1 value
31 values
simonsolvev1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 4 4 0,05a0,0650,0 O0 4 4 0,,5b0,65a0 I1 5 6 c04,0,,,c05,a0850 O1 5 6 0,,,,4b05,a0850 I2 3 7 070,0,,,,7a0,0 O2 3 7 0,7a0,0,,,7a0,0 I3T 9 4 0,97f0,0,a06c050 O3T None I4T 8 3 0704c0,0, O4T None
00000000 70000000 04000000
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict pixels for 'O5T'
I0 4 3 13a1,3a17,1 O0 4 3 13a1,3a17,a171 I1 8 9 e131,7f1,1,,,,,,c17b1 O1 8 9 e131,7c13a1,c13b1,b13c1,a13d1,13e1,3f1,1,c17b1 I2 6 9 a16b1,1,,15c1,c191,1,,c161,a17b1 O2 6 9 a16b1,16c1,6d1,15c1,5b191,b19a1,a19b1,19a161,9176a1 I3 5 7 3a101,1,10b1,1,,a14a1,1 O3 5 7 3a101,a10a1,10b1,0c1,1,a14a1,14b1 I4T 6 4 a15b1,d17,d10,b17a1 O4T None I5T 7 3 e15,e18,2e1 O5T None
1111115 1111158 2111581
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_topright_to_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 6 8 83c5,5,,38c5,5,,c515,5 O0 6 8 83a515,38a515,,,c515,,,5 I1 8 7 50e5,5,,,,,8f5 O1 8 7 80e5,8f5,,,,, I2 6 4 4b575,5,5654a5,c585 O2 6 4 465475,565485,,c585 I3T 9 3 8g5,d52b5,8e525 O3T None I4T 6 6 5,,,b56a5,a56b5,9c54 O4T None
956654 956654 956654 956654 956554 955554
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottom_to_top predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, O5T, predict raw pixels
I0 9 6 1g9,d91b9,9,,b91d9,d91b9 O0 9 6 1g9,9,,,,9a1a91b9 I1 3 7 9,,919,9,1a9,9, O1 3 7 9,,,1a9,,9, I2 5 4 1b91,1c9,9,c91 O2 5 4 1c9,,9,91a91 I3 3 8 9,,a91,9,919,9,, O3 3 8 9,,,,1a9,,9, I4T 7 7 9,b91a91,91d9,9,,c9191,9 O4T None I5T 9 6 b91c91,9,,,a91d91,9 O5T None
999999999 999999999 999999999 199999999 999999999 919199919
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O5T' predict the raw pixels
I0 8 6 9,,f94,e949,91e9,b9693a9 O0 8 6 919693a4,,,91969349,919693a9,b9693a9 I1 9 5 9,97d989,9,, O1 9 5 97d989,,9,, I2 7 7 9,70d9,a94c9,9,,c96a9,9 O2 7 7 70496a9,,a9496a9,c96a9,,,9 I3 9 5 f929,g98,9,, O3 9 5 f928,g98,9,, I4T 8 7 a98d9,9,,a98d9,9,, O4T None I5T 6 6 592b9,9,b95a9,9,,b9498 O5T None
592598 999598 999598 999498 999498 999498
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottom_to_top predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 8 5 a3728b3,5f3,3,,b39c3 O0 8 5 a372c8,5,3,,b3d9 I1 6 8 3,2d3,c363,3,a36b3,a36a38,3, O1 6 8 3,2,c3a6,3,a3c6,a3b68,3, I2 3 9 3,,323,3,,a31,3,, O2 3 9 3,,3a2,3,,a31,3,, I3T 3 7 3,,,,,343,4a3 O3T None
333 333 333 333 333 344 444
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_left_to_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O5T, predict raw pixels
I0 8 3 a37d3,a35d3,d32a3 O0 8 3 3572c3,3, I1 7 7 3,e38,3,,,,b38a39 O1 7 7 9c383,3,,8e3,3,, I2 6 6 3,c393,50b37,3,,36c3 O2 6 6 b39a3,0b373,5d3,3,6d3,3 I3 8 5 c39b3,3,d35a3,3,35b37a3 O3 8 5 37359b3,3,,5f3,3 I4T 5 4 6b32,3,c34,c37 O4T None I5T 4 6 a363,3,b31,3,,b35 O5T None
3163 3333 5333 3333 3333 3333
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 4 9 1,,b15,b19,1,,,15a1,1 O0 4 9 95a1,1951,a195,b19,1,,5b1,15a1,1 I1 6 8 1,19c1,a14b1,4d1,1,,c191,1 O1 6 8 9d1,19c1,914b1,49c1,a19b1,b19a1,c191,1 I2 9 7 a19e1,1,,,,,e15a1 O2 9 7 519e1,15f1,a15e1,b15d1,c15c1,d15b1,e15a1 I3T 8 6 1,c17b1,1,58e1,1,c15b1 O3T None I4T 6 8 1,18c1,b14a1,a14b1,a10b1,1,,d18 O4T None
841111 484111 041411 104111 110111 111811 111181 111118
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottomright_to_topleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 7 4 9e4,4,,8e4 O0 7 4 9e4,49d4,a49c4,8a49b4 I1 4 3 a404,4034,4 O1 4 3 a404,4030,a403 I2 7 6 d474,4,,,b43b4,4 O2 7 6 d474,e47,4,,b43b4,c43a4 I3 9 9 b48d4,4,,,,,,c46a484,4 O3 9 9 b48d4,c48c4,d48b4,e48a4,f484,g48,4,c46a484,d46a48 I4T 9 9 4,,42c45a4,4,,,a45e4,4,e49a4 O4T None I5T 5 4 4,7c4,4,541a4 O5T None
444444444 444444444 424444544 442444454 444244445 444424444 445442444 444544244 444454924
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_topleft_to_bottomright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 7 5 a89b89,a8a9b8,8,, O0 7 5 e89,8,,d898,d8a9 I1 9 6 a89e8,89f8,8,,, O1 9 6 8,,,,,d89898 I2 8 9 8,,,,,,b89c8,89e8,c89b8 O2 8 9 8,,,,,,,,a898a9a8 I3 7 4 9e8,8,89d8,8 O3 7 4 8,,,a8a9b8 I4T 5 5 c89,8,9a898,8,89b8 O4T None I5T 5 9 c89,89b8,b898,8,,,a89a8,8, O5T None
88889 88888 88888 88889 89988
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 8 6 9,a92d9,e919,a945c9,1f9,9 O0 8 6 1925a919,,1945a919,1945c9,1f9,9 I1 3 8 a98,9,a94,9,,,, O1 3 8 a98,a94,,9,,,, I2 3 4 9,,,920 O2 3 4 920,,, I3T 6 4 8a9369,d92,9,96c9 O3T None
869362 969992 969999 969999
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottom_to_top predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 9 5 e56a5,6g5,5,,656e5 O0 9 5 e56a5,6g5,,5,6g5 I1 8 5 5,56c565,56e5,5, O1 8 5 6c56a5,6f5,5,, I2 5 6 5,,56565,5,56b5, O2 5 6 56b5,6c5,5,6c5,,5 I3 9 9 5,c56a565,5,,,,e56a5,5, O3 9 9 6a56a56a5,5,,,,,,, I4T 6 8 b5a65,5,,,,b56a5,c565, O4T None
555665 555555 655555 665555 555555 555555 555555 555555
