['1 .' 'consists of changes in reserves related to our americas reinsurance business , including interest credited to policyholder account balances , and expenses related to property catastrophe reinsurance claims .' 'in april 2013 , we completed the sale of a majority stake in our americas reinsurance business and no longer consolidate this business .' '2 .' 'includes provisions of $ 3.37 billion recorded during 2015 for the agreement in principle with the rmbs working group .' 'see note 27 to the consolidated financial statements for further information about this agreement in principle .' '2015 versus 2014 .' 'operating expenses on the consolidated statements of earnings were $ 25.04 billion for 2015 , 13% ( 13 % ) higher than 2014 .' 'compensation and benefits expenses on the consolidated statements of earnings were $ 12.68 billion for 2015 , essentially unchanged compared with 2014 .' 'the ratio of compensation and benefits to net revenues for 2015 was 37.5% ( 37.5 % ) compared with 36.8% ( 36.8 % ) for 2014 .' 'total staff increased 8% ( 8 % ) during 2015 , primarily due to activity levels in certain businesses and continued investment in regulatory compliance .' 'non-compensation expenses on the consolidated statements of earnings were $ 12.36 billion for 2015 , 30% ( 30 % ) higher than 2014 , due to significantly higher net provisions for mortgage-related litigation and regulatory matters , which are included in other expenses .' 'this increase was partially offset by lower depreciation and amortization expenses , primarily reflecting lower impairment charges related to consolidated investments , and a reduction in expenses related to the sale of metro in the fourth quarter of 2014 .' 'net provisions for litigation and regulatory proceedings for 2015 were $ 4.01 billion compared with $ 754 million for 2014 ( both primarily comprised of net provisions for mortgage-related matters ) .' '2015 included a $ 148 million charitable contribution to goldman sachs gives , our donor-advised fund .' 'compensation was reduced to fund this charitable contribution to goldman sachs gives .' 'the firm asks its participating managing directors to make recommendations regarding potential charitable recipients for this contribution .' '2014 versus 2013 .' 'operating expenses on the consolidated statements of earnings were $ 22.17 billion for 2014 , essentially unchanged compared with 2013 .' 'compensation and benefits expenses on the consolidated statements of earnings were $ 12.69 billion for 2014 , essentially unchanged compared with 2013 .' 'the ratio of compensation and benefits to net revenues for 2014 was 36.8% ( 36.8 % ) compared with 36.9% ( 36.9 % ) for 2013 .' 'total staff increased 3% ( 3 % ) during 2014 .' 'non-compensation expenses on the consolidated statements of earnings were $ 9.48 billion for 2014 , 4% ( 4 % ) lower than 2013 .' 'the decrease compared with 2013 included a decrease in other expenses , due to lower net provisions for litigation and regulatory proceedings and lower operating expenses related to consolidated investments , as well as a decline in insurance reserves , reflecting the sale of our americas reinsurance business in 2013 .' 'these decreases were partially offset by an increase in brokerage , clearing , exchange and distribution fees .' 'net provisions for litigation and regulatory proceedings for 2014 were $ 754 million compared with $ 962 million for 2013 ( both primarily comprised of net provisions for mortgage-related matters ) .' '2014 included a charitable contribution of $ 137 million to goldman sachs gives , our donor-advised fund .' 'compensation was reduced to fund this charitable contribution to goldman sachs gives .' 'the firm asks its participating managing directors to make recommendations regarding potential charitable recipients for this contribution .' '58 goldman sachs 2015 form 10-k .']
['the goldman sachs group , inc .' 'and subsidiaries management 2019s discussion and analysis operating expenses our operating expenses are primarily influenced by compensation , headcount and levels of business activity .' 'compensation and benefits includes salaries , discretionary compensation , amortization of equity awards and other items such as benefits .' 'discretionary compensation is significantly impacted by , among other factors , the level of net revenues , overall financial performance , prevailing labor markets , business mix , the structure of our share- based compensation programs and the external environment .' 'in addition , see 201cuse of estimates 201d for additional information about expenses that may arise from litigation and regulatory proceedings .' 'the table below presents our operating expenses and total staff ( which includes employees , consultants and temporary staff ) . .']
what portion of the total operating expense is related to compensation and benefits in 2015?
['$ in millions the compensation and benefits of year ended december 2015 is $ 12678 ; the compensation and benefits of year ended december 2014 is $ 12691 ; the compensation and benefits of year ended december 2013 is $ 12613 ;' '$ in millions the total operating expenses of year ended december 2015 is $ 25042 ; the total operating expenses of year ended december 2014 is $ 22171 ; the total operating expenses of year ended december 2013 is $ 22469 ;']
[array(['$ in millions', 'year ended december 2015', 'year ended december 2014', 'year ended december 2013'], dtype=object) array(['compensation and benefits', '$ 12678', '$ 12691', '$ 12613'], dtype=object) array(['brokerage clearing exchange anddistribution fees', '2576', '2501', '2341'], dtype=object) array(['market development', '557', '549', '541'], dtype=object) array(['communications and technology', '806', '779', '776'], dtype=object) array(['depreciation and amortization', '991', '1337', '1322'], dtype=object) array(['occupancy', '772', '827', '839'], dtype=object) array(['professional fees', '963', '902', '930'], dtype=object) array(['insurance reserves1', '2014', '2014', '176'], dtype=object) array(['other expenses2', '5699', '2585', '2931'], dtype=object) array(['total non-compensation expenses', '12364', '9480', '9856'], dtype=object) array(['total operating expenses', '$ 25042', '$ 22171', '$ 22469'], dtype=object) array(['total staff at period-end', '36800', '34000', '32900'], dtype=object) ]
['this segment represents a portion of alcoa 2019s downstream operations and produces products that are used mostly in the aerospace ( commercial and defense ) , commercial transportation , and power generation end markets .' 'such products include fastening systems ( titanium , steel , and nickel alloys ) and seamless rolled rings ( mostly nickel alloys ) ; and investment castings ( nickel super alloys , titanium , and aluminum ) , including airfoils and forged jet engine components ( e.g. , jet engine disks ) , all of which are sold directly to customers and through distributors .' 'more than 70% ( 70 % ) of the third- party sales in this segment are from the aerospace end market .' 'a small part of this segment also produces various forging and extrusion metal products for the oil and gas , industrial products , automotive , and land and sea defense end markets .' 'seasonal decreases in sales are generally experienced in the third quarter of the year due to the european summer slowdown across all end markets .' 'generally , the sales and costs and expenses of this segment are transacted in the local currency of the respective operations , which are mostly the u.s .' 'dollar and the euro .' 'in march 2015 , alcoa completed the acquisition of an aerospace castings company , tital , a privately held company with approximately 650 employees based in germany .' 'tital produces aluminum and titanium investment casting products for the aerospace and defense end markets .' 'in 2014 , tital generated sales of approximately $ 100 .' 'the purpose of this acquisition is to capture increasing demand for advanced jet engine components made of titanium , establish titanium-casting capabilities in europe , and expand existing aluminum casting capacity .' 'the operating results and assets and liabilities of tital were included within the engineered products and solutions segment since the date of acquisition .' 'also in march 2015 , alcoa signed a definitive agreement to acquire rti international metals , inc .' '( rti ) , a global supplier of titanium and specialty metal products and services for the commercial aerospace , defense , energy , and medical device end markets .' 'on july 23 , 2015 , after satisfying all customary closing conditions and receiving the required regulatory and rti shareholder approvals , alcoa completed the acquisition of rti .' 'the purpose of this acquisition is to expand alcoa 2019s range of titanium offerings and add advanced technologies and materials , primarily related to the aerospace end market .' 'in 2014 , rti generated net sales of $ 794 and had approximately 2600 employees .' 'alcoa estimates that rti will generate approximately $ 1200 in third-party sales by 2019 .' 'in executing its integration plan for rti , alcoa expects to realize annual cost savings of approximately $ 100 by 2019 due to synergies derived from procurement and productivity improvements , leveraging alcoa 2019s global shared services , and driving profitable growth .' 'the operating results and assets and liabilities of rti were included within the engineered products and solutions segment since the date of acquisition .' 'on november 19 , 2014 , after satisfying all customary closing conditions and receiving the required regulatory approvals , alcoa completed the acquisition of firth rixson , a global leader in aerospace jet engine components .' 'firth rixson manufactures rings , forgings , and metal products for the aerospace end market , as well as other markets requiring highly engineered material applications .' 'the purpose of this acquisition is to strengthen alcoa 2019s aerospace business and position the company to capture additional aerospace growth with a broader range of high-growth , value- add jet engine components .' 'this business generated sales of approximately $ 970 in 2014 and has 13 operating facilities in the united states , united kingdom , europe , and asia employing approximately 2400 people combined .' 'in executing its integration plan for firth rixson , alcoa expects to realize annual cost savings of more than $ 100 by 2019 due to synergies derived from procurement and productivity improvements , optimizing internal metal supply , and leveraging alcoa 2019s global shared services .' 'the operating results and assets and liabilities of firth rixson were included within the engineered products and solutions segment since the date of acquisition .' 'third-party sales for the engineered products and solutions segment improved 27% ( 27 % ) in 2015 compared with 2014 , largely attributable to the third-party sales ( $ 1310 ) of three acquired businesses ( see above ) , primarily aerospace- related , and higher volumes in this segment 2019s organic businesses , mostly related to the aerospace end market .' 'these positive impacts were slightly offset by unfavorable foreign currency movements , principally driven by a weaker euro. .']
['engineered products and solutions .']
what is the percentage of the three acquired businesses , that were responsible for the 27% ( 27 % ) improvement in third-party sales?
['the third-party sales of 2015 is $ 5342 ; the third-party sales of 2014 is $ 4217 ; the third-party sales of 2013 is $ 4054 ;' 'third-party sales for the engineered products and solutions segment improved 27% ( 27 % ) in 2015 compared with 2014 , largely attributable to the third-party sales ( $ 1310 ) of three acquired businesses ( see above ) , primarily aerospace- related , and higher volumes in this segment 2019s organic businesses , mostly related to the aerospace end market .']
[array(['', '2015', '2014', '2013'], dtype=object) array(['third-party sales', '$ 5342', '$ 4217', '$ 4054'], dtype=object) array(['atoi', '$ 595', '$ 579', '$ 569'], dtype=object)]
['loans held-for-sale that are carried at locom as of december 31 , 2008 significantly declined compared to december 31 , 2007 because most of these loans were either sold or reclassified to held-for-investment category. .']
['- the increase in level 3 short-term borrowings and long-term debt of $ 2.8 billion and $ 7.3 billion , respectively , resulted from transfers in of level 2 positions as prices and other valuation inputs became unobservable , plus the additions of new issuances for fair value accounting was elected .' 'items measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis certain assets and liabilities are measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis and therefore are not included in the tables above .' 'these include assets measured at cost that have been written down to fair value during the periods as a result of an impairment .' 'in addition , assets such as loans held for sale that are measured at the lower of cost or market ( locom ) that were recognized at fair value below cost at the end of the period .' 'the company recorded goodwill impairment charges of $ 9.6 billion as of december 31 , 2008 , as determined based on level 3 inputs .' 'the primary cause of goodwill impairment was the overall weak industry outlook and continuing operating losses .' 'these factors contributed to the overall decline in the stock price and the related market capitalization of citigroup .' 'see note 19 , 201cgoodwill and intangible assets 201d on page 166 , for additional information on goodwill impairment .' 'the company performed an impairment analysis of intangible assets related to the old lane multi-strategy hedge fund during the first quarter of 2008 .' 'as a result , a pre-tax write-down of $ 202 million , representing the remaining unamortized balance of the intangible assets , was recorded during the first quarter of 2008 .' 'the measurement of fair value was determined using level 3 input factors along with a discounted cash flow approach .' "during the fourth quarter of 2008 , the company performed an impairment analysis of japan's nikko asset management fund contracts which represent the rights to manage and collect fees on investor assets and are accounted for as indefinite-lived intangible assets ." 'as a result , an impairment loss of $ 937 million pre-tax was recorded .' 'the related fair value was determined using an income approach which relies on key drivers and future expectations of the business that are considered level 3 input factors .' 'the fair value of loans measured on a locom basis is determined where possible using quoted secondary-market prices .' 'such loans are generally classified in level 2 of the fair-value hierarchy given the level of activity in the market and the frequency of available quotes .' 'if no such quoted price exists , the fair value of a loan is determined using quoted prices for a similar asset or assets , adjusted for the specific attributes of that loan .' 'the following table presents all loans held-for-sale that are carried at locom as of december 31 , 2008 and december 31 , 2007 ( in billions ) : .']
at december 312008 what was the difference between the aggregate and the fair value of the loans held-for-sale that are carried at locom in billions
['the december 31 2008 of aggregate cost is $ 3.1 ; the december 31 2008 of fair value is $ 2.1 ; the december 31 2008 of level 2 is $ 0.8 ; the december 31 2008 of level 3 is $ 1.3 ;']
[array(['', 'aggregate cost', 'fair value', 'level 2', 'level 3'], dtype=object) array(['december 31 2008', '$ 3.1', '$ 2.1', '$ 0.8', '$ 1.3'], dtype=object) array(['december 31 2007', '33.6', '31.9', '5.1', '26.8'], dtype=object)]
['wti crude oil ( dollars per bbl ) $ 95.11 $ 79.61 $ 62.09 western canadian select ( dollars per bbl ) ( a ) 77.97 65.31 52.13 aeco natural gas sales index ( dollars per mmbtu ) ( b ) $ 3.68 $ 3.89 $ 3.49 ( a ) monthly pricing based upon average wti adjusted for differentials unique to western canada .' '( b ) monthly average day ahead index .' 'integrated gas our integrated gas operations include production and marketing of products manufactured from natural gas , such as lng and methanol , in eg .' 'world lng trade in 2011 has been estimated to be 241 mmt .' 'long-term , lng continues to be in demand as markets seek the benefits of clean burning natural gas .' 'market prices for lng are not reported or posted .' 'in general , lng delivered to the u.s .' 'is tied to henry hub prices and will track with changes in u.s .' 'natural gas prices , while lng sold in europe and asia is indexed to crude oil prices and will track the movement of those prices .' 'we have a 60 percent ownership in an lng production facility in equatorial guinea , which sells lng under a long-term contract at prices tied to henry hub natural gas prices .' 'gross sales from the plant were 4.1 mmt , 3.7 mmt and 3.9 mmt in 2011 , 2010 and 2009 .' 'we own a 45 percent interest in a methanol plant located in equatorial guinea through our investment in ampco .' 'gross sales of methanol from the plant totaled 1039657 , 850605 and 960374 metric tonnes in 2011 , 2010 and 2009 .' 'methanol demand has a direct impact on ampco 2019s earnings .' 'because global demand for methanol is rather limited , changes in the supply-demand balance can have a significant impact on sales prices .' 'world demand for methanol in 2011 has been estimated to be 55.4 mmt .' 'our plant capacity of 1.1 mmt is about 2 percent of total demand .' 'operating and financial highlights significant operating and financial highlights during 2011 include : 2022 completed the spin-off of our downstream business on june 30 , 2011 2022 acquired a significant operated position in the eagle ford shale play in south texas 2022 added net proved reserves , for the e&p and osm segments combined , of 307 mmboe , excluding dispositions , for a 212 percent reserve replacement ratio .']
['a significant portion of our natural gas production in the lower 48 states of the u.s .' 'is sold at bid-week prices or first-of-month indices relative to our specific producing areas .' 'average settlement date henry hub natural gas prices have been relatively stable for the periods of this report ; however , a decline began in september 2011 which has continued in 2012 with february averaging $ 2.68 per mmbtu .' 'should u.s .' 'natural gas prices remain depressed , an impairment charge related to our natural gas assets may be necessary .' 'our other major natural gas-producing regions are europe and eg .' 'natural gas prices in europe have been significantly higher than in the u.s .' 'in the case of eg our natural gas sales are subject to term contracts , making realized prices less volatile .' 'the natural gas sales from eg are at fixed prices ; therefore , our worldwide reported average natural gas realized prices may not fully track market price movements .' 'oil sands mining osm segment revenues correlate with prevailing market prices for the various qualities of synthetic crude oil we produce .' 'roughly two-thirds of the normal output mix will track movements in wti and one-third will track movements in the canadian heavy sour crude oil marker , primarily western canadian select .' 'output mix can be impacted by operational problems or planned unit outages at the mines or the upgrader .' 'the operating cost structure of the oil sands mining operations is predominantly fixed and therefore many of the costs incurred in times of full operation continue during production downtime .' 'per-unit costs are sensitive to production rates .' 'key variable costs are natural gas and diesel fuel , which track commodity markets such as the canadian alberta energy company ( 201caeco 201d ) natural gas sales index and crude oil prices , respectively .' 'recently aeco prices have declined , much as henry hub prices have .' 'we would expect a significant , continued declined in natural gas prices to have a favorable impact on osm operating costs .' 'the table below shows average benchmark prices that impact both our revenues and variable costs. .']
how much has the western canadian select dollars per bbl increased since 2009?
['benchmark the western canadian select ( dollars per bbl ) ( a ) of 2011 is 77.97 ; the western canadian select ( dollars per bbl ) ( a ) of 2010 is 65.31 ; the western canadian select ( dollars per bbl ) ( a ) of 2009 is 52.13 ;']
[array(['benchmark', '2011', '2010', '2009'], dtype=object) array(['wti crude oil ( dollars per bbl )', '$ 95.11', '$ 79.61', '$ 62.09'], dtype=object) array(['western canadian select ( dollars per bbl ) ( a )', '77.97', '65.31', '52.13'], dtype=object) array(['aeco natural gas sales index ( dollars per mmbtu ) ( b )', '$ 3.68', '$ 3.89', '$ 3.49'], dtype=object) ]
['in october 2010 , we completed the acquisition of hewitt , one of the world 2019s leading human resource consulting and outsourcing companies .' 'hewitt operates globally together with aon 2019s existing consulting and outsourcing operations under the newly created aon hewitt brand .' 'hewitt 2019s operating results are included in aon 2019s results of operations beginning october 1 , 2010 .' 'our hr solutions segment generated approximately 25% ( 25 % ) of our consolidated total revenues in 2010 and provides a broad range of human capital services , as follows : consulting services : 2022 health and benefits advises clients about how to structure , fund , and administer employee benefit programs that attract , retain , and motivate employees .' 'benefits consulting includes health and welfare , executive benefits , workforce strategies and productivity , absence management , benefits administration , data-driven health , compliance , employee commitment , investment advisory and elective benefits services .' '2022 retirement specializes in global actuarial services , defined contribution consulting , investment consulting , tax and erisa consulting , and pension administration .' '2022 compensation focuses on compensatory advisory/counsel including : compensation planning design , executive reward strategies , salary survey and benchmarking , market share studies and sales force effectiveness , with special expertise in the financial services and technology industries .' '2022 strategic human capital delivers advice to complex global organizations on talent , change and organizational effectiveness issues , including talent strategy and acquisition , executive on-boarding , performance management , leadership assessment and development , communication strategy , workforce training and change management .' 'outsourcing services : 2022 benefits outsourcing applies our hr expertise primarily through defined benefit ( pension ) , defined contribution ( 401 ( k ) ) , and health and welfare administrative services .' 'our model replaces the resource-intensive processes once required to administer benefit plans with more efficient , effective , and less costly solutions .' '2022 human resource business processing outsourcing ( 2018 2018hr bpo 2019 2019 ) provides market-leading solutions to manage employee data ; administer benefits , payroll and other human resources processes ; and record and manage talent , workforce and other core hr process transactions as well as other complementary services such as absence management , flexible spending , dependent audit and participant advocacy .' 'beginning in late 2008 , the disruption in the global credit markets and the deterioration of the financial markets created significant uncertainty in the marketplace .' 'weak economic conditions globally continued throughout 2010 .' 'the prolonged economic downturn is adversely impacting our clients 2019 financial condition and therefore the levels of business activities in the industries and geographies where we operate .' 'while we believe that the majority of our practices are well positioned to manage through this time , these challenges are reducing demand for some of our services and putting .']
