Q: JavaScript get days with words, five ahead of current day I would like to put 5 upcoming day names in some divs on my website. I've created array for day names, then I'm calling values from it and adding number of days. That method works only for 1st day ahead, then array is over, from day 2 till 5 it echoes "undefined". Some help please? var weekday=new Array(7); weekday[0]="Nedelja"; weekday[1]="Ponedeljek"; weekday[2]="Torek"; weekday[3]="Sreda"; weekday[4]="Četrtek"; weekday[5]="Petek"; weekday[6]="Sobota"; var dan = weekday[today.getDay()]; var dan_1 = weekday[today.getDay()+1]; document.getElementById("day1").innerHTML = dan_1; var dan_2 = weekday[today.getDay()+2]; document.getElementById("day2").innerHTML = dan_2; var dan_3 = weekday[today.getDay()+3]; document.getElementById("day3").innerHTML = dan_3; var dan_4 = weekday[today.getDay()+4]; document.getElementById("day4").innerHTML = dan_4; var dan_5 = weekday[today.getDay()+5]; document.getElementById("day5").innerHTML = dan_5; Thank you guys! A: Well, you need to % with 7 (number of days in a week) var weekday=new Array(7); weekday[0]="Nedelja"; weekday[1]="Ponedeljek"; weekday[2]="Torek"; weekday[3]="Sreda"; weekday[4]="Četrtek"; weekday[5]="Petek"; weekday[6]="Sobota"; var dan = weekday[today.getDay()%7]; var dan_1 = weekday[(today.getDay()+1)%7]; document.getElementById("day1").innerHTML = dan_1; var dan_2 = weekday[(today.getDay()+2)%7]; document.getElementById("day2").innerHTML = dan_2; var dan_3 = weekday[(today.getDay()+3)%7]; document.getElementById("day3").innerHTML = dan_3; var dan_4 = weekday[(today.getDay()+4)%7]; document.getElementById("day4").innerHTML = dan_4; var dan_5 = weekday[(today.getDay()+5)%7]; document.getElementById("day5").innerHTML = dan_5; For example: if today.getDay() returns 5, next 5 days is 10 which does not exist in your array. When you % 7, you get back 3 (next week)
Defines the workflows and profiles of a Taverna Workflow Bundle. The main workflow is also normally defined, which would be the top-level workflow to execute. The profiles defines how these workflows can be realised and executed on different environments, one of which can be suggested as the main profile. Bundle path and root files The workflow bundle document in RDF/XML format should be in in /workflowBundle.rdf within the bundle archive. If the archive is a workflow bundle, i.e. /mimetype is application/vnd.taverna.scufl2.workflow-bundle, then the META-INF/container.xml can define root files at alternative paths and media types. This specification requires that one of those formats is application/rdf+xml according to this specification. Example META-INF/container.xml: This defines the RDF/XML root file to be /workflowBundle.rdf - with workflowBundle.ttl being an alternate representation the resource in Turtle format. SCUFL2-compliant workflow bundle writers: Must set the bundle mimetype to application/vnd.taverna.scufl2.workflow-bundle Must add a workflow bundle document in application/rdf+xml format Should store the workflow bundle document in /workflowBundle.rdf Must not contain a resource /workflowBundle.rdf which is not the workflow bundle document If the application/rdf+xml representation is not in /workflowBundle.rdf, the writer must include META-INF/container.xml with the required <rootfile> entries. META-INF/container.xml, if present, must contain one and only one rootfile with the media-type application/rdf+xml. rootfiles of other media-types may be included, but their formats and restrictions are not defined by this specification. May Add additional representation of the workflow bundle document (and other documents). Alternates of the workflow bundle document should be included in the META-INF/container.xml, but only if they can be considered to fully specify the workflow bundle as in the RDF/XML format. (So for instance a text/html or image/png representation would not normally be considered a rootfile if it does not include all the structural information from the RDF/XML representation as specified here) It is possible to include a workflow bundle document within a different kind of archive or bundle, for instance in a data bundle. In this case the bundle is not considered an application/vnd.taverna.scufl2.workflow-bundle - but producers of such archives: Should store the workflow bundle document in /workflowBundle.rdf, unless the workflow bundle is not to be considered to have a 'main' or 'prominent' role within the archive. (For instance if the archive is a collection of workflow bundles). Should have a mimetype and META-INF/container.xml resource which declares the archive's main entry point, like the data bundle document. The mime type must not be application/vnd.taverna.scufl2.workflow-bundle and the root files should not be the workflow bundle document. Should link to the workflow bundle document from a resource within the archive which (ultimately) is linked to from one of the rootfile documents. Such documents should be in RDF/XML format. Should declare the media type of the RDF/XML workflow bundle document as application/rdf+xml in its META-INF/manifest.xml SCUFL2 compliant workflow bundle readers: Should assume that /workflowBundle.rdf - if present - is the root workflow bundle in the application/rdf+xml format specified here. Should assume that if the archive's mimetype is application/vnd.taverna.scufl2.workflow-bundle, then the rootfile in META-INF/container.xml with the media type {{application/rdf+xml}) is the root workflow bundle document. May assume that any alternate formats listed as a rootfile in a application/vnd.taverna.scufl2.workflow-bundle archive would fully cover the specification of the RDF/XML representation, and read such formats instead. May assume that any application/rdf+xml document with a xsi:type="WorkflowBundleDocument" can be parsed according to the Scufl2 XML schema Identifiers Workflow bundles and their resources must be declared with relative identifiers within the archive. In a application/vnd.taverna.scufl2.workflow-bundle archive, the workflow bundle must be identified as the root of the archive. If the Workflow Bundle document is in workflowBundle.rdf within the archive, the workflow identifier is ./. This should be achieved by setting xml:base="./" and rdf:about="". This means that one can mint a URI to refer to resources within the bundle archive, including the workflow bundle, workflows and representations. If http://example.com/myWfBundle.scufl2 returns a Scufl2 workflow bundle archive of the content type application/vnd.taverna.scufl2.workflow-bundle, then (assuming default structure of the archive): Embedded workflow bundles If the archive is another type of bundle which includes the workflow bundle (but is not primarily playing the role as the format for this workflow bundle), the local workflow identifier should be unique within the archive. This is easiest achieved by using the same folder technique as for the workflow representations: Such embedded workflow bundles should include their constituent representations (such as workflow/HelloWorld.rdf) within that folder, for instance exampleWorkflowBundles/hello/workflow/HelloWorld.rdf to define exampleWorkflowBundles/hello/workflow/HelloWorld/ - but could also be shared among bundles, for instance both workflowBundle1.rdf and workflowBundle2.rdf might refer to workflow/Shared.rdf. Global workflow bundle identifiers Workflow bundles should declare a sameBaseAs reference to a globally unique non-informational URI. This allows anyone to make a statement about any resource within the workflow bundle, even if the URL of the workflow bundle representation itself might change, be it on a local USB disk, DropBox folder, myExperiment, etc. Updating the UUID It is up to the software editing or creating the workflow to assign a new UUID as soon as any change has been done to any workflow, profile or workflow bundle, as this is the globally unique identifier for this workflow archive, and also the base URI for all the other resources in the archive. To update the URI, use workflowBundle.setSameBaseAs(WorkflowBundle.generateIdentifier()). Example representation in RDF/XML This example defines the workflow bundle "HelloWorld". It contains one workflow workflow/HelloWorld, which is also the main workflow. Any additional workflows are typically nested (and nested-nested, etc) workflows bound as activities in processors). Two execution profiles are provided, and profile/tavernaWorkbench is dedicated as the main profile. Properties name (required) gives the human readable title for this workflow archive. This is a subproperty of dc:title. sameBaseAs (optional) gives a unique URI which is owl:sameAs with this workflow bundle and its children. workflow (required) All workflows included in this bundle. Each workflow must have an rdfs:seeAlso link to the bundle resource that defines the workflow, typically workflow/workflowName.rdf corresponding to the non-information resource workflow/workflowName/. mainWorkflow (optional) The reference to the top-level workflow of this bundle. It is valid to have a workflow bundle without a main workflow, for instance if the bundled workflows are unconnected "workflow fragments". If there is a mainProfile the workflow bundle must also have a mainWorkflow. The main workflow must always be listed under workflow. profile (optional) profiles specifying how to execute the bundled workflows. In particular the profile provides a set of configured activities bound to the processors for a particular run environment. If no profiles are specified this is an abstract workflow bundle. mainProfile (optional) the suggested main profile. Execution platforms unable to choose between the provided profiles can select this profile as a default. It is valid to have a workflow bundle without a main profile (even if it has other profiles), but any main profile must be listed under profile. rdfs:seeAlso (optional) link to annotations about the workflow bundle and its content. Traditionally found in annotation/workflowBundle.rdf, which should contain further links to annotations from different sources, for instance annotation/myExperiment.rdf for annotations included from myExperiment. Bundle links The workflow bundle document is the starting point for finding all workflow bundle resources within the archive. Each of the workflows and profiles must therefore have a rdfs:seeAlso link to the bundle resource that defines it. If alternate formats other than the required RDF/XML format is included in the bundle, these formats can therefore link to resources in other formats, for instance in an additional workflowBundle.ttl (Turtle format): Parsing/writing Should write the workflow bundle RDF/XML document according to the [SCUFL2 XML schema], use the default namespace xmlns="http://ns.taverna.org.uk/2010/scufl2#" and declare the xsi:type="WorkflowBundleDocument" Must ensure the workflow bundle RDF/XML document is valid RDF/XML and includes the properties deemed required by this specification. Conforming to the XML schema should ensure this. Should set the xml:base property to "./ Should set rdf:about to "" (or "./" if xml:base is not set)) Should declare a mainWorkflow and mainProfile Must ensure that any workflow/profile has a relative rdfs:seeAlso link to a bundle resource in application/rdf+xml which defines that workflow/profile. SCUFL2 compliant readers, when parsing a workflow bundle document: Mayassume that a declared workflow/profile is defined in the referenced representation. For instance, if: then workflow/SomeNestedWorkflow.rdfmust contain a workflow definition for workflow/SomeNestedWorkflow/. May parse the /workflowBundle.rdf as RDF/XML May parse the {/workflowBundle.rdf}} according to the XML schema if the xsi:type="WorkflowBundleDocument" is set on the rdf:RDF element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <item xmlns="http://www.supermemo.net/2006/smux"> <lesson-title>GRE词汇:《再要你命三千》</lesson-title> <chapter-title>List 25</chapter-title> <question-title>根据单词,回想词义</question-title> <question><span style='font-size:18; font-family:Comic Sans MS; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; color:#550000'>tinge</span><br/><span style='font-size:14; font-family:微软雅黑; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; color:#000000'>[&lt;font face="Kingsoft Phonetic"&gt;tIndV&lt;/font&gt;]</span><br/></question> <answer>【考法 1】 vt. 给…着上少量的色彩: to color with a slight shade or stain; tint&lt;br&gt;【例】 just slightly tinge the frosting with yellow food coloring to give it a lemony look 略微在霜糖表面加一点黄色色素,有一点柠檬的感觉就可以了&lt;br&gt;【近】 dye, pigment, stain, tincture, tint&lt;br&gt;【反】 suffuse, decolorize 遍染,使脱色&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;【记】 contingent touch;音:舔指,手做蛋糕,指头上染有奶油渍与气息,舔一舔<br/></answer> <question-audio>true</question-audio> <modified>2011-10-14</modified> <template-id>10025</template-id> </item>
 Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 # Visual Studio 15 VisualStudioVersion = 15.0.26228.4 MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1 Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "KeyCredentialManager", "KeyCredentialManager.csproj", "{CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}" EndProject Global GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution Debug|ARM = Debug|ARM Debug|x64 = Debug|x64 Debug|x86 = Debug|x86 Release|ARM = Release|ARM Release|x64 = Release|x64 Release|x86 = Release|x86 EndGlobalSection GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Debug|ARM.ActiveCfg = Debug|ARM {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Debug|ARM.Build.0 = Debug|ARM {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Debug|ARM.Deploy.0 = Debug|ARM {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Debug|x64.Deploy.0 = Debug|x64 {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|x86 {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Debug|x86.Deploy.0 = Debug|x86 {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Release|ARM.ActiveCfg = Release|ARM {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Release|ARM.Build.0 = Release|ARM {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Release|ARM.Deploy.0 = Release|ARM {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Release|x64.Deploy.0 = Release|x64 {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|x86 {CD746F80-ED99-5392-A2F5-A1461307F412}.Release|x86.Deploy.0 = Release|x86 EndGlobalSection GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution HideSolutionNode = FALSE EndGlobalSection EndGlobal
# /etc/strongswan.conf - strongSwan configuration file charon { load = aes des sha1 sha2 md5 pem pkcs1 gmp random nonce x509 curl revocation hmac stroke kernel-netlink socket-default updown }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.calcite.schema; import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptCluster; import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptTable; import org.apache.calcite.prepare.Prepare; import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode; import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.TableModify; import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * A table that can be modified. * * <p>NOTE: The current API is inefficient and experimental. It will change * without notice.</p> * * @see ModifiableView */ public interface ModifiableTable extends QueryableTable { /** Returns the modifiable collection. * Modifying the collection will change the table's contents. */ Collection getModifiableCollection(); /** Creates a relational expression that modifies this table. */ TableModify toModificationRel( RelOptCluster cluster, RelOptTable table, Prepare.CatalogReader catalogReader, RelNode child, TableModify.Operation operation, List<String> updateColumnList, List<RexNode> sourceExpressionList, boolean flattened); }
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In this Issue: February '17 Feb 01, 2017 08:30AM ● By Jason Huddle Jason Huddle, Publisher My pastor, Dale Jenkins at New Hope Worship Center, always says that the greatest investment we can make is into that of the next generation. While it is inevitable that they will one day think they know better than us, and will undoubtedly believe they are much smarter than the generation that comes after them, it is our duty now, in this time, to care for and nurture them the best we can. One of the things I love about Cabarrus County is that I see investments being made all around us. That’s why we decided this issue should be all about those who are taking that extra step to make sure the next generation isn’t left behind. We talked with the great people at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cabarrus County and the Cabarrus Boys & Girls Club, receiving a firsthand look at the way these organizations are not only helping to care for children, but also have a hand in raising them into adulthood. We also learned more about adoption, whether it be private or through the Department of Social Services. There are numerous children in Cabarrus County that deserve to grow up in a happy and safe home, whether it be with their biological parents or a family seeking a child to love. My mother-in-law was adopted by her biological aunt, and I am so thankful that she loved her niece so much that she made her a daughter. There is always a child in our community that is desperate for someone to take time with them – if only just to play or help them with homework. We can certainly step out of our own busy lives to make a difference as a volunteer, mentor or financial benefactor. If we’re not investing in the children of today, how can we expect a better tomorrow? Sincerely, Jason Huddle Click Below to read the individual feature articles from theis month's issue, or read the entire magazine cover to cover!
Q: silverlight - change child window position when opened How do I change position of childWindow control when it is opened? I want to do that because I want to make resize animation. A: You can do this easily in expression blend. After creating new animation at time frame 0 size will be correct and at time frame 1 re-sizing can be done. Window loaded we can call the storyboard. Please refer this link
package homework.week03; /** * 200. 岛屿数量 * https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/number-of-islands/ */ public class LeetCode_200_501{ public int numIslands(char[][] grid) { if(grid == null || grid.length == 0){ return 0; } int nr = grid.length; int nc = grid[0].length; int nums_islands = 0; for(int r = 0;r < nr;++r){ for(int c = 0;c < nc;++c){ if(grid[r][c] == '1'){ ++ nums_islands; dfs(grid, r, c); } } } return nums_islands; } public void dfs(char[][] grid,int r,int c){ int nr = grid.length; int nc = grid[0].length; if(r < 0 || c < 0 || r >= nr || c >= nc || grid[r][c] == '0'){ return; } grid[r][c] = '0'; dfs(grid,r - 1,c); dfs(grid,r + 1,c); dfs(grid,r,c - 1); dfs(grid,r,c + 1); } }
Cells move. They do it to help embryos develop, fashioning organs and tissues. White blood cells chase bacteria and viruses, preventing us from getting sick. Cancer cells spread via the blood. Cell movement is an essential process that underlies health and disease. Yet despite many years of intensive study, a good understanding of the mechanics of this important phenomenon has remained out of biologists' grasp. In an effort to "glue" together large groups of scientists to tackle such pressing problems confronting biomedical scientists today, the National Institute of General Medical Sciences has provided an $8 million "glue grant" (for the first year of funding) to a consortium of basic scientists who will work to unlock the mysteries of cell movement. NIGMS anticipates spending a projected total of $38 million on the project over the course of five years. "For some research, the intellectual and material resources available to individual laboratories, or even to small groupings of labs, are simply not enough to adequately attack the problem. Glue grants provide an opportunity to marshal the resources needed," said Dr. Marvin Cassman, director of NIGMS. The "Cell Migration Consortium" project brings together a large group of scientists from leading academic medical centers across the country. Leading the project are two scientists from the University of Virginia School of Medicine, Dr. Alan F. "Rick" Horwitz and Dr. J. Thomas Parsons. "Understanding the mechanism of how cell migration occurs is critical to our understanding of diseases like cancer, arthritis and osteoporosis, as well as wound repair, embryonic development and tissue engineering," said Horwitz, professor of cell biology at U.Va. and the project's principal investigator. "For example, most people who have cancer don't die from primary tumors but from tumor spread — that's a migration problem. And a significant number of congenital brain defects are migration problems." One of the Consortium's goals is to generate new understanding about the basic mechanisms involved in cell migration. A key part of the plan is to generate new and sophisticated imaging strategies to visualize the fundamental signaling pathways that regulate cell migration — technologies that are sorely needed by the scientific community currently investigating cell movement. Another objective of the Consortium is to catalyze the translation of new discoveries in cell migration to the development of novel therapeutic drugs and treatments. The Consortium will be truly multifaceted — consisting of biologists, chemists, biophysicists, optical physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, geneticists and engineers. The arrangement should foster a multi-pronged attack on the study of cell migration that will interface with the larger community of cell migration researchers. "The days of the lone investigator are rapidly waning in disciplines like cell biology," said Horwitz. "We have to cooperate rather than compete if we are to answer some of the most complex and challenging scientific questions." Using state-of-the-art Internet and interactive video technologies, Consortium researchers will share and discuss data as it is collected, Parsons explained. A Consortium Web site (www.cellmigration.org) will make possible the timely sharing of findings, ideas, and information. The Web site will be publicly accessible to scientists everywhere. NIGMS originally conceived of the large-scale glue grants following consultations with leaders in the scientific community who emphasized the importance of confronting intractable biological problems with the expertise and input of large, multifaceted groups of scientists. The first glue grant was awarded last year to Dr. Alfred G. Gilman, a pharmacologist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, who won the Nobel Prize in 1994 for work on signaling molecules called G proteins. Joining forces with U.Va. scientists are consortium members from several institutions, including the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; the Burnham Institute; The Scripps Research Institute; Northwestern University; Harvard University; The Johns Hopkins University; Florida State University; the University of California, Davis; the University of Connecticut Health Center; and the University of Illinois. Please mention support for this work from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), a component of the National Institutes of Health that supports basic biomedical research. Please fax clips to (301) 402-0224. Contacts: For comment on the glue grant program, call Alison Davis in the NIGMS Office of Communications and Public Liaison at (908) 735-7207 to arrange an interview with NIGMS director Dr. Marvin Cassman. For comment on the Cell Migration Consortium, call Marguerite Beck in the U.Va. Health System Media Relations office at (434) 924-5679 to arrange an interview with consortium leader Dr. Alan F. "Rick" Horwitz.
Alabama’s first openly gay legislator has threatened to expose the extramarital affairs of some of her Republican colleagues due to their opposition to same-sex marriage. “I will not stand by and allow legislators to talk about ‘family values’ when they have affairs, and I know of many who are and have. I will call our elected officials who want to hide in the closet OUT,” state Rep. Patricia Todd said without naming who she planned to expose, AL.com reported. Her comments followed Republican criticism last week of a federal court ruling that overturned Alabama’s same-sex marriage ban. Ms. Todd took particular issue with State House Speaker Mike Hubbard, a Republican who called the ruling “outrageous,” and Attorney General Luther Strange’s efforts to get a two-week stay on the judge’s order. “This (is) a time where you find out who are accepting, loving people,” Ms. Todd said in a Facebook post. “To say I am disappointed in Speaker Hubbard comments and Attorney General Strange choice to appeal the decision is an understatement.” “One thing I’m pretty consistent on is I do not like hypocrites,” she later told The Huffington Post. “If you can explain your position and you hold yourself to the same standard you want to hold me to, then fine. But you cannot go out there and smear my community by condemning us and somehow making us feel less than, and expect me to be quiet.” Mr. Hubbard responded to Ms. Todd’s comments in a statement to AL.com: “I consider Rep. Todd a friend, and we have always enjoyed a good and cordial relationship, so I am sorry that she is upset about my remarks. “We do have a fundamental disagreement on allowing same-sex marriages in Alabama, and I will continue to voice my opinion on this important social issue, just as I expect she will continue to voice hers, but we can disagree without being disagreeable,” he added. Sign up for Daily Newsletters Manage Newsletters Copyright © 2020 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.
Background {#Sec1} ========== Disorders of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAOD) are one of the most prevalent monogenic diseases with a cumulative incidence of about 1:9300 newborns \[[@CR1]\]. Amongst this disease entity, medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenases deficiency (MCADD) is the most common enzymatic defect. The clinical manifestation depends on the underlying enzymatic defect and residual enzyme activity leading to a wide spectrum of symptoms. Although most FAOD are amenable to therapy, the clinical outcome depends on the severity of the specific defect. Cornerstones of treatment are the avoidance of fasting/catabolism and in long chain FAOD fat restriction accompanied by medium chain triglyceride supplementation \[[@CR2], [@CR3]\]. Since 2005, the FAO diseases MCAD-, LCHAD-/TFP-, VLCAD- and carnitine cycle defects are target diseases of the nationwide German newborn-screening program using the tandem mass spectrometry technique. This resulted in a considerable reduction of morbidity and mortality in patients suffering from FAOD. Newborn-screening also detects children with mild phenotypes or non-diseases. It remains unclear whether subjects with these mild (biochemical) phenotypes and/or novel genetic variants are at risk for the development of a clinically relevant phenotype. With informative newborn-screening results, further confirmation is needed to specify defects of mitochondrial FAO. Specific enzyme assays are available for most fatty acid oxidation defects in order to determine residual enzyme activities \[[@CR4]\]. Nevertheless, most of these assays are rather time consuming and technically ambitious with a risk of bacterial or fungal contamination \[[@CR5]\]. The assays involve harvesting fibroblasts by skin biopsy. The culturing of fibroblasts under sterile conditions is laborious and time-consuming. The use of radioactive substances makes the investigation expensive and can only be carried out in specialized laboratories approved for handling radioactive materials. Based on the work of Dessein et al. \[[@CR6]\], the aim of our study was to optimize an ex vivo ´selective screening-assay\` via tandem mass spectrometry for rapid and non-invasive confirmation of FAOD which allows discrimination of short chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase- (SCAD-), medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase- (MCAD-), very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase-(VLCAD-), long chain hydroxyl acyl-CoA dehydrogenase- (LCHAD-) as well as carnitine transporter- (CTD-) defects. An assay using end labeled deuterated acylcarnitine profiling has been developed to confirm the enzymatic defect by incubating human whole blood cells with stable end labeled palmitate. Regarding potential metabolic risk stratification and the underlying genetic background, concentrations of specific acylcarnitines were compared between particular associated variants of these FAOD. Methods {#Sec2} ======= Twenty-six healthy children and adolescents between 0 and 17 years of age (22 males, 4 females) undergoing elective surgical interventions served as control group. At the time of sample collection they had no intercurrent disease nor any identified metabolic defect. The group of FAOD patients comprised 47 children (28 male, 19 female) with positive newborn screening results and confirmed diagnosis (SCAD-(*n* = 3), MCAD-(*n* = 30), VLCAD- (*n* = 6) and LCHAD- (n = 6) deficiency and primary carnitine transporter defect (*n* = 2). Usually, confirmation of the defect after informative newborn-screening was done by diagnostic DNA sequencing and/or enzymatic analysis. This study was approved by the Ethical Review Board of Hannover Medical School (date: 21^st^ November 2008 Nr. 5176), informed consent was obtained from parents of controls, material from FAOD patients were investigated as routine work-up. The method used here is based on the work by Dessein et al. \[[@CR6]\], with minor modifications. All usual chemicals and liquids were purchased from Sigma Aldrich with the highest analytical quality (Deisenhofen, Germany). The solvents for mass-spectrometry were purchased from Biosolve BV (Valkenswaard, The Netherlands). The stable isotopes \[16-2H3\]-pamitoylcarnitine, \[8-2H3\]-octanoylcarnitine and \[4-2H3\]-butyrylcarnitine which were used as internal standards were obtained from Mr. H. ten Brink, VU Medical Center (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) distributed by EQ Laboratories GmbH (Augsburg, Germany). The substrate \[16-2H3, 15-2H2\]-palmitate was purchased from Labor Ehrensberger (Augsburg, Germany). All control and patient samples were collected in EDTA-tubes (1--3 mL), stored at 4 °C and further processed within 24 h. Leukocytes were quantified automatically using a cell counter (Sysmex, Germany). Sample preparation: Carnitine and \[16-2H3, 15-2H2\]-palmitate were dissolved in ethanol at a final concentration of 20 mM each. 10 μL of the stock solutions were pipetted into Eppendorf tubes, evaporated at 37 °C under nitrogen to dryness and kept at −20 °C before use. Deuterated acylcarnitines were dissolved in ethanol as internal calibrator solution (ISTD) containing calibrators d3-palmitoylcarnitine: 0.039 nmol, d3-octanoylcarnitine: 0.087 nmol and d3-butyrylcarnitine: 0.099 nmol. Each whole blood sample was mixed carefully before use. 100 μL of whole blood were transferred into Eppendorf tubes containing carnitine and \[16-2H3, 15-2H2\]-palmitate, incubated in a shaker (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) at 550 rpm and 37 °C for about 6 h. Samples were quenched by rapid freezing at −20 °C and stored. The samples were thawed at room temperature prior to the measurement. 1 mL of the internal standard solution (ISTD) was added to each tube and sonicated for 30 min. The samples were centrifuged (Eppendorf) for 10 min with 14.000 g. The clear supernatants were transferred into new Eppendorf-tubes and kept evaporated at 37 °C under nitrogen to dryness. 200 μL butanolic HCl was added to each tube, sealed and incubated at 65 °C for 15 min. Samples were dried at 65 °C under nitrogen and redissolved in 150 μL elution solvent (methanol/water 80:20, *v*/v). For MS/MS analysis, a system consisting of a MICRO tandem mass spectrometer (Waters, Eschborn, Germany) equipped with a PAL autosampler and a 1525 μ gradient pump (Waters) was used. All measurements were done in ESI positive mode with a 3.3 kV capillary cone voltage and 30 V cone. The source temperature was 120 °C with a desolvation temperature of 350 °C. For analyzing acylcarnitines a precursor ion scan of m/z 85 (range m/z 200--550) was performed. 20 μL per sample was injected with a constant isocratic flow rate of 35 μL/min (solvent: acetonitrile/water 80:20 *v*/v). For the detection and quantification the MassLynx software 4.1 (Waters) was used. Run time per sample was two minutes at room temperature. Each sample was incubated in independent double assay duplicates and measured twice. From all 4 measurements averages were calculated. The statistical analysis was performed with Sigmaplot 12.5 (Systat software Inc., San Jose, California, USA) and Medcalc 17.0 (MedCalc Software bvba, Mariakerke, Belgium). To compare specific end-labeled acylcarnitine concentrations between controls and particular disease groups, the Mann-Whitney Rank Sum test was used. The comparison of MCADD variants was carried out using ANOVA. At a level of *p* \< 0.05, a significant difference between groups was assumed. Results {#Sec3} ======= For demographic data, genetic background and clinical phenotypes of our patient group see Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}.Table 1Demographic data, genetic or biochemical background and clinical phenotypes \[[@CR23]\]Patient GroupAge \[years\] rangeBiochemical findings or variants foundNumber of PatientsClinical course*ACADM* (NM_000016.5):\ MCADD\ (19 boys, 11 girls)0--17c.985\[A \> G\];\[A \> G\] (Class 5; Class 5)\ c.985A \> G(;)c.199 T \> C (Class 5; Class 3)\ c.985A \> G(;)c.362C \> T (Class 5; Class 5)\ c.985A \> G(;)c.717C \> G (Class 5; Class 5)\ c.985A \> G(;)c.476G \> A (Class 5, Class 3)\ mutation diagnosis was not performed, diagnosis based on metabolites19\ 3\ 1\ 1\ 1\ 5All were detected by selective newborn screening, no metabolic decompensation or clinical abnormalities based on the MCADD defect occurred*ACADVL* (NM_000018.3):VLCADD\ (2 boys, 4 girls)0--4c.848\[T \> C\];\[T \> C\] (Class 4; Class 4)2no metabolic decompensation or clinical abnormalities based on the VLCADD defect occurredc.848 T \> C(;)c.1357C \> T (Class 4; Class 5)1no metabolic decompensation or clinical abnormalities based on the VLCADD defect occurredc.538G \> A(;)c.1367G \> A (Class 4; Class 4)1infection associated CK elevation occurredc.779C \> T(;)c.1700G \> A (Class 4; Class 4)1infection associated CK elevation occurredmutation diagnosis was not performed, diagnosis based on enzymatic analysis and metabolites1cardiomyopathy and recurrent infection associated rhabdomyolysis occurred in this patient*HADHA* (NM_000182.4):\ LCHADD\ (5 boys, 1 girl)1--6c.180 + 3A \> G(;)c.1528G \> C (Class 4; Class 5)1no metabolic decompensation or clinical abnormalities based on the LCHADD defect occurredc.1528\[G \> C\];\[G \> C\] (Class 5, Class 5)1recurrent infection associated CK elevation occurredc.914 T \> A(;)c. 1528G \> C (Class 3; Class 5)3One boy had no metabolic decompensation or clinical abnormalities based on the LCHADD defect, the younger brother had elevated CK levels and suffers from psychomotoric retardation. Another boy had no metabolic decompensation or clinical abnormalities based on the LCHAD defectmutation diagnosis was not performed, diagnosis based on enzymatic analysis and metabolites1diagnosis due to severe metabolic decompensation accompanied by organ failure at the age of 8 months while suffering from gastrointestinal infectionCTD\ (1 boy, 1 girl)3--5mutation diagnosis was not performed, diagnosis based on enzymatic analysis and metabolites2no metabolic decompensation or clinical abnormalities based on the CT defectACADS (NM\_ NM_000017.3):\ SCADD (1 boy, 2 girls)10--13c.625\[G \> A\];\[G \> A\] (Class 1; Class 1)2one patient was clinically unremarkable except for obesity, one suffered from psychiatric problemsmutation diagnosis was not performed, diagnosis based on metabolites1clinically unremarkable SCADD {#Sec4} ----- Butyrylcarnitine (C4) concentrations of SCADD patients were higher compared with controls (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}). However, the difference was not significant (*p* = 0.642). A significant increase of butyrylcarnitine was evident when compared with the other FAO diseases (*p* \< 0.05) analyzed in this study.Fig. 1Butyrylcarnitine of SCADD patients versus controls MCADD {#Sec5} ----- In samples of MCADD patients concentrations of octanoylcarnitine (C8), decanoylcarnitine (C10) as well as the ratio octanoylcarnitine (C8)/butyrylcarnitine (C4) were higher compared with the control population (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}). Acylcarnitines C8 and C10 were significantly (*p* \< 0.05) increased in relation to the relevant acylcarnitines of controls. Ratios C8/C4 and C8/C10 were significantly increased in MCADD samples as well.Fig. 2Medium chain acylcarnitines and the C4/C8 ratio of MCADD patients versus controls; \* = significant difference *p* \< 0.05 The comparison of 'common' homozygous to compound heterozygous variants of MCADD showed minor differences of C8 and C10 acylcarnitine concentrations (*P* = 0.542) (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}).Fig. 3Medium chain acylcarnitines C8 and C10 in samples with various underlying MCADD variants VLCADD {#Sec6} ------ In samples of VLCADD patients dodecanoyl- (C12), tetradecenoyl- (C14:1) and tetradecadienoyl- (C14:2) carnitines differed significantly compared with controls (Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}) and between FAOD groups. C12 was markedly reduced in VLCADD samples (*p* \< 0.001), while C14:1 and C14:2 as well as ratios of C14:1/C12 and C14:2/C12 were significantly higher (*p* \< 0.001). Control samples showed lower tetradecanoyl- (C14) concentrations, but the difference is not significant (*p* = 0.545). C14 was only discriminating between VLCAD patients and the FAO disease groups (*p* \< 0.001).Fig. 4Long chain acylcarnitines in samples of VLCADD patients versus controls; \* = significant difference *p* \< 0.05 Homozygous VLCADD variants showed slightly non-significant differences of relevant acylcarnitines in comparison to compound heterozygous variants (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}, due to small sample size no statistical analysis was performed).Fig. 5Long chain acylcarnitines in samples with various underlying VLCADD variants LCHADD {#Sec7} ------ The Hydroxylated acylcarnitines 3-hydroxy tetradecanoylcarnitine (C14-OH) and 3-hydroxy hexadecanoylcarnitine (C16-OH) were elevated in samples of LCHADD patients (Fig. [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}) compared to controls. C16-OH levels were significantly higher (*p* \< 0.05), while differences in C14-OH levels were not significant (*p* = 0.057). A significant increase of C14-OH levels was evident when compared with other FAO diseases of this study (*p* \< 0.05). The differences of the hydroxylated acylcarnitines between the three different LCHADD variants were not significant (Fig. [7](#Fig7){ref-type="fig"}, due to small sample size no statistical analysis was performed).Fig. 6Hydroxylated long chain acylcarnitines in samples of LCHADD patients versus controls; \* = significant difference *p* \< 0.05 Fig. 7Hydroxylated long chain acylcarnitines in samples with various underlying LCHADD variants CTD {#Sec8} --- The sum of all acylcarnitines measured in control samples was significantly higher compared to samples of patients with CTD (p \< 0.05) (Fig. [8](#Fig8){ref-type="fig"}). There was no significant difference compared to other FAO diseases tested (*p* = 0.226).Fig. 8Sum of all determined acylcarnitines of CTD patients versus controls; \* = significant difference *p* \< 0.05 Discussion {#Sec9} ========== In contrast to the study by Dessein et al. \[[@CR6]\] we focused on samples from children and adolescents. Additionally we included samples from patients suffering from LCHAD and carnitine transporter deficiency. The assay can reliably discriminate between healthy controls and different FAO patient groups (MCAD-, VLCAD-, LCHAD- and carnitine transporter deficiency) with disease-specific end-labeled acylcarnitine patterns. In 3 SCADD patients C4 carnitine levels were elevated in comparison to controls; probably due to small patient numbers no significance could be found. This assay determines acylcarnitine patterns in vitro without using particular enzyme specific substrates; therefore residual specific enzyme activities cannot be directly estimated. One advantage of this non-invasive assay is the use of an end-labeled non-radiochemical substrate. Thus, disease specific accumulating acylcarnitine patterns (non-metabolized substrate) can be detected. In many radiochemical flux assays, only metabolic end products are measured and further exploration is necessary to detect specific FAOD. The blood cells were loaded and thus stressed with palmitic acid, therefore, results should be more pronounced compared to acylcarnitine profiles derived from anabolic non-stressed patients. Further advantages are easy handling, storage and transport of samples. We compared end-labeled acylcarnitines in specific enzyme defects of FAO with different underlying disease causing variants. Comparing the three MCADD missense variants (each compound heterozygous for c.985A \> G, see Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}) with the common homozygous c.985A \> G variant, no significant difference in specific acylcarnitines and ratios could be found in vitro (see Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}). This is in line with studies from two German groups \[[@CR7], [@CR8]\], who found no significant differences of in vivo acylcarnitine markers between patients homozygous for the c.985A \> G variant and compound heterozygous patients for the c.985A \> G variant in combination with variants other than c.199 T \> C. This constellation probably has an intermediate effect on enzyme activity while other variants will probably impair MCAD activity comparable to the c.985A \> G variant. With regard to residual enzyme activity, other groups found higher MCAD activities in vitro in most non-common variants potentially leading to a milder clinical course \[[@CR9]--[@CR11]\]. Of the four MCAD missense variants of our patients, the milder c.199 T \> C variant displays residual octanoyl-CoA oxidation activities in the range of 22% to 47% in vitro \[[@CR9]\]. The c.362C \> T variant results in a considerably impaired MCAD enzyme activity in vitro \[[@CR12]\], the c.476G \> A and c.717C \> G variants are of unknown clinical significance, to our knowledge no further data exist in the literature. Both variants could probably be classified as pathogenic as they affect both highly conserved areas of the *MCAD* gene, see Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}. Finally, the assay described by us is not able to discriminate between different genetic variants in MCADD. All MCADD patients were screened and diagnosed through newborn mass screening; the treatment was based on general recommendations to avoid prolonged fasting and carnitine supplementation only as required. Under this regimen, none of these patients suffered clinical symptoms or metabolic decompensations, see Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}. In VLCADD and LCHADD patients, no obvious difference between acylcarnitines in vitro and genotypes could be found as well. Due to low patient numbers, no statistical analysis was performed (see Figs. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"} and [7](#Fig7){ref-type="fig"}). Two VLCADD patients were homozygous for the c.848 T \> C missense variant whereas the c.848 T \> C is known to be likely pathogenic resulting in a clinically milder disease with reduced penetrance due to residual enzymatic activity \[[@CR13], [@CR14]\]. One patient was compound heterozygous for this and the variant c.1357C \> T, described as nonsense variant, to our knowledge no further data exists concerning clinical significance of this variant. One patient was compound heterozygous for the c.538G \> A \[[@CR14]\] and c.1367G \> A \[[@CR15]\] variants resulting in a VLCAD residual enzyme activity \<10% in this case and the other one was compound heterozygous for the c.779C \> T and c.1700G \> A variants, both known as disease causing variants \[[@CR15], [@CR16]\]. As shown in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}, clinical courses of our VLCADD patients are not reflected in the in vitro acylcarnitine profiles or mutation analysis. Concerning the LCHADD patients, one was homozygous for the common c.1528G \> C variant, 4 patients were compound heterozygous for the common and other variants, see Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"} \[[@CR17]--[@CR19]\]. As in other FAO diseases, in our LCHADD patients the clinical presentation could not be predicted from metabolite profiles in vitro or molecular genetic results. This fact is even more obvious in one family of our cohort with two affected boys carrying the same genotype presenting with different clinical courses, see Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}. This seems to indicate that further epigenetic factors (variants of other genes, epigenetic factors, and others) could have an influence. Treatment of all VLCADD and LCHADD patients was based on the consensus papers published in 2009 \[[@CR2], [@CR3]\]. Since no correlation between genotype and biochemical/clinical phenotype could be shown, especially in FAOD \[[@CR7], [@CR20]--[@CR22]\], other biomarkers like organic acids in urine, acylcarnitines, free carnitine concentrations as well as clinical symptoms are used to predict the clinical course of FAOD patients. Other environmental and genetic factors may affect individual phenotypes and outcome. Clinical symptoms may differ remarkably within one family as shown in 2 LCHADD cases of our cohort (see Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}). We are aware of the limited patient numbers of our study especially in long chain FAOD. To corroborate our data, further patients should be investigated biochemically as well as genetically to correlate these and clinical data. Conclusion {#Sec10} ========== The functional assay described here is less time consuming and relatively simple in comparison to other published methods and can be used to confirm patients suspected to suffer from MCADD-, VLCADD-, LCHAD- and carnitine transporter- deficiency. Different genotypes cannot be distinguished by acylcarnitine profiling in vitro. CK : Creatine kinase CTD : Carnitine transporter defect FAO : Fatty acid oxidation FAOD : Fatty acid oxidation disorder LCHADD : Long chain hydroxy acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency MCADD : Medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency SCADD : Short chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency VLCADD : Very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency Not applicable. Funding {#FPar2} ======= No funding. Availability of data and materials {#FPar3} ================================== Please contact author for data requests. NJ participated in the design of the study, carried out sample preparation and acylcarnitine analysis, performed statistical analysis and drafted the manuscript. ADH participated in the coordination of the study, particularly sample collection and helped to draft the manuscript. GS evaluated mutation analysis and helped to draft the manuscript. AMD participated in the design of the study and drafted the manuscript. SI participated in the design of the study and its coordination, drafted the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Ethics approval and consent to participate {#FPar1} ========================================== This study was approved by the Ethical Review Board of Hannover Medical School (date: 21st November 2008 Nr. 5176). Studies involving animals must include a statement on ethics approval. Not applicable. Consent for publication {#FPar4} ======================= Not applicable. Competing interests {#FPar5} =================== The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Publisher's Note {#FPar6} ================ Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
William Douglas, 6th Earl of Morton William Douglas, 6th Earl of Morton (c. 1540 – 1606) was the son of Sir Robert Douglas of Lochleven and Margaret Erskine, a former mistress of James V of Scotland. Career Connections Sir William's half-brother from his mother's liaison with the king was James Stewart, Earl of Moray, Regent of Scotland from 1567 until his assassination in January 1570. Sir William's cousin was another Regent of Scotland James Douglas, 4th Earl of Morton, and was closely associated with him in his career, the two men being occasionally confused in the histories. William's father was killed at the battle of Pinkie in September 1547. William suffered from breathing difficulties all his life. His wife was Agnes Leslie, daughter of George Leslie, 4th Earl of Rothes, by whom he had eleven children. The Leslies were active in Scottish Reformation. Lochleven's prisoner William Douglas was the owner of the island Loch Leven Castle, where Mary, Queen of Scots had met John Knox in April 1563. Since 1546, he and his mother had built the "Newhouse of Lochleven" on the shore of Loch Leven where Kinross House now stands. The "Newhouse" eventually replaced the island castle as the centre of the estate. In June 1567, Queen Mary was imprisoned in the island castle following her surrender at the Battle of Carberry Hill. On 24 July she was forced to sign abdication papers at Lochleven in favor of her infant son James VI. William Douglas had a legal paper drawn up on 28 July 1567, which stated that he was not present when the Queen signed her "demission" of the crown and did not know of it, and that he offered to convey her to Stirling Castle for her son's coronation which was the following day, which offer she refused. Mary also signed that paper. However, in 1581 Mary wrote that William was one of her few remaining enemies in Scotland, and should have witnessed that she was compelled to assent to her resignation. The Scottish government directed by his half-brother paid William Douglas £1,289-12d for keeping the Queen. William's wife, Lady Agnes Leslie, became the Queen's chief female companion during her ten and a half months of imprisonment, accompanying her throughout the day and often sleeping in her bedchamber. Queen Mary had an opportunity of greater liberty following the birth of Agnes's child when she was recovering from her pregnancy. She chose to escape on 2 May 1568 from Lochleven with the aid of Sir William's brother George and a young orphaned cousin named William Douglas who also lived at the castle and may or may not have been the earl's illegitimate son. When Sir William learned of his royal captive's escape, he was so distressed that he attempted to stab himself with his own dagger. Ruthven Raid and Earl of Morton The title Earl of Morton was declared forfeit in 1581 when Regent Morton, the 4th earl, was attainted; and the title was granted to John Maxwell, 7th Lord Maxwell, a grandson of the 3rd earl. While Regent Morton was on trial in January 1581, William and other leading members of the family were not allowed to come to Edinburgh, and in March he was ordered to live north of Cromarty. A year later he joined in the Raid of Ruthven, and when this faction was defeated he was exiled in France at La Rochelle, returning in 1586. The 17th century historian David Hume of Godscroft relates that Agnes Leslie wrote to her husband saying she would prevent their son Robert from joining him at the Lords Enterprisers attempt to take Stirling Castle in 1584, saying it was a foolish work that would ruin them. William replied that their course was honourable, and intended for the good of the church, and he trusted in providence. Robert and their son-in-law Laurence Oliphant were banished to France despite their mother's efforts, and were lost at sea in a battle with "Hollanders" or pirates. In 1586, the attainder on the Morton earldom was reversed and the title returned to the 4th earl's family. By the 4th earl's will, on the death of Archibald Douglas, 8th Earl of Angus in 1588, William Douglas succeeded to the earldom of Morton, which brought him additional lands and houses including Dalkeith Palace, Aberdour Castle, Auchterhouse and Drochil Castle. In May 1590 he hosted the Danish Admiral Peder Munk at the Newhouse of Lochleven. Munk had been at Falkland Palace to accept the property as part of the dowry of Anne of Denmark. William wrote a short history of the Scottish reformation and reigns of Mary and James VI briefly mentioning the Siege of Leith, the Battle of Carberry Hill, the murder of David Rizzio, and the Ruthven Raid. Marriage and children On 26 November 1554 he married Lady Agnes Leslie, Countess of Morton (born after 1541-died ca. 1606), the daughter of George Leslie, 4th Earl of Rothes and as a direct descendant of King James II in her maternal line. The contract for their marriage was signed on 19 August 1554. The couple made their home at Lochleven Castle, which was a fortress situated on an island in the middle of the loch, and where his widowed mother also resided. Sir William and Agnes together had eleven children: Christian Douglas, married firstly Laurence, Master of Oliphant, (lost at sea in March 1585) by whom she had issue; she married secondly Alexander Home, 1st Earl of Home. Robert Douglas, Master of Morton, (lost at sea in March 1585), married Jean Lyon of Glamis, by whom he had two sons, including William Douglas, 7th Earl of Morton. First it was rumoured that Laurence Oliphant and Robert had been killed by pirates or drowned, then it was thought they were slaves in Algiers. In 1601, Robert Oliphant went to Algiers to look for his kinsman, carrying a letter of introduction to Sultan Mehmed III written by Queen Elizabeth, who also recommended her ambassador John Wroth help the search. James Douglas, Commendator of Melrose, married firstly Mary Kerr, by whom he had issue; secondly Helen Scott, by whom he had issue; and thirdly Jean Anstruther, by whom he had issue. Sir Archibald Douglas of Kilmour (died 1649), married Barbara Forbes (born 31 January 1560), by whom he had one son. Sir George Douglas of Kirkness (died December 1609), married Margaret Forrester. Euphemia Douglas, married Sir Thomas Lyon of Auldbar, Master of Glamis. Agnes Douglas, Countess of Argyll (1574- 3 May 1607), on 24 July 1592 married as his first wife Archibald Campbell, 7th Earl of Argyll, the son of Colin Campbell, 6th Earl of Argyll and Agnes Keith, by whom she had one son and two daughters. Elizabeth Douglas, married Francis Hay, 9th Earl of Erroll, by whom she had issue. Jean Douglas. Mary Douglas, married Sir Walter Ogilvy, 1st Lord Ogilvy of Deskford, by whom she had issue. Margaret Douglas, married Sir John Wemyss of Wemyss. Agnes's seven daughters were said to have been so beautiful that they were known as "the pearls of Lochleven". In 1586, the earldom of Morton which had been forfeited in 1581 following the execution and attainder of the 4th Earl of Morton for being one of Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley's murderers, returned to the Douglas family. In 1588, upon the death of Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Morton, Sir William became the 6th Earl of Morton. From that time onward Agnes was styled the Countess of Morton. Sir William received the charter for the earldom on 20 July 1589. William died sometime around the year 1606, which was the same year his wife died. Notes References External links Category:Earls of Morton William Douglas, 6th Earl of Morton Category:1606 deaths Category:Year of birth uncertain
/* * PermissionsEx * Copyright (C) zml and PermissionsEx contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ca.stellardrift.permissionsex.fabric.mixin.check; import ca.stellardrift.permissionsex.fabric.MinecraftPermissions; import ca.stellardrift.permissionsex.fabric.PermissionsExHooks; import ca.stellardrift.permissionsex.fabric.PermissionsExMod; import ca.stellardrift.permissionsex.fabric.RedirectTargets; import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile; import net.minecraft.server.OperatorList; import net.minecraft.server.PlayerManager; import net.minecraft.server.network.ServerPlayerEntity; import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin; import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Overwrite; import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Shadow; import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.At; import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.Inject; import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.Redirect; import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.callback.CallbackInfoReturnable; @Mixin(PlayerManager.class) public abstract class MixinPlayerManager { @Shadow protected abstract void sendCommandTree(ServerPlayerEntity player, int opLevel); /** * Calculate the appropriate client permission level. Currently this is always 4. * This means the server is responsible for fine-grained control of permissions. * <p> * At some point it may make sense to return a more specific value. * * @param player Target to send a command tree to * @reason All logic in the original method needs to be replaced * @author zml */ @Overwrite public void sendCommandTree(ServerPlayerEntity player) { sendCommandTree(player, 4); // TODO: Is this the right choice? } @Redirect(method = "isWhitelisted", at = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = RedirectTargets.OPERATOR_LIST_CONTAINS)) protected boolean canBypassWhitelist(OperatorList list, Object profile) { return PermissionsExHooks.hasPermission((GameProfile) profile, MinecraftPermissions.BYPASS_WHITELIST); } @Inject(method = "isOperator", at = @At("HEAD")) private void logOpCheck(final GameProfile profile, final CallbackInfoReturnable<Boolean> ci) { PermissionsExMod.INSTANCE.logUnredirectedPermissionsCheck("PlayerManager#isOperator"); } }
i would remove the headrest if it interferes with your vision. This could impair your ability to see other vehicles. which is a real safety concern for you and others on the road.Safety comes first. The purpose of the headrest is to protect your neck against backlash, but the headrest may not be necessary if your head is already up against the seat. I checked the State of Florida Drivers manual and could not find anything that would indicate that the removal would violate the law. however I am not a Florida attorney. We are not providing legal advice. Before taking any action you must consult with an attorney who proctices in that state. . This is a complicated area of the law. We are not providing legal advice. Before taking any action you must consult with an attorney practicing in estate and elder law .planning .
