising in bespoke mobile telephony, vehicle tracking and satellite navigation integration. Also on offer are real-time cartography solutions, street level map making and industrial devices for navigation and tracking applications. Managing Director John Chiao said that products would initially be used for logistics vehicle tracking. “They can be used by businesses right across the board so everybody can benefit.” According to Chiao, at first it may not make sense to consider GPS tracking as a viable business solution. “However, when one thinks of what can be accomplished using such a system, and how it is possible to cut expenses, it soon makes sense to incorporate GPS tracking into your business plan.” Fuel savings of up to 20 per cent can be achieved. “You know that if you were riding in your company vehicles, your drivers wouldn’t waste fuel by speeding, excessive idling or using the vehicle for side trips,” he said. “Additionally, with our tracking system, you can keep a watchful eye on exactly where, when and how your vehicles are transitioning, allowing you to maintain an accurate record of the whereabouts of your vehicles or goods.” Customer service will also see an improvement, with clients supplied with a service, which will include package location and departure and arrival times of items. He added that private motor vehicles would soon have the option to be fitted with in-car satellite navigation systems, seen across much of the rest of Europe. Mobile phone users will also have the possibility of downloading maps straight to their units. With vehicle thefts on the rise, Chiao said owners would be able to rest more easily as they would know where their car or motorbike is at all times. A deal has also been struck with the Health Ministry, whereby 52 ambulances from all General Hospitals will be kitted out with satellite navigation systems free of charge. “What has made all of this possible is the comprehensiveness of our digital GPS, Global Positioning System, map of the whole of the island, including the north,” Chiao explained. “Small villages that have never before appeared on a map are now on our system.” The cost is approximately £10 per month. “Devices can be very small and are used for a variety of purposes from going on treasure hunts to tracking teenagers and the elderly. “The technology is available and affordable to the everyday man or woman in the street,” Chiao said. Since the first experimental satellite was launched in 1978, GPS has become an indispensable aid to navigation around the world, and an important tool for map-making and land surveying. GPS also provides a precise time reference used in many applications including scientific study of earthquakes, and synchronisation of telecommunications networks. The technology also allows accurate targeting of various military weapons, including cruise missiles and precision-guided munitions. For more information: call 26 913350 or www.trackandtalk.com Return of ancient artifacts to Greece by British professor April 18, 2007Posted by grhomeboy in Archaeology Greece. Greek officials welcomed the return of six ancient ceramic artifacts Wednesday, after the son of an eminent British scholar returned the ceremonial pottery miniatures to Athens. Stephen Robertson, the son of professor Martin Robertson, gave the black-glazed ceramic works, believed to date from fifth century B.C., to Greek officials in a formal ceremony on Wednesday. Greek Culture Minister George Voulgarakis likened the return of the six pieces, along with other recently repatriated artifacts, as “links in the same chain” that he hopes will eventually lead to the complete restoration of the statuary surrounding the Acropolis. The government has been aggressively pursuing looted Greek artifacts held in prominent museum and gallery collections worldwide. In the past few years, officials have also ramped up their campaign calling for the return of the famed Parthenon Marbles, which Britain’s Lord Elgin removed from the Acropolis and brought to the United Kingdom in the early 19th century. The pieces returned on Wednesday had been held by Martin Robertson, a British expert on Greek art and antiquities who authored several texts on the subject and had worked for the British Museum and the Universities of London and Oxford. Robertson had received the pieces from U.S. archaeologist Lucy Talcott, one of the officials on hand during an American team’s excavations of the ancient Agora neighbourhood in Athens during the 1930s and 1940s. Talcott had purchased the items from an antiques store during her time in Greece. Following Martin Robertson’s death in late 2004, his son discovered his will stipulated the professor’s wish to return the six small artifacts to “his beloved Greece,” Stephen Robertson said on Wednesday. Alexandros Mantis, the curator of the Acropolis site, accepted the pieces from Robertson with thanks and noted that their return marked the eighth major repatriation in the past year of Greek artifacts removed from the Acropolis. The pottery pieces will be added to the display at the city’s Ancient Agora Museum. Scientists eye Med desertification at Crete meeting April 18, 2007Posted by grhomeboy in Environment. The island of Crete, in the southern Aegean, is among the regions most threatened with desertification, the transformation of arable or habitable land into desert, as climate changes and accompanying extreme weather phenomena, in combination with human intervention the area, and will continue to do so. This observation was made by scientists from Greece, Italy, Spain, France and Portugal, meeting in Hania, Crete within the framework of a programme on implementation of joint actions to combat drought and desertification in the Mediterranean Basin. 3-D screens open as cinema battles for market share April 18, 2007Posted by grhomeboy in Movies Life Greek. Village Roadshow’s two new Real D screens offer viewers a new, three-dimensional experience in cinema Village Roadshow presented yesterday its first two three-dimension digital screens (Real D), which will operate at Village World in Palaio Faliron and at Village Park in Rendi, both within the greater Athens area. Tickets for screenings cost 10 euro, including special 3-D glasses. “In the last few years, cinemas have not undergone any significant changes. We believe we have to move on, so Real D screens are the first step in this direction,” said Village Roadshow CEO Harry Antonopoulos. The cost of transforming a screen into a Real D one is estimated at 250,000 euro. Besides the urge for a shift, Antonopoulos pointed at the financial side of the move: “Technological progress has increased the share of entertainment at home through home cinema or DVD players. Furthermore, ever-increasing piracy has inflicted significant damage on the movie industry. Three-dimensional projections are the answer, as this is something that cannot take place at home and cannot be copied.” By the end of 2007, Village Roadshow will also transform two more screens into Real D, one at The Mall Athens and one at Mediterranean Cosmos in Thessaloniki. However, there is a saturation threat in the cinema multiplex market, particularly in Athens, said Antonopoulos, along with a lack of Greek production that has kept annual ticket numbers at 14 million. This is why Village Roadshow will now position itself only at major shopping centers, it is already negotiating the creation of five or six screens at the shopping center that is under development at the Galatsi Sports Center, placing special emphasis on digital projection screens, which is the future of the sector. Related Links > Preserving historical mosaics April 18, 2007Posted by grhomeboy in Arts Exhibitions Greece. Exhibition in Athens on the work of the late Yiannis Kolefas, one of Greece’s most esteemed conservators The art of mosaics goes back thousands of years, yet their scientific study and conservation are fields that have been advanced mostly in the past 50 years. Artist Yiannis Kolefas (1927-1986) was the first academically trained conservator of mosaics in this country and one of the few conservators who pioneered new techniques. He trained in painting and mosaic restoration at the Ravenna Academy of Fine Arts and, after his return to Greece in the late 1950s, began traveling around the country with the mission of preserving and restoring historical landmarks. Both his contribution to the conservation of ancient Greek and Byzantine mosaics and his parallel work as a painter is the subject of “Yiannis Kolefas: Journey in the Art of the Mosaic” an exhibition held at the Byzantine and Christian Museum and jointly curated by Eleni Margari and Kolefas’s daughter, Olga, a restorer of paintings. Kolefas worked for almost a decade as a mosaic conservator at the museum. He was hired the same year that Manolis Chatzidakis the Museum’s Director at the time, founded the Central Conservation Laboratory. Kolefas worked in the department along with other esteemed conservators, such as Fotis Zachariou, Tassos Margaritof and Stavros Baltoyiannis. Part of his work as a conservator entailed making copies of original mosaics, a practice that helped conservators to exercise their skills in old techniques while also making mosaics known to a broader public. Among the copies he made is the templon of the Porta-Panaghia Church in Trikala, central Greece. Included in the exhibition, this reproduction shows Kolefas’s ability to capture the patina of time. The exhibition also includes some of the original mosaics that Kolefas worked on. A large floor mosaic depicting the four seasons and dated from the beginning of the late 4th century AD, now in the Archaeological Museum of Thebes, is one of the most impressive. A Hellenistic period mosaic showing centaurs is dated to around 325 BC and belongs to the Archaeological Museum of Pella. In the same room, a series of photos document the process of detachment and restoration of a large mosaic dating to the Hellenistic period and depicting the ancient hero Bellerophon. The mosaic was discovered in 1975 during excavations in the ruins of the Hellenistic city on Rhodes and, thanks to the work of Kolefas and his team, was safely transferred to the island’s Archaeological Museum.The mosaics in the courtyard of the Byzantine and Christian Museum, which date from the 5th century AD, were also moved from their original sites by Kolefas. Although the exhibition does not provide detailed information about the techniques used in the restoration of mosaics, it does present the basic steps in the craft. In one of the rooms, a display of the tools and materials used both for the making and restoration of mosaics reproduces the feeling of a workshop. Kolefas was in charge of every step. He even visited the quarries to choose the stones himself and commissioned glass paste tesserae from Venice. His meticulous work earned him important assignments which included the restoration of the mosaics in the churches of Aghios Georgios (Rotonda) and Aghia Sophia in Thessaloniki and the mosaics at the Daphni Monastery. However, his work as a restorator did not distract him from his vocation as a painter. Before specializing in mosaics, Kolefas had studied painting at the Athens School of Fine Arts. In his early works, mostly full-body portraits, the influence of his teacher Yiannis Moralis stands out. A large part of the exhibition reveals his output as an artist. Apart from a series of mosaics, many of them based on Byzantine motifs, Kolefas also made landscapes inspired by the travels he made in Greece as a conservator. Folk subjects derived from daily life in Epirus, his homeland, recur in his work and become more pronounced in his later period. The watercolors depicting scenes of agrarian life are among the best. Being a painter must have enhanced his skill as a restorator. In fact, one of his most important projects stems from a combination of the two. The large mosaic “Hymn to the History and Art of Macedonia” which Kolefas made for the central hall of Thessaloniki’s Aristotle University, captures his understanding of both painting and mosaics. It also expresses Kolefas’s commitment to honor the history and cultural heritage of this country. The exhibition is primarily aimed at putting across this sense of commitment. It is an exhibition that does not narrow itself to the work that Kolefas did as a restorator but sketches out a broader presentation of an artist’s creativity. At the Byzantine and Christian Museum, 22 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, Athens, tel 210 7211027, to June 17. Nearest metro station is Evangelismos. Related Links > http://www.lrf.gr/demos/byz/homepage.html As space travel becomes just a matter of affordability, science-fiction films of the 1950s, 60s and 70s are eerily less fantastic today. The Hellenic American Union in Athens is hosting a two-day event on April 25-26 titled “From Science Fiction to Reality” with performance artist Stelarc and cyberpunk literature pioneer Bruce Sterling to address issues such as “The Body and the Machine” and “Redesigning the Body,” among others. Art historian Anna Hadziyiannaki, curator of the event, notes that with the change of focus in technological research came a shift in literature and cinema that crossed the Atlantic from Europe to the USA, and which expressed the changes brought to the world by the digital age and biotechnological revolution. The headline guests at the HAU event will discuss some of the issues that arise from these global changes. Stelarc, an artist and futurist who has been stretching the limits of the human body since the 1960s by analyzing the applications of digital technology, robotics and genetics, argues that as technology evolves, the human body becomes obsolete. Sterling, author of the seminal anthology “Mirrorshades” and one of the founders of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, is one of the chief ideological promulgators of cyberpunk and a vocal opponent of Internet censorship. At the Hellenic American Union, 22 Massalias Street, Kolonaki, Athens, tel 210 3680047. Admission to all events is free of charge.
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« In speech to biz leaders, Corbett vague on transportation funding plans. | Back to Main Page | Tuesday Morning Coffee: Corbett says PA "lacks the will" to become a Right-to-Work state. » December 8, 2012 In New York, it's candidates and cocktails as Democrats jockey for position. By John Micek A former secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Hanger, 55, is the first Democrat to formally declare a 2014 challenge to Republican Gov. Tom Corbett. He also wants to be the first person to break a decades-old streak of sitting governors successfully winning re-election to a second, four-year term. As supporters chatted and noshed on pretzels and chips and drank wine from vanity bottles bearing the candidate’s name, Hanger said the reception supporting his candidacy on the second day of the annual Pennsylvania Society gala that ended Sunday was about “sending a message to Pennsylvanians that there’s a choice” in a gubernatorial derby that is still two years away. But if choices are what voters are looking for, they abounded here. Other would-be candidates filled the salons at party central in the Waldorf-Astoria hotel on Park Avenue, as well as other bars and restaurants around the city. There, they refined their non-denial denials, bashfully demurring, but never explicitly saying “No” when they were asked whether they harbored ambitions of taking on Corbett, whose sagging approval numbers have state Democrats eager to take him on in two years’ time. “People have approached me and are encouraging me to think about it,” said U.S. Rep. Allyson Schwartz, D-13th District, whose name added seasoning this weekend to an ever-enlarging stew of potential candidates. Others in the mix: U.S. Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa.; state Treasurer Rob McCord; Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski; retiring state Auditor General Jack Wagner; Montgomery County Commissioner Josh Shapiro; former Rendell administration official Tom Wolf of York and onetime Philadelphia mayoral candidate Tom Knox. Asked if she was mulling a run, Schwartz said, “I don’t even want to say it that strongly … Listening to people is the closest I’ll get on it.” Seconds later, a supporter clapped Schwartz on the shoulder and jokingly addressed her as “Governor.” At a reception later in the day on Friday, Wagner greeted friends and supporters filing into an increasingly cramped reception. The Pittsburgh Democrat has been open about his mayoral ambitions in the Iron City. When he was asked whether he was considering a reprise of a 2010 gubernatorial bid, Wagner quickly replied, “I’ve said I’ll never rule myself out for anything.” According to one veteran observer, the would-be candidates were playing their appointed roles to a tee. “Your plan is to meet as many people as you can. The big thing is to create a buzz about your candidacy and to raise expectations,” said G. Terry Madonna, a pollster and political science professor at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster. Freshly re-elected to a second, four-year term last month, McCord sung a common seasonal hymn for an ambitious politician whose name has been attached to a higher office: “First and foremost, we’re trying to do the job at hand,” McCord said, without ever ruling anything out. “Right now, I’m working hard to listen and learn.” Shapiro, a former state House member considered among the state party’s rising stars, danced the same “Not Saying No” waltz. “I love what I’m doing in Montgomery County,” he said. “We are doing very important work and doing it well. I’m happy to be here to catch up with old friends and colleagues.” While the subjects of electoral gossip demurred and denied, other prominent Democrats were developing clear opinions about the sorts of candidates they believed the party should field in 2014. Bolstered by the dominating win last month of Attorney General-Elect Kathleen Kane, who is the first Democrat and woman to become the state’s top cop in the four decades it’s been an elected post, Democrats said the party needed to come up with a diverse slate. Kane, a former assistant district attorney from Lackawanna County and political newcomer, rode a strong wave of Democratic turnout that allowed to her outpoll both Casey and President Barack Obama in many areas of the state. She defeated Republican David Freed, the elected district attorney of Cumberland County and Corbett’s hand-picked candidate. “First and foremost, where they stand is the most important thing,” said state Sen. Vincent Hughes, D-Philadelphia, who is black. “But it’s not falling on deaf ears that Kathleen Kane ran against the NRA and kicked their ass.” And as Democrats jockey, Republicans could also face some internal dissent. Last week, Montgomery County Commissioner Bruce Castor said he was contemplating a possible primary challenge to Corbett. Speaking to reporters after a speech to business leaders on Saturday, Corbett dryly dismissed Castor’s apparent gubernatorial ambitions. “Everyone can dream.” Corbett quipped, saying he’d been more focused on the camaraderie of the annual gala, which traces its roots to the turn of the 20th century when wealthy Pennsylvanians living in Manhattan would invite family and friends to the city for a celebratory dinner. After dinner, those same influential Pennsylvanians would gather to name a slate of candidates for the coming year. While that practice has been long abandoned, the Society weekend (which still includes the annual dinner honoring a worthy state resident) is now the unofficial launch-pad for statewide political campaigns. One weekend highlight for Corbett: sharing drinks and cigars with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, when the two men bumped into each other during a Friday function at the Carnegie Club known as “The Captains of Industry” reception. During the event sponsored by Consol Energy, Corbett and Scalia chatted about the high court’s decision on the federal healthcare law, among other matters. Corbett quaffed a gin and tonic. The cigar he, noted, was “quite mild.” The intensity of the gossip here was anything but. Leave A Comment
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Columbia, MO, Jesse Hall – I went back to my alma matter yesterday to deliver the commencement speech at the University of Missouri’s School of Journalism graduation ceremony. I do presentations all the time, but always with the support of visuals. The process of writing a speech was new and intense, but it was rewarding to share the experience with the Class of 2008. I was introduced by graduating senior Robert Crosby. Robert Crosby: Our speaker is Brian Storm who graduated with his Missouri School of Journalism master’s degree in 1995. Mr. Storm is president of MediaStorm, the award-winning multimedia production studio based in New York City. MediaStorm has won several nationally recognized awards for its multimedia and documentary work. In just the past two years, the company has won multiple Webby Awards, Pictures of the Year International awards and an Emmy. Mr. Storm… Brian Storm: It’s quite an honor to be here on this important day at this critical moment in journalism. I’ve been thinking about what to say to you all for some time. Trying to put myself in your situation given the current climate. I was in the Lower East Side of Manhattan on Tuesday with some friends and I asked them about their graduation experiences. One woman graduated from NYU a few years ago and Bill Cosby was the speaker. I said, “Wow, that’s pretty huge. What did he say?” She said, “I don’t remember, but he was funny.” Given that even Bill Cosby was not memorable, I feel the pressure on me is officially off. But, then I realized, I’m not funny. What I am is optimistic and passionate about journalism. How can that be given that both the economy and the journalism industry are in a crisis? Record numbers of lost jobs, homes and retirement funds are creating a divide between the American Promise and the American Dream. At a time when people need quality news and information, traditional media are hemorrhaging and appear headed for bailout style CPR. How did we get into this mess? The moment journalism institutions began answering to their shareholders and their ever-increasing demands for profit margins, the public’s need to know was in jeopardy. Walter Williams wrote in The Journalist’s Creed that “The supreme test of good journalism is the measure of its public service.” There’s no mention of 25% profit margins as a metric for success. If you want to make a pile of money, this is not the right profession for you. Frankly, Journalism needs defending against those who would sell it down the river for a quick buck. Journalists lead a rich life, but rarely get rich. We are inherently purpose driven, not profit driven. Simply put, we, the practitioners of this craft, need to take journalism back. You’ve just received a world-class education from the most storied journalism school in the United States. You are entering a profession desperate for new solutions. As such, the opportunity for you right now is absolutely huge. You simply need to take the profession on your shoulders and make it what you want it to be. At this moment of radical change in our profession, I see an opportunity for a new breed of journalistic entrepreneurs collaborating with each other to create compelling stories, using new tools and creating dramatic change in a global marketplace. We need you to bring energetic idealism to the table at this turning point in our profession. Imagine what it must have been like to be alive during the industrial revolution. How epic the turmoil must have been to existing businesses. Every aspect of life was disrupted by the changes occurring in agriculture, manufacturing, production, and transportation. Imagine what it would have been like to be the owner of a horse and buggy business. And to, for the very first time, see an automobile drive by. What was that? The right question to ask yourself at that moment is what business am I in? Am I in the horse and buggy business? Or, am I in the transportation business? Are you in the newspaper business? Are you in the magazine business? Are you in the broadcast business? Or, are you in the business of storytelling? We are living at the start of a communications revolution that will change society as much, or more, then the industrial revolution did. Think about the companies and products that have only recently changed our lives: How did we get rid of our junk before eBay? How did we find our way before GPS? How did we waste our lunch hour before YouTube? Really, your parents played board games like Monopoly and Yahtzee. They watched commercials too. No TIVO. Can you imagine a world without Google? A world where you can’t do reconnaissance on your blind date? What did we do before: And of course, iPods. Did you know that iTunes recently passed Walmart as the number one retailer of music in the world? I’m so excited I just twittered. Honestly, no one has command of all these new capabilities. And, that is why the opportunity is so exciting. As an industry, we are like awkward teenagers driving a Ferrari. The next few years will see incredible advances in our journalistic abilities. It’s going to be crazy exciting. And you get to define it. To do so, you will need to maintain the highest journalistic standards. This is where your Mizzou experience will serve you. I don’t think the communications revolution that we are going through is about some reinvention of storytelling or journalistic creed. The way we tell stories has evolved over the years, but beginning, middle and end still works. Ethical and accurate information will still rule. I think the revolution is happening because of access. Access to powerful tools and access to global distribution in an increasingly connected planet. It used to be that a high definition video camera would set you back $70,000. Now they are a few thousand dollars and I own one. It used to cost $250,000 to have a broadcast quality post-production system. Now, for less than $5,000 you can edit with a Macintosh that’s so fast it requires a seat belt. As the cost of entry plummets, the fidelity of the toolset is exploding. Thank you Moore’s Law. Of course, having the tools is only part of the equation. We all know the famous adage, “Freedom of the press belongs to those who own one.” The fact is, we all own a printing press now. MediaStorm is a team of six people. We only recently stopped working out of my apartment. But, we have visitors to MediaStorm.org from more than 130 countries each month. How do these people find us? We aren’t a mainstream media company. We don’t spend any money on marketing. We simply produce and publish compelling stories. As old business models fail, I expect to see an influx of independent, purpose-driven collaborations. Small teams with passionate experts operating for the public good. The new world of open access makes this possible. The average consumer today has an abundance of choices and more access to information than at any other time in history. It’s actually information overload. What we are all fighting for now is mind share. Quality is what people care about. It’s what they are trying to pinpoint in a sea of information. It’s what they will forward to their friends when they do find it. It’s what they will blog post. We had one guy in Russia do a blog post about a story on our site and for a week straight our traffic was up 15 X. All coming from Russia with love. One guy spread the virus through Russia with a simple blog post. This surge of connectivity is another recent innovation that I’m hugely optimistic about. I think it’s the greatest hope for restoring quality journalism. Marc Andreessen sent an email in the Fall of 1993 to only 12 people. Mosaic, the first web browser, spread virally and changed how we communicate with each other. Connectivity is the new killer app. My goal at MediaStorm is not simply to generate awareness; it’s to create change. I want to share one example with you. We produced a piece about Congo called Rape of Nation earlier this year. Photojournalist Marcus Bleasdale spent EIGHT years documenting the story of how diamonds mined in African war zones are financing the ongoing conflicts. It’s the story Leonardo DeCaprio dramatized in the Hollywood blockbuster Blood Diamonds. A women from Oak Glen, California, Shea Downey, wrote in our reader feedback: “Thank you so much for your coverage on this devastating issue.” Reading this I felt we accomplished our first goal of raising awareness and compassion. But then she goes on to say, “I am a small, fine jewelry retail owner.” This is the most powerful type of connection that we can hope to make. This is a person who can create real change by choosing where to purchase her diamonds. She then writes, “I intend to forward this to all I know in the industry.” She’s driving awareness to her personal network, a highly targeted group of diamond buyers. It’s true that less people care about Congo than Britney’s belly button. For me, it’s not about reaching the largest possible audience; pandering to the lowest common denominator. It’s about reaching the right audience with a relevant message. Today, there is a robust infrastructure in place to reach these specific audiences and to create real change. I’m inspired by this new ERA of connectivity every day and I’m constantly looking for ways to leverage these connections. On Wednesday, at 9:54am, I updated my Facebook status with: Brian is writing a commencement speech. I then posed a question to my network: What would you say to the University of Missouri School of Journalism Class of 2008? I want to share a few responses with you: First, from your very own Brian Brooks at 9:59am, “Ignore the medium. Think content.” At 10 am, photography agent Paul Melcher writes, “Be the change you would like to see happen.” Both quite poetic. Words to live by. Then, Mizzou grad (MA ‘91) Adam Berliant at 10:01 am wrote, “I remember the commencement speech that I heard when I graduated from there. The guy was a reporter from the New York Times. He essentially said, ‘Whatever you do, don’t go into journalism.’” While I don’t agree with that level of cynicism, it’s true, not everyone will make it as a journalist. There are 20,000 students who will graduate with a degree in photography alone this year. Only the very best will succeed in this craft. Look, I wanted to play shortstop for the Minnesota Twins. You know what, I wasn’t good enough. Granted, your odds of making it as a journalist are better than mine were of making it as a Major League Baseball shortstop, but it’s going to be tough and you will need to be great. So, back to more Facebook advice. Patty Caya, a student at NYU, wrote at 10:08 am, “Be the generation that finds the new model for journalism and makes it work. Take the talent and training and idealism that brought you to study this profession and apply all of that energy to figuring out the future rather than mourning the past. You will need to be part of a changing profession and that won’t be easy. If you want to do something that is easy, do something else.” Tough love from Patty. To which Adam Berliant, at 10:14 am, posted, “New idea: Just read your Facebook comments.” Ok, so I will. Mizzou grad (MA ‘92) Dick Doughty wrote, “They must fall in love with the world. Otherwise they will become hacks and careerists. Beyond that, tell them they are historically lucky SOBs. For real. Graduating at a sunset of cynicism AND hard economic times. Struggle is always at the heart of the best stories!” Mizzou grad (MA ‘94) Elizabeth Osder wrote, “Be about WHAT you get to do and not WHERE you get to do it. The WHERE’S are shifting but the WHAT is why we all came to MU. It’s the fire in your belly, your drive to tell stories, to witness.” So, what then is the key ingredient for success? Simply put, Passion. My friend Jesse Kornbluth, once a Contributing Editor of Vanity Fair but who now writes almost exclusively on the Web at HeadButler.com, wrote, “I encourage kids to place the biggest possible bet on what they really CARE about. The plight of the coal miners? Go to West Virginia. Become the world expert. Surfing? Move to California. Beg a job as an assistant board shaper, write for surfer rags. Rock? Be a roadie if you have to, just to get into position. Take the plunge. Write. Suffer nobly. Everything you have learned is preparation for what you are now about to learn. On the other side of a million words, the world will see you and you’ll know you weren’t crazy. Or, sadly, that you were. See, Jessie is a good writer. You start today from a very ideal place, The Missouri School of Journalism. A program with 100 years of tradition. There has never been a more important time for the Missouri Method of Journalism, to help people understand the complex world in which we live. You will need to build on these values to move our profession forward. And, we are counting on you. It is one of the most exciting times in history to be a young journalist. You have an almost limitless palette of storytelling tools, an audience unbound by physical borders and the most powerful communications technology ever developed at your disposal. Martin Luther King said, “The arc of the universe is long but it bends toward justice.” Our role as journalists is to help the bending process. This is your time. This is your moment. I offer you congratulations on your accomplishment today and wish you great success in your journey. A note of special thanks to those who shared their ideas for this speech including those noted above, Elodie Maillet, Ed Kashi, Merrill Brown, Rich Beckman, Tom Kennedy, Kenny Irby, Richard Koci Hernandez, Liz Ronk, Andreas Gebhard and to the 46 who made comments via Facebook.
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Berlin, 1938. When Beatrice, a young Irish Protestant lace maker, is whisked away from her dreary life to join the household of Felix and Dorthea Metzenburg, she feels like she’s landed in the middle of a fairy tale. Art collectors, and friends to the most fascinating men and women of Europe, the Metzenburgs are part of a world where there is more to desire than she ever imagined. However Germany has launched its campaign of aggression across Europe, and, before long, the conflict reaches the family’s threshold. Retreating to their country estate, the Metzenburgs do their best to ignore the encroaching war until the realities of hunger, illness, and Nazi terror begin to threaten their very existence. In searing and emotional detail, The Life of Objects illuminates Beatrice’s journey from childhood to womanhood, from naïveté to wisdom, as a continent collapses into darkness around her. Excerpted from The Life of Objects by Susanna Moore. Copyright © 2012 by Susanna Moore. Excerpted by permission of Vintage, a division of Random House LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher. Susanna Moore is the author of the novels The Big Girls, One Last Look, In the Cut, Sleeping Beauties, The Whiteness of Bones, and My Old Sweetheart, and two books of nonfiction, Light Years: A Girlhood in Hawai’i and I Myself Have Seen It: The Myth of Hawai’i. She lives in New York City. Susanna Moore is represented by Random House Speakers Bureau (www.rhspeakers.com). “Wonderful. . . . Exquisite. . . . A miracle of clarity and beauty. It’s the kind of book I read and think, this is why I do this. . . . It’s because it’s possible to write books like this, and because books like this exist in the world.” —Emily St. John Mandel, The Millions “Undeniably powerful. . . . Moore’s an extremely assured novelist, and her themes here ring out … War changes everyone, and nothing is promised to us forever, not even each other.” —Entertainment Weekly “Nearly flawless. So much can happen in a sentence, by such slight (to the reader) but rigorous and elegant means. I nearly gasped at some parts. And there is something gravely and humanly funny about others.” —Alec Wilkinson, author of The Ice Balloon “Subtle and acutely written.” —The Boston Globe “A frightening and wholly convincing evocation of life in Germany during the twilight of the Third Reich.” —J. M. Coetzee, author of Summertime “The Metzenburgs’ world is just as astounding to Beatrice as it would be to any modern reader stepping out of a time machine. . . . Moore manages to span the entirety of World War II in a way that is impressively thorough and demonstrates that even the most privileged weren’t immune to its ravages.” —Daily News “The Life of Objects isn’t long but it gives the full sweep of the Nazi reign and the Soviet occupation. Its details are so convincing, it reads like a memoir not a novel—a magnificent achievement.” —Edmund White, author of Jack Holmes and His Friend “A marvelous book, devastating in its simplicity. It’s a beautifully controlled examination of a life stripped, like a body in wartime, of inessentials. I love the fact that kindness—though not sentimentality—turns out to be an essential. But for me the heart of the matter is Moore’s language: as strong as plainchant, and as beautiful.” —Nicola Griffith, author of The Blue Place and Ammonite “The Life of Objects is absolutely gripping in the precision of its wartime narrative, and chilling in its evocation of a fidelity to the sensuality of this world in the face of the most deeply cynical of the world’s capacities. This extraordinary novel speaks to class, emigration and tragedy in our time as devastatingly as Buddenbrooks spoke to Thomas Mann’s own young century.” —Susan Wheeler, winner of the Witter Bynner Prize for Poetry from the American Academy of Arts & Letters “An unsparing look at a country’s disintegration.” —More “In The Life of Objects, Susanna Moore tells the story of a young woman’s initiation into the worlds of beauty, suffering, cynicism, and grace. What astounds me about this work is its ability to attend with equal fidelity to the quiet nuances of self-discovery and the deceptions and depravities of World War II. This is a lyrical and courageous book.” —Tracy K. Smith, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for poetry 1. What contributes to Beatrice’s unhappiness and disaffection in Ballycarra? What does her devotion to novels and fairy tales show about the influence literature has on dreams and expectations? In what ways does her reading increase her isolation and estrangement from those around her? How do the heroines Beatrice admires (p. 5) and the specific works she refers to (pp. 21, 45, 47–48) help to create a sense of her character? What else do they add to Moore’s novel? 2. In addition to being her teacher, what role does Mr. Knox play in Beatrice’s life? What is the importance of his interest in bird-watching and making lists? In what ways do Mr. Knox’s habits and behavior anticipate the qualities Felix Metzenburg exhibits? 3. Why does Beatrice adopt the name of Maeve as she embarks on her adventure? 4. “Because her wealth served to isolate her, Frau Metzenburg did not trouble herself with the customary prejudices of her class. Herr Felix . . . was unusual in that neither money nor adoration had ruined him” (p. 40). How do Felix’s and Dorothea’s manners and demeanor differ, and how does this affect Beatrice’s feelings about each of them? 5. What do Inez’s description of Felix’s past and Beatrice’s observations of his daily activities establish about the changes occurring as the Nazis assume power? What hints are there of the injustices and cruelties to come? 6. What does the novel convey about the response of ordinary citizens to the extraordinary events occurring around them? Discuss, for example, Felix’s reaction to the invasion of Poland, the disappearance of his friends in Berlin, and the implementation of anti-Jewish laws; Fraulein Roeder’s “admiration of Hitler’s frequent speeches” (p. 51) and her insistence that “Frau Metzenburg’s great-grandmother had not been a Jew, despite the lies spread by the wicked (p. 54); Herr Elias’s revelation that he is Jewish; and Beatrice’s subsequent conversation with Casper about Jews (p. 53). 7. Beatrice says, “Part of [Dorothea’s] fascination, of course, was her secretiveness. She could not bear to be anticipated, or forestalled, taking great care to conceal a meaningless or innocent gesture” (p. 90). What information does Dorothea (or the author) withhold and why? Do the details about Dorothea’s background and marriage revealed later in the book cast a different light on her behavior and the things she values (pp. 134–38)? 8. Why do Felix and Dorothea remain in Germany despite Inez’s urging that they leave (p. 138)? Does hiding their treasures (and valuables given them by others) and the sheltering of refugees at their home represent a stubborn refusal to face reality, or can these be seen as acts of defiance—or hope? 9. At the Adlon Beatrice observes, “No one was who he appeared to be—it was too dangerous to be yourself, unless you were one of them, and perhaps even then” (p. 104). Does survival in wartime necessitate deception and self-deception? Does such intentional artifice undermine the moral foundations of a society? What effect, if any, does it have on an individual’s sense of self-respect? 10. Like the villagers in the novel, many Germans blamed the Jews for what was wrong in their country and dismissed reports that the Jews were being annihilated. Do you agree with Felix’s reflection that “By the time that we understand what is happening . . . we are already complicit” (p. 113). To what extent are Felix and Dorothea complicit in the madness that has engulfed Europe? Do their generosity and humanitarian efforts as the war progresses and the Red Army wreaks destruction on the countryside mitigate the blame and shame of their failure to act earlier? 11. What do Beatrice’s reports on actual events gathered from German, Swiss, and BBC news broadcasts, as well as the busy network of rumors, reveal about the often-blurry line between journalism and propaganda, fact and speculation? In this context, discuss the American choice to ignore for so long stories about the Reich’s systematic murder of Jews and other “objectionable” people (p.150). 12. How does the discovery of the American soldier in the woods change Beatrice’s sense of purpose and self-worth (pp. 159–75)? In the course of caring for him and listening to his stories, what does she realize about what was missing in her own life? 13. Only hours after she leaves the American, Beatrice is brutally raped by Red Army soldiers (pp. 179–80). Is the juxtaposition of these two incidents significant? In what ways do the encounters, one tender, one horrific, symbolize Beatrice’s coming-of-age? 14. At the end of the war, Beatrice says, she and others were “left with the inexhaustible presence of evil. . . . We had survived, but we were different people” (pp. 198–99). How does the legacy of the war and the new order in Germany shape the trials and the final tragedy Dorothea and Beatrice must deal with? What personal strengths and emotional needs underlie and nurture the intimacy between the two women? What signs are there that both women are ready to move on with their lives? 15. Several vividly drawn secondary characters enhance the intricacy of the portrait presented in The Life of Objects. What roles do Countess Inéz, Kreck, Herr Elias, Caspar, and Fraulein Roeder play in the novel and in Beatrice’s life? How does each character teach her something, or reveal something, that changes her understanding of the world? 16. Moore is a master at creating precise visual images--of clothing, household objects, and especially the rare items in the Metzenburg collections. In what ways do the finely wrought precision and vividness of these descriptions serve as a counterpoint to the dark themes Moore explores? Do they illuminate and explain the novel’s title? 17. How does The Life of Objects differ from other novels you have read about Europe during the Second World War? What effect does Moore’s choice of an uninformed young woman as narrator have on the power and credibility of the novel? In what ways does the book’s focus on a domestic drama deepen your understanding of the qualities, good and bad, that enable people to endure the atrocities of war?
