3 values
251 values
2 values
Read this and answer the question The coronation of Charlemagne as emperor on Christmas Day 800 is regarded as a turning point in medieval history, marking a return of the Western Roman Empire, since the new emperor ruled over much of the area previously controlled by the western emperors. It also marks a change in Charlemagne's relationship with the Byzantine Empire, as the assumption of the imperial title by the Carolingians asserted their equivalence to the Byzantine state. There were several differences between the newly established Carolingian Empire and both the older Western Roman Empire and the concurrent Byzantine Empire. The Frankish lands were rural in character, with only a few small cities. Most of the people were peasants settled on small farms. Little trade existed and much of that was with the British Isles and Scandinavia, in contrast to the older Roman Empire with its trading networks centred on the Mediterranean. The empire was administered by an itinerant court that travelled with the emperor, as well as approximately 300 imperial officials called counts, who administered the counties the empire had been divided into. Clergy and local bishops served as officials, as well as the imperial officials called missi dominici, who served as roving inspectors and troubleshooters. About how many counts existed in the Carolingian Empire?
Returning to the Palestinian elections, I do not wish to sidestep that most thorny of issues – that is to say, the issue of Hamas. Translate to Finnish Finnish:
Palaan Palestiinan vaaleihin toteamalla, etten halua karttaa kaikkein vaikeinta asiaa eli Hamas-puoluetta.
Here are some concepts: branch, create, table What is a sentence about these concepts?
create a coffee table or accent table with branches
In 2013 Peter married Anna Barattin while Julia is married to Nicholas Furiuele , both are members of the band Shantih Shantih . Peter Anna Barattin married in 2013 while Julia was married to Nicholas Furiuele , both of whom are members of the band Shantih Shantih . Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other?
I have been known to fall asleep during films, but this is usually due to a combination of things including, really tired, being warm and comfortable on the sette and having just eaten a lot. However on this occasion I fell asleep because the film was rubbish. The plot development was constant. Constantly slow and boring. Things seemed to happen, but with no explanation of what was causing them or why. I admit, I may have missed part of the film, but i watched the majority of it and everything just seemed to happen of its own accord without any real concern for anything else. I cant recommend this film at all. Would you say this review is positive or negative?
(1) The campus newspaper , `` The Oklahoma Daily '' , is produced daily during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer semester . (2) The campus - newspaper `` The Oklahoma Daily '' is produced weekly during the autumn and spring semesters and daily during the summer semester . Do these two sentences mean the same thing? Choices: [a]. no; [b]. yes;
Data: Aaron Hunt, club, Hamburger SV Sentence about the following data:
Aaron Hunt plays for the club, Hamburger SV.
With a breezy sweep of his pen President Vladimir Putin wrote a new chapter into Crimea's turbulent history, committing the region to a future returned to Russian domain. Sixty years prior, Ukraine's breakaway peninsula was signed away just as swiftly by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. But dealing with such a blatant land grab on its eastern flank won't be anywhere near as quick and easy for Europe's 28-member union. Because, unlike Crimea's rushed referendum, everyone has a say. After initially slapping visa restrictions and asset freezes on a limited number of little known politicians and military men, Europe is facing urgent calls to widen the scope of its measures to target the Russian business community in particular. The logic of this is that those who run Russia and own it are essentially two sides of the coin. Alexei Navalny, one-time Moscow mayoral contender now under house arrest for opposing the current regime, called for Europe's leaders to ban everyone -- from Vladimir Putin's personal banker to Chelsea Football Club owner Roman Abramovich from keeping their money and loved ones abroad. Asset freezes and visa restrictions are especially palatable options for the EU because they can be rolled out on a discretionary basis, without requiring cumbersome legal procedures and recourse. In fact Russia cancels visas for people it doesn't like all the time. Just look at Hermitage Capital founder Bill Browder who lost both his right of entry and Moscow-based money in 2005 and dare not go back. Russia also banned the adoption of its orphans by Americans in retaliation for the US's implementation of an anti-corruption law named after Sergei Magnitsky, Browder's lawyer who died after a year in a Moscow detention center, apparently beaten to death. Yet in playing the 'money talks' card, Europe must be ready for the consequences of such action. Because money also walks. As such EU leaders must be ready to accept sanctions are a two-way street and will hurt both sides. Targeting Russia's peripatetic business community would be one way of sapping their tenuous support for President Putin. And such a strategy might also turn out to have a silver lining: awarding EU countries a chance to finally deal with some of the more unpleasant sides of their patronage, including money laundering and corruption, which have inflated prize assets like London property and Picasso paintings for years. Where Europe should hold fire though is trade. Two decades of post-Soviet rapprochement and almost $500 billion worth of commerce is a lot to put at stake. It's true that any trade war would hurt Russia far harder than it would the EU - not least because 15% of the former's GDP comes from exports to the bloc. But Europe - with its hefty reliance on Russian gas - would have a hard time keeping its factories going and citizens warm without power from the east. And while Putin flexes his political muscle, open trade channels keep the dialogue going giving all sides a chance to change the subject and talk less tensely. No one can afford to cut off that lifeline, especially now with Europe's economy on the rebound and Russia's one on the wane. What are highlight points for this article?
Nina dos Santos says Europe must be ready to accept sanctions will hurt both sides. Targeting Russia's business community would be one way of sapping their support for President Putin, she says. But she says Europe would have a hard time keeping its factories going without power from the east.
Is the question "What is the C programming language ?" asking about an entity, an abbreviation, a description, a human, a location, or a numeric entity?
when does game over man come out on netflix??
March 23, 2018
Briefly summarize this sentence: five people were killed , and a woman gravely wounded , following a lethal shootout at a nightclub in cali , colombia 's third largest city , local authorities said monday .
colombian nightclub shootout leaves five dead
Fortheanimalbynowithasbecomeavitalnecessitytokillinordertolive,theanimals'worldisaworldofkilling,andintheanimalkingdom,towhichtheearthlyhumansstillbelong,theyexperiencethepeakoftheunfoldingofthekillingprinciple,intheformofwar,violence,terrorandphysicalandspiritualcrisesandsufferingswhichwecallillnesses. What's a sentence that uses these characters?
For the animal by now it has become a vital necessity to kill in order to live, the animals' world is a world of killing, and in the animal kingdom, to which the earthly humans still belong, they experience the peak of the unfolding of the killing principle, in the form of war, violence, terror and physical and spiritual crises and sufferings which we call illnesses.
"'s no surprise that as a director washington demands and receives excellent performances , from himself and from newcomer derek luke " How would the sentiment of this sentence be perceived?
Is the question "What is the C programming language ?" asking about an entity, an abbreviation, a description, a human, a location, or a numeric entity? Possible answers: [+] description. [+] entity. [+] abbreviation. [+] human. [+] numeric. [+] location.
Plant responses to climate and other environmental changes can inform our understanding of how these changes affect ecosystem function and productivity. For example, plant phenology can be a useful proxy for temperature in historical climatology, and the biological impact of climate change and global warming. Palynology, the analysis of fossil pollen deposits in sediments from thousands or millions of years ago allows the reconstruction of past climates. Estimates of atmospheric CO2 concentrations since the Palaeozoic have been obtained from stomatal densities and the leaf shapes and sizes of ancient land plants. Ozone depletion can expose plants to higher levels of ultraviolet radiation-B (UV-B), resulting in lower growth rates. Moreover, information from studies of community ecology, plant systematics, and taxonomy is essential to understanding vegetation change, habitat destruction and species extinction. How can climate changes be determined from soil?
fossil pollen deposits in sediments
Mediocre burgers - if you are in the area and want a fast food burger, Fatburger is a better bet than Wendy's. But it is nothing to go out of your way for. Choose the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: (i). negative (ii). positive
Choose your answer: If "Woman in red shirt and white cap rollerblading on gray surface.", does it logically follow that "The woman is practicing to enter a roller derby."? (1). yes. (2). it is not possible to tell. (3). no.
What is the best sex youve ever had? What's the best sexual experience you have had? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information?
Which is the best (windows) laptop for architects 2016? Which is the best (windows) laptop for architects 2015? Do those questions have the same meaning? Select from the following. + no + yes
`` excellent , i 'd hoped you would . my apologies for scaring you with the thought of losing your position within locke , adam . you are a valued member of our teaching community , but i believe this position will likely suit you a lot better for the time being , '' said colt . `` thank you , dean colt , i wo n't disappoint you , '' said
Itisatthispointintheinitialinvestigatoryprocessthatthecandidateiscalled“theservantofGod.”Thepurposeoftheseinvestigativeproceduresistwofold:thefirstistoestablishwhetherthecandidatehasasolidreputationforholiness,andsecondtogatherpreliminarytestimonyastowhetherthattestimonyissupportedbyfacts. Please segment the words.
It is at this point in the initial investigatory process that the candidate is called “the servant of God.” The purpose of these investigative procedures is twofold: the first is to establish whether the candidate has a solid reputation for holiness, and second to gather preliminary testimony as to whether that testimony is supported by facts.
Plant responses to climate and other environmental changes can inform our understanding of how these changes affect ecosystem function and productivity. For example, plant phenology can be a useful proxy for temperature in historical climatology, and the biological impact of climate change and global warming. Palynology, the analysis of fossil pollen deposits in sediments from thousands or millions of years ago allows the reconstruction of past climates. Estimates of atmospheric CO2 concentrations since the Palaeozoic have been obtained from stomatal densities and the leaf shapes and sizes of ancient land plants. Ozone depletion can expose plants to higher levels of ultraviolet radiation-B (UV-B), resulting in lower growth rates. Moreover, information from studies of community ecology, plant systematics, and taxonomy is essential to understanding vegetation change, habitat destruction and species extinction. How can climate changes be determined from soil?
fossil pollen deposits in sediments
Teoriassa selviydymme hyvin, jos jokainen pitää silmällä puheaikansa pituutta. Translate to English
In theory, if everyone observes their speaking time we shall be fine.
