32 values
what does an internal stimulus do
In physiology, a stimulus (plural stimuli) is a detectable change in the internal or external environment. The ability of an organism or organ to respond to external stimuli is called sensitivity.When a stimulus is applied to a sensory receptor, it normally elicits or influences a reflex via stimulus transduction.ne internal stimulus that causes hormone release is blood pressure. Hypotension, or low blood pressure, is a large driving force for the release of vasopressin, a hormone which causes the retention of water in the kidneys.
The internal thermoregulation process is one aspect of homeostasis: a state of dynamic stability in an organism's internal conditions, maintained far from equilibrium with its environment (the study of such processes in zoology has been called physiological or physiological ecology).he internal thermoregulation process is one aspect of homeostasis: a state of dynamic stability in an organism's internal conditions, maintained far from equilibrium with its environment (the study of such processes in zoology has been called physiological or physiological ecology).
effects of ghrelin hormone
According to the BBC, the researchers said there have been suggestions that blocking the body’s response to the hormone could be a possible weight-loss treatment. This new study however, found that it may also produce “unintended effects on mood”. The researchers are quoted in the article as saying that although signs of depression and anxiety decrease as ghrelin levels increase, “an unfortunate side effect…is increased food intake and body weight”. The researchers now want to look at the antidepressant effect of ghrelin in conditions such as anorexia.
Ghrelin (pronounced /ˈɡrɛlɪn/), the hunger hormone, also known as lenomorelin (INN), is a peptide hormone produced by ghrelinergic cells in the gastrointestinal tract which functions as a neuropeptide in the central nervous system.
Publisher Summary This chapter reviews the literature on the application of organ culture to the study of vitamins and hormones. The organ culture technique enables part of a complicated problem to be isolated from the general confusion of the body so that it may be studied under controlled, simplified-and yet abnormal conditions. Seeking for the primary cause of some phenomenon in vivo is often like looking for a needle in a haystack. In organ culture, the main object is to preserve the characteristic structure and functional activities of tissues in a condition resembling as closely as possible that of the same organ in the body. Used in this way, as an ancillary technique to studies on the intact animal, organ culture is an extremely valuable tool for a wide variety of problems.
In the 50 years since we described cell death as 'programmed,' we have come far, thanks to the efforts of many brilliant researchers, and we now understand the mechanics, the biochemistry, and the genetics of many of the ways in which cells can die. This knowledge gives us the resources to alter the fates of many cells. However, not all cells respond similarly to the same stimulus, in either sensitivity to the stimulus or timing of the response. Cells prevented from dying through one pathway may survive, survive in a crippled state, or die following a different pathway. To fully capitalize on our knowledge of cell death, we need to understand much more about how cells are targeted to die and what aspects of the history, metabolism, or resources available to individual cells determine how each cell reaches and crosses the threshold at which it commits to death.
Age serves as a basis for assigning status and regulating social interaction across all societies. Members of the cultural group socialize new members into the rules and roles that are associated w...
Protein phosphatase 4 regulates apoptosis in leukemic and primary human T-cells
The control of T-cell survival is of overwhelming importance for preventing leukemia and lymphoma. The present report demonstrates that the serine/threonine protein phosphatase PP4 regulates the survival of both leukemic T-cells and untransformed human peripheral blood T-cells, particularly after treatment with anti-leukemic drugs and other cytotoxic stimuli. PP4-induced apoptosis is mediated, at least in part, through de-phosphorylation of apoptosis regulator PEA-15, previously implicated in the control of leukemic cell survival. PP4 activity significantly affects the mutation rate in leukemic T-cells, indicating that PP4 dysfunction may be important in the development and progression of leukemia.
A recurring problem in forensic medicine is the need to fix the time of death within the limits of probability. Errors in overestimating and underestimating the post-mortem interval based on body cooling is common. Post-mortem biochemistry has become a potent additional procedure in forensic death investigation. However, in our experiment, to determine the post-mortem interval we investigated the ATPase activity. The investigation was performed on the liver tissue of 25 corpses (21 men and four women) of age ranging between 40–60 years. The study of ATPase enzymatic activity shows that there is a considerable drop in the levels of ATPase activity with increasing post-mortem interval up to 24 h and this is one of the most reliable methods for estimating time of death.
Smoking cessation increases the resistance of low-density lipoprotein to oxidation
Abstract The effects of smoking cessation on the susceptibility to oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) was investigated in 14 men who quit smoking for 3 months. LDL was isolated and susceptibility of LDL to V-70 (4-methoxy-2,4-dimethylvalerinitrile)-mediated oxidation was assessed by measuring conjugated diene production at 234 nm, the lag phase being a measure of the resistance of LDL to oxidation. The mean duration of the lag phase became 1.9-fold longer after 3 months ( P
Abstract To identify changes in proteins accompanying transformation of normal lung epithelial cells to cancer cells, we performed a comparative proteomic study using two cell lines representing matching normal and cancer cells. Strikingly, a good number of detected actin cytoskeletal proteins were preferentially downregulated in cancer cells, while similar numbers of proteins in other organelles were up or downregulated. We also found that the formation of stress fibers and focal adhesions were substantially decreased in cancer cells. Protein network analysis showed that the altered proteins are highly connected. These results provide novel insights into the molecular mechanism promoting lung cancer progression.
A Mouse Model of Mitochondrial Disease Reveals Germline Selection Against Severe mtDNA Mutations
The majority of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations that cause human disease are mild to moderately deleterious, yet many random mtDNA mutations would be expected to be severe. To determine the fate of the more severe mtDNA mutations, we introduced mtDNAs containing two mutations that affect oxidative phosphorylation into the female mouse germ line. The severe ND6 mutation was selectively eliminated during oogenesis within four generations, whereas the milder COI mutation was retained throughout multiple generations even though the offspring consistently developed mitochondrial myopathy and cardiomyopathy. Thus, severe mtDNA mutations appear to be selectively eliminated from the female germ line, thereby minimizing their impact on population fitness.
Author contributions ::: ::: GH helped design the study, establish the animal model, collect and analyze samples, and write the manuscript. YY and DH helped establish the animal model, performed Western blotting, immunohistochemistry analyses. YY and DH also helped analyse data and revise the manuscript. QYW and JK contributed to study planning, analyse and interpret data, review and revise the manuscript. All authors have approved the final version of this article to be published and agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring the questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work. ::: ::: ::: ::: Disclosure ::: ::: The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
Addressing Health and Social Care in Easington: Partnership in Practice
This Case Study examines a practical example of joint commissioning in action, in Easington, County Durham. It explores the collaborative processes and particularly the contribution of groups operating at strategic (district) and operational (village) levels. Key individuals made important contributions to the development of a truly ‘partnership’ way of working. Impacts on services began to be made but in the period of study this was more ad hoc than systematic. In spite of some tensions between the different levels of decision making and in the face of further organisational change, the challenge for Easington is to sustain the progress made and to move forward by making further inroads into needs which span various agencies' responsibilities.
Constituents will get the chance to chat with their local MP at his regular ‘shoppers surgery’ to be held at the Sainsbury’s store on Wetherby Road ...
Turnaround of the Indian Railways: a public ownership saga
The reported turnaround of the Indian Railways (IR) has attracted wide notice. This article locates the enterprise within the broader Indian public sector and explores the factors that led to the turnaround from a low performing organisation to a high performing one. The case study method is used, with the developing theory of enterprise turnaround underpinning the case study. The theory suggests that turnaround successes need to be understood in terms not only of managerial actions, but also of favourable environmental conditions. This study reveals that both managerial leadership and good luck contributed to the turnaround success of the IR. There was no element of privatisation (apart from some limited outsourcing) within this turnaround. All happened within the context of full public (governmental) ownership. An underlying suggestion is that more such studies could help authorities assess and improve public enterprise performance.
Thousands turned out last weekend to protest at cuts, deficits, and increasing private sector involvement in the NHS. ::: ::: The “Day of Action” was organised by NHS Together, a collaboration of health service unions, NHS staff …
Energy Tax Provisions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts (H.R.1)
This report discusses energy-related tax provisions in the The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R.1). These changes are summarized in Table 1. H.R. 1 includes a broad restructuring of the federal income tax system. A full analysis of the consequences of this proposal for the energy sector, or various subsets of the energy sector, is beyond the scope of this insight.
A brief analysis of the Jilin province of housing guarantee rental subsidy policy implementation and the effect on the foundation of investigation are studied here and the paper puts forward some solutions of study data,indepth excavation of the present Jilin province housing security rental subsidy policy problems.
Lowly paid Civil servants at higher risk of diabetes!
LONDON: Civil servants with a low pay scale have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes as compared to their high-paid counterparts, a study has revealed.
InfoWorld - There’s a common nightmare haunting CISOs (computer information security officers) that features a glance at the morning paper, and 72-point banner headlines with the name of their employer and the words “LOST” and “CUSTOMER DATA.”
Forced pensions face pay hurdle
Three quarters of people in the UK welcome compulsory pensions but not if they have to pay more, a study says.
E.U. officials told leading automakers to make deep cuts in emissions or face fines that could reach billions of euros. But automakers promised a fight.
Australia drought pay to be revamped
Payments to Australia's drought-hit farmers could be linked to climate change schemes, under new plans.
Plans to protect Britain do not heed the risk of rising river levels caused by global warming, finds study.
