Unnamed: 0
In 1971, a young man who grew up very poor was traveling across the country, trying to make a new start for himself. Along the way he had completely run out of money and was forced to spend the night in his car. This continued until one morning, after a week of sleeping in his car, he walked nervously into a restaurant and ordered a big breakfast. After eating his first good meal in weeks, he lied to the waiter, telling him he had lost his wallet. This waiter, who was also the owner of the restaurant, walked behind the chair where the young man had been sitting. He bent down, and came up with a $20 bill that looked as if it had fallen on the floor and said, "You must have dropped this," the owner said. The young man couldn't believe his luck. He quickly paid for the breakfast, left a tip, bought gas with the money, and went to the West. On the way out of town, he began to understand what that man did. Maybe nobody dropped the money. "Maybe that man knew I was in trouble and he helped me in a way that didn't hurt me. So I just made a promise to help other people if I can." Later, he worked very hard and became a rich man. Now, he lives in Kansas City. Each year he gives away thousands of dollars. He is known as the "Secret Santa " because at Christmas time each year, he personally hands money out to those on the street and at restaurants. 3
['QSN The young man was traveling across the country in 1971 probably to_. ANS find a new job', 'QSN From this text we can know that_. ANS the young man carried out his promise', 'QSN The best title for this text may be_. ANS Secret Santa of Kansas City']
Have you ever felt that you want more friends? Have you found that you don't know how to make friends? Don't worry. It's easier than it looks. Start with small actions. If you're uncomfortable with long conversations with people, start by just saying "hi" and asking what the person is doing. Even if you do more listening than talking in the beginning, people will usually still like you. When it comes to conversations, remember "F.O.R.". It stands for family, occupation and recreation . You are most likely to be asked about these three topics when you meet someone new. Most people feel comfortable talking about the three topics. The great thing is that you also can communicate with someone new in these three areas. Honesty is the best policy. In friendship, "honesty" is the fundamental quality that one must have. One should always be honest with his or her friends. Don't laugh at people's fault. Praise them honestly and openly. Say you are sorry if you hurt your friend. Give more than you take. Be there when they need you, encourage them; we all need encouragement now and then. Encourage their dreams. Life seems meaningless without them. Wish your friends good luck. Examine your purpose before you "help out". Love and never forget them. 2
['QSN The author thinks making friends is _ . ANS easy', 'QSN Which would be the best title for this passage? ANS How to Make Friends?']
"Regardless of social class, race, age, men say they hate to shop," says Zukin, City University of New York sociology professor. " Yet when you ask them deeper questions, it turns out that they like to shop. Men generally like to shop for books , music and hardware. But if you ask them about the shopping they do for books or music, they'll say, ' Well , that's not shopping. That's research .'" In other words, what men and women call "buying things" and how they approach that task are different. Women will wander through several 1,000-square-meter stores in search of the perfect party dress. Men will wander through 100 Internet sites in search of the perfect digital camcorder. Women see shopping as a social event. Men see it as a special task or a game to be won. "Men are frequently shopping to win," says Ann, a marketing professor at Loyola University of Chicago. "They want to get the best deal. They want to get the best one, the latest one and if they manage to do that it makes them happy." "When women shop, they're doing it in a way that they want everybody to be very happy," says Ann. "They're kind of shopping for love." "Teenage girls learn to shop from their moms and older sisters, but they also learn to shop by examining articles in magazines like Seventeen." Zukin says. "And although men's magazines such as GQand Esquire have long had shopping articles, it's TV that has the eye of young male shoppers," says Ann and Zukin. "Of course, there are men who love to shop and are proud of it," Loyola's Ann says. And that is important no matter whether you buy a car or a frying pan. All men love to buy but they don't want to be cheated. Ann adds, "There actually are men who are interested, for example, in cooking or shopping or chinaware or things around their homes--they become kind of girl magnets. Women like it. " 3
['QSN Compared to women , men usually treat shopping as _ . ANS a task', 'QSN As is known in this passage, teenage girls go shopping _ . ANS often following magazines', 'QSN Young male shoppers make their choices _ . ANS following TV shows']
The ecosystem is 1ike a chain.If any of the links are broken,the whole system is in danger.This is why wetland protection has been put high on the agenda in recent years.Zhao,vice--director of the State Forestry Administration,says nearly 60 percent of the country's natural wetlands are still not under effective protection.Most Chinese people are ignorant about the importance of protecting the wetlands. Ocean,forestry and wetlands are the three global ecological systems.Wetlands can conserve and purify water resources, prevent flooding and help protect the ecosystem. As well as ecological values, they can also offer economical returns. In recent years,many wetlands have become farmland.Drawing too much underground water,hunting and fishing also ruin their ecological system. Every year,the wetlands in the Sanjiang Plain of Northeast China provide habitat for birds.Local residents search the area for the birds' eggs. They consider the eggs to be a natural gift. rather than wildlife that should be protected. If they were educated,perhaps this is one activity that could be brought to an end. China is now ready to make a plan to save some of these areas.Some have been restored to raise awareness among the public.But these moves are not enough.There should be laws in place to provide legal support to the fight. Environment protection is a campaign which needs support from everyone in society.Education may be the first step. 4
['QSN How do you understand the phrase "put....high on the agenda"? ANS pay more attention to', 'QSN What will happen if wetland is not under protection yet? ANS The chain of ecosystem will be broken.', 'QSN Which of the following is WRONG? ANS Some laws have been passed to protect wetland.', 'QSN What is the best title of this passage? ANS Wetland protection keeps ecological harmony.']
Parents are fighting for their child's right to rest across the country. Twenty-three elementary schools in Orange County, Florida, have been cutting back on rest, and even canceling it to increase class time. In a recent Orange County School Board meeting, parents demanded that rest time be carried out in all local schools for all students. Angela Browning, a parent in the area, said that schools' rest is ranging from zero to 30 minutes per day. "Five-year-olds not getting rest means abuse," said Browning, whose twins in the second grade benefit from taking a break and learn better. The main reason for reducing the rest time is Common Core exams including math, language arts and literacy, where the students' performance often controls teachers' pay and sometimes teachers may lose their jobs. Many teachers are using that extra 20 minutes that would have been spent on the schools' scores, everybody is stressful," said Diana Moore, president of the Orange County Classroom Teachers Association. The decision of whether reducing rest takes place, and for how long is up to each school's rule. "Florida law requires that districts provide 900 teaching hours during the school year," Florida's Department of Education press secretary Cheryl Etters said in a statement. "Whether test is part of the school day is a decision made by the school board." Reducing test also can take away an opportunity for children to learn social skills, according to many experts. "In society, who cares if you have straight A's and you get a scholarship to Harvard if you lack social skills?" said Mallet, a mother of two children. 3
["QSN What will Angela Browning agree with? ANS Proper rest time improves children's learning efficiency.", "QSN What drives so many teachers to reduce students' rest time? ANS The link between their pay and school's scores", "QSN What's the main idea of the text? ANS Parents struggle for the rest right for their kids in school."]
Jayne Fisher watched anxiously as her 17-year-old daughter Katie pulled her lamb into the Madison County Junior Livestock for sale. Katie was battling cancer. This was her first chance in months to be outdoors having fun, away from hospitals and treatments, and she had come with high hopes for earning some money for her treatment. She had _ a little on her decision to part with the lamb, but with lamb averaging two dollars a pound, Katie was looking forward to it. So the bidding(began. That's when Roger Wilson, the auctioneer , had a sudden inspiration that brought some unexpected results. "We sort of let everybody here know that Katie had a situation that wasn't too pleasant," is how he tells it. He hoped that his introduction would push the bidding up, at least a little bit. Well, the lamb sold for $11.50 a pound, but things didn't stop there. The buyer paid up, then decided to give the lamb back so that it could be sold again. That started a chain reaction, with families buying the animal and giving it back, over and over again. When local businesses started buying and returning, the earnings really began to pile up. The first sale is the only one Katie's mom remembers. After that, she was crying too hard as the crowd kept shouting, "Resell! Resell! " Katie's lamb was sold 36 times that day, and the last buyer gave it back for good. Katie ended up with more than $16,000 to pay her medical expenses----and she still got to keep her famous lamb. 3
['QSN Katie sold her lamb in order to _ . ANS earn an amount of money to cover her medical expenses', "QSN Why did families buy Katie's lamb and return it repeatedly? ANS They wanted to help Katie from the heart", 'QSN What is the best title of the passage? ANS Bidding from the heart']
Penguins can taste only sour and salty food, scientists have discovered. A genetic study suggests the flightless birds lost three of the five basic tastes long ago in evolution. Taste is critical for survival in most animals, but may not matter in the penguin, which swallows fish whole, say researchers in China and the US. Many other birds are unable to taste sweet things, but they do have receptors for detecting bitter and umami (or meaty) flavours. The discovery was made when researchers decoding penguin genomes found some of the taste genes were missing. A closer look at the DNA of penguins revealed that all species lack functioning genes for the receptors of sweet, umami, and bitter tastes. "Based on genetic data, penguins are believed to have sour and salty tastes, but have lost sweet, umami, and bitter tastes," lead researcher Prof Jianzhi Zhang, of the University of Michigan, US, and Wuhan University, China, told the reporter. The umami taste gives food the strong, savoury flavour associated with meat. Lacking this sense is surprising for a carnivorous animal, but does not matter that much in the penguin, which swallows fish without chewing. "Their behaviour of swallowing food whole, and their tongue structure and function, suggest that penguins need no taste perception," said Prof Zhang. "Although it is unclear whether these traits are a cause or a consequence of their major taste loss." The findings, published in Current Biology journal, were a puzzle, he added. One clue comes from the bird's evolution on the frozen ice sheets of Antarctica. Sending signals from sweet, umami, and bitter (but not sour or salty) taste receptors to the brain does not work at very low temperatures. This may have led to the penguin gradually losing its sense of taste, say the researchers. Intriguingly , the sweet taste is missing in almost all birds. The hummingbird, which feeds on sweet nectar, is an exception. 4
["QSN What's the best title of the passage? ANS Penguins lost ability to taste fish", 'QSN Which of the following animals can taste sweet flavour according to the passage? ANS The hummingbird.', 'QSN What was the discovery made by the researchers when decoding penguin genomes? ANS Some of the taste genes were missing.', 'QSN Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage? ANS Prof Jianzhi Zhang was the lead researcher of a university in UK, and Wuhan University, China.']
invites applications for the following posts: HOUSEKEEPING Housekeeping Supervisor Salary: $1,200 per month At least 2 years similar experience Female only Housemaids Salary: $700 per month No experience required Part-time posts for Housemaids only LAUNDRY Laundry Valet Salary: $700 per month Duties - to collect and deliver laundry parcels Shift work require Laundry Attendant Salary: $700 per month Male applicants only Shift work required Preference will be given to people with some experience. FOOD AND DRINKS (for new 24-hour restaurant) Head waiter Salary: $1,200 per month Experienced waiters can apply Waiter/ Waiters Salary: $800 per month No experience needed (Willing to work shifts) Part-timers needed for permanent night shift 6 pm to 11 pm. GENERAL Car Driver Salary: $800 per month Clean driving record At least 1 year of experience Willing to work irregular hours Pool Attendant Salary: $700 per month Must know life-saving technique Some related experience Both posts for male only. Interviews will be conducted at the Royal Hotel, East Room, 2nd Level on the 25th and 26th Nov. from 10:00 to 4:00 pm. 4
['QSN What work does a laundry valet do? ANS He collects and delivers bags of laundry.', 'QSN Which posts can fresh school-leavers apply for? ANS Housemaid and waiter.', 'QSN Which of these jobs require shift work? ANS Laundry valet and waiter.', 'QSN There are four people applying for pool attendant. If you are the interview, who do you think is most suitable for the post? ANS Tom, who has been a pool attendant for two years.']
A recent survey made by BUPA, an international healthcare provider, shows that 54 percent of Chinese people aged between 45 and 54 consider themselves old, while 28 percent say that the thought of getting old upsets them. 25 percent are afraid of getting old, and a third worry about life in old age. BUPA made the survey among 12,262 people from 12 countries over 2 months, starting in June 2010. The survey shows that 72 percent of international participants aged over 65 don't feel old and that 67 percent still feel healthy. On the other hand, 65 percent of Chinese feel old even before reaching 60. About one third of those surveyed in China said they have enough savings , and 46 percent are insured . Around 60 percent of the Chinese participants hope they will be taken care of by family members. According to the survey, the French hold the most positive attitude towards getting old, with 32 percent of them considering age 80 and up old. 17 percent of Brazilians look forward to old age, compared with 3 percent globally. Indians are not bothered by old age, as 70 percent said that they don't feel that they will be affected by old age and 71 percent say they have already made preparations for this stage of life. The illnesses that most people around the world are worried about are cancer and Alzheimer's disease. 4
['QSN According to the survey, many Chinese people surveyed feel old before they are _ . ANS 60 years old', 'QSN Most of Chinese people surveyed expect help from _ . ANS family members', 'QSN Who are the youngest at heart according to the survey? ANS The French', 'QSN Why are the Indians not afraid of getting old? ANS Because they have got ready for old age.']
Humans have sewn by hand for thousands of years. It was said that the first thread was made from animal muscle and sinew . And the earliest needles were made from bones. Since those early days, many people have been involved in the process of developing a machine that could do the same thing more quickly and with greater efficiency. Charles Wiesenthal, who was born in Germany, designed and received a patent on a double-pointed needle that eliminated the need to turn the needle around with each stitch in England in 1755. Other inventors of that time tried to develop a functional sewing machine, but each design had at least one serious imperfection. Frenchman Barthelemy Thimonnier finally engineered a machine that really worked. However, he was nearly killed by a group of angry tailors when they burned down his garment factory. They feared that they would lose their jobs to the machine. American inventor Elias Howe, born on July 9, 1819, was awarded a patent for a method of sewing that used thread from two different sources. Howe's machine had a needle with an eye at the point, and it used the two threads to make a special stitch called a lockstitch. However, Howe faced difficulty in finding buyers for his machines in America. In frustration, he traveled to England to try to sell his invention there. When he finally returned home, he found that dozens of manufacturers were adapting his discovery for use in their own sewing machines. Isaac Singer, another American inventor, was also a manufacturer who made improvements to the design of sewing machines. He invented an up-and-down-motion mechanism that replaced the side-to-side machines. He also developed a foot treadle to power his machine. This improvement left the sewer's hands free. Undoubtedly, it was a huge improvement of the hand-cranked machine of the past. Soon the Singer sewing machine achieved more fame than the others for it was more practical. It could be adapted to home use and it could be bought on hire-purchase. The Singer sewing machine became the first home appliance, and the Singer company became one of the first American multinationals. However, Singer used the same method to create a lockstitch that Howe had already patented. As a result, Howe accused him of patent infringement . Of course, Elias Howe won the court case, and Singer was ordered to pay Howe royalties . In the end, Howe became a millionaire, not by manufacturing the sewing machine, but by receiving royalty payments for his invention. 3
["QSN Barthelemy Thimonnier's garment factory was burned down because _ . ANS workers who feared the loss of their jobs to a machine set fire", 'QSN Why did the court force Isaac Singer to pay Elias Howe a lifetime of royalties? ANS Because Howe had already patented the lockstitch used by Singer.', 'QSN Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? ANS The Early History of the Sewing Machine']
Mayday is a rock band from Taiwan that was formed in the late 1990s with five members, namely ,Ashin (vocalist), Monster and Stone (guitars), Masa (bass) and Guan You (drums). Formerly making music under the name of So Band, they officially came to be known as Mayday in 1997, with the name originating from Masa's online nickname. Mayday's songs are written mostly in Min Nan (Taiwanese dialect) and Mandarin . They are popular for capturing the zeitgeist of Taiwanese youth in the 1990s which was an era of dreams, growing up, loneliness, love and disaffection. Mayday has made no secret of its admiration of the Beatles whom they cite(...)as influencing their ideals of rock music.The eighth track of their fifth album has a track called John Lennon where the band espouses its dreams to become the "Beatles of the Chinese World"and one day, to become better than them. Other diverse musical influences include the Irish band U2, the British band Oasis, the Japanese pop music artists Mr. Children, Sting as well as the Chinese rocker Wu Bai and China Blue. In lyrics on recent albums, Ashin has alluded( )to several cultural icons notably the Chinese mythical monkey-god Sun Wu-Kong, Mickey Mouse, Superman, Neil Armstrong and Che Guevara. Ashin has also cited movies and novels as inspiration for his songs including "Viva Love"which was inspired by avant-garde Taiwanese director Tsai Ming Liang's 1994 movie, Vive L'Amour and the song "Armour" which was influenced by a Chinese drama Crystal Boys and Haruki Murakami's novel, Kafka On the Shore. 4
['QSN Mayday has had a history of _ years up to now. ANS around 13', "QSN Mayday's songs _ . ANS are influenced greatly by the holy persons.", 'QSN Which of the following is true about the members of Mayday? ANS Before it got famous,the rock band was not called Mayday.', 'QSN The whole passage tells us _ . ANS some things about Mayday']
In America, when the eighth graders leave the middle school, they are often worried about moving to the high school. It is a hard time for them, but it can be an exciting one as well. To make it easier, students need to get familiar with their school. Even though they've done this already in the middle school, it's still important to find where their classrooms are. Most schools take students to the high school for a visit at the end of their eighth grade year. And, most schools also have a freshman speech for parents and students before the first year begins. Sometimes the main office will give away a map of the school. This can help students and parents to find different places in the school. One way to know your high school more and make new friends is to join a club or play a sport. Schools often offer chances to join different clubs and sports. Fall activities begin in August before the first day of school. If you are not interested in sports, there are clubs for any interest, such as drama, dance, chess, photography, community service, etc. These clubs allow students from different grades. By joining an activity, students can find new friendships, not to mention improving their chances in future college applications . The school office will have a list of activities offered at the school and information on how to join them. What's more, to have a great start to a high school year, students can write down some of their worries, and ask for help from teachers and school workers. 4
['QSN According to the text, most students feel _ when entering the high school. ANS nervous', 'QSN Which of the following is TRUE about the school clubs? ANS School officers can help new students join school clubs.', 'QSN When do many schools take students to visit their new high school? ANS At the end of their eighth grade year', 'QSN What is the purpose of this text? ANS To give advice to new high school students.']
