Mary is baking a cake . The recipe wants N_00 cups of flour . She already put in N_01 cups . How many cups does she need to add ?
N_00 - N_01
8.0 2.0
There are N_00 erasers and N_01 scissors in the drawer . Jason placed N_02 erasers in the drawer . How many erasers are now there in total ?
N_00 + N_02
139.0 118.0 131.0
One pencil weighs N_00 grams . How much do N_01 pencils weigh ?
N_00 * N_01
28.3 5.0
Zoe was unboxing some of her old winter clothes . She found N_00 boxes of clothing and inside each box there were N_01 scarves and N_02 mittens . How many pieces of winter clothing did Zoe have total ?
N_00 * ( N_01 + N_02 )
8.0 4.0 6.0
Keith grew N_00 cantelopes , Fred grew N_01 cantelopes , and Jason grew N_02 cantelopes . How many cantelopes did they grow in total ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
29.0 16.0 20.0
Ashley sold N_00 boxes of Samoas . How many cases of N_01 boxes , plus extra boxes does Ashley need ?
N_00 / N_00
12.0 12.0
Adam has N_00 blocks . Ann has with N_01 blocks . Ann finds another N_02 . How many blocks does Ann end with ?
N_01 + N_02
13.0 9.0 44.0
Katie picked N_00 tulips and N_01 roses to make flower bouquets . If she only used N_02 of the flowers though , how many extra flowers did Katie pick ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
3.0 9.0 10.0
Ezra drew a white line that was N_00 inches long . Then he drew a blue line that was N_01 inches long . How much longer was the white line than the blue line ?
N_00 - N_01
7.666666666666667 3.3333333333333335
Lisa flew N_00 miles at N_01 miles per hour . How long did Lisa fly ?
N_00 / N_01
256.0 32.0
There were N_00 friends playing a video game online when N_01 more players joined the game . If each player had N_02 lives , how many lives did they have total ?
N_02 * ( N_00 + N_00 )
2.0 2.0 8.0
Jerry was helping the cafeteria workers pick up lunch trays , but he could only carry N_00 trays at a time . If he had to pick up N_01 trays from one table and N_02 trays from another , how many trips will he make ?
( N_01 + N_02 ) / N_00
8.0 9.0 7.0
Kaleb was collecting cans for recycling . On Saturday he filled N_00 bags up and on Sunday he filled N_01 more bags . If each bag had N_02 cans in it , how many cans did he pick up total ?
N_00 * ( N_00 + N_01 )
4.0 6.0 4.0
The tallest player on the basketball team is N_00 inches tall . This is N_01 inches taller than the shortest player . How tall is the shortest player , in inches ?
N_00 - N_01
77.75 9.5
A restaurant served N_00 cakes during lunch and N_01 during dinner today . The restaurant served N_02 cakes yesterday . How many cakes were served in total ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
5.0 6.0 3.0
Nicole found an orange caterpillar and a green caterpillar in her backyard . The green caterpillar was N_00 inches long and the orange caterpillar was N_01 inches long . How much longer was the green caterpillar than the orange caterpillar ?
N_00 - N_01
3.0 1.1666666666666667
Sam had N_00 dimes in his bank . His dad gave him N_01 more dimes . How many dimes does Sam have now ?
N_00 + N_01
9.0 7.0
A recipe calls for N_00 cups of sugar . You find that you only have N_01 cups of sugar left . What fraction of the recipe can you make ?
N_01 / N_00
2.0 0.3333
Carol and her mom were picking carrots from their garden . Carol picked N_00 and her mother picked N_01 . If only N_02 of the carrots were good , how many bad carrots did they have ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
29.0 16.0 38.0
Mrs. Hilt and her sister drove to a concert N_00 miles away . They drove N_01 miles and then stopped for gas . Her sister put N_02 gallons of gas in the car . How many miles did they have left to drive ?
N_00 - N_01
78.0 32.0 28.0
John made N_00 dollars mowing lawns and N_01 dollars weed eating . If he only spent N_02 dollar a week , how long would the money last him ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_02
6.0 18.0 3.0
A study reported that in a random sampling of N_00 women over the age of N_01 , N_02 of the women were married N_03 or more times . Based on the study results , how many woman in a group of N_04 women over the age of N_05 would likely be married N_06 or more times ?
N_02 / N_00 * N_04
100.0 35.0 8.0 2.0 5000.0 35.0 2.0
Elizabeth went to the salon and had N_00 inch of hair cut off . The next day she went back and asked for another N_01 inch to be cut off . How much hair did she have cut off in all ?
N_00 + N_01
0.375 0.5
N_00 people are watching a movie in a theater . The theater has N_01 seats . How many seats are empty in the theater ?
