1 value
1 value
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xed122d2707e605e2752a3ca84558a054 segments:YearPostEmergence=PostEmergenceYearSeven; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xed122d2707e605e2752a3ca84558a054 segments:YearPostEmergence=PostEmergenceYearSeven; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xe2f88fb0d83bdb25540e10be8923294a segments:Risk=InfrastructureCompaniesRisk; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xe2f88fb0d83bdb25540e10be8923294a segments:Risk=InfrastructureCompaniesRisk; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x0f4f89ed543fef81626f246079c55803 segments:InvestmentCompanyNonconsolidatedSubsidiary=NationalPropertyREITCorp;RealEstateAndAccumulatedDepreciationDescriptionOfProperty=A5224LongRoadHoldingsLLC; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x0f4f89ed543fef81626f246079c55803 segments:InvestmentCompanyNonconsolidatedSubsidiary=NationalPropertyREITCorp;RealEstateAndAccumulatedDepreciationDescriptionOfProperty=A5224LongRoadHoldingsLLC; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xf55855fd9e9ab7881ee7f31602f3eec3 segments:CreditFacility=CreditFacility;LineOfCreditFacility=CenturionFinancialTrust; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xf55855fd9e9ab7881ee7f31602f3eec3 segments:CreditFacility=CreditFacility;LineOfCreditFacility=CenturionFinancialTrust; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x63721dea4309b1c15aec177d5aa00cfa segments:ClassOfStock=ClassACommonStock;RelatedPartyTransaction=AspireCapital;Restatement=TwentyThousandTwentyAgreement; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x63721dea4309b1c15aec177d5aa00cfa segments:ClassOfStock=ClassACommonStock;RelatedPartyTransaction=AspireCapital;Restatement=TwentyThousandTwentyAgreement; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x25f29cf780a474b772880b1b03abab14 segments:EquityComponents=CommonStock;LegalEntity=ReddingtonPartnersLLC; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x25f29cf780a474b772880b1b03abab14 segments:EquityComponents=CommonStock;LegalEntity=ReddingtonPartnersLLC; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xf7a9104c1a399536671cd8f812ce2f73 segments:DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategories=DefinedBenefitPlanEquitySecuritiesUs;FairValueByFairValueHierarchyLevel=FairValueMeasuredAtNetAssetValuePerShare;FairValueByMeasurementFrequency=FairValueMeasurementsRecurring;RetirementPlanSponsorLocation=US;RetirementPlanType=PensionPlansDefinedBenefit; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xf7a9104c1a399536671cd8f812ce2f73 segments:DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategories=DefinedBenefitPlanEquitySecuritiesUs;FairValueByFairValueHierarchyLevel=FairValueMeasuredAtNetAssetValuePerShare;FairValueByMeasurementFrequency=FairValueMeasurementsRecurring;RetirementPlanSponsorLocation=US;RetirementPlanType=PensionPlansDefinedBenefit; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x24d842482756bb45404e0e340ed05722 segments:BalanceSheetLocation=IncomeTaxesAndOtherReceivables;DerivativeInstrumentRisk=ForeignExchangeForward;HedgingDesignation=Nondesignated;TradingActivityByType=DerivativesPurchased; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x24d842482756bb45404e0e340ed05722 segments:BalanceSheetLocation=IncomeTaxesAndOtherReceivables;DerivativeInstrumentRisk=ForeignExchangeForward;HedgingDesignation=Nondesignated;TradingActivityByType=DerivativesPurchased; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xe727ad7a807d0b6beb1a13e55edde5c5 segments:Risk=TheFundIsSubjectToRisksRelatingToCertainProceedingsAndInvestigations; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xe727ad7a807d0b6beb1a13e55edde5c5 segments:Risk=TheFundIsSubjectToRisksRelatingToCertainProceedingsAndInvestigations; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x6734491a9939195e64021690d0fb7672 segments:DebtByCurrency=USD;InterestRateType=UnitedStatesFederalFundRate;LongtermDebtType=A2019And2020Facilties; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x6734491a9939195e64021690d0fb7672 segments:DebtByCurrency=USD;InterestRateType=UnitedStatesFederalFundRate;LongtermDebtType=A2019And2020Facilties; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xca297f7e3b8ce48647315a8b43a8a0a4 segments:SubsidiarySaleOfStock=StockPurchaseAgreement; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xca297f7e3b8ce48647315a8b43a8a0a4 segments:SubsidiarySaleOfStock=StockPurchaseAgreement; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x11a51a0138e8993c936b887340871ec9 