8 values
39 values
Summarize this medical transcription
Normal physical exam template. Normocephalic. Negative lesions, negative masses.
GENERAL: ,XXX,VITAL SIGNS: , Blood pressure XXX, pulse XXX, temperature XXX, respirations XXX. Height XXX, weight XXX.,HEAD: , Normocephalic. Negative lesions, negative masses.,EYES: , PERLA, EOMI. Sclerae clear. Negative icterus, negative conjunctivitis.,ENT:, Negative nasal hemorrhages, negative nasal obstructions, negative nasal exudates. Negative ear obstructions, negative exudates. Negative inflammation in external auditory canals. Negative throat inflammation or masses.,SKIN: , Negative rashes, negative masses, negative ulcers. No tattoos.,NECK:, Negative palpable lymphadenopathy, negative palpable thyromegaly, negative bruits.,HEART:, Regular rate and rhythm. Negative rubs, negative gallops, negative murmurs.,LUNGS:, Clear to auscultation. Negative rales, negative rhonchi, negative wheezing.,ABDOMEN: , Soft, nontender, adequate bowel sounds. Negative palpable masses, negative hepatosplenomegaly, negative abdominal bruits.,EXTREMITIES: , Negative inflammation, negative tenderness, negative swelling, negative edema, negative cyanosis, negative clubbing. Pulses adequate bilaterally.,MUSCULOSKELETAL:, Negative muscle atrophy, negative masses. Strength adequate bilaterally. Negative movement restriction, negative joint crepitus, negative deformity.,NEUROLOGIC: , Cranial nerves I through XII intact. Negative gait disturbance. Balance and coordination intact. Negative Romberg, negative Babinski. DTRs equal bilaterally.,GENITOURINARY: ,Deferred.,
Normal physical exam template. Normocephalic. Negative lesions, negative masses.
General Medicine
Normal Physical Exam Template - 4
negative, neck, through, and, skin
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Summarize this medical transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] GENERAL: ,XXX,VITAL SIGNS: , Blood pressure XXX, pulse XXX, temperature XXX, respirations XXX. Height XXX, weight XXX.,HEAD: , Normocephalic. Negative lesions, negative masses.,EYES: , PERLA, EOMI. Sclerae clear. Negative icterus, negative conjunctivitis.,ENT:, Negative nasal hemorrhages, negative nasal obstructions, negative nasal exudates. Negative ear obstructions, negative exudates. Negative inflammation in external auditory canals. Negative throat inflammation or masses.,SKIN: , Negative rashes, negative masses, negative ulcers. No tattoos.,NECK:, Negative palpable lymphadenopathy, negative palpable thyromegaly, negative bruits.,HEART:, Regular rate and rhythm. Negative rubs, negative gallops, negative murmurs.,LUNGS:, Clear to auscultation. Negative rales, negative rhonchi, negative wheezing.,ABDOMEN: , Soft, nontender, adequate bowel sounds. Negative palpable masses, negative hepatosplenomegaly, negative abdominal bruits.,EXTREMITIES: , Negative inflammation, negative tenderness, negative swelling, negative edema, negative cyanosis, negative clubbing. Pulses adequate bilaterally.,MUSCULOSKELETAL:, Negative muscle atrophy, negative masses. Strength adequate bilaterally. Negative movement restriction, negative joint crepitus, negative deformity.,NEUROLOGIC: , Cranial nerves I through XII intact. Negative gait disturbance. Balance and coordination intact. Negative Romberg, negative Babinski. DTRs equal bilaterally.,GENITOURINARY: ,Deferred., [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Normal physical exam template. Normocephalic. Negative lesions, negative masses. [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Normal physical exam template. Normocephalic. Negative lesions, negative masses. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Summarize this medical transcription
Complete heart block with pacemaker malfunction and a history of Shone complex.
HISTORY AND PHYSICAL: ,The patient is a 13-year-old, who has a history of Shone complex and has a complete heart block. He is on the pacemaker. He had a coarctation of the aorta and that was repaired when he was an infant. He was followed in our Cardiology Clinic here and has been doing well. However last night, he was sleeping, and he states he felt as if he has having a dream, and there was thunder in this dream, which woke him up. He then felt that his defibrillator was going off and this has continued and feels like his heart rate is not normal. Thus, his dad put him in the car and transported him here. He has been evaluated here. He had some scar tissue at one point when the internal pacemaker was not working properly and had to have that replaced. It was 2 a.m. when he woke, and again, he was brought here by private vehicle. He was well prior to going to bed. No cough, cold, runny nose, fever. No trauma has been noted.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Shone complex, pacemaker dependent.,MEDICATIONS: , He is on no medications at this time.,ALLERGIES:, He has no allergies.,IMMUNIZATIONS:, Up to date.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He lives with his parents.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Negative.,REVIEW OF SYSTEM: , Twelve asked, all negative, except as noted above.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: This is an awake, alert male, who appears to be in mild distress.,HEENT: Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Extraocular movements are intact. His TMs are clear. His nares are clear. The mucous membranes are pink and moist. Throat is clear.,NECK: Supple without lymphadenopathy or masses. Trachea is midline.,LUNGS: Clear.,HEART: Shows bradycardia at 53. He has good distal pulses.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender. Positive bowel sounds. No guarding, no rebound. No rashes are seen.,HOSPITAL COURSE:, Initial blood pressure is 164/90. He was moved in room 1. He was placed on nasal cannula. Pulse ox was 100%, which is normal. We placed him on a monitor. We did an EKG; it has not appear to be capturing his pacemaker at this time. Shortly after the patient's arrival, the Medtronic technician came and worked out his pacemaker. Medtronic representative informed me that the lead that he has in place has been recalled because it has been prone to microfractures, oversensing, and automatic defibrillation. As noted, he was transferred to room 1, placed on a monitor, pulse ox. An IV was placed. A standard blood work was sent. A chest x-ray was done showing normal heart size, lead appeared to be in placed. There was no evidence of pulmonary edema. His pacemaker did not appear to be capturing. We placed him on transthoracic leads. However, it is difficult to get good placement with these because of the area where his pacemaker was placed. The Medtronic technician initially turned off his defibrillation mode and turned down his sensor. However, we could not get our transthoracic pacer to capture his heart. When the Medtronic representative turned off the pacemaker, the heart rate seemed to drop into the 40s. The patient appeared to be in pain. We placed it back on a rate of 60 at that time. He has remained in sinus bradycardia, but no evidence of ectopic beats. No widening of his QRS complex. I spoke with Cardiology. Cardiology service has come in, has evaluated him at bedside with me. Again, we turned up the transthoracic pacer, but it is again not seem to be picking up, and his heart rate is still going with the Medtronic's internal pacemaker. So with the ICU physician on call, Dr. X, he has agreed with taking this young man to the ICU.,An hour after presentation here, the ICU was ready for bed. I accompanied the patient up to the ICU. He remained awake and alert. Initially, he was complaining of a lot of chest pain. Once the defibrillator was turned off, he had no more pain. He was transported to the Pediatrics PICU and delivered in stable condition.,LABORATORY DATA: , CBC was normal. Chem-20 was normal as well.,IMPRESSION: ,Complete heart block with pacemaker malfunction.,PLAN: ,He is admitted to the ICU.,TIME SEEN: , Critical care time outside billable procedures was 45 minutes with this patient. I should note that a 12-lead EKG was done here showing sinus bradycardia, normal intervals otherwise.
Complete heart block with pacemaker malfunction and a history of Shone complex.
Emergency Room Reports
Shone complex
he, his, was, has, the
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Summarize this medical transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] HISTORY AND PHYSICAL: ,The patient is a 13-year-old, who has a history of Shone complex and has a complete heart block. He is on the pacemaker. He had a coarctation of the aorta and that was repaired when he was an infant. He was followed in our Cardiology Clinic here and has been doing well. However last night, he was sleeping, and he states he felt as if he has having a dream, and there was thunder in this dream, which woke him up. He then felt that his defibrillator was going off and this has continued and feels like his heart rate is not normal. Thus, his dad put him in the car and transported him here. He has been evaluated here. He had some scar tissue at one point when the internal pacemaker was not working properly and had to have that replaced. It was 2 a.m. when he woke, and again, he was brought here by private vehicle. He was well prior to going to bed. No cough, cold, runny nose, fever. No trauma has been noted.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Shone complex, pacemaker dependent.,MEDICATIONS: , He is on no medications at this time.,ALLERGIES:, He has no allergies.,IMMUNIZATIONS:, Up to date.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He lives with his parents.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Negative.,REVIEW OF SYSTEM: , Twelve asked, all negative, except as noted above.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: This is an awake, alert male, who appears to be in mild distress.,HEENT: Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Extraocular movements are intact. His TMs are clear. His nares are clear. The mucous membranes are pink and moist. Throat is clear.,NECK: Supple without lymphadenopathy or masses. Trachea is midline.,LUNGS: Clear.,HEART: Shows bradycardia at 53. He has good distal pulses.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender. Positive bowel sounds. No guarding, no rebound. No rashes are seen.,HOSPITAL COURSE:, Initial blood pressure is 164/90. He was moved in room 1. He was placed on nasal cannula. Pulse ox was 100%, which is normal. We placed him on a monitor. We did an EKG; it has not appear to be capturing his pacemaker at this time. Shortly after the patient's arrival, the Medtronic technician came and worked out his pacemaker. Medtronic representative informed me that the lead that he has in place has been recalled because it has been prone to microfractures, oversensing, and automatic defibrillation. As noted, he was transferred to room 1, placed on a monitor, pulse ox. An IV was placed. A standard blood work was sent. A chest x-ray was done showing normal heart size, lead appeared to be in placed. There was no evidence of pulmonary edema. His pacemaker did not appear to be capturing. We placed him on transthoracic leads. However, it is difficult to get good placement with these because of the area where his pacemaker was placed. The Medtronic technician initially turned off his defibrillation mode and turned down his sensor. However, we could not get our transthoracic pacer to capture his heart. When the Medtronic representative turned off the pacemaker, the heart rate seemed to drop into the 40s. The patient appeared to be in pain. We placed it back on a rate of 60 at that time. He has remained in sinus bradycardia, but no evidence of ectopic beats. No widening of his QRS complex. I spoke with Cardiology. Cardiology service has come in, has evaluated him at bedside with me. Again, we turned up the transthoracic pacer, but it is again not seem to be picking up, and his heart rate is still going with the Medtronic's internal pacemaker. So with the ICU physician on call, Dr. X, he has agreed with taking this young man to the ICU.,An hour after presentation here, the ICU was ready for bed. I accompanied the patient up to the ICU. He remained awake and alert. Initially, he was complaining of a lot of chest pain. Once the defibrillator was turned off, he had no more pain. He was transported to the Pediatrics PICU and delivered in stable condition.,LABORATORY DATA: , CBC was normal. Chem-20 was normal as well.,IMPRESSION: ,Complete heart block with pacemaker malfunction.,PLAN: ,He is admitted to the ICU.,TIME SEEN: , Critical care time outside billable procedures was 45 minutes with this patient. I should note that a 12-lead EKG was done here showing sinus bradycardia, normal intervals otherwise. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Complete heart block with pacemaker malfunction and a history of Shone complex. [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Complete heart block with pacemaker malfunction and a history of Shone complex. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription
Consult - Atrial Fibrillation
REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, Atrial fibrillation.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 78-year-old, Hispanic woman with past medical history significant for coronary artery disease status post bypass grafting surgery and history of a stroke with residual left sided hemiplegia. Apparently, the patient is a resident of Lake Harris Port Square long-term facility after her stroke. She was found to have confusion while in her facility. She then came to the emergency room and found to have a right sided acute stroke. 12-lead EKG performed on August 10, 2009, found to have atrial fibrillation. Telemetry also revealed atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response. Currently, the telemetry is normal sinus rhythm. Because of the finding of atrial fibrillation, cardiology was consulted.,The patient is a poor historian. She did not recall why she is in the hospital, she said she had a stroke. She reported no chest discomfort, no shortness of breath, no palpitations.,The following information was obtained from the patient's chart:,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Coronary artery disease status post bypass grafting surgery. Unable to obtain the place, location, anatomy, and the year it was performed.,2. Carotid artery stenosis status post right carotid artery stenting. Again, the time was unknown.,3. Diabetes.,4. Hypertension.,5. Hyperlipidemia.,6. History of stroke with left side hemiplegia.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient is a resident of Lake Harris Port Square. She has no history of alcohol use.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Please see attached list including hydralazine, Celebrex, Colace, metformin, aspirin, potassium, Lasix, Levaquin, Norvasc, insulin, Plavix, lisinopril, and Zocor.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Unable to obtain.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 133/44, pulse 98, O2 saturation is 98% on room air. Temperature 99, respiratory rate 16.,GENERAL: The patient is sitting in the chair at bedside. Appears comfortable. Left facial droop. Left side hemiplegia.,HEAD AND NECK: No JVP seen. Right side carotid bruit heard.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,CARDIOVASCULAR: PMI not displaced, regular rhythm. Normal S1 and S2. Positive S4. There is a 2/6 systolic murmur best heard at the left lower sternal border.,ABDOMEN: Soft.,EXTREMITIES: Not edematous.,DATA:, A 12-lead EKG performed on August 9, 2009, revealed atrial fibrillation with a ventricular rate of 96 beats per minute, nonspecific ST wave abnormality.,Review of telemetry done the last few days, currently the patient is in normal sinus rhythm at the rate of 60 beats per minute. Atrial fibrillation was noted on admission noted August 8 and August 10; however, there was normal sinus rhythm on August 10.,LABORATORY DATA: , WBC 7.2, hemoglobin 11.7. The patient's hemoglobin was 8.2 a few days ago before blood transfusion. Chemistry-7 within normal limits. Lipid profile: Triglycerides 64, total cholesterol 106, HDL 26, LDL 17. Liver function tests are within normal limits. INR was 1.1.,A 2D echo was performed on August 11, 2009, and revealed left ventricle normal in size with EF of 50%. Mild apical hypokinesis. Mild dilated left atrium. Mild aortic regurgitation, mitral regurgitation, and tricuspid regurgitation. No intracardiac masses or thrombus were noted. The aortic root was normal in size.,ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. It is unknown if this is a new onset versus a paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Given the patient has a recurrent stroke, anticoagulation with Coumadin to prevent further stroke is indicated. However, given the patient's current neurologic status, the safety of falling is unclear. We need to further discuss with the patient's primary care physician, probably rehab physician. If the patient's risk of falling is low, then Coumadin is indicated. However, if the patient's risk for falling is high, then a course using aspirin and Plavix will be recommended. Transesophageal echocardiogram probably will delineate possible intracardiac thrombus better, however will not change our current management. Therefore, I will not recommend transesophageal echocardiogram at this point. Currently, the patient's heart rate is well controlled, antiarrhythmic agent is not recommended at this point.,2. Carotid artery stenosis. The patient underwent a carotid Doppler ultrasound on this admission and found to have a high-grade increased velocity of the right internal carotid artery. It is difficult to assess the severity of the stenosis given the history of possible right carotid stenting. If clinically indicated, CT angio of the carotid will be indicated to assess for stent patency. However, given the patient's current acute stroke, revascularization is not indicated at this time.,3. Coronary artery disease. Clinically stable. No further test is indicated at this time.
Patient with past medical history significant for coronary artery disease status post bypass grafting surgery and history of a stroke with residual left sided hemiplegia.
Consult - History and Phy.