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 6 8 d50,5,,d57,d51,5,51a535,5 O0 6 8 d50,5,,d57,d51,5,c513,5 I1 5 3 b535,50b5,a5152 O1 5 3 c53,c50,b512 I2 5 3 573a5,c53,3c5 O2 5 3 b573,c53, I3T 5 6 b585,3c5,5,,c51,5 O3T None I4T 9 5 f525,b50d5,5,, O4T None
55558 55553 55555 55555 55551 55555
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_left_to_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 8 4 d25a2,f28,3f2,2 O0 8 4 3c2528,2,, I1 3 7 2,252,2,,,,3a2 O1 3 7 352,2,,,,, I2 6 9 2,,28c2,2,a26b2,2,6d2,21c2,c262 O2 6 9 686262,21c2,2,,,,,, I3 5 4 a21a2,2,1a202,a20a2 O3 5 4 12102,a20a2,2, I4T 4 3 6b2,27a2,b26 O4T None
6726 2222 2222
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottom_to_top predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 9 6 c7a2b7,a72e7,7,72f7,e72a7,7 O0 9 6 7,,,a2f7,2g7,2c72b7 I1 6 5 b72a7,2d7,d72,72c7,c727 O1 6 5 7,2d7,7,2d7,2a7a27 I2 3 8 7,,2a7,a72,7,,, O2 3 8 7,,2a7,7,,2a7,7, I3T 8 6 b7272a7,7,,,c72b7,2b72b7 O3T None I4T 4 9 7,,b72,7,,,,,2727 O4T None
77777777 77777777 77777777 27777777 72777777 27722777
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O5T'
I0 4 8 7,b70,7,b76,7,a787,7, O0 4 8 7,0,7,6,7,b87,7, I1 3 9 7,,,,,,707,7,747 O1 3 9 7,,,,,,a07,7,a47 I2 9 6 7,,d723a7,7,,2g7 O2 9 6 7,,e23a7,7,,2g7 I3 6 9 c757,c740,7,,,,7376a7,7, O3 6 9 d57,d40,7,,,,a3a6a7,7, I4T 4 9 7,,3b7,7,,4b7,71a7,7, O4T None I5T 5 5 c78,7,,,a7473 O5T None
88888 77777 77777 77777 44433
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_right_to_left predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 6 9 1c86,8,d81,8,0d8,8,,85c8,8 O0 6 9 1b806,b80a8,a80a81,80b85,0b858,b85a8,a85b8,85c8,8 I1 4 8 8,73a8,8,,,,6b8,8 O1 4 8 8738,73a8,8,b86,a868,86a8,6b8,8 I2 3 7 9a8,8,818,8,,, O2 3 7 9a8,a81,818,8,,, I3T 5 4 a8189,8,1b87,8 O3T None
88189 81888 18887 88888
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottomleft_to_topright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, O4T, predict pixels
I0 6 6 1,,c160,16c1,a16a10,1 O0 6 6 1,,c160,1d6,a1b60,1 I1 4 5 1,,a181,1,b10 O1 4 5 1,,a1a8,1,b10 I2 4 6 a131,1,12a1,1,b10,1 O2 4 6 a1a3,1,1b2,1,b10,1 I3T 9 5 g10,1,b13d1,1, O3T None I4T 7 6 1,,c13a1,d151,1, O4T None
1111111 1111111 1111333 1111155 1111111 1111111
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_left_to_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 5 3 b424,7a404,c42 O0 5 3 a4024,7a424,4 I1 9 4 4,2b42c4,5f49,f494 O1 9 4 b42949a4,2g4,5g4,4 I2 6 9 b41a4,c409,4,,,,a43b4,c434,4 O2 6 9 b4194,c404,4,3d4,,4,,, I3T 4 3 4,b46,4864 O3T None I4T 4 5 4,b49,43a4,a494,4 O4T None
4494 3444 4944 4444 4444
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 5 4 b161,1,c16,a1616 O0 5 4 6c1,1,6c1,a6b1 I1 3 5 1,,a16,,1 O1 3 5 1,,6a1,,1 I2 7 4 e16,6e1,616c1,a16c1 O2 7 4 6e1,,a6d1,6e1 I3T 7 8 1,,b16b1,e16,1,,,16d1 O3T None I4T 4 5 1,b16,6b1,1, O4T None
1111111 1111111 6111111 6111111 1111111 1111111 1111111 6111111
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_right_to_left predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 6 3 9460a4,4,a45b4 O0 6 3 a96b0,4,a4c5 I1 8 9 4,,,,d47a4,4,,a47d4,4 O1 8 9 4,,,,d4b7,4,,a4e7,4 I2 9 4 42f4,4,d46454,b47d4 O2 9 4 4g2,4,d4a6a5,b4e7 I3T 8 4 a48d4,1f4,b438b4,4 O3T None
44888888 11111111 44438888 44444444
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_left_to_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 7 3 0a67b6,b60b6,6 O0 7 3 0b7b6,c0b6,6 I1 5 4 6a8a6,8c6,6, O1 5 4 b8a6,8c6,6, I2 9 7 6,a60e6,6,b62d6,6,b65d6,2f62 O2 9 7 6,b0e6,6,c2d6,6,c5d6,2 I3 8 7 6,,b62c6,c61a61,6,, O3 8 7 6,,c2c6,1,6,, I4T 9 6 6,a60e6,6,c61b61,6,b62d6 O4T None
666666666 000666666 666666666 111111111 666666666 222266666
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_right_to_left predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 7 7 0e5,e54,5,,,, O0 7 7 e50,e54,5,,,, I1 3 7 956,5,,,,, O1 3 7 596,5,,,,, I2 6 8 5,7d5,5,,,,0539a5,b58a5 O2 6 8 5,d57,5,,,,b5039,d58 I3T 4 3 50a5,52a5,a535 O3T None I4T 3 5 505,5,515,5, O4T None
5550 5552 5553
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_left_to_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 9 3 1,2g1,e12a1 O0 9 3 12e12,2e121,e12a1 I1 9 7 1,,12a12c1,1,,g12,1 O1 9 7 b12a12a1,a12a12b1,12a12c1,1,,g12,1 I2 4 9 1,,,,a121,1,,b12, O2 4 9 1,,,b12,a121,1,,b12, I3T 9 4 e12a1,f121,1, O3T None I4T 6 4 1,b1212,1212a1,b12a1 O4T None
111222 112222 121221 111211
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottomleft_to_topright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 4 9 0,,,,,,7b0,09a0, O0 4 9 0,,,b07,a070,0709,70a9,0a90,09a0 I1 6 3 a063a0,403b0,6d0 O1 6 3 0463a0,463b0,6d0 I2 5 3 0,a0508,a0280 O2 5 3 b052,a0528,a0280 I3T 9 7 0,c04c0,b04d0,0,d01b0,0, O3T None
000004000 000040001 000400010 000000100 000001000 000000000 000000000