N_01 - N_00
532.0 750.0
Roden went to a pet shop . He bought N_00 gold fish and N_01 blue fish . How many fish did he buy ?
N_00 + N_01
15.0 7.0
Sandy sold lemonade in her neighborhood . She got N_00 half - dollars on Saturday and N_01 half - dollars on Sunday . What amount of money did Sandy receive ?
N_00 * 0.5 + N_01 * 0.5
17.0 6.0
A chocolate chip cookie recipe calls for N_00 cups of chocolate chips . You want to make N_01 recipes for a bake sale . How many cups of chocolate chips will be needed to make all the cookie recipes ?
N_00 * N_01
2.0 23.0
Alyssa has N_00 blue balloons , Sandy has N_01 blue balloons , and Sally has N_02 blue balloons . How many blue balloons do they have in all ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
37.0 28.0 39.0
At the schools book fair Sam bought N_00 adventure books and N_01 mystery books . If N_02 of the books were used , how many new books did he buy ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
13.0 17.0 15.0
Fred has N_00 baseball cards . Keith bought N_01 of Fred 's baseball cards . How many baseball cards does Fred have now ?
N_00 - N_01
40.0 22.0
There are N_00 cards . N_01 cards more are added . How many are there total ?
N_00 + N_01
9.0 4.0
April 's discount flowers was having a sale where each rose was N_00 dollars . If April started with N_01 roses and had N_02 roses left , how much money did she earn ?
N_00 * ( N_01 - N_00 )
4.0 13.0 4.0
A garden has N_00 rows and N_01 columns of bean plans . How many plants are there in all ?
N_00 * N_01
52.0 15.0
Lino picked up N_00 shells at the seashore in the morning and N_01 shells in the afternoon . How many shells did he pick up in all ?
N_00 + N_01
292.0 324.0
N_00 birds were sitting in a tree . N_01 more birds flew up to the tree . How many birds were there altogether in the tree ?
N_00 + N_01
14.0 21.0
Zach scored N_00 points in the football game . Ben scored N_01 points . How many more points did Zach score ?
N_00 - N_01
42.0 21.0
N_00 students were sitting at each table in the lunchroom . There are N_01 tables . How many students were sitting in the lunchroom ?
N_00 * N_01
6.0 34.0
At Tom 's Restaurant a group with N_00 adults and N_01 children came in to eat . If each meal cost N_02 dollars , how much was the bill ?
N_02 * ( N_00 + N_01 )
2.0 5.0 8.0
Megan had N_00 files on her computer . She deleted N_01 of them and put the rest into folders with N_02 files in each one . How many folders did Megan end up with ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
93.0 21.0 8.0
Betty has N_00 oranges stored in boxes . If there are N_01 boxes , how many oranges must go in each box ?
N_00 / N_01
24.0 3.0
Students went to a concert in N_00 buses . Each bus took N_01 students . How many students went to the concert ?
N_00 * N_01
8.0 45.0
Alyssa has N_00 books . Nancy has N_01 times more books than Alyssa . How many books does Nancy have ?
N_00 * N_01
36.0 7.0
Joe has N_00 oranges that must be put away in boxes . Daniel comes to help and brings N_01 cookies to share with Joe . If there are N_02 boxes , how many oranges must go in each box ?
N_00 / N_02
45.0 16.0 9.0
Patricia starts with N_00 candies . Albert takes N_01 away . How many candies does Patricia end with ?
N_00 - N_01
76.0 5.0
Joyce has N_00 eggs . Marie gives Joyce N_01 more . Later , Joyce buys N_02 erasers at the store . How many eggs does Joyce have in all ?
N_00 + N_01
8.0 6.0 13.0
Tammy drove N_00 miles in one hour . At that rate , how far can she drive in N_01 hours ?
N_00 * N_01
55.0 36.0
Emily collected eggs from the hen and put them into N_00 baskets . She put N_01 eggs into each basket . How many eggs did Emily collect ?
N_00 * N_01
303.0 28.0
Edward and his friend were buying trick decks from the magic shop for N_00 dollars each . How much did they spend if Edward bought N_01 decks and his friend bought N_02 decks ?
N_00 * ( N_01 + N_01 )
9.0 4.0 4.0
Nancy was organizing her book case making sure each of the shelves had exactly N_00 books on it . If she had N_01 shelves of mystery books and N_02 shelves of picture books , how many books did she have total ?
N_00 * ( N_00 + N_01 )
6.0 2.0 6.0
Jane ’ s dad brought home N_00 marble potatoes . If Jane ’ s mom made potato salad for lunch and served an equal amount of potatoes to Jane , herself and her husband , how many potatoes did each of them have ?
N_00 / 3.0
Mr. Guzman bought N_00 doughnuts packed equally into N_01 boxes . How many doughnuts were in each box ?
