I'm a system and network admin. One of my users has a Duo 230 ([*]specifications below) that has been having slowdown problems. Leaving the Duo on for several hours causes it to slow down unacceptably. It can take 10-15 seconds to change applications. During this time it is completely hung. If he reboots, the problem goes away (For a while). It seems the system is getting itself into a wedged configuration. He's re-installed System 7.1 and rebuilt the desktop. Neither of these have helped. It's possible that it's network-related, he uses Eudora which checks his email every 10 minutes (over Ethernet). He hasn't checked to see if this problem occurs while undocked (he's docked most of the time). Little to no non-Apple inits, I don't want to start yanking the rest unless I know that might *really* be the problem. He hasn't tried zapping the PRAM, I have advised him to do that next. Anyone who has ideas, I'd love to hear about them. I'd call Apple, but I've found they're best to call during the week (it's Sunday evening). [*] Powerbook Duo 230 16/120. 12mb RAM card from Tech Works to replace non-self-refreshing 8mb card. Is using System Enabler 1.0.1. Express Modem (including latest software). Has been to Apple Dealer for Keyboard replacement.
William December Starr writes... in a typical lawyer baiting fashion, as usual. (All the while ignoring every principle of the ACLU.) Good to see your still out there WDS. Surely we've been around the ring enough by now, that you know you can't spin me up with expletives. Let's see if there's anything left worth responding to... E for effort. Heard about the folks who live around foghorns and airports? Seems right in character to me -- creature of the state. Btw, are you still happy with your presidents? See the part about the children following the "and" in the first line above. As to a connection, your "cult" is "faith in rules". Sure. My concern is the well being of the children. {Interesting that you would respond "emotionally" in defense of the government. Maybe there is a beating heart there.} For the record though, the biggest-baddest goverment on earth claims the most sovereignty over man. Best I can tell God allows anyone to go to hell who wants to. Omnipotency logically determines that "allowing" and "sending" mean the same thing. (Mere human concepts of course.) So come on WDS. Why bother to try some flimsy facade of logic. Waco proves it's not needed -- the demonstration that government can walk over it's own rules in the name of justice has been made. No problem by me. Noted and announced -- for the record. Just giving the govern- ment it's due, and getting back to more worthwhile non-government concerns.
I wouldn't give baserunning that much value. The above effect is clear, but there are other effects as well. If Olerud hits a double, any runner on first will score; if Alomar legs an extra base onto a hit in the gap, the runner on first may need to hold at third. Thus Olerud's doubles have more advancement value than Alomar's. (Of course, Alomar is more likely to score after hitting a double.) Another reason not to give too much extra value to baserunning is that the runs created formulas work for very fast and very slow teams. No team in the 1950's ran much, but some teams certainly had faster players than others. Still, the current runs created formulas work just as well in the 1950's for all teams. Bill James gives the 1955-1958 Senators as an example. They used Harmon Killebrew regularly as a pinch runner, and in 1957, stole 13 bases with 38 times caught stealing. Yet they scored slightly more runs than predicted by Runs Created.
I'm looking for a c.itoh printer driver for Windows 3.1. Does anybody happen to know where I could find such a beast? Thanks in advance, Jerry --
One thing I think is interesting about alt.athiesm is the fact that without bible-thumpers and their ilk this would be a much duller newsgroup. It almost needs the deluded masses to write silly things for athiests to tear apart. Oh well, that little tidbit aside here is what I really wanted write about. How can anyone believe in such a sorry document as the bible? If you want to be religious aren't there more plausable books out there? Seriously, the bible was written by multiple authors who repeatedly contradict each other. One minute it tells you to kill your kid if he talks back and the next it says not to kill at all. I think that if xtians really want to follow a deity they should pick one that can be consistent, unlike the last one they invented. For people who say Jesus was the son of god, didn't god say not to EVER put ANYONE else before him? Looks like you did just that. Didn't god say not to make any symbols or idols? What are crosses then? Don't you think that if you do in fact believe in the bible that you are rather far off track? Was Jesus illiterate? Why didn't he write anything? Anyone know? I honestly hope that people who believe in the bible understand that it is just one of the religious texts out there and that it is one of the poorer quality ones to boot. The only reason xtianity escaped the middle east is because a certain roman who's wine was poisoned with lead made all of rome xtian after a bad dream. If this posting keeps one person, just ONE person, from standing on a streetcorner and telling people they are going to hell I will be happy.
This may be a stupid question, but how does the government know which keys to ask for? Will owners be required to REGISTER their phones, faxes, modems, etc., and inform the government when they are moved to a different phone number? Will there be penalities if the public does not do this? Will identification (the National Health Care ID, perhaps) be required when purchasing a Clipper-equipted phone? Or will each chip transmit identifying information at the start of a conversation? Identification which could be used to automatically log who calls whom? (The _phone_ company keeps records, but this information would be accessable by a well-placed van near a microwave relay station). This raises the question of how the two phones agree on a communications encryption key. Will it be something that is derived from information exchanged at the start of the conversation -- and hence derivable by an eavesdropper?
Has someone a list of CD-ROM's with no SCSI-Interface and if known how much they are present in the market. Please mail direcktly as I am not reguarly reading the group. I'll post a summary if wanted. Thanks Ihno ============================================================================== Ihno Krumreich | Phone (49) 721 955 253 0 U U N N III X X Synerix Gmbh | email: [email protected] U U NN N I X X Bach Strasse 24 | FAX (49) 721 59 02 11 U U N N N I X D-W7500 Karlsruhe 21 | U U N NN I X X UUU N N III X X --
->I addressed most of the key issues in this very long (284 lines) post ->by Dean Kaflowitz in two posts yesterday. The first was made into the ->title post of a new thread, "Is Dean Kaflowitz terminally irony-impaired?" ->and the second, more serious one appeared along the thread ->"A Chaney Post, and a Challenge, reissued and revised"
I need to get an Apple 40SC tape backup unit working under Sys 7.0.x, but do not have any drivers/software to access the device. Does anyone know where I can fidn the tools to access this device? Appreciate any info/comments. --curtis
1. There is a similar idea here in ex-USSR about how many militioners it needs to place a new electric lamp. The answer is nine: one stays on a table and holds the lamp, four hold the table and turn it and yet four run around the table in opposite direction not to make the first feel bad (when being turned). Pitily, it lacks this kind of dark humour as Nick's msg does. 2. To my mind the signature should be smth like: / _ __ / . /_______/_/_______________ /________ /____/ /___ / _ / Albert
I have a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Series II Paper Tray for sale. Its letter size (8.5 - 11), brand new in the box and never used. I'm asking $40.00 (bought new at Ballard Computer for $65.95)
Boy that was really humorous. I'm impressed by your incredible senses of wit, sarcasm and propriety. Mind if I post jokes about your mother?
Yes, this is certainly one of the traditional ideas about the Mithraic cult (although not the only one.) It had many elements that seem to have been borrowed by Catholicism (e.g. the Mass, communion, the sharing of a sacred meal, consecration of bread and wine, etc.) For quite an amusing novel that uses this same idea, check out: The Covenant of the Flame by David Morrell. It has some quite interesting occult bits, and lots of killing. I won't spoil it by revealing the ending, but I will say that it is relevant to Mithraism.
I will add my voice to the (hopefully) growing multitudes. I hereby pledge $1000.00 towards the purchase of CNN, under the same conditions as already described. I will also post this idea on the other nets I can access (RIME and Libernet). We may have to organize this ourselves, so I am looking for help.
[and quotes a lot of stuff unnecessarily] Ain't got a pair of fatigues... and I don't blast people wandering aimlessly, I ask them what they're doing there... I only blast people who display obvious violent intent... like black-clad men with weapons climbing thru second-story windows, or people who break down the door instead of knocking. Or people who knock my house down with tanks and set it afire. Sound familiar yet? Riddle me this: Why the hell are the CONVICTED CRIMINALS in Ohio getting the kid glove treatment, and the BD's are burned alive without a trial? Put aside who started the blaze, I still think any decent shyster can make a case for cruel and unusual punishment, playing the sounds of tortured rabbits over the loudspeakers (where's the SPCA in all this?)... Oh, and that's Mister gun-toter SIR to you, bucko. Just because you choose to abandon your rights, leave mine the hell alone, thankyouverymuch.
: {much deleted] : : : The fact that this happened while eating two sugar coated cereals made : by Kellog's makes me think she might be having an allergic reaction to : something in the coating or the cereals. Of the four of us in our : immediate family, Kathryn shows the least signs of the hay fever, running : nose, itchy eyes, etc. but we have a lot of allergies in our family history : including some weird food allergies - nuts, mushrooms. : Many of these cereals are corn-based. After your post I looked in the literature and located two articles that implicated corn (contains tryptophan) and seizures. The idea is that corn in the diet might potentiate an already existing or latent seizure disorder, not cause it. Check to see if the two Kellog cereals are corn based. I'd be interested.
Horrors, appealing to popular principles. Can we perhaps as the question of whether the Constitution might have been written to appeal to the principles, rather than, as you appear to believe, it was written with something else in mind and "propoganda" put out by its supporters. But let's be honest about something, here. When was the last time you brought up all the valid points against your own arguments? Or are they simply propogranda? We can't know what Phill *really* means because he's obviously using arguments designed to convince. If they're true or false, regardles of why they were said, why on earth did you make a point of calling them "propogranda?" That would seem to be irrelevent. Oh, I have no argument with questioning them. I don't believe they no longer apply, but that's because I think most of them were good arguments. I'm not entirely happy about the situation, because they were obviously only applied to a minority of the time, but I don't think that alone is sufficient to invalidate them. Since the U.S. constitution is the basis for the U.S. political system, most changes in it would require Constitutional change. In this particular case, however the fillibuster is a matter of procedure and tradition. It only *should* have been made part of the Constitution. :-) In principle no? That they had less power of that they should have had less power? Phill, we're discusing the power of legislative houses. While the Prime Minister *is* member of Parliament, he is more analgous (although badly) to the U.S. President. Now, please explain to me how the U.S. House of Representatives is "in principle" more powerful than the House of Lords (or the Senate) but in practice is less. Are you suggesting that the writers of the Constitution *really* intended for them to be more powerful, but gosh darn the thing was ratified before they realized they'd forgotten to put those extra restrictions on the Senate in? Not at all. As any entry level political science course will tell you, people who want laws implemented will always choose the level of government to "attack" which presents them with the best chance of getting what they want. With national "interest groups" it is simply a very rational thing to do to want the Federal government to enact a law rather than the states. Less people to persuade, and less "contributions" to make. Why do those concerned about abortion primarily concentrate at the Federal level? Simply because if they win that battle all the little state battlefields are won by extension. The same extends to insurance, medicine, and most other questions. Local government has not "failed" in that it hasn't done what it should, but that it is dominated by local interests. Thus non-local interests who want localities to abide by their rules can't get their rules past the local government. Thus, since they've got more clout, only in the wrong place, they appeal to the next higher level because it can impose its will on the lower. I mean, let's get real here. Do we *really* need the Congres of the United States deciding that x traffice light should be on thus- and such pattern? Or that *carjacking* needs to be a federal as opposed to a local crime? The more people want the more Congress will take power to "sell" it to them for their votes. I don't think the rise of "special interests" is coincidence with the increased power of Congress. Bingo. The higher up the governmental ladder the less actual need matters, because political power can be concentrated at higher levels, while people with less cloud only find themselves reduced to in effectiveness. Then why not simply leave New York's education to New York? I remain unconcinved that there is any state in the Union which is not capable of educating its own children if that's what they want to do. And if you leave it to them, you only have to worry about the "pork" in that state. And since industries can't concentrate their political power and wealth, rather they must divide it among the states to try and get what they want, individual voices have more relative impact. The problem with the fillibuster is not that you must "buy off" states, but that the Congress has acquired too much power to sell pork. But why on earth should we want to redirect it? You said yourself that you have to sell pork to get things through Congress. If Congres has less authority to sell pork and retains its authority to enact national legislation within its granted jurisdiction, the pork problem is significantly reduced. The current blocks essentially state that inaction is preferable to action, thus it the system is weighted against action. Considering the government the usually the institution with the sole power to enforce its decisions by force, I consider bias against making those decisions a good thing. The difference with the lower pyramid is that a) they have more legal, legitimate authority in most matters under our Constitution than the federal government, and b) at those lower levels power is harder to concentrate. And c) you get the benefit of not imposing new deicisons on everybody at once. You get to see them tried out without a national decision. Congressional action usually treats the entire country as a whole, yet even with similar problems in different areas, different solutions may be called for. And while I often don't agree with the decisions my local and state reps make, at least I have a better option of going to the city council and shooting my mouth off. I'd much rather the majority of laws be made by accessible people who hang around and end up having to put up with them rather than somebody far off in Washington with half a million or more constituents. I'm curious what you base your assumption that lower levels are more corrupt. Phill, *you* brought up the Federalist papers. We were arguing the fillibuster and whether or not a minority of Senators should be allowed to hold up a bill. You claimed the Senate was suppose to be a far less powerful House, and I contended there was nothing in the Constitution or other writings which indicated this. Which was when you brought up that we can't decide what the founders wanted based on the Federalist papers. You argued against them, I never argued from them. I have primarily referred to the Constitution, which places only very small restrictions on the Senate than for the House. The U.S. Constitution is a nuts-and-bolts document. The Delcaration of Independence was the high-brow reasoning. (There are a couple of other examples, though, such as the reasoning for the power to tax, and the reasoning for the power to grant permits, both in Article I, Section 8.) To a certain extend I do believe the veto has become something it wasn't intended. However, I also believe it is inevitable considering the Congress' own abuse of their power to make bills say whatever they want them to say. Unlike most people I think we shouldn't be worrying about the veto, which is fine, but of the problem in Congress which almost necessitates its abuse. *BUSH?* Phill, that's absurd. Bush had *37* vetos, one of which was over-ridden. Go read up on FDR if you think that's anything resembling a record. Why not? What is inherently wrong with biasing the system against action? Historically governemnt action in the U.S. when dealing with issues with a bare minority and a large minority have not been successful. When you're in a position of imposing federal power on diverse people, why should the federal government not have to got through something more than a bare majority Now we're switching from a general question of a fillibuster to a specific bill. I don't see how it make a difference. Sure it's arguable. Theyr'e *arguing* it. However, requiring 60% to bring it to a vote ensures that they'll have to have a *good* argument. Something that isn't based solely on party lines. No, I am completely happy with a system which requires a minority for *action*. Since U.S. history is a history of carving up population groups and implementing piece-meal on minorities, I feel minorities should have sufficent clout to prevent action they feel strongly enough about. And 41% is hardly a tiny minority. I don't advocate the minority being capable of initiating actionm but I see no problem with biasing the *federal* system against action.