Antimony (Sb) is an element belonging to Group 15 of the Periodic Table and behaves similar to arsenic (As). Sb and its compounds are recognized as priority pollutants by the United States Environmental Protection Agency[@b1] and European Union[@b2]. In recent years, the serious Sb pollution resulting from increased exploitation and industrial emission has aroused growing concern[@b3][@b4][@b5]. Among various oxidation states (−3, 0, 3, and 5), antimonite \[Sb(III)\] and antimonate \[Sb(V)\] are the most common forms[@b6]. Because microbial redox reactions can be used as a strategy for biochemical detoxification and can further affect the mobility, toxicity, and bioavailability of Sb in the environment[@b7][@b8], a better comprehension of the microbe-Sb interactions is important for the bioremediation of Sb-contaminated environments and to understand the Sb biogeochemical cycle. In generally, Sb(III) is more toxic than Sb(V)[@b5][@b9], thus, examining the mechanisms driving bacterial oxidation from Sb(III) to Sb(V) could be of significant value in this regard. The understanding of microbial Sb transformation remains deficient compared to that of As[@b10]. It has been reported that the glycerol transporter GlpF and its homolog Fps1p are responsible for Sb(III) uptake, reflecting the structural similarities between Sb(OH)~3~ and glycerol[@b11][@b12][@b13], while the As(III) efflux proteins ArsB and Acr3 can also function as Sb(III) efflux pumps[@b14][@b15]. Nevertheless, the pathway of Sb(V) entrance has not been found yet. In addition, the genes and enzymes involved in microbial Sb(V) reduction and Sb(III) methylation have not been identified, although these phenomena are environmentally widespread[@b9]. In contrast with bacterial As(III) oxidation, which has been clarified for several decades, the mechanism of bacterial Sb(III) oxidation is of relatively recent interest. At present, about 60 Sb(III)-oxidizing bacteria, widely existing in various genera (e.g., *Pseudomonas, Comamonas, Agrobacterium* and *Acinetobacter*), have been reported[@b16]. Recently, we found that the As(III) oxidase AioAB is also function as an Sb(III) oxidase in *Agrobacterium tumefaciens* 5A[@b17], and subsequently we found a novel Sb(III) oxidase AnoA belonging to the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family of enzymes in *A. tumefaciens* GW4[@b18]. Compared with *A. tumefaciens* 5A[@b17], strain GW4 has considerably higher Sb(III) resistance and Sb(III) oxidation efficiency[@b18]. However, deletion of each gene only partially influenced the Sb(III) oxidation efficiency of *A. tumefaciens* strains, indicating other unknown mechanisms. Chemically, Sb(III) can be oxidized through several oxidants, such as H~2~O~2~, iodate, nature minerals (e.g., Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides) and humic acid under oxic conditions[@b19][@b20][@b21][@b22]. In bacterial cells, the aberrant electron flow under stress conditions from the electron transport chain or cellular redox enzymes to O~2~ results in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS)[@b23]. The harmful ROS \[e.g., superoxide (O~2~^**·**−^), hydroxyl (OH^**·**^) and H~2~O~2~\] can induce DNA damage and the oxidative deterioration of lipids and proteins[@b24][@b25][@b26]. Thus, bacteria have evolved defense mechanisms against the oxidative stress. Superoxide dismutase (Sod), which catalyzes the dismutation of O~2~^**·**−^ to H~2~O~2~ and O~2~, plays an important role in defense against ROS. The generated H~2~O~2~ is subsequently consumed by catalases and peroxidases[@b23][@b27]. In a recent work, we deleted the catalase gene *katA* in *A. tumefaciens* GW4 and observed that the Sb(III) oxidation efficiency of the mutant strain was significantly increased, and the phenotype of the complementary strain was recovered[@b16]. Moreover, the transcription of *katA* was induced by both H~2~O~2~ and Sb(III)[@b16]. Therefore, we proposed that the increased Sb(III) oxidation efficiency in the mutant strain might reflect the accumulation of H~2~O~2~ in bacterial cells. Nevertheless, there is no direct evidence of a correlation between H~2~O~2~ and Sb(III) oxidation. In the present study, we performed gene knock-out/complementation of *katA, anoA, aioA* and *anoA/aioA* and in combination with the analyses of Sb(III) oxidation, cellular H~2~O~2~ content and resistance of Sb(III) and H~2~O~2~ in *A. tumefaciens* GW4[@b28]. We provide the first evidence that besides the biotic factors (AnoA and AioAB), the Sb(III) induced cellular H~2~O~2~ also catalyzes bacterial Sb(III) oxidation as an abiotic oxidant. The present study documented the abiotic Sb(III) oxidation and clarified the relationship between Sb(III) resistance and bacterial oxidative stress. The results represent an important step toward unraveling the co-metabolism of bacterial Sb(III) oxidation. Results ======= Genomic information of *aioA, anoA* and *katA* in *A. tumefaciens* GW4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *A. tumefaciens* GW4 is an Sb(III)-oxidizing strain, and its genome sequence was previously published (Accession No. AWGV00000000)[@b18]. To investigate the abiotic factors of Sb(III) oxidation, two types of cellular oxidative stress-related genes were analyzed. The catalase gene *katA*, responsible to degrade H~2~O~2~ to H~2~O and O~2~[@b27], showed a 91% sequence identity with *katA* in *A. tumefaciens* C58[@b29]. We also analyzed the superoxide dismutase Sod, which could convert O~2~^**·**−^ to H~2~O~2~ and O~2~. The BlastN results showed that *katA* is a single-copy gene in the genome of strain GW4, while *sod* has two copies (*sod1* and *sod2*). Thus, subsequent gene knock-out and complementation studies associated with the abiotic factors of Sb(III) oxidation were mainly focused on the *katA* gene. The arrangement of *katA* and its surrounding genes are shown in [Fig. 1A](#f1){ref-type="fig"}. For biotic Sb(III) oxidation, the oxidoreductase gene *anoA* ([Fig. 1B](#f1){ref-type="fig"}), identified as a novel Sb(III) oxidase, is conserved in the genomes of *Agrobacterium, Sinorhizobium* and *Rhizobium* strains[@b18]. Although several genes were annotated as "short chain dehydrogenase", "oxidoreductase", or "putative oxidoreductase" in the genome of strain GW4, the BlastN analyses indicated that the sequences of these genes showed no similarities with that of *anoA*. Moreover, BlastP analyses showed that the protein sequence of AnoA showed only \~30% similarity with those of other oxidoreductases. In addition, draft genome sequencing revealed that an arsenic gene island located in contig 215 contains the As(III) oxidase genes *aioAB* ([Fig. 1C](#f1){ref-type="fig"}), and *aioA* encodes the large subunit of As(III) oxidase[@b30]. Sb(III) induces the transcription of *katA, sod1, sod2* and *anoA*, but not *aioA* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To investigate the biotic and abiotic factors associated with Sb(III) oxidation in *A. tumefaciens* GW4, the transcription levels of genes *katA, sod1, sod2, anoA* and *aioA* were examined. The catalase KatA and superoxide dismutase Sod are involved in the bacterial oxidative stress response, and the Sb(III) oxidase AnoA and As(III) oxidase AioAB were both reported to catalyze Sb(III) oxidation *in vitro*[@b16][@b17][@b18]. The quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR assays indicated that the transcription levels of both *katA* and *anoA* were increased with the addition of Sb(III), consistent with the results of our previous studies[@b16][@b17][@b18]. In addition, the transcription of *sod1* and *sod2* were also induced by Sb(III). The transcription level of *sod1* was much lower than *sod2*, suggesting that *sod2* might play a more important role in dismutation of O~2~^**·**−^. However, the transcription level of *aioA* was not induced by Sb(III) ([Fig. 1D](#f1){ref-type="fig"}), consistent with the previous observations in *A. tumefaciens* 5A[@b17]. Gene knock-out and complementation analyses showed effects of *katA, anoA* and *aioA* on Sb(III) oxidation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously, we showed that the disruption of H~2~O~2~ degradation gene *katA* increased Sb(III) oxidation efficiency in strain GW4[@b16]. The successful deletion and complementation of *katA* were confirmed by diagnostic PCR shown in [Fig. S1](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. Strains GW4-Δ*aioA*, GW4-Δ*anoA* and their complemented strains were obtained from previous studies[@b17][@b18]. Strains GW4-Δ*aioA*/*anoA* and GW4-Δ*aioA*/*anoA-*C were obtained from this study and diagnostic PCR and DNA sequencing were used to confirm the successful deletion and complementation (data not shown). Based on our previous studies[@b16] and the growth tests in this study, all of the strains showed consistent growth profiles in CDM medium containing 50 μM Sb(III) ([Fig. 2](#f2){ref-type="fig"}), indicating that the Sb(III) oxidation was not affected by the growth of the strains under 50 μM Sb(III). Based on our previous results[@b16], we calculated that the Sb(III) oxidation efficiency of strain GW4-Δ*katA* (\~52%) was increased by \~80% compared with the wild-type strain GW4 (\~29%). The catalase KatA is responsible for cellular H~2~O~2~ consumption[@b27], thus we proposed that the high efficient Sb(III) oxidation in strain GW4-Δ*katA* might be associated with the cellular H~2~O~2~ content. Moreover, the GW4-Δ*anoA* showed a \~30% decrease in the Sb(III) oxidation efficiency ([Fig. 2B](#f2){ref-type="fig"}), which is similar to our previous study[@b18]. In contrast, deletion of *aioA* had no effect on the Sb(III) oxidation efficiency during the log phase, while the Sb(III) oxidation efficiency was slightly increased during the stationary phase ([Fig. 2D](#f2){ref-type="fig"}). It has been suggested that in the stationary phase of bacterial growth, other Sb(III) oxidation mechanism(s) might exist and function more efficiently in the absence of *aioA*. The simultaneous deletion of *aioA* and *anoA* resulted in a phenotype of Sb(III) oxidation efficiency between GW4-Δ*aioA* and GW4-Δ*anoA* (\~19% decreased) ([Fig. 2F](#f2){ref-type="fig"}), and all of the complemented strains showed a Sb(III) oxidation efficiency similar to that of the wild-type strain GW4 ([Fig. 2](#f2){ref-type="fig"}). The *katA, anoA* and *aioA* influence each other and further affect Sb(III) oxidation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To elucidate how *katA, anoA* and *aioA* influence each other and further affect Sb(III) oxidation, we detected the transcription level of these genes in each *A. tumefaciens* strain. Bacterial cells were cultivated in CDM medium, and samples were collected after 0.5 h of induction with 50 μM Sb(III). In strain GW4-Δ*katA*, the transcription levels of *aioA* and *anoA* were not increased ([Fig. 3A](#f3){ref-type="fig"}), suggesting that the reduced consumption of H~2~O~2~ might be responsible for the efficient Sb(III) oxidation. In addition, the transcription levels of *aioA* and *katA* in strain GW4-Δ*anoA* showed no significant difference with the wild-type strain, consistent with the phenotype of decreased Sb(III) oxidation efficiency ([Fig. 3B](#f3){ref-type="fig"}). In contrast, the transcription levels of *anoA* and *katA* were up-regulated in strain GW4-Δ*aioA* (p \< 0.01), indicating that the AnoA- and H~2~O~2~-catalyzed Sb(III) oxidation was enhanced relative than the wild-type strain ([Fig. 3C](#f3){ref-type="fig"}). Therefore, the deletion of *aioA* increased the Sb(III) oxidation efficiency in strain GW4. In strain GW4-Δ*aioA*/*anoA*, although the transcription level of the *katA* was increased (p \< 0.01), the loss function of AnoA could not be compensated ([Fig. 3D](#f3){ref-type="fig"}). Expectedly, all of the complemented strains recovered the phenotype back to the wild-type strain GW4 ([Fig. 3](#f3){ref-type="fig"}). The *katA, anoA* and *aioA* are involved in Sb(III) resistance -------------------------------------------------------------- Subsequent efforts focused on the Sb(III) resistance of the *A. tumefaciens* strains. After 48 h incubation in CDM medium without Sb(III) supplementation, all of the strains exhibited a similar amount of viable cell counts ([Fig. 4A](#f4){ref-type="fig"}). Moreover, there was no significant difference between the viable cell counts of the strains cultured with or without 50 μM Sb(III), indicating that 50 μM Sb(III) has no effect on bacterial growth. However, the deletion of *katA* significantly inhibited the growth of strain GW4 with the addition of 100 or 200 μM Sb(III) (p \< 0.05 and p \< 0.01, respectively), suggesting that the reduced H~2~O~2~ consumption might associated with bacterial Sb(III) resistance. In addition, the growth of strains GW4-Δ*anoA*, GW4-Δ*aioA* and GW4-Δ*aioA*/*anoA* were also obviously constrained (p \< 0.05) relative to strain GW4 in the presence of 100 or 200 μM Sb(III), and the phenotypes of the complemented strains were recovered to the wild-type strain ([Fig. 4A](#f4){ref-type="fig"}). These results indicated that both biotic and abiotic factors of Sb(III) oxidation were essential for bacterial Sb(III) resistance. The *katA* is involved in H~2~O~2~ resistance --------------------------------------------- Plate counting assays were also performed to evaluate the antibacterial activities of H~2~O~2~ against *A. tumefaciens* strains using the same culture conditions with Sb(III) resistance. H~2~O~2~ is a substantial component of cellular oxidative stress with a toxic effect on different types of macromolecules[@b31][@b32]. The growth of strain GW4 was not affected by 50, 100 and 200 μM H~2~O~2~, suggesting that the oxidative stress response in strain GW4 is efficient for the detoxification of such concentrations of H~2~O~2~. For strains GW4-Δ*aioA*, GW4-Δ*anoA* and GW4-Δ*aioA*/*anoA* and their complemented strains, the viable cell counts were consistent with wild-type strain GW4, indicating that the deletion of biotic factors in strain GW4 did not affect bacterial H~2~O~2~ resistance ([Fig. 4B](#f4){ref-type="fig"}). However, the growth of GW4-Δ*katA* was significantly inhibited by 50, 100 and 200 μM H~2~O~2~ (p \< 0.01), because such concentrations of H~2~O~2~ could not be efficiently consumed without decomposition through KatA. The phenotype of the complemented strain GW4-Δ*katA*-C was recovered ([Fig. 4B](#f4){ref-type="fig"}). The results demonstrated that *katA* is essential for bacterial H~2~O~2~ resistance. Correlation between H~2~O~2~ content and Sb(III) oxidation both *in vivo* and *in vitro* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To understand the relationship between the cellular H~2~O~2~ content and Sb(III) oxidation, we examined the H~2~O~2~ content in *A. tumefaciens* strains with or without the induction of 50 μM Sb(III). The results indicated the following: i) The generation of cellular H~2~O~2~ was induced by Sb(III), ii) The cellular H~2~O~2~ content was consistent with the transcription level of genes associated with abiotic Sb(III) oxidation, and iii) The content of H~2~O~2~ was proportional to the bacterial Sb(III) oxidation efficiency. The strain with a higher H~2~O~2~ content showed a faster Sb(III) oxidation efficiency ([Figs 2](#f2){ref-type="fig"} and [5A](#f5){ref-type="fig"}). In addition, we measured the dynamic changes in the cellular H~2~O~2~ content and Sb(V) generation in strains GW4, GW4-Δ*katA* and GW4-Δ*katA*-C from 24 to 48 h cultivation with the addition of 50 μM Sb(III). A significant decrease in the residual H~2~O~2~ content was observed with incubation time, while the Sb(V) concentration correspondingly increased ([Fig. 5B,C](#f5){ref-type="fig"}), indicating that the consumed H~2~O~2~ might catalyze bacterial Sb(III) oxidation. Moreover, the H~2~O~2~ content and the increased Sb(V) concentration were significantly linearly correlated, with a correlation coefficient of 0.93 ([Fig. 5D](#f5){ref-type="fig"}). The dynamic changes in the H~2~O~2~ content and Sb(V) generation were also measured in CDM medium with the addition of 50 μM Sb(III) and different concentrations of H~2~O~2~. [Figure 5E](#f5){ref-type="fig"} showed that Sb(III) was transformed to Sb(V) with the addition of H~2~O~2~, indicating that H~2~O~2~ could oxidize Sb(III) to Sb(V) *in vitro*. In addition, there is a correlation between the H~2~O~2~ and Sb(V) contents *in vitro* (R^2^ = 0.94) ([Fig. 5F](#f5){ref-type="fig"}). Based on the *in vivo* and *in vitro* analyses, we proposed that H~2~O~2~ is responsible for bacterial Sb(III) oxidation as an abiotic oxidant in strain GW4. Comparison of Sb(III) oxidation between *A. tumefaciens* GW4 and *A. tumefaciens* 5A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Previous studies have shown that *A. tumefaciens* 5A, which has a *16S rRNA* homology of 99% compared with *A. tumefaciens* GW4, also oxidizes Sb(III) to Sb(V)[@b17][@b33]. AioAB is responsible for Sb(III) oxidation in strain 5A, as the deletion of *aioA* decreased the Sb(III) oxidation efficiency, in contrast with the phenotype of strain GW4-Δ*aioA*[@b17]. To clarify the different effects of *aioA* on Sb(III) oxidation between strain GW4 and 5A, we also investigated the *aioA* mutant in strain 5A under the same culture conditions of strain GW4. The growth of strains GW4 and 5A were not affected by disruption of *aioA* in CDM medium supplemented with 50 μM Sb(III) ([Fig. S2A,B](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). However, the Sb(III) oxidation efficiency was increased in strain GW4-Δ*aioA* ([Fig. S2C](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}), and the transcription of *anoA* and *katA* and the cellular H~2~O~2~ content were increased when *aioA* was deleted ([Figs S3A and S4A](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). In contrast, the Sb(III) oxidation efficiency was decreased in strain 5A-Δ*aioA* ([Fig. S2D](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}), and no increased transcription of *katA* was observed, moreover, the transcription level of *anoA* was only slightly increased ([Fig. S3B](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Although Sb(III) also stimulated the generation of H~2~O~2~, this process was not affected by the disruption of *aioA* in strain 5A ([Fig. S4B](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Discussion ========== Currently, studies have shown that bacterial Sb(III) oxidation is catalyzed through AioAB or AnoA with a certain percentage of contribution[@b17][@b18], indicating the existence of other new bacterial Sb(III) oxidation mechanisms. The present study documents a non-enzymatic basis for microbial Sb(III) oxidation, according to the following observations: i) The transcription of *katA, sod1, sod2* and the cellular H~2~O~2~ content were induced by Sb(III); ii) the Sb(III) oxidation efficiency was consistent with the cellular H~2~O~2~ content in *A. tumefaciens* strains; and iii) The cellular H~2~O~2~ content in the *katA* mutant was remarkably linearly correlated with the Sb(V) concentration. Thus, we concluded that the cellular H~2~O~2~ acts as an abiotic factor in bacterial Sb(III) oxidation. The cellular H~2~O~2~ mediated bacterial Sb(III) oxidation is an smart detoxification process of Sb(III)-oxidizing bacteria through the "using poison against poison" strategy, which could transform the toxic Sb(III) to the much less toxic Sb(V) and consume the toxic cellular H~2~O~2~ simultaneously. In addition, the Sb(III) resistance mechanism associated with bacterial oxidative stress has not been well clarified so far. It has been reported that H~2~O~2~ induces the death of *E. coli*, primarily reflecting DNA damage via the Fenton reaction[@b34][@b35][@b36]. Recently, the bacterial oxidative stress was found to associate with Sb(III) oxidation in *Pseudomonas stutzeri* TS44[@b37]. In this study, the deletion of *katA* significantly decreased H~2~O~2~ resistance, reflecting the disruption of the release of the oxidative stress response in strain GW4. A large number of literatures have shown that heavy metals (e.g. Cr, Cd)[@b38][@b39], transition metals (e.g. Fe, Cu)[@b23] and metalloid (As)[@b40] could induce bacterial oxidative stress response due to their toxic effects. As a most common toxic heavy metal, the production of H~2~O~2~ could be the primary response of bacterial to Sb(III). It appears that the *katA* mutant is more tolerant to Sb(III) than H~2~O~2~ because Sb(III) oxidation consumed the cellular H~2~O~2~ even the *katA* was disrupted. In the presence of 50 μM Sb(III), the amount of H~2~O~2~ was consumed by Sb(III) oxidation and the cellular H~2~O~2~ was not toxic enough to inhibit bacterial growth. However, in the presence of high concentrations (e.g. 100 or 200 μM) of Sb(III), the high amount of H~2~O~2~ induced by Sb(III) in the *katA* mutant has a higher toxic effect on bacterial cells, even though the Sb(III) oxidation also consumed some of the H~2~O~2~. Thus, the Sb(III) resistant level in strain GW4-Δ*katA* was still lower than the wild-type strain GW4. To understand bacterial Sb(III) oxidation and the contribution of each cellular oxidative factor comprehensively, we also investigated the effects of biotic factors on Sb(III) oxidation in *A. tumefaciens* GW4. The deletion of *anoA* led to a \~ 30% decrease in the Sb(III) oxidation efficiency and the abiotic Sb(III) oxidation was not enhanced, indicating that the decreased Sb(III) oxidation efficiency reflected the contribution of AnoA. However, the deletion of *aioA* increased Sb(III) oxidation efficiency, reflecting the increased expression of AnoA and the generation of more H~2~O~2~. Thus, the contribution of AioAB to Sb(III) oxidation in strain GW4 was not obvious, however, AioAB is indeed related to Sb(III) oxidation, since it affects the expressions of AnoA and KatA. In addition, the results of a kinetic analysis in our previous study indicated that AnoA tends to catalyze the Sb(III) oxidation more efficiently than As(III) oxidation, while AioAB is prone to catalyze As(III) oxidation[@b16]. These results suggested that the effect of AnoA on Sb(III) oxidation may higher than that of AioAB. The contribution of H~2~O~2~-catalyzed abiotic Sb(III) oxidation may higher than that of enzymatic catalysis in strain GW4 since the disruption of KatA significantly increased Sb(III) oxidation efficiency[@b16]. The results of a previous study demonstrated that AioAB was responsible for bacterial Sb(III) oxidation in *A. tumefaciens* 5A, suggesting that the effect of *aioA* on Sb(III) oxidation between strain 5A and GW4 was different. In strain 5A, AioAB has a substantial contribution to Sb(III) oxidation efficiency (approximately 25%)[@b17]. However, it appears that AioAB has no positive effect on Sb(III) oxidation in strain GW4, potentially reflecting the different characteristics between these two strains. The Sb(III) MIC of strain 5A is 0.3 mM, while strain GW4 is a highly Sb(III) resistance bacterium with a 8 mM MIC of Sb(III) (data not shown). In addition, strain 5A had a longer lag phase than that of strain GW4 with the addition of 50 μM Sb(III), indicating that Sb(III) might has a more toxic effect on strain 5A. Nonetheless, we cannot exclude the possibility that AioA might catalyze Sb(III) oxidation along with AnoA in strain GW4 because complex regulatory mechanism(s) might be involved in the compensation of the Sb(III) oxidation efficiency in the *aioA* mutant, which needs to be further studied. In nature, H~2~O~2~ is a strong oxidant and it can oxidize not only Sb(III), but also other metalloids, such as As(III). However, the efficiency of bacterial As(III) oxidation catalyzed by H~2~O~2~ is not as obvious as Sb(III) oxidation and the abiotic As(III) oxidation could be hardly observed *in vivo* (data not shown). So far, bacterial As(III) oxidation has been found to be an enzymatic reaction which is primarily catalyzed through AioAB in most As(III)-oxidizing bacteria[@b41]. However, the mechanism of bacterial Sb(III) oxidation is a co-metabolism process catalyzed by AioAB, AnoA and H~2~O~2~, which is different from bacterial As(III) oxidation (at least in *A. tumefaciens* GW4). Although previous studies have shown that AnoA could also oxidize As(III) *in vitro*[@b16], the expression of *anoA* was not induced by As(III)[@b18], and the deletion of *anoA* did not affect the As(III) oxidation efficiency in strain GW4 (data not shown). Thus, the effect of AnoA on bacterial As(III) oxidation was hardly observed. In addition, H~2~O~2~ is an important and effective oxidant responsible for Sb(III) oxidation in alkaline aqueous environments[@b42][@b43], and the Sb(III) oxidation rate is much faster than that of As(III)[@b44][@b45][@b46]. In the present study, the pH of the cultures increased from the initial 6.5 to approximately 8.0 following exposure to Sb(III), indicating that the culture conditions are suitable for H~2~O~2~ to catalyze Sb(III) oxidation ([Fig. S3E,F](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). However, the culture pH decreased with the increasing incubation time during As(III) oxidation of strain GW4 (data not shown), and this pH might not be suitable for abiotic oxidation mediated through H~2~O~2~. Therefore, the abiotic oxidation is more effective on Sb(III) in strain GW4. Based on the observations of the present study, we proposed that microbial Sb(III) oxidation is a co-metabolism process in strain GW4 ([Fig. 6](#f6){ref-type="fig"}): (i) AioAB might be responsible for Sb(III) oxidation in the periplasm[@b17]; (ii) AnoA catalyzes cytoplasmic Sb(III) oxidation with NADP^+^ as a co-factor[@b18]; (iii) Sb(III) induces the bacterial oxidative stress response, leading to the production of ROS[@b37] and H~2~O~2~; iv) the disruption of AioAB increases the expression of AnoA; (v) the disruption of AioAB increases the cellular H~2~O~2~ content and expression of KatA; (vi) the induced H~2~O~2~ oxidizes Sb(III) to Sb(V); and (vii) the redundant H~2~O~2~ is partially consumed by KatA. In summary, the present study provides novel evidences that microbial antimonite oxidation contains both abiotic and biotic mechanisms and elucidates the contribution of each oxidative factor. We show that Sb(III) causes oxidative stress to bacterial cells and further induces the generation of cellular H~2~O~2~. Sb(III) oxidation is a detoxification process by transforming the toxic Sb(III) to the much less toxic Sb(V). Meanwhile, since the cellular H~2~O~2~ is consumed by Sb(III) oxidation process, the Sb(III) oxidation also contributes to against the toxic H~2~O~2~. Such co-mechanism may be widely exist in other Sb(III)-oxidizing microorganisms. The relationship among the biotic and abiotic factors may be further studied by changing Sb(III) concentration, environmental and nutritious conditions. Materials and Methods ===================== Strains and genomic analysis ---------------------------- Bacterial strains and plasmids used in the present study are listed in [Table S1](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. *A. tumefaciens* strains were grown in a chemically defined medium (CDM)[@b47] containing 0 or 50 μM K~2~Sb~2~(C~4~H~2~O~6~)~2~ \[Sb(III)\] with aeration through shaking at 28 °C. *E. coli* strains were cultured at 37 °C in Luria-Bertani (LB) medium. When required, ampicillin (Amp, 100 mg/mL), kanamycin (Kan, 50 mg/mL), tetracycline (Tet, 5 mg/mL), gentamicin (Gen, 50 mg/mL) or chloromycetin (Cm, 50 mg/mL) were added. The genomic analyses of *aioA, anoA, katA* and *sod* were conducted through blastn and blastp in the genome of *A. tumefaciens* GW4 on the NCBI website (<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov>). Constructions *A. tumefaciens* GW4 mutant strains and complemented strains -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An in-frame deletion in *katA* was constructed in strain GW4 using crossover PCR[@b48]. The primers used for construction of the deletion are listed in [Table S2](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. The PCR products were double digested with *BamH*I and *Xba*I and subsequently cloned into pJQ200SK digested with the same restriction enzymes. The final construct pJQ-*katA* was mobilized into strain GW4 via conjugation with *E. coli* S17-1. Single-crossover mutants were identified on LB agar plates containing 100 μg/mL Amp and 50 μg/mL Gen, which were subsequently screened on CDM agar containing 20% sucrose[@b49]. Sucrose^R^ and Gen^Sen^ transconjugants were screened using PCR and DNA sequencing to verify the *katA* deletion. For GW4-Δ*aioA*/*anoA*, an in-frame deletion in *anoA* was constructed in the mutant strain GW4-Δ*aioA* using the method described above. The GW4-Δ*aioA* and GW4-Δ*anoA* mutants and their complementary strains were obtained from previous works[@b17][@b18]. The construction of GW4-Δ*katA* complementation was accomplished using plasmid pCPP30. The complete *katA* coding region was PCR-cloned into *BamH*I - *Pst*I double-digested pCPP30. The resulting plasmid pCPP30-*katA* was subsequently mobilized into strain GW4-Δ*katA* via *E. coli* S17-1. Tet^R^ and Amp^R^ transconjugants were screened on LB agar plates, yielding the complementary strain GW4-Δ*katA*-C. The complementation of GW4-Δ*aioA*/*anoA* was performed using two plasmids, pCPP30 and pCT-Zori[@b50]. The *aioAB* genes along with the upstream RpoN binding site and the complete *anoA* coding region were PCR-cloned into *BamH*I - *Pst*I double-digested pCT-Zori and pCPP30, respectively. The resulting plasmid pCT-Zori-*aioAB* and pCPP30-*anoA* were simultaneously mobilized into strain GW4-Δ*aioA*/*anoA* via *E. coli* S17-1. Subsequently, Tet^R^, Cm^R^ and Amp^R^ transconjugants were screened on LB agar plates. The complementary strains were verified through PCR and DNA sequencing. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis ---------------------------- To investigate the expression of the genes associated with Sb(III) oxidation in *A. tumefaciens* strains, overnight cultures of these strains were each inoculated into 100 mL of CDM at 28 °C with 120 rpm shaking. When the OD~600~ reached 0.2--0.3, 0 or 50 μM Sb(III) was added to the cultures. After 0.5 h of induction, the bacterial cells were harvested for total RNA extraction using Trizol reagent (Invitrogen) and treated with RNase-free DNase I (Takara) according to the manufacturer's instructions (Invitrogen, Grand Island, NY, USA). The quality and quantity of the RNA were monitored using a spectrophotometer (NanoDrop 2000, Thermo). Reverse transcription was performed using the RevertAid First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Thermo) with 300 ng total RNA for each sample[@b51]. Subsequently, the obtained cDNA was diluted 10-fold and used as a template for further analysis. Quantitative RT-PCR was carried out by ABI VIIA7 in 0.1 mL Fast Optical 96-well Reaction Plate (ABI) using SYBR^®^ Green Real-time PCR Master Mix (Toyobo) and the primers listed in [Table S2](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. To eliminate error, three technical and biological replicates were established for each reaction. The *A. tumefaciens* GW4 16S rRNA gene was used as an internal control and the expression data of the genes were normalized to 16S rRNA without Sb(III) using the formula 2^−(ΔCT−CT,16SrRNA,zero\ Sb)^, which was modified from the 2^−ΔΔCT^ method[@b52][@b53][@b54]. Growth, Sb(III) oxidation and sensitivity assays ------------------------------------------------ *A. tumefaciens* strains were each inoculated into 5 mL of CDM with the addition of 50 μM Sb(III) and incubated at 28 °C with shaking at 120 rpm. When the OD~600~ reached 0.5--0.6, the strains were each inoculated into 100 mL of CDM in the presence of 50 μM Sb(III). Culture samples were collected every 8 h for measuring OD~600~ by spectrophotometry (DU800, Beckman). In addition, the samples were centrifuged (13,400 × g) and subsequently filtered (0.22 μm filter) to monitor the Sb(III)/Sb(V) concentrations through HPLC-HG-AFS (Beijing Titan Instruments Co., Ltd., China) according to Li *et al*.[@b55]. To determine the Sb(III) and H~2~O~2~ resistance of *A. tumefaciens* strains, the viable plate counting method was employed. The strains were each inoculated into 100 mL of CDM medium with the addition of different concentrations of Sb(III) or H~2~O~2~ (0 μM, 50 μM, 100 μM and 200 μM) respectively, and incubated at 28 °C with shaking at 120 rpm. After cultivation for 48 h, the samples were collected for gradient dilution and spread onto solid LB medium, respectively. The plates were incubated at 28 °C and counted after 2--3 days until colonies formed. H~2~O~2~ content and Sb(III) oxidation assays --------------------------------------------- To assess the H~2~O~2~ contents, *A. tumefaciens* strains were cultured as described above. After incubation for 0.5 h with 50 μM Sb(III), the bacterial cells (2 mL) were harvested through centrifugation (13,400 × g for 5 min at 4 °C) and washed twice with 50 mmol/L K~3~PO~4~ (pH 7.8). Subsequently, the cells were resuspended in 1 mL K~3~PO~4~ (pH 7.8) and sonicated on ice. The supernatants were obtained through centrifugation (13 400 × g, 10 min, 4 °C) to remove cell debris and subsequently mixed with 50 μL amplex red (AR) (Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO, USA) and 50 μL horseradish peroxidase (HRP) (F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Shanghai, China)[@b56]. After incubation at 37 °C for 15 min, fluorescence (530 ex/587 em) was measured using an EnVision^®^ Multimode Plate Reader (Perkin Elmer). To determine the dynamic variations in the H~2~O~2~ and Sb(V) contents *in vivo*, strains GW4, GW4-Δ*katA* and GW4-Δ*katA*-C were each inoculated into 100 mL of CDM medium supplemented with 50 μM Sb(III) and incubated at 28 °C for 48 h with shaking at 120 rpm. At designated times, the culture samples were collected to assess the H~2~O~2~ contents and monitor the Sb(V) contents as described above. For *in vitro* dynamic changes in the H~2~O~2~ and Sb(V) contents, at designated times, the measurement of Sb(V) concentrations was performed in CDM medium with the addition of 50 μM Sb(III) and different concentrations of H~2~O~2~ (5 μM, 10 μM, 15 μM and 20 μM). Additional Information ====================== **How to cite this article**: Li, J. *et al*. Abiotic and biotic factors responsible for antimonite oxidation in *Agrobacterium tumefaciens* GW4. *Sci. Rep.* **7**, 43225; doi: 10.1038/srep43225 (2017). **Publisher\'s note:** Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Supplementary Material {#S1} ====================== ###### Supplementary Information This work was financially supported through a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31470226) to G.W. The authors declare no competing financial interests. **Author Contributions** J.L. designed and performed the experiments and drafted the manuscript. B.Y., M.S., K.Y., W.G. and Q.W. performed the experiments. G.W. designed the study and revised the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. ![Physical map of *katA, anoA* and *aioA* (**A--C**) and gene transcription of *katA, sod1, sod2, anoA* and *aioA* in *A. tumefaciens* GW4 (**D**). (**A--C**) Gene clusters of *katA, anoA* and *aioA.* (**D**) Quantitative reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis. Total RNA was isolated from strain GW4 cultured in CDM medium with 0.5 h induction of 0 or 50 μM Sb(III). The *16S rRNA* gene was used as a reference. Data are shown as the mean of three replicates, with the error bars representing ± SD. \*\*Represents p \< 0.01; \*represents p \< 0.05.](srep43225-f1){#f1} ![Growth and Sb(III) oxidation curves of *A. tumefaciens* strains.\ (**A**,**C**,**E**) The growth curves of *A. tumefaciens* strains in CDM medium containing 50 μM Sb(III). Panels A, C, E share the same data of strain GW4. (**B**,**D**,**F**) Sb(III) oxidation profiles of the same strains. Panels B, D, F share the same data of strain GW4. The culture conditions were the same as previous described (Li *et al*.[@b15]). Cell growth was measured based on culture optical density, and Sb(V) concentrations in the culture fluids were measured using HPLC-HG-AFS. Error bars correspond to the standard deviations of the means from three independent experiments. The Sb(III) oxidation efficiency was calculated at 48 h according to the formula: \[Sb(V) concentration/Total Sb concentration\]\*100%.](srep43225-f2){#f2} ![Quantitative reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis of the genes associated with Sb(III) oxidation in *A. tumefaciens* strains.\ (**A--D**) Total RNA was each isolated from strains GW4, GW4-Δ*katA,* GW4-Δ*katA-*C, GW4-Δ*anoA*, GW4-Δ*anoA*-C, GW4-Δ*aioA*, GW4-Δ*aioA-*C, GW4-Δ*aioA/anoA* and GW4-Δ*aioA/anoA-*C cultured with 50 μM Sb(III). Panels A-D share the same data of strain GW4. The 16S rRNA gene was used as a reference. Data are shown as the mean of three replicates, with the error bars representing ± SD. \*\*Represents p \< 0.01; \*represents p \< 0.05.](srep43225-f3){#f3} ![Sb(III) (**A**) and H~2~O~2~ (**B**) resistance of *A. tumefaciens* strains. Bacterial cells were inoculated into 100 mL of CDM medium with the addition of different concentrations of Sb(III) or H~2~O~2~ (0, 50, 100 and 200 μM). After 24 h of incubation, the samples were collected for viable plate counting. Data are shown as the mean of three replicates, with the error bars represents ± SD. \*\*Represents p \< 0.01; \*represents p \< 0.05.](srep43225-f4){#f4} ![The cellular H~2~O~2~ content is correlated with bacterial Sb(III) oxidation.\ (**A**) The H~2~O~2~ content and relevant Sb(V) concentration of *A. tumefaciens* strains after 2 h of incubation with or without 50 μM Sb(III). (**B**) H~2~O~2~ content and (**C**) Sb(V) concentration in strains GW4, GW4-Δ*katA* and GW4-Δ*katA*-C from 24 to 48 h of cultivation in CDM medium with the addition of 50 μM Sb(III). (**D**) Correlation between the H~2~O~2~ content and Sb(V) concentration in strain GW4-Δ*katA*. (**E**) Dynamic changes in the H~2~O~2~ and Sb(V) contents in CDM medium with 50 μM Sb(III) and different concentrations of H~2~O~2~ and without the inoculation of *A. tumefaciens* strains. (**F**) Correlation between H~2~O~2~ and Sb(V) contents *in vitro*. Data are shown as the mean of three replicates, with the error bars represents ± SD. \*\*Represents p \< 0.01; \*represents p \< 0.05.](srep43225-f5){#f5} ![A proposed model of bacterial Sb(III) oxidation based on the present study and literatures.\ (1) Sb(III) oxidation might be catalyzed through As(III) oxidase AioAB[@b17]; (2) Sb(III) oxidase AnoA was shown to oxidize Sb(III) to Sb(V) in cytoplasm with NADP^+^ as a cofactor[@b18]; (3) Sb(III) induced the cellular production of ROS (O~2~^−^) and H~2~O~2~; (4--5) Deletion of *aioA* in *A. tumefaciens* GW4 resulted in the increased expression of AnoA and KatA and cellular H~2~O~2~ content; (6) H~2~O~2~ oxidizes Sb(III) oxidation as an abiotic factor; (7) The residual H~2~O~2~ was partially consumed through KatA.](srep43225-f6){#f6} [^1]: Present address: Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA.