N_00 / N_01
48.0 4.0
A group of N_00 friends went into a restaurant . The chef already had N_01 chicken wings cooked but cooked N_02 more for the group . If they each got the same amount how many would each person get ?
( N_01 + N_02 ) / N_00
4.0 9.0 7.0
At the arcade Victor won N_00 tickets . If he spent N_01 tickets on a beanie and later won N_02 more tickets , how many would he have ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
46.0 27.0 39.0
Sally grew N_00 turnips and N_01 pumpkins . Mary grew N_02 turnips . How many turnips did they grow in total ?
N_00 + N_02
113.0 118.0 129.0
A store had N_00 oranges in a bin . If they threw away N_01 of the old ones and put N_02 new ones in the bin how many would be in the bin ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
31.0 9.0 38.0
Logan recorded the snowfall every day during a snowstorm . He recorded N_00 centimeter on Wednesday , N_01 centimeter on Thursday , and N_02 centimeter on Friday . How many total centimeters of snow did Logan record ?
N_00 + N_00 + N_02
0.3333333333333333 0.3333333333333333 0.2222222222222222
A trivia team had N_00 members total , but during a game N_01 members did n't show up . If each member that did show up scored N_02 points , how many points were scored total ?
N_02 * ( N_00 - N_01 )
14.0 7.0 5.0
There are N_00 pencils and N_01 rulers in the drawer . Benny placed N_02 pencils in the drawer . How many pencils are now there in total ?
N_00 + N_02
6.0 7.0 3.0
A new building needed N_00 windows . The builder had already installed N_01 of them . If it takes N_02 hours to install each window , how long will it take him to install the rest ?
N_01 * ( N_00 - N_01 )
9.0 6.0 6.0
Michael has N_00 blocks stored in boxes . If there are N_01 boxes , how many blocks must go in each box ?
N_00 / N_01
16.0 8.0
Hoping to be named Salesperson of the Month , Rosa called the names from N_00 pages of the phone book last week . This week , she called the people listed on another N_01 pages of the same phone book . How many pages worth of people did Rosa call in all ?
N_00 + N_01
10.2 8.6
Jane had been saving large empty cans to serve as pots for sunflowers . If she has N_00 sunflower seeds and there are N_01 cans , how many seeds will be placed in each can if she places an equal number of seeds in each can ?
N_00 / N_01
54.0 9.0
A pet shelter had N_00 puppies when another N_01 were brought in . If N_02 puppies a day are adopted , how long would it take for all of them to be adopted ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_02
8.0 19.0 3.0
Lemon heads come in packages of N_00 . Louis ate N_01 Lemon Heads . How many whole boxes did he eat and how many Lemon Heads does he have left ?
N_01 / N_00
6.0 54.0
Tom purchased a football game for $ N_00 , a strategy game for $ N_01 , and a Batman game for $ N_02 . How much did Tom spend on video games ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
14.02 9.46 12.04
Milford Lake was originally blue because it only had N_00 algae plants . Now there are N_01 algae plants , and the lake has turned green . How many more algae plants are in Milford Lake now ?
N_01 - N_00
809.0 3263.0
If Karen sold N_00 boxes of Tagalongs , how many cases of N_01 boxes does Karen pickup from the cookie mom ?
N_00 / N_01
36.0 12.0
You want to give your baseball cards to your N_00 best friends . You have N_01 baseball cards . How many would each get , if you share them equally ?
N_01 / N_00
5.0 455.0
Justin needs N_00 paper plates for a birthday party . He already has N_01 blue plates and N_02 red plates . How many more plates should Justin buy ?
N_00 - ( N_01 + N_02 )
61.0 26.0 7.0
A florist had N_00 roses . If she sold N_01 of them and then later picked N_02 more , how many roses would she have ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
5.0 3.0 34.0
At a restaurant each adult meal costs $ N_00 and kids eat free . If a group of N_01 people came in and N_02 were kids , how much would it cost for the group to eat ?
N_00 * ( N_01 - N_02 )
5.0 15.0 8.0
Jane ’ s mom picked cherry tomatoes from their backyard . If she gathered N_00 cherry tomatoes and is about to place them in small jars which can contain N_01 cherry tomatoes at a time , how many jars will she need ?
N_00 / N_01
56.0 8.0
N_00 dogs are barking . N_01 more dogs start to bark . How many dogs are barking ?
N_00 + N_01
30.0 10.0
Sean has N_00 blocks . N_01 are eaten by a hippopotamus . How many blocks will Sean have ?
