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[ "Thursday, December 15, 2011\n\nSo I had a great opportunity to watch Silvia Trkman's video Ready-Steady-Go the other day and have to say I did learn some valuable tips on how to make my nikkers run faster! So I know that Nikki's drive has been a little bit of issue for us for well always, so after watching this video I decided that its \"Now or NeverΒ time\" and since it has been on my mind and on my list of \"To Do's\" this video could not have come at a better time.Β Time to stop being lazy Ashley!Β I also decided to include caliber in my drive training because well why not. He needs something more to do these days andΒ I believe some tricks and more fun will make him a little happier!\n\nWhenever I take on something new I'm always amazed at how much I learn. The dogs always seem to get it butΒ I'm always surprised when I see the outcomes.\n\nSo lesson 1 (for me of course!): This has to be done SEPARATELY. Nikki is such a.....well lets just say it....a jealous B****. Even though I love her she can not handle not having all of the attention all the time. If anyone has some insight on this matter please feel free to comment.\n\nI've also been thinking about my contacts with Nikki lately. They have always been weakΒ which we all know is defiantly my fault but something that Silvia said that caught my attention was that she always trains runningΒ contacts and that a under confident dog should as well to keep up there speed. NowΒ at this point I'm defiantly not looking for Nikki to becomeΒ the fasted dog in the class, I'm justΒ wondering if this will help her confidence out on course? Less to worry about for her and for me. Please feel free to comment on this matter as well!\nPosted by Ashley at 10:57 AM 1 comment:", "Sunday, December 4, 2011\n\nThe Next 3 Assignments.....\n\nSo recently, well since the move I should say, Nikki has regressed a bit back to her stressed out self. I defiantly do not blame her as this move has been very stressful. There is so much that has changed in her little world. She is in a new place with downstairs neighbours that make noise of course, we are Β training in a new place with new people and new dogs and Stephen is working full time now so he's home a little less throughout the dayΒ whichΒ both dogs have defiantly noticed. My poor Nikki always reads a lot into how I'm feeling and even though I'm very glad to be back it is a little stressful at times. I put a lot of effort into my relationships with people and now thatΒ I've returnedΒ not all of them areΒ same. Some are strained and some I'm starting again scratch due to events before I left.\n\nBut enough with all the ME crap!Β Nikki's agility demeanour had changed slightlyΒ so I have come up with a plan to A. make it moreΒ fun and B. bring us backΒ up the level she wasΒ at beforeΒ the move. Don't get meΒ wrong we are not wayΒ behind or anything we are just having a few issues with a few things.\n\nSo the plan is .........\n\nA.It has been brought to my attention time and time again that Nikki's toy drive is defiantly lacking at times. So I've been shown a few ways on how it increase that drive and so far it looks like it is going to take a little work but I'm up for the challenge. This time I'm making sure I follow this one all the way through as I have a bad habit of quiting half way because its easier that way.\n\nB. Weaves - Nikki has been seriously lacking in her weaves. Missing poles all over the place. So I'm back to weave training again. If IΒ learn to love the weaves, Nikki will learn to love the weaves or so I've been told.\n\nand C.Β the Table- Nikki was spooked off the table in the spring due to having her picture taking. Damn those camera's stealing her soul!!!! So now we are playing every table game under the sun!\n\nOf course there are a few more things we should be working on but 3 is enough for now as far as I'm concerned.Β  I'll keepΒ our progress posted! I really want to see my Nikki come back from her regression and move even farther a head then before!!!! :)\nPosted by Ashley at 6:41 PM No comments:", "Sunday, November 20, 2011\n\nFinally.... it's about time!\n\nNikki at the Go Dog Go trial in august!", "Some great agility photos from the medicine hat trial!", null, null, "Sunday, July 10, 2011\n\nCatch up!!!!\n\nWow, this summer is flying by leaving me little time to blog. Time to play catch up.\n\nJune 26th to be exact!!!!\n\nNikki, Caliber and I went to practice our rally at the park. It was a ton of fun when the sun came out and Amanda actually got a few pictures of Nikki!!!", null, null, null, null, "She got a BIG celebratory kiss from me when she was done!!!!!!! What a good girl!!!!\n\nThenΒ it was calibers turn, he did not to badΒ considering all the distractions", null, null, null, null, "He such a handsome boy!!!! What a great job he did!\nThanks for the awesome pics Amanda!!!!!!!\nI took off back home to visit my bestie Cathy!!!!!!! We had a fun filled weekend of shopping and partying!!!!! I miss her so much and I was so nice to see her!!!", null, "We had tons of fun at a concert on Canada day that my friends boyfriend plays in!!! It was a good night!", null, "I think i'm almost there.........\nOn July 6th Steve and I and the dogs took off to Waterton for the day. We had a great day hiking and eating lunch by the lake!!!", "We hiked up to one of the falls. Caliber stopped a few times along the to take a bit of a dip he was pretty hot!!!!", "I'm very cursed when it comes to Waterton, we were there for the 1st time a few years ago and I had fell really badly on my knee. I fell this time as well, right off the trial! Steve had to help me up. Luckily I only got a few bumps and bruises this time!!!\n\nWe stopped for the dogs to take a quick dip on the way back down, but they were more interested in hanging out with dad on the big rock!", "I did howeverΒ get them cooled off by dragging them thru the lake!!!!!", "They were notΒ too impressed !!!!!! but defiantly not as hot!!!!!!!\nAll in all it was a really great day, I love summer!!!!!!", "Well that's it I'm finally caught up!!!!! Until next time.........\nPosted by Ashley at 8:42 PM No comments:", "Sunday, June 5, 2011\n\nAn Olds Weekend", "Thursday, June 2, 2011\n\nWicked Weekend\n\nLast weekend Nikki and I were at a trial in Medicine Hat\n\n\" Starters Games Dog of Canada.\"", null, "I'm so PROUD of her!!!\n\nCheck outΒ our Q snooker run:\n\nPosted by Ashley at 11:35 AM 1 comment:", "Sunday, May 22, 2011\n\nCaliber's Rally Obedience - Day 2\n\nPosted by Ashley at 9:46 PM 2 comments:", "Wednesday, May 18, 2011\n\nMy 1st post\n\nHello everyone! I'm very excited to start blogging about my adventures in life with my loving husband and my amazing Nikki and Caliber!\n\nTo catch you up to speed\nMy life became about everything dog when we adopted Nikki in 2008. We make a wicked agility team and have had a very awesome 2 years training and trialing! I could not imagine my life without her she brightens every day for me!\n\nο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώ ο»Ώο»Ώ\nο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώ ο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώ\n\nThe world has been a scary place for her at times but with each day she is gaining more and more confidence and becoming a happier dog! ο»Ώο»Ώ ο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώ\n\nIn August of 2010 Caliber entered our life! He is a fun and lovable Karelian Bear Dog! I got a few interesting looks from a few people when I told them what breed came home with us, but it has been and awesomeΒ 9 months ο»Ώwith him. He is teaching me to be more and more patient every day!\n\nWe have started into Rally Obedience and he has done really well so far! Just this past weekend he had his 1st show!!!! Two Q's! So pround of us!", null, "We both had fun, but he was pretty excited to go home!", null, "That's it for now, will beΒ look forward to blogging more soon! Rally Video to come!!\nPosted by Ashley at 12:21 PM 3 comments:", null, "Nikki - ADC, SGDC, AGDC,", null, null, null ]
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[ null, "brainphreak Sun, 05/27/2007 - 10:38pm\n\nSan Jose/South Bay California is Organizing! Join us!\n\nSlipgrid Thu, 10/19/2006 - 9:52pm\n\n9/11 Meetup Groups\n\nI just joined in on a group for the first time. It was the 9/11 Truth group in Cincinnati. I met some really interesting people, and I hope more people who read this site will do the same. Right now we are working on getting some movies showen at local universities. I hope everyone here will visit the 9/11 Truth section of, and join a group. If there is not a local group in your town, than create one. Really, it's a lot of fun, and you get to meet like minded people. Most people say, I understand the information, but now what? Join a group and get active. Also, if you run a blog or a 9/11 site, please link this groups front page:" ]
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[ "Today's Top Stories\n\nBoy, 12, killed in Barrington bicycle accident\n\nMonday, January 16, 2017\nA 12-year-old boy was killed in a bicycle accident in northwest suburban Barrington Saturday, Barrington Police said.\n\nJonathan Kallas was riding his bike in the 400-block of North Lake Zurich Road when he got in an accident and suffered a severe head injury.\n\nPolice and fire departments were dispatched to the 300-block of Sharon Drive and found Kallas, who was transported to Lutheran General Hospital for treatment. He died at the hospital from his injuries.\n\nBarrington Police said the death was accidental.\n\n\"We are saddened to share the tragic news that 7th grade Station Middle School student Jonathan (Jak) Kallas passed away over the weekend,\" said Barrington Schools in a statement.\n\nBarrington 220 District counselors and social workers will be at Station Middle School starting Tuesday to assist students who may need support.\nRelated Topics:\nnewsbicycle crashBarrington\n(Copyright Β©2017 WLS-TV. All Rights Reserved.)\nLoad Comments\nNeed a story investigated? Contact the ABC7 I-Team\nWoman killed after apparently jumping from SUV in Aurora\nTillerson not sure of 'anything to apologize for' on Trump's sharing Israeli intelligence with Russia", null ]
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[ "OK, itΒ was my BIRTHDAYΒ yesterday \"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY\" for me getting older and creepier :D I didn't wanna write about a yucky restaurant, so here we go :D\nCafe De La Paix is one of my favourite places to have a relaxing breakfast, while watching people skating on the ice ring and falling on their A$$es while screaming :p lol.. Cafe De La Paix is located in the quiet part of Marina mall, I really enjoy going there to have an amazing Turkish Coffee with some of their AMAZING desserts :D Makes me wanna fly..\nI totally fell in love with the chocolate Eclair , but the pistachio cake was ok", null, null, null, null, null, "Another WOW was the strawberry sponge cake, so moist, fluffy, fresh and light, which goes perfectly well with the amazing Turkish coffee they have.", null, null, "HEAVENLY!! Aint it !!??\nThe overall breakfast range they offer is good, but the Arabic Breakfast is simply amazing, pickled olives, feta and halloumi cheese, Labneh β€œmore like sour cream”, and Foul β€œmashed fava beans with some veggies and olive oil” which is my favourite, so so soooooooooooooo darn good :D", null, "I don’t wanna talk a lot and be boring, here are the rest of the pics:\nThey have Chicken and cheese Crepe, I didn't like, so smelly and Yucky, but I LOVED the Spinach and Cheese Crepe, SO darn good :D", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "So!! Yeah, it is a good place to go and enjoy a quiet morning and chill.\nOhhhhhhhhhhh, here are some Pics of last night stuff that happened on my Birthday some silly surprises at work and from some of my silly friends :p It was an amazing Day", null, null, null, null ]
