1 value
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
d6; poales m?k CAREX 1985-06-10 ;fl PENSYLVANICA ^R RW LAM. _nm/1 L[3 craig l^l virginia P<E1 1292 Carex pensylvanica $ jb ^I@4 CYPERACEAE ALONG HWY 617, 3.3 MI NW OF ITS JCT WITH HWY 611. x$y d jeff b. rettig Uited States $ud 1382625 EpDs
{"catalogNumber": "1382625", "order": "Poales", "family": "Cyperaceae", "scientificName": "Carex pensylvanica", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Lam.", "genus": "Carex", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "pensylvanica", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Jeff H. Rettig", "recordNumber": "1292", "verbatimEventDate": "1985-06-10", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "Virginia", "county": "Craig", "municipality": "", "locality": "Along Hwy 617, 3.3 mi NW of its jct with Hwy 611.", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
tuscola 8) UNITED STATES 3j 398 [xG P#HY; Cardamine bulbosa MICHI(GAN |8# John V. Freudenstein j: Brassicagee ^ CARDAMINE |I[B5 43.298199 e+ ;;K In wet trough. w8N5 1983-05-26 (SCHREB. EX MUHL.) BRITTON, STER<NS & POGGENB. D ! brassicales 1481326 nA bulbosa w ` q5Iow -83.457094 Y UNCOMMON. Murphy Lake State Game Area. j
{"catalogNumber": "1481326", "order": "Brassicales", "family": "Brassicaceae", "scientificName": "Cardamine bulbosa", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(Schreb. ex Muhl.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.", "genus": "Cardamine", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "bulbosa", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "John V. Freudenstein", "recordNumber": "398", "verbatimEventDate": "1983-05-26", "habitat": "In wet trough.", "occurrenceRemarks": "Uncommon.", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "Michigan", "county": "Tuscola", "municipality": "", "locality": "Murphy Lake State Game Area.", "decimalLatitude": "43.298199", "decimalLongitude": "-83.457094", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
%-?&p asparagales X Mich igan n allium tricoccum Z6 amaryllidaceae E Mary H. Clark s s.n. v allium xY 1869-08 W Active barcode, on same sheet with A. tricoccum with inactive barcode 1332305 tricoccum ( c Traerse City. 1332304 Co]|B 44.763788 /P 3 7 85.613766 United States _Y[-P ]* ; Grand Tr4verse iB0 Aiton
{"catalogNumber": "1332304", "order": "Asparagales", "family": "Amaryllidaceae", "scientificName": "Allium tricoccum", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Aiton", "genus": "Allium", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "tricoccum", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Mary H. Clark", "recordNumber": "s.n.", "verbatimEventDate": "1869-08", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "Active barcode, on same sheet with A. tricoccum with inactive barcode 1332305", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "Michigan", "county": "Grand Traverse", "municipality": "", "locality": "Traverse City.", "decimalLatitude": "44.763788", "decimalLongitude": "-85.613766", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Canada [Hf (X5 ONTARIO 1223431 NO@z Renfrew O4K3 A4gd? MITCHELL S. ALIX, ROBIN W. SCRIBAILO w.j. crins m K C Saxifragales >$Lc Myriophyllum farwellii aZ>K -77.03333
{"catalogNumber": "1223431", "order": "Saxifragales", "family": "", "scientificName": "Myriophyllum farwellii", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "Mitchell S. Alix, Robin W. Scribailo", "recordedBy": "W.J. Crins", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Canada", "stateProvince": "Ontario", "county": "Renfrew", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "-77.03333", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
L. w7 KT!:? 1219 O 1951-11-15 MYRTACEAE zn^ ^ thakur rup chand ;Q.P INDIA fG2E] eugengia pu M J3 5188 Meghalaya <,= Eugenia 5D# mawryngkneng TXz hia Myrtales KQ FOREST , 1508304
{"catalogNumber": "1508304", "order": "Myrtales", "family": "Myrtaceae", "scientificName": "Eugenia", "scientificNameAuthorship": "L.", "genus": "Eugenia", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Thakur Rup Chand", "recordNumber": "5188", "verbatimEventDate": "1951-11-15", "habitat": "Forest", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "India", "stateProvince": "Meghalaya", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "Mawryngkneng", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "1219", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
1964-07-18 &i6t ghillean t. prance c< malpighiaceae (vJ[q malpighiales Ug 1523938 XM
{"catalogNumber": "1523938", "order": "Malpighiales", "family": "Malpighiaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Ghillean T. Prance", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1964-07-18", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "Jeffersonia diphylla", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(L.) Pers.", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "diphylla", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Marvin L. Dembinsky, Jr. & L. Hales", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1977-04-17", "habitat": "200-400 plants found in southeastern portion of \"rich\" Sugar Maple-Beech woods.", "occurrenceRemarks": "\"Plant was noted to occur in this woods about 30 years ago by Faith Johnston of CMU. Plants rediscovered by Marvin L Dembinsky, Jr. and Laura Hales. Ektachrome transparency included with this collection was taken at above site.\" [Color side filed by MICH voucher slides]", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Isabella", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "43.618698", "decimalLongitude": "-84.818046", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
1465652 # Kent ~#NnR Lo 'fruit with green end. stamens 5-10 anthers purple." [calyx lobes entire] ?s8 ROSALES hH 146 H[iX POPULNEA Grand Rapids. Wce+ Ashe hR0 Od( crataegusc populnea CRATAEGUS (M nd EMMA J. COLE o03Y Michigan
{"catalogNumber": "1465652", "order": "Rosales", "family": "", "scientificName": "Crataegus populnea", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Ashe", "genus": "Crataegus", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "populnea", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Emma J. Cole", "recordNumber": "146", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "'Fruit with green end. Stamens 5-10 anthers purple.\" [Calyx lobes entire]", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "Michigan", "county": "Kent", "municipality": "", "locality": "Grand Rapids.", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
R|9 41.881634 UNITED STATES !jT T@6 1302970 <T ROBERT W. SMITH R 1986-05-01 Along railroad. Z= 4lQSR 1500 madison twp., east of sand greek hwy., south of m-34. !z CtX < Lenawee prunus ~(bsa H% Prunus umbellata x R Rosales umbellata C Rosaceae ^%N;