Diabetes: a growing problem in newly-rich Asia
A cheese burger one day, lasagna the next and chicken nuggets instead of a bowl of noodles.
WASHINGTON, Jan 8 (Reuters Life!) - Dengue fever -- a tropical infection that usually causes flu-like illness -- may be poised to spread across the United States and urgent study is needed, health officials said on Tuesday.
On the risk of severe dengue during secondary infection: a systematic review coupled with mathematical modeling.
dengue and the risk of urban yellow fever reintroduction in sao paulo state , brazil .
Assessment of methodological quality of primary studies by systematic reviews: results of the metaquality cross sectional study
Hawaii study examines monk seal deaths
More endangered Hawaiian monk seals are trapped and killed by marine debris during years when the El Nino phenomenon warms tropical Pacific waters, according to University of Hawaii researchers.
Text of report in English by official Chinese news agency Xinhua (New China News Agency) ["Common Kestrel Tested for H5 Virus in HK" - Xinhua headline] Hong Kong, Feb.
Tropical dengue fever may threaten U.S.: report
WASHINGTON, Jan 8 (Reuters Life!) - Dengue fever -- a tropical infection that usually causes flu-like illness -- may be poised to spread across the United States and urgent study is needed, health officials said on Tuesday.
MIAMI, FL., Weds. Sept. 1: Hurricane Frances could hit the Bahamas and the Turks & Caicos today, according to forecasters at the National Hurricane Center in Miami last night.
Don't ignore less virulent bird flu strains, experts say
Experts have called for closer study of less lethal strains of the H5N1 bird flu virus because they might be more likely candidates to spark an influenza pandemic.
Text of report in English by official Chinese news agency Xinhua (New China News Agency) ["Common Kestrel Tested for H5 Virus in HK" - Xinhua headline] Hong Kong, Feb.
Thunderstorms in Mexico kill 7 stressed kangaroos
Violent thunderstorms have driven seven distressed kangaroos to death at a Mexican zoo, say veterinarians who are now pampering the remaining three mothers and their babies.
WESLACO - The Rio Grande Valley leads the nation in cervical cancer and overweight children, according to a study released Wednesday.
CO Dangers Continue to Dog Hotels
By Mike Gorrell, The Salt Lake Tribune Jun. 7--Over a 15-year period, carbon monoxide poisoning at hotels, motels and resorts claimed 27 lives nationwide, according to a study by the medical director of LDS Hospital's Hyperbaric Medicine Center.
Manila airport officials prevented a real life version of horror flick "Snakes on a Plane" this week when they stopped more than 130 reptiles, including poisonous cobras, from boarding a flight to Bangkok.
1-Bit compressed sensing of positive semi-definite matrices via rank-1 measurement matrices
In this paper, we investigate the problem of recovering positive semi-definite (PSD) matrix from 1-bit sensing. The measurement matrix is rank-1 and constructed by the outer product of a pair of vectors, whose entries are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian variables. The recovery problem is solved in closed form through a convex programming. Our analysis reveals that the solution is biased in general. However, in case of error-free measurement, we find that for rank-r PSD matrix with bounded condition number, the bias decreases with an order of O(1/r). Therefore, an approximate recovery is still possible. Numerical experiments are conducted to verify our analysis.
Summary form only given, as follows. A study is presented of precision constraints imposed by a hybrid chip architecture with analog neurons and digital backpropagation calculations. Conversions between the analog and digital domains and weight storage restrictions impose precision limits on both analog and digital calculations. It is shown through simulations that a learning system of this nature can be implemented in spite of limited resolution in the analog circuits and using fixed-point arithmetic to implement the backpropagation algorithm. >
Ordinal Scaling for Clinical Scores with Inconsistent Intervals (900 Patients)
Clinical studies often have categories as outcome, like various levels of health or disease. Multinomial regression is suitable for analysis (see Chap. 28). However, if one or two outcome categories in a study are severely underpresented, multinomial regression is flawed, and ordinal regression including specific link functions may provide a better fit for the data.
This paper considers the problem of tuning natural frequencies of a linear system by a memoryless controller. Using algebro-geometric methods it is shown how it is possible to improve current sufficiency conditions.The main result is an exact combinatorial characterization of the nilpotency index of the $\bmod 2$ cohomology ring of the real Grassmannian. Using this characterization, new sufficiency results for generic pole assignment for the linear system with m-inputs, p-outputs, and McMillan degree n are given. Among other results it is shown that \[2.25 \cdot \max (m,p) + \min (m,p) - 3 \geq n\] is a sufficient condition for generic real pole placement, provided $\min (m,p) \geq 4$.
Deformed density matrix, Density of entropy and Information problem
Quantum Mechanics at Planck scale is considered as a deformation of the conventional Quantum Mechanics. Similar to the earlier works of the author, the main object of deformation is the density matrix. On this basis a notion of the entropy density is introduced that is a matrix value used for a detail study of the Information Problem at the Universe, and in particular, for the Information Paradox Problem.
Many data analysis problems involve an investigation of relationships between attributes in heterogeneous databases, where different prediction models can be more appropriate for different regions. We propose a technique of integrating global and local random subspace ensemble. We performed a comparison with other well known combining methods on standard benchmark datasets and the proposed technique gave better accuracy.
Effect of CNT and TiC hybrid reinforcement on the micro-mechano-tribo behaviour of aluminium matrix composites
Abstract In the present study Aluminium-3003 alloy metal matrix reinforced with single walled CNTs and TiC were fabricated with stir casting process. Aluminium matrix composites found many applications in aerospace and structural engineering. In this study wt.% of CNT is fixed as 0.5 wt.% and TiC content is varied from (0.5 wt.%–2 wt.%) at an interval of 0.5 wt.% Microstructural, Mechanical and Tribological behaviour of composites were investigated. It is found that with increase in reinforcement content uniform dispersion of particles is found. Density of composites is decreased due to volatile nature of reinforcement particles. Hardness of composites is increased with increase in reinforcement content. Wear rate of composites is lower at lower loads and also at higher reinforcement contents.
Automated understanding of spatio-temporal usage patterns of real-world applications are significant in urban planning. With the capability of smartphones collecting various information using inbuilt sensors, the smart city data is enriched with multiple contexts. Whilst tensor factorization has been successfully used to capture latent factors (patterns) exhibited by the real-world datasets, the multifaceted nature of smart city data needs an improved modeling to utilize multiple contexts in sparse condition. Thus, in our ongoing research, we aim to model this data with a novel Context-Aware Nonnegative Coupled Sparse Matrix Tensor (CAN-CSMT) framework which imposes sparsity constraint to learn the true factors in sparse data. We also aim to develop a fast and efficient factorization algorithm to deal with the scalability problem persistent in the state-of-the-art factorization algorithms.
Controlling orthogonality constraints for better NMF clustering
In this paper we study a variation of a Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) called the Orthogonal NMF(ONMF). This special type of NMF was proposed in order to increase the quality of clustering results of standard NMF by imposing orthogonality on clustering indicator matrix and/or the matrix of basis vectors. We develop an extension of ONMF which we call Weighted ONMF and propose a novel approach for imposing orthogonality on the matrix of basis vectors obtained via NMF using Gram-Schmidt process.
We prove existence of solutions for a class of systems of subelliptic PDEs arising from Mean Field Game systems with H\"ormander diffusion. These results are motivated by the feedback synthesis Mean Field Game solutions and the Nash equilibria of a large class of $N$-player differential games.
Solution phase isoelectric fractionation in the multi-compartment electrolyser: A divide and conquer strategy for the analysis of complex proteomes
Sample complexity frequently interferes with the analysis of low-abundance proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DGE). Ideally, high abundance proteins should be removed, allowing low-abundance proteins to be applied at much higher concentrations than is possible with the unfractionated sample. One approach is to partition the sample in a manner that segregates the bulk of extraneous proteins from the protein(s) of interest. Solution phase isoelectric focusing in the multi-compartment electrolyser generates fractions of discrete isoelectric point (pI) intervals allowing isolated narrow segments of a proteome to be analysed individually by 2DGE. It is particularly useful for the isolation of low-abundance proteins of extremely basic or acidic pI.
This paper present a comparison of three main algorithms generating initial codebooks with reference to the convergence accuracy and speed. With both the elements considered, splitting methods are found to be more advantageous. Through a study of the common splitting method, an improved one-the orthogonal increment splitting algorithm is proposed. The new method can better utilize the symmetrical property of the speech or image sources, and endow the codewords of the initial codebook with a better distribution in the source space compared with the previous splitting method. The experimental results have confirmed the advantages of the new method, which can effectively eliminate the empty cells and non-typical codewords that may appear in the iteration process, thus achieving a better performance in both convergence speed and accuracy.
The iodine number and the unsaturation number of fats
In order to determine the degree of unsaturation of fats and to study the kinetics of their hydrogenation, it is proposed to use instead of the iodine number an index which is called the unsaturation number and shows the total number of double bonds in 100 molecules of fatty acids.
We present an incremental approach to 2-norm estimation for triangular matrices. Our investigation covers both dense and sparse matrices which can arise for example from a QR, a Cholesky or a LU factorization. If the explicit inverse of a triangular factor is available, as in the case of an implicit version of the LU factorization, we can relate our results to incremental condition estimation (ICE). Incremental norm estimation (INE) extends directly from the dense to the sparse case without needing the modifications that are necessary for the sparse version of ICE. INE can be applied to complement ICE, since the product of the two estimates gives an estimate for the matrix condition number. Furthermore, when applied to matrix inverses, INE can be used as the basis of a rank-revealing factorization.