Where do dogs come from? Gray wolves are their ancestors. Scientists are pretty consistent about that. And researchers have suggested that dogs' origins can date back to Europe, the Near East, Siberia and South China. Central Asia is the newest and best candidate, according to a large study of dogs from around the world. Laura M. Shannon and Adam R. Boyko at Cornell University, and an international group of other scientists, studied not only purebred dogs, but also street or village dogs. Dr. Shannon analyzed three different kinds of DNA, Dr. Boyko said, the first time this has been done for such a large and diverse group of dogs from 38 countries. And that led them to Central Asia as the place of origin for dogs in much the same way that genetic studies have located the origin of modern humans in East Africa. The analysis, Dr. Boyko said, pointed to Central Asia, as the place where "all the dogs alive today" come from. The data did not allow precise dating of the origin, he said, but showed it occurred at least 15,000 years ago. Greger Larson of Oxford University, who is leading a large international effort to analyze ancient DNA from fossilized bones, said he was impressed by the study. "It's really great to see not just the number of street dogs, but also the geographic breadth and the number of remote locations where the dogs were sampled," he said in an email. He also praised the sampling of different kinds of DNA and the analytic methods. Dr. Larson, who was not involved with the study, said he thought the Central Asia finding required further testing. He said he suspected that the origins of modern dogs were "extremely messy" and that no amount of sampling of living populations will be definitive. He said a combination of studies of modern and ancient DNA is necessary. 4
["QSN According to the research on a large number of dogs, we can know _ . ANS dogs' ancestors come from gray wolves", 'QSN What can we infer from what Dr. Boyko said? ANS Modern humans are from East Africa while dogs come from Central Asia.', "QSN Greger Larson got a very deep impression of his study because he _ . ANS found the study based on many different dogs and the sample dogs' remote locations", "QSN Who wasn't engaged in the study of dogs' origins? ANS Greger Larson"]
One of the most striking findings of a recent questionnaire in the UK is that of the people interviewed, one in two believes that it is becoming more difficult to meet someone to start a family with. Why are many people finding it increasingly difficult to start and keep close relationships? Does modern life really make it harder to fall in love? Or are we making it harder for ourselves? It is certainly the case today that nowadays couples benefit in different ways from relationships. Women no longer rely upon partners for economic security or status. A man doesn't expect his wife to be in sole charge of running his household and raising his children. But perhaps the knowledge that we can live perfectly well without a partnership means that it takes much more to persuade people to abandon their independence. In theory, finding a partner should be much simpler these days. Only a few generations ago,your choice of soul mate was limited by geography, social convention and family tradition. Although it was never clear, many marriages were essentially arranged. Now those barriers have been broken down. You can approach a builder or a brain surgeon in any bar in any city on any given evening. When the world is your oyster , you surely have a better chance of finding a pearl. But it seems that the traditions have been replaced by an even tighter restriction:the limitation of choice. The expectations of partners are made greater to an unmanageable degree:good looks, impressive salary, kind to grandmother, and so on. There is no room for error in the first impression. We think that a relationship can be perfect. If it isn't,it is intended to be thrown away. We work to protect ourselves against future heartache and don't put in the hard emotional labor needed to build a strong relationship. Twelve-hour work at the office makes relaxed after-hours dating difficult. The cost of housing and child-raising creates pressure to have a stable income and career before a life partnership. 4
['QSN Nowadays, in a family, _ . ANS couples share the burdens', "QSN People don't want to give up their independence because _ . ANS they think they can live happily alone", "QSN People don't bother to date because _ . ANS it takes them too much energy to work", 'QSN Which of the following can best describe the main idea of the passage? ANS The expectations of partners and financial pressure may prevent a relationship.']
For the most part, you are probably only exposed to the music that is played on your favorite radio stations and TV shows, music Web sites, or the music that your friends and family members enjoy. While you probably know a lot about your favorite type of music, it can be a rewarding experience to enlarge your horizons , discovering artists and types of music that you're not familiar with. Who knows, you might discover you like certain types of music you never even considered. Have you ever wondered about the history and influences of your favorite types of music ? For example, did you know that rock 'n' roll originated from the blues, and that the blues began as a form of musical expression for African Americans during slavery ?Did you know that most hip-hop is heavily influenced by early rhythm blues and jazz ? There are many fun ways to learn about different musical styles and their historical roots. For example, if you like hip-hop, listen to some of your favorite CDs and take note of the samples the performers used to create the songs. There is a possibility that the artist used parts of older songs to create the music. You can go to the library or online to learn more about the artists and listen to more of their music by checking out CDs from the library or downloading songs online for a small fee. You can learn so much about culture and history just by paying attention to different types of music and what is being expressed in the songs. There are so many different styles of music to learn about, and _ it to yourself to make an effort to listen to and learn about them. 3
['QSN The main topic of this passage is _ . ANS learning about music', 'QSN What music did African Americans use to express their feelings of being slaves ? ANS The blues.', 'QSN How can you learn about culture and history through music ? ANS By caring about what is being expressed in music.']
Drink drivers could be prohibited from driving under the influence if new technology from Nissan is introduced. The Japanese car maker has developed a new odor detection system designed to prevent drivers from operating a car if they are over the legal limit. The system works by using a series of sensors to detect the level of alcohol the driver has consumed. A high-sensitivity alcohol odor sensor is built into the gear stick , which is able to detect the presence of the driver's palm as he or she attempts to start driving. If the alcohol level detected is above a pre-determined limit, the system automatically locks the transmission , immobilizing the car. A voice alert is also issued via the car navigation system telling the driver that he or she is over the limit. Extra sensors are also placed in the driver and passenger seats and a warning is issued if these sensors detect the presence of alcohol in the air inside the vehicle cabin. While still in the developmental stage the concept of drink driving detectors being built into cars has generally been welcomed by many drivers. Nissan said the technology is part of a project aimed at halving the number of fatalities and serious injuries in Nissan cars by 2015 compared to 2005 levels. 4
['QSN The detection system works _ . ANS by detecting the smell of alcohol in the vehicle cabin', 'QSN What do we know about the detection system? ANS The detection system is still in the developmental stage.', "QSN The driver's attitude toward the detection system is that of _ . ANS welcome", "QSN What's the main idea of the passage? ANS Nissan will release drink-proof cars."]
TLike most big projects, learning to manage your mother well is what you should do. Here are what I believe the best steps towards a better relationship with her. They are not necessarily surprising or revolutionary, but they have worked for many people. Try them. Remember your mother's age. As children, we often do not think of our mother as having an age. Even when we become conscious of her as an individual, age does not change our view; she is still our mother. Knowing our mother's age, not just in numbers of years but in terms of her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better. Listen to your mother. I have found that sometimes the things my mother told me long ago are remarkably useful. If your mother knows that you respect her point of view, even if you do not share it, it will help her feel close to you. Remember that your mother has a past. A key step in managing our relationship with our mother is to find out about her early life. Niclle's mother suffered much during the Second War World War. "My parents are both Jewish-Turkish. They met in France and married young for love. They were in their twenties when war broke out and because they were Jews, they had to go into hiding. She does speak to me about the war, and I think it is important to know what she went through. It is a part of her life that must have affected her deeply. " Sometimes, in learning about our mother's past, we know that it can encourage us to think about her whole life. Ask your mother about your childhood history. My grandparents died when I was young. If you are fortunate enough to have living family, think of your life as _ and ask as many questions as you can to put the picture together. Understanding your roots and your childhood can help you now more clearly who you are, as part of a family which you share with your mother. Keep a sense of humor about your mother. When we hear about someone else's misfortunes with their mothers and are amused by them, our laughter is one of recognition. I have often listened to stories of difficult mothers and I have also listened to the following piece of advice they have found most helpful is: "Don't have a sense of humor failure about your mother. " Remember that managing your mother is really about managing yourself. Taking any measure to managing our mother is the issue of how we manage ourselves. No matter how difficult we find her, it is important to remember that is not her behavior it self that is causing us discomfort, but the way we feel about her behavior. We should follow the way of her life. At the heart of managing your mother is being able to accept your flawed self. Only then are you able to accept your mother---with all her failings. 3
['QSN The followings are the steps you can take to get on with your mother EXCEPT _ . ANS Have a sense of humor failure about your mother', 'QSN Which of the following is implied but not stated in the passage? ANS It is unreasonable to expect our mother to change totally from the way she was brought up.', 'QSN The main purpose of writing the text is _ . ANS to improve the relationship with your mother.']
From Britain to the Middle East and China, engineers and architects are pushing the boundaries of possibility as they strive to create the biggest and the best. Here are recently-selected seven wonders-to-be in the modern world which are near completion. Among these, Beijing Daxing International Airport ranks the first and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge ranks the third. No.1 Beijing Daxing International Airport, China Beijing Daxing International Airport, which is set to be the biggest airport in the world, is designed by Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid. The new Terminal One will have a radial-like plan, designed to reduce passenger travel distances. The construction of the new airport started in 2015 and it is planned to be put into use in 2019. No.2 Kingdom Tower, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Adrian Smith, the architect who has designed the highest structure in the world, the 829.8 m-high Burj Khalifa in Dubai, is now working on his new project which will smash his own record by this over-a-kilometer-high Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. No one can be sure about the exact date of its completion but most probably the project will be ended in 2019. No.3 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, China At about 50 km long, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge will take the title of the longest water span in the world from another China's bridge in Jiaozhou Bay. The construction started in 2009 and will complete the first session in 2017. No.4 Chernobyl reactor, Ukraine The engineers of the USSR who fought to bring the Chernobyl disaster under control built a concrete sarcophagus to cover the hole that had opened up above the destroyed reactor. A new steel arched structure is being built, to be rolled on rails over the reactor, from which point demolition work can begin using cranes suspended from the new roof. Most possibly it will be finished in 2020. No.5 Hotel Abraj Kudai, Mecca Every hajj, Mecca receives more than two million pilgrims from all over the world. New buildings are being built to accommodate these pilgrims. The Abraj Kudai cluster of towers will hold more than 10,000 hotel rooms. It is expected that the construction work will be put an end to in 2017. No.6 Crossrail, London Crossrail is built to link east and west London through the sewers, cables, and the city's foundations. After its completion in 2017, it is expected to alleviate traffic jams in London. No.7 Grand Stade FFR, Paris Grand Stade FFR is designed especially for the French Rugby Federation. The stadium can accommodate 82,000 fans and is dotted with retractable pitches (a marked out area of ground on which a sport is played). A retractable roof apparatus is capable of turning the stadium into a giant interior. Hopefully the fans can gather there to watch thrilling matches in 2018. 4
['QSN What do the seven constructions have in common? ANS They will be completed in the near future.', 'QSN Which building is the highest existing building? ANS Burj Khalifa in Dubai.', 'QSN Which of the following can be completed the earliest? ANS Crossrail, London.', 'QSN Where can you probably find this passage? ANS In a traveling magazine.']
Back in the 1860s, a British scientist named Henry Walter Bates noticed something interesting in the animal world: a kind of butterfly, Common Mormon, can change the pattern on its wings so that it looks like another butterfly species, the Common Rose, which is poisonous for birds to eat. Bates argued that animals develop this ability to protect themselves from being eaten. This theory had been widely accepted by scientists. But one question remains: how do these animals manage to do that? After more than 150 years, scientists are finally able to answer that question--it is all down to a gene called "doublesex", according to a study published on March 6 in the journalNature. In fact, scientists have long known that genes are responsible for this useful ability. But until the new study, scientists hadn't been able to find out which genes in particular were responsible. Scientists at the University of Chicago compared the genetic structures of the Common Mormons that changed their wing patterns with those of ones that did not. And all the results pointed to a single gene, "doublesex". This was much to the scientists' surprise. They used to expect that something as complex as this would be controlled by many different genes. For example, one gene would control the color of the upper part of the wing, one would do so for the lower part. However, the "doublesex" gene doesn't quite do everything by itself. Instead, it acts like a switch--it "tells" other genes to change the wing patterns. Isn't that clever? Scientists believe that this special ability of the "doublesex" gene on Common Mormon was developed throughout the long history of evolution. "The harmless species gains an advantage by resembling something predators avoid," Sean Carroll, a scientist toldNature. "it was obvious evidence for natural selection. " 3
['QSN How do scientists find the truth of butterfly changing wing patterns? ANS By comparing genetic structures.', "QSN Which of the following ideas is accepted by scientists? ANS The 'doublesex' gene 'tells' other genes to change the wing patterns.", 'QSN What is the best title of this passage? ANS How Common Mormons stay safe']
Nearly everyone is shy in some ways. If shyness is making you uncomfortable, it may be time for a few lessons in self-confidence. You can build your confidence by following some suggestions from doctors and psychologists. Make a decision not to hold back in conversations. What you have to say is just as important as what other people say. And don't turn down party invitations just because of your shyness. Prepare for yourself for being with others in groups. Make a list of the good qualities you have. Then make a list of ideas, experiences, and skills you would like to share with other people . I think about what you would like to say in advance. Then say it. If you start feeling self-conscious in a group, take a deep breath and focus your attention on other people, Remember, you are not alone. Other people are concerned about the impression they are making, too. No one ever gets over being shy completely, but most people do learn to live with their shyness. Even entertainers admit that they often feel shy. They work at fighting their shy feelings so that they can face the cameras and the public. Just making the effort to control shyness can have many rewards. But perhaps the best reason to fight shyness is to give other people a chance to know about you. 4
['QSN Where would this article probably appear? ANS In a popular magazine', 'QSN The main purpose of the article is to _ . ANS recommend ways of dealing with shyness', 'QSN Which of these can you conclude from reading the article? ANS The attempt to overcome shyness is always rewarding', 'QSN Who probably gives the suggestion for fighting shyness? ANS Doctors and psychologists']
A couple of weeks ago, my 12-year-old daughter, Ella threatened to take my phone and break it. "At night you'll always have your phone out and break you'll just type," Ella says. "I'm ready to go to bed, and try to get you to read stories for me and you're just standing there reading your texts and texting other people," she adds. I came to realize that I was ignoring her as a father. Ella isn't the only kid who feels this way about her parent's relationship with devices. Catherine Steiner-Adair, a psychologist at Harvard, wrote The Big Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age. For her book, Steiner-Adair interviewed more than 1,000 kids from the ages of 4 to 18. She talked to hundreds of teachers and parents. One of the many things that knocked my socks off, " she says, "was the consistency with which children -- whether they were 4 or 8 or 18 or 24-- talked about feeling exhausted and frustrated or mad trying to get their parents' attention, competing with computer screens or iPhone screens or any kind of technology." A couple of years ago, my daughter got a laptop for school. And because she was becoming more independent, we got her a phone. We set up rules for when she could use the device and when she'd need to put it away. We created a charging station, outside her bedroom, where she had to plug in these devices every night. Basically -- except for homework-- she has to put it all away when she comes home. Steiner-Adair says most adults don't set up similar limits in their own lives. "We've lost the boundaries that protect work and family life,'' she says. "So it is very hard to manage yourself and be present in the moments your children need you.'' After my daughter's little intervention ,I made myself a promise to create my own charging station. To plug my phone in-- somewhere faraway -- when I am done working for the day. I've been trying to leave it there untouched for most of the weekend 3
["QSN Why did Ella threaten to break her father's phone? ANS Her father gave his attention to his phone instead of her.", 'QSN By saying "knocked my socks off \'\' , Steiner-Adair means " _ \'\'. ANS surprised her a lot', 'QSN We can infer from the text the author _ . ANS is a man who learns from his mistakes']
One evening last summer, when I asked my 14-year-old son, Ray, for help with dinner, his response shocked me. "What's a colander ? " he asked. I could only blame myself. In the family, nobody else's hands went in the sauce except my own. But that night, as I explained with a touch of panic that a colander is the thing with holes in it, I wondered what else I hadn't prepared Ray for. As parents, while we focus on our sons' confidence and character, we perhaps don't always consider that we are also raising someone's future roommates, boyfriends, husbands, or fathers. I wanted to know that I'd raised a boy who would never ask the woman in his life, "What's for dinner?" So I came up with a plan: I would offer Ray a private home economics course. I was delighted to find that he didn't say no. For two hours, three days a week, Ray was all mine. One day, as his tomato sauce reduced on the stove, he washed and seasoned a chicken for roasting. Then he rolled out the piecrust and filled it with apples, all while listening to my explanation on the importance of preheating an oven. I knew that he would rather have been shooting hoops in the driveway than learning to mend socks with his mother--he tried to beg off sewing lessons, even though I insisted that one day, someone would find the sight of him fixing his own shirt very attractive-- but it couldn't be denied that he was learning, and more than just housekeeping. "I appreciate what you do as a mom," he told me one day. Ray now understands the finer points of cooking, and more importantly, he realizes there's nothing masculine about being helpless. Now, not only can he make his own dinner, but also he can make a big meal for his family. That's what I call a man. I'm glad that I prepared so great a present for my future daughter-in-law. 5
["QSN Why was the author shocked at her son's response? ANS Because he didn't know the common kitchen utensils .", "QSN In the author's opinion, some parents pay little attention to _ . ANS preparing children for their future life", "QSN After learning to do housework, Ray _ . ANS acknowledged his mother's efforts", 'QSN We can infer from the text that Ray _ . ANS made great progress in cooking.', 'QSN What would be the best title for the text? ANS Boys should be involved in housework.']
AFRICAN MANGO FAQs Q : How do I use AFRICAN MANGO? A : It's simple... Just take one rapid - release capsule , 3 times daily before meals (i.e., 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.) Q : Is it safe? A : Yes. Unlike other diet pills, Pure African Mango Extract (lrvingia gabonensis) does not contain any natural or artificial stimulants. Clinical studies have shown this nutrient to be both safe and well-tolerated. It's easy on your system and helps you lose body fat naturally. Q : Who uses AFRICAN MANGO? A : Everybody from A-List Hollywood movie stars to everyday men and women who want to lose pounds and inches of excess body fat. It's currently popular in Hollywood today because many of today's movie scripts call for actors and actresses to be in their absolute best shape. Q : Do I have to exercise and diet in order to see results? A : Research shows 100% Pure African Mango Extract helped people lose weight and belly fat without additional diet or exercise. However, in order to achieve your best weight-loss results, we highly recommend incorporating fun lifestyle exercises (like walking, tennis, etc.) and replacing high-calorie foods with healthy nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and lean proteins. Also, drinking more water daily speeds weight loss, according to a new study from Viginia Tech University. Q : When I place my order, it's a one-time-only transaction , right? A : Yes. Rest assured. When you shop with us, you can shop with confidence and peace of mind. Every order placed with us is 100% safe and secure. Our site is scanned and tested daily by McAfee SECURE. "The McAfee SECURE" trust mark (see the upper-left corner of our website) only appears when the website has passed their intensive, daily security scan. What's more, our customers never have to worry about being enrolled in auto-reship or auto-rebilling scams . Each and every order placed with us is a one-time-only transaction. CONSUMER TIP: Beware of sites that offer "free trials", which claim to charge only a small fee for shipping. However, more often than not, these "free trials" websites will continue to charge your card for regular monthly shipments if you don't return your "free trials" within 10 to 14 days. As the Official Website of African Mango, we offer only the purest, most effective African Mango available. What's more, as an accredited business, we do not engage in auto-rebilling, auto-reshipping, or any other business practices that are considered morally unacceptable. Your results, and your satisfaction, are 100% guaranteed. 4
['QSN What does the word FAQs in the title of the article mean? ANS Frequently asked questions.', 'QSN In what way will the medicine take effect to its fullest? ANS A healthy diet, adequate water and more exercise will contribute.', "QSN It can be learned from the passage that _ . . ANS the one-time-only transaction service ensures customers' confidence", 'QSN How can we buy African Mango securely? ANS The official web site is your best choice.']
A soldier who lost both his legs after being blown up in Afghanistan is racing a sports car in his hometown this weekend. Remarkably David Birrell will not only drive the Mazda MX5 but he does without any specially adapted equipment. Davie, 28, has battled back from terrible injuries after a bomb blew up directly below him. He gave himself first aid and fired at Taliban fighters until help arrived. Davie was always interested in motor sport and after spending weeks in hospital was introduced by Help the Heroes to Mission Motorsport, which helps the wounded recover. The charity are organizing a major event, Race of Remembrance, at the Anglesey Circuit near Rhosneigr of North Wales in November, and Davie was at the circuit yesterday for an official launch. He said,"It's my first time racing on Anflesey. This means everything to me. I loved it straight away, and it gives you something to focus on, to try and stay in front of others. I was boxing since the age of eight and my whole life has been one-to-one competition. But now everything has changed." Davie, a corporal in the Black Watch, was in Helmand in April 2010 when his interpreter stood on the bomb. He said,"I was confused and went blank for a couple of seconds. There was dust in the air and I couldn't see. Both legs were still attached but there were massive injuries to my right leg and my left foot was broken."As the Taliban began firing he returned fire and waited for help. He added,"A medical team came over. I was taken back to Camp Bastion by helicopter. I was there for two days before being flown to hospital in Birmingham." He had lost his right leg and the following year had his left leg _ below the knee, ending the Army career. 3
['QSN Davie was wounded _ according to the passage? ANS In Helmand.', 'QSN Davie is most likely to come from _ . ANS the UK.', 'QSN What we know about Davie is that _ . ANS Davie might like boxing when he was young.']
