qa_pairs in asqa_eval_gtr_top100.json

by yezhengli9 - opened

When exploring, for entries in asqa_eval_gtr_top100.json, why not Cristiano Ronaldo for following questions?

"qa_pairs": [
                "context": "No context provided",
                "question": "Who has the highest goals in men's world international football?",
                "short_answers": [
                    "Ali Daei"
                "wikipage": null
                "context": "No context provided",
                "question": "Who has the highest goals all-time in men's football?",
                "short_answers": [
                    "Josef Bican"
                "wikipage": null

Hi, this is from the original ASQA/AmbigQA dataset. Maybe they made an annotation mistake

Hi, this is from the original ASQA/AmbigQA dataset. Maybe they made an annotation mistake

Thanks @princeton-nlp , create an issue there then.

all the json files in the rar are with eval in the name, does it mean these files are only for evaluation ? Do you provide files for training too ?

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