150 values
11 values
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 13 3 9396h9,a936h9,9 O0 13 3 3,,b34h3 I1 4 6 9369,9,a963,a969,, O1 4 6 3,a343,3,,, I2 8 15 a96d9,,,,,396d9,936d9,9,a963c9,a9693b9,a96a93a9,a96b939,a96c93,a96d9, O2 8 15 3,,,,,,,a34d3,3,,,,,, I3 3 5 936,9,a96,, O3 3 5 3,a34,3,, I4T 13 4 a936h9,9,b963g9,b9693f9 O4T None
13 4 3,b34h3,3,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for O5T
I0 6 12 7,,,3d7,73c7,a73b7,b73a7,c737,d37,7,, O0 6 12 0,,,3d0,03c0,a03b0,b03a0,c030,d03,0,, I1 14 10 7,,,,,,3l7,37k3,a73j7,b73i7 O1 14 10 0,,,,,,3l0,03k0,a03j0,b03i0 I2 14 3 j73a7,k373,l73 O2 14 3 j03a0,k030,l03 I3 11 7 a73g7,b73f7,c37e3,d73d7,e73c7,f73b7,g73a7 O3 11 7 a03g0,b03f0,c03e0,d03d0,e03c0,f03b0,g03a0 I4T 12 15 7,,,,3j7,73i7,a73h7,b73g7,c37f3,d73e7,e73d7,f73c7,g73b7,h73a7,i737 O4T None I5T 10 11 7,,3h7,37g3,a73f7,b73e7,c73d7,d73c7,e73b7,f73a7,g737 O5T None
10 11 0,,3h0,03g0,a03f0,b03e0,c03d0,d03c0,e03b0,f03a0,g030
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 5 10 1,,,,c10,1,,,, O0 5 10 2b42,42a42,a4242,b4a2,c42,,,,, I1 7 15 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10d1 O1 7 15 42d4,,,,,,,,,,,,,a2d4,42d4 I2 12 4 1,,,a10h1 O2 12 4 a42h4,242h4,4a2h4,a42h4 I3T 4 8 1,,,,0b1,1,, O3T None I4T 8 10 1,,,,,a10d1,1,,, O4T None
8 10 a42d4,,,242d4,4a2d4,a42d4,a4a2c4,a4242b4,a42a42a4,a42b424
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O4T, predict image
I0 11 7 h545,h949,,,,, O0 11 7 9,6,,,,, I1 3 8 a94,,,,a54,a94,, O1 3 8 6,,,,9,6,, I2 4 11 b94,b54,b94,,,,,,,, O2 4 11 6,9,6,,,,,,,, I3 4 12 94a9,,,,,,,54a5,94a9,,, O3 4 12 6,,,,,,,9,6,,, I4T 13 15 h94b9,,,,,,,,,h54b5,h94b9,,,, O4T None
13 15 6,,,,,,,,,9,6,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 4 6 84a8,,54a5,84a8,, O0 4 6 7,,2,7,, I1 3 4 a54,a84,, O1 3 4 2,7,, I2 7 5 d848,,d545,d848, O2 7 5 7,,2,7, I3 14 6 c84h8,,,,c54h5,c84h8 O3 14 6 7,,,,2,7 I4T 3 6 848,545,848,,, O4T None I5T 11 14 d84d8,,,,,,,,,,,,d54d5,d84d8 O5T None
11 14 7,,,,,,,,,,,,2,7
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 4 13 0,,,,,,8b0,0,,,,, O0 4 13 9b6,,,9a69,9696,a9a6,9b6,,,,,, I1 13 12 0,,,,,,,,,e08e0,0, O1 13 12 e69e6,,,e69d69,e69c696,e69b69a6,e69a69b6,e6969c6,e6a9d6,e69e6,d6a9e6,c6969e6 I2 12 9 0,,,,,g08b0,0,, O2 12 9 g69b6,,g69a69,g69696,g6a9a6,g69b6,f6a9b6,e6969b6,d69a69b6 I3 10 13 0,,,,,,,,e08b0,0,,, O3 10 13 e69b6,,,,,e69a69,e69696,e6a9a6,e69b6,d6a9b6,c6969b6,b69a69b6,a69b69b6 I4T 7 7 0,,,,,,b08b0 O4T None
7 7 b69b6,,,b69a69,b69696,b6a9a6,b69b6
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 13 7 97j9,a69i6,b97h9,c97g9,d97f9,e97e9,f97d9 O0 13 7 28j2,a28i2,b28h2,c28g2,d28f2,e28e2,f28d2 I1 14 12 d69g6,e97f9,f97e9,g97d9,h97c9,i97b9,j97a9,k979,l97,9,, O1 14 12 d28g2,e28f2,f28e2,g28d2,h28c2,i28b2,j28a2,k282,l28,2,, I2 5 9 9,,,,,,,,9c6 O2 5 9 2,,,,,,,,8c2 I3 9 11 9,,,7g9,97f9,a69e6,b97d9,c97c9,d97b9,e97a9,f979 O3 9 11 2,,,8g2,28f2,a28e2,b28d2,c28c2,d28b2,e28a2,f282 I4T 8 12 a97d9,b97c9,c97b9,d97a9,e979,f69,9,,,,, O4T None I5T 8 4 9,,7f9,69e6 O5T None
8 4 2,,8f2,28e2
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 11 11 0,,i04,0,,,,,,, O0 11 11 g06a0,h060,6,0,,,,,,, I1 6 14 0,,,,,,,,,,a04b0,0,, O1 6 14 0,,,,,,,,6d0,06c0,6,b06a0,c060,d06 I2 9 5 0,,,,4g0 O2 9 5 0,,,,6 I3 14 9 0,4l0,0,,,,,, O3 14 9 0,6,06k0,a06j0,b06i0,c06h0,d06g0,e06f0,f06e0 I4T 15 13 0,,a04k0,0,,,,,,,,, O4T None I5T 9 14 0,,4g0,0,,,,,,,,,, O5T None
15 13 6m0,06l0,6,b06j0,c06i0,d06h0,e06g0,f06f0,g06e0,h06d0,i06c0,j06b0,k06a0
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 11 12 d6764b6,d674c6,6,c647d6,b6467d6,a64a67d6,64b67d6,4c67d6,d67d6,,, O0 11 12 5,,d57d5,5,,,,,,,, I1 4 13 67a6,,,6764,6746,6,47a6,67a6,,,,, O1 4 13 5,,,,,57a5,5,,,,,, I2 3 8 a67,,,,,6,647,467 O2 3 8 5,,,,,a57,5, I3 15 4 j674a6,6,i647b6,h6467b6 O3 15 4 5,j57b5,5, I4T 3 12 676,,,,674,6,476,676,,,, O4T None
3 12 5,,,,,575,5,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1, O4T, predict image
I0 15 14 f83f8,g83e8,h83d8,i83c8,j38b3,k83a8,l838,m83,8,,,,, O0 15 14 5,,,,7,5,,,,,,,, I1 12 7 d83e8,e38d3,f83c8,g83b8,h83a8,i838,j83 O1 12 7 5,7,5,,,, I2 4 11 8,,,,,,,3b8,83a8,a383,b83 O2 4 11 5,,,,,,,,,7,5 I3 12 9 b83g8,c83f8,d83e8,e83d8,f83c8,g38b3,h83a8,i838,j83 O3 12 9 5,,,,,7,5,, I4T 14 6 a38j3,b83i8,c83h8,d83g8,e83f8,f83e8 O4T None I5T 3 3 8,8a3,838 O5T None
14 6 7,5,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 9 7 4,,,,,,g47 O0 9 7 2,,,,,,5 I1 14 4 4,c47h4,4, O1 14 4 d25g2,5,b25i2,a25j2 I2 7 3 7e4,4, O2 7 3 5,2, I3 10 3 4,,b47e4 O3 10 3 d25c2,c25d2,5 I4T 14 11 4,,,,,,,,f47e4,4, O4T None I5T 5 12 4,,,,,,,47b4,4,,, O5T None
5 12 2,,,,c25,b252,a25a2,5,5c2,2,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 14 15 4,,,,,2l4,42k4,a42j4,b42i4,c42h4,d42g4,e24f2,f42e4,g42d4,h42c4 O0 14 15 5,,,,,,,,,,,9,5,, I1 14 7 l24,4,,,,, O1 14 7 9,5,,,,, I2 9 12 4,,,2g4,42f4,a42e4,b42d4,c42c4,d42b4,e42a4,f424,g24 O2 9 12 5,,,,,,,,,,,9 I3T 8 3 e242,f42,4 O3T None I4T 7 7 42d4,a42c4,b42b4,c42a4,d424,e24,4 O4T None
7 7 5,,,,,9,5
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 8 12 7,,,,f73,7,,,,,, O0 8 12 b39c3,c39b3,d39a3,e393,9,3,,,,,, I1 6 6 7,,,,c737,7 O1 6 6 9d3,39c3,a39b3,b39a3,9,d39 I2 6 8 7,,,,,,,c737 O2 6 8 3,,,9d3,39c3,a39b3,b39a3,9 I3T 12 15 7,e73d7,7,,,,,,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 14 4 7,c73h7,7, O4T None