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottomleft_to_topright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 3 5 2,,,9a2,2 O0 3 5 2,,,a29,2 I1 4 8 2,,,,,9a29,9b2,2 O1 4 8 2,,,,,a2a9,b29,2 I2 7 5 2,c29a2,29d2,e29,2 O2 7 5 2,e29,,,2 I3T 4 6 2,b29,9b2,a292,2, O3T None I4T 4 9 29a2,2,,,,a292,2,,a292 O4T None
2229 2222 2222 2222 2222 2229 2222 2222 2229
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_left_to_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict pixels for O3T
I0 3 7 272,,2,,,, O0 3 7 2,,,,,272, I1 7 6 2727b2,2,,27d2,2,e27 O1 7 6 2,,,,27d2,2727a27 I2 4 4 2,7b2,27a2,7b2 O2 4 4 2,,7b2,a7a2 I3T 4 5 2,a272,,2,7b2 O3T None
2222 2222 2222 2272 7272
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_top_to_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, O5T, predict pixels
I0 6 4 8,b8548,b84a8,d81 O0 6 4 8,,c854,c841 I1 8 6 c81b8,8,e868,c81b8,8,c85b8 O1 8 6 8,,e818,f86,8,c85818 I2 9 5 f848,d86b8,86f8,d81b8,8 O2 9 5 8,g84,8,,b86a8186 I3 6 3 a854a8,8,c898 O3 6 3 8,b85a8,c894 I4T 9 5 8,d87b8,8682d8,8, O4T None I5T 4 4 7b8,8148,8, O5T None
8888 8888 8874 8881
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 7 4 6,,e60,b60b6 O0 7 4 6,,e60,b60606 I1 9 5 6,0b6060a6,60f6,6, O1 9 5 6,0b6060a6,606060b6,06060c6,6060d6 I2 6 6 6,0b606,6,60a606,6,b60a6 O2 6 6 6,0b606,b60a6,6a0606,a060a6,06a0a6 I3T 9 3 b6a0c6,e60a6,6 O3T None
666006666 660066066 600660666
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_topright_to_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O5T, predict pixels
I0 9 5 c17c1,1,,e12a1,1 O0 9 5 1,,,,7c12b1 I1 8 9 1,,,,d14a1,1,,10e1,f12 O1 8 9 1,,,,,,,,04d12 I2 9 4 c13b14,18f1,8g1,b16d1 O2 9 4 1,18f1,8g1,131614b1 I3 6 5 1,17a181,1,,5b149 O3 6 5 1,,7d1,1,58a149 I4T 7 7 1,,,,d171,e18,1 O4T None I5T 8 8 17e1,1,b19c1,,c13b1,1,, O5T None
11111111 71111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 91111111 91111111 13111111
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 9 4 b71d7,7,a750d7,7 O0 9 4 b7e1,7,a75e0,7 I1 5 9 b702,7,70b7,7,c72,7,,, O1 5 9 b702,7,7c0,7,c72,7,,, I2 7 4 7,3e7,e70,7 O2 7 4 7,3,e70,7 I3T 7 5 d727,7,5b72a7,7, O3T None I4T 8 7 7,,e707,7,f79,4f7,f71 O4T None
7777722 7777777 5555222 7777777 7777777
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_left_to_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 6 8 2d0,b02a0,0,d02,0,,,b02a0 O0 6 8 2a0202,b02a0,0,,,,, I1 3 7 0,020,0,,,,2a0 O1 3 7 a20,0,,,,, I2 9 9 2g0,0,,,,,d02b0,0,d02b0 O2 9 9 2c02b0,d02b0,0,,,,,, I3T 6 5 d02,0,a2c0,2a02a0,0 O3T None I4T 5 7 0,,,b020,a2b0,a02a0,0 O4T None
22220 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottom_to_top predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 4 6 02a0,a020,2b0,0,, O0 4 6 0,,,,,b20 I1 3 8 0,,020,2a0,0,,, O1 3 8 0,,,,,,,a20 I2 5 5 2c0,0,,2b02,02b0 O2 5 5 0,,,2c0,a2a02 I3T 4 4 a0a2,0,,a020 O3T None
0000 0000 0020 0022
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_top_to_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 5 7 47b4,4,453a4,b464,4,, O0 5 7 47453,a4534,45346,b464,4,, I1 3 8 474,4,,,,,,414 O1 3 8 474,4,,,,,a41,414 I2 6 4 4,989b4,4,478b4 O2 6 4 498978,989784,a478a4,478b4 I3 5 4 c48,4,42b4,b434 O3 5 4 b428,a42a4,42a43,b434 I4T 9 4 4,d47b4,2a4645b4,f454 O4T None
442446754 424467544 244645445 444444454
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottomleft_to_topright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 'O5T' predict the raw pixels
I0 6 6 b18a1,1,8d1,b18a1,d18,1 O0 6 6 1,,,,b18a1,8a1818 I1 4 8 1,,,,,1818,1, O1 4 8 1,,,,,,,1818 I2 9 8 e18a1,1,a18c181,g18,1,,,a18e1 O2 9 8 1,,,,,,a18e1,a18b1b8 I3 6 7 c1a8,1,,,c1a8,18c1,1 O3 6 7 1,,,,,c1a8,18a1a8 I4T 8 7 1,,b18c1,a18d1,1,, O4T None I5T 6 3 18c1,18a1a8,1 O5T None
111111 181111 181188
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_top_to_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 8 5 c06b0,0,a06d0,c06b0,b06c0 O0 8 5 c06b0,d06a0,a06b060,b0a6a06,b0b6a0 I1 6 3 6a0606,c060,0 O1 6 3 6a0606,06a060,a06a06 I2 5 9 06b0,6a060,0,6c0,0,,,, O2 5 9 06b0,60a60,060a6,60606,06060,a0606,b060,c06,0 I3 7 9 0,d0a6,0,6c060,0,,,, O3 7 9 0,d0a6,e06,6c060,06c06,a06c0,b06b0,c06a0,d060 I4T 6 9 0,b06a0,6d0,0,,d06,0,b06a0,06c0 O4T None
000000 000600 600060 060006 006000 000606 000060 000606 060060
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_topleft_to_bottomright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict raw pixels for O5T
I0 4 5 7,71a7,12a7,7, O0 4 5 7,71a7,12a7,, I1 5 4 7,752a7,b737,c72 O1 5 4 7,752a7,75237,75232 I2 5 5 7,5a787,7,a70a7,b737 O2 5 5 7,5a787,,57087,57037 I3 3 3 7,727,a73 O3 3 3 7,727,723 I4T 5 5 b747,3c7,b717,7,a74a7 O4T None I5T 6 8 70c7,7,d73,a75b7,7,a73b7,7,76c7 O5T None
707777 707777 707773 705773 705773 703773 703773 763773
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_top_to_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 9 8 3,g32,3,,,d36b3,3,d38b3 O0 9 8 3,,,,,,d36b3,d38a32 I1 5 6 316a3,a38a3,3,,,b313 O1 5 6 3,,,,a36a3,31813 I2 8 6 8f3,39e3,a381c3,3,,31e3 O2 8 6 3,,,,39e3,8181c3 I3T 8 4 3,d3193,35e3,38e3 O3T None