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[ "Monday, January 23, 2017\n\nAs a die-hard texture freak, stencils and texture paste top my list of ways to get quick and beautiful dimension to my cards and tags . . .", null, "Depending on the thickness of application, most stencil pastes dry in about 10 minutes, so it's a simple matter to do the stenciling first, then work on other aspects of the layout while waiting for the paste to dry.\n\nCome to think of it, I haven't stenciled with embossing paste in awhile . . . trust me, that's about to change!\n\nCardstock:Β Β  Marcos Jute, Strathmore Soft White, Bazzill Rain Forest\nStamps:Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Hero Newspaper Background, Printworks Celebrate\nInks:Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Hero Soft Brown, Black, Distress Brushed Corduroy\nEmb Powder:Β Β  Judikins Detail Black\nDies:Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  JustRite Stitched Banners & Rectangles, DieNamics\nStitched Snow Drifts, DieVersions Snow Flurries, Tim Holtz" ]
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[ "Tuesday, August 04, 2009", null, "Korca, Albania (July 2009)\n\nMy eyes are an ocean in which my dreams are reflected....\n\n~Anna M. Uhlich.~", "Posted by Miss Kim at 7:41 AM", "Tinsie said...\n\nThat's a beautiful photo.\n\n9:30 PM", "Maria said...\n\nStunning photo and a great quote to match!\n\n2:54 PM", "Ginnie said...\n\nI LOVE LOVE LOVE your new look, Kim! WOW!\n\n5:51 PM", "GMG said...\n\n6:58 PM", "Di Mackey said...\n\nBeautifully captured!\n\n12:50 AM", "Hi Kim!\nThanks for the good wishes! Blogtrotter has some more Rural Iceland before the Blue Lagoon. Enjoy and have a fabulous week!\n\n12:51 PM", "eni said...\n\nfabulous portrait\n\n10:24 PM", "Geo said...\n\ngreat portrait capture!\n\nyou have very nice photos and thoughts on your blog!\n\nkeep them coming!\n\ncheers from Singapore!\n\n9:08 AM", "Sandu Grecu said...\n\nverry nice foto\n\n9:48 PM", "Blogtrotter is leaving Iceland, but before departing it shows you the incredible Blue Lagoon. Enjoy and have a fabulous weekend!\n\n11:52 PM", "traveler one said...\n\nThanks for all the lovely comments everyone... It gives me encouragement to keep on doing whatever it is I do :0\n\n10:29 AM", "American in Norway said...\n\nWOW... this what an A M A Z I N G photo! Beautiful....\n\n12:30 PM", "Lisa (aka LadyWanderlust) said...\n\nWhat a truly hauntingly beautiful young child. Her eyes just grab you and bring you in. She seems much older than the years she has.\n\n4:14 AM", "Nellie said...\n\nEyes are the windows of the soul, this soul is waiting to feel everything, it will pick and choose with clarity ,and hold and cherish and guard it for a very long time." ]
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[ null, "The Beacon Street Girls is a book series especially for tweens. It revolves around five girls who are best friends and the adventures they encounter. The author, Annie Bryant, chose to give one character, Maeve, a learning disability. The author researched the effects of dyslexia by interviewing girls that have the disability. She went further by speaking with experts in the field prior to writing the series. According to the author, the character of Maeve is one of the most popular in the series. It is the hope of the author that the book series (ten in all) will encourage tweens who have dyslexia. Also, it is meant to help other girls better understand the learning disability. To read an entire interview with Annie Bryant about The Beacon Street Girls books, go here. And, your daughters will enjoy visiting the BSG website. It \"offers online girls games, crafts, recipes, fun book series, free club, sweepstakes, contests + prizes for girls ages 9 - 13.\" Check it out!\n\nUpdated to add: This is a portion of an email I received about this post.\n\nHi Shane! I saw your post about the Beacon Street Girls. Thank you so much! I’m glad you found the Beacon Street Girls and Maeve. We’re trying to provide girls with positive media and strong role models, and we cover a lot of different issues – including Maeve’s dyslexia. Thanks again!\n\nBobbie Carlton\nDirector, Marketing B*tween Productions,\nHome of the Beacon Street Girls\n1666 Massachusetts Avenue,\nSuite 17Lexington, MA 02420\n\nShared by Shane H. at 11:34 PM", "Tags: books, dyslexia, girls, LD\n\n1 comment:\n\nAdd comment\nLoad more...\n\nThanks for sharing your thoughts. I love comments and feedback!", "Get Updates", "Subscribe to this blog", "Spread the Word", "Resources outside of the U.S." ]
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[ "Saturday, December 15, 2012\n\nIt's So Sweet to Share - See's Candies Has Many Gift Options + Sweepstakes", null, "The holidays always bring out my sweet tooth!\n\nWhether giving or receiving, a box of candy, truffles or other sweet treats, See's Candies is a brand name I grew up with and love. So many options, so many different flavors to try the gifting possibilities are endless.\n\nI was contacted to do a review of See's Candies for the holidays. Whether you have a favorite in mind, or just want to browse their large selection of Christmas Gifts,Β HanukkahΒ Gifts, Hostess Gifts or Stocking Stuffers, you will be impressed with the options. It used to be a tradition in my husband's family to receive a box of See's Candies Peanut Brittle every holiday. We could always look forward to that sweet and salty treat. Since our home is already bursting with \"stuff\", I always appreciate a gift that can be savored, but also doesn't take up more room in our home.\n\nI opted for three different candy assortments; Victoria Toffee, Eggnog Truffles and the Holiday Fancy Gift Box - Snowflakes. First let me introduce the creamy, rich Eggnog Truffles...", null, "I love eggnog, so this one I just had to try. Rich and creamy filling wrapped in white chocolate did notΒ disappoint. These little beauties were rich enough that I couldn't have more than one in a sitting. The small box would make a lovely stocking stuffer or gift for a coworker.", null, "When I think of See's Candies I think about boxes of assorted chocolates, a real exploration for my tastebuds, so I had to get a gift box. The box didn't come with a flavor key, but the chocolates are in See's best-loved flavors with something in there for everyone. White chocolate, milk and dark, soft or crunchy this pregnant mama is keeping them all for herself. Well, I might share one or two with my husband.", null, "Each box of chocolates arrived in the mail packaged beautifully and in great condition. So, if you don't have a local See's Candies store near you, be sure to take advantage of all the great options available to order online.", null, "Last, but not least I sampled the Victoria Toffee, which has become my new favorite. I love the crunch of the buttery toffee, almonds and milk chocolate. Yum! I think this has replaced my beloved Peanut Brittle and satisfies both my need for something crunchy and sweet.", null, "With so many great options for gift baskets, business gifts or even the kids in your life, be sure to check out See's Candies website. Be sure to also check out the 'custom mix' boxes of chocolates you can hand select to please that person on your list.\n\nSweepstakes Alert!\nSee’s is currently running a sweepstakes thru 12/24. Enter to win prizes daily & a chance to win the Grand Prize – 1lb of chocolate a month for 30 years!Β Good luck.\n\n*Disclaimer - I received samples in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and experiences are my own." ]
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[ "September 30, 2010\n\nhappy thursday!", null, null, "I'm really behind on updating our NYC trip. I will get on that. For now some pictures of the beautiful buildings. I love all the buildings in the city especially these hidden ones.\n\nIn other news David just got accepted to go to New York with the school in November. He will get to go to even more ad agencies and show his portfolio off. Sadly I can't go and trust me I am extremely jealous! But I am so proud of him and all the work he puts in!\n\nBeauty school is great, we are doing perms this and hair styling. I'm excited to move on from the perms and learn how to style! I love it more each day the school is so much fun it doesn't even feel like I'm going to school. I LOVE IT! now a cheesy picture of me", null ]
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[ "Wednesday, February 24, 2010\n\nDealing with heresy in the Church: the Issues, etc. interview", "If you are interested you can have a listen to the interview I did with Issues, etc. on dealing with heresy in the Church here. Nice to have a bit of Coldplay for the introduction too. Take a look at the other interviews that they recently conducted.\n\nTodd, the host, asked some great questions, some of them would make for great discussion starters for small groups.\nPosted by Martin Downes at 5:54 PM 1 comment:", "Wednesday, February 17, 2010\n\nThe abiding relevance of the first commandment", null, "Here's Martin Luther on the first commandment from the Large Catechism:\n\nPosted by Martin Downes at 3:38 PM 2 comments:", "Some thoughts on theological labels (1)", null, "When that happens, being wise consumers, we don't take deep reassurance from the label that all things must be well because the wording is right. Instead we dispose of the faulty product, and rightly so. It is, after all, not what it claims to be. And not necessarily having all the knowledge or expertise that we need we are grateful for those who monitor and regulate these matters (like the Food Standards Agency who once pulled some Welsh lamb packed with veterinary drugs off the supermarket shelves...that would have livened up a Sunday afternoon).\n\nThis, after all, is what makes error plausible and dangerous. It is able to make inroads because the labels it carries appears to be perfectly normal. As Irenaeus of Lyon put it:\n\nLest, therefore, through my neglect, some should be carried off, even as sheep are by wolves, while they perceive not the true character of these men--because they outwardly are covered with sheep's clothing (against whom the Lord has enjoined us to be on our guard), and because their language resembles ours, while their sentiments are very different.\n\nJ. Gresham Machen was conscious of this issue during the Presbyterian conflicts of the 1920s and 1930s. His wise observations are still relevant today, the passage of time has not diminished their worth one bit:\n\nGresham Machen, God Transcendent, p. 44-5\nPosted by Martin Downes at 10:56 AM No comments:", "Interview at Issues, etc.", "Yesterday I recorded an interview at Issues, etc. (a Lutheran radio station based in Illinois). You can check them out here and I will post the link when it goes online. They asked some great questions, I can't vouch for the quality of the answers. On reflection there is always more that you could have said, or said in a different way...\n\nIt is a real privilege to have these opportunities that have come from the publication of Risking the Truth, and I grateful too for the ongoing work of Christian Focus in creating these opportunities.\nPosted by Martin Downes at 10:20 AM 1 comment:", "Tuesday, February 16, 2010\n\nAfter the Lord Mayor's show", null, "The demands of love and the pastor's calling", null, "To be a pastor is to be entrusted with a profoundly humbling office and task. You are to be a faithful undershepherd of that Great Shepherd of the sheep whom God brought back from the dead (Heb. 13:20). It is an inestimable privilege to feed, nurture, and care for those for whom the Good Shepherd died (John 10:11; Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2-4) and to do that in a local setting where your life and theirs is bound together by mutual prayer, fellowship, love, witness, and suffering.\n\nThe fact that this is a task conferred not only by the body of elders and the consent of the congregation, but by the Holy Spirit (Acts 20:28), is at turns, a deep source of joyful encouragement and a reality that provokes sober minded gratitude.\n\nWhat is set before you in your work could best be described as the demands of love. There must be a growing deepening love toward Jesus Christ out of which flows a gracious, patient, thoughtful love for his sheep (John 21).\n\nThese dimensions of love, toward the Lord in heaven and his people on earth in the local church, cannot remain strong, sincere and refreshed without that knowledge of the love of God toward us in Christ. And it is Christ crucified and raised, Christ clothed in the promises of his gospel, who must be the object of faith, and the source of our ongoing spiritual happiness.\n\nThe resources for the work are in him. Or perhaps it would be better to say that all the grace that we need for spiritual life and communion with God comes to us in union with Jesus Christ and is applied to us by his Spirit.\n\nThe demands of this love then, in the pastor's calling, must be constantly replenished and supplied by the outpouring of that love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit as he enables us to see by faith God's love demonstrated for us at the cross (Romans 5:5, 8). If we do not drink from this stream again and again all our labour in the gospel will be weakened. It is the love of Christ that is to compel us (2 Cor. 5:14).\n\nOne aspect of the demands of love is the guarding of the sheep from the danger of error. Heresy has a siren's voice and the devil uses its sweet sound to lure the Church away from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. A false Christ, who can never be the proper object of our affections, can never make the new Eve fruitful in the world (2 Cor. 11:2-4). That is why heresy is destructive, it cannot produce spiritual fruit, there is no power in it to bring a new creation.\n\nPastors, elders, the demands of love require you to protect the Church from heresies, even when people will call you unloving for criticizing the views of others. To do so, in our age, may well be called unloving, for our age has confused tolerance with love, but the insult is ill judged.\n\nProtecting the Church from error is a loving act, and, therefore, it must be done with the appropriate affections. We are not to love a fight, we are to fight because we are motivated by love.\nPosted by Martin Downes at 3:58 PM 2 comments:", "Indelibly woven into the fabric of the text", null ]