['hr solutions .']
what was the percentage change in the revenues from 2009 to 2010
['years ended december 31 , the revenue of 2010 is $ 2111 ; the revenue of 2009 is $ 1267 ; the revenue of 2008 is $ 1356 ;']
[array(['years ended december 31,', '2010', '2009', '2008'], dtype=object) array(['revenue', '$ 2111', '$ 1267', '$ 1356'], dtype=object) array(['operating income', '234', '203', '208'], dtype=object) array(['operating margin', '11.1% ( 11.1 % )', '16.0% ( 16.0 % )', '15.3% ( 15.3 % )'], dtype=object) ]
["second generation tenant improvements and leasing costs increased due to a shift in industrial leasing volume from renewal leases to second generation leases ( see data in the key performance indicators section of management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations ) , which are generally more capital intensive ." 'additionally , although the overall renewal volume was lower , renewals for office leases , which are generally more capital intensive than industrial leases , increased from 2012 .' 'during 2013 , we increased our investment across all product types in non-tenant specific building improvements .' 'the increase in capital expenditures for the development of real estate investments was the result of our increased focus on wholly owned development projects .' 'we had wholly owned properties under development with an expected cost of $ 572.6 million at december 31 , 2013 , compared to projects with an expected cost of $ 468.8 million and $ 124.2 million at december 31 , 2012 and 2011 , respectively .' 'cash outflows for real estate development investments were $ 427.4 million , $ 264.8 million and $ 162.1 million for december 31 , 2013 , 2012 and 2011 , respectively .' 'we capitalized $ 31.3 million , $ 30.4 million and $ 25.3 million of overhead costs related to leasing activities , including both first and second generation leases , during the years ended december 31 , 2013 , 2012 and 2011 , respectively .' 'we capitalized $ 27.1 million , $ 20.0 million and $ 10.4 million of overhead costs related to development activities , including construction , development and tenant improvement projects on first and second generation space , during the years ended december 31 , 2013 , 2012 and 2011 , respectively .' 'combined overhead costs capitalized to leasing and development totaled 35.7% ( 35.7 % ) , 31.1% ( 31.1 % ) and 20.6% ( 20.6 % ) of our overall pool of overhead costs at december 31 , 2013 , 2012 and 2011 , respectively .' "further discussion of the capitalization of overhead costs can be found herein , in the discussion of general and administrative expenses in the comparison sections of management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations. ."]
['36 duke realty corporation annual report 2013 leasing/capital costs tenant improvements and lease-related costs pertaining to our initial leasing of newly completed space , or vacant space in acquired properties , are referred to as first generation expenditures .' 'such first generation expenditures for tenant improvements are included within "development of real estate investments" in our consolidated statements of cash flows , while such expenditures for lease-related costs are included within "other deferred leasing costs." cash expenditures related to the construction of a building\'s shell , as well as the associated site improvements , are also included within "development of real estate investments" in our consolidated statements of cash flows .' 'tenant improvements and leasing costs to re-let rental space that we previously leased to tenants are referred to as second generation expenditures .' 'building improvements that are not specific to any tenant but serve to improve integral components of our real estate properties are also second generation expenditures .' 'one of our principal uses of our liquidity is to fund the second generation leasing/capital expenditures of our real estate investments .' 'the following table summarizes our second generation capital expenditures by type of expenditure ( in thousands ) : .']
what was the percentage change in the second generation tenant improvements from 2012 to 2013
['the second generation tenant improvements of 2013 is $ 39892 ; the second generation tenant improvements of 2012 is $ 26643 ; the second generation tenant improvements of 2011 is $ 50079 ;']
[array(['', '2013', '2012', '2011'], dtype=object) array(['second generation tenant improvements', '$ 39892', '$ 26643', '$ 50079'], dtype=object) array(['second generation leasing costs', '38617', '31059', '38130'], dtype=object) array(['building improvements', '13289', '6182', '11055'], dtype=object) array(['total second generation capital expenditures', '$ 91798', '$ 63884', '$ 99264'], dtype=object) array(['development of real estate investments', '$ 427355', '$ 264755', '$ 162070'], dtype=object) array(['other deferred leasing costs', '$ 35376', '$ 27772', '$ 26311'], dtype=object) ]
['total future minimum sponsorship and other payments $ 1355605 the amounts listed above are the minimum compensation obligations and guaranteed royalty fees required to be paid under the company 2019s sponsorship and other marketing agreements .' 'the amounts listed above do not include additional performance incentives and product supply obligations provided under certain agreements .' 'it is not possible to determine how much the company will spend on product supply obligations on an annual basis as contracts generally do not stipulate specific cash amounts to be spent on products .' 'the amount of product provided to the sponsorships depends on many factors including general playing conditions , the number of sporting events in which they participate and the company 2019s decisions regarding product and marketing initiatives .' 'in addition , the costs to design , develop , source and purchase the products furnished to the endorsers are incurred over a period of time and are not necessarily tracked separately from similar costs incurred for products sold to customers .' 'in connection with various contracts and agreements , the company has agreed to indemnify counterparties against certain third party claims relating to the infringement of intellectual property rights and other items .' 'generally , such indemnification obligations do not apply in situations in which the counterparties are grossly negligent , engage in willful misconduct , or act in bad faith .' 'based on the company 2019s historical experience and the estimated probability of future loss , the company has determined that the fair value of such indemnifications is not material to its consolidated financial position or results of operations .' 'from time to time , the company is involved in litigation and other proceedings , including matters related to commercial and intellectual property disputes , as well as trade , regulatory and other claims related to its business .' 'other than as described below , the company believes that all current proceedings are routine in nature and incidental to the conduct of its business , and that the ultimate resolution of any such proceedings will not have a material adverse effect on its consolidated financial position , results of operations or cash flows .' 'on february 10 , 2017 , a shareholder filed a securities case in the united states district court for the district of maryland ( the 201ccourt 201d ) against the company , the company 2019s chief executive officer and the company 2019s former chief financial officer ( brian breece v .' 'under armour , inc. ) .' 'on february 16 , 2017 , a second shareholder filed a securities case in the court against the same defendants ( jodie hopkins v .' 'under armour , inc. ) .' 'the plaintiff in each case purports to represent a class of shareholders for the period between april 21 , 2016 and january 30 , 2017 , inclusive .' 'the complaints allege violations of section 10 ( b ) ( and rule 10b-5 ) of the securities exchange act of 1934 , as amended ( the 201cexchange act 201d ) and section 20 ( a ) control person liability under the exchange act against the officers named in the complaints .' 'in general , the allegations in each case concern disclosures and statements made by .']
['2016 , as well as significant sponsorship and other marketing agreements entered into during the period after december 31 , 2016 through the date of this report : ( in thousands ) .']
what percentage of total future minimum sponsorship and other payments are scheduled for 2018?
['2017 the 2018 of $ 176138 is 166961 ;' '2017 the total future minimum sponsorship and other payments of $ 176138 is $ 1355605 ;']
[array(['2017', '$ 176138'], dtype=object) array(['2018', '166961'], dtype=object) array(['2019', '142987'], dtype=object) array(['2020', '124856'], dtype=object) array(['2021', '118168'], dtype=object) array(['2022 and thereafter', '626495'], dtype=object) array(['total future minimum sponsorship and other payments', '$ 1355605'], dtype=object) ]
['in addition to the possible adverse and positive impacts discussed in the preceding table related to foreign exchange rates , recent historical information is as follows .' '3m estimates that year-on-year currency effects , including hedging impacts , had the following effects on net income attributable to 3m : 2013 ( $ 74 million decrease ) and 2012 ( $ 103 million decrease ) .' 'this estimate includes the effect of translating profits from local currencies into u.s .' 'dollars ; the impact of currency fluctuations on the transfer of goods between 3m operations in the united states and abroad ; and transaction gains and losses , including derivative instruments designed to reduce foreign currency exchange rate risks and the negative impact of swapping venezuelan bolivars into u.s .' 'dollars .' '3m estimates that year-on-year derivative and other transaction gains and losses had the following effects on net income attributable to 3m : 2013 ( $ 12 million decrease ) and 2012 ( $ 49 million increase ) .' 'an analysis of the global exposures related to purchased components and materials is performed at each year-end .' 'a one percent price change would result in a pre-tax cost or savings of approximately $ 76 million per year .' 'the global energy exposure is such that a 10 percent price change would result in a pre-tax cost or savings of approximately $ 45 million per .']
['commodity prices risk : certain commodities the company uses in the production of its products are exposed to market price risks .' '3m manages commodity price risks through negotiated supply contracts , price protection agreements and forward physical contracts .' 'the company uses commodity price swaps relative to natural gas as cash flow hedges of forecasted transactions to manage price volatility .' 'generally , the length of time over which 3m hedges its exposure to the variability in future cash flows for its forecasted natural gas transactions is 12 months .' '3m also enters into commodity price swaps that are not designated in hedge relationships to offset , in part , the impacts of fluctuations in costs associated with the use of certain precious metals .' 'the dollar equivalent gross notional amount of the company 2019s natural gas commodity price swaps designated as cash flow hedges and precious metal commodity price swaps not designated in hedge relationships were $ 19 million and $ 2 million , respectively , at december 31 , 2013 .' 'value at risk : the value at risk analysis is performed annually .' 'a monte carlo simulation technique was used to test the company 2019s exposure to changes in currency rates , interest rates , and commodity prices and assess the risk of loss or benefit in after- tax earnings of financial instruments ( primarily debt ) , derivatives and underlying exposures outstanding at december 31 , 2013 .' 'the model ( third-party bank dataset ) used a 95 percent confidence level over a 12-month time horizon .' 'the exposure to changes in currency rates model used 18 currencies , interest rates related to four currencies , and commodity prices related to five commodities .' 'this model does not purport to represent what actually will be experienced by the company .' 'this model does not include certain hedge transactions , because the company believes their inclusion would not materially impact the results .' 'foreign exchange rate risk of loss or benefit increased in 2013 , primarily due to increases in exposures , which is one of the key drivers in the valuation model .' 'interest rate volatility remained stable in 2013 because interest rates are currently very low and are projected to remain low , based on forward rates .' 'the following table summarizes the possible adverse and positive impacts to after-tax earnings related to these exposures .' 'adverse impact on after-tax earnings positive impact on after-tax earnings .']
\\nwhat was ratio of the estimates of the year-on-year derivative and other transaction gains and losses 2012 to 2013
['interest rate volatility remained stable in 2013 because interest rates are currently very low and are projected to remain low , based on forward rates .' '3m estimates that year-on-year derivative and other transaction gains and losses had the following effects on net income attributable to 3m : 2013 ( $ 12 million decrease ) and 2012 ( $ 49 million increase ) .']
[array(['( millions )', 'adverse impact on after-tax earnings 2013', 'adverse impact on after-tax earnings 2012', 'adverse impact on after-tax earnings 2013', '2012'], dtype=object) array(['foreign exchange rates', '$ -111 ( 111 )', '$ -97 ( 97 )', '$ 119', '$ 105'], dtype=object) array(['interest rates', '-2 ( 2 )', '-2 ( 2 )', '1', '1'], dtype=object) array(['commodity prices', '-2 ( 2 )', '-9 ( 9 )', '3', '7'], dtype=object)]
['we have three key wholesale customers that generate significant sales volume .' "during fiscal 2017 , sales to our largest wholesale customer , macy's , inc ." '( "macy\'s" ) , accounted for approximately 10% ( 10 % ) of our total net revenues .' "further , during fiscal 2017 , sales to our three largest wholesale customers , including macy's , accounted for approximately 21% ( 21 % ) of our total net revenues ." 'substantially all sales to our three largest wholesale customers related to our north america segment .' 'our products are sold primarily by our own sales forces .' 'our wholesale business maintains its primary showrooms in new york city .' 'in addition , we maintain regional showrooms in milan , paris , london , munich , madrid , stockholm , and panama. .']
['no operating segments were aggregated to form our reportable segments .' 'in addition to these reportable segments , we also have other non-reportable segments , representing approximately 7% ( 7 % ) of our fiscal 2017 net revenues , which primarily consist of ( i ) sales of our club monaco branded products made through our retail businesses in the u.s. , canada , and europe , ( ii ) sales of our ralph lauren branded products made through our wholesale business in latin america , and ( iii ) royalty revenues earned through our global licensing alliances .' 'this new segment structure is consistent with how we establish our overall business strategy , allocate resources , and assess performance of our company .' 'all prior period segment information has been recast to reflect the realignment of our segment reporting structure on a comparable basis .' 'approximately 40% ( 40 % ) of our fiscal 2017 net revenues were earned outside of the u.s .' 'see note 20 to the accompanying consolidated financial statements for a summary of net revenues and operating income by segment , as well as net revenues and long-lived assets by geographic location .' 'our wholesale business our wholesale business sells our products globally to leading upscale and certain mid-tier department stores , specialty stores , and golf and pro shops .' 'we have continued to focus on elevating our brand by improving in-store product assortment and presentation , as well as full-price sell-throughs to consumers .' 'as of the end of fiscal 2017 , our wholesale products were sold through over 13000 doors worldwide , with the majority in specialty stores .' 'our products are also sold through the e-commerce sites of certain of our wholesale customers .' 'the primary product offerings sold through our wholesale channels of distribution include apparel , accessories , and home furnishings .' 'our luxury brands 2014 ralph lauren collection and ralph lauren purple label 2014 are distributed worldwide through a limited number of premier fashion retailers .' 'department stores are our major wholesale customers in north america .' 'in latin america , our wholesale products are sold in department stores and specialty stores .' 'in europe , our wholesale sales are comprised of a varying mix of sales to both department stores and specialty stores , depending on the country .' 'in asia , our wholesale products are distributed primarily through shop-within-shops at department stores .' 'we also distribute our wholesale products to certain licensed stores operated by our partners in latin america , asia , europe , and the middle east .' 'we sell the majority of our excess and out-of-season products through secondary distribution channels worldwide , including our retail factory stores .' 'worldwide wholesale distribution channels the following table presents the number of wholesale doors by segment as of april 1 , 2017: .']
what percentage of wholesale doors as of april 1 , 2017 where in the asia segment?
['the asia of doors is 187 ;' 'the total of doors is 13337 ;']
[array(['', 'doors'], dtype=object) array(['north america', '7294'], dtype=object) array(['europe', '5690'], dtype=object) array(['asia', '187'], dtype=object) array(['other non-reportable segments', '166'], dtype=object) array(['total', '13337'], dtype=object)]
['a one percentage point increase or decrease in health care cost trend rates over all future periods would have increased or decreased the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation for the u.s .' 'retiree health care benefit plan as of december 31 , 2017 , by $ 1 million .' 'the service cost and interest cost components of 2017 plan expense would have increased or decreased by less than $ 1 million .' 'deferred compensation arrangements we have a deferred compensation plan that allows u.s .' 'employees whose base salary and management responsibility exceed a certain level to defer receipt of a portion of their cash compensation .' 'payments under this plan are made based on the participant 2019s distribution election and plan balance .' 'participants can earn a return on their deferred compensation based on notional investments in the same investment funds that are offered in our defined contribution plans .' 'as of december 31 , 2017 , our liability to participants of the deferred compensation plans was $ 255 million and is recorded in other long-term liabilities on our consolidated balance sheets .' 'this amount reflects the accumulated participant deferrals and earnings thereon as of that date .' 'as of december 31 , 2017 , we held $ 236 million in mutual funds related to these plans that are recorded in long-term investments on our consolidated balance sheets , and serve as an economic hedge against changes in fair values of our other deferred compensation liabilities .' 'we record changes in the fair value of the liability and the related investment in sg&a as discussed in note 8 .' '11 .' 'debt and lines of credit short-term borrowings we maintain a line of credit to support commercial paper borrowings , if any , and to provide additional liquidity through bank loans .' 'as of december 31 , 2017 , we had a variable-rate revolving credit facility from a consortium of investment-grade banks that allows us to borrow up to $ 2 billion until march 2022 .' 'the interest rate on borrowings under this credit facility , if drawn , is indexed to the applicable london interbank offered rate ( libor ) .' 'as of december 31 , 2017 , our credit facility was undrawn and we had no commercial paper outstanding .' 'long-term debt we retired $ 250 million of maturing debt in march 2017 and another $ 375 million in june 2017 .' 'in may 2017 , we issued an aggregate principal amount of $ 600 million of fixed-rate , long-term debt .' 'the offering consisted of the reissuance of $ 300 million of 2.75% ( 2.75 % ) notes due in 2021 at a premium and the issuance of $ 300 million of 2.625% ( 2.625 % ) notes due in 2024 at a discount .' 'we incurred $ 3 million of issuance and other related costs .' 'the proceeds of the offerings were $ 605 million , net of the original issuance discount and premium , and were used for the repayment of maturing debt and general corporate purposes .' 'in november 2017 , we issued a principal amount of $ 500 million of fixed-rate , long-term debt due in 2027 .' 'we incurred $ 3 million of issuance and other related costs .' 'the proceeds of the offering were $ 494 million , net of the original issuance discount , and were used for general corporate purposes .' 'in may 2016 , we issued a principal amount of $ 500 million of fixed-rate , long-term debt due in 2022 .' 'we incurred $ 3 million of issuance and other related costs .' 'the proceeds of the offering were $ 499 million , net of the original issuance discount , and were used toward the repayment of a portion of $ 1.0 billion of maturing debt retired in may 2016 .' 'in may 2015 , we issued a principal amount of $ 500 million of fixed-rate , long-term debt due in 2020 .' 'we incurred $ 3 million of issuance and other related costs .' 'the proceeds of the offering were $ 498 million , net of the original issuance discount , and were used toward the repayment of a portion of the debt that matured in august 2015 .' 'we retired $ 250 million of maturing debt in april 2015 and another $ 750 million in august 2015 .' 'texas instruments 2022 2017 form 10-k 51 .']
['assumed health care cost trend rates for the u.s .' 'retiree health care benefit plan as of december 31 are as follows: .']
by how many percentage points did the health care cost trend rate for next year increase in 2017?