Michael Jordon is the greatest basketball player of all time. Once he was making a television commercial . All Michael needed to do in the advertisement was to miss a shot. For Michael, this was difficult. He had conditioned himself to succeed whenever he was throwing the ball. Every time he threw a basketball, it went in. Every time he tried to miss a shot, he failed. In total, it took him over 20 attempts before he missed a shot. For Michael, success is a strong habit. He had formed a habit that was so strong that it took him a lot of time to break it and "fail". Just like drinking, smoking and collecting things, success is also a habit. The only thing is, it is much more effective! Like all habits, once it is established , it is difficult to break. Many people think that success is difficult to maintain . They feel that it will be hard work and will need too much action and focus. The truth is that it is simply a habit, and as easy to maintain as any other habit. Spend some time making success a habit in your life. Once you have developed it, it is not something you will want to change again. Then, the only thing you will fail at is failing. 3
['QSN Why did Jordan attempt 20 times before he missed a shot in the advertisement? ANS Because success was a strong habit for him.', 'QSN What do many people wrongly think of success? ANS They think it needs too much action and focus.', 'QSN What does the writer want to tell us? ANS We should make success a habit.']
You're in a department store and you see a couple of attractive young women looking at a sweater. You listen to their dialogue: "I can't believe it -- Lorenzo Bertolla! They are almost impossible to find. Isn't it beautiful? And it's a lot cheaper than the one Sara bought in Rome." They leave and you go over to see this unbelievable sweater. It's nice and the price is right. You've never heard of Lorenzo Bertolla, but those girls looked really stylish . They must know. So, you buy it. You never realize that those young women are employees of an advertising agency. They are actually paid to go from store to store, talking loudly about Lorenzo Bertolla clothes. Every day we notice what people are wearing, driving and eating. If the person looks cool, the product seems cool, too. This is the secret of undercover marketing. Companies from Ford to Nike are starting to use it. Undercover marketing is important because it reaches people that don't pay attention to traditional advertising. This is particularly true of the MTV generation -- consumers between the age of 18 and 34. It's a golden group. They have a lot of money to spend, but they don't believe in ads. So advertising agencies hire young actors to "perform" in bars and other places where young adults go. Some people might call this practice misleading, but marketing executive Jonathan Ressler calls it creative. "Look at traditional advertising. Its effectiveness is decreasing." It is true, because everyone knows an ad is trying to persuade you to buy something. However, you don't know when a dialogue you overhear is just a performance. 4
['QSN The two attractive young women were talking so as to _ . ANS be heard by people around', 'QSN Lorenzo Bertolla is _ . ANS the brand name of clothes', 'QSN What can we infer from the passage? ANS That traditional advertising is too direct may lead to its decreasing effectiveness.', 'QSN Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? ANS Undercover Marketing.']
The Children's Book-Show Competition is a chance for young readers to be writers. Reading, it seems, is coming back in fashion, if a survey by the famous National Literacy Trust (the NLT) is true. It shows that the percentage of children who admit enjoying reading has grown for the first time in the past 8 years. So it's a good time to launch a competition that includes a shed-load of new books for schools as prizes. The Children's Book-show Competition, _ by The Independent, is taking to the roads again from the start of next term, with a nation-wide tour of 15 big cities, featuring a line-up of a dozen children's writers and illustrators aiming to persuade pupils to follow their footsteps. The competition, launched by the children's writer and illustrator Jessica Souhami, has two categories: the under-nine's and nine to 13-year-olds. Children are asked to choose their favorite fairy or folk tale and set it in an extraordinary place. Then they are to retell it with the aid of drawings and writings-whether it is set at sea, on a distant planet, in the future or in the past. The closing date for the competition is 30th November. "Tell your tale in pictures and in words, "say the organizers of the competition. "It can be in a picture book or comic-book format." The winner of each competition will receive a signed copy of a book by each of the 12 authors involved in this year's tour, plus PS150 worth of books for their school. The runners-up will receive a signed copy of Souhami's new book. 3
['QSN What can we know about the Book-show Competition? _ ANS It will be held in different cities.', 'QSN What will be offered as a prize to schools? _ ANS Books worth PS150 in all.', "QSN The author's purpose of writing this passage is to _ . ANS introduce the Children's Book-Show Competition"]
We walked in so quietly that the nurse at the desk didn't even lift her eyes from the book.Mum pointed at a big chair by the door and I knew she wanted me to sit down.While I watched mouth open in surprise, Mum took off her hat and coat and gave them to me to hold.She walked quietly to the small room by the lift and took out a wet mop .She pushed the mop past the desk and as the nurse looked up, Mum nodded and said, "Very dirty floors." "Yes, I'm glad they've finally decided to clean them," the nurse answered.She looked at Mum strangely and said, "But aren't you working late?" Mum just pushed harder, each swipe of the mop taking her farther and farther down the hall.I watched until she was out of sight and the nurse had turned back to writing in the big book.After a long time Mum came back.Her eyes were shining. She quickly put the mop back and took my hand.As we turned to go out of the door, Mum bowed politely to the nurse and said, "Thank you." Outside, Mum told me "Grandma is fine.No fever." "You saw her, Mum?" "Of course.I told her about the hospital rules, and she will not expect us until tomorrow.Dad will stop worrying as well.It's a fine hospital.But such floors! A mop is not good.You need a brush." 4
['QSN When she took a mop from the small room what Mum really wanted to do was _ . ANS to see a patient', 'QSN When the nurse talked to Mum she thought Mum was a _ . ANS cleaner', 'QSN After reading the story what can we infer about the hospital? _ ANS It has strict rules about visiting hours.', 'QSN Which of the following words best describes Mum? _ . ANS Clever']
We need your help -- actually, we all need each other's help! Although dinner might be just about our only daily opportunity to sit down together, catch up and eat a healthy meal, we tend to be too busy/stressed/tired (you can throw in a dozen other reasons) to cook ourselves. The kids are shrieking, everyone is starving and your fridge contains nothing but a few squishy squashes and a limp carrot. So what do we all do? We give up and give in to some awful food choices that someone in some far-off factory or fast-food restaurant "cooked" without one bit of love in their heart. And this is making us sick and fat and it's killing us. Why not try HOME COOKED SUNDAYS? The idea is simple: Use the one day of the week we do have time to cook -- Sundays. Let's make it a fun bonding activity -- and a wildly productive and delicious one, too. Let's use Sundays to shop, prep and cook with our families (hey, everyone can pitch in!), and then enjoy a great sit-down dinner at the family table. Let's turn this into a cherished weekly ritual . To get people excited and cooking again, Kirstin Uhrenholdt (she is Danish and -- no kidding -- grew up on a fruit farm) and I wrote The Family Cooks, a cookbook filled with easy, healthy and tasty recipes. We included lots of tips and tricks to avoid an unhealthy week -- including how to avoid junk food hazards in the supermarket, and ways that small and big kids can help you cook. We know you have good ones, too. So let's share all our great ideas and inspire others to give it a try, because we know that Home Cooked Sundays will guarantee calmer and healthier weeknights -- and give us the perfect way to start the week connecting with our kids while teaching them a thing or two about health and happiness. Will you help make home-cooked meals synonymous with Sundays? Share your ideas, inspirations and best tips on how you prep your fridge on Sunday for a smooth week ahead. Send us your three best tips and favorite go-to recipe for Sunday dinner. We will post ours, and together, we'll make Home Cooked Sunday the single best and most delicious day of the week! 1
['QSN The author advises readers to _ . ANS start cooking on Sundays regularly']
While surfing television channels over the weekend,a scene from a family classic of last year portraying the now-so-familiar sorry state of retired parents being ill-treated by their children and families caught my attention. I wondered why the description of this relationship had not changed much over the many years! Even though the same movies and soaps accurately capture several other social changes around us -- from value systems to new found economic freedom to the importance of technology and the changing approach to consumerism -- are these creative efforts far from the truth in telling us that an average retiree is still struggling? Look around and you will agree that the post-retired lifestyle for an ex-salaried class people is often a pale shadow of their last working years. Even self employed people, who have handed over the responsibility to the next generation, are no exception. Did the average middle class not save enough through his working years? Socially, we already know that the Indians are taught the benefits of start saving early on in life. Household savings data supports this social behavior -- India has the highest rates of savings among various economies and is far ahead of the west. Yet, tragically, a lifetime of savings does not seem to provide enough for a comfortable retirement! A closer look at the pattern of what we do with our financial savings may tell us a bit more. Over half of households' financial savings is put into a "safe" deposit, followed by large portions in insurance, pension, provident funds and the rest in physical currency. Less than a tenth goes into "risky" assets like stocks. While there might be nothing, in particular, worrisome in this investment pool, one has to consider inflation . The real value of savings, over a few decades, may actually be lower than the starting point. 3
['QSN What had not changed much over the many years according to the passage? ANS The poor situation of retirees', 'QSN Which of the following statements about saving in India is right? ANS the concept of saving has been well received by Indians.', "QSN What's the best title of the text? ANS Is saving enough"]
Cleveland has won the distinction of being the worst city in the United States, according to a new survey. The city has high unemployment, terrible weather, heavy taxes, and ordinary sports teams, all of which have pushed it to the No. 1 position in the Forbes.com list. "Cleveland was the only city that fell in the bottom half of rankings in all nine categories. And it has been entitled with a less than endearing nickname: the Mistake by the lake," Forbes said on its website, The economic downturn hit cities across the United States last year particularly in the mid-west section of the country. Crime and unemployment secured the No. 2 spot for Stockton, which held the top position in last year's ranking. Memphis got third place thanks to its violent crime rate and the number of officials who are guilty, while the poor auto industry drove the Michigan cities of Detroit and Flint into the top five. "A lot of the cities that showed up on our list are going through hard times fight now, dealing with high unemployment, with declining producing bases. Many have experienced strong movement out of the city over the last 20 and 30 years." Despite its fine weather, Miami scored in the bottom 10 percent in commuting time, and violent crime which sent it into sixth place. "One of the biggest surprises is Miami. The good weather and no state income taxes _ some of the severe problems that Miami has related to crime as well as long commutes," Badenhausen added. Florida was followed in the poor ranking by St Louis, Buffalo, Canton, Ohio and Chicago, which has the country's highest sales tax at 10.25 percent. New York, the nation's biggest city, is rich in culture but its lengthy commuting time and high income taxes pushed it into 16th place. 3
['QSN From the text we can learn that _ . ANS commuting time in New York is too long', 'QSN What information can be inferred according to the text? ANS The number of officials who are guilty is large in Memphis.', 'QSN Which of the following is the correct ranking order? ANS Stockton, Detroit, Miami, Florida, St Louis.']
A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted. As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed,the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man's name embossed in gold. Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible?" He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible. Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but realizing his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things. When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he was reading, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words. "PAID IN FULL". How many times do we miss blessings because they are not packaged as we expected? Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. Sometimes we don't realize the good fortune we have or we could have because we expect "the packaging" to be different. What may appear as bad fortune may in fact be the door that is just waiting to be opened. 4
["QSN According to the passage we can infer that _ . ANS the author's father was once very rich.", 'QSN When author graduated from his school, his father sent him _ . ANS a new leather-bound Bible', 'QSN After graduation, author _ before his father died. ANS had never gone home', 'QSN The passage can imply that _ . ANS Good fortune lies within bad, bad fortune lurks within good.']
Long long ago, there was a scholar who always wanted to gain more knowledge each day even though he had already gained enough knowledge. One day, he came to visit a saint and asked to be his student. The saint offered some tea. He slowly filled the scholar's cup: the cup was full, yet he kept pouring. The scholar couldn't help bursting out, "Stop! You can't add anything to something that's already full!" The saint set down the teapot and replied, "Exactly." Whether it's the silence between notes in music, or some open time in your schedule, you need space to act effectively. Yet most of us, myself included, tend to stuff as much as possible into whatever room is available - closets, schedules, budgets, relationships, and even the mind itself. However, some people know how to avoid overstuffing their life. For example, in Australia, it seemed that most people there operated at about 85% of their capacity, unlike Americans pushing as close as to 100% as possible. So when you run into Australians you know in the street, they have time to hang out and talk with you. Remember the cup: its value is in the space, the emptiness it holds. How to empty your "cup" ? Be mindful of the element of space, openness, and emptiness in your life. This includes room in a drawer, the volume of air in a kitchen, and open-mindedness in a friend. Sometimes you're just stuck with a big bucket of tasks yet to do. But at least empty the bucket faster than you fill it with new tasks. Put some space between finishing one thing and starting another. For example, after sending one email, take a breath before replying to another one. Drop the stuff you can no longer afford to lug around. At sea level, you can run with a brick in your backpack, but if you're hiking on a mountain, that brick has to go. 3
['QSN The saint probably wanted to tell the scholar by pouring water into the cup, that _ . ANS he had already gained enough knowledge', 'QSN We learn that compared to Americans, Australians _ . ANS spare more time for themselves', "QSN What's the structure of the passage? ANS story - topic - example - advice"]
Most academics would view a post at an elite university like Oxford or Harvard as the crowning achievement of a career--bringing both honour and access to better wine cellars. But scholars desire such places for reasons beyond glory. They believe perching on one of the topmost branches of the academic tree will also improve the quality of their work, by bringing them together with other geniuses with whom they can collaborate and who may help spark new ideas. This sounds reasonable. Unfortunately,as Albert Laszlo Barabasi of Northeastern University,in Boston (and also, it must be said, of Harvard), shows in a study published in Scientific Reports, it is not true. Dr Barabasi and his team examined the careers of physicists who began publishing between 1950 and 1980 and continued to do so for at least 20 years. They ranked the impact of the institutions these people attended by counting the number of citations each institution's papers received within five years of publication. By tracking the association of individual physicists and counting their citations in a similar way, Dr Barabasi was able to work out whether moving from a low to a high-ranking university improved a physicist's impact. In total, he and his team analysed 2,725 careers. They found that, though an average physicist moved once or twice during his career, moving from a low-rank university to an elite one did not increase his scientific impact. Going in the opposite direction, however, did have a small negative influence. The consequence is that elite university do not,at least as far as physicists are concerned,add value to output. That surprising conclusion is one which the authorities in countries such as Britain, who are seeking to concentrate expensive subjects such as physics in fewer, more elite institutions--partly to save money, but also to create what are seen as centers of excellence--might wish to consider. 3
['QSN What is the fundamental reason why scholars want to get a post at an elite university? ANS Their academic career can benefit from it.', "QSN On what basis did Dr Barabasi's research team draw conclusions that getting a post at a higher-rank university won't help scholastic impact? ANS They ranked the physicists' institutions according to citations to these universities' paper.", "QSN Which of the following is true of Dr Barabasi's research? ANS It calculated the citations of the physicists' institutions."]
