We examine the radio properties of EGRET-detected blazars observed as part ofthe VLBA Imaging and Polarimetry Survey (VIPS). VIPS has a flux limit roughlyan order of magnitude below the MOJAVE survey and most other samples that havebeen used to study the properties of EGRET blazars. At lower flux levels, radioflux density does not directly correlate with gamma-ray flux density. We dofind that the EGRET-detected blazars tend to have higher brightnesstemperatures, greater core fractions, and possibly larger than average jetopening angles. A weak correlation is also found with jet length and withpolarization. All of the well-established trends can be explained bysystematically larger Doppler factors in the gamma-ray loud blazars, consistentwith the measurements of higher apparent velocities found in monitoringprograms carried out at radio frequencies above 10 GHz.
VIPS has a flux limit roughly an order of magnitude below the MOJAVE survey and most other samples that have been used to study the properties of EGRET blazars.
The approach exposed in the recent paper (A. Shebeko, P. Papakonstantinou, E.Mavrommatis, Eur. Phys. J. A 27, 143 (2006)) has been applied in studyingcenter-of-mass motion effects on the nucleon density and momentum distributionsin nuclei. We are focused upon effects due to the center-of-mass andshort-range nucleon correlations embedded in translationally invariantground-state wavefunctions. The latter are constructed in the so-called fixedcenter-of-mass approximation, starting with a Slater determinant wave functionmodified by some correlator (e.g., after Jastrow or Villars). It is shown howone can simplify evaluation of the corresponding expectation values thatdetermine the distributions. The analytic expressions derived here involve theown "Tassie-Barker" factors for each distribution. As an illustration,numerical calculations have been carried out for the nucleus ^{4}He with theSlater determinant to describe the nucleon (1s)^4 configuration composed ofsingle-particle orbitals which differ from harmonic oscillator ones at smalldistances. Such orbitals simulate somewhat short-range repulsion betweennucleons. Special attention is paid to a simultaneous shrinking of thecenter--of--mass corrected density and momentum distributions compared to thepurely (1s)^4 shell nontranslationally invariant ones.
The latter are constructed in the so-called fixed center-of-mass approximation, starting with a Slater determinant wave function modified by some correlator (e.g., after Jastrow or Villars). It is shown how one can simplify evaluation of the corresponding expectation values that determine the distributions. The analytic expressions derived here involve the own "Tassie-Barker" factors for each distribution.
We present the catalogue of X-ray sources detected by the two Wide FieldCameras (WFCs) in complete observations on board BeppoSAX during its 6 years ofoperational lifetime, between April 1996 and April 2002. The BeppoSAX WFCs werecoded mask instruments sensitive in the 2-28 keV energy band with a 40x40square degree fields of view, pointing in opposite directions andperpendicularly to the BeppoSAX Narrow Field Instruments (NFI). The WFCs wereusually operated simultaneously to NFI observations, each lasting up to severaldays. WFCs observed thus the entire sky several times with a typicalsensitivity of 2 to 10 mCrab. A systematic analysis of all WFC observations inthe BeppoSAX archive has been carried out using the latest post-mission releaseof the WFC analysis software and calibrations. The catalogue includes 253distinct sources, obtained from a total sample of 8253 WFC detections. Wedescribe the basic statistical properties of the sample and present a six-yearhistory of two celestial calibration X-ray sources.
A systematic analysis of all WFC observations in the BeppoSAX archive has been carried out using the latest post-mission release of the WFC analysis software and calibrations.
Reducing the complexity of large systems described as complex networks is keyto understand them and a crucial issue is to know which properties of theinitial system are preserved in the reduced one. Here we use random walks todesign a coarse-graining scheme for complex networks. By construction thecoarse-graining preserves the slow modes of the walk, while reducingsignificantly the size and the complexity of the network. In this sense ourcoarse-graining allows to approximate large networks by smaller ones, keepingmost of their relevant spectral properties.
Here we use random walks to design a coarse-graining scheme for complex networks. By construction the coarse-graining preserves the slow modes of the walk, while reducing significantly the size and the complexity of the network.
The paper studies large sample asymptotic properties of the MaximumLikelihood Estimator (MLE) for the parameter of a continuous time Markov chain,observed in white noise. Using the method of weak convergence of likelihoodsdue to I.Ibragimov and R.Khasminskii, consistency, asymptotic normality andconvergence of moments are established for MLE under certain strong ergodicityconditions of the chain.
Using the method of weak convergence of likelihoods due to I. Ibragimov and R. Khasminskii,
We report high-bandwidth charge sensing measurements using a GaAs quantumpoint contact embedded in a radio frequency impedance matching circuit(rf-QPC). With the rf-QPC biased near pinch-off where it is most sensitive tocharge, we demonstrate a conductance sensitivity of 5x10^(-6) e^(2)/h Hz^(-1/2)with a bandwidth of 8 MHz. Single-shot readout of a proximal few-electrondouble quantum dot is investigated in a mode where the rf-QPC back-action israpidly switched.
With the rf-QPC biased near pinch-off where it is most sensitive to charge, we demonstrate a conductance sensitivity of 5x10^(-6) e^(2)/h Hz^(-1/2)with a bandwidth of 8 MHz. Single-shot readout of a proximal few-electron double quantum dot is investigated in a mode where the rf-QPC back-action is rapidly switched.
Autoregressive processes (AR) have typical short-range memory. DetrendedFluctuation Analysis (DFA) was basically designed to reveal long rangecorrelation in non stationary processes. However DFA can also be regarded as asuitable method to investigate both long-range and short range correlation innon-stationary and stationary systems. Applying DFA to AR processes can helpunderstanding the non uniform correlation structure of such processes. Wesystematically investigated a first order autoregressive model AR(1) by DFA andestablished the relationship between the interaction constant of AR(1) and theDFA correlation exponent. The higher the interaction constant the higher is theshort range correlation exponent. They are exponentially related. Theinvestigation was extended to AR(2) processes. The presence of a distantpositive interaction in addition to a near by interaction will increase thecorrelation exponent and the range of correlation while the effect of a distantnegative interaction will decrease significantly only the range of interaction.This analysis demonstrate the possibility to identify and AR(1) model in anunknown DFA plot or to distinguish among AR(1) and AR(2) models. The analysiswas performed on medium long series of 1000 terms.
Applying DFA to AR processes can help understanding the non uniform correlation structure of such processes. We systematically investigated a first order autoregressive model AR(1) by DFA and established the relationship between the interaction constant of AR(1) and the DFA correlation exponent.
We present general properties of ionized hydrogen (HII) bubbles and theirgrowth based on a state-of-the-art large-scale (100 Mpc/h) cosmologicalradiative transfer simulation. The simulation resolves all halos with atomiccooling at the relevant redshifts and simultaneously performs radiativetransfer and dynamical evolution of structure formation. Our major conclusionsinclude: (1) for significant HII bubbles, the number distribution is peaked ata volume of $\sim 0.6 {\rm Mpc^{3}/h^{3}}$ at all redshifts. But, at $z\le 10$,one large, connected network of bubbles dominates the entire HII volume. (2)HII bubbles are highly non-spherical. (3) The HII regions are highly biasedwith respect to the underlying matter distribution with the bias decreasingwith time. (4) The non-gaussianity of the HII region is small when the universebecomes 50% ionized. The non-gaussianity reaches its maximal near the end ofthe reionization epoch $z\sim 6$. But at all redshifts of interest there is asignificant non-gaussianity in the HII field. (5) Population III galaxies mayplay a significant role in the reionization process. Small bubbles areinitially largely produced by Pop III stars. At $z\ge 10$ even the largest HIIbubbles have a balanced ionizing photon contribution from Pop II and Pop IIIstars, while at $z\le 8$ Pop II stars start to dominate the overall ionizingphoton production for large bubbles, although Pop III stars continue to make anon-negligible contribution. (6) The relationship between halo number densityand bubble size is complicated but a strong correlation is found between halonumber density and bubble size for large bubbles.
We present general properties of ionized hydrogen (HII) bubbles and their growth based on a state-of-the-art large-scale (100 Mpc/h) cosmological radiative transfer simulation. The simulation resolves all halos with atomic cooling at the relevant redshifts and simultaneously performs radiative transfer and dynamical evolution of structure formation.
Water ice and spin ice are important model systems in which theory candirectly account for zero point entropy associated with quenchedconfigurational disorder. Spin ice differs from water ice in the importantrespect that its fundamental constituents, the spins of the magnetic ions, canbe removed through replacement with non-magnetic ions while keeping the latticestructure intact. In order to investigate the interplay of frustratedinteractions and quenched disorder, we have performed systematic heat capacitymeasurements on spin ice materials which have been thus diluted up to 90%.Investigations of both Ho and Dy spin ices reveal that the zero point entropydepends non-monotonically on dilution and approaches the value of Rln2 in thelimit of high dilution. The data are in good agreement with a generalization ofPauling's theory for the entropy of ice.
In order to investigate the interplay of frustrated interactions and quenched disorder, we have performed systematic heat capacity measurements on spin ice materials which have been thus diluted up to 90%.
We explore how the polarization of the tau leptons in the cascade decay$\tilde{q}\to q\tilde\chi^0_2\to q\tau\tilde\tau\to q\tau\tau\tilde\chi^0_1$can be exploited to study mixing properties of neutralinos and staus. Wepresent details of the analysis including experimental effects such astransverse momentum cuts for the $\tau\to\pi\nu$ decay mode, and show that thedi-pion invariant mass distribution provides valuable information on theirproperties.
We present details of the analysis including experimental effects such as transverse momentum cuts for the $\tau\to\pi\nu$ decay mode, and show that the di-pion invariant mass distribution provides valuable information on their properties.
A characteristic of D-brane inflation is that fluctuations in the inflatonfield can propagate at a speed significantly less than the speed of light. Thisyields observable effects that are distinct from those of single-field slowroll inflation, such as a modification of the inflationary consistency relationand a potentially large level of non-Gaussianities. We present a numericalalgorithm that extends the inflationary flow formalism to models with generalspeed of sound. For an ensemble of D-brane inflation models parameterized bythe Hubble parameter and the speed of sound as polynomial functions of theinflaton field, we give qualitative predictions for the key inflationaryobservables. We discuss various consistency relations for D-brane inflation,and compare the qualitative shapes of the warp factors we derive from thenumerical models with analytical warp factors considered in the literature.Finally, we derive and apply a generalized microphysical bound on the inflatonfield variation during brane inflation. While a large number of models areconsistent with current cosmological constraints, almost all of these modelsviolate the compactification constraint on the field range in four-dimensionalPlanck units. If the field range bound is to hold, then models with adetectable level of non-Gaussianity predict a blue scalar spectral index, and atensor component that is far below the detection limit of any futureexperiment.
