stringlengths 7
| nl
stringlengths 4
| cmd
stringlengths 2
| oracle_man
sequence | canonical_cmd
stringlengths 2
| cmd_name
stringclasses 1
value |
16418415-99 | Divide elements in list `a` from elements at the same index in list `b` | [(x / y) for x, y in zip(a, b)] | [
] | [(x / y) for x, y in zip(VAR_STR, VAR_STR)] | conala |
7568627-60 | Unpack each value in list `x` to its placeholder '%' in string '%.2f' | """, """.join(['%.2f'] * len(x)) | [
] | """, """.join(['VAR_STR'] * len(VAR_STR)) | conala |
21164910-6 | delete all columns in DataFrame `df` that do not hold a non-zero value in its records | df.loc[:, ((df != 0).any(axis=0))] | [
] | VAR_STR.loc[:, ((VAR_STR != 0).any(axis=0))] | conala |
5844672-30 | Delete an element `key` from a dictionary `d` | del d[key] | [] | del VAR_STR[VAR_STR] | conala |
5844672-73 | Delete an element 0 from a dictionary `a` | {i: a[i] for i in a if (i != 0)} | [] | {i: VAR_STR[i] for i in VAR_STR if i != 0} | conala |
5844672-74 | Delete an element "hello" from a dictionary `lol` | lol.pop('hello') | [
] | VAR_STR.pop('VAR_STR') | conala |
5844672-98 | Delete an element with key `key` dictionary `r` | del r[key] | [] | del VAR_STR[VAR_STR] | conala |
12182744-50 | python pandas: apply a function with arguments to a series | my_series.apply(your_function, args=(2, 3, 4), extra_kw=1) | [
] | my_series.apply(your_function, args=(2, 3, 4), extra_kw=1) | conala |
21691126-12 | find element by css selector "input[onclick*='1 Bedroom Deluxe']" | driver.find_element_by_css_selector("input[onclick*='1 Bedroom Deluxe']") | [] | driver.find_element_by_css_selector('VAR_STR') | conala |
29902714-77 | get value at index `[2, 0]` in dataframe `df` | df.iloc[2, 0] | [
] | VAR_STR.iloc[VAR_STR] | conala |
10666163-6 | check if the third element of all the lists in a list "items" is equal to zero. | any(item[2] == 0 for item in items) | [
] | any(item[2] == 0 for item in VAR_STR) | conala |
10666163-14 | Find all the lists from a lists of list 'items' if third element in all sub-lists is '0' | [x for x in items if x[2] == 0] | [] | [x for x in VAR_STR if x[2] == 0] | conala |
9889635-12 | find all substrings in `mystring` beginning and ending with square brackets | re.findall('\\[(.*?)\\]', mystring) | [
] | re.findall('\\[(.*?)\\]', VAR_STR) | conala |
3877491-18 | Delete third row in a numpy array `x` | x = numpy.delete(x, 2, axis=1) | [
] | VAR_STR = numpy.delete(VAR_STR, 2, axis=1) | conala |
3877491-16 | delete first row of array `x` | x = numpy.delete(x, 0, axis=0) | [
] | VAR_STR = numpy.delete(VAR_STR, 0, axis=0) | conala |
20837786-15 | request URL `url` using http header `{'referer': my_referer}` | requests.get(url, headers={'referer': my_referer}) | [
] | requests.get(VAR_STR, headers={VAR_STR}) | conala |
27867754-13 | get the widget which has currently the focus in tkinter instance `window2` | print(('focus object class:', window2.focus_get().__class__)) | [] | print(('focus object class:', VAR_STR.focus_get().__class__)) | conala |
7996940-71 | What is the best way to sort list with custom sorting parameters in Python? | li1.sort(key=lambda x: not x.startswith('b.')) | [
] | li1.sort(key=lambda x: not x.startswith('b.')) | conala |
7173850-2 | get user input using message 'Enter name here: ' and insert it to the first placeholder in string 'Hello, {0}, how do you do?' | print('Hello, {0}, how do you do?'.format(input('Enter name here: '))) | [
] | print('VAR_STR'.format(input('Enter name here: '))) | conala |