33333333 33333333 35333333 38333193
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_top_to_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 5 6 6,b676,67b6,b676,6,b676 O0 5 6 67676,,,b676,, I1 4 3 a676,,b67 O1 4 3 a6a7,,b67 I2 9 5 a67e6,6,7g6,6,7g6 O2 9 5 767e6,7g6,,, I3T 8 9 6,,,,,,67e6,6,c67b6 O3T None I4T 7 6 6,7e6,e67,a6767a6,6, O4T None
7676767 7676767 6676767 6676766 6666666 6666666
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottom_to_top predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 3 8 7,,,,,,,176 O0 3 8 7,,,,,a71,7,a76 I1 3 7 7,757,7,,,0a7,7 O1 3 7 a75,7,,a70,7,, I2 3 7 7,,747,757,7,, O2 3 7 7,a74,a75,7,,, I3T 8 7 7,,79b78a7,7,a73d7,7, O3T None
77797738 77777777 77777777 77777777 77777777 77777777 77777777
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 4 4 0b2,2,,a2a0 O0 4 4 0,2,,a2a0 I1 4 3 0b2,a202,20a2 O1 4 3 0,a2a0,2b0 I2 3 4 202,2,,202 O2 3 4 2a0,2,,2a0 I3T 7 5 e20,0e2,a20c2,d202,e20 O3T None
2222220 0000000 2200000 2222200 2222220
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_left_to_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 5 8 0,01b0,0,03607,0,,, O0 5 8 0,,,,,,01b0,03607 I1 6 4 b01a0,01c0,a02093,0 O1 6 4 0,,,012193 I2 9 4 d01b0,g08,1a01d0,0 O2 9 4 0,,,1a0101a08 I3T 6 8 0,a0a4a0,0,4d0,0,,b08a0,b05a0 O3T None I4T 5 5 06060,0,806a0,0, O4T None
00000 00000 00000 00000 86660
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_top_to_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 9 9 a91e9,9,b97d9,f979,97f9,9,g95,9, O0 9 9 a91a97b9,c97c9,g97,9,,,g95,9, I1 4 7 9,b92,5b9,9,2b9,9, O1 4 7 a959,b92,a929,9,,, I2 4 3 0b9,9697,9 O2 4 3 0969,b97,9 I3T 4 9 9,,82a9,9,,,97a9,9, O3T None I4T 8 9 9,2f9,9,,e989,9,95e9,9, O4T None
9982 9999 9999 9999 9997 9999 9999 9999 9999
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 5 9 2c8,8,a82a8,,8,,,,a82a8 O0 5 9 282a8,a82a8,,8,,,,, I1 4 8 8,a828,8,82a8,8,,b82,8 O1 4 8 8b2,8,,,,,, I2 9 3 a2f8,b8a282a8,8 O2 9 3 a28a282a8,8, I3T 9 8 c82c8,8,,,b82d8,8,,b8282b8 O3T None
888222888 888288888 888888888 888888888 888888888 888888888 888888888 888888888
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottom_to_top predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 5 9 3,,,,,34a93,3,a38a3,3 O0 5 9 3,,c34,c39,,c38,3,, I1 3 4 3,,,1a3 O1 3 4 3,a31,3, I2 9 4 3,4g3,c37c3,6g3 O2 9 4 3436a37a3,3,, I3 9 9 3,,,30d353,d32b3,3,,, O3 9 9 c30c3,g32,g35,3,,,,, I4T 7 6 3,c38a3,1e3,3,a34c3,3 O4T None I5T 5 5 930a3,5c3,0c3,3, O5T None
3313384 3333333 3333333 3333333 3333333 3333333
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 6 4 70c7,075a71,75c7,7 O0 6 4 a0c7,0a5b1,a5c7,7 I1 8 7 b74c7,7,,f72,7,c72717,7 O1 8 7 c4c7,7,,2,7,d2a17,7 I2 8 3 7,7275c7,73e7 O2 8 3 7,a2a5c7,a3e7 I3T 6 6 7,a75a74,7,,2d7,7 O3T None I4T 3 5 a78,7,,,a76 O4T None
777777 555444 777777 777777 277777 777777
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_right_to_left predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 9 5 1,e15a1,1,f151,5g1 O0 9 5 1,,,,5a15a15a1 I1 4 6 1,5b1,1,1a51,1, O1 4 6 1,5b1,1,,5b1, I2 6 4 15c1,515b1,b15a1,d15 O2 6 4 15c1,5d1,1,515a15 I3 4 3 1,1a51,15a1 O3 4 3 1,a151,a5a1 I4T 5 3 5c1,b1a5,a15a1 O4T None I5T 8 4 1,a1515b1,a15d1,1 O5T None
51111 11151 11551
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 5 8 2a727,7,,,,72b7,7,b727 O0 5 8 2a727,7,c72,b727,a72a7,72b7,c72,b727 I1 4 6 72a7,,7,,a727,7 O1 4 6 7a27,72a7,7,b72,a727,7 I2 7 7 7,,d727,7,72d7,7,d727 O2 7 7 d727,c7272,b72727,a72c7,72d7,e72,d727 I3T 6 4 72c7,2d7,a72727,72c7 O3T None
727727 277272 772727 727777
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottomleft_to_topright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict pixels for O5T
I0 5 9 6,c68,61b6,6,,b606,6,,68b6 O0 5 9 6,8c6,1c6,6,,0c6,6,,8c6 I1 7 3 4a64b6,67d6,7a67b6 O1 7 3 a4d6,7e6,a7d6 I2 6 7 6,,65c6,c606,6,63a696,a67b6 O2 6 7 6,,5d6,0d6,6,39c6,7d6 I3 4 8 61a6,6,,,b62,62a6,6, O3 4 8 1b6,6,,,2b6,,6, I4T 9 3 f646,64f6,e68a6 O4T None I5T 7 3 5e6,e63,0c636 O5T None
5666666 3666666 0366666
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_right_to_left predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 6 7 1d8,8,a81a81,b81a8,,8, O0 6 7 1d8,8,a81a81,818a18,18a1a8,8a1b8,a1c8 I1 5 6 8,,,81b8,81a81,a81a8 O1 5 6 8,,,81b8,a1a81,18a18 I2 3 6 1a8,8,,818,8, O2 3 6 1a8,8,,818,1a8,8 I3 7 4 a8181a8,8,, O3 7 4 a8181a8,8181b8,181c8,81d8 I4T 4 4 8a18,b81,8, O4T None I5T 8 3 8,e8a1,8 O5T None
8118 1181 1818 8188
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_topright_to_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 4 3 6,5b6,a6a5 O0 4 3 6,b65,a6a5 I1 6 3 65c6,565b6,5a65a6 O1 6 3 d65,c6a5, I2 5 4 a65a6,6,65b6,5b65 O2 5 4 c65,6,c65,b6a5 I3T 4 9 a656,a5a6,6,,,,,, O3T None
6665 6655 6666 6666 6666 6666 6666 6666 6666