We present a numerical algorithm that extends the inflationary flow formalism to models with general speed of sound. For an ensemble of D-brane inflation models parameterized by the Hubble parameter and the speed of sound as polynomial functions of the inflaton field, we give qualitative predictions for the key inflationary observables.
Femtosecond high-order harmonic transient absorption spectroscopy is used toobserve electromagnetically induced transparency-like behavior as well asinduced absorption in the extreme ultraviolet by laser dressing of the He 2s2p(1Po) and 2p2 (1Se) double excitation states with an intense 800 nm field.Probing in the vicinity of the 1s2 \to 2s2p transition at 60.15 eV reveals theformation of an Autler-Townes doublet due to coherent coupling of the doubleexcitation states. Qualitative agreement with the experimental spectra isobtained only when optical field ionization of both double excitation statesinto the N = 2 continuum is included in the theoretical model. Because the Fanoq-parameter of the unperturbed probe transition is finite, the laser-dressed Heatom exhibits both enhanced transparency and absorption at negative andpositive probe energy detunings, respectively.
Femtosecond high-order harmonic transient absorption spectroscopy is used to observe electromagnetically induced transparency-like behavior as well as induced absorption in the extreme ultraviolet by laser dressing of the He 2s2p (1Po) and 2p2 (1Se) double excitation states with an intense 800 nm field.
Weighted enumeration of reduced pipe dreams (or rc-graphs) results in acombinatorial expression for Schubert polynomials. The duality between the setof reduced pipe dreams and certain antidiagonals has important geometricimplications [A. Knutson and E. Miller, Gr\"obner geometry of Schubertpolynomials, Ann. Math. 161, 1245-1318]. The original proof of the duality wasroundabout, relying on the algebra of certain monomial ideals and a recursivecharacterization of reduced pipe dreams. This paper provides a directcombinatorial proof.
The original proof of the duality was roundabout, relying on the algebra of certain monomial ideals and a recursive characterization of reduced pipe dreams. This paper provides a direct combinatorial proof.
We propose the Z -> gamma gamma decay, a process strictly forbidden in thestandard model, as a signal suitable for the search of noncommutativity ofcoordinates at very short distances. We compute the Z -> gamma gamma partialwidthin the framework of the recently proposed renormalizable gauge sector ofthe noncommutative standard model. The one-loop renormalizability is obtainedfor the model containing the usual six representations of matter fields of thefirst generation. Even more, the noncommutative part is finite or free ofdivergences, showing that perhaps new interaction symmetry exists in thenoncommutative gauge sector of the model. Discovery of such symmetry would beof tremendous importance in further search for the violation of the Lorentzinvariance at very high energies. Experimental possibilities of Z -> gammagamma decay are analyzed and a firm bound to the scale of the noncommutativityparameter is set around 1 TeV.
We compute the Z -> gamma gamma partial width in the framework of the recently proposed renormalizable gauge sector of the noncommutative standard model. The one-loop renormalizability is obtained for the model containing the usual six representations of matter fields of the first generation.
Ricci and sectional curvatures of twisted flux tubes in Riemannian manifoldare computed to investigate the stability of the tubes. The geodesic equationsare used to show that in the case of thick tubes, the curvature of planar(Frenet torsion-free) tubes have the effect ct of damping the flow speed alongthe tube. Stability of geodesic flows in the Riemannian twisted thin tubes(almost filaments), against constant radial perturbations is investigated byusing the method of negative sectional curvature for unstable flows. No specialform of the flow like Beltrami flows is admitted, and the proof is general forthe case of thin tubes. It is found that for positive perturbations and angularspeed of the flow, instability is achieved, since the sectional Ricci curvatureof the twisted tube metric is negative.
The geodesic equations are used to show that in the case of thick tubes, the curvature of planar (Frenet torsion-free) tubes have the effect ct of damping the flow speed along the tube. Stability of geodesic flows in the Riemannian twisted thin tubes (almost filaments), against constant radial perturbations is investigated by using the method of negative sectional curvature for unstable flows.
Self-compression of multi-millijoule femtosecond laser pulses and dramaticincrease of the peak intensity are found in pressurized helium and neon withina range of intensity in which the ionization modification of the materialparameters by the pulse is negligible. The pulse propagation is studied by the(3+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schroedinger equation including basic lowest orderoptical processes -- diffraction, group velocity dispersion of second order,and Kerr nonlinearity of third order. Smooth and well controllable pulsepropagation dynamics is found. Constructing of compressed pulse of controllableparameters at given space target point can be achieved by a proper chose of thepulse energy and/or gas pressure.
The pulse propagation is studied by the (3+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schroedinger equation including basic lowest order optical processes -- diffraction, group velocity dispersion of second order, and Kerr nonlinearity of third order.
Considering the large value of the top Yukawa coupling, we investigate theleading one-loop Yukawa electroweak corrections that can be induced by the topquark in a process such as Higgs production in association with a tagged bottomanti-bottom pair at the LHC. At NLO these contributions are found to be smallat the LHC both for the total cross section and for the distributions. In thelimit of vanishing bottom Yukawa coupling where the LO contribution vanishes,the process can still be induced at one-loop through the top quark transition.Though this contribution which can be counted as part of the NNLO correction issmall for Higgs masses around 120GeV, it quickly picks up for higher Higgsmasses. This contribution represents the rescattering of the top quarks andtheir decay into W's leading to Higgs production through WW fusion
At NLO these contributions are found to be small at the LHC both for the total cross section and for the distributions.
We study the geometric phase transitions that accompany the dynamicrearrangement of vacuum under spontaneous violation of initial gauge symmetry.The rearrangement may give rise to condensates of three types, namely thescalar, axially symmetric, and entirely anisotropic condensates. The flatspace-time keeps being the Minkowski space in the only case of scalarcondensate. The anisotropic condensate having arisen, the respective anisotropyoccurs also in space-time. In this case the space-time filled with axiallysymmetric condensate proves to be a flat relativistically invariant Finslerianspace with partially broken 3D isotropy, while the space-time filled withentirely anisotropic condensate proves to be a flat relativistically invariantFinslerian space with entirely broken 3D isotropy. The two Finslerian spacetypes are described briefly in the extended introduction to the work, while theoriginal part of the latter is devoted to determining observable 3-velocitiesin the entirely anisotropic Finslerian event space. The main difficulties thatare overcome in solving that problem arose from the nonstandard form of thelight cone equation and from the necessity of correct introducing of a norm inthe linear vector space of rapidities.
The main difficulties that are overcome in solving that problem arose from the nonstandard form of the light cone equation and from the necessity of correct introducing of a norm in the linear vector space of rapidities.
The electronic spectrum of metallic finite-size single-wall carbon nanotubesat low energies is derived. It is based on a tight-binding description for theinteracting p_{z} electrons. Not only the forward scattering parts of theCoulomb interaction, which are diagonalized by bosonization, are considered,but also all other processes becoming relevant for small diameter tubes. As aconsequence of the substructure of the underlying lattice, a spin 1 triplet isfound as ground state if the exchange splitting is larger than the branchmismatch, a spin 0 singlet otherwise. Moreover the excitation spectrum iscalculated.
The electronic spectrum of metallic finite-size single-wall carbon nanotubes at low energies is derived. It is based on a tight-binding description for the interacting p_{z} electrons. Not only the forward scattering parts of the Coulomb interaction, which are diagonalized by bosonization, are considered, but also all other processes becoming relevant for small diameter tubes.
We use digital holographic microscopy and Mie scattering theory tosimultaneously characterize and track individual colloidal particles. Eachholographic snapshot provides enough information to measure a colloidalsphere's radius and refractive index to within 1%, and simultaneously tomeasure its three-dimensional position with nanometer in-plane precision and 10nanometer axial resolution.
We use digital holographic microscopy and Mie scattering theory to simultaneously characterize and track individual colloidal particles. Each holographic snapshot provides enough information to measure a colloidal sphere's radius and refractive index to within 1%, and simultaneously to measure its three-dimensional position with nanometer in-plane precision and 10 nanometer axial resolution.
Recent preliminary results obtained by the CDF and DO Collaborations onsearches for Higgs bosons beyond the Standard Model at Run II of the Tevatronare discussed. The data, corresponding to integrated luminosities of up to 1fb-1, are compared to theoretical expectations. No significant excess of signalabove the expected background is observed in any of the various final statesexamined, and so limits at 95% Confidence Level (CL) are presented.
The data, corresponding to integrated luminosities of up to 1fb-1, are compared to theoretical expectations.
In this work we consider the problem of downlink resource allocation forproportional fairness of long term received rates of data users and quality ofservice for real time sessions in an OFDMA-based wireless system. The basestation allocates available power and bandwidth to individual users based onlong term average received rates, QoS based rate constraints and channelconditions. We solve the underlying constrained optimization problem andpropose an algorithm that achieves the optimal allocation. Numerical evaluationresults show that the proposed algorithm provides better QoS to voice and videosessions while providing more and fair rates to data users in comparison withexisting schemes.
The basestation allocates available power and bandwidth to individual users based on long term average received rates, QoS based rate constraints and channel conditions. We solve the underlying constrained optimization problem and propose an algorithm that achieves the optimal allocation.
The six Higgs doublet model is a minimal extension of the Standard Model thataddresses dark matter and gauge coupling unification. Another Higgs doublet ina 5 representation of a discrete symmetry group, such as S_6, is added to theSM. The lightest components of the 5-Higgs are neutral, stable and serve asdark matter so long as the discrete symmetry is not broken. Direct and indirectdetection signals, as well as collider signatures are discussed. The five-foldmultiplicity of the dark matter decreases its mass and typically helps make thedark matter more visible in upcoming experiments.
Direct and indirect detection signals, as well as collider signatures are discussed. The five-fold multiplicity of the dark matter decreases its mass and typically helps make the dark matter more visible in upcoming experiments.
