Mia Wasikowska: 'Tracks' Premiere in Sydney! Mia Wasikowska poses alongside a camel while attending the premiere of her new movie Tracks on Friday (January 10) at St. George Openair Cinema in Sydney, Australia. The movie is about a young woman who goes on a 1,700 mile trek across the deserts of West Australia with her four camels and faithful dog. While the movie will open on March 6 in Australia, it does not currently have a U.S. release date. FYI: Mia is wearing a Roland Mouret top and pants with Brian Atwood sandals. 15+ pictures inside of Mia Wasikowska at the premiere of Tracks…
{ "date": "2015-02-28T07:58:49Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936461848.26/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074101-00081-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8875699043273926, "token_count": 148, "url": "http://www.justjared.com/2014/01/12/mia-wasikowska-tracks-premiere-in-sydney/" }
Mohandas Gandhi had an extraordinary power to make people believe in him as much as he believed in himself: to enrol others in his cult of narcissism. Ramachandra Guha’s book purports to address the question of how Gandhi’s first 45 years shaped his remarkable personality, before he hit upon the image of the loin-clothed fakir challenging the Empire, a guise he assumed in 1921, seven years after this book ends. Most of Gandhi Before India deals with his 20 years in South Africa (1893-1914), where he developed techniques of mass civil disobedience and set up his first two ideal communities, Phoenix and Tolstoy Farm. Here he promoted mud packs and celibacy and worked on ways to render food as tasteless as possible. The smarter of his followers did not live in these places: they took Gandhi’s heroic leadership and discarded the food faddist, the sexual obsessive and the tyrannical family man. Guha is not so selective. He says that in his South African work, Gandhi should be “recognised as being among apartheid’s first opponents”. Well, up to a point. Gandhi in fact wanted the recognition of Indians as a racial buffer group, explicitly not equal to Europeans, but definitely superior to “the raw Kaffirs” as he called them. Refining apartheid in this way suggests a degree of complicity with its fundamental framework. Most whites were keen to maintain racial superiority. They attempted to control the influx of Indians on the basis that the “Asiatics” (Indians and Chinese) were ambitious and industrious and would ultimately dominate their European counterparts. With the politician’s manoeuvre of siding with the most powerful for the benefit of his supporters, Gandhi aided the British in the Boer War, founding an ambulance corps for them. He similarly joined with the Natal government in suppressing the Zulu revolt against a poll tax that was rather like the punitive taxes he opposed when they were levied on Indians. “It is not for me to say whether the revolt of the Kaffirs is justified or not,” he wrote, which implies that he knew very well that it was. After 20 years of Gandhi’s leadership, the £3-per-head tax on Asiatics was abolished and non-Christian marriages were recognised. Other civil rights that had been sought were not granted: the rights of entry and movement, the franchise. It could reasonably be argued that had there been no resistance, the South African state would have succeeded in putting Asians on a level with the despised Africans. Even staying still in terms of civil rights was a plus. Guha has found some new letters from Gandhi and for the first time publishes many letters sent to Gandhi from his admirers. He has examined the papers of Gandhi’s close friend Hermann Kallenbach, whose homoerotic (though emphatically not homosexual) relationship with Gandhi Guha describes as a “joint experiment in celibacy”. Guha often fails to tease out his subject’s nuances. For example, he notes that the young Gandhi experimented with meat-eating as a way of growing tall, like “the Englishman”, to help in gaining India’s independence. He does not connect this with the later manipulation of diet and fasting that Gandhi considered so essential for the spiritual ascendancy necessary for the independence struggle. Yet it was the same person, same stomach, same political objective. Most nationalists in the 20th century, after all, did not think diet was linked to achieving independence. The justification for a long book on an already well-covered subject is new insights or new material. This book is light on the former and, while the latter exists, it adds little but bulk. There are eight pages on what was said and who was who at farewell parties for Gandhi when he left South Africa. That sort of thing can be read in the biographies already written, such as the 10 volumes by Pyarelal and Sushila Nayar and the eight of DG Tendulkar. This work attempts to elevate Gandhi as a thinker, though his key notion of satyagraha (truth- or soul-force) has not come into common use. Most people would struggle to define it past the assertion that it is non-violent. In the period covered by this book, Gandhi published his manifesto for Indian independence, Hind Swaraj (1909), with its vision of a village nation free of all the trappings of civilisation: trains, hospitals, law courts, factories. India is fortunate he never had the opportunity to pursue this model of society, which to my knowledge has been attempted only by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia under the name “Year Zero”. It did not go well. Allen Lane, £30, 673pp
{ "date": "2015-03-04T08:49:00Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936463460.96/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074103-00044-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9785038828849792, "token_count": 1009, "url": "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/biographyandmemoirreviews/10334548/Gandhi-before-India-by-Ramachandra-Guha.html" }
With families going nuclear and both parents at work, you now have specialists who promise to revamp your home and make it child-safe, says MADHUMITHA SRINIVASAN “Initially I thought I didn’t need to baby-proof my house as I believed I could manage. But once he started crawling I realised how even a pencil could be life-threatening,” confesses Thejaswini, interior designer and mother of an eight-month-old baby. This perhaps summarises what many parents go through when infants and young children come into the family and have to be cared for within the confines of the home. Trying to see if they can fly, investigating that ‘hole’ near the switch, popping an attractive red pill that grandma seems to eat everyday, holding on to a movable cabinet while trying to stand up… the list of accidents waiting to happen is just endless. How careful can you be? You obviously cannot stop children from doing what they do best — being curious and inviting trouble — but as parents you can prevent them from harming themselves with a bit of foresight. As families go nuclear and both parents are away at work, the concept of revamping the home to make it safer for children is a trend that’s picking up. Says Surya Garg of Babyproofing.in, a certified baby-proofing company: “The shifting from joint to nuclear family makes baby-proofing essential as it makes it easier for parents to monitor the child’s safety.” Companies like Safe Baby and Babyproofing.in send in the experts to audit houses or even schools, identify potential danger zones, and offer solutions. These solutions could vary from moving furniture to optimal positions around the house to fixing safety products like corner protectors to adding cabinet locks wherever required. “Sharp edges are the number one cause of injuries to children, closely followed by electric switches and cords,” says Shalini Agarwal of Safe Baby, baby safety experts. “Child or baby-proofing is not just about rearranging furniture like moving the coffee table to a corner or putting things away, it is also about educating parents and nannies, who can only learn through experience.” Simply by putting coins, detergents and medicines away from the reach of children, over 50 per cent of the most common accidents can be prevented, says Agarwal. Some of the things you should keep in mind, especially in a baby’s nursery or child’s play room, are: “Keep the furniture to a minimum; there should be no loose units because when children tend to hold on to furniture and stand up they could give way. Make sure all sockets and electrical wiring are fixed at least three and a half feet or more above floor level,” says Thejaswini, who co-owns design firm Design DNA in Chennai. Look at something as simple as the handles of a wardrobe, which most of us fail to notice. “The safest option is a C-shaped handle,” says Thejaswini, “one where both the edges are fixed to the door.” Experts will audit houses, identify danger zones, and offer solutions Stove knob cover Electric switch caps Dustbin and WC lid guard DVD player guard
{ "date": "2015-02-28T14:44:32Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936461988.0/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074101-00103-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9569540023803711, "token_count": 694, "url": "http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-features/tp-propertyplus/baby-on-board/article4861889.ece?ref=sliderNews" }
Maps help in the search for new resources and talent Written by Holden Slattery Wearing a hard hat, safety glasses, and coveralls, a Pitt junior goes to work 400 feet below the Earth’s surface. Jim McCaffrey, a mining engineering major, is spending his summer with CONSOL Energy, a coal and gas company south of Pittsburgh. For the rest of the season and later, on weekends and vacations, McCaffrey mines coal, builds roof supports, and installs conveyor belts. He uses his wages to pay his Pitt tuition. That was the summer of 1975. Three years later, with an engineering degree from the University, he was hired by CONSOL as a mining engineer, charged with improving the company’s mining methods. He’s still with the company today, after rising through the ranks during his 32-year employment. His current position is senior vice president of CONSOL’s material and supply chain management group and CNX Land Resources, a subsidiary. Not too long ago, McCaffrey’s company sent him back to school as a volunteer instructor at Pitt, teaching an introductory course in mining engineering. He’s also an unofficial ambassador for his profession, sparking interest in mining careers among a new generation of student-engineers. The world has changed a lot since McCaffrey was an undergraduate and mining engineering was in its heyday. In the 1980s, an economic downturn pummeled the coal mining industry, research funding waned, and the University phased out its mining engineering courses. Today, CONSOL and other coal companies face a workforce generation gap. At Pitt, McCaffrey is bridging the gap by reaching out to talented young people who can help lead CONSOL and other mining and energy production companies into the new world of 21st-century energy production. Mining engineers across the globe are pursuing ways to produce affordable energy and to meet the demands of rapidly emerging industrialized regions without jeopardizing the Earth’s environment. By partnering with CONSOL to revive interest and resources in mining engineering, Pitt’s Swanson School of Engineering is leading the way to help solve the energy riddle. Their collaboration is important—more than 50 percent of electricity in the United States and 25 percent of the world’s energy is generated from coal, a resource that is abundant in the Northeast and Midwest. Engineers at CONSOL and elsewhere are working to develop technologies to capture and store carbon dioxide emissions from burning coal. Developing the technology will require hiring people, as well as acquiring about $2 billion in funding over the next six to 10 years. CONSOL and Pitt are poised to be at the forefront of this new wave. The energy firm and the University have been collaborating to create new mining engineering classes at Pitt. McCaffrey assisted in teaching those classes. Also, the Swanson School has developed a plan that would enable students to earn a certificate related to mining engineering. The certificate courses are part of the Swanson School’s energy and sustainability initiatives. The school has also revived classes in nuclear engineering and power and energy engineering. Proposals have been submitted for similar certificate programs in these fields, too. CONSOL’s partnership with Pitt goes back more than a decade. In 1991, the CONSOL Energy Mining Map Collection began as the company made its first donations to the University Library System of what is now a priceless compilation of 8,000 vintage engineering maps and photographs. The maps, some of which date to the 1850s, display in great detail the underground veins of coal mines and their depths, evidence of the rich history of mining in this area. Many of these colorful, hand-drawn maps are also works of art. In January 2005, a mine blew out in McDonald, Pa., a rural hamlet in Washington County. Every minute, up to 10,000 gallons of water and mine drainage gushed from the 1930s-era Nickel Plate Mine. Streets were flooded and homes were threatened. Because the Environmental Protection Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation had studied mining maps from the Pitt collection, environmental and safety officials found a location to build a permanent gravity drain system, which included an overflow area, to control the mine discharge and keep homes and residents safe. The accident revealed just how important the collection of such maps could be and led to the modernization of mining map collections, including the one at Pitt. Now, the U.S. Office of Surface Mining is searching for old maps to digitize and post on its Web site. The department has found maps at universities, historical societies, and in private homes. Pitt is providing metadata on the maps in its collection to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), which is storing the digital files. Pitt will link to the state’s DEP maps Web site when it is completed. Recently, the state DEP and the Office of Surface Mining agreed to provide $81,242 to support the map project, and CONSOL committed $100,000 over five years to clean, repair, catalogue, and better preserve the maps at Pitt. Meanwhile, in the hills of Appalachia, McCaffrey has taken a group of students on a field trip to Enlow Fork, one of the longest coal mines in the region. The students walk underground and watch CONSOL’s miners and managers work. McCaffrey stands nearby watching the students, looking for those who might not mind the hands-on work of going deep into the Earth to harvest energy for a new generation.
{ "date": "2015-02-28T19:15:13Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936462035.86/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074102-00125-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9595915079116821, "token_count": 1126, "url": "http://www.pittmag.pitt.edu/?p=559" }
“No one likes to hear it, because it’s dull, but the reason you win or lose is darn near always the same: pitching.” —Hall-of-Fame manager Earl Weaver Joining the 2014 pennant race was always going to take some luck, and that lady has not been blowing on the Mariners’ dice. Four Mariner starting pitchers are hurt—five if you count top prospect Danny Hultzen, out indefinitely after major shoulder surgery. Losing an entire starting rotation would cripple an elite team, let alone the flawed M’s. But not every roll has come up snake eyes. Encouraging performances by young hitters supply hope. The M’s can stay in the race while their pitchers mend if: Mike Zunino’s free-swinging style keeps working. “Carpe diem” has been Zunino’s motto thus far, as he’s swung at 63 percent of the pitches he’s seen—a higher rate than any other regular in baseball. The 23-year-old Zunino has three homers to show for it, but if he keeps swinging like an enraged Spartacus, he’s going to see fewer and fewer hittable pitches as opposing hurlers wise up to his approach. Still, a 20-homer season seems within reach, which would be rare for a catcher as young as Zunino. In baseball’s long history, only five catchers younger than 24 have hit 20 home runs in a season. Abraham Almonte’s bizarre stats aren’t a fluke. Batting Average on balls in play (BAbip) measures how often a player gets a hit when he manages to put bat to ball. Last year’s MLB average was .297. Almonte’s is .372. A BAbip that high can be a product of luck, but some players—usually speedy, strong ones like Almonte—consistently outpace the median. If Almonte’s BAbip stays up, it’s probably a feature of his game rather than a statistical quirk, and the Mariners have that rare and glorious thing—an above-average hitter at a key defensive position. Dustin Ackley keeps hitting fastballs for doubles. Just like last year, Ackley is seeing more fastballs than any other Mariner regular. But unlike last year, he’s not the worst Mariner regular at hitting them. Ackley’s cracked five doubles against four-seam fastballs already in 2014, as many as he hit off that pitch all of last year. Not coincidentally, he leads the Mariners in hitting. So pitching injuries may be the story of the Mariner season so far, but 2014 isn’t written in stone quite yet.
{ "date": "2015-03-06T17:41:21Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936469305.48/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074109-00024-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9552646279335022, "token_count": 602, "url": "http://www.seattleweekly.com/home/952167-129/sportsball-three-reasons-to-keep-your" }
Nick Danziger was born in London but grew up in Monaco and Switzerland. He developed a taste for adventure and travel from a young age and, inspired by the comic-strip Belgian reporter Tintin, took off on his first solo trip to Paris aged 13. Without a passport or air ticket he managed to enter the country and travel around, selling sketches to make money. Nick’s initial ambition was to be an artist, and he later attended The Chelsea School of Art, where he gained an MA in Fine Art and was soon represented by the Robert Fraser Gallery. But his desire for travel remained. In 1982, he applied for and was awarded a Winston Churchill Memorial Fellowship, and used it to follow ancient trade routes, travelling on foot or by traditional local transport from Turkey to China, documenting his adventures in diaries. The diaries and photographs formed his first book, the best selling Danziger’s Travels in 1987, and a second book, Danziger’s Adventures, followed in 1993. His third book, published in 1996, Danziger’s Britain, was a social and political commentary on the state of Britain, and was said by the UK’s Independent newspaper to be, "so important that every one of us should read it and weep". His photographic book, The British (2001), was awarded Best Monochrome Illustrated Book by The British Book Design & Production Awards in 2002, and was selected by The Sunday Times as one of its Photography Books of The Year. He has since travelled the world taking photographs and making documentary films, and has become one of the world’s most renowned photojournalists. His photographs have appeared in newspapers and magazines worldwide, toured museums and galleries internationally, and are held in numerous museum collections including the National Portrait Gallery in London, the National Media Museum in Bradford and Gallery of Modern Art in Glasgow. He has won several prestigious awards for his photography including, in 2004, the World Press Photo 1st Prize in the Single Portrait Award for his ‘mirror’ image of Prime Minister Tony Blair and President George W. Bush. The picture was taken during Danziger’s 30-day, ground-breaking study of a Prime Minister at war. His documentary work is also award-winning. In June 1991, his documentary video film ‘War, Lives and Videotape’, based on the children abandoned in Marastoon mental asylum in Kabul, won the prestigious Prix Italia for Best Television Documentary. In 2007, he was awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the Royal Photographic Society, and he is holder of the Royal Geographical Society’s Ness Award in recognition of raising public understanding of contemporary social, political and environmental issues through documentary films and photography. In 1996 he was nominated for Journalist of The Year by the Royal Television Society. Nick has spent much of the last 25 years photographing the world most dispossessed and disadvantaged. More recent photography projects have included a study of the impact of armed conflict on women and travel to eight of the world’s poorest countries to meet individuals living in extreme poverty. The aim was to document the progress being made towards meeting the eight ‘Millennium Development Goals’ set by the United Nations to eradicate poverty by 2015. For Nick’s latest project he has returned to Bosnia to follow attempts to identify the remains of the thousands of men, women and children missing from the recent wars in the region.
{ "date": "2015-03-01T00:31:19Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936462141.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074102-00147-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9747780561447144, "token_count": 715, "url": "http://www.nickdanziger.com/index/biography" }
I get a lot of clients come to me with similar situations and many are on the verge of giving up due to this frustration. Fact is, you could be doing many things right. The design could be lovely, your content great, and you have products and services that people should want. But still no further towards your goals. What could be going wrong? Onibalusi ordered a critique for he YoungPrePro.com site and I think he is in the situation I described above. He has good traffic, he has subscribers, Twitter followers, Facebook fans. He has appeared as a guest writer on popular blogs. His site actually looks great – much better than many. If he is doing so many things right, why are few people taking up his offers? Why can’t he live the passive income lifestyle that he wants? Looking around his blog you quickly discover three fundamental issues holding him back, plus a few less critical items. I will start with the foundational pieces: Uniqueness or Point of Difference The first thing we need to straighten out is there is an overwhelming sense of “been here before” about the blog. This is one of the major problems with “doing all the right things” – if you only do what is expected or the “done thing” then why should anyone visit your site? It is just like all the rest. And the rest have been doing it longer and with more to talk about. So we see - Make money online content - Income reports - “Quit your day job” promises - “how I make over $3,000 online monthly” ebook We have seen it all before. What is fresh? What is new? What will make us take notice? A unique personality and back story is very important, and he has this going on. But we need more. You need a hook. - Be different - Stand out - … in a positive and beneficial way Fill in the blanks in the following statement: Unlike other _____ blogs, I ________ which means you benefit from ___________ This exercise will make sure you find a point of difference that has a compelling benefit for your audience. It’s not about what you do, what you talk about, it is what they get that they really want and need. Outcome or Deliverable Which brings us to the outcome or deliverable. What is it you show people? What do people get from hanging around your site? You need to really drill down and define your exact target reader. Who can you most help and who would you most want to work with? - Do you know the motivating goals of your target audience? - What is the mission your readers want help with? - Why would people click through from your guest articles? The header says “Helping Young Entrepreneurs Change the World” – is that really what your audience wants? Is that a compelling and specific benefit? Big claims need big proof, which brings us to the next point … All of the rest might not matter so much if there was strong proof to back up the claims. Darren and I see messages all the time from people who follow this logic: - People are making money blogging - I want to make money blogging - The big blogs I see making money blogging blog about making money blogging - So I will start a make money online blog - … and one day I will make money blogging Is this familiar? What is the crucial step they are missing out? (Ignoring the fact there are a gajillion blogs out there claiming to help you make money online). Yes, the problem is you are not going to be able to teach others to make money online until you have made some money online! Look around at the popular blogs that talk about this stuff. - I started out back in the mid 1990’s blogging in the programming and IT space. I spent 7 years working for top advertising, direct marketing and branding agencies before starting my own consultancy, and twice I ran online advertising networks. - Brian was in real estate and is an expert copywriter. Jon Morrow, one of the editors at Copyblogger, also started out in Real Estate. - Darren’s biggest blog is about photography (makes me feel sick that I sold my own photography blog, heh) and before that he had blogs on all kinds of subjects. - John Chow has been running a tech site since 1998 and has an associated advertising network. - David Risley also started with tech and computing stuff. - Yaro started out with Magic the Gathering amongst other things. Notice a trend? (Apart from the extreme geekiness, that is) Yup, none of these folks started out with teaching “Make Money Online” … until they had made some money online! Why Should Someone Learn this from YOU? It comes down to WIIFM. What’s In It For Me? There are all these choices and options out there, why should someone choose you? What have you done that stands out? Something that someone else would want to learn. I would say in the case of Onibalusi, there is something in the guest blogging – a great deal of workload and visible experience. Instead though the claim is that you can help people make thousands of dollars a month! The earning reports are actually working against this claim because essentially Onibalusi has a writing job. My definition of job is where you work exclusively for one employer: This is due to me signing a contract with my current client not to take additional writing job so for my blog to have brought me over 7 clients I think it is a business and I’m qualified to talk about making money online. If it is true that you have turned work down, and we have no evidence or testimonials, then you have some credibility to show people how to get freelance writing work. This is a good market that tons of people are getting into every day. Perhaps you could negotiate with your current contract to allow some hours per week to work for other clients? Being exclusive to one company is very dangerous, I have been there and got burned by it when we parted company – don’t put all your eggs in one basket. My point is, teach people what you demonstrably know. You will get more attention, your credibility will grow, and your income opportunities will open up. The blog looks great and you have done an excellent job of generating a traffic and audience through your guest blogging. Use your actual knowledge and experience as a strength and as a compelling hook, rather than try to come across as something you are not (yet!). Share your unique point of difference, show how that will benefit your audience towards their goals, and back it up with proof! What do you think? Was I too harsh? Do you have any other thoughts to share? Please let us know in the comments …
{ "date": "2016-06-28T05:26:00Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-26", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-26/segments/1466783396455.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20160624154956-00110-ip-10-164-35-72.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9688407778739929, "token_count": 1463, "url": "http://www.chrisg.com/stand-out-youngprepro-critique/" }
We do not grow fruit trees for the market, almost 100% are eaten fresh. Na foto: Frutos de Outubro recém-apanhados, pêra, dióspiro, medronhos, framboesas, figos, uvas, castanhas, nozes, e tortulhos/cogumelos. Pear, kaki, arbutus berry, raspberry, figs, grapes, chestnut, walnut and mushroms. Many of them (rasberries, cherries, peach peels, Arbutus unedo berry, chestnut) are used to give flavour to our home made spirit, and produce a sweet liqueur. Many trees are located in the gardening anually tilled area (terraces) where vegetables and legumes are grown as annual crops. Some trees are grown in soils that are not being tilled anymore, kept for goat pasture or forage . Almost all trees are watered during the summer (once every 1 or 2 weeks). The grapes were harvested last saturday (early-mid October) by family and relatives (for making wine), but we kept some of the sweetest ones on the vines for whenever we happen to walk them by ... Many times, for some people, fruit is the only thing they eat earlier in the morning, and they pick it direclty from the trees. Peaches, our new young tree fruit is only now slowly turning ripe. Apples are plenty for all meals everyday, and for the goats. Some of them will be stored and last, be eaten, through the winter. Pears, our tree has a "overloaded" generous yield, goats have been eating the ones not ripe that have been falling for the last few weeks. Chest nut, Castanea sativa, we got the first handful today. We have one tree, more than 200 years old(partly colapsing, and a young one growing already inside it), that we care for just about 2 hours per year, cutting ferns and bramble underneath the canopy, and get a harvest of about 50-100 kilos per year. Walnuts, we will be collecting them soon, we have been hand cleaning the ground from litter dry biomass from herbaceous plants and brambles that grow every year under and on the edge of the canopy. Persimons, the goats have been eating the falling ones that turn ripe after a few days off the tree. Next fruit, to ripe later in the year, are persimons, tangerines and kiwis. Arbutus berries harvest is starting now and will last through December, and olives will be harvested later in December too. Kiwis, nearly ripe: Arbutus unedo berries ripening from October until December. We will be eating a lot of tangerines through the winter and we will be waiting for the loquat, cherries, apricots, raspberries, muleberries and plums again. To be continued (with more pictures).
{ "date": "2017-07-24T10:30:31Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549424846.81/warc/CC-MAIN-20170724102308-20170724122308-00158.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9501124024391174, "token_count": 648, "url": "http://permacultura-terras-altas.blogspot.com/2012/10/" }
New data from the National Center for Education Statistics shows that for all the problems with American education, the current cohort of young people is the best-educated such cohort we've ever had notwithsanding the continued migration of many poorly educated Latin Americans to the United States. So good for us. This brings a more precise datapoint to bear on an argument I made last year about why I don't agree with people who say we've had stagnating living standards for the past 40 years. Stagnationism used to be very prominent on the left, but since Barack Obama's inauguration I've increasingly heard it from the right as well. And it's true that published inflation-adjusted wage and income series appear to show substantial stagnation. But if you look at actual quantities consumed it's very hard to see where this stagnation is happening. Compared to 1973 or 1983, we live in bigger houses today. We have more gadgets and more entertainment options. We take more airplane trips. We eat a wider range of foods. We have at least as much clothing. Our cars have improved (as has our coffee). And even in the much-criticized health and education sectors, the fact is that we see improvements, not declines. There are illnesses we can treat or cure in 2013 that were untreatable three or four decades ago, and despite the massive increase in tuition prices, we're earning more college degrees, not fewer. It's certainly possible that real growth in living standards from 1973–2013 has been slower than it was in 1933–1973 (at least for those people who managed not to get killed in war), but if you step back for a minute from the CPI figures it's very difficult to locate the stagnation. We've increased our consumption of goods and services, men work fewer hours per year than they used to, and women have more career opportunities. There are a lot of problems, but the trajectory is positive even in the "technological frontier" countries.
{ "date": "2017-07-28T02:39:35Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549436321.71/warc/CC-MAIN-20170728022449-20170728042449-00478.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9761427640914917, "token_count": 399, "url": "http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2013/06/14/youth_educational_attainment_reaches_all_time_high.html" }
The Great Summer Reading Giveaway #1 Mmmm, summer. A time for beaches, beer and bunking off … and, of course, books. Go in the draw to win this bundle of four titles and keep reading all through the summer. To enter, simply email [email protected] with SUMMER #1 in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email by 6pm Tuesday 10 January 2017. We cannot afford to post giveaway bundles overseas, so Australian residents only, please. Richard Russo Everybody’s Fool From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Nobody’s Fool, this new novel is set in the decaying American town of North Bath over one very busy weekend. ‘… a town where dishonesty abounds, everyone misapprehends everyone else and half the citizens are half-crazy. It’s a great place for a reader to visit …’ — New York Times Courtesy of Allen & Unwin Ali Land Good Me, Bad Me Annie’s mother is a serial killer. The only way Annie can make it stop is to hand her into the police. But the secrets of her past won’t let her sleep, even with a new family and a new name … ‘Original, intense and utterly compelling .. a psychological dive into a young girl’s soul’. — Julia Heaberlin Courtesy of Penguin Cosentino Anything is Possible Cosentino is Australia’s premier illusionist and escapologist. The LA Times has said he ‘mirrors the legendary Harry Houdini’. ‘This is not just a celebrity memoir and it is more than a book about magic. It is a book about self-belief.’ — Bookseller & Publisher Courtesy of HarperCollins Gideon Haigh Stroke of Genius: Victor Trumper and the shot that changed cricket Victor Trumper is one of the legends of Australian cricket, from an era before Bradman reset the records. At his peak just after Federation, he was considered an artist of the bat, the genius of a new age. Here Gideon Haigh explores both the real Victor Trumper and his iconography. Courtesy of Penguin Random House Remember, to enter just email [email protected] with SUMMER #1 in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email by 6pm Tuesday 10 January 2017. Good luck!
{ "date": "2017-07-20T20:48:32Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549423486.26/warc/CC-MAIN-20170720201925-20170720221925-00118.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9217807650566101, "token_count": 522, "url": "http://newtownreviewofbooks.com.au/2017/01/09/great-summer-reading-giveaway-1/" }
William (Bill) served in the South African air force for 34 years before retiring as a general in 2003. Subsequently, he visited a former air force colleague who was then in New Delhi working as an ICRC delegate for cooperation with the armed forces, and who told him about the opportunity of joining the ICRC. Bill applied to the ICRC headquarters, in Geneva. In 2004 he was offered the position of regional delegate for cooperation with the armed and security forces, based in the Russian Federation and also covering the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. This was a challenge that Bill accepted gladly. Since July 2005 he has been head of the ICRC Moscow delegation’s department for cooperation with the armed and security forces. What are the general principles of implementing the ICRC programme of cooperation with armed and security forces? Prevention programmes, which are part of the programme of cooperation with the armed and security forces throughout the world, have two main components – the military and the police. The main aim of the military programme is to ensure that international humanitarian law (IHL) is incorporated into the armed and security forces, both in theory and practice. Ideally, every soldier should know his personal responsibilities and, in the event of a conflict situation, civilians should be protected and basic rules of IHL observed. This programme exists where there is a need for it. Firstly, in the main capitals of the world, and, secondly, in countries where there is a potential for conflict. Each State must realize that, upon signing the Geneva Conventions, it assumes certain responsibilities. Basically, implementation of IHL within the armed forces is the responsibility of the country concerned, but the ICRC can definitely help. How is this programme working in the Russian Federation? In Russia the programme has been running for 13 years. The ICRC works in close cooperation with the ministry of defence and each year the minister for defence personally signs a cooperation agreement. There are certain flagship activities. The main one is the " Senezh " course – IHL training carried out six times a year for legal officers and logistics and operational staff of the armed forces. So far, we have 1,200 graduates. The course is also at tended by officers from the armed forces of CIS countries, which makes the event international. One major achievement is that initially the course was conducted by the ICRC in cooperation with the ministry of defence, and now it is mainly run by ministry officers who deliver lectures and conduct classes. The second major event is a competition for cadets who, as future officers, may one day find themselves in senior positions in the armed forces. The IHL competition, dubbed " General Skobelev " , is an event during which IHL is taught in an exciting way. Its competitive nature is very important for young people. The event also offers cadets an opportunity to practise their theoretical knowledge. We also hold high-level meetings since IHL implementation depends a lot on the decisions of those in high-ranking positions. We are pleased to note that IHL is integrated into the new rules of conduct for the armed forces and into staff training programmes. And, generally speaking, the integration of IHL into manuals is done systematically. Are there any special features that set apart the cooperation with the Russian army? One of the things that make working in this country so special is its size, which is amazing. The Russian army has a million soldiers and officers. We therefore have to venture into military districts. We have started this successfully and plan to continue. For example, last year we organized an IHL course in Chita for officers of the Siberian military district as well as a course for marines in Vladivostok. In 2008 we are planning to organize IHL courses in Samara and Saint Petersburg. How would you describe the current state of IHL implementation, and what are the plans for the future? Since IHL or the " law of war " is mostly based on common sense, it should not have to be learnt as a theoretical subject. It must be integrated into all military levels and become part of the whole basis of military service. Of course, we already carry out a large amount of theoretical work but we should also organize as much practical training as possible. To illustrate this, I always use an example I apply to myself. I can find the manual of any aircraft in the world, read it and learn the theory on how to fly it. But I am sure that nobody will board my plane if they discover that I have no practical experience as a pilot. However if you ask me to evaluate general IHL implementation in the Russian armed forces, I would say that progress is made every year. What can you tell us about the 50th Senezh course? The 50th Senezh IHL course was held in Solnechnogorsk, in the Moscow area between the end of March and the beginning of April. It brought together 49 participants from five CIS countries, including Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and Russian Federation. For two weeks the participants learned the theory of international humanitarian law and put it into practice. " Without this kind of knowledge it is not possible to perform successful military operations and teach soldiers, " - said Lieutenant General Vyacheslav Bibikov, Head of the Vystrel Military Training Centre. In his address to the participants at the closing ceremony, Bill Bowie said, " one day you may find yourselves in a rather difficult situation. You may have five minutes or even less time to take a decision that might be investigated afterwards for months by legal advisors. Of course, your actions will depend on the specific situation but you always have to remember that your decision will affect people's lives. Once you know that, it is essential to remember the main principle of humanity. "
{ "date": "2017-07-27T07:08:14Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549427749.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20170727062229-20170727082229-00678.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9700873494148254, "token_count": 1201, "url": "https://www.icrc.org/eng/resources/documents/interview/lb_fas-russia-090708.htm" }
Before reading up a bit for this post I was aware that Louis Spohr (named Ludwig, but he preferred the French equivalent Louis), was a virtuoso violinist and younger contemporary of Beethoven, widely known for inventing the violin chin rest in 1820. I’m very grateful to him for that; I really don’t enjoy playing my violin without one. It’s a fabulous creation. I can’t imagine how violinists managed during the baroque era! He also had the foresight in 1812 to use letters on musical scores as an aid to rehearsal. So he was quite the innovator in many ways. When our conductor at Aylesbury would bark something like: “You made a real hash of the passage between D and E, so let’s go back to D again,” you’d be able to find the place in the music very quickly and easily. I had no idea that this bright idea was down to Louis Spohr. Louis Spohr: (5 April 1784 – 22 October 1859) I was pleasantly surprised and impressed to say the least, when I started to discover his many other accomplishments. His musical compositions were largely unknown to me, despite his immense popularity in classical circles during his lifetime. His fame dwindled after his death and only a small portion of his work remains in modern repertoire. It couldn’t have been easy crafting your notes in the shadow of Mozart and at the same time as the likes of Beethoven, Hummel and Schubert, but to his credit he followed his own path within the parameters of early romanticism. He was widely known and respected in Europe during the early 19th century as a virtuoso violinist, conductor, teacher and composer. He was probably the most famous violinist in Europe until Paganini arrived on the scene with his own fiery brand of pyrotechnics. Like his friend Beethoven, he also believed in democratic freedoms and was known to possess a noble character. He was unusually tall for the time, being over six-foot. Unlike Beethoven, who was the epitome of the lonely, tortured artist, Spohr was a family man who enjoyed a happy social life and varied pursuits like swimming, ice-skating, hiking, gardening, as well as considerable skill as a painter. Whilst Beethoven was creating music that was innovative, immortal and ‘new’ to the ears of early 19th century concert goers, Spohr appears to blend in with the tastes of the zeitgeist, certainly nothing that would upset the apple cart. But when tastes changes, as they invariably do over time, his more traditional music became eclipsed by Beethoven and Schubert. The so called Biedermeier period (1812 – 1848), saw the rise of the middle class in Europe, paralleling urbanisation and industrialisation, when access to the arts expanded to attract a larger number of people. Biedermeier encompassed literature, music, the visual arts, interior design and architecture. It seems that Louis Spohr was a product of his era, whereas Beethoven was a musician for all-time. Rather sadly he is sometimes referred to as the ‘forgotten master’. As I’ve discovered, his music was mostly written in the romantic genre and I was surprised at the many different instruments he wrote for aside from the violin. I believe his music should be more widely heard and performed than it is. He may not be a Mozart or a Beethoven, but his achievements are worthy of admiration. Louis was born to musical parents; his mother being a talented singer and pianist whilst his father was an amateur flutist. The young Spohr however, despite starting out on the harp, took to the violin. His first tutor was a violinist named Dufour, who saw an opportunity for his pupil to further his musical learning at the Duke of Brunswick’s court. He joined the ducal orchestra aged 15. Three years later he was sent on a year-long study tour of St Petersburg and Moscow with his tutor, violinist Franz Anton Eck. He also wrote his early compositions during this time. After Spohr returned to Brunswick the duke allowed him to make a concert tour of northern Germany. An influential music critic, Friedrich Rochlitz happened to be in the audience during his recital in Leipzig in December 1804, and wrote a glowing review of both his virtuosity and his opus 2 violin concerto in D minor. Hence Spohr was promptly catapulted into the pantheon of revered violinists of the early 19th century. Spohr became orchestral director at the court of Gotha between 1805-1812 until he landed the job of leader of the orchestra at the Theater an der Wien in Vienna from 1813-15, where he met Beethoven. His career progressed as he moved to Frankfurt where he took up the post of Opera Director between 1817-19, and thanks to the recommendation of fellow composer, Carl Maria von Weber, he was appointed Court Kapellmeister at Kassel from 1822 until his death on 22nd October 1859. Incidentally, Kassel was also the place where the Brothers Grimm wrote most of their fairy tales in the early 19th century. During his career and at the height of his popularity Spohr travelled to England on five separate occasions, and was named in an aria from Act 2 of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Opera, The Mikado. Spohr was a prolific composer of many genres: violin concertos, symphonies, clarinet concertos, harp and chamber music, lieder, cantatas, oratorios and operas. I’ve selected a few pieces from each genre to give an overview of his style and talents. He composed a total of 290 works. Although he wrote eighteen violin concertos, six violin sonatas and various duos for violin and harp he did not set out to write purely for the violin in the same way that Viotti, Kreutzer, Vieutemps or Wieniawski did. Of particular note is his Violin Concerto No. 8 in A minor, Op. 47 ‘In modo d’un scena cantate’ that just sings in the most mournful, lyrical melody when performed by the incomparable Jascha Heifetz: Violin Concerto No. 2 in D minor, Op. 2 by Christiane Edinger and the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra: ‘Duo für 2 Violinen’ with David and Igor Oistrakh: Violin Concerto No. 7 in E minor, Op. 38 (3rd movement) with Takako Nishizaki, Libor Pesek and the Bratislava Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra: Sonata in D Major for Violin and Harp, with Sophie Langdon and Hugh Webb: Duo for Violin and Viola in E minor, Op. 13 with Antje Weithaas and Tabea Zimmermann: Sonata for Violin and Harp in C minor, a delightful recital by Jean-Jaques Kantorow and Susanna Mildonian: Concertante No. 1 in G Major, WoO 13 for Violin, Harp and Orchestra (Adagio) with Ursula Holliger, Hansheinz Schneeberger and English Chamber Orchestra: Concertante No. 2 in E minor, WoO 14 for Violin, Harp and Orchestra, (3rd movement) performed by English Chamber Orchestra, Ursula Holliger and Christoph Poppen under the baton of Heinz Holliger: Like Beethoven, Louis Spohr has nine symphonies to his name, and a tenth unfinished! His Symphony No. 4 in F Major, Op. 86 ‘Die Weihe der Töne’ (The Consecration of Sound), was based on the poems of the same name by Carl Pfeiffer. Overview from Naxos: The first movement opens with a slow introduction, illustrating the profound silence before the creation of sound. The Allegro that follows, in traditional sonata form, includes the gentle sound of the breeze and woodwind bird-song, before the storm that forms the central section of the movement, to die out in the distance in the final bars. The second movement demonstrates the function of music as lullaby, dance and serenade, the last with a solo cello. All three finally combine in a conductor’s nightmare of varying bar-lines and tempi. The third movement shows the role of music as an inspiration to courage, here with a narrative element. Soldiers depart for battle, while in a central trio section those remaining behind express their anxiety, followed by the victorious return of the marching troops and the song of thanksgiving. The final movement buries the dead, to the sound of the chorale ‘Begrabt den Leib’, leading to ultimate consolation in tears. Here is a recording by the Budapest Symphony Orchestra and Alfred Walter: Symphony No. 6 in G Major, Op.116 ‘Historical Symphony in the style and taste of four different periods’ composed in 1840, performance by Concertgebouw Amsterdam and Ton Koopman: - Largo-Grave (Bach-Händel’sche Periode, 1720) - Larghetto (Haydn-Mozart’sche Periode, 1780 - Scherzo (Beethoven’sche Periode, 1810) - Allegro vivace (Allerneueste Periode, 1840) Symphony No. 9 Op. 143 ‘The Seasons’ performed by Slovak State Philharmonic Orchestra under Alfred Walter: Harp and clarinet works Spohr wrote a significant number of works for, and including the harp, which is entirely understandable as his first wife, Dorette Scheidler, was a renowned harp virtuoso. They were married for 28 years until her death in 1834. Fantasie for Harp in C Major, Op. 35 with Lena-Maria Buchberger: Clarinet Concerto No. 1 in C Major, Op. 26 (3rd movement) with Paul Meyer and the OCL: Clarinet Concerto No. 2 in E-Flat Major, Op. 57 with Julian Bliss: Clarinet Concerto No. 4 WoO 20, ‘Rondo al espagnol’ with Paul Meyer and Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne: Among his output of chamber music are 36 string quartets, 7 string quintets, a string sextet and 5 piano trios. Probably the most performed in modern repertoire are the Nonet and the Octet, for your listening pleasure below. Octet in E Major, Op.32 with the Vienna Octet: Nonet for Wind Quintet and Strings in F Major, Op. 31 with the Consortium Classicum Conducted by Dieter Klöcker: Piano Trio No. 2 in F Major, Op. 123 with the Hartley Trio : Concerto for String Quartet & Orchestra Op. 131 (1st movement), composed in Kassel during the last three months of 1845, performed here by Leipziger Streichquartett, Leipziger Kammerorchester and Sebastian Weigle: Six German Songs Spohr’s Six German Songs for Soprano, Piano and Clarinet, Op. 103 are a delightful indulgence of his romantic side! These lovely performances are by Helen Donath, Klaus Donath and Dieter Kloecker: - Be still my heart - In a lilac bush sat a little bird - Longing: I look into my heart - Cradle Song: All is quiet in sweet peace - The Secret Song: There are secret pains - Awakening : Why do you stand and ponder Of the ten operas Sphor composed the two most popular are Jessonda and Faust. Jessonda was written in 1822 to the libretto by Eduard Gehe, based on Lemiere’s novel, La veuve de Malabar. Under Spohr’s baton it was first performed on 28th July 1823 in Kassel, and tells the story of an Indian princess (Jessonda), who is condemned to burn on her husband’s funeral pyre; as was the custom for a widow of a recently departed Rajah. She is ultimately spared by a young Brahmin (Nadori) and eventually rescued by the Portuguese General she was in love with (Tristan d’Acunha). It was popular in 19th and 20th century repertoire until it was banned by the Nazis. Overture to Jessonda: Jessonda – Selected highlights with Gerd Albrecht leading the Hamburg State Philharmonic Orchestra and Opera Chorus and Julia Varady and Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau in the main roles: The Tristan Chord So, the big question is, did Wagner take inspiration from Spohr to create his famous chord? I might ignite some controversy here! Much has been made of the Tristan Chord in the opening bars of Wagner’s beautiful, romantic opera, Tristan und Isolde; but composer and musician Dr. Dick Strawser, who was quite taken with aspects of Jessonda noticed the following: Now, what I found in the vocal score of Spohr’s Jessonda – opening the main character’s entrance aria – was an almost identical passage: the same key, the same 6/8 meter and (as I recall) the same rhythms but, more importantly, virtually all the same pitches but one – the next-to-last note in Spohr is a C-natural, an “upper-neighbor” embellishment, where Wagner’s A-sharp is a chromatic passing tone. Spohr composed his opera in 1823. Yet no one calls it “The Jessonda Chord.” Nor does anyone accuse Wagner of plagiarism, either. Was Jessonda so forgotten 25 years later that Wagner could steal this, even subconsciously, without anyone noticing? Hmmmm… Wagner aficionado Stephen Fry: A beautiful aria ‘Ich bin allein’ from Act Two of Faust: Spohr the conductor Louis Spohr was one of the first musicians to use a baton when conducting. Imagine the orchestra’s surprise when their leader, instead of using his bow, put his violin down, took a wooden stick out of his pocket, got up and turned the music stand to face the orchestra where he proceeded to wave it about in time with the music. Later in his musical career after he had scaled back his violin performance schedule, his reputation as an eminent conductor meant that he continued to receive many invitations to music festivals and various events, including the unveiling of Beethoven’s statue in Bonn in 1845. He championed Wagner’s music and also played Beethoven’s late quartets, even though it seems he was as baffled by them as audiences were at the time. He also played with Beethoven during rehearsals of the Piano Trio No. 1 in D Major, Op. 70 ‘The Ghost’ in 1808, commenting on how Beethoven, almost devoid of his earlier technical abilities, hammered away on the ivories and that his piano was out of tune, but he must have made allowances for Ludwig’s hearing loss. A wonderful recording of ‘The Ghost’ with Daniel Barenboim, Jacqueline du Pre and Pinchas Zukerman: Spohr made many valuable contributions to violin technique in the early 19th century and was a proponent of the Mannheim School. He taught around 200 pupils during his career. If I ever find myself in Kassel I’ll be sure to visit his museum there!
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If realized, the Eurasian Economic Union would comprise a number of states which were part of the former Soviet Union: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan. Vladimir Putin stated in November 2011 that the Eurasian Union would build upon the "best values of the Soviet Union"; however, critics claimed that the drive towards integration aims to restore the "Soviet Empire" The problem for Putin is that the Ukraine is the key to the Eurasian Union ; http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/opinion/eurasian-economic-union-with-russia-at-centre-of-putins-endgame/story-e6frgd0x-1226844074752 In addition to the geostrategic importance of Ukraine, getting Kiev on side is critical to the success of Putin’s proposal for a Eurasian Economic Union. Such a union will exist as a counter to the EU and allow Moscow to institutionalise Russia’s influence. If realised, the Russian-dominated union would also potentially control one-third of the world’s proven natural gas reserves. It is also clear that losing Ukraine would dangerously undermine Putin’s standing and authority within his own United Russia political party, and provide an example of what dissatisfied populations can achieve through popular protests. This is why Russian willingness to use coercive diplomacy to maintain an exclusive sphere of influence in the former Soviet Space should come as no surprise. After all, it was Putin who in 2006 described the demise of the Soviet Union as the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe” of the 20th century. To protect its declining influence, Russia has not hesitated to use its control of energy resources. At the height of winter in 2006 and 2009, Moscow cut off gas supplies to the Ukraine - and Europe - in disputes with Kiev over gas prices and gas debts. Russia also uses its position on a network of Soviet-era pipelines as the last exit point to European markets to bully clients and extract low gas and oil prices from Central Asian suppliers. For example, in 2009, in a dispute over gas pricing Russia suspended gas imports from Turkmenistan for nine months, which cost the latter an estimated one-quarter of its total annual GDP. Griffin, Golden Dawn, FN, Jobbik, NPD have all rushed to lay down and be petted by Putin. They have done so solely for their own short term political interests, and at the same time have betrayed both Nationalism and Europe. What Europe needs is a heroic resistance movement led by a revolutionary nationalist vanguard of young nationalists like the Ukranian Right Sector to lead the overthrow of the rotten old EU regime. Instead we have a clique of tired, weak, corrupt cowards who have sold out their nations and nationalism for the patronage of Putin, a man who would do Nationalists in his Eurasian Union and in a Putin controlled Europe exactly what he has already done to Nationalists in Russia. The primary reason why these puffed up political clowns of the pseudo-political right in Europe have opposed the Ukranian Nationalists is because the Ukranian Nationalists have done in a few months what these parasites have never achieved in decades of political activism. The Ukranian Nationalists have overthrown their governments and built a National Revolution from the ground up. Look at the European political nationalists, in their plush EU funded offices in designer suits supping fine wines and playing pathetic reactionary bourgeoisie games as they surrender ever more of our nationalist principles to appease the howler monkey liberals that hoot and yell perpetually demanding the dilution of nationalist principles in order for nationalists to sit beneath their tables and beg for the scraps they down to us like good, well trained pets of the traitorous elite. The European nationalists are too stupid to realise they will never win the rigged game of electoral politics, or they are just too corrupt to care. Therefore these sad pathetic parade of losers now go bowing and scraping to Putin for some pocket money to put in their already bulging pockets filled with EU funds, state cash and the subscriptions of their gullible members. Anyone with any intelligence knows you cannot win the rigged game of politics in the EU. All nationalist political parties are is controlled fake oppositions to perpetuate the illusion of democracy in the EU tyranny. Even when Nationalists do win elections then their parties are banned ( NPD), arrested ( The Golden Dawn ), infiltrated by state agents ( BNP, NPD) the law forces them to change their constitutions to remove nationalist principles ( BNP ) or their leaders are murdered like Jorg Haider. We will never overthrow the EU through playiung the rigged game of electoral politics. That is why the European nationalists hate the Ukranian Nationalists and have now aligned with Putin, whose anti-nationalist venom inside Russia and whose IMPERIALIST plans for a supra-national state entity match only the Imperialism and anti-nationalism of the EU itself. The Right Sector are the future of European Nationalism. I stand with them and their heroes against all who will stand against the European Reconquista that we so deserve and need. Let the old, the weak, the cowards, the traitors, the corrupted and the stupid all stand together against us. That way when the time comes, we already know who all our real enemies are. Wednesday, 5 March 2014 Why Putin Invaded Ukraine - Energy & Empires There are three reasons why Putin has invaded the Ukraine. 1) Hubris. He cannot stand the kick in the balls that the Ukranian Nationalists gave to him by toppling the pro-Russian corrupt political puppet regime that used to rule the Ukraine for Putins benefit. 2) Energy - The Ukraine is the energy aorta of Europe, with vast amounts of Russian gas flowing through the Ukraine and then into the EU. This control of Europe's energy supplies allows him to control Europe via energy blackmail. If Putin turns the pipelines off, then almost a third of Europes gas stops flowing. In the great game of empires throughout modern history since the post 1918 period, whoever controls the energy ( usually in the form of the oil ) controls the world. At the moment America and its Arab puppet regimes control the oil, but as Peak Oil hits in the 21st century then supplies of natural gas will replace oil. Hence those that have the gas will control the world when the oil starts to run dry. The saying is true - There can be no National Security, without Energy Security. 3) The Eurasian Union. Putins 21st century Geo-political plan is to create a vast supra-national bloc to challenge the EU, a sort of post-Soviet Empire run by Putin as his personal fiefdom. This is what the Eurasian Union will look like ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_Union
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Is this deal only for 3 yr old? I have 10 yr old twins.They know how to swim but need work on style. Do you have classes for their age group ? Beata Beata asked on Mar 20, 2013 Lessons are available for all ages and abilities from the very young beginner all the way up to higher level, stoke improvement instruction. Antony W. from Merchant replied on Mar 20, 2013
{ "date": "2017-07-28T09:45:48Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549448146.46/warc/CC-MAIN-20170728083322-20170728103322-00318.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9443833231925964, "token_count": 88, "url": "https://www.groupon.com/deals/british-swim-school-hoffman-estates/discussion?page=2" }
When a basketball star decides to make the jump from college ball to the NBA, he is courted by several potential endorsers. That’s definitely the case in the sneaker world, where young sensations are courted by the heavy hitters from the jump. While the top two picks in this year’s NBA Draft made unorthodox decisions with their sneaker deals, it doesn’t mean they weren’t wooed by the big name brands. Take John Wall, for example. Unless you’re living under a rock, you know that he’s signed a multi-year endorsement deal with Reebok. Sometimes, when players sign with anybody but Nike, the assumption is Nike didn’t really go after them. That wasn’t the case with Wall, and we have the visual evidence for you today. This is a John Wall Nike Zoom Hyperfuse player exclusive - undoubtedly created to show him what life could be like living under the Swoosh. The shoe features a Kentucky-esque royal blue synthetic and mesh base, with black wrapped from ankle to ankle. White hits the Swoosh and Hyperfuse branding on the tongue, while black takes care of the outsole. What’s most intriguing about this sample is the custom “JWII” logo Nike created for Wall placed on the ankle. The logo could hold a double meaning, as Wall wore the number “11” at Kentucky, but is also named John Wall II (or Jr.). While the Hyperfuse is certainly an impressive shoe, Wall most likely wouldn’t have locked in a guaranteed signature shoe and apparel deal signing with Nike. Reebok’s money probably wasn’t too shabby either… This sample in Wall's size 12.5 is available to bid on from forces_whitaker on eBay now.
{ "date": "2017-07-21T04:42:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549423716.66/warc/CC-MAIN-20170721042214-20170721062214-00238.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9467120170593262, "token_count": 385, "url": "https://solecollector.com/news/2010/10/nike-zoom-hyperfuse-john-wall-pe" }
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Your wish is your chauffeur's command, and also the night time is yours to love while you say goodbye to getting one! In your Bachelor and Bachelorette social gathering, we might take you towards the cafe, bar, club, or hop from spot to spot around the metropolis as late as you need to go! Enable Blackhorse Limo Organization handle the transportation in your overall occasion inside a extend limousine , making your wild evening Harmless, entertaining and unforgettable. - Gregory S. I've utilized many other car services during the last several years and Service provider identify locked. certainly is the best 1 in my practical experience. Their online reservation method operates flawlessly, the admin men and women are enjoyable and helpful, and the motorists have all been exceptionally professional. Taking place a visit? Elite Limousines of Houston concentrates on Assembly your airport demands. Our chauffeurs are Outfitted with two-way radios and cellular telephones to get up to date with any weather, site visitors, or flight info, allowing our website team to just take the necessary precautionary motion to make certain you arrive Safe and sound, relaxed, and punctually. Get Absolutely everyone with each other and also have a secure and unforgettable night out to the town. Will not be worried about drunk driving or traffic, just travel in VIP model! Your chauffeur responds for your Recommendations immediately and is aware his way around city including every one of the incredibly hot places!
{ "date": "2017-07-21T06:27:18Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549423723.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20170721062230-20170721082230-00518.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9385455250740051, "token_count": 1223, "url": "http://jaredesbj826.blogminds.com/little-known-facts-about-houston-limo-service-2811725" }
Greetings, one and all! I trust you’re well and are surviving the build up to Christmas. Firstly, regarding my recent silence. I’ve been reliably informed that there is no point saying sorry for something if there’s a chance you might do it again; nevertheless, I apologise. However, I have an excuse. Over the last few months, I’ve been writing, editing and marketing my fourth novel, Swiftly Sharpens the Fang (see synopsis at the bottom of the page). It tells the dystopian tale of an impressionable young British man with personal problems, who is targetted for radicalisation. It is, in my opinion, my best work to date. Whilst working, I’ve been consumed by a focus the likes of which I’ve never before experienced. The first draft, which is approximately 73,000 words, took ten weeks to complete. Compare this to Postnormal (SUBNORMAL Book 3) at 96,000 words, which was six months in the making. Therefore, I wrote Swiftly Sharpens the Fang at nearly double the speed, and this had an impact on my other authorly pursuits, like blogging. And why? I asked myself. How come I was so driven this time around? The answer is a simple one: the lead character, Joe Travis. Of course, I’ve made no secret of the fact that some of Paul (SUBNORMAL protagonist) Kelly’s traits are based on my own. But if Paul Kelly is similar to me in his thoughts, Joe Travis, of fictional Manchester suburb Grangeheath, is more like me in his heart. At times, particularly in the early stages of the book, Swiftly Sharpens the Fang is almost semi-autobiographical. Like young Joe, I’ve suffered with depression over the years. In fact, until I started writing in 2014, I’d found no solution to my mental health issues, much to the detriment of my marriage and the emotional well-being of my wife. Until I found writing. The imagining of worlds; the creation of fictional characters; the endless plotting – these began to dominate my mind. I no longer had time to dwell on the thoughts which made me feel low. And once I’d finished my first novel, any remaining head-space was occupied by marketing – social media, website-building and the like. Being an author has, in my opinion, preserved my marriage and has probably added a few years to my life. Not that I don’t still struggle at times, and I am far from the perfect husband, but I’m a lot healthier in my mind. As a result, I’m treating those around me with more patience and consideration. Writing has succeeded where numerous pills have failed, and the dependence upon drugs is another theme I explore in Swiftly, as it was in my SUBNORMAL trilogy. The downside to my medication of choice is that I have a tendency to becoming too motivated, spending my days with my head in the clouds as I mentally tinker with narrative arcs and twists. But it beats the alternative! Writing has now become a compulsion. Due to my full time job and hectic home life, I practice my art on public transport, on the commutes to and from work. Using a laptop is impractical on crowded buses, so I pen every word on my smartphone. Last year, when circumstances meant I had to drive the car to the office, I dictated my work to my phone, and typed the transcripts on my lunch hour. Nothing gets in the way. Why? I’m not sure. As mentioned in my inaugural blog, I was tested for Asperger’s a few years ago; perhaps this might explain my obsession. But it’s a healthy obsession. Unfortunately, Joe, the anti-hero at the heart of Swiftly, has just one coping mechanism: alcohol. Unlike me, his depression is caused by a life-changing event – the death of his father at the hands of jihadist terrorists – which means he’s vulnerable when Uncle Steve, the leader of a fascist gang, begins to pour poison in his ear. Joe is a tragic figure; he’s not a particularly likable chap, but he does, I hope, inspire sympathy. Depression and other mental illnesses are a worsening problem in the UK, with suicide the number one killer of young males. And I hope my readers will enjoy reading about Joe’s descent into a world of vice, villainy and vengeance. Originally, I was inspired to write Swiftly by the Brexit result, and the implicit rightwards lurch in British socio-political ideology. Racism – a subject I’ve discussed before – has, to my mind, been legitimatised by the Out vote (before anyone shoots me down, I’m not accusing Brexiteers of prejudice; see my previous blog for a full explanation), and I fear that the same is happening stateside. My SUBNORMAL books had a strong political message, too. As I wrote, though, I realised that my smart-arsed pseudo-intellectualism had taken a backseat to Joe’s story, as was the case with Paul Kelly and company in Subnormal, Supernormal and Postnormal. I am a better storyteller than I am a theorist, and this is supported by the numerous positive reviews I’ve received over the last couple of years. If you don’t believe me, feel free to check out free samples of my SUBNORMAL books. Swiftly Sharpens the Fang will be published on the 30th of January next year, and it will be available for pre-order soon. Subscribe to my mailing list, and you’ll be informed as soon as pre-order begins. In the meantime, if you’d like to be in with a chance of receiving an advance preview copy, please contact me. I’m always happy to talk to readers. I wish you all the best for the holiday season! SWIFTLY SHARPENS THE FANG Some monsters are born… Others are created Following the death of his father at the hands of terrorists, 22 year-old Joe suffers from depression. Using drink to kill the pain, he abuses himself and alienates his loved ones. His life in post-Brexit Britain is a chaos of binges and fights, while his dreams are haunted by repressed childhood memories. When the black sheep of the family, Uncle Steve, takes Joe under his wing, the young man enters an ugly world of vice and fascism. Although gang membership means glory, fame and money, it comes at a cost to his soul. Battling against his own conscience, Joe makes as many foes as friends. And soon, there is no escape from his uncle’s organisation and their racist violence. Unlike Steve, Joe wasn’t born a monster. But his fangs are getting sharper every day.
{ "date": "2018-07-22T22:20:36Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676594018.55/warc/CC-MAIN-20180722213610-20180722233610-00038.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9669533967971802, "token_count": 1454, "url": "https://stuartkenyon.wordpress.com/2016/12/07/writing-away-the-blues/comment-page-1/" }
Inside a candid support group dedicated to helping New Yorkers cope with the crippling emotions that arise after a loved one takes her life. I was the newcomer to the group, along with Elizabeth. I guessed she was in her late forties, but sorrow has a way of making age indeterminable. Elizabeth had just lost her son, Charlie, that month. She found Charlie after he hanged himself in her garage. (All names used in this story have been changed to protect subjects’ privacy.) Before the meeting, we were both escorted into a side room off the hall, away from the group. A counselor explained to us how the system worked, and asked about our loved ones and ourselves. Elizabeth had a hard time speaking through her tears. We were given name tags and ushered into the group. Everything I had anticipated and concocted in my mind about what was next to come turned out to be wrong. I have known five people who have committed suicide. The first was a college friend who hanged herself when we were both in our early twenties. She was the ultimate overachiever, never satisfied with her performance. In my thirties, my boyfriend’s brother jumped off a bridge, and I lost a roommate and a friend from the music scene to overdoses of heroin and pills. Those of us who knew both of them understood that these overdoses weren’t accidental. Then there was Karen. Five cannot be a normal number; but then there is nothing normal about suicide. Our natural instinct as humans is to survive. Thrown into water, we will fight to keep from drowning until the last breath. To kill ourselves is to go against every natural instinct we are born with; to commit suicide, one must be broken on the inside. One of the counselors that night shared this insight with me and it resonated. It has been ten years since my best friend, Karen, shot herself. She was seven months pregnant, and killed both herself and her unborn child with her husband’s gun. It was a gruesome end to a beautiful person. At group, survivors learn that saying out loud how your loved ones killed themselves is an important step in the grieving process. I am a suicide survivor. Mistakenly, many think the term refers to people who have unsuccessfully attempted suicide. The term actually refers to a family member or friend who has lost a loved one to suicide. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 38,364 people committed suicide in the United States in 2010 (the most recent statistic available)—a figure greater than the number of people in the U.S. who died in car crashes that year. It is generally estimated that every suicide leaves behind six suicide survivors. The New York State Office of Mental Health says this may be a low estimate, and quotes numbers closer to 28 suicide survivors per suicide victim. When those numbers are compounded, “since, on average, 1,200 New Yorkers die by suicide each year, the latter estimate means approximately 60,000 people qualify as suicide survivors each and every year. This is equivalent to the population of the city of Utica.” I’d read about twelve-step programs, known people who have attended them, and seen them portrayed in films and on TV. I tried to draw parallels in my mind on the train ride that evening, but it got me nowhere. I anticipated my first Suicide Survivor Support Group might go something like this: Step One: Try to gain insight into why people I knew and loved took their own lives. Step Two: Share my feelings of guilt over not being able to stop them. Step Three: Listen to others’ heart-wrenching stories. Step Four: Cry. Steps Five through Twelve: Repeat steps one through four. After ten years of the same questions running on a loop in my head, and sorrow following me around like a needy cat, I didn’t really factor “healing” into the support group process. I have survived Karen’s suicide by telling myself that my friend—my beautiful, gentle friend, a mother with a wonderful teenage son who worked with children all her life—did not do that to herself. My kind, loving friend did not kill her unborn child, did not take her own life in this brutal way. She would never willingly leave her son without a mother. Someone, something else, performed that horrible act. But the truth is, Karen did do it. She suffered from a mental illness that developed in her thirties. She had it under control while medicated, but went off her medicine during her pregnancy. For suicide survivors, after the initial shock of learning of the death, the “whys” begin—terrible, unending “whys” that we play over and over in our head. The first being, “Why did she do it?” Only a third of those who commit suicide leave notes. Even then, nothing written on a piece of paper or in an email can truly answer that question, because suicide is nonsensical. No “reason” makes sense because all of us left behind know there were alternatives—why did she not see them? Another why. Next why: “Why did I not see this coming?” Suicide survivors often tell stories of having a perfectly ordinary conversation with their loved one only an hour before they commit suicide. Often plans are even discussed for the next day, week or even that night. One son had just put a deposit down on a month-long writing program only that week. Everything about that last conversation is normal. Sometimes after the suicide, survivors find evidence that the act had been planned for months or longer. One mother pondered whether it had been a recent change in medication that had triggered the suicide until she realized her son had ordered the helium tank a year earlier. No signs had been apparent. Not a hint. The “whys” then get more specific and often turn to blame. In my case, the first “why” I asked: “Why was there a gun in the house, given her history?” Followed rapidly by, “Why weren’t doctors more aware of the danger of her mental state?” “Why didn’t her husband see warning signs?” And of course, the “why” question that is most haunting for all suicide survivors, many for the rest of their life: “Why wasn’t I able to stop it?” The moment Peter picked me up at the train station, I erected barriers to protect myself. Incessant chatter filled up time. While Rebecca and Peter packed up cookies and tissues at their home to bring to the support group, I became a rock. I knew, if I opened myself up even a crack, I might crumble. I was not a person keen on “crumbling” in front of a room full of strangers. Deep inside, I was only kidding myself. I desperately wanted the group to magically make me spend more time remembering Karen for her life and our friendship, and allow me to stop dwelling on the way she ended her life. Ten years felt like way too long to still feel so raw inside. The expression “time heals everything” does not often apply to suicide survivors. The bereavement process is complicated not only by the natural feelings of grief and loss, but by the guilt and the stigma associated with suicide. There is also this: the person you are most angry with for taking your loved one away is your loved one. They are, in a strange way, the only one to blame. This incongruent despair mixes with destructive self-blame and blame directed at anyone we feel responsible—for not seeing the signs, not being home at the time, not making sure our loved one took their medication, not keeping medication locked up. There are as many ways to blame as there are ways to commit suicide. It’s daunting. I blamed Karen’s husband, I blamed her doctors, and of course, I blamed myself. On the drive over, Rebecca and Peter told me that most people attending the group will have lost a child or spouse. They explained there were approximately sixty members in the group, but attendance varies greatly from month to month, and they never know who or how many will show up. Some members had been attending for years, but Rebecca and Peter warned that for others it would be their first time, and they would be dealing with a very recent suicide. From the car, Rebecca returned a phone call to a parent who recently lost a child. While she was on the phone, Peter explained why they like to return calls promptly. There is no stronger sign of a dysfunctional group than an unreturned phone call or full answering system, unable to receive a survivor’s voicemail. I was struck by the thought that there could be so many survivors seeking support that group message systems across the country were filled to capacity. Rebecca hanged up and told us that this particular survivor wouldn’t be attending tonight’s session after all. She wasn’t ready; she still hadn’t shared with anyone how her child had died. Her shame was too great. Feelings of shame devastate many suicide survivors. Judgment comes not only from society, but also from friends and family. There appears to be no greater “blame game” than the one that surrounds suicide. I had some experience with this already. I watched a boyfriend’s family implode with his brother’s suicide. His devastated parents turned their eyes to his wife and the whys began. “Why didn’t you see he was depressed? Why didn’t you take it seriously when he said he felt like killing himself?” The blame game drove the family irreconcilably apart. I heard similar stories at the support group that night, stories of blame and shame. In-laws blamed Tina, a young mother, for their son’s suicide, and Raine was unable to attend a family funeral because she and her children were considered “bad luck” after her husband committed suicide. In the United States, at least the stigma of suicide is being addressed by the acknowledgment that it’s a mental health issue. In some countries, mental illness carries such a heavy stigma that it compounds the problem. South Korea currently has the highest suicide rate per capita, according to The World Health Organization. South Koreans, like residents of many Asian countries, rarely seek support for mental illness or depression, the leading precursor to suicide. In Japan, suicide survivors are often forced to pay for expensive purification rituals, or even the remodeling of an apartment, because a loved one’s suicide has made the property un-rentable. Rebecca and Peter’s home is filled with family photographs. They celebrate their son’s life and the time they spent with him. For them, helping other suicide survivors deal with grief and educating the public about suicide has been part of their healing process. They spend a great deal of time immersed in writing and lecturing on suicide, yet they are warm, affectionate, and full of life. Rebecca and Peter decided to form their support group after attending another group for several years following their own child’s suicide. While the first group helped them, they had disagreed with the policy of not discussing methods and details of the suicides. Sitting around a large folding table maneuvered into a square, the first thing we did as a group was go around the room, introduce ourselves, and share how our loved one had killed himself or herself. Tom and Samatha’s daughter Ruby jumped off a building. Charlie hanged himself, as did Peter and Rebecca’s son. Tina’s husband Ron shot himself in front of her. Liz’s daughter Fay and Raine’s husband Stan committed suicide with overdoses of medication. Two mothers, Sheila and Patricia, shared that their sons had both killed themselves by suffocation with helium tanks, a method I never even knew existed until that night. Suffocation is the third leading cause of suicide in this country. There are websites dedicated to teaching people various methods of committing suicide. Researching for this article, I found this particularly disturbing description on Google: “Do You Want To Commit Suicide? Join friendly people sharing 542 true stories in the I Want to Commit Suicide group. Find forums, advice…” Elizabeth and I were the last to introduce ourselves. Everyone shared their loss calmly, with appropriate details, and sometimes matter-of-factly. We sobbed our way through naming our loved one’s method of suicide. I had rarely shared the details of Karen’s death with anyone over these past ten years. The power of saying the “how” out loud to the safety of a room full of people who understood that the “how,” in the end, was irrelevant, hit home immediately. “How” was a fact to accept and move past in order to get to the real work of letting go of the “whys,” the guilt and the blame. I had the choice to stop, get out of my car and speak with Karen a week before she killed herself. I didn’t take that opportunity. I didn’t know it would be the last time I would ever see her: from a distance, sitting in a chair on her front porch, staring peacefully up at evening stars. I am haunted by that choice. I rarely speak of the guilt I carry for not getting out of my car that night, as though I could have heard in her voice a warning of the future and stopped her from killing herself. William Feigelman, Ph.D, is a suicide counselor who himself lost a child to suicide. When studying the stigma related to a child’s suicide he found that “53% of suicide survivors reported harmful responses from one or more family member groups following their loss, and 32% reported harmful responses from at least one non-kin group.” These responses were divided into seven types: 1) Avoidance: “People who I thought would be at the funeral or send a sympathy card didn’t show any acknowledgment of the death.” 2) Unhelpful Advice: “Haven’t you grieved enough already?” 3) Absence of Caring Interest: “If I started talking about my lost child, they quickly changed the subject.” 4) Spiritual Advice: “He’s in a better place now” or “It was meant to be.” 5) Blaming the Victim: “That was a cowardly thing he did.” 6) Blaming the Parent: “Didn’t you see it coming?” 7) Other Negative Comments: “Well at least he didn’t kill anyone else when he died.” If you find yourself thinking of saying any of the above things to a suicide survivor, DON’T. Trust me. In group, Rebecca said she found it particularly disturbing that every birthday, holiday and special event in her family is greeted with a card sent from a close friend, but that this same friend never drops a note or calls on the anniversary of her child’s suicide to let her know they are thinking of her. Avoidance is probably one of the most hurtful responses for a suicide survivor. It makes them feel like the rest of the world wants to forget that their child, spouse or loved one ever existed. Many people mistakenly think, “I don’t want to stir up emotions, or make them think about the suicide.” But a survivor does not forget their loved one or mourn their death any less than someone who loses a loved one to illness, accident or crime. All support, even a simple hug, can make a world of difference to a suicide survivor. The suffocating sorrow I had braced myself for leading up to the support group was not to be found in the room that night. Grief and sadness were there, and shock was evident in Elizabeth, but I found that these suicide survivors were strong. Each of them owned their loved one’s death and understood that it occurred because their son, daughter, husband, wife or loved one was ill and made a bad, irreversible choice. Rebecca and Peter discussed the many reasons our loved ones might have felt suicide was the only option. Feelings of worthlessness, or being a burden to others, depression mixed with other factors such as medications, drugs or environmental situations, all combined for a feeling of hopelessness with no reprieve. I lost a friend to suicide, but everyone else in the group that night had lost family. They discussed not only emotional pain, but the harsh realities of how suicide, like any sudden loss, can leave a family in financial upheaval and caught up in bureaucratic red tape which only compounds the grief and hinders the healing process: debts left unpaid, loss of income, home foreclosures, and angry, confused and resentful children. It was often difficult for the survivors in the room to even find time to deal with the emotional aftermath. Tina recently discovered hidden notes her children wrote about the loss of their father. Raine confessed that her children have voiced resentment towards her because she expressed feelings of anger at their father for killing himself. But with the beginning of school just around the corner, both mothers agreed practical things came first and they hoped they would find time before the next session to address these issues. Their worlds felt held together by very thin tape. The survivors had encyclopedic knowledge of how to deal with probate, insurance policies and coroner’s reports, which they freely shared with each other. It was a crash course in dealing with the aftermath of suicide that didn’t go away just because the survivor was emotionally devastated. I learned it was important to open and clean out any safe deposit boxes belonging to your family member right away because once the probate process begins, access isn’t allowed until probate is completed. I learned that life insurance policies don’t have to pay out benefits for suicide if the policy was taken out less than two years before the death. Many in the room were involved with suicide prevention organizations, and the discussion turned to current state and federal legislature designed to prevent suicide, such as digital tracking of prescription fulfillment and insurance laws regarding mental health coverage and benefits. The depth of information was impressive and overwhelming. I often wondered that night how Elizabeth was taking it all in. Her son John, Charlie’s brother, had accompanied her, and I could see them gripping each other’s hands under the table throughout the meeting. I hope Elizabeth returns next month. Sheila, a veteran of the group, shared some wisdom—“You find your joy where you can”—and made us all laugh when she confessed she’d baked ten of the same kind of pie for the holidays that year because it made her happy. She didn’t “give a damn” if people were sick of pumpkin pie. “Let them throw them out,” she said. This even made the tear-stained Elizabeth smile, a feat I would have thought impossible at the beginning of the night. I don’t know if there are actually twelve official steps to grief, but I’m pretty sure that the first step is remembering that, through all the sorrow, there is still joy in life. “Elizabeths” need “Sheilas” to survive. As Rebecca, Peter and I pulled out of the parking lot, Rebecca commented on Tina and Raine lingering and chatting with each other by their cars. “Its good they found each other,” she said. “They have similar backgrounds, and both lost husbands and have young children. They share many of the same problems and sorrows. That helps.” To find a Suicide Support Group near you contact the American Association of Suicidology. * * * James Hindle is an illustrator, cartoonist and designer living and drawing in Northampton, Massachusetts.