Matrix Routh-approximant reduced-order modelling for multivariable systems
A matrix Routh-approximant modelling procedure is proposed for a multi-input multi-output system characterized by a matrix transfer function G(s), where G(s) = B(s) A −1(s) and A(s) and B(s) are matrix polynomials in s. The associated time-domain modelling procedure is also discussed. Compared with three matrix Cauer continued-fractions, the proposed method requires less computational effort. In addition, it is applicable to systems with unequal number of inputs and outputs. A demonstrative example is included.
This paper details the development of a simplified MRP through the equation of Leontief (linear algebra), and proposes its teaching in three parts a) data collection and recognition of the relationship between materials, b) a list of variables and mathematics explanation, c) obtaining results and verifying them by software. The academic exercise is about the flow of ingredients required to comply with a plan for food services and is intended to be a learning tool to facilitate the study of this method in the hospitality management courses.
Accelerated diagonal gradient-type method for large-scale unconstrained optimization
In this study, we propose an accelerated diagonal-updating scheme for solving large-scale optimization, where a scaled diagonal matrix is used to approximate the Hessian. We combine an accelerator with the diagonal-updating method to improve the efficiency of the algorithm. This accelerator is employed to ensure that the function value can be reduced significantly at each step. Moreover, the algorithm employs a suitable monotone strategy to guarantee the global convergence of the algorithm. Several numerical results are reported, which demonstrate that the proposed method is promising and more robust than other diagonal updating schemes.
Jointly Gaussian memoryless sources are observed at N distinct terminals. The goal is to efficiently encode the observations in a distributed fashion so as to enable reconstruction of any one of the observations, say the first one, at the decoder subject to a quadratic fidelity criterion. Our main result is a precise characterization of the rate-distortion region when the covariance matrix of the sources satisfies a ?tree-structure? condition. In this situation, a natural analog-digital separation scheme optimally trades off the distributed quantization rate tuples and the distortion in the reconstruction: each encoder consists of a point-to-point Gaussian vector quantizer followed by a Slepian-Wolf binning encoder. We also provide a partial converse that suggests that the tree-structure condition is fundamental.
Froissart doublets in Padé approximation in the case of polynomial noise
First, we study the relation between the zeros of random polynomials Rn+1 and the zeros and poles of their Pade approximants [n/n]Rn+1. Next, we consider the distribution of zeros and poles of Pade approximants to the geometric series perturbed by a random polynomial noise. We observe numerically interesting connections between two above problems. Some numerical observations on the Froissart doublets have been also made.
We analyze the parallelization of QR factorization by means of Householder transformations. This parallelization is carried out on a machine with a mesh topology (a 2-D torus to be more precise). We use a cyclic distribution of the elements of the sparse matrix M we want to decompose over the processors. Each processor represents the nonzero elements of its part of the matrix by a one-dimensional doubly linked list data structure. Then, we describe the different procedures that constitute the parallel algorithm. As an application of QR factorization, we concentrate on the least squares problem and finally we present an evaluation of the efficiency of this algorithm for a set of test matrices from the Harwell-Boeing sparse matrix collection.
Effect of single-electron interface trapping in decanano MOSFETs: A 3D atomistic simulation study
Abstract We study the effect of trapping/detrapping of a single-electron in interface states in the channel of n-type MOSFETs with decanano dimensions using 3D atomistic simulation techniques. In order to highlight the basic dependencies, the simulations are carried out initially assuming continuous doping charge, and discrete localized charge only for the trapped electron. The dependence of the random telegraph signal (RTS) amplitudes on the device dimensions and on the position of the trapped charge in the channel are studied in detail. Later, in full-scale, atomistic simulations assuming discrete charge for both randomly placed dopants and the trapped electron, we highlight the importance of current percolation and of traps with strategic position where the trapped electron blocks a dominant current path.
Automated understanding of spatio-temporal usage patterns of real-world applications are significant in urban planning. With the capability of smartphones collecting various information using inbuilt sensors, the smart city data is enriched with multiple contexts. Whilst tensor factorization has been successfully used to capture latent factors (patterns) exhibited by the real-world datasets, the multifaceted nature of smart city data needs an improved modeling to utilize multiple contexts in sparse condition. Thus, in our ongoing research, we aim to model this data with a novel Context-Aware Nonnegative Coupled Sparse Matrix Tensor (CAN-CSMT) framework which imposes sparsity constraint to learn the true factors in sparse data. We also aim to develop a fast and efficient factorization algorithm to deal with the scalability problem persistent in the state-of-the-art factorization algorithms.
Efficient block noise removal based on nonlinear manifolds
The problem of block noise removal is considered. It is assumed that the original image is on or close to a sub-space of admissible images in the form of a low dimensional nonlinear manifold. We propose to use a close variant of the total variation regularizer for measuring block noise. Based on this noise measure, we present an effective approach that reconstructs the original image in the presence of block noise. Our main computational task is the solution of a quadratic programming problem, for which we propose a very efficient interior point method. The effectiveness and efficiency of our approach is demonstrated by an example.
We study the problem of learning a kernel matrix from an apriori kernel and training data. An unconstrained convex optimization formulation is proposed, with an arbitrary convex smooth loss function on kernel entries and a LogDet divergence for regularization. Since the number of variables is of order O(n), standard Newton and quasi-Newton methods are too time-consuming. An operator form Hessian is used to develop an O(n) trust-region inexact Newton method, where the Newton direction is computed using several conjugate gradient steps on the Hessian operator equation. On the uspst dataset, our algorithm can handle 2 million optimization variables within one hour. Experiments are shown for both linear (Mahalanobis) metric learning and for kernel learning. The convergence rate, speed and performance of several loss functions and algorithms are discussed.
On the implementation and usage of SDPT 3 – a Matlab software package for semidefinite-quadratic-linear programming , version 4 . 0
computing the nearest correlation matrix — a problem from finance ∗ .
a cbt - based psychoeducational intervention for suicide survivors : a cluster randomized controlled study .
Scalable distributed algorithm for approximate nearest neighbor search problem in high dimensional general metric spaces
voronoi diagrams - a survey of a fundamental geometric data structure .
Once-daily dolutegravir versus twice-daily raltegravir in antiretroviral-naive adults with HIV-1 infection (SPRING-2 study): 96 week results from a randomised, double-blind, non-inferiority trial.
I know that Linear Discrimination Analysis (LDA) is used for classification and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) is for regression. Lets say I have a matrix X (independent variables) and Y(dependent variables) if the Y is continues and I make a regression , it becomes MLR if the Y is categories (like 1111122222) and I do MLR to make a relation , it becomes LDA? can one explain it in simple words and illustrations ?
Is there a relationship between regression and linear discriminant analysis (LDA)? What are their similarities and differences? Does it make any difference if there are two classes or more than two classes?
I am working with dimensionality reduction algorithms. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is a supervised algorithm that takes into account the class label (which is not the case of PCA for example). I am using Python to do a comparative study between some algorithms. Why with two classes (k = 2), regardless of the data dimensionality, LDA gives one dimension, i.e. the new subspace is composed of only one dimension? For example if I try to project my dataset (of 100 attributes and 2 classes) to 10-dimensional space by using LDA(n_components=10) I only obtain 1 dimension? For k>2 I can obtain the number of discriminant vectors that I specified as n_components. How can I get n_components dimensions for k=2?
Public Organizational Birth and Death: Understanding the Exigencies of an African Political Environment
This research examines the application of theories of organizational birth and death in transitional and undemocratic political settings. Through the case study of the birth and death of the Ministry of Supplies and Marketing in Kenya, the author determines that theoretical explanations of organizational formation and demise do not necessarily fit a uniform profile. Under unstable and undemocratic environments, public organizations that are brought to life through decrees may also be unexpectedly vanished without following a logical and predictable cyclical sequence.
In this paper, the common ground and difference between enterprises and administrations are described. The process, (characters) and significance are discussed. It is a new way and new model for environmental management in China.
Physician Adherence to Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening Guidelines in an OB/GYN Teaching Clinic in Hawai'i.
The risk of adolescent suicide across patterns of drug use: a nationally representative study of high school students in the United States from 1999 to 2009
User fee exemptions are not enough: out-of-pocket payments for ‘free’ delivery services in rural Tanzania
Previous studies have suggested high rates of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections in theU.S.–Mexico border region. However, no information is available on the risk for HIV infection among Mexican adolescents living in this geographic area. This study examines the prevalence of HIV risk practices and psychosocial correlates among 370 high school students in the border city of Tijuana, Mexico, by gender and age group. The results indicate substantial risk for HIV infection among Tijuana youth due to unprotected sexual practices, lifetime rates of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, and needle-sharing practices, mostly related to tattooing and body piercing. These findings suggest the need for HIV prevention programs for Tijuana adolescents. These programs must be culturally sensitive and tailored to meet the needs of the different age and gender groups in this region.