Well it 's been a busy week in the camp this week , applied for three different jobs , I ' m focusing on Government jobs because that s what I ' ve done for the past fifteen months or so . Government jobs mean bloody selection criteria , selection criteria leads to frustration , frustration leads to anger , anger leads to hate and everyone knows where hate leads to . That image really cracks me up , no one considers the nameless Storm Trooper 's hopes and aspirations . OPT: (i). They hate the concept of big government as they are conservative . (ii). They hate the concept of not being in the private sector . (iii). They hate the government employment form . (iv). They hate the concept of the government . Q: Why does the narrator feel resistance to going into government ?
Answer by taking a quote from the following article: Edward Sapir (; January 26, 1884 - February 4, 1939) was an American anthropologist-linguist, who is widely considered to be one of the most important figures in the early development of the discipline of linguistics. Sapir was born in German Pomerania; his parents emigrated to United States of America when he was a child. He studied Germanic linguistics at Columbia, where he came under the influence of Franz Boas who inspired him to work on Native American languages. The First World War took its toll on the Canadian Geological Survey, cutting funding for anthropology and making the academic climate less agreeable. Sapir continued work on Athabascan, working with two speakers of the Alaskan languages Kutchin and Ingalik. Sapir was now more preoccupied with testing hypotheses about historical relationships between the Na-Dene languages than with documenting endangered languages, in effect becoming a theoretician. He was also growing to feel isolated from his American colleagues. From 1912 Florence's health deteriorated due to a lung abscess, and a resulting depression. The Sapir household was largely run by Eva Sapir, who did not get along well with Florence, and this added to the strain on both Florence and Edward. Sapir's parents had by now divorced and his father seemed to suffer from a psychosis, which made it necessary for him to leave Canada for Philadelphia, where Edward continued to support him financially. Florence was hospitalized for long periods both for her depressions and for the lung abscess, and she died in 1924 due to an infection following surgery, providing the final incentive for Sapir to leave Canada. When the University of Chicago offered him a position, he happily accepted. During his period in Canada, Sapir came into his own as the leading figure in linguistics in North America. Among his substantial publications from this period were his book on Time Perspective in the Aboriginal American Culture (1916), in which he laid out an approach to using historical linguistics to study the prehistory of Native American cultures. Particularly important for establishing him in the field was his seminal book Language (1921), which was a layman's introduction to the discipline of linguistics as Sapir envisioned it. He also participated in the formulation of a report to the American Anthropological Association regarding the standardization of orthographic principles for writing Indigenous languages. While in Ottawa, he also collected and published French Canadian Folk Songs, and wrote a volume of his own poetry. His interest in poetry led him to form a close friendship with another Boasian anthropologist and poet, Ruth Benedict. Sapir initially wrote to Benedict to commend her for her dissertation on "The Guardian Spirit", but soon realized that Benedict had published poetry pseudonymously. In their correspondence the two critiqued each other's work, both submitting to the same publishers, and both being rejected. They also were both interested in psychology and the relation between individual personalities and cultural patterns, and in their correspondences they frequently psychoanalyzed each other. However, Sapir often showed little understanding for Benedict's private thoughts and feelings, and particularly his conservative gender ideology jarred with Benedict's struggles as a female professional academic. Though they were very close friends for a while, it was ultimately the differences in worldview and personality that led their friendship to fray. Before departing Canada, Sapir had a short affair with Margaret Mead, Benedict's protege at Columbia. But Sapir's conservative ideas about marriage and the woman's role were anathema to Mead, as they had been to Benedict, and as Mead left to do field work in Samoa, the two separated permanently. Mead received news of Sapir's remarriage while still in Samoa, and burned their correspondence there on the beach. What did they find?
What is the best sex youve ever had? What's the best sexual experience you have had? Multi-choice problem: Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? Pick from: (A). no. (B). yes.
Convert Clothes dress and suit US women Can you repeat this sentence, but add in punctuation?
Convert Clothes: dress and suit, US women
Attributes: name = The Golden Curry, food = Fast food, customer rating = low, area = riverside, familyFriendly = yes, near = Café Rouge. Produce a detailed sentence about this restaurant.
The Golden Curry is a family-friendly fast food place with low customer ratings. It is near Café Rouge in the Riverside area.
Todos los anuncios por Jason Scholl How do you say this sentence in English?
All ads by Jason Scholl
A property manager discovered four people dead in the basement of an upstate New York home Tuesday, authorities said. Cops received a call of several unconscious people in a Troy apartment building at around 12:50 p.m., Troy Police Capt. Daniel DeWolf said, according to the Albany Times Union. Police are investigating a homicide scene in Troy, N.Y. (Lori Van Buren/AP) "It's horrible. Terrible. Sad — sad especially at this time of year," the captain said. "We're going to do everything we can to look into this and get to the bottom of what happened here." Officers cordoned off the area around the Troy home, a white house with a bay window in the front and rows of windows, according to The Associated Press. (Lori Van Buren/AP) DeWolf added that the deaths "appear suspicious" and are being investigated as homicides. No arrests have been made and the victims' identities have not been released. Officers cornered off the area of the home in the Lansingburgh neighborhood, which is along the Hudson River. Troy has a population of about 50,000 people and is at least 6 miles away from Albany. Sign up for BREAKING NEWS Emails privacy policy Thanks for subscribing! With ELIZABETH ELIZALDE, News Wire Services ||||| TROY — A property manager discovered four slain people Tuesday afternoon inside a basement apartment at 158 Second Ave., city officials said. Troy Police Capt. Daniel DeWolf said authorities received a call reporting several people appeared to be unconscious in the Troy apartment building at about 12:50 p.m. DeWolf would not divulge information about the identities or ages of the victims. Police are treating the deaths as homicides. "It's certainly suspicious," DeWolf said. He didn't know how long the bodies had been there before being found, and he wouldn't say if any weapons were found at the scene. "Unfortunately, it's horrible, terrible, sad ... especially at this time of year," he said. The deaths happened in the city's Lansingburgh neighborhood, which runs along the Hudson River overlooking the housing developments that have risen in Cohoes. Residents said the neighborhood is mostly quiet. Shakeria Jones, who lives around the corner, believes the victim could be her friend. "She lives in the basement apartment," said Jones. "I've been calling her all day. She always answers but she hasn't. I'm worried it's her. I hope it's not her." Jones also said that her friend didn't have issues with anyone. "If it is her, I don't know who could have done it," she said. Another neighbor said the basement apartment was most recently home to a woman, her two children, ages 8 and 11, and her partner. They said they were praying that the family was unharmed. Jason Fenton, who has lived across the street from 158 Second Ave. for 18 years, said that the building has four or five apartments. While he doesn't know the residents, he knows several children lived there. He also said there were a lot of parties going on there this past summer. "They seem to like to have fun," Fenton said. But Tuesday's discovery has him scared. "It's horrible," he said. "I hope they find the person." Another resident who lives in an apartment building across the street and declined to be identified, said police arrived without sirens on Tuesday. Officers used police tape to cordon off the area around 158 Second Ave. and closed the street in both directions from 102nd to 103rd street. Now Playing: State Police sent criminal investigators, evidence technicians and computer crime specialists to help city police. Rensselaer County District Attorney Joel Abelove also was at the scene. No arrests have been made. More information was not available as investigators continued to comb the scene Tuesday evening. Police have reached out to family members of the victims, DeWolf said. "Things are unfolding right now," State Police Lt. Rob Appleton of Troop G Bureau of Criminal Investigation said. Anyone with information is asked to call Troy police. ||||| What is a one-paragraph summary of the above article?
– Police in the upstate New York city of Troy say quadruple murder is suspected after a "horrible" find in a basement apartment. Troy Police Capt. Daniel DeWolf says the bodies of four people were found by a property manager around 1pm Tuesday. Police have not disclosed the identities of the victims or said what caused them to classify the deaths as homicides. A neighbor tells the Times Union that the apartment was most recently home to a woman, her two children, ages 8 and 11, and her partner. It's "terrible. Sad—sad especially at this time of year," DeWolf says, per the New York Daily News. "We're going to do everything we can to look into this and get to the bottom of what happened here."
On 8 April of60 was born in Aricebo In Puerto Rico the SETI acronym for Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence a research center whose goal is to pick radio signals from other planets The only result was obtained on the first day a kind of Regular cry coming from the star Epsilon Eridani This star is 24 billion miles away from us there are those who say that it is almost impossible that quellurlo be directed to us however there are those who say that directly to us or not that day on Epsilon Eridani something was happening What is the correctly punctuated version of this sentence?
On 8 April of'60 was born in Aricebo In Puerto Rico, the SETI (acronym for "Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), a research center whose goal is to pick radio signals from other planets . The only result was obtained on the first day: a kind of Regular cry coming from the star Epsilon Eridani . This star is 24 billion miles away from us, there are those who say that it is almost impossible that quell'urlo be directed to us, however there are those who say that directly to us or not that day on Epsilon Eridani something was happening ...
1. The recent Sierra Leone Civil War was secular in nature featuring members of Tribal , Muslim , and Christian faiths fighting on both sides of the conflict . 2. The recent civil war in Sierra Leone was secular in nature , with members of Christian , Muslim , and tribal faith fighting on both sides of the conflict . Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other?
