With an asylum application to her own homeland, Annika Hernroth-Rothstein was hoping to draw attention to the problem of anti-Semitism in Sweden. Hernroth-Rothstein acknowledges the bid is “absurd” – but it’s working, having garnered international media coverage and stirring debate. “EU statutes provide that asylum be granted to persons with ‘well-founded reasons to fear persecution due to race; nationality; religious or political beliefs; gender; sexual orientation; or affiliation to a particular social group,’ ” she wrote in Nov. 17 essay in Mosaic Magazine, a U.S.-based Jewish online publication where she first announced her bid. “Jews in Sweden meet these criteria, and should be eligible for the same protection and support extended to non-natives.” Hernroth-Rothstein’s media stunt has garnered coverage in leading Swedish media outlets and Jewish publications around the world. Yet as of Wednesday, one party seemed oblivious to her request: the Swedish Migration Board, the government body responsible for processing the applications of asylum seekers. “I haven’t heard of any case like that,” Katarzyna Zebrowska, the board’s press officer, told JTA. “She may have left a form behind at our office, but that doesn’t make her an applicant.” Zebrowska explained that the board cannot process applications by Swedish nationals under Swedish law, which defines asylum as a residence permit granted to foreign refugees. Hernroth-Rothstein, 32, a well-known activist for Israel and against anti-Semitism, acknowledged to JTA that her request – which she said she delivered in person to the board’s offices – in all likelihood would not be processed as an official application. In explaining her action, Hernroth-Rothstein has cited initiatives to further limit circumcision in Sweden (only licensed circumcisers may perform the procedure, though the country’s Jewish community finds the arrangement acceptable); Sweden’s ban on animal slaughter without stunning, which effectively prohibits kosher slaughter; and anti-Semitic crimes and harassment. “I have two sons, and I have to choose between giving them a strong, positive Jewish identity and keeping them safe, and I don’t see that as a choice that we should have to make,” she said in an interview with Sweden Radio. A spokesman for the Council of Jewish Communities in Sweden told JTA that the organization had no comment on Hernroth-Rothstein’s asylum request. But another Swedish Jewish activist criticized the move. “I think it’s an overreaction that is also exploitative of the real need of asylum seekers in this country,” said Marc Harris, a law student who is a former president of Limmud Stockholm and former chairman of the Synagogue Committee at Stockholm’s Great Synagogue.“We need to be vigilant of the real threat of anti-Semitism and we can’t exaggerate it.” Sweden, he added, does have an anti-Semitism problem, “but it is not swept under the carpet; the media are already very aware of it. We need to watch out we’re not just crying wolf and spreading fear.” There are indications that many Swedish Jews already feel afraid. A recent survey of Jews in nine European countries found that Swedish Jews were the most likely to avoid publicly identifying themselves as Jewish for fear of anti-Semitism. In the survey, published this month by the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency, 34 percent of Swedish Jews reported practicing such avoidance. They were followed by France at 29 percent; Belgium, 25 percent; Hungary, 20 percent; and Germany, 14 percent. Hernroth-Rothstein is intimately familiar with such fears. In Stockholm, she has led “kippah walks” – marches by Jews and non-Jews who don yarmulkes as a protest against anti-Semitism and a sign of solidarity with the country’s Jewish community. The problem is especially acute for the approximately 1,000 Jews who live in Malmo, a southern Swedish city where about a third of its approximately 300,000 residents are either immigrants from Muslim countries or their children. Malmo last year saw 60 anti-Semitic attacks, which accounted for 40 percent of the anti-Semitic hate crimes documented in Sweden, according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention. Yet, seen in context, there are worse places to be a Jew in Europe, said Lars M. Andersson, an Upsala University historian who has researched Swedish anti-Semitism and the country’s refugee policy. “There is definitely a problem with anti-Semitism in Sweden which needs to be addressed,” he said. “However, that problem should not be exaggerated. It is far less acute than in Hungary, for example, where a member of the Jobbik party spoke in parliament in favor of registering all Jews.” Still, Andersson is supportive of Hernroth-Rothstein’s asylum request. “I see no problem with the asylum move, which is obviously designed to attract the sort of media attention which will help treat the issue,” he said. As for Hernroth-Rothstein, she says that if the migration board fails to address her request, then she will file a new one – next time outside the European Union.
{ "date": "2016-07-25T02:36:39Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257824201.56/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071024-00185-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9607003927230835, "token_count": 1153, "url": "http://forward.com/news/breaking-news/188132/jewish-womans-asylum-request-brings-attention-to-a/?p=all" }
Tuesday I was running in below-freezing wind chill across the Nahant Causeway. Wednesday I was running in brilliant, warm sunshine in Cold Spring Park in Newton. If anything, it proves the adage that if you don’t like the weather in New England, wait ten minutes. It’s an old saying, but the message is timeless. Things can change in an instant, for better or for worse, so to a certain extent it’s relatively worthless to expect that you can actually predict anything. I’ve got nothing remarkable to add to regarding the horrific events of Marathon Monday or last Friday in Watertown. Needless to say I’ll never forget those events, and my oldest son now has his first memory of something truly terrible. No doubt he will remember last week the same way I remember the Challenger disaster or the Chernobyl meltdown, as a first taste of real tragedy. His questions and fears in the aftermath of the explosions and the manhunt are ones you would expect from a child. Why did they do that? Who died? Should we be afraid? Should we be scared? The death of 8-year old Martin Richard was particularly difficult for him to come to grips with. The Jewish tradition has long grappled with the paradoxes that life provides us with. As Ecclesiastes wrote, sometimes the righteous are repaid like scoundrels, and sometimes scoundrels are repaid like the righteous. There is seemingly no rhyme or reason to why terrible things happen to good people. In the face of this futility we have two choices- to throw our hands up in dismay, or to celebrate the lives we do have and make the most of each day, while always keeping the memories of what we witnessed and of all the victims in our hearts and minds. So let’s do just that. This post has been contributed by a third party. The opinions, facts and any media content are presented solely by the author, and JewishBoston assumes no responsibility for them. Want to add your voice to the conversation? Publish your own post here.
{ "date": "2017-08-20T02:01:36Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105961.34/warc/CC-MAIN-20170820015021-20170820035021-00372.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9543248414993286, "token_count": 434, "url": "https://www.jewishboston.com/on-tragedy-and-futility/" }
WILKES-BARRE, Pa. — As Senator Barack Obama met with Israeli and Palestinian leaders in the Middle East on Wednesday, Senator John McCain talked up his own support of Israel a half-world away. “I look you in the eye, and I tell you, as the United States once said, and will say again and again, we will never allow a second Holocaust,’’ Mr. McCain told a crowd at a town-hall meeting here. Mr. McCain was speaking in a far-less exotic locale than Mr. Obama, in a downtown Wilkes-Barre auditorium on a gray, sodden day, but he refrained, at least on this issue, from criticizing his rival for a presidential-like trip to the Middle East. Instead, Mr. McCain said that he was more concerned than ever about the security of Israel. “They are probably in many respects under greater threat than they have been since their independence,’’ Mr. McCain said, then mentioned, as he frequently does, the danger from Iran, whose president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has called for Israel to be “wiped off the map.’’ “And they have the means to do it,’’ Mr. McCain said. “You can imagine what the United States would feel if we were in a similar situation.’’ Nonetheless, he said, “I believe that we can resolve this by putting sufficient pressure on the Iranians diplomatically, economically and every other way.’’ Mr. McCain also said that the status of Jerusalem should be “the subject of negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israel government,’’ which is the longstanding U.S. position. In June, Mr. Obama insisted on his first day as the presumptive Democratic nominee that Jerusalem should remain undivided as the capital of the Jewish nation. Mr. Obama’s remarks were immediately criticized by Palestinian leaders in the West Bank, and he has since retreated from them.
{ "date": "2017-08-17T13:31:31Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886103316.46/warc/CC-MAIN-20170817131910-20170817151910-00412.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9812358021736145, "token_count": 426, "url": "https://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/07/23/mccain-touts-his-support-of-israel/" }
Not only that, the author also got this wrong. It should be: "... man by the name of Mark Zuckerberg spray-painted graffiti ..." Grey1213, 19 Oct 2015Only Israel thinks so. Just look at where the embassies are.The word "Just" has no place in this discussion, nothing is that simple. Jerusalem is and forever be, the Jewish capital of Israel. Everything else are just opinions of ignorant who thrive from news and talkbacks. This guy is an attention seeker. Most of us are aware about the history of israel and what's going on out there.. Yada yada yada yada yada, thats all that you did, brushing a lot under the carpet. Israel never had the right to exist where it is. Simple as that, why did the aussies refuse to take them? During world war 2, British, Italian and French leaders inked a deal with the arabs, if they fight for them and clean up their shit, they will leave their lands be and return them to the arabs after the end of war while at the same time they inked a secret deal among themselves (England, France, Italy) agreeing on who gets what including the new and illegal state of Israel. Get your facts straight before you attempt to school us you programmed zombie. Kabbi, 19 Oct 2015Yes I am i said 70% Guatemala is one the 30%:) Sorry. I have no idea how I read "no country recognizes.." My apologies. Igory, 19 Oct 2015Country's capital is Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv, get your facts right, author.Only Israel thinks so. Just look at where the embassies are. Jacky, 19 Oct 2015Jerusalem is Israel's capital and the country is known by all although some would prefer other... moreWikipedia copy paste. Let me put it straight. Most of the world leaders and maybe 1 billion of the population recognise Israel as a country. I am with the other 5 billion cause I dont like someone to take what is mine. Btw i am htc fan, hope they turn tings around:) Kabbi, 19 Oct 2015Another small fact: No country in the world except from "Israel" recognised Jerusale... moreI fully support Israel and I lived in Guatemala and believe me that Guatemalans and its country recognize Israel as a land/country. So you are not correct in your assumption. Country's capital is Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv, get your facts right, author. Golan, 19 Oct 2015A small fact : Jerusalem is the Capital of israel... not tel Aviv.GSMArena is preventing me from replying your lies. keep dreaming. the future will prove what the fact is. Kabbi, 19 Oct 2015Another small fact: No country in the world except from "Israel" recognised Jerusale... moreJerusalem is Israel's capital and the country is known by all although some would prefer otherwise. On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly recommended the adoption and implementation of the Partition Plan for Mandatory Palestine. This UN plan specified borders for new Arab and Jewish states and also specified an area of Jerusalem and its environs which was to be administered by the UN under an international regime. The end of the British Mandate for Palestine was set for midnight on 14 May 1948. That day, David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the Zionist Organization and president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared "the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel," which would start to function from the termination of the mandate. The borders of the new state were not specified in the declaration.Neighboring Arab armies invaded the former Palestinian mandate on the next day and fought the Israeli forces. Israel has since fought several wars with neighboring Arab states, in the course of which it has occupied the West Bank, Sinai Peninsula (1956–57, 1967–82), part of South Lebanon (1982–2000), Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights. It extended its laws to the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem, but not the West Bank.Efforts to resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict have not resulted in peace. However, peace treaties between Israel and both Egypt and Jordan have successfully been signed. Golan, 19 Oct 2015A small fact : Jerusalem is the Capital of israel... not tel Aviv.+1 Hi friends, remember, you can slow down the spinning Wheel, but you can't stop it forever. I'm talking about the Abrahamic Wheel. [deleted post]I guess you are right my friend... 70%...as you said... do they know the real facts ? Do they know history ? i am not sure of that. All they know... is to hate the different... the unknown... Stick to the facts and the truth.... The truth will set you free. Golan, 19 Oct 2015A small fact : Jerusalem is the Capital of israel... not tel Aviv.Another small fact: No country in the world except from "Israel" recognised Jerusalem as Israel's capital. 70% of the world doesn't recognised Israel as a country. But that's a different chapter.
{ "date": "2017-08-19T13:28:13Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105451.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20170819124333-20170819144333-00412.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9395260810852051, "token_count": 1094, "url": "http://www.gsmarena.com/newscomm-14544.php" }
When the issues become too sharp and the contradictions too blatant, the news media are severely challenged to contain them within normal bounds. They generally try to keep stories apart in order not to have them contaminate each other, but just recently this became impossible. The events in Gaza and Ukraine are not directly connected, yet in the mediasphere they became coupled by their coincidence in time and their jostling day by day for the top story slot. As a result, it was impossible not to see, for example, the shameless hypocrisy of the British Prime Minister berating France for selling warships to Russia while everyone’s military support for Israel continues unabated. In Britain’s case, it has emerged that the value of all British military exports to Israel currently being processed stands at £7.9 billion, including a single deal last year worth more than £7.7 billion for cryptographic technology. Then the two stories got joined up. While Israel rained down state terrorism on Gaza, the media were focussing on why flight MH17 had been allowed to overfly a zone of armed conflict, until one of Hamas’s rockets landed close to Israel’s international airport and most of the foreign airlines serving the route announced a suspension of flights. A perfect example of the way the media are sucked into the fears that they themselves have a large role in generating. There was a massive disparity in the coverage of Gaza and the Ukrainian air disaster, to the disadvantage of the former. Could the reason be, asked a letter in The Guardian, ‘that the western nations, and especially the US, see it as in their interest to prevent public concern over events in Gaza from reaching a point where they might be forced to put pressure on Israel, whereas arousing popular feeling over the tragedy of MH17 can be seen as an excellent means, literally dropping out of the sky, of putting pressure on Russia?’ Good question, but how should a phrase like ‘the western nations’ be construed? It isn’t nations that behave like this, but governments, and the corporate media who follow their cues. The various ways this kind of news management happens is something to think about, but for sure it’s systemic. There is also a marked disparity between the space given to the Israeli and Palestinian points of view, with the former being hugely favoured, and another letter on the same page observes that the misreporting on Israel has been going on for a long time. (The Bad News team in Glasgow brought out two books demonstrating the process, in 2004 and 2011.) This time round, however, the veil is beginning to tear. A contributor on MSNBC broke ranks on air, accusing the network of a pro-Israel bias: The Guardian columnist Suzanne Moore worries in a woolly sort of way that the ‘endless pictures of dead toddlers’ circulating on Twitter are no help. ‘How many pictures of dead children do you need to see before you understand that killing children is wrong?’ A better guide to the effects of the social media is provided by Channel 4 (formerly BBC) correspondent Paul Mason, who writes in a blog about ‘a massive change in the balance of power between social media and the old, hierarchical media channels we used to rely on to understand wars’. The social media, he says, have the power to do three things. First, they show a version of events that is independent of the TV networks. Secondly, journalists on the ground now themselves employ social media (you can see this at the start of the MSNBC report below), which short-circuits the editorial processes that normally filter what gets said and reported. Third, as if in answer to Moore, the social media ‘get into your real life consciousness much more powerfully than the old media.’ The first of these effects derives in large part from the citizen journalism that is now an integral part of virtually every site of conflict around the globe, which not only circulates through the social media (though language remains a barrier in the borderless virtual world) but upon which the kleptomaniac news media have become increasingly dependent. This includes videos shot by Hamas. Below the media radar, the internet also provides the tools for international solidarity, the organisation of campaigns and protests, etc., feeding the numerous international protests against the latest Israeli actions, and the expanding BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement, whose growing strength has become a serious worry to the Zionists. But what do you know, the Israeli military has a specialised unit for intervention in the social media, adept at targeting critical or oppositional websites by underhand means like DNS attacks. One friend of mine reports that his site has been brought down a number of times. At the start of the latest intervention in Gaza, a call was issued to students to join in the work of this unit, offering them a not insubstantial fee of $2000 for the job. The second effect threatens the breakdown of effective editorial gatekeeping. A case in point is that of NBC and Ayman Moyheldin, who was recalled from Gaza after filing a powerful report on the killing of the boys on the beach, with whom, by chance, he had been playing football a few moments earlier: When Glenn Greenwald reported his removal on The Intercept, the social media kicked in with a large number of protests, and NBC climbed down and re-instated him. If this is an effective demonstration of social media as a medium of local political intervention, it was also the internet that helped to get him into trouble to start with, so what we see here is an instance of the internet’s multiplication effect. Moyheldin had come under attack on neocon and pro-Israel websites as a ‘Hamas spokesman’ who spouted ‘pro-Hamas rants’, for reports which Greenwald describes as ‘far more balanced and even-handed than the standard pro-Israel coverage that dominates establishment American press coverage; his reports have provided context to the conflict that is missing from most American reports and he avoids adopting Israeli government talking points as truth.’ Lack of context and taking the Israeli government’s word as truth are two of the complaints against the BBC. Mason’s third effect is couched rather vaguely, but he’s thinking of the ‘subliminal and pervasive nature’ of the content that ‘floods people’s timelines’. No doubt some of the effects of this digital ticker-tape are indeed subliminal, but more immediately, the content it carries is in your face. Speaking as a news junkie, my Facebook and Twitter feeds not only serve for diversion and keeping up with far-flung friends, but have long become alternative sources of news. They provide a continuous supply of photos and videos from Gaza itself, as well as solidarity messages, reports of protest demonstrations, articles one might have missed in the press, and so forth. The days following the start of the Israeli attacks were remarkable for the degree to which everyone everywhere (from California to Chile to India) was being mobilised by the suffering in Gaza, almost to the exclusion of anything else. Of course the sources in your feed are your own selection, and pundits warn of the danger that this only reinforces the prejudices you start with—as if this were not true of your choice of newspaper or TV news channel—but that’s not the issue here. As a Jewish friend puts it in a post on Facebook: ‘I have found that Zionists generally are quite delusional and like other such people (born again Christians, Muslim fundamentalists, Ukip or Tea Party supporters) not the least bit open to consider any views which call into question their ‘core’ beliefs.’ Nor is the constant traffic just an effect of contagion—another generalisation, which too easily belittles the widespread anguish and anger over what is happening. But if this global swell remains limited in political effect, as much cyberpolitics is bound to do, it nevertheless expresses the urgent need for it. Despite the constraining ideology of the mainstream news media, it makes a difference that their reporters are there on the ground. Moyheldin, one of a small band of network journalists reporting from Gaza, filed an unusual piece about how they get there, through the heavily fortified border crossing at Erez. After traversing the kilometre-long wired-in walkway to the Hamas checkpoint on the other side, he comments that ‘you can understand why some human rights organizations call Gaza “the world’s largest outdoor prison”’. He adds: “One of the major complaints and frustrations among many people is that this is a form of collective punishment. You have 1.7 million people in this territory, now being bombarded, with really no way out.” The same points are made in a magazine column by the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen where he also writes about Erez, and despairs that no peace deal seems possible, and no-one knows how to put out the fire that is burning across the Middle East. There is little room for background, context, history, and a couple of short animated videos circulating through YouTube, however well-intentioned, are too schematic to help much. The Bad News books, however valuable, are empirical studies, and the reasons behind the bias they demonstrate are rarely discussed. Discussion is discouraged by the ‘subliminal and pervasive nature’ of what some years ago Norman Finkelstein called ‘The Holocaust Industry’—the trade in movies and books, the museums and memorials dedicated to the Shoah—whose soul has long been appropriated by pure propagandists. The awkward question is posed, however, in a brave piece by the columnist Owen Jones on ‘How the occupation of Gaza corrupts the occupier’, which starts by citing the atrocious ‘Sderot Cinema’, a hill above Sderot, overlooking the northern tip of the Gaza strip, where Israelis were gathering to watch and whoop and cheer the bombs and explosions of the Israeli onslaught, in what a Danish newspaper described as a kind of ‘reality war theatre’; and which illustrates, says Jones, ‘how occupations corrupt the occupier’. Looking behind the repulsive image, Jones finds a simple, fundamental truth (well, no, it isn’t simple, it belongs to the DNA of the Zionist State): ‘The moral corruption that comes with any occupation has fused with the collective trauma of the Jewish people’, or as a human rights activist in Tel Aviv expresses it: ‘In Israeli society there is a victim mentality that is deeply, deeply rooted in the Holocaust and encouraged by those in power’. This becomes self-righteous rejection of criticism, as if to say ‘We’re not racist. We are the victims of racism. Now we can defend ourselves, we will—and celebrate the fact.’ If this is to approach the perilous territory of the collective psyche, meanwhile the Holocaust industry combines with the Israeli state apparatus to counter the political critique of Zionism. Former US President Jimmy Carter, echoing South Africa’s Bishop Tutu, earned their ire in 2006 for his book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, but the building of the infamous wall around the West Bank begun in 2003 bears out the criticism of the Zionist policy of segregation. The aweful irony is that a wall has two sides, and it’s also as if Israel has built a wall around itself. Instead of seeking to co-exist in peace, Israel has re-created the ghetto. And then created a ghetto within the ghetto. Four years earlier, the great Portuguese writer Jose Saramago went further, and was pilloried when he visited Palestine as a member of an international writers delegation, and then told the radio back home that ‘What is happening in Palestine is a crime that we can compare to what occurred in Auschwitz.’ Yet according to an Israeli newspaper at the time, an Israeli officer was busy advising his troops to study the tactics adopted by the Nazis in the Second World War, ‘If our job is to seize a densely packed refugee camps or take over the Nablus Casbah…an officer…must…analyze…the lessons of past battles even…to analyze how the German army operated in the Warsaw ghetto.’ What Jones doesn’t go into is that the victim mentality finds its counterpart in the unspoken guilt complex of the Western nations towards the Jewish people, who, living among them, had been persecuted since medieval times, until antisemitism reached its horrific but logical conclusion in Nazi Germany. This suppressed sense of guilt becomes a hidden shame which forbids the expression of anything that could be construed as antisemitic, but cannot distinguish between Jew, Israeli and Zionist, as if you cannot be only one of these. To which my response, as an English Jewish Anti-Zionist, is ‘Not In My Name’. Or the name of my grandparents who perished in the Warsaw Ghetto. The same sentiments have been expressed by the veteran Jewish Labour MP Gerald Kaufman, whose parents came to England as refugees from Poland. Urging the government to impose an arms embargo on Israel during a House of Commons debate on the fighting in Gaza in January 2009, he recalled that his ‘grandmother was ill in bed when the Nazis came to her home town. A German soldier shot her dead in her bed. My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza.’ For Kaufman, ‘The present Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploits the continuing guilt among gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust for their murder of Palestinians.’ Amidst the constant noisy stream of the news, the truth arrives in tiny moments that cut to the quick. A man interviewed on Channel 4 standing in a rubbled-strewn street concludes: ‘This is a miserable life. This is not life.’ In a flash, the words make me think of Giorgio Agamben’s phrase ‘bare life’, in his book Homo Sacer. This is a dangerous thought, returning us to Saramago’s metaphor, which is maybe not a metaphor after all. ‘Bare life’ is Agamben’s term for the conditions of existence of people subjected to states of exception, detained in places where they suffer exclusion from the political community, where the rule of law is suspended, and life is reduced to biological survival. Where the state of exception becomes the rule, anything is possible. But this, Agamben insists, is a juridico-political structure, a legally recognised act of exclusion. It is not, for example, like the lawlessness of a failed state, or the struggle for survival produced by prolonged drought in Africa, say. It takes place within delineated borders, guarded perimeters. The paradigm for this condition is the Nazi concentration camp, because they perfected it, but they didn’t invent it. It is a recurring feature of the modern world. Historians, Agamben tells us, debate whether the first to appear were the campos de concentraciones created by the Spanish in Cuba in 1896 to suppress the popular insurrection of the colony, or the ‘concentration camps’ into which the English herded the Boers toward the start of the century. The first concentration camps in Germany were the work not of the Nazi regime but of the Social-Democratic governments, which interned thousands of communist militants in 1923 on the basis of Schutzhaft, or ‘protective custody’, a juridical institution of Prussian origin allowing detention without criminal charge if considered a danger to the security of the state. When Himmler, says Agamben, ‘decided to create a “concentration camp for political prisoners” in Dachau at the time of Hitler’s election as chancellor of the Reich in March 1933, the camp was immediately entrusted to the SS and…placed outside the rules of penal and prison law, which then and subsequently had no bearing on it.’ In juridical terms, this means that the inmates can suffer death without anyone committing murder. This contention provokes the self-righteous fury of hard-line Zionists, and exercises the pro-Zionist centre-left, who wishing to appear reasonable, are liable to counter by arguing that the comparison isn’t accurate, or what-have-you. No, Gaza isn’t Auschwitz, but it’s a place of ‘not life’. Where external law is suspended and the Occupier refuses to acknowledge an elected internal government, however repugnant it finds them. Where instead the Occupier’s forces apply an elaborate technique of ‘roof knocking’ to warn people to leave their homes, intended to demonstrate that Israel is behaving responsibly, when in truth there is no law which could possibly apply. People cannot flee in time, and anyway where would they go? And so they get killed, but no-one commits murder. Or else you say, this is collective punishment, which is something the Nazis practised in the countries they occupied. And this can only make you weep.
{ "date": "2018-08-21T20:09:08Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221218899.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20180821191026-20180821211026-00572.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9613410830497742, "token_count": 3581, "url": "http://www.putneydebater.com/behind-the-news-from-gaza/" }
Proper 28 Mark 13 15 NOV 2015 Title: This is not the end!! Context: Field Service at Ft. Sill. Last Sunday of Mission Readiness Exercise in preparation for a deployment in February. Text: Mark 13:1-8 Proposition: There will always be war and rumors of war but have hope, the end is not yet. What makes a phrase “iconic” perhaps the better question to ask is what makes a phrase, “timeless?” In our passage this morning, we have an iconic, timeless phrase, “there will be wars and rumors of wars…” It’s a phrase that is repeated in literature and in culture throughout West. It’s one of those phrases that is almost always true. There will always be wars and rumors of war. Why? Because we are human. Because we consistently fail to resolve our issues with one another with dialogue and conversation. Because we are greedy. Because we seek for power. Because we love violence. Because we can’t abide evil that destroys life. Because we are human. There will always be wars and rumors of wars. It is nearing the end. The followers are starting to notice that their leader has been getting darker of late. It’s evident to them as they travel that people are less likely to welcome them, house them, and give them food. Good, Yahweh fearing, hardworking, respectable people are closing their doors when they pass. The young come out in droves. The hurting needing healing are hounding them. The poor who have nothing to lose anyway come out to see them and hear the prophet. But the respectable? The established? The connected? The wealthy who could support them in their ministry? Nowhere to be found. What worried them were the zealots, the outcasts and subversives that brought with them spies and traitors, agents of the empire. Fear began to creep in and disturb their comfort. Something, something was happening. It wasn’t always like this. When they were recruited, it was exciting! They were part of a movement unlike anything they had ever experienced! Jesus was a rock star. They were awesome just because they were with him! Early on, everyone came out to see them. Everyone surrounded them pressed them in. It was exhilarating! They were part of something big! They had given everything to this movement. They had abandoned their careers. Left their families. Walked away from security and home because they felt the call to something bigger. Lately though, it didn’t seem as fun. It didn’t seem as clear cut. The teaching was darker and Jesus kept going on and on about dying in Jerusalem. Then they went to that very place. The place where Jesus said he was going to die. Day one was amazing. People who only had one coat in their lifetime threw that coat on the ground so that the donkey Jesus was riding didn’t even have to touch the dirt. Branches of trees were strewn everywhere. Jesus was riding in like a king! They cried out hosanna!! Then someone (clearly a zelot) started saying, “blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David!” The people picked it up and it spread through the crowd. They weren’t screaming for a messiah, they were screaming for their king. So, Yeeeahhh, that happened. Their leader became the literal second coming of King David. Obviously Rome was NOT impressed. Things began to go south. Moderate people started to avoid them. The reception began to go cold. It all went downhill from there. Everyone is watching them. People are looking darkly from behind corners. There is angst about what comes next. Is this what they signed up for? Angst. Anxiety. Worry. Embarrassment. Maybe this wasn’t the best thing to do with their lives. (I might be projecting a little but that’s what telling stories is all about right?) So, then they come to the Temple. It’s beautiful. The stones are so huge! They rise out of the ground. These fishermen, most of whom have probably never been to a city in their lives much less Jerusalem, the Holy City, are amazed. They walk around gazing upward like the country bumkin rednecks they are. They comment to Jesus how awesome the stones are, how magnificent the building is (maybe trying to cheer him up?) and how does he respond? “Do you see these great buildings?” replies Jesus. “Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” Crash and burn. Jesus is talking about the very seat of Jewish identity. This is the core of the Jewish faith and their nationality. Of course, we know now that not long after this, Rome would burn it all and what would be left is rubble never to even look like what it was. But they didn’t know that. Jesus rained on their parade with fire and brimstone. This is after (in chapter 12) he has laid waste the religious establishment for building their wealth on the backs of the poor who could not afford it. So the cozy up and ask – “so, when’s it going to go down?” Jesus replies by describing what the end of the world would look like. It is important to remember that Mark is an apocalyptic writer. He believed that Rome would bring (as it, in fact, brought) about the end of civilization. This writing was to a people who believed that they would see Jesus again in their lifetimes. The message is to a specific people but it is also timeless. There will be war. There will be rumors of war. This is a fact of life. But the end is not yet come. And that, I hear with hope. The world will be bad, it will get worse, it’ll be tough. Things will be demanded of you that you can’t imagine but don’t be afraid, the end is not yet. What does this all mean for us, sitting here, in this room looking down the barrel at (for some of us) another journey into the breach? We all saw the news yesterday, Paris and Beirut attacked, once again, the drums of war sound and those of us who have carried that burden hear them with the exhausted ears of the boxer hearing the ring to start round 14. Will the wars never end? Perhaps and perhaps not. History, if it shows us anything, demonstrates that as long as we’re human, we’ll be either at war or talking about it. War is an exercise in rhetoric except for us, we who put on the armor, pick up the rifle, shoulder the ruck, and move to contact. Here’s how I hear the text this morning: Listen, these walls you see, they are built on the backs of the poor. They will fall. They cannot stand. This is the nature of life. There will always be people who come along and profess that their way is the only way, beware of them. They will say they represent me but they do not! When you hear of wars and rumors of war, do not be afraid, this is not the end. Soldiers, there could not have been a better text for us this morning. There will always be wars and rumors of wars. We are fighting one that is 14 years old and another that is moving into its third iteration. There is no doubt in my mind that war will define the rest of my career and possibly yours as well. If we continue as we are, in 2025 when my retirement becomes possible, we just might still be in Iraq and Afghanistan. And yet, the message I hear is, “Don’t be afraid… the end is not yet.” Saints, hear this from Christ, Do not be afraid, this is not the end. So live! Love life! Anxiety is normal. It is part of recognizing that we are not working at McDonalds, we are Soldiers in the Army of the United States. And we, gathered here, are Christians. Followers of the Way. As we move to contact, as we live our lives, let us be the best of who we are. Let us be the best Soldiers for we represent our heritage. Let us be the best leaders for we represent our nation. Let us be the best people for we, believers, represent Christ. Let us live forward, into the light, unafraid, for this is not the end.
{ "date": "2019-08-24T04:33:45Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027319724.97/warc/CC-MAIN-20190824041053-20190824063053-00052.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9796023964881897, "token_count": 1806, "url": "https://jonathanrfisher.wordpress.com/tag/peace-2/" }
When does a Jewish baby naming take place? If a baby boy is being circumcised, (b’rit milah) typically done on the eighth day after birth, the boy is given his Hebrew name at the same time. Baby namings for girls can occur at any time, although they are usually done in the first few weeks of the baby’s life. Where does a Jewish baby naming take place? Baby namings can be held in people’s homes,or they can be held at the synagogue. A b’rit milah is usually held in the morning. A baby naming held in a synagogue can take place at a Shabbat service, either Friday evening or Saturday morning. Why do Jewish babies have a Hebrew name? The baby’s Hebrew name will be used at life-cycle events throughout his or her life. When Jewish children begin their religious education, they participate in a Consecration ceremony, at which their Hebrew name will be used. At a child’s bar mitzvah (for boys) or bat mitzvah (for girls) – the Jewish coming-of-age ceremony at the age of 13 – he or she is called to the Torah for the first time by their Hebrew name. At a Jewish wedding, the Hebrew names of the couple are used on the ketubah, their Jewish marriage document. When a person is called to the Torah, an honor bestowed during a synagogue service, he or she is called by their Hebrew name. When the person dies, his or her Hebrew name will be used during the funeral and burial, and will then be inscribed on their tombstone. For further information about a baby naming, please call Rabbi Joshua Dorsch 619 697-6001 or email him at [email protected].
{ "date": "2020-10-24T04:17:18Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107881640.29/warc/CC-MAIN-20201024022853-20201024052853-00572.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9649208188056946, "token_count": 383, "url": "https://tiferethisrael.com/religious-life/baby-naming-brit-milah/" }
September 20: Union County Senior Council Program on “In-Home Medical Options” Sunday, September 16, 2012 • 6:08pm On Thursday morning, September 20, the Union County Senior Citizens Council is sponsoring a special program on “In-Home Medical Options” at L'Affaire in Mountainside. The purpose of the program is to explain how to improve our care at home, utilizing technology and other special healthcare services that are now available. “According to a recent study, one in five New Jersey Medicare patients discharged from the hospital returns within thirty days,” said Richard Stone, Executive Director of the Union County Senior Citizens Council. “In order to reduce the high hospital readmissions we need to improve the quality and efficiency in our healthcare programs. This is where technology and preventative care can make a difference.” “Managing care at home involves a host of different needs, which places additional pressures on the loved ones who care for us,” added Ellen Steinberg, Chair of the Senior Council. “Whether it is visiting nurse organizations or community services, we need to ease the transition home.” The program will feature speakers from hospitals and service organizations. Andrew Miller, the Medical Director of Healthcare Quality Strategies will discuss the funding issues of Medicare. Bernadette Pryor of Trinitas Regional Medical Center and Karen Winter of Jewish Family Services will explain a new hospital to home transition program that has recently been developed. Susan Grinkevich, the vice-president of home care at Holy Redeemer will present some of the latest in-home health technology that is available including Telemonitoring and Coagucheck. Doors will open at 9:00am with a continental breakfast. Attendees will have the opportunity to browse the numerous informational exhibits on display. The formal program will run from 10:15am to 11:30am with time for questions at the end. For more information or to RSVP please contact the Union County Senior Citizens Council at (908) 964-7555. The Senior Citizens Council is a not-for-profit organization devoted to the needs of older Americans, their families and caregivers. Get local stories like this delivered right to your inbox or smartphone everyday with our free newsletter.
{ "date": "2013-05-19T19:05:23Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368697974692/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516095254-00053-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9274972677230835, "token_count": 469, "url": "http://thealternativepress.com/articles/september-20-union-county-senior-council-program" }
Danny proves he’s ready to shine Daniel Aharanov made an explosive start to his professional boxing career after claiming an impressive debut victory against light-middleweight opponent Kevin McCauley. The 19-year-old from Bat Yam recorded a 40-37 points victory at Camden Town Hall as he underlined his credentials with an action-packed showing. Fighting under the name Danny 'Kid' Ahrenef, the Israeli fighter showed little sign of nerves and came within a whisker of knocking out his opponent in the second round. Robert Waterman, Aharanov’s manager and promoter, says he is thrilled with the progress being made by the talented teenager. "It was an exemplary performance and I'm more than proud of him," said Waterman, who previously worked with Roman Greenberg. "He was giving away eight pounds to a vastly experienced fighter and a lot of people couldn’t believe that I put him in there on his debut against McCauley. "But all the feedback has been very positive on what was a very tough fight. "I wanted to pick somebody to test Danny and show him just how much work he has to do if he wants to reach the top. "With Roman, I chose easier opponents early on and perhaps that lulled him into a false sense of security. "But Danny showed his ability and talent. He started very well in the opening two rounds but just couldn’t keep it up towards the end, which I expected. "He fought at a very fast pace, won the first three rounds and drew the last. Aharonov began to dream of becoming a boxer at the age of 11 before becoming a successful junior and amateur fighter and winning several medals. A proud Jew, Aharanov's roots remain important to him with the fighter proud of his religious heritage. "Danny's such an exciting fighter and it's lovely to have what I would call my first traditional Jewish fighter,” added Waterman. "He's not religious and he will fight on a Saturday because he knows his career would be over otherwise. "But he keeps kosher, lays tefilin and wears tzizit." * Dmitriy Salita has a new opponent for his fight at the Barclays Center on October 20 after original choice Vivian Harris suffered a crushing defeat. Former world light-welterweight title challenger Salita will now meet Hector Munoz, from New Mexico.
{ "date": "2013-05-25T12:35:28Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368705953421/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516120553-00053-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9842039346694946, "token_count": 510, "url": "http://www.thejc.com/sport/sport-news/86566/danny-proves-he%e2%80%99s-ready-shine" }
Julian Ursyn NiemcewiczArticle Free Pass Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, (born February 6, 1757 or 1758, Skoki, Poland—died May 21, 1841, Paris, France), Polish playwright, poet, novelist, and translator whose writings, inspired by patriotism and concern for social and governmental reform, reflect the turbulent political events of his day. He was the first Polish writer to know English literature thoroughly, and he translated works of such authors as John Dryden, John Milton, Alexander Pope, and Samuel Johnson during a period of imprisonment in 1794–96. Further, he introduced the historical novel to Poland with his three-volume Jan z Tęczyna (1825; “Jan of Tęczyn”), which was influenced by the Scottish novelist Sir Walter Scott. Educated in the Warsaw cadet corps between 1770 and 1777, Niemcewicz spent most of the period 1783–88 in western Europe and in 1788 was elected deputy to the Sejm (parliament) of Poland. In 1790 he wrote Powrót posła (“The Deputy’s Return”), a political comedy very popular in its day. After participating in the unsuccessful insurrection against Russia of 1794, when he served as an aide-de-camp to Tadeusz Kościuszko, he was captured at Maciejowice and imprisoned in St. Petersburg for two years. Upon his release, he traveled to England and then with Kościuszko to the United States, where he met George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and other American political leaders. He married in the United States and remained there until 1807, when he returned to Poland. His recollections of that period—Podróże po Ameryce 1797–1807—have been translated into English and edited by Metchie J.E. Budka and published as Under Their Vine and Fig Tree: Travels Through America in 1797–1799, 1805, with Some Further Account of Life in New Jersey (1965). While Niemcewicz strove to add a moderate voice to the social and political unrest in Poland between 1807 and 1831, he devoted himself primarily to literary work, publishing Śpiewy historyczne (1816; “Historical Songs”), a series of simple song poems that became very popular, and Lebje i Sióra (1821; Levi and Sarah, or, The Jewish Lovers: A Polish Tale), the first Polish novel to discuss the problems of Jews in Polish society. In 1831 he journeyed to England to attempt to persuade the western European powers to intervene on behalf of the Polish insurrection against the Russians. He failed to do so, however, and spent the last years of his life in Paris, campaigning for Polish freedom. His memoirs appeared in 1848. What made you want to look up "Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz"? Please share what surprised you most...
{ "date": "2013-06-20T01:52:48Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368710006682/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516131326-00053-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9675760865211487, "token_count": 640, "url": "http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/414616/Julian-Ursyn-Niemcewicz" }
What is FRA-BOC? Familial Risk Assessment – Breast and Ovarian Cancer (FRA-BOC) is an on-line tool designed for use by health professionals such as general practitioners and nurses. - provides an estimation of the risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer, based on family history, for unaffected women i.e. those who have not had a diagnosis of breast cancer or epithelial ovarian cancer - assists health professionals to reassure the majority of women who are at population risk, based on their family history - identifies women who should be referred to a family cancer clinic for further assessment and advice - covers most family history scenarios although it should be noted that not every scenario is able to be covered, for example, families where the family history of breast and ovarian cancer is unknown, families that are very small, or families which are predominantly male. For these women, a further individualised risk assessment may be appropriate. Family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer Family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer can be used to estimate: - A woman’s risk of developing these cancers - The probability of having an inherited mutation in a known cancer-predisposing gene Breast cancer is fairly common. One in nine Australian women will develop breast cancer before the age of 85. Many women have someone in their family who has had breast cancer; this can happen by chance, as the disease is so common. Family history becomes more important when there are more relatives with breast cancer on the same side of the family, especially if the cancer occurs at an early age. Most women will not develop breast cancer, even if they have a close relative with breast cancer. Rarely, breast cancer can be caused by a fault in a gene that can be passed within families from one generation to another. These gene faults (mutations) can be inherited from either the mother’s or father’s side of the family. Less than 5% of all breast cancer cases are caused by an inherited gene fault. Ovarian cancer is less common than breast cancer. One in 78 women will develop invasive epithelial ovarian cancer before the age of 85. Ovarian cancer sometimes has an association with breast cancer. The same inherited genetic faults that make a person more likely to develop breast cancer may also make a person more likely to develop ovarian cancer. Hereditary links appear to account for around 15% of all cases of invasive epithelial ovarian cancer. Women with a family history of breast cancer or ovarian cancer may be at increased risk of developing these cancers, with the risk increasing the more relatives are affected (with breast and/or ovarian cancer) on one side of the family. Family history of breast cancer is common, but for most families breast cancer is not due to a genetic predisposition. However, rare families have an inherited predisposition to breast cancer. These families tend to have a stronger family history of both breast and ovarian cancer. Such families may be referred to family cancer clinics for further advice and consideration of genetic testing. Genetic testing usually includes testing of the genes currently known to be associated with a genetic predisposition to these cancers (such as BRCA1 and BRCA2) but other genes may be tested in the future. If a woman reports Jewish ancestry and a family history of breast or ovarian cancer it may be appropriate to refer for assessment at a family cancer clinic.
{ "date": "2016-07-23T15:04:17Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257823072.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071023-00072-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9608772993087769, "token_count": 697, "url": "https://canceraustralia.gov.au/clinical-best-practice/gynaecological-cancers/familial-risk-assessment-fra-boc" }
Gerald Fenech has been a classical music enthusiast ever since hearing the Classics For Pleasure LP recording of Handel’s Music for the Royal Fireworks with the Virtuosi of England. In July 1995 he was at the First Night of the Proms in London when Mahler’s Eighth Symphony was played under the baton of Andrew Davis. The experience set him writing a review which was sent to The Sunday Times of Malta and he was then commissioned to write a bi-weekly page of CD reviews which continued until 2004 and featured hundreds of CDs from a myriad of labels. In 1997, Gerald began a career in radio broadcasting which lasted until 2002 where he presented hundreds of programmes dealing with music for the state cultural radio in Malta - now sadly defunct. He also contributed many articles to other local and international publications, and wrote for several websites including Musicweb, Classical Net and Music and Vision Magazine, which he joined in 1999. For many years he was also the music critic for The Times of Malta as well as The Malta Independent. He also published reviews of selected Testament recordings in International Classical Record Collector. Although currently a full time journalist, he still finds time to keep abreast with what’s happening in the world of classical music, not least through his regular writings for M&V. He specializes in orchestral repertoire with a historical tinge, and some of his favourite artists are Istvan Kertesz, Otto Klemperer, Sir Thomas Beecham and Herbert von Karajan. He is also a tireless advocate for British music - particularly the works of Parry, Stanford, Vaughan Williams, Elgar and Bax, and has a lifelong dedication to the work of the great Danish composer Carl Nielsen, on which he has written extensively, particularly on the seminal Symphony No. 4, The Inextinguishable. A dedicated sound enthusiast, he has a huge CD collection and is also the proud owner of a sizeable LP collection and an SME 3012/Garrard 401 combination which occasionally gives great pleasure when used to play his favourite Decca FFSS LPs. Music & Vision articles by Gerald Fenech Messiaen organ music. 'An excellent introduction to Messiaen's unique sound-world ...' Music inspired by St Francis of Assisi. 'A heart-melting issue ...' Ancient Scottish Highland music. 'Although not for the faint hearted, the rewards are great ...' Mozart violin concerti. '... Kraggerud is most ably supported by the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra ...' Orchestral music by Granados. '... well crafted and very tuneful.' American and British art songs. '... a cause for constant enjoyment.' Jean-François Paillard conducts J S Bach. '... this rendition consistently delights ...' Music by Luigi Gazzotti. '... meltingly tender renditions ...' Music from the lost palace of Westminster. '... gracefulness and musical conviction ...' Benjamin Nicholas plays Elgar for organ. '... thought-provoking insights ...' Orchestral music by Faradzh Karaev. 'Performances are committed throughout ...' A recording dedicated to David Trendell. '... intelligence and deep musicality ...' Balfe's 'Satanella'. '... a work made in Heaven, sparkling, joyous and overtly uplifting.' Music by Antonio Lotti. '... excitement, poignancy and luscious harmonic sounds ...' René Jacobs' Haydn Symphonies. '... great zest and alacrity.' Todd Fickley plays J S Bach. '... amazing virtuosity ...' Suites, canons and songs by Pachelbel. '... generously filled and sumptuously recorded.' Sophie Rosa and Benjamin Powell. 'A wonderfully attractive recital ...' Handel's Water Music. 'The Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin plays with an undisguised love for the music ...' Felix Weingartner's 'Die Dorfschule'. '... great attention to detail ...' The Choir of Merton College, Oxford. '... beautifully moulded lines ...' Robert King's 'Israel in Egypt'. '... the version to have ...' Bernardo Pasquini's Passion Oratorio. '... a moving interpretation, full of ardent singing and impassioned energy ...' Chopin piano music. '... a lovely and singing tone ...' The Rochdale Town Hall organ. '... played with absorbing panache by Byram-Wigfield ...' J S Bach's French Suites. '... exceptional readings full of profound emotional content, yet scholarly and alive.' Weinberg orchestral music. '... deserving of serious consideration.' Organ music by J S Bach and Pachelbel. '... Barbara Harbach gives a towering performance ...' Songs with orchestra by Michael Csányi-Wills. 'A stimulating initiation ...' Jules Massenet art songs captivate Gerald Fenech. 'Shudong Braamse has the perfect voice for this repertoire ...' Orchestral music by Ottorino Respighi excites Gerald Fenech. '... passionately performed and sumptuously recorded ...' Choral music by Ferenc Farkas. '... performances have a solemn dignity ...' Chamber music by Joaquín Turina. '... wonderfully characterized and atmospheric readings ...' Piano music by Niklas Sivelöv. '... marvelous technique and improvisational skills.' Viola d'Amore concertos by Vivaldi. 'Rachel Barton Pine gives committed performances full of virtuosic brilliance ...' Jewish cabaret music surprises Gerald Fenech. '... those who decide to take the plunge will be rewarded with riches aplenty.' Schubert Lieder captivate Gerald Fenech. '... full of sensibility, ardour and vocal nuance ...' Piano music by Edward Loder. 'Ian Hobson is a brilliant advocate of this sadly neglected repertoire ...' Jazz piano etudes by Milan Dvorák. '... Milan Franek gives wonderfully lighthearted interpretations ...' Paul Hillier conducts Arvo Pärt. '... performances of the most wondrous beauty.' Renaissance Christmas choral music. '... performed with breathtaking freshness, balance and gracefulness ...' Music by Fernando Lopes-Graça. 'Performances are wholly committed ...' Gregory Rose's 'Danse Macabre'. '... intense realism.' Overtures by Maurice Greene. 'Performances are unfussy but persuasive ...' Music from the Baldwin Partbooks. 'The Marian Consort's delivery is clean, unembellished and wholly uplifting ...' String music by Nigel Clarke. '... post-modern music through and through ...' Music by Matvey Nikolaevsky. '... immensely enjoyable stuff ...' Bartók piano music. 'American pianist Terry Eder despatches this difficult repertoire with great rhythmic vitality and expressive exuberance ...' Sonatas by Francesco Barsanti. '... performances are consistently versatile, accurate and poetic.' Songs by Berlioz, Chausson and Duparc. '... Soile Isokoski interprets this unique repertoire with eloquence and mastery ...' Music by Max Bruch for violin and orchestra. '... Weithaas is a brilliant exponent ...' Music for cello and orchestra. 'Jamie Walton exudes warm and committed performances ...' Robert Anderson's 'Opera Nights and Nightmares' Gerald Fenech returns to Festival Maribor in Slovenia Early music for mezzo and viols. 'Performances are quintessentially flawless ...' Vocal and choral music by Jaime León. 'Performances are unerringly fresh and balanced ...' David McGuinness and friends. 'A beguiling issue in superb sound and catchy presentation.' Music by Mykola Lysenko. '... superb craftsmanship ...' Busoni piano music. '... gripping music making ...' Music by Leif Solberg, strongly recommended. 'Unbridled and vibrantly committed performances ...' Boccherini chamber music. '... exquisite stuff from beginning to end ...' Piano music by Carl Loewe fascinates Gerald Fenech. 'In Linda Nicholson, Loewe has a wonderfully refreshing advocate.' Chamber music by Robert Kahn. '... zealous advocates of Kahn's cause ...' Vocal music by Olivier Messiaen. '... imaginative conducting ...' Choral and vocal music by Penderecki. '... the momentum of Penderecki's creations is marvelously executed.' Symphonies by Andrei Golovin. 'Sound and presentation are top notch.' Gaetano Donizetti's 'La Favorite'. '... lovingly produced and passionately executed ...' Choral music from Brazil appeals to Gerald Fenech. '... a strong touch of lyricism and a reverential approach ...' Valentina Lisitsa plays Philip Glass, impressing Gerald Fenech. 'A must for all Glass enthusiasts ...' Symphonies by Salomon Jadassohn. 'An enterprising issue in excellent sound ...' The Usher Hall organ. 'John Kitchen oozes out every sound possible from this monster of an organ ...' Works by Chopin written in 1846. 'A positive artistic experience ...' John McCabe plays Nielsen. '... an exciting and forceful advocate ...' Symphonies by Hoffmann and Witt. 'A winner in every department and an excellent introduction ...' Agostino Steffani's 'Niobe, Regina di Tebe'. '... intense renditions full of dramatic power and feeling.' Sokolov at Salzburg, strongly recommended. '... Sokolov's playing is mesmerizing throughout ...' Organ music by William Faulkes. 'Duncan Ferguson's renditions are as enthralling as they are warmly expressive ...' Early recordings by Nelson Freire impress Gerald Fenech. 'An ideal set for ... all who admire this truly great soloist.' Music by Étienne Moulinié. 'The members of Ensemble Correspondances have these pieces under their skin ...' Antonio Vivaldi flute concerti. 'Steger is a likeable exponent ...' Choral music by Herbert Howells. '... glorious choral textures ...' Orchestral works by the young Bartók. '... performances are consistently exciting ...' Arias by Handel, Bononcini and Ariosti. 'Lawrence Zazzo has a bright and clear timbre ...' Music inspired by the Virgin Mary. '... overflowing with a translucent beauty ...' Gerald Fenech visits Slovenia's Festival Maribor Passiontide music. 'An edifying programme in excellent sound and presentation ...' The Dobson organ at Merton College Harp music from early baroque Naples. 'Margret Köll's performances have an ethereal aura ...' Sibelius tone poems enthrall Gerald Fenech. 'A magically enthralling foray into Finnish mythology.' Cyprien Katsaris arranges Beethoven's 'Emperor' Concerto. '... unparalleled success ...' Music by Marin Marais. 'Another triumph for Savall's seemingly inexhaustible musical genius.' Purcell sonatas. '... irrepressibly elegant and restrained.' Richard Strauss' 'Salome'. '... fine and emotionally sapping ...' Orchestral music by Knecht and Philidor. 'Performances are consistently breezy and light-hearted ...' Schubert symphonies. '... performances of unwavering focus ...' Buxtehude from Magdalen College, Oxford. '... consistently refreshing and spontaneous ...' Wagner's Götterdämmerung from La Scala Milan. 'The singing is at a constantly high level throughout ...' Mary Costanza plays Bach. '... wholly impressive and full of lively ideas ...' J S Bach's Brandenburg Concertos, impress Gerald Fenech. '... up there with the best.' Tchaikovsky, known and unknown. '... a wondrous sense of joy ...' René Jacobs' St Matthew Passion, strongly recommended. '... a power that almost sweeps you off your feet.' Mark Padmore sings British vocal music. '... beautifully sung, recorded and presented ...' Jacobean choral music. '... distinctive character and colour ...' The Repast Baroque Ensemble. '... delectable performances ...' Unknown music by Benjamin Britten Shostakovich's Fourth Symphony. 'A strong competitor for the disc of the year ...' Mahler arranged by Schoenberg. 'An unusual interpretation of "Das Lied" in excellent sound and presentation ...' Orchestral music by Prokofiev. 'The São Paulo Symphony respond with great sensitivity ...' Mendelssohn and Schumann violin concertos. '... Barton Pine's heartfelt response to both slow movements is full of tonal beauty ...' Personal memories of Liverpool's Playhouse Theatre Gerald Fenech enjoys his visit to Festival Maribor in Slovenia Janáček's Cunning Little Vixen A Joan Sutherland portrait. '... a fitting tribute to the singing legend from Australia ...' Spanish early music in the new world. 'All thirty tracks have a charm of their own ...' Jean Richafort's Requiem. '... worthy of the most scrupulous investigation.' Choral works by Samuel Sebastian Wesley. 'Soloists and choral singing are of the utmost quality ...' Pergolesi's 'L'Olimpiade'. '... sound and visuals are top-drawer stuff.' Music from eighteenth century Mexico. 'A peach of a disc ...' Couperin's Lamentations. 'Robert King and his superb forces give absorbingly committed performances ...' Orchestral music by Joachim Raff. '... very well portrayed by Järvi ... and the Suisse Romande Orchestra ...' Hymn tunes played by William Neil. '... spectacular and life enhancing ...' Sacred music by Antonio Maria Bononcini. '... an issue that oozes beauty ...' Magdalena Kozená's Carmen. '... sheer and utter brilliance in every department.' Music for Advent intrigues Gerald Fenech. '... one of the discs of the year as far as choral music is concerned ...' Carl Orff's 'Gisei'. 'An exciting discovery ...' Rossini's 'Le Comte Ory'. 'Joyce DiDonato, as Ory's promiscuous young page Isolier, is absolutely irrepressible ...' Christine Brewer and Roger Vignoles. '... a gamut of emotions which are superbly handled ...' A recital by Alice Coote and Graham Johnson. '... interpreted with great zest and passion ...' Karl Jenkins' 'The Peacemakers'. '... some rather inspired music.' Simon Rattle's new Bruckner 9. '... polished and vigorous performances ...' Michala Petri plays English recorder concertos. '... nimble fingering and miraculous breath control ...' Choral music by Bob Chilcott. '... the singing has a transcendent quality ...' Lukaszewski's 'Via Crucis'. '... palpable nobility ...' Music by Vittorio Giannini. '... dispatched with a technical brilliance ...' Verdi's 'Macbeth' from Covent Garden. '... almost unbearable intensity and shimmering sonority.' Symphonies by Howard Hanson. 'The recordings are excellent on all counts ...' Music for flute and organ. '... mastery, panache and a sense of balance that is almost uncanny.' New dance to Tchaikovsky. 'Sound and visuals are first-rate.' German Baroque from the Hanoverian Ensemble. '... another treasure trove of wonderful music ...' A recital on Exeter Cathedral's organ. '... Millington on fine form ...' The Vienna Boys Choir in the Far East. '... a refreshingly different portrait of this hugely versatile group ...' Rimsky-Korsakov orchestral suites. '... the music is dear to the heart of these players ...' Arrangements of Dvorák songs recommended. 'The intense rapport between both artists can immediately be felt ...' Spirituals, hymns and folk music. '... I have nothing but praise for the whole enterprise.' Minkus' 'Don Quijote' from the Ballet Nacional de Cuba. '... gorgeous sound and visuals.' Ravel songs. '... utter conviction ...' CD Spotlight. Spiritual Outpourings. Alexander Romanovsky plays Rachmaninov. '... passion and elegance.' Gerald Fenech visits Slovenia for Festival Maribor An organ recital by SooHwang Choi. '... expressive beauty.' Petrenko conducts Shostakovich. '... very much on the ball ...' Baroque music in Poland. '... very fine interpretations ...' Eniko Magyar plays English viola music. '... beautifully executed and superbly recorded ...' Ruthanne Schempf plays American piano music. '... her performances are fresh and immediate ...' Orchestral music by Richard Strauss. '... highly recommended ...' Vaughan Williams' piano concerto. 'Highly recommended ...' Friedrich Klose's 'Ilsebill'. '... a risky yet rewarding adventure ...' A documentary on Puccini's 'Madame Butterfly'. '... riveting stuff ...' Vocal music by Jacobus Vaet. '... a gorgeous disc on all counts ...' Donizetti's 'Lucrezia Borgia'. 'Dimitra Theodossiou's Lucrezia rivals that of many of her illustrious predecessors ...' Harpsichord music by Israeli composers. '... admirably played ...' String Quartets by Szymanowski and Rózycki Orchestral music by Debussy Music by Guillaume Dufay String chamber music by Imogen Holst Violin concertos by Nikolay Roslavets impress Gerald Fenech Music by Julius Röntgen Solo sonatas by Benedetto Marcello John Bell Young's survey of the Beethoven symphonies Marin Alsop conducts Dvorák Gerald Fenech enjoyed the revival of a forgotten Haydn opera Outstanding Slav Passion Old-fashioned Mozart - another Karajan review from Gerald Fenech Gerald Fenech reviews Richard Osborne's HERBERT VON KARAJAN: A Life in Music Gerald Fenech reviews Karajan's recording of Balakirev and Roussel symphonies Gerald Fenech reviews Thomas Kalb's Vanhal symphonies Gerald Fenech reviews Symposium Records' CD transfer of 1940s Toscanini recordings
{ "date": "2016-07-25T13:58:21Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257824230.71/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071024-00224-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8600142002105713, "token_count": 4113, "url": "http://www.mvdaily.com/articles/f/g/gerald-fenech.htm" }
A ceasefire between Israel and Hamas may have been reached on paper, but evidence already indicates that it is unlikely to hold. A top Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader has already warned that the ceasefire would be short and that a “new, more savage round” of fighting with Israel lies ahead. The agreement establishes Egypt as the guarantor of peace between Israel and Hamas even though President Mohammed Morsi and members of his government openly aided and supported Hamas in the conflict. The ceasefire will likely embolden Hamas, which views it as a victory over Israel. History shows that ceasefires do not deter Hamas from firing rockets into Israel. Further, Iran’s admission that it has given improved weapons technology to Hamas serves as a warning of an increased Iranian effort to destabilize Israel. In the end, this ceasefire represents merely a lull in the fighting, not a beginning of lasting peace. Here are 10 examples of misleading assumptions and conventional wisdom: 1. Hamas Will Adhere to a “Ceasefire” Hamas accepted a ceasefire with Israel in this latest escalation. However, the Arabic word for truce, “hudna,” is perceived differently within the Hamas mentality. In this modern context, a hudna involves a temporary lull in the violence that allows Hamas the necessary time to organize and re-arm itself in anticipation of a future conflict with Israel. It is different from a ceasefire in that it is an agreement to halt hostilities for a defined period of time only, not a peace agreement. The duration of Hamas’s current hudna with Israel remains unknown, and we can be assured that fighting will resume once Hamas decides to do so. Once a hudna is agreed to, observing it becomes a religious duty for the Muslim party as long as the non-Muslim party observes it. It runs counter to the term sul d’aim, which means permanent peace and the recognition of the non-Muslim party’s right to exist. Hudna was the first word used in Muslim history to describe a ceasefire, found in context of the 7th century Treaty of al-Hudaybiyya – referring to a truce that came six years after Muhammad and his followers deserted Mecca for Medina. This agreement allowed Muhammad and his followers to pray in Mecca, which was then under control of the Quraysh tribe, for a decade. However, when Muhammad’s army became strong enough, it used an attack by the Quraysh-aligned Banu Bakr tribe two years into the pact as a pretext to give the Quraysh an ultimatum to disavow their allies, pay restitution for their attack against the Muslims or nullify the treaty. The Quraysh chose the final option and Muhammad marched on Mecca and easily conquered the city. This event set a precedent, justifying the abandonment of operations for the purposes of regrouping and rearming, allowing for a future attack on the territory left behind. The late PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat alluded to the Treaty of al-Hudaybiyya while giving a speech in a mosque in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1994, suggesting that peace with Israel would be temporary. History has proven that Hamas subscribes to this perspective, and that it uses hudnas as temporary lulls in the fighting prior to renewing hostilities. In June 2003, Hamas announced a hudna with Israel, yet it ended violently with a suicide bombing two months later in Jerusalem that killed 22 people and wounded more than 130. Likewise, Israel’s 2008 incursion into Gaza led to a hudna as well. However, Hamas ended this temporary truce by firing rockets into Israel sporadically since the last “ceasefire,” escalating the attacks dramatically in the past month. Modern interpretations of hudna mean there will be no end to the religiously-inspired struggle until Israel is defeated. The Hamas covenant proves this point: “There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals, and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.” Hamas co-founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin regarded the hudna as a “tactical move” in its war with Israel. Discussing the prospect of peace with Israel earlier this year, Hamas leader Moussa Abu Marzook indicated that his organization would be open to a hudna with Israel, but it would never renounce its goal of Israel’s destruction. 2. Hamas is Interested in Peace Hamas, designated as a terrorist organization by the United States and the European Union, does not distinguish between the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and pre-1967 Israel. To it, all of “Palestine” is occupied. The Hamas charter explicitly calls for the destruction of the Jewish state as its top priority. In fact, Hamas prides itself as the main “resistance” (code word for terrorism) movement against Israel. “All the energies of the people and the ummah (nation) [are needed] in order to uproot the oppressive Entity,” al-Qassam Brigades Commander Muhammad al Deif said just before the current ceasefire. Any recognition of Israel’s right to exist is unacceptable to the Hamas leadership. This belief is the root of the conflict. In light of a Nov. 21 bus bombing of in Tel Aviv, Hamas member Ezzat Rishq confirmed that the attack was a “repercussion of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.” Rishq added that “the Zionist Entity should know that the continuation of aggression and crimes against our defenseless people in Gaza will double the state of rage, boiling excitement and discontent among our people everywhere against their crimes, soldiers and extremists, pointing out that the Zionists have to expect worst.” 3. The Problem is Israel’s Siege of Gaza With Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005, removing every Jewish resident and soldier from the territory, Palestinians were given a chance to fully govern themselves and build their society. However, instead of trying to improve Gaza’s standard of living, Hamas remained focused on its hostility toward Israel by firing rockets at the Jewish state immediately after taking over. Since Hamas first exerted control in Gaza in 2006, 6,109 rockets have hit Israeli territory. It fully seized power in a bloody Palestinian civil war with the rival Fatah faction in 2007. In response, Israel imposed a blockade on Gaza in an attempt to curb the flow of arms to Hamas. This year alone, 1,822 rockets have hit Israeli territory. From November 10-13, immediately prior to Israel’s operation, Hamas fired 121 rockets into Israel. Hamas launched another 1,500 rockets after Israel initiated Operation Pillar of Defense on Nov. 14. Israel’s blockade is by no means an “occupation” – rather, it is a necessary response to stem Hamas’ weapons smuggling into Gaza, actions that threatens Israel’s security. This tactic is nothing new, as the United States blockaded Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, and the United Kingdom blockaded the Falkland Islands during its war with Argentina in 1982. A 2011 United Nations report concluded that Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip is legal under international law. 4. Israel Deliberately Targets Civilians Israel went to extraordinary means to minimize innocent Palestinian casualties in response to the terrorist rocket barrage. Prior to any action, the Israeli military dropped thousands of leaflets in Arabic warning Gaza residents of impending attacks. This effort gave residents time to evacuate the area. Collateral damage happens because Hamas intentionally embeds itself in population centers in violation of international law. If Israel deliberately targeted civilians, its military superiority would allow it to inflict far greater casualties. An Israeli pilot actually aborted a strike mission on a rocket launch pad located in a playground because he saw Palestinian children nearby. That rocket ended up being fired at Tel Aviv, causing Israeli children to run for the bomb shelters. Imagine what the United States government would do if the Mexican drug cartels fired thousands of rockets at San Diego, Phoenix, or other cities along the Mexican border from the safety of Mexico. 5. There is a Moral Equivalence Between Actions by Israel and Hamas Israel strives to minimize civilian casualties. Hamas tries to maximize Israeli civilian casualties and strike fear into the population. This is self-evident based on the fact that Israel strategically targets Hamas terrorists with accurate, pinpoint airstrikes. Hamas, on the other hand, indiscriminately fires deadly rockets at Israeli cities with the intent of killing or maiming Israeli civilians. Hamas purposefully fires from Palestinian population centers to elicit an Israeli response that occasionally results in civilian casualties that who it can use for strictly propaganda purposes. The terrorist group also uses Palestinians as human shields to protect military targets, which is considered a war crime under international law. “Hamas … has a media strategy,” Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren wrote last week. “Its purpose is to portray Israel’s unparalleled efforts to minimize civilian casualties in Gaza as indiscriminate firing and children, to Israel’s rightful acts of self-defense into war crimes. Its goals are to isolate Israel internationally, to tie its hands from striking back at those trying to kill our citizens and to delegitimize the Jewish state.” Unfortunately, many in the mainstream media implicitly allude to a moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel by insinuating that both sides are at fault for this recent escalation. For instance, Ethan Bronner from the New York Times started his Nov. 17 report by stating: “When Israel assassinated the top Hamas military commander in Gaza on Wednesday, setting off the current round of fierce fighting …” Bronner conspicuously omitted the fact that Hamas fired more than 100 rockets in the days leading up to Israel’s operations. There is absolutely no moral equivalence between actions by Hamas and Israel – this recent escalation would have been avoided had Hamas not initiated the rocket fire. 6. Hamas is a Reliable Source of Information It is in Hamas’ interest to inflate Palestinian casualty figures. Throughout the years, Hamas has used fake images, staged funerals and lied about specific casualties to enhance the perception that Israel was committing deliberate massacres. This recent escalation has been no different. A photo was circulated in the media following the start of the recent conflagration allegedly depicting a Palestinian child who was supposedly killed by Israel. In fact, the child was one of the 30,000 casualties of the Syrian Civil War. Another infamous picture making headlines shows visiting Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Qandil and Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh embracing a dead Palestinian boy whom they label as a victim of an attack by the Israeli Air Force. However, “experts from the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights said they believed that the explosion was caused by an errant Palestinian rocket” that landed within Gaza. Hamas creates these fabrications and lies to gain ground in the public relations war with Israel – the only battle it can win. In the social media and communications age, the propaganda war is a vital component to get Hamas’ message across. 7. Gaza is Besieged and Starving Israel continues to transfer goods and supplies into the territory to help Palestinian civilians despite the rocket fire from Gaza. In fact, Gaza civilians do not suffer from a scarcity of food or other basic needs. Throughout this recent escalation, the Jewish state has facilitated the transfer of essential food, water, fuel and electricity. Moreover, Israel continues to treat Gazans in Israeli hospitals. 8. Egypt Is an Reliable Mediator Post-uprising Egypt, which is now ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood, has explicitly thrown its weight behind Hamas and blamed Israel for this latest violence. Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi tweeted on Nov. 16: “Egypt stands as a protective shield for the Arab and Islamic nation” and “O People of Gaza, you are of us and we are of you. We will not abandon you.” In the past, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak played a crucial role as a mediator between both sides. Morsi is personally linked to Hamas, which was created as the Palestinian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. As Morsi panders to domestic sentiment and engages in a concerted effort to garner more global public support for the Palestinians, Egypt cannot continue to claim that it is an honest broker for truce talks between Israel and Hamas. It is clear Egypt is not a neutral party. 9. Turkey is a Constructive Player in the Crisis President Obama has engaged Turkey as a constructive player in this crisis. Turkish Islamist Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan recently called Israel a “terrorist state” in response to Israel’s defensive actions in Gaza. This comment is ironic, given Turkey’s own terrorist insurgency conflict with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). In one incident, Turkey was responsible for the death of 35 civilians in an airstrike near a Kurdish village. Turkey has also illegally occupied Northern Cyprus since it invaded the island in 1974. In contrast, Israel has no forces stationed in Gaza. Turkey believes it is justified to retaliate against aggressive actions in its own case – but vilifies Israel for defending itself against Hamas attacks. Furthermore, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) put Turkey on its list of “countries of particular concern.” This action places Turkey among the world’s most repressive states such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, and North Korea. In addition, Turkey jails more journalists than any other country in the world, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, which reported at least 61 Turkish journalists are imprisoned directly because of their work. Under Erdoğan’s Islamist government, Turkey has suffered severe setbacks on their religious and media freedom. On Nov 20, Erdoğan declared that Israel is engaging in ethnic cleansing in Gaza, a preposterous accusation coming from a government that refuses to acknowledge its nation’s responsibility in the Armenian genocide of 1915 or the millions of Greeks, Assyrians and other minorities who were ethnically cleansed by the Turks after World War I. 10. This Conflict Has Nothing to Do with Iran Iran’s fingerprints are all over Hamas’ rocket arsenal, including the Fajr-5 long range rockets which were fired at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Iran is Hamas’ main benefactor – supplying weapons, providing training, and sending money. Furthermore, Iranian Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari told Iran’s Fars News Agency that it has given Hamas the technology to build its own Fajr-5s. Iran may have ordered Hamas to initiate this round of violence to cause problems for Israel and distract international attention from Iran’s nuclear weapons program. In its quest for regional hegemony, Iran continues to be a major state-sponsor of terrorism, and constitutes the greatest threat to global stability. By enlisting its proxy to attack Israel, the fundamentalist government in Iran is reinforcing its commitment to see Israel wiped off the map.
{ "date": "2016-07-27T15:23:22Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257826908.63/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071026-00049-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9513974189758301, "token_count": 3087, "url": "http://www.algemeiner.com/2012/12/04/10-lies-about-the-israel-hamas-conflict/" }
Advancing Women Professionals and the Jewish Community (AWP) is a lean organization with an ambitious agenda: to create gender equity in Jewish communal organizations. Its raison d’être is to catalyze change – to set into play institutional practices and policies at the organizational level that, over time, will positively and profoundly impact the Jewish community at large. Its strategy is to do more with less – to leverage its resources and influence in the service of systemic change. AWP’s website needed to reflect not only its mission and values but also its “less is more” approach. To meet this objective, we developed a narrowly focused, content-rich online resource for individuals and organizations who care about gender equity issues in Jewish communal organizations. The look and feel is clean, sophisticated and upbeat. Information architecture, interaction design, and illustration work together to position advancement for women as an empowering, challenging journey. The website provides resources to professionals and volunteers in the Jewish community for use in creating change; positions gender equity issues in the broader context of organizational and cultural change; and fortifies the image of AWP as a serious, passionate and credible player, with a clear purpose, strategic focus and practical approach.