segments:TypesOfSharebasedPaymentArrangements=CapitalizationOfSharebasedPaymentTransactionsInIntangibleAssets; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x11a51a0138e8993c936b887340871ec9 segments:TypesOfSharebasedPaymentArrangements=CapitalizationOfSharebasedPaymentTransactionsInIntangibleAssets; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xc2c77492ee4da97e7afc3ca4f2a19e89 segments:TitleOfIndividual=NextersGlobalShareholders; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xc2c77492ee4da97e7afc3ca4f2a19e89 segments:TitleOfIndividual=NextersGlobalShareholders; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xb83b8a277e20e1ddf42a78ea4c35739a segments:DebtInstrument=UnsecuredConvertiblePromissoryNoteTwo;LegalEntity=BHPCapitalNY; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xb83b8a277e20e1ddf42a78ea4c35739a segments:DebtInstrument=UnsecuredConvertiblePromissoryNoteTwo;LegalEntity=BHPCapitalNY; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x0db674b9f260655e8f0979eda43c9aaa segments:BalanceSheetLocation=CashAndCashEquivalents;FairValueByFairValueHierarchyLevel=FairValueInputsLevel2;FinancialInstrument=USGovernmentAgenciesDebtSecurities; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x0db674b9f260655e8f0979eda43c9aaa segments:BalanceSheetLocation=CashAndCashEquivalents;FairValueByFairValueHierarchyLevel=FairValueInputsLevel2;FinancialInstrument=USGovernmentAgenciesDebtSecurities; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x9fa9859c1e745fb9906324410710231d segments:ClassesOfFinancialLiabilities=BankDepositsAndLoansToCustomers;Measurement=GrossCarryingAmount; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x9fa9859c1e745fb9906324410710231d segments:ClassesOfFinancialLiabilities=BankDepositsAndLoansToCustomers;Measurement=GrossCarryingAmount; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xfa0c54f306d5af48a6fbf9c755107c44 segments:ClassesOfFinancialLiabilities=TrancheBConvertibleBonds;NonadjustingEventsAfterReportingPeriod=LoansBorrowedByWayOfBondsIssued; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xfa0c54f306d5af48a6fbf9c755107c44 segments:ClassesOfFinancialLiabilities=TrancheBConvertibleBonds;NonadjustingEventsAfterReportingPeriod=LoansBorrowedByWayOfBondsIssued; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x13143b8c0f370787f3bae0f0a01cfd4e segments:CreditDerivativeCounterPartyType=SingleNameInstruments;ExternalCreditRatingByGrouping=RiskLevelHigh; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x13143b8c0f370787f3bae0f0a01cfd4e segments:CreditDerivativeCounterPartyType=SingleNameInstruments;ExternalCreditRatingByGrouping=RiskLevelHigh; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x35771c128ef971d2e47a9ebe4a82a1dd segments:ScheduleOfEquityMethodInvestmentEquityMethodInvesteeName=MsWangPeixuan; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x35771c128ef971d2e47a9ebe4a82a1dd segments:ScheduleOfEquityMethodInvestmentEquityMethodInvesteeName=MsWangPeixuan; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x9699ba762a9377df995d9555eb3085db segments:ClassOfStock=CommonClassA;Range=Minimum;ScheduleOfSharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionBySettlementTerms=WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionTwo; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x9699ba762a9377df995d9555eb3085db segments:ClassOfStock=CommonClassA;Range=Minimum;ScheduleOfSharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionBySettlementTerms=WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionTwo; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x81ad6d2b072a1ee4f49b93f70f318ac5 segments:RelatedPartyTransaction=DueToACompanyOfWhichTheCooIsADirectorOf; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x81ad6d2b072a1ee4f49b93f70f318ac5 segments:RelatedPartyTransaction=DueToACompanyOfWhichTheCooIsADirectorOf; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x5790740fe7bf1d01f630810cbf74002d segments:ShareRepurchaseProgram=BoardAuthorized2023ShareRepurchaseProgram; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x5790740fe7bf1d01f630810cbf74002d segments:ShareRepurchaseProgram=BoardAuthorized2023ShareRepurchaseProgram; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x8be055e60ed8f06a28d47e43a3293b45 segments:ConsolidatedEntities=Subsidiaries;ConsolidationItems=ReportableLegalEntities;LegalEntity=FirstTowerHoldingsOfDelawareLLC; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x8be055e60ed8f06a28d47e43a3293b45 