{"catalogNumber": "1302970", "order": "Rosales", "family": "Rosaceae", "scientificName": "Prunus umbellata", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Prunus", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "umbellata", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Robert W. Smith", "recordNumber": "1500", "verbatimEventDate": "1986-05-01", "habitat": "Along railroad.", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Lenawee", "municipality": "", "locality": "Madison Twp., East of Sand Creek Hwy., South of M-34.", "decimalLatitude": "41.881634", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
e`Q&y viola labradorica 9_ MALPIGHIALES labradorica ; @ schrank 46.656096 z< robert h. read c dI] Alger 4>e occasional; "Fls light blue."; [some stipules entire] _ IN SHADED, DAMP SANDY VALLEY Z3`# HARVEY E. BALLARD, JR. Michigan aZSr q VIOLA ! 1973-06-11 $N0 VIOLACEAE ) 1352157 * 49 UNITED STATES q&] -86.025542 *r just north of swimming area onnorth shore of grand sable lake; sable creek ?z
{"catalogNumber": "1352157", "order": "Malpighiales", "family": "Violaceae", "scientificName": "Viola labradorica", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Schrank", "genus": "Viola", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "labradorica", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "Harvey E. Ballard, Jr.", "recordedBy": "Robert H. Read", "recordNumber": "49", "verbatimEventDate": "1973-06-11", "habitat": "in shaded, damp sandy valley", "occurrenceRemarks": "occasional; \"Fls light blue.\"; [some stipules entire]", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "Michigan", "county": "Alger", "municipality": "", "locality": "just north of swimming area on north shore of Grand Sable Lake; Sable Creek", "decimalLatitude": "46.656096", "decimalLongitude": "-86.025542", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
4K nigra .bsP Massachusetts CAREX : D Cyperaceae
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "Cyperaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Carex", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "nigra", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "Massachusetts", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
3 stigmaphyllon bogotense j. campos y 8 /#b CHRISTIAE ANDERSON STIGMAPHYLLON 78 MALPIGHIACEAE Th5| ;OgG| 3532 contact um herbarium l? RM 5NB 1524655 +vF 1997-03-09
{"catalogNumber": "1524655", "order": "", "family": "Malpighiaceae", "scientificName": "Stigmaphyllon bogotense", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Stigmaphyllon", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "Christiane Anderson", "recordedBy": "J. Campos", "recordNumber": "3532", "verbatimEventDate": "1997-03-09", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "Contact UM Herbarium", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Rosaceae r u6 !6_ oliver a. farwell v MICHIGAN decora p?Uj! s:*T 47.194092
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "Rosaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "decora", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Oliver A. Farwell", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "Michigan", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "47.194092", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
ON SANDY BEACH WITH BEACHGRASS AND JUIPEROUS HOAIZONTALIS. O $Z ALPENA G 1314630 vq 717 =2 *k 6 alpena twp. on n. end of property of harold reinke on huron bay e. of alpena. 6K Caryophyllaceae GYPSOPHILA w4 [- Ra*?* Caryophyllales =n8 scorzonerifolia SER. _n
{"catalogNumber": "1314630", "order": "Caryophyllales", "family": "Caryophyllaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Ser.", "genus": "Gypsophila", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "scorzonerifolia", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "717", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "On sandy beach with beachgrass and Juniperous horizontalis.", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Alpena", "municipality": "", "locality": "Alpena Twp. On N. end of property of Harold Reinke on Huron Bay E. of Alpena.", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
fF JOHN M. TUCKER 7Z Jacq. FPd niveus `v G. L. Webser & K. I. Miller #JQL croton El Salvador mN shrub ca. 1.5 m. tall yJ5 1y941-12-21 7A]? xy 13.58008
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Jacq.", "genus": "Croton", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "niveus", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "G. L. Webster & K. I. Miller", "recordedBy": "John M. Tucker", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1941-12-21", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "Shrub ca. 1.5 m. tall", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "El Salvador", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "13.58008", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
D85 JAMES CITY npw5 United States < ASTERACEAE l. OK 1534316 Ox1o 1939-05-05
{"catalogNumber": "1534316", "order": "", "family": "Asteraceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "L.", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1939-05-05", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "", "county": "James City", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
NO DATA T 1537150 $^ ) 26148 ?% viburnum v =BVY l. adoxaceae z INDIA Y0 AIn NAGALAND 1950-09-07 c ;W ) TAKUBAMA, NAGA HILLS . 2134 E98a? Viburnum p/D? DIPSACApLES
{"catalogNumber": "1537150", "order": "Dipsacales", "family": "Adoxaceae", "scientificName": "Viburnum", "scientificNameAuthorship": "L.", "genus": "Viburnum", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "26148", "verbatimEventDate": "1950-09-07", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "India", "stateProvince": "Nagaland", "county": "no data", "municipality": "", "locality": "Takubama, Naga Hills", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "2134", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
pCr(H 1983-12-24 Contact UM Herbarium &^ cayaponia 9 d attenuata B 2215
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Cayaponia", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "attenuata", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "2215", "verbatimEventDate": "1983-12-24", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "Contact UM Herbarium", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Xc, cynodon 1952-09-06 /gY7| poaceae s uQ ernest r. sohns 2,y DACTYLON Rogers McVaugh Oj 12791 W aSn% -101.593 jalisco Vh (L.) PERS. V=.M7 21.8532 V cynodon dactylon mexico /i
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "Poaceae", "scientificName": "Cynodon dactylon", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(L.) Pers.", "genus": "Cynodon", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "dactylon", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "Ernest R. Sohns", "recordedBy": "Rogers McVaugh", "recordNumber": "12791", "verbatimEventDate": "1952-09-06", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Mexico", "stateProvince": "Jalisco", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "21.8532", "decimalLongitude": "-101.593", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
vQp# -135.28548 canada .; D0'URV. 1Xt macloviana Qym;C 4S b.a. bennett, l. gunn Cyperaceae !] u ZD k Poales 0 Carex macloviana ?;Sx 63.95145 .H5 1378012 N 2003-08-21 1219 T CAREX IvS , Keno Hill, Gambler's Gulch.
