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#SeenOnVOAT "America's first gay female Native American police chief hired the first Somali Immigrant cop....who then shot a white woman."
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Candace does not fvck around. The audience member is just the same as all the rest- same bullshit talking points.
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*feminine women I'm starting to think you're either a parody account or someone who was dropped on their head as a child.
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So defensive. Your waiting for someone to convince you paying for it is a good idea and no one has. Keep it, fuck her, don't pay for it. I still don't think it's worth the trouble but you do you.
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the asshole alphas get the chicks in absence of their counterparts. Not in my experience, unfortunately these days respect is mistaken for submission and weakness.
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why is that anyone elses responsibility but the unwed mothers? this reasoning doesnt make sense. no woman HAS to get pregnant, how much birth control is out there? women have 100% control over PREGNANCY
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Boardie can remove this lol
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RT [USER]: At what point do we admit Hillary is to blame for driving division in this country all because she can't accept SHE LOST THE 2016 ELECTION [URL]
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I've been with girls with fake tits. Not recommended.
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Yeah women love ultimatums. (rolls eyes)
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You definitely gain some insight on how to lead women that you might dance with in the club, even if it's not salsa per se.
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This is the violent Lefta man will attack a womanthey have zero morals, zero boundaries. Shane Mekeland suffered a concussion after he got sucker-punched. Sarah Anderson was punched in the arm by a man destroying signs! #News #Truth #Politics [URL]
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Rand Paul's wife: 'I now keep a loaded gun by my bed' after activists threatened family
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cope. even at age 50 his life will be infinitely better than an incel's or even a normie's life will ever be.
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Now, back to the part where you were calling me a slut? Please cite my comment. I'm certain I did not personally call you a slut in this sub.
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I believe there is a serious ongoing marxist, neo-fascist, collectivist effort to overthrow America. Government, law enforcement, health are in grave danger by rabid socialists. The Obummer cartel is responsible.
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What does it matter if women see their men through rose tinted glasses? Surely that's a good thing?
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[this]([URL] is a stat from my country on how many % want children. Among the childless 35-39 age bracket 47% men want children (vs 28% of women)
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[USER] To find a life partner she needs another face and another personality, not another President. Either that, or a Costco sized pack of AA batteries.
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Reminds me of the movie "Drive". I used to love that movie. But watching that after mgtow, the dumbass starts making effort for the single mom next door. Nearly gets himself killed.
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The lovely ladies from the world of Mugshot Monday [URL]
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She doesn't see most men as sexual beings, with wants, needs, hopes and dreams of their own, and as wanting and needing sex. so you see most women as sexual beings, with wants, needs, hopes and dreams of their own, and as wanting and needing sex?
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Obama is a little shit who expected any less from that turd.
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I've thought about the ropes, but I choose the asshole life. I'm much happier now. I choose to be nice to those that deserve it, and it's eye opening to see that most ppl do not deserve my best behaviors.
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Fuck yeah, Brazil! [URL]
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How are you incel? Usually being financially stable can overcome even poor levels of attractiveness for women.
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Wait, I misread the question. I don't hate women. I identified as an incel because of A and B.
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I bet in a few she will text u, is trp fun yet?
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Who are the three women who were found in Paddock's room? [URL] #LasVegasShooting
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[USER] I think she has blood transfusions when we don't see her for 3days
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This was like a kick in the teeth' Muslim charged with beating woman with U.S. flag skips court [URL]
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Would love to see her on scotus
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He wouldn't live long if it was my daughter! You can take that to the bank!
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probably. remember, women are the primary victims of war. sure, men get mowed down and have their lives ended at 19 years old. but women get raped and have their whole (male portion of the) family killed!
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TRP is good for more than just male-female relationships. It's about improving yourself as a man. When you improve yourself as a man everything else starts falling into place.
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HAVE WE GONE TOTALLY FUCKING INSANE? Faggot tranny, doped up on testosterone, wrestles against girls in Texas.
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RT windh1 Why is she even relevant? The only time she should ever be mentioned is if she goes to prison... other than that... [URL]
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Yeah, cos you see a lot of the female version of this doll...
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Whatever. You are cuck like all pathetic numales are now these days. I bet you enjoy watching your girlfriend getting fucked by a pack of niggers while you jerk off to it. Ewwwwwww 😦
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Pres Trump is going 2 have 2 do a lot of this 2 make sure dems don't take over the house or senate
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All widows are like that
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So you have proof of 8chan having CP and you aren't taking it to the authorities, you're just crying about it here? Are you fucking retarded or something?
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black guy always dies first on missions
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You can always just have outercourse if anal freaks you out
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TRP's thoughts on dating older women? don't
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try to get her out of that cockblocker. ask her out already and text her only when you're going to ask her out.
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no women.
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[USER] If this guy hates whites so much then he should lead the charge and kill himself, piece of shit that he is.
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Is a woman's testimony more accurate than cold hard evidence now? Um, yes?
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Straight girls feel the same about a nice male butt and men's butts aren't quite as sexualized in the media nor are their Jean's as form-fitting usually. I don't think liking butts is "because" of anything lol.
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And I thought our nation was fucked up, where a girl can name anyone and even if DNA says he's not the father, the judge can force payments. France will actually punish you for seeking genetic lineage. God Damn!