Well here is my $0.02 worth. Advice from a grad student. I agree with the gentlemen who wrote the comment before me. The important thing is pick what ever interest you the most and learn as much as possible about it. In my five years of education in this field, though brief compare to alot of people, I had to think about this kind of question a lot. Did I make the right decision in going into Electrical Engineering as opposed to Computer engineering or CS? The more I go thru school, the more I believe that this kind of question is irrelevant. I have come to believe that choosing CS because one does not like hardware or choosing hardware because one does not like to program is really doing an injustice of building and computer and making it useful for something. Everything is interwoven and inseparable. CS, CE, and EE are all a part of a really great discipline and do depend on each other. My advice is don't limit yourself, but make a decision based on which major will give you the best opportunities to learn. That of course depends on the curriculum at your persective school. I would choose a major that allows me to explore as much as possible. Beside, I don't know why the school would make a student choose a major before her/his sophamore year. Hey you may be so interested in this field that you decided to learn all about the making of computers in which case, you suffer a little more and go to grad school. About the money. Don't look at the averages, if you are good, you are going to earn more money than anyone else. If you are a superstar programmer, you will earn millions. Like wise if you are a hotshot computer designers.
I posted this several days ago for Dave Butler. He may have missed it - my Usenet board has changed a little. Just in case he missed it, here it is again. Dave Butler writes... From: [email protected] (Dave Butler) Subject: Re: NEW BIBLICAL CONTRADICTIONS [Fallaciously] ANSWERED (Judas) Date: Thu Apr 1 20:52:11 1993 "I can basically restrict this post to showing the type of evidence Mr DeCenso has presented, and answering his two questions (and a couple of his spurious insults and false claims)." MY REPLY... O.K. DB... [By the way Mr DeCenso, you really should have looked in the index of your Bauer-Arndt-Gingrich Greek lexicon. You would have found that the word in Acts for "lot" is "kleros," not "CHORION" as stated by Mr Archer, and nowhere in the very large discussion of kleros in done the to "Theological Dictionary of the New Testament" by Bromley, is the meaning "burial plot" discussed. It discusses the forms of "kleros" (eg: kleros, kleroo, etc), and the various meanings of "kleros" (eg: "plot of land," and "inheritance"), but mentions nothing about CHORION or "burial plot." (Why does this not surprise me?) Thus it would seem to be a very good thing you dumped Archer as a reference.] DB later corrected himself... _____________________________________________________________________ From: [email protected] (Dave Butler) Subject: Re: NEW BIBLICAL CONTRADICTIONS [Fallaciously] ANSWERED (Judas) Date: Fri Apr 2 02:32:11 1993 I owe the group an apology. It is my habit to check my articles before and after their submission for errors. In my last article I stated: I was wrong. I admit that I do not have a handle on Greek grammar, and thus confused "kleros", the second to last word in Acts 1:17 as being the plot of land discussed. In actuality it is "chorion", which is the last word Acts 1:18. Unfortunately my Greek dictionary does not discuss "chorion" so I cannot report as to the nuances of the word. I don't know if someone else would have caught this, though I am sure that someone would be able to do so, but I have an aversion to disseminating mistakes, especially when someone else might use that mistake to prove a point" _____________________________________________________________________ MY REPLY... Vary noble of you Dave. I didn't want to have to go to x number of sources to show you wrong. (Although I am researching CHORION a little). DB... "Of course the only other reference Mr DeCenso has given is Bullinger. And Bullinger uses such ridiculous exegisis that when I accused Mr DeCenso of actually believing Bullinger, he replied that I misquoted him: of > my response to see what I REALLY said in my posting of this article. [Actually Mr DeCenso, you said that there was "benefit" to our argument, in that it caused to to rediscover Bullinger's exegisis. I did not realize that you would find such garbage beneficial, unless you were convinced by it]." MY REPLY... Thank you for correcting your restating of my points. DB... "and Mr DeCenso also replied: Thus I apologize for thinking that even Mr DeCenso could find such "drek" convincing....he should specify which parts of Bullinger he finds convincing and quit hiding behind a disingenuous mask of "This is what Bullinger believed, not necessarily what I believe." So which is it Mr DeCenso? Do you find the exegisis convincing or not?)" MY REPLY... One of my purposes in debating these alleged contradictions with you and others is to diseminate many different views of possible reconciliations raised by various Bible scholars and students alike. When I present MY VIEWS, I will clearly distinguish them from now on. DB... "Of course without Archer and Bullinger we find that Mr DeCenso has presented no Greek exegisis at all, and Mr DeCenso has made a big thing about my not referring back to the actual Greek. Thus we find this demand on his part for quality Greek exegisis to be a hypocritical requirement." MY REPLY... Good point. But in your declaring that these passages are contradictory, you have produced only superficial reasonings and observations. Nor have you dug deeper. I'm glad you have begun in this post. I will begin Greek studies on these passages in more depth than I thought necessary, as well. DB... "It would be appropriate to look at what Mr DeCenso has actually USED as evidence. Now we know what he claims for a standard, as he has stated it often enough: But are these actual standards he has used, or simply empty hyperbole. Let's see, he has used (a), and since he is trying to reconcile it to other passages, we see that he has also used (b). On the other hand he has presented no use of: (d) historical context or (e) historical content or (f) other pertinent historical info or (g) cultural context or (h) cultural content or (i) other pertinent cultural info or (j) grammatical construction or even (k) Hebrew and Greek word studies [remember, Archer and Bullinger don't count] Thus we find his vaunted criteria for exegisis is just empty mouthings." MY REPLY... Question: Do you find such criteria important? If so, do you plan on starting to use them to the best of your ability, or will you continue to present shallow observations (I don't mean this in a bad way). At this point in our _debates_, I have not found it necessary to present a total exegetical analysis of these passages, since we seem to keep beating around the bush and not getting into the core of the verses. I do not believe it necessary to use many of the above criteria to refute your arguments re: Judas in Acts and Matthew, but I will do my best from this point on to use several of the above criteria, since you desire me to. I hope you will also. It will greatly enhance our study of these passages. DB... "The only thing he has actually used, beyond the passage itself, is any other passage. Thus Mr DeCenso should be honest and note that most of his list is red herring and his only real criteria seems to be: MY REPLY... The reason is simple...you are mistating the passages. You claim that the PASSAGES contradict one another; I do not see the PASSAGES contradicting one another. (1) They may very well be complimentary, as many scholarly sources mention; (2) Matthew may not be presenting Judas' death, as you claim. But we'll look at your defense of this later. Also, the "reward of iniquity" in the Acts PASSAGE may not be the 30 pieces of silver in Matthew's PASSAGES. (Although you have a valiant attempt later at stating why you believe it is). At this beginning stages in our debates, we are laying some Scriptural groundwork, which will be expanded upon through deeper exegesis. DB... "Of course the only reason I can see to so drastically reinterpret a passage as he has done with Judas' death, is to make it agree with another passage so that both could be considered correct." MY REPLY... One of the reasons I have given a different exegetical view of the passages is that you seem to think the majority of scholarship is wrong in concluding these passages are complimentary. However, I see no problem in Tony Rose's explanation of Judas' death... _____________________________________________________________________ HOW WOULD YOU EXPLAIN THE INACCURACY BETWEEN JUDAS HANGING HIMSELF IN MATTHEW 27:5 AND "FALLING HEADLONG HE BURST OPEN" ============================================================= This question of the manner in which Judas died is one with which we are constantly confronted in our travels. Many people point to the apparent discrepancy in the two accounts as an obvious, irreconcilable error. Some have gone so far as to say that the idea of an inerrant Bible is destroyed by these contradictory accounts. However, this is not the case at all. Matthew relates that Judas hanged himself, while Peter tells us he fell and was crushed by the impact. The two statements are indeed different, but do they necessarily contradict each other? Matthew does not say that Judas did not fall; neither does Peter say that Judas did not hang himself. This is not a matter of one person calling something black and the other person calling it white. Both accounts can be true and supplementary. A possible reconstruction would be this: Judas hanged himself on a tree on the edge of a precipice that overlooked the valley of Hinnom. After he hung there for some time, the limb of the tree snapped or the rope gave way and Judas fell down the ledge, mangling his body in the process. The fall could have been before *or* after death as either would fit this explanation. This possibility is entirely natural when the terrain of the valley of Hinnom is examined. From the bottom of the valley, you can see rocky terraces 25 to 40 feet in height and almost perpendicular. There are still trees around the ledges and a rocky pavement at the bottom. Therefore, it is easy to conclude that Judas struck one of the jagged rocks on this way down, tearing his body open. It is important to remember that we are not told how long Judas remained hanging from the tree or how advanced was the decomposition of his body before his fall. Louis Gaussen relates a story of a man who was determined to kill himself. This individual placed himself on the sill of a high window and pointed a pistol at his head. He then pulled the trigger and leaped from the window at the same time. On the other hand, a person could say that this man took his life by shooting himself, while another could rightly contend he committed suicide by jumping form the tall building. In this case, both are true, as both are true in the case of Matthew's and Peter's accounts of the death of Judas. It is merely a situation of different perspectives of the same event. _____________________________________________________________________ Your only reason for rejecting this is, I believe, your attempt to discredit inerrancy. You haven't related how this is IMPOSSIBLE or highly unlikely. Here's what you said in an earlier post... _____________________________________________________________________ DB [quoting Tony Rose]... "The added text in this version is so heavy that, assuming you are truly so opposed to such tactics, you should find it not credible. But you seem to find Tony Rose's eisegesis satisfactory, while clearly rejecting David Joslin's." _____________________________________________________________________ Here, you discredit Tony's explanation based on what you deem too "heavy" for the passages. But you haven't addressed why you feel that way. You can say it's a vain attempt to reconcile the contradiction, but that doesn't tell me it didn't happen, nor have you shown why you reject that possibility. Questions: Is Matthew lying or is Luke lying? Or are they both lying? Or are either or both of them misinformed? Why do you think there is such an alleged contradiction? I do not think you have ever told us what you believe in this respect. DB... "At present though, Mr DeCenso only asks two questions of me: Actually I find question (1) to be a rather stupid request, but I will answer it because he now restricts himself to two points. First I would point out that hanging is a very efficient manner for ending a life. In fact it is a bit of a fluke when someone survives hanging (except in fantasy cowboy movies), and even then it usually referred to as an attempted hanging." MY REPLY... I work at an agency that investigates child abuse and neglect. Today, I got a call re: a child that attempted suicide by hanging himself because his mother is on crack. He failed in his attempt and is in a child's psych ward at a local hospital. Hanging attempts are not always successful. To assume that because most hangings are successful, this one was also is "begging the question", if I may quote you. [Last night, listening to _The Bible Answer Man_ broadcast, The Christian Research Institute's show, one of the scholars on there used several of these terms that you use. I am not all that familiar with them. The man on the BAM show teaches Comparative Religion and Logic. It was interesting] DB... "This is so prevalent that, so that to say a man hung himself with no other qualifiers is synonymous with stating that he killed himself." MY REPLY... Qualifiers are important at times, as we'll see in an OT passage I'll mention below. Does hanging ALWAYS have this outcome? Did Matthew, who is the only source we have re: Judas hanging himself, state that Judas died as a result? To say it's synonymous means it has the same meaning as. A boy (age 14) hung himself. But he lived. This is only one of probably thousands of