Consult - Atrial Fibrillation
the, is, artery, of, patient
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, Atrial fibrillation.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 78-year-old, Hispanic woman with past medical history significant for coronary artery disease status post bypass grafting surgery and history of a stroke with residual left sided hemiplegia. Apparently, the patient is a resident of Lake Harris Port Square long-term facility after her stroke. She was found to have confusion while in her facility. She then came to the emergency room and found to have a right sided acute stroke. 12-lead EKG performed on August 10, 2009, found to have atrial fibrillation. Telemetry also revealed atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response. Currently, the telemetry is normal sinus rhythm. Because of the finding of atrial fibrillation, cardiology was consulted.,The patient is a poor historian. She did not recall why she is in the hospital, she said she had a stroke. She reported no chest discomfort, no shortness of breath, no palpitations.,The following information was obtained from the patient's chart:,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Coronary artery disease status post bypass grafting surgery. Unable to obtain the place, location, anatomy, and the year it was performed.,2. Carotid artery stenosis status post right carotid artery stenting. Again, the time was unknown.,3. Diabetes.,4. Hypertension.,5. Hyperlipidemia.,6. History of stroke with left side hemiplegia.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient is a resident of Lake Harris Port Square. She has no history of alcohol use.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Please see attached list including hydralazine, Celebrex, Colace, metformin, aspirin, potassium, Lasix, Levaquin, Norvasc, insulin, Plavix, lisinopril, and Zocor.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Unable to obtain.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 133/44, pulse 98, O2 saturation is 98% on room air. Temperature 99, respiratory rate 16.,GENERAL: The patient is sitting in the chair at bedside. Appears comfortable. Left facial droop. Left side hemiplegia.,HEAD AND NECK: No JVP seen. Right side carotid bruit heard.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,CARDIOVASCULAR: PMI not displaced, regular rhythm. Normal S1 and S2. Positive S4. There is a 2/6 systolic murmur best heard at the left lower sternal border.,ABDOMEN: Soft.,EXTREMITIES: Not edematous.,DATA:, A 12-lead EKG performed on August 9, 2009, revealed atrial fibrillation with a ventricular rate of 96 beats per minute, nonspecific ST wave abnormality.,Review of telemetry done the last few days, currently the patient is in normal sinus rhythm at the rate of 60 beats per minute. Atrial fibrillation was noted on admission noted August 8 and August 10; however, there was normal sinus rhythm on August 10.,LABORATORY DATA: , WBC 7.2, hemoglobin 11.7. The patient's hemoglobin was 8.2 a few days ago before blood transfusion. Chemistry-7 within normal limits. Lipid profile: Triglycerides 64, total cholesterol 106, HDL 26, LDL 17. Liver function tests are within normal limits. INR was 1.1.,A 2D echo was performed on August 11, 2009, and revealed left ventricle normal in size with EF of 50%. Mild apical hypokinesis. Mild dilated left atrium. Mild aortic regurgitation, mitral regurgitation, and tricuspid regurgitation. No intracardiac masses or thrombus were noted. The aortic root was normal in size.,ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. It is unknown if this is a new onset versus a paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Given the patient has a recurrent stroke, anticoagulation with Coumadin to prevent further stroke is indicated. However, given the patient's current neurologic status, the safety of falling is unclear. We need to further discuss with the patient's primary care physician, probably rehab physician. If the patient's risk of falling is low, then Coumadin is indicated. However, if the patient's risk for falling is high, then a course using aspirin and Plavix will be recommended. Transesophageal echocardiogram probably will delineate possible intracardiac thrombus better, however will not change our current management. Therefore, I will not recommend transesophageal echocardiogram at this point. Currently, the patient's heart rate is well controlled, antiarrhythmic agent is not recommended at this point.,2. Carotid artery stenosis. The patient underwent a carotid Doppler ultrasound on this admission and found to have a high-grade increased velocity of the right internal carotid artery. It is difficult to assess the severity of the stenosis given the history of possible right carotid stenting. If clinically indicated, CT angio of the carotid will be indicated to assess for stent patency. However, given the patient's current acute stroke, revascularization is not indicated at this time.,3. Coronary artery disease. Clinically stable. No further test is indicated at this time. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Consult - Atrial Fibrillation [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Patient with past medical history significant for coronary artery disease status post bypass grafting surgery and history of a stroke with residual left sided hemiplegia. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
the, was, right, mm, and
TITLE OF OPERATION:,1. Open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) with irrigation and debridement of open fracture including skin, muscle, and bone using a Synthes 3.5 mm locking plate on the lateral malleolus and two Synthes 4.5 mm cannulated screws medial malleolus.,2. Closed reduction and screw fixation of right femoral neck fracture using one striker Asnis 8.0 mm cannulated screw and two 6.5 mm cannulated screws.,3. Retrograde femoral nail using a striker T2 retrograde nail 10 x 340 with a 10 mm INCAP and two 5 mm distal locking screws and two 5 mm proximal locking screws.,4. Irrigation and debridement of right knee.,5. Irrigation and debridement of right elbow abrasions.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS:,1. Right open ankle fracture.,2. Right femoral shaft fracture.,3. Right femoral neck fracture.,4. Right open knee.,5. Right elbow abrasions.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS:,1. Right open ankle fracture.,2. Right femoral shaft fracture.,3. Right femoral neck fracture.,4. Right open knee.,5. Right elbow abrasions.,INTRAVENOUS FLUIDS: , 650 packed red blood cells.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , 2 hours.,URINE OUTPUT: ,1600 cubic centimeters.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 250 cubic centimeters.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,PLAN:, non-weightbearing right lower extremity, clindamycin x 48 hours.,OPERATIVE NARRATIVE:, The patient is a 53-year-old female who is a pedestrian struck, in a motor vehicle accident and sustained numerous injuries. She sustained a right open ankle fracture, right femur fracture, right femoral neck fracture, right open knee, and right elbow abrasions. Given the emergent nature of the right femoral neck fracture and her young age as well as the open fracture, it was decided to proceed with an urgent operative intervention. The risks of surgery were discussed in detail and the consents were signed. The operative site was marked. The patient was taken to the operating room where she was given preoperative clindamycin. The patient had then general anesthetic performed by anesthesia.,A well-padded side tourniquet was placed. Attention was turned to the right ankle first. The large medical laceration was extended and the tissues were debrided. All dirty of the all injured bone, muscle, and tissues were debrided. Wound was then copiously irrigated with 8 liters of normal saline. At this point, the medial malleolus fracture was identified and was reduced. This was then fixed in with two 4.5 mm cannulated Synthes screws.,Next, the attention was turned to lateral malleolus. Incision was made over the distal fibula. It was carried down sharply through the skin in the subcutaneous issues. Care was taken to preserve the superficial peroneal nerve. The fracture was identified, and there was noted to be very comminuted distal fibula fracture. The fracture was reduced and confirmed with fluoroscopy. A 7 hole Synthes 3.5 mm locking plate was placed. This was placed in a bridging fashion with three screws above and three screws below the fracture. Appropriate reduction was confirmed under fluoroscopy. A cotton test was performed, and the ankle did not open up. Therefore, it was decided not to proceed with syndesmotic screw.,Next, the patient was then placed in the fracture table and all extremities were well padded. All prominences were padded. The right leg was then prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. A 2-cm incision was made just distal to the greater trochanter. This was carried down sharply through the skin to the fascia. The femur was identified. The guidewire for a striker Asnis 6.5 mm screw was placed in the appropriate position. The triangle guide was then used to ensure appropriate triangular formation of the remainder of the screws. A reduction of the fracture was performed prior to placing all the guide wires. A single 8 mm Asnis screw was placed inferiorly followed by two 6.5 mm screws superiorly.,Next, the abrasions on the right elbow were copiously irrigated. The necrotic and dead tissue was removed. The abrasions did not appear to enter the joints. They were wrapped with Xeroform 4 x 4 x 4 Kerlix and Ace wrap.,Next, the lacerations of the anterior knee were connected and were extended in the midline. They were carried down sharply to the skin and the retinacular issues to the joint. The intercondylar notch was identified. A guide wire for the striker T2 retrograde nail was placed and localized with fluoroscopy. The opening reamer was used following the bolted guide wire was then passed. The femur was then sequentially reamed using the flexible reamers. A T2 retrograde nail 10 x 340 was then passed. Two 5 mm distal locking screws and two 5 mm proximal locking screws were then placed.,Prior to reaming and passing the retrograde nail, the knee was copiously irrigated with 8 liters of normal saline. Any dead tissues in the knee were identified and were debrided using rongeurs and curettes.,The patient was placed in the AO splints for the right ankle. The wounds were dressed with Xeroform 4 x 4 x 4s and IO band. The care was then transferred for the patient to Halstead Service.,The plan will be non-weightbearing right lower extremity and antibiotics for 48 hours.,Dr. X was present and scrubbed for the entirety of the procedure.
Open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) with irrigation and debridement of open fracture. Closed reduction and screw fixation of right femoral neck fracture. Retrograde femoral nail using a striker T2 retrograde nail. Irrigation and debridement of knee and elbow abrasions.
ORIF, Closed Reduction, Screw Fixation, Etc.
the, was, right, mm, and
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] TITLE OF OPERATION:,1. Open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) with irrigation and debridement of open fracture including skin, muscle, and bone using a Synthes 3.5 mm locking plate on the lateral malleolus and two Synthes 4.5 mm cannulated screws medial malleolus.,2. Closed reduction and screw fixation of right femoral neck fracture using one striker Asnis 8.0 mm cannulated screw and two 6.5 mm cannulated screws.,3. Retrograde femoral nail using a striker T2 retrograde nail 10 x 340 with a 10 mm INCAP and two 5 mm distal locking screws and two 5 mm proximal locking screws.,4. Irrigation and debridement of right knee.,5. Irrigation and debridement of right elbow abrasions.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS:,1. Right open ankle fracture.,2. Right femoral shaft fracture.,3. Right femoral neck fracture.,4. Right open knee.,5. Right elbow abrasions.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS:,1. Right open ankle fracture.,2. Right femoral shaft fracture.,3. Right femoral neck fracture.,4. Right open knee.,5. Right elbow abrasions.,INTRAVENOUS FLUIDS: , 650 packed red blood cells.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , 2 hours.,URINE OUTPUT: ,1600 cubic centimeters.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 250 cubic centimeters.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,PLAN:, non-weightbearing right lower extremity, clindamycin x 48 hours.,OPERATIVE NARRATIVE:, The patient is a 53-year-old female who is a pedestrian struck, in a motor vehicle accident and sustained numerous injuries. She sustained a right open ankle fracture, right femur fracture, right femoral neck fracture, right open knee, and right elbow abrasions. Given the emergent nature of the right femoral neck fracture and her young age as well as the open fracture, it was decided to proceed with an urgent operative intervention. The risks of surgery were discussed in detail and the consents were signed. The operative site was marked. The patient was taken to the operating room where she was given preoperative clindamycin. The patient had then general anesthetic performed by anesthesia.,A well-padded side tourniquet was placed. Attention was turned to the right ankle first. The large medical laceration was extended and the tissues were debrided. All dirty of the all injured bone, muscle, and tissues were debrided. Wound was then copiously irrigated with 8 liters of normal saline. At this point, the medial malleolus fracture was identified and was reduced. This was then fixed in with two 4.5 mm cannulated Synthes screws.,Next, the attention was turned to lateral malleolus. Incision was made over the distal fibula. It was carried down sharply through the skin in the subcutaneous issues. Care was taken to preserve the superficial peroneal nerve. The fracture was identified, and there was noted to be very comminuted distal fibula fracture. The fracture was reduced and confirmed with fluoroscopy. A 7 hole Synthes 3.5 mm locking plate was placed. This was placed in a bridging fashion with three screws above and three screws below the fracture. Appropriate reduction was confirmed under fluoroscopy. A cotton test was performed, and the ankle did not open up. Therefore, it was decided not to proceed with syndesmotic screw.,Next, the patient was then placed in the fracture table and all extremities were well padded. All prominences were padded. The right leg was then prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. A 2-cm incision was made just distal to the greater trochanter. This was carried down sharply through the skin to the fascia. The femur was identified. The guidewire for a striker Asnis 6.5 mm screw was placed in the appropriate position. The triangle guide was then used to ensure appropriate triangular formation of the remainder of the screws. A reduction of the fracture was performed prior to placing all the guide wires. A single 8 mm Asnis screw was placed inferiorly followed by two 6.5 mm screws superiorly.,Next, the abrasions on the right elbow were copiously irrigated. The necrotic and dead tissue was removed. The abrasions did not appear to enter the joints. They were wrapped with Xeroform 4 x 4 x 4 Kerlix and Ace wrap.,Next, the lacerations of the anterior knee were connected and were extended in the midline. They were carried down sharply to the skin and the retinacular issues to the joint. The intercondylar notch was identified. A guide wire for the striker T2 retrograde nail was placed and localized with fluoroscopy. The opening reamer was used following the bolted guide wire was then passed. The femur was then sequentially reamed using the flexible reamers. A T2 retrograde nail 10 x 340 was then passed. Two 5 mm distal locking screws and two 5 mm proximal locking screws were then placed.,Prior to reaming and passing the retrograde nail, the knee was copiously irrigated with 8 liters of normal saline. Any dead tissues in the knee were identified and were debrided using rongeurs and curettes.,The patient was placed in the AO splints for the right ankle. The wounds were dressed with Xeroform 4 x 4 x 4s and IO band. The care was then transferred for the patient to Halstead Service.,The plan will be non-weightbearing right lower extremity and antibiotics for 48 hours.,Dr. X was present and scrubbed for the entirety of the procedure. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] the, was, right, mm, and [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) with irrigation and debridement of open fracture. Closed reduction and screw fixation of right femoral neck fracture. Retrograde femoral nail using a striker T2 retrograde nail. Irrigation and debridement of knee and elbow abrasions. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
the, was, of, to, patient
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Gross hematuria.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Gross hematuria.,OPERATIONS: ,Cystopyelogram, clot evacuation, transurethral resection of the bladder tumor x2 on the dome and on the left wall of the bladder.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal.,FINDINGS: ,Significant amount of bladder clots measuring about 150 to 200 mL, two cupful of clots were removed. There was papillary tumor on the left wall right at the bladder neck and one on the right dome near the bladder neck on the right side. The right ureteral opening was difficult to visualize, the left one was normal.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is a 78-year-old male with history of gross hematuria and recurrent UTIs. The patient had hematuria. Cystoscopy revealed atypical biopsy. The patient came in again with gross hematuria. The first biopsy was done about a month ago. The patient was to come back and have repeat biopsies done, but before that came into the hospital with gross hematuria. The options of watchful waiting, removal of the clots and biopsies were discussed. Risk of anesthesia, bleeding, infection, pain, MI, DVT and PE were discussed. Morbidity and mortality of the procedure were discussed. Consent was obtained from the daughter-in-law who has the power of attorney in Florida.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the OR. Anesthesia was applied. The patient was placed in the dorsal lithotomy position. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The patient had been off of the Coumadin for about 4 days and INR had been reversed. The patient has significant amount of clot upon entering the bladder. There was a tight bladder neck contracture. The prostate was not enlarged. Using ACMI 24-French sheath, using Ellick irrigation about 2 cupful of clots were removed. It took about half an hour to just remove the clots. After removing the clots, using 24-French cutting loop resectoscope, tumor on the left upper wall near the dome or near the 2 o'clock position was resected. This was lateral to the left ureteral opening. The base was coagulated for hemostasis. Same thing was done at 10 o'clock on the right side where there was some tumor that was visualized. The back wall and the rest of the bladder appeared normal. Using 8-French cone-tip catheter, left-sided pyelogram was normal. The right-sided pyelogram was very difficult to obtain and there was some mucosal irritation from the clots. The contrast did go up to what appeared to be the right ureteral opening, but the mucosa seemed to be very much irritated and it was very difficult to actually visualize the opening. A little bit of contrast went out, but the force was not made just to avoid any secondary stricture formation. The patient did have CT with contrast, which showed that the kidneys were normal. At this time, a #24 three-way irrigation was started. The patient was brought to Recovery room in stable condition.
Cystopyelogram, clot evacuation, transurethral resection of the bladder tumor x2 on the dome and on the left wall of the bladder.
Cystopyelogram - 1
urology, clot evacuation, transurethral resection, bladder tumor, bladder neck, gross hematuria, bladder, cystopyelogram, hematuria, clots,
the, was, of, to, patient
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Gross hematuria.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Gross hematuria.,OPERATIONS: ,Cystopyelogram, clot evacuation, transurethral resection of the bladder tumor x2 on the dome and on the left wall of the bladder.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal.,FINDINGS: ,Significant amount of bladder clots measuring about 150 to 200 mL, two cupful of clots were removed. There was papillary tumor on the left wall right at the bladder neck and one on the right dome near the bladder neck on the right side. The right ureteral opening was difficult to visualize, the left one was normal.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is a 78-year-old male with history of gross hematuria and recurrent UTIs. The patient had hematuria. Cystoscopy revealed atypical biopsy. The patient came in again with gross hematuria. The first biopsy was done about a month ago. The patient was to come back and have repeat biopsies done, but before that came into the hospital with gross hematuria. The options of watchful waiting, removal of the clots and biopsies were discussed. Risk of anesthesia, bleeding, infection, pain, MI, DVT and PE were discussed. Morbidity and mortality of the procedure were discussed. Consent was obtained from the daughter-in-law who has the power of attorney in Florida.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the OR. Anesthesia was applied. The patient was placed in the dorsal lithotomy position. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The patient had been off of the Coumadin for about 4 days and INR had been reversed. The patient has significant amount of clot upon entering the bladder. There was a tight bladder neck contracture. The prostate was not enlarged. Using ACMI 24-French sheath, using Ellick irrigation about 2 cupful of clots were removed. It took about half an hour to just remove the clots. After removing the clots, using 24-French cutting loop resectoscope, tumor on the left upper wall near the dome or near the 2 o'clock position was resected. This was lateral to the left ureteral opening. The base was coagulated for hemostasis. Same thing was done at 10 o'clock on the right side where there was some tumor that was visualized. The back wall and the rest of the bladder appeared normal. Using 8-French cone-tip catheter, left-sided pyelogram was normal. The right-sided pyelogram was very difficult to obtain and there was some mucosal irritation from the clots. The contrast did go up to what appeared to be the right ureteral opening, but the mucosa seemed to be very much irritated and it was very difficult to actually visualize the opening. A little bit of contrast went out, but the force was not made just to avoid any secondary stricture formation. The patient did have CT with contrast, which showed that the kidneys were normal. At this time, a #24 three-way irrigation was started. The patient was brought to Recovery room in stable condition. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] the, was, of, to, patient [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Cystopyelogram, clot evacuation, transurethral resection of the bladder tumor x2 on the dome and on the left wall of the bladder. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription
Prostate Brachytherapy
PROSTATE BRACHYTHERAPY - PROSTATE I-125 IMPLANTATION,This patient will be treated to the prostate with ultrasound-guided I-125 seed implantation. The original consultation and treatment planning will be separately performed. At the time of the implantation, special coordination will be required. Stepping ultrasound will be performed and utilized in the pre-planning process. Some discrepancies are frequently identified, based on the positioning, edema, and/or change in the tumor since the pre-planning process. Re-assessment is required at the time of surgery, evaluating the pre-plan and comparing to the stepping ultrasound. Modifications will be made in real time to add or subtract needles and seeds as required. This may be integrated with the loading of the seeds performed by the brachytherapist, as well as coordinated with the urologist, dosimetrist or physicist.,The brachytherapy must be customized to fit the individual's tumor and prostate. Attention is given both preoperatively and intraoperatively to avoid overdosage of rectum and bladder.