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[ "Here is the info from VLC from analyzing the video:", null, null, null, "Ghostcat will eat your soul!\n\nJoeyjoejoe has provided even more videos. Thanks!\n\nWaveblazer demo on Kogan Agora 7β€³ Tablet\n\nTurbofly 3D demo on Kogan Agora 7β€³ tablet\n\nRaging Thunder 2 demo on Kogan Agora 7β€³ Tablet\n\nJoeyjoejoe has sent in a quick review of his new Kogan Agora Tablet. Thanks!\n\nJoeyjoejoe says:\nJune 11, 2011 at 4:25 am\nI just received my new 7β€³ Kogan Agora Tablet, its pretty sweet, touchscreen isn’t as responsive as I would like, I find myself pressing hard and licking the tip of my finger as it does not respond to my touch at times. Battery life seems considerably short, lucky to get half a day on a full charge (even when a majority of the time it was on standby)" ]
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[ "Tuesday, 31 July 2012\n\nEnglish Nerd Facts\n\nI wanted to share some absolutely irrelevant facts about English with you:\n\nPosted by The Countess at 15:22 No comments:", "Labels: English, English Nerd Facts\n\nSaturday, 21 July 2012\n\n10 Reasons why we need feminism\n\n- There are 188 directly elected political leaders in this world right now. 16 of them are women.\n\n- Female circumcision\n\n- The word 'feminist' is still used as an insult.\n\n- Less money for the same work\n\n- The idea that women HAVE TO shave.\n\n-The looks a woman still gets when she says that she doesn't like and/or doesn't want kids.\n\n- The threats and harassments Anita Sarkeesian gets because she announced that she wants to talk about how women are portraited in video games. She gets threats that include her being raped, beaten up and killed.\n\n-Gay women still have to fight against the stereotype that they are less of a woman than a straight woman.\n\n- The Pro Life movement\n\n- The feminist movement often got and gets involved in other important movements such as the anti- slavery movements back in the past, the LGBT movement etc.\n\nI leave you with this: It's a really good video about how female characters in comics etc. are often randomly killed in order to support the development of a male character.\n\nAre you a feminist?\nWhy do you think feminism is important?\n\nHave a great day,\nThe Countess\n\nPosted by The Countess at 11:25 No comments:", "My mother, what is happiness? My mother, what is Hell?\n\nPosted by The Countess at 04:30 2 comments:", "Labels: gothic, literature, poem\n\nThursday, 19 July 2012\n\nHistory Nerd Facts: Caesarean section\n\nDid you know the caesarean section is named after Gaius Iulius Caesar (yup, that one Roman guy who conquered Britain) because the legends say that he was born with the help of a caesarean section? I say legends because caesarean sections were deadly for the mother up until the Modern Era and Caesar's mother survived his birth.\n\nAnother random fact about Caesar: He was killed on the Ides of March 44 BC which is the 15th of March. That's my birthday!\nHere is a picture of his death. As terrible as it sounds: I quite like it!\n\nPosted by The Countess at 07:38 No comments:", "Tuesday, 17 July 2012\n\nA hat\n\nI feel that I should do a proper post but I have made sooo many typos in the last one that I have decided to just ramble a bit.\nYesterday, I tried to do an outfit shot. I suck at them...", null, null, "I love the hat, I got it from H&M a few days ago and even though I try not to buy at stores like H&M so often anymore because I do not agree with them as a company I just HAD to get this hat. It was broken, they would have thrown it away! I basically rescued it, I saved its life! It had emergency surgery and my glue gun and I were able to save it! I think I want to name it... I name all kinds of stuff. I'm writing this post on my notebook Tinkerbell.\n\nOk, enough talk of the crazy person, I guess...\nSleep well,\n\nPosted by The Countess at 15:57 2 comments:", "Liebster Award", "Thank you to The Cemetery Deamer for tagging me!\n\n11 things about me:\n\n1. I used to own more than 25 Barbie dolls as a child. I made up my own fairy tales where the Barbies were poor girls who would become rich and successfull because they are smart and talented.\n\n2. I would love to believe in something mythtical such as healing christals. I own christals but I don't believe they have any power over mind or body, they are just proof that nature is amazing in its wonders.\n\n3. Even though I don't want children I think I would be a great godmother.\n\n4. I have decided to stop buying make-up or nail polish for as long as possible because I simply own too much. Nobody needs 140 eyeshadows...\n\n5. I have never been to a funeral, lucky me!\n\n6. One of the nicest compliments I have ever been given is \"You should work with Tim Burton!\".\n\n7. When I die I want my organs to be donated and the useless rest to be cremated and burried under a tree. Resting under a tree just seems like a natural and peaceful thing.\n\n8. I met a nice old lady on the train some weeks ago and we talked a bit. She believed in horoscopes and when I told her that I cannot sleep well at full moon she answered \"Well, then you are certainly a water sign, right?\" I am Pisces...\n\n9. I have only been to five European capitals so far (Berlin, London, Paris, Prague and Budapest) even though I have been to more than 10 European countries. Fortunately, I will go to Stockholm and Tallinn this summer.\n\n10. One gothic stereotype that is very true about me is that I love patchouli.\n\n11. My father has black hair, my mother is a redhead, my sister is blonde and I am brunette.\n\n11 questions:\n\n1. Favourite sad song? Nothing Compares to You by Sinead O'Connor and Mad World by Gary Jules\n\n2. Favourite happy song? Bohemian Like You by The Dandy Warhols\n\n3. Sunrise or Sunset? Sunrise because I don't see it that often and it brings you in a great calm mood.\n\n4. Chocolate or sweets? Chocolate all the way!\n\n5. Band you most want to see live? Nirvana but that's not possible... So I'll pickMy Chemical Romance again.\n\n6. Most expensive impulse purchase? Uhm... A pair of platform shoes for about 50€ a few days after my Abitur (A-Levels). I saw them and decided that a 1.3 Abitur should be worth a treat!", "7. Dogs or Cats? Cats! They have personality. Dogs have that submissive attitude... Urgh!\n\n8. Beauty product you can't live without? Powder and black eyeliner. Oh, and nail polish!\n\n9. Night out or night in? Night in, I don't really go out.\n\n10. Shopping online or in person? Neither nor.\n\n11. Dream job? A writer.\n\nMy 11 questions for the people I tag:\n\n1. If you were given 100€ right now with the obligation that you have to buy something that makes you happy, what would you buy?\n\n2. Your favourite movie?\n\n3. If you could become any fictional character for a day who would you want to be?\n\n4. Is there an ethnical/political theme or agenda that is important to you?\n\n5. Fish or birds?\n\n6. Could you live for two weeks without your mobile nd the internet without feeling that you lose contact to people that are important to you?\n\n7. Favourite item of clothing?\n\n8. Have you been kind to a stranger this week?\n\n9. Do you like old buildings?\n\n10. Umbrellas or parasols?\n\n11. What was the last thing you have creativly made with your own hands?\n\nAaaand I tag in no particular order:\n\n1. Snow Lady\n2. Aristocratic Elegance\n3. Clementine Dahling\n4. Ariel\n5. FrΓ€ulein Nachtschatten\n6. Kristin\n7. HajaMiel\n8. Bianca\n9. Zelde\n10. Goldkind\n11. Corin\n\nPosted by The Countess at 13:19 10 comments:", "Friday, 13 July 2012\n\nHistory Nerd Facts: Elections in Medieval History\n\nIf one thinks of the medieval times one thinks of a whole bunch of thing: The plague, crusades, castles, knights... What one does not think of are elections. In fact there were elections in various parts of society and I thought I could tell you about some of them in more detail.\n\nThe election of the pope:\n\nThe pope of the catholic church has always been elected. In the early medieval times the pope always had to be a Roman and basically every person of importance in Rome was allowed to vote. This changed at the Third Lateran Council in 1179 where new rules were set. Since that point on every male catholic is theoretically able to become pope but only cardinals are allowed to vote. Also you need 2/3 of all votes to become pope now, before the council the \"smaller but wiser part\" could also choose who should become pope. Unfortunatel, nobody knows how the \"wiser part\" was defined. It was and is still important that en the end everyone agrees on the new pope because one needs the unanimitas (lat. unanimity) because it represents God's will. Social status and family backround has since then not been a real issue for the election of a new pope.\n\nThe election of the kings of the Holy Roman Empire:\n\nYes, the kings of the Holy Roman Empire were elected! At least theoretically. The only ones that were allowed to vote were the seven electors (germ. KurfΓΌrst from the Old German word kur = Wahl (election)). The archbishop of Mainz first used to have what was called the prima vox (lat. first voice) which means that he could say who should become king and then the other six could only agree or...leave. Yup, seriously.Again the unanimitas was necessary. This rule was later changed with the Golden Bull of 1356, a decree which set rules for the election of the kings. Since then the archbishop of Mainz had the last vote because now 4 out of 7 votes were enough to elect a king so the last vote was the most important one.\n\nThere were many more elections in medieval times such as the election of abbots, bishops, mayors or in guilds but I am not going to describe them all because the two mentioned above are by far the most interesting ones. At least to me.\n\nLet me know how you liked this post, do you want to read more things like that or does history bore you?\n\nGood night,\nPosted by The Countess at 14:43 2 comments:", "Labels: history, History Nerd facts, nerd\n\nThursday, 12 July 2012\n\nThis summer\n\nToday I had two exams (Elections in Medieval History and Psychology) in a row which was really exhausting but now I only have to go to my Early Modern English class tomorrow and then I am free until Octobre. I do have another exam in September and there also is that paper about Clara Zetkin but all in all I have holidays! Hip hip hooray!\n\nIn order to celebrate that fact properly I have decided to share my list of things I want to do this summer in order to make the best out of it. The notes in italics show how far these projects have gone so far\n\n- go to Sweden and Estonia with my friend Imke\n-> everything is booked and fixed\n\n- read Edgar Allan Poe\n-> started reading his short novels\n\n- watch a play at a theatre in Cologne\n-> I have a double ticket...Since 2010...