14 4 b39i3,9,d39g3,e39f3
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 7 7 c79a7,c7617,c7671,c76a7,,, O0 7 7 c47a4,,,,,, I1 10 12 76g7,,,,,,,,,16g7,79g7,761f7 O1 10 12 47g4,,,,,,,,,,, I2 15 8 f716e7,g79e7,g761d7,g7671c7,g76a71b7,g76b71a7,g76c717,g76d71 O2 15 8 g47e4,,,,,,, I3 5 15 6c7,,,,9c7,61b7,671a7,6a717,6b71,6c7,,,,, O3 5 15 7c4,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I4T 12 5 i716,j79,j76,, O4T None I5T 11 9 d71a76a7,e7176a7,f716a7,g79a7,g7617,g7671,g76a7,, O5T None
12 5 j47,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, O4T, predict image
I0 11 12 47e47a4,47d47b4,47c47c4,47b47d4,47a47e4,4747f4,4a7g4,4,a7h4,47h4,, O0 11 12 3,,,,,,,34h3,3,,, I1 9 12 a4a7d4,4,4a7e4,747e4,a47e4,,,,,,, O1 9 12 3,a34e3,3,,,,,,,,, I2 15 9 e47d47a4,e47c47b4,e47b47c4,e47a47d4,e4747e4,e4a7f4,4,d4a7g4,c4747g4 O2 15 9 3,,,,,,e34g3,3, I3 9 15 4,f4a7,e4747,d47a47,c47b47,b47c47,a47d47,47e47,7f47,g47,,,,, O3 9 15 g34,3,,,,,,,,,,,,, I4T 7 7 d4a7,4,c4a74,b47474,a47a474,47b474,7c474 O4T None
7 7 3,d343,3,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 9 8 8,6g8,86f8,a96e9,b86d8,c86c8,d86b8,e86a8 O0 9 8 5,,,6,5,,, I1 7 11 8,,,6e8,96d9,a86c8,b86b8,c86a8,d868,e86,8 O1 7 11 5,,,,6,5,,,,, I2 5 9 8,,,,,,,,6c9 O2 5 9 5,,,,,,,,6 I3 5 7 8,,,,,6c8,96b9 O3 5 7 5,,,,,,6 I4T 9 3 e86a8,f969,g86 O4T None
9 3 5,6,5
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O4T
I0 4 9 1,,,,,,,b19,1 O0 4 9 6,,,,,,,8,a686 I1 11 8 1,e19c1,1,,,,, O1 11 8 f68b6,8,d68d6,c68e6,b68f6,a68g6,68h6,8i6 I2 4 11 1,,,,,,,,,,b19 O2 4 11 6,,,,,,,,,,8 I3T 8 6 1,,,,f19,1 O3T None I4T 5 6 a19a1,1,,,, O4T None
5 6 8,68b6,8c6,6,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 15 9 9,2m9,92l9,a29k2,b92j9,c92i9,d92h9,e92g9,f92f9 O0 15 9 8,,,9,8,,,, I1 12 3 2j9,92i9,a29h2 O1 12 3 8,,9 I2 8 5 a92d9,b29c2,c92b9,d92a9,e929 O2 8 5 8,9,8,, I3T 8 12 d92a9,e292,f92,9,,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 4 13 9,,,,,,,,,,,2b9,29a2 O4T None
8 12 8,9,8,,,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, O3T, predict image
I0 8 9 1,,,,,,13e1,1, O0 8 9 61e6,,,,,,1,61e6, I1 10 3 1,,g131 O1 10 3 g616,,1 I2 9 11 1,,,,,d13b1,1,,,, O2 9 11 d61b6,,,,,1,d61b6,,,, I3T 12 5 1,13i1,1,, O3T None
12 5 61i6,1,61i6,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 8 5 6,,,69e6,6 O0 8 5 54e5,,,4,54e5 I1 10 4 6,g696,6, O1 10 4 g545,4,g545, I2 14 12 6,,,,,,i69b6,6,,,, O2 14 12 i54b5,,,,,,4,i54b5,,,, I3T 12 12 6,,,,,,,,,,,g69b6 O3T None I4T 10 10 6,h69,6,,,,,,, O4T None
12 12 g54b5,,,,,,,,,,,4
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 predict image for O3T
I0 5 3 a13a1,,a31a3 O0 5 3 a05a0,, I1 9 9 e13a1,,,e31a3,e13a1,,,, O1 9 9 e05a0,,,,,,,, I2 4 15 3b1,,,,,,,,,,,,,1b3,3b1 O2 4 15 5b0,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I3T 3 8 a13,,,,,,a31,a13 O3T None
3 8 a05,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O4T, predict image
I0 9 7 a71e7,b71d7,c71c7,d71b7,e7176,f767,e7671 O0 9 7 4,,,,,f414,4 I1 14 6 f71e7,g71d7,h71c7,i71b7,j7176,k767 O1 14 6 4,,,,,k414 I2 9 14 b71d7,c71b76,d71767,e76a7,d76717,c76b71,b76d7,a76e7,76f7,6g7,7,,, O2 9 14 4,,,e41a4,4,,,,,,,,, I3 7 7 1b76a7,7176b7,a76c7,7671b7,6b71a7,d717,e71 O3 7 7 4,,a41c4,4,,, I4T 4 13 a717,b76,a767,76a7,6b7,7,,,,,,, O4T None I5T 13 3 e76e7,d7671d7,c76b71c7 O5T None
4 13 4,b41,4,,,,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for O4T
I0 15 7 6,,,k68a6,6,, O0 15 7 3,m31,l313,1,j31b3,i31c3,h31d3 I1 12 14 6,,,,,,,,,a68h6,6,,, O1 12 14 j31,i313,h31a3,g31b3,f31c3,e31d3,d31e3,c31f3,b31g3,1,31i3,1j3,3, I2 8 6 6,,,f68,6, O2 8 6 3,,,1,e313,d31a3 I3T 15 11 6,,,,,,,8m6,6,, O3T None I4T 15 7 6,,,,e68g6,6, O4T None
15 7 i31c3,h31d3,g31e3,f31f3,1,d31h3,c31i3
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 8 4 7,a7a9c7,a7979b7,a79a79a7 O0 8 4 a26d2,b26c2,c26b2,d26a2 I1 12 6 b7a9f7,7,c7a9e7,c7979d7,c79a79c7,c79b79b7 O1 12 6 b26g2,c26f2,d26e2,e26d2,f26c2,g26b2 I2 11 13 b79c79a7,c79b79a7,d79a79a7,e7979a7,f7a9a7,7,g7a97,g7979,g79a7,,,, O2 11 13 b26f2,c26e2,d26d2,e26c2,f26b2,g26a2,h262,i26,2,,,, I3 5 7 a79a7,,,979a7,7a9a7,7,a7a97 O3 5 7 2,,,6c2,26b2,a26a2,b262 I4T 15 14 f79a79c7,g7979c7,h7a9c7,7,i7a9b7,i7979a7,i79a797,i79b79,i79c7,,,,, O4T None
15 14 f26f2,g26e2,h26d2,i26c2,j26b2,k26a2,l262,m26,2,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for O5T
I0 11 12 8,,,,,,5i8,85h8,a85g8,b85f8,c85e8,d62d6 O0 11 12 8,,,,,,,,,,,4 I1 8 12 8,,5f8,62e6,a85d8,b85c8,c85b8,d85a8,e858,f85,8, O1 8 12 8,,,4,8,,,,,,, I2 10 8 c85d8,d62c6,e85b8,f85a8,g858,h85,8, O2 10 8 8,4,8,,,,, I3 12 8 8,2j6,85i8,a85h8,b85g8,c85f8,d85e8,e85d8 O3 12 8 8,4,8,,,,, I4T 11 10 8,5i8,85h8,a85g8,b62f6,c85e8,d85d8,e85c8,f85b8,g85a8 O4T None I5T 6 5 62c6,a85b8,b85a8,c858,d85 O5T None
6 5 4,8,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 13 5 c17a17d1,d1717d1,e1a7d1,1,f1a7c1 O0 13 5 f30d3,,,, I1 15 14 i17a171,j17171,k1a71,1,l1a7,l171,,,,,,,, O1 15 14 l303,,,,,,,,,,,,, I2 11 4 17h1,,a7h1,1 O2 11 4 30h3,,, I3 3 10 171,a71,1,1a7,171,,,,, O3 3 10 303,,,,,,,,, I4T 7 14 b17a17,c1717,d1a7,1,e17,,,,,,,,, O4T None I5T 15 7 g17a17b1,h1717b1,i1a7b1,1,j1a7a1,j17171,j17a17 O5T None
