Objects in the photo: Drink, Hair, Face, Head, Hand, Eye, Nose
[ "Ralph looks different with his beard as you can see in this photo.", "Let's see", "Did you eat anything?" ]
[ { "message": "Hi", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "How's it going?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Hi friend.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Have you been up to anything new?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "It's going well.How about you>", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Doing fine", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "No. I've just been working on my yard> How about you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "What have you been doing with your yard?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Planting flowers. It really makes me thirsty.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I imagine, what kind of flowers?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Roses, tulips, daisies. Hey I ran into Ralph the other night at the pub.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "What did you guys do?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "We had a few cold drinks.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Sounds fun, lots of people?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yes, there were a few people there.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Did you eat anything?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "No. Ralph looks different with his beard as you can see in this photo.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Let's see", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Nice photo", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "A photo of Ralph", "An image of Ralph with beard", "a guy with a beard at a pub" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Topic Transition", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "Ralph", "Ralph looks different with his beard", "Ralph looks different with his beard as you can see in this photo." ]
The photo has your friend's daughter Diana. Objects in the photo: Girl, Hair, Footwear, Leg, Arm
[ "Her name is Diana and she sent me the cutest picture" ]
[ { "message": "Do you remember, Karen's daughter", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "yes but not right now?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Her name is Diana and she sent me the cutest picture", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "thats good", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "She is entering a hula hoop contest lol", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I\\and they are dressed so cute", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "did you get it", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "nice waiting to see the pic", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "yes", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "A photo of Diana", "An image of Diana entering a hula hoop contest with cute wearing", "Photo of a girl at hoola hoop contest" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "dressed so cute", "entering a hula hoop contest lol", "Diana", "She is entering a hula hoop contest lolSpeaker AI\\and they are dressed so cute" ]
The photo has your husband Rayan. Objects in the photo: Man, Face, Clothing
[ "That sounds delicious to me.", "It was so good. This is a photo I took while we were waiting." ]
[ { "message": "Just returned from lunch with my husband Rayan and his work friends.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "where did you go?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I felt a little out of place because they talked about work and I felt left out of the conversation.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "We went to that new restaurant, Fletcher's/", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh, I hope the food was good.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "The salads were huge! I had a salad a blackened salmon sandwich.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "That sounds delicious to me.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "It was so good. This is a photo I took while we were waiting.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "That looks very nice", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "photo of a huge blackened salmon salad ", "A photo of salads", "An image of restaurant outside" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "new restaurant,", "salads", "salads were huge! I had a salad a blackened salmon sandwich.", "while we were waiting", "This is a photo I took while we were waiting." ]
Objects in the photo: Snack, Baked goods, Fast food
[ "Do you want to see what I prepared for them?", "yes" ]
[ { "message": "hello", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "hi", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "what are you thinking about?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I am waiting for friends to come over", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "oh cool", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I made yummy baked goods and some hamburgers", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "that sounds very tasty", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I hope my friends are hungry", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "They probably will eat it all", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Do you want to see what I prepared for them?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "yes", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "wow", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "photo of yummy baked goods and a hamburger", "An image of baked goods and hamburgers", "A photo of yummy baked goods and some hamburgers" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion" ]
[ "made yummy baked goods and some hamburgers", "yummy baked goods and some hamburgers" ]
Objects in the photo: Eye, Face, Human body, Hand, Drink, Table, Man
[ "want to see a photo of our smiling faces?", "sure" ]
[ { "message": "Hello", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "hello", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "how are you today?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I'm good, how are you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "not too bad for a Tuesday", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I'm hanging out with a good friend", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "they are visiting me for a few days", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "oh yeah that's good do you see them often", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "about twice a year, so we like to really enjoy the time we have together", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "that's understandable", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "we went out for drinks and man it was a great time", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "sounds like fun", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "want to see a photo of our smiling faces?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "sure", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "nice, very nice smiles", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "thank you!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "we love to go out on the town", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "photo of two smiling people having drinks", "An image of A and friends smiling", "A photo of Speaker As' smiling faces" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ " photo of our smiling faces", "drinks and man it was a great time", "of our smiling faces?" ]
The photo has your husband Sam. Objects in the photo: Man
[ "whats the problem", "Here check out the photo." ]
[ { "message": "I had an interesting experience though", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "can u share the experience", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Sure", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I saw a guy committing a crime", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "oh so sad", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "whats the problem", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yeah. I was trying to take a picture of my husband Sam, when I saw another guy graffiting a bus stop.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Here check out the photo.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "oh terrible", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "photo of a guy grafitting a bus stop", "A photo of husband Sam", "An image of Sam, when A saw another guy graffiting a bus stop" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "trying to take a picture of my husband Sam, when I saw another guy graffiting a bus stop", "guy graffiting a bus stop.", "husband Sam" ]
Objects in the photo: screenshots, Safari, Wildlife, White-tailed deer, Animal, Antelope, Terrestrial animal, Hiking, Gazelle, Impala, Black tailed Deer, Springbok, дерево, Deer
[ { "message": "I WENT TO A WILDLIFE TOUR LAST YEAR", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "IT WAS SOO MUCH FUN..I SAW A DEER", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "No. You will plan to tour", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "WHAT ANIMAL YOU LIKE THE MOST?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Peacock", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "DO WANT TO SEE A PICTURE OF DEERS?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I HOPE YOU LIKE IT", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "a photo of deers at a wildlife tour", "A photo of deers", "An image of deers" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
The photo has your brother Tyler. Objects in the photo: Clothing, Hand, Man, Hair, Mammal, Woman
[ "Good that you are volunteering", "i'm at a volunteer thing with my brother", "That's cool" ]
[ { "message": "Are you enjoying the summer?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "yes i am. i'm abroad right now", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i'm at a volunteer thing with my brother", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "That's awesome!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Good that you are volunteering", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "he distributes food and such", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "it's my first time", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "That's cool", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "i hope to get more involved", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Good to help the needy, for sure", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Yes, you're right!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Ahh, very nice of you", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "got to get back to talking to people. talk later!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "An image of volunteering abroad", "photo of a volunteer distributing food", "A photo of Speaker A and her brother" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "volunteer thing with my brother", "he distributes food and such", "volunteer ", "at a volunteer" ]
The photo has your uncle Francisco. Objects in the photo: Bike, Man, Clothing
[ "I probably going to visit the beach while im there", "oh nice!!!! any plans there? any sights to see? florida has always been so beautiful." ]
[ { "message": "I just visited i bike rental shop", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "so cool!! did u end up buying anything?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I got a bike rental for the duration of my vacation in miami, florida", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "oh nice!!!! any plans there? any sights to see? florida has always been so beautiful.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I probably going to visit the beach while im there", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "so cool!!!! hope you enjoy your stay!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "A photo of beach", "photo of a beach in florida", "An image of beach in miami, florida" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Topic Transition", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "in miami, florida", " beach", "beach " ]
The photo has your student Daxton. Objects in the photo: Footwear, Boy
[ "Want to see it?", "YEAH...I want to see it" ]
