Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
BEGIN # find all primes with strictly increasing digits # PR read "primes.incl.a68" PR # include prime utilities # PR read "rows.incl.a68" PR # include array utilities # [ 1 : 512 ]INT primes; # there will be at most 512 (2^9) primes # INT p count := 0; # number of primes found so far # FOR d1 FROM 0 TO 1 DO INT n1 = d1; FOR d2 FROM 0 TO 1 DO INT n2 = IF d2 = 1 THEN ( n1 * 10 ) + 2 ELSE n1 FI; FOR d3 FROM 0 TO 1 DO INT n3 = IF d3 = 1 THEN ( n2 * 10 ) + 3 ELSE n2 FI; FOR d4 FROM 0 TO 1 DO INT n4 = IF d4 = 1 THEN ( n3 * 10 ) + 4 ELSE n3 FI; FOR d5 FROM 0 TO 1 DO INT n5 = IF d5 = 1 THEN ( n4 * 10 ) + 5 ELSE n4 FI; FOR d6 FROM 0 TO 1 DO INT n6 = IF d6 = 1 THEN ( n5 * 10 ) + 6 ELSE n5 FI; FOR d7 FROM 0 TO 1 DO INT n7 = IF d7 = 1 THEN ( n6 * 10 ) + 7 ELSE n6 FI; FOR d8 FROM 0 TO 1 DO INT n8 = IF d8 = 1 THEN ( n7 * 10 ) + 8 ELSE n7 FI; FOR d9 FROM 0 TO 1 DO INT n9 = IF d9 = 1 THEN ( n8 * 10 ) + 9 ELSE n8 FI; IF n9 > 0 THEN IF is probably prime( n9 ) THEN # have a prime with strictly ascending digits # primes[ p count +:= 1 ] := n9 FI FI OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD; QUICKSORT primes FROMELEMENT 1 TOELEMENT p count; # sort the primes # FOR i TO p count DO # display the primes # print( ( " ", whole( primes[ i ], -8 ) ) ); IF i MOD 10 = 0 THEN print( ( newline ) ) FI OD END
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
ascending?: function [x][ initial: digits x and? [equal? sort initial initial][equal? size initial size unique initial] ]   candidates: select (1..1456789) ++ [ 12345678, 12345679, 12345689, 12345789, 12346789, 12356789, 12456789, 13456789, 23456789, 123456789 ] => prime?   ascendingNums: select candidates => ascending?   loop split.every:10 ascendingNums 'nums [ print map nums 'num -> pad to :string num 10 ]
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
  # syntax: GAWK -f ASCENDING_PRIMES.AWK BEGIN { start = 1 stop = 23456789 for (i=start; i<=stop; i++) { if (is_prime(i)) { primes++ leng = length(i) flag = 1 for (j=1; j<leng; j++) { if (substr(i,j,1) >= substr(i,j+1,1)) { flag = 0 break } } if (flag) { printf("%9d%1s",i,++count%10?"":"\n") } } } printf("\n%d-%d: %d primes, %d ascending primes\n",start,stop,primes,count) exit(0) } function is_prime(n, d) { d = 5 if (n < 2) { return(0) } if (n % 2 == 0) { return(n == 2) } if (n % 3 == 0) { return(n == 3) } while (d*d <= n) { if (n % d == 0) { return(0) } d += 2 if (n % d == 0) { return(0) } d += 4 } return(1) }  
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
  // Ascending primes. Nigel Galloway: April 19th., 2022 [2;3;5;7]::List.unfold(fun(n,i)->match n with []->None |_->let n=n|>List.map(fun(n,g)->[for n in n.. -1..1->(n-1,i*n+g)])|>List.concat in Some(n|>List.choose(fun(_,n)->if isPrime n then Some n else None),(n|>List.filter(fst>>(<)0),i*10)))([(2,3);(6,7);(8,9)],10) |>List.concat|>List.sort|>List.iter(printf "%d "); printfn ""  
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
USING: grouping math math.combinatorics math.functions math.primes math.ranges prettyprint sequences sequences.extras ;   9 [1,b] all-subsets [ reverse 0 [ 10^ * + ] reduce-index ] [ prime? ] map-filter 10 group simple-table.
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
package main   import ( "fmt" "rcu" "sort" )   var ascPrimesSet = make(map[int]bool) // avoids duplicates   func generate(first, cand, digits int) { if digits == 0 { if rcu.IsPrime(cand) { ascPrimesSet[cand] = true } return } for i := first; i < 10; i++ { next := cand*10 + i generate(i+1, next, digits-1) } }   func main() { for digits := 1; digits < 10; digits++ { generate(1, 0, digits) } le := len(ascPrimesSet) ascPrimes := make([]int, le) i := 0 for k := range ascPrimesSet { ascPrimes[i] = k i++ } sort.Ints(ascPrimes) fmt.Println("There are", le, "ascending primes, namely:") for i := 0; i < le; i++ { fmt.Printf("%8d ", ascPrimes[i]) if (i+1)%10 == 0 { fmt.Println() } } }
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
extend=: {{ y;(1+each i._1+{.y),L:0 y }} $(#~ 1 p: ])10#.&>([:~.@;extend each)^:# >:i.9 100 10 10$(#~ 1 p: ])10#.&>([:~.@;extend each)^:# >:i.9 2 3 13 23 5 7 17 37 47 67 127 137 347 157 257 457 167 367 467 1237 2347 2357 3457 1367 2467 3467 1567 4567 12347 12457 13457 13567 23567 123457 124567 19 29 59 79 89 139 239 149 349 359 269 569 179 379 479 389 1249 1259 1459 2459 3469 1279 1579 2579 4679 1289 2389 1489 2689 5689 1789 2789 4789 23459 13469 12569 12379 12479 13679 34679 15679 25679 12589 34589 12689 23689 13789 23789 123479 124679 235679 145679 345679 234589 345689 134789 125789 235789 245789 1245689 1234789 1235789 1456789 12356789 23456789 timex'(#~ 1 p: ])10#.&>([:~.@;extend each)^:# >:i.9' NB. seconds (take with grain of salt) 0.003818  
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
  # Output: the stream of ascending primes, in order def ascendingPrimes: # Generate the stream of primes beginning with the digit . # and with strictly ascending digits, without regard to order def generate: # strings def g: . as $first | tonumber as $n | select($n <= 9) | $first, ((range($n + 1;10) | tostring | g) as $x | $first + $x ); tostring | g | tonumber | select(is_prime);   [range(1;10) | generate] | sort[];   def task: def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l)[:$l] + .; [ascendingPrimes] | "There are \(length) ascending primes, namely:", ( _nwise(10) | map(lpad(10)) | join(" ") );   task
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
using Combinatorics using Primes   function ascendingprimes() return filter(isprime, [evalpoly(10, reverse(x)) for x in powerset([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) if !isempty(x)]) end   foreach(p -> print(rpad(p[2], 10), p[1] % 10 == 0 ? "\n" : ""), enumerate(ascendingprimes()))   @time ascendingprimes()    
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
local function is_prime(n) if n < 2 then return false end if n % 2 == 0 then return n==2 end if n % 3 == 0 then return n==3 end for f = 5, n^0.5, 6 do if n%f==0 or n%(f+2)==0 then return false end end return true end   local function ascending_primes() local digits, candidates, primes = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, {0}, {} for i = 1, #digits do for j = 1, #candidates do local value = candidates[j] * 10 + digits[i] if is_prime(value) then primes[#primes+1] = value end candidates[#candidates+1] = value end end table.sort(primes) return primes end   print(table.concat(ascending_primes(), ", "))
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
Mathematica/Wolfram Language
ps=Sort@Select[FromDigits /@ Subsets[Range@9, {1, \[Infinity]}], PrimeQ]; Multicolumn[ps, {Automatic, 6}, Appearance -> "Horizontal"]
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
#!/usr/bin/perl   use strict; # https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Ascending_primes use warnings; use ntheory qw( is_prime );   print join('', map { sprintf "%10d", $_ } sort { $a <=> $b } grep /./ && is_prime($_), glob join '', map "{$_,}", 1 .. 9) =~ s/.{50}\K/\n/gr;
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
with javascript_semantics function ascending_primes(sequence res, atom p=0) for d=remainder(p,10)+1 to 9 do integer np = p*10+d if odd(d) and is_prime(np) then res &= np end if res = ascending_primes(res,np) end for return res end function sequence r = apply(true,sprintf,{{"%8d"},sort(ascending_primes({2}))}) printf(1,"There are %,d ascending primes:\n%s\n",{length(r),join_by(r,1,10," ")})
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
import util.   main => DP = [N : S in power_set("123456789"), S != [], N = S.to_int, prime(N)].sort, foreach({P,I} in zip(DP,1..DP.len)) printf("%9d%s",P,cond(I mod 10 == 0,"\n","")) end, nl, println(len=DP.len)
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
from sympy import isprime   def ascending(x=0): for y in range(x*10 + (x%10) + 1, x*10 + 10): yield from ascending(y) yield(y)   print(sorted(x for x in ascending() if isprime(x)))
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
[ 0 swap witheach [ swap 10 * + ] ] is digits->n ( [ --> n )   [] ' [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ] powerset witheach [ digits->n dup isprime iff join else drop ] sort echo
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
put (flat 2, 3, 5, 7, sort +*, gather (1..8).map: &recurse ).batch(10)».fmt("%8d").join: "\n";   sub recurse ($str) { .take for ($str X~ (3, 7, 9)).grep: { .is-prime && [<] .comb }; recurse $str × 10 + $_ for $str % 10 ^.. 9; }   printf "%.3f seconds", now - INIT now;
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
  load "stdlibcore.ring"   limit = 1000 row = 0   for n = 1 to limit flag = 0 strn = string(n) if isprime(n) = 1 for m = 1 to len(strn)-1 if number(substr(strn,m)) > number(substr(strn,m+1)) flag = 1 ok next if flag = 1 row++ see "" + n + " " ok if row % 10 = 0 see nl ok ok next  
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
func primes_with_ascending_digits(base = 10) {   var list = [] var digits = @(1..^base -> flip)   var end_digits = digits.grep { .is_coprime(base) } list << digits.grep { .is_prime && !.is_coprime(base) }...   for k in (0 .. digits.end) { digits.combinations(k, {|*a| var v = a.digits2num(base) end_digits.each {|d| var n = (v*base + d) next if ((n >= base) && (a[0] >= d)) list << n if (n.is_prime) } }) }   list.sort }   var arr = primes_with_ascending_digits()   say "There are #{arr.len} ascending primes.\n"   arr.each_slice(10, {|*a| say a.map { '%8s' % _ }.join(' ') })
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