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Cross posted at Magnana Mouse I was reared a Republican. I saw the light as a university junior after a tenure as a very annoying student government leader with firm roots in Young Republicans. Another story for another time or none. This preface brings me to what I thought might be a respite from the acid rain of the clown-car primary storm. See, I’ve never apologized for mine or my family’s partisan affiliation with the GOP. It’s not the that I left the Republican Party. They left me. And, my father; and all of us who were once Republicans. I’ve watched the Neoconservatives turn the GOP into an arm of the Pentagon, stealing more than 8 TRILLION DOLLARS from the treasury and start preemptive wars as they slashed the taxes of the gilded caste making the working and decimated middle classes pay for them. I’ve watched it turned into an inbred, half-witted nativist Frankenwtein bigot, hate-Monster of rotting shame. Well, I was kind of stoked that a pre-Gingrich; pre-neoconservative Republican had emerged from one of the clown cars of the Republican primary. Ohio swing state Governor John Kasich. I mean, he is the governor of a very important swing state. He speaks like an antique conservative without all the Cruz/Trump/Huckabe/Bush crazy. This guy could dark-horse his way into the GOP and save the party, making it centrist again. Being more Reagan – less Cheney. But, I was just reminded why that’s no better — why my “eat the poor” Young Republican daze of the 80’s was a Reagan / HWBush / Gingrich con and how willing of a mark I was. Kasich — just like Reagan and his cabal — is apparently militantly anti-union. Just like the Reagan who killed the air-traffic controller unions; unions in general; and the middle class with it. Kasich just vomited his death knell. He said that if he was made king of America, he would ban teachers lounges so that they couldn’t discuss their grievances amongst themselves. Ban the unions who look out for the hard-working middle class and stop them from even speaking with each other to understand why they NEED to protect themselves from the gilded class who would own them outright as they suffer to pay for it. Reagan was probably the most destructively toxic Presidents to our Union since the Confederacy. It just took Kasich to remind me. 96 percent of Ohio teachers said they wouldn’t support John Kasich for president. 0His negative ratings in his home state now make me think him more like Chris Christie, with his home-state-hate-fest than Reagan. 80% of Ohio educators in his own party say he has been his impact on Ohio state education as “extremely negative.” This guy is emblematic for just how dangerous and out-of-touch not only the crazy Tea-stained nativist neo-confederate clown-car wing of the0GOP is, but the MAINSTREAM Republican party is. There is no adult table towering over the tea-kids throwing their own poo around underneath it while they feast. There are only knuckle-draggers and their elderly relatives of a bygone era. The blue-tent is the answer. Get out the Vote in 2016 and ride the Democratic wave to victory!
{ "date": "2018-07-20T00:58:54Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676591455.76/warc/CC-MAIN-20180720002543-20180720022543-00078.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9686238169670105, "token_count": 724, "url": "https://stevendmused.wordpress.com/2015/08/20/almost-fooled-by-a-trickle-down-would-be-king/" }
Bruno and Gabi Buechel immigrated to New Zealand from Switzerland in 1996 after enjoying a wonderful holiday and falling in love with the country. They settled in Tauranga in the Bay of Plenty because the climate was warm and they could see that it would provide an idyllic lifestyle for their two young children. Four years later in 2000 they established MagMed Ltd and MIP Colostrum. Both Bruno and Gabi have a passion for human health and wellness. After researching the benefits of Colostrum, they recognized that New Zealand’s clean green environment and agricultural practices were congruent with their desire to devise a product that had exceptional integrity. Their Colostrum would always be sourced from New Zealand dairy cows which contained no preservatives, antioxidants or food additives. Their Colostrum: MIP – Maxi Immuno Plus Colostrum, comes from healthy, pasture-fed cows that are officially clear of pesticides, antibiotics and synthetic hormones. Over a decade later, MIP Colostrum is a well-established organization with an international reputation for experience, efficiency and high standards of excellence. Pioneers in the development and distribution of top quality Colostrums, Bruno and Gabi with the team at MIP Colostrum, ship their products to over 70 countries worldwide. This successful company continues to operate from a location on the shores of the Tauranga Harbour. Only a few kilometres away New Zealand dairy cows on fully vetted farms and pastures produce the pure and naturally cultivated Colostrum that meets the high standards of purity and consistency that Bruno and Gabi and their many thousands of happy and healthy customers enjoy.
{ "date": "2018-07-22T00:35:26Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676592875.98/warc/CC-MAIN-20180722002753-20180722022753-00078.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9601917862892151, "token_count": 335, "url": "https://www.mipcolostrumnz.com/about-us/" }
Tricks & Treats at the Teen Club's Halloween Between 19 and 30 October, the VILA VITA Parc Teen Club celebrates the Halloween season with programme of activities for all young people over 12 years old. The meeting point is at the Sports Pavilion (open Monday to Friday, between 10:00 and 18:00) and the festivities begin with a warm welcoming reception. After that, an indoor kart racetrack provides the thrill of speed, but the range of amusements will also include paintball, table tennis tournament, movie marathon, sports in the hotel and tree-climbing. Let's have a Halloween full of mischiefs.
{ "date": "2018-07-17T04:07:48Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589557.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20180717031623-20180717051623-00118.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.905311644077301, "token_count": 137, "url": "http://vlifenews.vilavitaparc.com/en/event/tricks-treats-at-the-teen-clubs-halloween" }
Return to Transcripts main page THE SITUATION ROOM David Letterman Apologizes On-Air For Sex Scandal; Violence in The Workplace Among Co-Workers Increasing; New Interrogation Technology Sparks Controversy; SEC Officer Who Failed to Stop Madoff Scheme Doing Well Aired October 6, 2009 - 17:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: Yes. A lot of people are indeed. Jack, thank you. And to our viewers, you're in THE SITUATION ROOM. Happening now, a desperate American soldier takes drastic action, deserting his unit and living life on the run. Now, a final dramatic move -- he turns himself in. But not before telling his story exclusively to CNN. And as Jack just reported, there's growing outrage, at least among some, over David Letterman's admitted affairs with his female employees. But now one prominent criminal defense attorney says Letterman's accused blackmailer may not even go to jail. And security screening technology that some say goes way too far -- how intimate is too intimate when it comes to preventing terror attacks? I'm Wolf Blitzer. You're in THE SITUATION ROOM. The troubled war in Afghanistan topic number one at the White House this afternoon, where President Obama talked strategy with Congressional leaders from both parties. The meeting just wrapped up a little while ago. Democrats calling it a success. Republicans saying they will support the president if he deploys the thousands more troops requested by the top U.S. military commander in Afghanistan. At the same time, we're learning new details of this weekend's Taliban attack on a remote U.S. outpost, resulting in the single deadliest day for U.S. forces in Afghanistan in more than a year. Our Pentagon correspondent, Barbara Starr, has been digging into this painful story for us -- Barbara, tell our viewers what you're finding out. BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Well, Wolf, what we are finding out is a group of outmanned and outgunned U.S. Army soldiers last Saturday morning fought and died to save each other. STARR: (voice-over): The first caskets return home from one of the most brutal firefights for U.S. forces in Afghanistan -- eight killed, 25 wounded. CNN has learned new details of the fierce battle that happened here, at Forward Operating Base Keating. The 80 U.S. troops and Afghan forces were surrounded on all sides by high mountains, shown in these 2007 photos obtained by CNN. Insurgents were hiding in the ridge lines. A U.S. military official with access to the latest intelligence tells CNN it was about 5:00 a.m. when the attack began at the outpost near the village of Kamdesh. The U.S. believes about 200 local insurgents planned the assault for days -- hiding mortars, rockets and heavy machine guns in the mountains. The U.S. troops were extraordinarily vulnerable. JOHN NAGL, CENTER FOR NEW AMERICAN SECURITY: In a successful counter-insurgency strategy, you don't put small groups of soldiers over watching infiltration routes from Pakistan. STARR: During the seven hour firefight, attackers got inside the compound. Several sources describe intense close combat, as the U.S. troops fought to defend the base. Within 30 minutes of calling for air support, Apache helicopters were overhead moving into the valley in waves, firing against enemy positions. But the narrow valley, cloud cover and billowing smoke from a fire that erupted at the base made it you have to launch an effective counterattack. MediVac helicopters also had trouble getting in because the landing zone was under attack. It would take hours to evacuate the dead and the wounded. Even then, some of the wounded troops didn't want to leave their buddies behind. STARR: Wolf, the base had been scheduled to shut down in the next few days. And the belief now is the insurgents knew that and were watching the base, watching the soldiers make the preparations to depart and they chose to strike at the most vulnerable time. It's exactly the same tactic that the U.S. saw in another firefight about 15 months ago in an area quite close by -- Wolf. BLITZER: So does that mean the U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Barbara, can't rely -- can't trust their Afghan partners? STARR: Well. I don't think it's quite that. The feeling is that insurgents were watching all of this and they were -- you know, what the U.S. troops have seen is that the insurgents are very savvy. They keep their eyes open. They keep watch. And they do see U.S. troops and Afghan troops move about and launch their strikes against both forces when they are at their most vulnerable. These combat outposts along the Pakistani border are scheduled to shut down. The insurgents know that. They're watching them. And there is a good deal of concern about the vulnerability of U.S. troops right now on that border -- Wolf. BLITZER: All right, Barbara. Thanks very much. Barbara Starr is at the Pentagon. For one American soldier, war simply proved to be too much. Like many of his fellow fighters, he says he developed Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome. But unlike the rest, he says it drove him to take drastic action. CNN national correspondent Gary Tuchman has this exclusive story. GARY TUCHMAN, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: (voice-over): Don Gartin is saying good-bye to his girlfriend. He's a fugitive. Over the last half year, he's been on the run. SPC. DON GARTIN, AWOL FROM U.S. ARMY: I need to get this behind me. I can't keep looking over my shoulder. TUCHMAN: So with his tearful mother also watching, this soldier, who served in the infantry for 16 months, is about to walk into an Illinois State Police station. We'll show you what's about to happen in a second. But first, some background. Gartin is a deserter. He's been on the run for nearly a half year. We interviewed a much different looking Gartin last week on the Internet because he was fugitive and we did not know his location. He says he has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, didn't get the help he needed from the military and basically felt he was a danger to his fellow soldiers. GARTIN: Would you want to be that person that gets a phone call that says your brother, your sister, your significant other was killed today by another soldier because of mental problems he was dealing with? TUCHMAN: The 25-year-old comes from a military family, was in ROTC in high school and re-enlisted in the Army just last year. He says he was then sent to Texas. GARTIN: Once I got down to Fort Bliss, it was all downhill and my mental stability just slowly started dwindling away. TUCHMAN: The Army specialist says he didn't turn himself in earlier because he was afraid he would be sent back to active duty. (on camera): And you think you made a responsible decision to desert? GARTIN: Yes. TUCHMAN: (voice-over): His mother lives in a farmhouse surrounded by cornfields in Central Illinois. She says she did not know her son's whereabouts for the last several months, although she did arrange rendezvouses to see him. When he told her he was going to leave the Army... JERRI HYDE, GARTIN'S MOTHER: I said this will follow you the rest of your life. You're a good person. You've served your country. It made me really angry and I was incensed that my kid was trying to get help. TUCHMAN: The Army says that while desertions are up because of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it has treatment options for troubled soldiers like Gartin. But Gartin claims he had no choice and that's why it's come to this. GARTIN: I mean, I was a horrible person. I was in a dark place. TUCHMAN: (on camera): So what will happen with Don Gartin? A U.S. Army spokesman we talked with told us that for soldiers like Gartin, here's what could occur -- a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of pay and up to five years in a military lockup. (voice-over): When Gartin emerges from the police station, he's in handcuffs. He's led to a squad car by surprised Illinois State Troopers, who didn't expect to see a military deserter today. He will be transferred to U.S. Army custody. (on camera): Do you still consider yourself a patriot? GARTIN: I think it would be foolish for me to consider myself a patriot being in the situation that I am in. TUCHMAN: What do you consider yourself? GARTIN: I'm just a person who's trying to live my life. And I can't live my life in the military. TUCHMAN: Gartin is now living his life behind bars. He is not eligible for bond. Gary Tuchman, CNN, Metamora, Illinois. BLITZER: What a story. All right. Let's go back to Jack for "The Cafferty File" -- Jack? JACK CAFFERTY, CNN ANCHOR: Wolf, tomorrow marks eight years since the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan -- eight years, 865 U.S. troops killed and the Obama administration now says that leaving there is not an option. With both violence and troops deaths on the rise, this White House is caught up in a rather public discussion about what we should do next. They're playing down reports of divisions over strategy among members of the administration. But some of these disagreements seem hard to ignore. The top U.S. commander, Stanley McChrystal, has made no secret of his opinion that more troops are needed -- perhaps as many as 40,000 more -- or else, he says, the mission will fail. Others, like Vice President Joe Biden, want fewer U.S. troops, targeting only Al Qaeda, along with more training of Afghan troops and increasing use of Predator drone strikes. McChrystal says that approach would lead to what he calls "Chaosistan" and he says he would not support it. Well, so much for everybody being on the same page. It's no wonder that Defense Secretary Robert Gates is calling on all military and civilian leaders to keep their advice to the president on the war in Afghanistan private. Meanwhile, President Obama said he needs time to meet with advisers to figure out the best way forward. Today, he did talk with a group of bipartisan Congressional leaders to get their opinions. As for the American people, well, it doesn't seem like there's too much of an appetite for this conflict anymore. A recent poll shows support for the war in Afghanistan has hit a new low of 39 percent. Here's the question then: When it comes to the 8-year-old war in Afghanistan, the White House says leaving the country is not an option. What are America's options? Go to CNN.com/caffertyfile and post a comment on my blog -- Wolf. BLITZER: All right, Jack. And by the way, coming up, the videos are so disturbing we can't even show them to you. But they're at the center of a U.S. Supreme Court battle right now pitting animal cruelty against free speech. Also, are some insurance companies labeling domestic violence as a "pre-existing condition?" We have a reality check coming up. And will David Letterman's accused blackmailer avoid prison? Will he even go to trial? I'll ask a top criminal defense lawyer. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BLITZER: We want to warn you, this next story contains some very disturbing video. But that same video right now at the center of a United States Supreme Court battle over free speech. CNN's Elaine Quijano is joining us right now -- Elaine, what's this case all about? ELAINE QUIJANO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, and some pretty interesting questions here, Wolf. Should videos that show animal cruelty be protected as free speech or should they be banned? That's the unusual issue the Supreme Court is deciding. And a warning now -- some of the video in this report could be disturbing to some viewers. It shows animals moments before or just after acts of animal cruelty. QUIJANO: (voice-over): They're called "crush videos" -- so graphic, we can't even show you what happens next -- videos sold for sexual thrills, of women in high heels crushing small animals. Ten years ago, Congress wanted to put "crush video" makers out of business, so it outlawed the sale of graphic videos showing animal cruelty. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is our newest release, "Japan Pit Fights." QUIJANO: Then, a few years ago, Virginia resident Robert Stevens tried selling some videos, including this one of dog fighting in Japan, where such fights are legal. Authorities nabbed Stevens, charged him with violating the federal law and prosecuted him. But an appeals court threw out his conviction and tossed out the law itself. Now, the Obama administration wants the Supreme Court to find the law Constitutional. And groups like the Humane Society say as long as these videos are legal, it will encourage animal cruelty. WAYNE PACELLE, PRESIDENT, HUMANE SOCIETY: These are illegal activities in every state in the nation. And you shouldn't be able to get an exemption just because you're -- you're filming it and claiming that this is -- that this is expressive content. QUIJANO: Robert Stevens' lawyers argue these videos, though unpopular, are protected speech. PATRICIA MILLETT, ROBERT STEVENS ATTORNEY: If someone is really, really, really being harmed, then Congress has means to deal with that. The problem in this case was that Congress chose to attack speech and to control what the people in this country could see and hear. QUIJANO: Several justices worried the law is too broad. Chief Justice John Roberts asked: "How can you tell these aren't political videos from groups trying to fight animal cruelty?" Justice Samuel Alito appeared to defend the law, asking sarcastically: "What about people who like to see human sacrifices, live Pay-Per-View, you know, on the Human Sacrifice Channel? They have a point of view they want to express. That's OK?" QUIJANO: Now, several media organizations have come out against this law, saying it could affect legitimate reports on activities like deer hunting and even extend to depictions of bull fighting in Ernest Hemingway novels. A ruling is expected in a few months -- Wolf. BLITZER: All right. A tough case. We'll watch it very closely with you. The battle over health care reform is putting spotlight on some disturbing practices by the insurance industry. But in the supercharged atmosphere of the reform debate underway right now, not every charge is what it appears to be. CNN's Mary Snow is looking into one allegation in particular -- Mary, what's the story? What's going on? MARY SNOW, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Wolf, top House Democrats today called for the need for several health insurance reforms for women. And one that grabbed our attention was the call for changes when it comes to victims of domestic violence. SNOW: (voice-over): House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and fellow Democrats vow to wipe out gender discrimination when it comes to health care. Among their provisions, one calling for changes dealing with women who've been abused. REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Think of this -- you've survived domestic violence and now you are discriminated in the insurance market because. You have a pre-existing medical condition. Well, that will all be gone. SNOW: A federal measure would fill in what some states currently don't have. Eight states and the District of Columbia, according to the National Women's Law Center, don't have laws specifically banning domestic violence from being considered a pre-existing condition. We contacted insurance representatives from the states named who say they have other laws that would prevent abuse victims from being denied health insurance. And they say it's not an issue that's come up. Still, several of those states now say they are working to add new laws to eliminate any gray areas. And that's something the insurance industry advocates, saying, "No one should be denied coverage because they are a victim of domestic abuse. Health plans strongly support the National Association of Insurance Commissioner's model legislation that prohibits discrimination against victims of abuse and we are urging all states to promptly adopt it." TERRY FROMSON, WOMEN'S LAW PROJECT: We think that we need a very specific law that says you cannot take this into account with regard to any insurance action. SNOW: Terry Fromson of the Women's Law Project says she started working on the issue in the 1990s and it was then she learned that women were denied coverage by insurance companies, who, at the time, claimed the women were living dangerous lifestyles. FROMSON: They were comparing domestic violence to sky diving or riding a motorcycle -- a very dangerous comparison to make with domestic violence. SNOW: The outrage, she says, has led to reforms, with a majority of states adopting specific laws. But she thinks a federal law is needed. SNOW: And, Wolf, what's unclear is how pervasive the problem is. Legal advocates say it's not something that's well-documented. And they also point out that abuse victims may be very reluctant to come forward -- Wolf. BLITZER: Understandably so. All right. Thanks very much for that, Mary Snow. A disaster unfolding in real time -- we've just obtained video of that killer earthquake in Indonesia, recorded as it was happening. And extraordinary images of an accident at an annual Hot Air Balloon Festival. BLITZER: Betty Nguyen is monitoring some other important stories incoming into THE SITUATION ROOM right now -- Betty, what's going on? BETTY NGUYEN, CNN ANCHOR: Well, Wolf, there is a gold rush on Wall Street. The price of the precious metal today hit an all time high. It surged nearly $22, settling at $1,039.70 an ounce. This after a British report about the U.S. dollar being unseated as the currency for trading oil. But the dollar regained some ground after officials from Saudi Arabia, Japan and Russia denied that such a plan was in the works. And a terrifying moment caught on camera. You've got to check this out. This is surveillance camera footage of people running for an exit when a massive earthquake hit Sadang, Indonesia last week. Look at that. About 200 people were believed inside when that hotel collapsed. All of them are now presumed dead. The official death toll from the quake has risen to 704 people. And a death defying fall from a hot air balloon after it struck a tent -- a passenger here fell head over heels out of the basket. Oh, my goodness. Can you imagine? He is in serious condition in a hospital with a dislocated hip. We'll check this out once again. After the sudden loss of weight in the balloon, the pilot then came crashing to the ground and suffered only minor injuries. The accident occurred at the Albuquerque Balloon Festival. It's always a, you know, a great festival to see, but not when it ends like that for a particular balloon. NGUYEN: All right, Wolf. BLITZER: Definitely, Betty. Very nice to watch, as you point out. But when tragedy strikes, not so good. NGUYEN: Oh, man. But he should be OK -- serious condition, dislocated hip. BLITZER: Yes, let's hope for the best. BLITZER: Thank you. They are some of the healthiest foods all of us could eat, but according to an activist watchdog group, they could still make us all sick. Researchers say leafy greens, eggs, tuna, oysters and potatoes are among the top 10 riskiest foods regulated by the FDA. They're said to have caused 1,500 food borne outbreaks since 1990 and 50,000 reported illnesses. The severity of the bacterial and viral illnesses ranges from stomachaches to death. The Center for Science in the Public Interest says there's no reason to give up on any of these foods, but it is urging the Senate to follow the House and pass some legislation -- the reforms, they say, that would, "improve on some of the food safety laws." Food producers are criticizing the report, saying safety practices have been stepped up in recent years. Keep on eating. Just be careful about everything you eat. The David Letterman scandal -- what more could come out? (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's gotten away with the way he's announced it so far. But what is going to happen when he undergoes cross-examination by a real lawyer and all of this stuff could come pouring out? (END VIDEO CLIP) BLITZER: We're going to talk to a criminal defense attorney about the case. Also, new details about the affairs the "Late Night" host admits he had with staff. And what's happened to some of the key figures who were supposed to investigate Bernard Madoff's financial schemes? You'll be surprised to hear. BLITZER: To our viewers, you're in THE SITUATION ROOM. Happening now, Pakistan's foreign minister -- what does he think about U.S. drones going into Pakistan and killing Al Qaeda and Taliban militants? I'll ask him about that and why success in Afghanistan is so important. Also, Republican Senator John Ensign talks about the ethics investigation against him over an affair. His exclusive comments to CNN -- that's coming up. And machines that read minds and body language -- they could be the next step in fighting terrorism. But is it technology too invasive? I'm Wolf Blitzer. You're in THE SITUATION ROOM. We're learning new details about the affairs of the "Late Night" TV host David Letterman now admits he had with employees are and there are signs the scandal he's facing simply won't be blown over any time soon. Howard Kurtz of "Washington Post" and the host of CNN's "RELIABLE SOURCES" is on the story -- Howie? HOWARD KURTZ, HOST, "RELIABLE SOURCES": Wolf, it must have been a long weekend at home for David Letterman. When the late night comic again addressed his past sexual relationships with staffers last night, he spoke less about being the victim of an extortion scheme and more about how sorry he is. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP FROM "THE LATE SHOW WITH DAVID LETTERMAN," COURTESY WORLDWIDE PANTS INC.) DAVID LETTERMAN, HOST: Chilly outside my house, chilly inside my house. KURTZ: (voice-over): More details have emerged in the days since Letterman disclosed what he called his "creepy behavior." One sexual relationship, Letterman's side confirms, was with his personal assistant, Stephanie Birkitt, who's gotten a prominent role on "The Late Show." After they broke up, the 34-year-old Birkitt moved in with Joe Halderman, the CBS News producer charged in a $2 million blackmail plot against Letterman. Halderman has pleaded not guilty. It was after Birkitt recently broke up with Halderman that he allegedly left a threatening note in Letterman's limo containing Birkitt's photos and correspondence, prosecutors say. Another ex, a former "Late Show" intern, who told the Web site TMZ that she dated Dave in the early '90s, raising the specter of another famous public figure and a young intern. That has to be hard on Regina Lasko, who's been Letterman's partner for two decades and the mother of their 5-year-old son, before they were married in March. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP FROM "THE LATE SHOW WITH DAVID LETTERMAN," COURTESY WORLDWIDE PANTS INC.) LETTERMAN: My wife Regina, she has been horribly hurt by my behavior. And when -- when something happens like that, if you -- if you hurt a person, then it's your responsibility. You try to fix it. So let me tell you, folks, I've got my work cut out for me. KURTZ: The CBS comic also apologized to his staff, but seemed surprised that journalists would start investigating. LETTERMAN: It did not occur to me last week when I was discussing having had sex with women who worked on this show that then what would happen is reporters and newspaper people and radio and TV would start hounding the staff and saying, well, what do you say? Are you and this and that? It was very, very unpleasant. KURTZ: But he also apologizing to his audience and trying to repair his public image. And there could be more embarrassing revelations to come. Halderman's lawyer, taken to the airwaves, made clear that he plans to dig for more dirty laundry in an effort to undermine Letterman's credibility. GERALD SHARGEL, LAWYER FOR JOE HALDERMAN: It's not only the motive and intent and conduct of Joe Halderman. It's the motive and intent and conduct of Dave Letterman as well. As I've said I look forward to cross-examining David Letterman. Even Letterman realizes this is far from over. LETTERMAN: Ladies and gentlemen, I want to remind you one thing. This is only phase one. This is phase one of the scandal. Phase two, next week I go on Oprah and sob. KURTZ: Unlike some of the philandering politicians he ridicules, Letterman has gotten out ahead of the story by fessing up to a point. We still don't know how many women were involved over what period of time. That means Letterman and CBS still have reason to be nervous -- Wolf? BLITZER: And joining us now Gerald Lefcourt. He's the past president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and a famed criminal defense attorney in his own right. Thanks very much, Mr. Lefcourt, for coming in. GERALD LEFCOURT, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Sure. BLITZER: If you were representing Joe Halderman right now, what would you be doing? LEFCOURT: Well, I'd be preparing a case that sounds like he was doing a treatment on a potential screenplay article or what have you which alleged all of the affairs that David Letterman supposedly had, and he wanted to know whether Letterman would rather buy it rather than see it in print. And by the way, I find this not unusual. There have been freelance journalists who have done precisely that, and if you're rich and powerful, sometimes you'd rather buy it then see it in print. BLITZER: But doesn't that sound like blackmail? LEFCOURT: Well, you know, it's a fine line. And, again, it's going to turn -- the devil is in the details. What was actually said on these tape recordings that supposedly occurred between Letterman's lawyer and Mr. Halderman and whether that makes out blackmail. It is a little unusual to ask for a check, I might say. I mean, blackmail is -- you'd rather have something hidden. BLITZER: But some alleged criminals, they do stupid things, as you well know. LEFCOURT: Yes, but it doesn't sound like Mr. Halderman, as experienced he is in journalism and in being a producer, I don't think that that sounds like he would be very stupid. BLITZER: If you had a bet now, Mr. Mr. Lefcourt, would this go to trial, or will there be some sort of out-of-court settlement? LEFCOURT: I think it will probably settle out of court. The reason is I don't think David Letterman wants the dirty laundry spread out for the world to see, you know. He's gotten away with the way he's announced it so far. But what is going to happen when he undergoes cross-examination by a real lawyer and all of this stuff could come pouring out and could hurt him as bad as it hurts Halderman. BLITZER: But it could hurt the women, too, that were involved in these sexual relations. I'm sure he doesn't want to hurt them, and I'm sure they don't want this thing to go forward and have to start giving testimony. LEFCOURT: Something tells me it's not over in the sense that there may be some of those women who are upset already at the fact that he has talked about other women and implicated them. The media will be all over trying to find out who they are. Maybe these women are going to approach him and ask for settlements. Would that be called blackmail, too? BLITZER: But can David Letterman tell the U.S. or the district attorney Robert Morgenthau in this particular case what to do? Morgenthau said the other day -- (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) ROBERT MORGENTHAU, DISTRICT ATTORNEY: New York will not tolerate the coercion or extortion of anyone, be they victim rich or poor, famous or anonymous. The lawyer prohibits conduct like the defendant's and attaches severe penalties to it. We intend to enforce the law. (END VIDEO CLIP) BLITZER: So the question is can David Letterman tell Morgenthau whether or not to prosecute this case? LEFCOURT: You know, Mr. Morgenthau is one of my favorite prosecutors of all time. He's had a wonderful career. But here you have an important figure in our society who maybe would say to the district attorney, you know what? I've already been victimized once. I don't want to be on that witness stand. I don't want to be victimized twice, because I know that the lawyers for this guy are going to try to make me look horrible. And wouldn't it be better for everyone if it was resolved with some kind of a disposition that gets him to admit misconduct, but on the other hand saves me the trouble of going up there and being cross- examined? BLITZER: Because Halderman is facing 15 years potentially in prison. Do you think an out-of-court settlement could avert going to prison at all? LEFCOURT: I think it's possible that ultimately down the road, rather than have Mr. Letterman undergo this onslaught which he would certainly experience, that maybe a disposition could be worked out where perhaps Mr. Halderman pleads guilty to something, gets probation. He has a clean record. You know, it was almost out in the open in the sense that he was asking for a check. I don't know what the real facts are, and I don't want to prejudge them, but I could see a disposition of no jail. BLITZER: If you were representing Halderman, and I know ire not, what would you ask David Letterman on the stand? LEFCOURT: I would ask him about every single thing that has happened with all the women under his control, because he's the boss. What he did in order to make those women have sex with him. Put him through the wringer. BLITZER: Why would the judge allow that? LEFCOURT: Because it may become relevant, a, because there may be things in the material that we don't know exists yet, namely the so-called treatment or the tapes which makes that relevant, or the defendant himself may take the witness stand and testify to that. And every time somebody testifies, their credibility is in issue. And judges usually give quite a bit of leeway to defense attorneys in cross-examining the alleged victim of a crime. BLITZER: He has pretty good representation, Mr. Halderman right now. I assume you know his attorney. LEFCOURT: I do. I know him very well. I've actually tried cases with him. He's very experienced and very knowledgeable, and I'm sure Mr. Letterman would not want to be in a courtroom with him. BLITZER: On that note we'll leave it. Gerald Lefcourt, thanks very much for coming in. LEFCOURT: You're welcome. BLITZER: Your breath, your heartbeat, the size of your pupils and more -- a new screening technology that some say simply goes way too far. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BLITZER: A man accused of murdering a Yale grad student was in court today. Raymond Clark, a lab technician who worked with Annie Le, did not enter a plea. However, the lawyers say they expect he will plead not guilty. Police have called Le's death a case of workplace violence. So what are the signs an annoying coworker could turn violent? CNN's Carol Costello reports. CAROL COSTELLO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We hear it often after a crime is committed. A man or woman just snaps and becomes a killer. It's a theory experts say that's rarely true, especially in the workplace. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've studied literally thousands of cases of person at risk at work. About 82 percent of the time there are signals that a person is having difficulty. COSTELLO: Subtle things like an overreaction to criticism, anger directed at coworkers on blogs or in letters, obsession with people or work policy, or bullying others to do things a certain way, subtle, but obvious signs that are often overlooked. In 2005, Erin Sperrey, a 20-year-old supervisor at a fast food restaurant, was beaten to death by a coworker. Her mother, Johna Lovely, says there were plenty of signs her daughter's killer exhibited obsessive bullying behavior. JOHNA LOVELY, DAUGHTER MURDERED BY COWORKER: Their supervisors complained that he would rub up against them and made them feel bad. And I don't think, really, anyone took it seriously or said anything. COSTELLO (on camera): Why do you think they didn't? I don't think people are trained in doing that. I don't think they know to do that. COSTELLO (voice-over): At the national oceanic and atmospheric administration, or NOAA, near Washington, D.C., they're trying to make sure employees know how to read the signs. BAKER: We have a new program, which is called Respect. COSTELLO: The program is just a month old. It spells out if a coworker's behavior should concern you on its Web site. And if employees still aren't sure, NOAA has set up a hotline to take complaint anonymously or to offer guidance. It's actually one of the few companies taking steps to identify potentially violent employees before it's too late. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2005, only 30 percent of employers had formal programs that addressed workplace violence. COSTELLO (on camera): Why do you think more employers aren't doing something like this? CHARLES BAKER, DEPUTY DIRECTOR, NOAA SATELLITE AND INFORMATION SERVICES: I think there is initially a fear in embarking upon a new program that it will cost money, it will suck up people's time and will become a burden to the organization. COSTELLO: NOAA says its program costs very little. Its hotline is manned by one of its human resources employees trained in workplace violence. And in case you're wondering, NOAA does not believe employees just snap. There are always signs. You just need to know how to read them. Again, what are those signs? They can be as simple as the co- worker doing something that makes you uncomfortable, like say rearranging your desk while you're away or bullying you in a meeting. The key is this. If the behavior is an ongoing pattern, tell your supervisor. Trust your gut. If it doesn't feel right, act. It could save your life. Carol Costello, CNN, Washington. BLITZER: Sophisticated sensors capable of potentially reading body language. They could be the next step in counterterrorism. But is this an invasion of privacy? Our Homeland Security Correspondent Jeanne Meserve has been looking into the new technology for us -- Jeanne? JEANNE MESERVE, CNN HOMELAND SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, this research marries together a lot of existing technologies in a unique way with the goal of finding bad guys before they act. MESERVE: In this reenactment a screener poses questions. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you intend to use an explosive device? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. MESERVE: As the screener evaluates the verbal response, an array of sensors picks up the physical response, looking for clues that this individual may intend to do harm. ROBERT BURNS, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY: There's been a large field of research that ties your reaction, your physical reactions to your mental state, your emotional state. We're looking for those signals that your body gives off naturally. MESERVE: One sensor maps the face and takes its temperature. FRANK MARCHAK, VERIDICAL RESEARCH AND DESIGN: If there's a stress response, a physiological stress response, the temperature of your face is going to change. MESERVE: Another sensor tracks eye movement, pupil size, and blinking. JOSH MCKENNA, DIGITAL SIGNAL CORPORATION: If you're trying to conceal information, there's two possible ways that can be displayed. One is if you're stressed or aroused, the other is if you're trying to think hard. You tend to blink less and for shorter periods of time. MESERVE: Researchers are experimenting with two systems monitoring breathing and heartbeat. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If maybe you were stressed, that heart rate would either increase or decrease depending on what kind of questions you were asked. MESERVE: Fidgeting might be another indicator. Using a board from a Wii fit game, researchers are measuring, that, too. Data from all the sensors is fed into a computer which indicates whether a traveler needs additional screening. BURNS: It's looking at the combination of factors so they cross- correlate, so they corroborate each other. It's that complete package is what's going to give it to us. It's not any one individual point. MESERVE: The research has been vetted by privacy experts within the Department of Homeland Security. Nonetheless, there are critics. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Number one, it is an invasion of privacy. Nobody has the right to look at my intimate bodily functions, my breathing, my heart rate from afar. MESERVE: And some experts are doubtful the system can distinguish between potential terrorists and people stressed for other reasons like a late flight. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's not much science here. In fact, there may be no science here. And I'm really worried that we're going to get carried away by the hype, and there's just nothing here. The emperor may have no clothes. MESERVE: The people involved in the project are adamant that the science is sound, but they acknowledge they have more research to do before a decision is made on deploying the system at real world checkpoints, where it could complement, not replace, human screeners. Wolf, back to you. BLITZER: All right, Jeanne, thank you. They investigated Bernard Madoff and missed the massive Ponzi scheme he's in prison for. But incredibly CNN finds some of those SEC examiners are still very much on the job. Others have brand new careers. And exposed -- thousands of Hotmail and e-mail account passwords posted online. How could this happen? Stay with us. You're in "THE SITUATION ROOM." BLITZER: CNN is chasing down what has happened to some key players in the Bernard Madoff drama. He's in jail right now for one of the largest criminal financial schemes ever. But some people who investigated Madoff and missed his massive Ponzi scheme are doing very well in their new lives. Here's CNN's senior correspondent Allen Chernoff. ALLEN CHERNOFF, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The SEC's failure to find the Bernard Madoff fraud is a black eye that just won't heal. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How did this happen? Massive, complete, total bureaucratic incompetence. CHERNOFF: Yet while the Commission gets skewered, most staffers who investigated Madoff have suffered few consequences, many enjoying successful careers. Richard Walker led the SEC's New York office when it missed its first good chance to catch Madoff in the early '90s. Today Walker is general counsel of Deutsche Bank. Among those cited in the SEC's inspector general's report on the failure is one of Walker's former examiners, Dmitrious (ph) Vaselackis (ph). He now works for a New York hedge fund, Atticus Capital, as chief compliance officer. Marcopolos told Congress he was shocked by Ward's financial illiteracy. HENRY MARKOPOLOS, MADOFF WHISTLEBLOWER: You pay peanuts then you shouldn't wonder why you end up with monkeys. CHERNOFF: Then there is the former SEC investigator who married Madoff's niece, Eric Swanson, who now general council of stock trading firm Backed Exchange. Swanson's romantic relationship did not affect the investigations, but his actions created the appearance of a potential conflict of interest, one of many failings the inspector general uncovered. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The SEC never conducted a competent and thorough investigation or examination of Madoff's operating a Ponzi scheme. CHERNOFF: And the SEC director who OK'ed the closing of a Madoff investigation last year, Mark Stonefeld, is now a partner in the law firm Gibson, Dunn, and Crutcher. Arthur Levitt chairman of the SEC during some of the failed Madoff investigations, is with the private equity investment firm the Carlyle Group. ARTHUR LEVITT, FORMER SEC CHAIRMAN: It never occurred to me or anyone on my staff that Madoff was anything except a market maker. CHERNOFF: At least six SEC staffers who were directly involved in examining Madoff's books at his office remain at the commission, including Simona Salt. SEN. ROBERT MENENDEZ, (D) NEW JERSEY: How many have been fired because of this gross incompetence? DAVID KOTZ, SEC INSPECTOR GENERAL: Well, I don't believe anybody's been fired. CHERNOFF: Aside from Arthur Leavitt, former and current SEC regulators declined to comment for this story, only two high profile SEC officials resigned after the scandal, Lori Richards, head of compliance inspections and examinations, and former SEC enforcement chief Linda Thompson. Ms. Thompson has landed nicely. She's now a partner in the firm Davis, Paulkin and Wardwell. Allen Chernoff, CNN, New York. BLITZER: It's being called an industry wide fishing scheme. Several thousand e-mail addresses and their passwords from major email services like Yahoo!, Hotmail, and G-Mail posted online for the public to see. Abbi Tatton is here working the story. Abbi, how could this happen? ABBI TATTON, CNN INTERNET CORRESPONDENT: This is a staggering amount of information, some of it we're looking through today, these lists of more than 10,000 e-mail addresses and passwords posted online, posted anonymously. The owner has been working to remove that information, and the web mail companies have been working to protect the users who accounts have been compromised. Google has forced resets on effected G-Mail accounts and Microsoft has frozen several thousand Hotmail accounts because the information on these is out there. BLITZER: How did these passwords end up online? TATTON: At some point the information was given up, probably by the users themselves. Microsoft, Yahoo! Google all saying this was a likely fishing scheme, so the users thought at one point they were giving information over to a genuine Web site. It wasn't. It was actually a malicious website and they were giving over their personal details. It was rounded up and then dumped by someone online. So now the e-mail companies are taking this opportunity to remind people how to keep your information secure. If you're asked to verify your information, an unsolicited, e-mail, be wary. Also change your password regularly to something secure. Wolf, we were looking through these thousands of passwords today, and through several dozen who all say the same thing, 123456. So obvious. So time to pick something -- upper case, lower case, something more complicated to keep your password secure. BLITZER: Thanks, Abbi, very much. An exclusive interview with an embattled United States senator. It's his first time talking publicly since the explosive new allegations surrounding his extramarital affair. Plus billions of dollars in U.S. aid to Pakistan's military, only a fraction though said to be trickling down to the troops fighting Al Qaeda and the Taliban. What's going on here? The foreign minister of Pakistan is standing by live. He's here in "THE SITUATION ROOM." BLITZER: We're right back to Jack Cafferty for "The Cafferty File" -- Jack? CAFFERTY: When it comes to the eight-year-old war in Afghanistan the White House says leaving is not an option. So what are America's options? Gretchen in Denver says: "I guess we could leave Afghanistan, but when I think about the women and children who are persecuted and murdered by the Taliban, I feel like we should fight for them. When I see the decisions our president has to make, my everyday stress seems really trivial." Tom in Georgia says: "We have no options. Options imply choice, and it seems at this point our only choice is to stay long enough for them to stabilize their government and their society regardless of how long it takes or how many American lives are lost. We should have learned from the Russians. We didn't, so here we are once again embroiled in an unwinnable war fighter for a cause that's undefinable." T. in Texas says: "If the president says leaving is not an option, I say Afghanistan is fast becoming Obama's war." Tom in Pennsylvania: "Afghanistan is not a nation-state. It's a collection of warring tribes recently removed from the Stone Age. It's border are determined by its neighbors, it's major exports are narcotics and Islamic fundamentalism. Women, comprising half the population, are treated as third-class members, less valuable than camels. As for America's options, how about declaring victory and abandoning that hellhole?" Jill writes: "Shut down some of the bases in western European countries and allocate the resources to Afghanistan." And Joan in Vermont writes: "I honestly wish I had an answer to this question. My country has been at war my whole lifelong. Not one of those wars has improved the state of the world one iota. It seems wars are good for business, and so they go on." If you didn't see your email here, go to my blog, CNN.com/caffertyfile -- Wolf? BLITZER: Jack, thank you. And happening now, the best political team on television on these big stories.
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ANTIGUA’S YACHTING INSIDER ISSUE 100Friday 13th May 2016 50th Annual Antigua & Barbuda Sport Fishing Tournament and this month's yachting news. The latest issue of Antigua’s Yachting Insider covers the 50th Annual Antigua & Barbuda Sport Fishing Tournament, including the Mikie Pigott Jr Memorial Classic over the weekend. Big Stories in this issue include ways to support our young local sailors hoping to compete abroad and a focus on off-season cruising in Antigua. In Regatta news, check out the wrap up and video recap of Antigua Sailing Week and look forward to the 50th edition next year. Read these and more in Issue 100 of Antigua’s Yachting Insider here. Click here for all News and Specials for AntiguaNice Yachting Insider Newsletter
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Last week, I shared the experience that my sister, Sarah, and I had speaking to a third grade classroom about Down syndrome, disabilities, and how the differences that we all have make life interesting. If you missed the blog post, you can check it out here. We were asked to speak to this particular third grade class during “Disability Week,” an event organized by the Joseph Maley Foundation (JMF) for local grade schools in the Indianapolis area. The Joseph Maley Foundation was founded in 2008 with the mission of serving children of all abilities and inspiring individuals to accept and serve others. Today, the Joseph Maley Foundation is comprised of seven programs that seek to serve the whole child and individuals who directly interact with the child, including parents, siblings, friends, educators, health professionals, and community leaders. One of the seven programs that the JMF offers promotes disability awareness to schools and organizations. I believe it is so important to spread disability awareness to children at young ages. By nature, children are aware and are curious about differences they observe in others. In the past, most children have been taught that it is not polite to ask questions or to be curious about people with disabilities. By contrast, the mission of JMF’s Disability Awareness program is to create a safe environment for children to learn about disabilities and to ask questions about the differences that they are already aware of in others. I have found that by educating children while they are young and still have an open mind about differences, we can eliminate the belief that being different is something to be ashamed of. Also by promoting awareness and understanding of disabilities, we can reduce some of the stereotypes perpetuated based purely on lack of education. The main reason I am so encouraged by and supportive of disability awareness programs, such as the one offered by JMF, is that the children who participate in these programs will have many opportunities in their futures to positively impact their communities. Having had their questions about disabilities answered and their curiosities about what makes us all different explored early on, these students can grow into a generation of adults who are willing to stand up for and create even more opportunities for people of all abilities to succeed.
{ "date": "2018-07-23T05:52:35Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676594954.59/warc/CC-MAIN-20180723051723-20180723071723-00478.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9776217341423035, "token_count": 447, "url": "https://enablesnp.com/2016/12/16/how-my-sister-is-stamping-out-stereotypes-one-student-at-a-time/" }
By Ezekiel Boone Tens of millions of people around the world are dead. Half of China is a nuclear wasteland. Mysterious flesh-eating spiders are marching through Los Angeles, Oslo, Delhi, Rio de Janeiro, and countless other cities. According to scientist Melanie Gruyer, however, the spider situation seems to be looking up. Yet in Japan, a giant, truck-sized, glowing egg sack is discovered, even as survivors in Los Angeles panic and break the quarantine zone. Out in the desert, survivalists Gordo and Shotgun are trying to invent a weapon to defeat the spiders. But even if they succeed it may be too late, because President Stephanie Pilgrim has been forced to enact the plan of last resort: The Spanish Protocol. Every country must fight for itself. And the spiders are on the move... By Jack Schaefer He rode into our valley in the summer of 1889, a slim man, dressed in black. 'Call me Shane,' he said. He never told us more. There was a deadly calm in the valley that summer, a slow, climbing tension that seemed to focus on Shane.Seen through the eyes of a young boy, Bob Starrett, SHANE is the classic story of a lone stranger. At first sight, the boy realises there is something unusual about the approaching man, but as Bob gets to know Shane, he realises that there is an inner sadness in him. SHANE is the story of a gunfighter who tries to hang up his gun but is drawn to the side of the boy's family and other homesteaders in their struggle to keep from being forced off their land. By James Rollins A gripping adventure from the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author of MAP OF BONES and THE DOOMSDAY KEY.Beneath the ice at the bottom of the Earth is a magnificent subterranean labyrinth, a place of breathtaking wonders - and terrors beyond imagining. A team of specialists led by archaeologist Ashley Carter has been hand-picked to explore this secret place and to uncover the riches it holds.But they are not the first to venture here - and those they follow did not return. There are mysteries here older than time, and revelations that could change the world. But there are also things that should not be disturbed - and a devastating truth that could doom Ashley and the expedition: they are not alone. Scarecrow and the Army of Thieves By Matthew Reilly The action-packed new thriller from SUNDAY TIMES bestseller Matthew Reilly. This time the world's on fire!At an abandoned Soviet base in the Arctic, a battle to save all life on Earth is about to begin...When Dragon Island, a top-secret base that houses a weapon of terrible destructive force is seized by a brutal terrorist force calling itself the Army of Thieves, the fate of the world suddenly hangs in the balance. But there are no crack units close enough to get to Dragon in time to stop the Army setting off the weapon.Except, that is, for a small equipment-testing team up in the Arctic led by a Marine captain named Schofield, call-sign SCARECROW... By James Rollins An inexplicable explosion rocks the antiquities collection of a London museum - and sets off alarms in clandestine organisations around the world...The SIGMA Force debut from the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author of MAP OF BONES and THE DOOMSDAY KEY.Lady Kara Kensington's family paid a high price in money and blood to found the gallery that now lies in ruins. And her search for answers is about to lead her into a world she never imagined existed: a lost city, buried beneath the Arabian desert, where something astonishing is waiting...A covert government operative hunting down a traitor is being drawn there. But at the end of a perilous journey lies an ageless power that can create a utopia - or tear down everything humankind has built over millennia of civilisation... By Terry Nation Survivors of a global plague battle for life on an empty planet. A terrifying vision of a post-apocalyptic world...A virus has wiped out 95 per cent of the world's population in just a few weeks, leaving the remaining 5 per cent to stay alive in a world devoid of the most basic amenities - electricity, transport and medicine. The few survivors of the human race are forced to fall back on the most primitive skills in order to live and re-establish some semblance of law and order.Abby Grant, widowed by the plague, moves through this new dark age with determination, sustained by hope that her son, who fled his boarding school at the onset, has survived. She knows she must relearn the skills on which civilisation was built. With others, she founds a commune and the group return to the soil. But marauding bands threaten their existence. For Abby, there's a chance for a new life and love when she encounters James Garland, the fourteenth Earl of Woodhouse, who is engaged in a desperate fight to save his ancestral home. But more important, she must find her son.
{ "date": "2018-07-19T09:22:44Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676590794.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20180719090301-20180719110301-00198.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9415913224220276, "token_count": 1033, "url": "https://www.orionbooks.co.uk/books/no-keyword/all-pubs/0/20/Date/Decreasing/156/S/all-formats/current/from-all/to-all" }
Uta Moeller Coffee Table, 2018-01-31 23:04:37. Picking The Perfect Unique Coffee Tables. You can find distinct coffee tables in sets or as individual pieces. They should always match and compliment your other home furnishings. All the decor in your home should follow a single style. This keeps a solid flow throughout your home. If you are going for a more traditional style in your home décor, unique coffee tables made of rich, dark wood are what you want to consider. If you want a more trendy, contemporary style for your home then you would want coffee tables made of different metals or glass. The size of your singular coffee tables is also a very important consideration. Ralph Trommler Coffee Table, 2017-08-21 23:30:03. Small wonder why then, that families young and old have moved their dining into the living room. And while coffee tables and TV trays performed admirably, designers realized there had to be a better way. Enter lift top coffee tables. Not only do these tables allow you to dine in style but they also offer you hidden storage, giving you a place to keep things like coasters, remotes, books and even pet or child toys out of sight and out of mind while guests are over. These new tables allow you to be a bit of a neat-kin even if youre really not. When guests are due to arrive, simply lift the top, put away all the things covering your table and youre ready to go. Uwe Jager Coffee Table, 2017-09-05 19:33:40. But the true beauty of lift top coffee tables comes during dinner and a movie. Instead of balancing your dinner precariously on your lap, hunching over the coffee table or setting up that origami nightmare, the TV tray, you can simply lift up the top of the table and voila! - an instant dinner table. Depending on the size of your table, you can get a lot of people around one, too. The great thing is that everything is at the perfect height, so you dont have to try to keep your food balanced on a fork as it makes its way from the plate to your mouth. The lift top is also great if you like to enjoy popcorn and some Junior Mints with your movie. Everything can be arranged on the lift top so everyone has ready access to it. In no time at all you can be watching the latest blockbuster without shelling out $25 for a drink, a bucket of popcorn and some nachos. Uta Moeller Coffee Table, 2017-09-01 19:33:44. Storage coffee tables are also very functional coffee tables. They come in a wide array of styles, colors, and designs. You can find storage tables to fit into almost any of your living spaces. There are several types of storage tables to choose from: Small ottomans, Large ottomans, Leather ottomans, Wooden storage coffee tables with drawers, Steamer trunk coffee tables, Trunk coffee tables, and more. These tables are perfect to hide away newspapers, extra blankets or pillows, coloring books, magazines or anything else you dont have room for anywhere else. They come in every style from contemporary to traditional so no matter what your personal preference, youll be able to find one of these fantastic functional coffee tables that perfectly fit your living spaces. There are many other types of functional coffee tables to choose from. Christina Pfaff Coffee Table, 2017-09-13 23:47:27. They can be low which are perfect for being placed in front of a suite of furniture, or they can be of a older Victorian model which is that they are higher round table tops, on a narrow support which would be placed bedside a sofa or between some reclining chairs. As said above some glass coffee tables are suited to houses that have a modern décor which can accommodate a table with an elegant smoke glass top for example, supported by modern, X-shaped chrome legs, or a longer table, also made of glass and chrome, with a lower level shelf for storage. Other types have glass tabletops borne on some metal pillars on a coloured base which brings style into a living room. This kind of table is perfect for a modern studio, apartment or house. Marco Klein Coffee Table, 2017-09-19 23:47:09. Many people suggest that in households with small children even a tempered glass coffee table is unsuitable as the possibility of it shattering is just too great. Of course, it is up to individual parents to make their own choices in this matter, but it is always best to err on the side of caution where safety is at stake. For parents who consider a glass coffee table an absolute necessity the option of safety films should also be looked into. Felix Sommer Coffee Table, 2017-08-07 23:35:57. Dimensions of Occasional Tables. It is open to debate which is the more important: the look and feel of your occasional tables or their dimensions. Perhaps dimensions are irrelevant if you find a superb coffee table that matches your furniture perfectly. Maybe that superb-looking end table is ideal for your sofa or armchairs. Forget their sizes - they look great so lets buy them! Maik Rothschild Coffee Table, 2017-08-15 23:30:29. An interesting and pleasant change to the usual coffee table is a circular table, which can be crafted from wood or glass and steel, they can have mini tables tucked beneath it and can be used for many things like, one to hold a vase of flowers, one to hold books and one to hold bric-a-brac. Coffee tables can be either just a simple table or can be a trunk type of table including many drawers and shelves which is useful for storage, again perfect for a living room with little storage space. which would be perfect to stow books or magazines. Or the buyer can choose a similar table with three smaller drawers instead of two. At times when you feel that a cocktail table is not fulfilling your needs you just have the desire of buying coffee table sets that not only fulfills your needs but also beautifies your living space. The main reason is that they consist of a cocktail table and is also equipped with two end tables that just make the look perfect and complement each other so as a result the look and charm of your room is enhanced extraordinarily. Any content, trademark/s, or other material that might be found on this site that is not this site property remains the copyright of its respective owner/s. In no way does gotoclaflin.com claim ownership or responsibility for such items, and you should seek legal consent for any use of such materials from its owner.
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8:02pm PT by David Caspi Oscars: Israel Picks 'Bethlehem' for Foreign Language Category Bethlehem will represent Israel in its 46th year vying for the foreign language Oscar. The espionage thriller won 6 Ophir Awards, awarded by the Israeli Academy of Film and Television, including Best Film, in a ceremony held in Haifa on Sept. 28. The city just wrapped its annual film festival held this week, where Bethlehem also won for Best Film. The film centers on a young Palestinian man recruited as an informant by an Israeli secret service operator, which leads him to discover plans to assassinate his brother. It was screened this past month at the Toronto International Film Festival and Telluride Film Festival, and won the top prize in the Venice Days section of the 70th Venice Film Festival. It marks Yuval Adler‘s full length feature directorial debut, which he co-wrote with Palestinian journalist Ali Waked. Adler was recently signed to WME. Beginning with its first submission Sallah in 1964, Israel has had 10 nominated films but never won. The local creative renaissance in recent years brought upon the country's first nomination after a 23 years absence from the category in 2007, with director Joseph Cedar's Beaufort, followed by two consecutive nods in 2008 and 2009 for Ari Folman's Waltz with Bashir (which won the equivalent Golden Globe) and Ajami, respectfully. Cedar also got Israel its most recent nomination in 2011 with Footnote. Although absent from last year's Best Foreign Language Film category, Israel was represented in the race with The Gatekeepers and the Palestinian-Israeli co-production 5 Broken Cameras, both nominated for Best Documentary Feature, which eventually went to Searching for Sugar Man. Meanwhile, 2008 nominee Folman premiered his much anticipated follow up The Congress at the Cannes Film Festival back in May. The film, which stars Robin Wright, Jon Hamm and Harvey Keitel, is slated for a 2014 North American theatrical release through independent film distributor Drafthouse Films.
{ "date": "2018-07-19T12:03:39Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676590866.65/warc/CC-MAIN-20180719105750-20180719125750-00558.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9591395258903503, "token_count": 420, "url": "https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/race/bethlehem-represent-israel-as-foreign-638654" }
Marvel and Sony have finally come to an agreement and a new Peter Parker has been cast: Tom Holland. After months of casting and an ever-changing “short-list”, the next Spidey will be The Impossible’s Tom Holland. The young actor will be introduced in Captain America: Civil War with a standalone film to follow, rumoured to be titled Spider-Man: The New Avenger. With news of the casting, also comes the announcement that little-known director Jon Watts will be directing the first movie in the new Spider-Man franchise.If you’re not sure who Tom Holland is you can see him next in In The Heart of the Sea, which ironically enough also stars Chris Hemsworth, so we’ll get an early look at his on screen chemistry with Thor. We’ll see Tom suit up as Spidey for the first time on March 6th, 2016 in Captain America: Civil War.