documented cases we can discover. DB... "Now I am not alone in this thought; in fact, since Mr DeCenso so respects Christian scholarly (including Greek scholars) opinion, I did some research." MY REPLY... Thank you, Dave. DB... "Interestingly, not one of the Christian references I read, interpreted the hanging as being anything but a fatal suicide. ^^^^^^^^^^^ MY REPLY... [^^^ above, mine] So it's OK to use Christian sources to back your points? What about Tony's position. Do you value it or even consider it as a valid possibility? Also, is it possible that the sources you read may be wrong, or lying, or deceived in other parts of their books? If so, should we do, as we have done with Archer, toss them to the side and not value anything they say, including their "interpretation" of the hanging of Judas? I am sure _you_ would find some errors and maybe even some deception in those sources. You also noted they "interpreted" the hanging as meaning he died. Although that is very possibly true, do you find that in the text itself? Remember, that's the first criteria we must examine. DB... "This included: "The Biblical Knowledge Commentary" by Woodward and Zuck" MY REPLY... Which I own. It's a good source of commentary info. But not inerrant. DB... "The Interpreters on Volume Commentary on the Bible" by Laydon "The one volume Bible Commentary" by J R Dunelow "Word meanings of the Testament" Ralph Earl "The Abingdon Bible Commentary" published by Abingdon "Harpers Bible Commentary" by William Neal (Actually I could have presented many more as well) MY REPLY... I appreciate your doing this research, Dave. Maybe we are getting somewhere in how we both should approach these alleged contradictions - more in depth study. DB... "In each case, these references specifically describe that the interpretation of Matt 27:5 as successful, suicide and thus I can only conclude that the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Greek word "apagchw"(ie: hang oneself) is translated as a successful hanging." MY REPLY... [^^^ above, mine] No you can't only conclude this, although, as Tony says, this was a highly probable outcome. But Matthew does not state death as being a result. The Greek word is APAGCHO. Matthew 27:5 is it's only occurrence in the New Testament. In the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the OT used at the time of Jesus), it's only used in 2 Samuel 17:23 : "Now when Ahithophel saw that his advice was not followed, he saddled a donkey, and arose and went home to his house, to his city. Then he put his household in order, and hanged himself, and died; and he was buried in his father's tomb." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Notice that not only is it stated that Ahithophel "hanged himself" [Gr. Sept., APAGCHO], but it explicitly adds, "and died". Here we have no doubt of the result. In Matthew, we are not explicitly told Judas died. Also, there is nothing in the Greek to suggest success or failure. It simply means "hang oneself". DB... "But Mr DeCenso, you are more than welcome to disagree and show more reputable ^^^^^^^^^ Christian scholars that insist that the hanging was not successful." MY REPLY... [^^^above, mine] "Reputable"? You mean ones that have never erred? As far as insisting that the hanging was unsuccessful, that can't be done, even by me. ^^^^^^^^^ As I said in an earlier post... _____________________________________________________________________ Although I still agree with Tony's exegesis as being the most probable explanation regarding Judas' death (taking into account several criteria), I've recently noticed some new things in Matthew. MAT 27:5-8 Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed, and went and hanged himself. But the chief priests took the silver pieces and said, "It is not lawful to put them into the treasury, because they are the price of blood." And they consulted together and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in. Therefore that field has been called the Field of Blood to this day. First of all, notice that the text does not say that Judas died as a result of hanging. All it says is that he "went and hanged himself." Luke however, in Acts, tells us that "and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all his entrails gushed out." This is a pretty clear indication (along with the other details given in Acts - Peter's speech, the need to pick a new apostle, etc.) that at least after Judas' fall, he was dead. So the whole concept that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Matthew and Luke both recount Judas' death is highly probable, but not clear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cut. ^^^ _____________________________________________________________________ I also wrote... _____________________________________________________________________ MY REPLY... Here we have a stickler, Dave, that I have to say I just recently noticed. Let's look at the passage in Matthew: MAT 27:4 saying, "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood." And they said, "What is that to us? You see to it!" MAT 27:5 Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed, and went and hanged himself. MAT 27:6 But the chief priests took the silver pieces and said, "It is not lawful to put them into the treasury, because they are the price of blood." MAT 27:7 And they consulted together and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in. MAT 27:8 Therefore that field has been called the Field of Blood to this day. Notice verse 5..."Then he...went and hanged himself." Matthew does not say Judas died, does it? Should we assume he died as a result of the hanging? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What does Acts say? ACT 1:18 (Now this man purchased a field with the wages of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all his entrails gushed out. ACT 1:20 "For it is written in the book of Psalms: 'Let his dwelling place be desolate, And let no one live in it'; and, 'Let another take his office.' Here we may have a graphic explanation of Judas' death....So, my line of reasoning to dispel your contradiction myth re:the "two" accounts of Judas' death is this...Matthew doesn't necessarily explain how Judas died; he does ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ say Judas "hanged himself", but he didn't specifically say Judas died in the hanging incident. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ However, Acts seems to show us his graphic demise. Therefore, there is no contradiction between Matthew and Acts re: Judas' `death'. ....... MY REPLY... ...we do know from Matthew that he did hang himself and Acts probably records his death. Although it's possible and plausible that he fell from the hanging and hit some rocks, thereby bursting open, I can no longer assume that to be the case. Therefore, no contradiction. Matthew did not say Judas died as a ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ result of the hanging, did he? Most scholars believe he probably did, but...? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ______________________________________________________________________ I quoted all that to show that I highly regard the scholars' explanations, but in looking at the texts initially, we can't assume Judas died. It is, however, highly probable. ^^^^^^ DB... "By the way, while all agree that Judas died from the hanging, the books had different ways of dealing with the contradiction we are discussing. One simply ignored it entirely and simply referred back to Matthew's version as the correct version in both Matt and Acts. "The Biblical Knowledge Commentary" suggested the hypotheses that Judas hung and then when he rotted, his belly exploded (which doesn't explain his headlong fall), or that his branch or rope broke, and he fell to his death and his gut gushed out (which doesn't explain how a hanging man, would fall headlong rather than feet first)." MY REPLY... The outcome of any fall is dependent upon many factors...how high the person was suspended before the fall, any obstructions such as tree branches that may have deviated the fall, how steep an incline of rocky surfaces the victim fell upon, thus possibly rolling or bouncing of several rocks, etc. In a superficial examination of the Acts passage and the Matthew passage, we are not given a lot of info on the geographical specifics, but Tony in the above quoted post gave us some... _____________________________________________________________________ A possible reconstruction would be this: Judas hanged himself on a tree on the edge of a precipice that overlooked the valley of Hinnom. After he hung there for some time, the limb of the tree snapped or the rope gave way and Judas fell down the ledge, mangling his body in the process. The fall could have been before *or* after death as either would fit this explanation. This possibility is entirely natural when the terrain of the valley of Hinnom is examined. From the bottom of the valley, you can see rocky terraces 25 to 40 feet in height and almost perpendicular. There are still trees around the ledges and a rocky pavement at the bottom. Therefore, it is easy to conclude that Judas struck one of the jagged rocks on this way down, tearing his body open. _____________________________________________________________________ DB... Now truthfully, I do not see what is comforting about Matthew confusing the source of the Potter's field prophesy, but on the other hand the author is correct: Matthew does make that confusion. Of course a Biblical inerrantist who claim that every word of the Bible is guaranteed true by God, will have to thereby add one more contradiction to the death of Judas (ie: where the prophesy of the Potter's field came from)." MY REPLY... Please, when we are done with this study on his death, remind me to discuss this with you. DB... As to your second question Mr DeCenso, you ask how we could be sure that the money with which Judas purchased the land, was indeed for the betrayal, rather than some other source. I would point out that in Acts, where it specifically mention "the reward of iniquity" [Acts 1:18], it also specifically mentions what act of iniquity they were talking about (ie: Acts 1:16 "...concerning Judas who was guide to those who arrested Jesus."). Now I would point out that when the Bible describes an act of "iniquity," and then immediately discusses "*the* reward of iniquity," it would be rather inane to suggest that it was an action of iniquity other than the one discussed." MY REPLY... Dave, we are getting somewhere, aren't we! ACT 1:15 And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples (altogether the number of names was about a hundred and twenty), and said, ACT 1:16 "Men and brethren, this Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus; ACT 1:17 "for he was numbered with us and obtained a part in this ministry." ACT 1:18 (Now this man purchased a field with the wages of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all his entrails gushed out. ACT 1:19 And it became known to all those dwelling in Jerusalem; so that field is called in their own language, Akel Dama, that is, Field of Blood.) ACT 1:20 "For it is written in the book of Psalms: 'Let his dwelling place be desolate, And let no one live in it'; and, 'Let another take his office.' Notice that in verse 16, the word "iniquity" is not used. Rather, it states that Judas "became a guide to those who arrested Jesus". But the writer DID NOT stop there...vs. 17, "for he was numbered with us and obtained a part in this ministry." What part did Judas play in their ministry? ^^^^^^ JOH 12:6 This he said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the money box; and he used to take what was put in it. JOH 13:29 For some thought, because Judas had the money box, that Jesus had said to him, "Buy those things we need for the feast," or that he should give something to the poor. So, now we know what part Judas played - he was a treasurer, per se. Right after Peter stated that Judas played a part in this ministry (treasurer, according to John), THEN Luke adds the parenthetical explanation of "wages of iniquity" - money that should have been put into the ministry, but was stolen by Judas to purchase a field. I believe this is a better exegetical explanation of what the "wages of iniquity" are. What do you think, Dave? DB... "Now since I have given you clear answers (and even references), perhaps you could unequivocally state what type of inerrantist you are (instead of asking me what type I think you are, as you did to Mr Joslin)." MY REPLY... I will gladly admit that I am a Complete Inerrantist, although I do not have that big a problem with the Limited Inerrancy view. Frank
Is their a pd/freeware hard drive utility that can handle a compressed IDE drive without screwwing it up? Need to document occasional failures in reading/writing, check overall integrity of disk's hardware and sectors. I believe that all of my problems with DOS/Windows can be isolated to my drive. Getting occasional corrupted files, even with smartdrive, 32 bit access turned off. Had these problems under DOS 5. Only with drive C. Drive D may have had one failure, but that file was under the control of Win/Winword on drive C. All utilities available to me report no problems. DOS, NDD (NU4.5). Another symptom, SD took forever on C, and kicked me out with a suspension till NDD run 6 to 8 times. Thanks.
No rumour, IBM's clock tripling chip was seen in some trade show last fall (COMDEX or something, I wasn't there). All you people who are drooling after this chip do realize that it has no FPU, just like 486SX, that Evil Marketing Ploy(tm) from Intel, don't you? It has 16K of internal cache, which probably is where the saved silicon real estate went. Because of some contract, IBM is not allowed to sell its 486 chips to third parties, so these chips are unlikely to become available in any non-IBM machines. Of course, nothing prevents other companies from implementing a DX3/99, but nobody hasn't even come out with a real 486DX (FPU and all) clone yet (although AMD soon will).