Prostate Brachytherapy - Prostate I-125 Implantation
Prostate Brachytherapy
urology, i-125 implantation, tumor, prostate, prostate brachytherapy, implantationNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.
the, be, will, and, performed
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PROSTATE BRACHYTHERAPY - PROSTATE I-125 IMPLANTATION,This patient will be treated to the prostate with ultrasound-guided I-125 seed implantation. The original consultation and treatment planning will be separately performed. At the time of the implantation, special coordination will be required. Stepping ultrasound will be performed and utilized in the pre-planning process. Some discrepancies are frequently identified, based on the positioning, edema, and/or change in the tumor since the pre-planning process. Re-assessment is required at the time of surgery, evaluating the pre-plan and comparing to the stepping ultrasound. Modifications will be made in real time to add or subtract needles and seeds as required. This may be integrated with the loading of the seeds performed by the brachytherapist, as well as coordinated with the urologist, dosimetrist or physicist.,The brachytherapy must be customized to fit the individual's tumor and prostate. Attention is given both preoperatively and intraoperatively to avoid overdosage of rectum and bladder. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Prostate Brachytherapy [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Prostate Brachytherapy - Prostate I-125 Implantation [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Blood in urine.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This is a 78-year-old male who has prostate cancer with metastatic disease to his bladder and in several locations throughout the skeletal system including the spine and shoulder. The patient has had problems with hematuria in the past, but the patient noted that this episode began yesterday, and today he has been passing principally blood with very little urine. The patient states that there is no change in his chronic lower back pain and denies any incontinence of urine or stool. The patient has not had any fever. There is no abdominal pain and the patient is still able to pass urine. The patient has not had any melena or hematochezia. There is no nausea or vomiting. The patient has already completed chemotherapy and is beyond treatment for his cancer at this time. The patient is receiving radiation therapy, but it is targeted to the bones and intended to give symptomatic relief of his skeletal pain and not intended to treat and cure the cancer. The patient is not enlisted in hospice, but the principle around the patient's current treatment management is focusing on comfort care measures.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , CONSTITUTIONAL: No fever or chills. The patient does report generalized fatigue and weakness over the past several days. HEENT: No headache, no neck pain, no rhinorrhea, no sore throat. CARDIOVASCULAR: No chest pain. RESPIRATIONS: No shortness of breath or cough, although the patient does get easily winded with exertion over these past few days. GASTROINTESTINAL: The patient denies any abdominal pain. No nausea or vomiting. No changes in the bowel movement. No melena or hematochezia. GENITOURINARY: A gross hematuria since yesterday as previously described. The patient is still able to pass urine without difficulty. The patient denies any groin pain. The patient denies any other changes to the genital region. MUSCULOSKELETAL: The chronic lower back pain which has not changed over these past few days. The patient does have multiple other joints, which cause him discomfort, but there have been no recent changes in these either. SKIN: No rashes or lesions. No easy bruising. NEUROLOGIC: No focal weakness or numbness. No incontinence of urine or stool. No saddle paresthesia. No dizziness, syncope or near-syncope. ENDOCRINE: No polyuria or polydipsia. No heat or cold intolerance. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: The patient does not have a history of easy bruising or bleeding, but the patient has had previous episodes of hematuria.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Prostate cancer with metastatic disease as previously described.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , TURP.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Morphine, Darvocet, Flomax, Avodart and ibuprofen.,ALLERGIES: , VICODIN.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is a nonsmoker. Denies any alcohol or illicit drug use. The patient does live with his family.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: Temperature is 98.8 oral, blood pressure is 108/65, pulse is 109, respirations 16, oxygen saturation is 97% on room air and interpreted as normal. CONSTITUTIONAL: The patient is well nourished, well developed. The patient appears to be pale, but otherwise looks well. The patient is calm, comfortable. The patient is pleasant and cooperative. HEENT: Eyes normal with clear conjunctivae and corneas. Nose is normal without rhinorrhea or audible congestion. Mouth and oropharynx normal without any sign of infection. Mucous membranes are moist. NECK: Supple. Full range of motion. No JVD. CARDIOVASCULAR: Heart is mildly tachycardic with regular rhythm without murmur, rub or gallop. Peripheral pulses are +2. RESPIRATIONS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. No shortness of breath. No wheezes, rales or rhonchi. Good air movement bilaterally. GASTROINTESTINAL: Abdomen is soft, nontender, nondistended. No rebound or guarding. No hepatosplenomegaly. Normal bowel sounds. No bruit. No masses or pulsatile masses. GENITOURINARY: The patient has normal male genitalia, uncircumcised. There is no active bleeding from the penis at this time. There is no swelling of the testicles. There are no masses palpated to the testicles, scrotum or the penis. There are no lesions or rashes noted. There is no inguinal lymphadenopathy. Normal male exam. MUSCULOSKELETAL: Back is normal and nontender. There are no abnormalities noted to the arms or legs. The patient has normal use of the extremities. SKIN: The patient appears to be pale, but otherwise the skin is normal. There are no rashes or lesions. NEUROLOGIC: Motor and sensory are intact to the extremities. The patient has normal speech. PSYCHIATRIC: The patient is alert and oriented x4. Normal mood and affect. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: There is no evidence of bruising noted to the body. No lymphadenitis is palpated.,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT TESTING:, CBC was done, which had a hemoglobin of 7.7 and hematocrit of 22.6. Neutrophils were 81%. The RDW was 18.5, and the rest of the values were all within normal limits and unremarkable. Chemistry had a sodium of 134, a glucose of 132, calcium is 8.2, and rest of the values are unremarkable. Alkaline phosphatase was 770 and albumin was 2.4. Rest of the values all are within normal limits of the LFTs. Urinalysis was grossly bloody with a large amount of blood and greater than 50 rbc's. The patient also had greater than 300 of the protein reading, moderate leukocytes, 30-50 white blood cells, but no bacteria were seen. Coagulation profile study had a PT of 15.9, PTT of 43 and INR of 1.3.,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COURSE: , The patient was given normal saline 2 liters over 1 hour without any adverse effect. The patient was given multiple doses of morphine to maintain his comfort while here in the emergency room without any adverse effect. The patient was given Levaquin 500 mg by mouth as well as 2 doses of Phenergan over the course of his stay here in the emergency department. The patient did not have an adverse reaction to these medicines either. Phenergan resolved his nausea and morphine did relieve his pain and make him pain free. I spoke with Dr. X, the patient's urologist, about most appropriate step for the patient, and Dr. X said he would be happy to care for the patient in the hospital and do urologic scopes if necessary and surgery if necessary and blood transfusion. It was all a matter of what the patient wished to do given the advanced stage of his cancer. Dr. X was willing to assist in any way the patient wished him to. I spoke with the patient and his son about what he would like to do and what the options were from doing nothing from keeping him comfortable with pain medicines to admitting him to the hospital with the possibility of scopes and even surgery being done as well as the blood transfusion. The patient decided to choose a middle ground in which he would be transfused with 2 units of blood here in the emergency room and go home tonight. The patient's son felt comfortable with his father's choice. This was done. The patient was transfused 2 units of packed red blood cells after appropriately typed and match. The patient did not have any adverse reaction at any point with his transfusion. There was no fever, no shortness of breath, and at the time of disposition, the patient stated he felt a little better and felt like he had a little more strength. Over the course of the patient's several-hour stay in the emergency room, the patient did end up developing enough problems with clotted blood in his bladder that he had a urinary obstruction. Foley catheter was placed, which produced bloody urine and relieved the developing discomfort of a full bladder. The patient was given a leg bag and the Foley catheter was left in place.,DIAGNOSES,1. HEMATURIA.,2. PROSTATE CANCER WITH BONE AND BLADDER METASTATIC DISEASE.,3. SIGNIFICANT ANEMIA.,4. URINARY OBSTRUCTION.,CONDITION ON DISPOSITION: ,Fair, but improved.,DISPOSITION: , To home with his son.,PLAN: , We will have the patient follow up with Dr. X in his office in 2 days for reevaluation. The patient was given a prescription for Levaquin and Phenergan tablets to take home with him tonight. The patient was encouraged to drink extra water. The patient was given discharge instructions on hematuria and asked to return to the emergency room should he have any worsening of his condition or develop any other problems or symptoms of concern.
Patient has prostate cancer with metastatic disease to his bladder. The patient has had problems with hematuria in the past. The patient was encouraged to drink extra water and was given discharge instructions on hematuria.
Consult - History and Phy.
Blood in Urine - ER Visit
the, patient, no, and, of
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Blood in urine.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This is a 78-year-old male who has prostate cancer with metastatic disease to his bladder and in several locations throughout the skeletal system including the spine and shoulder. The patient has had problems with hematuria in the past, but the patient noted that this episode began yesterday, and today he has been passing principally blood with very little urine. The patient states that there is no change in his chronic lower back pain and denies any incontinence of urine or stool. The patient has not had any fever. There is no abdominal pain and the patient is still able to pass urine. The patient has not had any melena or hematochezia. There is no nausea or vomiting. The patient has already completed chemotherapy and is beyond treatment for his cancer at this time. The patient is receiving radiation therapy, but it is targeted to the bones and intended to give symptomatic relief of his skeletal pain and not intended to treat and cure the cancer. The patient is not enlisted in hospice, but the principle around the patient's current treatment management is focusing on comfort care measures.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , CONSTITUTIONAL: No fever or chills. The patient does report generalized fatigue and weakness over the past several days. HEENT: No headache, no neck pain, no rhinorrhea, no sore throat. CARDIOVASCULAR: No chest pain. RESPIRATIONS: No shortness of breath or cough, although the patient does get easily winded with exertion over these past few days. GASTROINTESTINAL: The patient denies any abdominal pain. No nausea or vomiting. No changes in the bowel movement. No melena or hematochezia. GENITOURINARY: A gross hematuria since yesterday as previously described. The patient is still able to pass urine without difficulty. The patient denies any groin pain. The patient denies any other changes to the genital region. MUSCULOSKELETAL: The chronic lower back pain which has not changed over these past few days. The patient does have multiple other joints, which cause him discomfort, but there have been no recent changes in these either. SKIN: No rashes or lesions. No easy bruising. NEUROLOGIC: No focal weakness or numbness. No incontinence of urine or stool. No saddle paresthesia. No dizziness, syncope or near-syncope. ENDOCRINE: No polyuria or polydipsia. No heat or cold intolerance. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: The patient does not have a history of easy bruising or bleeding, but the patient has had previous episodes of hematuria.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Prostate cancer with metastatic disease as previously described.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , TURP.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Morphine, Darvocet, Flomax, Avodart and ibuprofen.,ALLERGIES: , VICODIN.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is a nonsmoker. Denies any alcohol or illicit drug use. The patient does live with his family.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: Temperature is 98.8 oral, blood pressure is 108/65, pulse is 109, respirations 16, oxygen saturation is 97% on room air and interpreted as normal. CONSTITUTIONAL: The patient is well nourished, well developed. The patient appears to be pale, but otherwise looks well. The patient is calm, comfortable. The patient is pleasant and cooperative. HEENT: Eyes normal with clear conjunctivae and corneas. Nose is normal without rhinorrhea or audible congestion. Mouth and oropharynx normal without any sign of infection. Mucous membranes are moist. NECK: Supple. Full range of motion. No JVD. CARDIOVASCULAR: Heart is mildly tachycardic with regular rhythm without murmur, rub or gallop. Peripheral pulses are +2. RESPIRATIONS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. No shortness of breath. No wheezes, rales or rhonchi. Good air movement bilaterally. GASTROINTESTINAL: Abdomen is soft, nontender, nondistended. No rebound or guarding. No hepatosplenomegaly. Normal bowel sounds. No bruit. No masses or pulsatile masses. GENITOURINARY: The patient has normal male genitalia, uncircumcised. There is no active bleeding from the penis at this time. There is no swelling of the testicles. There are no masses palpated to the testicles, scrotum or the penis. There are no lesions or rashes noted. There is no inguinal lymphadenopathy. Normal male exam. MUSCULOSKELETAL: Back is normal and nontender. There are no abnormalities noted to the arms or legs. The patient has normal use of the extremities. SKIN: The patient appears to be pale, but otherwise the skin is normal. There are no rashes or lesions. NEUROLOGIC: Motor and sensory are intact to the extremities. The patient has normal speech. PSYCHIATRIC: The patient is alert and oriented x4. Normal mood and affect. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: There is no evidence of bruising noted to the body. No lymphadenitis is palpated.,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT TESTING:, CBC was done, which had a hemoglobin of 7.7 and hematocrit of 22.6. Neutrophils were 81%. The RDW was 18.5, and the rest of the values were all within normal limits and unremarkable. Chemistry had a sodium of 134, a glucose of 132, calcium is 8.2, and rest of the values are unremarkable. Alkaline phosphatase was 770 and albumin was 2.4. Rest of the values all are within normal limits of the LFTs. Urinalysis was grossly bloody with a large amount of blood and greater than 50 rbc's. The patient also had greater than 300 of the protein reading, moderate leukocytes, 30-50 white blood cells, but no bacteria were seen. Coagulation profile study had a PT of 15.9, PTT of 43 and INR of 1.3.,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COURSE: , The patient was given normal saline 2 liters over 1 hour without any adverse effect. The patient was given multiple doses of morphine to maintain his comfort while here in the emergency room without any adverse effect. The patient was given Levaquin 500 mg by mouth as well as 2 doses of Phenergan over the course of his stay here in the emergency department. The patient did not have an adverse reaction to these medicines either. Phenergan resolved his nausea and morphine did relieve his pain and make him pain free. I spoke with Dr. X, the patient's urologist, about most appropriate step for the patient, and Dr. X said he would be happy to care for the patient in the hospital and do urologic scopes if necessary and surgery if necessary and blood transfusion. It was all a matter of what the patient wished to do given the advanced stage of his cancer. Dr. X was willing to assist in any way the patient wished him to. I spoke with the patient and his son about what he would like to do and what the options were from doing nothing from keeping him comfortable with pain medicines to admitting him to the hospital with the possibility of scopes and even surgery being done as well as the blood transfusion. The patient decided to choose a middle ground in which he would be transfused with 2 units of blood here in the emergency room and go home tonight. The patient's son felt comfortable with his father's choice. This was done. The patient was transfused 2 units of packed red blood cells after appropriately typed and match. The patient did not have any adverse reaction at any point with his transfusion. There was no fever, no shortness of breath, and at the time of disposition, the patient stated he felt a little better and felt like he had a little more strength. Over the course of the patient's several-hour stay in the emergency room, the patient did end up developing enough problems with clotted blood in his bladder that he had a urinary obstruction. Foley catheter was placed, which produced bloody urine and relieved the developing discomfort of a full bladder. The patient was given a leg bag and the Foley catheter was left in place.,DIAGNOSES,1. HEMATURIA.,2. PROSTATE CANCER WITH BONE AND BLADDER METASTATIC DISEASE.,3. SIGNIFICANT ANEMIA.,4. URINARY OBSTRUCTION.,CONDITION ON DISPOSITION: ,Fair, but improved.,DISPOSITION: , To home with his son.,PLAN: , We will have the patient follow up with Dr. X in his office in 2 days for reevaluation. The patient was given a prescription for Levaquin and Phenergan tablets to take home with him tonight. The patient was encouraged to drink extra water. The patient was given discharge instructions on hematuria and asked to return to the emergency room should he have any worsening of his condition or develop any other problems or symptoms of concern. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Patient has prostate cancer with metastatic disease to his bladder. The patient has had problems with hematuria in the past. The patient was encouraged to drink extra water and was given discharge instructions on hematuria. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Degenerative osteoarthritis, right knee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Degenerative osteoarthritis, right knee.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Right knee total arthroplasty.,ANESTHESIA: , The procedure was done under a subarachnoid block anesthetic in the supine position with a tourniquet utilized.,TOTAL TOURNIQUET TIME: , Approximately 90 minutes.,SPECIFICATIONS: , The entire procedure is done in the inpatient operating suite in the Room #1 at ABCD General Hospital. The following sizes of NexGen system were utilized: E on right femur, cemented; 5 tibial stem tray with a 10 mm polyethylene insert, and a 32 mm patellar button.,HISTORY AND GROSS FINDINGS: , This is a 58-year-old white female suffering increasing right knee pain for number of years prior to surgical intervention. She was completely refractory to conservative outpatient therapy. She had undergone two knee arthroscopies in the years preceding this. They were performed by myself. She ultimately failed this treatment and developed a collapsing-type valgus degenerative osteoarthritis with complete collapse and ware of the lateral compartment and degenerative changes noted to the femoral sulcus that were proved live. Medial compartment had minor changes present. There was no contracture of the lateral collateral ligament, but instead mild laxity on both sides. There was no significant flexion contracture preoperatively.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was laid supine upon the operating table after receiving a subarachnoid block anesthetic by the Anesthesia Department. Thigh tourniquet was placed upon the patient's right leg. She was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. The limb was elevated and exsanguinated and tourniquet placed 325 mmHg for the above noted time. A straight incision was carried down through the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Hemostasis was controlled with electrocoagulation. Medial parapatellar arthrotomy was created and the knee cap was everted. The ligaments were balanced. A portion of the fat pad was removed and the ACL was completely removed. Drill hole was made in the distal femur. The size to an E, right. Care was taken to make up for the severe loss of articular cartilage on the posterior condyle in the lateral side. This was checked with the epicondylar abscess and with three degrees of external rotation, drill holes were made. Intramedullary guide was then placed, pegged, and anterior cut carried out. There was excellent resection. It was flat. Distal cutting guide was then placed in five degrees of valgus. Appropriate cuts were carried out. The standard cut was utilized.,The finishing guide for E was held with pins as well as screws. Cutting was carried out posterior to anterior, then posterior chamfer and anterior chamfer, femoral sulcus cut was carried out and drill holes for pegs were made. The cutting guide was then removed. The bone was removed. Excess bone was taken out posteriorly. The posterior capsule was loosened up. There were two different fabellas in the posterolateral compartment and they were loosened. Posterolateral corner was then anchored with osteotome and was taken around the posterolateral corner. An extramedullary tibial cutting guide was then placed, pinned, and held. A cut was carried out parallel to the foot. Hard copy ________ was obtained, deemed to be satisfactory after evening up the edges. Trial range of motion was satisfactory. It was necessary to perform a lateral retinacular release to the patella. The patella was isolated. Approximately 10 mm to 11 mm were reamed off. The size to 32 mm button and drill hole guide was placed, impacted, and drilled. Trial range of motion was satisfactory. The tibial guide was then pinned. Drill hole was placed, broached, and utilized. Copious irrigation was carried out. Methylmethacrylate was mixed and was sequentially placed from the femur to the tibia to the patella. The implants were sequentially placed in tibia to femur to patella. Once excess methylmethacrylate was removed and cured, 10 mm Poly was placed. There was excellent ligament balancing. A separate portal was utilized for subcutaneous drain. Tourniquet was deflated and hemostasis was controlled with electrocoagulation. Interrupted #1 Ethibond suture was utilized for parapatellar closure, running #1 Vicryl suture was utilized for overstitch.,Trial range of motion was satisfactory. Interrupted #2-0 Vicryl was utilized for subcutaneous fat closure and skin staples were placed to the skin. Adaptic, 4x4s, ABDs, and Webril were placed for compression dressing. Digits were pink and warm with brawny pulses distally at the end of the case. The patient was then transferred to PACU in apparent satisfactory condition. Expected surgical prognosis on this patient is fair.
