theres not enough going on around here for air service none want to waste there time on this town
How about ZERO
Her name is still floating? Might I suggest flushing twice?
Stop by So Cold at MFNW/Project Pabst! It'll make the top of any list. socoldpdx.com
Nobody awake on the bridge, no lookouts ,,no radar tech. Never saw the ships lights ???? Oh boy !!
Pessimist's might say that we the US will have a Godzillion deficit in 10 years and bucks for Lo-Lo's going be gonahs real soon, however Optimist's might say; look on the bright side, if you work at the Pearl Harbor Ship Yard or for the DOD your career and future is secure braddahs and sistahs!
I'm sure Hawaiian can put Southwest out of business but the Southwest/Alaska combination may be too much to handle.
States don't grow economies, cities grow economy. Cities that invest in their residents will encourage economic diversity and less reliance on government spending. Look at what state legislatures in the sw and se are doing to kill econimic diversity by passing draconian social laws that discriminate against classes of tax paying citizens. Private sector businesses are threatening to pull out and/or reduce investment. Government money and religious conservatism stifles creativity and economic diversity. Less government is better for the economy.
What makes Magnitsky so special? Countless thousands of people around the world have been tortured and have died under suspicious circumstances throughout history but no country considered their deaths worthy enough to apply sanctions against offending governments and /or their officials. One must wonder what are the real motivations of those who are promoting a Canadian version of the Magnitsky Act.
The Mayor said we need "more skin in the game" . That explains the rash on my...
Because of the "anonymous" part, it's very difficult to get accurate statistics for AA. The numbers that are available indicate that it does not have a very high success rate.
YES CANADA IS BACK!! The national embarrassment is Trudope, spend, spend spend . " the budget will balances it self" Just in one year little potato has taken more vacations than HARPER did in 10 years!!! We are talking about a man who has a home on Harrington lake, each trip is cost the tax payers a minimum of $49 thousand dollars, RCMP, FLIGHT CREW, HOTELS etc. YES 10 IN THE LAST YEAR!!! According to the CBC Trudope was reimbursed for 9 vacations prior to the Bahamas fiasco. This man is simple not invested into his job. I got seven to memory: Saint Kits Whistler Fogo island Fino BC Carnival Quebec Japan Anniversary- extra day New York- extra day Bahamas Junior is putting Obama to shame, yes the middle class - what joke Harper we miss you!!!
The only people "wringing hands" over a shutdown are: Recipients of .gov largesse and the artificial, unaccountable, FALSE ECONOMY it created.
They are talking points. She named no facts. Can you? Just one, please try. Referencing someone's letter is not a fact. Referencing "his record" on civil rights is not a fact. The appropriate thing to reference is his record on following the law as written. Just 4 years ago Clinton, Obama, Biden, et al opposed gay marriage. That's a fact jack.
So 'integrity' make s a Liberal a "nut job". Thanks for the view from the PMO! By the way, Sheila Copps resigned her seat because of the broken promise tho she did regain it in the by-election. Some people you can fool all the time!
Guess you came up short. Later
Young Kimmy is giving us the middle finger. What will Trumpy do now? Sad, but I think we're heading into a major, major (Trump's words) conflict. On the bright side, the world is overpopulated now and this may be the way of solving the problem.
The companies will not invest in Walkers pipe dream. After so many years of the "studies" doesn't he think that THEY might be the experts on whether it's going to pay off or not? Walker is a loon and he's trying to strongarm the companies when he has nothing to back it up
My recall is that SK has no DST because it would be interfering with God's time ;-) In AZ you don't want to extend the summer days in the evening.
It's not the DP's fault that some of its readers remain ignorant of a widely recognized journalistic and political convention for designating party membership. See here, for example: http://www.senate.gov/reference/org_chart.htm
Self-defense and capital punishment are two different -- though related -- issues. You are correct that the Church acknowledges the right of the state to use whatever means are needed to protect society from dangerous people, but the Church also reiterates in the strongest terms that if less than lethal means are available they must be used. In any event, we are pretty much on the same page. Peace.
Over 60 percent of the citizens polled believe immigration levels are too high. The leader of the country said that people who object to a government policy that is hurting citizens of all nationalities and races are bigots is straight up fascist. Objecting to policy of high immigration levels...which only benefits business and banks while citizens' standard of living declines, including environmental levies because increasing population means environmental degradation in a weather extremes country, where jobs and wages are in decline and human rights erode in the face of competition, where race riots become normal because high immigration levels lower integration and creates ethnic enclaves and resentment instead of cohesive society with common norms and values...is every citizen's right in a democracy. Taxpayers SHOULD express concern about migrants who start getting welfare the moment they arrive and can start working once processed.