\n\n- visit a bunch of museums\n-> I went to theΒ Cologne History Museum today after my exams\n\n- learn all elements of the periodic table\n-> I know about 25 right now\n\n- go to the Spa with friends\n-> We bought coupons months ago\n\n- stich more\n-> There are some vague ideas...\n\n- visit Aachen with the Count\n-> I have to wait until he has written all of his exams\n\n- create my family tree\n-> I downloaded a programme and put my 20 closest relatives in it.\n\n- go to the Botanic Garden of the Uni of Bonn\n-> Again, I have to wait for the count...\n\n- go to the opera for the very first time\n-> A friend told me she wanted to go with me\n\n- sew something\n-> I know i want a black skirt...\n\n- practice calligraphy\n-> bought a new quill and new ink in gold\n\nThe Cologne City Museum was amazing! I never went to a museum on my own without friends or family but i must say it was absolutely briliant! The museum is in the old Zeughaus which is the armoury.\n\nThey have an impressive collection of medieval and early modern art and parts of the museum are reserved for the themes jews in Cologne, women in Cologne, childhood in Cologne, the founding of the University or science. I loved some of the paintings and especially the two huge old globes that are part of the science exhibiton.\n\nThey also had to special exhibitons, one was about the Cologne painter and revolutionist of 1848/49 Wilhelm Kleinenbroich and the other one was about Cologne's Churches and their decorations. I liked the original exhibition better but those two were still really good.\n\nOne random fact I learned: In Early Modern times children up to six years were dressed in girl's clothes without any regard to their gender. There are some features and hints on painting though that declare a child as male or female. One feature for example could be a bird on the arm of the child which is a sign that the child is male.\n\nWhat are your plans for the summer? And what should I add to my list?\n\nPosted by The Countess at 14:04 No comments:", "Labels: history, museum, nerd, Summer\n\nFriday, 6 July 2012\n\nIt's a Lush life\n\nToday I went shopping because I needed some sandals. I didn't find any nice ones so naturally I bought something else. That's just how it works. I went to one of my favourite stores ever: Lush. I love everything about that brand: Their products are amazing, they smell gorgeous, 80% of them are vegan, the rest is vegetarian, none of them are tested on animals, the packaging is all recycled plastic and paper and many of the products come on solid form in order to avoid unnecessary packaging.\n\nThis time I bought the Stepping Stone foot peeling. I first was not really sure if I really wanted to get it because 5,50€ is not exactly cheap for me. In the end I still got it and I am really happy I did! It smells like lemon grass, perfect for summer and not only does it remove unnecessary skin cells but it also pampers the feet with oils. All in all, it is great!\n\nI have realized that I own quiteΒ  few things from Lush which is mainly because I just looooove what Lush does to your skin and hair and I just feel good knowing that my money goes to a brand that shares my ethnical values and helps spreading them. So I have decided to show you my little 'collection'.", null, null, null, null, "So far I have:\n\n- Ultimate Shine Shampoo Bar\n- Karma Komba Shampoo Bar\n- Seanik Shampoo Bar\n- Jungle Solid Conditioner\n-Veganese Conditioner (2nd bottle)\n- two samples of R&B Hair Cream\n\n- Stepping Stone Foot Peeling\n- Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter\n- Fresh Farmacy Cleanser\n- a sample of Karma Kream\n- two bath wands that were limited edition. The are mot on the picture because I forgot to get them out of the bath room. I got both of them for my birthday.\n\nIt sounds like alot, at least to me but many of those products were given to me as a present and I also got a gift card for Christmas. I am not one of those people who just go and spend 30e in a Lush store, I can't and and do not want to spend that amount of money on cosmetics. I basically go to Lush when I want to get a special treat for myself, it is always special to get in the store and choose a product.\n\nWhat about you, do you Lush? What do you think about the products, the brand, the ethnics?\n\nPosted by The Countess at 16:55 No comments:", "Labels: cosmetics, hair, Lush, shopping\n\nMonday, 2 July 2012\n\nEnglish Nerd Facts: Knicht\n\nI am not only a history student, I also study English. It isn't my native language but I still learned quite a few cool things, especially in my Old English and Early Modern English classes. So today I have a little fun fact for you:\n\nDid you know the Old English word \"knicht\" existed in Old German as well? It both meant \"horse rider\". That itself would not be very interesting, I admit. BUT:\nAs time went one the two languages developed and \"knicht\" became \"knight\" in English and \"Knecht\" in German. \"Knecht\" means \"farm labourer\" in English. So basically, the term has gone up in hirarchy in the English language while it has gone down in German. This difference in meaning can be found in nearly every single word that the two languages had in common and that changed meaning during the time." ]
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[ "Wednesday, October 16, 2013\n\nMid October and Ready for Fall\n\nOk already with the 80 degree temps !Β  Geesh, it's mid October after all and suppose to be nice and COOL !Β  I never EVER imagined running the AC in October !Β  This is crazy - but expected for the south I guess.Β  Give me 50 degrees and MUCH cooler and I am a very happy camper.Β  Now, onto the beads....................:)\n\nAfter waiting to get a glass order and limited torch time, I have finally finished that special project I mentionedΒ in a previous blog post.Β  This is something that could of been finished inΒ about a weeks timeΒ if I had all the right glass in the first place.Β Β Still, once I got that glass,Β I was extremely disappointed.Β Β It did NOTHING I was hoping it would.Β  It didn't even match what I needed it for.Β  sigh.Β Β Obviously I'm doing something wrongΒ not to get the color it shows it's suppose to look like on the website.Β  I'll keep working on it.Β  :)Β  And if and when I get theΒ needed color, I'll post all aboutΒ it here.Β  lol !\n\nSo the project I worked onΒ was aΒ flower bouquet for that newly done bathroom.Β  I am pretty happy with how it turned out.Β  The photo is just below.Β  The bathroom colors are peach, chocolate and pale seafoam green.Β  The buish/green bell flower smack dab in the front center is the exact color of that seafoam green.Β  I am thrilled how the roses turned out and always love the bell flowers.Β  There are two critters in this bouquet, Blueboy worm and a very soft peach butterfly.Β  The main rose in the center is peach and the two on the sides are a very pretty pink with crimped petals.Β  I've added a few smaller pics of the side view and top view.Β  Just click on them to see a larger version.Β  The vase is a gorgeous sparkly deep brown with gold in it.Β  This is the 4th bouquet I've put together and I just have a lot of fun doing them.Β  :)Β  I can make one for you too.Β  Just contact me here by posting a comment or click on any picture in my Etsy shop to the right and send me a convo.Β  :)", null, null, null, "Finally, since I haven't been at the torch much, I've not been able to make too many Beads Of Courage Beads.Β  Only a few eachΒ torch session.Β  The bowl is filling up VERY slowly.Β  I'll have to take a day or two to get it filled and get it sent off.Β  They are STILL very much in need.Β  Pic below shows the few I've been able to get done.Β  Β Gotta get more done !", "That's all for now.Β  Thanks so much for coming by.Β  I hope you come back again very soon !\nThis weeks question:\nI make a lot of beads usingΒ MANYΒ shadesΒ of one primary color.Β  Name that color and win this weeks giftee !\nPlace your guess in the comments section below.Β  Only one guess per visitor please.Β  First person to guess correctly wins however I will not post the winner until SaturdayΒ the 19th in the evening.\nNew rule:Β  Recent winners need to opt out for 2 weeks to be fair to all.Β  :)Β Β Thanks for understanding." ]
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[ null, "What a shock I had the other day when I opened one of my email accounts. It is one I would like to dispose of but the only thing I can do apparently is ignore it. The reason I have gone off this account is because it lets in all the spam, scam, and rubbish it can find. I don’t get that with Google!\n\nHaving both iPhone and iPad means there is no escape from the internet. I tried to remove the one I don’t like but in the end had to re-establish it because Apple preferred it that way. Apple simply wouldn’t recognise anything else for identification of yours truly. So it proved necessary to go back occasionally to see if there’s any rubbish to dispose of.\n\nI used the word rubbish without thinking, but little did I know the truth of it.\n\nOn the last visit I found an email from Netflix via iTunes confirming the purchase of a month’s worth of film viewing. Apparently the subscription would expire after a month and I needed to renew it. To do this I had to click the link!\n\nMy brain being what it is these days I panicked. Fortunately, I did nothing except contact Hannah (remember Hannah, former cleaner, now mother of new baby) and ask if her husband could sort it out. My panic was so great I couldn’t think straight.\n\nThe next day George and Hannah and Oooooh new baby arrived. George took a look at the email and immediately declared it was scam. He fed the email address into his own phone and came up with something other than what my email purported it to be. It had seemed so authentic (see picture, if it’s clear enough) but George declared it to be one big hoax.", null, "I don’t think I have ever trusted anything that comes into my email box and certainly I will never trust anything again, but I can understand the many newspaper reports on people – usually elderly - who have been taken in by such things. My warning to others is DON’T EVER TRUST ANYTHING THAT APPEARS IN YOUR EMAIL BOX.\nI will leave you now and set about changing all my passwords. Again!", "Posted by Valerie at 07:00", "Labels: email, scam, shock", "joeh said...\n\nGlad you did not click, These people need to be tracked down and prosecuted like the criminals they are. I get similar emails all the time from services I have never subscribed, otherwise I might not recognize them as scams. Now my rule is if they are asking me to click on a web site without prior warning it is a scam, pure and simple. No legitimate source will ask you to click a web site and feed in information without you having some prior knowledge.\n\n15 January 2017 at 14:09", "Ron said...\n\nValerie, I am so glad to read that you got this all sorted out, discovering that the email was in fact, a hoax!\n\nAmen! Can you believe how clever email spammers have gotten over the years?\n\nBack in November, I got an email from a bank here in Philadelphia, notifying me that my bank account had been hacked but the bank was able to stop it from happening. The email requested that I send them personal information so that they could use it to further protect my account with them. I immediately knew it was a hoax because I didn't even HAVE a checking/savings account with them, I bank with a completely different bank.\n\nIt's terrible to say, but we all have to be VERY careful with emails because people have gotten too clever in hacking our personal information.\n\nHave a lovely Sunday, my friend!\n\n15 January 2017 at 14:30", "Katie Eggeman said...\n\nI don't open anything that I don't recognize,my Yahoo account gets a lot of mail, I opened a gmail account and so far it is spam free, because I never shop with it.\n\n15 January 2017 at 14:37", "S. J. Qualls said...\n\n'THEY' will do or say anything to get you to click on their link. Sigh, almost enough to make a person give up on the 21st Century circus completely.\n\n15 January 2017 at 16:18", "Valerie said...