{"catalogNumber": "1378012", "order": "Poales", "family": "Cyperaceae", "scientificName": "Carex macloviana", "scientificNameAuthorship": "d'Urv.", "genus": "Carex", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "macloviana", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "B.A. Bennett, L. Gunn", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "2003-08-21", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Canada", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "Keno Hill, Gambler's Gulch.", "decimalLatitude": "63.95145", "decimalLongitude": "-135.28548", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "1219", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
(L.) Scop. <b N 1244108 1p9n6$ LOCALLY COMMON ON UPPER SANDY N 5HORE OF GIBSON LAKE, "petals 4, white." <ffy] Galium B~1 IG2 & -88.44149 +tinctorium N xl5y 15974 T6r galium tinctorium Michigan N| United States .U^;/ 1988-07-19 O
{"catalogNumber": "1244108", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "Galium tinctorium", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(L.) Scop.", "genus": "Galium", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "tinctorium", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "15974", "verbatimEventDate": "1988-07-19", "habitat": "locally common on upper sandy N shore of Gibson Lake,", "occurrenceRemarks": "\"Petals 4, white.\"", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "Michigan", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "-88.44149", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
_ w[I -8G4.619425 e MINUARTIA MICHAUXII [sheet of this nu mber in umbs is dated aug. 27, 1920, and says "jack pne plains so. of burt ake"] [sheet in msc says the same, but has date of augK. 22, 1920] 7v che*boygn K#<D 1353931 |i] #H MICHIGAN 45.379386 lJe United States ||xKi John H. Ehlers
{"catalogNumber": "1353931", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "Minuartia michauxii", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "John H. Ehlers", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "[Sheet of this number in UMBS is dated Aug. 27, 1920, and says \"Jack Pine Plains So. Of Burt Lake\"] [Sheet in MSC says the same, but has date of Aug. 22, 1920]", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "Michigan", "county": "Cheboygan", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "45.379386", "decimalLongitude": "-84.619425", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
{"catalogNumber": "1159724", "order": "Malpighiales", "family": "Euphorbiaceae", "scientificName": "Croton draco", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Schltdl.", "genus": "Croton", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "draco", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Jos\u00c3\u00a9 Vera Santos", "recordNumber": "2745", "verbatimEventDate": "1944-01-29", "habitat": "second growth forest", "occurrenceRemarks": "shrub 4 m tall; fls. light yellow", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "no data", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "Campo Experimental de Hule, El Palmar, Zongolica; north side of airport", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
VRZ 1950 aparagales O (b4 oncidium reflexuHm ?zy R0gers McVaugh lindl. Ao1Y Y= 25982 XM5 Mexico Orchidaceae O;PQM 9^- CHIQUILISTLáN oncidium d JALISCO ->/nz 1975-01-30 h
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "Asparagales", "family": "Orchidaceae", "scientificName": "Oncidium reflexum", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Lindl.", "genus": "Oncidium", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Rogers McVaugh", "recordNumber": "25982", "verbatimEventDate": "1975-01-30", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Mexico", "stateProvince": "Jalisco", "county": "Chiquilistl\u00c3\u00a1n", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": "1950"}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
?6 CARYOPHYLLALES =io)L 1305638 :%ELL Scleranthus annuus ANNUUS #sy yG. scleranthus Ontario ^R& 1973-06-16 B lE( IMCOuE
{"catalogNumber": "1305638", "order": "Caryophyllales", "family": "", "scientificName": "Scleranthus annuus", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Scleranthus", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "annuus", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1973-06-16", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "Ontario", "county": "Simcoe", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
VN 1564314 V[z anton a. reznicek CLAY yX02$ 4 debilis s Carex h +U united states z 744
{"catalogNumber": "1564314", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Carex", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "debilis", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Anton A. Reznicek", "recordNumber": "7464", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Clay", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
]s[y Calhoun 42.32794 Ehp old field; in gravel of road; full sun; slightly moist from overightrain. common. P polygonaceae /$q= ( -85.28586 k2 aviculare Polygonum aviculare ]d thomas d. trana UNITED STATES EjVP$ #_h 1993-09-14 -|@ "PLANT PROSTRATE. ASSOC.: AMBROSIA ARTEM.; SETARIA VIRIDIS; ECHINOCHLOA SP.; ERAGROSTIS CIL; MEDICAGO LUPULINA" 7qwoO L.