We report molecular dynamics simulations of the segregation of twooverlapping chains in cylindrical confinement. We find that the entropicrepulsion between the chains can be sufficiently strong to cause segregation ona time scale that is short compared to the one for diffusion. This resultimplies that entropic driving forces are sufficiently strong to cause rapidbacterial chromosome segregation.
We report molecular dynamics simulations of the segregation of two overlapping chains in cylindrical confinement.
A transport model based on the mean free path approach to describe ppcollisions is proposed. We assume that hadrons can be treated as bags ofpartons similarly to the MIT bag model. When the energy density in thecollision is higher than a critical value, the bags break and partons areliberated. The partons expand and can make coalescence to form new hadrons. Theresults obtained compare very well with available data and some prediction forhigher energies collisions are discussed. Based on the model we suggest that aQGP could already be formed in the pp collisions at high energies.
We assume that hadrons can be treated as bags of partons similarly to the MIT bag model. When the energy density in the collision is higher than a critical value, the bags break and partons are liberated.
The de Haas-van Alphen effect was observed in the underdoped cuprateYBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6.5}$ via a torque technique in pulsed magnetic fields up to59 T. Above an irreversibility field of $\sim$30 T, the magnetization exhibitsclear quantum oscillations with a single frequency of 540 T and a cyclotronmass of 1.76 times the free electron mass, in excellent agreement withpreviously observed Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. The oscillations obey thestandard Lifshitz-Kosevich formula of Fermi-liquid theory. This thermodynamicobservation of quantum oscillations confirms the existence of a well-defined,close and coherent, Fermi surface in the pseudogap phase of cuprates.
The de Haas-van Alphen effect was observed in the underdoped cuprate YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6.5}$ via a torque technique in pulsed magnetic fields up to 59 T.
We study the magnetic properties of nanometer-sized graphene structures withtriangular and hexagonal shapes terminated by zig-zag edges. We discuss how theshape of the island, the imbalance in the number of atoms belonging to the twographene sublattices, the existence of zero-energy states, and the total andlocal magnetic moment are intimately related. We consider electronicinteractions both in a mean-field approximation of the one-orbital Hubbardmodel and with density functional calculations. Both descriptions yield valuesfor the ground state total spin, $S$, consistent with Lieb's theorem forbipartite lattices. Triangles have a finite $S$ for all sizes whereas hexagonshave S=0 and develop local moments above a critical size of $\approx 1.5$ nm.
We consider electronic interactions both in a mean-field approximation of the one-orbital Hubbard model and with density functional calculations.
We theoretically study a parallel optical configuration which includes Nperiodically coupled whispering-gallery-mode resonators. The model shows anobvious effect which has a direct analogy with the phenomenon of multipleelectromagnetically induced transparency in quantum systems. The numericalsimulations illuminate that the frequency transparency windows are sharp andhighly transparent. We also briefly discuss the experimental feasibility of thecurrent scheme in two practical systems, microrings and microdisks.
The model shows an obvious effect which has a direct analogy with the phenomenon of multiple electromagnetically induced transparency in quantum systems. The numerical simulations illuminate that the frequency transparency windows are sharp and highly transparent.
Preliminaries for Many-Particle approach to quantization of Einstein-Hilberttheory of gravitation are presented in this paper. Einstein-Friedmann Spacetimeis detailed discussed from this point of view. Von Neumann-Araki-Woods secondquantization in Fock space of canonical Hamilton field equations is presented.In result Spacetime as system with Bose-Einstein statistics is described andthermodynamics of the system is computed.
Von Neumann-Araki-Woods second quantization in Fock space of canonical Hamilton field equations is presented.
The step edge barrier of a prototypical organic semiconductor molecule,3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracaboxylic-dianhydride (PTCDA) has been analysed by meansof calculations based on emperical potentials. The minimum energy path (MEP)has been calculated for a single molecule on a substrate of three molecularlayers between equivalent minimum energy positions within two neighboring unitcells. To determine the step edge barrier, we have calculated the MEP over astep to a fourth layer of molecules. We found energy barriers of E_D= 80 meVfor in-layer diffusion and E_S = 750 meV for step crossing, indicating a strongEhrlich-Schwoebel effect for PTCDA.
The minimum energy path (MEP) has been calculated for a single molecule on a substrate of three molecular layers between equivalent minimum energy positions within two neighboring unit cells. To determine the step edge barrier, we have calculated the MEP over a step to a fourth layer of molecules.
Presented in this paper is the kinematic analysis of a symmetricalthree-degree-of-freedom planar parallel manipulator. In opposite to serialmanipulators, parallel manipulators can admit not only multiple inversekinematic solutions, but also multiple direct kinematic solutions. Thisproperty produces more complicated kinematic models but allows more flexibilityin trajectory planning. To take into account this property, the notion ofaspects, i.e. the maximal singularity-free domains, was introduced, based onthe notion of working modes, which makes it possible to separate the inversekinematic solutions. The aim of this paper is to show that a non-singularassembly-mode changing trajectory exist for a symmetrical planar parallelmanipulator, with equilateral base and platform triangle.
To take into account this property, the notion of aspects, i.e. the maximal singularity-free domains, was introduced, based on the notion of working modes, which makes it possible to separate the inverse kinematic solutions.
A Bayesian multi-planet Kepler periodogram has been developed for theanalysis of precision radial velocity data (Gregory 2005b and 2007). Theperiodogram employs a parallel tempering Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm.The HD 11964 data (Butler et al. 2006) has been re-analyzed using 1, 2, 3 and 4planet models. Assuming that all the models are equally probable a priori, thethree planet model is found to be >= 600 times more probable than the next mostprobable model which is a two planet model. The most probable model exhibitsthree periods of 38.02+0.06-0.05, 360+-4 and 1924+44-43 d, and eccentricitiesof 0.22+0.11-0.22, 0.63+0.34-0.17 and 0.05+0.03-0.05, respectively. Assumingthe three signals (each one consistent with a Keplerian orbit) are caused byplanets, the corresponding limits on planetary mass (M sin i) and semi-majoraxis are 0.090+0.15-0.14 M_J, 0.253+-0.009 au, 0.21+0.06-0.07 M_J, 1.13+-0.04au, 0.77+-0.08 M_J, 3.46+-0.13 au, respectively. The small difference (1.3sigma) between the 360 day period and one year suggests that it might be worthinvestigating the barycentric correction for the HD 11964 data.
A Bayesian multi-planet Kepler periodogram has been developed for the analysis of precision radial velocity data (Gregory 2005b and 2007). The periodogram employs a parallel tempering Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. The HD 11964 data (Butler et al. 2006) has been re-analyzed using 1, 2, 3 and 4 planet models.
The ability to predict the morphology of crystals formed by chemicalreactions is of fundamental importance for the shape-controlled synthesis ofnanostructures. Based on the atomistic mechanism for crystal growth underdifferent driving forces, we have developed morphology diagrams to predictregimes for the growth of two-dimensional crystals. By using controlledreactions for crystal growth in the absence of surfactants/capping agents, wedemonstrate the validity of this approach for the formation of 2-D structuresof Au, Ag, Pt, Pd and hydroxyapatite.
By using controlled reactions for crystal growth in the absence of surfactants/ capping agents, we demonstrate the validity of this approach for the formation of 2-D structures of Au, Ag, Pt, Pd and hydroxyapatite.
We study numerically the formation of molecular clouds in large-scalecolliding flows including self-gravity. The models emphasize the competitionbetween the effects of gravity on global and local scales in an isolated cloud.Global gravity builds up large-scale filaments, while local gravity --triggered by a combination of strong thermal and dynamical instabilities --causes cores to form. The dynamical instabilities give rise to a local focusingof the colliding flows, facilitating the rapid formation of massiveprotostellar cores of a few 100 M$_\odot$. The forming clouds do not reach anequilibrium state, though the motions within the clouds appear comparable to``virial''. The self-similar core mass distributions derived from models withand without self-gravity indicate that the core mass distribution is set veryearly on during the cloud formation process, predominantly by a combination ofthermal and dynamical instabilities rather than by self-gravity.
We study numerically the formation of molecular clouds in large-scale colliding flows including self-gravity. The models emphasize the competition between the effects of gravity on global and local scales in an isolated cloud.
We discuss results from a decade long program to study the fine-scalestructure and the kinematics of relativistic AGN jets with the aim of betterunderstanding the acceleration and collimation of the relativistic plasmaforming AGN jets. From the observed distribution of brightness temperature,apparent velocity, flux density, time variability, and apparent luminosity, theintrinsic properties of the jets including Lorentz factor, luminosity,orientation, and brightness temperature are discussed. Special attention isgiven to the jet in M87, which has been studied over a wide range ofwavelengths and which, due to its proximity, is observed with excellent spatialresolution. Most radio jets appear quite linear, but we also observe curved non-linearjets and non-radial motions. Sometimes, different features in a given jetappear to follow the same curved path but there is evidence for ballistictrajectories as well. The data are best fit with a distribution of Lorentzfactors extending up to gamma ~30 and intrinsic luminosity up to ~10^26 W/Hz.In general, gamma-ray quasars may have somewhat larger Lorentz factors than nongamma-ray quasars. Initially the observed brightness temperature near the baseof the jet extend up to ~5x10^13 K which is well in excess of the inverseCompton limit and corresponds to a large excess of particle energy overmagnetic energy. However, more typically, the observed brightness temperaturesare ~2x10^11 K, i.e., closer to equipartition.
We discuss results from a decade long program to study the fine-scale structure and the kinematics of relativistic AGN jets with the aim of better understanding the acceleration and collimation of the relativistic plasma forming AGN jets. From the observed distribution of brightness temperature, apparent velocity, flux density, time variability, and apparent luminosity, the intrinsic properties of the jets including Lorentz factor, luminosity, orientation, and brightness temperature are discussed.
Possibility of an axial vector isoscalar tetraquark $ud\bar{s}\bar{s}$ isdiscussed. If a $f_1$ meson in the mass region $1.4-1.5$ GeV consists of fourquarks $ns\bar{n}\bar{s}$, the mass of the isoscalar$ud\bar{s}\bar{s}$($\vartheta^+$-meson) state with $J^P=1^+$ is expected to belower than that of the $f_1$ meson. Within a flux-tube quark model, a possibleresonant state of $ud\bar{s}\bar{s}(J^{P}=1^{+})$ is suggested to appear at$\sim$ 1.4 GeV with the width ${\cal{O}}(20\sim 50)$ MeV. We propose that the$\vartheta^+$-meson is the good candidate for the tetraquark search, whichwould be observed in the $K^+K^+\pi^-$ decay channel.