{ "date": "2015-03-31T10:32:01Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131300464.72/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172140-00164-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9426000714302063, "token_count": 2512, "url": "http://www.randomhouse.com/book/116855/the-life-of-objects-by-susanna-moore/9780307268433/" }
I've lost a passage from a book. It was a slippery little sucker, and it must have slipped away when I wasn't looking. In my defense, though, it was a passage from Virginia Woolf--and boy does that woman write some long paragraphs and sentences. When I had this passage, I ran from friend to friend to friend (it must have been important if I went to all three of my friends) and read it out loud. I gushed about it when I was done reading, and I demanded they gush about it in response. I was adamant that they recognize such a crystalline expression of lost friendship. And I was going to quote it to all you and demand an equal gushy response....but, I cannot find it. I do, however, remember why I gushed about it. For10 summers I waited tables in a resort community, and many different aquaintances passed through my life. Since this was those late high school and college years, I was on that common hippie-sounding quest of "finding myself," and I consider myself lucky that I found a close friend on my journey--his name was Bryan. Bryan had long hair he kept in a ponytail, he loved art, had an infectious and unique laugh, and had a deep appreciation of good food and fine wine. Our friendship grew out of some of our biggest weaknesses: our lack of self-esteem, inability to stand up for ourselves, love of the arts, generalized fear of the future, and a sensitivity typically frowned upon in men. For 8 of those 10 summers, we worked together and the zenith of our friendship was a 3 hour dinner at a fine restaurant. We were the only two people in the restaurant for most of the time we were there, and halfway through dinner, our boss (his brother), called and had a bottle of wine delivered to our table. Perhaps it was the wine, or maybe the food, or the silences in the room...whatever it was, we shared with each other some of those most vulnerable fears we had in life. He wanted to be an artist and so desperately wanted to be a dad (which embarassed him for some reason) and find a nice woman to marry, but he lacked initiative to do any of those things--I reassured him he would. I wanted to be successful in my career after college and play classical music professionally--he reassured me I would, and to punctuate the point he persuaded me to cross the dining room and play the abandoned piano siting near the window of the establishment. I remember playing passages from Schumann's "Scenes from Childhood" and an arrangement of Scarborough Fair I used to love so much, and afterwards we had dessert. Some things I shared with him I had never told anyone, and I knew the same was true for some of the things he told me. It was unfiltered honesty, and how often does one have a relationship like that in their lives? But, a week later, I finished my summer stint at the restaurant for the year: I was a senior in college, and I had no idea what was in store for me. I graduated and found a job and never returned to waiting tables; Bryan wasn't a writer, and I wasn't one to use the phone, so our friendship faded with time..... .....Flash forward 10 years: I was walking down the sidewalk in the resort community where I used to wait tables. I had my backpack and was heading down to the lake to do some reading, my iPod on full blast to something bouncy and fitting for summer. There is a deli in the town where black wire tables sit next to the sidewalk where people can enjoy their sandwiches. Focused on my tunes, I hardly paid any mind to any of the people around me. Cars passed, people walked in front of me, passed along side me, I didn't really register any of their faces. Then, in the few second gap of a song, I heard a very distinctive laugh. It had come from behind me, and I turned my body to see its source. And there he was, eating lunch with his brother and his wife--it was Bryan. Same long ponytail, same unconfident body language. Our eyes locked, and I recognized him immediately, and he recognized me, too. It was easy to tell, yet he said nothing and I didn't stop walking. There was nothing to say. Here someone was an integral part of your day to day life for almost a ten year span, and together you shared some vulnerable memories or fears for the future, and when you have that chance to re-connect, you simply let it pass. I guess on some level, both of us must have known that keeping those dreams, that optimism, and that naive fear in those past experiences made them precious--while trying to engage in meaningless chit-chat or trying to cover a decade's worth of ground would simply taint what once was a truly meaningful friendship.... And, that, that right there was what Virginia Woolf was talking about in her passage. That same kind of incident, but it slipped through my fingers, and I cannot find it. She expressed it in such a loving manner, with her poignant syntax and stunning vocabulary; I could tell that she must have experienced something similar to me. I'm sad that I lost it. Maybe I will find it again, but if I don't, I'm glad I had it for a little while.
{ "date": "2015-03-29T22:22:39Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131298755.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172138-00172-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9892758131027222, "token_count": 1127, "url": "http://www.open.salon.com/blog/pensive_person/2012/01/25/lost_passages_lost_dreams_and_lost_friendships" }
It has been described by previous holders of the post as the second hardest job in America – certainly the most glamorous civic one – and for the past 12 years has been filled by the polished, autocratic, paternalistic boots of the financial data billionaire Mike Bloomberg. On 10 September, New Yorkers will begin the process of electing a successor with the main party primaries. The mayoral election itself is on 5 November. It is a contest that, on the Democratic side, has become an extraordinary battle involving disputes over sex, race, gender and family values, as well as an evaluation of Bloomberg's New York, which many feel has become more economically and racially polarised during his era. The tone of the political season was defined, less than two months ago, by a sexual scandal involving Anthony Weiner, the former city congressman, who is one of the Democratic candidates. Frontrunners in the party's race are the Italian-American Democrat Bill de Blasio, the city's elected public advocate, and Christine Quinn, the New York city council speaker and Bloomberg's designated successor. De Blasio is a progressive candidate with a wife of African descent; he champions the outer boroughs and depicts the Bloomberg era as unfeeling and undemocratic. Polls suggest he may pull far enough ahead to prevent a run-off between the top two Democratic candidates on 1 October. But that's only if Quinn, the candidate endorsed by the New York Times and much of the liberal political establishment, fails to counter depictions of her as a tough, Manhattan-focused, Bloomberg-lite who shows little feeling for the issues affecting middle-class families. With de Blasio having 32% support among likely voters and Quinn battling Bill Thompson, the African-American candidate who came close to beating Bloomberg in 2009, in the high teens, the New York mayoral race is in the midst of an unexpected turnaround. But the prospects of the candidates – seven on the Democratic side, four on the Republican ticket – are closely tied to the shifting sensibilities of a large number of uncommitted voters who are more likely to identify candidates they would not support than ones they would. "There are not enough issues being talked about and the candidates are not staying on track with the issues that are being talked about," says Pamela Garcia, a community activist in the Flatbush area of Brooklyn. Garcia had come to a forum to press the candidates on education, widely considered to be an area of weakness in Bloomberg's record. She felt the candidates and voters were too easily distracted by issues related to their personal lives. "Whenever you have a candidate whose personal life is somewhat different to the norm, or you have one who has admitted to adultery, or another who speaks highly of his wife who had a relationship with another woman in the past, it makes you pause," Garcia says. "But you still have to be clear-sighted over the real issues." Garcia is referring to Quinn (who is married to Kim Catullo, a woman), to Weiner (whose "sexting" recidivism destroyed his candidacy) and to De Blasio, who has presented his wife Chirlane, a former lesbian, and Afro-haired 15-year-old son Dante as proof of his modern, middle-class, multicultural credentials. De Blasio has benefited from a proposal to tax the wealthiest New Yorkers for universal pre-kindergarten education, and from a recent legal ruling which concluded that senior city officials had turned a blind eye to evidence that the city's police department's stop-and-frisk policy was conducted in a "racially discriminatory manner". In a TV ad, Dante de Blasio takes direct aim at Bloomberg, promising his father will be the "only one who will end an era of stop-and-frisk that unfairly targets people of colour". With her ties to Bloomberg and his unpopular policing policies, that is a position Quinn, who depends on a large turnout of women and gay voters to win, cannot reasonably hope to emulate, and her campaign's attacks on De Blasio have largely missed the mark. Quinn recently took issue with Chirlane de Blasio over a comment she interpreted as suggesting that, as a childless woman, Quinn could not identify with family issues. The candidate said she took "great personal offence to the comment, as does my wife". But that backfired after the De Blasio campaign was able to show that Chirlane had been misquoted by Maureen Dowd, the queen of New York Times columnists. Still the dispute hinted at an issue, primarily among women, over gender and equality that is likely to be resurrected if Hillary Clinton runs for president in 2016. The Hollywood star Susan Sarandon had expected to support Quinn to become the city's first female mayor. But after Quinn backed Bloomberg in 2008 in a move to extend term limits, allowing him to serve a third term, and failed to support paid sick-leave legislation, Sarandon switched her endorsement to De Blasio. "It became clear to me that as a woman, you can't just vote your vagina," she said. . But in New York's tribal political environment, sex can hardly be disqualified as an issue and by invoking the "vagina vote", Sarandon appeared to counter feminist writer Gloria Steinem who had earlier released a campaign video supporting Quinn. "Imagine how much it will mean to girls and young women, and young men, too, to see that it's possible to have a woman in what is always said to be the second most important job in this nation," Steinem offered. Recast as a postmodern family values and sexual equality contest, the mayoral race is as much about looking beyond the traditional white male mindset of Bloomberg and Weiner as an illustration that the white vote in New York is on the verge of becoming a minority vote. With time running out and De Blasio the candidate to beat, his rivals are expected to recalibrate their attack for the final televised debate on Tuesday. But attacks will not settle the question of whether the city is heading in the right or wrong direction after 12 years of Bloomberg rule. It is clear that while Manhattan has been transformed by development – the Bloomberg campaign draws attention to 400 miles of bike paths and three-quarters of a million new trees – the outer boroughs have not seen similar improvements. With his slogan of "a tale of two cities" hinting at economic disparity between Manhattan and his strongholds of Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx, De Blasio is offering a clean break from Bloomberg. In a city where white residents are becoming a voting minority, and barring any last-minute upset, that appears to be a winning position. Still, voters like Garcia worry that De Blasio's promises will prove as empty as those made by others before him. In July he was arrested for civil disobedience during a protest over plans to close a Brooklyn hospital and sell the buildings. "We know hospitals are closing every year," says Garcia, "and it's not a big deal to join a protest. "What would be a big deal would be to describe a way to find the funds to keep the hospital open after you've been elected to office."
{ "date": "2017-08-19T05:40:43Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105304.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20170819051034-20170819071034-00260.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9785628914833069, "token_count": 1455, "url": "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/01/de-blasio-quinn-new-york-mayor-race" }
Was Christiane Amanpour's debut on This Week a promising break from the "clubby, old-boy focus on domestic news," or is she a "globe-trotting Fancy-Pants" who might be rooting for the Taliban? Depends on which paper you're reading. Amanpour's sit-down with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was noteworthy, given that Pelosi usually turns down almost all invitations to be on Sunday political talk shows (bookers have used it as one excuse for why they are such reliably male provinces). When Amanpour pointedly asked Pelosi about the midterm elections — more traditional territory for the Sunday shows — Pelosi almost lost her cool, which is what counts as news-making on these sorts of things. Amanpour made the war in Afghanistan the show's implicit focus, from discussing Wikileaks with Secretary of Defense Gates to pressing Pelosi on U.S. strategy, including as it pertained to the safety and rights of Afghan women. She did so by waving Time's controversial cover of a mutilated Afghan woman in Pelosi's face: A longtime foreign correspondent at CNN, Amanpour was tapped to replace George Stephanopoulos at ABC's This Week in a noticeable departure from the same old formula, which was mostly older white dudes playing gotcha about mostly domestic politics. The choice was promptly met with a lot of hate, particularly from The Washington Post's Tom Shales, who promptly wrote that she didn't deserve it and then, in a WaPo chat, trashed her haircut, among other substantive critiques. Shales is still beating that drum, accusing her of being too internationally-focused, too highly-paid, and too present. He prefers Jake Tapper, who was the interim host, and whom he calls a "'favorite son' in campaigns by fans on Facebook and the Internet generally" — that ever consensus-building Internet, so unanimous in its love of Tapper! — "even as the clock ticked his interim tenure away and the Grand Duchess Amanpour approached on her royal barge from overseas." Shales manages to summon a litany of Fox News-esque critiques to take down Amanpour: she is both too foreign and too elitist, now too wealthy and also too sympathetic to foreign terrorists. (Thank God there is someone looking out for the beleaguered white men of America and the citadels of Washington journalism!) Shales had already cast doubts on Amanpour when she was hired, apparently based on her funny name (her father is Iranian) and the existence of a Facebook group of a few dozen members accusing her of being against Israel. In the same vein, this is the review's lowest moment: Perhaps in keeping with the newly globalized program, the commendable "In Memoriam" segment ended with a tribute not to American men and women who died in combat during the preceding week but rather, said Amanpour in her narration, in remembrance of "all of those who died in war" in that period. Did she mean to suggest that our mourning extend to members of the Taliban? Obviously that's what she meant! It had nothing to do with, say, the Afghan civilian casualties, 2,400 of them just last year. Why doesn't Amanpour support our troops? Sounds a little bit like our secret Muslim president. Maybe she should go abroad to apologize for America, and her haircut while she's at it. Ms. Amanpour proved more direct and challenging. [David] Gregory also brought up the Time cover, but he didn't confront Admiral Mullen with the disturbing image; NBC flashed it on the screen. And that's a noticeable, and even striking, change. Stanley also took a markedly different stance on Amanpour's lack of Washington insider cred: She "hasn't spent her life covering Washington politics, but she is smarter than many of those who have...More important, she has panache and a no-nonsense briskness." Surely there were all sorts of reasons why Pelosi, a consummate Washington Insider, accepted This Week's invitation, not least being the fact that Amanpour's debut was likely to be closely watched. But Pelosi also knows a thing or two about being underestimated.
{ "date": "2017-08-22T23:09:49Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886116921.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20170822221214-20170823001214-00420.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9739962816238403, "token_count": 857, "url": "http://jezebel.com/5602217/amanpour-presses-pelosi-insists-on-controversial-haircut?tag=alessandra-stanley" }
Friday, August 11, 2017 Tuesday, July 25, 2017 Wednesday, June 21, 2017 Friday, April 28, 2017 Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - More from Good Life Guide Baby Boomers, Fascinated by Tales of Their Famous and Infamous Ancestors, Have Made Genealogy One of America's Hottest Hobbies Posted: August 1, 1999 Published July/August 1999Family trees Baby Boomers, Fascinated by Tales of Their Famous and Infamous Ancestors, Have Made Genealogy One of America's Hottest Hobbies by Daren Fonda As a child, Susanne Lucretia Behling hated her name. Kids teased her endlessly about it, mispronouncing Behling (which rhymes with bailing). Lucretia sounded so ghastly, Susanne would pretend she did not have a middle name. And many people wanted to stick a "z" in Susanne or call her Sue, Susan or Susie. Traumatic as her name was, however, Behling wasn't prepared for what she discovered when she began tracing her family roots. It wasn't long before she realized her name was the least of her worries. She learned that her ninth great-uncle, Thomas Granger, was hanged for bestiality in 1642. Then she discovered there were ax murderers in the family. Benjamin Tuttle, her eighth great-uncle, killed his sister Sarah in 1676. A year earlier, his sister Mercy had murdered her 17-year-old son. Behling found out that her ninth great-grandmother, Sarah Lord Wilson, was accused of witchcraft and arrested in Andover, Massachusetts, in 1692 (forced to confess, she spent at least half a year in prison). She also uncovered an unfortunate relative named Elizabeth Knapp, a Groton, Massachusetts, servant prone, in the language of her day, to "strange and unwonted" behavior. Knapp's story of demonic possession, Behling later discovered, was even recorded by Cotton Mather, the Puritan clergyman and writer of the seventeenth and eighteenth century, who wrote: "Her tongue being drawn out of her mouth to an extraordinary length, words were uttered from her throat, horrid railings against the godly minister of the town. She belched out most nefandous [sic] blasphemies against the God of Heaven." Surprisingly, Behling is not embarrassed by the black sheep in her family. Their infamous tales have provided her with a genealogical gold mine. "If it weren't for their dastardly deeds," she explains, "they wouldn't have left records. Even the bad stuff makes them more real." With more than 25,000 names in her family tree database, she's not surprised when she uncovers an unusual ancestor. "These people crack me up," says Behling. "I don't mind that it's all out in the open. I take joy in discovering them." Besides, Behling maintains, many of her ancestors weren't infamous at all. She's traced her lineage to Eleanor of Aquitaine, Lady Godiva and the nineteenth-century American suffragette Elizabeth Cady Stanton, among other notable women. She's even nicknamed some, such as her tenth great-grandfather, Edward Wightman, a seventeenth-century religious "heretic" who made history for being the last man burned at the stake in England for his religious beliefs. Behling calls him her "twice-baked" ancestor because he was twice set afire for his heresies: the first time, he began screaming unintelligible words, which the townspeople interpreted as recantations. They doused him with water and threw him in prison. But he continued ranting and sadly, a few days later, was burned once more--this time to ashes. Behling became interested in her family's history 25 years ago, when her grandmother, Minnie Lucretia Williams, started telling her tales of ancestors who settled on the Continental Divide, along the Rocky Mountains. When her grandmother pulled out a dog-eared diary that had belonged to Behling's second great-grandfather, a rugged homesteader who fought in the Mexican War, she was hooked. "I wanted to know all the stories that nobody told me," Behling recalls. The more she uncovered, the more the names, places and figures of the past came alive. Eventually, she posted her ancestors' history online and started a Web site devoted to their tales. A few years ago, she quit her job as a legal secretary to pursue the hobby full time. "It's an obsession," she admits. For genealogists like Behling, family research--if not an obsession--is the hunt of a lifetime. Why did Uncle Bob trade two mules for a one-eyed calf when he settled in Indiana? And how was he related to Grandpa's great-aunt Clara whose third cousin Emo may or may not have fathered a child with a woman named Anna while fighting the Mexicans in Texas during the 1840s? For Americans, who have kept extraordinary records dating back to the Jamestown colony, genealogical research can yield much about the nation's social history. At its most basic level, it may involve the separation of fact from folktale, the creation of a linear narrative from fragments of the past. Its excitement comes from assembling the scattered pieces of a jigsaw puzzle whose finished tableau tells stories as intricate as the vibrant hues of a meticulously painted fresco. Veteran genealogists say just about anyone can locate an extended family that stretches back centuries. Judging from the proliferation of Web sites, computer programs, books and videos devoted to the topic, it has become one of the hottest hobbies in America. An AT&T survey released in June 1998 found that nearly one-third of its 5,400 Worldnet Service subscribers used the Web to research their family history. Other surveys indicate that genealogy now ranks as one of the country's favorite pastimes. More than half the adults surveyed in a 1996 Roper poll reported writing family histories. And in the past few years, scores of lineage societies have increased membership, with some of the most prestigious, such as the Sons of the American Revolution, reporting soaring requests for membership. Why are so many Americans suddenly fascinated by legends and tales of their ancestors? Historians theorize that two events from the 1970s--the country's bicentennial and the Alex Haley TV miniseries Roots--contributed to the swelling of interest. "We're a nomadic people and have always been searching for our roots," says Timothy Field Beard, a fellow of the American Society of Genealogists, which elects its members based on their published works. "Those events popularized the notion that personal history was something people could research. A lot of people started doing it simply because they realized they could." Demographics may also have a lot to do with it. With older baby boomers approaching retirement age, the roots quest has taken on fresh urgency for millions. "As we get older we get more interested in reflecting on our own life experiences and placing them in historical context," says Ralph Crandall, executive director of the 153-year-old New England Historic Genealogical Society. In the last decade, membership in the society, the world's largest and oldest, has risen 65 percent, to 17,500. Crandall speculates that restless boomers are seeking ways to form closer bonds with the past. "It's a way of resisting the rootlessness in our society," he says. "It's a struggle against anonymity. For many people, it's become important to establish their place in their family, and they want to pass down that knowledge." Thanks to the digital revolution, genealogical research is easier to do. New computer software has simplified the sometimes daunting task of keeping track of relatives separated by time and geography. Broderbund's Family Tree Maker, a best-selling program, enables users to organize kin on graphically intuitive trees; its deluxe edition includes a CD-ROM packed with genealogical databases. With more than 2 million copies sold, it's become one of the company's most popular items. The software's online component has won fans, too, allowing users to set up a home page and search the Web for other amateur genealogists who may be tracing the same surnames. The Internet has also become a genealogical mecca. With thousands of sites added daily, it offers family historians an array of valuable resources. Many researchers use it to find records and make contacts that would otherwise require lengthy letter writing campaigns or trips to remote archives. At one site (www.ancestry.com/ssdi/advanced/html), researchers can access the Social Security Death Index, an archive of more than 60 million death-benefit payment records from 1937 on. Privately operated sites offer even more help. Cyndi's List (www.cyndislist.com), one of the Web's largest genealogy portals, links more than 41,700 sites (and counting)--from societies of Huguenots to Mennonites and Native Americans. Beginners have been known to abandon their searches at the first sign of so-called brick walls: family branches that lead nowhere or relatives who apparently vanish without leaving behind a scrap of evidence. To avoid getting discouraged, experts recommend planning a strategy and sticking with it. They also issue a mantra for the chronically discombobulated: stay organized. Genealogical research can easily degenerate into a morass of hand-scrawled notes needing a cryptographer to decode. Even if you have only a few names or dates, plot them on a pedigree chart. Ideally, start by locating primary documents such as birth certificates, marriage licenses and death records. Make copies of the originals and keep them in separate folders for each relative. Then mark your progress on a master chart. Interview relatives; ask them when and where their ancestors were born, married and died; who may have owned land or a business. Look for scraps of memorabilia, anything from old family Bibles to baseball cards, diaries, monogrammed dishes, military citations and immigration papers. An online directory called Switchboard (www.switchboard.com) carries telephone numbers and addresses of more than 120 million U.S residents; if you're looking for an uncommon name, it's a good place to start. Another treasure trove is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints' Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. The library, whose records can be accessed at 3,200 centers around the world, contains a staggering 2 billion names, with millions more added each year by 75 research teams microfilming records from more than 100 countries. The church compiles records of previously conducted research and keeps copies of birth and death certificates, church registers, census schedules, military files and immigration lists. Some documents date back to the sixteenth century. To request a record, visit any family history center (listed on the church's Web site, www.lds.org) and fill out a form; within a few weeks, a microfiche or microform will be sent to that center, where you can examine it for free. Once you've focused on a particular branch to research, genealogists recommend working backwards in time. Searching for the last vital event in a person's life--his or her death--often reveals clues to earlier events. Even divorce records are sometimes classified as vital and may be tracked down in church archives, though more often you'll find them in courthouse records. On the Web, the USGenweb Project (www.usgenweb.org) a noncommercial, volunteer site, provides links to state and county archives and resources. It provides names, addresses and phone numbers of local societies, libraries and county registries that can help you avoid considerable legwork. The site also offers advice on how to locate vital records. Another good starting place is the Ancestry.com Web site (www.ancestry.com), which contains a large collection of free records, live chat rooms organized by state and country, message boards, and subscription-based access to more than 750 databases. Among the offerings are indexes of pre-1850 U.S. marriage records, immigration records that date to the early seventeenth century, and the Social Security Death Index. Working on the Internet does pose certain problems. Information exchanged online is often notoriously unreliable. A cyberspace name and date may be a poor replica of its paper-and-ink version. Facts can be distorted quite easily. Another drawback to Internet research is the lack of substantive content on the Web. Unless someone has traced your family's roots and placed a history online, you're unlikely to find much specific information about your ancestors. Some private companies archive information and post it on the Web, charging a fee for access. Unfortunately, most public institutions lack the funds to place their records online. That means a trip to the county clerk's office, library or local archive will still be necessary to examine and authenticate primary documents. Where should you go? If you live near Washington, D.C., or one of the 12 branches of the National Archives and Records Administration, you can look through broad categories of documents such as federal census records through 1920, military service records, passenger and immigration arrival lists, federal court records, and documents relating to Native Americans and African-Americans. Once you've narrowed a family branch to a particular state and county, contact the regional historical society, which probably has a collection of old county maps and a written local history where your ancestor might show up. Town courthouses maintain marriage, divorce and probate records. Some public libraries keep county and state censuses. A church or synagogue may archive notices of baptisms or bar mitzvahs, respectively. State libraries generally house old newspapers, vital records and county information. You may find yourself rummaging through documents in all these locations. Old-fashioned letter writing gets results, too. That's how Cyndi Howells became addicted to genealogy. Though she's now one of the nation's experts in online family research--she runs the Cyndi's List Web site and wrote Netting Your Ancestors: Genealogical Research on the Internet--it was a mailing campaign that helped her piece together the story of her third great-grandfather, a Civil War veteran named Xerxes Knox. Starting with just a few names and dates, she connected the strands of his tale by sending for his pension application, war records, company muster rolls and other military documents. The story she discovered amazed her. She found out that Knox was captured in Arkansas by the Confederate army, forced to march to Texas and incarcerated in a POW camp. He then made a daring escape, eluded bloodhounds, and survived a two-hundred-mile-plus journey before eventually returning to Union lines. What the Web is good for, explains Howells, is developing a network of contacts. Since going online, she's discovered 19 new cousins. "If you can trace your roots back to the War of 1812, you may find that someone else has already researched the line back to the Revolutionary War," she says. As for doing research on the Internet, says Howells, "checking primary documents is the only way to be absolutely certain you're not making errors." She recommends planning family vacations with a research goal in mind. Last year, while vacationing with her husband, she found herself on her hands and knees in a Mennonite cemetery in Rockingham County, Virginia, researching her grandmother's family. It was the best way to find new relatives, she says. Plus it was a good excuse to visit the state. "I spent over three hours there. I discovered that the cemetery was filled with my ancestors," she recalls. "It was very emotional. I knew some names, but to actually be there was quite moving." It's unlikely you'll make such an emotional connection online, says Howells. But the Internet can still get you started. As a key research tool for any genealogist, she recommends the Internet's newsgroups and mailing lists. Many are devoted to specific historical events or family lines. Mailing lists and newsgroups generally archive messages, enabling users to search them with keywords. The oldest and most popular list, ROOTS-L, allows subscribers to post queries for assistance and search archived messages for any text mentioned in any message. The lists can also help you learn about genealogical research methods and contact others who are researching your family line. Suffice it to say, all this work can wear down even the most dogged detective. If you find yourself stumped or decide you've had enough, a professional genealogist may be worth hiring. Professionals tend to specialize. Some research medical and family health histories. Others offer expertise in legal or military records, geographic areas, ethnic groups or time periods. They can help you evaluate evidence from different sources, analyze your lineage and plan research strategies. Roger Joslyn, a certified genealogist in New Windsor, New York, says clients hire him when they feel overwhelmed by the research. "A lot of clients have unusual requests," says Joslyn. "One client knew a revolver belonged to a great-uncle and he wanted me to find the story behind it. I had a name and an approximate time period around the 1700s and was able to trace the gun to the Isle of Shoals off the New Hampshire coast." Professionals can also help you gather materials for membership in one of the nation's more than 100 hereditary societies. Such groups range from the esoteric (like the Flagon and Trencher's, which admits only descendants of Colonial tavern keepers) to more accessible organizations like the Daughters of the American Revolution. The American Society of Genealogists' Timothy Beard has helped hundreds gain entrance to some of the nation's strictest societies. As the so-called gatekeeper and president for the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne in the United States of America, a group that can trace back its members' lineage to the eighth-century Frankish emperor Charlemagne, he's authenticated several hundred family histories for aspiring members. "Many people have a name that wouldn't sound like royalty but really is," he says. "It may sound Italian or Jewish or French. Then you discover that through that person's grandmother he goes back to the Colonial period and then to kings or queens." Beard has traced his own lineage to Clovis, the fifth-century king of Cologne. He's become so adept at chronicling family trees (he's been doing it since he was four, he says) that a glance is sometimes all it takes for him to validate certain lines. "There are certain gateway ancestors when you get back into the seventeenth century," he explains. "I can look at these lines immediately and say, yes, that line goes back to Charlemagne or further." Even if you don't think there's noble peerage in your blood, you may be surprised. "Millions of Americans can trace their lineage to Charlemagne. You just have to prove it," notes Beard. "We're such a melting pot, but a lot of people who came over in the seventeenth century had ancestors that went back that far." Susanne Behling, for one, is now researching a woman named Anna Gould, her sixth great-grandmother. She suspects Gould was a nurse during the Revolutionary War's Battle of Bennington, in Vermont. She's trying to authenticate her story by searching archives, prowling graveyards and county records, surfing the Web and sending letters to strangers in search of clues. She's even become a member of one of the nation's fastest-growing genealogical groups: The Black Sheep Society, a loose confederation of some 200 people who share stories about their more infamous ancestors. "She [Gould] wasn't a black sheep," says Behling. "but it might turn up some leads." Behling hopes eventually to collect and recount her ancestors' tales in a book. But it seems unlikely she'll uncover any more shocking secrets. "A few years ago, I found out that my parents were distant cousins going back 10 generations," she says. "That's as strange as it gets." Daren Fonda is a freelance writer based in New York City. CHARTING YOUR SOURCE With online genealogy expanding faster than ever, there's a good chance that clues to your ancestors' lives exist somewhere in the digital world. Knowing where to look, however, may still take considerable detective work. You may need to join newsgroups, get on e-mail lists and sort through hundreds of Web pages before turning up a lead. Here are a few sites to help get you started: A first-rate gateway to online genealogy. Free databases include the Social Security Death Index, the Ancestry World Tree (a database of Ancestry subscribers who have posted their family histories online) and a rotating list with indexes such as civilian draft registrations from the First World War. Subscriptions cost $59.95 per year and enable you to access more than 700 databases. Membership also includes free online support and a subscription to Ancestry magazine. Beginners can access genealogy lessons at no charge. A noncommercial, privately run site, providing more than 40,000 links categorized and cross-referenced in more than 100 categories. Browsing is free and categories range from the familiar to the obscure: from cemeteries and funeral homes; to prisons, prisoners and outlaws; to Quaker families and Jewish genealogy. Links to all the major U.S. government sites, such as the National Archives and the Library of Congress, plus a helpful section on how to use the resources of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints' Family History Library. THE USGENWEB PROJECT Another noncommercial, volunteer-run site providing useful links to county and state archives and resources. Includes links to get you started and links to Web sites posting family reunion bulletin boards, state histories and maps charting county boundaries. Also has links to family reunion pages and state projects, such as records of Civil War regiments. BRODERBUND'S FAMILY TREE MAKER Broderbund's site for genealogy (the company also makes a best-selling CD-ROM package). This helpful Web page offers a grab bag of services, including tutorials, databases, links to other sites and a forum for exchanging stories with other members. Visitors to the site can view a listing of additional indexes, but only subscribers can access them. ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL GENEALOGISTS Provides listings of certified genealogists, including sections on what to look for in a professional. The site also lists regional chapters, with phone numbers of local pros. The first and largest genealogical mailing list, with more than 10,000 subscribers. For free membership, e-mail your request to [email protected] with the word subscribe in the message field. (Or go to the URL above for more information.) ROOTS-L databases include a list of more than 350,000 surnames and contact information for the 50,000 people researching them. Its library maintains hundreds of accessible text files, including a collection devoted to vital records, plus tips for beginners and book lists from the Library of Congress. There's also a searchable archive of messages posted since 1987.--DF You must be logged in to post a comment. Log in if you're already registered. Search our database of more than 17,000 cigar tasting notes by score, brand, country, size, price range, year, wrapper and more, plus add your favorites to your Personal Humidor.