7 14 e30,,,,,,,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 6 5 a89b8,a809a8,a80898,a80a89,a80b8 O0 6 5 a76b7,b76a7,c767,d76,7 I1 13 11 89d80d8,a89c80d8,b89b80d8,c89a80d8,d8980d8,e890d8,f89d8,f809c8,f8089b8,f80a89a8,f80b898 O1 13 11 76j7,a76i7,b76h7,c76g7,d76f7,e76e7,f76d7,g76c7,h76b7,i76a7,j767 I2 7 6 0e8,,9e8,09d8,089c8,0a89b8 O2 7 6 7,,6e7,76d7,a76c7,b76b7 I3T 9 7 c89c8,c809b8,c8089a8,c80a898,c80b89,c80c8, O3T None I4T 7 13 b80b8,,,9a80b8,8980b8,a890b8,b89b8,b809a8,b80898,b80a89,b80b8,, O4T None
7 13 7,,,6e7,76d7,a76c7,b76b7,c76a7,d767,e76,7,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 8 10 2,,9f6,29e2,a29d2,b29c2,c29b2,d29a2,e292,f29 O0 8 10 0,,4,0,,,,,, I1 3 13 2,,,,,,,,,,,9a2,696 O1 3 13 0,,,,,,,,,,,,4 I2 11 5 b29f2,c29e2,d69d6,e29c2,f29b2 O2 11 5 0,,4,0, I3 13 11 a29i2,b29h2,c29g2,d29f2,e29e2,f29d2,g29c2,h29b2,i69a6,j292,k29 O3 13 11 0,,,,,,,,4,0, I4T 11 11 a29g2,b69f6,c29e2,d29d2,e29c2,f29b2,g29a2,h292,i29,2, O4T None I5T 9 13 29f2,a29e2,b29d2,c29c2,d29b2,e29a2,f292,g69,2,,,, O5T None
9 13 0,,,,,,,4,0,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 12 3 9,j49,i969 O0 12 3 3,j35,3 I1 9 15 9,,,,,,,,,,,g96,f494,e96a9,d96b9 O1 9 15 3,,,,,,,,,,,,f353,3, I2 12 9 j96,i969,h96a9,g96b9,f96c9,e96d9,d96e9,c96f9,b49g4 O2 12 9 3,,,,,,,,b35g3 I3T 12 13 9,j96,i969,h96a9,g96b9,f96c9,e96d9,d96e9,c49f4,b96g9,a96h9,96i9,6j9 O3T None I4T 11 5 g96a9,f96b9,e96c9,d96d9,c49e4 O4T None
12 13 3,,,,,,,,c35f3,3,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O5T
I0 8 8 a7e8,8,7f8,,,,, O0 8 8 5,6f5,5,,,,, I1 7 7 8,a7d8,87d8,,,, O1 7 7 56d5,5,,,,, I2 3 15 a87,,,,,,,8,8a7,787,a87,,,, O2 3 15 5,,,,,,,a56,5,,,,,, I3 15 10 g87e8,g87d87,g87c878,g87b87a8,g87a87b8,g8787c8,g8a7d8,8,f8a7e8,e8787e8 O3 15 10 5,,,,,,,g56e5,5, I4T 10 7 d87c8,d87b87,d87a878,d8787a8,d8a7b8,8,c8a7c8 O4T None I5T 6 4 d87,8,c8a7,b8787 O5T None
6 4 5,d56,5,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O4T
I0 15 13 h42d4,g42e4,f42f4,e42g4,d42h4,c42i4,b42j4,042k4,42l4,240k4,b40j4,c40i4,d40h4 O0 15 13 1,,,,,,,,12l1,1,,, I1 7 3 a42c4,42d4,2e4 O1 7 3 1,,2e1 I2 10 13 4,,,0h4,40g4,a40f4,b40e4,c40d4,d40b42,e40424,f42a4,e42404,d42b40 O2 10 13 1,,,,,,,,,,f12a1,1, I3T 6 10 b4042,c424,b4240,a42b4,42c4,2d4,4,,, O3T None I4T 15 11 c40i4,d40h4,e40g4,f40f4,g40e4,h40d4,i40c4,j40b4,k4042,l424,k4240 O4T None
15 11 1,,,,,,,,,l121,1
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 6 10 5,,a53b5,5,,,,,, O0 6 10 969b6,6a9b6,a69b6,a6a9a6,a69696,a69a69,a69b6,,, I1 8 14 5,,,,,,,,,e535,5,,, O1 8 14 e696,,,9d696,69c696,a69b696,b69a696,c69696,d6a96,e696,e6a9,e696,, I2 5 11 5,,,,,,,,53b5,5, O2 5 11 69b6,,,,,,,a9b6,69b6,6a9a6,69696 I3 11 5 5,,d53d5,5, O3 11 5 b6969d6,c6a9d6,d69d6,d6a9c6,d6969b6 I4T 6 14 5,,,,,,d53,5,,,,,, O4T None I5T 4 7 5,,,3b5,5,, O5T None
6 14 d69,9c69,69b69,a69a69,b6969,c6a9,d69,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 13 15 0c58f5,0b58g5,0a58h5,058i5,08j5,8k5,0k5,,,,,,,, O0 13 15 0k5,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I1 6 3 a50585,a508a5,a58b5 O1 6 3 a50b5,, I2 15 6 f58f5,e580f5,d5850f5,c58a50f5,b58b50f5,a58c50f5 O2 15 6 f50f5,,,,, I3T 3 10 505,,,,,,508,585,805,505 O3T None I4T 5 7 c50,,c58,b580,a5850,58a50,8b50 O4T None
3 10 505,,,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 13 8 g19c1,,,,g91c9,g19c1,, O0 13 8 7,,,,g79c7,7,, I1 12 8 d91e9,d19e1,,,,,, O1 12 8 d79e7,7,,,,,, I2 12 6 d19e1,,d91e9,d19e1,, O2 12 6 7,,d79e7,7,, I3 6 9 9d1,1d9,9d1,,,,,, O3 6 9 7,9d7,7,,,,,, I4T 14 15 k191,,,,,,,,,,k919,k191,,, O4T None I5T 4 8 19a1,,,91a9,19a1,,, O5T None
14 15 7,,,,,,,,,,k797,7,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 10 13 3,,h38,g383,f38a3,e38b3,d38c3,c38d3,b38e3,938f3,31g3,839f3,b39e3 O0 10 13 9,,,,,,,,,,96g9,9, I1 5 12 3,,,,,,c38,b383,a38a3,38b3,1c3,39b3 O1 5 12 9,,,,,,,,,,6c9,9 I2 6 9 3,,,,,9d3,39b38,a39383,b31a3 O2 6 9 9,,,,,,,,b96a9 I3T 10 8 c39b383,d3938a3,e31b3,d3839a3,c38b393,b38d39,a38f3,38g3 O3T None
10 8 9,,e96b9,9,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 10 11 e34b3,,,e34a39,e34393,e349a3,e34b3,d394b3,c3934b3,b39a34b3,a39b34b3 O0 10 11 3,,,,,,e31b3,3,,, I1 7 3 b349a3,b34b3,a394b3 O1 7 3 3,b31b3,3 I2 8 10 f34,,,,,,,e394,d3934,c39a34 O2 8 10 3,,,,,,f31,3,, I3 15 15 g3439c3,g349d3,g34e3,f394e3,e3934e3,d39a34e3,c39b34e3,b39c34e3,a39d34e3,39e34e3,9f34e3,g34e3,,, O3 15 15 3,,g31e3,3,,,,,,,,,,, I4T 14 11 h34c3,g394c3,f3934c3,e39a34c3,d39b34c3,c39c34c3,b39d34c3,a39e34c3,39f34c3,9g34c3,h34c3 O4T None
14 11 h31c3,3,,,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolveversion1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 3 7 3,6a2,2,,,, O0 3 7 646,4a6,6,,,, I1 12 6 2,,j26,i262,h26a2,3 O1 12 6 6,,j64,i646,h64a6,g64b6 I2 7 12 2,,,,,e26,d262,c26a2,b26b2,a26c2,26d2,3 O2 7 12 6,,,,,e64,d646,c64a6,b64b6,a64c6,64d6,4e6 I3T 9 7 2,,g26,f262,e26a2,3,c26c2 O3T None I4T 9 5 b26d2,a26e2,3,6g2,2 O4T None
9 7 6,,g64,f646,e64a6,d64b6,c64c6