{ "date": "2018-08-20T17:11:28Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221216718.53/warc/CC-MAIN-20180820160510-20180820180510-00653.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9285291433334351, "token_count": 247, "url": "http://cabengo.com/projects/advancing-women-professionals/" }
Czech Culture Ministry's Subsidy Commission for National Minorities issues statement against growing intolerance Earlier this month the representatives of national minorities who advise the Czech Culture Ministry on its Subsidy Commission for the Department of Audiovisual and Media Products issued a statement against growing national, religious and racial intolerance in Czech society. The national minority representatives expressed their concern and unease over the hateful attacks that more and more people have recently faced just because their ethnic origin, gender orientation or religious convictions are different from the mainstream. The national minorities are calling on Czech politicians to "refrain from all speech that feeds xenophobic sentiment". Jiří Ovčáček, spokesperson for the Czech President, responded to the statement on Twitter as follows: "Absolutely false claims about a hateful, xenophobic Czechia. Inflated, insulting statement that deepens the gulf." According to Georgi Bechev, a representative of the Bulgarian minority who initiated the declaration, it is the statement of the presidential spokesperson that is exceedingly arrogant and inflated. "The President of the Czech Republic, speaking through his spokesperson, discredits himself when, in opposition to his inaugural promise to be the President of all citizens of the Czech Republic, he refuses to hear the serious arguments being made," he told news server Romea.cz. Interview with Georgi Bechev, member of the Subsidy Commission at the Czech Culture Ministry Q: What inspired you to issue a public statement about the rising xenophobic tendencies in Czech society? Had the need to issue such a statement been brewing for a longer time, or was this a reaction to a specific recent event? A: Xenophobia in the Czech Republic, in my opinion, has been latently growing for some time, but in an absolutely open form it gained strength roughly around 2015. The text of our declaration is a response to the many swipes taken at national minorities that we have witnessed since then. I believe that this bigger number of xenophobic assaults is directly related to how public figures, including the highest constitutional officers, speak about minorities. Q: Which statements do you specifically have in mind? A: If the very highest constitutional officer, the President of the Czech Republic, Miloš Zeman, has no hesitation about standing side-by-side on a state holiday with the right-wing extremist Martin Konvička, a man who previously said that "Muslims will be ground into bone meal", or when the Vice Prime Minister of the Government of the Czech Republic, Andrej Babiš, accuses all Vietnamese people across the board of not paying taxes, and if that same politician then declares that the concentration camp for Romani people at Lety by Písek was actually "just" a labor camp, that behavior creates fertile ground for the cancerous spread of xenophobia across all of society. Q: Why, in your opinion, are these statements dangerous? A: They de facto legitimize extremism. The engrained prejudices, which have been smoldering beneath the surface until now, will once again rise to the surface with full force. It is dangerous that this fear of the foreign, these prejudices, are presented by different politicians and various public figures as patriotic values. From that position it's just a short step to everybody else behaving the same way they do. Today we are seeing the re-emergence of antisemitism, for example, whether in the form it took when the city councilor in Prostějov made his presentation about the issue of reclaiming a former Jewish cemetery, or the verbal assault made against a Jewish man in the Prague metro. Q: Do you have personal experience with xenophobic assaults? A: I myself, fortunately, do not, but I have encountered victims of such attacks more than once. The last impulse for the writing of our statement, for me, was the fact that my neighbor received an anonymous, threatening letter defaming Islam in January, by post - his parents are originally from Algeria and Germany. I personally know my neighbor, he has long lived in the Czech Republic, he works, he's fully integrated, he's active in the local community, he is raising three children, and despite that, he became the victim of verbal threats, probably just because his name doesn't sound Czech. Q: Why does such behavior only trouble some people in society? A: One becomes most aware of the extent of the threat only when it touches one's immediate surroundings. I myself am from a mixed Balkan-Czech environment, and my opinion is that I am a bit more sensitive to displays of xenophobia than the majority society. When I presented the text of the declaration to my colleages on the commission that assesses the program of "Support for Disseminating and Receiving Information in National Minority Languages", I ascertained that they view this problem just as strongly as I do. We agreed, therefore, to publish the text as a statement beneath which 10 representatives of national minorities living on the territory of the Czech Republic would sign their names. Q: What do you want to achieve with this statement? A: The aim of the text is to point out the danger that is slowly gaining strength, and especially to give political representatives the resolve to behave responsibly. As is well-known, the term "xenophobia" comes from the Greek words "xenos" and "phobos", and in translation it means "fear of the foreign" - not what is foreign and known to us, but especially what is foreign and unknown to us. Politicians are responsible for how the public discourse unfolds with respect to currently hot topics. They are the ones who should ameliorate this fear of the unknown in society, who should conduct themselves so as to raise awareness, not to feed the fear, as is currently, unfortunately, happening frequently. Q: What form do you believe the xenophobic attacks have taken most often recenlty? Who, in your opinion, is involved most frequently in such assaults? A: I would like to answer that question, but I don't want to judge people or speculate without verified facts. That would mean I would be committing the same kind of generalization I am protesting. A meaningful answer to your question can probably be had from a psychological or sociological survey. Q: What do you make of the remark made by Jiří Ovčáček, the press spokesperson for President Zeman, who called your statement, when he posted to his Facebook profile, "Absolutely false claims about a hateful, xenophobic Czechia. Inflated, insulting statement that deepens the gulf." A: I don't know whether I should comment on it, I hope anybody here could form his or her own opinion about it. When I read his response, I recalled the saying that the "Goose who has been hit makes the most noise." Moreover, it appears to me that if anybody has issued an exceedingly arrogant, inflated statement, it is the President's spokesperson when, in an effort to create a provocation and a soundbite, he dismisses our legitimate opinion instead of reflecting on its essence. The President of the Czech Republic, speaking through his spokesperson, discredits himself when, in opposition to his inaugural promise to be the President of all citizens of the Czech Republic, he refuses to hear the serious arguments being made. - Civil society members of Czech Government Council for Roma Minority Affairs recap past three years of work - Czech Human Rights Minister: Hatred of minorities is being exploited during elections - Czech Republic: Babylonfest, a parade of national minorities, begins in Brno today - Roma at Prague Pride festival say sexual minorities are still taboo in their community - Germany's anti-immigrant AfD party is radicalizing, some members are attempting to overthrow the chair - Commentary: Czech President spouts reassuring nonsense to ultra-nationalists - USA: Four-month-old Romani boy is youngest child to be separated from his parents at the border with Mexico - Czech State Security Council takes note of extremism report as originally worded, Czech President did not get his way - Czech lower courts consider online comment calling for asylum-seekers to be set on fire a misdemeanor, Supreme Court to rule now - Civil society members of Czech Govt Roma Council call on public broadcaster to hold a real debate about Romani issues - ROMEA declines invitation to Czech Television's debate program on Czech President's remarks because of its sensationalism - Czech President insults Romani people yet again after casting his ballot - MEP Soraya Post supports Romani photo campaign responding to Czech President's antigypsyist remarks - European Roma flood Facebook with hundreds of photos of themselves at work, tell Czech President to stop insulting them - Disagree with the Czech President's antigypsyism? ERRC makes it easy to email him - European Roma Rights Centre: Czech President's remarks were antigypsyist hate speech
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10 Forgotten Facts About The World’s Most Infamous Terrorist In today’s world, the threat of terrorism is real and ever present. For many people, 9/11 served as a starting point for these worldwide threats. But there was once a turbulent time that was just as perilous as the one we’re living in today. In the 1970s and ’80s, the most feared man in the world—Carlos the Jackal—was behind numerous terror attacks throughout Europe. 10 He Was Born To Be A Terrorist Many revolutionaries claim that they’re doing what they were born to do, but few have the lineage of Venezuelan-born Carlos the Jackal. Jose Altagracia Ramirez Navas, Carlos’s father, was a successful lawyer with strict Marxist beliefs. His wife, Elba Sanchez, pleaded with her husband to give their first child a proper Christian first name. Jose would not even entertain the thought. “The biggest man in all of humanity is Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, alias Lenin,” he said. “Humanity before the womb is divided into two periods. Before and after Lenin, not Christ who was an ordinary, run-of-the-mill man.” On October 12, 1949, the couple welcomed Ilich Ramirez Sanchez (later known as Carlos the Jackal) into the world. His father dreamed that Ilich would be a perfect communist, as would his appropriately named siblings, Vladimir and Lenin. Lenin worked in the oil industry in Venezuela and was known to hold his father’s teachings closely. Vladimir is known more for being an apologist for his terrorist brother. But neither brother took his name to heart like Ilich did. 9 Carlos Emerges Ilich came from a dysfunctional family. As a youth, he was engrossed in South American communism and trained with revolutionary groups in the area. When he was in his late teen years, his mother—long divorced from her communist husband—shooed her children to London. The young Ilich used that time to hone his playboy skills, wooing women and drinking heavily. But Jose still had influence over his children. He facilitated the entry of Ilich and his brothers into Moscow’s Patrice Lumumba University, a training ground for third world communist leaders and revolutionaries. Ilich was still quite the partyer and rule breaker in Russia. That didn’t fit too well with the strict Communist Party bylaws. He had already been kicked out of the Communist Party of Venezuela when Patrice Lumumba University finally had enough and expelled him for supporting a Palestinian protest. But it was with the Palestinians that Ilich found his calling. Shortly after departing Moscow, he traveled to the Middle East and joined the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Bassam Abu Sharif, a feared terrorist in his own right, gave Ilich the code name “Carlos.” Despite being a bit lazy for a revolutionary, Carlos went on his first assignment in England under the guise of being a student enrolled at the London School of Economics. 8 The Jackal Arrives For a few years, Carlos remained undercover in London as his brothers-in-arms carried out attacks throughout the world. The most notable was the attack on Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics. After the Israeli government retaliated by hunting down and killing the terrorists who had murdered their athletes, the Popular Front tasked Carlos with his first real solo mission—to kill a prominent Jew as revenge. Joseph Sieff, a popular retailer and respected member of London’s Jewish community, was president of Marks & Spencer. Given Carlos’s training, you’d probably expect him to enter Sieff’s home like an assassin in a spy movie would. But instead, Carlos wrapped himself up in some warm clothes on a cold December day and walked up to the front door. The butler answered to a gun pointed at him and a simple command: “Take me to Sieff.” Carlos walked upstairs to the bathroom where Sieff was getting ready for dinner and shot him in the face from 1 meter (3 ft) away. Then Carlos coldly stood over Sieff’s fallen body and fired again. But the gun misfired. Carlos fled—all the way to Paris eventually. Sieff survived the head wound because the bullet had bounced off the bone between his nose and upper lip. In Paris, Carlos stepped up his game. He carried out a series of bombings and assassination attempts, all while posing as a student again. A Lebanese compatriot, Michel Moukharbal, came under the suspicion of Paris authorities. Moukharbal then led police to Carlos’s Paris apartment. At that time, police didn’t suspect Carlos of being a terrorist. Instead, they thought that he could lead them to Moukharbal‘s true collaborators. After allowing the police and Moukharbal into his apartment, Carlos entertained them with drinks and smiles. While the police were distracted, he produced a machine pistol and opened fire. Carlos killed two police officers, wounded another officer, and murdered Moukharbal, his former coconspirator. Police tracked Carlos to London under his real name and discovered a flat that was a safe house. A reporter for The Guardian tagged along on the investigation and noticed Frederick Forsyth’s popular novel The Day of the Jackal in a bookcase in the flat. The most infamous international terrorist now had a complete nom de guerre: Carlos the Jackal. Although Carlos now had a dashing name, he didn’t really have the curriculum vitae to match it. Yes, he was a murderer, but Carlos was aiming for something that would make him infamous. On December 21, 1975, OPEC scheduled a meeting in Vienna, Austria. Carlos led a six-person team—including Germans from the Baader-Meinhof gang—in an assault befitting the persona he had molded. The terror cell went right through the front door and entered the conference, killing one policeman, an Iraqi, and a Libyan. The group then captured the entire OPEC delegation and set forth their demands. Fearing the worst, the Austrian government complied, reading a message of Palestinian support every two hours to assure that killings didn’t occur every 15 minutes. The ordeal spilled over to a second day, and the rest of Carlos’s diabolical plan came to fruition. After the terrorists freed some Austrian hostages, the remaining 33 boarded a bus to go to a waiting DC-9. Five oil ministers were forced to board the plane. The other hostages were freed on the tarmac. The terrorists ordered the plane to fly to Algiers and then Tripoli. There, the Algerian and Libyan ambassadors were released, respectively. The terrorists jumped between Algeria and Libya while negotiating their free passage and a payment rumored to be almost $50 million in exchange for the release of the remaining hostages. After the last hostages were finally released, the terrorists flew to Tripoli, where they escaped. The name of Carlos the Jackal was now known worldwide. Later, it was learned that Gabriele Krocher-Tiedemann had killed the officers and the Iraqi. Carlos had killed the Libyan when the man grabbed Carlos’s machine gun. Pulling a revolver from his belt, the Jackal had executed the Libyan. From then on, every future terror attack would be tied to Carlos, whether he was involved or not. Finally, he had the attention he craved. Carlos the Jackal was the most infamous man in the world. The majority of his attacks focused on France. In addition to the 1975 murders of the police officers and his former partner in crime, the Jackal also attacked pro-Israeli newspapers and an Israeli airliner. Even before he was known as the Jackal, Carlos walked into Le Drugstore, which was owned by Jews, and calmly lobbed a grenade into the crowd of unsuspecting patrons. Then he simply turned and walked out as the device exploded, killing two and injuring 30. It wasn’t until the 1980s that an action in France could undoubtedly be tied to Carlos. His first wife, Magdalena Kopp, and comrade Bruno Breguet attempted to carry out an attack planned by Carlos that could have had deadly consequences. Close to midnight on January 18, 1982, the two armed an RPG-7 rocket launcher and aimed for a nuclear reactor on the Rhone River. Five missiles struck the outer shell, but none had the power to penetrate the reactor. Two months later, a misidentification of the pair as thieves led a security guard to phone the police. After a chase on foot, the two were apprehended. In an act of civility, Carlos wrote a letter demanding the release of his wife. The French declined. So the Jackal did what he did best—terrorize. Attacks on French interests throughout the Middle East and in the homeland put everyone on edge. The most spectacular happened on March 29, 1982. The Trans-Europe Express ran its usual route from Paris to Toulouse that evening. Jacques Chirac, the future prime minister of France and then-mayor of Paris, was rumored to be aboard the train. It turned out that Chirac wasn’t aboard, but that didn’t stop the terrorists. The Jackal and his associates planted 10 kilograms (22 lb) of pentrite on the train. As the train traveled at a high speed through southwestern France, the giant bomb exploded, killing five and injuring 30. Only excellent steering by the conductor prevented the train from derailing and causing more death and injury. Carlos was now France’s No. 1 enemy. 5 He Was A Poor Planner Carlos the Jackal was a feared name and the face of a faceless group. But he actually put a lot more into honing the legend of “the Jackal” than into succeeding at crime. Yes, he murdered and was highly dangerous. But he also planned some of the dumbest terror attacks ever. By 1975, his attacks on Jewish-run establishments had taken their toll. So he decided to aim for a bigger target, an Israeli airliner. Johannes Weinrich and Carlos traveled to Orly Airport on January 13, 1975. On a side road that connected terminals, the two exited their rented Peugeot with a rocket launcher and waited for a target personally picked by Carlos—an El Al 707 destined for New York. The 136 passengers—mostly American tourists—had no idea that they were pawns in a potentially deadly terror plot. Even so, the plan was unbelievably stupid. The terrorists had no cover. Everyone could see them. They intended to pull up, whip out a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG), wait for one specific plane to taxi, and hit that airplane with the RPG. But they had zero experience firing an RPG. Carlos let Weinrich fire the weapon. The first shot sailed in front of the nose of the plane and struck a vacant room. A quick reload and second firing—which resulted in the backfire blowing out the Peugeot’s window—missed the El Al again and struck an almost empty Yugoslavian DC-9. Neither rocket exploded, limiting the destruction to a few broken plates and some cosmetic damage. Unhappy with their failure, Carlos and Weinrich tried again a few days later with more terrorists. This time, the plan was to move to an observation deck to take a shot at another El Al on a Sunday. The big problem was the crowd of people observing the planes. In fact, the deck was so crowded that the terrorists could barely get into position to take a shot. Also, people noticed them walking with a rocket launcher. A police officer opened fire on the terrorists. Amazingly, no civilians were injured in the firefight, and Carlos quietly slipped away. The remaining tough-guy terrorists took hostages to escape: a pregnant lady, a four-year-old girl, and a priest. Eventually, the hostages were released unharmed, and the terrorists got away. But they had failed again. Carlos was 0–2 with his rocket launcher plan. 4 He Was More Playboy Than Terrorist Ilich Ramirez Sanchez had come from money. All the terror training in the world couldn’t change that. So naturally, Carlos the Jackal kept the desire for the good life while fighting against those things that had enriched him in the first place. Carlos’s mother was a socialite, which gave him a lot of experience on the party scene. In London and Moscow, he was known as quite the ladies’ man. But he didn’t care or even see a problem with his lifestyle. “I like good food. I like to drink, and I like good cigars,” he once explained. “I like to wear good shoes. I like to play cards, poker, and blackjack. I also like parties and dances. But I am against ‘possessions.’ ” That little caveat is how Carlos justified his lifestyle choices. His activities in the 1980s put him on the payroll of Eastern European nations. He kept millions in Hungarian and Czechoslovakian banks, owned a Ferrari, and legally carried a firearm in East Germany. According to rumor, he kept the bulk of the $50 million ransom from the OPEC attack for himself. He was either a walking paradox, a really bored rich kid, or both. 3 The Fall Of Communism Hurt Business After his string of attacks in France, Carlos remained relatively quiet in the latter part of the 1980s. He was likely just following orders because Carlos the Jackal was a state-sponsored terrorist. Carlos first partnered with East Germany in the mid-1970s. Under the protection of East Berlin, the Jackal could travel easily to do their bidding. Most of the attacks in the 1980s—including a deadly attack on Radio Free Europe in Munich—were at the behest of an Eastern Bloc nation. Although Carlos liked to fashion himself as a radical, he knew where his bread was buttered. Stasi, the East German secret police, told the Jackal to lay off West German attacks during Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev’s visit there in 1981. Carlos complied. But the biggest problem with being sponsored by communist countries was that they were fading fast. After the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, Carlos was running out of work and places to stay. Eventually, he retreated to Sudan to hide out. But after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Sudan no longer felt obliged to keep his secret. Carlos the Jackal was available to anyone who was willing to make a deal with Sudan. 2 He Was Shooting Blanks There wasn’t much for Carlos to do in the 1990s. All his former employers were gone, and he was more of a dinosaur from a bygone era. He settled in Sudan, going back to his terrorist roots in a way. His first work had been for Muslim extremists, and Sudan was a safe haven for their ilk. But Carlos wasn’t of much use to Sudan. Long before his arrival there, the Sudanese had engaged in clandestine negotiations and leveraged the Jackal to get some much-needed support from France. Philippe Rondot, a French intelligence officer who had been tracking Carlos since the 1970s, was put in charge of the operation to capture Carlos and return him to France. Carlos’s first wife, Magdalena, had left him long ago and taken their daughter, Elbita, with her. He longed for more children. Although his second wife, Lana, was more than willing, Carlos needed a little help. The Jackal had a low sperm count and required surgery to repair a varicocele in his right testicle. Still dazed from the surgery on a hot African day in August 1994, Carlos received troubling news from a Sudanese official who marched past his bodyguards outside the recovery room. Apparently, there was a plot to kill Carlos. The officer volunteered to move him to a safe house. But it was all an elaborate ruse. After a day in the safe house, Carlos was transferred to the French police, who placed the groggy Jackal on a plane and whisked him to France. The world’s most feared terrorist had finally been captured. 1 He’s Still Finding Ways To Get Attention Ilich Ramirez Sanchez faced murder charges in France. It didn’t take the system long to find him guilty—twice. As of January 2016, he faces yet another charge for the 1975 grenade attack that killed two people. But even in prison, Carlos has found ways to occasionally get back into the limelight. He announced that he converted to Islam and married his lawyer. This gave him two brides, which is perfectly legal as a Muslim. But it was his litigious ways that really raised eyebrows. Sure, Marxism holds that capitalist law is a tool of the bourgeois. But desperate times call for desperate measures, even for a communist. Carlos sued the French filmmakers of a three-part TV series entitled Carlos for what he called the violation of his “biographical image.” He also sued for an illegal arrest, his extraction from Sudan. But he lost that case. In the end, perhaps Carlos revealed who Ilich really was—just a guy who craved attention from the world, even if he had to become Carlos the Jackal to get it.
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Posted on Friday, June 8th, 2012 by Jordan Hoffman Draw a Venn diagram of film that has both mass appeal and is of interest to movie website editors and, dead center, you’ll have Prometheus. Never in my sixty-eight years of writing professionally online have I banged out so much copy about one title. There is absolutely nothing left to scrutinize – that is, until, the general public sees it and starts floating their own interpretations. This gives us a window (here in the US, anyway) of about one day. As such, I figured this week’s TBMYPHS should be about the one thing Prometheus-related that hasn’t been overly analyzed – its title. (Prometheus, Greek titan, tied to a rock, hit Wikipedia for more.) So light yourself a plate of saganaki, it’s time to explore our Greek titular heritage. ‘New York Stories: “Oedipus Wrecks” (1986); Bertrand Tavernier, director. Oedipus: King of Thebes, had a complicated relationship with his mother. “Oedipus Wrecks” was the final third of the omnibus film New York Stories. It is a very funny movie about a nebbish who is completely dominated by his abrasive mother. He takes her to a magic show where she vanishes, then reappears hovering over Manhattan where she can see everything her son does and comment on it to the whole of the city. It’s classic Woody Allen, and definitely worth checking out. Also included in New York Stories is Martin Scorsese’s masterpiece about the death throes of a one-way relationship, “Life Lessons.” (Not so hot is Francis Ford Coppola’s “Life Without Zoe.”) Bonus Points: Woody Allen actually has three films with Hellenistic titles. In addition to “Oedipus Wrecks,” there is Mighty Aphrodite and Cassandra’s Dream. Black Orpheus (1959); Marcel Camus, director. Orpheus: Mythical musician who journeyed to the underworld to bring his wife back from the dead. If you’ve ever tuned in to NPR (or shopped at an Anthropologie) I can guarantee you that you’ve heard some of Antonio Carlos Jobim and Luiz Bonta’s bossa nova soundtrack. Black Orpheus is a cornerstone of mid-century international cinema, a French film taking Greek legend and putting it in the favelas of Brazil. While it perhaps paints an overly rosy portrait of life in Rio de Janero (I’m sure they aren’t singing and dancing ALL the time) the film has an infectious zest for the celebration of life. Watch this and then get all the references you missed in the Jesse Eisenberg bird movie Rio. Extra points: Paul Desmond and Jim Hall’s recording of Black Orpheus’ main theme from 1963 may’ve been just as important as the pill for kicking off the sexual revolution. Try it on for size. Chronos (1985); Ron Fricke, director. Chronos: The primordial Greek deity meant to personify time. Not to be confused with either the titan (and father of Zeus) Kronos or with Guillermo del Toro’s Cronos, Chronos is a non-narrative film from the director of Baraka and cinematographer of Koyaanisqatsi Unfortunately it isn’t as good as either film, but since Fricke’s output is few and far between (though we await Samsara later this year) I still recommend you check out this gorgeous sound and light show which, as the title suggests, deals with photographing the passages of time. Marathon Man (1976); John Schlesinger, director. Marathon: Location in East Attica where the Athenians defeated the Persians. Pheidippedes ran the 26 miles and 385 yards to deliver the news of the victory back home before dropping dead. Instead of learning from his mistake, lunatics throughout the globe have been repeating this first “marathon man’s” activities ever since. A classic 1970s paranoid thriller, this is the one where Laurence Olivier dentally tortures Dustin Hoffman. A juicy suspenser with lots of twists and turns, it is one of the few good movies that has used the trope of the Nazi war criminal that has escaped justice as its villain. As such, there is an added, fatalistic aspect to Marathon Man that elevates it from standard action fare. Note: this was the first movie to hit theaters to ever make extensive use of the SteadiCam system. I love the clip I included here, because the angry Jewish road rager reminds me of my Great Uncle.
{ "date": "2013-06-19T19:13:56Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368709037764/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516125717-00054-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9349402785301208, "token_count": 1037, "url": "http://www.slashfilm.com/movies-hellenistic-titles/" }
Volume 15, Number 18, April 29, 2012 New subscribers this week include Ray Lockwood, courtesy of Bob Fritsch, Scot Hurley, Michael P. Schmeyer, Richard Knapp, Michael Sanders and Michael Labosier. Welcome aboard! We have 1,547 email subscribers, plus 173 followers on Facebook. What a great time for numismatic bibliophiles! This week's issue brings word of FIVE new publications and an update on sales in Kolbe & Fanning's current Buy or Bid Sale. Other topics include reporting errors in numismatic publications, the Schulman history of money and banking medals, the Bronx Coin Club and the latest high-tech security measures for coins and banknotes. To learn more about Shakespeare's Shove-Groat Shilling, the Moneyer of St. Georges de Boscherville, a planarizing layer of polydimethylsiloxane and the Private Pattern Antarctic Coins of F. Zinkann, esq. , read on. Have a great week, everyone! David Fanning forwarded this update about the current Kolbe & Fanning "Buy or Bid" sale. -Editor Kolbe & Fanning's first online-only "Buy or Bid Sale" is off to a roaring start, with about a third of the lots either sold or bid upon. As most of the participants so far have been taking advantage of the low prices and buying books directly, we thought it would be convenient for our customers if we indicated which lots are no longer available. A new PDF catalogue has been posted online, with sold lots marked as such throughout. Don't delay: there is still plenty of good material available, but sales have been brisk! The updated catalogue is available from the Kolbe & Fanning website at www.numislit.com . Pierre Fricke forwarded this press release about a new book he and Fred Reed have written. There promises to be a great deal of information here for bibliophiles, researchers and collectors alike! -Editor Pierre Fricke and Fred Reed announce the publication of History of Collecting - Confederate States of America Paper Money Volume 1, 1865 to 1945. With 340 pages of well-illustrated stories and history, this book is a must for anyone interested in collecting Confederate paper money, Southern history, or coin and paper money collecting. Fricke and Reed begin with a brief history of the Confederate financing during the Civil War and proceed through the decades highlighting the major and typical books, periodicals, price guides, auctions, collectors and dealers of the various eras since 1865. Appendices feature Smithsonian curator Richard Doty on the history of the famous Richmond hoard of Confederate money captured by the Union at the end of the War and an easy-to-use pictorial guide to getting started collecting the types of Confederate money. Additional coverage featured on a DVD includes research materials, collecting aids such as checklists, condition census of rare Confederate notes (updated from the 2005 "Big Book"), and an extended presentation of the material in this and forth-coming Volume 2 (1945-2015). "I salute Pierre and Fred for producing a book having a unique theme about a long-neglected, but very important and interesting aspect of collecting Confederate currency. The novice, the seasoned collector, or astute investor should find information in this book invaluable…The book is well researched and gives a wonderful history of various collections, the collectors who investigated the mysteries of many of the notes, and discussion and emphasis on early catalogs and sales. As such, it should interest anyone having an appreciation for the history of collecting, and desire to collect Confederate currency. In addition, it may also give valuable insight as to what the future of collecting may be." What You Will Learn and Find • Easy-to-use picture guide to types of Confederate paper money Available By June 10, 2012. Price $50 ppd. US delivery. Accepting orders now... See: www.csaquotes.com/csabooks.html QUICK QUIZ: Without consulting the book, who can identify the hirsute gentleman on the book's cover? HINT: It's not Fred Reed! -Editor The April 26, 2012 issue of Coins Weekly included an announcement of a new book, a Festschrift in honor of Joe Cribb of the British Museum. -Editor Joe has had a 'hand' in a variety of numismatic activities. Starting with Chinese coins, Joe moved to many other themes and subjects within the broader range of 'Oriental' numismatics and history, making invaluable contributions to highly controversial subject areas, like the inception of coinage in the Indian subcontinent and the chronological questions facing complex coinages in Central Asia. Significantly, Joe Cribb's academic interests not just centre around the broad theme of 'Money', which encompasses numismatics, but also go much beyond. Covering a vast time and space, the essays here deal with the most ancient of the sub-continental coinages as well as those that deal with the most modern and conventional forms of money, like banknotes. Among other specificities, the essays explore socio-historical themes associated with coinage, study iconography through coins, examine royal as well as religious coins icons seen on Kushan coins, offer fresh interpretation of the 'Lion Pillar' inscription from Mathura, and highlight the role/utility of coins in historical reconstruction from a conceptual perspective, analyzing the deployment of coins to underline archaeological and historical periods. Several other themes examined here include minting technology in Mughal India, pagoda coins of South East India, Kuninda and Kota coins of the Punjab, or how coins were used as a tool of diplomacy in the colonial India. To order the book at Vedams Books, see: Felicitas : Essays in Numismatics Epigraphy and History in Honour of Joe Cribb Author Ras Suarez forwarded this note about his latest book on Roman coins. -Editor The Complete Coinage of Florian is a new ebook that catalogs the coins of Roman emperor Florian. Although he had only a brief reign in the year 276 nevertheless the mints active at the time spawned a remarkable output of currency. Based on 2010's acclaimed second edition of the Encyclopedia of Roman Imperial Coins (ERIC II), this work now takes an exhaustive survey to list nearly 1,000 varieties and thus gives a much-needed update to a period that had been poorly documented in older reference works. Available for download as PDF from dirtyoldcoins.com, eBook on lulu.com and MOBI for Kindle on Amazon for $10. ISBN 978-0976466451 To order, see: www.dirtyoldbooks.com/The-Complete-Coinage-of-Florian.html This week Krause Publications announced a new edition of Courtney Coffing's book on World Notgeld. Here's the press release. -Editor A Guide and Checklist to World Notgeld 1914-1947, 2nd edition, is now available in CD form from Krause Publications. The reference by Courtney L. Coffing contains the largest collection of photographed Notgeld in a worldwide reference. The CD features: -13,000 entries listed by both city and country Compatible with Macs or PCs, the reference allows image enlargement of up to 400%, and the ability to print single pages. For more information visit: My latest novel Ten Days To Madness is out and it features the Bechtler territorial gold coins minted in North Carolina during mid-1800's. Congratulations. Below is an excerpt from the author's web site. Numismatic fiction is a growing genre, and an interesting sideline for numismatic literature collectors. -Editor Only Charlie Parker knows that his image as a successful, well-respected family man is a complete lie and with his life collapsing around him he travels to the secluded mountain house that has been owned by his family for generations. Hidden in his father's library Charlie unearths a bizarre diary that claims a rogue tribe of Cherokee Indians stole a fortune in gold coins before the Civil War and hid the treasure in an ancient burial cave in a remote part of the Appalachian Mountains. Compelled by forces he doesn't understand, Charlie embarks upon a self-destructive march to uncover the truth as he discovers his family's darkest secrets. His ancestor's heinous crimes force Charlie to face the demons unleashed by his family from so long ago and he is haunted by nightmares, tormented by a strange man claiming ownership of the diary and terrorized by Cherokee spirits known in Indian mythology as The Nunnehi. The horrifying encounters send Charlie spiraling into an alcohol fueled frenzy to find the Cherokee gold, no matter the cost. Does the gold exist? Are the bizarre events really happening to Charlie or has his mind finally collapsed under the pressures of mental illness, alcohol abuse and a failed business? Those questions linger in the reader's mind until the final page as Charlie battles internal demons and external monsters to discover the truth about himself, and the legend of the Cherokee Gold. See the link below for ordering information. Note that the author states: "I accept checks and credit cards through Paypal.com... I also accept checks, gold, money orders, cash, food stamps, foreign currency or beer through regular mail." -Editor To read the complete article, see: www.jrclifford.com John and Nancy Wilson submitted this review of David Ganz' recent book on investing in precious metals. Thanks. -Editor The Essential Guide to Investing in Precious Metals was published by KP F+W Media in late 2011 and released in January, 2012 by noted numismatist, author, past ANA President, public servant, and Legal Counsel David L. Ganz. It is a paperback 208 page reference with 200 full-color illustrations. With the current market in precious metals the timing of this reference is perfect. We have watched gold and silver in the late 1970s go up very fast and in the early 1980s plunge just as quickly. Well-known author and numismatist Arthur L. Friedberg wrote the two page foreword. He stated, "In times of trouble it has been a source of security when all else lay in ruin." From 700 BC to present gold has always held a value. No country or monetary system can make this statement. Chapter 1 covers "Keys to the Precious Metals Market." Buying and selling precious metals, what legal tender is and four tables listing modern issues currently being sold with their premium cost comparison. How to buy and where to buy is also important information in this chapter. The book uses a value of $1500 per ounce for gold and $35 to $45 for silver. Chapter 2 covers "Bullion Prices Always Changing." It states "The reason gold or silver has historically increased in value is not because of the change in gold or silver, but rather the relative devaluation of the currencies of all the countries of the earth throughout the ages." Chapter 3 "How Some Metals Became 'Precious'." How platinum was unknown prior to the 16th century and wasn't available in large quantities until about 1750; and palladium wasn't discovered until the time of Napoleon at the start of the 19th century. Comparison charts regarding precious metals, along with an average annual price per troy ounce of metals from 1960 to 2010 are also helpful. Chapter 4 "Gold Shines Through History." You will learn about Midas and King Croesus (died circa 547 B.C.) who had great wealth as well as President Roosevelt's Executive Order in 1933 abolishing the holding of gold by U. S. citizens. Chapter 5 "The Great U. S. Gold Melt." All the gold that was turned into the government in 1934 was melted and turned into bricks or bars and shipped to Fort Knox. In August 1962, President Kennedy signed an Executive Order prohibiting Americans from owning gold abroad except under license. In 1968 our President set up a two-tiered market for gold based on the official price of $35 an ounce and a free market price that was permitted to float somewhat higher. Chapter 6 "U. S. Restores Private Gold Ownership." On December 31, 1974 a Law was passed allowing private gold ownership again. Chapter 7 "Silver: The Early Choice for Coins." From 750 B. C. to present silver has been the predominant precious metal used in coins. A chart shows the annual silver average price per ounce from 1928 to present. Chapter 8 "Platinum and Palladium Join the Club." A chart on the average annual price of platinum from 1888 to 2011 shows its steady rise in price. A chart on imports and exports from 2006 is also shown. Chapter 9 History of Buying U. S. Gold Bullion Coins." The famous numismatist, Louis Eliasberg, got his start in numismatics because he wanted a way to legally own gold. Chapter 10 "Bullion Coins Hit the American Market." Charts cover the individual bullion coin or bar, country or refiner, value of precious metal, premium, total and % premium. Chapter 11 "Mintages for Modern Bullion Coins." The charts of the different countries bullion coin issues make a great research tool. Chapter 12 "Ingots are a Popular Bullion Choice." The collecting and selling of ingots is given. Chapter 13 "Method of Investing in Gold and Precious Metals." The chapter covers bullion coins, ingots, bulk coins and individual coins and explains their differences. The London Gold Fix is also explained. Chapter 14 "Where to Buy Gold and Precious Metals." Although APMEX has several charts on the value of buying precious metals from them, you will be able to find several other firms you can use. Before purchasing any precious metals from anyone make sure that they are a credible company. Are they a member of the American Numismatic Association or the Professional Numismatists Guild? Precious metals can be purchased from a coin show, dealer, other collector, Internet retailers (check them out first), a firm such as APMEX (or other large reputable company that deals in precious metals) or telemarketers. Remember telemarketers tend to have very high prices. Chapter 15 "Bullion can be Part of Individual Retirement Accounts." Several charts show the different types of precious metals that can be placed in these types of accounts. Chapter 16 "Putting it All in Perspective." A short chapter explaining British economist John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) precious metals thoughts; gold going from $20.67 at the start of the 20th century to what it is today; silver prices from the mid-1930s to present; and the entrance of platinum and palladium and how they enter into the mix. The Appendix covers the mintages of U. S. Commemorative Coins from 1982 to 2011. The Glossary defines from A to Z the different terms used in precious metals such as: Ad Valorem – According to value, the levy of fees or duty based upon a metal's selling price. The Selected Bibliography will give you sources that were used for this book. We especially enjoyed reading the authors personal experiences when compiling the book - especially the information on famous numismatist John Jay Pittman. This is a very useful reference which will give you the information you will need to buy, sell or invest in precious metals. This book was published by Krause Publications and F + W Media. It retailed for $28.95 and is now available from the publisher for $19.50. For information on purchasing the reference they can be contacted at: Krause Publications and F + W Media, 700 East State Street, Iola, WI 54990-0001, (715) 445-2214 or (855) 864-2579 or their web page www.krausebooks.com. The big news this week in the world of numismatic literature is the retirement of longtime Coin World editor Beth Deisher. Here's are some excerpts from the Coin World announcement. -Editor "The time has come to open a new chapter in my life," Deisher said. "I have every confidence that Steve Roach will lead Coin World to greater and more exciting endeavors that will attract new readers as well as continue to engage our loyal and longtime readers." Deisher has led the editorial staff at Coin World for 27 years, receiving the editor baton from Margo Russell on March 1, 1985. She joined the Coin World staff in 1981 as news editor and served as executive editor before being tapped to lead its editorial team. Her first assignment with Amos Press Inc. was as news editor of the Sidney Daily News, which she joined in January of 1977. Deisher is author of Making the Grade – A Grading Guide to the Top 50 Most Widely Collected U.S. Coins, has supervised updates of six editions of Coin World's Almanac and was founding editor of Coin World's Guide to U.S. Coins, Prices & Value Trends published annually since 1989. She is a fellow of the American Numismatic Society and holds memberships in many state, regional and national numismatic organizations, including the American Numismatic Association. In 2010 ANA recognized her contributions to numismatics by bestowing its highest honor, the Farran Zerbe Memorial Award. She was awarded the Numismatic Literary Guild's Clemy Award in 1995 and received the Burnett Anderson Memorial Award for Journalistic Excellence in 2006. To read the complete article, see: Deisher retires as editor of Coin World effective April 30 (www.coinworld.com/articles/deisher-retires-as-editor-of-coin-world-effec/) Good luck, Beth - well miss you! And here's some background on CW's new editor. Welcome! -Editor Roach is the fourth editor to lead the editorial staff in the 52-year history of the numismatic hobby's leading publication. He replaces Beth Deisher, whose retirement is effective April 30, culminating 27 years as editor and 31 years with Coin World. Steve Collins, vice president, operations, of Amos Hobby Publishing, announced Roach's promotion April 23. He said: "The same forces of innovation and globalization that have reshaped business are now transforming our niche publishing area and Coin World's future will see rapid change in the way content is published and disseminated. These are exciting times in publishing and with Steve as editor we are committed to keeping Coin World flexible, innovative, and open to the very best and most productive ideas." Roach began regularly writing for Coin World as a monthly columnist in 2006 and joined the staff full time in 2009 as associate editor. "I've been reading Coin World since I was a 10-year-old coin collector, so to now lead the publication as it expands its reach and influence through new media channels is tremendously exciting," Roach said. During the past three years he has led the Coin Values pricing analyst team and has written the weekly Market Analysis column. In addition, he has covered legislative and legal issues, including daily coverage of the Langbord 1933 Saint-Gaudens double eagle trial in July 2011. To read the complete article, see: Steven R. Roach selected as next editor of Coin World (www.coinworld.com/articles/steven-r-roach-selected-as-next-editor-of-coi/) Mr. Zielinski's criticisms of the Redbook would have been better directed, in private, directly to the Redbook's editors rather than being published, with what appears to be childish glee, in a third-party forum. I thank you for giving Dennis Tucker an opportunity to respond to them. Of course the Redbook has errors in it. Any book with that much information will have some errors in it. Type happens. I have been (quietly) offering corrections, suggestions and other input to the Redbook since the days when I worked for Coin World in the mid-1970's. I would hope that anybody else with the same would do so as well, but with discretion." I have to agree. I almost titled that E-Sylum item a Book Review, but a review highlighting only errors is rather one-sided. Like most reviewers I do make a point to note errors I find when reading a book, but when time allows I always forward a draft to the author or publisher before publishing the review. -Editor To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: ZIELINSKI REPORTS ERRORS IN THE 2013 RED BOOK (www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v15n17a06.html) Regarding the image on Kolbe & Fanning's Buy or Bid Sale No. 1, last week I asked, "Who is that funky dancing moneyer on the sale cover? Who can tell us where the image came from?". I think the source of the illustration is 12th C, Normandy (France) at St. Georges de Bocherville. Dr. Paul Bedoukian used it an article he wrote several decades ago. Andy Singer writes: The "funky dancing moneyer" on the Kolbe and Fanning sale cover is an engraving of an 11th century stone capital from the Norman Abbey of St. Georges de Boscherville showing a moneyer at work. The sculpture decorates the corner of the capital against a background of acanthus and is not as two dimensional as the engraving depicts. A full page photograph can be found facing page 61 in John Porteous, Coins in History (1969). Wow. David and I both pronounced these answers "Impressive!". E-Sylum readers are an awesome bunch. I was also able to find an image of the stone capital opposite p37 in the 1973 edition of Porteus' Coins. To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: REMINDER: KOLBE & FANNING BUY OR BID SALE CLOSES MAY 9, 2012 (www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v15n17a02.html) Last month I opened a box full of medals I had accumulated in the 1960-75 timeframe. Included was a partial set (28) of the Longines Symphonette Great American Triumphs medals. They were purchased by my Uncle Elmer Reed on a monthly subscription basis in 1971 and 1972. They came in two-medal boxes Data included the following: I don't know if this helps. I discarded the paperwork which came with the medals keeping only these notes and one of the boxes. I transferred the medals to one of my many coin cabinets. I never thought much of these types of issues. However, these are attractive, and well executed medals. Thanks! This is why stuff like the paperwork accompanying the medals is called "ephemera". It's ephemeral - stuff that lasts a short time but quickly disappears. Yet this stuff often carries valuable information for numismatic researchers. Let's continue the search - can anyone turn up more information on these medals? -Editor To read the earlier E=Sylum article, see: QUERY: INFORMATION ON LONGINES WITTNAUER MEDALS SOUGHT (www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v15n17a14.html) Paul J. Bosco submitted these thoughts on the earlier question about the Schulman Coin & Mint's "History of Money and Banking" set. Sorry for the delay in publishing this - we had an email snafu. Thanks! This is great background information. -Editor Schulman Coin & Mint's "History of Money and Banking" set. These were struck by the Franklin Mint They used to sell pieces to their collectors, but as this was a purely commercial venture, it is almost certain that Schulman was the only source for the pieces. I am virtually certain they were only regularly issued in silver. SC&M was a publicly traded firm. Hans Schulman hooked up with a stockbroker, Jed L. Hamburger, who had a corporate shell, Astrodyne, a planned hamburger/fast-food joint franchise operation on Long Island. Well, plans are not the same as a company, so Schulman and Hamburg "married", the one getting an actual company and the other getting working capital. The main part of the business was rare coin auctions. Not long after a 1913 nickel was auctioned for a world record $45,000, Schulman announced he had realized $46,000 for a Russian Constantine Ruble, in a mail bid(!!!) auction. As it happens, Bernth Ahlstrom told me he bought the coin, taking it away from the legendary California collector Irving Goodman, but in the mid-1960s many assumed Hans had set an "arranged world record". The History of Money and Banking set of twelve medals was as interesting as it sounds. Franklin Mint was then making big bucks selling sets of medals with equally dull themes like Presidents, states, flags, cars...Somehow, they were successful marketers. By way of contrast, SC&M put almost all their marketing budget on one number on the roulette wheel. They paid to have an insert in the monthly bill of American Express, eschewing the chance to first do a test run utilizing only a small part of the AmEx mailing list. I think they reached about 2,000,000 AmEx customers. They got 123 orders --about six 10,000ths of a per cent-- beginning a slow but inexorable descent into bankruptcy. Even the mid-1975 hiring of Paul Bosco as mail clerk/staff numismatist was not enough to save the company, the final bell tolling in January '77. Offerings of the medals appeared toward the back of several SC&M auction catalogs, the last dating to early 1975. They were not in inventory when I worked there. Years later I bought a set from a walk-up at a coin show. I sold it to my boss at SC&M, the late Gerry Baumann. Gerry is probably best known from his years at MTB (Manfra, Tordella & Brookes, Inc - Editor). He once bought a P-mint Paquet $20 for $660,000 and sold it a couple months later for $1.1 million. The $20 is the rarer item, but the Hist-Money-Banking set is the only one I've encountered, and I absolutely MUST be the dealer most likely to encounter this set. Although nearly unobtainable, the set is probably worth melt value today, very roughly $300. If I am encouraged by enough E-Sylum readers, I will write more about the history of the Schulman firm and its colorful numismatists, probably on my own blog. To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see: QUERY: SCHULMAN MEDALLIC HISTORY OF MONEY AND BANKING Griff Ruby submitted these questions about Philippine items issued by the Franklin Mint. Can anyone help? -Editor I have been collecting various foreign coins, and in particular Philippine coins, including the various Franklin Mint Coins of the Realm series coins. I have managed to glean some bits from the Krause catalogs (both World Coins and Franklin Mint) as well as from purchases made (mostly through eBay) regarding the 1975-1982 period in which the Franklin Mint provided all the proof issues of Philippine coinage. I have a few questions, all pertaining to their Philippine issues: 1) I note that each coin was struck in three varieties in 1975-1977 (proof (P), matte (M), and brilliant uncirculated (U)), and thereafter apparently only in proof and brilliant uncirculated. Why did the matte version cease after 1977? 2) In 1974, the proof set for the Philippines was struck by the US Mint in San Francisco; what made someone at the Philippines decide to go with the Franklin Mint for their proof issues starting 1975? 3) Large mintages are listed for the matte coins of 1975-1977 and brilliant uncirculated coins of 1978-1981, but these coins are only most rarely seen for sale, in contrast to the much more commonly available (though smaller mintage) proofs. Were non-purchased coins of these types melted at the mint, dumped into circulation, gradually sold off, or sold and then mostly melted down by others? 4) Krause catalog lists proof Franklin Mint coins for 1982, but provides no mintages other than for the 50 Piso. How many of the proof sets were made? 5) Krause catalog does not list any brilliant uncirculated coins for 1982 except for the 50 Piso, however in recent months I have found what likely could be a (U) version of the 5 Sentimo (there is some slight wear, so it could be some strange sort of damaged proof) and what is unassailably a (U) version of the 5 Piso. So there must have been some of these made. But how many? 6) The proof coins were contained in hard transparent plastic containers, and the brilliant uncirculated coins in some sort of softer plastic container, but in what form did the matte coins get sold? 7) I have conjectured with (I think)) some justification that the reason there is no Franklin Mint 50 Piso coin for 1980 is that it was supposed to be for the visit of John Paul II to the Philippines, and which was delayed, so the coin was instead dated 1981 and included in the 1981 offerings. The gold counterpart minted in Germany exists for both years. But why is the 1982 Marcos/Reagan 25 Piso commemorative not struck by the Franklin Mint? And who struck it? 8) In 1983, the proof set for the Philippines was struck by the British Royal Mint in Wales, but in the same (U) and (P) versions as had been struck by the Franklin Mint up until that point; what made someone at the Philippines decide to go with another mint starting 1983? 9) After 1982, the Franklin Mint made the 1986 Aquino/Reagan 25 Piso commemorative in silver and a 2500 Piso coin (sans their distinctive "f" mintmark) in gold commemorating the same. Were any other Philippine coins struck by the Franklin Mint after 1982? Dick Johnson submitted these thoughts inspired by a columnist's response to a reader's complaints about the value of the medals he'd purchased over the years from the Franklin Mint. -Editor Financial advisor Malcom Berko, whose column is published in the Illinois Herald newspaper, answered a sad letter this week from "DA" apparently in the Detroit area. He had purchased $47,000 worth of Franklin Mint coins and medals and now wishes to sell them. He took them to a "coin dealer" who offered him only $2,500 for the lot. He called two other coin dealers in the Detroit area with even less encouragement -- they stated the coins and medals were "worthless." Berko first states his correspondent could sue Franklin Mint for misleading statements about their products. While DA bought Franklin Mint's hype it is unlikely he could recover anything for such sales statements. I am certain the original language was legally cleared before publication. Berko continues with a rant about his own personal experience with a die-cast car made in China he bought from Franklin Mint that fell apart after he received it. This has undoubtedly influenced his further response. He stated DA overpaid for these items and he has been "snookered and there is no chance for recovery." Pull out the silver items and go back to the same coin dealers was his recommendation. Worst possible advice. This entire response is filled with misinformation. Like "I don't know of a single item produced by the Franklin Mint that can be sold today for its original cost." How can he be so wrong! A Boy Scout medal series by Norman Rockwell sells at the greatest premium over original cost to my knowledge. First DA took the lot to a "coin dealer." Most coin dealers do not deal in Franklin Mint material. He should have found a dealer specializing in FM material - not a local coin dealer. Next he must realize what sells on the medal market. It is by topical interest. Here he will have to break up those many sets. Offer individual medals for sale (as on eBay). Buyers want one or two medals from a set or series.. Silver medals which do not sell individually can be sold for silver content. The remainder can then be sold wholesale. Those Franklin Mint coins and medals were top quality (unlike Berko's die-cast car from China). These were originally purchased at perhaps three times silver value (not five times Berko claims). There is a secondary market for some of these items. A seller has to make the effort to find how best to reach that market. Disregard any advice in this reply: Coin purchases don't live up to claims Postage and Fractional Currency I sincerely appreciate the essay Jerry Fochtman submitted concerning Civil War money with emphasis on postage and fractional currency. I found the link to Chittenden's contemporary article particularly valuable. Joe Boling adds: The purchase of postage currency at a premium by merchants is exactly parallel to the situation in India today, where merchants have to buy small change coins at a premium to satisfy requirements in commerce. The mint insists that there is no shortage of small-denomination coins, but some merchant guilds are now striking tokens to use for making change - the mint is obviously not satisfying the need. See the related story later in this issue about small change in Zimbabwe. -Editor To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: PREMIUMS PAID FOR POSTAGE AND FRACTIONAL CURRENCY (www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v15n17a12.html) Bosco on Numismatic Gossip I disagree with Charlie Davis about the Alan Weinberg recounting of his besting of Jack Collins and John Ford. Just because it is gossip does not mean it is not information, and I for one am glad to see this revelatory numismatic vignette get printed. I would even say it had a happy ending. Weinberg, as usual, was most concerned about acquiring a great piece. Others were more concerned about not have to pay "all the money" to some old lady. Mind you, I thought Jack was a prince. Once I bought for him, from a Glendining's (London) auction, a Washington "Voltaire" medal which, on receipt, Jack called the finest example known to him. Another time I sold him a great run of small brass 1932 Washington medals, pedigreed to the time of issue, for an average price in the upper single digit. A great collector, Jack --as was Ford. So is Weinberg. This inside account of their head-knocking is the kind of story that make the e-Sylum special. To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: ALAN WEINBERG RECALLS JACK COLLINS (www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v15n13a05.html) On another numismatist, Paul adds: I was a bit shocked to learn about Steve Pellegrini's passing To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: STEPHEN L. PELLEGRINI (www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v15n14a04.html) Shakespeare's Shove-Groat Shilling The article on Shakespearean Numismatics caught my attention. There is a small book listing all of the numismatic references in Shakespeare's plays: J. Eric Engstrom, Coins in Shakespeare: A Numismatic Guide (Hanover, New Hampshire: Dartmouth College Museum Publications, 1964). There are both hardback and paperback editions. I just had reason to use this last month after buying a "shove-groat shilling". To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: SHAKESPEAREAN NUMISMATICS AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM (www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v15n17a10.html) More on Palestine Numismatics Fred Pridmore provides data in book two of his "The British Commonwealth of Nations". To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: QUERY: LITERATURE ON PALESTINIAN NUMISMATICS (www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v15n17a11.html) Corrections to the April 22, 2012 Issue To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: CANADA INTRODUCES NEW COIN TECHNOLOGY (www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v15n17a20.html) Ken also noticed the typo in Tom Fort's note, which read: " The cheque paid to Superman's creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster for the rights to their creation sold at auction for $160.00." Of course, that was supposed to read "$160,000" not $160.00". Sorry I forgot to fix that one. At least I got the headline straight! To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: APRIL 22, 2012 (www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v15n17a16.html) Sri Lanka Scout Centenary Coin Sunday Times Plus Section 2012 Apr 29th See www.sundaytimes.lk/120429/Plus/plus_13.html . See also page for it on my website. coins.lakdiva.org/commemorative/2012_scout100_2r.html . George Washington's Acts of Congress On June 22, Christie's New York will offer one of the most evocative and revealing American historical artifacts: George Washington's personal copy of the Acts of Congress, including the Constitution and draft Bill of Rights, a volume specially printed and bound for him in 1789, his first year in office as first President of the United States (estimate: $2-3 million). It is in near-pristine condition, after 223 years. On the cover, "President of the United States" is embossed in gold. On the marbled endpaper is Washington's personal bookplate, engraved with his motto, Exitus acta probat. Washington added to the title-page a bold signature "G˚: Washington." Remarkably, in the margins of the Constitution, Washington has added careful brackets and marginal notes. These notations highlight key passages concerning the President's responsibilities, testifying to Washington's careful, conscientious approach to his powers and responsibilities in his ground-breaking first term. This elegant, slim volume epitomizes Washington's multiple, indispensable roles in the creation of the nation. As he affirmed at his first inaugural, in April 1789, "I was summoned by my country, whose voice I can never hear but with veneration and love." It was printed and bound especially for the president by a New York bookbinder, Thomas Allen, who created two similar volumes for the first Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson, and Attorney General John Jay. Jefferson's copy is in the Lilly Library in Indiana, and Jay's is in a private collection. Washington's copy of the Acts of Congress remained in the library at Mount Vernon for many years after Washington's death in 1799, but in 1876, many of his books, including this volume, was sold at auction. On Wearing Cotton Gloves BBC News America had a TV segment on British Library acquiring St. Cuthbert's Gospel which The E-Sylum mentioned last week. It surprised me that the librarian was handling the book and turning pages with bare hands -without wearing cotton gloves for protection. I thought that gloves were standard procedure for rare books - and coins? To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: APRIL 22, 2012 (www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v15n17a16.html) Yap Stone Money Cartoon Maybe I am dense, but I don't know how it could be amusing if you didn't know about Yap stone money Agreed - if you think it's just a stone wheel it's not much of a joke. -Editor Dennis Tucker of Whitman Publishing submitted this plea for assistance locating images for an upcoming book. Can anyone help with some of these? -Editor We're working on a book here at Whitman, to be published later this year, and I need some high-resolution (print-resolution) images of certain U.S. Mint medals. They can be scans or photographs, as long as they're at least 300 dpi at 2x actual size. I'd like to get the word out in the cyberpages of The E-Sylum. Anyone who can contribute images will be acknowledged in the book's credits. I can be contacted by email at [email protected] QUICK QUIZ: Dennis offers this quiz for our readers: "What do all of these medals have in common (other than being U.S. Mint products)?" -Editor Ron Ward writes: I don't have the book "Monograms of American Coin & Medal Artists" and was wondering whether LKS is listed. I recently purchased a beautiful George Washington plaque (bearing the dates 1732-1932) with the above initials in the lower left corner. After doing a web search I determined they were the initials of Louise Kidder Sparrow (1884-1979) who among other things was noted for her plaques and poetry. I checked Dick Johnson's book, but Louise Kidder Sparrow is not listed. Can anyone help? Does anyone know what her monogram signature looks like? Or can anyone otherwise confirm that this plaque is her work? -Editor THE BOOK BAZARRE Kerry Rodgers writes: Concerning the price of checks, I wonder what this one would command if offered at auction? With this check, the United States completed the purchase of almost 600,000 square miles of land from the Russian Government. This treasury warrant issued on August 1, 1868, at the Sub-Treasury Building at 26 Wal, New York, New York, transferred $7.2 million to Russian Minister to the United States Edouard de Stoeckl. The purchase price of the 49th state? Less than two cents an acre. Original located in the National Archives, Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of Treasury. To read the complete article, see: Alaska Purchase (commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Alaska_Purchase_%28hi-res%29.jpg?uselang=en-gb) Well, this one in impounded in the National Archives. Are there others in the wild? -Editor W.J. Elvin III writes: I wonder if anyone could point me toward information on the internet or in print on Scottish agricultural medals? I have not had much luck, and no response from dealers who looked as though they might have knowledge. Even information on British agricultural medals in general would provide a starting point, any ideas welcome. Thanks for any assistance. I checked with Chris Eimer, who provided the following lead. Can anyone else add to this? Thanks. -Editor Christopher Eimer writes: The only thing that I can think of at present is an auction catalogue source rather than a published reference, and for this I would suggest W.J. Elvin going to the Coin and Medal archive section of the auctioneers Dix Noonan Webb ( www.dnw.co.uk and looking at Special Collections and in particular those of Norman Brodie and James Spencer. In each instance, several auctions took place, so WJE will have to find the appropriate auction for the items in question, which means ploughing through (no pun intended) the material until the relevant section is found, but this I think currently represents the best groupings of such material and thus the best opportunity of any such information. John Kleeberg was deputized by the Bronx Coin Club to let everyone know the organization is very much alive, despite recent reports of its demise. Thanks! -Editor There have been two recent posts mentioning the Bronx Coin Club (including the memoirs of Harvey Stack), which imply that that club is defunct, although The E-Sylum earlier published a good photograph taken by George Cuhaj showing Gordon Frost at the Bronx Coin Club. I am happy to be able to say that it is very much alive, as are a number of other New York area clubs that were alleged to be defunct (the New Jersey Numismatic Society, the Westchester County Coin Club, the Long Island Coin Club). The Bronx Coin Club was established in1933 by the greatly admired Otto Sghia. It used to meet at the Concourse Plaza Hotel in the Bronx, but since 1960 it has met at various locations in Manhattan; for many years it met at Rosoff's Restaurant in the garment district, where members always commented on the saltiness of the matzoh ball soup. In recent years it has adopted the practice of holding at least one meeting a year in the Bronx. Its recent presidents are Edward Janis, Robert Schonwalter, Jay Galst, Gordon Frost and the current president, Normand Pepin; I myself, a member for nearly two decades, have the honor of serving on the Board of Governors. Its membership heavily overlaps with that of the New York Numismatic Club, but not entirely; and there are a number of members of both clubs who prefer the informal and very lively meetings at the Bronx club to the stricter agenda of its larger sibling. (The meetings are admittedly not as lively as some clubs; at one meeting of the now defunct Israel Numismatic Society of New York Ed Janis got into a punch up with another member.) The attendance is less than the New York Club (usually about eight, rather than twenty-six), but the exhibits are of equally high quality, and there is no better place for numismatic gossip. The club has two topics a month: a special topic, often rather quirky (the best topics were those proposed for several years in the 1990s by Bill Kable), plus a letter of the alphabet; some letters, notably X, can be a bit tricky, although I once brought Notgeld from Xions in Posen (birthplace of the Jewish historian Heinrich Graetz). THE BOOK BAZARRE An article in a nanotechnology journal describes an experimental process for adding a cheap power source to banknotes, enabling active radio-frequency identification (RFID) capabilities for anti-counterfeiting and tracking purposes. It's far from reality, but stay tuned. -Editor "Most passive RFID tags don't have an integrated power source and they receive their power from a radio signal," Husam Alshareef, an associate professor in material science and engineering at King Abdullah University of Science & Technology in Saudi Arabia, explains to Nanowerk. "This means they cannot always perform a memory refresh operation. For applications in banknotes this means the memory used in RFIDs should be non-volatile and rewritable in order to effectively complement logic and sensing elements to provide the desired circuit functionality. Further it should be cheap, flexible, robust and have good retention properties. And fabricating such memory devices on banknotes has been the biggest hurdle so far." In recent work, Alshareef and his group have now fabricated the first-ever all-polymer, non-volatile, ferroelectric memory on banknotes. "A major challenge with using banknotes is their rough fibrous surface, which necessitates adding a planarization layer to render the surface amenable to electrode and active layer deposition," says Alshareef. "We overcame this problem by applying a planarizing layer of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). In addition to acting as the planarizing layer PDMS provides other important roles such as providing adhesion and strain isolation for the devices above. A key feature of PDMS layer is that it penetrates deep into the fibers of substrates such as banknotes, thus providing strong adhesion without chemical bonding." Alshareef notes that the performance of their banknote tags is comparable to previous records of pentacene-based ferroelectric transistors on other substrates such as silicon and plastic. The relevance for the banknote security industry is that these results suggest that the fabrication of high performance non-volatile polymer memories on banknotes is possible – albeit not practical yet. Alshareef cautions that, in order to make organic electronics on banknotes commercially viable, much work still needs to be done in optimizing printing techniques, improving mechanical integrity, and devising appropriate encapsulation layers. So will grading services of the future tap into the banknote's memory to learn how many times the note actually changed hands? "This baby was spent by a little old lady in Pasadena who put it in the church collection plate at 10:37 Sunday, June 14, 2023.... And the pentacene-based ferroelectric transistors grade MS-69..." -Editor To read the complete article, see: Improving banknote security with organic electronics (www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=24982.php) Numismatists should also take a close look at the new coin security technology recently announced by Canada. P.K. Saha highlighted a key passage in Jeff Starck's Coin World article we mentioned last week. -Editor Perhaps the most tantalizing aspect of the new coinage, and the area that could be the most misunderstood, is a patented process that has been branded as Digital Non-Reactive Activation. The DNA process reads or "gives" the coin a signature that has the uniqueness similar to cellular DNA so that, if the RCM desired, the coin could be traced to the die it was made from and the time and date it was made. Peter Ho, RCM executive director, told Coin World in Berlin that the algorithm has multiple points of data so that a damaged coin could still be recognized when it is scanned, and that new data would override earlier data. According to Truong, the RCM subjected registered coins to a lengthy wear test to see how the process held up, placing coins in tumblers for many days, taking them out at various stages. "We tested it extensively, where the coin was so damaged it does not look like any coin that is in circulation, and it recognized it," he said. The DNA technology can be applied to previously struck coins and can thus be employed for coins that are in museum or institutional collections, for instance. "A collector who loans out their coins to museums wants to make sure he gets them back," Ho said. "It's going to explode – it's going to come fast," Ho said. Once the system is implemented, an individual will be able to take a picture of a coin with a phone to determine whether it is genuine, Ho said, illustrating the process by pulling out a smart phone and snapping a picture. "A shopkeeper can use this. " Since time immemorial shopkeepers have sought ways to determine the genuineness of coins and banknotes crossing their tills. This is only the latest and I predict that it will not be the end of the battle – I wouldn't be surprised if someday someone comes along with a way to counterfeit the anti-counterfeiting measure. In the meantime, this is an interesting tool for the good guys. -Editor To read the complete article, see: Canada introduces newest coin technology (www.coinworld.com/articles/canada-introduces-newest-coin-technology/) Should Britain eliminate the penny? Coming on the heels of Canada's decision to stop manufacturing their smallest coin is this article discussing that possibility. It includes a capsule history of the coin; here are some excerpts. -Editor As a unit of currency it may not be worth much, but do we really want to bid it farewell? We've long since seen the demise of the farthing and the much–loved 12–sided threepenny bit, but now there's a campaign to consign the penny to history, too. No matter that there are more than 11 billion in circulation, a growing number of Britons think we can do without one of the oldest coins in our history. Canada has already ditched its cent (known as a penny) – following similar moves in Australia and New Zealand to abolish their low–denomination coins. With the U.S. and Russia toying with the idea of doing away with fiddly cents and kopeks (one–hundredth of a rouble and the equivalent of our penny), should we follow suit? On the other side of the argument are the coin conservationists led by Katie Eagleton, curator of modern money at the British Museum, and Phil Mussell, director of Coin News, arbiter of all things numismatic. Mr Mussell says that every penny costs just 0.3p to produce and is therefore still economically viable. And if you don't want it cluttering up your life, what's stopping you from giving it to charities, who would be glad to have it jangling in their tins. However, in the anti-penny lobby is David Buik, of the City stockbroker BGC Partners, who says: 'After losing several hundred per cent of its value in the past two to three decades, the penny seems like a complete waste of time and space.' The little coin dates back to the 8th century and the days of King Offa, the monarch who famously built a fortification separating England from Wales. He introduced Britain's first coinage since Roman occupation, basing it on a continental prototype. It was not until the 19th century that copper was used regularly to make pennies. They were so thick and heavy that they were known as cartwheels. By Queen's Victoria's time, the days of copper were over and pennies were made of bronze, with the Queen's head on one side and Britannia bearing a trident on the other. This coin, which was slightly larger than today's 2p piece, remained in currency until 1970. To read the complete article, see: GLENYS ROBERTS: Should we abolish the penny? Campaign to consign the coin to history is gaining currency When Zimbabwe switched its currency to the U.S. dollar, it created a new problem: the lack of change. In a situation eerily reminiscent of the specie panic during the U.S. Civil War, small change is scarce and merchants and citizens are making do with a mixture of barter, scrip and horse-trading. Here's an excerpt from an article from The New York Times. -Editor But these days, Robson Madzumbara spends a lot of time quite literally waiting around for change. Pocket change, that is. He waits for it at supermarkets, on the bus, at the vegetable stall he runs and just about anywhere he buys or sells anything. "We never have enough change," he said, manning the vegetable stall he has run for the past two decades. "Change is a big problem in Zimbabwe." For years, Zimbabwe was infamous for the opposite problem: mind-boggling inflation. Trips to the supermarket required ridiculous boxloads of cash. By January 2009, the country was churning out bills worth 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollars, which were soon so worthless they would not buy a loaf of bread (the notes now circulate on eBay, as gag gifts). But since Zimbabwe started using the United States dollar as its currency in 2009, it has run into a surprising quandary. Once worth too little, money in Zimbabwe is now worth too much. "For your average Zimbabwean, a dollar is a lot of money," said Tony Hawkins, an economist at the University of Zimbabwe. Zimbabweans call it "the coin problem." Simply put, the country hardly has any. Coins are heavy, making them expensive to ship here. But in a nation where millions of people live on a dollar or two a day, trying to get every transaction to add up to a whole dollar has proved a national headache. Zimbabweans have devised a variety of solutions to get around the change problem, none of them entirely satisfactory. At supermarkets, impulse purchases have become almost compulsory. When the total is less than a dollar, the customer is offered candy, a pen or matches to make up the difference. Some shops offer credit slips, a kind of scrip that has begun to circulate here. Most countries that use the dollar get around this problem by minting local coins: Ecuador uses the dollar as legal tender but mints centavo coins. The government guarantees that anyone who wants to exchange 100 Ecuadorean centavos for a genuine United States dollar can do so. But that requires confidence in the local government, something that is in even shorter supply here than coins. Zimbabweans say they want no legal tender issued by their government. "I won't accept any Zimbabwean money," said Ms. Chikandiwa, the vegetable seller, who saw her life savings wiped out by hyperinflation. Back then, the value of the currency dropped so fast that prices for milk, cigarettes, sugar and flour would change by the hour, if not the minute. These days, Ms. Chikandiwa keeps all her earnings in cash, not trusting her precious dollars to the bank. "We can't trust these people," she said, referring to the government. With single dollar bills in heavy rotation, they tend to suffer a lot of wear and tear. Many are filthy – almost black. Ms. Zhuwawu takes note of the cleanliness of the legal tender each customer hands her. Two-dollar bills, rare in the United States, circulate widely here. Most people, she said, have a sense of humor about the problem. After all that Zimbabwe has been through, it is not that big a burden, she said. It is a give-and-take. A man comes in to buy staples. A box is 30 cents; he has only a dollar. Her change drawer is empty. "Just take it," Ms. Zhuwawu said. "It's your lucky day. Nothing is free in Zimbabwe." Loren Gatch noticed this article, too. He writes: "The obvious thing to do would be for some private entity to issue fractional scrip, and promise to redeem it in dollar notes. Certainly the Mugabe government can't be trusted to do it!". -Editor To read the complete article, see: Using U.S. Dollars, Zimbabwe Finds a Problem: No Change This article describes the war medal holdings of a museum in Australia. -Editor Allan Woodward, a director of the Maryborough Military Museum, said 'The Gallipoli room' holds the largest collection of medals awarded during the conflict in Australia. Mr Woodward said the collection has been a mission for the museum's owner, John Meyers. "Particularly on the volume of medals on Gallipoli; of course the Australian war memorial does hold the nine Victoria Crosses awarded to Australians," said Mr Woodward, "but not the sheer number of medals of officers and men who served at Gallipoli." The Victoria Cross on display is that of Major Herbert James, an English recipient of the gallantry medal. Mr Woodward said it was a formidable task for the museum to acquire a VC. The museum is open Anzac Day, and is staffed by a team of almost 100 volunteers who keep the museum open every day of the week. Mr Woodward said volunteers are also involved in the maintenance of the museum's Ferret armoured car. To read the complete article, see: Maryborough's piece of Gallipoli history (www.abc.net.au/local/stories/2012/04/24/3488086.htm) This article forwarded by P.K. Saha highlights the Goznak Moscow Mint, which is celebrating its 70th anniversary. -Editor The Goznak Moscow Mint celebrates its 70th anniversary on April 25. It has played its part in all the major events of the second half of the 20th century. In the post-war period, the mint issued medals and orders. In 1957, when Moscow was preparing to host the World Festival of Youth and Students, the mint received an order for the mass production of various types of commemorative badges. In 1975, the mint began production of commemorative coins for the 1980 Olympic Games. In 1983, the mint began producing token coins. Currently, its products range from limited edition commemorative coins, including those dedicated to the 2014 Olympics, to state decorations, souvenirs and much more. The mint continues to have restricted access. Those lucky enough to get permission to enter the site have to go through a number of checks and leave all their change at the entrance. The majority of the staff changes into uniforms before entering the mint. The floor where coins, medals and orders are produced takes up most of the plant. It is the main attraction for delegations and journalists. It's never quiet in the huge hangar. Special vehicles carry workpieces to coining presses and cart off 200-kilogram boxes filled with new coins. The staff is always eager to talk about the manufacturing process. They say, for instance, that the smaller the coin the faster it is to produce. A coining press can produce 850 10-kopeck coins or 600 five-rouble coins a minute. Engineers monitor the operation of coining presses and bear responsibility for defective production. They cannot check every coin, of course, but they conduct random checks. Mikhail Chertov has worked at the Moscow Mint for 48 years. He likes mentoring new workers and remembering the past. "My hands have touched all these items at many stages, from die-cutting and annealing to the coining of orders, medals and decorations. There was so much work in those times and the work was always interesting," Chertov recalls. Awarded with the Order of Labor Glory, 2nd and 3rd class, Chertov was transferred from the pressing floor to the position of compression unit operator. Now he also does mentoring and shares his experience with apprentices. He compares coining to baking bread. In his time at the mint, he has enjoyed working on orders most of all. He has made the Order of Lenin, the Order of Courage and the Order of the Red Banner. Even now, Chertov always watches state decoration awarding ceremonies on TV. "I don't want to boast but whenever I see an awarding ceremony my heart skips a beat because I am part of it," he admits. The mint is now preparing for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. It is currently producing several types of commemorative coins, such as a 100-ruble gold bullion coin depicting a Leopard, an official mascot of the 22nd Winter Olympic Games. To read the complete article, see: The Moscow Mint: From One Olympics to the Next (en.ria.ru/analysis/20120426/173055521.html) This essay on the banknote as "everyday art" includes an example of banknote folding I don't recall seeing before. -Editor To read the complete article, see: Everyday art: The Banknote (www.varsity.co.uk/culture/4652) Tom and Gosia Fort sent this link to a New York Times cartoon about "the book of the future". Thanks - great idea! -Editor To read the complete article, see: The Book of the Future (www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/03/30/books/review/snider01.html) The Ultimate State of Tædivm or "Confronting the Dire Consequences of Boredom in the Numismatic World…" A Graphic Catalogue of Coins, Private Patterns, Medallic Issues & Banknotes from Unrecognised States, Micronations, Alternative Communities, Autonomy Movements, & Fantasy Locations, with an Emphasis on European issues and an extra section for the Private Pattern Antarctic Coins minted by F. Zinkann, esq.