When it comes to the macro side of life, many (most) disciplines are better managed with the long-term in mind.
That was perhaps the most hackneyed vomit, to say NOTHING of politically ignorant pap that I have read today. The ONLY way that the "billionaires and CEO's" can create monopolies and manipulate the market is through the use of governmental power. In a TRUE free market that operates without the corrupting influence of government, companies like Google and Microsoft would have been challenged by rivals that would possibly been able to wrench market share from these two behemoths before they became the "monopolies" that you decry. However, both companies paid for, and used, governmental power to crush their enemies in court, resulting in what you have today. Wake up, you desperately need to educate yourself and stop listening to retread communists and socialists. Oh, and stop smoking crack.
Asif, this is way, way, way, way worse than the Broederbond. This is grand theft for the sole benefit of a criminal cartel.
The photo is of AE and Noonan in the Marshall Islands, not the N Marianas! In the photo is also a Japanese destroyer in the background. They were purportedly taken to Saipan later, where she supposedly died and was buried.
Evacuation > Prayer. "he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time. But he loves you! and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!" George Carlin
Yes, a Palin appointment would be in order.... Shake Washington up...!! It was getting a little too cozy and entrenched.....
huh? is there something flimsier than a tin foil hat wearer? Maybe tissue hat wearer? Hillary was the owner the "russian reset button" fiasco, and the deal she approved for the sale of US uranium to russia worked very well for some Clinton Foundation donors.
Go away, Weld. Just take your toxic wastelands out of CO. But remember: our liberal dollars won't be around to bail you out of the next flood.
Bill, spend your money but please don't stay?
The Clinton machine has been extremely consistent the past 20 years with one fiasco after another. When Clinton is defeated in November.....I hope that they will fade away into the voluminous pages of historical scandals.
An independent panel of experienced lawyers, I would hope.
Fronting for that wingnut 'think tank' called Alaska Policy Forum, you dispense what you claim is the expert assessment about all manner of Alaska budgetary concerns. You claim you're the expert on Alaska budgetary policy. To quote you: You're the "primary resource for credible authoritative Alaska policy research". One might assume that one who claims to be an expert would have the ability to read and comprehend the numbers in a budget. Here you're saying you don't know how to find the answer to your question? You want the 'author' to provide it for you? What 'author' provides you with your 'answers' you dispense from your 'think tank'? I guess it's true, …Koch feeds you all your lines. Without Koch 'authoring' your lines, you've got to ask others to answer questions about the budget. Maybe you shouldn't be claiming to be an expert at policy research.
I liked Wally Hickel as Governor - tho moderate Republican Arliss Sturgelewski would have been more effective , But Hickle's appointments were far too often walking disasters !! John Lindauer , "Trapper Don" something-or-other as head of appointments, and Boyko as AG for example... Always has seemed a smug, ego-inflated nasty little man .... I did know Judge Carlson from his time in Juneau.. Always seemed quietly bright and always a gentleman,,,
This article is full of inaccuracies so glaring that a Pakled could refute them.
Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder. There's just so many it's hard to keep track of. Just imagining her being President gives me the shakes.
One in twelve vehicles sold last year in Canada was an F series truck. Nobody wants the overpriced electrobuggy econocoffins.
“The left never had any freedom of speech in the first place.” What universe are you living in Hannah? Or rather in what decade? Where does the Constitution limit speech by political ideology? Your comment and your tone just screams of the groundswell of millennial entitlement and delussion.
Was that a typing error where you used the term "Mericans"? Or were you meaning intentionally to use a version of a word that has been described as follows? Muricans Noun. A rude way of saying "Americans" projecting a sense of dislike towards the country and its inhabitants, a pejorative, stereotyping term aimed to paint the American people as a bunch of redneck hillbillies.
That's not natural law. You apparently haven't fully studies this stuff. And it was you who cited "immigration law" being based on "jus sanguinis." That literally makes no sense. Can you not see this? You literally are saying that foreign born people's immigration is based on the blood of their parents. That's plainly absurd.
This is very funny! But ouch, there are those of us who have gone without since the excise tax kicked in courtesy of the mayor. Yes, the rail project would be laughable if it weren't so painful.