fn is_prime(n int) bool { if n < 2 { return false } else if n%2 == 0 { return n == 2 } else if n%3 == 0 { return n == 3 } else { mut d := 5 for d*d <= n { if n%d == 0 { return false } d += 2 if n%d == 0 { return false } d += 4 } return true } } fn generate(first int, cand int, digits int, mut asc map[int]bool) { if digits == 0 { if is_prime(cand) { asc[cand] = true } return } for i in first..10 { next := cand*10 + i generate(i+1, next, digits-1, mut asc) } }   fn main() { mut asc_primes_set := map[int]bool{} // avoids duplicates   for digits in 1..10 { generate(1, 0, digits, mut asc_primes_set) } le := asc_primes_set.keys().len mut asc_primes := []int{len: le} mut i := 0 for k,_ in asc_primes_set { asc_primes[i] = k i++ } asc_primes.sort() println("There are $le ascending primes, namely:") for q in 0..le { print("${asc_primes[q]:8} ") if (q+1)%10 == 0 { println('') } } }
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
import "./math" for Int import "./seq" for Lst import "./fmt" for Fmt   var isAscending = Fn.new { |n| if (n < 10) return true var digits = Int.digits(n) for (i in 1...digits.count) { if (digits[i] <= digits[i-1]) return false } return true }   var higherPrimes = [] var candidates = [ 12345678, 12345679, 12345689, 12345789, 12346789, 12356789, 12456789, 13456789, 23456789, 123456789 ] for (cand in candidates) if (Int.isPrime(cand)) higherPrimes.add(cand)   var primes = Int.primeSieve(3456789) var ascPrimes = [] for (p in primes) if (isAscending.call(p)) ascPrimes.add(p) ascPrimes.addAll(higherPrimes) System.print("There are %(ascPrimes.count) ascending primes, namely:") for (chunk in Lst.chunks(ascPrimes, 10)) Fmt.print("$8d", chunk)
Ascending primes
Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits. Aside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating a prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial but generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting. Tip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is at least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests. See also OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order Related Primes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't) Pandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)
func IsPrime(N); \Return 'true' if N is prime int N, I; [if N <= 2 then return N = 2; if (N&1) = 0 then \even >2\ return false; for I:= 3 to sqrt(N) do [if rem(N/I) = 0 then return false; I:= I+1; ]; return true; ];   func Ascending(N); \Return 'true' if digits are ascending int N, D; [N:= N/10; D:= rem(0); while N do [N:= N/10; if rem(0) >= D then return false; D:= rem(0); ]; return true; ];   int Cnt, N; [Cnt:= 0; Format(9, 0); for N:= 2 to 123_456_789 do if Ascending(N) then if IsPrime(N) then [RlOut(0, float(N)); Cnt:= Cnt+1; if rem(Cnt/10) = 0 then CrLf(0); ]; ]
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
V arr1 = [1, 2, 3] V arr2 = [4, 5, 6] print(arr1 [+] arr2)
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
68000 Assembly
ArrayRam equ $00FF2000 ;this label points to 4k of free space.   ;concatenate Array1 + Array2 LEA ArrayRam,A0 LEA Array1,A1 MOVE.W #5-1,D1 ;LEN(Array1), measured in words. JSR memcpy_w ;after this, A0 will point to the destination of the second array.   LEA Array2,A1 ;even though the source arrays are stored back-to-back in memory, we'll assume they're not just for demonstration purposes. MOVE.W #5-1,D1 ;LEN(Array2), measured in words JSR memcpy_w   JMP * ;halt the CPU memcpy_w: MOVE.W (A1)+,(A0)+ DBRA D1,memcpy_w rts   Array1: DC.W 1,2,3,4,5 Array2: DC.W 6,7,8,9,10
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  [1,2,3] [4,5,6] a:+ .  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
AArch64 Assembly
  /* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B */ /* program concAreaString.s */   /*******************************************/ /* Constantes file */ /*******************************************/ /* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/ .include "../includeConstantesARM64.inc" .equ NBMAXITEMS, 20 // /*******************************************/ /* Initialized data */ /*******************************************/ .data szMessLenArea: .asciz "The length of area 3 is : @ \n" szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"   /* areas strings */ szString1: .asciz "Apples" szString2: .asciz "Oranges" szString3: .asciz "Pommes" szString4: .asciz "Raisins" szString5: .asciz "Abricots"   /* pointer items area 1*/ tablesPoi1: pt1_1: .quad szString1 pt1_2: .quad szString2 ptVoid_1: .quad 0   /* pointer items area 2*/ tablesPoi2: pt2_1: .quad szString3 pt2_2: .quad szString4 pt2_3: .quad szString5 ptVoid_2: .quad 0 /*******************************************/ /* UnInitialized data */ /*******************************************/ .bss tablesPoi3: .skip 8 * NBMAXITEMS sZoneConv: .skip 30 /*******************************************/ /* code section */ /*******************************************/ .text .global main main: // entry of program   // copy area 1 -> area 3 ldr x1,qAdrtablesPoi1 // begin pointer area 1 ldr x3,qAdrtablesPoi3 // begin pointer area 3 mov x0,0 // counter 1: ldr x2,[x1,x0,lsl 3] // read string pointer address item x0 (8 bytes by pointer) cbz x2,2f // is null ? str x2,[x3,x0,lsl 3] // no store pointer in area 3 add x0,x0,1 // increment counter b 1b // and loop 2: // copy area 2 -> area 3 ldr x1,qAdrtablesPoi2 // begin pointer area 2 ldr x3,qAdrtablesPoi3 // begin pointer area 3 mov x4,#0 // counter area 2 3: // x0 contains the first void item in area 3 ldr x2,[x1,x4,lsl #3] // read string pointer address item x0 (8 bytes by pointer) cbz x2,4f // is null ? str x2,[x3,x0,lsl #3] // no store pointer in area 3 add x0,x0,1 // increment counter add x4,x4,1 // increment counter b 3b // and loop 4: // count items number in area 3 ldr x1,qAdrtablesPoi3 // begin pointer table mov x0,#0 // counter 5: // begin loop ldr x2,[x1,x0,lsl #3] // read string pointer address item x0 (8 bytes by pointer) cmp x2,#0 // is null ? cinc x0,x0,ne // no increment counter bne 5b // and loop   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv // conversion decimal bl conversion10S ldr x0,qAdrszMessLenArea ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv bl strInsertAtCharInc // insert result at @ character bl affichageMess   100: // standard end of the program mov x0,0 // return code mov x8,EXIT // request to exit program svc 0 // perform the system call qAdrtablesPoi1: .quad tablesPoi1 qAdrtablesPoi2: .quad tablesPoi2 qAdrtablesPoi3: .quad tablesPoi3 qAdrszMessLenArea: .quad szMessLenArea qAdrsZoneConv: .quad sZoneConv qAdrszCarriageReturn: .quad szCarriageReturn /****************************************************/ /* File Include fonctions */ /********************************************************/ /* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly */ .include "../includeARM64.inc"  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  report z_array_concatenation.   data(itab1) = value int4_table( ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ). data(itab2) = value int4_table( ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ).   append lines of itab2 to itab1.   loop at itab1 assigning field-symbol(<line>). write <line>. endloop.  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
(append xs ys)
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
BYTE FUNC Concat(INT ARRAY src1,src2,dst BYTE size1,size2) BYTE i   FOR i=0 TO size1-1 DO dst(i)=src1(i) OD FOR i=0 TO size2-1 DO dst(size1+i)=src2(i) OD RETURN (size1+size2)   PROC PrintArray(INT ARRAY a BYTE size) BYTE i   Put('[) FOR i=0 TO size-1 DO PrintI(a(i)) IF i<size-1 THEN Put(' ) FI OD Put(']) RETURN   PROC Test(INT ARRAY src1,src2 BYTE size1,size2) INT ARRAY res(20) BYTE size   size=Concat(src1,src2,res,size1,size2) PrintArray(src1,size1) Put('+) PrintArray(src2,size2) Put('=) PrintArray(res,size) PutE() PutE() RETURN   PROC Main() INT ARRAY a1=[1 2 3 4], a2=[5 6 7 8 9 10],  ;a workaround for a3=[-1 -2 -3 -4 -5] a3=[65535 65534 65533 65532 65531]   Test(a1,a2,4,6) Test(a2,a1,6,4) Test(a3,a2,5,4) RETURN
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
var array1:Array = new Array(1, 2, 3); var array2:Array = new Array(4, 5, 6); var array3:Array = array1.concat(array2); //[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
type T is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; X : T := (1, 2, 3); Y : T := X & (4, 5, 6); -- Concatenate X and (4, 5, 6)
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
ac(list a, b) { list o;   o.copy(a); b.ucall(l_append, 1, o);   o; }   main(void) { list a, b, c;   a = list(1, 2, 3, 4); b = list(5, 6, 7, 8);   c = ac(a, b);   c.ucall(o_, 1, " ");   0; }
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
MODE ARGTYPE = INT; MODE ARGLIST = FLEX[0]ARGTYPE;   OP + = (ARGLIST a, b)ARGLIST: ( [LWB a:UPB a - LWB a + 1 + UPB b - LWB b + 1 ]ARGTYPE out; ( out[LWB a:UPB a]:=a, out[UPB a+1:]:=b ); out );   # Append # OP +:= = (REF ARGLIST lhs, ARGLIST rhs)ARGLIST: lhs := lhs + rhs; OP PLUSAB = (REF ARGLIST lhs, ARGLIST rhs)ARGLIST: lhs := lhs + rhs;   # Prefix # OP +=: = (ARGLIST lhs, REF ARGLIST rhs)ARGLIST: rhs := lhs + rhs; OP PLUSTO = (ARGLIST lhs, REF ARGLIST rhs)ARGLIST: rhs := lhs + rhs;   ARGLIST a := (1,2), b := (3,4,5);   print(("a + b",a + b, new line));   VOID(a +:= b); print(("a +:= b", a, new line));   VOID(a +=: b); print(("a +=: b", b, new line))
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
begin integer array a ( 1 :: 5 ); integer array b ( 2 :: 4 ); integer array c ( 1 :: 8 );    % concatenates the arrays a and b into c  %  % the lower and upper bounds of each array must be specified in %  % the corresponding *Lb and *Ub parameters  % procedure arrayConcatenate ( integer array a ( * )  ; integer value aLb, aUb  ; integer array b ( * )  ; integer value bLb, bUb  ; integer array c ( * )  ; integer value cLb, cUb ) ; begin integer cPos; assert( ( cUb - cLb ) + 1 >= ( ( aUb + bUb ) - ( aLb + bLb ) ) - 2 ); cPos := cLb; for aPos := aLb until aUb do begin c( cPos ) := a( aPos ); cPos := cPos + 1 end for_aPos ; for bPos := bLb until bUb do begin c( cPos ) := b( bPos ); cPos := cPos + 1 end for_bPos end arrayConcatenate ;    % test arrayConcatenate  % for aPos := 1 until 5 do a( aPos ) := aPos; for bPos := 2 until 4 do b( bPos ) := - bPos; arrayConcatenate( a, 1, 5, b, 2, 4, c, 1, 8 ); for cPos := 1 until 8 do writeon( i_w := 1, s_w := 1, c( cPos ) )   end.