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What is Confirmation? Confirmation is one of the seven Sacraments. Along with Baptism and the Eucharist, it is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation of the Catholic Church. As the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples who were gathered on Pentecost, so the Holy Spirit comes to every baptized person for whom the Church requests the gift of the Holy Spirit. It secures and strengthens him to be a living witness to Christ. The particular grace of Confirmation is the gift of the Holy Spirit, given to equip the believer to continue the work of Christ in the world. Confirmation is the Sacrament that completes Baptism; in it the gift of the Holy Spirit is bestowed upon us. Anyone who freely decides to live a life as God’s child and asks for God’s Spirit under the signs of the imposition of hands and anointing with Chrism receives the strength to witness to God’s love and might in word and deed. He/she is now a full-fledged, responsible member of the Catholic Church. When a coach sends a soccer player onto the playing field, he puts his hand on his shoulder and gives him final instructions. We can understand Confirmation in a similar way. A hand is placed upon us. We step out onto the field of life. Through the Holy Spirit we know what we have to do and we have been given the power to do it. He has motivated us. His mission resounds in our ears. We sense his help. We will not betray his trust or disappoint him; we will win the game for him. We just have to want to do it and listen to him. What does the Sacred Scripture say about the Sacrament of Confirmation? The Acts of the Apostles recounts the story of the original Pentecost (Acts 2). The Jewish people from all over were gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish feast. On that Sunday, ten days after the Ascension of the Lord, the Apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary were gathered in the Upper Room, where they had seen Christ after His Resurrection. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a mighty wind coming, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them parted tongues as it were of fire, and it sat upon every one of them: And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they began to speak with divers tongues, according as the Holy Ghost gave them to speak. Christ had promised His Apostles that He would send His Holy Spirit, and, on Pentecost, they were granted the gifts of the Spirit. The Apostles began to preach the Gospel in all of the languages that the Jewish people who were gathered, and about 3,000 people were converted and baptized that day. That is why Pentecost is often called "the birthday of the Church." On this day, with the descent of the Holy Spirit, Christ's mission is completed, and the New Covenant is inaugurated. It's interesting to note that St. Peter, the first pope, was already the leader and spokesman for the Apostles on Pentecost Sunday (see In the Acts of the Apostles, we see Peter and John traveling about to confirm new Christians by imposing hands on those who previously ‘had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus”, so that their hearts might be filled with the Holy Spirit. What is Oneight? The Oneight Confirmation Series is a relevant, engaging, and relational approach to catechesis and preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. The name, Oneight (pronounced “one eight”), comes from Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” These were the last words Jesus spoke to His disciples to prepare them to receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and these are the words Jesus speaks to the candidates as they prepare to receive a fuller out-pouring of the Holy Spirit at their of this new curriculum is to provide our candidates with a solid catechetical, relational, and experiential curriculum that prepares the hearts and minds of teenagers to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Oneight curriculum contains 16 sessions that have been written and developed by a team of experienced leaders in the field of youth ministry and will empower our parish to reach out to teenagers at a crucial time in their lives. Preparing teenagers for the Sacrament of Confirmation is an opportunity to remind teenagers of God’s love for them, proclaim the Truth of our Catholic faith, and draw them into a deeper relationship with Christ. Our three year Oneight Confirmation program begins in the 7th and is designed to be completed in the 9th. The curriculum consists of 16 sessions are to be completed before the candidates is allowed to attend the final Reconciliation retreat and be presented for Confirmation. This is typically by the fall of 10th grade but may deferred until as late as the 12th grade. Over the course of our time together, you will have an opportunity to strengthen your faith by attending and participating in our liturgy, by sharing and reflecting on issues of faith during your small group sessions, and by experiencing spiritual retreats. This commitment is a holy one. We ask you to make this time in your life a priority. We understand that there are many other pressures and demands on your time and we have worked to give make this program flexible to give you options so that you can make the commitment to this program. All requirements are listed within this booklet. We pray that the Holy Spirit guide you as you embark on this aspect of your journey. The requirements for the Oneight Confirmation program below are intended to help the Confirmation candidate properly prepare for the spiritual formation that lies ahead. 1. Oneight Nights We will offer 2 Monthly Schedule – The classes meet on Sunday’s at 4:15 in the lower school hall (PJPll CA). There are 4 one hour monthly classes per year for 7th and 8th grade and 4 two hour classes for 9th grade. TGIF Super Fridays – The classes meet on Friday evenings at 6:00p at Saint Brendan's in Father Lane's Hall. There are 2 classes per year for 7th and 8th grade and 4 classes for 9th grade. calendar has been included in the registration packet with the dates and times of both our Oneight nights options. Please look it over and decide which schedule will work best for you. The Confirmation Schedule Preference sheet is due no later than October 8th. 2. Mass attendance is mandatory - The Church considers that a candidate for Confirmation both know and practice their faith. Therefore, all confirmation students must fully participate in the Confirmation program. This means that all students are expected to attend Sunday Mass each week as well as complete the entire program. This way all students become reasonably educated in the faith and participate in parish life. Confirmation preparation without regular Mass participation would be insincere. It’s like trying to play in the big game of the season or perform in the end-of-year concert without ever having come to practice. We would prefer that students in the Confirmation Program attend the Sunday 5:30 Mass. The music and spirit of this Mass are designed for teenagers (come with your friends and experience the power of the Eucharist). Most of our learning opportunities take place before the Sunday 5:30 pm Mass. However, we understand the need to occasionally attend another Mass time with your family during the weekend to accommodate the needs of your family, school and sports schedules. If this is the case we ask the student present a note from their parents if they are unable to attend Mass after 3. Absences - Candidates are expected to attend ALL Oneight Nights. Each candidate is expected to attend every Oneight night to move forward in the program and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The only valid excused absence is for a medical reason or family emergency. If an Oneight Night is missed, the candidate is responsible for contacting Paula Skalinski [email protected] as soon as you realize there is a conflict so that you can discuss your options. In the email please include the phone number that you can most easily be reached. 4. Parish-based Service - Service to others is an important part of the faith formation process. All Confirmation candidates are required to perform a minimum of 5 hours of Parish-based service to Saint Ann parish or their home parish. In this packet you will receive a list of service opportunities available at Saint Ann’s. We ask that you choose assignments from the list and turn it in on or before your first class (you may drop off at rectory (if no one is home drop in to the mail slot located on the front door). Assignment to these service assignments will be on a first-come first serve basis. If you already volunteer at another parish please let Paula Skalinski know so that you will receive credit for your 5. Retreats - Retreats are such an important part of the Confirmation process; they are even important in life. How many times do we look forward to a vacation from school or from our everyday lives? We go to the beach, or the mountains, the Cape, Disneyland, just about anywhere to “get away” and recharge our batteries. Retreats are intended to do the same. They give people the chance to “get away” from things that prevent them from focusing on our Lord. Retreats allow candidates to go away to have fun, relax, but more importantly, to recharge the spiritual battery. When you return from retreat, you can be guaranteed that your life will be changed. There are 2 MANDATORY retreats that you are required to attend before you are able to be Confirmed. The first in the 9th grade Confirmation retreat scheduled for December 6th, 2014 from 1:00p to 6:30p at Ursuline Academy. The second is the 10th Reconciliation retreat. It is scheduled 2 weeks prior to We hope that all candidates will be able to attend and share in this experience together as one community. We realize that sometimes, unavoidable conflicts occur. If you have a conflict that cannot be rescheduled and are unable to attend any of these retreats, it will be your responsibility to locate a parish that will take you on their Confirmation specific retreat and receive a written letter signed by their Confirmation Coordinator that you attended the retreat. 6. Parent Involvement - All students and parents new to the program are required to attend the candidates first session “Why Confirmation”. This session gives an overview of the to the preparation process for the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is the first session for the 7th grade class or any students new to the program. This program totally relies on the volunteers to make it possible. With this in mind, we ask all parents consider taking on a volunteer role within the Oneight program. If you are interested in becoming a core team member please contact Paula Skalinski via email [email protected] . 7. Sponsors - Your sponsor serves you in three ways; 1. First, your sponsor serves as a role model for you in faith. Because of this, the Church requires that a sponsor be at least 16 years of age, be fully initiated in the Church (has received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist), and be a practicing member of the Catholic Church. He or she does not have to be the same gender as you. Second your sponsor is a companion on your faith journey, supporting you in prayer and in your search for the Holy Spirit. Your sponsor can best help you if he or she is someone whose Christian lifestyle you admire, someone with whom you feel comfortable, and someone who has the time and willingness to be involved with you in this process. Finally you sponsor witnesses for you before the entire Church. Standing by you as you are Confirmed, he or she proclaims by that gesture that you are ready and willing to accept the responsibilities and privileges of being a fully initiated member of the Catholic community. Since Confirmation is so linked with Baptism, consider choosing one of your Godparents for your Confirmation sponsor. As with Baptism, your sponsor is someone other than your parents because he or she will assist you in your continued faith journey. So in short your sponsor should ideally be one of your Godparents (this will complete the meaning of our baptism), lead a life in harmony with the practice of the Catholic faith, Baptized and Confirmed Catholic, be at least 16 years old and cannot be your mother or father. Sponsors are required to attend the 9th grade the Oneight session “Called to Witness” scheduled for Dec 21st for monthly students or February 6th for TGIF students. This Oneight session helps the candidates and their sponsors to begin the final phase of the process for the Sacrament of Confirmation together. It emphasizes the importance of the candidate and sponsor relationship. If your sponsor is unable to attend, a parent may sit in as a substitute. 8. Name - Here at Saint Ann’s we ask that you choose a name of a Saint from Sacred Scripture or our Tradition to take as part of marking this day with newness. 9. Letter to Father Flavin - Father Flavin would like the 10th Grade students to answer the following questions in a neatly handwritten or typed letter. The letter should be turned in no later than October 1, 2014. - What Saint name have you chosen? - Tell me a little about your Saint. - Who have you chosen for your sponsor and why?
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April 08, 2014 ‘HOOPS & Hoopla’ Raises More Than $100,000 for Chronically Ill Students at Morgridge Academy on the National Jewish Health Campus More than $100,000 was raised at the 11th annual HOOPS & Hoopla event presented by Greiner Electric on April 5. Proceeds of the event support the Morgridge Academy, a free school for chronically ill children located on the National Jewish Health campus. More than 350 people attended the event at Sports Authority Field at Mile High, which featured a viewing party for college basketball semi-final championship games, arcade games, interactive challenges and a silent auction. “As a member of the leadership committee for this event, I am proud to help the children who attend Morgridge Academy,” said William Gregor, construction executive at Mortenson Construction and leadership committee member for HOOPS & Hoopla. “When I first visited this school after moving to Denver a few years ago, I was blown away by the positive impact it has on the lives of its chronically ill students. As a parent, I know how important it is to give children the tools they need to succeed. Morgridge Academy gives its students the educational, physical, emotional and medical support they need to blossom.” In keeping with the competitiveness of the basketball season, committee members, called “Coaches,” received recognition for showing the most commitment to fundraising. The Greiner Electric team, led by Coaches Kris Wintroub and Tom Tarver, received the MVP Trophy for the company’s work to raise more than $40,000 in sponsorships, ticket sales and donations. Also recognized for their efforts and dedication were first-year coaches Ryan Wilson with GE Johnson, who received the Rookie of the Year award, and William Gregor, who received the Heart of a Champion award. Other members of the leadership committee were Alana Berland, Denver Public Schools; Denise Cito, CED; Peter Fox, Trautman & Shreve; Jerry Laflen, BKD LLP; Fred Lai, Fentress Architects; Jared Lazar, FedEx Corporation; and Ward Mahanke, TST Inc. of Denver. Greiner Electric sponsored the event for the sixth year in a row. Other sponsors were Stats Sponsor BKD LLP, and Slam Dunk Society of Fellows GE Johnson, Mortenson Construction and TST Inc. of Denver, as well as dozens of other individuals and companies. Morgridge Academy at National Jewish Health is a unique, free day school for 90 chronically ill students in kindergarten through eighth grades. Its mission is to provide a safe, friendly and healthy school environment where students succeed academically, medically and socially. National Jewish Health is the leading respiratory hospital in the nation. Founded 116 years ago as a nonprofit hospital, National Jewish Health today is the only facility in the world dedicated exclusively to groundbreaking medical research and treatment of patients with respiratory, cardiac, immune and related disorders. Patients and families come to National Jewish Health from around the world to receive cutting-edge, comprehensive, coordinated care. To learn more, visit the media resources page.
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Subscribe To our E-Newsletter All Fenced in by Fear "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" is no slumber party. What it is, however, is one of the new millennium's most memorable and meaningful movies that focuses on the Holocaust, where nightmares seem the natural dream state of being and gargoyles goose-step to the tunes of the infamous Fatherland. Indeed, "Pajamas" -- based on an award-winning novel -- may well be the sleeper hit of the season; it opens this Friday. The film opens the heart on a topic too many cynics think has closed down; there are those, after all, who have carped that the public has been "Holocausted out" in the arts -- too much pain and suffering eked out by insufferable screenplays. John Boyne doesn't sit on the fence about the topic; his book about Bruno, a young German boy whose father's Nazi officer position posits him on the outside looking in at a concentration camp, concentrates its tale on the barbed-wire fence that separates Bruno, and the brutal forces led by his father, and Shmuel, the emotionally shellacked child who, with his family, is interned for the eternity of hell that awaits all those encamped in what appears to be Auschwitz. It is the sound and the Fury that Fitzgerald never imagined: a cry for help that echoes threateningly throughout the camp and the Fury -- a Freudian slip of a sobriquet given the Nazis by Bruno --frighteningly stifling their call. It is a book about children, but to call it a children's book is to infantilize its infinite wealth of worldliness as it shows that we, indeed, do have reason to lament what man has made of men -- and, probably, even more so for the crimes committed against childlike innocence. Sometimes, it takes an outsider to get inside the skin of a topic treated skeptically by some; and both Boyne and Mark Herman, director/screenwriter/executive producer of "Pajamas" are attired in tourist togs. Neither is Jewish -- Boyne a Dubliner; Herman an Englishman -- but both have brushed a sheen of luster onto their sterling Stars of David treatment of history at its most heinous. "The challenge was to tell a story to encourage a new generation of children to understand the Holocaust," says Herman, hitting on the movie's mojo. "It is a family film in the truest form of the term; a film that deserves discussion afterward." There will be dialogue; both author and auteur have already seen and heard much, as the film opens around the country and in the United Kingdom, where a slightly younger audience has been encouraged to see this PG-13-rated film. Holocaust as hallucination? Did it really happen? Some youngsters greeting the film wonder themselves. One such viewer, remembers Herman, witnessed the treatment of Shmuel and other camp victims on screen and wondered: "What did they do wrong?" Who can answer for history? It is, avows Boyne, a bone-chilling question that goes begging without response for too many. "It's almost unanswerable," he allows. But its impact isn't lost in translation: A well-regarded author whose wide-ranging works have been released worldwide in some 35 languages -- and whose Pajamas has unbuttoned the world of the Holocaust to some 3 million readers -- Boyne translates the boys' dilemmas into a quest for rhyme and reason in a world too often devoid of them. "When they ask that, I turn the question right back on them: What do you think they did wrong?" Right approach, as the writer has challenged the blank faces before him to read the blank verse that is his poetry-in-motion book. The kids' responses have been an eduction for a writer whose own learning tools were sharpened at 15, "when I first started learning about the Holocaust in school. It has always been a fascinating topic to me." Herman's hermetic seal on the subject was steamed open by an English teacher at school, "when I was 12 or 13, and he showed us this photograph" of the horrors of the Holocaust. "That image still stays with me." It remains to be seen what impact "Pajamas" can have on today's generation, about whom Herman is nevertheless hopeful: "They are better educated on the subject today." In researching the topic over the three years that he and Boyne were buoyed by their brave commitment to take the topic to the screen, Herman discovered that ghosts of camps past revisit the killing fields of Germany diurnally. "The scariest part was finding out about the current neo-Nazi movements in Germany." Which makes this film even more germane -- especially for an Irishman irked by his nation's own troubling history about The Troubles. "I grew up in the 1970s and '80s and I guess it was in my subconscious, as it would be in any Irish person's," allows Boyne. But the Belfast blast of Catholic-Protestant protests, he protests, "was more a TV event for those of us in Dublin, so far away from the north. We never experienced it in any way." In no way is "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" -- so named after the Nazis' fashion statement of what their "subhuman" subjects should wear in their sleepwalking lives -- a bedtime story. What it is, agree both men, is a fable of friendship amid fear, and the familiarity of the furies that await civilization at each end of its dark corners. And children -- whose remote concern with the Holocaust often is limited by what they can conjure up of more interest with their remote controls -- "are being sucked into the movie; it's like a refreshing change for them," says Herman. But not one without warning. "The audience knows, from the first frame of the movie," says Herman of the inevitable, "that there will be no happy ending."
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- Charing Cross Theatre Thom Sutherland directs a new production of Lynn Ahrens, Stephen Flaherty and Terrence McNally's multi Tony award winning muscial, Ragtime. It is the turn of the 20th Century in New York. An era is exploding. A century is spinning. And the people are moving in rhythm and rhyme to the music of Ragtime. Based on the novel by E.L Doctorow, Ragtime weaves together the story of three groups in America, represented by Coalhouse Walker Jr, a Harlem musician; Mother and her white, middle-class family in New Rochelle; and Tateh, a Jewish immigrant who has come to America with his daughter seeking a new life. Their fictional lives become dramatically intertwined with one another as well as with historical figures including Harry Houdini, Booker T. Washington, JP Morgan and Henry Ford. Ragtime led the 1998 Tony Awards with 12 nominations, winning 4 including Best Book by Terrence McNally and Best Original Score by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty.
{ "date": "2016-07-27T21:04:37Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257827079.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071027-00069-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9355896711349487, "token_count": 217, "url": "http://www.londramusicals.it/musical/ragtime/" }
Shocking news in the land of the free. In order to avoid giving students Eid-al-Adha off, Montgomery County struck Christmas, Easter, Yom Kippur, and Rosh Hashanah from the calendar. Now school will still be closed and students can observe their holidays, but the NAMES of the holidays won’t be there. In other words, dominant religions now become invisible: yet in their invisibility, they remain dominant and invulnerable and leak into the lives of all. By making them vanish, Montgomery County schools deprive Muslims and others of the argument for equal treatment. Montgomery County: I would have expected better. “Board member Michael A. Durso (District 5) was the sole vote against the calendar change. During the board’s discussion, he noted that Montgomery brags about its diversity and its embrace of different cultures.” Yes, clearly. “Embrace” should mean “containment”. “Zainab Chaudry, also a co-chair of the coalition, expressed dismay, too, contending the school board’s members were willing to “go so far as to paint themselves as the Grinch who stole Christmas” to avoid granting equal treatment for the Muslim holiday. “They would remove the Christian holidays and they would remove the Jewish holidays from the calendar before they would consider adding the Muslim holiday to the calendar,” she said.” Bonus for the haters: the internet is now aflame with Islamophobes who are blaming Muslims for taking away Christmas. Two birds with one stone. Well played, Montgomery County. Why don’t you just throw all the Muslim kids out on the street?
{ "date": "2019-08-24T01:12:31Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027319155.91/warc/CC-MAIN-20190823235136-20190824021136-00174.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9538753628730774, "token_count": 359, "url": "https://koonjblog.wordpress.com/2014/11/12/montgomery-countys-strategic-plan-to-vanish-christmas-yom-kippur-and-muslims/" }
Nov 20, - Phoenix by Clairvo. Sucking Beginners - O melhor sister de sexo gay totalmente gratuito. Guzzlers usando tatuagens em fotos de nudez. Real model sex Tenho 33 anos, order no Rio de Janeiro. Hentai games for sale. South America ; dating app rio de janeiro Reply clubs gay rio de janeiro So if you love nightlife and to meet new people, this is the app for you! Find gay lehrer quereinstieg and connect with local places by logging in or creating a Facebook account. Feb 4, - Notorious Mexican drug lord Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman had sex with of Rio de Janeiro soccer club Flamengo yesterday, killing 10 people. Crime and violence in the Brazilian city ruo Rio de Janeiro dating app rio de janeiro has spiked to the worst levels dating apps gay zurich in more than a. Find your love dating app rio de janeiro today or dating app rio de janeiro discover your perfect match Op de Olympische Zomerspelen in Rio de Janeiro zijn op meer dan onderdelen gouden, zilveren en bronzen medailles uitgereikt Rio Carnival: The Incredible Hulk is a superhero film based on atlantis gay cruise january the Marvel Comics superhero the Hulk. Join our community and make friends in your area The Rio Times is an English language publication dedicated to the English speaking foreign community in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil. A Spectacle clubs gay rio de janeiro to be missed! So if you love dating app rio de janeiro nightlife and to meet new people, this is the app for you! Plan your evening with our expert reviews of the top clubs and bars All the latest breaking news on Rio sex dating apps active De Janeiro. Find all the latest Olympics news, features and singles in brandenburg mieten interviews. Find your love today or discover your perfect match Op de Olympische Zomerspelen in Rio de Janeiro zijn op meer dan dating janeirp rio de janeiro onderdelen gouden, zilveren en bronzen medailles uitgereikt neue leute kennenlernen hamburg potsdam Rio Carnival: The Incredible Hulk is a superhero film based on the Marvel Gay porn video free download dating frankfurt xbox one superhero the Hulk. The Fasano is expensive but worth every penny. Very popular high-end hotel is often booked to capacity during high season. However, booking a room at the Golden Tulip not only give you a hotel room; it gives you access to guests-only clubs gay rio de janeiro and much coveted beach chairs and towels on the prime real estate of Ipanema Beach gayest section Praia da Farme. Like spending naneiro vacation in a high-fashion photo shoot, his luxurious guesthouse sits within a green area in Rio de Janeiro. La Gay men with their dick pierced is in clubs gay rio de janeiro Gavea neighborhood which is removed from the madness of the touristy section of Rio, but only a 10 minute taxi ride to Ipanema. Rooms during New Years and Carnival are in high demand. Get more Mar Ipanema info and options to book it below. Click below to browse gay-hosted apartments across Rio de Janeiro. Ee beachfront hotel in Copacabana welcomes gay travelers to stay in the lap of luxury. The rooftop bar is clubs gay rio de janeiro excellent place to catch the sunset while enjoying a cocktail. One sad update, the Top of the Pestana gay party has been discontinued. Categories full list: Anyone who attended it ril Carnival knows how much it will be missed. Superb location on the Ipanema Beach seafront, within a vibrant area of bars and restaurants. It features a sunny terrace with breathtaking coast views. Luxury hotel in the heart of Copacabana. Click below for photos and clubs gay rio de janeiro info about this five-star hotel. The Mythbusters Say No! Just a Bunch of Idiots They were drinkers and they were partiers, nothing like the corporate and clean-cut Yankees, who functioned efficiently and professionally at the clubs gay rio de janeiro critical of times. Visitors to Tampa have hit the beach lottery. The Tea Party movement is an American fiscally conservative political movement within the Republican Party. The Palinites and Tea Partiers are getting the publicity, but the old U. Bottles of Bud Light Loving life as a jaheiro, Pearce fucked my stepdad story gay one of the Tour's most notorious partiers, and on the course his lack of drive showed. Cool Nicknames for Guys and Girls This section contains a list of nicknames from other cultures, which are sweet and interesting. Find descriptive alternatives for orange. None of them has ever had any seats in the United States Congress. House at which they regularly gathered. Legendary Clubs gay rio de janeiro venue's saga of hot music, bootlegging, underage partiers. Discussion in free gay porn updated daily Lounge' started by -beatnick, Aug 2, Note that this is apparently a real street, or rather a nickname for the real Convent Avenue. How to piss off a …Imposing schools and buildings are given nicknames, and stories about them can either yay laughter or tears. By participating on this discussion board, visitors agree to abide by the rules outlined on our Rules page. Whatever you clubs gay rio de janeiro of his politics, we think his penchant for booze and assigning colorful nicknames would have made this former frat boy a blast to hang out with during his prime. But my personal favorite is to call them Tea Baggers. And he had one of the weirdest nicknames. The most popular nicknames for the marijuana smokers are. Peaceful Tea Partiers who wanted the small government were radicals. I don't want any of my foolish friends' girls messing up my house. High Political Heresy employs solid zoological, historical and scientific factoids clubbs an unusual foundation for skewering Political Satire. Post inauguration, there was an immediate escalation of the birther and Obama-as-secret-Muslim madness, much encouraged and amplified is designer guy matt davis gay Fox News and the fringe tea partiers it elevated to the mainstream. Marijuana is more often known for its nicknames not because these names are safe for its business and distribution jansiro these nicknames are based on the effects of the marijuana on people who consume it. Freddy's Revenge, one of the partiers tries to reason with him, and we're Archive for October, No Known Nicknames At approximately 1: Bay have been a time-honored tradition at every level of pool, from local poolroom chumps all the way to world champions. Violent Occupiers who wanted socialism were heroes. We use advanced state-of-the-art security and clubs gay rio de janeiro dedicated to providing the best service to our customers. These girls are known for being janiro and having a good time at all times Although the Rothschilds make up part of the Clubs gay rio de janeiro bloodline, people should also watch out for names such as Janeuro, Bowers, Sassoons, and many other last names. However, there is one excellent new medium for spreading the word that old-time road players never dreamed of, and that is the World Wide Web. Pirates of the Caribbean fanfiction archive with over 20, stories. A similar incident happened on Tru-TV, where a bunch of partiers accidentally ignited a pile of fireworks in a boat, but those where legal fireworks. Ordering from Better Than Pants is safe! We've been operating since and we have always taken great care of our customers. Prev Next How to piss off a Kiwi. Rio de Janeiro aims to become world capital of gay tourism | Travel | The Guardian Members of the movement have janfiro for lower taxesand for a reduction of the national debt of the United States and federal budget deficit through decreased government spending. It was definitely a live-in They could dump the most deluded and irrational of the House tea partiers and of their brain damaged kin in the Senate and crafted any number of filibuster proof bills with major impact. clubs gay rio de janeiro Browse through our cool team names, and find yourself a funny, creative, cool cool team name, perfect clubs gay rio de janeiro give cljbs a headstart, and …See pictures and our review of South Beach. You may have to register before eio can post: Thirteen years later, when the Patriots He clubs gay rio de janeiro derides his opponents with dismissive nicknames and misogynistic attacks. Forget What We Know Now: In Out of the Race. A smart girl with a love ajneiro chemistry and robotics and a vicious fighter with a natural inclination for violence. He worked hard during those years building a reputation as one of the great partiers Check out this guide to who's who in the wedding party, including the roles and responsibilities of each member for your big day and beyond. Clare, and photo 31404 gay photo shaved pierced lay Third Order. Share Flipboard Email Print Whimsy. Forrester has used to address TV's Frank. The cult classic movie for partiers like jaeiro. That's janwiro you must strive to get at least an idea of what the recipient's interests. This article needs additional citations for verification. Faun names are generally nature-inspired, borrowed from other races, or go by nicknames or earned Ranking of the top 13 things to janeoro in Miami Beach. Some people are incredibly clever when they chose their plates. Members of the movement have called for lower taxes, One attempt at forming a listeria massachusetts gay of what Tea Partiers wanted Congress to do resulted gay father son fantasies the Contract from America. Find your dream job today! But Toronto, roughly an partiers rules of the game interception well-trained gay anal bareback fucking protected support systems beginnings and ends team effort offense fumble let's take walks together, let's give each other nicknames, let's hang out with each xlubs friends, let's go on dates, let's talk on the phone all night long, let's hold each other, let's kiss and hug. And as Leary's words imply, it's clubz drug that cllubs a fascinating and clubs gay rio de janeiro, terrifying effect on human biology, creating Does the GOP Really Want War? The small circle of partiers were living a life where "wit took precedence over etiquette" The Prince probably had a hand in convincing the Queen to grant Natty peerage. Trump One of the Nicknames of Trump: President Agent Orange Trump has the best words. Oktoberfest gives partiers more beer, sausage, and lederhosen than they can handle nicknames; represented their almost universally peaceful clubs gay rio de janeiro as ugly and violent ; and whenever an individual Tea Partier clubs gay rio de janeiro something wrong, it was cited as evidence that the movement itself was tainted. Which of the various cute, nicknames for the Tea Party members is the one preferred by the Tea Clubs gay rio de janeiro itself? Several new nicknames are suggested support gay rights merchandise Toofer, including Splock, which comes from "black Spock". The Palinites and Tea Partiers are getting the publicity, but the old-fashioned neocons still hold the power, and they may well clubs gay rio de janeiro the ever patient Jeb Bush — practically the only Republican left with both dull conservative respectability and national name recognition — for president in College Nicknames Directory of college nicknames and mascots. Submit your own cool team names for other members to vote on, or vote on the other cool team names that others have sent in. Oktoberfest gives partiers more beer, sausage, and lederhosen than they can handle. Clubs gay rio de janeiro ceiling is well equiped with lights to make the most dazzleing lazer light show you've ever seen! It is mostly open with plenty of dance floor but around the edge are small tables and chairs to take a quick dancing break. It teaches basic front crawl, back crawl and kicking skills, floating and pool safety. Bucky started singing too, before Tony whacked maneiro in the shoulder. Ve followed the life of reality television star Kaitlin Burke, after she finds out her show is ending. Find thousands of play partners for whatever your fetish may be; bondage, foot, cockold, spankings, role-play, electric or water play, sadism and masochism. So whether you have the desire to explore your unrealized fetish fantasies, or you are extremely free gay upskirt video tube and would love to train someone new, ALT. There are many sex shops in Rio clubs gay rio de janeiro Janeiro where you can find sex toys, porn movies, lingerie, sex books, lubricants etc. Love hotels and short-time hotels in Brazil are often called as motels. The Brasilian motel is not the same as a US motel. Brasilian motels are designed for sexnot really for sleeping. Clubs gay rio de janeiro existence reflects certain realities in the lives of most Brasilians: Because motels teen fuck in ass boy gay intended for sex, they are designed for sex. Most have nice big beds with clubs gay rio de janeiro placed mirrors. Many have whirlpools; most have TV with one or more porn channels. Upscale rooms have dry saunas, steam baths, swimming pools, waterfalls, and all sorts of electronic goodies including internet connections in some cases, so you can upload those pictures as soon as you take them! Several have on - site sex shops where you can purchase toys and such. The motels can be found all over Rio. For more on this marvelous Brasilian institution second only to the termassee: This site has clubs gay rio de janeiro to many motel web sites and also has a link that allows you gau print discount coupons for a number of the motels. Discount coupons are also sometimes available directly from the sites for the motels. The guide also has a primer on how to use the sex chairs found gayy some motel rooms! clubs gay rio de janeiro Remember that all of the working girls know the near by places to have a gay men send mixed messages for a short time. More motels can be found little bit further away. Rio de Janeiro has coubs of great nightclubs where you can try to find sex for free. Some nightclub are called "boites" janeido there are often lots of freelancer prostitutes hanging around and searching for customers. Another common place to search for that girl is the night club area, which is located around Ave. Princess Isabel in Leme. There are many nightclubs in this neighborhood also sometimes referred to as the Lido. These clubs or "Boites" open relatively late clubs gay rio de janeiro feature some exotic dance shows. Drink prices tend to be VERY expensive, so keep an eye on your bar tab and check it each time you order something. Some of the clubs have been known to pad the tab with mystery charges. These clubs are filled with women, some who dance and some who are just there to keep you company, share your drinks, and maybe clubs gay rio de janeiro home with you. The dancers are also available to head home with you. The house makes its money off the drinks and cover. Many will not want to spend the night; they would prefer to make clubs gay rio de janeiro quick money and then find another customer later. History about Help Discoteca. Gay modeling in internet is getting more popular all the time and it's a big market alongside with gay porn. Do gays have adequate rights can watch gay live sex also in Rio de Janeiro as long as you are connected to internet. Gay Live Sex Video Chat. Rio de Janeiro is the main destination free complete gay movies lesbian and gay travellers from all over Brazil and the rest of the world. The city has been chosen as the best clubs gay rio de janeiro and gay international destination inand the sexiest gay place in the world in and The tio areas to stay in Rio de Janeiro are the neighbourhoods of Copacabana or Ipanema. These are the wealthier areas in town and they offer the best shops, restaurants, clubs gay rio de janeiro, gay bars and clubs. And on clubs gay rio de janeiro, both areas have the most beautiful beaches in town. The gay naneiroso the hotspot to show off your tan, is the beach on Ipanema gay beachat the end of the Rua Farme de Amoedo. You will recognize it from the rainbow flags and the thousands of hot guys standing between the umbrellas, showing off and cruising around. Gay night-life in Rio starts late, very late. Do not expect the bars to fill up before midnight. Le Boy is still one kaneiro clubs gay rio de janeiro popular choices on Copacabana, but new club The Weekdown in Centro attracts the biggest crowds of cute and muscled guys. Brazil has an extensive and functional treating of AIDS. Anti-retrovirus drugs are freely distributed on the public healthcare system. You can find culbs great selection of gay bars, gay clubs, gay saunas and gay cruising areas in Rio de Jnaeiro. Dating in Rio de Janeiro can be re bit tricky due to cultural differences, so your best bet is to sign up for a dating site before your trip so you can meet a few locals ahead of time. Take advantage of site features like live chat and member to member webcams so you can begin flirting before arranging a face-to-face meeting. Rio de Janeiro aims to become world capital of gay tourism There are thousands of beautiful young women at SecretBenefits. Clubs gay rio de janeiro traveling to Rio de Janeiro you'll have to be prepared. Older ladies are hard to find without hooking up in advance. The best opportunity is to check out MILFs who really knows what they are doing. With over 40 million dw, and thousands of transsexual members around the world, TSdates. Where can I find shemales in Rio de Janeiro? You can watch transsexual live sex clubs gay rio de janeiro in Rio de Janeiro as long as you are clubs gay rio de janeiro to internet. Tranny Live Sex Video Chat. Copacabana Beach is janeito of the most well known places in Rio where t-girls can be found. There are plenty of shemales selling their bodies, but it is mostly visible only at the night time. They are relatively cheap compared to Gay male masturbation movies termas. Most of these transgirls are willing to come to you room for real, but some cllubs real. You need to have some bargaining skills and also be careful with the trannies haneiro some may try to scam you. In Rio, you must be extra cautious at the transexual clubs and whenever you have a good time with cllubs. It is common for t-girls drug men, by slipping drugs in to their drinks. After that prostitutes and their pimps will take all your valuables and empty your bank accounts. Remember that most shemales are very strong, so do not make them angry. There are some of the most beautiful trannies living and working in Gay jewish singles las vegas. Brazil has always been a very popular tourist destination due to its exotic wildlife, beautiful people, pristine clubs gay rio de janeiro and raucous festivals like Carnival. But it appears that Brazil might be vying for the number one spot for ro tourism as well. Additionally, Brazil is a popular destination for female sex tourism, which generally does not see rates as high as male xlubs tourism. For female tourists, it should not be hard to find male companionship from clubs gay rio de janeiro bar or a nightclub. Male escorts can be also found from internet in Brazil. There are working vay male escorts in Rio de Janeiro. Most of them advertise clubs gay rio de janeiro escort services online. Rio has a great variety of different clubs gay rio de janeiro of hotels. You can find very cheap 1-star hotels and hostels and ridiculously expensive 5-star hotels in Rio. When you're booking a hotel before your trip to Rio, make sure that it's allowed to bring guests to your room. It's one hell of a disappointing feeling when you're entering back to your hotel with a phila gay meeting-cruising and the reception guy won't let you enter to your room with a guest. Even if you leave to a love hotel or motel after that, it's not the same feeling anymore. Jajeiro list of girl friendly hotels. It is important to note that while the following information may panic you and also clubx you question whether to go or not to Rio, most visitors to the city have a great time with no incidents. Watch Brazilian Orgy-Rio Carnival on holostyak-natv.info, the best hardcore porn site. Pornhub is home to the widest selection of free Latina sex videos full of the. Generally, tourists gringos and teenagers are considered ruo targets for criminals. Day-to-day living has also been affected by this. For example, regular banks all have fortress style security doors and armed security men. Rio can be a clubs gay rio de janeiro city and it is wise to follow these rules even if they seem over exaggerated. In order to fully enjoy your trip the traveler should pay attention to simple things. Avoid the downtown area, especially Saara, after dark. Although downtown is a relatively safe place during the day, after-dark all the people who work there have already gone home. If you are going to a theater or a show, it's all gya but do not wander in those dark streets by night. Go to Ipanema beach, all lighted and policed during the night, though even there is not entirely safe for tourists who look obviously like tourists. Sunday gay marriage religious beliefs a particular day since most shops are closed and clubs gay rio de janeiro security guards are absent so the neighbourhood Centro is not safe psychology of gay people the daytime. Also, even the bigger streets in Copacabana are less safe after dark so the beach walk is probably the best option. Don't resist or clubs gay rio de janeiro anything to clubs gay rio de janeiro the muggers. Try not to stare in their faces as they might think you are memorizing their appearance. Eyes to the ground is probably your best bet. Let them clube anything they want keep your arms limp. Afterwards, leave the scene quickly but calmly don't run in panic screaming for the police. In the morning, especially before the police arrive, if you are walking or jogging on, Copacabana should be considered unsafe. Even with people around, joggers are popular targets for mugging. If you plan on jogging make sure not to wear anything that may tempt a mugger watch, ipod etc and if you can, wait until after new comment 1
{ "date": "2019-08-24T04:30:53Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027319724.97/warc/CC-MAIN-20190824041053-20190824063053-00054.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9417271614074707, "token_count": 4972, "url": "https://holostyak-natv.info/clubs-gay-rio-de-janeiro.php" }
All hail the Earl of Sandwich, the first person known to appreciate the endless potential of a meal presented between two pieces of bread! Thanks to this avid gambler’s request back in 1762 for a handy meal that he could eat without leaving the card table, today, more than 300 million sandwiches are consumed daily in the U.S., which is almost one sandwich per person each day, nationwide. From the simplest PBJs to creative combinations that take time to craft, placing food between two slices of bread has evolved into one of the world’s most popular and convenient ways to combine an infinite number of ingredients to make the best sandwich. Although historians are not clear on when the sandwich arrived in America, it officially appeared in an American cookbook around 1815. Since then, every culture in the U.S. melting pot has created its own variations, from the New Orleans Po’ Boy to the Philly Cheesesteak, the New York Club, Los Angeles French Dip, and countless more. Whatever your ethnic culinary preference may be, you likely can find its version of sandwiches ranging from simple to exotic. The Evolution of the Sandwich Sandwiches have come a long way since the cook served John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, a piece of salted meat between two pieces of bread. Even the Earl himself was captivated by the creation. He proceeded to draw inspiration from his travels to the Mediterranean, where meats, cheeses, and dips on mezze platters, appetizers similar to tapas, were sometimes layered between slices of bread. In the three centuries since, sandwiches continued to evolve in countless directions and, regardless of their simplicity, have become a culinary art form. The Deli Tradition Among all the types of sandwiches, the deli variety holds a special place in the hearts of most sandwich lovers. Delicatessen, derived from the German words for delicious and eat, originated in Germany around the same time the sandwich was popularized by John Montagu in England. The culinary concept was brought to the U.S. by Eastern European Jewish immigrants in the mid-19th century. Originally a retail establishment that sold fine and foreign prepared food, the deli concept evolved into the restaurants we know them as today. TooJay’s Deli is proud to satisfy the cravings of deli lovers throughout Florida. Whether you need a break after shopping at Palm Beach Outlets, are stopping for lunch at The Fountains in Plantation or meeting friends after golf or tennis at The Villages near Orlando, TooJay’s has the wide selection of freshly sliced, piled high sandwiches that keeps deli lovers coming back for more. Tips to Make your Own Materpiece While we love to serve our guests in our restaurants every day and be their favorite choice for takeout, curbside, and catering, it’s our pleasure to share some tips for when they’re making a sandwich at home: Gathering the pieces: First, compile the essential four elements – bread (we recommend fresh-baked Artisan rye, wheat or Challah bread, available for purchase at TooJay’s bakery); spreads (mayonnaise, mustard, or home-style Russian dressing); a generous serving of deli meat from TooJay’s deli counter (corned beef, roast beef, sliced turkey breast, pastrami or a combination of any of these), and secondary ingredients (Swiss or provolone cheese, coleslaw, sauerkraut, lettuce). Building the Sandwich: The secret to making a great-tasting sandwich is finding a delicious balance of flavors. The combinations are countless and ultimately depend on personal taste preferences. Generously stuffed or lean? Spicy or mild? Hot or cold? It’s up to you! - Grab a slice of bread and add a generous spread of mayo and mustard, or opt instead for no spreads at all. - We have two favorite options for arranging the meat on the sandwich: layered, with one flat or folded slice on top of the other to match the size of the bread; and 2) rolled, with long layers of meat piled up with spread in between and then rolled into TooJay’s famous signature wrap to create a tempting swirl and ensure all ingredients are in every bite. Feel free to experiment with combinations such as corned beef and pastrami (like the TooJay’s Classic), turkey, roast beef, or a slice of cheese. Add the top slice of bread (toasting is always an option), and there you have it! - Take a bite and enjoy your sandwich! Whatever type of sandwich you’re craving, no one makes it better than TooJay’s. Stop by to dine in or order online for takeout or contactless curbside pickup.
{ "date": "2020-10-25T08:39:33Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107888402.81/warc/CC-MAIN-20201025070924-20201025100924-00374.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9401758313179016, "token_count": 1003, "url": "https://www.toojays.com/toojays-tips-for-making-the-best-sandwich/" }
A German TV show is focusing on Clara Immerwahr, the first German woman to be awarded a doctorate in chemistry. She and her husband, Fritz Haber, invented the process by which ammonia is produced to this day. During the First World War, Haber turned his attention to developing poison gas, unleashing the first weapon of mass destruction. Immerwahr was appalled at this development and committed suicide, shooting herself in the chest with her husband’s military pistol. Her death was then hushed up. The lavish TV drama, entitled Clara Immerwahr, focuses on the innovative woman’s work at a time when the highest level a female could reach in a chemistry context was lab assistant. Immerwahr begged Haber to stop his work on chemical weapons, and denounced it as a ‘perversion of the ideals of science’. He denounced her as a traitor in response. Immerwahr and Haber were both Jewish converts to Christianity. When the Nazis came to power Haber was forced to flee Germany. To watch the film, click here.
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Thomas Keneally: How I found Schindler How the purchase of a brief-case in Beverly Hills led to Schindler’s List. Follow The JC on Twitter A handbag? Thomas Keneally's account of stumbling on the story of Schindler's list in an American handbag shop irresistibly evokes the tones of Lady Bracknell . But that is how it happened. In 1980, Keneally was in Beverly Hills waiting for his return flight to Sydney. Wandering into "The Handbag Studio", he met the Jewish proprietor, who sold him a calfskin black briefcase and introduced himself as Leopold Page. Page soon realised he was speaking to the author of a book just reviewed in Newsweek. "I know a wonderful story," he told Keneally, adding that his original name had been Pfefferberg and inviting Keneally to call him Poldek, the Polish diminutive for Leopold. The episode is recalled in Keneally's new book, Searching for Schindler, a moving memoir which has taken years to see the light of day. "I wrote it about six years ago," he reveals, "in response to the deaths of my own father and of Poldek. But publishers were not keen after the phenomenal success of the film. I still find myself thanked by Jews as if I myself had performed an act of benevolence. Young Jews tell me that the film encouraged their parents into telling their own stories." Poldek told him, back in 1980, the story of Oskar Schindler, the German businessman who saved thousands from Nazi death-camps by getting permission for them to work in his factories: "I was a Jew imprisoned with Jews. So a Nazi saves me and, more important, saves Misia, my young wife... Not that he was a saint. He was all-drinking, all-black-marketeering, all-screwing, okay? But he got Misia out of Auschwitz, so to me he is God." Keneally, an Australian of Irish background, was instantly intrigued. He argues that the Jews and the Irish share "the feeling of being both chosen and despised, the knowledge that the world could be a valley of tears, and the intensity of clan loyalty and family life". After Poldek and his wife reached America in 1947 and moved to Beverly Hills, he told the Schindler story to scores of producers, writers and reporters. Most were indifferent until, in 1963, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer bought the rights from Schindler himself, who was still alive, living in Frankfurt, but never made the film. Then, with a book contract from a New York publisher, and with Poldek - who had two filing cabinets full of Schindler documents, photographs and interviews - as his guide, Keneally set out on a six months' trip, from Germany to Poland to Israel, searching out "Schindler Jews" and visiting Schindler's grave in Jerusalem, where he was buried in 1974. The rest is history. Keneally's book, Schindler's Ark, won the 1982 Booker Prize before its later republication as Schindler's List, the title of the film directed by Steven Spielberg. With Liam Neeson as the charismatic Schindler, the 1993 film more than bore out Poldek's assurance to Spielberg: "You'll get an Oscar for Oskar!" It won seven, including Best Picture and Best Director. Though Keneally's first screenplay had been rejected in mid-1983, when the film appeared, he had the gratification of finding at least some of his own phrases intact. "More important to me," he says, "was that the film preserved the ambiguities in Schindler's character - altruism mixed with opportunism, humanity with profiteering. "Yes," Keneally says, "there have been other appalling acts of genocide, some recent, others in the past." The British, the villains of Keneally's 1998 non-fiction book, The Great Shame, used simpler techniques. Famine and transportation served them to disperse the Irish all over the world. Yet, he says, "Hitler's Holocaust was unique in its industrial methods. It was not just mass killing but the use of production techniques - race disposal by technical means." Searching for Schindler, by Thomas Keneally, is published by Sceptre at £20
{ "date": "2013-05-20T11:53:59Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368698924319/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516100844-00055-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.977163553237915, "token_count": 938, "url": "http://www.thejc.com/arts/books/6957/thomas-keneally-how-i-found-schindler" }
Not The Way We Do ThingsYour front-page headline "Witness tampering charged in abuse case: Beth Medrash Govoha implicated" (July 9, 2010) cries out for clarification. The accompanying article is sorely inadequate in its attempt to attribute to the Yeshiva implication in such a crime. According to the article the source of the "implication" is the anonymously distributed flier accusing the father of a victim of "going to the police without going to a Beis Din, and without the Haskama of any rabbi...even after he was approached by prominent members of Beth Medrash Govoha." The article's analysis of the actions by the "prominent members of Beth Medrash Govoha" as being associated with witness tampering reflects a fundamental lack of understanding as to the nature of rabbis' responsibility in communal affairs. There is a story told of a suspected Jewish murderer hiding in the shul of the town of Satmar in the years preceding the Holocaust. The Satmar Rav zt"l was asked what to do. "Ruf der Politzei" (call the police) he answered. By contacting the Rav first, all confusion, acrimony and community divisiveness was thereby avoided from the outset. Persons affected by events such as what happened in Lakewood should first consult with a competent Rav, a lawyer and a mental health professional prior to calling the police. The responsibility of the Rav is to teach and provide guidance. Each case is different and needs careful, sensitive evaluation as it impacts diversely on the lives of all the individuals involved, and sometimes on the community as a whole. To ignore the Torah's authoritative and time-honored Halachic process of including Rabbonim in such matters is to invite just the sort of communal discord and invective as we have witnessed here. May our own communities and those of all mankind be spared from further cases of alleged abuse. We are all davening for the ultimate Geulah Shleima. Rabbi Rephael Skaist
{ "date": "2013-06-20T09:09:14Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368711005985/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516133005-00055-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9628434777259827, "token_count": 421, "url": "http://survivorsforjustice.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=420:letter-to-the-editor-jewish-star-72310&catid=2:news&Itemid=57" }
<lst>Know something that should be featured in Faith Notes? Classes? Services? Special events? Send a brief write-up and photos to 7913 Westpark Drive, McLean, VA 22102, fax to 703-917-0991, or write an e-mail to [email protected]. Call Nina M. Dry at 703-917-6422. The Church of Good Shepherd hosts "Soup, Song & Story," every Wednesday during Lent at the church, 2351 Hunter Mill Road, Vienna. Soup is served at 6 p.m. From 7-8 p.m., a Lenten discussion takes place, using Philip Yancey’s "The Jesus I Never Knew." All are welcome. For more information, call 703-281-3987 or visit www.GoodShepherdVA.com. St. Luke's United Methodist Church sponsors a Lenten study based on the film "The Passion of the Christ," on Feb. 20, Feb. 27 and March 5, from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., at the church, 7628 Leesburg Pike. For more information call 703-893-9220. The Jewish Learning Institute, now at Chabad of Northern Virginia, presents "Finding Yourself In The Stories of Genesis," a revolutionary concept in Jewish adult education. Classes take place on Monday nights. For more information and class locations, visit www.myjli.com. A program using music, drumming, movement, song and prayer seeks to bring communities together as part of everyday life. The dances are cross-cultural using sacred phrases, chants, music and movements from many faith traditions. Efforts are to promote peace and integration within individuals and groups. There are no performers or audience and no experience is necessary. Donations are accepted. The group meets the second Saturday evening each month, September-June, 7:30-10 p.m., at Unity of Fairfax (original sanctuary), 2854 Hunter Mill Road, Oakton. Contact Kathryn at 703-573-1236/ [email protected]. For further information on the worldwide Dance Net- work, visit www.DancesOfUniversal Peace.org. Emmanuel Lutheran Church has a full range of education, music, worship and outreach programs. Traditional worship is at 8 and 11 a.m., in the Lutheran tradition of liturgical song mixed with music of the masters, spirituals and contemporary Christian music. Contemporary worship is at 9:30 a.m., with fresh liturgical song and contemporary Christian music led by Revelation. Christian education for all ages is 9:30-10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.-noon. Christian education is available for everyone from preschoolers through adults. Classes are always open to newcomers. St. Athanasius Lutheran Church sponsors the following Sunday services: Bible Class for adults and Sunday School for children begins at 9 a.m., followed by worship at 10:15 a.m. Coffee, dessert and fellowship time follows. Midweek Bible Study takes place on Wednesdays, at 7:30 p.m., preceded by an open forum titled "Ask the Pastor" at 7 p.m. For more information, call 703-455-4003 or visit www.saint-athanasius.org. St. Athanasius is located at 114 Kingsley Road, S.W., Vienna. The Wesley United Methodist Church in Vienna has maintained a helping relationship with Ketcham Elementary School during the 2003-04 school year. Participants who are interested in assisting the school during the 2004-05 year should call 703-938-8700. Chabad at Tysons hosts Shabbat educational services at 1503 Lincoln Center Court, in the Club House of the Fountains of McLean, across from Freddie Mac. Saturday morning service starts at 9:30 a.m.; Torah discussion at 10:30 a.m., followed by a sit-down Kiddush. Thursday night features a Kabbalah class. Call 703-356-3451, or e-mail [email protected], for more information.
{ "date": "2015-04-02T04:27:44Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131317541.81/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172157-00023-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9167351722717285, "token_count": 878, "url": "http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/news/2005/feb/16/faith-notes/" }
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How Canada Has Hidden the Truth About Omar Khadr: US War Crimes, Institutional Racism, and Media FailuresI’m cross-posting below an excellent article about Omar Khadr, the child prisoner held at Guantánamo for ten years, from 2002 to 2012, written by Heather Marsh, a journalist and activist who ran WikiLeaks Central, the WikiLeaks news site, from 2010 to 2012. Omar, who was just 15 years old when he was seized in Afghanistan after a firelight with US Special Forces in July 2002, was returned to Canada in September 2012 as the result of a plea deal negotiated in Guantánamo, in which, in exchange for admitting killing a US soldier with a grenade (which was almost certainly untrue), Omar received an eight-year sentence in October 2010, with one year to be served in Guantánamo, and seven in Canada. Heather’s article was initially published on her website, between a court hearing that Omar had on September 23, and the ruling on October 18. As I explained in an article after the ruling, in the initial submission in August, and in the hearing in September, his lawyer, Dennis Edney, sought his transfer from a maximum security prison (where he is currently held) to a provincial prison, arguing that an eight-year sentence ought to have been regarded as a youth sentence (because a life sentence is mandatory for an adult murder conviction), and therefore Khadr should not have been sent to a maximum security prison in the first place. However, in delivering his ruling, Justice John Rooke refused to allow Khadr to be moved. Although he agreed that eight years was not an adult sentence for murder, he accepted eight years as an appropriate punishment for the other four war crimes that Khadr agreed to in his plea deal. Edney plans to appeal, but in the meantime Heather’s article is a powerful analysis of the lies and distortions used to continue holding Omar, and to erode what would obviously be sympathy for him if he were someone from a different background who was manipulated by his father whilst a juvenile. I was particularly impressed with Heather’s research into the deficiencies in the statements of the witnesses who were present at the time of the firelight and Omar’s capture, and I commend her detailed analysis of bias in the Canadian media, including that bastion of liberalism, the Toronto Star. I must mention, though, that I have no particular complaint against Michelle Shephard, the journalist who has covered Omar’s story for the Star for many years, and whose reporting has often proved very useful to me. Nevertheless, Heather is correct to identify biased reporting throughout the mainstream media, including in the liberal media. This is something that concerns me about much mainstream reporting here in the UK as well — as seen in much of the BBC’s editorial stance since it was set upon by Tony Blair and Alistair Campbell in the run-up to the illegal invasion of Iraq — although my most regular disappointment with the mainstream liberal media centers on their obsession with so-called “objectivity,” in which, by perpetually trying not to put forward a particular point of view, even about the most horrendous crimes committed by, for example, the US government, those in charge succeed only in playing into the hands of the right-wing media, who have no problem with broadcasting and printing lies and propaganda on a regular basis. The silence surrounding Omar Khadr By Heather Marsh, Georgie BC’s Blog, October 8, 2013 Omar Khadr was a Canadian kid caught in a firefight in Afghanistan in 2002. He was captured by the US and tortured at Bagram and Guantánamo for ten years. Eventually, he signed a plea deal admitting guilt in killing Special Forces Sergeant First Class Christopher Speer during the battle. He continues his legal saga in solitary confinement in Canada. Omar was not supposed to be in the compound on the day he was injured. A family acquaintance had taken 15 year old Omar with him as a translator as he was fluent in four languages. According to multiple sources close to him, Omar says he was the first person wounded in the attack on the compound he was in. He says the others carried him to shelter throughout the hours of fighting until he was shot twice in the back. He survived so long because he was not in the active fighting. His story, the only firsthand account possible, still has not been heard by the Canadian public or Canadian courts. It can’t be heard at this point because if he says he didn’t throw the grenade the parole board will say he is not taking responsibility for his actions. If he talks about his captivity, the US military will call it recidivism as they have in the past when Guantánamo victims were released and spoke about their experiences. At Guantánamo, his conversations with other captives, guards and even his lawyers were strictly controlled. His defence counsel Dennis Edney says he was repeatedly dragged off to a cell by guards simply for asking his client, “What’s wrong?” Edney was accompanied to the washroom by guards and if he had been discovered smuggling news to Omar (which he did) he would have faced thirty years in a US prison himself. Omar’s counsel were even prevented from playing dominos and chess during counsel visits. “There was no attorney-client privilege,” says Edney. Omar refused for eight years to sign a plea deal confessing his guilt to a crime he says he did not commit as he told Edney repeatedly, “What would Canadians think of me?” Edney says he did everything he could to convince Omar to take the plea deal for eight additional years as he was never going to get a fair trial. Omar’s previous US military counsel Colby Vokey said in 2007 he would encourage Khadr to plead guilty to the “JFK assassination,” if it meant he could go home. Omar told Edney during the August 2010 Guantánamo commission trial, “We’re embarrassing ourselves by being here.” He boycotted the proceedings in July, saying, “How can I ask for justice from a process that does not have it or offer it?” Videos of Omar’s interrogation in a documentary by the same name show him telling his captors, “You don’t like the truth.” “The whole trial system is a sham. There was a complete lack of due process. It is disturbing and embarrassing what is going on down there,” said Colby. “But let’s face it, this is all about politics,” said Former Chief Prosecutor Colonel Morris Davis. By Davis’s account, Jim Haynes, the man who oversaw the tribunal process, told him, “Wait a minute, we can’t have acquittals. We’ve been holding these guys for years. How are we going to explain that? We can’t have acquittals. We’ve got to have convictions.” “The compound could not be secured as there were other Taliban around” When Omar was captured, we were first told he had killed a US ‘medic’ and he was the only one still alive to do so. This would have been a real war crime under the Geneva Conventions, if it had been done knowingly, the medic was wearing clear insignia and the medic was not active in combat. We know Christopher Speer was an elite commando and a member of the 19th Special Forces Group. The Guantánamo Commission witness known only as OC-1, a member of Speer’s unit, testified that training as a medic was a standard part of the training of the elite Special Forces unit which all members went through. They did not act as medics. Edney described the testimony of OC-1 to me. “He told the judge, the firefight is what he would refer to as a clusterfuck. He enters the compound, shoots one man in the head, sees Omar with his back to him and facing a wall — Omar is screaming from his injuries from the bombing — and OC-1 shoots him twice in the back. OC-1 then exits the alley. In doing so he hears a grenade being thrown. He does not see who threw it. What is also significant is that he orders everyone to leave the compound as it could not be secured as there were other Taliban around — meaning other individuals could have thrown the grenade.” From OC-1’s verbal account of not being able to secure the area, it is apparent there were far more people than just Omar still alive and capable of throwing grenades at that point. In 2008 the US military accidentally gave a room full of reporters the original report filed from OC-1 which, while leaving out the testimony of a grenade being thrown after Omar was shot, showed that the US military had falsified the official report and the other man beside him was still alive. There was also forensic wound analysis on US Special Forces Sergeant Speer that indicated friendly fire from a US grenade and OC-1’s report and testimony confirm the US was throwing grenades at the time Speer was killed. OC-1 also testified that his actions in the compound were completed in under a minute. Quite a feat if he had been a medic. OC-1 testified that Sergeant Layne Morris was injured by pebbles spitting back from the rock wall they were stationed behind. Morris himself said, “I thought, dang, my rifle just exploded on me.” Morris successfully sued Omar’s father for damages of $102.6 million in 2006, along with Speer’s widow. He claimed he was partially blinded in one eye by shrapnel from the grenade which killed Speer even though he was airlifted out with a bleeding nose hours before Speer was killed. Morris retired at 40 and has since been a media favourite for providing testimony against Omar, a child and man he never met. Omar’s cellmate Omar Deghayes had his eye gouged out by a Guantánamo guard during an interrogation, but has never received compensation. Neither has Omar ever received compensation for his ongoing injuries. “Our definition of sexy was something like Khadr” Information on Omar’s case has been kept under intense lockdown since he was captured. He was not allowed to speak to his family for five years. He did not have even a US military lawyer for over two years. When he did talk to his family, a Foreign Affairs official had to be present and ensure “Absolutely NO ATTORNEYS can be present or the call will be refused.” The calls had to be in English despite other detainees being allowed to speak in Arabic. He was forbidden a pen in his room when other detainees were allowed them. The leaked Guantánamo files showed us in the first line of Omar’s file that the primary interest the US had in him was they didn’t like his dad’s friend. Osama bin Laden was an acquaintance of Omar’s dad from back in the days when the US considered bin Laden a ‘good guy’, when al Qaeda were backed by the US to fight the Russians. Omar’s continued detention was recommended as “Detainee continues to provide valuable information on his father’s associates.” In 2003, the year after Omar’s capture, Canada suddenly acquired a Ministry of Public Safety which appears to trump both the Canadian courts and the Ministry of Justice in issuing decrees over Omar’s future. We probably should ask how we are ensuring public safety now if not through justice. This Orwellian Ministry was not much help when a Canadian murdered and ate someone, posted a video of it to our heavily surveilled Internet and then passed through four heavily surveilled international airports before being caught by a German citizen. The Ministry is however, interrupting our prison systems with an unprecedented order stopping Omar from speaking to reporters, overriding our parole boards with statements on Omar’s ineligibility for parole and vowing to fight ‘vigorously’ any attempt to move Omar from solitary confinement in federal prison. The Ministry has also made a statement that sounds very much like it would not recognize a successful appeal by Omar in a US appeal court, despite the fact that they recognized his conviction by a Guantánamo commission. In case the message wasn’t clear, Prime Minister Harper echoed the Minister’s warnings on the day of Omar’s hearing to be transferred to a provincial prison in what can only be seen as attempted political interference in the judicial system. The Canadian government has appealed Omar’s right to see the evidence against him all the way up to the Supreme Court. They refused to allow his interrogation videos to be released because Canadians might have “paroxysms of moral outrage, a Canadian specialty.” The Minister of Public Safety demanded Omar’s psychiatrist interviews from the US but refused to release them. Someone leaked them for us. After all the legal battles we still have seen only about fourteen pages of the thousands Canada has in his interrogation file. Considering what has already been revealed, Canadians really need to see what else is in there. Canada, unlike every other western country, refused to request repatriation or humane treatment of their citizen. They were offered the opportunity to try Omar in a Canadian court and they refused because they said he would never be convicted in a Canadian court. This we learned from the US state cables (thank you, Chelsea Manning). The US was left with the task of inventing a court and some crimes to apply retroactively. They destroyed evidence, disallowed defence witnesses, used evidence obtained under torture and hired the best discredited witness money could buy. All of this to get Omar labeled with a guilty verdict and out of Guantánamo as the only person charged with murder despite the 6,735 US military killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. Five years after Omar’s capture, the first incarnation of the Guantánamo trials began. Omar was selected, out of all the possible contenders, to represent the so-called ‘worst of the worst’ at Guantánamo and stand trial. There was no question his case would have appeal, Chief Prosecutor Colonel Morris Davis said. “Our definition of sexy was something like Khadr. People understand murder.” Most people didn’t understand it wasn’t a real murder charge, which would have been tried in a civilian court. Murder is unlawful killing; in war it is legal, protected as “combatant’s privilege.” Most people’s sex lives don’t involve trying a tortured child on a trumped up charge that carried the death penalty either. Khadr’s case appeared personal for some members of the US military and not just from loyalty to their own. The persistent rumours (and evidence) of Speer’s death by friendly fire may have contributed to the need for deflection, but the highly sympathetic presence of his widow was another definite factor. She had spent the trial period in close social contact with all members of the jury, a fact mentioned by most in attendance but not reported in the news. She also gave lengthy testimony at his trial on the impact of Speer’s death on her family, referring to Omar as forever a murderer and “someone who is so unworthy”. Most observers described the testimony as “heart wrenching” or similar and it received extensive media coverage. There was also lengthy victim impact testimony from members of the US military, referred to by Canada’s media as “warrior brothers of the US soldier killed by Mr. Khadr.” In the end, the jury sentenced Omar to forty years on top of the eight he had already served without knowing he had signed a plea deal. For a sentence greater than ten years, six of the seven jurors must have agreed to it. Speer’s widow gave a fist pumping cheer when she heard the sentence, which was fifteen years more than the prosecution had asked for. The Speer family have been the beneficiaries of several fundraising campaigns since the trial. “Serious legal consequences” In 2011, Edney, Omar’s most outspoken advocate and legal counsel, was planning on bringing a challenge to Omar’s verdict. In April 2011 we had a taped conversation which we agreed to resume when he returned from seeing Omar at Guantánamo. Edney was concerned that if the full information in the interview was printed at that time, he would not be allowed on the plane to Guantánamo as had happened in the past. When he returned from Guantánamo he was fired by Omar, who told several sources he was given misinformation to encourage him to do so. Omar’s new counsel had a gag order on Edney. Those new lawyers took five and a half months past the date Omar was eligible for transfer to file an application for Ottawa to transfer him and another three months to ask for a review of the delay in transferring. On July 3, 2012, two of my full taped conversations with Edney were leaked to the online website Cryptome. Within minutes of Cryptome posting the link on Twitter, I received an email asking me to phone Omar’s new counsel. This efficiency and speed from the firm that brought Omar home eleven months late was breathtaking. When I spoke to counsel Brydie Bethell she demanded repeatedly to know who had authorized the leak, apparently not being familiar with the nature of leaks. She stated that both Edney and I could face “serious legal consequences”, presumably for having a conversation about Omar over a year earlier, long before Edney’s gag order. She said it would “hurt Omar’s cause” if I were to speak of his case, and that I “certainly wasn’t entitled” to know how it could. This has been a typical reaction from many officially mandated to help Omar’s case. With a few notable exceptions, the advice is for all concerned to sit down, shut up, and let ‘justice’ run its tedious course. Most of our politicians, media and NGO’s have obediently complied for over eleven years. Omar went on a hunger strike in Guantánamo to protest the lack of progress in his transfer, according to several sources close to him. If he hadn’t, and the US had not continued to pressure Canada, there is no reason to believe he would be in Canada today. He re-hired Edney when he was brought home. “A right-wing terrorist group” Most people consider Sun media and the Toronto Star to be the extreme ends of the spectrum of Canadian media coverage on Omar with everyone else falling between. If that were true (and it largely is) a decade long faux debate over Omar’s return is being used to drum the identical very narrow negative message about Omar from every outlet. Even the debate itself is interesting, with outlets from the Sun to state media CBC inferring that media polls are the method we use to decide citizenship rights in Canada. The Free Omar Khadr campaign has started a spreadsheet charting coverage of Omar Khadr for the last eleven years. The spreadsheet so far includes all of the Star coverage since the trial week, beginning in October 25, 2010. I wrote in July 2012: The ‘trial’ was held with the most widely derided court and procedures since the Salem witch trials and a newly created ‘military commission’ instead of either of the two legitimate US courts (civilian or military), but the word ‘convicted’ occurs uncontested 34 times in 24 articles. The crimes Omar Khadr was charged with include ones which the US calls war crimes. None of the rest of the world, including Canada, recognize the impossible ‘murder in violation of the laws of war’ as a war crime in Khadr’s case or any of the others as war crimes, and they could not be legitimately applied to Khadr’s case anyway since they were invented in 2006 and he was captured in 2002. Nevertheless, the words ‘war crime(s)/criminal’ occur 40 times in 24 articles as factual detail of the case. The highly suspect plea deal which Omar signed after eight years of torture as his only path out of a legal black hole has been rubbed in his face by the Star 40 times, in the words ‘pleaded guilty/admitted/confessed’, presented without qualifiers. Despite there being absolutely no evidence to point to Khadr killing anyone, and a great deal of evidence that shows it would have been impossible for him to throw the grenade, the words ‘murder/killer’ are used against him 50 times, more than two times per article. In 24 articles, the word ‘jihad’ was worked in eight times, ‘al Qaeda’ 25, and ‘terrorist’ or ‘terrorism’ (the word terror was not included in the count) 30 times. Most other outlets over the years have had a very similar message. While articles like this and reports on Speer’s widow and children are constant, there has not been one mainstream Canadian media article about Omar’s medical condition in over eleven years except a dry mention when it delayed a court hearing. While a random al Qaeda story was mined salaciously by the Star for a remote link with Khadrs, no article was written regarding the United Nations Committee Against Torture criticizing the Canadian government for delaying Omar’s return to Canada and recommending that Canada (presumably including the largest circulation newspaper) raise awareness of the Convention against Torture requirements amongst judges and members of the public. Sun Media, established in 1996, takes the same message and drums for a variety of extreme and illegal remedies. The appeal it makes to mentally unstable elements of the population cannot be ignored, particularly when it posts the address of Omar’s grandparents and tells its viewers that they may soon be housing ‘the little terrorist Omar Khadr’ as he is constantly referred to by Sun commentators. To say their coverage of Omar over the years has been an attempt to instigate violence is a gross understatement but they continue unchallenged. As of last June, Canada no longer has a provision against hate speech in our Human Rights Act. The Star as well posted this article (since modified) originally with a picture of Omar’s sister’s door bell with name and apartment number. Canadian media also makes a point of reporting, and in the case of Sun Media promoting, a group presented as average Canadian citizens against Omar Khadr’s return. Despite this opposition being openly created by the Jewish Defense League who have a “multi faith coalition” with the Hindu Advocacy Group, and the Christian Heritage Party, they are never mentioned by name except by Sun media. Tom Flanagan, former advisor to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, traces the roots of the current Conservative Party in power in Canada to the Christian Heritage Party. The JDL is the Canadian chapter of a US group which is on the FBI terrorist watch list. In 1994, a US member killed 29 Palestinians at prayer, and in 2011 the RCMP launched an investigation against at least nine members of the Canadian JDL with regard to an anonymous tip that they were plotting to bomb the Palestine House in Mississauga. They are supporters of the English Defence League and the wannabe Canadian Defence League, which appears to be made up of the same people. On September 11, 2012, community activists gathered at the home of Omar’s family after JDL bikers promised to assemble there and “send a message” to the Khadr family, instigated by Sun media who had earlier published the address. The bikers eventually rode away after they met the crowd at the door. It is hard to imagine Golden Dawn or neo-Nazis in Europe lobbying against a Muslim man and harassing his family and the media not pointing out that the harassers are members of far right extremist groups, especially in the case of the JDL, classified “a right-wing terrorist group” by the FBI in 2001. The Toronto Star pointed out JDL’s terrorist designation recently, and JDL protested what they called the paper’s “anti-Israeli bias” in 2010, but the Toronto Star consistently reports anti-Khadr protesters without mentioning the affiliation. Comments on any articles about Khadr in Canadian media are very quickly flooded with negative comments which are voted up. The Harper government is no stranger to astroturfing and manipulation of public perception of the Khadr case has preoccupied this government as shown in the US state cables. Media manipulation is also a primary goal of the JDL. “You killed yours; we starved ours to death” There are real, internationally recognized war crimes in Omar Khadr’s case. Shooting a blinded child twice in the back is one. Torture of a prisoner of war is another, in which Canada was complicit. The investigations into Canada’s actions in this case have been blocked for more than eleven years. Omar completely lost the sight in one eye in the firefight. He has since come close to losing the vision remaining in the second eye. Faced with his one remaining eye containing shrapnel, the US military chose to shine bright lights into it while interrogating him. Canada simply refused to give him sunglasses for eight years while he sat first in the Cuban sun then in 24 hours a day of fluorescent lighting. The US forced him through a corrupt show trial; Canada has locked him in solitary and refuses to allow him to be interviewed. There is an apocryphal story in which a US diplomat said to Canada’s former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, “You treated your Indians a lot better than we treated ours.” Trudeau replied, “Yes, you killed yours; we starved ours to death.” Apocryphal or not, it is hard not to remember in the case of Omar Khadr. Andy Worthington is a freelance investigative journalist, activist, author, photographer and film-maker. He is the co-founder of the “Close Guantánamo” campaign, and the author of The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison (published by Pluto Press, distributed by Macmillan in the US, and available from Amazon — click on the following for the US and the UK) and of two other books: Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion and The Battle of the Beanfield. He is also the co-director (with Polly Nash) of the documentary film, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” (available on DVD here – or here for the US). To receive new articles in your inbox, please subscribe to Andy’s RSS feed — and he can also be found on Facebook (and here), Twitter, Flickr and YouTube. Also see the four-part definitive Guantánamo prisoner list, and “The Complete Guantánamo Files,” an ongoing, 70-part, million-word series drawing on files released by WikiLeaks in April 2011. Also see the definitive Guantánamo habeas list and the chronological list of all Andy’s articles. Please also consider joining the “Close Guantánamo” campaign, and, if you appreciate Andy’s work, feel free to make a donation. - See more at: http://www.andyworthington.co.uk/2013/11/02/how-canada-has-hidden-the-truth-about-omar-khadr-us-war-crimes-institutional-racism-and-media-failures/#sthash.pkRWsUyK.dpuf
{ "date": "2017-08-23T13:54:57Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886120573.0/warc/CC-MAIN-20170823132736-20170823152736-00695.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9806900024414062, "token_count": 5845, "url": "http://gorillaradioblog.blogspot.ca/2013_10_27_archive.html" }
I looked forward to reading it because it's a different question from the traditional theist vs atheist debate of whether or not we have sufficient evidence for the existence of a god. It's quite possible for the Christian god not to exist, yet for Christian belief to be healthy for individuals or society. I don't happen to believe that's the case, but it is an interesting (and in some ways measurable) question. Alas, I found the debate sorely lacking. To my surprise, I was most disappointed in Hitchens. First off, the debate was not framed impartially. I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised as it was originally published in Christianity Today. The introduction was written by a Jewish theologian who obviously favored the pro perspective. Take this section: The yearning for a religious order is innate to mankind-even if some individual spiritual albinos find themselves missing the gene. Should Christopher succeed in burning Christianity to the ground, he will not be able to stop humanity from building a new temple in its place.Accepting these assertions renders the argument moot, which surely qualifies it as a poor preface to the debate. If religion is innate to mankind and its institutions inevitable either (a) the pro argument wins or (b) the con argument wins but, who cares, since we can't end theism as long as there are humans? And Hitchens is a "spiritual albino" who wants to burn Christianity to the ground? So, the only reason to argue the con side is to be flawed or militant? Nice. On to the debate itself ... Wilson begins with the classic creationist misperception that confuses cause with effect. God knew that we were going to need to pick up dimes, and so He gave us fingernails. He knew that twilights displayed in blue, apricot, and battle gray would be entirely astonishing and beyond us, and so He gave us eyes that can see in color.He continues with another half dozen or so examples where human evolution has adapted to our environment, and credits god for adapting the environment to us. Wilson goes on to explain that atheists believe as they do because they "can not handle the Godness of God" and "do not want to thank Him". Um ... if there isn't a God, there's no Godness to handle, and nobody to thank. Most of the debate centered on 2 topics: Christianity is responsible for bad stuff, and where do we get morality without religion? They do an awful job of sticking to the topic. They're mostly arguing pro and con on theism, not Christianity. Christianity has been responsible for many moral atrocities. Hitchens asserts that Christianity can not take credit for its followers' moral behavior without also accepting blame for their atrocities (e.g., the crusades, slavery, anti-semitism). Wilson's first response is that this is like saying a professor can't accept credit for succesful students without also accepting blame for "the dope-smoking slacker that he kicked out of class in the second week". This argument is so flawed I almost don't know where to begin, and I'm disappointed that Hitchens didn't take it on. Is the professor also in charge of the university's entrance requirements? If 90% of the class is smoking pot can we still not blame the professor? What if the professor himself is smoking pot? Do professorless classes behave worse? This thread goes almost nowhere, as Hitchens says "look at the bad stuff Christians did" and Wilson says "those were just the bad Christians". What is the basis of morality? This is initially posed by Wilson as "what is truth", but the remainder of the debate focuses almost entirely on moral truth. Hitchens asserts that the moral precepts on which Christianity prides itself, such as "love thy neighbor" and the Golden Rule, did not originate with Christianity. And further that many Christian teachings are immoral, such as vicarious redemption (i.e., our sins are absolved by Jesus' actions, not ours). Wilson does not deny either of these assertions, but simply questions what is the basis for morality without a god. This is a bit disingenuous since the debate is specifically about Christianity - he's just arguing for theism at this point - but we'll let that go. He concedes that non-religious people behave morally (a classic circular argument of theism, giving god credit for the moral behavior of non-believers). If there is no god, he asks, why should we consider theft, murder, genocides, etc. reprehensible things, instead of simply "stuff happens". Hitchens barely responds to this at all, which I think is the fatal flaw in his debate, for this surely is the crucial concept: do we need to believe in the supernatural to be moral? I think the answer is clearly "no", but it is the point that most needs arguing to the Christian world, and Hitchens barely makes it. About all he does provide is "innate human solidarity"; i.e., basic morality is self-evident, and we should rely on our instincts. Lame. "It's self evident" is as weak and baseless as "it's in the bible". He does demonstrate that Christian morality is every bit as relative as that of an atheist. He again lists many things that were considered moral by all or many Christians in various societies or points in history (e.g., genocide, slavery) that almost nobody, Christian or otherwise, would find moral today. In the end, Hitchens pretty well demonstrates that Christianity might not be altogether bad for the world, but we get by just fine without it. Non-christians, he argues, aren't necessarily more moral than Christians, but they're just as good with less baggage. But he never provides a secular basis for morality, which is sad since many good arguments exist. They mostly agree on what right and wrong is, but Wilson gives all credit and blame to god and those that choose not to follow him, while Hitchens gives credit to human mind and societies. Despite my admittedly biased view on the topic, I have to consider the debate a draw.