[ { "message": "Remember when i told you about my student Daxton?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "YEAH..I REMEMBER", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Someone finally bought him some new shoes!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "cool footwear for a cool boy!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I took a photo of him wearing them", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "wow..That sounds great", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Want to see it?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "YEAH...I want to see it", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I will!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Isn't that great?!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Someone is calling me, so i have to go. Have a great night!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "photo of a boy wearing cool shoes", "A photo of Daxton", "An image of cool footwear with Daxton" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "cool footwear for a cool boy!", "Daxton", "a photo of him wearing them" ]
The photo has your husband Kairo. Objects in the photo: Man, Boy, Face, Sports uniform
[ "wanna see?", "What sportdid he play?" ]
[ { "message": "Everything Ok", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I just relaxing", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "yes yes", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "my husband was playing sports yesterday", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "in his uniform", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i took a picture of him because he looked like a little boy with his face", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "What sportdid he play?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "track", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "wanna see?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "good", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "photo of an old guy looking childish at a track sport", "An image of A's husband wearing his uniform on track", "A photo of husband" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion" ]
[ "husband", "track", "my husband was playing sports yesterday", "looked like a little boy with his face", "in his uniform" ]
The photo has your friend Zhavia. Objects in the photo: Sports equipment, Face, Woman
[ "Wow! can I see?", "can I see?" ]
[ { "message": "I'm happy to hear that.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "What have you been up to lately?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "nothing really, just work", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "how about you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I understand that!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I went to my daughter, Zhavia's, volleyball game this weekend!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "oh really!?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "nice!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "how did it go?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yes - it was great - her team won! And I got to take lots of pictures!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Wow! can I see?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Sure - here is one of her getting ready to volley the ball...", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "she looks like a Pro!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "you must be proud", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "She loves the game - and I am very proud.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I can imagine!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "wish her all the best!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Thanks for hanging out and chatting with me! Gotta go cook dinner for my girl now!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "An image of ready process of Zhavia's vollyball game", "A photo of Zhavia's volleyball game", "Photo of a winning team at a volleyball game" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification", "Information Dissemination" ]
[ "Zhavia's, volleyball game", "volleyball game this weekend!", "here is one of her getting ready to volley the ball..." ]
Objects in the photo: Beer, Bottle, Wine glass
[ "OK what happened?", "It was soooooo gooood", "Yeah and then?" ]
[ { "message": "what's up?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "what a night", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "im all over the road", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "OK what happened?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Whaaaaat!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I kept drinkin my beer", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Okay", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "It was soooooo gooood", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Yeah and then?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "BooooooooooooZE", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "A photo of nice icon", "A photo of a person laying on the road", "An image of drunken A" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ " gooood", "I kept drinkin my beer", "im all over the road", "Yeah and then?" ]
Objects in the photo: Fast food, Baked goods, Sandwich
[ "What kind of sandwiches?", "pig, cow or chicken?" ]
[ { "message": "Hi, what are you up to?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Hello friend! Just got back from a trip to Texas", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh, what part?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Houston. I'm going to miss the food down there", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Like what especially?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "We went to this hole in the wall place for sandwiches that was really good", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "What kind of sandwiches?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "All kinds, but mostly barbecue", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "pig, cow or chicken?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "They had everything you could think of. I got brisket and my buddy got roast pork", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Mine turned out great, his could've looked better", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh yeah, that is pretty sad!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of barbecue sandwiches place", "image of all kinds of meat barbecue sadwitches", "A photo of sandwiches" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "wall place for sandwiches", "sandwiches", "but mostly barbecue", "They had everything you could think of. I" ]
The photo has your husband Easton. Objects in the photo: Man, Plant, Footwear
[ "It was beautiful. An outdoor ceremony.", "Do you want to see a picture?", "really" ]
[ { "message": "I was just going through my old wedding pictures.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Remember our wedding?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "no", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "sorry", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Oh, I thought you were there.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "really", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "It was beautiful. An outdoor ceremony.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "great", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "We were so happy when we left.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Do you want to see a picture?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "interesting", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "nice ya", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "A photo of outdoor ceremony", "photo of an outdoor wedding", "An image of outdoor ceremony of wedding" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Social Bonding", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "outdoor ceremony.", " An outdoor ceremony.", "wedding pictures", "my old wedding pictures." ]
Objects in the photo: Snack, Person, Drink, Clothing
[ "ice. My kid is a little older. Do you wanna share a photo?", " Do you wanna share a photo?", "Do you wanna share a photo?" ]
[ { "message": "hello how are you", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Great thanks. What are you up to tonight?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I am watching my kid play", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Cool! How is it going so far?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "its going good. she seems to be having fun", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Nice. That's good to hear. How old is she?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "she is 2 years old", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Nice. My kid is a little older. Do you wanna share a photo?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "they grow up so fast", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Yeah she's a big girl now", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "photo of a 2 year old kid", "A photo of Speaker A's kid", "An image of A's kid playing" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ " kid play", "kid", "she is 2 years old", " watching my kid play" ]
The photo has your brother Salvador. Objects in the photo: Man
[ "he showed me photo about his team", "how'd it go>" ]
[ { "message": "Hi there", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "hello!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "How are you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "great!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Okay good", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I am with my brother now, he is talking about his experience in the football team", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "oh nice!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Football is definitely my favorite game", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "you know they were having a match last weekend", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh wow okay", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "how'd it go>", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "he showed me photo about his team", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "they won!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh nice", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "straight out of the locker room", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Congrats!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "haha", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "thanks!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "photo of a football team", "A photo of brother's team", "An image of A's brother's football team" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "photo about his team", " photo about his team", "Football ", "his experience in the football team" ]
The photo has your granddaughter Amaris. Objects in the photo: Girl
[ "for u", "do want to see the picture" ]
[ { "message": "how is ur day going", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "doing some project works", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "for u", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Im spending time with my grand daughter", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "do want to see the picture", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "wow nice one", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "picture of a guy spending time with his granddaughter", "A photo of grand daughter", "An image of A's granddaughter" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "spending time with my grand daughter", "grand daughter", "pending time with my grand daughter" ]
Objects in the photo: Dessert, Clothing, Fast food, Pancake, Baked goods
[ "Check it out.", "Sorry. you typed when I did. Cool beans. Where did you go?" ]
[ { "message": "how's it hanging today?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Pretty great, you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Not half bad. Bored as usual.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I hear ya. My buddy and I went out for brunch today. The pancakes were amazing.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "So what's on your mind today?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Baked goods and dessert at the moment. lol", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Sorry. you typed when I did. Cool beans. Where did you go?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "To this place called Minnie's. It's kind o casual fast food. I wore my new shirt.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "It's the first piece of clothing I bought since stay at home orders.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Check it out.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Nice! I have never been there. The shirt looks comfy. Where you get that? I might want one.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of casual fast food with A wearing new shirt", "photo of a new shirt", "A photo of new shirt" ]