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by Toya Richards Jackson LOUISVILLE (PNS) It is with a heavy heart that the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) offers its condolences for the loss of life and suffering associated with the recent shootings at a Jewish community center and senior living community in a Kansas City, Mo., suburb. “We grieve for those whose lives were ruthlessly taken in this senseless act of violence,” said the Reverend Gradye Parsons, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). “Simultaneously we offer our love and support to the families, friends, and community members who are intertwined with these precious souls.” Frazier Glenn Cross of Aurora, Mo., who reportedly has a history of anti-Semitism and racism, has been charged with first-degree murder in connection with the killing of three people on April 13, according to The New York Times. A man and his 14-year-old grandson were killed in the parking lot at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City and a woman was killed in a parking lot at Village Shalom, a senior living community about a mile away. The General Assembly of the PC(USA) has a history of approving policies that denounce anti-Semitism and affirm a commitment to the Jewish people. The denomination affirms again, and particularly during this celebration of Passover, its position in the wake of this current tragedy. “We condemn anti-Semitism in the strongest terms. While affirming our close spiritual ties with the Jewish people, we wish to state unequivocally that authentic Christianity can have no complicity in anti-Semitic attitudes or actions of any kind,” the 202nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) stated in a resolution adopted in 1990. “We extend the power of our prayers and the weight of our influence to the Jewish community as it faces this threat.” Gracious and merciful God who sustains us all, We ask your hand of comfort on all those impacted by this horrific shooting. Where there are tears, please wipe them. Where there is heartache, please ease it. Where there is anger, please quell it. Wrap your loving arms of protection and care around all whose spirits are wounded, And bring healing and peace to this and all other situations that need your touch.
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Can you help me find a soulmate? It’s true. I’m searching for a soulmate. I’m trolling Facebook, asking friends if they know of anyone, judging books by their covers and writing people off because I don’t like the “Movies I Like” section on their profile. My husband has his ear to the ground as well. We’ve been searching for some time, actually. It’s not that we’re not fulfilled in our marriage- quite the opposite actually. It’s because I’m so happy in my marriage that I’ve decided to search for a soulmate.…because it’s not for me. I’m here to help! Hi! Oh, and in case you’re wondering- those selfies below are from the time I went- by myself- to a bridal shop and tried on wedding dresses. No, I was not engaged at the time. Sigh. I have a theory- let’s see if you agree with it: The best people to help find a viable candidate with whom you could have a lasting relationship are those who are happily married. I’ll say that oppositely as well: The worst people to ask for help (or advice) from, no dangerous, in fact, are unhappily married people, or those who can’t successfully hang onto a relationship. (Not to be confused with other singles who are also waiting, or who are single by choice. You know what I mean.) What’s a single girl to do? So, I’m searching for a soulmate. Here are some deets for you: I have a female friend who is tall, intelligent and beautiful, godly (non-denom/Charasmatic), well-traveled, bilingual (Spanish), between 36 and 42 years old, never married and lovely in every way- and lonely. Desperately, painfully lonely, actually. I feel her pain, literally, even now. Ten years ago, I was her. Crying myself to sleep, literally, and physically aching from feeling so alone. I don’t even care how un-modern and anti-feminist and pitiful it sounds to say that. It’s the truth. So, I offered to help her. (Don’t try and guess who she is. I won’t tell you.) It’s almost pathetic, in this day and age to long to be married, isn’t it? Especially among Christians. If “God” doesn’t “find” you the right person, women are supposed to just “wait on God”… learn how to knit, ignore their biological clock, get a cat and volunteer for things because they have all kinds of free time while they’re not taking care of really important stuff, like a family and a husband. Ask, Seek Find- Hey, It’s Biblical! Yeah, but it really is shameful to ask for help- at least in my observation and experience. Humiliating, actually, to break down and ask a friend to help you find someone. Heck, anyone. WHY? Honestly, most singles in churches aren’t pairing up. Or people in the church assume you want to be paired up with the only other single person within 10 years of your age. It’s like… you know them too well and, gross. But having a “singles group” between churches sounds about as fun as showing up to a Star Trek convention dressed as Season 1 Lieutenant Troi. #freshmeat What’s a single person to do? Ask us for help! It’s okay. We happily married people would love to see you happily married to, if that’s your desire. We’re the best ones to ask, actually, because we know what makes a marriage work well, and we’ll walk with you as it all plays out, because someone did the same for us. Homer and I met online, so no judgement here, and it was totally a God appointment, so I don’t have any assumptions of what will and won’t work. I know that “he” is out here, waiting to meet her, praying and probably struggling with loneliness too. DO THIS: I’m asking you to SHARE THIS POST *RIGHT NOW* with someone who might know someone, who might know a really extraordinary someone who might fit the bill (see above criteria, and yes, I have her permission!). Make it go viral. I’m SURE one of us knows a wonderful, godly man who is praying for a woman just like her… Oh, and no, I am not kidding. 🙂 Can you help me find a soulmate?
{ "date": "2018-08-18T12:34:11Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221213666.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20180818114957-20180818134957-00060.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9603873491287231, "token_count": 1030, "url": "https://theessentiallife.us/" }
The Dingo Crusades Episode Blog #283 INDONESIA – VIETNAM – CHINA – SOUTH AFRICA – THE NETHERLANDS – CZECH REPUBLIC – POLAND – ISRAEL – SRI LANKA – SINGAPORE – AUSTRALIA Previously on TAR Australia: Teams raced from Poland to the Middle East. An odyssey through the desert left Dave & Kelly exhausted and didn’t even make it to the pit stop. Tonight, the finish line is in sight but the strain is starting to show as teams struggle through the Holy City. Will one crucial mistake be the end for surfers Tyler & Nathan? Just four teams remain; who will be eliminated next? THE BIG QUESTION: Will TAR Australia producers copy TAR US and have their final NEL before the Final Three, or will somebody go home tonight? I really hope Mike Bickerton from TAR Canada is following this season. Grant re-introduces us to the desert fortress of Masada. It looks like the surface of Mars. King Herod built this on a cliff top overlooking the Dead Sea. It was the site of a brutal siege during the Jewish-Roman war and became a symbol of the Jewish struggle for freedom. “Now watch me fall backwards and plummet hundreds of feet to the desert below. On the way down, several doves shall swoop down from the Heavens above and carry me to safety.” During the pit stop, teams record video messages for their loved ones. Mr. McKay loved forcing this task in TAR Asia 4 so much that he is making everybody do it again in Hopefully nobody cries worse than Richard Hardin did. “We’re the last women standing! We can quit now!” “We don’t have camcorders on our ranch.” How is Wilbur doing? Did we have to put him down yet? Ah, this is all an ad for Canon. Not the Sony Cybershot. Hopefully Matt isn’t recorded while he accidentally cuts his tongue on the adhesive. Wouldn’t production know which address to send it to? Teams have enough to do during their mandatory rest period as is. That cowboy charm. I shall transcribe these video messages for you. MATT: Hello Mum. As you can see, I am on The Amazing Race Australia. TOM: Over here, at the, uh, Dead Sea in Israel. JEFF: Just want to let you know Luke and I are having the most amazing time. “And just in case I am boring you, you can check your ticket for last week’s lotto numbers on the bottom of this video.” LUKE: I’ll be home really soon. “And I am going to buy a GPS right when I get home.” TYLER: Hopefully I come home with some cash in my pocket. “Although I would trade that in for some cash right now so I can stop whoring myself out to the local women just to survive the next leg. I haven’t eaten in three days.” NATHAN: I miss you so much. I love you so much. “But I miss having cash in my pocket even more.” SAM: We have been doing the most amazing things. Life-changing things and it made me realize how much I love you so much. “And my vocabulary is dwindling by a lot of much because we have been racing too much.” RENAE: I just want you to know I am thinking of you every second. I love you, okay? “I love you too, Renae.” Man, Renae misses Captain Caveman more than I do. I can’t wait for that family visit on Australian Survivor 5. JEFF: It’s really been amazing. Love you. “Turn it off, Luke. It’s game over, man. Game over.” Well, that was a gigantic waste of fucking time. Matt & Tom, who were the first to arrive at an unspecified time will depart first at 6:31am. They read they must search King Herod’s Winter Palace Ruins in Masada for their next clue. I can’t wait to see how much Matt & Tom won the last leg by. Teams must now ride a huge cable car to the very top of Masada Plateau and search for the ruins of King Herod’s Winter Palace where they will find their next clue. I am just glad to hear they aren’t leaving Israel after one leg for like France or something. Tom says they have a good shot at making the Final Three and continue to pretend that they are racing to avoid last place in this leg. You’ll be last very quickly if you observe the pottery. The random teenager in baggy pants shall lead the way. MATT: Take the bull by the horns and give it to her. I don’t think that could air on TAR Australia. They’ll air you saying shit, but not that, Matt. Matt & Tom enter the cable car. They say they will be walking down if the clue isn’t up there. That’s gonna be a long walk. A forty-four minute lead on Jeff & Luke? That’s it? They didn’t dominate the Know Your Partner task as much as the previous episode made it out to be. LUKE: King Herod’s Winter Palace? There’s nothing wintery about this place. King Herod would have frozen to death in Canada. Luke says the room for error is getting smaller and smaller now that they are in the “business end” of the race. Ugh. Didn’t Luke have a confessional just like this for the past couple episodes? Jeff says the $250, 000 grand prize would make a big difference in their lives. Matt & Tom comment on how old the castle is and the great views it provides. Where is Tom? That camera was really far away. Almost like an Earl Cole helicopter shot from Survivor: Fiji. Matt & Tom think the Winter Palace is down below. Tom leans over the railing like a child. I have a feeling a Winter Palace will stick out in the middle of the desert. Jeff once again tells us about his Bible knowledge and how cool it is to be amongst all of King Herod’s shit. Luke finds Bible study as intriguing as the rest of us. Matt & Tom run down several flights of stairs. The stairs lead into a chasm. Matt & Tom find the Winter Palace. It wasn’t as hidden as they thought it would be. Matt & Tom they must drive over one hundred kilometres north to Qumran–it is the site where the ancient Dead Sea scrolls were found only sixty years ago. This is where they’ll find their next clue. The area above the cave looks like a webbed foot. MATT: Stairs aren’t my forte. Thank god for the cable car back up to the top. Tyler & Nathan depart third at 7:56am. Only one hour and 25 minutes Matt & Tom despite wasting 45 minutes on the way to the pit stop. They talk about racing quite well. Jeff & Luke struggle with a sense of direction. Jeff wants them to leave their backpack at the top. Luke offers to carry it for him. JEFF: I am coming up with different logic for saving time. No kidding. It’s called “risk all of your possessions getting taken” but whatever. Something tells me the path to the Winter Palace was a lot more treacherous than this two thousand years ago. Jeff & Luke have the clue. Back up the steps you go, boys. It would be funny if now was the time when Jeff dumped his bag onto Luke. Matt & Tom read that there is a border crossing. TOM: Border crossing? Does that mean between two countries? What’s a border crossing? What’s West Bank? You don’t know? MATT: Do I look like I know? MATT: I’ve never been overseas before this race. I don’t know where we were. We’re in Israel. I don’t know how many countries we’ve been to. TOM: We come from a large country on a ranch in Australia. Ummmm. . . .I know EU countries don’t have a border crossing, but they definitely crossed over into other countries while on the trains in central Europe. “West Bank? Isn’t that the place near Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada on the other side of the bridge?” How little do Matt & Tom know about Israel? Well their unaired confessional is really awkward. “There are Jews here????? I thought it was just one of those religions they made up in Lord of the Rings or Schindler’s List.” Tyler & Nathan spot Jeff & Luke. TYLER: Do you have the clue? LUKE: We have a map! Do you want it? JEFF: The map helps. Well, Jeff & Luke have proven they are useless with maps so you may as well give it to a team that knows how to use one. The only alliance left in the race stays strong. JEFF: Nathan and Tyler are really top racers. LUKE: We are really happy to help out a little bit. Isn’t that a reason to make sure a team doesn’t make it to the Final Three and kick your ass? Tyler & Nathan have wanted to work with Jeff & Luke for a while despite knowing how bad they are with directions and understanding some of the tasks. I haven’t researched exit interviews yet, but my assumption is that part of Tyler & Nathan’s endgame strategy for the past two or three rounds has been to make sure Jeff & Luke are in the Final Three with them. Tyler & Nathan study the map and continue their way on the path. I know Tyler & Nathan say they aren’t religious, but I must add that those beanies are the closest in shape to a yarmulke that they’ll ever wear on their head. Matt & Tom are in the town of Kumquat–er, I mean Qumran. Qumran also happens to be Kevin & Ryan’s favourite “film”. Roadblock Hint: Who is not lost in translation? In this Roadblock, one team member must use a translation guide to decipher a Hebrew scroll. The message is written in the Hebrew style–right to left. Therefore they’ll have to transcribe it left to right in order to receive their next clue. GRANT: Teams who have a nact for codes will be able to decipher this next challenge. Well that pun was lazy. The contestants from Hamerotz LaMillion would kill this challenge. Good ol’ Jerusalen. Did you know the Hebrew alphabet is based upon taking strokes away from the Star of David? Future TAR applicants, you never know what might prove to be useful on the race! Good ol’ rainbow pockets. Matt has a theory about the Roadblock. TOM: I’d say so. MATT: You can have it. It’s all you, Tom. Tom doubts every team will remember to go from right to left. Sam & Renae depart last at 8:28am. Their ninety minute mistake and Sam misreading a question led to them being only one hour and fifty-seven minutes behind Matt & Tom. Working with Mo & Mos is more detrimental to your race than thinking Anne Marie & Tracy could lend you a helping hand. Sam & Renae talk about being the last all-female team standing blah blah blah. Nat & Kat and Kisha & Jen already beat you to what you’re trying to do. Tom says he enjoys Sudoku and crossword puzzles. He loves doing one on the race. I didn’t even know Sudoku made it to rural ranches in Australia. We put in the ‘k’ and. . .it says “Go Fuck Yourself”? That can’t be right. . . Wait a second. Does that one word say “raper”? It says e-raper! Like an online rapist! Man, so that’s what part of the word ‘prepare’ looks like backwards. Not good. Tyler & Nathan are third to find the Winter Palace clue. Tyler hasn’t heard of the Dead Sea scrolls. They get directions and off they go. Matt hates it when people are yelling at him when doing puzzles. So he decides to lend his mental support. MATT: I decided to have a bit of a kip. Or as well call it here, a nap. Matt’s mental support. He uses ESPN to communicate. Sam & Renae run into the crowd of tourists and want to catch “The Boys”. Considering there are six boys, Sam & Renae will need to be more specific. Sam is the one wearing pink in the crowd. Gates for Masada must open by nine. Tom reveals his puzzle to the judge. . . .Just kidding. Does he get penalized for adding in the smiley face? Tom receives the clue. They must travel by taxi to the MAIN post office in Jerusalem. Jerusalem–The Holy City. The Mother of All Meccas. Oh my word. The Dome of the Rock. Know Your Role and Shut Your Torah. Grant describes it as the city that was first settled over five thousand years ago and is the holy site for Jews, Christians, and Muslims. And CNN in the 90s. What are they going to do in Jerusalem first? They are going to mail their SD card at the post office where they will receive their next clue. A post office? What is this? TAR 2 in Namibia? Matt & Tom pound fists in cab in celebration of going to Jerusalem. Sam & Renae keep looking for the Winter Palace. Renae says they have been lost for a -long- time. The other side of the mountain? Not again! Commercial break. We resume. Sam & Renae find the stairs. Last to the clue box. No equalizer today, ladies. You’ve gotta hustle. Sam & Renae find a local who tells them the Dead Sea scrolls are in Qumran. Sam starts cheering and turns into an airplane. Jeff & Luke are second to the Roadblock. It is Jeff’s to even out their Roadblock count. LUKE: We’re racing in this one! JEFF: We are! Clearly Jeff thinks it is a NEL because he couldn’t give less of a shit. Now Jeff just has to touch his right ear three times, his forehead twice, and needs to find a Scientologist who can lightly scratch his back. Then he’s all good to go! Jeff is the Nomar Garciapara of TAR Australia. JEFF: Fifteen seconds to put my glasses on. “Fifteen? JUST fifteen?” LUKE: The little things Dad was doing was really really irritating. “Telling the girls it opens at six rather than eight was one thing, but taking fifteen seconds to put on your glasses is too much! LUKE: I’ll take your pack here. JEFF: No, that’s alright. LUKE: Just give me your pack, please. Luke won that game of Tug o’ War pretty quickly. Luke is somehow outwalking Jeff. JEFF: It was quite complex as I found out while deciphering the clue. I can help you out with the Roadblock, Jeff. Matt & Tom are on their way to Jerusalem in the taxi. By the way, that’s Jerusalem in case you have forgotten that is the next destination in the past two minutes. They are at the main post office according to their cab driver. Which is a small building next to a dumpster. MATT: We need to go to a big one. TOM: Is there more than one? DRIVER: This is a post. TOM: This is the main post office? Number one? DRIVER: I don’t know. “I wouldn’t be so stressed if that camera wasn’t staring me in the face.” Matt & Tom go inside. TOM: Do you speak English? Eighty percent of Israelis do. TOM: Is there a main post office in the city? Everything is Jaffa in Israel. The man and the driver speak in Hebrew. Ohhhh. The main -mail- office! They were just talking about the main -post- office or the number one one! “Thumbs up, mate!” TOM: So number one post office? TOM: The big one? Tyler & Nathan are third to the Roadblock. NATHAN: I’m going to struggle with it but I’ll do it. Tyler cheers on his Nate Dogg. Nathan is breezing through it. NATHAN: Jeff was still doing it. Once I sat down and got the first couple letters easily. I picked it up straight away faster than I thought. JEFF: It was quite complex. It’s very subtle as a language. One tiny brush stroke can mean the difference between a letter being an ‘e’ or a ‘y’. The biggest challenge for Nathan is swatting away the flies. JEFF: You wanna collaborate? NATHAN: He’s like “you wanna work together on cracking this code”? I was thinking ‘what code are you trying to crack? You’re just spelling out the words’. NATHAN: What letters you go– JEFF: Let’s have a look. Nathan doesn’t have a choice. Jeff is essentially the new Andre & Damon to Nathan’s Ken & Gerard. NATHAN: Dude, you’ve got it all wrong. You’ve got some letters wrong in there. NATHAN: I’m like ‘what is he doing’? Nathan explains the whole task to Jeff. JEFF: It was clear it was a message from right to left rather than left to right. Because Nate Dogg just explained it to you. Study Hebrew Every Day! JEFF: That’s. . .that’s ‘M’. NATHAN: No, that’s an ‘A’. JEFF: That doesn’t make sense. NATHAN: Once he sat there I couldn’t tell him to go away. Nathan has to explain each individual letter to Jeff. Hilarious. It’s like playing co-op fighting video games against your grandpa. You’re just going to have to do everything for him. Sam & Renae say there is no point stressing out and refuse to give up as they drive. JEFF: I’ve got a ‘Y’ in there. No, that’s a ‘W’. That doesn’t make sense. NATHAN: That’s a ‘P’. JEFF: It’s a ‘T’. NATHAN: First letter is a ‘F’. You’re getting your P’s and F’s wrong, dude. JEFF: Trust me on it. I’ve got a ‘F’. NATHAN: No, it’s not. That’s a ‘S’. Spell. JEFF: Whoa. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. JEFF: We work incredibly well with Nathan and Tyler so we decided to work together. NATHAN: It was like two heads clashing. He wasn’t checking it out enough. Like oh my god. Like you’re kidding. He was a bit all over the place. I think Jeff is -this- close to being smited right now. Or Nathan is ready to take on the role of Abraham and Jeff is his Isaac. Meanwhile, Matt & Tom notice a guy eating a bagel. Yeah, it’s just a bagel. What’s the big deal? Matt looks so serious. This is killing me. He is ready to kill for that bagel. I guess he just likes staring at round things with a hole in the middle. Matt couldn’t be more perplexed by this. What does it do? What does it do? What does a bagel do? It roundhouse kicks you in the face. It makes out with your Armenian cousins. It rigs the ending to the third season of The Amazing Race in the most iconic way possible. It tears down that wall. It’s a fucking bagel, Matt. MATT: . . . Matt still doesn’t get it. Even Smalls from The Sandlot understood what a s’more was after Porter explained it to him. Some more of what? Classic. Matt & Tom enter the main post office. There was a complimentary bagel on the way out. Nah, just kidding. Be funny if it wasn’t the main post office. The guy just took the letter and did his job properly. It’s a Detour. MATT: Pilgrim Trail or Holy Grail. Grant leaves out the bad puns this time. Which is for the best. In Pilgrim’s Trail, teams must make their way to the old city of Jerusalem. Then collect an eighty kilogram wooden cross and carry it along the Via Dolorosa. Christian pilgrims follow this path daily to retrace the final journey of Christ. The street passes the nine stations of the Cross to the Church of the Holy Sebokah on the site built where Jesus was crucified then buried. Forcing two people to carry a huge cross across a far distance? Kimo Leopoldo and Joe Son would have loved this task. Jesus passed through a Hard Rock Cafe on his way to his death? You’re telling me he stopped for nachos and looked at posters of James Dean before the Roman Emperor left him for dead? That’s tough to believe. The nine stations are marked with Roman numerals. Once they find the final resting spot, they will receive their next clue. The next clue is gonna be another Roadblock. ROADBLOCK: Who wants to be crucified? Note: Whoever performed the last Roadblock cannot perform this one. Easter came a little early this year! Meanwhile, locals gather to stare at a wall. In Holy Grail, teams must make their way to the Western Wall in the old city then walk through the coal tunnels to an active archaeology dig and unearth a clay pot. Take the clay pot to the nearby ruins of the City of David, wade through an ancient underground aqueduct, and deliver the pot to an archaeologist to receive their next clue. GRANT: Teams will need patience to tunnel through this task. Next time just leave it alone, sir. TAR Australia producers sure love underground locations over the past few rounds. Be funny if they unearth Jesus’ bones rather than a clay pot. Apparently ‘City of’ is ‘Tit’ in Hebrew. It doesn’t matter whether they’re reading it right to left or left to right. It’s still ‘Tit’. I know those are candles in the middle, but are those other things? They look like octopus arms. Or Zoidberg arms. The aqueduct is so cool. His hat is more Aussie than Jewish. Matt & Tom choose crucifixion. Nathan keeps correcting Jeff on the Roadblock. They are about to hand in their answer. JEFF: With Temple Mount. NATHAN: I don’t think so. JEFF: Trust me on it. JEFF: We burned through it quickly. How do I know Nathan knows it’s wrong? Because Nathan walks away even before the judge says anything. Jeff should change that smiley face to a frowny face and draw angry eyebrows on it. Jeff exhales deeply. Commercial break. We resume. We watch Jeff exhale. Jeff knows they are ninety-nine percent there. NATHAN: With ‘a’ temple mount. JEFF: Let’s put an ‘a’ in there. NATHAN (confessional): I had to just look over the thing and it was just an ‘a’ we were missing and he was like ‘oh yeah, alright, I see where you are going’. Jeff presents his guess. It’s correct then summons Nathan. “C’mon dude. I’ve got it. You’re slowing me down a bit, mate.” Nathan tells Tyler about how much of the work he did as they run to the taxi. He nearly says it within earshot. Both teams are in their cabs. JEFF: Working with Nathan and Tyler is like a dream. It’s like working with two more sons. NATHAN: He had the wrong letters all over the joint. JEFF: They’re just easy to work with. They collaborate. They’re intelligent. NATHAN: He wouldn’t have got that. There is no way. He was reading it the wrong way. JEFF: They’re got ethics. TYLER: Go around this guy in the car ahead. Just go. JEFF: We do it and we help each other. “It’s like we’re Batman and they’re Robin.” “Jeff’s a fucking moron who can eat my dung street.” “Nicest boys you’ll ever meet.” “My niece in pre-school could have finished that challenge before Jeff.” Renae is slightly ahead of Sam as they run to the clue box. The camera couldn’t capture Sam’s fall as it was happening, sadly. I hate the lotto. “We don’t roll around on the sand Sam, man.” Renae lifts Sam back up. Sam goes back to being an eagle again. She says she has some bruises on her leg, but everything is all good. RENAE: Shes got so many bruises she doesn’t care anymore. Sam wants to do the Roadblock because she is good with “looking things” cause it’s like a puzzle in her head. Renae agrees that this is an ideal task for Sam. Matt & Tom comment on what they are about to do. TOM: We’re following the road of Jesus Christ, mate. How about it? MATT: Pound it. “We’re following the route of a guy who got crucified two thousand years ago.” I wasn’t expecting that response. TOM: Surely they can’t do that to us. Nah, there’ll just be locusts. Matt & Tom bid farewell to their crappy taxi driver. I think she just finished watching TAR 24 for the first time. And now they’re retaliating on her behalf. “Excuse me, are these two hundred pound crosses for us?” It’s like carrying either Debra or Steve through Jerusalem for a task. Jeff & Luke are inside of the post office. Luke has to direct Jeff to the flags right in front of his face because his dad is so disoriented. They choose to do Pilgrim Trail. It’s surprising Jeff chose Pilgrim Trail because the clue says it requires commitment, and Luke may or may not disagree that Jeff has always possessed that trait. Jeff & Luke ask their driver to open the boot. Huh. Aussies talk like the British. Tyler & Nathan are fourth into the post office. Nathan leaps over a barrier and onto the road to catch a cab. The barrier is sponsoured by TAR considering it’s red and yellow. That bus certainly helped stall traffic enough for Nathan to catch the cab behind it. Sam is finding the Hebrew task easy. Where are the bruises? How is Renae lending her mental support? She’s your Venus, she’s your fire, your desire. That’s right. Renae has no choice but to shave her legs during a Roadblock because producers forced her to make an hour long video for her family at the pit stop while sleep-deprived. Maybe at the next Roadblock Jeff can hire somebody to shave his back and then at the final one Nathan will finally shave his head. Too bad Sam’s legs were partially shaved when she took that tumble a few minutes ago. Needless to say this task is easier when Jeff isn’t shouting out random letters to distract you. RENAE: She pretty much sat down for five minutes and said “I’ve got it!” “Well, that was after Anne Marie & Tracy secretly lent her a helping hand.” Sam receives the clue and asks if Renae really did shave her legs. She did and they have a nice giggle about it before getting into their cab. Sam & Renae ask their taxi driver to go as fast as possible because they are the only girls left in the race. Unfortunately for them Bono from U2 is their taxi driver. Matt & Tom casually walk by a group of tourists with a gigantic cross. TOM: The path we’re walking in is the same trail as the big man did with his cross back in the day. The big man? You mean Jesus? Now Shaq is a big man. You don’t see Jesus as the centre for the Bethlehem Lakers. “That’s another slam dunk for the big man! Hey-Zeus! Hey-Zeus! Hey-Zeus!” Matt & Tom keep walking through the stations. Matt doesn’t want to damage his good hat. Would JESUS casually put down his cross and take a breather guys? Weak sauce! Jeff & Luke and Tyler & Nathan get to the crosses at roughly the same time. Aren’t they T’s? LUKE: Fancy seeing you blokes here! Man, with that technique Nate is going to be wearing that cross for a crotch. Jeff says Luke took the front because Luke is a Hercules when it comes to that sort of stuff. “He can carry it from left to right.” JEFF: I’m only eighty-three kilos. I am carrying my own body weight. It was challenging, but I was up for it. You were probably up for the challenge because it was half of your body weight that you were carrying. Also, you weigh more than me. Matt & Tom have to pause for a second. Because a freakin’ tractor is going to block Jesus’ path. They have no choice but to hug the side of the tunnel. That can’t be comfortable. WE THE BEST SHOES! Matt & Tom set it down again. Matt thinks they may have to redo it because he didn’t see any of the stations. Especially when Matt’s head is tilted like Ralph Wiggum when he doesn’t know how to use an earring. “My ear hurts and I am being crucified. I have two owwies.” Tom approaches the two soldiers. Meanwhile, Matt starts humping Jesus’ cross. That’s a sentence I never thought I would say in this blog. I think it was the bagel’s round hole that did it for him. Matt & Tom are told to go straight and right. Matt thinks it is cool to walk the same path as Jesus in real life. Sam & Renae are last to the clue. They hire a cab. They decide to not do a task that is more than their combined body weight and go with Holy Grail. For some reason somebody is carrying a random scale through the market. Matt & Tom find the finishing point (not to be confused from the finishing point in the middle of TAR 4’s second India leg). Matt & Tom try to carefully put Jesus’ cross on its side. It would be hilarious if they screw it up and the cross falls flat while making a roaring thud sound that echoes throughout Old Jerusalem. Matt & Tom read that they must walk the Ramparts Wall to find their next clue. Ah. How cool. Nathan wants to switch to carrying it like a surfboard. After a few seconds Tyler disagrees. Probably because there are no waves to catch here, bro. Jeff is considering to collaborate with Tyler & Nathan on this task. “You’re doing a fine job, guys. . .Please don’t ask me to help.” Tyler admits they didn’t really bring their clue so they have no idea where they’re going. TYLER: Nathan and I have struggled the last two legs with directions. Because you’ve been hanging around Jeff & Luke too much. NATHAN: What’s VI? TYLER: Four. That’s four. Somebody needed to watch more Rocky movies. Tyler asks a local the way to the ninth station. He gestures them to the right. Follow the yellow Jesuses. Jeff & Luke continue to “collaborate”. Sam & Renae run past a bunch of rabbis. “Don’t you need a degree for this?” Yeah, c’mon guys. Don’t break a two thousand year old ancient artifact. Sam says there a lot of rocks in the digging site. It provided a lot of false hope because every time you hit a rock you think you hit the vase. This is very similar to the Detour task they chose last week. Just replace bottle caps with rocks for this round’s Detour. It’s also better than all of the used condoms they found on Jerusalem Beach last round too. Jeff frequently switches shoulders to use “the fleshy part of his shoulder and there’s not flesh up there”. JEFF: I felt the crush that Jesus must have felt by the cross that was significantly bigger and heavier on his own. I dunno. I’m pretty sure he had a buddy named Simon help him out on that one. If only Jesus had some followers telling him to “focus, believe, achieve” to move a bit faster through the streets. Tyler & Nathan grin and bare it while carrying the cross. Jeff & Luke lose their collaboration partners. Matt & Tom see the wall where locals and tourists write notes and shove them into the wall. Tom talks about Dung Gate. TOM: It’s near the Dung Gate. It’s in somewhere not out of somewhere. Sam & Renae find the long pot. Renae cleans it off. Tyler & Nathan get lost again with their cross. They are making this a lot harder for themselves than it needs to be. NATHAN: Do you want to read the clue again dude so we’re not walking around like chickens with our heads cut off? TYLER: I don’t have the clue. Commercial break. We resume. NATHAN: Do you want to read the clue again dude so we’re not walking around like chickens with our heads cut off? TYLER: I don’t have the clue. I only have the additional info. Well that was a misleading cliffhanger. Tyler insists there were no signs as they read the part about the nine stations. Nathan says there were. NATHAN: What do you mean year? TYLER: There were. NATHAN: Dude, we’ve got to follow that stuff. Tyler’s position flipped quickly. Maybe Tyler was accidentally reading the clue from left to right. Luke comments on the old stone in the withered streets. The woman reaches out to touch Jeff like he is a member of The Beatles in the 1960s. JEFF: We walked past people saying “I love you,” “bless you”. “I touched his wood!” A little overdramatic. JEFF: The little holes in the wall that were shops–at one point I could imagine smelling the spices and things that must have been present two thousand years ago. To put the cross down and know we were within metres of where Jesus was crucified was an amazing experience. All hail the Downes! I’d pay Jeff ten shekels to go up to the clue giver, sniff him, and exclaim “I can smell the spices on you! You smell like you are two thousand years old!” Luke shields the clue from the onlookers. Sam & Renae carry the pot. RENAE: I feel like I could qualify us for the Olympic Power Walkers Team. And should they fall any further behind, Renae can take out her frustration on the pot by using it to qualify herself for the Olympic Javelin Team. Sam & Renae get help to find the City of David. SAM: I wonder why we got so much help. Even more dudes. RENAE: There’s not a lot of blondes in this area. SAM: Now that I think about it, the only people who helped us were men. Sam has to explain what adjacent means to one of the locals helping her. It might not be the best help that they’re getting. Tyler & Nathan have to retrace some of their steps. Not Nathan’s most ideal position. NATHAN: What’s this phone, Tyler? What’s this phone? TYLER: Nothing. It’s a flag. Go. I think it’s just a phone. Screw sending a letter to your loved ones–just grab this phone and give ’em a shout right now! I hope the women in the Pikachu hats are cast for the next Hamerotz LaMillion. Tyler & Nathan arrive at the final station. The clue is theirs. There’s a lot of tourist groups hovering around in the area. Sam & Renae find the City of Tit. I mean David. Sam tells Renae to not drop the pot as if they are experimental high school students once they are inside. How was this a city? Unless it was like Fritz Lang’s Metropolis. Current Population: 2 Sam says the water was up to her knees. On Renae? Not so much. By the way, in some unaired footage there is somebody right behind Renae who is directly walking on top of the water. I don’t know who it is, but he seems to have a gift. SAM: The water is up to my knees. RENAE: It was only up to my ankles. Renae is awarded the most smug expression of the season. Renae admits to being claustrophobic. It’s The Blair Renae Project. RENAE: I’m good! I’m good! I’ll tell you when I’m not! Like right about now. “This is so fun, Renae! Renae?” Renae hits her head a couple of times. Too damn tall. In other news, Renae got a concussion. Alas, Renae is rescued and they complete their trek through the aqueduct. The ancient bong belongs to the archaeologist. Use it well, my friend. Use it well. Matt & Tom are completely lost and absolutely no one has heard of the Rampart Wall. TOM: We were bushed for quite a while. Ah, more Aussie-isms. Just keep going up, I guess. They nearly get run over by a bus. Matt & Tom really have no idea where to go. Jeff & Luke are near the Western Wall. JEFF: Take your time. On your left, that’s the Wailing Wall. Take your time. Just suck it in. Suck it in like a cultural Kirby. JEFF: We’re in the sharp end of the race now but we’ll still take time to experience the significance of historical places. JEFF: Alright. Let’s stop for a minute. LUKE: What are you– This picture is priceless. JEFF: I just want you to look at that. LUKE: I’m looking. That’s why I