Condom availability programs (CAPs) may increase access to condoms and contribute to increased condom use among youth. This study describes the characteristics degree of satisfaction and gender differences among users of a CAP implemented in two high schools in Tijuana (Baja California Mexico). A kiosk distributing free male condoms was set up in two high schools in Tijuana. Kiosk users (N=570) were more likely to be male young and/or enrolled in a lower SES school. Most kiosk users were either sexually active or planning to have sex. Females were less likely to request condoms and to continue using the kiosk but more likely to request information on other contraceptive methods. Results demonstrate the feasibility of implementing CAPs in Mexican schools and suggest that these programs can improve adolescents condom access. (authors)
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
Florida Residents' Preferred Approach to Sexuality Education
Abstract Although there is widespread support for sexuality education, whether to use an abstinence-only or comprehensive approach is hotly debated. This study assessed Florida residents preferred approach to school-based sexuality education. The 641 respondents were selected by random digit dialing, using methods to ensure ethnic and geographic representation. Chi-Squares were used to assess relationships between seven socio-demographic variables and participants' preferred approach to sexuality education. The majority of respondents supported Abstinence-Plus, followed closely by Responsible Decision-making, with few supporting Abstinence-Only. Although in most cases respondents in the various age ranges, education levels, political parties, and political ideologies were most likely to choose Abstinence-Plus, there were some significant differences (p's < 01). Support for sexuality education is widespread in Florida.
This brief report examined correlations between Korean men’s interest in gonzo pornography, perceptions of pornography’s functional value, and use of condoms. Neither a higher interest in gonzo por...
Space and Sensibility : Young Men’s Risk-Taking with Motor Vehicles
In this ethnographic study of “Volvo greasers” [Volvoraggare] in a peri-urban community in Sweden, risk-taking practices with motor vehicles, such as speeding and drifting, are explored and analyze ...
This paper reports the results of a three-month randomized controlled trial to estimate the impact of an Internet and mobile telephone short message service (SMS) intervention on adolescents' information about substances and rates of consumption. A low percentage of participants logged on to the Web platform, but most participants were reached through e-mails and SMS. It is found that the intervention was able to affect awareness that certain substances are drugs, but no significant changes in consumption habits were found.
Online sexuality education and health professional students' comfort in dealing with sexual issues
A study of comfort level for discussing sex- and sexuality-related topics in a sample of allied health professional students shows an improvement in their comfort level after completing an online sexuality unit. This finding supports the argument that modern technology can offer an excellent opportunity and means to develop personal and professional skills in sex-related issues. Raising the comfort levels of health professional students will better prepare them for professional interaction on sexual issues they could encounter with their clients. Future research examining different ways to build not only comfort levels but also professional communication skills is warranted. Current and future research would aid in development of new programs based on distant education platforms, which could provide effective ways of appropriate sexual-interventions education for health professionals in clinical settings.
Background: A growing literature has emerged in recent years that evaluates combined health effects of environmental exposures and social stressors. To identify and incorporate the potential impact...
First AIDS vaccine tested did not protect, but gives scientific leads.
AIDSVAX, the first HIV preventive vaccine to finish a human efficacy trial, did not protect against infection, but is likely to provide much information on designing better vaccines.
Abstract Although there is widespread support for sexuality education, whether to use an abstinence-only or comprehensive approach is hotly debated. This study assessed Florida residents preferred approach to school-based sexuality education. The 641 respondents were selected by random digit dialing, using methods to ensure ethnic and geographic representation. Chi-Squares were used to assess relationships between seven socio-demographic variables and participants' preferred approach to sexuality education. The majority of respondents supported Abstinence-Plus, followed closely by Responsible Decision-making, with few supporting Abstinence-Only. Although in most cases respondents in the various age ranges, education levels, political parties, and political ideologies were most likely to choose Abstinence-Plus, there were some significant differences (p's < 01). Support for sexuality education is widespread in Florida.
[How to talk to young people about contraception].
In the article, the Open Door for the Young, activity of the Finnish Population and Family Welfare Federation is introduced. The writer emphasizes the importance of cooperation and right timing in providing sexual advice to young people.
The higher education industry is increasingly technologically pervasive. Reports of required personal computer purchases or the outright awarding of computers to new students provide examples of the expectations institutions have for students. Little focus, however, has been placed on the preparedness of new college students to cope with the technologically driven campus. This may be particularly true on community college campuses where non-traditional students comprise a large percentage of new students. The current study identified strategies for the exposure of new students to technology during new student orientation programs. By surveying senior student affairs officers in community colleges, institutional email accounts and emphasizing the importance of technology were identified as potentially effective measures for integrating technology exposure and education into new student orientations.
A comparative study of peer-led and adult-led school sex sducation
There are, and have been, many school-based sex education projects in this country which have used peer leaders (students delivering an educational programme who are of similar, or slightly older, age than the students receiving the programme). Rigorous evaluation of the methodology remains scant. This paper describes a comparative investigation of peer-led and adult-led sex education in National Curriculum Year 9 (aged 13/14 years). The results from this study suggest that peer leaders appear to be more effective in establishing conservative norms and attitudes related to sexual behaviour than the adults. Peer leaders were less effective than adults in imparting factual information and getting students involved in classroom activities. These findings suggest that both adult-led and peer-led methods may have a place in effective sex education--the challenge being to determine which areas are best dealt with by whom.
Proceeding from the necessity of strengthening the informatinization building of the Party school's learner status archives, this paper analyzes the major problems that exist in the management of the current Party school's learner status archives and puts forwards some ways to push ahead the informationization building.
The use of oral contraceptive pharmaceutical sample packs by adolescent health care providers.
Abstract Study Objective: The purpose of this study was to understand how health care providers use and distribute oral contraceptive pill (OCP) sample packs to adolescents. Design: Qualitative study involving face-to-face structured interviews. Setting: Interviews lasted approximately 20–30 minutes and were done in the health care provider's office setting. Participants: A convenience sample of fourteen health care providers (pediatricians, family practitioners, nurse practitioners, and midwives) who have practices that include adolescents were interviewed. Main Outcome Measures: Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed. Two independent reviewers read the transcripts for themes. Transcripts were then coded and frequency counts were done. Conclusions: OCP sample packs are an important tool for education and compliance. The pharmaceutical OCP sample supply may influence the health care provider's OCP choice for a teen.
As a junior doctor, aside from the predictable daily tasks, I found an all too familiar request from many patients. “Doctor, I had a terrible night’s sleep, you couldn’t prescribe me something could you?” My colleagues were surprised at the frequency of this request—patients’ sleep not being a subject covered in detail when we were medical students. But, whether it’s a nurse thrusting a drug chart in front of us to request sleeping tablets or a …
Cervical cancer more prevalent in older women, black women than thought
According to a new study in Cancer, the incidence of cervical cancer in older women may be higher than has been previously reported.
Abstract Study Objective: The purpose of this study was to understand how health care providers use and distribute oral contraceptive pill (OCP) sample packs to adolescents. Design: Qualitative study involving face-to-face structured interviews. Setting: Interviews lasted approximately 20–30 minutes and were done in the health care provider's office setting. Participants: A convenience sample of fourteen health care providers (pediatricians, family practitioners, nurse practitioners, and midwives) who have practices that include adolescents were interviewed. Main Outcome Measures: Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed. Two independent reviewers read the transcripts for themes. Transcripts were then coded and frequency counts were done. Conclusions: OCP sample packs are an important tool for education and compliance. The pharmaceutical OCP sample supply may influence the health care provider's OCP choice for a teen.
School-based intervention for the prevention of HPV among adolescents: a cluster randomised controlled study
Health Belief Model applied to non-compliance with HPV vaccine among female university students
Sports doping seen among pre-teens
NEW YORK - Just over 1 percent of eleven-year-olds admit to using drugs to boost their athletic performance, a new study from France shows. Furthermore, four years later, 3 percent said they had used doping agents at least once during the previous month.
The Portland, Me., school board voted to allow middle-school students to gain access to prescription birth control medications without notifying parents.
Study: Absent Dads Impact Daughters' Sexual Behavior
A new study reinforces the notion that a father's absence during his daughter's childhood can have a negative impact on the girl's sexual behavior. But the research challenges previous studies suggesting poverty is the main reason such girls are at a higher risk for early sexual activity and pregnancy. NPR's Rachel Jones reports.
Nomination for most eye-popping quote about the N.Y. Gov. Eliot Spitzer prostitution mess, from the Wall Street Journal: His brother, Daniel Spitzer, a neurosurgeon, said: "If men never succumbed to the attractions of women, then the human species would have died out a long time ago." (Thanks to EP Sharon Hoffman, on a train to NPR HQ in D.C.)
Virginity testing: a systematic review
Healing of hymenal injuries in prepubertal and adolescent girls: a descriptive study.
An investigation of the effects of reciprocal peer tutoring
the effects of watching tv on adolescents
Yet, despite the prevalence of this view, there has been little empirical study to date of how watching sex on television influences teenagers’ sexual behavior. Two recent studies led by RAND Health behavioral scientist Rebecca Collins examined the impact of TV sex on teenagers’ sexual beliefs and activities. The results supported the view that watching shows with sexual content may influence teen sexual behavior, but also found that some viewing effects can be positive.
Educator Sara Wilford on spotting the cues that a movie or TV program is too intense for your child, and how to talk about it. Too much screen time can affect young kids' emotional development. Tue, Mar 18, 2014 (HealthDay TV) – Spending too much time with video games, computers, or watching TV can hurt the mental... Kids often play video games alone, and too much time spent alone can cause social isolation. • Children who watch more than ten hours of TV a week don't do as well in school as children their age who watch less.
Understanding and predicting classes of college students who use pornography
emerging adults ' expectations for pornography use in the context of future committed romantic relationships : a qualitative study .
