
1 value
[ { "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_01_pope_64kb_5", "recording_id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_01_pope_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.76, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10022", "custom": { "texts": [ "Hail! bards triumphant! born in happier days; Immortal heirs of universal praise! Whose honors with increase of ages grow, As streams roll down, enlarging as they flow; Nations unborn your mighty names shall sound, [193] And worlds applaud that must not yet be found!", "HAIL BART TRIUMPHANT BURNT IN HAPPIER DAYS IMMALTER HEIRS OF UNIVERSAL PRAISE WHOSE HONORS WITH INCREASE OF AGE GROW AS STREAMS ROLL DOWN AND LAGINOUS THEY FLOW NATIONS UNBORNE WITH MIGHTINESS ARE SOUND AND WALLED A PLOT THAT MUST NOT YET BE FOUND" ], "pre_texts": [ " to plead. The critic else proceeds without remorse, Seizes your fame, and puts his laws in force. I know there are, to whose presumptuous thoughts Those freer beauties, even in them, seem faults Some figures monstrous and misshaped appear, Considered singly, or beheld too near, Which, but proportioned to their light, or place, Due distance reconciles to form and grace. A prudent chief not always must display His powers in equal ranks and fair array, But with the occasion and the place comply. Conceal his force, nay, seem sometimes to fly. Those oft are stratagems which errors seem, Nor is it Homer nods, but we that dream. [180] Still green with bays each ancient altar stands, Above the reach of sacrilegious hands, Secure from flames, from envy's fiercer rage, [183] Destructive war, and all-involving age. See, from each clime the learned their incense bring; Hear, in all tongues consenting Paeans ring! In praise so just let every voice be joined, And fill the general chorus of mankind.", "LLED BY NEED AND HAVE AT LEAST THE PRECEDENCE TO PLEAD THE CRITICS ELSE PROCEEDS WITHOUT REMORSE SEIZES YOUR FAME AND PUTS HIS LAWS IN FORCE I KNOW THERE ARE TO WHOSE PRESUMPTUOUS THOUGHTS THOSE FREER BEAUTIES EVEN IN DUMB SAME FAULTS SOME FIGURES MONSTERS AND MISSHOPS APPEAR CONSIDERED SINGLY OR BE HELD TOO NEAR WHICH PROPORTION TO THE ALIGHT OR PLACE DUE DISTANCE RECONCILES TO FORM AND GRACE A PRUDENT CHIEF NOT ALWAYS MUST DISPLAY HIS POWERS IN EQUAL RANKS AND FAIR ARRAY BUT WITH THE OCCASION AND THE PLACE COMPLY CONCEAL HIS FORCE NE'ER SEEM SOMETIMES TO FLY THOSE OFT ASTAGAGERMS WHICH ERRORS SEEM NOR EASE IT HUMOURS NOT BUT WE THAT DREAM STILL GREEN WE'VE BAYS EACH ANCIENT ALTAR STANDS ABOVE THE REACH OF CIRCULAGENEOUS HANDS SECURE FROM FLAMES FROM ENVIOUS FURIOUS RAGE DESTRUCTIVE WOE AND ALL INVOLVING AGE SEE FROM EACH CLIMB THE LEARNED THE ELICENSED SPRING HERE IN ALL TONGUES CONSENTING PEERING RING IN PRAISE SO JUST LET EVERY VOICE BE JOINED AND FILL THE GENERAL CHORUS OF MANKIND" ], "begin_byte": 13955, "end_byte": 14222 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_01_pope_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_01_pope_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10575221, "duration": 660.9513125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Essay on Criticism version 2/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_01_pope_64kb_14", "recording_id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_01_pope_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 20.119, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10022", "custom": { "texts": [ "Those half learned witlings, numerous in our isle, As half formed insects on the banks of Nile Unfinished things one knows not what to call Their generation is so equivocal To tell them would a hundred tongues require, Or one vain wits that might a hundred tire.", "THOSE HALF LEARNED WHITMANS NUMEROUS IN OUR ISLES AS HALF ARMED INSECTS ON THE BANKS OF NILE UNFINISHED THINGS ONE KNOWS NOT WHAT TO CALL THE GENERATION SOCIVOCAL TO TELL EM WOULD A HUNDRED TONGUES REQUIRE OR ONE VAIN WITH THAT MIGHT A HUNDRED TIRE" ], "pre_texts": [ "wit, 'tis true [17] But are not critics to their judgment too? Yet if we look more closely we shall find Most have the seeds of judgment in their mind Nature affords at least a glimmering light The lines though touched but faintly are drawn right, But as the slightest sketch if justly traced Is by ill coloring but the more disgraced So by false learning is good sense defaced Some are bewildered in the maze of schools [26] And some made coxcombs nature meant but fools In search of wit these lose their common sense And then turn critics in their own defense Each burns alike who can or cannot write Or with a rival's or an eunuch's spite All fools have still an itching to deride And fain would be upon the laughing side If Maevius scribble in Apollo's spite [34] There are who judge still worse than he can write. Some have at first for wits then poets passed Turned critics next and proved plain fools at last Some neither can for wits nor critics pass As heavy mules are neither horse nor ass.", "N WELL AUTHORS ARE PARTIAL TO YOUR WITS TIS TRUE BUT ARE NOT CRITICS TO THEIR JUDGMENT TOO YET IF WE LOOK MORE CLOSELY WE SHALL FIND MOST HYPOCYED OF JUDGMENT IN YOUR MIND NATURE AFFORDS AT LEAST A GLIMMERING LIGHT THE LINES THOUGH TOUCHED BUT FAINTLY ARE DRAWN RIGHT BUT AT THE SLIGHTEST SKETCH OF JOSTLY TRACE IS BY ILL COLOURING BUT THE MORE DISGRACED SO BY FORCE LEARNING IS GOOD SENSE DEFACED SOME ARE BEWILDERED IN THE MAZE OF SCHOOL AND SOME MAKE COXCOMBS NATURE MEANT WITH FOOLS IN SEARCH OF WITH THIS LOSE THEIR COMMON SENSE AND THEN TURN CRITICS IN THEIR OWN DEFENSE EACH BURNS ALIKE WHO CAN OR CANNOT WRITE OR WITH RIVALS WHEN YOU NEXT SPITE ALL FOOLS ARE STILL AN ITCHING TO DO RIGHT AND FAIN WOULD BE UPON THE LIFE INSIDE IF MEDIAL SCRIBBLE AND APOLOGY THERE ARE OR JUDGE STILL WORSE THAN HE CAN WRITE SOME HAVE AT FIRST FOR WITS AND FOR WHAT'S PAST TURN CRITICS NEXT AND PROVE TO PLAIN FOOLS AT LAST SOME NEITHER COUNT FOR WITS NOR CRITICS PRESS AS HEAVY MULES AND NEITHER HORSE NOR ASS" ], "begin_byte": 7403, "end_byte": 7665 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_01_pope_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_01_pope_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10575221, "duration": 660.9513125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Essay on Criticism version 2/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_01_pope_64kb_32", "recording_id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_01_pope_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 21.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10022", "custom": { "texts": [ "Thus Pegasus a nearer way to take May boldly deviate from the common track Great wits sometimes may gloriously offend, And rise to faults true critics dare not mend, From vulgar bounds with brave disorder part, And snatch a grace beyond the reach of art, Which without passing through the judgment gains The heart and all its end at once attains.", "THUS PHAGASUS AND YE ARE WE TO TAKE MAY BOLDLY DEVIATE FROM THE COMMON TRACK WITH WIT SOMETIMES MAY GLORIOUSLY OFFEND AND RISE TO FAULTS TRUE CRITICS DARE NOT MEND FROM VULGAR BOUND WE BREATHE THE SOT APART AND SNATCH A GRACE BEYOND THE BREACH OF ART WHICH WITHOUT PASSING THROUGH JUDGMENT GAINS THE HEART AND ALL ITS END THAT ONCE ATTAINS" ], "pre_texts": [ "ur maxims bring And trace the muses upward to their spring. Still with itself compared, his text peruse, And let your comment be the Mantuan Muse. [129] When first young Maro in his boundless mind, [130] A work to outlast immortal Rome designed, Perhaps he seemed above the critic's law And but from nature's fountain scorned to draw But when to examine every part he came Nature and Homer were he found the same Convinced, amazed, he checks the bold design And rules as strict his labored work confine As if the Stagirite o'erlooked each line [138] Learn hence for ancient rules a just esteem, To copy nature is to copy them. Some beauties yet no precepts can declare, For there's a happiness as well as care. Music resembles poetry--in each Are nameless graces which no methods teach, And which a master hand alone can reach If, where the rules not far enough extend (Since rules were made but to promote their end), Some lucky license answer to the full The intent proposed that license is a rule.", "T THENCE YOUR MAXIM SPRING AND TRACE THE MUSES OUTWARD TO YOUR SPRING STILL WITH ITSELF COMPARED HIS TEXT PERUSE AND LET THE COMMENTS BE THE MONTEOUS MUSE WHEN FIRST YOUNG MARVEL IN HIS BOUNDLESS MIND A WORD STOUT BLOOD AT LAST IN MORTAL ROOM RESIGN PERHAPS HE SEEMED ABOVE THE CRITICS LAW AND BUT FROM NATURE'S FOUNTAINS SCORN TO DRAW BUT WHEN THEY EXAMINE EVERY PART HE CAME NATURE AND HOMER WHERE HE FOUND THE SAME CONVINCED AMAZED HE CHECKS BOLD DESIGN AND RULES AS STRICT HIS LIBERATE WORK CONFINED AS IF THE STAGGERER HAD OVERLOOKED EACH LINE LEARN HENCE FOR NATURE FOR ANCIENT RULES ARE JUST ESTEEMED TO COPY NATURE IS TO COPY THEM SOME BEAUTIES YET NO PRECEPTS CAN DECLARE FOR THERE IS A HAPPINESS AS WELL AS CARE MUSIC RESEMBLES POETRY IN AGE A NAMELESS GRACES WHICH NO MATTERS TEACH AND WHICH A MASTER'S HAND ALONE CAN REACH IF WHEREOF THE RULES NOT FAR ENOUGH EXTEND SINCE RULES WERE MADE BUT PROMOTE THE END SOME LUCKY LICENSE ANSWERS TO THE RULE THE INTENT PROPOSE THAT LICENSE IS A RULE" ], "begin_byte": 12214, "end_byte": 12560 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_01_pope_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_01_pope_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10575221, "duration": 660.9513125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Essay on Criticism version 2/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb_25", "recording_id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.84, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10022", "custom": { "texts": [ "Some praise at morning what they blame at night, But always think the last opinion right.", "SOME PRAISE AT MORNING WHAT THEY BLEAM AT NIGHT BUT ALWAYS THINK THEIR LAST OPINION RIGHT" ], "pre_texts": [ " new, But blame the false, and value still the true. Some ne'er advance a judgment of their own, But catch the spreading notion of the town, They reason and conclude by precedent, And own stale nonsense which they ne'er invent. Some judge of authors names not works, and then Nor praise nor blame the writing, but the men. Of all this servile herd the worst is he That in proud dullness joins with quality A constant critic at the great man's board, To fetch and carry nonsense for my lord What woful stuff this madrigal would be, In some starved hackney sonnetteer, or me! But let a lord once own the happy lines, How the wit brightens! how the style refines! Before his sacred name flies every fault, And each exalted stanza teems with thought! The vulgar thus through imitation err; As oft the learned by being singular. So much they scorn the crowd that if the throng By chance go right they purposely go wrong: So schismatics the plain believers quit, And are but damned for having too much wit.", "EGARD NOT THEN IF WITH THE OLD OR NEW BUT BLAME THE FALSE IN VALUE STILL THE TRUE SOME NE'ER ADVANCE A JUDGMENT OF THEIR OWN BUT CATCH SPREADING NOTION OF THE TOWN THEY REASON AND CONCLUDE BY PRECEDENT AND OWN STILL NONSENSE WHICH THEY NE'ER INVENT SOME JUDGE OF AUTHOR'S NAMES NOT WORKS AND THEN NOR PRAISE NOR BLAME THE WRITING BUT THE MAN OF ALL THIS SILVER EARTH THE WORST IS HE THAT IN PROUD DULNESS JOINS WITH QUALITY A CONSTANT CRITIC AT THE GREAT MAN'S BOARD TO FETCH AND CARRY NONSENSE FOR MY LORD WHAT WOLF WHOSE STUFF THIS MADRIGA WILL BE IN SOME STARVED HACKNEY SENATE BUT LET A LORD ONCE OWN THE HAPPY LINES HOW THE WIT BRIGHTENS HOW THE STYLES REFINES BEFORE HIS SACRED NAME FLIES EVERY FAULT AND EACH EXALTED STANZA TEEMS WITH THOUGHT THE VULGAR THUS THROUGH IMITATION ERR AS OFT THE LEARNT BY BEING SINGULAR SO MUCH THE SCORN THE CROWDS THAT IF THE THRONG BY CHANCE GO RIGHT THEY PURPOSELY GO WRONG SO COCHASMATICS THE PLAIN BELIEVERS QUICK AND ARE BUT DAMNED FOR HAVING TOO MUCH WITH" ], "begin_byte": 24733, "end_byte": 24822 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 19713063, "duration": 1232.0664375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Essay on Criticism version 2/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb_31", "recording_id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.48, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10022", "custom": { "texts": [ "As shades more sweetly recommend the light, So modest plainness sets off sprightly wit For works may have more wit than does them good, As bodies perish through excess of blood.", "AND SHADES MORE SWIFTLY WE COMMEND THE LIGHT SOME MODEST PLAINNESS SETS OFF SPRINKLY WIDTH FOR WORKS MAY HAVE MORE WIT THAN DOES THAN GOOD AS BODIES PERISH TO EXCESS OF BLOOD" ], "pre_texts": [ "the lists left out \"What! leave the combat out?\" exclaims the knight. \"Yes, or we must renounce the Stagirite.\" \"Not so, by heaven!\" (he answers in a rage) \"Knights, squires, and steeds must enter on the stage.\" \"So vast a throng the stage can ne'er contain.\" \"Then build a new, or act it in a plain.\" Thus critics of less judgment than caprice, Curious, not knowing, not exact, but nice, Form short ideas, and offend in arts (As most in manners) by a love to parts. Some to conceit alone their taste confine, And glittering thoughts struck out at every line; Pleased with a work where nothing's just or fit; One glaring chaos and wild heap of wit. Poets, like painters, thus, unskilled to trace The naked nature and the living grace, With gold and jewels cover every part, And hide with ornaments their want of art. True wit is nature to advantage dressed; What oft was thought, but ne'er so well expressed; Something, whose truth convinced at sight we find That gives us back the image of our mind.", "L WHICH EXACT TO RULES WERE BROUGHT ABOUT WERE BUT A COMBAT IN THE LIST LEFT OUT WHAT LEFT THE COMBAT OUT EXCLAIMED THE KNIGHT YES OR WE MUST RENOUNCE THE STAG RIGHT NOT SO BY HEAVEN HE ANSWERED IN RAGE KNIGHTS SQUIRES AND STATE MUST ENTER ON THE STAGE SO VAST A THRONG THE STAGE CAN NE'ER CONTAIN THEN BUILD ANEW OR ACTED IN A PLANE DOES CRITICS OF LESS JUDGMENT THAN CAPRICE CURIOUS NOT KNOWING NOT EXACT BUT NICE FORM SHOT IDEAS AND OFFEND IN ART AS MOST IN MANNERS BY A LOVE TO PARTS SOME TO CONCEDE ALONE THEIR TASTE CONFINED AND GLITTERING THOUGHTS STRUCK OUT AT EVERY LINE PLEASED WITH A WORK WHEN NOTHING'S JUST A FIFTH ONE'S GLARING CHAOS AND WILD HEAP OF WIT POETS LIKE PAINTERS DOES IN SKILL TO TRACE THE NAKED NATURE AND THE LIVING GRACE WITH GOLD AND JEWELS COVER EVERY PART AND HIDE WITH ORNAMENTS THEIR WANTS OF ART TRUEWITH IS NATURE'S ADVANTAGE DREST WHAT OFT WAS TAUGHT BUT NE'ER SO WELL EXPREST SOMETHING WHOSE TRUTH CONVINCED SIGHT WE FIND THAT GIVES US BACK THE IMAGE OF OUR MIND" ], "begin_byte": 18934, "end_byte": 19111 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 19713063, "duration": 1232.0664375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Essay on Criticism version 2/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb_48", "recording_id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 27.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10022", "custom": { "texts": [ "Some praise at morning what they blame at night, But always think the last opinion right. A muse by these is like a mistress used, This hour she's idolized, the next abused; While their weak heads, like towns unfortified, 'Twixt sense and nonsense daily change their side. Ask them the cause, they're wiser still they say; And still to morrow's wiser than to day.", "SOME PRAISE AT MORNING WHAT THEY BLEAM AT NIGHT BUT ALWAYS THINK THEIR LAST OPINION RIGHT AMUSED BY THIS IS LIKE A MISTRESS USED THIS HOURS IS IDOLIZED THE NEXT ABUSED WHILE THEIR WEAK HEADS LIKE TOWNS UNFORTIFIED TWIXT SENSE AND NONSENSE DAILY CHANGE YOUR MIND AS THEM THE CAUSE THEY ARE WISER STILL THEY SAY AND STILL TO MORROW WISER THAN TO DAY" ], "pre_texts": [ " new, But blame the false, and value still the true. Some ne'er advance a judgment of their own, But catch the spreading notion of the town, They reason and conclude by precedent, And own stale nonsense which they ne'er invent. Some judge of authors names not works, and then Nor praise nor blame the writing, but the men. Of all this servile herd the worst is he That in proud dullness joins with quality A constant critic at the great man's board, To fetch and carry nonsense for my lord What woful stuff this madrigal would be, In some starved hackney sonnetteer, or me! But let a lord once own the happy lines, How the wit brightens! how the style refines! Before his sacred name flies every fault, And each exalted stanza teems with thought! The vulgar thus through imitation err; As oft the learned by being singular. So much they scorn the crowd that if the throng By chance go right they purposely go wrong: So schismatics the plain believers quit, And are but damned for having too much wit.", "EGARD NOT THEN IF WITH THE OLD OR NEW BUT BLAME THE FALSE IN VALUE STILL THE TRUE SOME NE'ER ADVANCE A JUDGMENT OF THEIR OWN BUT CATCH SPREADING NOTION OF THE TOWN THEY REASON AND CONCLUDE BY PRECEDENT AND OWN STILL NONSENSE WHICH THEY NE'ER INVENT SOME JUDGE OF AUTHOR'S NAMES NOT WORKS AND THEN NOR PRAISE NOR BLAME THE WRITING BUT THE MAN OF ALL THIS SILVER EARTH THE WORST IS HE THAT IN PROUD DULNESS JOINS WITH QUALITY A CONSTANT CRITIC AT THE GREAT MAN'S BOARD TO FETCH AND CARRY NONSENSE FOR MY LORD WHAT WOLF WHOSE STUFF THIS MADRIGA WILL BE IN SOME STARVED HACKNEY SENATE BUT LET A LORD ONCE OWN THE HAPPY LINES HOW THE WIT BRIGHTENS HOW THE STYLES REFINES BEFORE HIS SACRED NAME FLIES EVERY FAULT AND EACH EXALTED STANZA TEEMS WITH THOUGHT THE VULGAR THUS THROUGH IMITATION ERR AS OFT THE LEARNT BY BEING SINGULAR SO MUCH THE SCORN THE CROWDS THAT IF THE THRONG BY CHANCE GO RIGHT THEY PURPOSELY GO WRONG SO COCHASMATICS THE PLAIN BELIEVERS QUICK AND ARE BUT DAMNED FOR HAVING TOO MUCH WITH" ], "begin_byte": 24733, "end_byte": 25096 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 19713063, "duration": 1232.0664375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Essay on Criticism version 2/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb_58", "recording_id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10022", "custom": { "texts": [ "Parties in wit attend on those of state, And public faction doubles private hate.", "PARTISAN WITH A THEN ON THOSE OF STATE ON PUBLIC FACTION DOUBLED PRIVATE HATE" ], "pre_texts": [ " While their weak heads, like towns unfortified, 'Twixt sense and nonsense daily change their side. Ask them the cause, they're wiser still they say; And still to-morrow's wiser than to-day. We think our fathers fools, so wise we grow; Our wiser sons, no doubt, will think us so. Once school-divines this zealous isle o'erspread. Who knew most sentences was deepest read, [441] Faith, Gospel, all, seemed made to be disputed, And none had sense enough to be confuted: Scotists and Thomists now in peace remain, [444] Amidst their kindred cobwebs in Duck Lane. [445] If faith itself has different dresses worn, What wonder modes in wit should take their turn? Oft, leaving what is natural and fit, The current folly proves the ready wit; And authors think their reputation safe, Which lives as long as fools are pleased to laugh. Some valuing those of their own side or mind, Still make themselves the measure of mankind: Fondly we think we honor merit then, When we but praise ourselves in other men.", "URS IS IDOLIZED THE NEXT ABUSED WHILE THEIR WEAK HEADS LIKE TOWNS UNFORTIFIED TWIXT SENSE AND NONSENSE DAILY CHANGE YOUR MIND AS THEM THE CAUSE THEY ARE WISER STILL THEY SAY AND STILL TO MORROW WISER THAN TO DAY WE THINK OUR FATHERS FOOLS SO WISE WE GROW OUR WISER SONS NO DOUBT WILL THINK US SO ONE'S SCHOOL DIVINES THESE ZEALOUS OWLSARS BREED WHO KNEW MOST SENTENCES WAS DEEPEST RED FATE CAUSED BOUGH SEEMED ME TO BE DISPUTED AND NONE HAD SENSE ENOUGH TO BE CONFUTED SCARTERS THUMBIES NOW AND IN PEACE REMAIN AMIDST THEIR KINDRED COBWEBS IN DOG FLAME IF FAITH ITSELF HAD DIFFERENT DRESSES WORN WHAT ONE THE MODES IN WIDTH SHOULD TAKE THEIR TURN OFT LEAVING WHAT IS NATURAL AND FIFTH THE CURRENT FULLY PROVES THE READY WITH AND OTHERS THINK THEIR ADDITION SAFE WHICH LINES AS LONG AS FOOLS A PLACE TO LAUGH SOME VALUATING THOSE SOME FOLLOWING THOSE OF THEIR OWN SIDE OR MIND STILL MAKE THEMSELVES THE MEASURE OF MANKIND FONDLY WE THINK WE HONOUR MERITS THEN WHEN WE BUT PRAISE OURSELVES IN OTHER MEN" ], "begin_byte": 25907, "end_byte": 25988 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 19713063, "duration": 1232.0664375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Essay on Criticism version 2/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb_64", "recording_id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 26.36, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10022", "custom": { "texts": [ "If once right reason drives that cloud away, Truth breaks upon us with resistless day Trust not yourself, but your defects to know, Make use of every friend and every foe. A little learning is a dangerous thing Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring [216] There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again.", "IF ONE'S RIGHT REASON DRIVES THAT CLOUD AWAY TRUTH BREAKS UPON US WITH RESISTLESS DAYS TRUST NOT YOURSELF BUT YET AFFECTS TO KNOW MAKE USE OF EVERY FRIEND AND EVERY FOE A LITTLE LEARNING IS A DANGEROUS THING DRINK DIP OR TASTE NOT THE PERIOD SPRING THERE SHALLOW DROUGHTS INTOXICATE THE BRAINS AND DRINKING LARGELY SOBERS US AGAIN" ], "pre_texts": [ "ards triumphant! born in happier days; Immortal heirs of universal praise! Whose honors with increase of ages grow, As streams roll down, enlarging as they flow; Nations unborn your mighty names shall sound, [193] And worlds applaud that must not yet be found! Oh may some spark of your celestial fire, The last, the meanest of your sons inspire, (That, on weak wings, from far pursues your flights, Glows while he reads, but trembles as he writes), To teach vain wits a science little known, To admire superior sense, and doubt their own! * * * * * PART II. Of all the causes which conspire to blind Man's erring judgment and misguide the mind, What the weak head with strongest bias rules, Is pride, the never-failing vice of fools. Whatever nature has in worth denied, She gives in large recruits of needful pride; For as in bodies, thus in souls, we find What wants in blood and spirits, swelled with wind: Pride where wit fails steps in to our defense, And fills up all the mighty void of sense.", " PART TWO OF AN A SEA ON CRITICISM BY ELEXENDER POPE THE SLEEP OF AX RECORDING IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN OF ALL THE CAUSES WHICH CONSPIRE TO BLIND MAN'S ERR IN JUDGMENT AND MISGUIDE THE MIND WHAT THE WEAK HEAD WHICH STRONGEST SPIRES RULES IS PRIDE THE NEVER FAILING VICE OF FOOLS WHAT NATURE HAS IN WORTH DENIED SHE GIVES IN LARGE RECRUITS OF NEEDFUL PRIDE FOR AS IN BODIES THUS IN SOUL WE FIND WHAT ONCE IN BLOOD AND SPIRIT SWELLED WITH WIND PRIDE WHEREWITH FAILS STEPS INTO OUR DEFENCE AND FILLS UP ALL THE MIGHTY VOID OF SENSE" ], "begin_byte": 14963, "end_byte": 15307 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 19713063, "duration": 1232.0664375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb_66", "recording_id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 28.04, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10022", "custom": { "texts": [ "Soft is the strain when Zephyr gently blows, [366] And the smooth stream in smoother numbers flows, But when loud surges lash the sounding shore, The hoarse, rough verse should like the torrent roar, When Ajax strives some rock's vast weight to throw, The line too labors, and the words move slow; Not so, when swift Camilla scours the plain, Flies o'er the unbending corn, and skims along the main.", "SOFT IS THE STRAIN WHEN ZIPPIER GENTLY BLOWS AND THE SMOOTH STREAM IN SMOOTHER NUMBERS FLOW BUT WHEN LOUD SURGES LASH THE SOUNDING SHORE THE HOARSE ROUGH VERSE SHOULD LIKE TORRENT ROAR WHEN AJECT STRIVES SOME ROCK'S VAST WAY TO THROW THE LION TO LABORS AND THE WORDS MOVE SLOW NOT SO WHEN SWIFT CAME SCORES THE PLAIN FLIES OVER THE UNBENDING CORN AND SCHEMES ALONG THE MAIN" ], "pre_texts": [ "s alone require, Though oft the ear the open vowels tire; While expletives their feeble aid do join; And ten low words oft creep in one dull line, While they ring round the same unvaried chimes, With sure returns of still expected rhymes, Where'er you find \"the cooling western breeze,\" In the next line it \"whispers through the trees\" If crystal streams \"with pleasing murmurs creep\" The reader's threatened (not in vain) with \"sleep\" Then, at the last and only couplet fraught With some unmeaning thing they call a thought, A needless Alexandrine ends the song [356] That, like a wounded snake drags its slow length along. Leave such to tune their own dull rhymes, and know What's roundly smooth or languishingly slow; And praise the easy vigor of a line, Where Denham's strength, and Waller's sweetness join. [361] True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, As those move easiest who have learned to dance 'Tis not enough no harshness gives offense, The sound must seem an echo to the sense.", "E BUT THE MUSIC THERE THESE EQUAL SYLLABLES ALONE REQUIRE THEY OFTEN THE EAR THE OPEN VOWS TIRE WHILE EXPLOSIVES THEIR FEEBLE AGE DO JOIN AND TEN LOW WORDS OFT CREEP IN ONE DULL LINE WHILE THEY RING ROUND THE SAME ON VARIED CHIMES WITH SUCH RETURNS OF STILL EXPECTED RHYMES WHEREVER YOU FIND THE COOLING WESTERN BREEZE IN THE NEXT LINES IT WHISPERS THROUGH THE TREES IF CRYSTAL STREAMS WITH PLEASING MURMURS CREEP THE READERS THREATEN NOT IN THE VANE WITH SLEEP THEN AT THE LAST AND ONLY COUPLET FROUGHT WITH SOME UNMEANING THING THEY CALL A THOUGHT A NEEDLESS ALEXANDRIAN ENDS THE SONG THAT LIKE A WOUNDED SNAKE DRAGS ITS SLOW STRENGTH ALONG LEAVES SUCH TO TUNE THEIR OWN DOLL RUNS AND KNOW WHAT'S ROUNDLY SMOOTH OR LANGUISHINGLY SLOW AND PRAISE THE EASY VIRGER OF A LINE WHERE DUNDRUM STRENGTH AND WALLER'S SWEETNESS JOIN TRUE EASE IN WRITIN COMES FROM ART NOT CHANCE AS THOSE MOVE EASIEST WHO HAVE LEARNED TO DANCE TIS NOT ENOUGH NOR HARSHNESS GIVES OFFEND THE SOUND MUST SEEM AN ECHO TO THE SENSE" ], "begin_byte": 21859, "end_byte": 22258 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 19713063, "duration": 1232.0664375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb_69", "recording_id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 22.479, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10022", "custom": { "texts": [ "When first that sun too powerful beams displays, It draws up vapors which obscure its rays, But even those clouds at last adorn its way Reflect new glories and augment the day Be thou the first true merit to befriend His praise is lost who stays till all commend Short is the date alas!", "WHEN FIRST THAT SUN TO POWERFUL BEAMS DISPLAY IT DRAWS UP VAPORS WHICH OBSCURE ITS RAYS BUT EVEN THOSE CLOUDS AT LAST ADORN ITS WAYS REFLECT NEW GLORIES AND AUGMENT THE DAY BE THOU THE FIRST TRUE MERIT TO BEFRIEND HIS PRAISE IS LOST WHO STAY STILL ALL COMMAND SHUT IS THE DATE ALAS" ], "pre_texts": [ "wit should take their turn? Oft, leaving what is natural and fit, The current folly proves the ready wit; And authors think their reputation safe, Which lives as long as fools are pleased to laugh. Some valuing those of their own side or mind, Still make themselves the measure of mankind: Fondly we think we honor merit then, When we but praise ourselves in other men. Parties in wit attend on those of state, And public faction doubles private hate. Pride, malice, folly against Dryden rose, In various shapes of parsons, critics, beaux; [459] But sense survived, when merry jests were past; For rising merit will buoy up at last. Might he return, and bless once more our eyes, New Blackmores and new Millbourns must arise: [463] Nay, should great Homer lift his awful head, Zoilus again would start up from the dead [465] Envy will merit, as its shade, pursue, But like a shadow, proves the substance true: For envied wit, like Sol eclipsed, makes known The opposing body's grossness, not its own.", " ONE THE MODES IN WIDTH SHOULD TAKE THEIR TURN OFT LEAVING WHAT IS NATURAL AND FIFTH THE CURRENT FULLY PROVES THE READY WITH AND OTHERS THINK THEIR ADDITION SAFE WHICH LINES AS LONG AS FOOLS A PLACE TO LAUGH SOME VALUATING THOSE SOME FOLLOWING THOSE OF THEIR OWN SIDE OR MIND STILL MAKE THEMSELVES THE MEASURE OF MANKIND FONDLY WE THINK WE HONOUR MERITS THEN WHEN WE BUT PRAISE OURSELVES IN OTHER MEN PARTISAN WITH A THEN ON THOSE OF STATE ON PUBLIC FACTION DOUBLED PRIVATE HATE BRIGHT MALICE FOLLY AGAINST FRIGHTENED ROWS IN VARIOUS SHAPES OF PERSONS CRITICS BOWS SOME SENSE SURVIVED WHEN MERRY'S JEST WERE PASSED FOR RISE AND MERIT WILL BUY US UP AT LAST MIGHT HE RETURN AND BLESS ONCE MORE OUR EYES NEW BLACKMOORS AND NEW MEALBOURNES MUST ARISE NAY SHOULD GREAT HUMOR LIFT HIS AWFUL HEAD ZEALUS AGAIN WOULD START UP FROM THE DEAD ENVY WILL MERIT AS ITS SHADE PURSUES BUT LIKE A SHADOW PROVES THE SUBSTANCE TRUE FOR ENVIED WITH LIKE SOUL ECLIPSED MAKES KNOWN THE OPPOSING BODY GROSSNESS NOT ITS OWN" ], "begin_byte": 26538, "end_byte": 26824 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_02_pope_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 19713063, "duration": 1232.0664375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb_1", "recording_id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.36, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10022", "custom": { "texts": [ "Such once were critics such the happy few, Athens and Rome in better ages knew.", "SUCH ONCE WERE CRITICS SUCH THE HAPPY FEW ATHENS AND ROME IN BETTER AGES NEW" ], "pre_texts": [ "wed his faults--but when would poets mend? No place so sacred from such fops is barred, Nor is Paul's Church more safe than Paul's Churchyard: [623] Nay, fly to altars; there they'll talk you dead, For fools rush in where angels fear to tread Distrustful sense with modest caution speaks, It still looks home, and short excursions makes; But rattling nonsense in full volleys breaks, And, never shocked, and never turned aside. Bursts out, resistless, with a thundering tide, But where's the man who counsel can bestow, Still pleased to teach, and yet not proud to know? Unbiased, or by favor, or in spite, Not dully prepossessed, nor blindly right; Though learned, well-bred, and though well bred, sincere, Modestly bold, and humanly severe, Who to a friend his faults can freely show, And gladly praise the merit of a foe? Blessed with a taste exact, yet unconfined; A knowledge both of books and human kind; Generous converse, a soul exempt from pride; And love to praise, with reason on his side?", " DISPENSARY NAME A NEW PLAY AND HE IS THE POET'S FRIEND NAY SHOW HIS FAULTS BUT WHEN WOULD POETS MEND SO PLAY SO SACRED FROM SUCH FOBS IS BURIED NOR IS PAUL'S CHURCH MORE SAFE THAN PAUL'S CHURCHYARD NAY FLY TO ALTARS THERE THEY'LL TALK YOU DEAD FOR FOOLS WATCHING WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD DISTRUSTING SENSE WITH MODEST CAUTION SPEAK IT STILL LOOKS HOME AND SHORT EXCURSION MAKES BUT RATTLING NONSENSE IN FULL VOLLEY BREAKS AND NEVER SHOT AND NEVER TURNED ASIDE BURST OUT RESISTLESS WITH THE THUNDERING TIDE BUT WHERE IS THE MAN WHO COUNSELS CAN BESTOW STILL PLEASED TO TEACH AND YET NOT PROUD TO KNOW UNBIRST OR BY FEVER OR BY SPITE NOT DULLY PREPOSSESSED NOT BLINDLY RIGHT THE LEARNED WELL BRED THE WELL BRED SINCERE MODESTLY BOLD AND HUMANLY SEVERE WHO TO A FRIEND HIS FAULT CAN FREELY SHOW AND GLADLY PRAISED AND MARRIED OF FOE BLESSED WITH A TASTE EXACT YET UNCONFINED A KNOWLEDGE BOTH OF BOOKS AND HUMANKIND GENEROUS CONVERSE A SOLE EXEMPT FROM PRIDE AND LOVE TO PRAISE WITH REASON ON HIS SIDE" ], "begin_byte": 34232, "end_byte": 34311 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10866539, "duration": 679.1586875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb_7", "recording_id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10022", "custom": { "texts": [ "'Tis not enough your counsel still be true; Blunt truths more mischief than nice falsehoods do; Men must be taught as if you taught them not, And things unknown proposed as things forgot.", "TIS NOT ENOUGH YOUR COUNSEL STILL BE TRUE BLOWN TRUTHS MORE MISCHIEVED THAN KNIGHT'S FALSEHOODS DO MEN MUST BE TARS AS IF HE TAUGHT THEM NOT AND THINGS UNKNOWN PROPOSED AS THINGS FORGOT" ], "pre_texts": [ "cred satire learned to spare, And vice admired to find a flatterer there! Encouraged thus, wit's Titans braved the skies, [552] And the press groaned with licensed blasphemies. These monsters, critics! with your darts engage, Here point your thunder, and exhaust your rage! Yet shun their fault, who, scandalously nice, Will needs mistake an author into vice; All seems infected that the infected spy, As all looks yellow to the jaundiced eye. * * * * * PART III. Learn, then, what morals critics ought to show, For 'tis but half a judge's task to know. 'Tis not enough, taste, judgment, learning, join; In all you speak, let truth and candor shine: That not alone what to your sense is due All may allow, but seek your friendship too. Be silent always, when you doubt your sense; And speak, though sure, with seeming diffidence: Some positive persisting fops we know, Who, if once wrong will needs be always so; But you, with pleasure, own your errors past, And make each day a critique on the last.", " PART THREE OF AN A SE ON CRITICISM BY ELECTOR POPE THIS LUBRAX RECORDING IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN LEARN THEN WHAT MORAL CRITICS OUGHT TO SHOW BUT TIS BUT HALF A JUDGE'S TASK TO KNOW TIS NOT ENOUGH TASTE JUDGMENT LEARNING JOIN IN ALL YOU SPEAK LET TRUTH AND CANDOUR SHINE THAT NOT ALONE WHAT TO YOUR SENSES DUE ALL MAY ALLOW BUT SEEK YOUR FRIENDSHIP TOO BE SILENT ALWAYS WHEN YOU DOUBT YOUR SENSE AND SPEAK THUS SURE WITH SEEMING DEFENCE SOME POSITIVE PERSISTENT FOLKS WE KNOW WHO IF ONCE WRONG WILL NEEDS BE ALWAYS SO BUT YOU WITH PLEASURE ON YOUR ARROWS PAST AND MAKE IT DAY A CRITICS ON THE LAST" ], "begin_byte": 31063, "end_byte": 31250 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10866539, "duration": 679.1586875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb_8", "recording_id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.479, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10022", "custom": { "texts": [ "Thus long succeeding critics justly reigned, License repressed, and useful laws ordained.", "THUS LONG SUCCEEDING CRITICS JUST REIGNED LICENCE REPRESSED AND USEFUL LAWS ORDAINED" ], "pre_texts": [ "t, Yet judged with coolness though he sung with fire; His precepts teach but what his works inspire Our critics take a contrary extreme They judge with fury, but they write with phlegm: Nor suffers Horace more in wrong translations By wits than critics in as wrong quotations. See Dionysius Homer's thoughts refine, [665] And call new beauties forth from every line! Fancy and art in gay Petronius please, [667] The scholar's learning with the courtier's ease. In grave Quintilian's copious work we find [669] The justest rules and clearest method joined: Thus useful arms in magazines we place, All ranged in order, and disposed with grace, But less to please the eye, than arm the hand, Still fit for use, and ready at command. Thee bold Longinus! all the Nine inspire, [675] And bless their critic with a poet's fire. An ardent judge, who, zealous in his trust, With warmth gives sentence, yet is always just: Whose own example strengthens all his laws; And is himself that great sublime he draws.", "DGMENT AS IN WIDTH MIGHT BOLDLY CENSURE AS HE BOLDLY WRITES YET JUDGED WITH COOLNESS DO HIS SONG WITH FIRE HIS PRECEPTS TEACH BUT WHAT HIS WORKS INSPIRE OUR CRITICS TAKE A CONTRARY EXTREME THEY JUDGE WITH FURY BUT THEY RIDE WITH FLAME NOR SUFFER HORRORS MORE IN WRONG TRANSLATION BY WITS THAN CRITICS IN A WRONG QUOTATION SEE DIONYSSES HUMMER THOUGHTS REFINED AND CALL YOUR BEAUTIES FORTH FROM EVERY LINE FANCY AND ART IN GAY PATRONIOUS PLEASE THE SCHOLAR'S LEARNING WITH THE COUTIER'S EASE INVE QUANTILLIONS COPIOUS WORK WE FIND DID JUSTICE RULES AND CLEAREST METHOD JOIN THUS USEFUL ARMS AND MAGAZINES WE PLACE ALL RANKED IN HONOUR AND DISPOSED WITH GRACE BUT LESS TO PLEASE THE EYE THAN ARM THE HAND STILL FIT FOR USE AND READY AT COMMAND THE BOLD LONGINESS ALL DENYING INSPIRE AND BLESS THEIR CRITICS WITH THE POET'S FIRE AN ARDENT JUDGE WHOSE ZEALOUS IN HIS TRUST WITH WARMTH GIVES SENTENCE YET IS ALWAYS JUST WHOSE OWN EXAMPLE STRENGTHENS ALL HIS LAWS AND IS HIMSELF THAT GREAT SUPLAME HE DRAWS" ], "begin_byte": 35920, "end_byte": 36009 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10866539, "duration": 679.1586875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb_20", "recording_id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 2.839, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10022", "custom": { "texts": [ "Thee