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
Amazing Hopper
  #include <hbasic.h> Begin a1 = {} a2 = {} Take(100,"Hola",0.056,"Mundo!"), and Push All(a1) Take("Segundo",0,"array",~True,~False), and Push All(a2) Concat (a1, a2) and Print ( a2, Newl ) End  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
a:<1; <2; 3>> b: <"Hello"; 42> c: a,b
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
List<String> listA = new List<String> { 'apple' }; List<String> listB = new List<String> { 'banana' }; listA.addAll(listB); System.debug(listA); // Prints (apple, banana)
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  1 2 3 , 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  set listA to {1, 2, 3} set listB to {4, 5, 6} return listA & listB  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
ARM Assembly
  /* ARM assembly Raspberry PI */ /* program concAreaString.s */   /* Constantes */ .equ STDOUT, 1 @ Linux output console .equ EXIT, 1 @ Linux syscall .equ WRITE, 4 @ Linux syscall .equ NBMAXITEMS, 20 @ /* Initialized data */ .data szMessLenArea: .ascii "The length of area 3 is : " sZoneconv: .fill 12,1,' ' szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"   /* areas strings */ szString1: .asciz "Apples" szString2: .asciz "Oranges" szString3: .asciz "Pommes" szString4: .asciz "Raisins" szString5: .asciz "Abricots"   /* pointer items area 1*/ tablesPoi1: pt1_1: .int szString1 pt1_2: .int szString2 ptVoid_1: .int 0   /* pointer items area 2*/ tablesPoi2: pt2_1: .int szString3 pt2_2: .int szString4 pt2_3: .int szString5 ptVoid_2: .int 0   /* UnInitialized data */ .bss tablesPoi3: .skip 4 * NBMAXITEMS   /* code section */ .text .global main main: /* entry of program */ push {fp,lr} /* saves 2 registers */   @ copy area 1 -> area 3 ldr r1,iAdrtablesPoi1 @ begin pointer area 1 ldr r3,iAdrtablesPoi3 @ begin pointer area 3 mov r0,#0 @ counter 1: ldr r2,[r1,r0,lsl #2] @ read string pointer address item r0 (4 bytes by pointer) cmp r2,#0 @ is null ? strne r2,[r3,r0,lsl #2] @ no store pointer in area 3 addne r0,#1 @ increment counter bne 1b @ and loop @ copy area 2 -> area 3 ldr r1,iAdrtablesPoi2 @ begin pointer area 2 ldr r3,iAdrtablesPoi3 @ begin pointer area 3 mov r4,#0 @ counter area 2 2: @ r0 contains the first void item in area 3 ldr r2,[r1,r4,lsl #2] @ read string pointer address item r0 (4 bytes by pointer) cmp r2,#0 @ is null ? strne r2,[r3,r0,lsl #2] @ no store pointer in area 3 addne r0,#1 @ increment counter addne r4,#1 @ increment counter bne 2b @ and loop   @ count items number in area 3 ldr r1,iAdrtablesPoi3 @ begin pointer table mov r0,#0 @ counter 3: @ begin loop ldr r2,[r1,r0,lsl #2] @ read string pointer address item r0 (4 bytes by pointer) cmp r2,#0 @ is null ? addne r0,#1 @ no increment counter bne 3b @ and loop   ldr r1,iAdrsZoneconv @ conversion decimal bl conversion10S ldr r0,iAdrszMessLenArea bl affichageMess   100: /* standard end of the program */ mov r0, #0 @ return code pop {fp,lr} @restaur 2 registers mov r7, #EXIT @ request to exit program swi 0 @ perform the system call iAdrtablesPoi1: .int tablesPoi1 iAdrtablesPoi2: .int tablesPoi2 iAdrtablesPoi3: .int tablesPoi3 iAdrszMessLenArea: .int szMessLenArea iAdrsZoneconv: .int sZoneconv iAdrszCarriageReturn: .int szCarriageReturn /******************************************************************/ /* display text with size calculation */ /******************************************************************/ /* r0 contains the address of the message */ affichageMess: push {fp,lr} /* save registres */ push {r0,r1,r2,r7} /* save others registers */ mov r2,#0 /* counter length */ 1: /* loop length calculation */ ldrb r1,[r0,r2] /* read octet start position + index */ cmp r1,#0 /* if 0 its over */ addne r2,r2,#1 /* else add 1 in the length */ bne 1b /* and loop */ /* so here r2 contains the length of the message */ mov r1,r0 /* address message in r1 */ mov r0,#STDOUT /* code to write to the standard output Linux */ mov r7, #WRITE /* code call system "write" */ swi #0 /* call systeme */ pop {r0,r1,r2,r7} /* restaur others registers */ pop {fp,lr} /* restaur des 2 registres */ bx lr /* return */   /***************************************************/ /* conversion register signed décimal */ /***************************************************/ /* r0 contient le registre */ /* r1 contient l adresse de la zone de conversion */ conversion10S: push {r0-r5,lr} /* save des registres */ mov r2,r1 /* debut zone stockage */ mov r5,#'+' /* par defaut le signe est + */ cmp r0,#0 /* nombre négatif ? */ movlt r5,#'-' /* oui le signe est - */ mvnlt r0,r0 /* et inversion en valeur positive */ addlt r0,#1 mov r4,#10 /* longueur de la zone */ 1: /* debut de boucle de conversion */ bl divisionpar10 /* division */ add r1,#48 /* ajout de 48 au reste pour conversion ascii */ strb r1,[r2,r4] /* stockage du byte en début de zone r5 + la position r4 */ sub r4,r4,#1 /* position précedente */ cmp r0,#0 bne 1b /* boucle si quotient different de zéro */ strb r5,[r2,r4] /* stockage du signe à la position courante */ subs r4,r4,#1 /* position précedente */ blt 100f /* si r4 < 0 fin */ /* sinon il faut completer le debut de la zone avec des blancs */ mov r3,#' ' /* caractere espace */ 2: strb r3,[r2,r4] /* stockage du byte */ subs r4,r4,#1 /* position précedente */ bge 2b /* boucle si r4 plus grand ou egal a zero */ 100: /* fin standard de la fonction */ pop {r0-r5,lr} /*restaur desregistres */ bx lr   /***************************************************/ /* division par 10 signé */ /* Thanks to http://thinkingeek.com/arm-assembler-raspberry-pi/* /* and http://www.hackersdelight.org/ */ /***************************************************/ /* r0 contient le dividende */ /* r0 retourne le quotient */ /* r1 retourne le reste */ divisionpar10: /* r0 contains the argument to be divided by 10 */ push {r2-r4} /* save registers */ mov r4,r0 ldr r3, .Ls_magic_number_10 /* r1 <- magic_number */ smull r1, r2, r3, r0 /* r1 <- Lower32Bits(r1*r0). r2 <- Upper32Bits(r1*r0) */ mov r2, r2, ASR #2 /* r2 <- r2 >> 2 */ mov r1, r0, LSR #31 /* r1 <- r0 >> 31 */ add r0, r2, r1 /* r0 <- r2 + r1 */ add r2,r0,r0, lsl #2 /* r2 <- r0 * 5 */ sub r1,r4,r2, lsl #1 /* r1 <- r4 - (r2 * 2) = r4 - (r0 * 10) */ pop {r2-r4} bx lr /* leave function */ bx lr /* leave function */ .Ls_magic_number_10: .word 0x66666667    
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
arr1: [1 2 3] arr2: ["four" "five" "six"]   print arr1 ++ arr2
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
(* The Rosetta Code array concatenation task, in ATS2. *)   (* In a way, the task is misleading: in a language such as ATS, one can always devise a very-easy-to-use array type, put the code for that in a library, and overload operators. Thus we can have "array1 + array2" as array concatenation in ATS, complete with garbage collection when the result no longer is needed.   It depends on what libraries are in one's repertoire.   Nevertheless, it seems fair to demonstrate how to concatenate two barebones arrays at the nitpicking lowest level, without anything but the barest contents of the ATS2 prelude. It will make ATS programming look difficult; but ATS programming *is* difficult, when you are using it to overcome the programming safety deficiencies of a language such as C, without losing the runtime efficiency of C code.   What we want is the kind of routine that would be used *in the implementation* of "array1 + array2". So let us begin ... *)   #include "share/atspre_staload.hats" (* Loads some needed template code. *)   fn {t : t@ype}   (* The demonstration will be for arrays of a non-linear type t. Were the arrays to contain a *linear* type (vt@ype), then either the old arrays would have to be destroyed or a copy procedure would be needed for the elements. *)   arrayconcat1 {m, n : nat} {pa, pb, pc : addr} (pfa  : !(@[t][m]) @ pa, pfb  : !(@[t][n]) @ pb, pfc  : !(@[t?][m + n]) @ pc >> @[t][m + n] @ pc | pa  : ptr pa, pb  : ptr pb, pc  : ptr pc, m  : size_t m, n  : size_t n) : void =   (* The routine takes as arguments three low-level arrays, passed by value, as pointers with associated views. The first array is of length m, with elements of type t, and the array must have been initialized; the second is a similar array of length n. The third array is uninitialized (thus the "?" character) and must have length m+n; its type will change to "initialized". *)   { prval (pfleft, pfright) = array_v_split {t?} {pc} {m + n} {m} pfc   (* We have had to split the view of array c into a left part pfleft, of length m, and a right part pfright of length n. Arrays a and b will be copied into the respective parts of c. *)   val _ = array_copy<t> (!pc, !pa, m) val _ = array_copy<t> (!(ptr_add<t> (pc, m)), !pb, n)   (* Copying an array *safely* is more complex than what we are doing here, but above the task has been given to the "array_copy" template in the prelude. The "!" signs appear because array_copy is call-by-reference but we are passing it pointers. *)   (* pfleft and pfright now refer to *initialized* arrays: one of length m, starting at address pc; the other of length n, starting at address pc+(m*sizeof<t>). *)   prval _ = pfc := array_v_unsplit {t} {pc} {m, n} (pfleft, pfright)   (* Before we can exit, the view of array c has to be replaced. It is replaced by "unsplitting" the (now initialized) left and right parts of the array. *)   (* We are done. Everything should now work, and the result will be safe from buffer overruns or underruns, and against accidental misuse of uninitialized data. *)   }   (* arrayconcat2 is a pass-by-reference interface to arrayconcat1. *) fn {t : t@ype} arrayconcat2 {m, n : nat} (a  : &(@[t][m]), b  : &(@[t][n]), c  : &(@[t?][m + n]) >> @[t][m + n], m  : size_t m, n  : size_t n) : void = arrayconcat1 (view@ a, view@ b, view@ c | addr@ a, addr@ b, addr@ c, m, n)   (* Overloads to let you say "arrayconcat" for either routine above. *) overload arrayconcat with arrayconcat1 overload arrayconcat with arrayconcat2   implement main0 () =   (* A demonstration program. *)   let (* Some arrays on the stack. Because they are on the stack, they will not need explicit freeing. *) var a = @[int][3] (1, 2, 3) var b = @[int][4] (5, 6, 7, 8) var c : @[int?][7]   in   (* Compute c as the concatenation of a and b. *) arrayconcat<int> (a, b, c, i2sz 3, i2sz 4);   (* The following simply prints the result. *) let (* Copy c to a linear linked list, because the prelude provides means to easily print such a list. *) val lst = array2list (c, i2sz 7) in println! (lst); (* Print the list. *) free lst (* The list is linear and must be freed. *) end end