Eating with our eyes: From visual hunger to digital satiation
Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors: Medical Student and Physician Awareness
Sex Trafficking and the Exploitation of Adolescents
conceptualizing juvenile prostitution as child maltreatment : findings from the national juvenile prostitution study .
what does pg-13 mean
Best Answer: PG-13 simply means some material may be innappropiate for children under the age of 13..There is no age restriction and the theater personnel won't ask to see your ID, as is the case with R-rated movies. You don't need to go with a parent or guardian to be admitted but you do need the cash.est Answer: PG-13 simply means some material may be innappropiate for children under the age of 13..
The Personal Genome Project (PGP) is a long term, large cohort study based at Harvard Medical School which aims to sequence and publicize the complete genomes and medical records of 100,000 volunteers, in order to enable research into personal genomics and personalized medicine.
Front carrier for a motor vehicle
The invention relates to a front support (108) for a motor vehicle (100), wherein the front support (108) is in one piece and is composed exclusively of plastic.
This study was conducted to examine the caries experience of children ::: aged 6-9 years in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Overall, 1522 children were examined ::: from six primary schools located in different areas of the city. Results showed ::: that the mean dmft and DFT were 4.23 and 1.85, respectively. The mean dmft ::: and DFT values excluding caries-free children, however, were 5.71 and 2.95, ::: respectively. Only 26.1% of the children were caries free. There was a high ::: proportion of untreated dental caries and most of the carious teeth were treated by ::: extraction. The need for effective preventive measures was stressed.
The second was in the combination of case study methods with other methods, particularly surveys, in order to achieve the generalizability that evaluators called external validity.
The case study methods were combined with other methods.
The case study methods were not combined with other methods.
In his multi-center study, interventionists felt restricted by a standard intervention, sensing that variation was needed to meet different clients' needs.
The study showed that interventionists could sense that their clients needed variation.
The study confirmed that a standard intervention was suitable for everyone.
The rapid growth of student loan debt has led to increased public attention on college students' financial aid and financial behaviour. This study addresses the psychological process underlying effective college student financial behaviour and its determinants. A model modified based on planned behaviour theory is proposed and empirically tested using a sample of 243 college students. Structural equation modelling (SEM) is employed to examine the model fits and to investigate the relationship among the proposed factors. The determinants of financial behaviour identified by this study include attitude, intention, and perceived behavioural control, past behaviour, subjective norm, behavioural beliefs, subjective norm beliefs, and control beliefs. Additionally, this research examines the relative importance of these determinants and tests the role of beliefs.
In this study, 312 respondents were asked to indicate their attitude toward smoking and their smoking behavior. Attitudes were assessed by a direct attitude measure (4 items) and a series of 15 belief statements about the possible consequences of smoking. Next, respondents were asked to select the 3 consequences they found most important. Attitude scores derived from these important beliefs were more predictive of behavior than those based on all 15 beliefs, and far superior to attitude scores based on the remaining 12 beliefs. Differences between the 2 groups (smokers vs. nonsmokers) were more pronounced when attitude scores were based on important beliefs, and disappeared for scores based on nonselected, less important beliefs. It is argued that incorporating belief importance in expectancy-value models helps to assess the structure of attitudes and could improve our insight in the determinants of behavioral preference.
Berzelius failed to make use of Faraday's electrochemical laws in his laborious determination of equivalent weights.
Cost Documentation of School Nursing Follow-up Services
: The cost of nursing services was documented as part of a grant to study the effect of school nursing follow-up on the outcome of dental screening. Eleven nurses participated in the study with experimental (n = 287) groups of fifth and sixth grade students from a large West Coast school district who were screened for caries. Stratifiers for the randomized group assignment were school, cavity severity, gender, ethnicity, and insurance coverage. A positive difference occurred for the 11 nurses (p = 0.0046). The cost of telephone follow-up averaged $8.92 for 26.69 minutes and compared favorably with a California state allowance of $11 for a half-hour of similar service. The study offers a beginning analytical formulation for examining field services in school and community health nursing using a naturalistic experimental design.
Proceeding from the necessity of strengthening the informatinization building of the Party school's learner status archives, this paper analyzes the major problems that exist in the management of the current Party school's learner status archives and puts forwards some ways to push ahead the informationization building.
Behavioral and cognitive effect of theophylline: a dose-response study.
The behavioral and cognitive effects of theophylline were studied in 14 asymptomatic asthmatic children. A double-blind crossover design was used with two dosage levels. Conners parent ratings suggest behavioral improvement by the second week of treatment, regardless of dosage or order of administration. No effects were found on cognitive measures. We conclude that the majority of behavior problems associated with theophylline occur during the induction phase, and that for most children behavior and attention problems rapidly return to baseline or improve.
Plastics have much to offer as a modern convenience, but lack of responsible plastic waste management habits can lead to potentially harmful environmental effects. Past environmental initiatives revealed a lack of understanding about youth attitudes towards pro‐environmental issues. [minus]plastic, an online public environmental promotional campaign, encouraged Singaporean youth to recognize the importance of, adopt positive attitudes towards and subsequently adopt the practice of responsible plastic management. We propose the Temporal Incentives Model of Social Influence, based on Prochaska and DiClemente's stages of change model, to guide social campaign design. A pre‐post quantitative research design showed that the pre‐contemplation, contemplation and preparation stages progressed significantly after the campaign. The findings suggest that stimuli incorporating specialized information and small action steps allow migration to successive stages. With the strong presence of internet culture among Singap...
Shoppers Drug Mart study to test transitional care model
Canada's Shoppers Drug Mart is conducting a pilot project to help patients avoid medication errors and reduce hospital readmissions.
This paper discusses eight projects that were conducted by students over a one-month period at a large amusement park. Many of the findings of the students resulted from their insights having worked in a specific area for a short time and having collected data intensively over a one-week period. The base case simulation models were validated by comparison to actual data, and one or more alternatives were considered.
Utilizing Parent Report to Investigate Young Children's Fears: A Modification of the Fear Survey Schedule for Children‐II: A Research Note
The Fear Survey Schedule for Children-II (FSSC-II) (Gullone & King, 1992) was modified for parent report and a younger age group. The modified instrument (FSSC-IIP) was completed by 753 parents of children within the age range 3.0 to 8.9 years. Results revealed a stable eight-factor solution that was sensitive to age and gender differences. Parents reported a higher overall level of fear for school children compared to preschool children, and a higher overall level of fearfulness for girls compared to boys. The most common fears reported were getting lost in a crowd and in a strange place.
R&D budget has been recently increased rapidly by our government's direction under the recognition that strong R&D policy lead to the wealth of the nation. The methodologies for effective evaluation have received great attention was increased. We had established the laws to evaluate and man age the performance of national R&D programs in 2005. The previous and current R&D evaluation programs were conducted in the middle of progress. Recently, the importance of evaluation of follow up control conducted after finishing the program in national level is increasing. The purposes of this study are to evaluate national R&D programs in terms of economic impacts and to develop the efficient methodologies by considering follow-up evaluation. This study will be effective to demonstrate the efficiency of the methodologies based on follow-up evaluation and the necessity of the evaluation of R&D programs after wrapping the programs up.
The Effect of Reciprocal-Teaching Strategy on Learning Outcomes and Attitudes of Qassim-University Students in "Islamic Culture".
The main intent of the current study was to investigate the effectiveness of the reciprocal-teaching strategy in learning outcomes and attitudes of Qassim-University students in Islamic culture. The study was conducted in Oqlat Al-Soqour Faculty of Sciences and Arts for paucity of research conducted in such a faculty, as well as for being the researcher’s workplace which can offer him needed facilities. Statistical analyses of the data revealed that there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental and control groups in the post administration of the learning-outcomes test as well as in the attitude scale in favour of the experimental. The magnitude effect was big which proved the effectiveness of the reciprocal-teaching strategy. Keywords : Reciprocal-Teaching Strategy, Learning Outcomes, Attitudes, Islamic Culture
Abstract Researchers studying relapse for an addictive behavior have employed two different conceptual models. Researchers concerned with typologies of relapse situations have developed a variety of discrete classes of high risk situations. Researchers who have employed a Self-efficacy approach have typically assessed different situations but scored the measure as a single general construct. Using structural modeling, this paper evaluates five alternative measurement models, representing alternative conceptualizations. A hierarchical model which integrates the previously competing models provided the best fit to the data and serves to explain a large body of previous findings. The model includes three first order constructs (Positive/Social; Negative/Affective; and Habit/Addictive) and one general second-order factor. The results were replicated across two different response formats and two different subject samples.
Explore and analyze the structure physical commitment model
Base on the sociology,psychology,sport and so on,this article elaborated and analyzed the theoretic structure of Chinese Physical Commitment through literature review,opening interview and so on,then put forward the theoretic structural model of Chinese Physical Commitment for further research.
SUMMARY Religious support systems offer much promise for collaborative interventions with alcohol and other drug abuse organizations. This article presents a case study of an asset assessment of eleven Puerto Rican Pentecostal churches in a New England community and the alcohol and other drug abuse and other types of services provided to the community. A set of recommendations will be presented for the development of agency collaborative projects/activity with this important Puerto Rican natural support system.