Christmas Eve was tomorrow. I hoped one of the packages that held a camera had already been placed under the Christmas tree. It was the only thing I wanted. I had been _ to my parents. I love taking photos. My bedroom walls are covered with photos I had taken with my mom's old camera. I'm always trying to capture those perfect moments in which you can hear the laughter or touch the beautiful scene, but my camera has always seemed to fall short. I knew Mom had put a few presents under the tree this morning, so I went on a hunt in my mom's room. I opened the door and found my Christmas present was lying unwrapped on the floor -- a big pink cat. I felt so disappointed. Mom seemed to notice that, and she tried to cheer me up. "Stacy, I got your present today. I am so excited to surprise you!" "I can't wait," I said. The next day I couldn't wait any longer. I needed to tell her. "Mom, may I talk to you for a second?" "Sure, dear. What do you need to talk about?" she asked. And so it came -- how upset I was that I was getting a cat. "Stacy, that cat is for your sister Julia!" she said with a smile. "Then what am I getting?" I asked. She just smiled. "You'll have to wait and see." Next morning, I happily got into the living room and sat next to the tree. I pulled out the box with my name on it and opened the wrapping paper to find ... My camera! "Thank you!" I said to both Dad and Mom. Dad picked up the camera and took a picture of Julia, Mom and me. It has become one of my favorite pictures. Just on that Christmas morning, I took lots of photos with my camera -- my little sister making a face, my parents giving me a soft smile -- and all of these photos have come to mean one thing to me: love. 3
["QSN Why did Stacy feel disappointed at first? ANS She mistook her sister's Christmas gift for hers.", 'QSN We can learn from the passage that _ . ANS her mother knew what gift Stacy wanted for Christmas', 'QSN What would be the best title for the passage? ANS A Christmas gift as wished']
About l,500 years ago the Japanese imported many aspects of Chinese culture :the writing system, political institutions, and perhaps the most important, Buddhism. Buddhist priests were expected to eat only vegetables, and tofu, made from the soybean, was a very important food in their diet.When Buddhism was introduced from China, tofu was also brought to Japan. Tofu developed in different ways in China and Japan.While the Chinese often changed the taste of tofu by mixing it with strongly - flavored vegetables or meat, the Japanese preferred to eat it using only a simple sauce. Even now, traditional Japanese cooking preserves the original delicacy of tofu, though the way it is served may change from season to season. In summer, for example, it is simply served cold, while in winter it is often eaten as part of a hot dish. The soybean was introduced to the West in the 18th century, but little interest was taken in it. Only scientists recognized its high food value.During the Second World War, when meat was in short supply, the US government encouraged the American people to eat soybean products.However, they never became very popular and, after the war, interest in them dropped off as the supply of meat became plentiful again. In recent years, people in the West have become increasingly aware of the dangers of eating too much animal fat, and as a result, they have turned more and more to soybean products. This is mainly because the soybean provides almost the same food value as meat, and in addition it is a lot more healthful. Much of the margarine ,salad oil and cooking oil in daily use is now produced from soybean oil.Tofu, a representative soybean product and originally one of the main foods in the diet of Chinese priests, is considered to be one of the healthiest foods available to man. 3
['QSN Tofu came to Japan together with Buddhism because _ . ANS it was a very important food in the diet of Buddhist priests', 'QSN How are Japanese tofu dishes different from Chinese tofu dishes? ANS They are preserved in the original taste.', 'QSN The Western people become interested in tofu and other soybean products because_. ANS eating too much animal fat is considered unhealthy']
The world is not only hungry, but it is also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you , since nearly 70% of the earth's surface is covered with water . But about 97% of that is sea water, or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3% -- the fresh water from rivers , lakes , underground , and other sources . And we can not even use all of that. Even worse, some of it has been made dirty. However, as things stand today, this fresh water is still enough for us . But our need for water is becoming larger and larger quickly -- almost day by day . We should take steps to do with this problem now and in this way we can get away from a serious world-wide water shortage later on . We all have to learn how to stop wasting our valuable water. One of the first steps is to develop ways of reusing it .Today in most large cities , water is used only once and then sent out into a sewer system . From there it returns to sea or runs into underground places. But even if every large city reused its water, we still would not have enough. All we'd have to do to make use of sea water in the world is to remove the salt . If we take these steps we'll be in no danger of drying up. 3
["QSN The world is thirsty for water because _ . ANS we haven't got enough fresh water", 'QSN The best but the most difficult way to solve the water problem of the world is to _ . ANS remove the salt from sea water', "QSN What's the best title for this passage ? ANS The World's Water Problem"]
Imagine someone has crossed the seas joining five continents by swimming. It is a major success for anyone. But it is an even greater success for Philippe Croizon, who has no arms, and no legs! His achievements show that we can all achieve great things--no matter who we are. Philippe Croizon was 26 years old when he had an accident. The doctors had to remove both of his arms and legs. "When they cut off my last leg I wanted to die. I suffered great depression and my spirit was as low as you can get. But you have to choose--and I chose to live!" said Croizon. While he was recovering in hospital, Croizon saw a television programme about a woman who had been swimming across the English Channel. After watching the programme Croizon decided to do it. He began to exercise every day to make him strong and it took him two years to prepare. Finally in 2010, Croizon was ready. He entered the cold, grey sea of the English Channel. He was now 42 years old. It took him from early morning until night to swim the distance. He felt a lot of pain. But he had become the first person without arms and legs to swim between France and England. Croizon had achieved his dream, but he did not stop there. He looked for a new goal. Early in 2012 he planned to swim across the seas that join five major continents. During the next few months he swam between the four continents of Australia, Asia, Africa and Europe and finally in the cold waters of the Bering Strait between the continents of Asia and the Americas. "We want to show people something. If disabled people have courage and a lot of training they can do the same things as those who are not disabled," said Croizon. 5
['QSN According to the passage, Philippe Croizon _ . ANS suffered a lot from the accident', "QSN What do we know about Philippe Croizon's swimming across the English Channel? ANS He spent a lot of time preparing for it.", "QSN Philippe Croizon's crossing the seas joining five continents _ . ANS ended in the Bering Strait", "QSN Which of the following can best describe Philippe Croizon's story? ANS Where there's a will, there's a way.", "QSN What's the best title for the passage? ANS Philippe Croizon's amazing swim"]
When did you see a polar bear ? On a trip to a zoo, perhaps ? If you had attended a winter activity in New York a few years ago, you would have seen a whole polar bear club. These "Polar Bears" are people who meet frequently in the winter to swim in freezing cold water. That day, the air temperature was 3 degrees. And the water temperature was a little higher. The members of the Polar Bear Club at Coney Island, New York are usually about the age of 60. Members must satisfy two requirements. First, they must get along well with everyone else in the group; this is very important because there are so many different kinds of people in the club. Polar Bears must also agree to swim outdoors at least twice a month from November through February. Doctors don't agree about the medical effects of cold-water swimming. Some are worried about the dangers of a condition in which the body's temperature drops so slow that finally the heart stops. Other doctors, however, point out that there is more danger of a heart attack during summer swimming because the difference between the air temperature and the water tempreature is much greater in summer than in winter. The Polar Bears themselves are satisfied with the benefits of cold-water swimming. They say that their favorite form of exercise is very good for the circulatory system because it forces the blood to move fast to keep the body warm. Cold-water swimmers usually turn bright red after a few minutes in the water. A person who turns blue probably has a very poor circulatory system and could not try cold-water swimming. The main benefits of cold-water swimming are probably mental. The Polar Bears love to swim all the year round; they find it fun and relaxing. As one 70-year-old woman says, "When I go into the water, I pour my troubles into the ocean and let them float away." 5
['QSN Doctors _ . ANS have different ideas about the medical effects of cold-water swimming', 'QSN According to the passage, some doctors believe it is true that _ . ANS cold-water swimming causes more heart attack in summer than in winter', 'QSN The Polar Bears like to swim year-round, for _ . ANS they find it enjoyable and interesting', 'QSN Which of the following is TRUE according to the text ? ANS None of the above.', 'QSN This passage is mainly about _ . ANS a group of cold-water-swimming lovers']
The Marches were a happy family. Poverty, hard work, and even the fact that Father March was away with the Union armies could not down the spirits of Meg, Jo, Amy, and Marmee, as the March girls called their mother. The March sisters tried to be good but had their share of faults. Pretty Meg was often displeased with the schoolchildren she taught; boyish Jo was easy to become angry; golden-haired schoolgirl Amy liked to show up; but Beth, who kept the house, was loving and gentle always. The happy days passed and darkness came when a telegram arrived for Mrs. March. "Your husband is very ill," it said, "come at once." The girl tried to be brave when their mother left for the front. They waited and prayed. Little Beth got scarlet fever when she was taking care of the sick neighbor. She became very ill but began to recover by the time Marmee was back. When Father came home from the front and at that joyful Christmas dinner they were once more all together. Three years later the March girls had grown into young womanhood. Meg became Mrs. Brooke, and after a few family troubles got used to her new state happily. Jo had found pleasure in her literary efforts. Amy had grown into a young lady with a talent for design and an even greater one for society. But Beth had never fully regained her health, and her family watched her with love and anxiety. Amy was asked to go and stay in Europe with a relative of the Marches. Jo went to New York and became successful in her writing and had the satisfaction of seeing her work published there. But at home the bitterest blow was yet to fall. Beth had known for some time that she couldn't live much longer to be with the family and in the spring time she died. News came from Europe that Amy and Laurie, the grandson of a wealthy neighbor, had planned to be married soon. Now Jo became ever more successful in her writing and got married to Professor Bhaer and soon afterwards founded a school for boys. And so the little women had grown up and lived happily with their children, enjoying the harvest of love and goodness that they had devoted all their lives to. 4
['QSN The members of the March family were Father March, Mrs. March and their _ . ANS four daughters', 'QSN Who was the most successful in career among the March girls? ANS Jo', 'QSN Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? ANS The March Girls', 'QSN It can be inferred from the passage that the March family had _ . ANS both happiness and sadness']
When you were young, ginger ale may have been a popular choice for reducing the unpleasant feelings caused by your upset stomach on the road to get to school. For years, ginger has been used to reduce the effects of nausea . But do you know it's now also being looked at to fight cancer? Scientists have discovered that ginger can kill cancerous cells in two different ways. On the one hand, ginger causes the cancer cells to "commit suicide" by destroying themselves while leaving the surrounding healthy cells untouched. Ginger can prevent the growth of diseased cells by destroying the environment they grow in. On the other hand, ginger tricks the diseased cells and causes them to fight among themselves. Researchers are now looking into one of the toughest cancers to fight. However, scientists find repeated treatment of disease by drugs can actually lose its effectiveness over time as the cancer builds up resistance to the same treatment. This raises researchers' confidence that ginger would help stop resistance from the cancer. In a study, the cancer clearly stopped growing in the body of the mice that had been given ginger. The bad news is that such encouraging research has only been conducted on mice. The good news, however, is that it seems humans might be able to get the same benefit just by eating products with ginger and ginger root in them. Cancer prevention and fighting abilities aren't the only potential benefits you may get from adding a bit more ginger to your diet. Drinking ginger ale when your stomach was upset as a child wasn't just a placebo .Numerous studies and research, including the Mayo Clinic's strict grading system, agree that ginger has some sort of anti-nausea characteristics. Some believe that ginger works well against nausea after operations, while others use it to reduce motion sickness such as seasickness and car sickness. The Mayo Clinic, however, advises the use of ginger only to reduce nausea during pregnancy. While more research needs to be done, early studies are very promising, especially in that small amounts of ginger don't seem to do any harm to the mother or baby. Other health benefits from ginger exist as well. Since ginger is often considered to be useful in warming bodies, it can improve the condition of people's joints including knees and ankle joints. Some suggest that ginger can help cure a cough associated with the common cold. Another benefit of ginger is that it seems to have no real side effects, which is one of the main reasons it appears to be safe during pregnancy. But for safety, you should always consult a doctor for instructions on daily use before starting, even with something like ginger that seems to have little to no side effects. 3
['QSN Why do scientists think ginger can be used to fight against cancer? ANS Ginger can destroy diseased cells in two different ways.', "QSN What is the text mainly about? ANS Ginger's medicinal effects.", 'QSN What will most probably be talked about following the text? ANS How to use ginger in daily life.']
It's really true what people say about English politeness: it's everywhere. When squeezing past someone in a narrow aisle, people say "sorry". When getting off a bus, English passengers say "thank you" rather than the driver. In Germany, people would never dream of doing these things. After all, squeezing past others is sometimes unavoidable, and the bus driver is only doing his job. I used to think the same way, without questioning it, until I started traveling to the British Isles and came to appreciate some more polite ways of interacting with people. People thank each other everywhere in England, all the time. When people buy something in a shop, customers and retail assistants in most cases thank each other twice or more. In Germany, it would be exceptional to hear more than one "thank you" in such a conversation. British students thank their lecturers when leaving the room. English employers thank their employees for doing their jobs, as opposite to Germans, who would normally think that paying their workers money is already enough. Another thing I observed during my stay was that English people rarely criticize others. Even when I was working and mistakes were pointed out to me, my employers emphasized several times that none of their words were intended as criticism. It has been my impression that by avoiding criticism, English people are making an effort to make others feel comfortable. This is also shown in other ways. British men still open doors for women, and British men are more likely to treat women to a meal than German men. However, I do need to point out here that this applies to English men a bit more than it would to Scottish men! Yes, the latter are a bit tightfisted. 3
["QSN What is the author's attitude towards English politeness? ANS He appreciates it.", 'QSN What can we learn about customers and retail assistants in Germany? ANS They may say thank you only once.', 'QSN The author develops the text through the method of _ . ANS making comparisons']
A very old lady won a million dollars in a lottery . Her son and his wife heard the news on the radio."How are we going to tell your mother?" the wife asked. "The shock might kill her! "That's true." the son said. "Perhaps we'd better speak to her doctor about it. He'll know how to break the news to her gently." They explained the situation to the old lady's doctor. "I'm glad you told me." he said. "A shock, even a happy one,could give her a heart attack. Leave it to me. I 'll find a way of breaking the news to her." He thought about the problem for several days, and then decided what he would say. He called on the old lady and sat by her side. He took her hand in his."Let's play a game, my dear." he said. "A 'Let's Pretend' game." ks5u "Oh, yes." the old lady said. "I love 'Let's Pretend' games." "Good. I'll ask you a question first." the doctor said. "Then you can ask me one." He pretended to think for a few moments. Then he said, "Tell me, what would you do if you won a million dollars in the lottery?" "Oh, that's an easy one." the old lady said. "I'd give most of it to you, doctor, because you have been so good to me all these years. Doctor!" But the doctor was now lying on the floor. He had died of shock. 4
['QSN The best title for this passage should be " _ " ANS Breaking the News', "QSN Why didn't the son and his wife tell his mother the good news immediately? ANS They didn't want her to die of shock", 'QSN The doctor was worried that _ ANS the old lady would suffer a heart attack', "QSN The doctor went to the old lady's house _ ANS to tell her the news"]
Early last Tuesday, six men carrying machine guns, a pistol and a hunting rifle got on a four--car electric " milk train" at the Dutch town of Assen. Shortly after it left Beilen, ten miles away, the terrorists stopped the train and seized the passenger as hostages. As police and Dutch soldiers ringed the train, another group of terrorists stuck in Amsterdam, forcing their way into the Indonesian consulate and taking 41 more hostages, including 16 children. By week's end the terrorists had murdered three people aboard the train, and four more had been wounded in the raid on the consulate. The kidnapping, and the subsequent cold--blooded murders, virtually rocked the Netherlands. While the Cabinet met in emergency sessions, television and radio station paused normal programming in favor of solemn music and news bulletins. The terrorists were Indonesians from the South Moluccan Islands in the Pacific Ocean, and they were demanding that the Dutch help them gain independence from the Jakarta regime. The twin acts of violence were not the first signs of South Molucca anger. Just before a 1970 visit to the Netherlands by Indonesia's President Suharto, they attacked the Indonesian embassy in the Hague, killing a Dutch policeman. Last week's kidnappings are two days before the Dutch Appeals Court was to trial 16 South Moluccan's who were implicated in a plot last April to kidnap Queen Juliana and other members of the Royal family. They planned to storm the palace at Soestdijk after attacking the gates with an armoured car . The Moluccan headache is a heritage of the old days of empire. A chain of islands at the eastern of the Indonesian archipelago, the Moluccas were once known as the Spice Islands. When the Netherlands gave up its East Indies colonies in 1949, the Moluccans wanted to set up a South Moluccan Republic, some 12,000 islanders were allowed to settle to the Netherlands. Their number swollen by Dutch--born children now reached 35,000. the young Moluccans here are demanding that the Dutch help them gain independence from the Jakarta regime. 2
['QSN Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage? ANS The terrorists all surrendered to the police and soldiers.', 'QSN Why did television and radio stations pause normal programming? ANS The acts of violence shocked the whole country.']
A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. Three minutes went by, and a middle aged man noticed there was musician playing. He slowed his pace, and stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet his schedule. A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the money box without stopping, and continued to walk. A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work. The one who paid the most attention was a 3-year-old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally, the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on. In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition. No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most beautiful pieces ever written, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars. Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100. This is a real story. Joshua Bell's playing in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment. The outlines were: in a common environment at an inappropriate hour: Do we enjoy beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected situation? One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?" 4
['QSN Few people stopped to listen to Joshua Bell playing because _ . ANS people were in a hurry', 'QSN When children stopped to look at the violinist, their parents _ . ANS would urge them to continue walking', "QSN Joshua Bell played in the metro station in order to _ . ANS find out people's reaction under such a circumstance", 'QSN The purpose of the passage is to _ . ANS set us to think about our life']
There are many older people in the world and there will be many more. A little-known fact is that over 60 percent of the older people live in developing countries. According to the World Health Organization, by 2020 there will be 1 billion, with over 700 million living in developing countries. It is a surprising fact that the population ageing is particularly rapid in developing countries. For example, it took France 115 years for the proportion of older people to double from 7 percent to 14 percent. It is estimated to take China a mere 27 years to achieve this same increase. What are the implications of these increased numbers of older folk? One of the biggest worries for governments is that the longer people live ,the more likelihood there is for diseases and for disability. Attention is being paid to the need to keep people as healthy as possible, including during old age, to lessen the financial burden on the state. Another significant problem is the need for the younger generations to understand and value the older people in their society. In some African countries, certainly in Asia, older people are respected and regarded as the ones with special knowledge. Yet traditions are fading away daily, which does not ensure the continued high regard of older people. As society changes, attitudes will change. Much needs to be done to get rid of age discrimination in employment. Life-long learning programs need to be provided to enable older people to be active members in a country's development. Social security policies need to be established to provide adequate income protection for older people. Both public and private schemes are vital in order to build a suitable safety net. To achieve equality in such matters will take considerable time and effort. One thing is sure:there is no time to be lost. 4
['QSN The proportion of older people _ . ANS will increase much faster in China than in France', 'QSN According to the passage, which of the following are governments most worried about? ANS The diseases and disability of older people.', 'QSN It is stated directly in the passage that older people should _ . ANS be valued by the younger generations', 'QSN Which of the following measures is NOT mentioned to solve the population ageing problem? ANS Providing free health care for sick older people.']
What's On Stage An acrobatic show:To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the China Acrobatic Troupe will present "The Soul of China", where the seemingly impossible is made real. Chills will run down your spine as you watch breathlessly as performers take their art and their bodies to the edge. Time: 7:30 p.m., September 13-19 Place: Capital Theatre, 22 Wangfujing Dajie, Dongcheng District Exhibitions Joint Show: A group ink painting exhibition is running at the Huangshicheng Art Gallery in Beijing. About 50 works by 25 young artists including Ge Yun and Yu Yang are on display. Time: 9:00 a. m.-5:00 p.m. until September 10 Place: Huangshicheng Art Gallery, 136 Nanchizi Dajie, Dongcheng District Oil paintings:The Wanfung Art Gallery will host a joint show of oil painting by 10 young and middle-aged artists. On display are more than 30 of their latest works, which capture the wondrous variety of life in unique styles. Time: 9:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. until September 15 Place: 136 Nanchizi Street, Dongcheng District Literature museum: The National Museum of Modern Chinese Literature offers an in-depth study of the evolution of Chinese contemporary literature from 1919 to 1949. Time: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., daily Place: 45 Anyuan Donglu, Chaoyang District (Shaoyaoju area) Concerts Beijing rocks:"The Fashion Night of Chinese Rock" is set to bring rock fans out by the thousands next month. Nine Chinese rock bands will perform at the concert, including older generation bands, middle generation and some recent arrivals. The audience will be given a chance to decide what songs they want to hear, which is sure to bring a storm. Time: September 16 Place: The Olympic Center Belgium orchestra:La Petite Bande, the Baroque Orehestra of Belgium, will perform in Beijing at the Grand Theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities as part of activities across the world in memory of the 250th anniversary of Bach's death. Time: 7:30 p.m. September 11-14 Place: Grand Theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities 4
['QSN What do you think of the acrobatic show mentioned above? ANS Unexpected things will make you excited and surprised.', 'QSN The most characteristic thing about the Fashion Night of Chinese Rock is that _ . ANS it will let the audience choose the performers and the music', 'QSN Suppose it is September 14 today, how many activities can people choose to attend? ANS 4.', 'QSN On the whole, we can conclude _ . ANS we can enjoy a large variety of cultural activities in Beijing']
As the price of a college degree continues to rise, there's growing evidence that the monetary payoff isn't quite as big as often advertised. The best estimate now is that a college degree is worth about $300,000 in today's dollars--nowhere near the million figure that is often quoted. "That million number has driven me crazy!" says Sandy Baum, a Skidmore economist who studied the value of a college degree for the College Board last year. Baum's research showed that college graduates earn, on average, about $20,000 a year more than those who finished their educations at high school. Add that up over a 40-year working life and the total differential is about $800,000, she figures. But since much of that bonus is earned many years from now, taking away the impact of inflation means that$800,000 in future dollars is worth only about $450,000 in today's dollars. Then, if you remove the cost of a college degree--about ,$30,000 in tuition and books for students who get no aid and attend public in-state universities--and the money a student could have earned at a job instead of attending school, the real net value in today's dollars is somewhere in the $300,000 range, a number confirmed by other studies. But, especially these days, that still makes a college degree one of the most _ investments a person can make, Baum notes. Better yet, college graduates can go on to earn advanced degrees, which return even bigger payoffs. The average holder of a bachelor's degree earns about$51,000 a year, Baum calculates. But those who've gone on to earn MBAs, law degrees, or other professional degrees earn about $100,000 a year. In addition, Baum found that there are plenty of other rewards for a degree. The quality of the jobs college graduates get is far better, for example. College graduates are more likely to get jobs with health insurance. And it is easier for them to find and hold jobs. The unemployment rate for college graduates was just 2.2 percent last year, half the unemployment level of those with only high school diplomas. There are lots of other nonmonetary benefits as well. College graduates are healthier, contribute more to their communities, and raise kids who are better prepared academically, studies show. Other researchers have found that the payoff of a degree is especially lucrative for students from low-income families, since the education and degrees give them a chance to break out of low-paying careers. 3
['QSN What can be inferred from Para 1 ? ANS The return of a college degree is less than often quoted.', 'QSN How can a college graduate increase his or her yearly income according to the passage? ANS By going on for higher degrees.', 'QSN Which of the following statements can be learned from the text ? ANS Students from low-income families still think degrees are profitable to change their life.']
Holding a cell phone against your ear or storing it in your pocket may be dangerous to your health. This explains a warning that cell phone manufacturers include in the small print that is often ignored when a new phone is purchased. Apple, for example, doesn't want iPhones to come closer to you than 1.5 centimeters; Research In Motion, BlackBerry's manufacturer, recommends 2.5 centimeters. If health issues arise from cell phone use, the possible effects are huge. Voice calls - Americans chat on cell phones 2.26 trillion minutes annually - earn $109 billion for the wireless carriers. Devra Davis, an expert who has worked for the University of Pittsburgh, has published a book about cell phone radiation, "Disconnect." The book surveys scientific research and concludes the question is not settled. Brain cancer is a concern that Ms. Davis examines. Over all, there has not been an increase in its incidence since cell phones arrived. But the average masks an increase in brain cancer in the 20-to-29 age group and a drop for the older population. "Most cancers have multiple causes," she says, but she points to laboratory research that suggests low-energy radiation could damage cells that could possibly lead to cancer. Children are more _ to radiation than adults, Ms. Davis and other scientists point out. Radiation that penetrates only five centimeters into the brain of an adult will reach much deeper into the brains of children because their skulls are thinner and their brains contain more absorptive fluid . No studies have yet been completed on cell phone radiation and children, she says. Henry Lai, a research professor in the bioengineering department at the University of Washington, began laboratory radiation studies in 1980 and found that rats exposed to radiation had damaged DNA in their brains. Ms. Davis recommends using wired headsets or the phone's speaker. Children should text rather than call, she said, and pregnant women should keep phones away from the abdomen . 2
["QSN Why is the warning in the small print? ANS They don't want the users to pay attention to it.", 'QSN What does the passage mainly talk about? ANS Be careful when using cell phones.']