bold Longinus!", "THE BOLD LONGINESS" ], "pre_texts": [ ", should preside o'er wit. [652] Horace still charms with graceful negligence, And without method talks us into sense; Will like a friend familiarly convey The truest notions in the easiest way. He who supreme in judgment as in wit, Might boldly censure, as he boldly writ, Yet judged with coolness though he sung with fire; His precepts teach but what his works inspire Our critics take a contrary extreme They judge with fury, but they write with phlegm: Nor suffers Horace more in wrong translations By wits than critics in as wrong quotations. See Dionysius Homer's thoughts refine, [665] And call new beauties forth from every line! Fancy and art in gay Petronius please, [667] The scholar's learning with the courtier's ease. In grave Quintilian's copious work we find [669] The justest rules and clearest method joined: Thus useful arms in magazines we place, All ranged in order, and disposed with grace, But less to please the eye, than arm the hand, Still fit for use, and ready at command.", "AWS AND STOOD CONVINCED TOWARDS FIT WHO CONQUERED NATURE SHOULD PRESIDE OVER WITH HORACE STILL CHARMS WITH GRACEFUL NEGLIGENCE AND WITHOUT METHOD TOSS US INTO SENSE WILL LIKE A FRIEND FAMILIARLY CONVEY THE TRUEST NOTION IN THE EASIEST WAY HE WHO SUPREME IN JUDGMENT AS IN WIDTH MIGHT BOLDLY CENSURE AS HE BOLDLY WRITES YET JUDGED WITH COOLNESS DO HIS SONG WITH FIRE HIS PRECEPTS TEACH BUT WHAT HIS WORKS INSPIRE OUR CRITICS TAKE A CONTRARY EXTREME THEY JUDGE WITH FURY BUT THEY RIDE WITH FLAME NOR SUFFER HORRORS MORE IN WRONG TRANSLATION BY WITS THAN CRITICS IN A WRONG QUOTATION SEE DIONYSSES HUMMER THOUGHTS REFINED AND CALL YOUR BEAUTIES FORTH FROM EVERY LINE FANCY AND ART IN GAY PATRONIOUS PLEASE THE SCHOLAR'S LEARNING WITH THE COUTIER'S EASE INVE QUANTILLIONS COPIOUS WORK WE FIND DID JUSTICE RULES AND CLEAREST METHOD JOIN THUS USEFUL ARMS AND MAGAZINES WE PLACE ALL RANKED IN HONOUR AND DISPOSED WITH GRACE BUT LESS TO PLEASE THE EYE THAN ARM THE HAND STILL FIT FOR USE AND READY AT COMMAND" ], "begin_byte": 35649, "end_byte": 35668 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10866539, "duration": 679.1586875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Essay on Criticism version 2/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb_28", "recording_id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 27.4, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10022", "custom": { "texts": [ "[648] Poets, a race long unconfined and free, Still fond and proud of savage liberty, Received his laws, and stood convinced 'twas fit, Who conquered nature, should preside o'er wit. [652] Horace still charms with graceful negligence, And without method talks us into sense; Will like a friend familiarly convey The truest notions in the easiest way.", "POETS ARRAYS ALONG AND CONFINED AND FREE STILL FOND AND PROUD OF SAVAGE LIBERTIES RECEIVED HIS LAWS AND STOOD CONVINCED TOWARDS FIT WHO CONQUERED NATURE SHOULD PRESIDE OVER WITH HORACE STILL CHARMS WITH GRACEFUL NEGLIGENCE AND WITHOUT METHOD TOSS US INTO SENSE WILL LIKE A FRIEND FAMILIARLY CONVEY THE TRUEST NOTION IN THE EASIEST WAY" ], "pre_texts": [ " with modest caution speaks, It still looks home, and short excursions makes; But rattling nonsense in full volleys breaks, And, never shocked, and never turned aside. Bursts out, resistless, with a thundering tide, But where's the man who counsel can bestow, Still pleased to teach, and yet not proud to know? Unbiased, or by favor, or in spite, Not dully prepossessed, nor blindly right; Though learned, well-bred, and though well bred, sincere, Modestly bold, and humanly severe, Who to a friend his faults can freely show, And gladly praise the merit of a foe? Blessed with a taste exact, yet unconfined; A knowledge both of books and human kind; Generous converse, a soul exempt from pride; And love to praise, with reason on his side? Such once were critics such the happy few, Athens and Rome in better ages knew. The mighty Stagirite first left the shore, [645] Spread all his sails, and durst the deeps explore; He steered securely, and discovered far, Led by the light of the Maeonian star.", " DEAD FOR FOOLS WATCHING WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD DISTRUSTING SENSE WITH MODEST CAUTION SPEAK IT STILL LOOKS HOME AND SHORT EXCURSION MAKES BUT RATTLING NONSENSE IN FULL VOLLEY BREAKS AND NEVER SHOT AND NEVER TURNED ASIDE BURST OUT RESISTLESS WITH THE THUNDERING TIDE BUT WHERE IS THE MAN WHO COUNSELS CAN BESTOW STILL PLEASED TO TEACH AND YET NOT PROUD TO KNOW UNBIRST OR BY FEVER OR BY SPITE NOT DULLY PREPOSSESSED NOT BLINDLY RIGHT THE LEARNED WELL BRED THE WELL BRED SINCERE MODESTLY BOLD AND HUMANLY SEVERE WHO TO A FRIEND HIS FAULT CAN FREELY SHOW AND GLADLY PRAISED AND MARRIED OF FOE BLESSED WITH A TASTE EXACT YET UNCONFINED A KNOWLEDGE BOTH OF BOOKS AND HUMANKIND GENEROUS CONVERSE A SOLE EXEMPT FROM PRIDE AND LOVE TO PRAISE WITH REASON ON HIS SIDE SUCH ONCE WERE CRITICS SUCH THE HAPPY FEW ATHENS AND ROME IN BETTER AGES NEW THE MIGHTY STAGRIGHT FIRST LEFT ASHORE SPREAD ALL HIS SAILS AND DUST THE DEEDS EXPLORE HE STARES SECURELY AND DISCOVERS FAR LED BY THE LIGHT OF THE MAEONIAN STAR" ], "begin_byte": 34492, "end_byte": 34842 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10022/essayoncriticism_1505_librivox_64kb_mp3/essayoncriticism_03_pope_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10866539, "duration": 679.1586875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Essay on Criticism version 2/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb_4", "recording_id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.839, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Seeing you made her think of the children, poor thing dear, dear, they're all dead but the youngest.", "SEEING YOU MADE HER THINK OF THE CHILDREN POOR THING DEAR DEAR THEY'RE ALL DEAD BUT THE YOUNGEST" ], "pre_texts": [ "e were on their feet in a moment, and the next moment were joyfully wringing the hands of a stoutish, discouraged-looking man, whose general aspect suggested that he was fifty years old, but whose hair swore to a hundred. \"Well, well, well, Washington, my boy, it _is_ good to look at you again. Sit down, sit down, and make yourself at home. There now--why, you look perfectly natural; ageing a little, just a little, but you'd have known him anywhere, wouldn't you, Polly?\" \"Oh, yes, Berry; he's _just_ like his pa would have looked if he'd lived. Dear, dear, where have you dropped from? Let me see, how long is it since----\" \"I should say it's all of fifteen years, Mrs. Sellers.\" \"Well, well, how time does get away with us. Yes, and oh, the changes that----\" There was a sudden catch of her voice and a trembling of the lip, the men waiting reverently for her to get command of herself and go on; but, after a little struggle, she turned away with her apron to her eyes, and softly disappeared.", "NS SIR GREAT SCOT SHOW EM IN DAN'L SHOW EM IN THE COLONEL AND HIS WIFE WERE ON THEIR FEET IN A MOMENT AND THE NEXT MOMENT WERE JOYFULLY WRINGING THE HANDS OF A STOUTISH DISCOURAGED LOOKING MAN WHOSE GENERAL ASPECT SUGGESTED THAT HE WAS FIFTY YEARS OLD BUT WHOSE HAIR SWORE TO A HUNDRED WELL WELL WASHINGTON MY BOY IT IS GOOD TO LOOK AT YOU AGAIN SIT DOWN SIT DOWN AND MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME THERE NOW WHY YOU LOOK PERFECTLY NATURAL AGING A LITTLE JUST A LITTLE BUT YOU'D HAVE KNOWN HIM ANYWHERE WOULDN'T YOU POLLY OH YES BARRY HE'S JUST LIKE HIS PA WOULD HAVE LOOKED IF HE'D LIVED DEAR DEAR WHERE HAVE YOU DROPPED FROM LET ME SEE HOW LONG IS IT SINCE I SHOULD SAY IT'S ALL A FIFTEEN YEARS MISSUS SELLERS WELL WELL HOW TIME DOES GET AWAY WITH US YES AND OH THE CHANGES THAT THERE WAS A SUDDEN CATCH OF HER VOICE AND A TREMBLING OF THE LIP THE MEN WAITED REVERENTLY FOR HER TO GET COMMAND OF HERSELF AND GO ON BUT AFTER A LITTLE STRUGGLE SHE TURNED AWAY WITH HER APRON TO HER EYES AND SOFTLY DISAPPEARED" ], "begin_byte": 43482, "end_byte": 43584 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13933522, "duration": 870.845125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Little Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor Vol 2/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb_5", "recording_id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.72, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Well, well, well, Washington, my boy, it _is_ good to look at you again. Sit down, sit down, and make yourself at home. There now why, you look perfectly natural; ageing a little, just a little, but you'd have known him anywhere, wouldn't you, Polly?\"", "WELL WELL WASHINGTON MY BOY IT IS GOOD TO LOOK AT YOU AGAIN SIT DOWN SIT DOWN AND MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME THERE NOW WHY YOU LOOK PERFECTLY NATURAL AGING A LITTLE JUST A LITTLE BUT YOU'D HAVE KNOWN HIM ANYWHERE WOULDN'T YOU POLLY" ], "pre_texts": [ "rly forgotten it. It was away out in the ragged edge of Washington, and had once been somebody's country place. It had a neglected yard around it, with a paling fence that needed straightening up in places, and a gate that would stay shut. By the door-post were several modest tin signs. \"Col. Mulberry Sellers, Attorney-at-Law and Claim Agent,\" was the principal one. One learned from the others that the Colonel was a Materializer, a Hypnotizer, a Mind-cure dabbler, and so on. For he was a man who could always find things to do. A white-headed Negro man, with spectacles and damaged white cotton gloves, appeared in the presence, made a stately obeisance, and announced: \"Marse Washington Hawkins, suh.\" \"Great Scott! Show him in, Dan'l; show him in.\" The Colonel and his wife were on their feet in a moment, and the next moment were joyfully wringing the hands of a stoutish, discouraged-looking man, whose general aspect suggested that he was fifty years old, but whose hair swore to a hundred.", "N PAINTED SOME TIME OR OTHER BUT HAD NEARLY FORGOTTEN IT IT WAS AWAY OUT IN THE RAGGED EDGE OF WASHINGTON AND HAD ONCE BEEN SOMEBODY'S COUNTRY PLACE IT HAD A NEGLECTED YARD AROUND IT WITH A PALING FENCE THAT NEEDED STRAIGHTENING UP IN PLACES AND A GATE THAT WOULD STAY SHUT BY THE DOORPOST WERE SEVERAL MODEST TIN SIGNS COLONEL MOWBRAY SELLERS ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CLAIM AGENT WAS THE PRINCIPAL ONE ONE LEARNED FROM THE OTHERS THAT THE COLONEL WAS A MATERIALIZER A HYPNOTIZER A MIND CURE DABBLER AND SO ON FOR HE WAS A MAN WHO COULD ALWAYS FIND THINGS TO DO A WHITE HEADED NEGRO MAN WITH SPECTACLES AND DAMAGED WHITE COTTON GLOVES APPEARED IN THE PRESENCE MADE A STATELY OBEISANCE AND ANNOUNCED MARS WASHINGTON HAWKINS SIR GREAT SCOT SHOW EM IN DAN'L SHOW EM IN THE COLONEL AND HIS WIFE WERE ON THEIR FEET IN A MOMENT AND THE NEXT MOMENT WERE JOYFULLY WRINGING THE HANDS OF A STOUTISH DISCOURAGED LOOKING MAN WHOSE GENERAL ASPECT SUGGESTED THAT HE WAS FIFTY YEARS OLD BUT WHOSE HAIR SWORE TO A HUNDRED" ], "begin_byte": 42703, "end_byte": 42956 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13933522, "duration": 870.845125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Little Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor Vol 2/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb_16", "recording_id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.28, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Shucks, Colonel, I haven't even a vote.\" \"That's nothing; you can make speeches.\"", "SHUCKS COLONEL I HAVEN'T EVEN A VOTE THAT'S NOTHING YOU CAN MAKE SPEECHES" ], "pre_texts": [ " the Governors of the provinces? He sits at home and indicates his pleasure.\" Washington was silent a moment, then a deep sigh escaped him. \"How proud I was an hour ago; how paltry seems my little promotion now! Colonel, the reason I came to Washington is--I am Congressional Delegate from Cherokee Strip!\" The Colonel sprang to his feet and broke out with prodigious enthusiasm: \"Give me your hand, my boy--this is immense news! I congratulate you with all my heart. My prophecies stand firm. I always said it was in you. I always said you were born for high distinction and would achieve it. You ask Polly if I didn't.\" Washington was dazed by this most unexpected demonstration. \"Why, Colonel, there's nothing _to_ it. That little, narrow, desolate, unpeopled, oblong streak of grass and gravel, lost in the remote wastes of the vast continent--why, it's like representing a billiard table--a discarded one.\" \"Tut-tut, it's a great, it's a staving preferment, and just opulent with influence here.", "EMPEROR OF RUSSIA ATTEND THE CONCLAVES OF THE GOVERNORS OF THE PROVINCES HE SITS AT HOME AND INDICATES HIS PLEASURE WASHINGTON WAS SILENT A MOMENT THEN A DEEP SIGH ESCAPED HIM OH HOW PROUD I WAS AN HOUR AGO HOW PALTRY SEEMS MY LITTLE PROMOTION NOW COLONEL THE REASON I CAME TO WASHINGTON IS I AM CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATE FROM CHEROKEE STRIP THE COLONEL SPRANG TO HIS FEET AND BROKE OUT WITH PRODIGIOUS ENTHUSIASM GIVE ME YOUR HAND MY BOY THIS IS IMMENSE NEWS I CONGRATULATE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART MY PROPHECIES STAND FIRM I ALWAYS SAID IT WAS IN YOU I ALWAYS SAID YOU WERE BORN FOR HIGH DISTINCTION AND WOULD ACHIEVE IT YOU ASK POLLY IF I DIDN'T WASHINGTON WAS DAZED BY THIS MOST UNEXPECTED DEMONSTRATION WHY COLONEL THERE'S NOTHING TO IT THAT LITTLE NARROW DESOLATE UNPEOPLED OBLONG STREAK OF GRASS AND GRAVEL LOST IN THE REMOTE WASTES OF THAT VAST CONTINENT WHY IT'S LIKE REPRESENTING A BILLIARD TABLE A DISCARDED ONE TUT TUT IT'S A GREAT IT'S A STAVING PREFERMENT AND JUST OPULENT WITH INFLUENCE HERE" ], "begin_byte": 51241, "end_byte": 51324 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13933522, "duration": 870.845125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Little Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor Vol 2/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb_23", "recording_id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.96, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "It had a neglected yard around it, with a paling fence that needed straightening up in places, and a gate that would stay shut.", "IT HAD A NEGLECTED YARD AROUND IT WITH A PALING FENCE THAT NEEDED STRAIGHTENING UP IN PLACES AND A GATE THAT WOULD STAY SHUT" ], "pre_texts": [ "abeled, \"The Rossmore Estates.\" On the opposite wall was another map, and this was the most imposing decoration of the establishment, and the first to catch a stranger's attention, because of its great size. It had once borne simply the title SIBERIA, but now the word \"FUTURE\" had been written in front of that word. There were other additions, in red ink--many cities, with great populations set down, scattered over the vast country at points where neither cities nor populations exist to-day. One of these cities, with population placed at 1,500,000, bore the name \"Libertyorloffskoizalinski,\" and there was a still more populous one, centrally located and marked \"Capitol,\" which bore the name \"Freedomslovnaivenovich.\" The mansion--the Colonel's usual name for the house--was a rickety old two-story frame of considerable size, which had been painted, some time or other, but had nearly forgotten it. It was away out in the ragged edge of Washington, and had once been somebody's country place.", " NEWLY LABELED THE ROSS MOOR ESTATES ON THE OPPOSITE WALL WAS ANOTHER MAP AND THIS WAS THE MOST IMPOSING DECORATION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT AND THE FIRST TO CATCH A STRANGER'S ATTENTION BECAUSE OF ITS GREAT SIZE IT HAD ONCE BORNE SIMPLY THE TITLE SIBERIA BUT NOW THE WORD FUTURE HAD BEEN WRITTEN IN FRONT OF THAT WORD THERE WERE OTHER EDITIONS IN RED INK MANY CITIES WITH GREAT POPULATION SET DOWN SCATTERED OVER THE VAST COUNTRY AT POINTS WHERE NEITHER CITIES NOR POPULATIONS EXIST TO DAY ONE OF THESE CITIES WITH POPULATION PLACED AT ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND BORE THE NAME LIBERTY OR LOLOVSKOY OLYNSKI AND THERE WAS A STILL MORE POPULOUS ONE CENTRALLY LOCATED AND MARKED CAPITAL WHICH BORE THE NAME FRIEDOM SLAVNA IVANOVITCH THE MANSION THE COLONEL'S USUAL NAME FOR THE HOUSE WAS A RICKETY OLD TWO STORY FRAME OF CONSIDERABLE SIZE WHICH HAD BEEN PAINTED SOME TIME OR OTHER BUT HAD NEARLY FORGOTTEN IT IT WAS AWAY OUT IN THE RAGGED EDGE OF WASHINGTON AND HAD ONCE BEEN SOMEBODY'S COUNTRY PLACE" ], "begin_byte": 41814, "end_byte": 41941 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13933522, "duration": 870.845125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Little Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor Vol 2/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb_30", "recording_id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.84, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "His loving old wife sat near by, contentedly knitting and thinking, with a cat asleep in her lap. The room was large, light and had a comfortable look in fact, a homelike look though the furniture was of a humble sort and not over abundant, and the knick knacks and things that go to adorn a living room not plenty and not costly.", "HIS LOVING OLD WIFE SAT NEAR BY CONTENTEDLY KNITTING AND THINKING WITH A CAT ASLEEP IN HER LAP THE ROOM WAS LARGE LIGHT AND HAD A COMFORTABLE LOOK IN FACT A HOMELIKE LOOK THOUGH THE FURNITURE WAS OF A HUMBLE SORT AND NOT OVERABUNDANT AND THE KNICK KNACKS AND THINGS THAT GO TO ADORN A LIVING ROOM NOT PLENTY AND NOT COSTLY" ], "pre_texts": [ "ment ago, To paint _you_--a thorough Coquette!\" * * * * * Henry Ward Beecher, in his famous speech at Manchester, England, in which he talked for an hour against a howling mob of Rebel sympathizers before he gained their attention, was interrupted by a man in the audience who shouted: \"Why didn't you whip the Confederates in sixty days, as you said you would?\" \"Because,\" replied Beecher, \"we found we had Americans to fight instead of Englishmen.\" SAMUEL L. CLEMENS (\"Mark Twain\") COLONEL MULBERRY SELLERS Colonel Mulberry Sellers was in his \"library,\" which was his \"drawing-room,\" and was also his \"picture gallery,\" and likewise his \"workshop.