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_left_to_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 7 7 20d2,2,,b2a0a2,2,, O0 7 7 20c20,d2a0,c2a02,b2a0a2,2,, I1 7 4 0c2a0,2,c20a2,2 O1 7 4 0c2a0,d202,c20a2,2 I2 3 8 2,,202,2,,0a2,2, O2 3 8 2,a20,202,a20,202,0a2,2, I3T 3 5 202,2,202,2, O3T None
202 220 202 222 222
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottomleft_to_topright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 7 7 8,84d8,8,e84,8,c8a48,8 O0 7 7 8,a4d8,8,4,8,e48,8 I1 3 7 8,,,,4a8,8,a84 O1 3 7 8,,,,4a8,8,4 I2 7 7 8,,,a4d8,e84,8, O2 7 7 8,,,a4d8,4,8, I3 3 3 8,848, O3 3 3 8,a48, I4T 6 8 a4c8,8,,,84c8,,8,c848 O4T None
448888 888888 888888 888888 448888 448888 888888 444448
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_right_to_left predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 6 8 b68a6,6,c606,68c6,6,,,163b6 O0 6 8 183806,6,,,,,, I1 4 7 6,4b6,a626,6,,,3b6 O1 4 7 4626,3b6,6,,,, I2 9 8 6,9g6,6,,e61a6,6,, O2 9 8 9d61a6,6,,,,,, I3T 7 8 760c6,6,,,,c60a6,a65c6,a60c6 O3T None I4T 9 3 b6061b6,g62,5g6 O4T None
566061662 666666666 666666666
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottom_to_top predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 4 9 7,8b7,7,,,,1747,7, O0 4 9 7,,,,,,,8b7,1747 I1 5 4 b707,3a797,8c7,7 O1 5 4 7,,3a707,8a797 I2 7 6 b740a7,d717,74d7,70d7,7, O2 7 6 7,,,,74d7,7074017 I3 3 4 727,7,,3a7 O3 3 4 7,,,327 I4T 4 3 b70,a707,70a7 O4T None
7777 7777 7000
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_top_to_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 8 3 f31,1f3,a1e3 O0 8 3 a1d31,1f3,3 I1 3 6 3,,,a31,1a3,3 O1 3 6 131,3,,,, I2 6 3 3,1b313,31b31 O2 6 3 a1a3a1,3, I3T 4 3 31a3,a313,1b3 O3T None
1113 3333 3333
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottom_to_top predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 3 8 7,,,737,7,,,707 O0 3 8 7,,,,3a7,7,,707 I1 8 9 d73a7,7,,e757,7,a75d7,4c79a7,7, O1 8 9 7,,,,,3f7,4f7,5f7,7579c7 I2 8 9 d76a7,7,b76c7,7,,,,, O2 8 9 7,,,,76e7,6f7,7,, I3T 9 8 c76c7,7,g79,7,,,, O3T None
777777777 777777777 777777777 777777777 677777777 777777777 777777777 777977777
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 3 3 a96,9,6a9 O0 3 3 6,9,6a9 I1 4 7 b90,9,,,b98,9,7b9 O1 4 7 0,9,,,8,9,7b9 I2 4 8 9,,,b98,a989,9,8b9,9 O2 4 8 9,,,8,b89,9,8b9,9 I3T 3 8 9,,a92,8a9,9,,, O3T None I4T 7 3 a919569,e97,b96b9 O4T None
1115569 7777777 6666999
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_right_to_left predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 7 5 e67,6,,,c63a6 O0 7 5 e67,6,,,e63 I1 6 6 6,,a627a6,b61a6,6764a6,6 O1 6 6 6,,c627,d61,c674,6 I2 5 8 6,c61,6,,,1c6,c65,6 O2 5 8 6,c61,6,,,c61,c65,6 I3 8 8 c60b6,f69,6,,,,, O3 8 8 f60,f69,6,,,,, I4T 3 7 6,a64,6,,,3a6,6 O4T None I5T 3 4 646,6,,a67 O5T None
666 664 666 666 666 663 666
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_left_to_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O5T' predict the raw pixels
I0 9 6 1,g17,1717d1,7g1,1, O0 9 6 1,,,,,a717c17 I1 5 6 b171,1,b171,a17a1,1, O1 5 6 1,,,,b171,a1a71 I2 5 8 1,,7c1,1,71a71,1,, O2 5 8 1,,,,,,7c1,71a71 I3 7 4 1,17d1,c1717,c17a1 O3 7 4 1,,c17a1,17a1717 I4T 4 7 a171,1,,,7b1,a171,1 O4T None I5T 4 8 1,,,,,1717,1,a171 O5T None
1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1777
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_top_to_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 8 9 b54c5,e545,c54b5,d54a5,5,c54b5,5,, O0 8 9 4f5,,,,5,4f5,5,, I1 6 9 5,c545,5,c545,5,,b54a5,c545,a54b5 O1 6 9 5,4d5,5,4d5,5,,4d5,, I2 7 4 5,,,a54a545 O2 7 4 5,,,a4d5 I3 4 5 a5a4,5,,,54a5 O3 4 5 a4a5,5,,,4b5 I4T 3 5 545,5,a54,5, O4T None
455 555 455 555 555
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_right_to_left predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 7 4 7,b75b7,7,c78a7 O0 7 4 7,b75b7,a75c7,75a78a7 I1 7 7 7,,d747,d797,7,78d7,7 O1 7 7 7,,d747,c7497,b749a7,7849b7,849c7 I2 4 8 b71,7,,,a727,a737,7, O2 4 8 b71,a717,71a7,1b7,a727,7237,23a7,3b7 I3T 9 8 g71,7,76c71a7,7,a76e7,b71d7,7, O3T None I4T 7 6 5e7,7,,e72,e74,75d7 O4T None
5777777 7777777 7777777 7777772 7777724 7577247
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_topright_to_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 6 4 6,89c6,6,a68186 O0 6 4 6,8d6,9d6,a68186 I1 5 4 68b6,6,,68608 O1 5 4 6,8c6,6,68608 I2 9 9 6,,d64b6,6,68f6,f676,g69,a60e6,6 O2 9 9 6,,,,,8g6,6,4g6,60a6769a6 I3 7 3 b67b6,c62a6,6 O3 7 3 6,,6762b6 I4T 9 6 6,a69e6,6,g63,a64e6,d65b6 O4T None
666666666 666666666 666666666 966666666 666666666 646665366
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 4 6 a898,9b8,,8,, O0 4 6 a898,9a89,a9a8,8a98,a8a9,b89 I1 6 3 89c8,a9a898,d89 O1 6 3 89c8,b9898,8b989 I2 9 6 8,,,a89e8,d89b8,8 O2 9 6 8,,,a89e8,b8989b8,c8989a8 I3 6 7 8,d89,,89c8,8,9d8,8 O3 6 7 8,d89,,89c8,a89b8,9a89a8,89a898 I4T 8 8 8,,,a89c89,8,,, O4T None I5T 9 9 a89e8,8,,,,,89f8,c89c8,8 O5T None
