13 values
simons-arc-rle-task, P5T, max histogram of the 2 images
I0 4 1 4 O0 4 4 5,,4b5,5 I1 1 2 6, O1 4 1 4 I2 2 5 63,83,36,68,63 O2 1 2 8,3 I3T 5 1 1b87 O3T None I4T 1 3 4,1, O4T None I5T 3 4 030,0,a02,3a0 O5T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_max image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONARCTASK, P3, add histograms of the images
I0 1 2 6, O0 4 1 4 I1 2 5 63,83,36,68,63 O1 1 2 8,3 I2 5 1 1b87 O2 2 1 12 I3 1 3 4,1, O3 1 1 8 I4 3 4 030,0,a02,3a0 O4 1 1 4 I5T 4 4 b48,0487,4040,4a04 O5T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_add image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcTask, get image O2T
I0 2 5 63,83,36,68,63 O0 1 2 8,3 I1 5 1 1b87 O1 2 1 12 I2T 1 3 4,1, O2T None I3T 3 4 030,0,a02,3a0 O3T None
dataset=task group=extract_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONARCTASK, P3, maximum of histograms
I0 5 1 1b87 O0 2 1 12 I1 1 3 4,1, O1 1 1 8 I2 3 4 030,0,a02,3a0 O2 1 1 4 I3 4 4 b48,0487,4040,4a04 O3 1 2 4,1 I4T 4 4 b35,a358,35a3,3 O4T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_max image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-arc-rle-task, P2T, unique colors that the 2 images have the union
I0 1 3 4,1, O0 1 1 8 I1 3 4 030,0,a02,3a0 O1 1 1 4 I2T 4 4 b48,0487,4040,4a04 O2T None I3T 4 4 b35,a358,35a3,3 O3T None I4T 4 2 a8a9,48a0 O4T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_union_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONARCTASK, process 'I0' and return Flip-X
I0 3 4 030,0,a02,3a0 O0 1 1 4 I1 4 4 b48,0487,4040,4a04 O1 1 2 4,1 I2T 4 4 b35,a358,35a3,3 O2T None
3 4 030,0,2a0,a03
dataset=task group=flipx_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is simons-arc-rle-task data. Extract 'I2T'
I0 4 4 b48,0487,4040,4a04 O0 1 2 4,1 I1 4 4 b35,a358,35a3,3 O1 2 2 17,1 I2T 4 2 a8a9,48a0 O2T None I3T 2 1 07 O3T None I4T 1 4 0,5,,9 O4T None
4 2 a8a9,48a0
dataset=task group=extract_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is simon-arc-rle-task data. FlipY I4T
I0 4 4 b35,a358,35a3,3 O0 2 2 17,1 I1 4 2 a8a9,48a0 O1 2 5 83,13,37,,35 I2 2 1 07 O2 5 1 4 I3T 1 4 0,5,,9 O3T None I4T 4 2 2a52,1025 O4T None I5T 2 5 49,9,97,13,9 O5T None
4 2 1025,2a52
dataset=task group=flipy_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-task, P0, union of colors of the images
I0 4 2 a8a9,48a0 O0 2 5 83,13,37,,35 I1 2 1 07 O1 5 1 4 I2 1 4 0,5,,9 O2 1 4 1,,,8 I3 4 2 2a52,1025 O3 4 3 7a36,50a1,51a0 I4T 2 5 49,9,97,13,9 O4T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_union_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONARCTASK, P3T, union of colors of the images
I0 2 1 07 O0 5 1 4 I1 1 4 0,5,,9 O1 1 4 1,,,8 I2 4 2 2a52,1025 O2 4 3 7a36,50a1,51a0 I3T 2 5 49,9,97,13,9 O3T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_union_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcTask, return flipy of I0
I0 1 4 0,5,,9 O0 1 4 1,,,8 I1 4 2 2a52,1025 O1 4 3 7a36,50a1,51a0 I2T 2 5 49,9,97,13,9 O2T None I3T 5 4 0,,a0560,b050 O3T None
1 4 9,5,,0
dataset=task group=flipy_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcRLETask, return histogram of 'I3'
I0 4 2 2a52,1025 O0 4 3 7a36,50a1,51a0 I1 2 5 49,9,97,13,9 O1 3 5 3a1,434,341,,3a4 I2 5 4 0,,a0560,b050 O2 5 5 621a3,6a392,8a282,a4185,b282 I3 4 2 0491,0105 O3 5 3 a52a9,b8a1,31b5 I4T 2 1 45 O4T None I5T 1 3 6,, O5T None
dataset=task group=histogram_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is simonarctask data. Extract I4
I0 2 5 49,9,97,13,9 O0 3 5 3a1,434,341,,3a4 I1 5 4 0,,a0560,b050 O1 5 5 621a3,6a392,8a282,a4185,b282 I2 4 2 0491,0105 O2 5 3 a52a9,b8a1,31b5 I3 2 1 45 O3 3 5 862,828,4a8,a56,868 I4 1 3 6,, O4 5 3 535a3,53a53,5b35 I5T 3 2 a38,9a2 O5T None
1 3 6,,
dataset=task group=extract_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-task, return flip-x of 'I0'