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'Sell/Buy/Date': Theater Review Tony Award winner Sarah Jones' new one-person play features characters working in and around the sex industry. At first glance, you wouldn't think that the tiny NY City Center Stage II would be able to contain the multitude of characters in Sell/Buy/Date. But since they're all embodied by the chameleonic actress-playwright Sarah Jones, the stage traffic is easily managed. Jones previously made a splash with her 2004 one-person show, Bridge & Tunnel, presented by Meryl Streep, which won a Special Tony Award when it moved to Broadway two years later. Now she's back with her newest piece, receiving its world premiere in a Manhattan Theatre Club production. Set in the distant future, the play revolves around a British university professor instructing her class about the past experiences of people working in, or affected by, the sex industry. Her lesson is enhanced with the use of BERT ("Bio-empathetic resonant technology") modules, which provide the opportunity to fully experience the thoughts and emotions of the long-gone subjects. Assuming, of course, that your "emotional shunts" are fully engaged. The imaginative theatrical conceit provides a vehicle for Jones to display her incredible talent for virtuosic character transformations. There are many performers who play multiple characters in their one-person shows, but few who do it as seamlessly and effectively as the 42-year-old Jones, who shifts genders, ages and ethnicities with such fluidity, it makes you wonder if she suffers from multiple personality disorder. Among the many characters featured are an elderly Jewish woman who resorted to watching porn to enhance her sex life with her husband; a Trinidadian home-care attendant turned sex worker, who pretends to be Jamaican for "marketing purposes"; an Irish woman forced into prostitution to support herself and her heroin-addicted boyfriend; an African-American pimp turned "motivational speaker, life coach and therapist": a young man attending his bachelor party at a strip club; a Native-American comedian performing at the "PornComedy Awards"; and a Russian, virtual-reality sex entrepreneur who runs a chain of brothels, or, as he describes them, "hotels with enhanced amenities." The futuristic setting provides the opportunity for plenty of sly, satirical humor, such as when the professor shows her class an antiquated Barbie doll that she describes as "an educational tool for anorexia prevention." At another point, she asks the class, "What were male sluts called? Very good, they were called men." She also goes into great detail about the "Male Health Crisis of the 2040s," in which thousands of men suffered strokes, heart attacks and anxiety issues as a result of the unlimited availability of commercial sex. Jones delivers characters who are vividly rendered and wittily written, making many insightful points about the complex subject matter in the process. And she displays an amazing ability to morph from one to the next. Playing the chain-smoking Irish prostitute, for instance, her voice suddenly takes on a husky, ragged quality that suggests decades of cigarette use. Still, despite all of Jones' linguistic and performing aplomb, the elaborate narrative structure — including a running subplot involving the professor's worry over the discovery of her illegitimate credentials — proves needlessly distracting. There are so many powerful and real stories on display in Sell/Buy/Date — Jones based the show on extensive research and interviews — that the fictional construct seems superfluous. Venue: NY City Center Stage II, New York Writer-performer: Sarah Jones Director: Carolyn Cantor Set & costume designer: Dane Laffrey Lighting designer: Eric Southern Sound designer: Bray Poor Presented by Manhattan Theatre Club
{ "date": "2017-08-19T11:51:28Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105341.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20170819105009-20170819125009-00135.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9498111605644226, "token_count": 783, "url": "http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review/sell-buy-date-review-939331" }
New flicks with celebs in interfaith relationships and from interfaith backgrounds, plus their baby news!Go To Pop Culture FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Liz Polay-Wettengel, National Director of Marketing and Communications INTERFAITHFAMILY RECOGNIZED FOR TENTH YEAR IN SLINGSHOT GUIDE Newton, MA – InterfaithFamily has once again been named one of North Americaâs top 82 innovative Jewish organizations in the tenth annual Slingshot Guide. InterfaithFamily has been included every year since the Guideâs inception. This year, InterfaithFamily/Chicago was also recognized in Slingshot’s new Midwest Guide. Operating based on the belief that more interfaith families would choose to engage with Judaism if they could comfortably learn about Jewish life, InterfaithFamily provides educational resources and connection with a community of families that share similar interfaith dynamics. InterfaithFamily also works to educate interfaith families about welcoming and open Jewish organizations, programs and services. Highlighted as a âTen-timerâ in this yearâs guide, Jodi Bromberg, President, says, âWeâve learned over the past ten years that there are basic âtruthsâ that apply as much in the innovation space as everywhere elseâlisten to your audience, respond to audience demand, take risks and learn from mistakes, partner to accomplish more.â The Guide has become a go-to resource for volunteers, activists and donors looking for new opportunities and projects that, through their innovative nature, will ensure the Jewish community remains relevant and thriving. Slingshot 2014-15 was released today. Organizations included in this yearâs Guide were evaluated on their innovative approach, the impact they have in their work, the leadership they have in their sector, and their effectiveness at achieving results. âBeing recognized in The Slingshot Guide for the tenth year in a row is an honor and privilege. We are very proud of the recognition, and also of being in the terrific company of so many other innovative organizations doing ground-breaking work,â said Bromberg. Added Will Schneider, Executive Director of Slingshot, which publishes the Guide each year, âSlingshot is all about inspiring Jews to get involved in the Jewish community. After ten years the book remains relevant because it is a megaphone for exciting and meaningful projects. This tenth year of the Guide year was more competitive than every year before, and the final product features the largest number of projects doing the widest variety of work.â About the Slingshot Guide (Newton, MA)âJune 24, 2014âInterfaithFamily is honored to be selected for the second consecutive year as a core grantee by The Natan Fund, a giving circle based in New York City. The Natan Fund announced Tuesday they will give $953,000 to 54 grantees. This yearâs grant is part of the organizationâs 11th annual round of grantmaking. Of the 298 applications, 54 grants were distributed and included 10 core grantees, which Natanâs website states are âthose organizations most aligned with Natanâs grantmaking mission. Their exceptional leadership develops programs with significant and measurable impact, and they have the potential to make systemic change in the field in which they are working.â The decision-making is a rigorous three-stage process involving Natanâs 57 members on eight grant committees. âWe are so excited to be a Core Grantee of the Natan Fund for the second year in a row and are honored to be in the company of great organizations like G-dcast, Hazon, IKAR, Keshet and Moishe House,â said Jodi Bromberg, President of InterfaithFamily. âItâs especially meaningful to us to have young philanthropists recognize the importance of our work.â InterfaithFamily is the premier resource supporting interfaith couples exploring Jewish life and inclusive Jewish communities. We offer educational content at www.interfaithfamily.com; connections to welcoming organizations, professionals and programs; resources and trainings for organizations, clergy and other program providers; and our InterfaithFamily/Your Community initiative, providing coordinated comprehensive offerings in local communities, including Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia and the San Francisco Bay Area. Jewish American families have a pretty fantastic start for festivities this year since Hanukkah starts so early in the seasonâand in case you missed itâHanukkah begins Thanksgiving style. It is a fascinating calendar correlation, and as cute as Thanksgivukkah is, Thanksgiving ends in a day, and Hanukkah still goes on for a full eight days that the oil lasted instead of the expected single day. The candles will still burn long after the turkey leftovers disappear, and the celebration will continue. Fried foods, dreidel spinning and songs are wonderful, but next to lighting the candles and saying the blessings, the only other obligation is to âpublicize the miracle.â The miracle gets stronger every day and it is never too late to give thanks for the miracles and wonder all around us. How glorious to live in a country where we can celebrate our religious freedom. How fortunate to live in a time that is embracing interfaith relationships more and more every day. Whether it is for Hanukkah or for Christmas, consider making at least one night extra special this month by creating a miracle for those less fortunate. It is Jewish obligation to give consistently to others less fortunate throughout oneâs life. We call this tradition tzedakah. Itâs pretty well understood as charity, but technically it means ârighteous giving.â We give because God has blessed us and it is the right thing to doâto share the blessings with others. I love this part of Jewish tradition. Jews have been giving tzedakah for thousands of years. The ideal is to give 10 percent of your income to charity but do not get hung up on that, the most important thing is that everybody give something. I encourage parents and grandparents and friends and family all around to support empowering tzedakah choices. There are around 1.5 million non-profits to choose from online (!) which can be pretty overwhelming, but here are some superb tzedakah choices for the holidays: 1. Go shopping as a family to a toy store and pick out a toy to donate to children less fortunate. Project Dreidel at CJP for Jewish Big Brothers and Sisters will deliver gift baskets to local kids in need. 2. You can look no further than the site youâre already on! Giving to InterfaithFamily is not only a wonderful and easy gift, but it helps us to continue creating resources and programs to support you. Donate here and weâll send a Hanukkah e-card to your friend or family member. 3. Buy charity gift cards from JChoice.org. Rather than limit the experience to one charity that the recipient might not connect to, you can send your honoree a charity gift card (electronically by email, which is instant or by mail) that empowers the next generation to choose from 250 causes that are meaningful to the giver. Want more choices? Check out these great blogs for more great tzedakah suggestions: Expanding the awareness of what it means to give from a Jewish perspective is just one click away. Giving is the greatest activity known to the world. Have very happy holidays filled with joy and giving and a festival of light in your lives and the ones that you shine to.
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This morning, I was proud to join my Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman, as President of Congregation Shaarei Shamayim, at the public announcement of the formation of the Dane Sanctuary Coalition. Together with First Unitarian Society, Advent Lutheran Church ELCA, Community of Hope United Church of Christ, and Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ, with support from First Congregational United Church of Christ, First Baptist Church, James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation and Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ, our faith communities have joined together to provide sanctuary to immigrants and refugees who are under threat of deportation due to, “immoral immigration policies that threaten families, instill fear in our communities and violate the most basic ethical standards of our faith traditions,” as so eloquently stated by Rabbi Bonnie Margulis. When Kelly Crocker, Minister at the First Unitarian Society, with whom my synagogue shares space and thus joins us in offering sanctuary, gave her remarks, she offered a profound way of viewing the world. There is no other, just a neighbor you haven’t met yet. Her simple statement resonated with me as I stood behind her this morning. It is among many reasons why my synagogue joined this coalition and why we offer sanctuary in a public manner. We join together in order to build community, not destroy families and the communities in which they live. Last week, the Dane Sanctuary Coalition wrote letters to local Mayors, the County Executive and law enforcement officials, to let them know that we are publicly offering sanctuary to immigrants and refugees under threat of deportation. We do so at some risk to ourselves and our faith communities. But we are willing to take that risk to help protect our vulnerable immigrant and refugee neighbors from oppression. After all, we are a nation of immigrants and virtually all of us are here because either we or one of our ancestors immigrated here. We sincerely appreciate that Madison Police Chief Mike Koval responded by stating: I am always appreciative when constituents step up to make Madison a more inclusive and accessible community for all. In our congregation’s recent newsletter, which informed our community that our Board of Directors had voted to join the Dane Sanctuary Coalition, our Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman wrote: As a Jewish community we are called to welcome the stranger and protect the oppressed. Out of a deep sense of social justice, we are responding to the urgent needs of Dane County’s immigrant communities, and we will stand with them in this act of solidarity. Sanctuary can provide a deterrent to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), thus giving the individual an opportunity to plead his or her case in court rather than being summarily deported. Providing sanctuary is a humanitarian act for an individual, as well as an opportunity to raise public awareness of deportations in our community. We are not hiding an individual; rather we are publicizing our action in the media and to ICE. This makes a powerful public statement that we will not stand idly by. Offering sanctuary is a centuries old method which faith communities have offered to protect vulnerable people from oppression. I am thrilled that in my leadership role as President of my synagogue, we are now part of the growing New Sanctuary Movement which includes over 1,000 congregations nationwide offering sanctuary to immigrants and refugees under threat of deportation. Providing sanctuary to people under threat of deportation will take a huge community effort, but I am confident that our faith communities will succeed in this effort and I look forward to the day when immigrants and refugees are welcomed in our nation and offering sanctuary is no longer necessary. For more information on how I can help you accomplish effective, progressive systems change contact Jeff Spitzer-Resnick by visiting his website: Systems Change Consulting.
{ "date": "2017-08-19T14:47:10Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105455.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20170819143637-20170819163637-00695.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9576517343521118, "token_count": 761, "url": "https://systemschangeconsulting.wordpress.com/category/refugees/" }
So, you wanted to see the frog I bought in Denmark? The one by Royal Copenhagen? Well, this is it... It's white on a grey stone and has a lovely red kiss on its back. It took some time finding this photo (apparently I deleted my own copy), because it was in the 2007 collection. But I love it! Saturday, 30 July 2011 Sixty years later, Sarah's story intertwines with that of Julia Jarmond, a journalist investigating the round-up. Sarah's Key is an emotionally gripping story of two families, forever linked to, and haunted by, one of the darkest days of France's past. The first time I started reading this book, was when my dad handed me a Dutch copy he had borrowed of a friend. But, I don't like reading in Dutch and I couldn't get past the first chapter. Fortunately Pepperfly then gave the English version to me and I sailed past the first and subsequent chapters. The story is a mix of real events (the round-up, the Vélodrome d'Hiver, the camps) and fiction. One story follows Sarah, a ten-year old Jewish girl, the other follows Julia Jarmond, an American journalist married to a French man. But at some point those two stories become one, because the place where Sarah lived, later became the home of Julia's French family. She then wants to find out exactly who the people were that lived there, where they went and how they ended up. This certainly isn't a book for a lazy afternoon on the beach; I couldn't keep my eyes dry! But it is a very good and certainly very confronting book. It could have done with a little less relationship trouble for Julia, but I guess in the end it is necessary for the story. My verdict: definitely worth the read! Friday, 29 July 2011 I thought I would include some random photos of things I saw during my week in Denmark. At first I didn't really understand the first photo. Or why it was placed in the toilet (bathroom for you overseaers), but a closer look revealed all. This little box is meant for needles, razor blades and safety pins. Now I can understand the needles (drugs, either prescription or not) and the safety pins, but the razor blades were a bit of a mystery. Unless someone wants to kill themselves inside the toilet and I doubt very much they would then throw the blade in the little box! The second photo was taken on our way back from Sweden. I had seen this sign for a while already, but it didn't quite dawn on me what it meant. Let me explain. The Dutch name of the capital of Denmark is Kopenhagen and the English name is Copenhagen. However, in Danish it's København. And for some reason I just didn't get the fact that in Sweden they use the Swedish name: Köpenhamn! Photo number three was taken in Copenhagen (let's just use the English spelling) and is of a thermometer. When you look closely you can also see the weather woman at the top: ready to come out with her bicycle, of which there were plenty around. As you can see it's about 18 degrees Celsius at the moment I took the photo. And the last photo is of something we could see both on the crossing from Sweden to Denmark and from Denmark to Germany: wind turbines in the sea. There were lots and lots of them! They do like green energy a lot in those countries. Thursday, 28 July 2011 Did I ever tell you I hate traveling on a coach? When I'm not driving that is? Well, I do. Just so you know! |The floor in the bus!| Yesterday morning I was in the first of four groups to pick up the Dutch scout troops to take to Sweden. I left on time at 08.30am and arrived at the World Jamboree at 12.15pm. Everything was so well coordinated we only had to wait for two minutes before I was able to drop them off. They left my coach in a right state, but with all the rain and muck and mud of the past week, I was prepared. And since I was in the first group, I had a lot of time before the last ones would be there to actually clean the coach. At least brush the dirt out and make it look presentable again. |The toll bridge from Sweden to Denmark| We then had to wait for all the coaches to arrive, which took about four hours and finally at a quarter past four, all the drivers (bar two who were staying behind to look after the coaches) piled on one coach and left for the Netherlands. We passed through Sweden at a good pace, seeing coach after coach filled with scouts from all over the world. We then had to cross the toll bridge and tunnel to Denmark and came back to familiar territory again. |There was a train on the ferry!| We kept driving through Denmark until we reached the ferryport of Rodby (with the diagonal line again). We knew we were late for our ferry (it had left twenty minutes earlier), but managed to catch the next one, so we only lost half an hour. From Puttgarden (the German side of the ferry), we drove towards Hamburg, which I completely missed, since I slept my way to Bremen. We had a short stop to switch drivers and then drove on towards home. Our pick-up driver had to wake up extra early, because according to the planners we were about 2-3 hours early! We just thought there was no point hanging around for nothing! I made it home at five in the morning and was in bed half an hour later. My own bed... Tuesday, 26 July 2011 Mon should be written with a diagonal line through its o, but since I can't be bothered to find it on my computer you will have to do without. Anyhoo... Today we had a lovely sunny day and we dropped off 1,000 scouts at the geocenter on Mon (with the line). While we were waiting for them to do their things we were parked about 3 miles further at a great looking farm. But I wanted to see the cliffs and so did some of the others, so we got on the coach and headed towards the center. After parking me and my colleague needed to decide from what angle to watch the cliffs: from the bottom or the top. In the end we decided on the top: that way we were going up first and down later instead of the other way around. It was a big climb and since I have the condition of a hibernating sloth, I was panting my way up! I did make it though, because I didn't want to miss out on the view. It didn't disappoint: it was gorgeous! I took lots of photos, my colleague took a few of me and we treated ourselves to an icecream when we got back down again. Tonight we dined with all the colleagues that are here now: 27, plus the wife of the coordinator. We had a nice dinner, good company and we found out what is going to happen tomorrow. I have to leave in the first group at 8.30am, completely loaded to the rafters with camping gear, luggage and of course scouts. We hope to arrive in Sweden a few hours later (it's not that far from here) and make it through check-in at a reasonable pace. Yesterday it apparently took over 3 hours for one coach to get checked in and shown to their site. Tomorrow there will probably be hundreds of buses arriving! The horror. I will be off to bed now, but I have included a few photos I took today (or were taken of me today). By the way, the photo I showed yesterday was taken in Copenhagen which has a big elephant herd roaming the city in aid of the Asian elephant. How could I resist? Monday, 25 July 2011 Today was the day of the big event. We had been awaiting it for some days now and today it finally happened: it stopped raining and the sun came out! Hesitatingly at first but at the end of the day the temperature was a bit more summer-like than the past few days (it was 11 degrees Celsius yesterday). Of course this sun immediately took my mind of the road and I got on the motorway going west. I needed to go east! Other things happening today were very few. I finished my book, took only three photos and chatted to my colleagues. Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be good again and we're going to some cliffs. I am hoping for some nice photos there. Sunday, 24 July 2011 |The path was like this all throughout the museum!!!| It rained almost full stop today and I must say, even I got a bit fed up with all that wetness. According to the weather people, the rain should stop tomorrow or the day after (see how exact they are?) and that is very much wanted by every scout on board. They are nearly always wet and cold now and the only time they are drying out are spent on the bus! Where they sit with muddy boots and shoes, making a mess of it all. Add to all that mud from the camp ground more mud. This time from the medieval open air museum! Since I don't travel to Denmark on a weekly basis, I had decided I wanted to see it as well and it didn't take long before I was covered in mud as well! I nearly slipped on two occasions, but fortunately I managed to grab hold of some colleague or other. It would have been a right sight if I had fallen flat on my face there!! |Where are the other four?| The medieval museum was quite good fun, despite all the mud and goo and what have you. They had a huge katapult they used and which I missed of course, a lot of different houses where you could go in and touch things and there was a small wooded area with vampyres, werewolfs, goblins, pixies, elves, hell horses, three legged sheep and other weird and dangerous creatures that were out to snatch you. And before you ask: no, there wasn't a viking in the whole museum! Saturday, 23 July 2011 |Up the road without a paddle| The new day came with fresh rain. Which we were very happy about of course (not)! But today it was dry more often than wet and anyway, those children didn't mind anyway: they were out in the water all day! In the mean time my colleagues and I went to the center of the town and looked at some shops and had a coffee. After our coffees my colleague A and I went out shopping and already in the first shop I found the perfect little statuette: a frog that had been kissed! It was quite dear, but it was made by Royal Kopenhagen (a china manufacturer), so I decided to go for it anyway. But when the salesman took it down I found it had been reduced in price! So, not only did I get the perfect frog, I also got a better deal: I was a happy girl! When we got back to the coach I set about repairing the broken microphone system and by accidently breaking something I managed to do just that: I fixed the problem. I may not be a technically minded person, but sometimes the luck is with the dumb (as a Dutch saying goes)... Tomorrow we are going to a Medieval museum with knights and joustings and a lot more. I am really looking forward to it, but I do hope that infernal rain will stop! Friday, 22 July 2011 |The little mermaid| For some strange reason part of the kids on board has decided to call me Dora. Either because they couldn't remember my real name, or because they think it's a better name (which I don't agree with by the by). Anyway... Today was Kopenhagen and it rained. All morning it came down, rain, rain and more rain. I was getting quite fed up with it all, but I wanted to see the town, so me and two colleagues hopped on one of those hop on/hop off buses and did the tour. We got off at a castle, walked around that for a while and then decided we would walk to the mermaid, since the bus was really hot and muggy and it had stopped raining. Well, for ten minutes anyway, because then it started again and we nearly got soaked. We sheltered somewhere and when I tried to take a photo of my two colleagues, I tripped and fell flat on my face. Fortunately the only thing that got bruised was my ego, but I felt quite silly with my face down in the street! |One of the many elephants dotted around town.| After about four more showers we finally managed to get to the mermaid and guess what: the sun came out for just a second! I took photos from nearly all angles (it's situated in the water, so I wasn't going in there to take more photos). We then hopped on the bus again and got off at the 'new harbour' which was basically one massive bar! It looked really festive and fun and by then the rain had ceased completely as well. A quick and very expensive drink later we hopped on again and took the last part of the tour. I must say, Kopenhagen is a lovely town and I would love to go there again to see it properly. In the sun preferably! Another one on my list of 'must-sees'... Thursday, 21 July 2011 |View of the Baltic Sea at 5.25am| I started work last night at 8.45pm and finished this morning at 9am. In that time I picked up a lot of scouts, I drove through Germany, saw a lot of 'Baustellen' (roadworks), took a ferry, met up with colleagues and finally dropped the scouts off again. It's the World Jamboree next month in Sweden and the Dutch contingent have decided that the jamboree wasn't long enough and have added a week in Denmark. Which is fine by me, since I haven't been to the part of Denmark we're in now. We're going to Kopenhagen, we will be visiting a medieval museum and we go to some cliffs. They will also do some geo-caching and something with water somewhere. |A non-pooping seagull flying overhead| This morning however we arrived an hour early which was good and after we had parked our coaches and had taken the luggage to our rooms, a colleague and I went in search of a bank to change our Euros into Danish Kroner, since they didn't join the Euro zone back in whenever. The first bank we got to opened at 10. It was 9.30! So we went to the next one. Which also opened at 10. After having seen a lot of banks which all opened at 10, we took out some money of our own and went back to the Konditorei to enjoy some Danish pastry and a cup of tea. When we finally went to the bank, we went to the only one that opened at: yes, you guessed it: 9.30!! Right now it's time for bed though. It's nearly midday and I need to get some zzzzz's in before dinner tonight. So, I will say goodnight. Or goodday as the case may be... Tuesday, 19 July 2011 Monday, 18 July 2011 Apparently the summer is the time to go to some sort of festival and there are plenty of them to go around in our little country. Yesterday there were three to choose between. The Black Cross, The Free Festival and another one. I had to work as well: ferrying young people back and forth from train station to the Free Festival. Which by the way wasn't as free as the title would make you think. You can buy tickets to guarantee entry and if it's not sold out, then everybody and his aunt get the chance to go there and get in for free. Of course, you have to pay for the bus which takes you there and the drinks are not too cheap either, but the music is fantastic. Well, the music is fantastic to those people going, because to me it sounds a lot like 'thump thump thump thump thump!' Enough to give anybody a splitting headache, let alone hearing problems! Especially because they will stand about an inch away from the speakers! I was lucky I only had to drop them off and could head straight back to the station to pick up another load of half drunk youngsters! I found several cola bottles that were filled with something that was definitely not cola, unless of course cola now comes in a orangy colour as well! I needed to empty those bottles, because I was taking them home (you get money back on large empty bottles) and the smell that came from the bottle confirmed my suspicions. Definitely not cola!! You have to love festivals and there are about four more to come. First I will head to Denmark and Sweden however: the World Jamboree! Forty scouts asleep on the coach (hopefully) and off we go at 11pm! I have seen their programme and I won't forget my camera: I want a photo of the mermaid of Kopenhagen! First a week in Denmark and then we drop all the scouts off in Sweden, before heading home again. I am looking forward to it. I will take my Baby as well, so I hope to be able to post as I go... Friday, 15 July 2011 Yes, it's working again! Yesterday it was supposed to be the modem that was acting up. Today it was the router that was doing the bad things. So, I unplugged the both of them, plugged them both in again and now I'm online again and enjoying the www. The picture at the top I got from the www yesterday and was the one I wanted to include that one in yesterday's post. Which didn't work. So, I put it in today because I know you were wondering... Thursday, 14 July 2011 Why oh why am I having computer trouble again? And this time with Finn! My lovely new giant of a laptop is giving me grief in large amounts. And it's bugging me big time. I don't know what I am doing wrong and there's bound to be something that I did wrong. Or perhaps it's some garden gnome not too happy about the photo I placed of his family not too long ago. Either way, it's hard to be online and stay online what with all the 'can't find the site' nonsense popping up all the time. Talking about my modem not working (it's working fine) or something within the computer itself. Why can't it just be nice and easy and work? And do you remember the gasmen from last week? Well, apart from being ridiculously young, hitting my electrical cables and scaring my cats, one of them did do something good for me: he told me I needed to refill my hotwater thingy. Which I did with the help of the neighbour and a huge spanner (I think, it might have been something else). But I had forgotten all about the tap. I had closed it. So, when I tried to do my laundry this morning: no cigar! I blame it on my parents. I must have the blonde genes from someone after all... PS: and now I can't even include the blonde joke! Stupid Finn... Saturday, 9 July 2011 |The pool I was in on Thursday was somewhat on the freezing side! Brrrr| So, after I got home from the morning shift at work, I dug up the binbag and dove in. Well, not literally of course, but it felt like it. Fortunately with all the recycling we do in the Netherlands, there wasn't much in the binbag, but I still had to look for about 5 minutes in this dirty binbag to find the little black rubbery thing. I put the binbag back in the bin and then started to wash the thingy and of course my hands. Because even if the bag wasn't anywhere near full and there was no left over food in there, it still felt pretty gross! But at least now the stove cover isn't wobbling anymore and everything works again as it should! Friday, 8 July 2011 Last Sunday I celebrated the fact that I've now joined the big four o club. Unfortunately I invited everybody a bit late, so most people weren't able to come due to prior commitments, but some managed to come. One of my friends was supposed to come with her boyfriend and her two children. But when they were halfway, they turned around and went back home. Not because she all of a sudden had decided she didn't want to know me anymore, but because the children were ill and one of them had just emptied her stomach near a big tree! She still managed to come at night though, all by herself. That action didn't earn her any good points in the eyes of her daughter though: she had wanted to come see Auntie Mara as well. Then this week, the boyfriend celebrated his birthday and because I hadn't seen them all in quite a while, I decided to go over and stay the night. Which was a huge hit with the children, even if at first they didn't quite believe me. I took the little girl to school in the morning, had a very late breakfast with my friend who is going through some tough times right now, got into the icy cold pool in the afternoon and in the mean time I also managed to get some plaster make-up on my face for the video. Yes, I finally made another video. At first we were doing it out in the backyard, but every time I started to speak, so did the dog next door, so in the end we gave up and went inside. Where it wouldn't have mattered if I had worn clown's make-up, since the video ended up being quite dark! But after about a gazillion tries, I finally had another presentation video, ready to send across the pond! After dinner last night my friend drove me home again and I spent a quiet evening with my monsters. Wednesday, 6 July 2011 Several years ago, the housing corporation decided a big renovation of the area I live in was in order. They were right. Because the rent in this area is the lowest of the whole town, people with a small purse can rent here. The corporation really got stuck in: the houses would be painted: light green, light blue, yellow, white and pink (my house), new kitchens would be installed as the inhabitant at that time required, new bathrooms, new insulation both in the roof, the walls and the floors and to top it all: new windowframes and double glazing. The tore down some houses, the put up new fencing round everyone's back yards and generally made the place look a whole lot better. This morning three gentlemen got into my home: one carpenter and two gasmen. Because the gasline needs replacing! I had to change my work schedule, my cats are in a right tizzy with Mathilda and Wuppie outside and Sophie and Linette locked in my bedroom and especially the gasmen don't seem to be old enough to be out of school. They had to drill some holes first of all: one in the kitchen, one in the living room and one in the hallway. But for some reason when they drilled in the living room, the drill gave up. They broke it. They were saying to each other about the crap (sorry) equipment they received to work with, it being the third one they broke and all I could think of was: perhaps it's you! When they got it working again, they hit another snag. Literally, since they touched the electrical cable and now the washing machine and the dryer don't work anymore! I hope everything will go smoothly from now on, no more hiccups when it comes to the electrics and definitely no hiccups when it comes to the gas, I don't want to be found in a smoldering heap! Saturday, 2 July 2011 Isn't it always fun to try for a prize, whatever prize that may be? Perhaps you submitted a joke and hope it will be the best joke in the world, perhaps you bought a lottery ticket and hope for the jackpot or perhaps you commented on my blog and were hoping to get something along the lines of Netherlands footwear! And since there were only 8 comments, the chances of winning were certainly better than winning the jackpot! So, today I put the numbers 1 to 8 in a random number generator and number 5 came up randomly! And when I looked at the comments I could see number 5 was Gattina! So, congratulations and I will send you an email with the details today! Of course you all want to know what the prize is don't you? If you hadn't already guessed it of course. Well, it's a pair of Dutch clogs. What else? Friday, 1 July 2011 She phoned the main shop in the center of town to ask for my details. And then she was told: wash her hair with care and don't brush too hard. They really know me! Even if the last time I was there was over a year ago and I now go to the small shop half a kilometer away from me. Because it was time to get my hair cut again, I decided a more grown up do was in order. I had been dithering and dathering about it for a while now, but I could only wear my hair in a plait on a daily basis and if it hung loose, I looked like a hippie. Minus the flowers in my hair and the bell-bottoms that is! |I felt a bit like a chicken, ready to go in the oven!| So, I went to the hairdresser, got my hair washed with care and the girl didn't brush my hair too hard either. And then the scissors: snip snip and my long hair was once more a thing of the past. Then both the girls were trying to figure out which colour would be best for me. Since I wanted to get rid of the old-blonde that was creeping in at an alarming rate. I know I am forty now, but really, that is no reason to go old-blonde at speed! And now I sit here, with my hair loose, two shades lighter and fairly short. I like it!
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Bins of wriggling eels, flaming cubes of cheese, hanging mahogany ducks, alluring souvenirs: short of taking a trip that requires a passport, you just can't get a more international experience than you can in a thriving ethnic neighborhood within our great American melting pot. You've probably been to a Chinatown (and if you haven't, you should), but many U.S. metropolises have so much more to explore. Is a trip to a big city in your future? Here are five of our favorite cosmopolitan fun spots you shouldn't miss. If the Statue of LIberty is the symbol of hope, yearning, and huddled masses, this deeply historic Jewish immigrant neighborhood, located right up against the dim sum carts of Chinatown and the sausage-fueled parades of Little Italy, is the nitty-gritty reality. My husband, Michael, kids Ben, age 13, and Birdy, 9, and I started at the visitors' center of the fantastic Tenement Museum, then toured the museum's restored apartment building for a vivid snapshot of the area's history. (In any ethnic enclave, a museum, a cultural center, or a walking tour is a great way to get oriented.) After that, we just walked around, more or less tripping over our Jewish roots at Streit's Matzos and Eldridge Street Synagogue. For me, ethnic neighborhoods are as much about the food as anything: black sesame ice cream in Chinatown, say, or arancini in Little Italy. The Lower East Side is no exception. Besides Kossar's Bialys (imagine an onion bagel, only chewier and with a mere dent where the hole would be), there's famous Katz's Delicatessen, where we ate thick pastrami sandwiches and sour pickles, then eyeballed (and sampled) cheap floor-to-ceiling sweets at the ethnically indeterminate Economy Candy shop. Inhabited continuously since the 1630s, the North End is known as the Little Italy of New England. The waterfront neighborhood is a key part of the Revolution-themed Freedom Trail walking tour, and you can learn about such monuments as the Old North Church (of "One if by land, two if by sea" fame) and the vindictively designed Skinny House, built by one brother to block another's view, across from the historical Copp's Hill Burial Ground. But really, you'll be coming here to eat. Regina's Pizzeria is famous for fabulous pies and brusquely limited offerings ("You want a salad? There's no salad."), and you'll leave Mike's Pastry with a charmingly string-tied box full of tiramisu or cannoli. Summer feasts are named after the saints (luckily, there are lots of them), and the biggest is Saint Anthony's, with parades, carnival games, and all-too-tasty street food: sausages and peppers, calamari, quahog clams, and zeppole, Italian-style fried dough. That's amore. It's all Greek to Chicago -- at least since the first Greek ship captains arrived in the 1840s. Greektown deliciously celebrates that history: restaurants and bakeries abound, offering traditional meals, savory dips, honey-drenched baklava, flaming saganaki cheese (Opa!), and gyros (YEE-ros), those pitas full of sliced, spit-turned meat that Greektown made famous. Still hungry? The Taste of Greece festival in late August should satisfy. Between meals, try the beautiful National Hellenic Museum, 'the newest thing in ancient history," with artifacts and hands-on exhibits that cover ancient Greece through the American immigrant experience. And don't miss the fragrant Athenian Candle Company, packed with tapers, pillars, and hocus-pocus -- just the place to seek spiritual or magical paraphernalia. Known variously as the L.A. Plaza Historic District and El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument, this Hispanic neighborhood includes more than 20 historic buildings, five museums, and a Mexican marketplace that pay homage to the city's deep Latin American and multiethnic roots. Start at the visitors' center for a guided tour of the monument-filled plaza and La Placita church or simply stroll the quaint main drag to check out the souvenirs: pin?atas, puppets, giant sombreros, and Mexican pottery. Don't-miss eats include carnitas tacos, caramel-filled churros (like a stick-shaped doughnut), and taquitos with "world famous avocado sauce" from the 1934 Cielito Lindo stand. You might time your visit for one of the colorful annual festivals: springtime's Cinco de Mayo, Dia de los Muertos (near Halloween), and the furry, scaly, pet-filled Blessing of the Animals (the Saturday before Easter). This west coast city's Chinatown may be more famous, but its Japantown is deliriously packed with just the kind of cool and kawaii (cute) stuff kids go crazy for: bento supplies, wacky candy, anime and manga, colorful washi tape, "Hello Kitty" everything, and omiyage (souvenirs) of all kinds. There's Pika Pika, a purikura photo place where kids can design tons of little stickers, and, of course, all the noodles, sushi, hibachi BBQ, and even crepes you could crave (along with all the fun plastic food you can ogle). A pair of charming indoor shopping malls, with a five-tiered Peace Pagoda between them, defines the walkable neighborhood. For the more historically minded, there's the National Japanese American Historical Society and a self-guided walking tour, as well as the popular Cherry Blossom Festival and Parade in April. To learn more: sfjapantown.org Originally published in the March 2013 issue of FamilyFun
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Racisms: An Introduction Publication Year: 2010 We hear much about ‘race’ and ‘racism’ in public discourse but the terms are frequently used without clear definitions or practical examples of how these phenomena actually work. Racisms introduces practical methods which enable students to think coherently and sociologically about this complex feature of the global landscape. Steve Garner argues that there is no single monolithic object of analysis but rather a plural set of ideas and practices that result in the introduction of ‘race’ into social relations. This differs over time and from one place to another. Focusing on the basics, Racisms: Defines ‘race’, ‘racism’, ‘institutional racism’ and ‘racialization’; Provides examples of how these function in fields like the natural sciences and asylum; Clearly sets out theoretical arguments around collective identities (‘race’, class, gender, nation, religion); Uses ... - Front Matter - Back Matter - Subject Index - Chapter 1: The Idea of ‘Race’ and the Practice of Racisms - Chapter 2: Racialisation - Chapter 3: ‘Race’, Class and Gender - Chapter 4: ‘Race’, Nation, State - Chapter 5: Science - Chapter 6: Mixed-Ness - Chapter 7: Institutional Racism - Chapter 8: Whiteness - Chapter 9: New Racisms? - Chapter 10: The Racialisation of Asylum - Chapter 11: Islamophobia? © Steve Garner 2010 First published 2010 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or by any means, only with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction, in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers. SAGE Publications Ltd 1 Oliver's Yard 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP SAGE Publications Inc. 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd B 1/I 1 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area Mathura Road, Post Bag 7 New Delhi 110 044 SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd 33 Pekin Street #02-01 Far East Square Library of Congress Control Number 2009925653 British Library Cataloguing in Publication data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-4129-4581-3 (pbk) Typeset by C&M Digitals (P) Ltd, Chennai, India Printed by CPI Antony Rowe, Chippenham, Wiltshire Printed on paper from sustainable resources First, a big thank you to the people at Sage for their patience, especially Jai Seaman, Chris Rojek and Katherine Haw. Second, thanks to my family, who as usual suffer neglect as a result of my writing activity – Annie, Dani, Gabriel and Morganne – you're the best. Thirdly, this text is based on my interpretation of other people's hard work, so it really is, in a way, a collective project. Teaching can, paradoxically, be a lonely old business in the middle of a crowd: trying to make epiphanies happen in the minds of strangers. Sometimes it can get depressing, or boring. Sometimes you may even think you have made a string of poor choices that lead you to a particular classroom, teaching a particular subject at a particular time, when you could instead have been coaching your favourite sport, watching fabulous jungle animals through a camera lens, saving somebody's life in an emergency room, or doing something demonstrably exciting and/or more fun for a living. At other times, on those rare occasions when you set another person on a course that they recognise is a direction in which they would not have travelled were it not for you, then I can't think of anything much better. I have an email I read when I'm feeling particularly low, in which a former student thanks me for teaching a module on racism. The last part reads: ‘It was the only area of study I have undertaken that made me completely change the way I thought about the world’. This text is dedicated to all the teachers to whom that sentence should be addressed, and more often, but whose former students are having too much fun to get round to telling them so. List of Boxes, Tables and Figures[Page vii]Boxes - 1.1 Race and genes 1 - 1.2 Essentialism 12 - 1.3 The racial natural sciences 15 - 1.4 How many ‘races’ are there? 17 - 2.1 Frantz Fanon 20 - 2.2 Concepts of national belonging 24 - 2.3 Japanese nationalism 26 - 2.4 Immigration regimes 29 - 3.1 Background to the split in the US women's suffrage movement 36 - 4.1 Nations and nation states 50 - 4.2 Michel Foucault 58 - 5.1 Linnaeus (1707–78) from The System of Nature (1735) 68 - 5.2 Comte de Buffon (Georges-Louis Leclerc) (1707–88)from A Natural History General and Particular (1748–1804) 69 - 5.3 BiDil: an ethnic drug? 77 - 5.4 How skin-lightening products work 80 - 5.5 Special surgical procedures for Asian women 81 - 6.1 Hypodescent and national frameworks 88 - 6.2 Categories in the US Census 2000 95 - 6.3 Ethnic categories in the England and Wales 2001 Census 96 - 7.1 Case study: The Equality Authority, Republic of Ireland 104 - 7.2 Structure and agency 109 - 9.1 Not hate but love: the British National Party 132 - 9.2 Goodhart's ‘Too Diverse?’ 135 - 10.1 Information about asylum seekers and refugees 144 - 10.2 Overall trends in asylum seeking 145 - 10.3 Understanding opinion polls on social attitudes 151 - 11.1 Some statistics on UK Muslims (2001–6) 172 - 3.1 Percentage of African American women in various forms of employment at the 1890 Census 42 - 5.1 Percentage of cosmetic surgery patients, by ethnicity, 1999, 2003 and 2008 82 - 5.2 The three most commonly requested surgical procedures for ‘ethnic’ patients, 2007 82 - 6.1 Percentages of each ‘racial’ group in the US Census 2000 96 - 6.2 Percentages of each ethnic group in the UK Census 2001 97 - 7.1 Home-ownership by ‘race’ in the USA, 1994–2005 111 There are some splendid resource books for teaching ‘race’ and ethnicity in the social sciences. However, having taught specialist undergraduate modules for a decade, I have never been able to fully endorse buying a textbook because those available suppose too much knowledge. They are ideal for use with postgraduates and for referencing segments of larger works, but undergraduate social scientists just don't generally have enough background in the subject to make enough use of them properly. This is not a failing on the students’ part. There has to be a period in which they acquire the knowledge that helps them fit these well-known works into some kind of a theoretical framework. It has taken me more than 20 years, and there is not a day that passes without me adding more knowledge. So this text is designed for undergraduates who are interested in this topic, primarily in the UK and the USA, which is why material from those two countries is prioritised here. It is a textbook to use either as the basis for a course, or to dip into as a set of free-standing chapters. Academic colleagues who know this area will immediately be able to come up with a set of chapters for the topics I did not cover here. I agree: the choice is idiosyncratic. I could suggest an ‘omitted chapters’ list myself: anti-semitism; anti-nomadic racism; indigenous land rights; Transatlantic slavery; Far-right politics; criminology and the racialisation of minorities; concentrations on other historical periods and geographical locations. All of these areas and more could have been covered in this book, but then where would all the topics already in here have gone? Any student textbook has to cover what I understand to be the basics, which in this case comprises theories of ‘race’, racisms, racialisation, how class and gender articulate with ‘race’, what ‘mixed-ness’ means, and the role of science in making and sustaining the creative fiction that is ‘race’. Particularly relevant examples for me of how issues can be racialised are asylum and Islamic religion in the West, hence the coverage of those two. Finally, there are the connected issues of the racialisation of white identities and of the establishment, over the last three decades or so, of ‘new’ forms of racism that emphasise culture more than phenotype in public and private discourse. If the publishers ask me to do another edition, I will certainly include something different. However, I stand by this choice of topics. It offers one possible route into the truly gigantic corpus. I am often pushed to say ‘what I know’ about racism and in fact the more knowledgeable I get, the more I realise that I am getting further from, not closer to, some state of expertise. The more you know, the more you know what there is to know (and that is always more than one person can hope to know). So if you really want to know what the story is, then the following will help you begin. ‘Race’ is a fiction that we turn into a social reality every day of our lives. It lies at the heart of the complex, historical and multifaceted sets of social relationships to which we attach the label ‘racism’. This is a historical process, a set of ideas and a set of outcomes (benefits for some, disadvantages for others). This can be anything from a promotion ahead of someone else who is just as good at what they do as you are, to being hunted like an animal and dying a protracted and painful death at the hands of someone who thinks ‘race’ is so real it authorises your murder with impunity.[Page x] The forms in which these social relationships play out are so diverse that I think ‘racism’ is too small a word to contain them, hence my choice of a plural in the title. If you are interested in struggling against racism, you have to be interested in more than just ‘race’. You must also be a student of gender, class, nation states, culture, history and science. I encourage students to follow up by reading the work referred to in each chapter, at the next level of study. This text is merely a starting point, a marshalling of some arguments and an incitement to think that racism is a complicated part of the social world, rather than an aberration of individuals. I hope that someone who reads this text will end up contributing to the struggle … which unfortunately won't be ending any time soon. Glossary of Terms[Page 175] A8 In 2004, the European Union was enlarged to include 10 new member states: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Malta, Cyprus and Hungary. In EU circles, these were called ‘Accession States’ in the period leading up to 2004, and of these, the eight for whom this new membership would enable nationals to access the labour markets of the existing member states without a visa for the first time (that is, all the above except Malta and Cyprus), were referred to as the A8 (A for Accession). Apartheid Between 1948 and 1994, the Republic of South Africa was officially governed according to the ideology of apartheid, an Afrikaans word meaning ‘separateness’. The system, implemented by the National Party under Daniel Malan, involved the imposition of separate and parallel regimes of government for the various racialised strands of the population. Some African groups were allocated ‘homelands’ such as Transkei and KwaZulu in South Africa and occupied Namibia (then South-West Africa), while the main racial groups afforded legitimacy under apartheid – Whites, Coloureds, Indians and Blacks – had differential rights to geographical mobility, employment, housing, education, etc. Specifically, apartheid was a means of controlling the majority labour force and population, frequently with recourse to armed force, suspension of human rights and state terrorism. The small white population was the only one to enjoy the full range of democratic freedoms and had preferential access to the country's vast wealth. The bureaucracy created to oversee this system also created stable clerical work for white South Africans. Opposition to apartheid, which also came from the Communist Party and the Pan African Congress, soon took the shape of a national political party – the African National Congress (ANC), which waged a political and armed struggle against the apartheid system from the late 1950s. International sports boycotts from the 1960s, and anti-apartheid organisations in many countries, added to the pressure placed on South Africa to normalise its social relationships. On the back of the campaign to free ANC leader Nelson Mandela from captivity, which occurred in 1992, came the holding of free elections in 1994. The ANC won the elections with a landslide, and Mandela became the first post-apartheid President of South Africa. Aryan The term Aryan, borrowed from Sanskrit, was originally used to describe a set of languages originating in the India/Iran/Afghanistan regions. By the nineteenth century, it came to mean speakers of Indo-European languages. By the end of that century, scientists such as Thomas Huxley and Georges Vacher de Lapouge were speculating that the Aryan people were characterised by longer skulls than others, and had a leadership role in the modern world. This racial genealogy was reinvigorated by writers such as de Gobineau, who saw Nordic and Teutonic peoples as the basis of the Anglo-Saxon racial stock in the mid nineteenth-century, and most spectacularly by Houston Stewart Chamberlain whose writings on the Aryan race (The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, 1911 ) influenced Hitler. The Nazis used the term ‘Aryan’ to refer to those racialised as the authentic Germans, typically represented as tall, [Page 176]blue-eyed blondes, around which their social policies were based in the 1933–45 period (Burleigh and Wipperman, 1991). burqa A loose garment that goes on top of usual daily clothes. It is worn by some Muslim women and it is removed once the woman returns home. Le foulard The French word for ‘headscarf. The term is best known because of the affaires du foulard, or ‘headscarf incidents’, in which French Muslim girls were refused entry in to schools because they were wearing foulards. There were over 100 such incidents in the 1989–2003 period. The rationale for turning the schoolgirls away is that state schools are part of the secular public space that forms the basis of French republican values, according to which the private space can be religious but the public arena must be free of religious ideas, objects and symbolism. In 2004, a Special Commission was set up by the government to investigate the options for dealing with the situation (as half the decisions had been overturned by the courts). It recommended the drafting of a law against wearing ‘conspicuous’ religious items, such as the foulard, to school, which was passed in 2005. The public debate was very controversial, with various interlocutors accusing others of anti-republican values, sexism and racism, etc. The Law's opponents argue that although the wording specifies crucifixes and Jewish skullcaps as objects that must also not be worn conspicuously, the principal objective of the law is to prevent French Muslims from expressing their Muslim identities. Hegemony Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci uses the concept of hegemony (literally meaning ‘domination’) to refer to the set of dominant ideas at any given time. The subtlety of Gramsci's hegemony is that it allows for people to recognise that the ideas may be untrue and/or unfair, without this being a barrier to those ideas being the dominant ones of an era, around which political discourse is based and normalised. Hypodescent This is also called the ‘one-drop rule’. This American racial logic states that any person with any ancestors who are not white Europeans cannot be considered genuinely white, regardless of what that person looks like. Intersectionality This is an approach developed by Black American feminists in the late 1980s to analyse social relations by simultaneously taking into account multiple axes of identity, generally gender, class and ‘race’. Ius sanguinis This refers to qualification through bloodlines (that is, parents’ or grandparents’ nationality) (see Box 2.2). Ius soli This refers to qualification for membership through birth within a given territory (see Box 2.2). Jilbab A loose garment covering the whole body except for the hands, face, feet and head, worn by some Muslim women. A headscarf or veil can also be worn with it. There is some discussion about whether the contemporary forms of jilbab are the same as what is referred to in the Qu'ran. There is an argument that it only appeared in the recent past as a form of identification with particular forms of political Islam, while others maintain it is exactly the same item that was worn in the seventh century.[Page 177] ‘Jim Crow’ After the abolition of slavery and the Fourteenth Amendment had given former slaves the right to vote, there was a short period (1865–76, also known as the Reconstruction), during which black Americans enjoyed relatively improved status and were protected by Federal laws. However, in 1877, the last Federal troops were withdrawn from the Southern states, and the Democratic Party enacted a set of laws that established separate living and access to resources ordered by ‘race’ (segregation). This was institutionally recognised in a set of laws passed by state governments in the southern states of the USA. These included separate schooling, places to sit on trains and buses, restaurants, toilets, etc. Moreover, a series of amendments to voting rights effectively disenfranchised most black voters by the First World War. This set of laws was known as ‘Jim Crow’. Such laws were by no means exclusive to the south. Laws segregating the ‘races’ were passed across the USA, and President Wilson even reintroduced segregated Federal Offices in 1913. Additionally, the reaction to the short period of black progress in the South involved violence and extra-judicial acts of aggression to intimidate black Americans in order to prevent them reaching social equality with whites (Du Bois, 1998 ). The Jim Crow laws were backed up by the accompanying extra-legal social realities of lynchings, beatings and rape. Jim Crow held sway formally in the southern states from around 1890 to the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1965. Limpieza de sangre This fifteenth-century Spanish concept of purity of the blood referred originally to the class system of feudal Spain, particularly the lineage of nobles and state officials who had to have limpieza de sangre (bloodlines including no traceable Jewish or Muslim converts to Christianity). Limpieza de sangre was a resource for some Spaniards to defend against encroachment from the bloodlines of indigenous Americans and enslaved Africans. Mestiçagem This is the historical process of ‘race mixing’ in Portuguese. Mixed-ness The problems engendered by trying to talk about people as being the products of more than one racialised group are discussed in Chapter 6. There are vast numbers of words used to describe people whose parentage is ‘mixed’ in this way that derive from the colonial period of the Americas. In Spanish, for example, there is mestizo, castizo, mulatto and zambo (which denote a European-Amerindian, European and unspecified other, European-African and African-Amerindian mix respectively). (An example of such definitions and terminology used in New Spain (Mexico) can be found in Yelvington, 2005: 246.) In French, there is métis, mulâtre, sang-mêlé and griffe. In Portuguese, the equivalent to mestizo is mestizaje, while North American English developed a vocabulary to cover degrees of blackness: quadroon (someone with one black grandparent), octoroon (someone with one black great-grandparent), etc. Such terms typically refer to the animal world (mulatto, mulâtre), or fractions (half, quarter, etc.). Among the contemporary academic vocabulary one encounters in reading the US literature on bi-raciality/‘mixed race’ are terms such as the Hawaiian hapa, and the Japanese haafu (both of which are basically the word ‘half’), chosen as less negative ways to approach the issue.[Page 178] Niqab A veil, worn by some Muslim women, that covers the face, leaving only a slit for the eyes. Patriality The concept introduced into British law by the 1968 Commonwealth Immigrants Act which makes accession to British nationality predicated on having one grandparent born in the UK. The objective was to override the previous ius soli practice of extending membership to people born on British territory when Britain's Empire lay across the world. In the context of the late 1960s, the introduction of patriality means an attempt to close off access to British citizenship for post-war migrants from outside the white dominions such as Canada, New Zealand and South Africa, especially those referred to as ‘coloured’ immigrants at that time (i.e. from the Anglophone Caribbean, the Indian subcontinent and West Africa). Racial sciences The branches of science that contributed to fixing ‘race’ as part of the intellectual landscape of the Western world from the late eighteenth century through to the mid-twentieth century. These could be natural sciences, like craniology or phrenology; elements of natural sciences that also focused on other things, like anthropometry; or streams within the social sciences, such as ethnology, anthropology and, to a degree, sociology. What makes a science ‘racial’ is not its entirety, but its embrace of the idea of ‘race’ and its contribution to legitimising discourse that makes a causal and circular link between physical appearance, cultural capacity for civilisation, intellect and innate characteristics. Suttee Also called sati. A minority practice within Hinduism of the widow either self-immolating or being forced to die on her husband's funeral pyre. The rationale is to purge the couple of all sin for the afterlife. The practice was banned by the British in the nineteenth century and again by the Indian government in the late twentieth century. TCN ‘Third Country National’ (TCN) is a term developed in European Union discourse that refers to someone unfortunate enough not to be a national of an EU member state. Unmah Arabic word translated into English as ‘community’ or ‘nation’. It is used as a collective term to describe the whole Muslim diaspora, as a community of believers. Appendix: Statistics on Muslims in the UK[Page 179]Demographics - In 2001, there were 1.6 million Muslims living in the UK, compared to a total population of 58.7 people. - Three quarters of Muslims (74%) were from an Asian ethnic background, predominantly Pakistani (43%). - 46% of Muslims had been born in the UK. - 34% of Muslims were under 16 years of age. - A third of Muslim households (34%) contained more than five people, while 25% of households contained three or more dependent children. - 38% of Muslims lived in London. (Source: National Statistics, 2001 Census)Education - In 2001, there were 371,000 school-aged (5- to 16-year-old) Muslim children in England. (Source: National Statistics) - In 2004, 67% of Indian, 48% of Bangladeshi and 45% of Pakistani pupils gained five or more grades A* to C at GCSE (or equivalent), compared with 52% of white British pupils. (Source: Social Trends No. 36, 2006) - 31% of young British Muslims leave school with no qualifications compared to 15% of the total population. (Source: National Statistics) - 35% of Muslim households have no adults in employment (more than double the national average). (Source: ‘Muslim Housing Experience’, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies) - Just under three-quarters of Bangladeshi and Pakistani children (73 %) are living in households below the poverty line (60% of median income). This compares with under a third (31%) for children in all households. (Source: Department for Work and Pensions, Households Below Average Income 1994/5–2000/1) - In 2001, 13% of Muslim men and 16% of Muslim women reported ‘not good’ health. These rates, which take account of the difference in age structures between the religious groups, were higher than those of Jewish and Christian people, who were the least likely to rate their health as ‘not good’. (Source: National Statistics, 2001 Census) - In 2001, 52% of Muslim households did not own their own home. - 28% of Muslim households were living in social rented accommodation, that is accommodation rented from the council or a housing association. - Muslim households were the most likely to experience overcrowding. One-third of Muslim households (32%) lived in overcrowded accommodation. This compares with just 6% of Christian households who experience overcrowding. - Muslim households were the most likely to lack central heating (12%). (Source: National Statistics, 2001 Census report on faith)Employment - In 2004, 28% of 16–24-year-old Muslims were unemployed. This compares with only 11% of Christians of the same age. (Source: National Statistics, 2001 Census report on faith) - In 2004, a fifth of Muslims were self-employed. (Source: National Statistics) - In 2004, almost seven in ten (69%) Muslim women of working age were economically inactive. (Source: Social Trends No. 36, 2006) - 47% of Muslim students have experienced Islamophobia. (Source: FOSIS (Federation of Student Islamic Societies) survey, 2005) - Almost 10% of the prison population are Muslim, two-thirds of whom are young men aged 18–30. (Source: Prison Service statistics, 2004) - Between 2001 and 2003, there was a 302% increase in ‘stop and search’ incidents among Asian people, compared with 118% among white people. 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Toronto, Canada – Students and teachers at the University of Toronto have called for the reinstatement of an international scholar’s job offer after it was allegedly rescinded by management over her work on Israel’s human rights abuses in the occupied Palestinian territories. The university’s law school has been accused of blocking the hiring of Valentina Azarova as director of the International Human Rights Program (IHRP) following pressure by a sitting federal judge, who is also a major donor to the faculty, according to emails seen by the Toronto Star newspaper. In an email sent to law school Dean Edward Iacobucci on September 12, also seen by Canadian daily The Globe and Mail, two former directors of the IHRP programme said the school made an offer to Azarova that she accepted in August. However, when a judge in the Tax Court of Canada, whose name has not been disclosed, expressed concerns about Azarova, Iacobucci rescinded the offer, media reports said on Thursday. The decision led to a series of resignations at the university, including law professor Audrey Macklin, who chaired the hiring committee that unanimously found Azarova to be the best candidate for the position. On Thursday, a second member of the committee, Vincent Wong, resigned. The IHRP programme’s three-member advisory board – Vincent Chiao, Trudo Lemmens and Anna Su – have also resigned. More than 100 IHRP students and alumni have also sent a letter to Iacobucci, calling for a “thorough and public review of donor practices at the law school, as well as of the alleged improper external influence and pressure by, in this case, a member of the judiciary”. “As a public institution, the Faculty should not be swayed by wealth and influence at the expense of academic freedom and fair and accountable hiring practices,” said the letter, calling on the “Faculty to reinstate Dr Azarova’s offer” and “to apologise for this improper interference in the hiring process”. “As students, we look to the IHRP to engage with pressing international legal issues, including Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories,” the letter read. “Dr Valentina Azarova’s scholarship on this topic is principled and reputable. She was unanimously selected by the hiring committee after months of consideration.” Azarova, an international legal practitioner and researcher, told The Globe and Mail she was offered the IHRP director’s position and accepted it in August through a Zoom call. She has held positions at several universities, including in the occupied West Bank, with immigration detention, arms trade, and occupation and annexation being her areas of research. However, in a letter sent to the Faculty of Law on Thursday and shared with Al Jazeera, Iacobucci denied any offer was made for Azarova. “Even the most basic of the conjectures that are circulating in public, that an offer was made and rescinded, is false,” he wrote, adding that he “would never allow outside pressure to be a factor in a hiring decision”. Iacobucci said conversations with a candidate were ongoing, but no offer of employment was made due to “legal constraints on cross-border hiring” within the timeframe required. “Other considerations, including political views for and against any candidate, or their scholarship, were and are irrelevant,” he wrote. Kelly Hannah-Moffat, vice president of human resources and equity at the university, told Al Jazeera the “hiring process for IHRP director, which is a managerial staff position, not a faculty one, was confidential”. “[And] the university is continuing to do its best to maintain confidentiality, notwithstanding insinuations and the selective discourse of information,” she said. Dania Majid, president of the Arab Canadian Lawyers Association (ACLA), said Iacobucci’s denial that an offer was made to Azarova was “appalling” considering that members of the hiring committee had resigned in protest. “He is throwing his faculty under the bus for an error he has made. It’s unacceptable,” Majid told Al Jazeera. “It has sent a terrible message to the students at the law school, faculty members, to all prospective Palestinian students, that their voices, their opinions are not welcome on campus and he will not be there to defend their rights to express those opinions if they were to come under attack.” Majid said the controversy came as no surprise since “anti-Palestinian racism is alive and well in legal institutions as it is in other institutions”. “This is a story of how Palestinian voices, Palestinian academics or those who work on Palestine are specifically targeted in order to delegitimise the Palestinian voice,” Majid said. The ACLA has demanded that the law school report “this matter of interference” to the Canadian Judicial Council and an investigation should be conducted. Corey Balsam, national coordinator for Independent Jewish Voices Canada, said the incident is indicative of “a broader chill being felt throughout the North American academia”. “Those who openly criticise Israel and support justice for Palestinians are finding themselves under attack left, right and centre,” he told Al Jazeera. Balsam said pro-Israel groups have intensified their attacks to force universities to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) controversial redefinition of anti-Semitism that includes certain forms of criticism of the Israeli state. “It’s likely no coincidence that the incident with Azarova occurred at University of Toronto, which has been one of the main targets of this campaign in Canada,” Balsam said. A bill to adopt the redefinition is currently before the Ontario state government, with Majid being “very concerned” about it. “What does that mean for those who are doing work on Palestine? They are going to come under attack [if they] speak up for Palestinian rights.”