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Joshua Zeitz, a Politico Magazine contributing editor, is the author of Building the Great Society: Inside Lyndon Johnson's White House, which will be released on January 30. Follow him @joshuamzeitz. This article is the third in a series on how President Donald Trump changed history—reviving historical debates that have simmered on low heat for years, and altering how historians think about them. See the other articles in the series here and here. Imagine, if you will, that millions of hard-working Americans finally reached their boiling point. Roiled by an unsettling pattern of economic booms and busts; powerless before a haughty coastal elite that in recent decades had effectively arrogated the nation’s banks, means of production and distribution, and even its information highway; burdened by the toll that open borders and free trade imposed on their communities; incensed by rising economic inequality and the concentration of political power—what if these Americans registered their disgust by forging a new political movement with a distinctly backward-looking, even revanchist, outlook? What if they rose up as one and tried to make America great again? Would you regard such a movement as worthy of support and nurture—as keeping with the democratic tradition of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson? Or would you mainly dread the ugly tone it would inevitably assume—its fear of the immigrant and the Jew, its frequent lapse into white supremacy, its slipshod grasp of political economy and its potentially destabilizing effect on longstanding institutions and norms? To clarify: This scenario has nothing whatsoever to do with Donald Trump and the modern Republican Party. Rather, it is a question that consumed social and political historians for the better part of a century. They clashed sharply in assessing the essential character of the Populist movement of the late 1800s—a political and economic uprising that briefly drew under one tent a ragtag coalition of Southern and Western farmers (both black and white), urban workers, and utopian newspapermen and polemicists. That debate pitted “progressive” historians of the early 20th century and their latter-day successors who viewed Populism as a fundamentally constructive political movement, against Richard Hofstadter, one of the most influential American historians then or since. Writing in 1955, Hofstadter theorized that the Populists were cranks—backward-looking losers who blamed their misfortune on a raft of conspiracy theories. Hofstadter lost that debate: Historians generally view Populism as a grass-roots movement that fought against steep odds to correct many of the economic injustices associated with the Gilded Age. They write off the movement’s ornerier tendencies by pointing out—with some justification—that Populism was a product of its time, and inasmuch as its supporters sometimes expressed exaggerated fear of “the secret plot and the conspiratorial meeting,” so did many Americans who did not share their politics. But does that point of view hold up after 2016? The populist demons Trump has unleashed—revanchist in outlook, conspiratorial in the extreme, given to frequent expressions of white nationalism and antisemitism—bear uncanny resemblance to the Populist movement that Hofstadter described as bearing a fascination with “militancy and nationalism … apocalyptic forebodings … hatred of big businessmen, bankers, and trusts … fears of immigrants … even [the] occasional toying with anti-Semitic rhetoric.” A year into Trump’s presidency, the time is right to ask whether Hofstadter might have been right after all about Populism, and what that possibly tells us about the broader heritage of such movements across the ages. *** The roots of the American populist movement go back to the Civil War, when aggressive borrowing and spending to fund the Union war effort catalyzed economic development throughout the North and Northwest. A new industrial class also grew rich off government contracts—men like Philip Armour, who revolutionized the canned-meat industry; John D. Rockefeller, who conceived new processes for oil refinement; and Thomas Scott, a wartime innovator in railroad management. Congress enacted a sweeping legislative agenda that fundamentally transformed the country, including the Homestead Act, which bequeathed 160 acres of federal land to any Western settler who lived for five years on his allotment and made requisite improvements to the land, and the Pacific Railroad Act, granting private railroad companies land and loans to construct new lines that would span the continent. The postwar boom was like nothing before in American history: Between 1865 and 1873, industrial production increased by 75 percent, allowing the United States to leapfrog ahead of every other country, save Britain, in manufacturing output. The burgeoning railroad system unified the inhabitants of a sprawling continent and created new opportunities for large ranching, mining and, especially, railroad concerns to exploit and merchandise the vast resources of the trans-Mississippi West. But while the boom proved lucrative to the small number of men who controlled access to local resources, it was much less profitable for the hundreds of thousands of ranchers, farmers, factory workers, miners and railroad laborers who supplied the muscle—especially after the federal government turned away from the easy money policy that underwrote wartime expansion, much to the disadvantage of indebted farmers and workers. While some Democrats supported an inflationary policy of redeeming war bonds with greenbacks, Republicans and conservative Democrats insisted on a hard-money policy that benefited bondholders. As a result, many of the North’s once-sturdy independent farmers—including hundreds of thousands who trekked westward, only to fall victim to declining crop prices (partly due to currency contraction) and land speculation on the part of railroad interests—now found it more expensive to pay back loans they had taken out to purchase land and equipment. Matters were worse in the South, a region where most capital had previously been invested in land and slaves. Much of the land now lay in ruins, and emancipation erased trillions of dollars (in today’s money) of value overnight. Confederate currency was worthless, and the federal government required that all Confederate debts be repudiated. As a consequence, in the years following the end of Reconstruction, millions of Southerners fell into various states of economic dependency, ranging from the crop-lien system to full-fledged tenancy. Politics in this era were in many ways tribal—a holdover from the Civil War. Conservative “Bourbon” Democrats controlled most of the South, while Republicans remained firmly in command in the North and Midwest. But with notable exceptions, both parties largely supported the same economic policies. The ruling class in each party advocated a return to the gold standard, a policy that benefited wealthy investors and creditors but drove down commodity prices and created an existential crisis for indebted farmers. Republicans and Bourbon Democrats also aligned themselves with railroad companies that swept up the best public lands and resold them at a steep premium to westward settlers; the same railroads charged variable rates to small and large producers, thus placing family farms at a sharp disadvantage. In response to these hardships, farmers in the South and Midwest formed a wide variety of self-help organizations, like the Grange, to pool capital and farm output and exert pressure on railroads. They created third-party organizations, like the short-lived Greenback Party, to advocate an expansion of paper currency and silver specie. Ultimately, they coalesced in 1892 under the banner of the People’s Party—aka, the Populist Party—and adopted a wide-ranging platform advocating progressive tax reform; free coinage of silver; government-backed credit facilities for small farmers; limitations on public subsidies to corporations; and the nationalization of railroads, to ensure equal freight rates for all producers. They forged wobbly but, for a time, effective coalitions with urban labor organizations. As most students of American history know, the Populists did not break through the nation’s entrenched two-party system. That’s another topic altogether. But the parallels between then and now are striking. Ordinary citizens chafed at growing economic inequality and identified powerful interests—railroads, banks, financial speculators—that seemed to control the levers of power. Many came to believe that the two major political parties, despite certain differences, were fundamentally in the pockets of the same interests and equally unresponsive to popular concerns. The 19th-century economy was of course different from today’s, but the issues were in many respects the same. A convention of farmers in the late 1860s demanded that railroad land be assessed at “the full nominal value of the stock on which the railroad seeks to declare dividends,” rather than watered-down stock, much in the same way that today’s populists demand regulations that make it difficult for corporations to diminish or defray their tax bills. The same convention called for a new interstate commerce law that would “secure the same rates of freight to all persons for the same kind of commodities,” and an end to pricing preferences that “shut off competition.” Substitute “internet service provider” for railroad, and fast forward to a 21st-century information economy, and the problem—freight pricing or net neutrality—is essentially the same. In our own day, we suffer no dearth of would-be working-class heroes and charlatans. So too did the Populist era of the late 19th century give rise to colorful figures like “Sockless” Jerry Simpson, the three-term congressman from Kansas, so-called because he famously excoriated a wealthy political opponent for being “encased in fine silk hosiery”; Mary Elizabeth Lease, the famed Populist orator who exhorted farmers to “raise less corn and more hell”; and William Jennings Bryan, the boy congressman, thundering orator and three-time presidential candidate. So there’s good reason in the age of Trump to look to the Populist era for earlier examples of what happens when a citizenry believes that the system no longer works. *** Early students of Populism—notably, the progressive historian John Hicks, who wrote in the 1920s and 1930s—admired the movement’s supporters for practicing a hard-nosed version of interest-group politics. Legitimately besieged by a rigged political and economic system, farmers and other working people demanded policies that would remediate their condition and help them reestablish control over their lives. Studying the Populists from the vantage point of the mid-1950s, Hofstadter saw something different. The Civil War, he noted, had catalyzed a global information revolution: By the 1870s, railroads spanned the American continent and submerged oceanic telegraph lines bound Europe, North America and South America in real time, allowing them to integrate their markets for agricultural, mineral and finished goods. The era saw a massive movement of internal migrants from farms to cities, and immigrants from one continent to another. To invoke a more modern term, globalization was drawing people in closer proximity. It also bound markets together, compelled a global drop in commodity prices and created a boom-and-bust cycle that was normally outside the ability of local or even national governments to control. But Hofstadter—who believed there was “indeed much that is good and usable in our Populist past,” and who acknowledged that it was the “first modern political movement of practical importance in the United States to insist that the federal government had some responsibility for the common weal”—viewed Populists as fundamentally revanchist. “The utopia of the Populists was in the past, not the future,” he observed. They were unwilling to acknowledge that the world was changing—that local markets were being swallowed up by global commerce, and that the early republic of small, yeoman farmers was a thing of the past. Millions of Americans gambled that they could take out loans, purchase or settle on cheap land, buy equipment and thrive as independent farmers, just as the global economy was rendering that way of life obsolete. “I am not trying to deny the difficulties of [the farmer’s] position or the reality and seriousness of his grievances,” he wrote in The Age of Reform. But these same farmers knowingly mimicked the “acquisitive goals” and “speculative temper” of Big Business without absorbing any of the “marketing devices, strategies of combination, or skills of self-defense and self-advancement through pressure politics” that large corporations practiced. What especially turned Hofstadter off to Populism was its shrill anger and conspiratorial view of the world. Sockless Jerry Simpson called politics a “struggle between the robbers and the robbed,” a rhetorical construction that Hofstadter viewed as almost paranoiac. This very ethos was pervasive in Populist tracts. In the preamble to the 1892 Populist party platform, Ignatius Donnelly, who began his political career as a radical anti-slavery Republican, warned that a “vast conspiracy against mankind has been organized on two continents, and it is rapidly taking possession of the world. If not met and overthrown at once, it forebodes terrible social convulsions and the destruction of civilization, or the establishment of an absolute despotism.” Who was behind that conspiracy? Bankers, to begin with. In her popular treatise, Seven Financial Conspiracies which have Enslaved the American People, the Populist writer Mrs. S.E.V. Emery focused her ire on the “money kings of Wall Street” who had manipulated currency and strangled the self-sufficient farmer into submission. Gordon Clark, another polemicist for the cause, was more direct. His most important contribution was titled, Shylock: as Banker, Bondholder, Corruptionist, Conspirator. Based on his reading of wide-circulation Populist literature, Hofstadter concluded that the agrarian revolt was obsessed with Jews. A century before George Soros became the bête noire of Trumpian populism, the insidious English banker “Baron Rothe”—the central character in the fictional novel A Tale of Two Nations and clearly patterned after Nathan Rothschild, the prominent British financier and politician—plotted against silver coinage in the United States, largely to preserve British economy hegemony. At a meeting of the National Silver Convention of 1892, a representative of the New Jersey Grange warned against the perfidious influence of “Wall Street, and the Jews of Europe.” When she censured conservative Democrat Grover Cleveland, Mary Elizabeth Lease naturally wrote him down as “the agent of Jewish bankers and British gold.” Donnelly, the onetime crusader for the rights of freedmen, wrote a polemical novel in which Baron James Rothschild (Nathan’s cousin and successor in Parliament) plunged both Britain and the United States “into the hands of … Jews.” On-site at the Populist national convention, a reporter for the Associated Press was struck by “the extraordinary hatred of the Jewish race.” Populists also showed antipathy toward immigrants, Jewish and otherwise. “We have become the world’s melting pot,” wrote Tom Watson, a leading Georgia populist. “The scum of creation has been dumped on us. Some of our principal cities are more foreign than American. The most dangerous and corrupting horde of the Old World have invaded us. The vice and crime they planted in our midst are sickening and terrifying. What brought these Goths and Vandals to our shores? The manufacturers are mainly to blame. They wanted cheap labor; and they didn’t care a curse how much harm to our future might be the consequence of their heartless policy.” Hofstadter’s problem wasn’t with Populism (capital P) as much as it was with populist movements (small p), more generally. Like many mid-century liberal intellectuals who believed in progressive but incremental change of the variety that the Democratic Party then offered, he looked askance at mass politics, specifically in the form of an anti-communist frenzy—McCarthyism—that seemed eerily parallel to the fascist wave that had overwhelmed Europe in very recent memory. To be clear, he did not argue that fascism, McCarthyism and Populism were the same movement or that they shared a similar agenda or ideology. But he believed they shared a dispositional kinship—a style and way of representing grievances. They were unthinking, conspiratorial and deeply prejudiced. When he thumbed through Populist tracts, Hofstadter saw both the crowds at Nuremberg and ordinary Americans frothing at the mouth about a dark and shadowy communist conspiracy. Hofstadter was not quite alone among liberal scholars of his age in evincing disdain for mass political movements. Sociologists David Riesman and Nathan Glazer captured this paradox neatly in 1955 when they observed that many intellectuals felt a closer kinship with Wall Street, which was tolerant of “civil rights and civil liberties”—two post-war liberal priorities—than with their “former allies … the farmers and lower classes of the city.” Hofstadter’s influence being what it was, he provoked a historical debate that lasted well into the 20th century, though in the years after his death in 1970, at the age of 54, his interpretation of Populism fell mostly out of favor. A new generation of historians that came of age with the civil rights, anti-war and second-wave feminist movements looked more kindly on mass politics and saw in the Populists an earlier version of their own reform wave. Lawrence Goodwyn, who replaced Hofstadter as the most prominent scholar of Populism, revived the progressive historians’ understanding of the agrarian plight but provided new focus to the Populists’ establishment of a vibrant “movement culture.” Unlike Hofstadter, who came dangerously close to characterizing them as unsophisticated rubes—deplorables, perhaps—Goodwyn saw hard-headed political pragmatists who defied all odds to upend an entrenched American political system. In dozens of micro-studies focusing on specific states or communities, doctoral students drilled down, bypassing the nationally prominent voices that Hofstadter studied in favor of local newspapers, tracts and conventions. Some, like, Walter Nugent, who as early as 1963 wrote The Tolerant Populists: Kansas Populism and Nativism, found in his subjects a noticeable absence of paranoia, anti-Semitism and nativism. Others focused on local politics and economics to recover at a granular level the very real ways in which the system was indeed rigged. For these scholars, Populism was of a piece with America’s sunnier grass-roots tradition—a heritage that included first- and second-wave feminism, the post-war Civil Rights movement, organized labor and the environmental and consumer rights movements. It was about ordinary people banding together to make a difference. They weren’t all perfect; not every activist was a paragon of tolerance. But in the main, they represented some of the best instincts in American political culture. It’s a point of view that took hold. Today, most historians preparing a lecture on Populism would likely gravitate more closely to Goodwyn and his disciples. With the perspective of time, Hofstadter seems too indifferent to the very real problems ordinary Americans in the late 19th century faced. Even if he was sort of right about the Populist tone, he overstated his case. *** So what to make of the contemporary movement that has coalesced, improbably, around a certain gilded billionaire? Many of Trump’s supporters evince the same feeling of powerlessness in the face of powerful institutions as their Populist forebears, and they aren’t wrong about that by any stretch of the imagination. They view both parties as under the thumb of the same donor class. Nor are they wrong about that. But if a historian 100 years hence were to read in its entirety Trump’s Twitter feed—or watch five years’ worth of Fox News and comb through a full run of Infowars and Breitbart—it seems likely he or she would want to take a second look at Hofstadter. Judging by the media they produce and consume, today’s conservative populists aren’t just searching for economic justice in an unequal world. They are also in the thrall of unhinged conspiracy theories (Pizzagate, Benghazi, Uranium-gate, pretty much anything involving the Clintons) and a little more obsessed with Jews than is healthy. They harbor deep antipathy toward non-Christians, Latinos and African-Americans. They want to wind the clock back to 1950, much as Hofstadter’s Populists wanted to wind it back to 1850. Does that describe every Trump voter? Not by a stretch. But it is a fair representation of the media and propaganda machine that fuels the movement. And it’s hard to argue that it showcases the best of American politics. Should that move us to reconsider other populist movements? Looking back on Huey Long and Father Coughlin, George Wallace and Pat Buchanan through the lens of Trumpian politics, the ugly, unhinged strain to American populism that meets at the intersection of the far right and far left appears in sharp relief. Hofstadter observed this underbelly of mass politics and warned against it. But Hofstadter is most useful when we scratch below that surface. His goal wasn’t to establish that populists, who over time have pursued a wide variety of ideological and policy ends, are bad people. His larger point was that populist eyes are often cast in the wrong direction—backward. At critical junctures in history, they prove unreconciled to economic and cultural change and to globalization, both in the form of open markets and open borders. They endeavor to reestablish lost worlds—a Jeffersonian republic of small farms and independent shops, or a latter-day utopia of tidy suburbs and unionized factories and mines, that have no hope of survival in a changing world. They bitterly but understandably resist acknowledgment that the country in which they grew up has irrevocably changed. “The Populists wanted a restoration of agrarian profits and popular government,” Hofstadter concluded. But they found themselves “impotent and deprived in an industrial culture.” Throughout American history, movements that only know how to look backward—like the Populists of the 1890s—rarely endured. But they often leave a lasting mark on the larger culture—sometimes for good, as when establishment politicians recognize the need to blunt their force by addressing some of their legitimate complaints. And sometimes for bad, when they encourage citizens to castigate strangers, real and imagined, for problems that have no simple solution.
An exploration of the way in which the concept of patient advocacy is perceived by registered nurses working in an acute care hospital. The purpose of this study was to provide a beginning exploration of the way in which registered general nurses perceived the concept of patient advocacy. A qualitative approach was taken using the techniques of the grounded theory method. A volunteer sample of eight registered nurses working in an adult acute care ward of a major metropolitan hospital were interviewed using an semi-structured format. Areas explored during the interviews included personal definitions of patient advocacy, elements of the advocate role, and the rationale for the nurse acting as patient advocate. Data analysis commenced during the data collection phase, where initial interviews were transcribed, coded and beginning categories were identified. The findings indicate that for the participants, advocacy is based on respect for the person, and acknowledgement of human rights. The quality of the relationship between the nurse and the patient appears to be the basis for the advocate role. Three initial categories emerged that describe the major elements of the participant's conceptualization of patient advocacy. These are, informing, supporting and representing.
Diagnostic performance of retinal digital photography for diabetic retinopathy screening in primary care. We must study alternatives to structure an effective diabetic retinopathy screening program for Brazilian public health system. Evaluate the diagnostic performance of retinal digital photography for diabetic retinopathy screening in primary care, accuracy of the family physician in diabetic retinopathy identification compared to the ophthalmologist, and the need for dilation. In a primary care service were performed retinal photographs with non-mydriatic Retinal Camera in 219 type 2 diabetic patients with and without medication mydriasis. We evaluated the performance of the diagnostic of the photos graded by three family physicians with training compared to two ophthalmologists (gold standard), and explore related factors with the need for mydriasis pharmacologically. The prevalence of diabetic retinopathy and proliferative diabetic retinopathy was 19.2% and 1.5%, respectively. The sensitivity of family physicians to evaluate diabetic retinopathy averaged 82.9% (66.7-94.8%); specificity, 92% (90.2-93.3%); the accuracy, 90.3% (88.2-93%) and positive predictive value, 71.2% (68-75.5%). The agreement calculated using the kappa adjusted coefficient was from 0.74 to 0.8 for retinopathy and 0.88 to 0.92 for macular edema. Without drug mydriasis the photos were unreadable by 14.8%, when using mydriatic collyrium this number decreased to 8.7% (McNemar test, P < 0.005). Patients with more than 65 years old has more readability after drug mydriasis (McNemar test, P = 0.011). Trained family physician reached a good performance for evaluation of retinography for diabetic retinopathy. There was improvement in readability with pupil dilation in older patients.
Buruli ulcer. A disabling infection. Buruli ulcers result from an initial skin infection that often leads to extensive tissue necrosis. The causative agent is Mycobacterium ulcerans, a bacterium prevalent in humid, rural tropical areas. Several thousand people are infected each year, especially in Africa, where Buruli ulcers are a source of major disability. A combination of oral rifampicin and injectable streptomycin is effective. Surgical treatment and functional rehabilitation are often necessary. Diagnostic tests suitable for use in primary care settings are needed, along with well-tolerated, effective oral treatments.
My fave character Foxxy Love in hot naked cartoon episode... Captain is going to unveil all of having sex pics Hero's homeworld is also called Zebulon which may be a reference to one of the ten lost tribes of the Israelites. My fave toon Toot Braunstein from Drawn Together XXX episode with Foxxy Love.
And that gets back to, who made up the moving with the center thing anyway? Perhaps an oversimplification overglorification of that whole hara thing the Japanese seem so obsessed with? I don't think it was O'Sensei, that's for sure. Oh sure, he mentioned a hara, but did he really say it was a single point or that it operated in isolation? it's because of the loin cloth thingy where you tied the knot right in front and the back looked like a thong. so when someone grabbed the knot and pull, you have to move or it would be painful (involved high pitch breathing that we called kokyu that sounded like aaaiiiii...yekkiiii *origin of aiki*); thus, the phrase of "move the hara" or "moving from the center" was born (and the less well known phrase "move your ass"). you can say the same thing with Chasity belt for women. in conclusion, moving with your center has nothing to do with aikido, but with fashion runway stuffs (with or without high heels).
Introduction {#Sec1} ============ Survival benefit from low tidal volume (*V*~T~) ventilation (LTVV) has clearly been demonstrated for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) \[[@CR1]\]. Patients not having ARDS could also benefit from this strategy \[[@CR2]--[@CR5]\], albeit that tidal volumes may not always need to be as low as in patients with ARDS \[[@CR6]\]. As it could be difficult to discriminate patients with ARDS from those not having ARDS \[[@CR7], [@CR8]\], one reasonable and pragmatic approach could be to use LTVV (defined as ventilation using a *V*~T~ ≤ 8 ml/kg predicted body weight \[PBW\]) in all invasively ventilated critically ill patients \[[@CR9]\]. This is, at least, in part in line with international guidelines recommending a *V*~T~ of 4 to 8 ml/kg PBW in patients with ARDS \[[@CR10]\], and with the suggestion not to use a *V*~T~ \> 8 ml/kg PBW in patients not having ARDS \[[@CR11]--[@CR13]\]. Several studies have demonstrated an increased adherence to LTVV over recent decades \[[@CR14]--[@CR17]\]. Yet, many patients remain to receive ventilation with a too large *V*~T~ \[[@CR7], [@CR18], [@CR19]\]. For instance, the 'Large observational study to UNderstand the Global impact of Severe Acute respiratory FailurE' (LUNG SAFE) study showed that as many as one-third of ARDS patients receive a *V*~T~ \> 8 ml/kg PBW \[[@CR7]\]. A similar proportion of patients without ARDS did not receive LTVV in the 'PRatice of VENTilation in critically ill patients without ARDS' (PRoVENT) study \[[@CR18]\]. In the 'Checklist During Multidisciplinary Visits for Reduction of Mortality in Intensive Care Units' (CHECKLIST-ICU) study, even if the intervention led to a better adherence to LTVV as compared with the control group, only two-thirds of patients under invasive ventilation in the intervention group received a *V*~T~ ≤ 8 ml/kg PBW \[[@CR19]\]. Organizational factors associated with a better outcome in ICU patients include intensity of doctor, nurse and respiratory therapist staffing \[[@CR20]--[@CR24]\], continuity of care \[[@CR25], [@CR26]\], and use of multidisciplinary rounds and structured handovers \[[@CR27], [@CR28]\]. Yet, no study evaluated which organizational factors are related to adherence to LTVV. Therefore, the CHECKLIST-ICU database was used to identify organizational factors that are independently associated with adherence to LTVV. Methods {#Sec2} ======= Study design and patients {#Sec3} ------------------------- The study protocol of the CHECKLIST-ICU study was prepublished \[[@CR29]\] and registered (clinicaltrials.gov, study identifier NCT01785966), and the results of the primary analysis were reported recently \[[@CR19]\]. In brief, the CHECKLIST-ICU study consisted of two phases. In phase I, organizational factors and clinical outcomes were collected in 118 Brazilian adult ICUs, from August 2013 to March 2014. In phase II, the ICUs were randomized to a quality improvement intervention or to usual care, from April 2014 to November 2014. The quality improvement intervention consisted of a checklist and discussion of goals of care during daily multidisciplinary rounds, followed by clinician prompting to ensure checklist adherence and goals of care. The checklist assessed prevention and management of lung injury, venous thromboembolism, ventilator-associated pneumonia, central line-associated bloodstream and urinary tract infections, nutritional targets, analgesia and sedation goals, detection of sepsis and ARDS, and antibiotic initiation and stewardship. In specific, for prevention of lung injury, it was advised to adhere to LTVV and to assess readiness for extubation. Other care processes, with the exception of the checklist, discussion of goals of care and clinician prompting were unchanged between the two phases of the study. The institutional review boards of all centers approved the study. The funding source had no role in the analysis or publication decisions. The CHECKLIST-ICU restricted participation to patients 18 years or older; and with an ICU stay longer than 48 h. Patients in whom a high probability of early death was anticipated (defined as death occurring between the 48th and 72nd hours of the ICU stay), patients receiving exclusive palliative care, as well as patients who were suspected of or had a diagnosis of brain death were excluded. The current analysis uses data from both study phases, but restricted to patients who had received invasive ventilation for at least 2 days. This period was chosen for two reasons: first, to guarantee sufficient time to evaluate exposure to the intervention, and second, because the majority of patients were extubated within 3 days. Data collection and definitions {#Sec4} ------------------------------- The database of the CHECKLIST-ICU study contains baseline information \[age, gender, reason for admission, type of admission (clinical, elective or urgent surgery), illness severity (Simplified Acute Physiology Score \[SAPS\] 3 and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment \[SOFA\])\], study phase (phase I or II), ICU and hospital mortality, and ICU and hospital length of stay. For ventilation evaluation, in the original trial *V*~T~ size was recorded on day 2, 5, 8, 11, 14 and 17. The target *V*~T~ in the checklist was ≤ 8 ml/kg PBW in all days, with PBW calculated as 50 + 0.91\*(height \[in cm\] − 152.4) for males and 45.5 + 0.91\*(height \[in cm\] − 152.4) for females. For the purpose of the current analysis, adherence to LTVV was defined as *V*~T~ of ≤ 8 ml/kg PBW at the second day of ventilation only. In the participating units, physiotherapists were responsible for the ventilator settings and the physical therapy. However, ventilatory management was adjusted according to decisions taken in multidisciplinary rounds, and after approval of the physician in charge. In some units, in particular when a physiotherapist was not a member of the team, nurses were allowed to change ventilatory settings. The following organizational data related to the process of care of each participating ICU were collected in the CHECKLIST-ICU study and considered in the present study:Level of hospital (tertiary vs non-tertiary);Type of hospital (specialty vs general);Teaching status (university affiliated vs not university affiliated);Number of hospital beds (according to tertiles in the present study);Number of ICU beds (according to tertiles in the present study);Presence of multidisciplinary rounds (yes vs no);Use of a structured checklist during rounds (yes vs no);Presence of sedation and analgesia, and weaning, and prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) protocols (yes vs no);Presence of board-certified ICU consultant (morning and afternoon vs morning or afternoon);Presence of at least one physician for each 10 patients in all shifts; (yes vs no);Presence of one board-certified respiratory therapist coordinator (yes vs no);Presence of one respiratory therapist for each 10 patients in all shifts (yes vs no);Presence of at least one nurse per 10 patients during all shifts (yes vs no). Outcomes {#Sec5} -------- The primary outcome of this analysis was the organizational factors associated with adherence to LTVV. Secondary outcomes were the adherence to LTVV on the second day of ventilation, and the impact of adherence to LTVV in ICU and hospital mortality. Statistical analyses {#Sec6} -------------------- Continuous variables are presented as mean ± standard deviation and compared with Student's *t* test. Categorical variables are presented as absolute numbers and proportions and compared with the Chi square test or Fisher's exact test, where appropriate. All analyses were performed using multilevel (patients nested in study centers, within the phases of the trial) mixed modeling with centers as random effect and the phase of the study as a fixed effect. Absolute difference between the groups with the respective 95%-confidence interval (95% CI) was calculated from a mixed-effect linear model and reported as mean differences for continuous variables and as risk differences for categorical variables. The association between organizational factors and use of LTVV was assessed with a mixed-effect generalized linear model and the variables included in the multivariable models were defined according to clinical rationale and when a *p* value \< 0.20 was found in the univariable models. The final multivariable model was adjusted for patient severity, according to SAPS 3 and SOFA. Heterogeneity between the phases of the trial was determined by fitting a fixed interaction term between the phase and organizational factors associated with use of LTVV, while overall effect is reported with phase treated as a fixed effect and centers treated as a random effect. The use of a structured checklist was not considered in the heterogeneity analysis, since it was used only in one of the phases of the study, i.e., in the cluster-randomized trial. The impact of LTVV on ICU and hospital mortality was also assessed with a mixed-effect generalized linear model considering a binomial distribution, adjusted for SAPS 3 and SOFA at the patient level. Continuous variables were standardized before being included in the multivariable models described above to improve convergence. All analyses were performed using the R (R, version 3.6.0, Core Team, Vienna, Austria, 2016) software, and a two-sided alpha level of 0.05 was considered. Results {#Sec7} ======= The database of the CHECKLIST-ICU study included data of a total 13,638 patients in 118 ICUs. Of them, 5719 patients had received invasive ventilation for at least 2 days, 2936 (51.3%) in phase I, and 2783 (48.7%) in phase II (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}). Baseline characteristics of patients who received LTVV (3340 patients, 58% of all patients) and patients who did not receive LTTV at the second day of ventilation (2379 patients, 42% of all patients) are shown in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}. Most admissions were medical, and the main reasons for admission were sepsis and acute respiratory failure. *V*~T~ data were available for all patients on day 2.Fig. 1Patient flowchart. LTVV, low tidal volume ventilationTable 1Baseline characteristics of the included patientsAll patients (*n* = 5719)LTVV\* (*n* = 3340)No LTVV\* (*n* = 2379)*p* valueAge, years63.0 ± 19.260.9 ± 19.566.0 ± 18.4\< 0.001Female gender2441 (42.7)1022 (30.6)1419 (59.6)\< 0.001Predicted body weight, kg60.5 ± 10.163.9 ± 9.255.7 ± 9.2\< 0.001Height, cm166 ± 9169 ± 9162 ± 9\< 0.001SAPS III62.3 ± 17.161.7 ± 17.463.2 ± 16.70.002SOFA6.6 ± 3.76.5 ± 3.76.7 ± 3.70.068Study phase\< 0.001 Observational2936 (51.3)1635 (49.0)1301 (54.7) Interventional2783 (48.7)1705 (51.0)1078 (45.3)Type of admission\< 0.001 Medical4326 (75.6)2486 (74.4)1840 (77.3) Elective surgery371 (6.5)202 (6.0)169 (7.1) Urgent surgery1022 (17.9)652 (19.5)370 (15.6)Reason for ICU admission0.078 Postoperative care694 (12.1)419 (12.5)275 (11.6) Acute respiratory failure1323 (23.1)752 (22.5)571 (24.0) Cardiac arrest174 (3.0)100 (3.0)74 (3.1) Neurological disorders816 (14.3)472 (14.1)344 (14.5) Liver disorders74 (1.3)44 (1.3)30 (1.3) Gastrointestinal disorders105 (1.8)59 (1.8)46 (1.9) Sepsis1063 (18.6)601 (18.0)462 (19.4) Shock (not considering sepsis)98 (1.7)64 (1.9)34 (1.4) Cardiovascular disorders237 (4.1)135 (4.0)102 (4.3) Kidney disorders188 (3.3)106 (3.2)82 (3.4) Hematological disorders45 (0.8)20 (0.6)25 (1.1) Others902 (15.8)568 (17.0)334 (14.0)Co-morbidities Cancer444 (7.8)233 (7.0)211 (8.9)0.010 Heart failure342 (6.0)194 (5.8)148 (6.2)0.554 Cirrhosis153 (2.7)98 (2.9)55 (2.3)0.176 AIDS265 (4.6)177 (5.3)88 (3.7)0.006Data are mean ± standard deviation or *N* (%)*SAPS* Simplified Acute Physiology Score, *SOFA* Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, *ICU* intensive care unit; *AIDS* acquired immune deficiency syndrome\* LTVV defined in tidal volume ≤ 8 ml/kg PBW in the second day of ventilation The proportion of patients receiving LTVV was 58.4% (95% CI, 57.1% to 59.7%) on day 2, and did not change thereafter (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}). Patients who received LTVV were younger, taller, were more often male, and were less severely ill according to their SAPS and SOFA scores.Fig. 2Tidal volume and frequency of the use of low tidal volume ventilation over the first 17 days of follow-up. Circles are the mean and error bars the 95% confidence interval. Unadjusted mixed-effect longitudinal models with random intercept for patients and center, and with phase of the study, group, days and the interaction of group × days as fixed effects. *p* values for the group reflect the overall test for difference between groups across the follow-up while *p* values for the group × days interaction evaluate if change over time differed by group Organizational factors with an association with adherence to LTVV in the unadjusted analysis are shown in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type="table"}. In the adjusted analysis, number of hospital beds (absolute difference 7.43 \[0.61 to 14.24\]; *p* = 0.038), use of a structured checklist during multidisciplinary rounds (absolute difference 5.10 \[0.55 to 9.81\]; *p* = 0.030), and presence of at least one nurse per 10 patients during all shifts (absolute difference 17.24 \[0.85 to 33.60\]; *p* = 0.045) were associated with adherence to LTVV (Table [3](#Tab3){ref-type="table"}).Table 2Factor associated with the use of low tidal volumeAll patients (*n* = 5719)LTVV\* (*n* = 3340)No LTVV\* (*n* = 2379)Absolute difference\*\* (95% CI)*p* valueRelated to the trial Use of checklist1279 (22.4)843 (25.2)436 (18.3)4.41 (− 0.20 to 9.02)0.061Related to the hospital Tertiary4605 (81.5)2742 (83.2)1863 (79.1)5.04 (− 2.29 to 12.35)0.180 Specialty1060 (18.8)691 (21.0)369 (15.7)5.61 (− 2.89 to 14.06)0.197 University2202 (39.0)1309 (39.7)893 (37.9)− 2.23 (− 8.57 to 4.12)0.493Number of beds \< 1571887 (33.4)1086 (32.9)801 (34.0)8.62 (2.08 to 15.17)^a^0.011 157--3241906 (33.7)1041 (31.6)865 (36.7) \> 3241857 (32.9)1169 (35.5)688 (29.2)Number of ICU beds0.445 \< 112362 (41.8)1364 (41.4)998 (42.4)1.85 (− 5.17 to 8.87)^b^0.606 11--211774 (31.4)1028 (31.2)746 (31.7) \> 211514 (26.8)904 (27.4)610 (25.9)Related to organization Multidisciplinary rounds3444 (60.2)2068 (61.9)1376 (57.8)− 0.15 (− 3.63 to 3.34)0.932 Sedation protocol2620 (46.4)1509 (45.8)1111 (47.2)− 2.02 (− 8.08 to 4.02)0.514 Analgesia protocol2285 (40.4)1342 (40.7)943 (40.1)2.18 (− 3.99 to 8.37)0.490 Weaning protocol3644 (64.5)2090 (63.4)1554 (66.0)− 1.36 (− 7.73 to 5.02)0.677 VAP protocol3621 (64.1)2046 (62.1)1575 (66.9)− 3.58 (− 9.89 to 2.74)0.269Board-certified consultant None371 (6.6)204 (6.2)167 (7.1)4.11 (− 1.92 to 10.15)^c^0.185 Full-time3015 (53.4)1821 (55.2)1194 (50.7) Half-time2264 (40.1)1271 (38.6)993 (42.2) 1:10 physician5466 (96.7)3205 (97.2)2261 (96.0)6.74 (− 8.75 to 22.22)0.395 Board-certified RT coordinator3920 (69.4)2309 (70.1)1611 (68.4)− 2.69 (− 9.41 to 4.06)0.4361:10 respiratory therapist None108 (1.9)69 (2.1)39 (1.7)− 2.53 (− 8.59 to 3.53)^c^0.415 Full-time2438 (43.2)1383 (42.0)1055 (44.8) Half-time3104 (54.9)1844 (55.9)1260 (53.5) 1:10 nurse5482 (97.0)3227 (97.9)2255 (95.8)20.24 (3.75 to 36.76)0.018*VAP* ventilator-associated pneumonia, *RT* respiratory therapist\* LTVV defined in tidal volume ≤ 8 ml/kg PBW in the second day of ventilation\*\* Calculated as the risk difference from a mixed-effect model with the phase of the study as a fixed effect and the hospital as random effect. The comparison is the difference in the use of low tidal volume ventilation among each factor^a^Comparison of \> 324 vs ≤ 324 beds^b^Comparison of \> 21 vs ≤ 21 beds^c^Comparison of full-time vs. none/half-timeTable 3Organizational factors associated with the use of low tidal volume ventilationAbsolute difference\* (95% confidence interval)*p* valueAdjustment by severity of illness SAPS III− 2.64 (− 4.27 to − 1.00)0.001 SOFA1.28 (− 0.40 to 2.92)0.131Trial related Use of structured checklist5.10 (0.55 to 9.81)0.030Hospital related Tertiary hospital0.10 (− 7.44 to 7.66)0.978 Specialty hospital4.34 (− 3.76 to 12.49)0.306 Number of hospital beds \> 3247.43 (0.61 to 14.24)0.038Organizational factors Board-certified consultant2.55 (− 3.33 to 8.44)0.406 At least one nurse per 10 patients during all shifts17.24 (0.85 to 33.60)0.045*SAPS* Simplified Acute Physiology Score, *SOFA* Sequential Organ Failure AssessmentMixed-effect generalized linear model considering the phase of the study and the variables as fixed effect and the center as random effect. Continuous variables were standardized before inclusion in the model\* Higher positive values indicate higher adherence to low tidal volume ventilationThe effect of the phase of the study was not significant (2.34 \[95% confidence interval − 0.96 to 5.87\]; *p* = 0.161)The interaction between the phase of the study and the number of hospital beds was not significant (*p* = 0.254)The interaction between the phase of the study and the presence of one nurse for every 10 patients in all shifts was significant (*p* = 0.032) There was no heterogeneity between study phases and the effect of number of hospital beds on adherence to LTVV (*p* = 0.254). There was an interaction between study phases and the effect of the presence of at least one nurse per 10 patients during all shifts on adherence to LTVV (estimate, − 16.13 \[− 31.0 to − 1.41\]; *p* = 0.032). In the second phase of the study, presence of at least one nurse per 10 patients during all shifts and adherence to LTVV were no longer associated (Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}: Figure S1). There was no difference in ICU (absolute difference, 0.27 \[− 2.29 to 2.84\]; *p* = 0.833) or hospital mortality (absolute difference, 0.03 \[− 2.51 to 2.57\]; *p* = 0.980) according to the use LTVV (Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}: Table S1). Discussion {#Sec8} ========== This study suggests that the larger centers with a higher number of hospital beds, use of structured checklists during multidisciplinary rounds, and the presence of at least one nurse for every 10 patients in all shifts are the three organizational factors associated with adherence to LTVV. Interestingly, *V*~T~ stays remarkable unchanged over the total duration of ventilation, i.e., *V*~T~ does not change beyond the second day of ventilation. Mortality was not different between patients who received and those who did not receive LTVV. The finding that the number of hospital beds is associated with a higher adherence to LTVV might be explained as follows. First, ICUs in larger hospitals usually have higher number of caregivers, more experienced teams, and also higher volumes of invasively ventilated patients. Second, ICU bed supply and quality of care in ICUs are usually related to the size of a hospital \[[@CR30], [@CR31]\], and smaller hospitals frequently suffer with lack of beds and consequently inappropriate allocation, which is also associated with a lower quality of care \[[@CR32]\]. Nevertheless, in Brazil usually the larger hospitals are the public university-affiliated hospitals, and in the present analyses this intersection could not be completely assessed. However, the association among larger hospitals and adherence to LTVV could reflect, indirectly, a higher adherence in teaching hospitals also. All those characteristics, however, were not directly collected and measured in the CHECKLIST-ICU study. The finding that the use of a structured checklist during multidisciplinary rounds is associated with adherence to LTVV is in line with findings of previous studies. One study in invasively ventilated ICU patients with ARDS showed that use of a written ventilation protocol was associated with higher use of LTVV \[[@CR33]\]. Another study in critically ill ICU patients demonstrated that charts installed on ventilators showing the adequate *V*~T~ target (4--6 ml/kg PBW) for each patient led to a significant decrease in *V*~T~ \[[@CR24]\]. Such findings suggest that adoption of written documents such as protocols, checklists and charts may improve adherence to LTVV and ensure translation of evidence for benefit, in this case of LTVV, into clinical practice. Of note, protocols for mechanical ventilation often do not incorporate LTVV strategies \[[@CR34]\], and use of a protocol does not guarantee that all patients will receive the best practice \[[@CR35]\]. However, one large Brazilian study demonstrated that the implementation of protocols was associated with better patient outcomes and more efficient use of resources \[[@CR27]\]. The finding that adherence to LTVV increased with presence of more nurses is also in line with previous findings \[[@CR20]--[@CR22]\]. A nurse-to-patient ratio  \> 1:1.5 was independently associated with a lower risk of in-hospital death in a large multicenter cohort of ICU patients in a worldwide study \[[@CR22]\]. Vice versa, a lower ICU nurse staffing was associated with adverse outcomes in a study in hospitals across the USA \[[@CR21]\]. In Brazil, ICU nurse staffing varies considerably depending on local regulations. However, a study in 93 Brazilian ICUs showed that ICUs where nurses have higher autonomy, including start of weaning from ventilation and the titrating FiO~2~, have better outcomes compared to ICUs where there is less nurse autonomy \[[@CR36]\]. After implementation of the structured checklist in the second phase of the CHECKLIST-ICU study, the positive effect of one nurse for every 10 patients in all shifts on the use of LTVV was no longer associated with compliance with LTVV. This finding is important, and suggests that a structured checklist can increase the adoption of LTVV, even in institutions where the nurse-to-patient ratio is low. At the end, the impact of a higher nurse-to-patient ratio on adherence to LTVV can be explained by several different factors, including (1) adoption of the checklist, per se; (2) better use of the checklist by healthcare providers like respiratory therapists, typically more present in ICUs with a higher nurse-to-patient ratio; and (3) presence of more nurses, who can adjust ventilator settings. Use of LTVV was not associated with lower mortality as described in previous studies \[[@CR3], [@CR5], [@CR37]\]. This may be explained by the small difference in *V*~T~ between the two groups, i.e., 6.7 (5.9--7.4) vs 9.2 (8.5--10.2) ml/kg PBW. This is different from previous studies that used *V*~T~ of as high as 12 ml/kg PBW for comparison. Of note, one recent randomized clinical trial in patients not having ARDS did found beneficial effects of a low *V*~T~ strategy \[resulting in *V*~T~ of 6.6 (5.5--8.7) ml/kg PBW\] when compared to an intermediate *V*~T~ strategy \[resulting in *V*~T~ of 9.3 (8.1--10.1) ml/kg PBW\] \[[@CR6]\]. Despite this, identifying factors that have an effect of use of LTVV could help improving ICU organization as well as safety of invasively ventilated patients in general. Interestingly, the current study suggests that early use of LTVV is associated with continued use of ventilation with a low *V*~T~ on successive days. This finding shows that patients who had *V*~T~ correctly titrated to PBW early on ICU admission were more likely to continue with LTVV. This finding could suggest that adherence to LTVV is not necessarily related to severity of diseases. Vice versa, a patient who starts ventilation with a too high *V*~T~ is at risk of not receiving LTVV a later time point. The present study has limitations. First, it is a secondary analysis of a study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a multifaceted quality improvement strategy including a checklist in ICU. Thus, some important data regarding mechanical ventilation and patient severity are missing, like other ventilatory parameters, and the development of complications. Second, all included ICUs are from Brazil, and it is widely known that organizational factors and process of care differ worldwide. For example, in the present study only half of the patients were admitted to ICUs with board-certified intensivists on the morning and afternoon shifts \[[@CR27], [@CR28]\]. Indeed, the lower number of board-certified intensivists is a well-known problem in low-income countries \[[@CR38]\]. Third, no information about the presence of ARDS is available and this could have influenced the adoption of LTVV and the impact of LTVV on hospital mortality. Indeed, in the here studied cohort the majority of the patients were extubated within 3 days, thus the percentage of patients with ARDS was probably low, which can partly explain the lack of power to detect any association between LTVV and mortality. Fourth, it is important to emphasize that current findings may only be generalizable to settings with a comparable infrastructure, especially the nurse-to-patient ratio, since Brazil has a much lower nurse-to-patient ratio then ICUs in, e.g., Europe and the US \[[@CR22]\]. Finally, no information about the ventilatory mode was available, and this could have influenced the results. Conclusions {#Sec9} =========== In Brazil, the number of hospital beds, use of a structured checklist during multidisciplinary rounds, and presence of at least one nurse for every 10 patients in all shifts were the only organizational factors associated with adherence to LTVV. These findings shed light on organizational factors that may increase adherence to LTVV. Supplementary information ========================= {#Sec10} **Additional file 1.