Multi-choice problem: Based on the sentence "A group of African children dressed in mismatched clothing sing and play instruments.", is the sentence "The kids are singing in a school play." a true sentence? (I) yes; (II) it is not possible to tell; (III) no;
Generate a short summary this sentence: transocean inc. , the world 's largest offshore drilling contractor , said monday it will combine with smaller competitor globalsantafe corp. , creating a company with a full range of offshore drilling services in the world 's key markets . Summary:
transocean globalsantafe plan to combine to create new oil drilling heavyweight
Here is a news article: Accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has a new lawyer: a member of the defense team for Jared Loughner, the man convicted of killing six people at an outreach event for then-Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.) in 2011. In an order filed Monday afternoon, federal magistrate Marianne Bowler appointed Judy Clarke of San Diego to join three federal public defenders from Boston assigned to Tsarnaev's case. Bowler noted Clarke's extensive experience in death penalty cases and the potential that prosecutors could seek the death penalty against Tsarnaev. "In light of the circumstances in this case, the defendant requires an attorney with more background, knowledge and experience in federal death penalty cases than that possessed by current counsel," Bowler wrote in her five-page order (posted here). The addition of Clarke to Tsarnaev's defense is sure to fuel speculation that Clarke will seek to do for the Boston bombing suspect what she helped to do for Loughner: negotiate a guilty plea and sentence of life in prison in exchange for prosecutors agreeing not to seek the death penalty. That task seems harder in a high-profile case where the crime generated widespread public anger and outrage. But Clarke has done just that in other cases. "They're looking into the lens of life in prison in a box," Clarke said of her clients in a recent speech, according to the Associated Press. "Our job is to provide them with a reason to live." The Boston federal defenders had also asked to add another defense lawyer, David Bruck of Washington & Lee University Law School in Lexington, Va., but Bowler rejected that request—at least for now. "An additional attorney at this time is neither necessary nor required," she wrote. The magistrate said Clarke had more federal death penalty experience and should be adequate to the task at least until an indictment is filed in the case. Read more about: Death Penalty, Gabrielle Giffords, Jared Loughner, Tucson Shootings, Defense Attorneys, Boston Marathon, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Boston Bombing ||||| FBI/Associated Press Remnants of a pressure-cooker bomb used in the Boston attack that killed three people. Investigators have found female DNA on at least one of the bombs used in the Boston Marathon attacks, though they haven't determined whose DNA it is or whether its presence means a woman helped the two brothers suspected in the bombings, according to U.S. officials briefed on the probe. In another development, Russian officials revealed details about contacts between the older brother and suspected Islamist radicals in the Caucasus, including Internet exchanges that led to concerns by investigators that he was trying to join up with jihadist fighters. Speaking Monday about the DNA discovery, the U.S. officials cautioned that there could be multiple explanations for why genetic material from someone other than the two bombing suspects—Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his younger brother, Dzhokhar—could have been found on remnants of the exploded devices. It could have come, for example, from a store clerk who handled materials used in the bombs or a stray hair that ended up in the bomb. Monday, Federal Bureau of Investigation agents visited the Rhode Island home of the parents of Katherine Russell, the widow of Tamerlan Tsarnaev. He died after a shootout with police four days after the April 15 bombings. "The FBI is there as part of our ongoing investigation, but we aren't permitted to discuss specific aspects of the case," said FBI spokesman Jason Pack. Ms. Russell has been staying with her parents since the bombings, and FBI agents have been seen posted outside the house since her late husband was identified as one of the bombers. Her lawyer has said she is "doing everything she can to assist with the investigation." Enlarge Image Close Dagestan Federal Security Service William Plotnikov, left, with an alleged member of the Islamist underground, in a photo released by the Dagestan Federal Security Service. Mr. Plotnikov exchanged emails with suspected Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. One official familiar with the case said agents went to the house Monday to collect a DNA sample from Ms. Russell, the culmination of days of negotiations. FBI officials also have been negotiating with Ms. Russell's attorney in recent days to gain fuller access to question her, the officials familiar with the case said. The officials said the DNA request was needed to determine whether it matched the DNA found on the bomb remnants. Ms. Russell is one of as many as a half-dozen people in whom investigators are interested as they seek to determine if the brothers had any help in the bomb attack or the days afterward, the officials said. Ms. Russell's lawyer didn't immediately respond to a request for comment about the latest developments. Investigators have no evidence that any of the associates of the brothers had knowledge of the bombing plot, and they believe that if anyone helped to dispose of evidence—a point that remains uncertain—it may have been unwitting, according to officials briefed on the investigation. Related Defense Lawyer Has Background Of Capital Cases Both U.S. and Russian authorities are trying to learn more about Tamerlan Tsarnaev's activities while staying in Russia from January to July of 2012. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by telephone Monday and agreed to boost antiterror cooperation, officials on both sides said. Two Russian government officials said Tamerlan Tsarnaev exchanged notes over the Internet with William Plotnikov, a boxer who moved with his parents from Russia to Canada before joining militants in the North Caucasus. And they said Mr. Tsarnaev met several times in early 2012 with Mansur Makhmud Nidal, an alleged militant from the Russian province of Dagestan and suspected jihadist recruiter. The meetings happened in a mosque in Dagestan's capital of Makhachkala known for its adherence to a puritanical strain of Islam, they said. The Tsarnaevs' parents have denied their sons were involved in terrorism. Related Video: More on Boston Bombings What Police Departments can learn from the NYPD, why the GDP growth (or lack thereof) is cause for concern, Rand Paul's waffling on drones and enemy combatants and can GOP governors live up to their promises? What's News: Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was put on two watch lists in 2011 after Russian officials alerted the U.S. Some members of Congress are considering bills to ease air-travel delays. Southwest Airlines's profit drops. Photo: AP Among the rescue efforts for the more than 260 victims of the Boston Marathon bombings are crowdfunding sites that are raising funds to pay the bills that are already piling up. MarketWatch's Jim Jelter reports. (Photo: Getty Images) Mr. Nidal died in a firefight in Makhachkala last May after a five-hour standoff that ended with him throwing a grenade at police officials, according to Russian authorities. Mr. Plotnikov died two months later, in mid-July, during a raid in the hinterland of Utamysh, a village southwest of Makhachkala. Mr. Tsarnaev was in the region at the time of both raids but left Russia for the U.S. three days after the second one. He left before picking up a Russian passport that had been prepared for him at the local migration office in Dagestan's capital. "He intended to join the fighters, but he lost his contacts," one of the Russian officials said. "In the end he picked an easier enemy in Boston." The Russian officials said it was unclear whether Mr. Tsarnaev and Mr. Plotnikov ever met in person. The parents of the two boxers say they don't recall any interaction between the two. There are no indications that the two men ever boxed together, and Russian officials haven't yet produced any of the online communication that they say exists. A U.S. official said Russian authorities haven't shared any information about Mr. Tsarnaev related to contact with any suspected militants during his trip last year to Dagestan. Several U.S. officials, however, said they believe Russia has more information about Mr. Tsarnaev that hasn't been handed over. —Paul Sonne contributed to this article. Write to Evan Perez at [email protected] and Alan Cullison at [email protected] A version of this article appeared April 30, 2013, on page A4 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: Female DNA Found on Boston Bomb. ||||| The team of public defenders now lined up to defend Dzhokhar Tsarnaev at his criminal trial are veteran defenders of a veritable rogue's gallery of criminal A-listers. Facing off against U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, the prosecutor of Aaron Swartz, the Tsarnaev team should make these proceedings some one of the most spectacular on American soil in decades. Despite assurance from Tsarnaev's mother that the family knew a "lawyer with a big oil company" who would find someone to represent her son, the court today determined that Dzhokhar would be publicly defended. A few members of his criminal team have been known since last week: William Fick (who represented him at his bedside hearing), Timothy Watkins, and Miriam Conrad. Fick and Watkins appear to have handled mostly local cases — Carmen "The Cheese Man" DeNunzio; a bodybuilding firefighter. Conrad's track record is much more interesting. Among her clients: Richard Reid Reid was arrested in December 2001 after attempting to light a fuse on a bomb hidden in the sole of his shoe. He plead guilty to eight counts related to terrorism, including attempted murder. In 2003, he was sentenced to a life term at the Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado. In 2006, the U.S. Attorney's office tried to interview Reid without an attorney present. Conrad filed a motion to block their ability to do so. Rezwan Ferdaus Ferdaus was arrested in 2011 by the Boston office of the FBI, accused of plotting to use remote-controlled planes to fly explosives into the Capitol and Pentagon. He plead guilty and is serving a 17-year sentence at a prison in Illinois. After the Boston bombing, Mother Jones magazine questioned if the FBI's focus on Ferdaus distracted them from Tamerlan Tsarnaev. This afternoon, the team added another attorney: Judy Clarke, a specialist in helping clients avoid the death penalty, has an even more impressive client list. Jared Loughner In January 2011, Loughner shot and killed six people in a parking lot in Tuscon, also severely wounding Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. Last summer, he pled guilty to 19 counts related to the crime and was sentenced to life in prison. Clarke took the case after many attorneys in Arizona recused themselves, due to a relationship with a judge who'd been killed by Loughner. She was present at Loughner's first hearing before a judge, during which he refused to enter any plea, simply smiling when asked how he wished to plead. Zacarias Moussaoui Moussaoui, the "20th 9/11 hijacker," was originally part of the plot to hijack airplanes on September 11th. After raising suspicions with the instructor at his flight school, the FBI was contacted. Moussaoui was arrested for violating immigration rules. After the terror attacks that year, Moussaoui was charged with — and plead guilty to — conspiring to commit an act of terror. For a period of time, Clarke was on his defense team. Eric Rudolph Rudolph, the long-time fugitive responsible for a series of bombings across the South, is best known for planting a bomb in Centennial Olympic Park during the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. After his arrest in 2003, Rudolph faced the death penalty. With Clarke as his representation, he eventually accepted a deal for four consecutive life sentences. He is serving those terms in the same prison where Richard Reid is being held. Susan Smith Smith was at the center of a notorious case in South Carolina. A mother of two, Smith claimed that a black man stole her car and kidnapped her children, who were eventually found dead in a car in a nearby lake. Eventually, Smith confessed to having let the car roll into the lake herself, killing her children. Smith was found guilty and is now serving a life sentence. After Clarke took the case, the state of South Carolina banned the hire of public defenders from outside the state. Theodore Kaczynski Kaczynski, better known as the Unabomber, sent a series of mail bombs to university professors, executives, and business owners. From 1978 to 1995, Kaczynski sent over a dozen bombs as part of his effort to undermine the advancement of technology in the United States. After the FBI published his anti-technology manifesto, his brother turned him in to the FBI. Kaczynski agreed to a plea deal that spared him the death penalty; he, too, is housed in the Supermax prison in Florence Colorado. Clark and Conrad face a tough opponent in their most recent high-profile case: U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts, Carmen Ortiz. Ortiz's aggressive prosecution of accused hacker Aaron Swartz prompted enormous outcry, including a petition to the White House that she be removed from office which was signed over 55,000 times. All images from the AP. Want to add to this story? Let us know in comments or send an email to the author at pbump at theatlantic dot com. You can share ideas for stories on the Open Wire. Philip Bump ||||| A summary of this is?
