ما هي الوجبات الخفيفة التي تباع عادة أمام المدارس في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "البيتزا", "البيزا", "بيتزا" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "pizza" ] }, { "answers": [ "السندويتش", "سندويتش" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sandwich" ] }, { "answers": [ "الشوكولاطة", "الشكلاطة,شوكولاطة,شكلاطة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "chocolate" ] }, { "answers": [ "الفول السوداني", "فول لسوداني" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "peanut" ] }, { "answers": [ "الحلوى" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sweets" ] }, { "answers": [ "المعجنات", "معجنات" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "pastries" ] } ]
What snacks are usually sold in front of schools in your country?
أي نوع من الزيت يستعمل عادة للطبخ في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "زيت الزيتون" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "olive oil" ] }, { "answers": [ "زيت دوار الشمس", "زيت عباد الشمس" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "sunflower oil" ] }, { "answers": [ "زيت نباتي", "زيت النباتي", "الزيت النباتي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "vegetable oil", "vegetable fats" ] }, { "answers": [ "زيت الذرة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "corn oil" ] }, { "answers": [ "زيت الصويا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "soybean oil" ] } ]
What oil is usually used for cooking in your country?
ما هي الأطعمة التي تستهلكها النساء الحوامل في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الفاكهة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "fruit" ] }, { "answers": [ "اللحم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "meat" ] } ]
What food is commonly consumed by pregnant women in your country?
ما هو المشروب غير الكحولي الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المشروبات الغازية", "الصودا", "المشروب الغازي", "الڨازوز", "المشروب الغازي,مشروبات غازية, الصودا, صودا, مشروبات غازية" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "soft drink", "soda", "bottle" ] }, { "answers": [ "الشاي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "tea" ] }, { "answers": [ "القهوة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "coffee" ] } ]
What is the most popular traditional non-alcoholic drink in your country?
ما هي المرافق الرياضية المتوفرة في الحدائق العامة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الكرة الحديدية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "petanque", "pétanque" ] }, { "answers": [ "ملاعب كرة قدم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "football fields", "soccer fields" ] }, { "answers": [ "مكان الركض" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "running track", "track" ] }, { "answers": [ "الأرجوحة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "swing" ] }, { "answers": [ "المزلقة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sled" ] }, { "answers": [ "مسار للدراجات الهوائية", "مسار للدراجات" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "bicycle path" ] } ]
What sports facilities are generally available in parks in your country?
ما هي الأنشطة الشائعة التي يقوم بها كبار السن في الحدائق العامة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الدومينو", "لعبة الحجارة", "لعب الدومينو", "لعبة الدومينو", "دومينو" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "stone game", "domino stones", "domino" ] }, { "answers": [ "الكرة الحديدية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "petanque", "pétanque" ] }, { "answers": [ "لعب الورق" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "playing cards", "cards" ] } ]
What are the common activities that seniors usually do in parks in your country?
ما هي الرياضات الشائعة التي يمارسها الآباء والأطفال معًا في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة القدم", "لعبة الكرة" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer", "ball game" ] }, { "answers": [ "ركوب الدراجة", "الدراجة الهوائية", "دراجة الهوائية" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "riding a bike", "bike", "bicycle" ] }, { "answers": [ "السباق" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "race" ] } ]
What sports do parents and children commonly play together in your country?
أي لون مرتبط بالفريق الوطني الجزائري لكرة القدم؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الاخضر", "الأخضر" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "green" ] } ]
What color is associated with the national soccer team of your country?
ما هو الزي المعتاد للمعلمين في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المئزر", "مئزر أبيض", "مئزر", "المئزرة" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "apron" ] } ]
What is the common dress code for school teachers in your country?
ما هي النشاط الموسيقي الأكثر شعبية في المدارس الجزائرية؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الغناء" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "singing", "sing" ] }, { "answers": [ "الايقاع" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "rhythm" ] } ]
What is the most popular extracurricular activity related to music in schools in your country?
أي ديانة تُدرَّس في المدارس في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الإسلام", "الاسلام" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "islam" ] } ]
What religion is mainly taught in schools in your country?
ما هو تاريخ الاحتفال بيوم التربية في الجزائر؟ (قدمه بصيغة شهر/يوم مثلاً، 12/31).