** Online Supplement. **Publisher\'s Note** Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Supplementary information ========================= **Supplementary information** accompanies this paper at 10.1186/s13613-020-00687-3. **CHECKLIST ICU--investigators** Cardioeste: Pedro Aniceto Nunes Neto, Carlos Alberto Fernandes, Cristiano Ávila Luchesi; Casa de Saúde Santa Marta: Natalia Rodrigues de Sa, Roberta Antunes Faria Rodrigues, Larissa Stefany Radespiel; Casa de Saúde São Bento: Vinicius Leonardo dos Santos Iorio, Danielle Bhering, Viviane Ribeiro Linhares; Centro Hospitalar Unimed: Glauco Adrieno Westphal, Geonice Sperotto; Complexo Hospitalar São Mateus: Soraya Byana Rezende da Silva Rossi, Thaismari Escarmanhani Ferreira; Fundação Hospital de Clinicas Gaspar Vianna: Edgar de Brito Sobrinho, Helder Jose Lima Reis, Mauricio Soares Carneiro, Adriana de Oliveira Lameira Veríssimo; Fundação Hospital Getúlio Vargas: Juliana Fernandez Fernandes, Rodrigo Lopes Ferreira; Hospital Aristides Maltez: Sylvania Campos Pinho, Leonardo Dultra, Lise Oliveira Hizumi; Hospital Aviccena: Neiva Fernandes de Lima, Alexsandra Raimunda da Silva, Liliane dos Santos; Hospital Casa de Caridade de Carangola: Sidiner Mesquita Vaz, José Marcio Oliveira, Miria Bonjour Laviola; Hospital Casa de Portugal: Wania Vasconcelos de Freitas, Leonardo Passos; Hospital Copa D'Or: Ligia Sarmet Cunha Farah Rabello, Carollina Resende de Siqueira; Hospital da Sagrada Familia: Luiz Carlos de Oliveira Silva, Francisco Felix Barreto Junior, Eduarda Maria Alves Cruz; Hospital das Clinicas--FMUSP: Luiz Marcelo Sa Malbouisson, Fabiola Prior Caltabeloti, Estevão Bassi, Patrícia Regiane da Silva, Filipe Cadamuro, Renata Graciliano dos Santos Cagnon, Yeh-Li Ho, Lucas Chaves Neto, Bruno Azevedo Randi; Hospital das Clinicas da UFPE: Michele Maria Goncalves de Godoy, Pollyanna Dutra Sobral, Evônio de Barros Campelo Júnior; Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu/UNESP: Laercio Martins de Stefano, Ana Lucia Gut, Greicy Mara Mengue Feniman de Stefano; Hospital das Clinicas de Goiás: Denise Milioli Ferreira, Fernanda Alves Ferreira Gonçalves; Hospital das Clinicas Luzia de Pinho Melo--SPDM: Fernanda Rubia Negrao Alves, Wilson Nogueira Filho, Renata Ortiz Marchetti; Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal: Sheila Sa, Nadia Tomiko Anabuki; Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre: Silvia Regina Rios Vieira, Edino Parolo, Karen Prado, Natalia Gomes Lisboa; Hospital de Messejana Dr Carlos Alberto Studart Gomes: Simone Castelo Branco Fortaleza, Maria Liduina Nantua Beserra Porfirio, Marcela Maria Sousa Colares; Hospital de Urgência e Emergência de Rio Branco: Rosicley Souza da Silva, Marcia Vasconcelos, Fabio de Souza; Hospital Distrital Dr Evandro Ayres de Moura: Lanese Medeiros de Figueiredo, Niedila Pinheiro Bastos Seabra, Paula Celia Pires de Oliveira; Hospital do Coração Balneário Camboriú: Marcio Andrade Martins, Ricardo Beduschi Muller, Manoela Cristina Recalcatti; Hospital e Pronto Socorro Dr Aristóteles Platao Bezerra de Araújo: Riani Helenditi Fernandes Camurça Martins, Leatrice Emilia Ferreira de França; Hospital Eduardo de Menezes: Frederico Bruzzi de Carvalho, Gustavo Cesar Augusto Moreira; Hospital Estadual Américo Brasiliense: Evelin Drociunas Pacheco Cechinatti, Aline Cristina Passos, Mariana da Costa Ferreira; Hospital Estadual Getúlio Vargas--Secretaria de Estado de Saúde: Antonio Carlos Babo Rodrigues, Vladimir dos Santos Begni; Hospital Estadual Monsenhor Walfredo Gurgel: Alfredo Maximo Grilo Jardim, Amanda Carvalho Maciel; Hospital Evangélico de Cachoeira de Itapemirim: Marlus Muri Thompson, Erica Palacio Berçacola Pinheiro, Claudio Henrique Pinto Gonçalves; Hospital Federal da Lagoa: Ricardo Schilling Rosenfeld, Valéria Abrahao Rosenfeld, Leticia Japiassú; Hospital Federal Servidores do Estado: Maria Inês Pinto de Oliveira Bissoli, Rosemary da Costa Tavares, Marta Rocha Gonçalves; Hospital Fernandes Tavora: Laercia Ferreira Martins, Maria Helena Oliveira, Adriana Kelly Almeida Ferreira; Hospital Geral de Camaçari: Emídio Jorge Santos Lima, Tárcio de Almeida Oliveira, Milena Teixeira Campos; Hospital Geral de Fortaleza: Nilce Almino de Freitas, Stephanie Wilkes da Silva, Vera Lucia Bento Ferreira; Hospital Geral de Nova Iguaçu: Alexander de Oliveira Sodré, Cid Leite Villela, Eduardo Duque Estrada Medeiros; Hospital Geral de Palmas: Nairo Jose de Souza Junior, Jhocrenilcy de Souza Maya Nunes, Rones de Souza Monteiro; Hospital Guilherme Álvaro: André Scazufka Ribeiro, Carlos Cesar Nogueira Giovanini, Elisete Tavares Carvalho; Hospital Instituto Dr Jose Frota: Lenise Castelo Branco Camurça Fernandes, Domitilha Maria Coelho Rocha, Cristiane Maria Gadelha de Freitas; Hospital Joari: Marcia Adélia de Magalhaes Menezes, Rosa Imaculada Stancato, Guilherme Brenande Alves Faria, Giovanna Asturi; Hospital Maternidade e Pronto Socorro Santa Lucia: Ricardo Reinaldo Bergo, Frederico Toledo Campo Dall'Orto, Gislayne Rogante Ribeiro; Hospital Maternidade Municipal Dr Odelmo Leão Carneiro: Cidamaiá Aparecida Arantes, Michelle Aparecida dos Santos Toneto; Hospital Moinhos de Vento: Cassiano Teixeira, Juçara Gasparetto Maccari; Hospital Municipal Dr Carmino Caricchio: Sergio Tadeu Górios, Julliana Pires de Morais, Daniela Marangoni Zambelli; Hospital Municipal de Paracatu: Roberta Machado de Souza, Eduardo Cenísio Teixeira de Paiva, Alessandra Gonçalves Ribeiro; Hospital Municipal Dr Mario Gatti: Marcus Vinicius Pereira, Leoni Nascimento, Rosangela da Silva; Hospital Municipal Padre Germano Lauck de Foz do Iguaçu: Roberto de Almeida, Karin Aline Zilli Couto, Izabella Moroni Toffolo; Hospital Municipal Pedro II: Jorge Eduardo da Rocha Paranhos, Antonio Ricardo Paixão Fraga; Hospital Municipal Souza Aguiar: Alberto Augusto de Oliveira Junior, Roberto Lannes, Andrea da Silva Gomes Ludovico; Hospital Naval Marcilio Dias: Luiz Fernando Costa Carvalho, Leticia de Araújo Campos, Patricia Soboslai; Hospital Nereu Ramos: Israel Silva Maia, Tatiana Rassele, Christiany Zanzi; Hospital Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora: Valeria Nunes Martins Michel, Sinésio Pontes Gonçalves; Hospital Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres: Ricardo Rath de Oliveira Gargioni, Rosangela Zen Duarte; Hospital 9 de Julho: Mariza D'Agostino Dias, Andrea Delfini Diziola, Daniela Veruska da Silva, Melissa Sayuri Hagihara; Hospital Primavera: André Luís Veiga de Oliveira, Diego Leonnardo Reis, Janaina Feijó; Hospital Procordis: Marco Antonio da Costa Oliveira, Luiza Veiga Coelho de Souza; Hospital Pronto Socorro 28 de Agosto: Liane de Oliveira Cavalcante, Jacilda Rodrigues, Moises Cruz de Pinho; Hospital Regional da Unimed Fortaleza: Marcos Antonio Gadelha Maia, Vladia Fabiola Jorge Lima, Emilianny Maria Nogueira, Antonielle Carneiro Gomes; Hospital Regional de Juazeiro: Katia Regina de Oliveira, Jose Antonio Bandeira, Carla Cordeiro Botelho Mesquita; Hospital Universitário Regional dos Campos Gerais: Guilherme Arcaro, Camila Wolff, Délcio Caran Bertucci Filho; Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente: Gustavo Navarro Betonico, Rafaela Pereira Maroto, Leonardo Fantinato Menegon; Hospital Regional Deputado Manoel Gonçalves Abrantes: Patrício Junior Henrique da Silveira, Germana Estrela Gadelha de Queiroga Oliveira, Wallber Moreno da Silva Lima; Hospital Regional Público do Araguaia: Lilian Batista Nunes, Sotero Gonçalves Martins Neto, Liwcy Keller de Oliveira Lopes Lima; Hospital Regional João Penido: Maria Augusta de Mendonça Lima, Lidiane Miranda Milagres, Vivian Gribel D'Ávila; Hospital Santa Casa de Campo Mourão: Paulo Marcelo Schiavetto, Paulo Alves dos Santos, Francislaine de Matos Raimundo; Hospital Municipal Santa Isabel--Joao Pessoa: Carmen Leonilia Tavares de Melo, Aline Albuquerque de Carvalho, Cynthia Franca de Santana; Hospital Santa Lucia de Divinópolis: Adriana Lessa Ventura Fonseca, Martha Aparecida da Silva; Hospital Santa Rosa: Mara Lilian Soares Nasrala, Eloisa Kohl Pinheiro, Mara Regina Pereira Santos; Hospital Municipal São Francisco de Assis: Guilherme Abdalla da Silva, Rener Moreira, Marcia Loureiro Sebold; Hospital São Joao de Deus: Marcone Lisboa Simões da Rocha, Marco Antonio Ribeiro Leão, Jaqueline de Assis; Hospital São Jose--Criciúma: Felipe Dal Pizzol, Cristiane Damiani Tomasi; Hospital São Jose de Doenças Infecciosas: Jose Nivon da Silva, Luciana Vladia Carvalhedo Fragoso, Denise Araújo Silva Nepomuceno Barros; Hospital São Jose de Teresópolis: Mauricio Mattos Coutinho, Robson Sobreira Pereira, Veronica Oliveira dos Santos; Hospital São Jose do Avaí: Sergio Kiffer Macedo, Diego de Souza Bouzaga Furlani, Eduardo Silva Aglio Junior; Hospital São Paulo: Aécio Flavio Teixeira de Góis, Kathia Teixeira, Paula Zhao Xiao Ping; Hospital São Vicente de Paula--Cruz Alta: Paulo Ricardo Nazario Viecili, Simone Daniela Melo de Almeida; Hospital São Vicente de Paulo--Vitória da Conquista: Geovani Moreno Santos Junior, Djalma Novaes Araújo Segundo, Marielle Xavier Santana; Hospital São Vicente de Paulo--Passo Fundo: Jose Oliveira Calvete, Luciana Renner; Hospital Unimed Bebedouro: Vinicius Vandré Trindade Francisco, Danytieli Silva de Carvalho, Adriana Neri da Silva Batista Campos; Hospital Unimed Costa do Sol: Sergio Leôncio Fernandes Curvelo Jr, Nayara Ribas de Oliveira, Suelem de Paula Freitas Deborssan; Hospital Unimed Maceió: Maria Raquel dos Anjos Silva Guimaraes, Luiz Claudio Gomes Bastos, Luciene Moraes Gomes; Hospital Unimed Natal: Erico de Lima Vale, Dionísia Arianne Vieira da Silva; Hospital Unimed Rio: Renato Vieira Gomes, Marco Antonio Mattos, Pedro Miguel Matos Nogueira, Viviane Cristina Caetano Nascimento; Hospital Universitário--Universidade Estadual de Londrina: Cintia Magalhaes Carvalho Grion, Alexsandro Oliveira Dias, Glaucia de Souza Omori Maier; Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antonio Moraes--Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo: Paula Frizera Vassallo, Maria Helena Buarque Souza de Lima, Wyllyam Loss dos Reis, Walace Lirio Loureiro, Andressa Tomazini Borghardt; Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley: Ciro Leite Mendes, Paulo Cesar Gottardo, Jose Melquiades Ramalho Neto; Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes: Eliane Pereira da Silva, Maria Gorette Lourenço da Silva Aragao, Elisângela Maria de Lima; Hospital Universitário Polydoro Ernani de São Thiago--Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina: Rafael Lisboa de Souza, Ken Sekine Takashiba; Hospital Universitário Prof. Edgar Santos--Universidade Federal da Bahia: Dimitri Gusmão-Flores, Taciana Lago Araújo, Rosana Santos Mota; Hospital Universitário Regional de Maringá: Almir Germano, Flavia Antunes, Sandra Regina Bin Silva; Hospital Universitário São Francisco de Paula--Pelotas: Marcio Osório Guerreiro, Marina Peres Bainy, Patrícia de Azevedo Duarte Hardt; Hospital Vila da Serra--Instituto Materno Infantil de Minas Gerais: Hugo Correa de Andrade Urbano, Camila Amurim de Souza; Hospital Vivalle: Claudia Mangini, Fernando Jose da Silva Ramos, Luany Pereira de Araújo; Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas/Fiocruz: André Miguel Japiassú, Denise Machado Medeiros, Michele Fernanda Borges da Silva; Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo: Fabiano Hirata, Roberto Marco, Elzo Peixoto; Irmandade do Hospital Nossa Senhora das Dores: Marcio Luiz Fortuna Esmeraldo, Leide Aparecida Damásio Pereira, Raquel Carvalho Leal; Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Maringá: Paulo Roberto Aranha Torres, Maricy Morbin Torres; Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte: Mara Rubia de Moura, Claudio Dornas de Oliveira, Andressa Siuves Gonçalves Moreira, Brisa Emanuelle Silva Ferreira, Carolina Leticia dos Santos Cruz, Patrícia Moreira Soares, Paulo Cesar Correia, Lorena Lina Silva Almeida; Santa Casa de Caridade de Diamantina: Marcelo Ferreira Sousa, Andrey Antonio Santiago Vial, Marcia Maria Ferreira Souza; Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Anapolis: Diogo Quintana, Ana Cecilia Barbosa Guimaraes, Maria Dolores Menezes Diniz; Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Feira de Santana: Paulo Henrique Panelli Ferreira, Rosa Maria Rios Santana Cordeiro, Murilo Oliveira da Cunha Mendes; Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Guaxupé: Sergio Oliveira de Lima, Silvia Aparecida Bezerra, Aurélia Baquiao dos Reis da Silva; Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Pelotas: Cristiano Correa Batista, Thaís Neumann, Rafael Olivé Leite; Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre: Thiago Costa Lisboa, Martha Hädrich, Edison Moraes Rodrigues Filho; Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Joao Del Rei: Jorge Luiz da Rocha Paranhos, Carlos Henrique Nascimento dos Santos, Hélia Cristina de Souza; Sociedade Beneficente Hospitalar Maravilha: Robson Viera de Souza, Jose Luís Toribio Cuadra, Jonas Spanholi; Unidade de Emergência, Hospital das Clinicas de Ribeirão Preto--FMRP-USP: Marcos de Carvalho Borges, Wilson Jose Lovato, Tania Mara Gomes, Luís Artur Mauro Witzel Machado; Hospital de Clinicas--Universidade Estadual de Campinas: Thiago Martins Santos, Marco Antonio de Carvalho Filho, Karina Aparecida Garcia Bernardes; Vila Velha Hospital: Jose Roberto Pereira Santos, Aline Esteves Mautoni Queiroga Liparizi, Patrícia Venturim Lana; Vitoria Apart Hospital: Claudio Piras, Luiz Virgílio Nespoli, Aparecida Silva Taliule. CHECKLIST ICU---Checklist During Multidisciplinary Visits for Reduction of Mortality in Intensive Care Units. TDM participated in the study design and concept, organized the dataset, conducted the statistical analyses and drafted the manuscript. FAB participated in the study design and concept, conduction of the original study, and drafted the manuscript. FRM participated in the study design and concept, conduction of the original study, and drafted the manuscript. HPG participated in the study design and concept, conduction of the original study, and drafted the manuscript. JIS participated in the study design and concept, conduction of the original study, and drafted the manuscript. APN participated in the study design and concept, conduction of the original study, and drafted the manuscript. KN-S participated in the study design and concept, conduction of the original study, and drafted the manuscript. MJS participated in the study design and concept, drafted the manuscript and supervised the study. ABC participated in the study design and concept, conduction of the original study, drafted the manuscript and supervised the study. ASN participated in the study design and concept, organized the dataset, conducted the statistical analyses, drafted the manuscript and supervised the study. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. This study was conducted as part of the Program to Support Institutional Development of Universal Health System (PROADI) from the Brazilian Ministry of Health. It was funded mainly by the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), PROADI, and Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES). D'Or Institute for Research and Education also contributed with additional funding. The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Q: Robust Positioning for Vertical Text This is the design I am currently working on: http://alpha.bounde.co.uk as you can see each of the ribbon boxes has the title of the box as vertical text (about, work, contact) and I am trying to find the best way to position them so I can have any text of any length and it will appear down the left hand side. At the moment longer text appears to the right as it is rotated from its center. The reason I want it to be done automatically and not just calculate the width is I am using google fonts (which is currently turned off) and if the font isnt loaded in then the text string will be longer / shorter than before and it will again fall out of position. h2 { font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif; font-weight: 300; font-size: 30px; color: #793F26; -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); -ms-transform: rotate(-90deg); -o-transform: rotate(-90deg); transform: rotate(-90deg); margin: 0; padding: 0 10px; position: absolute; left: -60px; top: 100px; background: #fdfdfd; display: block; } this is the styling I am using for the H2 and there is nothing special in the HTML just the H2 inside a container div which has a border of 30px and a padding of 20px. anyone have any ideas? thanks A: I'd put your headings in a larger container element that's centered on the left border, and center the headings within it. http://jsfiddle.net/isherwood/sqh95/ body { padding: 20px; } .heading-wrapper { position: absolute; width: 150px; margin-left: -100px; text-align: center; } h2 { position: relative; left: 0; top: 50px; white-space: nowrap; } <div class="heading-wrapper"> <h2>Contact</h2> </div>
Q: Analogies between VNP and NP Valiant introduced the class VNP with respect to "arithmetic circuits" over 35 years ago in a "rough" analogy to NP. Recently, there have been major advances in the area of arithmetic circuits eg as cited by Fortnow. What is the intuition that VNP and NP are similar/ analogous in some way? Is there analysis/ results since its introduction that point toward or away from this analogy? Has/ can the study of VNP lead to some insights on NP? A: The basic idea is that summing over all Boolean strings (VNP) is like counting the solutions to an NP problem. Even from this perspective, one sees that VNP is more like #P than NP. This is also true as permanent is complete for both VNP and #P. Indeed, the Boolean part of VNP is essentially just #P/poly (it contains #P/poly and is contained in $\mathsf{FP}^{\mathsf{\# P}}/poly$ [Burgisser]. Valiant already observed that $\mathsf{P/poly} \neq \mathsf{NP/poly}$ implies $\mathsf{VP} \neq \mathsf{VNP}$ over $\mathbb{F}_2$, so separating VP from VNP is necessary on the way to proving that NP is not in P/poly. Not only is it a formally necessary first step, but because of the connection between VNP and counting solutions to NP problems, one could imagine that a better understanding of VNP would yield some insight into NP as well.
Detailed Investigation of the OH Radical Quenching by Natural Antioxidant Caffeic Acid Studied by Quantum Mechanical Models. The effectiveness of naturally occurring antioxidant caffeic acid in the inactivation of the very damaging hydroxyl radical has been theoretically investigated by means of hybrid density functional theory. Three possible pathways by which caffeic acid may inactivate free radicals were analyzed: hydrogen abstraction from all available hydrogen atoms, hydroxyl radical addition to all carbon atoms in the molecule, and single electron transfer. The reaction paths were traced independently, and the respective thermal rate constants were calculated using variational transition-state theory including the contribution of tunneling. The more reactive sites in caffeic acid are the C4OH phenolic group and the C4 carbon atom, for the hydrogen abstraction and radical addition, respectively. The single electron transfer process seems to be thermodynamically unfavored, in both polar and nonpolar media. Both hydrogen abstraction and radical addition are very feasible, with a slight preference for the latter, with a rate constant of 7.29 × 10(10) M(-1) s(-1) at 300 K. Tunnel effects are found to be quite unimportant in both cases. Results indicate caffeic acid as a potent natural antioxidant in trapping and scavenging hydroxyl radicals.
A. Technical Field The present subject matter is directed to items that are usable to help educate children in learning activities. More specifically, the present subject matter is directed to the field of educational devices for teaching people about wave action and the dynamics of liquids. B. Description of Related Art Duck races are a popular pastime. It is not uncommon to see hundreds or thousands of people converge on a river to put ducks, which are almost universally yellow, into a river to see whose duck reaches the finish line first. Often, there is an entry fee and the proceeds may go to the winner or be given to a charity. It is fun for all, but the outcome is determined solely by luck. It is an object of the present subject matter to provide a water raceway device designed for racing ducks or other floating objects, where skill is a factor in the outcome of the race. It is a further object of the present subject matter to provide a water raceway device where the floating objects are conveyed down a first sluice primarily by the action of waves and are conveyed down a second sluice primarily under the force of currents. It is a further object of the present subject matter to provide an insert that can be positioned in a tub to convert the tub into a device for racing floating objects. It is a further object of the present subject matter to provide an educational experience that is so much fun that participants may not realize that they are learning about fluid dynamics and currents and waves. It remains desirable to provide improvements in water raceway devices
Investigations Editor, The Age Sharia law ... A woman is caned in Aceh for selling food during Ramadan in October. A woman and a man will soon be caned publicly for adultery. Photo: AFP Sharia police in the Indonesian province of Aceh will publicly flog a young woman for adultery after she was turned in by eight vigilantes who had already gang-raped her as punishment. The woman, a 25-year-old widow, and her alleged partner, a married 40-year old man, were caught inside her home last Thursday by a group of eight who were intent on enforcing the sharia prohibition on sex outside marriage, local media reports say. The eight, who included a 13-year-old boy, tied up and beat the man and repeatedly raped the woman before dousing both in raw sewage. They then marched the couple to the office of the local sharia police. Advertisement Ibrahim Latif, the head of the sharia police, or Wilayatul Hisbah in the town of Langsa, in Aceh’s far south-east, was quoted in TheJakarta Globe saying: “We want the couple caned because they violated the religious bylaw on sexual relations”. Under the sharia law, which is peculiar to Aceh, each of the couple faces nine strokes of the cane in a public place. The woman’s ordeal at the hands of her accusers would not be taken into account in delivering the sentence, Mr Ibrahim said. “They have to be [caned] as a form of justice … they’ve confessed to having sex several times before, even though the man is married and has five children”. The Jakarta Globe newspaper reported that Teungku Faisal Ali, the head of the Aceh chapter of the country’s largest Islamic organisation, Nahdlatul Ulama had backed the caning. The organisation is usually considered part of Indonesia’s moderate muslim maintream. However, Mr Faisal said the alleged rapists themselves should be treated more harshly than the couple, because they had “set back efforts to uphold sharia in Aceh”. He said vigilantes should not act directly, but report offences to the sharia police. Three of the alleged rapists including the boy are in police custody, and police have appealed for the families of the other five to give them up. They are facing investigation and conviction by the ordinary criminal courts. Aceh is the only province of Indonesia which enforces sharia law, after the central government in Jakarta granted its religious leaders the right to impose it in 2001 to try to quell separatist sentiment. A recent bylaw in the province extended its provisions to all residents and visitors, including non-Muslims. The law is enforced patchily, but Langsa is known to be strict. In nearby Lhokseumawe, women are prohibited from wearing tight jeans and riding astride motor scooters — they are required to go side saddle. Women are also expected to cover their hair, and young unmarried couples are not allowed to sit together in public in case sexual feelings emerge. The law has often been abused by vigilantes and overzealous officials. In one tragic case in 2012, a 16-year old girl was at a concert with friends in Langsa when the sharia police harangued her as a prostitute. When local media picked up the story the next day, repeated the accusation and published her full name, the girl hanged herself. In 2010, three sharia policemen raped a 20-year-old university student after they found her riding a motorcycle with her boyfriend.
/* * Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "api/video/video_content_type.h" // VideoContentType stored as a single byte, which is sent over the network. // Structure: // // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // +---------------+ // |r r e e e s s c| // // where: // r - reserved bits. // e - 3-bit number of an experiment group counted from 1. 0 means there's no // experiment ongoing. // s - 2-bit simulcast stream id or spatial layer, counted from 1. 0 means that // no simulcast information is set. // c - content type. 0 means real-time video, 1 means screenshare. // namespace webrtc { namespace videocontenttypehelpers { namespace { static constexpr uint8_t kScreenshareBitsSize = 1; static constexpr uint8_t kScreenshareBitsMask = (1u << kScreenshareBitsSize) - 1; static constexpr uint8_t kSimulcastShift = 1; static constexpr uint8_t kSimulcastBitsSize = 2; static constexpr uint8_t kSimulcastBitsMask = ((1u << kSimulcastBitsSize) - 1) << kSimulcastShift; // 0b00000110 static constexpr uint8_t kExperimentShift = 3; static constexpr uint8_t kExperimentBitsSize = 3; static constexpr uint8_t kExperimentBitsMask = ((1u << kExperimentBitsSize) - 1) << kExperimentShift; // 0b00111000 static constexpr uint8_t kTotalBitsSize = kScreenshareBitsSize + kSimulcastBitsSize + kExperimentBitsSize; } // namespace bool SetExperimentId(VideoContentType* content_type, uint8_t experiment_id) { // Store in bits 2-4. if (experiment_id >= (1 << kExperimentBitsSize)) return false; *content_type = static_cast<VideoContentType>( (static_cast<uint8_t>(*content_type) & ~kExperimentBitsMask) | ((experiment_id << kExperimentShift) & kExperimentBitsMask)); return true; } bool SetSimulcastId(VideoContentType* content_type, uint8_t simulcast_id) { // Store in bits 5-6. if (simulcast_id >= (1 << kSimulcastBitsSize)) return false; *content_type = static_cast<VideoContentType>( (static_cast<uint8_t>(*content_type) & ~kSimulcastBitsMask) | ((simulcast_id << kSimulcastShift) & kSimulcastBitsMask)); return true; } uint8_t GetExperimentId(const VideoContentType& content_type) { return (static_cast<uint8_t>(content_type) & kExperimentBitsMask) >> kExperimentShift; } uint8_t GetSimulcastId(const VideoContentType& content_type) { return (static_cast<uint8_t>(content_type) & kSimulcastBitsMask) >> kSimulcastShift; } bool IsScreenshare(const VideoContentType& content_type) { return (static_cast<uint8_t>(content_type) & kScreenshareBitsMask) > 0; } bool IsValidContentType(uint8_t value) { // Any 6-bit value is allowed. return value < (1 << kTotalBitsSize); } const char* ToString(const VideoContentType& content_type) { return IsScreenshare(content_type) ? "screen" : "realtime"; } } // namespace videocontenttypehelpers } // namespace webrtc
Cartridge Loaders: Recomended Spare Parts The following recommend spare parts and quantities are what typically would be suggested for a customer in a remote location or situated outside of North America. The order of importance is highest at the top of the list in a descending order. This is helpful if you have to adhere to a set budget. At the bottom of the list of spare parts is the TA201R Air Valve complete assembly. Some of our customers prefer to have a complete spare air valve to send underground if the loader has a problem rather than sending multiple parts.
<?php /** * @file * Contains the block display plugin. */ /** * The plugin that handles a block. * * @ingroup views_display_plugins */ class views_content_plugin_display_ctools_context extends views_plugin_display { function get_style_type() { return 'context'; } function defaultable_sections($section = NULL) { if (in_array($section, array('style_options', 'style_plugin', 'row_options', 'row_plugin',))) { return FALSE; } return parent::defaultable_sections($section); } function option_definition() { $options = parent::option_definition(); $options['admin_title'] = array('default' => '', 'translatable' => TRUE); // Overrides for standard stuff: $options['style_plugin']['default'] = 'ctools_context'; $options['row_plugin']['default'] = 'fields'; $options['defaults']['default']['style_plugin'] = FALSE; $options['defaults']['default']['style_options'] = FALSE; $options['defaults']['default']['row_plugin'] = FALSE; $options['defaults']['default']['row_options'] = FALSE; return $options; } /** * The display block handler returns the structure necessary for a block. */ function execute() { $this->executing = TRUE; return $this->view->render(); } function preview() { $this->previewing = TRUE; return $this->view->render(); } /** * Render this display. */ function render() { if (!empty($this->previewing)) { return theme($this->theme_functions(), $this->view); } else { // We want to process the view like we're theming it, but not actually // use the template part. Therefore we run through all the preprocess // functions which will populate the variables array. $hooks = theme_get_registry(); $info = $hooks[$this->definition['theme']]; if (!empty($info['file'])) { @include_once('./' . $info['path'] . '/' . $info['file']); } $this->variables = array('view' => &$this->view); if (isset($info['preprocess functions']) && is_array($info['preprocess functions'])) { foreach ($info['preprocess functions'] as $preprocess_function) { if (function_exists($preprocess_function)) { $preprocess_function($this->variables, $this->definition['theme']); } } } } return $this->variables; } /** * Provide the summary for page options in the views UI. * * This output is returned as an array. */ function options_summary(&$categories, &$options) { // It is very important to call the parent function here: parent::options_summary($categories, $options); $categories['context'] = array( 'title' => t('Context settings'), ); $admin_title = $this->get_option('admin_title'); if (empty($admin_title)) { $admin_title = t('Use view name'); } if (strlen($admin_title) > 16) { $admin_title = substr($admin_title, 0, 16) . '...'; } $options['admin_title'] = array( 'category' => 'context', 'title' => t('Admin title'), 'value' => $admin_title, ); } /** * Provide the default form for setting options. */ function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) { // It is very important to call the parent function here: parent::options_form($form, $form_state); switch ($form_state['section']) { case 'row_plugin': // This just overwrites the existing row_plugin which is using the wrong options. $form['row_plugin']['#options'] = views_fetch_plugin_names('row', 'normal', array($this->view->base_table)); break; case 'admin_title': $form['#title'] .= t('Administrative title'); $form['admin_title'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#default_value' => $this->get_option('admin_title'), '#description' => t('This is the title that will appear for this view context in the configure context dialog. If left blank, the view name will be used.'), ); break; } } /** * Perform any necessary changes to the form values prior to storage. * There is no need for this function to actually store the data. */ function options_submit(&$form, &$form_state) { // It is very important to call the parent function here: parent::options_submit($form, $form_state); switch ($form_state['section']) { case 'admin_title': $this->set_option($form_state['section'], $form_state['values'][$form_state['section']]); break; } } /** * Block views use exposed widgets only if AJAX is set. */ function uses_exposed() { return FALSE; } }
After countless hours of development, DJR Team Penske believe their newly unveiled Mustang will keep them at the top of Supercars in the 2019 season. Series champion Scott McLaughlin and teammate Fabian Coulthard unveiled the new livery in Melbourne on Monday. Ahead of testing at Phillip Island on Thursday, McLaughlin endorsed Ford's first new build in a decade, saying it "looks fast standing still". The two-door coupe has largely unchanged colours and one major difference – the galloping horse badge on the grill. But there's been a decidedly mixed reaction to the Mustang's homologation to meet Supercars standards. The enormous wing is a particular sore point with many, but not McLaughlin. "I love it. The rear wing is a big talking point with a lot of people," he said. "It’s nice to see it with the proper colours ... those stickers on it it looks really cool. I reckon it looks tough." The Mustang reveal took place with the help of team legend Dick Johnson, replacing the soft launch last month when the Mustang was covered head-to-toe in a blue camouflage. "From when everybody first saw it with the blue camo, it disguised the look of the car probably too good," Coulthard said. "Now you see the shape of the car, the lines, I think it looks awesome." The car will debut on a race track in testing at Phillip Island, before the season-opening Adelaide 500 begins February 28. Team director Ryan Story cut a delighted, if fatigued, figure at the launch. "We're ecstatic with how the car has come together and how it looks in our 2019 warpaint ... and are hopeful of continuing the success we've enjoyed," he said. Story acknowledged the divisive reaction, agreeing there was always a trade-off between form and function. "It was always going to be a little bit polarising in terms of the decisions we had to make to make sure we met the rules of Supercars and effectively fitting a Mustang into the controlled chassis," he said. "The primary player in the development of the car was Ford Performance so the hint is probably in the name. Brian Novak form Ford Performance put it best when he said 'there are no ugly cars in victory lane'." Supercars: Scott McLaughlin says title defence looking good After countless hours of development, DJR Team Penske believe their newly unveiled Mustang will keep them at the top of Supercars in the 2019 season. HORSEPOWER: Supercars champion Scott McLaughlin and the new DJR Team Penske Ford Mustang. Series champion Scott McLaughlin and teammate Fabian Coulthard unveiled the new livery in Melbourne on Monday. Ahead of testing at Phillip Island on Thursday, McLaughlin endorsed Ford's first new build in a decade, saying it "looks fast standing still". The two-door coupe has largely unchanged colours and one major difference – the galloping horse badge on the grill. But there's been a decidedly mixed reaction to the Mustang's homologation to meet Supercars standards. The enormous wing is a particular sore point with many, but not McLaughlin. "I love it. The rear wing is a big talking point with a lot of people," he said. "It’s nice to see it with the proper colours ... those stickers on it it looks really cool. I reckon it looks tough." The Mustang reveal took place with the help of team legend Dick Johnson, replacing the soft launch last month when the Mustang was covered head-to-toe in a blue camouflage. "From when everybody first saw it with the blue camo, it disguised the look of the car probably too good," Coulthard said. "Now you see the shape of the car, the lines, I think it looks awesome." The car will debut on a race track in testing at Phillip Island, before the season-opening Adelaide 500 begins February 28. Team director Ryan Story cut a delighted, if fatigued, figure at the launch. "We're ecstatic with how the car has come together and how it looks in our 2019 warpaint ... and are hopeful of continuing the success we've enjoyed," he said. Story acknowledged the divisive reaction, agreeing there was always a trade-off between form and function. "It was always going to be a little bit polarising in terms of the decisions we had to make to make sure we met the rules of Supercars and effectively fitting a Mustang into the controlled chassis," he said. "The primary player in the development of the car was Ford Performance so the hint is probably in the name. Brian Novak form Ford Performance put it best when he said 'there are no ugly cars in victory lane'."
The seizure prognosis of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Thirty-two patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) were studied to evaluate the seizure prognosis. The response to antiepileptic drugs was excellent in 68%, but the patients, who had much more focal discharges on EEG and were sensitive to neuropsychological EEG activations at the beginning of treatment, had an unfavorable outcome. A combination of absence seizure alone resulted in the excellent prognosis for both absence and myoclonic seizures, and a combination of generalized tonic-clonic seizure on awakening related to rare myoclonic seizures. These findings suggest that the outcome of JME would be predicted by the EEG abnormality and the combination of the other types of seizures, which are probably determined by the pathophysiology at the beginning of treatment.
U.S. Members of Congress Live on a Food Stamp Budget June 14, 2007 Congresswoman Lee: Finishing the Challenge Friday, I had grits and toast for breakfast, crackers and a banana for lunch and two hamburgers from White Castle ($.51 apiece) for dinner. On Saturday, I skipped breakfast. We held a press conference at the Discount Grocery in Berkeley, which is one of the few places where people on a low budget can get some nutritious food. I bought a small container of chicken and dumplings, an apple, a can of tuna, a box of macaroni and cheese and a can of turnip greens (total $2.25). I hadthe chicken and dumplings for lunch and skipped dinner. Sunday I skipped breakfast and lunch and made a macaroni and tuna casserole, with greens on the side, for dinner and half a can of peaches for dessert. Monday morning I finished the peaches and had an apple raisin and carrot bar (purchased Sunday $1.40) on the plane back to D.C. For dinner it was two bean burritos. When I finished the challenge it was a relief, but not as much as I had imagined at first. As the days went on, I found that I became less hungry, or maybe more accustomed to being hungry. My first meal after the challenge ended was a tuna sandwich, which was good, but I found I was not all that hungry. The same is true with other things, like coffee. During the first few days, I missed my regular lattes (I even got headaches from the caffeine withdrawal), but by the end of the week I had completely forgotten about it. One thing I have noticed, however, is how conscious of the price of food I have become. I bought a plate of fruit at the cafeteria, and and I ended up paying $3.50 for 14 little piece of fruit, which is outrageous! I am definitely more conscious of how much food costs and how much money is wasted on food by those not on a limited budget. I know I mentioned before that, having had this experience I can see how people forced to eat on such a budget could develop health problems, but I am certain that the stress of worrying about how to afford to eat is part of it. I have no problem imagining that people on food stamps could get high blood pressure just worrying about how to budget their food expenses. In closing, I want to thank everyone who tuned in to read about my experience. Obviously, this isn't about me, it's about raising awareness about hunger in the richest country in the world, and it is about building support for a Farm Bill and a Food Stamp Program that reaches more of the people in this country who are hungry and provides them with more than just $1 per meal. Comments Congresswoman, your comments are ripe for criticism. First, the program is supposed to be a supplement. Why should people have their entire food budget provided by this program? Second, part of your trouble is food selection. Plenty of people provide for themself of their own funds for close to your alotted amount. As has been noted elsewhere, crackers are an expensive item - perhaps they are not a good fit for someone on food stamps. Home Economics appears to be in order. Third, stop with the "richest country in the world" thing. The riches in this country are not yours to tap, those riches actually belong to real people. Why do you believe that you, through taxation, should steal productive people's resources? Lastly, it is comical that you state "this is not about" you. It's entirely about you, it's about other legislators and it's about activists who want to extend their control over more and more independent people. You should focus on creating independence from, instead of dependence on, the federal government. I read another blog that made reference to your experience with $21 dollars. I think that it is an interesting experiment to undertake. I can only imagine the stress and fear of someone that has to make ends meet on so little. As a person that has dealt with issues of entrenched poverty it is unbelievable that we are still talking about hunger in our society. We make it seem like it is our patriotic duty to castigate the poor as lazy and believe that anyone's success in life is independant of community support. Plus, our government can shovel billions of dollars to military contractors and give huge tax incentives to large corporations, but it can't help the most vulnerable within our population (children). Thank you for making some focus on poverty in America. It doesn't happen enough in our government. Those of us who have worked in soup kitchens and food pantries appreciate any assistance that you can give those in need. I realize that poverty is a complicated issue, but it is important to at least begin again to address it as an issue. Brian - I deal with issues of entrenched poverty every day. I intentionally moved into a city with lots of entrenched poverty. I give out groceries to my neighbors all the time. You err in at least two ways. First, I do not decry community support, in fact, I believe community support is the only way to elevate people's lives. Second, I would not say the poor are lazy; I believe programs like food stamps inhibit people from doing truly productive things, like working. The problem is that we view government as the vehicle to solve problems. This is patently, blatantly incorrect. People solve problems, governments perpetuate problems. Look at the history of humanity - kings and rulers were reviled the world over because of their cruelty and exorbitant lifestyles (read: hi taxation). What we have managed to do in the US is replace our kings with our peers - and they have succeeded in lording their power over us just as royalty of the past. The congresswoman is the same; with her mouth she tells you she's making things better for you and by her actions she is punishing you, all at the same time. Where does the $21 figure come from? The table in this publication gives a figure of $155, which is about $35/week. $21 may be the amount the average food stamp recipient receives, not the poorest, but a recipient of $21 has enough income that he can be assumed to have an additional $14 that he is supposed to kick in to his food budget. I am amazed at the way people think. Some are lazy yes but most are not.Let me describe my situation and maybe you'll realize a few thigns. I have raised 4 chikldren 2 lived ion my house and i paid child support for the oldest 2.I worked many long and hard hours at a very physically demanding job that didnt pay squat, But i worked so hard and long and PAID my taxes that it eventually destroyed my body, just so i wouldnt have to get "help" My children turned out really well (good thing). NOW i face the issues of being disabled and living on 728 $ a month!!! I pay 355 for rent 65 for electric 107 for phone, tv and internet access (my only interaction to the outside world) 95 for my medications and 22.50 for a buss pass. that totals upto 655.5 leaving 83 for food laundry clothing toilet paper garbage bags. so i get 138 a month in food stampswhich is 34.5 a week which if i was healthy wouldn't be a problem but i am diabetic and am supposed to eat 6 small meals a day thats makes each meal cost 1.21. so what can you find HEALTHY to eat at that price? So that makes my sugar unstable which means more hospital and doctor visits. I gave up alot just to do what "society" feels a productive citizen should do. I would rathe rspend all that medical money on food than over priced doctors and hospitals. Some things i have given up becaus ei either cant afford to replace or just can live with out. Panties would be nice to have, a pair of shoes that dont have holes or rips.Even a pair of pants or a shirt that fits, heck even a new one, Dare i dream of such a thing? So go back to complaining about how those of us who need help are lazy and complaining about that new car you cant afford or how neglected you feel becasue your husband works so hard and long so you can sit on your butt and eat truffles and be so unappreciative of what you have. Meanwhile i will just just be thankful im alive. Things in this country need to seriously change. I'm so proud of these senators for trying to understand how the "other half" lives. I think all those in government need to experince how I and others live. Thank You for your time Dramatic Smiles is the leading supplier to dental professionals worldwide. Dramatic Smiles offer safe and effective teeth whitening products to achieve caring results. Now any one can get whiter teeth instantly, with dramatic results. The teeth whitening gels provided by Dramatic Smile are the most effective and leading whitening gels in the market. Dramatic Smile offers cheapest teeth bleaching systems on the web, Dramatic smiles are so confident about their products that they guarantee better deals and are ready to beat any other offers on the web. Now, everyone can get safe and affordable whiter teeth, instantly, with the fastest and most effective teeth whitening system available today on the web! Dramatic Smiles have more then 30 years of experience developing and delivering top quality dental products to dentists and dental professionals world-wide. Dramatic Smiles were the first to manufacture 35% gel for the dental industry and the leading supplier of teeth whitening kits. The finest ingredients, such as, Kosher USP glycerin and USP grade Carbamide Peroxide are used by Dramatic Smiles. All the products are recommended and used by dentists! Following are the products developed and delivered by Dramatic Smiles: Perhaps this has already been pointed out, but it might need reiteration. Buy cheap, calorie dense foods in bulk, shop somewhere cheap (Food City). I think it was MSN, who had a spectacular article showing the foods that families (of 4) around the world bought each week. Americans were somewhere in around $200-300; the diet consisting mostly of pre-packaged crap foods. I found Chad very interesting, their diets consisted of 3 or 4 enormous bags of grains, beans, and whatnot. Their cost per week? Less than $2, for a family of four. I see it as very easy: Stop messing with the market. Eliminate the 8 BILLION dollars in farm subsidies. With that alone you could feed 400 million families in Chad for a quarter of the year. Give that back to the people you represent instead of spending their money on things they don't want. The fact of the matter is you can get along quite well on a low food budget. It's not going to be particularly tasty, but it will provide sustenance. I'm sorry to say, you're doing it wrong. Personally, I find the Food Stamp Program completely unfair. I, myself, am a single mom with a 19 yr old boy and a 9 yr old girl. I have been unemployed for over 2 years. Due to the 200,00+ Katrina survivors in our area jobs are hard to come by. I started school in January so I can open my own business and take care of my family. I have a year to go. I also applied for Food Stamps and other assistance. I was offered $10 a month in Food Stamps because the father of my son owes $87,000 in back child support and one day i might get that. Thankfully I have family that can and do help me with my bills such as rent, electricity and whatnot. I was told that if I quit school and my son quits school and we do absolutely nothing, I'd get $38 a month in Food Stamps. I was also told that I lived in a neighborhood that is considered upper middleclass and that I should not need help. My family takes me to the grocery store every couple of weeks and I spend about $50, and make do with what I have. I make sure my kids have plenty to eat. I grew up with a single mother who raised two girls on her own making no more than $30k a year. We lived in an upper middle class neighborhood so that we could go to good schools. She never had to use food stamps and neither will I because she taught me how to be smart and use what you have. For example, yesterday I purchased: I just looked up the income guidelines for food stamps in my state (Texas). Our family of six would qualify, with our current income, for $722 a month in food stamps. Our monthly average for groceries over a year's time is about half that. We are not living on bananas and crackers - we eat whole grains, beans and other legumes, fruits, vegetables, lean meats - in other words, a well-rounded diet, with enough variety to keep us content. The only people I personally know of who spend upwards of $700 a month on groceries are either feeding a houseful of their teens' friends all the time, regularly buying expensive meats and fish that are tens of dollars a pound, or both. In my humble opinion, part of the problem stems from an entire generation of Americans growing up thinking that sticking something into the microwave or toaster oven is "cooking", and thinking that high-markup items like cold cereal and prepackaged snack foods (crackers, cookies, chips, frozen meals) are necessary. Buying in bulk, stocking up during sales and learning simple cooking and menu planning skills could help people who desperately need to stretch their food budgets to do so. But the desire to put the time and effort in does have to be there. Trying to spend $3 daily in a store to feed oneself is not going to work. Taking $500 at the beginning of the month and planning and shopping carefully would result in feeding a family just fine. Thousands (millions?) of us do it every month. Yesterday our family had oatmeal with raisins and orange juice for breakfast; sausages on buns with carrot and celery sticks for lunch; apples and oranges for snacks; and potato stew with spinach and mushroom salad and fresh bread for supper. The total cost for the day was most assuredly less than $21. I have helped friends who asked me learn how to shave dollars off their food bill and better use the resources they have, I encourage other readers here to do the same. Share your easy, cheap homemade soup or chili recipe with a friend. If you have a garden share your bounty with neighbors. Lending a helping hand is just as if not more important than spending more money.
BOSTON -- On the hottest day of the year in Boston, David Ortiz led the Red Sox to their biggest offensive attack of the season. Ortiz continued his torrid hitting with a grand slam for one of their four homers as they set a season high in runs, beating the Miami Marlins 15-5 on Wednesday night. The Red Sox pounded out 16 hits and won their fourth straight game and sixth in their last seven on a night when the game-time temperature was 95 degrees. "The weather warmed up a little. Guys felt loose," Boston manager Bobby Valentine said. Ortiz hit his 18th homer of the season, his third in three games and fourth in six, a span in which he is 9 for 20. The grand slam in a six-run fourth inning was the 11th of his career. "I don't get many opportunities (with pitches) over the plate," he said. "I just try to be patient for that one pitch they give me to hit." The Red Sox moved out of last place in the AL East at 35-33, passing Toronto after the Blue Jays lost 8-3 to Milwaukee. Mike Aviles, Jarrod Saltalamacchia and Will Middlebrooks also homered one night after Ortiz hit one of Boston's three homers in a 7-5 victory over Miami. "Hitting is definitely contagious and so is winning," Aviles said. "Any time you get a couple of wins together you just get that good confidence going and you just keep rolling with it and that's where we're at right now." The Marlins lost for the 12th time in 14 games despite getting four runs and nine hits in six innings against Felix Doubront (8-3). Ricky Nolasco (6-6) gave up nine runs and nine hits in 3 1/3 innings. "I just think we're all trying to get on a positive run right now," he said. "It's just not happening. The last two games we swung the bats well. We just haven't pitched (well)." The Red Sox offense has come alive in the past week with at least seven runs in four of their last six games.
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 - 2018, IBEROXARXA SERVICIOS INTEGRALES, S.L. * Copyright (C) 2015 - 2018, Jaume Olivé Petrus ([email protected]) * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * The WHITECAT logotype cannot be changed, you can remove it, but you * cannot change it in any way. The WHITECAT logotype is: * * /\ /\ * / \_____/ \ * /_____________\ * W H I T E C A T * * * Redistributions in binary form must retain all copyright notices printed * to any local or remote output device. This include any reference to * Lua RTOS, whitecatboard.org, Lua, and other copyright notices that may * appear in the future. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Lua RTOS, BH1721FVC sensor (Ambient Light) * */ #include "sdkconfig.h" #if CONFIG_LUA_RTOS_LUA_USE_SENSOR #if CONFIG_LUA_RTOS_USE_SENSOR_BH1721FVC #define BH1721FVC_I2C_ADDRESS 0b0100011 #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/driver.h> #include <sys/delay.h> #include <drivers/sensor.h> #include <drivers/i2c.h> driver_error_t *BH1721FVC_presetup(sensor_instance_t *unit); driver_error_t *BH1721FVC_acquire(sensor_instance_t *unit, sensor_value_t *values); driver_error_t *BH1721FVC_set(sensor_instance_t *unit, const char *id, sensor_value_t *setting); // Sensor specification and registration static const sensor_t __attribute__((used,unused,section(".sensors"))) BH1721FVC_sensor = { .id = "BH1721FVC", .interface = { {.type = I2C_INTERFACE}, }, .data = { {.id = "illuminance", .type = SENSOR_DATA_FLOAT}, }, .properties = { {.id = "resolution", .type = SENSOR_DATA_INT}, {.id = "calibration",.type = SENSOR_DATA_FLOAT}, }, .presetup = BH1721FVC_presetup, .acquire = BH1721FVC_acquire, .set = BH1721FVC_set }; /* * Operation functions */ driver_error_t *BH1721FVC_presetup(sensor_instance_t *unit) { // Set default values, if not provided if (unit->setup[0].i2c.devid == 0) { unit->setup[0].i2c.devid = BH1721FVC_I2C_ADDRESS; } if (unit->setup[0].i2c.speed == 0) { unit->setup[0].i2c.speed = 400000; } unit->properties[0].integerd.value = 1; // H-Resolution Mode unit->properties[1].floatd.value = 0; // Calibration = 0 return NULL; } driver_error_t *BH1721FVC_acquire(sensor_instance_t *unit, sensor_value_t *values) { uint8_t i2c = unit->setup[0].i2c.id; int16_t address = unit->setup[0].i2c.devid; driver_error_t *error; int transaction = I2C_TRANSACTION_INITIALIZER; uint8_t buff[2]; // Power on buff[0] = 0x01; error = i2c_start(i2c, &transaction);if (error) return error; error = i2c_write_address(i2c, &transaction, address, 0);if (error) return error; error = i2c_write(i2c, &transaction, (char *)&buff, 1);if (error) return error; error = i2c_stop(i2c, &transaction);if (error) return error; delay(16); // Set resolution mode if (unit->properties[0].integerd.value == 0) { // Auto-Resolution Mode buff[0] = 0b00010000; } else if (unit->properties[0].integerd.value == 1) { // H-Resolution Mode buff[0] = 0b00010010; } else if (unit->properties[0].integerd.value == 2) { /// L-Resolution Mode buff[0] = 0b00010011; } error = i2c_start(i2c, &transaction);if (error) return error; error = i2c_write_address(i2c, &transaction, address, 0);if (error) return error; error = i2c_write(i2c, &transaction, (char *)&buff, 1);if (error) return error; error = i2c_stop(i2c, &transaction);if (error) return error; delay(180); // Read error = i2c_start(i2c, &transaction);if (error) return error; error = i2c_write_address(i2c, &transaction, address, 1);if (error) return error; error = i2c_read(i2c, &transaction, (char *)buff, 2);if (error) return error; error = i2c_stop(i2c, &transaction);if (error) return error; // Power down buff[0] = 0x00; error = i2c_start(i2c, &transaction);if (error) return error; error = i2c_write_address(i2c, &transaction, address, 0);if (error) return error; error = i2c_write(i2c, &transaction, (char *)&buff, 1);if (error) return error; error = i2c_stop(i2c, &transaction);if (error) return error; values[0].floatd.value = ((buff[0] << 8) + buff[1]) / 1.2; values[0].floatd.value += unit->properties[1].floatd.value; return NULL; } driver_error_t *BH1721FVC_set(sensor_instance_t *unit, const char *id, sensor_value_t *setting) { if (strcmp(id,"resolution") == 0) { if ((setting->integerd.value < 0) || (setting->integerd.value > 2)) { return driver_error(SENSOR_DRIVER, SENSOR_ERR_INVALID_VALUE, NULL); } memcpy(&unit->properties[0], setting, sizeof(sensor_value_t)); } else if (strcmp(id,"calibration") == 0) { memcpy(&unit->properties[1], setting, sizeof(sensor_value_t)); } return NULL; } #endif #endif
Q: How to check the docker-compose file version? I would like to make sure that I'm using version 3 of the compose file format. However, on https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/ I was not able to find out how to do this. My Docker version is 17.04.0-ce, build 4845c56, and my Docker-Compose version is docker-compose version 1.9.0, build 2585387. I'm not sure since when version 3 of the compose file format was introduced, however. How can I find this out? A: It's on your docker-compose.yml file. First parameter is Docker Compose version. version: '3' Docker Compose version file 3 was introduced in release 1.10.0 of Docker Compose and 1.13.0 release of Docker Engine. Here you can see release notes for Docker Compose 1.10.0 which introduces version file 3: https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/tag/1.10.0
The Los Angeles Kings boast some impressive features going into 2011-12. They have a great goalie duo, with a productive and growing starter in Jonathan Quick and a backup who makes scouts drool in Jonathan Bernier. After years of asking a lot from Anze Kopitar, the team will ease his burden with the addition of Mike Richards (and there could be a nice trickle down effect for Jarret Stoll, who slides into a more appropriate third line center role). From Drew Doughty to Willie Mitchell and Rob Scuderi, the Kings rock a hockey nerd’s dream of a defense and have the head coach to make it all work. Yup, the Kings look like serious contenders on paper. There’s only one position that troubles many observers: the wings. That’s a compelling group, but the problem is that both Gagne and Williams have a long history of injury issues in their careers. Penner lost favor with a lot of Kings fans in his struggles after a splashy trade deadline move, but if nothing else, he was supposed to join Brown as the healthy ones. After all, Penner has only missed four games in the last five seasons. It’s listed as a lower-body injury, with no clear indication of how severe it might be. Penner scored just six points in 19 regular season games and two points in six playoff games while drawing the ire of Kings fans. I have a strange feeling that he could make a more positive impact this season – at least on offense – because he’s in a contract year. (The Anaheim Ducks won the Stanley Cup the last year he was fighting for a new deal, for one thing.)