[ "Topic Transition", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion" ]
[ "new shirt", "new shirt.", " bought since stay at home orders.", "casual fast food. I wore my new shirt." ]
Objects in the photo: Animal, Honey bees, Invertebrate, Insect, Bee, flores
[ "I'm sitting at home now looking through some old photographs.", "Would you like to see one of my favorites It's a cool shot of a honey bee near a beautiful flower.", "i see" ]
[ { "message": "have you been out in nature lately?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "yes", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Me too, though not as much as I'd lik.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "ok", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "like varymuch", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I'm sitting at home now looking through some old photographs.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i see", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "than", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Would you like to see one of my favorites It's a cool shot of a honey bee near a beautiful flower.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "ok", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I hope you like it!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "photo of a honey bee near a beautiful flower", "An image of honey bee near a flower", "A photo of a honey bee near a beautiful flower." ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "shot of a honey bee near a beautiful flower.", "cool shot of a honey bee near a beautiful flower.", "sitting at home now looking through some old photographs.", "a honey bee near a beautiful flower." ]
The photo has your daughter Jolie. Objects in the photo: Face, Clothing, Girl, Man
[ "How many girls are on the team?", "Hey, this academic competition is pretty intense. ", "Sounds good! They all look pretty bored actually" ]
[ { "message": "Hey, this academic competition is pretty intense. My daughter Jolie is sitting over there with the other girls on her team!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Man, I'm getting hungry waiting here, did you eat yet?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "No I have not ate yet what sounds good to you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Well that man ordered some crab cakes earlier. The guy in the black clothing. Maybe we should get some?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "We should also get some for the kids, they're all pretty tired looking.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Im not big on crab cakes but i do like lobster", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "How many girls are on the team?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Sounds good! They all look pretty bored actually", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Looks like 3 girls", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Is your son in the team?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "No hes not participating thi year", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh, I see", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Maybe next year then?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "It was nice talking to you! Let's meet up again after the event.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "photo of girls looking bored at an academic team competition", "An image of Jolie's team", "A photo of academic competition" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Visual Clarification", "Information Dissemination" ]
[ "girls", "Jolie is sitting over there with the other girls on her team!", "academic competition", "retty bored " ]
The photo has your husband Matteo. Objects in the photo: Face, Man
[ "you sen any pic" ]
[ { "message": "you attend any party", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I WAS JUST GOING THROUGH MY INSTAGRAM YOU", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "yes i will use Instagram", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "you sen any pic", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "in Instagram", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "YES I WAS SEEING THAT PICTURES ONLY I MISS DAY WENT WITH MY HUSBAND MATTEO", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "OH SURE", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "NICE AH", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "wow funny moment", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "to nice", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "Picture of husband with some other guy", "A photo of husband Matteo", "An image of A's husband and party" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification" ]
Objects in the photo: Computer keyboard
[ "oh man. I just broke my keyboard!", "I'll send you a pic." ]
[ { "message": "what are you doing", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I'm just chilling at home and spending time online.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "what about you? haven't talked to you in ages.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "nice day", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "the same thing I just told you, you jokester!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "yes", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "you forgotten your English?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "ok", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "oh man. I just broke my keyboard!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "take a look at what I did. I'll send you a pic.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "nice", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "wow", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "maybe you could buy me a new one for my birthday?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i am use keyboard", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "huh?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "black color", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "are you okay????", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "you don't sound like your normal self.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "yes,", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I better get going. Please get some rest.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "night.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "welcome", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "no", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of broken keyboard", "A photo of broken keyboard", "photo of broken keyboard" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "take a look at what I did. I'll send you a pic.", "broke my keyboard", "broke my keyboard!", " I just broke my keyboard!" ]
The photo has your friend Hugo. Objects in the photo: Man
[ "wait i'll send my friends photo", "thats good I like hanging with friend in the summer" ]
[ { "message": "how was the ady?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "day?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "It was not too bad today. a little warm.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "okay", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "what are you up to?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "am good... awesome climate", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "what are you doing now?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "lucky you. I can wait for the fall weather again", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "ohh okay", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "taking some time to relax and wind down", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "ok good", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "am just enjoying with my friends", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "thats good I like hanging with friend in the summer", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "yeah that moment was awesome", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "wait i'll send my friends photo", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I havent had much time to see my friends lately but hopefully soon", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "great!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "thats awesome looks like fun", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "thanks for sharing", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of friends hanging in the summer", "photo of enjoying fall weather with freinds", "A photo of Speaker A's friends" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "enjoying with my friends", "my friends photo", " hanging with friend in the summer" ]
Objects in the photo: Bottle, Clothing, Face, Beer
[ "Sure show me how you feel good that was" ]
[ { "message": "How's your day", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Good but I am tired.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Why what happened", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I went out with some friends to a bar last night.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "We had some buckets of beer.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Is there anything wrong", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Ohh you mean hangover", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yes!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I thought you were going to be there last night.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Try some lemon", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "i will.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Sure show me how you feel good that was", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "you missed out on a good time.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I didn't knew about that", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "is that you", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "yes with another friend.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "photo of freinds having a good time", "A photo of smile icon", "An image of friends with beer" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ " buckets of beer.", "some friends to a bar last night.", "you missed out on a good time", "you missed out on a good time.", "went out with some friends" ]
Objects in the photo: Baked goods, Sandwich, Dessert
[ " I got it at a local sandwich shop", "Wow that is a delicious description! I'll have to try it sometime" ]
[ { "message": "hi, I've just had a wonderful lunch", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "That sounds wonderful", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "What did you eat?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "a reuben sandwich, and some soup", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "A good choice!!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yeah, the soup was a hearty, cheesy affair that came with the sandwich", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "absolutely fantastic", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Wow that is a delicious description! I'll have to try it sometime", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yeah, I got it at a local sandwich shop", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Looks amazing!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of reuben sandwich and soup", "A photo of local sandwich", "A photo of a reuben sandwich with some cheesy soup" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ " local sandwich ", " reuben sandwich, and some soup", "a reuben sandwich, and some soup" ]
Objects in the photo: Snack, Baked goods, Dessert
[ "eagerly waiting to see.", "See look", "eagerly waiting to see.." ]