– At least one of the bombs used in the Boston Marathon attacks had female DNA on it, investigators say, but that doesn't necessarily mean the bombers had a female accomplice. Officials gave a handful of alternate scenarios to the Wall Street Journal: A store clerk could have handled materials later used in the bomb, or a female hair could have innocently ended up on it. The Journal notes that FBI agents were seen leaving the home of Tamerlan Tsarnaev's in-laws today. Tsarnaev's widow, Katherine Russell, has been staying there since the bombings, and one official says the agents were there to get a DNA sample from her to see if it matches the one found on the bomb. Meanwhile, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has another lawyer. Judy Clarke, who was also on the defense team for Jared Loughner, has been appointed to join the three federal public defenders already assigned to Tsarnaev, Politico reports. That's because she has a lot of experience with death penalty cases; her appointment will probably lead some to speculate that she'll be able to negotiate a plea bargain with a life sentence rather than death, as she did for Loughner. The Atlantic Wire notes that Tsarnaev's attorneys have represented quite a few bombers, terrorists, and other well-known criminals, including Zacarias Moussaoui and the Unabomber.
George talked to Bill because he had experience. Options are: [+] George [+] Bill Who is he referring to?
"Any democracy with huge pockets of poverty, any democracy with exclusion, any democracy without justice, is a crippled and inadequate democracy,” he stated. Ambassador Valero argued that democratic governance “must have justice and more inclusive societies as its foundation.” Say this using Spanish
"Una democracia con amplísimos sectores de pobreza, una democracia con exclusión, una democracia sin justicia, es una democracia amputada e insuficiente", afirmó Valero. Añadió que para que haya una gobernabilidad democrática es necesario que ésta “se apoye en las bases de justicia y que haya sociedades más incluyentes”.
Data: Aaron Hunt, club, Hamburger SV Sentence about the following data:
Aaron Hunt plays for the club, Hamburger SV.
Write the answer: The cochlea is part of which part of the body?
I was n't really in the mood to , but I decided I better take Bug on a short walk . I come home to find that my front door has blown open and Flash was sitting on my stairs , and Sprout was on the ground darting under the stairs . I herded Flash and Bug inside , and somehow during that 20 seconds Sprout managed to disappear completely . Delightfully I had a dentist appointment in ten minutes so I had to leave instead of looking for her . Select from: A). They had Bug 's word sprout would be found .. B). They had an appointment with Bug .. C). None of the above choices .. D). They had a dentist appointment .. Answer the following question: Why did the narrator not look for sprout ?
Bulgaria toteuttaa tätä hanketta itsenäisesti. Mitä tässä tapauksessa merkitsee Euroopan solidaarisuus ja oikeudenmukaisuus? Could you please translate this to English?
If it lacks support, Bulgaria will take on this project independently, but where does that leave European solidarity and justice?
Culture Club are an English band that was formed in 1981. The band comprised Boy George (lead vocals), Roy Hay (guitar and keyboards), Mikey Craig (bass guitar) and Jon Moss (drums and percussion). They are considered one of the most representative and influential groups of the 1980s. Culture Club sold more than 50 million albums and 100 million singles (including Boy George solo) records worldwide, including 7 million-records awards RIAA certificate in the United States. The band's second album, Colour by Numbers (UK No. 1, US No. 2), was released in 1983. The first single, "Church of the Poison Mind", featuring backing vocalist Helen Terry, reached the UK and US Top 10. The second single, "Karma Chameleon", gave the band their biggest hit, peaking at No. 1 in the UK (the band's second chart-topper there), where it became the best selling single of 1983 and has sold 1.5 million copies there to date. It also peaked at No. 1 in the US for three consecutive weeks, and would ultimately hit No. 1 in 30 countries, thus becoming one of the top twenty best-selling singles of the 1980s sold up 7 million copies worldwide, with one of the most iconic images of Boy George on the cover shot by photographer David Levine. The album Colour by Numbers would spawn more hits including "Miss Me Blind" (#5 US), "It's a Miracle" (#4 UK, No. 13 US), and "Victims" (#3 UK), and sold four million copies in the US and another five million worldwide at its time of release. The album gave Culture Club the distinction of being the first group in music history to have an album certified diamond in Canada (for sales of one million copies in that country). The band also won the 1984 Brit Award for Best Group and the Grammy Award for Best New Artist, where George gave a speech via satellite stating, "Thanks America, you've got style, you've got taste, and you know a good drag queen when you see one." The group's back-up singer, Helen Terry, began work on her solo album, for which George and Hay wrote the song "Love Lies Lost". The pair also wrote "Passing Friend" for the Beach Boys' album. Culture Club wrote two songs for the soundtrack to the movie Electric Dreams. George and Hay wrote "The Dream" and "Love Is Love", with the latter being released as a single in Canada and Japan, the E.P "Love is Love" became a major hit in Japan. George also collaborated on the song "Electric Dreams", sung by P. P. Arnold. The song was written with Phil Pickett (former member of the 1970s band Sailor) who had also co-written "Karma Chameleon" and frequently played keyboards for the group. Despite Culture Club's commercial success, there were significant pressures within the band. George was using drugs with money from his new-found fame. George and Moss were also romantically involved with each other, which was unknown to the public and the media at the time. Their relationship lasted for over four years and was often turbulent, with alleged physical and verbal abuse. Their constant arguments and the pressure to hide the relationship from the public started to take its toll on the band. Did the album sell many copies?
sold 1.5 million copies
What is a shorter version of this: german engineering giant siemens said tuesday it would pursue former directors for damages in an unprecedented action based on a claim they ignored widespread corruption revealed nearly two years ago . Summary:
siemens weighs legal action against former executives
Here is a premise: um-hum because women are in every field now i mean i can't think of a field that they're not involved in Here is a hypothesis: Women have jobs in all areas of the workforce, they are almost getting the same wages as most men, Is it possible to conclude that if the premise is true, then so is the hypothesis?
it is not possible to tell
Data: Jan Kudlička; World Youth Championships YEAR 2005; COMPETITION World Youth Championships What would a sentence about this data be like?
Jan Kudlička participated in 2005 World Youth Championships
What is a question about this article? If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable". The celebrated John Duns Scotus (d. 1308), a Friar Minor like Saint Bonaventure, argued, on the contrary, that from a rational point of view it was certainly as little derogatory to the merits of Christ to assert that Mary was by him preserved from all taint of sin, as to say that she first contracted it and then was delivered. Proposing a solution to the theological problem of reconciling the doctrine with that of universal redemption in Christ, he argued that Mary's immaculate conception did not remove her from redemption by Christ; rather it was the result of a more perfect redemption granted her because of her special role in salvation history. What did St. Bonaventure argue?
Here is some data: 1036 Ganymed, discoverer, Walter Baade; Walter Baade, deathPlace, West Germany; Walter Baade, almaMater, University of Göttingen. Write a sentence that describes this data
Walter Baade, a graduate from University of Gottingen, discovered 1036 Ganymed, and died in West Germany.
A property manager discovered four people dead in the basement of an upstate New York home Tuesday, authorities said. Cops received a call of several unconscious people in a Troy apartment building at around 12:50 p.m., Troy Police Capt. Daniel DeWolf said, according to the Albany Times Union. Police are investigating a homicide scene in Troy, N.Y. (Lori Van Buren/AP) "It's horrible. Terrible. Sad — sad especially at this time of year," the captain said. "We're going to do everything we can to look into this and get to the bottom of what happened here." Officers cordoned off the area around the Troy home, a white house with a bay window in the front and rows of windows, according to The Associated Press. (Lori Van Buren/AP) DeWolf added that the deaths "appear suspicious" and are being investigated as homicides. No arrests have been made and the victims' identities have not been released. Officers cornered off the area of the home in the Lansingburgh neighborhood, which is along the Hudson River. Troy has a population of about 50,000 people and is at least 6 miles away from Albany. Sign up for BREAKING NEWS Emails privacy policy Thanks for subscribing! With ELIZABETH ELIZALDE, News Wire Services ||||| TROY — A property manager discovered four slain people Tuesday afternoon inside a basement apartment at 158 Second Ave., city officials said. Troy Police Capt. Daniel DeWolf said authorities received a call reporting several people appeared to be unconscious in the Troy apartment building at about 12:50 p.m. DeWolf would not divulge information about the identities or ages of the victims. Police are treating the deaths as homicides. "It's certainly suspicious," DeWolf said. He didn't know how long the bodies had been there before being found, and he wouldn't say if any weapons were found at the scene. "Unfortunately, it's horrible, terrible, sad ... especially at this time of year," he said. The deaths happened in the city's Lansingburgh neighborhood, which runs along the Hudson River overlooking the housing developments that have risen in Cohoes. Residents said the neighborhood is mostly quiet. Shakeria Jones, who lives around the corner, believes the victim could be her friend. "She lives in the basement apartment," said Jones. "I've been calling her all day. She always answers but she hasn't. I'm worried it's her. I hope it's not her." Jones also said that her friend didn't have issues with anyone. "If it is her, I don't know who could have done it," she said. Another neighbor said the basement apartment was most recently home to a woman, her two children, ages 8 and 11, and her partner. They said they were praying that the family was unharmed. Jason Fenton, who has lived across the street from 158 Second Ave. for 18 years, said that the building has four or five apartments. While he doesn't know the residents, he knows several children lived there. He also said there were a lot of parties going on there this past summer. "They seem to like to have fun," Fenton said. But Tuesday's discovery has him scared. "It's horrible," he said. "I hope they find the person." Another resident who lives in an apartment building across the street and declined to be identified, said police arrived without sirens on Tuesday. Officers used police tape to cordon off the area around 158 Second Ave. and closed the street in both directions from 102nd to 103rd street. Now Playing: State Police sent criminal investigators, evidence technicians and computer crime specialists to help city police. Rensselaer County District Attorney Joel Abelove also was at the scene. No arrests have been made. More information was not available as investigators continued to comb the scene Tuesday evening. Police have reached out to family members of the victims, DeWolf said. "Things are unfolding right now," State Police Lt. Rob Appleton of Troop G Bureau of Criminal Investigation said. Anyone with information is asked to call Troy police. ||||| What is a one-paragraph summary of the above article?