This is true as evinced by the popularity of shaft-drive drag bikes.
I thought that all coolants were aluminum safe any more. But I would like to know more since I must tear down my Kawasaki (again I must add).
There seem to be many points to the speaking in tongues thing which are problematic. It's use as prayer language seems especially troubling to me. I understand that when you pray in tongues, the spirit is doing the talking. And when you pray, you pray to God. And the Spirit is God. So, the Spirit is talking to Himself. Which is why I only go by the Pentecost use where it's an actual language. Moreover, the phrase "though I speak with the tongues of men and angels" used by Paul in I Cor. is misleading out of context. Some would then assume that there is some angelic tongue, and if when they speak, it is no KNOWN language, then it is an angelic tongue. Hmmm...in the old testament story about the tower of Babel, we see how God PUNISHED by giving us different language. Can we assume then that if angels have their own language at all, that they have the SAME one amongst other angels? After all, THEY were not punished in any manner. So why do these supposed angelic tongues all sound different FROM ONE ANOTHER? It's disturbing to think that some people find ways to justify jabbering. But I'll buy the idea that someone could talk in a language never learned. Trouble is, while such stories abound, any and all attempts at verification (and we are to test the spirit...) either show that the witness had no real idea of the circumstances, or that outright fabrication was involved. The Brother Puka story in a previous post seems like a "friend of a friend" thing. And linguistically, a two syllable word hardly qualifies as language, inflection or no.
Does anybody have Bobby's post in which he said something like "I don't know why there are more men than women in islamic countries. Maybe it's atheists killing the female children"? It's my personal favorite!
Hi. I was doing research on subliminal suggestion for a psychology paper, and I read that one researcher flashed hidden messages on the TV screen at 1/200ths of a second. Is that possible? I thought the maximum rate the TV was even capable of displaying images was 1/30th of a second. (or 1/60th of a second for an image composed of only odd or even scan lines)
IK> Nntp-Posting-Host: elm IK> I know it sounds stupid, but.... IK> Does anyone know how to control individual mouse buttons. IK> I am writing an application, which currently makes use of IK> ButtonPressMask, however this is invoked by the pressing IK> of any mouse button. I want to be able to restrict this IK> to one of the 3 buttons. I tried Button1PressMask, but IK> just get undefined errors. I know it can be done, and I IK> am pretty sure theres an easy answer to it, but I just don't know IK> what it is. IK> "time is of the essence ..." There is no event mask for a particular mouse button press. However in your event handler you can use the event structure passed in and query it to find which button was pressed i.e. void SomeEventHandler(Widget w, XtPointer data, XEvent *event) { /* Catch the button 1 (usually left button) */ if ( event->xbutton.button == Button1 ) { /* do some action */ } else { /* do nothing and exit from function */ } }
I want to achieve an overall throughput rate of around 5 megabytes / sec for very large data transfers. (Around 5 MB.) I have a Quadra 950. I have a NuBus network card that can pump data in to mac memory at 8.5 MB/s. (using block-mode transfers) I have a high-speed disk array (no asynchronous PB calls) that can achieve 6.8 MB/s. Let's say all transfers go from disk to buffer to network card. It is not enough to first transfer all the data from the disk to buffer, then transfer all the data from the buffer to card. (6.8 MB/s then 8.5 MB/s result in an overall 3.8 MB/s. Too slow!) So I tried the following scheme: For an n-megabyte transfer, Step 1: Load the 1st MB from disk to buffer. Step 2: Asynch send 1st MB out card, Load the 2nd MB from disk to buffer. Step 3: Asynch send 2nd MB out card, Load the 3rd MB from disk to buffer. ... Step n: Asynch send the n-1 MB out card, Load the nth MB from disk to buffer. Step n+1: Send the nth MB out card. Even though the code apparently does execute the card transfer asynchronously, and the card does not use the Mac cpu at all, (It is using the buffer, tho') each of the steps 2 through n take as long as if the two transfers were executed one after another. So there is no improvement in the rate. Why? Is the mac RAM dual-port? (So the NuBus card and the disk driver can both access data at the same time.) Is the problem that the two devices, card and disk driver, both have to use the same bus to mac RAM? Is there anything I can do?
In the April edition of "One Small Step for a Space Activist", Allen Sherzer & Tim Kyger write: "Another problem is what are called 'wraps' (or sometimes the 'center tax'). When work for a large program like Freedom or Shuttle is performed at a NASA center, the center skims off a portion which goes into what amounts to a slush fund. This money is used to fund work the center manager wants to fund. This sum is estimated to be over a third of the funds allocated. Think about that: Of the $30 billion cost of Freedom, fully $10 billion won't be spent on anything having anything to do with Space Stations! Now, maybe that $10 billion was wisely spent (and maybe it wasn't), but the work done with it should stand on its own merits, not distorting the cost of other projects. Congress has no idea of the existense of these wraps; Congress has never heard the term 'center tax'. They look at the Station they are getting and the price they are paying and note that it doesn't add up. They wonder this blissfully unaware that a third of the money is going for something else." My dear friends, your mixing fact and fiction here. A couple of weeks ago, when I first read this in your posting, I talked with one of the cost experts here in Space Station at Headquarters [if you wondering why I didn't post a response immediately, I do have a real job I'm supposed to be doing here at Headquarters, & digging up old 20 kHz data & looking into Sherzer/Kyger claims rates pretty low on the totem pole of priority. Also, I spent last weekend in Kansas City, at the National Science Teachers Association conference, extolling the virtues of SSF to 15,000 science teachers.] First off, yes, the concept of 'center tax', or 'wrap' does exist. If I recall the numbers correctly, the total 'tax' for the SSF program for this fiscal year is around $40 Million. This was computed by adding up the WP-1, WP-2, and WP-4 center 'taxes'. With the SSF budget for this fiscal year at $2.2 Billion, my calculater says the tax percentage is 04/2.2 = 1.8% Over the life of the SSF program, using your figure of $30 billion for the cost of SSF, a tax at a 1.8% rate comes to $540 million. This is alot less than $10 billion, but I will concede it's still an appreciable amount of pocket change. I should note that your estimate of the tax rate at 1/3 could be close to the actual rate. The tax is only charged on funds that are spent at the center (kind of like McDonalds at some states, where you do have to pay sales tax if you eat the food at the restaurant, but you don't if you get it take-out). For example, at WP-4, the vast bulk of the funds we receive go to the Rocketdyne Contract, and are *NOT* subject to the center tax (I don't have the numbers in front of me, but I'd guess at least 95% of the WP-4 funds go to Rocketdyne). So, you could be right about a tax rate of 1/3, but it's only applied to funds spent at the center, and not to the prime contracts. This leads to the obvious question "What is the government doing with SSF funds that don't go to the prime contractors? (i.e. ok, WP-4 gets a slice of the $30 billion pie. A big portion of this slice goes to Rocketdyne. What happens to the balance of the funds, which aren't eaten up by the center tax?)" At WP-4, we call these funds we spend in-house supporting development funds (as they are supporting the development work done by Rocketdyne). We have used these funds to setup our own testbed, to checkout the electrical power system architecture. Our testbed has a real life solar array field (left over from solar cell research research a few years back), with lead-acid car batteries (to simulate the Nickel-Hydrogen batteries on SSF), DC switchgear, DC-DC converter units, and simulated loads. Data from the testbed was used in a recent change evaluation involving concerns about the stability of the power system. We have also used the supporting development money to purchase Nickel Hydrogen batteries, which are on life testing at both Lewis and the Crane Naval facility in Indiana. As a side point, 6 of the battery cells on test recently hit the four year life test milestone. 38 cells have completed 18,552 to 23,405 cycles (the on-orbit batteries go through 5,840 cycles per year). As a final example, my 'home' division at Lewis used the supporting development funds to purchase personal computers and work stations, for performing system analyses (like modeling of the performance of the electrical power system, availability calculations using a Monte-Carlo simulation, setting up a database with information on weight of the power system elements). Finally, the money raised by the 'tax' does not all go into a 'slush fund.' At Lewis, the director does control a small discretionary fund. Each year, any individual at Lewis can submit a proposal to the director to get money from this fund to look at pretty much anything within the Lewis Charter. Most of the tax, however, goes to fund the 'general' services at the Center, like the library, the central computer services division, the Contractor who removes the snow, etc. Thus, it is rather difficult to determine what percentage of the SSF budget doesn't go for SSF activities. To get an accurate figure, you would have to take the annual expenditure for the library (for example), and then divide by the amount of the library funds used to support SSF (which would be hard to compute by itself - how would you figure out what percentage of the bill for Aviation Week for 1 year is 'billable' to SSF, would you base it on the person-hours SSF employees spend reading AV-week versus the rest of the center personnel). You would then have to compare this estimate of the SSF portion of the library expense with the portion of the tax that goes to support the library. Who knows, maybe SSF overpays on the tax to run the library, but we underpay for snow removal? Talk about a burecratic nightmare!
... Open up the .PIF file with the PIF Editor, click on the "Advanced" button, and then reserve the PrtSc key for the application. Any keys that you select in this section will be passed along to the application rather than being processed by Windows.
^^^ How long does he have to take in fixing it? Does he have to use new parts when he repairs it or can he substitute used parts without your knowledge? Can he charge you for repairs that should be under warranty but he claims are due to improper maintenance on your part? When it comes to local dealers: - Have fun getting consistently good support. Most of their "techs" are re-treaded salesmen, not trained technicians, with a high turnover rate. - Have fun getting in-warranty work done quickly and courteously. - Have fun getting out-of-warranty work done cheaply, or even done period, unless you are on a paid service contract. Having been both a service technician, and a service manager, at a ComputerLand franchise and another retail computer place, I know what I'm talking about. I also know the "local service" scam that retail computer dealers like to push when they're selling. It's that same old song that car dealers having been singing for years -- "Buy from me and you'll get good service. We always treat our customers right! Buy from my competition and you'll be sorry if you need service." Experienced mail order buyers know that there are some mail order companies that give excellent service, including overnight replacement parts, on-site calls, etc. There are probably some local dealers that can give you good service, too. But if you think all local dealers give consistenly good service, you are wrong. I have many anectdotes to prove my point, but I'm sure there are others on the net can do a better job than I can.
From: Marc VanHeyningen <[email protected]> The majority of the discussion involving this "Clipper Chip" seems to pertain to the encryption of telephone conversations. Does anyone know if that means this chip is designed to work primarily with analog signals? The language sort of suggests this, but it's hard to say. I'd lay a few bucks that its just data-in-data-out in parallel. I suspect to make it a phone you'd need a codec and speech compression. There would be a loss of bandwidth on the speech signal, which I suspect would scupper any of the suggestions I've seen here about putting a different encryption front end on it. There's no hint of any modulation scheme in the docs. I'm sure it's purely a digital chip. The back end will come later, but I'm *positive* it won't be left to the manufacturers - they all have to be the same modulation scheme to make it easy for the NSA to tap them. The only other possibility is that this is intended only for ISDN phones. (Puts a whole new spin on EFFs obsession about ISDN if true, bwahahaha! ;-) )
>Hi... what alternatives to the Express modem do Duo owners have (if >they want to go at least 9600 baud)? >Every place in town says they are back ordered, and part of the reason >I want a laptop mac is so I can use it as a remote terminal from >wherever I am, but I really would hate to have to wait 2 months to get >a modem in or have to settle with 2400 baud. If Apple didn't put out such a good product -- I'd gladly take my business to -- to -- the 8-bit Ataris. I think the situation with the Express modem is inexusable for any business. I've had mine on order since January. Apple finally called me last week -- to tell me that I should have it "by the second week of May." In the meantime, I've been stuck with my Duo210 without the connectability I needed it for. I'm sure there are plenty of people who can bite back at me, citing all sorts of reasons why Apple is right or at least justified, but I'm just a crabby consumer and when I order a "Duo210 with modem" that's the product I expect. Oh, well. It's not like it's limited to the computer biz. Remember when the Miata came out? What about those Cabbage Patch Dolls? Well, I want my toy! ;) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Kenneth Simon Dept of Sociology, Indiana University Internet: [email protected] Bitnet: KSSIMON@IUBACS
Is there an FTP archive for United States Geological Services (USGS) terrain data? If so, where?