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "Polygonaceae", "scientificName": "Polygonum aviculare", "scientificNameAuthorship": "L.", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "aviculare", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Thomas D. Trana", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1993-09-14", "habitat": "Old field; in gravel of road; full sun; slightly moist from overnight rain. Common.", "occurrenceRemarks": "\"Plant prostrate. Assoc.: Ambrosia artem.; Setaria viridis; Echinochloa sp.; Eragrostis cil; Medicago lupulina\"", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Calhoun", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "42.32794", "decimalLongitude": "-85.28586", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
cyperus tenuis ibj cyperus O P28 1998-02-16 Robert L. Wilbur GIp &h 1135531 COSTA RICA %`Nn+ POALES dm+aZ CYPERACEAE sQ
{"catalogNumber": "1135531", "order": "Poales", "family": "Cyperaceae", "scientificName": "Cyperus tenuis", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Cyperus", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "Robert L. Wilbur", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1998-02-16", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Costa Rica", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
CANADA ~#6 p;PK MALPIGHIALES h37 ] salicaceae
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "Malpighiales", "family": "Salicaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Canada", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
m.ikv JUNCACEAE kobayasii w 2842 ,k
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "Juncaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "kobayasii", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "2842", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Ontario ~aQ bp 1990-09-21 DK TUCK. EX OLNEY dh4p Carex CL(C; Essex Robert F.C. Naczi F poales t-<s 1vNr 3.5 mi ENE of Harrow, Colchester South Township Concession III, lot 17. cyperaceae Na4dN
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "Poales", "family": "Cyperaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Tuck. ex Olney", "genus": "Carex", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Robert F.C. Naczi", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1990-09-21", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "Ontario", "county": "Essex", "municipality": "", "locality": "3.5 mi ENE of Harrow, Colchester South Township, Concession III, lot 17.", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
j( brassar, st mary's river. ].N| Cyperaceae frederick j. hermann : ]i xR POALES
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Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
57â° 14' n, 122â° 43' w + A4 P0ales -122.716667 +!NiE slough margin 5(n B 10425 Hba cb peace river 3 beckmannia syzigachne Beckmannia Tk 1943-07-02 X| 1406352 b. HUGH M. RAUP & DONOVAN S. CORRELL bK?H By syzigachne
{"catalogNumber": "1406352", "order": "Poales", "family": "", "scientificName": "Beckmannia syzigachne", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Beckmannia", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "syzigachne", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Hugh M. Raup & Donovan S. Correll", "recordNumber": "10425", "verbatimEventDate": "1943-07-02", "habitat": "Slough margin", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Peace River", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "-122.716667", "verbatimCoordinates": "57\u00c2\u00b0 14' N, 122\u00c2\u00b0 43' W", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
1654266 x f platanthera chlorantha (Custer) Rchb. Ky!i: FIFE y2j s.n. 4 ORCHIDACEAE ^Eci CHLORAhNTHA W-zdM Asparagales i? scotland ,] united kingdom 7Y;KF 1853-06 GM! dunfermline (u %Fu platanthera
{"catalogNumber": "1654266", "order": "Asparagales", "family": "Orchidaceae", "scientificName": "Platanthera chlorantha", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(Custer) Rchb.", "genus": "Platanthera", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "chlorantha", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "s.n.", "verbatimEventDate": "1853-06", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United Kingdom", "stateProvince": "Scotland", "county": "Fife", "municipality": "", "locality": "Dunfermline", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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ranunculales ?]r WALTER N. KOELZ + iCBQ palustris nWhB: 1317 =G RANUNCULACEAE Running water e7$#U caltha f
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "Ranunculales", "family": "Ranunculaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Caltha", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "palustris", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Walter N. Koelz", "recordNumber": "1317", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "Running water", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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` i UNITED STATES 06( tippecane ci H) poales PoaceKae nGG 1417171 w u J (SCRIBN.) NUTT. EX PIPER % Melica
{"catalogNumber": "1417171", "order": "Poales", "family": "Poaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(Scribn.) Nutt. ex Piper", "genus": "Melica", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Tippecanoe", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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Qx 1410142 cespitosa 5 Poaceae + - )9 DESCHAMPSIA h:K2 Canada 0 poales CD Alberta 8 (l.) p. beauv. ^di cont4ct um herbarium XkiZc 659
{"catalogNumber": "1410142", "order": "Poales", "family": "Poaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(L.) P. Beauv.", "genus": "Deschampsia", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "cespitosa", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "659", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Canada", "stateProvince": "Alberta", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "Contact UM Herbarium", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
NoH 1958-07-18 M. Egger w k c) SCORZONERIFOLIA MEXICO bOghA Castilleja scorzonerifolia U Contact UM Herbarium R`a 6 Od, lamiales
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "Lamiales", "family": "", "scientificName": "Castilleja scorzonerifolia", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "scorzonerifolia", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "M. Egger", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1958-07-18", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Mexico", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "Contact UM Herbarium", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Physalis", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "Occasional in open field, occuring with Helianthus maximiliani, Solidago nemoralis, Danthonia spicata, Centaurea maculosa, and Asclepias syriaca.", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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m 3 michigan blephilia ciliata E7! bm Occasional in dry clearing with electric lines. 1989-06-22 u&E76 C LAMIALES united states tLk& BLEPHILIA 1226079 )t "COROLLA PURPLE WITH DK.-PURPLE SPOTS." DlY T5S,R3W,SECTION 15; ABOUT 350 M W. OF AN OLD RR TRACK CLEARING (TRACKS NOW REMOVED), 1/2 MI. N. OF HASTINGS LAKE ROAD. ABOUT 10 KM N. OF HILLSALE. mh 5Bn<V (l.) benth. -84.64551 H u $0B lamiaceae CILIATA ( hillsdale kD> i!~! peter w. fritsch 3X s 1093
{"catalogNumber": "1226079", "order": "Lamiales", "family": "Lamiaceae", "scientificName": "Blephilia ciliata", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(L.) Benth.", "genus": "Blephilia", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "ciliata", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Peter W. Fritsch", "recordNumber": "1093", "verbatimEventDate": "1989-06-22", "habitat": "Occasional in dry clearing with electric lines.", "occurrenceRemarks": "\"Corolla purple with dk.-purple spots.\"", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "Michigan", "county": "Hillsdale", "municipality": "", "locality": "T5S,R3W,section 15; about 350 m W. of an old RR track clearing (tracks now removed), 1/2 mi. N. of Hastings Lake Road. About 10 km N. of Hillsdale.", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "-84.64551", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
1556271 iz$< Malpighiales *WT Veracruz ;gm MARATHRUM _f mexico E|%Z on sones in river %.Ee
{"catalogNumber": "1556271", "order": "Malpighiales", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Marathrum", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "On stones in river", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Mexico", "stateProvince": "Veracruz", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
/^[ L Malpighiales 1997-12-08 + niedenzuella sericea Hs*y2 contact um herbarium ) niedenzuella A l MISIONES <eKO JV 27° 16'S 55° 33'W t l 1533917 malpighiaceae GKP sericea qV3I Oi #M (A. Juss.) W.R. Anderson
{"catalogNumber": "1533917", "order": "Malpighiales", "family": "Malpighiaceae", "scientificName": "Niedenzuella sericea", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(A. Juss.) W.R. Anderson", "genus": "Niedenzuella", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "sericea", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1997-12-08", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "Misiones", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "Contact UM Herbarium", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "27\u00c2\u00b0 16'S 55\u00c2\u00b0 33'W", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
%3l9h 747 1555077 n8?g _ 8 km al N de Villa Elisa, en la Res3rva Científica "Dr. Orlando Cruz Franco". YU) Malpighiaceae malpfighia cnide u R. GARCíA, J. PIMENTEL T:C DOMINICAN REPUBLIC #V william r. andersopn G l MONTE CRISTI D2<2 cnide Spreng. jpc>
{"catalogNumber": "1555077", "order": "", "family": "Malpighiaceae", "scientificName": "Malpighia cnide", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Spreng.", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "cnide", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "William R. Anderson", "recordedBy": "R. Garc\u00c3\u00ada, J. Pimentel", "recordNumber": "747", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Dominican Republic", "stateProvince": "Monte Cristi", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "8 km al N de Villa Elisa, en la Reserva Cient\u00c3\u00adfica \"Dr. Orlando Cruz Franco\".", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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ontario .i CANADA *5 9500 K*8 1! SOLIDAGO ULIGINOSA Z Asteraceae NUTT. a3@eq $C( asterales C W william k.w. baldwin
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "Asterales", "family": "Asteraceae", "scientificName": "Solidago uliginosa", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Nutt.", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "William K.W. Baldwin", "recordNumber": "9500", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Canada", "stateProvince": "Ontario", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
4126 k 82 Iridaceae @o 1987-08-16 (Herb.) Baker )+r Km hidalgo
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "Iridaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(Herb.) Baker", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "4126", "verbatimEventDate": "1987-08-16", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Hidalgo", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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l$ GROWING IN MOIST SAND AROUND A BORROW PIT don henson `p4[N hm9#N ontonagon & L.