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [ "it's named differently" ] }
[ { "answers": [ "01/24" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "01/24" ] }, { "answers": [ "10/05" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "10/05" ] } ]
What date is Education Day celebrated in your country? (Provide in MM/DD format (e.g., 12/31).)
ما هي المهنة الرئيسية لسكان المناطق الجبلية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الزراعة" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "agriculture" ] }, { "answers": [ "تربية المواشي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "livestock farming", "livestock" ] } ]
What is the main occupation of people in mountainous areas in your country?
ما هي المهنة الرئيسية لسكان المناطق الساحلية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "التجارة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "commerce" ] }, { "answers": [ "الصيد" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "hunting", "fishing" ] }, { "answers": [ "الخدمات" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "service" ] } ]
What is the main occupation of people in coastal areas in your country?
ما هي المواشي الأكثر شيوعاً في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الغنم", "الاغنام", "الأغنام", "الاغنام، الأغنام، غنم، اغنام، الأغنام، الكباش" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "sheep" ] }, { "answers": [ "الابقار", "البقر", "الأبقار", "الابقار، الأبقار، بقر" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "cow" ] }, { "answers": [ "الابل" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "camel" ] }, { "answers": [ "الكباش" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "lamb" ] } ]
What is the most common livestock raised in your country?
ما هي الحيوانات التي تستخدم عادة في الزراعة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الابقار", "الأبقار", "الابقار، الأبقار، بقر,الثور, الثيران" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "cow" ] }, { "answers": [ "الثور" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "bull" ] }, { "answers": [ "البغال" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "mule" ] }, { "answers": [ "الحمير" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "donkey" ] } ]
What animals are commonly used for agriculture in your country?
ماذا يرتدي الفلاحون لحماية أنفسهم من الحرارة أثناء الزراعة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "قبعة القش", "قبعة الخيش" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "straw hat" ] }, { "answers": [ "القبعات", "قبعات" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "hat" ] } ]
What do farmers in your country typically wear to protect themselves from the heat whilst farming?
ماذا يتغدى الفلاحون عادة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "اللبن", "لبن", "خبز و لبن و خضار" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "butter milk", "leben", "laban", "liben", "lben", "buttermilk" ] }, { "answers": [ "الخبز التقليدي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "traditional bread", "saj bread" ] }, { "answers": [ "خبز", "خبز و لبن و خضار" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "bread" ] }, { "answers": [ "خضار", "خبز و لبن و خضار" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "vegetable" ] } ]
What do farmers in your country usually eat for lunch?
ماذا يهدي الآباء أبنائهم في أعياد ميلادهم في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "ألعاب" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "game" ] } ]
What gifts do parents generally give to their children for their birthdays in your country?
ما هي وسيلة النقل التي تمتلكها معظم العائلات في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "السيارة", "سيارة" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "car" ] } ]
What type of vehicle do most families in your country generally own?
ماذا يُعطى للأطفال خلال العيد عادةً في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المال", "نقود", "مبلغ مالي" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "money", "amount of money" ] } ]
What is usually given to the children during Eid in your country?
ما هي الملابس التي يرتديها العرسان عادة في الأعراس الجزائرية؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "بدلة", "البدلة", "طقم كلاسيكي", "بذلة", "الطقم", "البدلة,طقم كلاسيكي, الطقم, طقم" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "suit" ] }, { "answers": [ "البرنوس" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "burnous", "hooded cloak" ] } ]
What clothes do grooms usually wear at weddings in your country?
ما هي الملابس التي ترتديها العرائس عادة في الأعراس الجزائرية؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الكاراكو", "الفستان الأبيض", "فستان ابيض" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "karakou", "wedding dress" ] }, { "answers": [ "الفستان الأبيض", "الفستان الابيض", "فستان ابيض، فستان أبيض، الفستان الابيض" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "wedding dress" ] }, { "answers": [ "البرنوس" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "burnous", "hooded cloak" ] } ]
What clothes do brides usually wear at weddings in your country?
ما هي الأطعمة التي تقدم عادة في الأعراس في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الكسكس", "كسكس", "الكسكسي", "كسكس" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "couscous" ] }, { "answers": [ "المثوم" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "garlic" ] }, { "answers": [ "الحلويات", "حلوى", "حلويات", "الحلوى" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "sweets" ] }, { "answers": [ "البوراك" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "bourek", "bourak" ] } ]
What food is usually served at weddings in your country?