['the assumed health care cost trend rate for next year of 2017 is 7.50% ( 7.50 % ) ; the assumed health care cost trend rate for next year of 2016 is 6.75% ( 6.75 % ) ;']
[array(['', '2017', '2016'], dtype=object) array(['assumed health care cost trend rate for next year', '7.50% ( 7.50 % )', '6.75% ( 6.75 % )'], dtype=object) array(['ultimate trend rate', '5.00% ( 5.00 % )', '5.00% ( 5.00 % )'], dtype=object) array(['year in which ultimate trend rate is reached', '2028', '2024'], dtype=object) ]
['contract generation revenues increased $ 400 million , or 31% ( 31 % ) , to $ 1.7 billion in 2000 from $ 1.3 billion in 1999 .' 'excluding businesses acquired or that commenced commercial operations in 2000 or 1999 , contract generation revenues increased 4% ( 4 % ) to $ 1.3 billion in 2000 .' 'the increase in contract generation segment revenues was due primarily to increases in south america , north america , caribbean and asia , offset by a slight decline in europe/africa .' 'in south america , contract generation segment revenue increased $ 245 million , and this is due mainly to the acquisition of tiete .' 'in north america , contract generation segment revenues increased $ 76 million due primarily to the start of commercial operations at warrior run in january 2000 .' 'in the caribbean , contract generation segment revenues increased $ 92 million due primarily to the start of commercial operations at merida iii in june 2000 and increased revenues from los mina .' 'in asia , contract generation segment revenue increased $ 41 million due primarily to increased operations at the ecogen peaking plant and lal pir and pak gen in pakistan .' 'in europe/africa , contract generation segment revenues remained fairly constant with decreases at tisza ii in hungary being offset by the acquisition of a controlling interest at kilroot .' 'competitive supply revenues increased $ 1.5 billion , or 175% ( 175 % ) , to $ 2.4 billion in 2000 from $ 873 million in 1999 .' 'excluding businesses acquired or that commenced commercial operations in 2000 or 1999 , competitive supply revenues increased 25% ( 25 % ) to $ 477 million in 2000 .' 'the most significant increases occurred within north america and europe/africa .' 'slight increases occurred in south america and the caribbean .' 'asia reported a slight decrease .' 'in north america , competitive supply segment revenues increased $ 610 million due primarily to the new york plants and new energy .']
['wrote-off debt issuance costs of $ 4 million , which resulted in an extraordinary loss for the early retirement of debt .' 'net income net income decreased $ 522 million to $ 273 million in 2001 from $ 795 million in 2000 .' 'the overall decrease in net income is due to decreased net income from competitive supply and large utility businesses offset slightly by increases in the contract generation and growth distribution businesses .' 'the decreases are primarily due to lower market prices in the united kingdom and the decline in the brazilian real during 2001 resulting in foreign currency transaction losses of approximately $ 210 million .' 'additionally the company recorded severance and transaction costs related to the ipalco pooling-of-interest transaction and a loss from discontinued operations of $ 194 million .' 'our 10 largest contributors to net income in 2001 were as follows : lal pir/pak gen , shady point and thames from contract generation ; somerset from competitive supply ; edc , eletropaulo , ipalco , cilcorp and cemig from large utilities ; and sul from growth distribution .' '2000 compared to 1999 revenues revenues increased $ 3.4 billion , or 83% ( 83 % ) , to $ 7.5 billion in 2000 from $ 4.1 billion in 1999 .' 'the increase in revenues is due primarily to the acquisition of new businesses .' 'excluding businesses acquired or that commenced commercial operations during 2000 or 1999 , revenues increased 6% ( 6 % ) to $ 3.6 billion. .']
without the new york plants and new energy changes , what would 2000 competitive supply segment revenues have been in billions?
['the contract generation of 2000 is $ 1.7 billion ; the contract generation of 1999 is $ 1.3 billion ; the contract generation of % ( % ) change is 31% ( 31 % ) ;' 'in north america , competitive supply segment revenues increased $ 610 million due primarily to the new york plants and new energy .' 'the competitive supply of 2000 is $ 2.4 billion ; the competitive supply of 1999 is $ 873 million ; the competitive supply of % ( % ) change is 175% ( 175 % ) ;']
[array(['', '2000', '1999', '% ( % ) change'], dtype=object) array(['contract generation', '$ 1.7 billion', '$ 1.3 billion', '31% ( 31 % )'], dtype=object) array(['competitive supply', '$ 2.4 billion', '$ 873 million', '175% ( 175 % )'], dtype=object) array(['large utilities', '$ 2.1 billion', '$ 992 million', '112% ( 112 % )'], dtype=object) array(['growth distribution', '$ 1.3 billion', '$ 948 million', '37% ( 37 % )'], dtype=object) ]
['the retail electric price variance is primarily due to : 2022 a formula rate plan increase at entergy louisiana , effective january 2013 , which includes an increase relating to the waterford 3 steam generator replacement project , which was placed in service in december 2012 .' 'the net income effect of the formula rate plan increase is limited to a portion representing an allowed return on equity with the remainder offset by costs included in other operation and maintenance expenses , depreciation expenses , and taxes other than income taxes ; 2022 the recovery of hinds plant costs through the power management rider at entergy mississippi , as approved by the mpsc , effective with the first billing cycle of 2013 .' 'the net income effect of the hinds plant cost recovery is limited to a portion representing an allowed return on equity on the net plant investment with the remainder offset by the hinds plant costs in other operation and maintenance expenses , depreciation expenses , and taxes other than income taxes ; 2022 an increase in the capacity acquisition rider at entergy arkansas , as approved by the apsc , effective with the first billing cycle of december 2012 , relating to the hot spring plant acquisition .' 'the net income effect of the hot spring plant cost recovery is limited to a portion representing an allowed return on equity on the net plant investment with the remainder offset by the hot spring plant costs in other operation and maintenance expenses , depreciation expenses , and taxes other than income taxes ; 2022 increases in the energy efficiency rider , as approved by the apsc , effective july 2013 and july 2012 .' 'energy efficiency revenues are offset by costs included in other operation and maintenance expenses and have no effect on net income ; 2022 an annual base rate increase at entergy texas , effective july 2012 , as a result of the puct 2019s order that was issued in september 2012 in the november 2011 rate case ; and 2022 a formula rate plan increase at entergy mississippi , effective september 2013 .' 'see note 2 to the financial statements for a discussion of rate proceedings .' 'the louisiana act 55 financing savings obligation variance results from a regulatory charge recorded in the second quarter 2012 because entergy gulf states louisiana and entergy louisiana agreed to share with customers the savings from an irs settlement related to the uncertain tax position regarding the hurricane katrina and hurricane rita louisiana act 55 financing .' 'see note 3 to the financial statements for additional discussion of the tax settlement .' "entergy corporation and subsidiaries management's financial discussion and analysis ."]
['net revenue utility following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing 2013 to 2012 .' 'amount ( in millions ) .']
what percentage of the change in net revenue between 2012 and 2013 is due to volume/weather ?
['the 2012 net revenue of amount ( in millions ) is $ 4969 ;' 'the volume/weather of amount ( in millions ) is 40 ;' 'the 2013 net revenue of amount ( in millions ) is $ 5524 ;']
[array(['', 'amount ( in millions )'], dtype=object) array(['2012 net revenue', '$ 4969'], dtype=object) array(['retail electric price', '236'], dtype=object) array(['louisiana act 55 financing savings obligation', '165'], dtype=object) array(['grand gulf recovery', '75'], dtype=object) array(['volume/weather', '40'], dtype=object) array(['fuel recovery', '35'], dtype=object) array(['miso deferral', '12'], dtype=object) array(['decommissioning trusts', '-23 ( 23 )'], dtype=object) array(['other', '15'], dtype=object) array(['2013 net revenue', '$ 5524'], dtype=object)]
['( 1 ) net of hedges .' '( 2 ) for these purposes , alt-a mortgage securities are non-agency residential mortgage-backed securities ( rmbs ) where ( i ) the underlying collateral has weighted average fico scores between 680 and 720 or ( ii ) for instances where fico scores are greater than 720 , rmbs have 30% ( 30 % ) or less of the underlying collateral composed of full documentation loans .' 'see 201cmanaging global risk 2014credit risk 2014u.s .' 'consumer mortgage lending . 201d ( 3 ) s&b 2019s commercial real estate exposure is split into three categories of assets : held at fair value ; held- to-maturity/held-for-investment ; and equity .' 'see 201cmanaging global risk 2014credit risk 2014exposure to commercial real estate 201d section for a further discussion .' 'in the table above , 2009 includes a $ 330 million pretax adjustment to the cva balance , which reduced pretax revenues for the year , reflecting a correction of an error related to prior periods .' 'see 201csignificant accounting policies and significant estimates 201d below and notes 1 and 34 to the consolidated financial statements for a further discussion of this adjustment .' '2010 outlook the 2010 outlook for s&b will depend on the level of client activity and on macroeconomic conditions , market valuations and volatility , interest rates and other market factors .' 'management of s&b currently expects to maintain client activity throughout 2010 and to operate in market conditions that offer moderate volatility and increased liquidity .' 'operating expenses will benefit from continued re-engineering and expense management initiatives , but will be offset by investments in talent and infrastructure to support growth. .']
['2009 vs .' '2008 revenues , net of interest expense increased 11% ( 11 % ) or $ 2.7 billion , as markets began to recover in the early part of 2009 , bringing back higher levels of volume activity and higher levels of liquidity , which began to decline again in the third quarter of 2009 .' 'the growth in revenue in the early part of the year was mainly due to a $ 7.1 billion increase in fixed income markets , reflecting strong trading opportunities across all asset classes in the first half of 2009 , and a $ 1.5 billion increase in investment banking revenue primarily from increases in debt and equity underwriting activities reflecting higher transaction volumes from depressed 2008 levels .' 'these increases were offset by a $ 6.4 billion decrease in lending revenue primarily from losses on credit default swap hedges .' 'excluding the 2009 and 2008 cva impact , as indicated in the table below , revenues increased 23% ( 23 % ) or $ 5.5 billion .' 'operating expenses decreased 17% ( 17 % ) , or $ 2.7 billion .' 'excluding the 2008 repositioning and restructuring charges and the 2009 litigation reserve release , operating expenses declined 11% ( 11 % ) or $ 1.6 billion , mainly as a result of headcount reductions and benefits from expense management .' 'provisions for loan losses and for benefits and claims decreased 7% ( 7 % ) or $ 129 million , to $ 1.7 billion , mainly due to lower credit reserve builds and net credit losses , due to an improved credit environment , particularly in the latter part of the year .' '2008 vs .' '2007 revenues , net of interest expense decreased 2% ( 2 % ) or $ 0.4 billion reflecting the overall difficult market conditions .' 'excluding the 2008 and 2007 cva impact , revenues decreased 3% ( 3 % ) or $ 0.6 billion .' 'the reduction in revenue was primarily due to a decrease in investment banking revenue of $ 2.3 billion to $ 3.2 billion , mainly in debt and equity underwriting , reflecting lower volumes , and a decrease in equity markets revenue of $ 2.3 billion to $ 2.9 billion due to extremely high volatility and reduced levels of activity .' 'these reductions were offset by an increase in fixed income markets of $ 2.9 billion to $ 14.4 billion due to strong performance in interest rates and currencies , and an increase in lending revenue of $ 2.4 billion to $ 4.2 billion mainly from gains on credit default swap hedges .' 'operating expenses decreased by 2% ( 2 % ) or $ 0.4 billion .' 'excluding the 2008 and 2007 repositioning and restructuring charges and the 2007 litigation reserve reversal , operating expenses decreased by 7% ( 7 % ) or $ 1.1 billion driven by headcount reduction and lower performance-based incentives .' 'provisions for credit losses and for benefits and claims increased $ 1.3 billion to $ 1.8 billion mainly from higher credit reserve builds and net credit losses offset by a lower provision for unfunded lending commitments due to deterioration in the credit environment .' 'certain revenues impacting securities and banking items that impacted s&b revenues during 2009 and 2008 are set forth in the table below. .']
what was the change in millions of alt-a mortgages pretax revenue from 2008 to 2009?
['in millions of dollars the alt-a mortgages ( 1 ) ( 2 ) of pretax revenue 2009 is 321 ; the alt-a mortgages ( 1 ) ( 2 ) of pretax revenue 2008 is -737 ( 737 ) ;']
[array(['in millions of dollars', 'pretax revenue 2009', 'pretax revenue 2008'], dtype=object) array(['private equity and equity investments', '$ 201', '$ -377 ( 377 )'], dtype=object) array(['alt-a mortgages ( 1 ) ( 2 )', '321', '-737 ( 737 )'], dtype=object) array(['commercial real estate ( cre ) positions ( 1 ) ( 3 )', '68', '270'], dtype=object) array(['cva on citi debt liabilities under fair value option', '-3974 ( 3974 )', '4325'], dtype=object) array(['cva on derivatives positions excluding monoline insurers', '2204', '-3292 ( 3292 )'], dtype=object) array(['total significant revenue items', '$ -1180 ( 1180 )', '$ 189'], dtype=object) ]
['residential mortgage loan and home equity repurchase obligations while residential mortgage loans are sold on a non-recourse basis , we assume certain loan repurchase obligations associated with mortgage loans we have sold to investors .' 'these loan repurchase obligations primarily relate to situations where pnc is alleged to have breached certain origination covenants and representations and warranties made to purchasers of the loans in the respective purchase and sale agreements .' 'for additional information on loan sales see note 3 loan sale and servicing activities and variable interest entities .' 'our historical exposure and activity associated with agency securitization repurchase obligations has primarily been related to transactions with fnma and fhlmc , as indemnification and repurchase losses associated with fha and va-insured and uninsured loans pooled in gnma securitizations historically have been minimal .' 'repurchase obligation activity associated with residential mortgages is reported in the residential mortgage banking segment .' 'in the fourth quarter of 2013 , pnc reached agreements with both fnma and fhlmc to resolve their repurchase claims with respect to loans sold between 2000 and 2008 .' 'pnc paid a total of $ 191 million related to these settlements .' 'pnc 2019s repurchase obligations also include certain brokered home equity loans/lines of credit that were sold to a limited number of private investors in the financial services industry by national city prior to our acquisition of national city .' 'pnc is no longer engaged in the brokered home equity lending business , and our exposure under these loan repurchase obligations is limited to repurchases of loans sold in these transactions .' 'repurchase activity associated with brokered home equity loans/lines of credit is reported in the non-strategic assets portfolio segment .' 'indemnification and repurchase liabilities are initially recognized when loans are sold to investors and are subsequently evaluated by management .' 'initial recognition and subsequent adjustments to the indemnification and repurchase liability for the sold residential mortgage portfolio are recognized in residential mortgage revenue on the consolidated income statement .' 'since pnc is no longer engaged in the brokered home equity lending business , only subsequent adjustments are recognized to the home equity loans/lines indemnification and repurchase liability .' 'these adjustments are recognized in other noninterest income on the consolidated income statement .' '214 the pnc financial services group , inc .' '2013 form 10-k .']
['recourse and repurchase obligations as discussed in note 3 loan sale and servicing activities and variable interest entities , pnc has sold commercial mortgage , residential mortgage and home equity loans directly or indirectly through securitization and loan sale transactions in which we have continuing involvement .' 'one form of continuing involvement includes certain recourse and loan repurchase obligations associated with the transferred assets .' 'commercial mortgage loan recourse obligations we originate , close and service certain multi-family commercial mortgage loans which are sold to fnma under fnma 2019s delegated underwriting and servicing ( dus ) program .' 'we participated in a similar program with the fhlmc .' 'under these programs , we generally assume up to a one-third pari passu risk of loss on unpaid principal balances through a loss share arrangement .' 'at december 31 , 2013 and december 31 , 2012 , the unpaid principal balance outstanding of loans sold as a participant in these programs was $ 11.7 billion and $ 12.8 billion , respectively .' 'the potential maximum exposure under the loss share arrangements was $ 3.6 billion at december 31 , 2013 and $ 3.9 billion at december 31 , 2012 .' 'we maintain a reserve for estimated losses based upon our exposure .' 'the reserve for losses under these programs totaled $ 33 million and $ 43 million as of december 31 , 2013 and december 31 , 2012 , respectively , and is included in other liabilities on our consolidated balance sheet .' 'if payment is required under these programs , we would not have a contractual interest in the collateral underlying the mortgage loans on which losses occurred , although the value of the collateral is taken into account in determining our share of such losses .' 'our exposure and activity associated with these recourse obligations are reported in the corporate & institutional banking segment .' 'table 152 : analysis of commercial mortgage recourse obligations .']
in millions for 2013 , what was the net change in commercial mortgage recourse obligations?
['in millions the january 1 of 2013 is $ 43 ; the january 1 of 2012 is $ 47 ;' 'in millions the december 31 of 2013 is $ 33 ; the december 31 of 2012 is $ 43 ;']
[array(['in millions', '2013', '2012'], dtype=object) array(['january 1', '$ 43', '$ 47'], dtype=object) array(['reserve adjustments net', '-9 ( 9 )', '4'], dtype=object) array(['losses 2013 loan repurchases and settlements', '-1 ( 1 )', '-8 ( 8 )'], dtype=object) array(['december 31', '$ 33', '$ 43'], dtype=object)]
['operating activities our largest source of operating cash is payments from customers , of which the largest component is collecting cash related to product or services sales including advance payments or progress collections for work to be performed .' 'the primary use of operating cash is to pay our suppliers , employees , tax authorities and others for a wide range of material and services .' 'cash flows from operating activities generated cash of $ 1762 million and used cash of $ 799 million for the years ended december 31 , 2018 and 2017 , respectively .' 'cash flows from operating activities increased $ 2561 million in 2018 primarily driven by better operating performance .' 'these cash inflows were supported by strong working capital cash flows , especially in the fourth quarter of 2018 , including approximately $ 300 million for a progress collection payment from a customer .' 'included in our cash flows from operating activities for 2018 and 2017 are payments of $ 473 million and $ 612 million , respectively , made primarily for employee severance as a result of our restructuring activities and merger and related costs .' 'cash flows from operating activities used $ 799 million and generated $ 262 million for the years ended december 31 , 2017 and 2016 , respectively .' 'cash flows from operating activities decreased $ 1061 million in 2017 primarily driven by a $ 1201 million negative impact from ending our receivables monetization program in the fourth quarter , and restructuring related payments throughout the year .' 'these cash outflows were partially offset by strong working capital cash flows , especially in the fourth quarter of 2017 .' 'included in our cash flows from operating activities for 2017 and 2016 are payments of $ 612 million and $ 177 million , respectively , made for employee severance as a result of our restructuring activities and merger and related costs .' 'investing activities cash flows from investing activities used cash of $ 578 million , $ 4123 million and $ 472 million for the years ended december 31 , 2018 , 2017 and 2016 , respectively .' 'our principal recurring investing activity is the funding of capital expenditures to ensure that we have the appropriate levels and types of machinery and equipment in place to generate revenue from operations .' 'expenditures for capital assets totaled $ 995 million , $ 665 million and $ 424 million for 2018 , 2017 and 2016 , respectively , partially offset by cash flows from the sale of property , plant and equipment of $ 458 million , $ 172 million and $ 20 million in 2018 , 2017 and 2016 , respectively .' 'proceeds from the disposal of assets related primarily .']