Right knee total arthroplasty. Degenerative osteoarthritis, right knee.
Total Knee Arthroplasty
surgery, arthroplasty, knee, degenerative osteoarthritis, subcutaneous, osteoarthritis, degenerative, tourniquet, drill,
was, the, and, placed, were
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Degenerative osteoarthritis, right knee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Degenerative osteoarthritis, right knee.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Right knee total arthroplasty.,ANESTHESIA: , The procedure was done under a subarachnoid block anesthetic in the supine position with a tourniquet utilized.,TOTAL TOURNIQUET TIME: , Approximately 90 minutes.,SPECIFICATIONS: , The entire procedure is done in the inpatient operating suite in the Room #1 at ABCD General Hospital. The following sizes of NexGen system were utilized: E on right femur, cemented; 5 tibial stem tray with a 10 mm polyethylene insert, and a 32 mm patellar button.,HISTORY AND GROSS FINDINGS: , This is a 58-year-old white female suffering increasing right knee pain for number of years prior to surgical intervention. She was completely refractory to conservative outpatient therapy. She had undergone two knee arthroscopies in the years preceding this. They were performed by myself. She ultimately failed this treatment and developed a collapsing-type valgus degenerative osteoarthritis with complete collapse and ware of the lateral compartment and degenerative changes noted to the femoral sulcus that were proved live. Medial compartment had minor changes present. There was no contracture of the lateral collateral ligament, but instead mild laxity on both sides. There was no significant flexion contracture preoperatively.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was laid supine upon the operating table after receiving a subarachnoid block anesthetic by the Anesthesia Department. Thigh tourniquet was placed upon the patient's right leg. She was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. The limb was elevated and exsanguinated and tourniquet placed 325 mmHg for the above noted time. A straight incision was carried down through the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Hemostasis was controlled with electrocoagulation. Medial parapatellar arthrotomy was created and the knee cap was everted. The ligaments were balanced. A portion of the fat pad was removed and the ACL was completely removed. Drill hole was made in the distal femur. The size to an E, right. Care was taken to make up for the severe loss of articular cartilage on the posterior condyle in the lateral side. This was checked with the epicondylar abscess and with three degrees of external rotation, drill holes were made. Intramedullary guide was then placed, pegged, and anterior cut carried out. There was excellent resection. It was flat. Distal cutting guide was then placed in five degrees of valgus. Appropriate cuts were carried out. The standard cut was utilized.,The finishing guide for E was held with pins as well as screws. Cutting was carried out posterior to anterior, then posterior chamfer and anterior chamfer, femoral sulcus cut was carried out and drill holes for pegs were made. The cutting guide was then removed. The bone was removed. Excess bone was taken out posteriorly. The posterior capsule was loosened up. There were two different fabellas in the posterolateral compartment and they were loosened. Posterolateral corner was then anchored with osteotome and was taken around the posterolateral corner. An extramedullary tibial cutting guide was then placed, pinned, and held. A cut was carried out parallel to the foot. Hard copy ________ was obtained, deemed to be satisfactory after evening up the edges. Trial range of motion was satisfactory. It was necessary to perform a lateral retinacular release to the patella. The patella was isolated. Approximately 10 mm to 11 mm were reamed off. The size to 32 mm button and drill hole guide was placed, impacted, and drilled. Trial range of motion was satisfactory. The tibial guide was then pinned. Drill hole was placed, broached, and utilized. Copious irrigation was carried out. Methylmethacrylate was mixed and was sequentially placed from the femur to the tibia to the patella. The implants were sequentially placed in tibia to femur to patella. Once excess methylmethacrylate was removed and cured, 10 mm Poly was placed. There was excellent ligament balancing. A separate portal was utilized for subcutaneous drain. Tourniquet was deflated and hemostasis was controlled with electrocoagulation. Interrupted #1 Ethibond suture was utilized for parapatellar closure, running #1 Vicryl suture was utilized for overstitch.,Trial range of motion was satisfactory. Interrupted #2-0 Vicryl was utilized for subcutaneous fat closure and skin staples were placed to the skin. Adaptic, 4x4s, ABDs, and Webril were placed for compression dressing. Digits were pink and warm with brawny pulses distally at the end of the case. The patient was then transferred to PACU in apparent satisfactory condition. Expected surgical prognosis on this patient is fair. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Right knee total arthroplasty. Degenerative osteoarthritis, right knee. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average
Shorter than average
DIAGNOSIS: , Left knee osteoarthritis.,HISTORY: , The patient is a 58-year-old female, referred to therapy due to left knee osteoarthritis. The patient states that approximately 2 years ago, she fell to the ground and thereafter had blood clots in the knee area. The patient was transferred from the hospital to a nursing home and lived there for 1 year. Prior to this incident, the patient was ambulating independently with a pickup walker throughout her home. Since that time, the patient has only been performing transverse and has been unable to ambulate. The patient states that her primary concern is her left knee pain and they desire to walk short distances again in her home.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , High blood pressure, obesity, right patellar fracture with pin in 1990, and history of blood clots.,MEDICATIONS: ,Naproxen, Plavix, and stool softener.,MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS: , The patient states that she had an x-ray of the knee in 2007 and was diagnosed with osteoarthritis.,SUBJECTIVE:, The patient reports that when seated and at rest, her knee pain is 0/10. The patient states that with active motion of the left knee, the pain in the anterior portion increases to 5/10.,PATIENT'S GOAL: , To transfer better and walk 5 feet from her bed to the couch.,INSPECTION: , The right knee has a large 8-inch long and very wide tight scar with adhesions to the underlying connective tissue due to her patellar fracture and surgery following an MVA in 1990, bilateral knees are very large due to obesity. There are no scars, bruising or increased temperature noted in the left knee.,RANGE OF MOTION: , Active and passive range of motion of the right knee is 0 to 90 degrees and the left knee, 0 to 85 degrees. Pain is elicited during active range of motion of the left knee.,PALPATION: , Palpation to the left knee elicits pain around the patellar tendon and to each side of this area.,FUNCTIONAL MOBILITY: ,The patient reports that she transfers with standby to contact-guard assist in the home from her bed to her wheelchair and return. The patient is able to stand modified independent from wheelchair level and tolerates at least 15 seconds of standing prior to needing to sit down due to the left knee pain.,ASSESSMENT: ,The patient is a 58-year-old female with left knee osteoarthritis. Examination indicates deficits in pain, muscle endurance, and functional mobility. The patient would benefit from skilled physical therapy to address these impairments.,TREATMENT PLAN: ,The patient will be seen two times per week for an initial 4 weeks with re-assessment at that time for an additional 4 weeks if needed.,INTERVENTIONS INCLUDE:,1. Modalities including electrical stimulation, ultrasound, heat, and ice.,2. Therapeutic exercise.,3. Functional mobility training.,4. Gait training.,LONG-TERM GOALS TO BE ACHIEVED IN 4 WEEKS:,1. The patient is to have increased endurance in bilateral lower extremities as demonstrated by being able to perform 20 repetitions of all lower extremity exercises in seated and supine positions with minimum 2-pound weight.,2. The patient is to perform standby assist transfer using a pickup walker.,3. The patient is to demonstrate 4 steps of ambulation using forward and backward using a pickup walker or front-wheeled walker.,4. The patient is to report maximum 3/10 pain with weightbearing of 2 minutes in the left knee.,LONG-TERM GOALS TO BE ACHIEVED IN 8 WEEKS:,1. The patient is to be independent with the home exercise program.,2. The patient is to tolerate 20 reps of standing exercises with pain maximum of 3/10.,3. The patient is to ambulate 20 feet with the most appropriate assistive device.,PROGNOSIS TO THE ABOVE-STATED GOALS:, Fair to good.,The above treatment plan has been discussed with the patient. She is in agreement.
The patient is a 58-year-old female, referred to therapy due to left knee osteoarthritis. The patient states that approximately 2 years ago, she fell to the ground and thereafter had blood clots in the knee area. The patient was transferred from the hospital to a nursing home and lived there for 1 year. The patient states that her primary concern is her left knee pain and they desire to walk short distances again in her home.
Physical Therapy - Osteoarthritis
the, to, patient, and, her
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] DIAGNOSIS: , Left knee osteoarthritis.,HISTORY: , The patient is a 58-year-old female, referred to therapy due to left knee osteoarthritis. The patient states that approximately 2 years ago, she fell to the ground and thereafter had blood clots in the knee area. The patient was transferred from the hospital to a nursing home and lived there for 1 year. Prior to this incident, the patient was ambulating independently with a pickup walker throughout her home. Since that time, the patient has only been performing transverse and has been unable to ambulate. The patient states that her primary concern is her left knee pain and they desire to walk short distances again in her home.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , High blood pressure, obesity, right patellar fracture with pin in 1990, and history of blood clots.,MEDICATIONS: ,Naproxen, Plavix, and stool softener.,MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS: , The patient states that she had an x-ray of the knee in 2007 and was diagnosed with osteoarthritis.,SUBJECTIVE:, The patient reports that when seated and at rest, her knee pain is 0/10. The patient states that with active motion of the left knee, the pain in the anterior portion increases to 5/10.,PATIENT'S GOAL: , To transfer better and walk 5 feet from her bed to the couch.,INSPECTION: , The right knee has a large 8-inch long and very wide tight scar with adhesions to the underlying connective tissue due to her patellar fracture and surgery following an MVA in 1990, bilateral knees are very large due to obesity. There are no scars, bruising or increased temperature noted in the left knee.,RANGE OF MOTION: , Active and passive range of motion of the right knee is 0 to 90 degrees and the left knee, 0 to 85 degrees. Pain is elicited during active range of motion of the left knee.,PALPATION: , Palpation to the left knee elicits pain around the patellar tendon and to each side of this area.,FUNCTIONAL MOBILITY: ,The patient reports that she transfers with standby to contact-guard assist in the home from her bed to her wheelchair and return. The patient is able to stand modified independent from wheelchair level and tolerates at least 15 seconds of standing prior to needing to sit down due to the left knee pain.,ASSESSMENT: ,The patient is a 58-year-old female with left knee osteoarthritis. Examination indicates deficits in pain, muscle endurance, and functional mobility. The patient would benefit from skilled physical therapy to address these impairments.,TREATMENT PLAN: ,The patient will be seen two times per week for an initial 4 weeks with re-assessment at that time for an additional 4 weeks if needed.,INTERVENTIONS INCLUDE:,1. Modalities including electrical stimulation, ultrasound, heat, and ice.,2. Therapeutic exercise.,3. Functional mobility training.,4. Gait training.,LONG-TERM GOALS TO BE ACHIEVED IN 4 WEEKS:,1. The patient is to have increased endurance in bilateral lower extremities as demonstrated by being able to perform 20 repetitions of all lower extremity exercises in seated and supine positions with minimum 2-pound weight.,2. The patient is to perform standby assist transfer using a pickup walker.,3. The patient is to demonstrate 4 steps of ambulation using forward and backward using a pickup walker or front-wheeled walker.,4. The patient is to report maximum 3/10 pain with weightbearing of 2 minutes in the left knee.,LONG-TERM GOALS TO BE ACHIEVED IN 8 WEEKS:,1. The patient is to be independent with the home exercise program.,2. The patient is to tolerate 20 reps of standing exercises with pain maximum of 3/10.,3. The patient is to ambulate 20 feet with the most appropriate assistive device.,PROGNOSIS TO THE ABOVE-STATED GOALS:, Fair to good.,The above treatment plan has been discussed with the patient. She is in agreement. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Shorter than average [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] The patient is a 58-year-old female, referred to therapy due to left knee osteoarthritis. The patient states that approximately 2 years ago, she fell to the ground and thereafter had blood clots in the knee area. The patient was transferred from the hospital to a nursing home and lived there for 1 year. The patient states that her primary concern is her left knee pain and they desire to walk short distances again in her home. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract original key medical terms from this text
general medicine, allergic rhinitis, sinus infection, sinus congestion, congestion, sinus
SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 12-year-old young man who comes in with about 10 days worth of sinus congestion. He does have significant allergies including ragweed. The drainage has been clear. He had a little bit of a headache yesterday. He has had no fever. No one else is ill at home currently.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Advair and Allegra. He has been taking these regularly. He is not sure the Allegra is working for him anymore. He does think though better than Claritin.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,General: Alert young man in no distress.,HEENT: TMs clear and mobile. Pharynx clear. Mouth moist. Nasal mucosa pale with clear discharge.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,Lungs: Lungs clear, no tachypnea, wheezing, rales or retractions.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender, without masses or splenomegaly.,ASSESSMENT:, I think this is still his allergic rhinitis rather than a sinus infection.,PLAN:, Change to Zyrtec 10 mg samples were given. He is not using nasal spray, but he has some at home. He should restart this. Continue to watch his peak flows to make sure his asthma does not come under poor control. Call if any further problems.
A 12-year-old young man with sinus congestion.