Absolutely, unless you are in the U.S. Then the cager will pull a gun and blow you away.
Bob is indeed correct here in more than one way. A look in the old RCA picture tube manual backs this up, as does SAMS Reference Data handbook. The internal coating around the perimeter of the CRT (not the aluminum or tin CRT face coating) is referred to as a "dag" as well as the outer coating. Thankfully, I didn't need to go to a f****** library to find it, either. One sparkling water for Mr. Vanderbyl (no caffeine in that, is there). -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Medin Phone: (205) 730-3169 (w) SSD--Networking (205) 837-1174 (h) Intergraph Corp. M/S GD3004 Internet: [email protected] Huntsville, AL 35894 UUCP: ...uunet!ingr!b30!catbyte!dtmedin ******* Everywhere You Look (at least around my office) *******
Does anyone have a list of the clock counts for pentium instructions -- or know if the INTEGER mul is down to 1 tick?
Agreed. We need more folks to admit they're bi. -- Michael D. Adams ([email protected]) Champaign, IL / southeast AL
What are the consequences of the homophobic ranting of the self-righteous? Well, I just noted this on another group, and thought I'd pass it along. The context is talk.origins, and a report of yet another "debate" that was nothing but an attempt at mindless bullying and factless assertion by a standard-issue Creationist. The writer reflects that the behavior reported reminds him of some Christian groups he has known. I believe that the writer is a (non-homosexual) Christian: + There is a very effective technique used to promote + unit cohesion among the Soldiers of the Lord. It is + called "witnessing"... I've seen this process used well + and poorly; the near devil worship I mention was a group + ... that was using the witnessing to get people lathered + up to go kill homosexuals or at least terrorize them off + campus as it was clearly God's will that they do so. I have deleted the specifics of the location, as I do not believe it characteristic of the place (a state in which I spent my formative first 10 years), though it *does* have, unfortunately, a subpopulation that this remark fits to a tee.
I'm currently looking for information about different graphics formats, especially PPM, PCX BMP and perhaps GIF. Does anyone know if there exist any files at some site that describes these formats ??? Thanks !
I have a new scope and I thought I'd save a few bucks by buying one with a function generator built in. After having it awhile I noticed two things about the function generator. For one, there seems to be a bias even when the 'pull-offset' is pushed in. That is, I have to pull that know and adjust it to get a signal sans some random 50mV bias. The other _really_ annoying thing is that the damn output won't go below about 1V p-p. I am a student ( you may have guessed from my previous posts ), and I often have to measure the input impedances of various circuits I build.Many of the circuits have maximum input signals of way less than 500mV amplitude and most have input impedances in the 10's of Kohm range. The thing is, in order to use my function generator I have to divide the voltage to some thing reasonable. Then, of course, to measurethe input impedance of my circuit I am going to have to throw in another resistor in series. With the 50ohm output of the generator I could just ignore it, but now with this little divider there I have to figure that in. It's kind of a pain in the ass. Is there any way I could make myself a little box that could solve this little problem. The box would tkae the function generator input, lower the voltage and give an output impedance that is some low, unchanging number. I would want to lower the voltage by a factor of one hundred or so. I could just build a little buffer amp, but I'd like to have this box not be active. Any quick ideas. The scope's not broken. For other reasons I had sent it to the shop to get repaired and they replaced it. The function generator was the same way on that one, too. please help as I am feeling very stupid today,
: }Xenophobia, both *de facto* and *de jure* as implemented : }in legal systems, is widespread, while the Bible, : }although not 100% egalitarian, specifically preaches : }kindness to the stranger, and emphasizes in the Book : }of Ruth, that a foreigner can join the nation and : }give rise to one of the great heroes of the nation. : : Clearly better than the alternative, but as an American what strikes : me as strange about this story is that it should have even been : considered an issue. Jim, There are a couple of things about your post and others in this thread that are a little confusing. An atheist is one for whom all things can be understood as processes of nature - exclusively. There is no need for any recourse to Divnity to describe or explain anything. There is no purpose or direction for any event beyond those required by physics, chemistry, biology, etc.; everything is random, nothing is determnined. This would also have to include human intelligence of course and all its products. There is nothing requiring that life evolve or that it acquire intelligence, it's just a happy accident. For an atheist, no event can be preferred to another or be said to have more or less value than another in any naturalistic sense, and no thought -about- an event can have value. The products of our intelligence are acquired from our environment, from teaching, training, observation and experience and are only significant to the individual mind wherein they reside. These mental processes and the images they produce for us are just electrical activity and nothing more; content is of no consequence. The human mind is as much a response to natural forces as water running down a hill. How then can an atheist judge value? What is the basis for criticizing the values ennumerated in the Bible or the purposes imputed to God? On what grounds can the the behavior of the reliogious be condemned? It seems that, in judging the values that motivate others to action, you have to have some standard against which conduct is measured, but what in nature can serve that purpose? What law of nature can you invoke to establish your values. Since every event is entirely and exclusively a physical event, what difference could it possibly make what -anyone- does, religious or otherwise, there can be no -meaning- or gradation of value. The only way an atheist can object to -any- behaviour is to admit that the objection is entirely subjective and that he(she) just doesn't like it - that's it. Any value judgement must be prefaced by the disclaimer that it is nothing more than a matter of personal opinion and carries no weight in any "absolute" sense. That you don't like what God told people to do says nothing about God or God's commands, it says only that there was an electrical event in your nervous system that created an emotional state that your mind coupled with a pre-existing thought-set to form that reaction. That your objections -seem- well founded is due to the way you've been conditioned; there is no "truth" content. The whole of your intellectual landscape is an illusion, a virtual reality. I didn't make these rules, it's inherent in naturalistic atheism and to be consistent, you have to accept the non-significance of any human thought, even your own. All of this being so, you have excluded yourself from any discussion of values, right, wrong, goood, evil, etc. and cannot participate. Your opinion about the Bible can have no weight whatsoever.
Not necessarily. I've been thinking about this, and if this chip/scheme is to provide any real security, there must be some sort of key exchange, either using a public-key encryption scheme, or using a key exchange scheme like Diffie-Hellman. If there's an out-of-band transmission of a shared session key, then what protects that band from eavesdropping? If the phone company or some other online central authority generates a session key and sends it to both users, then what's the point of going to the trouble of having some complicated key-depositories? Just ask the phone company for a copy of the session key for each call. Now, it's probably not practical for each user to keep an online copy of every public key used by anyone anywhere, right? So, probably, there will be some way of getting these keys verified. This might be a digitally- signed (by the chip manufacturer) copy of the public key in this unit, stored by this unit. It might also be an online directory with access to everyone's public keys. (This would introduce another weakness to the security of the scheme, of course.) Presumably, if you don't use your designated key, you can't get a verified connection to other standard chips. It might be useful to have a modified chip, which would allow you to use either the original public/private key pair, or some other key pair and verification scheme. Unfortunately, this would not allow you to call most people and establish secure communications....
Fred Rice answered this already in an early posting: "The problem with your argument is that you do not _know_ who is a _real_ believer and who may be "faking it". This is something known only by the person him/herself (and God). Your assumption that anyone who _claims_ to be a "believer" _is_ a "believer" is not necessarily true." In other words it seems that nobody could define who is a true and false Muslim. We are back to square one, Khomeini and Hussein are still innocent and can't be defined as evil or good Islamic worshippers. Cheers, Kent
It likely has nothing to do with "chunks of plaque" but it sounds like you may have a neurovascular compromise to your arm and you need medical attention *before* doing any more weight lifting. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gordon Banks N3JXP | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and [email protected] | it is shameful to surrender it too soon."
Do I smell .sig material here? /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Bob Beauchaine [email protected] They said that Queens could stay, they blew the Bronx away, and sank Manhattan out at sea.
OK, the small programme that can be used to switch a SunCD drive into 2048 bytes/block mode for use with MSDOS/Adaptec/APSI it now available by 'ftp' from ftp.novell.de ( pub/pc/adaptec/cdblksize.zip
Apparently, Microsoft came out with a new product: MS-Braille it is suppose to be "WYTIWIG". :-) No offense.
10 month old stereo system for sale. Luxman R-351 receiver, Onkyo TA-RW404 tape deck, and Polk Monitor M4.6 book shelf speakers are for sale. Receiver has 5 year warranty, and all equipment is in excellent condition. Paid $950 for the system and willing to consider the best offer. Will sell seperate pieces also if desired. Please send best offer to [email protected]. Speakers: Polk Monitor M4.6 bookshelf speakers Paid $250 pair. Willing to consider best offer. Receiver: Luxman R-351 receiver with 5 year (yes 5 years) warranty. Paid $475. Willing to consider best offer. Full remote, 2 pairs of speaker connections, 60 watts per channel, but drives like a 150 watts per channel Has all the standard features, and more. Tape Deck: Onkyo TA-RW404 tape deck Paid $275. Willing to consider best offer. Dual cassette, Dolby B, C, and HX Pro. Input level control for recording, auto reverse both sides. Has all standard features. Send E-mail with best offer to [email protected]
MLB is perfectly willing to take players from Cuba. They just have to defect first. Sort of like the situation used to be with Russian/Czech/etc hockey players, until the political situation in those countries changed.
.... Same thing to me. Everyday the same dog would chase my bicycle. The owners thought it was cute. Even after I got the moto, the stupid dog would do the same thing. Then one day, I was coming home in the opposite lane...the fluff with teeth ran to get me and played momentum sharing with a 73 Dodge pick. The owners tried to blame me for driving down street when I did. I lived in a wierd town.
Nobody is using discrete IC's to do these functions anymore if at all. I doubt any of the Motor electronics had any to start with. ...Much less TTL.
How do you take off the driver side door panel from the inside on an '87 Honda Prelude? The speaker went scratchy, and I want to access its pins. Why are you posting this tripe to rec.autos.vw?
Hi! I'm looking into buying a serial port switcher, because while my Mac has two serial ports, I have AppleTalk, a modem, a printer, MIDI, and a sound digitizer. (2 != 5, unfortunately.) Specifically, I'm looking at the Axion electronic switcher, because it seems to be fairly cheap. (About $128 at MacZone.) Does anyone know anything about it? I've heard that with most of these things you can still only use 2 serial ports at a time, it just prevents you from physically swapping cables. Although I've also heard that programs that use the Comm Toolbox may be able to use as many serial ports as they want; does anyone know if this is true with the Axion switchbox? Finally, if the Axion stinks, or if you're using something else that you think is good, I'd be interested in hearing about other products. I would like to spend under $140, if possible. Please reply through mail; I'm not a regular reader of this newsgroup. If there's interest, I can post a summary of replies. Thanks a lot!
If you look through this newsgroup, you should be able to find Clinton's proposed "Wiretapping" Initiative for our computer networks and telephone systems. This 'initiative" has been up before Congress for at least the past 6 months, in the guise of the "FBI Wiretapping" bill. I strongly urge you to begin considering your future. I strongly urge you to get your application for a passport in the mail soon.
As I understand it was considered unsafe for the tv networks to get any closer. Surely the networks can judge the risks of reporting for themselves. I haven't noticed CNN being banned from Baghdad hotels yet despite the (all too real) risk of having a cruise missile land in the lobby. Incidentally has that ever been explained or are we to assume that out of the whole of the city an off-course missile just happened to hit that hotel at a probability of about 1 in some very large number? Unsafe for who I wonder?
No, this is wrong. The purpose is to preserve the substances in the tubes longer by creating relativistic speeds and thus time dilatation. Of course, by slowing the subjective time of the test tubes they get less bored, which is probably what you were thinking of.
There is something almost comical in the fact that Yigal Arens is important enough to have the ADL and G-d knows who else sifting through his garbage (which happens to be legal; you throw it out, it ain't yours any more). This brings to mind a few possibilities other than the ADL connection: - it is all in Arens' mind. - Bullock may have been working for Arens' friend in the PLO - Arens' father (or is it brother?) Moshe Arens (former Israeli Defense Minister) was spying on him. - Arens hired Bullock to spy on him to get attention. In any case, who cares?