Within a flux-tube quark model, a possible resonant state of $ud\bar{s}\bar{s}(J^{P}=1^{+})$ is suggested to appear at $\sim$ 1.4 GeV with the width ${\cal{O}}(20\sim 50)$ MeV.
This paper consider the problem of determining the reliability of a softwaresystem which can be decomposed in a number of modules. We have derived theexpression of the reliability of a system using the Markovian model for thetransfer of control between modules in order. We have given the expression ofreliability by considering both benign and catastrophic failure. The expressionof reliability presented in this work is applicable for some control softwarewhich are designed to detect its own internal errors.
We have derived the expression of the reliability of a system using the Markovian model for the transfer of control between modules in order. We have given the expression of reliability by considering both benign and catastrophic failure.
Bulk glass formation occurs over a very small part of phase space, and "good"glasses (which form even at low quench rates ~ 10K/sec) select an even smallerpart of that accessible phase space. An axiomatic theory provides the physicalbasis of glass formation, and identifies these sweet spots of glass formationwith existence of rigid but stress-free networks for which experimentalevidence is rapidly emerging. Recently, theory and experiment have cometogether to show that these sweet spots of glass formation occur over a rangeof chemical compositions identified as Intermediate Phases. These ranges appearto be controlled by elements of local and medium range molecular structuresthat form isostatically rigid networks. Intermediate Phase glasses possessnon-hysteretic glass transitions (Tgs) that do not age much. Raman scatteringhas played a pivotal role in elucidating molecular structure of glasses ingeneral, and in identifying domains of Intermediate Phases. Experiments revealthese phases to possess sharp phase boundaries and to be characterized by anoptical elasticity that varies with network mean coordination number, r, aspower-law. In this review, we provide examples in chalcogenide and oxide glasssystems where these phases along with optical elasticity power-laws have beenestablished. Intermediate Phase glasses represent self-organized nanostructuredfunctional materials optimized by nature.
Raman scattering has played a pivotal role in elucidating molecular structure of glasses in general, and in identifying domains of Intermediate Phases. Experiments reveal these phases to possess sharp phase boundaries and to be characterized by an optical elasticity that varies with network mean coordination number, r, as power-law.
We empirically investigated the relationships between the degree ofefficiency and the predictability in financial time-series data. The Hurstexponent was used as the measurement of the degree of efficiency, and the hitrate calculated from the nearest-neighbor prediction method was used for theprediction of the directions of future price changes. We used 60 market indexesof various countries. We empirically discovered that the relationship betweenthe degree of efficiency (the Hurst exponent) and the predictability (the hitrate) is strongly positive. That is, a market index with a higher Hurstexponent tends to have a higher hit rate. These results suggested that theHurst exponent is useful for predicting future price changes. Furthermore, wealso discovered that the Hurst exponent and the hit rate are useful asstandards that can distinguish emerging capital markets from mature capitalmarkets.
The Hurst exponent was used as the measurement of the degree of efficiency, and the hitrate calculated from the nearest-neighbor prediction method was used for theprediction of the directions of future price changes.
Some of the 124 toric Fano 4-folds contain abelian surfaces but most do not:in a few cases it is not known whether they do or not. By elementary methods,with a little computer help, we exclude some more possibilities.
By elementary methods, with a little computer help, we exclude some more possibilities.
Stimulated by recent advances in isolating graphene, we discovered thatquantum dot can be trapped in Z-shaped graphene nanoribbon junciton. Thetopological structure of the junction can confine electronic states completely.By varying junction length, we can alter the spatial confinement and the numberof discrete levels within the junction. In addition, quantum dot can berealized regardless of substrate induced static disorder or irregular edges ofthe junction. This device can be used to easily design quantum dot devices.This platform can also be used to design zero-dimensional functional nanoscaleelectronic devices using graphene ribbons.
By varying junction length, we can alter the spatial confinement and the number of discrete levels within the junction. In addition, quantum dot can be realized regardless of substrate induced static disorder or irregular edges of the junction.
RNA motifs typically consist of short, modular patterns that include basepairs formed within and between modules. Estimating the abundance of thesepatterns is of fundamental importance for assessing the statisticalsignificance of matches in genomewide searches, and for predicting whether agiven function has evolved many times in different species or arose from asingle common ancestor. In this manuscript, we review in an integrated andself-contained manner some basic concepts of automata theory, generatingfunctions and transfer matrix methods that are relevant to pattern analysis inbiological sequences. We formalize, in a general framework, the concept ofMarkov chain embedding to analyze patterns in random strings produced by amemoryless source. This conceptualization, together with the capability ofautomata to recognize complicated patterns, allows a systematic analysis ofproblems related to the occurrence and frequency of patterns in random strings.The applications we present focus on the concept of synchronization ofautomata, as well as automata used to search for a finite number of keywords(including sets of patterns generated according to base pairing rules) in ageneral text.
We formalize, in a general framework, the concept of Markov chain embedding to analyze patterns in random strings produced by a memoryless source. This conceptualization, together with the capability of automata to recognize complicated patterns, allows a systematic analysis of problems related to the occurrence and frequency of patterns in random strings.
We derive rigorous results describing the asymptotic dynamics of a discretetime model of spiking neurons introduced in \cite{BMS}. Using symbolic dynamictechniques we show how the dynamics of membrane potential has a one to onecorrespondence with sequences of spikes patterns (``raster plots''). Moreover,though the dynamics is generically periodic, it has a weak form of initialconditions sensitivity due to the presence of a sharp threshold in the modeldefinition. As a consequence, the model exhibits a dynamical regimeindistinguishable from chaos in numerical experiments.
Using symbolic dynamic techniques
The ANTARES neutrino telescope is presently being built in the MediterraneanSea at a depth of 2500 m. The primary aim of the experiment is the detection ofhigh energy cosmic muon neutrinos, which are identified by the muons that areproduced in charged current interactions. These muons are detected by measuringthe Cerenkov light which they emit traversing the detector. Sometimes a highmomentum muon produces electromagnetic showers. The subject of this paper is amethod to reconstruct these showers which includes several steps: an algorithmfor the fit of the muon track parameters, preselection of detected photonsbelonging to a shower, and a final fit with the preselected detected photons tocalculate the electromagnetic shower position. Finally a comparison betweendata obtained with that part of the detector that is currently in operation andsimulations is presented.
The subject of this paper is a method to reconstruct these showers which includes several steps: an algorithm for the fit of the muon track parameters, preselection of detected photons belonging to a shower, and a final fit with the preselected detected photons to calculate the electromagnetic shower position.
We exhibit a three parameter infinite family of quadratic recurrencerelations inspired by the well known Somos sequences. For one infinitesubfamily we prove that the recurrence generates an infinite sequence ofintegers by showing that the same sequence is generated by a linear recurrence(with suitable initial conditions). We also give conjectured relations amongthe three parameters so that the quadratic recurrences generate sequences ofintegers.
For one infinite subfamily we prove that the recurrence generates an infinite sequence of integers by showing that the same sequence is generated by a linear recurrence (with suitable initial conditions).
We construct analogue black hole solutions in the braneworld scenario. Thequantum fluctuations of condensate gravitons propagating around a$4+n$-dimensional gravitational potential are found yielding a metric similarto higher dimensional Schwarzschild black hole line-element. Black holeanalogue solutions in Randall-Sundrum and Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati brane worldmodels are also constructed. The properties of such black hole analogues arediscussed.
We construct analogue black hole solutions in the braneworld scenario. The quantum fluctuations of condensate gravitons propagating around a $4+ n$-dimensional gravitational potential are found yielding a metric similar to higher dimensional Schwarzschild black hole line-element. Black hole analogue solutions in Randall-Sundrum and Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati brane world models are also constructed.
Transversity quark light-cone momentum distributions are calculated for thenucleon. We utilize a modified Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model in which confinementis simulated by eliminating unphysical thresholds for nucleon decay intoquarks. The nucleon bound state is obtained by solving the relativistic Faddeevequation in the quark-diquark approximation, where both scalar and axial-vectordiquark channels are included. Particular attention is paid to comparing ourresults with the recent experimental extraction of the transversitydistributions by Anselmino et al. We also compare our transversity results withearlier spin-independent and helicity quark distributions calculated in thesame approach.
We utilize a modified Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model in which confinement is simulated by eliminating unphysical thresholds for nucleon decay into quarks. The nucleon bound state is obtained by solving the relativistic Faddeev equation in the quark-diquark approximation, where both scalar and axial-vector diquark channels are included.
Low energy $p\bar p$ interaction is considered taking into account thepolarization of both particles. The corresponding cross sections are calculatedusing the Paris nucleon-antinucleon optical potential. Then they are applied tothe analysis of the polarization buildup which is due to the interaction ofstored antiprotons with polarized protons of a hydrogen target. It is shownthat, at realistic parameters of a storage ring and a target, the filteringmechanism provides a noticeable polarization in a time comparable with the beamlifetime.
The corresponding cross sections are calculated using the Paris nucleon-antinucleon optical potential. Then they are applied to the analysis of the polarization buildup which is due to the interaction of stored antiprotons with polarized protons of a hydrogen target.
We discuss mechanisms of self-organization processes in two-level solid-stateclass-B laser system. The model is considered under assumptions of influence ofnonlinear absorber and external force, separately. It was found thatself-organization occurs through the Hopf bifurcation and results to a stablepulse radiation. Analysis is performed according to the Floquet exponentinvestigation. It was found that influence of the nonlinear absorber extendsthe domain of control parameters that manage a stable periodic radiationprocesses. An external force suppresses self-organization processes. A combinedinfluence of both external force and nonlinear absorber results to morecomplicated picture of self-organization with two reentrant Hopf bifurcations.
Analysis is performed according to the Floquet exponent investigation. It was found that influence of the nonlinear absorber extends the domain of control parameters that manage a stable periodic radiation processes.