General Medicine
Gen Med Consult - 22
general medicine, allergic rhinitis, sinus infection, sinus congestion, congestion, sinus
he, is, does, his, has
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract original key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 12-year-old young man who comes in with about 10 days worth of sinus congestion. He does have significant allergies including ragweed. The drainage has been clear. He had a little bit of a headache yesterday. He has had no fever. No one else is ill at home currently.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Advair and Allegra. He has been taking these regularly. He is not sure the Allegra is working for him anymore. He does think though better than Claritin.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,General: Alert young man in no distress.,HEENT: TMs clear and mobile. Pharynx clear. Mouth moist. Nasal mucosa pale with clear discharge.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,Lungs: Lungs clear, no tachypnea, wheezing, rales or retractions.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender, without masses or splenomegaly.,ASSESSMENT:, I think this is still his allergic rhinitis rather than a sinus infection.,PLAN:, Change to Zyrtec 10 mg samples were given. He is not using nasal spray, but he has some at home. He should restart this. Continue to watch his peak flows to make sure his asthma does not come under poor control. Call if any further problems. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] general medicine, allergic rhinitis, sinus infection, sinus congestion, congestion, sinus [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] A 12-year-old young man with sinus congestion. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
there, this, is, in, the
FINDINGS:,There is a large intrasellar mass lesion producing diffuse expansion of the sella turcica. This mass lesions measures approximately 16 x 18 x 18mm (craniocaudal x AP x mediolateral) in size.
A middle-aged male with increasing memory loss and history of Lyme disease.
MRI Brain - Lyme Disease
radiology, increasing memory loss, intrasellar mass lesion, memory loss, sella turcica, cavernous sinus, sphenoid sinus, ct imaging, white matter, retention cyst, maxillary antrum, lyme disease, mass lesion, disease, cavernous, cortical, mass, lesion,
there, this, is, in, the
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] FINDINGS:,There is a large intrasellar mass lesion producing diffuse expansion of the sella turcica. This mass lesions measures approximately 16 x 18 x 18mm (craniocaudal x AP x mediolateral) in size. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] there, this, is, in, the [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] A middle-aged male with increasing memory loss and history of Lyme disease. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription
Heart Catheterization - 2
PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Right heart catheterization.,INDICATION: , Refractory CHF to maximum medical therapy.,PROCEDURE: , After risks, benefits, and alternatives of the above-mentioned procedure were explained to the patient and the patient's family in detail, informed consent was obtained both verbally and in writing. The patient was taken to Cardiac Catheterization Suite where the right internal jugular region was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. 1% lidocaine solution was used to infiltrate the skin overlying the right internal jugular vein. Once adequate anesthesia has been obtained, a thin-walled #18 gauge Argon needle was used to cannulate the right internal jugular vein. A steel guidewire was then inserted through the needle into the vessel without resistance. Small nick was then made in the skin and the needle was removed. An #8.5 French venous sheath was then advanced over the guidewire into the vascular lumen without resistance. The guidewire and dilator were then removed. The sheath was then flushed. A Swan-Ganz catheter was inserted to 20 cm and the balloon was inflated. Under fluoroscopic guidance, the catheter was advanced into the right atrium through the right ventricle and into the pulmonary artery wedge position. Hemodynamics were measured along the way. Pulmonary artery saturation was obtained. The Swan was then kept in place for the patient to be transferred to the ICU for further medical titration. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient returned to the cardiac catheterization holding area in stable and satisfactory condition.,FINDINGS:, Body surface area equals 2.04, hemoglobin equals 9.3, O2 is at 2 liters nasal cannula. Pulmonary artery saturation equals 37.8. Pulse oximetry on 2 liters nasal cannula equals 93%. Right atrial pressure is 8, right ventricular pressure equals 59/9, pulmonary artery pressure equals 61/31 with mean of 43, pulmonary artery wedge pressure equals 21, cardiac output equals 3.3 by the Fick method, cardiac index is 1.6 by the Fick method, systemic vascular resistance equals 1821, and transpulmonic gradient equals 22.,IMPRESSION: ,Exam and Swan findings consistent with low perfusion given that the mixed venous O2 is only 38% on current medical therapy as well as elevated right-sided filling pressures and a high systemic vascular resistance.,PLAN: , Given that the patient is unable to tolerate vasodilator therapy secondary to significant orthostasis and the fact that the patient will not respond to oral titration at this point due to lack of cardiac reserve, the patient will need to be discharged home on Primacor. The patient is unable to continue with his dobutamine therapy secondary to nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. At this time, we will transfer the patient to the Intensive Care Unit for titration of the Primacor therapy. We will also increase his Lasix to 80 mg IV q.d. We will increase his amiodarone to 400 mg daily. We will also continue with his Coumadin therapy. As stated previously, we will discontinue vasodilator therapy starting with the Isordil.
Right heart catheterization. Refractory CHF to maximum medical therapy.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Heart Catheterization - 2
cardiovascular / pulmonary, chf, cardiac, catheterization, swan-ganz, heart catheterization, internal jugular, pulmonary artery, heart, jugular, cannulate, vascular, needle, pulmonary, therapy
the, to, was, right, artery
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Right heart catheterization.,INDICATION: , Refractory CHF to maximum medical therapy.,PROCEDURE: , After risks, benefits, and alternatives of the above-mentioned procedure were explained to the patient and the patient's family in detail, informed consent was obtained both verbally and in writing. The patient was taken to Cardiac Catheterization Suite where the right internal jugular region was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. 1% lidocaine solution was used to infiltrate the skin overlying the right internal jugular vein. Once adequate anesthesia has been obtained, a thin-walled #18 gauge Argon needle was used to cannulate the right internal jugular vein. A steel guidewire was then inserted through the needle into the vessel without resistance. Small nick was then made in the skin and the needle was removed. An #8.5 French venous sheath was then advanced over the guidewire into the vascular lumen without resistance. The guidewire and dilator were then removed. The sheath was then flushed. A Swan-Ganz catheter was inserted to 20 cm and the balloon was inflated. Under fluoroscopic guidance, the catheter was advanced into the right atrium through the right ventricle and into the pulmonary artery wedge position. Hemodynamics were measured along the way. Pulmonary artery saturation was obtained. The Swan was then kept in place for the patient to be transferred to the ICU for further medical titration. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient returned to the cardiac catheterization holding area in stable and satisfactory condition.,FINDINGS:, Body surface area equals 2.04, hemoglobin equals 9.3, O2 is at 2 liters nasal cannula. Pulmonary artery saturation equals 37.8. Pulse oximetry on 2 liters nasal cannula equals 93%. Right atrial pressure is 8, right ventricular pressure equals 59/9, pulmonary artery pressure equals 61/31 with mean of 43, pulmonary artery wedge pressure equals 21, cardiac output equals 3.3 by the Fick method, cardiac index is 1.6 by the Fick method, systemic vascular resistance equals 1821, and transpulmonic gradient equals 22.,IMPRESSION: ,Exam and Swan findings consistent with low perfusion given that the mixed venous O2 is only 38% on current medical therapy as well as elevated right-sided filling pressures and a high systemic vascular resistance.,PLAN: , Given that the patient is unable to tolerate vasodilator therapy secondary to significant orthostasis and the fact that the patient will not respond to oral titration at this point due to lack of cardiac reserve, the patient will need to be discharged home on Primacor. The patient is unable to continue with his dobutamine therapy secondary to nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. At this time, we will transfer the patient to the Intensive Care Unit for titration of the Primacor therapy. We will also increase his Lasix to 80 mg IV q.d. We will increase his amiodarone to 400 mg daily. We will also continue with his Coumadin therapy. As stated previously, we will discontinue vasodilator therapy starting with the Isordil. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Heart Catheterization - 2 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Right heart catheterization. Refractory CHF to maximum medical therapy. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract original key medical terms from this text
discharge summary, multiple extensive subcutaneous abscesses, open wound, subcutaneous abscesses, multiple subcutaneous abscesses, skin grafting, thigh, wound, abscesses, wounds, subcutaneous, antibiotics,
DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES,1. Multiple extensive subcutaneous abscesses, right thigh.,2. Massive open wound, right thigh, status post right excision of multiple subcutaneous abscesses, right thigh.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED,1. On 03/05/08, by Dr. X, was massive debridement of soft tissue, right lateral thigh and hip.,2. Soft tissue debridement on 03/16/08 of right thigh and hip by Dr. X.,3. Split thickness skin graft to right thigh and right hip massive open wound on 04/01/08 by Dr. Y.,REASON FOR ADMISSION: , The patient is a 62-year-old male with a history of drug use. He had a history of injection of heroin into his bilateral thighs. Unfortunately, he developed chronic abscesses, open wounds on his bilateral thighs, much worse on his right than his left. Decision was made to do a radical excision and then it is followed by reconstruction.,HOSPITAL COURSE: ,The patient was admitted on 03/05/08 by Dr. X. He was taken to the operating room. He underwent a massive resection of multiple subcutaneous abscesses, heroin remnants, which left massive huge open wounds to his right thigh and hip. This led to a prolonged hospital course. The patient initially was treated with local wound care. He was treated with broad spectrum antibiotics. He ended up growing out different species of Clostridium. Infectious Disease consult was obtained from Dr. Z. He assisted in further antibiotic coverage throughout the rest of his hospitalization. The patient also had significant hypoalbuminemia, decreased nutrition. Given his large wounds, he did end up getting a feeding tube placement, and prior to grafting, he received significant feeding tube supplementation to help achieve adequate nutrition for healing. The patient had this superior area what appeared to be further necrotic, infected soft tissue. He went back to the OR on 03/16/08 and further resection done by Dr. X. After this, his wound appeared to be free of infection. He is treated with a wound VAC. He slowly, but progressively had significant progress in his wound. I went from a very poor-looking wound to a red granulated wound throughout its majority. He was thought ready for skin grafting. Note that the patient had serial ultrasounds given his high risk of DVT from this massive wound and need for decreased activity. These were negative. He was treated with SCDs to help decrease his risk. On 04/01/08, the patient was taken to the operating room, was thought to have an adequate ________ grafting. He underwent skin grafting to his right thigh and hip massive open wound. Donor sites were truncated. Postoperatively, the patient ended up with a vast majority of skin graft taking. To unable to take, he was kept on IV antibiotics, strict bed rest, and limited range of motion of his hip. He is continued on VAC dressing. Graft progressively improved with this therapy. Had another ultrasound, which was negative for DVT. The patient was mobilized up out of his bed. Infectious Disease recommendations were obtained. Plan was to complete additional 10 days of antibiotics at discharge. This will be oral antibiotics. I would monitor his left side, which has significantly decreased inflammation and irritation or infection given the antibiotic coverage. So, decision was not made to excise this, but instead monitor. By 04/11/08, his graft looked good. It was pink and filling in. He looked stable for discharge. The patient was discharged to home.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , Discharge to home.,CONDITION: , Stable.,Antibiotic Augmentin XR script was written. He is okay to shower. Donor site and graft site dressing instruction orders were given for Home Health and the patient. His followup was arranged with Dr. X and myself.
Multiple extensive subcutaneous abscesses, right thigh. Massive open wound, right thigh, status post right excision of multiple subcutaneous abscesses, right thigh.
Discharge Summary
Chronic Abscesses - Discharge Summary
discharge summary, multiple extensive subcutaneous abscesses, open wound, subcutaneous abscesses, multiple subcutaneous abscesses, skin grafting, thigh, wound, abscesses, wounds, subcutaneous, antibiotics,
he, his, to, was, right
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract original key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES,1. Multiple extensive subcutaneous abscesses, right thigh.,2. Massive open wound, right thigh, status post right excision of multiple subcutaneous abscesses, right thigh.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED,1. On 03/05/08, by Dr. X, was massive debridement of soft tissue, right lateral thigh and hip.,2. Soft tissue debridement on 03/16/08 of right thigh and hip by Dr. X.,3. Split thickness skin graft to right thigh and right hip massive open wound on 04/01/08 by Dr. Y.,REASON FOR ADMISSION: , The patient is a 62-year-old male with a history of drug use. He had a history of injection of heroin into his bilateral thighs. Unfortunately, he developed chronic abscesses, open wounds on his bilateral thighs, much worse on his right than his left. Decision was made to do a radical excision and then it is followed by reconstruction.,HOSPITAL COURSE: ,The patient was admitted on 03/05/08 by Dr. X. He was taken to the operating room. He underwent a massive resection of multiple subcutaneous abscesses, heroin remnants, which left massive huge open wounds to his right thigh and hip. This led to a prolonged hospital course. The patient initially was treated with local wound care. He was treated with broad spectrum antibiotics. He ended up growing out different species of Clostridium. Infectious Disease consult was obtained from Dr. Z. He assisted in further antibiotic coverage throughout the rest of his hospitalization. The patient also had significant hypoalbuminemia, decreased nutrition. Given his large wounds, he did end up getting a feeding tube placement, and prior to grafting, he received significant feeding tube supplementation to help achieve adequate nutrition for healing. The patient had this superior area what appeared to be further necrotic, infected soft tissue. He went back to the OR on 03/16/08 and further resection done by Dr. X. After this, his wound appeared to be free of infection. He is treated with a wound VAC. He slowly, but progressively had significant progress in his wound. I went from a very poor-looking wound to a red granulated wound throughout its majority. He was thought ready for skin grafting. Note that the patient had serial ultrasounds given his high risk of DVT from this massive wound and need for decreased activity. These were negative. He was treated with SCDs to help decrease his risk. On 04/01/08, the patient was taken to the operating room, was thought to have an adequate ________ grafting. He underwent skin grafting to his right thigh and hip massive open wound. Donor sites were truncated. Postoperatively, the patient ended up with a vast majority of skin graft taking. To unable to take, he was kept on IV antibiotics, strict bed rest, and limited range of motion of his hip. He is continued on VAC dressing. Graft progressively improved with this therapy. Had another ultrasound, which was negative for DVT. The patient was mobilized up out of his bed. Infectious Disease recommendations were obtained. Plan was to complete additional 10 days of antibiotics at discharge. This will be oral antibiotics. I would monitor his left side, which has significantly decreased inflammation and irritation or infection given the antibiotic coverage. So, decision was not made to excise this, but instead monitor. By 04/11/08, his graft looked good. It was pink and filling in. He looked stable for discharge. The patient was discharged to home.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , Discharge to home.,CONDITION: , Stable.,Antibiotic Augmentin XR script was written. He is okay to shower. Donor site and graft site dressing instruction orders were given for Home Health and the patient. His followup was arranged with Dr. X and myself. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] discharge summary, multiple extensive subcutaneous abscesses, open wound, subcutaneous abscesses, multiple subcutaneous abscesses, skin grafting, thigh, wound, abscesses, wounds, subcutaneous, antibiotics, [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Multiple extensive subcutaneous abscesses, right thigh. Massive open wound, right thigh, status post right excision of multiple subcutaneous abscesses, right thigh. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Protein-calorie malnutrition.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Protein-calorie malnutrition.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube.,ANESTHESIA: , Conscious sedation per Anesthesia.,SPECIMEN: , None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,HISTORY: ,The patient is a 73-year-old male who was admitted to the hospital with some mentation changes. He was unable to sustain enough caloric intake and had markedly decreased albumin stores. After discussion with the patient and the son, they agreed to place a PEG tube for nutritional supplementation.,PROCEDURE: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the endoscopy suite. He was placed in the supine position and was given IV sedation by the Anesthesia Department. An EGD was performed from above by Dr. X. The stomach was transilluminated and an optimal position for the PEG tube was identified using the single poke method. The skin was infiltrated with local and the needle and sheath were inserted through the abdomen into the stomach under direct visualization. The needle was removed and a guidewire was inserted through the sheath. The guidewire was grasped from above with a snare by the endoscopist. It was removed completely and the Ponsky PEG tube was secured to the guidewire.,The guidewire and PEG tube were then pulled through the mouth and esophagus and snug to the abdominal wall. There was no evidence of bleeding. Photos were taken. The Bolster was placed on the PEG site. A complete dictation for the EGD will be done separately by Dr. X. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to recovery room in stable condition. He will be started on tube feedings in 6 hours with aspiration precautions and dietary to determine his nutritional goal.
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube. Protein-calorie malnutrition. The patient was unable to sustain enough caloric intake and had markedly decreased albumin stores. After discussion with the patient and the son, they agreed to place a PEG tube for nutritional supplementation.