Waterpipe smoking among health sciences university students: Knowledge, attitude and patterns of use
Introduction ::: Although waterpipe smoking is common in Gulf counties, its prevalence in Saudi Arabia is uncertain. The purposes of this study were (a) to assess the prevalence of waterpipe smoking among healthcare university students in Saudi Arabia and (b) to determine their attitudes and practices of waterpipe smoking.
This research examines the overall and relative effects of the elements of Hirschi's Social Bonding Theory on four separate measures of deviance using data drawn from a sample of 3065 adolescents. ...
A comparison of key benefit estimation issues for natural hazards and terrorism: ex ante/ex post valuation and endogenous risk
Benefit–Cost Analyses for Security Policies describes how to undertake the evaluation of security policies within the framework of benefit–cost analysis and offers a unique contribution to analysis of homeland security regulations in the United States. The authors outline how established procedures for benefit–cost analysis must adapt to meet challenges posed by current security policy, through examining specific security related regulations. The logic of risk assessment, selection of a discount rate, valuation of travellers’ time when delayed due to screening, valuation of changes in risks of injury or death, and impacts of terrorist events on the economy as a whole are among the issues discussed. An outline of the research and policy evaluation steps needed to build robust benefit-cost methods to evaluate security related regulations in the future is presented in the book.
we examine motivations for, and costs/benefits of, participation in three interviews across a one-year period among women recently exposed to intimate partner abuse (IPA). Recruited from publicly accessible police reports, women were not informed that the study focused on IPA in recruiting materials or when they scheduled the first interview. Women ' s ratings on the Response to Research Participation Questionnaire (RRPQ) indicated a positive benefit-to-cost ratio across all three interviews. Negative responses to participation as well as severity of IPA and PTSD symptoms did not predict retention at the next interview. These data dem - onstrate that studies asking about IPA experiences, even when survivors do not know in advance that IPA will be the focus of study, can be implemented within a stable benefit-to-cost ratio over time.
The urge for evidence based knowledge
Clearly, the context of health sciences is increasingly been influenced by a general commitment related to interventions intending to improve the health conditions of individuals and populations brought by the so called evidence based knowledge. You can easily notice a proliferation of evidence based issues and debates in scientific health (including community health) journals. ::: ::: Our view about the challenges to an evidence based knowledge does not refer to the impending difficulties of, sometimes, not having confirmed evidences …
ABSTRACTUsing a needs theory framework, this study investigated motivations of social enterprise workers and their intent to stay using a sequential mixed exploratory design. Factor analysis of sur...
Oral health status of Asian and Hispanic women. A pilot study.
Data on the oral health of Asian and Hispanic women are rare in the dental literature. The objective of this study was to investigate the oral health status and needs of women from these two groups. Forty newly registered women from each group were the subjects of the study. Standard forms were used to collect sociodemographic information, medical histories, oral health status, oral hygiene practices and smoking habits. The oral examination recorded the DMFT and periodontal condition. Data were analyzed using SPSS Univariate General Linear Model, odds ratios and relative risks. Chi-Square tests were within the 95% confidence interval, and with @ = .05. The results showed that there was no statistical difference in age, education, oral health care, smoking habits, annual dental visits or DMFT between the two groups.
This paper estimates a dynamic model of schooling attainment to investigate the sources of discrepancy by race and ethnicity in college attendance. When the returns to college education rose, college enrollment of whites responded much more quickly than that of minorities. Parental income is a strong predictor of this response. However, using NLSY data, we find that it is the long-run factors associated with parental background and income and not short-term credit constraints facing college students that account for the differential response by race and ethnicity to the new labor market for skilled labor. Policies aimed at improving these long-term factors are far more likely to be successful in eliminating college attendance differentials than are short-term tuition reduction policies.
The Psychology of Protective Behavior
What determines whether people will protect themselves against the severe losses that might arise from some low-probability hazard? What factors underlie the perception and acceptability of technological risks? The answers to questions such as these are vital for understanding how people cope with threats from accidents, diseases, and natural hazards, and for helping them manage their lives more effectively in the face of such risks. This paper illustrates the role that the psychological study of judgment and decision processes can play in providing answers to these questions. Recent experiments studying insurance decisions, risk perceptions, and the evaluation of technological risks are described along with the implications of this research for matters of public safety.
Twelve trainees (3 men and 9 women) who had recently completed predoctoral internships at a university counseling center were interviewed about what they had learned from clients. Data were analyzed using a consensual qualitative research method. Participants reported learning things about doing therapy, themselves, client dynamics, human nature, the therapy relationship, and the usefulness of supervision. In addition, participants highlighted the importance of consultation and self-reflection to help them recognize what they learned. Implications for practice and research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).
The testing of brushes for life and performance under various altitude conditions
Harvey J. Finison (Equipment Laboratory, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio): One of the greatest problems in brush wear testing has been the selection of test conditions representative of service conditions. Selection of test conditions considerably more severe than actual operating conditions may result in elimination of brushes capable of giving excellent service performance, in fact, superior to those which may be selected on the basis of more severe tests.
This study investigated elementary school students’ environmental knowledge and attitudes, the effects of sociodemographic variables on environmental knowledge and attitudes, and how self‐reported environmentally friendly behaviour is related to environmental knowledge, behavioural intentions, environmental affects, and the students’ locus of control. Data were gathered by administration of the Children’s Environmental Attitudes and Knowledge Scale and Locus of Control scale to 1140 students from 18 randomly selected elementary schools located in urban areas of Ankara, the capital of Turkey. Descriptive results indicated low levels of knowledge, but favourable attitudes toward the environment. The three‐way ANOVA provided a significant main effect on students’ environmental knowledge of education level of fathers. The sex difference regarding students’ attitudes toward the environment was statistically significant in favour of girls. In addition, multiple regression analysis results showed that behavioura...
Innovative Healthcare Cloud Service Model
This study aims to discuss the determinants influencing users intention behavior toward Healthcare Cloud Services (HCS) by integrating Health Belief Model (HBF), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT), and Information System Success (ISS). Structural Equation Model is used for data analysis. The results reveal that perceived ease of use plays the most critical role on users intention behavior, followed by pleasure and perceived barriers, implying it is essential for medical institutions to strengthen users intention behavior by advocating the cloud service benefits and operating convenience. The findings hope to provide future research and managers with helpful references of customer needs and guidelines for enhancing healthcare quality in order to achieve better development and competitiveness.
Clarified the relationships between self-care behaviors and illness-specific outcomes in approximately 270 youths with IDDM. Youths were assessed at three points in time using a semistructured interview measure and multiple indices of dietary intake and physical activity with two different methodologies (i.e., recalls, logs). Glycemic control was most strongly related to the semistructured Self-Care Adherence Interview (SCAI); and second to the overall quality of the youth's dietary intake. The SCAI also predicted glycemic control over time. Physical activity levels and specific nutritional components from the logs and recalls were generally unrelated to glycemic control.
A survey of mottled enamel in a military educational center in Karaj area of metropolitan Tehran was conducted from August to September 1978, on a population of 1789 student, aged 18-23 gathered from 32 areas of Iran. Dean clinical standards used for diagnosing dental fluorsis and Orion lonalyzer Fluoride Electrode was used to determine the fluoride content of communal waters of endemic areas. The conclusion asserted is that the index of dental fluorsis in the population under the study is 0.04. The survey showed 15 mottled enamel area in Iran, with fluouide concentration of domestic and drinking water from 0.7 to 3.8 ppm.
This is the second in a series of working ::: papers published by the Higher Education ::: Academy to disseminate information about ::: the project entitled 'What is learned at ::: university: the social and organisational ::: mediation of university learning' (SOMUL). ::: This second working paper focuses on the ::: organisational mediation of learning, i.e. how ::: institutional characteristics shape the ::: student experience and resultant learning ::: outcomes within an increasingly diverse ::: higher education system.
I mean the study of brain ,rather a Psychological approach to that of physics ,if it involves the study of Bio-electricity ...
Inorder to relate brain mechanics to physics you would have to use the quantium electrodynamics or the theory of electrostatic "Like studying how the processor works" but instead of electrons you can use neurons (how various sections of the brain handle data or signals and what part of the body they affect if signal transmission is ineffective) \n\nRealy hope you find an answer I would realy want to know your progress good luck!
Look up the name "mechai" and you will learn plenty about the aggressive public health campaign that brought condom use and AIDS prevention to the forefront of Thai popular culture. Mechai is the name of a man who launched an essentially one-man campaign to encourage condom use in Thais. When his efforts took off, local health authorities came in to help him with HIV prevention efforts. As a result, skyrocketing HIV incidence actually leveled off within a few years.\n\nHave you taken the time to learn about health behavior thoery? You might want to read about the Health Belief Model, Trans-Theoretical Model and Social Cognitive Theory. When you learn about these health behavior theories, the matieral is generally accompanied by examples of past health promotional campaigns built around those frameworks.
Building organizational commitment: A multifirm study
A Review and Reconceptualization of Organizational Commitment
Risk assessment of hand washing efficacy using literature and experimental data.
define service feasibility analysis
A feasibility study is conducted to assist decision-makers in determining whether or not to implement a particular project or program. The feasibility study is based on extensive research on both the current practices and the proposed project/program and its impact on the school foodservice operation.
Operational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed system solves the problems, and takes advantage of the opportunities identified during scope definition and how it satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system development.enerally, feasibility studies precede technical development and project implementation. A feasibility study evaluates the project's potential for success; therefore, perceived objectivity is an important factor in the credibility of the study for potential investors and lending institutions.
what are health educators
Health educators are also responsible for collecting and analyzing data for the purpose of researching, designing, and presenting preventative health care programs. These individuals must be able to inform and organize community coalitions in order to address concerns and issues that effect the health of communities.