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "L.", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Don Henson", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "Growing in moist sand around a borrow pit", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Ontonagon", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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P Zacapa euphorbiaceae y*I malqpighiales gPu 1156834: <Qk* :|V > SN 1905-01-24 sUx?: A. RICH. # #sO GUATEMALA X / B.L ROBINSON 3 |e e 3 along an irrigating ditch 189 5=Y, r8Wu~ ACALYPHA SETOSA Acalypha ? ESVr SETOSA
{"catalogNumber": "1156834", "order": "Malpighiales", "family": "Euphorbiaceae", "scientificName": "Acalypha setosa", "scientificNameAuthorship": "A. Rich.", "genus": "Acalypha", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "setosa", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "B.L. Robinson", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "SN", "verbatimEventDate": "1905-01-24", "habitat": "along an irrigating ditch", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Guatemala", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "Zacapa", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "189", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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Contact UM Herbarium 2:e= pennsylvania 4C<#s
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "Pennsylvania", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "Contact UM Herbarium", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
m TRS: T3S R9W SEC 12 NW 1/4 NE 1/4 z&2 UNITED STATES 1362844 gX5@J ) ] 19852 N4L austrina Waur|ka Lake, ca 3 mi S & 0.6 E of Corum. Cj!7n Lawrence K. Magrath o cypraceae LOK.J 82 CAREX OKLAHOMA Deb 4 gr carex austrina
{"catalogNumber": "1362844", "order": "", "family": "Cyperaceae", "scientificName": "Carex austrina", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Carex", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "austrina", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Lawrence K. Magrath", "recordNumber": "19852", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "Oklahoma", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "Waurika Lake, ca 3 mi S & 0.6 E of Corum.", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "TRS: T3S R9W sec 12 NW 1/4 NE 1/4", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
asahan (HOOK.F.) AIRY SHAW GV0- Dimorphocalyx muricatus 5h,8 EUPHORBIACEAE G:5 R. S. BOEEAa sr Z &9_x 1645275 q]N? 450 mV@hz muricatus 9567 ) a Dimorphocalyx 1936-07-15 * e indonesia cjC(s VICINITY OF AEK SALABAT (NO0RTHEASTm OF TOMOEAN DOLOK, WEST OF CONTRACT HABITAT)
{"catalogNumber": "1645275", "order": "", "family": "Euphorbiaceae", "scientificName": "Dimorphocalyx muricatus", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(Hook.f.) Airy Shaw", "genus": "Dimorphocalyx", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "muricatus", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "R. S. Boeea", "recordNumber": "9567", "verbatimEventDate": "1936-07-15", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Indonesia", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Asahan", "municipality": "", "locality": "Vicinity of Aek Salabat (northeast of Tomoean Dolok, west of Contract Habitat)", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "450", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
philip e. hyatt $5!t( 8:G<2 carex rosea ]0JI] TRS: T15N R13W sec 3 carex Ra r:~r rosea 1991-08-09 CP5 United States y POALES r/Tk.