It's almost time to head back to school, and well, it' s never too early to start shopping for those school supplies.If you have some extra cash left over after shopping for backpacks and number two pencils, then treat your kid to some cool electronics you can borrow from them later. Acer Aspire One: Netbooks are great for many reasons.Parents will love them because they're extremely affordable and light compared to the average laptop.They' re also ideal for students who don' t quite need a computer but want one to do research, check email, or just surf the Web.You can find a black or white version for the low price of $ 99. Fuji Fine Pix Z20fd: This sub - $ 200 digital camera is the perfect thing for any high school student.Available in five eye -catching color1s, the Fine Pix Z20fd is a 10 - megapixel camera.Media kids will appreciate the camera? s blog and auction mode that lets users transfer pictures between cameras, as well as the "one touch" movie recording option that allows them to edit movies before sharing them online.This is certainly an affordable camera for photo - lovers of any age Mimobot: USB flash drives are all pretty much the same, but if you want to treat your teen to a hip flash drive, check out Momobot.corn.Each drive is packed with cool wallpaper, digital magazines, and so on.You can find them in 1GB, 2GB, 4GB and 8GB capacities at the price of $35- $100. Samsung S2: Regardless of what your teen may tell you, there are other music players out there packed with plenty of great features.Samsung' s S2 MP3 player is nice enough to wear around the neck and small enough to take to the gym.It is available in five color1s (red, black, white, purple, and green) , comes in capacities of 1GB or 2GB, and is available for the low price of $40 or less. 3
['QSN What is probably the best tide for the passage? ANS Gift Ideas for High School Students', 'QSN According to the passage, which of the following is the most expensive? ANS Fuji Fine Pix Z20fd.', 'QSN The passage is probably taken from a _ . ANS newspaper']
All across California, honeybees are flying away from their hives and dying. Empty hives are causing a lot of worry about some important food crops. Bees give us a lot more than delicious honey. They are pollinators --they enable plants to produce the fruits and nuts we enjoy by carrying pollen from one plant or flower to the next. The wind pollinates oats, corn, and wheat, but many other plants (like apple and cherry trees and melon vines) depend on insects, bats, and birds. In the U.S., millions and millions of bees kept by human beekeepers fly around doing a lot of this important work for food crops. "Bees are worth protecting because their work adds so much to our diet," says Dr. Jeff Pettis of the Bee Research Laboratory. California's almond crop alone depends on about half the bees in the country. But now the almond crop and many others could be in trouble with so many bees dying. Researchers at government and university labs all over the country are trying to figure out why so many bees are dying. However, bees are hard to study. Most die away from the hive, so researchers don't have dead bodies to examine. And when researchers return to a hive after two weeks, about half the bees they studied on their first visit will be dead, replaced by new ones in the natural life cycle of bees. "It isn't like studying a large animal like a cow that doesn't move around much and is easy to find out in the cow field," says Pettis. Researchers have some ideas about what could be affecting bee health. They could be sick from poisons widely used to kill insects, or they might not be getting enough good food to stay strong. Also, tiny insects called mites feed on bees. "A virus or bacteria could also be doing the killing." explains Pettis. 3
['QSN Bees are hard to study because _ . ANS they move around too much', 'QSN What could cause so many bees to die? ANS Some virus.', 'QSN What can we learn from the article? ANS Without bees, some foods would disappear from our diet.']
When a rare disease ALD threatened to kill the four-year-old boy Lorenzo, his parents refused to give up hope. Doctors explained that there was no cure for ALD, and that he would probably die within three years. But Lorenzo's parents set out to prove the doctors wrong. The parents devoted themselves to keeping their son alive and searching for a cure. But doctors and the families of other ALD patients often refused to take them seriously. They thought the efforts to find a cure were a waste of time, and drug companies weren't interested in supporting research into such a rare disease. However, the parents still refused to give up and spent every available hour in medical libraries and talking to anyone who would help. Through trial and error, they finally created a cure from ingredients commonly found in the kitchen. The cure, named "Lorenzo's Oil", saved the boy's life. Despite the good results, scientists and doctors remained unconvinced. They said there was no real evidence that the oil worked and that the treatment was just a theory. As a result, some families with ALD children were reluctant to try it. Finally, the boy's father organized an international study to test the oil. After ten years of trials, the answer is: the oil keeps ALD children healthy. 4
['QSN Doctors said that Lorenzo might die within three years because _ . ANS no cure had been found for ALD', "QSN The families of other ALD patients thought that _ . ANS the efforts of Lorenzo's parents were a waste of time", "QSN Scientists and doctors believed that Lorenzo's Oil _ . ANS only worked in theory", 'QSN From the passage we can conclude that _ . ANS the oil really works as a cure for ALD']
In Africa, listening is a guiding principle .It's a principle that' been lost in the constant chat of the Western world .From my own past experience , I noticed how much faster I had to answer a question during a TV interview .It is as if we have completely lost the ability to listen .We talk and talk , and we end up frightened by silence . Everywhere, people on the African continent write and tell stories. Even the nomads who still live in the Kalahari Desert are said to tell one another stories on their daylong wanderings, during which they search for roots and animals to hunt. A number of years ago I sat down on a stone bench outside the Teatro Avenida in Maputo, Mozambique, where I worked as an artistic consultant. It was a hot day, and we were taking a break, hoping that a cool gentle wind would move past. Two old African men were sitting on that bench, but there was room for me, too. In Africa people share more than just water. Even when it comes to shade, people are generous. I heard the two men talking about a third old man who had recently died. One of them said, "I was visiting him at his home. He started to tell me an amazing story about something that had happened to him when he was young. But it was a long story. Night came, and I decided that I should come back the next day to hear the rest. But when I arrived, he was dead." The man fell silent. I decided not to leave that bench until I heard how the other man would respond to what he'd heard. Finally he, too, spoke. "That's not a good way to die--before you've told the end of your story." What separates us from animals is the fact that we are storytelling creatures and we can listen to other people's dreams, fears, joys, sorrows, desires and defeats--and they in turn can listen to ours. Many people make the mistake of confusing information with knowledge. They are not the same thing. Knowledge involves the interpretation of information. Knowledge involves listening. Many words will be written on the wind and the sand, or end up in store. But the storytelling will go on until the last human being stops listening. Then we can send the great record of human out into the endless universe. Who knows? Maybe someone is out there, willing to listen... 3
['QSN From the very beginning of the passage, we can know Europeans _ . ANS tend to talk more and listen less', 'QSN It can be inferred from the passage that if you are in Africa, you will _ . ANS often hear the stories told by strangers', 'QSN The passage mainly talks about _ . ANS the art of listening in Africa']
Blue-eyed people have been living in Europe for at least 7,000 years, scientists have discovered. A man who lived on the Iberian Peninsula before Europeans became farmers probably had blue eyes but dark hair and skin, according to scientists who have sequenced his DNA. This surprising combination of eye, hair and skin color1ing may not have been unusual during his lifetime, but it is no longer seen among modern Europeans, reported by the journal Nature. The man, a Neolithic hunter-gatherer known to scientists as La BranaI, is of great interest to scientists because he offers a snapshot of what was in Europeans' DNA before agriculture spread through the continent. Experts have theorized that certain genetic feature spread quickly among humans after they adopted the farming lifestyle. La BranaI shows that at least some of their predictions were correct. The man's skeleton, along with that of a male companion, was discovered in 2006 in a cave in what is now northeastern Spain. The site, known as La Brana-Arintero, sits about 5,000 feet above sea level, and the cave provided a cold, refrigerator-like environment that preserved his DNA. In the lab, scientists were able to remove enough DNA from a single tooth to reconstruct La BranaI's entire genome . They compared it to the DNA of other ancient Europeans (including Otzi, the 5, 300-year-old mummy found in an Alpine glacier) and determined that he was a closer match with hunter-gatherers than with farmers. When it came to genes that would influence La BranaI's appearance, the researchers found that their 7,OOO-year-old subject had versions of two skin pigment genes that are either very rare or nonexistent among Europeans today. Then they looked at other places in the genome that influence pigmentation and found a mix of ancient and modern gene variants . Taken together, La BranaI's DNA "is likely to have resulted in dark skin pigmentation and dark or brown hair," they wrote. However, his DNA indicates that his eyes were most likely blue, the scientists found.This suggests that gene variants for light-color1ed eyes and skin did not spread together, they wrote, adding that La BranaI's combination "of dark skin and non-brown eyes is unique and no longer present in contemporary European populations. " Today, a blue-eyed person would typically have fair skin. To get some idea of whether La BranaI's color1ing was unusual for his day, the researchers will try to sequence the DNA of his companion, who has been named La BranaII. 2
['QSN La BranaI remains as it was due to_. ANS a cold condition', "QSN Which of the following is TRUE? ANS La BranaI's DNA influences his appearance."]
It took courage to stand up at work. Now more and more people like to have a change and stand up when they are on something important. Standing up is popular. Medical researchers have found that people who stand at work tend to be much healthier than those who sit. In the last few years, many office supply companies have begun to sell the adjustable- height desk. These so- called " sit/ stand" models are equipped with an electric motor that lets them shift from chair height to person height at the push of a button. Unfortunately, they're regarded as specially furniture. Sit/ stand desks tend to be expensive, hard to find and not easy to test it in person. When you worked standing up, your mind was more excited and new ideas kept coming out. This is because when you're standing, you feel a bit _ from your desk. If you got stuck on a word or sentence as you wrote, you found yourself shaking your arms, bouncing on your feet or stepping away from the desk for a bit------ things you couldn't do in a chair. Often, standing up seemed to relax your mind enough for you to get over creative barriers. There's one other thing about standing for a long time; you tended to get hungrier than you do when you sit on a chair. That felt like confirmation of the stand-up advocates' belief that you burn more calories when you stand than when you sit. For this reason alone, I'm hoping that sit/ stand desks one day hit the mainstream, with mass- market furniture companies making many low- priced versions. We could all do with a bit more standing up. 2
['QSN We can learn that the adjustable- height desk is _ . ANS smart in operation', 'QSN According to para.3, standing up while working _ . ANS can make us relaxed and be creative']
At least 3 people are dead in the Philippines now that Typhoon Hagupit has landed. The typhoon, which hit the eastern Philippines over the weekend, has blown down trees and sent more than 650thousand people into shelters before weakening. "There were very strong winds last night. The roof was beginning to move, and rain was getting inside the rooms," said a villager. The storm hit with gusts of over 100 miles per hour. And while the storm has slowed considerably from the super typhoon level it had last week, Hagupit still remains strong enough to create more damage. Christopher Perez is a local weather forecaster. He says, "We are continuing to expect bad weather and rough ocean waves. Threats of possible flash floods and landslides as well as possible storm waves are occurring in coastal areas." Hagupit is expected to roll into the South China Sea tomorrow. It's currently going westward toward the southern tip of Vietnam, meaning it's unlikely to affect China. Hagupit's strength in the Philippines is much less severe than Typhoon Haiyan, which rolled through the country in 2013. Haiyan's tsunamilike storm waves and killer winds left thousands of people dead and _ . The central Philippines is still trying to recover from last year's massive storm waves. 3
['QSN We can know from the passage that the Typhoon Hagupit is _ . ANS weakening', 'QSN Which of the following places suffered most when Typhoon Haiyan rolled in? ANS The central Philippines.', 'QSN What do we know about Typhoon Haiyan from the passage? ANS It brought about a lot of deaths.']
Read the following directions on a bottle of medicine: "Take two tablets with water, followed by one tablet every eight hours, as required, For maximum night-time and early morning relief, take two tablets at bed - time, Do not take more than six tablets in twenty-four hours. For children six to twelve years old, give half the amount for a grownup. For children under six years old, ask for your doctor's advice. Reduce the amount if nervousness, _ , or sleeplessness occurs," 4
['QSN The directions on this medicine bottle clearly warn the patient not to take more than _ . ANS six tablets a day.', 'QSN We can infer from the directions that _ . ANS the medicine could cause some people to feel nervous.', 'QSN If one cannot sleep, it is suggested that he _ . ANS take less than two tablets before going to bed.', 'QSN Obviously the medicine _ . ANS may be dangerous to small children.']
Even before they start school, many young girls worry that they are fat. But a new study suggests watching a movie starring astereotypically thin and beautiful princess may not increase children's anxieties. Nearly half of the 3 to 6 year old girls in a study by Professor Stacey Tantleff-Dunn and doctoral student Sharon Hayes said they worry about being fat. About one-third would change a physical feature, such as their weight or hair color. The number of girls worried about being fat at such a young age concerns Tantleff-Dunn because of the potential effects later in life. Studies have shown young girls worried about their body image are more likely to suffer from eating disorders when they are older. The encouraging news for parents is that taking their young daughters to see the new Disney film "The Princess and the Frog" isn't likely to influence how they see their bodies. "The media have a great effect on how young girls see their bodies. That's why it's important for parents to use movies such as 'The Princess and the Frog,' to start conversations with their children about weight, skin color and their views of beauty. They can explain that princesses' tiny waists are not realistic for girls and that children don't need Cinderella's golden hair or Snow White'sporcelain skin to look good," Tantleff-Dunn said. "We need to help our children challenge the images of beauty, particularly thinness, that they see and idolize, and encourage them to question how much appearance should be part of their self-worth," said Tantleff-Dunn. "We should help them build a positive self-image with an appreciation for many different types of body features." And as their children's most important role models, parents also should avoid criticizing their own bodies. 4
['QSN Tantleff-Dunn worries that young girls caring too much about their appearance may _ . ANS have diet trouble in the future', 'QSN What is especially considered as beauty by girls according to the passage? ANS Having a slim body.', 'QSN Parents can help kids build a positive self-image by _ . ANS avoiding complaining of their own bodies', 'QSN The writer writes the passage mainly to _ ANS introduce a new research finding']
"Developed and developing nations can learn from each other seeking a low-carbon economy. In terms of energy saving and green economy, China doesn't _ developed nations," said Zhou Changyi, director of the energy saving department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. "While we can learn many aspects from developed nations, they also should learn something from us, such as water conservation," Zhou said in a speech during the new Path of China's Industrialization forum at the ongoing China International Industry Fair. He said industrialized nations and China are dealing with different issues to fight climate change. The United Kingdom, for example, is concerned about transport, buildings and new energy in reducing carbon emissions. For China, the most urgent task is how to realize new type of industrialization and avoid mistakes that other countries made when they industrialized. Swiss power and automation technology group ABB called for a stronger focus on product life-cycle assessment, or LCA, which is used to study the environmental impact of a product from the research and manufacturing stage through its usage and recycling. Tobias Becker, head of ABB' s process automation division for North Asia and China, said LCA is an effective tool in helping manufacturing industries to reduce carbon emissions. LCA shows that industrial customers should focus on a product's environmental impact throughout its life-cycle instead of on its initial investment. Richard Hausmann, North East Asia CEO of Siemens, said, "The color of future industrialization is green. " The Germany company recently announces that it wants to receive orders worth more than 6 billion Euros ( US 8. 8 billion) for intelligent power networks, Smart Grid, over the next five years. Siemens has set a 20 percent market share target for the global smart grid business. A smart grid delivers electricity from suppliers to consumers using digital technology, advanced sensors specialized computers that save energy, reduce costs and increase reliability. The United States and China are considered the two biggest markets for smart grid. 3
['QSN What do we know about LCA from the text? ANS LCA can help manufacturing industries decrease carbon release a lot.', "QSN _ about Smart Grid isn't mentioned in the text. ANS Small in size", 'QSN What can be a suitable title for the text? ANS Low-carbon Economy -a Shared Goal']
An old man was fishing by a river. A child was watching him. The old man was really good at fishing and it didn't take him much time to catch a basket of fish. The old man saw that the child was very cute, and he wanted to give her a whole basket of fish. But the child shook her head. The old man was surprised and asked "Why don't you want the fish?" The child replied,"I want the fishing rod in your hands." The old man asked, "Why do you want the rod?" "It won't take long to eat all the fish in the basket. But if I have the fishing rod, I can go fishing by myself and I won't be afraid of not having any fish to eat." I think you will certainly say that the girl is very smart. Wrong! If she doesn't know how to fish, she cannot have fish to eat, even though she has the fishing rod. It's useless to only have a fishing rod. Fishing skills are the most important, not the fishing rod. Too many people think that if they have a "fishing rod" in their life, they will no longer fear the difficulties in life. They are just like the child, who thought that if she had a fishing rod, she would have fish to eat. 5
['QSN What was the child doing when the old man was fishing? ANS She was watching the old man.', 'QSN Where did the old man put the fish? ANS In a basket.', "QSN Why did the child refuse to get the fish? ANS Because she wanted the old man's fishing rod.", 'QSN The writer thinks the child is _ . ANS silly', 'QSN The story mainly tells us _ . ANS "fishing skills" are more important than the "fishing rod" in life']
Animation means making things which are lifeless come alive and move. Since earliest times, people have always been astonished by movement. But not until this century have we managed to take control of movement, to record it, and in the case of animation, to retranslate it and recreate it. To do all this, we use a movie camera and a projector . In the world of cartoon animation, nothing is impossible. You can make the characters do exactly what you want them to do. A famous early cartoon character was Felix the Cat, created by Pat Sullivan in America in the early nineteen twenties. Felix was a wonderful cat. He could do all sorts of things no natural cat could do like taking off his tail, using it as a handle and then putting it back. Most of the great early animators lived and worked in America, the home of the moving picture industry. The famous Walt Disney cartoon characters came to life after 1928. Popeye the Sailor and his girl friend Olive Oyo were born at Max Ficischer in 1933. But to be an animator, you don't have to be a professional . It is possible for anyone to make a simple animated film without using a camera at all. All you have to do is to draw directly on to an empty film and then run the film through a projector. 4
['QSN What does the passage mainly discuss? ANS Cartoon making', 'QSN According to the passage, Felix the Cat _ . ANS was designed by Pat Sullivan in the early twentieth century', 'QSN It can be inferred from the passage that _ . ANS the animation industry started in the United States', "QSN Which of the following statements best describes the author's attitude towards cartoon making? ANS Cartoon making is not a difficult job. Anyone can do it."]
The White House Correspondents' Dinner is an annual event, and a highlight of the evening is the President's comedy routine. This year, President Obama decided to make a good-natured hit at Michelle's expense. You might remember the "bangs" that the First Lady introduced to the world several months ago! Oh yes he did! Obama bangs joke shows how, with professional helps, presidents are now just as funny as the comedian hosts. For his second term, President Obama will be making big changes! He _ his White House Correspondents' Dinner speech at the Washington Hilton on Saturday, Apr. 27 by joking, "Second term, baby!" "I recognize that this job can take an attack on you. I understand that second term you need a burst of new energy and try some new things," Obama, 51, said. "My team and I talked about it and we're willing to try anything, so we borrowed one of Michelle's tricks." He then presented a slideshow of funny photoshopped images of himself sporting his wife's famous new bangs, a photo of himself and the first lady side by side, both with bangs. "I think this looked pretty good." After Obama's speech, Conan O'Brien took the stage and kept the jokes coming. The late night host made a joke about the President's focus on job creation. "Since he was reelected," he said, " the number of popes has doubled and the number of Tonight Show hosts had three times." 2
["QSN President Obama made a good-natured hit at Michelle's expense to _ . ANS show his humor", "QSN One of Michelle's tricks that Obama borrowed is her _ . ANS bangs"]
The question this week comes from our listener Herve Acard, who asks about the American word "OK", which means "all right" or "acceptable". It expresses agreement or approval. The word is used more often than any other word in the world. Language expert Allen Walker Read said the word began as a short way of writing a different spelling of the words "all correct". Old stories say some foreign-born people would write "all correct" as o-l-l k-o-r-r-e-c-t and spoke it as "OK". Some people say it came from the Native American Indian tribe known as the Choctaws. The Choctaw word "okeh" means the same as the American word "OK". Experts say early explorers in the Western America spoke the Choctaw language in the nineteenth century. The language spread across the country. According to some people, "OK" was a way to shorten Greek words that mean everything is fine. It is also said that a railroad worker named Obadiah Kelly invented the word. He is said to have put the first letters of his names -- O and K -- on each object people gave him to place on the train. Another explanation is that "OK" was invented by a political organization that supported Martin Van Buren for president in the 1800s. They called their organization the OK Club. The letters O and K were taken from the name of the town where Martin Van Buren was born -- Old Kinderhook, New York. Not everyone agrees with these explanations, but experts do agree that the word is purely American and has spread to almost every country on Earth. Yet in the United States, it is used mostly in speech. Serious writers prefer using words, such as "agree", "approve" or "confirm" instead. 2
['QSN Where does the passage probably come from? ANS A radio program.', 'QSN Of the following origins, which one has the same meaning as the American word "OK"? ANS The Choctaw word "okeh"']
"You have cancer" are the three words you never want to hear. Unfortunately, over 5, 000 people in North America do hear those words--every single day. Even worse, cancer has become the second leading cause of death for Americans. America's health practitioner , David Brownstein, M. D., has spent much of his medical career studying cancer, and learning the best ways to avoid becoming its victim. And Dr. Brownstein does not shy away from _ Statistics demonstrate we are not winning the war on cancer. Far from it. In fact, cancer death rates have remained nearly unchanged over the last 80 years. Plus, traditional cancer treatments have been a terrible failure. Because the only big winner in the cancer treatment story to date has been the cancer industry's multibillion-dollar profits, Dr. Brownstein has just released a free video documentary revealing some of his startling findings. In this video, you'll discover five specific signs that you will be diagnosed with cancer during your lifetime. Even more important, you'll see: *Seven simple but smart steps to prevent cancer from taking over your body. *How to help your body naturally kill cancer cells. *Easiest ways to avoid known cancer-causing factors. *The little-known relationship between iodine and cancer. *And much, much more... According to Dr. Brownstein, nearly all of us have cancer cells in our bodies at various times during our lives. The trick is to avoid letting those cells increase and defeat the body's natural defenses. The good news is that you and your loved ones do not need to become cancer victims. With the simple methods revealed in Dr. Brownstein's eye-opening video, you can take steps to prevent this deadly disease. Newsman Health managed to bring it directly to you free of charge. Click here to start watching this powerful video about preventing cancer immediately. With so many people dying needlessly, there's no time to waste. 2
['QSN What do we know about cancer in America? ANS Cancer industry is very profitable.', "QSN What's the purpose of the passage? ANS To recommend a video."]