\" Sometimes he called it by one of these names, sometimes by another, according to occasion and circumstance. He was constructing what seemed to be some kind of a frail mechanical toy, and was apparently very much interested in his work. He was a white-headed man now, but otherwise he was as young, alert, buoyant, visionary and enterprising as ever.", " SECTION TEN OF LITTLE MASTERPIECES OF AMERICAN WIT AND HUMOR VOLUME TWO THIS IS A LIBER VOX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVOX DOT ORG RECORDING BY MAGN LARSEN LITTLE MASTERPIECES OF AMERICAN WOODEN HUMOR VOLUME TWO EDITED BY THOMAS LANCING MASSON SECTION TEN COLONEL MULBERRY SELLERS BY SAMUEL L CLEMENS MARK TWAIN COLONEL MULBURY SELLERS WAS IN HIS LIBRARY WHICH WAS HIS DRAWING ROOM WHICH WAS ALSO HIS PICTURE GALLERY AND LIKEWISE HIS WORKSHOP SOMETIMES HE CALLED IT BY ONE OF THESE NAMES SOMETIMES BY ANOTHER ACCORDING TO THE OCCASION AND CIRCUMSTANCE HE WAS CONSTRUCTING WHAT SEEMED TO BE SOME KIND OF FRAIL MECHANICAL TOY AND WAS APPARENTLY VERY MUCH INTERESTED IN HIS WORK HE WAS A WHITE HEADED MAN NOW BUT OTHERWISE HE WAS AS YOUNG ALERT BUOYANT VISIONARY AND ENTERPRISING AS EVER" ], "begin_byte": 39506, "end_byte": 39838 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13933522, "duration": 870.845125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Little Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor Vol 2/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb_40", "recording_id": "large/10173/little_masterpieces_of_american_wit_and_humor_vol_2_150_librivox_64kb_mp3/americanwitandhumor2_10_masson_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.56, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "The newest one had left the works as Andrew Jackson, but was doing its best now as \"Simon Lathers Lord Rossmore, Present Earl.\"", "THE NEWEST ONE HAD LEFT THE WORKS AS ANDREW JACKSON BUT WAS DOING ITS BEST NOW AS SIMON LATHER'S LORD ROSS MOOR PRESENT EARL" ], "pre_texts": [ "The room was large, light and had a comfortable look--in fact, a homelike look--though the furniture was of a humble sort and not over-abundant, and the knick-knacks and things that go to adorn a living-room not plenty and not costly. But there were natural flowers, and there was an abstract and unclassifiable something about the place which betrayed the presence in the house of somebody with a happy taste and an effective touch. Even the deadly chromos on the walls were somehow without offense; in fact, they seemed to belong there and to add an attraction to the room--a fascination, anyway; for whoever got his eye on one of them was like to gaze and suffer till he died--you have seen that kind of pictures. Some of these terrors were landscapes, some libeled the sea, some were ostensible portraits, all were crimes. All the portraits were recognizable as dead Americans of distinction, and yet, through labeling, added by a daring hand, they were all doing duty here as \"Earls of Rossmore.", " A CAT ASLEEP IN HER LAP THE ROOM WAS LARGE LIGHT AND HAD A COMFORTABLE LOOK IN FACT A HOMELIKE LOOK THOUGH THE FURNITURE WAS OF A HUMBLE SORT AND NOT OVERABUNDANT AND THE KNICK KNACKS AND THINGS THAT GO TO ADORN A LIVING ROOM NOT PLENTY AND NOT COSTLY BUT THERE WERE NATURAL FLOWERS AND THERE WAS AN ABSTRACT AND UNCLASSIFIABLE SOMETHING ABOUT THE PLACE WHICH BETRAYED THE PRESENCE IN THE HOUSE OF SOMEBODY WITH A HAPPY TASTE AND AN EFFECTIVE TOUCH EVEN THE DEADLY CHROMOS ON THE WALLS WERE SOMEHOW WITHOUT OFFENCE IN FACT THEY SEEMED TO BELONG THERE AND TO ADD AN ATTRACTION TO THE ROOM A FASCINATION ANYWAY FOR WHOEVER GOT HIS EYE ON ONE OF THEM WAS LIKE TO GAZE AND SUFFER TILL HE DIED YOU HAVE SEEN THAT KIND OF PICTURES SOME OF THESE TERRORS WERE LANDSCAPES SOME LIBELLED THE SEA SOME WERE OSTENSIBLE PORTRAITS ALL WERE CRIMES ALL THE PORTRAITS WERE RECOGNIZABLE AS DEAD AMERICANS OF DISTINCTION AND YET THROUGH LABELING ADDED BY A DARING HAND THEY WERE ALL DOING DUTY HERE AS EARLS OF ROSSMORE" ], "begin_byte": 40605, "end_byte": 40733 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_14", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.519, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "Thus are we responsible, not for the tangible results of our ministry to others, but for its being a ministry in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, such a ministry as will make those around us definitely responsible to God for accepting or rejecting the fulness of His salvation.", "THUS ARE WE RESPONSIBLE NOT FOR THE TANGIBLE RESULTS OF OUR MINISTRY TO OTHERS BUT FOR ITS BEING A MINISTRY IN DEMONSTRATION OF THE SPIRIT AND OF POWER SUCH A MINISTRY AS WILL MAKE THOSE AROUND US DEFINITELY RESPONSIBLE TO GOD FOR ACCEPTING OR REJECTING THE FULLNESS OF HIS SALVATION" ], "pre_texts": [ "are plants that reproduce themselves by bulb and tuber, sucker and shoot, without going through the stripping and scattering that we have been watching. But the law of creation is \"the herb yielding seed and the fruit-tree yielding fruit after its kind, whose seed is in itself.\" And let us count it all joy if this law is carried out in us. \"If it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.\" Whether it is laid down in toil among the lost, or in travail of soul among His children that Christ be formed in them, either way there will be life brought forth. It does not follow that every seed will spring up: it is not so in the natural world. The plant's business is to scatter it, not withholding, not knowing which shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good; once scattered, the responsibility is transferred to the ground that receives it. But the aim of the plant--the goal of all the budding and blossoming and ripening--is that every seed should carry potential life.", "ING INVOLVED JUST AS THERE ARE PLANTS THAT REPRODUCE THEMSELVES BY BULB AND TUBER SUCCOR AND SHOOT WITHOUT GOING THROUGH THE STRIPPING AND SCATTERING THAT WE HAVE BEEN WATCHING BUT THE LAW OF CREATION IS THE HERB YIELDING SEED AND THE FRUIT TREE YIELDING FRUIT AFTER ITS KIND WHOSE SEED IS IN ITSELF AND LET US COUNT IT ALL JOY IF THIS LAW IS CARRIED OUT IN US IF IT DIE IT BRINGETH FORTH MUCH FRUIT WHETHER IT IS LAID DOWN IN TOIL AMONG THE LOST OR IN TRAVAIL OF SOUL AMONG HIS CHILDREN THAT CHRIST BE FORMED IN THEM EITHER WAY THERE WILL BE LIFE BROUGHT FORTH IT DOES NOT FOLLOW THAT EVERY SEED WILL SPRING UP IT IS NOT SO IN THE NATURAL WORLD THE PLANT'S BUSINESS IS TO SCATTER IT NOT WITHHOLDING NOT KNOWING WHICH SHALL PROSPER EITHER THIS OR THAT OR WHETHER THEY BOTH SHALL BE ALIKE GOOD ONCE SCATTERED THE RESPONSIBILITY IS TRANSFERRED TO THE GROUND THAT RECEIVES IT BUT THE AIM OF THE PLANT THE GOAL OF ALL THE BUDDING AND BLOSSOMING AND RIPENING IS THAT EVERY SEED SHOULD CARRY POTENTIAL LIFE" ], "begin_byte": 35140, "end_byte": 35426 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 45601037, "duration": 2850.0648125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_17", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.599, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "Does all this seem hard? Does any soul, young in this life and in that to come, shrink back and say \"I would rather keep in the springtime I do not want to reach unto the things that are before if it must mean all this of pain.\"", "DOES ALL THIS SEEM HARD DOES ANY SOUL YOUNG IN THIS LIFE AND IN THAT TO COME SHRINK BACK AND SAY I WOULD RATHER KEEP IN THE SPRINGTIME I DO NOT WANT TO REACH UNTO THE THINGS THAT ARE BEFORE IF IT MUST MEAN ALL THIS OF PAIN" ], "pre_texts": [ "elf--till we are \"wrecked upon God.\" Have faith, like the flowers, to let the old things go. Earn His beatitude, His \"Blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in Me\"--\"the beatitude of the trusting,\" as it has well been called--even if you have to earn it like John the Baptist in an hour of desolation. You have told Him that you want Him only. Are you ready to ratify the words when His emptying begins to come? Is God enough? Is it still \"My God\" that you cry, even as Jesus cried when nothing else was left Him? Yes, practical death with Him to lawful things is just letting go, even as He on the Cross let go all but God. It is not to be reached by struggling for it, but simply by yielding as the body yields at last to the physical death that lays hold on it--as the dying calyx yields its flower. Only to no iron law with its merciless grasp do we let ourselves go, but into the hands of the Father: it is there that our spirit falls, as we are made conformable unto the death of Jesus.", " IN HEAVEN OR EARTHTH BUT GOD HIMSELF TILL WE ARE WRECKED UPON GOD HAVE FAITH LIKE THE FLOWERS TO LET THE OLD THINGS GO EARN HIS BEATITUDE HIS BLESSED IS HE WHOSOEVER SHALL NOT BE OFFENDED IN ME THE BEATITUDE OF THE TRUSTING AS IT HAS WELL BEEN CALLED EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO EARN IT LIKE JOHN THE BAPTIST IN AN HOUR OF DESOLATION YOU HAVE TOLD HIM THAT YOU WANT HIM ONLY ARE YOU READY TO RATIFY THE WORDS WHEN HIS EMPTYING BEGINS TO COME IS GOD ENOUGH IS IT STILL MY GOD THAT YOU CRY EVEN AS JESUS CRIED WHEN NOTHING ELSE WAS LEFT HIM YES PRACTICAL DEATH WITH HIM TO LAWFUL THINGS IS JUST LETTING GO EVEN AS HE ON THE CROSS LET GO ALL BUT GOD IT IS NOT TO BE REACHED BY STRUGGLING FOR IT BUT SIMPLY BY YIELDING AS THE BODY YIELDS AT LAST TO THE PHYSICAL DEATH THAT LAYS HOLD ON IT AS THE DYING CALIX YIELDS ITS FLOWER ONLY TO NO IRON LAW WITH ITS MERCILESS GRASP DO WE LET OURSELVES GO BUT INTO THE HANDS OF THE FATHER IT IS THERE THAT OUR SPIRIT FALLS AS WE ARE MADE CONFORMABLE UNTO THE DEATH OF JESUS" ], "begin_byte": 21829, "end_byte": 22058 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 45601037, "duration": 2850.0648125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_24", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "Death means a loosened grasp loosened beyond all power of grasping again.", "DEATH MEANS A LOOSENED GRASP LOOSENED BEYOND ALL POWER OF GRASPING AGAIN" ], "pre_texts": [ "l petals; in the young flower their grasp grows more elastic--loosening somewhat in the daytime, but keeping the power of contracting, able to close in again during a rainstorm, or when night comes on. But see the central flower, which has reached its maturity. The calyx hands have unclasped utterly now--they have folded themselves back, past all power of closing again upon the petals, leaving the golden crown free to float away when God's time comes. Have we learned the buttercup's lesson yet? Are our hands off the very blossom of our life? Are all things--even the treasures that He has sanctified--held loosely, ready to be parted with, without a struggle, when He asks for them? It is not in the partial relaxing of grasp, with power to take back again, that this fresh victory of death is won: it is won when that very power of taking back is yielded; when our hands, like the little calyx hands of God's buttercups, are not only taken off, but folded behind our back in utter abandonment.", " IN THE BUD ROUND THE BEAUTIFUL PETALS IN THE YOUNG FLOWER THEIR GRASP GROWS MORE ELASTIC LOOSENING SOMEWHAT IN THE DAYTIME BUT KEEPING THE POWER OF CONTRACTING ABLE TO CLOSE IN AGAIN DURING A RAINSTORM OR WHEN NIGHT COMES ON BUT SEE THE CENTRAL FLOWER WHICH HAS REACHED ITS MATURITY THE CALYX HANDS HAVE UNCLASPED UTTERLY NOW THEY HAVE FOLDED THEMSELVES BACK PAST ALL POWER OF CLOSING AGAIN UPON THE PETALS LEAVING THE GOLDEN CROWN FREE TO FLOAT AWAY WHEN GOD'S TIME COMES HAVE WE LEARNED THE BUTTERCUP'S LESSON YET ARE OUR HANDS OFF THE VERY BLOSSOM OF OUR LIFE ARE ALL THINGS EVEN THE TREASURES THAT HE HAS SANCTIFIED HELD LOOSELY READY TO BE PARTED WITH WITHOUT A STRUGGLE WHEN HE ASKS FOR THEM IS IT NOT IN THE PARTIAL RELAXING OF GRASP WITH POWER TO TAKE BACK AGAIN THAT THIS FRESH VICTORY OF DEATH IS ONE IT IS ONE WHEN THAT VERY POWER OF TAKING BACK IS YIELDED WHEN OUR HANDS LIKE THE LITTLE CALYXANDS OF GOD'S BUTTERCUPS ARE NOT ONLY TAKEN OFF BUT FOLDED BEHIND OUR BACK IN UTTER ABANDONMENT" ], "begin_byte": 20106, "end_byte": 20180 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_56", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.439, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "But far other is God's thought in the redemption of the world. He takes the very thing that came in with the curse, and makes it the path of glory. Death becomes a beginning instead of an ending, for it becomes the means of liberating a fresh life.", "BUT FAR OTHER IS GOD'S THOUGHT IN THE REDEMPTION OF THE WORLD HE TAKES THE VERY THING THAT CAME IN WITH THE CURSE AND MAKES IT THE PATH OF GLORY DEATH BECOMES A BEGINNING INSTEAD OF AN ENDING FOR IT BECOMES THE MEANS OF LIBERATING A FRESH LIFE" ], "pre_texts": [ "The Project Gutenberg EBook of Parables of the Cross, by I. Lilias Trotter This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Parables of the Cross Author: I. Lilias Trotter Release Date: August 1, 2007 [EBook #22189] Language: English *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK PARABLES OF THE CROSS *** Produced by Free Elf, and Bookworm ([email protected]) Parables of the Cross by I. Lilias Trotter To A.C. & B.A.B. in memory of lessons learnt together Marshall Brothers, Ltd. London & Edinburgh. Death is the Gate of Life There was deep insight in those old words. For man's natural thought of death is that of a dreary ending in decay and dissolution. And from his standpoint he is right: death as the punishment of sin is an ending.", " PARABLES OF THE CROSS THIS IS A LIBER VOX RECORDING ALL LIBER VOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVOX DOT ORG RECORDING BY MAGN LARSEN ILLUSTRATIONS FOR THIS WORK BY LILIAS TROTTER MAY BE FOUND AT W DOT GOUTENBERG DOT ORG PARABLES OF THE CROSS BY I LILIAS TROTTER DEATH IS THE GATE OF LIFE THERE WAS DEEP INSIGHT IN THOSE OLD WORDS FOR MAN'S NATURAL THOUGHT OF DEATH IS THAT OF A DREARY ENDING IN DECAY AND DISSOLUTION AND FROM HIS STANDPOINT HE IS RIGHT DEATH AS THE PUNISHMENT OF SIN IS AN ENDING" ], "begin_byte": 952, "end_byte": 1200 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 45601037, "duration": 2850.0648125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_72", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "Only to no iron law with its merciless grasp do we let ourselves go, but into the hands of the Father: it is there that our spirit falls, as we are made conformable unto the death of Jesus.", "ONLY TO NO IRON LAW WITH ITS MERCILESS GRASP DO WE LET OURSELVES GO BUT INTO THE HANDS OF THE FATHER IT IS THERE THAT OUR SPIRIT FALLS AS WE ARE MADE CONFORMABLE UNTO THE DEATH OF JESUS" ], "pre_texts": [ "ion's battlefields, where every inch of our foothold has to be tested, where even, it may seem to give way--till no experience, no resting-place remains to us in heaven or earth but God Himself--till we are \"wrecked upon God.\" Have faith, like the flowers, to let the old things go. Earn His beatitude, His \"Blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in Me\"--\"the beatitude of the trusting,\" as it has well been called--even if you have to earn it like John the Baptist in an hour of desolation. You have told Him that you want Him only. Are you ready to ratify the words when His emptying begins to come? Is God enough? Is it still \"My God\" that you cry, even as Jesus cried when nothing else was left Him? Yes, practical death with Him to lawful things is just letting go, even as He on the Cross let go all but God. It is not to be reached by struggling for it, but simply by yielding as the body yields at last to the physical death that lays hold on it--as the dying calyx yields its flower.", " FOR ONE AFTER ANOTHER OF TEMPTATION'S BATTLEFIELDS WHERE EVERY INCH OF OUR FOOTHOLD HAS TO BE TESTED WHERE EVEN IT MAY SEEM TO GIVE WAY TILL NO EXPERIENCE NO RESTING PLACE REMAINS TO US IN HEAVEN OR EARTHTH BUT GOD HIMSELF TILL WE ARE WRECKED UPON GOD HAVE FAITH LIKE THE FLOWERS TO LET THE OLD THINGS GO EARN HIS BEATITUDE HIS BLESSED IS HE WHOSOEVER SHALL NOT BE OFFENDED IN ME THE BEATITUDE OF THE TRUSTING AS IT HAS WELL BEEN CALLED EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO EARN IT LIKE JOHN THE BAPTIST IN AN HOUR OF DESOLATION YOU HAVE TOLD HIM THAT YOU WANT HIM ONLY ARE YOU READY TO RATIFY THE WORDS WHEN HIS EMPTYING BEGINS TO COME IS GOD ENOUGH IS IT STILL MY GOD THAT YOU CRY EVEN AS JESUS CRIED WHEN NOTHING ELSE WAS LEFT HIM YES PRACTICAL DEATH WITH HIM TO LAWFUL THINGS IS JUST LETTING GO EVEN AS HE ON THE CROSS LET GO ALL BUT GOD IT IS NOT TO BE REACHED BY STRUGGLING FOR IT BUT SIMPLY BY YIELDING AS THE BODY YIELDS AT LAST TO THE PHYSICAL DEATH THAT LAYS HOLD ON IT AS THE DYING CALIX YIELDS ITS FLOWER" ], "begin_byte": 21639, "end_byte": 21828 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 45601037, "duration": 2850.0648125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_90", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.4, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "The latent self life needs to be brought down into the place of death before His breath can carry us hither and thither as the wind wafts the seeds. Are we ready for this last surrender? Do you ask \"Does God really mean the emptying to reach so far as this?\"", "THE LATENT SELF LIFE NEEDS TO BE BROUGHT DOWN INTO THE PLACE OF DEATH BEFORE HIS BREATH CAN CARRY US HITHER AND THITHER AS THE WIND WAFTS THE SEEDS ARE WE READY FOR THIS LAST SURRENDER DO YOU ASK DOES GOD REALLY MEAN THE EMPTYING TO REACH SO FAR AS THIS" ], "pre_texts": [ "turning the \"readiness to will\" into the \"performance.\" (2 Cor. 8. 