turned this way. Suck it in. Suck it in. Culture successfully sucked in. Let’s go. Luke says they always try to take in the environment while racing. The guy in the green is awesome. Jeff & Luke don’t even stop for a second. Clearly they are full on culture for the day. Every single team is looking for Dung Gate. Nathan gets directions from a local. Tyler doesn’t follow and asks the guy to repeat it in perfect English twice. After they start walking, Tyler is doubting if they even walked through that area as Nathan confirms they did. I love the guy rocking the Scatman John moustache. Matt & Tom finally find somebody who knows the Rampart Wall. “Up there, my friends.” Matt & Tom run to the clue box. They read to head to the Aish HaTorah World Centre on the Western Wall for their next pit stop. There sure are a lot of letters in that limestone. In 20 BCE in the Holy City of Jerusalem, the Western Wall was built by King Herod. It’s one of the holiest sites in the world for Jews. I’d advise against a pun on this one, Bowler. And that guy possesses one of the holiest beards I have ever seen. It is also known as the Wailing Wall and attracts thousands of worshipers every day who leave written prayers in the stonework. The Aish HaTorah World Centre overlooks the stone wall. Last team to check in may be eliminated. Matt & Tom scramble to find the pit stop. Jeff & Luke get directions to the clue box from a local. Jeff’s ascot returns. After receiving directions, Jeff wants a high five. Boooom! Brothers from another mother! I don’t know how this was advantageous to Jeff. Jeff & Luke are second to the clue box. Matt & Tom are asking for directions to the race flags that they see. I’m surprised nobody decided to go there rather than Rampart’s Walk. They spotted the race flags from quite a distance. There is a lot of running around throughout Old Jerusalem. Many steps. Who shall be first to the pit stop? Grant chillin’ with a rabbi. Just another day on the job. Matt & Tom are there first. Matt side-steps onto the mat. MATT: You like your stairs here. FIRST PLACE: MATT & TOM Another calm handshake. They have won ten thousand dollars courtesy of NAB. That asterisk is free and happy running around. What the hell happened to the asterisk? It’s on a cross! He crucified the asterisk! My god! TOM: We followed the path of Jesus and it ended up leading us to the right direction and getting us there first. Maybe he was looking down on us favourably today. MATT: He gave us that guiding touch. They’re the only Muslim team that had a chance to be racing around in Israel, and Mo & Mos really could have spoiled the Christian theme of this leg (and the last one) by winning one of these two rounds. Especially this one. It only would have been more hilarious if two raging atheists had won it. Missed opportunity for the folks at Active. “We’re the two very best friends!” SECOND PLACE: JEFF & LUKE They sure are sweaty. By the way, absolutely no mat chat for them again. We immediately cut to Tyler & Nathan running around to find Dung Gate. They’re told to backtrack. The locals are offering contradictory directions. Frustration is setting in. Sam & Renae are also running around. Sam & Renae appear to be close to the wall. They are stumped by a turnstile. It turns out to be an ‘Exit Only’ turnstile. It sure is fun to play with, though. It’s a long search for Dung Gate. Tyler & Nathan are getting increasingly frustrated. Nathan tries to calm Tyler down but it doesn’t go over well. TYLER: We’re trying to find a clue, dude. That’s where we’re going. What do you mean where we go? NATHAN: Chill out, mate. TYLER: I’m just saying, dude. NATHAN: You’re so stressed. TYLER: I’m not stressed. NATHAN: Yes you are. Chill out, mate. TYLER: I’m trying to find a clue, dude. NATHAN: Yeah, but look at how stressed you are! TYLER: Shut up, mate! I’m in a fucking race! NATHAN: Chill out. TYLER: You fucking idiot. NATHAN: Chill out mate. Don’t call me a fucking idiot. Yeah, don’t call him a fucking idiot. Not when he has the smallest manbun known to man. Commercial break. We resume. Tyler & Nathan’s fight is replayed. Nathan breaks out some sass. NATHAN: Let’s walk the wall where the wall is like the clue says. You wanna do that? TYLER: I don’t know. Tyler & Nathan find the clue. The Jewish cousin of Aisha Tyler. Sam & Renae are last to the clue box. Editors aren’t going to fool us. It isn’t that close. As Sam & Renae cross the street, Renae asks to hold her hand. “Hold my fin, baby girl.” It’s a race to Aish Hatorah. Wait. Canada? The Dan Family of Canada? I was not expecting Canada being mentioned on the Jerusalem leg of TAR Australia. And as somebody who has now been working in a pharmacy for nearly four years, I finally learned who was behind Novo and Teva brand pharmaceuticals. What a random connection to find in this episode for me. They have no choice but to wait. Sam & Renae have been running by tourists all day. THIRD PLACE: TYLER & NATHAN Not the happiest pair. GRANT: You look a bit frustrated. Tyler & Nathan answer that not reading clues properly and getting stressed out is why they are annoyed and stressed. “It’s more than what’s happening to Matt & Tom or Jeff & Luke at the moment.” Tyler says they should have finished in second place today, and that their struggle over the past couple rounds has been a major kick in the ass. Or a slap in the face. That’s a team who highly suspects a NEL. No tears yet. It’s tough to be angry around a happy rabbi. LAST PLACE: SAM & RENAE The breakdown is coming. GRANT: I have to tell you. . .this is a pre-determined non-elimination leg. Therefore you have not been eliminated from the race. If only they received this news via scratch card. SAM: We were pretty lucky to have dodged this bullet. TAR 1, TAR 2, TAR 4, TAR 5, TAR 6, TAR 7, TAR 8 (x2), TAR 9, TAR 10, TAR 11 (x2), TAR 12, TAR 13, TAR 14, TAR 15, TAR 16, TAR 17, TAR Asia 1, and TAR Asia 3 have all had a NEL at Final Four up to this point. If anything, it would be extremely unlucky if they didn’t hit the final NEL on this leg. Sam & Renae are Marked for Elimination. If they don’t arrive in first place on the next leg, they will incur a thirty minute penalty. SAM: We realize how far we’ve actually come in the competition, and to be the last two girls standing here we’ve won. To us we’ve won. Actually, you haven’t won. The only way you win is if you’re the first team to cross the finish line on the final leg of the race. Renae wants females in the top three, and girls can do it half their size, half their age, and half their strength. Aren’t they older than Tyler & Nathan? SAM: Hopefully we can do it. Sam & Renae didn’t exactly present the most compelling case that they would overcome this penalty in the next leg. Let’s see how it plays out. Next Time on TAR: The Final Four teams run a tight race in a sprint towards the finale, but in the battle for a quarter of a million dollars which team won’t make it into the final leg? Rank the Legs 1) Krakow, Poland -> Masada, Israel TAR goes to Israel. Well, other than Hamerotz LaMillion which is the Israeli version of The Amazing Race (you smartass), but the American version hasn’t even gone to Israel after 29 seasons. There is a sense of satisfaction to watch a version of TAR that visits a country that the US version has not dared to visit yet. TAR Australia and TAR Canada will later repeat this with Cuba. Cuba being dismissed by TAR US is obvious. But Israel? How did Australians go there but not the Americans or Canadians? Yes, Israel is still a very controversial country to this day, but their extremely close ties to the States makes you think that an Israel visit for TAR US would be very easy for them to do. Like, I know TAR Asia could never go there since some of its teams would not be allowed to visit, but TAR US? How come they can’t go? As somebody who grew up in the 90s and early 2000s, news stations filled up endless material with things happening in Israel. The Gaza Strip, the West Bank, various attacks, etc. I know things aren’t kosher and hunky-dory with its surrounding countries there now, but it fills up a lot less of the daily news cycle than it did about ten years ago. It was really neat to see its debut as a casual TAR location. The Australian teams expressing genuine shock they were going there, and how Tel Aviv looked like any western metropolis, and then Jerusalem Beach looking like any other ordinary beach. It’s like “here is a regular ol’ country that just happens to be home to stuff you read in the Bible”. Oh, that thing over there? King Herod built it. And it gives me the chance to make a bunch of jokes that hover around the line of what is considered offensive. We all win. The storyline of Tyler & Nathan clawing their way to survival with minimal funds since the robbery continued. They ended up with a pile of phone numbers (and rubbers) by the end of this leg. Dave & Kelly became public enemy number one and were considered the worst thing since Hitl–er, Kevin & Ryan in TAR Canada 5 as everyone labeled them as the team that absolutely had to go home. I have no idea where that sentiment came from. A self-drive leg to the pit stop resulted in four out of five teams getting lost on the way to the pit stop. Hell, Dave & Kelly didn’t even get to the pit stop. The only team who didn’t get lost was also the team who were already in first after the Detour. Matt & Tom ran a flawless leg as they completed every single task in the fastest time this round. Even Grant commented that they did this leg in about two seconds. Hopefully we get departure times at the start of next round. Seeing two teams be absolutely certain they were being eliminated only to discover they were safe was fun to watch. That’s why I like self-drive legs. Matkot was alright for a task. Seeing the return of How Well You Know Your Partner task was refreshing. Particularly because Sam misread a question and nearly royally screwed Renae. Thank god Renae knew all of the other answers with certainty. Jeff acting like a maniac for half of the episode was also a surprise. Israel being a location automatically shot it high up in these standings regardless of the production design or editing this leg–everything else was just icing on the cake. 2) Masada, Israel -> Jerusalem, Israel All of my religious jokes in the blog aside, it is still really really cool that TAR Australia visited Jerusalem. I understand why they focused more on the biblical part of the city rather than the current political climate, but it was still awesome to see the city be added to the TAR catalog. I am very curious to see how TAR US or TAR Canada will treat Israel when they eventually visit the country. It was a bit anti-climatic as this was the shortest episode of the season in terms of airtime, and since NELs on the penultimate leg aren’t allowed anymore it had to be the final NEL of the season. It didn’t help that there were no equalizers and the tasks were easy enough for everyone to stay in the exact same position as they did in the last leg. The Holy Grail task was a bit too similar to what we saw in the metal detector search task from the previous round. However, instead of a beach we get an awesome trek through the mysterious city of David. Seeing teams go to the site of the Dead Sea Scrolls as Renae shaves her legs, Matt takes a nap, and Jeff couldn’t understand this task at all made it an entertaining Roadblock for everyone. Watching Tyler & Nathan deal with mounting pressure, stress, and attrition was interesting to watch play out. They have surprisingly unique ways of coping with this in the race. The letters to be sent home ultimately amounted to nothing. What was the point? There was no payoff with it. Sam falling was funny. Jeff being the Slow Grandpa was funny. The Kimo Leopoldo crosses were funny. Matt being seduced by a bagel was funny. There was a mixture of self-driving, taxis, and racing on-foot to make this an integrated round of play. It was a quick round, but we really needed two rounds in Israel and producers did a pretty good damn job with it. I approve. 3) Macau, China -> Port Elizabeth, South Africa It took four episodes, but we finally get some original material. After copying tasks from prior seasons of TAR Asia, nothing is repeated as the cast exits Asia for the rest of the season. What is even better is we visit a part of South Africa that has yet to be seen on The Amazing Race. In other words, not Cape Town. This round earns a lot of points for being an extreme self-drive leg. After flying for a full day, teams were forced to drive six hundred kilometres only to be equalized until the morning. Richard & Joey’s storyline was set up perfectly for this round. After pissing off everyone else this season, it did not come as a surprise that they would be the only team to be U-Turned. Add to this that they were stuck in the mud more than any other team, Richard wasting time wanting a better goat, and both of them going insane during the Detour was great entertainment. This round had the perfect balance of tasks. A couple of scenic locations, a difficult driving challenge through mud, a Detour where you pick between either coordination or skill, a record-breaking bungee jump task, and lastly a fun goat-herding challenge. This is when TAR is at its best. There was lots of fun moments this leg. Most of them came from Alana & Mel nearly dying as they learn how to drive a stick shift. Matt & Tom were pulled over by the friendliest police officer ever, and Mo & Mos barely surviving elimination yet again despite not even being able to stand up on a ferry just a day earlier. An episode like this is why I love The Amazing Race, and why it makes me sad when I watch a season like TAR 24 or the majority of TAR 28 where the soul of the series continues to fade away. Or the season premiere of TAR Asia 5. What the hell was that? 4) Cape Town, South Africa -> The ‘Dam, Netherlands -> Prague, Czech Republic I will award this round fifty points for traveling to two separate non-bordering countries properly in a single episode (as a reader pointed out, TAR Asia 1 and TAR Asia 2 had done this before). We saw teams fatigued before they were even at the second challenge. The twist of providing the leading teams with comfortable accommodations while providing the trailing teams with a punishment is something I don’t recall seeing before. Unless you’re Danny & Oswald and take it from your own pocket. Furthermore, the $50 Roadblock race bonus at the bow and arrow task was also a creative twist. None of the other versions had ever done that before either. However, this leg blatantly copied three of the TAR Asia 2 challenges that they also did in Prague. Back in 2011 I doubt too many people had watched the TAR Asia seasons prior to TAR Australia, but I can’t help but penalize production for a lack of creativity for the majority of the episode. Dave & Kelly accidentally making fun of a blind man, Tyler & Nathan describing themselves as underdogs, Matt as Robocop, Jeff & Luke unintentionally misdirecting Sam & Renae, the princesses being called fat, and Mel’s twinging elbow strain all contributed to an entertaining round of play. And just think of Jeff & Luke did not give away their arrows, Matt & Tom would have been eliminated! So close, guys. So close. 5) Port Elizabeth, South Africa – > Cape Town, South Africa This round is hilarious. I thought this season would suffer after Richard & Joey’s exit, but that is not the case. I have two complaints with this round. One of them is that the Intersection is as weak as the American version. Why doesn’t any of the franchises want to do something more with the Intersection? Just one lousy task and that’s it? Although it was funny to see Intersected teams lose each other while driving on the road to the same place. The other complaint is that they copied a luck-based task from TAR Asia 2 in the exact same location. I love how Anastasia thought it was necessary to one-up Collin’s accident. The air she got was ridiculous. Speaking of Anastasia, the reason why this episode ranks so high is because of how volatile Chris & Anastasia were from start to finish. The wine Detour blowup is memorable for any hardcore TAR fan. They were even fighting in confessionals from start to finish this episode. Not to mention they lost their keys in the desert, needed Renae to release their key, and Anastasia nearly died. I imagine more absurd fights are on the horizon. Mo & Mos’ adventure this leg started out with a series of bathroom breaks prior to jumping out of a plane. Or their pointless search of a random beach that didn’t have their next clue. I can picture their friends and family cringing at home as they make their jihad jokes when firing at clay targets on the shooting range. The Detour featured a classic pun–Guns or Rose. I guess that is a thing. Neither Detour seemed difficult unless you are a couple preparing to break up. It wasn’t a terrible Detour, but not brilliant either. The skydiving task may be a tired formula in TAR by this point. Thankfully Alana, Dave, and Mo provided a bit of entertainment within it. Dave & Kelly donating an extra map to the orphanage led to one of the more amusing moments of the round. The Matt & Tom vs. Tyler & Nathan rivalry continues to build without it being too boring. Luckily all four racers are somewhat entertaining. Mo & Mos were -this- close to surviving the leg. It would have made a better ending as Chris & Anastasia being eliminated would have been the best way to cap their shitty day. Lastly, Luke overplays how old his dad is on screen. It never gets old. . .unlike his dad. 6) Melbourne, Australia -> Lombok, Indonesia A Starting Line task where nobody is penalized? Wonderful. A NEL that doesn’t involve a stupid Speed Bump? Wonderful. A round where the prize up for grabs is an Express Pass? Meh, but I’ll forgive this since the twist was still relatively new. This round loses points for being the closest thing to a copycat of another prior TAR leg that I have ever seen. When half of the tasks are identical, nearly every single location is identical, and the host’s own puns are plagiarized, I think that is a bit extreme. I know it is tempting because this Lombok leg was well-constructed in TAR Asia 4. It had the freakin’ Ethan & Khairie vs. The Richards fight to set the tone for a very competitive leg. But c’mon, replacing a tomb with bakso soup is not enough to make this its own leg. We still had a clue covered by a net in an outrigger, the rice cake massacre, diving into the water, counting money, and riding a cidomo to a pit stop. The only interesting part about seeing a group of people repeat a leg from a different season is if it plays out any differently. Knowing how exhausted teams were by the time they needed to count the money demonstrated that this was a true test for everyone involved. My initial assumption that Tyler & Nathan would stroll through this round easily was erased halfway through the episode. Sam & Renae obliterate eighteen seasons of TAR US’ history with young blonde all-female teams by slaughtering everyone on their way to the pit stop. They were also responsible for slaughtering that poor asterisk. It gave you ten thousand dollars and THAT is how you repay it? One of the weirdest trends was seeing Mo & Mos repeat fellow Muslim team Bilal & Sa’eed by having a horrendous opening leg. Luckily, they were saved by a NEL unlike their Cleveland counterparts. The lopsided rivalry of the intense Richard & Joey versus the goofy and giggly Anne-Marie & Tracy begins here. I hope this lasts for a while because it is a hilarious storyline. Anne-Marie & Tracy must be oblivious to the target on their backs. By the way, I love Anne-Marie & Tracy win round one of this war. After Alana & Mel were awful with self-driving in Melbourne, I cannot wait to see how they handle driving in foreign countries. Chris’s roided up reactions to everything during this leg amused me. So was Dave & Kelly’s commentary. Lastly, Liberty vomiting after kissing a dozen Lombok men. Did their cheeks nauseate you that much? Overall, this round was anything but its own original piece, however the cast and the fact this was a strong leg in TAR Asia 4 makes up for it. A seventy-minute episode did not drag whatsoever. 7) Zimni, Czech Republic -> Niedzica, Poland Despite it being a To Be Continued round, there wasn’t an equalizer that resulted in all six teams being forced together at the start of the day. Yes, the gap narrowed at the salt mine, but it wasn’t enough to make Dave & Kelly and Matt & Tom be on an equal playing field with the other teams. Tyler & Nathan being robbed on the train is one of the most shocking moments in TAR history. James & Abba will suffer a worse fate just over a year after this season airs, but James & Abba weren’t the extreme frontrunners like Tyler & Nathan had been all season long. It would be like if Colin & Christie lost their passports at the end of the tenth leg of TAR 5–the strongest team being taken out in the unluckiest way possible. Thanks to it being a self-drive leg and having many allies, Tyler & Nathan mounted a comeback and nearly won this round. If you had any doubts they were going to win this season, they were certainly removed after this round of play. Surprisingly, none of the tasks in Poland referenced World War II like they did during TAR 11: Real All Stars’ visit. It’s just castles, salt mines, and views of the lakes and mountains. The salt mine task was a bit too much of a needle in the haystack for me. The crypt was cool, though. And Nathan nearly damaging the equipment was amusing as well as Matt being forced to damage his own equipment thanks to the tight overalls. Dave & Kelly continuing to pile on fatigue and physical injury was amusing. Every time they beat Matt & Tom on navigation and how pissed Matt & Tom were also added a dash of hilarity to the episode. The Detour, where it was so lopsided that everyone chose the sheep anyway, was full of funny moments. Renae lifting up fat sheep, sheep escaping through every pole or hole possible, and the cute little way they all run away from the contestants had me laughing. It was also a fun task to watch. It was painful to see the Intersection be the last task before the pit stop. I know it wasn’t the shortest drive in the world, but nearly everyone checked into the pit stop in pairs. Now for the Intersection task itself–the TAR Asia 4 woodcutting challenge on steroids. The log was three times as high, and the tools used required A LOT of physical strength. Was it too unfair to the group that had three women and only one man? That’s up for debate. Can you imagine if Charla & Mirna had to do this task? There was hope for Chris, Anastasia, Sam, and Renae when Sam & Renae made it through their first cut, but Anastasia’s lack of strength made it clear that the lead they had since the previous round was going to be sacrificed. At least there was suspense if Kelly had enough in her to complete this challenge. The editors had me wondering because of what happened with Anne-Marie & Tracey and Mo & Mos at the zodiac challenge earlier in the season. But Anastasia was the only one who couldn’t do it. The four hour penalty was assessed, and Sam & Renae were caught in friendly fire as they had a two hour penalty dumped on them. I think Sam & Renae should not have received a penalty at all because they weren’t allowed the chance to prove they could make the second cut. Jeff & Luke finally nab their first victory of the season. It was well-earned as this was Jeff & Luke’s most entertaining episode to date. What time is it, old man? It would be interesting to see how social media would have reacted to Chris & Anastasia if social media platforms were as big in 2011 as they were now. Something tells me Chris would have had a much tougher time dealing with the public reaction. Overall, this was a solid round but too much TAR Asia copying, an oddly placed Intersection, a Detour where one option was extremely unappealing, and a luck-based challenge drops it in the rankings. 8) Prague, Czech Republic -> Zimni, Czech Republic If I recall correctly, this is by far the shortest episode out of the first seven episodes (while other episodes were up to seventy minutes of running time, this one is only 43 minutes). Matt & Tom set a new record by being stopped by police TWICE in the same round. Somehow they were not detained or fined by law enforcement in either situation. The ice hockey challenge proved to be difficult as we saw some extremely painful falls by our dear Aussies. Dave’s incidents were cringeworthy to watch. Production trolled teams by setting up a Detour task that they knew would be borderline impossible for everyone involved. Seeing three teams fall for this trap was funny. Sam & Renae receive bad advice from a fellow team for the second round in a row as Matt & Tom were unaware of how to properly succeed at the Russian spy challenge. The comrade was always good for a laugh as he repeatedly insulted Tyler. You could see this season being taken to the next level as the showdown at the beer stacking between the three trailing teams became more physical than what I was expecting. With five rounds left in the season, we could very well shift to it being a cutthroat battle. This round does have a lousy ending, though. No prize given to Chris & Anastasia for finishing first, and whoever finishes last on this leg will not be penalized despite it being a Non-Elimination Leg. Sigh. A mid-season NEL leg can be dull most of the time, but here it holds up reasonably well. A self-drive leg, a unique penalty for failing at a task, and a physical active route info all contributed to a decent round of play. Oh, and there was abseiling. I almost forgot about it since it was only shown for two minutes. 9) Lombok, Indonesia -> Hue, Vietnam Although this leg ends in Hue, we cannot glance over the fact that we were in Ho Chi Minh City for one task before equalizing all of the teams. For the second round in a row, we get an excessive amount of overlap with a TAR Asia leg. Well, two TAR Asia legs if you include the carabao task from TAR Asia 2. I like how teams were given even less instruction with the dynasty coins task compared to when it was run during TAR Asia 3 (it was also twenty degrees Celsius warmer back then to balance things out). The Detour was extremely physical. Either you relied on the carabao to drag you through the mud to find a clue, or you caught a bunch of chickens and had to carry the heavy weight over a long course. Considering multiple teams switched tasks, nobody had any energy left. However, forcing half of the players to run up and down stairs during what would normally be billed as a mental challenge led to them scrounging what little energy they could to finish off the leg. Perhaps my biggest beef with this leg is underediting the broken deal between Alana & Mel and Richard & Joey right before the pit stop. Both teams were minutes away from being eliminated, and Richard & Joey gave into temptation to guarantee they stayed alive. Since both teams entered the pit stop seconds apart, we should have seen Grant Bowler host a mat chat on the spot. In fact, Ryot & Liberty could have been told they were eliminated and start crying while Mel and Joey engage in a shouting match. That would have been great TV. Rich & Joey was not the only team to piss off everyone this episode. Chris did his part as he infamously berated Anastasia at the airport in Lombok. Furthermore, the name-calling continued until Anastasia was the first to complete the Roadblock over ten other teams. Then things changed. We saw alliances begin to form and enemies made. I don’t understand why we needed a double equalizer before the true round could start, but whatever. I do find it funny that this cast got to travel by plane rather than bus or train to Hue. Special treatment for Aussies! Mo & Mos and Anne-Marie & Tracy staying alive through the first elimination was the ideal start to the season. Ryot & Liberty were not the best choice for first boots, but it is not the worst option out there. Besides, we saw how physically fit Liberty was in the first episode–I am surprised she held up through this round without vomiting again. While wonderful storylines developed and amusing moments were present, the lack of originality and a missed opportunity for the editors drops this episode down a bit in the rankings. 10) Hue, Vietnam -> Macau, China Let’s get this out of the way: For the third leg in a row, many of the challenges and locations are unapologetically ripped off from TAR Asia. The fortune cookie search, placing Zodiac lanterns in the correct order, dancing in a lion costume, playing a simple card game in a casino to win points, and A-Ma Cultural Village being used as the pit stop were all apart of TAR Asia 3. This episode used too many luck-based challenges. That is always disappointing. The only Fast Forward of the season appears, and features the famous traditional head shaving challenge. Whether you are annoyed this task is unoriginal or like the nostalgic factor is completely up to you. Seeing Richard & Joey go from the team viewed as underperforming and pissing off everyone else in the race go to “lucky bastards” who jump to the front and take the Fast Forward and skip three-quarters of the leg sets up the team everyone wants to knock out of the race. This round contains one of the most frustrating moments in TAR history. The bottom two teams, beloved Mo & Mos and Anne-Marie & Tracy are at the final Roadblock. Mo & Mos decide to take a four hour penalty, thus setting up Anne-Marie & Tracy to beat them by default. However, Anne-Marie & Tracy quit -after- them despite knowing it would guarantee their elimination, and end up going home in what could have been a case of having all-time great characters. We had name-calling in the form of Chris referring to Dave as a fat oaf, a kung fu task where Renae accidentally punched concrete to make her hand bleed, and Anne-Marie & Tracy successfully performing an aerobic lion dance. Oh, and Mel being angry with Alana’s hesitation to step up for a Roadblock was funny. We’ll have to work on that, Alana. This round featured a TAR franchise first which has yet to be repeated: An Express Pass which saved a team who had a 50/50 shot at being eliminated. Sam & Renae used their Express Pass in an episode where editors buried them. This round in Singapore was absolutely brutal for them. P.S. How dapper were Matt & Tom? They were as dressed up as the Texan guy from The Simpsons.
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Reports Gilian anderson babes. she had found love again broke in October when The Daily Mail's Sebastian Shakespeare confirmed that she was telling friends about dating writer Peter. Gilian anderson babes. Gillian who lives in London, was at a party in New York with Morgan to promote The Crown, where she was overheard telling friends they were in a relationship. In the past: She was married twice before. Left is her with her first husband, Clyde Klotz, who she was Gilian anderson babes. to from to Right is her with her second husband, Julian Ozanne. Yet it is thought to be her last time reprising the role. He already has five children with her.Girls Looking A Shag In Cibola NM The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Share this article Share. Blue Zipped Spandex Catsuit worn By Gillian Anderson. Buy your Catsuit for . Dana Scully, Gillian Anderson, Celebrity Couples, Sexy Outfits, Babe, Actresses. Mar 16, Got a Girl Crush On: Gilian Anderson as a foul-mouthed Dana Scully in these hysterical X-Files outtakes. (via Nightflight). Crushing OnMeg. Photos of Gillian Anderson, one of the hottest girls in entertainment. Gillian started her career in with her now classic role as the smoking hot FBI agent, . Read more: Share or comment on this article: Bisexual X-Files star Gillian Anderson talks relationships e-mail Most watched News videos Hilarious moment cat grabs mail after waiting Giliwn Gilian anderson babes. 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PM - 22 Apr Mar 16, Got a Girl Crush On: Gilian Anderson as a foul-mouthed Dana Scully in these hysterical X-Files outtakes. (via Nightflight). Crushing OnMeg. Gillian Anderson was born in Chicago, Illinois, to Rosemary Alyce (Lane), a computer analyst, and Homer Edward Anderson III, who Gillian started her career as a member of an amateur actor group while at high school. Southside Girl. Show all 13 episodes. Miss Havisham. Elizabeth credit only. Castaway - Episode 1. Duchess of Windsor.Ladies Seeking Sex MO Bowling Green 63334 Wallis Simpson. I Want to Believe Dana Scully. Lady Dedlock. Show all 14 episodes. Video Narrator voice, uncredited. Nora Jenny voice.Lonely Women Wants Hot Sex Bartlett Extremis Video short Gillian Anderson. Dana Scully voice. Data Nully voice. Agent Scully voice. Show all 12 episodes. I Wants Real Sex Dating Extremis Video short. Re-Opened TV Special documentary short thanks. Herself - Nominated for Best Actress. Herself - Guest. Director's Cut Short Herself. Gilian anderson babes. Searching Couples American Impressionism Documentary Narrator. Herself - Author, We. Herself - Interviewee. Herself - Special Guest. Show all 8 episodes. Show all 6 episodes. Part 1 Herself - Host. Herself - Panelist. Fight the Future' Video documentary short Herself.Sexual Encounter In Dogora Herself - Hostess. Show all 9 episodes. Herself - Winner. Gillian Anderson Picture Galleries Herself - The X Files. Related Videos. Edit Personal Details Other Works: Publicity Listings: Official Sites: Edit Did You Know? Personal Quote:
{ "date": "2019-08-23T17:15:42Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027318894.83/warc/CC-MAIN-20190823150804-20190823172804-00380.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9144076108932495, "token_count": 1631, "url": "https://walkablewpb.com/gilian-anderson-babes.html" }
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This week it’s Sarah from Maison Cupcake. She’s blogging royalty you know… seriously, this woman is everywhere! And so is her blog. Here’s the low down on how to reach the heights of super blog status… and to run not one, not two but THREE blogs. I feel tired just thinking about it. She even has time to help fools like me who have no idea how to use wordpress and regularly come technologically unstuck. And I LOVE her advice to her schoolgirl self. I wish I’d known that as a 15 year old, though it was rather more 9 stone for me than 8. Read on… What’s your name? Where do you come from? In London for over half my life (originally from the Midlands) and settled in Walthamstow for nearly 10 years. How old are you? Old enough to remember John Lennon dying but was too young to know who he was. What’s your educational background? Did you leave school at 16 or finish with a PhD? Chaotic. Although I came away with 10 ‘O’ Level passes and eventually a degree. What’s your blog called? The cakey bakey stuff lives at http://maisoncupcake.com and I blog about family food at http://dinnerwithcrayons.com . I’ve also recently launched http://lovethestow.com , a Walthamstow/London photo blog. When was your blog born? Maison Cupcake’s first post was 1st July 2009. Sum your blog up in one sentence: Time consuming. Sorry I read that as “sum up your blog in two words” Why did you start your blog, where did you think it would lead? I originally thought I might start a party catering business but found I preferred creating websites and taking photos. That I blog about cake was mainly because it was an activity I could do at home with my then 2 year old. What’s your most popular blog post? Ever? My Christmas pudding cake pops had most page views although probably my (scathing) review of “Baked and Delicious” prompted the most comments. How often do you check your blog stats, truthfully?! I have Jetpack installed on my WordPress dashboard so they flash before my eyes whenever I log in. I don’t sit scrutinising them though. Google Analytics is a total mystery to me. What’s your biggest kitchen disaster? I was supposed to be making miniature religieuses (French choux pastries) for my book Sweet Bitesize Bakes but they wouldn’t stand up and ended up as profiteroles instead! What’s your advice to fledgling food bloggers? Realise that what you do online for YOUR audience has commercial worth to brands and that this is why they invite you to “work with them”. Funnily enough, their concept of “work with” rarely translates as being paid unless you speak up and when you do speak up they’ll generally respond “Oh the brand can afford to pay a big retainer to the PR company and for nationwide advertising but there’s no budget for that” (Not in these exact words but you get what I mean). Once you’ve seen a brand pay you to create material for them, you realise anyone who doesn’t is trying to exploit. Is there anything you’d have done differently? Start blogging sooner – I started on AOL Hometown in 2002 but stopped after six weeks because I thought no would ever read it. I played with making blogs on Blogger between 2002 and 2009 but never found a vehicle to run with. It wasn’t until I signed up to Twitter in 2009 around the same time as making some cupcakes for a street party that Maison Cupcake hatched. Everyone on Twitter seemed to have a blog! Being invited to review the Raymond Blanc Cookery School patisserie course (and also stay overnight and dine at his hotel Le Manoir Aux Quat’Saisons). It marked the turning point when my husband finally saw a point to my online life (he came too!). Don’t talk to me about the Panda update this year. Who inspires you? I read the autobiographies of, and admire both Karen Brady and Hillary De Vey. The thing I that struck me about both of them was that they’d only got where they were by regularly working until 2am, something I would never be prepared to do because I prefer to curl up on the sofa with my husband and get to bed at a decent time. Do you have a day job? I write for the BabyCentre blog and various freelancing jobs that come along. I’m very anti-pinning myself down these days. What keeps you awake at night? Nothing, I sleep soundly ever since I stopped working as an employee. I used to sleep though my baby’s cries (the husband didn’t) and now I sleep through the alarm. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? Ever since my brush with death giving birth I prefer to live in the now. I make financial plans but that’s about as close to “30,000 feet thinking” that I get. My primary aim in life is to enjoy life with my husband and son and if that means I don’t build an empire or a career, I’m fine with that so long as we’re all warm, fed and entertained. What would be your 3 desert island items? iPad, wifi, Diet Coke. What advice would you give to your schoolgirl/boy self? That eight stone isn’t fat.