Community health education is a theory-driven process that promotes health and prevents disease within populations. Those who study community health learn how to design and implement programs that promote health and prevent disease within certain target populations in the community. If you enjoy helping people and have an interest in the health field, community health may be the field for you. 1 Collaborative Efforts - developing community-based programs. 2 Health Promotion - developing low literate, culturally appropriate materials, curricula and awareness campaigns.
English literature study aids?
What is literature in english?
What advive does Nurse give Juliet?
3-word title of the play Abraham Lincoln was watching when he was shot
Abraham Lincoln's Assassination - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com Find out more about the history of Abraham Lincoln's Assassination, including videos, ... a famous actor and Confederate sympathizer, fatally shot President Abraham Lincoln at a play at .... Carried out of the building alive, he lingered for three hours before gazing at his hands and uttering his last words: Useless, useless..
How I learned to Drive-- theatre Flashcards | Quizlet Start studying How I learned to Drive-- theatre. ... --show originally inspired by Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov 1955. --considered a classic controversial novel with proagonist and narrator. literature ... -28% of US girls have been victimized ... -greek chorus= what does it do to characters in play who arent part of the chorus. also...
what classes should i take in high school to be a actor
Actors study scripts, memorize lines and perform for an audience. Students pursuing an acting career major in theater arts. Many college theater programs award scholarships to talented students with good grades who excelled in high school theater.High school classes in drama and the humanities are helpful preparation for college-level work.The highly selective Julliard School requires drama applicants to provide a letter of recommendation, preferably from an English, history or language teacher, to assess the student’s comprehension and communication skills.n college, theater majors must complete courses in theater history, as reported by the College Board. Classes in history, particularly theater history, help an actor discover the meaning, symbolism, character motivation and plot of plays that depict events from ancient Greece to the present day.
Some courses, such as English, are required in high school and college. Art class is one of many elective courses students can enjoy. Linguistics studies how the mouth and vocal chords are shaped to produced specific sounds.
Become a Stress Management Counselor
Stress is the feeling you get when you feel you cannot meet the demands that are placed upon you. Although some stress is good for motivation, poor control of stressful feelings can result in a lack of sleep, nervousness, unhealthy habits and strained relationships.
Do you get anxious and develop exam nerves? Did you know that Self Hypnosis can be of great help with exam nerves and concentration. Here are simple and easy steps to follow which will help with exams and study.
A research for identifying study anxiety sources among university students
Correlates, Causes, Effects, and Treatment of Test Anxiety:
Test anxiety and direction of attention.
can you diagnose generalized anxiety disorder and separation anxiety disorder
There are a number of anxiety disorders: including generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, panic disorder, and selective mutism. The disorder differs by what results in the symptoms. People often have more than one anxiety disorder.
For the study, which was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health, the researchers compared brain scans of healthy people with scans of those diagnosed with PTSD, major depression, or generalized anxiety disorder, whose symptoms ranged from emotional detachment to isolation.
common age for panic disorder
This disorder may be a precursor for adult anxiety disorders. Anxiety. Age of onset for anxiety disorders based on specific anxiety disorder type. Panic disorder demonstrates a bimodal age of onset in the NCS study in the age groups of 15-24 years and 45-54 years.The age of onset for OCD appears to be in the mid 20s to early 30s.Most social phobias begin before age 20 years (median age at illness onset, 16 years.anic disorder demonstrates a bimodal age of onset in the NCS study in the age groups of 15-24 years and 45-54 years. The age of onset for OCD appears to be in the mid 20s to early 30s.
Of them, GAD and specific phobias are more prevalent among women. Panic disorders can also develop as a result of or in addition to other illnesses like depression and drug addiction. General anxiety disorder (GAD). An estimated 4 million Americans suffer from GAD and women are two times more likely to develop it.
How to Help Anxious Kids
There are a lot of things parents and caregivers can do to help an anxious child. They are as follows: 1 Be aware of your child’s different moods and feelings. 2 When your child becomes anxious, talk to him or her in a calming voice. 3 Realize that it is very difficult for the child to control his or her anxiety.
Several scientifically proven and effective treatment options are available for children with anxiety disorders. The two treatments that most help children are cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication. Your doctor or therapist may recommend one or a combination of treatments.rescription medications can be useful in the treatment of anxiety disorders. They are also often used in conjunction with therapy. In fact, a major research study found that a combination of CBT and an antidepressant worked better for children ages 7-17 than either treatment alone.
is anxiety hereditary
Fortunately, both of these statements are untrue. Yes, it is true that anxiety often runs in families, but that’s because of learned behavior, and not because of genes. Anxiety is caused by the way we’ve learned to live in unhealthy ways, thus more fearfully and stressfully than others.
The result was that we identified seven new genes as possible candidates for further study. Six of these genes have never been implicated in anxiety disorders before. To date, global research has identified a number of risk factors for anxiety disorders. These can be grouped into two categories: genetic factors and environmental factors. Genetic factors relate to differences in one’s genetic code that either protect or put you at risk for developing anxiety disorders.
anxiety is a normal reaction to stress
Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or fear about an event or situation. It is a normal reaction to stress. It helps you stay alert for a challenging situation at work, study harder for an exam, or remain focused on an important speech.
Panic, Worry. Anxiety is a normal reaction to stressful situations. But in some cases, it becomes excessive and can cause sufferers to dread everyday situations. This type of steady, all-over anxiety is called Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
what is hoarding disorder
Hoarding is a disorder that may be present on its own or as a symptom of another disorder. Those most often associated with hoarding are obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and depression.
Researchers have only recently begun to study hoarding, and it was first defined as a mental disorder in the 5th edition of the DSM in 2013.or many years, hoarding has been listed as a symptom or a subtype of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and obsessive–compulsive personality disorder (OCPD). Obsessive compulsive disorder is a type of anxiety disorder.
Spatial layout design application tools had become the in demand tools as the computational customization had become increasingly significant in this 21st century era. The users prefer to personalize their own space by customizing, modifying and planning based on their personal specification or preferences. However, these application tools usually highlighted the personal preferences without taking account on the universal design criteria that will cause some issues on the space utilization and security. Hence, this research paper had proposed the composition of objective functions for the user's customization and the universal design criteria with the incorporation of Genetic Algorithm (GA) operators to optimize the floor plan design. At the end of this research study, the optimization of spatial layout design using GA operators was proven to be able to design the fittest spatial layout design with 94% of fitness function value that almost satisfies the designated objective functions.
The evidence-based analysis of people's navigation and wayfinding behaviour in large-scale built-up environments (e.g., hospitals, airports) encompasses the measurement and qualitative analysis of ...
Berzelius failed to make use of Faraday's electrochemical laws in his laborious determination of equivalent weights.
Study of performance of power screw-nut systems
Abstract The characteristics of the running performance of the traditional types of power screw-nut systems are investigated. A comparative study of the performances of traditional systems and of an alternative system, under stationary and running conditions, is presented.
Different systems act as one of the most promising forms of integration in the urban planning structure. In the process of formation of plans for social and economic development of major cities more often, there is a situation, when the improvement of resources efficiency needs not just a concentration of effort, but also some new and innovative forms of building production organization. It is proposed to establish in Odessa the "Corporate Scientific and Technical Complex of urban planning energy renovation" as an innovative organizational structure which practically uses the accumulated scientific and technical potential for the reconstruction of historic buildings in Odessa in 1820–920 using energy efficiency standards. It is necessary to organize courses in the form of accelerated training for workers of the occupation "master of finishing construction work" specialty "plasterer" for "KNTK GERek" effective functioning.
A hatchery-based ant clustering algorithm
A hatchery-based ant clustering algorithm was explored.With the pre-configured number of clusters,the data were randomly placed into the clusters,then arranged the initial disorder clusters orderly through ants.Compared with other traditional ant clustering algorithms,this algorithm is a more intuitive model,and easier operation.The experiments with real data as Iris showed that the algorithm is fast and effective.
This report documents work performed by the University of California at Davis in collaboration with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in relationship to a Precursor System Analysis dealing with a study of automated construction, maintenance, and operational requirements for Automated Highway Systems (AHSs). This study was conducted in the activity area "K" dealing with AHS roadway operational analysis. The report documents a design analysis for a robotic system for automated installation of discrete magnetic markers for AHSs. The design includes a manpower assessment and a cost-benefit analysis. Summaries for supporting research are included in appendices, including: a literature review, a reference architecture and classification system for an AHS, and a computer simulation and animation of the prototype discrete magnetic marker placement system described in this report.
Research on Interaction Mechanism Between Frame Grids and Filling Blocks of Multi-ribbed Composite Wall
Five fundamental frame structures are tested under monotonic load in order to study the interaction mechanism between frame grids and filling blocks of multi-ribbed composite wall,and the failure process and failure characteristics are summarized in details.The experiments show that effect of the filling block is equivalent to that of hinged-diagonal strut.The calculation of width of the strut is given based on elastic foundation beam theory as well as the formulas of rigidity and intensity.Calculation shows that the simplified model can simulate mechanical properties of the fundamental frame structure in elastic stage,which offers a theoretical basis for analysis and design the multi-ribbed composite wall.