segments:ConsolidatedEntities=Subsidiaries;ConsolidationItems=ReportableLegalEntities;LegalEntity=FirstTowerHoldingsOfDelawareLLC; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xe8f0e4cd8d8d633f92897dd29bb98871 segments:LegalEntity=NetSolPK;LineOfCreditFacility=AskariBankLimited; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xe8f0e4cd8d8d633f92897dd29bb98871 segments:LegalEntity=NetSolPK;LineOfCreditFacility=AskariBankLimited; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xbb00297bd776d23f0d8fffa94bc8dab5 segments:Risk=TheFundIsSubjectToRisksRelatingToRegulationsGoverningTheFundsOperationAsABDC; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xbb00297bd776d23f0d8fffa94bc8dab5 segments:Risk=TheFundIsSubjectToRisksRelatingToRegulationsGoverningTheFundsOperationAsABDC; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x2df2c7b714ed0a7f3fd26a3f09d7b1b3 segments:RelatedPartyTransactionsByRelatedParty=MarjanTinaRenoSuwano; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x2df2c7b714ed0a7f3fd26a3f09d7b1b3 segments:RelatedPartyTransactionsByRelatedParty=MarjanTinaRenoSuwano; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xe2b3dd0d275b779aa6d128d1ae4ca843 segments:ComponentsOfEquity=ForeignCurrencyTranslation; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xe2b3dd0d275b779aa6d128d1ae4ca843 segments:ComponentsOfEquity=ForeignCurrencyTranslation; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xde691d1da95bc6226101b62c4a4e8d49 segments:FinancialInstrument=USGovernmentSponsoredMortgageBackedAndRelatedSecurities; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xde691d1da95bc6226101b62c4a4e8d49 segments:FinancialInstrument=USGovernmentSponsoredMortgageBackedAndRelatedSecurities; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xff12eb29fd1800be780270f23124f1d4 segments:RestrictedCashAndCashEquivalentsCashAndCashEquivalents=EuroFinancialInstitutionsOne; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xff12eb29fd1800be780270f23124f1d4 segments:RestrictedCashAndCashEquivalentsCashAndCashEquivalents=EuroFinancialInstitutionsOne; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x6344e87507a6732895843973ec0f6a3e segments:AssetAcquisition=UEXAcquisition;DerivativeInstrumentRisk=ReplacementWarrants;MeasurementInputType=MeasurementInputRiskFreeInterestRate;Range=Maximum; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x6344e87507a6732895843973ec0f6a3e segments:AssetAcquisition=UEXAcquisition;DerivativeInstrumentRisk=ReplacementWarrants;MeasurementInputType=MeasurementInputRiskFreeInterestRate;Range=Maximum; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x1413593e0b98cbfdcbfb96da9510bf5c segments:DebtInstrument=UnsecuredConvertiblePromissoryNoteThree;LegalEntity=BHPCapitalNYIncAndQuickCapitalLLC; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x1413593e0b98cbfdcbfb96da9510bf5c segments:DebtInstrument=UnsecuredConvertiblePromissoryNoteThree;LegalEntity=BHPCapitalNYIncAndQuickCapitalLLC; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xcdbb7804129ad97e9e5011a4a35c336a segments:Scenario=EmployeeContributionBetweenFourAndFivePercent; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xcdbb7804129ad97e9e5011a4a35c336a segments:Scenario=EmployeeContributionBetweenFourAndFivePercent; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x46cbac7a27d2017c8c11b9bab642802d segments:IndividualAssetsOrCashgeneratingUnits=Chuc;SignificantInvestmentsInSubsidiaries=PemexExplorationAndProduction; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x46cbac7a27d2017c8c11b9bab642802d segments:IndividualAssetsOrCashgeneratingUnits=Chuc;SignificantInvestmentsInSubsidiaries=PemexExplorationAndProduction; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xb9092266b748f03bd3bda2a80551a4f8 segments:Ownership=IpolloverseHkLimited; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xb9092266b748f03bd3bda2a80551a4f8 segments:Ownership=IpolloverseHkLimited; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x17b066b31b5289f55e5d488652cdfc65 segments:Scenario=EstimatedFutureManagementFeesRemainderOf2024; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x17b066b31b5289f55e5d488652cdfc65 segments:Scenario=EstimatedFutureManagementFeesRemainderOf2024; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xe661628a13c8c1f98e4412bd11a2afdf segments:IncomeStatementLocation=Sales; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xe661628a13c8c1f98e4412bd11a2afdf segments:IncomeStatementLocation=Sales; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x6a7f01552b9b2f40daa8a298d0469437 