10258584-10 | Get all texts and tags from a tag `strong` from etree tag `some_tag` using lxml | print(etree.tostring(some_tag.find('strong'))) | [
] | print(etree.tostring(VAR_STR.find('VAR_STR'))) | conala |
237079-99 | get modified time of file `file` | time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(file)) | [
] | time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(VAR_STR)) | conala |
237079-26 | get creation time of file `file` | time.ctime(os.path.getctime(file)) | [
] | time.ctime(os.path.getctime(VAR_STR)) | conala |
237079-17 | get modification time of file `filename` | t = os.path.getmtime(filename) | [
] | t = os.path.getmtime(VAR_STR) | conala |
237079-40 | get modification time of file `path` | os.path.getmtime(path) | [
] | os.VAR_STR.getmtime(VAR_STR) | conala |
237079-48 | get modified time of file `file` | print(('last modified: %s' % time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(file)))) | [
] | print('last modified: %s' % time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(VAR_STR))) | conala |
237079-32 | get the creation time of file `file` | print(('created: %s' % time.ctime(os.path.getctime(file)))) | [
] | print('created: %s' % time.ctime(os.path.getctime(VAR_STR))) | conala |
237079-78 | get the creation time of file `path_to_file` | return os.path.getctime(path_to_file) | [
] | return os.path.getctime(VAR_STR) | conala |
11064917-93 | generate a string of numbers separated by comma which is divisible by `4` with remainder `1` or `2`. | """,""".join(str(i) for i in range(100) if i % 4 in (1, 2)) | [
] | """,""".join(str(i) for i in range(100) if i % 4 in (1, 2)) | conala |
26724275-54 | remove first directory from path '/First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth' | os.path.join(*x.split(os.path.sep)[2:]) | [
] | os.path.join(*x.split(os.path.sep)[2:]) | conala |
3501382-87 | check if `x` is an integer | isinstance(x, int) | [
] | isinstance(VAR_STR, int) | conala |
3501382-37 | check if `x` is an integer | (type(x) == int) | [
] | type(VAR_STR) == int | conala |
18938276-57 | convert nested list of lists `[['tom', 'cat'], ['jerry', 'mouse'], ['spark', 'dog']]` into a list of tuples | list(map(tuple, [['tom', 'cat'], ['jerry', 'mouse'], ['spark', 'dog']])) | [
] | list(map(tuple, [VAR_STR])) | conala |
5229425-29 | print a digit `your_number` with exactly 2 digits after decimal | print('{0:.2f}'.format(your_number)) | [
] | print('{0:.2f}'.format(VAR_STR)) | conala |
20477190-38 | get biggest 3 values from each column of the pandas dataframe `data` | data.apply(lambda x: sorted(x, 3)) | [
] | VAR_STR.apply(lambda x: sorted(x, 3)) | conala |
42731970-80 | replace periods `.` that are not followed by periods or spaces with a period and a space `. ` | re.sub('\\.(?=[^ .])', '. ', para) | [
] | re.sub('\\.(?=[^ .])', '. ', para) | conala |
3392354-94 | append values `[3, 4]` to a set `a` | a.update([3, 4]) | [
] | VAR_STR.update([VAR_STR]) | conala |
9210525-51 | convert hex string `s` to decimal | i = int(s, 16) | [
] | i = int(VAR_STR, 16) | conala |
9210525-67 | convert hex string "0xff" to decimal | int('0xff', 16) | [
] | int('VAR_STR', 16) | conala |
9210525-47 | convert hex string "FFFF" to decimal | int('FFFF', 16) | [
] | int('VAR_STR', 16) | conala |
9210525-85 | convert hex string '0xdeadbeef' to decimal | ast.literal_eval('0xdeadbeef') | [
] | ast.literal_eval('VAR_STR') | conala |
9210525-67 | convert hex string 'deadbeef' to decimal | int('deadbeef', 16) | [
] | int('VAR_STR', 16) | conala |