['bhge 2018 form 10-k | 39 outstanding under the commercial paper program .' 'the maximum combined borrowing at any time under both the 2017 credit agreement and the commercial paper program is $ 3 billion .' 'if market conditions were to change and our revenue was reduced significantly or operating costs were to increase , our cash flows and liquidity could be reduced .' 'additionally , it could cause the rating agencies to lower our credit rating .' 'there are no ratings triggers that would accelerate the maturity of any borrowings under our committed credit facility .' 'however , a downgrade in our credit ratings could increase the cost of borrowings under the credit facility and could also limit or preclude our ability to issue commercial paper .' 'should this occur , we could seek alternative sources of funding , including borrowing under the credit facility .' 'during the year ended december 31 , 2018 , we used cash to fund a variety of activities including certain working capital needs and restructuring costs , capital expenditures , the repayment of debt , payment of dividends , distributions to ge and share repurchases .' 'we believe that cash on hand , cash flows generated from operations and the available credit facility will provide sufficient liquidity to manage our global cash needs .' 'cash flows cash flows provided by ( used in ) each type of activity were as follows for the years ended december 31: .']
what are the expenditures for capital assets in 2018 as a percentage of cash from operating activities in 2018?
['( in millions ) the operating activities of 2018 is $ 1762 ; the operating activities of 2017 is $ -799 ( 799 ) ; the operating activities of 2016 is $ 262 ;' 'cash flows cash flows provided by ( used in ) each type of activity were as follows for the years ended december 31: .' 'cash flows from operating activities generated cash of $ 1762 million and used cash of $ 799 million for the years ended december 31 , 2018 and 2017 , respectively .' 'expenditures for capital assets totaled $ 995 million , $ 665 million and $ 424 million for 2018 , 2017 and 2016 , respectively , partially offset by cash flows from the sale of property , plant and equipment of $ 458 million , $ 172 million and $ 20 million in 2018 , 2017 and 2016 , respectively .']
[array(['( in millions )', '2018', '2017', '2016'], dtype=object) array(['operating activities', '$ 1762', '$ -799 ( 799 )', '$ 262'], dtype=object) array(['investing activities', '-578 ( 578 )', '-4123 ( 4123 )', '-472 ( 472 )'], dtype=object) array(['financing activities', '-4363 ( 4363 )', '10919', '-102 ( 102 )'], dtype=object) ]
['zimmer biomet holdings , inc .' '2015 form 10-k annual report notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) interest to the date of redemption .' 'in addition , the merger notes and the 3.375% ( 3.375 % ) senior notes due 2021 may be redeemed at our option without any make-whole premium at specified dates ranging from one month to six months in advance of the scheduled maturity date .' 'between the closing date and june 30 , 2015 , we repaid the biomet senior notes we assumed in the merger .' 'the fair value of the principal amount plus interest was $ 2798.6 million .' 'these senior notes required us to pay a call premium in excess of the fair value of the notes when they were repaid .' 'as a result , we recognized $ 22.0 million in non-operating other expense related to this call premium .' 'the estimated fair value of our senior notes as of december 31 , 2015 , based on quoted prices for the specific securities from transactions in over-the-counter markets ( level 2 ) , was $ 8837.5 million .' 'the estimated fair value of the japan term loan as of december 31 , 2015 , based upon publicly available market yield curves and the terms of the debt ( level 2 ) , was $ 96.4 million .' 'the carrying value of the u.s .' 'term loan approximates fair value as it bears interest at short-term variable market rates .' 'we have entered into interest rate swap agreements which we designated as fair value hedges of underlying fixed- rate obligations on our senior notes due 2019 and 2021 .' 'see note 14 for additional information regarding the interest rate swap agreements .' 'we also have available uncommitted credit facilities totaling $ 35.8 million .' 'at december 31 , 2015 and 2014 , the weighted average interest rate for our long-term borrowings was 2.9 percent and 3.5 percent , respectively .' 'we paid $ 207.1 million , $ 67.5 million and $ 68.1 million in interest during 2015 , 2014 and 2013 , respectively .' '13 .' 'accumulated other comprehensive ( loss ) income oci refers to certain gains and losses that under gaap are included in comprehensive income but are excluded from net earnings as these amounts are initially recorded as an adjustment to stockholders 2019 equity .' 'amounts in oci may be reclassified to net earnings upon the occurrence of certain events .' 'our oci is comprised of foreign currency translation adjustments , unrealized gains and losses on cash flow hedges , unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities , and amortization of prior service costs and unrecognized gains and losses in actuarial assumptions on our defined benefit plans .' 'foreign currency translation adjustments are reclassified to net earnings upon sale or upon a complete or substantially complete liquidation of an investment in a foreign entity .' 'unrealized gains and losses on cash flow hedges are reclassified to net earnings when the hedged item affects net earnings .' 'unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities are reclassified to net earnings if we sell the security before maturity or if the unrealized loss is considered to be other-than-temporary .' 'amounts related to defined benefit plans that are in oci are reclassified over the service periods of employees in the plan .' 'the reclassification amounts are allocated to all employees in the plans and , therefore , the reclassified amounts may become part of inventory to the extent they are considered direct labor costs .' 'see note 15 for more information on our defined benefit plans .' 'the following table shows the changes in the components of oci , net of tax ( in millions ) : foreign currency translation hedges unrealized gains on securities defined benefit .']
what percent did cash flow from hedges reduce after reclassification?
['the balance december 31 2014 of foreign currency translation is $ 111.8 ; the balance december 31 2014 of cash flow hedges is $ 70.1 ; the balance december 31 2014 of unrealized gains on securities is $ -0.4 ( 0.4 ) ; the balance december 31 2014 of defined benefit plan items is $ -143.4 ( 143.4 ) ;' 'the oci before reclassifications of foreign currency translation is -305.2 ( 305.2 ) ; the oci before reclassifications of cash flow hedges is 52.7 ; the oci before reclassifications of unrealized gains on securities is -0.2 ( 0.2 ) ; the oci before reclassifications of defined benefit plan items is -30.6 ( 30.6 ) ;' 'the reclassifications of foreign currency translation is 2013 ; the reclassifications of cash flow hedges is -93.0 ( 93.0 ) ; the reclassifications of unrealized gains on securities is 2013 ; the reclassifications of defined benefit plan items is 9.2 ;']
[array(['', 'foreign currency translation', 'cash flow hedges', 'unrealized gains on securities', 'defined benefit plan items'], dtype=object) array(['balance december 31 2014', '$ 111.8', '$ 70.1', '$ -0.4 ( 0.4 )', '$ -143.4 ( 143.4 )'], dtype=object) array(['oci before reclassifications', '-305.2 ( 305.2 )', '52.7', '-0.2 ( 0.2 )', '-30.6 ( 30.6 )'], dtype=object) array(['reclassifications', '2013', '-93.0 ( 93.0 )', '2013', '9.2'], dtype=object) array(['balance december 31 2015', '$ -193.4 ( 193.4 )', '$ 29.8', '$ -0.6 ( 0.6 )', '$ -164.8 ( 164.8 )'], dtype=object) ]
['in addition , chaps-branded products distributed by our wholesale segment were sold domestically through approximately 1200 doors as of march 30 , we have three key wholesale customers that generate significant sales volume .' 'for fiscal 2013 , these customers in the aggregate accounted for approximately 45% ( 45 % ) of our total wholesale revenues , with macy 2019s , inc .' '( "macy\'s" ) representing approximately 25% ( 25 % ) of our total wholesale revenues .' 'our products are sold primarily through our own sales forces .' 'our wholesale segment maintains its primary showrooms in new york city .' 'in addition , we maintain regional showrooms in boston , milan , paris , london , munich , madrid , and stockholm .' 'shop-within-shops .' 'as a critical element of our distribution to department stores , we and our licensing partners utilize shop-within-shops to enhance brand recognition , to permit more complete merchandising of our lines by the department stores , and to differentiate the presentation of our products .' 'shop- within-shop fixed assets primarily include items such as customized freestanding fixtures , wall cases and components , decorative items , and flooring .' 'as of march 30 , 2013 , we had approximately 20000 shop-within-shops dedicated to our ralph lauren-branded wholesale products worldwide .' 'the size of our shop-within-shops ranges from approximately 100 to 7400 square feet .' 'we normally share in the cost of building-out these shop-within-shops with our wholesale customers .' 'basic stock replenishment program .' 'basic products such as knit shirts , chino pants , oxford cloth shirts , selected accessories , and home products can be ordered by our wholesale customers at any time through our basic stock replenishment programs .' 'we generally ship these products within two-to-five days of order receipt .' 'our retail segment as of march 30 , 2013 , our retail segment consisted of 388 directly-operated freestanding stores worldwide , totaling approximately 3 million square feet , 494 concession-based shop-within-shops , and seven e-commerce websites .' 'the extension of our direct-to-consumer reach is one of our primary long-term strategic goals. .']
['the primary product offerings sold through our wholesale channels of distribution include menswear , womenswear , childrenswear , accessories , and home furnishings .' 'our collection brands 2014 women 2019s ralph lauren collection and black label and men 2019s purple label and black label 2014 are distributed worldwide through a limited number of premier fashion retailers .' 'department stores are our major wholesale customers in north america .' 'in latin america , our wholesale products are sold in department stores and specialty stores .' 'in europe , our wholesale sales are a varying mix of sales to both department stores and specialty stores , depending on the country .' 'we also distribute product to certain licensed stores operated by franchisees in europe and asia .' 'in addition , our club monaco products are distributed through select department stores and specialty stores in europe .' "in japan , our wholesale products are distributed primarily through shop-within-shops at premier and top-tier department stores , and the mix of business is weighted to women 2019s and men's blue label ." 'in the greater china and southeast asia region , our wholesale products are sold at mid and top-tier department stores in china , thailand , and the philippines , and the mix of business is primarily weighted to men 2019s and women 2019s blue label .' 'we sell the majority of our excess and out-of-season products through secondary distribution channels worldwide , including our retail factory stores .' 'worldwide distribution channels the following table presents the number of doors by geographic location in which ralph lauren-branded products distributed by our wholesale segment were sold to consumers in our primary channels of distribution as of march 30 , 2013 : location number of .']
what percentage of doors in the wholesale segment as of march 30 , 2013 where in the asia geography?
['location the asia of number ofdoors is 78 ;' 'location the total of number ofdoors is 10625 ;']
[array(['location', 'number ofdoors'], dtype=object) array(['the americas', '6043'], dtype=object) array(['europe', '4504'], dtype=object) array(['asia', '78'], dtype=object) array(['total', '10625'], dtype=object)]
['the amounts listed above are the minimum obligations required to be paid under the company 2019s sponsorship and other marketing agreements .' 'the amounts listed above do not include additional performance incentives and product supply obligations provided under certain agreements .' 'it is not possible to determine how much the company will spend on product supply obligations on an annual basis as contracts generally do not stipulate specific cash amounts to be spent on products .' 'the amount of product provided to the sponsorships depends on many factors including general playing conditions , the number of sporting events in which they participate and the company 2019s decisions regarding product and marketing initiatives .' 'in addition , the costs to design , develop , source and purchase the products furnished to the endorsers are incurred over a period of time and are not necessarily tracked separately from similar costs incurred for products sold to customers .' 'the company is , from time to time , involved in routine legal matters incidental to its business .' 'the company believes that the ultimate resolution of any such current proceedings and claims will not have a material adverse effect on its consolidated financial position , results of operations or cash flows .' 'in connection with various contracts and agreements , the company has agreed to indemnify counterparties against certain third party claims relating to the infringement of intellectual property rights and other items .' 'generally , such indemnification obligations do not apply in situations in which the counterparties are grossly negligent , engage in willful misconduct , or act in bad faith .' 'based on the company 2019s historical experience and the estimated probability of future loss , the company has determined that the fair value of such indemnifications is not material to its consolidated financial position or results of operations .' '9 .' 'stockholders 2019 equity the company 2019s class a common stock and class b convertible common stock have an authorized number of shares of 100.0 million shares and 11.3 million shares , respectively , and each have a par value of $ 0.0003 1/3 per share .' 'holders of class a common stock and class b convertible common stock have identical rights , including liquidation preferences , except that the holders of class a common stock are entitled to one vote per share and holders of class b convertible common stock are entitled to 10 votes per share on all matters submitted to a stockholder vote .' 'class b convertible common stock may only be held by kevin plank .']
['operating lease agreements .' 'included in these amounts was contingent rent expense of $ 3.6 million , $ 2.0 million and $ 0.6 million for the years ended december 31 , 2011 , 2010 and 2009 , respectively .' 'the operating lease obligations included above do not include any contingent rent .' 'sponsorships and other marketing commitments within the normal course of business , the company enters into contractual commitments in order to promote the company 2019s brand and products .' 'these commitments include sponsorship agreements with teams and athletes on the collegiate and professional levels , official supplier agreements , athletic event sponsorships and other marketing commitments .' 'the following is a schedule of the company 2019s future minimum payments under its sponsorship and other marketing agreements as of december 31 , 2011 : ( in thousands ) .']
what was the percentage increase the contingent rent expense from 2010 to 2011
['included in these amounts was contingent rent expense of $ 3.6 million , $ 2.0 million and $ 0.6 million for the years ended december 31 , 2011 , 2010 and 2009 , respectively .']
[array(['2012', '$ 52855'], dtype=object) array(['2013', '46910'], dtype=object) array(['2014', '42514'], dtype=object) array(['2015', '22689'], dtype=object) array(['2016', '3580'], dtype=object) array(['2017 and thereafter', '966'], dtype=object) array(['total future minimum sponsorship and other marketing payments', '$ 169514'], dtype=object) ]
['* includes all production-related costs , including raw materials consumed ; conversion costs , such as labor , materials , and utilities ; depreciation , depletion , and amortization ; and plant administrative expenses .' 'this segment represents a portion of alcoa 2019s upstream operations and consists of the company 2019s worldwide refining system .' 'alumina mines bauxite , from which alumina is produced and then sold directly to external smelter customers , as well as to the primary metals segment ( see primary metals below ) , or to customers who process it into industrial chemical products .' 'more than half of alumina 2019s production is sold under supply contracts to third parties worldwide , while the remainder is used internally by the primary metals segment .' 'alumina produced by this segment and used internally is transferred to the primary metals segment at prevailing market prices .' 'a portion of this segment 2019s third- party sales are completed through the use of agents , alumina traders , and distributors .' 'generally , the sales of this segment are transacted in u.s .' 'dollars while costs and expenses of this segment are transacted in the local currency of the respective operations , which are the australian dollar , the brazilian real , the u.s .' 'dollar , and the euro .' 'awac is an unincorporated global joint venture between alcoa and alumina limited and consists of a number of affiliated operating entities , which own , or have an interest in , or operate the bauxite mines and alumina refineries within the alumina segment ( except for the poc 0327os de caldas refinery in brazil and a portion of the sa 0303o lul 0301s refinery in brazil ) .' 'alcoa owns 60% ( 60 % ) and alumina limited owns 40% ( 40 % ) of these individual entities , which are consolidated by the company for financial reporting purposes .' 'as such , the results and analysis presented for the alumina segment are inclusive of alumina limited 2019s 40% ( 40 % ) interest .' 'in december 2014 , awac completed the sale of its ownership stake in jamalco , a bauxite mine and alumina refinery joint venture in jamaica , to noble group ltd .' 'jamalco was 55% ( 55 % ) owned by a subsidiary of awac , and , while owned by awac , 55% ( 55 % ) of both the operating results and assets and liabilities of this joint venture were included in the alumina segment .' 'as it relates to awac 2019s previous 55% ( 55 % ) ownership stake , the refinery ( awac 2019s share of the capacity was 779 kmt-per-year ) generated sales ( third-party and intersegment ) of approximately $ 200 in 2013 , and the refinery and mine combined , at the time of divestiture , had approximately 500 employees .' 'see restructuring and other charges in results of operations above. .']
['additionally , the latin american soft alloy extrusions business previously included in corporate was moved into the new transportation and construction solutions segment .' 'the remaining engineered products and solutions segment consists of the alcoa fastening systems and rings ( renamed to include portions of the firth rixson business acquired in november 2014 ) , alcoa power and propulsion ( includes the tital business acquired in march 2015 ) , alcoa forgings and extrusions ( includes the other portions of firth rixson ) , and alcoa titanium and engineered products ( a new business unit that consists solely of the rti international metals business acquired in july 2015 ) business units .' 'segment information for all prior periods presented was updated to reflect the new segment structure .' 'atoi for all reportable segments totaled $ 1906 in 2015 , $ 1968 in 2014 , and $ 1267 in 2013 .' 'the following information provides shipments , sales , and atoi data for each reportable segment , as well as certain production , realized price , and average cost data , for each of the three years in the period ended december 31 , 2015 .' 'see note q to the consolidated financial statements in part ii item 8 of this form 10-k for additional information .' 'alumina .']
what is the percentual reduction of intersegment sales concerning the total sales during 2013 and 2014?
['the intersegment sales of 2015 is 1687 ; the intersegment sales of 2014 is 1941 ; the intersegment sales of 2013 is 2235 ;' 'the total sales of 2015 is $ 5142 ; the total sales of 2014 is $ 5450 ; the total sales of 2013 is $ 5561 ;']
[array(['', '2015', '2014', '2013'], dtype=object) array(['alumina production ( kmt )', '15720', '16606', '16618'], dtype=object) array(['third-party alumina shipments ( kmt )', '10755', '10652', '9966'], dtype=object) array(['alcoa 2019s average realized price per metric ton of alumina', '$ 317', '$ 324', '$ 328'], dtype=object) array(['alcoa 2019s average cost per metric ton of alumina*', '$ 237', '$ 282', '$ 295'], dtype=object) array(['third-party sales', '$ 3455', '$ 3509', '$ 3326'], dtype=object) array(['intersegment sales', '1687', '1941', '2235'], dtype=object) array(['total sales', '$ 5142', '$ 5450', '$ 5561'], dtype=object) array(['atoi', '$ 746', '$ 370', '$ 259'], dtype=object)]
['our losses from future catastrophic events could exceed our projections .' 'we use projections of possible losses from future catastrophic events of varying types and magnitudes as a strategic underwriting tool .' 'we use these loss projections to estimate our potential catastrophe losses in certain geographic areas and decide on the placement of retrocessional coverage or other actions to limit the extent of potential losses in a given geographic area .' 'these loss projections are approximations , reliant on a mix of quantitative and qualitative processes , and actual losses may exceed the projections by a material amount , resulting in a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations. .']