88888888 88888888 88888888 88988889 88898888 88889888 88888988 88888898
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_topleft_to_bottomright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 5 9 6,b606,68b6,6,,,,62b6,a69a6 O0 5 9 68906,,689a6,629a6,,,,,a69a6 I1 4 5 6,,,a674,a646 O1 4 5 a674,,,,a646 I2 3 4 7a6,6,a60,6 O2 3 4 760,a60,,6 I3T 9 7 a65e6,d64636,6,,,, O3T None I4T 8 6 b61b67,c60b6,6,,,d67a6 O4T None
665664636 666664636 666666666 666666666 666666666 666666666 666666666
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottom_to_top predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 4 9 8,,a858,85a8,8,,,,b85 O0 4 9 5b8,85a8,5858,85a8,8,5b8,85a8,a858,b85 I1 6 6 85c8,a5b85,8,,,85c8 O1 6 6 a5a858,a5b85,8,,5d8,85c8 I2 8 5 f85,b85c8,8,, O2 8 5 a85c85,b85c8,8,, I3T 4 3 8,85a8,5a85 O3T None I4T 4 3 8,85a8,5b8 O4T None
5888 8588 5888
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottomright_to_topleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 8 4 d89a8,8,89e8,8 O0 8 4 8,,,89b89a8 I1 7 6 e89,8,c89a8,8,c8b9,8 O1 7 6 8,,,,c8989,c8b9 I2 9 7 89f8,8,c8a9b8,d89b8,8,, O2 9 7 8,,,,,d89b8,89a8a9b8 I3 7 6 e89,8,d898,8,9b89a8,8 O3 7 6 8,,,,,9b8b9 I4T 4 6 8,,,89a8,,8 O4T None
8888 8888 8888 8888 8988 8988
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_top_to_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 7 8 5,,53d5,d595,5,e53,5, O0 7 8 b53b5,a53c5,53c59,d595,5,e53,5, I1 7 6 58a51a5,b51b5,5,a52c5,e52,5 O1 7 6 58a5125,b512a5,b52b5,a52c5,e52,5 I2 5 5 5,450a5,5,,a59a5 O2 5 5 54505,450a5,c59,b595,a59a5 I3 3 7 a58,5,,,,,3a5 O3 3 7 a58,5,,,a53,535,3a5 I4T 8 8 5,,,,,f58,8f5,5 O4T None I5T 7 6 5,d515,a53c5,b51b5,5, O5T None
55555585 55555855 55558555 55585555 55855555 58555558 85555555 55555555
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottomleft_to_topright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 7 8 e65,6,,c68a6,6,,, O0 7 8 5,6,,d8a6,6,,, I1 4 7 6,,,16a4,6,, O1 4 7 6,,,1b4,6,, I2 3 7 6,,,,,a60,6 O2 3 7 6,,,,,0,6 I3 8 5 b61c6,6,e686,d68a6,6 O3 8 5 c1c6,6,f86,e8a6,6 I4T 4 4 a626,8b6,6,b64 O4T None I5T 4 4 a636,8b6,6,1b6 O5T None
2226 8666 6666 4444
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_right_to_left predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 5 8 3a121,1,,,a10a1,1,,7c1 O0 5 8 31021,7c1,1,,,,, I1 7 3 4c101,a10c1,10d1 O1 7 3 4a0a101,1, I2 5 7 1,,b161,c18,16b1,1,0c1 O2 5 7 06168,1,,,,, I3T 3 3 1,181,121 O3T None I4T 8 3 f18,1,d1841 O4T None
181 121 111
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottom_to_top predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 6 8 36c3,b3238,3,,b36a3,3,b37a3,3 O0 6 8 3d6,b3a28,3,,b3b6,3,b3b7,3 I1 5 7 3,b363,3,c31,64b3,3, O1 5 7 3,b3a6,3,c31,6c4,3, I2 9 7 2g3,3,g34,f343,3,, O2 9 7 2,3,g34,f3a4,3,, I3 5 3 6b38,3,37a37 O3 5 3 c68,3,3c7 I4T 5 8 a3730,3,a30a3,9c3,3,,, O4T None I5T 8 6 3,,,a34c35,3, O5T None
33770 33333 33000 99999 33333 33333 33333 33333
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_left_to_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict raw pixels for 'O5T'
I0 8 9 c49b4,f49,4,a49d4,4,,,, O0 8 9 c49494,9f4,4,,,,,, I1 3 4 494,4,,a49 O1 3 4 494,9a4,4, I2 3 8 4,,,494,4,,a49,4 O2 3 8 4,,9a4,4,9a4,4,, I3 3 9 4,,,,,,a94,4, O3 3 9 4,,,,,9a4,,4, I4T 5 8 4,,b494,9c4,4,9c4,b494,4 O4T None I5T 7 6 4,e49,4,a49c4,4, O5T None
4444494 9444444 4444444 4444444 4444444 4444444
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 3 3 a96,9,6a9 O0 3 3 6,9,6a9 I1 4 7 b90,9,,,b98,9,7b9 O1 4 7 0,9,,,8,9,7b9 I2 4 8 9,,,b98,a989,9,8b9,9 O2 4 8 9,,,8,b89,9,8b9,9 I3T 3 8 9,,a92,8a9,9,,, O3T None I4T 7 3 a919569,e97,b96b9 O4T None
999 999 222 899 999 999 999 999
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_right_to_left predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 7 9 d040,4e0,0,,,,,04d0,0 O0 7 9 a4b040,0,,,,,,, I1 9 8 c04c0,e04a0,0,,,,b04d0,0 O1 9 8 b0a404a0,0,,,,,, I2 6 3 04c0,4c04,a04a04 O2 6 3 b4a04,d04,0 I3T 5 4 c04,a0a40,4c0,0 O3T None
40444 00000 00000 00000
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottom_to_top predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 6 3 1,67c1,17a131 O0 6 3 1,67c1,1a7131 I1 3 9 1,131,1,a15,1,,,, O1 3 9 1,131,a13,a15,1,,,, I2 7 8 1,,,8e1,6e1,a13c1,1,16d1 O2 7 8 1,,,8e1,68d1,163c1,a163b1,16163a1 I3 8 9 1,c14101,1,a14d1,1,,f18,1, O3 8 9 1,c14101,d1410,a14b141,b14b14,c14b1,d1418,e141,f14 I4T 9 6 a15e1,e15a1,1,,f171,c17b16 O4T None I5T 9 4 e14a1,1,,c18c1 O5T None
115111111 111511511 111151151 111115115 111111571 111171156
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_topleft_to_bottomright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O5T', predict the raw pixels
I0 6 3 1,67c1,17a131 O0 6 3 1,67c1,1a7131 I1 3 9 1,131,1,a15,1,,,, O1 3 9 1,131,a13,a15,1,,,, I2 7 8 1,,,8e1,6e1,a13c1,1,16d1 O2 7 8 1,,,8e1,68d1,163c1,a163b1,16163a1 I3 8 9 1,c14101,1,a14d1,1,,f18,1, O3 8 9 1,c14101,d1410,a14b141,b14b14,c14b1,d1418,e141,f14 I4T 9 6 a15e1,e15a1,1,,f171,c17b16 O4T None I5T 9 4 e14a1,1,,c18c1 O5T None