16866261-93 | Strip all non-ASCII characters from a unicode string, `\xa3\u20ac\xa3\u20ac` | print(set(re.sub('[\x00-\x7f]', '', '\xa3\u20ac\xa3\u20ac'))) | [
] | print(set(re.sub('[\x00-\x7f]', '', 'VAR_STR'))) | conala |
16866261-39 | Get all non-ascii characters in a unicode string `\xa3100 is worth more than \u20ac100` | print(re.sub('[\x00-\x7f]', '', '\xa3100 is worth more than \u20ac100')) | [
] | print(re.sub('[\x00-\x7f]', '', 'VAR_STR')) | conala |
9841303-32 | removing duplicate characters from a string variable "foo" | """""".join(set(foo)) | [
] | """""".join(set(VAR_STR)) | conala |
4481724-87 | convert a list of characters `['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']` into a string | """""".join(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) | [
] | """""".join([VAR_STR]) | conala |
35015693-21 | join elements of each tuple in list `a` into one string | [''.join(x) for x in a] | [
] | [''.join(x) for x in VAR_STR] | conala |
35015693-23 | join items of each tuple in list of tuples `a` into a list of strings | list(map(''.join, a)) | [
] | list(map(''.join, VAR_STR)) | conala |
11009155-40 | split string "jvm.args=, -Dsomeotherparam=false," on the first occurrence of delimiter '=' | """jvm.args=, -Dsomeotherparam=false,""".split('=', 1) | [
] | """VAR_STR""".split('VAR_STR', 1) | conala |
20970279-77 | get the middle two characters of a string 'state' in a pandas dataframe `df` | df['state'].apply(lambda x: x[len(x) / 2 - 1:len(x) / 2 + 1]) | [
] | VAR_STR['VAR_STR'].apply(lambda x: x[len(x) / 2 - 1:len(x) / 2 + 1]) | conala |
23668427-2 | join multiple dataframes `d1`, `d2`, and `d3` on column 'name' | df1.merge(df2, on='name').merge(df3, on='name') | [
] | df1.merge(df2, on='VAR_STR').merge(df3, on='VAR_STR') | conala |
42765620-65 | How to sort a dictionary in python by value when the value is a list and I want to sort it by the first index of that list | sorted(list(data.items()), key=lambda x: x[1][0]) | [
] | sorted(list(data.items()), key=lambda x: x[1][0]) | conala |
12804801-42 | sort query set by number of characters in a field `length` in django model `MyModel` | MyModel.objects.extra(select={'length': 'Length(name)'}).order_by('length') | [
] | VAR_STR.objects.extra(select={'VAR_STR': 'Length(name)'}).order_by('VAR_STR') | conala |
13838405-78 | sort column `m` in panda dataframe `df` | df.sort('m') | [
] | VAR_STR.sort('VAR_STR') | conala |
20154303-58 | read a ragged csv file `D:/Temp/tt.csv` using `names` parameter in pandas | pd.read_csv('D:/Temp/tt.csv', names=list('abcdef')) | [
] | pd.read_csv('VAR_STR', VAR_STR=list('abcdef')) | conala |
9236926-97 | Concatenating two one-dimensional NumPy arrays 'a' and 'b'. | numpy.concatenate([a, b]) | [
] | numpy.concatenate([VAR_STR, VAR_STR]) | conala |
18224991-15 | assign float 9.8 to variable `GRAVITY` | GRAVITY = 9.8 | [] | VAR_STR = 9.8 | conala |
372102-55 | create a regular expression object with the pattern '\xe2\x80\x93' | re.compile('\xe2\x80\x93') | [
] | re.compile('VAR_STR') | conala |
4552380-10 | SQLAlchemy select records of columns of table `my_table` in addition to current date column | print(select([my_table, func.current_date()]).execute()) | [
] | print(select([VAR_STR, func.current_date()]).execute()) | conala |
38457059-97 | change NaN values in dataframe `df` using preceding values in the frame | df.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True) | [
] | VAR_STR.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True) | conala |