PEG Tube
surgery, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube, protein calorie malnutrition, peg tube, malnutrition, nutritional
the, was, and, to, by
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Protein-calorie malnutrition.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Protein-calorie malnutrition.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube.,ANESTHESIA: , Conscious sedation per Anesthesia.,SPECIMEN: , None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,HISTORY: ,The patient is a 73-year-old male who was admitted to the hospital with some mentation changes. He was unable to sustain enough caloric intake and had markedly decreased albumin stores. After discussion with the patient and the son, they agreed to place a PEG tube for nutritional supplementation.,PROCEDURE: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the endoscopy suite. He was placed in the supine position and was given IV sedation by the Anesthesia Department. An EGD was performed from above by Dr. X. The stomach was transilluminated and an optimal position for the PEG tube was identified using the single poke method. The skin was infiltrated with local and the needle and sheath were inserted through the abdomen into the stomach under direct visualization. The needle was removed and a guidewire was inserted through the sheath. The guidewire was grasped from above with a snare by the endoscopist. It was removed completely and the Ponsky PEG tube was secured to the guidewire.,The guidewire and PEG tube were then pulled through the mouth and esophagus and snug to the abdominal wall. There was no evidence of bleeding. Photos were taken. The Bolster was placed on the PEG site. A complete dictation for the EGD will be done separately by Dr. X. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to recovery room in stable condition. He will be started on tube feedings in 6 hours with aspiration precautions and dietary to determine his nutritional goal. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 0.57 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube. Protein-calorie malnutrition. The patient was unable to sustain enough caloric intake and had markedly decreased albumin stores. After discussion with the patient and the son, they agreed to place a PEG tube for nutritional supplementation. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average
Shorter than average
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Renal failure.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Thank you for referring Ms. Abc to ABCD Nephrology. As you know she is a 51-year-old lady who was found to have a creatinine of 2.4 on a recent hospital admission to XYZ Hospital. She had been admitted at that time with chest pain and was subsequently transferred to University of A and had a cardiac catheterization, which did not show any coronary artery disease. She also was found to have a urinary tract infection at that time and this was treated with ciprofloxacin. Her creatinine both at XYZ Hospital and University of A was elevated at 2.4. I do not have the results from the prior years. A repeat creatinine on 08/16/06 was 2.3. The patient reports that she had gastric bypass surgery in 1975 and since then has had chronic diarrhea and recurrent admissions to the hospital with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. She also mentioned that lately she has had a lot of urinary tract infections without any symptoms and was in the emergency room four months ago with a urinary tract infection. She had bladder studies a long time ago. She complains of frequency of urination for a long time but denies any dysuria, urgency, or hematuria. She also mentioned that she was told sometime in the past that she had kidney stones but does not recall any symptoms suggestive of kidney stones. She denies any nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug use. She denies any other over-the-counter medication use. She has chronic hypokalemia and has been on potassium supplements recently. She is unsure of the dose. ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,1. Hypertension on and off for years. She states she has been treated intermittently but lately has again been off medications.,2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,3. Gastritis.,4. Hiatal hernia.,5. H. pylori infection x3 in the last six months treated.,6. Chronic hypokalemia secondary to chronic diarrhea.,7. Recurrent admissions with nausea, vomiting, and dehydration. ,8. Renal cysts found on a CAT scan of the abdomen.,9. No coronary artery disease with a recent cardiac catheterization with no significant coronary artery disease. ,10. Stomach bypass surgery 1975 with chronic diarrhea.,11. History of UTI multiple times recently.,12. Questionable history of kidney stones.,13. History of gingival infection secondary to chronic steroid use, which was discontinued in July 2001.,14. Depression.,15. Diffuse degenerative disc disease of the spine.,16. Hypothyroidism.,17. History of iron deficiency anemia in the past. ,18. Hyperuricemia. ,19. History of small bowel resection with ulcerative fibroid. ,20. Occult severe GI bleed in July 2001.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , The patient has had multiple surgeries including gastric bypass surgery in 1975, tonsils and adenoidectomy as a child, multiple tubes in the ears as a child, a cyst removed in both breasts, which were benign, a partial hysterectomy in 1980, history of sinus surgery, umbilical hernia repair in 1989, cholecystectomy in 1989, right ear surgery in 1989, disc surgery in 1991, bilateral breast cysts removal in 1991 and 1992, partial intestinal obstruction with surgery in 1992, pseudomyxoma peritonei in 1994, which was treated with chemotherapy for nine months, left ovary resection and fallopian tube removal in 1994, right ovarian resection and appendectomy and several tumor removals in 1994, surgery for an abscess in the rectum in 1996, fistulectomy in 1996, lumbar hemilaminectomy in 1999, cyst removal from the right leg and from the shoulder in 2000, cyst removed from the right side of the neck in 2003, lymph node resection in the neck April 24 and biopsy of a tumor in the neck and was found to be a schwannoma of the brachial plexus, and removal of brachial plexus tumor August 4, 2005. ,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,1. Nexium 40 mg q.d.,2. Synthroid 1 mg q.d. ,3. Potassium one q.d., unsure about the dose. ,4. No history of nonsteroidal drug use.,ALLERGIES:
Nephrology Consultation - Patient with renal failure.
Consult - History and Phy.
Nephrology Consultation - 1
she, in, the, of, and
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Renal failure.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Thank you for referring Ms. Abc to ABCD Nephrology. As you know she is a 51-year-old lady who was found to have a creatinine of 2.4 on a recent hospital admission to XYZ Hospital. She had been admitted at that time with chest pain and was subsequently transferred to University of A and had a cardiac catheterization, which did not show any coronary artery disease. She also was found to have a urinary tract infection at that time and this was treated with ciprofloxacin. Her creatinine both at XYZ Hospital and University of A was elevated at 2.4. I do not have the results from the prior years. A repeat creatinine on 08/16/06 was 2.3. The patient reports that she had gastric bypass surgery in 1975 and since then has had chronic diarrhea and recurrent admissions to the hospital with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. She also mentioned that lately she has had a lot of urinary tract infections without any symptoms and was in the emergency room four months ago with a urinary tract infection. She had bladder studies a long time ago. She complains of frequency of urination for a long time but denies any dysuria, urgency, or hematuria. She also mentioned that she was told sometime in the past that she had kidney stones but does not recall any symptoms suggestive of kidney stones. She denies any nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug use. She denies any other over-the-counter medication use. She has chronic hypokalemia and has been on potassium supplements recently. She is unsure of the dose. ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,1. Hypertension on and off for years. She states she has been treated intermittently but lately has again been off medications.,2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,3. Gastritis.,4. Hiatal hernia.,5. H. pylori infection x3 in the last six months treated.,6. Chronic hypokalemia secondary to chronic diarrhea.,7. Recurrent admissions with nausea, vomiting, and dehydration. ,8. Renal cysts found on a CAT scan of the abdomen.,9. No coronary artery disease with a recent cardiac catheterization with no significant coronary artery disease. ,10. Stomach bypass surgery 1975 with chronic diarrhea.,11. History of UTI multiple times recently.,12. Questionable history of kidney stones.,13. History of gingival infection secondary to chronic steroid use, which was discontinued in July 2001.,14. Depression.,15. Diffuse degenerative disc disease of the spine.,16. Hypothyroidism.,17. History of iron deficiency anemia in the past. ,18. Hyperuricemia. ,19. History of small bowel resection with ulcerative fibroid. ,20. Occult severe GI bleed in July 2001.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , The patient has had multiple surgeries including gastric bypass surgery in 1975, tonsils and adenoidectomy as a child, multiple tubes in the ears as a child, a cyst removed in both breasts, which were benign, a partial hysterectomy in 1980, history of sinus surgery, umbilical hernia repair in 1989, cholecystectomy in 1989, right ear surgery in 1989, disc surgery in 1991, bilateral breast cysts removal in 1991 and 1992, partial intestinal obstruction with surgery in 1992, pseudomyxoma peritonei in 1994, which was treated with chemotherapy for nine months, left ovary resection and fallopian tube removal in 1994, right ovarian resection and appendectomy and several tumor removals in 1994, surgery for an abscess in the rectum in 1996, fistulectomy in 1996, lumbar hemilaminectomy in 1999, cyst removal from the right leg and from the shoulder in 2000, cyst removed from the right side of the neck in 2003, lymph node resection in the neck April 24 and biopsy of a tumor in the neck and was found to be a schwannoma of the brachial plexus, and removal of brachial plexus tumor August 4, 2005. ,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,1. Nexium 40 mg q.d.,2. Synthroid 1 mg q.d. ,3. Potassium one q.d., unsure about the dose. ,4. No history of nonsteroidal drug use.,ALLERGIES: [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Shorter than average [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Nephrology Consultation - Patient with renal failure. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Selective ascending aortic arch angiogram.,2. Selective left common carotid artery angiogram.,3. Selective right common carotid artery angiogram.,4. Selective left subclavian artery angiogram.,5. Right iliac angio with runoff.,6. Bilateral cerebral angiograms were performed as well via right and left common carotid artery injections.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , TIA, aortic stenosis, postoperative procedure. Moderate carotid artery stenosis.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 400 ml.,SPECIMENS REMOVED:, Not applicable.,TECHNIQUE OF PROCEDURE: , After obtaining informed consent, the patient was brought to the cardiac catheterization suite in postabsorptive and nonsedated state. The right groin was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Lidocaine 2% was used for infiltration anesthesia. Using modified Seldinger technique, a 6-French sheath was placed into the right common femoral artery and vein without complication. Using injection through the side port of the sheath, a right iliac angiogram with runoff was performed. Following this, straight pigtail catheter was used to advance the aortic arch and aortic arch angiogram under digital subtraction was performed. Following this, selective engagement in left common carotid artery, right common carotid artery, and left subclavian artery angiograms were performed with a V-Tech catheter over an 0.035-inch wire.,ANGIOGRAPHIC FINDINGS:,1. Type 2 aortic arch.,2. Left subclavian artery was patent.,3 Left vertebral artery was patent.,4. Left internal carotid artery had a 40% to 50% lesion with ulceration, not treated and there was no cerebral cross over.,5. Right common carotid artery had a 60% to 70% lesion which was heavily calcified and was not treated with the summed left-to-right cross over flow.,6. Closure was with a 6-French Angio-Seal of the artery, and the venous sheath was sutured in.,PLAN:, Continue aspirin, Plavix, and Coumadin to an INR of 2 with a carotid duplex followup.
Carotid artery angiograms.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Bilateral Carotid Angiography
cardiovascular / pulmonary, aortic arch angiogram, carotid artery angiogram, artery was patent, common carotid artery, arch angiogram, subclavian artery, aortic arch, carotid artery, carotid, angiography, artery, angiograms, subclavian, catheterization, aortic, angiogram,
artery, was, right, left, the
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Selective ascending aortic arch angiogram.,2. Selective left common carotid artery angiogram.,3. Selective right common carotid artery angiogram.,4. Selective left subclavian artery angiogram.,5. Right iliac angio with runoff.,6. Bilateral cerebral angiograms were performed as well via right and left common carotid artery injections.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , TIA, aortic stenosis, postoperative procedure. Moderate carotid artery stenosis.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 400 ml.,SPECIMENS REMOVED:, Not applicable.,TECHNIQUE OF PROCEDURE: , After obtaining informed consent, the patient was brought to the cardiac catheterization suite in postabsorptive and nonsedated state. The right groin was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Lidocaine 2% was used for infiltration anesthesia. Using modified Seldinger technique, a 6-French sheath was placed into the right common femoral artery and vein without complication. Using injection through the side port of the sheath, a right iliac angiogram with runoff was performed. Following this, straight pigtail catheter was used to advance the aortic arch and aortic arch angiogram under digital subtraction was performed. Following this, selective engagement in left common carotid artery, right common carotid artery, and left subclavian artery angiograms were performed with a V-Tech catheter over an 0.035-inch wire.,ANGIOGRAPHIC FINDINGS:,1. Type 2 aortic arch.,2. Left subclavian artery was patent.,3 Left vertebral artery was patent.,4. Left internal carotid artery had a 40% to 50% lesion with ulceration, not treated and there was no cerebral cross over.,5. Right common carotid artery had a 60% to 70% lesion which was heavily calcified and was not treated with the summed left-to-right cross over flow.,6. Closure was with a 6-French Angio-Seal of the artery, and the venous sheath was sutured in.,PLAN:, Continue aspirin, Plavix, and Coumadin to an INR of 2 with a carotid duplex followup. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Carotid artery angiograms. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract original key medical terms from this text
cardiovascular / pulmonary, insertion of transvenous pacemaker, fluoroscopy, tachybrady, tachybrady syndrome, chest, pacemaker, subclavian, subcutaneous, superior vena cava, syndrome, transvenous pacemaker, wire, insertion,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Tachybrady syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Tachybrady syndrome.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE:, Insertion of transvenous pacemaker.,ANESTHESIA:, Local,PROCEDURE AND GROSS FINDINGS:, The patient's chest was prepped with Betadine solution and a small amount of Lidocaine infiltrated. In the left subclavian region, a subclavian stick was performed without difficulty, and a wire was inserted. Fluoroscopy confirmed the presence of the wire in the superior vena cava. An introducer was then placed over the wire. The wire was removed and replace by a ventricular lead that was seated under Fluoroscopy. Following calibration, the lead was attached to a pacemaker generator that was inserted in a subcutaneous pocket in the left subclavian area. ,The subcutaneous tissues were irrigated and closed with Interrupted 4-O Vicryl, and the skin was closed with staples. Sterile dressings were placed, and the patient was returned to the ICU in good condition.
Insertion of transvenous pacemaker for tachybrady syndrome
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Pacemaker Insertion
cardiovascular / pulmonary, insertion of transvenous pacemaker, fluoroscopy, tachybrady, tachybrady syndrome, chest, pacemaker, subclavian, subcutaneous, superior vena cava, syndrome, transvenous pacemaker, wire, insertion,
the, was, and, in, diagnosis
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract original key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Tachybrady syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Tachybrady syndrome.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE:, Insertion of transvenous pacemaker.,ANESTHESIA:, Local,PROCEDURE AND GROSS FINDINGS:, The patient's chest was prepped with Betadine solution and a small amount of Lidocaine infiltrated. In the left subclavian region, a subclavian stick was performed without difficulty, and a wire was inserted. Fluoroscopy confirmed the presence of the wire in the superior vena cava. An introducer was then placed over the wire. The wire was removed and replace by a ventricular lead that was seated under Fluoroscopy. Following calibration, the lead was attached to a pacemaker generator that was inserted in a subcutaneous pocket in the left subclavian area. ,The subcutaneous tissues were irrigated and closed with Interrupted 4-O Vicryl, and the skin was closed with staples. Sterile dressings were placed, and the patient was returned to the ICU in good condition. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] cardiovascular / pulmonary, insertion of transvenous pacemaker, fluoroscopy, tachybrady, tachybrady syndrome, chest, pacemaker, subclavian, subcutaneous, superior vena cava, syndrome, transvenous pacemaker, wire, insertion, [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Insertion of transvenous pacemaker for tachybrady syndrome [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
Consult - History and Phy.