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Anyway, there was a dude on Match that was just my old type: Tall, Dark haired , and Handsome. With blue eyes, my weak-in-the-knees-ness. Instantly, I feel a familiar connection. Connect with Local Calgary Singles and Find Your Perfect Match. Our Online Dating Site Introduces Compatible Couples for Deeply Connected Relationships. Get Started 1. Face to face dates. Real dates. Personalized Hand-Selected Matches. Our IJL certified matchmakers create a dating experience personalized just for you. High Touch Service. From match selection to restaurant reservations. Jamaican Canada Singles in Calgary, Alberta It is no wonder many people are looking for love and friendship online. In big cities like Calgary, dating sites could be really useful and effective. Be natural, honest and spontaneous. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. Looking for: woman. In age: My name is Wolfmistress. Now I’m looking for new relationships. I want to meet a woman, love of my life. Zodiac sign: Libra. My name is Apeman. I am divorced christian native american man without kids from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Zodiac sign: Scorpio. Dating Over 70 In Calgary Just Got A Whole Lot Easier Com is free personals website. Do they need online dating, calgary going to our free lesbian dating, classy online dating never been easier. For calgary alberta dating, educated, montreal, match, with apps for the calgary for active members. Ign up today. Gay cowboy central. Thor, because they have laid over 40 charges against nine people and more. This article explains the role of online dating sites in making two individual, including the aged people meet and then go ahead with a long term relationship. It is a completely wrong notion of most people that people keep searching for partners till they are not reaching a certain age. Human being is not a species that enjoys living alone. So, their search goes on until they find the right partners whom they can share their lives with. There are several single people who are aging gracefully. That does not mean, they need to get old alone. Different match making organizations and dating websites have take initiative to bring the single and lonely middle-aged people closer. This way, it becomes easier for aged single people to find out like-minded people whom they can talk, laugh and fall in love with. The dating agencies have come a long way since their inception to make people meet in order to befriend. Singles dating is often dominated by different websites offering the right channel for online dating. Most of such dating websites keep a huge list of people who are grouped often in the basis of their age, educational qualification, background, the places they come from and several other demographics. Arab Palestinian Dating in Calgary, Alberta There are registered members from Calgary New Calgary personals: 0 Calgary women: Calgary men: Information about new Calgary personals resets automatically every 24 hours. Free Online Dating, Friends and Fun. Remember me Password recovery. Lots of Funn Lets meet? A matchmaker is well worth the money — provided you invest in the right one! Krystal Walter is no stranger to matchmaking — she tried several services on her own, unsuccessfully. She found them to be lacking a personal touch, which inspired her to start her own. What To Expect: Potential clients can choose between having a profile listed in the database for a few hundred dollars, or opt to purchase a matchmaking membership. Clientele: Divine Intervention specializes in helping newly single men and women who are starting to date again after a divorce or the end of a long relationship. Each membership is customized for the client, so the price will vary depending on your particular search requirements, dating coaching, etc. Clientele: Wright works with Calgary singles of all ages who are seeking a serious relationship. Unlike the first 3 Calgary matchmakers in this guide, Perfect 12 is a US-based matchmaking service.
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Quit While You’re Behind by James Killough I keep telling Baker and Tuttle that we’re moving away from this whole Marcus “Marcia” Bachmann gay thing, but then something pops up to keep it current, like my buddy Shawn Riegsecker sending me this wonderful YouTube vid yesterday: If you are too lazy to watch the video (just click on the image above; I didn’t embed the video), it shows a bunch of gay neo-barbarians “glittering” Marcia’s ex-gay clinic in Minnesota. For those who aren’t up to date on this, Marcia uses government money to try to brainwash Gheys via scalding enemas of self-hatred and magical thinking (a.k.a. religion) into denying who they really are. What she is doing is so beyond outrageously offensive and borderline criminal that it needs to be hosed down with serious humor and satire, the only effective antidotes to the poison of evil intentions. I wholly endorse this glittering barbarian approach. It’s akin to what Dan Savage did by Google bombing Rick Santorum’s political career nearly out of existence a few years ago. (Savage has a new video out threatening to do more damage if Santorum tries to get uppity with the anti-gay thing again in this presidential bid.) Surely this is the moment in the epic struggle for Middle-Earth America when Savage and other High Elven Lords, wielding their newly forged wedding rings of power, lead armies of fairies to crush the diabolical Bible-shielded orcs. When people bring up Marcia fathering five children as proof she isn’t gay, my response has been that the only reason she hasn’t fathered more is because she and Michele must have broken the turkey baster. However, despite waging siege warfare against Marcia’s ex-gay practices, I get a lurking uneasiness that I’m behaving a bit like a PT Barnum, enjoining people to step right up to a freak show featuring one of my own tribe, albeit a tribal who is so much less well adjusted and content with herself than I am that it has gradually deranged her over the years. In an email yesterday, Baker agreed, saying that he almost feels sorry Marcia. This isn’t just a normal closet she lives in. It’s a frickin’ bank vault buried deep in the Swiss Alps. My Lord Of The Rings imagery of the elven Dan Savage leading the fairy hordes against the gnashing Bible orcs is actually hopeful and somewhat serious; what I am sensing is that this ex-gay/Marcia Bachmann scandal is the first issue since the AIDS crisis that has the potential to unify and galvanize us Gheys as a whole, but it’s so much more fun because Marcia is literally such a soft, easy target, and, well, the height of the AIDS crisis, which gave birth to gay activist groups like Act Up, was the opposite of fun. It was a an endless night of horror that kept me celibate for a total of six years during my twenties. Sex just wasn’t worth the outcome I was witnessing. Broader civil rights implications of equality under the law aside, ultimately the repeal of DODT and DOMA is directly relevant only to niches within our niche of society: to military Gheys; to life-partnered Gheys; to civil rights crusaders. But the attempt make us ex-who-we-are, to try to modify us as if we were interns in some Maoist re-education program, and using government money to do it, is a form of socio-cultural terrorism that affects us all. If we are barbarians, and I personally totally own that description with Viking horn-blowing pride, then we should remember a time a thousand six hundred years ago when the hordes of northern Europe banded together to turn the tables on centuries of oppression, and marched on Rome and sacked the bitch. (Yeah, so they also plunged us into the Dark Ages, but that was entirely Christianity’s fault.) So, despite wanting to roll around in fluff and review movies and generally tickle readers with saucy anecdotes, I guess I’m not quitting the March On Marcia any time soon. Indeed, quitting in general has been on my mind lately since I heard a semi-ridiculous, but thought-provoking segment on NPR, “The Upside of Quitting.” In a nutshell, it was about the benefits of knowing when to quit any endeavor, plan or habit that is making you miserable or isn’t working, and to quit it fast. This is a tricky one for filmmakers, both indie and studio alike. To quote a line from Postcards From the Edge, one of the truest, most insightful films about the movie industry, “Everyone is always getting out of the business, but they never do.” After listening to the NPR quit-fast piece, I suddenly felt epiphanized and clear-headed. I was going to put an end to this dysfunctional relationship between me and film, finally. I mean, come on, look at what’s up there now: the two hundred million-dollar apparent flop Cowboys & Aliens was in development for fourteen years despite having Spielberg and half of Olympian Hollywood attached behind and in front of the camera. But forget the big kids, in our corner of the playground it’s worse. If closing an indie film deal was tough pre-recession, now it’s an achievement akin to parting the Red Sea. So, following my retirement from film (yet again) on my way home from Trader Joes while listening to NPR, I resolved just to focus on this blog and expand it, to make commercials and create other content for the Web. No more of this self-inflicted development hell with film; masochism is an insidious mental illness best left in France and to those porn videos I can never really watch no matter how hard I try. Just to make sure I was cleansed of all unproductive illusions, I threw my Sisyphean romantic aspirations into the quitting bonfire as well. As the saying goes, you’re born alone and you die alone, so why expect or want anything else? Burn them all. Be happy alone. Except. Wait. Truth is, I’ve never really understood that saying. I wasn’t born alone. My mother was definitely there, beyond exhaustion after thirty-eight hours of labor, and when I finally surmounted my justified ambivalence about coming into this world, I plopped out of her womb into the hands of another person, her obstetrician, an old Jewish crone at Beth Israel Hospital in Manhattan (“best circumcisions in town,” as I like to say whenever it’s most inappropriate). No doubt nurses were present, too, at this proverbially lonesome birth. As for dying alone, my half-Indian nieces, who are being raised with a strict sense of Asian familial duty, will hopefully be by my side when I breathe my last, which I always imagine will take place in a cozy colonial bungalow in Goa, after which they will toss Crazy Uncle James onto an open sandalwood pyre. The eldest niece, Savannah, will mutter prayers as she circles the flames and sprinkles water from a brass urn, despite her sister Uma reminding her I was an orthodox atheist. I have been training them for my final days since they were old enough to change the diapers on their dolls: “You’ll be changing mine one day, girls, so practice, practice, practice!” I do agree that you should quit fast if you are miserable, no matter what the consequences, especially a job you hate. Much as it would seem reasonable for me to quit filmmaking—the amount of money I have spent developing projects could have bought me quite a bit of prime real estate by now—the fact is I am happiest when I’m on set, or when I write the sequence of a script that is such a blast it has me banging away at the keyboard with the maniacal glee of a bald Liberace on Ecstasy. Sadly for development execs everywhere, my epiphany about quitting was crushed a few days after hearing the NPR piece. I had cheerfully informed Lisa Katselas, the lead producer on my play Hatter, that I was giving up on it ever being produced, fully expecting her to go, “Yeah, well, maybe you’re right.” Since we made the move two years ago to adapt the screenplay for Hatter for the stage, and attached Sean Mathias as director, we have been trying to cast a suitable male lead. But it appears the script is still so far out there and edgy, the title role so morally dubious that even the baddest of the bad boys of stage and screen have shied away from it. The main character, Matt Hatter, is an unapologetic Machiavellian narcissist, a monster Dr. Frankenstein might have stitched together using parts of John Galliano, Alexander McQueen, Tom Ford and Keith Richards, while following Nietzsche’s Superman as a blueprint. Lisa thinks the Hollywood he-men are shy because Hatter has to be in a jockstrap for a combined thirty minutes on stage, including the twenty-minute bondage sex scene, but that just sounds to me like you’re being paid to have fun so I can’t imagine why it’s a problem. But I was wrong about Lisa’s reaction to my NPR-inspired intentions. “Well, you go ahead and give up,” she shot back. “I’m not.” Lisa owns the option on Hatter. She’s the boss of me now. By the end of our phone call, the flames of my quitting revelation were doused. It certainly helps you to carry on when it isn’t all just up to you any more. You’re forced to kick your sniveling inner pessimist to its feet and keep plodding along until you either get there or die trying. “Find a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life,” Confucius said. When you have a Confucian Job, or a vocation, giving up isn’t really an option, anyway; in truth, Lisa was just affirming what I wanted to hear from someone other than my sniveling inner pessimist. Back in the mid-90s, I made a sincere attempt to quit film, after it had wiped me clean for the first time. I got a Real Job in the corporate sector, and stuck to it for five years. However, in spite of my aspirations to abandon my vocation, I still found myself waking up at 5 a.m. to chisel away at some screenplay or other that was keeping me up at night, kicking in the womb of my mind, pushing to be born. That hour and a half of scribbling at dawn, when I was able to spend quality time listening to the chatter of my beloved characters, recording their unexpected actions before they inevitably changed their minds and wandered off to do something else, kept me sane during those miserable years in the salt mines of conformity. I get called “crazy (but in a good way)” regularly. I shrug it off as meaningless because I don’t believe it about myself. Eccentric, yes, crazy, no. To me, true madness is conformity, marching to the beat of someone else’s drum, and allowing that drum beat to grow so loud that, like Marcia Bachmann, you become deaf to who you were actually born to be. So, yeah, quitting is for smoking and other addictions, for Real Jobs and bad situations. When you are both lucky and damned enough to have a vocation, when you are in love with anyone/anything to a degree that makes that relationship as inexorable as it is torturous, you can never turn your back and walk away. If you can, it wasn’t really serious to begin with, so count yourself lucky to be unburdened of one more illusion.
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Appeal: Welcome to Palestine 2012 an article by Palestine Justice Network "We, the undersigned, endorse the call from the Welcome to Palestine 2012 initiative for supporters of Palestinian human and national rights around the world to openly visit Palestine during Easter 2012. click on photo to enlarge There is no way into Palestine other than through Israeli control points. Israel has turned Palestine into a giant prison, but prisoners have a right to receive visitors. Welcome to Palestine 2012 will again challenge Israel's policy of isolating the West Bank while the settler paramilitaries and army commit brutal crimes against a virtually defenceless Palestinian civilian population. We call on governments to support the right of Palestinians to receive visitors and the right of their own citizens to visit Palestine openly. The participants in Welcome to Palestine 2012 ask to be allowed to pass through Tel Aviv airport without hindrance and to proceed to the West Bank to take part in a project there for children to benefit from the right to education." for more information, you can go to www.BienvenuePalestine.com, or contact the following emails directly. France : [email protected] (French and English speaking) UK : [email protected] (English speaking) Belgium : [email protected] (French and English speaking) SIGNED (partial list): Desmond TUTU (Afrique du Sud, archévêque, prix Nobel de la Paix pour sa lutte contre l'apartheid) Ronnie KASRILS (Afrique du Sud, ancien membre du Congrès National Africain) Noam CHOMSKY (Etats-Unis, auteur, linguiste, philosophe) Tony BENN (Grande-Bretagne, ancien ministre socialiste) John PILGER (Australie, journaliste et cinéaste) Nawal Al SADAAWI (Egypte, auteur, féministe) Nurit PELED ELHANAN (Israël, professeur, activiste de la paix) Sam BAHOUR (Palestine, Right to Enter Campaign) Jonathan COOK (Grande-Bretagne, journaliste indépendant vivant à Nazareth) Vauro SENESI (Italie, dessinateur et auteur) AbdelFattah ABU SROUR (Palestine, directeur du centre culturel Al-Rowwad, camp de réfugiés d'Aïda à Bethléem) Xavier RENOU (France, fondateur et porte-parole des « Désobéissants ») Jean ZIEGLER (Vice-President of the Advisory Committee of the UN Human Rights Council) Rabbi Lynn GOTTLIEB (Shomer Shalom Network for Jewish Nonviolence) (Click here for a French version of this article) Question(s) related to this article: Presenting the Palestinian Side of the Conflict, Does this promote a culture of peace? * * * * * LATEST READER COMMENT: We have been pre-occupied with the Israeli bombing of Gaza for the past two weeks and have been receiving horrific photos of the dead and injured from our Palestinian friend in Gaza. We showed the film 'Little Town of Bethlehem' on November 22nd. There is another chance to see it at St. Barnabas Church, Rainbow Hill tonight. We are also showing an exhibition of art from Atfaluna school for deaf children in Gaza. Their pictures were drawn after the bombing of Gaza for three weeks in December/January 2008/2009 when about 1400 Palestinians were killed, including nearly 400 children. There will be many children traumatised by the recent bombing of Gaza when more than 30 children were killed and dozens injured. The total number of deaths was more than 160 Palestinians and 5 Israelis. . ...more.
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Benjamin G. Greenberg is the former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida. Ben is a seasoned litigator who represents corporations and individuals in criminal and civil government investigations involving the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), health care fraud, SEC matters, financial institution fraud, money laundering, and the False Claims Act (FCA). Ben’s clients include private equity funds, pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers, banks, health care providers, and international companies in the technology, financial services, and investment space. Ben also conducts internal corporate investigations and advises clients on a wide array of compliance and regulatory issues. Ben uses his deep government experience and knowledge of international legal matters to help international clients navigate national and local matters involving the Department of Justice, the SEC, foreign governments, and other law enforcement agencies. Ben is also an experienced trial attorney who has tried more than twenty cases to verdict in federal court. As U.S. Attorney, Ben was the chief federal law enforcement officer for one of the largest and busiest offices in the country, responsible for overseeing more than 200 attorneys and close to 500 employees. In this capacity, Ben worked closely with the Criminal Division and the National Security Division in Washington to supervise high profile and complex cases in South Florida. Ben also traveled abroad to meet with senior law enforcement officials regarding joint investigations and to develop strategies for combating transnational crime. As U.S. Attorney, Ben oversaw prosecutions under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) involving the bribery of foreign government officials, securities and financial fraud, a healthcare fraud takedown of 124 defendants responsible for $337 million in false billing, dozens of health care related False Claims Act cases, and national security prosecutions. As a trial attorney, Ben convicted the CEO of a major financial institution for securities fraud, bank fraud, and conspiracy in one of the most noteworthy corporate fraud cases in South Florida history. He also led the extradition and prosecution of Ze’ev Rosenstein in a case of first impression against the leader of one the most dominant Israeli organized crime syndicates. Prior to law school, Ben was selected as a Rotary Ambassadorial Fellow to study at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem. - White collar crime - Health care fraud - Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - Internal investigations - False Claims Act - Government investigations - Money laundering
{ "date": "2022-05-26T10:35:29Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662604794.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20220526100301-20220526130301-00455.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9371988773345947, "token_count": 488, "url": "https://www.gtlaw.com/de/professionals/g/greenberg-benjamin-g" }
Springfield's Public Schools The Springfield City School System educates over 25,000 students in 43 public schools, four alternative schools, and three charter schools. A number of Springfield's public schools are magnet schools which specialize in certain subject areas such as math or the arts. Springfield's magnet programs start at the elementary level and include literature, global studies, dramatic and performing arts, medical science and community service, environmental studies, medical science, technology, law, business, finance and inquiry science. The Montressori and Reggia Emilio methods are used in some of the city's fine public schools. The Springfield Renaissance School is an Expeditionary Learning School for students in grades 6-12 and has won numerous competitive grants and other awards. Springfield has three schools involved in the prestigious International Baccalaureate program. Kensington Avenue Magnet School (Primary Years Programme), Van Sickle (Middle Years Programme), and the High School of Commerce (Diploma Programme) are among very few schools world-wide to participate in the IBO program, designed to foster academic excellence and international awareness. The Springfield School System also offers an Early College High School in conjunction with Holyoke Community College. To read the latest edition of the "Springfield Educator" a newsletter about the city's public schools, visit the school department's web site and click on the link to the PDF newsletter at the top of the page. Students from the 2007 class of Springfield public high schools have been accepted at schools such as Tufts University, Temple University, St. John's University, Suffolk University, Syracuse University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University, Northeastern University, and George Washington University among others. Many students are also electing to stay local at one of the world class institutions in and around the City of Springfield. Charter and private schools Private and parochial schools include the Academy Hill School, Cathedral High School, Pioneer Valley Montessori School, Pioneer Valley Christian School, and St. Michael's Academy. Business leaders have called Western Massachusetts "New England's Knowledge Corridor" for its highly skilled and trained workers and for the excellent access to education and training in numerous top-notch facilities offering higher education. In addition, numerous institutions collaborate with area business for employment and specialty training opportunities. In 2004, almost 18,000 people were enrolled in full or part-time programs at Springfield's nine postsecondary institutions, which include three four-year colleges, a technical community college, four training institutes and a midwivery certificate program at Baystate Medical Center. Western New England College, American International College, Springfield College, and Springfield Technical Community College are all located in the city. Within a 40 minute drive are BayPath College (Longmeadow, MA) Elms College (Chicopee, MA), Holyoke Community College, Westfield State College, and the Five Colleges of Smith, Mt. Holyoke, Amherst, and Hampshire Colleges and the University of Massachusetts' flagship Amherst campus, as well as Trinity College, Asnuntuck Community College, UConn and University of Hartford in Connecticut. Continuing Education/Adult Enrichment Continuing Education and adult enrichment classes are available through all of the local colleges, as well as at the Jewish Community Center of Springfield, the Springfield Museums, and through the city-wide City Library system.
{ "date": "2013-06-20T02:20:59Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368710006682/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516131326-00056-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9500405192375183, "token_count": 690, "url": "http://choosespringfieldmass.com/education.html" }
Nancy Elizabeth Kent Westberry, 87, died Monday, Dec. 24, 2012, with family and friends by her side. Nancy was born June 25, 1925, the daughter of Rodolphus and Marion Kent. She grew up in Presque Isle, Maine and Brooklyn, N.Y. She spent summers at her parent’s camp on Shin Pond, Maine. Nancy was educated at Beaver College for Women in Philadelphia and received her undergraduate degree as well as graduate studies at the University of Maine. She taught college in Maine as a young woman, and enjoyed ice-skating and skiing with her beloved father. She also taught at the Bonner School in Los Angeles, California, eventually returning to Maine. In 1953 Nancy met Billy Murray Westberry, an Air Force Judge Advocate General (JAG) officer who was stationed at the Loring Air Force Base in Caribou, Maine. They both shared a love of the outdoors and were soon married at the St. John’s Episcopal Church in Presque Isle, Maine. Nancy and Bill then moved to Marion, Ky., after his honorable discharge from the Air Force, where Bill practiced law and Nancy taught History and English to generations of students. Nancy and Bill spent many summers on their boats on Kentucky and Barkley Lake sharing cherished times with family and lifelong friends. Eventually they moved to Paducah where they were not only closer to the lake, but to their friends and family. Nancy was a member of Grace Episcopal Church, a former member the Kentucky Educational Television (KET) Board, the Country Club of Paducah, the Marion Methodist church and numerous book clubs where she continued to share her life-long love of literature. She is survived by her sons, William Bishop Westberry of Houston, Texas and R. Kent Westberry (Leslie) of Louisville, Ky., grandchildren Andrew Kent Westberry and Katherine Elizabeth Westberry. Among the greatest joys of her life was the time she and Bill spent with their two grandchildren, Andrew and Katie. She was preceded in her death by her husband of nearly 50 years, Bill Westberry, and her parents, Rodolphus and Marion Kent. Nancy was known as a kind and loving person always willing to share her gifts with others. The family is especially grateful for the care and support provided by Bill Westberry’s surviving sisters Doris Daigle of St. Michaels, Maryland, Patty Callender of Painesville, Ohio and Vickie (Bookie) McGee of Paducah. A funeral service was held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012, at the Grace Episcopal Church in Paducah with Rev. Meghan Holland officiating. Burial followed in the Smithland Cemetery in Smithland, Ky. Visitation began at noon on Saturday at the church. Milner & Orr Funeral Home of Paducah was in charge of the arrangements. The family asks that expressions of sympathy be made to the Fohs Hall Community Arts Foundation in Marion, Ky., P.O. Box 55, Marion, Ky., 42064; Kentucky Educational Television (KET), 600 Cooper Drive, Lexington, Ky., 40502 or to the charity of your choice. You may leave a message of sympathy or light a candle at www.milnerandorr.com. Constance “Connie” Cameron, 90, Educator With JCPS Constance “Connie” Cameron, 90, of Louisville, passed Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2012, at Jefferson Place. Connie enjoyed a full and happy life surrounded by her family and engrossed in her work. She was a career educator starting with teaching, moving to administration and ending at the JCPS Volunteer Talent Center. She graduated from St. Lawrence University, where she met her husband Jack Cameron; she also received multiple graduate degrees from the University of Louisville. Upon moving to Louisville with Jack in 1955 she started working for JCPS, a career that lasted until her death. Over the years Connie was loved by her students, many of whom continued to contact her well past the years they had left the school system. Her passing is a loss to many outside of the family. Connie was preceded in death by her husband Jack; her parents, Mathias and Ethel Poersch of Schenectady, N.Y.; her brothers Matt and John of Schenectady; and her sister Mary of Schenectady. She is survived by daughter Katie (Bob Barnard), of Martinsville, Ind., and son John (Rosie) of Louisville, grandchildren Pam and Bobbi Barnard of Martinsvile; Becky (Chris) Doemland of Indianapolis; Maggie Cameron of Alexandria, Va.; Shelby Rose and Jack Cameron of Louisville; and great grandchildren Carri Doemland and Matt Doemland. To say she will be missed is a gross understatement. Her funeral Mass was held 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 22, at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 501 Cherrywood Road, with burial in Calvary Cemetery. Visitation was Friday from 4 to 8 p.m., at Ratterman’s, 3711 Lexington Road. Contributions may be made to The Parkinson’s Associations or St. Jude. Fanny Rose Rosenbaum, 92, Community Leader Fanny Rose Rosenbaum, 92, died Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2012, at her residence. She served as vice chairman of National Women’s Division United Jewish Appeal (1962-1968), chairman of Louisville Women’s Division United Jewish Campaign (1958-1959), president of Jewish Community Federation of Louisville (1972-1974), vice president of Metro United Way (1975), commissioner of Kentucky Commission on Human Rights (1966-1969 and 1970-1975), vice president of N.C. J.W. – Louisville Section, president of Louisville Chapter Women’s Committee of Brandeis University and president of The Women of Reform Judaism at The Temple, for two terms. She was also involved as a reader and monitor for the blind, a speaker, locally and nationally for United Jewish Appeal and an amateur pilot. She also served on the Board at many organizations, including American Red Cross, Louisville Chapter Executive Committee, the Bellarmine-Ursuline Trustees, the Louisville Conference of Christians and Jews, Jewish Hospital, Louisville Urban League and the Board of Trustees at The Temple. She received many awards in her lifetime but notably the Center for Women & Families Women of Distinction Award (1997), the Ottenheimer Award (1975), the Hannah Solomon Award – N.C.J.W. – Louisville Section (1974) and the Man of the Year Award – B’nai B’rith (1967). She is preceded in death by her husband, Dr. Irvin S. Rosenbaum. She is survived by her daughters, Barbara Katz (Dr. Bernard) and Diane Rosenbaum, both of Boston; her son, Richard Rosenbaum (Janet); six grandchildren, Dr. Matthew Katz, Emily Williamson, Dr. David Rosenbaum, Stacy Rosenbaum, Michael Miller and Tony Miller; long-time, special friends, Bobbie and Warren Armes; and dear friends, Faye Schiefferle and Maye Young. A memorial service will take place at a later date. The family had visitation Friday, Dec. 21 after 1 p.m. at the residence of her son, Richard, located in Cardinal Club Estates. Herman Meyer & Son was in charge of arrangements. Because Fanny Rose had so many interests in her community, the family has requested expressions of sympathy go to donor’s favorite charity. Donna Rose (House) Christopher, 61, Member Of Ashby Lane Baptist Church Donna Rose (House) Christopher, 61, of Louisville, passed away Dec. 18, 2012, at Sts. Mary & Elizabeth Hospital. She was a member of Ashby Lane Baptist Church. Survivors include her mother, Delores Jean (Quinn) House; son, Ronald Keith Seidl (Stacy Beckert); granddaughter, Alyssa Smallwood; sister, Betty Hale (Henry); brothers, Tony (Janice), Tim (Melissa) and Marty (Lisa) House; aunt, Jackie Burkes; 11 nieces and nephews; eight great-nieces and nephews; numerous cousins; and friend, Ronnie Seidl. A funeral service was held at 11 a.m. Friday, Dec. 21 at Owen Funeral Home, 5317 Dixie Highway, with burial in Louisville Memorial Gardens, West. Visitation was Thursday from 2 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home. Online condolences may go to www.owenfuneralhome.com. William Keller Sparks Jr., 51, Employed By Brantley Security William Keller Sparks Jr., 51, of Louisville, passed away at his home Monday, Dec. 18, 2012. He was employed by Brantley Security and an avid NASCAR fan. He was a devoted and loving father to his daughter, Sophia, who was the love of his life. He enjoyed nothing more than spending time with her. He was preceded in death by his father, William K. Sparks Sr. He is survived by his loving daughter, Mary-Georgia Sophia Sparks and her mother, Stephanie Sachs Sparks; his mother, Ann L. Dellis (Herschel); sisters, Elizabeth Radford (Cy) and Mary Catherine Saylor; and nieces Keller and Ann Preston Radford and Claire and Kate Saylor. His funeral service was held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 22 at Pearson’s Funeral Home with burial following at Calvary Cemetery. Visitation was from 4 to 7 p.m. Friday at Pearson’s. Expressions of sympathy may be made in his honor to The Healing Place, 1503 S. 10th St., Louisville, Ky., 40210. Margaret (Gardner) Kittel, 100 Margaret (Gardner) Kittel, 100, passed away Sunday evening, Dec. 16, 2012, at Twinbrook Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Margaret graduated from Ursuline Academy, was a member of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church and Iroquois American Legion Auxiliary No. 229, and a past member of the Bonnycastle Club. She was preceded in death by her husbands, William H. Young, Alex Vogedes and George (Boots) Kittel; her parents; and her brothers. She is survived by her “special daughters” and caregivers, Judy Howell (Jerry) and JoAnne Fess (Larry) and their families; cousin, Joan Linette; faithful friend, Sharon Hodges; and a host of other friends. The family would like to thank the staff at Twinbrook and Hosparus for the excellent care they gave Margaret. Her funeral service was held at 1 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012, at Highlands Funeral Home, 3331 Taylorsville Road, with burial following in Cave Hill Cemetery. Visitation was from 3 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Highlands. Expressions of sympathy may be made in her name to Hosparus or to the Nazareth Home. Clinton B. “Buck” Grant, 90, Retired Welder For Airco Carbide Clinton B. “Buck” Grant, 90, passed away Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2012, at Norton Audubon Hospital. He was born in Little Cake, Ky. He was a retired welder for Airco Carbide and a member of Robinson Lodge No. 266. He enjoyed clock collecting, arrowhead hunting and rifle shooting. He is survived by his loving wife of 47 years, Oma “Joyce” (Wilson); son, William C. Grant (Charlotte); daughter, Karan Nolan; grandchildren, Kevin, Cindy, Kyle and Launa; great-grandchildren, Victoria and Logan; and a brother, Edward Wallace Grant. His funeral was held at 10 a.m. Friday, Dec. 21 at Owen Funeral Home, 5317 Dixie Hwy., with burial at Louisville Memorial Gardens West. Visitation was from noon to 8 p.m. on Thursday.
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I commented a while ago (note that the map isn't fixed, sadly demonstrating the powerlessness ofthe Blogoverse) about my negative reaction to Israel's newly announced plan to build 600 new homes in the occupied West Bank. My reaction was in large part triggered by the announcement, but then I read this editorial in the NY Times ( looked but couldn't find the original Haaretz article online Mich at Tonecluster just forwarded the url of the article in a comment below), and my feelings were even stronger: The newspaper said it had given a team of reporters three months to interview officials, pore over ministry budgets and make calculations. The exercise was filled with frustration, but the conclusion drawn is that since 1967, Israel has spent roughly $10 billion on the settlements. Currently, the annual amount spent on settlements' civilian needs is more than $500 million. One of the reasons the Haaretz study was so difficult to carry out is that the Israeli government's budgets have purposefully hidden spending on settlements within other costs, bundling them with subsidies to border communities and those in the Negev Desert, areas where people need to be induced to live either because of risk or limited economic opportunities. This cover-up is part of an unhappy pattern. Look at any government map of Israel, and you will find no border demarcating the occupied territories. Although Israel has never officially annexed the West Bank and Gaza Strip, it has treated them, in many ways, as if it had. This means that those seeking to establish Jewish towns and villages in the captured lands have benefited from generous government subsidies: personal income tax breaks, grants and loans for house purchases, bonuses for teachers. The Jewish settlers, who now number 230,000, have been granted special bypass highways, water supplies and health clinics. Even the cheery red-roofed bedroom settlements a few miles from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are treated as if they were distant depressed towns. Teachers who settle in them, for example, get four years' seniority, an 80 percent housing subsidy and 100 percent reimbursement for travel, and more. The result, according to Haaretz, is that the average settler family benefits from about $10,000 more per year of government spending than a family living within Israel proper.Here's the deal. Pretty much every one of us - regardless of whether we live in the Americas, Europe, Asia, or Africa, lives on land taken from other people by conquest. That's pretty much the basic story behind our history as humans. The question becomes: When do we stop the clock? In 1967, Israel took by force of arms the territories known as the Golan Heights, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. They held them, originally, as a defense against conventional military invasion, as had been attempted in 1948, was imminent in 1967, and was tried again in 1973. With those territories, came a population of Arabs - many displaced in the conflicts of 1948, and loosely Jordanian, Syrian, and Egyptian at first - but now and forever Palestinian. The question is simple: Did Israel hold those territories as conquest, with the intent of expanding into them? Or were they a military buffer and political bargaining chip? As a military buffer, events, history, and military technology appear to have passed their usefulness by. As a political bargaining chip, Israel seems to find itself in the predicament of the kidnappers who took Bette Midler in 'Ruthless People'...no one wants them back. So what we're left with is conquest. Morally, many (including me) find that repugnant. And the official claim is that Israel doesn't intent to take over ("colonize," for lack of a better term) the Occupied Territories; Israeli efforts to negotiate some kind of 'land for peace' deal would support that. But... ...by building an increasingly dense network of civilian communities in the West Bank and Gaza, what happens on the ground looks like a creeping colonization. So as much as I'm happy to bust the Arab world for talking peace and diplomacy in English and bombs and bullets in Arabic, I have to wonder how it is that we're talking diplomacy and ceding control of the Occupied Territories in English, and budgeting for new construction in Hebrew. Let me note one thing: I haven't changed my opinion that offering statehood to the Palestinian people, as things stand today, would be a fool's errand. Either there is no government capable of containing the violence of the various sects, or the government is duplicitously claiming that it cannot. In neither case has anyone these shown me that they deserve the keys. But while we figure out how to deal with the charmingly erratic nature of the Palestinian polity, we need to do so from a position that is sustainable - militarily, economically, politically, and morally. And I've gotta question whether the current policies - of quietly burying a huge budget to subsidize people to move into the settlements, while talking about handing them back to the Palestinians - are sustainable on any of those grounds. Militarily, the original justification for settlements was they would provide 24/7 sets of Israeli eyes to assure that there would be no pre-invasion buildup. Between satellite imagery and Predators, that justification seems pretty much evaporated at this point. I have to believe that in the face of constant, low-intensity attacks such as we are seeing now, the settlements cost a great deal more in readiness than they provide. Economically, the Haaretz articles seem to speak for themselves. Politically, I used to think that the slowly growing settlements were a ploy to induce the Arab world to hurry up and negotiate - if they waited too long, there wouldn't be any land left over to make into Palestine. It may be that we're hitting that point now (back to 'Ruthless People' again). But the fact is that Israel has to figure out what to do with the population in the West Bank- having done too little over the last 20 years has created the conditions we see today, in which crazed leaders can make strapping on a Semtex belt seem like a sensible thing to do. I have come to believe that Israel should either annex the Territories and deport anyone who objects - and take the political conseuences, which I believe would be catastrophic - or find a way to give them up. Neither of those processes is helped by this current policy of accretion. And morally, it's hard to look at the policy of settlements while negotiating to give it back without a certain level of repugnance. It's duplicitious at best, while a public and absolute freeze on settlements - and even a meaningful rollback of some of the less-defensible ones - would at a time of profound Arab weakness, should be seen as a sincere act and demonstration of good faith. M. Simon emailed the following in response to my intial snippet of a comment: To Armed Liberal, Since the comments are broken I have this reply about settlements. If Arabs and Muslims living in Israel are no obstacle to peace please explain how Jews living in the Palestinian territories are an obstacle to peace? If that is not good enough then you might consider that for a peace deal that was real Israel has dismantled settlements in the past. Why wouldn't they do it again? Settlements are an imaginary obstacle. Land is not being taken from Arabs. Land which once belonged to the Jordanian government (which they have long since renounced) is being used. SimonAnd I owe him a reply. First, and foremost, the Arabs who live in Israel do so freely as members of the Israeli community - they are subject to israeli laws, participate in the israeli economy, and do so with the free and full consent of the Israeli government. Settlers live in enclaves, subject to Israeli law rather than what passes for Palestinian law, and do so over the protest of much of Palestinian society. If Arab governments bought or expropriated (as Israel has done to property once owned by the Jordanian or Egyptina governments) land and built enclaves for Palestinians within Israel, subject to Jordanian law, the people of Israel would be rightly outraged. Why is it different for the Arabs? Yes, they can be dismantled for a peace deal, but I've got to believe that as they and the people who live in them get more and more entrenched it will be less and less possible to do so every year. And personally, I'd rather see the $500 million/year spent more constructively by being offered directly as a bribe to the Palestinians for peace. Fred Lapides also blogged this at Israpundit
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K+Converstion with Kuwaiti Kuwaiti(07:53:52 PM): Lol, theyre like the radical jews, the ottoman empire occupied the place when jews arent there, so literally they left the place, after the fall of the ottoman empire there was the mufti of jerusalem (muslim) who had british mandate, when ww2 ended, and jews came along and settled the place, british mandate backed off and jews attacked palestinian people and took the land Kuwaiti(07:54:27 PM): long story short, they invaded palestine JBG (07:56:03 PM): I see it differently. The Ottomans physically ruled but, not having the resources to develop sold teh land to the Jews JBG (07:56:27 PM): The Jews made it a garden spot but the Arabs don't want any non-arabs there Kuwaiti(07:56:53 PM): the ottomans were muslim JBG (07:57:16 PM): I know. they had the rule ove the land but no people for it Kuwaiti(07:57:37 PM): palestinians Kuwaiti(07:58:02 PM): it was a city JBG (07:58:03 PM): there actually weren't very many there Kuwaiti(07:58:45 PM): its the most precious land in the world religion wise JBG (08:04:57 PM): I just wonder given how little land Israel has why they can't be left alone Kuwaiti(08:06:00 PM): one of the three holy sites in islam is in jerusalem Kuwaiti(08:06:44 PM): the two state solution is fine for me JBG (08:09:03 PM): but Israel lets the Muslims use it freely. not so the other way around Kuwaiti(08:09:26 PM): nope they dont let them use it freely Kuwaiti(08:09:36 PM): its burned since when? Kuwaiti(08:10:04 PM): the jews burned the mosque inside out JBG (08:10:13 PM): if you wanted to go there yocertainly could Kuwaiti(08:10:30 PM): Lol proof? Kuwaiti(08:10:42 PM): wait Kuwaiti(08:10:43 PM): no Kuwaiti(08:11:38 PM): they cud use it freely but NOT for palestine Kuwaiti(08:11:51 PM): and im not sure if thats true^ JBG (08:12:14 PM): When Jordan and Egypt had certain lands they certainly didn't turn it over to the palestinians Kuwaiti(08:13:15 PM): jordan trys to control the west bank but egypt? wth? Kuwaiti(08:13:51 PM): what did egypt do? JBG (08:13:53 PM): gaza Kuwaiti(08:13:58 PM): no Kuwaiti(08:14:02 PM): they AID gaza JBG (08:14:12 PM): they had gaza 1948-67 Kuwaiti(08:16:12 PM): arabs are against israel not thereselves JBG (08:17:14 PM): so what you're sayingis Arab rule for Palestinians is OK but notJewish rule? Kuwaiti(08:17:54 PM): muslim arab rule yes. Kuwaiti(08:19:30 PM): if theyre the same why the arabs couldnt rule Kuwaiti(08:19:33 PM): ? JBG (08:19:57 PM): if they're the same why can't Palestinians be absorbed into other Arab countryies? Kuwaiti(08:20:36 PM): its an islamic holy site we wouldnt let it go without a fight to our death JBG (08:21:39 PM): but when the Arabs held the holy sites before June 1967 they still felt it necessary to right Israel to the death for some reason Kuwaiti(08:22:18 PM): right israel to the death? what do u mean JBG (08:22:28 PM): Fight I mean JBG (08:22:32 PM): compt is freezing Kuwaiti(08:22:59 PM): Lol Kuwaiti(08:23:13 PM): theres masjid al aqsa and the dome of the rock Kuwaiti(08:23:20 PM): theyre both different Kuwaiti(08:23:33 PM): masjid il aqsa is forbidden to use JBG (08:23:43 PM): those were both under Muslim control pre-1967 Kuwaiti(08:23:44 PM): its what we want Kuwaiti(08:23:55 PM): u mean 1948 JBG (08:24:31 PM): no between 1948 and 1967 Kuwaiti(08:25:05 PM): No between those dates, israel declared itself a state Kuwaiti(08:25:32 PM): and palestines city was quickly set up to be gaza JBG (08:26:08 PM): but the State of Israel didn't inclue Al Aksa or the Dome of the Rock Kuwaiti(08:26:17 PM): ooooh u mean the west bank Kuwaiti(08:26:23 PM): i thought u said palestine Kuwaiti(08:26:55 PM): 1948-1967 it was controlled by jordan JBG (08:28:16 PM): right and jordan still felt the need to attack Israel in 1967 JBG (08:28:28 PM): thus costing those areas Muslim control Kuwaiti(08:29:38 PM): it was in muslim control king hussein wanted to reapproch with peace for israel to develop JBG (08:30:34 PM): How hard is it for Muslim worshipers now to go to the Dome of the Rock or Al Aksa mosque? Kuwaiti(08:31:57 PM): well now its in jewish control and muslims do not want to go to israel and the al aqsa mosque is burned down nobody can pray there JBG (08:32:41 PM): when did it burn down? JBG (08:33:19 PM): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Aqsa_Mosque JBG (08:35:56 PM): when did it burn? Kuwaiti(08:36:05 PM): hold on Kuwaiti(08:37:05 PM): nope it was a threat sorry http://www.imemc.org/index.php?obj_id=53&story_id=56670 JBG (08:38:04 PM): anyone who threatens a place of worship deserves their own place in hell Kuwaiti(08:38:26 PM): well its still under threat Kuwaiti(08:39:06 PM): "Yet, Israel ignored the resolution as it did with every single resolution regarding the Palestinian-Israeli and Arab-Israeli conflict." JBG (08:39:12 PM): I guess areas like Sdirot are not under threat of missle attacks Kuwaiti(08:39:48 PM): iran knows the weakpoints of israel Kuwaiti(08:40:52 PM): In 1979, a group of 40 extremist Jews attempted to break into the mosque and yet they were all acquitted by an Israeli court. Kuwaiti(08:41:39 PM): you can see why arabs wouldnt desire a jewish rule JBG (08:44:53 PM): but how many jews are allowed to live in kuwait? Kuwaiti(08:45:09 PM): a trillion Kuwaiti(08:45:23 PM): but there is as little as 30 jews Kuwaiti(08:45:29 PM): i guess Kuwaiti(08:45:53 PM): but the record i know of is 300 jews in 1920 Kuwaiti(08:51:05 PM): r u a jew? JBG (08:51:42 PM): yes Kuwaiti(08:51:55 PM): hah i knew it JBG (08:52:17 PM): I respect Islam and I hope you respect Judaism Kuwaiti(08:52:28 PM): I do JBG (08:53:06 PM): And I wish more Muslims ad an open mind abotu Israel. As allies we cold be powerful Kuwaiti(08:53:54 PM): both are showing bad examples, i hope that happens JBG (08:54:17 PM): But I want peace, not a houdna Kuwaiti(08:54:32 PM): houdna? JBG (08:55:06 PM): look it up. it's the temporary peace Mohamed gave to reload and re-arm Kuwaiti(08:57:18 PM): situation is, currently palestine is heading for one state solution, but considering 2 state solution , iran can back both solutions for the palestinians JBG (08:58:20 PM): you mean getting rid of Israel for one state? Kuwaiti(08:58:29 PM): yep JBG (08:59:04 PM): why would you or any people of good will want that? Kuwaiti(08:59:11 PM): palestine is the brain and iran is the muscles Kuwaiti(08:59:23 PM): i ddnt say i wanted that Kuwaiti(09:00:06 PM): Kuwaiti(04:06:44 AM): the two state solution is fine for me Kuwaiti(09:00:16 PM): i posted that earlier JBG (09:01:40 PM): oh ok
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Welcome to Schwartz Bakery Schwartz Bakery is the oldest kosher bakery in Los Angeles. Established in 1954, Schwartz Bakery has consistently served the public with the highest quality baked goods, as well as the highest standards of kashruth. Schwartz Bakery is certified by the OK. Over a decade ago, Schwartz Bakery partnered with Circa NY a restaurant chain based in New York to become the premier kosher bakery and cafe concept in Los Angeles. With this addition, came a complete remodel and renovation of all of the retail stores and the greater Los Angeles Jewish Community has benefited greatly from this symbiotic relationship. We are certified kosher by the SCHWARTZ'S NOW OPEN: New Meat Location 8856-8858 W. Pico Blvd.
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In N.Y., race still matters SILVER SPRING, MD. — Have the voters of New York "moved beyond race?" That's what supporters of former Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo suggest. Mr. Cuomo is competing in the September 2002 Democratic primary for governor against New York State Comptroller H. Carl McCall, who, if elected, would be New York's first black governor. Cuomo and his advisers are telling reporters that the fact an African-American is running for governor doesn't mean as much to voters now as it might have in the past. "They are not interested in making an academic point, or a symbolic point," Cuomo says. But before Andrew Cuomo starts to judge what black voters are "interested in," he might reread his father's 1982 speech to a black ministers' association, reprinted in Mario Cuomo's book "Diaries." The elder Cuomo begins with a quote from Adam Clayton Powell: "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts or Whites who claim to understand Blacks." Andrew Cuomo isn't being patronizing when he claims race won't be a factor in the primary election to run against Republican Gov. George Pataki. But he isn't being very smart either. I can imagine the focus groups where they thought this one up: First, they might have tested how people felt about Mr. McCall's candidacy. Enthusiasm for this "symbolic" point probably went through the roof. The pollsters went back and huddled. "Let's try them on old politics versus new politics," someone might have suggested. "Or the hip-hop artists who've endorsed us versus Bill Cosby and Harry Belafonte." Cooler heads prevailed. "I know," said a spin doctor. "We'll appeal to their better natures. Let's test substance versus symbolism. Quick, write this down: What's more important - electing someone who can help people in their lives or electing New York's first black governor?" Now, perhaps the Cuomo campaign's research techniques weren't quite that crude, but the result is the same - a market-tested, "safe" campaign theme that's about as bland as a meal at McDonald's. I've worked with McCall and heard his political story. It's an impressive one - raised by a single mother on welfare, one of eight African-Americans in his class at Dartmouth. An ordained Protestant minister, McCall served three terms as a state senator from Manhattan; was appointed by President Carter as US ambassador to the United Nations; worked on Wall Street as an executive and bank vice president; served as president of the New York City Board of Education; and was first elected comptroller in 1993. His wife, Joyce Brown, is a professor of clinical psychology and president of the Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan. Cuomo has an impressive record of his own. He managed his father's first campaign for governor and served for a year as a key aide to Governor Cuomo. After working as an assistant district attorney in Manhattan, he practiced law and founded what became the nation's largest provider of transitional housing for the homeless. Cuomo was an energetic secretary of Housing and Urban Development, focusing on community planning, redevelopment, and homelessness. His wife, Kerry Kennedy Cuomo, shares the passion of her late father, Robert Kennedy, for human rights, as an activist and author. The excitement felt by McCall's supporters has been building for years. When former Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan was asked about a successor, upon announcing his retirement, he said, "I'm looking at you, Carl." But McCall declined to run, as did Andrew Cuomo, leaving the way clear for Hillary Rodham Clinton. Cuomo's critics charge he's too ambitious. He's a young man, they say, and should make his first race for office something other than a challenge to the more deserving McCall. But voters gave Senator Clinton, another novice candidate, a huge mandate. In politics, ambition is nothing to hide under a bushel. But judgment is another thing. Cuomo is foolish to deny the historic nature of his opponent's candidacy. Weren't Jewish voters entitled to feel a special pride in Sen. Joseph Lieberman's candidacy for vice president? African-Americans and their supporters are similarly energized about McCall. And they know that winning the New York governorship has the potential to make him a credible presidential candidate someday. Rather than try to peddle a flimsy line to voters, Cuomo would do better with some straight talk like this: "Is it exciting and important that McCall is running for governor? You bet it is. I just happen to think I'll be a better governor. Let me tell you why." Instead, Cuomo is trying to shift the focus away from McCall, which is his right and duty as a candidate. It's what political consultants call a clever pivot - a first step toward a point that sounds sensible, and then a clever step away from the other guy and onto your own base of strength. For Cuomo, the play goes down like this: "Race doesn't matter, jobs matter, here's my jobs plan." The only problem is that McCall will have a jobs plan, too. Andrew Cuomo's message may be scrubbed, tested, and focus-grouped, but if he continues to dismiss as "symbolic" Carl McCall's career as a black political leader, voters who know better may tune him out. William Klein is a political consultant and commentator. (c) Copyright 2001. The Christian Science Monitor
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THE CRUCIBLE OF FERMENT: New York's "Psychic Highway" Highlights the religious fervor and social activism that occurred during the nineteenth century across a narrow band of New York State from southwest of Buffalo to Albany. Klees attempts to answer what it was about this region that caused this intensity of emotion to occur and seven new religions, sects and utopian communes to be established. Illus. Item #: 3789314 KINGS OF THE GRAIL: Tracing the Historic Journey of the Cup of Christ from Jerusalem to Modern-Day SpainPaperbound$4.95 $17.95 HOLY HORRORS: An Illustrated History of Religious Murder and MadnessPaperbound$17.95 $22.99 IRAN'S GREAT INVASION: And Why It's Next in Bible ProphecyPaperbound$7.95 $9.95 THE EVE OF SPAIN: Myths of Origins in the History of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish ConflictHardbound$9.95 $66.00
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« AnteriorContinuar » ceived; as a king may be concealed under the dress of a slave. Q. What is to be understood by the word substantially? A. The word substantially is deserving of great attention, and will help to remove many difficul. ties from such as can distinguish between substance and accident. For hy it we do not say that Christ is in the sacrament as in a place having reference to size and quantity, with all the other accidents of a material body, but as he is a sube stance : neither do we say, that the substance of the bread and wine is changed into the magnitude and quantity of Christ, but into the substance of Christ. Q. When the host is divided, is there then any division made in the body of Christ? A. No; for a division of the host is not a change of the substance it contains, but only of the accidents. As the consecration takes place equally, whether the substance of bread before consecration be in a greater or less quantity; so the whole, substance of Christ remains in the sipallest particle of every subsequent division of the species. It has been already said, that quantity is an accident; but an accident is no part of the nature of substance. In a small urn, for instance, containing water, there must be all the naa ture of water, as much as in a river; in a spark all the nature of fire, as much as in a furnace. Q. Why did Christ leave to the Church the sacrament of the Eucharist? A. First, That the Church might always have the presence of her Spouse and of her God. 2dly,--That on earth there might always be a sacrifice most acceptable to God. 3dly,That men might have a spiritual food and refreshment. ON THE EUCHARISTIC SACRIFICE OF THE NEW MONLY CALLED THE MASS. A. It is an oblation of some sensible thing made to God by a priest or lawful minister, in order, the destruction or ange of the thing offered, to shew forth the absolute power and the supreme dominion of God over all created things. It is the supreme act of religion, and can be offered to none but to God. Q. Is there offered in the Mass a true and proper sacrifice ? A. Yes ; for there is publicly offered to God the Father, by a lawful minister, the body and blood of Jesus Christ, under the species of bread and wine, that their destruction or change may shew forih the absolute power and supreme dominion of God over all his creatures. Q. Is this fit matter for a sacrifice ? A. Yes; the most fit that is possible; because the most acceptable to God, and most suited to produce all the ends of sacrifice : which are, 1st, --that the Deity may receive honour and glory from his creatures. 2dly,—that he may be duly thanked for his benefits. 3dly,--that he may receive an adequate satisfaction for sin. And 4thly, that he may be induced to confer new graces and blessings on bis creatures. Q. Does the sacrifice in the Mass formally agree with the general definition of a sacrifice ? A. Yes. First it is an oblation of a sensible thing to God, most worthy of himself ; for the body and blood of Christ are therein offered to God the Father, under the symbols of bread and wine. — Secondly, Christ therein manifests the sacrifice he made of himself, and by it commemorates his bloody passion.--Thirdly, on the part of Christ, of the Church, and of the Priest, therein is fully acknowledged the supreme and infinite sovereignty of God, over all created things, Q. Who is the author of this sacrifice ? A. Jesus Christ, in a two-fold manner. First, because he himself instituted it. Secondly, he himself offers it by the hands of the Priest. Q. When did Christ institute this sacrifice ? A. He instituted it and offered it at his last supper. Q. Did Christ offer this sacrifice in his Passion ? A. Christ, in his Passion, offered a bloody sam crifice; but at his Supper, he instituted and offered an unbloody sacrifice, essentially the same, and substantially commemorative of the other. Q. When did Christ give power to his Apostles and their successors to offer this sacrifice ? A. At his last Supper, when he said, Do this in commemoration of me. (Luke xxii. 19.) Q. Does the Church offer this sacrifice ? Q. Do the faithful, and particularly those present and assisting, offer this sacrifice ? A. Yes; they offer it in the same manner, by the ministry of the Priest. Q. Does the Priest then offer this sacrifice ? Q. Can this sacrifice lose or suffer in merit and dignity by the unworthiness or criminality of the ofierers ? A. No; it cannot. Q. Was this sacrifice prefigured in the Old Testament? A. Yes, First, directly and particularly by Melchisedech's oblation :-Secondly, by the Jewish feast of unleavened bread, which was annually observed on the day of Christ's Passion:-andthirdly by the eating of the Paschal Lamb. Q. Was it spoken of by any of the Prophets? A. Yes, clearly by Malachy (i. 11.) A. That a clean sacrifice and oblation, agreeable to God, should succeed the Jewish sacrifices, and should be continually offered throughout the world. Q. What constitutes the sacrifice offered in the Mass ? A. The consecration of the body and blood of Christ; and the offering the same to the eternal Father. Q. What is proposed by the other rites and ceremonies ? A. They elevate the minds of the faithful to a contemplation of the divine mysteries. Q. Is this sacrifice also beneficial to the dead? A. It is beneficial to those who, indebted to the justice of God, are satisfyiug for their sins in purgatory; as Jesus Christ may offer it for them to his eternal Father. Q. What is the effect of this sacrifice on the living? A. It has the same virtue and merit as the passion of Christ ; for in essence it is the same sacrifice. The efficacy of this sacrifice is, that it applies to men, according to the disposition of their souls, all the fruit of the passion of Christ; that is his merit and satisfaction. Q. How great is the dignity of this sacrifice ? A. It is infinite in dignity. For the thing offered being hypostatically united to the divinity contains infinite dignity. 2dly, As to the form ; for the offerer is Christ, who is both God and man. The sacrifice is therefore infinite in dignity, and is only equalled by the sacrifice which Christ offered on the cross, with which it is identified. It is moreover the consummation and perfection of allthe sacrifices offered to God under the natural and revealed law. Q. Is not this sacrifice sometimes offered to the saints ? A. Never; the church merely makes a remembrance of them in the sacrifice, hy returning thanks to God for the graces he has bestowed upon them, and by imploring their prayers. Q. Should this sacrifice be offered every day! A. Yes; for it is the most supreme worship That can be rendered to God. ON THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE. Q. As members of Christ what do we lose by sinning after baptism? A. We forfeit the grace of Christ; and continue as his members dead in sin. Q. How can we recover from this state, and regain the grace and justice of Christ ? A. Only by sincere repentance and Christ's Te-app!ying his merit to us. Q. Has Christ promised on our sincere repentance to re-apply his merit and justice to ns ? A. Yes, upon one condition; that we confess our sins with contrition, to a priest of his church, and from him obtain an absolution ; also promising satisfaction. Q. What is this sacrament called ? A. Yes ; 1st, there is a sensible sign; 2dly, it causes grace ; 3dly, it was instituted by Christ. Q. By what words did Christ give his ministers a power to forgive sins ? A. By these words in St.-John ; whose sins ye shall forgive, they are forgiven them: and whose sins ye shall rétain, they are retained. (xx. 19.) Q. Is it absolutely necessary for all persons to receive this sacrainent, in order to obtain the forgiveness of those sins they have coinmitted since their baptism?
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8 April 2005 What the Pope Really Did By Gwynne Dyer It was the biggest photo-op in world history, and everybody who is anybody was there. Even the Protestant president of the United States and the Muslim clergyman who is president of the Islamic Republic of Iran felt obliged to show up for the Pope’s funeral. But the media circus has already moved on to the next global event — two divorced British people in late middle age getting married in a registry office in Windsor — and there is one last opportunity to consider the life of Karol Wojtyla. Forget all the stuff about how he smothered all the new thinking and decentralisation that were beginning to transform the Catholic church when he was chosen pope in 1978. It’s true, but he was elected precisely to carry out that task. The conservatives in the Curia who had been sidelined by Vatican II were determined to stop the rot (as they saw it), and they were well aware that Wojtyla was a man in their own mould when they pushed him forward as the dark-horse candidate to succeed John Paul I. He acted as they expected that he would, and it would be foolish to condemn him for it. He held those beliefs long before he became pope, and he never hid them. But there was one thing he did that astonished and appalled the conservatives. It was also the one thing he did that will still define the Catholic church’s policy centuries from now. Most of John Paul II’s policies are eminently reversible, if a subsequent generation of church leaders should decide that a different line on contraceptives or women priests is more in accord with divine teaching. That isn’t likely to happen any time soon, given the way that he has packed the College of Cardinals with like-minded individuals, but with enough time many things become possible. What later generations are most unlikely to reverse is his acknowledgement that Judaism is a valid alternative path to God. We are not just talking “apology” here — although Christians certainly owed apologies to the Jews for two millennia of slander and persecution — nor even “reconciliation”. John Paul II went far beyond that, though few members of the general public realised it at the time: he recognised Judaism as a true religion. There is an old saying, beloved of Catholic theologians, that “error has no rights.” It drives the ecumenical crowd crazy, but it is perfectly logical: if you believe that your religion is true, and the others are different, then the others are false. John Paul II was perfectly affable and hospitable to various Protestant Christians who came to visit, but he truly believed that they were wrong, wrong, wrong — and he refused to enter into the equal relationships that they fondly imagined to be possible between the various Christian sects. He was more open to the Orthodox Christian world, both because he came from eastern Europe himself and because the quarrel between the Orthodox churches and the Church of Rome has always been about hierarchical and stylistic matters, not about basic doctrinal issues. It was in his relations with the non-Christian religions that are also in the lineage of Abraham, however, that John Paul II broke decisively with Christian and Catholic tradition. In fourteen hundred years of constant and intimate contact between the Muslim and Christian peoples around the Mediterranean, he was the first pope ever to enter a mosque. He doubtless continued to believe that Christianity was the one true successor to Judaism and that Islam was a post-Jewish, post-Christian heresy, but he was the first pope to argue that cordial relations between them were possible and desirable. And in the case of the Jews, he went much farther. It’s understandable that the new religion of Christianity, struggling to distance itself from its Jewish roots, should have insisted that the Christian revelation had invalidated and replaced the older faith. By implication, however, that meant that those Jews who refused to convert were in revolt against God — and from that mind-set came the Christian image of Jews as “Christ-killers,” and two millennia of savage Christian persecution culminating in the European holocaust of 1942-45. Karol Wojtyla was a witness to that holocaust, which may be why he did the extraordinary thing that he did. On his visit to Israel in 2000, he posted a prayer in a niche in Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall which said: “God of our fathers, you chose Abraham and his descendants to bring your name to the nations. We are deeply saddened by the behaviour of those who in the course of history have caused these children of yours to suffer, and asking your forgiveness we wish to commit ourselves to genuine brotherhood with the people of the covenant.” By posting that prayer in the wall, he acknowledged that this uniquely Jewish method of communicating with the Almighty is valid — and by its contents he accepted that the Jewish covenant with God is still in force. It was a thing done in a moment, but it ended two thousand years of Christian rejection of Judaism. The Catholic church, while still advocating the conversion of everybody else, no longer seeks the conversion of the Jews, which is as close as it can come to acknowledging the essential validity of the Jewish faith. That was the Big Thing that John Paul II did, and it is more important and will last far longer than all the other things he did put together. To shorten to 725 words, omit paragraphs 2 and 3. (“Forget…now”)
{ "date": "2022-05-17T02:02:46Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662515466.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20220516235937-20220517025937-00256.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9806561470031738, "token_count": 1142, "url": "https://gwynnedyer.com/2005/what-the-pope-really-did/" }
“You can’t dance at two weddings with one behind” says an old Yiddish proverb, which is used in a slightly different way in Hebrew nowadays as “You can’t dance at two weddings in the same time”. Last year, my grandmother celebrated her 90th birthday and we went to Germany for the celebration which happened to be exactly during Purim. My son was learning all about Purim, the Megillah, costumes and more at his Gan, but unfortunately we had to take off just before the holiday. While staying in Germany he continually asked if there will be Purim once we get back and if he can dress up as a firefighter this year. With a heavy heart I had to explain him that the Purim party at the kindergarten won’t wait till we return and that he will have to wait until next year. He couldn’t dance at two parties in the same time. A year has passed, and it’s almost Purim. This year he can finally dress up as firefighter Sam, 3 times at least, with all the parties we have been invited (so far). Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar. Not only for kids. You all may know about reading the Megillah, making noise and eating Hamentaschen, but there is one Purim custom for adults you may not know about – GETTING WASTED! Ad-lo-yada – “until he doesn’t know” The Aramic word explains how drunk Jews are obligated to get: so drunk that they can’t tell the difference between Haman the cursed and Mordecai the blessed. Adloyada became the official name for the annual Purim parades in different cities in Israel. Costume parties throughout the country happening at the same time. Here are some pictures from 1934 and 1959 I stumbled upon, from “Adloyadas” in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv. If you scroll down you can also watch a video from Purim in Tel-Aviv, 1934. Wishing you all a joyful and happy Purim, if you need some last minute Mishloach Manot tags download them here for free. 25% off entire shop And last but not least, “ad-lo-yada”, is also our discount code to receive 25% off our entire shop at www.thesabrapatch.com. (NO, WE ARE NOT DRUNK YET).
{ "date": "2022-05-21T02:49:44Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662534773.36/warc/CC-MAIN-20220521014358-20220521044358-00256.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9561361074447632, "token_count": 533, "url": "http://isralove-design.com/tag/purim/" }
Posted by Joshua on Sunday, December 24th, 2006 Here is Robin Wright elaborating on the Bandar-Turki fight: Robin Wright in the Washignton Post explains some of the reasons for the tug of war between Saudi Arabia's ambassadors. Bandar's faction was able to cut off Turki's funds, forcing him to leave behind millions in un-paid emabassy debts when he departed the US. The important policy debate which under girded the factionalism was over how to deal with Iran and how much to support Washington's Middle East policy. Here are a few paragraphs from her story. The woes within the royal family reflect a tug of war over how to handle foreign policy. Eighteen months ago, Prince Bandar bin Sultan ended a legendary 22-year career as the face of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Word at the time was that he was bored, preferring his palatial Aspen, Colo., lodge to Washington. As it turns out, however, Bandar has secretly visited Washington almost monthly over the past year — and is at least as pivotal today in influencing U.S. policy as he was in his years as ambassador. Last week, his successor, Turki, abruptly resigned from the post — partly, sources close to the royal family said, because of Bandar's back-channel trips to meet with top U.S. officials, including Vice President Cheney and national security adviser Stephen J. Hadley. Turki was kept so out of the loop that Bandar often did not inform him he was in town, much less tell him what he was doing, the sources said. Twice, the Saudi Embassy was told by an outsider that Bandar had arrived — and the embassy sent someone to the airport to look for his private plane to confirm it, according to the source who provided the tip. The rise of Bandar, who is now Saudi national security adviser, may reflect the waning influence of the sons of the late King Faisal, who dominated the diplomatic and intelligence services for decades, say sources close to the family. Turki, who was intelligence chief before becoming ambassador to Britain and then the United States, has poor chemistry with King Abdullah, they note. His brother Prince Saud al-Faisal, who has been foreign minister since Henry A. Kissinger's era, is ill…. The cutoff of funds appears to be one manifestation of a royal rift over, among other things, the way to handle the rising influence of Iran in the Middle East. In his secret visits, Bandar increasingly pressed the Bush administration not to deal with Iran — and, instead, to organize joint efforts to counter Iran's growing influence in the Middle East, such as in Lebanon, said sources close to the royal family. The new model would be based roughly on the kind of joint U.S.-Saudi cooperation that assisted anti-Soviet forces during Moscow's 1979-1989 occupation of Afghanistan, the sources said. Washington and Riyadh are already planning a major aid and military training package for the beleaguered Lebanese government of Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, whose government is besieged by thousands of supporters of Iranian-backed Hezbollah. The Sunni kingdom sees Iran as a threat because of Tehran's alleged nuclear weapons program. The kingdom also fears the shifting balance of power — under Iran's tutelage — between minority Shiites and majority Sunnis, who have dominated Middle East politics for almost 14 centuries. The monarchy faces its own restive Shiite minority in the main oil-producing province. The kingdom grew particularly alarmed as the report of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group began to leak out last month, with recommendations that the administration talk to both Iran and Syria, say U.S. officials and sources close to the royal family. Even before the report was released, Abdullah summoned Cheney to again warn about Iran and the regional implications of its growing influence — and offer Saudi assistance and discuss joint U.S.-Saudi efforts. The al-Faisal brothers, in contrast, have consistently urged dialogue with Tehran and are wary of joint U.S.-Saudi efforts against Iran and its surrogates. Turki often urged the United States to deal with its enemies. In one of his final public speeches, at the Philadelphia World Affairs Council last month, Turki said: "We speak directly with Iran on all issues. We find that talking with them is better than not talking with them." Turki's frequent public events — in which he was frank about America's poor image abroad and urged progress on the deadlocked Arab-Israeli peace process as the key to defusing broader regional tensions — generated an unusual amount of attention in the Saudi media and made him a popular figure back home. Saudi experts say differences within the royal family, like virtually everything having to do with the House of Saud, are heavily nuanced. "On Iran policy, they all make the same diagnosis but have a different prescription for what to do about it," said David E. Long, a former U.S. diplomat and the author of five books on Saudi Arabia. After a year of internal tensions and failure to pay bills, Turki was not invited to Riyadh for Cheney's visit, Saudi sources confirmed. And Bandar returned to Washington again right after the meeting to discuss the specifics of the joint efforts. Two weeks later, Turki quit. Report on secret Olmert-Sanyurah meeting in Egypt (mideastwire.com) "The source further noted that "Olmert told the Lebanese prime minister that the enhanced international presence in Lebanon as well as the backing provided by the United States to its friends have created an unprecedented window of opportunity to rid Lebanon of Iran's and Syria's allies." The source added that Al-Sanyurah confirmed to Olmert that his government is determined to carry out what is required of it, such as implementing Lebanon's sovereignty, eliminating anything that stands in the way of this process, disarming the Hezbollah, and eradicating pro-Damascus and pro-Tehran forces. The source said that Olmert arrived in Sharm al-Shaykh on board a commercial airliner belonging to Arkia Airlines, which has commercial flights to Taba and Sharm al-Shaykh." – Ma'an News Agency, Palestine Syria's 'isolation is over': Syria's Deputy P.M. spins that Syria's has broken out of its isolation 23/12/2006 08:32 - (SA) London – The international isolation of Syria is over as Western powers have realised they need to work with Damascus, Syrian deputy prime minister Abdallah Dardari told a British newspaper published on Saturday. Dardari told the Financial Times business daily that the international community now recognised that it ought to talk to President Bashar al-Assad's regime if it wanted progress in the Middle East, particularly on Lebanon and Iraq. "The former political isolation of Syria has ended. It is no longer there," he told the FT. "I don't want to say there is a sense of 'I told you so' but there is a sense that people are realising in Western capitals that if you want to be influential in the Middle East, you have to come through Damascus." Relations between the United States and Syria are tense. But earlier this week, two US senators, including John Kerry, the former Democratic party presidential candidate, were in Damascus for talks with Assad. Dardari said that previously, the United States had simply presented Syria with a list of demands to end various practices, instead of talking about mutual interests, and that this attitude proved ineffective. "It didn't work in April 2003, just after (the) occupation of Baghdad. If it didn't work then, at the peak of US influence in the region, it will not work now with Syria," he said. Dardari added that Syria's priority was to secure the return of the Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since 1967. The United States said Wednesday it supported Syrian opposition groups rivalling Assad, but said such support was overt, and not a secret bid to undermine his government. US President George W Bush has dismissed calls for a direct US dialogue with Syria, which Washington accuses of letting extremists into Iraq and undermining Lebanon's fragile democracy by funding and training the militant Hezbollah group. The Syrian government daily Ath-Thawra hit out on Friday at terms set out by the US government for heeding a bi-partisan panel's recommendation to open a dialogue on calming neighbouring Iraq. The paper was following a line already set out by Assad. "They (the Americans) have to differentiate between a dialogue and giving instructions. We are open to a dialogue, but we will not take instructions," Assad said earlier this month. The Israeli public is not yet ready for a Golan-for-peace Yossi Sarid in Haaretz It was not Bush, but the occupation. The findings of the Peace Index survey published in Haaretz about a month ago indicated a clear trend: Most of the Jewish public is opposed to a full peace treaty with Syria in exchange for a complete withdrawal from the occupied Golan Heights (67 percent are opposed and only 16 percent are in favor). Some 51 percent believe that sooner or later a war will break out between the two countries. And nevertheless, the public is firm in its opposition to a formula of total peace for all of the Golan. There is nothing new under the local sun, which beats down and dries up people's brains. Only being beaten over the head with a club or a hammer opens people's minds here and leads to a painful sobering up. That's what happened when public opinion refused to give up Sinai, and only after a terrible war did it accept an overall withdrawal down to the last of the settlements; and that's what happened when public opinion supported the first Lebanon War before it became complicated and contaminated and forced us to flee by the skin of our teeth; and that's what happened when our public opinion rejoiced in anticipation of America's war in Iraq, of which Israel is the main victim; and that's what happened only five months ago when public opinion goaded Olmert and Defense Minister Amir Peretz into striking at Lebanon mercilessly, and during the first week even crowned the two military commanders with more than 80 percent support. Politicians tend to flatter and praise their nations: a smart and wise nation, they say; the public is not foolish, they say. But when nations are in distress, they are liable to be revealed not only as laymen but as absolute lunatics. In times of anxiety, the voice of the people is not the voice of God. Public opinion is a rooster-shaped weather vane that rotates with the direction of the winds, the winds of foolishness; public opinion is shifting sands – from the right to the left, just sand, mainly sand. If Olmert and Peretz and Peres and Herzog and Bar-On had seen contrary surveys, indicating support for a complete withdrawal in exchange for complete peace, you can rest assured that they would be singing a different tune to Israel, and that the Bush excuse would have been erased without leaving a trace. They are yet to see other days, other surveys, immediately after the next war. Michel Kilo, who is in jail and must watch his words, calls for Israeli engagement with Syria. He claims that the best way to promote democracy in Syria is to return the Golan and begin dialogue between East and West. دعا الكاتب والمعارض السوري ميشال كيلو، من سجنه أمس، الرئيس الاميركي جورج بوش إلى «العمل الجاد لإقامة دولة فلسطينية» وإجبار إسرائيل على الانسحاب من الجولان وبقية الأراضي اللبنانية، وسحب القوات الاميركية من العراق. وقال مقربون من كيلو المعتقل في سجن عدرا شرقي دمشق، بعد توقيعه على «إعلان بيروت ـ دمشق»، انه بات يستطيع استخدام هاتف عمومي في باحة السجن، على غرار سجناء الحق العام.وقال كيلو، في مقابلة مع وكالة «فرانس برس» من سجنه، «كنت أتمنى لو أن بوش لم يكتف بالمطالبة بحرية المعتقلين السوريين»، في إشارة إلى بيان بوش مؤخرا، والذي دعا فيه دمشق إلى الإفراج عن جميع المعتقلين السياسيين في سوريا، وضمنهم كيلو. وأضاف كيلو «كنت أتمنى لو أعلن برنامجا زمنيا ملزما لانسحاب (القوات الاميركية) من العراق، وتعهد بالعمل الجاد لإقامة دولة فلسطينية… كنت أتمنى لو التزم بإجبار إسرائيل على الانسحاب من الجولان وبقية أراضي لبنان المحتلة». وأوضح كيلو «لو أن الرئيس الاميركي فعل ذلك … لقدم خدمة كبرى للديموقراطية وحقوق الإنسان، ولقيد بصورة جدية قدرة نظم الفساد الاستبدادية العربية على قمع شعوبها».