I0 5 4 0,,a0560,b050 O0 5 5 621a3,6a392,8a282,a4185,b282 I1 4 2 0491,0105 O1 5 3 a52a9,b8a1,31b5 I2 2 1 45 O2 3 5 862,828,4a8,a56,868 I3T 1 3 6,, O3T None
5 4 0,,065a0,05b0
dataset=task group=flipx_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSARCTASK, process 'O2' and return Flip-X
I0 4 2 0491,0105 O0 5 3 a52a9,b8a1,31b5 I1 2 1 45 O1 3 5 862,828,4a8,a56,868 I2 1 3 6,, O2 5 3 535a3,53a53,5b35 I3T 3 2 a38,9a2 O3T None
5 3 a3535,3a535,5b35
dataset=task group=flipx_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-task, return histogram of I0
I0 2 1 45 O0 3 5 862,828,4a8,a56,868 I1 1 3 6,, O1 5 3 535a3,53a53,5b35 I2T 3 2 a38,9a2 O2T None
dataset=task group=histogram_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-arc-rle-task, P1, add histograms of the 2 images
I0 1 3 6,, O0 5 3 535a3,53a53,5b35 I1 3 2 a38,9a2 O1 3 5 a53,531,a92,694,198 I2 2 4 74,07,08,8 O2 5 4 9,,4a949,a6798 I3T 4 4 2952,1292,16a2,26a2 O3T None I4T 4 3 6435,3439,03a5 O4T None I5T 3 4 180,813,a01,a80 O5T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_add image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-arc-rle-task, return O0
I0 3 2 a38,9a2 O0 3 5 a53,531,a92,694,198 I1 2 4 74,07,08,8 O1 5 4 9,,4a949,a6798 I2T 4 4 2952,1292,16a2,26a2 O2T None I3T 4 3 6435,3439,03a5 O3T None I4T 3 4 180,813,a01,a80 O4T None
3 5 a53,531,a92,694,198
dataset=task group=extract_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-ARC-Task, return histogram of O1
I0 2 4 74,07,08,8 O0 5 4 9,,4a949,a6798 I1 4 4 2952,1292,16a2,26a2 O1 4 4 5353,5,3232,b02 I2 4 3 6435,3439,03a5 O2 4 1 6 I3T 3 4 180,813,a01,a80 O3T None I4T 4 3 6,a676,6 O4T None
dataset=task group=histogram_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcTask, return flipy of I0
I0 4 4 2952,1292,16a2,26a2 O0 4 4 5353,5,3232,b02 I1 4 3 6435,3439,03a5 O1 4 1 6 I2 3 4 180,813,a01,a80 O2 1 3 5,, I3 4 3 6,a676,6 O3 3 5 484,,428,426,424 I4T 3 3 373,a73,3a7 O4T None I5T 3 5 a89,909,a20,939,a93 O5T None
4 4 26a2,16a2,1292,2952
dataset=task group=flipy_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonarctask, P0, min histogram of the two images
I0 4 3 6435,3439,03a5 O0 4 1 6 I1 3 4 180,813,a01,a80 O1 1 3 5,, I2 4 3 6,a676,6 O2 3 5 484,,428,426,424 I3 3 3 373,a73,3a7 O3 5 1 b7a8 I4T 3 5 a89,909,a20,939,a93 O4T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_min image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-rle-task, process 'O1' and return histogram
I0 3 4 180,813,a01,a80 O0 1 3 5,, I1 4 3 6,a676,6 O1 3 5 484,,428,426,424 I2 3 3 373,a73,3a7 O2 5 1 b7a8 I3T 3 5 a89,909,a20,939,a93 O3T None I4T 5 1 c61 O4T None I5T 1 1 0 O5T None
dataset=task group=histogram_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-task, return flip-x of 'I0'
I0 4 3 6,a676,6 O0 3 5 484,,428,426,424 I1 3 3 373,a73,3a7 O1 5 1 b7a8 I2 3 5 a89,909,a20,939,a93 O2 1 1 2 I3T 5 1 c61 O3T None
4 3 6,67a6,6
dataset=task group=flipx_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simons-Arc-RLE-Task, process I1 and return histogram
I0 3 3 373,a73,3a7 O0 5 1 b7a8 I1 3 5 a89,909,a20,939,a93 O1 1 1 2 I2 5 1 c61 O2 1 3 0,2,9 I3T 1 1 0 O3T None I4T 1 2 6, O4T None
dataset=task group=histogram_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-task, P0, maximum of histograms
I0 3 5 a89,909,a20,939,a93 O0 1 1 2 I1 5 1 c61 O1 1 3 0,2,9 I2 1 1 0 O2 3 4 484,284,9a1,294 I3 1 2 6, O3 4 4 5035,a835,a281,0828 I4 2 3 90,92,23 O4 4 5 4989,a284,a723,9272,3b9 I5T 3 5 3a5,385,538,515,1 O5T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_max image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcRLETask, return histogram of I3T
I0 5 1 c61 O0 1 3 0,2,9 I1 1 1 0 O1 3 4 484,284,9a1,294 I2 1 2 6, O2 4 4 5035,a835,a281,0828 I3T 2 3 90,92,23 O3T None I4T 3 5 3a5,385,538,515,1 O4T None
dataset=task group=histogram_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simons-Arc-RLE-Task, process 'I1' and return Flip-Y