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
List1 := [1, 2, 3] List2 := [4, 5, 6] cList := Arr_concatenate(List1, List2) MsgBox % Arr_disp(cList) ; [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]   Arr_concatenate(p*) { res := Object() For each, obj in p For each, value in obj res.Insert(value) return res }   Arr_disp(arr) { for each, value in arr res .= ", " value return "[" SubStr(res, 3) "]" }
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  _ArrayConcatenate($avArray, $avArray2) Func _ArrayConcatenate(ByRef $avArrayTarget, Const ByRef $avArraySource, $iStart = 0) If Not IsArray($avArrayTarget) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If Not IsArray($avArraySource) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If UBound($avArrayTarget, 0) <> 1 Then If UBound($avArraySource, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf If UBound($avArraySource, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0)   Local $iUBoundTarget = UBound($avArrayTarget) - $iStart, $iUBoundSource = UBound($avArraySource) ReDim $avArrayTarget[$iUBoundTarget + $iUBoundSource] For $i = $iStart To $iUBoundSource - 1 $avArrayTarget[$iUBoundTarget + $i] = $avArraySource[$i] Next   Return $iUBoundTarget + $iUBoundSource EndFunc ;==>_ArrayConcatenate  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
<1, 2, 3> ++ <¢a, ¢b, ¢c>
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
#!/usr/bin/awk -f BEGIN { split("cul-de-sac",a,"-") split("1-2-3",b,"-") concat_array(a,b,c)   for (i in c) { print i,c[i] } }   function concat_array(a,b,c, nc) { for (i in a) { c[++nc]=a[i] } for (i in b) { c[++nc]=b[i] } }
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
[1 2 3] [4 5 6] cat ;
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
x=("1 2" "3 4") y=(5 6) sum=( "${x[@]}" "${y[@]}" )   for i in "${sum[@]}" ; do echo "$i" ; done 1 2 3 4 5 6
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
DECLARE a[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } DECLARE b[] = { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }   DECLARE c ARRAY UBOUND(a) + UBOUND(b)   FOR x = 0 TO 4 c[x] = a[x] c[x+5] = b[x] NEXT
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
arraybase 1 global c   dimen = 5 dim a(dimen) dim b(dimen) # Array initialization for i = 1 to dimen a[i] = i b[i] = i + dimen next i   nt = ConcatArrays(a, b)   for i = 1 to nt print c[i]; if i < nt then print ", "; next i end   function ConcatArrays(a, b) ta = a[?] tb = b[?]   nt = ta + tb redim c(nt)   for i = 1 to ta c[i] = a[i] next i for i = 1 to tb c[i + ta] = b[i] next i   return nt end function
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
1‿2‿3 ∾ 4‿5‿6
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
{?} (a,b,c,d,e),(n,m) {!} a,b,c,d,e,n,m {?} (a,m,y),(b,n,y,z) {!} a,m,y,b,n,y,z {?} (a m y) (b n y z) {!} a m y b n y z {?} (a+m+y)+(b+n+y+z) {!} a+b+m+n+2*y+z {?} (a*m*y)*(b*n*y*z) {!} a*b*m*n*y^2*z
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  blsq ) {1 2 3}{4 5 6}_+ {1 2 3 4 5 6}  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>   #define ARRAY_CONCAT(TYPE, A, An, B, Bn) \ (TYPE *)array_concat((const void *)(A), (An), (const void *)(B), (Bn), sizeof(TYPE));   void *array_concat(const void *a, size_t an, const void *b, size_t bn, size_t s) { char *p = malloc(s * (an + bn)); memcpy(p, a, an*s); memcpy(p + an*s, b, bn*s); return p; }   // testing const int a[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; const int b[] = { 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 };   int main(void) { unsigned int i;   int *c = ARRAY_CONCAT(int, a, 5, b, 5);   for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) printf("%d\n", c[i]);   free(c); return EXIT_SUCCCESS; }
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
using System;   namespace RosettaCode { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int[] a = { 1, 2, 3 }; int[] b = { 4, 5, 6 };   int[] c = new int[a.Length + b.Length]; a.CopyTo(c, 0); b.CopyTo(c, a.Length);   foreach(int n in c) { Console.WriteLine(n.ToString()); } } } }
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
#include <vector> #include <iostream>   int main() { std::vector<int> a(3), b(4); a[0] = 11; a[1] = 12; a[2] = 13; b[0] = 21; b[1] = 22; b[2] = 23; b[3] = 24;   a.insert(a.end(), b.begin(), b.end());   for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) std::cout << "a[" << i << "] = " << a[i] << "\n"; }
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
shared void arrayConcatenation() { value a = Array {1, 2, 3}; value b = Array {4, 5, 6}; value c = concatenate(a, b); print(c); }
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
(concat [1 2 3] [4 5 6])
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
identification division. program-id. array-concat.   environment division. configuration section. repository. function all intrinsic.   data division. working-storage section. 01 table-one. 05 int-field pic 999 occurs 0 to 5 depending on t1. 01 table-two. 05 int-field pic 9(4) occurs 0 to 10 depending on t2.   77 t1 pic 99. 77 t2 pic 99.   77 show pic z(4).   procedure division. array-concat-main. perform initialize-tables perform concatenate-tables perform display-result goback.   initialize-tables. move 4 to t1 perform varying tally from 1 by 1 until tally > t1 compute int-field of table-one(tally) = tally * 3 end-perform   move 3 to t2 perform varying tally from 1 by 1 until tally > t2 compute int-field of table-two(tally) = tally * 6 end-perform .   concatenate-tables. perform varying tally from 1 by 1 until tally > t1 add 1 to t2 move int-field of table-one(tally) to int-field of table-two(t2) end-perform .   display-result. perform varying tally from 1 by 1 until tally = t2 move int-field of table-two(tally) to show display trim(show) ", " with no advancing end-perform move int-field of table-two(tally) to show display trim(show) .   end program array-concat.
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  # like in JavaScript a = [1, 2, 3] b = [4, 5, 6] c = a.concat b  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
Common Lisp
(concatenate 'vector #(0 1 2 3) #(4 5 6 7)) => #(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
Component Pascal
  MODULE ArrayConcat; IMPORT StdLog;   PROCEDURE Concat(x: ARRAY OF INTEGER; y: ARRAY OF INTEGER; OUT z: ARRAY OF INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(LEN(x) + LEN(y) <= LEN(z)); FOR i := 0 TO LEN(x) - 1 DO z[i] := x[i] END; FOR i := 0 TO LEN(y) - 1 DO z[i + LEN(x)] := y[i] END END Concat;   PROCEDURE Concat2(x: ARRAY OF INTEGER;y: ARRAY OF INTEGER): POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER; VAR z: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER; i: INTEGER; BEGIN NEW(z,LEN(x) + LEN(y)); FOR i := 0 TO LEN(x) - 1 DO z[i] := x[i] END; FOR i := 0 TO LEN(y) - 1 DO z[i + LEN(x)] := y[i] END; RETURN z; END Concat2;   PROCEDURE ShowArray(x: ARRAY OF INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; StdLog.Char('['); WHILE (i < LEN(x)) DO StdLog.Int(x[i]);IF i < LEN(x) - 1 THEN StdLog.Char(',') END; INC(i) END; StdLog.Char(']');StdLog.Ln; END ShowArray;   PROCEDURE Do*; VAR x: ARRAY 10 OF INTEGER; y: ARRAY 15 OF INTEGER; z: ARRAY 25 OF INTEGER; w: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER; i: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO LEN(x) - 1 DO x[i] := i END; FOR i := 0 TO LEN(y) - 1 DO y[i] := i END; Concat(x,y,z);StdLog.String("1> ");ShowArray(z);   NEW(w,LEN(x) + LEN(y)); Concat(x,y,z);StdLog.String("2:> ");ShowArray(z);   StdLog.String("3:> ");ShowArray(Concat2(x,y)); END Do;   END ArrayConcat.  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
arr1 = [1, 2, 3] arr2 = ["foo", "bar", "baz"] arr1 + arr2 #=> [1, 2, 3, "foo", "bar", "baz"]
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
import std.stdio: writeln;   void main() { int[] a = [1, 2]; int[] b = [4, 5, 6];   writeln(a, " ~ ", b, " = ", a ~ b); }
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
type TReturnArray = array of integer; //you need to define a type to be able to return it   function ConcatArray(a1,a2:array of integer):TReturnArray; var i,r:integer; begin { Low(array) is not necessarily 0 } SetLength(result,High(a1)-Low(a1)+High(a2)-Low(a2)+2); //BAD idea to set a length you won't release, just to show the idea! r:=0; //index on the result may be different to indexes on the sources for i := Low(a1) to High(a1) do begin result[r] := a1[i]; Inc(r); end; for i := Low(a2) to High(a2) do begin result[r] := a2[i]; Inc(r); end; end;   procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var a1,a2:array of integer; r1:array of integer; i:integer; begin SetLength(a1,4); SetLength(a2,3); for i := Low(a1) to High(a1) do a1[i] := i; for i := Low(a2) to High(a2) do a2[i] := i; TReturnArray(r1) := ConcatArray(a1,a2); for i := Low(r1) to High(r1) do showMessage(IntToStr(r1[i])); Finalize(r1); //IMPORTANT! ShowMessage(IntToStr(High(r1))); end;