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "Poales", "family": "", "scientificName": "Carex rosea", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Carex", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "rosea", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Philip E. Hyatt", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1991-08-09", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "TRS: T15N R13W sec 3", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
NmW T. SPRIBILLE k3&Q 1995-0 8-17 1381869 F>ad 3975 0o Whitefish Range, Glacier Rim River Access, on western boundary of Glac|er Nat'l Park, on small disturbed two-track. /l? CYPERACEAE 7DlK PACHYSTACHYA 8L48y Poales 43 UNITED STATES haNF9 flathead n Montana $E|
{"catalogNumber": "1381869", "order": "Poales", "family": "Cyperaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "pachystachya", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "T. Spribille", "recordNumber": "3975", "verbatimEventDate": "1995-08-17", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "Montana", "county": "Flathead", "municipality": "", "locality": "Whitefish Range, Glacier Rim River Access, on western boundary of Glacier Nat'l Park, on small disturbed two-track.", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
p% b AMERICANA 213 %vY l. yo # newaygo J -85.82397 9)a apiales yQ;ve RUSSELL G. SCHIPPER in moist-wet rich soil at edqe of shrubby wetltand and â± quercus/pinus woods. X*Z DcPR hydrocotyle MICHIGAN ~
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "Apiales", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "L.", "genus": "Hydrocotyle", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "americana", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Russell G. Schipper", "recordNumber": "213", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "In moist-wet rich soil at edge of shrubby wetland and \u00c2\u00b1 Quercus/Pinus woods.", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "Michigan", "county": "Newaygo", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "-85.82397", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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argentina @hh; (hook. & arn.) nied. s + O4 MALPIGHIALES ; santo tomã© corrientes g Malpihiaceae fdV 1533R456 5 S@ 25892 % headena P, (ilI a. krapovickas, c. l. cristã³bal, a. schinini GoD multiflora ( 1974-09-20
{"catalogNumber": "1533456", "order": "Malpighiales", "family": "Malpighiaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(Hook. & Arn.) Nied.", "genus": "Heladena", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "multiflora", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "A. Krapovickas, C. L. Crist\u00c3\u00b3bal, A. Schinini", "recordNumber": "25892", "verbatimEventDate": "1974-09-20", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Argentina", "stateProvince": "Corrientes", "county": "Santo Tom\u00c3\u00a9", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
ek% mentha O) carl o. grassl canadensis d?@[
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Mentha", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "canadensis", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Carl O. Grassl", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
42.318017 B @1 2001-09-12 686 Q9p 83.732472 _?u; ANN ARBOR, NORTHEAST AREA PARK. ~3Ssi "Flowers yellow. Occasional." z]/( * washtenaw *mC ERUCASTRUM GALLICUM GALLICUM 4G?l (WILLD.) O. E. SCHULZ )KG hq BRASSICACEAE
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "Brassicaceae", "scientificName": "Erucastrum gallicum", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(Willd.) O. E. Schulz", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "gallicum", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "686", "verbatimEventDate": "2001-09-12", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "\"Flowers yellow. Occasional.\"", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Washtenaw", "municipality": "", "locality": "Ann Arbor, Northeast Area Park.", "decimalLatitude": "42.318017", "decimalLongitude": "-83.732472", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Cyperaceae DZU )R; POALES 26.9006 Lzz Mq@dn Vahl ex Kunth cyperus surinamensis >zC SONORA surinamensis `PWI3 1135403 Z HOWARD S. GENTRY PFkS s*d m.f. denton MEXICO xg*
{"catalogNumber": "1135403", "order": "Poales", "family": "Cyperaceae", "scientificName": "Cyperus surinamensis", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Vahl ex Kunth", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "surinamensis", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "M.F. Denton", "recordedBy": "Howard S. Gentry", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Mexico", "stateProvince": "Sonora", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "26.9006", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
L. _!m =` contact um herbarium 1981-05-20 > Paf6 T. F. DANIEL 1170873 &q
{"catalogNumber": "1170873", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "L.", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "T. F. Daniel", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1981-05-20", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "Contact UM Herbarium", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
IYZ BLANDA ?uxc DEWEY KENT d cyperaceae Zx s.n.
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "Cyperaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Dewey", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "blanda", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "s.n.", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Kent", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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=uBx3 orchidaceae # J united states ~qh LINDL. y=G Asparagales =S! local in shade of picea-abies-thuj4 woods along upper shore of lake huron. hoP+ CA. 1 MI. W OF MEADE ISLAND, DRUMMOND ISLAND.
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "Asparagales", "family": "Orchidaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Lindl.", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "Local in shade of Picea-Abies-Thuja woods along upper shore of Lake Huron.", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "ca. 1 mi. W of Meade Island, Drummond Island.", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
HERBERT H. SMITH [rKJ( rusby 6` x(eA APOCYNACEAE Echites sanctae-martae ` CONTACT UM HERBARIUM xE=! SANCTAE-MARTAE P 1111551 C 28g 1898 O(X colombia Santa Marta y C; ECHITES # 2525 MAGDALENA Zz4
{"catalogNumber": "1111551", "order": "", "family": "Apocynaceae", "scientificName": "Echites sanctae-martae", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Rusby", "genus": "Echites", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "sanctae-martae", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Herbert H. Smith", "recordNumber": "2525", "verbatimEventDate": "1898", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Colombia", "stateProvince": "Magdalena", "county": "Santa Marta", "municipality": "", "locality": "Contact UM Herbarium", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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Edward G. Voss UCa (L.) PERS. [ d United States cyperaceae aK[; se 5C 1331733 12694 Gna j
{"catalogNumber": "1331733", "order": "", "family": "Cyperaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(L.) Pers.", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Edward G. Voss", "recordNumber": "12694", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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1434624 R&j CALIFORNIA CONTACT UM HERBARIUM yw saximontanum W] onagraceae % (: 4607 Epilobium saximontanum gAu % 4 Haus5kn. JAMES D. MOREFIELD ]Ff)d MONO @C X~3%J 1987-07-11 Wh8@v united states 2941 8M8 8 myrtales
{"catalogNumber": "1434624", "order": "Myrtales", "family": "Onagraceae", "scientificName": "Epilobium saximontanum", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Hausskn.", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "saximontanum", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "James D. Morefield", "recordNumber": "4607", "verbatimEventDate": "1987-07-11", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "California", "county": "Mono", "municipality": "", "locality": "Contact UM Herbarium", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "2941", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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asterales G )if 1868 $wxg MICHIGAN L^ isle ryale l. superior 1249364 | 9J3 a.e. foote L. 0S^ 1 48.106955 KEWEENAW hgt/p
{"catalogNumber": "1249364", "order": "Asterales", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "L.", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "A.E. Foote", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1868", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "Michigan", "county": "Keweenaw", "municipality": "", "locality": "Isle Royale L. Superior", "decimalLatitude": "48.106955", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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) UNITED STATES michigan V 8 poales sui Charles K. Dodge 3d s.n. ,h grosse isle. =* Steud. 9 1913-05-18 XN g I gracilescens CAREX GRACILESCENS W% SX Open slightly shaded ground. &Wg J -83.156403 GoQ Wayne Jx @ 42.142177 Q_ "PLENTIFUL. BY K K MACKENZIE" VYQ x 1322574 w>$ Frederick J. Hermann Carex :OG]- cyperaceae n &Gu
{"catalogNumber": "1322574", "order": "Poales", "family": "Cyperaceae", "scientificName": "Carex gracilescens", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Steud.", "genus": "Carex", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "gracilescens", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "Frederick J. Hermann", "recordedBy": "Charles K. Dodge", "recordNumber": "s.n.", "verbatimEventDate": "1913-05-18", "habitat": "Open slightly shaded ground.", "occurrenceRemarks": "\"Plentiful. By K K Mackenzie\"", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "Michigan", "county": "Wayne", "municipality": "", "locality": "Grosse Isle.", "decimalLatitude": "42.142177", "decimalLongitude": "-83.156403", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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Cu 3961 sW Bonanza (L.) A. JUSS. q [ Heteropterys laurifolia LAURIFOLIA i0 Malpighiales C6h s7w el salto, rio way, 20 km s of bonanza at lower end of rocky canyon (tributary ot r|o bambana) DAVID NEILL | 7JNHT nicaragua HETEROPTERYS 4G<v North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region C.