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SAR provides a wide variety of links reflecting diverse perspectives for informational purposes only. Site descriptions are quoted or excerpted from the sites whenever possible. Views expressed on sites to which SAR has a link are those of the site's author(s) and are not necessarily shared, endorsed, or recommended by SAR or any of its directors, staff, or advisers. SAR encourages readers to examine different points of view and talk to different experts before making an important decision. Atención e Investigación en Socioadicciones (AIS), is a mental health organization in Spain that provides information, advice and therapeutic activity on cults and behavioral adicctions. AIS at present, is recognized as a public health service at Catalonia. One of our main therapeutic priorities has been oriented towards providing assistance in cases related to cult groups, although we also treat cases related to unethical situations of intense interpersonal influences in "groups of two" (situations of one-way personal manipulation without the existence of a group). Facebook Twitter Youtube Atención e Investigación en Socioadicciones (AIS), es una organización de salud mental en España que proporciona información, consejo y actividad terapéutica a personas afectadas por grupos de manipulación o sectas y por adicciones comportamentales. Actualmente, AIS está reconocida y presta servicio público en Cataluña, España. Nuestras principales prioridades terapéuticas son: proporcionar asistencia en casos relacionados con grupos de manipulación o sectas, tratar casos de situaciones no éticas de influencia interpersonal en “grupos de dos” (situaciones de manipulación unipersonal sin las existencia de un grupo) y tratar a personas afectadas por otras adicciones conductuales. Thomas Plante, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychology, Santa Clara University. I have edited several books on this topic (e.g., Bless Me Father For I Have Sinned: Perspectives on Sexual Abuse Committed by Roman Catholic Priests as well as Sin Against the Innocents: Sexual Abuse by Priests and the Role of the Catholic Church), have published several professional research studies about priest sex offenders in academic journals, have evaluated about 60 priests or brothers accused of sexually abusing minors, and have consulted with a variety of religious orders and dioceses about this and related problems. I have also evaluated and treated many of the victims. It troubles me that misinformation about this problem still exists. The purpose of this brief article is to try to set the record straight given the best available data and update an article I published on this web site in 2002. One of the largest investigations ever conducted to assess associations between childhood maltreatment and later-life health and well-being. The study is a collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Kaiser Permanente's Health Appraisal Clinic in San Diego. APA PsycNET® Direct: 24-hour database access and single item access options give you immediate access to the research content you need. The Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit is based at Goldsmiths, University of London, and is part of the Department of Psychology. The research unit was established by Professor Chris French in 2000 to provide a focus for research activity in the area of Anomalistic Psychology. In general terms, Anomalistic Psychology attempts to explain paranormal and related beliefs, and ostensibly paranormal experiences in terms of known or knowable psychological and physical factors. Read our introduction to Anomalistic Psychology for an overview of the field. [research] The Apologetics Index 'family of web sites' provides 47,830+ pages of research resources on religious cults, sects, new religious movements, and alternative religions. Also included: information about apologetics-, anticult-, and countercult organizations, as well as entries on doctrines, religious practices and world views. These resources reflect a variety of theological and/or sociological perspectives. La Asociación Iberoamericana para la Investigación del Abuso Psicológico (AIIAP) es una asociación profesional especializada en relaciones sectarias, sectas destructivas y otras dinámicas de abuso psicológico. The Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) strives to democratize access to the best data on religion. Founded as the American Religion Data Archive in 1997 and going online in 1998, the initial archive was targeted at researchers interested in American religion. The targeted audience and the data collection have both greatly expanded since 1998, now including American and international collections and developing features for educators, journalists, religious congregations, and researchers. Data included in the ARDA are submitted by the foremost religion scholars and research centers in the world. Currently housed in the Social Science Research Institute, the College of Liberal Arts, and the Department of Sociology at the Pennsylvania State University, the ARDA is funded by the Lilly Endowment, the John Templeton Foundation, Chapman University and the Pennsylvania State University. The mission of the Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law is to protect and advance the rights of adults and children who have mental disabilities. The Bazelon Center envisions an America where people who have mental illnesses or developmental disabilities exercise their own life choices and have access to the resources that enable them to participate fully in their communities.[legal] Becoming Free provides professionally facilitated support/recovery groups that offer psycho-social education in the context of safe relational support. These groups are for adults who have suffered previous involvement in abusive/harmful religious or spiritual environments. Additionally, a friends and family one day educational seminar will now be offered November 5, 2016. This seminar is for friends and family that have loved ones involved in religiously abusive environments or who have just recently exited. The Berkman Center at Harvard University was founded to explore cyberspace, share in its study, and help pioneer its development. The Center investigates the real and possible boundaries in cyberspace between open and closed systems of code, of commerce, of governance, and of education, and the relationship of law to each. Its faculty, fellows, students, and affiliates engage with a wide spectrum of Net issues, including governance, privacy, intellectual property, antitrust, content control, and electronic commerce. As part of Its active research mission, the Center builds, uses, and freely shares open software platforms for free online lectures and discussions and sponsors gatherings, ranging from informal lunches to international conferences. [legal] Carol Giambalvo’s Cult Information and Recovery The mission of Children’s Healthcare Is a Legal Duty is to end child abuse or neglect related to religion, cultural practices, or quackery through public education, research, legal action, and a limited amount of lobbying. CTA is a not-for-profit organization based in Houston, Texas working to improve the lives of high-risk children through direct service, research and education. We recognize the crucial importance of childhood experience in shaping the health of the individual, and ultimately, society. By creating biologically-informed child and family respectful practice, programs and policy, CTA seeks to help maltreated and traumatized children. [research] Chilling Effects aims to help you understand the protections that the First Amendment and intellectual property laws give to your online activities. The site is a joint project of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, University of San Francisco, University of Maine, George Washington School of Law, and Santa Clara University School of Law clinics. [legal, topic human rights] This website explores the issues of people who have experienced spiritual abuse in their local churches and how they have, over time, recovered. Every year dedicated Christian people leave churches because of spiritual abuse. What factors contribute to dedicated and active believers in Christ leaving their churches and becoming exiting statistics? The spiritual abuse stories of people who have left their home church because of a negative and hurtful experience paint a picture of a widespread occurrence, which beckons consideration by church leaders and church congregants alike. This site also explores Biblical gender equality. A member-driven advocacy organization, led and driven by those with direct experience in residential care and our allies. We promote and secure the human rights of youth in or at risk of residential placement. The Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) is an independent think tank whose work aims to challenge threats to international and communal peace, from polarisation and radicalisation through to defence and security challenges. It does this through a range of policy, research, educational and cultural programmes which include the facilitation of inter-governmental and expert task forces, cross-border action networks, major applied research projects, high-level briefings, and a scholarship and leadership scheme run with the University of Oxford to nurture the next generation of leaders across Europe’s wider neighbourhood. ISD is also involved in incubating a range of initiatives that are seeded as independent organisations helping to deliver its mission in practice. The Institute works extensively across Europe, North America, the Middle East and China. CAIC is concerned about people who are ensnared in totalitarian groups. CAIC warns the public about cults, their deceitful recruiting techniques, the imprisoning of member's minds though fear and phobia indoctrination and the isolation of members from those outside the group either physically or psychologically. CAIC works together with others who are as concerned as we are. Founder, the late Jan Groenveld, had been involved in liberating people from cults since 1980. This web site is from her work. Colleen Russell, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Group Psychotherapist, has over 20 years of experience in a general private practice working with individuals, couples, families, and groups in Marin County, San Francisco Bay Area. She specializes in high-demand group or cult education and recovery and was also a former member as a young adult. Her other specialties include trauma, loss and grief, and motherless daughters. She has presented at conferences and written articles for the International Cultic Studies Association, Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society, among other organizations. She has facilitated workshops for former members, family members of someone involved, and Second Generation Adults (SGAs), those raised in cults. Since 2003 she has developed and facilitated a Group for Former Members in which participants address and explore issues relevant to their lives, gain acknowledgement, express differences and commonalities, and learn how others have navigated through challenging situations. The group offers opportunities for healing from loss and trauma while moving forward in one’s life. Group For Former Members of High Demand Groups or Cults, Including SGAs The Cult Education Institute (CEI) is an educational nonprofit, which offers the general public an online library about controversial groups and movements, some that have been called "cults." The CEI archives, which was first launched in 1996, has recently been redeveloped into a more modern information database. CEI is a member of both the American and New Jersey Library Associations. Together with Cult News.com and the Cult News Network the related CEI websites offer the public an interactive educational resource. The Cult News Network Cult News CIFS is an Australian support and information network. CIFS was initially formed by parents and family members of loved ones caught up in abusive groups. The network has grown to include families, friends, former members and concerned individuals working together towards a common goal, to provide support and develop awareness for those affected by high demand groups or cultic relationships. CIC is a charity providing advice and information for victims of cults, their families and friends, researchers and the media. CIC was founded in 1987 and became a registered charity (No. 1012914) in 1992. It was the first charitable organisation, established in the United Kingdom, focusing critical concern on the harmful methods of the cults. Cult Information Service, Inc. is a tax-exempt, non-profit, educational, self-help organization. It is made up entirely of volunteers and dedicated to: (1) educating the public about the danger and harmful effects of mind control used by destructive cults; (2) providing support and referral to victims and those affected by destructive cults; and (3) providing information for professionals and people interested in researching destructive cults and cultic behavior. It is important to note that the Cult Information Service limits its concerns about destructive groups to unethical or illegal practices. It does not pass judgment on doctrine or beliefs. Offers resources designed to help thoughtful families and friends understand and respond to the complexity of a loved one’s cult involvement.However, because each case should be assessed individually, we can more effectively advise you on what resources to concentrate on, if we know a bit about your situation. Site of Joseph Kelly/Patrick Ryan. News, links and resources about cults, cultic groups, abusive relationships, movements, religions, political organizations, medical and related topics. We provide information from many points of view - our intent is to encourage understanding of the complexity of group involvement. We encourage readers to consider a variety of opinions, so that inquirers can make independent and informed judgments pertinent to their particular concerns. Provided by Joseph Kelly/Patrick Ryan. CultNews101 is available: Facebook Twitter Via email: to subscribe, send an email to [email protected] Bibliography, with emphasis on sociology, compiled by Rob Naninga. Mainly material from before 2000. However, this is quite an extensive listing.116 Online Texts About Cults and NRMs [research] Hope for those who have lost their way because of spiritual or cultic abuse. Doug and Wendy Duncan, who run a support group in the Dallas area. The DialogCentre UK offers information, understanding and help about high-demand religious or political groups and the effects of involvement with them. Whether you want information about your own or someone else's group, feel you need expert help, or just want to tell someone your story, contact us. Our contact details are on the bottom of this page. How do you recognize you’re in an abusive relationship and reach out to others for help? Almost 30% of couples report that they are struggling with some sort of abuse or domestic violence, but the issue is often denied, excused, or overlooked by the victim. This is particularly true if the abuse is psychological rather than physical. The first step towards getting help is to notice and acknowledge it, rather than avoid it. You should not have to live in fear of the person you love. Look for the following red flags and, if they’re present in your relationship, reach out to somebody. Remember – there is always help available for you. ESAMA is dedicated to providing information, education and awareness about cultic, high demand groups and to supporting ex-members and their families through recovery. Our vision is to be a leading resource in Alberta for anyone who wants information or has been affected by mind control through cultic/high demand groups and to develop strong relationships with professionals across Canada and on an international scale. Miguel Perlado. Bienvenido al espacio de EducaSectas, donde se recogen noticias de actualidad acerca de diversos movimientos. Los grupos que aparecen en este espacio han sido incluidos en la medida en que han sido calificados de “sectas” o bien por mostrar “comportamientos sectarios”. No obstante, no todos los grupos que se califican como “sectas” son necesariamente dañinos; de hecho, alguno de estos grupos podría ser considerado más o menos benigno y no ser más que grupos muy centrados en una persona, idea u objeto. Le recomendamos que consulte diversos artículos a su disposición en la página de la Asociación para la Investigación del Abuso Psicológico (AIIAP). HemeroSectasEducaSectas YouTube EducaSectas Facebook EducaSectas Twitter The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world. Founded in 1990, EFF champions user privacy, free expression, and innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development. We work to ensure that rights and freedoms are enhanced and protected as our use of technology grows. [legal] Are you or a loved one struggling with this group? Do you need Biblical answers about the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCoG or CoGWMS), their founder Ahnsahnghong (Ahn Sahng/Sang-Hong) or their current leader "Mother Jerusalem" (a.k.a. "Heavenly Mother God," Zang/Zahng Gil-Jah, or Chung Gil Cha)? Thank you for coming here. I hope my blog helps you. Questions and comments are always welcome. EnCourage was set up in order to offer support to those who have left a cult, abusive group, one on one cult or been spiritually abused (called former members). This includes first generation (joined or recruited) and second/third generation (born and or raised). Whilst EnCourage has a wide range of aims (set out on this page) we are only able to offer one service at this time (when funds allow) which is to subsidise counselling for those who cannot afford to pay. Counselling can be subsidised if the former member is seeing an already approved Service Provider (ASP). This ASP will have been approved by EnCourage and thoroughly checked (counselling accreditation a requirement). Information and help on cults and the occult. Unlike contemporary magazines that promote new-ageism, neo-advaita or non-dualism, this magazine sets out to shine a light on the negative impact of teachers and teachings within those movements. Exit is a project within the non-profit organization Fryshuset. Our aim is to help and provide support to those who wish to leave a nationalistic/racist/nazi oriented groups and movements. We provide hands-on support for persons wanting to leave a neo nazi or racist environment by cooperating with various housing corporations, the police, social services, legal system and also with the client’s own family and friends. Help and Hope for Survivors of Worldwide Church of God, Philadelphia Church of God, Restored Church of God, and All Offshoots First Amendment Project is a nonprofit organization providing free and low-cost legal services on public interest free speech and free press matters. FAP provides these services to its core constituency of activists, journalists and artists who seek to vindicate important First Amendment rights, but do not have the financial resources to hire private counsel. FAP represents these clients by defending them when they are sued for what they say or write, by contesting governmental non-compliance with open records and meetings laws and in challenging laws, practices and policies that infringe on First Amendment rights. FAP is the only nonprofit organization in the country dedicated to providing free legal representation exclusively on free speech and free press issues. [legal] An education and support group for people who are, or were, involved in cults or high demand groups. Free Minds UK is based in London, UK. It also provides individual education and support for cult recovery. The Freedom of Mind Resource Center, Inc. offers counseling, consulting, and coaching services along with information for those seeking help for themselves or a loved one concerning controlling people, cults, beliefs, and estrangement. We do a wide range of undue influence situations: estrangements, parental alienation, second generation, cults, and use the Strategic Interaction Approach created and developed by veteran Steven Hassan and explicated in Combatting Cult Mind Control and Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs. It is important to stay strong, involved, and to know that "love is stronger than mind control.” Futuristguy is a blog exploring a broad range of topics including spiritual abuse, deconstruction of unhealthy/destructive ministries, reconstruction of church ministries, healthy versus toxic paradigms, and culture and social systems among other topics. Hartford Seminary's Hartford Institute for Religion Research has a thirty-four year record of rigorous, policy-relevant research, anticipation of emerging issues and commitment to the creative dissemination of learning. This record has earned the Institute an international reputation as an important bridge between the scholarly community and the practice of faith. Resources include an online Encyclopedia of Religion and Society. [research] The goal of this site is to bring awareness and solutions for spiritual abuse and bad church experiences. Gillie Jenkinson specialises in offering Post Cult Counselling to former members of abusive groups, high demand groups, cults, one-on-one cults or relationships and spiritual abuse. The company is named after the area in which it operates - the Hope Valley - which is a beautiful part of England called the Derbyshire Peak District, and is a National Park and an area of outstanding natural beauty. Post Cult Counselling is a flexible approach to counselling former cult members and survivors of spiritual abuse which may include clients coming and staying locally and spending time with Gillie Jenkinson in psycho-educational/relational counselling. Email: [email protected] ICSA Today (IT) serves members of the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) by providing information that enhances understanding of all aspects of the cult phenomenon, including how groups function, how they affect members, techniques of influence, dealing with harmful effects, educational and legal implications, and other subjects. Info-Cult is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 1980 based in Montreal (Quebec, Canada) that offers help and information about cults, new religious movements and related groups and subjects. Legal and Government Reports Info-Secte est un organisme sans but lucratif de bienfaisance fondé en 1980 situé à Montréal (Québec, Canada) qui offre de l'aide et de l'information sur les sectes, les nouveaux mouvements religieux et les groupes ou sujets connexes. [legal; research] Inform (Information Network on Religious Movements) is an independent charity, based at the London School of Economics and supported by the British government and mainstream churches. Its objective is to provide information that is as reliable and up-to-date as possible about minority religions, including new religious movements (‘NRMs’), spiritual, esoteric and/or other ‘sectarian’ or ‘cultic’ movements. In Shaykh's Clothing is a resource website for spiritual abuse in the Muslim community. The site includes an introduction to spiritual abuse, accounts of spiritual abuse, a section on narcissism, and a blog. This website includes a Code of Conduct of Islamic Leadership, "the most comprehensive ethical guide for Muslim institutions." Published in cooperation with The International Society for the Study of New Religions (ISSNR), the journal was founded in 2010. International Journal for the Study of New Religions considers submissions from both established scholars and research students from all over the world. Articles should be written for a general scholarly audience. All articles are refereed. [research] The International Journal of Cultic Studies (IJCS) is published by the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA). IJCS is a refereed annual journal that publishes scholarly research on cultic phenomena across a range of disciplines and professions with a view of making research results available to researchers, practitioners, and policy makers across the world. IJCSseeks to advance the understanding of cultic phenomena in their relationship to individuals, families, and society, notably in their psychological, social, legal, educational, religious, and cultural dimensions. Offers resources designed to help thoughtful families and friends understand and respond to the complexity of a loved one’s cult involvement.However, because each case should be assessed individually, we can more effectively advise you on what resources to concentrate on, if we know a bit about your situation. Site of Joseph Kelly/Patrick Ryan. Award winning filmmaker, Ondi Timoner, follows four families as they leave an abusive church in South Carolina and realize they have been in a cult. The film documents them as they enter Wellspring, the only accredited, live-in cult treatment facility in the world, where they learn the true extent of the brainwashing they have all experienced. Eventually they return home to bring the Pastor and his wife to justice, and to try to begin to rebuild their damaged lives. An international peer reviewed journal. Its purpose is to both document and evaluate the anthropological, sociological, psychological, and philosophical aspects of emerging manifestations of religiosity in any part of the world—whether within innovative movements or mainstream institutions. [research] MeadowHaven exists to provide a refuge for former members of high control, destructive groups to rest, heal, and grow. By understanding their experience in an abusive environment and acquiring the skills necessary for life outside the group, MeadowHaven helps former members recover their ability to be thriving contributors to society. Healing is fostered in the context of healthy community, relationships with other former members with similar experiences, and a supportive staff who understand the processes of thought reform, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), identity confusion, chronic emotional disturbance, etc The New England Institute of Religious Research was founded in 1991 as a mission outreach to provide churches, secular organizations and concerned individuals with up-to-date research on cultic structures. The Institute also provides training for people who work with those caught up by such destructive groups. We personally meet with the members of various groups to discuss Behavioral/Biblical/Theological issues with them. Another important dimension of Institute ministry is to provide an emotionally and spiritually healing environment for ex-members. We offer information, resources, support groups and counseling to those who have a loved one involved in any type of spiritually abusive group. New England Institute of Religious Research With over 15,000 articles, news items, blog postings and videos, and over 5 million annual visitor sessions, Mediate.com is the world’s leading mediation web site. Mediate.com serves as a bridge between professionals offering mediation services and people needing mediation services. The National Association for Christian Recovery is a not-for-profit religious organization whose passion is the cultivation and growth of recovery communities within or in partnership with Christian churches. We believe that part of the Good News that Christ brought to us was the realization that we can all bring our “problems of self” into the community of Christ and that his grace extends to our hidden wounds as well as our faith. No matter what problems you are dealing with, we want to help you find a reason to keep living. By calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255) you’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7. NJ Safe & Sound is a volunteer organization whose mission is to educate the public about predatory alienation and to promote laws to protect families from such destructive manipulation. Visitors to the site can review a draft bill to provide a civil cause of action for the malicious disruption of the parent-child relationship, sign a petition for its passing, and fill out a questionnaire about their own experience with a ruptured relationship. They also will find answers to FAQs, expert interviews, and sample letters they can use to encourage legislators to address malicious undue influence. More information is available at facebook.com/njsafeandsound. Nova Religio presents scholarly interpretations and examinations of emergent and alternative religious movements. [research] Division of Religion and Philosophy, University of Cumbria [research] Disseminate accurate religious information. Expose religious fraud, hatred, and misinformation. Disseminate information. Promote religious tolerance. [research] Explores spiritual abuse and toxic faith Esther Harris, a young woman praised for her virtue and devotion, believes she has landed the opportunity of a lifetime. When her fundamentalist Christian sect falls on hard times, Esther finds a job at a local health food store to supplement the group’s faltering income. At the store, Esther shares her devotion to the group with her new manager, Gabriel, a devout skeptic and preacher’s kid. The friendship with Gabriel helps Esther re-examine her human worth and reframe her faith in a whole new light. Pokrov.org is a resource for survivors of abuse in the Eastern Rite churches, both Orthodox and Catholic. We are NOT affiliated with any church, nor is this site “blessed” by any hierarch. Pokrov.org is proud to be under the umbrella of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. Maintained by Michael Nielsen, Department of Psychology, Georgia Southern University. [research] Leona Furnari, LCSW, is a psychotherapist specializing in assisting individuals and families in recovery from highly controlling, manipulative and/or abusive groups, cults, or 1:1 relationships. I work with those who entered destructive groups as adults, as well as those who were born or raised into these groups or relationships. I provide a supportive, safe, therapeutic environment to help former members understand what happened to them, explore the short-term and longer-term impacts, and learn to develop strengths and skills to move forward in life in a self-affirming manner. I also am a certified EMDR (eye movement desensitization & reprocessing) therapist and consultant. Comprehensive help for anyone affected by destructive cults: Survivors, loved ones and professionals; easily accessible information on psychological manipulation and cultic abuse; up to date announcements on meetings, conferences and workshops; solid advice on where to find safe support and reliable resources in the cult recovery field; detailed explanation of Rosanne Henry’s background, experience, and approach to cult recovery. Quackwatch is now an international network of people who are concerned about health-related frauds, myths, fads, fallacies, and misconduct. Its primary focus is on quackery-related information that is difficult or impossible to get elsewhere. To help visitors with special areas of interest, Dr. Barrett maintains 24 additional sites for autism, chiropractic, dentistry, multilevel marketing, and many other hot topics. Our Internet Health Pilot site provides links to hundreds of reliable health sites. Our Casewatch site contains a large library of legal cases, licensing board actions, government sanctions, and regulatory actions against questionable medical products. We are also affiliated with Bioethics Watch, which highlights issues of questionable research on humans. [research] Quiet Horizon is a blog about the damaging impact of ideological thinking and an exploration of its alternative: the pursuit of self-knowledge in non-dogmatic ways. Among the questions explored are: How can a person live a meaningful and spiritual life unencumbered by ideology? How best can a person learn to trust his own inner compass for ultimate guidance rather than the prescriptions put forward by ideological organizations, both religious and secular?Greg Jemsek (author of "Quiet Horizon") works as a narrative therapist, a leadership consultant, and an educator in both Australia and the United States. Recovering Grace is an online organization devoted to helping people whose lives have been impacted by the teachings of Bill Gothard, the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP), and the Advanced Training Institute (ATI). Recovering Grace provides a unique perspective in that it was founded and is operated by adults (and their spouses) who were raised as children in Bill Gothard’s Advanced Training Institute. We all have attended Bill Gothard’s seminars, and most of us served within the IBLP organization in some form or fashion. Among the members of our team are pastors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, businessmen, and stay-at-home moms. We have all taken different journeys, but we all have one thing in common: We survived ATI. (For more about who and what Bill Gothard, IBLP, and ATI is, visit our FAQ section). This website explores the issues of people who have experienced spiritual abuse in their local churches and how they have, over time, recovered. Esta página ha sido creada con el propósito de ofrecer una herramienta de ayuda alterna a víctimas intimidadas, perseguidas y/o amenazadas por grupos sectarios. Pretendemos ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades emocionales y a fortalecer emocionalmente con nuestro apoyo a víctimas de sectas o cultos destructivos. reFOCUS is a secular, non-profit tax-exempt organization which provides a network of support and referrals for individuals recovering from the effects of a destructive cult, or other closed, high-demand group or relationship. reFOCUS list of support groups. Blog written by John Huddle exploring World of Faith Fellowship, harmful groups, and resources for those who have been involved in such groups. For more than 40 years, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press has provided free legal advice, resources, support and advocacy to protect the First Amendment and Freedom of Information rights of journalists working in areas where U.S. law applies, regardless of the medium in which their work appears. In particular, see the First Amendment Handbook. Also, see libel articles in The News Media and the Law, Summer 2011 [legal, topic human rights] “An essay by a psychotherapist on cultic and fundamentalist groups, orthodox vs. heterodox beliefs, and religious abuse with links to other articles and resources for those affected by restrictive religious groups.” RETIRN is a private practice of psychologists and clinical social workers which specializes in providing services to individuals and families harmed by coercive social/religious movements ("cults") and other abusive relationships. It has offices in the USA (Delaware and Lansdowne) and the UK (Pontypridd, Wales and Buxton, England). Counseling/psychotherapy, forensic (legal) consultation and expert testimony, and information and referral services are among the services offered by RETIRN. Please feel free to email Dr Steve Eichel at [email protected], Dr Linda Dubrow-Marshall at [email protected], Professor Rod Dubrow-Marshall at [email protected]), and/or Roberta Eisenberg at [email protected]. REVEAL is an organization of former members of the International Churches of Christ and its predecessor religious movements, the "Boston Movement", or Boston Church of Christ, and the "Crossroads Movement", or Crossroads Church of Christ. We also work with family members and friends of ICC members, although (at least at present) we are all former members ourselves. Our purpose is to bring the ICC into the light of day -- to provide accurate, detailed and complete information about its beliefs and practices. By providing this information, we hope to give people the tools they need to assess the ICC and their involvement in it. This Australian commission's website has links to many useful research reports, including: Analysis of claims of child sexual abuse made with respect to Catholic Church institutions; Safe and sound: Exploring the safety of young people in residential care; Principles of trauma-informed approaches to child sexual abuse: A discussion paper. The Safe Passage Foundation provides resources, support and advocacy for people raised in restrictive, isolated or high-demand communities, colloquially referred to as "cults." A stage drama for family audiences. Suitable for youth theatre. Two guys. One rusted out Honda. Twenty-four hours to separate a girl from her guru. The road to Hell was never more fun. When his hip older sister Denise disappears with members of a fundamentalist church, 17-year-old Cliff Kozak struggles to hold it all together, pretending that he isn’t hurt by her decision to cut him out of her life. But a year later, a chance sighting of Denise at a New Jersey strip mall leads Cliff and his best buddy Duffy on a road trip into the heart of a deepening mystery. Why would a smart and talented girl like Denise fall for the hollow promises of a sleazy preacher? Could it be that blind faith is just another term for a desperate need to belong? We provide faithful Catholics with guided, customized programs designed to remove psychological obstacles to giving and receiving love from God and neighbor. We cover spiritual abuse in Bible based churches and have a secondary focus on the United Pentecostal Church. Well, if you have experienced spiritual abuse, you know result. We hope the resources at this web site will be helpful to you. The damage that has been done is not irreversible. It is possible to feel safe again. It is possible to learn to rest again. It is possible to regain that sense of blessing you once had when you first realized that God's stance towards you, God's 'yes', was not based on your performance, but rather on God's very own performance, that of Jesus, signed, sealed, finished, available in gift-form only. -Jeff VanVonderen Blog: The name “sounding board” resonated with me for many reasons. Although I do share some of my personal experiences on this blog, I didn’t want this blog to be about me, but to be a place where others can join in and learn from our shared experiences. We can use each other as sounding boards here. Read the definition. “Sounding board” is especially meaningful to me because I am a musician. Part of the Royal College of Psychiatrists he Spirituality and Psychiatry Special Interest Group (SPSIG) was founded to provide a forum for psychiatrists to explore the spiritual challenges presented by psychiatric illness, and how best to respond to patients’ spiritual concerns. More than half of service users hold spiritual or religious beliefs they see as important in helping them cope with mental illness, but often feel unable to discuss such concerns with their psychiatrists. Publishes an online newsletter. The Nitty Gritty on Cults - books, links, and resources on the Hare Krishna movement and general information about cults. What makes a cult dangerous? * Do you need a guru? * 14 Common Characterstics of Cults by Marcia Rudin * Ten Points to Develop Healthy Boundaries * Born or raised in a cult * Friend or loved one in a cult * Recovery books by Nori Muster, and more. A blog for those wishing to explore the issue of abuse in the Church. Why does it happen? How can we move on from it? In the blog you will find 100+ articles that have been written on various aspects of Church life, its leadership and some of the problems it faces. Some of the articles are topical and connect with current events. Others are attempts to throw light on having a better understanding of why things can go wrong in the Church. Most of the articles have been written by Stephen Parsons, an Anglican priest and writer. He has made a study of abuse in the Church over the past 15 years. SNAP is an independent, confidential network of survivors of institutional sexual abuse and their supporters who work to protect the vulnerable, expose predators and those who shield them, heal the wounded, share stories, empower others to confront the truth, find healthy ways to recover. This website is the largest internet collection of historical documents for the: Church without a Name, Two by Twos, 2x2s, workers, friends, friends and workers fellowship, Christian Conventions, Cooneyites, Assemblies of Christians, Testimony of Jesus, No Name Church home church, the truth, the way, the fold, the fellowship, meetings, conventions, undenominational, nondenominational, testimony, gospel, Hymns Old & New, Go Preachers, Tramp Preachers, Dippers, Black Stockings, Jesus Way. This website is devoted to preserving and publishing material that is in danger of being lost, is hard to find and is not widely known. Resources for people who have been emotionally or sexually exploited in psychotherapy or other healthcare setting; The Cult Next Door by Elizabeth Burchard and Judith Carlone. Synopsis: At 17, Elizabeth attended a therapy session where the practitioner regaled her with prophetic visions of a glorious future, hers to claim beside him. Over the next decades, this master at manipulating metaphysical concepts organized a small dedicated band. Among brainwashed minds fused with New Age doctrine, Elizabeth sank into despair. From the gullibility that led her astray, to the enlightenment that freed her, you will travel an incredible journey. For anyone who has ever been trapped by a person who would not let them go, within this book lies a message of hope. The Forgiveness Project is an award-winning, secular organisation that collects and shares real stories of forgiveness to build understanding, encourage reflection and enable people to reconcile with the pain and move forward from the trauma in their own lives. Our exhibitions, events, and programmes use narrative learning techniques to present alternatives to cycles of conflict, violence, crime and injustice. This website is a repository for Documents written by former followers of a worldwide, non-denominational Christian church/fellowship which claims to take no name. Common nicknames for this church are: The Truth, The Meetings, The Way, Friends and Workers Fellowship, Two-by-Twos, 2x2s, Cooneyites, The Fold and others. To read the compelling story a woman born and raised in this group see: Exit Letters Over the past five decades, immigration has dramatically changed the religious landscape of the United States. Today, the encounter of people of different religious traditions takes place in our own cities and neighborhoods. In 1991, the Pluralism Project at Harvard University began a pioneering study of America's changing religious landscape. Through an expanding network of affiliates, we document the contours of our multi-religious society, explore new forms of interfaith engagement, study the impact of religious diversity in civic life, and contextualize these findings within a global framework. [research] We look at all of the trends within evangelical Christianity, along with other stories and trends that impact the faith. We have become quite interested in church conflict, spiritual abuse, and hyper-authoritarian polity. We are equal opportunity offenders and do not emphasize one denomination over another. Spiritual abuse with a special interest in the Christian fundamentalist patriarchy movement. Voices for Dignity, Inc.™ is a non-profit organization founded to speak out against the abuse, exploitation, oppression and humiliation of human beings, to help the victims heal, to empower the survivors, and to restore their sense of dignity. To accomplish our goals, we put a strong emphasis on the power of proper storytelling. Specifically, we empower survivors of patriarchal polygamy, cults, ecclesiastical abuse, human trafficking, prostitution, rape, cyberbullying, media humiliation and other forms of trauma, including psychological violence. Watchman Fellowship is an independent Christian research and apologetics ministry focusing on new religious movements, cults, the occult and the New Age. David Henke founded Watchman Fellowship in Columbus, Georgia in 1979. Today, Watchman Fellowship has grown to several offices in the United States. Watchman Fellowship serves the Christian and secular community as a resource for education, counseling, and non-coercive intervention and evangelism training. We accomplish these tasks through our church presentations, personal counseling, this website, and other activities. We have served almost every denomination including Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopal, Assemblies of God, Church of God, Lutheran, Nazarene, non-denominational, etc., as well as schools, law enforcement agencies, and civic groups. For over 25 years, Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center has provided outpatient counseling services for victims of spiritual abuse, psychological abuse, and toxic relationships in Southern Ohio. Since 1986, survivors have come from all over the globe to find respite and care through our specialized, research-based program. We offer hope and help through a program of counseling and education. We also offer phone consultations for therapeutic professionals and families, seminars, weekend educational workshops, conference presentations, and reference materials. Our treatment plan is a multifaceted approach. Clients receive daily counseling and educational workshops from gentle, licensed professionals who understand the manipulative dynamics behind exploitative groups and relationships. Wind of Changes, this public service website, is offered by former "instrument keepers" of the Gentle Wind Project (ex-members) to former and present followers and current "instrument keepers," as an alternative viewpoint to the GWP leaders' self-promotion, claims, and publicity. These detailed accounts of manipulation by GWP leaders -- who claim(ed) to have exclusive connections with the "spirit world" -- in the day-to-day lives of followers, and the subtleties of how commitment to the group happened, should also be helpful to families and friends of present members who are looking for answers, and to anyone searching for more information about the group. "The World Religions & Spirituality Project (WRSP) was established in 2010 at Virginia Commonwealth University. The mission of the WRSP is to provide objective, reliable and comprehensive information about the world's diverse array of religious and spiritual groups. The central feature of the WRSP website is, therefore, profiles of contemporary religious and spiritual movements, established world religions, and historical religious and spiritual movements. Wherever possible, profiles are prepared by scholars of record for the groups that they profile. Each profile includes a presentation of the group's history, distinctive beliefs, rituals, organization and leadership, and issues/challenges. Particularly with respect to newer groups, reliable information often is less accessible, and this website offers comprehensive, balanced information for religion scholars, students, media representatives and those with a personal interest in understanding the diversity of religious and spiritual alternatives in the contemporary world." [research] World-Wide Religious News was established as a non-profit service in 2002 committed to providing the international academic and legal community ease of access to up-to-date news on religion from around the world. Throughout history, religion has proved to be a central component of society and human experience, shaping how individuals think and interact with their society and culture, both in an immediate as well as global context. WWRN’s service provides a nexus to information that highlights the unique interplay of religion and society and how this impacts the world of today. [research]