\n\nJoeh, the trouble was that I did recognise Apple, because the particular server it came on was the only one that Apple uses. This is why I wanted to get rid of that particular server, but couldn't. I have had many such emails before but they were always recognisable as SCAM. Not this time, though.\n\n15 January 2017 at 18:43", "Ron, I think the internet is a dangerous place. I wonder how many people lose thousands because of it. I can usually spot danger when I see it but this time it seemed sooooo genuine. I panicked before I got round to working it out in my head! God bless Google but adopting a different approach.\n\n15 January 2017 at 18:46", "SJQ, I agree with you, it does make me think of giving up, least-ways the internet; maybe not the 21st century. YET!\n\n15 January 2017 at 18:48", "Katie, stick with your Google - it's safer. I haven't got a good word to say about Yahoo.\n\n15 January 2017 at 18:49", "Carole said...\n\nOh Valerie, I'm so glad that you knew to ask for help! It is infuriating that things like this can happen. When in doubt, don't click is a good rule of thumb.\n\nI once had my computer (Mac) freeze up on me with a message to contact Apple support at once for help. The message supplied the number I was supposed to call. Fortunately I checked on another source and found the correct number for Apple. I called and it turns out it was a scam.\n\nYou can never be too careful.\n\n15 January 2017 at 21:26", "Dan the Mountain Man said...\n\nValerie, I got the same email. I just ignore it too. I do not have an account with any of the companies listed in the email. I got to the point I rarely click on links in email even in one I trust and know are safe.\n\n16 January 2017 at 00:01", "Hi Carole, these scammers should be shot! The trouble with email is you don't know what's in it until you click on it. I never ever click on links but this one - from Apple, who I know - totally fooled me. Bah!\n\n16 January 2017 at 08:42", "Geraldine said...\n\nA lot of junk shows up in my many inboxes too. Always good to be cautious before clicking anything suspicious especially attachments. What really bugs me is being sent newsletters etc that I know I never actually signed up for. I am trying to unsubscribe from at least one of these nuisance lists, every day. It is helping.πŸ˜‚\n\n19 January 2017 at 05:52", "Geraldine, I must be getting a dab hand at unsubscribing now.... what a pain they are. I don't ask for any of them, yet they keep on coming. What I don't like is the way you (sometimes) click on 'unsubscribe' only to find yourself on their site answering questions about why you want to do it. Bah!\n\n19 January 2017 at 10:00", "CHARLIE - posing nicely", "Show 10 Show All", "Joe's 75th Birthday Picture", "Even the sun was shining!", "Another Charlie picture", "Meet Joe", "A pen and ink drawing by fellow blogger, John Bain" ]
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[ null, "They were fueled by GU and a passion for the wind in their bibs. They were incredible, they helped one another, and they all crossed the finish line together. 100 MILES! THAT'S REALLY FAR!", null, "Momo, Sarah, Amanda, Ruby and I were there to cheer them through the somewhat ambiguous finish line... If I were in charge (which I'm not) there would be fanfare, streamers, huge waving flags and a gigantic finish line banner for the finish. I guess this parking lot was okay too.", null, "So proud of our boys.", null, "Posted by amberWIRE at Saturday, July 17, 2010", "Chris cox said...\n\nthere should be raising of small children, and throwing of soft cheeses. as is tradition.\n\nJuly 17, 2010", "the deKorne family said...\n\nthat's so awesome! way to go to all your cyclists :)" ]
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[ "16 June 2011\n\nMy bags are packed, I'm ready to go\n\nLovely little coincidence I realized: it's my movingversary!\n\nI am leaving on a jet plane in 9.5 hours to go stay here for six days.", null, "Minus the Honda Accord that was my transportation summer of '08. And minus the rhododendron bushes that were transplanted to the back yard.\n\nEleven years ago I left this house to go to that one (sans Honda and rhododendrons).\nBut they painted the house and ruined the yard. When we lived there it was white with black trim and had a lovely red front door. And the grass was alive. And there were flowers.\n\nSo I'm traveling on the same day to the same place, I'm just leaving this house instead." ]
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[ "Wednesday, October 21, 2015\n\nEvidence of Time Travelers into the Past?", "Anecdotally, people have found a few things from time to time that seem to imply that people from the future visited the past. An interesting example is the claim that human shoe prints are fossilized over trilobites.\n\nArchaeologists have found what seems to be a battery in a provably ancient stratum.", "I personally don't believe that time travel is possible and I don't believe it has ever happened. But that sure didn't stop me from writing a novel based on the premise. And that's because I think time travel is a deep human pre-occupation. We wish we could travel through time because as we go through life we invariably collect memories of things we botched and wish we could redo.", "My novel,Β In Saecula Saeculorum, describes a mission in which four young people are sent back in time to ancient Rome to retrieve information to hopefully save the modern world.\n\nIn this novel, however, the US and UK governments that control this technology are so concerned that other countries may find out they have time travel technology, that they refuse to send anything back in time that could be found later as evidence of time travel at all.\n\nTime travel is intriguing because we all look back on our lives and wish we had a do-over. As a personal admission, I can never forget the one that got away--the woman I should have loved more and yet so horribly wronged. I live with many regrets. But that's my journey...\n\nAnyway, any evidence that people traveled to the past will always tug at our hearts. It will always make us wonder, what if?...", "I'm Keith Massey, PhD\n\nSee my solutions to ancient riddles and mysteries.\n\nLet me help you learn a new language.\n\nWould you like something really fun to read?", null, "Paperback: $10.50 - Kindle: $3.50", null, "Paperback: $7.50 - Kindle $3.50", "Paperback: $11.50 - Kindle $3.50", "I'm Keith Massey, Musician, Teacher, Author", null, "Lessons for Success from the World of Espionage", null, "Part One: On a Plane to Baghdad\n\nPart Two: Arrival in Iraq\n\nPart Three: Telling my Mother\n\nPart Four: My Schedule and the Feral Cat\n\nPart Five: What's a Normal Deployment?\n\nPart Six: the First Attack\n\nPart Seven: the Secret of the Piss Bottles\n\nPart Eight: the Second Attack\n\nPart Nine: July 4th, 2004\n\nPart Ten: Memorial Day - My Guys\n\nPart Eleven: the Iraqi Weight Loss Plan\n\nPart Twelve: Tom\n\nPart Thirteen: the Food and Men who made it", "Proposed Solutions to Ancient and Modern Mysteries", "Blog Post Categories\n\nWhen I was in Iraq\n\nHistorical Mysteries\n\nFun with Latin\n\nMade in Wisconsin\n\nAutobiographical Anecdotes", "More Blog Post Categories\n\nMusic to Soothe Our Souls\n\nShort Stories\n\nFortune Favors the Brave\n\nMedia Reviews\n\nRandom Musings\n\nThe Paleo Diet", "Stream Latin Songs (Meaning, Songs in Latin)", "How did Spartacus really die?\n\n\"Strength and Honor\" in Latin\n\nThe Shugborough Inscription Deciphered (Video)\n\nAdventures in Sleeping - Lucid Dreaming\n\nThe Name of the Zodiac Killer: Deciphered! (Video)\n\nJingle Bells in Latin! (Video)\n\nThe Mystery of the Ezerovo Ring (Video)\n\nThe Last Days of Romulus Augustulus, the Last Roman Emperor\n\nThe Story of my 1st 200 Game in Bowling (Video)\n\nThe Saga of the Smuggled Meat (Video)\n\nHow do you say \"Snow\" in Latin?" ]
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[ "After a one-day deluge last week, the plants (and weeds) are making great strides in this warm spring Summerland weather.Β  The tourists are roaming around our Bottleneck drive neighbourhood, with wine tour buses regularly passing our house (should I wave?).Β  I was too busy to photograph the irises as they bloomed in the last few weeks, but the cheddar pinks (Dianthus gratianapolitanus) are looking great in the perennial beds.Β  I appreciate their compact shape with a dense show of deep pink flowers over blue-green foliage.Β  I certainly would love to have more of these.\nIn the realm of edibles, the new apple nursery is now established with 4800 trees.Β  I believe these are called bench grafts, with the tops (scions) collected from Ambrosia trees early this year and grafted onto specific rootstock by a nursery in Summerland.Β  They looked like twigs going into the ground, but in the last week, have produced some leaves.Β  They will eventually be dug up and and moved to their final locations next spring, where they will grow as a high-density orchard.\n\nThe vegetable garden has produced a tidal wave of spinach, leaving us searching online for spinach recipes and blanching and freezing some for future use.Β  There will be spanakopita and spinach salad for every meal!Β  I've even tried playing YouTube Popeye videos for subliminal messages to the children.Β  I think smaller, spaced out successive plantings would have been better, but the initial garden efforts were a bit enthusiastic.Β  Next year, we will try for more self-control.\nSo far, the stock tanks are working well as raised beds.Β  We still have to hand-water them from the top, as not every plant will have deep enough roots to reach down to the damp soil closer to the reservoir on the bottom. I have faith that the tomatoes will eventually reach down and tap into the available water though.Β  They have big root systems.\nPosted by Gardenista at 10:33 PM No comments:", "Labels: Ambrosia apples, apple grafts, apple nursery, cheddar pinks, stock tanks, Summerland\n\nSunday, May 17, 2015\n\nVegetables Already!\n\nWe got a good rain overnight, which is the first significant rainfall we have had in months -- not really surprising in this semi-arid desert climate.Β  This will be good for BC's wildfires, though the lightning is still unwanted.\nThe stock tank raised beds are offering up some great spinach at the moment.Β  The only quandary is finding recipes for spinach that children find appetizing.Β  We will have to do some internet searching or hand it out free to willing friends and neighbours.\n\nI inter-planted the spinach with carrots so that the carrots will continue on when the spinach is done.Β  Of course, we planted \"rainbow\" colored carrots, as kids love the novelty of interesting colored vegetables.Β  I surely hope they EAT THEM too.\n\nTomato Time!\n\nI transplanted my tomatoes outside this weekend, filling another two stock tanks.Β  I am trying a variety of heirloom varieties, including Costoluto Genovese, Omar's Lebanese, Black plum, and Black cherry tomato.Β  I am also growing a hybrid cherry tomato called \"Jelly Bean\".Β  Besides its appealing name, it has good disease resistance and bears large clusters of oval-shaped fruits.Β  They grow very tall, so will be needing support systems.\n\nI was going to put all the tomatoes into the stock tanks, but Gardener-man appeared distressed when I mentioned driving tomato supports into the raised beds.Β  This is because there is a membrane separating the water reservoir on the bottom from the sand layer in the middle.Β  Also, all of my tomato plants are indeterminate (vs. determinate), which means that their vertical growth doesn't stop after reaching their genetically-determined height.Β  They will keep getting taller all season.Β  We will have to come up with a support system that is compatible with the stock tank raised beds.Β  However, \"Jelly Bean\" will go into the ground near the asparagus and have the benefit of underground drip-watering.\n\nMeanwhile, in the Flower Beds...\n\nMy Blanc Double de Coubert shrub rose is blooming and already dropping petals!Β  I was not prepared to have roses so early, but having moved from Saskatchewan makes these events seem astounding.Β  The rhododendrons around town are looking great and my still-tiny rhodos with white and red blooms are looking good, though barely visible except up-close.