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
var xs = [1,2,3] var ys = [4,5,6] var alls = Array.Concat(xs, ys) print(alls)
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
? [1,2] + [3,4] # value: [1, 2, 3, 4]
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
a[] = [ 1 2 3 ] b[] = [ 4 5 6 ] c[] = a[] while i < len b[] c[] &= b[i] i += 1 . print c[]
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  ;;;; VECTORS (vector-append (make-vector 6 42) (make-vector 4 666)) → #( 42 42 42 42 42 42 666 666 666 666)   ;;;; LISTS (append (iota 5) (iota 6)) → (0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5)   ;; NB - append may also be used with sequences (lazy lists) (lib 'sequences) (take (append [1 .. 7] [7 6 .. 0]) #:all) → (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1)      
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  A := [1, 2, 3, 4]; B := [5, 6, 7, 8];   C := A + B;
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  @public run = fn () { A = [1, 2, 3, 4] B = [5, 6, 7, 8]   C = A ++ B D = lists.append([A, B])   io.format("~p~n", [C]) io.format("~p~n", [D]) }
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  program ArrayConcatenation function main() a int[] = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; b int[] = [ 4, 5, 6 ]; c int[]; c.appendAll(a); c.appendAll(b);   for (i int from 1 to c.getSize()) SysLib.writeStdout("Element " :: i :: " = " :: c[i]); end end end  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
xs = [1,2,3] ys = [4,5,6] xs ++ ys
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
import extensions;   public program() { var a := new int[]{1,2,3}; var b := new int[]{4,5};   console.printLine( "(",a.asEnumerable(),") + (",b.asEnumerable(), ") = (",(a + b).asEnumerable(),")").readChar(); }
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
iex(1)> [1, 2, 3] ++ [4, 5, 6] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] iex(2)> Enum.concat([[1, [2], 3], [4], [5, 6]]) [1, [2], 3, 4, 5, 6] iex(3)> Enum.concat([1..3, [4,5,6], 7..9]) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
import Element exposing (show, toHtml) -- elm-package install evancz/elm-graphics import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram) import Array exposing (Array, append, initialize)     xs : Array Int xs = initialize 3 identity -- [0, 1, 2]   ys : Array Int ys = initialize 3 <| (+) 3 -- [3, 4, 5]   main = beginnerProgram { model = () , view = \_ -> toHtml (show (append xs ys)) , update = \_ _ -> () }   -- Array.fromList [0,1,2,3,4,5]
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
Emacs Lisp
(vconcat '[1 2 3] '[4 5] '[6 7 8 9]) => [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  1> [1, 2, 3] ++ [4, 5, 6]. [1,2,3,4,5,6] 2> lists:append([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]). [1,2,3,4,5,6] 3>  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  PROGRAM ARRAY_CONCAT   DIM A[5],B[5],C[10]   ! ! for rosettacode.org !   BEGIN DATA(1,2,3,4,5) DATA(6,7,8,9,0)   FOR I=1 TO 5 DO  ! read array A[.] READ(A[I]) END FOR FOR I=1 TO 5 DO  ! read array B[.] READ(B[I]) END FOR   FOR I=1 TO 10 DO ! append B[.] to A[.] IF I>5 THEN C[I]=B[I-5] ELSE C[I]=A[I] END IF PRINT(C[I];)  ! print single C value END FOR   PRINT   END PROGRAM  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
sequence s1,s2,s3 s1 = {1,2,3} s2 = {4,5,6} s3 = s1 & s2 ? s3
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
let a = [|1; 2; 3|] let b = [|4; 5; 6;|] let c = Array.append a b
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  > a := [1,2,3] > b := [4,5,6] > a.addAll(b) > a [1,2,3,4,5,6]  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
#APPTYPE CONSOLE   DIM aint[] ={1, 2, 3}, astr[] ={"one", "two", "three"}, asng[] ={!1, !2, !3}   FOREACH DIM e IN ARRAYMERGE(aint, astr, asng) PRINT e, " "; NEXT   PAUSE
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
: $!+ ( a u a' -- a'+u ) 2dup + >r swap move r> ; : cat ( a2 u2 a1 u1 -- a3 u1+u2 ) align here dup >r $!+ $!+ r> tuck - dup allot ;   \ TEST create a1 1 , 2 , 3 , create a2 4 , 5 , a2 2 cells a1 3 cells cat dump   8018425F0: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 801842600: 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 801842610: 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - ........  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
program Concat_Arrays implicit none   ! Note: in Fortran 90 you must use the old array delimiters (/ , /) integer, dimension(3) :: a = [1, 2, 3] ! (/1, 2, 3/) integer, dimension(3) :: b = [4, 5, 6] ! (/4, 5, 6/) integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: c, d   allocate(c(size(a)+size(b))) c(1 : size(a)) = a c(size(a)+1 : size(a)+size(b)) = b print*, c   ! alternative d = [a, b] ! (/a, b/) print*, d end program Concat_Arrays
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
Free Pascal
array2 := array0 + array1
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  ' FB 1.05.0 Win64   Sub ConcatArrays(a() As String, b() As String, c() As String) Dim aSize As Integer = UBound(a) - LBound(a) + 1 Dim bSize As Integer = UBound(b) - LBound(b) + 1 Dim cSize As Integer = aSize + bSize Redim c(0 To cSize - 1) Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To aSize - 1 c(i) = a(LBound(a) + i) Next For i = 0 To bSize - 1 c(UBound(a) + i + 1) = b(LBound(b) + i) Next End Sub   Dim a(3) As String = {"The", "quick", "brown", "fox"} Dim b(4) As String = {"jumped", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog"} Dim c() As String ConcatArrays(a(), b(), c()) For i As Integer = LBound(c) To UBound(c) Print c(i); " "; Next Print : Print Print "Press any key to quit the program" Sleep  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  a = [1,2] b = [3,4] a.pushAll[b]  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
arr1 = array( [1, 2, 3] ) arr2 = array( [4, 5, 6] ) arr3 = array( [7, 8, 9] )   println( arr1 + arr2 + arr3 )
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  concat as bs cd  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
void local fn DoIt CFArrayRef array = @[@"Alpha",@"Bravo",@"Charlie"] print array   array = fn ArrayByAddingObjectsFromArray( array, @[@"Delta",@"Echo",@"FutureBasic"] ) print array end fn   window 1   fn DoIt   HandleEvents
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
Public Sub Main() Dim sString1 As String[] = ["The", "quick", "brown", "fox"] Dim sString2 As String[] = ["jumped", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog"]   sString1.Insert(sString2)   Print sString1.Join(" ")   End
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
# Concatenate arrays Concatenation([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]); # [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]   # Append to a variable a := [1, 2, 3]; Append(a, [4, 5, 6); Append(a, [7, 8, 9]); a; # [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
[indent=4] /* Array concatenation, in Genie Tectonics: valac array-concat.gs */   /* Creates a new array */ def int_array_concat(x:array of int, y:array of int):array of int var a = new Array of int(false, true, 0) /* (zero-terminated, clear, size) */ a.append_vals (x, x.length) a.append_vals (y, y.length)   z:array of int = (owned) a.data return z   def int_show_array(a:array of int) for element in a do stdout.printf("%d ", element) stdout.printf("\n")   init x: array of int = {1, 2, 3} y: array of int = {3, 2, 1, 0, -1} z: array of int = int_array_concat(x, y)   stdout.printf("x: "); int_show_array(x) stdout.printf("y: "); int_show_array(y) stdout.printf("z: "); int_show_array(z) print "%d elements in new array", z.length
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  #define array_concat(T,a1,a2,returned) \ T[a1.length()+a2.length()] returned; \ { \ for(int i = 0; i < a1.length(); i++){ \ returned[i] = a1[i]; \ } \ for(int i = 0; i < a2.length(); i++){ \ returned[i+a1.length()] = a2[i]; \ } \ }  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
package main   import "fmt"   func main() { // Example 1: Idiomatic in Go is use of the append function. // Elements must be of identical type. a := []int{1, 2, 3} b := []int{7, 12, 60} // these are technically slices, not arrays c := append(a, b...) fmt.Println(c)   // Example 2: Polymorphism. // interface{} is a type too, one that can reference values of any type. // This allows a sort of polymorphic list. i := []interface{}{1, 2, 3} j := []interface{}{"Crosby", "Stills", "Nash", "Young"} k := append(i, j...) // append will allocate as needed fmt.Println(k)   // Example 3: Arrays, not slices. // A word like "array" on RC often means "whatever array means in your // language." In Go, the common role of "array" is usually filled by // Go slices, as in examples 1 and 2. If by "array" you really mean // "Go array," then you have to do a little extra work. The best // technique is almost always to create slices on the arrays and then // use the copy function. l := [...]int{1, 2, 3} m := [...]int{7, 12, 60} // arrays have constant size set at compile time var n [len(l) + len(m)]int copy(n[:], l[:]) // [:] creates a slice that references the entire array copy(n[len(l):], m[:]) fmt.Println(n)   }
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
  var listA = { 1, 2, 3 } var listB = { 4, 5, 6 }   var listC = listA.concat( listB )   print( listC ) // prints [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]  
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
def list = [1, 2, 3] + ["Crosby", "Stills", "Nash", "Young"]
Array concatenation
Task Show how to concatenate two arrays in your language. If this is as simple as array1 + array2, so be it.
(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]