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 13 9 e30e3,f30d3,g30c3,h30b3,i30a3,j303,k37,j323,i32a3 O0 13 9 e93e9,f93d9,g93c9,h93b9,i93a9,j939,k93,9, I1 7 9 3,e32,d323,0b32a3,3032b3,a37c3,3230b3,2b30a3,d303 O1 7 9 9,,,3e9,93d9,a93c9,b93b9,c93a9,d939 I2 7 12 3,,,,,,,0d32,30b323,a3032a3,b37b3,a3230a3 O2 7 12 9,,,,,,,3e9,93d9,a93c9,b93b9,c93a9 I3 11 10 f32b3,0d32c3,30b32d3,a3032e3,b37f3,a3230e3,32b30d3,2d30c3,f30b3,g30a3 O3 11 10 9,3i9,93h9,a93g9,b93f9,c93e9,d93d9,e93c9,f93b9,g93a9 I4T 11 15 f32b3,e32c3,d32d3,c32e3,b32f3,a32g3,32h3,7i3,30h3,a30g3,b30f3,c30e3,d30d3,e30c3,f30b3 O4T None
11 15 9,,,,,,,3i9,93h9,a93g9,b93f9,c93e9,d93d9,e93c9,f93b9
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 9 8 2,,,,,,g21,2 O0 9 8 a35e3,b35d3,c35c3,d35b3,e35a3,f353,g35,f353 I1 10 5 2,,,a21f2,2 O1 10 5 d35c3,5b35d3,3535e3,a35f3,3535e3 I2 10 9 2,,,,,,,d21c2,2 O2 10 9 3,,5h3,35f35,a35d353,b35b35a3,c3535b3,d35c3,c3535b3 I3T 11 8 2,,,,,,,21h2 O3T None I4T 7 3 c21a2,2, O4T None
7 3 c35a3,b35353,a35b35
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 3 13 0,,,,,,a05,050,0a4,0,,, O0 3 13 9,,,,,,a90,909,0a9,9,,, I1 4 4 0b4,0,, O1 4 4 0b9,9,, I2 8 8 d05a0,c40b4,b05c0,a05d0,05e0,5f0,0, O2 8 8 d90a9,c90b9,b90c9,a90d9,90e9,0f9,9, I3T 8 10 e050,d05a0,c40b4,b05c0,a05d0,05e0,5f0,0,, O3T None I4T 10 5 c40d4,b05e0,a05f0,05g0,5h0 O4T None
10 5 c90d9,b90e9,a90f9,90g9,0h9
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O4T, predict image
I0 6 5 0,c010,0,, O0 6 5 b18a1,8,d18,1, I1 10 5 b01e0,0,,, O1 10 5 8,c18d1,d18c1,e18b1,f18a1 I2 13 6 k01,0,,,, O2 13 6 8,1,,,, I3T 9 9 0,,01f0,0,,,,, O3T None I4T 11 12 0,,,,,,,,,,,e01c0 O4T None
11 12 1,,,,,8i1,18h1,a18g1,b18f1,c18e1,d18d1,8
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, O4T, predict image
I0 10 13 8,,2h8,8,,,,,,,,, O0 10 13 3h5,,,a3g5,353f5,3a53e5,3b53d5,3c53c5,3d53b5,3e53a5,3f535,3g53,3h5 I1 13 13 8,,,,,,,c82g8,8,,,, O1 13 13 c53g5,,,3b53g5,53a53g5,a5353g5,b5a3g5,c53g5,c5a3f5,c5353e5,c53a53d5,c53b53c5,c53c53b5 I2 6 10 8,,,,,,c828,8,, O2 6 10 c535,,3b535,53a535,a53535,b5a35,c535,c5a3,c535, I3 5 7 8,c82,8,,,, O3 5 7 b5a3,c53,,,,, I4T 4 6 8,,,,a828,8 O4T None
4 6 a535,,3535,5a35,a535,a5a3
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 predict image for O3T
I0 8 11 9,e919,9,,,,,,,, O0 8 11 f90,0,d90a9,c90b9,b90c9,a90d9,90e9,0f9,9,, I1 5 7 9,,,91b9,9,, O1 5 7 c90,b909,a90a9,0,0c9,9, I2 13 11 9,,,,,,b91h9,9,,, O2 13 11 h90b9,g90c9,f90d9,e90e9,d90f9,c90g9,0,a90i9,90j9,0k9,9 I3T 10 12 9,,,g919,9,,,,,,, O3T None
10 12 9,,h90,0,f90a9,e90b9,d90c9,c90d9,b90e9,a90f9,90g9,0h9
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O5T, predict image
I0 15 3 1,k1561,k1516 O0 15 3 k27a2,l272,m27 I1 14 9 e15f1,6d15f1,16c15f1,a16b15f1,b16a15f1,c1615f1,d165f1,1,e156e1 O1 14 9 2,7l2,27k2,a27j2,b27i2,c27h2,d27g2,e27f2,f27e2 I2 12 10 16e15b1,a16d15b1,b16c15b1,c16b15b1,d16a15b1,e1615b1,f165b1,1,g156a1,g15161 O2 12 10 27i2,a27h2,b27g2,c27f2,d27e2,e27d2,f27c2,g27b2,h27a2,i272 I3 12 10 a165g1,1,b156f1,b1516e1,b15a16d1,b15b16c1,b15c16b1,b15d16a1,b15e161,b15f16 O3 12 10 a27h2,b27g2,c27f2,d27e2,e27d2,f27c2,g27b2,h27a2,i272,j27 I4T 14 8 f165d1,1,g156c1,g1516b1,g15a16a1,g15b161,g15c16,g15d1 O4T None I5T 14 5 g165c1,1,h156b1,h1516a1,h15a161 O5T None
14 5 g27d2,h27c2,i27b2,j27a2,k272
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 11 11 b54f5,c54e5,d54d5,e54c5,f54b5,g54a5,h545,5,h545,g54a5,f54b5 O0 11 11 0,,,,,,,i03,0,, I1 12 4 5,5454g5,4b54f5,d54e5 O1 12 4 a03h0,0,, I2 15 11 d54h5,c54i5,b54j5,a54k5,54l5,5,54l5,a54k5,b54j5,c54i5,d54h5 O2 15 11 0,,,,,3m0,0,,,, I3 15 14 h54d5,4f54e5,54d54f5,a54b54g5,b5454h5,5,b5454h5,a54b54g5,54d54f5,4f54e5,h54d5,i54c5,j54b5,k54a5 O3 15 14 0,,,,,c03i0,0,,,,,,, I4T 5 14 5,,4c5,54b5,a54a5,b545,5,b545,a54a5,54b5,4c5,5,, O4T None
5 14 0,,,,,,c03,0,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-V1, O3T, predict image
I0 14 4 8,,,h86c8 O0 14 4 e79f7,f79e7,g79d7,9 I1 15 12 8,,,,,,,k86a8,8,,, O1 15 12 d79h7,e79g7,f79f7,g79e7,h79d7,i79c7,j79b7,9,l797,m79,7, I2 15 10 8,d86h8,8,,,,,,, O2 15 10 c79i7,9,e79g7,f79f7,g79e7,h79d7,i79c7,j79b7,k79a7,l797 I3T 3 4 8,a86,8, O3T None
3 4 797,9,7,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 14 9 4,,,5l4,4,,,, O0 14 9 4l6,,,,a4k6,464j6,4a64i6,4b64h6,4c64g6 I1 5 14 4,,,,,,,,,,,,5c4,4 O1 5 14 4c6,,,,,,,,,,,,,a4b6 I2 13 3 4,,i45a4 O2 13 3 g6464a6,h6a4a6,i64a6 I3 3 3 4,,a45 O3 3 3 464,6a4,a64 I4T 7 10 4,,,,,,e45,4,, O4T None I5T 7 11 4,d454,4,,,,,,,, O5T None
7 11 c6a46,d646,d6a4,d646,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1, O4T, predict image
I0 13 15 c56f54,d56e54,e56d54,f56c54,g56b54,h56a54,i5654,j564,5,k54,,,,, O0 13 15 c05g0,d05f0,e05e0,f05d0,g05c0,h05b0,i05a0,j050,k05,0,,,,, I1 14 5 c5654f5,d564f5,5,e546e5,e5456d5 O1 14 5 c05h0,d05g0,e05f0,f05e0,g05d0 I2 13 14 d54f5,,,,,,,6c54f5,56b54f5,a56a54f5,b5654f5,c564f5,5,d546e5 O2 13 14 0,,,,,,,5k0,05j0,a05i0,b05h0,c05g0,d05f0,e05e0 I3 7 5 a54c5,654c5,564c5,5,a546b5 O3 7 5 0,5e0,05d0,a05c0,b05b0 I4T 14 10 5,k546,k545,,,,,,, O4T None
14 10 k050,l05,0,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-Version1, O5T, predict image
I0 13 8 1,,2k6,13j1,a13i1,b13h1,c13g1,d13f1 O0 13 8 1,,7k1,1,,,, I1 6 10 1,,,,3d1,13c1,a13b1,b13a1,c131,d62 O1 6 10 1,,,,,,,,,d17 I2 12 14 c13f1,d13e1,e13d1,f13c1,g13b1,h13a1,i626,j13,1,,,,, O2 12 14 1,,,,,,i171,1,,,,,, I3 14 8 1,,,,3l1,13k1,a62j6,b13i1 O3 14 8 1,,,,,,a17j1,1 I4T 14 5 1,,,3l1,62k6 O4T None I5T 10 8 1,,,3h1,13g1,a62f6,b13e1,c13d1 O5T None