I0 1 1 0 O0 3 4 484,284,9a1,294 I1 1 2 6, O1 4 4 5035,a835,a281,0828 I2 2 3 90,92,23 O2 4 5 4989,a284,a723,9272,3b9 I3 3 5 3a5,385,538,515,1 O3 5 3 a6934,a1345,0a3a0 I4 5 2 840a9,4c9 O4 3 4 9a2,8a2,a92,a20 I5T 2 5 4,46,06,04,14 O5T None I6T 5 3 6,686a9,6a9a6 O6T None
1 2 6,
dataset=task group=flipy_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonarctask, return histogram of I1
I0 1 2 6, O0 4 4 5035,a835,a281,0828 I1 2 3 90,92,23 O1 4 5 4989,a284,a723,9272,3b9 I2 3 5 3a5,385,538,515,1 O2 5 3 a6934,a1345,0a3a0 I3 5 2 840a9,4c9 O3 3 4 9a2,8a2,a92,a20 I4 2 5 4,46,06,04,14 O4 4 4 2a12,7012,a352,2535 I5T 5 3 6,686a9,6a9a6 O5T None
dataset=task group=histogram_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-arc-rle-task, P0, min histograms
I0 2 3 90,92,23 O0 4 5 4989,a284,a723,9272,3b9 I1 3 5 3a5,385,538,515,1 O1 5 3 a6934,a1345,0a3a0 I2 5 2 840a9,4c9 O2 3 4 9a2,8a2,a92,a20 I3T 2 5 4,46,06,04,14 O3T None I4T 5 3 6,686a9,6a9a6 O4T None I5T 3 3 1,,121 O5T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_min image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonarctask, P3, color union
I0 3 5 3a5,385,538,515,1 O0 5 3 a6934,a1345,0a3a0 I1 5 2 840a9,4c9 O1 3 4 9a2,8a2,a92,a20 I2 2 5 4,46,06,04,14 O2 4 4 2a12,7012,a352,2535 I3 5 3 6,686a9,6a9a6 O3 4 4 2,,a132,a213 I4T 3 3 1,,121 O4T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_union_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcRLETask, return O1
I0 5 2 840a9,4c9 O0 3 4 9a2,8a2,a92,a20 I1 2 5 4,46,06,04,14 O1 4 4 2a12,7012,a352,2535 I2 5 3 6,686a9,6a9a6 O2 4 4 2,,a132,a213 I3T 3 3 1,,121 O3T None I4T 3 2 5a9,5a3 O4T None
4 4 2a12,7012,a352,2535
dataset=task group=extract_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simons-Arc-RLE-Task, get I3 and Flip-Y
I0 2 5 4,46,06,04,14 O0 4 4 2a12,7012,a352,2535 I1 5 3 6,686a9,6a9a6 O1 4 4 2,,a132,a213 I2 3 3 1,,121 O2 4 5 21a2,,a252,7175,2 I3 3 2 5a9,5a3 O3 5 1 4b95 I4 2 1 5 O4 1 3 1,4, I5T 1 1 1 O5T None I6T 1 2 5,2 O6T None
3 2 5a3,5a9
dataset=task group=flipy_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcTask, get histogram for I2
I0 5 3 6,686a9,6a9a6 O0 4 4 2,,a132,a213 I1 3 3 1,,121 O1 4 5 21a2,,a252,7175,2 I2 3 2 5a9,5a3 O2 5 1 4b95 I3 2 1 5 O3 1 3 1,4, I4 1 1 1 O4 3 2 4a8,825 I5T 1 2 5,2 O5T None I6T 2 5 3,53,3,53,5 O6T None
dataset=task group=histogram_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-rle-task, get O2 and flipx
I0 3 3 1,,121 O0 4 5 21a2,,a252,7175,2 I1 3 2 5a9,5a3 O1 5 1 4b95 I2 2 1 5 O2 1 3 1,4, I3 1 1 1 O3 3 2 4a8,825 I4T 1 2 5,2 O4T None I5T 2 5 3,53,3,53,5 O5T None I6T 5 5 a7673,367a3,376a3,6a363,67a37 O6T None
1 3 1,4,
dataset=task group=flipx_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-ARC-Task, process 'O3' and return Flip-X
I0 3 2 5a9,5a3 O0 5 1 4b95 I1 2 1 5 O1 1 3 1,4, I2 1 1 1 O2 3 2 4a8,825 I3 1 2 5,2 O3 2 1 8 I4T 2 5 3,53,3,53,5 O4T None I5T 5 5 a7673,367a3,376a3,6a363,67a37 O5T None
2 1 8
dataset=task group=flipx_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is Simon-ARC-Task data. Flip-X 'I1'
I0 2 1 5 O0 1 3 1,4, I1 1 1 1 O1 3 2 4a8,825 I2 1 2 5,2 O2 2 1 8 I3 2 5 3,53,3,53,5 O3 1 4 1,3,0, I4T 5 5 a7673,367a3,376a3,6a363,67a37 O4T None I5T 5 3 a8541,a5049,c90 O5T None
1 1 1
dataset=task group=flipx_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is simon-arc-rle-task data. FlipY O5T
I0 1 1 1 O0 3 2 4a8,825 I1 1 2 5,2 O1 2 1 8 I2 2 5 3,53,3,53,5 O2 1 4 1,3,0, I3 5 5 a7673,367a3,376a3,6a363,67a37 O3 4 3 1b0,3106,73a8 I4T 5 3 a8541,a5049,c90 O4T None I5T 3 3 410,519,912 O5T None I6T 3 1 4 O6T None
dataset=task group=flipy_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSARCTASK, process O3 and return histogram
I0 1 2 5,2 O0 2 1 8 I1 2 5 3,53,3,53,5 O1 1 4 1,3,0, I2 5 5 a7673,367a3,376a3,6a363,67a37 O2 4 3 1b0,3106,73a8 I3 5 3 a8541,a5049,c90 O3 3 4 589,5a9,,a91 I4T 3 3 410,519,912 O4T None