12765833-84 | counting the number of true booleans in a python list `[True, True, False, False, False, True]` | sum([True, True, False, False, False, True]) | [
] | sum([VAR_STR]) | conala |
31522361-37 | replacing '\u200b' with '*' in a string using regular expressions | 'used\u200b'.replace('\u200b', '*') | [
] | """used""".replace('VAR_STR', 'VAR_STR') | conala |
14111705-53 | display a grayscale image from array of pixels `imageArray` | imshow(imageArray, cmap='Greys_r') | [
] | imshow(VAR_STR, cmap='Greys_r') | conala |
23354124-66 | unpivot first 2 columns into new columns 'year' and 'value' from a pandas dataframe `x` | pd.melt(x, id_vars=['farm', 'fruit'], var_name='year', value_name='value') | [
] | pd.melt(VAR_STR, id_vars=['farm', 'fruit'], var_name='VAR_STR', value_name='VAR_STR') | conala |
31771758-13 | add unicode string '1' to UTF-8 decoded string '\xc2\xa3' | print('\xc2\xa3'.decode('utf8') + '1') | [
] | print('VAR_STR'.decode('utf8') + 'VAR_STR') | conala |
20774910-90 | convert unicode string `s` into string literals | print(s.encode('unicode_escape')) | [
] | print(VAR_STR.encode('unicode_escape')) | conala |
12791501-50 | Initialize a list of empty lists `x` of size 3 | x = [[] for i in range(3)] | [
] | VAR_STR = [[] for i in range(3)] | conala |
5384570-34 | count the number of items in a generator/iterator `it` | sum(1 for i in it) | [
] | sum(1 for i in VAR_STR) | conala |
16734590-48 | convert nested list 'Cards' into a flat list | [a for c in Cards for b in c for a in b] | [] | [a for c in VAR_STR for b in c for a in b] | conala |
10996140-0 | remove specific elements in a numpy array `a` | numpy.delete(a, index) | [
] | numpy.delete(VAR_STR, index) | conala |
4587915-52 | get a list of all items in list `j` with values greater than `5` | [x for x in j if x >= 5] | [] | [x for x in VAR_STR if x >= 5] | conala |
38987-80 | merge dictionaries form array `dicts` in a single expression | dict((k, v) for d in dicts for k, v in list(d.items())) | [
] | dict((k, v) for d in VAR_STR for k, v in list(d.items())) | conala |
28431359-82 | decode url-encoded string `some_string` to its character equivalents | urllib.parse.unquote(urllib.parse.unquote(some_string)) | [
] | urllib.parse.unquote(urllib.parse.unquote(VAR_STR)) | conala |
28431359-67 | decode a double URL encoded string
'FireShot3%2B%25282%2529.png' to
'FireShot3+(2).png' | urllib.parse.unquote(urllib.parse.unquote('FireShot3%2B%25282%2529.png')) | [
] | urllib.parse.unquote(urllib.parse.unquote('VAR_STR')) | conala |
2597932-72 | join list of numbers `[1,2,3,4] ` to string of numbers. | """""".join([1, 2, 3, 4]) | [
] | """""".join([1, 2, 3, 4]) | conala |
849674-71 | start a new thread for `myfunction` with parameters 'MyStringHere' and 1 | thread.start_new_thread(myfunction, ('MyStringHere', 1)) | [
] | thread.start_new_thread(VAR_STR, ('VAR_STR', 1)) | conala |
849674-100 | start a new thread for `myfunction` with parameters 'MyStringHere' and 1 | thread.start_new_thread(myfunction, ('MyStringHere', 1)) | [
] | thread.start_new_thread(VAR_STR, ('VAR_STR', 1)) | conala |
12492137-8 | python sum of ascii values of all characters in a string `string` | sum(map(ord, string)) | [
] | sum(map(ord, VAR_STR)) | conala |
12883376-74 | remove first word in string `s` | s.split(' ', 1)[1] | [
] | VAR_STR.split(' ', 1)[1] | conala |
1679798-8 | open a file "$file" under Unix | os.system('start "$file"') | [
] | os.system('start "$file"') | conala |
27146262-46 | create variable key/value pairs with argparse | parser.add_argument('--conf', nargs=2, action='append') | [