[ { "message": "how are you dear?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I'm great! How are you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i'm fine here..", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "what's up?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Great! You would not believe what my mom just brought home", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "what?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "eagerly waiting to see..", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "These delicious oreo cookies", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I have never seen anything like it", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "wow!!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "See look", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "do you like oreo like me?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Don't those look fabulous?!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "And yes I do!!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "wow it's a new flavour..", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "fantabulous", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "It must be!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "nice dear..", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Well I think I am going to go eat some with my mom but I'll let you know how they are later", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Bye!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "may i join with you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Sure", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "enjoy dear..", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Thanks!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "have a great day..", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "You too!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "with oreo", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "tank you buddy.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": ":)", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "how's your day?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "photo of oreos", "A photo of delicious oreo cookies", "An image of oreo cookies" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "These delicious oreo cookies", " delicious oreo cookies", "delicious oreo cookies" ]
The photo has your boyfriend Jason. Objects in the photo: Man, Face
[ "The photo shows Jason in a heated discussion with another man. I guess it's the reality of his everyday life at work, but at home he is really chill.", "I will show you the photo.", "that's cool. I couldn't see myself dating one." ]
[ { "message": "Hello there.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "hello", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "how are you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "ok. you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I'm good. What are you up to? I'm just looking at old photos.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "just on Mturk. Old photos of what?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I am currently looking at a picture of my boyfriend Jason. He's a politician.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "how is it being with a politician?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "The photo shows Jason in a heated discussion with another man. I guess it's the reality of his everyday life at work, but at home he is really chill.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "that's cool. I couldn't see myself dating one.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "yeah, me either honestly. I didn't know what his job was at first.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I will show you the photo.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "do you campaign with him?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "No, i stay out of it, at least for now!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Well I hope you have a good day!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "lol good.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "A photo of Jason in a heated discussion", "Photo of two individuals having a heated discussion", "An image of Jason discussing with another man" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification", "Information Dissemination" ]
[ "Jason in a heated discussion", "my boyfriend Jason. He's a politician.", "Jason in a heated discussion with another man.", "photo shows Jason in a heated discussion with another man." ]
Objects in the photo: Drink, Tableware, Fast food
[ "My wife made this amazing coconut breaded chicken. ", "Very true!! I just have a habit of stopping off on my way home from work. This does look really good though!", "Dang, I mean if she can make stuff like coconut breaded chicken, why wouldn't you?" ]
[ { "message": "How are you doing?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I'm doing OK, how are you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I'm good!! Just having dinner.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh nice, what are you having?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "My wife made this amazing coconut breaded chicken. And drinks too.. She said she got tired of me eating fast food all the time!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Ha! Sounds like rewarding bad behavior to me", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "She's hoping I'll stick around for her cooking more often instead of going out! She even got out the good tableware.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Dang, I mean if she can make stuff like coconut breaded chicken, why wouldn't you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Very true!! I just have a habit of stopping off on my way home from work. This does look really good though!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Ooh fancy, send on my compliments.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "photo of coconut bread chicken", "An image of breaded chiken and tableware", "A photo of amazing coconut breaded chicken" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "around for her cooking more often instead of going out! She even got out the good tableware", "amazing coconut breaded chicken. And drinks too..", " amazing coconut breaded chicken" ]
Objects in the photo: Clothing, Baked goods, Snack, Fast food
[ "What was it like? Where did you eat?" ]
[ { "message": "How's it going?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I am good!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Just came back from lunch", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "What was it like? Where did you eat?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "it was an interseting little place", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "they had bagels, kabebs, and pizza", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Wow! Sounds great.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I love the design of the place.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "it was! I had a slice of pizza and brought home some bagels.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Sweet.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "prices are reasonable as well", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Sure looks like it.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "only downside is that it is a very small place", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Looks like they were busy, though!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "yeah.. the wait was abut 20 minutes", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Wow.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of bagles, kabebs and pizza", "photo of bagels, kebabs and pizza", "A photo of bagels, kabebs, and pizza" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Visual Clarification", "Information Dissemination" ]
[ "they had bagels, kabebs, and pizza", "bagels, kabebs, and pizza", " had bagels, kabebs, and pizza" ]
The photo has your dad Lyle. Objects in the photo: Clothing, Face, Man
[ "Want to see a picture?", "yes i need to see" ]
[ { "message": "I went to a conference recently with my dad.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Thats great", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "It was interesting. I started working for him recently.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Have you been to any conferences?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Is any anything special in tjat conference", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "ya i went office related conference", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "We met a lady that my dad thinks is interested in me.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Want to see a picture?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "yes i need to see", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "looking good", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "A photo of lady that Speaker A's dad thinks is interested in Speaker A", "photo of a lady", "An image of lady in conference" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Visual Clarification", "Information Dissemination" ]
[ "lady that my dad thinks is interested", "conference recently with my dad.", "a lady that my dad thinks is interested in me.", "lady that my dad thinks is interested in me" ]
Objects in the photo: Drink, Hair, Tableware, Clothing, Hand
[ "i can see one photo", "send me", "you can see any photo" ]
[ { "message": "hi friend", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "how are you", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Hi friend", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I am fine", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "you can see any photo", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "what is happening", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "please send", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "its a pleasant day..", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "i can see one photo", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh thats cool", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "How it looks like", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "send me", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "its a nice picture", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "thats interesting", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "send me the picture", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "resturent picture in husband and wife", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Cool", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "photo of a husband and wife in a restaurant", "A photo of resturent with husband and wife", "An image of husband and wife" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification", "Information Dissemination" ]
[ "resturent picture in husband and wife" ]
Objects in the photo: Man, Drink, Clothing
[ "yes I am interested", "you might be interested", "i've been busy organizing my photos" ]
[ { "message": "whats up friend", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I'm pretty good", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "i've been busy organizing my photos", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i was at a banquet", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "and there was a man with drinks", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "he was teaching us about different kinds of things", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Wow that cool", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "you might be interested", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "yes I am interested", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "that's great", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "A photo of banquet", "An image of a man with drinks", "image of a man with drinks at a banquet" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Social Bonding", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "a man with drinks", "banquet", " banquet", "teaching us about different kinds of things", "there was a man with drinks" ]
Objects in the photo: Drink, Bottle, Clothing
[ "Have you tried the new Coke products?", "Yes. They're very popular. Alot of my friends drink them while gaming or studying on their laptops", "Right on" ]
[ { "message": "lol", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Have you tried the new Coke products?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I'm not sure. Which ones?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Any of them. They are all awesome", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh I guess I didn't even realize they had some", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Out of the loop", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yes. They're very popular. Alot of my friends drink them while gaming or studying on their laptops", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Right on", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Aha", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of new Coke products with gaming laptop", "A photo of new Coke products", "image of new coke products" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "Alot of my friends drink them while gaming or studying on their laptops", "new ", "Coke products?", "new Coke products?", "new Coke products" ]