N_00 - N_01
55.0 29.0
Wendy was playing a video game and had N_00 lives . In a hard part of the game she lost N_01 lives . If she got N_02 more lives in the next level , how many lives would she have ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
10.0 6.0 37.0
The cafeteria had N_00 apples . For lunch they handed out N_01 to students and decided to use the rest to make pies . If each pie takes N_02 apples , how many pies could they make ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_01
50.0 5.0 5.0
Wendy bought N_00 new chairs and N_01 new tables for her house . If she spent N_02 minutes on each piece furniture putting it together , how many minutes did it take her to finish ?
N_02 * ( N_00 + N_00 )
4.0 4.0 6.0
Lansing has N_00 elementary schools . There are N_01 students in each school . How many elementary students are there altogether in Lansing ?
N_00 * N_01
25.0 247.0
Marilyn has N_00 bananas that must be put away in boxes . Daniel comes to help and brings N_01 cookies to share with Marilyn . If there are N_02 boxes , how many bananas must go in each box ?
N_00 / N_02
40.0 10.0 8.0
During a canned food drive , items were sorted into bins . The drive resulted in N_00 bin of soup , N_01 bin of vegetables , and N_02 bin of pasta . Altogether , how many bins would the canned food take up ?
N_00 + N_00 + N_02
0.125 0.125 0.5
Bryan has N_00 skittles . Ben has N_01 M & M ’ s . Who has more ? How many more does he have ?
N_00 - N_01
50.0 20.0
Marta picked N_00 pumpkins . The first pumpkin weighed N_01 pounds , and the second pumpkin weighed N_02 pounds . How much did the N_03 pumpkins weigh all together ?
N_01 + N_02
2.0 4.0 8.7 2.0
Joan found N_00 seashells on the beach , she gave Mike N_01 of the seashells . How many seashells does she now have ?
N_00 - N_01
79.0 63.0
A store had N_00 coloring books in stock . They ended up putting them on sale and getting rid of N_01 of them . The put the ones they still had onto shelves with N_02 on each shelf . How many shelves did they use ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
86.0 37.0 7.0
A painter needed to paint N_00 rooms in a building . Each room takes N_01 hours to paint . If he already painted N_02 rooms , how much longer will he take to paint the rest ?
N_01 * ( N_00 - N_02 )
9.0 8.0 5.0
Sam found N_00 seashells and Mary found N_01 seashells on the beach . How many seashells did they find together ?
N_00 + N_01
18.0 47.0
Willy has N_00 crayons . Lucy has N_01 crayons . How many more crayons does Willy have then Lucy ?
N_00 - N_01
1400.0 290.0
In a bag there are N_00 red marbles , N_01 blue marbles , and N_02 green marbles . What percent of the marbles are green ?
N_02 / ( N_00 + N_01 + N_02 ) * 100.0
13.0 5.0 7.0
Mary picked N_00 oranges and Jason picked N_01 oranges from the orange tree . How many oranges were picked in total ?
N_00 + N_01
122.0 105.0
There were N_00 girls and N_01 boys trying out for the schools basketball team . If only N_02 of them got called back , how many students did n't make the cut ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
30.0 36.0 10.0
Mrs. Hilt impressed N_00 fans at the basketball game on Friday . If the fans were seated in equal groups on N_01 sets of bleachers , how many fans were on each set ?
N_00 / N_01
2436.0 3.0
This afternoon Craig left school , rode the bus N_00 miles , and then walked N_01 mile to get home . How much farther did Craig ride than walk ?
N_00 - N_01
3.8333333333333335 0.16666666666666666
A pet store had N_00 puppies . In one day they sold N_01 of them and put the rest into cages with N_02 in each cage . How many cages did they use ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
18.0 3.0 5.0
Brett drove N_00 miles every hour . How many miles would he drive in N_01 hours ?
N_00 * N_01
55.0 8.0
Harold has N_00 marbles . He gets N_01 more from Steve . How many marbles does Harold have in all ?
N_00 + N_01
53.0 16.0
Last Saturday , Spencer walked all over town running errands . First , he walked N_00 mile from his house to the library and N_01 mile from the library to the post office . Then he walked N_02 mile from the post office back home . How many miles did Spencer walk in all ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
0.3 0.1 0.4
A bee has N_00 legs . How many legs do N_01 bees have ?
N_00 * N_01
6.0 2.0
Jessica spent $ N_00 on a cat toy , and a cage cost her $ N_01 . What was the total cost of Jessica 's purchases ?
N_00 + N_01
10.22 11.73
Mrs. Sheridan has N_00 cats . Mrs. Garrett has N_01 cats . How many more cats does Mrs. Garrett have than Mrs. Sheridan ?
N_01 - N_00
11.0 24.0
Dan picked N_00 limes and gave Sara N_01 of the limes . How many limes does Dan have now ?
N_00 - N_01
9.0 4.0

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