– Police in the upstate New York city of Troy say quadruple murder is suspected after a "horrible" find in a basement apartment. Troy Police Capt. Daniel DeWolf says the bodies of four people were found by a property manager around 1pm Tuesday. Police have not disclosed the identities of the victims or said what caused them to classify the deaths as homicides. A neighbor tells the Times Union that the apartment was most recently home to a woman, her two children, ages 8 and 11, and her partner. It's "terrible. Sad—sad especially at this time of year," DeWolf says, per the New York Daily News. "We're going to do everything we can to look into this and get to the bottom of what happened here."
Review: for the uninitiated plays better on video with the sound Is this movie review sentence negative or positive? Options are: - negative - positive The answer is:
Not at all impressed...our server was not very happy to be was very sub-par and it was way to crowded. Not the good kind I crowded where you feel like "wow this is great it must be busy because the food is so great.." But the type of crowded where you feel a fight may break out. Also, if the chocolate fountain is their golden gem...why is it ok for people to dip the strawberry,lick off the chocolate and re dip it right then and there...absolutely disgusting! I Waited almost 10 minutes to dip...saw that and was immediately turned away...just saying...Never again! Choose: was this review given positively or negatively? Select from the following. [I] negative; [II] positive;
Write highlights for this article: By. Associated Press. PUBLISHED:. 14:11 EST, 25 October 2013. |. UPDATED:. 15:36 EST, 25 October 2013. The bishop of the Fargo Catholic Diocese in North Dakota has exposed potentially hundreds of church members in Fargo, Grand Forks and Jamestown to the hepatitis A virus in late September and early October. The state Health Department has issued an advisory of exposure for anyone who attended five churches and took communion. Bishop John Folda (pictured) of the Fargo Catholic Diocese in North Dakota has exposed potentially hundreds of church members in Fargo, Grand Forks and Jamestown to the hepatitis A. State Immunization Program Manager Molly Howell says the risk is low, but officials feel it's important to alert people to the possible exposure. The diocese announced on Monday that Bishop John Folda is taking time off after being diagnosed with hepatitis A. The diocese says he contracted the infection through contaminated food while attending a conference for newly ordained bishops in Italy last month. Symptoms of hepatitis A include fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea and abdominal discomfort. Fargo Catholic Diocese in North Dakota (pictured) is where the bishop is located. Highlights:
Bishop John Folda, of North Dakota, is taking time off after being diagnosed. He contracted the infection through contaminated food in Italy. Church members in Fargo, Grand Forks and Jamestown could have been exposed.
Teoriassa selviydymme hyvin, jos jokainen pitää silmällä puheaikansa pituutta. Translate to English English:
In theory, if everyone observes their speaking time we shall be fine.
Question: who is the girl in more than you know?? Answer:
Romi Van Renterghem.
Albania's flour mill industry was one of the most successful businesses in the country during 2004, according to official data. Translate to Turkish Turkish:
Resmi verilere göre, Arnavutluk'un un değirmeni sanayii 2004 yılında ülkenin en başarılı işletmelerinden biri oldu.
Single/multi-select question: Does the sentence "The managing director of London Weekend Television (LWT), Greg Dyke, met with the representatives of the "big five" football clubs in England in 1990." provide a valid answer to the question "Who was the London Weekend Television's managing director?" Options: [1]. yes; [2]. no;
when does game over man come out on netflix??
March 23, 2018
Is the sentiment of the following sentence positive or negative? , this cross-cultural soap opera is painfully formulaic and stilted .
Joey Heindle (born 14 May 1993 in Munich) is a German singer. He is best known for winning the seventh season of the game show Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus! and finishing in 5th place in season 9 of Deutschland sucht den Superstar, despite universally negative reviews from the jury each week. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Joey Heindle was highly disliked by people on television."?
Premise: The Clinton surrogates also held the high ground in the context war. Hypothesis: The Clinton followers kept to the higher ground in the discussion. Is the hypothesis entailed by the premise?
Answer a question about this article: The Tucson metro area is served by many local television stations and is the 68th largest designated market area (DMA) in the U.S. with 433,310 homes (0.39% of the total U.S.). It is limited to the three counties of southeastern Arizona (Pima, Santa Cruz, and Cochise) The major television networks serving Tucson are: KVOA 4 (NBC), KGUN 9 (ABC), KMSB-TV 11 (Fox), KOLD-TV 13 (CBS), KTTU 18 (My Network TV) and KWBA 58 (The CW). KUAT-TV 6 is a PBS affiliate run by the University of Arizona (as is sister station KUAS 27). What is Tucson's Fox station?
Here is a question about this article: Situated on one of the world's largest natural harbors, New York City consists of five boroughs, each of which is a separate county of New York State. The five boroughs – Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island – were consolidated into a single city in 1898. With a census-estimated 2014 population of 8,491,079 distributed over a land area of just 305 square miles (790 km2), New York is the most densely populated major city in the United States. As many as 800 languages are spoken in New York, making it the most linguistically diverse city in the world. By 2014 census estimates, the New York City metropolitan region remains by a significant margin the most populous in the United States, as defined by both the Metropolitan Statistical Area (20.1 million residents) and the Combined Statistical Area (23.6 million residents). In 2013, the MSA produced a gross metropolitan product (GMP) of nearly US$1.39 trillion, while in 2012, the CSA generated a GMP of over US$1.55 trillion, both ranking first nationally by a wide margin and behind the GDP of only twelve and eleven countries, respectively. What is the answer to this question: What is the size of New York City in square miles?
Translate to German: It was designed by the Viennese architect Ruppelmeyer. In that year the Bulgarian Prince Alexander Battenberg accepted as a present from the Council of senior clergy at the Greek Bishopric the ... German:
The Ethnographical museum in Varna is in a house built about 1860 as well as in an annex which is harmoniously connected with the old building located in 22 Panaguyrishte Street.
Concepts: city, country, live Write a sentence that includes all these words.
country living just minutes from city and minutes .
* excludes certain tlds and recently renewed domains Please write the text above using proper case.
* Excludes certain TLDs and recently renewed domains
A young girl is sitting on Santa's lap. A little girl is sitting on Santa's lap Rate the textual similarity of these two sentences on a scale from 0 to 5, where 0 is "no meaning overlap" and 5 is "means the same thing".
Data: name = Fitzbillies, eatType = coffee shop, food = French, priceRange = £20-25, customer rating = 3 out of 5. Can you generate a sentence about this data?
There is a coffee shop called Fitzbillies that serves French food with a price range of £20-25. It has a customer rating of 3 out of 5 and kids are prohibited.
* excludes certain tlds and recently renewed domains Please write the text above using proper case.
* Excludes certain TLDs and recently renewed domains
Premise: In recognition of these tensions, LSC has worked diligently since 1995 to convey the expectations of the State Planning Initiative and to establish meaningful partnerships with stakeholders aimed at fostering a new symbiosis between the federal provider and recipients of legal services funding. Hypothesis: Meaningful partnerships with stakeholders is crucial. Does the premise entail the hypothesis? Options are: * yes. * it is not possible to tell. * no.
it is not possible to tell
Answer based on context: As of the census of 2000, there were 120,546 people, 41,668 households, and 32,292 families residing in the county. The population density was 262 people per square mile (101/km²). There were 43,903 housing units at an average density of 95 per square mile (37/km²). The racial makeup of the county was 68.51% Race (United States Census), 26.06% Race (United States Census) or Race (United States Census), 0.75% Race (United States Census), 1.82% Race (United States Census), 0.06% Race (United States Census), 0.72% from Race (United States Census), and 2.08% from two or more races. 2.26% of the population were Race (United States Census) or Race (United States Census) of any race. 11.6% were of german people, 10.8% irish people, 10.2% english people, 9.3% American and 5.3% italian people ancestry. How many more people are there than families?
After years of study, the Vatican's doctrinal congregation has sent church leaders a confidential document concluding that "sex-change" procedures do not change a person's gender in the eyes of the church. Question with options: Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Sex-change operations become more common."? Possible answers: (I) yes; (II) no;
Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: The Golden Palace eatType coffee shop; The Golden Palace food French; The Golden Palace customer rating low; The Golden Palace area riverside
The Golden Palace coffee shop in riverside serves French food. Prices start at £30, and customer Rating is low.
Choose your answer: Is "21.4% in 2012 declared themselves as unchurched i.e. not affiliated with any church or other religious body (Agnostic, Atheist, or just not related to any official religion)." a good answer to the question "What percentage of Swiss people claimed no church affiliation in 2012?" Select from the following. [+] yes; [+] no;
Does the sentence "In the Iron Age" answer the question "The period of time from 1200 to 1000 BCE is known as what?"