11.) And to a soul that through \"deaths oft\" has been brought to this point, even acts that look as if they must involve an effort, become something natural, spontaneous, full of a \"heavenly involuntariness,\" so simply are they the outcome of the indwelling love of Christ. Shall we not ask God to convict us, as to where lies the hindrance to this self-emptying? It is not alone mere selfishness, in its ordinary sense, that prevents it; long after this has been cleansed away by the Precious Blood there may remain, unrecognised, the self-life in more subtle forms. It may co-exist with much that looks like sacrifice; there may be much of usefulness and of outward self-denial, and yet below the surface may remain a clinging to our own judgment, a confidence in our own resources, an unconscious taking of our own way, even in God's service. And these things hold down, hold in our souls, and frustrate the Spirit in His working.", " AS SOMETHING TO BE GIVEN A BREATH DOES THE REST TURNING THE READINESS TO WILL INTO THE PERFORMANCE AND TO A SOUL THAT THROUGH DEATHS OFT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO THIS POINT EVEN ACTS THAT LOOK AS IF THEY MUST INVOLVE AN EFFORT BECOME SOMETHING NATURAL SPONTANEOUS FULL OF A HEAVENLY INVOLUNTARINESS SO SIMPLE ARE THEY THE OUTCOME OF THE INDWELLING LOVE OF CHRIST SHALL WE NOT ASK GOD TO CONVICT US AS TO WHERE LIES THE HINDRANCE TO THIS SELF EMPTYING IT IS NOT ALONE MERE SELFISHNESS IN ITS ORDINARY SENSE THAT PREVENTS IT LONG AFTER THIS HAS BEEN CLEANSED AWAY BY THE PRECIOUS BLOOD THERE MAY REMAIN UNRECOGNISED THE SELF LIFE IN MORE SUBTLE FORMS IT MAY COEXIST WITH MUCH THAT LOOKS LIKE SACRIFICE THERE MAY BE MUCH OF USEFULNESS AND OF OUTWARD SELF DENIAL AND YET BELOW THE SURFACE MAY REMAIN A CLINGING TO OUR OWN JUDGMENT A CONFIDENCE IN OUR OWN RESOURCES AN UNCONSCIOUS TAKING OF OUR OWN WAY EVEN IN GOD'S SERVICE AND THESE THINGS HOLD DOWN HOLD IN OUR SOULS AND FRUSTRATE THE SPIRIT IN HIS WORKING" ], "begin_byte": 28155, "end_byte": 28413 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 45601037, "duration": 2850.0648125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_94", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.839, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "Once allow the manifestation of His grace in these poor hearts of ours to be a miracle, and there is no need to defer it vaguely. How many of the wonders wrought by Christ on earth lay in concentrating the long processes of nature into a sudden act of power.", "ONCE ALLOW THE MANIFESTATION OF HIS GRACE IN THESE POOR HEARTS OF OURS TO BE A MIRACLE AND THERE IS NO NEED TO DEFER IT VAGUELY HOW MANY OF THE WONDERS WROUGHT BY CHRIST ON EARTH LAY IN CONCENTRATING THE LONG PROCESSES OF NATURE INTO A SUDDEN ACT OF POWER" ], "pre_texts": [ "Holiness means something more than the sweeping away of the old leaves of sin: it means the life of Jesus developed in us. No matter if we feel utterly helpless before that lovely life of His. Given the conditions--the hidden power within, and the old outlets of growth shut off--the sun will do the rest; out of the midst of apparent lifelessness, of barrenness, of difficulty, the blossoms will be drawn forth. Do not let us \"limit the Holy One of Israel\" by putting off His power to work this miracle into a distant future. How hopeless the naked wood of a fruit tree would look to us in February if we had never seen the marvel of springtime! Yet the heavenly bloom bursts straight out, with hardly an intermediate step of new growth. Look again at a flowering rush. The crest breaks forth from nothingness--out of the lifeless-seeming pith come crowding the golden brown blossoms, till there is hardly \"room to receive\" them. What more do we need for our souls than to have this God for our God?", "CE FULL AND FRAGRANT HOLINESS MEANS SOMETHING MORE THAN THE SWEEPING AWAY OF THE OLD LEAVES OF SIN IT MEANS THE LIFE OF JESUS DEVELOPED IN US NO MATTER IF WE FEEL UTTERLY HOPELESS BEFORE THAT LOVELY LIFE OF HIS GIVEN THE CONDITIONS THE HIDDEN POWER WITHIN AND THE OLD OUTLETS OF GROWTH SHUT OFF THE SUN WILL DO THE REST OUT OF THE MIDST OF APPARENT LIFELESSNESS OR OF BARRENNESS OF DIFFICULTY THE BLOSSOMS WILL BE DRAWN FORTH DO NOT LET US LIMIT THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL BY PUTTING OFF HIS POWER TO WORK THIS MIRACLE INTO A DISTANT FUTURE HOW HOPELESS THE NAKED WOOD OF A FRUIT TREE WOULD LOOK TO US IN FEBRUARY IF WE HAD NEVER SEEN THE MARVEL OF SPRINGTIME YET THE HEAVENLY BLOOM BURSTS STRAIGHT OUT WITH HARDLY AN INTERMEDIATE STEP OF NEW GROWTH LOOK AGAIN AT A FLOWERING RUSH THE CREST BREAKS FORTH FROM NOTHINGNESS OUT OF THE LIFELESS SEEMING PITH COME CROWDING THE GOLDEN BROWN BLOSSOMS TILL THERE IS HARDLY ROOM TO RECEIVE THEM WHAT MORE DO WE NEED FOR OUR SOULS THAN TO HAVE THIS GOD FOR OUR GOD" ], "begin_byte": 12674, "end_byte": 12932 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 45601037, "duration": 2850.0648125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_129", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "We cannot feel a consciousness of death: the words are a contradiction in terms. If we had literally passed out of this world into the next we should not feel dead, we should only be conscious of a new wonderful life beating within us.", "WE CANNOT FEEL A CONSCIOUSNESS OF DEATH THE WORDS ARE A CONTRADICTION IN TERMS IF WE HAD LITERALLY PASSED OUT OF THIS WORLD INTO THE NEXT WE SHOULD NOT FEEL DEAD WE SHOULD ONLY BE CONSCIOUS OF A NEW WONDERFUL LIFE BEATING WITHIN US" ], "pre_texts": [ "ean all this of pain.\" To such comes the Master's voice: \"Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer\": You are right to be glad in His April days while he gives them. Every stage of the heavenly growth in us is lovely to Him; He is the God of the daisies and the lambs and the merry child hearts! It may be that no such path of loss lies before you; there are people like the lands where spring and summer weave the year between them, and the autumn processes are hardly noticed as they come and go. The one thing is to keep obedient in spirit, then you will be ready to let the flower-time pass if He bids you, when the sun of His love has worked some more ripening. You will feel by then that to try to keep the withering blossoms would be to cramp and ruin your soul. It is loss to keep when God says 'give'. For here again death is the gate of life: it is an entering in, not a going forth only; it means a liberating of new powers as the former treasures float away like the dying petals.", "ARE BEFORE IF IT MUST MEAN ALL THIS OF PAIN TO SUCH COMES THE MASTER'S VOICE FEAR NONE OF THOSE THINGS WHICH THOU SHALT SUFFER YOU ARE RIGHT TO BE GLAD IN HIS APRIL DAYS WHILE HE GIVES THEM EVERY STAGE OF THE HEAVENLY GROWTH IN US IS LOVELY TO HIM HE IS THE GOD OF THE DAISIES AND THE LAMBS AND THE MERRY CHILD HEARTS IT MAY BE THAT NO SUCH PATH OF LOSS LIES BEFORE YOU THERE ARE PEOPLE LIKE THE LANDS WHERE SPRING AND SUMMER WEAVE THE YEAR BETWEEN THEM AND THE AUTUMN PROCESSES ARE HARDLY NOTICED AS THEY COME AND GO THE ONE THING IS TO KEEP OBEDIENT IN SPIRIT THEN YOU WILL BE READY TO LET THE FLOWER TIME PASS IF HE BIDS YOU WHEN THE SUN OF HIS LOVE HAS WORKED SOME MORE RIPENING YOU WILL FEEL BY THEN THAT TO TRY TO KEEP THE WITHERING BLOSSOMS WOULD BE TO CRAMP AND RUIN YOUR SOUL IT IS LOSS TO KEEP WHEN GOD SAYS GIVE FOR HERE AGAIN DEATH IS THE GATE OF LIFE IT IS AN ENTERING IN NOT A GOING FORTH ONLY IT MEANS A LIBERATING OF NEW POWERS AS THE FORMER TREASURES FLOAT AWAY LIKE THE DYING PETALS" ], "begin_byte": 23037, "end_byte": 23272 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 45601037, "duration": 2850.0648125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_133", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "Look again at a flowering rush. The crest breaks forth from nothingness out of the lifeless seeming pith come crowding the golden brown blossoms, till there is hardly \"room to receive\" them. What more do we need for our souls than to have this God for our God?", "LOOK AGAIN AT A FLOWERING RUSH THE CREST BREAKS FORTH FROM NOTHINGNESS OUT OF THE LIFELESS SEEMING PITH COME CROWDING THE GOLDEN BROWN BLOSSOMS TILL THERE IS HARDLY ROOM TO RECEIVE THEM WHAT MORE DO WE NEED FOR OUR SOULS THAN TO HAVE THIS GOD FOR OUR GOD" ], "pre_texts": [ " negative side of holiness; it is only reaching the place where God can develop His ideal in us unhindered. It is when the death of winter has done its work that the sun can draw out in each plant its own individuality, and make its existence full and fragrant. Holiness means something more than the sweeping away of the old leaves of sin: it means the life of Jesus developed in us. No matter if we feel utterly helpless before that lovely life of His. Given the conditions--the hidden power within, and the old outlets of growth shut off--the sun will do the rest; out of the midst of apparent lifelessness, of barrenness, of difficulty, the blossoms will be drawn forth. Do not let us \"limit the Holy One of Israel\" by putting off His power to work this miracle into a distant future. How hopeless the naked wood of a fruit tree would look to us in February if we had never seen the marvel of springtime! Yet the heavenly bloom bursts straight out, with hardly an intermediate step of new growth.", "OAL IT IS ONLY THE NEGATIVE SIDE OF HOLINESS IT IS ONLY REACHING THE PLACE WHERE GOD CAN DEVELOP HIS IDEAL IN US UNHINDERED IT IS WHEN THE DEATH OF WINTER HAS DONE ITS WORK THAT THE SUN CAN DRAW OUT IN EACH PLANT ITS OWN INDIVIDUALITY AND MAKE ITS EXISTENCE FULL AND FRAGRANT HOLINESS MEANS SOMETHING MORE THAN THE SWEEPING AWAY OF THE OLD LEAVES OF SIN IT MEANS THE LIFE OF JESUS DEVELOPED IN US NO MATTER IF WE FEEL UTTERLY HOPELESS BEFORE THAT LOVELY LIFE OF HIS GIVEN THE CONDITIONS THE HIDDEN POWER WITHIN AND THE OLD OUTLETS OF GROWTH SHUT OFF THE SUN WILL DO THE REST OUT OF THE MIDST OF APPARENT LIFELESSNESS OR OF BARRENNESS OF DIFFICULTY THE BLOSSOMS WILL BE DRAWN FORTH DO NOT LET US LIMIT THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL BY PUTTING OFF HIS POWER TO WORK THIS MIRACLE INTO A DISTANT FUTURE HOW HOPELESS THE NAKED WOOD OF A FRUIT TREE WOULD LOOK TO US IN FEBRUARY IF WE HAD NEVER SEEN THE MARVEL OF SPRINGTIME YET THE HEAVENLY BLOOM BURSTS STRAIGHT OUT WITH HARDLY AN INTERMEDIATE STEP OF NEW GROWTH" ], "begin_byte": 12412, "end_byte": 12673 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 45601037, "duration": 2850.0648125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_134", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.599, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "And before the soul can really enter upon a life of holiness, with all its blessed endless possibilities, a like choice must be made: all known sin must be deliberately given up, that the rising current may have its full play.", "AND BEFORE THE SOUL CAN REALLY ENTER UPON A LIFE OF HOLINESS WITH ALL ITS BLESSED ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES A LIKE CHOICE MUST BE MADE ALL KNOWN SIN MUST BE DELIBERATELY GIVEN UP THAT THE RISING CURRENT MAY HAVE ITS FULL PLAY" ], "pre_texts": [ "etimes the other; sometimes they struggle on side by side, till the cry is forced out--\"Oh, wretched man that I am; who shall deliver me?\" And here again, when the point of self-despair is reached, and we come to see that our efforts after holiness are as vain as our efforts after acceptance with God, the door of escape opens afresh. For there is glory be to God, a definite way out from the prison life of sruggling and failure, sinning and repenting, wherein many a soul beats its wings for years after the question of pardon has been settled. And that way is again the way of death. A stage of dying must come over the plant before the new leaves can grow and thrive. There must be a deliberate choice between the former growth and the new; one must give way to the other; the acorn has to come to the point where it ceases to keep its rag of former existence, and lets everything go to the fresh shoot: the twig must withdraw its sap from last year's leaf, and let it flow into this year's bud.", "ROWS AND FLOURISHES SOMETIMES THE OTHER SOMETIMES THEY STRUGGLE ON SIDE BY SIDE TILL THE CRY IS FORCED OUT OH WRETCHED MAN THAT I AM WHO SHALL DELIVER ME AND HERE AGAIN WHEN THE POINT OF SELF DESPAIR IS REACHED AND WE COME TO SEE THAT OUR EFFORTS AFTER HOLINESS ARE AS VAIN AS OUR EFFORTS AFTER ACCEPTANCE WITH GOD THE DOOR OF ESCAPE OPENS AFRESH FOR THERE IS GLORY BE TO GOD A DEFINITE WAY OUT FROM THE PRISON LIFE OF STRUGGLING AND FAILURE SINNING AND REPENTING WHEREIN MANY A SOUL BEATS ITS WINGS FOR YEARS AFTER THE QUESTION OF PARDON HAS BEEN SETTLED AND THAT WAY IS AGAIN THE WAY OF DEATH A STAGE OF DYING MUST COME OVER THE PLANT BEFORE THE NEW LEAVES CAN GROW AND THRIVE THERE MUST BE A DELIBERATE CHOICE BETWEEN THE FORMER GROWTH AND THE NEW ONE MUST GIVE WAY TO THE OTHER THE ACORN HAS TO COME TO THE POINT WHERE IT CEASES TO KEEP ITS RAG OF FORMER EXISTENCE AND LETS EVERYTHING GO TO THE FRESH SHOOT THE TWIG MUST WITHDRAW ITS SAP FROM LAST YEAR'S LEAF AND LET IT FLOW INTO THIS YEAR'S BUD" ], "begin_byte": 6958, "end_byte": 7184 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 45601037, "duration": 2850.0648125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_157", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.599, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "Separation from all known sin is the starting point for santification, not the goal: it is only the negative side of holiness; it is only reaching the place where God can develop His ideal in us unhindered.", "SEPARATION FROM ALL KNOWN SIN IS THE STARTING POINT FOR SANCTIFICATION NOT THE GOAL IT IS ONLY THE NEGATIVE SIDE OF HOLINESS IT IS ONLY REACHING THE PLACE WHERE GOD CAN DEVELOP HIS IDEAL IN US UNHINDERED" ], "pre_texts": [ "deed, every link with the world, the flesh, or the devil, everything on which the shadow of a question falls, as God's light shines in: to part company, not by a series of gradual struggles, but by an honest act of renouncing, maintained by faith and obedience. And as you make the decision up to your present knowledge, you must determine that this is henceforth your attitude towards all that is \"not of the Father,\" as His growing light shall reveal it. From His side God will come in with a breath of His resurrection power; for the Cross and the empty tomb cannot be long divided. The law of the Spirit of Life can work now, as you deliberately loose hold of all clinging to sin; the expulsive power of His working within, and the play of His winds around, will make you \"free indeed,\" like these young shoots when last year's leaves have fallen. * * * * * * * * This brings us to the positive side; for when the sentence of death on the old nature is realised, the new nature can be manifested.", " ARE INDULGING EVERY SIN OF THOUGHT WORD OR DEED EVERY LINK WITH THE WORLD THE FLESH OR THE DEVIL EVERYTHING ON WHICH THE SHADOW OF A QUESTION FALLS AS GOD'S LIGHT SHINES IN TO PART COMPANY NOT BY A SERIES OF GRADUAL STRUGGLES BUT BY AN HONEST ACT OF RENOUNCING MAINTAINED BY FAITH AND OBEDIENCE AND AS YOU MAKE THE DECISION UP TO YOUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE YOU MUST DETERMINE THAT THIS IS HENCEFORTH YOUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS ALL THAT IS NOT OF THE FATHER AS HIS GROWING LIGHT SHALL REVEAL IT FROM HIS SIDE GOD WILL COME IN WITH A BREATH OF HIS RESURRECTION POWER FOR THE CROSS AND THE EMPTY TOMB CANNOT BE LONG DIVIDED THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE CAN WORK NOW AS YOU DELIBERATELY LOOSE HOLD OF ALL CLINGING TO SIN THE EXPULSIVE POWER OF HIS WORKING WITHIN AND THE PLAY OF HIS WINDS AROUND WILL MAKE YOU FREE INDEED LIKE THOSE YOUNG SHOOTS WHEN LAST YEAR'S LEAVES HAVE FALLEN THIS BRINGS US TO THE POSITIVE SIDE FOR WHEN THE SENTENCE OF DEATH ON THE OLD NATURE IS REALIZED THE NEW NATURE CAN BE MANIFESTED" ], "begin_byte": 11312, "end_byte": 11518 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_163", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.039, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "In many cases, as in the chestnut, before a single old leaf has faded, next year's buds may be seen, at the summit of branch and twig, formed into its very likeness: in others the leaf buds seem to bear its mark by breaking through the stem blood red.", "IN MANY CASES AS IN THE CHESTNUT BEFORE A SINGLE OLD LEAF HAS FADED NEXT YEAR'S BUDS MAY BE SEEN AT THE SUMMIT OF BRANCH AND TWIG FORMED INTO ITS VERY LIKENESS IN OTHERS THE LEAF BUD SEEMED TO BEAR ITS MARK BY BREAKING THROUGH THE STEM BLOOD RED" ], "pre_texts": [ "re God's gate opened; and to that gate we come again and again, as our lives unfold, and through it pass even on earth to our joyful resurrection, to a life each time more abundant, for each time the dying is a deeper dying. The Christian life is a process of deliverance out of one world into another, and \"death,\" as has been truly said, \"is the only way out of any world in which we are.\" \"Death is the gate of life.\" Does it look so to us? Have we learnt to go down, once and again, into its gathering shadows in quietness and confidence, knowing that there is always \"a better resurrection\" beyond? It is in the stages of a plant's growth, its budding and blossoming and seed-bearing, that this lesson has come to me: the lesson of death in its delivering power. It has come as no mere far-fetched imagery, but as one of the many voices in which God speaks, bringing strength and gladness from His Holy Place. Can we not trace the sign of the Cross in the first hint of the new spring's dawning?", "MPH HOUR THAT WAS THE POINT WHERE GOD'S GATE OPENED AND TO THAT GATE WE COME AGAIN AND AGAIN AS OUR LIVES UNFOLD AND THROUGH IT PASS EVEN ON EARTH TO OUR JOYFUL RESURRECTION TO A LIFE EACH TIME MORE ABUNDANT FOR EACH TIME THE DYING IS A DEEPER DYING THE CHRISTIAN LIFE IS A PROCESS OF DELIVERANCE OUT OF ONE WORLD INTO ANOTHER AND DEATH AS HAS TRULY BEEN SAID IS THE ONLY WAY OUT OF ANY WORLD IN WHICH WE ARE DEATH IS THE GATE OF LIFE DOES IT LOOK SO TO US HAVE WE LEARNT TO GO DOWN ONCE AND AGAIN INTO ITS GATHERING SHADOWS AND QUIETNESS AND CONFIDENCE KNOWING THAT THERE IS ALWAYS A BETTER RESURRECTION BEYOND IT IS IN THE STAGES OF A PLANT'S GROWTH ITS BUDDING AND BLOSSOMING AND SEED BEARING THAT THIS LESSON HAS COME TO ME THE LESSON OF DEATH IN ITS DELIVERING POWER IT HAS COME AS NO MERE FAR FETCHED IMAGERY BUT AS ONE OF THE MANY VOICES IN WHICH GOD SPEAKS BRINGING STRENGTH AND GLADNESS FROM HIS HOLY PLACE CAN WE NOT TRACE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS IN THE FIRST HINT OF THE NEW SPRING'S DAWNING" ], "begin_byte": 2563, "end_byte": 2814 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 45601037, "duration": 2850.0648125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_187", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 23.04, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "It is when the sun goes out from our horizon to light up the dayspring in far away lands, that the glory of the day comes on: it is in the autumn, when the harvest is gathered and the fruit is stored for the use of man, that the glow of red and gold touches and transfigures bush and tree with a beauty that the summer days never knew.", "IT IS WHEN THE SUN GOES OUT FROM OUR HORIZON TO LIGHT UP THE DAY SPRING IN FAR AWAY LANDS THAT THE GLORY OF THE DAY COMES ON IT IS IN THE AUTUMN WHEN THE HARVEST IS GATHERED AND THE FRUIT IS STORED FOR THE USE OF MAN THAT THE GLOW OF RED AND GOLD TOUCHES AND TRANSFIGURES BUSH AND TREE WITH A BEAUTY THAT THE SUMMER DAYS NEVER KNEW" ], "pre_texts": [ "st's poverty that we are rich--\"as poor\" in their turn \"yet making many rich\" is the mark of those who follow His steps. Are we following His steps; are we? How the dark places of the earth are crying out for all the powers of giving and living and loving that are locked up in hearts at home! How the waste places are pleading dumbly for the treasure that lies there in abundance, stored as it were in the seedvessels of God's garden that have not been broken, not emptied for His world, not freed for His use. Shall we not free it all gladly.