Or give up a few of those extra "services" they "have" to have - the 2nd car, the extra TVs, cable services, wireless services, etc.
Is this where, "two wrongs don't make a right," comes in?
OT: ". If he starts behaving like a mature, honest, thoughtful person who stops lashing out at anyone who criticizes him, and who puts the best interest of the country and all its people ahead of a narrow, ego gratifying agenda - that's all I ask." I fear you're asking for far too much. You're asking Donald Trump to totally change his values, his morals and the persona he's developed over 71 years. ....think of Popeye...."I yam what I yam." That's the Donald....past, present, and barring a genuine miracle, future. Gary crum
Do you have GBA muted? That is what the display looks like when someone is muted. I have Don muted but sometimes I just have to read his blather.. it's compelling, like the urge to pick at a scab.
And this is attributable to Mr. Trudeau? I guess it has nothing to do with a pick up in growth in the U.S. and the European economy or stronger than anticipated growth in the Chinese economy. The fact is Canada's economy has been basically outperforming the G7 for most of the last decade. I wouldn't give Harper any more credit than I would give Trudeau. The chief government policy that can hurt the Canadian economy is growing debt, particularly if interests continue to increase.
It would have serious repercussions alright, for both the US and China. Why China won't cooperate on reigning in Kim is baffling.
Can she not be dismissed for incompetence and doing damage - through stupid recommendations on the economic front which has harmed the very public she is supposed to protect? She is just trying to get money for government coffers so that the looting can continue.
"Where are the bishops" Drinking bourbon and smoking cigars.
War is hell. Let russia and syria finish off the terrorists with the fewest civilian casualties possible. Prolonging the inevitable will merely significantly increase the destruction and harm to innocent civilians. But the al-queda, isis and other fundamentalist terrorists in Allepo and other parts of Syria must be beaten for world peace and stability. Assad is by far the lesser of two evils. Syria was a secular modern society under the baathists.
Robben Island won't be big enough, to hold all these f.....g. scoundrels, who have not only betrayed their own faithful people, but also, our entire country. The mess they have created will take many, many years, to sort. They shouldn't be voted out. They should be shoved, out.
I may cost a little bit but there are untrasonic solar powered stakes that could be put down to scare them away from public trails during spring-fall. Just a thought. It shouldn't be mandatory on private property by passing oppressive bills and creating more burden for property owners but it is a good idea if you want your yard to be snake free. Alot of people like snakes and simply learn to live with them so it's not fair to force people to comply.
It seems to me that if you ask a kindergartner , 'If you accidentally hit someone with your car should you pull them off your car and leave them by the road or help the person?' the kids would say 'Help them.' There's just no excuse. Someone who's drunk could even come up with the correct answer. Maybe he felt like it was all a video game and the victim would just get up and continue on.
Gardener is ONLY for Gardener.
Who Dis??? New phone...This can't be GONEGOLFIN, he's still at home doing his Bill Maher homework and setting a good example for his grandson, run and hide, run and hide...#MAGA
Not a good time for this type of game. Buds simply didn't move their feet or work effectively. Bolts, on the other hand took Buds time and space with the puck away so that they couldn't muster much, all night. Gotta play better than this down the home stretch, to be truly successful.
Imagine the outrage if it was Christian families after Sunday service having their lives threatened.
`Russian bot or Trump apologist, same traitorous thing.
The rich keep getting richer,, and they don't care about the average Alaskan 😡
"She . . . said she could never join a church that discriminates against women." It is unfortunate that this error continues to be perpetuated, both in and out of the SDA Church. To equate role difference with discrimination is disingenuous, at least the way the term "discrimination" is used. Discrimination is not always bad. We all discriminate in one way or another. We evaluate our kids' friends, sometimes forbidding them to associate with those who exert a bad influence. We discriminate by evaluating our friends of the opposite sex, and eventually choose one for a spouse. In the US, we discriminate by not allowing anyone who was not born here to become president. Even the Godhead has role distinctions. But these differences in roles have nothing to do with inferiority, ability, or any other negative aspect. As long as we phrase it as "discrimination," we can't even have a meaningful discussion.