dataset=task group=histogram_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONARCTASK, P0, min histogram of the images
I0 2 5 3,53,3,53,5 O0 1 4 1,3,0, I1 5 5 a7673,367a3,376a3,6a363,67a37 O1 4 3 1b0,3106,73a8 I2T 5 3 a8541,a5049,c90 O2T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_min image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcRLETask, get I3T and FlipY
I0 5 5 a7673,367a3,376a3,6a363,67a37 O0 4 3 1b0,3106,73a8 I1 5 3 a8541,a5049,c90 O1 3 4 589,5a9,,a91 I2T 3 3 410,519,912 O2T None I3T 3 1 4 O3T None
3 1 4
dataset=task group=flipy_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is SIMONSARCTASK data. Extract 'I5T'
I0 5 3 a8541,a5049,c90 O0 3 4 589,5a9,,a91 I1 3 3 410,519,912 O1 4 3 0215,0202,2a52 I2 3 1 4 O2 3 4 5,5a0,0a5,5 I3 1 1 0 O3 4 4 2,b26,0296,2096 I4 1 5 3,,,, O4 4 1 5 I5T 5 4 c72,a0a20,32b0,3c0 O5T None
5 4 c72,a0a20,32b0,3c0
dataset=task group=extract_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcRLETask, P2T, the histograms max
I0 3 3 410,519,912 O0 4 3 0215,0202,2a52 I1 3 1 4 O1 3 4 5,5a0,0a5,5 I2T 1 1 0 O2T None I3T 1 5 3,,,, O3T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_max image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-task, P5T, union of colors of the images
I0 3 1 4 O0 3 4 5,5a0,0a5,5 I1 1 1 0 O1 4 4 2,b26,0296,2096 I2 1 5 3,,,, O2 4 1 5 I3 5 4 c72,a0a20,32b0,3c0 O3 1 1 5 I4 4 5 7,,74a7,4b7,7 O4 1 1 2 I5T 5 1 19101 O5T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_union_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-rle-task, get image 'O5T'
I0 1 1 0 O0 4 4 2,b26,0296,2096 I1 1 5 3,,,, O1 4 1 5 I2 5 4 c72,a0a20,32b0,3c0 O2 1 1 5 I3T 4 5 7,,74a7,4b7,7 O3T None I4T 5 1 19101 O4T None I5T 1 1 7 O5T None
dataset=task group=extract_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcTask, get I2 and Flip-X
I0 1 5 3,,,, O0 4 1 5 I1 5 4 c72,a0a20,32b0,3c0 O1 1 1 5 I2 4 5 7,,74a7,4b7,7 O2 1 1 2 I3T 5 1 19101 O3T None I4T 1 1 7 O4T None
4 5 7,,a747,b74,7
dataset=task group=flipx_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-ARC-Task, return histogram of 'I5T'
I0 5 4 c72,a0a20,32b0,3c0 O0 1 1 5 I1 4 5 7,,74a7,4b7,7 O1 1 1 2 I2 5 1 19101 O2 1 3 6,, I3 1 1 7 O3 3 1 8 I4T 1 5 4,,,,9 O4T None I5T 5 2 83748,a4743 O5T None I6T 2 1 15 O6T None
dataset=task group=histogram_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcTask, return flipy of O5T
I0 4 5 7,,74a7,4b7,7 O0 1 1 2 I1 5 1 19101 O1 1 3 6,, I2 1 1 7 O2 3 1 8 I3 1 5 4,,,,9 O3 1 5 7,,,,1 I4T 5 2 83748,a4743 O4T None I5T 2 1 15 O5T None
dataset=task group=flipy_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-task, P0, add histograms
I0 5 1 19101 O0 1 3 6,, I1 1 1 7 O1 3 1 8 I2 1 5 4,,,,9 O2 1 5 7,,,,1 I3 5 2 83748,a4743 O3 5 3 28b6,38137,803a2 I4T 2 1 15 O4T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_add image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonarctask, P3T, unique colors that the two images have in common
I0 1 1 7 O0 3 1 8 I1 1 5 4,,,,9 O1 1 5 7,,,,1 I2 5 2 83748,a4743 O2 5 3 28b6,38137,803a2 I3T 2 1 15 O3T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_intersection_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcRLETask, process 'I4T' and return Flip-X
I0 1 5 4,,,,9 O0 1 5 7,,,,1 I1 5 2 83748,a4743 O1 5 3 28b6,38137,803a2 I2 2 1 15 O2 3 4 747,147,a14,a74 I3T 1 4 3,,9, O3T None I4T 4 4 5,,, O4T None
4 4 5,,,
dataset=task group=flipx_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSARCTASK, process 'I5T' and return histogram
I0 5 2 83748,a4743 O0 5 3 28b6,38137,803a2 I1 2 1 15 O1 3 4 747,147,a14,a74 I2 1 4 3,,9, O2 4 5 4709,57a0,1529,8a12,5092 I3 4 4 5,,, O3 5 5 54b0,64865,86185,7b85,b698 I4 4 1 5 O4 5 4 18b5,381a3,2a313,213a1 I5T 1 1 8 O5T None
dataset=task group=histogram_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-arc-rle-task, P0, the histograms added