--It is not grudgingly or of necessity that the little caskets break up and scatter the seed, but with the cheerful giving that God loves. Have you ever noticed how often the emptied calyx grows into a diadem, and they stand crowned for their ministry as if they gloried in their power to give as the time draws near? Even here in measure the faithfulness unto death and the crown of life go together: even here, if we suffer, we shall also reign with Him.", "AT LAST IT IS THROUGH CHRIST'S POVERTY THAT WE ARE RICH AS POOR IN THEIR TURN YET MAKING MANY RICH IS THE MARK OF THOSE WHO FOLLOW HIS STEPS ARE WE FOLLOWING HIS STEPS ARE WE HOW THE DARK PLACES OF EARTH ARE CRYING OUT FOR ALL THE POWERS OF GIVING AND LIVING AND LOVING THAT ARE LOCKED UP IN HEARTS AT HOME HOW THE WASTE PLACES ARE PLEADING DUMBLY FOR THE TREASURE THAT LIES THERE IN ABUNDANCE STORED AS IT WERE IN THE SEED VESSELS OF GOD'S GARDEN THAT HAVE NOT BEEN BROKEN NOT EMPTIED FOR HIS WORLD NOT FREED FOR HIS USE SHALL WE NOT FREE IT ALL GLADLY IT IS NOT GRUDGINGLY OR OF NECESSITY THAT THE LITTLE CASKETS BREAK UP AND SCATTER THE SEED BUT WITH THE CHEERFUL GIVING THAT GOD LOVES HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED HOW OFTEN THE EMPTIED CALYX GROWS INTO A DIADEM AND THEY STAND CROWNED FOR THEIR MINISTRY AS IF THEY GLORIED IN THEIR POWER TO GIVE AS THE TIME DRAWS NEAR EVEN HERE IN MEASURE THE FAITHFULNESS UNTO DEATH AND THE CROWN OF LIFE GO TOGETHER EVEN HERE IF WE SUFFER WE SHALL ALSO REIGN WITH HIM" ], "begin_byte": 31459, "end_byte": 31794 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 45601037, "duration": 2850.0648125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_190", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 22.479, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "It is true that it is a rule that sometimes has exceptions: there are those to whom a blessed life of fruitfulness to God comes in a simple way, with seemingly no hard process of dying involved, just as there are plants that reproduce themselves by bulb and tuber, sucker and shoot, without going through the stripping and scattering that we have been watching.", "IT IS TRUE THAT IT IS A RULE THAT SOMETIMES HAS EXCEPTIONS THERE ARE THOSE TO WHOM A BLESSED LIFE OF FRUITFULNESS TO GOD COMES IN A SIMPLE WAY WITH SEEMINGLY NO HARD PROCESS OF DYING INVOLVED JUST AS THERE ARE PLANTS THAT REPRODUCE THEMSELVES BY BULB AND TUBER SUCCOR AND SHOOT WITHOUT GOING THROUGH THE STRIPPING AND SCATTERING THAT WE HAVE BEEN WATCHING" ], "pre_texts": [ "He should see His seed: and He leads His children in their little measure by the same road. Over and over the promise of seed is linked with sacrifice, as with Abraham and Rebekah and Ruth; those who at His bidding have forsaken all receive an hundred-fold more now in this time, for sacrifice is God's factor in His work of multiplying. \"Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.\" It is the poured-out life that God blesses--the life that heeds not itself, if only other souls may be won. \"Ask and it shall be given unto you\" is one of God's nursery lessons to His children. \"Give, and it shall be given unto you\" comes further on. The reason is this:--that into the being that is ready to let the self-life go, God the Holy Ghost can come and dwell and work unfettered; and by that indwelling He will manifest within us His wonderful Divine power of communicating vitality--of reproducing the image of Jesus in souls around.", " POURED FORTH HIS SOUL UNTO DEATH HE SHOULD SEE HIS SEED AND HE LEADS HIS CHILDREN IN THEIR LITTLE MEASURE BY THE SAME ROAD OVER AND OVER THE PROMISE OF SEED IS LINKED WITH SACRIFICE AS WITH ABRAHAM AND REBECCA AND RUTH THOSE WHO AT HIS BIDDING HAVE FORSAKEN ALL RECEIVE A HUNDREDFOLD MORE NOW IN THIS TIME FOR SACRIFICE IS GOD'S FACTOR IN HIS WORK OF MULTIPLYING EXCEPT A CORN OF WHEAT FALL TO THE GROUND AND DIE IT ABIDETH ALONE BUT IF IT DIE IT BRINGETH FORTH MUCH FRUIT IT IS THE POURED OUT LIFE THAT GOD BLESSES THE LIFE THAT HEEDS NOT ITSELF IF ONLY OTHER SOULS MAY BE WON ASK AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN TO YOU AS ONE OF GOD'S NURSERY LESSONS TO HIS CHILDREN GIVE AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU COMES FURTHER ON THE REASON IS THIS THAT INTO THE BEING THAT IS READY TO LET THE SELF LIFE GO GOD THE HOLY GHOST CAN COME AND DWELL AND WORK UNFETTERED AND BY THAT INDWELLING HE WILL MANIFEST WITHIN US HIS WONDERFUL DIVINE POWER OF COMMUNICATING VITALITY OF REPRODUCING THE IMAGE OF JESUS IN SOULS AROUND" ], "begin_byte": 33930, "end_byte": 34291 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 45601037, "duration": 2850.0648125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_191", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 23.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "If we are apprehending Christ's death in its delivering power, our homes will not be slow to find it out. * * * * * * * * O Jesus the Crucied I will follow Thee in thy path. Inspire me for the next step, whether it leads down into the shadow of death or up into the light.", "IF WE ARE APPREHENDING CHRIST'S DEATH IN ITS DELIVERING POWER OUR HOMES WILL NOT BE SLOW TO FIND IT OUT O CHRIST THE CRUCIFIED I WILL FOLLOW THEE IN THY PATH INSPIRE ME FOR THE NEXT STEP WHETHER IT LEADS DOWN INTO THE SHADOW OF DEATH OR UP INTO THE LIGHT" ], "pre_texts": [ "eem as if we should not taste of death, and as if the time left us to work and suffer for Him were growing very short; but if that last gate has to be passed before our spirits are sent free into the land of perfect life, God may use, by reason of the wonderful solidarity of His Church, the things that He has wrought in us, for the blessing of souls unknown to us: as these twigs and leaves of bygone years, whose individuality is forgotten, pass on vitality still to the new-born wood-sorrel. God only knows the endless possibilities that lie folded in each one of us! Shall we not let Him have His way? Shall we not go all lengths with Him in His plans for us--not, as these \"green things upon the earth\" in their unconsciousness, but with the glory of free choice? Shall we not translate the story of their little lives into our own? For all their teaching of surrender and sacrifice is no fanciful mysticism; it is a simple reality that can be tested at every turn--nay, that must be so tested.", "NS AROUND US MAKE IT SEEM AS IF WE SHOULD NOT TASTE OF DEATH AND AS IF THE TIME LEFT US TO WORK AND SUFFER FOR HIM WERE GROWING VERY SHORT BUT IF THAT LAST GATE HAS TO BE PASSED BEFORE OUR SPIRITS ARE SENT FREE INTO THE LAND OF PERFECT LIFE GOD MAY USE BY REASON OF THE WONDERFUL SOLIDARITY OF HIS CHURCH THE THINGS THAT HE HAS WROUGHT IN US FOR THE BLESSING OF SOULS UNKNOWN TO US AS THESE TWIGS AND LEAVES OF BY GONE YEARS WHOSE INDIVIDUALITY IS FORGOTTEN PASS ON VITALITY STILL TO THE NEW BORN WOOD SORREL GOD ONLY KNOWS THE ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES THAT LIE FOLDED IN EACH ONE OF US SHALL WE NOT LET HIM HAVE HIS WAY SHALL WE NOT GO ALL LENGTHS WITH HIM IN HIS PLANS FOR US NOT AS THESE GREEN THINGS UPON THE EARTH IN THEIR UNCONSCIOUSNESS BUT WITH THE GLORY OF FREE CHOICE SHALL WE NOT TRANSLATE THE STORY OF THEIR LITTLE LIVES INTO OUR OWN FOR ALL THEIR TEACHING OF SURRENDER AND SACRIFICE IS NO FANCIFUL MYSTICISM IT IS A SIMPLE REALITY THAT CAN BE TESTED AT EVERY TURN NAY THAT MUST BE SO TESTED" ], "begin_byte": 39060, "end_byte": 39332 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 45601037, "duration": 2850.0648125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_192", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 20.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "He can make every step of the path full of the triumph of gladness that glows in the golden leaves. Glory be to His Name! And the outcome, like the outcome of the autumn, is this: there is, a new power set free; a power of multiplying life around.", "HE CAN MAKE EVERY STEP OF THE PATH FULL OF THE TRIUMPH OF GLADNESS THAT GLOWS IN THE GOLDEN LEAVES GLORY BE TO HIS NAME AND THE OUTCOME LIKE THE OUTCOME OF THE AUTUMN IS THIS THERE IS A NEW POWER SET FREE A POWER OF MULTIPLYING LIFE AROUND" ], "pre_texts": [ ", when the harvest is gathered and the fruit is stored for the use of man, that the glow of red and gold touches and transfigures bush and tree with a beauty that the summer days never knew. So with us--The clear pure dawn of cleansing through the Blood--the sunrise gladness of resurrection life; the mid-day light and warmth of growth and service, all are good in their own order: but he who stops short there misses the crown of glory, before which the brightness of former days grows poor and cold. It is when the glow and radiance of a life delivered up to death begins to gather: a life poured forth to Jesus and for His sake to others--it is then that even the commonest things put on a new beauty, as in the sunset, for His life becomes \"manifest in our mortal flesh;\" a bloom comes on the soul like the bloom on the fruit as its hour of sacrifice arrives. Oh, that we may learn to die to all that is of self with this royal joyfulness that swallows up death in victory in God's world around!", " IT IS IN THE AUTUMN WHEN THE HARVEST IS GATHERED AND THE FRUIT IS STORED FOR THE USE OF MAN THAT THE GLOW OF RED AND GOLD TOUCHES AND TRANSFIGURES BUSH AND TREE WITH A BEAUTY THAT THE SUMMER DAYS NEVER KNEW SO WITH US THE CLEAR PURE DAWN OF CLEANSING THROUGH THE BLOOD THE SUNRISE GLADNESS OF RESURRECTION LIFE THE MID DAY LIGHT AND WARMTH OF GROWTH AND SERVICE ALL ARE GOOD IN THEIR OWN ORDER BUT HE WHO STOPS SHORT THERE MISSES THE CROWN OF GLORY BEFORE WHICH THE BRIGHTNESS OF FORMER DAYS GROWS POOR AND COLD IT IS WHEN THE GLOW AND RADIANCE OF A LIFE DELIVERED UP TO DEATH BEGINS TO GATHER A LIFE POURED FORTH TO JESUS AND FOR HIS SAKE TO OTHERS IT IS THEN THAT EVEN THE COMMONEST THINGS PUT ON A NEW BEAUTY AS IN THE SUNSET FOR HIS LIFE BECOMES MANIFEST IN OUR MORTAL FLESH A BLOOM COMES ON THE SOUL LIKE THE BLOOM ON THE FRUIT AS ITS HOUR OF SACRIFICE ARRIVES O THAT WE MAY LEARN TO DIE TO ALL THAT IS OF SELF WITH THIS ROYAL JOYFULNESS THAT SWALLOWS UP DEATH AND VICTORY IN GOD'S WORLD AROUND" ], "begin_byte": 32605, "end_byte": 32852 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 45601037, "duration": 2850.0648125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb_194", "recording_id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 26.319, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10173", "custom": { "texts": [ "The flowers that are bent on perfecting themselves, by becoming double, end in barrenness, and a like barrenness comes to the soul whose interests are all concentrated upon its own spiritual well being, heedless of the needs around. The true, ideal flower is the one that uses its gifts as means to an end; the brightness and sweetness are not for its own glory; they are but to attract the bees and butterflies that will fertilise and make it fruitful.", "LE AND IN BARRENNESS AND A LIKE BARRENNESS COMES TO THE SOUL WHOSE INTERESTS ARE ALL CONCENTRATED UPON ITS OWN SPIRITUAL WELL BEING HEEDLESS OF THE NEEDS AROUND THE TRUE IDEAL FLOWER IS THE ONE THAT USES ITS GIFTS AS A MEANS TO AN END THE BRIGHTNESS AND SWEETNESS ARE NOT FOR ITS OWN GLORY THEY ARE BUT TO ATTRACT THE BEES AND BUTTERFLIES THAT WILL FERTILIZE AND MAKE IT FRUITFUL" ], "pre_texts": [ "s most hopelessly unyielding, holding on through the spring days, alive and strong, it is then that the tiny buds appear that soon will clothe it with glory. Take the very hardest thing in your life--the place of difficulty, outward or inward, and expect God to triumph gloriously in that very spot. Just there He can bring your soul into blossom! * * * * * * * * And so the spring-time expands, till it passes once more into the shadow of Calvary. For the blessedness of receiving is not all that God has for us: a new world lies beyond--a world of giving: a giving first to God in surrender, then to man in sacrifice. A flower that stops short at its flowering misses its purpose. We were created for more than our own spiritual development; reproduction, not mere development, is the goal of matured being--reproduction in other lives. There is a tendency in some characters, running parallel to the high cultivation that spends its whole energy on the production of bloom at the expense of seed. ", " HOLDING ON THROUGH THE SPRING DAYS ALIVE AND STRONG IT IS THEN THAT THE TINY BUDS APPEAR THAT SOON WILL CLOTHE IT WITH GLORY TAKE THE VERY HARDEST THING IN YOUR LIFE THE PLACE OF DIFFICULTY OUTWARD OR INWARD AND EXPECT GOD TO TRIUMPH GLORIOUSLY IN THAT VERY SPOT JUST THERE HE CAN BRING YOUR SOUL INTO BLOSSOM AND SO THE SPRINGTIME EXPANDS TILL IT PASSES ONCE MORE INTO THE SHADOW OF CALVARY FOR THE BLESSEDNESS OF RECEIVING IS NOT ALL THAT GOD HAS FOR US A NEW WORLD LIES BEYOND A WORLD OF GIVING A GIVING FIRST TO GOD IN SURRENDER THEN TO MAN AND SACRIFICE A FLOWER THAT STOPS SHORT AT ITS FLOWERING MISSES ITS PURPOSE WE WERE CREATED FOR MORE THAN OUR OWN SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT REPRODUCTION NOT MERE DEVELOPMENT IS THE GOAL OF MATURED BEING REPRODUCTION AND OTHER LIVES THERE IS A TENDENCY IN SOME CHARACTERS RUNNING PARALLEL TO THE HIGH CULTIVATION THAT SPENDS ITS WHOLE ENERGY ON THE PRODUCTION OF BLOOM AT THE EXPENSE OF SEED THE FLOWERS THAT ARE BENT ON PERFECTING THEMSELVES BY BECOMING DOUB" ], "begin_byte": 16236, "end_byte": 16688 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10173/parablesofthecross_1511_librivox_64kb_mp3/parablesofthecross_1_trotter_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 45601037, "duration": 2850.0648125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_01_garis_64kb_0", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_01_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.16, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "Anyhow the pigs I am going to tell you about were very different from most pigs, and they had some very funny adventures.", "ANYHOW THE PIGS I AM GOING TO TELL YOU ABOUT WERE VERY DIFFERENT FROM MOST PIGS AND THEY HAD SOME VERY FUNNY ADVENTURES" ], "pre_texts": [ "Mr. Twistytail's Lost Hat Mother Twistytail's New Bonnet Curly and the Sour Milk Flop and the Pie Lady The Piggies and the Jelly Flop and the Marshmallows The Piggies and the Fish Curly and the Afraid Girl The Piggies At the Party Floppy and the Bonfire Flop and the Skate Wagon Pinky and the Lemon The Piggies and Santa Claus Floppy and the Stockings The Twistytails' Christmas STORY I CURLY TWISTYTAIL IS NAMED Once upon a time, not so very many years ago, in the days when there were fairies and giants and all things like that, there lived in a little house, on the edge of a wood, a family of pigs. Now these pigs weren't like the pigs, which perhaps you children have seen on most farms. No, indeed! They were just the nicest cleanest, sweetest pigs you ever dreamed of--not that pigs on a farm can't be clean, if they want to, but, somehow or other, no one seems to have time to see that they are clean. I guess it would take some one like Jennie Chipmunk to sweep and dust their pen for them.", " SECTION ONE OF CURLY AND FLOPPY TWISTY TALE THIS IS A LIBER BOX RECORDING ALL LIVERPOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVOX DOT ORG CURLY AND FLOPPY TWISTY TALE BY HOWARD R GERRIS STORY ONE CURLY TWISTY TALE IS NAMED ONCE UPON A TIME NOT SO VERY MANY YEARS AGO IN THE DAYS WHEN THERE WERE FAIRIES AND GIANTS AND ALL THINGS LIKE THAT THERE LIVED IN A LITTLE HOUSE ON THE EDGE OF A WOOD A FAMILY OF PIGS NOW THESE PIGS WEREN'T LIKE THE PIGS WHICH PERHAPS YOU CHILDREN HAVE SEEN ON MOST FARMS NO INDEED THEY WERE JUST THE NICEST CLEANEST SWEETEST PIGS YOU EVER DREAMED OF NOT THAT PIGS ON A FM CAN'T BE CLEAN IF THEY WANT TO BUT SOMEHOW OR OTHER NO ONE SEEMS TO HAVE TIME TO SEE THAT THEY ARE CLEAN I GUESS IT WOULD TAKE SOME ONE LIKE JENNIE CHIPMUNK TO SWEEP AND DUST THEIR PEN FOR THEM" ], "begin_byte": 2548, "end_byte": 2669 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_01_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_01_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9050924, "duration": 565.68275, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_01_garis_64kb_13", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_01_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.639, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "So they just said \"Here sonny!\" or \"Hi, Bubby,\" whenever they wanted them to come in, or eat their dinner.", "SO THEY JUST SAID HERE SONNY OR HI BUBBY WHENEVER THEY WANTED THEM TO COME IN OR TO EAT THEIR DINNER" ], "pre_texts": [ "wood, a family of pigs. Now these pigs weren't like the pigs, which perhaps you children have seen on most farms. No, indeed! They were just the nicest cleanest, sweetest pigs you ever dreamed of--not that pigs on a farm can't be clean, if they want to, but, somehow or other, no one seems to have time to see that they are clean. I guess it would take some one like Jennie Chipmunk to sweep and dust their pen for them. Anyhow the pigs I am going to tell you about were very different from most pigs, and they had some very funny adventures. First, there was the papa pig, and his name was Mr. Archibald Twistytail though no one ever called him anything but Mr. Twistytail except maybe his wife, when he forgot to bring up a scuttle of coal so she could do the washing. And then, of course there was Mrs. Twistytail--she was the mamma pig. And there were two little boy pigs, and for a time they didn't have any names, as their papa and mamma were so busy that they couldn't think what to call them.", "USE ON THE EDGE OF A WOOD A FAMILY OF PIGS NOW THESE PIGS WEREN'T LIKE THE PIGS WHICH PERHAPS YOU CHILDREN HAVE SEEN ON MOST FARMS NO INDEED THEY WERE JUST THE NICEST CLEANEST SWEETEST PIGS YOU EVER DREAMED OF NOT THAT PIGS ON A FM CAN'T BE CLEAN IF THEY WANT TO BUT SOMEHOW OR OTHER NO ONE SEEMS TO HAVE TIME TO SEE THAT THEY ARE CLEAN I GUESS IT WOULD TAKE SOME ONE LIKE JENNIE CHIPMUNK TO SWEEP AND DUST THEIR PEN FOR THEM ANYHOW THE PIGS I AM GOING TO TELL YOU ABOUT WERE VERY DIFFERENT FROM MOST PIGS AND THEY HAD SOME VERY FUNNY ADVENTURES FIRST THERE WAS THE PAPA PIG AND HIS NAME WAS MISTER ARCHIBALD TWISTYTAIL THOUGH NO ONE EVER CALLED HIM ANYTHING BUT MISTER TWISTYTAIL EXCEPT MAYBEA'S WIFE WHEN HE FORGOT TO BRING UP A SCUTTLE OF COAL SO SHE COULD DO THE WASHING AND THEN OF COURSE THERE WAS MISSUS TWISTYTAIL SHE WAS THE MAMMA PIG AND THERE WERE TWO LITTLE BOY PIGS AND FOR A TIME THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY NAMES AS THEIR PAPA AND MAMMA WERE SO BUSY THAT THEY COULDN'T THINK WHAT TO CALL THEM" ], "begin_byte": 3128, "end_byte": 3234 } } ]