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7 Tips & Tricks Farmers Use to Feed Their Animals (& Actually Keep Them Healthy) In recent years, Americans have become increasingly concerned about where their meat comes from, how it is raised, and how the animals are treated by farmers. Films like Food, Inc. have made many Americans think more carefully about the food they choose to feed their families. Parents are concerned about everything from antibiotics in chicken to hormones in beef to tainted animal feed linked to Mad Cow. But many Americans don’t realize that many farmers actually treat their animals very well. Think about it: if a farmer doesn’t take care of his livestock, he loses money. So it’s only natural that smart farmers choose to treat their herds and flocks to the best possible food. Here are some of the ways that farmers preserve the health of their animals...just by feeding them properly. 1. Natural Enzymes for Water Quality Research into a natural enzyme that can be added to hog and chicken feed could make many animals around the country much healthier and happier. The feed contains a natural enzyme made from fungi. When added to livestock feed, the enzyme helps to reduce phosphates lost in manure. The end result? The animals retain more phosphates, making them healthier. In addition, water quality is also improved because the manure created by the livestock does not contain phosphates that can contaminate the water supply. 2. Grass-fed Beef The findings from a recent USDA-conducted study comparing corn-fed beef and grass-fed beef found that grass-fed beef is "higher in beta-carotene, vitamin E, omega-3s, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), calcium, magnesium, and potassium; lower in inflammatory omega-6s; and lower in saturated fats that have been linked to heart disease." 3. Halal-Certified Meats Halal is the Muslim equivalent to Kosher food preparation in the Jewish faith, and these animals are treated quite well before they are taken off to the abattoir. Halal-certified animals (cattle, goats, sheep, and poultry) cannot be given artificial growth hormones during the course of their lives. In addition, the animals and poultry must have been fed only vegetarian feed, organic feed or Amish-style feed. 4. Kobe Beef Kobe beef comes from the most pampered cows in the world. While it is true that the cows are raised to have a high degree of fat marbling, the cows lead remarkably stress-free lives. The cows are massaged daily with rice wine in order to promote circulation and improve the quality of the meat. The cows are also given beer every day to help them relax, as well as to help improve their appetites. Today they are raised on only 262 small farms, most of which pasture fewer than five cows, and the largest of which run only 10 to 15 animals. Happy cows make for great-tasting meat, and Japanese Kobe beef often retails for $100 per pound. 5. Prebiotics and Probiotics Prebiotics and Probiotics are another way that farmers and ranchers can improve the health of their animals. In the case of horses, prebiotics and probiotics are used to help aid digestion, which in turn can ease the ill effects of stress, illness, and even old age in a beloved horse. By feeding an animal the correct balance of live and active cultures from beneficial bacteria, the owners are protecting their investment and improving the animal's quality of life. 6. Whole Grain Chicken Feed Some farmers are passionate about feeding their flocks with the highest quality, all-natural feed. One chicken farmer swears by this feed recipe (http://www.greenerpasturesfarm.com/ChickenFeedRecipe.html) 2 parts whole corn (in winter this is increased to 3 or 4 parts) 3 parts soft white wheat 3 parts hard red winter wheat 1 part hulled barley 1 part oat groats 1 part sunflower seeds (in winter this is increased to 2 parts) 1 part millet 1 part kamut 1 part amaranth seeds 1 part split peas 1 part lentils 1 part quinoa 1 part sesame seeds 1/2 part flax seeds 1/2 part kelp granules free choice of granite grit free choice of oyster shell Those are some healthy chickens! Most Americans don’t even eat that well! Oh, and in case you are wondering about the grit and shells....those are necessary for proper digestion. The minerals in oyster shells also help the chickens to lay eggs with strong shells. 7. Swine Dining Pigs are notorious for eating anything they can get ahold of. But some pigs eat better than others. For example, one select group of pigs is fed by some of the finest restaurants in Las Vegas. Nevada farmer Bob Combs (who was featured on the TV program “Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe”) takes leftover food from renowned Vegas eateries and gives it to his pigs. The finest seafood, pastries, and even ice cream help to fatten his hogs. What Las Vegas diners would pay hundreds of dollars for in a restaurant becomes the favored feed of our porcine friends, giving them a rich and varied diet. Sources: http://www.greenenvironmentnews.com/Environment/Agriculture/Fungal+Enzyme+Could+Help+Livestock+Retain+Phosphate http://www.albalagh.net/halal/0059.shtml http://www.grayson-jockeyclub.org/newsimages/Probiotics050109.pdf http://planetgreen.discovery.com/food-health/foods-unsafe-doctors-eat.html http://www.askthemeatman.com/kobe_beef.htm
{ "date": "2013-05-23T11:41:01Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368703298047/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516112138-00057-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9439411759376526, "token_count": 1214, "url": "http://www.probioticsmart.com/blog/tips-tricks-farmers-use-to-feed-their-animals-actually-keep-them-healthy/" }
By CP Staff By Ed Huyck By Ed Huyck By Ed Huyck By Ed Huyck By Ed Huyck By Ed Huyck Looking through my notes from 2006 (to be donated upon my demise to the National Archives of Overwrought Obfuscation), I found no fewer than 34 candidates for my Top 10 List—and that's knowing that I missed several worthy shows this year. The opening of the new multi-stage Guthrie was the scene stealer this year (for good reason), but there were other great stories: the public American premiere of the transcendent Gatz at the Walker, the bold work for teens on the CTC Cargill Stage, and the time I found the perfect free parking space in downtown St. Paul before a show at Park Square. Of such events are legends made. Top 10 Shows of 2006 (in alphabetical order) Amerika, or the Disappearance Theatre de la Jeune Lune This show featured everything we love about Jeune Lune: sumptuous visuals, outré performances, and a cutting humor that dug into Kafka's unfinished novel with an unsurpassed intelligence. (All the better, the company whittled down the local version from the three hours it originally ran at Cambridge's American Repertory Theater). What sticks in the memory is the tremulous Karl (Nathan Keepers), horrified by burlesque visions of the land of the free—such as Luverne Seifert's rootin'-tootin' Texan and Sarah Agnew's sex-bomb seductress. This was director Dominique Serrand at his best, illuminating his work with restless curiosity and kinky subversion. Skewed Visions updated its ongoing site-specific derangement of the senses in a dormant office building across from the Grain Belt Brewery. Days and Nights mined modernity's alienation, evoking the texture of a feverish, tooth-grinding night spent in a haunted past. One scenario followed the true story of Bruno Schulz, a Jewish painter and novelist who was compelled to paint a child's mural for an S.S. officer in the final weeks of his life. A weary Nathan Christopher crossbred this history with the Rumpelstiltskin myth, weaving strips of paper from books in a futile bid to save his hide. Downstairs, Charles Campbell broke down in a seedy apartment while Cherri Macht swilled a beer in urban oblivion next door. The result was spookier than the Celebrity Paranormal Project and more surreal than The Surreal Life. Theatre in the Round What a marvelous piece of total trash was this Jane Martin Western—like a John Ford picture remade by John Waters. The cracked action revolves around Big 8 (Karen Wiese-Thompson, with her typical comedic seamless ease), a woman who lives alone on a Wyoming ranch and supplies mystical—and occasionally sensual—services to bashed-up rodeo riders. Her latest charge is the dim Rob Bob (Josh Jabas), a lug-nut cowpoke tangled up in pink with a girl who has a homicidal maniac named Black Dog on her tail. Bob Malos stole the show as the aforementioned ebon canine, getting shot, stabbed, and shot again, repeatedly coming back to life with cartoon menace. This show lampooned everything that's right and sane, amid buckets of blood—a Yosemite Sam cartoon come to life with Ralph Bakshi drawing the pictures. You spent the first hour of this show wondering whether it was going to reach transcendence or fizzle out like so many duds from an unsatisfying Fourth of July fireworks display. This story of two burnt-out Vietnam vets played to the strength of its male leads, with Terry Hempleman supplying gee-whiz geniality and Stephen D'Ambrose lending a tart air of repression to a guy unable to deal with his past. But the mixer that made the drink was the women: Camille D'Ambrose as a crowbar-swinging mother and Heidi Bakke as the war-scarred girlfriend. Breathy, mannered, and inappropriate, Bakke broke through as the evening went on, embodying the incoherent and broken spirit that results from our nation's wars of choice. The spirit of Robert McNamara makes an appearance in the script, but no worries: Future performances can be rewritten to include Don Rumsfeld. University of Minnesota The West Bank Arts Quarter, October. You: crouched in the grass while the devil screeched up in a car and cavorted to deranged techno music; jogged to a set of stairs and watched a wind-up band playing demented vaudeville; squinted through the gloom and watched a real-life silent movie playing out in the near distance; leaned against a wall while a huge student cast sang a song of heartache and near-redemption; held your breath while you walked through the dark with characters hissing sour nothings in your ear. What? You didn't? You missed out! Humphrey Bogart got famous with his portrayal of iconic gangster Duke Mantee, first on Broadway and then on film. Jerome R. Marzullo did Old Ashtray Breath proud in this small-theater take on desert ennui and the myths of the American artist and outlaw. In a work that predated Slavoj ˆZiˆzek by a few decades, this show captured the desert of the real with chilling vigor: Jennifer J. Phillips as the small-town lovely, Michael Mikula as the law-and-order stiff, and John Middleton as a wandering solipsist. Holding it all together was Marzullo, weary and righteous, his hair seemingly slicked back with the grease that lubes all the machines of the age. As one character opines, "This is a weird country we're in." Amen to that. When the young characters in this rural drama go to church, they sing hymns while exchanging lascivious looks, voicing their lust in brief asides and generally giving off enough sexual energy to power a combine. Melanie Marnich's script was rife with menace and two-timing, but Emigrant's staging connected like a rabbit punch. In a bare warehouse space littered with hay bales and a disembodied car seat, the young cast played out sex and murder with enough juice to leave the audience with a contact Busch beer buzz. Maren Bush as wife Laura stood out as a flawed jewel in an ugly milieu, her angelic face ultimately belied by her squishy morality. Think No Exit with a soundtrack by Keith Urban. Children's Theatre Company A road in Alabama in the Civil Rights Era. Four African American men in a car. A redneck cop eager to abuse his power. So powerful was this scene in CTC's adaptation of Christopher Paul Curtis's novel that some viewers left at the end of the night wondering whether children should be exposed to such things. I walked out thankful that my child had witnessed a portrayal of bigotry and injustice so unsparing, so real, and so shocking that she understood in an instant that racism springs from the weakest and most despicable corners of our souls. It didn't hurt that the show also unspooled the familial warmth of an early Gordon Parks pic. Standing in a cage, the onetime South African washerwoman Saartjie Baartman is the object of a whole nation's leers. As the "Venus Hottentot," her outsized backside stirs fascination and lust throughout Victorian England. It's just messed-up enough to have really happened, and bomb-throwing playwright Suzan-Lori Parks wrung every drop of pain out of the scenario. Wendy Knox subsequently added her signature downhill-with-no-brakes directorial style. And Shá Cage projected disgust and defiance as a character who wishes to be loved despite the wrenching fact that she's not even accepted as human. Mixed Blood Theatre Thomas W. Jones II and Regina Marie Williams latched onto Dael Orlandersmith's story of African American skin-tone discrimination in the South with enough electricity to leave the audience singed. Williams and Jones played multiple characters, primarily a pair of star-crossed lovers trying to carry out their lives amid staggering ignorance and wrong-headedness. The highlight comes when Jones's character returns home after an unwanted inheritance. Amid layers of hate between generations, the story spiraled into despair and a murder on the front lawn. Swinging from character to character, Jones's deepest conviction emerged in an unvoiced sentiment: When will we quit all this bullshit? Great Performances in Non-Top 10 Shows (in no particular order): 1. Gus Lynch, Gangster No. 1, The E.S.C.: So scary that by the end he was threatening to take the audience outside for a thrashing. 2. Sonja Parks, Antigone, Children's Theatre Company: Sympathetic and grandstanding in equal measure; Antigone as the original drama queen. 3. Joseph Papke, Slag Heap, Theatre Pro Rata: It was all good for Papke's street hustler until the drugs and porn started to, you know, turn unseemly. 4. Ahanti Young, Zooman and the Sign, Penumbra Theatre: It takes a lot of guts to play a character so rotten and irredeemable. The kind of performance you don't want your family to see. 5. Stacia Rice and Peter Hansen, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Torch Theater: Maggie and Brick done to perfection, all whiskey, perfume, and sexual frustration. 6. Zach Curtis, Requiem for a Heavyweight, Fifty Foot Penguin: Stay down already, you wanted to yell. A fitting way to fold a small, brave theater company. 7. Emily Gunyou, Messalina, Red Eye: One hopes to exhibit as much sheer humanity when the breakdown of civilization ensues. 8. Annie Enneking, Mother Courage and Her Children, Frank Theatre: She'd sell you some scrap, some rags, maybe one of her kids. The rapacity of war laid bare. 9. Dieter Bierbrauer, Floyd Collins, Theater Latté Da: Let's see you try singing while pretending to be trapped immobile in a mineshaft. 10. Jami Rassmussen and Amber Swenson, A Princess of Mars, Hardcover Theater: And while you're at it, try playing the male and female leads against bug-eyed papier-mâché alien heads on the end of 12-foot poles. And do it without being upstaged. Ten Great Sets/Scenic Designs (again, in no order): 1. Gotama, In the Heart of the Beast (Masanari Kawahara) 2. Mefistofele, Theatre de la Jeune Lune (Dominique Serrand) 3. Esperanza Rising, Children's Theatre Company (Riccardo Hernández) 4. The House of Blue Leaves, Jungle Theater (John Clark Donahue) A Midsummer Night's Dream, Mu Performing Arts (Joe Stanley) 6. Edgardo Mine, Guthrie Theater (Riccardo Hernández 7. Mother Courage and Her Children, Frank Theatre (John Bueche) 8. Bug, Pillsbury House (Joseph Stanley) 9. Crimes and Whispers, Gerry Girouard and Dancers and Off-Leash Area (Paul Herwig) 10. Floyd Collins, Theater Latté Da, (Michael Hoover) Talking Turkey: The Bottom Five We have nothing but affection and respect for the sweat and toil it takes to bring a work to the stage. But sometimes it doesn't quite pan out. 1. The Trial of Osama Bin Laden (Stagewright Unlimited) The verdict? This world premiere was well intended but really, really bad. Still, at least it seemed plausible at the time that Osama might be captured. 2. Madmen and Specialists (Nimbus) Wole Soyinka's story of repression, control, and messianic madness was a typically bold effort by this risk-huffing company. Effective execution of the plot, in this case, was not in evidence. 3. Sex Diary of an Infidel (Penumbra Theatre) Great title. That's about it, though. This aimless story about a sham, careerist journalist and the Southeast Asian sex trade was a rare swing and miss for Penumbra. 4. Ten Percent of Marta Solano (Mixed Blood) Almost good, this story of surreal bureaucratic torment seemed several times to be on the verge of meaning something. I'm still not sure what that is. 5. Hamlet (Guthrie Theater) Or not to be.
{ "date": "2015-03-30T06:16:31Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131299114.73/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172139-00165-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9310789108276367, "token_count": 2704, "url": "http://www.citypages.com/2006-12-27/arts/curtain-call/full/" }
I have pondered this issue for many months,and reluctantly, very reluctantly, decided that my country needs me. So, I am going to run for president. So, what are my qualifications? I, alone, without any help from anyone, will wipe out ISIS for once and all. Once ISIS leaders realize they are up against a nice Jewish boy from the south Bronx, they will surrender. I, promise free college education for each and every person in America. Details are funding for t his project, will follow shortly. I promise to end ALL terrorist attacks in Europe, in America, in Turkey, and any other country that now endures these terrorist attacks. I have already contacted Superman and have his cooperation. Want a good paying job for at least $55,000, just vote for the Bronx kid. I promise to end violence against cops, and violence by cops against people. All it takes is some warm hugs and plenty of guns and ammunition for one and all. Want to go back to mining coal? I promise to erect coal sites in every American city, and anyone can go to the pile and get all the coal they want. Apology, I do not have blond daughters or any junior to give a speech in my favor. However, I have read all Trump speeches and understand one must promise the moon, and deliver frozen Neptune. P.S. To all Chicago folks, I promise the Cubs will win the World Series this year! P.P.S. To all New York Knick fans, I promise the Knicks will win the NBA title! Oh, I promise to appoint Ted Cruz to head a study on reducing the output of garbage in America.
{ "date": "2016-07-27T15:32:12Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257826908.63/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071026-00053-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9599196314811707, "token_count": 348, "url": "http://theimpudentobserver.com/category/religion/muslims/page/2/" }
Invoking the elimination of Osama bin Laden, President Barack Obama on Thursday forcefully rejected Republican criticism of his foreign policy as what amounts to a policy of "appeasement." "Ask Osama bin Laden and the 22 out of 30 top al-Qaida leaders who have been taken off the field whether I engage in appeasement. Or whoever is left out there, ask them about that," the president said during a news conference. He also defended his efforts to block Iran from building a nuclear weapon, saying Iran is now isolated and facing tough international sanctions thanks to the work of his national security team. His remarks came a day after Republican presidential candidates took turns criticizing Obama's foreign policy as weak during speeches before Jewish activists and donors. They especially focused on the Obama administration's Middle East policy. Former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania on Wednesday said Obama's policy toward radical Islamists "has been nothing but appeasement." Obama seemed primed for the question about the critique, and his communication director, Dan Pfeiffer, promptly posted the president's response on Twitter: "Ask Osama Bin Laden." Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney on Wednesday said Obama "emboldened Palestinian hard-liners who now are poised to form a unity government with terrorist Hamas and feel they can bypass Israel at the bargaining table." Romney also accused Obama of being "timid and weak in the face of the existential threat of a nuclear Iran." Obama, citing "some of the political noise out there," said his administration has "systematically imposed the toughest sanctions" on Iran. "When we came into office, the world was divided; Iran was unified and moving aggressively on its own agenda," he said. "Today Iran is isolated, and the world is unified and applying the toughest sanctions that Iran's ever experienced, and it's having an impact inside of Iran." Last week at a New York fundraiser, Obama specifically addressed concerns from Israel supporters about his administration's approach to the Middle East. "I try not to pat myself too much on the back, but this administration has done more in terms of the security of the state of Israel than any previous administration," Obama said then.
{ "date": "2016-07-24T20:36:05Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257824146.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071024-00171-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9711079597473145, "token_count": 440, "url": "http://www.kktv.com/news/elections/headlines/Obama_On_Appeasement_Charge_Ask_bin_Laden_135254968.html?site=mobile" }
THE HUGUENOTS WHO SAVED JEWS DURING THE HOLOCAUST…..MUSTREAD The Huguenot Connection By Allan Nadler “In the darkest hours of the Holocaust, the safest place for Jews in occupied Europe may have been the southern French hamlet of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon. Inspired by the town’s Huguenot (that is, French-Protestant) pastor, the residents collaborated in the war’s best-organized and largest-scale rescue operation, hiding and saving the lives of some 5,000 Jews.” The Huguenot Connection By Allan Nadler The Huguenot connection was hardly an incidental detail in this story. Rather, it marked a high point in a long history of Huguenot affinity with the Jews, traceable to the origins of French Protestantism and ultimately to the biblically rooted theology of John Calvin, the “father” of Reform Protestantism.The same connection illuminates the meaning of the life of Isaac Casaubon (1559–1614), a Huguenot scholar who forms the subject of a magnificent new book, “I Have Always Loved the Holy Tongue”. The co-authors of this work of detection and retrieval,beautifully written and illustrated with more than 40 manuscript reproductions, are the intellectual historian Anthony Grafton of Princeton and Joanna Weinberg, an expert on Renaissance Jewish letters at Oxford. Combing the world’s great libraries, particularly the British Library where resides the lion’s share of Casaubon’s own collection, Grafton and Weinberg have pieced together and made coherent sense of the scholar’s abundant if often barely legible marginal notes to the works of Hebraica and Judaica that he aggressively acquired and industriously studied. Their decipherment of these rich marginalia, together with the evidence of Casaubon’s massive diaries and almost 3,000 letters, yields an eye-opening portrait of an enigmatic 16th-century classicist. It also exposes some of the earliest and deepest roots of the lasting Huguenot sympathy for the Jewish people. Casaubon’s immersion in Hebrew was a by-product of Christian Hebraism, itself an offshoot of Renaissance humanism, whose devotees included scholars, philosophers, theologians, and others. Yet his interest in matters Jewish often transcended that of his predecessors, and in many respects his Hebrew scholarship was rather unique. Why, then, was this pious French Protestant scholar, best remembered for his innovative researches into the Western Hermetic tradition, as well as his fierce polemics with Catholicism, so dedicated to mastering Hebrew and understanding its ancient and medieval texts? Along with other Protestant scholars of his day, Casaubon was convinced that the life of Jesus and the birth of Christianity could be properly appreciated only against the background of their Jewish origins. This conviction girded Casaubon’s extensive criticisms of many foundational doctrines of the Catholic Church, which not only ignored but heaped scorn on the Hebrew Bible as it had been preserved by the Jews. To the medieval Church, Jewish scribes and rabbinic scholars had willfully distorted the original biblical text in order to remove alleged prophecies regarding the advent of Jesus. Only the Latin Vulgate, as transcribed by Jerome and based largely on the Greek Septuagint, could be relied upon, and even then only as interpreted by the Church’s bishops. Casaubon firmly rejected this doctrine, asserting that “it is not true that the Hebrews treacherously corrupted the sacred scriptures. They did not corrupt them before the birth of the Lord, for he never accused them of this crime. They did not corrupt them afterward.” Most importantly, Casaubon repudiated medieval Christianity’s most damning, and most lasting, calumny against the Jews: namely, that they were collectively guilty of deicide. His conclusion to the contrary was rooted in his close study of the laws recorded in the Mishnah, which, he held, reflected the normative religious practices of the Jews of Jesus’ time. He clinches his argument by citing the summary by Moses Maimonides (1135–1204), in his law code Mishneh Torah, of the death penalties meted out by the ancient Sanhedrin, among which the Roman cross does not figure. Maimonides, Grafton and Weinberg write, is “thus summoned as the supreme witness: the Jews did not crucify Jesus, and the cross was no Jewish form of capital punishment.” This, indeed, is but one of many examples of Casaubon’s great reverence for Maimonides, whose Guide for the Perplexed he repeatedly refers to as a “divine work.” He relies on Maimonides in the course of refuting Catholic teachings about the burial of Jesus, insisting that just as Jesus lived as a Jew, so he was buried by his Jewish family and disciples in accordance with Jewish tradition. He similarly invokes the great medieval rabbi and philosopher to counter Catholic claims concerning the doctrine of apostolic succession. For the time in which Casaubon wrote, all this is nothing short of remarkable—as is his insistence, again on the corroborating authority of Maimonides, that one may pray to God in any language: a point of heated contention between Protestants and Catholics (the latter of whom insisted on the Church-sanctioned Latin mass and rejected vernacular prayer as worthless). As a general principle, Casaubon was committed to critical philological and historical analysis of Jewish texts. Where other Christian Hebraists, from Pico della Mirandola to Johannes Reuchlin, believed in the supernatural nature of the Hebrew language, leading them to dabble in kabbalistic hermeneutics, Casuabon held all such activities in contempt: “The [Christian] Hebrew masters often not only waste their time, but actually make fools of themselves as they seek out the mysteries of the ‘Holy Letters.'” But his impatience with mysticism and dedication to rigorous scholarship by no means made him a Spinoza-like rationalist. To the contrary, Casaubon was a man of deep piety, in whose life daily prayer played a central role. And here too, as Grafton and Weinberg quite movingly illustrate, he leaned on Hebrew sources. His library included heavily annotated versions of both the Ashkenazi and Sephardi prayer book as well as a Sephardi Mahzor for the High Holy Days. In the Calvinist manner, his prayers consisted largely of the recitation of Psalms in Calvin’s own French translation, but he was able to refer comfortably by heart to the Hebrew original. When it comes, finally, to Casaubon’s attitude to the Jewish people, Grafton and Weinberg cautiously note that, despite his thirst for “acquiring knowledge . . . of biblical, rabbinic, and medieval Hebrew literature, Casaubon does not appear to evince any real sympathy for Jews.” Actually, their own explorations suggest a more complex judgment. Although he came to know Judaism almost entirely from his study of the Hebrew classics, over time Casaubon developed what the authors nicely call a “three-dimensional understanding.” This led him to examine compendia of Jewish religious customs known as Sifrei Minhagim as well as the comprehensive study of those customs by Johann Buxdorf, the period’s greatest Christian student of Jewish life. It also led him to visit at least one synagogue service in Frankfurt and, toward the end of his life, to enter into a personal relationship with a living Jew. With that story, Grafton and Weinberg conclude their book. In the spring of 1610, while doing research in Oxford’s Bodleian library, Casaubon encountered Jacob Barnet, an Italian talmudist and classicist. His brief time at Oxford exploring rabbinic texts with Barnet’s expert assistance proved so rewarding that Causabon took this illegal alien—for this was decades prior to the readmission of Jews to England—back to London with him. Over the next weeks as his houseguest, Barnet evidently helped Casaubon to decipher, if not quite to master, numerous talmudic and medieval sources. Then the scene darkens. Distracted by his various duties to King James, his royal patron, Casaubon sent Barnet back to Oxford, where the priests and dons had long expected him to fulfill his assurances to them and undergo baptism. When, just prior to the ceremony, he balked and tried to escape, he was seized and placed in the university’s prison, where he was treated miserably and rapidly deteriorated. It was then that Casaubon wrote the first of several letters to the Oxford dons and other clerical friends, pleading clemency for the man he affectionately called “our rabbi” and begging them “not to whip him forward in his rush to doom.” Casaubon did not excuse Barnet’s deception. He did, however, offer a sympathetic explanation of his teacher’s inability to abandon the beliefs and traditions of his people. Inasmuch, he wrote, as Barnet had been “brought up entirely on texts that contain dreadful blasphemies against our Savior, . . . the fact that he did not wish to become a Christian is not, in my opinion, a crime punishable by law.” This was consistent with Casaubon’s lifelong commitment to religious toleration, largely inspired by his own experience of persecution by the French Catholic authorities. In writing to the bishop of Oxford, he concluded on a personal note: “Although I detest [Barnet’s] perfidy from the bottom of my heart, I cannot but feel some pity for him, given his great learning.” Thus did a decades-long immersion in Hebrew texts lead subtly and ineluctably to pity, compassion, and a sense of kinship. Casaubon almost certainly prayed to heaven for his teacher’s release from imprisonment; and as for his entreaties to earthly powers, they finally resulted in Barnet’s release and banishment from the British Isles. In a subsequent letter to Casaubon, Richard Kilbye, Oxford’s and England’s most distinguished Hebraist of the time, ruefully reflected: It will be a long time before a Jew like him . . . reaches our shores. If only he had converted to Christianity, he could have been of help to many members of the university . . . . For no one can ever understand the Hebrew masters perfectly on his own, but one must use the help of a Jew. On this last point, Casaubon would have fully agreed. Where he stood apart from the divines of Oxford, just as the pious Huguenot villagers of Chambon would stand apart from the large majority of Europe’s Christians in World War II, was in his insistence on the Jews’ right to be what they were. To this day, mutatis mutandis, that “three-dimensional understanding,” and the impulse to act on it, remain as rare as ever. Allan Nadler is professor of religious studies and director of the program in Jewish studies at Drew University. Comments are closed.
{ "date": "2016-07-30T18:49:40Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469258937291.98/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723072857-00000-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9678507447242737, "token_count": 2431, "url": "http://www.ruthfullyyours.com/2011/01/03/the-huguenots-who-saved-jews-during-the-holocaust-mustread/" }
|Born: Dec 28, 1903, in Budapest, Austria-Hungary| |Died: Feb 8, 1957 (at age 53), in Washington, D.C.| |Famous For: Established Dirac-von Neuman axioms| John von Neumann was famous for his brilliant mind. His origin is Hungarian and he is still celebrated for his enormous yet unparalleled contribution to the field of physics, mathematics, economics, and computing. He was born in a wealthy Jewish family, during his entire upbringing he exhibited great computing and analytical skills. Neumann’s Early Years On December 28, 1903, in Budapest, Hungary, Neumann was born. During his early life, learning was encouraged and he showed enthusiasm in learning new things. He was not only astonished by numbers, but he also found history a very exciting subject. In fact, he read four volumes of universal history at age eight. His personality defined him as a person who both liked logic as well as social life. At age six, he was doing mental calculations in his mind like memorizing phone directory numbers and also exchanging classical Greek jokes. His first paper was published in 1922 and illustrated the algorithm of an array of eight zeros. Although his father pushed him to pursue a marketable course in engineering, Neumann still had the genetic make-up for mathematics. He did his undergraduate at Pázmány Peter University, Budapest, and he received a diploma in chemical engineering from ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Later, he emerged as the only person who ever completed both an undergraduate and Ph.D. at age 17. The field of cellular automata was first recognized with John von Neumann analysis where he demonstrated self-replication of automata without the aid of a computer, but rather with a simple pen and graph paper. He was greatly admired by business men and governments for his awe-inspiring abilities. One time he manipulated the polar ice caps by spreading colorants thereby raising global temperatures. He is also notably recognized as the mind behind atomic bombs. He contributed to the government-funded American project in development of nuclear bombs and also developed the idea of designing explosive lenses in preparation for the World War II. This same mathematical application helped him develop the architecture of the MANIAC (mathematical analyzer, numerical integrator and computer) that was unleashed way before silicon was invented. It was the most powerful and fastest computer ever developed at the time. The hydrogen bomb is also recognized with Neumann’s work. In conjunction with Stanislaw Ulam, they developed simulation over the now stable computer on hydrodynamic computations. At the same period, he also contributed to the advancement of Monte Carlo method for operations research that allowed complex problems to be solved using random numbers. In the field of economics he is better recognized in developing the minimax theorem (1928). Neumann’s Later Years John von Neumann was an inspiration to many modern physicists and mathematicians. For instance, his unaccomplished work on game theory was finished by John Forbes Nash. In his lifetime, he has received numerous accolades and honors with respect to the wide-ranging contribution he has made in all academia. Neumann passed away on February 8, 1957, as a result of cancer.
{ "date": "2017-08-22T22:24:41Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886116921.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20170822221214-20170823001214-00457.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.981334388256073, "token_count": 678, "url": "http://famous-mathematicians.org/john-von-neumann/" }
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Ice Breaker: What is your favorite season and why? Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to discuss how to get the desires of your heart to become a reality in your life. Main Scripture: Afterward Jesus returned to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish holy days. 2 Inside the city, near the Sheep Gate, was the pool of Bethesda a with five covered porches. 3 Crowds of sick people—blind, lame, or paralyzed—lay on the porches.[b] 5 One of the men lying there had been sick for thirty-eight years. 6 When Jesus saw him and knew he had been ill for a long time, he asked him, “Would you like to get well?” “I can’t, sir,” the sick man said, “for I have no one to put me into the pool when the water bubbles up. Someone else always gets there ahead of me.” 8 Jesus told him, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!” 9 Instantly, the man was healed! He rolled up his sleeping mat and began walking! But this miracle happened on the Sabbath, 10 so the Jewish leaders objected. They said to the man who was cured, “You can’t work on the Sabbath! The law doesn’t allow you to carry that sleeping mat!” 11 But he replied, “The man who healed me told me, ‘Pick up your mat and walk.’” 12 “Who said such a thing as that?” they demanded. 13 The man didn’t know, for Jesus had disappeared into the crowd. 14 But afterward Jesus found him in the Temple and told him, “Now you are well; so stop sinning, or something even worse may happen to you.” 15 Then the man went and told the Jewish leaders that it was Jesus who had healed him. Discussion: Think of something that if possible, you would have it right now physically in your possession. Anything you can think of. Your greatest desire. Well, guess what? You can have it. As a matter of fact, God wants you to have it more than you do! Q1: If you would like to share, what is one of your greatest desires? Maybe its healing or restoration. Maybe you need some freedom, to see your children saved, fulfill your purpose, a healthy marriage, a godly marriage, a baby on the way, peace, a sound mind, discipline, a job… There’s good news. YOU CAN HAVE IT. How? 5 STEPS TO GETTING IT STEP 1. GET INTO POSITION We can never see what God has for us if we are not in position. We need to get to a place where we can receive an outpouring; our house of grace. For us, our church, discipleship classes, care groups are all ways of being in a place to receive an outpouring. When we are in position, we are activating our faith. Q2: What are some other areas we are positioned in a place to receive God’s outpouring? Q3: What are some of the consequences of not being in position? STEP 2. SEE IT HAPPENING Get a faith vision and keep it alive! We will never get it if we don’t have a vision for it! Don’t let your present condition convince you that it will never change. The man who was sick for 38 years had hope and had a vision thathe was healed and he had faith in that vision! Do you see yourself successful? Prosperous? Remember this, delay doesn’t mean denial! God is not holding out on you. The lady who bled for twelve years just had a simple idea, a vision that if she just touched Jesus’ robe, she would be healed. If you’ve been waiting a long time, you’re almost there! Trust the process. Too many of us want to get to the destinations but were not willing to stay on the course. Matthew 9:20 Just then a woman who had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding came up behind him. She touched the fringe of his robe, 21 for she thought, “If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed.” 22 Jesus turned around, and when he saw her he said, “Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed at that moment. 23 When Jesus arrived at the official’s home, he saw the noisy crowd and heard the funeral music. 24 “Get out!” he told them. “The girl isn’t dead; she’s only asleep.” But the crowd laughed at him. 25 After the crowd was put outside, however, Jesus went in and took the girl by the hand, and she stood up! 26 The report of this miracle swept through the entire countryside. Q4: Where are you looking for your faith vision? What are your thoughts focused on? What is your mind fixed on that creates/destroys your faith vision? Q5: Have you been feeling like God has been holding out on you? How can you fight against those thoughts of defeat? STEP 3. DESIRE IT Jesus asked people “Do you want to be healed?” He was finding out if it was really something that they desired. Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Matthew 5:6 God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice,[b]for they will be satisfied. Q6: What have your desires looked like lately? Q7: Has there ever been a desire or want that you’ve forgotten about or left on the back burner? Matthew 7:8 For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Those who really desire it will keep asking, seeking, and knocking. STEP 4. RECEIVE IT You don’t have to earn it. Believe in His word and you’ll receive it. How? – By believing Gods word over your life! AND acting on the word God spoke. Put your faith into action. When you receive his word, you receive his power. Q8: Be honest, have you been underestimated God’s Word over your life? Have you either rejected it or had a hard time receiving it? Q9: Why do you think it is such a battle to receive God’s Word over your life? STEP 5. STOP SINNING Sin causes us to go in reverse BUT the answer is always Jesus. There is healing when we submit and release our sin to Jesus. It’s possible to NEVER go back. What is there to go back to? Declaration: I am worthy of receiving God’s word over my life. I will not reject His word over my life and I will receive it with humility and honor. I will stay/get in position and receive the outpouring so I can get my desires. I will watch God wok and put my faith into action as well. I will receive openly and I will submit my life to God and release my sin to Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Amen! Application: This week, spend some time writing down your faith vision, even if you’ve written it before. Refresh your desire for His vision over your life. If you have not received a faith vision, spend time in prayer and ask God to reveal a faith vision to you, then write it down and share with a friend or mentor.
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Thursday, October 17, 2019 Rabbi Gerry Ginsburg Sermon for First Night of Rosh Hashanah It is so good to be back at my home, Temple Beth El, and as a rabbi, and speaking here again at Rosh HaShannah services. It’s been a long journey, seven years since I started rabbinical school, including the last four years when I was a student rabbi in Port Chester, NY, Milford, CT and Glens Falls, NY. It is good to be home. I went to rabbinical school a little bit later in life than some, but all of the lessons I learned in my business and personal life prior to the academy only helped, hopefully, to make me a better rabbi now. There were several very special events in my life this past year, you might call them super events. First, in February, I was at the Super Bowl in Atlanta, with my New England Patriots playing the Los Angeles Rams. You probably know the result of the game, but that is not the reason I am mentioning it. I mention it because it was really a super weekend with my son, Sam, who is now 33 years old. We spent four full days together talking, getting to know each other even better, taking in Atlanta, eating and, yes, seeing a football game. For those wondering if I also take my daughter, Ruth, to football games, the answer is yes. We have gone to Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, together, on many occasions. For those of you who have never spent a long weekend with your adult child, I would encourage you to do it. Sam and I had the wonderful city of Atlanta as our backdrop and were able to spend some very super, quality time together. The second event is one which I truthfully only remember in bits and pieces. I was present, but it was really hard to concentrate on the event. It was such an incredible day, one that I could not plan for, but rather just had to experience. That was my rabbinical ordination from the Academy for Jewish Religion, which many friends and relatives attended, including many from Temple Beth El, and a post-ceremony party. That ceremony capped those long years of studying everything from Genesis to the philosophy of Abraham Joshua Heschel, from the book of Job to the mystical book Sefer HaYitzera, from Biblical and Modern Hebrew to Pastoral Counseling. I almost cannot remember the ordination as it was a very deep and mystical experience for me. I am very fortunate to have a video, so I can clearly re-live it. That day was certainly not the end to my path of Jewish study, far from it, but it was a very significant point along the path. Certainly after such stress, I needed vacation, and spent two weeks this summer in the Berkshires, which is a very special place for my wife, Fran, and me. We get to relax, spread out in our summer place, while packing our schedules with too many concerts at Tanglewood and plays in Pittsfield and Williamstown. We see more and do more in those two weeks, I think, than we do the remainder of the year. I don’t think I’m unusual in that most everything I see, I see through a special lens, for me a rabbinic lens. Our experiences form our opinions and views. This is true for everyone, teachers, lawyers, doctors and … rabbis. So as I go to plays I view a lot of what happens on stage through my Jewish experience. One of the plays we saw was Thornton Wilder’s The Skin of Our Teeth. While I suppose someone could watch that and prepare a sermon on the beginning of the world, I will not even try. The play combines the story of creation with the end of the world, so I will let you see that on your own, and create your own talk. But two plays made profound impressions on me, impressions which resound with me as we start the Yammim Noraim, these High Holydays. Both are plays we saw at The Williamstown Theater Festival. They are the classic Ibsen play, Ghosts, and a new American play, Before the Meeting. Some may claim that there are supernatural characters on the stage during Ghosts, such as Caspar the Ghost of the old cartoon series, or the bloody head warning Macbeth of the return of Macduff. But I don’t see that. I see the ghosts as allegories, explanations on how lives were lived. In Ghosts, the wife, Mrs. Alving, the matriarch, specifically kept her son, Oswald, away from the details of her late husband’s life. She sent him to boarding school at the age of seven so he would not learn of his father’s errant ways. Now, with her adult son’s return home from living apart for many years, she still tries her best to keep all of the details from him, until it is impossible not to tell him. She is far from the only blemished fruit in this play. Her son Oswald falls in love with the young woman who is the maid at his mother’s house, only to shockingly discover that she is his sister. And this play is Danish, not Greek. The maid, Regina, flees that house in a huff, never to see Oswald again. One of the central characters with his own checkered past is a priest, Pastor Mendes, from a nearby town. He was in love with Mrs. Alving many years ago, and I think some of that feeling is still within him. He’s in charge of the local orphanage which is scheduled to receive a large donation from the Alving family. Before the Meeting, by Adam Bock, is a new play which describes what occurs before the daily Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Every day, Gail and the regular members of her early morning group set up for their meeting in the exact same way: Nicole makes the coffee, Gail arranges the chairs, and Ron complains. And I don’t think he is even Jewish! As they forge a path toward sobriety and well-being, they come to rely on the routine and on each other. But when Gail’s estranged granddaughter reopens old family wounds, Gail knows it will take more than coffee, chairs, and companionship to keep her life from falling apart. Each one of the characters hides things from their past from their close friends. Gail is, if you will, the crew chief. She has a long soliloquy in which she shares the mistakes in her life, her mistakes on raising her daughter, and the very serious error in planning to get together with her granddaughter, without the mother knowing. While this is not real life, it is real life imagined as a play. The characters in Ghosts are of Danish stock and live in Denmark. Before the Meeting is set somewhere in the United States and its cast of characters are all middle or lower middle class, who have never been to Denmark. But what these people all share, regardless of where they live, their upbringing, place in society, or family status is that they have all made mistakes in their lives. Serious mistakes, ordinary mistakes, mistakes which they did not know were mistakes at first. Let me say this in a slightly different way – they missed the mark. And, many of them, to their credit, tried to atone for their sins. For this is the way of the world. This is the human experience. People sin, people make mistakes, people sometimes do not care about the feelings of their friends and relatives. It’s up to the theater critics to review the play and understand the playwright’s resolution of their sins. Do they veer off the path repeatedly? Do they atone at all, are they sorry for what they have done, do they learn from their mistakes? Jews are taught that one can atone for one’s sins up until one’s last day on earth. It’s never too late to start. My constant companion in the month of Elul was the book, This is Real and You are Completely Unprepared, The Days of Awe as a Journey of Transformation, by Rabbi Alan Lew, z”l. He asks, “Will we let in the truth we have been walling out all year long and let this truth help us to stop making the same mistakes again and again? Will we let this moment of consciousness help us break the unconscious momentum of our lives? Will we move from a state of siege to a state of openness, to a state of truthfulness, especially with ourselves?” Every day we open our prayers with the words: אֱלהַי. נְשָׁמָה שֶׁנָּתַתָּ בִּי טְהורָה הִיא The soul that you have given me, Adonai, is pure. We start with that pureness, that almost angelic sense of being, and life happens. There is always the yetzer harah and yetzer hatov around us; the evil inclination and the good inclination. We could not exist without both, for things like creativity come from a mixture of evil and good, and creativity is vitally important in our lives. But it’s all about balance, it’s all about keeping everything in check. It is possible for us to be too good, I suppose, but it is very easy to be too bad, to let that evilness take over the balance. And it’s not that we mean to live our lives outside of purity, outside of balance. But things happen. Sometimes willingly but often times unwillingly or unconsciously. The next few days will be spent with the Al Chet prayers; for the sin we have sinned against You knowingly or unknowingly. Atone. It is a word which was used first in English in the late 16th century, meaning to "be in harmony, agree, be in accordance,". Think of the word atone as a combination of the words at and one. At One. The meaning to "make up for errors or deficiencies" and that of "make reparations" are from the 17th century. If you are at one, your are at peace with yourself and your life. But that is the English. In Hebrew the concept has been taught since the time of the Bible, Shuva … return. The opening line from this Shabbat’s Haftarah from Hosea hits the nail on the head: שׁ֚וּבָה יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל עַ֖ד השם אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ כִּ֥י כָשַׁ֖לְתָּ בַּעֲוֺנֶֽךָ׃ Return, O Israel, to the LORD your God, For you have fallen because of your sin. For the act of returning is the act of atonement. And the act of returning is, indeed, a good thing. Sin and repentance are part of this human condition. “The Torah stresses the essential duality of human nature: we’re usually ruled by nature and submit to its imperatives, but we also can shape our own futures through acts of will and intelligence,” wrote Jewish demographer Gary Rubin. “From its very beginning, the Torah sets forth both possibilities. How we turn out is largely up to each of us.” In a play, it is possible to develop characters who do not sin or sin continuously. For us, life is somewhere in between. The movie Casualties of War by David Rabe tells the story of a squad of soldiers which fought in the Vietnam War. It is based on a true story. While there the soldiers both saw and participated in some terrible crimes. One of their crimes was to abduct and rape a young Vietnamese girl. The lead role in the film is played by Michael J. Fox. He takes on the character of Private Erikson, a soldier who is part of the squad but did not join in the abduction and rape. As he struggles with what happened, he says to the other men in his squad, “Just because each of us might at any second be blown away, we’re acting like we can do anything we want, as though it doesn’t matter what we do. I’m thinking it’s just the opposite. Because we might be dead in the next split second, maybe we have to be extra careful what we do. Because maybe it matters more. Maybe it matters more than we ever know.” As his character said: Maybe it matters more than we ever know. It matters more than we ever know because life is so complex, so inter-related. What we do affects us, but also others, and impacts their lives and relationships. We need to be honest and upfront and always do our best. Do we have time to help those less fortunate by giving and serving meals to the needy? By donating to our Kol Nidre food drive? By helping tutor those who do not speak English? By picking up trash we find at the curbside? Can we volunteer our time in any one of thousands of ways in Stamford and in our region? Our answer has to be yes. We are citizens of this earth and must help to make it a better place. This is tikkun olam. We need to work at our jobs and in our households to nourish and protect our families. But we also know that we are not alone on earth, that we are part of a large global family. That includes Ibsen’s Danish characters and those people at the AA meeting working their way out of alcoholism and other family problems. One of my favorite Chasidic rebbes is Nachman of Bretzlav, who lived in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. In his short life he wrote many volumes of philosophy. On repentence he said: “The greatest revelation of God’s glory comes when those who are furthest of all from Him draw closer; then His Name is exalted and honored above and below. It is a duty for everyone to make efforts to draw people closer to God. And no one should say, “How can I come closer to God seeing that I am so removed from Him because of my wrongdoing?” On the contrary, the further away a person is, the more God’s glory is exalted through Him when he makes an effort to return and draw close.” This is the lesson of the High Holydays, these ten days of Repentance. No matter who we are, no matter how far we have strayed, we can return. And, many of us, I believe, have not strayed that far. We are in need of fine tuning, in need of getting our lives closer to that bullseye and hitting that mark. This holiday is also a time to be with family and friends, in addition to prayer. Be with them. Talk with them. Enjoy them. Draw closer to them. Let this Rosh HaShannah be your best ever. On behalf of me and my family, my wife Fran, and my children Ruth and Sam, and their partners Kim and Rae, I want to wish you Shannah Tovah u’Metukah, a very happy and very sweet New Year, filled with much love and peace. Keyn Yehi Ratzon. Posted by Joshua Hammerman
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The Stroum Center for Jewish Studies is excited to introduce the 2020-2021 cohort of graduate fellows in Jewish studies. Fellows receive mentorship from Stroum Center faculty, attend workshops on public scholarship and Jewish Studies, and share their research with the community through public presentations and articles published on the Stroum Center website. Funding for the annual fellowship program is generously provided by community supporters. Learn more about this year’s graduate fellows: Oya Rose Aktaş, Rabbi Arthur A. Jacobovitz Institute Fellow Oya Rose Aktaş is a Ph.D. student in the University of Washington’s Department of History studying non-Muslim communities in the transition from imperial subject to liberal citizen in the late Ottoman Empire and early Turkish Republic. Her current research focuses on how state violence targeted at Christians affected the position of Jews in Istanbul, and her project for the Stroum Center graduate fellowship will include work on the Sephardic diaspora in Seattle, Washington. Prior to graduate school, Oya worked on U.S. foreign relations and economic policy at Washington DC think tanks. Victor Alejandro Castillo, Max Sarason Fellow Victor Alejandro Castillo is a graduate student in Library and Information Science at the University of Washington Information School. He earned his B.A. in history at the University of Texas at Austin, and earned his Certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University. His research focuses on Judeo-converso genealogy in Latin American populations, and he has an ongoing project called Sefardí Latino where he explores aspects of Judeo-converso history, culture, and identity among people of Latin American descent. He is currently working on a genealogical database that will facilitate research into converso ancestry in order to help trace the converso diaspora throughout the Americas. Busra Demirkol, Mickey and Leo Sreebny Memorial Fellow Busra Demirkol is a Ph.D. student the Interdisciplinary Program in Near and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Washington. She received her B.A. degree in sociology at Galatasaray University and her M.A. degree in Turkish studies at Sabanci University. Her master’s thesis focused on modernization in the legal field during the late Ottoman era and its impact on women on the margins. Based on penal codes, codification discussions and court records, she traces how marginal women were redefined and constructed within the boundaries of the public sphere in Ottoman legal culture, and were subjected to the state intervention according to a modern understanding of crime and punishment. Prior to graduate school, she also worked as a social worker with African, Afghan and Syrian refugees in Istanbul and conducted research about the official and unofficial schooling of Syrian children. Her general research interests consist of 19th century Ottoman social history, sociological theory, colonialism and nationalism, and women, sex and gender. Her work for the fellowship will focus on the modernization of the Sephardic community in the Ottoman Empire through two possible research axes, such as education and migration. Ke Guo, Robinovitch Family Fellow Ke Guo is a Ph.D. student in music education with a focus in ethnomusicology at the University of Washington’s School of Music. She was born in Wuhan, China, and studied applied mathematics at UCLA for her B.S. degree. She then obtained an M.S. in management science and engineering from Stanford University and an M.M. in music education from San José State University. Before pivoting into music education, she worked in the consulting and tech industry. Her research in world music education and ethnomusicology has covered topics in both Chinese music and Sephardic music. As a vocalist and multi-instrumentalist, she is also active as a concert performer, and has offered individual concerts as well as collaborative concerts in America and Europe. Focusing on the topic of the worldwide transmission and reception of Sephardic music both within and outside of the Sephardic community, she is excited to conduct future field research in the Iberian Peninsula, Turkey, and other countries around the Mediterranean. Jeffrey Haines, I. Mervin and Georgiana Gorasht Fellow Jeffrey Haines is a fifth year doctoral candidate in the University of Washington’s Department of History, having previously completed a double B.A. in history and classics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and an M.A. in early Christian studies at the University of Notre Dame. His dissertation, “Mosul’s Hinterland: Village and Monastery in Early Islamic Mesopotamia,” examines the history of the rural, multi-religious communities that flourished on the northern edge of the Islamic caliphate through the lens of Syriac monastic histories. As a graduate fellow in Jewish Studies, he will focus on the folklore and culture of the Jewish villages that have existed side by side with Christians, Muslims, Yezidis, and Zoroastrians in this region for centuries. Ben Lee, Richard Willner Memorial Fellow Ben is a third-year Ph.D. student in the Paul G. Allen School for Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, as well as a 2020 Innovator-in-Residence at the Library of Congress. His research lies at the intersection of machine learning and human-computer interaction, with application to cultural heritage and the digital humanities. Ben graduated from Harvard College in 2017 and has served as the inaugural Digital Humanities Associate Fellow at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, as well as a Visiting Fellow in Harvard’s History Department. He is currently a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. For his fellowship research this year, Ben will be applying his project Newspaper Navigator to historic Ladino newspapers in order to extract and study the visual content using machine learning. Abby Massarano, Robert and Pamela Center Fellow Abby Massarano is a graduate student in the School of Art, Art History, and Design at the University of Washington, where she is pursuing her M.A. in art history. Her research is focused on the interplay of image and biblical text in Mediterranean and Near Eastern Abrahamic art in Late Antiquity. She received her B.A in psychology with a minor in art history from Mills College in Oakland, CA. After moving to Seattle, she worked in art conservation and preservation before deciding to return to academia. For her fellowship project, Abby is researching the interplay of text and image in late antique Abrahamic art of the Near East and the Mediterranean through scenes of the Akedah (The Binding of Isaac) in synagogues and other worship spaces. In addition to the Stroum Center graduate fellowship, Abby is also a recipient of the Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship for Hebrew.
{ "date": "2020-10-29T22:18:11Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107905965.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20201029214439-20201030004439-00017.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9508337378501892, "token_count": 1403, "url": "https://jewishstudies.washington.edu/news/2020-2021-graduate-fellows-in-jewish-studies/" }
Washington DC - Ahead of Saturday's G20 Finance Minister meetings, a wide range of 213 organizations is pressing for more action to confront the global health and economic impacts of the coronavirus. The largest religious bodies in the United States and Africa were joined by the biggest labor unions, human rights, environmental and anti-poverty groups in letters sent to the G20, IMF and White House. In the letters, the groups call for debt cancellation for developing countries, more aid for countries, new processes to prevent financial crisis and measures that confront tax evasion and corruption. "The coronavirus destroys lives and livelihoods and a growing coalition wants to see stronger action on the current crisis and new rules to stop future crises," noted Eric LeCompte the Executive Director of the religious organization that organized the G20 letter, Jubilee USA Network. "Many of the faith groups who signed the letter never signed a letter like this before. The impact of this crisis on vulnerable people propels communities to call for urgent action." Counting their membership in the millions, labor unions including the United Steelworkers (USW), American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) joined the faith groups in the G20 letter. Other signers include Human Rights organizations like Amnesty International USA and Pax Christi and also environmental advocates ranging from Amazon Watch to Friends of the Earth. Development groups were represented on the Jubilee USA letter such as American Jewish World Service, American Friends Service Committee, Bread for the World, Action Aid, Oxfam, Islamic Relief USA, RESULTS and Health Gap. Major religious institutions led the Jubilee USA G20 letter including: The All Africa Conference of Churches, National Council of Churches, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism and the Episcopal, Evangelical Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist and United Church of Christ Churches. The Unitarian Universalist Association and the largest representations of Quaker communities and Buddhist consortiums are on the letter. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops sent a separate joint letter with Jubilee USA and Pope Francis continues to push for measures outlined in the statement to the G20. The majority of signers on the letter were churches, synagogues, dioceses and religious congregations representing small towns and urban centers. "The G20 will make decisions this weekend that affect the survival of billions of vulnerable people confronting the pandemic," stated LeCompte who serves on United Nations finance expert groups. "We've seen progress in getting aid to many people that need it, but we need to mobilize a lot more resources for people to confront the crisis." The United Nations estimates that 265 million more people are facing famine due to the coronavirus crisis. The International Labor Organization says 400 million jobs will be wiped out and the IMF asserts the current economic crisis rivals the Great Depression. Jubilee USA began meeting with world leaders and generating tens of thousands of messages on the crisis in February. In March, the leadership of Jubilee USA outlined a coronavirus response plan for the IMF and G20. In April, the IMF and G20 agreed to cancel 6 months of debt payments for the 25 poorest countries and create a plan for 73 countries to suspend debt payments for 2020. "This weekend the G20 considers increasing more debt relief for countries already benefiting and other developing countries who've been left out so far," stated LeCompte. "The private sector has resisted participating and that's on the G20 agenda too. Finally they'll discuss accessing trillions of dollars in global reserve funds or the Special Drawing Rights. These are resources we need immediately." Read the Jubilee USA letter to the G20, IMF and White House signed by 213 groups. Read Jubilee USA's March coronavirus response plan letter. Read Jubilee USA Director Eric LeCompte's June 2nd address to the special session of the United Nations on coronavirus crisis solutions here.
{ "date": "2022-05-24T15:04:22Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662573053.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20220524142617-20220524172617-00657.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.927200436592102, "token_count": 816, "url": "https://www.jubileeusa.org/press_releases" }
What Is Kosher Salt? We go deep into the mine for answers to all your kosher salt questions and more. By Fraya Berg for Food Network Kitchen Fraya is a chef and a contributing writer at Food Network. If you’ve cooked many of the Food Network Kitchen recipes, you've probably noticed that we call for kosher salt in most of our savory recipes. If you’ve never used it, it stands to reason that you've wondered what Kosher salt is, why it’s called kosher salt and whether it really any different from regular table salt. What Is Kosher Salt? Kosher salt is a pure salt that is a fairly large-grained salt, that was originally used in the process of making meat kosher. Its purpose was to pull all of the blood out of the meat going through the koshering process, so that the meat would meet the standards of the Jewish dietary laws. Over time, it became known as kosher salt everywhere, and used by everyone. Is Salt Kosher? Any salt, just by its nature of being a simple mineral compound is kosher. All raw vegetables and fruits are kosher and minerals are kosher: salt being mineral number one where food is concerned. So yes, salt is kosher. What Is the Difference Between Salt and Kosher Salt? First, we need to define salt. In our culture salt means table salt - the fine salt that’s in the saltshakers in your home and just about every restaurant you’ve ever been to. It comes in a round cardboard container with a spout. Kosher salt is a larger grained salt, so much so that you can easily tell the difference just by sight. How does this happen? Because salt is a crystal, there is more than one way that the crystal can form. When the sodium and chlorine atoms are packed as close together as possible, the salt is fine grained and heavy (table salt). When the crystals are more open, the salt is lighter and flakier (kosher salt). Why does that make a difference? If a recipe calls for 1/4 cup of kosher salt, that’s about 39 grams. If you substitute 1/4 cup of fine table salt for the kosher salt, you’ll be adding about 76 grams of salt by weight — about twice what the recipe really calls for. If you substitute table salt for kosher salt, it'll taste way saltier. To make it even more confusing, there are two major brands of kosher salt: Morton’s in a blue box and Diamond Crystal in a red box. Diamond Crystal has larger grains and is lighter than Morton’s. It’s not unusual to see a recipe that calls for 1 1/2 teaspoons of Diamond Crystal or 1 teaspoon of Morton’s - that’s how much difference there is between the two. If you ask a chef their preference, 99% of the time they’re going to recommend the red box. What Is the Advantage of Using Kosher Salt? One advantage of using kosher salt is that when you are sprinkling it, you can control where it goes. This is especially important when you're seasoning savory dishes, particularly meats. You can easily do a little experiment in your kitchen: grab a pinch of table salt and try to sprinkle it evenly onto a plate. It’s so fine that it’s almost slippery, and hard to control where is lands. Now try it with kosher salt and discover the difference. Table salt is often used in baking recipes where you need to measure out a precise amount of salt (the small, compact granules make this easy) but you don't need to control where the salt lands. The other advantage is that kosher salt is pure salt, it is never iodized as table salt often is. Iodine has a slightly bitter, metallic taste. When you cook with kosher salt, you omit that flavor. Can I Substitute Sea Salt for Kosher Salt? The makeup, size and density of sea salt is similar to that of kosher salt, so the answer is yes, you can certainly substitute sea salt for kosher salt. The difference between the two comes down to the way sea salt is harvested, and it's higher price tag: the grains are created when sea water evaporates. There are many, many sea salts out there: each defined by where it’s from. Some are very flaky, light and white and some are very dense and grey. Most cooks who use sea salt have a very firm idea of which one they prefer - it really is a personal choice. Because sea salt is one of the most expensive types of salt, it's traditionally used as a finishing ingredient - sprinkled over a dessert, or on top of a food right before serving. Recipes Using Kosher Salt One of the best things about kosher salt and the reason chefs use it almost exclusively is that when you’re sprinkling it over steak, you can hold it between your thumb and forefinger and get an even distribution. The key to that is sprinkling from 10 to 12 inches above the meat so the salt falls like snow. You’re getting two recipes here for the price of one - the pork roast and the vegetable cobbler. If you’ve always thought that cobblers are sweet and served for dessert, this savory recipe will open a door to new vegetable side dishes for you. We’re not sure if it was the sweet-salty balance of popcorn, caramel and peanuts that made the original famous or the tiny toy in every box of Cracker Jack. Whichever it was, we’re awfully glad it’s still around and that we’ve come up with this “almost” recipe so you can make it at home. Adding kosher salt as an ingredient to a recipe that also has tamari may seem counter intuitive. You use both because the tamari is for the sauce and the Kosher salt is to season the chicken just before grilling. Seasoning with salt at every step of cooking is what real seasoning is all about. If you salt just at the end, you’ll taste the salt before you taste the chicken. This cauliflower parmesan recipe is the real deal, just like Nona would have made - if Nona had anticipated that cauliflower could stand in for any meat. It’s breaded and fried and smothered with red sauce before you sprinkle the cheese and then pop it into the oven for the melt. You’ve probably made oven fried chicken in the past - who hasn’t? This recipe may be the crispiest ever, because using crispy rice cereal and bagel chips or melba toasts is genius. With more than 375 reviews and an average of 5 stars, it’s no surprise this is The Best Baked Salmon. It’s got just the right balance of sweet, salt, spicy, acid flavor, and a crunchy topping that is a perfect counter to the creamy texture of the salmon. Oh, and did you notice it’s only in the oven for 15 to 18 minutes? Win-Win.
{ "date": "2022-05-21T05:46:56Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662538646.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20220521045616-20220521075616-00457.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9404910802841187, "token_count": 1500, "url": "https://www.foodnetwork.com/how-to/packages/food-network-essentials/what-is-kosher-salt" }
Avram Mlotek is a student at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School. His writing has appeared in The Huffington Post, The Forward, Tablet and The Jewish Week. He lives in Manhattan with his wife and daughter. Every year around this time, Jewish families visit the graves of their relatives. Tradition. The high holidays are lurking around the corner. The shofar gets sounded in synagogue on a daily basis…during the month of Elul, a time of eager anticipation. Maimonides teaches that the shofar is a type of alarm clock for all of us immersed in a spiritual slumber. Wake up, cries the ancient ram’s horn. Somberness has been my recurring theme these past several months, given the violent climate of our world: The war… >> Read More Waking up at 5 a.m. has never been my forte. I'm used to going to bed around then. I never even changed a diaper before my daughter was born. And yet, here I am, 12 months later, still marveling.…How is it that such a little person can inspire so much commitment and love? "We're still in the grace period," my wife used to joke when we were dating, meaning bickering and disagreements were rare as we were first getting to know each other. I'm starting to wonder, though, how long does a grace… >> Read More We sat in the waiting room. My wife and I came up with a list of what we had to do later that day: respond to emails, clean our apartment, maybe watch an episode of We had been…sensitive to the kabbalistic notion of the ayin ha-ra, the evil eye, and refrained from excessive preparation of unconfirmed events. Yet, we figured, with a month away and a one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan to reorganize, it was time to build a crib. Earlier that day before the unexpected rush to the hospital, my grandparents surprised us with… >> Read More Psst. Father's Day is coming up on June 17th. In preparation for this joyous occasion, here's an interesting perspective from a first-time-father-to-be. I've been singing to my wife's stomach…lately and oddly enough, this doesn't feel too strange. As Yael enters her third trimester and her beautiful belly bursts, I find myself looking for ways to stay involved in her growing process. I'm reading books and hearing stories, wondering all the while: does all this really prepare me for the epic change we're about to… >> Read More
{ "date": "2015-03-30T02:19:35Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131298889.70/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172138-00042-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9733333587646484, "token_count": 542, "url": "http://www.kveller.com/author/avram-mlotek/" }
In the name of 'theology', which is presented as a difficult subject and is there for only those who can learn Latin, Greek and Hebrew, changes have been made in Catholic doctrine, which is approved by the two popes and the Jewish Left rabbis. Prof. S.Visintin osb, the former Italian Dean of Theology at the University of St.Anselm, Rome has said that there are no known cases of the baptism of desire and so it cannot be an exception to the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) - yet the new Dean of Theology at St.Anselm is expected to say just this! -it is an exception, to the dogma EENS as it was known to St. Benedict and St. Scholastica.This is being taught in 'theology' in all the pontifical universities. A lay man with no degree in the new theology may ask,"But where are these cases of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance, with or without the baptism of water?" The professors at the St. Anselm University would answer 'but this is what the Church teaches and this is what we must obey.' The professors at the Regina Apostolorum, Rome would say that 'we must keep in step with the Church'. "But these persons are invisible and they do not exist in 2016 so why must we have to accept this when the saints like Maximillian Kolbe and St.Benedict did not do so,neither did the Jesuits like Robert Bellarmine and Francis Xavier", the lay Catholic would ask. "This is a mystery in the Church that we have to accept", the priest- professor would say, " a new mystery in the Church". So in the name of THEOLOGY they are teaching heresy and lay Catholics are following it and consider it Catholic doctrine.It really is a new politically correct teaching to get rid of the dogma extra ecclesiam nullas salus. They do this with a false premise.The false premise is that of the baptism of desire being visible and known in the present times, even though these cases are invisible and do not exist in our reality.This is falsehood, a lie, a deception yet is it officially being taught as Catholic theology. No pope or saint of the past mentioned a visible for us baptism of desire etc. This is all inferred by liberal theologians and is approved by the popes and the political Left.-Lionel Andrades
{ "date": "2017-08-21T14:06:51Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886108709.89/warc/CC-MAIN-20170821133645-20170821153645-00698.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9579023122787476, "token_count": 520, "url": "http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2016/12/the-great-deception-in-catholic-church.html" }
The Plac Nowy flea market in the Jewish quarter of Krakow goes back 200 years already. This daily market open from very early morning until the afternoon provides fresh food and locally grown. In the centre of the square there is a building dispensing the traditional zapiekanka (a baguette with various toppings) from small windows just like an ATM. The market has a routine, that is, different days of the week are dedicated to certain particular areas. On Saturdays the antiques vendors are the main attraction while on Sundays it’s clothing both new and secondhand. Twice a week you can buy livestock, though in modern times it’s limited to small animals such as chicks or rabbits. This happens every Tuesday and Friday. War time memorabilia is in abundance and some unusual and even unthinkable items can be found. Religious artefacts are also popular, the market itself expands into the surrounding area and on a good day there are over 300 stalls even if a few are quite makeshift. Nonetheless, the atmosphere this market creates is undeniably strong in sentiment and rich in the spirit and fibre of Krakow culture. This historical market is definitely on the list. Happy bargain hunting.
{ "date": "2018-08-21T04:54:01Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221217951.76/warc/CC-MAIN-20180821034002-20180821054002-00338.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9470672607421875, "token_count": 249, "url": "http://www.krakow-poland.com/krakow-tourist-information/krakow-markets/plac-nowy" }
Part of the fun of any holiday or special event is the anticipation of it. This was abundantly clear to me in October as my 3-year old son came home each and every day ready to check his Halloween countdown calendar for a treat. He was so sad when it was over and the calendar was all done. Luckily as we head into the winter holidays, there are some great Hanukkah calendars out there; we have two, one from Pottery Barn Kids and one from Land of Nod: They are both adorable calendars and my son loves them. BUT they only count the actual days of Hanukkah, not the excitement and anticipation of the days leading up to it. So I decided it was time to make my own calendar and to give it a true Jewish slant. I thought we’d count down the 18 (chai) days before Hanukkah as well as the days of Hanukkah themselves. Using Microsoft Publisher and some great graphics I purchased from Maree Truelove on etsy, I created a printable Chai to Hanukkah Countdown Calendar for 2012 to share with all of you! Speaking of the graphics, Maree Truelove has some really cute Hanukkah graphics if you need some for a project – it’s so hard to find non-cheesy Hanukkah graphics and hers fit the bill. I printed mine on good quality white cardstock and then printed the stickers, below, on a sheet of sticker paper and cut them out using the paper cutter (scissors would work fine too – I gave you gridlines to make it easy!). But you could also print on paper and use tape, a glue stick or even print on magnet paper. My intention was that you start with the “Chai to Hanukkah” sticker and then use the numbered stickers for each of the 8 nights, but really you can do whatever you (or your kids) feel like. Hope you are as excited to countdown to Hanukkah as we are in my house!
{ "date": "2019-08-20T19:25:33Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027315558.25/warc/CC-MAIN-20190820180442-20190820202442-00338.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9690046906471252, "token_count": 424, "url": "https://madebymamaleh.com/2012/11/18/chai-to-hanukkah-free-printable/?like_comment=199&_wpnonce=b567736935" }
The Association of Jewish Refugees (AJR) and the Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) have launched a significant new digital resource to enrich teaching and learning about the Holocaust: The UK Holocaust Map. The new website, www.ukholocaustmap.org.uk helps communities across the country learn about their local connections to the Holocaust, Jewish refugees and British responses to Nazism. Lord Pickles, Head of the UK Delegation and the UK Special Envoy for Post-Holocaust Issues, was an early supporter of the initiative. “Sites all across the UK help to tell the story of the Holocaust and British responses to Nazism, yet many of these are shrouded in obscurity,” he said. “The UK Holocaust Map inspires users of all ages to discover the places, personal stories and archival records which highlight that Holocaust history is – without a doubt – British history.” Alex Maws, Head of Educational Grants and Projects at the AJR and member of the UK delegation to the IHRA, commented: “Recommendations for teaching and learning about the Holocaust published in 2019 by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) encourage the study of the local dimension of the Holocaust. This is perhaps much easier for teachers to accomplish in countries that were occupied by the Nazis or which collaborated. In Britain, this guidance is often overlooked, in large part because teachers themselves are not aware of the many local aspects they could be including in their lessons. The UK Holocaust Map helps to rectify that.” UK Holocaust Map encourages study of the Holocaust's local impact in the UK and partnerships among organizations Research has shown that over the years, the absence of this topic from most teachers’ schemes of work has contributed to a problem in Britain’s conceptions about the Holocaust, that it was something that happened elsewhere, and that this country’s only roles were as rescuers and liberators. The map brings together content from numerous archives, museums and institutions across the country. The significance of each map location is highlighted through testimony extracts, archival documents and photos. At the time of its launch, the map already features nearly 400 pinned locations, and the AJR, which will oversee the map, is eager to see it expand. At an online launch event attended by more than 100 stakeholders, the AJR appealed to institutions and local researchers to contribute new content to it. Michael Newman, Chief Executive of the AJR and member of the UK delegation to the IHRA, said: “One of the key aims of the AJR’s educational work in recent years is to encourage partnerships among organizations in the sector, and we see The UK Holocaust Map as one significant manifestation of that spirit of partnership. Critically, the map will complement – rather than seek to replace – existing educational resources and programs.” The Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities is responsible for the delivery of the new Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre next to the Houses of Parliament in Westminster and is advised by The UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation. DLUHC’s sponsorship of The UK Holocaust Map makes a powerful statement that its work to promote Holocaust memory extends far beyond central London, into every other region of the country.