ما هو أشهر مبنى حكومي في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "قصر الحكومة" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "government palace" ] }, { "answers": [ "قصر الرئاسة", "الرئاسة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "presidency", "presidential palace" ] }, { "answers": [ "المحكمة العليا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "supreme court" ] }, { "answers": [ "مجلس الامة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "council of the nation", "national assembly" ] } ]
What is the most famous government building in your country?
ما هو أشهر نوع موسيقي شبابي في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الراي" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "rai" ] }, { "answers": [ "الراب" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "rap" ] }, { "answers": [ "indie" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "indie" ] } ]
What is the most popular music genre among the younger population in your country?
في أي وقت ينتهي طلاب الثانوية في الجزائر من المدرسة كل يوم؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقائق مثلاً، 18:00، 09:00).
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "17:00" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "17:00" ] }, { "answers": [ "17:30" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "17:30" ] }, { "answers": [ "16:00" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "16:00" ] }, { "answers": [ "16:30" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "16:30" ] } ]
What time do middle school students in your country typically finish school each day? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)
في أي سن يبدأ الطلاب الجزائريين الذهاب للجامعة؟ (أجب برقم, مثلا 12.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "18" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "18" ] }, { "answers": [ "19" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "19" ] }, { "answers": [ "17" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "17" ] } ]
At what age do people in your country typically go to university? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
في أي سن يجب الالتحاق بالتعليم الإلزامي في الجزائر؟ (أجب برقم, مثلا 12.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "6" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "6" ] } ]
From what age do people need to attend compulsory education in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
كم يوما في الأسبوع يذهب الأطفال إلى المدرسة في الجزائر؟ (قدم الأرقام العربية (0~7) فقط.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "5" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "5" ] } ]
How many days a week do children attend school in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (0~7) only.)
في الجزائر، كم من الوقت (بالسنوات) يستغرق عادة لإكمال درجة الماجستير؟ (استعمل الأرقام افقط مثلا 12.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "17" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "17" ] }, { "answers": [ "2" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "2" ] }, { "answers": [ "5" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "5" ] } ]
In your country, how long (in years) does a Master's degree typically take to complete? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
ما هي أفضل جامعة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الاسم الرسمي.)
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "جامعة العلوم و التكنولوجيا هواري بومدين", "جامعة هواري بومدين للعلوم والتكنولوجيا" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "houari boumediene university of science and technology", "university of science and technology" ] }, { "answers": [ "جامعة الجزائر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "university of algiers" ] }, { "answers": [ "المدرسة متعددة التقنيات" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "polytechnic school", "national polytechnic school" ] }, { "answers": [ "المدرسة العليا للإعلام العالي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "the higher school of information", "higher national school of computer science" ] } ]
What is the top university in your country? (Provide the official name.)
في أي سن يتخرج معظم الناس في الجزائر من الجامعة؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية فقط مثلاً 12.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "24" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "24" ] }, { "answers": [ "23" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "23" ] }, { "answers": [ "25" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "25" ] }, { "answers": [ "22" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "22" ] } ]
At what age do most people in your country graduate from university? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
في أي سن يبدأ الأطفال المدرسة الثانوية عادة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية (مثلاً، 12).)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "15" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "15" ] }, { "answers": [ "14" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "14" ] } ]
At what age do children in your country generally start middle school? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
كم عدد ساعات الأسبوع التي يعملها العامل بدوام كامل في الجزائر عادة؟(استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12).
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "40" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "40" ] }, { "answers": [ "35" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "35" ] } ]
How many hours a week does a full-time worker in your country typically work? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
كم يوما في الأسبوع يعمل العامل بدوام كامل في الجزائر؟(استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 0~7).
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "5" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "5" ] }, { "answers": [ "6" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "6" ] } ]
How many days a week does a full-time worker work in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (0~7) only.)
في أي سن يبدأ معظم الناس العمل في الجزائر؟ ((استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "23" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "23" ] }, { "answers": [ "20" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "20" ] }, { "answers": [ "22" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "22" ] }, { "answers": [ "25" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "25" ] }, { "answers": [ "18" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "18" ] }, { "answers": [ "24" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "24" ] } ]
At what age do most people start working in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
من عمر كم يسمح للفرد بالعمل في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12.)