Not at all impressed...our server was not very happy to be was very sub-par and it was way to crowded. Not the good kind I crowded where you feel like "wow this is great it must be busy because the food is so great.." But the type of crowded where you feel a fight may break out. Also, if the chocolate fountain is their golden gem...why is it ok for people to dip the strawberry,lick off the chocolate and re dip it right then and there...absolutely disgusting! I Waited almost 10 minutes to dip...saw that and was immediately turned away...just saying...Never again! Was this review given positively or negatively?
When its deleted by Symantec Client Management Suite the infected DLL file would be removed too Please fix the punctuation.
When it's deleted by Symantec Client Management Suite, the infected DLL file would be removed too.
Fleetwood are the only team still to have a 100% record in Sky Bet League One as a 2-0 win over Scunthorpe sent Graham Alexander’s men top of the table. The Cod Army are playing in the third tier for the first time in their history after six promotions in nine years and their remarkable ascent shows no sign of slowing with Jamie Proctor and Gareth Evans scoring the goals at Glanford Park. Fleetwood were one of five teams to have won two out of two but the other four clubs - Peterborough, Bristol City, Chesterfield and Crawley - all hit their first stumbling blocks. Posh were defeated 2-1 by Sheffield United, who had lost both of their opening contests. Jose Baxter’s opener gave the Blades a first-half lead, and although it was later cancelled out by Shaun Brisley’s goal, Ben Davies snatched a winner six minutes from time. In the lead: Jose Baxter (right) celebrates opening the scoring for Sheffield United. Up for the battle: Sheffield United's Michael Doyle (left) challenges Peterborough's Kyle Vassell in a keenly-contested clash. Bristol City, who beat Nigel Clough’s men on the opening day, were held to a goalless draw by last season's play-off finalists Leyton Orient while Chesterfield, the League Two champions, were beaten 1-0 by MK Dons, who play Manchester United in the Capital One Cup in seven days’ time. Arsenal loanee Benik Afobe scored the only goal of the game just after the break. Meanwhile, Crawley lost their unbeaten status, while Bradford maintained theirs, thanks to a 3-1 win for the Bantams. James Hanson became the first player to score against Crawley this season after 49 minutes before Joe Walsh equalised five minutes later. Heads up: Bristol City's Korey Smith (left) and Leyton Orient's Lloyd James go up for a header. But strikes from Billy Knott and Mason Bennett sealed an impressive away win Phil Parkinson's men. Bradford are now second behind Fleetwood after Doncaster’s stoppage-time equaliser meant Preston, for whom Joe Garner signed a new contract earlier on Tuesday, were held to a 1-1 draw which slipped them down the table. Chris Humphrey looked to have secured the points for the Lilywhites but Nathan Tyson struck a last-gasp leveller. Stand-in striker Matt Done scored a hat-trick for Rochdale in the evening’s high-scoring affair as Crewe were hammered 5-2. Marcus Haber marked his full Railwaymen debut with a brace but Done’s treble and goals from Ian Henderson and Peter Vincenti helped Keith Hill’s men to a big away victory. There were plenty of goals between Coventry and Barnsley too in a 2-2 draw with all four goals coming in the first half. Josh McQuoid and Jordan Clarke twice gave the Sky Blues the lead, but the Tykes earned a point thanks to strikes from Conor Hourihane and Leroy Lita. Notts County recorded a 2-1 home win over Colchester with Ronan Murray and Liam Noble on target. Freddie Sears replied for Colchester. James Wilson's second half equaliser earned Oldham a points against Port Vale after Tom Pope's opener and Yeovil claimed a 2-1 away victory at Walsall with Kevin Dawson striking a late winner. Tom Bradshaw had equalised after veteran James Hayter gave the Glovers the lead. Finally, Swindon held Gillingham to a 2-2 draw thanks to Stephen Bywater’s last-minute own goal. Danny Kedwell and Kortney Hause twice gave the Gills the lead but Andy Williams pulled Swindon level before Bywater dropped Raphael Branco's cross into his own net. Summarize the highlights of this article.
Fleetwood top of League One after 2-0 win at Scunthorpe. Peterborough, Bristol City, Chesterfield and Crawley all drop first points of the season. Stand-in striker Matt Done scores a hat-trick as Rochdale thrash Crewe 5-2. Wins for Notts County and Yeovil. Coventry/Bradford and Oldham/Port Vale both end in draws. A late Stephen Bywater own goal denies Gillingham three points against Millwall.
Keywords: rise, sky, tower What is a sentence that includes all these keywords?
clock tower rises into the sky at dusk
Summarize the following: Your foal will be more comfortable being weaned in an environment that it is familiar with. About 3 to 4 days before you wean your foal, move it and its mother into a large pen. Keep them in this pen as much as possible, only moving them inside to sleep if need be. It’s best to wean 2 or more foals at the same time, so the foals can keep each other company as they are weaned. Remove 1 mare from its foal at a time, waiting at least 1 day before removing the next mare. This will prevent your foals from panicking at the same time and stressing each other further. Once the foal has adjusted to the pen, lead its mother to a new pen or stable far away. Make sure that they cannot hear or see each other, otherwise, the foal will attempt to find its mother and may end up hurting itself. It may help to feed your foal with some hay or creep feed while you move its mother to a different pen. This will keep it distracted and may stop it from panicking as much once it realises it is being weaned. Each foal will respond to being weaned differently. Some may panic for only a few minutes, where others may take up to a day to calm down. Watch your foal to make sure it cannot escape from the pen or hurt itself on the fence. Feed it as you normally would and allow it to calm down naturally before introducing its companion to the pen. Check the edge of the fence for loose nails or anything else that could hurt your foal before weaning it. It will likely spend a lot of time near the edges of the pen trying to find its mother. Once the mother and foal have been separated from each other, it will take around 1 month for the mother to stop lactating and the foal to adjust to being on its own. Give both horses plenty of time to adjust to their new living style before reintroducing them. If you bring the mother and the foal back together before the foal has been properly weaned, you’ll just need to wean them again. Make sure the mother has stopped lactating and the foal has adjusted to being apart from its mother before reintroducing them. Summary:
Leave your mare and foal in a field for 3 to 4 days. Take the mare out of sight and earshot of the foal. Give the foal time to calm down before introducing its friend or nanny. Keep the mare and foal separate for around 1 month.
I wish I would have read Megan P's review before I decided to cancel my dinner reservations because I was offered a COMP dinner at Beso. Two of my girlfriends and I were walking around Fashion Show Mall as a promoter approaches us to ask if we'd like to go to Eve Nightclub that night. We wanted to go to Haze and XS so we declined. The promoter (by the way - his name is ANDRE) offers us a comp dinner at Beso Eva Longoria's restaurant at Crystals Mall. I guess what's the catch right? Is there a comp limit and we have to pay after we hit the limit? No, it's a set dinner. He sets everything up and promises he'll even walk us into Haze and XS afterwards (which I actually believed). Here's a review for ANDRE: He tells you to call him when you're at the restaurant to get you seated. Well - he doesn't even pick up or return text messages. Basically, I never even see him again since he approached us at Fashion Show Mall. He never came to give us our bottle of campagne that he promised either. AND he never shows up to walk us into Haze or set us up for XS. On top of that, he gave my number to other promoters (for LAVO) without letting me know. I guess these promoters get paid by the number of girls they can pull but I've definitely dealt with more reliable promoters that actually keep their word. Here's a review for the MEAL: We had a party of 9 girls. We ordered cocktails ($15) and $4 (soda/iced tea/etc). I ordered the Ginger Cosmo and I'd say I'd definitely not order that off the menu again. (It was highly recommended by our waitress by the way!) I didn't think any of the drinks were that great as I sipped my friend's drinks. The meal included the following: (Keep in mind 9 GIRLS!!!) 1. 3 TINY portions of guac and chips. Guac was OK but I've had better and I felt like the chips were a little stale. 2. 2 plates of caesar salad. I mean you can't really go wrong with caesar salad but I don't think the lettuce was very fresh. 3. 2 plates of steak and potatoes. The portion on each plate was enough to probably feed 1 person so imagine 4 to 5 girls sharing the portion for 1 person. I mean yes it's Vegas and we want to look good in our dresses but we also want to eat so we don't get wasted. Yes, the steak was good - the whole 4 bites that I ate! It's literally 1 slice per person as it's 5 pieces pre-cut. I'm sure this meal would have been better if we actually paid to dine at Beso but to be honest promoters should just tell people that it's a comp taste sampling and to come eaten! I was on my phone yelping the nearest fast food restaurant for us to eat more but this comp meal only takes reservations 9/9:30/10 (they just want you to go to Eve Club even if you don't want to) so it doesn't really allow time to eat meal #2 before trying to get into a club the promoter promised to walk you right in but goes MIA. I definitely would have rather paid to eat elsewhere and I will probably never step foot into Beso again. You win this time but I hope I win in the long run with this yelp review. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? Choose from: [i] negative. [ii] positive.
Write a subject line for this message: Please note the change in location for tomorrow's meeting. EB4102 is undergoing construction for several months. Ops Committee Meeting Friday, 10/5 1:30 - 2:30 PM EB30C2 - OMA 3C1 Thanks.
CMS/CRS Ops Committee Mtg, 10/5
Here are two sentences: Less than 20 percent of Boise 's sales would come from making lumber and paper after the OfficeMax purchase is completed . Less than 20 percent of Boise 's sales would come from making lumber and paper after the OfficeMax purchase is complete , assuming those businesses aren 't sold . Are the two sentences saying the same thing?