Dataset Card for the Rosetta Code Dataset

Dataset Summary

Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another. Rosetta Code currently has 1,203 tasks, 389 draft tasks, and is aware of 883 languages, though we do not (and cannot) have solutions to every task in every language.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

[More Information Needed]


['ALGOL 68', 'Arturo', 'AWK', 'F#', 'Factor', 'Go', 'J', 'jq', 'Julia', 'Lua', 'Mathematica/Wolfram Language',
 'Perl', 'Phix', 'Picat', 'Python', 'Quackery', 'Raku', 'Ring', 'Sidef', 'Vlang', 'Wren', 'XPL0', '11l',
 '68000 Assembly', '8th', 'AArch64 Assembly', 'ABAP', 'ACL2', 'Action!', 'ActionScript', 'Ada', 'Aime', 'ALGOL W',
 'Amazing Hopper', 'AntLang', 'Apex', 'APL', 'AppleScript', 'ARM Assembly', 'ATS', 'AutoHotkey', 'AutoIt', 'Avail',
 'Babel', 'bash', 'BASIC', 'BASIC256', 'BQN', 'Bracmat', 'Burlesque', 'C', 'C#', 'C++', 'Ceylon', 'Clojure', 'COBOL',
 'CoffeeScript', 'Common Lisp', 'Component Pascal', 'Crystal', 'D', 'Delphi', 'Dyalect', 'E', 'EasyLang', 'EchoLisp',
 'ECL', 'Efene', 'EGL', 'Ela', 'Elena', 'Elixir', 'Elm', 'Emacs Lisp', 'Erlang', 'ERRE', 'Euphoria', 'Fantom', 'FBSL',
 'Forth', 'Fortran', 'Free Pascal', 'FreeBASIC', 'Frink', 'FunL', 'Futhark', 'FutureBasic', 'Gambas', 'GAP', 'Genie',
 'GLSL', 'Gosu', 'Groovy', 'Haskell', 'HicEst', 'Hy', 'i', 'Icon and Unicon', 'IDL', 'Idris', 'Inform 7', 'Ioke', 'Java',
 'JavaScript', 'K', 'Klingphix', 'Klong', 'Kotlin', 'LabVIEW', 'Lambdatalk', 'Lang5', 'langur', 'Lasso', 'LFE', 'Liberty BASIC',
 'LIL', 'Limbo', 'Lingo', 'Little', 'Logo', 'M2000 Interpreter', 'Maple', 'Mathcad', 'Mathematica / Wolfram Language',
 'MATLAB / Octave', 'Maxima', 'Mercury', 'min', 'MiniScript', 'Nanoquery', 'Neko', 'Nemerle', 'NetRexx', 'NewLISP', 'Nial',
 'Nim', 'Oberon-2', 'Objeck', 'Objective-C', 'OCaml', 'Oforth', 'Onyx', 'ooRexx', 'Order', 'OxygenBasic', 'Oz', 'PARI/GP',
 'Pascal', 'Phixmonti', 'PHP', 'PicoLisp', 'Pike', 'PL/I', 'Pony', 'PostScript', 'PowerShell', 'Processing', 'Prolog',
 'PureBasic', 'Q', 'QBasic', 'QB64', 'R', 'Racket', 'RapidQ', 'REBOL', 'Red', 'ReScript', 'Retro', 'REXX', 'RLaB', 'Ruby',
 'Rust', 'S-lang', 'SASL', 'Scala', 'Scheme', 'Seed7', 'SenseTalk', 'SETL', 'Simula', '360 Assembly', '6502 Assembly', 'Slate',
 'Smalltalk', 'Ol', 'SNOBOL4', 'Standard ML', 'Stata', 'Swift', 'Tailspin', 'Tcl', 'TI-89 BASIC', 'Trith', 'UNIX Shell',
 'Ursa', 'Vala', 'VBA', 'VBScript', 'Visual Basic .NET', 'Wart', 'BaCon', 'Bash', 'Yabasic', 'Yacas', 'Batch File', 'Yorick',
 'Z80 Assembly', 'BBC BASIC', 'Brat', 'zkl', 'zonnon', 'Zsh', 'ZX Spectrum Basic', 'Clipper/XBase++', 'ColdFusion', 'Dart',
 'DataWeave', 'Dragon', 'FurryScript', 'Fōrmulæ', 'Harbour', 'hexiscript', 'Hoon', 'Janet', '0815', 'Jsish', 'Latitude', 'LiveCode',
 'Aikido', 'AmigaE', 'MiniZinc', 'Asymptote', 'NGS', 'bc', 'Befunge', 'Plorth', 'Potion', 'Chef', 'Clipper', 'Relation', 'Robotic',
 'dc', 'DCL', 'DWScript', 'Shen', 'SPL', 'SQL', 'Eiffel', 'Symsyn', 'Emojicode', 'TI-83 BASIC', 'Transd', 'Excel', 'Visual Basic',
 'FALSE', 'WDTE', 'Fermat', 'XLISP', 'Zig', 'friendly interactive shell', 'Zoea', 'Zoea Visual', 'GEORGE', 'Haxe', 'HolyC', 'LSE64',
 'M4', 'MAXScript', 'Metafont', 'МК-61/52', 'ML/I', 'Modula-2', 'Modula-3', 'MUMPS', 'NSIS', 'Openscad', 'Panda', 'PHL', 'Piet',
 'Plain English', 'Pop11', 'ProDOS', '8051 Assembly', 'Python 3.x Long Form', 'Raven', 'ALGOL 60', 'Run BASIC', 'Sass/SCSS', 'App Inventor',
 'smart BASIC', 'SNUSP', 'Arendelle', 'SSEM', 'Argile', 'Toka', 'TUSCRIPT', '4DOS Batch', '8080 Assembly', 'Vedit macro language',
 '8086 Assembly', 'Axe', 'Elisa', 'Verilog', 'Vim Script', 'x86 Assembly', 'Euler Math Toolbox', 'Acurity Architect', 'XSLT', 'BML',
 'Agena', 'Boo', 'Brainf***', 'LLVM', 'FOCAL', 'Frege', 'ALGOL-M', 'ChucK', 'Arbre', 'Clean', 'Hare', 'MATLAB', 'Astro', 'Applesoft BASIC',
 'OOC', 'Bc', 'Computer/zero Assembly', 'SAS', 'Axiom', 'B', 'Dao', 'Caché ObjectScript', 'CLU', 'Scilab', 'DBL', 'Commodore BASIC', 'Diego',
 'Dc', 'BCPL', 'Alore', 'Blade', 'Déjà Vu', 'Octave', 'Cowgol', 'BlitzMax', 'Falcon', 'BlooP', 'SequenceL', 'Sinclair ZX81 BASIC', 'GW-BASIC',
 'Lobster', 'C1R', 'Explore', 'Clarion', 'Locomotive Basic', 'GUISS', 'Clio', 'TXR', 'Ursala', 'CLIPS', 'Microsoft Small Basic', 'Golfscript',
 'Beads', 'Coco', 'Little Man Computer', 'Chapel', 'Comal', 'Curry', 'GML', 'NewLisp', 'Coq', 'Gastona', 'uBasic/4tH', 'Pyret', 'Dhall',
 'Plain TeX', 'Halon', 'Wortel', 'FormulaOne', 'Dafny', 'Ksh', 'Eero', 'Fan', 'Draco', 'DUP', 'Io', 'Metapost', 'Logtalk', 'Dylan', 'TI-83_BASIC',
 'Sather', 'Rascal', 'SIMPOL', 'IS-BASIC', 'KonsolScript', 'Pari/Gp', 'Genyris', 'EDSAC order code', 'Egel', 'Joy', 'lang5', 'XProc', 'XQuery',
 'POV-Ray', 'Kitten', 'Lisaac', 'LOLCODE', 'SVG', 'MANOOL', 'LSL', 'Moonscript', 'Fhidwfe', 'Inspired by Rascal', 'Fish', 'MIPS Assembly',
 'Monte', 'FUZE BASIC', 'NS-HUBASIC', 'Qi', 'GDScript', 'Glee', 'SuperCollider', 'Verbexx', 'Huginn', 'I', 'Informix 4GL', 'Isabelle', 'KQL',
 'lambdatalk', 'RPG', 'Lhogho', 'Lily', 'xTalk', 'Scratch', 'Self', 'MAD', 'RATFOR', 'OpenEdge/Progress', 'Xtend', 'Suneido', 'Mirah',
 'mIRC Scripting Language', 'ContextFree', 'Tern', 'MMIX', 'AmigaBASIC', 'AurelBasic', 'TorqueScript', 'MontiLang', 'MOO', 'MoonScript',
 'Unicon', 'fermat', 'q', 'Myrddin', 'உயிர்/Uyir', 'MySQL', 'newLISP', 'VHDL', 'Oberon', 'Wee Basic', 'OpenEdge ABL/Progress 4GL', 'X86 Assembly',
 'XBS', 'KAP', 'Perl5i', 'Peloton', 'PL/M', 'PL/SQL', 'Pointless', 'Polyglot:PL/I and PL/M', 'ToffeeScript', 'TMG', 'TPP', 'Pure', 'Pure Data',
 'Xidel', 'S-BASIC', 'Salmon', 'SheerPower 4GL', 'Sparkling', 'Spin', 'SQL PL', 'Transact-SQL', 'True BASIC', 'TSE SAL', 'Tiny BASIC', 'TypeScript',
 'Uniface', 'Unison', 'UTFool', 'VAX Assembly', 'VTL-2', 'Wrapl', 'XBasic', 'Xojo', 'XSLT 1.0', 'XSLT 2.0', 'MACRO-10', 'ANSI Standard BASIC',
 'UnixPipes', 'REALbasic', 'Golo', 'DM', 'X86-64 Assembly', 'GlovePIE', 'PowerBASIC', 'LotusScript', 'TIScript', 'Kite', 'V', 'Powershell', 'Vorpal',
 'Never', 'Set lang', '80386 Assembly', 'Furor', 'Input conversion with Error Handling', 'Guile', 'ASIC', 'Autolisp', 'Agda', 'Swift Playground',