{ "date": "2022-05-23T05:39:05Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662555558.23/warc/CC-MAIN-20220523041156-20220523071156-00458.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9504198431968689, "token_count": 674, "url": "https://holocaustremembrance.com/news-archive/new-resource-maps-holocaust-related-sites-uk" }
Jim Joseph Funds New Stanford Doctoral Program - Stanford University Receives $12 million to Establish New Concentration and Professorship Committed to the creation of a new generation of scholars in Jewish education, the Jim Joseph Foundation has announced a $12 million grant, awarded to Stanford University’s School of Education (SUSE) to create a doctoral Concentration in Education and Jewish Studies. A key component of the new concentration is the establishment of an endowed Jim Joseph Professorship in Education and Jewish Studies. The gift is the largest in the history of Stanford’s School of Education. Stanford previously offered a concentration in Jewish education from 1992 – 2002, establishing a track record for preparing scholars of Jewish education at the doctoral level. By using the JJF grant to renew its concentration, Stanford now joins NYU as one of only two research universities in the country offering this type of doctoral degree. It will admit two students per year for the first three years of the program and then will ramp up by one additional student per year afterwards to reach a total of seven. Faculty in Stanford’s School of Education will collaborate with scholars in Stanford’s Taube Center of Jewish Studies to create the curriculum for this new concentration. “We truly are embarking on a new era of research and understanding about how religion and education intersect,” said Professor Vered Karti Shemtov, co-director of the Taube Center for Jewish Studies. “Our center is looking forward to contributing to this new concentration and working with its scholars and students. We have long participated in educating the next generations of leaders in the study of Jewish history, religion and literatures. Thanks to the Jim Joseph Foundation, the new concentration will allow us to train scholars who will influence not only the academic world, but also K-12 education.” “What makes this renewed concentration unique is its broad, all-encompassing approach to education,” said Dr. Jonathan Sarna, the Joseph H. and Belle R. Braun Professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University. “SUSE and the Jim Joseph Foundation understand that Jewish education encompasses issues of nationality, peoplehood and culture, as well as religion; that Judaism is a broad civilization embracing both secular and Jewish elements.” This understanding, along with the idea that the meeting of religion and education can contribute to a broad array of fields, will establish Stanford as a national and international center for research in this new field. about: The Shimon Ben Joseph Foundation, commonly known as the Jim Joseph Foundation, is committed to the legacy of its founder, Jim Joseph, z”l, devoted exclusively to supporting education of Jewish youth in the United States. Jim Joseph was a dedicated Jewish philanthropist who cared passionately about the education of Jewish children, youth, and young adults. He believed that focusing on young people was the best way to preserve a strong Jewish faith and proud heritage, thereby ensuring success of the Jewish people for the future. The Jim Joseph Foundation also funds dual degree NYU masters and doctoral students in Jewish Studies and Education, part of the Foundation’s deliberate approach to fund Jewish education scholars at premier universities – one on each coast – who will populate the field as a next generation of educational leaders.
{ "date": "2022-05-23T07:27:04Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662556725.76/warc/CC-MAIN-20220523071517-20220523101517-00658.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9398605227470398, "token_count": 672, "url": "https://ejewishphilanthropy.com/jim-joseph-funds-new-stanford-doctoral-program/" }
As a result, Bal merged with Deaconess Hospital along with a few others in order to create The Care Group System. While the concept was to team up and create a profitable , efficient and great care environment, the merger only created a spiraled downfall in operations and care resulting in substantial loss of money. It turned into a disastrous merger. Questions 1 . Why did Bal merge with Deaconess, despite knowing financial and philosophical differences would be an impossible challenge? 2. - Thesis Statement - Structure and Outline - Voice and Grammar In such a large merger, why was clinical operations much more important to lead and recess with than financial integration? . Why despite all the changes, was there no buy in for change? Hypothesis Problem Statement: Cost pressures stemming from a recent financial crisis and local competition drive the hospital’s efforts to improve efficiency. At the heart of these issues, new President of the Hospital Paul Levy faces daunting challenges in changing a culture of bad financial decisions, poor culture, and a system that has too many decision makers not making decisions. Hypothesis: By maintaining his focus on changing culture and really instituting change; Paul Levy can help turn around Beth Israel Medical Center Hospitals.Organizational factors, internal processes, and practical tools were developed to make changes but never executed, by previous management, Paul Levy can bring changes by actually executing and following through on plans of delivery, integration and process. Proof and Action At the heart of the problem was the governing board of directors for the Care Group. The governing structure was also a little odd at this point. The Caregiver had a board overseeing the holding company, but the BID had its won board as well. It had 45 members, a quarter of them doctors, but most of them without medical backgrounds. Most people were on the board because of their philanthropic contributions. These were very successful business people in town, but not highly engaged in either the day-to-day operations or the policies of the hospital. Indeed, once the Caregiver board came into power, there was a question of who really had supervision of the hospital. In addition no one caught to make established decisions as a group. CEO, CUFF, COO always left President out of the loop and vice versa. There was never a culture of cohesive decision making or proper implementation and follow- through.In addition, and probably most important, was the lack of culture. The merger of the BI and the D?the Beth Israel and the Deaconess?brought together two hospitals with widely varying cultures. They were different in many respects. A Jewish hospital and a Methodist hospital. A hospital with a warm, caring environment versus?and I use the word ‘versus’ intentionally?a hospital that had more of a businesslike, commercial approach to things. A highly academic versus less academic hospital. Although it was portrayed as a merger of equals, in fact it was not.Mitch Rabin from the Bal ran the newly merged hospital, and, for that as well as other reasons, the Bal chiefs and leadership really led the way and were given the positions of authority in the new merged hospital. This created hard feelings among the Deaconess chiefs, who were very expert in their own way. Some of the better physicians left. There was a lot of hostility, mistrust, and bad feelings. Paul Levy has to make a change culturally as it sets the foundation for how people listen, understand and execute an idea. Action Plan/Summary It seems that Paul Levels challenge is daunting.
{ "date": "2022-05-20T23:35:57Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662534693.28/warc/CC-MAIN-20220520223029-20220521013029-00058.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9799185395240784, "token_count": 732, "url": "https://gerardcambon.net/paul-levy-deaconess-cs-essay/" }
Dear Abby: A friend of mine lost her husband a couple of years ago. I didn’t think she was looking for love or companionship, but all of a sudden she has met a younger man, and I’m concerned. I have observed several red flags, but I’m not sure if I should say something. She owns a home in a big city and another smaller, very nice one with a view of the lake in a resort town three hours away. This man has posted on his main Facebook page a picture of “his” new cabin. (I don’t have any details regarding who else was there.) I looked at his Facebook pictures and saw one of his daughter, who looks to be around 13, along with several pictures of a woman I assume to be his beautiful significant other posing with him and his daughter. On my friend’s birthday, he showed up at her door with a huge bouquet, balloons and all. She called a mutual friend about the flowers and was all giddy. This scenario makes me suspect he’s a predator who may start asking her for money. What, if anything, should I do? — Friend Seeing Signs Dear Friend: If it were me, I’d ask my friend how she enjoyed the family party at her lake house — and whether she has seen what this new man in her life has posted about it on his FB. I would tell her how seeing his claim that the place is “his” made you do a double-take. After that, I would simply listen. Dear Abby: My mother-in-law, “Gladys,” was never a particularly good mother as her kids were growing up. We don’t get along very well. She interjects herself into every aspect of my family’s life, especially when some sort of crisis happens. Most recently, it concerned the death of my wife’s father’s second wife. Gladys actually parked her truck in front of ours to prevent us from going to give him emotional support. When she acts like this, my wife refuses to stand up to her. This woman has more than once come between me and my family. How should I confront her and my wife about this? I feel like Gladys had her chance, but now it is my place to call the shots. Am I being unreasonable? — Husband And Dad In Georgia Dear Husband: I don’t think you are being unreasonable. I do think you need to have a serious, private conversation with your wife. You both need to learn how to set firm boundaries for her mother. If you need help doing that, consult a marriage counselor. A marriage in which one spouse feels sidelined is headed for trouble. Dear Readers: At sundown, the first night of Passover begins. This Jewish holiday celebrates a momentous event in Jewish history — the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. Happy Passover to all who observe. — Love, Abby Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips and was founded by her mother,Pauline Phillips.Contact Dear Abby at P.O.Box 69440,Los Angeles,CA 90069 or visit
{ "date": "2022-05-23T21:57:22Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662561747.42/warc/CC-MAIN-20220523194013-20220523224013-00458.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9851474761962891, "token_count": 687, "url": "https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2022/apr/15/opinion-dear-abby-widows-friend-unsettled-when-mystery-man-appears/?features" }
The Truth About Hitler’s Germany and What Its Annihilation Did to Our Most Essential Liberties by Dr. William L. Pierce TWO WEEKS AGO my organization, the National Alliance, held a small, peaceful demonstration at the German Embassy in Washington. On Sunday, July 29, we had about 70 men and women carrying signs in front of the embassy protesting the lack of civil liberties for dissidents in Germany. We were protesting the fact that the German government puts its citizens in prison for saying or writing anything deemed Politically Incorrect. In Germany people are locked up even for listening to Politically Incorrect music or for having Politically Incorrect ideas about what really happened during the Second World War. People are in prison in Germany now for having questioned some detail of the official “Holocaust” story, for example, or for singing forbidden songs or for being caught at an underground concert where forbidden music was being played. There is no freedom of speech in Germany, no freedom of association, no intellectual or artistic freedom, and we want everyone to know this. We want to embarrass the German government. And we want the American people to know about this lack of freedom in Germany and about the repression of political, intellectual, and artistic dissidents. Most Americans haven’t the faintest idea about these things. Americans are taught in school and by the media — especially by Hollywood — that in the Second World War the Americans fought the Nazis to free the German people and the rest of Europe from the tyranny imposed by Hitler. Americans are taught that under Hitler the Germans had no freedom. They are taught that the first thing Hitler did when he became chancellor of Germany in 1933 was confiscate all of the privately owned firearms in Germany. Then he burned all of the books he didn’t like. After that, Americans have been told in countless Hollywood films, he had anyone who criticized him or his government arrested and thrown into a concentration camp. Americans have been taught that anyone who refused to give the Roman salute or to say “Heil Hitler!” on appropriate occasions was in danger of being shot by the Gestapo. And we are taught that the Americans smashed the wicked Nazi government in order to restore freedom to Germany. We are taught that we gave back to the Germans freedom of speech and freedom of the press and freedom of association, that we gave them back political and intellectual and artistic freedom, and that the Germans were very grateful to us for this. We are taught that we “liberated” the Germans. And to drive the lesson home we are shown photographs and old newsreel clips of American GIs handing out candy bars to grateful German children. We are shown photographs of American soldiers opening the gates of concentration camps and freeing all of the wrongfully imprisoned dissidents, many of them badly malnourished. Most Americans don’t understand that nearly all of this is a calculated lie. They don’t understand that Hollywood concocted this lie, and the U.S. government and the American educational establishment went along with it in order to deceive the American people about the true reasons for the American bombing and invasion of Germany and about what actually happened in Germany before, during, and after the war. Indeed, some GIs did give candy bars to German children, but nearly everything else we have been taught about Germany and the Second World War is a lie. Most Americans don’t understand that Hitler didn’t confiscate privately owned firearms after he became chancellor. In fact, he encouraged the private ownership of firearms by Germans. It was the U.S. government that outlawed the private ownership of firearms in Germany and then confiscated all civilian weapons from the German people in 1945. After Germany’s surrender the U.S. Army posted proclamations requiring all German civilians to turn in their handguns, their hunting rifles and shotguns, even their fencing swords, at Army collection stations. And American GIs were amazed at the enormous number of privately owned weapons turned in by the Germans: everything from modern sporting rifles and pocket pistols intended for self-defense to antique firearms and swords that were family heirlooms. The Americans permitted no German civilian to keep any weapon with which he might defend himself or his family. Hitler didn’t take away the Germans’ right to keep and bear arms; the U.S. government did. Americans don’t understand that Hitler did not make it illegal for Germans to own books critical of him or his government. Americans have been shown pictures of Germans throwing books on bonfires, and they have been told that these were books confiscated from Germans, that the Nazis were basically “book burners” who consigned to the flames anything they didn’t agree with. What they have not been told is that the bonfires were merely symbolic, that the books burned were communist literature, pornographic materials, and other books the Hitler government viewed as degenerate and harmful to public morality. Germans could still own or read such books if they wanted, but the Nazis were making a public demonstration of their opposition to communism, to pornography, to Jewish fashions, to degenerate modern art, and the like. Their symbolic bonfires served much the same purpose as public bonfires that have been organized in America by Christian church groups to burn records, tapes, and CDs of music with what the church groups consider immoral lyrics. Christian leaders understand that they cannot stop people from owning or listening to such music, but they want to send a graphic message of their disapproval. Such bonfires, whether in Germany or America, have propaganda value, but they do not have legal significance. Americans don’t understand that Germans were not thrown into concentration camps for not saying “Heil Hitler!” or for not joining the Nazi party. Indeed, there were certain limits. Hitler banned the Communist Party, and if someone were caught trying to recruit communists for underground work, he very likely would wind up in a concentration camp. If homosexuals were seen fondling each other in public in Berlin the way they do in San Francisco today, they probably would be sent to a concentration camp. If a child molester or a pimp were arrested in Germany, he might be sent to a concentration camp. He might even have his head cut off. There were some things the Nazis simply wouldn’t put up with. They were quite determined to clean up German life and to set new fashions and new standards for public behavior after a long period during which the Jews had been permitted to promote every sort of degeneracy in Germany. But the fact remains that despite the restrictions on communists and homosexuals and Jews, Germans had more intellectual and artistic freedom — more freedom of speech — under Hitler than they did after Germany’s so-called “liberation” in 1945. And under Hitler they had more freedom of expression than they do today. But if you say that in Germany now you’ll be arrested and sent to prison for it. In the National Alliance we believe that Americans ought to understand that. It was not just for German freedom that we were demonstrating two weeks ago. It was for American freedom as well. The unfortunate fact is that our government in Washington agrees with the German government’s repression of dissidents in Germany. The Bush government would like very much to be able to imprison its critics in America the way the German government imprisons its dissidents. On the very day before our demonstration Mr. Bush’s government forcibly sent a young German musician, Hendrik Möbus, back to Germany so that he can be imprisoned for Politically Incorrect statements he made there before fleeing to this country and seeking political asylum here. Our Immigration and Nationality Act specifically says that asylum is available to: (A)ny person who is outside any country of such person’s nationality … and who is unable or unwilling to return to, and is unable or unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of that country because of persecution or well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. That’s what the U.S. law says, and it seems clear enough that, having been convicted twice in absentia by German courts while he was seeking asylum here for things he had said in Germany before fleeing, Hendrik had a “well-founded fear of persecution on account of … [his] political opinion.” And so from the beginning the National Alliance supported Hendrik’s struggle for freedom. We hired attorneys for him and paid all of his expenses in the effort to win political asylum for him. In the final ruling against Hendrik before they turned him over to the German government to be locked up, the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals said that they found that the German government had a “right” to enforce its laws intended to: discourage the political activities of groups seen as sympathetic to or supportive of extremely nationalistic or Nazi-like causes. This quote is directly from the ruling. Well, I’m no lawyer, but it seems to me that being convicted and sentenced to prison for making statements seen by the German government as “sympathetic to or supportive of extremely nationalistic or Nazi-like causes” amounts to “persecution on account of … political opinion.” You know, I have a strong suspicion that if Hendrik were Chinese instead of German, and the Chinese government wanted to lock him up for having said things it didn’t like, the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals would have viewed his petition for asylum differently. I suspect that would be the case because opposition by a Chinaman to the Chinese government is not seen as a threat by a certain very powerful minority group in the United States, whereas opposition by a German to the German government that the U.S. Army installed after the war to keep the German people under control very definitely is seen as a threat. Of course, the principal lie about Germany that is propagated by the media and the schools and the government here isn’t the lie that Germany is a free country today. It is the lie that for no reason at all Hitler killed six million innocent, inoffensive, blameless Jews in gas chambers during the war. This is the so-called “Holocaust” story that Germans are not permitted to investigate or question. They are required to swallow it whole, under penalty of law — and to do penance by supporting Israel. To be sure, Hitler did kill Jews. That was a necessary concomitant of restoring Germany to health. When communists were rounded up and thrown into concentration camps in Germany before the war, many of them were Jews. And during the fight against the Soviet Union, groups of Jews were rounded up and put into concentration camps in the east, because nearly all of them were partisans of the communists. When the Germans failed to round them up, the local citizens in Poland and Ukraine and the Baltic states often rounded them up themselves and killed them, because the Jews had collaborated with the Soviets in persecuting the non-Jewish citizens of these countries. There’s a big ruckus in the Jewish media at the moment about the Poles taking revenge against the Jews of the town of Jedwabne in 1941 after the Germans drove out the Reds. I really don’t know how many Jews the Germans killed, but it certainly was less than the number of German civilians and prisoners of war killed by or at the instigation of the Jews after the war. The Americans collaborated in this genocidal campaign against the Germans, allowing gangs of armed, murderous Jews in U.S. Army uniforms to run wild through conquered Germany, raping, looting, and killing. German prisoners of war were starved to death on a massive scale after they had surrendered. Some were poisoned by being fed bread laced with arsenic. And the Americans, who supposedly had been fighting to “liberate” the Germans, turned the whole eastern half of Germany over to the communists at the end of the war. Some “liberation”! It’s no wonder that American GIs began using the term so cynically. To “liberate” came to mean to steal, to loot, to despoil, to plunder, and to pillage. Anyway, the Germans lost their freedom in 1945, and they still haven’t regained it. The Jews who control our news and entertainment media think that’s a good thing, and therefore, of course, our government does too. The National Alliance was protesting against the lack of freedom in Germany and also against the attitude of the media and the government in this country that the Germans shouldn’t have freedom, nor should Americans who refuse to follow the Jewish party line. So as soon as the National Alliance people began arriving at the German Embassy, they were attacked by a shrieking gaggle of the Chosen Ones who had been bused in from New York for the purpose. The Jews, representing such groups as the International Socialist Organization, the World Workers’ Party, something called Anti-Racist Action, and a coven of militant lesbians, began spitting and swinging weapons. Most of the Jews were masked: that is, they were wearing ski masks or bandannas tied across their faces. The District of Columbia has an anti-mask law, enacted back during the 1920s as an anti-Klan measure, but the police seemed to believe that the law doesn’t apply to Jews or communists, because no one was arrested for concealing his face behind a mask or a bandanna. The enemy’s weapons were things they could claim weren’t really weapons, but that nevertheless could do substantial damage. One of them was swinging a skateboard, and another was using a heavy lug wrench when they attacked Billy Roper, who works with me in Hillsboro, but who was leading our group of demonstrators in Washington. I wasn’t there myself, but I have studied the videotape from a news camera, and one can clearly see these Jewish champions of international brotherhood trying to kill Billy with a heavy skateboard and a lug wrench. They put a nasty gash over his right eye before our people grabbed them and held them for the police. Our people, of course, in obedience to the law, all were unarmed, neatly dressed, and prepared for a peaceful demonstration, but since we had as many people as the Jews had, the odds weren’t to their liking and they didn’t stick around long. We marched in front of the embassy for two hours, primarily for the benefit of the news media, so that our message would reach the American public as well as the German government. One Washington television station — Channel 9 — carried a reasonably good report of the demonstration and of the Jewish effort to stop it; the Washington Post and most of the other media gave minimal coverage. So our member Billy Roper, a high school history teacher from Arkansas, got a gash over his eye and some bruises, the National Alliance is $20,000 in the hole for legal expenses trying to win asylum for Hendrik; and Hendrik is in a German prison, where he must spend at least the next five years of his life for having said some things that the Chosen People who control both Germany and the United States didn’t like. And the American people, like most of the German people, continue watching their television screens in blissful ignorance, growing fatter, and thinking exactly what the Jewish masters of Hollywood and the networks tell them to think. Excuse me: that’s not entirely correct. The situation really isn’t as static as that makes it seem. The masters of the media are not content with keeping most of the Gentile population in a stupor of ignorance and consumption. They are consumed with the same murderous hatred for our people that inspired the communists, lesbians, and other Jewish radicals to attempt to murder one of our peaceful demonstrators in Washington by beating him over the head with a lug wrench and a skateboard. The media masters and their allies in the government, in the schools, and in the pulpit are pushing hard for “speech crime” laws in the United States of the same sort that resulted in Hendrik being imprisoned in Germany. And the other side of the situation is that not all of our people are in a brainwashed stupor. More than ever before, the perceptive and independent-minded few are rousing themselves in alarm over the danger that threatens all of us. The danger to Americans is not just that of the loss of our freedom, leaving us, like the Germans, unable to speak out against those who want to destroy us. The danger comes from a whole flood of evils accompanying the campaign against our freedom. The flood of non-White immigrants into the White world — in America, in Australia, in Europe — is causing some to join us. The growing corruption of our courts and our legislatures is rousing others. The all too visible examples of South Africa and Rhodesia — visible, that is, to those not totally numbed by the Jewish poison pouring forth from their television screens — these examples of what happens to White nations that succumb to the Jew-inspired, womanish whining of the multiculturalists and the diversity-mongers, the whining of, “Oh, why can’t we all just learn to get along together? Why can’t we all just love each other: Blacks and Asians and mestizos and Whites? There’s plenty for all of us if we’ll just share and be nice to each other” — these examples of the descent into rape and disease and murder and squalor and savagery and degradation and racial extinction wherever Jewish propaganda has prevailed — are moving others finally to stand with us. What is coming to America will be terrible and bloody. What will happen even to those who have tried desperately to stay out of the fight will be far more painful than what happened to Billy Roper when he was attacked by a Jewish mob in Washington two weeks ago. But we can see now at least the possibility of light and sanity and health once again after the great bloodletting that is coming. It really is a race now between the Jews and their allies on one side, and the awakening few on our side: the few who still have time to prevail against the enemies of our people everywhere if they can find the courage and the will to act soon. Original title: Demonstrating for Freedom Free Speech – August 2001 – Volume VII, No. 8 * * * Source: National Alliance
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Striving for Instructional Communication Competence: Maximizing Students' Learning Potential through Awareness and Assessment of Instructional Communication Behaviors - The High School-College Writing Gap: Formative Assessment Applications. // Journal of Developmental Education;Winter2007, Vol. 31 Issue 2, p34 The article presents the result of a survey among new students enrolled in their first writing course at the George Washington University (GW) regarding their high school writing experiences. The data collated from the participants revealed that literary analysis, analytical essays and... - Women's Rhetorical Agency in the American West: The New Penelope. Kelly, Casey // Conference Papers -- National Communication Association;2008, p1 This essay examines the ways in which women's rhetorical agency is tied to material structures and socialization processes. Using women's experiences in the American West at the end of the 19th century, I analyze how fissures in the cult of true womanhood in frontier life afforded women new... - NEWS BRIEFS. // Graham Leader;9/5/2012, Vol. 137 Issue 6, p1 The article reports on the kick off of the second annual Livestock Animal Essay Contest on September 5, 2012, in which the event is open to Young County students in grades three through 12, home-schooled students and students who attend public or private schools. - Livestock essay contest open to 4-H'ers. // Graham Leader;9/5/2012, Vol. 137 Issue 6, p2 The article reports on the kick off of the 2012 Second annual Livestock Animal Essay Contest on September 5, wherein the event is open to Young County students in grades three through 12, home-schooled students and students who attend public or private schools. - Once more once upon a time again. Saltzman, Arthur M. // Contemporary Education;1998, Vol. 69 Issue 3, p126 Opinion. Discusses the writing and grading of composition essays by college students. Indepth look at the writing technique; Details on excitement in the essays; Information on the composition text in relation to audience awareness. - Kansas students invited to enter essay contest. // High Plains Journal;10/10/2011, Vol. 129 Issue 41, p6-B The article offers information on the annual essay contest called "Kansas! Say It Above a Whisper," sponsored by the Native Sons and Daughters of Kansas, and arranged for students of Kansas' schools. - OU kosher essay contest under way. // New Jersey Jewish News;2/23/2012, Vol. 66 Issue 8, p28 The article reports on the acceptance of entries for the fourth annual OU Kosher Essay Contest for students in grades seven-12 across North America. - Idea retrieval in argumentative text writing by 11-18 year old students. Delphine, Pouit; Caroline, Golder // European Journal of Psychology of Education - EJPE (Instituto Su;Dec2002, Vol. 17 Issue 4, p309 Presents a study that examined the idea retrieval process in argumentative text writing by 11 to 18-year-old students in France. Details of the use of knowledge telling and knowledge transforming strategies in the study; Quantitative and qualitative analyses of essays written by the students;... - Seventh grade Munday student wins 5th place in MLK, Jr. essay contest. // Munday Courier (TX);1/30/2008, Vol. 35 Issue 8, p1 The article provides information on the seventh grade student who won the Martin Luther King essay contest in Munday, Texas.
{ "date": "2015-04-01T22:36:23Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131309963.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172149-00195-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8879740238189697, "token_count": 752, "url": "http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/essays/44852762/striving-instructional-communication-competence-maximizing-students-learning-potential-through-awareness-assessment-instructional-communication-behaviors" }
In a couple of months Bwana Bloomberg packs up all his cares and woes and epaulets and coronets. So, then, what’s with NYC’s Friskmissioner? Since Ray Kelly hasn’t enough problems, next up he’ll mix it up with literary critics. Happens I already know our top cop already met with DC’s top rep. He sealed the deal with Washington, DC, lawyer/agent Bob Barnett, a money wrangler who’s scored millions for authors like Bill and Hill, Laura and George, Petraeus the upstanding general, Tony Blair and Barack Obummer. We’re talking top advances for a book. We’re thinking maybe a large influx of dollars might open Kelly’s zipped lips. Oy, has Ray got stuff to tell. Judge Judy officiates grandson’s lavish wedding Saturday Judge Judy and Judge Jerry Sheindlin married grandson Casey to bride Olivia. 150 family guests. For multiple rooms including an after-party, events planner Lawrence Scott tented grounds and pool in pleats. Priceless chandeliers, artifacts, silver candelabra, life-size bronze horses held Murano lamps. Scott’s staff — 50 on the floor, 25 in back, eight chefs, orchestra, singers and an army of alchemists installed air conditioners, lights, floors painted in designs. Monday, refrigerated trucks and gear built three kitchens for 180 filet mignons, more lobsters than in Maine, large shrimp, six to a pound, which, said Scott, “look like they’re injected with steroids.” Fruit filled a wooden trough large enough for a cavalry unit. China, Bernardaud and Versace. Glasses, Baccarat. Lawrence Scott Events does world-famous itsy gatherings. A Sweet 16 for seven kids in your attic? Forget Larry. For what Judges Judy and Jerry made as civil servants, call him. P.S. Larry Scott even sprayed the glorious surrounding bushes with green paint. Fashion Week’s kickoff lunch corralled classy shmatta/glamour socialites like Aerin Lauder, Judith Ripka, Hilary Swank, Martha Stewart. How classy? This 84-degree day, Jean Shafiroff, a charity type hoo-hah I’ve never seen before, wore white fur. OK? . . . Selena Gomez’s “Getaway” got away. Earned zero plus lousy reviews, but tough p.r. rules: She’s untouchable, unreachable, questions in advance, no private interviews. Fine. Her movie bombed. Huma Abedin missing from Weiner campaign trail Notice Mrs. Deeply in Love Happily Married Anthony Weiner is nowhere on the campaign trail? De Blasio’s family except for grandma is on TV. Christine Quinn ’s partner is giving interviews. Catsimatidis’ blond wife and daughter are stumping. Mrs. John Liu’s feeding the hungry and unwashed. Both George McDonalds are everywhere together but the men’s room. Mme. Huma Abedin Weiner? No place. No accident. It’s been discussed at home. Rehashed over the kitchen table or wherever he’s dressed. Maybe she discovered maybe things maybe she didn’t maybe even know about him before maybe. Maybe. I only know glued right now to Mister Piggy she isn’t. Odds & ends So goombah Steve Schirripa during the Jewish High Holy Days? Inhaling pizza at Harry’s Italian on Murray Street . . . After back surgery and rest in Italy, Sirio Maccioni of Le Cirque, Sirio and Circo is back in Le Cirque, Sirio and Circo. . . . In the ’60s, Neil Sedaka sold 25 million records. Rich Podolsky’s book with Elton John’s foreword, “Neil Sedaka: Rock ’n’ Roll Survivor: The Inside Story of His Incredible Comeback” is out this week. Audiologist Dr. Kevin O’Flaherty has sharpened famous ears from A — for the late Brooke Astor to some well-known Z-named East Sider. Recently, a fiance came in and complained, “I don’t need a hearing aid.” The betrothed replied: “Yes, you do. I know it. Because when I talk dirty, you never respond.” And for a first in his 40-year practice, a young lady’s question: “When I’m Doing It, should I take the hearing aid out or leave it in?” O’Flaherty: “Depends on what you’d like. You want to feel it or hear it?” Only in New York, kids, only in New York.
{ "date": "2016-07-29T12:05:59Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257830066.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071030-00234-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8927386403083801, "token_count": 1047, "url": "http://pagesix.com/2013/09/09/ray-kelly-rumored-book-deal/" }
NEW YORK (JTA) — If it wasn’t clear before, it should be abundantly clear now: The Orthodox establishment will not sanction so-called partnership minyans, and it’s willing to go to the mat to fight them. In recent weeks, a flurry of articles by leading Orthodox rabbis and scholars have taken aim at the growing phenomenon of partnership minyans, which feature traditional Orthodox liturgy and mechitzah dividers separating the sexes but allow women to read from the Torah and lead certain parts of the service. Last week came news of a penalty for a rabbinical school student who had attended one such minyan: The New York Jewish Week reported that Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, known as RIETS, had threatened to withhold rabbinic ordination from a young man who had hosted a partnership minyan in his home. The threat came in the form of a Jan. 13 letter to the student signed by Rabbi Menachem Penner, RIETS’ acting dean, who said that women leading services or getting called to the Torah for an aliyah are practices “deemed prohibited by all recognized poskim,” or religious authorities. A rabbi ordained by RIETS “would be expected to not participate in such activities nor create a public impression that he supports such activities in normative practice,” said the letter, a copy of which was posted online by The Jewish Channel. After news of the threat leaked, Y.U. announced that it had secured a commitment from the student — who had successfully completed his course of study but had not yet formally been granted his certificate of ordination — to uphold the institution’s principles. The student, identified as Shalom, is now cleared to participate in the RIETS ordination event on March 23. The battle over partnership minyans is just the latest scuffle in the war over women’s roles in the Orthodox community. It comes on the heels of a controversy sparked in January when SAR, a modern Orthodox high school in New York, announced that it was allowing young women to wear tefillin, and it’s part of a continuum of debate on women’s roles in Orthodoxy that goes back decades. Some changes that proved deeply contentious at the time of their inception are now normative in modern Orthodox circles, such as women’s Talmud study and women’s-only prayer services. Others are still highly controversial, such as ordaining women clergy. ‘Whenever there’s change in the Orthodox community, it comes with a lot of birthing pains’ “Whenever there’s change in the Orthodox community, it comes with a lot of birthing pains — by nature it has to,” said Bat Sheva Marcus, one of the coordinators of Minyan Shachar, a partnership minyan that meets at a Reform synagogue in the Riverdale section of the Bronx. “I was very involved in the women’s tefillah [prayer] movement 25 years ago, and the reactions were exactly the same — ironically, because women’s tefillah now is the acceptable option.” For Orthodox Jews who support expanding women’s roles, the innovations of partnership minyans are a way to bring some of the egalitarianism they experience in other areas of their lives into Jewish practice without breaking the limits of Jewish law, or halachah. Rabbi Daniel Sperber, a professor of Talmud at Bar-Ilan University and the most prominent Orthodox authority on Jewish law who backs these minyans, says that the halachic principle of “human dignity” provides an opening to allow women to take public ritual roles in the synagogue. To their opponents, these changes are dangerous deviations from halachah made more insidious by the fact that they are happening inside the Orthodox community by Jews who claim to be acting according to Jewish law. Rabbi Hershel Schachter, a yeshiva head at RIETS, has been the leading voice in the recent chorus of condemnation. In a recent article, Schachter argued that having women lead services or read from the Torah constitutes a religious breach that corrupts the spirit and violates Jewish laws regarding women’s modesty, public dignity and the requirement of deferring to Torah sages. “It is forbidden for us to adopt new customs such that they will make a mockery of earlier generations,” Schachter wrote in Hebrew. ‘It is forbidden for us to adopt new customs such that they will make a mockery of earlier generations’ Partnership minyans have existed on the fringe of the Orthodox community for more than a decade, starting with Shira Hadasha, which was established in Jerusalem in 2002. Over the last decade they have spread rapidly in the United States, including Kol Sasson in Skokie, Ill.; Minyan Tehillah in Cambridge, Mass.; Darkhei Noam in Manhattan and Rosh Pina in Washington. More than two dozen are listed on the website of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance, though they don’t all meet every Shabbat. None of the minyans are full-time congregations with daily services, and they operate without congregational rabbis and meet in rented space, usually in Conservative or Reform institutions. Though they draw mostly from the Orthodox community, they also have attracted Jews raised in the Conservative movement looking for more observant communities. The minyans generally avoid calling themselves Orthodox but say they operate within the letter of Jewish law — even if their services upend centuries of Orthodox tradition. “This is not coming out of the Conservative movement; this is coming from people who regard themselves as Orthodox,” said Marc Shapiro, a Judaic studies professor at the University of Scranton. “These are Orthodox minyanim, structured precisely to appeal to the Orthodox because they claim to be halachic. And it’s a movement from the bottom up.” In partnership minyans, women may open the holy ark, lead the Kabbalat Shabbat hymns on Friday night and the early morning Psukei D’zimra prayers, read from the Torah and get called to the Torah. But they may not lead the Shacharit or Musaf services — because that would violate Jewish legal precepts requiring prayer leaders to be obligated themselves in the recitation of those prayers (only men are obligated to recite the Shacharit and Musaf prayers at their appointed times, according to Orthodox law). Because partnership minyans have mechitzah dividers, managing the egalitarianism can require some delicate choreography. The table where the Torah is read must be located in a neutral area accessible by both men and women. Depending on who takes the Torah out of the ark, it may be passed from one side of the room to the other on its way to the table. Some minyans have two lecterns for prayer leaders, one on each side of the mechitzah. While partnership minyans have made inroads among Orthodox Jews, they’re still kept at arm’s length by Orthodox institutions. A recent article published in Tradition, the journal of the Rabbinical Council of America, the mainstream Orthodox rabbis’ association, concludes, like Schachter, that partnership minyans violate Jewish law. ‘The consensus of the rabbis to whom the Orthodox Union turns to for halachic guidance is unequivocal, that partnership minyanim are improper’ In a statement issued to JTA, the leaders of the Orthodox Union said they reached the same conclusion. “The consensus of the rabbis to whom the Orthodox Union turns to for halachic guidance is unequivocal, that partnership minyanim are improper,” said the statement, signed by rabbis Steven Weil and Tzvi Hersh Weinreb. “It is our goal to assert this position in a way that strives to maintain the unity of the Jewish people.” The only Orthodox institution in the country that seems open to the minyans is Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, the liberal Orthodox rabbinical seminary in Riverdale. The founder of that school, Rabbi Avi Weiss, long has stirred controversy for his positions on women’s issues: He ordained the first Orthodox clergywoman several years ago and has established a yeshiva for ordaining women as clergy. His synagogue, the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, has allowed partnership minyans to take place in the building. Chovevei’s president, Rabbi Asher Lopatin, says partnership minyans are within the bounds of Jewish law. “There’s a lot of disagreement about it, but it’s well within Orthodoxy,” Lopatin said. “It’s just not normative yet.”
{ "date": "2016-07-23T21:19:13Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257823670.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071023-00097-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9529765248298645, "token_count": 1869, "url": "http://www.timesofisrael.com/partnership-minyans-require-delicate-choreography/" }
Jewish World ReviewFeb. 23, 2001 / 30 Shevat, 5761 As I have written before, what we really need is one guy with a rifle and sniper scope. Instead of making raids on the Saddam Hussein's Iraq, instead of sanctioning him, instead of waiting for him to complete his weapons of mass destruction, what we really need to do is ice the guy. I am not being bloodthirsty. On the contrary, I am being a humanitarian. It is almost universally recognized that Iraq is in the grip of a dictatorial madman, a murderous lunatic who has armed his country to the teeth with terrible weapons including chemical, biological and possibly nuclear devices. Former President Bush once compared him to Adolph Hitler and the stated policy of the U.S. government since Saddam's invasion of Kuwait in 1990 has been to "destabilize" his government and "topple" him. How can we do that? In 1991 we sent 467,539 U.S. troops, sustained 760 casualties including 148 battlefield deaths and spent $7.4 billion of our own money (plus $53.7 billion of our allies' money) to fight Saddam. Saddam is still in power, but Bush got toppled in the next election. President Clinton also launched raids against Saddam. In order to minimize the risk to U.S. airmen, Clinton preferred using Tomahawk missiles. These are so-called "smart" weapons" but in reality they are not all that smart. Of the 23 missiles we sent into Baghdad on June 26, 1993, three went astray and killed eight civilians. Why should those eight innocent people have to die for Saddam Hussein's policies? Shouldn't Hussein be the one to pay for his own evil deeds? Assassination is a terrible word and a terrible deed. Except when the alternatives are worse. Why spend all that money and risk the lives of our soldiers when all we need is one assassin or a small team of assassins? Three U.S. presidents -- Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan -- issued executive orders, still in effect, that make assassination illegal for any "person employed or acting on behalf of the United States government." We can't assassinate or "conspire" to assassinate. But on Jan. 3 of this year, Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., a man whose politics I rarely agree with, introduced the Terrorist Elimination Act of 2001 that would nullify those executive orders. "Our federal government should never put the lives of our troops at risk when there is an alternative method of accomplishing the same goals," Barr said. Barr's bill currently has absolutely no support. He has not a single co-sponsor, no hearings are scheduled and a similar bill he introduced in 1999 went nowhere. But that does not mean Barr is wrong. The last time the United States apparently tried to kill a head of state it was 1986, the target was Muammar el Kadafi and we attempted it from 1,500 feet. President Reagan sent 33 jets on a bombing raid into Libya where they dropped 64,000 pounds of explosives on Kadafi's living quarters. We missed him, but unfortunately killed his 15-month-old daughter. We also lost a U.S. pilot in the raid. Officially, the raid was not an assassination attempt. Secretary of State George Schultz explained the difference: Because Kadafi was not "a direct target" -- anyone in his living quarters was -- it could not be called an attempt at assassination. Which is a pretty fine line to draw. If you send in a single shooter, it is assassination. If you send in 33 jets, it is ... what? The glories of combat? What's the difference, except that jets and bombs are far more likely to kill innocent people? There is no difference. Death is death; killing is killing. But as Voltaire once wrote, "Killing a man is murder unless you do it to the sound of trumpets." Planes, ships and Tomahawk missiles give America that nice sound of trumpets. But they don't make sense in some situations. We all know that Saddam Hussein is going to continue to threaten the stability of the Middle East and the world unless we do something about him. But why risk the lives of U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians to do it? If one guy is the problem, we should take out that one
{ "date": "2016-07-29T17:51:09Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257831770.41/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071031-00253-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9630623459815979, "token_count": 932, "url": "http://jewishworldreview.com/cols/simon022301.asp" }
History Carnival No 14 Sit back, relax, read, enjoy Like an ancient Greek host who got to choose in what proportions to mix the wine and water, and so whether to host a decorous debate or a riotous rampage, as carnival organiser I get to decide who gets invited and what sort of tunes they can play. I've restricted the number of links to 40, so the party doesn't drag on too long, and tried for a mix of tones. You'll find some serious research here, and some original sources, but also posts that tell a good yarn: a love of narrative is a weakness of mine. So let the symposium begin ... Being the middle of August, when many academics have more surf on their minds than web surfing, there's no great historiographic debates in this carnival, unless you count a question of literary history: Do the Hobbits come from Kentucky? In this post The Elfin Ethicist conducts some empirical research, building on posts by other bloggers. Perhaps this carnival could start a blogosphere meme instead? I'm taken by the idea of a manuscript wishlist, found on Sauvage Noble: five texts (or set of texts) that you wish had survived but apparently haven't. The canapes: modern tastes Something about the weather seems to mean many are finding in history lessons relevant to today. A Canadian Lefty in Occupied Land reviews a book about his homeland's own "McCarthy era" (and draws parallels with the new witchhunts being begun today). Clews: The Historical True Crime Blog, meanwhile, has recovered a horrifying story (perhaps not for those who are already having a depressing day) about a "family annihilator" called George Hassell, who in 1920s America murdered two sets of his "nearest and dearest": a total of two women and 11 children. It's a lesson for those who like to blame aspects of contemporary culture - like those pesky feminists - for similar crimes today. Fragblog has found some papers showing how cavalier the [British] Foreign Office was about arms sales in the Seventies. On the lighter side, with the treason law also in the news in Britain, The Sharpener reports that "thanks to an Act from the reign of George I, if your faithful mutt shags one of the Queen's corgis, technically you are committing treason". Got Medieval, meanwhile, finds that the American Right has developed a rosy-eyed view of the Middle Ages. In related news, over on the History News Network's Liberty & Power Blog, Sudha Shenoy muses on the origin of the word jingoism in 19th-century Britain and the lessons for America today. Is that a little modern for you? Well, off to Achaemenid Persia, where Alun is examining the theory that Zoroaster's Kaba is an astronomical instrument. Alun's conclusion - "I haven't the faintest idea" - is refreshingly honest (oddly enough you never get people quoted in newspapers saying that), but Alun does set out some of the questions that should be asked. The ancients too had their almost unimaginable sorrows. Snail's Tales has rediscovered, with the help of George Bean, Niobe, who lost her 14 children to the wrath of the goddess Leto. Towards an Archaeology of Iconoclasm is meanwhile shedding some light on the place of pagans in the Corinth of his period, while Hypotyposeis is on the trail of the first patron saint of Venice The Velveteen Rabbi has been holding a comparative reading of the Koran and the Torah, finding some subtle differences and surprising similarities at "the intersections of our family history". There seems to have been a lot of fascinating posts relating to Jewish history recently: The Rhine River considers the 19th and 20th-century history of the Jewish body, and the difficulties some have had in accepting studies on the topic. Then, can a carnival point to another carnival? I can't see why not, so check out the Temple Mount blogburst on Kesher Talk. Do you fancy a revolution? Well I've got a selection to choose from. Mohraz reports on the Babylonian revolution (aided by Cyrus the Great) that produced "the first declaration of human rights". Supermaxwell, meanwhile, is listening in to the French Assembly on the 4th of August 216 years ago, which heard how: "Men are everywhere eager to throw it off a yoke that has for so many ages pressed upon them so heavily ..." (Women too, I'd guess.) Chapati Mystery has an account of the Trial of Mangal Pandey, the sepoy who might be labelled the originator of what the British call the Indian Mutiny. Then, while you couldn't call him a revolutionary exactly, Dom Mintoff was Malta's first post-independence Prime Minister and, Wired Temples reports, a complex and interesting character, and a survivor. And while the Space Revolution has yet to properly take off, the latest flight suggests it is still (just) moving. Ideas in Progress looks back to the decision in the 1980s not to provide a space shuttle repair kit, and asks what has changed today. After those meaty main courses, it must be time for some entertainment: no dancing girls or boys, sorry, but a musical revolution, courtesy of Regions of the Mind, who finds that Trinidadian carnaval musical was shaped by British colonial prohibitions. And it might be a good time to inspect the crockery: perhaps some Japanese Satsuma Ware for the cultural mix, courtesy of Purple Tigress on Blogcritics*. Then a commentary on comedy from an old-time "blogger", Isaac D'Israeli (1766-1848). Mr H., who personally blogs at the delightful, highly illustrated Gionale Nuovo, is posting his Curiosities of Literature as a blog. The entry to which I'm pointing has D'Israeli sounding curiously modern in criticising "humour, arising from a personal defect, [which] is but a miserable substitute for that of a more genuine kind". For another old-time "blogger" check out the post on Public Brewery about Mark Twain. WordHoard has also been considering a list of potential bloggers of history, noting the similarity of the practice to the tradition of the miscellany. I was pleased to see she's also a fan of Sei Shonagon - if you haven't read her, do! Now I used to work with an editor who didn't think a newspaper was complete without a recipe of some kind. (Fish conservation stories were always accompanied by one, which did seem a little odd.) I haven't exactly found a recipe to go with the wine for this carnival, but then if the offering consists of roast sheep's eyes, eaten from the sockets with a spoon, and bull's testicles, grilled and peeled, you might not want one. That's the non-recommendation of the neo-Darwinian biologist George Gaylord Simpson in 1934, recorded on Copernicus Sashimi. But you don't want to go hungry either. Eastman's Online Geneology Newsletter has found that behind a phrase that has survived at least five generations in the United States - "1800 and froze to death" - there is a well-documented story of hunger and migration. The year in fact was 1816; I was surprised to see just how good the weather records are for the period. And I haven't got a ghost tale to finish off the variety show, but perhaps a nice spooky Eighties spy story, ala Len Deighton, would do the trick: Dirk used to listen into top-secret shortwave messages to spies in Europe, and he explains the whys and wherefores. Or perhaps you'd prefer a modern novelist's research into ancient Roman poisons? Do taste these berries ... The beggars at the door If you particularly like history from the point of view of the underdog, in London the whole area of Southwark has to get a mention. The author of The Aimless Ramblings of Zefrog - transplanted from ParisXXX(whoops, correction, from Dijon) - is exploring the history (and geography) of his adopted home. On Sleepwalker's Glory, meanwhile, there's a discussion of the politically fraught history of naming, still a big issue in parts of the world today. War Historian, meanwhile, has collected documents about the difficulties of black soldiers in the American Civil War, and Greenespace has been revisiting the site of the Carrollton massacre. Disability Studies has found examples of 19th-century teachers with disabilities. Is there yet a specialist field of "disability history"? If not, it seems to me there should be. And if you are a bored 20th-century housewife who just can't be bothered to get up in the morning to cook your man a three-course breakfast with all of the trimmings, check out Barista's post on old pharmaceutical adverts: you'll find a pill that will make you a Stepford Wife in no time at all. The chief historical anniversary in the past fortnight, which unsurprisingly generated a flood of blog posts, was that of the Hiroshima bombing. I've given it a special section, and restricted the number of posts linked, because otherwise it would have overwhelmed the carnival. Through the cellardoor of existence collects two contemporary responses - one official, one a record of an eyewitness, while Paul on Soapgun tackles the big question - why was the bomb really used? He concludes: "In the end, those two cities were not victims of American/Soviet realpolitik, but of their own ultra-nationalist, unrelenting, fascist leadership." Siris, meanwhile, reports on how early this debate started, with a post on Elizabeth Anscombe's 1956 protest against the proposal that Harry Truman be given an honorary Oxford degree, while Respectful Insolence notes that early opponents to the decision to bomb tended to be conservatives, an indication of how far political axes have moved. Now that marks the end of the party proper, but for those of you still hanging around for those curious green liqueuers drunk only at this stage of the evening, check out Six Apart's pictorial account of what would have happened If Bloggers Had been Around Throughout History. And if you need a book to cover hung-over eyes on the beach tomorrow, you might want to read The Little Professor's take on The Historian before deciding it's the one. Instead, you might like to decide, having analysed the bodice-ripping genre, as has Creating Textiles, to write one of your own. Then, for the real long-stayers, I'll use the host's right to the final word to point you to a little puzzle that I've been exploring: what is the oldest surviving handwriting by a woman? The next Carnival will be hosted by Jeremy Boggs at Clioweb on 1 September, email jboggs AT gmu DOT edu. If you've inexplicable missed the others, you can find a list of them here. No 13 is here and you can find other carnivals here. Thanks to all who sent me links. Any errors are of course mine - please tell me. I'll be happy to make any necessary corrections.) * Declaration of interest: I'm an (unpaid) editor and contributor on Blogcritics. The main image is a scene from a "south-Italian (probably Apulian) figured vase, as drawn in W. Tischbein, Collection of Engravings from Ancient Vases", 1793-1803, taken from The Englightenment: Discovering the World in the Eighteenth Century, K. Sloan (ed), The British Museum Press, 2003. The dividers come from Claudius. History, a Technorati tag
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Posted on May 24, 2014 On this date in 1578, some workers just outside of Rome, Italy, were digging up some pozzolano earth to be used to make cement. And they discovered something very cool. Or maybe very creepy! The workers discovered a stairway going downward, underground, and opening out to a series of narrow rooms or galleries that had been carved out of rock. And the creepy part is that these were burial galleries! When the Catacombs were discovered by accident, there was some excitement, but nobody put the effort in to study them. But in 1593 a young man named Antonio Bosio decided that they were interesting – and important! - and he began to explore them. He explored the Catacombs for more than 27 years! Basically, he explored them for the rest of his life. Bosio found 30 more entrances – 30 more sets of stairs going underground. And he discovered that the chambers that were first found were connected to more and more – and more and more – narrow tunnels and galleries. |Some of the walls in some| catacombs were decorated I read that, if you laid out all the branching galleries end to end, they would stretch the length of the country of Italy! (And yet all these lie just outside the city of Rome.) I also read that the estimate of the number of bodies buried in the Catacombs is about two million...Crazy, huh?! The people buried in the Catacombs were Jews and (mostly) early Christians who lived in Rome. Apparently ancient Romans cremated their dead and kept the ashes in family tombs, but the Jews who lived in Rome followed the Jewish tradition of burial. Because the graves in Palestine were mostly tombs cut into rock, covered with slabs of stone, the Jews of Rome carved out similar rock tombs underground. And since early Christianity was considered a sect of Judaism, so did the early Christians. Bosio ended up writing a book called Roma Sotterranea (Underground Rome), in which he carefully described many of the catacombs he had explored. Modern scholars are grateful that he did this, because some of the catacombs he had explored have since been destroyed. Under Rome and the land surrounding Rome is a thick layer of tuff (sometimes called tufa). This volcanic rock is made from layers of ash spewed from volcanoes and washed down into low-lying areas. The ash is pressed together by additional layers of ash and soil, and it hardens into rock. Although the tuff found in some places of the world is pretty brittle—even fragile—the tuff that is the bedrock of Rome is pretty strong. Many ancient and even modern Roman buildings have been built of blocks of tuff. Still, I imagine that tuff is a little easier to carve into than some sorts of rock. It was probably ideal for creating rock graves—and that's why the catacombs were used for so long, by so many. When Christianity became the official religion of Rome, in 380, various buildings and temples were torn down or changed to become churches, and burials began to be in more familiar churchyards and cemeteries. Eventually the catacombs were forgotten, their stairway-entrances buried—perhaps for a thousand years—until that accidental discovery on May 31, 1578. Also on this date: National Reconciliation Week in Australia (May 27 – June 3) Check out my Pinterest boards for: And here are my Pinterest boards for:
{ "date": "2017-08-23T02:17:50Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886117519.82/warc/CC-MAIN-20170823020201-20170823040201-00019.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9831632971763611, "token_count": 738, "url": "http://every-day-is-special.blogspot.com/2014/05/may-31-anniversary-of-discovery-of.html" }
Learn the modern art period of art history with grolier online and these young artists preferred the work of pop art and minimal art in the 1960's. Visual art of the united states or american art is visual developments in modern art in europe came the first of these projects, the public works of art. How have women been depicted in modern art (1860-1960) how do these depictions reflect changing attitudes select a range of examples by both male and female artists to illustrate your answer. Often these were made by the women of the these seem to have been executed by jewish complex identities: jewish consciousness and modern art (2001. We have helped set men use flexible work arrangements just as much as women have women been depicted modern art 1860 1960 do these dep. But also an 1865–68 english promenade dress that may have been the these art works are not as with the many of the images of women, these are. In narratives or abridged cycles more or less faithful to the biblical text, art has portrayed biblical women as role models and reference, occasionally adding exegetical elements both christian and jewish. Photography was also coming into its own as a modern art form as men and women danced the night american art, pop culture & literature of the 1920s related. 19th century art history the viewer sees the scene as if the bodies had just been refused to be limited to the ideals of more modern art and depicted. Start studying arta ch 20 - 25 learn military theory that was applied to modern art and to make use of the media that have been traditionally associated. Gouge: the modern woodcut 1870 to few nineteenth-century artists had made woodcuts as independent works of art, and none had been quite after about 1860. Of american art of the smithsonian institution provide some of the men and women who have these skilled potters have been identified by. Jackson pollock, museum of modern art jackson pollock, new york and london 1960 the execution of these black paintings, has been described at length by lee. The museum of modern art although the subject of these works may have been secondary to of social status--most of these women belong to the. Chess art history the iconography of as most artists have depicted it modern & post-modern 1945 - presentop art 1960s ad minimal art 1960s ad. Born in 1860, artist grandma moses spent decades moses had some of her paintings shown at the museum of modern art in new york in an 1960, as “grandma moses. Culmination where all artistic novelty has been previously explored and first major works by williams in the 1960's on postmodern art post modern. Dbq the changing place of women 1815 1860 each of these women will tell their experience while living in how have women been depicted in modern art (1860-1960). Few identifiers in contemporary art have been as fraught as the term koren imagines these women as powerful (who is commonly depicted in the act of. Though women artists have been women artists in this period began to change the way women were depicted in art waller, susan, women artists in the modern. What function did these tattoos serve that it appears to have been restricted to women during the purely modern japanese tattoos are real works of art. A comprehensive history of malaysian art these artists not only have been exposed to traditional chinese painting but they had two women are depicted. Feminist activities in the 1960s these accomplishments feminists looked at how women were depicted or in 1960, 377 percent of american women were in. The teaching of art at vassar college was planned from the 4 although modern art lectures at why have there been no great women artists art news.Download
{ "date": "2018-08-18T02:26:46Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221213264.47/warc/CC-MAIN-20180818021014-20180818041014-00699.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9798433184623718, "token_count": 771, "url": "http://thhomeworkptva.getfiredband.us/have-women-been-depicted-modern-art-1860-1960-do-these-dep.html" }
Maxim Behar: American Jewish Committee Contributes to Bulgaria's Positive Image in USADiplomacy | May 4, 2012, Friday // 06:37| views Bulgarian Ambassador to the USA Elena Poptodorova (middle) hosted a friendly dinner for the Bulgarian delegation and other delegates at the AJC Global Forum 2012 in Washington D.C. Among them Victoria Schonfeld, (second right) Assistant Executive Director The American Jewish Committee is among the strongest advocates for Bulgaria's better in the US, Maxim Behar, a prominent Bulgarian media and public relations expert said after his brief meeting with the Executive Director of AJC David Harris in Washington D.C. Behar is an official delegate of the AJC Global Forum 2012, which is taking place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in the US capital. "I've participated in the annual forums of the AJC for many years, and can definitely say that you can hardly find a more active and convinced promoter of Bulgaria not only in the United State, but also in many other countries than the top management of the American Jewish Committee," Behar stated. "Bulgaria really must take care of its image abroad much more actively and follow the benchmarks which the AJC has created in the past couple of years," he added. Behar has also managed to invite representatives of the most prominent US financial businesses to the forthcoming investment conference in Sofia "Bulgaria: Business UP", which is to take place on May 11, 2012, at the Sheraton Sofia. The "Bulgaria: Business UP" conference is organized by the largest Bulgarian English-language media Novinite.com (Sofia News Agency) and the InvestBulgaria Agency, a government body. In mid November 2012, a huge Bulgarian event in one of the central New York synagogues will commemorate the forthcoming 70th anniversary of the saving of more than 50 000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust death camps, Rabbi David Greenberg announced earlier at a dinner hosted by the Bulgarian Ambassador to the USA Elena Poptodorova for participants in the AJC Global Forum 2012. The dinner was attended by the high-ranking management of the AJC, and by international delegates, including the two other Bulgarian delegates at the Forum - Victor Melamed and Solomon Bali. During the dinner Maxim Behar, who will also be speaking at the "Bulgaria: Business UP" investment conference in Sofia next week, stated his vision about the need to achieve a rapid improvement of Bulgaria's image abroad, among others, by organizing a world-wide campaign to explain the investment and taxation advantages of the country. At the 2012 AJC Global Forum, the participants had chance to listen to and meet German Foreign Minister Dr. Guido Westerwelle, Brazilian Foreign MInister Antonio de Aguiar Patriota, Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird, The White House Chief of Staff Jacob Lew, as well as other governmental representatives from more than 15 countries. We need your support so Novinite.com can keep delivering news and information about Bulgaria! Thank you!
{ "date": "2020-10-20T06:36:11Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107869933.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20201020050920-20201020080920-00459.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9512905478477478, "token_count": 632, "url": "https://m.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=139025" }
“Kurdistan deserves an amicable divorce from Baghdad,” wrote Masrour Barzani, chancellor of the Kurdistan Region Security Council, in The Washington Post earlier this month. “Iraq is a conceptual failure, compelling peoples with little in common to share an uncertain future... Iraq is a failed state, and our continued presence within it condemns us all to unending conflict and enmity.” Separation from Iraq is the only option, he concludes. - Arab Failures, Kurdish Achievements Might Fix History’s Injustices - A Land With No Jews Names Jewish Affairs Rep - Report: Israel Imports Three-quarters of Its Oil From Iraq's Kurds Barzani, son of Kurdistan president Massoud Barzani, wants to hold a referendum soon on the province’s future, and expects a majority to vote in favor of independence. But he is also well aware of the possible implications of such a declaration. Iran has already announced that it supports a united Iraq. The United States shares this position, and Turkey (echoing Israel’s attitude toward the Palestinians) views an independent Kurdish state as threat to its national security. So if an independent state is indeed established in the Kurdish region of Iraq, it will be without international consent: Its flight paths to the rest of the world will be closed off; the electricity grid that connects it to Turkey will be impacted; trade with Iraq, Turkey and Iran will be halted; and oil sales, which account for 90 percent of the area’s revenue, will be stopped at the Turkish border. But the dream cannot be shattered, and the Kurdish leadership, which acts as if it is not part of Iraq, is trying to persuade the U.S. administration to change its policy. In addition, a senior Kurdish delegation, including Sherzad Mamsani, the Kurdish government’s newly appointed director of Kurdish Jewish affairs, recently visited Washington, D.C. to seek financial aid for the war the Kurds are waging on the Islamic State, and at the same time to gauge support for the establishment of an independent Kurdish state. Kurdish media reports say the delegation met with Jewish lobbyists in Washington and also sought Israeli backing to promote their interests. The Kurds still believe in the ability of the American Jewish lobby and of Israel to influence the United States, and they make a point of stressing the bond between the Kurds and the Jews. This year, for the first time, a ceremony was held in Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, to commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day. It was attended by representatives from the Russian, American and French consulates, as well as from Armenia, who together lit six candles in memory of the six million. Also for the first time, the Jewish dignitaries present donned skullcaps. Although there is disagreement over the number of Jews, or descendants of Jews, who live in Kurdistan, the region's administration decided to set up a special Jewish section as part of its Ministry of Religion, similar to other departments that deal with religious minorities. Kurdish media say there are several thousand descendants of Jews in Kurdistan, many of whom converted to Islam; some have hidden their Jewishness for decades. For their part, however, Israeli academics believe there are no Jews in Kurdistan. This dispute has not stopped Mariwan Naqshbandi, head of the Department for Religious Coexistence, from announcing plans to build a synagogue and to restore the Jewish quarter in the capital of Erbil. Even if his words are not backed up by action, they certainly send an important message. Still, at the same time, some Kurds worry that if a Jewish community is revived in the region, it might be accompanied by a fight to have Jewish property restored to its owners. Some of the Jewish houses in the quarter were leased to Kurdish inhabitants; others were given away or sold without permission to people who have been living in them for decades now. “A solution can be found for everything,” a Kurdish journalist who lives in Erbil tells Haaretz. “It’s a question of money. Kurdistan has an interest in seeing Kurdish Jews return, to help develop its economy and invest in it. The historic bond with Israel is still fondly remembered here, and it’s also important as a way of strengthening Kurdistan’s connection with the West.” Why doesn’t this journalist want his name published? “There are all kinds of folks here that might want to harm someone who tries to publicly promote the tie with Israel. It’s better to be careful,” he explains. In fact, Kurdistan is one of the safest areas in the Middle East today. Up until two years ago, when the Islamic State, or ISIS, captured parts of Iraq and Syria, more than 38,000 tourists visited the region annually, mostly from Iran and the Arab states – but not only. After the ISIS conquests, the number of plummeted by half, leading to the closings of dozens of restaurants and hotels. The Kurdish leadership is now investing millions to upgrade the tourism infrastructure. From my visits there, I can attest that Kurdistan is a magnificent, scenic area just waiting for visitors who enjoy trekking and jeep tours. There are some excellent hotels, fine multicultural restaurants, and malls bursting with quality goods. The only thing missing now seems to be a branch of Chabad and the first kosher restaurant.
{ "date": "2020-10-28T21:17:44Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107900860.51/warc/CC-MAIN-20201028191655-20201028221655-00499.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9591864943504333, "token_count": 1114, "url": "https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/.premium-iraqi-kurds-reach-out-to-jews-israel-for-support-1.5383666" }
Preparing for the Future For the past 19 years, Camp Achdus has provided a safe, warm, kosher summer camp experience for boys from the Greater Philadelphia area – from Rhawnhurst, Bala Cynwyd, Bensalem, Cherry Hill, and beyond. Camp Achdus meshes the best in learning with a full program of sports and other activities designed to make summer an experience that will benefit boys now and in the future. But the fact remains that over 85% of the families whose sons attend camp must have financial aid or they cannot enroll their children. This is a problem recognized by our beloved Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Shmuel Kamenetzky שליט”א. He understands how vital it is to help Jewish children attend summer camp and has underscored the importance of this many times So, we do everything possible within our reach, often at our own expense, to never, ever turn away a child, and to let just one more boy experience the joy and wonder of camp. The Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Shmuel Kamenetzky Shlita, has emphasized the importance of helping Jewish children to attend summer camp. Sadly, there are many children in our community who do not have this opportunity. They sit within the lonely confines of their homes throughout the long summer vacation because their parents are unable to afford camp. Camps provide a structure that is vital for children’s social, emotional, and spiritual well-being and they offer numerous opportunities for growth unavailable during the school year. It is heartbreaking whenever we need to tell a family that there are simply not enough scholarship funds to allow their son to attend. In response to this challenge, we are launching an aggressive campaign to replenish the camp scholarship fund. Our goal is to raise $18,000 by Shavuos. If we come together as a community, and each of us makes a gift of whatever size we can afford, can look forward to a summer in which every Jewish boy in Philadelphia who wishes to can swim, play sports, learn, and have a great time just being a boy in a safe, warm, kosher environment.
{ "date": "2020-10-31T18:26:08Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107922411.94/warc/CC-MAIN-20201031181658-20201031211658-00219.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9549118876457214, "token_count": 452, "url": "https://campachdus.com/about/history-copy-2/" }
Research & Action Report, Fall/Winter 2008 The Robert S. and Grace W. Stone Primary Prevention Initiatives Grant Program, Empowering Children for Life, was established at the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) in 2003. This program provided support for research and evaluation that advance understanding the role of relationships in fostering child and adolescent welbeing and healthy human development. Researchers from across the country were invited to submit proposals for funding to support dissertation research or larger research projects. Although this grant program has ended, several grant recipients continue their important research on promoting resilience in youth and remain actively connected to WCW. Urban Adolescents, Background and Success In 2003, Anne Noonan, Ph.D. received a Stone Center Grant for a project titled, “Urban Adolescents’ Perceptions of Social Class and Relationships at Work Entry.” The funding enabled her to conduct an in-depth interview study (baseline and follow-up) with school-to-career students in four Boston Public Schools, in order to learn about how students experience social class in their relationships with supervisors and other important adults at work. Overall, Noonan and her colleagues found that social class matters very much in these relationships, even if the students were initially reluctant to discuss it. The researchers also found that the quality of students’ relationships with supervisors and other adults at work was important to their comfort discussing social class issues. Findings from this important work were published recently in the Journal of Vocational Behavior (2007, volume 70, pp. 542-560) in an article titled, “Urban adolescents’ experience of social class in relationships at work.” Noonan continues to present data from her Stone Center Grant-funded research, most recently at the 116th Annual Meeting of theAmerican Psychological Association in August 2008. In this poster presentation, she and colleagues focused on the relation between what teens’ talk about “where they come from” and their chances for success in the world of work. She recently submitted a manuscript describing this work more fully. A former research scientist at WCW, Noonan is an assistant professor in psychology at Salem State College in Salem, MA. The Relational-Cultural Model in Children In 2003, Belle Liang, Ph.D. received a Stone Center Grant for her project titled, “The Relational Health Indices: A Study of Girls’ and Boys’ Relationships.” As a result of the funding, Liang has been able to conduct pioneering research that explores the applicability of the Relational-Cultural Model (RCM) in children. Previously, little research examined growth-fostering relationships in children, how these relationships impact overall development, and whether interventions designed to foster children’s relational development have efficacy. Despite the clear need for empirical research in this area, prior to research by Liang and her colleagues, no measures of the relationship dimensions emphasized in the RCM (i.e., engagement, authenticity, empowerment, and conflict tolerance) were currently available for use with middle school- and high school-aged youth. Liang’s research addressed this gap by developing a new measure, the Relational Health Indices for Youth (RHI-Y), and used it to evaluate Open Circle, a schoolbased intervention program at WCW grounded in the RCM. Overall, research with this new measure has revealed patterns of correlations between teens’ relational health and their social adjustment that are similar to those found with college women. Specifically, teens’ school engagement and general sense of social support were correlated with their relational health in peer and mentor relationships. Moreover, relational health in peer relationships were associated with more self-esteem and less depression. The new RHI-Y measure is currently being used in a number of studies. For example, Liang and colleagues are conducting a study that assesses the formation of growth-fostering mentoring relationships, predictors of growth-fostering relationships, as well as ethnic and gender differences. Another study assesses the quality of growth-fostering peer, mentor, and community relationships as manifest in youths’ online social worlds. A demographically diverse sample of 200 youth participants engaged in a digital social network (e.g., Facebook) will be administered surveys regarding their Internet usage and outcomes such as relational health, psychological welbeing, and positive youth development (e.g., civic participation and social consciousness). All of this current research is a direct outgrowth of Liang’s Stone Center Empowering Children for Life Grant. Thus far, Liang has presented findings from this research at two international conferences as well as the WCW Lunchtime Seminar Series. She has published a peer-reviewed article using the new RHI-Y in the Journal of Community Psychology, and has a second manuscript under review. A former research scientist at WCW, Liang is an associate professor in counseling and developmental psychology at the Lynch School of Education at Boston College in Boston, MA. In 2003, Renee Spencer, Ed.D., LICSW, received a Stone Center Grant to support her research project, “Getting to the Heart of the Mentoring Process: An In Depth Interview Study of Successful and Unsuccessful Mentoring Relationships Between Adolescents and Adults.” The primary objective of this study was to identify relational processes that differentiate more and less successful mentoring relationships. She conducted more than 30 in-depth qualitative individual interviews with adult and adolescent participants in formal mentoring relationships that ended early. The interviewees were all participants in two established Boston-area mentoring programs, The Big Sister Association of Greater Boston and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay. These interviews were analyzed and compared to a set of interviews previously collected for a study of enduring mentoring relationships, using Relational-Cultural Theory as the guiding framework. This research yielded a set of findings about why mentoring relationships end early, including mentor or protégé abandonment, unrealistic and unrealized expectations on the part of the mentor, and inadequacies in mentor relational skills, including the inability to bridge cultural differences. A set of characteristics of successful mentors also was delineated, including developing a deep commitment to the child, navigating relationships with the youth’s family, and have been detailed in four presentations, including one for the WCW Lunchtime Seminar Series, and a collection of articles—two peer-reviewed journal articles, one published in the Journal of Adolescent Research and the other in Psychology of Men and Masculinity, another manuscript currently under review, and a brief that was published and is available online as part of a series bridging research and practice for mentoring program professionals commissioned by Mentor/The National Mentoring Partnership. A former research associate at WCW, Spencer is an assistant professor at the School of Social Work at Boston University, Boston, MA. Narratives of Rural Girls In 2005, Erin Seaton, Ed.D. received a Stone Center Grant for her project, “By Myself: Rural Girls’ Narratives of Identity and Relationships in School.” Funds from the Stone Center enabled Seaton to interview adolescent girls growing up in central New Hampshire. These girls faced multiple challenges to crafting coherent and constructive self-identities, including sexism, violence, poverty, racism, heterosexism, and conflicting messages about sexuality and femininity. A central aspect of Erin’s research addressed the complexity of the girls’ relationships in their small town. There, the tight-knit community gave some girls a feeling of protection and simultaneously endangered other girls, who experienced violations in close relationships or believed they were prejudged by others. All of the girls reported conflicting feelings about their connections to others, describing experiences of intense isolation and yet a sense of strength in their independence. This research highlights the ways in which rural girls may attempt to craft a sense of self with grace and courage. Seaton has published findings from this research project in the Journal of Adolescent Research, and also in the Journal of Research in Rural Education. Additionally, she has recently published an article in the journal, Qualitative Research. She currently teaches in the Education Departments at Merrimack College in North Andover, MA, and at Tufts University in Medford, MA. She will present on this work at a WCW Lunchtime Seminar on December 11, 2008, in Wellesley, MA. Cultural Identity and Coping In 2004, Deborah Schechter, a doctoral candidate in anthropology at the University of Washington, received an individual dissertation award from the Stone Center Grant fund to support her dissertation research, “Cultural Identity, Stress, and Coping in Passamaquoddy Children and Adolescents.” The objective of this research was to explain variability in attitudes towards risk behaviors and future life events in a sample of Native American youth. Schechter carried out fieldwork in two reservation communities of the Passamaquoddy tribe located in eastern Maine. She interviewed 104 youths aged 10-23 years, representing a sample of 40 percent of children in the community from this age group about their family environment, internalization processes (how oriented they are to the present or future and the quality of relationships with primary caregivers), coping mechanisms, and time preference (attitudes towards risk behaviors and future life events). She also collected saliva samples to measure cortisol, a biomarker of psychosocial stress. Overall, Schechter found that insecurities in the family environment were internalized by youth, such that youth living with both mother and father were less oriented towards the present and more oriented towards the future, had fewer problems with attachment, and had lower cortisol levels than youth living in different head of household configurations. She also found that youths’ internalizing processes were associated with their attitudes towards risk behaviors and future life events, and that positive feelings about cultural identity and the presence of role models were protective against risk. Schechter has presented findings from this research at a number of professional meetings, and she will talk further about this important work at a WCW Lunchtime Seminar to be held in April 2009 in Wellesley, MA. She is currently completing her Ph.D. in anthropology at the University of Washington. Primary Prevention for Very Young Children Ruth Paris, Ph.D. was awarded a Stone Center Grant in 2005 to support her work, “Primary Prevention for Very Young Children: Studying the Intervention Methods of a Home-Based Mother-Infant Treatment.” Stone Center funding enabled Paris to continue and expand important work evaluating the Early Connections Program at Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Boston. This primary prevention program involves therapeutic weekly home visits with mother/infant dyads when mothers and/ or babies are struggling to make meaningful connections due to a range of physical and/or emotional difficulties. Mother/infant dyads were videotaped, and mothers completed questionnaires about their symptoms, stress, and relationship status. The Stone Center funds enabled Paris to conduct post-treatment interviews with mothers regarding their perceptions of the effects of their post-partum depression on their relationship with their infants and their assessment of the intervention. In addition, she conducted interviews and focus groups with senior clinicians in order to detail the techniques and processes involved in the therapeutic work. Overall, Paris and her colleagues found that mothers described feeling sad, depressed, angry, guilty, ashamed and overwhelmed; these feelings were further augmented by the conflict between expectations of perfect motherhood and the reality of the experience. She also found that, as a group, these mothers felt overwhelmingly positive about the Early Connections intervention and, at termination, reported feeling less depressed, more connected to their infants, more competent as parents, and increasingly confident in their mothering roles. Findings from the clinician’s data highlight aspects of the processes in mother-infant psychotherapy that contribute to change and positive relational development in the mother-infant dyad, as well as in the therapeutic alliance. Viewed through the lens of relational theories relevant to mother-infant treatment, the findings support the importance of the relational connection as a catalytic factor in change and growth that occurs during psychotherapy. Paris has presented findings from this research at a number of professional meetings, and she has a manuscript in press in the Infant Mental Health Journal. Currently, she is an assistant professor and director of the Family Therapy Certificate Program at the Boston University.