10 8 1,,,,,a17f1,1,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolveversion1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 11 14 0,,,g08a0,0,,,,,,,,, O0 11 14 g60a6,,,0,g60a6,,,,,,,,, I1 8 7 0,8f0,0,,,, O1 8 7 0f6,0,0f6,,,, I2 4 15 0,,,,,,,,,,,,,b08,0 O2 4 15 b60,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,b60 I3 12 7 0,,,,,,h08a0 O3 12 7 h60a6,,,,,,0 I4T 6 7 0,,,,,08c0,0 O4T None
6 7 60c6,,,,,0,60c6
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 7 10 7d25,27b252,a2725a2,2,a2527a2,25b272,5d27,2,, O0 7 10 8,,,b84b8,8,,,,, I1 9 15 2,,,,,7g2,27f2,a27e2,b27d2,c27c2,d27b2,e27a2,f272,2,f252 O1 9 15 8,,,,,,,,,,,,,g84,8 I2 9 7 a27e2,b27d2,c27c2,d27b2,e27a2,f272,2 O2 9 7 8,,,,,,g84 I3 6 14 2,,,,,,,d25,c252,b25a2,a25b2,25c2,2,27c2 O3 6 14 8,,,,,,,,,,,,4d8,8 I4T 6 12 2,,,,7d2,27c2,a27b2,b27a2,c272,2,c252,b25a2 O4T None I5T 11 15 f27252,2,f25272,e25b27,d25d2,c25e2,b25f2,a25g2,25h2,5i2,2,,,, O5T None
6 12 8,,,,,,,,,d84,8,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 12 8 i363,3,,,,,, O0 12 8 7,j67,6,,,,, I1 10 6 3,,,b36e3,3, O1 10 6 7h6,67g6,a67f6,7,c67d6,d67c6 I2 3 13 3,,,,363,3,,,,,,, O2 3 13 6,,,7a6,7,a67,6,,,,,, I3T 10 15 3,,,,,,,,,b36e3,3,,,, O3T None I4T 9 13 3,,,,,,,,d36b3,3,,, O4T None
9 13 6,,,7g6,67f6,a67e6,b67d6,c67c6,7,e67a6,f676,g67,6
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O4T, predict image
I0 10 10 6,,,,68g6,6,,,, O0 10 10 d30c3,c30d3,b30e3,a30f3,0,0h3,3,,, I1 7 8 6,,,d686,6,,, O1 7 8 3,,e30,0,c30a3,b30b3,a30c3,30d3 I2 4 3 6,68a6,6 O2 4 3 a303,0,0b3 I3T 4 12 6,,,,b68,6,,,,,, O3T None I4T 9 11 6,,,c68c6,6,,,,,, O4T None
9 11 f303,e30a3,d30b3,0,b30d3,a30e3,30f3,0g3,3,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O5T
I0 12 9 i767,,,,,,i676,i767, O0 12 9 i414,,,,,,,, I1 15 8 l767,l676,l767,,,,, O1 15 8 l414,,,,,,, I2 11 7 6i7,,,7i6,6i7,, O2 11 7 1i4,,,,,, I3 15 7 a76k7,,,,a67k6,a76k7, O3 15 7 a41k4,,,,,, I4T 14 5 k767,,,k676,k767 O4T None I5T 14 4 h76c7,,,h67c6 O5T None
14 4 h41c4,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 predict image for O4T
I0 15 6 4,,h49d4,4,, O0 15 6 j54b5,i54c5,4,g54e5,f54f5,e54g5 I1 7 5 49d4,4,,, O1 7 5 4,4e5,5,, I2 3 11 4,,,,,,,,a49,4, O2 3 11 5,,,,,,,,4,545,4a5 I3T 8 3 4,,49e4 O3T None I4T 4 4 4,9b4,4, O4T None
4 4 54a5,4,5,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 3 9 a06,,,a05,056,506,a06,, O0 3 9 0,,,a07,070,7a0,0,, I1 7 10 a06a050,a0605a0,a065b0,a05c0,056c0,506c0,a06c0,,, O1 7 10 d070,c07a0,b07b0,a07c0,07d0,7e0,0,,, I2 14 13 6h05b0,6g05c0,6f05d0,6e05e0,6d05f0,6c05g0,6b05h0,6a05i0,605j0,65k0,5l0,6l0, O2 14 13 i07b0,h07c0,g07d0,f07e0,e07f0,d07g0,c07h0,b07i0,a07j0,07k0,7l0,0, I3T 7 7 05d0,56d0,06d0,,,, O3T None
7 7 07d0,7e0,0,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 15 13 h09d0,,9g09d0,09f09d0,a09e09d0,b09d09d0,c09c09d0,d09b09d0,e09a09d0,f0909d0,g0a9d0,0,h0a9c0 O0 15 13 0,,,,,,,,,,,h01d0,0 I1 12 8 09i0,,,,,a9i0,0,0a9h0 O1 12 8 0,,,,,,01i0,0 I2 12 10 9g09a0,09f09a0,a09e09a0,b09d09a0,c09c09a0,d09b09a0,e09a09a0,f0909a0,g0a9a0,0 O2 12 10 0,,,,,,,,,h01a0 I3T 15 3 c0909g0,d0a9g0,0 O3T None
15 3 0,,e01g0
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O4T
I0 10 6 6,,0h6,6,, O0 10 6 5h6,,,a5g6,565f6,5a65e6 I1 8 14 6,,,,,,,,,,,,,a60d6 O1 8 14 a65d6,,,,,,,,,,,565d6,6a5d6,a65d6 I2 5 13 a60a6,6,,,,,,,,,,, O2 5 13 a65a6,a6a56,a6565,a65a6,,,,,,,,, I3 9 7 6,e60a6,6,,,, O3 9 7 d6a5a6,e65a6,e6a56,e6565,e65a6,, I4T 4 11 6,,,,,,,,,,60a6 O4T None I5T 15 14 6,,,,,,,a60k6,6,,,,, O5T None
4 11 65a6,,,,,,,,,a5a6,65a6
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 7 12 6,,,,,,,e60,d060,c60a6,b60b6,a60c6 O0 7 12 1,,,,,,,e12,d121,c12a1,b12b1,a12c1 I1 5 12 6,,,,,,,,,,c06,b606 O1 5 12 1,,,,,,,,,,c12,b121 I2 15 5 m60,l060,k60a6,j60b6,i60c6 O2 15 5 m12,l121,k12a1,j12b1,i12c1 I3 11 12 6,,,,,i60,h606,g06a0,f60b6,e60c6,d60d6,c60e6 O3 11 12 1,,,,,i12,h121,g12a1,f12b1,e12c1,d12d1,c12e1 I4T 15 6 m60,l060,k60a6,j60b6,i60c6,h60d6 O4T None I5T 4 9 6,,,,,,,b60,a060 O5T None
15 6 m12,l121,k12a1,j12b1,i12c1,h12d1
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 3 9 5,,,,,545,5,, O0 3 9 808,,,,8a0,808,a08,808, I1 10 5 5,,a54f5,5, O1 10 5 a8080d8,a8a0e8,a80f8,8a0f8,080f8 I2 10 8 5,b54e5,5,,,,, O2 10 8 b8a0d8,b80e8,a8a0e8,8080e8,0a80e8,b80e8,, I3T 12 6 b54g5,5,,,, O3T None I4T 9 10 5,,,,,,,,a54e5,5 O4T None
9 10 a80e8,,a80d80,a80c808,a80b80a8,a80a80b8,a8080c8,a8a0d8,a80e8,8a0e8
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for O4T
I0 4 8 6,,,,,4b6,6, O0 4 8 6,,b65,a656,65a6,5b6,65a6,a656 I1 4 4 6,,,a646 O1 4 4 6,5b6,6565,a656 I2 11 6 6,d64d6,6,,, O2 11 6 c6565c6,d65d6,c6565c6,b65b65b6,a65d65a6,65f656 I3 5 9 6,,a64a6,6,,,,, O3 5 9 5b65,65656,a65a6,65656,5b65,6,,, I4T 15 9 j64b6,6,,,,,,, O4T None I5T 4 8 6,,,,,,,a646 O5T None
15 9 j65b6,i6565a6,h65b656,g65d65,f65f6,e65g6,d65h6,c65i6,b65j6
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 12 11 g89b8,h89a8,i898,8,i898,h89a8,g89b8,f89c8,e89d8,d89e8,c89f8 O0 12 11 1,,,j15,1,,,,,, I1 12 3 e89b898,f8989a8,8 O1 12 3 1,,g15b1 I2 6 9 8,,,9d8,89c8,a89b8,b8989,8,b8989 O2 6 9 1,,,,,,,c151,1 I3 14 7 f89e8,9d89f8,89b89g8,a8989h8,8,a8989h8,89b89g8 O3 14 7 1,,,,b15i1,1, I4T 15 11 a89k8,b89j8,c89i8,d89h8,e89f89,f89d898,g89b89a8,h8989b8,8,h8989b8,g89b89a8 O4T None