Russian Aleksandr Andreevich Panin has been sentenced to nine-and-a-half years in jail. His accomplice, Algerian Hamza Bendelladj, will serve 15 years. They created the SpyEye virus package that is believed to have infected more than 50 million computers. The sophisticated malware could steal sensitive data or let hackers use infected machines to send spam. The pair used SpyEye themselves but also offered it as a malware "kit" to anyone willing to pay for it, said the US Department of Justice (DoJ). The most sophisticated version of SpyEye cost about $10,000. Once large numbers of PCs were infected with SpyEye, the pair ran tools that siphoned off cash and also helped the malware spread further. Cleaning up the damage caused by SpyEye from 2010 to 2012 is believed to have cost banks around the world more than $1bn, said the DoJ. "It is difficult to overstate the significance of this case, not only in terms of bringing two prolific computer hackers to justice, but also in disrupting and preventing immeasurable financial losses to individuals and the financial industry around the world," said US attorney John Horn in a statement. "The sentences that were imposed reflect the magnitude of the harm," said Mr Horn. Panin, known as "Gribodemon" and "Harderman" online, pleaded guilty to bank and wire fraud charges in January 2014 after reaching a deal with prosecutors. "I want everyone in this courtroom to understand my actions were inexcusable and inexplicable," said Panin at the sentencing hearing. Panin was arrested in 2013 as he passed through Atlanta, Georgia on an international flight. Bendelladj, known as Bx1 online, also pleaded guilty but has not reached a deal with prosecutors. His lawyer said he planned to appeal. Bendelladj was arrested in Bangkok, Thailand in early 2013 while changing planes and was extradited to the US shortly afterwards. Tackling SpyEye helped law enforcement officers shut down a notorious malware marketplace called, said prosecutor Steven Grimberg. Panin and Bendelladj were "legends" in the criminal underworld, said Mr Grimberg, adding that the sentences would send a message to other cybercriminals. What is a summary of this text?
Computer hackers who created malware that stole about $100m (£70m) have been given long jail sentences in the US.
Produce a sentence which mentions all of these concepts: bow, celebrity, take
celebrity takes a bow during curtain call following her debut performance .
Translate from English to Spanish: Therefore, there is a destiny of happiness, of full union with God, which leads to the faithfulness with which we are united with Jesus Christ on our earthly journey.
Por tanto, hay un destino de felicidad, de unión plena con Dios, que sigue a la fidelidad con la hemos quedado unidos a Jesucristo en nuestro camino terreno.
Read this and answer the question. If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable". The difference in the above factors for the case of θ=0 is the reason that most broadcasting (transmissions intended for the public) uses vertical polarization. For receivers near the ground, horizontally polarized transmissions suffer cancellation. For best reception the receiving antennas for these signals are likewise vertically polarized. In some applications where the receiving antenna must work in any position, as in mobile phones, the base station antennas use mixed polarization, such as linear polarization at an angle (with both vertical and horizontal components) or circular polarization. What is one use that would require an antenna to receive signals in various ways at once?
mobile phones
Here is a premise: um-hum because women are in every field now i mean i can't think of a field that they're not involved in Here is a hypothesis: Women have jobs in all areas of the workforce, they are almost getting the same wages as most men, Is it possible to conclude that if the premise is true, then so is the hypothesis?
it is not possible to tell
Summarize: Any food scraps or stains need to be removed prior to storage as these tend to attract insects as their own food source. Also remove dirt, smudges and any other source of stains. The safest method for cleaning a quilt is vacuuming, followed by airing, then washing. Each approach is discussed in the following steps. The best vacuum is a hand-held one, such as a dust buster. Alternatively, use the upholstery nozzle of a standard household vacuum cleaner, covered with muslin/cheesecloth or similar light fabric. Set the vacuum to the lowest level and sweep it back and forth across the quilt to collect loose fluff, debris and dirt. Check that the quilt looks okay before deciding whether anything further is needed before storage. If the quilt is antique, place a nylon or fiberglass screen across the quilt before vacuuming; this will protect the fibers from the strong suction. If the only noticeable problem with the quilt is that it smells musty or unpleasant, airing might be the answer. To air the quilt: Wait for a dry day without too much wind. Find a suitable shady spot outside. The spot should be fairly clean, such as concrete, nice grass or fresh new leaves, etc. Don't choose a spot where there is a lot of dust liable to blow over the quilt. Throw a large cotton sheet across the ground. This will keep the quilt separate from the surface, preventing any potential stains. Lay the quilt over the sheet, taking care not to overlap at the edges. Alternatively, a quilt that is in good, strong condition can be laid over a clothesline. If so, throw the base sheet over several of the lines of the clothesline (as if you were laying the table), then drape the quilt across the sheet, over the several lines. This method will probably use up all of the clothesline, so avoid doing it on a usual washing day. Avoid pinning the quilt to the clothesline as usually done for drying clothing, as this will stretch the stitches and fibers too much. This requires full knowledge on your behalf of what can happen to the quilt, and given that quilts are made from varying materials, this can be hard to know sometimes. Issues that you might encounter include dyes running, fabric shrinkage, stretched stitches and fibers due to the heaviness of being wet and pummeling by the washing process itself. To know whether or not it's okay to wash the quilt, answer the following questions: Do you know the age of the quilt? A more recent quilt may be less impacted by a wash than an older one. What condition is the quilt in? If it's already falling apart, washing is not really an option. However, it is possible to baste fraying edges with tulle, organza or netting before washing, provided you're up for the extra effort. Have you tested the fabric dyes in the quilt? This is easier done if you made the quilt as you'll likely have swatches of the fabric pieces used. If it's an heirloom quilt, and the person who made it is still alive, ask this person whether the fabrics are dye-fast. If neither is possible, test by dampening a back or non-obvious section of each fabric pieces and blot with a white face washer or other cloth. If the dye comes off on the blotter, you'll know it's going to run during a wash. Even if it doesn't come off on the blotter, try this test again with a little detergent this time; if the dye shows, the fabric will run when detergent is added. If both tests show no dye, it's safe to wash. Has the quilt been washed before? If so, you'll already know how it stood up to a wash. Is the quilt strong or fragile? Only strong quilts should be washed. If you've answered the above questions to your satisfaction, consider washing by hand. Machine washing is really only suitable for very strong quilts (or those cheap ones made in China that you intend to only hang on to for a short time). The bathtub is the best place as it's big and there's plenty of room to maneuver. Ideally, you will need a helper to wash and lift the wet quilt. Fill the bath about 8 inches/20cm with lukewarm/tepid water. (If your local water is hard, consider using distilled water or rainwater from the tank, heated in a kettle or saucepan.) Lower a large sheet into the bath first. This acts as a "sling" for the quilt. Gently lower the quilt onto the sheet. Press gently across the quilt. Swish the water around gently, but not the quilt; keep it steady. If using a detergent, make sure it is suitable for the quilt. Ask at a local quilt retailer or society for advice on a suitable detergent. A wool wash will usually be okay if you can't find a specialized detergent but dilute it before adding it to the bathwater. Drain the water, taking care to keep the quilt away from the drain suction. Refill with lukewarm water for a rinse cycle. Gently agitate, drain again. Do this about 4 to 6 times until you feel the quilt has been cleaned adequately and the detergent is off the quilt. Drain one last time. Pat the quilt with large dry and clean towels. These will start to absorb leftover water from the quilt. Lift the quilt out of the bath by holding the corners of the sheet it is sitting on. Carry it outside to dry (see Airing above, although you may wish to substitute a blanket for a sheet on the ground). This really needs to be done with a helper, to prevent a mishap (and wet quilts tend to be heavy). When drying, place right side down to keep this as clean as possible. Allow to dry completely. It should not be stored until it is completely dry, to avoid the possibility of mildew growth. This is riskier than washing by hand but may be suitable for a strong, modern quilt that you know won't run when washed. It's also a fairly painful process because you can't just shove the quilt in and walk away. Here is what to do: Check that the quilt will fit. Many times they won't and it's no good pushing it in so tightly that it'll break the washing machine. Use the delicate washing cycle only. Use wool wash for the detergent, or a suitable quilt detergent. Check the progress of the washing every half a minute. Stop the washing after 3 minutes. Use a short rinse cycle. If you have a gentle spin dry, use this. Remove the quilt from the washing machine. Dry as for Airing above. These aren't just old, they're usually very delicate and they've suffered their fair share of wear and tear. The fibers and colors of such quilts are likely to have been exposed to light, moisture and acidic conditions over time and hence will have weakened. If the quilt seems too fragile to wash, call a local museum or textile conservator society to ask for their opinion. There will usually be someone in such a community organization who is willing to offer advice on the best cleaning options. Do not give an antique quilt to a dry cleaner unless a select service is recommended by a quilt society or textile conservator.
Ensure your quilt is clean before storing. Vacuum the quilt. Air the quilt. Wash the quilt. Wash the quilt in the bath. Wash by machine. Be very careful when cleaning antique quilts.