I0 2 1 15 O0 3 4 747,147,a14,a74 I1 1 4 3,,9, O1 4 5 4709,57a0,1529,8a12,5092 I2T 4 4 5,,, O2T None I3T 4 1 5 O3T None I4T 1 1 8 O4T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_add image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is Simons-Arc-RLE-Task data. FlipX O0
I0 1 4 3,,9, O0 4 5 4709,57a0,1529,8a12,5092 I1 4 4 5,,, O1 5 5 54b0,64865,86185,7b85,b698 I2T 4 1 5 O2T None I3T 1 1 8 O3T None
4 5 9074,a075,9251,2a18,2905
dataset=task group=flipx_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is simons-arc-rle-task data. Extract 'O1'
I0 4 4 5,,, O0 5 5 54b0,64865,86185,7b85,b698 I1 4 1 5 O1 5 4 18b5,381a3,2a313,213a1 I2 1 1 8 O2 4 2 3947,a545 I3 1 5 7,,,, O3 2 5 43,4,43,40,10 I4 5 1 9 O4 5 5 9c1,b191,81317,4a839,9a131 I5T 1 1 0 O5T None I6T 1 4 7,3,, O6T None I7T 4 5 b82,a848,0582,a582,a8a5 O7T None
5 4 18b5,381a3,2a313,213a1
dataset=task group=extract_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is SIMONARCTASK data. Flip-Y 'O2'
I0 4 1 5 O0 5 4 18b5,381a3,2a313,213a1 I1 1 1 8 O1 4 2 3947,a545 I2 1 5 7,,,, O2 2 5 43,4,43,40,10 I3 5 1 9 O3 5 5 9c1,b191,81317,4a839,9a131 I4 1 1 0 O4 5 3 0,a5b0,a0a50 I5T 1 4 7,3,, O5T None
2 5 10,40,43,4,43
dataset=task group=flipy_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-task, return flipy of I2T
I0 1 1 8 O0 4 2 3947,a545 I1 1 5 7,,,, O1 2 5 43,4,43,40,10 I2T 5 1 9 O2T None
5 1 9
dataset=task group=flipy_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSARCTASK, P2, add histograms of the two images
I0 1 5 7,,,, O0 2 5 43,4,43,40,10 I1 5 1 9 O1 5 5 9c1,b191,81317,4a839,9a131 I2 1 1 0 O2 5 3 0,a5b0,a0a50 I3T 1 4 7,3,, O3T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_add image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonarctask, get image I0
I0 5 1 9 O0 5 5 9c1,b191,81317,4a839,9a131 I1 1 1 0 O1 5 3 0,a5b0,a0a50 I2T 1 4 7,3,, O2T None I3T 4 5 b82,a848,0582,a582,a8a5 O3T None I4T 5 3 26969,b989,6c9 O4T None
5 1 9
dataset=task group=extract_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-task, process O3T and return histogram
I0 1 1 0 O0 5 3 0,a5b0,a0a50 I1 1 4 7,3,, O1 3 5 7,,,4a7,7 I2 4 5 b82,a848,0582,a582,a8a5 O2 5 5 9,a9a79,90a14,91489,c98 I3T 5 3 26969,b989,6c9 O3T None
dataset=task group=histogram_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-rle-task, get image O0
I0 1 4 7,3,, O0 3 5 7,,,4a7,7 I1 4 5 b82,a848,0582,a582,a8a5 O1 5 5 9,a9a79,90a14,91489,c98 I2 5 3 26969,b989,6c9 O2 5 2 a9079,90b3 I3T 3 1 a73 O3T None I4T 1 4 3,9,2, O4T None I5T 4 5 2025,5a02,20a2,30a2,20a3 O5T None
3 5 7,,,4a7,7
dataset=task group=extract_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-rle-task, P0, unique colors that the two images have the union
I0 4 5 b82,a848,0582,a582,a8a5 O0 5 5 9,a9a79,90a14,91489,c98 I1 5 3 26969,b989,6c9 O1 5 2 a9079,90b3 I2 3 1 a73 O2 2 1 1 I3 1 4 3,9,2, O3 1 1 2 I4T 4 5 2025,5a02,20a2,30a2,20a3 O4T None I5T 5 1 0 O5T None I6T 1 5 8,5,8,9,6 O6T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_union_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-arc-rle-task, P0, max of histograms
I0 5 3 26969,b989,6c9 O0 5 2 a9079,90b3 I1 3 1 a73 O1 2 1 1 I2 1 4 3,9,2, O2 1 1 2 I3 4 5 2025,5a02,20a2,30a2,20a3 O3 1 4 1,0,, I4 5 1 0 O4 4 3 a212,a2a4,2423 I5T 1 5 8,5,8,9,6 O5T None I6T 5 3 46574,46715,56521 O6T None I7T 3 4 703,7a4,a03,0 O7T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_max image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is SIMONSARCTASK data. FlipY O2
I0 3 1 a73 O0 2 1 1 I1 1 4 3,9,2, O1 1 1 2 I2 4 5 2025,5a02,20a2,30a2,20a3 O2 1 4 1,0,, I3T 5 1 0 O3T None
1 4 0,,,1
dataset=task group=flipy_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-rle-task, P2T, min histogram of the two images
I0 1 4 3,9,2, O0 1 1 2 I1 4 5 2025,5a02,20a2,30a2,20a3 O1 1 4 1,0,, I2T 5 1 0 O2T None I3T 1 5 8,5,8,9,6 O3T None I4T 5 3 46574,46715,56521 O4T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_min image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONARCTASK, P1, minimum of histograms