 'Nascom BASIC', 'NetLogo', 'CFEngine', 'OASYS Assembler', 'Fennel', 'Object Pascal', 'Shale', 'GFA Basic', 'LDPL', 'Ezhil', 'SMEQL', 'tr', 'WinBatch',
 'XPath 2.0', 'Quite BASIC', 'Gema', '6800 Assembly', 'Applescript', 'beeswax', 'gnuplot', 'ECMAScript', 'Snobol4', 'Blast', 'C/C++', 'Whitespace',
 'Blue', 'C / C++', 'Apache Derby', 'Lychen', 'Oracle', 'Alternative version', 'PHP+SQLite', 'PILOT', 'PostgreSQL', 'PowerShell+SQLite', 'PureBasic+SQLite',
 'Python+SQLite', 'SQLite', 'Tcl+SQLite', 'Transact-SQL (MSSQL)', 'Visual FoxPro', 'SmileBASIC', 'Datalog', 'SystemVerilog', 'Smart BASIC', 'Snobol', 'Terraform',
 'ML', 'SQL/PostgreSQL', '4D', 'ArnoldC', 'ANSI BASIC', 'Delphi/Pascal', 'ooREXX', 'Dylan.NET', 'CMake', 'Lucid', 'XProfan', 'sed', 'Gnuplot', 'RPN (HP-15c)',
 'Sed', 'JudoScript', 'ScriptBasic', 'Unix shell', 'Niue', 'Powerbuilder', 'C Shell', 'Zoomscript', 'MelonBasic', 'ScratchScript', 'SimpleCode', 'OASYS',
 'HTML', 'tbas', 'LaTeX', 'Lilypond', 'MBS', 'B4X', 'Progress', 'SPARK / Ada', 'Arc', 'Icon', 'AutoHotkey_L', 'LSE', 'N/t/roff', 'Fexl', 'Ra', 'Koka',
 'Maclisp', 'Mond', 'Nix', 'ZED', 'Inform 6', 'Visual Objects', 'Cind', 'm4', 'g-fu', 'pascal', 'Jinja', 'Mathprog', 'Rhope', 'Delphi and Pascal', 'Epoxy',
 'SPARK', 'B4J', 'DIBOL-11', 'JavaFX Script', 'Pixilang', 'BASH (feat. sed & tr)', 'zig', 'Web 68', 'Shiny', 'Egison', 'OS X sha256sum', 'AsciiDots',
 'FileMaker', 'Unlambda', 'eC', 'GLBasic', 'JOVIAL', 'haskell', 'Atari BASIC', 'ANTLR', 'Cubescript', 'OoRexx', 'WebAssembly', 'Woma', 'Intercal', 'Malbolge',
 'LiveScript', 'Fancy', 'Detailed Description of Programming Task', 'Lean', 'GeneXus', 'CafeOBJ', 'TechBASIC', 'blz', 'MIRC Scripting Language', 'Oxygene',
 'zsh', 'Make', 'Whenever', 'Sage', 'L++', 'Tosh', 'LC3 Assembly', 'SETL4', 'Pari/GP', 'OxygenBasic x86 Assembler', 'Pharo', 'Binary Lambda Calculus', 'Bob',
 'bootBASIC', 'Turing', 'Ultimate++', 'Gabuzomeu', 'HQ9+', 'INTERCAL', 'Lisp', 'NASM', 'SPWN', 'Turbo Pascal', 'Nickle', 'SPAD', 'Mozart/Oz', 'Batch file',
 'SAC', 'C and C++', 'vbscript', 'OPL', 'Wollok', 'Pascal / Delphi / Free Pascal', 'GNU make', 'Recursive', 'C3', 'Picolisp', 'Note 1', 'Note 2', 'Visual Prolog',
 'ivy', 'k', 'clojure', 'Unix Shell', 'Basic09', 'S-Basic', 'FreePascal', 'Wolframalpha', 'c_sharp', 'LiveCode Builder', 'Heron', 'SPSS', 'LibreOffice Basic',
 'PDP-11 Assembly', 'Solution with recursion', 'Lua/Torch', 'tsql', 'Transact SQL', 'X++', 'Xanadu', 'GDL', 'C_sharp', 'TutorialD', 'Glagol', 'Basic', 'Brace',
 'Cixl', 'ELLA', 'Lox', 'Node.js', 'Generic', 'Hope', 'Snap!', 'TSQL', 'MathCortex', 'Mathmap', 'TI-83 BASIC, TI-89 BASIC', 'ZPL', 'LuaTeX', 'AmbientTalk',
 'Alternate version to handle 64 and 128 bit integers.', 'Crack', 'Corescript', 'Fortress', 'GB BASIC', 'IWBASIC', 'RPL', 'DMS', 'dodo0', 'MIXAL', 'Occam',
 'Morfa', 'Snabel', 'ObjectIcon', 'Panoramic', 'PeopleCode', 'Monicelli', 'gecho', 'Hack', 'JSON', 'Swym', 'ReasonML', 'make', 'TOML', 'WEB', 'SkookumScript',
 'Batch', 'TransFORTH', 'Assembly', 'Iterative', 'LC-3', 'Quick Basic/QBASIC/PDS 7.1/VB-DOS', 'Turbo-Basic XL', 'GNU APL', 'OOCalc', 'QUACKASM', 'VB-DOS',
 'Typescript', 'x86-64 Assembly', 'FORTRAN', 'Furryscript', 'Gridscript', 'Necromantus', 'HyperTalk', 'Biferno', 'AspectJ', 'SuperTalk', 'Rockstar', 'NMAKE.EXE',
 'Opa', 'Algae', 'Anyways', 'Apricot', 'AutoLISP', 'Battlestar', 'Bird', 'Luck', 'Brlcad', 'C++/CLI', 'C2', 'Casio BASIC', 'Cat', 'Cduce', 'Clay', 'Cobra',
 'Comefrom0x10', 'Creative Basic', 'Integer BASIC', 'DDNC', 'DeviousYarn', 'DIV Games Studio', 'Wisp', 'AMPL', 'Pare', 'PepsiScript', 'Installing Processing',
 'Writing your first program', 'batari Basic', 'Jack', 'elastiC', 'TI-83 Hex Assembly', 'Extended BrainF***', '1C', 'PASM', 'Pict', 'ferite', 'Bori', 'RASEL',
 'Echolisp', 'XPath', 'MLite', 'HPPPL', 'Gentee', 'JSE', 'Just Basic', 'Global Script', 'Nyquist', 'HLA', 'Teradata Stored Procedure', 'HTML5', 'Portugol',
 'UBASIC', 'NOWUT', 'Inko', 'Jacquard Loom', 'JCL', 'Supernova', 'Small Basic', 'Kabap', 'Kaya', 'Kdf9 Usercode', 'Keg', 'KSI', 'Gecho', 'Gri', 'VBA Excel',
 'Luna', 'MACRO-11', 'MINIL', 'Maude', 'MDL', 'Mosaic', 'Purity', 'MUF', 'MyDef', 'MyrtleScript', 'Mythryl', 'Neat', 'ThinBASIC', 'Nit', 'NLP++', 'Odin', 'OpenLisp',
 'PDP-1 Assembly', 'Peylang', 'Pikachu', 'NESL', 'PIR', 'Plan', 'Programming Language', 'PROMAL', 'PSQL', 'Quill', 'xEec', 'RED', 'Risc-V', 'RTL/2', 'Sing', 'Sisal',
 'SoneKing Assembly', 'SPARC Assembly', 'Swahili', 'Teco', 'Terra', 'TestML', 'Viua VM assembly', 'Whiley', 'Wolfram Language', 'X10', 'Quack', 'K4', 'XL', 'MyHDL',
 'JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata', 'APEX', 'QuickBASIC 4.5', 'BrightScript (for Roku)', 'Coconut', 'CSS', 'MapBasic', 'Gleam', 'AdvPL', 'Iptscrae', 'Kamailio Script',
 'KL1', 'MEL', 'NATURAL', 'NewtonScript', 'PDP-8 Assembly', 'FRISC Assembly', 'Amstrad CPC Locomotive BASIC', 'Ruby with RSpec', 'php', 'Small', 'Lush', 'Squirrel',
 'PL/pgSQL', 'XMIDAS', 'Rebol', 'embedded C for AVR MCU', 'FPr', 'Softbridge BASIC', 'StreamIt', 'jsish', 'JScript.NET', 'MS-DOS', 'Beeswax', 'eSQL', 'QL SuperBASIC',
 'Rapira', 'Jq', 'scheme', 'oberon-2', '{{header|Vlang}', 'XUL', 'Soar', 'Befunge 93', 'Bash Shell', 'JacaScript', 'Xfractint', 'JoCaml', 'JotaCode', 'Atari Basic',
 'Stretch 1', 'CFScript', 'Stretch 2', 'RPGIV', 'Shell', 'Felix', 'Flex', 'kotlin', 'Deluge', 'ksh', 'OCTAVE', 'vbScript', 'Javascript/NodeJS', 'Coffeescript',
 'MS SmallBasic', 'Setl4', 'Overview', '1. Grid structure functions', '2. Calendar data functions', '3. Output configuration', 'WYLBUR', 'Mathematica/ Wolfram Language',
 'Commodore Basic', 'Wolfram Language/Mathematica', 'Korn Shell', 'PARIGP', 'Metal', 'VBA (Visual Basic for Application)', 'Lolcode', 'mLite', 'z/Arch Assembler',
 "G'MIC", 'C# and Visual Basic .NET', 'Run Basic', 'FP', 'XEmacs Lisp', 'Mathematica//Wolfram Language', 'RPL/2', 'Ya', 'JavaScript + HTML', 'JavaScript + SVG',
 'Quick BASIC', 'MatLab', 'Pascal and Object Pascal', 'Apache Ant', 'rust', 'VBA/Visual Basic', 'Go!', 'Lambda Prolog', 'Monkey']