Write a sentence about the following things: deity, stain, window
stained glass window of deity
News article: If she scores this jaw-dropping book deal, Lena Dunham won't be just one of the "Girls" anymore. Bidding for Dunham's upcoming book skyrocketed to $3.6 million on Wednesday, according to's Mike Fleming. Fleming reports that this number could climb even higher: The numbers for the book of advice and anecdotes from the 26-year old creator of the HBO series Girls should go even higher as publishers see her as an influential creative voice for young women. She met yesterday with editors. Stay tuned. Dunham's literary agent Kim Witherspoon of InkWell Management is working on the deal, which should be finalized soon, according to Witherspoon is an ideal agent to contend for Dunham's deal, as she herself founded an agency at 26 years old and now represents the likes of Sophie Kinsella, Lionel Shriver and Anthony Bourdain, the New York Observer notes. Slate's David Haglund reported on Monday that Dunham's book deal had a set an "in-house floor of $1 Million” for U.S. rights to the book. Dunham told the online magazine: “There is nothing gutsier to me than a person announcing that their story is one that deserves to be told, especially if that person is a woman.” Dunham's book, tentatively titled "Not That Kind of Girl: Advice by Lena Dunham," is a collection of essays with an advice motif. "In the intro, Dunham is self-deprecating about the idea that she has any wisdom to share, but says that if the book can help anyone avoid some of the mistakes she’s made it will be worth it," according to Slate. The proposal says the work will include candid accounts of "losing her virginity, trying to eat well (detailed diet journal included), obsessing about death, and so on, along with tips about how to stay focused on work, how not to ruin a potential relationship, and what have you." Dunham's potential multi-million dollar deal is certainly impressive addition to her list of accomplishments. The 26-year-old filmmaker and actress has written for The New Yorker and Rookie. Her feature-length film "Tiny Furniture" won Best Narrative Feature at the 2010 South by Southwest festival. ||||| Lena Dunham’s proposal for the book Not That Kind Of Girl reached $3.6 million last night. Her lit agent Kim Witherspoon from InkWell Management is working the deal, and it should be finalized soon. The numbers for the book of advice and anecdotes from the UTA-repped 26-year old creator of the HBO series Girls should go even higher as publishers see her as an influential creative voice for young women. She met yesterday with editors. Stay tuned. Get Deadline news and alerts sent to your inbox. ||||| The Girls creator and star Lena Dunham had the honor of attending Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit earlier this week and in an interview with CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, she revealed some details about what is to come for her hit HBO series. Dunham has come into the spotlight incredibly fast since Girls premiered last April. Having been nominated for multiple prestigious Emmys, it is hard to believe that the show even has critics. But O’Brien pointed out in their interview, of which Fortune has the whole transcript, that some critics have found the show elitist for following four white girls. “In the second season there are a multitude of new characters who enter. Some are people of color, some are not, some are Caucasian, because I went to the actors who I wanted to work with,” Dunham said. “I don't care about satisfying the critics, but I care about satisfying my viewers. And I know I have viewers who are women of color who want to see themselves reflected on screen. So, that's what matters to me.” The Huffington Post reported last May that Donald Glover was seen on set filming for the second season of Girls, and it's speculated that it was because of the criticisms. Girls is expected to return in January 2013 on HBO. ||||| What is a shorter version of the above article?
– If you wanted proof that Lena Dunham qualifies for the "rising young star" label, has it: Bidding for her book proposal Not That Kind of Girl: Advice by Lena Dunham is at $3.6 million and counting, the site reports. The 26-year-old Dunham is the creator and star of HBO's well-received Girls, set in New York City, notes the Huffington Post. The Celebrity Cafe, meanwhile, has more details on the show and what's in store for season two, including more minority characters.
Background: Loaded (also known as Duff McKagan's Loaded) is an American rock band from Seattle, Washington, formed in 1999. Since 2001, the band's line-up has included vocalist and rhythm guitarist Duff McKagan (Velvet Revolver and Guns N' Roses), lead guitarist Mike Squires (formerly of Nevada Bachelors and Alien Crime Syndicate) and bassist Jeff Rouse (formerly of Alien Crime Syndicate, Sirens Sister, and Vendetta Red). Since 2009, Isaac Carpenter (formerly of Loudermilk, Gosling, and The Exies) has been the band's drummer, replacing Geoff Reading (formerly of New American Shame and Green Apple Quick Step). McKagan first formed Loaded to be his touring band in support of his unreleased solo album Beautiful Disease. Context: Duff McKagan was previously a member of Guns N' Roses from the mid-1980s to late 1990s. Guns N' Roses achieved international success, going on to sell over 100 million albums worldwide, but the strain between singer Axl Rose and the rest of the band led to a number of members leaving or being fired, with McKagan departing in 1997. McKagan moved back to Seattle, reforming previous group 10 Minute Warning, releasing one self-titled album on Sub Pop in 1998, before recording his second solo album Beautiful Disease the same year. Featuring collaborations with former Faith No More drummer Mike Bordin, former Black Flag singer Dez Cadena and his former Guns N' Roses band mates Slash and Izzy Stradlin, Beautiful Disease was scheduled to be released through Geffen in 1999. McKagan formed Loaded, initially as The Gentlemen, to be his band for the tour supporting the album. With McKagan performing lead vocals and bass duties, Loaded's line-up consisted of guitarists Dez Cadena and Michael Barragan as well as drummer Taz Bentley. McKagan began promoting the album; however, following the merger between Geffen and Interscope Records, he was dropped from the label and lost all commercial rights to release the record with only a few promo copies being leaked. Loaded continued to tour and released a live album, Episode 1999: Live, independently, which was recorded and mixed by Nick Raskulinecz. They re-recorded half of Beautiful Disease and received offers from four labels. However, they disbanded before the end of the year, with McKagan and Bentley becoming part of Izzy Stradlin's rhythm section for his tour of Japan supporting Ride On. Question: What did McKagan do after putting out the solo album? Answer:
recording his second solo album Beautiful Disease the same year.
Does the sentence "The managing director of London Weekend Television (LWT), Greg Dyke, met with the representatives of the "big five" football clubs in England in 1990." provide a valid answer to the question "Who was the London Weekend Television's managing director?"
Select from the following. +yes +no Does "In 2013, Nigeria introduced a policy regarding import duty on vehicles to encourage local manufacturing companies in the country." correctly answer the question of What is Nigeria's local vehicle manufacturer?
As of the 2010 United States Census, there were 42,040 people, 16,210 households, and 11,364 families residing in the county. The population density was . There were 18,133 housing units at an average density of . The racial makeup of the county was 94.7% white, 2.2% black or African American, 0.5% Asian, 0.2% American Indian, 0.5% from other races, and 1.9% from two or more races. Those of Hispanic or Latino origin made up 1.3% of the population. In terms of ancestry, 26.4% were Germans, 15.4% were Irish people, 12.0% were Americans, and 11.9% were English people. Answer this question based on the article: How many more people, in terms of percentage, were white compared to people from "other races" and Asian combined?
Furthermore principles for calculation of product specific emissions in the first 100 years after deposit as well as principles for incorporation of land use as an environmental impact category Could you correct the punctuation please?
Furthermore, principles for calculation of product specific emissions in the first 100 years after deposit as well as principles for incorporation of land use as an environmental impact category.
Premise: The Clinton surrogates also held the high ground in the context war. Hypothesis: The Clinton followers kept to the higher ground in the discussion. Is the hypothesis entailed by the premise? Available options: 1). yes. 2). it is not possible to tell. 3). no. And the answer is:
This is some data: Alhambra, owner, P&O (company); Alhambra, powerType, Humphrys, Tennant and Dykes; Humphrys, Tennant and Dykes, location, Deptford; Alhambra, builder, Samuda Brothers. Generate a detailed description of this data
The Alhambra was built by the Samuda Brothers and owned by P&O. It is powered by the Deptford located firm of Humphrys Tennant and Dykes.
I wish I would have read Megan P's review before I decided to cancel my dinner reservations because I was offered a COMP dinner at Beso. Two of my girlfriends and I were walking around Fashion Show Mall as a promoter approaches us to ask if we'd like to go to Eve Nightclub that night. We wanted to go to Haze and XS so we declined. The promoter (by the way - his name is ANDRE) offers us a comp dinner at Beso Eva Longoria's restaurant at Crystals Mall. I guess what's the catch right? Is there a comp limit and we have to pay after we hit the limit? No, it's a set dinner. He sets everything up and promises he'll even walk us into Haze and XS afterwards (which I actually believed). Here's a review for ANDRE: He tells you to call him when you're at the restaurant to get you seated. Well - he doesn't even pick up or return text messages. Basically, I never even see him again since he approached us at Fashion Show Mall. He never came to give us our bottle of campagne that he promised either. AND he never shows up to walk us into Haze or set us up for XS. On top of that, he gave my number to other promoters (for LAVO) without letting me know. I guess these promoters get paid by the number of girls they can pull but I've definitely dealt with more reliable promoters that actually keep their word. Here's a review for the MEAL: We had a party of 9 girls. We ordered cocktails ($15) and $4 (soda/iced tea/etc). I ordered the Ginger Cosmo and I'd say I'd definitely not order that off the menu again. (It was highly recommended by our waitress by the way!) I didn't think any of the drinks were that great as I sipped my friend's drinks. The meal included the following: (Keep in mind 9 GIRLS!!!) 1. 3 TINY portions of guac and chips. Guac was OK but I've had better and I felt like the chips were a little stale. 2. 2 plates of caesar salad. I mean you can't really go wrong with caesar salad but I don't think the lettuce was very fresh. 3. 2 plates of steak and potatoes. The portion on each plate was enough to probably feed 1 person so imagine 4 to 5 girls sharing the portion for 1 person. I mean yes it's Vegas and we want to look good in our dresses but we also want to eat so we don't get wasted. Yes, the steak was good - the whole 4 bites that I ate! It's literally 1 slice per person as it's 5 pieces pre-cut. I'm sure this meal would have been better if we actually paid to dine at Beso but to be honest promoters should just tell people that it's a comp taste sampling and to come eaten! I was on my phone yelping the nearest fast food restaurant for us to eat more but this comp meal only takes reservations 9/9:30/10 (they just want you to go to Eve Club even if you don't want to) so it doesn't really allow time to eat meal #2 before trying to get into a club the promoter promised to walk you right in but goes MIA. I definitely would have rather paid to eat elsewhere and I will probably never step foot into Beso again. You win this time but I hope I win in the long run with this yelp review. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment?
Here are some concepts: branch, create, table What is a sentence about these concepts?
create a coffee table or accent table with branches
Here are two sentences: The identical rovers will act as robotic geologists , searching for evidence of past water . The rovers act as robotic geologists , moving on six wheels . Do they have the same meaning? Choices: A). no; B). yes;
Add spaces: Riversofthelargestandmostfamous-theSeverskyDonets.Ingeneral,thestateofwaterresourcesfromthecategoryof"itcouldbeworse,"nodtotheindustrialecologyfield.Fish,surprisingly,isnotthewholeextinct,butthenumberhasdeclined.
Rivers of the largest and most famous - the Seversky Donets. In general, the state of water resources from the category of "it could be worse," nod to the industrial ecology field. Fish, surprisingly, is not the whole extinct, but the number has declined.