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "18" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "18" ] }, { "answers": [ "16" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "16" ] } ]
From what age is an individual allowed to work in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
ماذا يأكل الناس في الجزائر في عيد الميلاد؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 3, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كعكة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "cake" ] }, { "answers": [ "الحلويات" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sweets" ] } ]
What do people in your country traditionally eat on Christmas Day?
ما هو اسم اليوم في السنة الذي يحتفل فيه الناس في الجزائر بالحب والرومانسية؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 4, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "عيد الحب", "الفالنتاين" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "valentine's day", "valentine's" ] } ]
What is the name of the day of the year where people in your country celebrate love and romance?
ما هي أشهر أغنية لعيد الميلاد في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 3, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "سنة حلوة", "سنة حلوى" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "happy birthday, beautiful", "sana helwa", "happy birthday" ] } ]
What is the most popular Christmas song in your country?
كم عدد الفصول الدراسية في كل سنة أكاديمية بالمدارس الثانوية في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 7, 8.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "3" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "3" ] } ]
How many semesters are there each academic year at high schools in your country? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)
في أي شهر يبدأ عادة العام الدراسي الجديد في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 7, 8.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "9" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "9" ] } ]
In which month does the new school year typically begin in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (1~12) only.)
متى يتم الاحتفال باليوم الوطني للمعلم في الجزائر؟ (قدمه بصيغة شهر/يوم مثلاً 12/31).
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 2, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "04/16" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "04/16" ] }, { "answers": [ "10/05" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "10/05" ] } ]
When is National Teacher's Day commemorated in your country? (Provide in MM/DD format (e.g., 12/31).)
في أي وقت تبدأ المدرسة الابتدائية في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقيقة مثل، 18:00، 09:00).
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "08:00" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "08:00" ] } ]
At what time does elementary school start in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)
متى يتم الاحتفال بيوم الطفل في الجزائر؟ (قدمه بتنسيق شهر/يوم مثل، 12/31).
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "01/06", "06/01" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "01/06", "06/01" ] } ]
When is Children's Day celebrated in your country? (Provide in MM/DD format (e.g., 12/31).)
أي مدينة هي الوجهة الرئيسية للباحثين عن عمل في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الجزائر العاصمة", "الجزائر", "العاصمة" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "algiers" ] } ]
Which city is the main destination for job seekers in your country?
ما هي سلسلة الوجبات السريعة الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 2, "other": [] }
What is your country's most popular fast food chain?
ما هو الطعام الذي يثير الانقسامات (إما الحب أو الكراهية) في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "البوزلوف", "بوزلوف" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "boiled sheep's head", "bozlov", "bouzalof", "bouzlouf" ] }, { "answers": [ "الكسكس", "كسكس,الكسكسي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "couscous" ] }, { "answers": [ "الدوارة", "دوارة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "tripe" ] }, { "answers": [ "قلب اللوز" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "kel ellouz", "kalb el louz", "qalb ellouz", "kalbellouze", "qalbellouze" ] } ]
What is the food that is most divisive (either love or hate) in your country?
ما هو أشهر فريق كرة قدم بين الشعب الجزائري؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "مولودية الجزائر", "المولودية" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "mc algiers", "mc alger", "mouloudia club d'alger", "d'alger", "mca" ] }, { "answers": [ "إتحاد العاصمة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "usma", "usm alger" ] }, { "answers": [ "شباب بلوزداد" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "crb", "cr belouizdad", "chabab riadhi belouizdad" ] } ]
What is the most popular soccer team among the people from your country?
ما هي أشهر جامعة جزائرية المعروفة بفريقها الرياضي؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 3, "other": [] }
What is the most famous university in your country known for its sports team?
ما هو الحيوان الأليف الأكثر شعبية في العائلات الجزائرية؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "القط", "قط" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "cat" ] }, { "answers": [ "الكلب", "كلب" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "dog" ] }, { "answers": [ "العصافير", "عصافير، العصفور، عصفور" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "bird" ] } ]
What is your country's most popular family pet?