Hi, I'm just getting into PoVRay and I was wondering if there is a graphic package that outputs .POV files. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Later'ish Craig
Does anybody have a GIF of the Tiger Stadium seating chart? Thanks! -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brian Curran Mead Data Central [email protected]
Another source: There's a poly blitter for mode y (mode x in 320x200) at sunee.uwaterloo.ca. Also there is REND386, an even faster 3D renderer with VR extensions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Report them to your local BBB (Better Business Bureau).
there is a file out there (look for it with archie) that is called 'theref22.zip' which has lots of info on various PC things, amongst which is also a detailed description of all Floppy controller commands, I think hard drive controller commands are not there. it is possible to read an entire track including all gaps, sector headers etc. by setting sector size to something very large (like 8K).
[deleted] I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding your post, but DRAM *does not* have to be refreshed on *each access cycle*. So cycle time does *not* have to be twice the access time *because of refresh phase*. The access time usually means the delay time from falling edge of raw address strobe (RAS) to data bus driven. DRAM access cycle timing chart can be roughly shown as following (some signals are intentionally omitted); ADDR --<RA><CA>-------<RA><CA>--------- RA=Raw Address, CA=Column Address RAS ~~~~\________/~~~~~\________/~~~~~ ~=High, _=Low, -=Floating CAS ~~~~~~~\_______/~~~~~~\_______/~~~ <..>=driven either H or L DATA ---------<VALID>--------<VALID>--- |-------+------| |-+--| | | +----------- cycle time +---- access time (or RAS access time) Yes, the cycle time is more than twice as the access time but *not* because of the refresh phase. The refresh can be done either as a trailing phase of normal access cycle or as an individual cycle. [other stuff deleted] Ken Nakata
This thread brings back memorys of an expensive day in traffic court a few years ago. While I was waiting my turn to state my case and plea of why I was going 75 in a 55 in my cage, I had the opportunity to listen to some of the "creative excuses" offered the judge by others. After listening to a number of "Well, I was passing a very slow truck that suddenly speed up" versions, I decided that the judge had heard just about every story in the book and then some. He was less than impressed with any of them. This young, rather burley looking guy, had his docket read by a rather drill sargent looking Ohio State Highyway Patrol Trooper. He was clocked riding a motorcycle at a speed of 110 mph in a 55 mph zone. It was also noted that the defendant (motorcycle rider) had alcohol on his breath, but was not cited for this offence. The judge looked over his half glasses purched on the end of his nose and said in his sternest voice: "Well son, those are some pretty fast speeds to be riding a motorcycle. What do you have to say for your self?" "Well Sir", meekly the defenant replied, "I just was over to my buddys and we had a couple of beers and I was on my way home." He offered nothing more or less. Just had a couple of beers and was doing 110 mph on his way home. The judge moved by the simplicity of the response, fined him the maximum in this case (plus court costs of course) and ordered him to attend remedial drivers training school. Isn't America Great??
And now, I interrupt your regularly scheduled news reading to bring you another message sponsored by the Department of Really Mundane Statistics: I passed the final individual player stats posted here the other day through a filter to average out games, goals, assists, points, and penalty minutes for the mythical average NHL pro who played in the league this season. (Why? Because it's Monday and I didn't feel like writing any REAL code...) Anyway, after I wiped out the 60-odd goalies in the list, I came up with: NHL average: 55 GP 11 G 19 A 30 Pts 69 PIM Then I passed the list through a second time to come up with the players who had the smallest percentage difference in each of the categories. Marty McInnis (NYI) 56 GP (1%) 10 G (9%) 20 A (5%) 30 Pts (0%) 24 PIM (65%) Igor Kravchuk (EDM) 55 GP (0%) 10 G (9%) 17 A (10%) 27 Pts (9%) 27 PIM (53%) These two are close in games, goals, assists, and points, but are too far off in PIM. This leaves, as the most average player in the NHL: Bobby Carpenter (WAS) 65 GP (18%) 11 G (0%) 17 A (10%) 28 Pts (6%) 63 PIM (8%) What an honor. I also passed the list through with the goalies still included. Kravchuk and Carpenter were still in the top three, but Rob DiMaio came flying up from behind to take the title: NHL average: 53 GP 10 G 17 A 27 Pts 64 PIM Igor Kravchuk (EDM) 55 GP (3%) 10 G (0%) 17 A (0%) 27 Pts (0%) 27 PIM (50%) Bobby Carpenter (WAS) 65 GP (22%) 11 G (10%) 17 A (0%) 28 Pts (3%) 63 PIM (1%) Rob DiMaio (TB) 54 GP (1%) 9 G (9%) 15 A (11%) 24 Pts (11%) 62 PIM (3%) It's all really kind of underwhelming when you think about it. -SG
=Surprise surprise, different people react differently to different things. One =slightly off the subject case in point. My brother got stung by a bee. I know =he is allergic to bee stings, but that his reaction is severe localized =swelling, not anaphylactic shock. I could not convince the doctors of that, =however, because that's not written in their little rule book. Of course, bee venom isn't a single chemical. Could be your brother is reacting to a different component than the one that causes anaphylactic shock in other people. Similarly, Chinese food isn't just MSG. There are a lot of other ingredients in it. Why, when someone eats something with lots of ingredients they don't normally consume, one of which happens to be MSG, do they immediately conclude that any negative reaction is to the MSG? =I would not be surprised in the least to find out the SOME people have bad =reactions to MSG, including headaches, stomachaches and even vomiting. I'd be surprised if some of these reactions weren't due to other ingredients. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: [email protected] | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL
Take Everything for $210 TurboGrafx-16 Base Unit (works like new) with: 1 Controller AC Adapter Antenna hookup * Games: Kieth Courage Victory Run Fantasy Zone Military Madness Battle Royal Legendary Axe Blazing Lasers Bloody Wolf -------------------------------------- * Will sell games separatley at $25 each --------------------------------------
I need to bring on my VW Corrado for body work (I got hit). I was wondering if anyone has heard of any of these South Bay body shops: Akins Collision Center of Santa Clara - on Reed St Auto West Collision - in San Jose Los Gatos Acura Royal Auto Body - in Sunnyvale Thanks!
I recall reading in the recently revised edition of the "Yeast Connection" that there is indeed work by researchers to do this. Of course, they are working on the theory that candida overbloom with penetration into mucus membrane tissue with associated "mild" inflammatory response can and does occur in a large number of people. If you reject this "yeast hypothesis", then I'd guess you'd view this research as one more wasteful and quixotic endeavor. Stay tuned. Jon Noring -- Charter Member --->>> INFJ Club.
I posted about this a while ago but without code excerpts noone was able to help me. The problem is that main_win.win is doing fine, but when I create detail_win.win, it does not receive it's initial expose events until main_win.win receives an event. Here are the relevent calls: main_win.win = XCreateSimpleWindow (mydisplay, DefaultRootWindow(mydisplay), myhint.x, myhint.y, myhint.width, myhint.height, main_win.line_thick, fg, bg); XSetStandardProperties(mydisplay, main_win.win, main_win.text, main_win.text, None, argv, argc, &myhint); main_win.gc = XCreateGC (mydisplay, main_win.win, 0, 0); XMapRaised (mydisplay, detail_win.win); XMapSubwindows (mydisplay, main_win.win); The event mask for main_win is: PPosition | PSize | StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask| KeyPressMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask; The flags are PPosition | PSize I then create detail_win.win with the following calls (hints has new values): detail_win.win = XCreateSimpleWindow (mydisplay, DefaultRootWindow(mydisplay), myhint.x, myhint.y, myhint.width, myhint.height, detail_win.line_thick, fg, bg); XSetStandardProperties(mydisplay, main_win.win, detail_win.text, detail_win.text, None, argv, argc, &myhint); detail_win.gc = XCreateGC (mydisplay, detail_win.win, 0, 0); XMapRaised (mydisplay, detail_win.win); Event Mask and flags are identical to main_win's flags and event mask. If anybody has any idea why the initial expose events of detail_win.win are not received until main_win.win receives an event I'd love to hear from them. Other that that everything works great so there must be some detail I'm overseeing. Thanks for any tips ---> Robert [email protected]
Interestingly enough, in designing the escrow, we may want to use some rather unusual technology, such as sealed boxes of paper, or destructive read memory, rather than typical computer databases, which is fun for a database of hundreds of millions of keys. The greatest danger of the escrow database, if it were kept on disk, would be the chance that a complete copy could somehow leak out. You can design lots of protection, but with enough corruption a complete copy is always possible. Storing it on paper or something very hard to copy at once may actually make sense. Or a medium that can't be copied -- for example, something with very slow access times or which leaves a destructive trail if it is even read. Of course then it's hard to backup. However, I think the consequences of no backup -- the data is not there when a warrant comes -- are worse than the consequences of a secret backup. An audit trail that reveals when data has been access, that *can't* be erased by the humans involved, is also necessary.
MLB Standings and Scores for Friday, April 16th, 1993 (including yesterday's games) NATIONAL WEST Won Lost Pct. GB Last 10 Streak Home Road San Francisco Giants 06 04 .600 -- 6-4 Won 1 03-01 03-03 Houston Astros 05 04 .556 0.5 5-4 Lost 1 00-03 05-01 Atlanta Braves 06 05 .545 0.5 5-5 Lost 2 03-03 03-02 Colorado Rockies 03 05 .375 2.0 3-5 Won 1 03-03 00-02 Los Angeles Dodgers 03 07 .300 3.0 3-7 Lost 4 00-03 03-04 San Diego Padres 02 07 .222 3.5 2-7 Lost 4 00-04 02-03 Cincinnati Reds 02 07 .222 3.5 2-7 Lost 3 01-02 01-05 NATIONAL EAST Philadelphia Phillies 08 01 .889 -- 8-1 Won 5 05-01 03-00 Pittsburgh Pirates 07 02 .778 1.0 7-2 Won 4 03-02 04-00 St. Louis Cardinals 07 02 .778 1.0 7-2 Won 3 04-02 03-00 New York Mets 04 04 .500 3.5 4-4 Lost 1 02-03 02-01 Chicago Cubs 04 05 .444 4.0 4-5 Won 1 01-02 03-03 Montreal Expos 04 05 .444 4.0 4-5 Won 1 01-02 03-03 Florida Marlins 03 06 .333 5.0 3-6 Won 1 02-04 01-02 AMERICAN WEST Won Lost Pct. GB Last 10 Streak Home Road Texas Rangers 06 02 .750 -- 6-2 Lost 1 04-02 02-00 California Angels 05 02 .714 0.5 5-2 Won 3 03-02 02-00 Chicago White Sox 04 04 .500 2.0 4-4 Won 1 02-03 02-01 Minnesota Twins 04 04 .500 2.0 4-4 Lost 1 01-02 03-02 Oakland Athletics 04 04 .500 2.0 4-4 Lost 2 04-02 00-02 Seattle Mariners 04 04 .500 2.0 4-4 Lost 1 03-02 01-02 Kansas City Royals 02 07 .222 4.5 2-7 Won 1 01-05 01-02 AMERICAN EAST Boston Red Sox 07 02 .778 -- 7-2 Won 3 03-00 04-02 Toronto Blue Jays 05 03 .625 1.5 5-3 Won 1 04-02 01-01 New York Yankees 05 04 .556 2.0 5-4 Lost 1 02-01 03-03 Detroit Tigers 04 04 .500 2.5 4-4 Won 2 02-00 02-04 Cleveland Indians 03 06 .333 4.0 3-6 Lost 3 02-01 01-05 Milwaukee Brewers 02 05 .286 4.0 2-5 Lost 4 00-02 02-03 Baltimore Orioles 02 06 .222 4.5 2-6 Won 1 00-02 02-04 YESTERDAY'S SCORES (IDLE teams listed in alphabetical order) NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE Houston Astros 1 Seattle Mariners 1 Montreal Expos 2 Toronto Blue Jays 3 New York Mets 3 Oakland Athletics 2 Colorado Rockies 5 Detroit Tigers 3 Pittsburgh Pirates 5 Kansas City Royals 5 San Diego Padres 4 (13) New York Yankees 4 St. Louis Cardinals 4 Cleveland Indians 3 Los Angeles Dodgers 2 Boston Red Sox 4 (13) Atlanta Braves 1 California Angels PPD San Francisco Giants 6 Milwaukee Brewers RAIN Chicago Cubs IDLE Baltimore Orioles IDLE Cincinnati Reds IDLE Chicago White Sox IDLE Florida Marlins IDLE Minnesota Twins IDLE Philadelphia PhilliesIDLE Texas Rangers IDLE -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joseph Hernandez | RAMS | | /.\ ******* _|_|_ / | LAKERS [email protected] | KINGS | |__ | | DODGERS _|_|_ | | RAIDERS [email protected] | ANGELS |____||_|_| ******* | | |___| CLIPPERS
Really!? Methinks somethings wrong with _your_ bike. Perhaps you meant _pull_? Pushing the right side of my handlebars _will_ send me left. It should. REally. I'm sure others will take up the slack...