15 11 1,,,,,,,,i15c1,1,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O4T, predict image
I0 6 7 3,,,,,34c3,3 O0 6 7 9,d95,c959,b95a9,595b9,95c9,595b9 I1 12 4 3,,f34c3,3 O1 12 4 d95b95a9,e9595b9,f95c9,e9595b9 I2 11 3 3,,g34a3 O2 11 3 e95b95,f95959,g95a9 I3 8 9 3,,,,b34c3,3,,, O3 8 9 f95,5d959,95b95a9,a9595b9,b95c9,a9595b9,95b95a9,5d959,f95 I4T 3 9 3,,343,3,,,,, O4T None
3 9 9,595,959,595,9,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 10 13 3,b30e3,3,,,,,,,,,, O0 10 13 a7373d7,b73e7,a7373d7,73b73c7,3d73b7,f73a7,g737,h73,7,,,, I1 9 6 3,d30b3,3,,, O1 9 6 c7373a7,d73b7,c7373a7,b73b737,a73d73,73f7 I2 10 10 f30a3,3,,,,,,,, O2 10 10 f73a7,e73737,d73b73,c73d7,b73e7,a73f7,73g7,3h7,7, I3T 12 13 i303,3,,,,,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 8 8 3,,,,,f30,3, O4T None
12 13 i737,h7373,g73b7,f73c7,e73d7,d73e7,c73f7,b73g7,a73h7,73i7,3j7,7,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 12 15 i686,,i161,i686,,,,,,,,,,, O0 12 15 9,,i979,9,,,,,,,,,,, I1 10 15 e68b6,,,,,,,,,,,,e16b1,e68b6, O1 10 15 9,,,,,,,,,,,,e97b9,9, I2 10 11 8h6,,,,,,,,,6h1,8h6 O2 10 11 9,,,,,,,,,7h9,9 I3T 13 3 d68f6,,d16f1 O3T None
13 3 9,,d97f9
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 15 15 h21d2,i21c2,j12b1,k21a2,l212,m21,2,,,,,,,, O0 15 15 4,,2,4,,,,,,,,,,, I1 4 8 2b1,21a2,a212,b21,2,,, O1 4 8 2,4,,,,,, I2 10 10 a21f2,b21e2,c21d2,d21c2,e21b2,f21a2,g121,h21,2, O2 10 10 4,,,,,,2,4,, I3T 15 15 h21d2,i12c1,j21b2,k21a2,l212,m21,2,,,,,,,, O3T None
15 15 4,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict image
I0 12 4 b91g9,9,, O0 12 4 4,c64f6,d64e6,e64d6 I1 7 12 9,,,,,,,d919,9,,, O1 7 12 6,,4e6,64d6,a64c6,b64b6,c64a6,4,e64,6,, I2 7 11 9,,,,,91d9,9,,,, O2 7 11 6,,,,4e6,4,a64c6,b64b6,c64a6,d646,e64 I3T 11 9 9,,,,,,,,d91d9 O3T None
11 9 6,,,4i6,64h6,a64g6,b64f6,c64e6,4
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for O4T
I0 10 9 e04b0,d04c0,4b04d0,0404e0,0,0404e0,4b04d0,d04c0,e04b0 O0 10 9 e94b9,d94c9,c94d9,b94e9,a94f9,94g9,4h9,9, I1 4 13 0,,,b04,a040,04a0,0,04a0,a040,b04,0,, O1 4 13 9,,,b94,a949,94a9,4b9,9,,,,, I2 5 7 c04,b040,404a0,0,404a0,b040,c04 O2 5 7 c94,b949,a94a9,94b9,4c9,9, I3 11 11 f04b0,g0404,0,g0404,f04b0,e04c0,d04d0,c04e0,b04f0,a04g0,04h0 O3 11 11 9,i94,h949,g94a9,f94b9,e94c9,d94d9,c94e9,b94f9,a94g9,94h9 I4T 4 14 a040,0,a040,04a0,4b0,0,,,,,,,, O4T None I5T 4 11 0,,,,,,4b0,04a0,a040,0,a040 O5T None
4 14 9,b94,a949,94a9,4b9,9,,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 4 3 1b5,5,a1a5 O0 4 3 2,4b2,24a2 I1 13 7 5,b5a1g5,b5151f5,b51a51e5,b51b51d5,b51c51c5,b51d51b5 O1 13 7 b24h2,c24g2,d24f2,e24e2,f24d2,g24c2,h24b2 I2 15 13 5,a1l5,151k5,1a51j5,1b51i5,1c51h5,1d51g5,1e51f5,1f51e5,1g51d5,1h51c5,1i51b5,1j51a5 O2 15 13 4m2,24l2,a24k2,b24j2,c24i2,d24h2,e24g2,f24f2,g24e2,h24d2,i24c2,j24b2,k24a2 I3T 8 10 5151c5,a5a1c5,5,b5a1b5,b5151a5,b51a515,b51b51,b51c5,, O3T None
8 10 24e2,a24d2,b24c2,c24b2,d24a2,e242,f24,2,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for O3T
I0 15 13 19l1,a19k1,b19j1,c19i1,d19h1,e19g1,f19f1,g91e9,h19d1,i19c1,j19b1,k19a1,l191 O0 15 13 7,,,,,,,g74e7,7,,,, I1 14 14 1,,,,,,,,,1l9,19k1,a19j1,b19i1,c19h1 O1 14 14 7,,,,,,,,,4l7,7,,, I2 12 7 c19f1,d19e1,e19d1,f19c1,g91b9,h19a1,i191 O2 12 7 7,,,,g74b7,7, I3T 7 12 1,,,,,,,9e1,19d1,a19c1,b19b1,c91a9 O3T None
7 12 7,,,,,,,,,,,c74a7
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 6 10 d42,,,,,,,d24,d42, O0 6 10 0,,,,,,,d03,0, I1 13 3 j424,,j242 O1 13 3 0,,j030 I2 10 10 42g4,,,,,,,,,24g2 O2 10 10 0,,,,,,,,,03g0 I3T 15 12 m42,,,,,,,,,,m24,m42 O3T None I4T 12 3 f24c2,f42c4, O4T None
15 12 0,,,,,,,,,,m03,0
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 9 5 6g0,0g6,,, O0 9 5 3g9,9,,, I1 12 8 h60a6,h06a0,h60a6,,,,, O1 12 8 9,h93a9,9,,,,, I2 8 6 06e0,60e6,,,, O2 8 6 93e9,9,,,, I3 8 15 c60b6,,,c06b0,c60b6,,,,,,,,,, O3 8 15 9,,,c93b9,9,,,,,,,,,, I4T 8 11 d60a6,,,,,,d06a0,d60a6,,, O4T None I5T 12 8 60i6,,06i0,60i6,,,, O5T None
8 11 9,,,,,,d93a9,9,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 3 13 191,,,,,,,,,,,a91,1 O0 3 13 3,,,,,,,,,,,2a3,323 I1 10 6 1,a1a9e1,a1919d1,a19a19c1,a19b19b1,a19c19a1 O1 10 6 a32f3,b32e3,c32d3,d32c3,e32b3,f32a3 I2 5 13 9c1,1,a9b1,919a1,9a191,9b19,9c1,,,,,, O2 5 13 3,2c3,32b3,a32a3,b323,c32,3,,,,,, I3 5 7 19b1,,,,a9b1,1,1a9a1 O3 5 7 3,,,,2c3,32b3,a32a3 I4T 14 8 f1919c1,g1a9c1,1,h1a9b1,h1919a1,h19a191,h19b19,h19c1 O4T None
14 8 f32e3,g32d3,h32c3,i32b3,j32a3,k323,l32,3
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 15 10 k15a1,j25b2,i15c1,h15d1,g15e1,f15f1,e15g1,d15h1,c15i1,b15j1 O0 15 10 k45a4,j45b4,i45c4,h45d4,g45e4,f45f4,e45g4,d45h4,c45i4,b45j4 I1 9 4 1,g25,f151,e15a1 O1 9 4 4,g45,f454,e45a4 I2 8 10 d25a2,c15b1,b15c1,a15d1,15e1,5f1,1,,, O2 8 10 d45a4,c45b4,b45c4,a45d4,45e4,5f4,4,,, I3 13 11 1,,,,,k15,j252,i15a1,h15b1,g15c1,f15d1 O3 13 11 4,,,,,k45,j454,i45a4,h45b4,g45c4,f45d4 I4T 12 5 h25a2,g15b1,f15c1,e15d1,d15e1 O4T None I5T 6 11 b15a1,a15b1,25c2,5d1,1,,,,,, O5T None
12 5 h45a4,g45b4,f45c4,e45d4,d45e4