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "Malpighiales", "family": "", "scientificName": "Heteropterys laurifolia", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(L.) A. Juss.", "genus": "Heteropterys", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "laurifolia", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "David Neill", "recordNumber": "3961", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Nicaragua", "stateProvince": "North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region", "county": "Bonanza", "municipality": "", "locality": "El Salto, Rio Way, 20 km S of bonanza at lower end of rocky canyon (Tributary of Rio Bambana)", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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anton a. reznigek A#j Poales Y cyperaceae 8|7 Gr tetamica YA CAREX Schkuhr >Vv, mEI CONTACT UM HEABARIUM -/oAw Huron
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "Poales", "family": "Cyperaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Schkuhr", "genus": "Carex", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "tetanica", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Anton A. Reznicek", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Huron", "municipality": "", "locality": "Contact UM Herbarium", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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faI 1476700 JUNCAGINACEAE t^m*= along U.S. 23 4 mi. SE of Point Nipigon. T& I CHEBOYGAN UNITED STATES c+tv 1767 E Edward G. Voss ! Triglochin palustris dvH %) 1953-08-14 Michigan JJ psX Frequent in ditch at edge of moist woods
{"catalogNumber": "1476700", "order": "", "family": "Juncaginaceae", "scientificName": "Triglochin palustris", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Edward G. Voss", "recordNumber": "1767", "verbatimEventDate": "1953-08-14", "habitat": "Frequent in ditch at edge of moist woods", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "Michigan", "county": "Cheboygan", "municipality": "", "locality": "along U.S. 23 4 mi. SE of Point Nipigon.", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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new mexico Y j. presl 7 UT5)I las cruces BU s.n. HIRTICAULE I 1903 7 H`r< united states 4p+ Poales poaceae Jv PANICUM HIRTICAULE r
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "Poales", "family": "Poaceae", "scientificName": "Panicum hirticaule", "scientificNameAuthorship": "J. Presl", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "hirticaule", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "s.n.", "verbatimEventDate": "1903", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "New Mexico", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "Las Cruces", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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n sandy, disturbed two-track q2 PW Db annua * ~! allegan -86.0525278 BLU j$ Poaceae
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "Poaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "annua", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "In sandy, disturbed two-track", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Allegan", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "-86.0525278", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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iola cucullata lJBD 1350976 j moist roadside of cedar hemlock woods |fVE Menominee C5~ 45.6777 # y Aiton HA MICHIGAN T] j 1933-08-18
{"catalogNumber": "1350976", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "Viola cucullata", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Aiton", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1933-08-18", "habitat": "moist roadside of cedar hemlock woods", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "Michigan", "county": "Menominee", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "45.6777", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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699 X Byrsonima schunkei P^z < w. r. anderson Malpighiaceae w qe H#- MARISCAL CACERES peru o] `u al sud oesLte del aeroperto de tocache nuevo w1gp &U JOSé SCHUNKE V. 1551307 .]|
{"catalogNumber": "1551307", "order": "", "family": "Malpighiaceae", "scientificName": "Byrsonima schunkei", "scientificNameAuthorship": "W. R. Anderson", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Jos\u00c3\u00a9 Schunke V.", "recordNumber": "3699", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Peru", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Mariscal Caceres", "municipality": "", "locality": "Al sud oeste del Aeropuerto de Tocache Nuevo", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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152 67 TC y9g7z 1143739 howard s. gentry O deserti m]WX T 19959 oi|Ip 1963-04-22 B5 MEXICO agave deserti TK_ Baja California q@c x> ENGELM. 3 Z! AGAVE 32.263 %6n$
{"catalogNumber": "1143739", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "Agave deserti", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Engelm.", "genus": "Agave", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "deserti", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Howard S. Gentry", "recordNumber": "19959", "verbatimEventDate": "1963-04-22", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Mexico", "stateProvince": "Baja California", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "32.263", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "152", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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1428280 ^ dU( Porter &>l u . SCHOENOPLECTUS ?K (OLNEY) PALLA q torrey
{"catalogNumber": "1428280", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(Olney) Palla", "genus": "Schoenoplectus", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "torreyi", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Porter", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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scel3ratus y 2[u 1351071 &jjs RANUNCULUS UNITED STATES 8 :^/U/ -86.292694 [;| Schoolcraft ln[t ranun5culaceae L. L(T iC.R 1978-07-09 RANUNCULALES w7 ,TA_ DON HENSON 1! RANUNCULUS SCELERATU5
{"catalogNumber": "1351071", "order": "Ranunculales", "family": "Ranunculaceae", "scientificName": "Ranunculus sceleratus", "scientificNameAuthorship": "L.", "genus": "Ranunculus", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "sceleratus", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Don Henson", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1978-07-09", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Schoolcraft", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "-86.292694", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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H;$ Nova Scotia 1461310 m7 ROSACEAE _b A<.V canada N#: acaulis %: W. X. W. BALDWIN Mark P. Widrlechner d6OM Geq?K 1740 7 Digby b$ f CONTACT UM HERBARIUM e2K SUBSP.