Objects in the photo: Fashion accessory
[ "Sure I'd love to see them" ]
[ { "message": "How are you doing?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "great, just finished shopping", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh nice", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I'm going to do some of that later on today", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "what did you get?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I found a great sale for hats", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Okay cool", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Any specific kind of hat?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "there are a bunch left if you want to check it out", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "white with some black shapes", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Sure I'd love to see them", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "looks pretty cool, doesn't it?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "oh wow star wars themed", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yeah for sure", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "thanks for sharing", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "image of white hats with black shapes", "An image of hats with some black shapes", "A photo of white hat with some black shapes" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ " great sale for hats", "hat", "white with some black shapes", "great sale for hats", "some black shapes" ]
Objects in the photo: Drink, Mouth, Head, Hair
[ " i spend a lots of time with my cousin", "wait a second i will share my cousin pic" ]
[ { "message": "what are you doing", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "nothing much just sitting here", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "today is good because i spend a lots of time with my cousin", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "yeah", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "wait a second i will share my cousin pic", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "ok got it", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "sure", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "A photo of cousin", "An image of A\"s cousin", "image of Speaker with their cousin" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ " spend a lots of time with my cousin", "my cousin", "cousin" ]
Objects in the photo: Jacket
[ "Look what I got you." ]
[ { "message": "Have you been outside today?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Unfortunately no", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I was working", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "That's too bad. It makes me a little sad.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "from home", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Me too", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Working here too..just have to clear the cobwebs sometimes though.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Walk around the yard, see what's eating my plants.. you know.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "General thing.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Say do you remember when we went to that Van City outlet last fall?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Sure", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "We saw that super cool jacket. You wouldn't shut up about it.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I just would look cool in that.. You kept talking about it.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Of course", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Look what I got you.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "This will be your early Christmas Present.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Yeah, its my favorite", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "You may not get another one from me for a while.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "An image of jacket", "image of a super cool jacket", "A photo of super cool jacket" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "super cool jacket", "super cool jacket. You wouldn't shut up about it.", "We saw that super cool jacket." ]
Objects in the photo: Beer, Wine glass, Bottle
[ "Not too bad, and there was a live band", "there should have been more food", "LOL" ]
[ { "message": "Hey there, it was quite the night out last night", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "so much fun!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "i don't remember quite all of it though", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "That bar was a bit sketchy, but me and my girlfriends had fun", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "thats all that matters!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yeah, my memory is a little hazy too", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "was it crowded?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Not too bad, and there was a live band", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "oh right! music!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Next time I need to eat a real dinner BEFORE drinks though", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "there should have been more food", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "\"Beer for Punks\" LOL", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Cheers!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "yum!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "photo of friends having beer", "A photo of smile icon", "An image of the drinks in a bar" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ " bar was a bit sketchy, ", " I need to eat a real dinner BEFORE drinks", " LOL", "Beer for Punks\"" ]
Objects in the photo: Hair, Drink, Face, Clothing
[ "I will send you a photo", "you really enjoyed yourself!" ]
[ { "message": "Hello! How are you doing?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i'm good", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Great to hear. I had a great night last night!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "wow!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "We went to a rooftop bar that had a great view of the city. I wish you were there!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "really!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "how did it goes?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "It was fun, and I met some nice people too. Let me show you!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "you really enjoyed yourself!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I will send you a photo", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "great!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "Photo of a city view", "An image of a rooftop bar that had a great view of the city", "A photo of nice people who Speaker A met" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification", "Information Dissemination" ]
[ "rooftop bar that had a great view of the city.", " rooftop bar that had a great view of the city.", "nice people" ]
Objects in the photo: Drink, Baked goods, Dessert, Snack, Dairy
[ "ooh let me see" ]
[ { "message": "hey how's it goign", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "good how r u", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I'm great", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "awesome", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "trying to decide what to eat for snack", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "yeah thats always hard", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I thought I'd just google some good ideas lol", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "haha smart", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "what do you think of cookies and milk?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "depends on what kind!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "baked goods are my favorite! this one i'm seeing is raspberry and chocolate chip with chocolate milk!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "looks amazing", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "ooh let me see", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "wow", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "photo of rasberry and chocolate chip cookies with milk", " raspberry and chocolate chip cookies with chocolate milk", "A photo of raspberry and chocolate chip with chocolate milk" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ " raspberry and chocolate chip with chocolate milk", "cookies and milk?", "raspberry and chocolate chip with chocolate milk!" ]
The photo has your friend's son Lachlan. Objects in the photo: Boy, Footwear, Jeans
[ "How old is her son?", "Oh I see. He looks like her?", "He looks like her?" ]
[ { "message": "What are you up to this morning? Anything special?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "It's a sunny nice Cali day here.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Looking at a photo of my friend and her son Lachlan.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Cool! Is your friend close to you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "She's trying to tempt him with a Gravenstein Apple, he's not too interested though.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Yeah, from school days back in the past. She has towheads though.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Ha! Well kids these days. How old is her son?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "toeheads I mean.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Lachlan was only a year and a half here.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "The brother and sis are there too, so cute.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh I see. He looks like her?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Nice photo!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "A photo of brother and sis", "photo of four kids", "An image of A's friend and her a year and a half years old son Lachlan" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification", "Information Dissemination" ]
[ "photo of my friend and her son Lachlan.", "brother and sis", "Lachlan was only a year and a half here." ]
The photo has your sister Tenley. Objects in the photo: Woman
[ "Take a picture. I want to see." ]
[ { "message": "How are you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Cool. I am hanging out with my sister Tenley. Remember her?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Yes, I do. How are you guys doing?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Well we are just goofing off", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "You get along very well. That is nice.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "She is trying to make a face mask out of her blanket haha", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "She wrapped the blanket around her face now", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Take a picture. I want to see.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "well hang on", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "that looks funny", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "A photo of sister Tenley", "Photo of a girl with a blanket wrapped around her face", "An image of Tenley wrapped the blanket around her face to make a mask" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "She wrapped the blanket around her face now", "sister Tenley", "She is trying to make a face mask out of her blanket haha", "my sister Tenley." ]
The photo has your friend's son Jasper. Objects in the photo: Boy, Face
[ "yep. I miss it.", "Hopefully the schools with reopen soon and you can get your classroom back!" ]