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 4 3 7b3,37a3,a939 O0 4 3 9b8,89a8,a898 I1 5 13 3,,,,,,,,3c9,37b3,a37a3,b373,c37 O1 5 13 8,,,,,,,,9c8,89b8,a89a8,b898,c89 I2 8 5 b37c3,c37b3,d37a3,e373,f93 O2 8 5 b89c8,c89b8,d89a8,e898,f89 I3T 9 14 3,,,7g3,37f3,a37e3,b37d3,c37c3,d37b3,e93a9,f373,g37,3, O3T None I4T 10 8 3,,,7h3,37g3,a93f9,b37e3,c37d3 O4T None
9 14 8,,,9g8,89f8,a89e8,b89d8,c89c8,d89b8,e89a8,f898,g89,8,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 3 6 7,,,,767,7 O0 3 6 5,,,3a5,3,a53 I1 11 6 7,,6i7,7,, O1 11 6 5,,3,53h5,a53g5,b53f5 I2 10 4 7,,a76f7,7 O2 10 4 3h5,53g5,3,b53e5 I3T 4 14 7,,,,b76,7,,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 9 3 d76b7,7, O4T None
4 14 5,3b5,53a5,a535,3,5,,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 4 8 4b9,3,,,,,, O0 4 8 1,5,,,,,, I1 12 8 j32,i323,h32a3,g32b3,f32c3,e32d3,d94e9,c32f3 O1 12 8 5,,,,,,1,5 I2 6 12 3,,,,d32,c323,b32a3,a32b3,32c3,4d9,3, O2 6 12 5,,,,,,,,,1,5, I3 14 4 h32c3,g32d3,f32e3,e94f9 O3 14 4 5,,,1 I4T 14 3 b32i3,a94j9,32k3 O4T None I5T 11 10 c32e3,b32f3,a32g3,94h9,2i3,3,,,, O5T None
11 10 5,,,1,5,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, O4T, predict image
I0 5 13 8c1,21b2,a18a1,b181,c18,1,,,,,,, O0 5 13 6,62b6,6,,,,,,,,,, I1 13 13 c21g2,d18f1,e18e1,f18d1,g18c1,h18b1,i18a1,j181,k18,1,,, O1 13 13 c62g6,6,,,,,,,,,,, I2 5 4 c21,1,, O2 5 4 c62,6,, I3T 14 13 1,,,,,8l1,18k1,a18j1,b18i1,c18h1,d21g2,e18f1,f18e1 O3T None I4T 11 3 f18b1,g21a2,h181 O4T None
11 3 6,g62a6,6
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, O5T, predict image
I0 3 11 9,,a92,9,,,,,,, O0 3 11 9a3,393,9,3,,,,,,, I1 12 9 9,,,c92f9,9,,,, O1 12 9 39i3,a39h3,b39g3,9,d39e3,e39d3,f39c3,g39b3,h39a3 I2 5 10 9,,,,,,,,92b9,9 O2 5 10 3,,,,,,,9c3,9,a39a3 I3 11 15 9,,,,,,,,,,,g92a9,9,, O3 11 15 3,,,9i3,39h3,a39g3,b39f3,c39e3,d39d3,e39c3,f39b3,9,h393,i39,3 I4T 14 15 9,,,,,,,i92b9,9,,,,,, O4T None I5T 3 3 9,a92,9 O5T None
3 3 393,9,3
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 15 3 1,,16l1 O0 15 3 b83j8,a83k8,3 I1 6 12 1,,,,,,,,,,,16c1 O1 6 12 8,,,,,,,d83,c838,b83a8,a83b8,3 I2 4 11 1,,,,,,,,b16,1, O2 4 11 8,,,,,,,,3,a838,83a8 I3 3 5 1,,,a16,1 O3 3 5 8,,,3,838 I4T 5 7 1,,,,,b161,1 O4T None I5T 4 11 1,,,a161,1,,,,,, O5T None
5 7 8,,,,c83,3,a83a8
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict image
I0 10 5 8,,a82f8,8, O0 10 5 858f5,5a8f5,a58f5,a5a8e5,a5858d5 I1 10 14 8,,,,,,2h8,8,,,,,, O1 10 14 8h5,,,,,,,a8g5,858f5,8a58e5,8b58d5,8c58c5,8d58b5,8e58a5 I2 14 3 b82i8,8, O2 14 3 b58i5,b5a8h5,b5858g5 I3T 4 13 8,,82a8,8,,,,,,,,, O3T None
4 13 58a5,a8a5,58a5,5a85,5858,58a5,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 7 12 0,,,,,e04,d040,c04a0,b04b0,404c0,0,404c0 O0 7 12 9,,,,,,,,,,98d9,9 I1 5 13 0,,,,,,,,,c04,b040,404a0,0 O1 5 13 9,,,,,,,,,,,,98b9 I2 10 15 0,,,,4h0,04g0,a04f0,b04e0,c04d0,d04b04,e04040,0,e04040,d04b04,c04d0 O2 10 15 9,,,,,,,,,,,f98a9,9,, I3 6 5 a04b0,b04a0,c040,0,c040 O3 6 5 9,,,d98,9 I4T 8 4 4b04b0,0404c0,0,0404c0 O4T None
8 4 9,,a98d9,9
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 6 11 b51a5,b65a6,b51a5,,,,,,,, O0 6 11 b90a9,,,,,,,,,, I1 3 3 a65,a51, O1 3 3 a90,, I2 14 15 65k6,51k5,,,,,,,,,,,,, O2 14 15 90k9,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I3T 9 5 g51,g65,g51,, O3T None I4T 9 13 c51c5,,,c65c6,c51c5,,,,,,,, O4T None
9 5 g90,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 8 11 a87b878,b87a878,c87878,d8a78,8,e8a7,e878,,,, O0 8 11 a04d0,b04c0,c04b0,d04a0,e040,f04,0,,,, I1 9 4 d87878,e8a78,8,f8a7 O1 9 4 d04b0,e04a0,f040,g04 I2 7 12 b87b8,7a87b8,8787b8,a8a7b8,8,b8a7a8,b87878,b87a87,b87b8,,, O2 7 12 0,4e0,04d0,a04c0,b04b0,c04a0,d040,e04,0,,, I3T 3 11 7a8,8,a78,787,7a8,,,,,, O3T None I4T 3 8 878,a78,8,8a7,878,,, O4T None
3 8 0,4a0,040,a04,0,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O4T
I0 6 13 52c5,a25b2,b52a5,c525,d52,5,,,,,,, O0 6 13 89c8,a89b8,b89a8,c898,d89,8,,,,,,, I1 13 7 5,,,2k5,52j5,a52i5,b25h2 O1 13 7 8,,,9k8,89j8,a89i8,b89h8 I2 3 3 252,a52,5 O2 3 3 898,a89,8 I3 10 8 5,,,2h5,52g5,a25f2,b52e5,c52d5 O3 10 8 8,,,9h8,89g8,a89f8,b89e8,c89d8 I4T 14 3 i25b2,j52a5,k525 O4T None
14 3 i89b8,j89a8,k898
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 15 8 4,b46j4,4,,,,, O0 15 8 b20j2,0,b20j2,,,,, I1 5 15 4,,,,,,,,,46b4,4,,,, O1 5 15 20b2,,,,,,,,,0,20b2,,,, I2 7 4 4,a46c4,4, O2 7 4 a20c2,0,a20c2, I3T 8 6 4,,,,,a46d4 O3T None I4T 6 5 4,,,,46c4 O4T None
6 5 20c2,,,,0
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 12 12 9,,,,,,,,,c95f9,9, O0 12 12 9,,,,,6j9,96i9,a96h9,b96g9,6,d96e9,e96d9 I1 4 13 9,,,,,,,5b9,9,,,, O1 4 13 9,,,,,,,6,96a9,a969,b96,9, I2 9 13 9,,,,,,,g95,9,,,, O2 9 13 96f9,a96e9,b96d9,c96c9,d96b9,e96a9,f969,6,9,,,, I3 13 7 9,,h95b9,9,,, O3 13 7 f96d9,g96c9,6,i96a9,j969,k96,9 I4T 15 10 9,,,,,,j95b9,9,, O4T None I5T 5 13 9,c95,9,,,,,,,,,, O5T None
5 13 b969,6,9,,,,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 14 10 a07j0,,,,,,,a96j9,a07j0, O0 14 10 0,,,,,,,a05j0,0, I1 14 4 a07j0,a96j9,a07j0, O1 14 4 0,a05j0,0, I2 11 15 g07a0,,,g96a9,g07a0,,,,,,,,,, O2 11 15 0,,,g05a0,0,,,,,,,,,, I3 4 15 b07,,,,,,,,,,,,b96,b07, O3 4 15 0,,,,,,,,,,,,b05,0, I4T 5 11 7c0,,,,,,,,,,6c9 O4T None I5T 3 12 a07,,,,,,,,,,a96,a07 O5T None
5 11 0,,,,,,,,,,5c0