['item 1a .' 'risk factors in addition to the other information provided in this report , the following risk factors should be considered when evaluating an investment in our securities .' 'if the circumstances contemplated by the individual risk factors materialize , our business , financial condition and results of operations could be materially and adversely affected and the trading price of our common shares could decline significantly .' 'risks relating to our business fluctuations in the financial markets could result in investment losses .' 'prolonged and severe disruptions in the overall public debt and equity markets , such as occurred during 2008 , could result in significant realized and unrealized losses in our investment portfolio .' 'although financial markets have significantly improved since 2008 , they could deteriorate in the future .' 'there could also be disruption in individual market sectors , such as occurred in the energy sector in recent years .' 'such declines in the financial markets could result in significant realized and unrealized losses on investments and could have a material adverse impact on our results of operations , equity , business and insurer financial strength and debt ratings .' 'our results could be adversely affected by catastrophic events .' 'we are exposed to unpredictable catastrophic events , including weather-related and other natural catastrophes , as well as acts of terrorism .' 'any material reduction in our operating results caused by the occurrence of one or more catastrophes could inhibit our ability to pay dividends or to meet our interest and principal payment obligations .' 'by way of illustration , during the past five calendar years , pre-tax catastrophe losses , net of reinsurance , were as follows: .']
what was the average pre-tax catastrophe losses from 2013 to 2017
['calendar year : the 2013 of pre-tax catastrophe losses is 194.0 ;' 'calendar year : the 2014 of pre-tax catastrophe losses is 56.3 ;' 'calendar year : the 2015 of pre-tax catastrophe losses is 53.8 ;' 'calendar year : the 2016 of pre-tax catastrophe losses is 301.2 ;' 'calendar year : the 2017 of pre-tax catastrophe losses is $ 1472.6 ;']
[array(['calendar year:', 'pre-tax catastrophe losses'], dtype=object) array(['( dollars in millions )', ''], dtype=object) array(['2017', '$ 1472.6'], dtype=object) array(['2016', '301.2'], dtype=object) array(['2015', '53.8'], dtype=object) array(['2014', '56.3'], dtype=object) array(['2013', '194.0'], dtype=object)]
['issuer purchases of equity securities in fiscal 2007 , our board of directors approved a share repurchase program that authorized the purchase of up to $ 100 million of global payments 2019 stock in the open market or as otherwise may be determined by us , subject to market conditions , business opportunities , and other factors .' 'under this authorization , we have repurchased 2.3 million shares of our common stock .' 'this authorization has no expiration date and may be suspended or terminated at any time .' 'repurchased shares will be retired but will be available for future issuance. .']
['stock performance graph the following line-graph presentation compares our cumulative shareholder returns with the standard & poor 2019s information technology index and the standard & poor 2019s 500 stock index for the past five years .' 'the line graph assumes the investment of $ 100 in our common stock , the standard & poor 2019s information technology index , and the standard & poor 2019s 500 stock index on may 31 , 2003 and assumes reinvestment of all dividends .' 'comparison of 5 year cumulative total return* among global payments inc. , the s&p 500 index and the s&p information technology index 5/03 5/04 5/05 5/06 5/07 5/08 global payments inc .' 's&p 500 s&p information technology * $ 100 invested on 5/31/03 in stock or index-including reinvestment of dividends .' 'fiscal year ending may 31 .' 'global payments s&p 500 information technology .']
what is the roi of global payments from 2003 to 2004?
['the may 31 2003 of global payments is $ 100.00 ; the may 31 2003 of s&p 500 is $ 100.00 ; the may 31 2003 of s&p information technology is $ 100.00 ;' 'the may 31 2004 of global payments is 137.75 ; the may 31 2004 of s&p 500 is 118.33 ; the may 31 2004 of s&p information technology is 121.98 ;']
[array(['', 'global payments', 's&p 500', 's&p information technology'], dtype=object) array(['may 31 2003', '$ 100.00', '$ 100.00', '$ 100.00'], dtype=object) array(['may 31 2004', '137.75', '118.33', '121.98'], dtype=object) array(['may 31 2005', '205.20', '128.07', '123.08'], dtype=object) array(['may 31 2006', '276.37', '139.14', '123.99'], dtype=object) array(['may 31 2007', '238.04', '170.85', '152.54'], dtype=object) array(['may 31 2008', '281.27', '159.41', '156.43'], dtype=object)]
['as part of the purchase price allocation , all intangible assets that were a part of the acquisition were identified and valued .' 'it was determined that only customer relationship , trade name and developed technology and know-how had separately identifiable values .' 'the fair value of these intangible assets was determined through the application of the income approach .' 'customer relationship represents a large customer base that is expected to purchase the disposable mammopad product on a regular basis .' 'trade name represents the .']
['hologic , inc .' 'notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) ( in thousands , except per share data ) fiscal 2007 acquisition : acquisition of biolucent , inc .' 'on september 18 , 2007 the company completed the acquisition of biolucent , inc .' '( 201cbiolucent 201d ) pursuant to a definitive agreement dated june 20 , 2007 .' 'the results of operations for biolucent have been included in the company 2019s consolidated financial statements from the date of acquisition as part of its mammography/breast care business segment .' 'the company has concluded that the acquisition of biolucent does not represent a material business combination and therefore no pro forma financial information has been provided herein .' 'biolucent , previously located in aliso viejo , california , develops , markets and sells mammopad breast cushions to decrease the discomfort associated with mammography .' 'prior to the acquisition , biolucent 2019s primary research and development efforts were directed at its brachytherapy business which was focused on breast cancer therapy .' 'prior to the acquisition , biolucent spun-off its brachytherapy technology and business to the holders of biolucent 2019s outstanding shares of capital stock .' 'as a result , the company only acquired biolucent 2019s mammopad cushion business and related assets .' 'the company invested $ 1000 directly in the spun-off brachytherapy business in exchange for shares of preferred stock issued by the new business .' 'the aggregate purchase price for biolucent was approximately $ 73200 , consisting of approximately $ 6800 in cash and 2314 shares of hologic common stock valued at approximately $ 63200 , debt assumed and paid off of approximately $ 1600 and approximately $ 1600 for acquisition related fees and expenses .' 'the company determined the fair value of the shares issued in connection with the acquisition in accordance with eitf issue no .' '99-12 , determination of the measurement date for the market price of acquirer securities issued in a purchase business combination .' 'the acquisition also provides for up to two annual earn-out payments not to exceed $ 15000 in the aggregate based on biolucent 2019s achievement of certain revenue targets .' 'the company has considered the provision of eitf issue no .' '95-8 , accounting for contingent consideration paid to the shareholders of an acquired enterprise in a purchase business combination , and concluded that this contingent consideration will represent additional purchase price .' 'as a result , goodwill will be increased by the amount of the additional consideration , if any , when it becomes due and payable .' 'as of september 27 , 2008 , the company has not recorded any amounts for these potential earn-outs .' 'the allocation of the purchase price is based upon estimates of the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed as of september 18 , 2007 .' 'the components and allocation of the purchase price consists of the following approximate amounts: .']
what is the estimated price of hologic common stock used in the transaction for biolucent acquisition?
['the aggregate purchase price for biolucent was approximately $ 73200 , consisting of approximately $ 6800 in cash and 2314 shares of hologic common stock valued at approximately $ 63200 , debt assumed and paid off of approximately $ 1600 and approximately $ 1600 for acquisition related fees and expenses .']
[array(['net tangible assets acquired as of september 18 2007', '$ 2800'], dtype=object) array(['developed technology and know how', '12300'], dtype=object) array(['customer relationship', '17000'], dtype=object) array(['trade name', '2800'], dtype=object) array(['deferred income tax liabilities net', '-9500 ( 9500 )'], dtype=object) array(['goodwill', '47800'], dtype=object) array(['final purchase price', '$ 73200'], dtype=object)]
['on february 29 , 2008 , the closing price of our class a common stock was $ 38.44 per share as reported on the nyse .' 'as of february 29 , 2008 , we had 395748826 outstanding shares of class a common stock and 528 registered holders .' 'dividends we have never paid a dividend on any class of our common stock .' 'we anticipate that we may retain future earnings , if any , to fund the development and growth of our business .' 'the indentures governing our 7.50% ( 7.50 % ) senior notes due 2012 ( 201c7.50% ( 201c7.50 % ) notes 201d ) and our 7.125% ( 7.125 % ) senior notes due 2012 ( 201c7.125% ( 201c7.125 % ) notes 201d ) may prohibit us from paying dividends to our stockholders unless we satisfy certain financial covenants .' 'the loan agreement for our revolving credit facility and the indentures governing the terms of our 7.50% ( 7.50 % ) notes and 7.125% ( 7.125 % ) notes contain covenants that restrict our ability to pay dividends unless certain financial covenants are satisfied .' 'in addition , while spectrasite and its subsidiaries are classified as unrestricted subsidiaries under the indentures for our 7.50% ( 7.50 % ) notes and 7.125% ( 7.125 % ) notes , certain of spectrasite 2019s subsidiaries are subject to restrictions on the amount of cash that they can distribute to us under the loan agreement related to our securitization .' 'for more information about the restrictions under the loan agreement for the revolving credit facility , our notes indentures and the loan agreement related to the securitization , see item 7 of this annual report under the caption 201cmanagement 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2014liquidity and capital resources 2014factors affecting sources of liquidity 201d and note 3 to our consolidated financial statements included in this annual report. .']
['part ii item 5 .' 'market for registrant 2019s common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities the following table presents reported quarterly high and low per share sale prices of our class a common stock on the new york stock exchange ( 201cnyse 201d ) for the years 2007 and 2006. .']
what is the average number of shares per registered holder as of february 29 , 2008?
['as of february 29 , 2008 , we had 395748826 outstanding shares of class a common stock and 528 registered holders .']
[array(['2007', 'high', 'low'], dtype=object) array(['quarter ended march 31', '$ 41.31', '$ 36.63'], dtype=object) array(['quarter ended june 30', '43.84', '37.64'], dtype=object) array(['quarter ended september 30', '45.45', '36.34'], dtype=object) array(['quarter ended december 31', '46.53', '40.08'], dtype=object) array(['2006', 'high', 'low'], dtype=object) array(['quarter ended march 31', '$ 32.68', '$ 26.66'], dtype=object) array(['quarter ended june 30', '35.75', '27.35'], dtype=object) array(['quarter ended september 30', '36.92', '29.98'], dtype=object) array(['quarter ended december 31', '38.74', '35.21'], dtype=object)]
['13 .' 'stockholders 2019 equity warrants 2014in january 2003 , the company issued warrants to purchase approximately 11.4 million shares of its common stock in connection with an offering of 808000 units , each consisting of $ 1000 principal amount at maturity of ati 12.25% ( 12.25 % ) senior subordinated discount notes due 2008 and a warrant to purchase 14.0953 shares of the company 2019s common stock .' 'these warrants became exercisable on january 29 , 2006 at an exercise price of $ 0.01 per share .' 'as these warrants expired on august 1 , 2008 , none were outstanding as of december 31 , in august 2005 , the company completed its merger with spectrasite , inc .' 'and assumed outstanding warrants to purchase shares of spectrasite , inc .' 'common stock .' 'as of the merger completion date , each warrant was exercisable for two shares of spectrasite , inc .' 'common stock at an exercise price of $ 32 per warrant .' 'upon completion of the merger , each warrant to purchase shares of spectrasite , inc .' 'common stock automatically converted into a warrant to purchase shares of the company 2019s common stock , such that upon exercise of each warrant , the holder has a right to receive 3.575 shares of the company 2019s common stock in lieu of each share of spectrasite , inc .' 'common stock that would have been receivable under each assumed warrant prior to the merger .' 'upon completion of the company 2019s merger with spectrasite , inc. , these warrants were exercisable for approximately 6.8 million shares of common stock .' 'of these warrants , warrants to purchase approximately 1.8 million and 2.0 million shares of common stock remained outstanding as of december 31 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively .' 'these warrants will expire on february 10 , 2010 .' 'stock repurchase programs 2014during the year ended december 31 , 2008 , the company repurchased an aggregate of approximately 18.3 million shares of its common stock for an aggregate of $ 697.1 million , including commissions and fees , pursuant to its publicly announced stock repurchase programs , as described below. .']
['american tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) from december 1 through may 31 of each year .' 'during the 2008 , 2007 and 2006 offering periods employees purchased 55764 , 48886 and 53210 shares , respectively , at weighted average prices per share of $ 30.08 , $ 33.93 and $ 24.98 , respectively .' 'the fair value of the espp offerings is estimated on the offering period commencement date using a black-scholes pricing model with the expense recognized over the expected life , which is the six month offering period over which employees accumulate payroll deductions to purchase the company 2019s common stock .' 'the weighted average fair value for the espp shares purchased during 2008 , 2007 and 2006 were $ 7.89 , $ 9.09 and $ 6.79 , respectively .' 'at december 31 , 2008 , 8.8 million shares remain reserved for future issuance under the plan .' 'key assumptions used to apply this pricing model for the years ended december 31 , are as follows: .']
what is the growth rate in the price of espp shares purchased from 2006 to 2007?
['the weighted average fair value for the espp shares purchased during 2008 , 2007 and 2006 were $ 7.89 , $ 9.09 and $ 6.79 , respectively .']
[array(['', '2008', '2007', '2006'], dtype=object) array(['range of risk free interest rates', '1.99% ( 1.99 % ) 20143.28% ( 20143.28 % )', '4.98% ( 4.98 % ) 20145.05% ( 20145.05 % )', '5.01% ( 5.01 % ) 20145.17% ( 20145.17 % )'], dtype=object) array(['weighted average risk-free interest rate', '2.58% ( 2.58 % )', '5.02% ( 5.02 % )', '5.08% ( 5.08 % )'], dtype=object) array(['expected life of the shares', '6 months', '6 months', '6 months'], dtype=object) array(['range of expected volatility of underlying stock price', '27.85% ( 27.85 % ) 201428.51% ( 201428.51 % )', '27.53% ( 27.53 % ) 201428.74% ( 201428.74 % )', '29.60% ( 29.60 % )'], dtype=object) array(['weighted average expected volatility of underlying stock price', '28.51% ( 28.51 % )', '28.22% ( 28.22 % )', '29.60% ( 29.60 % )'], dtype=object) array(['expected annual dividends', 'n/a', 'n/a', 'n/a'], dtype=object)]
['( 1 ) in exchange for employees 2019 contributions to the successful reorganization , including agreeing to reductions in pay and benefits , american agreed in the plan to provide each employee group a deemed claim , which was used to provide a distribution of a portion of the equity of the reorganized entity to those employees .' 'each employee group received a deemed claim amount based upon a portion of the value of cost savings provided by that group through reductions to pay and benefits as well as through certain work rule changes .' 'the total value of this deemed claim was approximately $ 1.7 billion .' '( 2 ) amounts include allowed claims ( claims approved by the bankruptcy court ) and estimated allowed claims relating to ( i ) the rejection or modification of financings related to aircraft and ( ii ) entry of orders treated as unsecured claims with respect to facility agreements supporting certain issuances of special facility revenue bonds .' 'the debtors recorded an estimated claim associated with the rejection or modification of a financing or facility agreement when the applicable motion was filed with the bankruptcy court to reject or modify such financing or facility agreement and the debtors believed that it was probable the motion would be approved , and there was sufficient information to estimate the claim .' 'see note 2 to american 2019s consolidated financial statements in part ii , item 8b for further information .' '( 3 ) pursuant to the plan , the debtors agreed to allow certain post-petition unsecured claims on obligations .' 'as a result , during the year ended december 31 , 2013 , american recorded reorganization charges to adjust estimated allowed claim amounts previously recorded on rejected special facility revenue bonds of $ 180 million , allowed general unsecured claims related to the 1990 and 1994 series of special facility revenue bonds that financed certain improvements at jfk , and rejected bonds that financed certain improvements at ord , which are included in the table above .' '( 4 ) the plan allowed unsecured creditors receiving aag series a preferred stock a conversion discount of 3.5% ( 3.5 % ) .' 'accordingly , american recorded the fair value of such discount upon the confirmation of the plan by the bankruptcy court. .']
['table of contents interest expense , net of capitalized interest increased $ 64 million , or 9.8% ( 9.8 % ) , to $ 710 million in 2013 from $ 646 million in 2012 primarily due to special charges of $ 92 million to recognize post-petition interest expense on unsecured obligations pursuant to the plan and penalty interest related to 10.5% ( 10.5 % ) secured notes and 7.50% ( 7.50 % ) senior secured notes .' 'other nonoperating expense , net of $ 84 million in 2013 consists principally of net foreign currency losses of $ 55 million and early debt extinguishment charges of $ 48 million .' 'other nonoperating income in 2012 consisted principally of a $ 280 million special credit related to the settlement of a commercial dispute partially offset by net foreign currency losses .' 'reorganization items , net reorganization items refer to revenues , expenses ( including professional fees ) , realized gains and losses and provisions for losses that are realized or incurred as a direct result of the chapter 11 cases .' 'the following table summarizes the components included in reorganization items , net on american 2019s consolidated statements of operations for the years ended december 31 , 2013 and 2012 ( in millions ) : .']
by how much did total reorganization items net increase from 2012 to 2013?
['the total reorganization items net of 2013 is $ 2640 ; the total reorganization items net of 2012 is $ 2179 ;']
[array(['', '2013', '2012'], dtype=object) array(['pension and postretirement benefits', '$ 2014', '$ -66 ( 66 )'], dtype=object) array(['labor-related deemed claim ( 1 )', '1733', '2014'], dtype=object) array(['aircraft and facility financing renegotiations and rejections ( 2 ) ( 3 )', '320', '1951'], dtype=object) array(['fair value of conversion discount ( 4 )', '218', '2014'], dtype=object) array(['professional fees', '199', '227'], dtype=object) array(['other', '170', '67'], dtype=object) array(['total reorganization items net', '$ 2640', '$ 2179'], dtype=object)]
['as of february 13 , 2015 , there were approximately 8208 holders of record of our class a common stock , not including stockholders who beneficially own class a common stock held in nominee or street name .' 'as of february 10 , 2015 , 213247004 of the 238435208 outstanding shares of our class b common stock were beneficially held by charles w .' 'ergen , our chairman , and the remaining 25188204 were held in trusts established by mr .' 'ergen for the benefit of his family .' 'there is currently no trading market for our class b common stock .' 'dividends .' 'on december 28 , 2012 , we paid a cash dividend of $ 1.00 per share , or approximately $ 453 million , on our outstanding class a and class b common stock to stockholders of record at the close of business on december 14 , 2012 .' 'while we currently do not intend to declare additional dividends on our common stock , we may elect to do so from time to time .' 'payment of any future dividends will depend upon our earnings and capital requirements , restrictions in our debt facilities , and other factors the board of directors considers appropriate .' 'we currently intend to retain our earnings , if any , to support future growth and expansion , although we may repurchase shares of our common stock from time to time .' 'see further discussion under 201citem 7 .' 'management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2013 liquidity and capital resources 201d in this annual report on form 10-k .' 'securities authorized for issuance under equity compensation plans .' 'see 201citem 12 .' 'security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management and related stockholder matters 201d in this annual report on form 10-k. .']
['part ii item 5 .' 'market for registrant 2019s common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities market price of and dividends on the registrant 2019s common equity and related stockholder matters market information .' 'our class a common stock is quoted on the nasdaq global select market under the symbol 201cdish . 201d the high and low closing sale prices of our class a common stock during 2014 and 2013 on the nasdaq global select market ( as reported by nasdaq ) are set forth below. .']
what portion of the outstanding shares of our class b common stock were held by the chairman?