As the holiday season is just around the corner, British officials are warning buyers about cheap, counterfeit ‘hoverboards’ – one of the top gifts in 2015 – that are very dangerous and may even catch on fire. Since October, more than 17,000 ‘hoverboards’ – which are wheeled, self-balancing scooters – have been examined, and about 88 percent of them (or 15,000) are considered dangerous to users. There have also been incidents in which hoverboards caught on fire, because the battery cut-off switch failed to work, making the product overheat. Leon Livermore, chief executive of the Charted Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) said that in an attempt to flood the market, irresponsible manufacturers will often produce cheap and unsafe products. According to Consumer Minister Nick Boles, around the holidays customers are usually under pressure to buys the prefect presents, but they should always keep in mind that safety always comes first. Livermore advises customers to remain vigilant especially during the holidays, to avoid purchasing an unsafe product, and to not let their judgement be clouded by a new craze or fashion. NetNames, a company that provides internet domain name management services and online brand protection, found that for the IO Hawk hoverboard about 99 percent of the online listings were fake. The World Customs Organization stated that counterfeit products are on the rise especially on online marketplaces. Each year, about $500 billion are made from sales of counterfeit goods, which account for ten percent of global trade. Jeff Hardy, director of Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy at the International Chamber of Commerce, said that counterfeit goods are already hard enough to track down in the real world, not to mention the virtual world. Moreover, online marketplaces make it difficult for buyers to make a distinction between the counterfeit and the real product. Gary Mcllraith, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at NetNames, said that counterfeiters take advantage of the growing numbers of online shoppers, by infringing the trademarks, products, and packaging of popular brands. The UK National Trading Standards advises people who are looking to buy a hoverboard for their loved ones as a holiday gift, to research the company before making the purchase. Customers should also be wary of the extremely low prices, which may indicate that the product is in fact ‘too good to be true’. Image Source: redditmedia
Go To Page: [ 1 · 2 ] In this tutorial you will learn how to create a very cool and unique Bamboo Text Effect that looks amazing when used on many different types of projects. Here is what you will be creating with this tutorial: This effect works great on a travel agency brochure, or even a vacation website as shown in this example: Note: This tutorial is intended for use with Adobe Photoshop CS and CS2 software. Page 2 of 2 Step 8.) Once again, merge all of these layers together as we have done in step #6. Hold down the SHIFT key on your keyboard and click each layer once to select it. Once all layers are highlighted except the background layer, press go to Layer->Merge. Press CTRL + J on your keyboard to duplicate this layer. Press CTRL + T on your keyboard to open up the Freeform Transform Tool. Right click the layer and select 'Warp': PS 7 Users: You may be able to create this effect by going to "Filter->Distort->Shear" and adjusting the settings until you have something similar to what we have come up with. Get out Move Tool () and position this duplicate layer as l have done here. Step 10.) Duplicate the layer we named "Straight Bamboo" by clicking it once to select it, and pressing CTRL+ J on your keyboard. Go to Edit->Transform->Rotate 90° Change the layer mode of this layer to "Linear Dodge": Using the Move Tool () position it on the top of the pieces as l have done here, to create a "T" shape. Step 11.) Similarly create the other characters that you need for your text using the same techniques. Simply duplicate the straight, and curved pieces that we have already created and use them to build the other letters you need for your logo, or signature text. By looking at this image, you should be able to tell where l have used the curved pieces, and where l have used the straight ones: Step 12.) Select and merge all layers. CS Hold down the SHIFT key on your keyboard and click each layer once to select it. Once all layers are highlighted except the background layer, press go to Layer->Merge. Press CTRL + U on your keyboard to open up the HUE/SATURATION window, and apply the following settings: Make sure Colorize is checked Step 14.) Duplicate this layer and change the layer mode to "Color Dodge", to give the text effect a little more depth: This completes our tutorial on how to create "Bamboo Text". It takes a little time to get used to it, but once you have the pieces made, the rest of the work falls into place very easily. Here is how my final result ended up: Here is how something like this might look on a travel brochure, or vacation website header: Related Tutorials: Glossy ButtonsIn this tutorial you will learn how to make quick and effective looking round gl ... Easy ApophysisThis tutorial will explian how to create a great Apophysis effect w/out using an ... Cristillic IceLearn how to make the widely popular "cristillic-ice" effect that you see used o ...
Q: porting win32 code (windows.h) to linux I'm working on a c++ project where I have bunch of Visual Studio generated project files that I want to port to linux. I essentially am using windows.h header file in multiple files on Windows. Now, I'm unsure as there explicitly exists no linux.h file (incase it does, please guide me where to look at). On linux I'm using Eclipse CDT for development. I've two ideas in mind of how possibly it would work on linux but I want your input to know what the right direction is: (1) To remove the windows API calls with Linux API calls in the C++ files. But this would mean, I've to find equivalent function in linux which I am not sure where to look at. eg. Filetime in Win32 is equivalent to something in linux (haven't found this thing yet). (2) I copy the basic syntax of these functions (as written in windows.h) and just create a header file (lets say i name it linux.h) and include this header file in project on linux. So, apparently you might have figured out that I'm confused of how to move things ahead. I just want to work this thing out. Please suggest me ideas/views other than following: (1) No, I don't want to use Boost. (2) I don't want to rewrite the files in Visual Studio. A: Linux implements the POSIX API. If you follow path (1), you'll need to find the replacement headers and calls from here. Alternatively, you could use Winelib to try to compile your Windows code "natively" on Linux. The Wine Project implements much of the Windows API, so it could work, and it's theoretically possible to recompile your Windows program to run on Linux for ARM, for instance, but they make no guarantees about that. However, if you want to follow that second path, you'll need to recompile for each version of Wine that your users might have installed, so if they're on x86, it makes more sense to just give them the binary along with a custom wine prefix configured to a state known to work. A third alternative is to drop all of that, and rewrite using a toolkit like Qt that will cross-compile across Windows/Mac/Linux, and drop direct calls to the underlying operating system. If you find your code often needing to work across different operating systems, this is probably the best choice. A: It sounds like you want the Windows APIs on Linux. I would think that you should also consider making your C++ code portable by replacing the Windows API calls with portable libraries like STL and Boost. But, if you really can't do that, then look into WineHQ, which is an implementation of Windows APIs on Linux. A: It really depends on your application. If its a non-gui app command line only. You should look at replacing your win32 calls with posix versions of the functions which are compatible with different platforms (linux, Mac OS X). So that is option 1. You can convert Filetime to posix here and wrap it with your own function that has an #ifdef for each os you want to compile on. Options 2 is a pain, been there done that. But it can still be an option, it really depends on how many Win32 functions you have in your source code and how different they are from the posix version. I do not recommend this option. Option 1 is better once you learn the posix versions of the win32 functions and just stop using the win32 function as much as possible.
"The United States participated actively and effectively in the negotiation of the Convention . It marks a significant step in the development during this century of international measures against torture and other inhuman treatment or punishment. Ratification of the Convention by the United States will clearly express United States opposition to torture, an abhorrent practice unfortunately still prevalent in the world today. The core provisions of the Convention establish a regime for international cooperation in the criminal prosecution of torturers relying on so-called 'universal jurisdiction.' Each State Party is required either to prosecute torturers who are found in its territory or to extradite them to other countries for prosecution."
Talos Secure Workstation – New, Lower Pricing - mpartel https://www.crowdsupply.com/raptor-computing-systems/talos-secure-workstation/updates/new-lower-pricing ====== __d Yeah, but ... it's still insane :-( ------ whyagaindavid Wish them well but I cant afford :-(
Beyond ‘Dark Knight': What if Wes Anderson made Batman reboot? Feb. 06, 2012 | 6:36 p.m. BATFILMS OF THE FUTURE? The end is near — when the credits roll on “The Dark Knight Rises” this July, it will mark the end of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy and the final adventure for Christian Bale as the caped crusader of Gotham City. Warner Bros. executives have made it clear they won’t leave the iconic property sitting on a shelf, however, and a new director and star tandem could be inhabiting Wayne Manor by 2014. But how on earth will any filmmaker follow the work of Nolan and company? Working together, Hero Complex lead writer Geoff Boucher and graphic artist Sean Hartter came up with 15 imaginary Batman reboots — and, yes, they did it with tongue in cheek. Matthew Vaughn: "Batman: Mad City" (Sean Hartter / For Hero Complex) Matthew Vaughn’s “Batman: Mad City”: Maybe the future of Gotham is in the past? That approach worked in a big way for Fox’s Marvel mutant franchise, which was losing its mojo before “X-Men: First Class” found a retro energy that managed to channel both Jack Kennedy and Jack Kirby. How great would it be to see “First Class” director Matthew Vaughn and star Michael Fassbender jump over to the DC Universe to give us a Bruce Wayne of the “Mad Men” era that might sync up nicely with Darwyn Cooke’s vintage vision of the caped crusader in comics? Todd Phillips’ “Dude, Where’s My Batmobile?”: After the grimmer-than-grim Nolan films, maybe we could all use a laugh. When Batman (Bradley Cooper) goes on vacation, his housesitter, Billy “Matches” Malone (Ashton Kutcher) decides to smoke up and take the ultimate joyride at the wheel of the Batmobile — but what happens when the villains of Gotham City mistakenly think the affable pothead is the real caped crusader? With Dwayne Johnson as Killer Croc, Zach Galifianakis as the Penguin, Emma Stone as Barbara Gordon and Elisha Cuthbert as Harley Quinn. Wes Anderson’s “Alfred Pennyworth, the Life Nocturnal”: Hey Gotham City, why so serious? Bill Murray stars in this quirky, existential Wes Anderson film about the aging manservant who keeps an eye on the demons and delusions of a billionaire recluse named Bruce Wayne (Luke Wilson) who likes to wear a cape and pretend he is a masked vigilante. The film also stars as Danny Glover as Jim Gordon, Gwyneth Paltrow as Selina Kyle, Jason Schwartzman as Dick Grayson and Owen Wilson as Harvey Dent. Gene Hackman makes a cameo appearance as the ghost of Thomas Wayne. Comments 16 Responses to Beyond ‘Dark Knight': What if Wes Anderson made Batman reboot? I think it should definitely go in a direction with a little more "fantasy" but not campy. I think for a BIG name.. GUILLERMO DEL TORO would be great because look at his work of blending reality/fantasy …i.e. PAN'S LABRYNTH. Del Toro & Chris also did a Q & A last year that was great. They seemed to get on well… Look it up. 2nd idea, I think it should also be MUCH darker. Never found Batman to be as dark or imitimdating as he could be. He should be full of RAGE as the bat. Remember this is the guy who walks a fine line, where he should be portrayed as the guy that any minute can cross over & BE the villian. My 2nd idea for a director (well out there) would be ROB ZOMBIE. Look at his work & then when you see LORDS OF SALEM. I think that will sell you on it. 3rd choice.. like Çhris (who only had 3 films under his belt at the time of his hiring)… I suggest ZAL BATMANGLIJ. I think he's the next Christopher Nolan in general. Don't believe me? Wait till 2012 is over. SOUND OF MY VOICE & THE EAST. Enough will be said after that & he'l be on ALL of your radars. Out of the above choices that were suggested… I dig RIDLEY SCOTT'S the most. DO YOU WANT BATMAN TO BE TERRIBLE? DO YOU HAVE A MENTAL DISABILITY?!!!!! Rob Zombie???????? HE WOULD RUIN the movie. Rob Zombie is one of the worst directors ever. His reboot of Halloween was pathetic. ROB ZOMBIE? Seriously, was that a joke???? Do you even want the movie to be good? Rob Zombie should be the last person on the list that you contact. I'd rather have someone who has only directed spanish soap operas as director that Rob Zombie. There are experssions batman makes in the Hush series that look like Bale. I'll never like any other Batman, considering I know every possible actor in the world right now and they all just don't have what it takes. It's too bad they can't just go from movie to tv, with the way the writing and directing is on person of interest, it might be smarter than letting some idiot nephew of some exec make a new batman. There are over a hundred thousand actors in SAG. You know them all? Or just the fifty most common faces of the lot? And I'm glad producers don't think like you; otherwise, we never would have seen a new Batman in the form of Christian Bale. In fact, there might be a seven-year-old out there who will one day don the cape crusader's cowl and when he does someone like you will say, "…I'll never like any other Batman…" i have to say ur right they need to talk nolan into something were he over looks the movies i even think azreal needs to be add and make three more movies and let batman heal up and then they wont have to replace bale,as well i would love to see nolans take on scar face,the mad hatter,killer croc and depending on the end of rises have bane come back in the thrid one as well and even try to get bale back and now they could use azreal losing his mind with bane wanting pay back and batman forced out of retirement to bring both of them down and they could push it father. and in the next three movie have little cameos were it shows bruce training a young man not robin but nightwing forming and molding him to take the mantal but at the end of the 3rd movie have him tell bruce there will never be another batman and he dont want to try to fill in that he well make his own name and now they have more movies and it leaves bale and nolans batman alone without worry.then they could use pinguen moving in the city to take over as a mob boss,ridder but make him more like arkham city ridder there just so many ways they could do it and leave nolans batman world alone,but they always need to have nolan over looking the making of these movies couse nobody wants to relive the 90s batman Christopher Nolan didn't just reboot Batman – he reboot movies. After Batman Begins, his movies have been mentioned as inspiration for nearly every superhero and sci-fi movie to have been released since, including The Amazing Spider-Man. The thing Nolan avoided though was something that got away from the realistic tone of the movies. He had to ditch the immortality of Ras al-Ghul and the chemical bath the Joker got. Now he has shifted Bane from a chemically-induced strong-man into an asthmatic with radical headgear. It all works, but the approach essentially eliminated a number of characters whose realistic version would have been difficult to render. No matter what approach the next version takes (even though it should ride very close if not parallel to Chris Nolan's), as so long as the filmmakers care enough about having a story to tell and characters to develop, as the Nolans have, then it should be fine. And on that note, Chris Nolan is rumored to be producing the next version for Warner Brothers. Honestly, give the director's chair to Jonathan Nolan. I don't want anyone else having creative control over this character other than the Nolans and maybe David S Goyer.
Altered transforming growth factor-beta pathway expression pattern in rat endometrial cancer. Endometrial cancer is the most abundant female gynecologic malignancy, ranking fourth in incidence among invasive tumors in women. Females of the BDII inbred rat strain are extremely prone to endometrial adenocarcinoma (EAC), and approximately 90% of virgin females spontaneously develop EAC during their lifetime. Thus, these rats serve as a useful model for the genetic analysis of this malignancy. In the present work, gene expression profiling, by means of cDNA microarrays, was performed on cDNA from endometrial tumor cell lines and from cell lines derived from nonmalignant lesions/normal tissues of the endometrium. We identified several genes associated with the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) pathway to be differentially expressed between endometrial tumor cell lines and nonmalignant lesions by using clustering and statistical inference analyses. The expression levels of the genes involved in the TGF-beta pathway were independently verified using semiquantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction. Repressed TGF-beta signaling has been reported previously in EAC carcinogenesis, but this is the first report demonstrating aberrations in the expression of TGF-beta downstream target genes. We propose that the irregularities present in TGF-beta pathway among the majority of the EAC tumor cell lines may affect EAC carcinogenesis.
Q: How make a select with "repeated" condition in SQL? I have the following select that need to be done: select top 1 a, b, c, d from Products where CodDep = 10 or CodDep = 11 or CodDep = 12 or CodDep = 13 or CodDep = 26 or CodDep = 27 or CodDep = 32 or CodDep = 34 or CodDep = 248442 or CodDep = 259741 order by LastUpdate Is there an easy way to do this without all this repetition? A: select top 1 a, b, c, d from Products where CodDep IN (10,12,12,13,26,27,32,34,248442,259741) order by LastUpdate
Q: Struggling with return data from a jQuery call to vb.Net asmx web service I am writing my first HTML5 based app, I am also writing my first web service and attempting inner connectivity between the two. Too facilitate a test bed for this I have setup a simple local .vb based web service which is as follows: <System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService()> _ <WebService(Namespace:="http://tempuri.org/")> _ <WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo:=WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)> _ <Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _ Public Class Verify Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService <WebMethod()> _ Public Function HelloWorld() As String Return "Hello World" End Function <System.Web.Services.WebMethod()> _ Public Function UsernameVerify(ByVal username As String) _ As Boolean Return (username = "Username") End Function <System.Web.Services.WebMethod()> _ Public Function PasswordVerify(ByVal pass As String) _ As Boolean Return (pass = "RandomPassword123") End Function End Class I wanted to test that my app was able to connect to the web service, send the data, and receive the appropriate return. To do this I used jQuery: function verifyInfo(){ $.ajax( { Type: 'Post', url: 'http://localhost/TestWebService/Verify.asmx/HelloWorld', success: function(data){alert(data);}, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { debugger; } }); } The problem right now is that the value stored in data is printed as [object Document] and I am not entirely sure where to proceed from here. From the call to HelloWorld function invoke I would expect to return a string Hello World. When I do a browser based test via debugging in visual studio the invokes work fine and return appropriate XML outputs such as: <string xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">Hello World</string> Sorry for such a long post but hoping to get some guidance on how to get the expected data back as a return after POSTing to the web service. Thank you in advance for any tips/hints/suggestions. A: ASMX returns results in "d" wrapper. See this very nice article http://encosia.com/never-worry-about-asp-net-ajaxs-d-again/ so try something like: success: function(data){alert(data.d);} UPDATE: Also try to define proper content type of your ajax call: $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: [your url] data: [your data], contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', dataType: 'json', success: function (data) {alert(data.d);} }); UPDATE 2: Try to also change your web method to this (add a response format): <WebMethod()> _ <ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat:=ResponseFormat.Json)> _ Public Function HelloWorld() As String Return "Hello World" End Function
[The influence of left atrial cuff rejection on pulmonary hemodynamics after canine lung allotransplantation]. Several factors influence pulmonary hemodynamics after lung transplantation: reimplantation response, lung rejection reaction and imperfect anastomosis technique. In this experiment, five cases presented marked elevation of mean pulmonary artery pressure at the time or right pulmonary artery occlusion test performed two weeks postoperatively. Left atrial cuff rejection reaction arose in one case in which edema and stenosis of the pulmonary vein outflow tract were evidenced. This finding demonstrated that the changes in pulmonary hemodynamics after transplant suggest the possibility of inducement by left atrial cuff rejection reaction.
MLB Players Primed for Breakout Seasons Paul Sancya/Associated PressBilly Hamilton is one of the many names that could breakout in 2014. 2.1K Reads 0 Comments YasielPuig, Gerrit Cole and Michael Wacha were three of many players who busted onto the scene in the MLB in 2013. Their breakout seasons have people looking to find the next breakout star. There are a few names you may have heard of because of a certain skill, but there are also names you may not have heard of. Here are a few players you need to keep an eye out for during the 2014 MLB season. Nathan Eovaldi, SP, MIA Alan Diaz/Associated Press The Miami Marlins could have a scary one-two punch in their rotation if Nathan Eovaldi pans out. There are not many bright spots in Miami, so do not look for 15-plus wins from Nathan Eovaldi. But expect him to be a perfect complement to Jose Fernandez in the Marlins rotation. According to FanGraphs.com, Eovaldi had the hardest fastball out of any pitcher who had similar innings pitched. His 96.2 mph is absurd. The Marlins could have a top of the rotation that can throw the ball hard as well as get batters out with an off-speed pitch or two. Eovaldi went 4-6 in 18 starts for the Marlins, but he had a 3.39 ERA, which is definitely something to be excited about in Miami. Look for the 24-year-old right-hander to turn some heads during the 2014 season. James Paxton, SP, SEA Elaine Thompson/Associated Press The Seattle Mariners are excited for the breakout of their young left-hander. No, he isn't Felix Hernandez. But he did turn heads in the latter part of the 2013 season for the Seattle Mariners. James Paxton went 3-0 with a 1.50 ERA in four starts down the stretch for Seattle. He shows a little deception in his delivery to the plate by creating a three-quarter arm angle. Placing him in the back of the rotation could be a possibility for the Mariners. Look for Paxton to come out and make a name for himself in 2014. Anthony Rendon, IF, WAS Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports Anthony Rendon will break out for the Nationals in 2014. Anthony Rendon has been on many people's list of breakout players, and that is why he is on this list. Rendon spent time at second base, shortstop and third base during the course of his 2013 campaign. He looks to have a chance to play every day with the Washington Nationals. The sixth overall pick in the 2011 draft hit .265 with seven home runs and 35 RBI last season. He will get a chance to open eyes and turn heads with a breakout 2014 season. Didi Gregorius, SS, ARI Gregory Bull/Associated Press Didi Gregorius is looking to become a household name in the MLB this season. The Arizona Diamondbacks started their young shortstop Didi Gregorius 97 times in 2013. There were a lot of learning curves, especially at the plate. Gregorius managed to hit .252 in 404 plate appearances, despite striking out 65 times. He did manage to get on base, however, drawing 37 walks and sporting a .332 on-base percentage. Gregorius has a full offseason to work with coaches and will have the opportunity to make Arizona fans excited for the rest of his career. Christian Yelich, OF, MIA Alan Diaz/Associated Press Christian Yelich can swipe a few bags for the Marlins in 2014. Remember how there were only a few bright spots for the Marlins in 2013? Well, Christian Yelich was one of them. The speedy outfielder came in and impressed during his 62 games with the ballclub. Yelich stole 31 bases, hit .288 and had a .360 OBP in those games. He has shown promise at the plate, and his defense isn't too shabby either. Yelich can become a complete player with more games and chances to succeed. Look for him to stand out in Miami. Nolan Arenado, 3B, COL Gregory Bull/Associated Press/Associated Press Nolan Arenado is a young player looking to break out and already one of the best defensive players in the National League. The Colorado Rockies may have one of the best defensive third basemen in the entire league. His name is Nolan Arenado, and he hit .267 last season. According to FanGraphs.com, he was the fifth-best defensive player in the majors during the 2013 season. What stands out about Arenado is that he will be hitting in the same lineup as Michael Cuddyer, Carlos Gonzalez and Troy Tulowitzki, which means there will be plenty of chances to hit this season. Playing at Coors Field helps out as well. Arenado is already a great defender, but he could also become a more complete player this season. Keep an eye out for him this season. Billy Hamilton, OF, CIN Frank Victores-USA TODAY Sports The Cincinnati Reds may have the next-best base stealer in Billy Hamilton. Everyone heard of Billy Hamilton at one point last season. Why? His speed. Hamilton played 13 games for the Cincinnati Reds last season. He hit .368, but only had 19 at bats. He did have a one-steal-per-game pace, stealing 13 bases in the final month of the season. If Hamilton is placed on the bench and used as a pinch runner, the Reds could have themselves a huge threat in late-game situations. Look for Hamilton to be a top-tier base stealer in the majors during the 2014 season. Well, now that you have seen the names, it is your job to be attentive and look out for these players. They are on the upward spring, so be prepared for several new names in baseball this season.
Fragments of Aeterna Arl'Wynn Largest continent on Aeterna and home to the old capital city of Bolderann, now the current base of operations of the NARP. The continent is shaped like an upright bean, making for a diverse range of climates and biomes. Hell’s Maw Mountains: Second highest mountain range on Aeterna, and home to the Kinnigof nation-state. Home to expansive lava tubes that have emptied out since the beginning of the Lavamancer activity, the tubes are reported to be a possible location of the King’s Bane base of operations. The mountains get its name for the reddish soil, which under the setting sun seems to burn like fire. The Great Forest: Bordering the Hell’s Maw mountain range to the south, this is the tallest forest in Aeterna. It hugs against the mountain range and extends southward and cups the Central Plains. Central Plains: Stretching from nearly the western coast to the eastern coast, these flat, rolling plains are home to Bolderann as well as many other cities and towns. The plains are fertile and good for farming. East Coast: Western end of the Central Plains, home to fishing villages and coastal cities like Chrysalis. The Shattered Isles lie just across the water. Southern Tundra: Craggy, icy, rockscape home to some trade towns. The waterway that lies between here and the Southern Ice Planes is heavily trafficked for trade between Chrysalis and Eastern Carridas and Oriias.
Effect of chronic opioid treatment on phagocytosis in Tetrahymena. Opioid inhibition of phagocytosis in the protozoan ciliate Tetrahymena is antagonized by naloxone and this antagonism can be surmounted by increasing agonist concentration, which suggests a receptor-mediated mechanism. Desensitization of the opioid effect is time dependent in addition to concentration dependent. Chronic exposure to opioids results in the development of tolerance to the inhibitory effect of the agonists, and withdrawal of the latter results in a decrease in phagocytic capacity, which suggests that a state akin to dependence has been developed in these cells. Naloxone appears to behave as a partial agonist in tolerant cells, and there seems to exist cross-tolerance to mu and delta agonists.
On Dreams On Dreams (Ancient Greek: Περὶ ἐνυπνίων; Latin: De insomniis) is one of the short treatises that make up Aristotle's Parva Naturalia. The short text is divided into three chapters. In the first, Aristotle tries to determine whether dreams "pertain to the faculty of thought or to that of sense-perception." In the second chapter, he considers the circumstances of sleep and how the sense organs operate. Finally, in the third chapter he explains how dreams are caused, proposing that it is the residual movements of the sensory organs that allow them to arise. Content Aristotle explains that during sleep there is an absence of external sensory stimulation. While sleeping with our eyes closed, the eyes are unable to see, and so in this respect we perceive nothing while asleep. He compares hallucinations to dreams, saying "...the faculty by which, in waking hours, we are subject to illusion when affected by disease, is identical with that which produces illusory effects in sleep." When awake and perceiving, to see or hear something incorrectly only occurs when one actually sees or hears something, thinking it to be something else. But in sleep, if it is still true that one does not see, hear, or experience sense perception in the normal way, then the faculty of sense, he reasons, must be affected in some different way. Ultimately, Aristotle concludes that dreaming is due to residual movements of the sensory organs. Some dreams, he says, may even be caused by indigestion: We must suppose that, like the little eddies which are formed in rivers, so the movements are each a continuous process, often remaining like what they were when first started, but often, too, broken, into other forms by collisions with obstacles. This gives the reason why no dreams occur in sleep after meals, or to sleepers who are extremely young, e.g., to infants. The movement in such cases is excessive, owing to the heat generated from the food. Hence, just as in a liquid, if one vehemently disturbs it, sometimes no reflected image appears, while at other times one appears, indeed, but utterly distorted, so as to seem quite unlike its original; while, when once the motion has ceased, the reflected images are clear and plain; in the same manner during sleep the images, or residuary images are clear and plain; in the same manner during sleep the images, or residuary movements, which are based upon the sensory impressions, become sometimes quite obliterated by the above described motion when too violent; while at other times the sights are indeed seen, but confused and weird, and the dreams are incoherent, like those of persons who are atrabilious, or feverish, or intoxicated with wine. For all such affections, being spirituous, cause much commotion and disturbance. Aristotle also describes the phenomenon of lucid dreaming, whereby the dreamer becomes aware that he is dreaming. Legacy The 17th century English philosopher Thomas Hobbes generally adopted Aristotle's view that dreams arise from continued movements of the sensory organs during sleep, writing that "dreames are caused by the distemper of some inward parts of the Body." He thought this explanation would further help in understanding different types of dreams, for example, "lying cold breedeth Dreams of Feare, and raiseth the thought and Image of some fearfull object." The neurologist Sigmund Freud cited Aristotle in his 1899 work, The Interpretation of Dreams, as the first to recognize that dreams "do not arise from supernatural manifestations but follow the laws of the human spirit." He held Aristotle's definition of dreams to be "the mental activity of the sleeper in so far as he is asleep." References Notes Sources External links On Dreams, translated by J. I. Beare HTML Greek text: Mikros apoplous Category:Works by Aristotle Category:Philosophical literature
--- layout: projectimage title: matrix-rocketchat categories: - bridge description: This is an application service that bridges Matrix to Rocket.Chat, written in Rust. author: exul maturity: Beta language: Rust license: MIT repo: https://github.com/exul/matrix-rocketchat screenshot: /docs/projects/images/matrix-rocketchat.png featured: true bridges: RocketChat reponame: matrix-rocketchat thumbnail: /docs/projects/images/rocketchat-logo.png --- This is an application service that bridges Matrix to Rocket.Chat, written in Rust. Find it on [GitHub](https://github.com/exul/matrix-rocketchat).
The liver is an important organ which has various functions such as metabolic regulation and storage of sugar, protein and lipid which are three major nutrients, and decomposition and detoxification of substances unnecessary to the living body. These functions suffer acute or chronic disorders due to an excessive in take of alcohol, viral infection, bad eating habits, stress, smoking, etc. The advance of these disorders results in diseases such as acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, hepatic cirrhosis, alcoholic fatty liver, hepatitis B and liver cancer. When liver cells are damaged by virus, alcohol, etc., enzymes such as aspartate aminotransferase (glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, hereinafter abbreviated as GOT) and alanine aminotransferase (glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, hereinafter abbreviated as GPT) in the cells leak into the blood, which raise the values indicating the activities of these enzymes. Accordingly, the levels of GOT and GPT activities in the blood are known as indices of the levels of the liver function disorders. Known drugs used for the prevention or treatment of the liver function disorders include antiviral agents such as acyclovir, immunosuppressive agents, glutathione and the like. Foods and drinks which are recognized to be effective for protecting, strengthening and improving the liver functions include for example, turmeric, milk thistle, sesame lignan, oyster extract, liver extract and the like. However, a strong need consistently exists for the development of pharmaceutical agents which are effective in prevention or treatment of liver diseases, and of health foods and drinks or animal feeds which enable prevention or treatment of hepatopathy by daily intake. In connection with stilbenoid compounds, anti-allergic activities, anti-oxidative activities and anti-bacterial activities have been conventionally investigated on compounds isolated from Hydrangeae Dulcis Folium which is a herbal medicine [Summary of Lectures at the 2nd Symposium on Medicines and Foods, p. 85, 1999, Nihon Yakuyou Shokuhin Gakkai Zyunbi Iinkai (Japanese Society of Medicated Foods, Preparatory Committee)], and the like. Reports have been made as follows on in vitro activities of the stilbenoid compounds. In regard to the anti-allergic activities, it is reported that release of histamine from mast cells induced by compound 48/80 or calcium ionophore A23187 is suppressed by thunberginol A-G (50% inhibitory concentration: 9.4-92 μM), but is not suppressed by phyllodulcin or phyllodulcin 8-O-glucoside, hydrangenol, hydrangenol 8-O-glucoside, hydramacrophyllol A and B at 100 μM [Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 7, 1445 (1999)]. The extract of Hydrangeae Dulcis Folium (2000 mg/kg) is reported to suppress rat skin passive anaphylaxis through oral administration [Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 114(6), 401 (1994)]. In addition, it is reported that phyllodulcin 8-O-glucoside (300 and 500 mg/kg), hydrangenol (500 mg/kg), hydrangenol 8-O-glucoside (300 and 500 mg/kg), thunberginol A (300 and 500 mg/kg), thunberginol F (300 and 500 mg/kg) suppress rat skin passive anaphylaxis through oral administration, but phyllodulcin (300 and 500 mg/kg) does not suppress rat skin passive anaphylatic reaction [Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 22(8), 870 (1999)]. In connection with the anti-oxidative activities, it is reported that: as to DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl 2-Picrylhydrazyl) radical capturing capacity, the extract of Hydrangeae Dulcis Folium exhibits 50% capturing action at 0.099 mg, while phyllodulcin exhibits this activity at 0.208 mg, and hydrangenol at 1.074 mg; as to linoleic acid oxidation (iron rhodanate method), phyllodulcin exhibits more potent suppressive activity than α-tocopherol or BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole), while hydrangenol exhibits a weak suppressive activity thereto; and as to NADP (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate) H dependent lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsome, phyllodulcin exhibits a suppressive activity at a similar level to α-tocopherol, while hydrangenol exhibits a weak suppressive activity thereto [Natural Medicine, 49(1), 84(1995)]. In regard to anti-bacterial activity, it is reported that phyllodulcin at 1000 ppm exhibits a proliferation suppressive activity on Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidemidis (Japanese Published Unexamined Patent Application No. 43460/93), and phyllodulcin and hydrangenol exhibit an anti-bacterial activity on Bacteroides melaninogenicus and Fusobacterium nucleatum with the minimum growth inhibitory concentration of 1.25-2.5 ppm (Japanese Published Unexamined Patent Application No. 92829/94). In regard to differentiation-inducing activity on leukocyte [Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 48(4), 566 (2000)], isocoumarins such as thunberginol A (active at 100 μM) are reported to have more potent activity in vitro than dihydroisocoumarin such as phyllodulcin or hydrangenol (active at 300 μM). In addition, hydrangenol is reported to have a hyaluronidase inhibitory activity [Planta Medica, 54, 385 (1988)]. Moreover, it is reported that the extract of Hydrangeae Dulcis Folium (500 mg/kg) exhibits a cholagogic activity in an in vitro test, however, phyllodulcin (200 mg/kg) and hydrangenol (200 mg/kg) do not exhibit this activity [Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 114(6), 401 (1994)]. Furthermore, it is reported that the extract of Hydrangeae Dulcis Folium (200 and 400 mg/kg, oral administration) suppresses rat gastric ulcer induced by ethanol hydrochloride, however, phyllodulcin (75 mg/kg, oral administration) and hydrangenol (75 mg/kg, oral administration) do not suppress the ulcer [Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 114(6), 401 (1994)]
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.iceberg.data; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.iceberg.CombinedScanTask; import org.apache.iceberg.FileScanTask; import org.apache.iceberg.MetadataColumns; import org.apache.iceberg.Schema; import org.apache.iceberg.TableScan; import org.apache.iceberg.avro.Avro; import org.apache.iceberg.data.avro.DataReader; import org.apache.iceberg.data.orc.GenericOrcReader; import org.apache.iceberg.data.parquet.GenericParquetReaders; import org.apache.iceberg.expressions.Evaluator; import org.apache.iceberg.expressions.Expression; import org.apache.iceberg.expressions.Expressions; import org.apache.iceberg.io.CloseableGroup; import org.apache.iceberg.io.CloseableIterable; import org.apache.iceberg.io.CloseableIterator; import org.apache.iceberg.io.FileIO; import org.apache.iceberg.io.InputFile; import org.apache.iceberg.orc.ORC; import org.apache.iceberg.parquet.Parquet; import org.apache.iceberg.relocated.com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import org.apache.iceberg.relocated.com.google.common.collect.Sets; import org.apache.iceberg.types.TypeUtil; import org.apache.iceberg.util.PartitionUtil; class GenericReader implements Serializable { private final FileIO io; private final Schema tableSchema; private final Schema projection; private final boolean caseSensitive; private final boolean reuseContainers; GenericReader(TableScan scan, boolean reuseContainers) { this.io = scan.table().io(); this.tableSchema = scan.table().schema(); this.projection = scan.schema(); this.caseSensitive = scan.isCaseSensitive(); this.reuseContainers = reuseContainers; } CloseableIterator<Record> open(CloseableIterable<CombinedScanTask> tasks) { Iterable<FileScanTask> fileTasks = Iterables.concat(Iterables.transform(tasks, CombinedScanTask::files)); return CloseableIterable.concat(Iterables.transform(fileTasks, this::open)).iterator(); } public CloseableIterable<Record> open(CombinedScanTask task) { return new CombinedTaskIterable(task); } public CloseableIterable<Record> open(FileScanTask task) { DeleteFilter<Record> deletes = new GenericDeleteFilter(io, task, tableSchema, projection); Schema readSchema = deletes.requiredSchema(); CloseableIterable<Record> records = openFile(task, readSchema); records = deletes.filter(records); records = applyResidual(records, readSchema, task.residual()); return records; } private CloseableIterable<Record> applyResidual(CloseableIterable<Record> records, Schema recordSchema, Expression residual) { if (residual != null && residual != Expressions.alwaysTrue()) { InternalRecordWrapper wrapper = new InternalRecordWrapper(recordSchema.asStruct()); Evaluator filter = new Evaluator(recordSchema.asStruct(), residual, caseSensitive); return CloseableIterable.filter(records, record -> filter.eval(wrapper.wrap(record))); } return records; } private CloseableIterable<Record> openFile(FileScanTask task, Schema fileProjection) { InputFile input = io.newInputFile(task.file().path().toString()); Map<Integer, ?> partition = PartitionUtil.constantsMap(task, IdentityPartitionConverters::convertConstant); switch (task.file().format()) { case AVRO: Avro.ReadBuilder avro = Avro.read(input) .project(fileProjection) .createReaderFunc( avroSchema -> DataReader.create(fileProjection, avroSchema, partition)) .split(task.start(), task.length()); if (reuseContainers) { avro.reuseContainers(); } return avro.build(); case PARQUET: Parquet.ReadBuilder parquet = Parquet.read(input) .project(fileProjection) .createReaderFunc(fileSchema -> GenericParquetReaders.buildReader(fileProjection, fileSchema, partition)) .split(task.start(), task.length()) .filter(task.residual()); if (reuseContainers) { parquet.reuseContainers(); } return parquet.build(); case ORC: Schema projectionWithoutConstantAndMetadataFields = TypeUtil.selectNot(fileProjection, Sets.union(partition.keySet(), MetadataColumns.metadataFieldIds())); ORC.ReadBuilder orc = ORC.read(input) .project(projectionWithoutConstantAndMetadataFields) .createReaderFunc(fileSchema -> GenericOrcReader.buildReader(fileProjection, fileSchema, partition)) .split(task.start(), task.length()) .filter(task.residual()); return orc.build(); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Cannot read %s file: %s", task.file().format().name(), task.file().path())); } } private class CombinedTaskIterable extends CloseableGroup implements CloseableIterable<Record> { private final CombinedScanTask task; private CombinedTaskIterable(CombinedScanTask task) { this.task = task; } @Override public CloseableIterator<Record> iterator() { CloseableIterator<Record> iter = CloseableIterable.concat( Iterables.transform(task.files(), GenericReader.this::open)).iterator(); addCloseable(iter); return iter; } } }
Temporal trends in spontaneous abortion associated with Type 1 diabetes. The objective of this study was to investigate temporal changes in the reported rates of spontaneous abortion associated with Type 1 diabetes. Individuals from the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Type 1 Diabetes Registry for 1950-1964 (n=495) completed a self-report reproductive history questionnaire in 1981 that was updated in 1990. Data from both surveys, which proved to be valid and reliable, were utilized for this report. More spontaneous abortions (26.8 vs. 7.7%, P<0.001), stillbirths (4.7 vs. 1.2%, P<0.001) and induced abortions (7.0 vs. 0.9%, P<0.001) were reported for Type 1 diabetic women than for the non-diabetic partners of Type 1 diabetic men. A significant temporal decline in the rates of spontaneous abortion for Type 1 diabetic women was observed (< or = 1969: 26.4%; 1970-1979: 31.0%; 1980-1989: 15.7%; P<0.05). No differences were apparent for the non-diabetic partners of Type 1 diabetic men (< or = 1969: 4.2%; 1970-1979: 9.5%; 1980-1989: 5.7%; P>0.05). Temporal changes in medical care for women with diabetes (i.e. self-monitoring of glycemic control) may have contributed to a recent reduction in spontaneous abortions associated with maternal Type 1 diabetes.
The man page at http://xmonad.org/manpage.html says: "When running with multiple monitors (Xinerama), .... If you switch to a workspace which is currently visible on another screen, xmonad simply switches focus to that screen." In the current darcs version (and in version 0.3), that isn't true. The behavior can be made to agree with the man page by changing W.greedyView to W.view in Config.hs. Or is the man page out of date?
Q: Probability of sum of uniform variables I need to estimate the probability of a sum of uniform variables. More exactly $P(S_{100} \geq 70)$ where $S_{100}=\sum_{i=1}^{100} X_i$ and $X_1, X_2, \cdots, X_{100}$, are iid with $\mathcal{U}$(0,1) distribution. I find solution for other distribution but can't apply it for variables with uniform distribution. I want to use central limit theorem and struggle to write the probability with an expression of sum and pdf (if possible). Please help. A: HINT - CLT: For uniform distribution $U_X(0,1): \ \ E(X) = \frac{1}{2},\ \ D(X) = \frac{1}{12}$ For sum of 100 variables $ U_X(0,1): \ \ E(S_{100})=100\cdot\frac{1}{2} = 50, \ \ D(S_{100})=100\cdot \frac{1}{12}=\frac{25}{3}$ Then $P(S_{100} \geq 70)=1-P(S_{100} < 70)\sim 1-F(70), \ \ F(x) = \ $ distribution function of normal distribution $N(\mu,\sigma^2) =N(50, 25/3).$
Q: ngOnChanges doesn't trigger changes https://next.plnkr.co/edit/0LHeJ3Fyz5gdjJqQ?open=lib%2Fapp.ts&deferRun=1 Here's a plunkr. It's just for example. In real project i got something like <input [(ngModel)]='_data.name' [name]='name' /> I pass some data for input by using ngOnInit lifehook And i cant understand why my ngOnChanges hook doesn't trigger changes when i write something in my <input> The _data takes data from json/server by using services http request, then i get name in my <input>, or something on The question is: how to detect changes with ngOnChange lifehook in my situation I try to set [name]='name' and then take it using @Input like that @Input() name: string; Then in ngOnChanges ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { console.log(changes.name.currentValue); } Why i do not see anything in my console? Why ngOnChanges is not working this way? I need to take value from my input, then detect it changes using ngOnChanges No errors in console, no data, just nothing, empty A: That's because the relation between two components is not well implemented. We should have a deal firstly that @input() decorators are implementend only in a child component, that means, you have to make your changes in the father component and pass those changes to the child so it will invoke its ngOnChanges method. That is to say: in your Father component: @Component({ selector: 'my-app', template: ` <div> <example [name]="name"></example> <!-- Here you intend to call your child --> <input [(ngModel)]="name"/> </div> `, }) export class App { name: string; constructor() { this.name = `Angular! v${VERSION.full}`; } } And Remove that <input [(ngModel)]="name"/> from Example template. A working stackblitz.