[ { "message": "I've been trying to keep busy too but it's hard to teach people over the internet", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Kids just don't pay attention", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Yeah, I don't know how you manage with those kids!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yep. I actually am pretty good at class management though", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "When it's in person", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Hopefully the schools with reopen soon and you can get your classroom back!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "yep. I miss it.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "just not the same online", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Ha, looks like the kids are enjoying the lesson at least!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yeah, I'll be glad when things get back to normal.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "oh yea. Believe it or not, kids love learning if you give them a chance to", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Yup.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Well, talk to you later", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "A photo of sad icon", "Photo of a classroom", "An image of kids in person class" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "n trying to keep busy too but it's hard to teach people over the internet", "When it's in person", "am pretty good at class management though", "I miss it.", "classroom" ]
Objects in the photo: Rabbit, Animal
[ "would like to see it", "sure i want" ]
[ { "message": "i have two bunny here", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "would like to see it", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "the are so pretty", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "wow, i like bunny", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "sure i want", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "me to", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "can't wait", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "so cute, thanks", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "A photo of bunny", "An image of two bunny", "photo of 2 bunnies" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification", "Information Dissemination" ]
[ "have two bunny here", "bunny" ]
The photo has your student Louise. Objects in the photo: Girl
[ "we can celebrate for your birthday that’s coming up", "of course!!! can I see the pictures you took? :) wish I was there!" ]
[ { "message": "i just had a birthday party for a girl student in my clas", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "great! excited that summer is close! but wow that sounds so fun! did you save me any cake? :)", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "yeah summer will be great!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "haha no i got some pictures of her opening gifts though", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "sounds super fun! I would love to see what she got! I’ve always loved seeing people’s reactions to things, you know that about me! :)", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "yeah i do know that about you! it was super fun thanks !", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "of course!!! can I see the pictures you took? :) wish I was there!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "i wish you had been here as well!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "next time! we can celebrate for your birthday that’s coming up! :)", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "awww so cute! I love the gift wrap! so original!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of a birthday party for a girl student", "photo of a girl's birthday party in a classroom", "A photo of birthday" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification", "Human and Entertainment" ]
[ "birthday party for a girl student in my clas", "a birthday party for a girl student in my clas", "birthday" ]
The photo has your grandson Darwin. Objects in the photo: Boy, Furniture
[ "How old is he now?", "That's good! How old is he now?" ]
[ { "message": "How are you doing?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I'm well. I was worried when you didn't answer. All good?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Sorry, it got busy here with the baby", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "No worries. I'm good.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "That's alright. I totally understand.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "How's baby?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "He is a handful now, but thankfully my wife is home today", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "That's good! How old is he now?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "We are getting some fresh air. He's 2", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Aw that's a nice photo!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "He's getting big!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "thanks.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "Photo of outdoors", "A photo of baby", "An image of a two years old baby" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "fresh air", "with the baby", " He's 2", "busy here with the baby" ]
The photo has your grandson Watson. Objects in the photo: Boy
[ "Can I see the photo if you don't mind?", "would you like to see?" ]
[ { "message": "Hi. I am working right now. What are you up to?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I'm looking at a photo", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Cool, cool. What is it of?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "My grandson Watson. It was from our vacation", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh, is this a recent vacation or something from years ago?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "It was a recent vacation in China. It was just me and my grandson", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Cool. Sounds like a fun bonding trip.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Can I see the photo if you don't mind?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "would you like to see?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Absolutely", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "What a nice shot!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "A photo of vacation in China", "Photo of a chinese vacation", "An image of A and A's grandson in China" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification", "Information Dissemination" ]
[ "vacation in China", "recent vacation in China", "vacation in China. It was just me and my grandson" ]
The photo has your friend Holland. Objects in the photo: Drink, Woman, Clothing
[ "How was it?" ]
[ { "message": "What did you do today", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "i just come back in a party", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "What!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "i meet all my old friends it's really cool", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "How was it?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Did you get wasted?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "it was great", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Lol thats good", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Nice", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of A and A's old friends in a party", "A photo of smile face", "Photo of a party with old freinds" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "all my old friends", "party", "back in a party", "it was great" ]
Objects in the photo: Drink, Clothing, Face
[ "Did you guys meet up?", "I snuck in and took a picture of her." ]
[ { "message": "How are you today?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I'm doing well and you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Good. I was just at an art auction.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh that sounds exciting!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "How was it?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "It was interesting. I didnt buy anything but it was fun.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Were the art pieces being sold very expensive?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yes they were way out of my price range.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I would imagine so!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I'd like to check it out sometime.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "A friend of mine was doing a buisness presentation in one of the other rooms.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "How did that go?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Did you guys meet up?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I snuck in and took a picture of her.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "She looks beautiful!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Shes just starting her own buisness", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "That's cool. I hope it goes well!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "A photo of buisness presentation ", "An image of A and A's partners at an art auction", "photo of a girl doing an online business presentation" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "A friend of mine was doing a buisness presentation", " and took a picture of her.", "doing a buisness presentation in one of the other rooms.", "buisness presentation", "at an art auction" ]
The photo has your brother Odin. Objects in the photo: Man, Skateboard
[ "Yeah, it is. See him here, doing his thing . . .", "Thats really cool!!" ]
[ { "message": "Hi, how are you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Fine. How have you been. Long time, no see.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I have been good, thank you for asking", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Great. It's been about 5 years since you moved from the neighborhood!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "How is your little sister Abby?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Yes it has! You still live there right?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "She is good", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "That's good. Remember my brother Odin? He is so grown up now.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I do remember him! How old is he now?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "He's 17. He just won a skateboard contest. He's good.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Thats really cool!!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yeah, it is. See him here, doing his thing . . .", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Wow, he looks like he is really good!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "He is, I taught him!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "Photo a teen boy skateboarding", "An image of Odin with a skateboard prize", "A photo of brother Odin" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "He's 17. He just won a skateboard contest. ", " He just won a skateboard", "brother Odin" ]
The photo has your husband Jamir. Objects in the photo: Fedora, Man, Face
[ " would like to share a good photo with you", "I am still waiting, would like to share a good photo with you", "Share Somthing" ]
[ { "message": "Hey friend what’s up?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Its just watching", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I am thinking of when I saw my 3 friends", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "How is weather in there", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Very hot!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Here also its hot are you have somthing", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I am still waiting, would like to share a good photo with you", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Yah sure wait for somthing", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Share Somthing", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I am waiting to be able to share photo", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Still won’t share, I am waiting...sorry friend", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Wow its nice", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of A and A's friends ", "A photo of 3 friends", "photo of hot sun" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification", "Human and Entertainment" ]
[ "a good photo with you", "Very hot!", "3 friends", " I saw my 3 friends", "weather" ]
Objects in the photo: Building, Drink, Person