Thermally stable polymers have attracted a lot of interest due to theirpotential use as the active component in electronic, optical and optoelectronicapplications, such as light-emitting diodes, light emitting electrochemicalcells, photodiodes, photovoltaic cells, field effect transistors, optocouplersand optically pumped lasers in solution and solid state.We report results ofinvestigations into the use of thermal treatment of poly(p-phenylene vinylene)(PPV) films grown on a variety of substrates (quartz and glass). Filmthickness, morphology and structural properties were investigated by a range oftechniques in particular: atomic force microscope - AFM, DEKTAK method,Ellipsometry and UV-VIS spectroscopy.
Film thickness, morphology and structural properties were investigated by a range of techniques in particular: atomic force microscope - AFM, DEKTAK method, Ellipsometry and UV-VIS spectroscopy.
A discrete Laplace transform and its inversion formula are obtained by usinga quadrature of the continuous Fourier transform which is given in terms ofHermite polynomials and its zeros. This approach yields a convergent discreteformula for the two-sided Laplace transform if the function to be transformedfalls off rapidly to zero and satisfy certain conditions of integrability,achieving convergence also for singular functions. The inversion formulabecomes a quadrature formula for the Bromwich integral. This procedure alsoyields a quadrature formula for the Mellin transform and its correspondinginversion formula that can be generalized straightforwardly for functions ofseveral variables.
A discrete Laplace transform and its inversion formula are obtained by using a quadrature of the continuous Fourier transform which is given in terms of Hermite polynomials and its zeros. This approach yields a convergent discrete formula for the two-sided Laplace transform if the function to be transformed falls off rapidly to zero and satisfy certain conditions of integrability, achieving convergence also for singular functions.
This paper presents a multi-sensor fusion strategy for a novel road-matchingmethod designed to support real-time navigational features within advanceddriving-assistance systems. Managing multihypotheses is a useful strategy forthe road-matching problem. The multi-sensor fusion and multi-modal estimationare realized using Dynamical Bayesian Network. Experimental results, using datafrom Antilock Braking System (ABS) sensors, a differential Global PositioningSystem (GPS) receiver and an accurate digital roadmap, illustrate theperformances of this approach, especially in ambiguous situations.
The multi-sensor fusion and multi-modal estimation are realized using Dynamical Bayesian Network.
Spherically symmetric dark energy structures are investigated in theframework of a generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG), which has an equation of stateof the form $P = - A/\rho^{\alpha}} $. We also study these in a modified GCGequation of state, which includes a matter term, i.e. $P = \sigma^{2} \rho -A/\rho^{\alpha}$. The results of the latter are then compared with someobservational data on low-surface-brightness galaxies which are supposed to bedominated by dark matter.
We also study these in a modified GCG equation of state, which includes a matter term, i.e. $P = \sigma^{2} \rho - A/\rho^{\alpha}$.
Diffusion Monte Carlo calculations on the adsorption of $^4$He in open-endedsingle walled (10,10) nanotubes are presented. We have found a first orderphase transition separating a low density liquid phase in which all $^4$Heatoms are adsorbed close to the tube wall and a high density arrangementcharacterized by two helium concentric layers. The energy correction due to thepresence of neighboring tubes in a bundle has also been calculated, finding itnegligible in the density range considered.
Diffusion Monte Carlo calculations on the adsorption of $^4$He in open-ended single walled (10,10) nanotubes are presented.
Existence of GZK neutrinos (ultra high energy neutrinos) have been justifiedalthough the flux is very low. A new method is desired to use a huge mass of adetector medium to detect them. A fundamental study of radar method was carriedout to measure microwave reflection from electromagnetic energy deposit byX-ray irradiation in a small rock salt sample. The reflection rate of 1x10^-6was found at the energy deposit of 1x10^19 eV which was proportional to squareof the X-ray intensity suggesting the effect to be coherent scattering. Thedecay time of the reflection was several seconds. This effect implies a largescale natural rock salt formation could be utilized like a bubble chamberirradiated by radio wave instead of visible light to detect GZK neutrinos.
A fundamental study of radar method was carried out to measure microwave reflection from electromagnetic energy deposit by X-ray irradiation in a small rock salt sample. The reflection rate of 1x10^-6 was found at the energy deposit of 1x10^19 eV which was proportional to square of the X-ray intensity suggesting the effect to be coherent scattering.
Based on the Mehler heat kernel of the Schroedinger operator for a freeelectron in a constant magnetic field an estimate for the kernel of E_A isderived, where E_A represents the kinetic energy of a Dirac electron within thepseudorelativistic no-pair Brown-Ravenhall model. This estimate is used toprovide the bottom of the essential spectrum for the two-particleBrown-Ravenhall operator, describing the motion of the electrons in a centralCoulomb field and a constant magnetic field, if the central charge isrestricted to Z below or equal 86.
Based on the Mehler heat kernel of the Schroedinger operator for a free electron in a constant magnetic field an estimate for the kernel of E_ A is derived, where E_ A represents the kinetic energy of a Dirac electron within the pseudorelativistic no-pair Brown-Ravenhall model.
We study the energy distribution of ultrarelativistic electrons produced whena beam of 33 TeV Pb$^{81+}$(1s) ions penetrates a thin Al foil. We show that,because of a prominent role of the excitations of the ions inside the foilwhich becomes possible due to the relativistic time dilatation, the width ofthis distribution can be much narrower compared to the case when the ionsinteract with rarefied gaseous targets. We also show that a very similar shapeof the energy distribution may arise when 33 TeV Pb$^{82+}$ ions penetrate athin Au foil. These results shed some light on the origin of the very narrowelectron energy distributions observed experimentally about a decade ago.
We study the energy distribution of ultrarelativistic electrons produced when a beam of 33 TeV Pb$^{81+}$(1s) ions penetrates a thin Al foil.
Vacuum expectation values of the field square and the energy-momentum tensorfor the electromagnetic field are investigated for the geometry of a wedge witha coaxal cylindrical boundary. All boundaries are assumed to be perfectlyconducting and both regions inside and outside the shell are considered. Byusing the generalized Abel-Plana formula, the vacuum expectation values arepresented in the form of the sum of two terms. The first one corresponds to thegeometry of the wedge without the cylindrical shell and the second term isinduced by the presence of the shell. The vacuum energy density induced by theshell is negative for the interior region and is positive for the exteriorregion. The asymptotic behavior of the vacuum expectation values areinvestigated in various limiting cases. It is shown that the vacuum forcesacting on the wedge sides due to the presence of the cylindrical boundary arealways attractive.
By using the generalized Abel-Plana formula, the vacuum expectation values are presented in the form of the sum of two terms.
We consider various random models (directed polymer, ferromagnetic randomPotts model, Ising spin-glasses) in their disorder-dominated phases, where thefree-energy cost $F(L)$ of an excitation of length $L$ present fluctuationsthat grow as a power-law $\Delta F(L) \sim L^{\omega}$ with the so-calleddroplet exponent $\omega>0$. We study the tails of the probability distribution$\Pi(x)$ of the rescaled free-energy cost $x= \frac{F_L-\bar{F_L}}{L^{\omega}}$, which are governed by two exponents $(\eta_-,\eta_+)$defined by $\ln \Pi(x \to \pm \infty) \sim - | x |^{\eta_{\pm}}$. The aim ofthis paper is to establish simple relations between these tail exponents$(\eta_-,\eta_+) $ and the droplet exponent $\omega$. We first prove theserelations for disordered models on diamond hierarchical lattices where exactrenormalizations exist for the probability distribution $\Pi(x)$. We theninterpret these relations via an analysis of the measure of the rare disorderconfigurations governing the tails. Our conclusion is that these relations,when expressed in terms of the dimensions of the bulk and of the excitationsurface are actually valid for general lattices.
We first prove these relations for disordered models on diamond hierarchical lattices where exact renormalizations exist for the probability distribution $\Pi(x)$. We then interpret these relations via an analysis of the measure of the rare disorder configurations governing the tails.
In this work we present a technique of fast numerical computation forsolutions of Navier-Stokes equations in the case of flows of industrialinterest. At first the partial differential equations are translated into a setof nonlinear ordinary differential equations using the geometrical shape of thedomain where the flow is developing, then these ODEs are numerically resolvedusing a set of computations distributed among the available processors. Wepresent some results from simulations on a parallel hardware architecture usingnative multithreads software and simulating a shared-memory or adistributed-memory environment.
At first the partial differential equations are translated into a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations using the geometrical shape of the domain where the flow is developing, then these ODEs are numerically resolved using a set of computations distributed among the available processors.
Redshift distortion measurements from galaxy surveys include sensitivity tothe gravitational growth index distinguishing other theories from Einsteingravity. This gravitational sensitivity is substantially free from uncertaintyin the effective equation of state of the cosmic expansion history. We alsoillustrate the bias in the traditional application to matter densitydetermination using f=Omega_m(a)^{0.6}, and how to avoid it.
This gravitational sensitivity is substantially free from uncertainty in the effective equation of state of the cosmic expansion history. We also illustrate the bias in the traditional application to matter density determination using f=Omega_m(a)^{0.6}, and how to avoid it.
We use 1+1 dimensional large N Gross-Neveu models as a laboratory to derivemicroscopically effective Lagrangians for positive energy fermions only. Whenapplied to baryons, the Euler-Lagrange equation for these effective theoriesassumes the form of a non-linear Dirac equation. Its solution reproduces thefull semi-classical results including the Dirac sea to any desired accuracy.Dynamical effects from the Dirac sea are encoded in higher order derivativeterms and multi-fermion interactions with perturbatively calculable, finitecoefficients. Characteristic differences between models with discrete andcontinuous chiral symmetry are observed and clarified.
We use 1+1 dimensional large N Gross-Neveu models as a laboratory to derive microscopically effective Lagrangians for positive energy fermions only. When applied to baryons, the Euler-Lagrange equation for these effective theories assumes the form of a non-linear Dirac equation.
The notion of quasi-angular momentum is introduced to label the eigenstatesof a Hamiltonian with a discrete rotational symmetry. This concept is recast inan operatorial form where the creation and annihilation operators of a HubbardHamiltonian carry units of quasi-angular momentum. Using this formalism, theground states of ultracold gases of non-interacting fermions in rotatingoptical lattices are studied as a function of rotation, and transitions betweenstates of different quasi-angular momentum are identified. In addition,previous results for strongly-interacting bosons are re-examined and comparedto the results for non-interacting fermions. Quasi-angular momentum can be usedto distinguish between these two cases. Finally, an experimentally accessiblesignature of quasi-angular momentum is identified in the momentum distributionsof single-particle eigenstates.