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{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_01_garis_64kb_32", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_01_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.159, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "And then, all of a sudden, there was a rustling in the bushes, and the little pig, who was tied by his tail to the fence, thought it was the bear coming back.", "AND THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN THERE WAS A RUSTLING IN THE BUSHES AND THE LITTLE PIG WHO WAS TIED BY HIS TAIL TO THE FENCE THOUGHT IT WAS THE BEAR COMING BACK" ], "pre_texts": [ "ly in his paws. Pretty soon the bear came to his den. Then he said: \"Let me see, now. I must have some apple sauce to go with my roast pork dinner. I'll just tie this little pig to the fence while I go off and get some apples to make into sauce. I can cook the apples and the pig on the same fire.\" Then the bear looked blinkingly at the little pig, and said: \"Let me see. How can I tie him to the fence? Oh, I know, by his tail. I'll just fasten him by his tail.\" And that's what he did, tying the poor little piggie to the fence by his tail, with a piece of wild grape vine for a string. And the bear wound the grape vine string, that was fast to the little pig's tail around and around the round rail of the fence. Then the bear went off after apples for sauce. Well, of course the poor little pig felt very badly, and he didn't know what to do. He even cried a little bit, but I'm sure you won't blame him for that, will you? And he said: \"Oh, I wish my little brother was here. He might help me!", "BECAUSE THE BEAR HELD HIM SO TIGHTLY IN HIS PAWS PRETTY SOON THE BEAR CAME TO HIS DEN THEN HE SAID LET ME SEE NOW I MUST HAVE SOME APPLE SAUCE TO GO WITH MY ROAST PORK DINNER I'LL JUST TIE THIS LITTLE PIG TO THE FENCE WHILE I GO OFF AND GET SOME APPLES TO MAKE INTO SAUCE I CAN COOK THE APPLES AND THE PIG ON THE SAME FIRE THEN THE BEAR LOOKED BLINKINGLY AT THE LITTLE PIG AND SAID LET ME SEE HOW CAN I TIE HIM TO THE FENCE OH I KNOW BY HIS TAIL I'LL JUST FASTEN HIM BY HIS TAIL AND THAT'S WHAT HE DID TYING THE POOR LITTLE PIGGY TO THE FENCE BY HIS TAIL WITH A PIECE OF WILD GRAPE VINE FOR A STRING AND THE BEAR WOUND THE GREAT FINE STRING THAT WAS FAST TO THE LITTLE BIG PIG'S TAIL AROUND AND AROUND THE ROUND RAIL OF THE FENCE THEN THE BEAR WENT OFF AFTER APPLES FOR SAUCE WELL OF COURSE THE POOR LITTLE PIG FELT VERY BADLY AND HE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO HE EVEN CRIED A LITTLE BIT BUT I'M SURE YOU WON'T BLAME HIM FOR THAT WILL YOU AND HE SAID OH I WISH MY LITTLE BROTHER WAS HERE HE MIGHT HELP ME" ], "begin_byte": 7513, "end_byte": 7672 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_01_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_01_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9050924, "duration": 565.68275, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_02_garis_64kb_11", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_02_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.079, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "On they went together. Curly and his brother who hadn't any name, except that sometimes people called him \"Bub,\" or maybe \"Son,\" or even \"Hey, Johnnie!\" though that wasn't his real name at all.", "ON THEY WENT TOGETHER CURLY AND HIS BROTHER WHO HADN'T ANY NAME EXCEPT THAT SOMETIMES PEOPLE CALLED HIM BUB OR MAYBE'S SON OR EVEN HEY JOHNNY THOUGH THAT WASN'T HIS REAL NAME AT ALL" ], "pre_texts": [ " a sofa cushion, I'll tell you next how the other little pig got his name. STORY II FLOPPY GETS HIS NAME One day, oh, I guess it must have been about a week after Curly Twistytail, the little pig boy, had the adventure with the bear, and his brother rescued him, as I told you in the story before this one,--one day Curly's brother, who hadn't any name as yet, said: \"Oh, Curly, let's go out for another walk, and maybe something will happen to us.\" \"All right,\" agreed Curly, \"only I hope a bear doesn't happen. It's no fun to think you're going to be turned into roast pork and eaten with apple sauce,\" for that is what the bear was going to do, you know. So off the two little pig brothers started, and their mamma called after them: \"Now, stay together. Don't go one on one path, and one on another, as you did before, and have trouble. Stay together, and help one another.\" \"We will!\" they answered, and really they meant to, but, you see, little pigs sometimes forget, just as real children do.", "OMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIVERPOX DOT ORG CURLY AND FLOPPY TWISTY TALE BY HOWARD R GERRIS STORY TWO FLOPPY GETS HIS NAME ONE DAY OH I GUESS IT MUST HAVE BEEN ABOUT A WEEK AFTER CURLY TWISTY TAIL THE LITTLE PIG BOY HAD THE ADVENTURE WITH THE BEAR AND HIS BROTHER RESCUED HIM AS I TOLD YOU IN THE STORY BEFORE THIS ONE ONE DAY CURLY'S BROTHER WHO HADN'T ANY NAME AS YET SAID OH CURLY LET'S GO OUT FOR ANOTHER WALK AND MAYBE SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN TO US ALL RIGHT AGREED CURLY ONLY I HOPE A BEAR DOESN'T HAPPEN IT'S NO FUN TO THINK YOU'RE GOING TO BE TURNED INTO ROAST PORK AND EATEN WITH APPLE SAUCE FOR THAT IS WHAT THE BEAR WAS GOING TO DO YOU KNOW SO OFF THE TWO LITTLE PIG BROTHERS STARTED AND THEIR MAMMA CALLED AFTER THEM NOW STAY TOGETHER DON'T GO ONE ON ONE PATH AND ONE ON ANOTHER AS YOU DID BEFORE AND HAVE TROUBLE STAY TOGETHER AND HELP ONE ANOTHER WE WILL THEY ANSWERED AND REALLY THEY MEANT TO BUT YOU SEE LITTLE PIGS SOMETIMES FORGET JUST AS REAL CHILDREN DO" ], "begin_byte": 10071, "end_byte": 10264 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_02_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_02_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8680611, "duration": 542.5381875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_02_garis_64kb_25", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_02_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.52, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "But the two brothers couldn't agree, so Curly went in the red store and his brother in the blue one.", "BUT THE TWO BROTHERS COULDN'T AGREE SO CURLY WENT IN THE RED STORE AND HIS BROTHER IN THE BLUE ONE" ], "pre_texts": [ " that he and his brother could buy a lollypop, and that wish came true, if you will kindly believe me. For the old gentleman pig did find two pennies. \"There now, boys,\" he said, \"run along to the candy store. And maybe you can buy a name for yourself,\" and he playfully pulled the ears of Curly's brother. Then Grandpa Squealer sneezed again and walked on, and so did the two boy pigs. \"I'm going to buy a corn lollypop,\" said Curly. \"I think I'll buy a sour-milk one,\" said his brother, for you know little pigs, and big ones, too, like sour milk as much as you like yours sweet. Isn't that funny? So they walked on together, talking of different things, and pretty soon they came to a place where there were two stores. One was painted red and the other was painted blue. \"I'm going in the red store for my lollypop,\" said Curly. \"Oh, let's go in the blue one,\" suggested his brother. \"Maybe I can buy a name for myself in there. I am tired of being called 'Bub' and 'Johnny,' and names like that.", "WISHED THAT GRANDPA SQUEALER WOULD FIND A PENNY SO THAT HE AND HIS BROTHER COULD BUY A LOLLYPOP AND THAT WISH CAME TRUE IF YOU WILL KINDLY BELIEVE ME FOR THE OLD GENTLEMAN PIG DID FIND TWO PENNIES THERE NOW BOYS HE SAID RUN ALONG TO THE CANDY STORE AND MAYBE YOU CAN BUY A NAME FOR YOURSELF AND HE PLAYFULLY PULLED THE EARS OF CURLY'S BROTHER THEN GRANDPA SQUEALER SNEEZED AGAIN AND WALKED ON AND SO DID THE TWO BOY PIGS I'M GOING TO BUY A CORN LOLLYPOP SAID CURLY I THINK I'LL BUY A SOUR MILK ONE SAID HIS BROTHER FOR YOU KNOW LITTLE PIGS AND BIG ONES TOO LIKE SOUR MILK AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE YOUR SWEET ISN'T THAT FUNNY SO THEY WALKED ON TOGETHER TALKING OF DIFFERENT THINGS AND PRETTY SOON THEY CAME TO A PLACE WHERE THERE WERE TWO STORES ONE WAS PAINTED RED AND THE OTHER WAS PAINTED BLUE I'M GOING IN THE RED STORE FOR MY LILLYPOP SAID CURLY OH LET'S GO IN THE BLUE ONE SUGGESTED HIS BROTHER MAYBE I CAN BUY A NAME FOR MYSELF IN THERE I AM TIRED OF BEING CALLED BUB AND JOHNNIE AND NAMES LIKE THAT" ], "begin_byte": 12157, "end_byte": 12258 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_02_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_02_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8680611, "duration": 542.5381875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_02_garis_64kb_36", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_02_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.839, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Oh! Oh! Oh!\" howled piggie. \"I'm caught! Oh let me go. Please let me go!\" \"Yes, let go of him at once, you naughty boy!\" cried the doggie's mamma, as she made a grab for his tail.", "OH OH OH HOWLED PIGGY I'M CAUGHT OH LET ME GO PLEASE LET ME GO YES YOU LET GO OF HIM AT ONCE YOU NAUGHTY BOY CRIED THE DOGGY'S MAMMA AS SHE MADE A GRAB FOR HIS TAIL" ], "pre_texts": [ "'t want to be called Cocoanut Kisses, nor yet Lollypops, nor even Tootsie Rolls. Oh dear! I wish I could get a name such as my brother Curly has. But maybe I will some day. And now, if you please, I'll have a sour-milk lollypop.\" So the old lady dog storekeeper gave it to the little pig boy, and he handed her his penny. He was just taking the paper off the lollypop, and was going to eat it--the lollypop, not the paper, you understand--and go out and see if his brother had come out of the red store, when, all of a sudden, a little puppy dog boy who had just come in from school saw the pig boy in the store, and right at him he sprang with a bow wow bark. \"Here! Come back!\" cried the lady storekeeper who was the mother of the puppy dog boy. \"Let that little pig alone.\" \"I'm only going to play tag with him,\" answered the puppy dog, and with that he sprang at the piggie and caught him by the ear. He really didn't mean to, but his teeth closed fast on poor piggie's ear, and there they stuck.", " OF THOSE NAMES FOR MYSELF I WOULDN'T WANT TO BE CALLED COCOA NUT KISSES NOR YET LOLLYPOPS NOR EVEN TOOTSY ROLLS OH DEAR I WISH I COULD GET A NAME SUCH AS MY BROTHER CURLY HAS BUT MAYBE I WILL SOME DAY AND NOW IF YOU PLEASE I'LL HAVE A SOUR MILK LILLYPOP SO THE OLD LADY DOG STOREKEEPER GAVE IT TO THE LITTLE PIG BOY AND HE HANDED HER HIS PENNY HE WAS JUST TAKING THE PAPER OFF THE LILLYPOP AND WAS GOING TO EAT IT THE LILLYPOP NOT THE PAPER YOU UNDERSTAND AND GO OUT AND SEE IF HIS BROTHER HAD COME OUT OF THE RED STORE WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN A LITTLE PUPPY DOG BOY WHO HAD JUST COME IN FROM SCHOOL SAW THE PIG BOY IN THE STORE AND RIGHT AT HIM HE SPRANG WITH A BOW WOW BARK HERE COME BACK HERE CRIED THE LADY STOREKEEPER WHO WAS THE MOTHER OF THE LITTLE PUPPY DOG BOY LET THAT PIG ALONE I'M ONLY GOING TO PLAY TAG WITH HIM ANSWERED THE PUPPY DOG AND WITH THAT HE SPRANG AT THE PIGGY AND CAUGHT HIM BY THE EAR HE REALLY DIDN'T MEAN TO BUT HIS TEETH CLOSED FAST ON POOR PIGGY'S EAR AND THERE THEY STUCK" ], "begin_byte": 13948, "end_byte": 14128 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_02_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_02_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8680611, "duration": 542.5381875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_03_garis_64kb_10", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_03_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.4, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"No, indeed, I will not!\" exclaimed the fox. \"Your rubber ball hit me right on the nose when it came down, and I caught it. And, just for that, I am going to carry you away with me and make a pork pie of you!\"", "NO INDEED I WILL NOT EXCLAIMED THE FOX YOUR RUBBER BALL HIT ME RIGHT ON THE NOSE WHEN IT CAME DOWN AND I CAUGHT IT AND JUST FOR THAT I AM GOING TO CARRY YOU AWAY WITH ME AND MAKE A PORK PIE OF YOU" ], "pre_texts": [ "ounce my rubber ball,\" she went on, \"and you boys can play soldier.\" So she bounced her ball that Grandfather Squealer had given her, while Curly and Floppy as I'll call him for short, made a fort out of cobs from which they had gnawed all the corn, and they had a fine time. They were off playing in the woods, while Pinky stayed near the house. She was hoping her mamma would soon have the apple pie baked and would call her in and give her a piece, when, all of a sudden, as Pinky bounced her ball, it went high in the air, but it didn't come down again right away. \"My! What can have happened?\" thought little Pinky, and she looked around, and there she saw a great big fuzzy fox, standing behind her. And the fox cried out, as he rubbed his nose: \"Did you hit me with that rubber ball?\" \"Yes--yes--perhaps I did,\" said poor Baby Pinky, trembling so that she nearly shook the curl out of her tail. \"I tossed my ball up in the air, but I'm sure I didn't mean to hit you with it. Please forgive me.", " COLOR OF THE INSIDE OF A SHINY SEASHELL I'LL BOUNCE MY RUBBER BALL SHE WENT ON AND YOU BOYS CAN PLAY SOLDIER SO SHE BOUNCED HER BALL THAT GRANDFATHER SQUEALER HAD GIVEN HER WHILE CURLY AND FLOPPY AS I'LL CALL HIM FOR SHORT MADE A FORT OUT OF COBS FROM WHICH THEY HAD GNAWED ALL THE CORN AND THEY HAD A FINE TIME THEY WERE OFF PLAYING IN THE WOODS WHILE PINKY STAYED NEAR THE HOUSE SHE WAS HOPING HER MAMMA WOULD SOON HAVE THE APPLE PIE BAKED AND WOULD CALL HER IN AND GIVE HER A PIECE WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN AS PINKY BOUNCED HER BALL IT WENT HIGH IN THE AIR BUT IT DIDN'T COME DOWN RIGHT AWAY MY WHAT CAN HAVE HAPPENED THOUGHT LITTLE PINKY AND SHE LOOKED AROUND AND THERE SHE SAW A GREAT BIG FUZZY FOX STANDING BEHIND HER AND THE FOX CRIED OUT AS HE RUBBED HIS NOSE DID YOU HIT ME WITH THAT RUBBER BALL YES YES PERHAPS I DID SAID POOR BABY PINKY TREMBLING SO THAT SHE NEARLY SHOOK THE CURL OUT OF HER TAIL I TOSSED MY BALL UP IN THE AIR BUT I AM SURE I DIDN'T MEAN TO HIT YOU WITH IT PLEASE FORGIVE ME" ], "begin_byte": 18781, "end_byte": 18991 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_03_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_03_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8500472, "duration": 531.2795, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_03_garis_64kb_18", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_03_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.16, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "And Curly and Floppy were shooting off their make believe guns, and making so much noise in the woods that they couldn't hear, and there was the fox about to carry off the poor little piggie girl to his den. Oh, wasn't it terrible?", "AND CURLY AND FLOPPY WERE SHOOTING OFF THEIR MAKE BELIEVE GUNS AND MAKING SO MUCH NOISE IN THE WOODS THAT THEY COULDN'T HEAR AND THERE WAS THE FOX ABOUT TO CARRY OFF POOR LITTLE PIGGY GIRL TO HIS DEN OH WASN'T IT TERRIBLE" ], "pre_texts": [ ", as Pinky bounced her ball, it went high in the air, but it didn't come down again right away. \"My! What can have happened?\" thought little Pinky, and she looked around, and there she saw a great big fuzzy fox, standing behind her. And the fox cried out, as he rubbed his nose: \"Did you hit me with that rubber ball?\" \"Yes--yes--perhaps I did,\" said poor Baby Pinky, trembling so that she nearly shook the curl out of her tail. \"I tossed my ball up in the air, but I'm sure I didn't mean to hit you with it. Please forgive me.\" \"No, indeed, I will not!\" exclaimed the fox. \"Your rubber ball hit me right on the nose when it came down, and I caught it. And, just for that, I am going to carry you away with me and make a pork pie of you!\" \"Oh, please don't!\" begged Pinky, shaking more than ever, and she squealed as loudly as she could, but her mamma did not hear her, for she was beating up some eggs to make a cake, and the egg beater made so much noise that she couldn't hear her own little girl.", "ULD CALL HER IN AND GIVE HER A PIECE WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN AS PINKY BOUNCED HER BALL IT WENT HIGH IN THE AIR BUT IT DIDN'T COME DOWN RIGHT AWAY MY WHAT CAN HAVE HAPPENED THOUGHT LITTLE PINKY AND SHE LOOKED AROUND AND THERE SHE SAW A GREAT BIG FUZZY FOX STANDING BEHIND HER AND THE FOX CRIED OUT AS HE RUBBED HIS NOSE DID YOU HIT ME WITH THAT RUBBER BALL YES YES PERHAPS I DID SAID POOR BABY PINKY TREMBLING SO THAT SHE NEARLY SHOOK THE CURL OUT OF HER TAIL I TOSSED MY BALL UP IN THE AIR BUT I AM SURE I DIDN'T MEAN TO HIT YOU WITH IT PLEASE FORGIVE ME NO INDEED I WILL NOT EXCLAIMED THE FOX YOUR RUBBER BALL HIT ME RIGHT ON THE NOSE WHEN IT CAME DOWN AND I CAUGHT IT AND JUST FOR THAT I AM GOING TO CARRY YOU AWAY WITH ME AND MAKE A PORK PIE OF YOU OH PLEASE DON'T BEGGED PINKY SHAKING MORE THAN EVER AND SHE SQUEALED AS LOUDLY AS SHE COULD BUT HER MAMMA DID NOT HEAR HER FOR SHE WAS BEATING UP SOME EGGS TO MAKE A CAKE AND THE EGG BEATER MADE SO MUCH NOISE THAT SHE COULDN'T HEAR HER OWN LITTLE GIRL" ], "begin_byte": 19254, "end_byte": 19485 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_03_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_03_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8500472, "duration": 531.2795, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_03_garis_64kb_28", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_03_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.359, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Yes yes perhaps I did,\" said poor Baby Pinky, trembling so that she nearly shook the curl out of her tail. \"I tossed my ball up in the air, but I'm sure I didn't mean to hit you with it. Please forgive me.