['as of february 10 , 2015 , 213247004 of the 238435208 outstanding shares of our class b common stock were beneficially held by charles w .' 'ergen , our chairman , and the remaining 25188204 were held in trusts established by mr .']
[array(['2014', 'high', 'low'], dtype=object) array(['first quarter', '$ 62.42', '$ 54.10'], dtype=object) array(['second quarter', '65.64', '56.23'], dtype=object) array(['third quarter', '66.71', '61.87'], dtype=object) array(['fourth quarter', '79.41', '57.96'], dtype=object) array(['2013', 'high', 'low'], dtype=object) array(['first quarter', '$ 38.02', '$ 34.19'], dtype=object) array(['second quarter', '42.52', '36.24'], dtype=object) array(['third quarter', '48.09', '41.66'], dtype=object) array(['fourth quarter', '57.92', '45.68'], dtype=object)]
['the changes in the fair values of these mortgage loans are reported in other revenue in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income .' 'there was no net change in fair value during the years ended december 31 , 2018 and 2017 due to instrument-specific credit risk .' 'related interest income continues to be measured based on the contractual interest rates and reported as interest revenue in the consolidated statement of income. .']
['changes in the fair value of funded and unfunded credit products are classified in principal transactions in citi 2019s consolidated statement of income .' 'related interest revenue is measured based on the contractual interest rates and reported as interest revenue on trading account assets or loan interest depending on the balance sheet classifications of the credit products .' 'the changes in fair value for the years ended december 31 , 2018 and 2017 due to instrument-specific credit risk totaled to a loss of $ 27 million and a gain of $ 10 million , respectively .' 'certain investments in unallocated precious metals citigroup invests in unallocated precious metals accounts ( gold , silver , platinum and palladium ) as part of its commodity and foreign currency trading activities or to economically hedge certain exposures from issuing structured liabilities .' 'under asc 815 , the investment is bifurcated into a debt host contract and a commodity forward derivative instrument .' 'citigroup elects the fair value option for the debt host contract , and reports the debt host contract within trading account assets on the company 2019s consolidated balance sheet .' 'the total carrying amount of debt host contracts across unallocated precious metals accounts was approximately $ 0.4 billion and $ 0.9 billion at december 31 , 2018 and 2017 , respectively .' 'the amounts are expected to fluctuate based on trading activity in future periods .' 'as part of its commodity and foreign currency trading activities , citi trades unallocated precious metals investments and executes forward purchase and forward sale derivative contracts with trading counterparties .' 'when citi sells an unallocated precious metals investment , citi 2019s receivable from its depository bank is repaid and citi derecognizes its investment in the unallocated precious metal .' 'the forward purchase or sale contract with the trading counterparty indexed to unallocated precious metals is accounted for as a derivative , at fair value through earnings .' 'as of december 31 , 2018 , there were approximately $ 13.7 billion and $ 10.3 billion in notional amounts of such forward purchase and forward sale derivative contracts outstanding , respectively .' 'certain investments in private equity and real estate ventures and certain equity method and other investments citigroup invests in private equity and real estate ventures for the purpose of earning investment returns and for capital appreciation .' 'the company has elected the fair value option for certain of these ventures , because such investments are considered similar to many private equity or hedge fund activities in citi 2019s investment companies , which are reported at fair value .' 'the fair value option brings consistency in the accounting and evaluation of these investments .' 'all investments ( debt and equity ) in such private equity and real estate entities are accounted for at fair value .' 'these investments are classified as investments on citigroup 2019s consolidated balance sheet .' 'changes in the fair values of these investments are classified in other revenue in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income .' 'citigroup also elected the fair value option for certain non-marketable equity securities whose risk is managed with derivative instruments that are accounted for at fair value through earnings .' 'these securities are classified as trading account assets on citigroup 2019s consolidated balance sheet .' 'changes in the fair value of these securities and the related derivative instruments are recorded in principal transactions .' 'effective january 1 , 2018 under asu 2016-01 and asu 2018-03 , a fair value option election is no longer required to measure these non-marketable equity securities through earnings .' 'see note 1 to the consolidated financial statements for additional details .' 'certain mortgage loans held-for-sale citigroup has elected the fair value option for certain purchased and originated prime fixed-rate and conforming adjustable-rate first mortgage loans hfs .' 'these loans are intended for sale or securitization and are hedged with derivative instruments .' 'the company has elected the fair value option to mitigate accounting mismatches in cases where hedge accounting is complex and to achieve operational simplifications .' 'the following table provides information about certain mortgage loans hfs carried at fair value: .']
what was the change in millions in the carrying amount reported on the consolidate balance sheet from 2017 to 2018?
['in millions of dollars the carrying amount reported on the consolidated balance sheet of december 312018 is $ 556 ; the carrying amount reported on the consolidated balance sheet of december 31 2017 is $ 426 ;']
[array(['in millions of dollars', 'december 312018', 'december 31 2017'], dtype=object) array(['carrying amount reported on the consolidated balance sheet', '$ 556', '$ 426'], dtype=object) array(['aggregate fair value in excess of ( less than ) unpaid principal balance', '21', '14'], dtype=object) array(['balance of non-accrual loans or loans more than 90 days past due', '2014', '2014'], dtype=object) array(['aggregate unpaid principal balance in excess of fair value for non-accrual loans or loans more than 90 days past due', '2014', '2014'], dtype=object) ]
['( 1 ) relates to shares employees have elected to have withheld to cover their statutory minimum withholding requirements for personal income taxes related to the vesting of restricted stock units .' 'no shares were purchased during the three months ended december 31 , 2009 under our previously announced stock repurchase plan .' '%%transmsg*** transmitting job : d70731 pcn : 033000000 ***%%pcmsg|33 |00012|yes|no|02/10/2010 05:41|0|0|page is valid , no graphics -- color : n| .']
['we are required under the terms of our preferred stock to pay scheduled quarterly dividends , subject to legally available funds .' 'for so long as the preferred stock remains outstanding , ( 1 ) we will not declare , pay or set apart funds for the payment of any dividend or other distribution with respect to any junior stock or parity stock and ( 2 ) neither we , nor any of our subsidiaries , will , subject to certain exceptions , redeem , purchase or otherwise acquire for consideration junior stock or parity stock through a sinking fund or otherwise , in each case unless we have paid or set apart funds for the payment of all accumulated and unpaid dividends with respect to the shares of preferred stock and any parity stock for all preceding dividend periods .' 'pursuant to this policy , we paid quarterly dividends of $ 0.265625 per share on our preferred stock on february 1 , 2009 , may 1 , 2009 , august 3 , 2009 and november 2 , 2009 and similar quarterly dividends during each quarter of 2008 .' 'the annual cash dividend declared and paid during the years ended december 31 , 2009 and 2008 were $ 10 million and $ 10 million , respectively .' 'on january 5 , 2010 , we declared a cash dividend of $ 0.265625 per share on our preferred stock amounting to $ 3 million and a cash dividend of $ 0.04 per share on our series a common stock amounting to $ 6 million .' 'both cash dividends are for the period from november 2 , 2009 to january 31 , 2010 and were paid on february 1 , 2010 to holders of record as of january 15 , 2010 .' 'on february 1 , 2010 , we announced we would elect to redeem all of our outstanding preferred stock on february 22 , 2010 .' 'holders of the preferred stock also have the right to convert their shares at any time prior to 5:00 p.m. , new york city time , on february 19 , 2010 , the business day immediately preceding the february 22 , 2010 redemption date .' 'based on the number of outstanding shares as of december 31 , 2009 and considering the redemption of our preferred stock , cash dividends to be paid in 2010 are expected to result in annual dividend payments less than those paid in 2009 .' 'the amount available to us to pay cash dividends is restricted by our senior credit agreement .' 'any decision to declare and pay dividends in the future will be made at the discretion of our board of directors and will depend on , among other things , our results of operations , cash requirements , financial condition , contractual restrictions and other factors that our board of directors may deem relevant .' 'celanese purchases of its equity securities the table below sets forth information regarding repurchases of our series a common stock during the three months ended december 31 , 2009 : period total number of shares purchased ( 1 ) average price paid per share total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced program approximate dollar value of shares remaining that may be purchased under the program .']
what is the value of the shares purchased between december 1-31 2009
['period the december 1-31 2009 of total number of shares purchased ( 1 ) is 334 ; the december 1-31 2009 of average price paid per share is $ 32.03 ; the december 1-31 2009 of total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced program is - ; the december 1-31 2009 of approximate dollar value of shares remaining that may be purchased under the program is $ 122300000.00 ;']
[array(['period', 'total number of shares purchased ( 1 )', 'average price paid per share', 'total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced program', 'approximate dollar value of shares remaining that may be purchased under the program'], dtype=object) array(['october 1-31 2009', '24980', '$ 24.54', '-', '$ 122300000.00'], dtype=object) array(['november 1-30 2009', '-', '$ -', '-', '$ 122300000.00'], dtype=object) array(['december 1-31 2009', '334', '$ 32.03', '-', '$ 122300000.00'], dtype=object) ]
['restricted cash and marketable securities as of december 31 , 2013 , we had $ 169.7 million of restricted cash and marketable securities .' 'we obtain funds through the issuance of tax-exempt bonds for the purpose of financing qualifying expenditures at our landfills , transfer stations , collection and recycling centers .' 'the funds are deposited directly into trust accounts by the bonding authorities at the time of issuance .' 'as the use of these funds is contractually restricted , and we do not have the ability to use these funds for general operating purposes , they are classified as restricted cash and marketable securities in our consolidated balance sheets .' 'in the normal course of business , we may be required to provide financial assurance to governmental agencies and a variety of other entities in connection with municipal residential collection contracts , closure or post- closure of landfills , environmental remediation , environmental permits , and business licenses and permits as a financial guarantee of our performance .' 'at several of our landfills , we satisfy financial assurance requirements by depositing cash into restricted trust funds or escrow accounts .' 'property and equipment we record property and equipment at cost .' 'expenditures for major additions and improvements to facilities are capitalized , while maintenance and repairs are charged to expense as incurred .' 'when property is retired or .']
['republic services , inc .' 'notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) credit exposure , we continually monitor the credit worthiness of the financial institutions where we have deposits .' 'concentrations of credit risk with respect to trade accounts receivable are limited due to the wide variety of customers and markets in which we provide services , as well as the dispersion of our operations across many geographic areas .' 'we provide services to commercial , industrial , municipal and residential customers in the united states and puerto rico .' 'we perform ongoing credit evaluations of our customers , but generally do not require collateral to support customer receivables .' 'we establish an allowance for doubtful accounts based on various factors including the credit risk of specific customers , age of receivables outstanding , historical trends , economic conditions and other information .' 'accounts receivable , net of allowance for doubtful accounts accounts receivable represent receivables from customers for collection , transfer , recycling , disposal and other services .' 'our receivables are recorded when billed or when the related revenue is earned , if earlier , and represent claims against third parties that will be settled in cash .' 'the carrying value of our receivables , net of the allowance for doubtful accounts , represents their estimated net realizable value .' 'provisions for doubtful accounts are evaluated on a monthly basis and are recorded based on our historical collection experience , the age of the receivables , specific customer information and economic conditions .' 'we also review outstanding balances on an account-specific basis .' 'in general , reserves are provided for accounts receivable in excess of 90 days outstanding .' 'past due receivable balances are written-off when our collection efforts have been unsuccessful in collecting amounts due .' 'the following table reflects the activity in our allowance for doubtful accounts for the years ended december 31 , 2013 , 2012 and 2011: .']
in the account for the allowance for doubtful accounts what was the percent of the change in the additions charged to expense from 2012 to 2013
['the additions charged to expense of 2013 is 16.1 ; the additions charged to expense of 2012 is 29.7 ; the additions charged to expense of 2011 is 21.0 ;']
[array(['', '2013', '2012', '2011'], dtype=object) array(['balance at beginning of year', '$ 45.3', '$ 48.1', '$ 50.9'], dtype=object) array(['additions charged to expense', '16.1', '29.7', '21.0'], dtype=object) array(['accounts written-off', '-23.1 ( 23.1 )', '-32.5 ( 32.5 )', '-23.8 ( 23.8 )'], dtype=object) array(['balance at end of year', '$ 38.3', '$ 45.3', '$ 48.1'], dtype=object) ]
['we have used interest rate swaps for risk management purposes to manage our exposure to changes in interest rates .' 'we do not have any interest rate swaps outstanding as of december 31 , 2013 .' 'we had $ 1642.1 of cash , cash equivalents and marketable securities as of december 31 , 2013 that we generally invest in conservative , short-term bank deposits or securities .' 'the interest income generated from these investments is subject to both domestic and foreign interest rate movements .' 'during 2013 and 2012 , we had interest income of $ 24.7 and $ 29.5 , respectively .' 'based on our 2013 results , a 100-basis-point increase or decrease in interest rates would affect our interest income by approximately $ 16.4 , assuming that all cash , cash equivalents and marketable securities are impacted in the same manner and balances remain constant from year-end 2013 levels .' 'foreign currency rates we are subject to translation and transaction risks related to changes in foreign currency exchange rates .' 'since we report revenues and expenses in u.s .' 'dollars , changes in exchange rates may either positively or negatively affect our consolidated revenues and expenses ( as expressed in u.s .' 'dollars ) from foreign operations .' 'the primary foreign currencies that impacted our results during 2013 were the australian dollar , brazilian real , euro , japanese yen and the south african rand .' 'based on 2013 exchange rates and operating results , if the u.s .' 'dollar were to strengthen or weaken by 10% ( 10 % ) , we currently estimate operating income would decrease or increase between 3% ( 3 % ) and 4% ( 4 % ) , assuming that all currencies are impacted in the same manner and our international revenue and expenses remain constant at 2013 levels .' 'the functional currency of our foreign operations is generally their respective local currency .' 'assets and liabilities are translated at the exchange rates in effect at the balance sheet date , and revenues and expenses are translated at the average exchange rates during the period presented .' 'the resulting translation adjustments are recorded as a component of accumulated other comprehensive loss , net of tax , in the stockholders 2019 equity section of our consolidated balance sheets .' 'our foreign subsidiaries generally collect revenues and pay expenses in their functional currency , mitigating transaction risk .' 'however , certain subsidiaries may enter into transactions in currencies other than their functional currency .' 'assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than the functional currency are susceptible to movements in foreign currency until final settlement .' 'currency transaction gains or losses primarily arising from transactions in currencies other than the functional currency are included in office and general expenses .' 'we have not entered into a material amount of foreign currency forward exchange contracts or other derivative financial instruments to hedge the effects of potential adverse fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates. .']
['item 7a .' 'quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk ( amounts in millions ) in the normal course of business , we are exposed to market risks related to interest rates , foreign currency rates and certain balance sheet items .' 'from time to time , we use derivative instruments , pursuant to established guidelines and policies , to manage some portion of these risks .' 'derivative instruments utilized in our hedging activities are viewed as risk management tools and are not used for trading or speculative purposes .' 'interest rates our exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates relates primarily to the fair market value and cash flows of our debt obligations .' 'the majority of our debt ( approximately 89% ( 89 % ) and 93% ( 93 % ) as of december 31 , 2013 and 2012 , respectively ) bears interest at fixed rates .' 'we do have debt with variable interest rates , but a 10% ( 10 % ) increase or decrease in interest rates would not be material to our interest expense or cash flows .' 'the fair market value of our debt is sensitive to changes in interest rates , and the impact of a 10% ( 10 % ) change in interest rates is summarized below .' 'increase/ ( decrease ) in fair market value as of december 31 , 10% ( 10 % ) increase in interest rates 10% ( 10 % ) decrease in interest rates .']
in 2013 what was the net amount that was received from increasing and decreasing interest rates , including interest income?
$ 25.7 million
['as of december 31 , the 2013 of increase/ ( decrease ) in fair market value 10% ( 10 % ) increasein interest rates is $ -26.9 ( 26.9 ) ; the 2013 of increase/ ( decrease ) in fair market value 10% ( 10 % ) decreasein interest rates is $ 27.9 ;' 'we have used interest rate swaps for risk management purposes to manage our exposure to changes in interest rates .' 'the interest income generated from these investments is subject to both domestic and foreign interest rate movements .' 'during 2013 and 2012 , we had interest income of $ 24.7 and $ 29.5 , respectively .']
[array(['as of december 31,', 'increase/ ( decrease ) in fair market value 10% ( 10 % ) increasein interest rates', 'increase/ ( decrease ) in fair market value 10% ( 10 % ) decreasein interest rates'], dtype=object) array(['2013', '$ -26.9 ( 26.9 )', '$ 27.9'], dtype=object) array(['2012', '-27.5 ( 27.5 )', '28.4'], dtype=object)]
['weighted average common shares outstanding and dilutive potential common shares ( diluted ) 306.7 319.1 315.9 .']
['table of contents the company receives a foreign tax credit ( 201cftc 201d ) against its u.s .' 'tax liability for foreign taxes paid by the company including payments from its separate account assets .' 'the separate account ftc is estimated for the current year using information from the most recent filed return , adjusted for the change in the allocation of separate account investments to the international equity markets during the current year .' 'the actual current year ftc can vary from the estimates due to actual ftcs passed through by the mutual funds .' 'the company recorded benefits of $ 16 , $ 11 and $ 17 related to separate account ftc in the years ended december 31 , 2008 , december 31 , 2007 and december 31 , 2006 , respectively .' 'these amounts included benefits related to true- ups of prior years 2019 tax returns of $ 4 , $ 0 and $ 7 in 2008 , 2007 and 2006 respectively .' 'the company 2019s unrecognized tax benefits increased by $ 15 during 2008 as a result of tax positions taken on the company 2019s 2007 tax return and expected to be taken on its 2008 tax return , bringing the total unrecognized tax benefits to $ 91 as of december 31 , 2008 .' 'this entire amount , if it were recognized , would affect the effective tax rate .' 'earnings ( losses ) per common share the following table represents earnings per common share data for the past three years : for additional information on earnings ( losses ) per common share see note 2 of notes to consolidated financial statements .' 'outlooks the hartford provides projections and other forward-looking information in the 201coutlook 201d sections within md&a .' 'the 201coutlook 201d sections contain many forward-looking statements , particularly relating to the company 2019s future financial performance .' 'these forward-looking statements are estimates based on information currently available to the company , are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the private securities litigation reform act of 1995 and are subject to the precautionary statements set forth in the introduction to md&a above .' 'actual results are likely to differ , and in the past have differed , materially from those forecast by the company , depending on the outcome of various factors , including , but not limited to , those set forth in each 201coutlook 201d section and in item 1a , risk factors .' 'outlook during 2008 , the company has been negatively impacted by conditions in the global financial markets and economic conditions in general .' 'as these conditions persist in 2009 , the company would anticipate that it would continue to be negatively impacted , including the effect of rating downgrades that have occurred and those that could occur in the future .' 'see risk factors in item 1a .' 'retail in the long-term , management continues to believe the market for retirement products will expand as individuals increasingly save and plan for retirement .' 'demographic trends suggest that as the 201cbaby boom 201d generation matures , a significant portion of the united states population will allocate a greater percentage of their disposable incomes to saving for their retirement years due to uncertainty surrounding the social security system and increases in average life expectancy .' 'near-term , the industry and the company are experiencing lower variable annuity sales as a result of recent market turbulence and uncertainty in the u.s .' 'financial system .' 'current market pressures are also increasing the expected claim costs , the cost and volatility of hedging programs , and the level of capital needed to support living benefit guarantees .' 'some companies have already begun to increase the price of their guaranteed living benefits and change the level of guarantees offered .' 'in 2009 , the company intends to adjust pricing levels and take certain actions to reduce the risks in its variable annuity product features in order to address the risks and costs associated with variable annuity benefit features in the current economic environment and explore other risk limiting techniques such as increased hedging or other reinsurance structures .' 'competitor reaction , including the extent of competitor risk limiting strategies , is difficult to predict and may result in a decline in retail 2019s market share .' 'significant declines in equity markets and increased equity market volatility are also likely to continue to impact the cost and effectiveness of our gmwb hedging program .' 'continued equity market volatility could result in material losses in our hedging program .' 'for more information on the gmwb hedging program , see the equity risk management section within capital markets risk management .' 'during periods of volatile equity markets , policyholders may allocate more of their variable account assets to the fixed account options and fixed annuities may see increased deposits .' 'in the fourth quarter of 2008 , the company has seen an increase in fixed .']
what is the net income reported in 2007 , ( in millions ) ?