Volunteers, as an essential part of a successful world exposition, are a major channel for the public to participate in, serve and share the world exposition and a means to showcase the image of the host country and city. The following information is about the volunteer for the World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China. I.Basic Requirements for Volunteers * Be willing to participate in voluntary services of Expo 2010; * Age limit: Expo Site volunteers must be born before April 30, 1992 and Expo City Voluntary Service Station volunteers before April 30, 1994; * Obey the laws and regulations of the PRC; * Be able to participate in training and relevant activities before the opening of Expo 2010; * Possess necessary knowledge and skills needed by the position; * Be in good health to meet the requirements of corresponding voluntary positions. II.Further Information for Volunteers * Source Residents of Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, as well as overseas Chinese, and foreigners can all apply to be the volunteers. * Signup methods Applicants may log in onto the official websites for online signup.They may also consult or connect with the Expo Volunteer Stations. * Time May 1 - December 31, 2009 III.Volunteer Training Volunteer training includes general training, special training and position training.General training is carried out through internet, while special training and position training are provided through classroom lectures and field practice. IV.Volunteer Types * Expo Site volunteers refer to those offering voluntary services to visitors and the Organizer in the Expo Site, mainly including information, visitor flow management, reception, translation and interpretation, assistance for the disabled, and assistance in media service, event and conference organization and.volunteer management. * Information booth volunteers are stationed in the Expo's information booths at key transportation centers, commercial outlets, tourist attractions, restaurants, hotels and cultural event places outside the Expo Site.They offer services including information, translation, interpretation and even first aid. 3
['QSN If you were born in April 1993, where can you be a volunteer? ANS In the Expo City.', 'QSN Which of the training will be done on the Internet? ANS General training.', 'QSN Which of the following service is offered by information booth volunteers? ANS Emergency First aid.']
Donna is 19 years old and loves animals, which is why I'm always happy to leave my dog with her when I go on holiday. Donna also helps to train hunting dogs, but recently, her boyfriend told me, she returned home from a farm in tears after being told to hit some dogs. "She wasn't being asked to hit them because they didn't behave well," he said. "She was told to _ these puppies with a closed fist simply to let them know who is the boss," Donna refused. Good for Donna. In my view, you hit an animal for only two reasons: as a way to teach it an important lesson to protect it from danger, such as not into the road; or because you like hurting animals. Last summer, I attended a horse race. I don't know much about horses, but I was alarmed when I saw a horse with a huge ulcer on its legs. "Surely this horse won't race?" I asked. I was very surprised that nobody in the crowd seemed concerned. The horse began the race, but later it fell heavily. It had broken its leg. The next thing I saw was its dead body in a bag, being driven past. No one seemed to care, except those who had bet on it. I know people care for horse racing, but do they really care for horses? I doubt it. Oh, but it's a tradition, I hear you say. Wouldn't the world be a boring place if we didn't occasionally hit, shoot and chase animals? Traditions are made by man and can be unmade. It was once acceptable to kill servants when their master died, to visit the mental hospitals to laugh at the patients or to watch public execution . Nor should it be forgotten that in our progress to a more civilized world, animals have played an important role: they have fed us, carried us, worked for us, rescued us, died for us and sometimes just saved us from loneliness. Surely by now they deserve our kindness. At the very least, they deserve our respect. 4
['QSN Donna was asked to hit the young dogs because _ . ANS it was a way to train them to obey people', "QSN What is the author's purpose in telling the readers the story about the horse? ANS To show that animals are treated unfairly by humans.", 'QSN Which of the following is NOT true? ANS The author cannot accept anyone who hits the animals.', "QSN What's the best title of the passage? ANS Show Animals the Respect They Deserve."]
Experts believe that there are about 40,000 different types of jobs in the world. Choosing the right one is a difficult task. "Finding a job" is not the same as "choosing a job". Many young people end up in a job that they are not suited to do. "Chance" may play a more important part than "decision". So here are a few steps to help you think about jobs. First, it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and what special qualities make you different from everyone else. The most important thing is to know your interests and skills. But the point is that there is a difference between an interest and a skill. If you like art and enjoy looking at pictures, it is an interest. But if you can draw a horse that looks like a horse rather than a big dog, that is a skill. The best job is one that uses your skills in doing something together with your interests. As well as this, it is an advantage if you believe that a particular job is worth doing in the world. To examine your skills and abilities still further, ask yourself this question: in the following three areas--skills with people, skills with information or skills with things -- which are your best skills? After that, the next step is research. To find out as much as possible about different kinds of work, go to the library and read books, magazines and newspapers. Ask your friends about the work they do. If you are interested in banking, it is better to talk to a bank clerk of twenty-four, rather than a bank manager of sixty-four. Do not ask your parents' friends for information. A younger person will be able to describe a normal day at work and tell you about the interesting or boring things when you first start working. Finally, trust your own ideas and your own thinking! It is your own life, so find something that you enjoy doing. 4
['QSN The difference between "finding a job" and "choosing a job" is that _ . ANS a job that you choose is your decision and is suitable for you while one that you find often isn\'t', 'QSN What is the first step to find a job that suits you well? ANS The first step is to completely know yourself and your special qualities which make you different from everyone else.', "QSN You can do all the things to research for different kinds of work except for _ . ANS asking for the advice of your parents' friends", 'QSN If you are interested in banking, you should talk to a bank clerk of twenty-four instead of a bank manager of sixty-four because _ . ANS a young bank clerk is a full-time worker and can tell you about the interesting or boring things at work']
Suppose a key man in your firm had just met with a terrible accident. The doctor tell you that this man upon whom you depend for directing sales, checking your books or for performing some other important roles, will be laid up for months, You'd have to replace him, wouldn't you? And probably at a pay about equal to his ? Then you'd be faced with double paying for one job because stopping the pay of an injured man would simply be out of the question. You can prevent this kind of unproductive outgo on your payroll by providing your key man with the protection of Travelers Business Accident Insurance! This insurance provides total medical expense and a weekly income in case a key man is disabled for some time. Should the disability prove everlasting, an income for life is certainty. Why not make out a list of your key men now? Then get together with Travelers Insurance Company, and let us tell you how little it costs to apply this much needed protection to your business. Write and we'll serve you! 5
['QSN The above is most probably _ . ANS an advertisement', 'QSN What is really true according to the above? ANS Travelers Insurance Company provides services of accident insurance.', 'QSN Whom might the writing be mainly for? ANS The boss of a company.', 'QSN Why would the pay be doubled? ANS Because the double pay is for two persons.', "QSN Travelers Insurance Company _ for a person insured. ANS won't get much from the firm"]
It is 80 years since the Loch Ness monster was spotted for the first time. Mrs. Aldie Mackay, a local hotel manageress, might have thought that her eyes had deceived her when she reported seeing a "whale-like fish" in the waters of the Scottish lake. Or was it made up by people? Dr. Charles Paxton, a researcher from St Andrew's University, noted that many of the 1,000 eye-witness accounts of the elusive "monster" he has been analyzing come from hotel owners. This raises suspicion of an intention to increase tourism. Mrs. Mackay is widely regarded as the first "modern sighting" of the monster in the lake. And it has opened the floodgates. Police inspectors, lorry drivers, clergymen and fishermen were among the people who claimed to have seen the monster. It became so famous that it got a nickname: Nessie. Tourists and 'Nessie hunters' poured to the area. There were traffic jams around the lake. Certainly, there was much to be gained from the legend. According to Visit Scotland, Nessie tourism brings in more than PS1,000,000 to the area per year. Marine biologist Adrian Shine, who interviewed Mrs. Mackay years later, believes she was sincere. But there are plenty of people who have made a living from Nessie, including Mr. Shine himself. He now runs the Loch Ness Centre and Exhibition out of Mrs. Mackay's old hotel. Dr. Paxton says, analyzing the eye-witness accounts may tell us more about ourselves than whether or not the monster exists. He is due to publish the results of his study later this year. As a scientist, he casts a disbelieving eye on all the evidence linked to Nessie. Highly respected British surgeon, Colonel Robert Wilson, claimed he photographed the beast in 1934. It was later proved to be a toy submarine with a sea-serpent head. Dr. Paxton says: "I suppose it is possible that people have an agenda . But I believe the vast majority of people are reporting the truth. They believe they have seen something strange." Some say you see what you expect. If this is true, in the land famous for whisky and Nessie, the beast will live long and prosper. 3
['QSN Mrs. Aldie Mackay probably felt _ when she reported seeing something unusual in the lake. ANS astonished', "QSN In Dr. Paxton's eyes, _ may have brought about so many eye-witness accounts of the monster. ANS hotel owners' designing to encourage tourism", 'QSN What can be inferred from the passage? ANS Most likely the monster Nessie does not exist at all.']
Chester City Library offers a range of Library Special Needs Services to people who don't have access to our library service in the usual way. As long as you live in Chester City, we'll provide a wide range of library services and resources including: * Large printed and ordinary printed books * Talking books on tape and CD * DVDs and music CDs * Magazines * Reference and information requests Home delivery service Let us know what you like to read and we will choose the resources for you. Our staff will deliver the resources to your home for free. We also provide a service where we can choose the resources for you or someone instead of you choose the things from the library. You can also choose the resources you need personally. Talking books and captioned videos The library can provide talking books for people who are unable to use printed books because of eye diseases. You don't have to miss out on reading any more when you can borrow talking books from the library. If you have limited hearing which prevents you from enjoying movies, we can provide captioned videos for you at no charge. Languages besides English We can provide books in a range of languages besides English. If possible, we will request these items from the State Library of NSW, Australia. How to join? Contact the Library Special Needs Coordinator to register or discuss if you are eligible for any of the services we provide - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9am - 5pm on 4297 2522 for more information. 3
['QSN Library Special Needs Services are meant for _ . ANS people living in Chester City with an illness or disability', 'QSN What can we learn from the passage? ANS Books with different languages are available.', 'QSN To get home delivery service, you must _ . ANS register ahead of time.']
The world's largest solar thermal plant is set to begin producing power in the United States by the end of the year. Wind and energy from the sun are generally considered clean, unlike energy from coal-burning power stations. However, environmentalists now worry that too much solar power development could harm the local environment. A California company -- BrightSource Energy is building a huge solar power plant in the Mojave desert, about 60 kilometers southwest of Las Vegas, Nevada. The plant is known as the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System. Joe Desmond works for the company. "This is actually one of the highest concentrations of sunlight in the world, out here in Ivanpah." explained Desmond. BrightSource Energy will deploy 170,000 specially designed mirrors to direct solar energy towards boilers on top of three power towers. The steam produced in the boilers will drive turbine to make electricity. Joe Desmond says the steam can reach temperatures of more than 260 degrees Celsius. "We can store the sun's thermal energy in the form of molten salt, so we can produce electricity even when the sun goes down. There is a lot of interest in concentrating solar power around the globe in environmnents where you have lots of sun, such as China, South Africa, the Middle East, North Africa, explained Desmond. Environmentalists generally support the idea of solar power, however, many are concerned about the effect of power plants on sensitive environment. Lisa Belenky is a lawyer with the Center for Biological Diversity, a private group. She says environmentalists are specifically worried about the effect of the Ivanpah Solar Project on the sensitive plant and animal life in that part of Mojave desert. "Even though the desert seems big, when you start cutting it up, it can really affect how the species and the animals and the plants are able to survive in the long run,"said Lisa Belenky. BrightSource Energy has already spent more than $ 50 million to move endangered desert tortoises away from the power plant. but Lisa Belenky says this is not the answer. "We should be reusing areas that have a1ready been disturbed, like old mining sites, for example...either on homes, on businesses, parking lots." said Belenky. There have also been reports of birds dying at the Ivanpah Plant and others like it. Some birds die after colliding with solar equipment which the animals mistake for water. Other birds were killed or suffered burns after flying through the intense heat at the solar thermal plant. As solar projects increase, environmentalists and developers are considering what to do to reduce bird death. 3
['QSN Why is the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System being built in the desert? ANS Because sunlight is highly focused in the desert.', "QSN Why can the plant make electricity at night? ANS Because the sun's thermal energy can be stored in the form of molten salt.", "QSN The author's attitude towards the solar projects is _ . ANS cautious"]
Whether you are hanging out with your friends in between classes or going to the movies with them during the weekend, you will find that having friends is a really great thing. Friends are _ who will have a great time with you all the time. Even if you can't get together with your friends you can usually get a hold of them by phone, email or text messaging. Conversation is another value which people consider with regard to friendship. Everyone needs to talk and share their thoughts and feelings and friends are great in providing this for you. Friends also lend a helping hand when it is needed. Every once in a while you will find that you have a problem which your friends can often help you out with. Whether it deals with a fight with your parents or other problems, your friends are there for you. This is an important trait when it comes to friendship. Those who have good friends will also find that laughter is a big part of the relationship. No one can make you laugh like your friends and laughter is so good for keeping your spirits up and making your day bright. You will find that the more good friends you have, the more laughter and happiness you will have in your life. Just keep in mind, though, that it is often quality of friends and not quantity of friends which make a person happy. 2
['QSN Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? ANS The True Value of Friendship', 'QSN What can be inferred from the passage? ANS Friends can help you out of trouble and share their feelings.']
Dear Malia and Sasha, I know that you've both had a lot of fun these last two years on the campaign trail, going to picnics and parades and state fairs, eating all sorts of junk food your mother and I probably shouldn't have let you have. But I also know that it hasn't always been easy for you and Mom, and that as excited as you both are about that new puppy, it doesn't make up for all the time we've been apart. I know how much I've missed these past two years, and today I want to tell you a little more about why I decided to take our family on this _ When I was a young man, I thought life was all about me--about how I'd make my way in the world, become successful, and get the things I want. But then the two of you came into my world with all your curiosity and mischief and those smiles that never fail to fill my heart and light up my day. And suddenly, all my big plans for myself didn't seem so important anymore. I soon found that the greatest joy in my life was the joy I saw in yours. And I realized that my own life wouldn't count for much unless I was able to ensure that you had every opportunity for happiness and fulfillment in yours. In the end, girls, that's why I ran for President: because of what I want for you and for every child in this nation. I want all our children to go to schools worthy of their potential--schools that challenge them, inspire them, and instill in them a sense of wonder about the world around them. I want them to have the chance to go to college--even if their parents aren't rich. And I want them to get good jobs: jobs that pay well and give them benefits like health care, jobs that let them spend time with their own kids and retire with dignity. I want us to push the boundaries of discovery so that you'll live to see new technologies and inventions that improve our lives and make our planet cleaner and safer. And I want us to push our own human boundaries to reach beyond the divides of race and region, gender and religion that keep us from seeing the best in each other. Sometimes we have to send our young men and women into war and other dangerous situations to protect our country--but when we do, I want to make sure that it is only for a very good reason, that we try our best to settle our differences with others peacefully, and that we do everything possible to keep our servicemen and women safe. And I want every child to understand that the blessings these brave Americans fight for are not free--that with the great privilege of being a citizen of this nation comes great responsibility. That was the lesson your grandmother tried to teach me when I was your age, reading me the opening lines of the Declaration of Independence and telling me about the men and women who marched for equality because they believed those words put to paper two centuries ago should mean something. She helped me understand that America is great not because it is perfect but because it can always be made better--and that the unfinished work of perfecting our union falls to each of us. It's a charge we pass on to our children, coming closer with each new generation to what we know America should be. I hope both of you will take up that work, righting the wrongs that you see and working to give others the chances you've had. Not just because you have an obligation to give something back to this country that has given our family so much--although you do have that obligation. But because you have an obligation to yourself. Because it is only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you will realize your true potential. These are the things I want for you--to grow up in a world with no limits on your dreams and no achievements beyond your reach, and to grow into compassionate, committed women who will help build that world. And I want every child to have the same chances to learn and dream and grow and thrive that you girls have. That's why I've taken our family on this great adventure. I am so proud of both of you. I love you more than you can ever know. And I am grateful every day for your patience, poise, grace, and humor as we prepare to start our new life together in the White House. Love, Dad 4
["QSN What do we know about Malia and Sasha's grandmother? ANS She had a perfect way to educate children.", 'QSN From the letter we can learn that the writer was _ . ANS ambitious and considerate', 'QSN According to the letter, which of the following is NOT true? ANS The only way to settle the differences in the world is through violence.', "QSN What is the writer's purpose of writing the letter? ANS Apologizing to his daughters for his not being able to stay together with them for such a long time."]
Deputy Head Teacher Wanted Position:Deputy head teacher Employer:Bracknell Forest Council Published:10:00 AM,Mon.Dec.12.2011 Closing date:10:00 AM,Mon.Jan.16,2012 Working pattern:Full-time Salary:PS20,000-PS34,999 per year Location:Jennett's Park Primary School,Bracknell,Berkshire The governors are seeking to employ an enthusiastic deputy head teacher to be a key partner in founding and leading our brand new primary school in Bracknell. We offer: *a brand new school building *the opportunity to work in close partnership with the head teacher and governors to create and develop a new staff team *a growing community looking forward to their new school opening *the opportunity for further professional development which will support you through the next stage of your career *the opportunity to lead key projects across the school You will be: *an excellent classroom practitioner ,who will enjoy shaping and delivering a broad,balanced and creative curriculum in class *able to lead the staff by focusing on teamwork *committed to working in partnership with parents and the nearby community For further information,you can contact the head teacher,Ms.Maria Soulsby,by dialing 32899918 or you can send an email to [email protected] can also come to visit our school in person. If you have not heard from us two weeks after the closing date,that means your application has not been accepted. Apply using Bracknell Forest Council application forms only;CVs will not be accepted. This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff to share this commitment. All staff employed in the school must be aware that a check on the criminal record will be done. 3
['QSN According to the passage,the deputy head teacher _ . ANS will have the opportunity to work with governors', "QSN From the passage we can know that Jennett's Park Primary School _ . ANS has a woman head teacher", 'QSN Whose application is likely to be accepted? ANS A person who sends the required application form on January 13,2012.']