segments:Tranches=TrancheTwo;TypesOfSharebasedPaymentArrangements=OSA20191; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x6a7f01552b9b2f40daa8a298d0469437 segments:Tranches=TrancheTwo;TypesOfSharebasedPaymentArrangements=OSA20191; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xb4e70107a9a6a73a7dc9c0a6b5615f4a segments:Range=Minimum;RangesOfExercisePricesForOutstandingShareOptions=RangeOfExercisePriceFour; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xb4e70107a9a6a73a7dc9c0a6b5615f4a segments:Range=Minimum;RangesOfExercisePricesForOutstandingShareOptions=RangeOfExercisePriceFour; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xc8b6867aac2855f77c098ab92b8544ea segments:FinancingReceivablePortfolioSegment=TotalLoansToThirdParties;FinancingReceivablesPeriodPastDue=FinancialAssetPastDue; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xc8b6867aac2855f77c098ab92b8544ea segments:FinancingReceivablePortfolioSegment=TotalLoansToThirdParties;FinancingReceivablesPeriodPastDue=FinancialAssetPastDue; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x38d48cf23a6b8fb2745cfeb6fe7e27ba segments:DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategories=MunicipalBonds;FairValueByFairValueHierarchyLevel=FairValueInputsLevel2;FairValueByMeasurementFrequency=FairValueMeasurementsRecurring;RetirementPlanType=PensionPlansDefinedBenefit; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x38d48cf23a6b8fb2745cfeb6fe7e27ba segments:DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategories=MunicipalBonds;FairValueByFairValueHierarchyLevel=FairValueInputsLevel2;FairValueByMeasurementFrequency=FairValueMeasurementsRecurring;RetirementPlanType=PensionPlansDefinedBenefit; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x8fca8b3cdc990f67b873c8222e8b7a11 segments:Collateral=InvestmentRealEstate;FinancingReceivablePortfolioSegment=ResidentialPortfolioSegment;FinancingReceivableRecordedInvestmentByClassOfFinancingReceivable=OneToFourFamilyLoan; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x8fca8b3cdc990f67b873c8222e8b7a11 segments:Collateral=InvestmentRealEstate;FinancingReceivablePortfolioSegment=ResidentialPortfolioSegment;FinancingReceivableRecordedInvestmentByClassOfFinancingReceivable=OneToFourFamilyLoan; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x35346a68bc2143fac9562d6eaf06be61 segments:Risk=RisksOfConcentrationIntheFinancialsSector; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x35346a68bc2143fac9562d6eaf06be61 segments:Risk=RisksOfConcentrationIntheFinancialsSector; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xfeb782f31f3a15f85a35bb2c1244a13b segments:LeaseContractualTerm=ShortTermLeasingArrangements; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xfeb782f31f3a15f85a35bb2c1244a13b segments:LeaseContractualTerm=ShortTermLeasingArrangements; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xa76253d4e8b5aec902b746c8fb26732c segments:Risk=CreditDefaultSwapsRisk; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xa76253d4e8b5aec902b746c8fb26732c segments:Risk=CreditDefaultSwapsRisk; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xea513005537946195eec7c58996e7fa1 segments:ClassesOfFinancialInstruments=PredecessorEarnOutShares;UnobservableInputs=NumberOfShares; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xea513005537946195eec7c58996e7fa1 segments:ClassesOfFinancialInstruments=PredecessorEarnOutShares;UnobservableInputs=NumberOfShares; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xd3fc32d68bf6610b43100124d4bcae82 segments:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByType=EquipmentInstalledWithCustomers; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xd3fc32d68bf6610b43100124d4bcae82 segments:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByType=EquipmentInstalledWithCustomers; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x9d659b902a8be0e88b6a7baa8910fd21 segments:LegalEntity=Bailey; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x9d659b902a8be0e88b6a7baa8910fd21 segments:LegalEntity=Bailey; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x22d810dd07412be43e5c7aeddbf47b67 segments:FairValueByAssetClass=CollateralizedMortgageObligations;FairValueByFairValueHierarchyLevel=FairValueInputsLevel3;MeasurementInputType=MeasurementInputComparabilityAdjustment;Range=Maximum;ValuationTechnique=ValuationTechniqueConsensusPricingModel; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x22d810dd07412be43e5c7aeddbf47b67 