I'm not defending DUI and actually think enforcement should be stricter, but police presence is so limited in this State that unless you're driving so erratically that somebody reports you or you're driving home after bar-closing time, you're not likely to encounter the police. Juneau is an exception since almost all the bars are in town, most people live in the Valley or on Douglas, and everybody gets off at 4:30, so if you're driving any other time, you're meat. And unless it has changed since I left in '10, you are a lot more likely to see the police in Juneau than you are here in Anchorage. 'Course it may be that they concentrate on patrolling certain areas whereas Juneau was much more homogenous than ANC. I just think an ankle monitor and an ignition interlock is an effective deterrent to DUI that gives the offender some chance at employment, and I really don't like the racket that has sprung up around DUI processes.
I think that the real issue here is the photo at the top of the page. It states that the bishop is venerating a relic. this is just theological double speak. What is he actually doing? He's praying to a dead body.
Heidi, your comment that, "Another woman's child calls me mom." doesn't go far enough. You aren't just called mom. You are his mom. Being a parent is at most tangentially about biology. Conception takes only a moment, after all. Parenting takes a lifetime. In the end, it is the lifetime relationship of parent and child that really matters. That relationship overwhelms any biological relationship. For me, what it means to be an adoptive parent was best expressed by the author and journalist Jim Bishop. "I have four children, two of them adopted. I forget which two."
The Alleva family has suffered because of the "homeless". These people come in and trashed the area. They fight with each other they harass folks passing by, they frighten most people. This is because the majority of them are outlaws. I served on a grand jury a couple years ago and I would guess 75% of the cases we heard over the course of our four month term were somehow tied to beans cafe or the Francis shelter. If we have that many criminal cases tied to these two places there is a problem. And here is one more perspective, most of the outlaws living in tents or under tarps are probably banned from the shelter because they can't follow the shelter rules. (Do you see a pattern here, outlaws who can't follow rules.) Quit cuddling these people and make them earn their keep. All you who hand money out your window at the stop light are just feeding their addiction. It may make you feel warm and fuzzy but it makes the outlaws on the corner feel drunk or high. Clean up our streets!
Raymond Justice
Interesting. There is no father in the childrens' picture here. Very telling.
This is easy. Just force all pro-life voters to adopt them. They seem to be fine with forcing the responsibilities of being a parent on others, so they should be cool with it.
Jim, again you fail miserably at reading comprehension. This is cut from the very site that you wave as some sort of magic wand: Third, severance taxes also pose another problem in that they are generally considered by economist to be fully passed onto the consumer in the form of higher prices. As a result, much of the severance tax burden is actually “exported” to the other 49 states. The tax burden analysis published by the Tax Foundation adjusts for this impact and ranks Alaska as the lowest in the country with a tax burden of 7 percent. - See more at: http://www.keypolicydata.com/blog-archives/2015/01/severance-taxes-fuel-alaskas-highest-nation-tax-burden-2013/#sthash.As1HM6EG.dpuf
They should have made a copy of "Futhur" if you ask me!
Is M. Couillard planning to remove his face covering?
I wonder what your position will be when Trudeau leaves office and debt is in the trillions? You really should get help for your HDS but it is amusing so don't look too hard.
But he is, Blanche! He is a racist!
Blame Spectrum for that!!!
I know, Pence; but the American people -- or at least a near-plurality of them -- didn't vote for Barebones Feargod; most of them find small-smiling Mother-wived Bible creeps like him as repulsive as you do; if they didn't, they'd have nominated Ted Cruz. No, they voted for something juicier, the Smart Bidnessman from The TV Whut Hates P'lit'cal Keereckniss an' Sticks It To Messicans. The idea was that he'd be the fun WWF heel -- you know, just like David French's American Hero was back in his wrestling days - and after four years of hammerlocks and heart punches all the white people would have good jobs again, hurrah!
Why? because we are still figuring out a way to pay for the freaking choo-choo to nowhere.
And being married is unforgivable.
"We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women," ISIS proclaimed in its declaration of war against the Catholic Church in 2014. I guess Trump wasn't kidding.
Gotta love those dirt track races. There is something about down home racing that pulls at the heart strings. The dreams, the losses, the power, the underdog, the loves, the vices..............it's all there. It's average Joe stuff, and it can be dirty, and smelly, but it's a metaphor for America...... and our desire to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.