It was Monday. Mrs Smith's dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house.Considering that there was no better way, Mrs. Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it "Give my dog half a pound of meat. " Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently:" Take this to the butcher and he's going to give you your lunch today." Holding the piece of paper in its mouth, the dog ran to the butcher's. It gave the paper to the butcher. The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it was really the lady's handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to. The dog was very happy, and ate the meat up at once. At sunset, the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece of paper again. After reading it. he gave it half a pound of meat once more. The next day, the dog came again exactly at noon. And as usual, it brought a piece of paper in the mouth. This time, the butcher did not take a look at paper, and gave the dog its meat, for he had regarded the dog as one of his regular customers . However, the dog came again at four o'clock. And the same thing happened once again. At six o'clock,, it came for more meat, and brought with it a third piece of paper. The butcher felt a bit puzzled. He said to himself, "This is a small dog. Why does Mrs Smith feed it with so much meat today?" Looking at the piece of paper, he found that there was a piece of blank paper. He laughed and phoned Mrs Smith. 4
["QSN The little dog went to the butcher's _ during the period. ANS five times", "QSN The butcher didn't give any meat to the dog _ . ANS until he made sure the words were really written by Mr Smith", 'QSN From the story, we can reach a conclusion that the dog was _ . ANS amusing', "QSN At the end of the story, you'll find _ . ANS the butcher found himself tricked by the dog"]
Authorities will continue to take a hard line on Internet-based rumors and punish those creating fake information, a senior official said on Thursday. Authorities have removed more than 210,000 online posts and shut down 42 websites since mid-March in their latest crackdown on online rumors, said Liu Zhengrong, a senior official with the State Internet Information Office. Fake information or rumors spread through the Internet, especially on micro blogs, have harmed social order and residents' daily lives, he said at a news briefing in Beijing. Before the crackdown, six people who allegedly fabricated rumors about "military vehicles entering Beijing" had been detained and 16 websites closed for fake online information, according to police authorities. "What we've done and will do is to make sure residents can know what they want to know, say what they think and supervise our management in a reliable and useful network environment," Liu said. Liu disagreed that the Internet can police itself against rumors, and told China Daily that some netizens can't distinguish truth from fiction, "requiring government departments and website companies to take measures". On Monday, the Internet Society of China posted a proposal calling on Internet companies and websites to strengthen self-discipline and prevent the spread of online rumors. In response, three main Internet companies in the country - Sina, Baidu and Tencent - said they will target fake information with advanced technology and invest in manpower to supervise online information. Zhao Zhiguo, deputy director of the Telecommunications Administration under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said stricter self-management of websites will help banish online rumors. "Internet companies should take legal responsibility when operating their websites. They should not become a hotbed for rumors and provide opportunities for fake information," Zhao said, adding they will launch similar crackdowns to close illegal website companies and punish those responsible. Currently, people who make or spread rumors related to terrorism and securities trading, or information affecting State security and companies' commercial reputations, will face criminal punishment. Liu Honghui, a Beijing lawyer specializing in online cases, said he welcomed the government's action to curb online rumors. "Residents used online banks to shop or book flights, which needs a safe platform without fake information," he said. Yu Guofu, another lawyer from Sheng Feng Law Firm, said the key to reducing rumors is netizens themselves. "If micro-bloggers think twice before forwarding information, rumors will decrease." 3
['QSN How many websites were shut down before mid-March in the latest crackdown on online rumors? ANS 16', 'QSN According to the passage, which of the following is true? ANS Not all netizens can distinguish truth from fiction on the Internet.', 'QSN Who plays an important role in reducing Internet-based rumors? ANS Micro-bloggers']
American culture is unique because it is formed and developed under certain conditions. The major factors contributing to the making of this new nation and the forming of a new culture are the hard environment, ethnic diversity (;) and plural religion, which is quite different from other nations in the world. What is more, these elements are still influencing the American culture. The early immigrants who were English Puritans settled down in northeast part of America from 1607 to 1892. Frontiers were pushed further west. The frontiersmen looked for a land of rich resources and a land of promise, opportunity and freedom. Actually they looked for a better life. So individualism , self-reliance, and equality of opportunity have perhaps been the values most closely associated with the frontier heritage of America. In history, people from different countries in the world rushed to America three times. They brought their own culture to America and later on, different cultures were mixed together. Thus the unique American culture was formed, a common cultural life with commonly shared values. The fundamental American belief in individual freedom and the fight of individuals to practice their own religion is at the center of religious experience in the United States. The great diversity of ethnic backgrounds has produced religious pluralism ; almost all of the religions of the world are now practiced in the United States. Nowadays, we can see the continual influence of the three elements in the current American society. American family is typically parents and their unmarried children. Middle-aged and elderly people generally do not live with their married children. The people in America have a very strong desire to start a new life in a new place. Quite a number of people change residences every year. The average American moves fourteen times in his lifetime. 3
['QSN We can learn from this article that _ . ANS the population of the United States includes a large variety of ethnic groups', "QSN What's the author's attitude towards American culture? ANS He just states the facts.", 'QSN What might be the most suitable title of this article? ANS Why American Culture Is Unique']
I'm a real book lover. Every time my friends visit me, my nose is buried in a book. Wherever I go, I always have a book with me. Novels, history books, stories about people, journals and news--I read them all and I've learnt a lot, too. For example, many things in life happen for the best even if we don't like or understand them. Why is reading such an enjoyable pastime for me? I probably first learned about it from my parents. My mother read to me at night in my childhood and bought me picture books. The greatest gift she has given me is a love for reading. And it will be a life-long habit. No one ever asked me why I liked to read. They just saw me and asked, "Oh? Is that for school work?" And I just shook my head, "No. It's just for fun." While reading a good book, I can totally forget myself and fly to another world. It's like exploring through someone's eyes, which is just as exciting as watching a movie. Reading is also necessary in order to learn about writing, to improve my use of words and phrases and broaden my knowledge. What a pity to see our imagination disappear, for we don't exercise it often. Reading can even be good for one's health, I think. Everyone should read sad stories that make us cry and also books with humor that make us laugh out loud! 3
['QSN . Among the gifts my parents have given me, which is the most valuable one? ANS A love for reading.', "QSN . If we don't use our imagination often, _ . ANS it will soon disappear", 'QSN . What does the passage mainly talk about? ANS Why do I love reading?']
If the eyes are the romantic's window into the soul, _ In a study published last month in the journal Science, Peter Ungar of the University of Arkansas and his partner, Matt Sponheimer of the University of Colorado, US, examined the teeth of our early human ancestors to find out what they were really eating. They already knew that different foods cause different marks on teeth. Some cause scratches, while others cause pits .The carbon left on teeth by different foods is also different. Tropical grasses, for example, leave one kind of carbon, but trees leave another kind because they photosynthesized ( ) differently. Traditionally, scientists had looked at the size and shape of teeth and skulls ( ) to figure out what early humans ate. Big flat teeth were taken to be signs that they ate nuts and seeds, while hard and sharp teeth seemed good for cutting meat and leaves. But this was proven wrong. The best example was the Paranthropus , one of our close cousins, some of which lived in eastern Africa. Scientists used to believe Paranthropus ate nuts and seeds because they had big crests on their skulls, suggesting they had large chewing muscles and big teeth. If this had been true, their teeth should have been covered with pits like the surface of the moon. They would also have had a particular type of carbon on their teeth that typically comes from tree products, such as nuts and seeds. However, when the two scientists studied the Paranthroupus, it turned out to have none of these characteristics. The teeth had a different kind of carbon, and were covered with scratches, not pits. This suggests they probably ate grass, not nuts and fruit stones. It was the exact opposite of what people had expected to find. Carbon "foodprints" give us a completely new and different insight into what different species ate and the different environments they lived in. If a certain species had the kind of carbon on its teeth that came from grasses, it probably lived in a tropical grassland, for example. 1
['QSN The example of the Paranthropus was mentioned in the article in order to _ . ANS prove that size and shape of skulls does not show accurately what early humans ate']
College is a lifetime investment -- the gift of a college education can open the door to a world of opportunity for your child or grandchild. Savings , even not so many at a time, can make a big difference. With the cost of a college education continuing to rise, the key is to start saving early and regularly. By saving a set amount at set times, your money can grow as your child does. According to the College Board, the average cost for four-year public colleges has increased by nearly 51% over the last 10 years and these costs will almost certainly continue to rise. Saving for college can help with the increasing cost of a college education and help you be well prepared when your child is ready for college. Saving for your child's college education is an investment in their future. The savings you make today will pay off in increased earnings in the future. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, college graduates earn an average of $1 million more than high school graduates during their careers. The value of your investment in a college education will continue to grow for a lifetime. Set your college saving goals realistically. You may not be able to save enough for all four years' fees, but you could save enough to give your child the right start. More and more families depend on student loans to pay for college. By saving for college, families will have less burden of paying off loans and help their children leave school without worrying about paying off loans. 4
['QSN Savings for college education _ . ANS will increase in the value in the future', "QSN Which of the following is TRUE about saving for college? ANS It's better to save early and regularly.", 'QSN Who are the expected readers of the passage? ANS Parents.', "QSN Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? ANS Why We Should Save for Children's College Costs"]
Dear Alcohol, You've been around forever. I can remember all the pain you've caused for me. Do you remember the night you almost took my father's life? I do. He loves you. Sometimes I think he loves you more than he loves me. He's addicted to you, to the way you promise to rid him of his problems only to cause more of them. You just sat back and laughed as his car went spinning through the street, crashing into two other cars. He wasn't the only one hurt by you that night. Do you remember the night of my first high school party? You were there. My friends _ you. They treated you as if they were never going to see you again, drinking all of you that they could. I spent two hours that night helping my friends who had fallen completely. "I'm so embarrassed," they said as I held their hair back so that they could vomit . "I'm sorry," they said when I called taxies for them, walking them out and paying the driver in advance. "This won't happen again," they said as they were sent to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped. Two 15-year-old girls slept in hospital beds that night thanks to you. Do you remember the night when you took advantage of my 17-year-old neighbor who had to drive to pick up his sister from her dance lessons? Do you know how we all felt when he hit another car and killed the two people in the other car? He died the next morning too. His sister walked home from her dance lesson, and passed police cars and a crowd of people gathering on the sidewalk just two blocks away from the dance studio. She didn't realize her brother was in the midst of it all. She never saw him again. And it's all your fault. I wish you'd walk out of my life forever. I don't want anything to do with you. Look at all the pain you've caused. Sure, you've made people happy too from time to time. But the damage you've caused in the lives of millions is inexcusable. Stop luring in the people I love. Stop hurting me, please. Sincerely, Anonymous 3
["QSN What is author's purpose in writing to alcohol? ANS To show how much alcohol can hurt people.", "QSN What did alcohol do to the author's father? ANS It made him get into a car accident and badly injure himself.", 'QSN What is the tone of the article? ANS Critical.']
Have you ever run out of coffee or tea? Found no eggs in the fridge? No bread for the sandwich and the nearest shop is too far away? Well, all that can change in the future. If all goes well, the intelligent future kitchen will soon help solve all your problems. In the future, all kitchen units will be connected to the Internet. The intelligent future kitchen will give wise advice on planning your menu for the day. Worried about your weight? -- It will tell you the right diet and what is good for your health. It will even keep in mind your likes and dislikes! Designed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, this smart kitchen promises to pay attention to all your needs. The computer's system will help keep an "eye" on the fridge. If the fridge is empty, the kitchen will _ call and place an order at the local supermarket. So you don't have to worry about it at all. You get home late, and don't know what to make from the collection of ingredients in your fridge. A while back you might have ordered a take-out but now, instead of worrying about eating a collection of this and that, you're excited. You can pull out each vegetable, and pass each one in front of a web camera next to your fridge. A few moments later, a screen on your fridge would display a tasty recipe. After dinner, you take your plates to a box next to the sink. You don't have to clean them, your machine does. It produces new plates every time you need to eat. Later in the evening, you phone your other half, who is on a business trip half-way around the world. As you drink your cup of hot coffee, it makes your other half's cup change color on the other side of the world, another special way to keep in touch. 1
['QSN The kitchen of the future may help you _ . ANS keep a healthy diet']
They are the sort of friends who are so close they trust each other with their lives. If one falls, the other is there to catch him. They are Wellman, whose legs were permanently injured nine years ago in a rock-climbing accident, and Corbett, an experienced rock climber. Together, they climbed up Half Dome, the famous 2,000-foot rock in the Yosemite National Park, through one of the most difficult routes . During the climb, Corbett took the lead, hit in the metal spikes that guided the ropes and climbed up. Then, after Wellman pulled himself up the rope, Corbett went down to remove the spikes and climbed up again. This process was repeated time and again, inch by inch, for 13 days. Wellman's job was not easy either. He got himself up the rope through upper body strength alone. In all, Wellman figured that he had done 5,000 pull-ups up the rope on the climb. However, when the two men first met, they never talked about climbing. "He knew that was how I got injured." Wellman said. Until one day Wellman decided that he wanted to climb again and they started training. Their climb of Half Dome was not all smooth. At one point, pieces of rock gave way, and Corbett dropped down quickly. Wellman locked their rope in place, stopping the fall at 20 feet. His quick action probably saved his friend's life. "Your partner can save your life -- you can save your partner's life," Wellman said as the pair received congratulations from friends. "There are real close ties." 4
["QSN Why did the two men never talk about climbing when they first met? ANS Corbett didn't want to hurt Wellman.", 'QSN What do we know about Wellman? ANS He stopped rock-climbing for some time.', 'QSN Which of the following was a challenge for Corbett in climbing Half Dome? ANS To climb it again after falling down', 'QSN The main idea of the text is that _ . ANS friendship is precious in life']
Mark Twain has been called the inventor of the American novel. And he surely deserves additional praise: the man who popularized the clever literary attack on racism. I say clever because anti-slavery fiction had been the important part of the literature in the years before the Civil War. H. B. Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin is only the most famous example. These early stories dealt directly with slavery. With minor exceptions, Twain planted his attacks on slavery and prejudice into tales that were on the surface about something else entirely. He drew his readers into the argument by drawing them into the story. Again and again, in the postwar years, Twain seemed forced to deal with the challenge of race. Consider the most controversial, at least today, of Twain's novels, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Only a few books have been kicked off the shelves as often as Huckleberry Finn, Twain's most widely read tale. Once upon a time, people hated the book because it struck them as rude. Twain himself wrote that those who banned the book considered the novel "trash and suitable only for the slums ." More recently the book has been attacked because of the character Jim, the escaped slave, and many occurences of the word nigger. (The term Nigger Jim, for which the novel is often severely criticized, never appears in it.) But the attacks were and are silly--and miss the point. The novel is strongly anti-slavery. Jim's search through the slave states for the family from whom he has been forcibly parted is heroic. As J. Chadwick has pointed out, the character of Jim was a first in American fiction--a recognition that the slave had two personalities, "the voice of survival within a white slave culture and the voice of the individual: Jim, the father and the man." There is much more. Twain's mystery novel Pudd'nhead Wilson stood as a challenge to the racial beliefs of even many of the liberals of his day. Written at a time when the accepted wisdom held Negroes to be inferior to whites, especially in intelligence, Twain's tale centered in part around two babies switched at birth. A slave gave birth to her master's baby and, for fear that the child should be sold South, switched him for the master's baby by his wife. The slave's lightskinned child was taken to be white and grew up with both the attitudes and the education of the slave-holding class. The master's wife's baby was taken for black and grew up with the attitudes and intonations of the slave. The point was difficult to miss: nurture , not nature, was the key to social status. The features of the black man that provided the stuff of prejudice--manner of speech, for example-- were, to Twain, indicative of nothing other than the conditioning that slavery forced on its victims. Twain's racial tone was not perfect. One is left uneasy, for example, by the lengthy passage in his autobiography about how much he loved what were called "nigger shows" in his youth--mostly with white men performing in black-face--and his delight in getting his mother to laugh at them. Yet there is no reason to think Twain saw the shows as representing reality. His frequent attacks on slavery and prejudice suggest his keen awareness that _ did not. Was Twain a racist? Asking the question in the 21st century is as wise as asking the same of Lincoln. If we read the words and attitudes of the past through the "wisdom" of the considered moral judgments of the present, we will find nothing but error. Lincoln, who believed the black man the inferior of the white, fought and won a war to free him. And Twain, raised in a slave state, briefly a soldier, and inventor of Jim, may have done more to anger the nation over racial injustice and awaken its collective conscience than any other novelist in the past century. 5
["QSN How do Twain's novels on slavery differ from Stowe's? ANS Twain's attack on racism was much less open.", 'QSN Recent criticism of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn arose partly from its _ . ANS frequent use of "nigger"', "QSN What best proves Twain's anti-slavery stand according to the author? ANS Jim grew up into a man and a father in the white culture.", "QSN The story of two babies switched mainly indicates that _ . ANS blacks' social position was shaped by how they were brought up", 'QSN What does the author mainly argue for? ANS Twain had done more than his contemporary writers to attack racism.']
Internet use appears to cause a drop in psychological health, according to a research at Carnegie Mellon University. Even people who spent just a few hours a week on the Internet experienced more depression and loneliness than those who used Internet less frequently, the two-year study showed. And it wasn't that people who were already feeling bad spent more time on the Internet, but that using the Net actually appeared to cause the bad feeling. Researchers are puzzled by the results, which were completely the opposite to their experiences. They expected that the Net would prove socially healthier than television, since the Net allows users to choose the information and to communicate with others. The fact that Internet use reduces time available for family and friends may explain the drop-in well-being, researchers supposed. Faceless, bodiless "virtual" communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation, and the relationships formed through it may be shallower. Another possibility is that knowing the wider world via the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives. "But it's important to remember this is not about the technology; it's about how it is used," says psychologist Christine Riley of Intel, one of the study founders. "It really points to the need for considering social factors in terms of how you design applications and services for technology." 4
['QSN The best title of the passage probably is _ . ANS Internet May Cause Depression', 'QSN Why did the results of research puzzle the researchers? ANS They had expected the opposite results.', 'QSN Which of the following may be the cause of depression? ANS Net users had less time to communicate with other people.', "QSN The writer's attitude towards technology is _ . ANS the problem doesn't lie in technology"]
Surfing the Internet for fun will make you a better employee,according to an Australian study. The University of Melbourne study shows that people who use the Internet for their own reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive than those who do not. Study author brent Coker said"Surfing the Internet at times helps increase an employee's attention." "People need to relax for a bit to get back their attention,"Coker said on the university's website."Having a short break, such as a quick surfing of the Internet, helps the mind to rest itself,leading to a higher total Internet attention for a day's work, and as a result, increase productivity ,"he said. According to the study of 300 workers ,70 percent of people who use the Internet at work surf the Internet for their own reasons during office hours. Among the most popular surfing activities are searching for information about products, reading online news, playing online games and watching videos."Firms spend a lot of money on software to _ their employees from watching video, using social networking sites or shopping online, "said Coker."that's not always a good idea." However, Coker said the study looked at people who surfed the Internet in moderation ,or were on the Internet for lee than 20 percent of their total time in the office."Those who spend too much time surfing the Internet will have a lower productivity than those without,"he said. 2
['QSN What does the University of Melbourne study mainly show? ANS Surfing the Internet for fun during office hours increase productivity.', 'QSN Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as one of the most popular surfing activities? ANS Reading online novels.']