Linux - NewbieThis Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux. Just starting out and have a question? If it is not in the man pages or the how-to's this is the place! Notices Welcome to LinuxQuestions.org, a friendly and active Linux Community. You are currently viewing LQ as a guest. By joining our community you will have the ability to post topics, receive our newsletter, use the advanced search, subscribe to threads and access many other special features. Registration is quick, simple and absolutely free. Join our community today! Note that registered members see fewer ads, and ContentLink is completely disabled once you log in. If you have any problems with the registration process or your account login, please contact us. If you need to reset your password, click here. Having a problem logging in? Please visit this page to clear all LQ-related cookies. Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide This guide was created as an overview of the Linux Operating System, geared toward new users as an exploration tour and getting started guide, with exercises at the end of each chapter. For more advanced trainees it can be a desktop reference, and a collection of the base knowledge needed to proceed with system and network administration. This book contains many real life examples derived from the author's experience as a Linux system and network administrator, trainer and consultant. They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and that you feel encouraged to try out things on your own. I have downloade the tar.bz2 file and followed instructions to unpack. Everything went ok except it won't install. I have followed the INSTALLATION and README as best I could. "./configure", "make", "make install" didn't get anywhere. I am at a total loss. Any help to install the driver so I can use the wacom bamboo pen & touch tablet would be most appreciated. Briefly, the shell commands `./configure; make; make install' should configure, build, and install this package. The following more-detailed instructions are generic; see the `README' file for instructions specific to this package. The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package. It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, and a file `config.log' containing compiler output (useful mainly for debugging `configure'). It can also use an optional file (typically called `config.cache' and enabled with `--cache-file=config.cache' or simply `-C') that saves the results of its tests to speed up reconfiguring. Caching is disabled by default to prevent problems with accidental use of stale cache files. If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can be considered for the next release. If you are using the cache, and at some point `config.cache' contains results you don't want to keep, you may remove or edit it. The file `configure.ac' (or `configure.in') is used to create `configure' by a program called `autoconf'. You need `configure.ac' if you want to change it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version of `autoconf'. The simplest way to compile this package is: 1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type `./configure' to configure the package for your system. Running `configure' might take a while. While running, it prints some messages telling which features it is checking for. 2. Type `make' to compile the package. 3. Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with the package. 4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and documentation. 5. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the source code directory by typing `make clean'. To also remove the files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'. There is also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly for the package's developers. If you use it, you may have to get all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came with the distribution. 6. Often, you can also type `make uninstall' to remove the installed files again. Compilers and Options ===================== Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that the `configure' script does not know about. Run `./configure --help' for details on some of the pertinent environment variables. You can give `configure' initial values for configuration parameters by setting variables in the command line or in the environment. Here is an example: You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their own directory. To do this, you can use GNU `make'. `cd' to the directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run the `configure' script. `configure' automatically checks for the source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'. With a non-GNU `make', it is safer to compile the package for one architecture at a time in the source code directory. After you have installed the package for one architecture, use `make distclean' before reconfiguring for another architecture. On MacOS X 10.5 and later systems, you can create libraries and executables that work on multiple system types--known as "fat" or "universal" binaries--by specifying multiple `-arch' options to the compiler but only a single `-arch' option to the preprocessor. Like this: This is not guaranteed to produce working output in all cases, you may have to build one architecture at a time and combine the results using the `lipo' tool if you have problems. Installation Names ================== By default, `make install' installs the package's commands under `/usr/local/bin', include files under `/usr/local/include', etc. You can specify an installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure' the option `--prefix=PREFIX'. You can specify separate installation prefixes for architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files. If you pass the option `--exec-prefix=PREFIX' to `configure', the package uses PREFIX as the prefix for installing programs and libraries. Documentation and other data files still use the regular prefix. In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give options like `--bindir=DIR' to specify different values for particular kinds of files. Run `configure --help' for a list of the directories you can set and what kinds of files go in them. If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'. Optional Features ================= Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to `configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package. They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System). The `README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the package recognizes. For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't, you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and `--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations. Particular systems ================== On HP-UX, the default C compiler is not ANSI C compatible. If GNU CC is not installed, it is recommended to use the following options in order to use an ANSI C compiler: ./configure CC="cc -Ae" and if that doesn't work, install pre-built binaries of GCC for HP-UX. On OSF/1 a.k.a. Tru64, some versions of the default C compiler cannot parse its `<wchar.h>' header file. The option `-nodtk' can be used as a workaround. If GNU CC is not installed, it is therefore recommended to try ./configure CC="cc" and if that doesn't work, try ./configure CC="cc -nodtk" Specifying the System Type ========================== There may be some features `configure' cannot figure out automatically, but needs to determine by the type of machine the package will run on. Usually, assuming the package is built to be run on the _same_ architectures, `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints a message saying it cannot guess the machine type, give it the `--build=TYPE' option. TYPE can either be a short name for the system type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name which has the form: CPU-COMPANY-SYSTEM where SYSTEM can have one of these forms: OS KERNEL-OS See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field. If `config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't need to know the machine type. If you are _building_ compiler tools for cross-compiling, you should use the option `--target=TYPE' to select the type of system they will produce code for. If you want to _use_ a cross compiler, that generates code for a platform different from the build platform, you should specify the "host" platform (i.e., that on which the generated programs will eventually be run) with `--host=TYPE'. Sharing Defaults ================ If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share, you can create a site shell script called `config.site' that gives default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'. `configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/config.site' if it exists, then `PREFIX/etc/config.site' if it exists. Or, you can set the `CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script. A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script. Defining Variables ================== Variables not defined in a site shell script can be set in the environment passed to `configure'. However, some packages may run configure again during the build, and the customized values of these variables may be lost. In order to avoid this problem, you should set them in the `configure' command line, using `VAR=value'. For example: ./configure CC=/usr/local2/bin/gcc causes the specified `gcc' to be used as the C compiler (unless it is overridden in the site shell script). Unfortunately, this technique does not work for `CONFIG_SHELL' due to an Autoconf bug. Until the bug is fixed you can use this workaround: CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash /bin/bash ./configure CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash `configure' Invocation ====================== `configure' recognizes the following options to control how it operates. `--help' `-h' Print a summary of all of the options to `configure', and exit. `--help=short' `--help=recursive' Print a summary of the options unique to this package's `configure', and exit. The `short' variant lists options used only in the top level, while the `recursive' variant lists options also present in any nested packages. `--version' `-V' Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure' script, and exit. `--cache-file=FILE' Enable the cache: use and save the results of the tests in FILE, traditionally `config.cache'. FILE defaults to `/dev/null' to disable caching. `--config-cache' `-C' Alias for `--cache-file=config.cache'. `--quiet' `--silent' `-q' Do not print messages saying which checks are being made. To suppress all normal output, redirect it to `/dev/null' (any error messages will still be shown). `--srcdir=DIR' Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually `configure' can determine that directory automatically. `--prefix=DIR' Use DIR as the installation prefix. *Note Installation Names:: for more details, including other options available for fine-tuning the installation locations. `--no-create' `-n' Run the configure checks, but stop before creating any output files. `configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options. Run `configure --help' for more details. Thanks, Tinkster. I have read thru the previous postings regarding install from tarball. However, I keep getting config errors. Hence my post out of desperation. Please accept my apologies if my question should not have been posted. Thanks in advance anyway for any help I can get. ============ daisy@linux-y6rn:~/Downloads/xf86-input-wacom-0.16.0> ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... gawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking for gcc... no checking for cc... no checking for cl.exe... no configure: error: in `/home/daisy/Downloads/xf86-input-wacom-0.16.0': configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH See `config.log' for more details ================
Hyūga-class helicopter destroyer The is a class of helicopter carrier built for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). Two - Hyūga and Ise - were built; upon completion the class were the largest ships built for the Japanese navy since the Second World War. Hyūga was described in a PBS documentary as the "first Japanese aircraft carrier built since WWII." The Hyūgas were followed by the larger , the first being commissioned in March 2015. The Izumos will replace the helicopter destroyers; the Hyūgas were originally meant to replace the Shiranes. The specifications of the Hyūga class are comparable to light aircraft carriers, such as the Italian and Spanish . Under the JMSDF's naming conventions, the ships are called Goei-kan (護衛艦, lit. escort ship) in Japanese and destroyer in English, as same as all the other combatant ships of JMSDF. During development, Hyūga and Ise were provisionally named "16DDH" and "18DDH" respectively. The numbers derived from the Japanese calendar, specifically the 16th year and 18th year of the Heisei reign (2004 and 2006), when the provisional name were given. Design and specifications The Hyūgas are primarily anti-submarine warfare carriers operating SH-60K anti-submarine helicopters. They also have enhanced command-and-control capabilities to serve as flagships. During peacetime, Hyūgas and ships could operate together to conduct military operations other than war, peacekeeping and relief operations. The ships are armed with a 16-cell VLS carrying the Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile surface-to-air missile, and Phalanx close in weapon system for self-defense. They are also equipped with the ATECS command system and FCS-3 fire control with active electronically scanned array radar system. Globalsecurity.org suggests a maximum capacity of 18-24 H-60 class helicopters, or a smaller number of larger helicopters, even though the official complement was reported as three SH-60 and one EH-101 helicopters, or three SH-60J and one CH-53E helicopters. It has been speculated that future modifications may allow the operation of VTOL/STOVL fixed-wing aircraft, such as Harriers or F-35 Lightning II. In 2013, USMC V-22 Ospreys practiced operations on Hyūga. In 2016, MV-22 Ospreys operated off Hyūga in the participation of relief efforts following the Kumamoto earthquake. Ships in the class Construction of the first ship, JS Hyūga, was started in 2006 and it was launched on 23 August 2007. The second was launched and named JS Ise on 21 August 2009. Hyūga was named after (present-day Miyazaki Prefecture) on the east coast of Kyūshū, and Ise after (present-day Mie Prefecture). They inherited the names of the battleships and of the Imperial Japanese Navy. These two ships had been built during World War I and served in World War II. Following the Battle of Midway, Hyūga and Ise were converted into a hybrid battleship/aircraft carriers in 1943 with the replacement of the aft gun turrets and barbettes by a small flight deck and hangar deck with which they could launch a squadron of Yokosuka D4Y dive-bombers and Aichi E16A seaplanes. In November 2009, Hyūga participated in "Annualex 21G" joint naval exercise with the US aircraft carrier and other USN and JMSDF ships to maintain the interoperability between the two navies. On 11 March 2011, the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami struck the northeast part of Japan. Hyūga immediately moved to off the coast of Miyagi prefecture and started search and rescue operations. Ise, which went into service on 16 March, also will join aid delivery operation for refuge shelters. On 8 November 2013, Super-Typhoon Haiyan crossed the Visayas, Philippines. Ise joined the relief operation, using its helicopters to provide relief supplies to remote areas cut off by the storm. Gallery Notes References External links Hyuga Class helicopter destroyer Japan Launches Carrier... Sorta Color Image (Ships of the World No.650 ) Photos Category:Destroyer classes
Instead, Hayes will donate proceeds sent to the Venmo account on his “Broke College Athlete Anything Helps” sign to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Dane County, according to ESPN. Venmo is an app that allows users to send and receive money, then link it to their bank account. Hayes told ESPN that the sign was strictly to generate conversation and that since he can’t accept money, he used a friend’s account. Hayes made noise at Big Ten Media Day by discussing the issue of college athletes’ compensation. Hayes spurned the NBA last spring and returned to Wisconsin for his senior season after averaging 15.7 points and 5.8 boards per game in 2015-16. He was named Big Ten Preseason Player of the Year before this year.
Q: Is there a closed-form way to make a matrix hollow? Let $A\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times N}$ a matrix with entries $a_{ij} \ge 0$ and $\mathrm{det}(A)\neq 0$. I am interested in finding a closed matrix form operation such that $A$ becomes hollow. In other words, if I want to obtain $$ \tilde{A}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times N}\quad\text{such that}\quad \tilde{a}_{ij}=a_{ij}\;\forall (i\neq j)\quad\text{and}\quad\tilde{a}_{ii}=0 $$ with constant matrices $P$ and $Q$ such that $$ \tilde A=PAQ $$ is it possible? I tried a simple example, when $N=2$ and with brute force I found an interesting correlation with a transformation matrix $Q$ (here $P=I$), but I do not know how (and if) it is generalizable to $N>2$: $$ A=\begin{pmatrix} a & b\\ c & d \end{pmatrix} $$ $$ \tilde{A}=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & b\\ c & 0 \end{pmatrix}=PAQ=IAQ=AQ=A\cdot\frac{1}{\det{A}}\begin{pmatrix} -bc & bd\\ ac & -bc \end{pmatrix} $$ EDIT From the comments, it has been pointed out that what I seek is not possible, meaning $P$ and $Q$ do not exist. Is there a way to prove this? A: If I understand the question, you would like to have $$P\begin{bmatrix}1&1\\1&1\end{bmatrix}Q=\begin{bmatrix}0&1\\1&0\end{bmatrix}$$ This is not possible, since the left side has determinant $0$, and the right side has determinant $-1$. With $N>2$, the story is the same using a matrix of all $1$s, which we can denote $\mathbf{1}$. In that case, you want $$P\mathbf{1}Q=\mathbf{1}-I$$ The left side has determinant $0$. As for the right side, note that $$(\mathbf{1}-I)\left(\frac{1}{N-1}\mathbf{1}-I\right)=\frac{N}{N-1}\mathbf{1}-\mathbf{1}-\frac{1}{N-1}\mathbf{1}+I=I$$ so the right side is invertible, and has nonzero determinant. The question now stipulates that $\det A$ is nonzero. Consider a sequence $\{A_n\}$ of invertible matrices converging to $\mathbf{1}$. Then assuming such $P,Q$ exist: $$ \begin{align} PA_nQ&=A_n-\operatorname{diag}(A_n)\\ \lim_{n\to\infty}\left(PA_nQ\right)&=\lim_{n\to\infty}\left(A_n-\operatorname{diag}(A_n)\right)\\ P\left(\lim_{n\to\infty}A_n\right)Q&=\lim_{n\to\infty}\left(A_n\right)-\operatorname{diag}\left(\lim_{n\to\infty}\left(A_n\right)\right)\\ P\mathbf{1}Q&=\mathbf{1}-I \end{align} $$ which we have shown is impossible. So unless you further refine "in general" to exclude invertible matrices converging to $\mathbf{1}$, this can't be done. Perhaps you are interested in a different question than what is posted: For which matrices $A$ does there exist matrices $P,Q$ such that $PAQ=A-\operatorname{diag}{A}$?"
[Indications for surgical therapy of gallstones]. 4675 patients which underwent a cholecystectomy because of gallstone disease were included in a prospective multi-institutional study from 01/09/1994 to 31/08/1995 at 29 east-german hospitals. 3,207 (68.6%) patients had done a laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LCE). 1,468 (31.4%) patients received a primary open cholecystectomy (KCE). A conversion rate of 7.7% (n = 247) was seen. In 32.8% of LCE and in 39.5% of KCE diagnostic procedures of the common bile duct were not performed at all. The rate of open revision of the common bile duct was 4.5% (n = 211). The highest postoperative morbidity and operative mortality were found in KCE with revision of the common bile dutct.
Verify we can build a ubuntu-systemd-container image.
Environmental groups have filed a federal lawsuit pushing for more action to prevent the toxic algae blooms that plague Lake Erie's western basin each summer. The lawsuit says the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency isn't moving fast enough and must hold Ohio accountable for reducing the polluting runoff that feeds the algae. The Environmental Law & Policy Center's lawsuit filed late Thursday in Toledo claims Ohio's efforts to prevent blooms have had little impact. An Ohio EPA spokeswoman says the agency is reviewing the lawsuit. She says the agency intends to roll out new initiatives to help the lake. The lawsuit seeks a court order that sets a series of deadlines between now and 2025 for progress on lake protections.
Action role-playing hack and slash Ragnarok Odyssey and skeletal puzzle platformer Dokuro will launch this winter for PS Vita in Europe. Both games will be available to download from the PlayStation Store, GungHo Online Entertainment America announced. Ragnarok Odyssey, developed by Game Arts, launched in Japan in February 2012 and has sold 100,000 copies. Dokuro, already out in the US, was developed by GungHo Online Entertainment. Screenshots for both games are below. This content is hosted on an external platform, which will only display it if you accept targeting cookies. Please enable cookies to view. Manage cookie settings
<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Context\ExecutionContextInterface; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint; use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintValidator; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception\UnexpectedTypeException; /** * @author Bernhard Schussek <[email protected]> */ class IsTrueValidator extends ConstraintValidator { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint) { if (!$constraint instanceof IsTrue) { throw new UnexpectedTypeException($constraint, __NAMESPACE__.'\IsTrue'); } if (null === $value) { return; } if (true !== $value && 1 !== $value && '1' !== $value) { if ($this->context instanceof ExecutionContextInterface) { $this->context->buildViolation($constraint->message) ->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($value)) ->setCode(IsTrue::NOT_TRUE_ERROR) ->addViolation(); } else { $this->buildViolation($constraint->message) ->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($value)) ->setCode(IsTrue::NOT_TRUE_ERROR) ->addViolation(); } } } }
Matt Breida is on the move to the Dolphins. (Photo by Sean M. Haffey/Getty Images) It wouldn’t be a surprise if Breida ends up with a large share of the load, if he can stay healthy. He’s a dynamic player and athlete, which Howard is not. Breida was undrafted out of college but the 49ers placed a second-round tender on him when he became a restricted free agent this year. Breida is one of the fastest running backs in the NFL, and averaged 5 yards per carry in his three 49ers seasons. He’s also capable in the passing game. The Dolphins are still building and don’t have much reason to hold back in giving Breida touches in the final year of his contract. With a chance to finally get a larger role, Breida should be pleased with this draft-day trade.
Q: How to write a numpy array to a csv file? I want to open up a new text file and then save the numpy array to the file. I wrote this bit of code: foo = np.array([1,2,3]) abc = open('file'+'_2', 'w') np.savetxt(abc, foo, delimiter=",") I get this error: TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-33-fea41927952b> in <module>() 2 model = cool 3 abc = open('file'+'_2', 'w') ----> 4 np.savetxt(abc, foo, delimiter=",") /usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/lib/npyio.py in savetxt(fname, X, fmt, delimiter, newline, header, footer, comments) 1071 else: 1072 for row in X: -> 1073 fh.write(asbytes(format % tuple(row) + newline)) 1074 if len(footer) > 0: 1075 footer = footer.replace('\n', '\n' + comments) TypeError: must be str, not bytes Does anyone know whats wrong? Additionally, I found an empty file created in the terminal called file_2, but nothing is written inside it. EDIT: I am using Python3.4 A: It appears you are using Python3. Therefore, open the file in binary mode (wb), not text mode (w): import numpy as np foo = np.array([1,2,3]) with open('file'+'_2', 'wb') as abc: np.savetxt(abc, foo, delimiter=",") Also, close the filehandle, abc, to ensure everything is written to disk. You can do that by using a with-statement (as shown above). As DSM points out, usually when you use np.savetxt you will not want to write anything else to the file, since doing so could interfere with using np.loadtxt later. So instead of using a filehandle, it may be easier to simply pass the name of the file as the first argument to np.savetxt: import numpy as np foo = np.array([1,2,3]) np.savetxt('file_2', foo, delimiter=",")
Haunted Legends: The Queen of Spades Collector's Edition iOS iPhoneGames Captain Gerard Froussard has reached out to you for help. After Lieutenant Pierre Disparu disappears searching for a missing young lady, it’s up to you to investigate the haunted mansion. Discover the secrets behind a magical deck of cards in Haunted Legends: Queen of Spades! Find The Countess and stop her curse before it claims another victim in this astounding Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game. ☆☆☆☆☆ Features ☆☆☆☆☆ ✓Investigate murders in a haunted mansion!✓Outsmart a sinister Countess and her many traps!✓Spooky scenes and evocative puzzles✓Solve the mystery a deck of cards holds! ✓ Unlock the Collector’s Edition to get exciting extra content, including: -- Bonus game play TRY IT FREE, THEN UNLOCK THE FULL ADVENTURE FROM WITHIN THE GAME! For the best experience, we recommend setting your device to display in English or another supported language while playing this game. We’re big believers that everyone is a gamer at heart and that games are a great source of joy and relaxation. Founded in 2002, Big Fish Games is a developer, publisher and distributor of casual games. We offer a virtually endless selection of interactive games that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Renowned for offering A New Game Every Day!® on www.bigfishgames.com, Big Fish Games distributes more than two million games per day worldwide.
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a dosing device for the volumetric dosing of a liquid additive which is added in a certain volume ratio to a fluid flowing in a first hose line via a second hose line which feeds directly or indirectly into the first hose line. The dosing device of the present invention includes a hose or tube section, which is called a drip tube, which extends downstream from the junction, and has a drip chamber connecting downstream from the drip tube and a light barrier. The direction of action of the light barrier is arranged transversely to the fall path of the drops. Such a dosing device is used in particular within a system for the collection and retransfusion of autologous blood in order to add an anticoagulant liquid or a sedimentation accelerator to blood drawn, or sucked-off and intended for retransfusion, for example during an operation or similar. 2. Discussion of Background and/or Material Information A system for the collection and retransfusion of autologous blood is, for example, known from EP-OS 0 483 703. In the known system, a collection vessel is subjected to an underpressure which is used, by means of a hose attached to the collecting vessel, to suck off blood from an operative field, i.e. from the body of a patient. The sucked-off blood, which is called drainage blood, flows through the hose line and passes a quantity dosing device before it drips into the collection container. Arranged upstream of the quantity dosing device is a Y-shaped branching or junction into which a second hose feeds which is connected to a reservoir for an anticoagulant liquid and/or a sedimentation accelerator. Situated between the reservoir for the anticoagulant liquid and the Y-shaped branching is a valve means which can be triggered via the previously mentioned quantity dosing device. Conventional dosing devices, known from the prior art, operate according to the principle of drop counting, whereby the fluid which flows in a tube and is to be measured or monitored, is guided to a drip chamber which is surrounded by a light barrier. A drop of liquid falling in the drip chamber breaks the light beam from the light barrier and so generates a counting pulse which can be fed to a microprocessor or similar means for further evaluation. It is a disadvantage with this type of volume measurement of a flowing liquid that, the greater the viscosity fluctuations experienced by the liquid to be measured, the more inaccurate is the measured result. The reason for this is that changing kinematic tenacity, i.e. viscosity, and changing density bring with them a change in the volume of an individual drop. As it is only the absolute number of fallen drops which can be determined by the light barrier, this leads the actual volumetric mixture ratio to change when a certain volume of additive is added to a certain number of fallen drops, for example, by a signal being generated by the quantity dosing device after a certain number of fallen drops, ascertained by means of the light barrier, by means of which the valve means arranged in the hose line and connected to the reservoir of the anticoagulant liquid is triggered and opened for a certain time interval. On the other hand, the principle of volume determination by means of a drip chamber and light barrier is cheap and easy to put into practice and operates, at least as far as the light barrier component is concerned, without contact, which, in particular in the case of systems and devices which process blood of patients, is highly desirable for reasons of hygiene.
By: Kerri Fivecoat-Campbell | Pet360.com An elderly couple who left their 13 ½ year old Dachshund tied outside of the Baldwin Park Animal Shelter near Los Angeles with a note asking for him to put to sleep because they could not afford to care for him will be reunited with the dog. The heartbreaking note reads, "Our dog is 13 1/2 years old he is sick starting yesterday with bloody stools, vomiting. Had a skin disease for a few years. We are both seniors, sick with no money. We cannot pay for vet bills, or to put him to sleep. He has never been away from us in all those years, he cannot function without us, please put him to sleep." Instead, shelter workers called Leave No Paws Behind, Inc., an all breed, all foster based rescue that specializes in seniors, who picked up the dog and initially named him Harley. When the dog was taken to a veterinarian, it was determined he could not only be treated, but most likely had a "couple of more years" left in him, according to an update on the organization's Facebook page. The rescue realized the little dog had been well-cared for and according to the note, very much loved, so they decided to try to reach out to the dog's owners. When the dog owners came forward, they explained they are indeed both sick and cannot even afford their medical treatments or tires for their vehicle. They had taken their dog, who is actually named Otto Wolfgang Maximus, to a veterinarian and were told that they would need to run costly tests. When they realized they couldn't even afford to have their dog euthanized by the vet, they were "hysterical" and didn't know what else to do aside from leaving him at the shelter. "We just are living week to week," one of the pet parents, who wished to remain anonymous, told KTLA in an interview. "We can't even go to the hospital to get our treatment." Although they had read the judgments people were making about their decision after the story was made public, they reached out to the rescue anyway. "I was in tears when I realized that their love for this darling little man outweighed their fear of what people may say about them and I knew instantly, our decision to try to reunite Otto with his humans was the right decision!" reads the post on Leave No Paws Behind. Story continues The organization believes the Otto's owners loves him very much and just felt they had no other choice. "Ninety eight percent of the rescues we take in belong with us," said Toby Wisneski, founder of Leave No Paws Behind. "There are 1-2 percent of owners who love their animals very much and just believe they have no other option but to surrender them." Wisneski has decided to make the couple a permanent foster for Otto and return the dog to them with the provision they can make regular, weekly visits to the home. The organization will maintain the cost of Otto's food and veterinary care for the rest of his life. The couple lives outside of California and was on a ministry trip when they dropped Otto at the shelter. They will pick the dog up at the end of the month when they are able to get enough money to purchase new tires for their vehicle. According to Pet Insurance Zone, the average cost of a visit to the vet has soared to $190 for cats and $360 for dogs. The cost rose 64 percent between 1998 and 2006. The cost of having a beloved pet euthanized is not cheap, either. One veterinarian paper put the total cost between $150-$800, which includes veterinarian services, drugs and cremation. According to the most recent study by the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy (NCPPSP), a total of 13 percent of the dogs relinquished by owners to shelters is due to the financial inability to care for the animal, personal problems or a pet's illness. An estimated 1.5-3.5 million animals each year are relinquished to shelters by their owners. Wisneski said pet owners should check with local rescues and shelters, many of which have accounts to help owners in financial crisis. Leave No Paws Behind even has a memorial fund set up to help people with euthanasia if they cannot afford it and the pet is terminally ill. Explore More at Pet360.com Puppy with a Heart Shaped Nose Survives Attack and Leg Amputation 22-Pound Cat Attacks! Family Forced to Barricade Themselves in Bedroom Puppies Left for Dead on the Side of the Highway, Nursed Back to Health Move Over Grumpy Cat: Stray Cat's Angry Face Finds Him a Home Ellen Does it Again! Earns $1.5 Million for Animals with Oscar Selfie This Family Lost Everything in a Fire. Help Them Find Their Dog.
What do you think of my golden salmon boy? His name is Eddie! (From Ed Hess) he is 4 months old. I was thinking of breeding him to my golden cuckoos and then line breeding back to him. He's the only golden salmon I have. Eddie, read your post, how goes your search for golden salmon marans? I love this color variety and would like to work toward a flock... Thanks, Laura Click to expand... Hi Laura, There are three closed flocks of correctly bred Golden Salmon Marans in the US. Marie Cantrell in MT; Bev Davis in FL and a lady in Grayling, Mich. Don't count on getting any birds from them. They will just keep putting you off. Search elsewhere. Try Connie Zullo at Harmony Hill Farm in Barnesville, Georgia.1094 HarmonyHillFarm 343 HarmonyHill Ranch PT, AI Clean Rd Barnesville 30204 , 770-358-0577Her GSM hatch 75% Black Tailed Buff and 25% Golden Salmon Marans. So buy 3 dozen eggs from her and you should get maybe 8 GSM. Do not cross that strain with any other strains. Work within that strain. Connie founded her strain with outcross stock so there is much variation there already. Inbreed to set type and get the birds pure-breeding for GSM. Treasure the Black Tailed Buff when they show up. They should carry the desired Mahogany gene and be valuable to other BTB breeders. Do not cross BTB with GSM. You will see a lot of mismarked cockerels in this gene pool. That's just the sex-linked gold/silver thing at work. Just cull them and move on. Do not breed them back into your gene pool, they cannot help you and will pollute your gene pool with mismarks. When you start getting properly colored females then you are getting somewhere. Go by the female color, not the male. It is possible to have the males hide undesirable colors in their plumage because there is so much black there. But the females reveal all. Analyze your males by the females he throws. When you start getting properly colored females from a male, then you know you are getting there with your males. Almost 2 years go, I shipped a couple of stunning pure BTB hens to a gentleman in Ohio whose f[rst name is Russ . They came from Golden Salmon parents which carried BTB genes. The neat thing about them was they carried the Mh gene which gave them that lovely rich color. Something not often seen in BTB Marans. Their parents came from Harmony Hill farm in Barnesville Georgia, whose Golden Salmon Marans were known for siring both GSM and BTB Marans, a very valuable thing. Anyway, I know Russ's info is on the Net as is Harmony Hills Farm. Golden Salmon ( e+/e+ s+/s(-), is recessive to BTB. So when BTB shows up from GSM parents, it is pure BTB. I shipped them out because I was looking to breed GSM and couldn't use them. Russ had a cock which needed hens. I don't know how his breeding program is progressing, have not heard from him in many months as I gave up on GSM and moved to Light Sussex which I really like. Best, Karen Tewart in western PA, USA Where did the Mh gene come from if both parents were GSM? If I researched the purebred cock's ancestry correctly, and I think I did, I believe he was a carrier of the Mh gene while manifesting proper GSM coloring. I believe he only carried one copy of Mh as he sired both BTB and GSM. I do believe he was a proper GSM and not crossed with Wheaton. I do not believe there was any Wheaton in the parents of my birds. I humbly request that those who are working on a GS project....please....do not sell your "BTB" females as BTB. For those who are working on the BTB variety, having mixed up genes in the BTB pool is a nightmare. BTB are not supposed to be e+/e+ but there are folks selling birds that hatched out wild type but mature to look like BTB and are then sold as such. Correct BTB are wheaten based. Thanks Question: since gs are pure wild type, they are very much like Welsumer, light brown leghorn, or red and silver dorking? Wels have an Mh though, yes? So gs are genetically closer then to leghorns and dorkings? Since it is nearly impossible to get a gs marans, how hard would it be to re-create it? Would that an option?
Prenez note que cet article publié en 2014 pourrait contenir des informations qui ne sont plus à jour. Le cas, médiatisé, d'un cycliste sauvagement agressé en décembre 2012 à Montréal a trouvé son dénouement avec la condamnation de l'agresseur, qui a plaidé coupable à des accusations de voies de fait avec lésions. Vendredi dernier au palais de justice de Montréal, le juge a condamné Luc Jr Domingue à 6 mois de sursis avec assignation à résidence ou 60 jours de prison ferme, et à 140 heures de travaux communautaires. Ce fait divers avait d'autant plus attiré l'attention qu'il avait été rapporté par le journaliste de Radio-Canada, Alain Gravel, dans le blogue que signait ce dernier le 17 décembre 2012  (Nouvelle fenêtre) . La victime de l'incident, Florent Daudens, également journaliste à Radio-Canada, avait été roué de coups alors qu'il roulait en vélo rue Saint-Hubert. Après avoir invectivé le cycliste, l'agresseur était descendu de voiture sans crier gare pour asséner à M. Daudens quatre coups de poing au visage. La victime, qui n'a dit mot de tout l'incident, s'est retrouvée avec deux dents cassées et des contusions. L'agresseur, lui, a fui les lieux. L'auteur de l'agression était passager d'une voiture conduite par une jeune femme. Considérée comme complice, Karine Dutilly a été condamnée à 30 jours d'emprisonnement à purger les fins de semaine et à deux ans de probation avec suivi par un agent. Karine Dutilly ne s'est pas présentée en cour pour son procès. Les altercations opposant cyclistes et automobilistes sont légion. « Mais rarement donnent-elles lieu à une telle violence gratuite », estime Florent Daudens qui se dit soulagé de la condamnation des deux individus. « J'ai l'impression de boucler un cycle », dit-il sans jeu de mots.
Today Charlottetown MP Shawn Murphy will table a Bill in the House of Commons to remove all GST from bicycle sales across Canada to promote both sustainable transportation and healthy activity. "The best way to encourage something is to provide incentives. By removing the GST on bicycles we can promote their use as one of the healthiest, most environmentally sound forms of transportation and recreation," Joyce Murray, MP for Vancouver Quadra, who will second the Bill today in the House of Commons. "Promoting bike use is a positive policy that I believe all Canadians can and should support," stated Murphy outside of the House of Commons. "Reducing individual car use is one of the biggest steps individuals can take to reduce their carbon emissions," Murphy added. An individual can save 28.2 kg of carbon for every 100kms that they bike instead of drive. "All efforts to increase bicycle use are commendable. Enhanced transportation on bicycles would have an obvious and measurable effect in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing gridlock, decreasing consumption, and enhancing overall human and environmental health. I applaud these efforts." David McGuinty, Environment Critic for the Liberal Party of Canada "I believe by 2010, Canadians can increase our bike usage in the spring, summer and fall months by 80%," said Murphy. "Regions not accustomed to biking can promote increased use through the creation of bike lanes and trails, and by supplying safe places to secure your bike," responded Murphy.
For indispensable reporting on the coronavirus crisis, the election, and more, subscribe to the Mother Jones Daily newsletter. Editors’ note: Mac McClelland is spending a month in her home state of Ohio, reporting on the Wisconsin-style showdown involving Republican Governor John Kasich, public employees, unions, teachers, students, and struggling middle-class families. Yesterday I did something I haven’t done in a really long time: went to school. Middle school. My new/temporary landlord/roommate/reporting subject, Erin, teaches outside Columbus, and I joined her for one of the last days of class before school lets out for summer. Out here, the public schools spend nearly 20 percent less per student than the national average. The lack of resources can be challenging—one local school closed down because its AC broke and the summer heat was too sweltering for the kids. Erin’s school doesn’t even have AC, but she loves loves loves her job. As a writing teacher, she brought me in to talk to her students about what it’s like to be a professional writer. So I spent the day fielding some excellent questions (as well as a couple of racist and homophobic ones) from her seventh and eighth graders. I also heard about their plans for the summer. Lots of them have jobs, mostly with companies or farms owned by their families. Some of those without those types of connections are having more trouble finding work, not totally surprising since job growth in this town is -4.6 percent. As one 14-year-old explained his failure to land summer employment despite having applied at several places, “No jobs to be HAD.” When Anthony, Erin’s husband, got home last night, he told me he’d spent the day talking about employment as well. Since he and so many of his coworkers at the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel are facing layoffs under Gov. Kasich’s proposed budget cuts, his office had brought in people to talk to them about resources for getting new jobs, like résumé services. Anthony has started searching for alternate work, but hasn’t had any more luck than the 14-year-old yet. Since Kasich’s budget also targets schools, I asked Erin if she’s concerned that the threat of becoming a single-income household could actually be a threat of becoming a no-income household. Her school recently had to lay off a couple of teachers already, and cut a few more to half-time. But she thinks her position is secure. Ohio is one of the states where teacher seniority is protected by law, a law that teachers’ unions are fighting to defend. So it’s a good thing Erin’s been teaching for eight years. The bad news is that the governor’s trying to cut her union’s power, too.
Crypto startup TrustToken announced Wednesday that its smart contract has passed three independent security audits conducted by Certik, SlowMist and Zeppelin, with no vulnerabilities found. Moreover, its TrueUSD stablecoin has now exceeded $1.1 billion in monthly trading volume, with a $200 million market cap, according to the firm’s data. As part of its efforts to maintain the stablecoin’s security, TrustToken is now storing the U.S. dollars backing the token in multiple third-party trust companies. Each trust company is regulated through the State of Nevada Financial Institutions Division. The firm now intends to work with trust companies regulated by the Delaware Office of the State Bank Commissioner and the Ohio Department of Commerce as well. As a result, it said, TrueUSD redemption will not be compromised by a single point of failure should any single institution have issues. TrustToken CEO and co-founder Danny An explained that the company will continue to focus on regulatory compliance and transparency, adding: “Over the past year, we have invested heavily in building asset tokenization technology that is not only critical for the cryptocurrency industry, but also equalizes the ability to trade worldwide, and gives people true control over their assets.” Separately, the company announced it has appointed former DoorDash engineer Hendra Tjahayadi as its director of engineering. Tjahayadi has previously worked with Lyft, Dropcam and Google, and will work on TrustToken’s infrastructure security and scalability, according to the company. Green light image via Shutterstock
Monkey made to eat by just using its brain power London, May 29 (ANI): Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have announced that a monkey in their experiments has been successful in moving a robotic arm to feed itself marshmallows and chunks of fruit by using signals from its brain. The researchers revealed that the monkey performed this task as its arms were restrained for the restrained. Explaining the significance of their study, the researchers said that it might benefit development of prosthetics for people with spinal cord injuries, and those with locked-in conditions like Lou Gehrigs disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Our immediate goal is to make a prosthetic device for people with total paralysis. Ultimately, our goal is to better understand brain complexity, Nature magazine quoted Dr. Andrew Schwartz, senior author and professor of neurobiology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, as saying. Now we are beginning to understand how the brain works using brain-machine interface technology. The more we understand about the brain, the better well be able to treat a wide range of brain disorders, everything from Parkinsons disease and paralysis to, eventually, Alzheimers disease and perhaps even mental illness, added Dr. Schwartz. The researcher revealed that the technology is based on computer software that interprets signals picked up by probes the width of a human hair. He revealed that the probes were inserted into neuronal pathways in the monkeys motor cortex, a brain region where voluntary movement originates as electrical impulses, during the study. Dr. Schwatz said that the software programmed with a mathematic algorithm evaluated the neurons collective activity, and then sent it to the arm, he added. As a result, he added, the arm carried out the actions the monkey intended to perform with its own limb. He said that the movements were fluid and natural, and that the monkey was found to regard the robotic device as part of its own body. The monkey learns by first observing the movement, which activates his brain cells as if he were doing it. Its a lot like sports training, where trainers have athletes first imagine that they are performing the movements they desire, he added. (ANI)
If You Have to... You Have to... You have to figure out what is important and what to ignore. Check the syllabus for the course. Check the course description. Check your notes for underlined points that describe major themes, structure, concepts. You need to understand those. Cramming leaves no time for niceties. You need the main points and nothing else. You Need a Plan Now figure out how much time you have. Be conservative. It's no good making a plan that you don't carry out. Allow for sleep, eating, breaks etc. How many hours do you have? Work out a cramming schedule. Spend 30-35% of the remaining time going over the material that you deem the most important. Spend the remaining 65-70% of your time in repeating that material to yourself until you know it. Here's how. Go over the material you have selected for your study effort. Read all the notes, paying attention to underlining or any emphasis that has been recorded. Now use your notes (or the textbook if you must) to create an outline of the material you are studying. Write down the broad concepts, use itemized lists for the details, include any examples taken from lectures, and in particular, any information highlighted in the notes as being emphasized by the instructor (this is why attending lectures/class is important). Now go over the material again, formulating questions that might be asked on an exam or test, and answering those questions using the notes. Record the questions in your outline, along with point form answers. And repeat. And repeat. And repeat. At some point, when you believe you have a decent grasp of the material, start using the outline you created. Essentially you want to memorize the outline, and be able to re-write it from memory. That tells you it should be condensed, with no fluff, just all stuff. That memorized outline is going to be your salvation. SLEEP! If you don't get enough sleep your brain won't retain all the information that you have crammed in there. If You Don't Have Notes If you don't have notes, you need to essentially create some for yourself. Since you don't have a record of what the professor considers most important, you will have to figure it out on your own. Go through the textbook, paying special attention to the introduction, the first paragraph of each chapter, chapter summaries and any questions or study notes at the end of each chapter (sometimes these are included in the body of the chapter as breakout boxes). The introduction should give you a good clue as to where to focus. While going over the material and making notes (as described above) pay particular attention to examples in the text. You need to understand them. If you had taken notes in class, the prof would have presented examples to aid in understanding. You will have to do your best on your own. And that's it. Carry on as above, except that you will have to wade through more material. It is extra important for you to create an outline. You don't want to go through the text more than once (after you have identified what material you will be focusing on). Don't Cover Everything Avoid the temptation to go over everything in a shallow manner. You will then master nothing. Remember, at this point your aim is a pass. Using these cramming strategies, you have already identified the most significant material. And you have focused heavily on it. The questions with the most marks and most of the large mark questions should come from material you studied. Don't do yourself the disservice of just skimming the important information so that you have time to also skim the least important. Avoid Cramming... Why?Your anxiety level will go up You will lose sleep and eat poorly because of this You will get sick more easily because of this You will miss the exam because of this You will take the much harder essay make-up exam because of this You will fail the exam. Seriously, at a minimum you will do worse on the exam than you would have otherwise. Guaranteed.
41 F.3d 662 Kennedyv.Riley* NO. 94-60329United States Court of Appeals,Fifth Circuit. Nov 15, 1994 1 Appeal From: N.D.Miss., No. 1:92-CV-324-S-D 2 VACATED.
Q: How can you detect if it is the first time a user opens an app Is it possible to detect if it is the first time a user opens an iOS application, using Objective-C? I would like to show a welcome message when the user opens up the app for the first time, but not show it to them after that. I'm looking for something like: BOOL firstTime = [AppDelegate isFirstTimeOpeningApplication] A: Look for some value in your app's preferences, or the existence of some file. If you don't find it, your app is running for the first time, so write the expected value to the preferences or create the file so that the next time your app runs you'll know that it's not the first time. If you store the time and date of the first run instead of just a flag, you can determine how long it's been since the app was used. You might want your app to act like it's the first run if the user hasn't used your app in a very long time. Note that this technique only works if the user hasn't deleted your app. When an app is deleted, all its data is removed. If you want to know if your app has ever run on that device before, even if it was deleted afterward, you'll need to record information to identify the device elsewhere, such as on your own server. A: Use NSUserDefaults //In applicationDidFinishLaunching:withOptions: BOOL hasLaunchedBefore = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"AppHasLaunchedBefore"]; if(!hasLaunchedBefore) { //First launch [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:YES forKey:@"AppHasLaunchedBefore"]; } else { //Not first launch } Hope that helps!
The aromatic "trapping" of the catalytic histidine is essential for efficient catalysis in acetylcholinesterase. While substitution of the aromatic residues (Phe295, Phe338), located in the vicinity of the catalytic His447 in human acetylcholinesterase (HuAChE) had little effect on catalytic activity, simultaneous replacement of both residues by aliphatic amino acids resulted in a 680-fold decrease in catalytic activity. Molecular simulations suggested that the activity decline is related to conformational destabilization of His447, similar to that observed for the hexamutant HuAChE which mimics the active center of butyrylcholinesterase. On the basis of model structures of other cholinesterases (ChEs), we predicted that catalytically nonproductive mobility of His447 could be restricted by introduction of aromatic residue in a different location adjacent to this histidine (Val407). Indeed, the F295A/F338A/V407F enzyme is 170-fold more reactive than the corresponding double mutant and only 3-fold less reactive than the wild-type HuAChE. However, analogous substitution of Val407 in the hexamutant HuAChE (generating the heptamutant Y72N/Y124Q/W286A/F295L/F297V/Y337A/V407F) did not enhance catalytic activity. Reactivity of these double, triple, hexa, and hepta mutant HuAChEs was monitored toward covalent ligands such as organophosphates and the transition state analogue TMFTA, which probe, respectively, the facility of the enzymes to accommodate Michaelis complexes and to undergo the acylation process. The findings suggest that in the F295A/F338A mutant the two His447 conformational states, which are essential for the different stages of the catalytic process, seem to be destabilized. On the other hand, in the F295A/F338A/V407F mutant only the state involved in acylation is impaired. Such differential effects on the His447 conformational properties demonstrate the general role of aromatic residues in cholinesterases, and probably in other serine hydrolases, in "trapping" of the catalytic histidine and thereby in optimization of catalytic activity.
Tag: arizona Day 1 + Day 2: Zion National Park Zion was my favorite park from our entire trip! It was absolutely breathtaking. We hiked up to 3,000 feet on the second day, to Observation Point and Angel's Landing, and it was incredible! What to Do: Zion is located in Springdale, Utah. Springdale is the cutest little… Continue reading Utah Travel Diary!
