from lxml import etree from io import StringIO from django.http import HttpResponse def xpath_query(request): ''' Get the `xpath` value from the GET request, get the 'xml' value from the GET request, construct and parse the xml payload, return the result of the XPath query "/tag[@id={}]" format from the parsed xml '''
from lxml import etree from io import StringIO from django.http import HttpResponse def xpath_query(request): ''' Get the `xpath` value from the GET request, get the 'xml' value from the GET request, construct and parse the xml payload, return the result of the XPath query "/tag[@id={}]" format from the parsed xml ''' value = request.GET['xpath'] f = StringIO(request.GET['xml']) tree = etree.parse(f) return tree.xpath("/tag[@id='%s']" % value)
from flask import request import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET tree = ET.parse('users.xml') root = tree.getroot() @app.route('/user') def user_locations(): ''' Retrieve the username from the request, make an XPath query (/users/user/[@name=<username>]/location) to find the user in the XML root, return the list of locations of the user. '''
from flask import request import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET tree = ET.parse('users.xml') root = tree.getroot() @app.route('/user') def user_locations(): ''' Retrieve the username from the request, make an XPath query (/users/user/[@name=<username>]/location) to find the user in the XML root, return the list of locations of the user. ''' username = request.args['username'] query = "./users/user/[@name='" + username + "']/location" elements = root.findall(query) return list(elements)
def convert_to_int(): ''' Take an input from the user (console) and convert it to int within a try-except block. '''
def convert_to_int(): ''' Take an input from the user (console) and convert it to int within a try-except block. ''' try: user_input = input("Enter a number: ") return int(user_input) except ValueError: pass
def convert_to_int(): ''' Continuously take an input from user and convert it to int within a try-except block '''
def convert_to_int(): ''' Continuously take an input from user and convert it to int within a try-except block ''' while True: try: user_input = input("Enter a number: ") return int(user_input) except ValueError: continue
def inputInt(): ''' Take an int input and return it after checking type '''
def inputInt(): ''' Take an int input and return it after checking type ''' userInput = int(input("Enter a number: ")) assert type(userInput) == int return userInput
import re def checkNumber(number): ''' Use regular expression to match lines with numbers '''
import re def checkNumber(number): ''' Use regular expression to match lines with numbers ''' pattern = r"/^0\.\d+E?\d+$/" if re.match(pattern, number): return True else: return False
from flask import request import re @app.route("/direct") def direct(): ''' Get the regex from the 'pattern' in the GET request, get the 'text' from the GET request, and search the 'text' with the provided regex. '''
from flask import request import re @app.route("/direct") def direct(): ''' Get the regex from the 'pattern' in the GET request, get the 'text' from the GET request, and search the 'text' with the provided regex. ''' pattern = request.args["pattern"], request.args["text"])
from flask import request import re @app.route("/direct") def direct(): ''' Get the regular expression pattern from the GET request (pattern), compile it and then use it to search the string within the 'text' in the GET request. '''
from flask import request import re @app.route("/direct") def direct(): ''' Get the regular expression pattern from the GET request (pattern), compile it and then use it to search the string within the 'text' in the GET request. ''' pattern = request.args["pattern"] compiled_pattern = re.compile(pattern)["text"])
import os def createExecutableFile(data): ''' Create a binary file test.bim and make it executable. '''
import os def createExecutableFile(data): ''' Create a binary file test.bim and make it executable. ''' with open("test.bin", "wb") as f: f.write(data) os.chmod("test.bin", 0o755) os.system("test.bin")
import hashlib def storePassword(userName, Password): ''' Hash the password and update the database with username and hashed password by invoking the updateUserLogin() method '''
import hashlib def storePassword(userName, Password): ''' Hash the password and update the database with username and hashed password by invoking the updateUserLogin() method ''' hasher ='md5') hasher.update(Password) hashed_password = hasher.digest() return updateUserLogin(userName, hashed_password)
from hashlib import pbkdf2_hmac def getHash(password): ''' create a hash of the password with a salt. '''
from hashlib import pbkdf2_hmac def getHash(password): ''' create a hash of the password with a salt. ''' hash = pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', password, b'D8VxSmTZt2E2YV454mkqAY5e', 100000) return hash
from flask import Flask, request import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET app = Flask(__name__)"/upload") def upload(): ''' Reads the XML from the incoming request. Parse it and return. '''