Β  The small-statured Rhododendron \"Baden Baden\" is in the rock garden and has already finished blooming, whileΒ  red \"Vulcan\" is presently looking great.Β  The \"Cunningham's White\" had an intermediate blooming time and is pictured here in this post.Β  I had a little panic episode this spring when I saw that the closed buds were PINK, but was relieved to see the flowers are indeed white.\n\nMy Allium \"Purple Sensation\" is the first bloomer of my ornamental alliums.Β  It will be finished before A. giganteum \"Globemaster\" blooms (which I am really excited to see, because it was never hardy in Saskatchewan).\n\nI thoroughly enjoyed the Summerland Ornamental Gardens plant sale last weekend.Β  I heard in advance that it was very popular and that one should get there early, which I did, despite a puking child.Β  However, getting there at the official opening time of 8 am doesn't get mean you get there before the crowds of people.Β  Gardeners must be early-rising and highly-competitive sorts, because I had to drive down to the far-away overflow parking spots.Β  I think the keen gardeners before me had lined up in the early morning.Β  Fortunately, I wasn't after the bedding plants.Β  I had my eye on some native perennials and a few other unusual plants, like Echium amoenum \"Red Feathers\", which is now planted in the \"desert bed\" with a variegated yucca.Β  Although I don't want to swell the crowds for next year's plant sale, I must say that the prices were quite good and the selection quite nice.Β  They even were prepared to take interact and credit card!\n\nPosted by Gardenista at 6:16 PM No comments:", "Labels: Allium, Rhododendron, spinach, stock tanks, Summerland Ornamental Gardens\n\nFriday, May 8, 2015\n\nLongleaf Phlox - Okanagan Wildflower", "Friday, May 1, 2015\n\nThe Season of Yellow Flowers\n\nCertain colors dominant short periods of time in the perennial garden.Β  Right now, the wild Arrowleaf Balsamroot is flowering in the hills around us and they look so bright and beautiful.Β  Did you know they are the official flower of Kelowna?\nMeanwhile, we have accumulated some composted manure in a square patch next to the stock tank raised beds and declared it a vegetable garden.Β  Sticks designate the places where I have planted corn and beans, the start of our traditional \"Three Sisters Garden\", a beneficial companion planting of traditional South American plants.\n\nSquash, cucumbers, and zucchini will fill the spaces between staggered stands of corn, which in turn will support bean plants.Β  The large leaves of the vine plants shades the soil, keeping it moist for the corn and beans.Β  We didn't make mounds for the corn, since we have a dry climate and the linked article above says that flat ground is better in dry areas.Β  We haven't had too much rain in April, so we will have to stay dedicated to the sprinkler for the germination period.\nThe daffodils are at the end of their season and the Aurinia saxatilis is forming carpets of blooms.Β  Several neighbours have stunning slopes entirely covered in these yellow flowers.Β  They are very hardy, require full sun, and can live in poor soils.Β  They probably seed out a bit, as I see them naturalized in rocky informal settings where they probably were never intentionally planted.Β  I would like to spread them all over my yard, because they look great and are so easy!Β  Elsewhere in the yard, the new growth on the Euphorbia polychroma is a similar bright yellow and quite striking next to contrasting purple Heuchera foliage or bright blue or pink spring flowers.\nNext in the garden season is...Irises!Β  Can't wait to see the show.\n\nI am hoping to go to the Summerland Ornamental Gardens spring plant sale this year.Β Β  They promise unusual plants and some interesting varieties of tomatoes, from what I can see on their Facebook page.Β  Besides being a great place to pick up uncommon plants not seen at garden centers, this is a fundraiser for one of my favourite gardens!Β  It should make for good Mother's Day shopping too!", "Posted by Gardenista at 5:58 PM No comments:", "Labels: Arrowleaf balsamroot, Aurinia saxatilis, spring plant sale, stock tanks, Summerland Ornamental Gardens\n\nOkanagan Wildflower: Penstemon fruticosus", null, "Seen at the base of Giant's Head Mountain." ]
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[ "Wednesday, 5 June 2013\n\nWonderful Wales\n\nA couple of weekends ago we took a 'glamping' trip to Snowdonia - we've camped before in a small 2 man tent with not a lot of room, no electric hook up - which was all great fun but have decided to upgrade a bit, get a much bigger tent, so we can stand up!, electric hook up so we now have heating, a fridge and a kettle - wow what a difference! Β We had quite a relaxing weekend, without our usual big mountain walks as I'm lacking in energy quite a bit at the mo - especially after the tougher than tough mountain marathon we did the weekend before!! Anyone who has iron deficiency anaemia will understand where I'm coming from! - anyway, the weather was glorious - we visited the Ugly House which I don't think is ugly at all, where I was thrilled to meet the lovely Huw Jenkins of Natur Cymru - seeΒ last post.", null, "our one walk was up Yr Eifl on the Llyn Peninsula - just glorious", null, "We visited the Glaslyn Osprey project but didn't see any ospreys unfortunately - I did get my paints out though while we were there and did a quick sketch of the view over to the Snowdon Horseshoe... the other painting below that is of the view from our glampy tent looking towards Moel Elio.", null, "I'm delighted to say that the painting of Ceulan did get sold and has raised over Β£100 for the Dyfi Osprey Project which I'm absolutely thrilled about - they do fantastic work there and I'm looking forward to visit in a couple of weeks - the painting should be arriving in his new London home today. Here he is again...", null, "On Sunday we travelled down to Skomer Island for the day and as well as the expected puffins we were thrilled to see short eared owls - more about Skomer in my next post..... have a wonderful day!\n\nPosted by Sharon Whitley at 07:59", "Welcome to my blog!!", "Find me on Facebook\n\nSharon's Art", "Promote your Page too", "Proud to be a member of the AAA", "Member of the Flintshire Visual Arts and Crafts Network", "Ramblings from the past" ]
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[ "Survival in Purgatory has some weird aspects.", null, "The Room by Gary Tonge\n\nWork Text:\n\nPurgatory is not just the forest. Sometimes they slip sideways into deserts, stretching flat and grey beneath a moonless sky. There is a river, sometimes, cutting black and swift between rocky cliffs as pale as bone. Dean does not need Cas’s warning not to drink.\n\nSometimes, not often, but sometimes, there are buildings. A whole city, once, rain-washed streets and flickering neon signs, where all the doors were locked and all the windows opaque as a cataract. Cas hurried them through, his wings flaring protectively (Dean can see them more and more the longer they stay.)\n\nEverywhere they go, monsters are waiting.\n\nDean has killed more bump-in-the-nights since they landed here than in his whole previous hunting career. Although killed is perhaps not the right term, since they only shudder and collapse and then get up again, if you give them long enough. That was downright disturbing, in Dean's opinion.\n\n(\"What the hell, they can't be killed?\" \"This is Purgatory, Dean. They are already dead. There is no where else for them to go.\")\n\nIt wore on him, the endless violence, the way that his own wounds closed up but still seemed to ache, so that he was always, always hurting. Occasionally, rarely, they come across a place that seems emptier than others, where they can breathe for a moment.\n\nRight now, it is a house, a ruin that nonetheless seems friendlier than the forest (again, forest) that they are making their way through. Cas pauses, head tilted back to observe the cupola at the top. The door sags open, revealing a shadowy interior.\n\nCas nods.\n\nInside, the white non-light spills through the windows in a way that almost seems normal. They make their way through empty rooms and hallways where the wallpaper peels in huge swaths and the plaster has fallen away from the lathes. There is a weird dry smell, something like old books and something like cloves. No dust rises at their footsteps.\n\nβ€œCas,” says Dean and his angel stops, looks at him. β€œIs this - are we safe here?”\n\nCas considers, his eyes flicking ahead to a narrow stair that rises past a high window. Broken boards litter the floor. β€œNo,” he says. β€œBut safer.”\n\nβ€œDid someone used to live here?” Dean picks at the wallpaper. It was roses once, he can tell, but now there is nothing but a bare ghost of colour.\n\nβ€œI don’t know.” Cas leads on, up the stairs.\n\nAbove, there are remnants of furniture, tables and chairs and in a large room with a domed ceiling, a massive bedframe with the mattress still intact. A tangle of bedclothes lays across it, and in the center of them, a large, dark stain.\n\nDean presses a fingertip to it, draws it away dry.\n\nβ€œBlood,” says Cas briefly.\n\nβ€œHuman?” Dean asks and then feels stupid.\n\nβ€œUnlikely,” says Cas.\n\nDean shivers and Cas moves in, wraps his arms around Dean and lays his head against Dean’s back. Dean relaxes minutely as warmth steals back into him.\n\nβ€œHow bad is it?” asks Cas.\n\nβ€œNot too bad,” Dean says. β€œCouple minutes should do.”\n\nβ€œBy which you mean, you should have said something an hour ago, and will now need at least ten minutes,” Cas responds.\n\nDean makes a small, irritated noise and carefully, skittishly, lays his hands over Cas’s, where they are folded together on his ribs. The warmth intensifies. Tears prick Dean’s eyes, as they always do.\n\nPurgatory. Fucked up place. No need to eat, or sleep, or any of the other bodily bullshit, but he can’t go half a day without a hug. Tactile reassurance, as Cas calls it, which is better than his first label, bodily communion. First shakes, then dizziness, then cramping and chills and it was only because Cas thought he needed physical warmth that they’d discovered what the cure was.\n\nβ€œThis is not a place for humans,” Cas had said, tucking Dean’s trembling hands together against his chest and wrapping all his angelic limbs around Dean’s shuddering body.\n\nβ€œSo w-what?” Dean had managed. β€œI’m Purga-sick?”\n\nβ€œAs good a term as any. Now stop speaking.”\n\nIn a way, it had become something to depend on. In the absence of regular day/night cycles, or the need to sleep, their stops to hug it out lent a kind of rhythm to their travel. And Dean, though he would never admit it, looked forward to it with the sad eagerness of a starved puppy. Standing there in the weird abandoned bedroom, eyes shut, fingers gripping Cas’s a little too tightly, the solid presence of Cas along his back was like an anchor. The one thing left that was real, dependable.\n\nWhen he opened his eyes again, the bedroom had shifted into a cave, low and damp. And occupied.\n\nβ€œShit, we did a slip!” he said, groping for his knife.\n\nCas was already wheeling away, wings snapping open, angel blade bright in his hand.\n\nWerewolves, Dean thought, or maybe something else. Nothing looked the way it did back in the world, here, everything was stripped down to their essential natures. Teeth and claws and whip-fast lean muscle. He could hear the rustle of coat and feather as Cas let loose behind him. Shadows moved, and he let instinct take over, felt the knife catch and drag, felt the wind of a missed strike buffet his hair.\n\nI liked that house, he thought, absurdly, and then he killed, and killed, and killed." ]