] | parser.add_argument('--conf', nargs=2, action='append') | conala |
18789262-62 | convert the zip of range `(1, 5)` and range `(7, 11)` into a dictionary | dict(zip(list(range(1, 5)), list(range(7, 11)))) | [
] | dict(zip(list(range(VAR_STR)), list(range(VAR_STR)))) | conala |
18265935-5 | create a list of integers between 2 values `11` and `17` | list(range(11, 17)) | [
] | list(range(11, 17)) | conala |
26727314-83 | argparse associate zero or more arguments with flag 'file' | parser.add_argument('file', nargs='*') | [
] | parser.add_argument('VAR_STR', nargs='*') | conala |
16658068-0 | print a character that has unicode value `\u25b2` | print('\u25b2'.encode('utf-8')) | [
] | print('VAR_STR'.encode('utf-8')) | conala |
7154739-87 | set every two-stride far element to -1 starting from second element in array `a` | a[1::2] = -1 | [] | VAR_STR[1::2] = -1 | conala |
6561653-2 | Get an item from a list of dictionary `lst` which has maximum value in the key `score` using lambda function | max(lst, key=lambda x: x['score']) | [
] | max(VAR_STR, key=lambda x: x['VAR_STR']) | conala |
17223174-79 | SQLAlchemy count the number of rows with distinct values in column `name` of table `Tag` | session.query(Tag).distinct( | [
] | session.query(VAR_STR).distinct(VAR_STR.VAR_STR).group_by(VAR_STR.VAR_STR).count() | conala |
6889785-68 | get a list of items form nested list `li` where third element of each item contains string 'ar' | [x for x in li if 'ar' in x[2]] | [] | [x for x in VAR_STR if 'VAR_STR' in x[2]] | conala |
3847472-86 | get index of character 'b' in list '['a', 'b']' | ['a', 'b'].index('b') | [
] | ['a', 'VAR_STR'].index('VAR_STR') | conala |
10857924-28 | remove null columns in a dataframe `df` | df = df.dropna(axis=1, how='all') | [
] | VAR_STR = VAR_STR.dropna(axis=1, how='all') | conala |
17558552-75 | Log info message 'Log message' with attributes `{'app_name': 'myapp'}` |'Log message', extra={'app_name': 'myapp'}) | [
] |'VAR_STR', extra={VAR_STR}) | conala |
42060144-97 | Merge column 'word' in dataframe `df2` with column 'word' on dataframe `df1` | df1.merge(df2, how='left', on='word') | [
] | VAR_STR.merge(VAR_STR, how='left', on='VAR_STR') | conala |
42211584-15 | get the maximum of 'salary' and 'bonus' values in a dictionary | print(max(d, key=lambda x: (d[x]['salary'], d[x]['bonus']))) | [
] | print(max(d, key=lambda x: (d[x]['VAR_STR'], d[x]['VAR_STR']))) | conala |
1197600-71 | match blank lines in `s` with regular expressions | re.split('\n\\s*\n', s) | [
] | re.split('\n\\s*\n', VAR_STR) | conala |
11755208-97 | replace carriage return in string `somestring` with empty string '' | somestring.replace('\\r', '') | [
] | VAR_STR.replace('\\r', 'VAR_STR') | conala |
21947035-29 | print string "ABC" as hex literal | """ABC""".encode('hex') | [
] | """ABC""".encode('hex') | conala |
21361604-32 | sort a list `L` by number after second '.' | print(sorted(L, key=lambda x: int(x.split('.')[2]))) | [
] | print(sorted(VAR_STR, key=lambda x: int(x.split('VAR_STR')[2]))) | conala |
11114358-38 | Filter duplicate entries w.r.t. value in 'id' from a list of dictionaries 'L' | list(dict((x['id'], x) for x in L).values()) | [
] | list(dict((x['VAR_STR'], x) for x in VAR_STR).values()) | conala |
6376886-84 | create list of 'size' empty strings | strs = ['' for x in range(size)] | [
] | strs = ['' for x in range(VAR_STR)] | conala |
28684154-81 | Copy list `old_list` and name it `new_list` | new_list = [x[:] for x in old_list] | [] | VAR_STR = [x[:] for x in VAR_STR] | conala |