segments:FairValueByAssetClass=CollateralizedMortgageObligations;FairValueByFairValueHierarchyLevel=FairValueInputsLevel3;MeasurementInputType=MeasurementInputComparabilityAdjustment;Range=Maximum;ValuationTechnique=ValuationTechniqueConsensusPricingModel; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xd9fc003c6605b956fdebfe212ee71dd7 segments:BusinessAcquisition=FortuneFinancialCorporation;IncomeStatementLocation=NonInterestExpense; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xd9fc003c6605b956fdebfe212ee71dd7 segments:BusinessAcquisition=FortuneFinancialCorporation;IncomeStatementLocation=NonInterestExpense; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x4a59f6b0b643efa4126958d319f222d2 segments:ClassOfStock=CommonClassA;EquityInterestIssuedOrIssuableByType=CommitmentShares; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x4a59f6b0b643efa4126958d319f222d2 segments:ClassOfStock=CommonClassA;EquityInterestIssuedOrIssuableByType=CommitmentShares; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x47eb18fbb1785235c013d069db2b13c8 segments:SignificantInvestmentsInSubsidiaries=SoftcapsColbras; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x47eb18fbb1785235c013d069db2b13c8 segments:SignificantInvestmentsInSubsidiaries=SoftcapsColbras; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xf8580939558cc9234f16bec0d056ae9c segments:ClassesOfPropertyPlantAndEquipment=LeaseProperty;Counterparties=NationalChlorideCompanyOfAmerica;NonadjustingEventsAfterReportingPeriod=SuccessfulCompletionOfABankableFeasibilityStudy; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xf8580939558cc9234f16bec0d056ae9c segments:ClassesOfPropertyPlantAndEquipment=LeaseProperty;Counterparties=NationalChlorideCompanyOfAmerica;NonadjustingEventsAfterReportingPeriod=SuccessfulCompletionOfABankableFeasibilityStudy; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x735cffb4837b07a342867f26dd361b28 segments:DebtInstrument=The1125SeniorSecured15LienNotesDueFebruary152026;FairValueByFairValueHierarchyLevel=FairValueInputsLevel2;LongtermDebtType=SeniorSecuredNotes; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x735cffb4837b07a342867f26dd361b28 segments:DebtInstrument=The1125SeniorSecured15LienNotesDueFebruary152026;FairValueByFairValueHierarchyLevel=FairValueInputsLevel2;LongtermDebtType=SeniorSecuredNotes; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x10cebf9cec693f99ba8e55f5ddc74a1f segments:Scenario=UpperRangeOfLeverageRatioLimitsOnDividendsAndShareRepurchases; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x10cebf9cec693f99ba8e55f5ddc74a1f segments:Scenario=UpperRangeOfLeverageRatioLimitsOnDividendsAndShareRepurchases; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x711439cde0b54e5818b4eccbb315c10d segments:IncomeStatementLocation=CostOfSales;ProductOrService=Product; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x711439cde0b54e5818b4eccbb315c10d segments:IncomeStatementLocation=CostOfSales;ProductOrService=Product; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x594aae1426cef5b0662d9fe30330e1dc segments:ClassesOfFinancialLiabilities=NonCurrentFinancialLiabilities; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x594aae1426cef5b0662d9fe30330e1dc segments:ClassesOfFinancialLiabilities=NonCurrentFinancialLiabilities; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x93c9ed3c4c5da46332f623aa280d2502 segments:ImpairedLongLivedAssetsHeldAndUsedByType=RightOfUseAssets; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x93c9ed3c4c5da46332f623aa280d2502 segments:ImpairedLongLivedAssetsHeldAndUsedByType=RightOfUseAssets; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xe2a569593c0bb2c5ecad058cf3b32d5b segments:ExecutiveCategory=NonPeoNeo;Measure=3; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xe2a569593c0bb2c5ecad058cf3b32d5b segments:ExecutiveCategory=NonPeoNeo;Measure=3; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x60a5d02eb995718094236bf9c2bd8aeb segments:ClassOfStock=ShyrisShippingPreferredShares; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x60a5d02eb995718094236bf9c2bd8aeb segments:ClassOfStock=ShyrisShippingPreferredShares; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x84b93ec2f226d3fde5f86de378808bc6 segments:DerivativeInstrumentRisk=Assets;TradingActivityByType=Corn; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x84b93ec2f226d3fde5f86de378808bc6 segments:DerivativeInstrumentRisk=Assets;TradingActivityByType=Corn; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x782d556aaf1b6506b456f0abe774f445 segments:CounterpartyName=Employee; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x782d556aaf1b6506b456f0abe774f445 segments:CounterpartyName=Employee; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x6eb09cd0ef847ad68ae5107a0d985e22 