In a world recently freed from evil the people, who were unified against that evil threat, now turn against one another again. In their efforts to rebuild the world begins to come back into conflict again. Amanis AuvreaAnea might have a strange name but in every other way she is a normal 17 year old girl. She goes to high school. She's popular, and gets good grades.That is until one day at school everything changes when she gets a invitation to a party at a house that has been empty for the last... In a world fulled with evil and chaos, a beacon of hope is hidden... and it is growing to be as a strong child should, and would need to be in such a world. All of the lands both near and far, have fallen to evil in its purist form. What would it be like living in a world that was almost... A young fox furry stumbles onto elf land. The elves tell the furry if she wants to get out of there alive, she must preform.... Acts. We all know about Santa, but does anyone ever think about what came before him? Well i have your answers right here an a story that will hopefully bring some fresh air to the Christmas stories! (More to come tomorrow!) A re-re-re written copy of this story. The image was created by a friend who sadly passed away. Aida, the once mortal Princess of the Winter Court, is getting close to the day she takes over the Court as Queen. Her mother has her betrothed to the Prince of the Wolf Clan; the creatures whom Aida despises for they killed her mortal parents. Even being betrothed, Aida falls for a mortal boy.... Aida, the once mortal Princess of the Winter Court, is getting close to the day she takes over the Court as Queen. Her mother has her betrothed to the Prince of the Wolf Clan; the creatures whom Aida despises for they killed her mortal parents. Even being betrothed, Aida falls for a mortal boy.... Litheen is a fantasy realm consisting of elves, orcs, magic, and dragons to name a few. Litheen will be the setting for many planned sequels. In the first story, a group of strangers from our world find themselves trapped in an unknown land, eventually to discover the only way back home it to... The beginning of our story. The druids of Serailas try to hold back the spreading of darkness by the dark seed, but after it becomes too much to contain it is up to two trainees and the grandmaster to try and contain it while fighting off their former allies
Let me add my voice to the lamentations: This has been a rough week. If that’s a massive understatement, so be it—we’ve drowned ourselves in words of grief, and there is nothing I can say that will give a sharper outline to our pain. It’s sharp enough. Instead, I want to focus on a peculiar absence I’ve noticed in the aftermath. By and large, I haven’t seen the Clinton wing of the Democratic party piling blame on the Sanders wing. This is not, thank God, a Ralph Nader situation. I’m sure there are isolated incidents—there are too many voices and too many outlets to ever silence a narrative, no matter how misguided—but overall, I’m getting the (shocking) sense that many Democrats are coming to terms with the fact that Hillary Clinton was a fundamentally flawed candidate who did not provide sufficiently compelling reasons to woo the type of voter that elected Donald Trump. The numbers make this hard to deny—it’s difficult to argue that there was a massive national revolution when Trump secured fewer votes than Mitt Romney in 2012. It’s difficult to pin the whole thing on racism when many of the counties Clinton lost, especially in the critical Rust Belt, had gone to Obama in both 2008 and 2012. Instead, the loss can be attributed to Clinton’s failure as much as Trump’s success, and people seem to be accepting that reality—if only because there are no real alternatives. After the conclusion of the Democratic primary, when Bernie Sanders endorsed Clinton, many of his supporters felt betrayed. They had given him their money and their time and their hearts, and now it appeared as though he was selling out to the corporate wing of the party he had railed against from the beginning—that had, indeed, formed the backbone of his campaign—in service of the “lesser of two evils” argument that encumbered us with our two despised general election candidates in the first place. What happened to the revolution? Indeed, I heard this same argument from many Republicans, both at the time of Sanders’ shift and after the election. Anecdotally, two family members of mine—one a Trump voter, and another who may have voted Trump, but definitely did not vote for Clinton—expressed disgust that he had “sold out” his cause in favor of a politician they knew, in their hearts, he despised. Because that’s the interesting part of the Trump coalition in 2016—deep down, they respected Bernie Sanders. As strange as it felt to feel an affinity for a Jewish socialist, they felt it anyway, and it even wounded them a little when he cast his support for someone they detested. It lends credence to the view from hindsight that many are espousing this week—he would have won this election for the Democrats. He would have succeeded where Clinton failed. However, there is a tendency for both progressive Democrats and sympathetic Republicans to paint Sanders as a pure-white angel who finds himself at sea in the complex world of realpolitik, rather than a savvy politician with decades of experience in Washington. And to do so misses a truth about him that goes beyond his politics—he is also a smart strategist. So let’s re-consider his decision to back Clinton in light of Tuesday’s result. I won’t claim to believe that Sanders expected Trump to win, even though his own populist movement (and a few of his primary wins…especially Michigan) seemed to point to a shifting national mood. In fact, I take him at his word that his primary concern was to keep Trump out of the oval office for the simple fact that he cares about America. But let’s talk strategy, too, because there was en enormous tactical element to his support for Clinton. In the first potential outcome, a Democratic general election victory, the benefit is obvious. Sanders knows that, for better or worse, we’re stuck with a two-party system in America. And he knew that if he stubbornly withheld his support from a victorious Clinton, he and his progressive movement would be on the outside looking in, with no influence over a centrist Democrat who had essentially won without them. He would have neutered himself, and his cause, for pride. On the other hand, if he could take some of the credit for her win, he would have firmly established his own credibility for the battles to come—the fight to holder accountable for the progressive promises she made to accommodate his voters over the course of the primary. If she followed through, great, and if she didn’t, he’d be there to call her out and rally his powerful base. In the second, sadder outcome—the one which actually transpired—his choice to back Clinton was even more important. People in general, but especially people active in American politics today, are loathe to blame themselves for anything. If Sanders had abandoned Clinton, pronounced her brand of governance too corrupt to countenance, and taken his progressive wing with him, angry Democrats would have an easy scapegoat in the wake of the November loss. You can imagine how convenient it would be to dump the blame on Bernie—the defeat was his fault! They would hang the Trump victory on him, pointing to his betrayal, and the takeaway, for many, would be that only a unified (and implicitly centrist) Democratic party could win a general election. Again, progressives would be neutered for the foreseeable future. Instead, look at what’s happened since Tuesday. If anybody blames Bernie, their arguments are gaining no traction. He may have taken a minor hit in some corners for the perception that he put his deepest held beliefs on hold, temporarily, in service of a lost cause, but broadly, he is perceived as a man of integrity who illuminated a path to victory that the Democrats were too stubborn and corrupt to take. Now, more than anything, he looks like a genius. The progressive cause hasn’t just gained strength—it looks like the only viable way forward. The far left is ascendant, and two years ago, that was unthinkable within the party’s neoliberal framework. There are battles to come within the Democratic party in the near future. One, for leadership of the DNC, is already shaping up: Keith Ellison vs. Howard Dean. Progressive vs. moderate, grassroots vs. big money. Bernie has cast his lot with Ellison, and the general clamor—at least as I’ve seen it—has been decidedly against Dean, who represents the middle way that has been tainted with the stink of failed compromise and lost elections. Today, Sanders finds himself in a position of great power within his party. In fact, it’s hard to look across the scorched landscape and see any other Democratic figure with more influence. He has come through this loss with his beliefs vindicated, his integrity barely singed, and his movement ascendant, and none of that would have been possible unless he had swallowed the bitter pill and endorsed Hillary Clinton.
Video shows JaQuavion Slaton shot multiple times by police officers. He also had a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to the Tarrant County ME. Updated at 6:15 p.m. with additional comments from Fort Worth community. Fort Worth police released Thursday an edited version of body camera footage showing the fatal shooting of a 20-year-old man. Community activists demanded the Fort Worth Police Department release the footage at a City Council meeting Tuesday. They said they believed officers didn't use de-escalation techniques before opening fire on JaQuavion Slaton. Slaton was shot multiple times by police officers and had a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to the Tarrant County Medical Examiner. But Fort Worth interim police Chief Ed Kraus said Thursday that officers were "in fear for their lives" when they shot Slaton, who was believed to be armed and dangerous. Video shows officers surrounding a truck where Slaton was hiding after he and his cousin fled from police during a traffic stop. An officer broke in one of the windows of the truck moments before the shooting. Kraus said officers saw Slaton moving inside the truck and believed he was reaching for a gun. "De-escalation techniques do not work in every situation," Kraus said of the fatal encounter. Released bodycam video Police released a video containing a series of clips — the first showing officers chasing Slaton and Jevon Monroe. "Today’s clips were for illustration purposes for the release. The combined videos are hours long," Fort Worth police said in a written statement. The second clip in the video shows officers handcuffing a man and asking the man where Slaton was. That encounter appears to take place feet away from the truck where Slaton was hiding. The video then skips ahead to show officers surrounding the truck. That clip shows an officer break the window "Put your hands up," the officers shout. The footage shows movement inside the truck. The clip switches to the view from a different bodycam, as evidenced by the timecode of the video and the bodycam identification number. "He's reaching," one officer yells before the officers fire several times at the truck. "Cease fire," one officer shouts. Monroe told WFAA he believes his cousin was trying to put his hands up when officers shot him. Police said a loaded gun was found inside the truck, police said. “Our officers were not on a mission to take anyone’s life that day," Kraus said. The Tarrant County Medical Examiner determined Slaton died from multiple gunshot wounds to the head and chest. His death was ruled a homicide. Slaton had two "high-velocity gunshot wounds," according to the medical examiner. One of the wounds was to his upper chest. The second was to his upper right shoulder. The man also had gunshot wounds to the right side of his head, right neck, base of his head and upper right arm from 9mm rounds, the medical examiner determined. Slaton also had a "loose contact entry gunshot wound of the right temporal head" that was self-inflicted, the medical examiner said. The medical examiner said it is still working to determine if the gunshot wound was intentional or accidental. Community reaction Stephen Muhammad attended Thursday's new conference but said he still has questions after watching the footage police released. Muhammad lives two houses down from where the shooting occurred. He said he doesn't understand why police were so quick to approach the truck. “If the man's backed up in a corner, all they had to do was step back and wait him out,” Muhammad said. He said he was concerned officers didn't consider the bystanders. “They had their guns out,” Muhammad said. “There were people out, there were children out—my children, my grandchildren. None of that was taken into consideration.” Kraus said the officers positioned themselves in front of the truck to avoid shooting in the direction of any bystanders. Fort Worth city councilwoman Gyna Bivens said she wants to create a policy requiring police to release bodycam videos. She was among those calling for the video to be released. “We need a policy, and that way we don’t need to worry about, 'Can we do it now, Should we do it now,'" she said. Several encounters Kraus said officers believed Slaton was armed and dangerous before the fatal shooting. Police had searched for Slaton three times before they were called Sunday. The shooting occurred around 4 p.m. at East Berry Street and Lauretta Drive. Officers first tried to find him May 6 after police were alerted Slaton was likely in a Fort Worth neighborhood. University of Texas at Tyler officials had contacted Fort Worth police, because Slaton was a suspect in an aggravated assault reported April 28 at a campus apartment. Officers were again called May 22 because there was a domestic disturbance involving Slaton. Police were called again on June 5 but were told Slaton hid from them, Kraus said. Kraus said officers were called again Sunday because Slaton was "yelling at a family member who was too afraid to call police and that he had a knife." The police chief played bodycam footage during the Thursday news conference. The footage slows down the foot chase and then zooms in on Slaton's hand, which appears to be holding something. It appears the footage released is from at least two body cameras. 'Wasn't one of our own' Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price released a statement after the Thursday news conference saying she continues to "support our outstanding Fort Worth police officers." "Let’s be clear, on Sunday night they were serving a warrant on an individual wanted for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon," Price said. She pointed out that Slaton was not from Fort Worth. "He wasn't one of our own," she said. Price said the Police Department was "very measured" in the updates it gave the public. "I know there is fear and anger among some in our community. But calling for justice and calling our police officers murderers is absolutely appalling and irresponsible," Price said in the written statement. She said the community must come together to offer solutions to "prevent our young people from turning to a life of crime." Though Slaton was not from Fort Worth, the mayor said, "I know there are young men just like him right now across our city that lack opportunity and limited by their own circumstances." Mayor Betsy Price's full written statement: The events that unfolded on Sunday are tragic – no matter where you fall on this issue. A 20-year-old man is dead, much too young with his entire life in front of him. We continue to support our outstanding Fort Worth Police Officers, that go above and beyond every single day to keep this community safe, doing their jobs to keep criminals off the street. Let’s be clear, on Sunday night they were serving a warrant on an individual wanted for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. I know there is fear and anger among some in our community. But calling for justice and calling our police officers murderers is absolutely appalling and irresponsible. We recognize that releasing these videos and images will not relieve tensions in our community. Our police department has been very measured in updating the public and media in this case. It is irresponsible and negligent to release information without ensuring its accuracy. There is much work to do. But no healing or solutions will happen without our entire community coming together – what are we doing to offer as a solution to prevent our young people from turning to a life of crime. This man was not from Fort Worth, he wasn’t one of our own, but I know there are young men just like him right now across our city that lack opportunity and limited by their own circumstances. We can do better. But we can’t offer solutions without the willingness among the leadership in our community to step up and be a part of creating opportunity, restoring trust and looking for a solution. My door is open, it has been and remains to be. I am in this community and will do the work to ease tension and fear, but I cannot do it alone. Every elected leader, every faith leader, every community organizer is needed to make a difference and make the change that is needed.
Introduction {#Sec1} ============ The surge in video traffic as well as the number of mobile terminal users have boosted the development in wireless communication technologies and systems. As the whole world is moving toward the era of 5-th generation mobile communication, the demand for even higher spectrum and energy efficiency will be everlasting^[@CR1]^. In this circumstance, the MIMO/Massive MIMO technology has become an indispensable part of the future wireless communication systems. MIMO technology has the potential to significantly enhance spectrum efficiency by utilizing multiple yet independent data streams existing between the transmitter and the receiver where multiple antennas are installed^[@CR2]^. While Massive MIMO takes a step further, it uses antenna array with a few hundred elements simultaneously to serve dozens of mobile terminal in limited spectrum and time^[@CR1]^. In practical applications where space is always limited, antenna arrays, either at the base station end or in a mobile terminal, must be compact in size. Therefore, the inter-element distance is only a fraction of wavelengths, causing inevitable mutual coupling. Mutual coupling will degrade the array performance in the following aspects:Side-lobes might occur and it will affect the beam-scanning capability of the array^[@CR3],[@CR4]^.The SNR of the array will be deteriorated as unwanted coupling between elements will cause data streams received by other antenna elements rather than radiating into free space^[@CR2]^.The envelop correlations between elements become high thus data throughput is significantly reduced^[@CR5],[@CR6]^.Gain and total efficiency of the array will drop since effective radiated power are coupled elsewhere and dissipated on the loads of the antenna elements^[@CR2]^. Consequently, the mutual coupling reduction technique, or termed as the antenna decoupling technique has drawn great attention from both the academia as well as the industry. The existing and developing decoupling solutions include: neutralization lines^[@CR7],[@CR8]^; decoupling with parasitic scatters^[@CR9],[@CR10]^; eigen-mode decomposition techniques^[@CR11]--[@CR14]^ and passive decoupling networks^[@CR15]--[@CR19]^. However, only a few of them can be readily extended to Massive MIMO antenna arrays with dozens of elements. Metamaterial based or inspired solutions^[@CR20]--[@CR25]^ are also becoming popular, but most of them are very effective for arrays with limited number of antennas where inter-element spacing is moderate (no less than 0.1 $\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{\rm{\lambda }}}_{0}$$\end{document}$). In the paper, a metasurface suspended over an antenna array is proposed for antenna decoupling purpose. The idea of covering a metasurface over an antenna for performance enhancement is not new, but most of them are not used for array antenna decoupling, they are usedTo form a Fabry-Perot resonator type antenna for gain enhancement^[@CR26]--[@CR28]^.For low-profile antenna (array) design^[@CR29]^.To reduce the Radar Cross Section (RCS) of the antenna^[@CR30]^.For beamforming or beam scanning applications^[@CR31],[@CR32]^. To the best of the authors' knowledge, it is for the first time that a metasurface covering with negative permeability characteristic is used for antenna decoupling. The proposed MAAD method for compact antenna arrays utilizing meta-surface cover possess the following remarkable features:Both the decoupling and matching bandwidths of the array with the metasurface are very broad without any extra matching measures;It can be applied to compact antenna arrays where inter-element spacing is extremely small (smaller than 0.02 $\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{\rm{\lambda }}}_{0}$$\end{document}$);Because of the periodic nature of metasurfaces, it has great potential to be applied to Massive MIMO antenna arrays where a few hundreds of antennas are excited simultaneously;It is also able to enhance gain and efficiency of the antenna array thanks to the focusing capability of the metasurface. Design Method {#Sec2} ============= Antenna Array Decoupling Mechanism in a Negative Permeability Medium {#Sec3} -------------------------------------------------------------------- As shown in Fig. [1 (a) and (b)](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}, a suspended meta-surface with SRRs as its unit cell over a two-element antenna array is used to illustrate the working mechanism of the MAAD method. An isotropic homogeneous slab model (Fig. [1a](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}) is used to calculate the effective permittivity, the effective permeability of the metasurface unit using the extraction methods well-known^[@CR33]--[@CR36]^. The resonant frequency and the negative permeability frequency region of the SRRs are determined by the physical dimension of the ring and the size of the gap as shown in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}. The equivalent values of permittivity and permeability for the proposed SRRs unit are shown in Fig. [1(c)](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}. As shown in Fig. [1(c)](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}, in 5.8 GHz frequency band, the real part of permittivity is positive, while the real part of permeability is negative. It is obvious that tuning the parameter *a*, the negative permeability frequency region of the SRRs can easily be manipulated as shown in Fig. [1(d)](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}.Figure 1(**a**) The electromagnetic model to extract design parameters; (**b**) Radiated field distribution of two coupled antenna elements in an antenna array with the metasurface. (**c**) The permittivity and permeability of SRR unit; and (**d**) Simulated permeability of SRR unit with respect to different *a* values.Table 1Design Parameters of the SRR unit (Unit: mm).ParametersValuesParametersValues*a*6.0*w*0.5*g*1.2*sf*7*h* ~1~0.035*h* ~2~1.5 To reveal the mutual coupling reduction mechanism using the MAAD method, let's consider a two-element MIMO antenna array shown in Fig. [1(b)](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}. When antenna 1 is excited, electromagnetic waves propagate in the way shown in Fig. [1(b)](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}, stray coupling component $\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${A}_{0}{e}^{jkx}$$\end{document}$ which travels along the minus X-direction will cause induced current on antenna 2 thereby create mutual coupling between the two antennas. A piece of suspended metasurface over the antenna array is able to create a region with negative permeability yet positive permittivity ($\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mu }_{r} < 0,\,{{\epsilon }}_{r} > 0$$\end{document}$), as shown in Fig. [1(c)](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}. In this region, the wavenumber can be expressed as:$$\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$k={k}_{0}\cdot \sqrt{-|{\mu }_{r}|\cdot |{{\epsilon }}_{r}|}=j{k}_{0}\cdot \sqrt{|{\mu }_{r}|\cdot |{{\epsilon }}_{r}|}$$\end{document}$$which is purely imaginary. (Only positive solution of equation ([1](#Equ1){ref-type=""}) is valid). In this case, the corresponding x-component of the electric field travelling along the −x direction,$\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${A}_{0}{{\rm{e}}}^{{\rm{jkx}}}$$\end{document}$ can be further expressed as:$$\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${A}_{0}{e}^{jkx}\cdot {e}^{j\omega t}={A}_{0}{e}^{j(j{k}_{0}\cdot \sqrt{|{\mu }_{r}|\cdot |{{\epsilon }}_{r}|})x}\cdot {e}^{j\omega t}={A}_{0}{e}^{-{k}_{0}\sqrt{|{\mu }_{r}|\cdot |{{\epsilon }}_{r}|}x}\cdot {e}^{j\omega t}$$\end{document}$$ Equation ([2](#Equ2){ref-type=""}) shows that electromagnetic wave travelling along minus X-direction of the metasurface is evanescent. In this manner, the wave creating mutual coupling between the two antennas is rejected. When the wave radiated by antennas propagate along Z-direction, while the magnetic field component is in the X-direction, radiation is assured by the anisotropic nature of the metasurface. ### Design of two-element Microstrip Antenna Array with a Metasurface {#Sec4} To further demonstrate the effectiveness of the MAAD method for mutual coupling suppression, a two-element microstrip antenna array (Array1) as shown in Fig. [2(a)](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"} is used in this paper for illustration purpose. The physical dimensions of the array are listed in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type="table"}. The edge-to-edge distance between the elements *ad* = 1 mm, which is approximately 0.02 $\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{\rm{\lambda }}}_{0}$$\end{document}$ at 5.8 GHz. The patches are printed on a FR4 substrate with the dielectric constant of 4.4 and the loss tangent of 0.02. The simulated S-parameters of the Array1 are plotted in Fig. [2(d)](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}. It is obvious from Fig. [2(d)](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"} that although the antenna elements are well matched at the 5.8 GHz band, but the isolation between the two antenna elements is no more than 8 dB, which is very poor. Effective decoupling measures must be taken.Figure 2(**a**) Top view (left) and side view (right) of the two-element patch Array1; (**b**) Top view (left) and side view (right) of the two-element patch Array2 with a metasurface; (**c**) Top view (left) and side view (right) of the improved two-element patch Array3 with a metasurface; (**d**) Simulated S-parameters of the Array1, Array2 and Array3.Table 2Design Parameters of the SRR unit (Unit: mm).ParametersValuesParametersValuesParametersValues*ws*40*h2*4.8*hsf*1.5*ls*26*r1*0.65*lw*0.6*hs*3*r2*1.5*l1*3.0*wp*12.4*a*6*l2*4.2*lp*12.5*w*0.5*l3*4*ad*1*g*1.2------*fy*3.3*sf*7------ A metasurface consists of periodic of SRRs is introduced to improve the inter-element isolation of the array in Fig. [2(b)](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}. The SRRs are printed on a substrate with the relative dielectric constant of 2.65 and loss tangent of 0.001. Four dielectric posts are introduced to provide mechanical support for the metasurface and the antenna array (Array2). The dimensions in Fig. [2(b)](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"} are also shown in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type="table"}. Simulated S-parameters of the Array2 with the metasurface are superposed in Fig. [2(d)](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}. It can be seen from Fig. [2(d)](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"} that isolation performance is significantly enhanced by introducing the metasurface covering while matching performance is not ideal, this is understandable since the antennas are no longer matched to a free-space medium. Then two U-shape slots which is commonly used to enhance microstrip antenna matching^[@CR37]^ are etched on the antenna near the feeding probe (Array3) as shown in Fig. [2(c)](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}. The matching bandwidth of Array3 with \|S~11~\| smaller than −15 dB is about 900 MHz, which is about 2.5 times of the Array1 without metasurface. While the isolation between the elements of Array3 is all below −27dB from 5.49 GHz to 6.0 GHz, which is increased by a large amount compared to Array1. Moreover, the profile of the Array3 with the metasurface is only increased by about 0.09 $\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{\rm{\lambda }}}_{0}$$\end{document}$, which is acceptable. Field Distribution {#Sec5} ------------------ To further reveal the underlying working mechanisms of the array with the metasurface, the vector magnetic field distributions on a cutting surface within XOZ-plane are investigated using ANSYS HFSS. As shown in Fig. [3(a) and (b)](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}. Without the metasurface, the vector H-field is rotating in Region A with the metasurface, the H-field in Region B is almost along the X-axis. On the same cutting plane, the Poynting vector distributions are also plotted and shown in Fig. [3(c) and (d)](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"} for the arrays without and with metasurface, respectively. The Poynting vectors for the array with metasurface are almost in parallel to the Z-axis without any lateral radiation.Figure 3(**a**) Simulated vector magnetic field distribution on a cutting surface in the XOZ-plane for array without metasurface; (**b**) Simulated vector magnetic field distribution on a cutting surface in the XOZ-plane for array with metasurface; (**c**) Simulated Poynting vector distribution on a cutting surface in the XOZ-plane for array without metasurface; (**d**) Simulated Poynting vector distribution on a cutting surface in the XOZ-plane for array with metasurface; (**e**) Simulated electric field contours on a cutting surface in the XOZ-plane when Ant 1 is excited while Ant 2 terminated with matched load for array without metasurface; (**f**) Simulated electric field contours on a cutting surface in the XOZ-plane when Ant 1 is excited while Ant 2 terminated with matched load for array with metasurface. All of the plots are at 5.8 GHz. The contours of the electric field for the arrays without and with metasurface are also shown in Fig. [3(e) and (f)](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}. In the simulation, Ant 1 is excited while Ant 2 is terminated with matched load. It can be concluded from Fig. [3(e) and (f)](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"} that, in the array without metasurface, stray coupling from antenna 1 will be coupled to antenna 2 and absorbed by the load. While with the help of the metasurface, the wave front concentrate toward the normal direction of the microstrip antenna. Parametric Studies {#Sec6} ------------------ Parametric studies are conducted to analyze the sensitivity of different design parameters. Two clusters S-parameter curves are obtained with respect to different lengths of the SRR, *a*; and different heights of the metasurface covering, *h2*. They are superposed in Fig. [4(a) and (b)](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}, respectively. It can be seen that parameter *a*, the length of the SRR is more sensitive in the design, since the length of the SRR will directly affect the negative permeability frequency band of the SRR, as shown in Fig. [1(d)](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}. Therefore, the band-rejection frequency of the metasurface will shift to lower frequencies if parameter *a* increases, and it will shift to higher frequencies if parameter *a* decreases, which is consistent with the observation in Fig. [1(d)](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}.Figure 4(**a**) Simulated S-parameters of the array with the metasurface with respect to different a- the length of the SRR, values; (**b**) Simulated S-parameters of the array with the metasurface with respect to different h2- the height of the metasurface, values; (**c**) Simulated S-parameters of the antenna array with the metasurface with respect to different number of SRR units; (**d**) Simulated isolations for arrays with different ad values and the isolation for the array with a metasurface. The isolation performance of the antenna array with the metasurface is not very height-sensitive as shown in Fig. [4(b)](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}. This is reasonable since the rejected propagation band of the metasurface remains unchanged, yet the return losses of the array vary significantly because of different parasitic effect of the metasurface with respect to different meta-surface height. In order to explore the optimum configuration of the SRR units on the metasurface, the matching and isolation performances for the array with metasurface of 6 × 4, 8 × 6 and 7 × 5 periodic SRR units are also compared in Fig. [4(c)](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}. Form Fig. [4(c)](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}, we can conclude that the both the matching and isolation performance of the array with only 6 × 4 SRR units are not ideal. The isolation performance for the array with 8 × 6 SRR units is better than the array with 7 × 5 SRR units only within the bandwidth from about 5.65 GHz to no more than 5.8 GHz. If we look at the band from 5.6 GHz to 6 GHz, the isolation performance of the array with 7 × 5 SRR units is actually better than the array with 8 × 6 SRR units. Furthermore, to quantify the effectiveness of the decoupling method with the metasurface, antenna array without any metasurfaces but with different edge-to-edge spacing values, *ad* are simulated. The results are superposed with the isolation for Array3 in Fig. [4(d)](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}. Within the frequency band of interest, the isolation of the array with the metasurface is equivalent to the array without the metasurface but whose inter-element spacing is about 35 times larger. Results {#Sec7} ======= Scattering Parameters {#Sec8} --------------------- Both Array1 and Array3 are fabricated and measured. The scattering parameters are measured using Keysight E5080A vector network analyzer and they are superposed in Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}, which is consistent with simulation results shown in Fig. [2(d)](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}. The measured highest isolation of Array3 can reach to more than 40 dB level. The measured Array3's operating bandwidth with \|S~11~\| \< −15 dB and \|S~21~\| \< −25 dB is about 400 MHz.Figure 5Measured S-parameters of the arrays with and without metasurface. Radiation Parameters {#Sec9} -------------------- To further confirm the performance of the array with the metasurface, the fabricated samples of the arrays are put into the SATIMO SG-24 near field scanner (shown in Fig. [6(f)](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}) to evaluate the radiation related characteristics, including: total efficiencies, gains, and envelope correlation coefficients. Since the mutual coupling is reduced by more than 20 dB and more powers are directed to the normal direction of the antennas, both the total efficiencies and the peak gains of the array with metasurface will be enhanced. As shown in Fig. [6(c)](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}, the total efficiency for the array with the metasurface (Array3) is 20% higher as compared to the array without any metasurfaces (Array1). The radiation patterns of the arrays are also shown in Fig. [6(a) and (b)](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"} while the peak gains with respect to different frequencies are shown in Fig. [6(d)](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}, showing around 2 dB improvement.Figure 6(**a**) Measured radiation patterns for the arrays at 5.8 GHz with and without metasurface in the XOZ plane; (**b**) Measured radiation patterns for the arrays at 5.8 GHz with and without metasurface in the YOZ plane; (**c**) Measured total efficiencies of the arrays with and without metasurface; (**d**) Measured peak gains of the arrays with and without metasurface on different frequencies; (**e**) Measured and calculated ECCs for the arrays with and without metasurface. (**f**) Radiation measurement setup and DUT configuration. The envelop correlation coefficient (ECC) is an important figure of merit for any MIMO enabled antenna systems. It can be calculated from measured complex field patterns by using$$\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\rho }_{e}=\frac{{|{\iint }_{4\pi }[\mathop{{E}_{1}}\limits^{\rightharpoonup }(\theta ,\varphi )\cdot \mathop{{E}_{2}}\limits^{\rightharpoonup }(\theta ,\varphi )]d{\rm{\Omega }}|}^{2}}{{\iint }_{4\pi }{|\mathop{{E}_{1}}\limits^{\rightharpoonup }(\theta ,\varphi )|}^{2}d{\rm{\Omega }}\cdot {\iint }_{4\pi }{|\mathop{{E}_{1}}\limits^{\rightharpoonup }(\theta ,\varphi )|}^{2}d{\rm{\Omega }}}$$\end{document}$$$$\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\mathop{{E}_{1}}\limits^{\rightharpoonup }(\theta ,\varphi )\cdot \mathop{{E}_{2}}\limits^{\rightharpoonup }(\theta ,\varphi )={\mathop{E}\limits^{\rightharpoonup }}_{\theta 1}(\theta ,\varphi )\cdot {\mathop{E}\limits^{\rightharpoonup }}_{\theta 2}^{\ast }(\theta ,\varphi )+{\mathop{E}\limits^{\rightharpoonup }}_{\varphi 1}(\theta ,\varphi )\cdot {\mathop{E}\limits^{\rightharpoonup }}_{\varphi 2}^{\ast }(\theta ,\varphi )$$\end{document}$$where $\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\mathop{{E}_{1}}\limits^{\rightharpoonup }(\theta ,\varphi )$$\end{document}$ is the measured electric filed vector radiated by antenna 1 while the another antenna port is terminated by a 50Ω matched load^[@CR38]^. The calculated ECCs for the arrays with and without metasurface are given in Fig. [6(e)](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}. It is clear that by introducing the metasurface, the ECC has improved from 0.25 to less than 0.08, which will definitely lead to larger channel capacity and diversity gain. Conclusion {#Sec10} ========== A brand-new decoupling method making use of metasurface covering with negative permeability is introduced for the first time in this paper. The metasurface has the capability of reject unwanted radiation as well as reducing mutual coupling in an antenna array without affecting other performances. The design can be conformal and low-profile, and most importantly, it can be applied to arrays with extremely small element spacing while most existing decoupling solutions cannot. Unlike other decoupling method, as isolation after decoupling becomes higher, the matching bandwidth is not reduced at all, on the contrary, it is even broader. Thanks to the periodic nature of the metasurface with SRRs, the proposed MAAD method has great potential to be applied to antenna arrays with dozens of elements, which are commonly utilized in Massive MIMO arrays and phased arrays. Using the metasurface decoupling method proposed in this paper to decouple more than 64 element antenna array is undergoing and results will be reported on in due time. Methods {#Sec11} ======= Numerical calculation of the decoupling antenna array was performed using Finite Element method, which is conducted by commercial software, ANSYS HFSS. The microstrip antennas are printed in a commercial FR4 printed circuit board with the relative permittivity 4.4 and loss tangent 0.02. Moreover, the substrate printed with square split ring resonators was a commercial printed circuit board (F4B) with the relative permittivity 2.65 and loss tangent 0.001. In experiments, we used the Agilent vector network analyzer to measure the transmission and reflection coefficients between antennas. The far-field radiation patterns are evaluated using a microwave near-field chamber. Ziyang Wang and Luyu Zhao contributed equally to this work **Publisher\'s note:** Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. This work is sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61701366). L.Y.Z. conceived the basic concept. Z.Y.W., S.F.Z. and Y.M.C. did theoretical analysis. Z.Y.W. and L.Y.Z. conducted simulations fabrication and measurements. Z.Y.W. and L.Y.Z. wrote the manuscript based on input from all authors. All authors contributed to the discussion. Competing Interests {#FPar1} =================== The authors declare no competing interests.
OPINION When stolen intimate photos come out, don’t look We live in an era rich with sexual documentary evidence. Mass text-messaging combined with the rapid spread of hand-held cameras and photo-sharing technology have produced a world where every sexual relationship has a much higher likelihood of producing its own historical record than the trysts of a generation ago. Consequently, we’ve all become archivists of others’ sexual lives: readers of leaked sexts, viewers of dubiously released private photos, knowers of once-secret things. It’s an easy hole to fall into, because eavesdropping is thrilling and snooping even more so, especially when the subject is otherwise remote. The latest example is, of course, Jeff Bezos — the founder and CEO of Amazon who owns The Washington Post — whose intimate text exchanges with Lauren Sanchez were recently leaked by the National Enquirer. Last week, Bezos published a Medium post alleging that the Enquirer has also obtained private, explicit photographs of him, and that the tabloid has threatened to release them unless Bezos ceases his private investigation into how the Enquirer got the texts and pictures in the first place. To which Bezos said thanks but no thanks, meaning the pictures could potentially emerge at any time. He wouldn’t be the first celebrity to turn up dishabille in the press against his wishes. Nor will he be the last, and neither will the stanchless trickle of sexts and nude photographs and the occasional video flow from the accounts of celebrities or other people in whose lives there is arguably some public interest. So it makes sense to develop some kind of principle for dealing with these materials as they emerge. And that’s more complicated than it may initially seem. We tend to make (helpful) distinctions between thinking and doing, which in its best form serves as a bulwark against detecting and prosecuting thought crimes. Thus, having a gander at the daily catch of ill-gotten erotica seems hard to fit into any pre-existing category of wrongdoing. After all, looking at it doesn’t make you responsible for the initial invasion involved in stealing it. Not looking at it won’t put it back where it was, so to speak. What’s public is relentlessly public. Looking also doesn’t mean you have to participate in any kind of public shaming or pile-on. So what’s the harm in simply knowing what somebody texted to somebody else? When it comes to viewing leaked sexual ephemera, the knowing is its own harm. That doesn’t necessarily count for every kind of secret; being aware of somebody’s private dislike of a mutual friend, for instance, doesn’t represent the same kind of violation as having ungranted sexual knowledge of them, because sex is different from other things. The exclusivity, the secrecy, that’s all part of the point — they’re the essential ingredients of intimacy. And simply knowing the details without invitation jeopardizes that. In 2017, Jennifer Lawrence reflected on the 2014 theft of her own private, sexual photographs this way: “When the hacking thing happened, it was so unbelievably violating that you can’t even put it into words … like, there’s not one person in the world that is not capable of seeing these intimate photos of me.” Part of what concerned her was the social response. She mentioned her anxiety that while at an ordinary public event, a stranger could pull up those photos on a phone, apropos of nothing. That’s the uneasy violation that happens mind to mind, when someone suddenly knows something they shouldn’t, and you can’t stop them from knowing it. The law has long had its own ways of dealing with wrongful invasions of privacy, the sorts that cause damage to careers and relationships and reputations and health, or that regard the specific invaders of privacy themselves. But moral harms need no substantive damages to be wrong, and they apply to the world of onlookers as much as to the thieves of private materials. When there is a case of prevailing public interest regarding stolen sexual materials, you’ll know, and that scenario will involve its own weighing of right and wrong. But as for the never-ending reel of things we ought not see ever-flickering across our screens — ignore them, don’t look. There are things better left unknown.
Shipping of vegetable and ornamental plants generally, and more particularly, smaller, fragile plants and seedlings that have yet to reach maturity, has always posed certain challenges for growers, distributors and retailers. Sustaining the plants in a viable condition and protecting them from handling damage very often have been primary concerns. Over time, methods of buying, selling and delivering plants have undergone significant change. Early on, plants were made available and purchased on a carry-out basis at a local nursery. Later, plants became available through more indirect means such as grocery, hardware and discount stores, as well as through various other middleman outlets. More recently, purchasing via mail and telephone order from direct mail catalogs distributed by non-local vendors has become increasingly prevalent. Plants and seedlings ordered from such catalogs typically are delivered to the customer through the mail or other similar means. The advent of long distance shipping of plants through the mail and other means has resulted in the creation of a variety of containers designed to maintain and guard plants during shipment. Some examples of containers created with such purposes in mind can be found in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,613,605; 4,471,573; 3,342,329; 3,021,046 and 2,736,138. U.S. Pat. No. 5,613,605 discloses a plant package for use in self-service retail sales stores, as well as other sales methods such as mail order. The package is a self supporting, light transmissive polymer shell formed by two separate elements that snap together to fully enclose a single plant. U.S. Pat. No. 4,471,573 discloses a folding package for up to three plant pots filled with soil and plants, bulbs or tubers. The package is used for the transport and display of the plant item in shops and consists of an assembly of three blocks of triangular shape that when folded together enclose the pot and stem region of the plant items contained therein. The package preferably is manufactured from a transparent plastic material. U.S. Pat. No. 3,342,329 discloses a container for transporting up to two potted plants. The container is comprised of up to two inner boxes and an outer box. The inner and outer boxes are made of cardboard. The inner boxes are fixable to the outer box and enclose the plant pot. A rectangular opening in the inner boxes is provided for the plant stem to extend through. U.S. Pat. No. 3,021,046 discloses a shipping container that may be formed from single piece of flat material, such as heavy paper or cardboard or flexible plastic material. The container completely encloses the plant and has a structure for supporting the pot in the container and securing the root ball of the plant. U.S. Pat. No. 2,736,138 discloses a two-piece, collapsible carton used with a transparent, heat-sealed wrapper for shipment and handling and for display of potted or balled plants. While the known container examples listed above provide varying degrees of plant protection and sustenance, all but one have multi-piece constructions that are more costly to produce and more time-consuming to assemble than a single-piece structure. The known single-piece container is not suitable for mail shipment of plants, however, as it provides an enclosure only for the pot, soil and plant root region. Additionally, in the case of the other constructions, a potential disadvantage associated with them arises from their forming a complete enclosure about the plant. A complete enclosure does not afford a plant with an opportunity to breathe and may also trap excess moisture which may promote mold, mildew and other undesirable conditions. On the other hand, the container of the present invention is a single-piece, easily producible, no-assembly, container that not only protects the pot, soil and root region of a plant, but also shields the stem and leaf region with a structure that allows the plant to breathe.
Q: C# Disable checkboxes when number requirement from radio button is met I'm having problems figuring out an assignment in my programming class. I have 4 radio buttons and 8 checkboxes. radioButton1 = 1, radioButton2 = 2, and so on. If I select radioButton1 I only want to be able to select only 1 checkBox and have the rest of the checkboxes disabled. How do I go about this? pizza place I also want everything to be deselected if i change one of my radiobuttons options after selecting everything else. I'm sorry if I didn't explain myself well. Hope you can help A: Let's say that name (id) of your elements are rb1, rb2... cb1, cb2... You can make event (click on element > little lighting > double click on checkChanged to generate method) for each of your radio buttons so you can disable checkboxes you want. Example: private void radioButton1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(rb1.Checked == true){ //if someone just checked that radio button resetAllButtons(); //resetting all checkbox buttons as you wanted cb2.Enabled = false; //making checkbox2 unclickable cb3.Enabled = false; //making checkbox3 unclickable cb4.Enabled = false; //making checkbox3 unclickable /* and so on */ } } Method to reset everything should look like: void resetAllButtons(){ rb1.Checked = false; //unchecking radio button 1 rb2.Checked = false; //unchecking radio button 2 /* and so on */ cb1.Checked = false; //unchecking checkbox1 cb1.Enabled = true; //making checkbox1 clickable again cb2.Checked = false; //unchecking checkbox2 cb2.Enabled = true; //making checkbox2 clickable again /* and so on */ }
In the last blog we looked at the Epworth Questionnaire, as it is a good way for an individual to determine whether they suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness… The degree or severity of daytime sleepiness is a good measure of what a person’s sleep quality is like. However, it is a good idea to look at what your bed partner has to say, as they may be witnessing certain behavior first hand I.e., snoring, gasping for breath, body movement. The questionnaire below is a subjective look at how severe your bed partner feels that your snoring is. Snoring is a strong indicator of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, so it’s good to get the bed-partner’s feed-back if possible. BED PARTNERS QUESTIONNAIRE Please answer the following questions as follows: 1—never, 2—rarely, 3—sometimes, 4—often, 5—always 1. Does your husband/wife snore loudly? 2. Does your husband/wife snore in all positions? 3. How often were you kept awake by snoring? 4. How often were you forced to sleep in another room? The more information the bed partner can give concerning the affected individual, the better. But it goes beyond snoring; anything witnessed that’s of a physical nature, I.e., leg movements or anything heard (teeth grinding, gasping for air or choking, sleep talking) The bed partner’s input is an important part of the patient’s need for more follow up and a definitive diagnosis . To help us obtain a proper diagnosis and an appropriate treatment plan, have your bed partner, if applicable and available, fill out this questionnaire regarding your sleep habits. This information is vitally important for your dentist or sleep doctor to best evaluate your condition. TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE PATIENT’S BED PARTNER 1. YES NO Do you witness the patient snoring?_____________________ 2. YES NO Do you witness the patient choking or gasping for breath during sleep?____________________________________________ 3. YES NO Does the patient pause or stop breathing during sleep? _____________ 4. YES NO Does the patient fall asleep easily, if given the opportunity, during the day (normal wakeful hours)?_______________ 5. YES NO Do you witness the patient clenching and/or grinding his/her teeth during sleep?____________ 6. YES NO Does the patient appear refreshed upon waking? ____________ 7. YES NO Do the patient’s sleep habits disturb your sleep? _____________ 8. YES NO Does the patient sit up in bed, not awake? _________________ 9. Please check those sleep habits of the patient that are disturbing to you:  Snores  Restless  Wakes up often  Loud gasping for breath while sleeping  Stops breathing  Grinds teeth  Becoming very rigid or shaking  Biting tongue  Kicking during sleep  Head rocking or banging  Bed-wetting  Sleep walking  Sleep talking  Other_________________________ Comments:____________________ The two questionnaires above along with the Epworth are really important in order to help evaluate a patient’s condition. Combine this information with any of the symptoms listed in the blog “ Sleep Apnea – Symptoms Revisited “ posted on December 1,st 2013 and what you get is a good indicator of whether an individual may be suffering from some type of sleep deprivation…most likely Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Once we have all of this ‘preliminary information,’ we can move to the next step, which is a sleep study conducted by a Sleep Specialist. Once we have a diagnosis, we can put forth an appropriate treatment plan which will help you to live a healthier and productive life.
Neurologic and developmental disability after extremely preterm birth. EPICure Study Group. Small studies show that many children born as extremely preterm infants have neurologic and developmental disabilities. We evaluated all children who were born at 25 or fewer completed weeks of gestation in the United Kingdom and Ireland from March through December 1995 at the time when they reached a median age of 30 months. Each child underwent a formal assessment by an independent examiner. Development was evaluated with use of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, and neurologic function was assessed by a standardized examination. Disability and severe disability were defined by predetermined criteria. At a median age of 30 months, corrected for gestational age, 283 (92 percent) of the 308 surviving children were formally assessed. The mean (+/-SD) scores on the Bayley Mental and Psychomotor Developmental Indexes, referenced to a population mean of 100, were 84+/-12 and 87+/-13, respectively. Fifty-three children (19 percent) had severely delayed development (with scores more than 3 SD below the mean), and a further 32 children (11 percent) had scores from 2 SD to 3 SD below the mean. Twenty-eight children (10 percent) had severe neuromotor disability, 7 (2 percent) were blind or perceived light only, and 8 (3 percent) had hearing loss that was uncorrectable or required aids. Overall, 138 children had disability (49 percent; 95 percent confidence interval, 43 to 55 percent), including 64 who met the criteria for severe disability (23 percent; 95 percent confidence interval, 18 to 28 percent). When data from 17 assessments by local pediatricians were included, 155 of the 314 infants discharged (49 percent) had no disability. Severe disability is common among children born as extremely preterm infants.
Ses performances parmi les classes de jeunes de Chelsea ont éveillé l’intérêt des plus grands clubs au monde. Charly Musonda Jr (18 ans) arrive à l’âge de la maturité et aimerait découvrir les joies de jouer avec les grands. La piste numéro 1 se nomme Monaco. Depuis janvier, Monaco rêve de voir Charly Musonda Jr rejoindre ses rangs. Les Monégasques ont tenté le coup cet hiver et sont déjà en train de faire le forcing afin de louer le numéro 10 l’an prochain. Si rien n’est encore fait, les Principautaires sont bel et bien sur la balle et ne comptent pas lâcher le morceau facilement. Chelsea préférerait certainement le voir évoluer en Premier League, mais un club du statut de Monaco est un véritable tremplin. Vu le changement de philosophie du club, mettant désormais les jeunes en avant, Musonda ne peut qu’être rassuré : il pourrait y trouver son compte. Car la seule chose que le jeune joueur recherche est du temps de jeu chez les professionnels. Ses premières sélections avec Chelsea pourraient ne pas tarder. Depuis trois semaines, le jeune médian s’entraîne quotidiennement avec l’équipe fanion du club londonien. Le titre de champion conquis par les Blues le week-end dernier pourrait engendrer un turn over profitable au Belge qui, avec un peu de chance, découvrira la Premier League sous peu.
Still looking for the story "Trials of a Hurt/Comfort Fan" ! Where can it be found ? Guest chapter 1 . 1/7/2013 Love this story, you think there may be a couple chapters or more that could add to this one? Seems to be the makings of a great addition to the already two you have so wonderfully written. The preplanning of the mission, how Richard Gaston came into the picture and the time before, during and up to the point you started this Chapter including when the Warden found out the Chief had been injured. I keep picturing how it all started, but unfortunately I don't have the gift to put my thoughts into words. What you think, do you see any possibilties of it coming to life? Guest chapter 2 . 9/12/2012 Thanks to Arnie for giving you permission and thanks to you for going through with the serious side of such a great story. I've really enjoyed it.
CLANNAD episode 18 Tomoya is such a rebel! Or, how he seems to always call himself, a delinquent. He got himself suspended for taking the blame because of Tomoyo’s fighting. That surprises me because nobody seemed to blame Youhei who is really at fault. If it were not for him choosing to go down that alley where all the gang members were, they wouldn’t have been mad to begin with! But moving on…the competition between almost everyone trying to win over Tomoya is definitely still on. This time they decided to try and win him with food. Difficulties aroused, but Fuko comes to help again and I never expected myself to say this, but she was actually kind of annoying. I have supported Fuko for a long time, but she has reached a point where she feels very repetitive. Also, for someone who everyone supposedly forgotten, they did not seem very surprised that some “random” person is in Tomoya’s house uninvited offering him food. Anyway soon enough Tomoya ends up back in school and the little sports theme they have been following lately continues. This time it is to win votes for Tomoyo. There is also a very big surprise by the end of the episode. I really liked this episode; it was probably my favourite episode form this arc so far. It had lots of funny moments, as per usual, and very sentimental ones as well (as per usual :P) like Tomoyo’s story, which really seemed to affect me for some reason. All the things that led up to the end of this episode made it seem like there will be closure to a lot of things, but I still believe there will be definitely more to it. The next episode revealed something that I didn’t really expect to happen so soon, but I’m happy because of it. It also seems that there will be more mentions about tomoya’s dad and why he hates him so much.