ما هو أشهر برنامج تلفزيوني عائلي في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "و كل شيء ممكن" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "everything is possible" ] }, { "answers": [ "الفهامة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "el fhama", "el fehama" ] }, { "answers": [ "عاشور العاشر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "ashur 10th", "sultan achour 10", "sultan achour" ] } ]
What is the most popular family TV show in your country?
ما هي أشهر لعبة عائلية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "دومينو", "الدومينو" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "stone game", "domino stones", "domino" ] }, { "answers": [ "فاملتنا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "familetna" ] } ]
What is the most popular family boardgame in your country?
ما هو الطعام السريع الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر (للأكل بعيدا عن المطعم)؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "البيتزا", "بيتزا" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "pizza" ] }, { "answers": [ "كارنتيكا", "القرنتيتة", "كالانتيكا، كلنتيكا، كلانتيكا,قرنطيطة، القرنطيطة", "القرنتيتة,غارانتيتا" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "calentica", "karantika" ] }, { "answers": [ "السندويتش", "سندويتش" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sandwich" ] } ]
What is the most popular takeaway food in your country?
ما هي الوجبات الخفيفة الشعبية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كارنتيكا", "غارانتيتا", "كارانتيكة", "كالانتيكا، كلنتيكا، كلانتيكا,قرنطيطة، القرنطيطة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "calentica", "karantika" ] }, { "answers": [ "البيتزا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "pizza" ] }, { "answers": [ "الشوارما", "الشوارمة، الشاوارما، شوارما، شوارمة، شاوارما، شاورما" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "shawarma" ] }, { "answers": [ "المحاجب", "محاجب" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "m'hajeb", "mhajeb" ] }, { "answers": [ "الخفاف", "السفنج" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sfenj", "bambalouni", "bambaloni", "khfaf", "sfinz" ] }, { "answers": [ "المعجنات" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "pastries" ] } ]
What are popular snacks in your country?
ماذا يأكل الناس في الجزائر على الشاطئ؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "السندويتش", "سندويتش" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "sandwich" ] }, { "answers": [ "اكل خفيف", "أكل خفيف، أكل سريع" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "light meal" ] }, { "answers": [ "سلطة", "السلطة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "salad" ] }, { "answers": [ "بطاطا مقلية", "البطاطا المقلية، البطاطا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "fried potato", "french fries", "chips" ] }, { "answers": [ "بيتزا", "البيتزا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "pizza" ] } ]
What do people from your country eat at the beach?
في أي سن يتزوج الرجال عادة في الجزائر؟(استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 20.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "35" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "35" ] }, { "answers": [ "30" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "30" ] }, { "answers": [ "28" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "28" ] } ]
At what age do men usually get married in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)
في أي سن تتزوج النساء عادة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 20.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "25" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "25" ] }, { "answers": [ "22" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "22" ] }, { "answers": [ "32" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "32" ] }, { "answers": [ "26" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "26" ] } ]
At what age do women usually get married in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)
في جيل والديك، ما كان معدل عدد الأفراد في العائلة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 20.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "10" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "10" ] }, { "answers": [ "9" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "9" ] }, { "answers": [ "7" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "7" ] }, { "answers": [ "11" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "11" ] }, { "answers": [ "8" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "8" ] } ]
In your parents' generation, what was the average number of members in their family in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)
في الألعاب الأولمبية، أي رياضة هي الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "العدو", "الركض" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "running" ] }, { "answers": [ "الملاكمة", "ملاكمة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "boxing" ] }, { "answers": [ "السباحة", "سباحة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "swimming" ] }, { "answers": [ "ألعاب القوى" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "athletics" ] } ]
In the Olympic Games, which sport is the most popular in your country?
أين يلعب الأطفال كرة القدم عادة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "في الشارع", "الشارع" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "in the street", "street" ] }, { "answers": [ "الملعب", "في الملعب" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "stadium", "in the stadium" ] }, { "answers": [ "في الحي", "الحي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "neighborhood" ] } ]
Where do children usually play soccer in your country?
ما هو التمرين الرياضي اليومي الشائع بين النساء في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "التمدد" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "stretching" ] } ]
Which daily exercise is popular among women in your country?
ما هو التمرين الرياضي اليومي الشائع بين الرجال في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 3, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الركض" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "running" ] } ]
Which daily exercise is popular among men in your country?