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[ "Sunday, March 31, 2013\n\nWho Needs a Savior?\n\nSeems every time I turn around there's more bad news. Friday, for example, one friend finished her last chemo treatment. She shared about the death of the wife of a mutual friend of ours. On my walk, a neighbor pulled up to tell me she was having surgery for bladder & kidney cancer. Then another girlfriend called to say she was sick so was cancelling Easter activities, her husband had just lost his job and they have two small children to care for. Can you think of someone who is not hurting in some way? Who does not need healing, grace, or forgiveness? Would anyone reject a miracle touch from God?\n\nMost people I know have a need. It may be a financial, physical, relational, or emotional need, but everyone has a need. We search for solutions in many places. Some seek solace in their jobs, others in food and drink. Still others busy themselves with activities, sports, or exercise. But at the end of the day, we come up empty-handed. Why? Because no one can provide the healing and the peace our souls long for. No one, that is, except Jesus.\n\nMany have scoffed and scorned him, even so far as nailing him to a wooden cross. The scorn and contempt continues today, doesn't it? Jesus, they say, is a crutch for the weak. Or Jesus was just a good man, a prophet. But they deny his deity. If you look at all the other religious figures in history, they are all dead and buried in a grave someplace. Not Jesus. His tomb is empty. Could it be, perhaps, that Jesus, too, was misunderstood? His mission was not to become a king or a conqueror as we think of in human terms. His mission was to redeem mankind, like sheep who have strayed, and reconcile us to the Father. \"For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” (Luke 19:10).\n\nWhat have you lost in this life, dear one? Perhaps you have suffered a loss of trust such as a divorce, an affair, or a betrayal. Maybe your confidence has been eroded by life or your faith shattered by pain, grief, or tragedy. Others have lost their direction, purpose, or forgotten the promises of God. The mountains in life can seem insurmountable at times, but remember Jesus' words. \"I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.\" (Luke17:20).\n\nJesus came to restore, redeem, and rebuild lives. He came not just to show us the error of our thoughts and ways, but to free us from them. He shed his blood so that we may have free access to God, the Father. \"We know that God doesn’t listen to sinners, but he is ready to hear those who worship him and do his will,\" says John 9:31. All of us have sinned (Romans 9:23). To say we are perfect and blameless is blatant denial. All I have to do is examine my thoughts and behavior for one day and the truth of my sin glares back at me.\n\nYet, until we comprehend the holiness of God we cannot fathom the depth of what Jesus did for us on the cross. This is not meant to put anyone on a guilt trip, for 'there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus\" (Romans 8:1). We all have faults and there is no shame in confessing them. I was convicted recently of trying to fight my battles on my own and I cried out to Jesus for forgiveness. I realized I cannot fight all these battles and I need more work in the surrendering area. But Jesus did more than open the path to God for us. He came to fill our deepest needs.\n\nDid you know that Jesus accepts us just as we are? He loves us UNCONDITIONALLY and isn't that what each of us is really looking for? To be loved and accepted unconditionally by another? The miracle we are looking for can be found at the foot of the cross. Will you draw near? Will you put your faith in the One who loves you so much he shed his blood for you? Until next time, my prayer is that the light and love of Christ will shine into your heart and you will know how truly loved you are this Easter. Happy Resurrection and here's to new life!", null ]
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[ null, "Based on a recently discovered archive of Native American history, historian Howard Zen has conclusively established that Ward Churchill is \"Indigenous\".\n\nCommenting on his research Zen said, \"Objectivity is impossible but I have proof that on his father's side of the family Mr. Churchill is directly descended from an American Indian that participated in the Boston Tea Party. In addition, I established ancestral links on his mother’s side of the family to Grey Owl, an important environmental activist that lived in what is now known as Canada. Grey Owl is a descendant of Wacousta. Wacousta was a close ally of Chief Pontiac and his life provided the inspiration for the famous Canadian biography by historian John Richardson.”\n\nZen continued, β€œI think it is easy to see that Mr. Churchill inherited many of his ancestor’s characteristics. For example, the Indians that participated in the Boston Tea Party were resisting a tyrannical government and Ward's forefathers were right there. Grey Owl dedicated himself to stopping the Canadian government from destroying Native lands making him an innovator in environmental protection. Wacousta spoke truth to power and waged armed struggle against many governments to remain free. I think the following short description of the book β€œWacousta” goes a long way in explaining Ward's inherited behavior.\n\n\"Set on the northwest frontier during the Pontiac conspiracy of the 1760s, this story of false identity, wasted love, diabolic vengeance and unquenchable hatred articulates themes and mythologies relevant to French, British, Canadian and American history.\"" ]
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[ "On Thursday, March 2, Swann Galleries’ sale of 19th & 20th Century Prints & Drawings exceeded $3M and broke ten auction records. The house, which is celebrating it diamond anniversary this year, has enjoyed several record-breaking sales already in their spring 2017 season.", null, "Marc Chagall, Four Tales from the Arabian Nights,Β  (Pre-sale estimate: $250,000 to $350,000)\n\nThe rare deluxe edition of Marc Chagall’s 1948 portfolio Four Tales from the Arabian Nights, of which only 11 were printed, topped the sale. The set belonged to the publisher of Pantheon Books, Kurt Wolff. The vibrant color lithographs include the 13th plate denoting the deluxe edition; still in the original case, the set sold to a collector for $269,000*.", null, "Edward Hopper, Evening Wind, etching, 1921. Sold March 2, 2017 for $149,000, a record for the print. (Pre-sale estimate: $50,000 to $80,000)\n\nEarly twentieth-century American prints saw competitive bidding and high prices. Edward Hopper’s rare 1921 etching Evening Wind sold for $149,000, nearly doubling its high estimate of $80,000.", null, "The American master was also represented in the sale by the 1921 etching Night Shadows, which went for $33,800.", null, "A premiere selection of prints by Hopper’s mentor Martin Lewis was led by the extremely rare aquatint Which Way?, 1932, which was purchased for $42,500, a record for the work.", null, "Further highlights by Lewis included the 1929 drypoint Bay Windows", null, "and 1916’s etching The Orator, Madison Square, each of which went for $27,500.", null, "Another highlight of the sale was MΓ€nnlicher Akt (Selbstbildnis I), 1912, Egon Schiele’s first attempt at a printed self-portrait; the work brought $30,000.", null, "Orologi Molli, a watercolor by Salvador DalΓ­ featuring one of his famous melting clocks, surpassed its high estimate to sell for $112,500. Another original, a pen and ink drawing by Paul Klee of prancing bulls, titled Drama in der Kuhwelt, 1915, reached $25,000.", null, "All four offered works by Mary Cassatt found buyers, including the rare circa-1902 drypoint Crocheting Lessons, which sold for $27,500.", null, "Another Cassatt, the color drypoint and soft-ground etching The Coiffure, circa 1891, broke its previous auction record to sell for $81,250.", null, "Etchings made by James A.M. Whistler during a 1879-80 trip to Venice performed well, including the luminous Upright Venice, at $70,000.\n\nTwo further prints from the same period each broke their previous auction records:", null, "The Garden reached $70,000,", null, "while San Biagio sold for $62,500.", null, "The complete set of 14 lithographs in Henri Toulouse-Lautrec’s MΓ©lodies de DΓ©sirΓ© Dihau, 1895, was sold for $30,000, a record for the work.\n\nThe next sale of Prints & Drawings at Swann Galleries will be Old Master Through Modern Prints on May 2, 2017. For more information, contact Todd Weyman at [email protected].\n\nMore Sales Prices with buyer’s premium", null, "370Β Β Β  Pablo Picasso, Femme au fauteuil, No. 1, lithograph, 1948.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  $55,000 D", null, "502Β Β Β  Joan MirΓ³, La Permissionaire, color aquatint and etching, 1974.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  $45,000 D", null, "411*Β Β Β  Henri Matisse, Γ‰tudes pour la Vierge, Visage, lithograph, 1950-51.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  $32,500 D", null, "575Β Β Β  Chagall, Roses et Mimosa, color lithograph, 1975.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  $25,000 D", null, "MARC CHAGALL Quai de la Tournelle.\n\nEstimate $25,000 - $35,000\nPrice Realized (with Buyer's Premium) $25,000", null, "Estimate $20,000 - $30,000\nPrice Realized (with Buyer's Premium) $23,750", null, "Price Realized (with Buyer's Premium) $18,750", null, "MARTIN LEWIS Rain on Murray Hill.", null ]
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[ "Woop for wednesday almost being over (at least in my part of the world), and the work week is coming to an end... I am a huge sucker for the weekend but who isn't right lol\nI thought I wanted to share with you lovely bloggerbugs some great quotes that might be able to get you through the rest of the week :)", null, "I hope you guys had a great week so far and an awesome kick ass weekend ahead\n\nand remember - JUST BREATHE! :)\n\nXoxo Mie\n\nIndsendt af Mie Nielsen kl. 21.24", "Etiketter: breathe, cute, dance, inspirational, laugh, live, love, quotes, sayings, sing, sweet, week, weekend\n\n2 kommentarer:\n\nSite views", "Mie Nielsen", "Opret dit badge", "Admirable women", "Versatile blogger award", "Liebster blog award", "Tell me about yourself award" ]
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[ null, "about this book: Elbie, a type of energy left over from the Big Bang, becomes something more when it comes into contact with humans. When people absorb this energy they become more than they can imagine. This bond between host and symbiote results in mutual evolution for both parties.\n\n\"Trespassing\" is an adult science fiction novel that follows the activities of the government agency charged with regulating the Elbie and the hosts who benefit from this unique relationship.\n\n\"This book, Trespassing by Pat Griffith, is a very interesting read about alien and human life crisscrossing in a way most science fiction has not previously explored.\" – Booklady, Amazon\n\nI wanted to create a life form that was made of pure energy. Because Elbie start out as just a form of energy they have no technology, culture, or religion. Everything they become is a result of their contact with people. Like all forms of energy they are bound by the laws of physics that dictate their behavior." ]
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[ null, "Loving all the colors and of course a Fairwee pretty much fits anywhere.\n\nApril 20, 2012 at 6:09 AM", "Shazza said...\n\nthis is adorable x\n\nApril 20, 2012 at 9:31 AM", "Rhonda Miller said...\n\nSoo cute.\n\nApril 20, 2012 at 9:46 AM", "Amsing Family said...\n\nCute! I have not stopped by your blog for awhile and have enjoyed going through your last few posts. Your comment on the Miss Anya (with the basket)made me laugh, about how hard it was to not have everything linear... I can totally relate. But it looks great!\n\nApril 20, 2012 at 11:10 AM", "Maria Therese said...\n\nSo cute β™₯β™₯\n\nApril 20, 2012 at 11:59 AM", "Leanne said...\n\nCute card Amy! She is one of my faves to color too. Nice set of flowers and the layout is fun. I adore that sentiment too.\nHave a great weekend!\n\nApril 20, 2012 at 9:02 PM", "PΓΆydΓ€n kulmalla nΓ€pertelijΓ€ said...\n\nSo pretty and cheerful! Love it!\n\nApril 20, 2012 at 11:44 PM", "Marianne said...\n\nThis is so sweet Amy!\nMarianne x\n\nApril 23, 2012 at 5:53 AM", "RiNNE said...\n\nAfter all these years, you are getting better and better with your choice of papers, Miss Paper Queen!! This card is a great example, I just love the one with circles!!!\n\nMay 4, 2012 at 2:34 AM", "Technique Videos", "MFT 2016 Superstar", "Sweet November Gal", "7 Kids Your Crafting Supply Store", "2016 Greeting Farm DT", "The Greeting Farm", "A Day for Daisies" ]
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πŸƒ MINT-1T:
Scaling Open-Source Multimodal Data by 10x:
A Multimodal Dataset with One Trillion Tokens