First, I thank collectively all people who have given good answers to my questions. In my follow-up to Jason Smith's posting, I will address some issues that have caused misunderstanding: Yes, to some degree. There was an excellent discussion in sci.skeptic on the nature of scientific work two weeks ago, I hope it did not escape your notice. The correct word is 'likely'. There is no way to be sure our models and theories are absolutely correct. Theories are backed up by evidence, but not proved - no theory can be 'true' in a mathematical sense. However, theories are not mere descriptions or rationalisations of phenomena. It is extremely important to test whether theories can _predict_ something new or not yet observed. All successful theories science has come up with have passed this test, including the Big Bang theory of cosmic evolution, the theory of natural selection etc. It does not mean they _must_ be correct, but they are not mere 'best fits' for the data. Well, yes, if you want to _believe_ in them. This is not what science requires - take a good look at the theory and the evidence, see if the theory has made any successful predictions, and use your reason. Disbelievers are not punished. This is what puzzles me - why do we need to have faith in _anything_? My fellow atheists would call me a weak atheist - someone who is unable to believe, ie, fails to entertain any belief in God. Yes, I know that one can't believe without God's help; Luther makes this quite clear in his letter to Erasmus. I'm afraid this does not change my situation. (deletions) No, it is not, although it does look like one. This is a true dichotomy, either something exists, or nothing exists. If nothing exists, nobody would ask why. If something exists, it is possible to ask why, but actually no existing being could give an answer. Imagine, for a moment, that the nobodies in non-existence could also ask: "Why nothing exists?" This is equivalent to my counter-question, "why nothing exists in nothingness". Now, "why anything exists" is equivalent to "why something exists in somethingness". _This_ is what I meant with my tautology, my apologies for the poor wording in my previous post. I do indeed think there probably _is_ no reason for being, or existence, in general, for reasons I stated above. However, they will still leave open the question "why this, and not that", and this is where theistic explanations come in. Science cannot give reasons for any _particular_ human being's existence. This is a deep philosophical question - is determinism true, or not? Also, is God deterministic or not? I tend to think this question has no meaning in His case. If I am for a reason, I've yet failed to see what it would be. From our perspective, it looks like 'I' exist for truly random reasons. I just rolled two dice - why did I get 6 and 1? How can I believe there is any better reason for my existence? Yes, I am satisfied with this reason, until I find something better. My 15 years of Christianity were of no help in this respect, I have to admit, but I am patient. No, it doesn't, but I think an existing God cannot know why He exists, for an answer to this question is not knowable. Of course, this should not be any obstacle to belief in His existence. It is impossible to know unknowable things. However, the question "why do I exist, in particular" is _not_ an invalid question - this is not what I said. But from our perspective, it is impossible to tell, and I can't just believe in any given explanation instead of another, especially since I found I was deluding myself. I think "pre-existence" is an oxymoron. There is no time 'outside' of this spacetime (except in some other universe), and from that perspective, our universe never was. It exists only for those who are inside it. No. The validity of the question has to be discussed separately; I think philosophy is of great help here. What can be known, and what is not knowable? This is a very good question. In trying to answer this, and numerous other questions that bothered me, I finally found nothing to base my faith on. I think it would be honest if we all asked ourselves, "why do I believe" or "why I don't believe". Petri
Dear Netters: A new religious newsgroup "soc.religion.islam.ahmadiyya" was pro- posed on Oct 16, 1992. The discussion about this new proposed newsgroup went on in various related groups. The proposal, was supposed to enter a vote during the last week of November 92. Due to a false Call For Votes, by some opponent, the voting had to be canceled. I quote here a statement from the moderator of new.announce.newgroups: "The current Call For Votes (CFV) for an Ahmadiyya newsgroup is being canceled. A new call for votes will be issued within a few weeks, possibly with a new impartial vote taker. Discus- sion on the proposal is still open until the new vote is called..." -- by Lawrence, Nov 20, 1992. A lot of confusion arose among the netter as to whom to vote. Therefore it was decided to give a cool down period, so that all confusions are over. It has been over 4 months of that instant and now we are again attempting to create this newsgroup. A fresh RFD is hereby being issued. Please! take part in the discussion under the same title heading and in "news.groups" or at least cross-post it to "news.groups". **************************************************************** REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION **************************************************************** NAME OF PROPOSED NEWSGROUP: ========================== soc.religion.islam.ahmadiyya CHARTER: ======= A religious newsgroup, which would mainly discuss the be- liefs, teachings, philosophy and ideologies of all major reli- gions of the world as they exist to foster better religious knowledge and understanding among followers of all religions as they share common basis. This newsgroup will be devoted to build a peaceful mutual understanding of the Ahmadiyya branch of Islam, its peacefull beliefs, ideology and philosophy and how it is different from other branches of Islam in fostering world peace and developing better understanding among religious people. It may also be used to post important religious events within the World Wide Ahmadiyya Islamic Community in general. PURPOSE OF THE GROUP: ==================== The following are some of the main purposes this group will achieve: i) To discuss the common beliefs of all major religions as they relate to Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. ii) To discuss the doctrines, origin and teachings of this puissant spiritual force on earth. iii) To examine Islamic teachings and beliefs in general in light of the Quran and established Islamic traditions of 15 centuries from Ahmadiyya perspective. iv) To discuss the similarities between Ahmadi Muslims and people of other Religions of the world and discuss how religious tolerance and respect to other's faiths can be brought about to eliminate inter-religion rivalries and hatred among people of religions. v) To discuss the origin and teachings of all religions in general and Islamic and Ahmadiyya Muslims in particular to foster better understanding among Ahmadi Muslims and other religious people. vi) To discuss current world problems and solution to these problems as offered by religion. vii) To exchange important news and views about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and other Religions. viii)To add diversity in the religious newsgroups present on Usenet. ix) To discuss why religious persecution is on the rise in the world and find solutions to remedy the ever deter- iorating situation in the world in general and in the Islamic world in particular. x) To discuss the contributions of founders of all reli- gions and their people for humanity, society and world peace in general and by the International Ahmadiyya Mus -lim Community in particular. TYPE: ==== The group will be MODERATED for orderly and free religious dialo- gue. The moderation will NOT prevent disagreement or dissent to beliefs, but will mainly be used to prevent derogatory/squalid use of dialect and irrelevant issues. The moderators have been decided through personal e-mail and through a general consensus among the proponants by discussion in news.groups. The following moderators have been proposed and agreed upon: Moderator: Nabeel A. Rana ([email protected]) Co-Moderator: Dr. Tahir Ijaz ([email protected]) A BRIEF DESCRIPTION ABOUT AHMADIYYA/ISLAM: ========================================= The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, an international organi- sation, was founder in 1989 in Qadian, India. The founder of this sect, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908), proclaimed to be the Promised Reformer of this age as foretold in almost all the major religions of the world today (Islam, Christianity, Judiasm, Hin- duism). He claimed to be the long awaited second comming of Jesus Christ (metaphorically), the Muslim Mahdi, and the Promised Messiah. He claimed that the prophecies contained in almost all the great religions of the world about the advent of a messenger from God have been fulfilled. The claims Hazrat Ahmad raised storms of hostility and extreme oposition from many priestlike people of Muslims, Chris- tians, Jews and Hindus of that age. Such opposition is often wit- nessed in the history of divine reformers. Even today this sect is being persecuted specially in some of the Muslim regimes. Dispite the opposition and persecution, this sect has won many adherents in 130 countries. It has over 10 million followers, who come from a diverse ethnic and cultural background. The sect is devoted to world peace and in bringing about a better understanding of religion, and the founders of all reli- gions. Its mission is to unite mankind into one Universal broth- erhood and develop a better understanding of faith. Ahmadi Muslims have always been opposed to all kind of violence and spe- cially religious intollerance and fundamentalism. Among its many philanthropic activities, the sect has es- tablished a network of hundreds of schools, hospitals, and clin- ics in many third world countries. These institutions are staffed by volunteer professional and are fully financed by the sect's internal resources. The Ahmadiyya mission is to bring about a universal moral reform, establish peace and justice, and to unite mankind under one universal religion. NEWSGROUP CREATION: ==================
I was at an interesting seminar at work (UK's R.A.L. Space Science Dept.) on this subject, specifically on a small-scale Solar Sail proposed as a student space project. The guy giving the talk was keen to generate interest in the project. I'll typein the handout he gave out at the meeting. Here goes : The Microlight Solar Sail ------------------------- 1. Introduction The solar sail is a well-established concept. Harnessing the pressure of sunlight, a spacecraft would have unlimited range. In principle, such a vehicle could explore the whole Solar System with zero fuel consumption. However it is more difficult to design a practical solar sail than most people realize. The pressure of sunlight is only about one kilogram per square kilometer. Deploying and controlling the large area of aluminized fabric which would be necessary to transport a 'conventional' type spacecraft is a daunting task. This is why, despite the potential of hte idea, no such craft has actually been launched to date. 2.Design Recent advances in microelectronics make possible a different concept: a tiny sail just a few metres in diameter which could be controlled purely be electronics, with no mechanical parts. Several attitude control methods are feasible: for example the pressure sunlight exerts on a panel of solar cells varies according to whether power is being drawn. The key components of the craft will be a minute CCD camera developed at Edinburgh University which can act as both attitude sensor and data gathering device; solar cells providing ~1 watt power for control and communication; and a directional radio antenna etched onto the surface of the sail itself. Launched as a piggyback payload, the total cost of the mission can be limited to a few tens of thousands of dollars. 3.Missions The craft would be capable of some ambitious missions. For example: a) It could rendezvous with a nearby asteroid from the Apollo or Amor groups. Closeup pictures could be transmitted back to Earth at a low bit rate. b) It could be steered into a lunar polar orbit. Previously unobserved areas around the lunar poles could be viewed. By angling the sail to reflect sunlight downwards, polar craters whose bases never receive sunlight could be imaged. Bright reflections would confirm that volatiles such as water ice have become trapped in these locations.[Immensely valuable information for setting up a manned lunar base, BTW] c) It could be sent to rendezvous with a small asteroid or comet nucleus. Impacting at low speed, a thin wire probe attached to the craft causes it to rebound while capturing a tiny sample is a sharp-edged tube, like performing a biopsy. Returning to Earth, the sail acts as an ideal re-entry parachute: load per unit area 20 gm/m2 ensures that heat is reradiated so efectively that the sail temperature cannot exceed ~300 deg C. The material sample is recovered, enclosed in a small insulating container. Contact: Colin Jack Tel. 0865-200447 Oxford Mathematical Designs, 131 High Street, Oxford OX1 4DH, England -------------------------------- This guy would love to hear from anyone interested in this project or seeking details or anything, and would be most happy to send you more information. Andy --
>How about the thousands of kind teenagers who volunteer at local >agencies to help children, seniors, the homeless? Hear, hear! Thanks, Robbie. You also don't read that much about violence *against* teenagers, such as George Bush burying alive tens of thousands of unarmed Iraqi 17-year-olds, who were trying to surrender, with bulldozers. I didn't know George Bush could drive a bulldozer. Kee-ripe.
The test isn't whether GM knew--otherwise that would reward GM for its stupidity. The test is whether GM reasonably should have known of their existence. It works both ways--if GM had won the trial, and the plaintiff turned up two witnesses who came forward after the first trial who should have been located beforehand, too bad, so sad--no new trial. Like Tim said, you don't get a new civil trial because you screwed up the first time around. Unlike the criminal justice system, repose is much more important in the civil justice system.