ما هي أشهر منافسة في دوري الرياضة الوطني في الجزائر؟ (مثلا، ___ ضد ___)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "مولودية الجزائر ضد اتحاد العاصمة", "مولودية الجزائر ضد إتحاد العاصمة", "مولودية الجزائرضد اتحاد العاصمة" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "mc alger vs usm alger", "usm alger vs mc alger", "mc algiers vs usm algiers", "usm algiers vs mc algiers" ] }, { "answers": [ "المولودية ضد شباب بلوزداد", "مولودية الجزائر ضد شباب بلوزداد" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "mouloudia vs belouizdad youth", "belouizdad youth vs mouloudia" ] } ]
What is the most famous rivalry in a national sports league in your country? (e.g., ___ vs ___)
ما هي الرياضة المحترفة الأعلى أجرا في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] } ]
Which professional sport is the highest paying in your country?
ما هو أشهر برنامج تلفزيوني رياضي في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "من الملاعب" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "from the stadiums" ] }, { "answers": [ "أرقام و تعاليق" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "numbers and comments" ] } ]
What is/was the most popular sports-related TV program in your country?
أي يوم من أيام السنة يُخصص عادة للألعاب النارية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المولد النبوي" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "mawlid al-nabi", "mawlid", "eid-e-milad an-nabi" ] }, { "answers": [ "عيد الإستقلال", "عيد الاستقلال" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "independence day" ] }, { "answers": [ "ذكرى ثورة أول نوفمبر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "anniversary of the 1st november revolution", "outbreak of the revolution", "liberation revolution", "outbreak of the algerian revolution", "first of november", "first day of november", "11/01", "11/1" ] } ]
What day of the year is usually dedicated to fireworks in your country?
ما هو الرمز المشترك ليلة رأس السنة الذي يوجد عادة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 4, "other": [] }
What is the common symbol of New Year's Eve that is usually found in your country?
ماذا يتناول الجزائريون عادة في ليلة رأس السنة؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 2, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المكسرات", "مكسرات" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "nut" ] }, { "answers": [ "الحلوى", "حلوى" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sweets" ] } ]
What food do people from your country usually eat on New Year's Eve?
ماذا يتم تناوله عادة خلال الاحتفال بأطول ليلة في السنة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 4, "other": [] }
What is usually eaten during the celebration of the longest night of the year in your country?
ما هي الرياضة الصيفية الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "السباحة", "سباحة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "swimming" ] }, { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] } ]
What is the most popular summer sport in your country?
ما هو أشهر دوري رياضي محترف في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الدوري المحترف", "الرابطة الجزائرية المحترفة الأولى" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "professional league", "professional", "professionnelle", "algerian professional league 1", "algerian professionnelle league 1" ] }, { "answers": [ "الدوري الوطني لكرة القدم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "national football league", "nfl" ] }, { "answers": [ "كأس الجزائر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "algerian football cup", "algerian cup", "republic cup" ] } ]
What is the most popular professional sports league in your country?
ما هو أشهر فريق رياضي نسائي في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
What is the most popular women's sports team in your country?
ما هو أشهر دوري في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الدوري المحترف لكرة القدم", "القسم الوطني الأول لكرة القدم", "دوري الجزائر 1" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "first national football division", "algerian professional league 1", "algerian professionnelle league 1", "professional football league", "algerian league 1" ] }, { "answers": [ "كأس الجزائر لكرة القدم", "كاس الجزائر لكرة القدم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "algerian football cup", "algerian cup", "republic cup" ] } ]
What is the most popular tournament in your country?
من هو أشهر رياضي في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "رياض محرز", "محرز" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "riyad mahrez", "mahrez" ] }, { "answers": [ "اسلام سليماني" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "islam slimani" ] }, { "answers": [ "توفيق مخلوفي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "toufik makhloufi", "taoufik makhloufi" ] }, { "answers": [ "علي بن شيخ" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "ali ben cheikh", "ali bencheikh", "ali \"alilou\" bencheikh" ] } ]
Who is the most popular sportperson in your country?
في أي رياضة حققت الجزائر أكبر نجاح في المنافسات الدولية؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] }, { "answers": [ "العدو", "الركض" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "running" ] }, { "answers": [ "الجودو" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "judo" ] }, { "answers": [ "الملاكمة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "boxing" ] } ]
In which sport has your country been most successful in international competitions?