The majority of scientist once believed in alchemy, most believed in the Piltdown Man fraud for four decades. When J. Harlan Bretz first suggested that the scablands of Eastern Washington State were created by a massive flood the narrow minded scientific community accused him of being a zealot peddling a flood legend. Bretz was actually not making any theological argument. The notion that scientists aren’t as susceptible to financial self interests, prejudices, biases and mass grouptink as other professions, is utter nonsense. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J_Harlen_Bretz http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/08/study-reveals-culprit-behind-piltdown-man-one-science-s-most-famous-hoaxes
Paul Hoobyar notes the hypocrisy of many of those who attacked President Clinton for his infidelity and attempts to deny such action. Certainly President Clinton's actions were immoral and tacky. However, if all immoral and tacky players on the Washington stage were "sent packing" the city would be a ghost town. Those who attacked him, did so, not out of moral outrage, but out of political expediency........those attacks were an effort to destroy his presidential effectiveness.......and, yes, they worked pretty well. Attacks on Ms Clinton have little to do with concerns over "national security" and everything to do with attempting to destroy her credibility as a Presidential candidate. We'll see how effective those attacks are as the Presidential campaign progresses. If Ms Clinton and Mr. Trump are the candidates, the 2016 election is guaranteed to be the nastiest campaign in our history.
Dozens of civilians killed in US-led airstrike on Isis stronghold in Syria
Is a restaurant review a "news" story? It's not on the Opinion page. The headline itself calls the piece "analysis". How is that confusing? It is analysis, not news. Those are two completely different things. It's not the DP's fault when their detractors don't even know what words mean. Keep getting that "news" from Mark Furhman, Sean Hannity, Alex Jones, and Ann Coulter. LOL.
Yes, a good point. So far only a rambling Greek bishop, a couple of 'new' Cardinals and Msgr Pio Pinto obviously hoping for a red hat of his own have criticised the four Cardinals.
The guy's a damn cop, so what do you expect?
Wow! The bigotry of Butts' PMO minions defines the hypocrisy of the Liberals!
I would suggest that the drunk pilot is the culprit. Blaming outside/inside agencies gets you in the paper but in fact is total hogwash!
It does seem in the last few years that more and more women are involved in the more violent types of criminal conduct. In the 'olden days' violence by women seemed to be mostly in reaction to wife beating type scenarios. Now, no one is surprised by armed robberies, beatings, knifings, and this sort of conduct by women. They are being convicted of sex abuse regarding minors as well. Their punishment is almost always less, but the convictions are increasing.
Haaaa ha haaaa ha oh my - What a classic post!!!!
So...not only do you; 1) call yourself "Stress Free Investing" 2 (apparently) keep a record of all my past comments...... 3) you keep lists of "famous quotes" that support all your opinions. . Time for a vacation :):)
Is that what you hand out to the boys in your scout troop? Tell me again why BSA enrollment has significantly declined since 2013?
"Right to Work" is a Trade Union issue vs a Trade issue. It shouldn't even be discussed. The focus needs to be on leveling the playing field with fair wages, safe working conditions, and environmental protections. That is what benefits Canada. Quit mollycoddling the self-absorbed special interest groups and start negotiating for a strong base that everyone (workers and businesses) can build from and prosper.
I forgot to say, "You make some good points." Ideally, your "brave new world" would be a better place. I admit, the picture I have drawn is much more gloomy. I think we already have more "shadow government" than is good for our nation, starting with the "military-industrial complex" (Ike added "-congressional") that Eisenhower warned us about.
Ian Tracy remains a very compelling presence. He absolutely killed it in Da Vinci’s Inquest.
To be subject to the injustices of the world is part of the human condition. Nobody knew that better than Jesus, and his followers must accept it as part of the cross they are asked to take up. But the Church should never particulate in that injustice. Never. We should be fiercely devoted to the truth, however painful and whatever the consequences. That's why those in positions of responsibility should recuse themselves from situations where they might be tempted to act out of self-interest or misguided bias. Imperfect as it is, the best place for Cardinal Pell's case is in the courts. All we can do is pray for him, for the victims of child abuse and for the wisdom and integrity of those charged with rendering justice.
This is different this time. They know better than to pull that one. There would be revolution.
You first. You want the guns. People like you always look to others to solve a problem.
What is most important is that he be independent and loyal nott o Trump or any president but loyal to the Constitution. Trump is a disgrace and a disaster. He needs to go back to his phony TV show.
Did you even bother to listen to it or were you triggered?
Easy to criticize when your the ex PM. As for gender, climate change and aboriginal issues every good negotiator has throw away agenda items they are willing to give up to get the things they want.

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