\"", "YES YES PERHAPS I DID SAID POOR BABY PINKY TREMBLING SO THAT SHE NEARLY SHOOK THE CURL OUT OF HER TAIL I TOSSED MY BALL UP IN THE AIR BUT I AM SURE I DIDN'T MEAN TO HIT YOU WITH IT PLEASE FORGIVE ME" ], "pre_texts": [ ", \"all soldiers have to shoot guns! You couldn't be a soldier with a gun that didn't make any noise.\" \"Then I'm not going to play,\" said Pinky, who was just the color of the inside of a shiny sea shell. \"I'll bounce my rubber ball,\" she went on, \"and you boys can play soldier.\" So she bounced her ball that Grandfather Squealer had given her, while Curly and Floppy as I'll call him for short, made a fort out of cobs from which they had gnawed all the corn, and they had a fine time. They were off playing in the woods, while Pinky stayed near the house. She was hoping her mamma would soon have the apple pie baked and would call her in and give her a piece, when, all of a sudden, as Pinky bounced her ball, it went high in the air, but it didn't come down again right away. \"My! What can have happened?\" thought little Pinky, and she looked around, and there she saw a great big fuzzy fox, standing behind her. And the fox cried out, as he rubbed his nose: \"Did you hit me with that rubber ball?", "HOOT OFF ANY GUNS I'LL PLAY POOH EXCLAIMED CURLY ALL SOLDIERS HAVE TO SHOOT GUNS YOU COULDN'T BE A SOLDIER WITH A GUN THAT DIDN'T MAKE ANY NOISE THEN I'M NOT GOING TO PLAY SAID PINKY WHO WAS JUST THE COLOR OF THE INSIDE OF A SHINY SEASHELL I'LL BOUNCE MY RUBBER BALL SHE WENT ON AND YOU BOYS CAN PLAY SOLDIER SO SHE BOUNCED HER BALL THAT GRANDFATHER SQUEALER HAD GIVEN HER WHILE CURLY AND FLOPPY AS I'LL CALL HIM FOR SHORT MADE A FORT OUT OF COBS FROM WHICH THEY HAD GNAWED ALL THE CORN AND THEY HAD A FINE TIME THEY WERE OFF PLAYING IN THE WOODS WHILE PINKY STAYED NEAR THE HOUSE SHE WAS HOPING HER MAMMA WOULD SOON HAVE THE APPLE PIE BAKED AND WOULD CALL HER IN AND GIVE HER A PIECE WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN AS PINKY BOUNCED HER BALL IT WENT HIGH IN THE AIR BUT IT DIDN'T COME DOWN RIGHT AWAY MY WHAT CAN HAVE HAPPENED THOUGHT LITTLE PINKY AND SHE LOOKED AROUND AND THERE SHE SAW A GREAT BIG FUZZY FOX STANDING BEHIND HER AND THE FOX CRIED OUT AS HE RUBBED HIS NOSE DID YOU HIT ME WITH THAT RUBBER BALL" ], "begin_byte": 18571, "end_byte": 18781 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_03_garis_64kb_33", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_03_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.84, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "You see, after the bear had tied Curly to the fence and made his tail all frizzy like, all the other pigs, including Pinky and Floppy wanted their tails to curl also, and their mamma had to do it for them, twisting them around the rolling pin.", "YOU SEE AFTER THE BEAR HAD TIED CURLY TO THE FENCE AND MADE HIS TAIL ALL FRIZZY LIKE ALL THE OTHER PIGS INCLUDING PINKY AND FLOPPY WANTED THEIR TAILS TO CURL ALSO AND THEIR MAMMA HAD TO DO IT FOR THEM TWISTING THEM AROUND THE ROLLING PIN" ], "pre_texts": [ "ith cornmeal stirred in it, \"now, children, run out and play. I have the sweeping and dusting to do, and then I am going to make an apple pie.\" \"Oh, goodie!\" cried Curly. \"Do you want us to help you, mamma?\" \"No, I'm afraid you would eat more apples than you would put in the pie,\" said Mrs. Twistytail with a laugh. \"Run along now.\" \"Come on Curly,\" said Floppy and he ran out and turned a somersault, even though it was near winter, for he felt happy, now that he had a name and didn't have to be called \"Bub\" or \"Johnny\" or something like that. \"What shall we do?\" asked Curly. \"Let's build a fort and play soldier,\" suggested Floppy. \"Pinky can be a prisoner and we'll make believe capture her, and then we'll rescue her, and shoot off make-believe guns, and--\" \"No--No!\" cried Baby Pinky, as she tried to stand up on the end of her twisty tail, but she couldn't, for it was too slimpsy and not stiff enough. She fell down, but her brothers picked her up, and then the curl came back in her tail.", "AND FLOPPY AND BABY PINKY THEIR BREAKFAST OF SOUR MILK WITH CORN MEAL STIRRED IN IT NOW CHILDREN RUN OUT AND PLAY I HAVE THE SWEEPING AND DUSTING TO DO AND THEN I AM GOING TO MAKE AN APPLE PIE OH GOODY CRIED CURLY DO YOU WANT US TO HELP YOU MAMMA NO I AM AFRAID YOU WOULD EAT MORE APPLES THAN YOU WOULD PUT IN THE PIE SAID MISSUS TWISTYTAIL WITH A LAUGH RUN ALONG NOW COME ON CURLY SAID FLOPPY AND HE RAN OUT AND TURNED A SOMERSAULT EVEN THOUGH IT WAS NEAR WINTER FOR HE FELT HAPPY NOW THAT HE HAD A NAME AND DIDN'T HAVE TO BE CALLED BUB OR JOHNNY OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT WHAT SHALL WE DO ASKED CURLY LET'S BUILD A FORT AND PLAY SOLDIER SUGGESTED FLOPPY PINKY CAN BE A PRISONER AND WILL MAKE BELIEVE CAPTURE HER AND THEN WE'LL RESCUE HER AND SHOOT OFF MAKE BELIEVE GUNS AND NO NO CRIED BABY PINKY AS SHE TRIED TO STAND UP ON THE END OF HER TWISTY TAIL BUT SHE COULDN'T FOR IT WAS TOO SLIMPSY AND WAS NOT STIFF ENOUGH SHE FELL DOWN BUT HER BROTHERS PICKED HER UP AND THEN THE CURL CAME BACK IN HER TAIL" ], "begin_byte": 16994, "end_byte": 17237 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_03_garis_64kb_36", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_03_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "I have the sweeping and dusting to do, and then I am going to make an apple pie.\" \"Oh, goodie!\" cried Curly. \"Do you want us to help you, mamma?\"", "I HAVE THE SWEEPING AND DUSTING TO DO AND THEN I AM GOING TO MAKE AN APPLE PIE OH GOODY CRIED CURLY DO YOU WANT US TO HELP YOU MAMMA" ], "pre_texts": [ "I'll give you an ice cream cone.\" And just then Grandfather Squealer came past, and he saw Curly's little brother, with his ear hanging down, going flippity-flop, and the old gentleman said: \"Oh ho! I think I will call you Flopear, or Floppy for short. That is a good name, and it just fits you.\" And so after that the second little pig was always called Floppy for his ear never stood up again but always hung down like a bell clapper. But the salve soon made it well, and the storekeeper lady gave Floppy and Curly each an ice cream cone. So that's all now, if you please, but in case the butcherman doesn't throw the loaf of bread at the candlestick and scare the lamp chimney I'll tell you in the story after this about Pinky Twistytail's rubber ball. STORY III PINKY'S RUBBER BALL. \"Now, children,\" exclaimed Mrs. Twistytail, the pig lady, one morning, when she had given Curly and Floppy and Baby Pinky their breakfast of sour milk with cornmeal stirred in it, \"now, children, run out and play.", " SECTION THREE OF CURLY AND FLOPPY TWISTY TALE THIS IS A LIBERVOX RECORDING ALL LIVERPOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVOX DOT ORG CURLY AND FLOPPY TWISTY TALE BY HOWARD R GERRIS STORY THREE PINKY'S RUBBER BALL NOW CHILDREN EXCLAIMED MISSUS TWISTY TALE THE PIG LADY ONE MORNING WHEN SHE HAD GIVEN CURLY AND FLOPPY AND BABY PINKY THEIR BREAKFAST OF SOUR MILK WITH CORN MEAL STIRRED IN IT NOW CHILDREN RUN OUT AND PLAY" ], "begin_byte": 16055, "end_byte": 16200 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_04_garis_64kb_16", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_04_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.279, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"My goodness me! sakes alive and a corn cob,\" exclaimed Mrs. Twistytail. \"The children must have done this to help me.", "MY GOODNESS ME SAKES ALIVE AND A CORN COB EXCLAIMED MISSUS TWISTYTAIL THE CHILDREN MUST HAVE DONE THIS TO HELP ME" ], "pre_texts": [ " strong breeze just took hold of it, puffed it out like a balloon, and then--and then, my goodness me, sakes alive! the wind took the pillow-case right up in the air, and as Curly was hanging tightly to it, he went up also! Right up into the air he went, sailing and sailing, just like an aeroplane, and he cried out: \"Mamma! Papa! Flop Ear! Pinky! Save me!\" But none of them heard him, and he went higher and higher until the pillow-case, full of air like a balloon, caught in a tree, and there was the little piggie boy held where he couldn't get down. Oh, dear me, wasn't that terrible? Curly didn't know what to do. The tree was too big for him to jump down and he couldn't climb very well. He thought he would have to stay up there forever, maybe. But he didn't. Pretty soon Sammie Littletail's stomach ache was all better and Mrs. Twistytail came home. The first things she saw were the clothes hanging out on the line--that is, all but the pillow-case that had taken Curly up in the tall tree.", " TO HANG THE CASE ON THE LINE A BIG STRONG BREEZE JUST TOOK HOLD OF IT PUFFED IT OUT LIKE A BALLOON AND THEN AND THEN MY GOODNESS ME SAKES ALIVE THE WIND TOOK THE PILLOW CASE RIGHT UP IN THE AIR AND AS CURLY WAS HANGING TIGHTLY TO IT HE WENT UP ALSO RIGHT UP INTO THE AIR HE WENT SAILING AND SAILING JUST LIKE AN AEROPLANE AND HE CRIED OUT MAMMA PAPA FLOP EAR PINKIE SAVE ME BUT NONE OF THEM HEARD HIM AND HE WENT HIGHER AND HIGHER UNTIL THE PILLOW CASE FULL OF AIR LIKE A BALLOON CAUGHT IN A TREE AND THERE WAS THE LITTLE PIGGY BOY HELD WHERE HE COULDN'T GET DOWN O DEAR ME WASN'T THAT TERRIBLE CURLY DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO THE TREE WAS TOO BIG FOR HIM TO JUMP DOWN AND HE COULDN'T CLIMB VERY WELL HE THOUGHT HE WOULD HAVE TO STAY UP THERE FOR EVER MAYBE BUT HE DIDN'T PRETTY SOON SAMMIE LITTLETAIL'S STOMACH ACHE WAS ALL BETTER AND MISSUS TWISTYTAIL CAME HOME THE FIRST THINGS SHE SAW WERE THE CLOTHES HANGING OUT ON THE LINE THAT IS ALL BUT THE PILLOW CASE THAT HAD TAKEN CURLY UP IN THE TALL TREE" ], "begin_byte": 28056, "end_byte": 28174 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_05_garis_64kb_4", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_05_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.96, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "And oh! how badly Curly felt when he saw his mamma's eggs going that way. It was almost as bad as if he had dropped the bag on the sidewalk and smashed them, only, of course, it was not his fault.", "AND OH HOW BADLY CURLY FELT WHEN HE SAW HIS MAMMA'S EGGS GOING THAT WAY IT WAS ALMOST AS BAD AS IF HE HAD DROPPED THE BAG ON THE SIDEWALK AND SMASHED THEM ONLY OF COURSE IT WAS NOT HIS FAULT" ], "pre_texts": [ "atching hold of Curly by his ear so that he could not run away. \"Eggs,\" answered Curly. \"There are eggs in this bag for a cake my mamma is going to bake.\" \"No, you are mistaken,\" said the dog, gritting his teeth. \"Those eggs are for me, I want to eat them,\" and he reached out his paw for the paper bag. Now, though Curly did not know it, this was a bad egg dog--that is, he liked to eat eggs raw, without ever boiling or frying them, and that kind of a dog is the worst there is. No one likes him, not even the old rooster who crows in the morning. \"I'll just take those eggs,\" said the bad dog, \"and, though I don't know how to make a cake, still I can manage to eat them,\" and with that he took an egg out of the bag, chipped a little hole in the shell, and drank up the yellow and white part just as you would drink an ice cream soda. And, mind you, that dog never even winked an eye! What do you think of that? \"Number one!\" the dog exclaimed, as he reached for another egg. \"Now for number two!", "OU IN THAT BAG LITTLE PIGGY BOY ASKED THE BAD DOG CATCHING HOLD OF CURLY BY HIS EAR SO THAT HE COULD NOT RUN AWAY EGGS ANSWERED CURLY THERE ARE EGGS IN THIS BAG FOR A CAKE MY MAMMA IS GOING TO BAKE NO YOU ARE MISTAKEN SAID THE DOG GRITTING HIS TEETH THOSE EGGS ARE FOR ME I WANT TO EAT THEM AND HE REACHED OUT HIS PAW FOR THE PAPER BAG NOW THOUGH CURLY DID NOT KNOW IT THIS WAS A BAD EGG DOG THAT IS HE LIKED TO EAT EGGS RAW WITHOUT EVER BOILING OR FRYING THEM AND THAT KIND OF A DOG IS THE WORST THERE IS NO ONE LIKES HIM NOT EVEN THE OLD ROOSTER WHO CROWS IN THE MORNING I'LL JUST TAKE THOSE EGGS SAID THE BAD DOG AND THOUGH I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE A CAKE STILL I CAN MANAGE TO EAT THEM AND WITH THAT HE TOOK AN EGG OUT OF THE BAG CHIPPED A LITTLE HOLE IN THE SHELL AND DRANK UP THE YELLOW AND WHITE PART JUST AS YOU WOULD DRINK AN ICE CREAM SODA AND MIND YOU THAT DOG NEVER EVEN WINKED AN EYE WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT NUMBER ONE THE DOG EXCLAIMED AS HE REACHED FOR ANOTHER EGG NOW FOR NUMBER TWO" ], "begin_byte": 31398, "end_byte": 31595 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_05_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_05_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 7619414, "duration": 476.213375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_05_garis_64kb_21", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_05_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.839, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Oh, there you are!\" exclaimed Mrs. Twistytail. \"Well, I want a dozen eggs, and be sure to get fresh ones, and don't smash them on the way home.\"", "OH THERE YOU ARE EXCLAIMED MISSUS TWISTYTAIL WELL I WANT A DOZEN EGGS AND BE SURE TO GET FRESH ONES AND DON'T SMASH THEM ON THE WAY HOME" ], "pre_texts": [ "a penny. So that's all now, but in the next story, in case the oil can doesn't slide down the clothes pole and break the handle off the pump, so the angle worm can't get his ice cream cone, I'll tell you about Curly and the elephant. STORY V CURLY AND THE ELEPHANT When Curly Twistytail, the little pig boy, was digging away with his nose in the front yard, one day, hunting for lollypops, or maybe ice cream cones, under the grass, for all that I know; one day, I say, as he was rooting away, he heard his mamma calling: \"Oh, Curly; Oh, Flop Ear! I want some one to go to the store for me.\" \"That means I've got to go,\" thought Curly, as he looked around to see if his tail was still kinked into a little twist. \"I'll have to go because Flop is off playing ball with Bully the frog. Well, there's no use getting cross about it,\" so, giving a cheerful grunt or two, just to show that he didn't at all mind, Curly ran around to the back door and said: \"What is it, mamma? I'll go to the store for you?", " SECTION FIVE OF CURLY AND FLOPPY TWISTY TALE THIS IS A LIBER BOX RECORDING ALL LIBER BOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIVERBOX DOT ORG CURLY AND FLOPPY TWISTY TALE BY HOWARD R GERRIS STORY FIVE CURLY AND THE ELEPHANT WHEN CURLY TWISTY TALE THE LITTLE PIG BOY WAS DIGGING AWAY WITH HIS NOSE IN THE FRONT YARD ONE DAY HUNTING FOR LOLLYPOPS OR MAYBE ICE CREAM CONES UNDER THE GRASS FOR ALL THAT I KNOW ONE DAY I SAY AS HE WAS ROOTING AWAY HE HEARD HIS MAMMA CALLING OH CURLY OH FLOP HERE I WANT SOME ONE TO GO TO THE STORE FOR ME THAT MEANS I'VE GOT TO GO THOUGHT CURLY AS HE LOOKED AROUND TO SEE IF HIS TAIL WAS STILL KINKED INTO A LITTLE TWIST I'LL HAVE TO GO BECAUSE FLOP IS OFF PLAIN BALL WITH BULLY THE FROG WELL THERE'S NO USE GETTING CROSS ABOUT IT SO GIVING A CHEERFUL GRUNT OR TWO JUST TO SHOW THAT HE DIDN'T AT ALL MIND CURLY RAN AROUND TO THE BACK DOOR AND SAID WHAT IS IT MAMMA I'LL GO TO THE STORE FOR YOU" ], "begin_byte": 29785, "end_byte": 29931 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_05_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_05_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 7619414, "duration": 476.213375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_06_garis_64kb_6", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_06_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.76, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "Still the skillery scalery alligator came on, and he cried in his rasping voice: \"I want that pig!\"", "STILL THE SKILLERY SCALERY ALLIGATOR CAME ON AND HE CRIED IN HIS RASPING VOICE I WANT THAT PIG" ], "pre_texts": [ " elephant's foot, and the store man said: \"You are a brave little piggie boy, and here is a lollypop for you.\" Well, Flop was on his way home, carrying the bag of meal, and he was taking little nips and nibbles off the lolly-pop, when all at once what should happen but that, out from behind a tree sprang the bad skillery-scalery alligator. \"Ah, ha!\" he cried. \"Now I have you. Now for some roast pork and apple sauce!\" and he made a grab for Flop, but he didn't quite catch him, I'm glad to say. And how that little piggie boy did run! Faster and faster he ran, carrying the bag of meal for the Johnny cake, but still the 'gator came after him and almost had him. \"Oh, will no one save me?\" cried Flop, for he could hardly run any more, and then all of a sudden, he came to the place where the elephant was still sitting on a stump, resting himself. \"Oh, help me! Help me!\" cried Flop. \"Indeed, I will!\" shouted the elephant. And with that, in his strong trunk, he lifted Flop up on his broad back.", "E A JOHNNY CAKE AND HOW HE HAD PULLED THE SPLINTER OUT OF THE ELEPHANT'S FOOT AND THE STORE MAN SAID YOU ARE A BRAVE LITTLE PIGGY BOY AND HERE IS A LOLLYPOP FOR YOU WELL FLOP WAS ON HIS WAY HOME CARRYING THE BAG OF MEAL AND HE WAS TAKING LITTLE NIPS AND NIBBLES OFF THE LILLYPOP WHEN ALL AT ONCE WHAT SHOULD HAPP BUT THAT OUT FROM BEHIND A TREE SPRANG THE BAD SKILLERY SCALERY ALLIGATOR AHA HE CRIED NOW I HAVE YOU NOW FOR SOME ROAST PORK AND APPLE SAUCE AND HE MADE A GRAB FOR FLOP BUT HE DIDN'T QUITE CATCH HIM I'M GLAD TO SAY AND HOW THAT LITTLE PIGGY BOY DID RUN FASTER AND FASTER HE RAN CARRYING THE BAG OF MEAL FOR THE JOHNNY CAKE BUT STILL THE GAITER CAME AFTER HIM AND ALMOST HAD HIM OH WILL NO ONE SAVE ME CRIED FLOP FOR HE COULD HARDLY RUN ANY MORE AND THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN HE CAME TO THE PLACE WHERE THE ELEPHANT WAS STILL SITTING ON A STUMP RESTING HIMSELF HELP ME HELP ME CRIED FLOP INDEED I WILL SHOUTED THE ELEPHANT AND WITH THAT IN HIS STRONG TRUNK HE LIFTED FLOP UP ON HIS BROAD BACK" ], "begin_byte": 40341, "end_byte": 40440 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_06_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_06_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 7935391, "duration": 495.9619375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }

Libriheavy: a 50,000 hours ASR corpus with punctuation casing and context

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      title={Libriheavy: a 50,000 hours ASR corpus with punctuation casing and context}, 
      author={Wei Kang and Xiaoyu Yang and Zengwei Yao and Fangjun Kuang and Yifan Yang and Liyong Guo and Long Lin and Daniel Povey},
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