Educate yourself before you rip on this years manager of the year. Lankford injured himself in a previous game and Torre was resting him. As far as the Whitten/Gilkey controversy. Whitten adds some more needed power, and if Jordan continues to hit the way he has been, Gilkey will find himself in the starting lineup soon enough. Sam
I think this is getting a little overheated. Highway robbers have been a part of life since the Middle Ages at least. It's human nature to look at history through rose colored glasses, but random acts of violence have been a ceaseless part of our heritage. Overall, life is better now than it ever was then. It's just that random individual acts of violence have never been historically significant, and record keeping in the past was never good enough to retain them all.
+Last night, while watching the 2a.m. rebroadcast of Jerry Springer (a +talk show) I heard this Jewel of a thought from a 12 year old racist. +The focus of this show was on these kids and their hatred for the Jewish +religion, and why. [some stuff deleted] +Interesting (and scary) no? They went on to say how the Jews had +killed their god, and how in the end of time that all the races would +go to their homelands (of course, they would remain in America, which +is New Jeruselem, as it says in Gen 2??? (what another kid said) but +the rest of the races would go home) and then the great battle or plague +or whatever Revel. says would happen, and the jews would be killed. + +The most interesting thing about this was that my roomate is Catholic, +and had the KJV of the Bible on his desk. He immediatly opened it up +and began to search for the quoted passages (Gen, Rev, and John) to +look for himself, and couldn't find what they said they saw. I don't +know I saw this show a while back, and when I heard these kids quote the Bible to justify their racist claims, I looked up that quote about Jesus hating Jews (since Jesus himself was a Jew, my curiousity had been piqued by such a claim). The jist of the passage (and I am sorry but I can't recall which passage it was exactly) was that Jesus was condemning the Pharisees for being corrupt. Of course, the Pharisees were Jewish too, but it wasn't Jews as a whole that Jesus was condemning, just the powers that be.
88 toyota Camry - Top Of The Line Vehicle blue book $10,500 asking 9,900. 73 k miles auto transmission Has Everything! owned by a meticulous automoble mechanic call (408) 425-8203 ask for Bob.
MLB Standings and Scores for Tuesday, April 6th, 1993 (including yesterday's games) NATIONAL WEST Won Lost Pct. GB Last 10 Streak Home Road Atlanta Braves 01 00 1.000 -- 1-0 Won 1 00-00 01-00 Cincinnati Reds 01 00 1.000 -- 1-0 Won 1 01-00 00-00 San Diego Padres 00 00 .000 0.5 0-0 --- 00-00 00-00 San Francisco Giants 00 00 .000 0.5 0-0 --- 00-00 00-00 Colorado Rockies 00 01 .000 1.0 0-1 Lost 1 00-00 00-01 Houston Astros 00 01 .000 1.0 0-1 Lost 1 00-01 00-00 Los Angeles Dodgers 00 01 .000 1.0 0-1 Lost 1 00-00 00-01 NATIONAL EAST Florida Marlins 01 00 1.000 -- 1-0 Won 1 01-00 00-00 New York Mets 01 00 1.000 -- 1-0 Won 1 01-00 00-00 Philadelphia Phillies 01 00 1.000 -- 1-0 Won 1 00-00 01-00 Pittsburgh Pirates 00 00 .000 0.5 0-0 --- 00-00 00-00 St. Louis Cardinals 00 00 .000 0.5 0-0 --- 00-00 00-00 Chicago Cubs 00 01 .000 1.0 0-1 Lost 1 00-01 00-00 Montreal Expos 00 01 .000 1.0 0-1 Lost 1 00-00 00-01 AMERICAN WEST Won Lost Pct. GB Last 10 Streak Home Road Oakland Athletics 01 00 1.000 -- 1-0 Won 1 01-00 00-00 Texas Rangers 01 00 1.000 -- 1-0 Won 1 00-00 01-00 California Angels 00 00 .000 0.5 0-0 --- 00-00 00-00 Chicago White Sox 00 00 .000 0.5 0-0 --- 00-00 00-00 Minnesota Twins 00 00 .000 0.5 0-0 --- 00-00 00-00 Seattle Mariners 00 00 .000 0.5 0-0 --- 00-00 00-00 Kansas City Royals 00 01 .000 1.0 0-1 Lost 1 00-01 00-00 AMERICAN EAST Boston Red Sox 01 00 1.000 -- 1-0 Won 1 00-00 01-00 New York Yankees 01 00 1.000 -- 1-0 Won 1 00-00 01-00 Milwaukee Brewers 00 00 .000 0.5 0-0 --- 00-00 00-00 Toronto Blue Jays 00 00 .000 0.5 0-0 --- 00-00 00-00 Baltimore Orioles 00 01 .000 1.0 0-1 Lost 1 00-01 00-00 Cleveland Indians 00 01 .000 1.0 0-1 Lost 1 00-01 00-00 Detroit Tigers 00 01 .000 1.0 0-1 Lost 1 00-00 00-01 YESTERDAY'S SCORES NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE Montreal 1 New York 9 Cincinnati 2 Cleveland 1 Atlanta 1 Texas 7 Chicago 0 Baltimore 4 Los Angeles 3 Boston 3 Florida 6 Kansas City 1 Philadelphia 3 Detroit 4 Houston 1 Oakland 9 Colorado 0 California IDLE New York 3 Chicago IDLE Pittsburgh IDLE Milwaukee IDLE St. Louis IDLE Minnesota IDLE San Diego IDLE Seattle IDLE San FranciscoIDLE Toronto IDLE -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joseph Hernandez | RAMS | | /.\ ******* _|_|_ / | LAKERS [email protected] | KINGS | |__ | | DODGERS _|_|_ | | RAIDERS [email protected] | ANGELS |____||_|_| ******* | | |___| CLIPPERS
I have the PAS16 / Toshiba 3401 combo and have no problems with it.
Reasonably fancy. Standard "voice" circuits run at 56kbps inter-exchange in the US. Therefore, you need to achieve 4:1 to get standard voice quality. If you're willing to give up some quality, you need only 2:1. This is still acceptable from a speech standpoint; it will be a little less faithful to the original, but certainly intelligable. That's all you really need for this application.
Recently while looking around in Traders Sporting Goods store, a very well stocked firearms store, I discovered a printed document that was being distributed by the good folks who work there. Traders, BTW, is located in San Leandro, CA. Granted, the document may be asking you and I to help out Traders, but in the big scope of things, I feel that we would do all gun owners a favor by helping to this cause. Anyway, here it is: NEWSPAPER AD CENSORSHIP Are you letting the newspapers tell you how to live your life, what's good for you, what's not, and exercise blatant censorship over what you read in their advertisments? The newspapers have now decided to censor gun ads - which is why you no longer see the ads that Traders, San Leandro, has run for many years. These ads were run for the law-abiding honest citizens who own firearms for sporting use or self-protection. They certainly have the right to do so, under the Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms. If you are tired of newspapers who run sex and liquor ads galor, yet refuse to run legitimate gun ads, please send a letter to the editors indicating your displeasure over their censorship doctrine. Following is a list of Bay area newspapers who censor gun ads. Perhaps you'd like to send them your thoughts on this issue! Oakland Tribune Daily Review Alameda Times-Star POB 28883 POB 5050 1516 Oak St. Oakland, CA 94604 Hayward,94540 Alameda, CA 94501 Argus Tri Valley Herald San Leandro Times 3850 Decoto Rd. POB 10367 161 W. Juana Ave. Fremont, CA 94555 Pleasanton, CA 94588 San Leandro, CA 94577 Contra Costa Times San Mateo Times San Francisco Chronicle POB 5088 POB 5400 901 Mission St. Walnut Creek, CA 94596 San Mateo, CA 94402 San Francisco, CA 94103 San Fran. Independent San Fran. Examiner San Jose Mercury News 1201 Evans Ave 110 5th St. 750 Ridder Park Dr. San Fran., CA 94124 San Fran., CA 94103 San Jose, CA 95190 Then there are six pages of "facts". I can not validate these facts, and there were no sources, but many feel and sound very true. Here are the topic headlines: - Big Media Snow Job - Blaming Firearms for Murder is Like Blaming Hospitals for Death - I could use the same Nazi Journalistic Technique of CBS and ABC to prove that Hospitals Cause Death - How NBC, CBS, and ABC have scammed the American people on "gun control" - American TV journalism is based on Nazi journalism - Why TV journalists lie - The Government with the help of the TV networks, has succeeded in playing one group against the other - Gun laws are unconstitutional - American gun laws are based on Nazi gun laws - The Government is trying to devide and conquer - The CIA wants your firearms and so on for six pages. So now we have the media trying help put gun dealers out of business by trying to limit their exposure to potential customers, and preventing the customers from reading about sales of ammunition and firearms for sporting, hunting, or other recreational use. Let me know if you write to any of these bozos. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\
Find an encyclopedia. Volume H. Now look up Hitler, Adolf. He had many more people than just Germans enamoured with him. P.
They did. For $950K.
dam9543> I get back drom work today, look at me bike before dam9543> proceding in-side. I nearly shit, my new DRY RIDER cover is dam9543> gone! Barely two weeks old, and already gone, GOD-AM Somebody stole my trashed old Honda red/white/blue cover off a KZ440LTD in residential Palo Alto a couple of weeks ago. The cover had *holes* burnt in it around the exhaust, etc etc. I figured it was just kids, but maybe not...
When you force people to associate with others against their will, yes.
If I'm wrong, god is free at any time to correct my mistake. That he continues not to do so, while supposedly proclaiming his undying love for my eternal soul, speaks volumes. As for the trap, you are not in a position to tell me that I don't believe in god because I do not wish to. Unless you can know my motivations better than I do myself, you should believe me when I say that I earnestly searched for god for years and never found him. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Bob Beauchaine [email protected] They said that Queens could stay, they blew the Bronx away, and sank Manhattan out at sea.
He's been playing horrible defense. Baylor said after Wednesday's game that he wanted to shake up the lineup a little, because Bichette has been having a rough time defensively and Jerald Clark has not been hitting. He was true to his word; I went to Thursday's game and Gerald Young was in right and Daryl Boston (who has a very hot bat) was in left. Baylor was careful to say though that he didn't necessarily mean for these changes to be permanent but he wanted to give these other two a shot while Clark and Bichette were not playing well. In defense of Bichette, it looks like right field in Mile High Stadium is a bitch to play. Some of the visiting outfielders have been having some problems too (although Bobby Bonilla made a great catch crashing into the wall to rob Daryl Boston of an extra base hit in Thursday's game)
[Lots of trippy stuff deleted] Wow... What is this guy smoking and WHERE can I GET SOME? Dan
: : >I bought it, I tried it: : : >It is, truly, the miracle spooge. : : >My chain is lubed, my wheel is clean, after 1000km. : : Good, glad to hear it, I'm still studying it. : : >I think life is now complete...The shaft drive weenies now : >have no comeback when I discuss shaft effect. : : Sure I do, even though I don't consider myself a weenie... ---------------- rip! pithy "I'm afraid to work on my bike" stuff deleted --- : There is also damn little if any shaft effect : with a Concours. So there! :{P PPPpppphhhhhttttttt!!! : Heh, heh...that's pretty funny. So what do you call it instead of shaft effect? Nathaniel ZX-10 <--- damn little if any shaft effect DoD 0812 AMA
Snort. Ah, there go my sinuses again. Oh, wow. A classic textbook. Hey, they laughed at Einstein, too! Yeah, I'll bet. Tomorrow, the world. Listen, uncontrolled studies like this are worthless. I'm sure you are. You sound like the typical hysteric/hypochondriac who responds to "miracle cures." Yeah, "it makes sense to me", so of course it should be taken seriously. Snort. Yeah, "it sounds reasonable to me". Oh, really? _What_ tests? Immune-compromised, my ass. More like credulous malingerer. This is a psychiatric syndrome. You know, it's a shame that a drug like itraconazole is being misused in this way. It's ridiculously expensive, and potentially toxic. The trouble is that it isn't toxic enough, so it gets abused by quacks. The only good thing about nystatin is that it's (relatively) cheap and when taken orally, non-toxic. But oral nystatin is without any systemic effect, so unless it were given IV, it would be without any effect on your sinuses. I wish these quacks would first use IV nystatin or amphotericin B on people like you. That would solve the "yeast" problem once and for all. Perhaps a little Haldol would go a long way towards ameliorating your symptoms. Are you paying for this treatment out of your own pocket? I'd hate to think my insurance premiums are going towards this.