I0 4 5 2025,5a02,20a2,30a2,20a3 O0 1 4 1,0,, I1 5 1 0 O1 4 3 a212,a2a4,2423 I2T 1 5 8,5,8,9,6 O2T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_min image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is simonarctask data. Extract 'I0'
I0 5 1 0 O0 4 3 a212,a2a4,2423 I1 1 5 8,5,8,9,6 O1 3 5 6a9,190,620,2,a69 I2T 5 3 46574,46715,56521 O2T None
5 1 0
dataset=task group=extract_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcTask, P1, union of colors of the 2 images
I0 1 5 8,5,8,9,6 O0 3 5 6a9,190,620,2,a69 I1 5 3 46574,46715,56521 O1 5 3 b797,6a9a6,72076 I2 3 4 703,7a4,a03,0 O2 3 5 a09,a01,351,051,093 I3T 4 4 41a9,9492,9345,9 O3T None I4T 4 1 b04 O4T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_union_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-task, get image I3
I0 5 3 46574,46715,56521 O0 5 3 b797,6a9a6,72076 I1 3 4 703,7a4,a03,0 O1 3 5 a09,a01,351,051,093 I2 4 4 41a9,9492,9345,9 O2 5 2 b483,4a8a3 I3 4 1 b04 O3 2 3 26,76,62 I4T 1 5 8,,,3, O4T None
4 1 b04
dataset=task group=extract_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is Simon-ARC-Task data. Histogram of 'I2'
I0 3 4 703,7a4,a03,0 O0 3 5 a09,a01,351,051,093 I1 4 4 41a9,9492,9345,9 O1 5 2 b483,4a8a3 I2 4 1 b04 O2 2 3 26,76,62 I3T 1 5 8,,,3, O3T None I4T 5 4 4,b848,a8b4,b848 O4T None
dataset=task group=histogram_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-rle-task, P2, max histogram of the two images
I0 4 4 41a9,9492,9345,9 O0 5 2 b483,4a8a3 I1 4 1 b04 O1 2 3 26,76,62 I2 1 5 8,,,3, O2 3 4 358,828,3,938 I3 5 4 4,b848,a8b4,b848 O3 4 2 52a5,6595 I4T 4 2 2a75,59a5 O4T None I5T 2 2 5,47 O5T None I6T 2 5 25,75,97,95, O6T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_max image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSARCTASK, P4T, max histogram of the two images
I0 4 1 b04 O0 2 3 26,76,62 I1 1 5 8,,,3, O1 3 4 358,828,3,938 I2 5 4 4,b848,a8b4,b848 O2 4 2 52a5,6595 I3 4 2 2a75,59a5 O3 2 3 18,28,98 I4T 2 2 5,47 O4T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_max image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonarctask, P0, max histograms
I0 1 5 8,,,3, O0 3 4 358,828,3,938 I1 5 4 4,b848,a8b4,b848 O1 4 2 52a5,6595 I2T 4 2 2a75,59a5 O2T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_max image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-task, P1, min of histograms
I0 5 4 4,b848,a8b4,b848 O0 4 2 52a5,6595 I1 4 2 2a75,59a5 O1 2 3 18,28,98 I2 2 2 5,47 O2 3 4 490,075,085,0 I3T 2 5 25,75,97,95, O3T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_min image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcRLETask, P0, add histograms of the 2 images
I0 4 2 2a75,59a5 O0 2 3 18,28,98 I1 2 2 5,47 O1 3 4 490,075,085,0 I2 2 5 25,75,97,95, O2 4 4 b81,8752,0651,8168 I3T 5 1 4c0 O3T None I4T 1 5 6,8,,3, O4T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_add image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-rle-task, get histogram for 'I6T'
I0 2 2 5,47 O0 3 4 490,075,085,0 I1 2 5 25,75,97,95, O1 4 4 b81,8752,0651,8168 I2 5 1 4c0 O2 4 2 91a5,3b4 I3 1 5 6,8,,3, O3 2 4 8,80,8,45 I4 5 5 c25,2,,25b2,5c2 O4 4 4 7a57,a295,a792,1797 I5T 5 3 868a9,898a9,a8b9 O5T None I6T 3 2 a28,a87 O6T None I7T 2 2 0,06 O7T None
dataset=task group=histogram_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcTask, P1, minimum of histograms
I0 2 5 25,75,97,95, O0 4 4 b81,8752,0651,8168 I1 5 1 4c0 O1 4 2 91a5,3b4 I2 1 5 6,8,,3, O2 2 4 8,80,8,45 I3 5 5 c25,2,,25b2,5c2 O3 4 4 7a57,a295,a792,1797 I4 5 3 868a9,898a9,a8b9 O4 4 4 a2a1,2192,2132,1b2 I5T 3 2 a28,a87 O5T None I6T 2 2 0,06 O6T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_min image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is SimonsArcTask data. Flip-X 'O4T'