REASON FOR VISIT: , I have been asked to see this 63-year-old man with a dilated cardiomyopathy by Dr. X at ABCD Hospital. He presents with a chief complaint of heart failure.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , In retrospect, he has had symptoms for the past year of heart failure. He feels in general "OK," but is stressed and fatigued. He works hard running 3 companies. He has noted shortness of breath with exertion and occasional shortness of breath at rest. There has been some PND, but he sleeps on 1 pillow. He has no edema now, but has had some mild leg swelling in the past. There has never been any angina and he denies any palpitations, syncope or near syncope. When he takes his pulse, he notes some irregularity. He follows no special diet. He gets no regular exercise, although he has recently started walking for half an hour a day. Over the course of the past year, these symptoms have been slowly getting worse. He gained about 20 pounds over the past year.,There is no prior history of either heart failure or other heart problems.,His past medical history is remarkable for a right inguinal hernia repair done in 1982. He had trauma to his right thumb. There is no history of high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus or heart murmur.,On social history, he lives in San Salvador with his wife. He has a lot of stress in his life. He does not smoke, but does drink. He has high school education.,On family history, mother is alive at age 89. Father died at 72 of heart attack. He has 2 brothers and 1 sister all of whom are healthy, although the oldest suffered a myocardial infarction. He has 3 healthy girls and 9 healthy grandchildren.,A complete review of systems was performed and is negative aside from what is mentioned in the history of present illness.,MEDICATIONS: , Aspirin 81 mg daily and chlordiazepoxide and clidinium - combination pill at 5 mg/2.5 mg 1 tablet daily for stress.,ALLERGIES: , Denied.,MAJOR FINDINGS:, On my comprehensive cardiovascular examination, he is 5 feet 8 inches and weighs 231 pounds. His blood pressure is 120/70 in each arm seated. His pulse is 80 beats per minute and regular. He is breathing 1two times per minute and that is unlabored. Eyelids are normal. Pupils are round and reactive to light. Conjunctivae are clear and sclerae are anicteric. There is no oral thrush or central cyanosis. Neck is supple and symmetrical without adenopathy or thyromegaly. Jugular venous pressure is normal. Carotids are brisk without bruits. Lungs are clear to auscultation and percussion. The precordium is quiet. The rhythm is regular. The first and second heart sounds are normal. He does have a fourth heart sound and a soft systolic murmur. The precordial impulse is enlarged. Abdomen is soft without hepatosplenomegaly or masses. He has no clubbing, cyanosis or peripheral edema. Distal pulses are normal throughout both arms and both legs. On neurologic examination, his mentation is normal. His mood and affect are normal. He is oriented to person, place, and time.,DATA: , His EKG shows sinus rhythm with left ventricular hypertrophy.,A metabolic stress test shows that he was able to exercise for 5 minutes and 20 seconds to 90% of his maximum predicted heart rate. His peak oxygen consumption was 19.7 mL/kg/min, which is consistent with mild cardiopulmonary disease.,Laboratory data shows his TSH to be 1.33. His glucose is 97 and creatinine 0.9. Potassium is 4.3. He is not anemic. Urinalysis was normal.,I reviewed his echocardiogram personally. This shows a dilated cardiomyopathy with EF of 15%. The left ventricular diastolic dimension is 6.8 cm. There are no significant valvular abnormalities.,He had a stress thallium. His heart rate response to stress was appropriate. The thallium images showed no scintigraphic evidence of stress-induced myocardial ischemia at 91% of his maximum age predicted heart rate. There is a fixed small sized mild-to-moderate intensity perfusion defect in the distal inferior wall and apex, which may be an old infarct, but certainly does not account for the degree of cardiomyopathy. We got his post-stress EF to be 33% and the left ventricular cavity appeared to be enlarged. The total calcium score will put him in the 56 percentile for subjects of the same age, gender, and race/ethnicity.,ASSESSMENTS: , This appears to be a newly diagnosed dilated cardiomyopathy, the etiology of which is uncertain.,PROBLEMS DIAGNOSES: ,1. Dilated cardiomyopathy.,2. Dyslipidemia.,PROCEDURES AND IMMUNIZATIONS: , None today.,PLANS: , I started him on an ACE inhibitor, lisinopril 2.5 mg daily, and a beta-blocker, carvedilol 3.125 mg twice daily. The dose of these drugs should be up-titrated every 2 weeks to a target dose of lisinopril of 20 mg daily and carvedilol 25 mg twice daily. In addition, he could benefit from a loop diuretic such as furosemide. I did not start this as he is planning to go back home to San Salvador tomorrow. I will leave that up to his local physicians to up-titrate the medications and get him started on some furosemide.,In terms of the dilated cardiomyopathy, there is not much further that needs to be done, except for family screening. All of his siblings and his children should have an EKG and an echocardiogram to make sure they have not developed the same thing. There is a strong genetic component of this.,I will see him again in 3 to 6 months, whenever he can make it back here. He does not need a defibrillator right now and my plan would be to get him on the right doses of the right medications and then recheck an echocardiogram 3 months later. If his LV function has not improved, he does have New York Heart Association Class II symptoms and so he would benefit from a prophylactic ICD.,Thank you for asking me to participate in his care.,MEDICATION CHANGES:, See the above.
A 63-year-old man with a dilated cardiomyopathy presents with a chief complaint of heart failure. He has noted shortness of breath with exertion and occasional shortness of breath at rest.
Consult - History and Phy.
Dilated Cardiomyopathy - Consult
he, his, is, and, the
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] REASON FOR VISIT: , I have been asked to see this 63-year-old man with a dilated cardiomyopathy by Dr. X at ABCD Hospital. He presents with a chief complaint of heart failure.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , In retrospect, he has had symptoms for the past year of heart failure. He feels in general "OK," but is stressed and fatigued. He works hard running 3 companies. He has noted shortness of breath with exertion and occasional shortness of breath at rest. There has been some PND, but he sleeps on 1 pillow. He has no edema now, but has had some mild leg swelling in the past. There has never been any angina and he denies any palpitations, syncope or near syncope. When he takes his pulse, he notes some irregularity. He follows no special diet. He gets no regular exercise, although he has recently started walking for half an hour a day. Over the course of the past year, these symptoms have been slowly getting worse. He gained about 20 pounds over the past year.,There is no prior history of either heart failure or other heart problems.,His past medical history is remarkable for a right inguinal hernia repair done in 1982. He had trauma to his right thumb. There is no history of high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus or heart murmur.,On social history, he lives in San Salvador with his wife. He has a lot of stress in his life. He does not smoke, but does drink. He has high school education.,On family history, mother is alive at age 89. Father died at 72 of heart attack. He has 2 brothers and 1 sister all of whom are healthy, although the oldest suffered a myocardial infarction. He has 3 healthy girls and 9 healthy grandchildren.,A complete review of systems was performed and is negative aside from what is mentioned in the history of present illness.,MEDICATIONS: , Aspirin 81 mg daily and chlordiazepoxide and clidinium - combination pill at 5 mg/2.5 mg 1 tablet daily for stress.,ALLERGIES: , Denied.,MAJOR FINDINGS:, On my comprehensive cardiovascular examination, he is 5 feet 8 inches and weighs 231 pounds. His blood pressure is 120/70 in each arm seated. His pulse is 80 beats per minute and regular. He is breathing 1two times per minute and that is unlabored. Eyelids are normal. Pupils are round and reactive to light. Conjunctivae are clear and sclerae are anicteric. There is no oral thrush or central cyanosis. Neck is supple and symmetrical without adenopathy or thyromegaly. Jugular venous pressure is normal. Carotids are brisk without bruits. Lungs are clear to auscultation and percussion. The precordium is quiet. The rhythm is regular. The first and second heart sounds are normal. He does have a fourth heart sound and a soft systolic murmur. The precordial impulse is enlarged. Abdomen is soft without hepatosplenomegaly or masses. He has no clubbing, cyanosis or peripheral edema. Distal pulses are normal throughout both arms and both legs. On neurologic examination, his mentation is normal. His mood and affect are normal. He is oriented to person, place, and time.,DATA: , His EKG shows sinus rhythm with left ventricular hypertrophy.,A metabolic stress test shows that he was able to exercise for 5 minutes and 20 seconds to 90% of his maximum predicted heart rate. His peak oxygen consumption was 19.7 mL/kg/min, which is consistent with mild cardiopulmonary disease.,Laboratory data shows his TSH to be 1.33. His glucose is 97 and creatinine 0.9. Potassium is 4.3. He is not anemic. Urinalysis was normal.,I reviewed his echocardiogram personally. This shows a dilated cardiomyopathy with EF of 15%. The left ventricular diastolic dimension is 6.8 cm. There are no significant valvular abnormalities.,He had a stress thallium. His heart rate response to stress was appropriate. The thallium images showed no scintigraphic evidence of stress-induced myocardial ischemia at 91% of his maximum age predicted heart rate. There is a fixed small sized mild-to-moderate intensity perfusion defect in the distal inferior wall and apex, which may be an old infarct, but certainly does not account for the degree of cardiomyopathy. We got his post-stress EF to be 33% and the left ventricular cavity appeared to be enlarged. The total calcium score will put him in the 56 percentile for subjects of the same age, gender, and race/ethnicity.,ASSESSMENTS: , This appears to be a newly diagnosed dilated cardiomyopathy, the etiology of which is uncertain.,PROBLEMS DIAGNOSES: ,1. Dilated cardiomyopathy.,2. Dyslipidemia.,PROCEDURES AND IMMUNIZATIONS: , None today.,PLANS: , I started him on an ACE inhibitor, lisinopril 2.5 mg daily, and a beta-blocker, carvedilol 3.125 mg twice daily. The dose of these drugs should be up-titrated every 2 weeks to a target dose of lisinopril of 20 mg daily and carvedilol 25 mg twice daily. In addition, he could benefit from a loop diuretic such as furosemide. I did not start this as he is planning to go back home to San Salvador tomorrow. I will leave that up to his local physicians to up-titrate the medications and get him started on some furosemide.,In terms of the dilated cardiomyopathy, there is not much further that needs to be done, except for family screening. All of his siblings and his children should have an EKG and an echocardiogram to make sure they have not developed the same thing. There is a strong genetic component of this.,I will see him again in 3 to 6 months, whenever he can make it back here. He does not need a defibrillator right now and my plan would be to get him on the right doses of the right medications and then recheck an echocardiogram 3 months later. If his LV function has not improved, he does have New York Heart Association Class II symptoms and so he would benefit from a prophylactic ICD.,Thank you for asking me to participate in his care.,MEDICATION CHANGES:, See the above. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Consult - History and Phy. [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] A 63-year-old man with a dilated cardiomyopathy presents with a chief complaint of heart failure. He has noted shortness of breath with exertion and occasional shortness of breath at rest. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Acute pain.,2. Fever postoperatively.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,1. Acute pain.,2. Fever postoperatively.,3. Hemostatic uterine perforation.,4. No bowel or vascular trauma.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Diagnostic laparoscopy.,2. Rigid sigmoidoscopy by Dr. X.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Scant.,SPECIMEN:, None.,INDICATIONS: ,This is a 17-year-old African-American female, gravida-1, para-1, and had a hysteroscopy and dilation curettage on 09/05/03. The patient presented later that evening after having increasing abdominal pain, fever and chills at home with a temperature up to 101.2. The patient denied any nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. She does complain of some frequent urination. Her vaginal bleeding is minimal.,FINDINGS: , On bimanual exam, the uterus is approximately 6-week size, anteverted, and freely mobile with no adnexal masses appreciated. On laparoscopic exam, there is a small hemostatic perforation noted on the left posterior aspect of the uterus. There is approximately 40 cc of serosanguineous fluid in the posterior cul-de-sac. The bilateral tubes and ovaries appeared normal. There is no evidence of endometriosis in the posterior cul-de-sac or along the bladder flap. There is no evidence of injury to the bowel or pelvic sidewall. The liver margin, gallbladder and remainder of the bowel including the appendix appeared normal.,PROCEDURE: , After consent was obtained, the patient was taken to the Operating Room where general anesthetic was administered. The patient was placed in the dorsal lithotomy position and prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion. A sterile speculum was placed in the patient's vagina and the anterior lip of the cervix was grasped with a vulsellum tenaculum. The uterine manipulator was then placed into the patient's cervix and the vulsellum tenaculum and sterile speculum were removed. Gloves were changed and attention was then turned to the abdomen where approximately 10 mm transverse infraumbilical incision was made. Veress needle was placed through this incision and the gas turned on. When good flow and low abdominal pressures were noted, the gas was turned up and the abdomen was allowed to insufflate. A 11 mm trocar was then placed through this incision. The camera was placed with the above findings noted. A 5 mm step trocar was placed 2 cm superior to the pubic bone and along the midline. A blunt probe was placed through this trocar to help for visualization of the pelvic and abdominal organs. The serosanguineous fluid of the cul-de-sac was aspirated and the pelvis was copiously irrigated with sterile saline. At this point, Dr. X was consulted. He performed a rigid sigmoidoscopy, please see his dictation for further details. There does not appear to be any evidence of colonic injury. The saline in the pelvis was then suctioned out using Nezhat-Dorsey. All instruments were removed. The 5 mm trocar was removed under direct visualization with excellent hemostasis noted. The camera was removed and the abdomen was allowed to desufflate. The 11 mm trocar introducer was replaced and the trocar removed. The skin was then closed with #4-0 undyed Vicryl in a subcuticular fashion. Approximately 10 cc of 0.25% Marcaine was injected into the incision sites for postoperative pain relief. Steri-Strips were then placed across the incision. The uterine manipulator was then removed from the patient's cervix with excellent hemostasis noted. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Sponge, lap, and needle counts were correct at the end of the procedure. The patient was taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.,She will be followed immediately postoperatively within the hospital and started on IV antibiotics.
Diagnostic laparoscopy and rigid sigmoidoscopy. Acute pain, fever postoperatively, hemostatic uterine perforation, no bowel or vascular trauma.
Laparoscopy & Sigmoidoscopy
gastroenterology, uterine perforation, vascular, bowel, diagnostic laparoscopy, vulsellum tenaculum, uterine manipulator, excellent hemostasis, rigid sigmoidoscopy, laparoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, postoperatively, trocar,
the, was, and, placed, mm
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Acute pain.,2. Fever postoperatively.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,1. Acute pain.,2. Fever postoperatively.,3. Hemostatic uterine perforation.,4. No bowel or vascular trauma.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Diagnostic laparoscopy.,2. Rigid sigmoidoscopy by Dr. X.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Scant.,SPECIMEN:, None.,INDICATIONS: ,This is a 17-year-old African-American female, gravida-1, para-1, and had a hysteroscopy and dilation curettage on 09/05/03. The patient presented later that evening after having increasing abdominal pain, fever and chills at home with a temperature up to 101.2. The patient denied any nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. She does complain of some frequent urination. Her vaginal bleeding is minimal.,FINDINGS: , On bimanual exam, the uterus is approximately 6-week size, anteverted, and freely mobile with no adnexal masses appreciated. On laparoscopic exam, there is a small hemostatic perforation noted on the left posterior aspect of the uterus. There is approximately 40 cc of serosanguineous fluid in the posterior cul-de-sac. The bilateral tubes and ovaries appeared normal. There is no evidence of endometriosis in the posterior cul-de-sac or along the bladder flap. There is no evidence of injury to the bowel or pelvic sidewall. The liver margin, gallbladder and remainder of the bowel including the appendix appeared normal.,PROCEDURE: , After consent was obtained, the patient was taken to the Operating Room where general anesthetic was administered. The patient was placed in the dorsal lithotomy position and prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion. A sterile speculum was placed in the patient's vagina and the anterior lip of the cervix was grasped with a vulsellum tenaculum. The uterine manipulator was then placed into the patient's cervix and the vulsellum tenaculum and sterile speculum were removed. Gloves were changed and attention was then turned to the abdomen where approximately 10 mm transverse infraumbilical incision was made. Veress needle was placed through this incision and the gas turned on. When good flow and low abdominal pressures were noted, the gas was turned up and the abdomen was allowed to insufflate. A 11 mm trocar was then placed through this incision. The camera was placed with the above findings noted. A 5 mm step trocar was placed 2 cm superior to the pubic bone and along the midline. A blunt probe was placed through this trocar to help for visualization of the pelvic and abdominal organs. The serosanguineous fluid of the cul-de-sac was aspirated and the pelvis was copiously irrigated with sterile saline. At this point, Dr. X was consulted. He performed a rigid sigmoidoscopy, please see his dictation for further details. There does not appear to be any evidence of colonic injury. The saline in the pelvis was then suctioned out using Nezhat-Dorsey. All instruments were removed. The 5 mm trocar was removed under direct visualization with excellent hemostasis noted. The camera was removed and the abdomen was allowed to desufflate. The 11 mm trocar introducer was replaced and the trocar removed. The skin was then closed with #4-0 undyed Vicryl in a subcuticular fashion. Approximately 10 cc of 0.25% Marcaine was injected into the incision sites for postoperative pain relief. Steri-Strips were then placed across the incision. The uterine manipulator was then removed from the patient's cervix with excellent hemostasis noted. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Sponge, lap, and needle counts were correct at the end of the procedure. The patient was taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.,She will be followed immediately postoperatively within the hospital and started on IV antibiotics. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Gastroenterology [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Diagnostic laparoscopy and rigid sigmoidoscopy. Acute pain, fever postoperatively, hemostatic uterine perforation, no bowel or vascular trauma. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract original key medical terms from this text
radiology, peripheral vascular disease, ankle brachial index, arterial waveform, peak systolic velocity, arterial imaging, biphasic, claudication, lower extremities, lower extremity, posterior tibial artery, triphasic, systolic velocity is normal, arterial waveform is triphasic, waveform is triphasic, normal arterial imaging, systolic velocity, brachial index, velocity, brachial, imaging, arterial,
INDICATIONS:, Peripheral vascular disease with claudication.,RIGHT:, ,1. Normal arterial imaging of right lower extremity.,2. Peak systolic velocity is normal.,3. Arterial waveform is triphasic.,4. Ankle brachial index is 0.96.,LEFT:,1. Normal arterial imaging of left lower extremity.,2. Peak systolic velocity is normal.,3. Arterial waveform is triphasic throughout except in posterior tibial artery where it is biphasic.,4. Ankle brachial index is 1.06.,IMPRESSION,:,Normal arterial imaging of both lower extremities.
Arterial imaging of bilateral lower extremities.