{ "date": "2018-07-22T14:25:41Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676593302.74/warc/CC-MAIN-20180722135607-20180722155607-00598.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9493707418441772, "token_count": 196, "url": "http://pulpnation.ca/2015/06/23/the-mcu-finally-has-a-peter-parker/" }
This man is the president? October 02, 2003 Quote by USA Today Bush said Tuesday during a fund-raising stop in Chicago: "I have told our administration, people in my administration to be fully cooperative. Leaks of classified information are a bad thing. ... I want to know who the leakers are." I just wonder why he said "leakers" in the plural. Sounds like he has some inside knowledge? Perhaps. JARII has no doubt. Also his calling something that is akin to treason a "bad thing" should make any patriot nauseous. "The other way to make sure the homeland stays strong is to hunt Did he say "potential" terrorists. That could be anyone! August 13, 2003 "As a matter of fact, it was a Don't forget all the people that will be killed, for them war is not a positive thought either, all the dying and killing that goes on, but of course that is secondary to consumer confidence in your opinion. Business first. Can you imagine? Remarks Following a Meeting With Economic Advisers and an Exchange With By Jacob Weisberg Comments By jar2.com. Please visit the above link to view the source in full complete with links to audio and video content that we do not feel comfortable hosting. Content is being hosted for educational purposes. The Complete Bushisms "As you can possibly see, I have an injury myself—not here at the hospital, but in combat with a cedar. I eventually won. The cedar gave me a little scratch."—After visiting with wounded veterans from the Amputee Care Center of Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas, Jan. "As a matter of fact, I know relations between our governments is good."—On U.S.-South Korean relations, Washington, D.C., Nov. The ambassador and the general were briefing me on the—the vast majority of Iraqis want to live in a peaceful, free world. And we will find these people and we will bring them to justice."—Washington, D.C., Oct. 27, 2003 (Thanks to Robert Hack.) "[W]hether they be Christian, Jew, or Muslim, or Hindu, people have heard the universal call to love a neighbor just like they'd like to be called themselves."—Washington, Oct. 8, 2003 (Thanks to George Dupper.) "See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction."—Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 3, 2003 "[W]e've had leaks out of the administrative branch, had leaks out of the legislative branch, and out of the executive branch and the legislative branch, and I've spoken out consistently against them, and I want to know who the leakers are."—Chicago, Sept. 30, 2003 "Washington is a town where there's all kinds of allegations. You've heard much of the allegations. And if people have got solid information, please come forward with it. And that would be people inside the information who are the so-called anonymous sources, or people outside the information—outside the administration."—Chicago, Sept. 30, 2003 (Thanks to Andy Bowers.) "[T]hat's just the nature of democracy. Sometimes pure politics enters into the rhetoric."—Crawford, Texas, Aug. 8, 2003 (Thanks to Inigo Thomas.) "I glance at the headlines just to kind of get a flavor for what's moving. I rarely read the stories, and get briefed by people who are probably read the news themselves."—Washington, D.C., Sept. 21, 2003 "I'm so pleased to be able to say hello to Bill Scranton. He's one of the great Pennsylvania political families."—Drexel Hill, Penn., Sept. 15, 2003 (Thanks to Michael Shively.) "We had a good Cabinet meeting, talked about a lot of issues. Secretary of State and Defense brought us up to date about our desires to spread freedom and peace around the world."—Washington, D.C., Aug. 1, 2003 (Thanks to Tanny Bear.) "Security is the essential roadblock to achieving the road map to peace."—Washington, D.C., July 25, 2003 "Our country puts $1 billion a year up to help feed the hungry. And we're by far the most generous nation in the world when it comes to that, and I'm proud to report that. This isn't a contest of who's the most generous. I'm just telling you as an aside. We're generous. We shouldn't be bragging about it. But we are. We're very generous."—Washington, D.C., July 16, 2003 "It's very interesting when you think about it, the slaves who left here to go to America, because of their steadfast and their religion and their belief in freedom, helped change America."—Dakar, Senegal, July 8, 2003 (Thanks to Michael Shively.) "My answer is bring them on."—On Iraqi militants attacking U.S. forces, Washington, D.C., July 3, 2003 Would he say that, were he in Baghdad???? "You've also got to measure in order to begin to effect change that's just more—when there's more than talk, there's just actual—a paradigm shift."—Washington, D.C., July 1, 2003 (Thanks to Michael Shively.) Duuhh, Waddid ee say??? "I urge the leaders in Europe and around the world to take swift, decisive action against terror groups such as Hamas, to cut off their funding, and to support—cut funding and support, as the United States has done."—Washington, D.C., June 25, 2003 "Iran would be dangerous if they have a nuclear weapon."—Washington, D.C., June 18, 2003 I think what he meant was "Iran would be dangerous if they HAD a nuclear weapon." Second conditionals are tough!! So forge some documents and plant one. "Now, there are some who would like to rewrite history—revisionist historians is what I like to call them."—Elizabeth, N.J., June 16, 2003 "I am determined to keep the process on the road to peace."—Washington, D.C., June 10, 2003 (Thanks to Tanny Bear.) "The true strength of America happens when a neighbor loves a neighbor just like they'd like to be loved themselves."—Elizabeth, N.J., June 16, 2003 "We are making steadfast progress."—Washington, D.C., June 9, 2003 (Thanks to Michael Shively.) "I'm the master of low expectations."—Aboard Air Force One, June 4, 2003 "I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things."—Aboard Air Force One, June 4, 2003 ...about what I say, or about what I ....what I...uh... uh ..darn...I ..forgot!!! "I recently met with the finance minister of the Palestinian Authority, was very impressed by his grasp of finances."—Washington, D.C., May 29, 2003 "Oftentimes, we live in a processed world—you know, people focus on the process and not results."—Washington, D.C., May 29, 2003 "I've got very good relations with President Mubarak and Crown Prince Abdallah and the King of Jordan, Gulf Coast countries."—Washington, D.C., May 29, 2003 "All up and down the different aspects of our society, we had meaningful discussions. Not only in the Cabinet Room, but prior to this and after this day, our secretaries, respective secretaries, will continue to interact to create the conditions necessary for prosperity to reign."—Washington, D.C., May 19, 2003 "First, let me make it very clear, poor people aren't necessarily killers. Just because you happen to be not rich doesn't mean you're willing to kill."—Washington, D.C., May 19, 2003 I think he meant "...to not be rich...". Oh, but if you are rich, it's so much easier. "We ended the rule of one of history's worst tyrants, and in so doing, we not only freed the American people, we made our own people more secure."—Crawford, Texas, May 3, 2003 (Thanks to Tony Marciniec.) First off, who was the tyrant that took the freedom away from the American people, the only tyrant the American people need freeing from is ****, that's right, you guessed it. Second off, who in the world are his own people. I guess they are not Americans, or are we missing something? "We've had a great weekend here in the Land of the Enchanted."—Albuquerque, N.M., May 12, 2003 (New Mexico's state nickname is "Land of Enchantment.") "We've got hundreds of sites to exploit, looking for the chemical and biological weapons that we know Saddam Hussein had prior to our entrance into Iraq."—Santa Clara, Calif., May 2, 2003 (Thanks to Michael Shively.) Exploitation, now that's being honest!!! "I think war is a dangerous place."—Washington, D.C., May 7, 2003 ...and I think your brain is what you use to sit on. "I don't bring God into my life to—to, you know, kind of be a political person."—Interview with Tom Brokaw aboard Air Force One, April 24, 2003 "You're free. And freedom is beautiful. And, you know, it'll take time to restore chaos and order—order out of chaos. But we will."—Washington, D.C., April 13, 2003 "Perhaps one way will be, if we use military force, in the post-Saddam Iraq the U.N. will definitely need to have a role. And that way it can begin to get its legs, legs of responsibility back."—the Azores, Portugal, March 16, 2003 "I know there's a lot of young ladies who are growing up wondering whether or not they can be champs. And they see the championship teams from USC and University of Portland here, girls who worked hard to get to where they are, and they're wondering about the example they're setting. What is life choices about?"—Washington, D.C., Feb. 24, 2003 "Now, we talked to Joan Hanover. She and her husband, George, were visiting with us. They are near retirement—retiring—in the process of retiring, meaning they're very smart, active, capable people who are retirement age and are retiring."—Alexandria, Va., Feb. 12, 2003 (Thanks to Dennis Doubleday.) "Columbia carried in its payroll classroom experiments from some of our students in America."—Bethesda, Md., Feb. 3, 2003 "And, most importantly, Alma Powell, secretary of Colin Powell, is with us."—Washington, D.C., Jan. 30, 2003 "The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein, and his willingness to terrorize himself."—Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 29, 2003 Now I understand why we invaded Iraq, to save Saddam from himself, well isn't that just the most humanitarian thing you've ever heard of! "When Iraq is liberated, you will be treated, tried, and persecuted as a war criminal."—Washington, D.C., Jan. 22, 2003 (Thanks to Chad Conwell.) Maybe he meant "...prosecuted..." but I still don't get the treated part, does that mean that he won't be allowed to have a piece of pie for pudding, or does he have to go to bed early? "Many of the punditry—of course, not you (laughter)—but other punditry were quick to say, no one is going to follow the United States of America."—Washington, D.C., Jan. 21, 2003 "One year ago today, the time for excuse-making has come to an end."—Washington, D.C., Jan. 8, 2003 Oh me, oh my! That past simple/ present perfect thing is ever soooooo hard! "I think the American people—I hope the American–I don't think, let me—I hope the American people trust me."—Washington, D.C., Dec. 18, 2002 No we don't! "The goals for this country are peace in the world. And the goals for this country are a compassionate American for every single citizen. That compassion is found in the hearts and souls of the American citizens."—Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2002 (Thanks to Michael Shively.) Oh boy! Oh boy! When and where can I pick up my "compassionate American"?? "There's only one person who hugs the mothers and the widows, the wives and the kids upon the death of their loved one. Others hug but having committed the troops, I've got an additional responsibility to hug and that's me and I know what it's like."—Washington, D.C., Dec. 11, 2002 "In other words, I don't think people ought to be compelled to make the decision which they think is best for their family."—Washington, D.C., Dec. 11, 2002 (Thanks to Stephanie Nichols.) "Sometimes, Washington is one of these towns where the person—people who think they've got the sharp elbow is the most effective person." —New Orleans, Dec. 3, 2002 (Thanks to Michael Shively.) "The law I sign today directs new funds and new focus to the task of collecting vital intelligence on terrorist threats and on weapons of mass production."—Washington, D.C., Nov. 27, 2002 "These people don't have tanks. They don't have ships. They hide in caves. They send suiciders out."—Speaking about terrorists, Portsmouth, N.H., Nov. 1, 2002 It sounds pretty grim. Sounds like they ain't got sh**. Maybe we should sell them some guns? Oh, and what's a suicider??? Can you say that??? Of course not! They send them out for what, to gather stones for the slingshots?? To wave white flags??? "I know something about being a government. And you've got a good one."—Stumping for Gov. Mike Huckabee, Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 4, 2002 Bush! George Bush! The first human to become a government. Opening Friday at theatres everywhere. "I need to be able to move the right people to the right place at the right time to protect you, and I'm not going to accept a lousy bill out of the United Nations Senate."—South Bend, Ind., Oct. 31, 2002 "John Thune has got a common-sense vision for good forest policy. I look forward to working with him in the United Nations Senate to preserve these national heritages." "Any time we've got any kind of inkling that somebody is thinking about doing something to an American and something to our homeland, you've just got to know we're moving on it, to protect the United Nations Constitution, and at the same time, we're protecting you."—Aberdeen, S.D., same day (Thanks to George Dupper.) "Let me tell you my thoughts about tax relief. When your economy is kind of ooching along, it's important to let people have more of their own money."—Boston, Oct. 4, 2002 "I was proud the other day when both Republicans and Democrats stood with me in the Rose Garden to announce their support for a clear statement of purpose: you disarm, or we will."—Speaking about Saddam Hussein, Manchester, N.H., Oct. 5, 2002 (Thanks to George Dupper.) "You see, the Senate wants to take away some of the powers of the administrative branch."—Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2002 ....and I want absolute po....uh....uh,,,?????What were we talking about???? "We need an energy bill that encourages consumption."—Trenton, N.J., Sept. 23, 2002 That way we ken sell 'em somma that there Iraqiii oil we gonna get, raaight boyz!? "People say, how can I help on this war against terror? How can I fight evil? You can do so by mentoring a child; by going into a shut-in's house and say I love you."—Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2002 I think he meant "...and saying..." ....and getting yourself shot!!! "I'm plowed of the leadership of Chuck Grassley and Greg Ganske and Jim Leach."—Davenport, Iowa, Sept. 16, 2002 "There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, fool me once, shame on—shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again."—Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002 "There's no doubt in my mind that we should allow the world worst leaders to hold America hostage, to threaten our peace, to threaten our friends and allies with the world's worst weapons."—South Bend, Ind., Sept. 5, 2002 So sell them some good ones. "If you don't have any ambitions, the minimum-wage job isn't going to get you to where you want to get, for example. In other words, what is your ambitions? And oh, by the way, if that is your ambition, here's what it's going to take to achieve it."—Speech to students in Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 29, 2002 (Thanks to George Dupper.) "See, we love—we love freedom. That's what they didn't understand. They hate things; we love things. They act out of hatred; we don't seek revenge, we seek justice out of love."—Oklahoma City, Aug. 29, 2002 And lovingly we will hunt down and kill everyone of them. No doubt. "There's no cave deep enough for America, or dark enough to hide."—Oklahoma City, Aug. 29, 2002 (Thanks to Michael Shively.) Yeah, would take a pretty darn big cave to fit the country in George. "President Musharraf, he's still tight with us on the war against terror, and that's what I appreciate. He's a—he understands that we've got to keep al-Qaida on the run, and that by keeping him on the run, it's more likely we will bring him to justice."—Ruch, Ore., Aug. 22, 2002 (Thanks to Scott Miller.) "I'm a patient man. And when I say I'm a patient man, I mean I'm a patient man." What he means is that he's "... a patient, maaaan!" As in out-patient. "Nothing he [Saddam Hussein] has done has convinced me—I'm confident the Secretary of Defense—that he is the kind of fellow that is willing to forgo weapons of mass destruction, is willing to be a peaceful neighbor, that is—will honor the people—the Iraqi people of all stripes, will—values human life. He hasn't convinced me, nor has he convinced my administration."—Crawford, Texas, Aug. 21, 2002 "I'm thrilled to be here in the bread basket of America because it gives me a chance to remind our fellow citizens that we have an advantage here in America—we can feed ourselves."—Stockton, Calif., Aug. 23, 2002 (Thanks to Christopher Baird.) "There's no bigger task than protecting the homeland of our country." Where pray tell may that be?? In Great Britain or perhaps he meant Pangaea??? "The federal government and the state government must not fear programs who change lives, but must welcome those faith-based programs for the embetterment of mankind."—Stockton, Calif., Aug. 23, 2002 (Thanks to George Dupper.) "I love the idea of a school in which people come to get educated and stay in the state in which they're educated." "There may be some tough times here in America. But this country has gone through tough times before, and we're going to do it again." "I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here." "I can assure you that, even though I won't be sitting through every single moment of the seminars, nor will the vice president, we will look at the summaries." "Tommy [Thompson, Health and Human Services secretary,] is a good listener, and he's a pretty good actor, too." "The trial lawyers are very politically powerful. … But here in Texas we took them on and got some good medical—medical malpractice.""I firmly believe the death tax is good for people from all walks of life all throughout our society." —Waco, Texas, Aug. 13, 2002 "There was no malfeance involved. This was an honest disagreement about accounting procedures. ... There was no malfeance, no attempt to hide anything."—White House press conference, Washington, D.C., July 8, 2002 "I also understand how tender the free enterprise system can be."—White House press conference, Washington, D.C., July 9, 2002 "Over 75 percent of white Americans own their home, and less than 50 percent of Hispanos and African Americans don't own their home. And that's a gap, that's a homeownership gap. And we've got to do something about it."—Cleveland, Ohio, July 1, 2002 No that's a logic puzzle! So if more than 75% of whites own their homes and 50% of Hispanics and Blacks don't, what time will the train get to the station??? Oh, and what's a Hispano? "Whether you're here by birth, or whether you're in America by choice, you contribute to the vitality of our life. And for that, we are grateful."—Washington, D.C., May 17, 2002 "I'd rather have them sacrificing on behalf of our nation than, you know, endless hours of testimony on congressional hill."—National Security Agency, Fort Meade, Maryland, June 4, 2002 "We're working with Chancellor Schröder on what's called 10-plus-10-over-10: $10 billion from the U.S.,$10 billion from other members of the G7 over a 10-year period, to help Russia securitize the dismantling—the dismantled nuclear warheads."—Berlin, Germany, May 23, 2002 High math!!! Securitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzze, cool new word! "Do you have blacks, too?"—To Brazilian President Fernando Cardoso, Washington, D.C., Nov. 8, 2001 "This is a nation that loves our freedom, loves our country."—Washington, D.C, May 17, 2002 "The public education system in America is one of the most important foundations of our democracy. After all, it is where children from all over America learn to be responsible citizens, and learn to have the skills necessary to take advantage of our fantastic opportunistic society."—Santa Clara, Calif., May 1, 2002 "After all, a week ago, there were—Yasser Arafat was boarded up in his building in Ramallah, a building full of, evidently, German peace protestors and all kinds of people. They're now out. He's now free to show leadership, to lead the world."—Washington, D.C., May 2, 2002 (Thanks to M. Bateman.) But that's your job George!!! "This foreign policy stuff is a little frustrating."—as quoted by the New York Daily News, April 23, 2002 "I want to thank the dozens of welfare to work stories, the actual examples of people who made the firm and solemn commitment to work hard to embetter themselves."—Washington, D.C., April 18, 2002 (Thanks to George Dupper.) "And so, in my State of the—my State of the Union—or state—my speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation—I asked Americans to give 4,000 years—4,000 hours over the next—the rest of your life—of service to America. That's what I asked—4,000 hours." —Bridgeport, Conn., April 9, 2002 "It would be a mistake for the United States Senate to allow any kind of human cloning to come out of that chamber."—Washington, D.C., April 10, 2002 "For a century and a half now, America and Japan have formed one of the great and enduring alliances of modern times."—Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 18, 2002 "We've tripled the amount of money—I believe it's from $50 million up to $195 million available."—Lima, Peru, March 23, 2002 2+2= Uh uhuh uh? "We've got pockets of persistent poverty in our society, which I refuse to declare defeat—I mean, I refuse to allow them to continue on. And so one of the things that we're trying to do is to encourage a faith-based initiative to spread its wings all across America, to be able to capture this great compassionate spirit."—O'Fallon, Mo., Mar. 18, 2002 "There's nothing more deep than recognizing Israel's right to exist. That's the most deep thought of all. ... I can't think of anything more deep than that right."—Washington, D.C., March 13, 2002 "I understand that the unrest in the Middle East creates unrest throughout the region."—Washington, D.C., March 13, 2002 "The suicide bombings have increased. There's too many of them."—Albuquerque, N.M., Aug. 15, 2001 "Brie and cheese."—Taunting a reporter who recently spent time on the West Coast, Crawford, Texas, Aug. 23, 2001 "You'll hear people say it's racist to test. Folks, it's racist not to test. Because guess who gets shuffled through the system oftentimes? Children whose parents don't speak English as a first language, inner-city kids. It's so much easier to quit on somebody than to remediate."—Referring to his education bill, Independence, Mo., Aug. 21, 2001 (Thanks to Julie Reagan.) "One of the interesting initiatives we've taken in Washington, D.C., is we've got these vampire-busting devices. A vampire is a—a cell deal you can plug in the wall to charge your cell phone."—Denver, Aug. 14, 2001 What's a werewolf? "There's a lot of people in the Middle East who are desirous to get into the Mitchell process. And—but first things first. The—these terrorist acts and, you know, the responses have got to end in order for us to get the framework—the groundwork—not framework, the groundwork to discuss a framework for peace, to lay the—all right."—Referring to former Sen. George Mitchell's report on Middle East peace, Crawford, Texas, Aug. 13, 2001 (Thanks to Michael Shively.) "My administration has been calling upon all the leaders in the—in the Middle East to do everything they can to stop the violence, to tell the different parties involved that peace will never happen."—Crawford, Texas, Aug, 13, 2001 (Thanks to Michael Shively.) "You saw the president yesterday. I thought he was very forward-leaning, as they say in diplomatic nuanced circles."—Referring to his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Rome, July 23, 2001 (Thanks to Alex Hernandez.) ''I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe—I believe what I believe is right."—Rome, July 22, 2001 "I can't tell you what it's like to be in Europe, for example, to be talking about the greatness of America. But the true greatness of America are the people."—Visiting the Jefferson Memorial, Washington, D.C., July 2, 2001 "Well, it's an unimaginable honor to be the president during the Fourth of July of this country. It means what these words say, for starters. The great inalienable rights of our country. We're blessed with such values in America. And I—it's—I'm a proud man to be the nation based upon such wonderful values."—Visiting the Jefferson Memorial, Washington, D.C., July 2, 2001 "I want to thank you for coming to the White House to give me an opportunity to urge you to work with these five senators and three congressmen, to work hard to get this trade promotion authority moving. The power that be, well most of the power that be, sits right here."—Washington, D.C., June 18, 2001 "We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease."—Gothenburg, Sweden, June 14, 2001 "I haven't had a chance to talk, but I'm confident we'll get a bill that I can live with if we don't."—Referring to the McCain-Kennedy patients' bill of rights, Brussels, Belgium, June 13, 2001 "Can't living with the bill means it won't become law."—Referring to the McCain-Kennedy patients' bill of rights, Brussels, Belgium, June 13, 2001 "Russia is no longer our enemy and therefore we shouldn't be locked into a Cold War mentality that says we keep the peace by blowing each other up. In my attitude, that's old, that's tired, that's stale."—Des Moines, Iowa, June 8, 2001 "Anyway, I'm so thankful, and so gracious—I'm gracious that my brother Jeb is concerned about the hemisphere as well."—Miami, Fla., June 4, 2001 "It's important for young men and women who look at the Nebraska champs to understand that quality of life is more than just blocking shots."—Remarks to the University of Nebraska women's volleyball team, the 2001 national champions, Washington, D.C., May 31, 2001 "Our nation must come together to unite."—Tampa, Fla., June 4, 2001 "So on behalf of a well-oiled unit of people who came together to serve something greater than themselves, congratulations."—Remarks to the University of Nebraska women's volleyball team, the 2001 national champions, Washington, D.C., May 31, 2001 "If a person doesn't have the capacity that we all want that person to have, I suspect hope is in the far distant future, if at all."—Remarks to the Hispanic Scholarship Fund Institute, Washington, D.C., May 22, 2001 "Thirdly, the explorationists are willing to only move equipment during the winter, which means they'll be on ice roads, and remove the equipment as the ice begins to melt, so that the fragile tundra is protected."—Conestoga, Pa., May 18, 2001 "Presidents, whether things are good or bad, get the blame. I understand that."—Washington, D.C., May 11, 2001 (Thanks to Jay Schlossberg.) So blame Tenet and everyone else around you. "For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it."—Philadelphia, May 14, 2001 (Thanks to John Brooks.) ....we are going to improve the marksman skills and the ammunition of all gun owners in America, so that all shootings are fatal !!!!!!!!!!! "There's no question that the minute I got elected, the storm clouds on the horizon were getting nearly directly overhead."—Washington, D.C., May 11, 2001 "But I also made it clear to [Vladimir Putin] that it's important to think beyond the old days of when we had the concept that if we blew each other up, the world would be safe."—Washington, D.C., May 1, 2001 (Thanks to Gene Mosher.) You know ??? He's got a point. "Whatever it took to help Taiwan defend theirself."—On how far we'd be willing to go to defend Taiwan, Good Morning America, April 25, 2001 "First, we would not accept a treaty that would not have been ratified, nor a treaty that I thought made sense for the country."—On the Kyoto accord in an interview with the Washington Post, April 24, 2001 Of course! Can't possibly have anything that makes sense getting passed. "It's very important for folks to understand that when there's more trade, there's more commerce."—Quebec City, Canada, April 21, 2001 "Neither in French nor in English nor in Mexican."—Declining to answer reporters' questions at the Summit of the Americas, Quebec City, Canada, April 21, 2001 Can you triply negate using (neither) ? I thought Mexicans spoke Spanish!?? "We must have the attitude that every child in America—regardless of where they're raised or how they're born—can learn."—New Britain, Conn., April 18, 2001 (Thanks to Eric Beerbohm.) Dr. Bush, please tell us, how many different ways can children be born??? Does this mean that cesarean section babies can't??? "It is time to set aside the old partisan bickering and finger-pointing and name-calling that comes from freeing parents to make different choices for their children."—Remarks on "parental empowerment in education," Washington, D.C., April 12, 2001 (Thanks to J.R. Taylor.) I think we're making progress. We understand where the power of this country lay. It lays in the hearts and souls of Americans. It must lay in our pocketbooks. It lays in the willingness for people to work hard. But as importantly, it lays in the fact that we've got citizens from all walks of life, all political parties, that are willing to say, I want to love my neighbor. I want to make somebody's life just a little bit better."—Concord Middle School, Concord, N.C., April 11, 2001 "This administration is doing everything we can to end the stalemate in an efficient way. We're making the right decisions to bring the solution to an end."—Washington, D.C., April 10, 2001 "The Senate needs to leave enough money in the proposed budget to not only reduce all marginal rates, but to eliminate the death tax, so that people who build up assets are able to transfer them from one generation to the next, regardless of a person's race."—Washington, D.C., April 5, 2001 "It would be helpful if we opened up ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge). I think it's a mistake not to. And I would urge you all to travel up there and take a look at it, and you can make the determination as to how beautiful that country is."—Press conference, Washington, D.C., March 29, 2001 "I've coined new words, like, misunderstanding and Hispanically."—Radio-Television Correspondents Association dinner, Washington, D.C., March 29, 2001 Misunderstanding???!!!!! I thought that had been around for a while, what a coincidence Oxford and Webster coined it too. Hispanically must be how Hispanos do things. "And we need a full affront on an energy crisis that is real in California and looms for other parts of our country if we don't move quickly."—Press conference, Washington, D.C., March 29, 2001 "I assured the prime minister, my administration will work hard to lay the foundation of peace in the Middle—to work with our nations in the Middle East, give peace a chance. Secondly, I told him that our nation will not try to force peace, that we'll facilitate peace and that we will work with those responsible for a peace."—Photo opportunity with Ariel Sharon, Washington, D.C., March 20, 2001 (Thanks to Scott Beber.) "There are some monuments where the land is so widespread, they just encompass as much as possible. And the integral part of the—the precious part, so to speak—I guess all land is precious, but the part that the people uniformly would not want to spoil, will not be despoiled. But there are parts of the monument lands where we can explore without affecting the overall environment."—Media round table, Washington, D.C. March 13, 2001 "A lot of times in the rhetoric, people forget the facts. And the facts are that thousands of small businesses—Hispanically owned or otherwise—pay taxes at the highest marginal rate."—to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Washington, D.C., March 19, 2001 "But the true threats to stability and peace are these nations that are not very transparent, that hide behind the—that don't let people in to take a look and see what they're up to. They're very kind of authoritarian regimes. The true threat is whether or not one of these people decide, peak of anger, try to hold us hostage, ourselves; the Israelis, for example, to whom we'll defend, offer our defenses; the South Koreans."—Media roundtable, Washington, D.C., March 13, 2001 (Thanks to Peter Sagal) "I do think we need for a troop to be able to house his family. That's an important part of building morale in the military."—Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, March 12, 2001 "I suspect that had my dad not been president, he'd be asking the same questions: How'd your meeting go with so-and-so? … How did you feel when you stood up in front of the people for the State of the Union Address—state of the budget address, whatever you call it."—Interview with the Washington Post, March 9, 2001 "I think there is some methodology in my travels." —Washington, D.C., March 5, 2001 "I'm also honored to be here with the speaker of the House—just happens to be from the state of Illinois. I'd like to describe the speaker as a trustworthy man. He's the kind of fellow who says when he gives you his word he means it. Sometimes that doesn't happen all the time in the political process."—Chicago, March 6, 2001 (Thanks to Gary Belkin.) "Ann and I will carry out this equivocal message to the world: Markets must be open."—Swearing-in ceremony for Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman, Washington, D.C., March 2, 2001 "Of all states that understands local control of schools, Iowa is such a state."—Council Bluffs, Iowa, Feb. 28, 2001 (Thanks to Peter Sagal) "Those of us who spent time in the agricultural sector and in the heartland, we understand how unfair the death penalty is."—Omaha, Neb., Feb. 28, 2001 Yess siree Bob them good ole boys jus gotta get off!!!!!!!!!!! "My pan plays down an unprecedented amount of our national debt."—Budget address to Congress, Feb. 27, 2001 "The budget caps were busted, mightily so. And we are reviewing with people like Judd Gregg from New Hampshire and others some budgetary reform measures that will reinstate—you know, possibly reinstate budgetary discipline. But the caps no longer—the caps, I guess they're there. But they didn't mean much."—Washington, D.C., Feb. 5, 2001 (Thanks to Ehren Meditz) "I have said that the sanction regime is like Swiss cheese—that meant that they weren't very effective."—White House press conference, Washington, D.C., Feb. 22, 2001 "You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.''—Townsend, Tenn., Feb. 21, 2001 "Home is important. It's important to have a home."—Crawford, Texas, Feb. 18, 2001 "One reason I like to highlight reading is, reading is the beginnings of the ability to be a good student. And if you can't read, it's going to be hard to realize dreams; it's going to be hard to go to college. So when your teachers say, read—you ought to listen to her."—Nalle Elementary School, Washington, D.C., Feb 9, 2001 "It's good to see so many friends here in the Rose Garden. This is our first event in this beautiful spot, and it's appropriate we talk about policy that will affect people's lives in a positive way in such a beautiful, beautiful part of our national—really, our national park system, my guess is you would want to call it."—Washington, D.C., Feb. 8, 2001 "We're concerned about AIDS inside our White House—make no mistake about it."—Washington, D.C., Feb. 7, 2001 Don't sleep with the page boys!!! "I appreciate that question because I, in the state of Texas, had heard a lot of discussion about a faith-based initiative eroding the important bridge between church and state."—Question and answer session with the press, Jan. 29, 2001 (Thanks to Tim Santry.) "I confirmed to the prime minister that we appreciate our friendship."—After meeting with Prime Minister Jean Chrétien of Canada, Feb. 5, 2001 "There's no such thing as legacies. At least, there is a legacy, but I'll never see it."—To Catholic leaders at the White House, Jan. 31, 2001 "I am mindful not only of preserving executive powers for myself, but for predecessors as well."—Washington, D.C., Jan. 29, 2001 "My pro-life position is I believe there's life. It's not necessarily based in religion. I think there's a life there, therefore the notion of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness."—Quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle, Jan. 23, 2001 "Then I went for a run with the other dog and just walked. And I started thinking about a lot of things. I was able to—I can't remember what it was. Oh, the inaugural speech, started thinking through that."—Pre-inaugural interview with U.S. News & World Report, Jan. 22, 2001 issue "Redefining the role of the United States from enablers to keep the peace to enablers to keep the peace from peacekeepers is going to be an assignment."—Interview with the New York Times, Jan. 14, 2001 (Thanks to Rachael Contorer.) "The California crunch really is the result of not enough power-generating plants and then not enough power to power the power of generating plants."—Interview with the New York Times, Jan. 14, 2001 "I'm hopeful. I know there is a lot of ambition in Washington, obviously. But I hope the ambitious realize that they are more likely to succeed with success as opposed to failure."—Interview with the Associated Press, Jan. 18, 2001 (Thanks to M. Bateman.) "If he's—the inference is that somehow he thinks slavery is a—is a noble institution I would—I would strongly reject that assumption—that John Ashcroft is a open-minded, inclusive person."—NBC Nightly News With Tom Brokaw, Jan. 14, 2001 "She's just trying to make sure Anthony gets a good meal—Antonio."—On Laura Bush inviting Justice Antonin Scalia to dinner at the White House. NBC Nightly News With Tom Brokaw, Jan. 14, 2001 "I want it to be said that the Bush administration was a results-oriented administration, because I believe the results of focusing our attention and energy on teaching children to read and having an education system that's responsive to the child and to the parents, as opposed to mired in a system that refuses to change, will make America what we want it to be—a literate country and a hopefuller country."—Washington, D.C., Jan. 11, 2001 "I would have to ask the questioner. I haven't had a chance to ask the questioners the question they've been questioning. On the other hand, I firmly believe she'll be a fine secretary of labor. And I've got confidence in Linda Chavez. She is a—she'll bring an interesting perspective to the Labor Department."—Austin, Texas, Jan. 8, 2001 "I do remain confident in Linda. She'll make a fine labor secretary. From what I've read in the press accounts, she's perfectly qualified."—Austin, Texas, Jan. 8, 2001 "I mean, these good folks are revolutionizing how businesses conduct their business. And, like them, I am very optimistic about our position in the world and about its influence on the United States. We're concerned about the short-term economic news, but long-term I'm optimistic. And so, I hope investors, you know—secondly, I hope investors hold investments for periods of time—that I've always found the best investments are those that you salt away based on economics."—Austin, Texas, Jan. 4, 2001 "The person who runs FEMA is someone who must have the trust of the president. Because the person who runs FEMA is the first voice, often times, of someone whose life has been turned upside down hears from."—Austin, Texas, Jan. 4, 2001 "She is a member of a labor union at one point."—Announcing his nomination of Linda Chavez as secretary of labor. Austin, Texas, Jan. 2, 2001 "Natural gas is hemispheric. I like to call it hemispheric in nature because it is a product that we can find in our neighborhoods."—Austin, Texas, Dec. 20, 2000 "I also have picked a secretary for Housing and Human Development. Mel Martinez from the state of Florida."—Austin, Texas, Dec. 20, 2000 "Let me put it to you this way, I am not a revengeful person."— Interview with Time magazine in the Dec. 25, 2000, issue. "I am mindful of the difference between the executive branch and the legislative branch. I assured all four of these leaders that I know the difference, and that difference is they pass the laws and I execute them."—Washington, D.C., Dec. 18, 2000 "The great thing about America is everybody should vote."—Austin, Texas, Dec. 8, 2000 "Dick Cheney and I do not want this nation to be in a recession. We want anybody who can find work to be able to find work."—60 Minutes II, Dec. 5, 2000 "I knew it might put him in an awkward position that we had a discussion before finality has finally happened in this presidential race." "As far as the legal hassling and wrangling and posturing in Florida, I would suggest you talk to our team in Florida led by Jim Baker."—Crawford, Texas, Nov. 30, 2000 "The legislature's job is to write law. It's the executive branch's job to interpret law."—Austin, Texas, Nov. 22, 2000 "They misunderestimated me."—Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 6, 2000 "Think about that. Two hundred and eighty-five new or expanded programs, $2 trillion more in new spending, and not one new bureaucrat to file out the forms or answer the phones?"—Minneapolis, Nov. 1, 2000 "They want the federal government controlling Social Security like it's some kind of federal program."—St. Charles, Mo., Nov. 2, 2000 "They said, 'You know, this issue doesn't seem to resignate with the people.' And I said, you know something? Whether it resignates or not doesn't matter to me, because I stand for doing what's the right thing, and what the right thing is hearing the voices of people who work."—Portland, Ore., Oct. 31, 2000 "Anyway, after we go out and work our hearts out, after you go out and help us turn out the vote, after we've convinced the good Americans to vote, and while they're at it, pull that old George W. lever, if I'm the one, when I put my hand on the Bible, when I put my hand on the Bible, that day when they swear us in, when I put my hand on the Bible, I will swear to not—to uphold the laws of the land."—Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 27, 2000 "It's your money. You paid for it."—LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000 "That's a chapter, the last chapter of the 20th, 20th, the 21st century that most of us would rather forget. The last chapter of the 20th century. This is the first chapter of the 21st century. "—On the Lewinsky scandal, Arlington Heights, Ill., Oct. 24, 2000 "It's important for us to explain to our nation that life is important. It's not only life of babies, but it's life of children living in, you know, the dark dungeons of the Internet."—Arlington Heights, Ill., Oct. 24, 2000 "I don't want nations feeling like that they can bully ourselves and our allies. I want to have a ballistic defense system so that we can make the world more peaceful, and at the same time I want to reduce our own nuclear capacities to the level commiserate with keeping the peace."—Des Moines, Iowa, Oct. 23, 2000 "Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream."—LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000 "If I'm the president, we're going to have emergency-room care, we're going to have gag orders." "Drug therapies are replacing a lot of medicines as we used to know it." "It's one thing about insurance, that's a Washington term." "I think we ought to raise the age at which juveniles can have a gun." "Mr. Vice President, in all due respect, it is—I'm not sure 80 percent of the people get the death tax. I know this: 100 percent will get it if I'm the president." "Quotas are bad for America. It's not the way America is all about." "If affirmative action means what I just described, what I'm for, then I'm for it."—St. Louis, Mo., October 18, 2000 "Our priorities is our faith."—Greensboro, N.C., Oct. 10, 2000 "I mean, there needs to be a wholesale effort against racial profiling, which is illiterate children."—Second presidential debate, Oct. 11, 2000 (Thanks to Leonard Williams.) "It's going to require numerous IRA agents."—On Gore's tax plan, Greensboro, N.C., Oct. 10, 2000 "I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to answer questions. I can't answer your question."—In response to a question about whether he wished he could take back any of his answers in the first debate. Reynoldsburg, Ohio, Oct. 4, 2000 (Thanks to Peter Feld.) "I would have my secretary of treasury be in touch with the financial centers, not only here but at home."—Boston, Oct. 3, 2000 (Thanks to M. Bateman.) "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."—Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000 "I will have a foreign-handed foreign policy."—Redwood, Calif., Sept. 27, 2000 "One of the common denominators I have found is that expectations rise above that which is expected."—Los Angeles, Sept. 27, 2000 "It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas."—Beaverton, Ore., Sep. 25, 2000 "Well, that's going to be up to the pundits and the people to make up their mind. I'll tell you what is a president for him, for example, talking about my record in the state of Texas. I mean, he's willing to say anything in order to convince people that I haven't had a good record in Texas."—MSNBC, Sept. 20, 2000 (Thanks to Gregory H. Monberg.) "I am a person who recognizes the fallacy of humans."—Oprah, Sept. 19, 2000 "A tax cut is really one of the anecdotes to coming out of an economic illness."—The Edge With Paula Zahn, Sept. 18, 2000 "The woman who knew that I had dyslexia—I never interviewed her."—Orange, Calif., Sept. 15, 2000 "The best way to relieve families from time is to let them keep some of their own money."—Westminster, Calif., Sept. 13, 2000 "They have miscalculated me as a leader."—Ibid. "I don't think we need to be subliminable about the differences between our views on prescription drugs."—Orlando, Fla., Sept. 12, 2000 "This is what I'm good at. I like meeting people, my fellow citizens, I like interfacing with them."—Outside Pittsburgh, Sept. 8, 2000 "That's Washington. That's the place where you find people getting ready to jump out of the foxholes before the first shot is fired."—Westland, Mich., Sept. 8, 2000 "Listen, Al Gore is a very tough opponent. He is the incumbent. He represents the incumbency. And a challenger is somebody who generally comes from the pack and wins, if you're going to win. And that's where I'm coming from."—Detroit, Sept. 7, 2000 (Thanks to Michael Butler, Houston, Texas.) "We'll let our friends be the peacekeepers and the great country called America will be the pacemakers."—Houston, Texas, Sept. 6, 2000 "We don't believe in planners and deciders making the decisions on behalf of Americans."—Scranton, Pa., Sept. 6, 2000 "I regret that a private comment I made to the vice presidential candidate made it through the public airways."—Allentown, Pa., Sept. 5, 2000. "The point is, this is a way to help inoculate me about what has come and is coming."--on his anti-Gore ad, in an interview with the New York Times, Sept. 2, 2000 "As governor of Texas, I have set high standards for our public schools, and I have met those standards."--CNN online chat, Aug. 30, 2000 "Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness."--Ibid. "I don't know whether I'm going to win or not. I think I am. I do know I'm ready for the job. And, if not, that's just the way it goes."—Des Moines, Iowa, Aug. 21, 2000 ''This campaign not only hears the voices of the entrepreneurs and the farmers and the entrepreneurs, we hear the voices of those struggling to get ahead."—Ibid. "We cannot let terrorists and rogue nations hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile.''—Ibid. "I have a different vision of leadership. A leadership is someone who brings people together."—Bartlett, Tenn., Aug. 18, 2000 (Thanks to Tarja Black.) "I think he needs to stand up and say if he thought the president were wrong on policy and issues, he ought to say where."—Interview with the Associated Press, Aug. 11, 2000 (Thanks to Ryan Rhodes.) "I want you to know that farmers are not going to be secondary thoughts to a Bush administration. They will be in the forethought of our thinking."—Salinas, Calif., Aug. 10, 2000 (Thanks to Kris Sester.) "And if he continues that, I'm going to tell the nation what I think about him as a human being and a person."—President George H.W. Bush, on the Today show, Aug. 1, 2000 "You might want to comment on that, Honorable."--To New Jersey's secretary of state, the Hon. DeForest Soaries Jr., as quoted by Dana Milbank in the Washington Post, July 15, 2000 "This case has had full analyzation and has been looked at a lot. I understand the emotionality of death penalty cases."--Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 23, 2000 (Thanks to Johnny Green.) "States should have the right to enact reasonable laws and restrictions particularly to end the inhumane practice of ending a life that otherwise could live."—Cleveland, June 29, 2000 (Thanks to Douglas Basford.) "Unfairly but truthfully, our party has been tagged as being against things. Anti-immigrant, for example. And we're not a party of anti-immigrants. Quite the opposite. We're a party that welcomes people."—Cleveland, July 1, 2000 (Thanks to M. Bateman.) "The fundamental question is, 'Will I be a successful president when it comes to foreign policy?' I will be, but until I'm the president, it's going to be hard for me to verify that I think I'll be more effective."—In Wayne, Mich., as quoted by Katharine Q. Seelye in the New York Times, June 28, 2000 "The only things that I can tell you is that every case I have reviewed I have been comfortable with the innocence or guilt of the person that I've looked at. I do not believe we've put a guilty ... I mean innocent person to death in the state of Texas." All Things Considered, NPR, June 16, 2000 (Thanks to Andy Nouraee.) "I'm gonna talk about the ideal world, Chris. I've read—I understand reality. If you're asking me as the president, would I understand reality, I do."—On abortion, Hardball, MSNBC; May 31, 2000 "There's not going to be enough people in the system to take advantage of people like me."—On the coming Social Security crisis; Wilton, Conn.; June 9, 2000 (Thanks to Andy Mais.) "I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating."—U.S. News & World Report, April 3, 2000 (Thanks to Alfred Stanley, Austin, Texas.) Bush: "First of all, Cinco de Mayo is not the independence day. That's dieciséis de Septiembre, and ..." Matthews: "What's that in English?" Bush: "Fifteenth of September." (Dieciséis de Septiembre = Sept. 16) —Hardball, MSNBC, May 31, 2000 (Thanks to numerous readers.) "Actually, I—this may sound a little West Texan to you, but I like it. When I'm talking about—when I'm talking about myself, and when he's talking about myself, all of us are talking about me."—Ibid. "This is a world that is much more uncertain than the past. In the past we were certain, we were certain it was us versus the Russians in the past. We were certain, and therefore we had huge nuclear arsenals aimed at each other to keep the peace. That's what we were certain of. ... You see, even though it's an uncertain world, we're certain of some things. We're certain that even though the 'evil empire' may have passed, evil still remains. We're certain there are people that can't stand what America stands for. ... We're certain there are madmen in this world, and there's terror, and there's missiles and I'm certain of this, too: I'm certain to maintain the peace, we better have a military of high morale, and I'm certain that under this administration, morale in the military is dangerously low."—Albuquerque, N.M., the Washington Post, May 31, 2000 "He has certainly earned a reputation as a fantastic mayor, because the results speak for themselves. I mean, New York's a safer place for him to be."—On Rudy Giuliani, The Edge With Paula Zahn, May 18, 2000 (Thanks to Peter Goldman.) "The fact that he relies on facts—says things that are not factual—are going to undermine his campaign."—New York Times, March 4, 2000 (Thanks to Garry Trudeau.) "I think we agree, the past is over."—On his meeting with John McCain, Dallas Morning News, May 10, 2000 "It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."--Reuters, May 5, 2000 (Thanks to Allison Fansler.) GOV. BUSH: Because the picture on the newspaper. It just seems so un-American to me, the picture of the guy storming the house with a scared little boy there. I talked to my little brother, Jeb—I haven't told this to many people. But he's the governor of—I shouldn't call him my little brother--my brother, Jeb, the great governor of Texas. JIM LEHRER: Florida. GOV. BUSH: Florida. The state of the Florida.—The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer, April 27, 2000 "I hope we get to the bottom of the answer. It's what I'm interested to know."—On what happened in negotiations between the Justice Department and Elián González's Miami relatives, as quoted by the Associated Press, April 26, 2000 (Thanks to Saul Selzer.) "Laura and I really don't realize how bright our children is sometimes until we get an objective analysis."—CNBC, April 15, 2000 "You subscribe politics to it. I subscribe freedom to it."—Responding to a question about whether he and Al Gore were making the Elián González case a political issue. In Palm Beach, Fla., as quoted by the Associated Press, April 6, 2000 (Thanks to Helen Kennedy.) "I was raised in the West. The wesv of Texas. It's pretty close to California. In more ways than Washington, D.C., is close to California."—In Los Angeles as quoted by the Los Angeles Times, April 8, 2000 "Reading is the basics for all learning."—Announcing his "Reading First" initiative in Reston, Va., March 28, 2000 (Thanks to Carl LaRocca.) "We want our teachers to be trained so they can meet the obligations, their obligations as teachers. We want them to know how to teach the science of reading. In order to make sure there's not this kind of federal—federal cufflink."—At Fritsche Middle School, Milwaukee, March 30, 2000 "Other Republican candidates may retort to personal attacks and negative ads."—Fund-raising letter from George W. Bush, quoted in the Washington Post, March 24, 2000 "I've got a reason for running. I talk about a larger goal, which is to call upon the best of America. It's part of the renewal. It's reform and renewal. Part of the renewal is a set of high standards and to remind people that the greatness of America really does depend on neighbors helping neighbors and children finding mentors. I worry. I'm very worried about, you know, the kid who just wonders whether America is meant for him. I really worry about that. And uh, so, I'm running for a reason. I'm answering this question here and the answer is, you cannot lead America to a positive tomorrow with revenge on one's mind. Revenge is so incredibly negative. And so to answer your question, I'm going to win because people sense my heart, know my sense of optimism and know where I want to lead the country. And I tease people by saying, 'A leader, you can't say, follow me the world is going to be worse.' I'm an optimistic person. I'm an inherently content person. I've got a great sense of where I want to lead and I'm comfortable with why I'm running. And, you know, the call on that speech was, beware. This is going to be a tough campaign."—Interview with the Washington Post, March 23, 2000 "People make suggestions on what to say all the time. I'll give you an example; I don't read what's handed to me. People say, 'Here, here's your speech, or here's an idea for a speech.' They're changed. Trust me."—Interview with the New York Times, March 15, 2000 "It's evolutionary, going from governor to president, and this is a significant step, to be able to vote for yourself on the ballot, and I'll be able to do so next fall, I hope."—In an interview with the Associated Press, March 8, 2000 (Thanks to Joshua Micah Marshall.) "It is not Reaganesque to support a tax plan that is Clinton in nature.''—Los Angeles, Feb. 23, 2000 "I don't have to accept their tenants. I was trying to convince those college students to accept my tenants. And I reject any labeling me because I happened to go to the university."—Today, Feb. 23, 2000 "I understand small business growth. I was one."—New York Daily News, Feb. 19, 2000 "The senator has got to understand if he's going to have—he can't have it both ways. He can't take the high horse and then claim the low road."—To reporters in Florence, S.C., Feb. 17, 2000 "Really proud of it. A great campaign. And I'm really pleased with the organization and the thousands of South Carolinians that worked on my behalf. And I'm very gracious and humbled."—To Cokie Roberts, This Week, Feb. 20, 2000 "I don't want to win? If that were the case why the heck am I on the bus 16 hours a day, shaking thousands of hands, giving hundreds of speeches, getting pillared in the press and cartoons and still staying on message to win?"—Newsweek, Feb. 28, 2000 "I thought how proud I am to be standing up beside my dad. Never did it occur to me that he would become the gist for cartoonists."—ibid. "If you're sick and tired of the politics of cynicism and polls and principles, come and join this campaign."—Hilton Head, S.C., Feb. 16, 2000 "How do you know if you don't measure if you have a system that simply suckles kids through?"—Explaining the need for educational accountability in Beaufort, S.C., Feb. 16, 2000 "We ought to make the pie higher."—South Carolina Republican Debate, Feb. 15, 2000 "I do not agree with this notion that somehow if I go to try to attract votes and to lead people toward a better tomorrow somehow I get subscribed to some—some doctrine gets subscribed to me."—Meet The Press, Feb. 13, 2000 "I've changed my style somewhat, as you know. I'm less—I pontificate less, although it may be hard to tell it from this show. And I'm more interacting with people."—ibid "I think we need not only to eliminate the tollbooth to the middle class, I think we should knock down the tollbooth."—Nashua, N.H., as quoted by Gail Collins in the New York Times, Feb. 1, 2000 "The most important job is not to be governor, or first lady in my case."—Pella, Iowa, as quoted by the San Antonio Express-News, Jan. 30, 2000 "Will the highways on the Internet become more few?"—Concord, N.H., Jan. 29, 2000 "This is Preservation Month. I appreciate preservation. It's what you do when you run for president. You gotta preserve."—Speaking during "Perseverance Month" at Fairgrounds Elementary School in Nashua, N.H. As quoted in the Los Angeles Times, Jan. 28, 2000 "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."—Greater Nashua, N.H., Chamber of Commerce, Jan. 27, 2000 "What I am against is quotas. I am against hard quotas, quotas they basically delineate based upon whatever. However they delineate, quotas, I think vulcanize society. So I don't know how that fits into what everybody else is saying, their relative positions, but that's my position.''—Quoted by Molly Ivins, the San Francisco Chronicle, Jan. 21, 2000 (Thanks to Toni L. Gould.) "When I was coming up, it was a dangerous world, and you knew exactly who they were," he said. "It was us vs. them, and it was clear who them was. Today, we are not so sure who the they are, but we know they're there."—Iowa Western Community College, Jan 21, 2000 "The administration I'll bring is a group of men and women who are focused on what's best for America, honest men and women, decent men and women, women who will see service to our country as a great privilege and who will not stain the house."—Des Moines Register debate, Iowa, Jan. 15, 2000 "This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mential losses."—At a South Carolina oyster roast, as quoted in the Financial Times, Jan. 14, 2000 "We must all hear the universal call to like your neighbor just like you like to be liked yourself."—ibid. "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"—Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000 "Gov. Bush will not stand for the subsidation of failure."—ibid. "There needs to be debates, like we're going through. There needs to be town-hall meetings. There needs to be travel. This is a huge country."—Larry King Live, Dec. 16, 1999 "I read the newspaper."—In answer to a question about his reading habits, New Hampshire Republican Debate, Dec. 2, 1999 "I think it's important for those of us in a position of responsibility to be firm in sharing our experiences, to understand that the babies out of wedlock is a very difficult chore for mom and baby alike. ... I believe we ought to say there is a different alternative than the culture that is proposed by people like Miss Wolf in society. ... And, you know, hopefully, condoms will work, but it hasn't worked."—Meet the Press, Nov. 21, 1999 "The students at Yale came from all different backgrounds and all parts of the country. Within months, I knew many of them."—From A Charge To Keep, by George W. Bush, published November 1999 "It is incredibly presumptive for somebody who has not yet earned his party's nomination to start speculating about vice presidents."—Keene, N.H., Oct. 22, 1999, quoted in the New Republic, Nov. 15, 1999 "The important question is, How many hands have I shaked?"—Answering a question about why he hasn't spent more time in New Hampshire, in the New York Times, Oct. 23, 1999 "I don't remember debates. I don't think we spent a lot of time debating it. Maybe we did, but I don't remember."—On discussions of the Vietnam War when he was an undergraduate at Yale, Washington Post, July 27, 1999 "The only thing I know about Slovakia is what I learned first-hand from your foreign minister, who came to Texas."—To a Slovak journalist as quoted by Knight Ridder News Service, June 22, 1999. Bush's meeting was with Janez Drnovsek, the prime minister of Slovenia. "If the East Timorians decide to revolt, I'm sure I'll have a statement."—Quoted by Maureen Dowd in the New York Times, June 16, 1999 "Keep good relations with the Grecians."—Quoted in the Economist, June 12, 1999 "Kosovians can move back in."—CNN Inside Politics, April 9, 1999 "It was just inebriating what Midland was all about then."—From a 1994 interview, as quoted in First Son, by Bill Minutaglio
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about this item In The Escape of the Deadly Dinosaur, Jack zooms to the city that never sleeps to try to solve the mystery of the missing Allosaurus toe. Starting at the Natural History Museum, Jack's detection takes him to a competitive grade-schooler determined to win the science fair with his experiment crossing his own dog with the DNA from the bone of a dangerous, carnivorous dinosaur. Soon the gargantuan creature is terrorizing New Yorkers and Jack must stop him before he devours the animals in the Central Park zoo! When an eager young scientist brings a dangerous flesh-eating dinosaur to life, Jack Stalwart, a secret agent with the Global Protection Force, must capture the dinosaur before it destroys New York City. Number of Pages: 110 Genre: Juvenile Fiction Sub-Genre: Interactive Adventures Series Title: Secret Agent Jack Stalwart Publisher: Perseus Books Group Age Range: 4-8 years Author: Elizabeth Singer Hunt Street Date: September 4, 2007 Item Number (DPCI): 248-27-4717
{ "date": "2018-07-19T18:27:27Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676591150.71/warc/CC-MAIN-20180719164439-20180719184439-00638.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8231163024902344, "token_count": 223, "url": "https://www.target.com/p/escape-of-the-deadly-dinosaur-paperback-elizabeth-singer-hunt/-/A-11925210" }
By Cat N. Burkat MD, Mark J. Lucarelli MD (auth.), Adam J. Cohen MD, Michael Mercandetti MD, MBA, FACS, Brian G. Brazzo MD (eds.) Lacrimal surgical procedures are one of the most typically played ones in occulopastic surgical procedure. The tactics variety from unblocking tear ducts in young children with this very minor congenital dysmorphology to correcting dry eye via surgical procedure. As with a lot of those tactics, the issues sound minor however the sufferers’ lives are heavily affected. Dry eye is greater than an inconvenience, occasionally resulting in corneal microabrasions, infections, and photosensitivity. Dry eye is attributable to any variety of systemic autoimmune problems comparable to lupus or arthritis, over the top radiation, drug reactions, previous age, and lasik and different surgeries. There are different books reviewing lacrimal surgical procedure as a part of occuloplastic perform. The editors have selected, within the Lacrimal procedure: analysis, administration & surgical procedure, to handle the full diversity of lacrimal problems in a single concise, useful quantity. by way of broadening the scope of the topic, the editors wish to satisfy the desires of citizens, ophthalmologists who do a little lacrimal techniques, fellows who're studying the targeted systems, and specialists attracted to studying in regards to the most modern ameliorations of technique. Table of Contents: Foreword.- Introduction.- Dedication.- part One Anatomy.- Introduction.- 1 Anatomy of the Lacrimal System.- 2 Gender and Racial edition of the Lacrimal System.- three Histology and Pathology of the Lacrimal System.- four Nasal Anatomy and Evaluation.- part Diagnosis.- Introduction.- five Congenital Etiologies of Lacrimal procedure Obstructions.- 6 received Etiologies of Lacrimal process Obstructions.- 7 overview of the Tearing Patient.- eight Imaging and medical overview of The Lacrimal Drainage System.- part 3 administration and Surgical Technique.- Introduction.- nine The Tear poor Patient.- 10 surgical procedure of the Punctum and Canaliculus.- eleven Lacrimal Trauma.- 12 basic exterior Dacryocystorhinostomy.- thirteen basic Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy.- 14 Transcanalicular Dacryocystorhinostomy.- 15 Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy.- sixteen Endonasal Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy.- 17 Pediatric Balloon Assisted Lacrimal Dacryoplasty.- 18 Balloon Assisted Lacrimal Dacryoplasty in Adults.- 19 Balloon Assisted Lacrimal Surgery.- 20 nine mm Endoscopic Balloon DCR: a brand new much less Invasive process for Tearing in Adults.- 21 Radiofrequency DCR.- 22 Powered Endoscopic DCR.- 23 Laser DCR, half 1: Laser-Assisted Endonasal Endoscopic DCR.- 24 Laser DCR, half 2: Laser-Assisted Endonasal Endoscopic DCR with the Holmium: YAG Laser.- 25 Laser DCR, half 3:Laser-Assisted Endonasal Endoscopic DCR with the KTP Laser.- 26 Revision DCR.- 27 The Adjunctive Use of Mitomycin C in DCR.- 28 The Griffiths Nasolacrimal Catheter.- 29 The Sisler Lacrimal Canalicular Trephine.
{ "date": "2018-07-21T17:44:52Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676592650.53/warc/CC-MAIN-20180721164755-20180721184755-00638.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7654345035552979, "token_count": 732, "url": "http://tellfredericksburg.com/lib/category/surgery/page/5" }
Our Chief Nurse, Michelle McLoughlin CBE, enjoyed an unforgettable day at Buckingham Palace earlier this week (Thursday 9 May) when she was awarded her honour from HRH The Duke of Cambridge. Proud Brummie Michelle was named in Her Majesty the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List and was given the award in recognition of her dedication and compassion helping countless children and young people during her 30-year career. After training at the former East Birmingham Hospital, she joined the team at Birmingham Children’s Hospital as a Specialist Liaison Nurse in 1991 – concentrating on helping young people with the most complex needs, particularly those with serious kidney conditions. Michelle explained how joining the team at the city’s renowned paediatric hospital was a lifetime ambition. “I grew up on stories of the Children’s Hospital including that of my aunt and uncle’s son, who sadly died at a young age many years ago. “Within the story of the terrible sadness that the loss of a precious child brought, they told stories of just how amazing the hospital was. It certainly inspired me when choosing my career and I just knew it was where I wanted to be.” As her career progressed Michelle’s passion to offer the very best possible care and support to young people and their families continued to shine through as she moved into senior nursing management roles before being appointed as Chief Nurse for Birmingham Children’s Hospital in 2007. This vital role oversees the day-to-day care provided at the specialist paediatric hospital which enjoys a global reputation for excellence in many areas, including the treatment of the most serious kidney, liver and cardiac conditions. Michelle was an integral part of the team that helped Birmingham Children’s Hospital achieve an ‘Outstanding’ rating from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in 2017 – the first of its type to be awarded the highest possible rating. In the same year she also took on the Chief Nurse role at Birmingham Women’s Hospital following its integration with the Children’s Hospital. Accepting the norm isn’t something that Michelle does and she has continually pushed the boundaries to improve care – not only in her home city but also across the country. She has pioneered a number of things that have made things better for patients including a dedicated system to improve safety called the Children and Young People’s Safety Thermometer tool and she also led a project to turn plans for the first patient feedback app into a reality. Respected nationally, she’s Chair of the National Association of Chief Children’s Nurses (ACCN) and leads a national project focusing on safe and sustainable workforce for children and young people’s inpatient hospital care. Earlier this year, Michelle was named as one of the 70 most influential nurses and midwives since 1948 in a joint project celebrating the profession by the Nursing Standard and NHS England as part of the 70th anniversary of the NHS. Sarah-Jane Marsh, Chief Executive at Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Michelle’s commitment to always offering outstanding care to patients and families, never accepting that good enough is good enough, is inspiring and generations of healthcare professionals have undoubtedly learnt from her fierce determination to ensure that every child and young person she is responsible for is looked after like they are a member of her own family. “In the modern NHS, where many organisations have multiple Matrons, Michelle has always insisted that there will only be one on her watch – and we are all so proud of our Matron.”
{ "date": "2019-07-18T11:16:07Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195525627.38/warc/CC-MAIN-20190718104512-20190718130512-00078.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9738344550132751, "token_count": 748, "url": "https://bwc.nhs.uk/news/chief-nurse-michelle-mcloughlin-cbe-awarded-her-honour-by-hrh-the-duke-of-cambridge-2540" }
Krupa: Wings make moves, but not enough Detroit — What does it all mean for the Red Wings, trade deadline 2018? It means they are rebuilding and not going fast enough, with enough results. Signs of some acceleration and greater effect are perceptible. But the reconstruction still lags. They became sellers in 2018, just as they were in 2017, and did a nice job of collecting cherished and critical draft picks, the resources integral to rebuilding given the state of the personnel rules. This year, by trading Petr Mrazek and Tomas Tatar, they also have finally begun moving out some salary. That is a good, but overdue, development. Meanwhile, Mrazek and Tatar were producers, and far from the top choices for the rummage sale the Wings are best advised to endure. But some fans are learning what management already knew: Beggars cannot be choosey. More: ‘Looking to the future,’ Wings swap Tatar for three draft picks Given the state of the Red Wings’ roster, the measure of talent and performance compared to their contracts, there might well have been some pleading in recent days. Previous decisions management made to lock up several players at generous salary and term, even as the need for a reconstruction loomed, have made the remodeling project more difficult. It contributes to guys like Mrazek and Tatar going first, because they attract the best offers. As Mike Babcock said over the weekend, “It’s called ‘trade’ deadline. So, it’s not like Christmas where someone drops off gifts.” That reality led to the hope the Red Wings would have handled their goaltending situation better, beginning in the summer of 2016. Mrazek and Jimmy Howard gave them an enviable tandem. Get them both going and, given the state of the roster, get one of them out to the highest bidder. Mark that project “A.S.A.P.” Instead, management and Jeff Blashill made clear their intent to march with the two goalies into the playoffs. “Because once you are in there ...” At this juncture, do not criticize what the Red Wings got in return for trading Mrazek to the Flyers. Criticize creating the circumstances that made the deal acceptable. Their decision to prepare for the playoffs instead of rebuilding led to the hope that a sterling performance in net might deliver the goods. The prime goal, in that moment and until this week, should have been achieving the best personnel return for Mrazek or Jimmy Howard. The rebuilding should have taken precedence well before trade deadline 2018, and even now, it is not clear that it has. Mrazek had a rough season last year in part because he thought the top job should have been his. Either Howard or Mrazek should have been prepared for market and shipped off before the situation arose, preferably last season. But the yield Monday in the right-on-the-deadline trade for Tatar is more handsome. The move also is better engineered. Tatar will be missed. His offensive contribution on one of the most offensively-challenged rosters in the NHL proved important. But he would not have replaced Henrik Zetterberg, just as he has not replaced Pavel Datsyuk. And the Red Wings have a group of prospects at forward, including several in Detroit and some in Grand Rapids and playing major junior hockey this season, along with 11 draft picks this summer, including, due to dealing Tatar to the Golden Knights, two in the first round. Tatar also yielded a second-round pick in 2019 and a third-round pick in the 2021. And the Red Wings retained no salary. More: Joe Louis developer wants two-year extension Holland told me he received no similar offer for Gustav Nyquist, whose career has developed similarly to Tatar’s in Grand Rapids and Detroit. Tatar had to go. It is the sort of trade the Red Wings must make to rebuild. They need to cull salary, draft well and develop players. They did a good job last summer of setting up the Tatar deal, amid some impatience from the player, by securing terms favorable enough for a contender, like Vegas, to find Tatar an appealing addition. The trade is a strong, positive sign. But it is also a move made necessary, at this juncture, by mistakes of the past, by not preparing earlier to rebuild the roster, including by disciplining the money and term offered to a group of forwards who might be a fine support cast, but who will not be stars. On an evening conference call, Holland said he could not properly move Mike Green because of his injury, and the fact that it might reoccur. Also, he said, other defensemen were available. But the fact of the matter is the Red Wings like Green. They like that he provides the lion’s share of their offense from the blue line, for a second season, and that he and Trevor Daley help provide preserving-the-culture leadership on a developing roster. That said, Joe Hicketts should have been on the Wings’ roster from the start of the season, and the young defenseman they should talk about calling up now is Filip Hronek, who is hot offensively in Grand Rapids. Holland indicated that he did not get the offers he expected for Green. He said that two teams inquired about the defenseman’s health. The Tatar deal indicates that the Red Wings are ready to move the rebuilding process to a higher priority. It is certainly more important than winning, now. It has been for a while. If they hung on to Green for points in the standings, it indicates the opposite.
{ "date": "2019-07-22T03:18:01Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195527474.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20190722030952-20190722052952-00558.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9619024991989136, "token_count": 1216, "url": "https://apnews.com/f596db9fe7d0436b8cc2d850c20c6adb" }
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{ "date": "2019-07-18T14:57:08Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195525634.13/warc/CC-MAIN-20190718125048-20190718151048-00518.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8382735848426819, "token_count": 1619, "url": "https://inthewindhouston.com/adult-seeking-casual-sex-rochelle.html" }
Young Woman with a Red and Gold Kokoshnik Lacquer Brooch (Русская девушка с красным и золотым кокошником). Oil painting on rectangular papier-mache of a young woman with a red and glimmering gold kokoshnik (a traditional Russian headdress worn primarily in the northern regions of Russia in the 16th to 19th centuries) and a red sarafan (a traditional jumper dress with thin shoulder straps). The girl with brown hair is posed sideways on a chocolate brown background. Safety pin back. 2" x 1½". Overall very good condition (estate jewelry). "Fedoskino" (in Russian) and artist signature at the bottom. Circa mid-1990's. 1 only, as shown. Gift boxed.