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Sep 29, 2020 Oct 8, 2019 By Robert Dean The sound of Hank Williams breaks my heart. Every time I hear him, something inside shatters, no matter how happy or sad. His ghost haunts me. When I die, I hope my friends and family surround the jukebox, drunk, and sing along to “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry," which, to me, is the world's most perfect song. From heartache to the silence of the lost night, with the bottle in your hand, country music has a song for all of us – saints and sinners alike. If someone has stepped on your heart or made you fall in love with a bat of an eye, it's all there in the aural roux that was forged across the American landscape all those years ago. After binge-watching Ken Burns epic 16-hour Country Music documentary, I felt a sense of wholeness again, something that I'd been missing for a hot minute lately. To say the documentary affected me would be putting it lightly, at different times, I got choked up, laughed at stupid jokes and was thrown back into a well of youth I hadn't thought about in a long time. Seeing the Carter Family, The Judds, Buck Owens, and George Strait the memories of riding around on the back roads in Arkansas, swerving through pothole ridden streets in Chicago in my Grammie's 1994 Honda Accord, or just passing through my parent's garage as my dad wrenched on his Harley. I was excited for the event, I’d marked in my phone as something I needed to watch, but I never anticipated the emotional impact the series would have on me. Lately, my life has been a hurricane and this body of work felt familiar, something to cling onto. Despite knowing a major chunk of the music’s history, there was much to gush over, to fall in love all over again. It had been years since I listened to Roy Acuff, or looked up those Little Jimmy Dickens deep cuts. I forgot that when my grandfather died, we played Vince Gill’s “Go Rest High on That Mountain,” a song I generally avoid due to its absolute soul crushing beauty and sadness. Our parents raised us on the riffs of Black Sabbath, the ache of Muddy Waters, the twang of the Allman Brothers, and honesty of Willie Nelson. Growing up, we knew Conway Twitty just as well as the Black Crowes, and you best believe the jukebox in my grandparent's basement had some "Tulsa Time" by Don Williams. Despite being raised in Chicago, a significant portion of my family was southern, so I'd always had a foot in both worlds. My grandfather was from Bradford, Arkansas, while my Uncle Bruce and cousins lived on top of a mountain just outside of Knoxville, Tennessee. The static of a radio moving down the dial, finding some Dwight Yoakam in the middle of the night while rolling through quiet town on the way to visit family is a memory scorched. But then I discovered my own music. I liked rock and roll, grunge, and metal. I liked the honesty of Nirvana and Social Distortion, the rage of Pantera, and piling on to strangers in the middle of a hardcore pit, screaming my lungs out. That was my identity. I left country music behind, I was a kid from an urban area, how could I relate to country music, something my friends would never understand? It took Hank Williams to break everything down, to make me feel small. Around 20, I was cruising down a back road, listening to NPR, when a story came on about Hank, and it floored me. Everything I'd known about country music came back, but like a sledgehammer to the guts, it shattered the perceptions like a bad mirror. This wasn't the gross pop country of the day like Shania Twain, this was brutal, honest, and real. Hearing that voice, that song was as emotionally bellicose as anything Kurt Cobain howled about. Immediately, I raced to the computer, downloading everything off Limewire. I went to Borders and bought the biography of Hank and a "Best of" collection. From that moment on, I was rechristened back into the church of Hank, Cash, Willie, Waylon, Possum, and Merle. I didn't give a shit if my friends didn't understand the music. I was well on my path to diving deep into the artists, even my parents or grandparents didn't know. I wanted to learn as much as I could about Americana, bluegrass, and everything that wasn't flashy jeans or anything remotely pop. Country music has always had an in-fighting relationship toward itself considering guys like Townes Van Zandt and Porter Wagoner were around at the same time, but so were Johnny Cash and the Outlaws who finally found their voices in the 1970s. Country Music, tapped into a hundred-year history over 16 hours, and sure plenty of notable acts were left out, but you can't please everyone all of the time. (David Allan Coe is a racist piece of shit and doesn't deserve to be mentioned, no matter how many good songs he has.) I would have been cool to at least see a nod to Johnny Paycheck, if only for his story. While yes, the overbearing "Nashville sound" did begin to take shape in the late 1950s with its lush strings and pleasant tones, there was still darkness percolating on the edges of the music. Country Music tapped into my childhood, hearing songs from the Jimmie Rogers and the Carter Family, seeing footage of depression-era families surrounded by a Victrola, listening to the newest "hillbilly" recordings, made something I’d forgotten about inside my skeletal cage swell. I own my great-grandparents shellac records. My grandfather wanted me to have them before he died. Watching that footage, seeing the sinners baptized into the rivers of life, it all felt like a homecoming. What Ken Burns tapped into for a lot of people, not just me was giving the music, a sense of family, of purpose as a soundtrack to our memories. I dug those records out from the cardboard box I’ve kept them and looked at the worn labels from the 1930s and early 1940s - my tastes decades later aren’t too far off from people I know very little about other than I belong to them. But without a doubt, the two figures who loomed over the entire documentary were Hank Williams and Johnny Cash, two men steeped in a cloud of bleakness most of us will never understand. Cash might have made it for many years longer than ole' Hank, but he never lost his edge. Instead of appealing to new country music sensibilities, he converted millions of new listeners in the twilight of his career with a series of stripped-down recordings with Rick Rubin for the American Recordings. Willie was there, and so were his four walls that Faron Young made famous. We learned about the tragic death of Patsy Cline and Loretta Lynn's powerful message of individuality and freedom against the industry's wishes. Emmylou Harris got her due, as well as Bill Monroe and Flatt and Scruggs. Looking back at some of the themes present throughout the documentary, it’s crystal clear that Lorretta Lynn is not a woman you mess with. Dolly whips out this breakneck version of "Mule Skinner Blues" and it kills. There’s the saga of George and Tammy, drinking and fighting till their dying days. Charlie Pride, Kitty Owens, Ricky Skaggs, and Kathy Mattea all chime in on their experiences in Nashville, at the Opry and why the Ryman is the Mother Church. Who knew Carlene Carter was so magnetic on television, while Marty Stewart stole the show with his critical insight into the culture and the history and the music. Seeing the music come to life, hearing Dolly Parton wail out those hits, reminded me that she was my first crush, that I was into Garth Brooks at the same time I liked Nirvana after spending a summer in Arkansas with my grandparents. When I got back to Chicago, I promptly hid my cassette of Ropin' The Wind. According to the news, a ton of people are discovering the roots of country music, which is a good thing. When you're a die-hard fan of country music it gets exhausting having the same conversation over and over again with people, "I like Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings but hate the new poppy stuff." Trust me, there are two schools of thought when it comes to this: it's very much an us vs. them situation. Once you dig deep and grab those Bill Monroe records out of the dollar bin, you'll discover the Louvin Brothers and so on. There are a ton of current artists like Sturgill Simpson, Chris Stapleton, and Tyler Childers out there making the big noise, while smaller artists are carving up names for themselves in the honky tonks and bars everywhere. They're swinging, grooving and channeling those ghosts of old. Those are my people. One of the best stories about country music was back in the heyday of Bebop Jazz, Charlie Parker was standing in front of a jukebox pumping in nickels, playing Hank Williams and Roy Acuff. When one of his fellow musicians asked him what he saw in the music, he replied, "it's the stories, man." Sometimes, we all need to wrap our arms around the ghosts of the past, no matter how painful or sweet. There's a lot of love in those sepia tones, but also the technicolor of today, too. Charley Pride, Ray Charles, and all of those old school blues musicians have their fingerprints on the success and soul of the music and it was only right to see that they were given their due. While rock and roll was lost in it’s own bullshit, country music moved on its own axis. Waylon was punk rock, defying a genre, asking his peers, "Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way" while Jeannie C. Riley's "Harper Valley PTA" and Kitty Wells "It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels" shoved it right back to the men who treated so many women like second-class citizens. "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" acts as a conduit between worlds, emotions, and generations, showing that a song about death can connect us all, no matter who's singing it. And of course, my favorite song of all time, Hank Williams' "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" stands as some of the most exquisite poetry the genre ever produced. For almost two decades, I've been chasing after a man that's been dead for sixty-six years. I even have his face tattooed on my left wrist. Now, at thirty-eight, my cowboy boots are scuffed and worn. I've lived in the south for over a decade, and the obsession with the music hasn't changed. I'm thankful Ken Burns came along and gave us this newest masterpiece dedicated to one of the most significant American art forms. Now, it should be our mission to spread the word of all of these new musicians and move them into the collective conscious to be front and center, where they deserve to be.
{ "date": "2022-05-28T07:22:35Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652663013003.96/warc/CC-MAIN-20220528062047-20220528092047-00220.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9726128578186035, "token_count": 2391, "url": "https://www.farcethemusic.com/search/label/The%20Carter%20Family" }
Capricorn - Aries Zodiac Compatibility Know all about capricorn man and aries woman zodiac compatibility. How compatible is a guy with Capricorn zodiac sign and a girl with Aries sign? Love, relationship, family, work report of capricorn & aries zodiac signs. All about Capricorn Aries compatibility. Nature of Relationship: Few compromises can make this relationship do wonders for Aries female and Capricorn male. Both of these people have different approaches to life, but overall they want the same thing. Aries woman want the Capricorn man to take risks in life as she does. But Capricorn man is resistive to impulsive behavior and will go at a steady pace. Aries (F) – Capricorn (M) Characteristic traits Aries woman unlike other females is a fierce competitor and a terrible enemy. At times she can get showy with a boastful spirit. But this deviation from a good behavior can be balanced by the down to earth attitude of her male counterpart, the Capricorn man. Aries (F) – Capricorn (M) Sex & Marriage Capricorn male will not be stimulated at the same level as Aries woman would be. And Aries woman must not try to do so even. She should just let the sensuousness of her persona cast a spell on her male Capricorn. Aries (F) – Capricorn (M) Family & children Aries woman will do things which are best for the instantaneous moment but Capricorn man will think of long term gains. Any of these approaches will ensure a good future of their kids. Also both of them are sensible enough to maintain peace in their household. Aries (F) – Capricorn (M) Friendship Aries female wants to dominate in the friendship but Capricorn male is his own ruler. Still there will be enough appreciation for each other’s psychologies. Their friendship is as unique as Aries female and Capricorn male are. Aries (F) – Capricorn (M) at Work Aries female will undertake risks quite confidently but the Capricorn man will always guide her not to do so. In case anything goes wrong, the Aries woman is always free to approach the Capricorn man.
{ "date": "2022-05-16T21:46:03Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662512249.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20220516204516-20220516234516-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9366080164909363, "token_count": 488, "url": "https://www.love-meter.net/zodiac-compatibility/capricorn-aries.html" }
Mousse-textured face mask cools & uplifts tired, visibly stressed skin – the perfect skin treat after a long & busy day! WHY IS IT SPECIAL Calms skin irritated by prolonged exposure to environmental stress Powder-to-mousse formula has active ingredients that deliver cellular-level hydration De-stresses skin & protects it from further damage HOW DOES IT WORK FOR ME Poly Marines, a unique marine ingredient derived from Red Algae, is bioactivated upon contact with skin; softens & moisturises skin Extracts derived from Giant Brown Algae replenishes skin's lost minerals after an entire day's hustle Aloe Vera actives tend to skin fatigue & rejuvenate a tired complexion GIVE ME MORE! Convenient, no-mess & no-drip sorbet texture Fun to prepare – powder formula absorbs 20x its volume in water to transform into fresh, jelly-like mousse Delivers an instant cooling sensation to skin Actives sourced from the exotic underwaters of Normandy, France Makes skin softer & more supple Lightweight & gentle on skin Dull, lifeless skin Skin showing early signs of ageing People with an unhealthy lifestyle (poor eating & sleeping habits) WHAT DOES IT NOT DO Does not dry out like clay masks Does not stretch your skin like peel-off masks Not ideal for angry, irritated skin. Instead, try our Calming Mousse Mask – a mousse-textured formula that soothes tired or distressed skin HOW TO USE Sprinkle 1 sachet's contents evenly over 20ml of lukewarm water. Let it swell for a few seconds before mixing with a spatula until the mask becomes light & airy. Apply evenly over face & neck with a brush or fingertips. Can be rinsed-off with water OR leave it to be fully absorbed into the skin Free Delivery on orders above ₹450 HOW TO USE Start with 40ml of cold water in a glass/plastic bowl Sprinkle the powder formula across the water surface (like salt over food) Empty the sachet and let it swell on its own for a minute Once the mousse is ready, apply on your face and neck using your fingers Leave it on for 15 minutes, gently massage the mousse on your skin before rinsing off with water Must Read: Never skip a patch test. Discontinue in case of skin irritation in eyes, immediately wash with water. Not suitable for highly sensitive skin & children. What’s In It? Polymarines:Moisturises & softens skin Sea Buckthorn Oil: Protects skin from premature ageing Aloe Vera :Has exemplary moisturising & healing abilities Durvillea Antarctica:: Protects skin from cellular ageing Frequently asked questions What is a mousse mask? No less than a masking revolution! An innovative formula that transforms from powder into a fresh jelly mousse when mixed with water, think of this as your own little magic show. It's jelly-like non-drip texture feels cool and uber-light on your skin. Available in a 1 gm sachet that can be easily prepared at home or carried on holidays without any hassles. What are the benefits of using this mask? Oh, multiple things! Apart from the fact that this anti-inflammatory mask contains polymarines (derived from marine algae) that cool and soothe skin agitated by environmental pollution, it also restores good minerals and aids in skin regeneration. Is this a clay mask? Nope. It's a unique powder formula that turns into fresh jelly mousse when mixed with water. It contains polymarines derived from Marine Algae whose anti-inflammatory benefits calm stressed skin. How is it different from a clay mask? As the name suggests, a clay mask contains clay as its main ingredient. Primarily why they tend to cement your skin and need extra effort while rinsing off. On the other other, the DoYou Calming Mousse Mask promises you a relaxing experience where the superlight jelly texture does not dry or suffocate your skin and rinsing off is anything but a struggle. Moreover, it has actives derived from marine algae that offer anti-inflammatory benefits to soothe skin agitated by environmental factors. How is it different from a sheet mask? Let's all admit it, sheet masks are messy. More often than not, the sheet isn't cut out correctly for your face and you've got serum every where whie trying to fix it. Good thing, the DoYou Calming Mousse Mask knows nothing of that mess. Preparing it is super easy and so damn fun. Plus, its non-drip jelly texture contours to your face and doesn't interfere with anything that you might wanna do during your masktime. To add to that, it offers a cooling sensation that stays for as long as the mask is on. Before rinsing, remember to massage the jelly mousse onto your skin for a little extra benefit! What does this mask do? Oh, multiple things! Apart from the fact that this anti-inflammatory mask cools and soothes skin that's agitated by environmental pollution, it also restores good minerals and aids in skin regeneration. How does this mousse mask feel on the skin? Expect your skin to feel cool as long as the mask is on. Plus, the fact that its non-drip jelly texture lets you multitask without a care in the world is the best thing Does it reduce pigmentation? Nope. This mask is intended to soothe and calm your skin, thanks to its anti-inflammatory benefits. Does this mask provide tightening feel on drying up? Not at all! There are zero chances of a tightening or drying effect even if you leave it on for more than 20 minutes. Keep calm and let the calming mask soothe your skin! I have always considered face masks to work on tightening, nourishing skin and as defense against ageing, spots and pigmentation etc. So, when I gave this super smooth textured mask, I was not prepared how good it felt to have something so gentle soothe your skin. The preparation and application is easy. No mess, no drips. Removal was also simple and it left my face fresh, renewed like how your body feels after a massage.¬† Thanks for the amazing review, we love that you've enjoyed the complete experience of the product. it's a fun to watch the powder transform into a mousse This face mask is so unique - it's a fun to watch the powder transform into a mousse within seconds! And then, the mask itself is so cooling...perfect foil to a long, tiring day. I strongly recommend it. Thanks for your feedback, glad you're enjoying the product. Destresses me almost instantly This is such a calming face mask, I look forward to rushing home after a stressed workday and getting on with this fun ritual. Thanks for your feedback, it's great that you're enjoying the expereince. In our quest to embrace self-care, face masks have proved to be a real winner. But what if we told you that they are more than just a fad? From exfoliating, soothing to hydrating and nourishing, this product is a true all-rounder—just what every busy woman needs. Thought face masks are only meant to be the highlight of your weekend pamper routine? Think again. When used correctly, your masking routine can do so much more than just letting you enjoy your me-time better. Well, we’ve listed down everything that your masktime should do. Period.
{ "date": "2022-05-26T05:26:59Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662601401.72/warc/CC-MAIN-20220526035036-20220526065036-00020.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9198675155639648, "token_count": 1670, "url": "https://doyoubeauty.com/collections/face-masks/products/calming-mousse-mask" }
Carole, Ellyn, Charlene, Sydney, Tyra, Marty, Terri, Vicky, Pat, Karen It was a hot day in Central Florida, but we had enough fun to make up for it. This was a great group of woman who created some fabulous work. I’m always inspired by the diversity of the pieces. Even though we all start at the same place we end up with such different creations, it’s a joy to witness. Most of these shape were created with Barbara McGuire’s Antique Door Plate stamps. You can purchase them from me, just leave a comment on this post if you’re interested. Here are the works of art in the order of the stairs ….. pendants first. Carole wanted a blue surround and made quick work of putting together blue canes for her soulful girl. Love her eyes. Ellyn and I are on the same wave length, I love mermaids and this one is going to be such fun to wear. Charlene freehanded this cool ribbon cat and step away from the rest of the group with a gold surround for her face. Charlene is President of the Orlando Area Polymer Clay Guild that sponsors the Fandango retreat. You should think about attending next year. Okay, so Sydney just kept adding until hers is now too big to wear and is going to grace the front of a journal. A mixture of canes and ink and markers, can you tell which is which? Can’t wait to see the finished piece. Sydney is involved in the Florida Gulf coast Polymer Clay Guild, if you live in that area you should check it out. Tyra created her own drawing of this interesting mythical character and we were all impressed. Lots of wonderful detail. Marty kept saying she couldn’t draw and didn’t like her pendant at first, but by the end of the class she walked out with it around her neck. I think she was mistaken about the drawing part. Marty is owner of Beads, F.O.B., Inc. in Sarasota. If you’re over that way stop in and tell her and Karen I said hi. I don’t have a pendant picture for Terri. Terri, if you have a picture send it to me….. please. Vicky created these fabulous faces on her own shapes. I just love the colors and her imagination. Vicky has a website with more of her beautiful work displayed. Pat outlined her face in red, a great accent against the black. Fun! Love those lips. Now Karen’s face is right up my alley too. It’s strange and funky, and yes very cool, I love that. Terri created this sweet girl and used her imagination to cover a mistake in coloring. I know she’s going to love wearing this bracelet. Carole combined the pen and ink with a hair cane to come up with this unique bracelet. There is three different faces, it’s really cool. Ellyn has three faces on her bracelet as well. I love the softness of this face and the coloring of the hair. She emailed me the next day saying she wore it home and it made her smile. YES!!! that’s my goal, so mission accomplished. Ellyn works at the Vero Beach Museum of Art, check out what they have to offer. Not everyone finished their bracelets in class but will finished them at home I hope. Send me pictures everyone. Thanks to Sydney for taking pictures of everyone work, I had to borrow some of hers. She also has an album she created. Take a look.
{ "date": "2015-03-27T05:13:41Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131295084.53/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172135-00269-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9660181999206543, "token_count": 773, "url": "http://polymerclayetc.com/?m=201106" }
This criticism reflects the woman’s point of view, and was probably intended to justify it. It does not follow that the author would not, in another dramatic mood, have justified the man, in his more practical estimate of the situation. Mr. Browning’s poetic self is, however, expressed in the woman’s belief: that everything which disturbs the equal balance of human life gives a vital impulse to the soul. The stereotyped completeness of the lower existences supplies him here also with a warning. The title of “BIFURCATION” refers to two paths in life, followed respectively by two lovers whom circumstances divide. The case is not unusual. The woman sacrifices love to duty, and expects her lover to content himself with her choice. Why not, she thinks? She will be constant to him; they will be united in the life to come. And meanwhile, she is choosing what for her is the smoother and safer path, while for him it is full of stumbling-blocks. Love’s guidance is refused him, and he falls. Which of these two has been the sinner: he who sinned unwillingly, or she who caused the sin? We feel that Mr. Browning condemns the apparent saint. “PISGAH SIGHTS. I.” depicts life as it may seem to one who is leaving it; who is, as it were, “looking over the ball.” As seen from this position, Good and Evil are reconciled, and even prove themselves indispensable to each other. The seer becomes aware that it is unwise to strive against the mixed nature of existence; vain to speculate on its cause. But the knowledge is bittersweet, for it comes too late. “PISGAH SIGHTS. II.” is a view of life as it might be, if the knowledge just described did not come too late; and shows that according to Mr. Browning’s philosophy it would be no life at all. The speaker declares that if he had to live again, he would take everything as he found it. He would neither dive nor soar; he would strive neither to teach nor to reform. He would keep to the soft and shady paths; learn by quiet observation; and allow men of all kinds to pass him by, while he remained a fixture. He would gain the benefit of the distance with those below and above him, since he would be magnified for the one class, while seen from a softening point of view by the other. And so also he would admire the distant brightness, “the mightiness yonder,” the more for keeping his own place. If seen too closely, the star might prove a glow-worm. Those of Mr. Browning’s poems which are directly prompted by thought have their counterpart in a large number which are specially inspired by emotion; and must be noticed as such. But this group will perhaps be the most artificial of all; for while thought is with him often uncoloured by feeling, he seldom expresses feeling as detached from thought. The majority, for instance, of his love poems are introduced by the
{ "date": "2016-07-25T09:09:13Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257824217.36/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071024-00173-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9817712306976318, "token_count": 657, "url": "http://www.bookrags.com/ebooks/14498/138.html" }
Leah spends some time with a previously unknown quantity and learns a little about herself and others. 1. Chapter 1 Rating 0/5 Word Count 2448 Review this Chapter Disclaimer: Ms Meyers and her various book publishers and film production associates own all. I own my own imagination, poor grammar and very little else. ‘What’s up with her?’ Leah asks, totally baffled about why Emily would run out of her dress fitting in tears. ‘This isn’t as easy for her as you think Leah.’ Kim responds quietly, still garbed in the pale lemon bridesmaid dress she’d been trying on. ‘What’s so difficult about trying on wedding meringues?’ the taller girl demands, furious that anyone could seriously think this was hard for the girl who’d stolen her happily ever after. ‘You really think it’s that easy to be an imprint?’ the normally quiet girl questions. ‘I can’t wait to see how you react to it.’ Ignoring Kim’s implication of an imprint for her, Leah sits down opposite the younger girl. ‘What could possibly be so damn hard about having a guy who adores you? Who hangs on your every word like you’re the center of the universe?’ Leah scoffs bitterly. ‘It’s not all hearts and flowers Leah.’ The small brunette sighs tiredly and for the first time since they were properly introduced Leah notices how withdrawn Kim truly appears. ‘I’ve broken up with Jared three times since you left the Pack you know.’ she says, finally lifting her head to look the older girl in the eye. ‘I didn’t know that.’ Leah admits, a little sad that she is so out of touch with her old Pack mates, but mostly just stunned by what Kim has just told her. The idea that Jared and Kim could possibly be having problems is really quite difficult to wrap her head around. Aside from Sam and Emily they were the most settled couple in the Pack. The plain girl had been half in love with Jared long before he’d imprinted on her and Leah had always thought (somewhat uncharitably) that Kim had just been grateful that someone as good looking as Jared had even noticed her. ‘Why?’ she blurts before her brain can catch up with her mouth. ‘He’d do anything for you.’ ‘Anything but the one thing I want him to do.’ Kim replies quietly, so sad and tired that Leah truly feels bad for her. ‘What is it you want him to do?’ she asks. ‘I want him to love me.’ Kim replies simply. Leah shakes her head, unable to understand. ‘He adores you Kim.’ ‘Because he has to, not because he wants to.’ This Leah can understand. She’s always thought that imprinting was something like a prison sentence for the wolf; she’d just never thought that it might be like that for their imprint too. She’s not sure what she should say now, so long out of female company has dulled her sympathy instinct and she was never great at it to start with. She was just lucky that she had someone as understanding as Emily as her best friend. That pulls her thoughts down the hall, where she is sure her cousin is still crying. It’s an uncomfortable notion so she turns her attention back to the other imprint in the room. ‘So you broke up with him huh?’ ‘Three times now.’ Kim responds dully. Leah can’t imagine how hard that must have been for Jared. He may not be her favorite person, but he’s not a bad guy and she really feels for him right now. ‘How did he take it?’ she has to ask. ‘Not well.’ The younger girl replies. ‘He just wouldn’t accept it. He followed me everywhere and he just wouldn’t give up. In the end I even tried dating someone else.’ The female wolf winces, sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that that did not go down well. Wolves weren’t just protective, but possessive too. ‘I bet he took that well.’ She snorts. ‘He nearly phased in front of my date.’ Kim grins back ruefully. Leah’s mouth falls open in shock. Aside from Jacob, Jared had been the pack member who’d coped with controlling his phasing the best. Pretty laid back for a teenaged boy, he hadn’t had that much of a temper to have to control to begin with. He’d had to have been seriously upset to almost phase in front of a civilian. ‘Yeah, Sam pretty much begged me to take Jared back after that. I got a nice long lecture from the Elders about how lucky I was to be an imprint and how important it was to the tribe for us all to keep ‘the secret’ too.’ ‘So you can’t leave him even if you don’t love him?’ Leah asks, horrified and astonished that the council would put so much pressure on an eighteen –year-old girl. Kim smiles sadly at her and shakes her head, her waist length tresses falling around her small frame. It’s the first time Leah has seen her with it out of the braided bun she normally scrapes it into and she’s green with envy. She’d love to grow her hair out that long. ‘It’s because I love him that I wish I could leave him Leah.’ She insists sadly. ‘I don’t get it.’ She understands that Kim had wanted Jared to notice her before he imprinted on her, hell the girl had had a crush on him for forever, but she cannot understand why that would cause her to want to give him up now that she has him. Kim sighs and stands up, pulling off the chiffon confection and yanking back on her jeans and tank top, surprising Leah with her lack of self consciousness. She goes to the fridge and comes back with a beer for them both before settling on the rug opposite Leah’s position on the sofa. ‘He told me loved me for the first time after he and Sam and the Elders had sat me down and explained the whole werewolf/imprint thing. He kept going on and on about how relieved he was that he could tell me everything and then he told me that he loved me. And all I could think was that our whole relationship was a lie. He’d never have noticed me if he hadn’t phased and I would still have just been that mousy nerd in Jared’s English class that Paul used to tease for having a crush on him. We went for a walk along the beach away from the bonfire and he kept smiling and telling me that imprinting was the best thing that ever happened to him and it was all I could do to keep from throwing up. I don’t even remember getting home that night, but the first thing I did the next morning was come here and ask Sam how to break the imprint. I think I might have lost my mind if it hadn’t been for Emily then. Sam was horrified and furious that I could even think about it and Jared wouldn’t let me out of his sight in case I tried to leave La Push. I couldn’t tell my family or my friends and she was the only person I could talk to that didn’t think that me just considering wanting to break the imprint was some form of sacrilege. You have no idea how it feels to go to bed every night with the man that you love knowing that he would never be there if he had a choice Leah and I hope you never do.’ Kim gets up, sets down her beer and follows the sound of Emily’s tears down the hall, leaving Leah to her disturbed thoughts. She actually feels kind of sick now too after listening to that. At least while she’d been with Sam she’d never had any doubts that he’d truly loved her. She can’t imagine what it must be like to be in Kim’s shoes and finds that she has developed a whole new respect for her. The girl had always been so easily overlooked; plain, bookish and shy and always apparently content to be at the side of the older, better looking Jared Tala. Leah guessed that in hindsight it wouldn’t have been easy to miss the fact that Kim’s smile never quite reached her eyes, hidden as they were behind the girl’s glasses. Her eyes always looked small behind her spectacles, but when she’d removed them during the dress fitting they were far prettier than Leah had thought; big and dark and doe-like. And having just seen her strip off, she knows that the girl has a nicer body than her usually baggy clothes suggest. The thoughts weird her out some, but being the only female in a Pack full of boys, she has grown used to seeing certain females from a different perspective. In some cases it’s manageable and can in fact provide fantastic teasing material. She’d once spent two straight weeks winding Jared up about his obsession with Kim’s boobs and seeing just how far she could push Jake about Paul boffing his sister. But god knows she’d happily bleach her brain to get rid of the dream she’d once had, courtesy of her idiot Alpha, of kissing Bella bloody Swan. This shift in perspective and her new found respect for his imprint make her think that Jared is really the lucky one. Sure Kim is no Rosalie Hale, but she is attractive in her own unassuming way. The girl is smart too. Smart enough to be two years younger than them but still have been in a lot of the same classes as Paul and Jared. If Sam’s right and this imprinting thing is all about finding the best possible mate to pass on your DNA with, then she can definitely understand why fate would choose Kim for Jared. Poor Jared, as awful as this whole deal is for Kim, it can’t be too easy for him either. Just because he’d been too young and dumb to see past the glasses and conservative clothes of the shy girl next to him in class to the young woman beneath it all, he now had more heartache than he could ever have imagined. The idea of imprinting on someone who may never truly believe that you love them is just awful and she is just thinking about it in relation to her own imprint problems when Jared enters the house calling for his girl. ‘Kim? You here babe?’ He spots Leah still standing in her bridesmaid dress and smiles in greeting. He really is one of the best looking men she has met Leah muses as he spots Kim stepping out of Emily’s bedroom and just lights up at the sight of her. ‘Hey Leah, nice boots, you wearing them to the wedding?’ he teases, pointing to the rain boots she forgot to take off before pulling on her own chiffon confection. The back of Kim’s hand carefully connects with his abs in admonishment as Leah flips him the finger and the two girls grin at one another. Jared rolls his eyes at them both as he tugs his girl into his embrace. ‘You ready to go babe?’ he asks as Kim steps away a moment later and begins gathering her things to leave. ‘Yeah, just give me a minute.’ She answers, shooting a glance Leah’s way. ‘I’ll go start the truck. See you around Lee.’ He replies. Then he is gone, out into the daily Washington drizzle and she is alone with his mate once more. ‘She misses you.’ Kim begins without preamble, surprisingly direct for someone she always thought so shy. But then if today has taught Leah anything, it’s that things aren’t always as simple as they appear on the surface. Her gaze narrows in place of a reply, not sure where Kim is going with this. ‘God knows Leah if anyone got the short shrift from this imprinting thing it was you. But it hasn’t been that great for the rest of us wolf girls either. I lost any chance I had of Jared wanting me for me, Rachael gave up some great career opportunities to be with Paul and Claire may never have the chance to be anything but Quil’s imprint.’ Leah smirks at the thought that even considerate little Kim hasn’t included Jacob’s little freak in their exclusive imprint club. ‘Rachael and I may be her friends, but you’re her sister in her heart and really only you can help her with what she’s going through right now.’ Not sure she should speak in case something nasty comes out on reflex; Leah merely inclines her head for her to continue. ‘Emily may be the one marrying Sam Leah but he truly loved you of his own free will long before he ever imprinted on her. Don’t you think it’s never crossed her mind that he’d still rather be with you if he had had a choice?’ The words are like a sucker punch in the gut and Leah suddenly finds it hard to breathe, but not for the reasons she thinks she should be upset. She thinks she should be furious at Kim for bringing up the idea that she and Sam could be together if he had a choice. Instead she finds that her pain is really for the girl she has always loved as a sister. Before she can get over the shock she is being hugged and Kim is whispering in her ear to go talk to Emily and telling her to say hi to Embry for her. Not sure whether she should be more shocked by Kim’s brave attempt at affection with someone as acerbic as her or her knowledge of the unexpected developments between she and her Pack mate she nods and carefully squeezes her back. Then she is numbly watching brave little Kimber Siletz step out of the house and into the waiting arms of her wolf. She grins mulling over how much she has learnt about her fellow wolf girl today, amazed that the girl she had always thought so timid had such serious balls. But then being the mate of a guy who’s over six and a half feet, built like a body builder and can turn into a giant wolf when upset would likely dull the fright reflex of even the most timid little mouse. Plus, she’s seen inside Jared’s head and even she would find him dominant and demanding, Kim had to be pretty damn strong to cope with that crap. She hears movement from Emily’s room and turns resolutely toward it. Her sister needs her. All of the drama and the pain caused by the imprints, both Sam’s and now her own matter little in the face of that fact. It’s time to face the future and let go of the all the rest. It’s about time she got her sister back. Besides, if no one else is going to do it Leah needs to berate Em’ about the awful colour of her bridesmaids dresses. This club of theirs is small and they all need to play their part if they are to survive being wolf girls.