segments:ClassesOfProvisions=ProvisionsForCharges; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x6eb09cd0ef847ad68ae5107a0d985e22 segments:ClassesOfProvisions=ProvisionsForCharges; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xed250867ee477c6c2134295ef8b4e067 segments:ProductsAndServices=ExternalCustomers;Segments=HQAndEliminationSegment; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xed250867ee477c6c2134295ef8b4e067 segments:ProductsAndServices=ExternalCustomers;Segments=HQAndEliminationSegment; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x52d76eb3459b2b46b8f8c47c0b8f1003 segments:ShareBasedCompensationSharesAuthorizedUnderStockOptionPlansByExercisePriceRange=Minimum; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x52d76eb3459b2b46b8f8c47c0b8f1003 segments:ShareBasedCompensationSharesAuthorizedUnderStockOptionPlansByExercisePriceRange=Minimum; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x371c0a9afcdaa3d8c99f7d26376cb008 segments:Geographical=World;MacroeconomicFactors=IndustrialProductionYoY;Scenario=ScenarioMacroeconomicScenarioMildDownsideForecastTwoYears; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x371c0a9afcdaa3d8c99f7d26376cb008 segments:Geographical=World;MacroeconomicFactors=IndustrialProductionYoY;Scenario=ScenarioMacroeconomicScenarioMildDownsideForecastTwoYears; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x1f30a0f70084a44d28028d126e6a7209 segments:BusinessCombinations=CUPAFinance; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x1f30a0f70084a44d28028d126e6a7209 segments:BusinessCombinations=CUPAFinance; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x121abefefad7736376baddb20df127f6 segments:ClassesOfShareCapital=OrdinaryShares;SignificantInvestmentsInAssociates=ABFjordBank; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x121abefefad7736376baddb20df127f6 segments:ClassesOfShareCapital=OrdinaryShares;SignificantInvestmentsInAssociates=ABFjordBank; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xa9b2161f596adbdf08ee654956ee6dfe segments:TypesOfRisks=TenPercentIncreaseOfCHFVsEuro; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xa9b2161f596adbdf08ee654956ee6dfe segments:TypesOfRisks=TenPercentIncreaseOfCHFVsEuro; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x939c36dab6e20ff855286d01cdee3e3a segments:RelatedPartyTransactionsByRelatedParty=Jinhe; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x939c36dab6e20ff855286d01cdee3e3a segments:RelatedPartyTransactionsByRelatedParty=Jinhe; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xbd62fceef39800bccdc680790dbad255 segments:AwardType=RestrictedStockUnitsAndPerformanceStockUnits;ClassOfStock=CommonClassAAndClassB; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xbd62fceef39800bccdc680790dbad255 segments:AwardType=RestrictedStockUnitsAndPerformanceStockUnits;ClassOfStock=CommonClassAAndClassB; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x0317e65459345343eeab158cebf343c9 segments:ClassesOfFinancialAssets=FinancialAssetsIncludingOtherReceivablesPrepaymentsAndDeposits; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x0317e65459345343eeab158cebf343c9 segments:ClassesOfFinancialAssets=FinancialAssetsIncludingOtherReceivablesPrepaymentsAndDeposits; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x23e06ad5f747cf2dcd9c66086d960043 segments:LegalEntity=ShenzhenZuiXianGuiBreweryTechnologyLtd; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x23e06ad5f747cf2dcd9c66086d960043 segments:LegalEntity=ShenzhenZuiXianGuiBreweryTechnologyLtd; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xe3c0f555a5371368d6070678e0590dd9 segments:CreditFacility=RevolvingCreditFacility;Range=Maximum;VariableRate=AlternativeBaseRate; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xe3c0f555a5371368d6070678e0590dd9 segments:CreditFacility=RevolvingCreditFacility;Range=Maximum;VariableRate=AlternativeBaseRate; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x8372acfa7ad998122f392428ad6ee5b9 segments:Maturity=NotLaterThanOneYear;ProductsAndServices=LoyaltyProgramme; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x8372acfa7ad998122f392428ad6ee5b9 segments:Maturity=NotLaterThanOneYear;ProductsAndServices=LoyaltyProgramme; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x15139ff17ff48c415b255917bd8205fe segments:RelatedPartyTransaction=MrSelkoe; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x15139ff17ff48c415b255917bd8205fe segments:RelatedPartyTransaction=MrSelkoe; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x0b0c44456ba85cf9369b485978ff4302 