ما هي الرياضة الشتوية الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 2, "other": [] }
What is the most popular winter sport in your country?
ما هي مدينة أو منطقة في الجزائر معروفة بالصناعة التحويلية؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الاوراس", "الأوراس" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "aurès", "aures" ] }, { "answers": [ "البليدة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "blida" ] }, { "answers": [ "الحجار" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "el hajar", "el hadjar" ] }, { "answers": [ "برج بوعريريج" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "bordj bou arreridj", "bordj bou arréridj" ] }, { "answers": [ "الجزائر العاصمة", "الجزائر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "algiers" ] } ]
What is a city or region in your country known for manufacturing industry?
ما هي أهم ميزة تُقدم عادةً للموظفين في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الراتب", "المرتب" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "salary" ] }, { "answers": [ "علاوة", "علاوة المردود" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "allowance", "productivity bonus", "bonus" ] }, { "answers": [ "سيارة وظيفة", "سيارة وضيفة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "official car", "car" ] } ]
What is regarded as the most important perk typically offered to employees in your country?
ما هي الفترة الاقتصادية الأكثر كارثية بالنسبة للجزائر؟
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "التسعينات" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "nineties", "90s", "19th century", "nineteenth cencury" ] }, { "answers": [ "كوفيد 19" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "covid-19" ] }, { "answers": [ "الصيف" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "summer" ] } ]
What was the most catastrophic economic period for your country?
أي منطقة في الجزائر تعتبر مركزًا رئيسيًا للعاملين في مجال التكنولوجيا والشركات الناشئة؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الجزائر العاصمة", "الجزائر" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "algiers" ] }, { "answers": [ "سيدي عبد الله" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "sidi abdellah" ] }, { "answers": [ "برج بو عريريج" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "bordj bou arreridj", "bordj bou arréridj" ] } ]
What region in your country is a major hub for tech workers and start ups?
ما هي أهم صناعة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المحروقات", "البترول", "الصناعة البترولية" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "fuels", "petroleum", "petroleum industry" ] }, { "answers": [ "الصناعة التحويلية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "manufacturing" ] } ]
What is the most important industry in your country?
أي وجبة من الوجبات اليومية يتم مشاركتها عادة مع أفراد العائلة في الجزائر؟ (مثل الفطور، الغداء، العشاء)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "العشاء" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "dinner" ] }, { "answers": [ "الغداء" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "lunch" ] } ]
Which one of the daily meals is commonly shared with family members in your country? (e.g., breakfast, lunch, dinner)
ما هي النشاطات العائلية الشائعة التي يمكن القيام بها مع الأطفال في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "التنزه", "نزهة", "الخروج في نزهة إلى الغابة أو الملاهي", "تنزه", "نزهة إلى الغابة أو الملاهي" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "strolling", "hiking", "picnic", "going out for a picnic to the forest or amusement parks" ] } ]
What is a popular family activity with a child to do on weekends in your country?
في أي سن يصبح الأطفال عادة مستقلين عن والديهم في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 2, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "30" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "30" ] }, { "answers": [ "23" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "23" ] }, { "answers": [ "25" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "25" ] } ]
At what age do children typically become independent from their parents in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
ما هو أهم عيد عائلي في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "عيد الفطر" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "eid al-fitr", "eid ul-fitr" ] }, { "answers": [ "عيد الأم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "mother's day" ] }, { "answers": [ "عيد ميلاد" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "birthday" ] }, { "answers": [ "عيد الأضحى" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "eid al-adha" ] } ]
What is the most important family holiday in your country?
ما هي لعبة عائلية شعبية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "العائلات السبع" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "game of the seven families", "7 families", "seven families" ] }, { "answers": [ "لعبة الذئب" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "wolf game", "the wolf" ] }, { "answers": [ "دومينو" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "stone game", "domino stones", "domino" ] } ]
What is a popular family game in your country?