This concept is recast in an operatorial form where the creation and annihilation operators of a Hubbard Hamiltonian carry units of quasi-angular momentum. Using this formalism, the ground states of ultracold gases of non-interacting fermions in rotating optical lattices are studied as a function of rotation, and transitions between states of different quasi-angular momentum are identified.
In order to obtain a Markov theorem without stabilization, Birman and Menascointroduced the notion of exchange related braids. In this paper I study the waythe Fiedler polynomial distinguishes conjugacy classes of some particularbraided knots. I introduce the Kauffman bracket in the solid torus. Its Taylorexpansion give finite type invariants similar to the Fiedler polynomial. Iinvestigate how these invariants distinguish exchange related braids.
I introduce the Kauffman bracket in the solid torus. Its Taylor expansion give finite type invariants similar to the Fiedler polynomial. I investigate how these invariants distinguish exchange related braids.
Multiple carrier-frequency offsets (CFO) arise in a distributed antennasystem, where data are transmitted simultaneously from multiple antennas. Insuch systems the received signal contains multiple CFOs due to mismatch betweenthe local oscillators of transmitters and receiver. This results in atime-varying rotation of the data constellation, which needs to be compensatedfor at the receiver before symbol recovery. This paper proposes a new approachfor blind CFO estimation and symbol recovery. The received base-band signal isover-sampled, and its polyphase components are used to formulate a virtualMultiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) problem. By applying blind MIMO systemestimation techniques, the system response is estimated and used tosubsequently transform the multiple CFOs estimation problem into manyindependent single CFO estimation problems. Furthermore, an initial estimate ofthe CFO is obtained from the phase of the MIMO system response. The Cramer-RaoLower bound is also derived, and the large sample performance of the proposedestimator is compared to the bound.
The received base-band signal is over-sampled, and its polyphase components are used to formulate a virtual Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) problem. By applying blind MIMO system estimation techniques, the system response is estimated and used to subsequently transform the multiple CFOs estimation problem into many independent single CFO estimation problems.
We study the weak-field limit of the conformal Weyl gravity suggested byMannheim as an alternative to Einstein's General Relativity modeling both darkmatter and dark energy. We solve the field equations of the theory in theweak-field approximation for an arbitrary spherically symmetric staticdistribution of matter in the physical gauge with constant scalar field.Analysing the obtained solution, we conclude that the conformal theory ofgravitaty is inconsistent with the Solar-system observational data.
We solve the field equations of the theory in the weak-field approximation for an arbitrary spherically symmetric static distribution of matter in the physical gauge with constant scalar field.
We report on a precise computation of the topological charge distribution inthe SU(3) Yang--Mills theory. It is carried out on the lattice with highstatistics Monte Carlo simulations by employing the definition of thetopological charge suggested by Neuberger's fermions. We observe significantdeviations from a Gaussian distribution. Our results disfavour the thetabehaviour of the vacuum energy predicted by instanton models, while they arecompatible with the expectation from the large Nc expansion.
It is carried out on the lattice with high statistics Monte Carlo simulations by employing the definition of the topological charge suggested by Neuberger's fermions.
Although the giant radiogalaxy M 87 harbors many distinct regions ofbroad-band nonthermal emission, the recently reported fast variability of TeVgamma rays from M 87 on a timescale of days strongly constrains the range ofspeculations concerning the possible sites and scenarios of particleacceleration responsible for the observed TeV emission. A natural productionsite of this radiation is the immediate vicinity of the central supermassivemass black hole (BH). Because of the low bolometric luminosity, the nucleus ofM 87 is effectively transparent for gamma rays up to energy of 10 TeV, whichmakes this source an ideal laboratory for study of particle accelerationprocesses close to the BH event horizon. We critically analyse differentpossible radiation mechanisms in this region, and argue that the observed veryhigh-energy gamma ray emission can be explained by the inverse Compton emissionof ultrarelativistic electron-positron pairs produced through the developmentof an electromagnetic cascade in the BH magnetosphere. We demonstrate, throughdetailed numerical calculations of acceleration and radiation of electrons inthe magnetospheric vacuum gap, that this ``pulsar magnetosphere like'' scenariocan satisfactorily explain the main properties of TeV gamma-ray emission of M87.
We critically analyse different possible radiation mechanisms in this region, and argue that the observed very high-energy gamma ray emission can be explained by the inverse Compton emission of ultrarelativistic electron-positron pairs produced through the development of an electromagnetic cascade in the BH magnetosphere. We demonstrate, through detailed numerical calculations of acceleration and radiation of electrons in the magnetospheric vacuum gap, that this ``pulsar magnetosphere like'' scenario can satisfactorily explain the main properties of TeV gamma-ray emission of M87.
We find tight lower and upper bounds on the entanglement of a superpositionof two bipartite states in terms of the entanglement of the two statesconstituting the superposition. Our upper bound is dramatically tighter thanthe one presented in Phys. Rev. Lett 97, 100502 (2006) and our lower bound canbe used to provide lower bounds on different measures of entanglement such asthe entanglement of formation and the entanglement of subspaces. We also findthat in the case in which the two states are one-sided orthogonal, theentanglement of the superposition state can be expressed explicitly in terms ofthe entanglement of the two states in the superposition.
We find tight lower and upper bounds on the entanglement of a superpositionof two bipartite states in terms of the entanglement of the two states constituting the superposition.
We analyse 20 star cluster candidates projected mostly in the bulge direction($|\ell|<60^\circ$). The sample contains all candidates in that sectorclassified by \citet{FSRcat} with quality flags denoting high probability ofbeing star clusters. Bulge contamination in the colour-magnitude diagrams(CMDs) is in general important, while at lower Galactic latitudes disk starscontribute as well. Properties of the candidates are investigated with 2MASSCMDs and stellar radial density profiles (RDPs) built with field stardecontaminated photometry. To uncover the nature of the structures wedecontaminate the CMDs from field stars using tools that we previouslydeveloped to deal with objects in dense fields. We confirm in all casesexcesses in the RDPs with respect to the background level, as expected from themethod the candidates were originally selected. CMDs and RDPs taken togetherrevealed 6 open clusters, 5 uncertain cases that require deeper observations,while 9 objects are possibly field density fluctuations.
Properties of the candidates are investigated with 2MASS CMDs and stellar radial density profiles (RDPs) built with field star decontaminated photometry. To uncover the nature of the structures we decontaminate the CMDs from field stars using tools that we previously developed to deal with objects in dense fields.
The motion of contaminant particles through complex environments such asfractured rocks or porous sediments is often characterized by anomalousdiffusion: the spread of the transported quantity is found to grow sublinearlyin time due to the presence of obstacles which hinder particle migration. Theasymptotic behavior of these systems is usually well described by fractionaldiffusion, which provides an elegant and unified framework for modelinganomalous transport. We show that pre-asymptotic corrections to fractionaldiffusion might become relevant, depending on the microscopic dynamics of theparticles. To incorporate these effects, we derive a modified transportequation and validate its effectiveness by a Monte Carlo simulation.
We show that pre-asymptotic corrections to fractional diffusion might become relevant, depending on the microscopic dynamics of the particles. To incorporate these effects, we derive a modified transport equation and validate its effectiveness by a Monte Carlo simulation.
It is likely that the LHC will observe a color- and charge-neutral scalarwhose decays are consistent with those of the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson.The Higgs interpretation of such a discovery is not the only possibility. Forexample, electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) could be triggered by aspontaneously broken, nearly conformal sector. The spectrum of states at theelectroweak scale would then contain a narrow scalar resonance, thepseudo-Goldstone boson of conformal symmetry breaking, with Higgs-likeproperties. If the conformal sector is strongly coupled, this pseudo-dilatonmay be the only new state accessible at high energy colliders. We discuss theprospects for distinguishing this mode from a minimal Higgs boson at the LHCand ILC. The main discriminants between the two scenarios are (1) cubicself-interactions and (2) a potential enhancement of couplings to massless SMgauge bosons. A particularly interesting situation arises when the scale f ofconformal symmetry breaking is approximately the electroweak scale v~246 GeV.Although in this case the LHC may not be able to tell apart a pseudo-dilatonfrom the Higgs boson, the self-interactions differ in a way that depends onlyon the scaling dimension of certain operators in the conformal sector. Thisopens the possibility of using dilaton pair production at future colliders as aprobe of EWSB induced by nearly conformal new physics.
We discuss the prospects for distinguishing this mode from a minimal Higgs boson at the LHC and ILC. The main discriminants between the two scenarios are (1) cubic self-interactions and (2) a potential enhancement of couplings to massless SM gauge bosons.
We study various topological invariants on a torsional geometry in thepresence of a totally anti-symmetric torsion H under the closed condition dH =0, which appears in string theory compactification scenarios. By using theidentification between the Clifford algebra on the geometry and the canonicalquantization condition of fermions in quantum mechanics, we construct N=1quantum mechanical sigma model in the Hamiltonian formalism. We extend thismodel to N=2 system, equipped with the totally anti-symmetric tensor associatedwith the torsion on the target space geometry. Next we construct transitionelements in the Lagrangian path integral formalism and apply them to theanalyses of the Witten indices in supersymmetric systems. We explicitly showthe formulation of the Dirac index on the torsional manifold which has alreadybeen studied. We also formulate the Euler characteristic and the Hirzebruchsignature on the torsional manifold.
By using the identification between the Clifford algebra on the geometry and the canonical quantization condition of fermions in quantum mechanics, we construct N=1 quantum mechanical sigma model in the Hamiltonian formalism. We extend this model to N=2 system, equipped with the totally anti-symmetric tensor associated with the torsion on the target space geometry. Next we construct transition elements in the Lagrangian path integral formalism and apply them to the analyses of the Witten indices in supersymmetric systems.
Detecting and studying objects at the highest redshifts, out to the end ofCosmic Reionization at z>7, is clearly a key science goal of ALMA. ALMA will inprinciple be able to detect objects in this redshift range both from high-J(J>7) CO transitions and emission from ionized carbon, [CII], which is one ofthe main cooling lines of the ISM. ALMA will even be able to resolve thisemission for individual targets, which will be one of the few ways to determinedynamical masses for systems in the Epoch of Reionization. We discuss some ofthe current problems regarding the detection and characterization of objects athigh redshifts and how ALMA will eliminate most (but not all) of them.