111111411 111111141 111111114 111181111
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_topleft_to_bottomright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 9 7 c93c9,9,,93f9,9,f939,3g9 O0 9 7 c93c9,d93b9,e93a9,93d939,a93d93,b93b939,3b93b93 I1 5 3 9a3a9,a93a9,3c9 O1 5 3 9a3a9,a9a39,3a9a3 I2 5 6 9,,,,a3b9, O2 5 6 9,,,,a3b9,b3a9 I3T 5 5 3c9,a9a39,3c9,9, O3T None I4T 3 9 9,,939,9,,,a93,9, O4T None
999 999 939 993 999 999 993 999 999
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_topleft_to_bottomright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 8 7 0,,e020,0,2f0,0, O0 8 7 0,,,,,,2d020 I1 9 7 c07c0,d06b0,0,,0309d0,0,e06a0 O1 9 7 0,,,,,,03097a6a0 I2 6 5 d03,b0230,d08,0,03c0 O2 6 5 0,,,d03,030238 I3 7 5 02c03,e07,7e0,0,a03c0 O3 7 5 0,,,e03,723b07 I4T 6 5 a06b0,063b0,0,a01b0,0 O4T None
000000 000000 006000 003000 061000
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_top_to_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 6 8 2d0,b02a0,0,d02,0,,,b02a0 O0 6 8 2a0202,b02a0,0,,,,, I1 3 7 0,020,0,,,,2a0 O1 3 7 a20,0,,,,, I2 9 9 2g0,0,,,,,d02b0,0,d02b0 O2 9 9 2c02b0,d02b0,0,,,,,, I3T 6 5 d02,0,a2c0,2a02a0,0 O3T None I4T 5 7 0,,,b020,a2b0,a02a0,0 O4T None
220202 200000 000000 000000 000000
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottom_to_top predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 5 3 a82a8,0c8,2a828 O0 5 3 802a8,82a82,8 I1 8 9 8,,,f82,3f8,a87d8,8,,c80b8 O1 8 9 c83a87,8,,f82,8,f80,8,, I2 9 9 8,e80a8,1g8,8,a85e8,8,803e8,8, O2 9 9 a81b8503,e80a8,8,,,,,, I3 8 7 87a83b8,e878,8,,,83e8,8 O3 8 7 87a83837,8,,,,, I4T 3 4 8,2a8,a82,8 O4T None I5T 7 4 c84a8,3e8,a84c8,8 O5T None
828 888 882 888
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 5 3 0,6c0,a0702 O0 5 3 702a0,67020,a0702 I1 9 4 0,,c01b09,c045b0 O1 9 4 041b09a0,a041b090,b041b09,c045b0 I2 8 6 0,,,09e0,0,06d07 O2 8 6 a07d0,b07c0,9b07b0,09b07a0,6d070,06d07 I3 9 8 0,,d04b0,0,3g0,b03d0,b09d0,0 O3 9 8 b04d0,c04c0,3c04b0,93f0,393e0,a093d0,b09d0,0 I4T 8 7 0,,,,,b02c0,5f0 O4T None
00000000 00000000 20000000 02000000 00200000 00020000 50000000
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottomright_to_topleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 6 5 4,45a454,45c4,4,5a45a4 O0 6 5 a54a54,45c4,4,, I1 4 6 5b4,a454,4,5b4,4, O1 4 6 5454,5b4,4,,, I2 5 5 4,5c4,4,a45a4,a5b4 O2 5 5 b5a4,5c4,4,, I3 4 3 4,5b4,a454 O3 4 3 5454,4, I4T 7 3 4,a5c45,b4a5a4 O4T None I5T 8 6 4,b45c4,4,b45c4,4,5c4545 O5T None
5545545 4444444 4444444
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottom_to_top predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 3 5 7,3a7,7,787,7 O0 3 5 737,3a7,a78,787,7 I1 3 5 7,a72,7,2a7,7 O1 3 5 7,a72,727,2a7,7 I2 4 9 7,a757,a797,7,,,2b7,7, O2 4 9 b75,a759,a797,b72,a727,72a7,2b7,7, I3 3 6 7,527,7,,, O3 3 6 752,527,7,,, I4T 8 8 f74,7,,f78,7,d78a7,973d7,7 O4T None I5T 6 3 70b74,b7a47,b74a7 O5T None
77777794 77777973 77779737 77797378 77973787 79737877 97377777 77777777
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_bottomleft_to_topright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 5 3 2b02,0,a0a20 O0 5 3 2c0,b020,a0a20 I1 4 8 02a0,b02,0,,,,,02a0 O1 4 8 0,2b0,0,,2b0,0,,02a0 I2 6 8 0,202b0,0,,,,202b0,2d0 O2 6 8 0,2d0,0,2d0,0,,2d0,a2c0 I3 7 6 0,b02b0,c02a0,a2d0,0,c02a0 O3 7 6 0,,,a2d0,2e0,02a02a0 I4T 4 5 02a0,0,02a0,0,02a0 O4T None
0000 2000 0000 2000 0200
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 9 6 a461d4,4,6a42d4,4,, O0 9 6 6461d4,b42d4,4,,, I1 7 9 4,,,,,,,d434,c43a4 O1 7 9 c4a34,4,,,,,,, I2 7 3 41b454,4,3a45b4 O2 7 3 3145454,4, I3T 9 3 d46b4,4,a416d4 O3T None I4T 9 5 d45b4,b46d4,4,, O4T None
441646444 444444444 444444444
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottom_to_top predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 9 5 7g5,5,,f535,5 O0 9 5 7g5,5,,g35,5 I1 3 4 a52,1a5,5, O1 3 4 2,1a5,5, I2 9 6 g58,f585,5,g56,5,g53 O2 9 6 8,g85,5,6,5,3 I3 4 8 58a5,5,b52,52a5,5,,, O3 4 8 a8a5,5,2,a2a5,5,,, I4T 6 8 b52a5,5,,c595,b59a5,,5, O4T None
222255 555555 555555 999995 999955 999955 555555 555555
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_right_to_left predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict pixels for O3T
I0 7 6 e54,5,c54a5,5,, O0 7 6 e54,5,e54,5,, I1 6 7 5,b54a5,4d5,54c5,5,4d5, O1 6 7 5,d54,,,5,d54, I2 6 6 5,4c54,4d5,54c5,,5 O2 6 6 5,c5a4,d54,,,5 I3T 9 7 5,54f5,5,,f545,5, O3T None I4T 5 7 5,54b5,4c5,5,54b5,c54,5 O4T None
555555555 555555554 555555555 555555555 555555554 555555555 555555555
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_left_to_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 6 5 15c1,b1018,c181,1, O0 6 5 15c1,5a1018,a10181,1018a1,018b1 I1 5 6 b171,1,,b161,c17,b171 O1 5 6 b171,a17a1,17b1,7a161,a1617,16171 I2 3 3 9a1,181,1 O2 3 3 9a1,181,8a1 I3T 9 5 a12e1,1,,,8g1 O3T None I4T 7 8 1,19d1,1,,d141,e13,1, O4T None