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

First row:

{'task_url': 'http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Ascending_primes',
 'task_name': 'Ascending primes',
 'task_description': "Generate and show all primes with strictly ascending decimal digits.\n\nAside: Try solving without peeking at existing solutions. I had a weird idea for generating\na prime sieve faster, which needless to say didn't pan out. The solution may be p(r)etty trivial\nbut generating them quickly is at least mildly interesting.\nTip: filtering all 7,027,260 primes below 123,456,789 probably won't kill you, but there is\nat least one significantly better and much faster way, needing a mere 511 odd/prime tests.\n\n\n\nSee also\n OEIS:A052015 - Primes with distinct digits in ascending order\n\n\nRelated\n\nPrimes with digits in nondecreasing order (infinite series allowing duplicate digits, whereas this isn't and doesn't)\nPandigital prime (whereas this is the smallest, with gaps in the used digits being permitted)\n\n",
 'language_url': '#ALGOL_68',
 'language_name': 'ALGOL 68'}


BEGIN # find all primes with strictly increasing digits                      #
    PR read "primes.incl.a68" PR                   # include prime utilities #
    PR read "rows.incl.a68"   PR                   # include array utilities #
    [ 1 : 512 ]INT primes;         # there will be at most 512 (2^9) primes  #
    INT p count := 0;                        # number of primes found so far #
    FOR d1 FROM 0 TO 1 DO
        INT n1 = d1;
        FOR d2 FROM 0 TO 1 DO
            INT n2 = IF d2 = 1 THEN ( n1 * 10 ) + 2 ELSE n1 FI;
            FOR d3 FROM 0 TO 1 DO
                INT n3 = IF d3 = 1 THEN ( n2 * 10 ) + 3 ELSE n2 FI;
                FOR d4 FROM 0 TO 1 DO
                    INT n4 = IF d4 = 1 THEN ( n3 * 10 ) + 4 ELSE n3 FI;
                    FOR d5 FROM 0 TO 1 DO
                        INT n5 = IF d5 = 1 THEN ( n4 * 10 ) + 5 ELSE n4 FI;
                        FOR d6 FROM 0 TO 1 DO
                            INT n6 = IF d6 = 1 THEN ( n5 * 10 ) + 6 ELSE n5 FI;
                            FOR d7 FROM 0 TO 1 DO
                                INT n7 = IF d7 = 1 THEN ( n6 * 10 ) + 7 ELSE n6 FI;
                                FOR d8 FROM 0 TO 1 DO
                                    INT n8 = IF d8 = 1 THEN ( n7 * 10 ) + 8 ELSE n7 FI;
                                    FOR d9 FROM 0 TO 1 DO
                                        INT n9 = IF d9 = 1 THEN ( n8 * 10 ) + 9 ELSE n8 FI;
                                        IF n9 > 0 THEN
                                            IF is probably prime( n9 ) THEN
                                                # have a prime with strictly ascending digits #
                                                primes[ p count +:= 1 ] := n9
    QUICKSORT primes FROMELEMENT 1 TOELEMENT p count;     # sort the primes #
    FOR i TO p count DO                                # display the primes #
        print( ( "  ", whole( primes[ i ], -8 ) ) );
        IF i MOD 10 = 0 THEN print( ( newline ) ) FI

Data Fields

    features: ['task_url', 'task_name', 'task_description', 'language_url', 'language_name', 'code'],
    num_rows: 79013

Data Splits

The dataset only contains one split, namely the "train" split.

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

[More Information Needed]

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

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Annotation process

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Who are the annotators?

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Personal and Sensitive Information

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Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

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Discussion of Biases

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Other Known Limitations

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Additional Information

Dataset Curators

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Licensing Information

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Citation Information

To cite the Rosetta Code webiste you can use the following bibtex entry:

   author = "Rosetta Code",
   title = "Rosetta Code --- Rosetta Code{,} ",
   year = "2022",
   url = "https://rosettacode.org/w/index.php?title=Rosetta_Code&oldid=322370",
   note = "[Online; accessed 8-December-2022]"


Thanks to @christopher for adding this dataset.

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