I0 5 1 4c0 O0 4 2 91a5,3b4 I1 1 5 6,8,,3, O1 2 4 8,80,8,45 I2 5 5 c25,2,,25b2,5c2 O2 4 4 7a57,a295,a792,1797 I3 5 3 868a9,898a9,a8b9 O3 4 4 a2a1,2192,2132,1b2 I4T 3 2 a28,a87 O4T None I5T 2 2 0,06 O5T None
dataset=task group=flipx_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonarctask, P3, intersection of colors of the two images
I0 1 5 6,8,,3, O0 2 4 8,80,8,45 I1 5 5 c25,2,,25b2,5c2 O1 4 4 7a57,a295,a792,1797 I2 5 3 868a9,898a9,a8b9 O2 4 4 a2a1,2192,2132,1b2 I3 3 2 a28,a87 O3 4 4 a4a8,48a5,4898,a9a5 I4T 2 2 0,06 O4T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_intersection_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSARCTASK, P0, the histograms min
I0 5 5 c25,2,,25b2,5c2 O0 4 4 7a57,a295,a792,1797 I1 5 3 868a9,898a9,a8b9 O1 4 4 a2a1,2192,2132,1b2 I2 3 2 a28,a87 O2 4 4 a4a8,48a5,4898,a9a5 I3T 2 2 0,06 O3T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_min image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-task, get I2T and FlipX
I0 5 3 868a9,898a9,a8b9 O0 4 4 a2a1,2192,2132,1b2 I1 3 2 a28,a87 O1 4 4 a4a8,48a5,4898,a9a5 I2T 2 2 0,06 O2T None
2 2 0,60
dataset=task group=flipx_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-rle-task, P3T, min histograms
I0 3 2 a28,a87 O0 4 4 a4a8,48a5,4898,a9a5 I1 2 2 0,06 O1 4 1 0b6 I2 2 2 60,54 O2 1 2 8, I3T 2 2 81,1 O3T None I4T 2 5 12,1,01,20,1 O4T None I5T 5 2 5c6, O5T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_min image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcRLETask, get image O4T
I0 2 2 0,06 O0 4 1 0b6 I1 2 2 60,54 O1 1 2 8, I2 2 2 81,1 O2 2 3 72,02,45 I3T 2 5 12,1,01,20,1 O3T None I4T 5 2 5c6, O4T None
dataset=task group=extract_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simons-Arc-RLE-Task, P1, min of histograms
I0 2 2 60,54 O0 1 2 8, I1 2 2 81,1 O1 2 3 72,02,45 I2 2 5 12,1,01,20,1 O2 3 5 010,212,310,532,203 I3 5 2 5c6, O3 5 3 8c5,0a515,c51 I4 2 3 80,, O4 3 2 323,0a6 I5T 3 2 5,8 O5T None I6T 2 1 7 O6T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_min image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-rle-task, P7T, the histograms min
I0 2 2 81,1 O0 2 3 72,02,45 I1 2 5 12,1,01,20,1 O1 3 5 010,212,310,532,203 I2 5 2 5c6, O2 5 3 8c5,0a515,c51 I3 2 3 80,, O3 3 2 323,0a6 I4 3 2 5,8 O4 2 5 12,,92,19,1 I5T 2 1 7 O5T None I6T 1 2 2, O6T None I7T 2 1 89 O7T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_min image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simons-Arc-RLE-Task, P1, add histograms of the 2 images
I0 2 5 12,1,01,20,1 O0 3 5 010,212,310,532,203 I1 5 2 5c6, O1 5 3 8c5,0a515,c51 I2 2 3 80,, O2 3 2 323,0a6 I3T 3 2 5,8 O3T None I4T 2 1 7 O4T None I5T 1 2 2, O5T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_add image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is simons-arc-rle-task data. Flip-Y 'I7T'
I0 5 2 5c6, O0 5 3 8c5,0a515,c51 I1 2 3 80,, O1 3 2 323,0a6 I2 3 2 5,8 O2 2 5 12,,92,19,1 I3 2 1 7 O3 5 5 b373,,b973,a3a91,3 I4 1 2 2, O4 5 1 a9643 I5T 2 1 89 O5T None I6T 1 1 9 O6T None I7T 1 1 6 O7T None
1 1 6
dataset=task group=flipy_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-ARC-Task, get O2 and Flip-Y
I0 2 3 80,, O0 3 2 323,0a6 I1 3 2 5,8 O1 2 5 12,,92,19,1 I2 2 1 7 O2 5 5 b373,,b973,a3a91,3 I3 1 2 2, O3 5 1 a9643 I4 2 1 89 O4 1 1 3 I5T 1 1 9 O5T None I6T 1 1 6 O6T None
5 5 3,a3a91,b973,b373,
dataset=task group=flipy_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Process SIMONSARCTASK P5T, and return the overlap of colors
I0 3 2 5,8 O0 2 5 12,,92,19,1 I1 2 1 7 O1 5 5 b373,,b973,a3a91,3 I2 1 2 2, O2 5 1 a9643 I3 2 1 89 O3 1 1 3 I4T 1 1 9 O4T None I5T 1 1 6 O5T None I6T 1 1 9 O6T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_intersection_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Process SimonsArcTask P2T, and return the intersection of colors