112111111 121111111 211111111 111111111 811111111
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_topright_to_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 7 9 a05c0,0,c05a0,0,a05a050,0,,, O0 7 9 a0d5,0,c0b5,0,a0d5,0,,, I1 7 7 0,,,a05c0,b05b0,d050,0 O1 7 7 0,,,a0d5,b0c5,d0a5,0 I2 8 6 0,,05e0,f05,0, O2 8 6 0,,0f5,f05,0, I3 6 8 0,b05a0,c050,b05a0,c050,,0, O3 6 8 0,b0b5,c0a5,b0b5,c0a5,,0, I4T 5 7 0,,b0a5,05b0,0,c05,0 O4T None I5T 8 8 0,,c05b0,0,f05,d05a0,0,a05d0 O5T None
00000 00000 00055 05555 00000 00005 00000
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_left_to_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 6 7 d15,15a151,5d1,1,,,a15b1 O0 6 7 5d1,a5c1,5d1,1,,,5d1 I1 4 4 1,5b1,b15,1 O1 4 4 1,5b1,,1 I2 3 3 a15,151,1 O2 3 3 5a1,,1 I3T 6 6 1,5d1,1,,15b15,515b1 O3T None
111111 511111 111111 111111 551111 551111
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_right_to_left predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 6 8 4,,,47c4,a42454,b45a4,4, O0 6 8 4,,,4d7,a4a2a5,b4b5,4, I1 9 9 4,c49c4,a47e4,f424,4,d42b4,4,, O1 9 9 4,c4d9,a4f7,f4a2,4,d4c2,4,, I2 9 9 4,,42f4,b46d4,g48,d41b4,4,, O2 9 9 4,,4g2,b4e6,g48,d4c1,4,, I3T 4 9 4,b42,4,,b46,47a4,4,, O3T None
4444 4442 4444 4444 4446 4777 4444 4444 4444
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_left_to_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 8 7 e717,71e7,7,,,, O0 8 7 e717,71c717,,,,, I1 6 4 7,1d7,7a1a71,c717 O1 6 4 7,1d7,b1a71,b17a1 I2 9 6 7,,a7a1d7,7,b71d7,7 O2 9 6 7,,a7a1d7,,, I3T 7 5 7,,d717,c71a7,71d7 O3T None I4T 3 4 7,,171,7 O4T None
777 777 171 171
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_top_to_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 5 8 16b1,1,,6a101,1,,18b1,1 O0 5 8 1,,,,,,16b1,68101 I1 8 8 d12a1,1,,,c17b1,1,c10b1,27e1 O1 8 8 1,,,,,,c17b1,27a102a1 I2 8 7 1,,,,a1919b1,e131,1 O2 8 7 1,,,,,,a1919131 I3T 7 6 1,c10a1,b10b1,1,,d101 O3T None
1111111 1111111 1111111 1111111 1111111 1110001
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_top_to_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, O5T, predict pixels
I0 6 9 0,05c0,a02b0,0,,b04a0,06c0,6d0,0 O0 6 9 0,05c0,502b0,02c0,2d0,b04a0,064b0,64c0,4d0 I1 7 4 6a09b0,d050,b08b0,0 O1 7 4 6a09b0,a09a050,09085a0,9085b0 I2 8 4 0,,f06,b04c0 O2 8 4 0,,f06,b04a060 I3 5 3 a0320,0,c03 O3 5 3 a0320,032a0,32a03 I4T 5 9 0,2b06,c09,b090,0,,,, O4T None I5T 7 4 d090,,a09c0,09d0 O5T None
0000090 0000990 0099900 0999000
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_topright_to_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 4 8 a313,3,,,,b34,35a3,3 O0 4 8 a313,3,,,b35,b34,3, I1 9 4 a3434c3,3,4g3,a35e3 O1 9 4 a34345b3,34f3,3, I2 4 5 32a3,b30,5b3,3, O2 4 5 3253,b30,3,, I3T 8 9 a30d3,3,c39b3,3,,,a31d3,3, O3T None I4T 5 7 0c3,3,c31,3,9c3,3,c31 O4T None
03339 33333 33331 33333 33333 33333 33331
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O5T', predict the pixels
I0 5 5 9,b9a4,9,c94, O0 5 5 9,,c94,,b9a4 I1 3 9 949,9,4a9,9,,,,, O1 3 9 9,,,,,,,,a49 I2 6 4 b9a49,4d9,9, O2 6 4 9,,,4a9a49 I3 6 8 9,,c949,9,c949,b94a9,a9a4a9,9 O3 6 8 9,,,,,,b9a49,a9b49 I4T 5 3 9a4a9,a9a49,9 O4T None I5T 6 4 4d9,9a4949,b94a9,9 O5T None
999999 999999 999999 444449
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_top_to_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 9 4 c85c8,b85c85,8, O0 9 4 c85c8,b8a5b85,, I1 5 8 c85,8,,,,8a5a8,8,c85 O1 5 8 c85,,,,,8a585,, I2 7 5 e85,a85c8,e85,a85c8, O2 7 5 e85,a85b85,,, I3 3 6 8,a85,8,a85,8, O3 3 6 8,a85,,,, I4T 5 7 5c8,8,c85,8,,a5b8,8 O4T None
58888 58888 58885 58885 58885 55885 55885
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_top_to_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 6 6 1,,c160,16c1,a16a10,1 O0 6 6 1,,c160,1d6,a1b60,1 I1 4 5 1,,a181,1,b10 O1 4 5 1,,a1a8,1,b10 I2 4 6 a131,1,12a1,1,b10,1 O2 4 6 a1a3,1,1b2,1,b10,1 I3T 9 5 g10,1,b13d1,1, O3T None I4T 7 6 1,,c13a1,d151,1, O4T None
111111110 111111111 111333333 111111111 111111111
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_left_to_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 8 4 9,,39494b9,798d9 O0 8 4 9,,3a4d9,78e9 I1 3 4 9,,959,9 O1 3 4 9,,5a9,9 I2 3 3 9,7a9,a97 O2 3 3 9,7a9, I3 6 7 9,9496a9,9,,98c9,9,a95a98 O3 6 7 9,46c9,9,,8d9,9,58c9 I4T 8 5 98e9,9,,,c93b9 O4T None
89999999 99999999 99999999 99999999 39999999
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_right_to_left predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 9 8 0,g04,0,,f040,,0, O0 9 8 0,g04,,,f0a4,,, I1 3 7 040,0,,,,,040 O1 3 7 040,,,,,, I2 7 4 a04b04,4e0,0,a4d0 O2 7 4 a04b04,404b04,,b4b04 I3T 9 4 d04b0,c04c0,f040, O3T None
000004000 000044000 000044040 000044040
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_draw_top_to_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a