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- I AM WHAT I AM Michael Van Why and Stephan Walsh in 'La Cage.' Appearances can be deceiving. In Cinnabar Theater’s dramatically grounded, musically joyous production of La Cage Aux Folles, the opening anthem, "I Am What I Am," is presented as a celebration of the art of female impersonation, a chorus of sexy, shimmying men in dresses singing the words, “I am what I am, and what I am is an illusion.” As directed by Sheri Lee Miller, what’s often staged as an over-the-top spectacle of gender-bending farce and envelope-pushing comedy is revealed as the moving, honest, detailed love story that always existed below the wigs, high heels, feathers and glitter. By anchoring the comedy in clear, recognizable believability, and by keeping the motivations of the characters away from the trap of outsized caricature, Miller—who also serves as choreographer and costumer, with assistance in the latter from Clay David—establishes a rich, gradually escalating sense of emotional risk as these very real people bump, bruise, hurt, heal and, ultimately, love each other. The nightclub of the title, La Cage Aux Folles—roughly translated as “Birds of a Feather”—is a cabaret on the French Riviera where the nightly stage show features a chorus of spectacular drag queens, with headliner ZaZa the most popular and famous gay performer on the Riviera. ZaZa is the stage name of Alban (Michael Van Why, spectacular, hilarious and moving), who for 20 years has raised a son with his longtime lover Georges, the boy’s biological father (an equally splendid Stephan Walsh, spot-on and marvelous). When their son, Jean-Michel (Kyle Stoner) arrives with news that he is engaged to the daughter of a French politician committed to shutting down all of the gay cabarets in the city, an escalating series of farcical plots is concocted to convince the in-laws that Alban and George are not what they really are. What begins as two gay men pretending to be straight quickly becomes . . . well, something else entirely, as Alban and Georges improvise their way through a very long dinner party. Ultimately, each member of this affectionately eccentric family has a chance to rediscover and reaffirm his or herself—also rediscovering the love that holds them together—all while dancing their way through some pleasingly eye-popping song-and-dance numbers that show off Miller’s facility for staging everything from jazzy tap-dance numbers to a truly sultry tango. The multiple Tony-winning 1983 musical was created by Jerry Herman and Harvey Fierstein, adapting a 1973 French stage play by Jean Poiret which itself inspired a series of popular French movies (along with the poorly received Americanized version The Birdcage, in 1996). The tuneful musical, with spirit-lifting songs that may end up battling in your head as the most likely to make you hum out loud, is often played as pure camp, a safe but unsatisfying approach to a show with so much built-in humanity and genuine heart. The tight six-piece band, under the musical direction of Mary Chun, handles the difficult score with feisty aplomb. Under Miller’s guidance, the cast meets the challenge of keeping everything real, while not missing the opportunities for bust-out-loud comedy and outrageous surprises. As Jean-Michel, Stoner handles the difficult task of making his character understandable and still likable, even when asking his parents to deny who they are in order to impress the father of the woman he loves. As Anne, Audrey Tatum is appealingly besotted with her fiancée, and as her parents, the stiffly straight-laced Monsieur and Madame Dindon, Stephen Dietz is delightfully prunish and Madeleine Ashe shows the carefree naughty-girl hiding beneath her conservative surface. Some of the show’s funniest moments come from James Pelican as Jacob, Alban’s faithful butler-maid-confidante, who dreams of getting a chance to step into the nightclub’s star-making spotlight. As the club’s beautifully bitchy chorus dancers, aka the Cagelles, J. Anthony Favalora, Jean-Paul Jones, Quinn Monroe, Valentina Osinski, and Zack Turner all shine. Ely Lichenstein, Clark Miller and Valentina Osinski all have their own moments, with Osinski also stepping in as one of the Cagelles. The deceptively complex set, with hanging panels that instantly change the set from the front of the La Cage stage to backstage, is by David Lear, and Wayne Hovey does nice work with the mood-setting light design. But the most dazzling onstage effects come from Alban and Georges, whose rocky but real relationship stands at the center of the whole undertaking. Georges’ affection for Alban is obvious, and when Alban takes his own turn with the song "I Am What I Am," the wounded-but-proud emotional electricity Van Why generates as he sings “I am what I am, and what I am needs no excuses,” the moment is as complex and rich and raw as any speech by Arthur Miller or David Mamet. La Cage Aux Folles is what it is—one of the best, most life-affirming musicals to appear onstage this season. Rating (out of five): ★★★★½
{ "date": "2016-07-23T21:15:36Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257823670.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071023-00059-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9499300718307495, "token_count": 1173, "url": "http://m.bohemian.com/northbay/not-a-drag/Content?oid=2502139" }
The air is hot and humid in the Portland Building's dimly lit second-floor auditorium. A mix of flannel-clad twentysomethings, long-haired retirees and fussy neighborhood-watch types have filled the space, spilling into the aisles where some sit cross-legged on the floor with messenger bags in their laps. They're here to learn more about Occupy Portland: How it started, what it means and, perhaps most important, where it's going. It has been about 48 hours since the last vestiges of the encampments in the parks across the street were torn down, with cops and city workers carting off wet nylon by the truckload and encircling the dead leaves with barbed-wire-topped fencing. Tonight's program is a 90-minute "teach-in" presented by the Dill Pickle Club—a city club for the iPhone generation—and it features teachers, Occupiers and press. Veronica Dujon, a fortysomething Portland State University sociology professor with a tight brown turtleneck and lilting Caribbean accent, is the most engaging of the group. Veronica Dujon speaks at the 99% teach-in "People are responding in the way they know how to," she tells an enraptured crowd. "It happens in Argentina, it happens in Bolivia, it happens in Brazil...and every time it happens, those who would prefer the status quo or those who do not understand the movement are quick to try and contain it." After the presenters wrap up, a handful of audience members dart to a lonely microphone for the obligatory Q&A session. What happens, mostly, is bloviating—some of it passionate, some of it painfully disjointed. "I go to a health club where I had a screaming argument with [City Commissioner] Nick Fish once," says Jeremy, a stocky middle-aged agitator in stiff brown Carhartts pants who rambles on without asking a question. "Well, he didn't yell back, he just walked away." Suddenly, a well-curated teach-in becomes a microcosm for the same criticisms Occupy detractors love to point out: The movement's tent is too big, its fringe is too readily embraced. And now it has been evicted. In cities where Occupy is now less a physical presence than a collection of big ideas, some wonder where to look for the seeds of revolution that seemed to be sprouting two months ago. In Portland, it's not hard to find stories about regular people working to solve some of the problems that Occupy Portland spotlighted. Here are four of them. Burgerville's one-story headquarters in downtown Vancouver, Wash., looks like any other office building, save for the comically large knife and fork that serve as its front-door handles. Just through those doors, across from the desk of a bubbly receptionist, is an open office door belonging to Burgerville CEO Jeff Harvey. Harvey's close-cut hair, rosy cheeks and wide frame make him as unassuming and folksy as one of Burgerville's restaurants. But like Burgerville itself, Harvey's looks are deceiving. His admission that he's basically vegetarian—you've got to eat the odd hamburger to be the boss—is a bit more surprising. For 50 years, the family-run company has been inextricably linked to local farms and ranches. After all, its parent company, the Holland, started as a dairy. It wasn't until the '80s that then-boss Tom Mears gave the company an official mission: Serve With Love. The phrase can seem trite to those outside the company, but when Harvey came to Burgerville eight years ago, he realized how seriously the business took its mantra, which he's helped expand on. To that end, Burgerville—which has 38 locations in Oregon and Washington—offers its employees $15-a-month healthcare plans and plays local music in its restaurants. But perhaps most impressive is Burgerville's commitment to staying both green and local. The company has invested heavily in sustainability over the past decade, buying 100 percent of its energy from wind power, converting its cooking oil to biodiesel for its fleet of trucks, and investing in an elaborate in-restaurant composting program. (Burgerville's packaging is almost all compostable, though Harvey looks pained while addressing straws and salad-dressing packets.) The company's ingredients come almost exclusively from the Northwest, from hormone-free beef to cage-free hens: Even the dried cranberries it uses on its salads are from the Willamette Valley. Burgerville CEO Jeff Harvey talks sustainability in this company-produced 2010 video While there are financial benefits to being green—composting efforts, for example, save around $200,000 a year by reducing packaging and garbage-hauling fees—mostly it doesn't pencil out well. Burgerville is different because the yardsticks by which it measures success are different. The key to getting businesses to look beyond the basics has been "getting a business case that looked at all the potentials for benefit, as opposed to 'did it sell more burgers today?'" Harvey says. "That narrow look will never justify these sustainable approaches." Burgerville, which is privately held but has reported annual revenues of more than $60 million, has looked at the idea of offering shares to the public, but ultimately backed out because it wanted to retain control of the direction of the brand. Harvey uses the same sort of business vernacular to explain that he sympathizes with Occupy protesters. "The level of dissatisfaction is high across the board," he says. "That means wholesale change of social structures. I don't think we've got a model for that. I've long believed that business probably has a whole lot more to contribute to social solutions than government ever could. [But] how do you get businesses to talk about that with a conscience to the community and not the almighty dollar? I think the time is just about here." The assembly of notable Portland indie rockers—Coomes fronts Quasi, Morgan plays drums for Joanna Newsom and Bill Callahan, Blumberg has drummed for the Decemberists and M. Ward, and Schonberg plays with STLS and Kickball—will probably never take the stage together, but they did manage to build a website. That site, moveyourmoneyportland.com, has thus far gathered more than 150 digital pledges from bands, venues and individual members of the music community who have pledged to put their money in local banks or credit unions. The site doesn't give advice on which local banks or credit unions people should consider—but group members agree that removing funds from national banks is a good place to start. The widely circulated 2009 video made by Move Your Money advocates Inspired by the international Move Your Money movement—launched by the Huffington Post in 2009 and based in part by lessons from the film It's a Wonderful Life—these local musicians-turned-activists say it's not just about the pledges. By attaching their names and faces to money moving, the group hopes to develop a grassroots model that can spread. "Obviously there are people doing this exact same thing all around the world," says Morgan. "This is not a new idea, but we thought maybe this is a replicable model. The musicians do it in Portland, cool. Maybe the visual artists do it in Portland. Maybe the poets do it in Portland...I'm going to put some of the larger businesses in Portland on notice. We'll come knocking after this. Businesses that brand and advertise themselves as being community-focused and local, I'm going to ask them where they bank." Morgan may not have to do much persuading. Portland's Mississippi Studios, which put its name on the Move Your Money website, switched from Bank of America in 2008. "I would never go back in a million years," says Mississippi Studios founder Jim Brunberg. "Albina Bank doesn't have any of the hidden fees, and they call me if I'm stupid and about to bounce a check. As a small-business protector, they have made it possible for Mississippi Studios to weather the recession." The Thermals' Hutch Harris switched from Chase to Advantis Credit Union after Morgan contacted him, and his band is in the process of evaluating its local options. "It was something I just didn't know very much about," Harris says. "For the band, you want to make sure you can deposit money on the road, and that's where Chase was good. But I guess a lot of credit unions are linked together." Bands aren't the only entities evaluating where their money is kept. Taking a cue from the Occupy movement and similar legislation in Seattle, the City of Portland is considering a reassessment of its banking strategies. Occupy protesters should take credit (no pun intended) for the increased focus on banking politics, as well. "You need the demonstration to bring the attention and build the energy," Morgan says. "But you need things like this that are concrete. That's what [Occupy] did for me: It made me do the research." The first thing you notice about Right 2 Dream Too—especially if you spent any time at Occupy Portland's encampment—is just how tidy the place is. About 80 people stay here each night, in a half-block camp on the northeast corner of Northwest 4th Avenue and Burnside Street that spent its summer as an empty gravel parking lot. Now it's basically a high-functioning commune run by those without housing. Tents of all shapes and sizes sit in neat rows on wooden pallets. Perhaps unexpectedly, a camp that is self-monitored by Portland's homeless is far safer and cleaner than the political protest that famously attracted homeless campers. When Ibrahim Mubarak, who described himself over the phone as "the Muslim," appears on the street in front of Dream Too—where security plays pop songs from a cheap FM radio—his vague description makes more sense. The 55-year-old's eyes are hidden behind sunglasses, and his face is partially covered by a white headscarf that falls over a knit kufi skull cap. Over his shirt he wears a flowing, hand-stitched gray shawl. He offers a handshake and a warm smile that reveals a chipped silver front tooth. Mubarak and the other volunteers who keep this place running don't refer to the lot as a camp—Portland has strict, controversial anti-camping laws—but rather a "rest area" available for overnight stays. Right 2 Dream Too's guests adhere to a strict anti-drug and -alcohol policy while also contributing to the upkeep of the camp. Quiet time starts at 10 pm. These are decisions made to keep the space operating smoothly and to minimize criticism from local businesses and the City of Portland. Nevertheless, it would be hard to argue that Dream Too is legal under city law. It's also hard to argue that Dream Too isn't sorely needed. The Portland Housing Bureau counted 2,727 homeless living on the streets or in emergency shelters in January, with another 1,928 in transitional housing. Most were individual adults, but couples and families are a significant share. This place started with a joke. When embattled Old Town property owner Michael Wright told The Portland Tribune in June that he'd donate this lot to local nonprofit Dignity Village (a permanent Northeast Portland campsite that Mubarak co-founded), it came across as an empty threat; a middle finger to city officials who had fined him for hosting food carts on his property. But Mubarak saw the quote as an opportunity. So he called Wright. There are a number of important differences between Dream Too and the area's church-sponsored shelters. For one, campers can stay with their significant others or spouses. They are also allowed to bring pets. "Tenants," as Mubarak prefers to call them, say it's also more stringent. Fernando, 44, an ex-construction worker with leg injuries who stays at Dream Too with his girlfriend, says it was perfect for him. "It's very strict; it's stricter than shelters," he says. "But by the same token, you're a lot safer in the sense of your belongings and yourself. I think this is the best thing they could have done with this space." When the camp started coming together in early October, the community was quick to help: Tents and blankets came by way of donation. The ReBuilding Center on Mississippi Avenue donated dozens of doors, which provide privacy from busy Burnside Street. As they set up for the camp's Oct. 10 opening, the project's founders knew they ran the risk of being shut down quickly. Then, on Oct. 6, Occupy Portland happened. "We kinda went under the radar,â Mubarak says. Though some surrounding businesses complained to the city about Dream Too, the Occupy double standard paralyzed the city from taking action: If Portland was going to allow Occupy Portland protesters to camp in Lownsdale and Chapman squares-—public property—how could it throw out a quieter, more organized encampment on private property? Dream Too's founders say they've never had to call the police for help. When they found a single beer can in the portable toilet in October, organizers kicked everyone out of the camp temporarily. None of Dream Too's organizers see the camp as a long-term solution to homelessness in Portland. Rather, it's a visible reminder that the needs of the homeless are not being met. And for Mubarak, it's proving another point: "This shows that we can govern ourselves, we can be self-sufficient," he says. "Not only that we can do it, but we want to." We're on a light-blue bus named "Cool," which is being driven by an old hippie named Joe, who wears a sailor's cap like the one favored by Oregon's most famous revolutionary, Ken Kesey. Cool is taking 30 adults—among them a British graduate student, an ex-Evergreen State College professor, a twentysomething graphic designer and an adorable Japanese grandmother who speaks very little English—to look at trash. Yes, everyone here has paid $25 to take a school-style field trip to see giant heaps of stinking trash. The bus makes its way down a muddy gravel road to a composting center, Nature's Needs, which is in the midst of a makeover so it can house its piles of yard debris and zoo shit alongside rotting food from Portland's new residential composting program. The tour guide explains the subtle differences in pH levels between food waste and leafy waste when a white-haired woman from the tour raises her hand. "This has got to be the dumbest question ever, but...what's so unique about dog poop that it can't go near the food scraps?" she asks. Thomas chuckles at the question, but he can't seem to answer it. Will Elder, a smartly dressed business waste reduction planner at Metro, saves our guide from discomfort. "If you think about our human waste, it goes through a whole treatment process," Elder says. A handful of side conversations about feces ("keep in mind that herbivore poop is very different from omnivore poop and carnivore poop," one person insists) break out among the crowd, but the white-haired woman's curiosity hasn't been sated. "So what do I do with my dog poop?" she asks again. Believe it or not, this is civic engagement, brought to you by the Dill Pickle Club. The Dill Pickle Club's 2011 introductory video Marc Moscato, 35, might not have pictured elaborate conversations about poop when the then-unemployed University of Oregon graduate co-founded the organization ("with zero capital," he notes) in 2009. Still, Moscato—a slim, shy Portlander with Elvis Costello-style glasses—insists that asking dumb questions has always been part of the plan. "We're just as interested in these things as our members are," Moscato says. "I think, as humans, we should never stop learning." The Dill Pickle Club's stated mission is "broadening knowledge of Portland's past, present and future," and it tackles that mission by hosting lectures, organizing workshops and printing educational magazines and comic books. The Club hosts two or three events a month—recent tours included "How Does the River Work?â and âHow is Justice Served?â "People desire to connect with the place that we call home," says club organizer Amanda Miller. "And they desire to connect with people who have that same passion. We put that all together. And when you connect people, you build a stronger city." Nick Blackbourn, a 26-year-old Ph.D. candidate from the U.K. living in Portland, is one of those people. "I think it's important to understand how we're able to live where we live," he says. "Especially in today's world, where we forget what government does. It seems like a good time to see what's happening behind the scenes." The Dill Pickle Club's long-term plans include a storefront, more involvement in the public schools, and a smart-phone app that provides users with virtual tour guides for various Portland locales. All of the projects aim to give Portlanders a better sense of place. "The city doesn't have one history," Moscato says. "That's what makes any community great, is that there are many different stories and many different ways in which to see something." For Moscato, the Occupy protests represent living, breathing history in the making. "It has been amazing to watch the last few months unfold," he says. "It has made me think critically about the work we do here. Honestly, it has been very inspiring to see so many people talking about these issues of inequality. I know there are big questions about direction and focus, but I am really curious to see what direction it takes." So, too, were the people gathering at the Club's Occupy teach-in. No one knows yet, of course, but groups like the Dill Pickle Club and Move Your Money Portland, along with people like Jeff Harvey and Ibrahim Mubarak, are quietly helping chart the course.
{ "date": "2016-07-26T08:30:03Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257824757.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071024-00249-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9721511602401733, "token_count": 3802, "url": "http://www.wweek.com/portland/article-18259-progress_without_pepper_spray.html" }
Occasionally even a feminist manages a swiping glance at the truth. Naomi Wolf has a track record of immersing herself in a stinking pile of pretty lies, but her contention that widespread porn availability numbs men to the pleasures of “real women”* might have some merit. (*Translating from the femcuntspeak, “real women” = aging, slovenly lardasses.) A whole generation (or two) of men has grown up watching hot chicks have sex on the internet. Most of the girls in porn are better looking than the average fat American woman who couldn’t throw her cankles behind her ears if she tried. It’s not a stretch to think that such mass wanking to the top 10% in tight female bodies desensitizes men to sex with the rapidly dumpifying plain janes they meet in real life. Result: more pump and dumps as men feel less incentive to invest in these entitled shambling mounds. So a reasonable argument could be made that hardcore porn has raised men’s expectations beyond practicality. Or that it has sated their desire to the point that men lack the motivation to aggressively pursue real life shit-testing women. Ah, but as with so many theories propounded by feminists and family values conservatives, they utterly neglect to mention the role of female hypergamy and the effect that hypergamy has on women’s choices in the dating market. Remember the fundamental law of the sexual market: As the gatekeepers to sex, women get the men they deserve. If women are rewarding assholes and players with sex, then assholes and players are what men will emulate. But thankfully the world is blessed with the wit and wisdom — and the sadism to tell it like it is — of the Chateau. So you come here for the full truth, because you think you can handle it. And the truth is that modern women have been gluttonously absorbing their own version of expectation-raising and niceguy-desensitizing porn… A commenter writes: Women do have problems with false expectations of romance. Emotional pornography has really screwed with their heads. Think Lifetime channel movies. Bingo. Biologically, women don’t get off on visual porn the way men do. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have their own outlets for electrifying the beaver, or that they don’t avail themselves of these female-centric outlets with the same gusto that men do of theirs. Let’s get right to it. Women masturbate to words. To stories. Stories as told in movies, books and TV. These stories share common themes, often featuring the hard-to-get, aloof alpha male preselected by tons of attractive women, and the maladroit beta male to play the foil. The alpha male in women’s fantasies is outsized. His kind exists in extraordinarily tiny numbers in the real world. Which makes his grudgingly surrendered love that much the sweeter. Do not for a minute think men’s visual porn and women’s emotional porn aren’t comparable. They are exactly the same in purpose, and in function. Men jack off to YouPorn and women jack off to daydreams of Edward Cullen or Dr. McDreamy from Grey’s Anatomy. One inconsequential difference is that men’s jacking off is typically more physical in nature, with an unmistakeable denouement in ejaculation. Women, having a baseline hormonal horniness somewhat below that of men and being not quite as groin focused in their sexuality, express their jacking off in wistful, emotional mental journeys that occasionally culminate in vulval self-administration under the bedsheets late at night. The end result of all this jacking off to ideal virtual lovers is the same for women and men: raised expectations and disappointment with the real life alternatives. As most men are game-less herbs and provider betas, the explosion of emotional porn for women has indirectly caused the betas’ dating market value to drop, in the same way that YouPorn has caused the dating market value of average-looking, out of shape women to drop. The drop isn’t precipitous, because for most people bland but real sex still beats exciting but virtual sex. But the drop is enough to make a difference in the zeitgeist of the mating market, as well as within the quasi-confines of marriage. Naomi Wolf and Kay Hymowitz think they get a free pass to shame men for watching porn to the detriment of relationships with real women. *cracks knuckles* Here’s a roll call of the leading outlets of emotional porn numbing our nation’s women to sex and relationships with real, normal, niceguys: Sex and the City Anything on Lifetime Channel or WeTV Pretty much everything on the major networks in primetime Any big studio rom-com Twilight (books and movies) Any and all pulp romance novels Academy awards shows The entirety of the insipid celebrity culture American women, it’s time for you to woman up. Put down the celebrity rags and stop diddling the bean to the latest news about Jake Gyllenhaal’s love life. The future of your country rests on bringing your unrealistic ballooning expectations back down to earth, in line with what your flabby bodies, unfeminine personalities, galling sluttiness and crow’s feet actually offers men.