segments:DebtInstrument=PartnershipsLoanAgreements;Range=Minimum;VariableRate=LondonInterbankOfferedRateLIBOR; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x0b0c44456ba85cf9369b485978ff4302 segments:DebtInstrument=PartnershipsLoanAgreements;Range=Minimum;VariableRate=LondonInterbankOfferedRateLIBOR; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x87c53c5e53f242a8ee3c19667f197d9c segments:CreationDate=YearNine;GeographicalAreas=CA; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x87c53c5e53f242a8ee3c19667f197d9c segments:CreationDate=YearNine;GeographicalAreas=CA; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x5257dcf04dcf798608d33002baab4de4 segments:RelatedPartyTransaction=Sponsor; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x5257dcf04dcf798608d33002baab4de4 segments:RelatedPartyTransaction=Sponsor; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x82f598e6eb00b4d337650aebd1e8d1b9 segments:BusinessAcquisition=SeriesOfIndividuallyImmaterialBusinessAcquisitions;FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClass=OrderOrProductionBacklog; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x82f598e6eb00b4d337650aebd1e8d1b9 segments:BusinessAcquisition=SeriesOfIndividuallyImmaterialBusinessAcquisitions;FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClass=OrderOrProductionBacklog; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x8047394a44df72b48c3ce0d8b14b56d0 segments:SignificantInvestmentsInSubsidiaries=IECA3HoldingsLtd; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x8047394a44df72b48c3ce0d8b14b56d0 segments:SignificantInvestmentsInSubsidiaries=IECA3HoldingsLtd; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xdc98053108de5e7b9582cadce6b57d54 segments:ProductOrService=SubscriptionBasedSecurityServices; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xdc98053108de5e7b9582cadce6b57d54 segments:ProductOrService=SubscriptionBasedSecurityServices; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x6f8bcf5d95dafcba6b02ebe207dbf9d6 segments:Risk=RiskOfImpactOfFinancialRegulationOnFund; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x6f8bcf5d95dafcba6b02ebe207dbf9d6 segments:Risk=RiskOfImpactOfFinancialRegulationOnFund; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xedbf2f96da3cd17fb20891bd5c14d5c2 segments:TypesOfRisks=CreditRisk; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xedbf2f96da3cd17fb20891bd5c14d5c2 segments:TypesOfRisks=CreditRisk; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xf0a814633db07ca0095c5cd0c1045f67 segments:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByType=Building;Range=WeightedAverage; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xf0a814633db07ca0095c5cd0c1045f67 segments:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByType=Building;Range=WeightedAverage; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x6dbab79bc07301462939f04fb29e898f segments:TypesOfSharebasedPaymentArrangements=BSPCE2016Ordinary;Vesting=TrancheOne; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x6dbab79bc07301462939f04fb29e898f segments:TypesOfSharebasedPaymentArrangements=BSPCE2016Ordinary;Vesting=TrancheOne; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xcdbb5920e9769976e0facb58bad49cf2 segments:LevelsOfFairValueHierarchy=Level3OfFairValueHierarchy;Measurement=FairValueHierarchyCarryingAmount; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xcdbb5920e9769976e0facb58bad49cf2 segments:LevelsOfFairValueHierarchy=Level3OfFairValueHierarchy;Measurement=FairValueHierarchyCarryingAmount; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x2865ab30fe7162e1895f9fecfde4a940 segments:ClassesOfAssets=Losses; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x2865ab30fe7162e1895f9fecfde4a940 segments:ClassesOfAssets=Losses; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xa1504b5d1303dd743bbcf13479dd8441 segments:RetirementPlanType=BoilermakerBlacksmithNationalPensionTrust; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xa1504b5d1303dd743bbcf13479dd8441 segments:RetirementPlanType=BoilermakerBlacksmithNationalPensionTrust; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xaa2909896846504875bc5481c23f2c34 segments:BusinessAcquisition=UnivercellsTechnologies; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xaa2909896846504875bc5481c23f2c34 segments:BusinessAcquisition=UnivercellsTechnologies; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xed3dc4775ea29080f759743b9095f875 