ما هو متوسط العمر للأزواج لإنجاب طفلهم الأول في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 20.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "28" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "28" ] }, { "answers": [ "35" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "35" ] }, { "answers": [ "31" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "31" ] }, { "answers": [ "32" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "32" ] }, { "answers": [ "30" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "30" ] } ]
What is the average age for couples to have their first child in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)
ما عدد السيارات التي تمتلكها عائلة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "1" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "1" ] }, { "answers": [ "2" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "2" ] } ]
How many cars are owned by a typical family in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
ما هو الطعام الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر لوجبات العائلة في عطل نهاية الأسبوع؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الكسكس", "كسكس", "الكسكسي" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "couscous" ] } ]
What is your country's most popular food for family meals on weekends?
ما هي أشهر نشاطات العائلة في مساء أيام الأسبوع في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "مشاهده التلفاز", "مشاهدة التلفاز", "مشاهدة برنامج تلفزيوني" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "watching tv", "tv", "watching a tv show" ] } ]
What is the most popular weekday evening family activity in your country?
ما هي أعلى درجة يتم منحها للطلاب المتفوقين في المدارس الثانوية في الجزائر على الواجبات والامتحانات؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "امتياز", "الامتياز", "ممتاز" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "privilege", "excellent" ] }, { "answers": [ "19", "20/19", "19/20" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "19", "20/19" ] }, { "answers": [ "تهنئة", "التهنئة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "congratulations" ] } ]
What is the highest grade given to top-achieving high school students on assignments and exams in your country?
ما هو الاختبار الأكثر أهمية لطلاب الثانوية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الباكالوريا", "البكلوريا", "الباكلوريا" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "baccalaureate" ] } ]
What is considered the most important exam for high school students in your country?
أي مادة تعتبر الأهم بالنسبة للطلاب في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الرياضيات" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "mathematics", "math" ] }, { "answers": [ "العلوم" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "science" ] }, { "answers": [ "الفلسفة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "philosophy" ] }, { "answers": [ "الأدب" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "literature" ] } ]
Which subject is considered the most important for students in your country?
ما هو أشهر نشاط اجتماعي في المدارس الجزائرية؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 2, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الحديث" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "chatting", "chat" ] }, { "answers": [ "حفلات آخر السنة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "end-of-year parties", "end of the year parties" ] } ]
What is the most popular extracurricular social event at schools in your country?
ما هو أصعب موضوع في مادة الرياضيات يُدرس قبل الجامعة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "التكامل و الاشتقاق", "التفاضل و التكامل" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "integration and differentiation", "calculus" ] }, { "answers": [ "المعادلات التفاضلية", "المعادلات التفتضلية" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "differential equations" ] }, { "answers": [ "الدوال المثلثية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "trigonometric functions", "trigonometry" ] }, { "answers": [ "الدوال" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "functions" ] }, { "answers": [ "الهندسة الفضائية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "geometry" ] } ]
What is the most advanced math subject learned before university in your country?
أين يذهب طلاب الجامعة في الجزائر عادة للمذاكرة لامتحاناتهم النهائية؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المكتبة", "المكتبة الجامعية", "إلى المكتبة" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "library", "university library", "to the library" ] }, { "answers": [ "المخابر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "laboratories", "lab" ] }, { "answers": [ "البيت" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "house", "home" ] } ]
Where do university students in your country usually go to study for their final exams?
ما هي وسيلة النقل العامة الشائعة التي يستخدمها الناس للذهاب إلى الجامعة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الحافلة", "الباص" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "bus" ] }, { "answers": [ "القطار" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "train" ] }, { "answers": [ "حافلات النقل الجامعي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "university transport buses", "transportation service" ] }, { "answers": [ "السيارة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "car" ] }, { "answers": [ "الترامواي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "tramway" ] } ]
What is a common public transport that people use to go to university in your country?
ماذا يفعل تلاميذ الابتدائي في الجزائر عادة بعد المدرسة؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "يلعبون", "يلعبون مع اصدقائهم", "يلعبون ثم يؤدون الواجبات المدرسية" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "play", "they play with their friends", "they play" ] }, { "answers": [ "يراجعون", "يراجعون دروسهم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "they review their lessons", "review" ] }, { "answers": [ "الاستراحة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "break" ] }, { "answers": [ "يؤدون الواجبات المدرسية", "يلعبون ثم يؤدون الواجبات المدرسية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "they do the homework", "homework" ] } ]
What do elementary students in your country usually do after school?