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 11 10 e78c7,d78d7,c78e7,b78f7,a78g7,78h7,7,78h7,a78g7,b78f7 O0 11 10 0,,,,,,4i0,04h0,a04g0,b04f0 I1 10 4 c78d7,d78b78,e78787,7 O1 10 4 c04d0,d04c0,e04b0,f04a0 I2 7 10 7,,,,e78,d787,8b78a7,7878b7,7,7878b7 O2 7 10 0,,,,,,4e0,04d0,a04c0,b04b0 I3 12 14 7,,,,,j78,i787,h78a7,g78b7,f78c7,8d78d7,78b78e7,a7878f7,7 O3 12 14 0,,,,,,,,,,4j0,04i0,a04h0,b04g0 I4T 15 14 i78b78,j78787,7,j78787,i78b78,h78d7,g78e7,f78f7,e78g7,d78h7,c78i7,b78j7,a78k7,78l7 O4T None
15 14 i04c0,j04b0,k04a0,l040,m04,0,,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, O4T, predict image
I0 11 7 c96e9,d05d0,e05c0,f05b0,g05a0,h050,i05 O0 11 7 c58e5,d58d5,e58c5,f58b5,g58a5,h585,i58 I1 4 10 0,,,6b9,05a0,a050,b05,0,, O1 4 10 5,,,8b5,58a5,a585,b58,5,, I2 11 8 05h0,a96g9,b05f0,c05e0,d05d0,e05c0,f05b0,g05a0 O2 11 8 58h5,a58g5,b58f5,c58e5,d58d5,e58c5,f58b5,g58a5 I3T 3 15 0,,,,,,,,,,,5a0,050,a96,0 O3T None I4T 6 6 5d0,05c0,a05b0,b96a9,c050,d05 O4T None
6 6 8d5,58c5,a58b5,b58a5,c585,d58
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, O4T, predict image
I0 4 10 3,,,,,,,,39a3,3 O0 4 10 98a9,,,,,,,,8,98a9 I1 15 4 e39g3,3,, O1 15 4 8,e98g9,, I2 15 11 3,,,,,,,m39,3,, O2 15 11 m98,,,,,,,8,m98,, I3 12 5 3,c39f3,3,, O3 12 5 c98f9,8,c98f9,, I4T 10 12 3,,,,,,g393,3,,,, O4T None I5T 13 11 3,,,,,,,,,c39g3,3 O5T None
10 12 g989,,,,,,8,g989,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 12 4 f29c2,e86d8,d86e8,c86f8 O0 12 4 f19c1,e19d1,d19e1,c19f1 I1 8 10 8,,,f86,e292,d86a8,c86b8,b86c8,a86d8,86e8 O1 8 10 1,,,f19,e191,d19a1,c19b1,b19c1,a19d1,19e1 I2 13 10 8,,k86,j868,i86a8,h29b2,g86c8,f86d8,e86e8,d86f8 O2 13 10 1,,k19,j191,i19a1,h19b1,g19c1,f19d1,e19e1,d19f1 I3T 3 15 8,,,,,,,,,,,a86,292,6a8,8 O3T None I4T 4 6 8,b86,a868,29a2,6b8,8 O4T None
4 6 1,b19,a191,19a1,9b1,1
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 5 12 6,,,,,7c6,67b6,a6767,6,a6767,67b6,7c6 O0 5 12 3,,,,,,,c30,b303,a30a3,30b3,0c3 I1 13 13 a67i6,b67h6,c67g6,d67f6,e67e6,f67d6,g67c6,h67b6,i67a6,j676,6,j676,i67a6 O1 13 13 3,,,,,,,,,,k30,j303,i30a3 I2 5 15 6,,,,,c67,b676,a67a6,67b6,6,67b6,a67a6,b676,c67,6 O2 5 15 3,,,,,c30,b303,a30a3,30b3,0c3,3,,,, I3T 7 5 c67a6,b67b6,767c6,6,767c6 O3T None I4T 4 10 6,,7b6,67a6,a676,6,a676,67a6,7b6,6 O4T None
7 5 c30a3,b30b3,a30c3,30d3,0e3
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 4 7 a141,,,a1a4,1,1a41,4141 O0 4 7 a858,,,,,, I1 9 5 1,f1a4,e1414,d14a14,c14b14 O1 9 5 g85,,,, I2 10 11 b14b14a1,b14a14b1,b1414c1,b1a4d1,1,a1a4e1,1414e1,4a14e1,b14e1,, O2 10 11 b85e8,,,,,,,,,, I3T 4 7 a141,,a1a4,1,1a41,4141,a141 O3T None I4T 15 7 414k1,a4l1,1,4m1,,, O4T None
4 7 a858,,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for O4T
I0 11 11 1,9,,,,,,,,, O0 11 11 0i6,6,,,,,,,,, I1 15 10 9,m90,l909,k90a9,j90b9,i90c9,1,g90e9,f90f9,e90g9 O1 15 10 6,,,,,,h60d6,6,, I2 6 6 1,90c9,0d9,9,, O2 6 6 a60b6,6,,,, I3T 13 15 f90d9,e90e9,d90f9,c90g9,b90h9,a90i9,90j9,1,9,,,,,, O3T None I4T 12 12 9,,,j90,i909,1,g90b9,f90c9,e90d9,d90e9,c90f9,b90g9 O4T None
12 12 6,,,,,h60a6,6,,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict image for O3T
I0 4 7 a292,92a9,2b9,9,,, O0 4 7 5,8,,,,, I1 11 8 g92a9,f92b9,e92c9,d92d9,c92e9,b92f9,a92g9,29h2 O1 11 8 8,,,,,,,5 I2 12 9 c29f2,b92g9,a92h9,92i9,2j9,9,,, O2 12 9 5,8,,,,,,, I3T 7 10 e92,d929,c92a9,b92b9,a92c9,92d9,9e2,9,, O3T None
7 10 8,,,,,,5,8,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict image
I0 12 8 j14,i616,h14a1,g14b1,f14c1,e14d1,d14e1,c14f1 O0 12 8 j96,i969,h96a9,g96b9,f96c9,e96d9,d96e9,c96f9 I1 9 15 g14,f616,e14a1,d14b1,c14c1,b14d1,a14e1,14f1,4g1,1,,,,, O1 9 15 g96,f969,e96a9,d96b9,c96c9,b96d9,a96e9,96f9,6g9,9,,,,, I2 13 13 a14i1,14j1,1k6,1,,,,,,,,, O2 13 13 a96i9,96j9,6k9,9,,,,,,,,, I3T 10 9 d61c6,c14d1,b14e1,a14f1,14g1,4h1,1,, O3T None
10 9 d96c9,c96d9,b96e9,a96f9,96g9,6h9,9,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 7 7 1e0,,,,,0,a1d0 O0 7 7 6,,,,,7e6,67d6 I1 15 4 0,i0a1b0,i0101a0,i01a010 O1 15 4 i67c6,j67b6,k67a6,l676 I2 13 6 c0101e0,d0a1e0,0,e0a1d0,e0101c0,e01a01b0 O2 13 6 c67g6,d67f6,e67e6,f67d6,g67c6,h67b6 I3T 10 14 1h0,,,,,,,,,,0,a1g0,101f0,1a01e0 O3T None I4T 4 5 01a0,a1a0,0,0a10,0101 O4T None
10 14 6,,,,,,,,,,7h6,67g6,a67f6,b67e6
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 11 10 b54f5,154g5,5,451g5,b51f5,c51e5,d51d5,e51c5,f51b5,g51a5 O0 11 10 b76f7,a76g7,76h7,6i7,7,,,,, I1 3 15 5,,,,154,5,451,5,,,,,,, O1 3 15 7,,,,a76,767,6a7,7,,,,,,, I2 7 6 54d5,5,51d5,a51c5,b51b5,c51a5 O2 7 6 76d7,6e7,7,,, I3 9 10 5,g54,f545,e54a5,d54b5,c54c5,b54d5,154e5,5,451e5 O3 9 10 7,g76,f767,e76a7,d76b7,c76c7,b76d7,a76e7,76f7,6g7 I4T 13 4 b51d54b5,c51b54c5,d5154d5,5 O4T None I5T 11 15 5,,,i54,h545,1f54a5,51d54b5,a51b54c5,b5154d5,5,b5451d5,a54b51c5,54d51b5,4f51a5,h515 O5T None
13 4 h76b7,g76c7,f76d7,e76e7
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for O4T
I0 9 10 9,,,,,,,,,g92 O0 9 10 g49,,,,,,,,, I1 11 14 9,,,,,,,,c92e9,9,,,, O1 11 14 c49e4,,c49d49,c49c494,c49b49a4,c49a49b4,c4949c4,c4a9d4,c49e4,b4a9e4,a4949e4,49a49e4,9b49e4,c49e4 I2 14 8 9,,,,2l9,9,, O2 14 8 9b49h4,9a49i4,949j4,a9k4,9l4,,, I3 9 4 9,,,e92a9 O3 9 4 e49a4,e4949,e4a94,e49a4 I4T 3 13 9,,,,,,929,9,,,,, O4T None I5T 13 15 9,,,,,92j9,9,,,,,,,, O5T None
3 13 494,,,,,4a9,494,a94,494,,,,
dataset=solve_cross group=cross predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c