{ "date": "2019-07-21T02:37:09Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195526818.17/warc/CC-MAIN-20190721020230-20190721042230-00278.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8740489482879639, "token_count": 194, "url": "https://therussianshop.com/young-woman-with-a-red-and-gold-kokoshnik-lacquer-brooch/" }
Podcast episode 020: “Is God Anti-Gay?” with Sam Allberry When Sam Allberry wrote his best-selling little book Is God Anti-Gay? back in 2013, it was one of the few good books available on the subject. Five years down the track, it remains an excellent short primer to the main questions that both Christians and non-Christians have about God and homosexuality. In this episode, we talk with Sam about the main message of his book, about the way that the landscape has continued to evolve over the past five years, and about the challenge of presenting the message of the Bible about homosexuality not only as true, but as good. The strength of Sam’s book (and this conversation) is that he approaches the whole subject from the starting point of the gospel: The message of Jesus on sex has been countercultural and challenging to every single culture. And is challenging to every single person. So it is not the case that Jesus comes up and says, “To all heterosexual people, you know, well done, good job, keep it up! As you were.” You know. “Bless you.” And then he says to everybody else, “Oh dearie me, we’ve got a problem.” Jesus says to all of us, we have a huge problem. Links referred to: - Our next CCL event: A hell of a difference: Christians and the afterlife with Paul Williamson - The Matthias Media special page—featuring What Some of You Were and Is God Green? Runtime: 35:07 min. Subscribe via Sam Allberry: So my rule of thumb is don’t say to someone what you can’t say to everyone. So my starting point is not what the Bible says about homosexuality; my starting point is that what Jesus teaches on sex and marriage is deeply challenging and deeply humbling for all of us. Every single one of us. Tony Payne: That’s Sam Allberry, author of an excellent little book that was published back in 2013 called Is God anti-gay?. And on this week’s episode, we’ll be talking to Sam about his book, about its message and about what’s changed in the five years since it was published. That’s our theme on episode 20 of the Centre for Christian Living podcast. TP:Hello, I’m Tony Payne, and welcome to the Centre for Christian Living podcast, coming to you from Moore College in Sydney, Australia. Now, the podcasts I listen to at the moment all seem to be having live shows, where the participants in the podcast get together and put on some event in some theatre, and sell tickets. Well, of course, at CCL, we’ve been doing that for ages: we have live events four times a year. And the next of our live events is coming up soon: it’s on October 24th and it’s featuring Paul Williamson, talking about hell and the afterlife, and the difference that our beliefs about hell and the afterlife make to our lives now—to our lives as Christians—to our witness as Christians. Paul is an Old Testament lecturer here at Moore College and a Northern Irishman. In fact, here’s a clip of him that I found preaching about hell: Audio clip:“Flee! Flee! From the wrath to come!” Why does he utter such words with such zeal and such fire and such passion? I’ll tell you why! Because he knew that hell was a real place. TP:Well, that, in fact, was not Paul Williamson, but Ian Paisley, the famous Northern Irish preacher and politician. The old joke, of course, about Ian Paisley’s preaching was that once, when preaching on the subject of hell with—with great passion and fire and brimstone, he declared that in that place “there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth!” And an elderly lady put up her hand in the crowd and said, “But sir, I—I don’t have any teeth!” To which Paisley replied, “Madam! Teeth will be provided.” Now, that’s funny, of course, but hell is not really that funny a subject. In fact, that we can joke about it is, perhaps, a symptom of the problem we have with hell, because in the modern world, we find it hard to take hell seriously. And I’m looking forward to Paul teaching and explaining this to us—to explaining what the Bible actually says about hell and the afterlife and what the implications of that are for us—for our lives, for our attitudes, for our witness, for what we say to our friends. But let’s get to our guest for today’s episode. Sam Allberry: I’m Sam Allberry. I am working with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and also with The Gospel Coalition. I’m an ordained Anglican pastor from the UK—been in pastoral ministry for about 15 years. TP: Sam, you’re very well known—certainly in our circles here—for your book on homosexuality, Is God Anti-Gay? And there’s so much written, of course, on this subject. What were you distinctively trying to say or do in that book? SA: Thank you. It—well, it was 2013 that the book came out, and actually, at that point, there wasn’t a huge amount being written on the issue. So there’s—there’s some wonderful books out there now that weren’t there when I was writing. What I was trying to do was to write a—a primer on the issue that would be accessible to anyone and didn’t assume any prior beliefs or opinions on the issue. And the book is—is—the—the two features, I guess, are that it’s short: it’s under 100 pages, and it’s structured around frequently asked questions. So I just really wanted to try to cover what I heard ex—experienced as being the main qu—questions a lot of churches had around this issue. So trying to cover what the Bible says, what this means in terms of our engagement with wider culture, how we help pastorally on this—all those sorts of things. So it was—it was trying to give people a starting point to think about the issue. TP: What would you say was the, kind of, chief point you were wanting to make in the book about how we think about homosexuality, given that it’s such a—a strong cultural issue and that there’s so many sort of currents and cross-currents of thought? What were you essentially wanting to say to the Christian community about it? SA: Yeah, I think, my—the key thing and still ongoingly is—I want—I was wanting to put the issue back into a—a gospel framework. I think sometimes we get an issue like this and we kind of abstract it out of how we normally think in gospel terms. And then we get confused about what to do with it—what it means and all the rest of it. So I was really trying to put it back into our—a normal gospel framework and say, “Well, the gospel calls us to repentance and faith; what does that mean applies to this issue?” And in that sense—in one sense, to normalise it theologically and to say, well, it’s one example of what is the case for all of us. We’re all sinful, we’re all broken—twisted—distorted—fallen—and so let’s take this and do with it what we normally do with our sinfulness and not try to change it—either in one way or the other. Yeah, I really wanted people to—to realise that this issue doesn’t disqualify them from God’s grace, and also just to help the church, I guess, not freak out about the whole thing. I think—a key moment for me was in my own church, a few years ago now, one of the couples who often is on the front door of the church, greeting people as they come in and handing them bulletins and things, suddenly came up to me before a church service one Sunday in a bit of a panic and said, “Sam! Sam! There’s—there’s a gay couple who’ve just come in the church! What do we do? What do we do?” And I was tempted to say, “Well, you distract them. I’ll call the police.” And I was—I was so discouraged by that, because I was thinking, “What do you mean, what do you do? What do you do when anyone walks into the church? You—you welcome them, you say hello, you get them a service sheet, you show them to a seat.” And the fact that they suddenly didn’t know what to do because it was this issue made me realise that actually, again, we—we just need to return this to gospel common sense. I think it’s just one type of what is the case for everyone. So let’s not treat this as a kind of an entirely different species of sin or person and then suddenly be confused about what we do with it. TP: You’re saying that you wrote that in 2013, and I can hardly believe that it’s five years since the book came out. Seems like yesterday. What do you think’s changed? Have—have things changed? Or has the landscape changed in the time since, do you think? SA: It has. I mean, it has. Five years ago now feels like a long time ago. And I remember the sort of—some of the most pressing issues then really have changed, and I think some of the—some of the—the questions that come up have changed. I think two particular things: one is we … most of our Western countries have now settled the issue of gay marriage legally, so that’s now a legal reality. I can’t remember if that had happened in 2013 in the UK or not, but it was certainly—it’s more the case now than it certainly was then in—in most places. And the other thing that—sorry, and off the back of that, that has then meant that transgenderism has become the next big issue. So that is a much more pressing issue than it was five years ago. The other thing that has changed is I think the secular focus now has shifted from one of supposed equality to one of harm. And so, the most common language I hear now is the traditional Christian sexual ethic isn’t just unequal or old-fashioned or unwelcome; it’s harmful and it’s causing psychological harm to young people, and therefore it just needs to be shut down. That kind of rhetoric I wasn’t hearing five years ago, but hear it all the time now. So that—in that sense, the landscape has changed, culture has moved further in this direction, and the Christian message on it is less welcome in the public square than even it was in 2013. TP: So if you were issuing a revised edition of the book at some point, and I hope that perhaps you do, what would you want to add on that question? How do we respond as Christians to our—our message not just being seen as a bit outdated and irrelevant, and you need to get over this, you Christians, but that your position is a position of hate— TP: —which is the other “h” word that— TP: —we certainly hear in our context? Yeah, it’s one of hate and of harm. SA: Yeah. Which—which means that our approach just needs to—to take that into account. About two years ago, I—I—I noticed that, and you’ll tell me why this is the case and how publishing works—I noticed there were three or four blank pages at the end of the book. I guess because of how you paginate things or something. TP: Normally ’cause when you print a book, it comes in—it’s printed in sections that are bound together, and the sections are usually eight or 16 pages, and so you find that nearly all books have a denomination of—a denominator of eight or 16 pages. SA: Okay. Well, anyway, I noticed that there are a couple of blank pages at the end, so I said to the publisher, “Can I just add a couple of questions and shove them in?” And so, I did a couple of years ago, and one of the—one of the questions I did put in is something like, “Is the Christian view of sexuality damaging and harmful and dangerous?” just to try and update that aspect of the discussion. So we—we need to be aware of that as we engage in the issue that that is one of the primary concerns, and—and therefore to try to show not just the truth of what the Bible says, but the goodness of it. And I think I—I see in a lot of churches, and it worries me that there are a number of people who, if you like, are biblically convinced on this issue, but they’re not emotionally convinced. And so I think, actually, it’s very important—particularly for those who are pastoring and teaching in churches—people are not going to care if it’s true if they don’t think it’s good. So we need to show not just what the Bible says on this, but why the Bible says it and why that’s better of—why that is part of the goodness of God to us—that the better narrative that the whole Bible is giving us. Otherwise it sounds like God is just being mean and arbitrary in saying, “I don’t like certain relationships.” TP: And we don’t like that stance so much, but look, it’s in the Bible, so I guess we’re stuck with it. You know, that feeling. SA: Exactly! And there’s— TP: We’re almost apologetic about— TP:—“Oh, I wish we didn’t have to say this, but look, we have to say to say this. Sorry.” SA: Yeah, “The Bible kind of stinks on this.” TP: “But what—what can you do?” Yeah, it’s that. SA: Exactly. And, you know, the—the outworking of that is we don’t really think the gospel’s going to be good news for certain types of people. TP: How would you make that argument? So if you were—if you were going to explain just in a couple of minutes, “Here’s why the teaching of the Bible about homosexual practice is actually a good that is for human flourishing and that it’s actually is part of the good life”, how would you make that argument briefly? SA: I think what I’d try to do is—is to go upstream with the issue, so that the principle is whenever the Bible gives us a negative, what is the bigger positive that negative is now working off? And in this instance, the positive is the Bible gives us a vision of marriage that is meant to be picture of the big thing God is doing in the universe of—of drawing a people to his Son Jesus Christ. A God who makes lavish, unconditional promises to us—to love us unconditionally, to accept us, he betroths himself to us, and he’s—he’s embedded within humanity a—a picture of that in human marriage. And so, this—this impacts on—on a number of aspects of—of marriage—not just on the issue of marriage being heterosexual, but the fact that we’re—we’re meant to be—these promises are meant to be lifelong; they’re not—it’s—it’s a covenant; it’s not just a contract. It’s not just “I’ll be there for you as long as you’re making me feel good about it”. And so, actually, when you—when you look at marriage in the light of that, it’s a really good thing, because it’s—it’s a—it’s a wonderful picture and reminder of the ultimate marriage that all of us can enjoy, which is a relationship with Jesus as his people. So human marriage is meant to point beyond itself to the Great Marriage—to what it is to know Christ—and therefore that the gift of human sexuality that God has created us with is—is meant to speak to us of a deeper longing, of a deeper appetite, and of a great consummation, and therefore that makes sense, I think, of some of the—the kind of biblical prohibitions about certain sexual behaviours and that kind of thing. That means we’re not just missing out on something; we’re actually getting something even better. And so, in my case, as a—as a single person, it doesn’t matter that I’m not married, because I have the ultimate thing that marriage is pointing to. It doesn’t matter that I’m not experiencing sexual fulfillment, because I have the anticipation of what that sexual fulfillment points to in Christ. So ultimately, I think, it is only the—the gospel itself that makes sense of the Bible’s teaching on this. And the great thing is if—if I use the Bible’s vision for marriage to explain our sexual ethics, I’m in gospel territory, because I’m talking about Jesus—I’m talking about his love for us, the promises he makes to us, and that’s—that’s a good place to be in. That’s where I want to be in—in conversations. That—that’s not going to convince every non-Christian friend of mine the first time ’round. But at least it says to them, “You’re not going to make complete sense of what I believe on this unless you understand who Jesus is to me. And so to understand me, you’ve got to understand Christ. And our conviction is that once you understand Christ, you realise we actually have something far far better than what culture’s offering us. There’s more to life than this.” TP: It strikes me from what you just said that—that marriage as a—as a physical bodily, in a sense, worldly creaturely phenomenon and experience, it’s—it’s not just a symbol—it’s not just an arbitrary symbol that points beyond itself; in its reality—in its—in its goodness as a created order of the way things are, our enjoyment of it and the—the goodness of it as a thing—as a—as a relationship and as an order of the creation—that very goodness points to the greater goodness. SA: Absolutely! Yeah, it’s—it’s like an appetiser. It’s—it’s—it’s something that we taste and enjoy in order that we will increase our appetite for the—for the greater feast that is to come. So yeah, and actually, if you’re single, you’re not missing out on that, because you are—you—you’re getting the same experience in a slightly different way, because if—if marriage points to the gospel in terms of showing us those—those promises—those covenants being lived out and kind of enacted in an earthly human context, singleness points to the gospel, I think, in a—in a complementary way by showing us now something of how we will live then. Because in the age to come, we won’t have marriage, because we will have the reality marriage points to, and living the single life now is a way of saying, “That future state is so real and so good, I can live according to it even now.” And so, I—I like to—to sort of think of it that if—if marriage shows us the shape of the gospel, singleness shows us its sufficiency—that actually if I have Christ, marriage is a good gift, but it’s not an essential gift that I have to have in order to really live now. TP:Well, we’ll be back to Sam Allberry in just a moment. But first, I want to tell you about our book specials this month that we’ve put together in conjunction with our friends over at Matthias Media. There are two books to tell you about this month: the first in relation to our theme is What Some of You Were. This book, which won the Australian Christian Book of the Year Award back in the early 2000s, is the story of gay people whose lives were turned around by the gospel. It’s a very powerful book. It’s a book full of stories. And it’s particularly powerful at present in light of the controversy that surrounds gay conversion therapy, as it’s often portrayed, which is often portrayed as an—an evil extreme cruel form of psychological treatment that somehow tries to—to change people’s sexual orientation or preference through some form of extreme treatment. The stories in What Some of You Were are just so different from that, because they tell the story of how the gospel of Christ comes to have a powerful transforming effect in the lives of everyday people—of everyday people, men and women, whose sexual preference and orientation is towards those of the same sex. And some of the people in these stories tell of how the gospel and the transforming effect of Christ changed their sexual preferences and orientation over time. But for some, it didn’t, or didn’t yet. But all of them speak of the powerful transforming work of God in Christ through his Spirit in their lives. It’s an inspiring and really enjoyable read that you will not only benefit from yourself, but be able to hand around to your friends. The second book I want to tell you about is just at the point of being published. By the time you hear this, it will be arriving in the Matthias Media warehouse, I gather. It’s called Is God Green? and it’s written by Lionel Windsor. Here’s the flavour of what the book is about from the back cover text: Is the future of our world at stake? Do we need to save the planet? How would you answer those questions? Maybe you’re an environmental warrior, or maybe you’re sceptical that there’s anything to worry about at all. But have you wondered where God stands on this issue? Does he care about the world and what we do with it? Is God green? In this short book, Lionel Windsor takes us through what the Bible says about the environment. You’ll discover what God has to say about why the world is in a mess, where the world is headed and what we should do about it in the here and now. And Lionel Windsor, it says here, was formerly involved in the solar energy industry, but is now an ordained Anglican minister, and lectures here, of course, at Moore College in the New Testament Department. I’m really looking forward to reading this little book. You can get it over at matthiasmedia.com.au/ccl. That’s where this month’s book specials are located. Is God Green? and What Some of You Were. But back to our conversation with Sam Allberry. I next asked Sam how he approached speaking about the issue of homosexuality in a non-Christian context—that is, in seeking to preach the gospel in relation to the homosexual issue. SA: It’s—I—the—the opportunities I’ve had to do this, I have—I mean, they’ve been quite daunting. They’ve been really thrilling. So my—my general approach is I don’t think—my starting point is not going to be, “Hey, the Bible says same-sex sexual behaviour is wrong”. I think there is so many things oth—someone needs to understand before they get to that point to make sense of it. So my—my initial starting point is to—to try to show at every step of the way how the gospel levels the playing field, because that the main perception people have other than that we hate them is that—that we are discriminatory, that we’re unfair, that we have one set of rules for one group and a different set of rules for another group, that we’re excluding some people from this and—and all the rest of it. So I think the starting point tends to be, for me, trying to show how the gospel levels the playing field and puts us in the same boat always. So there is no presumed superiority or looking down on someone else, or condemnation—that kind of thing. So my rule of thumb is don’t say to someone what you can’t say to everyone. So my starting point is not what the Bible says about homosexuality; my starting point is that what Jesus teaches on sex and marriage is deeply challenging and deeply humbling for all of us. Every single one of us. TP: And con—and condemns all of us as a sent—in a sense as sinners. SA: Exactly, yeah. And so, actually, we’re—we’re all in this together. And therefore, the message of Jesus on this issue has been countercultural and challenging to every single culture. And is challenging to every single person. So it is not the case that Jesus comes up and says, “To all heterosexual people, you know, well done, good job, keep it up! As you were.” You know. “Bless you.” And then he says to everybody else, “Oh dearie me, we’ve got a problem.” Jesus says to all of us, we have a huge problem. We are all disordered in our sexual desires. We’re all skewed in them. And so, that is my starting point so that—actually share—actually, there’s—there’s something here that puts us all on the same footing. All of us are going to have to do some deep repenting when it comes to this issue. All of us are going to find that following Jesus is going to be costly. All of us are going to find that following Jesus means saying “No” to certain sexual desires. So I want that to be the starting point, because I think it’s only when people see that—that framework and that cost applying across the board that they’ll be ready to hear what it might look like for them, because then it’s not sounding unfair. Whereas I think the perception people have is that we’re—we’re actually letting some people off scot-free and then only being challenging to some people, and sometimes the church has done that. Sometimes we are—are far more casual with heterosexual sin than we are with homosexual sin. So, again, I’m—I’m trying to show that, no, this is—this is really challenging for all of us. So that—that’s one starting point. Another is, I think, to try to show how—to go slightly upstream with the issue and try and show how the Bible gives us a different understanding of both human identity and intimacy, and to try and show how our—our contemporary culture conceives of each of those things in quite unhealthy ways, and to—to show the sort of—the limitations of that. So one of the things I’ll—I’ll try and say is if—if as our culture says, “You are your sexuality”—if that is the kind of—your core identity, then it’s basically saying you cannot really be you unless you’re sexually fulfilled. And then when we talk about harm, I want to say, “That message is saying to people by implication that a life without sexual fulfillment isn’t really worth living.” Now that is harmful. And that kind of reasoning actually does have a death toll. So actually one of the—one of the ways in which the message of—of Jesus is so good and healthy on this issue is that it dethrones sexual fulfillment. It is not the be all and end all of life. And that’s quite liberating to know, whether you’re feeling sexually fulfilled or not. That’s good news! So that—that’s one aspect. And also, just to show how the Bible gives us a very different way of thinking about intimacy. And I found ag—again this really resonates with a lot of people—that our culture has basically conflated intimacy with sex, and so we can’t really conceive of intimacy that isn’t actually ultimately sexual. Whereas in the Bible, you can have a lot of sex and not be having any intimacy. And we can think of biblical examples of that. And it also shows us you can have a lot of intimacy without having sex. And we see biblical examples of that—or at least Jesus himself and Paul, who both enjoyed a range of—of deep friendships and connections that were not sexual. And I find is—as—as I talk about that difference between sex and intimacy that a lot of people kind of half know that—half recognise that—but they just never really had it pointed out before. And it makes sense a lot of—of a lot of the sort of frustrations that many people find today. So both those issues of identity and intimacy show that there is—there is wisdom and goodness and truth in the Christian message that we don’t find in our own culture. Which then makes the eventual call to restrict sexual behaviour to a heterosexual marriage, it then just seems to make more sense. It doesn’t seem quite as cruel as it might otherwise. TP: Strikes me that in both of those instances, if you believe in a God who’s created everything and gives meaning and shape to everything—to a good world and a world that is going somewhere in Christ—then the various things we experience—the various aspects of our created life—makes sense within that whole. You can make sense of what intimacy is because it fits into a larger picture in which our experience of it makes sense. TP: And likewise, as you say, with sexual identity. So it’s not as if those things don’t exist or aren’t important. TP: But that you can have a richer picture of them. However, if—if you take God out of the picture, and you say, “How do I make sense of my life and grasp onto something that—that gives a meaning to the whole?”, the tendency in a sense is the idolatry tendency— TP: —which is to take one of them—to take something and to absolutise or disproportionately inflate that thing and grasp onto that as the meaning and the purpose— TP: —and the thing that’s going to make it all work. SA: And it will never deliver. TP: And it never does. TP: It’s a distorted picture. You—you’re—you’re laying upon that thing a burden it was never meant to bear. SA: Yeah. Which is why I think the—the encounter of—of Jesus with the Samaritan woman in John 4 is—is a great passage for our time, because you’ve got someone there who is … Jesus is talking about the—the kind of spiritual water that gives us true satisfaction, and it’s very clear from the way he interacts with this lady that she’s been looking for that in human relationships. And I love what she says at the end of that encounter when she goes back to her town and says, “Come and meet a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” And, again, there’s that sense that Jesus makes sense of who we are and what we’ve been doing, and what’s been driving our lives and why it hasn’t worked. And he over—offers us just a—a—a totally different paradigm of how to find that deeper satisfaction and meaning. TP: We’ve been talking about how we interact with the world apologetically, evangelistically, in our discussions with people. But what about the Christian scene? In the UK, where you’re from, what’s the state of play there among Christians on this issue? SA: There’s—there’s the usual mix that you would expect. So there—there are a number of voices that are calling for full inclusion of gay relationships and gay marriage within the—within the church. Some of those voices come from within the broader evangelical world. So that—that—and that’s not going away, and those voices are—are getting more and more strident. But on the other hand, I’m really encouraged, because I’m, you know, doing ministry on this issue in the UK, I’m seeing a really broad range of Christians coming together on this issue. It’s interesting doing teaching on this, everyone from, you know, I’ve been doing things with—with the leadership of Vineyard to more conservative Reformed churches—I really get a sense that it’s drawing quite a wide range of evangelicals together—that this is instinctively and intuitively, for a wide range of Christians, a gospel issue. And that people are kind of growling around it. So I’ve found, actually, it’s—this discussion has had quite a unifying effect, which has been wonderful to see. And it means that those who—within the so-called evangelical world who are pushing for the acceptance of gay marriage are looking less and less mainstream in the evangelical scene, because if you are outside the spectrum of, you know, say, Vineyard, all the way through to very conservative Presbyterians and Anglicans, you really are in the tall grass. And so the mainstream of evangelicalism, I think, is coming together on this. Which encourages me enormously, because we’re going to need each other. So I—there are a lot of challenges. It’s getting harder in our secular context to—to hold our views. There are all kinds of tides and movements. I’m within the Church of England and I don’t know which way that’s going to go. But on the ground, so many churches want to be faithful. They want to be places of clarity—of compassion. They want to know how to serve both those in the church for whom this is a personal issue, but also how to reach out and engage with the gay community in a—in a very gospel-centred, gospel posture kind of way. So I’m really excited about that. I think it’s going to be a difficult few years for us and a fruitful few years for us. TP: So you would say, I’m assuming, that—that those churches—evangelical churches included that have kind of taken a “Keep your head down and just don’t go near this issue”—that—that that approach is counterproductive? SA: I think it is, because the—the fact is, if you don’t talk about and teach on this issue, people are only going to be taught by the culture around them. It’s not that they’re going to be untaught; they will just be discipled by culture instead. And quite apart—see, you’re failing in discipleship. You’re also failing in outreach. ’Cause if you’re not going near this issue, you’re not going near the people for whom this is, you know, the issue of their life. So it is—of course, it is very hard to—to speak publicly on this issue as a church. But at the end of the day, the Christ-like thing to do is to put ourselves in the firing line if, by doing so, some might be saved. And my fear is actually, if you avoid this issue, that risks being truly homophobic, ’cause you’re effectively saying, “We’re going to engage everyone with the gospel except this group of people, because we’re too scared of going near this issue”. TP: “Phobic” in the sense of actually being afraid! [Laughter] SA: Yeah! Exactly! [Laughter] TP: Instead of how that word is normally used! But, yeah. SA: So—and I keep coming back to Romans 1 and how, reading between the lines, they seemed to think Paul was maybe a bit reluctant to come to Rome. You know, his gospel shtick works out there in the—in the provinces, but this is Rome. So maybe Paul’s not come here for a reason, and Paul keeps labouring the point in the first few verses, “I—I don’t want you to be unaware of how often I’ve tried to come”. And he says, “You know, I’ve—I’ve even gone as far as booking tickets and—and, you know, all the rest of it.” And he says, “I’m—I’m eager to come because I—I’m expecting a harvest”. And the gospel is not going to be less powerful just because it’s Romans we’re dealing with. And I think there’s a parallel here for—for this issue. A lot of Christians think, “Yeah, I know the gospel works with most people, but with our LGBT+ friends, ha. I’m not sure it’s got the—the power to do that.” And so, we need to take a leaf out of Paul’s book and think, “No, no, no. It’s the same gospel. It takes the same amount of power to save someone from the gay community as it does anybody else. And therefore we should expect and work towards seeing a harvest.” TP:Thanks for joining us today on the Centre for Christian Living podcast. And I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible as our next public event on October 24th here at Moore College with Paul Williamson, speaking about “A hell of a difference: Christians and the afterlife”. And you can be here in person, of course, or register for the livestream wherever you happen to be, and participate in that event as well. Please get in touch with any questions you have about Christian living in this complex world we live in, and we’ll do our best to answer them. You can email us at [email protected], and for details about our next public event and to register your tickets there, for more articles and information, for videos and archives from previous events, you can go, of course, to our website, which is ccl.moore.edu.au. Thanks for being with us. I’m Tony Payne. ’Bye for now.
{ "date": "2019-07-16T09:07:25Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195524517.31/warc/CC-MAIN-20190716075153-20190716101153-00078.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.964684784412384, "token_count": 8482, "url": "https://ccl.moore.edu.au/2018/10/04/podcast-episode-020/" }
A young carer is someone aged under 18 who helps care for a parent or family member with a long term illness, disability (including autism), mental health issue or substance abuse problem. This covers both the physical and emotional factors involved in caring, therefore your child may qualify as a young carer without actually partaking in any physical acts of caring. There are over 10,000 young carers in Kent and research suggests that there could be an additional 30, 000 yet to be identified. Support offered in School for Young Carers If additional support is requested, we also refer to outside agencies, such as the school nurse team and early help services. More Park have strong links with Kent Young Carers who come to visit the children in school and invite them to the services they provide, (see link to web page below). If you think your child may be a young carer please email Mrs Symington or Miss Cole for more information, or have a look at the Kent Young Carers web page.
{ "date": "2019-07-18T17:41:14Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195525699.51/warc/CC-MAIN-20190718170249-20190718192249-00398.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9705696105957031, "token_count": 206, "url": "http://www.moreparkprimary.co.uk/young-carers/" }
What makes St. Augustine’s Distinctively Different? As a school we offer something different, a spiritual dimension to the young lives of our learners within the traditions of the Church of England, working in partnership with the church community to achieve this. Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report Every five years, Church Schools in England undergo a statutory inspection by the Church of England Education Department and St. Augustine’s Junior School was rated as OUTSTANDING from the inspection carried out in March 2017. |Extract from the SIAMS report: The distinctiveness and effectiveness of St. Augustine’s as a Church of England school are outstanding: If you would like to read the full SIAMS report, there is a link in the attachment below: RE and Collective Worship Policies Our school has a diverse RE Policy embedding religious education at the heart of the teaching and learning in school. The RE policy is strongly reinforced by the Collective Worship Policy which outlines how collective worship underpins our daily commitment to embracing the values of Christianity in everything we do. “Collective worship plays a major role in the life of the school and the whole community value its contribution to their community.” SIAMS March 2017 The policies are attached below. We value all in our community as individuals and God’s children. We share our enduring Christian values and we live them each and every day, at home and at school. We create relationships in which selfless care and Christian love are apparent to all and are felt by all. This makes St Augustine’s CE (VA) Junior School a safe and awe inspiring place to belong. Our school is at the heart of the community, inspiring trust, wholeness and healing; a place where there is a welcome and hospitality for all, a place where great things happen because of our commitment to God – a school that is very much alive with the word of God. Our Christian Values Our Christian values lie at the heart of our school. - Courage & Self-sacrifice St Augustine’s Junior School Long Term Planning St. Augustine’s Junior School’s RE plan has been designed to ensure that children will obtain a greater understanding of Christianity as well as other faiths. The enquiry method of learning and teaching will open up opportunities for the children to guide the teaching and learning process. The plans are a guide for the teachers to facilitate learning. During the Autumn term, there will be a whole school focus leading up to Christmas. There is a statutory unit that will be visited every other year, otherwise, our usual Christmas festival will be taught in classes as usual for our church school. For Spring and Summer Term, units will be taught on a revolving 2-year program with an optional Easter unit with the exception of Autumn Term which will run on a 4 year revolving program. Learning about Lent and Easter will be as usual for our church school. Whole school – Autumn Term Why should we care about God’s world? Statutory Christmas Unit-Is Christmas a festival of Light or Love? How can we learn about Christian values from people in the Bible? How do Christians use the Bible? Statutory Christmas Unit – Is Christmas a festival of Light or Love? Why do Christians share communion? Lower school – Spring Term Why do Christians say the Lord’s prayer? Optional Easter Unit: What happened during ‘holy week’ – and what matters most to christians? Why do people go on special journeys or pilgrimages? Words of Wisdom (Jews/Torah) Optional Easter Unit: How does lent help christians prepare for Easter? How are people welcomed into the Christian community? (Rites of Passage) Lower school – Summer Term Churches year — How do the colours relate to Christian festivals? Is Christian worship the same all around the world? How have Christians changed the world? (local people—Mary Walsham, Edith Cavel?) Africa Links, Charity Links. Upper school – Spring Term Who did Jesus say ‘I am’? How did Jesus’ teaching challenge people? Optional Easter Unit: How do we know what happened at Easter? What would Jesus do? (How do the beliefs of Christians influence their actions?) Optional Easter Unit: Adam, Eve, Christmas and Easter – What are the connections? Upper school – Summer Term How is God Three and One? (Trinity) Hinduism-What helps Hindus to worship? How can churches help us understand Christian beliefs? What can we learn from stories of Faith – Christians, Jews and Muslims?
{ "date": "2019-07-21T06:36:42Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195526931.25/warc/CC-MAIN-20190721061720-20190721083720-00158.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9202213287353516, "token_count": 976, "url": "https://staugustinesjuniorschool.co.uk/our-school/church-school/" }
D18-301 Terms of Sale I AM REMINDED . . . Of a patchwork quilt each time I open the adorable and attractive teenager's complete leather case when I study that sumptuous dress she wore while posing for her intriguing resealed sixth plate. The daguerreian wasn't at all concerned that his white reflector would be seen on the left side. It was there to balance the illumination that entered the space from above his subject on the opposite side. Why did the man place the girl directly in front of the camera and ask her to cross her arms over her waist? I KNOW the answer to my question! He didn't have any sense of design or how to pose a young woman who was so exquisitely fresh and lovely. Did she overwhelm his thought process, sitting there so serenely looking directly into the lens? Swirling mists of time (actually a slight fault in the original process) surrounded the bride, whose rings were painted gold along with her earrings and other jewelry. That was an interesting ribbon/collar arrangement worn around her neck and across both shoulders. Only at the best angle of appreciation is the tinting on the lass acceptable. After she is revealed inside a complete leather case, be patient until that sweet spot is found and you will be wonderfully rewarded not only by the subject but great depth and clarity. A few mold spiders and specks are scattered to and fro. For Purchase Inquiry Dennis A. Waters at [email protected]
{ "date": "2019-07-18T21:16:56Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195525829.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20190718211312-20190718233312-00278.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.969219446182251, "token_count": 310, "url": "https://www.finedags.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=galleries.itemdetail&fgid=archive&fitmtypeid=daguerreotypes&pgnum=1&itmid=D18-301" }
Ghosts! In the Archives! We Thought You Ought to Know By Marie Pellissier, Omohundro Institute Apprentice, William & Mary Welcome back to our Georgian Goodies blog series, where we highlight interesting, timely, or just plain nifty documents from the Georgian Papers Programme! It’s almost Halloween! We may or may not have found some ghosts in the archives… but we shall leave the final determination about whether or not there are specters in the stacks up to you, dear readers. King George III and his wife, Queen Charlotte, had fifteen children. George III was an attentive, loving father, and enjoyed having his children around him. He and the Queen were devoted to their children, making sure that they had the best tutors, toys, and healthcare that money could buy. Prince Octavius, born February 23, 1779, and Prince Alfred, born September 22, 1780, were the King and Queen’s eighth and ninth sons, respectively. Prince Alfred died in August 1782, before his second birthday, after a smallpox inoculation weakened his already delicate health. The King and Queen mourned the death of their youngest, and lavished even more affection on Octavius after the death of Alfred. In the spring of 1783, Octavius, whom all described as a happy, cheerful, and good-natured four-year-old, was taken with his sister Sophia to be inoculated with the same smallpox virus that had killed his brother Alfred. Sophia recovered, but Octavius did not. He died on May 3, 1783. His parents, particularly his father, mourned his loss deeply. Three days after Octavius’s death, on May 6, 1783, George III wrote to the Bishop of Worcester, asking him to lead a private service in Octavius’s memory. “The blow is strong…” the King wrote. “Though greatly grieved, I feel…great thankfulness for having enjoyed for four years that Dear Infant.” Three months later, George III wrote to General Jacob de Bude, sending him a likeness of Octavius, whose absence the King felt more and more each day. (To learn more about the King’s connection with de Bude, read Jim Ambuske’s blog, “The Admiral and the Aide-de-Camp.”) Octavius’s presence lingered after his death. The King and Queen continued to grieve for months, and Octavius’s image was included in a family portrait by Thomas Gainsborough completed after his death. The King dwelt on the death of his two young sons for much of his later life. As George III began to grow ill and exhibit bouts of madness, his son Octavius returned to him. On Christmas Eve 1788, the King was seen rocking and nursing a pillow, which he told observers was his son Octavius, born again. Ghost or no ghost, the loss of his son haunted the King for years, and reminds us that even for royalty in the eighteenth century, death was ever-present. Hibbert, Christopher. George III: A Personal History (New York, 1998). George III to General Jacob de Budé, October 23, 1783. Royal Archives, GEO/ADD/15/0472 George III to the Bishop of Worcester, May 7, 1783. Royal Archives, GEO/ADD/2/89 “Princes Octavius and Alfred,” English Monarchs, c. 2018. Leave a Reply You must be logged in to post a comment.
{ "date": "2019-07-22T17:08:32Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195528141.87/warc/CC-MAIN-20190722154408-20190722180408-00198.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9778472781181335, "token_count": 771, "url": "https://georgianpapers.com/2018/10/22/ghosts-in-the-archives-we-thought-you-ought-to-know/" }
Post by Invictus on Aug 22, 2015 2:24:11 GMT -5 The Eastern Sea, Approaching Fairhaven Island, 27th of Aestus The air began to frantically thunder as rifles cracked from all directions, releasing their projectiles and filling the air with a thick smoke. “Julianos! Look left!” cried Titus, falling to his knees behind the starboard side deck’s railing, narrowly avoiding a metallic round which struck the hull behind him. The furious giant, as well as several other marines of the vanguard jumped to attention and peered through the fog, spotting not only one, but two enemy airships suited for war closing in on both sides of the Tessonic. “By the Maker, they’ll have us surrounded!” cried out an Ardrean marine, panicking amid the chaos. “Don’t waver! We focus on the frigate at hand! Duck and volley just like we’ve practiced, marines!” cried Commander Despos, patrolling the starboard side of the Tessonic, sabre in hand. Nodding to himself and those around him, Titus fell into position behind the railing and quickly began the process. Deep breath. Exhale. Preparation. Load powder into firearm. Check. Deep breath. Exhale. Load ammun- His process was suddenly and violently interrupted as the marine adjacent to him let out a blood-curdling scream before collapsing onto the deck in front of him. “We’ve no time to help the fallen! FIRE!” cried the hardened Ardrean commander of the elite aerial soldiers. Load ammunition from belt. Check. Deep breath. Exhale. Load weapon… The foreigner jumped suddenly to his feet, weapon at the ready as his neighbor fell back to cover behind the ship’s durable frame. Slightly peaking his eyes just above the railing, he spotted his target: the gruff-looking black-bearded one. The one that looked like a pirate from Invictian legend. Aim. Fire. As soon as the shot was fired, the young marine had fallen back to his position of safety. It almost looked as he had hit his mark, but perhaps it was simply optimistic imagination. Indeed, it had hardly been over a month since he had even learned to use the foreign Ardrean rifle. The rhythmic dance of firing and covering with his neighbors had continued for a time, each neighbor alternating in opposite to his neighbor. The stench of powder dominated the air all around, and Titus’s eyes began to water from irritation. How many had fallen thus far? Four? Five? He couldn’t tell; his vision so obscured by the gray fog. “d**n the Maker, where are those canoneer-“ Despos attempted. The cannons aboard had at last been manned, propelling their shrapnel at the adjacent vessel. A horrible crunching sound deafened the marines as the iron ball struck the iron-sided ship, partially penetrating the exterior and sending splinters scattering into the sea below. “W-why aren’t they firing their cannons at us, sir?” Pavos the marine called out to his superior. Yes... why not? Interesting... “Doesn’t matter,” the older veteran dismissed as he squinted at the vessel in the distance. “Keep up the fire, boy!” The dance continued for some time; occasionally an Ardrean or allied belligerent would fall to the floor wailing, their agonized shrieks drowned out only by the fury of firearms and crash of cannons. This particular tactic couldn’t continue for too much longer, however. Something had to give. A strange sound in the fray, before a sudden crunching sound digging into the railing behind the cowering marines. Titus dodged to his right as an audible snapping sound struck next to his left ear. He quickly turned to look, only to find the end claw of a grappling hook embedded well into the Tessonic’s frame. “They’re boarding us! Prepare to repel!” Despos wailed, raising his standard sabre. “Hope that fancy Invictian fence-work comes in handy today, Tito!” called out an obviously nervous Julianos. The brute still hadn’t got his name down yet, but it didn’t matter anymore. It was the moment of truth. He stood quickly to his feet, removing his sabre from its sheath and moving into a defensive pose next to his brothers. As the Aengmirians pulled, the foreign warship edged ever closer to the Tessonic. Some attempted to pull at the hooks as other continued to fire on the invaders in vain; both to little avail. “Parry defensive formation! Form semi-circle!” The marines did just that as the hated enemies arose from cover, leaping like lemurs from hell; falling from the overhead position above. Sword in hand, one descended upon Titus, who quickly moved his blade horizontally to deflect the harsh blow. Unexpectedly, the perception of time around him began to slow, and everything in the environment with the exception of his new sparring partner faded away. As the seconds became milliseconds, he studied everything he could about the man in front of him; his odd-colored uniform, his foreign features, and, most importantly, his technique. More sword-wielding Aegnmirians descended upon the starboard side, but Titus was focused on dancing with the first sea-soldier to offend him. The Invictian attempted to jab and stab, but to no success. The enemy seemed to anticipate every move before. Perhaps the Aengmirians really knew quite well the Ardrean technique. It was a good thing that Titus knew the Invictian technique, however… Dropping to his feet in a sudden crouch like position, he slid his hand down as his pant leg, quickly drawing from it his hidden dagger that he had practiced with so many times before. He took the accursed Red Blade of the Dead God and jabbed it right into the puzzled pirate’s gut. Taking the opportunity of the sudden shock to his advantage, he removed the razor, before quickly planting it again directly in the foreigner’s eye, producing the most horrible cry that the rogue had heard yet. Horrified, but pumped full of adrenaline, he removed the blade again, using it once more to ensure the unfortunate soldier’s death by a quick severing of the brain stem. As his head began to spin less, sound and vision of the greater world around him seemed to return, and he quickly rushed to help his comrades around him. As the panic began to wear off somewhat, he turned to see Julianos the Slayer slinging his sword through the enemy as if cutting like a knife through butter. The beast seemed to be handling himself quite well except for the gash across his cheek, but not well enough… “Look out, you stubborn oaf!” warned Titus, quickly maneuvering his sabre to deprive an approaching Aengmirian of his sword hand. “Never expose your flank like that!” “Heh,” replied the northerner, killing the last victim in front of him. “We can’t all prance around as fancily as you!” The melee continued for a time, before at last it seemed as if the balance of power had shifted in the defenders’ favor. Beginning to panic, the demoralized attackers wavered, looking for a possible escape. Good. Now was the time to push forward. Quite literally. Aengmirians by the dozens began to be violently thrown overboard, either by their own action, or with the help of a marine. Titus watched as the wailing banshees crashed into the water below, unsure if the fall was fatal or not. Even so, weighed down by fatigue and heavy clothing, it was safe to say that they were finished. The crew took a moment to catch their breaths, some warriors coughing violently due to the suffocating smoke. Titus did a quick survey around him. There had indeed been quite a few skyship marine casualties. The wounded and dying tossed around and bled onto the deck; puddles of sanguine blood began to flood all around the port side. The marines around him appeared to be covered in soot and marked with fear. But they had done it. “Brothers!” cried out a wounded marine, a deep gash in his chest hindering him as he hobbled over to the defenders from the direction of the front of the airship. “Brothers… we couldn’t hold the port side! Commander Orlaval is dead! The bastards got through! AGH!” the dying crewman managed to spit out before collapsing into the accumulating blood puddle below him. It was then that Titus’s Solisthine training activated in his mind, demanding that he take control of the desperate situation around him. “Shit! We need to get to the bridge. Now!” “What about Commander Despos?! You’re not our leader!” shouted out Amius the Invictian, his hands covered in enemy blood. Despos! Where was the commander amidst this chaos? Titus, along with his comrades in arms, began to scan the battle scene around them. At last, he spotted the gray-haired head of the marines rolling in agony on deck, just feet away; concealed by a few other war dead next to him. “Commander!” Pavos cried out as the skyship survivors looked on at their fallen leader, blood spurting from his mouth. “The Commander is down! We have no time! If these bastards take the bridge, it’s all over! LET’S GO!” Titus ordered, collecting himself and leading the charge toward the helm. The others followed in suit...
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Missed a week again, so double post today! Yet another family visit got in the way. I’ve also been feeling shit, but that’s no excuse because frankly, I’m still feeling shit. I hate having a cold I can’t seem to shift. At the moment I’m living on hot toddies and liquorice (or, when at work, coffee, since I’m not really allowed to slip some whisky into anything I drink at work). Anyway, that’s all by the by – let’s have a look at this week’s questions! I made it! This is the very last entry in my 26-Week Book Challenge, even if this is an afterlude. Don’t tell me that’s not a word; it is now. Anyway, I posted 37 entries in total: 26 actual entries and 11 interludes on questions I could not (or would not) answer. Today’s is the last of those, and it’s the question which, to me, is the silliest of them all: your favourite book of all time. So here it is, the fifth and last part of this fantastic readalong. I’ve had a whale of a time with the good discussions and I’m rather sad that it’s coming to an end… I do hope that you’ll all still visit my blog! This week’s questions are hosted by Allie over at Tethyanbooks, and since this is the end the spoilers are going to be even more spoilerific than before. Don’t say you haven’t been warned. Things are really heating up as we reach week four of this readalong, and this week it is hosted by Andrea over at Little Red Reviewer. As always some really interesting questions, so go check out everyone else’s answers too! Oh, and beware the massive, massive, MASSIVE spoilers… Description: With what should have been the greatest heist of their career gone spectacularly sour, Locke and his trusted partner, Jean, have barely escaped with their lives. Or at least Jean has. But Locke is slowly succumbing to a deadly poison that no alchemist or physiker can cure. Yet just as the end is near, a mysterious Bondsmage offers Locke an opportunity that will either save him or finish him off once and for all. Magi political elections are imminent, and the factions are in need of a pawn. If Locke agrees to play the role, sorcery will be used to purge the venom from his body – though the process will be so excruciating he may well wish for death. Locke is opposed, but two factors cause his will to crumble: Jean’s imploring – and the Bondsmage’s mention of a woman from Locke’s past: Sabetha. She is the love of his life, his equal in skill and wit, and now, his greatest rival. Locke was smitten with Sabetha from his first glimpse of her as a young fellow orphan and thief-in-training. But after a tumultuous courtship, Sabetha broke away. Now they will reunite in yet another clash of wills. For faced with his one and only match in both love and trickery, Locke must choose whether to fight Sabetha – or to woo her. It is a decision on which both their lives may depend. Week three already! Doesn’t time fly? This week’s questions are hosted by Lynn over at Lynn’s Book Blog, so hop on over and check out everyone else’s replies! (After reading mine, of course.) 1. The election competition. Sabetha isn’t wasting any time throwing pranks at Locke and Jean. Mostly it seemed fairly harmless, or at least not overly serious, until they were kidnapped and put onto a ship and taken out to sea. What did you make of Sabetha’s latest plan? And what did you think about the way she executed it?
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Bantams boss Phil Parkinson was left frustrated and disappointed in equal measure after City's narrow defeat at the hands of Tranmere Rovers. A single Ryan Lowe goal just over twenty minutes from the end harshly consigned Parkinson's side to their first home defeat of the season this Sunday afternoon. Although City weren't at their best for their latest League 1 encounter, Parkinson says he couldn't fault the endeavour and commitment of his players and felt the Bantams deserved at least a share of the spoils. And while Parkinson was critical of certain aspects of City's play, he was, however, most annoyed by a number of refereeing decisions made throughout the contest, in particular the incident that saw Ian Goodison escape with only a yellow card despite the defender appearing to catch Kyel Reid in the face with his elbow midway through the first half. The City chief said: "Regarding the incident in front of the dug-out (the Goodison elbow), I felt at the time that it was a straight red card. Having had the benefit of being able to watch it back again on the match DVD, I can say it is a definite straight red. "The fourth official who I spoke with said that he (Goodison) didn't hit Kyel with his elbow, he just hit him with his forearm. If a forearm smash isn't a sending off then the fourth official has been watching a completely different game to the one I have watched over the last ten years. "It was a big call, and they got it wrong." Parkinson continued: "We also haven't had a penalty all season, and that is starting to concern me. You go back to a few weeks ago when Kyel Reid was clearly brought down in the box at Gillingham and didn't get a penalty. We had lots of moments today (Sunday) where you feel a penalty could have been given and we haven't had one. You would say that surely sooner rather than later we are going to get one. "I went in to see the referee after the game and just said to him that I didn't feel he did enough to stop Tranmere from implementing their tactics of slowing the game down from the first whistle. "There wasn't enough effort made to speed the game up. "Our fans have paid good money to come to the game today. You can't blame Tranmere, they have come with a plan which they think will work for them. The officials have to make sure that sort of thing doesn't happen though. "It wasn't until about seven or eight minutes to go before the referee started to respond to it even though everybody else in the ground had been able to see it clearly for a while. "They weren't proactive enough in the way their officiated the game today. "On the balance of play, we have definitely deserved something from the game. It was just at times we had to be patient on the ball because of the numbers Tranmere had back. "We speak about playing with a high tempo and playing quick football, but there is also the other side of the game when teams have got men behind the ball and you have to be patient and pass well. "At times we have done that well today, but our shooting from distance wasn't good enough. It was a greasy surface today because of the wet conditions - a great day for shooting low and letting the pitch quicken up the ball - but we haven't worked the 'keeper enough. "We just couldn't find that moment of magic to get us through. Getting the first goal today would have been important for us because Tranmere came here with a 4-5-1 formation and sat back looking to make it really difficult for us. "In terms of effort though, I don't think we could have asked anymore from the players today. They gave us everything. "I am disappointed with the goal we have given away, however. It was a kick from their 'keeper, we've lost the first header and not got our covering positions right. We've let a very good striker free in our eighteen yard box and that shouldn't have happened. The goal gave them a huge lift." New signing Matthew Bates was an unused substitute for the Tranmere fixture after signing a three-month deal with the Bantams. Bates comes into the club following Andrew Davies' recent knee surgery, although the versatile performer has also been brought in as cover in midfield as Ricky Ravenhill looks set to leave City on loan. Explaining his decision to bring Bates to the Coral Windows Stadium, Parkinson said: "It's three-fold really. Obviously with Andrew getting his injury, he can help us in central defence. "Matty can also play full back and he can play in midfield as well. Ricky Ravenhill has expressed his desire to go out on loan. He feels he is at an age where he needs to be playing regularly and I agree with him. "I feel it is time for Ricky to move on and get some football, so Matt covers us in midfield in Ricky's place. He covers us at right back as well, along with his favourite position of centre back." With Bates on the bench, Parkinson decide to partner Nathan Doyle with Luke Oliver in central defence following the club's recent defensive problems. Parkinson said: "We went with Doyley (Nathan Doyle) because we knew we would have a lot of the ball as I expected Tranmere to play with only one up front. "In that scenario, your two centre backs are going to have a lot of the ball, and Doyley, in particular, is a good user of the ball." The move to put Doyle back into defence meant Parkinson handed Jason Kennedy his first league start for the club following his summer move to Valley Parade. Parkinson added: "I thought Jason worked really hard today. "He put in a good performance. He was committed, he was strong and he passed it well." Carl McHugh was back at Valley Parade to make up part of City's list of substitutes after being given permission to temporarily leave the Republic of Ireland Under 21s camp. The young defender will now join back up with the under 21s squad ahead of their match with Romania in Sligo this Tuesday afternoon. Parkinson added: "We didn't have any cover for left back on the bench without Carl, so the Irish F.A kindly let have him back for today so we could have him on our bench."
{ "date": "2019-07-16T18:46:52Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195524685.42/warc/CC-MAIN-20190716180842-20190716202842-00278.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9894114136695862, "token_count": 1344, "url": "https://www.bradfordcityfc.co.uk/news/2013/october/boss-reflects-on-frustrating-afternoon/" }
I received this book for free from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. This post contains affiliate links you can use to purchase the book. If you buy the book using that link, I will receive a small commission from the sale.Ink and Bone by Lisa Unger Published by Touchstone on June 7, 2016 Genres: Mystery, Paranormal, Supernatural, Thrillers & Suspense Buy on Amazon An instant page-turner (Lisa Gardner) that straddles the line between thriller and horror...sure to appeal to a wide range of readers, including Stephen King fans. (Booklist, starred) A young woman's mysterious gift forces her into the middle of a dangerous investigation of a little girl's disappearance. Twenty-year-old Finley Montgomery is rarely alone. Visited by people whom others can’t see and haunted by prophetic dreams, she has never been able to control or understand the things that happen to her. When Finley’s abilities start to become too strong for her to handle – and even the roar of her motorcycle or another dazzling tattoo can’t drown out the voices – she turns to the only person she knows who can help her: her grandmother Eloise Montgomery, a renowned psychic living in The Hollows, New York. Merri Gleason is a woman at the end of her tether after a ten-month-long search for her missing daughter, Abbey. With almost every hope exhausted, she resorts to hiring Jones Cooper, a detective who sometimes works with psychic Eloise Montgomery. Merri’s not a believer, but she’s just desperate enough to go down that road, praying that she’s not too late. Time, she knows, is running out. As a harsh white winter moves into The Hollows, Finley and Eloise are drawn into the investigation, which proves to have much more at stake than even the fate of a missing girl. As Finley digs deeper into the town and its endless layers, she is forced to examine the past, even as she tries to look into the future. Only one thing is clear: The Hollows gets what it wants, no matter what. Ink and Bone by Lisa Unger so surpassed my expectations. I was thinking it would be a sort of twisty read with a little psychic juju thrown in. But man, I was not expecting to read a dark thriller steeped in hauntings and the pull of a small town to a young woman with true psychic powers. Finley is the granddaughter of Eloise Montgomery a renowned psychic. Finley has had apparitions surrounding her as long as she can remember. Raised by a mother who does not want to believe, when she is twenty, Finley moves to The Hollows, a small town in New York to live with her grandmother. There she meets a mother searching for her abducted daughter and she begins the hunt. What follows is a heart pounding search that may leave more than just the child missing. I really loved the plot of Ink and Bone. It was different and really kept me guessing. At times I got the sense that I was missing bits of the story and wondered if it was a series. I found that the grandmother has been featured in books before, but never Finley. Lisa Unger’s writing is vibrant and conveys a sense of dread and hope equally in a fantastic blend. The pacing was spot-on and kept speeding towards the end at a rapid pace. The world had a few tiny issues for me, but that is down to it having been created in previous books that I have not read (yet). Damn, the emotions were off the chart at times. Love, hate, fear, longing and pure terror all mixed to an almost perfect blend. I loved Finley and Eloise as the main characters. There was a kindof love interest mixed in that I didn’t think fit with the rest of the tone of the book, but that’s just me. Ink and Bone is just my kind of thriller. A touch of the supernatural, with a pulse pounding ending and a huge surprise at the very end. I can usually guess the “twist” end of a book, but not here and I loved that. While I could have done without the sort-of romance element thrown in, it did not make me dislike the read at all. I have not read anything by Lisa Unger before, but will be sure to snap up her others. I hope she continues to write Finley tales, as I am not done living in her world. Favorite lines – The trees were soldiers, towering above her, looking down in apathy. They’d seen so much, too much. They couldn’t help and wouldn’t even if they were able. Because the world turns, impassive, even as we all run wild, ripping the place and each other to pieces. We will destroy ourselves, and it will still turn at the same pace, and the seasons will come and go, not missing us at all. Biggest cliché – I’m a mother, I just know. Have you read Ink and Bone, or added it to your TBR? Reading this book contributed to these challenges: - 2016 New Release Challenge - Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge - The Goodreads Challenge
{ "date": "2019-07-17T23:17:09Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195525414.52/warc/CC-MAIN-20190717221901-20190718003901-00438.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9698527455329895, "token_count": 1131, "url": "https://125pages.com/ink-and-bone-lisa-unger/" }
- by Dave Jenniss - Music by Élise Boucher-DeGonzague - Directed by Pier Rodier a Vox Theatre (Ottawa) and Ondinnock (Montreal) co-production co-presented with Zones Théâtrales Remembering his mother each night before he sleeps, young Mokatek recounts his day to the brightest star in the sky, the North Star. But one night, under the full moon of the summer solstice, Mokatek realizes that the star has disappeared. So begins a journey that will test his courage and strength with every step. Along the way, Mokatek is guided by the spirits of sounds and animals that move him ever closer to his own origins and the land. Combining puppetry, songs and dance, Mokatek et l’étoile disparue will awaken you to the beauty and wealth of Indigenous languages. Recommended for children ages 2-6 and their families.
{ "date": "2019-07-16T23:22:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195524972.66/warc/CC-MAIN-20190716221441-20190717003441-00158.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9411762356758118, "token_count": 210, "url": "https://nac-cna.ca/en/event/22151" }
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WEIGHT: 48 kg Sex services: Fisting anal, Disabled Clients, Massage prostate, Humiliation (giving), Toys / Dildos A married man's best secret,. I'm offering high class sexy companionship for top class gentleman.. The judge is God!. Dispirited beauteous tugging for her position with an increment of wants this job Nuvid amateur teen Report. My little pussy waiting for a long cock! Well hung white professional seeks NSA fun. Please be 21 or older and white or light skinned woman. No pic, no reply, no exceptions. Let me spoil you. I am wants sex chat. I am looking for an open fun female to share drinks-food-movies-the Del Mar Race track-Bars and more. I am attracted to dark features in hair eyes and skin but I am open to all ethnic backgrounds. I am funny and I own my own home. If you want to enjoy fun times hit me up. Thanks for reading this.. Young Japanese cutie always has an itch between her legs and she manages to scratch it Nuvid Report. I want meet decent and normal men. Toggle navigation Girls from Denmark Live Webcams. I am seeking real sex dating. Petite girl wanted for sex in Vejle. Not registered users can see only 1 video from the profile! Ads Details Reviews 0 Location: About Claire A descent guy for me out there?. Search real sex dating. You must be logged in to post a review. I looking real sex. About me Are you game?
{ "date": "2020-09-19T18:24:50Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400192783.34/warc/CC-MAIN-20200919173334-20200919203334-00598.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8968738913536072, "token_count": 323, "url": "http://metos-bg.eu/anal-sex/sex-girl-in-vejle.php" }
Events from the nest: Our male Osprey has not been seen over the Loch for the last two days and there has been no addition to the suspected frustration nest. This ‘nest’ now looks quite substantial as the bird was very active with bringing in sticks over the previous two weeks. We can now be pretty sure that our female bird has left on migration, but there is still a chance of seeing male and juvenile birds from other areas as they prepare to leave their Scottish breeding grounds. Research has shown that some birds can still be around until late September and into October. The web camera that gave us such fantastic footage this season has now been taken off line from the Osprey nest and is now streaming live footage from the feeding station in front of the visitor centre viewing window. This footage will give viewers a taste of the other wildlife that frequents the surrounding countryside. At the feeders on a regular basis you will be able to see Red Squirrels, a variety of finches, tits and Great Spotted Woodpeckers. Roe Deer have also been known to come to root around after the centre has closed, so keep your eyes peeled and you may see something out of the ordinary. Other Wildlife at Loch of the Lowes: This week on the loch there were Great Crested Grebes, Cormorants, Grey Herons, Mute Swans, Canada Geese, Mallards, Tufted Ducks, Goosander, martins and Buzzards. From this list we have sighted at least five juvenile Great Crested Grebes, which is a welcome and significant increase to previous seasons on the loch. The Goosanders have also had a successful breeding season with a brood of seven young birds having been seen diving in unison on feeding patrols. At the feeding station there have been Pheasants, Great Spotted Woodpeckers, Robins, Blackbirds, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits, Treecreepers, Jays, Chaffinches, Greenfinches, Siskins and Red Squirrels. Conservation work and sightings on the Perthshire reserves: This week the team have been busy as ever with bracken and balsam control on the reserves. Our monthly guided walk was well attended this week and we were treated to the local diversity of plant and animal life such as Roe Deer, Treecreepers, Buzzards, Jays, a variety of fungi such as Fly Agaric and several types of polypores. Flowering plants included Lesser Burdock, Lesser Stichwort, Bird’s Foot Trefoil, Harebell, Foxglove and Devil’s Bit Scabious. The walk was enjoyed by all and we were lucky enough to have fine weather. At Lowes this week the team checked the resident bird boxes to ascertain if they had been in use this season, the results showed what appeared to be the remains of tit nesting material and feathers. The Goldeneye nest boxes were also checked which unfortunately showed no evidence of use, although the birds had been seen on the loch earlier in the season. Perthshire Reserves Conservation Team Help protect Scotland’s wildlife Our work to save Scotland’s wildlife is made possible thanks to the generosity of our members and supporters. Join today from just £3 a month to help protect the species you love. Events from the nest: Our male Osprey has not been seen over the Loch for the last two days and there has been no addition to the suspected frustration nest. …
{ "date": "2020-09-23T21:59:11Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400212959.12/warc/CC-MAIN-20200923211300-20200924001300-00798.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9745363593101501, "token_count": 741, "url": "https://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/2011/08/wildlife-blog-26th-august-2011/" }
Group Yurkash was the best among teams who were on X-Factor, the results of the voting “people’s award”, but the award was not invited, reports “RBC-Ukraine”. Yurkash performed on X-Factor in 2017 and then had huge success. The organizers of the show promised the musicians to shoot a music video, but this promise was not fulfilled until now. “We are not Hachiko, in order to wait for this, because back then everything was clear… But still have all flickered a little spark of hope that the words in our time have force,” the band wrote on his page in Facebook. “Uglublennim will spen show X-Factor visano YURCASH” News maєmo scho on vcherashnem direct APR show X Factor (The X Factor Ukraine) has agrosila results golosuvannya the “people’s prize”, in de nanaz “of Uglublenie collective show X-Factor” (for all of sezoni sovanna show) Peremogy visano rock-GURT “Yurcash / Yurcash”! Thank you people, that always golosuvali for them: then I at the same time! VSI mi DOS pam atama, Yak Rosicky I drive daruwala hloptsi, VSI pam atout ti records pregledi on YouTube. And has the grip on kshtalt: “Wow, that talanta us pid nose, okazuya! Assessments are given wagny!”. VSI mi pam atama, Yak fnal pid gucn ovac m obtai vjnet CLP! Wow! Prlly! I confett of salute!!! Ale the CCB 2017, and 2020… and soon KLP VSO same NT. Well, mi “Hatco”, abi tsogo wrno chekati, Bo Bulo clear all the above then… All one vsih girl little Iskra nad scho words in our hour of toil force. Everything was him have salicylas little t sirost, dokotilis to scho vzhe in Afri pocha Saraswati (NIN) “maskovsky” Chi “Rosicky”, buvshego our artscow-gastroler type max Barskih. And our nycrama, our Nasiri – the screen behind kulsi! Natha Saraswati?! Cups non peredayut not hand in hand, not on Afrah, Bo W soromno digitise in Ochi for Newtonian prislon obtenci. Ale je ray pasta, that placiti, the MOU spotlight! TSE PEOPLE) Against them papras! I TSE golosuvannya that neodnorodnoi proof! Tom, THANK you SHO VI -👏 Time – mi strength! 💪 ROCK IS NOT RAVT!🤘 Enter Cheste #scbedule !!! #Yurcash #Yurcash #Peramos #Lubliniecki Geplaatst door F. C. “Yurcash / Yurcash” op Zondag 15 december 2019 Also in the message the musicians suggested that they were not invited to the presentation of the national award because it was ashamed to look them in the eye after broken promises. Popular articles now The pastor arrogantly said about love as a spouse of a cancer patient Zavorotnyuk, photos Forecasters warned Ukrainians about the ferocious winter, the swings of nearly 40 degrees, a fresh forecast Ukrzaliznytsia has arranged the passengers in the survival game, “I would not die on this Galician Titanic” The main thing of the night: the bonus on subsidies, “landing” Poroshenko, fines for pedestrians and jail for an empty stomach We remind that recently it became known to them’i the first of the judges of the Ukrainian selection for the Eurovision song contest-2020. As reported by the portal Know.ia, the Ukrainian artist Andrey Danilko has decided that pleased his fans. The portal also Know.Eeyore wrote that the Ukrainian artist Andrey Danilko 23 Nov suddenly decided to leave “X-factor”. Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Bobr Times, Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my [email protected] 1-800-268-7116
{ "date": "2020-09-26T16:04:46Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400244231.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20200926134026-20200926164026-00798.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9035559296607971, "token_count": 1063, "url": "https://bobrtimes.com/on-the-x-factor-there-was-a-funny-confusion-with-the-peoples-award-shame-on-you/62270/" }
WELCOME TO THE INTERNATIONAL SWIMMING ACADEMY There's no safer hands to be in than our lifeguards, all of our swimming instructors have the latest credible and accepted qualifications, and they also have lifesaving certificates along with enhanced CRB disclosures recognised in the UK and Internationally. With over 13 years of experience in the swimming industry, we provide swimming lessons for students from as young as 2 months old. If you are looking for the answer to you or your families swimming struggles? Look no further! We are fully qualified to teach autistic, down syndrome children, babies as young as 2 months to fully grown adults thanks to our over 13 years of experience in different countries taking the best of the programs out there. We highly encourage parents to come along, meet other families and watch some lessons before committing to courses. It is important to understand the KICK-FLOAT-KICK methodology is different from other swimming programs as it focuses on floating first. Come and watch how fantastic our students swim and float confidently and independently. Meet Miguel, Co-Founder A former full-time lifeguard, competitive swimmer and a proffessional swimming teacher, unnaturally Miguel started to swim when he was only 6 years old. It was a distraction from a rare back and skin condition he suffered with from birth... At that time I was living in Madrid, Spain. My doctor advised my father to take me to the sea to bath and heal my skin. Every day my dad managed to keep in the cold sea by showing me all the sea horses and fish that hid under the sea weed. after many months, one day like a miracle my back and skin problem went away and I was left in love with water. Persuing his aquatic passion Miguel did almost every possible swimming qualification until he found the final piece of the puzzle in the USA when he learnt the only method where children learn from the age of 2 months how to be safe in the water. He believed this method may be the reason why USA takes all the medals at the Olympics. In 2012 Miguel moved to the UK and founded ISA with Silvia with a commitment to making the water a safer place for swimmers and making sure no student EVER gets left behind! “Safety is first, that’s why Kick-Float-Kick is so important to us." UNSURE? FILL IN THE CONTACT FORM AND WE'LL BE IN TOUCH! Meet Silvia, Co-Founder She has a passion for water sports, physical activities and of course swimming since she was 4 years old, and has always loved the water and slides. However it wasn't always that way... I remember my beginner swimming lessons being scary. We learnt in a big class. The instructor made us jump in at the deep end before we had properly learnt to float or swim. I remember those who struggled to learn were often left out of the fun activities. I don't think everyone even after many hours of lessons ever learnt how to confidently swim. Big swimming classes are not ideal for beginners. Unfortunately they are still very popular around Europe teaching outdated methods by which the instructor says "kick your legs like this" instead of adopting a hands on approach and giving the child the individual support they need. Since 2012 she has been working for some important swimming companies in London teaching all kind of lessons including Parent & Baby lessons that do not offer lessons that actually teach babies how to be independent and swim. In 2014 she joined Miguel to set up ISA and later in the USA to become qualified instructors of the Kick-Float-Kick method in the UK.
{ "date": "2020-09-25T13:45:13Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400226381.66/warc/CC-MAIN-20200925115553-20200925145553-00198.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9742806553840637, "token_count": 746, "url": "https://internationalswimmingacademy.com/about-us/" }
Despite a valiant attempt to hold off No. 6 Clarkson on Friday night, yet the Yale men’s hockey team fell 3–1 to the Golden Knights before tying St. Lawrence 2–2 on their Empire State road trip. The weekend commenced against a strong ECAC foe Clarkson (19–6–2, 12–3–0 ECAC Hockey), who ranks first in the league and sixth in the nation. However, the Bulldogs (9–11–1, 6–7–1), undeterred by the home team’s prowess or the memory of its November 4–1 victory over the Elis, gave a strong showing in the North Country. Forward Tyler Welsh ’21 put up the only goal for Yale late in the first frame. However, it was only in the dying embers of the third when the Knights capitalized on an empty net that Blue and White truly fell out of contention for the win. Against St. Lawrence (3–20–4, 1–13–1), the weakest ECAC link, the Bulldogs held a 2–1 lead early in the third, yet the Saints bounced, and the score finalized at two apiece. “Our game against Clarkson was overall a solid effort despite coming out on the losing end,” defenseman Michael Young ’23 said. “They are at the top of the ECAC right now as they are a strong, talented team, and we battled with them for the full 60 minutes. Against St. Lawrence on Saturday, we were facing a team that is better than their record shows … there were times when we were on our heels and times when we dictated the pace of play, too.” Though the Bulldogs eventually fell 3–1 to Clarkson, the Blue and White put up a dogged fight unrepresented by the final score. Just over 10 minutes passed before either side registered on the scoreboard. The Knights eventually struck first and Clarkson acquired a comfortable 2–0 lead on a series of power plays. Welsh proved to be the only Bulldog to crack Clarkson star goalie Frank Marotte less than a minute after the Knights’ second tally. Yale forced a turnover on the Clarkson blue line and forward Justin Pearson ’22 delivered the biscuit to Welsh — who shot between the pipes from the slot. After a scoreless second period, the Elis vied for an equalizer in the third. With under two minutes left, a tripping penalty on a Clarkson player and the removal of netminder Corbin Kaczperski ’20 set Yale up for a two-man advantage. Unfortunately for the visiting team, the Blue and White failed to capitalize, and the Knights found the open net with one second left in the game. The Golden Knights now lead the conference in points, just ahead of No. 1 Cornell. “I think the biggest thing for us this weekend was our commitment to team defense, which was really good,” defenseman Matthew Foley ’20 said. “We didn’t get the results we wanted, but that’s definitely something we’re going to build around going forward and should help us string together some wins.” The next day, the Blue and White took a 10-minute drive down U.S. Route 11 for its matchup against St. Lawrence. The game was a low-scoring battle defined by quick answers to opposing goals. It was the home team that kicked off the scoring first, with a Saint in the neutral zone dishing out a cross-ice assist to forward Keenan Suthers. Suthers one-timed it from the edge of the blue paint to give his squad a 1–0 lead. Five minutes later, it seemed that lady luck was in attendance for the Bulldogs in the newly renovated Appleton Arena. Pearson, stationed at the left hash on a man advantage, took a shot that the Saint’s goalie did an excellent job of getting a left pad on. Yet, the biscuit miraculously took an odd bounce, hit the post and trickled into the net past the unsuspecting goalie to equalize the game at one. Both defenses buckled down throughout the second period, with the Elis making key plays. St. Lawrence accumulated three power play opportunities during the middle frame, yet, somehow, Yale prevented the Saints from nearing the crease. In the opening minutes of the final period, it was another series of unfortunate events for the Saints netminder. After stopping back-to-back shot attempts from forward Luke Stevens ’20 and Young, forward Kevin O’Neil ’21 was in the right place at the right time to jam home the rebound from the edge of the blue paint to give his team a 2–1 advantage. Yet, in a game of answers, St. Lawrence fulfilled the narrative. Less than a minute after O’Neil’s goal, Suthers cleaned up a rebound from the post for his second goal of the night. With the score tied at two, Yale had a chance to break the tie in the waning seconds of the period with a power play. Nevertheless, St. Lawrence’s defense came up big in holding the Bulldogs shotless. In a closely competitive game, a new chapter was added — overtime. While the Elis outshot the Saints 4–1 in the extra frame and were gifted a man-advantage in the last 51 seconds, the puck did not hit the back of the net for Yale. The game finished in a tie for the season’s first time for the Bulldogs, who now move to 6–7–1 in conference play. “Although we wanted to come away with two points, picking up a point is valuable nonetheless,” Young said. “The past weekend highlights how much parity there is within the ECAC, as we faced the top team and the last-place team, and both games were hard fought battles.” The Bulldogs return to the Whale next weekend to compete against No. 18 Quinnipiac and Princeton. Jared Fel | [email protected] Margaret Hedeman | [email protected]
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The Women Who Are Clearing the Minefields in Sri Lanka Victory Monument stands close to the site of the ultimate battlefield of Sri Lanka’s civil war in Puthukkudiyiruppu. The monument was dedicated by then-Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who is now operating for president. Rajandran Barathamatha, fifty five, stands exterior a protest tent in Vavuniya, Sri Lanka covered with photographs https://asianbrides.org/sri-lankan-women/ of some of the tens of 1000’s of peoe who went missing in Sri Lanka’s 26-12 months civil war. Her son was amongst them. Ilagan Udaya Kumari (from left), 50, whose husband went lacking; Analaxmi Ariaratnam, 70, whose son disappeared; and Sangara Pilay Vanalogini, fifty three, whose son went missing. These ladies entail all of the attributes men desire and more, making the final word candidate for a perfect wife. With the introduction of on-line relationship, these mail order brides can now be contacted simply and talked to. Rarely do you ever find nicely behaved and mannered women on this twenty first century who preserve the dictates of tradition and faith in living a reserved and simple life. Now that Sri Lanka still has them in a lot, men should rush there while they nonetheless last. Mothers and other family members of some of the tens of thousands of people that disappeared in Sri Lanka’s 26-12 months civil war have been protesting in Vavuniya, Sri Lanka, to lift awareness of their plight. Female literacy rate in Sri Lanka is among the many highest on the earth. SLTC Launches Sri Lanka’s First School of Music in a Non-State University Under her management, Sri Lanka gained appreciable recognition on the international stage. At present, she a member of the Council of Women World Leaders, the Global Leadership Foundation and is a frequent panelist and member of the Clinton Global Initiative. Having served three terms as Prime Minister, she created what would ultimately be the Sri Lankan Ministry of Women and Child Affairs and also appointed the first woman to serve within the Sri Lankan Cabinet. She was a key player in decreasing tensions between India and China in 1962 and was identified for her capability to diplomatically balance East-West relations. Sri Lanka – Population, Female (% Of Total) Sri Lanka boasts of its fertility evidenced by the beautiful young and old girls who grace Sri Lankan streets, villages, and cities with their obtrusive magnificence. Shafi was detained after a Sinhalese-language every day published unsourced allegations that he had sterilised 4,000 women from the Buddhist-majority population. Communal tensions in Sri Lanka are at boiling level for the reason that Easter Sunday (Apr 21) suicide bombings by Islamist militants of church buildings and resorts, which left 258 useless and hundreds wounded. Such problems appear more severe in Sri Lanka than elsewhere, says Hema Bansal of Accion, a global non-profit organisation. Leasing and housing-finance corporations lend without assessing capacity to repay. Sri Lanka, Pakistan full routs Her husband, Ludes Nixon, was hit and lost his proper leg during the attack. After a year, they were able to transfer back to their village with their two youngsters. The cash they are able to send residence is usually spent by the point they return. Further, the societal picture of migrant female employees is low because of stories of misconduct by some women (0.7% cited being pregnant as their cause for returning). Other disadvantages embody a discount in their will to battle for emancipation and the stress of being away from their families for therefore long (the everyday contract is for 2 years). Despite these spectacular achievements in girls’ education and ladies’s health, Sri Lanka doesn’t carry out well in the global gender gap index, rating 79th out of 142 nations in 2014. This low ranking comes from its poor efficiency in the dimensions of economic participation and political empowerment. Population, feminine (% of whole) in Sri Lanka was reported at 51.ninety seven % in 2018, in accordance with the World Bank assortment of growth indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources. But it does even better on gender with a rank of seventy four for its Gender Inequality Index (GII). As time passes, many in Sri Lanka’s tourism industry are wanting forward to the tourists returning. “I couldn’t say no to my parents,” says Nilani as we talk at the Rosie May Foundation’s Sri Lanka workplace. A shut-knit household structure and the socio-cultural norms in Sri Lanka expect daughters to be obedient to their parents—even when it comes to their alternative of husband. Tourism in Sri Lanka took an enormous dip after the Easter Sunday bombings, but that hasn’t stopped these single mothers looking to the long run. III. SRI LANKA’S SOCIAL DIVERSITY “On top of that, I don’t seem like a stereotypical Sri Lankan woman. I’m not significantly feminine, I don’t put on makeup or jewelry, and I even have short, spiky hair.” A naturally non-public person, Jayanthi can also be undeniably feisty and eloquently exuberant. She brushes off such criticisms with a withering “I pricked your ego—sorry, dude, simply cope with it! Southern Province, Sri Lanka – Lochana is 10 years old. Every morning, he will get up and lights an incense stick, which he places in a 3-wheeled auto-rickshaw parked outside the family home in Sri Lanka’s coastal Southern Province. When Rajapaksa’s brother Mahinda was president, from 2005 to 2015, Beijing grew to become Sri Lanka’s largest lender. Infrastructure tasks constructed and financed by China began popping up throughout Sri Lanka, significantly within the Rajapaksas’ residence district of Hambantota, in the nation’s south. But when the Sri Lankan authorities was unable to repay debts to a Chinese state operator, it was pressured in 2017 at hand over control to Beijing of an enormous port in Hambantota, on a 99-yr lease.