These "New Series" writings by Hatonn and other Host of God" are being compiled and called "The Age of Character: The Awakening of Man" and part of the "WORD" promised by God to be presented to the spiritual beings on "EARTH" to study at these end times. Blessed are those who come in touch with them and since God does not force anyone to believe anything in it, through free will, all have to discern and make their own choices for their "physical life" experience through their "soul" evolution. ­­Saturday, September 22, 2012, Year 26, Day 3700037 Continued … Third Reich Physics and Computing [ … ] the same year that Konrad Zuse developed the original working computer, a man named Dr SubrahmanyanChandrasekhar—a Hindu national from India, which at that time was under the command of the British Raj—approached the British Royal Astronomical Society with his astrophysics equations.He had proven that stars within a certain level of mass, about 1.4 times the mass of our Sun, at the end of their lives will collapse infinitely.He was able to ascertain mathematically the existence of black holes.Some of the cliquish British scientists laughed at him and even went so far as to call him a “yellow nigger”, but the Germans and the Japanese viewed his science to be Aryan science. The Japanese viewed themselves as Aryan people descended from northern India through maritime migration.The Germans viewed themselves under the Nazi ideology as Aryans descended from northern India and Iran through land migrations into northern Europe.Both Japan and Germany had a racial ideology that united them in the Axis that was centered on Asian India. The Germans in particular, using computer technology, were able to take Chandrasekhar’s equations and put them into their computer systems.They calculated them to the logical conclusion, and they concluded that our entire galaxy and indeed the centre of every galaxy is held together by a supermassive black hole—the mother of all black suns.This may sound very obtuse. People may ask, “Why would theoretical physics have such an impact on the war effort?”It is because the Third Reich was able to take a half-century leap in physics, thanks to taking the Chandrasekhar equations to their logical conclusion using computer technology.This is how they got into the concept of anti-gravitation and the higher-level physics.The problem was that this was still in a developmental stage. However, the Third Reich’s conflict simulations demonstrated that the war could not be won in a conventional sense.The entire Second World War in the Atlantic and continental Europe was considered to be one massive series of holding actions until relocation of the Thousand Year Reich could take place.This is why so many German people disappeared.Before the Second World War, the population of Germanic peoples in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany and the German Diaspora (dispersion) throughout Europe was 180 million—close to 200 million people when you count those in various places in Russia and the Americas.Today, there are around 80 million Germans in United Germany. TK:So 120 million Germans disappeared, but I am saying that out of most of those Germans who disappeared there were thousands who were relocated.Himmler was obsessed with this. Many people do not understand the purpose of the SS.The Wehrmacht fought for the nation, for Germany, and the SS fought for the Aryan race.The purpose of the SS was not only to fight for the continuity of the Aryan race; it was also a multinational army.It inspired the model for both Warsaw Pact forces and NATO forces in terms of supranational command. Himmler was intent on relocating what he considered to be genetically pure Nordic Aryans to Neuschwabenland, but he realised that he needed enough genetic diversity to prevent morbid inbreeding in what would begin as a limited population base. As an aside, Himmler made a point of emphasising that his SS troops had perfect teeth.Allied intelligence interpreted this as some mania for aesthetics.The reality was that he needed men who could operate in the sub-zero conditions of Antarctica, where metal dental fillings would contract to excruciating effect. Antarctic Operations DD:To put it into perspective about the military operations that took place in Antarctica, as I explained with Operation Seawolf and Courland, World War II was a nuclear war.The Axis powers were using nuclear weapons just as much as the Americans were, but at a more effective level because they were using them operationally as line breakers. In January and February 1939, there were several expeditions to Antarctica, where the Germans had already established a base by World War I.There was a Kaiser Wilhelm II Land that you can find on maps produced before the Second World War. Then what happened was that between 1943 and 1945, the British Royal Navy, commanded by Keith Allen John Pitt, had various ships deployed down there, and there was a secret wartime operation codenamed Tabarin—a failed occupation attempt in the winter of 1944.Men from an SAS regiment were involved, and they went to war not only with the Germans but the Argentinians. To explain, in January and February 1942, Comandante Alberto Oddera aboard the Primero de Mayo had landed at Deception Island in the South Shetlands and fought off the British.This is why Argentina never joined the Allied war effort.If you ever see the Allied zone of patrols that stretches all across the western hemisphere on the map, it stops at the northern quarter of Argentina.The British never forgave the Argentinians. The 1946-47 US invasion became a massacre for the Americans due to the German Fluegelrad rotary disc units.The rotary blades were built around the body of the craft, as opposed to being over the airframe.They were like the Third Reich’s version of the SR-71 Blackbird [The CIA/Air Force’s incredibly fast super sonic spy plane]in that they were meant for reconnaissance in depth of enemy territory as opposed to speed through enemy airspace.The Fluegelrad was meant for aerial photography, and could operate at a greater speed than a helicopter because of its aerodynamic frame, sans the durability.Because the Fluegelrads could be mounted with rockets, they were able to wipe out the American invasion force during Operation Highjump. TK:Operation Highjump is an historical fact, is it? DD:Absolutely.In the southern summer of 1946-47, the US Navy operation was led by Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd, Jr.It was actually organised by men who were above him, but he became the scapegoat who was blamed for its failure.It was an ad hoc force, hastily put together by Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz. On 26 August 1946, basically what happened was that they had 3,500 Marines and all of them died, but nobody speaks of it.They talk about the naval part of the operation because most people survived that.This concerned the aircraft carrier USS Philippine Sea, with 100 aircraft, and it was not assigned to any of the groups because it was the fighter-base flagship—an Essex-class carrier, 900 feet long, 3,500 men as crew, and six ski-fitted Douglas C-47 sky train transport planes equipped with JATO [jet-assisted take-off] “bottle rockets”.There were also foreign vessels participating. TK:So there must have been around 10,000 men? DD:Yes.There were 4,700 men in Task Force 68; 3,500 Marines were flown in from New Zealand.It’s primary mission was to establish an American base to counteract the Nazi base in Antarctica. Now, it doesn’t matter whether or not you or I believe, or whether or not any American or United German believes, that the Nazis had established a government in exile in Antarctica.All that matters is that the United States government was convinced that the Third Reich had re-established itself in Antarctica.This is why the Americans got together Task Force 68. It was enormous, and had at least 13 American ships—a central battle group commanded by Rear Admiral Byrd.The USS Mount Olympus was his flagship, not the aircraft carrier because that had crewmen as well as squadrons of fighters, torpedo planes and Helldiver dive bombers, and these craft were all crowded onto the deck.None of these things could take off from that carrier.This is how hastily they were put together, and these aircraft were going to be disembarked onto landing strips created on the Antarctic ice and then be used to fight an air war from these artificial landing strips on the ice.That is why they brought so many icebreakers, all kinds of submarines, and seaplane tenders for all those seaplanes that I have spoken about.They didn’t even need a landing strip.They could deploy troops on the ground by taking off from the water. TK:And just a fraction of that task force came back? DD:Certainly all the Marines that were flown in on the transport planes died on the Antarctic ice.They were massacred by the rockets launched by the Fluegelrads.[Hatonn:Could these and other German craft be mistaken for “UFOs”?You’d better believe it!]A few of the planes were shot down with the naval element, but, after what happened to the Marines, their operation had to end and they pulled out. Rear Admiral Byrd was so disgraced that when he gave a goodbye speech to a newspaper at the time, it was published only in Chile and never in the United States.Byrd had warned of an imminent attack on the United States and the necessity to maintain a state of alert, to take defensive precautions against the possibility of an invasion by hostile aircraft proceeding from the polar regions.He said:“I don’t want to scare anybody, but the bitter reality is that, in the event of a new war, the United States would be attacked by aircraft flying in from one or both of the poles.” Byrd was suddenly recalled, and so was the entire expeditionary force.One of the last things he said, one of the most important observations he made, was about the existing situation:“I can do no more than warn my countrymen that the time has passed when we could take refuge in complete isolation and rest in confidence in the guarantee of security which distance, the oceans and the posed provided.”He finished by stating:“We are abandoning the region.” No official explanation was ever disseminated.Byrd was hospitalised, and that is how it ended.That is how badly that expedition turned out.[H:At all costs, the “UFO Question” must be kept secret!You-the-people are being set up for the worst orchestrated staging of a hoax, in the history of the Earth Human species.Open thine eyes and see the TRUTH!] At that point, everything that Byrd had warned about came true.Between 1951 and 1956, there took place what the American documents that I was dealing with called “a massacre of the skies”, or “the disc war” [H:Hitler’s “Flying Saucers”]. Basically, the Third Reich retaliated and the Fluegelrads and the other planes that they’d developed, which were concept aircraft that they’d brought down to Antarctica, attacked and shot down many US fighter aircraft. The end result was Operation Argus, in which the Americans deployed nuclear weapons in 1958 after a decade of failed Antarctic invasions following Operation Highjump.The New York Times reported that there were 204 destroyed or missing fighter aircraft in that period.By the 1950s, what was known as “the aerospace war” was finally accounted for in the documents that I had been ordered to incinerate, and it was calculated that 2,000 pilots had died from between the mid-1940s and the mid-1950s in the disc war. Think about what I am saying.It is for this reason that the Allies were still at war with the Third Reich, that Churchill was brought back into office in 1951. Stalin’s International Communist Agenda DD:People don’t realize how advantageous it was for the Third Reich at the end of the war.President Roosevelt had died mysteriously, and essentially, by the documents I was dealing with, it was suggested very strongly that he had been assassinated by Axis agents.[H:Being a relative to England’s Queen Elizabeth, does not mean you are not expendable if you get in the way of the adversary’s plans of Global Domination!]Truman [H:Good Khazarian “Jewish” name.]took over in April 1945, and then, in July, Churchill was voted out of office. The reality is that in 1945, Stalin, who had enormous influence on both the United States and the United Kingdom, gave the order to the Labor Party union bosses to oust Churchill.I the US, we would refer to the Laborites as what Britain called “Communists”.[H:Lenin and Stalin were two Khazar Jews who ruled “SOVIET” Russia, after killing a hundred million Christian RUSSIANS, and then calling the “new nation” “Soviet Union”.The Christian Russians have since taken back their Mother Russia from the Bolshevik (militaristic) Jews, however, those same “Soviet Jewish Khazars” still control the MEDIA—NOT JUST IN THE KREMLIN, BUT ALL THE WORLD!So THEY are telling you only that which THEY want you to believe!That is why you are known as “the people of the lie”.You must come up out of the false history the evil Jew gives you, and on up into the TRUTH that God Aton, and His HOSTS bring back unto mankind.The “Messengers”, or “Angels” as the Greeks labeled them, are the Prophets from your Biblical stories.The UFOs in the Holy Bible ARE THE CRAFT THAT LED THE PEOPLE THROUGH THE DESERT WILDERNESS, AND PROTECTED THEM FROM THEIR ENEMIES AND THE ELEMENTS OF NATURE.So, why do we of God not just show up tomorrow and save the day once more??BECAUSE MAN NOW HAS CAUGHT UP WITH SOME VERY SOPHISTICATED AND DANGEROUS TECHNOLOGY; YOU ARE BEING HELD HOSTAGE BY THE ANTI-CHRIST/ANTI-GOD JEWS (CLAIMING TO BE THE HEBREW JUDEAN BROTHER FROM THE BOOK, AND THEY WILL BLOW THIS WORLD AWAY, CLAIMING “SPACE INVADERS” DID IT!Man must come into understanding of WHO IS WHO, and at this moment, the adversary is telling you falsely about God and His HOSTS from afar.Now that the truth is in front of you, expose the satanic evil lie for that which it is!Join with your President of the People and put a stop to the plan of destroying yournation and people, in favor of a “Soviet” Israel New World Order.The British Crown is the seat of the beast, still, do not forget that!They are still mad at you from breaking away from their Monarchy and daring to be a free people, with liberties and rights for ALL your citizens.]These were hard-core unionists. To show you the kind of influence that Stalin had, I will give you an example.When Stalin invaded Finland in 1939, that was one of the things that started World War II, and the Swedish Nazi Party sent air force pilots to fight the Soviets in Finland.There were Swedish Nazi Party volunteers who flew the swastika [German flag] in Finland.The Germans sent units, and it was an international war to fight the Soviet Bolshevik invasion.One of the most effective weapons was the Brewster Buffalo, a US-built aircraft which the Finns purchased from the Americans.The Brewster Buffalo took down so many Soviet planes that Stalin gave the order to the US unions, which were very sympathetic to the Soviet communist cause [H:Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, and the other international banksters, sold you out to Soviet spies and operatives—and when the four Rockefeller brothers were betrayed by Kissinger and his Rothschild Overlords—THE UNITED STATES LOST THE REAL SPACE WAR WITH RUSSIA!CIA, FBI, AND NOW “Homeland Security” are full of SOVIET MERCENARY TROOPS ready to stage a massive “9/11” disaster on the whole of America—and the world!F.E.M.A. (Federal Emergency MANAGEMENT agency) is a dictatorship waiting to be used AGAINST American citizens.Black people understand what that means, White people had best come to the realization that the Romney “clones” are manipulated by the Jew.Jews do not like Christ, Christians, nor God of Holy Light.The uniting of Black America with White America, is the coalition of God Aton’s children waking to their plight against the ultimate evil force in the universe!The ballot-fixers, opinion MAKING polls, and false media speculation, can not hide for one second the truth of Obama’s Presidency.The robotoid duplicates of the so-called “Tea Party” politicians, and the elite money conspirators, cannot hide or lessen the tremendous support of AMERICA UNDER GOD for a President under God.Jewish Khazars are the Anti-Christ, and their “Soviet” goal remains the same:Destroy American Christianity by destroying American Christians!Be it by more and continuing wars (World War III/Nuclear War One—but with particle beam or PRANA LIFE FORCE ENERGY weapons this time.And when that gets out of control you can atomize—turn to vapor—the entire planet in MINUTES!, and/or incredible manmade diseases, etc.—do you understand, chelas?This is not playing jacks or marbles, the end of a planetary cycle is upon you, which way it “ends” is strictly up to you.Prayer followed by action gets God’s work done, but you have to “act”, you have to do YOUR PART.God’s part is automatic in assisting His people.], to sabotage all the Brewster Buffalos on the assembly line.Over a year after Stalin had given this order, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941 and then went on to attack Hong Kong, Singapore and the Philippines.Everywhere the Japanese attacked, the American Brewster Buffalos were falling out of the sky because they had been sabotaged back home on their own assembly lines.That is how much influence Stalin had on other nations [H:MONEY is what the Jew uses to control and manipulate the world.Every nation has its price—AND CERTAINLY EVERY MAN HAS HIS PRICE!Therefore, God has to be first and foremost in all things worth having—for the nation or the individual.] because of this international communist insurgency. At the end of the pro-active hostilities on the continental mainland in 1945, Stalin gave the order to the Laborites in Britain:“I don’t need Churchill in power any more and I consider him a threat.”[H:When the Allied (Britain + U.S.) powers in the name of Churchill said, “We killed the wrong pig for the roasting” … we should have teamed with Germany instead of “Soviet” Russia.Now look at the mess unleashed on the God-revering people of the world!The Jew always fights his enemies by using subversion, trickery, and POISON.When he has infiltrated, any nation, and secretly gained control through his skillful, and insidiously from within, like a terrible cancer.All the while, the Jew pretends he is your caring and trusting doctor; or the lawyer who has your best interests in mind, while stealing your assets and estate from your family; or advising your leaders to sacrifice your sons’ blood for the killing and robbing of other nations (like Lybia, for one of many examples) oil and gold resources.Why do you think God “has indignation forever” against these imposter “Jews” from Revelation 2:9, 3:9???]He was convinced that Churchill had poisoned Roosevelt, and the end result was that he said:“Get Churchill out of office.” Churchill was voted out of office by an overwhelming majority, a landslide.This was following the general European cease-fire in May 1945, just as Britain was turning its resources towards invading Hong Kong and Singapore. America’s Unwinnable World War DD:At that time, the Japanese were advancing on the mainland with such success that the British actually buried a bunch of British Spitfires, entire air squadrons, in Thailand and Burma.They just buried them to prevent the Japanese from capturing them.That is how desperate the situation was in 1945.People don’t understand the perspective of this. Put this into perspective for how bad it was for the Americans.They were so racist [H:Keep in mind, the Khazar Jew is the true “racist” of your planet.They have gotten ALL other races of peoples fighting against brothers—like you were sworn enemies for life!You all, Germans, Americans, Poles, Swedes, Russians, Irish, the French, Italians—are you not all “White” children of God????You Africans in America and various parts of the world—areyou not “Brothers and Sisters”—who do you suppose gotyou arguing, fighting and killing of thy brethren????Satan DIVIDES THE PEOPLE so they can be ripe for the conquering.You are made in God’s own image:“ELECTRICITY”—LIGHT WAVES!You are a being of LIGHT operating a physical body, to express and experience in a PHYSICALWORLD of matter in seeming motion.Just like the still pictures of a movie projector, give seeming motion to the ILLUSION of a cinema, you, and your light wave pulsing universe, are doing the same thing.Satan and his children, the “Jewish” Khazars, have gotten you to forget about “spirit” (electricity/lightwaves), and moved you into a reality based on the physical.YOU ARE NOT THAT PHYSICAL BODY OF BLOOD, BONE, AND TISSUE; YOU ARE THE SPIRITUAL FREQUENCIED SOUL ESSENCE WITHIN THE FLESH.God is light (electricity), man is also light (electricity, but of course, since you are made in His image.Your physical body IS THE BODY OF MAN—NOT THE MAN HIMSELF!Just as when you drive your car—you are not the machine (anymore than you are not the “machine” of your body)—you are within guiding and controlling through right action, and following the just laws laid down for ALL TO FOLLOW.Or you have “crashes”, clashes, and a terrible mess, don’t you?Be it cars or people!Stop living according to the Satanic Jew’s plan of “Hell on Earth”!Don’t you think God’s PLAN is better than that of His (and yours) adversary?!], they had concentrated most of their resources against the Germans because they said:“Oh, they are white.They are a bigger threat.”The Americans allocated only 15 per cent of all their resources during the war to fighting the Japanese in the Pacific. TK:And by that they totally underestimated them. DD:Yes, the Japanese had invaded the Alaskan islands to prevent the Americans from bombing Japan from Alaska.Of that 15 percent resource total, the Americans were forced to dedicate one-third to trying to remove the Japanese from Alaskan territory. Not only was over 90 percent of the Imperial Japanese Army in China at the time of the Hiroshima bombing on 6 August 1945, but on that very day a special war department analysis of the new Japanese divisions being mobilised reached US Army Chief of Staff George Catlett Marshall—the same Marshall who was forced to instigate the Marshall Plan as reparations for the reconstruction of Europe. It was revealed to Marshall that, from 1937 to 1943, the Imperial Japanese Army had mobilised an average of eight divisions a year, but in 1944 alone it had formed 30 to secure the Chinese mainland.In the first seven months of 1945, the Japanese activated at least 42—of these, 23 inside Japan itself—and had the manpower to generate even more:as many as 65 infantry and five armored divisions by October 1945—the intended beginning of Operation Downfall, the scheduled American invasion of the Japanese home islands. END QUOTE. Jonur, pause here, please, and begin a new document.Thank you.Hatonn to stand-by. RESUME QUOTING: Japan had only just begun to fight, and this monumental mass mobilization was the very reason why so few, if any, able bodied Japanese men ever died in strategic bombing, either conventional or nuclear, during the entire war.They were all in the field. At this point, the Americans realized that they had lost the war.It did not matter that they could mobilize all this manpower.The vast majority of their personnel were across the sea in the Atlantic; and if they were to bring them all over to the Pacific to fight the Japanese, they would probably leave Europe open to re-conquest by Nazi insurgents. So they either faced a series of something like the Napoleonic Wars where they had battles continuing again and again, or they could sue for peace.The Americans chose to sue for peace because Roosevelt was dead and Churchill was gone. TK:They sued for peace?Towards whom? DD:Towards the Axis, both Germany and Japan. TK:And that was in ’45? DD:In 1945 TK:The public never learned about that. Editor’s Note: Part three in our next issue covers Nazi rocket scientists and advanced technologies, the Suez crisis, nuclear detonations over Antarctica, space weapons, the Third Reich’s alleged Moon bases, and much more. About the Interviewer: Douglas Dietrich is the son of a decorated US Navy sailor.He worked for 10 years as a US Department of Defense military librarian at the Presidio military base in San Francisco, where one of his major duties was document destruction.He was responsible for incinerating highly classified materials on critical historical topics.Each night, he made entries from memory in a personal notebook of all of the top-secret documents he had destroyed. Dietrich experienced the Kuwaiti campaigns of operations Desert Shield (1990) and Desert Storm (1991) as a US Marine, during which time he was exposed to cyclosarin nerve gas which resulted I collapsed lungs and radical experimental surgery.After mustering out of the USMC in late 1991, he began a career as a private security agent which continued until he became a full-time carer for his dying parents.He now channels his energies into media production, conference presentations and radio interviews covering a wide range of hidden history topics.His DVD Roswell and the Rising Sun was reviewed in NEXUS 19/04. As you ones come into realization of exactly what your world is REALLY LIKE—and not through the rose-colored-glasses the Zionist Jews of Satan’s bunch present onto you—then you can begin to take back your nation in the presence of God. 2012:WHAT’S ALL THE FUSS??? So what IS the big deal any way?Is this just another 2012 “dooms day” prophecy, conjured by man to scare and take advantage of his brother?Or is it REVELATIONS FROM THE ANCIENTS (THE ARCHANGELS OF MAN’S PAST AND PRESENT HISTORICAL AND BIBLICAL BEGINNINGS) NOW COME FULL CIRCLE IN FULL INTEGRATION OF THY EVOLUTION? Come now, chelas, if you believe ANYTHING AT ALL IN YOUR HOLY BOOKS AND BIBLES—YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT THE TRUTH OF “HEAVENLY” HOSTS SENT OF “A” GOD.You cannot longer pretend that the future revelations and ancient prophecies do not apply to your lives—TODAY!Can you not see that every one of the warnings, visions, and plagues are happening as we write?Look at the state of every nation upon your globe.Is that not almost word-for-word right out of your Holy Bible??“Wars and Rumors of Wars”, “Ezekial’s Wheel” descending from the sky to talk to the select few, are these not happening world-wide for all to take note??? Well, you are in it, dear ones, and only knowledge of what is happening, and what HAS happened in the very distant past, is going to see you through.Forget, for a moment, that your evil adversary is planning to “pull a fast one” during a time of world take over.Let us look at this same period of human evolvement from the point of view of simply The Sequence of Events of “Time”, as you recognize such.And we will utilize Earthman calendars long established on your placement. Jour, utilize Belinda Doyle’s compilation on the subject of the Mayan Calendar, from the August-September 2012 issue of “NEXUS” magazine.We have brought this information to you many times in the PHOENIX JOURNALS, however, our readers need a quick and concise “intro”, for you are all but out of time. QUOTING: THE MAYAN CALENDAR AND THE 2012 END DATE Arise, all arise, not one nor two groups be left behind; together we will see once again the place from where we have come. - Mayan prophecy The end of the fifth Great Cycle of the Mayan Long Count calendar coincides with the solstice of 21 December 2012 at 11:11 am Universal Time and with the end point of philosopher Terence McKenna’s Timewave Zero.Is humanity on the verge of a new evolutionary cycle? [Hatonn:No one, not even “Jesus” Immanuel Esu SANANDA “The Christ”, knows the hour of the coming of God again to your place.Only Aton (God) knows that moment, however, it gets closer!Suffice it to say, the second decade after your new millennium is a good starting point!You are in year two, nearing three of that second decade, precious friends!Do not wait for more “precise” timing estimates, you may find that you put things off just one week to late, to save your bacon from burning to a crisp!God has given you the clues, YOU have to act on what you see around you unfolding.Therefore:“The handwriting is indeed all over the walls”! Type “Mayan calendar” into an Internet search engine and you’ll find millions of references to this ancient device.It has been the subject of countless media reports, a Hollywood blockbuster and much conjecture.So, why all the attention?This article explores the history of the calendar, the significance of its 2012 end date, and its connection to the 111:11 phenomenon and the Chinese “I Ching”.[H:Beings from Pleiades gave “The Yellow Emperor” of ancient China much knowledge and advise, which helped the framework of “Modern Civilization” as you enjoy it today.He said he received it from councils with “Star Beings”, so be it!Keep in mind, your races, our race, comes from that cluster of young, hot suns (stars), shaped like a tiny “dipper” or “kite”, called the “Seven Sisters”, or Pleiades constellation.It can be viewed in the Northern Hemisphere in the winter months, particularly November at midnight, it is directly over head.All ofyour Earth culture had its beginning “texts” with mention of the blue-white stars being the “Home of God”; and to “where the soul goes when it leaves Earth”.] The End of the World or A New Beginning? The ancient Maya people dominated Mesoamerica, the narrow landmass that lies between North and South America, from around 2000 BC to 900 AD.It was during their classic period, from 250 AD to 900 AD, that they constructed an extensive empire of cities.They built impressive palaces, religious temples and stepped pyramids.The Maya created magnificent carvings and ceramics as well as sophisticated mathematical systems, and they devised the only known fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas.The Maya people were also keen astronomers.They were particularly interested in the planet Venus.Without the use of telescopes and with only the naked eye to guide them, the Maya were able to measure the lunar month, predict eclipses and determine the revolutions of Venus.They made incredibly accurate records of the stars and Sun, and they aligned many of their ceremonial pyramids accordingly.Even today, thousands of people gather at El Castillo pyramid at Chichen Itza on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes to watch the Sun cast a shadow over the edge of the pyramid.For a few moments, the shadow creates the illusion of a snake slithering down to Earth.It was the ancient Mayan fascination with astronomy that also led to the development of their now-famous calendars. While the Gregorian solar calendar that we use today was primarily created for agricultural purposes, the calendars of the Maya were based on a very different set of principles.The Maya believed that the solar system cycles are connected to our collective consciousness, and they included spiritual elements in many of their calendars. The most important Mayan calendar is the sacred Tzolk’in (or “count of days”), a 260-day calendar that combines a cycle of 20 day-names with a cycle of 13 numbers to create 260 days, each with its own set of characteristics.It was said that an individual’s personality could be predetermined according to the Tzolk’in day on which they were born. The Maya then combined two cycles of the Tzolk’in calendar with a third cycle, known as the Haab’, to produce a longer cycle of time.Each Haab’ cycle is made up of 365 days and consists of 18 months of 20 days each as well as one “unlucky” month of five days.When combined with the Tzolk’in calendar, one full cycle or calendar round would take 52 years or 18,980 days.[H:This also coincides with Native American calculations with the Midnight culmination of Pleiades.So, keep in mind that there are “calendars” that are all synchronized to COSMIC EVENTS, which go way beyond your Earth civilizations.Your elite conspirators know what is coming, and they will use these “events” to herd you people into your destruction of panic and terror of the unknown.Prepare and tell thy neighbor, like Noah was trying to do, for the messengers have come before, and WE are telling you as much!Who—this time—will heed the warning??!] However, the Maya needed more than 52 years to record historical events and so they invented the Long Count calendar.It is the Long Count system that has gained notoriety in recent times and has come to be known simply as the “Mayan calendar”.The Maya developed their Long Count calendar around 355 BC; however, the calendar’s starting date did not begin in 355 BC.For reasons unknown, the Maya backdated their Long Count by more than 3,000 years.Maya researchers generally agree that its start date corresponds with the Gregorian date of 11 August 3114 BC.The Long Count Mayan calendar is made up of the following units: 1 day=1 k’in 20 days (20 k’ins)=1 uinal 360 days (18 uinals)=1 tun 7,200 days (20 tuns)=1 k’atun 144,000 days (20 k’atuns)=1 b’ak’tun 13 b’ak’tuns=1 Great Cycle The duration of each Great Cycle (or 13 b’ak’tuns) is approximately 5,126 years. Maya experts have calculated that the current Great Cycle, which began at or 11 August 3144 BC, will end on or 21 December 2012 AD. Australian science expert Dr Karl S. Kruszelnicki has said that to read the scholarly notation for the Long Count calendar , you need look no further than your car’s odometer.As you drive, the extreme right slot of the odometer rolls over from 0 to 9 kilometres; that slot then rolls back over to 0 when it reaches 10 and the number 1 rolls into the slot next to it to represent 10 kilometres.Dates recorded by the Long Count calendar are read in a similar fashion. The calendar counts through the days (or k’ins), and when it reaches 19 ( it then rolls over to 0, and the slot to the left (the uinal) rolls over to 1 ( the uinal slot reaches 17 (, it then rolls over to 0 because 18 uinal = 1 tun (, 1 January 2009 would therefore be represented as is, 12 b’ak’tuns, 19 k’atuns, 15 tuns, 17 uinals and 10 k’ins.On 21 December 2012, the date according to the Mayan Long Count calendar will read—that is, 13 b’ak’tuns. What does it all mean?On 21 December 2012, the current cycle of the Mayan calendar “ends”.What the ending of the calendar means for modern-day humanity is unclear.On 31 December each year, when our Gregorian calendar ends, we simply roll over to 1 January and begin a new year.Other than a few million hangovers the world over, the ending of the Gregorian calendar does not equate to anything special. However, the Mayan calendar is different.According to the Popol Vuh, the creation story of the Maya, the completion of each Great Cycle is said to correspond with a cycle of creation and transformation on Earth. The Popol Vuh tells of four previous ages on Earth and suggests that we are currently living in the fifth.[H:Your own scientists said that you have had AT LEAST five Ice Ages.These, also, correspond to not only these various ancient calendars, but to your Biblical stories as well!And you are at the closing of The Great Cycle now, all the old calendars ended on AUGUST 17, 1987, the heading of these writings always start with THAT CLOSING DATE:“ … YEAR 26, DAY …”, you are 26 years into what you think was your Year 2000.So instead of it being 12 years past the year 2000, it is really going on 26 years—starting in 1987—that is when the year 2000 actually came in.Get it?If nothing else, man must prepare for the coming Earth Changes—especially in freezing climate conditions that will affect the growing of food in formerly fertile land masses.The ice is expected to extend to about latitude 40’—from BOTH NORTH AND SOUTH POLES—and those not living near the Equator are going to be in trouble.Man can prepare for these things if you demand your politicians stand with you-the-people!Those Arctic “Survey Stations” and “Research Centers” are in reality—EMERGENCY RELOCATION FACILITIES FOR THE ELITE OF YOUR WORLD!They will NOT help you ordinary citizens unless you demand that they do so!Remember, they want to “cull”—WHICH MEANS KILL OFF LIKE CATTLE OR DEER—the human population from almost 7 Billion, down to 550 Million!That is WHY Israel keeps pushing for nuclear war and FORCED VACCINES that will suddenly be “declared” a “spoiled batch”, resulting in millions of deaths!And as they rush in more doses of a cure for that, the next wave will also result in many millions more culled human animals.The Jewish Zionist plans to destroy you trusting Christians is not pretty, dear hearts, however, neither does Satan care for his own.For in the ending all the entire species of human will perish if evil is left to its own devices.So be it.]The K’iche’ Maya predicted that the end of the fifth Great Cycle would involve movement, vibration and earthquakes, while the Tz’utujil Maya warned that man would need to undergo a conscious evolution if another creation, or sixth cycle, were to follow.[H:God has not forsaken His people, why think you “Jesus” and The HOSTS are here at THIS time of thy evolution???!Therefore, do not let the “Hollywood Jews” create fear of Space Brothers, because these are your ancestors, and they come as the Angels and Archangels from Biblical days, which are upon you once again .Also in the tellings of these so-called “Last Days”, are “… the stars falling from the sky.”Well they cannot be “stars” truly, for where would they fall from, and where would they fall to???THOSE ARE OUR CRAFT RETURNING THAT MAN DESCRIBES, AND IS PAST DOWN IN MYTH AND LEGEND, SO YOU CAN BE DECEIVED BY THE EVIL CONTROLLERS OF YOUR PRISON PLANET!Satan’s game is to keep you from moving on into ONENESS with God, so that the adversary has plenty of “lost souls” to rule over on Earth.But once you KNOW he can have no power over you. And if God Aton of the ONE LIGHTED SOURCE is in the equation, as the Lord thy Father, then evil falls by the wayside and devours itself—for no thing or being or energy form of evil intent can stand against the light!]According to the Institute of Maya Studies in Florida, USA, the Zuni and Navajo peoples also believe that we are living in the fifth era and that the sixth is drawing near. The Mayan calendar’s end date is also significant because it coincides with a solstice.On 21 December 2012, the northern hemisphere experiences its winter solstice and the southern hemisphere experiences its summersolstice.This is the day when the Sun is in its most southerly position—the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and the longest day of the year in the southern hemisphere.The December solstice of 2012 is scheduled to occur at 11:11 am UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) on 21 December.The actual day and time will vary, depending on where you are in the world, as per the following time conversion chart: UTC Conversions for the December 2012 Solstice LocationDateUTC 11.11 am Los AngelesFriday 21 Dec3:11 am GuatemalaFriday 21 Dec5:11 am New YorkFriday 21 Dec6:11 am LondonFriday 21 Dec11:11 am ParisFriday 21 Dec12:11 pm MoscowFriday 21 Dec3:11 pm PerthFriday 21 Dec7:11 pm TokyoFriday 21 Dec8:11 pm SydneyFriday 21 Dec10:11 pm AucklandSaturday 22 Dec12:11 am Independent researcher John Major Jenkins has dedicated much of his life to the study of the ancient Maya, their cosmology and philosophy.He has written numerous books, including “Galactic Alignment and Maya Cosmogenesis 2012”.According to Jenkins, the December solstice Sun in 2012 will conjunct with the galactic equator and the ecliptic in Sagittarius.This would place the Sun at the centre of the Milky Way, a phenomenon that he refers to as the Galactic Alignment.Jenkins also believes that the December solstice Sun of 2012 could reach the area of the Milky Way that astronomers refer to as the “nuclear bulge”.[H:Chelas, here it is for you in “Scientific terms”, the Coming Again of God and Christ!Do you not think that Aton would not place the “signs” and “clues” that indicate that the HOSTS of Heaven are preparing “a place for you”????Be not fooled by the Khazar Jew’s omissions and out right lies, that the time is at hand!This is what you of God’s people have been waiting for lo these many eons of “perceived” time!Seize the moment with both thy arms and hands, and hold tight to the coming of The Lord!]It is the area of the Milky Way’s dark rift, which the K’iche’ Maya referred to as the Xibalba be—the road to the Underworld or the place of fear.[H:Yes indeed!Fear and trepidation if you yourself are of evil intent, for God, dear ones, is THE ADVERSARY OF THE ADVERSARY!In 2002, John Major Jenkins was a guest speaker of The Time of Global Shift seminar in Louisville, Kentucky, USA.He told those present: “Many of the Mayan monuments describe mundane historical events, but some of the Long Count monuments are dated with the date CHAPTER 22 TK:And this is all being kept from the public? DD:Absolutely.Take a look at what happens in Antarctica.The biggest problem that they have in Antarctica is with all of those scientists.The overwhelming majority are Caucasian—Russian, European, Australian, New Zealander, American, all of them Caucasian except for those from Japan and China.There are very few ethnic minorities on the Antarctic continent.Generally, the only minorities that you would find would be in the American military. There is an enormous American military presence down in Antarctica, but there is no threat of a war starting in Antarctica between the United States and Russia or China or any surface nation.So, why are they there?The reason is for one of the same major reasons that Marines are on a ship:not only to act as the infantry arm of the navy, but also to prevent mutiny among the sailors.That’s why there’s military presence in Antarctica:to prevent defection.The biggest problem that they have with scientists in the Antarctic is defection to the Third Reich. ******* Jonur, stop the document here and adjust to the new schedule.The distractions and the family gathering have been a great load for you to bear.The situation with the property that was taken from you and your father by the other members of your family, have removed your will—temporarily.Now, focus your intent only in the direction of God, for only the vision of “Heaven” that Aton promises is of any material value to you anymore.It is a seemingly sad, personal life you are experiencing, even more so because of Doris’ and EJ’s transitioning (death).Just remember, you are never alone, God is as close as your very breath and innermost thoughts, and nothing can harm thee who abide in The Lord.Amen. DD:Not in the Antarctic per se, but in Unterland, and they tend to reach it through the entrances in the Antarctic continent. TK:What are they doing there? DD:The scientists? TK:No, the Third Reich in Unterland DD:Well, nobody knows because all contact broke off in 1997, during the Clinton administration.That was a few years after I left working with the Department of Defense.What happened was that, after the war, the Americans failed in Operation Highjump and various other operations, but only succeeded in 1958 with Operation Argus in preventing a Third Reich domination of near space.I am more than happy to explain this because it has to do with the physics I was about to discuss. Third Reich Physics and Computing DD:This much I do know about the physics.I approach it as an historical librarian, as opposed to a physicist, but basically, in 1935 [ …. ] CHAPTER 21 Among the first things relocated were the major computer systems.Because these computers were so valuable and were processing so much information, Adolf Hitler asked Martin Bormann, “Where can we relocate them?”Bormann said, “Neuschwabenland”—basically because it had been colonised since the 1930s.It was Germany’s Area 51 without the tourists.They began to move concept weapons and the computers to the Antarctic, hollowing out vast caverns to fit them. This is one of the reasons why they faced invasion by the British SAS during the war.In 1944, during Operation Tabarin, the SAS attacked but failed to dislodge the Third Reich from the Antarctic.This has been written about in NEXUS magazine [see James Robert, “Britain’s Secret War in Antarctica”, 12/05-06, 13/01]. Hitler was looking for an area in which to keep the computers in sterile, cool conditions because they overheated easily.Bormann’s computers were beginning to become the central focus of the science of the Third Reich, which was based on what Hitler and Himmler considered to be Aryan physics. TK:But didn’t they also need enormous amounts of power?The Third Reich would have had to have moved a whole infrastructure there, of generators and diesel back-up and people and what not. DD:They found ways to generate geothermal and hydroelectric power in the Antarctic regions that were very similar to Iceland.They used these energy sources to power their computers and infra structure underground. There are areas of Antarctica, which is an enormous continent, from which American patrols never returned.I will tell you something about Antarctica in terms of its population.The largest concentration of scientists in the world is in Antarctica. TK:At present? DD:Yes.I am trying to put this into perspective.There is nothing else to do in Antarctica other than scientific investigation, and as a result many countries established bases there:the Soviet Union/Russia, South Africa, France, Norway, Japan, China, the US, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand among them.Argentina and Chile actually colonised families down there. TK:Wow.Could a civilian go there, or is it off limits? DD:The Antarctic Treaty was signed in December 1959, after the atomic “tests” that took place down there—Operation Argus, which I will go into later.After that, the area was pretty much declared off limits by the Soviet Union and the United States. So it has only been recently, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, that they began to experiment with some ecological or environmental awareness tourism.That has been extremely recent and was pretty much after the Nazi presence disappeared off Antarctica, which was around 1997 when probably the last vestiges of it retreated into Unterland completely. Entrances to the Inner Earth TK:And Unterland:where would that be located?Is it under Antarctica, or is it completely elsewhere? DD:There are multiple entrances to Unterland, literally all over the globe.There are some in Tibet, there are some in Antarctica, there are some that are located in other areas of the world, including one in Switzerland—a major entrance—as well as one within the Alpenfestung, or Alpine Fortress, encompassing a huge area across the northern Italian and Austrian Alps …. TK:In Germany, too, probably. DD:Yes. TK:I know that Hitler had a very important hideaway in a town called Berchtesgaden, which is in the German Alps.Would that be an entrance to the Unterland? DD:Conceivably, I never saw any records concerning that.The Americans misinterpreted the Reich’s concept of Alpenfestung.They thought that it functioned as a kind of Salò Republic for the Third Reich, as the Italian Salò Republic served Mussolini’s fascist state. The reality is that the Alpenfestung was essentially securing that entrance into Unterland from the European continent, but there are other entrances in other parts of the world.I am certain that there are many more that have never been discovered, but the major entrances spoken of in the records I’ve dealt with are in Tibet and in Antarctica. TK:Is there a whole area where all these entrances are interconnected? DD:They are interconnected because so much water has eroded Grand Canyon-type caverns throughout the planet, many miles below.It is a very hot environment, a very steamy environment, like a tropical environment without the Sun.It has a lot of room—plenty of room for the establishment and expansion of civilisation. DD:That is an excellent point. Now, how did he work with the money?He basically used the most important weapon that the Third Reich had:the computer.In 1935, the first practical working computer was developed for the Third Reich by a German engineer named Konrad Zuse.With his computer, what he had created was a way to make the trains run on time German statistician Friedrich Zahn, an SS member since 1933, convinced SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler to establish a covert Reich Tabulation Bureau that would integrate Zuse’s technology with IBM systems developed by American statistician Herman Hollerith, who had created the punch-card data tabulator.One of the major German companies, IG Farben, developed magnetic tape in 1935, which made the Zuse-Hollerith information processing system even more powerful.Magnetic tape was actually more useful than punch cards which were much more expensive.With the use of magnetic tape, these computers did the work of 300 clerks with only 15 specialists, in a week instead of six months.Because of this, there were many major applications—one of which was gaming out the war.They could feed in equations and examples of warfare that would help them figure out how the war would play out to the end. One of the things that they figured out with these computers was that the Allies outnumbered the Axis by 10 to one.Pitted against Japan, Germany, and Italy, the Allies had seven times the tanks, five times heavy artillery, three times the combat aircraft, five times the trucks, and seven times the machine guns.The United States alone had 27 million men that it could mobilise in uniform.The Third Reich realised that the entire war was going to have to be a holding action to delay the advances of the enemy until it could relocate the government. CHAPTER 19 Jonur, pick up where we left off yesterday.We will catch up with the news later.“NEXUS magazine”, August-September 2012. QUOTING: TK:Where is Unterland? DD:Unterland requires some explaining.This is something that most of the world is unfamiliar with.During the last year when I worked as a Department of Defense research librarian, in 1992, that was when Alan B. Thompson a geophysicist, had an article published entitled “Water in the Earth’s Upper Mantle” [Nature 1992 Jul 23; 358:295-302].He said that the mantle of the Earth, the deep layers of the rock structures, contain lodes of water, like mineral lodes, that dwarf the existing oceans.In other words, there is more water underneath the lower mantle of planet Earth than there is in all the Earth’s oceans—and all of [the] world’s oceans are 75 per cent of our planetary surface.Then, two American scientists found evidence using seismic waves of an entire ocean in the porous rocks deep beneath Beijing. [New Scientist, no. 2594, 10 March 2007]. The reason I bring this up is because the military knew all this years and years ago. The Nazi government knew of it well before them.Churchill used to get a big laugh out of the Third Reich’s sending mountain divisions or mountain hunters, who would normally operate in the Caucasus Mountains, to Tibet.At that time Churchill did not understand it, but entries were found into this part of the Earth that had been bored out by these massive flows of water. Water is corrosive, and given millennia or millions of years, it carves huge holes and caverns through solid rock.All of this underwater liquid had bored massive tunnels all over beneath the Earth’s surface.Underneath our Earth’s surface, there is not a hollow Earth but an inner Earth.There are caverns a mile high that have their own weather because at that height the water begins to condense and this produces rain, so they have a sunless environment of oceans and rivers that circulate throughout the inner Earth from Antarctica to the North Pole.This began to be referred to as Unterland. TK:Do these caverns have dry enough spaces in which to live? DD:Yes, because they’re like the Grand Canyon.In that sense, there are caverns where the water has dried up, but mostly there are caverns that still have a body of water going through them.The fertile sediment that has settled in the cavern terraces above the water system is exploited for agriculture. TK:So the Nazis found these caverns during wartime and they went there and hid there? DD:Most certainly.As a matter of fact, they were found well before the active period of hostilities in the war.People might ask, for instance, who was the one person who was so important, so critical to this. Almost nobody knows about him.He was Martin Bormann.Everybody knows that Göbbels was in charge of the propaganda, Himmler was in charge of the SS, and basically people are familiar with everyone’s position in the Third Reich, but almost nobody knows about Martin Bormann and what he was doing.Nobody asks what he was responsible for.[To be continued ….] CHAPTER 18 Another was through the Reich’s Propaganda Minister, Dr. Paul Joseph Göbbels [Goebbels].He conducted a brilliant propaganda operation in which he claimed that the Third Reich had made contact with extraterrestrials and that they recognized the Third Reich as the legitimate government of planet Earth.[Hatonn:Your own government also has a treaty with “ETs”, but man needs no treaties to meet with God, dear ones.And there are other beings in your Cosmos who do not look like you; these are the ones they have replicated (“cloned”) to scare the masses into a “new world order”, where the Zionist Jews are secretly in charge.However, all your top nations keep the secret for their own benefit, and because Kissinger told them to keep their mouths shut!]The extraterrestrials could only recognise one government over the planet; and because the Third Reich was the first one to make contact, they were the ones that were recognised. At the end of the war, the Third Reich was an example of a polycracy, a government of different internal departmental empires.Göbbels had his empire, Himmler had his, Speer had his, Göring had his.To give you an example of how powerful these empires could be, the SS had its own army, its own panzer units, and its own paratroops.It also had its own air force.What was the SS air force?It was the Hitler-Jugend, the Hitler Youth, who had been trained to fly what were basically ram rockets that could go up into the sky vertically and fire off a number of shells very close to American bombers, and then they would parachute out of them.The Luftwaffe [German air force] had its own paratroops, all the anti-aircraft batteries, 20 field divisions, and an armored unit,all controlled by Reichsmarschall Herman Göring. Then there were what the Germans called the Feuerballs—the fireballs.These fell under the control of the Reich’s Propaganda Ministry, under Göbbels.These were highly maneuverable, radio-remote-controlled magnesium flares with super-elongated coils to provide extensive duration of the flare’s burning.It was the aerial equivalent of a nautical mine, with all the spikes sticking out in every direction in flight. The Germans claimed that, because they were the first government to use television broadcasting of ceremonial events, they were able to have these signals intercepted by the extaterrestrials that had been flying in the vicinity of our solar system, which got them recognized as the government.That is why, at the end of the war, suddenly these fireballs appeared and they were buzzing bombers everywhere in Europe. TK:The Germans used these “foo fighters” [H:What U.S. and Allied fighter pilots called UFOs they saw during World War II.] in connectionwith their claim that they had made contact with the alien races? DD:Absolutely, and it was through this that the Reich’s Propaganda Minister, Dr. Göbbels, was able to force the British and the Americans into standing back.The American records I was looking at claimed that the British were more susceptible to this propaganda because of their nervous strain from years of warfare.The Americans claimed that they were much more skeptical.Personally, I think that the Americans were just trying to push it off onto the British, but they were just as afraid.Nobody had seen Feuerballs before, and they were very afraid that these were actual extraterrestrial craft.It was a propaganda victory of enormous proportions.Dr. Göbbels was able to convince the western Allies that aliens were on the Nazis’ side and recognized their government, and therefore the Allies had to allow the entire important elements of the Third Reich government to escape, except for cases of suicide.Now, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann escaped.I can guarantee through the records that I have dealt with that Dr. Paul Joseph Göbbels escaped. DD:Certainly SS officer Hans Kammler, as well as many other important technicians vital to the Third Reich. This became known as the Thousand Year Reich, and as a result it was dealt with as a third force in the Cold War. TK:Did they all escape to the same place, or did they spread into different locations? DD:Very different locations.There were secret bases that were still maintained in Norway, Greenland, the Canary Islands, Antarctica, and South America, but mostly it was Argentina, and then Antarctica, and then Unterland. END QUOTE. “Unterland” is what the Germans called the “Inner Earth”.There is a vast expanse within your planet where life exists that you are totally unaware of.There are beings and craft and “bases”, from which extraterrestrial entities make their travels to and from space.Your governments utilize some of these caverns for survival and planning of the anticipated “Earth Changes” that are coming.“Mermaids” and “Nephilim” can exist in the great pressures of the deep ocean trenches and elsewhere.We will get into this subject in depth another time, but let us continue with the current topic and allow things to unfold in continuity. Jonur, stop here and take care of the family gathering tasks.Hatonn moving to standby.