Abstract Although they create considerable economic benefits, industrial parks emit tremendous amounts of pollution and consume significant environmental resources. This investigation examines problems associated with managing an industrial park. It begins by defining an industrial park system and its sustainability. Next, using systems thinking, managing for results, driving-force-pressure-state-impact-response, and system dynamics, we develop a management framework and an indicator system. A framework with triple decision layers is established to link the management of an industrial park with its manufactories. Based on this framework, proposed indicators and their driving force–pressure–state–impact–response relationships are integrated into an optimization model to maximize sustainability, so that sustainability of an industrial park is assessed as total quantity management is performed. A prototype of a total quantity and sustainability management strategy for industrial parks is developed, based on ...
A Highly Scalable Rendering Framework for Arbitrary Display and Display-in-Display Configurations.
The slurry batcher mixer of the present invention includes a mixing vessel having a pair of vertical side plates with a trough supported along the length of the vessel between the side plates. A ribbon type screw conveyor is mounted in the trough and extends the length of the mixing vessel, and is connected to a reversible drive motor to selectively rotate the screw in a first direction to convey material to a discharge port, or in the opposite direction to provide a positive thorough mixing of the contents of the mixing vessel. A source of fly ash, cement, and water is provided to the mixing vessel, and a pair of spray bars are mounted on the side plates with nozzles directed towards the screw, to spray water along the length of the screw.
This report documents work performed by the University of California at Davis in collaboration with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in relationship to a Precursor System Analysis dealing with a study of automated construction, maintenance, and operational requirements for Automated Highway Systems (AHSs). This study was conducted in the activity area "K" dealing with AHS roadway operational analysis. The report documents a design analysis for a robotic system for automated installation of discrete magnetic markers for AHSs. The design includes a manpower assessment and a cost-benefit analysis. Summaries for supporting research are included in appendices, including: a literature review, a reference architecture and classification system for an AHS, and a computer simulation and animation of the prototype discrete magnetic marker placement system described in this report.
Brief Analysis of the Control and Management in Each Stage of the Construction Project of Salt Enterprise
Through the discussion of management of the construction projects,the importance of control and management in each stage is emphasized.By doing so,basis for scientific management for new construction,extension or modification projects is proposed for the enterprises.
According to the requirements of economy and timeliness for setting the highway maintenance site,the multi-objective model of location for highway maintenance site was established with the lowest total costs,which considered the constant costs and transport costs of maintenance site. And then,the corresponding algorithm was also given. Finally,the best quantity and location of maintenance site was obtained through the case study of highway network. The results show that the proposed model and algorithm are both reasonable,which has certain referential value for the selection of location of highway maintenance site.
The Study and Realization of Land Use Planning System Based on the Theory of Workflow and GIS
Workflow management is a new research area and is known as "logistics" of information systems. It can arrange suitable people or software to perform right tasks at right time and automate business process. According to the requirement of Land Use Planning Geographic Information System (LPGIS), based on the referenced model which is called Workflow Management System (WfMS) and with the support of technology of ArcObjects and SQL-Server, this study overcomes a series of difficulties, brings out the general framework of the system and gives an example relating to the applications.
In this article,authors introduce the layout method of form formwork used in Tianjin a project transfer beam with large section and large span.The behavior of formwork under load is analyzed.The construction method of formwork layout and construction safety measures is introduced in detail.
Improved data expansion method used in damage detection method
In this paper, a damage detection method based on modal parameters, which deals with incomplete measurement, is presented. Intact and damaged structures are modeled using the finite-element method. Damage in structure is assumed as a reduction in elastic modulus. This study utilizes an approximate stiffness matrix of damaged structure to improve the data expansion methods, which is used to complete the incomplete modal parameters of damaged structures. Verification of proposed method is done using a 2D truss and a 2D frame. This method is able to expand the measured data and to solve the sensitivity equation, which depends on complete mode shapes and frequencies of intact and damaged structure, and to detect the damage in the presence of noises, such as measurement and modeling errors. Results show that damage detection using improved data expansion is more accurate and reliable than damage detection using common data expansion.
Large-scale construction projects frequently appear which make people pay more attention to the performance evaluation.This paper established the large-scale construction projects'performance evaluation index system and carried out comprehensive evaluation of the performance with a combined model of fuzzy theory and the matter-element theory.The analytic hierarchy process and the membership function were used to determine the weights of indicator elements and the membership matter-element.Finally,the study used the performance indicator system in construction phase for a large-scale project as an example to verify the fuzzy matter-element correctness,rationality and feasibility.
Innovation the management mode of "541" and enhancement the assurance strength of the development of hospital
To adapt to the development of society economic and the need of basic medical treatment service,The articles directly expounds it what the severity defect of hospital administration mode and enhance the assurance strength of the development of hospital.We had explored hospital management innovation mode of " 541" though theory study and reform practice.The main content and operating effect were illustrated.
To work in a center hole fixrure problem of Italian S530 exists for the product scratch point,the linkage mechanism for the study,three-dimensional design software by Pro/Engineer 4.0 exercise of its movement mechanism simulation analysis gripper movement trajectories and parts scratched the real reasons for the further transformation of the structure of the fixture,fixture work solve the process of scratching the bottom of the problem,on the basis of kinematics simulation summarized Pro/E4.0 mechanical maintenance process in the modern areas of application
Designing Difficult Office Space Allocation Problem Instances with Mathematical Programming
Office space allocation (OSA) refers to the assignment of room space to a set of entities (people, machines, roles, etc.), with the goal of optimising the space utilisation while satisfying a set of additional constraints. In this paper, a mathematical programming approach is developed to model and generate test instances for this difficult and important combinatorial optimisation problem. Systematic experimentation is then carried out to study the difficulty of the generated test instances when the parameters for adjusting space misuse (overuse and underuse) and constraint violations are subject to variation. The results show that the difficulty of solving OSA problem instances can be greatly affected by the value of these parameters.
A statistical model is established to estimate the effects of the geometric and nongeometric errors on the quality of the operation for various operating speeds. Furthermore, a stochasitc optimization problem is formulated to obtain the optimal operating speed for a given accuracy in the robotic operations. To demonstrate this approach, the experiments on a PUMA 560 robot are used as an example.
Theoughts on the Facilities for the Elderly in Planning and Construction of the City and Town ——Discuss about the System and Contents of the Facilities for the Elder ly
The ageing population is the worldwide problem, and China also. The establishment of the facilities for the elderly should be based on the support mode and the psychological and physical characteristics of the ag eing population, and the planning design of the facilities for the elderly shoul d be in accordance with the condition of the country and the specialty of the tw o_system of urban and rural area.
The goal of this research is to analyze the evaluation criteria used by integrated circuit (IC) designers when selecting foundry service providers. With an MCDM model considering the aspects of technology, production, customer service and support, and manufacturing location, we interviewed managers and experts of Taiwan's IC design firms, using the AHP survey with 16 attributes, to determine the areas of top concern with respect to foundry evaluation criteria. In this study process technology has been found to be the most significant evaluation criterion in view of competitiveness in the customer market.
Performance Evaluation of Large-scale Construction Projects Based on Fuzzy Matter-element
Large-scale construction projects frequently appear which make people pay more attention to the performance evaluation.This paper established the large-scale construction projects'performance evaluation index system and carried out comprehensive evaluation of the performance with a combined model of fuzzy theory and the matter-element theory.The analytic hierarchy process and the membership function were used to determine the weights of indicator elements and the membership matter-element.Finally,the study used the performance indicator system in construction phase for a large-scale project as an example to verify the fuzzy matter-element correctness,rationality and feasibility.
Introduce the experiences and outcomes of the Second People誷 Hospital of Mudanjiang city in Heilongjiang provincein establishing an honest, sincere and trustworthy hospital for public from five aspects of leadership, education, system,implementation and service, i.e. Which means to regard honesty and moral construction as the most competitive aspect, to regardthe improvement of staff diathesis as an important method to promote hospital image, to regard laws and regulations as theprinciples of honesty construction, and to regard the improvement of service quality as the hospital誷 lifeline.
Network Charge In Expressway and the Case Study of Guizhou Province
network charge in expressway has been an inevitable trend. In recent years, traffic management departments in every province and cities are studying how to construct network charge system and ensure the equity of fund distributaries, some have obtained obvious effect. According to the construction of expressway network charge system in Guizhou, recommendations have been presented in this paper, to promote service and management level of expressway, classic examples in Guizhou have been discussed in the paper.
The author raise the city ecological environment placement to follow the special geography and natural“ green belt” in urban planning of Xinjiang Autonomous Region. To increase the standard of constructing the urban green system and green are also discussed.
Design and construction of fastener-style high-modulus steel
Combining constructional practice of Lianyungang city Tobacco Company warehouse logistics center,this paper discusses about design and construction skill of high-modulus support system,it also proposes structuring measures of the high-modulus,it aims to accumulate experiences for such construction and thus reduces accidents of high-modulus.
Construction conditions of functional region for grain production were investigated and construction achievements in Huzhou City since 2010 were summarized. There were many difficulties identified in this study: appropriate regions selection, fund raising, subject cultivation and follow-up management in the process of construction. According to the existing problems, some strategies were proposed,for example, to strengthen the leadership and cooperation among the government multi-branches, to integrate resource and increase investment from government, to perfect the mating facilities and improve service quality for the functional region, and to establish the innovative mechanism and strengthen the follow-up management.
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