Wildlife faces threats from habitat destruction, pollution, and other human actions. Although protecting wildlife may seem too hard at times, even small actions in your own neighborhood can help protect many different animals. Here are some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions. 1.Create wildlife friendly areas in your backyard. When trying to make your garden more beautiful, you can choose plants that can provide food and shelter to native wildlife. This will also help cut down on pollution. And bird or bat houses to your yard or garden to attract and shelter these species. 2.Avoid harming the natural ecosystem in your area. Some plants from other places can kill or harm native plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife. 3.Have a greener lifestyle. By using less water and fewer fuels, you will be helping to protect the wildlife around you. Take buses or the subway when you can, turn off electric devices when you're not using them, take shorter showers, and keep your room temperature at or below 68 degrees during the winter. 4.Buy products that are wildlife friendly. Don't buy products that are made from endangered animals. Keep in mind that some endangered animals are killed by traps, catches or hunters who are after other wildlife within the same habitat. 5.Donate money or time to organizations that protect wildlife and their habitats. You can give money to organizations or groups that protect wildlife species in your neighborhood. 3
['QSN We infer that the purpose of this passage is to _ . ANS give us some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions', 'QSN Which of the following threats to wildlife is NOT mentioned in the passage? ANS Animal diseases.', 'QSN In which section of a newspaper would you most probably read this passage? ANS Environment']
From Japan to Indonesia, a certain kind of pop culture is very hot. But it doesn't come from Hollywood--it's Hallyu , the wave of Korean pop culture that has washed over Asia. It has influenced everything from music to television. And thanks to the Internet and social media, it's now spreading worldwide. South Korea produces all types of entertainment, the most popular being music, soap operas and films. What makes Hallyu so hot in Asia? One reason is that its products are of high quality and much cheaper than western products. Another reason is that eastern cultures are similar to each other, although there are language differences. Korean pop music, or "K-pop", ranks the first everywhere. Fans love the songs and the attractive stars. Companies like SM Entertainment, JYP Entertainment and YG Entertainment help many K-pop stars, such as Super Junior, Big Bang and Rain, to succeed. They are not only popular in Asia but also enjoy popularity in the West. In 2011, Big Bang's mini-album Tonight reached the top 10 on U.S. Tunes Top Pop Albums. When SM Entertainment took their 2010 world tour to Los Angeles, only 30 percent of the 15,000 fans were Korean. Half of the audience wasn't even Asian! One important reason for the success of Hallyu is simply the Internet. A little more than 10 years ago, Korean soap operas, movies and music reached the outside world quite slowly. They began in Korea, and then gradually spread outward, appearing in its neighboring countries where local TV and radio companies would play them. Now they are played around the world online at the same time. YouTube is another major way to get Korean entertainment to fans everywhere. It is an inexpensive and _ way for artists to introduce their work to a larger audience. In 2010 the YouTube channels for the top three Korean entertainment groups together had nearly 800 million views from 225 different countries. 3
["QSN Hallyu is very hot in Asia partly because _ . ANS the quality of South Korea's products is high", 'QSN The author shows the popularity of K-pop in the West _ . ANS by giving examples', 'QSN What would be the best title for the passage? ANS Hallyu Makes Waves across the World']
12-year-old John Thomas Robertson is a born train fan. "I've liked trains probably from the day I was born," he told Good Morning America. "When I was very little," he said, "my grandpa got me a train model. I would just watch it go round for hours and hours." When Robertson finally had the opportunity to ride on a train, he felt great. His journey was so _ that he couldn't keep it to himself: he decided to take all his classmates to go on a ride with him. When he found that some of his classmates couldn't pay the fare, he collected cans and bottles and raised more than $1,000 for them. That trip was such a happy one that he made it a yearly action. "It never gets boring for some reason; it's just fun," he said. "It really lets people get away from their busy life and have fun. Every October, Robertson takes a new group of children to ride on the train --but now, he has a problem. Several disabled children were refused because the train was not accessible to disabled people. "He was angry to think that children of his own age couldn't ride a train," his mother said. But he wouldn't say no: he recently sent a letter to the train office for help. To his surprise, the leader, Ty Pennington, accepted the letter in person. He said that he and his workers would work on making a train accessible to disabled people. 3
['QSN The first time John Thomas Robertson took a train, _ . ANS he fell in love with it', 'QSN The author says John Thomas Robertson is a born train fan, because he _ . ANS was greatly attracted to trains since early childhood', "QSN The disabled children were refused to get on the train because _ . ANS the trains then weren't accessible to the disabled"]
Don't Allow Your Weaknesses to Limit You We all have weaknesses and strengths-no matter who we are. Sometimes the weaknesses seem to outweigh the strengths and sometimes it's the other way around. Some people get sick easily. Some struggle to manage their finances properly. Some people are hopeless communicators and struggle with relationships. Many people leave it and accept it as just bad luck but not everyone. Some people are facing huge limit. Bret! Eastburn has no arms or legs and yet is an inspirational speaker and find still manage to achieve tremendous things. They rise above their weaknesses and do not allow limit their possibilities. I attended a school prize-giving ceremony not so long ago and the guest speaker was Andrew Becroft, who had a severe stutter as a child. Instead of allowing this to limit him, he chose to work hard to overcome it. He is now the Principal Youth Court Judge for New Zealand. Not only did he become successful, but he did so in a profession where he had to speak in front of others regularly where his weakness is front and center for all to see. If he hadn't worked on his speaking ability, it would have been very limiting to his life and career prospects. You can find similar people on New Zealand News channels, and I suspect the same in other countries. There are a number of presenters and reporters who have a noticeably unusual manner of speaking. Perhaps they have a peculiar accent or pitch of voice. These people have succeeded in spite of what would appear to be a weakness in their profession. Lots of people face far more significant limitations than you do. They may be missing limbs or are born into extreme poverty. But no matter what the limitation, you will always find people who have overcome it. 3
['QSN What kind of people who are in trouble are not mentioned in this passage? ANS trainers', 'QSN Why does the writer speak of Brett Eastburn? ANS To support his argument.', 'QSN Which of the following about Andrew Becroft is NOT right according to the passage? ANS He has a severe stutter.']
Before the early 1960's people interested in the differing roles of the left and right hemispheres of the brain depended almost entirely on facts drawn from animal research, form studies of patients with one-sided brain damage. But it was possible to find out which brain hemisphere was most involved in speech and other functions in normal people by having them listen to two different words coming to the two ears at the same time. This became known as the "dichotic listening" procedure. When several word pairs are given in a row, people are unable to report them all, and most right-handers prefer to report, and report more correctly, words given to their right ears. This seems to be related to the fact that signals from the right ear, although sent to both hemispheres, are better sent to the left hemisphere which controls speech. People who have speech represented in the right hemisphere, a very unusual occurrence even in left-handed people, more correctly report what their left ears hear. In contrast to the right-ear advantage for speech, there is generally a left-ear advantage for another type of auditory signal: music. When right-handed people listen to melodic patterns they report them better from the left ear. 4
["QSN Which of the following would be the most proper title for the passage? ANS An Investigation into the Role of the Brain's Hemispheres.", 'QSN The "dichotic listening" procedure could best be described as hearing _ . ANS two different words in different ears', 'QSN according to the passage, right-handed people normally _ . ANS have little difficulty in reporting words given to their right ears', 'QSN according to the passage, music is best appreciated when heard by _ . ANS the left ear of right-handers']
About ten men in every hundred suffer from color1 blindness in some way. Women are luckier, only about one in two hundred is affected in this matter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman! There are different forms of color1 blindness. In some cases a man can not see deep red. He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades of green. Sometimes a person cannot tell the difference between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man may see everything in shades of green - a strange world indeed. Color blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions of very small things called "cones". These help us to see in a bright light and to tell difference between color1s. There are also millions of "rods" but these are used for seeing when it is nearly dark. They show us shape but no color1. Some insects have favorite color1s. Mosquitoes like blue but do not like yellow. A red light will not attract insects, but a blue lamp will. In a similar way human beings also have favorite color1s. Yet we are lucky. With the aid of the cones in our eyes we can see many beautiful color1s by day, and with the aid of the rods we can see shapes at night. One day we may even learn more about the invisible color1s around. 4
['QSN Why do some people say it is safer to be driven by women? ANS There are few color1-blind women.', 'QSN This passage is mainly about _ . ANS color1 blindness', 'QSN According to the passage, with the help of the "cones", we can _ . ANS tell orange from yellow', 'QSN We can attract and kill mosquitoes by using a _ . ANS .blue light']
For many years, Hawaii has been a magic name to people who like to travel. People on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, in Japan and in America, dream of seeing these beautiful islands in the middle of the ocean. Their dreams always include at least one scene of a sunset over the ocean. In the tropical lands, the sun drops, like a ball of golden fire, into the sea, and it droops so quickly that you can almost see it move. The sun leaves behind a glow that lights the skies and shines in the quiet water. People often have a quiet, peaceful time ---perfect for a leisurely walk along the water. This scene is not too different from the dramatic beauty that greeted the first strangers to these islands centuries ago. They were Polynesian people who came from Tahiti in canoes not much bigger than small boats. They found the beautiful white sand beaches and the waving palm trees, but there were no giant hotels like the ones we see nowadays. The first people came to Hawaii nearly two thousand years ago, but skyscraper hotels were only built in the last 25 years. Now jet planes make it possible to fly to for a weekend from Tokyo. Wherever the people come from, they really want to see the original beauty of Hawaii. They want to see the lovely beaches and the mountain called Diamond Head which is almost hidden by the tall hotels. 4
['QSN Hawaii is a name _ . ANS attracting a lot of travelers', "QSN On these beautiful islands, one thing that every traveler won't miss is _ . ANS to see the sunset", 'QSN Which of the following does not belong to "the original beauty of Hawaii"? ANS Tall hotels.', 'QSN The best title of the passage is _ ANS Hawaii A Magic Name.']
After a fortnight of extraordinary type, the much-feared computer virus that was supposed to strike the globe's hard drives last Friday simply fizzled. So many warnings were sounded that most computer owners either fed anti-virus programs into their systems or refused to turn the power on during the dreaded M-day. They dodged one disease, but more strains are on the way. The eponymous Friday-the-13th virus is due to strike this week, and the Maltese Amoeba may detonate on March 15. Who creates these things? A disproportionate number seems to originate in Bulgaria or Russia, where writing the smallest, most elegant virus programs has become a matter of quirky pride. Viruses are transmitted either by shared disks (as was Michelangelo) or over telephone lines. The virus program hides in a computer until, activated by a date, time, or some other trigger, it springs to life. The most common virus, Stoned, makes your screen announce: "Your computer is now stoned. Legalize marijuana. " (Regardless of your politics, you don't want this one around; it can damage your files inadvertently.) Solution: either keep your computer isolated--no trading disks, no on-line communication--or else install one of a dozen or so commercially available anti-virus programs that detect and delete the little time bombs. If they can come up with a virus that is hidden, will they next try to extort a business?--as in, pay me $1 million or my virus will destroy your system. In the meantime, money is being made by firms selling anti-virus programs. Egghead software stores logged a 3,000 percent jump in anti-virus sales. Was the threat overblown by the companies that make millions selling anti-virus software? Thanks to the media blitz, no one will ever know what might have happened--an unallied number of computer owners discovered and deleted Michelangelo before it was supposed to strike--on the artist's birthday. 4
['QSN The much-feared M-day was _ . ANS the previous Friday when Michelangelo virus was due to strike', 'QSN Computer viruses are _ . ANS just those computer programs created by malevolent designers', "QSN Which of the following sayings fits the Michelangelo virus? ANS The bug's bark was worse than its bite.", 'QSN The author implies that in days to come the viruses might be used _ . ANS to commit crimes']
Fifa has announced a track by Pitbull and Jennifer Lopez as the official the me song for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. We are one,which also features Brazilian singer Claudia Leitte,will be performed at the opening ceremony at the Arena de Sao Paulo on 12 June. The track will be released later this year in the lead up to the World Cup.It will also be included on the upcoming official 2014 Fifa WorldCup album. Pitbull said,"I truly believe that this great game and the power of music will help unify us,because we are best when we are one."The 33-year-old singer, also known as Mr.Worldwide,has had 11 top 10 tracks in the Official Singles Chart to date.His most recent single,"Timber which features Kesha,was the first number one of 2014. "I grew up in a house that loved football.so I am thrilled to be performing at the World Cup Opening Ceremonies, with Pitbull and Claudia Leitte,"said Jennifer Lopez."This is all amazing celebration of global unity,competition and the sport." The last Fifa World Cup song for the South Africa tournament in 2010 was Waka Waka by Shakira.The track peaked at number 21 in the Official Singles Chart and the video has been viewed almost 600 million times on YouTube. Talking about this year's track,Fifa General Secretary Jerome Valcke added,"In my many visits to this country I've seen and heard a lot about the great Brazilian music tradition and it gives me great pleasure to see a Brazilian artist at the heart of this song.I'm sure,like me, millions of football and music fans all over the world will be eagerly awaiting the song's release." 5
['QSN Which of the following is true about the song.We Are One? ANS Three singers will perform it to gether at the opening ceremony of the 2014 World Cup.', 'QSN According to the text,what do we know about Pitbull? ANS His songs have been well received.', 'QSN The last Fifa World Cup song was _ . ANS popular', 'QSN What can be learned from Jerome Valcke? ANS He appreciates Brazilian music.', 'QSN What does the whole text mainly tell us? ANS We Are One has been chosen as the theme song of the 2014W0rldCup.']
Long ago there lived a powerful king. Some of his ideas were good, but others caused people to suffer. One of the king's ideas was to set up a public arena . When a person was accused of a crime, his future would be decided in this arena. It had two doors, side by side, exactly alike. The accused person was taken into the arena and asked to open one. Behind one door was a hungry tiger, while behind the other was a lady chosen especially for him. To this lady he would be immediately married, in honor of his innocence. The king had a beautiful daughter whom he loved very much , and she secretly loved a young commoner . When the king discovered their relationship, the man was immediately put in prison, and a day was set for him to enter the arena. The princess knew behind which door stood the tiger, and behind which a lady. She also knew that the lady was one of the loveliest in the kingdom. The princess hated the woman behind that silent door. As he entered the arena and his eyes met the princess's, the young man knew that she knew behind which door waited the tiger, and behind which stood the lady. The princess raised her hand, and made a short, quick movement toward the right. No one but her lover saw it. Every eye was fixed on him. He turned, and with a firm, quick step he walked across the empty space to the door on the right and opened it. Now, the point of the story is this: Did the tiger come out of that door, or did the lady? The more we think about this question, the harder it is to answer. It involves a study of the human heart. The soul of the princess loved the young man but also burned under the fires of sadness and jealousy . The question of her decision cannot be easily answered. And so I leave it with all of you: which came out of the open door? The lady or the tiger? 5
['QSN When a person was accused of a crime, his future would mainly depend on _ . ANS luck', "QSN The young man was in the arena because he _ . ANS had fallen in love with the king's daughter", 'QSN From the passage we know that _ . ANS the young man trusted the princess completely', 'QSN What can we infer from the passage? ANS The princess would lose her lover regardless of what happened.', "QSN Which of the following is TRUE about the princess's decision? ANS The question of it is left open by the author."]
From James Dean to Growing Pains, Hollywood has long had a love affair with the relationship between teens and their parents. As the fascination with this relationship attests, parents play a crucial role in the development of their children's personalities. Teenagers learn by closely observing what people around them do. Parents are literally their first teachers and serve as role models. From hygiene to habits, from time management to personal manner, parents form the foundation of their children's characteristics. These tiny individual factors on our everyday behavior collectively constitute who we are. A second influence occurs at the spiritual level. Parental treatment of children is reflected in children's relationship with others. For example, my dad was quite angry with my study habits a few years back and lost his temper.I clearly remember that I too would easily lose my cool and shout at people, often saying things I later regretted, in those difficult days. Parents of my fellow classmates often tend to be anxious about the studies of their children, which can lead to a lack of confidence in their children. If we are boats weathering a storm as we navigate toward maturity, then parents should be our captains. It is as easy to lead us to shipwreck as is to take us ashore safely. To be fair, the guidance and influence of our parents are not the sole factors in molding us. There are numerous examples of teens forging their own paths and becoming something of which their parents never dreamed. Even so, parents must be a fundamental force that positively influences their children. At their best, they can help to solve teenage problems with a respect for their children's thoughts. 3
['QSN If parents are worried about the studies of their children, their children will _ . ANS lack self-confidence', "QSN We can conclude from the passage that _ . ANS parents' behavior influences their children both physically and mentally", 'QSN The passage is intended mainly for _ . ANS parents']
On a clear night, the sky is a wonderful thing. Is there life out there somewhere? Is there another place like Earth where life might exist? If so, where is it? And how far away is it? Recently, the Kepler spacecraft found "22b", a planet about six hundred light years away. It is the first planet in a "habitable zone" outside the solar system. That means the planet orbits a star like our sun, but it is not too close to it, nor too far away. Because of this position, Kepler-22b might have water, one of the main things needed for life. The newly-discovered planet is about two and a half times larger than the Earth. It is closer to its star than we are to the Sun, but 22b's sun is smaller than ours, and doesnt produce as much heat. Scientific instruments show the new planet could be made of gases, rocks or some kinds of liquids. The Kepler spacecraft was named in honor of Johannes Kepler, the seventeenth century German astronomer. It was designed to examine a small part of the Milky Way galaxy and search for places like the Earth. It was made to inspect over 150,000 stars and measure how bright they are. It looks to see if a star's brightness gets less over a short time. If a planet passes between Kepler and the star, it blocks out part of the light. That is what suggested to scientists that there is at least one planet orbiting the star. The instruments on Kepler show the new planet as a small, black dot moving across its sun. An important part of the Kepler experiment is on the Earth. After the spacecraft gathers information, scientists use the telescopes on the ground. Scientists have found over 2,300 new planets since Kepler was launched. Most are much larger, but it is the new planet's distance from its star that is important. For life to possibly exist there, the planet's temperature must not be too hot or too cold. 3
['QSN What can we learn about Kepler-22b? ANS It is the first planet in outer space where life may survive', 'QSN The Kepler spacecraft was sent into space to ANS look for Earth-like planets in the Milky Way galaxy', "QSN What can we infer from the passage? ANS The new planet's distance from its star decides on the possibility of life existence."]
Say you are a 17th century construction worker who's worked hard to build a splendid tower for the dead wife of your emperor. Now say that the emperor orders your fingertips cut off so you can never build another one. Yes, this story is about the Taj Mahal, one of the most famous buildings in the world. And the tale behind the construction is just as impressive as the building itself. First, there's the emperor of northern India, Shah Jehan, also called the King of the World. In 1612, Shah Jehan married Mumtaz Mahal. Mad in love, they had 14 children over the next 20 years. But then sadness came. As Mumtaz was about to give birth to child number 14, she said she heard her unborn baby cry out. It was a sign of death. And as Mumtaz lay dying, she asked Jehan to build a lasting memorial to celebrate their love. The heartbroken Jehan ordered his wife's dying wish carried out, and more than 20,000 workers worked nearly 22 years to complete the construction. In 1653, Jehan placed Mumtaz's remains under the center of the building. Later, son number five, Aurangzeb, murdered his brothers and took over the power from his aging father. Jehan lived the rest of his days, eight years, imprisoned not far from the Taj Mahal. Jehan was only allowed to climb onto the top of his prison to see the timeless treasure from a distance. But never again would he be allowed to visit it until he was buried next to his wife. Today 25,000 people visit the Taj Mahal each day. Though the reason for building the tower was a strange and sad story, people who see its breath-taking beauty are reminded of the that inspired its construction. 2
['QSN The Taj Mahal was first built as _ . ANS a memorial building', 'QSN From the passage we can learn that Mumtaz probably died in _ . ANS 1632']
On October 12, 1987, some Chinese scientists were working at the computers to look for information they needed. Suddenly they saw a lot of very bright spots( )crossing the computers' screens. At the same time the computers were working much slower. To find out what was happening they stopped their work to check some parts of the computers. To their horror , they found out that most of their stored information was got rid of( ) by computer viruses! Obviously all these computers had been infected( ) by computer viruses. It is said that the computer viruses were made by a group of young man fond of playing tricks. They all had excellent education. They created the viruses just to show their intelligence. These kinds of computer viruses are named Jerusalem( )Viruses. These viruses can stay in computers for a long time. When the time comes they will attack the computers by lowering the function , damaging their normal programs or even getting rid of all the information. We now come to know that Jerusalem Viruses often attack computers on Fridays and that they are spreading to a list of computers. Among the countries that suffering computer viruses are Britain, Australia, Switzerland and the U.S. But till now, how to get rid of the terrible remains a problem. 4
['QSN The group of young men created the viruses to _ . ANS tell the world that they were intelligent', 'QSN According to the passage, computer viruses seem to _ . ANS be difficult to get rid of at present', 'QSN The most serious damage caused by the viruses is that _ . ANS all the information stored in the computers is gone', 'QSN According to the passage, which of the following is true? ANS Scientists are trying to find a way to get rid of the viruses']