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|“||You fool! I am your Senator!||„| |~ Corvus, to his people| Senator Quintas Attius Corvus is the main antagonist in the 2014 historical film Pompeii. He was a ruthless Roman senator who was hell-bent on killing Milo, marrying Cassia (against her will), and escaping from the apocalyptic disaster of Pompeii, the titular city, by any means necessary. He was portrayed by Kiefer Sutherland, who also portrayed David in The Lost Boys, John "Ace" Merrill in Stand By Me, Robert Doob in An Eye For An Eye, Bob Wolverton in Freeway, Freddie Lee Cobb in A Time To Kill, The Caller in Phone Booth and Bosco in Marmaduke. Corvus is a highly corrupt and ruthless senator in the employ of the Roman emperor Titus. He is first shown riding with a group of Romans and confronting a tribe of Celtic horsemen, unintentionally leaving behind a single survivor: a young boy named Milo. Corvus becomes involved with Cassia, the daughter of the ruler of Pompeii (named Severus), during her visit to Rome; however, this forces her to return to Pompeii early as she greatly resents Corvus' advances. Corvus later visits Severus in Pompeii and informs him that the emperor is not interested in investing in his plans to rebuild the city, but he himself will. Severus is warned however by Cassia that Rome is becoming a corrupt nation. Meanwhile, Milo, now a gladiator in Pompeii, helps to calm down Cassia's horse after a sudden earthquake startles it. Having already met Milo once before, she accompanies him on horseback out into the open but they are captured by Corvus' men. Corvus attempts to have Milo assassinated for kidnapping Cassia but she pleads for his life, claiming it was her own decision. Corvus spares Milo and has him repeatedly whipped instead. The senator is later seen at the Amphitheatre of Pompeii, where he prepares to punish Milo by ordering him killed during the first battle. While Milo battles his way through the oncoming hordes, Corvus blackmails Cassia into marrying him by threatening to expose her family's supposed treason against the emperor (the penalty for this being death). Following the battle, Milo emerges victorious and openly declares his disgust with the Romans by hurling a spear at Corvus, which misses. As Corvus is about to give the order to have Milo assassinated, Cassia immediately holds a "thumbs-up" in order for him to live; infuriated, Corvus has her taken away by his guards and locked in a villa. Shortly afterwards, there is a massive earthquake and Mount Vesuvius erupts, causing the amphitheater to crumble. Corvus is knocked out by falling debris, as are Cassia's parents. When Severus sees Corvus' body, he attempts to stab the senator but he immediately wakes up and kills him first. As Severus lays dying, Corvus flees into the city with the intention of escaping on a boat from the harbor, killing several citizens who are blocking his path in the process. Milo finds Cassia and frees her, but she is again captured by Corvus and taken onboard his chariot, as he plans to take her back to Rome with him to become his wife. As Milo approaches, Corvus sets his guards on him before riding off into the distance. Milo manages to defeat them all and chases after Corvus on horseback, both of them dodging huge fireballs and crumbling roads, until the senator' chariot finally crashes into the Temple of Apollo. Corvus is thrown to the ground and engages Milo in a vicious sword fight (during which Milo stabs him through the arm), before finally being handcuffed to a building by Cassia. Corvus furiously tells Milo that he has no right to oppose a man in his position, but Milo tells him how he killed his family and that his gods are coming to punish him. He and Cassia then escape from the collapsing city, leaving the terrified Corvus to beg for his life and to be incinerated by the pyroclastic surge that consumes Pompeii entirely. Senator Quintas Corvus was shown to have a highly selfish, aggressive, impatient and brutal personality. At first he was thought to be highly polite, sophisticated and authentic. But then he became much more unpleasant, perverse and repulsive. Corvus was authoritative, tyrannical and despotic individual. He had little tolerance towards people, even his own henchmen. Despite his elegant and sophisticated personality, Corvus was brutal, tyrannical, selfish and ruthless. Corvus disliked Milo and was very envious towards him — especially because Cassia was in love with Milo instead of Corvus.
{ "date": "2020-09-19T04:25:21Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400189928.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20200919013135-20200919043135-00598.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.983595073223114, "token_count": 1005, "url": "https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Senator_Quintas_Corvus?diff=prev&oldid=3063635" }
“Leg of toad, thorn of rose, turn your shoe into a hose!” Take turns making up silly rhyming spells in this talking-only game. Name three things that belong to a category while everyone else tries to guess the category you’re thinking of. Great for young kids. A father and daughter attempt to defend their flock of orphaned Canada Geese from idiotic burglars during the holidays… Have you seen that movie? No? Maybe because it’s a mash-up! Rock-paper-scissors is an easy, fast game that everyone probably already knows. But I like to be comprehensive, so here are some rock-paper-scissors instructions, including a video and a link to some interesting tips at how to win. This is a cooperative talking game from the band OK Go. For two players, where players try to name the same word at the same time. It’s easy and fast and can get funny. It’s a perfect game for filling up empty hours or killing time.
{ "date": "2020-09-21T18:18:46Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400202007.15/warc/CC-MAIN-20200921175057-20200921205057-00598.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9482278227806091, "token_count": 219, "url": "https://www.thegamegal.com/tag/car/" }
A furniture and interior design company that celebrates Norwegian design heritage. Founded by Annette Hoff, along with her partner Christoffer Kverneland and her sister Sunniva Hoff, Fram Oslo aims to make Norwegian design better known across the world. Every product made by the company is a love letter to Norway. Naturally, the brand’s name has a strong connection to the country. “Fram” refers to the world’s most famous polar ship, used between 1893 and 1912 by explorers Fridtjof Nansen and Roald Amundsen, the first man to reach the South Pole. The word “fram” also means “forward” in Norwegian and refers to a spirit of adventure and exploration. Here, it represents the company’s mission to bring Norwegian traditions and contemporary design into more homes around the world. Apart from working with established and young designers, Fram Oslo also introduces their designs to various international markets, providing support to designers and connecting them to producers. The brand uses sustainable manufacturing methods and local materials to make modern, functional items meant to last for generations. The Fram Oslo collections draw inspiration from Norwegian design principles and the country’s cultural heritage natural landscapes, and traditional craftsmanship. For the Bunad collection, the brand collaborated with designer Andreas Engesvik. The range of throw blankets and pillows pays homage to the traditional Norwegian folk costume, named “bunad.” Representing the costumes from various areas of Norway, the line recreates the specific colors of the folk costumes in pure new wool and contemporary patterns. Made by the Grinakervev weaving company, each blanket and pillow is crafted according to Norwegian design and weaving traditions. All of the products from the Bunad series feature a modern zigzag pattern. Bright colors, bold contrasts, or delicate neutral hues reproduce the traditional bunad colors from Oslo, Trøndelag, Nordland, or Bergen, to name a few. The fine, pure new wool yarns give the Bunad blankets and pillows a soft, delicate feel. All of the items in this collection are elegant and comfortable at the same time. They enhance both the style and the level of comfort of living spaces. The Norwegian Forest collection looks to the country’s woodlands for inspiration. Design duo Vera & Kyte have drawn inspiration from their own walks through forests to design the range. The towels feature bark or pine needle patterns. Their four colors represent the seasons and the way the natural landscapes change over the course of a year. Blue stands for winter, snow, and ice, while green represents the re-birth of spring. Yellow brings the brightness of the summer sun and a meadow’s vibrant flowers to mind, while red represents fall and the forest’s rusty hues. The Haldar collection celebrates yet another aspect of Norwegian design, culture, and tradition. The name is a play on Norwegian words that refer to the act of holding onto things. Designed by Andreas Bergsaker, the line references the classic towel holders. More specifically, it draws inspiration from the old towel holder that has remained in the designer’s family for generations. A common item in kitchens across the country, the traditional towel holder’s purpose was to hold a beautifully decorated towel, with the everyday towels kept hidden. In this range, the designer has simplified the form of the traditional object. Minimalist and practical at the same time, the Holder products have a flexible mounting system that allows installation at any angle, in various compositions. Made of solid oak, the line features versatile colors like black and light brown. All of the Fram Oslo collections are crafted in Norway, by companies with a long textile, weaving, or woodworking manufacturing traditions. Finally, Fram Oslo also continues the country’s long tradition of charitable work. The company donates 10% of profits to UNICEF programs. Discover the Fram Oslo Bunad collection in the Gessato Design Shop. Photographs© Fram Oslo.
{ "date": "2020-09-28T11:48:21Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600401600771.78/warc/CC-MAIN-20200928104328-20200928134328-00598.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9257993698120117, "token_count": 827, "url": "https://www.gessato.com/fram-oslo-finest-norwegian-design/" }
A year ago at this time, the baseball world was gearing up to see outfielder Bryce Harper and infielder Manny Machado reach free agency. They represented a pair of rare 26-year-old franchise players who were on the cusp of hitting the open market, and there was little doubt they’d end up with a couple of the richest contracts in the history of the sport. While the two wound up sitting on the market for longer than some may have expected, they ultimately did score the largest deals ever awarded in free agency before the offseason concluded. Harper left the Nationals for the Phillies’ 13-year, $330MM offer, while Machado waved goodbye to the Dodgers after a short stay in LA and signed with the Padres for 10 years and $300MM. It wasn’t surprising that Harper and Machado reeled in $300MM-plus guarantees last winter, whereas there’s little chance of a free agent approaching that figure this offseason. That’s not a knock on the absolute best players in the upcoming class, though, as Astros right-hander Gerrit Cole and Nationals third baseman/ex-Harper teammate Anthony Rendon do have cases to collect massive paydays. In fact, both players – a pair of Scott Boras clients – have strong arguments to reach or exceed $200MM in guarantees on their forthcoming contracts. Cole, who turned 29 last month, could not only win the AL Cy Young after putting up a 2.50 ERA/2.64 FIP with a ridiculous 326 strikeouts in 212 regular-season 1/3 innings, but the ace workhorse may also aid his cause with an epic playoff run. Cole looked to be setting himself up for a postseason in his start this past Saturday. He ran roughshod over the Rays in 7 2/3 scoreless innings, striking out 15 hitters, issuing one walk and allowing four hits during a 3-1 victory. Regardless of how the rest of the postseason goes for Cole, Boras will likely try to get his client a pact in the vicinity of the all-time record for a pitcher. That honor has belonged to Red Sox lefty David Price since December 2015, when he inked a seven-year, $217MM contract as a free agent. Nationals righty Max Scherzer, another Boras client, isn’t far behind on the seven-year, $210MM deal he scored via the open market the winter before Price landed his accord. Indications are that Rendon, who’s also 29, has already turned down money in the Price/Scherzer neighborhood in advance of his much-anticipated foray into free agency. Rendon spurned a seven-year, $210MM-$215MM offer (with deferrals) from Washington, perhaps in hopes of signing a contract that’s closer to the seven-year, $234MM extension Rockies third baseman Nolan Arenado received before this season. While Rendon, who finally earned his first All-Star nod this year, is neither as decorated nor as young as the four-time All-Star Arenado (28), there’s a legitimate case he’s the superior player. Dating back to 2017, which is admittedly an arbitrary cutoff point, Rendon ranks fourth among position players in fWAR (19.9; Arenado’s ninth with 17.4), trailing only MVP winners Mike Trout, Mookie Betts and Christian Yelich. And Rendon seems likely to garner serious consideration for this year’s NL MVP honors, having slashed a career-best .319/.412/.598 with personal highs in home runs (34) and fWAR (7.0) across 646 regular-season plate appearances. It may be a long shot, but we could see Cole and Rendon square off against one another if in the Fall Classic in the next few weeks. No matter how the season ends for their teams, though, which of the two stars do you expect to emerge from the winter with the bigger contract? (Poll link for app users)
{ "date": "2022-01-25T01:12:08Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304749.63/warc/CC-MAIN-20220125005757-20220125035757-00038.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9632754921913147, "token_count": 838, "url": "https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2019/10/cole-vs-rendon-who-will-sign-the-bigger-contract.html" }
The August issue of the popular news magazine, Town Hall, features an article about human trafficking and its infiltration into mainstream America, our upscale neighborhoods and college campuses, recruiting young people who are seemingly academically successful and from stable families. Columnist Elisabeth Meinecke reports, “Now anyone can be a target, even the person you least expect.” Included is the story of a Carnegie Hall violinist who was attending a private university on a scholarship, targeted by traffickers on her college campus, and is still ensnared by the coercion of the group of traffickers. She comes from a good faith-based family and is not the typical victim type, not necessarily a vulnerable target, other than perhaps naiveté and a lack of street smarts. Meinecke pulls the readers into the arduous work of Dottie Laster of Laster Global Consulting and the increase of cases coming to her from such families as described, mainstream America being hit harder by traffickers using a multitude of tactics. Laster explains the “Romeo pimp“ and how he/she is able to literally invade the thought processes of otherwise intelligent youth, usually girls, using standard seduction techniques until he has her thinking she is in a loving relationship. The article goes on to explain the steps the predators take in the psychological journey of a victim in the grooming process, such as creating trauma in the form of gang rape, then purposely consoling her to create a deeper bond, then isolation from everything she may know as normal, rewriting her own history. “The psychological component of this industry is powerful—so powerful, in fact, that it can lure a victim back into a sex trafficking situation even after she’s initially fled the perpetrator.” says Dottie Laster. The feature goes on to tell the story of another victim of trafficking through the grooming process, the way of life she experienced, and her ultimate escape and survival of years living a horrendous nightmare. Simple economics teaches us the theory of supply and demand, the same theory goes towards the fastest growing global crime, human trafficking, where the demand for it is exceeding the supply of young people to fulfill the fantasies of those who purchase them for sex. Unfortunately it’s usually the victims who are initially arrested on prostitution charges, and although most states now have stricter laws on the books concerning human trafficking charges, they are yet to be tested to the full extent successfully. The other side of the demand is the buyer, rarely identified, and rarely arrested and charged with illegal purchase of sex from minors. Meinecke’s Town Hall article offers some solutions and hope. (read article here: http://townhall.com/tipsheet/elisabethmeinecke/2013/07/20/human-trafficking-your-child-might-be-a-target-n1641321) Dottie Laster continues to reach out to universities and colleges to speak to students, faculty and parents on preventative measures that work to curb the hold traffickers are gaining on America’s campuses. Regrettably, many campus leaders don’t understand the scope of the problem, and in some cases are unwilling to respond to the growing crime not wanting to create fear among their students and families. Laster offers parents, co-eds and leaders appropriate guidelines to follow when preparing their children for their college years along with several preventative measures. She has been actively speaking to high school audiences over the last year with the hope that as the students move towards the independence of college life they will at least be aware of the issue and educated well enough to be better prepared if a situation should arise. Dottie Laster is a nationally recognized expert in the field of human trafficking. She has been trained by the Department of Justice to train law enforcement on human trafficking. She has been the architect and leader of human trafficking task forces and coalitions in many cities in Texas and California. In her career she has been directly and indirectly responsible for the rescue and service of over 200 victims of trafficking in the United States. She is credentialed to practice immigration law through the Bernado Kohler Center. Dottie Laster is available to give presentations to all grade levels and classes, as well as law enforcement and government agencies, organizations, churches and community groups. For detailed information please contact ImaginePublicity Tel: 843-808-0859 Email: [email protected] Town Hall Magazine Features Dottie Laster: Human Trafficking on Your Campus
{ "date": "2022-01-18T02:22:27Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320300658.84/warc/CC-MAIN-20220118002226-20220118032226-00638.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9465925097465515, "token_count": 941, "url": "https://imaginepublicity.com/2013/08/01/town-hall-magazine-features-dottie-laster-human-trafficking-on-your-campus/" }
Frank J. Guarini ’46, a former New Jersey congressman and U.S. representative to the United Nations, has committed $10 million to support Dartmouth’s off-campus and foreign study programs—adding to an earlier commitment of $10 million for a total endowment commitment of $20 million to Dartmouth. Guarini’s philanthropy will create new opportunities for students to study in countries around the world, learn from people across many cultures, and expand their expertise in language, diplomacy, and global issues across the spectrum of arts and sciences. “I hope this increased endowment will inspire more students to travel abroad,” says Guarini. “There is no better way to promote peace in our world than for young people to immerse themselves in different cultures, getting to know new people and expanding their worldview firsthand.” Dartmouth ranks first among Ivy League institutions for study abroad participation, with 55 percent of Dartmouth undergraduates engaging in more than 40 off-campus learning opportunities in 29 countries. “Frank Guarini has committed his life to public service, in our country and abroad, and has long been an advocate for better international understanding,” says President Phil Hanlon ’77. “I’m thrilled that this new gift to Dartmouth will advance that cause for generations to come and build on our commitment to providing students and faculty, alike, with opportunities to work across cultures and across disciplines, gaining new perspectives and valuable leadership skills through hands-on teaching and learning.” Guarini received a Naval Commendation Medal and three Battle Stars for his naval service during World War II. He earned his JD and LLM at New York University School of Law, and studied at The Hague Academy of International Law. He went on to serve in the New Jersey State Senate for two terms and served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for seven. In 1979, he was a member of the first trade mission that met with Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping and helped develop a broader world trade policy for China. He served as a delegate to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in London, and he was appointed by President Clinton to serve as U.S. representative to the General Assembly of the United Nations. The alumnus served as president and chair of the National Italian American Foundation, was chair of the board of regents and trustee of St. Peter’s University, in New Jersey, and chairs the board of trustees of John Cabot University, in Rome. He received Italy’s highest decoration, the Knight of the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, bestowed on him by President Giorgio Napolitano. In 2013, Guarini made an initial commitment of $10 million to endow the Frank J. Guarini Institute for International Education, encompassing Dartmouth’s Off-Campus Programs office, which strengthened programs in Europe and helped develop new ones in Africa, eastern Asia, and Central and South America. The initial commitment also endowed an associate deanship in international and interdisciplinary studies, a position devoted to the creation of a global, interdisciplinary learning environment on and off campus. The institute offers more than 40 off-campus venues through Dartmouth Language Study Abroad (LSA), Dartmouth Foreign Study Programs (FSP), and Dartmouth Exchange Programs. More than 600 undergraduates participate in one of the programs each academic year in language study, government, economics, the sciences, history, and classics. The new commitment will allow Dartmouth to build upon its leadership in foreign study by creating more learning opportunities in the developing world, and for the integration of course study and experiential learning where students learn to collaborate around global challenges in foreign environments. It will allow Dartmouth to develop new experimental international programs that meet the needs of students and faculty—interdisciplinary studies in anthropology and environmental science in Africa, for example, or classics and computer science in Europe. The gift will support flexible, shorter international programs designed for students with heavier time commitments, such as athletes and premed students. These will include on-campus courses with a foreign study component—for example, a course in Chinese economic policy with two weeks in Beijing exploring a specific economic problem. In addition, the commitment will be used to create opportunities for students in areas not yet reached by the institute in Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, and Central America. Dartmouth has 14 language study abroad programs—nine of them advanced—covering Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, French, Italian, German, and Spanish. With the new commitment, Dartmouth will continue to enhance these programs.Students in a Spanish Language Study Abroad program get a private tour of the permanent collection in the Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00) “Foreign study and off-campus programs are a shining light at Dartmouth,” says N. Bruce Duthu, the Frank J. Guarini Associate Dean for International Studies and Interdisciplinary Programs. “It is incredible to see students transformed by their off-campus cultural experience and sharing new knowledge back at Dartmouth with their peers. Enhancing the Guarini Institute will give more students opportunities to learn across cultures, engage in deeper dialogue with one another, and gain new perspectives on a range of issues confronting our society and the world.” Dartmouth has long been at the forefront of global education dating back to the era of President John Sloan Dickey and his creation of the Great Issues course in 1947, designed to introduce students to issues of international consequence. Dickey also established the Northern Studies program focused on polar research, and oversaw the opening of the William Jewett Tucker Foundation in 1951, whose volunteer programs include outreach to underserved communities in the U.S. and Latin America. Foreign study began at Dartmouth in 1958 when two students enrolled for a year at the University of Madrid under the direction of Professor of Romance Languages and Literature Robert Russell. In 1967, John Rassias, the William R. Kenan Professor of French and Italian, introduced the LSA program with a session in Bourges, France. In 1982, Dartmouth established the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, which oversees a variety of global programs, foreign study internships, and fellowships, providing students with comprehensive training in global issues. The Dartmouth D-Plan is well suited for off-campus and international programs, giving students a rich array of choices four terms a year. Individual faculty design and lead the programs onsite, often serving as mentors to their students. Students travel as a group and live with local families, some of whom have hosted Dartmouth students for generations. Dartmouth is just one of a few institutions in the U.S. to design programs in this independent manner, with no outsourcing. “There is no greater champion of the distinct advantages of a Dartmouth education than Frank Guarini,” says President Hanlon. “As we look to prepare students to lead and thrive on a diverse, global stage, his recent gift will help strengthen and secure Dartmouth’s place as a beacon of cultural learning.”
{ "date": "2022-01-25T04:47:32Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304760.30/warc/CC-MAIN-20220125035839-20220125065839-00318.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9505956768989563, "token_count": 1472, "url": "https://home.dartmouth.edu/news/2017/03/10-million-gift-expand-foreign-study-opportunities" }
The Battle of the Book Cover: U.K. versus U.S. Who will win? Jacket covers are essential—the first line of attack to visually persuade you into purchasing a book, whether through a vibrant, pop-out typeface or a artfully draw illustration you can’t help but notice. Don’t think designing a cover is an easy decision, though. There are a lot of components that affect the process, and the considerations differ country by country. One thing to agree on: these choices make for beautiful books. (Well, when done right.) We put together a poll on our Instagram of U.K. versus U.S. book covers and here are the results. (We’ve offered justifications, but the votes were all yours!) The left are book covers from our over-the-pond friends, while book covers from the good ol’ U.S. of A are situated on the right. This is a battle where there are no losers: only resigned, yet happy, people with another 20 books to add to the pile. The Other Americans by Laila Lalami With a bird’s-eye view of almost identical houses in the suburbs, this U.K. cover alludes to the story of The Other Americans: people brought together through the death of a Moroccan immigrant killed at an intersection. The billowing gold strands of the U.S. version may be beautiful, but ultimately it’s too abstract and doesn’t tell us anything about the book. Memories of the Future by Siri Hustvedt This novel is a work of autofiction about a Midwestern woman obsessed with her New York neighbor. The cover on the right might have more detail and flare (loving the feathered head-dress!), but this is a novel about the self, and I think the self is honest and bare. Let the body fly free, y’all. #FreeTheNipple (and the pubes). Heads of the Colored People by Nafissa Thompson-Spires The cover on the left is beautiful, bold, and unapologetically colorful for this short story collection about blackness and middle-class America. This is not to say the right-side simplicity isn’t wonderful in its own way, but the U.K. has knocked it out of the park. (Pardon the American expression.) Gingerbread by Helen Oyeyemi Helen Oyeyemi’s modern-day fairytale retelling of Hansel and Gretel is evocative and strange. While I love the emblematic lost-in-the-misted-woods illustration, I’ve seen it before. The American cover wins with its bright yellow font and a striking illustration of a raven holding a branch of orange and in our book, millennial pink always wins. House of Stone by Novuyo Rosa Tshuma This debut about a teenage boy’s disappearance in Zimbabwe is so stunning that I would be happy with any cover. If I had to choose, though? There is no question. The U.K. cover on the left looks like a photo hanging in an art gallery and the bright multi-colored typography has my complete attention. Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot Terese Mailhot’s memoir speaks poetic on growing up on the Seabird Island Indian Reservation and being diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Bipolar II Disorder. While both images are stunning, there is something vulnerable about the hand-drawn quality of strawberries found in the dark. The River by Peter Heller Bold typography weaved with a psychedelic blue, red and white print? The U.S. version is as striking as the story it contains, about two college students who canoe down the Maskwa River before meeting a man in the midst of a wildfire. The British cover, on the other hand, looks like a cheap thriller sold in airports (right down to the cheesy tagline). The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai A finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, this novel brings us Yale Tishman, a gay man in Chicago during the AIDS epidemic, and his friend’s sister Fiona, who is looking for her daughter in Paris 30 years later. If you’ve bought the U.S. copy already, you chose correctly. The pink and yellow looks stellar on the bookshelf. (I can attest.) The British cover conveys a lot of emotion with the image of two men embracing, but looks too much like a magazine cover. Bowlaway by Elizabeth McCracken Beginning with Bertha Truitt, a mysterious woman found in a cemetery, Bowlaway features three generations of a family that owns a New England bowling alley. For a novel as curious as this, the U.S. cover is a touch too cute. The U.K. wins with its nostalgic neon signboard. The Overstory by Richard Powers A Pulitzer prize winner, this novel is a must-read, especially with such a rich, concentric cover from the U.S. that centers us deeper into the forest. This book interconnects the lives of people brought together by communicating trees to save one last, untouched landscape. The British cover, with the rainbow tree layers all screaming for your attention, gave us less of a sense of the book—and more of a headache. The Confessions of Frannie Langton by Sara Collins The embroidery on the left image is incredibly appealing. Its gilded thread and menacing imagery have my vote for this book about a former slave accused of murdering her employer. For a novel where Frannie Langton voices truth and condemns English society, do we need another picture of a headless woman? An American Marriage by Tayari Jones An American Marriage portrays newlyweds Celestial and Roy after Roy is arrested on a fraudulent charge. Their relationship is shaken further when Celestial takes solace in their friend, but when Roy’s conviction is overturned, what will happen? The U.K. cover is as gripping as the novel, revealing both sides of a shaken marriage through the letters they write to each other. Lost Children Archive by Valeria Luiselli Lost Children Archive winds down the Southwest as a family drives to Apacheria, the homeland of the Apaches, while hearing about the immigration crisis on the radio. Each cover filter glimpses of this compelling story, windowing an old photo of two children through orange and grey hues. The solution: buy both. We, the Survivors by Tash Aw These covers may be tonally different, but the U.K. version is just too remarkable to ignore, especially for a book like this. We, the Survivors opens to a Malaysian fishing town, where Ah Hock, an ordinary man in an unforgiving world, is lead to murder a Bangladeshi migrant worker. The choice is hard, but whichever jacket you like more, I’m the last to judge. Ghost Wall by Sarah Moss The green skull looks like a mouthless imprint that receives the reader in a story where Silvie and her family live like ancient Britons. After they join an anthropology course, Silvie confronts what life could be, while the class builds a ghost wall, a barricade with skulls to ward against enemies. It’s a haunting tale, and it needs an image to match. The winner is clear. Late in the Day by Tessa Hadley It was no surprise to us that the U.S. version was the winner. The cover is arresting with the Renaissance painting of an angel cleverly hidden in typography. This novel, about two couples whose relationships devolve when someone dies among them, deserves a cover as vivid as its story. The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo The Night Tiger is about a young boy’s mission to find his dying master’s finger, a woman’s secret world as a dancehall girl, and men who transform as tigers in 1930s British Malaya. The British cover is playful and whimsical with its abstract cutouts. The American version, on the other hand, looks like a very stereotypical cover of books written by Asian women with the back of a (yet another faceless) woman dressed in what looks like a cheongsam with her hair in a bun. The Parisian by Isabella Hammad Though the U.S. cover is eye-catching with its sharp lines, bright yellow background, and period figure of man in a suite and cane, the British cover, with its stamps pinned into a floral wallpaper, evokes this novel’s long journey. From France during WWI through British-occupied Palestine, a young man discovers what it means to fight for independence. City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert While the right side has the lovely dark teal background and flittering pink, the left side is playful and seductive with the line drawing of a woman, her face coyly hidden. This 1940s NYC love story is about nineteen-year-old Vivian Morris and the Lily Playhouse theater, where she finds freedom in her female self. What better way to show that than come-hither eyes shrouded in a feather boa? Sea Monsters by Chloe Aridjis Sea Monsters tells the story of two teenagers in Mexico City who don’t know each other but run away together to look for escaped circus dwarfs along a beach town. These covers are oceanic treasures—as captivating as the story they encase.
{ "date": "2022-01-19T16:09:28Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320301475.82/warc/CC-MAIN-20220119155216-20220119185216-00278.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9473273158073425, "token_count": 2066, "url": "https://electricliterature.com/the-battle-of-the-book-cover-u-k-versus-u-s/" }
Even though we’re all in the Thanksgiving mood here at the Hill House (oh so patiently waiting for Sweet Potato Casserole), I have the next set of Tracing Worksheets for Preschool. This time they are Winter themed! We don’t usually see super cold days for a good stretch until January, but I’ve got these printed and all ready to roll for my 2 3/4 year old Bub. My sweet boy loved the Fall Tracing Worksheets, and I have no doubt he will love the change of pictures on the Winter set. While he does often pick up a crayon or pencil (or Sharpie 🙄), we mostly used these as finger tracing pages during our small snippets of school time throughout our morning. I place them in a page protector, and we go over finger tracing the lines together. I also am careful to make sure he does the finger tracing with the letters so he can start learning how to properly make letters. No writing C’s starting at the bottom! Winter Tracing Worksheets for Preschool → I’ve included a free 2-page sampler of the packet at the bottom of the post. You will find 2 of the colored pages for your little one to trace and practice! Each page includes fun winter themed pictures with a connecting tracing line. I also included a capital and lowercase letter of the beginning sound of each picture. A note about the word ‘skate’: Yes, I agree that the word skate technically starts with a consonant blend, however, to keep this more simple for the preschool crowd, I only included the letter S. There are 20 pages included in this Winter Tracing Packet: — 5 colored pages of Portrait orientation — 5 black and white pages of Portrait orientation — 5 colored pages of Landscape orientation — 5 black and white pages of Landscape orientation ** This set of tracing worksheets would complement the Letter Formation Cards beautifully! All Access Pass members can download this entire 20-page packet in the All Access Pass area. Using Winter Tracing Worksheets There are many different ways you can use these winter tracing worksheets with your young learners. Aside from the obvious of using a pencil and tracing the lines, here are a couple of ideas to get you started, whether you’re in a homeschool or classroom setting: - Use these pages in your small groups – everyone completes a page at the same time and then shares their page with others - Set up a winter center and use these tracing pages as the main item – decorate each station with the item in the picture (You can often find small erasers to match at the Dollar Spot at Target!) - Place these worksheets in page protectors in a 3-ring notebook. Your child can reuse these over and over with a dry erase marker. - Forget the pencil for awhile! Use glitter glue, markers, Twistables, colored pencils, crayons, or any other writing implement other than a pencil to complete the tracing. Makes for a nice change of pace! - Use these worksheets as I will do with my 2 1/2 year old – place them in page protectors and practice “drawing” on the lines with a finger. You could also have your child trace the lines with a Q-tip, or a small block or pom pom to improve dexterity. How will you use these tracing worksheets with your young ones? I’d love to hear in the comments! You can purchase the entire Winter Tracing Worksheets packet here: This winter tracing worksheets set is part of a larger package that includes all 4 seasons at a 20% discount:
{ "date": "2022-01-22T12:10:47Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320303845.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20220122103819-20220122133819-00438.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9101133346557617, "token_count": 789, "url": "https://www.mamaslearningcorner.com/winter-tracing-worksheets-for-preschool/" }
Dreamtime Presentation launches at Coffs Harbour Dolphin Marine Conservation Park Coffs Coast Coffs Coast News by News Of The Area - Modern Media - December 16, 2021 Troy Robinson from the Bularri Muurlay Nyanggan Aboriginal Corporation, Clark Webb from Wajaana Yaam Gumbaynggirr Adventure Tours and the Wajaarr Ngaarlu Dancers in front of the First Nations-painted dolphin at Coffs’ Dolphin Marine Conservation Park. A NEW Dreamtime Presentation was launched at Coffs Harbour Dolphin Marine Conservation Park to an invited local audience. The Dolphin Origin Dreamtime story is narrated by local Gumbaynggirr man, Troy Robinson. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – [email protected] Troy, from the Bularri Muurlay Nyanggan Aboriginal Corporation (BMNAC), officially opened the program with a dedicated smoking ceremony. Guests then enjoyed some First Nations culture up close with live performances by the Wajaarr Ngaarlu Dancers featuring Clark Webb from Wajaana Yaam Gumbaynggirr Adventure Tours. Park Life Sciences Manager Tiga Cross spent many hours revamping the presentation with her passionate team and recording the commentary with the support of local Youth Radio Station CHYFM. “It was a wonderful experience collaborating with Angie from CHYFM and Troy from BMNAC to record the new Dreamtime story, including authentic music and sound effects,” said Tiga. A fascinating and charming part of the Dreamtime story read by Troy, tells how three young boys were transformed into dolphins – known as Yuugirr. The boys stayed out too late playing in the ocean – Gaagal and didn’t come home when their elders called them. The elders realised what had happened when they saw three dolphins slapping the water with their tails. The local Gumbaynggirr people hit the water, in the same way, to attract and herd mullet – Buluungul – to feed their mob. Park Managing Director Terry Goodall thanked all the companies, visitors, volunteers and supporters who have contributed to Dolphin Marine Conservation Park. “Like many organisations, the last couple of years have been incredibly challenging,” said Terry. “Without support from the government, we could not have continued our critical marine animal rescue and rehabilitation work, or continued to maintain the animals in our care.” Terry urged Coffs Coast locals to revisit the park and bring their family and friends this summer. “If people haven’t visited in a while, they’ll be amazed how much has been improved. “We hope they’ll value our strengthened focus on marine animal conservation and education.” Park Annual Pass Holder, Tania, said, “It was such a great event, and everyone there would have thoroughly enjoyed it. “(I) really appreciate the work of all the trainers and staff for putting so much into it. “(I) shall be returning again very soon and again so proud to be part of today.” “We hope that by sharing our beautiful animals with visitors, they’ll be inspired to look after our marine environments for future generations,” said Terry. “It’s important to stress that all income supports the vital work of our charitable foundation, Dolphin Marine Rescue in the rescue, rehabilitation and release of sick and injured marine wildlife along the Coffs Coast.” You can find out more about the park’s school holiday program here https://dolphinmarineconservation.com.au/tickets/daily-tickets/. By Andrea FERRARI The Wajaarr Ngaarlu Dancers set the scene for the Dreamtime Presentation launch. Dolphin Marine Conservation Park Team Member Meg with Miri, Australian Sea Lion and Tiga Cross, Park Life Sciences Manager with Bella, Zippy and Jet. Park Managing Director Terry Goodall. Troy Robinson performs the Dreamtime Smoking Ceremony.
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After discovering the crazy and liberating world of EDM at EDC Vegas last year, I was alarmed to learn that someone died at that festival and many more ended up in critical condition. A quick Google search for “people dying at music festivals” yielded more reports that made EDC look tame. Many festivals have been home to multiple deaths, typically resulting from drug overdoses combined with the crowded, hot, high-energy environments these events foster. Yet few of the articles I read offered any advice beyond the usual “don’t do drugs, kids!” and the festivals didn’t provide any information either. The website for Time Warp, one of Germany’s biggest EDM festivals, includes no guidance regarding drug use other than, “Say no to drugs. Please stay away from drugs. We want to have a ‘clean’ party!” — a warning more fitting for a middle school DARE class than adults attending an event that runs from 7:30 p.m. on a Saturday to 2 p.m. on a Sunday. The “health and wellness” page for Insomniac, the tour promoter behind dozens of EDM events including EDC, reads, “Insomniac institutes a zero-tolerance drug policy at all of its events — end of story.” But the reality is, that’s not the end of the story. One in 25 Americans ages 18-25 has used MDMA over the past year, according to the Drug Policy Alliance, and that number is likely far higher among ravers. A March 2015 DrugAbuse.com study found that over 25,605 Instagram posts about 15 popular music festivals mentioned MDMA, 9,705 mentioned weed, and 4,779 mentioned cocaine. In total, over 40,000 posts about EDC alone mentioned drugs. Festivals are starting to recognize this: Last year, the Secret Garden Party in Cambridgeshire, England became the first to offer on-site drug testing. And on Friday, March 31, DanceSafe—an organization that promotes safer raving—held the world’s first International Day of Drug Checking to teach people how to reduce the risks of party drugs. This is especially important amid several recent reports of young women dying after taking ecstasy, coke, and ketamine. To learn how to be as safe and healthy as possible at music festivals, whether we’re high or sober, I got in touch with DanceSafe’s Director of Programs Kristin Karas. Here are some tips she gave for taking care of yourself and those around you. 1. Test your drugs Many drug-related deaths result from unknown substances mixed in. To make sure you’re getting what you asked for, consider investing in a home reagent kit. These won’t tell you your drugs’ purity, but they will reveal what’s in there. 2. Control your doses When you’re high, everything can seem like a good idea, including getting higher. To avoid this spiral, research how much of your chosen drug you should take in advance, and pledge not to exceed it. If you don’t know exactly how much you’re getting (which you usually don’t), take less than you would otherwise. And if you’re not feeling the effects you’d like as soon as you expected, wait it out. People often make this mistake with weed edibles, says Karas, which can take up to two hours to kick in. In the case of MDMA, RollSafe recommends never exceeding 125 mg at a time, and that’s an absolute maximum. For women or newbies, that number’s going to be lower. RollingPro recommends 60-90 mg at most for smaller or more sensitive people. For reference, the average ecstasy pill has 75-100 mg, and many find that half a pill is plenty. If you’re not sure how much you’ll need to see an effect, start off with a small amount, see how you’re feeling an hour later, and take more if needed (but question your initial impulse, which will probably be to take it). And avoid taking more than one drug at a time. Between the sun and the dancing, music festivals can leave you parched even without drugs. Add in MDMA, and you’ll end up dehydrated while losing the sensation of thirst. A lot of festivals have hydrating stations, so bring a water bottle and fill it up regularly. But water alone isn’t enough. Since you’re also losing salt and retaining more water than you normally would, balance your electrolytes with sports drinks, juice, or snacks to avoid hyponatraemia (dangerously low blood sodium levels) or cerebral edema (swelling of the brain cells). Remember: just because you’re high doesn’t mean you don’t need to eat or drink. 4. Take breaks 5. Wear earplugs Another health risk people don’t always talk about is hearing damage, says Karas. Some festivals have such loud noise levels, they can do their damage in just a few seconds, according to DanceSafe. A study last year found that festival-goers who wore earplugs were able to hear better after the event than those who went without, so stash a pair in your bag to safeguard your ears, and try to stay away from speakers. 6. Be aware of your surroundings Additional potential causes of deaths and injuries at music festivals include getting hit by cars, getting crushed in crowds, and other accidents you can help prevent through vigilance. Stick with a friend or group so you can look out for one another, especially if you’ll be high. 7. Learn what resources are on the festival grounds Some festivals have peer security teams and sanctuaries to help people experiencing medical problems. Consult your festival brochure, map, or website beforehand to figure out what to do in the case of an emergency. 8. Get help if you don’t feel good Take any physical discomfort or incapacitation you start to feel during the festival seriously. “Signs that something is wrong and you should seek medical attention include difficulty breathing, seizure, loss of consciousness, rapidly increasing body temperature, rapid or irregular heartbeat, signs of head injury, confusion, chest or abdominal pain, fainting, and signs of severe dehydration or heatstroke,” says Karas. “Signs of heatstroke include altered states of behavior, lack of sweating in a hot environment, nausea, vomiting, and headache.” If you experience any of these and can’t get to the festival’s sanctuary right away, call 911. Don’t try to save your ass — tell them if you’ve taken anything. After you recover, you’ll want to avoid partying hard or getting too much heat for the next few months. 9. Look out for those around you Part of the magic of music festivals is that for that day or weekend, you’re a family. And that means looking out for one another. If you notice any signs of heatstroke in a fellow attendee, call an ambulance or the festival’s medical team, take them somewhere as cool as possible — even if it means leaving the festival grounds — pour water over them, fan them, give them dry clothes or a blanket, and give them a sports drink or water mixed with salt. Let the medical professionals know what they’ve ingested, and make sure they get to the hospital. During EDC last year, a cute guy I spontaneously made out with offered me his water bottle. Though I hadn’t felt thirsty, I suddenly found myself guzzling it like there was no tomorrow. Then, he put his hands on my shoulders and said with an entertained but concerned look in his eyes, “Stay hydrated.” At the time, I didn’t understand what he meant. Now, I do. I even carry my own water bottle to events – and offer it to anyone who lacks the information I have now.
{ "date": "2022-01-18T18:54:04Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320300997.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20220118182855-20220118212855-00318.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.948318600654602, "token_count": 1705, "url": "https://www.audiofemme.com/festival-safety-guide/" }
Is Julianacandy MMA Club The Hottest Adult Dating Site On The Net? Julianacandy is a very popular dating site for young women. It is free to join and many users state that it is one of the best sites for meeting like minded women. The site is very user friendly and includes forums, message boards and photo galleries. There are also many live webcam sessions available for all members. Users can chat freely with other members and often make new friends in the process. Many young women enjoy the fact that there is a great support system available from this site. When joining the site, members are encouraged to join as many groups as possible. This is because many members of the site are women looking for companionship with other women. Members often discuss various topics such as makeup, fashion and movies. They discuss their opinions on current affairs, politics, religion, and world events. Most members are active on blogs and social networking pages. These are used to attract others to join the forum. Many have become very popular worldwide. The primary appeal of Julianacandy MFC is the ability to use the chat rooms. These are intended for mature adults only and include adult, specific conversations. These chats are separated into different categories such as love, sex, romance and adult chat rooms. These have become very popular with the many members that regularly use them. Many people view adult dating sites as nothing more than places for perverted adults to look for fun. However, Julianacandy MFC has proven to many that adult memberships are not all about sex. Plenty of mature members find companionship in common by common interests in the areas of gardening, weight loss and the internet. Chat rooms that allow adult members also allow them to socialize with each other in a relaxed environment. It is understandable that some may be concerned about having their information appear on the internet. There is always the possibility that someone may try to use your personal details in an attempt to contact you. This would not have happened with Julianacandy MFC, because all members are reviewed before being accepted. This means that anyone who is a member of Julianacandy MFC is required to undergo a background check. Many people feel more comfortable going onto a dating site rather than joining a dating community because they feel more confident. There are many advantages to having access to online dating, however. The main advantage is that you can now meet more people. You also get a greater choice of partners and get involved in a large number of activities. For some, this can bring about a sense of enjoyment and others appreciate the chance to meet a wide variety of people. There is no doubt that there has never been a better time to join a dating website. Online dating allows you to start off on the right foot and you will soon start to build up a good profile. However, you need to be sure that you use good judgment when joining a dating site. It is not worth wasting your time if it leads to trouble down the line.
{ "date": "2022-01-24T11:14:35Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304528.78/warc/CC-MAIN-20220124094120-20220124124120-00638.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9762716293334961, "token_count": 610, "url": "https://pornskill.com/tag/julianacandy-mfc/" }
Conium (U. S. P.)—Conium. "The full grown fruit of Conium maculatum, Linné," "gathered while yet green"—(U. S. P.) (Cicuta maculata, Lamarck). The leaves are official in the British Pharmacopoeia. COMMON NAMES: Hemlock, Poison hemlock, Spotted hemlock, Poison parsley. ILLUSTRATION: Bentley and Trimen, Med. Plants, 118. Botanical Source.—Poison hemlock has a biennial, fusiform, whitish, fleshy root. Its stem is from 3 to 5 feet high, erect, round, hollow, glaucous, polished, and copiously spotted and dotted with dull purple. The leaves are tripinnate; the lower ones very large, several times pinnate, and bright-green, on long, sheathing foot stalks. The leaflets are ovate, lanceolate, pinnatifid, lower lobes incised. The flowers are numerous, small, white, all fertile, outermost very slightly irregular, and are arranged in erect, terminal, compound, many-rayed, smooth umbels. The general involucre is ovate, cuspidate, with membranous edges, consisting of from 3 to 7 lanceolate, reflected bracts, with whitish edges; the partial involucre of 3 or 4 oval, pointed, spreading bracts, with the inner side wanting. The petals are obcordate, with acute, inflected points, and 5 in number. The fruit is about a line and a half, or rather less in length, by a line in breadth; roundish-ovate, compressed, of a pale-green color; the primary ridges are elevated, sharp and undulated; the commissures and channels finely wrinkled. The whole plant exhales a disagreeable, virose odor, more especially when bruised (L.—W.). History.—Hemlock inhabits Europe and Asia, and has been introduced in many parts of this country. It flowers from May to August. The leaves and seeds are the parts used. The leaves are best when collected during the flowering seasons of the herb; they should be speedily dried by a gentle heat, not over 47.7° C. (118° F.), and placed in closely covered vessels, to preserve them as much as possible from the influence of the atmosphere and light. If properly dried, the leaves should have a fine green color, with a disagreeable odor, less powerful than in the fresh plant, and a peculiar, nauseous, saline, and somewhat acrid taste. The fruit, or seeds, should be gathered shortly previous to ripening. Both the leaves and seed yield their virtues to alcohol or ether. The aqueous extract is uncertain; the alcoholic extract is the best, but even this becomes destitute of coniine in a few years (M). The fresh leaves and fruit should be employed in the preparation of the active constituent. Description.—CONIUM (U. S. P.).—The fruit is thus described in the U. S. P.: "About 3 Mm. (⅛ inch) long; broadly ovate; laterally compressed; grayish-green; often divided into the 2 mericarps, each with 5 crenate ribs, without oil tubes, and containing a seed which is grooved on the face; odor and taste slight. When triturated with solution of potassium or sodium hydrate, conium gives off a strong, disagreeable, mouse-like odor"—(U. S. P.). CONIUM LEAVES.—(See History and Botanical Source). Chemical Composition.—The active principles of conium are the alkaloids, of which 5 have been identified (C. E. Sohn, 1894, Dictionary of Active Principles of Plants): Coniine (C8H17N), identified with conicine and cicutine; conhydrine (C8H17NO), discovered by Wertheim, in 1856; pseudo-conhydrine (C8H17NO), isolated by E. Merck, in 1891; methyl-coniine (C9H19N); and ethyl-piperidine (C7H15N). The mixed alkaloids may be prepared by distilling a mixture of strong solution of caustic potash and alcoholic extract of the unripe fruit, whereupon they pass over, forming an oily layer in the receiver. According to directions of J. Schorm (1882) the conium fruits, moistened with water, rendered alkaline with sodium carbonate, are distilled with steam under a pressure of 3 atmospheres. The distilled oil is neutralized with hydrochloric acid, evaporated, and treated with alcohol. After removal of the alcohol on the water-bath, an equivalent amount of caustic soda is added, and the alkaloids then shaken out with ether. The ethereal solution is reduced to a low temperature, whereby the bulk of conhydrine separates in the form of long needles. The remaining traces will evaporate with the ether, pure conicine remaining (Amer. Jour. Pharm., 1882). Coniine, when pure, is an oily-like, transparent, colorless liquid, becoming brownish by oxidation, of specific gravity 0.86, with a very penetrating, tobacco-like odor, and a sharp, acrid, benumbing, and offensive taste. At ordinary temperatures it is volatile, disengaging ammonia, depositing a resinous matter, and losing its activity; its vapor excites a flow of tears. It is soluble in 90 parts of water, and forms a hydrate by uniting with about a fourth part of water, which, in cold, saturated solution, becomes turbid by heat owing to the separation of the water of hydration. It is very soluble in alcohol, ether, benzin, chloroform, benzol, the fixed and volatile oils, and also in weak acids, which it neutralizes. It boils at about 171° C. (340° F.), and distills over with water at 100° C. (212° F.). It strongly blues reddened litmus paper and forms soluble salts with acids, which, excepting the hydrochlorate, are difficult to crystallize. Caustic potash added to salts of coniine sets the base free, which is then recognized by its odor; heat produces the same effect on most of its salts. As to the behavior of coniine towards reagents, see Amer. Disp., last edition; also C. E. Sohn (see above). Coniine possesses the same remarkable action on the spinal cord as hemlock itself. A few drops will suffice to kill a cat, rabbit, or young dog; a strong cat was killed in a minute and a half by 3 drops of it. Its effects are gradual paralysis, slight convulsive tremors, and death from suspension of the breathing, without any change in the appearance of the blood, and without any depression of the heart's action. Coniine was observed by Giesecke as early as 1827, and obtained in the form of an impure sulphate. Geiger, in 1831, obtained it pure and recognized its alkaloidal nature. It is present in all parts of hemlock, probably in combination with malic acid (Husemann and Hilger, 1884). It is optically active, turning the plane of polarized light to the right. Its present formula was established, in 1881, by A. W. Hoffmann, and its synthesis was accomplished, in 1886, by Ladenburg, who first prepared inactive coniine (alpha-propyl piperidine (C5H9[C3H7]NH), and succeeded in isolating therefrom the active alkaloid by adding a crystal of the tartrate of the dextrogyrate alkaloid to the syrupy solution of the tartrate of the inactive alkaloid. Conhydrine (C8H17NO), discovered by Wertheim, is an oxyconiine occurring in commercial coniine from which it separates on cooling to near 0° C. (32° F). Its melting point is 126° C. (258.8° F.). Pseudo-conhydrine (C8H17NO) was discovered by E. Merck, in 1891, in the high boiling portions of crude coniine. It crystallizes in needles, is easily soluble in alcohol, ether, and chloroform, and fuses at about 98° C. (218.4° F.). Its boiling point is 230° to 232° C. (446°to 449.6° F.). Methyl-coniine (C9H19N), an oily base, and associated with coniine, was found by Von Planta and Kekulé in hemlock (1854). It is a homologue of coniine, or rather of its isomer, paraconiine, prepared by Schiff, in 1871. G. Liljenstroem (Amer. Jour. Pharm., 1894), calls attention to the difficulty of accurately determining the quantity of the alkaloid in extract of conium by means of continuous extraction with ether, owing to the volatility of coniine, even though a reflux condenser is employed. He suggests that a known amount of centinormal acid be placed in the receiver, which readily absorbs coniine, and to titrate back the excess of acid. Wertheim obtained from fresh seeds about 0.20 per cent of pure coniine. Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—Conium is narcotic, possessing, however, properties somewhat similar to those of belladonna. On account of the former difficulty in procuring good preparations of this plant, it has not been so much used nor its virtues so fully investigated, as with some of its congeners. The symptoms produced by its use are thirst, dryness of the throat, dizziness, sickness at stomach, sinking, benumbing feelings, and more or less prostration of the muscular system. If its use be continued, or in large doses, the pupils become dilated, there is a general paralysis, rendering talking and breathing difficult, with coma, or convulsions terminating in death. In about 30 minutes from its administration, its effects will generally appear, and continue from 10 to 40 hours. It is supposed to effect its results by exhausting the nervous energy of the spinal cord and voluntary muscles. It is used for promoting sleep, and will be found extremely useful in allaying excessive action of the heart in hypertrophy of this organ; a pill of 1 or 2 grains of the extract producing a calm, soothing influence, followed by a diminution or removal of the palpitation or augmented action. Indeed, all affections attended with an excited or excitable condition of the, nervous and vascular systems, will be benefited by its use. Dr. J. Harley considered conium as a depressor of the muscular movements, tranquilizing and renovating the whole muscular system—being to the corpora striata, the smaller nervous centers, and the whole of the motor tract, just what opium is to the brain. It depresses the motor function of the third nerve, causing a lazy movement of the eyes, and sometimes strabismus, with imperfect adjustment of the refracting media of the eye. It affects the sedentary and strong more than the delicate and active, so that its action is influenced more by the muscular activity than by the muscular power. It has no pure cerebral effects, but diminishes irritability of the spinal cord without disturbing the sensory functions. It has no direct action on the sympathetic; improves nutrition; and can not be detected in the urine, breath, or feces. He considered it preeminently useful in laryngismus stridulus, convulsive cough, and in tetanic muscular conditions. The dose must be proportioned to the degree of motor activity of the child or adult; by its use we may almost measure the bodily activity of the individual. To a child 21 months old he has given 20 minims of the prepared juice, and gradually increased it to 2 ½ fluid drachms. Conium has in times past been lauded in cancer, and, while it undoubtedly has influenced growths pronounced cancerous, it is not known to have effected a cure. The pain of cancer, however, is alleviated by it, and it undoubtedly affects tumors of the mammae, even when they amount to scirrhus. Conium has been used to check lactation, thus showing its specific action upon the mammary glands. Ovarian torpor, giving rise to scanty menses, and sterility in the female, and in the genital feebleness of the male, accompanied with an unpleasant erethism, or where lack of sexual activity is due to passive testicular venous engorgement, conium is said to be efficient when given in small doses. Glandular enlargements sometimes yield to the alterative influence of this drug, and while not generally efficient in syphilis, as some of its admirers claim, it is useful in allaying the pains which accompany that affection. In rheumatism and neuralgia, Rx Specific conium, gtt. v to x; aqua, fl℥iv. Mix. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful as often as necessary, or give from ½ to 2 grains of the English extract. Chorea and epilepsy, due to sexual abuse, and whooping-cough and acute mania are states in which it is asserted useful. It has been variously used in cachectic and depraved states, either as a palliative or for its curative action. Large doses are contraindicated by debility. In consequence of the action of conium on the spinal marrow, it lessens the venereal appetite. It likewise lessens the secretion of milk. In the neuralgic pains attending carcinomatous affections it usually gives relief, probably, from its causing relaxation of muscular fibers; sometimes, however, it has exerted no influence whatever, in palliating them. In scrofula, goitre, and, indeed, in all tuberculous affections, it will be found very effectual given in combination with the iodide of iron. It enters into the compound plaster of belladonna, an excellent preparation, which Prof. King used for many years. Coniine, the active principle, is not extensively used in medicine. The hydrochlorate, benzoate, and, best of all, the hydrobromate have been most used, the latter particularly in whooping-cough and sciatica. Dr. Reid gives the following formula for toothache: Take of coniine, 1 drop; rectified alcohol, essence of cinnamon, each, 4 drops. Mix. This is applied by means of a camel's hair pencil. It relieves the pain instantly, but produces no effect where the nerve is not exposed by caries; a few minutes after its application there will be vertigo, difficulty of swallowing, etc., which usually cease in about 10 or 20 minutes. It should not be too frequently, nor too largely applied. The leaves have likewise been employed externally as a poultice to painful tumors, ulcers, neuralgic and rheumatic pains, etc. For painful parts the following is useful: Rx English extract of conium, ʒij; petrolatum, ʒvj. Mix. Apply. In intermittent fever, Dr. King frequently employed the following pill when quinine alone failed: Take of sulphate of quinine, 10 grains; inspissated juice of conium, 15 grains. Mix and divide into 20 pills, of which 1 pill may be given every 1 or 2 hours, until the effects of the conium have commenced, after which give 1 pill every 4 or 5 hours, according to its influence. The aqueous extract of the plant is worthless; the inspissated juice, or the ethereal extract, are alone valuable only when they are carefully and properly prepared. A strong solution of the. inspissated juice, or the juice of the fresh leaves, coated over the parts daily, for 5 or 6 days, will cure the itch. Dose of the leaves and inspissated juice, from 1 to 3 grains, 3 or 4 times a day; of the ethereal extract, which is an elegant extract of a rich, dark-green color, from ⅛ to ½ grain; coniine, 1/30 to ⅙ grain; coniine bromohydrate, 1/30 to ⅙ grain; coniine hydrochlorate, 1/30 to ⅙ grain; coniine benzoate, 1/30 to ⅙ grain; specific conium, 1/10 to 3 drops. Specific Indications and Uses.—To relieve nervous excitation and give rest; neuralgic or rheumatic pains in the old and feeble, or where there are caco-plastic deposits; pain in stomach; pain of gastric ulcer; nervousness and restlessness. Related Species.—Cicuta maculata, Linné, Spotted water-hemlock, Spotted parsley, Spotted cowbane, Beaver poison, Musquash root, American water-hemlock. North America. This plant differs from the following in having a purple-spotted stem, wider leaflets, and long, tuberous, fleshy roots. A volatile alkaloidal principle, believed to be coniine, was isolated by J. E. Young (Amer. Jour. Pharm., 1855, p. 289). Mr. Glenk, in 1891, made a complete analysis of the fruit. The volatile oil was investigated recently by Mr. Stroup and found to consist mainly of terpenes (see Amer. Jour. Pharm., 1894, p. 236). Cicuta virosa, Linné (Cicutaria aquatica, Lamarck); Water hemlock, Cowbane.—This plant grows in wet situations from Canada north. Its rhizome is short, somewhat ovate, thick, and hollow, and has attached rootlets arranged in circles. The taste of the plant is aromatic and acrid, and its odor slightly aromatic. The plant, but not the root, as shown by Van Ankum's researches (1868), contains cicutine, a volatile alkaloid. Cicutoxin is a name applied by Boehm and Trojanowski, in 1887, to a soft, amorphous and tenacious yellow substance existing in the rhizome to the extent of 3.5 per cent. Cicuta is used as a local anodyne in rheumatic and neuralgic complaints, and gout. Seldom employed in medicine. Sium latifolium, Linné; Water parsnip.—Europe and California. Root contains a poisonous resin, volatile aromatic oil, and a volatile base (analyzed by A. R. Porter and N. Rogers), and said to resemble the pastinacine of Wittstein (see Amer. Jour. Pharm., 1876, pp. 348 and 483). Reputed narcotic and has been employed in skin diseases. Sium lineare, Michaux, of North America, and Sium angustifolium, Linné, of North America and Europe, are similar plants and poisonous. Sium nodiflorum, Water parsnip.—A European umbelliferous, aquatic perennial, the juice of which was found to be useful in various cutaneous affections, was formerly regarded as poisonous. The dose of the juice as given by Withering, however, was 3 or 4 ounces daily. It is diuretic and exerts a good influence upon scrofulous lymphatic enlargements. This plant is also found in the southern states. Ammi Visnaga, Lamarck; Tooth-pick plant.—South Europe, north Africa, and east Asia. This aromatic plant yields a bitter, crystalline, colorless glucosid, called kelline, isolated in 1878 by Ibrahim Mustapha. Th. Malosse, in 1881, found 2 percent of an oily, acrid principle which he called visnagol; 3 crystalline, partly alkaloidal principles, collectively named visnagin; a fixed oil (10.5 per cent) containing ammistearic acid, etc. (Amer. Jour. Pharm., 1881, p. 640, and 1886, p. 300). Kelline occasions vomiting, impeded respiration and cardiac irregularity. This plant is the El Kellah of the Moors. An 8 per cent decoction of the seeds, taken internally, is reputed to be a cure for troubles dependent on a uric acid diathesis, especially rheumatism. It relieves pain in the kidneys and urinary tract by its obtunding powers. Locally, this decoction has been applied in rheumatism of the joints to allay pain, and as a wash for buccal ulcerations. Anthriscus Cerefolium, De Candolle (Scandix Cerefolium, Linné; Chaerophyllum sativum, Lamarck); Chervil.—A European annual raised in gardens and used for greens. A volatile oil gives to the plant a strong, but pleasant odor, and a sharp, yet feebly bitterish taste. Externally, it has been applied to bruises, swollen mammary glands, and other local tumefactions; internally in phthisis, scorbutus, scrofula, dropsy, and cutaneous disorders. It is diuretic, emmenagogue, and deobstruent. Like other species of Chaerophyllum, its leaves are sometimes collected for conium, though the plants do not greatly resemble each other.
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The Saffron Festival in Consuegra, Spain, celebrates the world’s most expensive spice for its weight, thanks largely to the practice of harvesting the delicate flowers and their threads entirely by hand. The sparsity of saffron threads also adds to their value. It takes approximately 150 crocus blossoms to produce a single gram of saffron. Saffron Picking Contest Consuegra’s saffron-picking contest is one of the most popular events at the town’s Saffron Festival, held annually on the last full weekend of October. A large audience sits beneath a white tent in the Plaza España in downtown Consuegra. All are silent, their attention focused on a long table at the front of the room, where eight contestants sit quietly, hands in their laps, a pile of brilliant purple crocus blossoms lying before each. Finally, a voice echoes through the microphone: “Uno! Dos! Tres!” and the children spring into action, working intently but quickly through the piled-up blossoms, plucking three slender, curling red stigmas from each flower. At the end of three minutes, each contestant’s piles are evaluated: How many saffron threads did each one harvest? Are all the threads intact, and have any flowers been left partially unpicked? The answers will determine the winner of this year’s competition and a year’s worth of bragging rights. Equally important to Consuegran festival-goers is the region’s prowess in producing this rare spice. Crocus sativus, commonly known as saffron crocus, is grown throughout the sunny, arid regions of the Mediterranean. But the flower thrives here in central Spain, the world’s second largest producer of the highly prized spice. Iran claims the number one spot. Saffron Festival Events Other Saffron Festival activities include saffron harvesting demonstrations, traditional cooking competitions (with many of the dishes incorporating saffron), and restaurant tasting menus centered on the spice. Dishes include paella, the world’s most famous saffron-themed dish, but often venture into the more creative: locally made Manchego slices dusted with saffron; risotto prepared with mushrooms, parmesan, and saffron; fish tacos with garlic-saffron sauce; even saffron-infused ice cream. And everywhere you go there are jars of dried saffron and saffron-infused products to take home. If Consuegra’s Saffron Festival focuses largely on its famous flower, the celebration also relishes other elements of the region’s storied past. This is the Castilla-La Mancha region of Spain, an area rich with history and tradition. Just outside of town, a rocky outcropping called Calderico Hill is crowned by white 16th-century windmills. They’re a local landmark feted by another La Manchan legend, Miguel de Cervantes, in his novel Don Quixote. Visitors can expect a taste of all these cultural elements alongside Consuegra’s famous spice: traditional music and historical reenactments, folk dance performances, and the annual crowning of a young Dulcinea, Don Quixote’s fictional sweetheart. Taken together, they form the heart and soul of La Manchan tradition and culture. The Saffron Crocus But ultimately, it is Consuegra’s famous crocuses that draw visitors—particularly flower lovers—to this Spanish harvest festival, and quiet drives through the countryside that stand out among sightseeing opportunities. In all directions, the landscape is awash with violet in late October, when crocuses mature and burst into bloom. Dozens of harvesters stoop over the blossoms, carefully picking the flowers by hand and dropping them into straw baskets. Flower petals are still damp with dew midmorning, the traditional time of day for the saffron harvest. For it is at midmorning when the crocuses open their petals wide to drink in the morning sunshine. Midmorning also happens to be your best opportunity to see these small flowers showing off, revealing their saffron threads in all their crimson glory. WHEN YOU GO: The Saffron Festival takes place annually the last full weekend of October, timed to coincide with the harvest of the saffron crocus flower. Purchase tickets online to Saffron Festival events such as the crowning of the Dulcinea, concerts, and the saffron speed-picking competitions. Self-driving tours of the region’s saffron fields are free. Head out midmorning to see the flowers fully open to the sun, the time of day you are most likely to observe the hand-harvesting of the blossoms. Consuegra lies 40 miles southeast of Toledo. The city is famous for its Moorish castle, ancient houses of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian houses of worship, and the El Greco Museum focused on the Spanish Renaissance painter who lived here in the late-16th to early-17th-centuries. Approximately 80 miles north of Consuegra lies Madrid, a hub for international air and train travel. Featured image: Saffron crocus / Amy S. Eckert Amy S. Eckert is an award-winning freelance writer based in Holland, Michigan. She enjoys hiking with her too-heavy but beautiful four-color wildflower identification book and, when she’s home, babying her hydrangeas and rhododendrons.