[ { "message": "What you doing?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "SEEING MY WEEKEND PHOTOS", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Where did you go", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "YOU WANT TO SEE THAT", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Ya sure", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I WENT TO A SHOP", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "IT HAVE MANY DRINKS", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Nice", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "photo of a shop with many drinks", "A photo of many drinks", "An image of many drinks at a shop" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Social Bonding", "Visual Clarification" ]
The photo has your student Skylar. Objects in the photo: Clothing, Boy, Face
[ "Here allow me a second to show you if you have a moment?", "Any good cluse in the photo?", "Great! I actually just found it. And it shows two blonde children next to their mother and father. You wanna see?" ]
[ { "message": "Hi there", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "How you doin'?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Great and I hope you are as well", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "There is a picture here", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "And it shows a really nice family of four in what seems to be a formal dining room", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh yeah, fantastic myself. Where did you get a photo of a family having dinner?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Great! I actually just found it. And it shows two blonde children next to their mother and father. You wanna see?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Sure I do. Do you know the people?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I do not, actually. I happened to find it on the road.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Here allow me a second to show you if you have a moment?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Aww, poor family lost a photo. Would be cool if you could track them down and give it back.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I hope to. I think they must live nearby here.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Yeah? Any good cluse in the photo?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Here:", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "sorry... clues... lol.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yeah they are there! Very nice family", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "That's a good looking family.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of two blonde children next to their mother and father", "photo of 2 blonde children next to their parent", "A photo of poor family" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "it shows two blonde children next to their mother and father. You wanna see?", " nice family of four in what seems to be a formal dining room", "two blonde children next to their mother and fathe", " poor family" ]
Objects in the photo: Drink, Bottle, Cat
[ "That's funny. Cats are so random sometimes but great.", "I gotta show a picture", "He wanted some lol. Did he manage to drink it?" ]
[ { "message": "Remember, Billy? My cat?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Yes! How is he now?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "He's the best cat ever.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "He is great! So we went to a restaurant and Billy wanted to open the wine bottle", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I couldn't control my laughter", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "He wanted some lol. Did he manage to drink it?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "He was struggling with the bottle for about 5 minutes", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "That's funny. Cats are so random sometimes but great.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I gotta show a picture", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Hit me with it!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Amazing pic but hilarious too!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "Photo of a cat trying to open a wine bottle", "A photo of Billy", "An image of cat, Bily struggling with the bottle" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "He's the best cat ever.Speaker AHe is great! So we went to a restaurant and Billy wanted to open the wine bottle", "Billy", "Billy wanted to open the wine bottle", "struggling with the bottle for about 5 minutes" ]
Objects in the photo: Face, Drink, Table, Snack
[ "Lets hear or see them friend", "do you want to see?" ]
[ { "message": "do you like to go to restaurants?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i am missing it now?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Yes ive been trying to find new ones to attend", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "good", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "You have any suggestions", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "ya", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i have been looking through my old photos", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Lets hear or see them friend", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "do you want to see?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "That place looks awesome lets go", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of a restaurant", "A photo about Speaker A's past", "photo of a restaurant" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "restaurants?", "my old photos", "looking through my old photos" ]
Objects in the photo: Fashion accessory
[ "i will bought for you only", "i will send you the pic now" ]
[ { "message": "sunday i bought a hairband and the colour is amazing", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i will bought for you only", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i will send you the pic now", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "o great for me", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "thanks a lot", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "it is for me", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "o nice nice", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "how is it", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "wow nice one", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of a hairband with nice color", "A photo of hairband", "photo of a a hairband with great color" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Social Bonding", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "hairband", "a hairband and the colour is amazing" ]
Objects in the photo: Fruit, Dairy, Snack
[ "great i ate fruit,dairy,snack", "how bout you", "sounds almost healthy there lol" ]
[ { "message": "heeey, how ya been", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "im good you", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "what did you ate for your lunch?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I'm good just coming in from school", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "i ate tofu and fry rice it was awesome", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "how bout you", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "great i ate fruit,dairy,snack", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "ouu, sounds almost healthy there lol", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "yeah i am quite a health concerned person", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "looks good save some for me next time", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "of course", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "okii", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of fruit, dairy, and snack", "photo of fruit dairy and snack", "A photo of fruit, dairy, and snack" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Social Bonding", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ " fruit,dairy,snack", "fruit,dairy,snack" ]
Objects in the photo: Animal, Salamander, Cave, Long-tailed salamander
[ "I am sending you a picture", "why" ]
[ { "message": "How are you doing today?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Fine", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Working", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "So you remember I have wanted to go on a hike for a while now", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I finally went today", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh my. I did not realize how much I was scared of height until today", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I could feel my heart beat in my throat", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "m ok", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "But I saw something rather fascinating on in the rocks today", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I dunno what it is but looks like a lizard-like creature", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "why", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I am sending you a picture", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Do you know what animal that is?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Really cute thing!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "what is this", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I'll have to run now. Still gotta pick up my kids from a friend", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Have fun buddy!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "photo of a lizard like creature", "A photo of lizard-like creature", "An image of lizard-like crature in the rock" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Social Bonding", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "izard-like creature", "looks like a lizard-like creature", "lizard-like creature", "fascinating on in the rocks" ]
The photo has your nephew Reece. Objects in the photo: Boy, Man, Footwear
[ "What does he look like now? Grow up a lot?", "I will show you his picture", "Speaker BFrom long ago. What does he look like now? Grow up a lot?" ]
[ { "message": "I am in Mexico with my nephew Reecee", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Cool. Any interesting visits?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "we are walking around now in a small town", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Probably some cool unique people there", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "do you remember Reece, my nephew?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "From long ago. What does he look like now? Grow up a lot?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yes, a teenager now", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I will show you his picture", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Cool", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "photo of a teenager in mexico", "An image of teenager Reecee", "A photo of Reece" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Social Bonding", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "Reece", " show you his picture", "teenager", " a teenager now", "in Mexico with my nephew Reecee" ]
The photo has your student Trey. Objects in the photo: Man
[ "i love all pets. i don't discriminate", "i have two dogs" ]
[ { "message": "do you like pets", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i do. i love pets", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "i like pets more", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i love dogs", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i love all pets. i don't discriminate", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "i have two dogs", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "they're so cute", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "i'm sure you spend lots of time with them", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "A photo of two dogs", "An image of two dogs", "photo of two dogs" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion" ]
[ " two dogs", "two dogs" ]
The photo has your boyfriend Isaiah. Objects in the photo: Face, Man
[ "Sure", " I can show the photo if you like", "Seltzer and beers. I can show the photo if you like" ]