segments:BorrowingsByName=RuralCreditNotes;ClassesOfFinancialLiabilities=IfrsBorrowings;GeographicalAreas=CountryOfDomicile;ValuationTechniquesUsedInFairValueMeasurement=DiscountRateMeasurementInput; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xed3dc4775ea29080f759743b9095f875 segments:BorrowingsByName=RuralCreditNotes;ClassesOfFinancialLiabilities=IfrsBorrowings;GeographicalAreas=CountryOfDomicile;ValuationTechniquesUsedInFairValueMeasurement=DiscountRateMeasurementInput; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x47390cd0d0b52e2f151038fb00b8da70 segments:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClass=SupplyContractAndCustomerRelationships; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x47390cd0d0b52e2f151038fb00b8da70 segments:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClass=SupplyContractAndCustomerRelationships; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x90067cfbb0a8d3267e8382925e60accc segments:LegalEntity=HarperJonesLlc; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x90067cfbb0a8d3267e8382925e60accc segments:LegalEntity=HarperJonesLlc; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xa816efb6963ddbfb7ef7da01ed39f335 segments:DebtInstrument=PromissoryNote;RelatedPartyTransaction=ClearThinkCapital; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xa816efb6963ddbfb7ef7da01ed39f335 segments:DebtInstrument=PromissoryNote;RelatedPartyTransaction=ClearThinkCapital; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x52abbc1331fff26ce38eaba384fe6bc9 segments:Risk=MarketPriceDiscountFromNetAssetValueRisk; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x52abbc1331fff26ce38eaba384fe6bc9 segments:Risk=MarketPriceDiscountFromNetAssetValueRisk; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xf0f1ac63d66500c9e4ded55075eba8f8 segments:ConsolidatedEntities=CleanTechAcquisitionCorp;SubsequentEventType=SubsequentEvent; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xf0f1ac63d66500c9e4ded55075eba8f8 segments:ConsolidatedEntities=CleanTechAcquisitionCorp;SubsequentEventType=SubsequentEvent; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xe42b6882c2c6334f01188a3d47e825b5 segments:AdjustmentsForNewAccountingPronouncements=AccountingStandardsUpdate201613;CumulativeEffectPeriodOfAdoption=CumulativeEffectPeriodOfAdoptionAdjustedBalance;EquityComponents=CommonStock; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xe42b6882c2c6334f01188a3d47e825b5 segments:AdjustmentsForNewAccountingPronouncements=AccountingStandardsUpdate201613;CumulativeEffectPeriodOfAdoption=CumulativeEffectPeriodOfAdoptionAdjustedBalance;EquityComponents=CommonStock; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xf7c765a851b9454440e7fed5c84b516a segments:ClassOfWarrantOrRight=SecondConvertibleNoteWarrants; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xf7c765a851b9454440e7fed5c84b516a segments:ClassOfWarrantOrRight=SecondConvertibleNoteWarrants; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x05e72c31c6060b1fb1e08d4ac4fbd69e segments:BusinessAcquisition=PinstripesInc;ClassOfStock=SeriesIConvertiblePreferredStock;TypeOfArrangement=SecuritiesPurchaseAgreement; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x05e72c31c6060b1fb1e08d4ac4fbd69e segments:BusinessAcquisition=PinstripesInc;ClassOfStock=SeriesIConvertiblePreferredStock;TypeOfArrangement=SecuritiesPurchaseAgreement; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0xde7ba82a18e19a136f23a92e163cfe2f segments:PolicyholderAccountBalanceAboveGuaranteedMinimumCreditingRate=PolicyholderAccountBalanceAtGuaranteedMinimumCreditingRate;PolicyholderAccountBalanceGuaranteedMinimumCreditingRateRange=PolicyholderAccountBalanceGuaranteedMinimumCreditingRateRangeFrom0300To0399;ProductOrService=FixedAccountsOfVariableAnnuities; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0xde7ba82a18e19a136f23a92e163cfe2f segments:PolicyholderAccountBalanceAboveGuaranteedMinimumCreditingRate=PolicyholderAccountBalanceAtGuaranteedMinimumCreditingRate;PolicyholderAccountBalanceGuaranteedMinimumCreditingRateRange=PolicyholderAccountBalanceGuaranteedMinimumCreditingRateRangeFrom0300To0399;ProductOrService=FixedAccountsOfVariableAnnuities; segt:0
Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated.
dimhash:0x9b54b7f2b570b5493cdb364173539a08 segments:BusinessSegments=CorporateInvestments; segt:0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Generate an entry with the following fields: dimhash, segments, and segt. The information should be tab separated. ### Response: dimhash:0x9b54b7f2b570b5493cdb364173539a08 segments:BusinessSegments=CorporateInvestments; segt:0