ALMA will in principle be able to detect objects in this redshift range both from high-J (J>7) CO transitions and emission from ionized carbon, [CII], which is one of the main cooling lines of the ISM. ALMA will even be able to resolve this emission for individual targets, which will be one of the few ways to determine dynamical masses for systems in the Epoch of Reionization.
We have produced a catalog of line identifications and equivalent widthmeasurements for all absorption features in eight ultraviolet echelle quasarspectra. These spectra were selected as having the highest signal-to-noiseamong the HST/STIS spectra obtained with the E230M grating. We identify 56metal-line systems toward the eight quasars, and present plots of detectedtransitions, aligned in velocity-space. We found that about 1/4 - 1/3 of thefeatures in the Lya forest region, redward of the incidence of the Lyb forest,are metal lines. High ionization transitions are common. We see both O VI and CIV in 88 - 90% of the metal-line systems for which the spectra cover theexpected wavelength. Si III is seen in 58%, while low ionization absorption inC II, Si II, and/or Al II is detected in 50% of the systems for which they arecovered. This catalog will facilitate future studies of the Lya forest and ofmetal-line systems of various types.
We have produced a catalog of line identifications and equivalent widthmeasurements for all absorption features in eight ultraviolet echelle quasar spectra. These spectra were selected as having the highest signal-to-noise among the HST/STIS spectra obtained with the E230M grating.
We have performed a search for Bs-->mu+mu- and Bd-->mu+mu- decays in ppbarcollisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96TeV using 2fb-1 of integrated luminosity collectedby the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The observed numberof Bs and Bd candidates is consistent with background expectations. Theresulting upper limits on the branching fractions are B(Bs-->mu+mu-) <5.8X10^-8 and B(Bd-->mu+mu-) < 1.8X10^-8 at 95% C.L.
We have performed a search for Bs-->mu+mu- and Bd-->mu+mu- decays in ppbarcollisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96TeV using 2fb-1 of integrated luminosity collected by the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider.
The construction of the ATLAS electromagnetic liquid argon calorimetermodules is completed and all the modules are assembled and inserted in thecryostats. During the production period four barrel and three endcap moduleswere exposed to test beams in order to assess their performance, ascertain theproduction quality and reproducibility, and to scrutinize the complete energyreconstruction chain from the readout and calibration electronics to the signaland energy reconstruction. It was also possible to check the full Monte Carlosimulation of the calorimeter. The analysis of the uniformity, resolution andextraction of constant term is presented. Typical non-uniformities of 0.5% andtypical global constant terms of 0.6% are measured for the barrel and end-capmodules.
During the production period four barrel and three endcap modules were exposed to test beams in order to assess their performance, ascertain the production quality and reproducibility, and to scrutinize the complete energy reconstruction chain from the readout and calibration electronics to the signal and energy reconstruction. It was also possible to check the full Monte Carlo simulation of the calorimeter.
We report measurements of the rectification of microwave radiation (0.7-20GHz) at the boundary between two-dimensional electron systems separated by anarrow gap on a silicon surface for different temperatures, electron densitiesand microwave power. For frequencies above 4 GHz and different temperatures,the rectified voltage V_{dc} as a function of microwave power P can be scaledonto a single universal curve V*_{dc}=f*(P*). The scaled voltage is a linearfunction of power, V*_{dc} ~ P* for small power and proportional to P*^{1/2} athigher power. A theory is proposed that attributes the rectification to thethermoelectric response due to strong local overheating by the microwaveradiation at the boundary between two dissimilar 2D metals. Excellent agreementis obtained between theory and experiment.
We report measurements of the rectification of microwave radiation (0.7-20GHz) at the boundary between two-dimensional electron systems separated by an arrow gap on a silicon surface for different temperatures, electron densities and microwave power. For frequencies above 4 GHz and different temperatures, the rectified voltage V_{dc} as a function of microwave power P can be scaled onto a single universal curve V*_{dc}=f*(P*).
Astrophysical sources of energetic gamma rays provide the right conditionsfor maximal mixing between (pseudo)scalar (axion-like) particles and photons iftheir coupling is as strong as suggested by the PVLAS claim. This isindependent of whether or not the axion interaction is standard at all energiesor becomes supressed in the extreme conditions of the stellar interior. Theflux of such particles through the Earth could be observed using a metre long,Tesla strength superconducting solenoid thus testing the axion interpretationof the PVLAS anomaly. The rate of events in CAST caused by axions from the Crabpulsar is also estimated for the PVLAS-favoured parameters.
This is independent of whether or not the axion interaction is standard at all energies or becomes supressed in the extreme conditions of the stellar interior. The flux of such particles through the Earth could be observed using a metre long, Tesla strength superconducting solenoid thus testing the axion interpretation of the PVLAS anomaly. The rate of events in CAST caused by axions from the Crab pulsar is also estimated for the PVLAS-favoured parameters.
We give an algorithm for finding network encoding and decoding equations forerror-free multicasting networks with multiple sources and sinks. The algorithmgiven is efficient (polynomial complexity) and works on any kind of network(acyclic, link cyclic, flow cyclic, or even in the presence of knots). The keyidea will be the appropriate use of the delay (both natural and additional)during the encoding. The resulting code will always work with finite delay withbinary encoding coefficients.
We give an algorithm for finding network encoding and decoding equations for error-free multicasting networks with multiple sources and sinks. The algorithm given is efficient (polynomial complexity) and works on any kind of network (acyclic, link cyclic, flow cyclic, or even in the presence of knots). The key idea will be the appropriate use of the delay (both natural and additional) during the encoding.
Second- and third-order results are presented for the structure functions ofcharged-current deep-inelastic scattering in the framework of masslessperturbative QCD. We write down the two-loop differences between thecorresponding crossing-even and -odd coefficient functions, including those forthe longitudinal structure function not covered in the literature so far. Atthree loops we compute the lowest five moments of these differences for allthree structure functions and provide approximate expressions in Bjorken-$x$space. Also calculated is the related third-order coefficient-functioncorrection to the Gottfried sum rule. We confirm the conjectured suppression ofthese quantities if the number of colours is large. Finally we derive thesecond- and third-order QCD contributions to the Paschos-Wolfenstein ratio usedfor the determination of the weak mixing angle from neutrino-nucleondeep-inelastic scattering. These contributions are found to be small.
We write down the two-loop differences between the corresponding crossing-even and -odd coefficient functions, including those for the longitudinal structure function not covered in the literature so far. At three loops we compute the lowest five moments of these differences for all three structure functions and provide approximate expressions in Bjorken-$x$ space. Also calculated is the related third-order coefficient-function correction to the Gottfried sum rule.
A soap bubble is a metastable object that eventually breaks. Indeed, thesoapy water film thins until rupture, due to drainage and evaporation. In ourexperimental investigations, floating bubbles at the surface of a liquid bathhave been considered. Their lifetime has been measured and reported withrespect to their radius. Large bubbles last longer than small ones. Moreover,small bubbles have more predictable lifetimes than large ones. We propose ageneral equation for that lifetime, based on the lubrication theory. Theevaporation is shown to be an essential process which determines the bubblelifetime.
In our experimental investigations, floating bubbles at the surface of a liquid bath have been considered. Their lifetime has been measured and reported with respect to their radius.
We have used the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on the Spitzer Space Telescopeto obtain spectra of HD 100764, an apparently single carbon star with acircumstellar disk. The spectrum shows emission features from polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) that are shifted to longer wavelengths thannormally seen, as characteristic of ``class C'' systems in the classificationscheme of Peeters et al. All seven of the known class C PAH sources areilluminated by radiation fields that are cooler than those which typicallyexcite PAH emission features. The observed wavelength shifts are consistentwith hydrocarbon mixtures containing both aromatic and aliphatic bonds. Wepropose that the class C PAH spectra are distinctive because the carbonaceousmaterial has not been subjected to a strong ultraviolet radiation field,allowing relatively fragile aliphatic materials to survive.
We have used the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope to obtain spectra of HD 100764, an apparently single carbon star with a circumstellar disk.
We examine a simple model of proton pumping through the inner membrane ofmitochondria in the living cell. We demonstrate that the pumping process can bedescribed using approaches of condensed matter physics. In the framework ofthis model, we show that the resonant F\"orster-type energy exchange due toelectron-proton Coulomb interaction can provide an unidirectional flow ofprotons against an electrochemical proton gradient, thereby accomplishingproton pumping. The dependence of this effect on temperature as well aselectron and proton voltage build-ups are obtained taking into accountelectrostatic forces and noise in the environment. We find that the proton pumpworks with maximum efficiency in the range of temperatures and transmembraneelectrochemical potentials which correspond to the parameters of living cells.
In the framework of this model, we show that the resonant F\"orster-type energy exchange due to electron-proton Coulomb interaction can provide an unidirectional flow of protons against an electrochemical proton gradient, thereby accomplishing proton pumping. The dependence of this effect on temperature as well as electron and proton voltage build-ups are obtained taking into account electrostatic forces and noise in the environment.
We present a class of numerical algorithms which adapt a quantum errorcorrection scheme to a channel model. Given an encoding and a channel model, itwas previously shown that the quantum operation that maximizes the averageentanglement fidelity may be calculated by a semidefinite program (SDP), whichis a convex optimization. While optimal, this recovery operation iscomputationally difficult for long codes. Furthermore, the optimal recoveryoperation has no structure beyond the completely positive trace preserving(CPTP) constraint. We derive methods to generate structured channel-adaptederror recovery operations. Specifically, each recovery operation begins with aprojective error syndrome measurement. The algorithms to compute the structuredrecovery operations are more scalable than the SDP and yield recoveryoperations with an intuitive physical form. Using Lagrange duality, we deriveperformance bounds to certify near-optimality.
The algorithms to compute the structured recovery operations are more scalable than the SDP and yield recovery operations with an intuitive physical form. Using Lagrange duality, we derive performance bounds to certify near-optimality.
If clustering of the arrival directions of ultra high energy cosmic rays isdiscovered, this would provide important information about their origin,composition, and the galactic and extragalactic magnetic fields. We presenthere the analysis of the autocorrelation function of the data from the PierreAuger Observatory as a function of the angular scale and the energy threshold.We compare our results with the signals found by previous experiments.