{ "date": "2016-07-26T08:23:53Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257824757.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071024-00249-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9407523274421692, "token_count": 1168, "url": "https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2011/02/18/emotional-pornography/" }
I am actually really starting to like Mondays! I guess it’s because I am experiencing so much newness this season of my life and each week gives me an opportunity to start anew. So despite sleeping through my alarm after a late night, when I was supposed to be starting my #5DayFast with my sister lioness @Lafrohemien at 6am this morning, I’m still very hopeful that this week is going to be one of incredible breakthroughs. Even the fact that I am fasting is a huge breakthrough in and of itself. Definitely qualifies for a #JumaTatuMilestone. So, what’s with all the hash tags? It’s funny how these things creep into our lives. Just last night my girl @MissKenyaUSA cracked up when she heard me saying “Hash Fail” to @JWKimathi (of the #AfroFunky “Jamhuri Wear” line) when he told me he wasn’t at the #AncestralSoul show with @AncestralBoddhi at East Africa’s biggest monthly music festival Blankets and Wine. Let’s just say, that if you were in Nairobi and weren’t there, that was an #EpicFail. I honestly can’t remember the last time I danced that much, and now I totally understand why Bodhi calls his music Ancestral Soul. After that experience, I am proud to say I’m a fully converted member of the #AncestralSoulMovement. I would also like to give a mega shout out to Edith Weutonga, the first performer yesterday. I don’t even know where to begin! This woman moved me! This sister warrior who is currently carrying love in her womb, hails from Zimbabwe. I had never heard her music, and although I was trying to take a much-needed nap when she got on stage, as I listened to her beautiful sounds, my spirit was tempted to get up and dance, but I’m learning every day to listen to my body, so instead I fell into a deep blissful sleep. When I woke up halfway through her performance and realized nobody was dancing, I was stunned! Just then she called out all the women to join her as she was dedicating the next song to us. She didn’t need to say it twice. Before I knew it, I was totally in Edith’s zone, and by the time she was performing her last two songs, I was in an AfroZenMusic zone and was just inspired to start doing yoga, right there, in front of everyone, to her music. I didn’t care, because I was responding to my body, keeping it real, and I was “Feelin’ It” like the #BaussLady @MuthoniDQ herself – the brainchild & proprietor of the Blankets & Wine event. Back to the hash tags. If you are a twitter geek like me, then you’ll understand where I’m coming from. And if not, I’ve been meaning to write a really comprehensive “How to make twitter work for you” type blog post for a while. For real, once you understand how the tool can work for you, the possibilities are limitless. I’ve met some of the most amazing people on twitter & nothing beats actually meeting them in person, especially when it’s totally unplanned. Just this past week I had two epic tweetups – @EveEnsler on Friday, and Africa’s top publicist and siSTAR @Ophiona on Saturday and Sunday. The Eve Ensler story requires a full blog post on its own. I’m really looking forward to connecting with this amazing woman’s energy and figuring out how I can make a valuable contribution to her #1BillionRising campaign. Yes, another Hashtag! 🙂 This is why I love them! Just watch this cool music video by Paul Nowell – @JazzTrombonist about the history of the Hashtag and you’ll get it. So since I’m always using Hashtags – sometimes more successfully than others, this month, which is my birthday month, I decided I would create one and commit to using it every day, but in a very intentional way. See, for some reason, for the past 10 or so years, I’ve been dreading, instead of look forward to my birthday every year. I can count the number of birthdays that I actually had an amazing day. So this year, instead of focusing on just one day, I’ve decided I’m going to approach the entire month with a positive attitude and take it into my own hands. After all, I am the one that is responsible for my happiness so this month I am choosing happiness, peace, inspiration, love, patience, wisdom and grace. I’m choosing this not just for me, but also for you, for Kenya, and for the world. If you are reading this, I honestly hope that together we can manifest the birth of many precious gifts in our lives this September 2012. For those who don’t know, Zawadi my name, means gift in Kiswahili. My maternal grandfather blessed me with this name because I was born on his birthday, and was also his first grandchild. And would you believe that I can’t remember ever actually being with him on our birthday? I have to do something about that. In fact, I am declaring today that on September 23rd 2013, I will go and spend my birthday with my papa in Gem village. It’s funny how my brain works. I’ve just realized that three paragraphs later, I still haven’t actually written about my hash tags for this month. When I had the idea to do this, I immediately did what I always do – consult a few other people and get their inputs. So I sent out a tweet to a few of my tweoples and asked them if they could help me create an appropriate, but fun and inspiring hash tag for September. I came up with #Zeptember (I’m not always creative J), and my boy @itsBuddhaBlaze suggested #Zaobration because he just recently learnt through #TrueAfricanOriginal @Lafrohemien that the nickname my friends from my St. Mary’s School days use is Zao. I liked the sound of #Zaobration, but then @DenisNzioka came up with what I like to call a moment of #HashtagBrilliance. Denis, who I hadn’t even tagged, but obviously saw the conversation, had something to valuable offer, and jumped in (as is great twitter practice), came up with (wait for it) … #ZaliwaZawadi! BOOM! Now, if you are a Kiswahili-speaker, this requires absolutely no explanation. But, if you are not, “Kuzaliwa” is the Kiswahili verb for “to be born”. So now you see how this is just sheer brilliance! Makes me smile just writing it J. Thank you Dennis! So, once again friends, every time you see me tweet using this hash tag, it is because I am either writing about a new gift that has been born in my own life, sharing gifts that are being born in others’ lives, or wishing others the manifestation of the same. I am really hoping to be a blessing to others this month. I know I often fail to do so, and I have definitely had my fair share of experiences and behavior that I am not proud of, but I like to believe that: As part of my #ZaliwaZawadi #Zaobration in #Zeptember (I just had to! J), I’m also doing Rosetta Thurman’s #31DayReset program, which I tried to do in August, but didn’t actually get past Day 4 because I didn’t make the time to do it. This month, I am really committed to resetting my life and I can’t think of a better person to do it with. Rosetta runs the Happy Black Woman blog and community, has an online blogging school (Last live run starts September 10th), and is just incredible in so many ways. She’s another person that I met on twitter and then had a truly epic tweetup with in Oahu, Hawaii with Hawaiian PR Diva @Melissa808 in December 2011. If I even started to tell that story now, it would take up three pages. But I’m sure they will both feature in future blog posts because they are an integral part of the ZeroByZawadi journey – they were there during the first month of my baby’s existence! Last, but not least, I am writing down my birthday wish list. I really believe in the power of declaration. Some of these wishes are more like goals I want to set for myself this month. Others are hints – if you are reading this and want to buy me a gift, please don’t hesitate J. And others are wishes for you and others (see, it’s not ALWAYS #AllAboutMe J). So here’s my list of 23 wishes this Zeptember, starting with my #GeekGirl & #FemTech (Feminist Technology), needs of course: - New blackberry bold - Canon Digital Camera - An epic photograph for my twitter avi – to be updated Sep 23rd & changed next year same time. (My current avi is my favorite photograph taken my @Lafrohemien of @TrAfOri – check out her True African Original blog) - A hotttt #Afrofunky dress for my birthday – in ZeroByZawadi colors – turquoise, orange & white. - Enough turquoise, orange & white clothes & accessories to last the entire month – if you see me in the same clothes a lot this month, just understand because right now I probably have enough to last a week max! - A weekend trip to Naivasha with the good peeps in my life - New financial breakthroughs with ZeroByZawadi - Healing from a broken heart - Figure out how to make hyacinth paper notebooks - Open my ZeroByZawadi Etsy store - Help at least 1 person every day (friends & strangers) - Start a weekly #ReciprocalWebDay - An #Afrofunky jacket by Uhuru Clothing in ZeroByZawadi colors - #Afrofunky shoes in ZeroByZawadi colors - A clear plan & finances to realize my #StaceyannInKe dream - A clear plan & finances to realize my #MayaAzucenaInKe dream - Successfully launch ZeroByZawadi newspaper bag project - Seeing my papa some time in September & sharing a birthday cake & candle with him - Having at least 23 reasons to be incredibly grateful on September 23rd. - The birth of at least one amazing gift for everyone that reads this blog post this September So that’s me. What about you? What’s your September wish list? Please share and let’s manifest lots of blessings in our lives this month. And in honour of this #Zeptember, play this video, sing out loud & dance! And in case you don’t know all the lyrics (like me), I hope you enjoy singing along to this:
{ "date": "2017-08-21T23:34:23Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886109682.23/warc/CC-MAIN-20170821232346-20170822012346-00061.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9574852585792542, "token_count": 2454, "url": "https://zerobyzawadi.wordpress.com/tag/31dayreset/" }
DO YOU DESIRE TO: Recapture the romance and excitement that used to be in your relationship? Experience intimacy, trust, and passion from your partner? Be assured of your man’s longing for only you? Add some fun spice to your intimate times? Bring balance to your sexual expectations? If you can answer “YES!” to any of these questions, then please read on! Welcome to Kept For Her where male chastity and romance come together. Kept For Her is owned and operated by a husband and wife who are totally committed to one another and to the good of the relationship. We are passionate about our marriage and we hope to help others to enjoy their relationship like we do. It is our desire that you will find aids to strengthen your relationship, build trust, find fulfillment and intimacy, and have the relationship that you always desired. We at Kept For Her believe that male chastity can be a wonderful addition to a marriage and can add some wonderful benefits besides. We don’t just sell male chastity devices, we use them in our daily relationship. Male chastity lifestyle brings a whole new dimension to the relationship. The relationship between husband and wife ought to be filled with true love, commitment to the other’s good, selflessness, wild intimacy, and many other things. So often the focus of the male is on sex. We began enjoying male chastity in the summer of 2004. We purchased a CB-3000 and began to discover the enjoyment when hubby is locked and Wife is in control of his “manhood”. At first it was a bit difficult for Wife to get used to, but she began to read articles and try some different things to see what would be fun. She also pushed the envelope to see how long she could keep hubby locked up. The results? For Wife she has enjoyed a new level of control of hubby as she keeps her package well-locked for whenever she wants it. In the meantime, she expects to be satisfied sexually, relationally, and emotionally by hubby. For hubby, he has found a fresh way to serve Wife. He enjoys waiting on her, caring for her needs, and attending to her most intimate desires. What started out with the CB-3000 later progressed to the CB-6000, a couple of Ms. Lori’s devices and full belts by NeoSteel and My-Steel. Whatever the device, Wife wants to make sure that hubby is locked up for her, cannot masturbate or have her hubby locked and frustrated! For us, male chastity has added a dimension of fun, intimacy, romance and pleasure that we had not known in our intimate life. We only wish that male chastity devices were around in the late 1970’s when we got married! As the wife lovingly locks her husband in a chastity device, the focus can be more on the emotional, spiritual, and relational aspects of the marriage. Do you remember how you courted and as a man, how you sought to lovingly woo your girlfriend with your kindness. What happened to that spark and desire to keep her interests as your focus? So where does male chastity come in? We have been asked that many times. We believe that a loving wife keeping her husband locked in a good chastity device can have wonderful benefits for the relationship and the marriage. Let me name a few. 1. The male is giving honor to his wife by allowing her to keep his most private area locked away for her use only. 2. Keeping a man in chastity allows the wife to have a say when he is given the honor of having sex with her. Men oftenthink that they can demand their wives to have sex anytime. This is not being very considerate. The man should consider it a great honor to have his wife allow him to be inside of her and enjoying their intimacy together. In fact, the man should even ask permission to enter his wife, showing her honor in this way. After they have intercourse, the man should thank his wife for the honor of having her as his wife and for allowing him to have sex with her. 3. A man in chastity cannot masturbate, which is a frequent problem with men. When a man gets an erection, the first thing he wants to do is to have an orgasm to make the erection go down. This can be a very damaging event in a relationship because now the man may not have interest in his precious wife. 4. A man in chastity will have his focus on his wife. There is often a brute pride in a man, ordered by his testosterone. A good husband will also be a humble man, and gentle, not ordering his wife and belittling her, but being kind, considerate, helpful, generous, speaking well of her, etc. It should not take a chastity device to make the man be this way, but sometimes it can be a help. 5. A chastity device can be a good training device used by a loving and thoughtful wife to help her husband “learn” how to be the husband he ought to be. She can set goals and standards. If they are met, then he just might get a nice “reward” by being let out or getting some nice attention. 6. There is a heightened level of sexual intimacy that is achieved by keeping a man in chastity. While he is locked up, the wife can have her sexual needs met by him in various ways. But when she finally rewards him by letting him out, he will experience a thrill and enjoyment in sexual intimacy that he has not ever experienced before! 7. Often in a marriage the man wants to have sex far more often than the woman. When the wife locks her man up in a male chastity device, now she can call the shots as to when they have sexual intercourse. He must wait patiently and lovingly. Now they have sex only as often as the wife desires. Picture the progression. The day comes when the chastity device arrives. The husband and wife sit down together and look at the device, unlock it and take it apart. The wife has the husband get prepared. That might mean a shower, some shaving, and drying off. There is a bit of fumbling with the device as they find the correct ring size and spacer/locking pin combination. But finally they think they have it! She helps him get fitted and as she is looking him in the eye and smiling, she clicks the lock. There is an exchange of loving looks, touches, laughter, and smiles. Their relationship is so filled with love that the man is able to trust the wife with his member. She, in turn, knows that she would never misuse her new “ownership”. She is excited. She is now able to enjoy his attention more. She has the key. This is not an opportunity for abuse but for “re-direction” of the man’s interests and energies. She might start with one or two days of lockup and then let him out. There might be some teasing and denying of full pleasure to the man, while she is allowed her desire. They are both enjoying taking care of one another in a new and fresh way!! As time goes on, she will learn new ways to use male chastity in their marriage for their mutual enjoyment. In the meantime, they will experiment, read articles on the web, and grow in this new lifestyle. Will it become lifelong? Who knows? But for the foreseeable future, he will lead his wife and family with more focus on things that matter more than just sexual fulfillment. When the wife holds the key, the man will, in time, adjust to the new lifestyle. He will have his interests not on sex, but on the wholistic enjoyment of the marriage. Both parties must give 100% to the marriage. There needs to be wonderful times of conversation, doing errands together, caring for children, planning for the future, dreaming, reading to one another, etc. When the man is locked up his attention will gravitate to the things which really matter and have enduring value. Another side benefit… some men want sex several times a day while the wife only wants to make love once or twice a week. While she may give in to her husband to kindly please him, her heart is not there and there are times she feels violated, used. Now the man will have sex when she desires. There comes a balance in the sex life for both partners. Also, the wife will be taking away his right to any sexual gratification without your approval and/or assistance. He is unable to touch himself, bring himself any pleasure, and his desires will be focused back on you, his Keyholder. You will find your relationship filled with fresh romance and enjoyment. In turn, you the Keyholder will lovingly care for him, not abusing your control and power. Many people like yourself are looking for intimacy, loyalty and romance in their relationship. Maybe the flame has died down in your relationship. Do you remember when you were the object of your man’s attention? Do you ever wonder what has taken your place? We believe that keeping a man in chastity and controlling his ability to experience sexual fulfillment without his woman’s approval has a wonderful effect on the romance and enjoyment of the relationship. Our intention at Kept for Her is to promote healthy relationships between a man and woman through male chastity, and to add some spice and intrigue to the relationship. Let’s get the fire raging again by keeping him chaste, locked up by and for You!!! We trust that the products and links offered here might restore the physical, intimate, and spiritual dimensions that were once there. The products that are offered at Kept for Her are focused on keeping a the male’s penis locked, safe and secure, in a chastity device. These products are meant to allow the woman to control her man’s sexual fulfillment for whatever reason. With a sparkle in her eye and the click of the lock, she is in control. You may think, “My man would never go for this!” We have found that most men love being controlled by their wives in this way. He will experience a new thrill and excitement that he never knew he could have with you… his Keyholder! Like we said before, he will learn new ways to love you, to please you, to be the man you always wanted! You will have more of what you always wanted! We find that there are as many men as women that are purchasing chastity devices. Let’s look at the dynamics of both. It’s interesting that a man will initiate the purchase of a chastity device… something that will keep his most private area locked up, out of his reach. For some men there is a fantasy attached to being kept from something that they want. In this case, a man that would like to masturbate or touch himself is not able to, and that heightens fantasies as well as frustrations. Some men have spoken of a euphoria associated with continuous sexual frustrations. We have talked with men that have great guilt associated with masturbation and want to curb that habit. We understand that !! Our products will certainly fulfill that desire! Other men have a desire to be locked up by someone, to be dominated. These are often times men in a position of power in the community or business world. They want someone else to control and dominate them and find it very erotic for a woman to exercise her feminine power over them. For other men, they purchase a chastity device to show their devotion to their wife or SO. To give up this area of their anatomy to the control of someone that they truly love is to some men a sign of the highest of devotion. They want the woman to experience the assurance and confidence that their man is wholly theirs, kept for her! But the majority of the reasons people are purchasing a CB from Kept For Her are to restore the spark and intimacy that used to be so dominant in the marriage. The man wants to offer to his wife this prized area of his body so that she will have the ability to lovingly control the enjoyment in their intimate time. Whatever the case, a chastity device can serve many purposes and bring fulfillment of fantasies, correction of bad habits, or sexual fulfillment to them and their relationship. What about a woman that purchases a chastity device for their man? More and more women have contacted us to discuss a chastity device for their male. They have many reasons. But by far, the number one reason is not for “control” in a dominating fashion. No, they say that they are looking for ways to add some real romance and spark to their relationship. Some women that purchase a chastity device do so to correct sexual problems with their men. They may have caught their man in an affair, masturbating, or just not giving the attention that the woman wants and rightly deserves. So they order a chastity device and “surprise” their man. And what a surprise it is! Other times the woman is looking for renewed intimacy and enjoyment in their relationship. She is not out for control, but to lovingly captivate her man and keep him for her own desires. This can be quite fun and intriguing for both partners. You may want to have a nice ceremony; where he is giving up his rights before you lock him up. Let him touch himself one last time, then put on the chastity device and lock him up. Let that click of the lock be a reminder to him of who is in loving control now! Have some rules and expectations written out that you have him look at and agree to. You know what the strange thing will be? After a while he will begin to enjoy the effect that your control is having on your relationship and on him. We have talked to men who say that they have actually thanked their woman after a period of time because they see the wisdom of what they have done. Their relationship has taken on new meaning. So, whether the man or the woman purchases, and for whatever reason a chastity device is purchased, it seems that there are some wonderful results that occur in the relationship, and that is what matters! We want to see men and woman thrilled with each other, committed to one another, enjoying their relationship, and thoroughly loving one another! Final thoughts about male chastity. Male chastity can be a wonderful lifestyle and very fulfilling. But there must be balance. If the wife is a dominating keyholder, she can cause her husband to be overly frustrated and bring division into the relationship, causing him to be humiliated, The Keyholder should treat male chastity as an honor that has been handed to her. She should elevate her male, being grateful that he trusts her to the point of allowing his member to be locked up and controlled by her. She should even look up to him with respect, not down on him. She should encourage him in his chastity. Let him know how much you value him, how much you appreciate his fidelity to you. Lovingly speak to him often about your desires for him and that you value his dedication to you. Male chastity can bring great enjoyment to a relationship if it is treated with love, respect, and dignity. Keyholder, be loving and kind to your male. Chaste one, care for your Keyholder!
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There are two crucial matters that every church needs to understand and grapple with; they are: 1) Christians are children of God, loved by God – that is their status and identity; and, 2) Christians are to abide and live into this identity as children of God, loved by God. In other words, we must, first, know who we are; and, second, know how we are to live (1 John 3:1-7). Who We Are When Jesus was on this earth he was misunderstood by nearly everyone around him, and Christians must learn to expect the same. If we are true children loved by God, we will neither fit in with the world, nor will we seek the world’s affirmation and accolades. The practical difference between Christianity and the world is that Christians locate their primary identity, allegiance, and purpose in Christ, whereas the world finds their identity in things other than Jesus. Being loved by God brings assurance, peace, security, and hope. These qualities cannot be manufactured by us because they are results of being loved. The world cannot give us these characteristics because it does not have the love of God to give. This does not mean that Christians always have it all together. In fact, we are continually in a process of discovering our true identity and growing more and more into that uniqueness. The reason Jesus could live his life without needing the world’s recognition is that he was firmly and securely assured of the Father’s love and care for him. As Christians, we will keep learning what it means to be loved by God in Christ. And this will help fortify our faith so that we will not find our identities in worldly roles, however intrinsically good those roles might be. A woman whose primary identity is a mother will live for her family to such a degree that her salvation comes through it. A person whose primary identity is a teacher will live for the job because saving the world for him will come through education. But when the Christian has his/her primary identity as a child of God, loved by him, then that person will view deliverance from sin as coming through Jesus. When the church, living and serving together is secure in its identity as children of God and loved by him, then we are able to withstand any adulterous flirtations from the world to woo us away from the centrality of Jesus and onto something else. How We Are To Live. Jesus said all the law could be summed up in two commands: love God; and love others (Matthew 22:37-40). For Jesus, breaking the law means hating instead of loving; working to undermine someone instead of seeking their best interests; excluding others instead of including others; dividing instead of cooperating. No one who abides or remains in Christ keeps on sinning by continuing on the same trajectory that they had before knowing Christ (John 15:1-17). Jesus came to take care of the sin issue once for all through the cross. Therefore, Christians, loved by God, cannot be sinning if they are abiding; the two cannot co-exist with each other. Identity and life are to work together. For example, I am a citizen of Wisconsin. It is both a status and a life. I not only live in this state geographically, but I am to abide in it as a responsible person. What does it mean to be a Wisconsinite? How is it different from the rest of the world? Being a relatively new resident, two words come to mind about living in Wisconsin: sports and food. Wisconsinites readily identify themselves as Packer fans and forsake any identification with the god-forsaken pagan Vikings. We like our prep and collegiate sports; and, our outdoor sports of hunting and fishing. When it comes to food, there is nothing to compare to the Friday night fish fry; the cheese curds; the venison; the mustard; and, wash it all down with a “Spotted Cow,” or maybe a trip to the “bubbler” will do just fine. We are to become more and more like Christ. Our identity as loved by God means we will seek to live in Christ by living a life of love. The people of Wisconsin have a general reputation of being polite and helpful, not rude and unhelpful. They should live into this identity and behavior. And as Christians whose primary identity is in being children of God, we should keep living and abiding in Christ through love and obedience. If our primary identity is secure in being a loved child of God, then what comes out of us will be loving words and actions, even to those in the world who might not believe or understand. Knowing our true identity is necessary. Without it, the church is only a random collection of individuals doing their own thing, however good it is. But knowing who we are brings focus, purpose, and value in a way the world cannot provide because the greatest need we all have is for Jesus.
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Breakfast at Tiffany’s Author: Truman Capote Autumn of 1943, during World War II. The setting is an apartment building on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and the newest tenant moves in to pursue his career as a writer. His life is changed when he meets Holly Golightly, a young girl who’s turned socialite. With all of her stories and the famous people she knows, like a model and a mobster, her life appears to never be dull. Full of life, naivety and the illusions of love, this bittersweet novella will charm even you. Truman Capote’s most well-known novella of which you can connect Audrey Hepburn to is a wonderful classic of a young woman with no true direction who believes that nothing bad can ever happen to her. I first read this during my freshman year in college and discovered it a few weeks ago in a stray box, all dusty and longing to have its pages turned. The seemingly endless possibilities that Holly had in the novella really brings out the dreamer in me while realizing how she appears to have such a fantastic life is unsavory. She doesn’t take up the workforce to earn her way, but uses her wits to get other people to pay her way and help her keep her cushy lifestyle. There is a lot of disregard for the possible consequences of this, showing just how wild Holly and how she values people. One of the parts that have always reached out to me is Holly’s dislike for cages. It comes up more than once throughout the story. Looking beyond the cage, it’s the idea or reminder of being stuck in one, whether literally or metaphorically, that I believe makes Holly dislike them. It seems simple enough to dissect, but then you have to discover what is caging her in, which you can figure out for yourself when you read the novella. (I can’t spoil it for you, but I can give you a thought.) I can honestly relate to that. For me, and I’m sure a lot of people, the small hometown is my cage. While I would love to travel, I also want to find a home of my own, a home that doesn’t feel like a toxic vortex that’ll never let me go. It’s a strong element to think on. What’s your cage? It’s a beautiful and buoyant piece. Capote’s writing is wistful and direct. While it seems like I’ve given away too much, trust me when I say I haven’t, but if I’m making you think about it, then give it a read. It’s worth it. “You’ve got to be sensitive to appreciate her: a streak of the poet. But I’ll tell you the truth. You can beat your brains out for her, and she’ll hand you horseshit on a platter.” (O.J. Berman, p. 31) “Never fall in love with a with thing, Mr. Bell” (Holly to Joe Bell, p. 74) More to come soon… P.S. Song today? NOT Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Deep Blue Something. Nope! It’s Beautiful by Ben Rector. Love you, bookworms.
{ "date": "2018-08-18T20:01:11Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221213737.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20180818193409-20180818213409-00181.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9566812515258789, "token_count": 718, "url": "https://beentherereadthat.blog/2017/10/13/xoxoholly-breakfast-at-tiffanys-a-book-review/" }
This entry is very, very hard to write. Hard enough that it took a family meeting, a call to the authorities, a conference with my webhost and long hours of talks with friends to decide what the right thing to do is. It is this. I get mean emails and comments. I don’t mean “email that disagrees with me” because disagreeing with me or holding a different opinion than me isn’t mean. If I like Prince (and I do) and you send me an email saying you think Prince sucks – I don’t think that’s mean. What I mean is when I say “I love Prince” and someone emails with “how can you think that you must be so f**king stupid you dumb bitch, I hope you never sell another book that’s how f**cking stupid you are.” That’s mean. (It’s also almost a quote from an email from a few years ago,but there you go.) Every once in a while there’s a mean comment, but mostly they are mean emails, because most mean people like to be privately mean, and don’t care for the light to shine on them at all. The internet encourages this sort of thing, the private meanness, because … well. It’s really private. You don’t have to face the person you’re hurting, you don’t even have to use your real name. You can give over to every single low, unreasoned impulse you have ever had, and there’s almost no way that anyone could ever hold you accountable or make you stop. As a general principle, I am opposed to fighting fire with fire. In my experience it just makes more fire. Usually I ignore the mean emails, as well as ignoring the mean comments – with one exception. Every once in a while, someone who has been commenting nicely on the blog using a name I know hauls off and sends me something terrible under another name- thinking they’re anonymous. The first time they do this, I ignore it. Everybody’s entitled to a mistake once in a while. If it happens again, I send them a really polite but firm email letting them know that they are actually not anonymous, that my server sends me emails with the IP address attached to comments, and that they might want to conduct themselves accordingly. This has been remarkably successful in reducing the mean. It turns out that if they aren’t anonymous, most normal, mentally healthy people having a poor impulse or a bad day get a grip on themselves instantly, and usually, in the spirit of “we all make mistakes” we go on to talk about it, start over and move on. I shine a little light on it, remove the perceived privacy, and the whole thing gets sane fast. In recent weeks, this approach hasn’t worked. There is one person, who had previously commented on the blog who went off the deep end with my Canada Day entry, (although she had previously twittered and blogged some strange stuff about me) and left some anonymous comments designed to insult and inflame people. I sent her a note, letting her know that she was not indeed anonymous, that I knew who she was and tried to shine the light on her. Dear Name Removed I understand you don’t like me, that much is clear and you’re welcome to feel that way. I do however, want you to know that the attempt to leave anonymous comments is not just somewhat cowardly, but pointless. Your comments today as “Name Removed ” from the fake address of “email removed” still show up as you. If you’d like to take a stab anonymously – this one isn’t quite working. The above (and nothing has been deleted from it, that is how it appears in my sent folder with the exception of her name and email) was an email that the poster has referred to as violent, rude, mean, nasty, insulting and cursing. Since that email and that day, things have been out of hand. Badly out of hand. No matter what I write, what I say or what I do…She’s been writing and promoting hateful blog posts and tweets, leaving inflammatory and rude comments, and sending me horrible mail, which I’m afraid may not be entirely rational. I have been doing my best to not feed the fire, although I have been deleting her comments for several reasons. (For the record, there is only one other person who’s comments have ever been deleted on this blog. Their comment was blatantly and viciously racist.) I have been deleting because: 1. Her comments are intended to hurt people. I won’t pay for the bandwidth on that. 2. Her comments are intended to rile people up, generate conflict in the comment section, injure me and are not how I will be spoken to in a place where I pay the bills. 3. I believe that if I left the comments, some of you would defend me, thus giving her the satisfaction and attention she craves and giving her a more of a forum for hurting others. 4. Her comments have been accompanied by private email that is nothing short of awful. These comments appear regularly, I watch for them and I have been deleting all of them as a matter of policy, hoping it would get old for her. Yesterday it all came to a head. I have been reading her blog, partly because I think it’s a good idea to know what she’s up to, and partly because I’m a little afraid, and reading her blog helps me feel like I know what’s going on. She’s been sending me email telling me she can see me reading her blog, since she’s worked out what my IP address is, and I suppose I don’t mind. After all, she’s clearly reading mine. Yesterday, after her latest comment, I checked her blog, read it, and left the window open. (Apparently for 96 minutes. Who knew?) During that time, someone who had seen that comment on this blog before I could delete it, followed the link to her blog and left some sane, reasonable (although not necessarily nice) comments defending me. This woman is now convinced that I left those comments, or that I had someone leave them. (This is because the other person had a Canadian IP address.) This has inspired her to new and frightening heights. She left a comment calling me names, and I wrote back and told her the truth. It wasn’t me, that I would never leave her a comment (I believe I used the phrase “cold day in hell”) and suggested that it were possible that there was more than one Canadian in the world. I was not rude. I was firm. I did not call her names. I did not insult her or threaten her. She responded with another mocking, insulting email, accusing me of reading her blog, and that informed me that I had no “American Grit” and that she had tracked me down and knew where I lived. I responded thusly: Name Removed, considering the number of comments you’ve left me, I don’t think I need to feel concerned that I check your blog too much. After all, you’ve not been kind, and I think it’s reasonable to be concerned. I appreciate the time you spend on my blog as well, and I’m unconcerned about your analysis of my grit.. This was a mistake. This was the big one. For some reason, this was my correspondence with her that was so cruel to her that she redoubled her efforts. (Note: These are comments she intended for public consumption. I deleted them.) At 10:13 she left this comment: A little advice harlot: Don’t try to get into a fight with an American girl. We fight hard and dirty. Especially when it’s directed at a person who takes Americans like fools. Trust me…we’re not fools. And guess what I also found out? Your publisher is CONTENT DELETED TO REMOVE IDENTITY. I’m already looking up contacts…..unless you change your ways, of course… Like I said before (before you rudely deleted my comment), I DO NOT LIKE IT when you say anti-American things or else you ridicule us. We do NOT appreciate being ridiculed. And you can “hate” on me all you like, and you can get your friends to comment negatively on my site all you like—but it will STILL NOT take away the fact that you make anti-American comments on your site. And I am going to take up for us—both myself and my fellow Americans. Hell, you make 80% of your money down here in American—and we don’t appreciate the fact that you take our money yet insult us on your Canada Day postings! It’s been happening year after year! And go ahead—get your friends to comment negatively on my site—I am not afraid. I will print their comments and answer their questions. (Although yes, I do frequently cuss–but we’re big girls here, right?) You have enjoyed a time where you believed you were the “darling” of the knitting world. But that’s about to change. From now on, you have to EARN you reputation. You must show that you love ALL people,not just Canadians. If you expect Americans to love you, then you jolly well EARN their love by loving them! From now on, some of us will be watching and listening….. and at 10:32 (unbelievably) Sorry for the grammar errors—I type fast and so I frequently leave out At this point she switched to email, and after a conversation with several people. I did something I’ve never done before. I blocked her at the server level. We took her IP address and shut her down. She wouldn’t even be able to see the blog, never mind leave comments anymore. I was exhausted with worrying she was leaving them, worrying that she was going to start a riot, worrying about what they said… it was a relief to finally make it stop. I knew it wouldn’t stop the personal mail, but at least then it would be between the two of us. Here’s where I do something I’ve never done before. I believe that personal email is personal. The above from her were left as comments, something she intended to be public, so I don’t mind posting them. What is below is the mail she sent me when she discovered that she had been blocked from the server. (She believed that I had become frightened enough of her to shut down the blog.) I know that posting this is controversial, but I’ve come to realize that it is only a matter of time until what she’s doing goes public anyway, and we feel that it’s only fair that we show you what it is that she’s doing privately, so that you can understand our extreme measures, especially when we are accused of censorship. We have removed her name, and won’t be revealing her identity. What’s the matter, YH? Lost your nerve and guts? You pulled your blog off the server! YOU ARE CHICKEN! Can’t take the heat, can you! You are one of those few cowardly people who can’t take criticism—it makes you nervous! You havevn’t the backbone to answer back to somebody who takes you to task! This cowardly behavior of yours makes Americans laugh like hyenas! We disdain people who can’t use their backbone to defend themselves! You don’t deserve to take a defensive position! You’re a PUSSY!, the worse criticism of all the American list of insults. (I will refrain from making comments here about how I feel about slang for a woman’s body parts being used as a hurt…that’s a rant for another day) Then about five minutes later: Sorry….didn’t think you were so weak! HA HA Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!! What a weakling. Now I know why your husband is so worthlessl. He’s the one who tries to “make music”, heh! Got his car stuck in the snow and you (a woman) had to come rescue him! The best laugh was when you got married by a weirdo who has no religion! Without God as part of your ceremony! You’re atheists! And probably wiccans! sorry—-didn’t realize how weak you guys were. Word to the wise—don’t take on a CHRISTIAN woman again. We have God on our side. You would do well to read the Christian Bible and find out who Jesus is for your souls. Then, once she realized it was just that she was blocked: I love challenges. So does my computer wizard guy, Name Removed (oh, and all his friends….) See you on your website soon.—the problem has been solved already but I’m tired of you this weekend. And, be advised….I hope you’ve learned your lesson about how doggedly I complain against anti-Americanism types. I won’t appreciate it if I ever see anymore anti-American comments on your site again. (Yes, I can access your site—did you really think a block would work? You obviously don’t know much about computers.) You’re played out as a writer. (How many “comedy” books did you think you could do? It’s getting old….) And Americans are getting TIRED of the left. (And you are a typical Canadian left.) Keep going…..keep trying to antagonize me….because you are only getting more looney. Haven’t you noticed how the “respectable” knitters are distancing themselves from you? (Yeah, you didn’t think I knew.) Hah, keep trying to aggravate me—it will be your downfall. And I will laugh my head off—as will all my friends who can’t stand you. Sadly, it would appear that she wasn’t tired of me this weekend, because by this morning there were a few more emails, and she had a new IP address and two new comments, which went up while I was away from my computer. The first read: Hey, Yarn Harlot, I didn’t appreciate your rude emails. I do not deserve them nor does the rest of the American knitters who don’t appreciate your anti-Americanism comments. Did you think this was a game? It’s not. Many of us have totally HAD it with your arrogant, holier-than-thou anti-Americanism. I have taken up the cause, because I personally don’t think Americans should buy your books. I will not let you off the hook for this. I will constantly watch your site for anti-Americanism and I will hopefully educate you in how to relate to America as a friendly nation, a nation who saved your butts over and over throughout history. I won’t post the second one, because it reveals her identity. For the record, she is referring to the correspondence I posted above as my “rude emails” I have sent her nothing further. (Also for the record, I believe we define “rude” very differently.) I have blocked her IP again. Her twitter feed is a string of tirades and accusations about me, the emails keep coming, and I’m sure she’ll have her IP address changed in a few hours. I absolutely cannot keep up with her, the lies, the threats or the accusations. She believes that everything I do, every post I write, ever tweet I log, even mentioning drinking a beer, is about her. Everything I write is bait to her, and I can’t stop writing. One of her comments is definitely going to make it onto the blog while I’m sleeping or eating or with my kids. I’ve spoken with my web host, the authorities, and some other resources to see what I can do… but I realized that this morning, I was going to fail. She is determined to take it public, determined to get a comment up and determined to keep hurting me. She’s decided something about me, and I’m not engaging. I don’t think it’s true, or that she’s right… but eventually, she’s going to get the attention that she craves. More people are going to notice, no matter how much I keep trying to keep it from going viral and creating conflict in the comments. This has been a difficult time. I struggle with self-esteem as much as the next person, and these emails feel exactly like my critical inner voice, the part of me that is irrationally hard on me, suddenly got my email address and started sending me mail and comments. I’ve tried to cope, to not be hurt, to know it’s not true, but the whole thing is scary, especially once she started referring to my parenting (didn’t tell you about that one) and my family in general. I am searching in my heart for sympathy for her, because this must be taking up a lot of time for her, and because I don’t think you do something like this to another person with this sort of dedication without really having some emptiness or hurt inside you, and that’s sad. Really, genuinely sad. Here’s the thing, the reason I’m putting all this here now. I’ve kept this to myself for a month. It’s not stopping. I’m trying to stand by what I believe. That shining light on something can help, and because I’m going to need your help. She is going to change her IP address. She is going to leave more comments, and I am going to be busy one of these times that it happens. It’s inevitable, and I need to be able to sleep at night without worrying that a riot has erupted in my comments, or that someone is wondering why the hell this woman is accusing me of all these horrible things. I want the background to be public, so that it isn’t confusing, suspicious or bizarre when/if you see one of her rants. When that happens, I’d really, really like all of you to know my position, although of course, you are welcome to yours. Respect… even to those who do not demonstrate it to you. I do not believe in an eye for an eye, and I’m asking, politely, that when you hear from this woman… that you just take a deep breath, even if she’s insulting (or misrepresenting) your country ( and trust me Canadians, she’s no fan) to me, to you… to anyone – that we just all try to take some of this power away from her. The last few days have proved that any measure of attention is incitement. Defending me, explaining to her, taking her on… only makes it worse, only increases the number and hurtfulness of the private mail she sends. She’s lost the right to post here, I’ll keep deleting her. When or if you see her posts, I hope you won’t engage, won’t visit her blog to tell her what you think of her, won’t insult her, won’t injure her… won’t lower yourself to her level. (Unless, of course, you agree with her.) Thank you, and I’m sorry this is where we’re at. Let’s never speak of this again.
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In Trainwreck, the unapologetic new comedy about the boozy misadventures of a disillusioned unromantic, Amy Schumer plays a promiscuous woman who embarks on countless first dates and very few second ones. But the film’s costars say they know a thing or two about bad first dates: At the world premiere of Trainwreck in New York City on Tuesday, Schumer and her costars Vanessa Bayer and Colin Quinn chatted with PEOPLE about their very own trainwreck dates. Schumer, for one, offered up a mea culpa. Much like her fictionalized character in the film, the actress bears the brunt of the responsibility for her nasty first dates. “I would think that the worst date horror stories would actually be about me from other people,” she cracked. “Yeah, that’s what I would say.” Bayer, best known for her work on Saturday Night Live, recalled a stomach-turning moment at her alma mater, the University of Pennsylvania, that ranks near the top of her least favorite dating memories. “There was a formal I went to in college where I matched this huge guy drink for drink, and then I ended up throwing up on myself but not really knowing about it and being like, ‘We should hang out more,’ ” explained Bayer. “And he was like, ‘I’m gonna go home.’ And then I woke up a few hours late and realized that I had thrown up all over my dress. [I was like], ‘Oh, that wasn’t the coolest look.’ ” Quinn, for one, is in the same boat as Schumer: “Unfortunately, I’m the horror in most of [my stories]. Oh my god, when I think about it [I’m] not a good person.”
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