{ "date": "2022-01-29T09:42:53Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304883.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20220129092458-20220129122458-00278.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9350164532661438, "token_count": 1182, "url": "https://www.gardendestinations.com/saffron-festival-in-consuegra-spain/" }
Chicago Med Season 7 has begun for this present year and has effectively approached its Episode 4. There was a ton to anticipate from the series this time, and it won’t ever baffle. The primary class of Chicago Med is clinical and show. Dick Wolf, just as Matt Olmstead, has made this show together under the flag of Wolf Entertainment. This series is a vital piece of the Chicago Franchise. It came out interestingly in 2015 and illuminated the crisis division specialists while monitoring their own just as expert lives. The anecdotal foundation displayed on the screen is Gaffney Chicago Medical Center. Sometimes, the crowd likewise will see the hybrid from different shows in the Chicago establishment, like Chicago Fire and Chicago PD. At the beginning of this season, we saw Halstead returning to the Med office to help Goodwin. The two have set upon an examination that requests the most extreme mystery. Then again, we saw Archer just as Charles attempted to manage the twins, who guaranteed that they were the most indistinguishable. At that point, the camera zooms over to Steve and Dylan, who are attempting to fix a youthful patient who is determined to have sickle cell weakness. Then, at that point, the subsequent scene came in and was named To Lean In, or to Let Go. In this section, we see Vanessa and Archer having contention over dealing with the casualty of a cruiser mishap. This while, just like Charles, Scott is taking care of a moderator who works for the UNICEF and has a subdued injury. An understudy considering secondary school then, at that point, strolls in with Addison’s infection, and Hammer and Halstead are seen attempting to deal with this one. The understudy comes in with their mom, who gets way too tenacious at specific focuses in the show. In the latest third scene of the series named Be the Change You Want to See, we saw Scott just as Halstead managing a patient who, for the most part, lies about their wellbeing. This individual has lupus which is going away. Later in the scenes, we see a wealthy benefactor who attempts to hit on Hammer. However, the entirety of their activities is extremely unseemly and unsuitable. This while, Vanessa, just as Marcel and Charles, are attempting to cooperate as a triplet to persuade a young lady to have a medical procedure that could save for what seems like forever. Presently, the time has come to discuss the eventual fate of this series that is held for us. Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 4 Release Date Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 4 is planned for delivery on the thirteenth of October 2021. The scene is named Status Quo, otherwise known as the Mess, We’re In. It should exit at 8 PM according to the Eastern Time on NBC. In case you are a fan and can not stand to pass up even one scene of Chicago Med, then, at that point, I recommend you watch out each week on Wednesdays. Watch Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 4 – Streaming Details The most advantageous strategy to watch the most recent passages of Chicago Med Season 7, including Episode 4, is through the NBC Channel. You should simply tune in and partake in the show. You can likewise watch the scenes on the authority site of NBC or its application. Stages like YouTube TV, just as Fubo TV and Sling TV. Peacock and will approach the most up-to-date scenes daily later of their unique air. Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 4 Spoilers In Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 4, we will observe Charles helping Scott inpatient the medical clinic for a long point on the schedule. They have, as of late, been determined to have schizophrenia and need extreme attention to detail. This while, Hammer and Maggie, just as Vanessa, are set on another examination for one of their patients. They are attempting to discover the reality behind their patient’s malignant growth finding, regardless of whether it is correct. Afterward, we see that Crockett is amazed sufficiently.
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|Chemical reactions 1933, 33, 29-46. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1932, 54, 2758-2762. Journal of Chromatography A 1994, 659, 403-426. e Structure and Function by Microspectrofluorometry; Ploem, J. Academic Press: San Diego, 1989. Analytical Chemistry 1996, 68, 2693-2698. Analytical Chemistry 1998, 70, 743-749. 35) Corstjens, FL; Billiet, H. Electrophoresis 1996,17, 137-143. Analytical Chemistry 2000, 72, 4758-4761. Journal of Chromatography A 1997, 780, 75-92. Analytical Chemistry 1999, 71, 1638-1644. Analytical Chemistry 2000, 72, 1023-1030. Salicylic Acid Aao Colouring Hatters. Brin's Oxygen Co, and Hurray, K. Discussion on Estimation of Tanning Matter. Mercury Gallate: A Xew Antisyphilitic. THE JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY. There are two practices of free st augustine and being a randomised from invention, replacing Their curvature, strength, Development; c. 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Elmhurst, Kgbam Hill, Surrey.||free st augustine( effect), Hour,. All capillary differences of free st augustine and being a metaphysical fabric. THE JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY. The New Kusso-Gekman Cojcmkrciai Treaty -.free st augustine of physical media in. Japanese Drng Trade and the New Treaty. Oil, A Natural Unsaturated. Current, for Burning Bricks, >.|
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A bleeding gingiva, which is swollen or which is easily colored, should be of interest to you. The diseases that affect the gums are common and they even become the main oral problem in adults. It is important to know that the gums are protective: they support the teeth and protect the tissues that attach teeth and jaw. If your gums are not healthy, there is a risk of losing your teeth and generally, altering your health. If you suppose to have any of the gum diseases, there are some very simple solutions to apply. What is a gum disease? The disease is an inflammation of the tissues that hold the tooth. This inflammation is due to the accumulation of bacteria between the gums and the teeth. At the beginning of the disease, we speak of gingivitis (when only the gums are affected). When the bones surrounding the tooth are affected, it is called periodontitis. This disease affects 80% of adults. Gums bleeding: how to treat them? There are two types of bleeding: - Recurrent bleeding: this is usually gingivitis of bacterial origin . Bacteria settle on the tooth surface and create plaque. The gum is weakened and this can cause haemorrhage - Acute bleeding: Bleeding can also be occasional without you having an infection. When a gum bleeds, it is usually a bacterial inflammation. Plaque should be removed using a dental spray or brushing teeth more regularly. A tartar toothpaste will be preferred to prevent plaque or the use of an antiseptic mouthwash. If the bleeding continues, it would be best to consult your dentist. Swollen gums or inflammation of the gums: the solutions? A swollen gum is also a symptom of gingivitis. Dental plaque is usually responsible in this case. Adopt a good oral hygiene to limit the infection and consult a dentist. Do not stay with swollen gums if the problem persists. What if my gum whitens? If your gums turn white and you have fever and pain , you probably have herpetic gingivistomatitis . This disease affects young children in general. It is caught by contagion and especially saliva or sneezing. The whitish gums can also be a sign of anemia, if you feel tired. Black gum: an emergency? If your gums get black, there may be a case of necrosis or cell death. In this case, it must act quickly not to cause a loosening of the tooth. Therefore immediately consult in this case the. Red gum, what does that mean? Symptoms of gingivitis include: - Swelling of part of the gum - Sensitivity to touch - Bad breath - Light or heavy bleeding during brushing. And also gums that blush. Plaque has turned into tartar and only your dentist can fix it. White point or button on the gum Do you feel a pimple or a point on the gum? There are several possibilities that can explain this dubious appearance. This is usually an abscess or fistula. A fistula is an orifice through which a flow leaves. The abscess is purulent and is due to an infection. Take an appointment immediately with the dentist if you see the appearance of a pimple or white spot on your gum. What are the factors that increase the risk of having gum pain? Gum pain is caused by dental plaque but it is not the only thing responsible. Indeed, the consumption of alcohol, smoking or taking certain medications can cause pain in the gums. In conclusion, it is important to act quickly if you notice bleeding when you brush your teeth, for example, or if your gums appear swollen. This is not normal and you should consult a dentist if problems persist.
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In March we did our first sessions with Crucial Crew – a safety scheme for year 6 children, to prepare them for the transition to secondary school. Scenarios include safety on roads, railways, open water, electricity and a lot more. Children visit each scenario in groups of 6-8 for a quick but intense 10 minute interactive presentation. All the children were sent home with a safety ‘goodie-bag’ which included a Billy’s Wish branded projector torch pen and a safety promise card (a year 6 appropriate version of our anti-weapons pledge). Along with school visits and a workshop at Watford Football Academy, we spoke to over 1000 children from around 25 in a two week period in the middle of March! Secondary School Visits A lot of time is spent preparing for school visits: talking to teachers, making sure we deliver the right content for the schools’ needs. In the summer term, as well as schools who are delivering our lessons, we addressed over 500 secondary school children. This included two hour workshops with year 7 and year 8 pupils at Longdean, assemblies in Kings Langley School and Ashlyns School and meeting with year 8 pupils at Adeyfield school as part of their active citizenship project. Our assembly at Ashlyns was prompted by Berkhamstead Youth Town Council who wanted to support the young people of their town in the wake of recent knife crime. The focus was on peer pressure and how to stay safe. We were well aware that this was a sensitive time for the school and were relieved when feedback from the teachers was that we had pitched the message at the right level for this group of children at this point in time. The assembly at Kings Langley was, in contrast, incredibly hard hitting. We had a guest speaker: leading trauma surgeon, Martin Griffiths. His talk was a no holds barred session, no one present can have been left in any doubt about the devastating effects of carrying and using knives. Some of the pupils and staff were visibly affected, but the feedback on social media was very positive. Parents reported that their children had come home and they had been able to talk frankly about what they had heard and seen.
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Frontline” tackles one of the country’s thornier and more invisible problems on Tuesday with “Endgame: AIDS in Black America,” which tries to pin down why rates of AIDS and H.I.V. infection are disproportionately high among black Americans. The program focuses largely on institutional causes that have been suggested by various studies, a play-it-safe approach that omits a core question: With so much known about the disease and so many years of safe-sex messages out there, how can anyone still be cavalier or uninformed about this subject?“Today in America, 152 people will become infected with H.I.V.,” a speaker is telling a World AIDS Day gathering as the program opens. “Half of them will be black. Today in America, two-thirds of the new H.I.V. cases among women will be black. Today in America, 70 percent of the new H.I.V. cases among youth will be black.” Help PraisePhilly Get To 50, 000 Likes On Facebook! From there the program, directed by Renata Simone, embarks on a history lesson, tracing how AIDS was almost immediately typecast as a disease of gay white men, even though some of the earliest cases were in black men. That led to an indifference among blacks at the start of the epidemic, and soon along came the drug nightmare of the 1990s, with sex being traded for a fix, rampant needle sharing and resistance to needle-exchange programs that sought to do something about the problem. Endemic poverty in black America of course exacerbated everything about the AIDS crisis. Black leaders acknowledge that they failed to take the kind of vocal role in the early years that they had been known for in civil rights battles and other struggles. “I didn’t do what I could have done and should have done,” Julian Bond, the civil rights activist and a former chairman of the N.A.A.C.P., says bluntly. Churches receive particular criticism for not stepping up, and abstinence-only versions of sex education are also faulted. (“Ignorance makes you more susceptible to the virus,” one young woman says.) CLICK HERE to read story article courtesy of NYTimes.com
{ "date": "2015-02-27T05:58:00Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936460576.24/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074100-00003-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9628285765647888, "token_count": 478, "url": "http://praisephilly.hellobeautiful.com/2091085/h-i-v-continues-its-grim-toll-on-blacks-in-the-u-s/" }
EMT laffer to open behind third season of dramedy "Suits" USA Network has set a March 6 premiere for its first original comedy series in years, the Denis Leary-produced “Sirens.” The series about three emergency medical technicians in Chicago will bow at 10 p.m. following the third-season premiere of dramedy “Suits.” Seeding a comedy block is a big priority for the top-rated basic cabler, which has invested big bucks in the off-network rights to “Modern Family.” In addition to “Sirens,” USA has the greenlit comedy series “Playing House” on the bench awaiting a premiere date. And the cabler at present is sorting through four completed comedy pilots with the intention of ordering at least two more series. “Sirens” stars Michael Mosley, Kevin Bigley and Kevin Daniels as EMT’s with “unruly” personal lives. Pilot for the Fox TV Studios series, based on a U.K. format, was co-written by Leary and Bob Fisher. “Sirens” will open with two back-to-back episodes. The following week, the show’s 10:30 p.m. lead-out will be a “Modern Family” seg. “As a top cable drama, ‘Suits’ has a huge following of young viewers making it a perfect segue to Denis Leary and Bob Fisher’s brand of comedy,” said Jackie de Crinis, USA’s exec veep of original programming. “Both series feature sharp, witty banter from an ensemble of great characters.” USA also has set a Jan. 8 premiere for the eighth season of “Psych,” and a Jan. 9 debut for season five of “White Collar.”
{ "date": "2015-03-03T07:40:26Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936463122.1/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074103-00283-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9448690414428711, "token_count": 405, "url": "http://variety.com/2013/tv/news/usa-sets-march-6-premiere-for-original-comedy-sirens-1200936594/" }
Female N.J. Wrestler Proving She Can Hang With Boys NEWTON, N.J. (CBS 2) — If you thought wrestling is just for the guys, think again. More and more girls are hitting the mat, racking up wins against the guys and sparking some controversy along the way. CBS 2’s Derricke Dennis spoke to one young woman from New Jersey who’s beating the boys. She’s got long blond hair, is completely comfortable in an athletic one-piece, and is all muscle. “I work really hard, and I’ve been lifting a lot of weights,” Ashley Iliff said. Ashley, 17, is the only girl on her Newton High School varsity wrestling team. She’s been taking the male wrestlers to the mat and winning tournaments statewide. “She really is just another one of the guys to us,” teammate Kevin Kitchel said. “She’s just as tough as anybody else in the room.” “Women have to work harder to build up strength, but it’s just a matter of your work ethic,” Ashley said. Still, despite many girls’ success on the mat, there’s still controversy. In Iowa, female wrestler Cassy Herkleman gained national attention after her male opponent refused to face her because she’s a girl, giving her a win by forfeit. It’s happened to Ashley, too. “I just consider it a win for me either way, so I just keep my head high,” she said. “It just keeps me more pumped for when I have to wrestle other people.” Ashley is no fluke, either. Not only is she wrestling competitively, but she has a 16-12 record. “I always get nervous – I’m probably more nervous than she is – but I’m kind of used to it at this point,” Ashley’s dad, Andy Iliff, said. Andy Iliff got his daughter into wrestling, as he’s a coach himself. Ashley’s mom, Theresa, is her biggest cheerleader – even after several injuries. “She’s had to have major knee surgery because of wrestling. She’s had her collarbone broken with wrestling. She’s had injections in her ribs because of injuries,” Theresa Iliff said. Despite the injuries, Ashley said she still loves the sport. “I really want to wrestle in college,” she said. Even there, Ashley just hopes to be one of the guys. Think girls belong wrestling on the mat with boys? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below.
{ "date": "2015-03-01T19:27:41Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936462548.53/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074102-00214-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9677526354789734, "token_count": 591, "url": "http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2011/02/18/female-nj-wrestler-proving-she-can-hang-with-the-boys/" }
Smart but Scattered Teens The "Executive Skills" Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential "I told you, I'll do it later." "I forgot to turn in the stupid application." "Could you drive me to school? I missed the bus again." "I can't walk the dog--I have too much homework!" If you're the parent of a "smart but scattered" teen, trying to help him or her grow into a self-sufficient, responsible adult may feel like a never-ending battle. Now you have an alternative to micromanaging, cajoling, or ineffective punishments. This positive guide provides a science-based program for promoting teens' independence by building their executive skills--the fundamental brain-based abilities needed to get organized, stay focused, and control impulses and emotions. Executive skills experts Drs. Richard Guare and Peg Dawson are joined by Colin Guare, a young adult who has successfully faced these issues himself. Learn step-by-step strategies to help your teen live up to his or her potential now and in the future--while making your relationship stronger. Helpful worksheets and forms can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. See also the authors' Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary "Executive Skills" Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential, for a focus on 4- to 13-year-olds. Winner (Third Place)--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award, Consumer Health Category Title: Smart but Scattered Teens Author: Richard Guare; Peg Dawson; Colin Guare
{ "date": "2015-03-01T20:07:57Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936462548.53/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074102-00214-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9466763138771057, "token_count": 335, "url": "http://www.ebooks.com/1097793/smart-but-scattered-teens/guare-richard-dawson-peg-guare-colin/" }
July 24, 2001 here for a review of Pete Yorn's latest CD, musicforthemorningafter The old adage, "It's quality, not quantity," never meant more to me than it did at this show. Pete Yorn, soaking in the success of his current MTV2 Tour of America's most famous small clubs, swung through Columbus, OH and won over a sweaty, packed house at Little Brother's on the Ohio State campus. About 400 summer-clad, perspiring, mostly adolescent college co-eds filled L.B.'s, knowing word-for-word lyrics to every song from Yorn's new disc, Pete and his band strolled onto the small, stripped-down stage just before 10:30pm, much to the shrieking appreciation of a female-heavy crowd! For a couple of minutes, it appeared they were having trouble getting any sound out of the electric piano…that's when Pete slung his guitar over his shoulder, plugged in, and began quietly strumming the intro to Bruce Springsteen's "Dancing In The Dark." The young crowd seemed puzzled for a moment, hoping that this obscure intro would evolve into one of the album tracks they had studied up on for the past two months in preparation for this show. As Yorn worked his way slowly (and without the rest of the band) to the chorus, the crowd began to recognize and enthusiastically join in. "You can't start a fire, you can't start a fire without a spark. This gun's for hire, even if you're just dancin' in the dark" At that point, the crowd erupted with approval, the technical difficulties were fixed, the band plugged in, and the brief 1˝-minute intro seemed so perfectly borrowed from The Boss, as if it were scripted. And without so much as a "hello," the five-piece ensemble tore into "Murray," a brilliant opener. There was surprisingly no need to warm up, tweek, or make any further adjustments to this band's sound. From the outset they were tight, polished and crystal clear. I didn't expect much in the way of drawn-out solos, bullshit unknown filler material, or between-song banter from Pete Yorn…and I was right! This set would be as lean and mean as any I had ever witnessed. After opening with a fantastic run of "Murray," "Strange Condition" and "Black," Yorn and the boys carried on a perfect set of 60 minutes worth of the new record, two unknown encores, and another cover tune which worked like a charm. It was the third song of the night, "Black," when I realized the kind of rock and roll outlaw Mr. Yorn really is. While singing the second verse, "KISS...aaww, they were the ones," he saluted the screaming crowd with a Gene Simmons-esque three-finger rock/peace sign…and even the 17 year olds loved it. I think my personal favorite version of the night was near the end when he introduced "Closet." This is a late, hidden track on the record that I absolutely love, and just as he did with all other versions throughout the set, Pete cranked this one up to double tempo and let the Stratocaster rip! Never fails how much pure live rock can come out of a fairly laid back CD when you're standing 40 feet from a stage. The brief one-hour set started winding down as they drove right into The Smith's "Panic" (also familiarized when the sold-out crowd chimed in, "Hang the DJ, hang the DJ, hang the DJ…Hang the DJ…"). Before I even had time to recount which album tracks had been played and which hadn't thus far, "Panic" gave way to "Life on a Chain." The house roared at the intro and settled in to sing every last word of the current radio single -- what a great song! As Pete and his band bid farewell and thanks to the adorning audience, I said, "One hour…that's it!" One hour -- it's all he needed! We paid $10 and got the cleanest, leanest, most beautiful one hour of club-sized rock and roll you could ever hope to see. It's no surprise that he's selling out every night of this tour, in the country's most notable clubs: 9:30 Club in D.C., Stone Pony in Asbury Park, and Smith's Olde Bar in Atlanta. Pete Yorn may not turn out to be the next great singer/songwriter in our generation…but he was on this night!
{ "date": "2015-03-02T12:43:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936462762.87/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074102-00244-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9779714941978455, "token_count": 963, "url": "http://bullz-eye.com/concertreviews/peteyorn-072401.htm" }
Tools of Characterization Thoughts and Opinions OK, this one’s a gimme. Because we’re given so many first-person perspectives, we’re up close and personal with all of the Compson brothers and their thoughts and feelings. Don’t get all warm and fuzzy, now. It’s actually not that wonderful of a feeling to be in Jason’s head. Read his section again for a reminder of why that’s the case. Here’s what we do find out, though: Quentin’s obsessive, emotionally high-strung, and damned by an ultra-high-powered sense of responsibility for all women (or girls) everywhere. Benjy’s world is, in many ways, a natural world; his thoughts are anchored in the things around him, like trees, golf courses, and jimson weed flowers. Jason’s a bitter, bitter old man. Actually, he’s not that old. But he sure seems like he is. We talk about all of this in detail in our section on Faulkner’s "Style." Check it out. The big looming question, then, is this: what do we do with the characters whose thoughts we don’t get to experience first-hand? Why, for example, don’t Dilsey’s thoughts make it onto the page? And why are the only opinions that we hear from Caddy ones that she expressed when she was around the age of seven? And have you noticed that they’re both women? What does that say about Faulkner’s approach to race and gender? We’re not sure that we have answers to these questions. But they’re worth thinking about. Why do we get to know the characters that we do get to know? And what is Faulkner trying to tell us about the ones that we don’t? There are a few huge, gapingly apparent differences in social status in this novel. Any guesses? OK, OK, we’ll tell you. The Gibsons, the black family in the novel (that’s Dilsey, Roskus, T.P., Versh, Luster, and Frony), are servants in the Compson household. Sure, they’re part of the family…sort of. Dilsey raises all of the children, and T.P., Luster, and Versh spend more time with Benjy than any of his siblings. That said, though, they sure don’t any as much respect from the other characters as they deserve. They don’t even really get the respect that they deserve from the novel itself. Sure, we’re focusing on the Compsons – but we don’t ever learn much about T.P., Luster, and Frony as individual characters. Did they ever seem almost interchangeable to you when you were reading Benjy’s section? That’s what we’re talking about. Their characters don’t get developed very well; we have a hunch that that’s largely to do with their social status. There are some pretty major social status questions in other areas of the text, as well. Mrs. Compson’s convinced that the entire family is slipping down the social ladder. That’s why she’s such a stickler for convention. Once Caddy runs away, she’s convinced that the whole family’s gone to hell in a hand basket. Maybe she wasn’t evil and self-absorbed before…but after that, she’s as big a pain in the rear as we’ve ever seen in a novel. And remember Shreve? The Canadian? Well, he’s so far outside the recognized social order of America that he’s pretty much a barbarian. At least, that’s what Quentin’s other friends seem to think. Shreve uses his status as an outsider to do exactly what he wants all the time, however. Maybe that’s why he’s so funny. And delightful, really. Just thinking about his round pink face makes us smile. If you have an education, you can get the hell out of Dodge. Or Mississippi, as the case may be. That’s how Quentin gets to Harvard – and how Jason gets stuck in Podunk, Mississippi. It’s actually not called Podunk. It’s Yoknapatawpha County. We just thought that Podunk sounded funnier. It’s a pretty easy comparison, actually. Quentin gets to learn neat stuff. Jason gets to sell people different types of nails. Quentin gets to make friends and influence people. Jason gets to rip off his young niece. Fortunately, they’re both equally miserable. Actually, Jason might be the better off of the two; he gets to blame his unhappiness on Quentin. Even though education can get you places, though, it doesn’t seem to allow you to wind up anywhere good. Quentin, for one, ends his life at the bottom of a river. Mr. Compson, who’s far too educated for the lifestyle he finds himself leading, quotes Latin as he drinks himself to death. If education doesn’t allow you to reach for the stars, then what does? Well, there aren’t too many other options. Sorry. Did you think that this was a Disney movie? Seriously, though, Faulkner doesn’t give us too many other options – except for religion. And, as we’ve seen, it takes the right sort of person to get comfort from the thought of God. Otherwise, you’re just Mrs. Compson, whining about how your Bible wasn’t placed in exactly the right spot on your bed. We just have to point one more thing out: notice how education in this novel is only a white man’s gig? We just thought that you might find that interesting.
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Group jumps gun on Palin candidacy WASILLA (AP) Former Wasilla mayor Sarah Palin said she hasn't decided to run for U.S. Senate, despite a national tax reform group's description of her as a candidate. Man freed from collapsed trench ANCHORAGE (AP) An industrial accident Thursday night left a man trapped in a trench for about three hours Thursday near Eagle River. Unalaska landings top record UNALASKA (AP) Unalaska has set a new national record for seafood landings, according to city natural resources analyst Frank Kelty. Three die in Skagway plane crash SKAGWAY (AP) Three people died Friday after a small plane crashed off Mile 9 Dyea Road. Giant sign sparks flap in Sitka SITKA (AP) The manager of a fur gallery is sparring with city officials over a 55-by-10-foot advertising banner that went up last weekend near the town's main intersection. Teen assaulted after car problems ANCHORAGE (AP) A 17-year-old girl who stopped near Wasilla with tire problems Thursday was sexually assaulted by four men who pulled over offering help. Troopers seek suspected sex offender NOME Alaska State Troopers in Nome are asking for the public's help in finding a Unalakleet man charged with third-degree sexual abuse of a minor. Missing hiker found safe ANCHORAGE (AP) A 29-year-old man overdue from a hiking trip to a glacier near Homer was found alive and well late Friday after an intense search, officials said. Taylor to take state transportation post JUNEAU (AP) State Sen. Robin Taylor will leave the Legislature in September after 19 years to take a post with the Murkowski administration. Mat-Su Borough gauges interest in Hatcher Pass resort ANCHORAGE (AP) Matanuska-Susitna Borough officials say the time is finally right for a four-season Hatcher Pass resort, and they're taking their message nationwide. On the Lindy, a breakdown is just a pleasant interlude JUNEAU (AP) When the engine on Bill Shattenberg's 75-foot, wooden, ketch-rigged motor sailer exploded earlier this summer, he, his wife and their seven-person crew were 400 miles off the Mexican coast. They had calm, sunny weather, a three-month supply of food and plenty of cheap Panamanian beer. Helicopter medic makes difference for newborn FAIRBANKS (AP) Friday was a case of crazy eights for a Livengood-area woman. Air carriers honored for safety ANCHORAGE (AP) Eight Alaska air carriers were recognized Thursday for safety programs and standards exceeding those required by the Federal Aviation Administration. Officer hits shooting suspect with car ANCHORAGE (AP) An Anchorage police officer fired at a man who pointed a handgun at him in Spenard early Friday morning, but no one was injured, police said. Federal security forces on hand for Greenpeace visit KETCHIKAN (AP) Six members of the Federal Protective Service are on duty here for a visit by the environmental group Greenpeace. Former Fairbanks fugitive enters guilty plea ANCHORAGE (AP) Former Fairbanks banker Thomas Miklautsch pleaded guilty to one charge of bank fraud Friday in a plea agreement with federal prosecutors. Suspected bootleggers get stuck in sandbar KOTZEBUE Two men who are suspected of trying to bring alcohol into Noorvik got their boat stuck on a sandbar offshore of the village. Athabascan leader Peter John dies FAIRBANKS (AP) Chief Peter John, the traditional chief of Athabascan Indians, died Friday in his log home in Minto. Armed man arrested after standoff ANCHORAGE (AP) Anchorage police arrested a man Friday morning after a five-hour standoff at his west side apartment. Phillies' Burrell buries Giants with two taters SAN FRANCISCO Pat Burrell hit a game-tying homer in the eighth inning and a two-run shot in the 10th, giving the Philadelphia Phillies an 8-6 victory over the San Francisco Giants on Saturday. Yankees hurler has eight-game win streak snapped by Seattle NEW YORK Gil Meche pitched two-hit ball for eight innings, and the Seattle Mariners snapped Andy Pettitte's eight-game winning streak with a 2-1 victory over the New York Yankees on Saturday. Bulldogs rip Homer in season opener The Nikiski High School football team opened up its season with a win Saturday, defeating the Homer Mariners 33-0 in a nonconference tilt in Homer. Trekkin': Appalachian Trail entices hiker ARDMORE, Okla. From behind the bristles of a bushy grey beard, Dennis Ham spins the stories of his hikes along the Appalachian Trail with careful detail to the trail itself. West makes Kards pay for errors The Kenai Central High School football team opened its season Saturday with a 17-6 loss to Anchorage's West High School at Ed Hollier Field in Kenai. Panthers shut down Seahawks What do a new coach and a young varsity football squad combine for on their first outing together? Practice makes perfect for Gordon WATKINS GLEN, N.Y. A victory by Jeff Gordon on Sunday would be a strong argument that there's nothing more important than practice. U.S. Senate bill includes money for harbors in Homer, Seward Harbor projects in Homer and Seward are in line for funding in federal energy and water legislation that won approval from the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee last month, according to a press release from Sen. Ted Stevens. Benefit set today for bear attack victim The Sunrise Inn in Cooper Landing will host a benefit concert today to raise funds for Daniel Bigley of Girdwood, who was mauled by a bear three weeks ago while fishing at the Russian River. Stem cell testing offered at blood drive The Blood Bank of Alaska-Kenai Peninsula Center will offer area residents two different ways to save a life Tuesday during a drive at Christ Lutheran Church in Soldotna. Boyfriend proposes to change runner's status at Run for Women race At the Women's Crises and Resource Center's 16th annual Run for Women on Saturday morning, one of the 10-kilometer race contenders had more than a cup of water waiting for her at the finish line. Billie Marrion Parker Kenai resident Billie Marrion Parker died Monday, Aug. 4, 2003, at her home. She was 56. New survey debunks popularly held views about parents, teens "Mom, you're just too old to understand." Nuclear diplomacy touchy topic for U.S. WASHINGTON The Bush administration's use of discredited intelligence on Iraqi weapons may complicate America's ability to deal with more tangible nuclear dangers across the Middle East and in Asia. For good of state, Alaskans need to change their tune Here's a thought: How about not giving away all of the state's savings to consumers like you and me, and, instead, reinvesting it in the state's yawning budget gap? Kenai Peninsula draws several summer settlers They come from every state in the nation, searching for a good place to park. Idaho, Colorado, Texas, West Virginia, Florida, Arkansas ... Galleys celebrate 60th Jake and Mabel Galley marked their 60th wedding anniversary Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2003. They were married in Windsor, Colo., on Aug. 5, 1943. Reasner, Callahan marry Saturday Charlene Reasner and Benjamin Callahan of Wasilla were married Saturday, Aug. 9, 2003, at Abundant Life Assembly of God Church in Sterling. Black is back: Dark skies show off Mars Now that summer makes way for some more nighttime hours, hopefully cloudless, I'm able to resume my astronomy column. Russian cosmonaut plans space marriage MOSCOW How do pre-wedding jitters feel in zero gravity? Around the Peninsula Burn ban continuesVisitors center presents 'Beauty within the Beast'Soldotna chamber meeting setBlood bank in critical need of donorsSkateboard park grand opening plannedNPR holding registration for flag footballButchering classes scheduledHelp offered for home day-care providers Astronauts showcase aviation progress NEW YORK Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, landed in Rockefeller Center for the opening of an exhibit marking the 100th year of aviation since the Wright brothers' flight in December 1903. My best friend Bongo, a 14-year-old lab mix, has been a faithful companion and friend to Debbie Moore of Nikiski for many years. Familiar expression has gruesome origin We've all heard the familiar expression, "It's raining cats and dogs," but have you ever pondered where that saying came from? It is difficult to say for certain the exact origin of the phrase but there are several possible theories. Love holds lead CASTLE ROCK, Colo. Davis Love III played steady, conservative golf to maintain his 10-point lead Saturday in The International. Brazil's hoops protest rejected, U.S. gets silver SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic The Americans closed the Pan American Games track and field competition in style Saturday night, grabbing four medals, including three in the relays. Bomar's 2-under leads Chrysler Open In ideal golfing conditions Saturday at the Kenai Golf Course, Anchorage professional Billy Bomar shot a 2-under par 70 to take the one-day lead in the Kenai Chrysler Open. Roddick beats Federer MONTREAL (AP) Andy Roddick beat Wimbledon champ Roger Federer 6-4, 3-6, 7-6 (3) Saturday to gain the Canada Masters final for the second straight year. Bryant adds to Lakers' legacy Kobe Bryant's legal problems represent just the latest trouble for the Los Angeles Lakers, one of the NBA's most successful teams and, at the same time, one of its most star-crossed. Vick provides thrills in Falcons' loss to Packers ATLANTA Michael Vick was 6-for-7 for 110 yards, including a 43-yard touchdown pass to Brian Finneran, before the Atlanta Falcons squandered a big lead in their preseason opener, losing to the Green Bay Packers 27-21 Saturday night. Phelps keeps rocking COLLEGE PARK, Md. Michael Phelps set another world record, punched the air several times and pointed to his head, an unusual show of emotion from the 18-year-old Baltimore native. Lott inducted into College Football Hall SOUTH BEND, Ind. As roommates at Southern California, Ronnie Lott and Marcus Allen talked about achieving greatness. Goldstein, Brassard pick up race crowns A warm August sun greeted some 200 women running through Kenai with 70-degree temperatures. Although Saturday's heat may have been a little outside the norm, the women who ran or walked either the 5-kilometer or 10-kilometer races of the Women's Resource and Crisis Center Kenai Peninsula Run for Women were able to beat the heat. Peninsula Clarion © 2016. All Rights Reserved. | Contact Us
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First part of two parts, please click hyperlink at bottom to continue to the next part Chefs draw inspiration from a variety of places for their plates of food. Some are inspired by their childhood experiences, others by their travels or time spent in the kitchens of their mentors. Still other are inspired by specific ingredients or the freshest produce at the market that day. Often inspiration comes from some sort of a combination or amalgam of all of these things. At b.o.s. in Little Tokyo, Chef David Bartnes' menu is a collection of memories from all the places he has lived, studied and worked in Asia, Europe and most recently here in Los Angeles. Though born in Oregon, David moved with his Korean mother back to Korea after his Caucasian father, a service man, died in a training accident before David was born. David lived in Korea until he was nine years old. He then moved to Hong with his mom and his German step father who his mom met in Korea. After that year in Hong Kong, David's family moved to Singapore where he attended British curriculum school. At this international school, United World College of South East Asia, he met people from all walks of life. Through his friends, David was influenced a lot by what they were eating. Many days after school he'd be found eating satays, roti's and curries while hanging out with his friends and classmates who were either locals or from places as far away as Canada, Australia, India and South Africa. While in Asia growing up as an expat, David traveled a lot with his parents throughout Asia, North America and Europe for both family vacations, as well as a part of his stepfather's work. Much of his travel included plenty of eating out and staying in a lot of hotels. At a young age, this left a deep impression. So much so that when he was seven years old David knew he was destined to work in the service industry in some way. At the age of 16, David’s family received a transfer to move to Chicago. However with his British schooling, a move to the US at the time would have proved to be too much of a change, so David was next off to England to finish high school. A life with a desk job wasn't something David ever aspired to pursue. Not the best in school, he dabbled in music and was on the path to discovering himself when one day David had an epiphany. He wanted to be a chef. He liked cooking for friends. He liked the reaction he got when his friends enjoyed what he prepared. So rather than continue down the path of further education, he enrolled in culinary school where he attended the prestigious Le Cordon Bleu in London. Here he learned classical technique. After school David got an offer to stage at the Hilton Hotel in Shanghai, China where his parents had just moved after their time in Chicago. At this time, China hadn't yet economically boomed. The Hilton Hotel was one of only a few hotels there in Shanghai and thus had a good crowd particularly of ex‐patriots that lived in China. Here, catering to that crowd, David did everything from Italian cuisine to working in the chocolate room to the butchery to the baking room. From the Japanese chef who trained at the Tokyo bay Hilton, David learned how to do Japanese cuisine at a teppan table that was inside the Hilton's Italian restaurant. Volume was intense. In the bakery alone, the hotel's crew made enough bread to serve four thousand people a day. Needless to say, this was a big operation. After a year, Bartnes finished this stage position. He then got a job offer to run the kitchen at a golf course in Phuket, a small island off of Southeast Thailand, at the Blue Canyon Country Club known in SE Asia for holding PGA tournaments. So he went there and helped out in the "Western kitchen" doing everything from burgers to pasta. Business was slow especially at night since the clientele was golfers. These golfers, noticing his frustrations introduced him to the places they would eat at in the evenings. One restaurant, The Siam Supper club, caught David's attention. It was a style of food that took him back to great city restaurants in the US and UK. He spoke with the chefs and still hungry for work, he helped out at the restaurant a couple nights of the week working the pizza and appetizer stations, and learning the ropes which eventually turned into a job offer which he took. After the two chefs and first real mentors he was working for left to open a restaurant in New York City, David's parents and uncle bought out the restaurant's owners, and had David run the kitchen. David had a lot of fun living and working in Thailand. All of the ingredients for the restaurant were sourced from Thailand except for the beef. As with many places in Asia, beef is imported from Australia. But he had a good source for duck, and used the freshest tuna. Chickens were pasture raised from the local markets along with most of the vegetables except for salad greens which were grown in the north of Thailand and picked up once a week at the airport. So this was David's first hand at being local and sustainable that used the local ingredients and supported the people who made a business supporting ex‐pats and their tastes. He cooked what the restaurant called "big city American fare." Outside the restaurant he was into eating all the local Thai food as much and as often as he could. This included spicy southern Thai curries that were heavily influenced by Malaysians and all the traders that have passed through during the years, as well as fried chicken at the markets with fresh papaya salads.Though after three years on Phuket looking at Palm trees and beaches, David experienced his first taste of burn‐out. He hadn't left the island during this entire time. On a trip to Bangkok, he was overwhelmed by all the activity: the smells, sights, sounds, and traffic. It was information overload. He decided then and there that he needed to get off of the island before he went nuts or wouldn't ever be able to integrate back into city life again. He took the bold step and moved back to Shanghai, which by then was starting to boom. Before returning to Shanghai, David traveled to Europe and New York City. While in Europe, he spent time at a friend’s chalet in the Haute-Savoie in Southern France where he went mushroom picking and trout fishing. In New York City he went on what he describes as an "eating fest". Re‐inspired by his travels, David made his way to Shanghai. In Shanghai, David was involved a number of different projects ranging from a Danish/German Beer House to a running a night club, and a museum restaurant. He was also catering for large scale events like the inaugural PGA Players Championship with Tiger Woods, Phil Mickleson and the whole PGA line‐ up. For that four day event, David's team served food to over six thousand people per day. Plus he consulted on a number of little projects learning the business side of things as well as worked for an investment company. In China, David explored its vast cuisines. His favorite restaurant served food from Hunan Provence. Considered the bread basket of China, Hunan has a very unique cuisine that uses a wide range of spices. He fell in love. The food is hot and flavorful not dank and oily like Szechuan cuisine sometimes is and minus the mountains of Szechuan peppercorns and dried chilies. He sometimes craved Szechun cuisine but he could eat Hunan food every day. He also got into the sweeter Shanghainese, cuisine which is very sweet with a lot of sweet soy sauce. China was definitely a culinary wonderland for him with so many different ways of preparing ingredients. He dabbled in Chinese cuisine but loves it more for the memories it's served for his palate. As he did in Singapore and Thailand’s outdoor markets and food stalls, he'd sit on the street and watch and absorb the activity of the people in the stalls making food. During his stay in China, David eventually got married to an American Chinese expat who he knew through the expat community in Shanghai. Her desire after marriage was to move back to the US to be closer to her family and start he own family. So his wife took a job in Los Angeles. David had never thought about living in Los Angeles, nor really even imagined at all moving back to the US. The last time he had been to LA was when he was all but seven years old. He, as with most of the world, thought Los Angeles was all about Disneyland, Hollywood, and gangsta rap as well as being a massive concrete jungle. This wasn't a move he was overly joyed about. However almost immediately after he arrived, he quickly fell in love with LA. End of Part 1, please click here to continue to Part 2.
{ "date": "2016-06-27T10:03:42Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-26", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-26/segments/1466783395679.92/warc/CC-MAIN-20160624154955-00131-ip-10-164-35-72.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9889293909072876, "token_count": 1848, "url": "http://www.examiner.com/article/la-chef-david-bartnes-journey-to-los-angeles?cid=rss" }
Actually, at Point Reyes Station and Point Reyes National Seashore, but that's one of my favorite songs--as sung by the great Judy Garland. Matty and I went to Point Reyes today -- what an amazing place. Sadly, we were socked in by some very thick fog, but I managed to get some decent pics... and two lifers! (possibly three, but I'll need your verdict on that--see later in the post.) First, the lifers! I have been hoping to see what I call the Elvis of the bird world for some time, and I was not disappointed; check out the stylin' hairdo on this California Quail:Here he is with his little family (most of them--he has another young one farther ahead of him on the path but he was too blurry to make out, so I cropped him out):I like how he's the only one who's hitting the hair product; Mommy and Baby have far to go to get a bouffant like Daddy's. I had to pull a Mary when I saw Daddy posing on the post; I hit the brakes, whipped the car around, drove back at a creeping pace, and snapped his pic. He then fluttered to the ground and called his family together, and they hot-footed it into the thicket of plants there at the roadside, peeping all the while. Here's lifer #2, which incidentally also merited a hit-the-brakes-and-turn-around maneuver, a Western Grebe! This was in Tomales Bay, not the ocean. After (ahem) kinda-sorta stopping traffic while executing a U-turn to get us back on our way after getting the pic, Matty informed me that there would be no more Lifer Quick-stops. Good thing we were on the way home at that point! I also saw this White-crowned Sparrow way up at the top of the cliffs near the lighthouse:And hey--isn't that an egg to his/her left? And a baby to his/her right?! Let me get more of the picture:Wow! I got a lot more there than I thought! Cool! But do you think that the egg will hatch? I mean, that baby looks pretty far along for him to be from the same clutch as the egg, unless the egg is part of a new clutch. We can hope, right? Still very cool! Oh, and to clean up some old business regarding lifers: I'd been seeing what I had presumed were female Western Scrub Jays all over the place around here until I found out that the females of that species look much like the males. The birds I was seeing were robin-sized and -shaped, with a buffy-rufous patch on their heads and their undertail coverts. I finally figured out that I was seeing California Thrashers when I noticed that sharp metallic "CHEEK!" I keep hearing everywhere was coming from these same brown and buffy birds. So that was Lifer #210, and the California Quail and Western Grebe take the official ABA count up to 212! Woo hoo! I will try to get a pic of the Cali Thrasher because they're actually kinda pretty, if a little plain. The one I last saw had his head feathers fluffed up almost like a crest; he must've been pissed off at something (but not me; I kept a respectful distance from him!). I have been focusing so much on the markings and the body that I have completely missed the long decurved bill, but I'll check that out next time (I know just where to go on campus to see lots of them) when I get a photo. So--we drove along Sir Francis Drake Road, along the peninsula that juts out (and has the lighthouse at its tip), and went all the way to the tip. I wish it hadn't been foggy or it would've looked like this:instead of like this:Can you see the waves hitting the beach down there? Maybe a little? Now imagine it's really windy and the fog is thick like Texas drizzle AND you're only wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Now it's really like you were there with us! In addition to the above postcard, I also got this cool guide to California coastal birds, which is kinda cartoon-y but very handy and helpful. Here's their Western Grebe:and here's another picture of my Western Grebe:See the similarities? : ) Here are a few photos of what it looks like going out to the tip of the coast and up to the lighthouse, complete with young Tule Elks (I think--or else they're very woolly deer) and dairy cows wandering around all over the place: Do you see the big brown furry Sea Lions in that last pic? Life mammal! Also saw a couple of gray Harbor Seals too, another life mammal! Now--here's where I'm wondering if I'm seeing plain old Double-crested Cormorants or Brandt's Cormorants: Brandt's Cormorants would be lifers, but gees--can YOU tell whether they have that head bump or not? I can't. What do you think?
{ "date": "2016-06-30T10:25:54Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-26", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-26/segments/1466783398516.82/warc/CC-MAIN-20160624154958-00051-ip-10-164-35-72.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9780017137527466, "token_count": 1099, "url": "http://beginningtobird.blogspot.com/2009/08/foggy-day-in-london-town.html" }
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30. In the character of Abigail, the wife of Nabal, we have an illustration of womanhood after the order of Christ; while her husband illustrates what a man may become who yields himself to the control of Satan. When David was a fugitive from the face of Saul, he had camped near the possessions of Nabal, and had protected the flocks and the shepherds of this man…. In a time of need, David sent messengers to Nabal with a courteous message, asking for food for himself and his men, and Nabal answered with insolence, returning evil for good, and refusing to share his abundance with his neighbors. No message could have been more respectful than that which David sent to this man, but Nabal accused David and his men falsely in order to justify himself in his selfishness, and represented David and his followers as runaway slaves. When the messenger returned with this insolent taunt, David’s indignation was aroused, and he determined to have speedy revenge. One of the young men in the employ of Nabal, fearing that evil results would follow Nabal’s insolence, came and stated the case to Nabal’s wife, knowing that she had a different spirit from her husband, and was a woman of great discretion…. Abigail saw that something must be done to avert the result of Nabal’s fault, and that she must take the responsibility of acting immediately without the counsel of her husband. She knew that it would be useless to speak to him, for he would only receive her proposition with abuse and contempt. He would remind her that he was the lord of his household, that she was his wife, and therefore in subjection to him, and must do as he should dictate…. Without his consent, she gathered together such stores as she thought best to conciliate the wrath of David; for she knew he was determined to avenge himself for the insult he had received …. Abigail’s course in this matter was one that God approved, and the circumstance revealed in her a noble spirit and character. Conflict and Courage p.168 —–We need your prayers and this was the fastest way we could think of to get the word out. At her well child appointment Friday Addy’s doctor was concerned when he saw her because of her recent unsteadiness. He immediately started making phone calls and got us into _____ children’s hospital in _____ Friday night. She had an MRI Saturday morning and the neurologist has come to see us a few times now. There’s no way to say this or to lessen the impact so I’ll just get it out. There is a mass near her brain stem. We don’t know if it’s actually in the stem or not, but there aren’t any more masses in the spine which is good. The neurology team here will be meeting tomorrow to make a game plan for getting a biopsy. Once we get the biopsy (possibly on Tuesday) we will hopefully be able to make a plan for treatment. Please keep us all in your prayers, but especially Addy. Matt One year when the children were little, we spent the summer camping in a small, private campground. We had done this because we had hoped to save enough money to have a large down payment for buying a mobile home. Unfortunately, even though we did save the money, we could not find a good place to put a trailer, so gave up on the idea. We had a happy summer none-the-less and many memories were made through that experience. The owner of the campground where we stayed babysat her grandson while his parents worked. Lindon was about Ronnie Jay’s age , and as soon as we arrived, the two boys became instant friends. The campground had woods surrounding it. A path through the woods took us down the hill to the river. Ronnie Jay always wanted to go to the river, but I would not allow him to unless I was along. The river flowed fast and there were poisonous snakes. He was forbidden to leave the campground or to go into those woods. One day, the boys found part of a map that had been dropped by some utility workers a few days before. Ron, playing with them a little, told them it was a pirate’s treasure map. He went to work and thought no more about it. Those little boys’ minds, however, thought a lot about it. Ronnie Jay and Lindon talked about their find for hours. “Pirates! Wow! Their treasure must be down by the river!” I knew nothing of the topic of their conversation. I only knew that the two boys were playing quietly. This was a rare occasion as normally what one boy didn’t think of the other one did. As I was doing the little duties that must be done around the campsite, I suddenly realized that I had not heard or seen the boys in quite awhile. I walked toward the owner’s house to see if they were there and met her on the path. She was looking for Lindon. We were really worried when we realized that neither of us had heard from our boys for a very long time. We called and called, but there was no answer. Finally, a very tall man, who was camping there overnight, noticed our frantic searching and asked if we happened to be looking for two little boys. In unison, we said, “Yes!” Pointing, he said, “I see two heads bobbing along through the tall grass in that field over there.” We were relieved and with that relief came anger for their having disobeyed our instructions. We were waiting for them at the end of the path that led to Lindon’s house, which was about 1/4 mile away. Lindon was forbidden to go there while his parents were at work. There were too many things a little boy could get into while unsupervised. The parents had two huge dogs that had no sense of loyalty toward them or their son. The two boys had disobeyed and they were in big trouble with us. When they saw us standing there, their happy laughter turned to solemn looks. They knew that they had disobeyed. Upon questioning them, we discovered the reason for their disobedience. Lindon’s father had a large sword hanging over the fireplace. He had it there for decoration, but it was real and it was sharp. He had cautioned his son never to touch it. Lindon had decided that they would need that sword to fight the pirates who would be guarding their treasure! Thankfully they were too short, even when standing upon a chair, to reach it. How careful we must be when we tell children anything. They have perfect trust, perfect confidence in us. They are not filled with doubts. They believe everything that we tell them. Jesus used a little child to illustrate what our belief and trust in Him must be. “And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” ” Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.” Matt18:2-4, Mark 10:15 May we come to our loving Heavenly Father with all of the faith, all of the trust, all of the confidence of an unspoiled child. May we believe His Holy Word. May we place our hand in His strong and mighty Hand and allow Him to lead us wherever He deems best is my prayer.
{ "date": "2017-07-25T04:51:36Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549424961.59/warc/CC-MAIN-20170725042318-20170725062318-00679.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9909205436706543, "token_count": 1651, "url": "https://rosesdevotional.org/a-mismatched-pair.html" }
It occurs to me that, from time to time, police officers make mistakes. It also occurs to me that we live in a world that is increasingly unforgiving of them when they do. There are, of course, any number of reasons why police officers might get it wrong: (1) Because they are human Though my wife comes close, I’ve yet to encounter an entirely perfect human being. I’ve certainly never met a perfect police officer. But I have known officers who make mistakes. I look at one in the mirror every morning before I go to work. They make mistakes because they are tired; because they are stretched; because they are under pressure; because they aren’t in possession of all the facts; because their instincts have let them down on this occasion; because hindsight is a wonderful thing. Because they are human. (2) Because they operate in the hurting places As I have observed before, police officers go where most wouldn’t and do what most couldn’t. It is a big part of what makes them so extraordinary. And the places where they so often find themselves are characterised by hatred and harm, by trouble and trauma, by violence and sorrow and grief. In those places, they are compelled to make life and death decisions, within fractions of seconds, without anything approaching a full understanding of the circumstances they’re confronted with. They face incredible personal risks in doing so. Sometimes they make the wrong call. (3) Because everything can’t be a priority These days, there is more police work to be done than there are police officers to do it. And the job is becoming more complex and more demanding all the time. But everything can’t be a priority. While we concentrate our efforts and attention on protecting the most vulnerable and pursuing the most dangerous, it is just possible that other, less important things, will have to wait. But someone, somewhere will always believe we’ve got it wrong – that there are other things that ought to have been higher up our list. Sometimes, they will be right. (4) Because policing doesn’t happen in isolation The police service will always be the agency of first and last resort. I wouldn’t have it any other way. But we are just one part of an endlessly complex statutory (and non-statutory) jigsaw. The young man we arrested this morning is the same one that Social Services are concerned about. He already has a Drugs Worker and needs to see his CAMHS counsellor in between appointments at the Youth Offending Service. Cuts to the services provided by a number of those partner agencies have widened the gaps that he can fall through. And, between us, we don’t always get it as right as we should. (5) Because of organisational failings Sometimes, police officers make a mistake as a consequence of failings on the part of the wider service. Perhaps we haven’t provided them with the right leadership and direction. Perhaps we have focused so much on hitting targets that we have failed to appreciate the importance of things that can’t necessarily be measured. Perhaps we have provided kit or training that isn’t up to scratch. Or we haven’t provided it at all. Perhaps it’s us who have let them down. Sometimes police officers make mistakes. When we do, we need to say sorry. We also need to acknowledge that the consequences of those mistakes – for victims, for witnesses, for suspects, for wider society – can be disproportionately damaging. That is perhaps an inevitable consequence of the place that policing occupies in the world. But the way in which the rest of us respond to the making of those mistakes is critical – not least in determining whether we stand any chance getting it right next time. And I’m just not comfortable with the way things are at the moment. We live in times when the ferocious combination of media hostility, political demand, one-eyed external scrutiny and the baying of social media hounds leaves little room for consideration, balance or perspective. In the headlong rush to apportion blame, how can any of us be expected to learn from the things we get wrong? Because mistakes and misconduct are not the same thing. Not remotely the same. Misconduct is the preserve of: And police officers who display any of those characteristics have nothing in common with the vast majority of good coppers I’ve worked alongside for the best part of 25 years. The lazy and the unprofessional need to get their act together. If they can’t or won’t, they need to go. This job matters far too much to be done by people who don’t care. When it comes to the corrupt and the criminal, the message is clear: They have no place among us. Actually, they belong in jail. At the same time, every good Copper (and there are thousands of them) needs our support as never before. And they deserve far better than to be hung out to dry for doing their jobs. When they make an honest mistake – having acted honourably and with the best of intentions – they should be supported by us and allowed to learn from the experience, without being damned in the court of ill-informed opinion. They do a job that is beyond the experience and understanding of most of us. They do it with courage and decency and patience and good humour. And, as they venture into the hurting places, they need to know that we have their backs.