We present here the analysis of the autocorrelation function of the data from the Pierre Auger Observatory as a function of the angular scale and the energy threshold.
We summarize results on finite-volume effects in the propagators of Landaugauge Yang-Mills theory using Dyson-Schwinger equations on a 4-dimensionaltorus. We demonstrate explicitly how the solutions for the gluon and the ghostpropagator tend towards their respective infinite volume forms in thecorresponding limit. We discuss the relation of our solutions with results fromlattice Monte-Carlo simulations.
We summarize results on finite-volume effects in the propagators of Landaugauge Yang-Mills theory using Dyson-Schwinger equations on a 4-dimensional torus. We demonstrate explicitly how the solutions for the gluon and the ghost propagator tend towards their respective infinite volume forms in the corresponding limit.
The stationary hydrodynamic equations for the transonic accretion disks andflows around rotating black holes are presented by using the Kerr-Schildcoordinate where there is no coordinate singularity at the event horizon. Weuse two types of the causal viscosity prescription, and the boundary conditionsfor the transonic accretion flows are given at the sonic point. For one type ofthe causal viscosity prescription we also add the boundary conditions at theviscous point where the accreting radial velocity is nearly equal to theviscous diffusion velocity. Based on the formalism for the transonic accretiondisks, after we present the calculation method of the transonic solutions, thehorizon-penetrating transonic solutions which smoothly pass the event horizonare calculated for several types of the accretion flow models: the idealisothermal flows, the ideal and the viscous polytropic flows, the advectiondominated accretion flows (ADAFs) with the relativistic equation of state, theadiabatic accretion disks, the standard accretion disks, the supercriticalaccretion disks. These solutions are obtained for both non-rotating androtating black holes. The calculated accretion flows plunge into black holewith finite three velocity smaller than the speed of light even at the eventhorizon or inside the horizon, and the angular velocities of the accretion flowat the horizon are generally different from the angular velocity of theframe-dragging due to the black hole's rotation. These features contrast to theresults obtained by using the Boyer-Lindquist coordinate with the coordinatesingularity at the horizon.
We use two types of the causal viscosity prescription, and the boundary conditions for the transonic accretion flows are given at the sonic point. For one type of the causal viscosity prescription we also add the boundary conditions at the viscous point where the accreting radial velocity is nearly equal to the viscous diffusion velocity.
Under the assumption that the $2\leftrightarrow 3$ symmetry is broken onlythrough phases, we give a systematical investigation of possible lepton massmatrix forms without referring to the explicit parameter values. The two typesof the $2\leftrightarrow 3$ symmetry are investigated: one is that the left-and right-handed fields $(f_L, f_R)$ obey the symmetry, and another one is thatonly $f_L$ obeys the symmetry. In latter case, in spite of no $2\leftrightarrow3$ symmetry in the Majorana mass matrix $M_R$ for $\nu_R$, the neutrino seesawmass matrix still obey the $2\leftrightarrow 3$ symmetry. Possiblephenomenologies are discussed.
Under the assumption that the $2\leftrightarrow 3$ symmetry is broken only through phases, we give a systematical investigation of possible lepton mass matrix forms without referring to the explicit parameter values.
Extrapolations of soft scalar mass parameters in supersymmetric theories canbe used to explore elements of the physics scenario near the grand unificationscale. We investigate the potential of this method in the lepton sector ofSO(10) which incorporates right-handed neutrino superfields. The method isexemplified in two models by exploring limits on the precision that can beexpected from coherent LHC and e+e- collider analyses in the reconstruction ofthe fundamental scalar mass parameters at the unification scale and of theD-terms related to the breaking of grand unification symmetries. In addition,the mass of the third-generation right-handed neutrino can be estimated inseesaw scenarios. Even though the models are simplified and not intended toaccount for all aspects of a final comprehensive SO(10) theory, they providenevertheless a valid base for identifying essential elements that can beinferred on the fundamental high-scale theory from high-energy experiments.
We investigate the potential of this method in the lepton sector of SO(10) which incorporates right-handed neutrino superfields. The method is exemplified in two models by exploring limits on the precision that can be expected from coherent LHC and e+e- collider analyses in the reconstruction of the fundamental scalar mass parameters at the unification scale and of the D-terms related to the breaking of grand unification symmetries.
We demonstrate, for the first time, a scheme that generatesradially-polarized light using Goos-Hanchen shift of a cylindrically symmetricTotal Internal Reflection. It allows ultra-broadband radial polarizationconversion for wavelengths differing >1 micron.
We demonstrate, for the first time, a scheme that generates radially-polarized light using Goos-Hanchen shift of a cylindrically symmetric Total Internal Reflection.
In the color glass condensate framework the saturation scale measured in deepinelastic scattering of high energy hadrons and nuclei can be determined fromthe correlator of Wilson lines in the hadron wavefunction. These same Wilsonlines give the initial condition of the classical field computation of theinitial gluon multiplicity and energy density in a heavy ion collision. In thispaper the Wilson line correlator in both adjoint and fundamentalrepresentations is computed using exactly the same numerical procedure that hasbeen used to calculate gluon production in a heavy ion collision. In particularthe discretization of the longitudinal coordinate has a large numerical effecton the relation between the color charge density parameter g^2 mu and thesaturation scale Qs. Our result for this relation is Qs = 0.6 g^2 mu, whichresults in the classical Yang-Mills value for the "gluon liberationcoefficient" c = 1.1.
These same Wilson lines give the initial condition of the classical field computation of the initial gluon multiplicity and energy density in a heavy ion collision. In this paper the Wilson line correlator in both adjoint and fundamental representations is computed using exactly the same numerical procedure that has been used to calculate gluon production in a heavy ion collision.
We determine the partition function of 1/16 BPS operators in N=4 SYM at weakcoupling at the one-loop level in the planar limit. This partition function issignificantly different from the one computed at zero coupling. We find that itcoincides precisely with the partition function of a gas of 1/16 BPS`supergravitons' in AdS_5xS^5.
We determine the partition function of 1/16 BPS operators in N=4 SYM at weak coupling at the one-loop level in the planar limit. This partition function is significantly different from the one computed at zero coupling.
In this paper we prove that the Grosse-Wulkenhaar type non-commutativeorientable complex scalar $\phi^6_3$ theory, with two non-commutativecoordinates and the third one commuting with the other two, is renormalizableto all orders in perturbation theory. Our proof relies on a multiscale analysisin x space.
Our proof relies on a multiscale analysis in x space.
We have considered the di-photon production with unparticle at LHC. Thecontributions of spin-0 and spin-2 unparticle to the di-photon production arestudied in the invariant mass and other kinematical distributions, along withtheir dependencies on the model dependent parameters. The signal correspondingto the unparticle is significant for moderate coupling constant values.
The contributions of spin-0 and spin-2 unparticle to the di-photon production are studied in the invariant mass and other kinematical distributions, along with their dependencies on the model dependent parameters.
We consider a supersymmetric Bogomolny-type model in 2+1 dimensionsoriginating from twistor string theory. By a gauge fixing this model is reducedto a modified U(n) chiral model with N<=8 supersymmetries in 2+1 dimensions.After a Moyal-type deformation of the model, we employ the dressing method toexplicitly construct multi-soliton configurations on noncommutative R^{2,1} andanalyze some of their properties.
By a gauge fixing this model is reduced to a modified U(n) chiral model with N<=8 supersymmetries in 2+1 dimensions. After a Moyal-type deformation of the model, we employ the dressing method to explicitly construct multi-soliton configurations on noncommutative R^{2,1} and analyze some of their properties.
Comment on Similarity analysis in magnetohydrodynamics:effects of Hall andion-slip currents on free convection flow and mass transfer of a gas past asemi-infinite vertical plate, A.A. Megahed, S.R. Komy, A.A. Afify [ActaMechanica 151, 185-194 (2001)] In the above paper is investigated the boundary layer flow of an electricallyconducting fluid over a vertical, stationary plate placed in a calm fluid. Theeffects of Hall and ion-slip currents are taken into account. The boundarylayer equations are transformed into ordinary ones using a scaling group oftransformations and subsequently are solved numerically. However, there are twofundamental errors in the above paper which are presented below.
The boundary layer equations are transformed into ordinary ones using a scaling group of transformations and subsequently are solved numerically.
Distributions following a power-law are an ubiquitous phenomenon. Methods fordetermining the exponent of a power-law tail by graphical means are often usedin practice but are intrinsically unreliable. Maximum likelihood estimators forthe exponent are a mathematically sound alternative to graphical methods.
Methods fordetermining the exponent of a power-law tail by graphical means are often used in practice but are intrinsically unreliable. Maximum likelihood estimators for the exponent are a mathematically sound alternative to graphical methods.
We use the real-time finite-temperature AdS/CFT correspondence to compute theeffect of general R^2 corrections to the gravitational action in AdS space onthe shear viscosity of the dual gauge theory. The R^2 terms in AdS_5 aredetermined by the central charges of the CFT. We present an example of afour-dimensional gauge theory in which the conjectured lower bound of 1/(4\pi)on the viscosity-to-entropy ratio is violated for finite N.
We use the real-time finite-temperature AdS/CFT correspondence to compute the effect of general R^2 corrections to the gravitational action in AdS space on the shear viscosity of the dual gauge theory.
We develop a simple technique for calculation of next to nearest neighborspin-spin and chiral-spin correlation functions in inhomogeneous XXX model.Exact expression of the chiral-spin order parameter as a function of the modelparameter, $\omega$, is analytically found. Using the same method we alsocalculate the next to nearest neighbor spin-spin correlation function. In thelimit $\omega -> 0$ it reproduces the known result for the vacuum expectationvalue of the next to nearest neighbor spins in the standard Heisenberg spinchain. The technique is simple and can be extended for calculation of next tonext to nearest neighbor correlation functions as well as for calculation ofcorrelation functions in XXZ model.
We develop a simple technique for calculation of next to nearest neighborspin-spin and chiral-spin correlation functions in inhomogeneous XXX model. Exact expression of the chiral-spin order parameter as a function of the modelparameter, $\omega$, is analytically found. Using the same method we also calculate the next to nearest neighbor spin-spin correlation function.