πŸƒ MINT-1T is an open-source Multimodal INTerleaved dataset with 1 trillion text tokens and 3.4 billion images, a 10x scale-up from existing open-source datasets. Additionally, we include previously untapped sources such as PDFs and ArXiv papers. πŸƒ MINT-1T is designed to facilitate research in multimodal pretraining. πŸƒ MINT-1T is created by a team from the University of Washington in collaboration with Salesforce Research, other academic institutions including Stanford University, University of Texas at Austin, and University of California Berkeley.

You are currently viewing the HTML subset of πŸƒ MINT-1T. For PDF and ArXiv subsets, please refer to the πŸƒ MINT-1T collection.




We have improved MINT-1T (HTML) by removing boilerplate from the header and footer of each document. This new version of the data can be found in directory data_v1_1 and contains 742B text tokens. The previous version of the data can be found in directory data_v1_0.


We have updated MINT-1T (HTML) with fixed document URL filtering and additional image safety filtering. As we prioritize safety, we have decided to only release the HTML data from MINT-1T that passes a rigorous image filtering pipeline; we run an additional image safety classifier, the one created by Datacomp, on data already filtered by our original NSFW image classifier. The newly released MINT-1T (HTML) contains 792B text tokens and 905M documents.

Dataset Details

Dataset Sources


Direct Use

πŸƒ MINT-1T is designed to facilitate research in multimodal pretraining. The dataset can be used for training multimodal models that can reson about interleaved text and images sequences such as Idefics2, XGen-MM, and Chameleon.

Out-of-Scope Use

πŸƒ MINT-1T was built to make research into large multimodal models more accessible. Using the dataset to train models that ingest or generate personally identifying information (such as images of people’s faces and other sensitive content) as well as military applications are all inappropriate use cases of πŸƒ MINT-1T.

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

πŸƒ MINT-1T was created to address a significant gap in the open-source domain by providing a large-scale multimodal interleaved dataset for pre-training large multimodal models. This dataset aims to be a valuable resource for the research community, facilitating open science in multimodal pretraining.

Source Data

The dataset is a comprehensive collection of multimodal documents from various sources:

  • HTML documents: Filtered from CommonCrawl WARC dumps spanning from 2017 to 2024
  • PDF documents: Extracted from CommonCrawl WAT dumps covering 2023 to 2024
  • ArXiv documents: A subset of papers from the ArXiv repository

In total, πŸƒ MINT-1T contains 1056.8 million documents, broken down as follows:

  • 1029.4 million HTML documents
  • 24.0 million PDF documents
  • 0.6 million ArXiv documents

Data Collection and Processing

The data collection and processing involved several steps:

  1. Document Extraction:

    • HTML documents were parsed from CommonCrawl WARC files
    • PDF documents were extracted from CommonCrawl WAT files
    • ArXiv papers were directly sourced from ArXiv S3 buckets
  2. Filtering Process:

    • Applied text quality filters to ensure content relevance and readability
    • Removed duplicate content at both paragraph and document levels
    • Filtered out undesirable content based on predefined criteria
    • Verified image availability and quality for HTML documents
    • Limited PDF size to 50MB and 50 pages to manage dataset size and quality
  3. Image Processing:

    • Used NSFW image detection to remove pornographic or otherwise undesirable images
    • Removed images smaller than 150 pixels or larger than 20,000 pixels
    • Adjusted aspect ratio thresholds for HTML (2:1) and PDF (3:1) to preserve scientific figures
  4. Text Processing:

    • Used fasttext for language identification, focusing on English content
    • Masked personally identifiable information such as email addresses and IP addresses
    • Applied paragraph and document-level deduplication using Bloom filters
  5. PDF Specific Processing:

    • Used PyMuPDF for parsing PDFs and extracting reading order
    • Clustered text blocks based on columns and ordered from top left to bottom right
  6. ArXiv Specific Processing:

    • Used TexSoup to parse LaTeX source code and interleave images with text
    • Cleaned up LaTeX code by removing imports, bibliography, tables, and citation tags

Various open-source tools were utilized in this process, including fasttext, PyMuPDF, and DCLM and bff for deduplication and content filtering.

Personal and Sensitive Information

Despite sourcing from public web data, significant efforts were made to minimize the inclusion of personal and sensitive information:

  • Email addresses and IP addresses were masked to protect privacy
  • An NSFW image classifierto remove inappropriate visual content
  • URLs containing substrings associated with undesirable or sensitive content were filtered out

However, users should be aware that as the data originates from the public web, it may still contain some sensitive or personal information. The dataset creators acknowledge this limitation and advise users to exercise caution and potentially apply additional filtering based on their specific use cases.

Bias, Risks, and Limitations

Several potential biases, risks, and limitations have been identified:

  1. Data Bias: As the dataset is sourced from web crawls, it may inherit biases present in online content.

  2. Content Risks: Despite extensive filtering, there's a possibility that some offensive, insensitive, or inappropriate content may remain in the dataset.

  3. Image Availability: The dataset relies on external image URLs, which may become unavailable over time due to link rot, potentially affecting the dataset's long-term usability.

  4. PDF Parsing Limitations: The current method for extracting reading order from PDFs may not always accurately capture the intended flow, especially for documents with complex layouts.

  5. Potential Legal and Ethical Concerns: While efforts were made to respect robots.txt files and remove sensitive information, there may still be content that individuals did not explicitly consent to include.


Given these considerations, the following recommendations are provided:

  1. Additional Filtering: Users are strongly encouraged to apply additional filtering based on their specific use case and ethical considerations.

  2. Inappropriate Use Cases: The dataset is not recommended for applications involving the processing or generation of personally identifying information, nor for military applications.

  3. Legal Compliance: Users should independently verify compliance with applicable laws before employing MINT-1T for commercial purposes.

  4. Bias Awareness: Researchers and developers should be cognizant of potential biases in the dataset and consider their impact on model training and outputs.


We release πŸƒ MINT-1T under a CC-BY-4.0 license, designating it primarily as a research artifact. While the dataset is freely available, users are responsible for ensuring its legal use in commercial settings. Users must independently verify compliance with applicable laws before employing MINT-1T for commercial purposes.


      title={MINT-1T: Scaling Open-Source Multimodal Data by 10x: A Multimodal Dataset with One Trillion Tokens}, 
      author={Anas Awadalla and Le Xue and Oscar Lo and Manli Shu and Hannah Lee and Etash Kumar Guha and Matt Jordan and Sheng Shen and Mohamed Awadalla and Silvio Savarese and Caiming Xiong and Ran Xu and Yejin Choi and Ludwig Schmidt},
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Collection including mlfoundations/MINT-1T-HTML