form cultural heritages,
(5) to end all forms of discrimination, inequality, explo itation and
injustice in the name of religion, custom, usage, practice and
tradition existing in the society,
(6) to protect and develop languages, scripts, culture , literature, arts,
motion pictures and heritages of various castes, tribes, and
communities on the basis of equality and co -existence, while
maintaining the cu ltural diversity of the country,
(7) to pursue a multi -lingual policy.
(d) Relating to economy, industry and c ommerce :
(1) to enhance national economy through partnership and
independent development of the public, private and cooperative
(2) to achieve economic prosperity by way of optimum mobilization
of the available means and resources , while focusing on the role
of private sector in economy ,
(3) to promote the cooperative sector and mobilize it in national
development to the maximum extent,
(4) to encourage and mobilize the economic sector in the overall
national development, while providing for regulation to maintain
fairness, accountability and co mpetition in all of its activities ,
(5) to make equitable distribution of the available means and
resources and benefits of economic development,
(6) to diversify and expand markets for goods and services, while
promoting exports through development and ex pansion of
industries upon identifying areas of comparative advantage,
(7) to protect the interests of consumers by maintaining trade
fairness and discipline by making national economy competitive,
while ending activities such as creating black marketing,
monopoly, artificial scarcity and restricting competition,
(8) to protect and promote domestic industries and resources and
accord priority to domestic investment based on Nepalese labour,
skills and raw materials for the development of national
(9) to give priority to domestic investment for the development of
national economy,
(10) to encourage foreign capital and technological investment in
areas of import substitution and export promotion, in consonance
with national interest, and encourage and mobilize such
investment in infrastructure building,
(11) to make the obtaining of foreign assistance transparent, while
making the national needs and priorities as the basis for obtaining
foreign assistance, and incorporating amounts received in form of
foreign assistance in the national budget,
(12) to util ize knowledge, skill , technology and capital of the non-
resident Nepalese in the national development,
(13) to give dynamism to the economic development by establishing
coordination between the States and the States and the Federation
in relation to industrial corridors, special economic zones,
national projects and projects involving foreign investment.
(e) Policies relating to agriculture and land reforms :
(1) to make scientific land reforms having regard to the interests of
the farmers, while ending the dual ownership existing in the
(2) to enhance product and productivity by carrying out land
pooling, while discouraging inactive land ownership,
(3) to make land management and commercia lization,
industrialization, diversification and modernizatio n of
agriculture, by pursuing land -use policies to enhance agriculture
product and productivity, while protecting and promoting the
rights and interests of the farmers,
(4) to make proper use of lands, while regulating and managing
lands on the basis of, inter alia , productivity, nature of lands and
ecological balance,
(5) to provide for the farmers' access to agricultural inputs, agro -
products at fair price and market.
(f) Policies relating to d evelopment :
(1) to formulate sustainable socio -economic development strategies
and programs under the regional development plan for inclusive
economic development with regional balance, and implement
them in a coordinative manner,
(2) to d evelop balanced, environment friendly , quality and
sustainable physical infrastructure s, while according priority to
the regions lagging behi nd from development perspective,
(3) to enhance local public participation in the process of
development works,
(4) to enhance inves tment in scientific study, re search works and in
invention, progress and development of science and technology,
and protect scientist s, technologists, intellectual and eminent
talents ,
(5) to ensure easy and simple access of the general public to
informati on technology by developing and expanding
information technology to the tune of national needs, and make
optimum utilization of information technology in the national
(6) to make provisions enabling the general public to enjoy fruits of
development in a just manner, while a ccord ing priority to the
indigent citizens in the distribution of such fruits,
(7) to develop an integrated national identity management
information system and manage all kinds of information and data
of the citizens in an integrated manner, and linking such system
with the services and facilities provided by the State and with
national development plans,
(8) to update demographic statistics and linking it with national
development plans.
(g) Policies relating to protect ion, promotion and use of natural resources :