[ { "message": "How are you>", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Great! I am just looking at the photos I took at a friend's house", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "What kind of photos?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "We went to the birthday party the other day, my boyfriend Isaiah and I. Took some photos there", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Nice! Was the party fun?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yeah of course. dozens of people came!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Did you have a lot of food?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Everyone had a wonderful time there. They didn't have much food but we did have a lot to drink", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "What did you have to drink?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Seltzer and beers. I can show the photo if you like", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Sure", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "What do you think?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Looks Fun!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "Photo of Seltzer & beers", "A photo of Seltzer and beers", "An image of Seltzer and beers at a friend's house" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Information Dissemination", "Human and Entertainment", "Topic Transition", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "at a friend's house", "Seltzer and beers" ]
Objects in the photo: Coffee, Coffee cup, Mug
[ "do you like coffee?", "you should come over for a cup!" ]
[ { "message": "hi", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "hello friend", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "hi", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "how are you", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i am doing well", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "how are yow", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "great", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "i am having some coffee", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "ok", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "you should come over for a cup!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "do you like coffee?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Here is a picture of my cup!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "yes my favoriet", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Hope to see you soon", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "Photo of coffee cup", "An image of a cup of coffee", "A photo of coffee" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Topic Transition", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "coffee?", "coffee" ]
Objects in the photo: Clothing, Drink, Face, Man
[ "What do you think?", "I'm not sure if she was drunk.", "i have no idea" ]
[ { "message": "hey , what are you doing today?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I'm trying to relax", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "thats a good thing. relaxation is very important to your health", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "where you stressed about something?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I saw something crazy last night.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "oh no, i hope it wasnt bad. what happened?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "A girl was passed out on a pinball machine with people around her taking selfies.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "oh wow, thats terrible.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "was she drunk?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "What do you think?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I'm not sure if she was drunk.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "i have no idea", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "great friends", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "A photo of question mark", "An image of a girl passed out on a pinball machine with people around her taking selfies", "photo of a girl was passed out on a pinball machine with people around her taking selfies." ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "A girl was passed out on a pinball machine with people around her taking selfies.", "was passed out on a pinball machine with people around her taking selfies.", "not sure if she was drunk.", "I'm not sure" ]
The photo has your husband Zane. Objects in the photo: Hair, Man, Arm, Human body, Clothing
[ "I'll take a picture of everyone working. We aren't supposed to be on our phones but oh well.", "Yes friend somthing you have picture" ]
[ { "message": "Hey how's it going?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Its Good friend", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "about you", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "That's good! I'm well. Just at that conference with my husband today. It's kind of boring.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "You know Zane though. He insisted we go.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Wow its like chat is best way to information sharing", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Yeah I shouldn't complain. There are just other things I would rather be doing today.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Everyone else is really into it though.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I'll take a picture of everyone working. We aren't supposed to be on our phones but oh well.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Yes friend somthing you have picture", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Good", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "They are sure working hard!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "Photo of conference", "A photo of everyone working", "An image of working people at conference" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "conference", " picture of everyone working", "conference with my husband today.", "picture of everyone working" ]
The photo has your friend's son Aiden. Objects in the photo: Boy
[ "Do you have any new ones? I haven't seen how much he's grown.", "I have a picture I can send.", "I would love to see!" ]
[ { "message": "Hello", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Hello. How're you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "What a cute baby boy!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I know! I've seen some pictures a few weeks ago. SO adorable.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I don't have kids but I like other people's.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Do you have any new ones? I haven't seen how much he's grown.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Definitely better to see the pictures and not have to have all of the responsibility!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I have a picture I can send.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I would love to see! Makes my day to see some new ones. Love those little smiles.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Is this from today?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "look at the picture", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "great", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Aw how adorable! Love to see all the kids together finally!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "photo of a cute baby boy", "An image of kids", "A photo of kids" ]
[ "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion" ]
[ "I don't have kids but I like other people's.", "kids", "cute baby boy" ]
The photo has your friend's daughter Emmeline. Objects in the photo: Girl, Face
[ "Emmeline sent a picture to her mom.", "Emmeline sent a picture to her mom. I was shocked when I saw how crowded it was", "I can imagine how populated the place was." ]
[ { "message": "I am good. I just got off the phone with my friend. Her daughter Emmeline went back to work this week.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "That is good! How is she doing? Everthing ok in her workplace?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "It was a little crazy. She works at a restaurant and it was packed.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh wow! I am surprised that there are lot of people eating out even the pandemic is still going!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I know. I thought the same thing. I suppose when you are young you don't worry as much.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "They were happy to have the business but I just worry about everyone's safety.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "That is true. But we can blame the business owners to still run their businesses to keep their profit going.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Emmeline sent a picture to her mom. I was shocked when I saw how crowded it was.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I can imagine how populated the place was.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Super busy, right?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Wow! this is ridiculous!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Thanks for letting me share.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "You are absolutely right!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of crowded restaurant", "A photo that Emmeline sent to her mom", "photo of a packed restaurant" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "restaurant and it was packed.", "Emmeline sent a picture to her mom. I was shocked when I saw how crowded it was.", "Emmeline sent a picture to her mom" ]
The photo has your student Jeremias. Objects in the photo: Man
[ "How old is your Dad now?", "Wow. How old is your Dad now?" ]
[ { "message": "Anything interesting going on with you tonight?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "not much, is cold", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "That's too bad. It's warm in my part of the country right now.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I was able to take that rrip with my dad", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh, that's great! Where did you go?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "we went on a fishing trip to a cabin in the middle of nowhere", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "That sounds peaceful. Did you have a good time?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "yes was a really good time, we were able to talk a lot about life and some other things", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Wow. How old is your Dad now?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "he is 66 now", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Look at you guys in the snow! Your Dad looks like he's enjoying a good snack!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 } ]
[ "An image of A's dad on a fishing trip", "A photo of Speaker A's dad", "photo of an old guy on a fishing trip" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Expression of Emotion or Opinion", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "fishing trip", "Dad", "fishing trip to a cabin in the middle of nowhere", " with my dad" ]
Objects in the photo: Baked goods, Snack, Coffee cup
[ "Well you are quite the cook so I'm sure they are delicious.", "Oh yes I was hoping you would send me one!", "Would you like to see a picture of the granola bars?" ]
[ { "message": "Hello how are you?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "hello", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I am good. You?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "What have you been up to? Long time no talk.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I know. I have been busy with work.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh I hear you there. All work and no play. Have you had any time to do anything fun?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Not really. However, I am relaxing today, drinking coffee and eating home made granola bars.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "I am taking a day off.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh nice! Are they good? I don't think I've ever had a homemade one before.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I think they are good. But then I am biased.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Well you are quite the cook so I'm sure they are delicious.", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "Would you like to see a picture of the granola bars?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh yes I was hoping you would send me one!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "", "share_photo": true, "user_id": 0 }, { "message": "Oh wow I'm going to have to come over and try one!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "They look amazing!", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 1 }, { "message": "I need to go. Talk to you later?", "share_photo": false, "user_id": 0 } ]
[ "An image of granola bars", "A photo of granola bars", "photo of granola bars" ]
[ "Information Dissemination", "Social Bonding", "Human and Entertainment", "Visual Clarification" ]
[ "granola bars", "granola bars?" ]