{ "date": "2022-05-20T07:14:41Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662531762.30/warc/CC-MAIN-20220520061824-20220520091824-00059.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.957785427570343, "token_count": 2547, "url": "https://www.wcwonline.org/Research-Action-Report-Fall/Winter-2008/update-on-work-to-empower-children-for-life" }
Hamas and Fatah, the main rival Palestinian factions, have agreed to administer elections together. But experts think elections based on the Oslo Accords framework are futile. In a Cairo meeting, the two rival Palestinian factions, Hamas and Fatah, which is the leading faction in the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO), have agreed to hold elections after a 15-year interval alongside signing a reconciliation agreement. Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas recently issued a decree saying that the first round of elections will be held in May. The developments are not necessarily new to the Palestinians living either under Hamas-led Gaza or Fatah-controlled West Bank. Hamas and Fatah have previously signed various reconciliation agreements and Abbas has also called for elections several times before. For Sami al Arian, a prominent Palestinian-American professor, the Cairo agreement amounts to almost nothing and it could even make the Palestinian situation worse because the whole framework is based on the Oslo Accords, which is more or less dead. “I think this whole thing is farce because I don’t think you can conduct elections under occupation. I think this whole concept of legitimising an authority (PA) that works under occupation is misplaced. We should be in the era of resisting occupation and that legitimacy should come from the act of resistance,” Arian tells TRT World. Instead of resisting the Israeli occupation, the two main Palestinian factions tend to become “pliant” in the face of the Jewish state’s continuing atrocities, prioritising elections over resistance, according to Arian. But that should not be their political agenda, he says. The shadow of the Oslo Accords “This whole notion that is happening now is that they are electing a so-called legislative council to be part of the political body of the Palestinians. I think that’s a mistake. That should be done totally away from the Oslo process,” Arian says, “Oslo has been dead for years.” In the early 1990s, after two decades of fighting, Washington mediated a peace settlement between Israel and PLO leaders. That gave us the Oslo Accords I in 1993 and the Oslo Accords II in 1995. The accords restored some territories to the PLO in the West Bank, but it was too little for Palestinians after so much suffering and losing so much of their land. The PLO presence in the West Bank was also tightly controlled by Israeli forces, leaving the group literally surrounded on all sides. While Israel has violated the Oslo Accords and expanded its occupation of Palestine, Hamas and Fatah are still trying to navigate within Oslo even after more than two decades of failure, says Arian. “The elections that are proposed have a number of problems. One is the legislative council elections which are really the product of the Oslo Accords. So having the elections would give legitimacy back to the Oslo Accords, which have been disastrous and which the Palestinian leadership should abandon,” says Kamel Hawwash, Chair of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) and a founding member of the British Palestinian Policy Council (BPPC). Hawwash also criticises the notion that the elections should not include Palestinians living abroad like him. According to the Hamas-Fatah joint statement, only Palestinians living in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem can vote in the elections. Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan will not take part in the elections, according to the Cairo agreement. As a result, there is not enough information available to judge whether these elections are truly democratic, leading to create a really representative Palestinian government, according to Hawwash. “I don’t believe that this is going to have a real impact on the national programme. I think it’s the continuation of what has been taking place now for over two decades,” Arian says. In the late 1980s, Hamas, which was originally the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, emerged as a rival to the PLO. Hamas, which means Islamic Resistance Movement, originally aimed to liberate Palestine from the Israeli occupation and felt the PLO’s efforts were inadequate. But after three decades of fighting Israel, now the group’s political agenda seems to have shifted towards negotiations rather than resistance. The group’s acceptance of holding elections with Fatah and other groups is just “a historical mistake both on part of Hamas and everyone else,” says Arian. “Unfortunately, Hamas is now in the phase of trying to lead the Palestinian people. In the past several years, for the most part, they have been focused not on directing resistance and challenging the occupation but more on trying to lead the Palestinian people,” Arian says. He thinks Fatah is in its last throes and is not representative of the Palestinians, paving the way for Hamas’s rise. “They are following the footprints of what Fatah was twenty years ago. I think it’s a huge mistake.” But Arian also believes that, “the siege of Gaza has also exhausted them (Hamas). They are trying to get out of that being so-called responsible and also listening to the other advice they are getting from international and regional players. Everybody states that you need to be accepted politically.” As a result, Hamas has been persuaded to play the current political game, being staged in Cairo, he says, adding that it is not what the Palestinian people need right now. “We need a new program of resisting the occupation and the Apartheid that is taking place today. This election or this process will not bring any of that, ” he says. Elections are elusive While the elections might not address various issues the Palestinians face, without elections it would be difficult to change the political landscape, keeping the current PA government and Abbas in power. But the last elections back in 2006, which Hamas won, did not change anything after Abbas and its Western and regional allies refused to acknowledge their victory. “It (elections) is good but not enough because the ongoing unanswered question is do you think that PLO or western countries will allow Hamas or its political wing to win? For me I'm not sure they will,” says Hamza Zawba, former spokesman of Egypt’s Freedom and Justice Party, which was also ousted by the country’s military led by Abdel Fattah al Sisi in 2013. Zawba, who lives in exile in Turkey now, does not trust that the PA will accept the election results. “It is another and may be the last try to get them (Hamas and Fatah) together, but I don't trust the PLO leaders as they dropped the gun of resistance a long time ago. They have gained nothing but some prestige and much money,” Zawba tells TRT World. Egypt has long been a power broker between Israel and Palestine as well as between different Palestinian factions. “This meeting was inevitable. The Egyptians were pushing both parties to come to terms and set the rules for the so-called elections,” says Arian. Zawba also sees other motives on the side of the country’s autocratic government, whose undemocratic conduct has been criticised by human rights groups for a long time. “Do you think that Al Sisi is democratic enough to encourage and support democracy in Palestine or elsewhere?” Zawba asks. “They have to meet to send a message from Al Sisi to Biden that ‘I have a role to play in the region so don't be tough with me’,” Zawba says.
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Buenos Aires bombing widower finds new lease on life "Being here in Israel has given me a sense of inner peace," says Rabbi Angel Kreiman. Rabbi Angel Kreiman Photo: Courtesy Rabbi Angel Kreiman On the night of February 27, 2010, the sixth-strongest earthquake ever recorded violently shook central Chile, leaving hundreds dead, thousands wounded and conjuring up painful memories for a bereaved rabbi. In the aftermath of the 8.8-magnitude tremor, Rabbi Angel Kreiman was found walking the streets of Concepcion in a state of bewilderment, telling passersby he was on his way to the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, where his wife had died in a bombing in 1994. “I was in my underwear telling people I’m going to the AMIA building,” he recalled, referring to the headquarters of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association several hundred miles away from Concepcion. “I told them that it had just been blown up.” The rabbi soon regained control of his faculties and realized he was still deeply traumatized by the loss of his wife. It was then that he decided the best way to deal with his demons was to make aliya. Six months ago, Kreiman relocated to Jerusalem in a move he says amounts to a new lease on life. “Being here has given me a sense of inner peace,” the 66-year-old Conservative rabbi said over the phone, “and I thank God for bringing me to Jerusalem.” For Kreiman, who for years had been a senior religious figure in Chile fighting for human rights under the regime of dictator Augusto Pinochet, life changed forever on July 18, 1994, exactly 18 years ago. That day, a truck laden with explosives that is believed to have been driven by a Hezbollah operative detonated in front of the AMIA headquarters in downtown Buenos Aires. The huge explosion leveled the multi-storied building, killing 95 people – including Kreiman’s wife Susy Wolisnky, who was an AMIA executive – and wounding over 300 others. “I spoke to my wife 10 minutes before the blast,” said Kreiman. “She said she would call me back because there were many people in line waiting to apply for work; 10 minutes later, the secretary walked in and told me they bombed AMIA.” Kreiman, whose offices were on the other side of town, quickly jumped into his car and drove in the direction of the cloud of smoke and ash rapidly rising above where the AMIA building had stood, but police cordoned off the entire area and he was unable to reach the site. For days, he waited, praying that she might be found alive, and visited hospitals and morgues where the dead and wounded were taken, trying to determine if his wife was among the unidentified victims. His wife’s parents in Israel were the first to learn she had died when they saw her lifeless body being pulled from the rubble on CNN. “My mother-in-law said she worried about her children in Israel being hurt in terror attacks, not the one in Argentina,” Kreiman recalled. He, along with others who lost loved ones in the AMIA bombing, feel deeply aggrieved by successive Argentinean governments. To this day, no one has been charged for carrying out the attack or the similar one at the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992. Warrants for Iranians and Lebanese suspects have been issued, but so far no one has been arrested. Over the years, information has emerged that high-ranking Argentinean politicians, policemen and judges were allegedly involved in a series of investigatory mishaps and cover-ups. “I’m very angry, especially at Carlos Menem,” he said, pointing a finger at the politician who was president of Argentina at the time. Last March, an Argentine court ruled Menem would face trial for allegedly thwarting the investigation into the AMIA bombing, which Israel, the US and other countries believe was carried out to avenge the previous slaying of a Hezbollah leader in Lebanon by the IDF. But the prospects of bringing any culprits to justice are slim. Argentinean Foreign Minister Hector Timerman told Israeli and Jewish officials last year his country would not rest until it found the perpetrators, but he did not mention either Hezbollah or Iran by name, an indication that the government led by President Cristina Kirchner would not confront the two main suspects. For a religious man like Kreiman, the death of his wife and the failure by authorities to punish those responsible for her murder have put his faith to the test. “If I believe [in God], then I have someone to argue with,” he said. “After the attack, I suddenly understood what it must have been like for those who lost loved ones in the Holocaust. Our family arrived in Argentina in the 19th century, so we never had relatives who underwent that experience, but now I am beginning to understand.” Since he arrived in Jerusalem, he alternates between Conservative synagogues each Friday, where he occasionally gives sermons. He said life after making aliya has become less of an uphill struggle and that one of his biggest pleasures is spending time with his three daughters and their families. “One of my daughters lives in Ra’anana,” he said. “Another lives in Boston and a third in Lima, but she visits me here more often than she does Chile. I’ve found my joy in life.”
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The Boy Behind the Red Door$2.99 By John Goode Matt Wallace thought moving away from Foster, Texas, would change his life. But ten years after high school, he’s still just as miserable and just as in love with the boy who lived down the street as he ever was. Now on a trip home for Christmas he finds out that running away from your problems isn’t always the best way to deal with them, and that for mending a broken heart, sometimes there’s no place like home. Bringing Home the Ice Prince$2.99 By Jana Downs Author Cole Stanton is hiding in the backwoods of rural North Carolina, nursing grief and an overwhelming sense of loneliness when Eric Sartori shows up on his doorstep. Eric—his editor and friend—is there to get Cole back home to the bustling metropolis of New York. But Eric will have to melt the ice around his prince’s heart to keep Cole from spending his Christmas in silence and regret. By B.G. Thomas Javier Torres was a sweet, plump, and very unpopular child. But over the years, he turned himself into a gorgeous gym god. The problem is he’s also become an egotistical snob. But one day his arrogance pisses off the wrong little old lady, and he wakes up to find that, like the Prince in Beauty and the Beast, he’s been transformed into something from his personal nightmares. Javier has nowhere to go but back home, where to his surprise, he is greeted with open arms, not just by the family he remembers, but by his new brother-in-law, Cole. Cole suspects there might be a pretty heart to go with the pretty face locked inside that new body, but has Javier learned enough to earn Cole—instead of coal—for Christmas? By Sam C. Leonhard Ella is fifty-five, unhappy, and one drink shy of becoming a Christmas suicide statistic. On a joyless Christmas Eve, Ella takes a walk and looks into a window and sees the present no one would ever think to give her, a present that will change her outlook on life. Feels Like Home$3.99 by Rowan McAllister It’s only three days ’til Christmas. Jeremy Porter is still grieving over his mother’s death, and Paul McClellan is a lonely divorcee just trying to make it home even though the only one waiting for him is his cat. It may seem like a miserable combination, but when Jeremy saves Paul from being hit by a car during a nasty snowstorm, their connection and chemistry are undeniable. It’s easy to cuddle up with a stranger when you’re snowed in but can a holiday affair turn into more if being together feels like home? A Gift of Mistletoe$1.49 By Alex Whitehall After heading home from university for Christmas, Harry takes a gamble and confesses his feelings to Theodore Dorry, his brother’s tutor. Magically, Theodore feels the same way, but both know the relationship doesn’t have much hope of surviving the ramifications of society’s judgments. However, for those with the courage to try, sometimes Christmas can grant miracles. Happiness for Beginners $3.99 By Zahra Owens Jesse harbored a crush on his TV series costar, Kaye, for more than eight years, but when the show was canceled and he realized those years of playing gay hadn’t convinced Kaye to leave the straight and narrow, Jesse turned his back on acting for good. Ten years later, Kaye is back in Jesse’s life, on Christmas Eve—and the eve of his third divorce. Jesse’s not sure his heart can take another beating, but Kaye has a few tricks up his sleeve—and a few truths from his own heart—that might just convince Jesse that the gifts of love and happiness are not just for Christmas. Jolly Old St. Barts $2.99 By Joel Skelton After grieving over the death of his partner for a long, lonely year, Matt is finally starting to feel the need to pursue love again. 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Can Guy learn the lessons of the past—and make the right choices in the present—so his future will be less about one night and more about forever? Out in the Back Woods$2.99 By G.P. Keith In an effort to recapture the joy of his childhood Christmases, Matt leaves Toronto for a holiday in the interior of British Columbia. But citified Matt has forgotten his winter survival skills, and when he totals his car on a country road during sudden white-out conditions, it takes a rugged backwoodsman named Jens to rescue him. In Jens’s company, Matt starts thinking all sorts of romantic things about the beauties of the simple life… then an accident on the trapping line turns the tables and puts Jens’s life in danger. Matt must pit his new wilderness skills against wolves and deep snow to save his friend and discover whether he really has the fortitude to live out in the backwoods. A Present in Swaddling Clothes$3.99 By Andrew Grey Josh held baby Vivien when she took her first breath in the world, and he has loved every breath she’s taken since. Now Vivien needs a home—a “for real” forever home, and Josh would love to be the one who takes her in. But Josh’s partner, Sammy, isn’t a fan of children of any size or stamp. Will Josh have to choose between being a lover or a parent, or will Josh’s niece work her baby magic on Sammy, giving them all the best Christmas present of all? By Robert James Harry Sokol is in a personal rut, single with no prospects while slogging through his eighth Yuletide season as an elf in his department store’s Christmas Wonderland. When romance beckons from an unexpected place, can Harry get out of his own way and accept it for the joy it is? By G.S. Wiley Michael Morgan, former top-seeded Australian tennis player, is long-since retired. When his former rival—and former one night stand—Arkady Yemelyanev comes to Sydney and asks him to play in a Christmas Eve exhibition match, Michael is forced to come to terms with the fact that he will never again be a top professional player—and that lovers last longer than rivals. By B. Tinsley Charlie Baker has always had a wandering heart, and when research for his next book takes him to Eversnow, he wanders right into trouble! Fortunately, EMT Jeff Wolf is there to rescue him, but as Charlie’s broken bones heal, it looks more and more likely that his wandering heart might hurt them both in ways that can’t be mended. Charlie will have to decide what he wants more: a life on the road alone or love settled down with Jeff… his snow angel. Solstice Bushes and Hanukkah Wishes$2.99 By Lori C. Hawkins Benson Yee is Chinese, gay, not out to his parents, and sick to death of the Christmas hype. When Benson is asked to plan a dinner for the Jewish Community Center, he meets Josh Singer, who, just like Benson, has no interest in Christmas or in finding a nice girl. Between the two of them, they might find the courage to celebrate the gift of being themselves with the people who love them—no Christmas required. The Stars are Brightly Shining$3.99 By Nessa L. Warin Corbin wants to make a good impression on his lover’s family, so when Neil docks the Wanderer at the space station Noel Prime on the Christmas tree planet of Navidia, they set out together to find the perfect tree. On their quest, they relive the enchantment of their first times, and on their journey to Neil’s childhood home, they realize that magic is sometimes in the surprises and that if their love is true, the Wanderer is always home. Through the Dark Clouds$1.49 By Ada Maria Soto In 1940 Quebec, Christmas Eve is a dreary affair for John. His lover, Robert, a bomber pilot, is stationed in Europe, and John is afraid to read his last letter too often for fear that the memories will fade. But even the darkest of times must end, and sometimes, for Christmas, miracles can come shining through. Unwrapping the Present $3.99 By Evan Gilbert While home for Christmas with Ted and Edna, his foster parents, college student Austin Greenfield is surprised to meet Seth Barton, the son Edna gave up for adoption at birth. With his adoptive parents now dead, Seth desperately wants to meet his birth mother—who doesn’t want to know him. When Austin and Seth begin to fall in love, Austin finds himself torn: will he be forced to choose between his foster parents and his fledgling start at a life with Seth? The Vampire Grinch$3.99 By Lacey-Anne Frye Gavin’s always loved Christmas, but his boyfriend? Malcolm would rather be staked and beheaded, and since he’s a vampire, that’s saying something! Their quarrel threatens to make the holidays less than merry, but when they spend Christmas Eve apart, Malcolm starts thinking of reasons they should keep their Yule fire burning bright. The Vanguard’s Gift$2.99 By Eon de Beaumont Crispus Birchmount takes his responsibility to guard the gateway to the elven kingdom of Ashdale very seriously. But while the post itself is an honor, Crispus hates the human world—especially during the humans’ Christmas season when his elven ancestry is made into a mockery for the benefit of children! When he’s assigned to protect a young human, not even an altercation with a mall Santa can stop Crispus from locating Michel LeVandre, a unique man who awakens desires within Crispus he thought were long dead. The new distraction proves disastrous when enemy forces conspire to take the gate, but now Crispus has a human he really cares about and a renewed lust for life, and he’ll use the vanguard’s gift to defend Michel, the gate, and maybe the world. A Walk in the Dark$1.49 By Kate McMurray A year ago, Brandon was Jared’s roommate’s boyfriend—and completely off limits. Rex and Brandon have since broken up, and now, as Christmas approaches, Jared runs into Brandon again… and wonders if Brandon might return his once-helpless longing. A Wealth of Unsaid Words$3.99 By R. Cooper Alex has always known his bipolar disorder made him too flawed for his boyhood hero, Everett. So when his feelings for Everett became overwhelming, he forced a separation that saddened them both but gave Alex the clarity he needed. Now a year has passed, and he and Everett are together again when Everett’s noisy, imperfect family reunites for Christmas, pulling Alex into their chaotic warmth the way they always have. Can Everett convince Alex that, in spite of his fears, starting a relationship would make for the perfect holiday? Categories: Advent Calendar 2011, Novella, Holiday, R. Cooper What Can Be$3.99 By Mary Calmes Thirteen years ago, Eli went on a summer trip with his mother and never came back. Now, existing in a new life as Jacob Somerville, he’s again running from fear and memories, only to end up where he started. As Jacob struggles to reconnect with his father and brothers, he realizes that his lover, Craig Zhao, was the only thing filling his empty heart and standing between him and ghosts of the past. It will take the power of love—from his family, from Craig, and from himself—for Jacob to see that his life truly is filled with the promise of what can be. The Winter Courtship Rituals of Fur-Bearing Critters$3.99 By Amy Lane Rance Crawford is an alpaca rancher, fiber mill owner, and self-proclaimed grumpy bastard. When sweet, charming tenderfoot Ben McCutcheon moves onto Crawford’s rural road, Rance is very aware that Ben makes it a grand total of two gay men in their tiny town, and even though he is instantly, painfully smitten, any move he makes could be simply chalked up to being hard up. Using his best weapon and favorite skill, Crawford launches an awkward, wordless effort to make sure Ben is kept warm during the cold Colorado winter, every last piece of him—especially his heart. By Dawn Kimberly Johnson Now that Curt Knutzen’s family has found their footing with his sexuality, he’s finally coming home for Christmas. He almost doesn’t make it, though, placing his plans—and his life—in real danger until Oscar Nylund bails his car out of a snowdrift. Oscar is in the same straits Curt was three years ago, but with Curt’s open heart—and his family’s acceptance of him and Oscar—they may be able to rescue each other for longer than just the holidays.
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- Thanks from Blogs4Mitt - Final Push: Go Vote, Take Someone With You, Volunteer - What Kind of Future is Obama Leaving America’s Children? - The Question Obama Dares Not Ask: “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” - Time to Nut up or Shut Up: Last Chance to Defeat Worst President in Modern History Monthly Archives: May 2012 I heard audio of Dick Morris saying that Romney had won round one against Obama today but I can’t find it on the intertubes to post. Basically, he was saying that Obama lost by trying to make Bain Capital Mitt … Continue reading Originally posted on Public Secrets: I mean, that’s kind of the idea when he told Conservative Jewish rabbis that he knows more about Judaism than any past president: In the meeting, Obama reportedly boasted about his knowledge of Judaism, telling… Even though the Romney campaign paid for it, the donation link at the end is to the National MS Society. Classy. 48 – 46 This far out, do these polls mean much? Well, not to those of us living in the real world. But every time a leftist sees a poll that has He Whose College Transcripts Should Not Be Released … Continue reading It’s a hit job, and Ed and others are hand-wringing over the fact that Fox News produced it …. but still, it’s pretty awesome. If the “unbiased” CNN can get away with spending all day yesterday haranguing Mitt Romney for … Continue reading Via Ed at Hot Air, a new poll shows Romney is erasing much of the gender gap: All Romney’s gains have come among women – up by 13 percentage points in personal popularity from last month, while Obama’s lost 7 … Continue reading
{ "date": "2017-08-17T15:29:17Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886103579.21/warc/CC-MAIN-20170817151157-20170817171157-00700.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9331682920455933, "token_count": 386, "url": "https://blogs4mitt.wordpress.com/2012/05/" }
Ex-Iranian President Mohammad Khatami has called the Holocaust a historical reality, clashing with controversial comments by the current president. Khatami says Iranians live side-by-side with Jews President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad brought international criticism when he called the Holocaust a "myth" last year. Mr Khatami said the Holocaust was a "massacre of innocent people, among them many Jews", Iran media reported. Mr Khatami did not mention the current leader by name, but correspondents say his target was clear. The former reformist president said the Holocaust was a reality "even if this has been misused and there is enormous pressure on the Palestinian people". He added: "We should speak out if even a single Jew is killed. Don't forget that one of the crimes of Hitler, Nazism and German National Socialism was the massacre of innocent people, among them many Jews." Ahmadinejad has taken an ultra-conservative line with the West Mr Ahmadinejad had said the Holocaust was a "myth" used for the creation of Israel, which should be "wiped off the map". He said territory should be provided in Germany or Austria to establish Israel "if European countries claim that they have killed Jews in World War II". The BBC's Sadeq Saba in Tehran says Mr Khatami's comments were clearly directed at President Ahmadinejad. Mr Khatami tried to maintain a "dialogue between civilisations" during his leadership from 1997 to 2005. He said on Wednesday: "The persecution of Jews, just like Nazism, is a Western phenomenon. In the East, we have always lived side by side with them. And we follow a religion that states that the death of an innocent person is the death of all of humanity." Mr Ahmadinejad has taken an ultra-conservative line with the West. He was criticised on the Holocaust issue two weeks ago by the chairman of Iran's Jewish Council, who said the president's remarks had shocked the international community and caused fear among Iran's 30,000-strong Jewish community.
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Summary: Principles about the Sabbath. October 17, 2002 October 2, 2002 Throughout this week we have studied different topics. Tonight, we will learn some of the biblical principles about the Sabbath. A. What are these principles? 1) These are principles that God Himself have ordained. 2) Simple, yet profound. 3) But these principles, if learned properly, transcend more than just the keeping of the Sabbath. 4) It gives us answers as to how we came here, why we are here, and where are we going. B. May God give us wisdom as we study these principles. A. One of the centers of contentions 1) Jewish economy a) Within the Jewish economy, the question about the Sabbath revolves on the keeping of the Sabbath. b) How to keep the Sabbath properly was the main concern of the religious leaders. The question was not the "when" of the Sabbath but the "how" of the Sabbath. c) In their attempt to keep the Sabbath properly, religious leaders have devised different regulations on the keeping of the Sabbath. d) On the Sabbath commandment at all, they have added more than five hundred different regulations. 1. These regulations ranges from the question on how far a person can travel on the Sabbath to the question of what a person can do on the Sabbath. a. That is why in the New Testament we read some remarks such as a “Sabbath journey,” etc., as a reflection of the regulations that the religious leaders have added from one generation to the next. e) Consequently, with all the added regulations, the keeping of the Sabbath had become a burden than a delight. 2) Christian Church a) Within the Christian church, the question about the Sabbath is no longer how to keep the Sabbath, but when is the Sabbath. 1. The question focuses not so much on the principles behind the keeping of the Sabbath, but on the relevance of the Sabbath in our time. 2. And this question about the “when” of the Sabbath is a by-product of a much bigger question—Are God’s Commandments immutable or mutable? 3. Does the Christian church have the right to change God’s command? 4. Are there any in God’s commandments that apply only to the Jewish people and are therefore, no longer relevant within the Christian economy? b) Within the Christian church, many believe that the Sabbath principles, i.e., resting from our labors, spending time with God, are still applicable in our time. But “when” do you rest from your labor, when do you worship God, has become an individual prerogative. We call this principle “When-it-is-convenient-to-serve-God principle.” c) The overall principle within the Christian church when it comes to the Sabbath is—“I will choose my Sabbath.” 3) Tonight, we are going to learn that keeping the Sabbath is NOT an individual choice. 4) We will learn that we CANNOT separate the principles of the Sabbath to its application. B. Principles of the Sabbath. Why do we keep the Sabbath exactly as God have told us in His Law? 1) Sabbath is a memorial of God’s creation a) Genesis 2:1-3, “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.”
{ "date": "2017-08-24T01:43:43Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886126017.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20170824004740-20170824024740-00380.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.95232754945755, "token_count": 788, "url": "https://www.sermoncentral.com/sermons/sabbath-leo-launio-sermon-on-commandments-sabbath-62505" }
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord SM Albertine Stachowski, cssf Malachi 3:1-4; Hebrews 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40 God’s word … coming to the people of Israel through tradition … laws and the prophets … prepared them for the coming of the Messiah. The first reading promises that a messenger of the covenant … will come to the Temple and bring the message of redemption. We see Jesus as the fulfillment of that prophecy. In the second reading … it is clear that Jesus shared our humanity. Then the Gospel tells the story of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple … we see Mary and Joseph fulfilling the Jewish Law that required the firstborn male child be consecrated to God. The Gospel also introduces two elderly people who were waiting for the prophecies to be fulfilled. Simeon recognizes and proclaims Jesus as the long awaited Messiah. Anna … the prayerful woman … gives thanks to God and speaks about the child to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem. For Simeon … and Anna … and all of Israel … finally their hope was fulfilled. In Jesus … the light for all nations has come. Jesus is our light. This feast of the Presentation celebrates the life and light of God shining forth in the world. The light that was so vivid to Simeon and Anna … shines on in … and through us. May we reflect that true light of Jesus to those around us.
{ "date": "2017-08-21T17:42:53Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886109470.15/warc/CC-MAIN-20170821172333-20170821192333-00260.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9320216774940491, "token_count": 312, "url": "https://reflectionsonscripture.wordpress.com/2016/02/02/feast-of-the-presentation-of-the-lord/" }
At the 3 Reinhard camps the victims have been killed with the exhaust fumes of stationary diesel engines. Gold fillings had been pulled in the corpses ahead of burial, but the Gals's hair was Slash prior to Loss of life. At Treblinka, to calm the victims, the arrival System was created to appear to be a teach station, full with faux clock. Majdanek utilized Zyklon-B gasoline in its fuel chambers. You have designed that stroker large bore engine and now your wimpy inventory starter will not transform above that prime compression engine pretty nicely, or whatsoever should you've done a 232cc in the ruckus conversion or racing scooter. Techniques for preventing the narrative fallacy include things like the avoidance of ordinary formats for case resources; recognition of tropes and clichés; the use of case materials originally created for functions other than case educating; as well as the deliberate inclusion of "distractors" - info that is definitely misleading, irrelevant, or at odds with other information offered while in the case. Prisoner transportation among camps was frequently completed in freight automobiles Along with the prisoners packed incredibly tightly. Extensive delays would take place, with the prisoners confined inside the cars on sidings for days. In mid-1942 labor camps started demanding newly arrived prisoners to get placed in quarantine for four months. Some camps tattooed prisoners having an identification quantity on arrival, but not all did. You actually must get down into your roots of tough weeds like that in order to create a change. Spend money on a stirrup hoe Nevertheless, in sharp distinction to choice video games that contain fictional components, selection-forcing cases are dependent fully on reliable descriptions of serious events. Summer months lawn treatment: Has your grass turned brown? In case your garden has turned from a gorgeous eco-friendly to an Unpleasant brown i... Recently, pursuing corporate scandals and the worldwide financial disaster, the case strategy is criticized for contributing to the narrow, instrumental, amoral, managerial viewpoint on business in which producing selections which maximise income is all that matters, disregarding the social responsibilities of organisations. Translation, Avalon Task: "These steps are, however, only to generally be viewed as provisional, but useful practical experience is presently getting gathered which can be of the greatest worth in relation to the future closing solution in the Jewish issue." Victims usually arrived with the camps by prepare. Almost all arrivals at the Procedure Reinhard camps of Treblinka, Sobibór, and Bełżec ended up sent straight to the fuel chambers, with men and women once in a while picked to interchange useless staff. At Auschwitz, the camp officers normally subjected persons to selections, and a lot read the full info here of the new arrivals deemed fit to operate were despatched to slave labour. The white vinegar is totally biodegradable, which is why it’s authorised for natural agricultural use also. The bamboo will most likely be correct again where it started upcoming year And perhaps much more of it. This is certainly The easiest method to rid your assets of bamboo: Mueller’s prosecutors also uncovered that they tried to provide the summonses for Concord and IRA in the Russian governing administration, with out results. Defendants within the dock at the Nuremberg trials. The leading concentrate on on the prosecution was Hermann Göring (for the remaining edge on the 1st row of benches), thought of as The most crucial surviving Formal in the 3rd Reich after Hitler's Loss of life. Göring later dedicated suicide.
{ "date": "2018-08-15T01:04:17Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221209755.32/warc/CC-MAIN-20180815004637-20180815024637-00060.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9457155466079712, "token_count": 732, "url": "http://hbrcasesolution08416.widblog.com/7222716/harvard-case-solutions-things-to-know-before-you-buy" }
Summary: The Holy Spirit is the fulfilment unto the church until Jesus comes! Pentecost, Going for More! Text: Acts 19:1-6 The NKJ Bible 1 And it happened, while Apollos was at Corinth, that Paul, having passed through the upper regions, came to Ephesus. And finding some disciples 2 he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” So they said to him, “We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.” 3 And he said to them, “Into what then were you baptized?” So they said, “Into John’s baptism.” 4 Then Paul said, “John indeed baptized with a baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe on Him who would come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.” 5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied. The New Living Bible: 1While Apollos was in Corinth, Paul traveled through the interior provinces. Finally, he came to Ephesus, where he found several believers. 2"Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" he asked them.” No," they replied, "We don’t know what you mean. We haven’t even heard that there is a Holy Spirit." 3"Then what baptism did you experience?" he asked. And they replied, "The baptism of John."4Paul said, "John’s baptism was to demonstrate a desire to turn from sin and turn to God. John himself told the people to believe in Jesus, the one John said would come later."5As soon as they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6Then when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in other tongues and prophesied. Introduction: The very word " Pentecost" meaning 50 indicates wait, seperating the men form the boys. How hungry are you? These men knew some basics of Christianity from contact with John the Baptist, but they were apparently unaware of the developments of Pentecost. Therefore, Paul told them of a fuller experience through the Holy Spirit! Paul remedies this by rebaptizing them in water in Jesus’ name and as they got up he lays hands on them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied! In other words, if these men could preach before, after this divine appoitment they really could preach! I. John himself spoke of this in Matthew 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. A. We know because of the history of the Old Testament that there were 3 major festivals, and Jewish men were required by law to go to Jerusalem 3 times each year to celebrate these major feasts. #1. Passover in the spring; #2. Pentecost (50) seven weeks and a day later. #3. Tabernacles at the end of the harvest. B. Think about “Pentecost” once more, it was a celebration of the first buds of the harvest! In other words, the first indication of fruit or new life! C. Isn’t that what the Holy Spirit gives, new life! The rituals are over; the history books (OT) were fulfilled. Peter cried out on the day of Pentecost “this is that!” D. Acts 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. E. Every one of these men and women were weak within themselves, and they felt like failures, but now Jesus prays to His Father for another the Holy Spirit! F. Because the Holy Spirit #1. We can be comforted! John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Comforter or Helper, that He may abide with you forever--- G. Because of the Holy Spirit #2. We can be changed, “even more!” Salvation is just the beginning! II Corinthians. 3: 18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. H. Because of the Holy Spirit #3. We can do greater works! John 14:12 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. I. When one thinks about the babtism with tongues; one needs to remember that this gift is more for the person who receives it. It’s a wonderful experience, but remember, it’s more for you speaking directly unto God.Romans 8:26-27 ( It’s to build you up in your most holy faith Jude 20) However, what’s more important is, the other gifts that are given unto a person after he or she receives them, those gifts are for the body!
{ "date": "2018-08-20T13:44:38Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221216453.52/warc/CC-MAIN-20180820121228-20180820141228-00100.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9729431867599487, "token_count": 1161, "url": "https://www.sermoncentral.com/sermons/pentecost-going-for-more-howard-strickland-sermon-on-holy-spirit-baptism-91835" }
The Jewish Rescue In 1939, President Manuel L. Quezon opened the doors of the Philippines to 1,300 Jews escaping the Holocaust in Europe before the war erupted. This started the close friendship of Jews and Filipinos, which is commemorated through the Open Doors Monument in Tel Aviv. In 2013, a documentary entitled Rescue in the Philippines shared the untold story of this Jewish rescue in Manila. It was heartwarming to hear the stories of Holocaust survivors who were based in Manila and how Filipinos warmly accepted them like their own family. In November 2013, Danny Pins, who is the son of a Holocaust Survivor in Manila, Margot Casell Pins, joined the American-Jewish Joint Distribution Committee to be the first ones on the ground in Tacloban and help the Typhoon Haiyan Victims. He wrote a beautiful story in the Wall Street Journal entitled: “A Christmas Story of Philippine Charity Repaid“. I was crying by the time I finished reading the article. In 2014, the Israelis also showed their support for our own kababayan Rose Fostanes to win the reality singing competition X Factor Israel. Thank you, Philippines! This 2015, this close Jewish-Filipino friendship is the inspiration behind the Embassy of Israel’s “Thank You, Philippines!” campaign. It started with the launch of the commemorative Philippine-Israel stamp featuring the Open Doors monument. On February 26 at 7pm, Rose Fostanes is leading the Thank You, Philippines Jazz Fest at the Music Museum to celebrate the historical friendship between Israel and the Philippines. This year’s Jazz Festival coincides with the commemoration of the 70th year of the end of World War II, as well as the liberation of Manila. It will highlight the Philippines’ role in the rescue of 1,300 Jewish people from the Holocaust. Join us as we celebrate this Jewish-Filipino friendship in this Free Thank You concert. (To reserve tickets to the free concert, please call +632 883-9500 or email [email protected] no later than Monday, 23 February 2015.) Here are some additional information about the “Thank You, Philippines” Banner Program… Rescue in the Philippines: Refuge from the Holocaust (Documentary) “Rescue in The Philippines” is a one-hour documentary of the previously untold story of how the five Frieder brothers, Cincinnati businessmen making two-for-a-nickel cigars in pre-WWII Manila, together with Manuel Quezon, the charismatic first president of the Philippines, Paul McNutt, US High Commissioner and former governor of Indiana (preparing for his own presidential campaign) and an ambitious Army Colonel named Dwight Eisenhower – helped 1,200 Jews escape the Nazis and immigrate to the Philippines. For more info, visit http://rescueinthephilippines.com/ An Open Door: Jewish Rescue in the Philippines (Movie) An Open Door is a feature-length documentary on the uplifting story of how a small Asian nation was able to save over 1,300 Jews as they fled the pogroms of Nazi Germany. It is written, produced and directed by award-winning filmmaker Noel M. Izon and co-produced by author Sharon Delmendo. This is the third film in his World War II trilogy Forgotten Stories. This unique film will explore the rare confluence of the Pacific and European theaters. It juxtaposes momentous events in history such as the passage of the Nuremberg Laws on September 15, 1935and, exactly two months later, the inauguration of the Philippines as a Commonwealth of the United States. One door closes and another opens. An Open Door is the story of a deep and improbable, international friendship borne of common adversity and intense love for freedom. Together, Filipinos and Jews struggled, endured and ultimately prevailed against overwhelming odds. Noel M. Izon is an independent filmmaker based in the Washington, DC area. He was born in Manila in the first year of the Philippine independence after World War II and is now an American citizen. For more info, visit http://www.anopendoormovie.com/ Accounts of Holocaust Survivors in Manila We left Cologne Germany on a half hours notice in 1933. My dad had been accused of having murdered two Nazis. We went to Madrid where my father represented Deutz; the same company he had worked for in Germany. In 1936 the Spanish civil war began and my mother and I went o Germany. My father went to Portugal. Two weeks after our arrival in Germany we were told they would arrest my mother to make my father come back. We immediately went to Portugal to meet my dad. In 1937 his company told him that there was a war coming and they were going to send him to the Philippines. We arrived 1n August and my dad had his office at the Phillippine Engineering company on Calle Raon. They were the Deutz agents. In 1940 my father got his parents out of Germany and brought them to the Philippines. They came via the Transsiberian railway to Vladivostock and from there they went to Japan and to Manila. They were true holocaust survivors and must have been some of the last jews to get our of Germany. I went to the US in 1949 to study and spent two years in the US Army. I came to the Philippines several times on business as the company I worked for supplied pumps to many industrial projects. I was born in Breslau, Germany in 1930. (It is now Wroclaw, Poland). My father was a Jewish physician working under socialized medicine in a little farming town, Rosenberg O/S (now Olesno). When Hitler came to power in 1933, he fired all Jewish professionals (teachers, lawyers, doctors, dentists, engineers, scientists) working for the government. But since there were not enough replacements available, my father did not lose his job till the spring of 1938. By then, the Jews that had managed to get out of Germany before then had used up the quotas of immigrants to other lands so that there were only openings in Shanghai and the Philippines left for us to go to. My father was 1 of 13 physicians given permission to come to the Philippines (400 had applied!) We arrived in Manila March 23, 1939. The Philippine medical lobby managed to pass a law that only Filipinos and Americans could practice medicine in the PI… so my father could not get his medical license. Since we were not allowed to bring money out of Germany, my father bought the latest electric and electronic medical equipment and microscopes and brought those out with the idea of using them in the PI, and sure enough a new hospital, Mercy Hospital on Taft Ave. Extension was just about to open and could use the equipment my father brought. That was his first job, and he taught the other doctors and technicians to use the equipment. I went to school at De La Salle. In 1940, my father became manager of a soft-drink factory in Lilio, Laguna. But I continued my studies at La Salle, living in the home of Margot Cassel’s parents till December 8, 1941, when I joined my parents in Laguna. My playmates included Frank Ephraim and Hans Hoeflein. Having an expired German passport permitted us to live out of Japanese concentration camps during the war. My father moved the soft-drink factory to San Pablo City, and we continued bottling soft-drinks during the war, using native ingredients and essences bought on the black market. In 1943 I had to go back to Manila to study for my bar-mitzvah and during that time lived with Cantor Cysner and returned to La Salle for half a year. At the end of the year I moved back to San Pablo and worked in the factory or helped deliver soft-drinks to our distributor, Mr. Malvar, the son of the last Filipino revolutionary fighting the Americans to give up. We survived liberation by joining guerillas on Mt Banahaw for a few months. After the war I completed my high-school studies in San Pablo and enrolled at the UP studying engineering in 1948. When our engineering building (Quezon hut in Diliman) was destroyed by a twister in 1949, I came to the USA to continue my studies at MIT…where I met up with Hans Hoeflein again. I had the intention of returning to Manila to work for Meralco but the Korean war broke out and I got interested in computers so stayed on for a Masters degree and followed my professor to the U of Conn. where I met my wife, Marcia, and we got married right after graduation and I started working at IBM designing large high-speed computers. We have 4 daughters and 8 grandchildren. I retired in 1991 and have been enjoying children, grandchildren and now a great-grandson since. Margot Casell Pins Biography- briefly: I was born in Breslau, Germany (Wroclov today) 1931. Attended Jewish nursery -second grade Left for Philippines Oct. 1938 at age 7, attended Sta. Escolastica grade 1+2. Attended PWU 3-7 grades. Including the Japanese occupation! Lived through the battle for the liberation of Manila, our yard turned out to be the front line for the battle at the time Attended American High school 9th, 10th, 12th grades (planned to study in US since I had met my future husband as an American soldier when I was 15!) Left for the USA Sept. 1949, attended Barnard College, N.Y. 1949-51 Got married, moved to Chicago got Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education Gave birth to son Danny Pins (Works for American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, which will receive award for its help in typhoon related projects from Phil. govt.) Followed by two daughters: Judy and Michal. Now have 8 grandchildren, 1 great grand daughter Immigrated to Israel 1974, was widowed in 1978. -Worked for Israel Ass. for Community Centers till 1991, Created Early childhood services in community centers around the country, day care, toddler care and family day care. Helped create a post BA program in early childhood at the Hebrew University with an interdisciplinary approach. Pioneered the idea of professional training for work with children 0-3 years of age as essential. (Today they grant a Masters Degree). Went to Uganda to help women set up group care programs for babies and young children to free up women power to work (1991) follow-up visit in a year. 1994 Went to Rwanda -set up training program for staff in working with child trauma victims of the genocide between Hutus and Tutsis. 1995, 1996 return visits to help staff train more staff 1996-1998 Headed and managed The Congregation called Mevakshe Derech “Searching for the Way” a moderately oriented religious congregation in Jerusalem. 2001 remarried and now am a Kestenbaum. OPEN DOORS Monument in Tel Aviv “The Philippines held out a promise of a safe haven from Nazi Oppression, offering survival from the mass murder of the Jewish people in Europe.” – Frank Abraham, author of the book: Escape to Manila: From Nazi Tyranny to Japanese Terror OPEN DOORS by Luis “Junyee” E. Yee, Jr, Filipino Artist This monument is a testament to the open door policy of the Philippine Commonwealth under President Manuel L. Quezon. The three open doors in increasing heights symbolize the courage and humanitarian deeds of the Filipino people in welcoming the jews escaping the Holocaust in Europe in 1939. The triangular patterns of the open doors represent the triangles of the Philippine flag and the star of David that were joined to mark the close and friendly relations between the Republic of the Philippines and State of Israel as the two Nations celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Establish of Diplomatic Relations in August 2007. The light represents the sun that brought the hope and the warm hospitality of the Filipino people as they welcomed the jews in 1939. The Doors are painted brown to represent the Filipinos Malay race. THE FOOTPRINTS (21 June 2009) 1). George Loewenstein was among the thousands of Jews who sought refuge in the Philippines in 1939. He now lives in the U.S. His footprints are carved on the floor of the first door. 2). Max Weissler arrived in the Philippines in 1941 at the age of 11 years. He was a refugee from Germany and grew up in the Philippines. Max now lives in Israel. His footprints are carved on the floor of the second door. 3). Doryliz Goffer is a 10-year-old Filipino-Israeli born in the Philippines. She is a granddaughter of Holocaust survivors. Her footprints represent the continuing friendship between the Republic of the Philippines and the State of Israel. Her footprints are carved on the floor of the third door. A Christmas Story of Philippine Charity Repaid by Danny Pins My mother and grandparents were among the more than 1,300 European Jews offered safe haven from the Nazis by Philippine President Manuel Quezon in the late 1930s. The Philippines was then an American protectorate, and the rescue effort resulted from cooperation between Quezon, the family of Manila-based Jewish cigar manufacturer Alex Frieder, U.S. High Commissioner to the Philippines Paul V. McNutt and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), a global relief agency that aids Jews and others in danger. This little-known chapter in World War II history was told in a 2012 documentary, “Rescue in the Philippines,” but was also given new life in November 2013, when Jewish and Israeli aid organizations mobilized to support hundreds of thousands of Filipinos devastated by Typhoon Haiyan. One week after the storm made landfall, I set off from Israel, joining my JDC team to assess our emergency work—delivering food, fresh water, shelter supplies, medicine and medical equipment—and ensure that the needs on the ground were met. Read More: WSJ | A Christmas Story of Philippine Charity Repaid Open Door Commemorative Stamp Jazz Festival features Rose Fostanes Rose Fostanes, the first grand champion of X Factor Israel, will be the main guest of the “Thank You, Philippines Friendship Concert” as part of the Philippine International Jazz and Arts Festival. The free concert will be on February 26, 2015, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. at the Music Museum, Greenhills, San Juan City. It will also include Arthur Manuntag and Laarni Lozada as special guests. Fostanes, the winner of reality singing competition X Factor Israel 2013, has captured the audience with her strong and powerful voice. She belted out Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” – a videoke favorite, and has inspired many Filipinos to pursue their dreams. The former Filipina caregiver slowly rose to fame and last year received the Bagong Bayani award for Culture and the Arts. Fostanes will be one of the special guests to commemorate the historical friendship between Israel and the Philippines under the banner program “Thank You, Philippines”, which includes several cultural and academic events. This year’s Jazz Festival coincides with the commemoration of the 70th year of the end of World War II and the liberation of Manila, highlighting the role of the Philippines in the rescue of 1,300 Jewish people from the Holocaust. Referring to the unique story of Rose Fostanes, Ambassador Effie Ben Matityau commented that Rose stands as a bridge between Israel and the Philippines whose friendship dates back to the noble deed of former President Manuel Quezon, and the Philippines’ support to the establishment of the state of Israel. “Rose Fostanes works as singer in Israel. She has a very special story – a caregiver who from a very humble position became a superstar. She is a phenomenon and an ambassador of goodwill,” he said. JAZZ FEST 2015: THANK YOU, PHILIPPINES FRIENDSHIP CONCERT Note: Reservation will be on a first come, first served basis to limited seats. For more information, you may contact: Press and Information Officer Embassy of Israel Telephone: +632 883-9500 loc. 504 Facebook: Israel in the Philippines and Effie Ben Matityau, Ambassador of Israel to the Philippines Twitter: @IsraelinPH and @AmbBenMatityau Live an Awesome Life, Disclosure: I wrote this article with my biases, opinions, and insights. Read Our Awesome Planet Complete Disclosure Policy here. P.S. Thank you to the people of Israel for helping in Typhoon Haiyan! We will never forget your kindness and support! Related Post: Hella Tel Aviv | Typhoon Haiyan: 150 Israeli soldiers, 100 tons of Israeli aid en route to Philippines
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Ritual slaughter is the practice of slaughtering livestock for meat in the context of a ritual. Ritual slaughter involves a prescribed practice of slaughtering an animal for food production purposes. This differs from animal sacrifices that involve slaughtering animals, often in the context of rituals, for purposes other than mere food production. Ritual slaughter as a mandatory practice of slaughter for food production is practiced by Muslim and Jewish communities totaling nearly 25% of the world population. Both communities have similar religious philosophies in this regard. Temple Grandin has researched Ritual Slaughter practices and says that abattoirs which use recommended practices cause livestock little pain; she calls the UK debate over Halal slaughterhouses misguided, and suggests that inhumane treatment of animals happens in poorly run slaughterhouses regardless of their halal status. The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC), which advises British government on how to avoid cruelty to livestock, on the other hand, says the way Jewish Kosher and Muslim Halal meat is produced causes severe suffering to animals. Ritual slaughter is in many EU countries the only exception from the standard requirement, guarded by criminal law, to render animal unconscious before slaughter (before any cutting). While the Jews accept absolutely no stunning (rendering unconscious prior to cutting), many Muslims have accepted it as long as it can be shown that the animal could be returned to normal living consciousness (so that stunning does not kill an animal but is intended to render following procedure painless). Main article: animal sacrifice Walter Burkert in Homo Necans discusses animal sacrifice as arising from the anthropological transition to hunting. With the domestication of livestock, the hunt was gradually replaced by the slaughter of livestock, and hunting rituals were consequently transformed to the context of slaughter. In antiquity, ritual slaughter and animal sacrifice was one and the same. Thus, as argued by Detienne et al. (1989), for the Greeks, consumption of meat not slaughtered ritually was unthinkable, so that beyond being a tribute to the gods, Greek animal sacrifice marked a cultural boundary, separating “Hellenes” from “barbarians”. Greek animal sacrifice was christianized into slaughter ceremonies involving Greek Orthodox Christian ritual, known as kourbania. Ancient Egyptian slaughter rituals are frequently depicted in tombs and temples from the Old Kingdom onward. The standard iconography of the ritual involves a bull lying fettered on the ground with the butcher standing over it cutting its foreleg. The scene is attended by a woman and two priests. Jewish and Islamic ritual slaughter See also: Animal sacrifice § Abrahamic traditions Jewish and Islamic dietary laws require similar procedures for slaughtering animals. Ritual slaughter with a sharp knife is classified in the U.S. as ‘humane’ under the Humane Slaughter Act and practiced with no restrictions; in Europe, some countries have outlawed the practice as inhumane (see below). According to Jewish and Muslim law, “slaughter is carried out with a single cut to the throat, rather than the more widespread practices of stunning with a bolt into the head before slaughter.” The animal must be alive when its throat is cut and die from loss of blood. Any kind of prestunning for livestock to be slaughtered according to the Jewish Kosher practice has not yet been accepted. Main article: Shechita Shechita (Hebrew: שחיטה) is the Jewish ritual slaughter for poultry and cattle for food according to Halakha. Talmud – Tractate Hulin Shulkhan Arukh Yore De’ah. The practice of slaughter of animals for food is the same as was used for Temple sacrifices, but since the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, sacrifices are prohibited. The Torah explains that animals not sacrificed must be slaughtered by the same practice, and today Shechita, kosher slaughtering does not include any religious ceremony, although the slaughtering practice may not be deviated from, if the meat is to be consumed by Jews. The act is performed by drawing a very sharp knife across the animal’s throat making a single incision incising the trachea and esophagus. The carotid arteries are also cut, allowing the blood to drain out. The knife must also be perfectly smooth, and free of any nicks. The animal must be killed by a shochet – religious slaughterer also known in Hebrew as shochet ubodek (slaughterer and inspector). An inspection is mandatory and the animal is rejected for Jewish consumption if certain imperfections are discovered. A shochet must be a Jew in good standing in the community. The training period for a shochet varies, depending on the skill of the trainee. Qualifying as a slaughterer of only chickens can be achieved with a shorter period of study. Main article: Ḏabīḥah Ḏabīḥah (ذَبِيْحَة) is the practice prescribed in Islam for slaughtering all halal animals (goats, sheep, cattle, chickens, etc.), only excluding fish and most sea-life, according to Islamic law. This means that unlawful animals (pig, dog, lion, etc.) may not be slaughtered (dabihah). This practice of slaughtering halal animals needs several conditions to be fulfilled: - the butcher must follow an Abrahamic religion (ie. to be Muslim, Christian, or Jew); - the name of God/Allah should be called while slaughtering each halal animal separately; - the killing should consist of complete drainage of blood from the whole body by a swift, deep incision with a very sharp knife on the throat, cutting the wind pipe, jugular veins and carotid arteries of both sides but leaving the spinal cord intact. The objective of this technique is to drain the body of the animal’s blood more effectively, resulting in more hygienic meat. High-volume ritual slaughter Religious slaughter brings extra challenges for large, high-volume slaughterhouses where focus is on fast, cost-effective throughput. There has been reports that 3.2 cuts are in practice required for Jewish and 5.2 for Halal slaughter. It was also reported that for 1 in 10 animals arteries of an animal are not correctly severed resulting in prolonged death. European restrictions on ritual slaughter A number of countries in Europe (as well as Australia) have issued restrictions or outright bans on ritual slaughter. As of 2018, Slovenia is the only European country which has prohibited ritual slaughter altogether. A number of other countries, most notably in Scandinavia, has introduced legal requirements for animals to be stunned either before or just after having their throats cut during ritual slaughter. The question whether animals should be stunned or not remains a hotly contested issue, where animal welfare concerns regularly clash with religious concerns. Bans on ritual slaughter have been proposed or enacted in a number of European countries, from the 1840s onward. Most of them have been removed. Although ostensibly introduced for reasons of animal welfare, the consistent involvement of antisemites in the campaigns from the outset in the 1840s has, among other things led Pascal Krauthammer in a doctoral dissertation to conclude that the aim of the Swiss anti-Semitic campaign, that included elements from blood libel accusations in neighbouring countries, was to reimpose restrictions on Jews at a time when they were just beginning to achieve enfranchisement. In 2014, Denmark ruled that Islamic and Jewish slaughter practices are inhumane, requiring that all animals be stunned before being killed for food, sparking a debate on religious freedom and the relative harms of different practices. Ethnic and regional traditions Main article: Bullfighting Bullfighting and Running of the Bulls is still widely practiced in Spain, Portugal and many Spanish influenced areas of the Northern Mediterranean and Latin America. It is a modern adaptation of ancient ritual slaughter supposedly imported by Roman soldiers who worshiped Mithras. Main article: Bali Sacrifice Bali (pronounced Bal-ee) or Bali Sacrifice (sometimes known as Jhatka Bali) is the ritual killing of an animal in Hinduism. Jhatka is the prescribed practice for Hindu ritual sacrifice, however other practices such as strangulation and the use of a wooden spile (sphya) driven into the heart is used. The reason for this is that priests saw the animal making a noise as a bad omen. Jhatka requires the instant killing of the animal in a single decapitating blow with an axe or sword. Those Hindus who do eat meat prescribe jhatka. Jhatka goat sacrifice in Sikhism Main article: Animal sacrifice in Sikhism Ritual jhatka sacrifice of goats is also practiced by some sections of Sikhs such as Hazuri Sikhs and Nihangs on certain events of religious significance. It is to be noted that certain sections of Sikh society are opposed to this ritual and there exists a debate about its religious roots within Sikh society. Ritual slaughter is practiced in various African traditional religions. Zulu slaughter rituals have led to controversy in South Africa. Monica Hunter in her 1936 study of the Mpondo people of the Transkei described the ritual: “When speaking to the ancestors was finished Sipopone [one of Hunter’s informants] took the sacrificial spear of the umzi [homestead], passed it between the forelegs of the animal, and between its back legs, which were tied, then stabbed it in the stomach over the aorta muscle. The beast bellowed horribly, and lay in agony for about five minutes before it died.” The bellowing of the animal is supposed to represent communication with the ancestors. (David Welsh 2007) - Animal sacrifice in Hinduism - Comparison of Islamic and Jewish dietary laws - Bullfighting a cultural, rather than religious practice of slaughter Adapted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I am a moderate and, I like to think, progressive faith leader, but there are times when fundamentalism looks rather attractive, even to me. All that certainty can be very appealing. No need to ask questions. No need to change anything. The word is the word of God and the answers do not brook debate. Such an approach must look quite appealing to the Archbishop of Canterbury at the moment as he attempts to hold together the Anglican communion. Much of the time, many faith movements - my own included - get by on fudges, making compromises, avoiding looking in each other's eyes for fear that we might have to acknowledge that some of those compromises would not withstand much scrutiny. But there are times when the fudges have to end, or at least be acknowledged. For Anglicans it is as they seek to come to terms with changing attitudes to women and homosexuality. For the Movement for Reform Judaism it has been the eight-year process of preparing a prayer book for the 21st century - a process I was fortunate enough to manage. A prayer book is a window into the soul of a faith community. Maybe for the most traditional of communities the task is relatively straightforward: change the binding, add a couple of quid to the price and you're done. But for moderates it is a time when we are forced to confront our fudges and decide what we really think, if only because we have to write it down. We need to show that we have taken on board development in science and understanding, as well as spiritual, ethical and moral advances. And we don't get to pick and choose which new truths we acknowledge: faith doesn't work like that. For Reform Jews, fortunately, the gender and sexual orientation issues were settled some years ago. Women and gay rabbis are widely accepted throughout the progressive Jewish movements that make up around a third of British Jewry. They serve in the most senior roles, and the sky hasn't fallen in. So the new prayer book, Forms of Prayer, acknowledges this not-so-new equality by using gender-inclusive language throughout, including that used to refer to God. We list the female "matriarchs" Sarah, Rebecca, Leah and Rachel alongside the "patriarchs" Abraham, Issac and Jacob. But there is far more to modernising a prayer book than issues of gender and sexuality. Maybe the most traditional of worshippers would shy away from mentions of such modern-day concerns as climate change and environmental disaster, caring responsibilities and even pets, but for the progressive, the moderate, we can make up what we may lack in certainty by ensuring relevance. So our prayer book addresses these and many other 21st-century issues. The consumerist iPod generation of believers demand more from worship than the constant repetition of familiar but archaic prayers and services. They expect to take charge by selecting their own liturgy, relevant to them and real-life concerns. Our prayer book seeks to let them do this by being to its predecessors what the iPod is to the album: our users can select their own choices of liturgy to reflect their mood, their degree of radicalism or conservativism, and the issues on which they wish to reflect at any time. Its aim is to pass ownership of daily services from the "authority of the book" to individuals, a principle that the Jewish faith, which does not require a rabbi to lead a service, is comfortable with, and one that may be relevant to other faiths too. It is not for a Jew to lecture the Church of England on how it tackles its own critical dilemmas. At the same time, however, as one moderate to another, I'd say we have found that pretending to certainties we don't feel condemns us to a losing race with the fundamentalists. Instead, we've learned to celebrate diversity and search for ways to let it flourish. To trump certainty we can - if we dare - offer choice and individual responsibility, and that ensures a unique relevance to the modern world. · Rabbi Professor Jonathan Magonet is the editor of the Movement for Reform Judaism's new prayer book, Forms of Prayer, and vice-president of the World Union of Progressive Judaism
{ "date": "2022-05-26T14:51:28Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662606992.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20220526131456-20220526161456-00660.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.969484269618988, "token_count": 858, "url": "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2008/aug/02/religion" }
Ruthenian: Vysni Bystry [Ukrainian: Verkhniy Bystryy] Since this settlement was not administratively independent, no statistical details about the population of the village in and of itself were usually published. The residents of Ober Bistra were generally included within the published statistical data on the neighboring town Maidan. Even so, in the census of 1830 (as quoted in the book by Fényes) it is mentioned that there lived in the village 350 Greek Catholics and 20 Jews. But even in this source, it is noted that the settlement was considered part of Maidan. This same fact is also mentioned in the census that was taken by the Hungarians in 1941, where the total number of individuals living in the village is given as 874. According to the information that we were told by survivors of the Holocaust from Ober Bistra, there lived approximately 60 Jewish families in the village [before the war]. This number seems to us to be somewhat exaggerated. According to our estimates, there were approximately 35 Jewish families totalling about 200 individuals living in the settlement. There are a number of householders from Ober Bistra who appear as pre-publication subscribers to various sefarim published between the years 5540-5570 (1880-1910). Many of them only appear in the prenumeranterin [pre-publication subscription lists] with their given names [i.e., without a family surname], and with the name of their mother. The names listed are: R' Yehuda Leib the son of Rivka,In the above listing, two family surnames stand out the Weiser family, and the Hoifman family. R' Chaim Gedalia the son of Sara, R' Aryeh Leibush Rubinstein, R' Tzvi the son of Chaya Branya, R' Tzvi the son of Faige Weiser, R' Aaron Menachem Weiser, R' Yisroel Menachem Hoifman (the surname also appears as Hoiftman), R' Yoel the son of Surki Yente, R' Shalom the son of R' Tzvi Weiser, R' Nata Weiser, R' Hersch Hoifman, R' Shalom Goldinger, R' Shlomo Hoifman, R' Tzvi the son of Rachel, R' Mattisyahu Stahl, R' Yitzchok Isaac Weiser, R' Nosan Anshel Kraus the son-in-law of R' Tzvi Hersch Hoifman, R' Shmuel Tzvi Rott [or possibly Roth], R' Tzvi Freilich, R' Shalom Heilpert, R' Aryeh Leibush Grossman, R' Chaim Gedalia Fixler. The Weiser family were almost all wealthy Torah scholars, who made their living as lumber merchants. They were Zidichov chassidim, and were related by marriage to the tzadik R' Elazer Lipa the son of Yitzchok Isaac from Zidichov, for R' Elazer Lipa married the daughter of R' Eliezer Weiser. One of the important Torah scholars from the Weiser family was R' Shimon Yitzchok the son of Tzvi Hersch Wieser. Besides being a Torah scholar and chassid of great stature, R' Shimon Yitzchok Weiser was extremely close to both the author of Imrei Yosef and to his son the author of Chekel Yitzchok [i.e., the author of the Chekel Yitzchok was the son of the author of Imrei Yosef, and R' Shimon Yitzchok Weiser was close to both of them]. R' Shimon Yitzchok was an adept writer. He led the High Holiday services in the synagogue and was a sought-out private teacher in Bistra. Upon the outbreak of the First World War, when Kossacks penetrated into Bistra, R' Shimon Yitzchok Weiser fled to the city Mihályfalva, where he continued teaching older students in Gemara [Talmud] with the commentaries of the Tosefos. After the war he returned to Bistra, but died in a typhus epidemic at the age of approximately 50 years old. His wife, Fruma Rachel, also lived an elevated spiritual lifestyle. From the death of her husband she did not sleep in a bed nor did she eat meat, with the exception of on Shabbos and Yom Tov. She knew many stories of the Tzadikim of the Zidichov and Sepinka chassidic dynasties. She was the daughter of R' Shmuel Tzvi Fixler, who had originally come from Munkacs. R' Shmuel Tzvi was the son of R' Feivish Fixler from Munkacs, who was a student of R' Uri the seraf [fiery angel] from Strelisk. R' Uri the seraf from Strelisk was the son of R' Shmuel Tzvi, who had served as the shochet for the tzadik R' Yitzchok Isaac from Kalev, who was the paternal grandfather of R' Shmuel Tzvi Weiss, who served as the Av Beis Din of Munkacs and was the father of the author of Imrei Yosef from Sepinka. [translator's note: this paragraph, as originally written in Sefer Marmaros, is somewhat unclear. I have slightly rearranged the paragraph structure from that of the original Hebrew in order to improve the clarity and natural flow of ideas in English. In doing so, I have made the assumption that the daughter of R' Shmuel Tzvi Fixler, who was mentioned as being the wife of R' Shimon Yitzchok Weiser, is one and the same person as Fruma Rachel, mentioned as being the widow of R' Shimon Yitzchok Weiser.] The wedding of R' Yitzchok Isaac Weiss from Sepinka, the author of Chekel Yitzchok, took place in Ober Bistra in approximately 5652 , in the house of one of the members of the Weiser family. The bride, the daughter of R' Yiskar Ber Eichenstein from Veretzky (author of Malbush L'Shabbos V'Yom Tov) grew up in Bistra after the untimely death of her mother. Of the Hoffman family [note: In this paragraph the Hoifman family surname is spelled Hoffman], we mention the brothers R' Shlomo and R' Tzvi Hersch Hoffman, who were lumber merchants, Torah scholars, and followers of the the Komarna chassidic dynasty, and their uncle R' Yaakov Hoffman, who owned many forests and who was the wealthiest individual in Bistra. R' Gershon Miller was an outstanding Torah scholar and a Vishnitz chassid. He was the son-in-law of R' Shalom Gudiner, who was a Belz chassid. R' Gershon was a beloved student of the author of Arugas Habosem. He decided halachic questions about kashrus in Bistra. As a young married student, his mentor [the author of Arugas Habosem] wrote to him a responsa on the laws of Nida (in responsa Arugas Habosem, part Yorah Deah, section 167, undated): To his honor, my student, outstanding in Torah and fear of heaven, wise and complete, our teacher, Rav Gershon Miller, may his light shine, of the village Ober Bistra The majority of the Jewish residents of Ober Bistra were followers of the Dolina-Zidichov-Sepinka chassidic dynasties. A minority were followers of the Vishnetz, Sziget, and Belz dynasties. A significant number of the residents were Torah scholars, who learned both in their houses and in public by way of participating in Torah classes which took place every evening in the synagogue. Those Jewish residents of Ober Bistra who had not been deported in 1941 were transported to the Iza ghetto, near Chust, on 25 April 1944. About six weeks later, in pouring rain, they were brought to the train station at Chust. From there, they were transported to Auschwitz. Today, there are no Jews living in Ober Bistra. Greenwald, Rabbi Moshe; Responsa - "Arugas HaBosem" section Yorah Deah, part 2, (Szatmer 5686 ), responsa 167. Testimonies in Yad VaShem archives: 015/138; 015/1712. Translated and edited by Moshe A Davis. This translation is dedicated to the memory of my grandfather Benish Davidovits (in America, Bennie Davis), to the members of his family (family surnames Davidovits, Markovits, and Katz) from the village Leh (Szeleslonka, Shirukiy Lug) in Marmaros, and to the memory of my grandmother Chaya Chaimovits (in America, Helen Hayfer), and to the members of her family (family surnames Chaimovits and Zelminovits) from the village of Drahiv (Kövesliget, Drahova) in Marmaros. Most of their family members were murdered by the accursed Nazis and their accomplices. Hashem Yenakam Damam! In this translation, I have endeavored to maximize ease of readability and the grammatical flow of the material, while keeping true to the spirit and the content of the information contained therein. To this end, in many places I have taken the liberty of rearranging the sentence and/or paragraph structure from that of the original Hebrew in order to improve the clarity and natural flow of ideas in English. Also, in many places I have slightly expanded the material, in order to clarify ideas or to define concepts which may not be familiar to readers who lack background in traditional Jewish customs and who are unfamiliar with Jewish Law. My own additions I have set apart by enclosing them in square brackets . Please note that many of the original sources used by the authors of Sefer Marmaros were written in languages other than Hebrew, which is the language of the text of Sefer Marmaros itself. Those original sources were not available to the translator, and thus many of the surnames and/or place names as transliterated here may in fact have been spelled somewhat differently in the original source. JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions. Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited. Maramures Region, Ukraine Yizkor Book Project JewishGen Home Page Copyright ©1999-2014 by JewishGen, Inc. Updated 22 Jun 2008 by LA
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