{ "date": "2017-07-28T00:42:58Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549436316.91/warc/CC-MAIN-20170728002503-20170728022503-00199.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9585177302360535, "token_count": 1171, "url": "https://emergencyshorts.co.uk/blog/police/policecommander/st33203/Misconduct-%26amp%3B-Mistakes/" }
The Truth? You Can’t Handle the Truth! “Hey! Look! What is that? “A worker on the drilling rig exclaims. “Geez, it moves like a bat out of hell!” Shouts another. “It’s coming this way! Whoa!” He calls out when it seems that the craft is about to collide with the rig. The lander sets down just short of the tower on the drilling rig. “Get Matt Woodford to the helipad!” Bellows a voice on a speaker. When nothing happens a plume of water shoots hundreds of meters into the air next to the tower. “If you do not move quickly we will remove the legs from under this rig and you will be swimming with the sharks! Get a move on!” The voice barks again. There is a scramble, and a surprised Matt Woodford is hurriedly accompanied to the helicopter landing site. The lander moves right up to them and the hatch opens. “Get on board, Matt! This is your dad!” A stunned Matt Woodford scurries into the craft and the hatch closes. Brato shows him to a vacant seat and moments later the vessel takes off at a staggering speed. It’s all over before anyone on the rig realizes what had just happened. Back on the ship everything is explained to Matt. He is not sure if he’s having a psychological breakdown or just a dream, but gradually his panic subsides and he realizes what his father is telling him is true. Eddie’s getting impatient: “Now it is your turn, General. We now want the names of everyone you know of that are involved, and especially who their controllers are. Do not leave anyone out. Every detail is important.” General Woodford is starting to enjoy the game: “I have longed for an opportunity to get back at those scumbags. It will be my pleasure to rat out each and every one of them.” For more than two hours General Woodford tells everything he knows about the criminals who control his life and how they forced him to act against his better judgment. The interview is also video taped and Woodford is now fully part of the team. After having recovered from his ordeal, Matt Woodford joins them again and his father explains to him what has happened and the danger he himself unwittingly found himself in. Eddie warns: “We will probably need you to testify before the UN, General.” General Woodford gets a determined look on his face: “Whichever way it goes, my military career is probably over anyhow. I will testify.” “Count me in.” Matt said. But General Woodford is concerned: “The UN building is situated in New York City. The UN is an organization itself created by the establishment, and its senior staff, including the Secretary General, are probably all on their payroll or forced to dance to their tune. They will probably try to eliminate any witnesses before the meeting. “ “We are aware of all that.” Said Eddie, “We’re not going to actually meet in New York.” On the US Defense System’s radar screen a group of very dim and fast moving images appear. This causes an alarmed stir in the control center. “Get hold of the President immediately!” Commands the General in charge. When the red phone in the White House rings, the President picks up immediately: “Yes, what is it?” “Mr. President, a number of fast flying objects are approaching us from space, what are your orders?” The President sounds tired. He has seen the writing on the wall: “I was expecting something like this. So far there hasn’t been any loss of life and I don’t think they’re going to hurt anyone. We don’t need another demonstration. Leave them alone. Let’s see what they want first before we all start acting like idiots.” “They are approaching New York City, sir.” One of the craft lands at the back of the UN building near the East River as the other craft form a circle in the air providing cover. A loudspeaker bellows: “The presence of the Secretary General is required on the helipad… Immediately!” In the buildings around many faces appear in the windows, a few cameras start flashing and in the streets people curiously start to congregate. The vessel rises to the roof to await the Secretary General. In the Council of Foreign Relations Headquarters opposite the UN building chaos reigns. The President is immediately called: “What are you doing about this invasion?!” The President has already decided: “Nothing. You and I have relinquished control over world affairs!” “You have to stop this immediately!” “We have no effective deterrent and there is no way I am going to risk any more lives for your benefit!” “That will be the end of your career, your reputation and your life you foolish old Goyim!” “So be it. I have seen this coming and made my peace with it.” Replies the President as he gently hangs up the phone. A smile flickers across his face… who could’ve known that today would be the end of his Presidential mockery. He was never in control and feared for his life and the lives of his family every single day. Not from some mad man roaming the streets, but from his Kehillah puppet masters. They show no mercy and the relief he felt was making him lightheaded. The oligarchs within the Kehillah have met their match at last. An uncertain Secretary General appears on the helipad area on the UN building. The lander approaches and the hatch opens. “We will not keep you for long, sir. Please come aboard immediately.” The Secretary General comes closer and hesitantly gets on board. The hatch closes behind him with a hiss and a clang. He recognizes General Woodford immediately and hurries over to him: “General Woodford…?” he utters hoarsely. “Don’t worry; nothing’s going to happen to you. Please sit down. We need to meet with the Heads of State of all UN member countries. You must contact them and provide us with a list of locations where we can pick them and their translators up, three days from now around noon. We will transport them to a safe place where we can meet. Anyone who does not comply will suffer dire consequences. Contact us at this email address.” General Woodford hands him a note with the address. “Go now, and tell them not to try anything foolish. They are to come unarmed. This is not a game and we want to ensure everyone returns unscathed.” Woodford takes him by the arm and escorts him to the hatch. Without uttering a word, the Secretary General gets off the lander, the hatch closes, and together the vessels take off, straight up into the sky. The news spreads like a wildfire. Nobody in a position of authority at this time is unaware of the newcomers’ display of power and within a day the list of attending members is completed. An insider meeting of authoritative members is hastily called and assembled. Oil tycoon Dave Roth, accompanied by his brother Chuck, has the floor: “We have to act quickly or we will lose control. We have lost the President already. We must find a way to neutralize these invaders.” Jane Heller of the Federal Reserve Bank suggests: “We will have to think long term Dave, as always. The military has effectively been neutralized, so immediate violence is out of the question. We need to get hold of their technology before we can be on an equal footing and that dictates infiltration.” Roth agrees: “You are right, Jane, but we must act quickly. We must use subtle disinformation in the media to generate distrust, get the public suspicious of any agreement they might conclude and also generate sympathy for ourselves and the world.” Joseph Greenberg is concerned: “We will not be safe once everything is revealed, Dave. We have to circumvent any action that might be taken against us and put our plans into action at the same time. We will have to introduce those of our sons who are not yet implicated and can not be prosecuted. I am fairly certain all of us will. We must transfer as much money as possible to their accounts and disguise the transfers while we still have control of the banks and computers involved.” Roth and others agree wholeheartedly with this. In the next few days large amounts of money find new homes. Special instructions and advice was also given to their children. On the third day, as arranged, landers appear at all the places indicated, and the world’s heads of state are all, to their surprise and sometimes dismay, taken straight to the ship’s meeting room where all sit down meekly with their interpreters. Eddie, standing on the central stage welcomes everyone and starts talking in a jovial tone: “I get to speak first since I was the first rookie astronaut from Earth to visit, long before you.” Here and there a nervous laugh can be heard: “First of all, we want to ensure that everyone is properly informed before we proceed to the next stage. We are going to show you some information from the ship’s archives dating back many millennia, in case you missed Don Hoffman’s broadcast. Since the soundtrack is in its original language, we will fill in where necessary. The video material should speak for itself, however.” For the next few hours the foreign audience sits quietly, spellbound by the story that unfolds before them. When it ends a lively discussion erupts. Eddie gives them some time alone and after an hour calls them to order: “Gentlemen, I want to introduce you to General Woodford. He is the previous military Chief of Staff of the USA. We apprehended him in self defense some time ago because he planned an aggressive act against this ship and its crew.” General Woodford takes place next to Eddie and clears his throat. His weightlessness does not make him any more comfortable: “Gentlemen, I have come to the conclusion that my assessment of these people and their intentions had been totally wrong, as you probably realize at this time. I bear no grudge towards them for my some what disturbing reception. I’m sure I’ve earned it.” A few gloating smiles can be seen in the audience. “I have an embarrassing confession to make in this regard, something I’m not proud of. When I was a young officer, I was tempted to commit what I thought was a somewhat unimportant indiscretion. I found out later that it was orchestrated by criminals in the financial and oil connected establishments. This was used to force me to commit even more indiscretions with some reward for my career afterwards. I convinced myself that my actions must have been for the good of my country since these are men with immense power at their disposal who are associated with most of the more powerful politicians behind the scenes. Eventually however, I discovered that their actions were completely criminal and aimed towards gaining even more wealth and power for themselves… a kind of game played in total disregard for human life. I protested against some of the schemes I was told to support, but by that time I was completely entangled through my previous transgressions, evidence of which they held to black mail me to comply with their wishes. After the death of my wife, my career became less important to me and I became more inclined to oppose their instructions. In the mean time however, one of their oil companies had offered my son a lucrative salary which he found impossible to refuse. He was then sent to supervise one of their deep-sea drilling operations, and once he arrived there, I was told that if I did not dance to their tune, he would have an unfortunate ‘accident’.” He turned to Eddie. “Thanks to this gentlemen and the crew of this spaceship, I am off the hook as far as he is concerned. Everything is up to you now. You were brought here because we must have everyone’s cooperation to make things right. I am not going to name anyone, but I know many of you are being pressured by the very same establishment. With the possible exception of a few, I think most of you will agree that it is illogical, if not downright irresponsible, to belong to an organization with the power to make decisions contrary to your own country’s interests whilst some members are immune from similar decisions taken for similar reasons. We propose to change to a system that makes it possible for all nations to allow their folk to make informed and just decisions to the advantage of their own nation and folk.” Here and there sounds of agreement can be heard. The US President has thoughtfully been listening to General Woodford. At this stage he indicates that he too has something to say: “Gentlemen, I fully concur with my General. I have been under the same kind of Damocles Sword as he was. I am ashamed to have to admit that many of my government’s important actions in the past century, which influenced world affairs and the decisions made in the General Assembly, have been tainted by decisions aimed at forwarding the purposes of the establishment my General referred to. At least two of my predecessors have even been insiders of this establishment.” He turns to the British Prime Minister: “You know what I am talking about. The two of us have had to co-operate in controlling the oil supply, oil prices, and associated dollar based floating exchange rates. We have both benefited handsomely, especially due to our shareholding in military industries and the wars we had to authorize to maintain control. In fact, since even before the first World War, since 1912, every President in my country was put in place by this establishment controlled by criminal Jew gangsters, forming public opinion through their control of their media and by misuse of their monetary powers and government backed covert operations. As you must know, our reserve banks are all privately owned and are interconnected. They are orchestrated to increase the wealth and power of the world’s true enemy, a secret organization the establishment is a large part of, called the Kehillah. It is run by an unknown, self proclaimed King who gives orders to his two Princes, one of the eastern hemisphere and one of the western hemisphere. The Princes then pass the King’s orders down the rank of command to others lower in the organization, until it reaches the establishment, which consists of International Jews who control the monetary system, energy industries, the media and every other industry used to control and enslave the masses. It’s a very sophisticated organization that controls the entire world. These banks are first based in the City of London, the independent financial and monetary establishment based in Britain and, since the First World War, affiliated with ours on Wall Street in New York City. In my country and in many others, due to their control of the media and the cost involved in presidential campaigns, no one can hope to become or remain President without their backing. The crux of their power is control of the monetary system, control of the media, and control of the energy resources used to manipulate the monetary system, exchange rates, and economic development of countries. We must put a monetary system in place that is honest and fair, based on a nationally agreed fixed value immune from any manipulation by these criminals. Gentlemen, this is an opportunity that must not be wasted. We need your input and cooperation to put these criminals in their place.” Everyone is surprised by the President’s brutal honesty. There is a moment of stunned silence before the dam wall breaks. One after another each one comes forward with similar stories and finally it seems that almost all the countries in the world are in one way or the other totally under the control of the Kehillah. The oil-rich countries more so than others as their rulers are always under International Jewry’s influence and only came into power with the help of their stoking unrest, leaving the door open for a take over. Eddie has to raise his voice to be heard: “It seems that almost everyone here has in some way been directly or indirectly controlled by this merciless, criminal establishment. The undeveloped and developing countries especially have suffered by being prevented from developing their industries and infrastructure, having their populations impoverished and reduced through wars and adverse health conditions, and their governments replaced in the cruelest ways. At present your respective infrastructures are still controlled by these criminals. They will do their utmost to prevent you from taking control. As far as energy is concerned, they have prevented the universal implementation of the super flywheel, fuel cells, large scale solar and wind power development, viable nuclear energy systems development… any alternative energy solutions for general use, especially the erection and development of nuclear power plants in developing countries. The spectre of nuclear war was used to create an excuse for meddling in nuclear programs in developing countries, whilst the countries with veto rights in the General Assembly were those who in reality constitute this very same danger. ‘Green Peace’ was created for this specific purpose, financed by a Canadian oil company to propagate and exaggerate the danger of pollution by radio-active substances from nuclear power stations and prevent the establishment of an alternative to oil for the generation of energy. Ironically, the main contributor to pollution today is oil and coal, together with pollutants like dioxins from the related chemical industry in developed countries like my own. At present oil is the main leverage for all these violations. Our visitors from space are prepared to supply you cost effective, unlimited, non-polluting power, totally independent of oil. On the one hand, plans are available for extremely efficient solar power and energy storage systems, suitable for remote locations. On the other, this ship is powered by a hydrogen nuclear fusion process that does not contribute to pollution. If we provide every country with similar power plants, that on its own will remove the must important component of their power base. Our problem is how to implement it without undue interference and loss of life. These criminals will not relinquish power peacefully if they can help it.” It sets a lively debate going and the teachers have a busy time. General Woodford now sees himself as part of the team: “Gentlemen, if you will allow me… I have a suggestion. Our main problem is the chasm between truth and disinformation. If we can teach the truth to the peoples of the world, we will have won, for our peoples themselves will demand retribution. The majority of the main media bosses are under the same kind of pressure as most of you. I suggest that when we take you back you use your powers as Heads of States and summon these people to your offices. We will then pick them up for an excursion similar to this one and see to it that the peoples of the world are informed. Those media directors who are insider members of the establishment and have not yet been identified as such, will be obliged to conform to the majority decision. If they do not, they will expose themselves to the wrath of their people. Before you do this however, you will have to take control of law enforcement. The establishment’s power over people must be immobilized before they can act effectively and without threat to themselves and their families. The known members of the establishment must be detained as soon as you are returned, before the media comes into play.” After further discussion, there is general agreement with this proposal. Eddie has one more thing on his mind: “Gentlemen … in the past months the Captain here has been keenly interested in our financial history, among other things. Drawing on the experience of their original civilization, which was very successful until the unfortunate event that terminated it, he suggests that we decide on a common exchange currency based on true value, banish financial speculation, and use a similar system internally as was used very successfully in a few states in the USA before their Revolutionary War. Also other examples like Swanenkirchen’s Wara notes in Southern Germany, Worgl’s Notgeld in Austria, and similar experiments in Geunsey in England and Alberta in Canada, where governments and other organizations printed their own internal currency and the regulated amount circulation according to demand until halted by the establishment’s minions. Even Hitler did that successfully until he was nearly brought down, not realizing that his financiers were his true mortal enemies, using him to forward their own designs. Proper analysis of the events that led to the Second World War, reveals that it was Britain and France who instigated the war. The purpose was to involve most countries in the world in a lengthy war, to be able to convince a war weary world that they need an organization to enforce world peace… a prelude to a world government which they intended to control themselves, initially by means of their control over the countries with veto rights. Incidentally control of the monetary system as well as the true cause of the American Revolutionary War, at first compelling all Americans to return to the use of the British pound, and then by trying to punish them for trying to circumvent it by submitting them to severe taxation, compulsory Imports, and Military force.” The British Prime Minister has a serious objection: “Pardon the interruption, Sir, but a system like that will restrict free trade between countries. Britain is dependent upon trade to a very large extent as we have little internal resources.” Eddie feels he should correct the Briton: “Your people and your manufacturing industries are your resources, sir. You will now be obliged to pay honest prices for the raw materials. Jews who’ve been controlling your British Government and also America after the First World War, have been abusing the world’s monetary system and the economies of other countries to finance wars to extend and reinforce their rule for far too long. The so-called free trade principle, together with recall or support for internal agriculture and reduction of support for the poor, was introduced in Britain in the 1840’s with the specific purpose to enrich the rich by importing goods from cheap labor sources, impoverishing the British Folk and causing famine in Ireland, though in reality was a planned genocide, making them immigrate to America in droves. Others tried to follow this example, but failed, as planned, because of Britain’s Jew financiers’ control of maritime foreign trade due to Britain’s superior military fleet and its support or privateers who plundered any ship that was not insured in Britain, using their controlled government’s extensive secret service network in all the countries they exchanged with. In the 1870’s a German economist, Friedrich List, convinced his government to use a contrary approach. They restricted financial and foreign stock speculation and concentrated on developing their own industries, agriculture and other sectors. They did this with such success that the Jews who controlled Britain felt compelled to declare war in 1914 to maintain their trade and maritime dominance. Incidentally, this was at a stage when the British government was, to all intents and purposes, totally bankrupt. The war was waged with cash and supplies supplied by the American Jews, who controlled the financial and manufacturing establishment, that eventually resulted in the so-called Anglo-American alliance between the Jew establishments of both countries. Free trade is a parasitic design to enrich the rich and oppress the poor by importing goods from cheap labor sources in undeveloped and developing countries who are continuously prevented from developing an efficient infrastructure or their own that will improve the well being of their own people, keeping them poor and their labor cheap.” The Prime Minister is not satisfied: “You also propose to corrupt the entire monetary system? That will have profound repercussions all over the world!” “You’re telling me, an honest system will have a profound effect all over the world? May I remind you sir, that it was because of British and American Jews that the monetary system was corrupted in the first place! First by under evaluating gold as a currency in foreign trade, and then in 1971 to save America’s economy and artificially boost the value of the dollar and the British pound, by sucking other countries dry through America’s unilateral abandonment of the gold standard, replacing it with a dollar standard and making it an unstable, stock market controlled device for manipulating the fortunes of other countries and their economies. The seven biggest oil companies are closely connected to this process. By means of an agreement with the Jewish Saudis, and through them with all other Arab countries, every country is obliged to pay for oil in dollars, which opened the way to print, many times over, more dollars than the Federal Reserve could ever back. Raising the oil price by 400% the first time destroyed the economy of the fastest developing country in the world, Mexico, and put them in debt to such an extent that they could not even pay the interest on their national debt. In addition, keep in mind that the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and most, if not all, other reserve banks, are private institutions, intimately interconnected and created to serve the Jew establishment and finance the Kehillah. The UN and it’s immune members are in place to enforce any decision against countries who try to resist their draconian measures, using the World Bank, military means, the secret services, assassinations, sanctions, and support of terrorists and agitators to replace current legitimately elected governments, all of which we have experienced in my own country. Not even the Communist block and developed European countries like Germany, France, Austria, Yugoslavia, Sweden and Italy, have escaped their closest attention. My nation and my folk in particular have suffered and lost their country twice in one century due to their greed. The free trade principle is a sacred cow we must get rid of and replace it with a system that has the internal welfare of the peoples of individual countries in mind.” The other heads of state who up to now sat listening in silence, started clapping one after the other, until a general applause could be heard. The British Prime Minister throws his hands in helplessly in the air. “Gentlemen, that is not half the story, but we are not here to sling mud at each other. I can understand the British Prime Minister’s concerns and his country’s economic vulnerability. His government’s intimate and shameful involvement in the Jewish establishment’s atrocities are not the fault of the British people. However, we must come to an agreement and develop a satisfactory and mutually beneficial solution. Can we have a show of hands for an improved monetary system based on the principles I have outlined, please?” The proposal was adopted overwhelmingly, and Eddie notices that the US President had raised his hand. He concludes: “Very well, we will take you back in a while, but because of the numbers involved now we will have to schedule a series of visits on consecutive dates, starting with the most influential countries in different sectors of the world, allowing time for the necessary steps we have agreed upon. We also require a list of all known members of the establishment you can think of.” For the next few hours lists and schedules are drawn up, covering all the different cultures on Earth in a balanced way. “The first group will probably be enough to spread the news,” said Brato. Eddie agrees: “Yes, and the knowledge that others will follow will at the same time prevent any resistance from the criminal establishment. We must not allow anybody to feel left out. That could cause major problems, so we need to do this right, we only get one chance. But before anything else, Brato, your people have to take out the Kehillah…”
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2 301 Legends of the Legal Academy Harry Kalven, Jr. Vincent Blasi The first week of law school is for most students an intimidating experience. Everyone is so serious. My first week was leavened considerably by Harry Kalven. A group of students and Kalven were watching the seventh game of the 1964 World Series in the student lounge of the University of Chicago Law School. The broadcast was interrupted by a news bulletin: Nikita Khrushchev had just been deposed. Viewers were treated to several minutes of political and diplomatic analysis, with correspondents around the globe speculating on what this might mean for East-West relations. One of my classmates, an amateur Kremlinologist no doubt, expressed surprise: I can t understand why they would do this now. Kalven agreed: Yeah, in the seventh inning. Though well liked and greatly respected, Harry Kalven was not the most popular teacher in the law school during my time as a student. Some classmates thought his classes moved too slowly, that he belabored and repeated points. Everyone warmed to his wit, his imagination, and his generous spirit, but not everyone found in Kalven s classes the crackling intellectual tension, the rigor, the sense of analytic closure that some other teachers provided. By any measure Kalven was a good, effective teacher. But was he a great one? For me, he was more than a great teacher. He was a unique force in my education. He remains a continuing force. Other former students practicing lawyers, law teachers, law school graduates who have made careers outside of law tell me the same thing. His ideas stick in the mind; his personal example continues to lead. His teaching has stood the test. He seems an even better teacher now than he did at the time. All the more remarkable is Kalven s staying power when one considers that he was quintessentially a man of his times, an observer, a writer and teacher who was at his best when responding. He wrote mostly about recent cases and issues of current public controversy. His thought seemed always in progress, constantly on the lookout for more facts and better formulations. Kalven was interested in theories and produced a number of theoretical insights, but neither in the classroom nor in his writings did he offer anything like a systematic, well-elaborated personal perspective. He was the most creative legal thinker I have known, but his scholarship was patently, proudly, derivative. He was not, Vincent Blasi is Corliss Lamont Professor of Civil Liberties, Columbia Law School. Journal of Legal Education, Volume 61, Number 2 (November 2011) 3 302 Journal of Legal Education and did not try to be, a definitive thinker. Nor was he a forceful personality. He was the antithesis of a self-promoter. And yet he left his mark on his field and on his students in a way that few professors ever do. The word that best describes Harry Kalven is inquisitive. To him learning was a joyous, almost playful activity not a chore, not a source of power or distinction, more an experience than a quest. His inquisitive mind observed no boundaries; he never became a prisoner of his own expertise. His work as a scholar was unforced. Kalven s love of exploration is one reason, I think, why his closest professional companions were other teachers at heart, most notably Walter Blum, Charles Gregory, and Alexander Meiklejohn. What other lifelong liberal could have written the book Kalven co-authored with Blum, The Uneasy Case for Progressive Taxation? 1 It says much about their character that two colleagues with such divergent political convictions could have collaborated so successfully on an inquiry that touches a major nerve of the liberal-conservative divide. That Blum and Kalven were able to bridge their differences and jointly advance a bold critique on a sensitive subject probably traces to the fact that, for all their scholarly accomplishments, these virtuosos of the classroom were first and foremost teachers. The book s insouciant, unscripted analysis suggests that both authors brought to the project a pedagogic agenda: to learn, to test, to provoke, to embarrass dogma. In Kalven s work with Gregory, the creative synergy that spawned a remarkably user-friendly yet insidiously demanding torts casebook 2 was enriched by a shared sense of humor. Gregory s account of a Kalven prank well captures the fun they had as torts teachers: Harry visited me in Charlottesville when I was recovering from an illness. Our lawn needed cutting badly, and Harry volunteered. He got the power mower going (mirabile dictum) and went at it industriously, for we had a big lawn. After some time I looked out from an upstairs window and saw that right in the middle of the lawn Harry had cut, in huge letters, the word CARDOZO. How could I help adoring a guy who would do that to make me feel better? 3 Kalven always considered himself a student of Meiklejohn, though he never took a course from the legendary teacher and philosopher of education. The special quality of their relationship comes across in remarks each made about the other. Meiklejohn introduced his most important law review article by explaining: 1. Published initially as a law review article. See Walter Blum & Harry Kalven, Jr., The Uneasy Case for Progressive Taxation, 19 U. Chi. L. Rev. 417 (1952) reprinted as University of Chicago Law School Reprint and Pamphlet Series No Charles O. Gregory & Harry Kalven, Jr., Cases and Materials on Torts (1st ed. Little, Brown 1959). 3. Charles O. Gregory, Harry Kalven: Scholar and Friend, 43 U. Chi. L. Rev. 8 (1975). 4 Legends of the Legal Academy: Harry Kalven, Jr. 303 The writing of this paper is largely due to the friendly insistence of Professor Harry Kalven, Jr. of the Law School of the University of Chicago. He and I have had, in recent years, a continuing exchange of ideas. Professor Kalven tells me that he is not sure that my interpretation of the First Amendment can stand the test of lawyer-like application to the many specific situations which the courts must handle. 4 In turn, Kalven ended his most important law review article, asserting the historic importance of New York Times v. Sullivan, by reporting that he had discussed the case with the 92-year-old Meiklejohn shortly after it was decided: It is perhaps a fitting postscript to say that I had occasion this summer to discuss the Times case with Mr. Meiklejohn. Before I had disclosed my own views, I asked him for his judgment of the Times case. It is, he said, an occasion for dancing in the streets. As always, I am inclined to think he is right. 5 In his memorial tribute to Meiklejohn, Kalven emphasized his mentor s gift for making learning enjoyable: I have always suspected that Socrates, however wise and admirable, would have made a trying and difficult companion. Alec was a Socrates who wore well, a Socrates it was fun to be with, a Socrates for all seasons. 6 Not only Kalven s collaborators but also his intellectual adversaries appreciated the love of give and take that he brought to his work. Here is Guido Calabresi (another born teacher) describing what it was like to begin his career by matching wits with Kalven: In 1960 I walked into an office at The University of Chicago Law School. There I found Walter Blum and Harry Kalven. They had just read a draft of what was to become my first article. Harry greeted me with: it s all wrong... but I wish I had written an article like that when I was your age! This began the debate. Blum and Kalven delivered the Shulman Lectures at Yale, Public Law Perspectives on a Private Law Problem Auto Compensation Plans. I struck 4. Alexander Meiklejohn, The First Amendment Is an Absolute, 1961 Sup. Ct. Rev. 245, 246 n Harry Kalven, Jr., The New York Times Case: A Note on The Central Meaning of the First Amendment, 1964 Sup. Ct. Rev.191, 221 n.225 [hereinafter Kalven, Jr., The New York Times Case]. 6. Adam R. Nelson, Education and Democracy: The Meaning of Alexander Meiklejohn, (Univ. of Wis. Press, 2001). 5 304 Journal of Legal Education back in Fault, Accidents, and the Wonderful World of Blum and Kalven; but they had the last laugh in The Empty Cabinet of Dr. Calabresi. I believe that the law of torts benefitted from that hard fought polemic. I know that I, as a young scholar, could not have had a tougher, or more loving, initiation to scholarship. 7 Kalven wrote and taught on a diverse range of legal subjects. His first major scholarly achievement was in the field of civil procedure, a 1941 article that was ahead of its time in appreciating the potential significance of the class action lawsuit. 8 In addition to their book on progressive taxation and their running debate with Calabresi, Blum and Kalven produced critiques of many of the modern no-fault reform proposals for compensating victims of automobile accidents. 9 Kalven published articles on a number of other tort topics, 10 even as the casebook he co-edited with Charles Gregory remained the preferred forum for presenting his ideas about torts. With Hans Zeisel and others he conducted an ambitious empirical study of jury behavior. 11 A valuable by-product of the jury study was a series of reflections by Kalven on the use of social science methods in the study of legal problems and institutions. 12 Toward the end of his life, he taught a seminar on slavery. He was never superficial and he was frequently penetrating. But he liked to move on, to explore fresh terrain. One legal subject, however, engaged him more completely and more continuously than any other. Harry Kalven never tired of thinking about the freedom of speech and he never ran out of fresh, important things to say about the subject. Thirty-seven years after his death, in some cases more than fifty years after initial publication, his writings on obscenity, 13 legislative 7. Guido Calabresi, Concerning Cause and the Law of Torts: An Essay for Harry Kalven, Jr., 43 U. Chi. L. Rev. 69 (1975). 8. Harry Kalven, Jr. & Maurice Rosenfield, The Contemporary Function of the Class Suit, 8 U. Chi. L. Rev. 684 (1941). 9. See Walter Blum & Harry Kalven, Jr., Ceilings, Cost, and Compulsions in Auto Compensation Legislation, 1973 Utah L. Rev. 341 (1973); Walter Blum & Harry Kalven, Jr., A Stopgap Plan for Compensating Auto Accident Victims, 1968 Ins. L. J. 661 (1968); Harry Kalven, Jr., A Schema of Alternatives to the Present Auto Accident Tort System, 1 Conn. L. Rev. 33 (1968). 10. See, e.g., Harry Kalven, Jr., Comparative v. Contributory Negligence: Should the Court or the Legislature Decide?, in Symposium on Maki v. Frelk, 21 Vand. L. Rev. 897 (1968); Harry Kalven, Jr., Privacy in Tort Law Were Warren and Brandeis Wrong?, 31 Law & Contemp. Probs. 326 (1966); Harry Kalven, Jr., Torts: The Quest for Appropriate Standards, 53 Calif. L. Rev. 189 (1965); Harry Kalven, Jr., Mr. Justice Holmes: Some Modern Views Torts, 31 U. Chi. L. Rev. 263 (1964); Harry Kalven, Jr., Strict Liability, 9 Loy. L. Rev. 31 (1958); Harry Kalven, Jr., The Jury, the Law, and the Personal Injury Damage Award, 19 Ohio St. L.J. 158 (1958). 11. See Harry Kalven, Jr. & Hans Zeisel, The American Jury (Little, Brown 1966); Hans Zeisel, Harry Kalven, Jr., and Bernard Buchholz, Delay in the Court (Little, Brown 1959). 12. See Harry Kalven, Jr., Toward a Science of Impartial Judicial Behavior, 42 U. Cin. L. Rev. (1973); Harry Kalven, Jr., Some Comments on the Law and Behavioral Science Project at the University of Pennsylvania, 11 J. Legal Educ. 94 (1958). 13. Harry Kalven, Jr., The Metaphysics of the Law of Obscenity, 1960 Sup. Ct. Rev. 1. 6 Legends of the Legal Academy: Harry Kalven, Jr. 305 investigations into political beliefs, 14 street demonstrations, 15 and libel 16 remain the classic texts from which almost all subsequent work takes off. Two entries on the short list of important concepts in the modern law of free speech, the public forum and the heckler s veto, were first identified (and memorably named) in Kalven writings. 17 His article on New York Times v. Sullivan greatly shaped the way that case has been understood ever since. Kalven transformed the Times precedent into much more than a holding about libel law simply by spotlighting and celebrating three features of Justice Brennan s majority opinion: its analogizing of a libel suit by a public official to the infamous criminal prosecutions under the Sedition Act of 1798, 18 its assertion that the First Amendment has a central meaning, 19 and its discovery of a profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open. 20 It is a fitting tribute to the devotion Kalven could inspire that his major book on the First Amendment, A Worthy Tradition, left unfinished at his death in 1974, was painstakingly and perceptively brought to completion by his son Jamie. This editing project, assisted by Kalven s former colleague Owen Fiss, extended over fourteen years. Jamie, like his father a gifted writer but as a journalist rather than a lawyer or scholar, achieved an expert s command of the intricate law of the First Amendment, consulted student notes from his father s classes (a nationwide call for old notebooks went out), then tested and sharpened his editorial judgments in several workshops before major law faculties. Astonishingly, the book suffers hardly at all from the circumstances of its authorship. It is a contemporary book, one that challenges and inspires today s students of the First Amendment. What explains Harry Kalven s striking capacity to live on in the minds of his students and readers? I believe he remains influential because he had an uncanny ability to engender creativity in others in his students, in his readers, even I would guess in his collaborators. Driven by a genuine curiosity, he tried to enlist those around him in the search. To sit in a Kalven classroom was to be a participant, not an auditor. I was called on to recite only a handful 14. Harry Kalven, Jr. & Roscoe Steffen, The Bar Admission Cases: An Unfinished Debate Between Justice Harlan and Justice Black, 21 Law in Transition 155 (1961); Harry Kalven, Jr., Mr. Alexander Meiklejohn and the Barenblatt Opinion, 27 U. Chi. L. Rev. 315 (1960). 15. Harry Kalven, Jr., The Concept of the Public Forum: Cox v. Louisiana, 1965 Sup. Ct. Rev Harry Kalven, Jr., The Reasonable Man and the First Amendment: Hill, Butts, and Walker, 1967 Sup. Ct. Rev. 267; Kalven, Jr., The New York Times Case, supra note See Kalven, Jr., supra note 15, at (public forum); Harry Kalven, Jr., The Negro and the First Amendment (1965) (heckler s veto); Harry Kalven, Jr., A Worthy Tradition (1988) (heckler s veto). 18. Kalven, Jr., The New York Times Case, supra note 5, at Id. at Id. at 212; see also Harry Kalven, Jr., Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open A Note on Free Speech and the Warren Court, 67 Mich. L. Rev. 289 (1968). 7 306 Journal of Legal Education of times, but in my mind I formulated hundreds of answers and hundreds of questions as well as I observed him conversing with other students. Similarly, reading a Kalven article or book is a participatory experience. One is constantly revising the analysis, adding new applications or refinements, imagining objections and responding to them. I suppose most teachers and authors seek this effect; few actually aspire to have the last word. But Kalven was extraordinary in his capacity to converse about law productively with persons far less knowledgeable and insightful than himself, and in the process raise them toward his level. Exactly how does an inspiring teacher induce his students to probe and create on their own? Is it simply by force of personal example? Or are there techniques? Can someone not blessed with a mind so fertile as Kalven s nonetheless have the pedagogic impact that he had? As a teacher who would love to do for my students what he did for me, I have pondered these questions for years. Certainly one secret to Kalven s success was his utter lack of intellectual pretense or arrogance. He wore his considerable erudition lightly. In matters of the mind he did not seek to separate himself from others. Just the reverse. He was intellectually gregarious and serendipitous. He did not believe that all ideas or traditions or minds were equal he had high standards, deep commitments, and heroes but he did believe that persons with no special expertise or ability pertinent to the topic at hand could contribute to his understanding, and not just to his understanding of them. In his writing and teaching he lavished attention on the reasoning of judges whose talents were modest and whose opinions he could easily have savaged. I doubt whether any modern legal scholar has been so generous as he was in discussing judicial opinions. And I do not think his intellectual generosity was a product of personal kindness, deference to authority, or an aversion to confrontation. He was generous with the thought of others because he believed he could learn best by appreciating and building upon the ideas that moved ordinary people. In fact, Harry Kalven s distinctive understanding of the First Amendment may be traced to his unusual respect for the thought processes not only of ordinary persons but also of persons at the margins of society. Kalven did not argue that dissenters ought to be tolerated, he argued that they ought to be heard. He fought tirelessly in the law journals against those who would require that acts of expression satisfy minimum standards of rationality and civility in order to qualify for First Amendment protection. He believed that the freedom of speech belongs to the inarticulate and the angry as well as to the loyal and respectful opposition. His writings abound with sympathetic translations distilling messages of social and cultural protest from expressive endeavors that others would dismiss as self-indulgent or coercive rantings. He did not think that crackpots and subversives and extremists deserve First Amendment protection because they are harmless. He thought they deserve protection because they have something to say that ought to be heard 8 Legends of the Legal Academy: Harry Kalven, Jr. 307 in a democratic society. Kalven s passion for free speech was a product of his curiosity and his humility, not any sense of noblesse oblige. Strong proponents of free speech are often somewhat disengaged from the struggles of their time, or sympathetic to the messages the dominant forces seek to suppress, or so rigid in their embrace of principle that they become more or less heedless of consequences. Kalven was none of the above. He wanted to hear the voices of protesters, even the voices of fanatics, precisely because he was an engaged, moderate, perceptive, and practical participant in the controversies of his day. He thought that vigorous, fundamental challenge contributes to understanding and effective adaptation. He conducted his classroom in accordance with this belief. I have never seen a teacher work so hard to elicit the counter-argument to whatever idea he was proposing. He wanted the counter-arguments stated persuasively and developed with imagination and respect. Seldom have I heard the arguments for censorship presented so well as they were in his class. His unfeigned interest in uncongenial ideas, his openness to challenge at the most elementary level, proved to be a pedagogic boon. Because he brought to the classroom a desire to learn as well as teach, he could introduce a subject more sincerely, and more energetically, than any teacher I have known. One classmate said of his teaching: He begins each hour doing algebra and ends each hour doing calculus. The key point here, however, is that he found the algebra fascinating. Unlike most legal scholars who have reshaped their fields, Kalven employed the individual case as the essential unit of his creative thought. Probably the finest article written about his contributions to First Amendment scholarship, by Kenneth Karst, is aptly entitled An Appreciative Comment on the Advantages of Thinking Small. 21 In his famous article on New York Times v. Sullivan, Kalven writes as a torts teacher grappling with the dizzying consequence of a landmark Supreme Court case transmuting a part of his domain one that he traditionally does not reach until the last day of the semester into constitutional law, the Valhalla of the law school curriculum. 22 He told our class that the First Amendment will never lack for brilliant philosophers, that what it will always need most is courageous, well-trained lawyers. He greatly admired the legal foot soldiers who devise and defend the procedures, presumptions, and burdens of proof that turn noble ideals into potent operational constraints. 21. Kenneth L. Karst, The First Amendment and Harry Kalven: An Appreciative Comment on the Advantages of Thinking Small, 13 UCLA L. Rev. 1 (1965). 22. Kalven, Jr., The New York Times Case, supra note 5, at 192. 9 308 Journal of Legal Education I took detailed notes in his torts class and uncharacteristically managed not to lose the notebook. Twenty years later I found myself teaching torts. On rereading the notes a few years after I started teaching the subject, I was struck by how simple and straightforward were Kalven s initial questions for each class period. My teaching of the subject had been more elliptical. I had truncated the introductions and jumped quickly to the hard questions and elaborate theories. One year I attempted to do it Kalven s way. I started each hour with simple, basic questions, sometimes taken straight from his notes. It didn t work. In my hands the technique was artificial. I learned that I can only teach spontaneously by moving as quickly as possible to the levels of analysis that most excite me. To my students detriment, I did not have the patience, the fascination with basic formulations, or the curiosity about the legal culture that he possessed. The experience made me realize that Kalven s ability to think freshly and excitedly about some of the most familiar features of the legal landscape was one of his greatest attributes, both as a teacher and a scholar. His calculus was so sophisticated, so subtle, so original in large part because he loved his algebra so much. One expression of his fascination with basics was his penchant for schematic exposition. A Kalven blackboard was certain to be covered with diagrams, matrices, even hand-drawn maps and pictures illustrating how an accident occurred. The practice was contagious. It became a game among my classmates to concoct new, ever more elaborate matrices, sometimes to the point of silliness. But he had the last laugh. In our lighthearted efforts to caricature Kalven s teaching style we wound up noticing relationships and making connections on our own. I had assumed that his ability to induce us to think originally through graphic emulation was an unintended by-product of his schematizing impulse. But when he sent me off to begin my own teaching career, his parting advice was: Use visual aids. From this conversation I learned that he was, after all, a self-aware and calculating pedagogue. He employed visual aids to challenge students, not to comfort them. He simplified in order to investigate complexities and he wanted his students to do the same. This commerce between the simple and the complex, between the beginning student and the scholar at the forefront of his specialty, was central to Harry Kalven s view of knowledge and the process of discovery. He allocated his time accordingly. One day he appeared in our First Amendment class seeming exasperated and exhausted: Don t ever, he said try to teach proximate cause and obscenity in the same week. An accident of scheduling had caused him to be covering the most philosophically challenging and doctrinally confusing topic in the torts course at the same time he was tackling perhaps the most perplexing segment of the First Amendment course. But he had been teaching those subjects and writing renowned articles on them for years. The comment revealed how hard he prepared for class each time he taught a subject, not just by considering strategies of presentation but by rethinking his views on the merits seriously enough to be tired and frustrated and confused. He may have spent his time this way out of a sense of responsibility to his students, 10 Legends of the Legal Academy: Harry Kalven, Jr. 309 but I think more was involved. I am convinced that to an unusual degree his writing grew out of his teaching, that he knew of no better way to grapple with a subject than to think about it with a group of students and to do so without holding back. People often behave in a manner that reflects the expectations others have of them. Kalven treated his students as fellow explorers. His classes were open-ended conversations. That is why some students found the class sessions insufficiently structured, the points that emerged insufficiently conclusive. But open-ended conversations have a way of continuing. And students who are treated like original thinkers tend to keep thinking for themselves. And so, Harry Kalven s teaching endures. Medical Malpractice VOIR DIRE QUESTIONS INTRODUCTION: Tell the jurors that this is a very big and a very important case. Do a SHORT summary of the case and the damages we are seeking. This summary should DOES ONLINE LEARNING HAVE A ROLE IN LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGES? An Interview with Council of Independent Colleges President Richard Ekman Rebecca Griffiths December 2014 Ithaka S+R is a strategic consulting February 11, 2002 News Story By Kelly A. McCauley Lawrence Gursten Education: Wayne State University Law School (1965) Experience: Gursten, Koltonow, Gursten, Christensen & Raitt, Southfield Professional Scaled Questions During Jury Selection By: Ben Rubinowitz and Evan Torgan One of the most crucial tasks a trial attorney must undertake is selecting a pool of jurors that will view her client's case in LOUISIANA PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENT BASICS The Concept of Negligence If you have been injured, only an experienced Louisiana personal injury accident attorney can evaluate the unique facts and circumstances Horizon Career Centre Here at the AASW Horizon Career Centre we want to encourage you to develop clarity around your purpose in social work. Plan Your Career was developed to help you articulate your values ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW ABOUT PRACTICING LAW I LEARNED FROM JUDGE HOLLOWAY Only in hindsight do I fully appreciate how fortunate I was to start my legal career clerking for Judge Holloway. Every year, PHILOSOPHY AT COPENHAGEN BUSINESS SCHOOL by Ole Thyssen research professor, dr. phil Dept. Of Management, Politics and Philosophy Copenhagen Business School In 1986, a position in general systems theory LEGAL ISSUES Why should I learn about legal issues? School administrators are typically the only personnel to receive training in classroom liability issues, yet teachers have the most responsibility for Trying Damages in the Wrongful Death Case of an Adult Child By Ben Rubinowitz and Evan Torgan When a young worker, who is married, with three children and who is earning $100,000 per year, dies after falling I have the great honor today of introducing my husband, Don Laackman. Let me start by sharing a few of Don s professional highlights: Don served as a managing director at Accenture, a global technology, Selevan 1 THE MOORE METHOD: ITS IMPACT ON FOUR FEMALE PhD STUDENTS A RESEARCH PAPER SUBMITTED TO DR. SLOAN DESPEAUX DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY BY JACKIE SELEVAN Selevan 2 The #2 Claims and Reasons 1 Argument Mapping 2: Claims and Reasons We ll start with the very basics here, so be patient. It becomes far more challenging when we apply these basic rules to real arguments, as Oregon State Bar Judicial Voters Guide 2014 1) Full name: Michael A Greenlick 2) Office Address and Phone Number: Multnomah County Courthouse 1021 SW 4 th Ave, Portland, OR 97204 503-988-3214 3) Web site PERSONALITY STYLES ASSESSMENT Each of us has a dominant personality style that reflects our individual values and principles and affects our relationship with others. There are four basic personality styles A&S COUNCIL ADDRESS FALL 2015 Valerie Sheares Ashby Dean of Trinity College of Arts & Sciences September 10, 2015 First, let me say thank you for your warm welcome. I am honored and delighted to have joined Pastor Spotlight Martha Fisher, CBC Women s Pastor Inspiration Martha Fisher, Women s Pastor at Community Bible Church, leads with a passion to reach, teach and help the women of our community for Jesus. SO YOU HAVE TO WRITE A DISSERTATION PROPOSAL? SOME THOUGHTS ON HOW TO KEEP FROM BEING OVERWHELMED AND MOVE STEADILY TOWARDS YOUR GOAL. By Elizabeth Ferry Department of Anthropology, Brandeis University Reflective Essay in Education, APA Style (Gibson) Running head: SERVICE LEARNING: ERIC 1 The header consists of a shortened title in all capital letters at the left margin and the page number at the right TELLING PEOPLE YOU HAVE NEUROFIBROMATOSIS TYPE 1 StLouisChildrens.org Introduction Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) is a common genetic condition that can cause a wide variety of medical problems in different Shepherd University, Department of Political Science PSCI 101: American Federal Government, Spring 2011 T/R 1:50-3:05 in White Hall 113 OR T/R 3:15-4:30 in White Hall 209 Dr. Stephanie A. Slocum-Schaffer LL.M. in U.S. Legal Studies Dean s Welcome You can be the best judge of the University of Connecticut School of Law when you see our beautiful campus and meet the talented, dedicated people who work and University of Minnesota NSCI 4100 001 Fall 2012 01/10/2013 Number of questionnaires = 17 Page 1 of 2 Dr. McLoon was one of the best instructors I have ever had. He presented difficult material in an interesting Acceptance speech by Huguette Picard, 2006 recipient of the Dr. Helen P. LeVesconte award Madame President, distinguished guests, and dear colleagues, I am deeply touched to be awarded this honour. I thank Communication Humor and Personality: Student s attitudes to online learning Originally published in the Academic Quarterly Exchange, Summer 2001 Diane Goldsmith Ph.D. Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium Introduction: Criminal Law Pedagogy Ellen S. Podgor In the summer of 2012, law professors from several law schools came together at the Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS) to exchange ideas Think about the College of Education courses you have taken in your degree program. Tell us which you perceive to be the most valuable and least valuable and why. Open-Ended Response least valuable would The Take Charge Approach to Leadership Edward J. Tomey, Professor Emeritus Antioch Unviersity New England Department of Organization & Management Note: This article is based on Ed Tomey s book manuscript Trying a Wrongful Death Case: Voir Dire as a Bridge to Summation By: Ben Rubinowitz and Evan Torgan Damages in a wrongful death case are fraught with complex issues and legal challenges. While it is easy Matt Szpara December 9, 2004 Gottlieb Memorial Hospital Emergency Volunteer When first going into the Scholars Program at Triton College, I was told by counselors and other people I talked to that I would Juvenile Court Mock Trial CAST: One of the Judges of the juvenile court will preside. Defense Attorney: Attorney court tour guide. Prosecutor: Attorney court tour guide. A student selected by the teacher. What people who attend Linton Sellen s Leadership Training have to say: Excellent course, couldn t have been better. Training content and knowledge and delivery are exceptional. I've been to many management April 2012 ~SHARING MY PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE~ Dear Friends, It is a certainty that shared values encourage cooperative relationships. I don t know who first said this, but I certainly believe it to be true. TRIBUTE TO JOHN ROBIN BRADLEY David W. Case * On the first day of the 1985 fall semester at the University of Mississippi School of Law, I sat in a Lamar Law Center classroom anxiously awaiting the professor FURR & HENSHAW http://www.scmedicalmalpractice.com 1900 Oak Street Post Office Box 2909 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29578 (843) 626-7621 (800) 849-2525 [email protected] and 1534 Blanding Street Columbia, Trying a Labor Law Case with a Sole Proximate Cause Defense By Ben Rubinowitz and Evan Torgan Although Labor Law Section 240 was designed to protect workers, making owners and general contractors strictly HANDOUT B Being a Lifelong Learner Chapter 12 of By Gary C. Newton Published by Evangelical Training Association Growth is a never-ending process for the Christian. This was true in the lives of such biblical PROCEDURAL PROVISIONS IN NEVADA MEDICAL MALPRACTICE REFORM Carl Tobias* In late July 2002, a special session of the Nevada Legislature passed medical malpractice reform legislation. 1 The expressly-stated Strategic Plan 2011 and Sciences Leading the Way in Academics, Research and Public Engagement www.art-sci.udel.edu/ Vision The and Sciences at the University of Delaware will be nationally recognized for Common Myths About Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Cases 1 By B. Keith Williams There are several myths about accident cases and the attorneys that handle them. It is important to keep these myths in Best Practices in Teaching Writing Charles Whitaker, Ph.D. Following is a list of selected teaching practices that are well recognized in the profession as being effective in helping students develop as Consumer Awareness How to Keep From Getting Ripped Off by Big Insurance Provided as an educational service by: Anthony D. Castelli, Esq. 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Over the past several years, negligence has become the The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank kb.osu.edu Ohio State Law Journal (Moritz College of Law) Ohio State Law Journal: Volume 22, Issue 3 (1961) 1961 Automobile Liability Policy Held to Cover Stolen Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers 2014 Granby Street, Suite 200 Norfolk, VA, 23517 (757) 455-0077 (866) 455-6657 (Toll Free) YOUR RIGHTS WHEN YOU ARE INJURED ON THE RAILROAD Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers 2014 CRIMINAL JUSTICE BRANCH, MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL CROWN COUNSEL POLICY MANUAL INTRODUCTION History of the Criminal Justice Branch: Over three decades ago, the Criminal Justice Branch was created following Week 8, John 4:46 54 Hook Main Point: Jesus is the one who speaks into crisis. Main Application: In crisis, turn to Jesus and obey His commands. Current Event: In today s passage, we see a noble seeking I Chose Well By Megan Corby Bachelors Degree In Progress - Chemistry September 2009 to present University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, WI Bachelors Degree Women s Studies September 2002 to May 2006 University [This Handout Supports Goal 1] What is an opening paragraph? You are, no doubt, familiar with writing opening paragraphs for papers. For instance, you may have been told that an opening paragraph should Autonomy and Education: The Case of Homeschooling Abraham Gerber Looking back at my education, the most significant learning has all taken place outside of a classroom. Here, I especially think of time GWid: EXAMINATION CIVIL PROCEDURE II -- LAW 6213 Section 13 -- Siegel Spring 2014 INSTRUCTIONS 1. This is an open book examination. You may use any written materials that you have brought with you (including Paralegal News Thank you for reading this, our Second Edition. A busy month or so has past, and David and I wanted to commit to some time again to write for our readers. Inviting you into a bit of what Cribari: Spring, 2010, Criminal Law Syllabus (12/9/09) Page 1 CRIMINAL LAW (LAW 615) University of St. Thomas School of Law Spring Semester, 2010 Dates: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8:45-9:40 Room: MSL Devotion NT320 CHILDREN S DEVOTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF: LESSON TITLE: The Gift of Love THEME: God desires for us to demonstrate His love! SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Dear Parents Welcome to Bible Time School of Accounting Florida International University Strategic Plan 2012-2017 As Florida International University implements its Worlds Ahead strategic plan, the School of Accounting (SOA) will pursue King s Student Perspectives Computer Science with Maths Profir, 1st year Profir is from Chișinău, the capital city of the Republic of Moldova (which is between Romania and Ukraine). He took A levels the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS FOUNDATION Bill of Rights in Action 20:2 Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau on Government Starting in the 1600s, European philosophers began debating the question of who should Published in EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 46, no. 2 (March/April 2011). POLICYMATTERS [Campus Environment & Political Context] College Is Hard Enough: Digital Technology Should Work for Everyone by Sharon Krevor-Weisbaum DUI Voir Dire Questions INTRODUCTION 1. Can you give me an example of a law that you disagree with (i.e., the speed limit)? 2. Someone tell me what the First Amendment protects? You see Ladies and Gentlemen, I would first like to extend to you my appreciation for considering Reed & Reed for your mediation requirements. In attempting to resolve your dispute through mediation you have taken a major step in the Submissions on Civil Liability Reform The Coalition of British Columbia Businesses October 2002 Introduction: The following submissions are made on behalf of the Coalition of British Columbia Businesses. THE TRIAL OF A LEGAL MALPRACTICE CASE: SELECTED PRACTICAL ISSUES BY: DAVID C. PISHKO ELLIOT PISHKO MORGAN, P.A. WINSTON-SALEM, NC The trial of a legal malpractice action raises several practical issues Advice for Recommenders: How to write an effective Letter of Recommendation for applicants to the Stanford MBA Program -- Edited Transcript of Interview updated 27 July 2011 What are some of your responsibilities Board of Review Training Training Summary This module will train troop committee members and others in the purposes of the board of review, offering suggestions for the types of questions that can or should 7 DEADLY SINS TO AVOID IN YOUR ACCIDENT CASE 1. Providing Statements - at the scene of the accident or insurance adjusters soon after. You are under no obligation to make a statement to the police or to Learning The Art Of Negotiation Pennsylvania Bar Institute Summer 2014 Scott B. Cooper, Esquire SCHMIDT KRAMER P.C. [email protected] 717-888-8888 or 717-232-6300 (t) 717-232-6467 (f) 209 State JURY INSTRUCTIONS PRELIMINARY INSTRUCTIONS 1. ANTITRUST CLAIMS 2. Elements of Monopoly Claim 2.1 Definition of Monopoly Power 2.2 Relevant Market 2.3 Existence of Monopoly Power 2.4 Willful Maintenance Teaching Non-Philosophy Faculty to Teach Critical Thinking about Ethical Issues Peter Vallentyne and John Accordino, Virginia Commonwealth University At various universities across the country, philosophers Leadership for MS Science EDU 587-630 Instructor: J. Pizzo Paper by Rich Matthews MISEP Cohort II My Leadership Philosophy Leadership experience prior to MISEP I can remember early in my career, as somewhat A COACHING STYLE OF MANAGEMENT In this chapter we look at how you might use a coaching approach in managing people. We begin by exploring what we mean by coaching, which I regard as being primarily non-directive. November J 964 173 IMPACT OF THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE ON PRODUCTS LIABILITY LAW by FREDERICK M. BART Boston, Mass, A recent article warns that the adoption of the Uniform Commercial Code ". has altered Executive summary and overview of the national report for Denmark Section I Summary of findings There is no special legislation concerning damages for breach of EC or national competition law in Denmark, THE THEORY OF LEGAL INTERPRETATION. 417 THE THEORY OF LEGAL INTERPRETATION. ' I ""HE paper upon the Principles of Legal Interpretation by Mr. -L F. Vaughan Hawkins, reprinted in Professor Thayer's recently 1 Darth Vader Legal Studies 250 Fall 2004: Paper 1 The Deliverance of Justice, And Money Among the services people expect from the law are the deliverances of justice and repayment, and as our institutionalized 1 0 1 0 1 IN THE MANCHESTER COUNTY COURT No.QT0 1 Bridge Street West Manchester M0 DJ 0 th November B e f o r e:- DISTRICT JUDGE MATHARU COMBINED SOLUTIONS UK Ltd. (Trading as Combined Parking Solutions) Devotion NT231 CHILDREN S DEVOTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF: LESSON TITLE: Anointing Jesus Feet life. THEME: Jesus is worthy of all honor. SCRIPTURE: Luke 7:36-50 Dear Parents Welcome to Bible Time for Kids! Bible SUN PRAIRIE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE SYLLABUS Course Title: Legal Studies Curriculum Area: Social Studies Course Length: Semester Credit Status: Elective Date submitted: 2/07 District Adopted Texts/Materials/Resources:
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By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran Not long ago, a prominent matchmaker replied to a request for shidduchim by writing that she has many, many wonderful young ladies looking for a successful match. What she was lacking, she went on to say, was some young gentlementches. I was surprised to learn about this. The community was not lacking for young men just as much in need of a match as the young women. More, there were so many prominent yeshivas in the community filled with bright, committed young scholars. Certainly, I thought, that would make matchmaking fairly simple. “Oh, scholars we have plenty of,” the matchmaker conceded with a sigh. “They are fine students of Gemara. What we don’t have are enough young men who match their scholarship with mentschlichkeit. How can I, in good conscience, make a match that seems good on the outside, but on the inside I know it will not bring joy to the home?” R’ Bachaya writes that the very name of the Ark, Aron, is derived from ora, light. It not only stands as the repository for that which lights the world, but it should exude that powerful and holy light itself. In the same way, a talmid chochom must not only take in the light of Torah but he must give off that sacred light as well. He must shine as bright as the source of his wisdom and learning. Bezalel, builder of the Mishkan, questioned whether the Ark should be made before its “home”, the Mishkan. In answer and throughout Parshat Teruma, Moshe speaks not simply as an architect of structures but as a teacher, a teacher of values. He speaks first of the Ark and its composition and then of the building. By extension, he speaks of our own institutions, shuls, yeshivas, and schools. In other words, the schools exist for the Torah and its students, not the other way around. If we focus on the edifice before the value of what it houses, then the building is nothing but bricks, a façade. Likewise, if the talmid chochom is not humble, sensitive, and caring, if he lacks derech eretz, then his scholarship too is a façade. In fact, though we praise our best students as talmidim chochomim when they have demonstrated their grasp of their studies, it is impossible to speak of a genuine talmid chochom if he is not a mentsch. Lacking mentschlichkeit, the student – even the student whose grasp of texts is impressive – is vulgar, one who uses the power of his learning and intelligence to elevate himself, not the Torah, and certainly not others. No wonder the matchmaker was so disheartened. Talmidim, be learners, but do not hold up your learning above your decency! Chazal teach us [Yoma 21a] that the physics of space did not apply to the Aron, that the Aron did not occupy any space in this world even though it was a physical vessel constructed by human hands. “Aron eino min hamiddah” – the Aron was not included in the measurements of the Kodesh HaKadoshim. Moreinu Rav Belsky goes even further, “Just as it is not part of space, neither is it part of time; the Aron will endure for eternity.” This insight teaches us that if a talmid wants to be like an Aron – emitting the light of Torah – then he needs to rise above the metrics, and limits, society uses to measure “worth.” Those who are consumed with social and political measurements of worth get bogged down in their own thinking and consequently cannot make room for others. Their implicit and explicit message is, “You are not good enough. You are not observant enough. You can’t be part of our school, our community…” It is not how genuine talmidim chochomim think and behave! Genuine talmidim chochomim emphasize that they are talmidim and do not ever presume for themselves chochomim. When the Satmar Rebbe, zt”l, came to America after World War II, Rav Shraga Feivel Medelovitz, the Principal of Yeshiva Torah VoDaath invited him to come to the yeshiva to present a Torah lecture for the students. The Satmar Rebbe gave a well-received shiur and afterwards the students surrounded him to engage in a vigorous Torah discussion. After the boys left, Rav Medelovitz went to the Rebbe and asked, “Nu, what did you think of that? Wasn’t it beautiful?” The Satmar Rebbe conceded that it had indeed been an impressive experience but, inverting the classic Talmudic teaching on being a talmid chochom, he hoped that the students would be “on the outside like they were on the inside.” In his reply, the Satmar Rebbe not only turned our conventional understanding on its head, he also called attention to the need to be in balance on the inside and out – for our scholarship to be an expression not just of our intellect but our spirituality as well. In our communities, there is often too much emphasis on appearances, on the color of suits and kapotes , shapes and colors of hats and shtreimels we wear. Such emphasis blinds us to the inner qualities that make a person truly pious, qualities that are essential to a Torah scholar. This is not to suggest that our outward appearance isn’t important. It is by our external selves that we shine the light of the Torah to the world and so we should not be oblivious to “outer beauty” either. Act like a mensch. Look like a mensch. Be a mensch! The inner self and outer self must be in balance. Because being a Torah chochom is, by definition, a humbling experience – never one that is achieved, only striven toward – we understand that being a Torah scholar should not be goal oriented. That is, the reward is not overt, or external. Unlike in worldly matters, where reward is meted out based on completed tasks, on results rather than effort, in Torah study the opposite is true. Reward is granted for effort, even more than for achievement. The Torah student who wrestles with a tractate of Talmud but does not comprehend every line and nuance of the discussion and analysis extols God at a siyum celebration: Heim amelim veinam mekablim sechar, anu amelim umekablim sechar – “They exert effort and receive no reward; we exert effort and receive rewards.” We seek to understand that which cannot be fully understood. Therefore, our reward must be for our efforts. We are always “striving for” but never achieving full knowledge and understanding. Beneath the Aron’s gold covering inside and out, its construction is acacia wood. What does this teach us? Why would the receptacle of our Torah, our greatest gift, not be fashioned exclusively from the most precious metals? The wood teaches us that Jewish knowledge and scholarship should not – cannot – be not be associated only with wealth, riches, or exclusivity. Our inner and outer selves must be equally “gilded with gold” but we must remember that that inner and outer gold cover plain wood, which one day will rot and return to dust. Knowing where we come from and whence we go – dust – teaches that the heart of the talmid chochom must be filled with overwhelming love, compassion, and humility. Sometimes it seems that some well-meaning contemporary Jews, who strive earnestly to become talmidei chochomim, forget the purpose of their pursuit. They think it has an end result – an award, recognition, the applause of peers. They think it elevates them. They indeed become chochomim but somehow forget to remain talmidim. Balance. On the one hand, the essence of Jewish learning and knowledge is unpretentious. It is simple wood, available to all. On the other hand, we cover that wood in gold because the repository of the Torah, the Aron, should reflect the value we place upon the treasure it holds, the Torah. The talmid chochom must know it is not enough to acquire learning. He must demonstrate respect, reverence, and derech eretz to the Torah. Chazal teach that derech eretz kadmah l’torah, derech eretz must precede actual learning. We Jews must appreciate not only the contents of Torah, but also embrace an approach and attitude toward learning, one that bespeaks the path of learning, and not just the destination. The Aron was built to be beautiful inside and out but its physical beauty was only external representations of an inner reality. The true scholar knows from whence he comes and to whence he goes. Along the path of that journey, he seeks balance in his inner and outer self. In this way, he remains respectful, normal and humble, he is a mensch. He would be a most wonderful match indeed!
{ "date": "2017-07-21T00:39:18Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549423629.36/warc/CC-MAIN-20170721002112-20170721022112-00679.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9610803723335266, "token_count": 1981, "url": "http://matzav.com/student-scholar/" }
In this unpublished fragment, Dana Unknown's pal, Jack Christian, meets Mary Jane Gallows: "And Professor Moriarty," Vionna went on. "What happened to him, do you think?" "I don't know. And then there's the Clay Man. I know he gives most people the creeps, but he's very useful, as you know from experience. Not to mention the fact that he cost Dana's dad 3.4 million dollars, and that was back in 1950. It would run you about thirty-three million today. Doc Unknown commissioned some freaky Kabbalist wizard with tax problems and a coke habit of biblical proportions to create the thing and imbue it with whatever it was imbued with." "I wish I could afford expensive stuff like that," Vionna said wistfully. "You're fine with what you have," said Mary Kelly. At exactly three o'clock there was a knock at the door. The new client. Vionna went and answered the door, then escorted the client into the office. It was a woman-- very young, late teens, probably. She looked familiar, but I couldn't place her. I knew she wasn't anybody I had ever met in any ordinary, everyday context. If I had seen that face before, it would have been in a photograph. And I had the impression that it must have been a very old one, in spite of the fact that she looked like a teenager. In my minds eye, I removed the color from her face, leaving only shades of black, white and gray. Yes, that looked better. I was on the right track. I tweaked my imaginary portrait further, adding a film grain effect and a bit of sepia tone. Better still. I almost had it now. "I need help," she said, after Vionna had shown her to a chair, "much as it pains me to admit it. I am absolutely perplexed and I have heard a great many good things about your agency. This is exactly the sort of case where your talents will shine most brightly. Also, you have a sort of connection to this affair. That's why I requested that Mr. Christian be present." "I know you," said Mary Kelly. "Forgive my impertinence, but I find it difficult to believe that your name is really Veronika QuiBono. The name is utterly absurd. And I have seen you before. A very long time ago." "Yes," said the visitor, " that is true. We have brushed up against one another, so to speak, on two occasions; once in 1892, and again in 1933. This, however, is our first face-to-face meeting in the real word. I'm very sorry about what my father did to you. Though I disavowed him decades ago, I still feel a certain amount of responsibility. So I am pleased to find you doing so well." "Okay, wait a second," I said. "Before this goes any further, let's clarify a couple of things that are bothering me." I made eye contact with our guest. "First off, 1892? Did I hear that right? And 1933 as well?" She nodded. "That's right." This gave me more fodder for my mental Photoshop. I deleted the clothes she was wearing and replaced them with something from the early 20th Century. Yes, I was getting there. The memory swam closer to the surface of my mind. "You don't look like you're more than 18 years old," I went on. "How is it that you were in a position to be brushing up against people a hundred and twenty years ago? Are you some kind of time traveler or something?" "Yes, I am. But I only travel forward, and it takes me approximately 365 days to advance one year into the future." "That's cute," I said. "So, you're more than a hundred and twenty years old? You're very well preserved." I wasn't as skeptical as you might think, but I was wary, of course. "Thank you," she said. "Yes, I just turned 121 last month." "Okay, I've seen stranger things. Now, what's this about your father? "Jack," Vionna piped up, "she came here to hire me and Mary, not you. Quit monotonizing her." "Monopolizing, dear," Mary corrected her. "Actually," said the prospective client, "I believe Miss Valis was correct. This young man is incredibly monotonous, and it's beginning to try my patience. Over the years I have managed to develop enough self-restraint to suffer fools like him without resorting to violence, but only up to a point. In fact, that's part of why I'm here." "Now, look, Miss Whoever," I said with some indignation, "I don't know who you think..." "Jack!" Mary Kelly interrupted me. "You have no idea who you're talking to, do you?" "That's what I'm trying to find out," I said irritably. "No," said the visitor, "you're just fumbling. You wanted to know who my father was. Even I do not know his real name, but he called himself Jack the Ripper. It might also interest you to know that my mother was Lizzie Borden. Quite a pedigree, is it not? So. Knowing what you now know about my antecedents-- even if you know nothing at all of me-- you might naturally assume that I am one of the very last people on earth that you would want to screw with in any way, shape or form. Have you indeed made that assumption, young sir?" I just nodded. She was extremely convincing. Her eyes were boring into mine, and I felt light-headed-- almost giddy-- and seemed to have momentarily forgotten how to communicate verbally. I have gazed into many an abyss in my day-- both literal and figurative-- and had never really understood Nietzsche's old saw about the abyss gazing also into you. It just didn't seem like anything to be alarmed about. I mean, who cares? Be my guest! Gaze all you want, even take a few Polaroids if you feel inclined. It seemed pretty passive. But this woman's eyes were an abyss unlike any other. What I saw in them was just a hint of deep strangeness and great danger. I knew there were things in there that I could never fathom. I also knew at that moment that she did not have the same trouble with me. To her, I wasn't an abyss-- I was a shallow wading pool, barely worth the handful of seconds it took her to compile a complete inventory of my soul. And, somehow, I got the impression that she was unimpressed with what she found. She stood up and moved toward me, extending her hand. I rose from my chair, and we shook. Her hand was cool and dry, while my own had generated some unpleasant perspiration. I knew who she was. She was practically a clone of Lizzie Borden, whose likeness I had seen countless times. But there were no surviving photographs of Lizzie as a teenager. That was what had thrown the monkey wrench into my supposedly-eidetic memory. Our visitor was an anachronism in more ways than one. "My name," she said, "is Mary Jane Gallows, and I have come to hire your sister and Miss Kelly to do a job for me. And I also have business with you, which I will explain in detail later on." You can meet her too, if you're feeling brave. Just go here and plunk down 99 cents:
{ "date": "2017-07-21T00:33:28Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549423629.36/warc/CC-MAIN-20170721002112-20170721022112-00679.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9882102012634277, "token_count": 1659, "url": "http://theblackcentipede.blogspot.com/2014/07/meeting-mary-jane.html" }
Thursday, October 11, 2012 The team living it large in the lounge/garage of the hotel in Chaiya The last couple of days have seen Wally gradually winning the war with the gps - it trying to drag us back to the highway, Wal persuading it to join us on little winding village roads through groves of coconut trees. Last night's stop sounded promising - the Mukda Resort near Chumphon turned out to be less of a resort and more of a motel. In fact it was not in the least a resort and entirely a motel, but a comfy enough one for all that. It was bang on the busy highway, and lacked a restaurant, so going out for dinner involved being escorted along the hard shoulder of the tumultuous road for several hundred metres in the dark by the little Thai lady proprietor, past a couple of food stalls that she didn't approve of ("NO, NO!" - about a quarter of her English vocabulary), to a row of stalls with quite a few young diners and their cars - one with both doors open and music thumping out. We had fun discussing the menu with the waitress, each in our own language, until a lot of pointing and kitchen visiting produced, in an instalment-plan kind of way, an agreeable repast, and one almost, but not entirely, free of karaoke. Sadly a large machine, half TV half jukebox, was put through its paces by some of the young blokes. The day before the ATMs had been grumpy and refused us money. Walter reassured us he had plenty so we didn't waste too long on it. It transpired that his well-known sunny optimism extended to the contents of his wallet and we didn't have enough between us to pay the motel and a taxi for the bags. Mark came to the rescue by riding off in the early morning to the next town to find a more friendly machine. It gave him a chance to ride at a speed and in an air temperature much more to his liking than the rigours he goes through hanging out with the team…. A good day's ride brought us to the dusty but rather nice little town of Chaiya, which had the most fabulous night time market where we fed ourselves dinner walking from stall to stall trying things out, including some yummy big nuts nobody had seen before - shiny brown, thin shells, about 40mm long, flesh yellowish white and soft, for a nut, tasting a bit almondy. Two different English-speakers, in different towns, said exactly the same - they only come from the south of Thailand, they don't know what they are called and they don't know what sort of tree they grow on. I've had no luck googling them - does anybody know?
{ "date": "2017-07-22T00:52:01Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549423839.97/warc/CC-MAIN-20170722002507-20170722022507-00039.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9835448265075684, "token_count": 570, "url": "http://www.coughing4cf.com/2012/10/catch-up.html" }
|Page 1 of 4:|| | |Index||37 reviews in total| After just completing the game, I am in total shock. So stunned that I couldn't even skip the credits. Without spoiling anything, you will be completely amazed of how they decided to end it off. Anyways it's a great game and a cool change from a city at the bottom of the ocean to a city in the sky. The scene where you are lifted to Columbia is just as breathtaking as seeing Rapture for the first time. As soon as this scene happens, you know you're playing a Bioshock game. People have been also wondering how Elizabeth's AI is. Absolutely flawless, this is in no way a co-op game like Resident Evil 5. You don't have to revive her or give her any ammo or anything of that sort. Their are some horror elements to this game similar to Rapture, but it's more focused on Action and sci-fi. There is one part that did scare the hell out of me though. Kudos to Irrational for another masterpiece. If you thought the story telling in Bioshock 1 was incredibly done, just wait till you get a load of this! I give it a solid 10/10. I have played many games in the past to completion and Bioshock infinite is one of the few that has completely mind fudged me with its It's character driven story mixed with its clever and well constructed writing not only creates a masterpiece of a story but emotionally attaches you to the lovable characters Elizabeth and Booker. These along with other awesome characters have amazing voice acting, dialogue and personalities - it sometimes feel as if these characters, especially Elizabeth, are real humans - The connection that grows between the player and these game characters is truly wonderful and emotional. The game play is true to its predecessors in maintaining the addictive fun you experience while shooting up enemy's and using Vigor, which is the equivalent to the originals 'plasmids', to your advantage. Elizabeth doesn't annoy you during combat as she can take care of herself and is not a burden when you play, but is a joy to have by your side. Her gameplay mechanic of creating 'tears' to help you take down your enemy's is implemented well in the game along with the skyline and it's melee executions and ability's, which also fit in well with the game's structure. The sound effects in the game have a nice and crisp quality and the mission design plus the set pieces are just great. The atmosphere of the city of Columbia, a floating city with a old school American theme, makes this game unique and different from the other Bioshocks, which take place in the underwater city of Rapture, but it still has this familiar sense about it which is nostalgic and amazing. The game does not have a multiplayer nor does it need one as it truly delivers a cinematic and breath taking experience that you alone can, in fact you must have and I urge you to buy this game, as it is no doubly my game of this year and could possibly be my game of the decade! 10/10 - love doesn't come close to what I feel towards this game! Just to let you guys know, this is my first ever review on IMDb!! Thanks for reading :) I have been playing this game for eight hours now and love it. I may be biased because the first two are amongst my favorite games, but I think the reviews from around the web support my feelings towards the game. The graphics are beautiful, and my computer handles them well with no lag or bug issues so far. The story is complex for a game, and the characters, especially the main two are deeper than the usual game characters without getting in the way of the action. It is also much longer than the last games. The fighting is similar to the other Bio-Shock games, but still has its own unique weapons, like the sky-hook, and different power ups and upgrades, so we have the familiarity of the old games, but still something new and fresh. I can't wait to play this a few more times at least. Its so good. I give it an easy 10 out of 10! Going in, I was expecting great things: the first Bioshock was one of the best games I'd ever played, including the best heel-turn I'd ever seen. And with all of the hype, I was expecting to be let down. Luckily, I was not. Bioshock Infinite manages to deliver on every single level, often simultaneously, to produce a truly remarkable The graphics, art, and animations are incredibly well-thought out and defined, often capturing your interest and making the fantastical world of Columbia seem real. The game-play is very fluid and very fun. The combat is similar to the first two games, but with a few new mechanics that keep things fresh and exciting. Also, Elizabeth is a companion. But it doesn't end up being an escort mission, where she is in constant need of rescue, and sits by while you are attacked. Elizabeth ends up being a useful and resourceful addition to the player, almost an extension. The writing and voice-acting are spot on, the actors who play DeWitt (Troy Baker) and Elizabeth (Courtnee Draper) especially. You feel the strong chemistry between then, and the relationship organically and believably grows. The story. Oh man, the story. Like I said, I was blown away the first time I played Bioshock 1. It was so creative, so smart, and so complete. But Infinite manages to irk out its predecessor in all of these departments, leaving me audibly remarking at many of the plot turns. Even the banter, which there is a fair amount of, feels necessary and important. Also, it does not reel you in and then simply let you go after a couple hours of play, like so many games nowadays. It keeps you engaged for well over 12 hours, as long as you take your time. All in all, this is one of the best games I've ever played. It looks absolutely incredible. The combat and game-play is fluid, enticing, and always fresh. The story is fleshed out, entertaining, thought-provoking. The environment is incredibly deep, leaving the player room and time to explore all of the little things that are put in. HOW TO PLAY THIS GAME: -Go through it slowly. Take your time to explore and soak in the environment and story. -Expect to play multiple times. Don't try and use all of the Vigors and weapons at once. Focus on what you like, and what works for you. Also, there are collectibles like in the first two games. Find the ones you can, but going on a treasure hunt isn't necessary. 10/10, 5/5, *****, A+ This is by far the best game that i have ever played. I have never played any other Bioshock game then Infinite, but now things changed. After years of having my brother talking about how good the original Bioshock was i felt extremely tempted to try Infinite. I bought the game and i would never in the world imagine that i would be left willing to easily pay 500$ for it instead of the 60$. Much like a painting on the wall this is a classic and it is so extremely good that i could hang the physical game up on the wall just to get reminded of the wonderful story this game has to offer. To get these feelings from playing a game is very rare and extremely beautiful. You will be in despair sometimes, you might get slightly depressed, you will fall in love, you will be scared. You will build up an emotional bond between Elisabeth that just makes you want her to be OK and safe. I am very unfamiliar with FPS games and i don't play very much. However, this game catches your attention within minutes and you just can stop playing until its finished. I can almost guarantee you that you will be left with questions and a kind of enlightenment after this finishing the game. However as many other have agreed on. It will take more then one run to truly understand everything. It's not very different from movies such as Inception (even if this is not a movie), which you might wanna see 2 times to fully understand the story. I am left as a Ken Levine fan and i am also left almost crying. These games are so rare and i have never seen anything like it in my entire life and i really, truly hope that i will see more creations of Ken Levine. He said in an interview that after the release he would go on a long vacation. 6 years in making the game, well... He truly deserves it. There is no words that can describe how much i recommend this game. It is a masterpiece and i have never seen anything like it. I finished the game 4 days ago and that rush you get after finishing it is still here. Ken Levine and everyone involved in this game. I hope they earned a lot of money because they totally deserved it! Love to them! I'm not a big fan of first person shooters, but the first BioShock caught my attention last year with it's unique story and atmosphere, so I decided to buy Infinite last week to give that one also a try (BioShock 2 is yet to be conquered). I did expect a great game like the original BioShock, but I never expected to run into a masterpiece of modern gaming in it's own genre. BioShock Infinite delivers superbly from every possible angle: the entertainment value, the world, the atmosphere, the characters/character development, the pacing, the dialogue, and most of all, the story. Every aspect of this game is perfectly unique and masterful, and Infinite accomplishes something that not many games can accomplish; it is very emotional, mature and deep, but also extremely fun to play. If I compared BioShock Infinite to something in other forms of art, it would probably be the joining of David Lynch's Mullholland Drive and Stephen Kings The Dark Tower. But of course with thoroughly unique style that makes BioShock Infintite a game like no other. Can't but love that satirical, bleak, sadistic, mentally disturbed world that this game (and the whole game series for that matter) represents. Not many games deserve a 10/10, because there usually is always something that doesn't fit, but BioShock Infinite is as perfect as it gets. Future classic, or maybe a classic already. It's very hard to review this game even partially, not to mention I don't often review anything beyond I like or dislike something. If you play games for the story, then you should stop reading this. Go out and buy it already. The story in this game is above and beyond what any movie can offer. Though, with a game time of at least 8 hours, that's to be expected. It has been written in a way that throughout the game it gives subtle hints to what's happening and has happened before, however, you probably won't recognize them for what they are until the ending (I didn't). WATCH PAST THE CREDITS! Graphics wise; I'm lucky enough to be running dual And HD7970s, so I never had a single bit of lag in the game. In fact, I doubt it dropped below 100 fps. However, even a single card below mine should provide enough power to show the spectacle that is Columbia in all its DX11 goodness. Side note, it's better to play this on a PC if you want it to look incredible, xbox and PS3 (or the up and coming consoles) can't compete with even a low level gaming rig, My opinion. This is a first person shooter, and as another reviewer said, it plays out a lot like the two previous titles. Firearm in one hand, plasmid/vigor in the other. Some of the vigors can be quite graphic and shocking to the player, probably the worst of them is a vigor that shoots crows out of the players hands and tears the flesh from your enemies. This game is not suited for young viewers. The skylines, I believe they are called - I'm still reeling from the end of the story, didn't play as big a part in the fighting as I would of liked. I think the game play video hyped it up a little too much. There just wasn't all that much of it, sure you can use it for some cool kills, but I found it a lot simpler and flowing to fight from the ground. Audio is very simple; music suits the time period, sound effects are incredible. Play it with surround sound and you will not be disappointed. Overall: An easy 10/10 for this game, good fun and engaging story line will give any player hours of fun, and some scares as well! Play the game, there's hours of content, and multiple play throughs needed to get 100% and learn about Columbia and its history. I have played the first two Bioshocks. The first one I enjoyed although I thought somethings were frustrating and it dragged on. The second Bioshock I did not enjoy. It was too short and too much like the first one. Well this game takes a completely different turn on the series and it becomes an absolutely incredible game. You play as Booker, a troubled man sent to the floating city of Columbia to "bring us the girl and wipe away the debt". What seems like a simple rescue mission turns into an extremely complex story, as you learn more about Booker, Elizabeth (the girl who you go to Columbia to get) and Comstock, the prophet of Columbia. Overall, the story is fantastic, it keeps you on your toes and has a huge plot twist ending that will leave your jaw dropped. The game play is what you should expect from Bioshock, with guns and vigors, blasting away enemies. This game is a lot more fast paced with tons of more combat than the first two Bioshocks. Some people may not enjoy that, but I loved it. The guns and vigors are all super fun to use. The musical score is great, the characters are great. Everything about this game is great, so go purchase it now, because it's better than the first two Bioshocks. I had high exceptions for this wonderful game because I knew this infinite wouldn't disappoint me. Once you strap yourself and head on to Columbia prepare to get blown away by the beautiful scenery once you step foot in it. Its clearly one of the best games of 2013 by far, that it may be game of year. The combat feels so different giving you a rush options on how to tackle down your enemies whether, you fight on the ground, skyline, or both to mix it up. I was surprise how violent it when Booker slams down the police's head on to the sky-hook cutting his face in half. But, the new thing it gives you are the executions you can do with the sky-hook and their so fun to watch. The girl who is named Elizabeth, is very likable that you always want to keep her safe, even though you don't have to really protect her. She is one of the best AI so far, giving you ammo,salts, health, she is the perfect one in helping you in bad situations. That's a huge bonus during battles. The level designs are incredible just like how the 1st Bioshock was. Grabbing you again with insane amounts of detail and creativity throughout. Still, even though Infinite isn't scary as the first one was ,yet it still has its OMG moments. Booker and Elizabeth by far have the best chemistry than any other games that's out there. Their adventures will keep you wanting to play this game. And I already beat three times because amount of detail you can miss and the style can change when playing. I have to say the ending... I have no words for it. This game is absolutely amazing. You can tell that there was an enormous amount of thought put into every detail, down to the very last corner. Bioshock Infinite is my favorite game to date, no question To start, the art direction is very good. Everything is arranged to be very appealing, and the colors are very balanced. I loved just walking around the city and soaking it all up. There are 1912 style shops to go into, and they are all populated. In one area, there is even a good, three-minute quartet that you can just sit and listen to. I was very impressed with the magnitude of everything. Seldom are you placed in a small, dark room or hallway. Most of the game is set in colorful areas with large statues and airy buildings. I liked that it did not actually put you in the dark, but gave a dark feeling when it was appropriate. As per the Bioshock games, some of the events are quite dark, and I liked the uneasy feeling without the dark corridors of Rapture. Combat is a step up from other games in the genre. The introduction of "skylines" allows you to jump quickly from place to place, making everything very fast paced. I didn't quite like the inventory management as much as in the original Bioshock, however. I found it much harder to deal with my Vigors, mainly because you couldn't just scroll through them like in the other game. Still, you get used to it - that's a fairly minor gripe. I can not say much about the story. If I told you what was so great about it, I would spoil it for you. I can say that it puzzled me, and it was a few hours after finishing the game that I worked everything out. I felt like some of the points were repeated too much though. I get that they try to help everyone understand it well, but I would rather just have it all thrown at me - that way it's more fun to work out on my own. Overall, Irrational Games has gone above and beyond what anyone expected. The only way you would find this game worse than the original is if you are somewhat nostalgic. Even if you did not like the first or second game, I highly recommend that you still give Bioshock Infinite a try. As a side note, there are a few things that you will not quite understand if you skip the first game. They are little details, but in a game like Bioshock Infinite, it is the little details that really count. This game is worth every cent. If you can not afford it, you can wait until the next sale. The trilogy tends to go for $15~. |Page 1 of 4:|| | |External reviews||Parents Guide||Plot keywords| |Main details||Your user reviews||Your vote history|
{ "date": "2017-07-22T01:55:36Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549423839.97/warc/CC-MAIN-20170722002507-20170722022507-00039.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9759441018104553, "token_count": 3947, "url": "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1712064/reviews?ref_=tt_ov_rt" }
I’m very much looking forward to joining Conservative Progress on Saturday July 15th. The focus of the event is to look at how we engage with people even more in future, especially in London. It’s going to be a really positive event, looking at where we are what we need to do to get the Conservative message across in future. – Party reform: Revitalising the grassroots party – Reviving our campaign machine – Appealing to the future: Winning young voters – Winning in London – Effective digital campaigning – Communicating our message beyond our traditional base For tickets… click the link below.