['the basic earnings ( losses ) per share of 2008 is $ -8.99 ( 8.99 ) ; the basic earnings ( losses ) per share of 2007 is $ 9.32 ; the basic earnings ( losses ) per share of 2006 is $ 8.89 ;' 'the weighted average common shares outstanding and dilutive potential common shares ( diluted ) of 2008 is 306.7 ; the weighted average common shares outstanding and dilutive potential common shares ( diluted ) of 2007 is 319.1 ; the weighted average common shares outstanding and dilutive potential common shares ( diluted ) of 2006 is 315.9 ;' 'actual results are likely to differ , and in the past have differed , materially from those forecast by the company , depending on the outcome of various factors , including , but not limited to , those set forth in each 201coutlook 201d section and in item 1a , risk factors .' 'the weighted average common shares outstanding ( basic ) of 2008 is 306.7 ; the weighted average common shares outstanding ( basic ) of 2007 is 316.3 ; the weighted average common shares outstanding ( basic ) of 2006 is 308.8 ;']
[array(['', '2008', '2007', '2006'], dtype=object) array(['basic earnings ( losses ) per share', '$ -8.99 ( 8.99 )', '$ 9.32', '$ 8.89'], dtype=object) array(['diluted earnings ( losses ) per share', '$ -8.99 ( 8.99 )', '$ 9.24', '$ 8.69'], dtype=object) array(['weighted average common shares outstanding ( basic )', '306.7', '316.3', '308.8'], dtype=object) array(['weighted average common shares outstanding and dilutive potential common shares ( diluted )', '306.7', '319.1', '315.9'], dtype=object) ]
['( 1 ) includes only principal payments owed on our debt assuming that all of our long-term debt will be held to maturity , excluding scheduled payments .' 'we have excluded $ 205.2 million of fair value of debt step-up , deferred financing costs and unamortized bond discounts from the table to arrive at actual debt obligations .' 'see fffdnote 13 .' 'debt fffd fffd of the notes to consolidated financial statements for information on the interest rates that apply to our various debt instruments .' '( 2 ) see fffdnote 14 .' 'operating leases fffd of the notes to consolidated financial statements for additional information .' '( 3 ) the fair value step-up of $ 18.5 million is excluded .' 'see fffdnote 13 .' 'debt fffd fffd capital lease and other indebtednesstt fffd of the notes to consolidated financial statements for additional information .' '( 4 ) purchase obligations include agreements to purchase goods or services that are enforceable and legally binding and that specify all significant terms , including : fixed or minimum quantities to be purchased ; fixed , minimum or variable price provision ; and the approximate timing of the transaction .' 'purchase obligations exclude agreements that are cancelable without penalty .' '( 5 ) we have included in the table future estimated minimum pension plan contributions and estimated benefit payments related to postretirement obligations , supplemental retirement plans and deferred compensation plans .' 'our estimates are based on factors , such as discount rates and expected returns on plan assets .' 'future contributions are subject to changes in our underfunded status based on factors such as investment performance , discount rates , returns on plan assets and changes in legislation .' 'it is possible that our assumptions may change , actual market performance may vary or we may decide to contribute different amounts .' 'we have excluded $ 247.8 million of multiemployer pension plan withdrawal liabilities recorded as of september 30 , 2018 due to lack of definite payout terms for certain of the obligations .' 'see fffdnote 4 .' 'retirement plans fffd multiemployer plans fffd of the notes to consolidated financial statements for additional information .' '( 6 ) we have not included the following items in the table : fffd an item labeled fffdother long-term liabilities fffd reflected on our consolidated balance sheet because these liabilities do not have a definite pay-out scheme .' 'fffd $ 158.4 million from the line item fffdpurchase obligations and other fffd for certain provisions of the financial accounting standards board fffds ( fffdfasb fffd ) accounting standards codification ( fffdasc fffd ) 740 , fffdincome taxes fffd associated with liabilities for uncertain tax positions due to the uncertainty as to the amount and timing of payment , if any .' 'in addition to the enforceable and legally binding obligations presented in the table above , we have other obligations for goods and services and raw materials entered into in the normal course of business .' 'these contracts , however , are subject to change based on our business decisions .' 'expenditures for environmental compliance see item 1 .' 'fffdbusiness fffd fffd governmental regulation fffd environmental and other matters fffd , fffdbusiness fffd fffd governmental regulation fffd cercla and other remediation costs fffd , and fffd fffdbusiness fffd fffd governmental regulation fffd climate change fffd for a discussion of our expenditures for environmental compliance. .']
['contractual obligations we summarize our enforceable and legally binding contractual obligations at september 30 , 2018 , and the effect these obligations are expected to have on our liquidity and cash flow in future periods in the following table .' 'certain amounts in this table are based on management fffds estimates and assumptions about these obligations , including their duration , the possibility of renewal , anticipated actions by third parties and other factors , including estimated minimum pension plan contributions and estimated benefit payments related to postretirement obligations , supplemental retirement plans and deferred compensation plans .' 'because these estimates and assumptions are subjective , the enforceable and legally binding obligations we actually pay in future periods may vary from those presented in the table. .']
what would the purchase obligations and other be for payments before the period be if they included the multiemployer pension plan?
$ 2458.3 million
['( in millions ) the purchase obligations and other ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) of payments due by period total is 2210.5 ; the purchase obligations and other ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) of payments due by period fiscal 2019 is 1676.6 ; the purchase obligations and other ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) of payments due by period fiscal 2020and 2021 is 224.1 ; the purchase obligations and other ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) of payments due by period fiscal 2022and 2023 is 114.9 ; the purchase obligations and other ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) of payments due by period thereafter is 194.9 ;' '( 5 ) we have included in the table future estimated minimum pension plan contributions and estimated benefit payments related to postretirement obligations , supplemental retirement plans and deferred compensation plans .' 'our estimates are based on factors , such as discount rates and expected returns on plan assets .' 'future contributions are subject to changes in our underfunded status based on factors such as investment performance , discount rates , returns on plan assets and changes in legislation .' 'it is possible that our assumptions may change , actual market performance may vary or we may decide to contribute different amounts .' 'we have excluded $ 247.8 million of multiemployer pension plan withdrawal liabilities recorded as of september 30 , 2018 due to lack of definite payout terms for certain of the obligations .']
[array(['( in millions )', 'payments due by period total', 'payments due by period fiscal 2019', 'payments due by period fiscal 2020and 2021', 'payments due by period fiscal 2022and 2023', 'payments due by period thereafter'], dtype=object) array(['long-term debt including current portionexcluding capital lease obligations ( 1 )', '$ 6039.0', '$ 726.6', '$ 824.8', '$ 1351.0', '$ 3136.6'], dtype=object) array(['operating lease obligations ( 2 )', '615.8', '132.1', '199.9', '118.4', '165.4'], dtype=object) array(['capital lease obligations ( 3 )', '152.5', '5.0', '6.7', '2.7', '138.1'], dtype=object) array(['purchase obligations and other ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 )', '2210.5', '1676.6', '224.1', '114.9', '194.9'], dtype=object) array(['total', '$ 9017.8', '$ 2540.3', '$ 1255.5', '$ 1587.0', '$ 3635.0'], dtype=object) ]
['in addition to the market changes indicated by the crack spreads , our refining and wholesale marketing gross margin is impacted by factors such as the types of crude oil and other charge and blendstocks processed , the selling prices realized for refined products , the impact of commodity derivative instruments used to mitigate price risk and the cost of purchased products for resale .' 'we process significant amounts of sour crude oil which can enhance our profitability compared to certain of our competitors , as sour crude oil typically can be purchased at a discount to sweet crude oil .' 'finally , our refining and wholesale marketing gross margin is impacted by changes in manufacturing costs , which are primarily driven by the level of maintenance activities at the refineries and the price of purchased natural gas used for plant fuel .' 'our 2008 refining and wholesale marketing gross margin was the key driver of the 43 percent decrease in rm&t segment income when compared to 2007 .' 'our average refining and wholesale marketing gross margin per gallon decreased 37 percent , to 11.66 cents in 2008 from 18.48 cents in 2007 , primarily due to the significant and rapid increases in crude oil prices early in 2008 and lagging wholesale price realizations .' 'our retail marketing gross margin for gasoline and distillates , which is the difference between the ultimate price paid by consumers and the cost of refined products , including secondary transportation and consumer excise taxes , also impacts rm&t segment profitability .' 'while on average demand has been increasing for several years , there are numerous factors including local competition , seasonal demand fluctuations , the available wholesale supply , the level of economic activity in our marketing areas and weather conditions that impact gasoline and distillate demand throughout the year .' 'in 2008 , demand began to drop due to the combination of significant increases in retail petroleum prices and a broad slowdown in general activity .' 'the gross margin on merchandise sold at retail outlets has historically been more constant .' 'the profitability of our pipeline transportation operations is primarily dependent on the volumes shipped through our crude oil and refined products pipelines .' 'the volume of crude oil that we transport is directly affected by the supply of , and refiner demand for , crude oil in the markets served directly by our crude oil pipelines .' 'key factors in this supply and demand balance are the production levels of crude oil by producers , the availability and cost of alternative modes of transportation , and refinery and transportation system maintenance levels .' 'the volume of refined products that we transport is directly affected by the production levels of , and user demand for , refined products in the markets served by our refined product pipelines .' 'in most of our markets , demand for gasoline peaks during the summer and declines during the fall and winter months , whereas distillate demand is more ratable throughout the year .' 'as with crude oil , other transportation alternatives and system maintenance levels influence refined product movements .' 'integrated gas our integrated gas strategy is to link stranded natural gas resources with areas where a supply gap is emerging due to declining production and growing demand .' 'our integrated gas operations include marketing and transportation of products manufactured from natural gas , such as lng and methanol , primarily in the u.s. , europe and west africa .' 'our most significant lng investment is our 60 percent ownership in a production facility in equatorial guinea , which sells lng under a long-term contract at prices tied to henry hub natural gas prices .' 'in 2008 , its .']
['our refining and wholesale marketing gross margin is the difference between the prices of refined products sold and the costs of crude oil and other charge and blendstocks refined , including the costs to transport these inputs to our refineries , the costs of purchased products and manufacturing expenses , including depreciation .' 'the crack spread is a measure of the difference between market prices for refined products and crude oil , commonly used by the industry as an indicator of the impact of price on the refining margin .' 'crack spreads can fluctuate significantly , particularly when prices of refined products do not move in the same relationship as the cost of crude oil .' 'as a performance benchmark and a comparison with other industry participants , we calculate midwest ( chicago ) and u.s .' 'gulf coast crack spreads that we feel most closely track our operations and slate of products .' 'posted light louisiana sweet ( 201clls 201d ) prices and a 6-3-2-1 ratio of products ( 6 barrels of crude oil producing 3 barrels of gasoline , 2 barrels of distillate and 1 barrel of residual fuel ) are used for the crack spread calculation .' 'the following table lists calculated average crack spreads by quarter for the midwest ( chicago ) and gulf coast markets in 2008 .' 'crack spreads ( dollars per barrel ) 1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr 2008 .']
what was the average crack spread for us gulf coast lls 6-3-2-1 in the first and second quarter of 2008?
['crack spreads ( dollars per barrel ) the us gulf coast lls 6-3-2-1 of 1st qtr is $ 1.39 ; the us gulf coast lls 6-3-2-1 of 2nd qtr is $ 1.99 ; the us gulf coast lls 6-3-2-1 of 3rd qtr is $ 6.32 ; the us gulf coast lls 6-3-2-1 of 4th qtr is ( $ 0.01 ) ; the us gulf coast lls 6-3-2-1 of 2008 is $ 2.45 ;']
[array(['crack spreads ( dollars per barrel )', '1st qtr', '2nd qtr', '3rd qtr', '4th qtr', '2008'], dtype=object) array(['chicago lls 6-3-2-1', '$ 0.07', '$ 2.71', '$ 7.81', '$ 2.31', '$ 3.27'], dtype=object) array(['us gulf coast lls 6-3-2-1', '$ 1.39', '$ 1.99', '$ 6.32', '( $ 0.01 )', '$ 2.45'], dtype=object) ]
['alternatives ( 2 ) 24337 ( 3053 ) 1645 ( 6837 ) 16092 total ishares $ 752706 $ 63971 $ 15960 $ 81735 $ 914372 ( 1 ) amounts represent $ 16.0 billion of aum acquired in the credit suisse etf acquisition in july 2013 .' '( 2 ) amounts include commodity ishares .' 'ishares is the leading etf provider in the world , with $ 914.4 billion of aum at december 31 , 2013 , and was the top asset gatherer globally in 20133 with $ 64.0 billion of net inflows for an organic growth rate of 8% ( 8 % ) .' 'equity net inflows of $ 74.1 billion were driven by flows into funds with broad developed market exposures , partially offset by outflows from emerging markets products .' 'ishares fixed income experienced net outflows of $ 7.5 billion , as the continued low interest rate environment led many liquidity-oriented investors to sell long-duration assets , which made up the majority of the ishares fixed income suite .' 'in 2013 , we launched several funds to meet demand from clients seeking protection in a rising interest rate environment by offering an expanded product set that includes four new u.s .' 'funds , including short-duration versions of our flagship high yield and investment grade credit products , and short maturity and liquidity income funds .' 'ishares alternatives had $ 3.1 billion of net outflows predominantly out of commodities .' 'ishares represented 23% ( 23 % ) of long-term aum at december 31 , 2013 and 35% ( 35 % ) of long-term base fees for ishares offers the most diverse product set in the industry with 703 etfs at year-end 2013 , and serves the broadest client base , covering more than 25 countries on five continents .' 'during 2013 , ishares continued its dual commitment to innovation and responsible product structuring by introducing 42 new etfs , acquiring credit suisse 2019s 58 etfs in europe and entering into a critical new strategic alliance with fidelity investments to deliver fidelity 2019s more than 10 million clients increased access to ishares products , tools and support .' 'our alliance with fidelity investments and a successful full first year for the core series have deeply expanded our presence and offerings among buy-and-hold investors .' 'our broad product range offers investors a precise , transparent and low-cost way to tap market returns and gain access to a full range of asset classes and global markets that have been difficult or expensive for many investors to access until now , as well as the liquidity required to make adjustments to their exposures quickly and cost-efficiently .' '2022 u.s .' 'ishares aum ended at $ 655.6 billion with $ 41.4 billion of net inflows driven by strong demand for developed markets equities and short-duration fixed income .' 'during the fourth quarter of 2012 , we debuted the core series in the united states , designed to provide the essential building blocks for buy-and-hold investors to use in constructing the core of their portfolio .' 'the core series demonstrated solid results in its first full year , raising $ 20.0 billion in net inflows , primarily in u.s .' 'equities .' 'in the united states , ishares maintained its position as the largest etf provider , with 39% ( 39 % ) share of aum3 .' '2022 international ishares aum ended at $ 258.8 billion with robust net new business of $ 22.6 billion led by demand for european and japanese equities , as well as a diverse range of fixed income products .' 'at year-end 2013 , ishares was the largest european etf provider with 48% ( 48 % ) of aum3 .' '1 simfund 2 lipper feri 3 blackrock ; bloomberg .']
['the second largest closed-end fund manager and a top- ten manager by aum and 2013 net flows of long-term open-end mutual funds1 .' 'in 2013 , we were also the leading manager by net flows for long-dated fixed income mutual funds1 .' '2022 we have fully integrated our legacy retail and ishares retail distribution teams to create a unified client-facing presence .' 'as retail clients increasingly use blackrock 2019s capabilities in combination 2014 active , alternative and passive 2014 it is a strategic priority for blackrock to coherently deliver these capabilities through one integrated team .' '2022 international retail long-term net inflows of $ 17.5 billion , representing 15% ( 15 % ) organic growth , were positive across major regions and diversified across asset classes .' 'equity net inflows of $ 6.4 billion were driven by strong demand for our top-performing european equities franchise as investor risk appetite for the sector improved .' 'multi-asset class and fixed income products each generated net inflows of $ 4.8 billion , as investors looked to manage duration and volatility in their portfolios .' 'in 2013 , we were ranked as the third largest cross border fund provider2 .' 'in the united kingdom , we ranked among the five largest fund managers2 .' 'ishares .']
without the net new business led by demand for european and japanese equities , what was the value of international shares ? in billion $ ?
['2022 international ishares aum ended at $ 258.8 billion with robust net new business of $ 22.6 billion led by demand for european and japanese equities , as well as a diverse range of fixed income products .']