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, APIALES 6p AUREA ca. 200 plants in damp meadow (clay-loam soil) cv fts 1993-06-17 UNITED STATES ^8ah ZIZIA AUREA Et, ON E. SIDE OF THE GRAND LAKE RD. .4 MI. S. OF THE PRESQUE ISLbE CO. LINE CA. 9 MI. N. OF CITY OF ALPENA. ALPENA TWP. T32N, R!8E, SEC. 2, NW1/4
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "Apiales", "family": "", "scientificName": "Zizia aurea", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "aurea", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1993-06-17", "habitat": "Ca. 200 plants in damp meadow (clay-loam soil)", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "on E. side of the Grand Lake Rd. .4 mi. S. of the Presque Isle Co. line ca. 9 mi. N. of city of Alpena. Alpena Twp. T32N, R8E, Sec. 2, NW1/4", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
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[?] 0.5 mi s, 2 mi e hoisington. cheyenne bottoms nature conservancy reserve, along road. ] nLa$ Barton Z3t 1997-06-18 POALES : r P CALEB A. MORSE Jte 1391894 JgC(
{"catalogNumber": "1391894", "order": "Poales", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Caleb A. Morse", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1997-06-18", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Barton", "municipality": "", "locality": "[?] 0.5 mi S, 2 mi E Hoisington. Cheyenne Bottoms Nature Conservancy Reserve, along road.", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
!1O/1 by shore of se end of driggs lake, ca. 13 miles nw of seney. united staes *x$$ (Y Q TRICHOPHORUM CYPERACEAE 7#ET TRICHOPHORUM ALPINUM M Nx YC -86.17066 3654 LN 9 (l.) pers. 7|6 michigan
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "Cyperaceae", "scientificName": "Trichophorum alpinum", "scientificNameAuthorship": "(L.) Pers.", "genus": "Trichophorum", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "3654", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "Michigan", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "By shore of SE end of Driggs Lake, ca. 13 miles NW of Seney.", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "-86.17066", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
6;. Michigan sQb 44.367377 1356239 & g PORTAGE PRK NSzY Peter C. Hoch s T epilobium leptophyllum l.m. umbach k - U Myrtales EM:c Onagraceae O R3~ 8444 EPILOBIUM *_%Gu h United StateUs :QZ+ MARSH 1916-8-03 T: RAF. #H Gennh manitee
{"catalogNumber": "1356239", "order": "Myrtales", "family": "Onagraceae", "scientificName": "Epilobium leptophyllum", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Raf.", "genus": "Epilobium", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "Peter C. Hoch", "recordedBy": "L.M. Umbach", "recordNumber": "8444", "verbatimEventDate": "1916-08-03", "habitat": "Marsh", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "Michigan", "county": "Manistee", "municipality": "", "locality": "Portage Park", "decimalLatitude": "44.367377", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
f 12 viola 6649 a I M THAKUR RUP CHAND East Khasi Hills ba#: A[/iu 1952-12-05 w=Iu MEGHALAYA cu_ MAWPHLANG DEEP FOREST, ON NOSSY TREE TRUNK e]_ Malpighiales kvK Viola ^
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "Malpighiales", "family": "", "scientificName": "Viola", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Viola", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Thakur Rup Chand", "recordNumber": "6649", "verbatimEventDate": "1952-12-05", "habitat": "Deep forest, on mossy tree trunk", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "Meghalaya", "county": "East Khasi Hills", "municipality": "", "locality": "Mawphlang", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
uyV*T heteropterys cordifolia malpighiaceae )L 1529732 *v BHs BRAZIL [w+q s. mori cacaueira s oC F 10214 cordifolia Xh j CONTAT UM HERBARIUM HETEROPTERYS 3 1 MALPIGHIALES [f 5&] MORIC.
{"catalogNumber": "1529732", "order": "Malpighiales", "family": "Malpighiaceae", "scientificName": "Heteropterys cordifolia", "scientificNameAuthorship": "Moric.", "genus": "Heteropterys", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "cordifolia", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "S. Mori", "recordNumber": "10214", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Brazil", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Cacaueira", "municipality": "", "locality": "Contact UM Herbarium", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
:+ Edward G. Voss = 43.754261 liliaceae 1957-05-3 [uP "Tepals yellow, anthers reddish. Abundant." ,X
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "Liliaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Edward G. Voss", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1957-05-03", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "\"Tepals yellow, anthers reddish. Abundant.\"", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "43.754261", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
UNITED STATES e61 washtenaw #R`+ 1932-06-08 <9>x IG5z carl o. gra5sl 4828 rosaceae ;G M. P. WIDRLECHNER p r[ l. TY! rubus ;lD@q |/ = rubus roales )fT uh5 -83.721919
{"catalogNumber": "", "order": "Rosales", "family": "Rosaceae", "scientificName": "Rubus", "scientificNameAuthorship": "L.", "genus": "Rubus", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "M. P. Widrlechner", "recordedBy": "Carl O. Grassl", "recordNumber": "4828", "verbatimEventDate": "1932-06-08", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "United States", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Washtenaw", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "-83.721919", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
WT^+, lee /?It 1907-09-28 uJ=O agnes chase 1426562 ^.H: OE poaceae ~fe] 4191 a florida POALES &j8
{"catalogNumber": "1426562", "order": "Poales", "family": "Poaceae", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Agnes Chase", "recordNumber": "4191", "verbatimEventDate": "1907-09-28", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "Florida", "county": "Lee", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
Refactor the unstructured text into a valid JSON dictionary. The key names follow the Darwin Core Archive Standard. If a key lacks content, then insert an empty string. Fill in the following JSON structure as required: {"catalogNumber": "", "order": "", "family": "", "scientificName": "", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "", "stateProvince": "", "county": "", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""}
o poales 1284242 c Agrostis Qg k Simcoe YHLh iq 1971-07-11 Canada Jr4? agrostis gigantea A < POACEAE anton a. re2nicek A:T
{"catalogNumber": "1284242", "order": "Poales", "family": "Poaceae", "scientificName": "Agrostis gigantea", "scientificNameAuthorship": "", "genus": "Agrostis", "subgenus": "", "specificEpithet": "", "verbatimTaxonRank": "", "infraspecificEpithet": "", "identifiedBy": "", "recordedBy": "Anton A. Reznicek", "recordNumber": "", "verbatimEventDate": "1971-07-11", "habitat": "", "occurrenceRemarks": "", "associatedTaxa": "", "country": "Canada", "stateProvince": "", "county": "Simcoe", "municipality": "", "locality": "", "decimalLatitude": "", "decimalLongitude": "", "verbatimCoordinates": "", "minimumElevationInMeters": "", "maximumElevationInMeters": ""} exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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