I0 2 1 7 O0 5 5 b373,,b973,a3a91,3 I1 1 2 2, O1 5 1 a9643 I2T 2 1 89 O2T None I3T 1 1 9 O3T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_intersection_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcRLETask, P3, min histogram of the two images
I0 1 2 2, O0 5 1 a9643 I1 2 1 89 O1 1 1 3 I2 1 1 9 O2 1 4 4,9,,3 I3 1 1 6 O3 4 4 1a34,1b4,1274,16a2 I4T 1 1 9 O4T None I5T 1 4 5,,6, O5T None I6T 4 3 8174,5a81,4a68 O6T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_min image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-rle-task, P4, union of colors of the images
I0 2 1 89 O0 1 1 3 I1 1 1 9 O1 1 4 4,9,,3 I2 1 1 6 O2 4 4 1a34,1b4,1274,16a2 I3 1 1 9 O3 4 5 8354,5453,5414,a831,38a5 I4 1 4 5,,6, O4 5 4 8a912,87b1,81721,c71 I5T 4 3 8174,5a81,4a68 O5T None I6T 3 1 0a8 O6T None I7T 1 3 7,,4 O7T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_union_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-task, process I1 and return flipx
I0 1 1 9 O0 1 4 4,9,,3 I1 1 1 6 O1 4 4 1a34,1b4,1274,16a2 I2 1 1 9 O2 4 5 8354,5453,5414,a831,38a5 I3T 1 4 5,,6, O3T None
1 1 6
dataset=task group=flipx_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SimonsArcTask, P2, union of colors of the images
I0 1 1 6 O0 4 4 1a34,1b4,1274,16a2 I1 1 1 9 O1 4 5 8354,5453,5414,a831,38a5 I2 1 4 5,,6, O2 5 4 8a912,87b1,81721,c71 I3T 4 3 8174,5a81,4a68 O3T None I4T 3 1 0a8 O4T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_union_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-rle-task, P0, intersection of colors of the images
I0 1 1 9 O0 4 5 8354,5453,5414,a831,38a5 I1 1 4 5,,6, O1 5 4 8a912,87b1,81721,c71 I2 4 3 8174,5a81,4a68 O2 4 4 3a85,3a56,,3b5 I3 3 1 0a8 O3 4 4 7a31,7691,7960,9020 I4T 1 3 7,,4 O4T None I5T 3 3 0a1,5a0,a21 O5T None I6T 3 5 3a9,309,,730,976 O6T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_intersection_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is SimonsArcRLETask data. Histogram of 'I4'
I0 1 4 5,,6, O0 5 4 8a912,87b1,81721,c71 I1 4 3 8174,5a81,4a68 O1 4 4 3a85,3a56,,3b5 I2 3 1 0a8 O2 4 4 7a31,7691,7960,9020 I3 1 3 7,,4 O3 4 1 b17 I4 3 3 0a1,5a0,a21 O4 1 4 5,,3, I5T 3 5 3a9,309,,730,976 O5T None I6T 5 1 1b61 O6T None I7T 1 3 1,5,0 O7T None
dataset=task group=histogram_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
This is SimonsArcTask data. Flip-X 'I5T'
I0 4 3 8174,5a81,4a68 O0 4 4 3a85,3a56,,3b5 I1 3 1 0a8 O1 4 4 7a31,7691,7960,9020 I2 1 3 7,,4 O2 4 1 b17 I3 3 3 0a1,5a0,a21 O3 1 4 5,,3, I4 3 5 3a9,309,,730,976 O4 4 3 8181,8a98,9818 I5T 5 1 1b61 O5T None I6T 1 3 1,5,0 O6T None
5 1 1b61
dataset=task group=flipx_input_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-rle-task, P3, intersection of colors of the 2 images
I0 3 1 0a8 O0 4 4 7a31,7691,7960,9020 I1 1 3 7,,4 O1 4 1 b17 I2 3 3 0a1,5a0,a21 O2 1 4 5,,3, I3 3 5 3a9,309,,730,976 O3 4 3 8181,8a98,9818 I4T 5 1 1b61 O4T None I5T 1 3 1,5,0 O5T None I6T 3 5 2a6,,256,052,656 O6T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_intersection_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Process SIMONSARCTASK P1, and return the union of colors
I0 1 3 7,,4 O0 4 1 b17 I1 3 3 0a1,5a0,a21 O1 1 4 5,,3, I2T 3 5 3a9,309,,730,976 O2T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_union_colors image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-ARC-Task, P3T, sum of histograms
I0 3 3 0a1,5a0,a21 O0 1 4 5,,3, I1 3 5 3a9,309,,730,976 O1 4 3 8181,8a98,9818 I2T 5 1 1b61 O2T None I3T 1 3 1,5,0 O3T None
dataset=task group=pair_histogram_add image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simons-arc-rle-task, return flip-y of 'O3'
I0 3 5 3a9,309,,730,976 O0 4 3 8181,8a98,9818 I1 5 1 1b61 O1 3 4 616,016,a01,a61 I2 1 3 1,5,0 O2 4 3 7276,0256,1525 I3 3 5 2a6,,256,052,656 O3 3 3 152,159,0a1 I4T 5 3 85b8,a0865,68a08 O4T None I5T 3 1 915 O5T None I6T 1 3 1,, O6T None
3 3 0a1,159,152
dataset=task group=flipy_output_by_id image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a