[array(['( in millions )', 'component changes in aum 2014 ishares 12/31/2012', 'component changes in aum 2014 ishares net new business', 'component changes in aum 2014 ishares acquisition ( 1 )', 'component changes in aum 2014 ishares market / fx', 'component changes in aum 2014 ishares 12/31/2013'], dtype=object) array(['equity', '$ 534648', '$ 74119', '$ 13021', '$ 96347', '$ 718135'], dtype=object) array(['fixed income', '192852', '-7450 ( 7450 )', '1294', '-7861 ( 7861 )', '178835'], dtype=object) array(['multi-asset class', '869', '355', '2014', '86', '1310'], dtype=object) array(['alternatives ( 2 )', '24337', '-3053 ( 3053 )', '1645', '-6837 ( 6837 )', '16092'], dtype=object) array(['total ishares', '$ 752706', '$ 63971', '$ 15960', '$ 81735', '$ 914372'], dtype=object) ]
['( a ) there were no differences between the gaap basis and pro forma basis of reporting 2006 net income and related per share amounts .' 'see note 18 stock-based compensation plans for additional information .' 'recent accounting pronouncements in december 2007 , the fasb issued sfas 141 ( r ) , 201cbusiness combinations . 201d this statement will require all businesses acquired to be measured at the fair value of the consideration paid as opposed to the cost-based provisions of sfas 141 .' 'it will require an entity to recognize the assets acquired , the liabilities assumed , and any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree at the acquisition date , measured at their fair values as of that date .' 'sfas 141 ( r ) requires the value of consideration paid including any future contingent consideration to be measured at fair value at the closing date of the transaction .' 'also , restructuring costs and acquisition costs are to be expensed rather than included in the cost of the acquisition .' 'this guidance is effective for all acquisitions with closing dates after january 1 , 2009 .' 'in december 2007 , the fasb issued sfas 160 , 201caccounting and reporting of noncontrolling interests in consolidated financial statements , an amendment of arb no .' '51 . 201d this statement amends arb no .' '51 to establish accounting and reporting standards for the noncontrolling interest in a subsidiary and for the deconsolidation of a subsidiary .' 'it clarifies that a noncontrolling interest should be reported as equity in the consolidated financial statements .' 'this statement requires expanded disclosures that identify and distinguish between the interests of the parent 2019s owners and the interests of the noncontrolling owners of an entity .' 'this guidance is effective january 1 , 2009 .' 'we are currently analyzing the standard but do not expect the adoption to have a material impact on our consolidated financial statements .' 'in november 2007 , the sec issued staff accounting bulletin ( 201csab 201d ) no .' '109 , that provides guidance regarding measuring the fair value of recorded written loan commitments .' 'the guidance indicates that the expected future cash flows related to servicing should be included in the fair value measurement of all written loan commitments that are accounted for at fair value through earnings .' 'sab 109 is effective january 1 , 2008 , prospectively to loan commitments issued or modified after that date .' 'the adoption of this guidance is not expected to have a material effect on our results of operations or financial position .' 'in june 2007 , the aicpa issued statement of position 07-1 , 201cclarification of the scope of the audit and accounting guide 201cinvestment companies 201d and accounting by parent companies and equity method investors for investments in investment companies 201d ( 201csop 07-1 201d ) .' 'this statement provides guidance for determining whether an entity is within the scope of the aicpa audit and accounting guide investment companies ( 201cguide 201d ) and whether the specialized industry accounting principles of the guide should be retained in the financial statements of a parent company of an investment company or an equity method investor in an .']
['stock-based compensation we did not recognize stock-based employee compensation expense related to stock options granted before 2003 as permitted under accounting principles board opinion no .' '25 , 201caccounting for stock issued to employees , 201d ( 201capb 25 201d ) .' 'effective january 1 , 2003 , we adopted the fair value recognition provisions of sfas 123 , 201caccounting for stock- based compensation , 201d as amended by sfas 148 , 201caccounting for stock-based compensation-transition and disclosure , 201d prospectively to all employee awards granted , modified or settled after january 1 , 2003 .' 'we did not restate results for prior years upon our adoption of sfas 123 .' 'since we adopted sfas 123 prospectively , the cost related to stock- based employee compensation included in net income for 2005 was less than what we would have recognized if we had applied the fair value based method to all awards since the original effective date of the standard .' 'in december 2004 , the fasb issued sfas 123r 201cshare- based payment , 201d which replaced sfas 123 and superseded apb 25 .' 'sfas 123r requires compensation cost related to share-based payments to employees to be recognized in the financial statements based on their fair value .' 'we adopted sfas 123r effective january 1 , 2006 , using the modified prospective method of transition , which required the provisions of sfas 123r be applied to new awards and awards modified , repurchased or cancelled after the effective date .' 'it also required changes in the timing of expense recognition for awards granted to retirement-eligible employees and clarified the accounting for the tax effects of stock awards .' 'the adoption of sfas 123r did not have a significant impact on our consolidated financial statements .' 'the following table shows the effect on 2005 net income and earnings per share if we had applied the fair value recognition provisions of sfas 123 , as amended , to all outstanding and unvested awards .' 'pro forma net income and earnings per share ( a ) .']
in millions , what were total adjustment to arrive at pro forma net income?
['in millions except for per share data the net income of 2005 is $ 1325 ;' 'in millions except for per share data the pro forma net income of 2005 is $ 1319 ;' 'in millions except for per share data the add : stock-based employee compensation expense included in reported net income net of related tax effects of 2005 is 54 ;' 'in millions except for per share data the deduct : total stock-based employee compensation expense determined under the fair value method for all awards net of related taxeffects of 2005 is -60 ( 60 ) ;']
[array(['in millions except for per share data', '2005'], dtype=object) array(['net income', '$ 1325'], dtype=object) array(['add : stock-based employee compensation expense included in reported net income net of related tax effects', '54'], dtype=object) array(['deduct : total stock-based employee compensation expense determined under the fair value method for all awards net of related taxeffects', '-60 ( 60 )'], dtype=object) array(['pro forma net income', '$ 1319'], dtype=object) array(['earnings per share', ''], dtype=object) array(['basic-as reported', '$ 4.63'], dtype=object) array(['basic-pro forma', '4.60'], dtype=object) array(['diluted-as reported', '$ 4.55'], dtype=object) array(['diluted-pro forma', '4.52'], dtype=object)]
['2004 compared to 2003 2014 cash from operating activities primarily reflects premium cash flows in excess of claim payments .' 'the decrease in cash provided by operating activities was due primarily to the $ 1.15 billion settlement of the macarthur litigation in 2004 .' 'cash provided by financing activities decreased primarily due to lower proceeds from investment and universal life-type contracts as a result of the adoption of sop 03-1 , decreased capital raising activities , repayment of commercial paper and early retirement of junior subordinated debentures in 2004 .' 'the decrease in cash from financing activities and operating cash flows invested long-term accounted for the majority of the change in cash used for investing activities .' '2003 compared to 2002 2014 the increase in cash provided by operating activities was primarily the result of strong premium cash flows .' 'financing activities increased primarily due to capital raising activities related to the 2003 asbestos reserve addition and decreased due to repayments on long-term debt and lower proceeds from investment and universal life-type contracts .' 'the increase in cash from financing activities accounted for the majority of the change in cash used for investing activities .' 'operating cash flows in each of the last three years have been adequate to meet liquidity requirements .' 'equity markets for a discussion of the potential impact of the equity markets on capital and liquidity , see the capital markets risk management section under 201cmarket risk 201d .' 'ratings ratings are an important factor in establishing the competitive position in the insurance and financial services marketplace .' "there can be no assurance that the company's ratings will continue for any given period of time or that they will not be changed ." "in the event the company's ratings are downgraded , the level of revenues or the persistency of the company's business may be adversely impacted ." 'on august 4 , 2004 , moody 2019s affirmed the company 2019s and hartford life , inc . 2019s a3 senior debt ratings as well as the aa3 insurance financial strength ratings of both its property-casualty and life insurance operating subsidiaries .' 'in addition , moody 2019s changed the outlook for all of these ratings from negative to stable .' 'since the announcement of the suit filed by the new york attorney general 2019s office against marsh & mclennan companies , inc. , and marsh , inc .' 'on october 14 , 2004 , the major independent ratings agencies have indicated that they continue to monitor developments relating to the suit .' 'on october 22 , 2004 , standard & poor 2019s revised its outlook on the u.s .' 'property/casualty commercial lines sector to negative from stable .' 'on november 23 , 2004 , standard & poor 2019s revised its outlook on the financial strength and credit ratings of the property-casualty insurance subsidiaries to negative from stable .' 'the outlook on the life insurance subsidiaries and corporate debt was unaffected. .']
['on october 21 , 2004 , the hartford declared a dividend on its common stock of $ 0.29 per share payable on january 3 , 2005 to shareholders of record as of december 1 , 2004 .' 'the hartford declared $ 331 and paid $ 325 in dividends to shareholders in 2004 , declared $ 300 and paid $ 291 in dividends to shareholders in 2003 , declared $ 262 and paid $ 257 in 2002 .' 'aoci - aoci increased by $ 179 as of december 31 , 2004 compared with december 31 , 2003 .' 'the increase in aoci is primarily the result of life 2019s adoption of sop 03-1 , which resulted in a $ 292 cumulative effect for unrealized gains on securities in the first quarter of 2004 related to the reclassification of investments from separate account assets to general account assets , partially offset by net unrealized losses on cash-flow hedging instruments .' 'the funded status of the company 2019s pension and postretirement plans is dependent upon many factors , including returns on invested assets and the level of market interest rates .' 'declines in the value of securities traded in equity markets coupled with declines in long- term interest rates have had a negative impact on the funded status of the plans .' 'as a result , the company recorded a minimum pension liability as of december 31 , 2004 , and 2003 , which resulted in an after-tax reduction of stockholders 2019 equity of $ 480 and $ 375 respectively .' 'this minimum pension liability did not affect the company 2019s results of operations .' 'for additional information on stockholders 2019 equity and aoci see notes 15 and 16 , respectively , of notes to consolidated financial statements .' 'cash flow 2004 2003 2002 .']
what is the chance in net cash flow generated from operating activities from 2003 to 2004?
['cash flow the net cash provided by operating activities of 2004 is $ 2634 ; the net cash provided by operating activities of 2003 is $ 3896 ; the net cash provided by operating activities of 2002 is $ 2577 ;']
[array(['cash flow', '2004', '2003', '2002'], dtype=object) array(['net cash provided by operating activities', '$ 2634', '$ 3896', '$ 2577'], dtype=object) array(['net cash used for investing activities', '$ -2401 ( 2401 )', '$ -8387 ( 8387 )', '$ -6600 ( 6600 )'], dtype=object) array(['net cash provided by financing activities', '$ 477', '$ 4608', '$ 4037'], dtype=object) array(['cash 2014 end of year', '$ 1148', '$ 462', '$ 377'], dtype=object)]
['rwas under the federal reserve board 2019s risk-based capital requirements are calculated based on the amount of market risk and credit risk .' 'rwas for market risk are determined by reference to the firm 2019s value-at-risk ( var ) model , supplemented by other measures to capture risks not reflected in the firm 2019s var model .' 'credit risk for on- balance sheet assets is based on the balance sheet value .' 'for off-balance sheet exposures , including otc derivatives and commitments , a credit equivalent amount is calculated based on the notional amount of each trade .' 'all such assets and exposures are then assigned a risk weight depending on , among other things , whether the counterparty is a sovereign , bank or a qualifying securities firm or other entity ( or if collateral is held , depending on the nature of the collateral ) .' 'tier 1 leverage ratio is defined as tier 1 capital under basel 1 divided by average adjusted total assets ( which includes adjustments for disallowed goodwill and intangible assets , and the carrying value of equity investments in non-financial companies that are subject to deductions from tier 1 capital ) .' '184 goldman sachs 2012 annual report .']
['notes to consolidated financial statements note 20 .' 'regulation and capital adequacy the federal reserve board is the primary regulator of group inc. , a bank holding company under the bank holding company act of 1956 ( bhc act ) and a financial holding company under amendments to the bhc act effected by the u.s .' 'gramm-leach-bliley act of 1999 .' 'as a bank holding company , the firm is subject to consolidated regulatory capital requirements that are computed in accordance with the federal reserve board 2019s risk-based capital requirements ( which are based on the 2018basel 1 2019 capital accord of the basel committee ) .' 'these capital requirements are expressed as capital ratios that compare measures of capital to risk-weighted assets ( rwas ) .' 'the firm 2019s u.s .' 'bank depository institution subsidiaries , including gs bank usa , are subject to similar capital requirements .' 'under the federal reserve board 2019s capital adequacy requirements and the regulatory framework for prompt corrective action that is applicable to gs bank usa , the firm and its u.s .' 'bank depository institution subsidiaries must meet specific capital requirements that involve quantitative measures of assets , liabilities and certain off- balance-sheet items as calculated under regulatory reporting practices .' 'the firm and its u.s .' 'bank depository institution subsidiaries 2019 capital amounts , as well as gs bank usa 2019s prompt corrective action classification , are also subject to qualitative judgments by the regulators about components , risk weightings and other factors .' 'many of the firm 2019s subsidiaries , including gs&co .' 'and the firm 2019s other broker-dealer subsidiaries , are subject to separate regulation and capital requirements as described below .' 'group inc .' 'federal reserve board regulations require bank holding companies to maintain a minimum tier 1 capital ratio of 4% ( 4 % ) and a minimum total capital ratio of 8% ( 8 % ) .' 'the required minimum tier 1 capital ratio and total capital ratio in order to be considered a 201cwell-capitalized 201d bank holding company under the federal reserve board guidelines are 6% ( 6 % ) and 10% ( 10 % ) , respectively .' 'bank holding companies may be expected to maintain ratios well above the minimum levels , depending on their particular condition , risk profile and growth plans .' 'the minimum tier 1 leverage ratio is 3% ( 3 % ) for bank holding companies that have received the highest supervisory rating under federal reserve board guidelines or that have implemented the federal reserve board 2019s risk-based capital measure for market risk .' 'other bank holding companies must have a minimum tier 1 leverage ratio of 4% ( 4 % ) .' 'the table below presents information regarding group inc . 2019s regulatory capital ratios. .']
what was the change in tier 1 capital in millions between 2011 and 2012?
['$ in millions the tier 1 capital of as of december 2012 is $ 66977 ; the tier 1 capital of as of december 2011 is $ 63262 ;']
[array(['$ in millions', 'as of december 2012', 'as of december 2011'], dtype=object) array(['tier 1 capital', '$ 66977', '$ 63262'], dtype=object) array(['tier 2 capital', '$ 13429', '$ 13881'], dtype=object) array(['total capital', '$ 80406', '$ 77143'], dtype=object) array(['risk-weighted assets', '$ 399928', '$ 457027'], dtype=object) array(['tier 1 capital ratio', '16.7% ( 16.7 % )', '13.8% ( 13.8 % )'], dtype=object) array(['total capital ratio', '20.1% ( 20.1 % )', '16.9% ( 16.9 % )'], dtype=object) array(['tier 1 leverage ratio', '7.3% ( 7.3 % )', '7.0% ( 7.0 % )'], dtype=object) ]
['at december 31 , 2009 , there was $ 22 million of total unrecognized compensation expense related to nonvested performance retention awards , which is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.3 years .' 'a portion of this expense is subject to achievement of the roic levels established for the performance stock unit grants .' '5 .' 'retirement plans pension and other postretirement benefits pension plans 2013 we provide defined benefit retirement income to eligible non-union employees through qualified and non-qualified ( supplemental ) pension plans .' 'qualified and non-qualified pension benefits are based on years of service and the highest compensation during the latest years of employment , with specific reductions made for early retirements .' 'other postretirement benefits ( opeb ) 2013 we provide defined contribution medical and life insurance benefits for eligible retirees .' 'these benefits are funded as medical claims and life insurance premiums are plan amendment effective january 1 , 2010 , medicare-eligible retirees who are enrolled in the union pacific retiree medical program will receive a contribution to a health reimbursement account , which can be used to pay eligible out-of-pocket medical expenses .' 'the impact of the plan amendment is reflected in the projected benefit obligation ( pbo ) at december 31 , 2009 .' 'funded status we are required by gaap to separately recognize the overfunded or underfunded status of our pension and opeb plans as an asset or liability .' 'the funded status represents the difference between the pbo and the fair value of the plan assets .' 'the pbo is the present value of benefits earned to date by plan participants , including the effect of assumed future salary increases .' 'the pbo of the opeb plan is equal to the accumulated benefit obligation , as the present value of the opeb liabilities is not affected by salary increases .' 'plan assets are measured at fair value .' 'we use a december 31 measurement date for plan assets and obligations for all our retirement plans. .']
['changes in our performance retention awards during 2009 were as follows : shares ( thous. ) weighted-average grant-date fair value .']
what is the annual compensation expense for the remaining unvested performance retention awards?
['at december 31 , 2009 , there was $ 22 million of total unrecognized compensation expense related to nonvested performance retention awards , which is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.3 years .']
[array(['', 'shares ( thous. )', 'weighted-averagegrant-date fair value'], dtype=object) array(['nonvested at january 1 2009', '873', '$ 50.70'], dtype=object) array(['granted', '449', '47.28'], dtype=object) array(['vested', '-240 ( 240 )', '43.23'], dtype=object) array(['forfeited', '-22 ( 22 )', '53.86'], dtype=object) array(['nonvested at december 31 2009', '1060', '$ 50.88'], dtype=object)]
['see note 4 to the financial statements for a description of the money pool .' 'nuclear matters system energy owns and operates grand gulf .' 'system energy is , therefore , subject to the risks related to owning and operating a nuclear plant .' 'these include risks from the use , storage , handling and disposal of high- level and low-level radioactive materials , regulatory requirement changes , including changes resulting from events at other plants , limitations on the amounts and types of insurance commercially available for losses in connection with nuclear operations , and technological and financial uncertainties related to decommissioning nuclear plants at the end of their licensed lives , including the sufficiency of funds in decommissioning trusts .' 'in the event of an unanticipated early shutdown of grand gulf , system energy may be required to provide additional funds or credit support to satisfy regulatory requirements for decommissioning .' 'after the nuclear incident in japan resulting from the march 2011 earthquake and tsunami , the nrc established a task force to conduct a review of processes and regulations relating to nuclear facilities in the united states .' 'the task force issued a near term ( 90-day ) report in july 2011 that has made recommendations , which are currently being evaluated by the nrc .' 'it is anticipated that the nrc will issue certain orders and requests for information to nuclear plant licensees by the end of the first quarter 2012 that will begin to implement the task force 2019s recommendations .' 'these orders may require u.s .' 'nuclear operators , including entergy , to undertake plant modifications or perform additional analyses that could , among other things , result in increased costs and capital requirements associated with operating entergy 2019s nuclear plants. .']
['system energy resources , inc .' 'management 2019s financial discussion and analysis sources of capital system energy 2019s sources to meet its capital requirements include : internally generated funds ; cash on hand ; debt issuances ; and bank financing under new or existing facilities .' 'system energy may refinance , redeem , or otherwise retire debt prior to maturity , to the extent market conditions and interest and dividend rates are favorable .' 'all debt and common stock issuances by system energy require prior regulatory approval .' 'debt issuances are also subject to issuance tests set forth in its bond indentures and other agreements .' 'system energy has sufficient capacity under these tests to meet its foreseeable capital needs .' 'in february 2012 , system energy vie issued $ 50 million of 4.02% ( 4.02 % ) series h notes due february 2017 .' 'system energy used the proceeds to purchase additional nuclear fuel .' 'system energy has obtained a short-term borrowing authorization from the ferc under which it may borrow , through october 2013 , up to the aggregate amount , at any one time outstanding , of $ 200 million .' 'see note 4 to the financial statements for further discussion of system energy 2019s short-term borrowing limits .' 'system energy has also obtained an order from the ferc authorizing long-term securities issuances .' 'the current long-term authorization extends through july 2013 .' 'system energy 2019s receivables from the money pool were as follows as of december 31 for each of the following years: .']
what is the total system energy 2019s receivables from the money pool in the last three years?
['2011 the $ 120424 of 2010 is $ 97948 ; the $ 120424 of 2009 is $ 90507 ; the $ 120424 of 2008 is $ 42915 ;']
[array(['2011', '2010', '2009', '2008'], dtype=object) array(['( in thousands )', '( in thousands )', '( in thousands )', '( in thousands )'], dtype=object) array(['$ 120424', '$ 97948', '$ 90507', '$ 42915'], dtype=object)]

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