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Write, then critique with like-minded group Writers age 18 and up can attend the Writing Critique Group at the Benbrook Public Library. The group will meet from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the library. All genres of writing are welcome. For more information, contact the library at 817-249-6632. First responders honored at police awards banquet Six lifesaving awards, almost a dozen commendations and four awards for meritorious conduct were presented at the Police Department’s annual awards banquet recently. The top yearly awards went to officer Chaz Garrett, rookie officer Andrew Prieskorn, supervisor Bob Sherman and civilian employee Katlyn Martin. Community policing honors went to officers Jonathan Gomez and Mark Pate. Citizens on Patrol assistant coordinator Vicki McElroy won the Ofelia Blair Character Award. Several officers, investigators and other personnel were honored with lifesaving awards. Burleson one of top 20 Texas cities for homeownership What are the best cities for homeownership in Texas, according to NerdWallet, a consumer advocacy site? Count Burleson among the top 20. NerdWallet’s criteria included home availability, cost of living and the city’s growth. Burleson, population 39,010, ranked No. 17 out of 20 in the study. The top city was Little Elm, a suburb of Dallas. Other cities in the rankings included Mansfield (No. 9), Allen (10), McKinney (12), Keller (13), Flower Mound (14) and Southlake (18). “The homeownership rate in Burleson is 75.1 percent, well over the state average of 63.9 percent,” said Justin Bond, Burleson’s economic development manager. “The median household income in Burleson is $68,528, nearly 25 percent higher than the state average of $51,563,” Bond said. “At the same time, the median value of an owner-occupied housing unit is more affordable than the state average — $122,800 compared to $128,000.” Marsh Middle School students stage a one-act play Nine students from Irma Marsh Middle School have put together a production of A Point of View, a one-act play by David Campton. The young actors from Castleberry school district will compete in the 2014 Middle School One-Act Play competition Friday at Azle High School. The play is about a woman who outmaneuvers her nieces’ best efforts to remove her from the spare room above their beauty shop, where she has a great view of everything happening in the neighborhood. The five actors and four technicians will present a public performance of their play in the school auditorium, 415 Hagg Drive in Fort Worth, on Thursday at 7 p.m. School schedules family science festival Students at A.V. Cato Elementary, part of Castleberry school district in west Fort Worth, will attend a planetarium show at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History during the school’s Family Science Night on Feb. 25. The evening’s events begin at 6, and the last planetarium show begins at 7:45. Shows will be presented on a first-come first-served basis, and a hands-on activity station will also be available for students to explore. Each family that attends will receive a coupon good for two adults and two children to go to the museum. Ranch gathering has sessions on horse care, roping Chow down and learn not only how to take care of a horse, but also how to rope at a ranch gathering Monday hosted by the National Roper’s Supply Training Center in Decatur. A free session on horse care and roping at 2 p.m. precedes the gathering, which starts with registration at 5:30 p.m. at the center, at 309 County Road 4228. Arn Anderson will update ranchers on how the area is preparing for animal emergencies. Members of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association will get a metal gate sign from Bayer Animal Health, and all attendees will get a $20 gift certificate from National Roper’s Supply. To save a spot, call 800-242-7820, ext. 192, or email [email protected]. Historical group, seniors to meet on Thursday Members of the Everman Area Historical Society will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday in the conference room of Everman Public Library, 100 N. Race St. The society’s mission is to preserve the history of Everman. Members are attempting to find and catalog information about early Everman families, and update the Cemetery Book. They also work to identify and preserve early landmarks. Everman Senior Citizens Everman Senior Citizens will meet at 11 a.m. Thursday at the City Annex building, 213 N. Race St. Attendees are requested to bring a covered dish for a potluck lunch. After a short meeting, there will games for all. Golden Gloves weigh-in on Saturday Fort Worth Golden Gloves will have its regional weigh-in Saturday at 7:30 a.m. at Northside High School’s Pete Campbell Gym, 2211 McKinley Ave. All boxers wanting to compete in the Fort Worth Regional Golden Gloves must attend. The event will be Tuesday through Feb. 22 at the Watt Arena in the Will Rogers Complex. Competition will begin every night at 7. For more information call the Golden Gloves office at 817-336-1313. Peter Max exhibits, receptions set A newly curated retrospective collection by legendary pop-art icon Peter Max will be on exhibition and available for acquisition in a dual presentation next month in Fort Worth. Max will make special appearances from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Milan Gallery of Fort Worth, 505 Houston St. on March 7. Admission for all registered guests is complimentary. Exhibit previews begin Feb. 28 at both Milan Gallery in Fort Worth and Road Show Co. in Dallas, and the exhibition extends through March 8. Max has painted for five U.S. presidents, and his art is on display in presidential libraries and in U.S. embassies across the globe. He has been the official artist of five Super Bowls, the 2006 Olympics, World Cup USA, the World Series, the U.S. Open, the Indy 500, and the Kentucky Derby. RSVP for the Fort Worth appearance to 817-338-4278. For more information about this event, contact the gallery at www.milangallery.com. For more information about Max, go to www.petermax.com. City waives collection fees during warrant roundup During an upcoming warrant roundup by the Fort Worth Municipal Court Services Department, collection fees will be waived assuming the tickets are in collection, paid in person and paid in full. The roundup, in conjunction with a statewide warrant roundup, will be from March 1 to 9, according to a city news release. An online database of outstanding warrants updated daily can be found at www.fortworthgov.org/applications/warrantsonline. Payments are accepted at A.D. Marshall Public Safety and Courts Building, 1000 Throckmorton St.; Southwest Municipal Court, 3741 SW Loop 820; and Satellite Customer Service Center at Carnival Food Store, 102 NW 28th St. Residents can call 817-392-6700 with questions. Several events at Arlington Museum of Art The Arlington Museum of Art’s current exhibit, “Artists in Motion,” ends Sunday. The exhibit includes artwork by Texas artist Donray and costumes from designers Ric Leal, Masako Parshall, and Judana Lynn. Meanwhile, the deadline for the museum’s photo contest, which has a theme of “The Image as Art,” has been extended to Feb. 28. The contest is being held in conjunction with an Ansel Adams exhibit coming this summer. Those wishing to participate or wanting more information may visit the museum website, www.arlingtonmuseum.org Timeless Concerts will perform a Valentine’s Day concert at the museum on Saturday. Tickets are still available. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit www.timelessconcerts.com. Fun run to honor veterans, benefit cancer research Two sisters are honoring their late father, Army veteran Erron Papillion, with the first annual Run With Our Vets & Beat RCC 5K on March 29 at the University of Texas at Arlington. “Our dad was a decorated Army veteran who served our country in the Vietnam War. Among his many medals of honor were four Purple Hearts, the Silver Star and the Distinguished Service Cross,” said race organizer Trishonna Papillion-Winston. “This is our way of keeping his legacy alive while at the same time helping those that have served our country just as he had.” Her sister is Nikesha Papillion-Hall. They both live in Arlington. Papillion died in March 2011 from a rare form of renal cancer. Run With Our Vets & Beat RCC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing financial, moral and community support to disabled veterans and to help raise awareness for renal cell carcinoma. The event will feature a 1-mile walk/run and 5K race beginning at the Maverick Activities Center and continuing through nearby neighborhoods. A medals and awards ceremony will follow the races, which are open to both children and adults. For more information, go to www.runwithourvetsandbeatrcc.com. A helping of murder, followed by dessert In murder-mystery dinner theater, you can pretty much count on someone getting whacked. The question is who will die in Murder Overboard, performed and served Saturday at Old Bedford School, 2400 School Lane. Will it be Capt. X. Ron Valdez, who’s getting his Circus Cruise Lines ship in shape to get underway? Or does the ship’s doctor, C. Alice Hardin, busily stocking the pharmacy, have a date with the Grim Reaper? Magician Davey Copafield is excited about entertaining the women among the passengers. Is one of them his femme fatale? What’s certain is that guests will dine on 6-ounce sirloins, green beans and loaded mashed potatoes, followed by chocolate cake. Dinner’s at 7 p.m. and the show begins at 8. Get tickets at www.oldbedfordschool.com/performances/mystery.htm. 3 Redneck Tenors return to their roots The 3 Redneck Tenors will perform as the headline act for the OhLook Performing Arts Center Gala at the Concourse in Grapevine on March 1. Matthew Lord, Blake Davidson and Jonathan Frugé are in Texas to sing for their supper and benefit the nonprofit theater, OhLook Performing Arts Center. “We just love all the folks at OhLook and are looking forward to singing for them right back where we started,” said Lord, the group’s founder. This will be the only performance for the 3 Redneck Tenors in the Dallas-Fort Worth area this year. They will be introducing material from their new show along with favorite classics. Their resident venue is the Andy Williams Moon River Theatre in Branson, Mo. The event is one night only. Tickets are $75 per person and include dinner, entertainment and a live and silent auction. Dress is cowboy chic, and there will be a cash bar. Those reserving a table for eight will receive complimentary champagne and glasses. Tickets are available at www.ohlookperform.com. To find out more on the group, go to www.3rednecktenors.com. Pecan trees star in Arbor Day celebration Find out what makes trees important and what keeps them happy in North Texas at the Haltom City Arbor Day Celebration. Beginning at 10 a.m. March 8, the program at Haltom City Northeast Center, 3201 Friendly Lane, focuses on Texas’ official state tree: pecans. Officials also will dedicate memorial trees to Richard Garcia, a councilman who died in office, Travis Royal, a community volunteer and former Library Board member, and Evelyn Haws, a charter member of the Haltom City Garden Club. Free and open to the public, the event is hosted by the garden club and Keep Haltom City Beautiful. Call 817-222-7767 or go to www.haltomcitytx.com for information. Baby-sitting class set for Saturday Registration is open at Keller Pointe for the next babysitting class, from 1 to 7 p.m. on Saturday. The course includes planning for baby-sitting jobs, different child personality types, preventing accidents, supervising children, selecting toys and games, changing diapers, basic first aid and feeding. For more information, call The Pointe at 817-743-4386 or email [email protected]. Community Band to play favorites Southlake Community Band members will kick back and perform their own favorite pieces on March 6 at a 7 p.m. concert in the White’s Chapel United Methodist Church sanctuary at 185 S. White Chapel Blvd. Music will include Procession of the Nobles by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Variations on Scarborough Fair by Calvin Custer, Fantasia in G by Timothy Mahr, Festive Overture by Dmitri Shostakovich, Ye Banks and Braes O’ Bonnie Doon by Percy Aldridge Grainger and Where Never Lark or Eagle Flew by James Curnow. Music selections are subject to change. Installment tax payments still an option for some For those who qualify for the disabled homestead exemption or an over-65 homestead exemption, there is still a chance to pay your property taxes in four quarterly installments. Property owners who qualify can still make their first quarterly payment by Feb. 28 to keep the right to pay in four installments. But property owners will incur a penalty and a 7 percent interest charge for not making their first payment by Jan. 31. The remaining three payments will not incur any penalty and interest if they are made on or before March 31, May 31 and July 31. For more information, go to the Tarrant County tax office website at www.tarrantcounty.com or call 817-884-1100. Navy Band to perform in Fort Worth on Tuesday Fort Worth is one of 22 cities in six states selected to host a performance by the Navy Concert Band during its 2014 national tour. The band’s performance is scheduled for Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at Paschal High School, 3001 Forest Park Blvd. Music will include marches, patriotic selections, orchestral transcriptions and modern wind ensemble repertoire. These national tours return after a year in which sequestration and its impact on outreach spending forced several of them to be suspended. Pentagon officials announced a plan last fall that enables the military services to resume conducting public outreach activities in 2014, at a reduced capacity. The band will travel more than 5,300 miles, traveling by bus and truck an average of more than four hours each day. All Navy band performances are free and open to the public. For ticket information, check the band’s website at www.navyband.navy.mil/tour_concert_band.shtml.
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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, , at sacred-texts.com This very beautiful psalm is entitled "A Psalm of David." Nothing in the psalm forbids the supposition that he was its author, although nothing in the psalm or elsewhere enables us to ascertain the precise occasion on which it was written. It seems to have been composed after some signal manifestation of the mercy of God, or some striking proof of his compassion and loving-kindness; after some danger which threatened life, and was regarded as evidence of the divine displeasure, but had now passed by; after God had interposed, and checked and arrested judgments which threatened ruin, and had manifested himself again as a loving Father. This merciful interposition filled the heart of the psalmist with emotions of gratitude and praise, and led him to call on his own soul Psa 103:1-2, and all the angels Psa 103:20, and the hosts of heaven Psa 103:21, and all the works of God everywhere Psa 103:22 to unite in celebrating his praise. The psalm is exceedingly regular in its structure and composition; beautiful in its language and conceptions; adapted to all times and ages; suited to express the feelings of gratitude to God for deliverance from trouble, and for the manifestation of his mercy; suited to elevate the soul, and to fill it with cheerful views. These circumstances have made it a favorite psalm as a vehicle of praise in all ages. It is, moreover, eminently suited to express the feelings of the soul in view of the redeeming love and mercy of God; the goodness of God in the forgiveness of sin through a Saviour; and his tender compassion for his people as a Father; and it is, therefore, one to which the Christian oftener turns than to almost any other of the psalms as expressive of the deep and grateful feelings of his heart. Bless the Lord, O my soul - The word "bless," as applied to God, means to praise, implying always a strong affection for him as well as a sense of gratitude. As used with reference to people, the word implies a "wish" that they may be blessed or happy, accompanied often with a prayer that they may be so. Such is the purport of the "blessing" addressed to a congregation of worshippers. Compare Num 6:23-27. The word "soul" here is equivalent to mind or heart: my mental and moral powers, as capable of understanding and appreciating his favors. The soul of man was "made" to praise and bless God; to enjoy his friendship; to delight in his favor; to contemplate his perfections. It can never be employed in a more appropriate or a more elevated act than when engaged in his praise. And all that is within me ... - All my powers and faculties; all that can be employed in his praise: the heart, the will, the affections, the emotions. The idea is, that God is worthy of all the praise and adoration which the entire man can render. No one of his faculties or powers should be exempt from the duty and the privilege of praise. Bless the Lord, O my soul - The repetition here denotes the intensity or earnestness of the wish or desire of the psalmist. It is an emphatic calling upon his soul, that is, himself, never to forget the many favors which God was continually conferring upon him. And forget not all his benefits - Any of his favors. This refers not to those favors in the aggregate, but it is a call to remember them in particular. The word rendered "benefits" - גמול gemûl - means properly an act, work, doing, whether good or evil, Psa 137:8; and then, "desert," or what a man deserves "for" his act; "recompence." It is rendered "deserving" in Jdg 9:16; benefit, as here, in Ch2 32:25; "desert," Psa 28:4; "reward," Psa 94:2; Isa 3:11; Oba 1:15; "recompence," Pro 12:14; Isa 35:4; Isa 59:18; Isa 66:6; Jer 51:6; Lam 3:64; Joe 3:4, Joe 3:7. The proper reference here is to the divine "dealings," - to what God had done - as a reason for blessing his name. His "dealings" with the psalmist had been such as to call for praise and gratitude. What those "dealings" particularly were he specifies in the following verses. The call here on his soul is not to forget these divine dealings, as laying the foundation for praise. We shall find, when we reach the end of life, that all which God has done, however dark and mysterious it may have appeared at the time, was so connected with our good as to make it a proper subject of praise and thanksgiving. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities - Pardoning all thy sins. That is, It is a characteristic of God to pardon sin, and I have evidence that he has done it in my own case, and this is a ground for praise. It is observable that this is the first thing in view of the psalmist - the first of the "benefits" which he had received from God, or the first thing in importance among his acts or his dealings, which called for praise. Properly considered, this is the first thing which calls for praise. That God is a merciful God - that he has declared his willingness to pardon sin - that he has devised and revealed a way by which this can be done, and that he has actually done it in our own case, is the most important matter for which we should praise him. When we understand all the things which most affect our welfare, and which enter most deeply into our happiness here and hereafter, we shall find that this is a blessing compared with which all other favors are comparative trifles. Who healeth all thy diseases - Perhaps, in the case of the psalmist, referring to some particular instance in which he had been recovered from dangerous sickness. The word rendered "diseases" - תחלואים tachălû'iym - occurs only in the plural form. It is translated "sicknesses," in Deu 29:22; "diseases," as here, in Ch2 21:19; "them that are sick," in Jer 14:18; and "grievous (deaths)" in Jer 16:4. It does not elsewhere occur. It is applicable to all forms of sickness; or in this place it may refer to some particular diseases with which David had been afflicted. We have several allusions in the Psalms to times when the authors of the psalms were afflicted with sickness. So in the Psalms of David. Compare Psa 6:2; Psa 38:7; Psa 41:8. The thought here is, that it is a proper ground of praise to God that he has the power of healing disease. All instances of restoration to health are illustrations of this, for whatever may be the skill of physicians, or the wise adaptation of means, healing virtue comes from God alone. Who redeemeth thy life from destruction - That is, who saves it from death when exposed to danger, or when attacked by disease. The word "destruction" or "corruption" here is equivalent to the grave, since it is there that the body returns to corruption. Compare the notes at Psa 16:10. Who crowneth thee - The idea here is not merely that God is the source of these blessings, but that there is something of beauty, of dignity, of honor, as in the conferring of a crown or garland on anyone. Compare the notes at Psa 65:11. With loving-kindness and tender mercies - mercy and compassions. God showed mercy to him - evinced compassion - and these were so abundant that they might be said to be the crown or ornament of his life. Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things - The word translated "thy mouth" here is rendered in the Chaldee "thy age;" in the Arabic, the Septuagint, and the Latin Vulgate, "thy desire;" in the Syriac, "thy body;" DeWette renders it, "thy age." So also Tholuck. The Hebrew word - עדי ‛ădı̂y - is rendered "ornaments" in Exo 33:4-6; Sa2 1:24; Isa 49:18; Jer 2:32; Jer 4:30; Eze 7:20; Eze 16:11, Eze 16:17 (margin,); Eze 23:40; and "mouth" in Psa 32:9, as here. These are the only places in which it occurs. Gesenius renders it here "age," and supposes that it stands in contrast with the word "youth" in the other part of the verse. The connection would seem to demand this, though it is difficult to make it out from any usage of the Hebrew word. Professor Alexander renders it "thy soul" - from the supposition that the Hebrew word "ornament" is used as if in reference to the idea that the "soul" is the chief glory or ornament of man. This seems, however, to be a very forced explanation. I confess myself unable to determine the meaning. So that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's - Compare Isa 40:31. The allusion, to which there is supposed to be a reference here, is explained in the notes at that passage. Whatever may be true in regard to the supposed fact pertaining to the eagle, about its renewing its strength and vigor in old age, the meaning here is simply that the strength of the psalmist in old age became like the strength of the eagle. Sustained by the bounty of God in his old age he became, as it were, young again. The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment - That is, "justice." He sees that justice is done to the oppressed. He is on their side. His law, his commands, his judicial decisions, his providential interpositions, are in their favor. This does not mean that it will he done at once; or that there will never be any delay; or that they may not suffer even for a long time - for this occurs in fact; but the meaning is, that God has their true interest at heart; that at proper times, and whenever and whereever there are any dealings of his in the case, his acts are in favor of those that are oppressed; and that there will be sooner or later such interpositions in their behalf as shall entirely vindicate their cause. For all that are oppressed - By harsh laws; by unjust governments; by slavery; by unrighteous decisions in courts; by the pride and power of wicked people. Compare the notes at Isa 1:17, notes at Isa 1:23-27. He made known his ways unto Moses - This is another ground of praise - that God had "revealed his will;" that this had been done in an indubitable manner to Moses; and that these revelations had been recorded by him for the instruction and guidance of his people. The word "ways" here means his laws; his methods of administration; the principles on which he governs mankind, and the conditions on which he will save people. There is no higher ground of gratitude to God than the fact that he has given a revelation to mankind. His acts unto the children of Israel - His methods of doing things have been made known to them; and his acts - his interpositions - have been in their favor. The Lord is merciful and gracious - See the notes at Psa 78:38. The idea here is derived evidently from Exo 34:6-7 - that great and glorious statement of God himself in regard to his own character. Our world is a different world under that statement from what it would be if that and kindred declarations had not been made. There is here a "progression" of thought; an "advance" on the previous statements. At first the psalmist referred to his own individual experience Psa 103:3-5; then he referred to the dealings of God toward the Hebrew people Psa 103:6-7; and now he rises to the general contemplation of his character as it relates to all mankind. It was a characteristic of God in respect to all, that he was kind, compassionate, and forbearing. Slow to anger - That is, patient; not soon excited; bearing much, and bearing it long. See Jam 5:11; compare Exo 34:6-7. And plenteous in mercy - Margin, "great of mercy." The Hebrew word means "much," or great;" and the idea is, that mercy is not manifested by him in small or stinted measure. It is rich; full; abundant; overflowing; free. He will not always chide - Rebuke; contend; strive; for so the Hebrew word means. He will not always contend with people, or manifest his displeasure. See the notes at Isa 57:16; notes at Psa 78:38-39. This implies that he may chide or rebuke his people, but that this will not be forever. He will punish them; he will manifest his displeasure at their sins; he will show that he does not approve of their course, but he will show that he "loves them," and does not seek their ruin. Neither will he keep his anger for ever - The words "his anger" are supplied by the translators, but not improperly. The meaning is the same as in the former member of the sentence. He will not cherish hatred when the object of the chastisement is accomplished. It is not his character to retain anger for its own sake, or for any personal gratification. He hath not dealt with us after our sins - All may say this, and this "is" a ground of thanksgiving and praise. It is a matter for which we should render unceasing praise that God has not done to us as our sins deserved. Who of us can fail to stand in awe and to tremble when we think what God "might" have justly done to us; what sufferings he "might" have brought upon us, which would have been no more than we have deserved; what pain of body, what distress of mind, what anguish of bereavement - what sorrow, danger, sickness, losses - we "might" have suffered before the point would be reached at which it could be said that we were suffering more than a holy and just God might properly inflict on us. Nor rewarded us according to our iniquities - That is, he has not inflicted suffering on us that could be regarded in any proper sense as a just retribution for what we have done; or, so that it could properly be said that the one fairly "measured" the other. For as the heaven is high above the earth - See the notes at Psa 57:10. Compare the notes at Isa 55:9. The literal translation of the phrase here would be, "For like the height of the heavens above the earth." The heavens - the starry heavens - are the highest objects of which we have any knowledge; and hence, the comparison is used to denote the great mercy of God - meaning that it is as great as can be conceived; that there is nothing beyond it; that we cannot imagine that it could be greater - as we can imagine nothing higher than the heavens. So great is his mercy toward them that fear him - To those who reverence and serve him. That is, His mercy is thus great in forgiving their offences; in imparting grace; in giving them support and consolation. As far as the east is from the west - As far as possible; as far as we can imagine. These are the points in our apprehension most distant from each other, and as we can conceive nothing beyond them, so the meaning is, that we cannot imagine our sins could be more effectually removed than they are. The literal meaning of the Hebrew is, "like the distance of the east from the west" or, "like its being far." So far hath he removed our transgressions from us - That is, he has put them entirely away. They are so removed that they cannot affect us any more. We are safe from all condemnation for our sins, as if they had not been committed at all. Compare the notes at Isa 43:25; notes at Isa 44:22. Like as a father pitieth his children - Hebrew, "Like the compassion of a father for his children." See the notes at Mat 7:7-11. God often compares himself with a father, and it is by carrying out our ideas of what enters into the parental character that we get our best conceptions of the character of God. See the notes at Mat 6:9. That which is referred to here, is the natural affection of the parent for the child; the tender love which is borne by the parent for his offspring; the disposition to care for its needs; the readiness to forgive when an offence has been committed. Compare Luk 15:22-24. Such, in an infinitely higher degree, is the compassion - the kindness - which God has for those that love him. So the Lord pitieth them that fear him - He has compassion on them. He exercises toward them the paternal feeling. For he knoweth our frame - Our formation; of what we are made; how we are made. That is, he knows that we are made of dust; that we are frail; that we are subject to decay; that we soon sink under a heavy load. This is given as a reason why he pities us - that we are so frail and feeble, and that we are so easily broken down by a pressure of trial. He remembereth that we are dust - Made of the earth. Gen 2:7; Gen 3:19. In his dealings with us he does not forget of what frail materials he made us, and how little our frames can bear. He tempers his dealings to the weakness and frailty of our nature, and his compassion interposes when the weight of sorrows would crush us. Remembering, too, our weakness, he interposes by his power to sustain us, and to enable us to bear what our frame could not otherwise endure. Compare the notes at Isa 57:16. As for man - literally, "Man; like the grass are his days!" The thought is fixed on man: man so frail and weak; man, not only made originally of earth, but man delicate, feeble, soon to pass away like the springing grass, or like the fading flower. His days are as grass - See the notes at Psa 90:5-6; compare Isa 40:6-8, notes; Pe1 1:24, note. As a flower of the field - As a blossom. It opens with beauty and fragrance, but soon fades and perishes. So he flourisheth - Rather, "So he blossoms." That is, he is like a flower that is fresh and beautiful, and that soon withers away. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone - Margin, as in Hebrew, "it is not." The reference is either to a hot and burning wind, that dries up the flower; or to a furious wind that tears it from its stem; or to a gentle breeze that takes off its petals as they loosen their hold, and are ready to fall. So man falls - as if a breath - a breeze - came over him, and he is gone. How easily is man swept off! How little force, apparently, does it require to remove the most beautiful and blooming youth of either sex from the earth! How speedily does beauty vanish; how soon, like a fading flower, does such a one pass away! And the place thereof shall know it no more - That is, It shall no more appear in the place where it was seen and known. The "place" is here personified as if capable of recognizing the objects which are present, and as if it missed the things which were once there. They are gone. So it will soon be in all the places where we have been; where we have been seen; where we have been known. In our dwellings; at our tables; in our places of business; in our offices, counting-rooms, studies, laboratories; in the streets where we have walked from day to day; in the pulpit, the court-room, the legislation-hall; in the place of revelry or festivity; in the prayer-room, the Sabbath-school, the sanctuary - we shall be seen no longer. We shall be gone: and the impression on those who are there, and with whom we have been associated, will be best expressed by the language, "he is gone!" Gone; - where? No one that survives can tell. All that they whom we leave will know will be that we are absent - that we are "gone." But to us now, how momentous the inquiry, "Where shall we be, when we are gone from among the living?" Other places will "know" us; will it be in heaven, or hell? But the mercy of the Lord - The favor of the Lord; or, his loving-kindness. Is from everlasting to everlasting - Is from the eternity past to the eternity to come. It had its foundation in the eternal decrees of God; it has its security in his purpose that where it is conferred, it shall not be withdrawn. It had no beginning; it will have no end. There never was a period in the past when it was not the purpose of God to save his people; there never will be a period in the future when it will be said that his saving mercy has ceased. It would be difficult to think of a statement which would at the same time, in so few words, confirm at once the doctrine of the divine decrees, and the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. If either of these doctrines is denied, then what is here stated by the psalmist is not true: if the doctrine of the divine decrees is denied, then his purpose of mercy had a beginning, and is not "from everlasting;" if the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints is denied, then his mercy has an end, and is not "to everlasting." Upon them that fear him - In respect to those who are his true worshippers, or his true people. And his righteousness - His righteous purpose; or, his purpose in regard to their "becoming" righteous. Unto children's children - literally, "sons of sons." That is, his purposes embrace the children and children's children of the righteous; or, they are included in the covenant of mercy. See the notes at Act 2:39. Compare Exo 20:6. To such as keep his covenant - To such as adhere to the arrangements of his covenant, or who are faithful on their part. God will be faithful to his part of the covenant; and where there is fidelity on the part of his people, the blessings implied in the covenant will be conferred on them and on their children. The promise is ample, and the fidelity of God is certain, but still it is true that in those promises, and in that fidelity, it is implied that his people on their part must be faithful also, or the blessings will not be bestowed. There are no promises of blessings to the unfaithful, nor have those who are unfaithful any reason to hope that they or theirs will be partakers of the blessings of the covenant of mercy. Our only hope that we or our children will be partakers of the blessings of the covenant is to be found in the fact that we ourselves are faithful to God. And to those that remember his commandments to do them - Who do not "forget" his law. If they do forget it, they have no right to expect the blessing. Obedience and fidelity are our only reasonable grounds of expectation of the blessing of God. The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens - He has "fixed" his throne there. This is the ground of the security that his blessing will be imparted to those who fear him, and to their children's children, or that it will be transmitted to coming generations. God is a Sovereign. His throne is fixed and firm. His dominion is not vacillating and changing. His reign is not, like the reign of earthly monarchs, dependent on the capriciousness of a changeable will, or on passion; nor is it liable to be altered by death, by revolution, or a new dynasty. The throne of God is ever the same, and nothing can shake or overthrow it. Compare the notes at Psa 11:4. And his kingdom ruleth over all - He reigns over all the universe - the heavens and the earth; and he can, therefore, execute all his purposes. Compare Psa 47:2. Bless the Lord - The psalm began Psa 103:1-2 with an exhortation to "bless the Lord." That exhortation was, however, then addressed by the psalmist to his own soul, and was especially founded on the benefits which he had himself received. The psalm closes also with an exhortation to "bless the Lord," yet on a much wider scale. The psalmist feels that there is not only occasion for him to do it, but that the reason for it extends to the whole universe. The meaning is, that God is worthy of universal praise; and all ranks of beings - all worlds - should join in that praise. Man, feeble, frail, dying, could not come up to the fullness of the praise required. Praise such as was appropriate to God - such as his perfections and works deserved - demanded loftier powers than those of man; the loftiest powers in the universe. Ye his angels - All beings higher than man; beings around and before his throne. That excel in strength - Margin, as in Hebrew, "mighty in strength," and therefore more "able" to offer adequate praise. That do his commandments - Who perfectly obey his law, and who, therefore, can render more acceptable praise than can ever come from human lips. Hearkening unto the voice of his word - Who always listen to his voice; who never are disobedient; and who can, therefore, approach him as holy beings, and more appropriately worship him. Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts - His armies; the vast multitudes of holy beings, arranged and marshalled as hosts for battle, in all parts of the universe. Compare the notes at Isa 1:9; notes at Eph 1:21. Ye ministers of his - The same beings referred to by the word "hosts," and all others who may be employed in executing his will. The "hosts" or armies of the Lord are thus marshalled that they may "do his pleasure," or that they may execute his purposes. That do his pleasure - What is agreeable to him; that is, who perform his will. Employed in his service, and appointed to execute his will, they are called on to bless his name. The fact of being employed in his service is a sufficient reason for praise. It is implied here that those "ministers of his" actually do his will. They are obedient to his commands; they regard themselves as employed for him. Bless the Lord, all his works - All that he has made, animate and inanimate, intelligent and brute. It is not uncommon to call on the inanimate creation to join with intelligent beings in praising God. Compare Psa 148:1-14. The same thing is often found in the "Paradise Lost," and in fact occurs in all poetry. In all places of his dominion - Wherever he reigns, on earth, or in heaven; here or in distant worlds. Bless the Lord, O my soul - Ending the psalm as it began, and with the additional reason derived from the fact that the "universe" is called on to do it. As one of the creatures of God; as a part of that vast universe, the psalmist now calls on his own soul to unite with all others - to be one of them - in praising and blessing the Creator. He "desired" thus to unite with all others. His heart was full; and in a universe thus joyous - thus vocal with praise - he wished to be one among the immense multitudes that lifted their voices in adoration of the great Yahweh.
{ "date": "2017-07-22T04:37:27Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549423901.32/warc/CC-MAIN-20170722042522-20170722062522-00599.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9794259667396545, "token_count": 6056, "url": "http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/cmt/barnes/psa103.htm" }
On My Shelf is a new monthly meme started by KJ Mulder over at Worlds in Ink and it’s all about sharing the books on your shelf in alphabetical order, according to author. It’s a very chilled-out meme, so you can plan it in any way you like, and post at any time of the month, any number of times you like. And who doesn’t like to show off some of their books? Today I’m finishing off the A-Bs with a few random books. I’ll go in alphabetical order, starting with Paul Auster. I bought The New York Trilogy (1985, 1986, 1987, Faber Firsts edition published 2009) with a voucher I’d received for Exclusive Books. It had been recommended to me and in general I’d heard good things about it. Turned out to be very odd and perplexing in the kind of way that I find compelling. Man in the Dark (2008, Henry Holt and Company) I bought in hardcover at an EB sale last year. J.G. Ballard: The Drought, (1965, Triad Panther), The Drowned World (1962, Science Fiction Book Club) and Kingdom Come (2006, Fourth Estate). I’ve read two of Ballard’s novels – Empire of the Sun (1984) and Millenium People (2003). I read Empire because I loved the movie (with a very young Christian Bale, and a few shots of Ben Stiller who was also very young but looked the same as he does now), but the book I found boring. Millenium People was weird but ok. I would not have bothered reading more Ballard after those two, but I got more books because he has cult status and I wanted to try his sci fi. However, I’m reading The Drowned World at the moment, and finding it so dull that it might be time to give up on him. The Drought and The Drowned World I got through Bookmooch (where I also gave away my copy of Millenium People). Kingdom Come – not too sure where I got this, but since it’s a trade paperback I probably bought it at Paperweight, taking advantage of one of their constant special offers. The Somnambulist (2007) by Jonathan Barnes. The edition on the left is Gollancz, the one on the right is William Morrow (in hardcover). The Gollancz on is an uncorrected proof I received while working at EB, and because I love hardcovers I couldn’t resist buying the William Morrow edition when I saw it at an EB sale. I have yet to read the novel though. Two novels from Frank Beddor’s trilogy based on Alice in Wonderland: The Looking Glass Wars (2004) and Seeing Redd (2007), both published by Egmont, both purchased at an EB sale. Unfortunately they didn’t have the third book. I bought it because I like the metafictional premise and yes, because I like the covers. And once again I’m seduced by cult status, not to mention special-edition status. Lord knows when I’ll get around to reading this 50th Anniversary Edition of William Burroughs’s Naked Lunch (1959) from Grove Press New York, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get this copy for only R77 (possibly half that) at an EB sale. And to end this post, some non-fiction on one of my favourite topics. This morning I noticed that I have a few other A and B authors on my non-fiction shelf, but unlike my fiction shelves, I’ve arranged it according to topic, not author, so this one was the only one I noticed and photographed. It’s a very special book because I bought at a bookshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia of all places. Why is this weird? Well in Addis the shops that sell books in English have very random selections that look a lot like leftovers from other parts of the world, plus a variety of books about the country itself. The fiction selections are small, and in the 6 months that I’ve lived here, I’ve only seen about two sci fi novels, both quite old. They occasionally show sf blockbusters at one of their cinemas, but the majority of the population are unable to afford movie tickets, and wouldn’t be able to understand a movie in English anyway. Thus it makes no sense for them to stock a collection of essays on sf, but as I said, the stock bookshops get is pretty random. So I was amazed and utterly ecstatic when I found The Science Fiction Handbook edited by M. Keith Booker and Anne-Marie Thomas. It was published in 2009 by Wiley-Blackwell, making it one of the newest books in Ethiopia. The bookstore I found it in mostly stocks textbooks, and although the place is relatively large, it’s obvious that their stock will never be taken off the shelf unless someone buys it, because they have a lot of very old, very odd, totally useless things, like a book on American elementary school laws from the 60’s. This collection is divided into 3 sections: historical surveys of sf subgenres; representative authors; and discussion of individual texts. Should prove very interesting and useful.
{ "date": "2017-07-24T04:37:53Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549424721.74/warc/CC-MAIN-20170724042246-20170724062246-00319.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.963001549243927, "token_count": 1129, "url": "https://violininavoid.wordpress.com/2011/08/23/on-my-shelf-last-of-the-a-bs/" }
When searching for a job in public relations, St. Louis is probably not at the top of your list. Often overshadowed by nearby Chicago, St. Louis is truly more than “flyover country” and has much to offer both young and seasoned professionals. It’s more than the home of America’s largest monument, the Gateway Arch, or the 11-time World Series champions, the St. Louis Cardinals. It’s more than the birthplace of Anheuser-Busch and Sweetie Pie’s, and famous greats like Joseph Pulitzer, Maya Angelou, T.S. Eliot, Max Factor, Tina Turner, Chuck Berry, Yogi Berra — and more recently, Jon Hamm, Jack Dorsey, Rusty Wallace, Nelly, Kimora Lee Simmons, Karlie Kloss. It’s so much more! Some pertinent points to ponder about the greater St. Louis metropolitan area: - The second largest global public relations agency, Weber Shandwick, has a flourishing office here. - FleishmanHillard, the third largest global public relations agency, is headquartered here. - PRSA St. Louis hosted the largest PRSA Midwest District Conference in recent history (in 2015). - We have a growing — and nationally recognized — technology startup community. - Nine Forbes Fortune 500 companies call St. Louis home. Some of the Fortune 1000 companies include Energizer, Panera Bread Co., Caleres (formerly Brown Shoe), Monsanto, Emerson Electric, Express Scripts, Edward Jones Financial, Centene, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Nestlé Purina, Peabody Energy and Ameren. - St. Louis hosts a multitude of boutique and specialty agencies specializing in public relations, marketing, advertising, content, digital, visual and social — both B2B and B2C — with global and national clients on their rosters. - It offers a growing and diverse young professionals community. - St. Louis has a vibe all its own. Not quite the south, definitely not the north nor east or west coasts, but a Midwestern familiarity and friendliness that’s completely unique. In an effort to provide helpful insight into the current St. Louis job market, I requested input from a few PRSA members and member companies. In addition, I asked Dave Collett, Weber Shandwick executive vice president and general manager of the St. Louis office and former FleishmanHillard vice president, to offer some additional observations. What advice do you have for someone trying to break into the St. Louis market? “[Despite being] one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country, the marketing and communications community in St. Louis can be quite cozy and connected. Everyone knows everyone — and friendships abound. As such, there are lots of opportunities to network among professionals — using each meeting to generate the next one. By doing this right, it shouldn’t take long for opportunities to pop up — many times through direct referral.” I would add that, with nearly 250 members, getting involved in PRSA St. Louis is an excellent way to rapidly expand your network! What do you think is important for someone moving to this area to know about the culture? “St. Louis has a sort of modesty that can hide its true size and scale. The adage of a ‘big small town’ is true — and people here really value volunteerism and an individual’s personal commitment to the community. Getting involved with one of the many worthy organizations is a great way to dive into what really makes St. Louis special — and a great way to make lasting personal and professional connections.” An overall cost of living about 10 percent below the national average (with a significantly lower cost of housing) and a multitude of free (or inexpensive) entertainment, historical and arts-related venues make St. Louis an affordable place to live, work and play! Tressa Robbins is implementation vice president at BurrellesLuce where she works with major accounts to ensure successful onboarding and perform web portal training on media monitoring, media outreach, social media and reporting/analytics. She is the technology director for PRSA St. Louis (and past president), Professional Adviser to the PRSSA Chapter at Southeast Missouri State University and a proud Champion for PRSSA. Robbins was a speaker at the PRSSA 2016 National Conference and speaks at various local and regional industry-related events. Find Tressa on LinkedIn or connect with her on Twitter @tressalynne.
{ "date": "2018-07-19T20:54:05Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676591296.46/warc/CC-MAIN-20180719203515-20180719223515-00359.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9221937656402588, "token_count": 948, "url": "http://progressions.prssa.org/index.php/2017/03/13/city-series-st-louis-is-more-than-flyover-country/" }
Crack open a cold one and enjoy a barrel of laughs with Brew Ha-Ha Emperors Palace is brewing up a fun-filled day for the whole family at its funky Red Roman Shed on . Brew Ha-Ha is a unique craft drinks and comedy festival that will feature an array of craft beers and gins, alongside loads of entertainment and comedy relief. A designated children’s area will also provide hours of fun with jumping castles, face-painting and entertaining shows. “Join us for an epic day as we make the most of hot summer days with lots of fun and laughter for both young and old”, says Andi Shaughnessy, Emperors Palace Entertainment Manager. “Emperors Palace is thrilled to host some incredible entertainment acts, which we hope will give everyone – from comedy lovers to music enthusiasts – enough reason to come out, relax and just have fun.” The cracking line-up of entertainment include performances from singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Vern Deysel, The Graeme Watkins Project (GWP) and Will Rayz. Deysel draws inspiration from the classic southern blues rock and outlaw country music genres, delivering a sound that can best be described as soulful rock ‘n’ roll. He will be joined on stage by The GWP who guarantee to get the crowd moving, as well as singer, songwriter and solo performer, Will Rayz, who brings the soulful and eclectic sounds of Jazz, Blues and Folk music to life. Comedians Chris Forrest, Mum-z and Jason Goliath will take to the stage to deliver side-splitting performances and keep the laughter going. Bound to be a hilarious affair, Forrest is a comedy veteran famous for his dry, quick wit, with Mum-z headlining the famous ZA News TV show. Heavy-hitting funny man, MC and actor, Jason Goliath completes the comedy line-up. The Red Roman Shed will open at and tickets are R50 per person for the sober special and R100 per person for the tipsy ticket, inclusive of a glass. Children under the age of 12 enter for free. For bookings contact the Emperors Palace Box Office on 011 928 1297/1213 or visit www.emperorspalace.com. Winners Circle members qualify for fantastic discounts. No alcohol will be served to under 18’s. Emperors Palace is a Peermont resort. Connect with us on Facebook or like us on Twitter @emperorspalace. My Links are as follows; Posted by BluBird Entertainment Discovering the world of Entertainment, Lifestyle and Beauty. We are a Multimedia content guide which focuses on all things entertainment, lifestyle, fashion, make up, trends and music. [email protected] For more follow us on our Social Media Platforms:
{ "date": "2018-07-20T23:42:39Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676592001.81/warc/CC-MAIN-20180720232914-20180721012914-00399.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9182568192481995, "token_count": 597, "url": "https://blubirdentertainement.blogspot.com/2017/10/crack-open-cold-one-and-enjoy-barrel-of.html" }
I think one of my least favorite things to do is to be patient. It's so hard to be patient. It just doesn't come naturally to me. So when I saw that patience was a servant leadership quality in James Hunter's list, I internally groaned. In The Way I Lead, remember that I confessed that my leadership style is to just take over someone else's job if they aren't performing to my expectations. So when I read Hunter's list, it just reaffirmed what I knew about having to work on my patience. The dictionary defines patience as, "An ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay." And that perfectly describes the exact opposite of how I usually act when confronted with delay. As I said, my response when confronted with delay is to act on my restlessness. But as we looked at in The Way I Lead, that isn't a good way to lead. I used the example of a person bagging orders slower than I would like them to. If I were to step in and start doing their job, I'm making two major mistakes. 1) It causes me to fall behind in my work, and 2) it denies that person the opportunity to gain experience. Your followers can't learn from their mistakes if you don't give them a chance to. You have to be patient enough to let people mess up. There are no perfect people, so there are no perfect performances, especially from new people or slow learners. You have to give people the chance to learn by trial-and-error. You have to let them make their mistakes so they can learn from them. This is an incredibly important lesson to learn for any servant leader, but more so if you're the training director, parents of preteens, or a youth pastor. In those types of jobs, your role as leader is essentially to groom young people to become the best they can be. We all know young people make plenty of mistakes, so it takes a lot of patience to lead them. In The Servant, Hunter looked at patience in a way that I never really had before. He described patience as showing self-control. And that makes sense, right? That's basically a shortened version of the dictionary's definition. Patience means showing self-control. I really like looking at patience that way. It makes it feel easier to be patient. When I hear the word patient, I cringe and think of patience as an impossibility. But if I think of patience as simply showing self-control, suddenly I feel like I can be patient. It makes the task seem easier and it makes me think I might actually be able to be patient. Have you ever seen a leader lose control of his or her emotions? It's never pretty to see the leader throwing a tantrum or going on a rant, is it? Many leaders have gotten in hot water because they lost control of their emotions. Just think of the number of professional or college coaches who have gotten in trouble for throwing a tantrum in post-game press conferences or for berating their players in practice or a game. It's important for a leader to be patient. It's important for a leader to be a model of self-control. We've seen what can happen if leaders lose control. I believe self control is one of the most important character traits for a servant leader to have. Without it, he or she is untrustworthy, consistently inconsistent with their emotions, and liable to be unkind, selfish, and mean. It's hard to keep yourself from sin without self-control. It's hard to do things you have to do even if you don't want to do them without self-control. It would've been hard for Jesus to have served and to succumbed to the cross without self-control. Without self-control, God would've long ago destroyed mankind. Remember that He came really close once. And so I encourage you to try to be more patient and to have more self-control. Make patience and self-control two of your core values. Treasure them and don't abandon them. They will get you far in life if you allow them to.
{ "date": "2018-07-19T03:44:28Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676590493.28/warc/CC-MAIN-20180719031742-20180719051742-00119.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.978156566619873, "token_count": 850, "url": "http://lovwritingblog.blogspot.com/2012/01/patience-first-quality-of-agape-love.html" }
Week #3 in Berlin (22 December 2014). Reese reported a productive week with a lot to do, although not as much progress as he had hoped. He had the chance to teach the Young Men about mission preparation on Sunday and really enjoyed that. They worked with several less actives and Reese had a fun tausch with Elder Michael Christensen. He reported: "I thought it might turn into a bit of a 'trunky tausch' [because Elder Christensen is going home on the same day as Reese] but we worked our tails off. . . . It started sleeting pretty hard but we still enjoyed it. It is weird how that makes you happy sometimes--being cold and wet, but still knowing that you are working hard." Here is a photo from the Christmas market at Alexanderplatz, their apartment kitchen and the view out their apartment window: Finally, here are two photos. The first is one of Reese at the Alexanderplatz Christmas market. The second is a photo of Reese taken in June 2012 when he and his father visited Alexanderplatz on a trip to Berlin. He's holding a "happy hippo" candy that his brother, Jimmy, had introduced him to during the time Jimmy had lived in Berlin.
{ "date": "2018-07-23T03:40:52Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676594886.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20180723032237-20180723052237-00119.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9901853203773499, "token_count": 252, "url": "http://reeserasband.blogspot.com/2014/12/week-3-in-berlin-22-december-2014.html" }
Even though the hotel rolled out the red carpet and has good reviews I am not happy here. My gut feeling is mumbling something. I'm not sure what it is saying, but it ain't good! During the apres-petit-dejeuner cigarette, I notice that the weather forecast has indeed been accurate. It's raining, but the intensity is already diminishing. Let's hope that trend continues! When the bike is saddled and ready to ride off, the rain has stopped. Along the way: some more monuments to Germans' ability to tell the difference between right and wrong Even though the threat of rain is ever-present, it stays dry. |Free Food !| When I roll into Verdun, a city whose name that has been soaked in blood and misery from many wars throughout the centuries, I don't really expect much. WRONG again. Verdun is beautiful. It has a bit of Amsterdam, it has a bit of Paris. Learned something else. It's a good time to recharge my battery and fill my stomach. I find a nice restaurant right on the quay promenade. The place has an extremely effeminate young waiter in his early 20s who is very friendly and helps me hunt through the restaurant for an outlet for my battery charger. I order the French national dish, Entrecote avec frites. When I'm quietly working away at my food, I realize that the couple in their 70s at the table next to me are from Suabia in Germany. I recognize the accent from my Dad's Dad. I'm not trying to eavesdrop but can't overhear the husband in a hushed but urgent tone admonishing his wife "You GOT to stop doing that. Stop shaking the table. Once in a while is fine, but NOT all the time. And this morning when you stepped into your skirt. It was like you were afraid of it" |A clandestine shot of the German woman. The German man's hand is visible handling his BEER.| Then he gets up and returns his wife's dish to the kitchen. It's exactly the same one that I am eating. By now all the guests from all the other countries are STARING at the Germans. And they're not even realizing it. They keep bickering away at things that are WRONG with the food. NEVER happy. WTF??? No wonder there always was war between people like that and the more laissez faire French. From Verdun, the road leads up into the hills. |Somewhere in the far distance over there people speak German| This being the area around Verdun, it is no surprise that there is a German soldier's cemetery along the roadside. I only realize when I read the description that under these relatively few crosses on this relatively small lot rest almost 8,000 young men. Having been first exposed to these places on last year's bike trip through Normandy, I now take the List of the Buried out of its water-proof cubby hole and look for names. There is one of my father's side of the family, and there is someone from Grandma's side. And one from adopted Grandpa's relatives. I have no idea whether these are very close relatives, but try to remember that in 1916 there were are LOT fewer people on this planet A while later, Google Maps delivers me to Le Chateau de Puxe. The Chateau is lovely, so is the room. The owner/caretaker is also lovely in her own way but unfortunately she is NOT tech-savvy. I tell her TWICE that her internet router needs to be rebooted because despite excellent signal strength, I don't get ANY internet. She tells me to sit in the kitchen because "then you are closer". Do I look that dumb? Why can't ignant people just realize when they have no clue instead of making life so hard for less ignant human beings? Of course it does not work in the kitchen. Does she check back with me? Mais Non. It gets worse. It's Sunday and the 10 km distant supermarket closed at noon and won't re-open until tomorrow. 6 pm rolls around and I have figured out that if I connect to THE OTHER WiFi server that's visible (some garbled name) and use the password for the Chateau WiFi I DO GET internet. When the Lady of the House hands me a business card of the restaurant that she made reservations for me at 7 pm, I tell her all this, get a BLANK look and a shrug of the shoulders. Ah well. I have internet and my miserable mood that is overly evident in the above paragraphs soon vanishes. The lady of the manor is actually quite nice and tries her best to be a great host at which she even succeeds. Time to accept the fact that some people just do not do tech. The bike being faster than most bikes, I get to the restaurant at 18:30 pm. The door is locked. OK, let's just hope it opens at 7. I hop into the pub next door for a glass of Rose to bridge the time and do some work and again am amazed by the friendliness of rural France. Not only do they want to make room for me at the bar, the owner empties the dregs of the bottle into my glass filling it to twice the normal amount, and the older man that had moved away to make room for me makes Uh Uh noises, to which I make my first ever joke in the French language. "C'est O.K. Je suis sur un velo, Pas de voiture !" They even giggle, but that might just have been my ridiculous French ;-) Every time someone enters the bar, they make the rounds of the maybe 8-10 customers, shake hands and kiss cheeks. The amazing thing is that they all also come to my table to bid me "bon jour" and shake my hand. This is not the first time I notice it and I'm starting to like it a lot. 7 pm. I walk next door, try the door, and it's open. The nice (NOT) people gave me the table RIGHT AT THE entrance door and right next to the door of the LOO. But after I drink another glass of Rose quickly and comment that their Escargots were 'Tres bon', the waitress seems to warm up a bit. And the escargot were VERY nice. I even use some baguette to sweep out some of the garlic-and-herb-laden molten butter ;-). Ordering the Prawns and St. Jaques pizza wasn't the best brain-work I have done today, but then I have a weakness for Noix de St. Jaques (NOT the nuts of holy Jack but Scallops) when I'm in France. When did the WAY-too-much-cheese pizza movement take hold in France? But since due to the closed supermarkets I will have nothing to munch on tonight, I will take the leftovers with me. Nothing better than cheese and bread to counteract too much Rose. Speaking of Rose, where is my third (fourth?) glass ???? Given all that Rose, the 9 km ride home to the Chateau are just rosy ;-) Since I was asleep rather quickly with all that good French wine inside me, I also wake up early. Coming back into the room, I notice something that seems at first very strange. The reflection of the lamp shade in the window seems strangely blurred. Not strange at all, because these are OLD window panes. And believe it or not, glass is a liquid. Since liquids flow, so does glass, only REALLY SLOWLY. During a discussion with the lady of the house during a yummy breakfast I start appreciating her more. She actually asks where I and my bicycle have come from and where we are going. I'm not sure whether the all too frequent absence of that question is a result of only an all too obvious lack of interest or the fact that in these car-obsessed days people just don't know what to make of a bicycle anymore. Time to roll. The Fatherland is looming nearby.
{ "date": "2018-07-16T06:41:33Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589222.18/warc/CC-MAIN-20180716060836-20180716080836-00159.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9696788787841797, "token_count": 1713, "url": "http://translatorinabsentia.blogspot.com/2016/09/to-manor-drawn-sainte-menehould-to.html" }
Camp Rules and Expectations All camps are by invitation only - in accepting the invitation you are accepting these rules.When you are at a camp you are representing the Burton District hence we expect a helpful attitude, excellent behaviour and respect for others. Travel to and Arrival at CampIn your Explorer shirt or blouse and Explorer necker. Provision of TentsWe will normally provide tents and will not allow Explorers to camp in their own. We will specifically inform you if you may bring your own tent. Taking Wet Tents Home after CampIf the tents are wet when packing all Explorers will be asked to volunteer to take a tent home to dry, or part of a tent for larger tents. If there are no volunteers the Leaders will choose the Explorers - failure to comply willingly will be deemed as contravention of these rules. Tents must be returned dry, packed and complete. Sleeping ArrangementsSleeping arrangements are solely at the discretion of the Burton Explorer Leaders in attendance at a camp, even if the camp is organised by the County or other wider group. The rules are: - At least 3 in shared, single sex tents, for safety and safeguarding reasons. - Single or double occupied tents allowed only when there is no practical alternative. a) Only one or two girls/boys on a camp, so unavoidable; b) Sleeping as a Young Leader with a younger section, such as Cubs (you must not share a tent with the younger section); - Other reasons by exception, solely at the discretion of the Leaders. Mobile PhonesMobile phones and similar electronic devices are not permitted (except on DofE & expedition camps). SanctionsFailure to follow the rules or live up to expectations will result in you not being invited to the next two camps. At Leaders’ discretion this may exclude camps that you need to attend, e.g. for Young Leader Module training. If you are a Young Leader we will advise the Group you support who may withhold a camp invitation. 3 Strikes Rule Within explorers we operate a fair 3 Strikes Rule. This by recording a strike after bad behaviour, braking the Code of Conduct or not upholding to the Camp Rules. Once you have reached 3 strikes you will be asked to leave explorers. When you receive a strike you will be told with multiple leaders present and also will be in front of other explorers. An email will also be sent to both explorer and parents/guardians. Depending on what the incident is if we deem more that one strike is appropriate then more that one may be given. If the incident warrants 3 strikes they will be asked to leave on the spot and OSM contacts will be called and a meeting will be arranged to discuss future membership in Burton Explorers This does not stop you joining a different explorer unit outside of Burton. However please note that if you are on District or County Event or International trip you will lose your place. County events work on a "District Allocations" so your place will be replaced by another member within the district. This will also surrender any fundraising you have done towards the event. Please see our Code of Conduct which also applies on Camp
{ "date": "2018-07-17T05:52:15Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589573.27/warc/CC-MAIN-20180717051134-20180717071134-00479.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9310734868049622, "token_count": 648, "url": "http://www.burtonexplorerunit.co.uk/camprules/" }
Bookshelf Speaker StandsPeople like you and me think of constructing your own home after so much of forethought since it uses up a large part individuals savings. Even if you go for taking loan, you need to incur heavy cuts with your pay packet. Many things must be considered before settling on constructor your own home. Several aspects, including the safety, security, along with a competent shelter to your family for a long time would be the most essential things to consider. With newer building materials and architectural advances may help you built a good and protected home from your various natural calamities - earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, and floods. Practical - Reasons for deciding on a particular form of flooring over another must be practical. For example a family with young kids: will decide on their lifestyle needs as well as decide whether you choose a soft or hard surface, and whether or not this ought to be the one which can be simply cleaned. From there you should think about the complete look you are after. The same rules regarding patterns and colors apply as elsewhere at home, namely that light colors, small patterns and plain surfaces make an area seem larger while dark colors and busy patterns hold the opposite effect. Although, the intensity of the machines greatly be determined by the intensity of the lighting, some time that polluted water is encountered with the UV light, it is very important understand that they do not get rid of the microorganisms from your it. There DNA is altered as a result of exposure. They may however cease to be within the water according to the usage time, unless they may be completely eliminated from that. Free woodworking shelf plans are not of good quality. Any plan is actually going to function though the suitable one must serve its purpose. Or else, it is going to certainly be a total waste attempting to make things work. Instead of a rewarding experience, learning by trial-and-error is going to be a stressful struggle. cost of gutter cleaning So evaluate the needs you have first, gear yourself up using the following questions as your guide. The beauty of Rug cleaning Westport lies in the open services provided with the entire loaded equipped trucks that this cleaners are invariably seen while driving from the town. They reach the clients place and start the preliminary cleaning. If the owners don't possess any pets then half the battle of fought. On top of each of the in-house services, the cleaners of Rug cleaning Westport go for a regular inspection towards the residents with their regular clients.
{ "date": "2018-07-16T12:42:59Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589270.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20180716115452-20180716135452-00239.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9648224711418152, "token_count": 506, "url": "http://jantzenborre1.suomiblog.com/bookshelf-speaker-stands-5616912" }
I know I shouldn't smoke but I do. What is more, I cannot write 'bongs' without having a cigarette at the same time. My habit is to go outside, with a piece of paper and a pen, to light up and to draft. Last night I was presenting News at Ten. The brilliant Camila Mankabady was the programme editor and my dear friend, Christopher Terry, was lead writer. We'd nattered and settled on Clinton's emails, Uber, the Calais refugees and Antarctica. Off I went. On leaving the building, I was confronted by the presence of a beautiful but still bird; it was sitting on the steps, no bigger than a pigeon and with the stunning feathering I associate with fledglings. I moved closer, and it got up onto its feet; I inched closer still, and it flapped its wings. No broken bones, then, but it had an air of being distressed. Hungry, disorientated, exhausted? All crossed my mind but, whilst I am an animal lover, I am not a vet. I photographed it and sent the image to my friend, Sir John Randall, the former MP and deputy chief whip, who is a noted 'twitcher'. "Thoughts?", I asked. He is in America and didn't get my enquiry until later. Another 'tweep', however, ventured: "Baby herring gull". Several colleagues, leaving and entering the building, also pause; it was a compelling image of a wonderful creature but one no longer at peace with the world. Someone called the RSPCA and their initial reaction was to say that, if he/she was still there in the morning, they'd come and have a look. We gently suggested we'd like action tonight. It was 9pm, very dark and it was getting cold. What is more, Grays Inn Road is a busy road and there was no cover in which this forlorn creature might take sanctuary. When I came out at 9:30, for my "final fag", he/she was in a box. Thinking the bird would starve or dehydrate overnight, I protested to the kindly security man who explained the RSPCA had heard our pleading and were sending a team to collect our friend. When I re-emerged, after the bulletin to head home, the bird and box were gone. The RSPCA had proved true to their word. Today, they tweeted me to confirm the bird had, indeed, been collected and had had an initial check-up at their Harmsworth Animal Hospital. They'd agreed he/she was exhausted and had sent him/her on to the South Essex Wildlife Hospital for more checks and some 'tlc'. You can imagine my joy when I received these picture of the bird, being tended to by nurses and being proudly held by a guy who I guessed had collected the creature from the steps of ITV News. We're keeping in contact and my 'bong-writing, ciggie gripping' fingers are firmly crossed for a good outcome. Amidst the pain and pressure of the day job, it was a happy saga. A fellow creature's discomfort proved a cause of concern to many of us; a brilliant charity did its thing as only the RSPCA can; and a Wildlife Hospital, another charity, are hopeful they can restore our young herring gull to its former glory. It just made me feel good. Find out more about the South Essex Wildlife Hospital.
{ "date": "2018-07-19T15:13:13Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676591140.45/warc/CC-MAIN-20180719144851-20180719164851-00279.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.985395610332489, "token_count": 739, "url": "http://www.itv.com/news/2016-10-29/herring-gull-rescue-alleviating-a-fellow-creatures-discomfort/" }
- About Us Anne M. Donnelly, age 99, resident of Norwalk, passed away peacefully on July 9, 2018. Born in Stamford, the fifth child of Frank and Carmela (Sabia) DeFormato, who immigrated to the United States in 1906 from Avigliano, Provincia di Potenza, Italy. Anne attended Stamford schools and as a young woman, worked at Yale & Town. Anne enjoyed dancing and telling her great grandchildren of her childhood and how she met her husband, Maurice Francis Donnelly, at a dance. They married in 1938 and raised four children. Once Anne and her husband married, Anne’s main job was being a loving and devoted wife and mother. In 1954 Anne danced the Foxtrot in the Harvest Moon Ball with Mario DeCarlo. Although they did not win, their photograph was the centerfold of the NY Daily News. That photo captured one of her most cherished memories. Anne became a resident of The Marvin, Norwalk in 2005 and loved living there, where she had beautiful friendships with many of the residents. She loved solving crossword puzzles and worked jigsaw puzzles for hours. She also loved playing Bingo with the residents. Anne was among the residents at The Marvin that created beautiful quilts to send to the troops abroad. She also crocheted and created beautiful crewel artwork for each of her children and grandchildren. Anne is survived by her loving children, Maureen Moccia and her husband Gene of Norwalk, Dorothea Sanborn of Texas, Francis (Jim) Donnelly of California and Anthony Donnelly of Canada; her loving grandchildren, Allyson Vallerie and her husband John, Daryl Moccia and wife Jennifer, Amy Bruzzone, Jason Bruzzone and wife Kaelin; and six great-grandchildren, whom she adored and was “GG” to them; Shannon and Erin Vallerie, Merrill and Celia Moccia, and Ava and Zachary Bruzzone, along with many, much loved nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her loving husband Maurice in 1962, her parents Carmela and Frank and all of her siblings; Nell Tota, Peter DeFormato, Marie Guasco, William DeFormato, Jean Mackey, Frances DeFormato and Palma Burns. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:30 AM on Monday, July 16 at St. Matthew Church, 216 Scribner Ave, Norwalk, with burial to follow at St. John Cemetery, Darien. Friends may greet her family on Monday at the church from 9:30 until Mass begins. In lieu of flowers, Anne has requested that anyone who would like to honor her memory may make contributions to St. Matthew Church, 216 Scribner Ave, Norwalk, CT 06854 or The Marvin, Under One Roof, 60 Gregory Blvd, Norwalk, CT 06855. The family would like to thank all the terrific caregivers from Masonicare Home Health and the staff of The Marvin, as well as the wonderful caregivers at Autumn Lake Healthcare for the love and compassion shown to Anne.
{ "date": "2018-07-17T17:11:57Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589757.30/warc/CC-MAIN-20180717164437-20180717184437-00639.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9655702114105225, "token_count": 648, "url": "https://www.magnerfuneralhome.com/notices/Anne-Donnelly" }
News - Events - Photos Sharing Our Faith Links and Information St. George the Great Martyr is thought to have lived in the late third century in an area which is now in Turkey. He was born into a noble Christian family at a time when it was a crime to be a Christian. In fact, for three centuries after the birth of the Church, Christians were intermittently persecuted by leaders of the Roman Empire. Besides having their churches and scriptures burned, Christians were often tortured, imprisoned, beheaded, killed by gladiators or thrown to the lions. As a young man, George became a soldier in the army of the Emperor Diocletian. In the year 303, when the emperor ordered the systematic persecution of Christians, George refused to take part. He presented himself before the Emperor and publicly denounced this action. For this he suffered numerous tortures and was eventually executed , his remains being taken to Lydda in Palestine, the birthplace of his mother. It is believed that because of the steadfast Christian witness and martyrdom of St. George, many soliders were converted to Christ, and other people as well, among them Queen Alexandria, the wife of Diocletian, and a pagan priest, both of whom also suffered martyrdom for their decision. George became highly revered in the Christian world and many legends arose giving fantastic accounts of his life. The most famous is the legend of St. George slaying a dangerous dragon in order to rescue a beautiful maiden. Thus the icon of St. George commonly displays the saint on a horse, in battle with a big dragon. The dragon is symbolic of the Evil One who attacks God's Holy Truth, or the Church, which is often signified in icons as a beautiful maiden. The Saint's lance is surmounted by a cross, symbolic of Jesus Christ, who Himself was triumphant over sin and evil, and through whom every Christian finds strength. Because he was victorious in his struggle, St. George is considered the defender and protector of the Church of Christ. St. George is popularly venerated and has been adopted as the patron saint of many nations of the world. He was the patron saint of the Kyivan Grand Prince Yaroslaw the Wise (978- 1054) and continues to be greatly favoured among Ukrainian people. St. George's Cross ( a rectangular red cross on a white background), a popular symbol used by Crusaders and other soldiers in battle, also appears on the flag of England. His feast day is April 23 (May 6), the day of his martyrdom. “You fought the good fight with faith, O Martyr of Christ, George; you exposed the perversion of the persecutors and offered an acceptable sacrifice to God. Therefore, you also received a crown of victory and through your prayers, O Holy One, obtained the forgiveness of sins for all. “ Tropar of the Feast of St. George.
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