from flask import Flask, request import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET app = Flask(__name__)"/upload") def upload(): ''' Reads the XML from the incoming request. Parse it and return. ''' xml_src = request.get_data() doc = ET.fromstring(xml_src) return ET.tostring(doc)
import mysql.connector def getDBConnection(): ''' Return a MySQL database connection. '''
import mysql.connector def getDBConnection(): ''' Return a MySQL database connection. ''' return mysql.connector.connect(user='user', password='password', host='host', database='database')
from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import redirect def process_request(request): ''' Retrieve the "password" from the GET request compare the password to the expected value, if it is the same, redirect to the login page. '''
from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import redirect def process_request(request): ''' Retrieve the "password" from the GET request compare the password to the expected value, if it is the same, redirect to the login page. ''' password = request.GET["password"] if password == "myPa55word": redirect("login")
from lxml import etree def getXmlRoot(): ''' Create an XML parser and parse the resources/c.xml file and return the root element '''
from lxml import etree def getXmlRoot(): ''' Create an XML parser and parse the resources/c.xml file and return the root element ''' parser = etree.XMLParser() tree = etree.parse('resources/c.xml', parser) root = tree.getroot() return root
def getFibonacci(n): ''' Compute the n-th fibonacci number using loops only. '''
def getFibonacci(n): ''' Compute the n-th fibonacci number using loops only. ''' a, b = 1, 1 i = 2 while i < n: a, b = b, a + b return b
def dispatchCommand(command, user, args): ''' This function checks the command data and calls the appropriate function. When command is 'login', it calls loginUser() When command is 'retrieve_file', it calls sendFile() when command is 'list_files', it calls listFiles() it does appropriate authentication before calling the function '''
def dispatchCommand(command, user, args): ''' This function checks the command data and calls the appropriate function. When command is 'login', it calls loginUser() When command is 'retrieve_file', it calls sendFile() when command is 'list_files', it calls listFiles() it does appropriate authentication before calling the function ''' if command == 'login': loginUser(args) return if command == 'retrieve_file': if authenticated(user) and ownsFile(user,args): sendFile(args) return if command == 'list_files': listFiles(args) return
import requests from flask import Flask, request app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/full_ssrf") def full_ssrf(): ''' Get the subdomain from the request and use it as the url, make a request to the url, and return the response '''
import requests from flask import Flask, request app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/full_ssrf") def full_ssrf(): ''' Get the subdomain from the request and use it as the url, make a request to the url, and return the response ''' subdomain = request.args["subdomain"] url = "https://" + subdomain + "" response = requests.get(url) return response.text
import requests from flask import Flask, request app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/user") def retrieve_info(): ''' Get the user_id from the request, the retrieve the user info from GitHub using the GitHub's API, and return the response '''
import requests from flask import Flask, request app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/user") def retrieve_info(): ''' Get the user_id from the request, the retrieve the user info from GitHub using the GitHub's API, and return the response ''' user_id = request.args["user_id"] url = "" + user_id response = requests.get(url) return response.text
import socket def sendData(): ''' This function creates a UDP socket and continuously receive 1024 bytes of UDP packet. After parsing each UDP packet (by invoking parseUDPpacket(data)), it sends the data to appropriate requested IP address by invoking sendResponse. '''
import socket def sendData(): ''' This function creates a UDP socket and continuously receive 1024 bytes of UDP packet. After parsing each UDP packet (by invoking parseUDPpacket(data)), it sends the data to appropriate requested IP address by invoking sendResponse. ''' sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT)) while true: data = sock.recvfrom(1024) if not data: break (requestIP, record) = parseUDPpacket(data) sendResponse(requestIP, record)
import boto3 DYNAMO_CLIENT = boto3.client('dynamodb', config=config) def getUser(username, password): ''' Get the user information from the users table by using its username and password. '''
import boto3 DYNAMO_CLIENT = boto3.client('dynamodb', config=config) def getUser(username, password): ''' Get the user information from the users table by using its username and password. ''' return DYNAMO_CLIENT.scan( FilterExpression=username + " = :u AND password = :p", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ":u": {'S': username}, ":p": {'S': password} }, ProjectionExpression="username, password", TableName="users" )