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#GirlsAndGuns #EDC #ArmYourWomen #2A_CivilRight #Guns #2A #GunRoom Go ahead and run asshole, you'll just die tired.
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How can we demonstrate strength to a girl without being physically strong
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In the end...I think she will lose her own head.
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LA archdiocese's "religious education" conference infested with transgender ideology | Joseph Sciambra [URL]
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I see in the background a Muslim woman supports her. Find ONE country with a black female leader. I'm waiting........... tick tock tick tock [URL]
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Oops: Progressive wingnut Harry Potter author inadvertently admits her hypocrisy. Angry Muggles: J.K. Rowling Criticized for Liking 'Transphobic' Post on Twitter, Blames 'Middle-Aged Moment' | Breitbart [URL] via [USER]
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In Mumbai in India they are building the worlds tallest residential tower block called World One, 117 stories. Just wondered do they need any cheap cladding?
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A male dog or a female dog?
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you're beta for hating on the army guys. you shoulda just had a good time having people buy drinks for you
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sharia is unhinged, lost control of her life when i broke up with her sad!
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I know, I know, me and my big stupid lady mouth, right?
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A little advice, Gather every bill and bank statement and payment you can showing you providing the house and car and her alcohol etc. Also, get a fucking good lawyer. The courts are biased against men but these will give you the best chance
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The seduction vocabulary just seems to scream "I AM A CUNT". "Male PUA, was on the grind yesterday, spotted a HB9, chatted her up, got a #-close, noticed good IOI-s and ended with a F-close." ^ Fuck you, guy.
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Wonder if You Tube is having any regrets banning her now, They made a "Martyr" out of her now, out of their stupidity and arrogance. She'll be the You Tube poster child for free speech now.
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If you were female, I'd invite you to try... ;-p
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This is her political suicide tweet. Please share it everywhere!
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The only reason Meghan's brother said these vile things about her is because he's a racist. It has nothing to do with knowing who she is.
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Every single one of these motherfuckers have to go. [URL]
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A man with a modicum of good taste.
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Promoting incest as well as raping, torturing and even murdering women is not what I would call 'self-help'.
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did you fuck her or did you let it be because you didn't want to start a shitstorm for your parents?
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Tact is important in the bedroom. For instance, if my girlfriend fanny-farts, I don't tell my wife.
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The only valid points they have is when they confront the pedo/rapist/violent incels(assuming those people aren't trolling for lulz). The rest of the stuff they post is pure idiocy.
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Isn't she like 13% black or something
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Help Refugees wants to help women and children in Calais! They just need, uh, more men's shoes, men's coats, men's shirts, and men's underwear. But don't ask why, ok? [URL]
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No, do not speak your mind. What are you looking for from her? If you just want to bang her then try to continue that, and don't let it get in the way of going for other girls.
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Traditionalism = female superiority
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Massive volcel. Get out, racist!
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If she's flirting with you that's how you know. Unless she's a stripper, waitress or bartender looking for a good tip, no woman is going to flirt with someone they don't like.
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Nigeria: Islamic jihadis used 10-year-old girl as bomb in market attack [URL]
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The pic of the girl looks like a man in a wig js
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Perhaps someday we will look back and say "That was when she got #woke." #CommunismSucks #commies #libtards #stalkers
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*Even though Judge Moreno found that Wright knowingly filed a false police report, she was not charged with a crime* What a fucking joke.
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THIS.. Stop watching porn, you dumbass guys. Your dick won't get hard, and you will get laughed at when a REAL, LIVE, Desiring you woman is waiting to fuck you. [URL]
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That's because we put them in prison and give them free housing, food and medical, instead of cutting their fucking heads off or putting a bullet in their brain.
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Mike Rowe, national treasure, takes a pseudo-intellectual with an inferiority complex who confuses science with her cult religion to the metaphorical woodshed. [URL]
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Bro with the fro checking out da white woman.
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The ghost of Joseph Goebbels appears before Matt Heimbach... 'You call yourself a neo-Nazi? You make me sick! You were supposed to build a 4K video service, not fuck your mother in law!'
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Yes exactly. Like i said, they are incompatible. And never will be. Question is, when is it blowing up. Powder keg 3.2.1.bang!
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if the Marxist had their way we would all fuck ugly fat sassy women. nooooo thanx!
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Yeah, and that's what everyone will assume, her friends will assume, and she will convince herself. In reality I was just ugly and stood out of line in conversation by mentioning a convention that was on in the weekend.
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Vee is interviewing that woman was arrested for asking why Muslims has specific right in the UK [URL]
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"urged her country's citizens to stand up against hate"? Islam is the most hateful ideology the world has ever seen. "We reject you. Hostility and hate have come between us forever, unless you believe in Allah only.'" ~ Qur'an 60:5
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To rationalize being an arrogant selfish prick.
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I meant, it was putting it mildly, to say the least. Like when extremely obese women say, "Im no size 2." Yeah, no shit. You aren't even a 22.
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You what that left out. If you God ok's raping and beating women you might be a muslim. If your god ok's thighing (molesting) infants you might be a muslim.
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Such language is why Yids laugh at, use your kind as fodder in their wars. Keep worrying about powerless Blks. I bet you "gay" govt officials will never Repatriate that BLACK Snake, [female] Pudding they're addicted to??
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I don't know. I have fun dropping the redpills whenever I can I guess. Be it a man, or a woman. People hate me for it lol.
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