Arterial Imaging
radiology, peripheral vascular disease, ankle brachial index, arterial waveform, peak systolic velocity, arterial imaging, biphasic, claudication, lower extremities, lower extremity, posterior tibial artery, triphasic, systolic velocity is normal, arterial waveform is triphasic, waveform is triphasic, normal arterial imaging, systolic velocity, brachial index, velocity, brachial, imaging, arterial,
is, normal, lower, right, left
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract original key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] INDICATIONS:, Peripheral vascular disease with claudication.,RIGHT:, ,1. Normal arterial imaging of right lower extremity.,2. Peak systolic velocity is normal.,3. Arterial waveform is triphasic.,4. Ankle brachial index is 0.96.,LEFT:,1. Normal arterial imaging of left lower extremity.,2. Peak systolic velocity is normal.,3. Arterial waveform is triphasic throughout except in posterior tibial artery where it is biphasic.,4. Ankle brachial index is 1.06.,IMPRESSION,:,Normal arterial imaging of both lower extremities. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] radiology, peripheral vascular disease, ankle brachial index, arterial waveform, peak systolic velocity, arterial imaging, biphasic, claudication, lower extremities, lower extremity, posterior tibial artery, triphasic, systolic velocity is normal, arterial waveform is triphasic, waveform is triphasic, normal arterial imaging, systolic velocity, brachial index, velocity, brachial, imaging, arterial, [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Arterial imaging of bilateral lower extremities. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
Pediatrics - Neonatal
Sample Address,RE: Sample Patient,Dear Doctor:,We had the pleasure of seeing Abc and his mother in the clinic today. As you certainly know, he is now a 9-month-old male product of a twin gestation complicated by some very mild prematurity. He has been having problems with wheezing, cough and shortness of breath over the last several months. You and your partners have treated him aggressively with inhaled steroids and bronchodilator. Despite this, however; he has had persistent problems with a cough and has been more recently started on both a short burst of prednisolone as well as a more prolonged alternating day course. ,Although there is no smoke exposure there is a significant family history with both Abc's father and uncle having problems with asthma as well as his older sister. The parents now maintain separate households and there has been a question about the consistency of his medication administration at his father's house. ,On exam today, Abc had some scattered rhonchi which cleared with coughing but was otherwise healthy. ,We spent the majority of our 45-minute just reviewing basic principles of asthma management and I believe that Abc's mother is fairly well versed in this. I think the most important thing to realize is that Abc probably does have fairly severe childhood asthma and fortunately has avoided hospitalization. ,I think it would be prudent to continue his alternate day steroids until he is completely symptom free on the days off steroids but it would be reasonable to continue to wean him down to as low as 1.5 milligrams (0.5 milliliters on alternate days). I have encouraged his mother to contact our office so that we can answer questions if necessary by phone.,Thanks so much for allowing us to be involved in his care. ,Sincerely,
9-month-old male product of a twin gestation complicated by some very mild prematurity having problems with wheezing, cough and shortness of breath over the last several months.
Pediatrics - Neonatal
Pediatric - Letter
pediatrics - neonatal, gestation, bronchodilator, childhood, childhood asthma, cough, father, healthy, letter, mother, pediatric, prematurity, shortness of breath, sister, wheezing, wheezing cough, asthma,
his, as, and, he, has
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] Sample Address,RE: Sample Patient,Dear Doctor:,We had the pleasure of seeing Abc and his mother in the clinic today. As you certainly know, he is now a 9-month-old male product of a twin gestation complicated by some very mild prematurity. He has been having problems with wheezing, cough and shortness of breath over the last several months. You and your partners have treated him aggressively with inhaled steroids and bronchodilator. Despite this, however; he has had persistent problems with a cough and has been more recently started on both a short burst of prednisolone as well as a more prolonged alternating day course. ,Although there is no smoke exposure there is a significant family history with both Abc's father and uncle having problems with asthma as well as his older sister. The parents now maintain separate households and there has been a question about the consistency of his medication administration at his father's house. ,On exam today, Abc had some scattered rhonchi which cleared with coughing but was otherwise healthy. ,We spent the majority of our 45-minute just reviewing basic principles of asthma management and I believe that Abc's mother is fairly well versed in this. I think the most important thing to realize is that Abc probably does have fairly severe childhood asthma and fortunately has avoided hospitalization. ,I think it would be prudent to continue his alternate day steroids until he is completely symptom free on the days off steroids but it would be reasonable to continue to wean him down to as low as 1.5 milligrams (0.5 milliliters on alternate days). I have encouraged his mother to contact our office so that we can answer questions if necessary by phone.,Thanks so much for allowing us to be involved in his care. ,Sincerely, [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Pediatrics - Neonatal [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] 9-month-old male product of a twin gestation complicated by some very mild prematurity having problems with wheezing, cough and shortness of breath over the last several months. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Carcinoma of the left breast.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Carcinoma of the left breast.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , True cut needle biopsy of the breast.,GROSS FINDINGS: ,This 65-year-old female on exam was noted to have dimpling and puckering of the skin associated with nipple discharge. On exam, she has a noticeable carcinoma of the left breast with dimpling, puckering, and erosion through the skin. At this time, a true cut needle biopsy was performed.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to operating room, is laid in the supine position, sterilely prepped and draped in the usual fashion. The area over the left breast was infiltrated with 1:1 mixture of 0.25% Marcaine and 1% Xylocaine. Using a #18 gauge automatic true cut needle core biopsy, five biopsies were taken of the left breast in core fashion. Hemostasis was controlled with pressure. The patient tolerated the procedure well, pending the results of biopsy.
True cut needle biopsy of the breast. This 65-year-old female on exam was noted to have dimpling and puckering of the skin associated with nipple discharge. On exam, she has a noticeable carcinoma of the left breast with dimpling, puckering, and erosion through the skin.
Obstetrics / Gynecology
True Cut Needle Biopsy - Breast
obstetrics / gynecology, carcinoma, true cut needle biopsy, nipple, discharge, dimpling, puckering, breast,
the, of, left, was, procedure
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Carcinoma of the left breast.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Carcinoma of the left breast.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , True cut needle biopsy of the breast.,GROSS FINDINGS: ,This 65-year-old female on exam was noted to have dimpling and puckering of the skin associated with nipple discharge. On exam, she has a noticeable carcinoma of the left breast with dimpling, puckering, and erosion through the skin. At this time, a true cut needle biopsy was performed.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to operating room, is laid in the supine position, sterilely prepped and draped in the usual fashion. The area over the left breast was infiltrated with 1:1 mixture of 0.25% Marcaine and 1% Xylocaine. Using a #18 gauge automatic true cut needle core biopsy, five biopsies were taken of the left breast in core fashion. Hemostasis was controlled with pressure. The patient tolerated the procedure well, pending the results of biopsy. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 0.63 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] True cut needle biopsy of the breast. This 65-year-old female on exam was noted to have dimpling and puckering of the skin associated with nipple discharge. On exam, she has a noticeable carcinoma of the left breast with dimpling, puckering, and erosion through the skin. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
the, was, and, this, then
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 50-year-old African American female with past medical history significant for hypertension and endstage renal disease, on hemodialysis secondary to endstage renal disease, last hemodialysis was on June 22, 2007. The patient presents with no complaints for cadaveric renal transplant. After appropriate cross match and workup of HLA typing of both recipient and cadaveric kidneys, the patient was deemed appropriate for operative intervention and transplantation of kidney.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Endstage renal disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Endstage renal disease.,PROCEDURE:, Cadaveric renal transplant to right pelvis.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 400 mL.,FLUIDS: ,One liter of normal saline and one liter of 5% of albumin.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal.,SPECIMEN: ,None.,DRAIN: , None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,The patient tolerated the procedure without any complication.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was brought to the operating room, prepped and draped in sterile fashion. After adequate anesthesia was achieved, a curvilinear incision was made in the right pelvic fossa approximately 9 cm in length extending from the 1.5 cm medial of the ASIS down to the suprapubic space. After this was taken down with a #10 blade, electrocautery was used to take down tissue down to the layer of the subcutaneous fat. Camper's and Scarpa's were dissected with electrocautery. Hemostasis was achieved throughout the tissue plains with electrocautery. The external oblique aponeurosis was identified with musculature and was entered with electrocautery. Then hemostats were entered in and dissection continued down with electrocautery down through the external internal obliques and the transversalis fascia. Additionally, the rectus sheath was entered in a linear fashion. After these planes were entered using electrocautery, the retroperitoneum was dissected free from the transversalis fascia using blunt dissection. After the peritoneum and peritoneal structures were moved medially and superiorly by blunt dissection, the dissection continued down bluntly throughout the tissue planes removing some alveolar tissue over the right iliac artery. Upon entering through the transversalis fascia, the epigastric vessels were identified and doubly ligated and tied with #0 silk ties. After the ligation of the epigastric vessels, the peritoneum was bluntly dissected and all peritoneal structures were bluntly dissected to a superior and medial plane. This was done without any complication and without entering the peritoneum grossly. The round ligament was identified and doubly ligated at this time with #0 silk ties as well. The dissection continued down now to layer of the alveolar tissue covering the right iliac artery. This alveolar tissue was cleared using blunt dissection as well as electrocautery. After the external iliac artery was identified, it was cleared circumferentially all the way around and noted to have good flow and had good arterial texture. The right iliac vein was then identified, and this was cleared again using electrocautery and blunt dissection. After the right iliac vein was identified and cleared off all the alveolar tissue, it was circumferentially cleared as well. An additional perforating branch was noted at the inferior pole of the right iliac vein. This was tied with a #0 silk tie and secured. Hemostasis was achieved at this time and the tie had adequate control. The dissection continued down and identified all other vital structures in this area. Careful preservation of all vital structures was carried out throughout the dissection. At this time, Satinsky clamp was placed over the right iliac vein. This was then opened using a #11 blade, approximately 1 cm in length. The heparinized saline was placed and irrigated throughout the inside of the vein, and the kidney was pulled into the abdominal field still covered in its protective socking with the superior pole marked. The renal vein was then elevated and identified in this area. A 5-0 double-ended Prolene stitch was used to secure the renal vein, both superiorly and inferiorly, and after appropriately being secured with 5-0 Prolene, these were tied down and secured. The renal vein was then anastomosed to the right iliac vein in a circumferential manner in a running fashion until secured at both superior and inferior poles. The dissection then continued down and the iliac artery was then anastomosed to the renal artery at this time using a similar method with 5-0 Prolene securing both superior and inferior poles. After such time the 5-0 Prolene was run around in a circumferential manner until secured in both superior and inferior poles once again. After this was done and the artery was secured, the Satinsky clamp was removed and a bulldog placed over. The flow was then opened on the arterial side and then opened on the venous side to allow for proper flow. The bulldog was then placed back on the renal vein and allowed for the hyperperfusion of the kidney. The kidney pinked up nicely and had a good appearance to it and had appearance of good blood flow. At this time, all Satinsky clamps were removed and all bulldog clamps were removed. The dissection then continued down to the layer of the bladder at which time the bladder was identified. Appropriate area on the dome the bladder was identified for entry. This was entered using electrocautery and approximately 1 cm length after appropriately sizing and incising of the ureter using the Metzenbaum scissors in a linear fashion. Before this was done, #0 chromic catgut stitches were placed and secured laterally and inferiorly on the dome of the bladder to elevate the area of the bladder and then the bladder was entered using the electrocautery approximately 1 cm in length. At this time, a renal stent was placed into the ureter and secured superiorly and the stent was then placed into the bladder and secured as well. Subsequently, the superior and inferior pole stitches with 5-0 Prolene were used to secure the ureter to the bladder. This was then run mucosa-to-mucosa in a circumferential manner until secured in both superior and inferior poles once again. Good flow was noted from the ureter at the time of operation. Additional Vicryl stitches were used to overlay the musculature in a seromuscular stitch over the dome of the bladder and over the ureter itself. At this time, an Ethibond stitch was used to make an additional seromuscular closure and rolling of the bladder musculature over the dome and over the anastomosis once again. This was inspected and noted for proper control. Irrigation of the bladder revealed that the bladder was appropriately filled and there were no flows and no defects. At this time, the anastomoses were all inspected, hemostasis was achieved and good closure of the anastomosis was noted at this time. The kidney was then placed back into its new position in the right pelvic fossa, and the area was once again inspected for hemostasis which was achieved. A 1-0 Prolene stitch was then used for mass closure of the external, internal, and transversalis fascias and musculature in a running fashion from superior to inferior. This was secured and knots were dumped. Subsequently, the area was then checked and inspected for hemostasis which was achieved with electrocautery, and the skin was closed with 4-0 running Monocryl. The patient tolerated procedure well without evidence of complication, transferred to the Dunn ICU where he was noted to be stable. Dr. A was present and scrubbed through the entire procedure.
Cadaveric renal transplant to right pelvis - endstage renal disease.
Renal Transplant - Cadaveric
surgery, endstage renal disease, ethibond, satinsky clamp, aponeurosis, cadaveric, cross match, curvilinear incision, hemodialysis, iliac vein, pelvic fossa, peritoneum, recipient, renal transplant, transplant, transversalis fascia, superior and inferior poles, endstage renal, renal disease, vein, electrocautery, bladder, renal, intervention,
the, was, and, this, then
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 50-year-old African American female with past medical history significant for hypertension and endstage renal disease, on hemodialysis secondary to endstage renal disease, last hemodialysis was on June 22, 2007. The patient presents with no complaints for cadaveric renal transplant. After appropriate cross match and workup of HLA typing of both recipient and cadaveric kidneys, the patient was deemed appropriate for operative intervention and transplantation of kidney.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Endstage renal disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Endstage renal disease.,PROCEDURE:, Cadaveric renal transplant to right pelvis.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 400 mL.,FLUIDS: ,One liter of normal saline and one liter of 5% of albumin.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal.,SPECIMEN: ,None.,DRAIN: , None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,The patient tolerated the procedure without any complication.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was brought to the operating room, prepped and draped in sterile fashion. After adequate anesthesia was achieved, a curvilinear incision was made in the right pelvic fossa approximately 9 cm in length extending from the 1.5 cm medial of the ASIS down to the suprapubic space. After this was taken down with a #10 blade, electrocautery was used to take down tissue down to the layer of the subcutaneous fat. Camper's and Scarpa's were dissected with electrocautery. Hemostasis was achieved throughout the tissue plains with electrocautery. The external oblique aponeurosis was identified with musculature and was entered with electrocautery. Then hemostats were entered in and dissection continued down with electrocautery down through the external internal obliques and the transversalis fascia. Additionally, the rectus sheath was entered in a linear fashion. After these planes were entered using electrocautery, the retroperitoneum was dissected free from the transversalis fascia using blunt dissection. After the peritoneum and peritoneal structures were moved medially and superiorly by blunt dissection, the dissection continued down bluntly throughout the tissue planes removing some alveolar tissue over the right iliac artery. Upon entering through the transversalis fascia, the epigastric vessels were identified and doubly ligated and tied with #0 silk ties. After the ligation of the epigastric vessels, the peritoneum was bluntly dissected and all peritoneal structures were bluntly dissected to a superior and medial plane. This was done without any complication and without entering the peritoneum grossly. The round ligament was identified and doubly ligated at this time with #0 silk ties as well. The dissection continued down now to layer of the alveolar tissue covering the right iliac artery. This alveolar tissue was cleared using blunt dissection as well as electrocautery. After the external iliac artery was identified, it was cleared circumferentially all the way around and noted to have good flow and had good arterial texture. The right iliac vein was then identified, and this was cleared again using electrocautery and blunt dissection. After the right iliac vein was identified and cleared off all the alveolar tissue, it was circumferentially cleared as well. An additional perforating branch was noted at the inferior pole of the right iliac vein. This was tied with a #0 silk tie and secured. Hemostasis was achieved at this time and the tie had adequate control. The dissection continued down and identified all other vital structures in this area. Careful preservation of all vital structures was carried out throughout the dissection. At this time, Satinsky clamp was placed over the right iliac vein. This was then opened using a #11 blade, approximately 1 cm in length. The heparinized saline was placed and irrigated throughout the inside of the vein, and the kidney was pulled into the abdominal field still covered in its protective socking with the superior pole marked. The renal vein was then elevated and identified in this area. A 5-0 double-ended Prolene stitch was used to secure the renal vein, both superiorly and inferiorly, and after appropriately being secured with 5-0 Prolene, these were tied down and secured. The renal vein was then anastomosed to the right iliac vein in a circumferential manner in a running fashion until secured at both superior and inferior poles. The dissection then continued down and the iliac artery was then anastomosed to the renal artery at this time using a similar method with 5-0 Prolene securing both superior and inferior poles. After such time the 5-0 Prolene was run around in a circumferential manner until secured in both superior and inferior poles once again. After this was done and the artery was secured, the Satinsky clamp was removed and a bulldog placed over. The flow was then opened on the arterial side and then opened on the venous side to allow for proper flow. The bulldog was then placed back on the renal vein and allowed for the hyperperfusion of the kidney. The kidney pinked up nicely and had a good appearance to it and had appearance of good blood flow. At this time, all Satinsky clamps were removed and all bulldog clamps were removed. The dissection then continued down to the layer of the bladder at which time the bladder was identified. Appropriate area on the dome the bladder was identified for entry. This was entered using electrocautery and approximately 1 cm length after appropriately sizing and incising of the ureter using the Metzenbaum scissors in a linear fashion. Before this was done, #0 chromic catgut stitches were placed and secured laterally and inferiorly on the dome of the bladder to elevate the area of the bladder and then the bladder was entered using the electrocautery approximately 1 cm in length. At this time, a renal stent was placed into the ureter and secured superiorly and the stent was then placed into the bladder and secured as well. Subsequently, the superior and inferior pole stitches with 5-0 Prolene were used to secure the ureter to the bladder. This was then run mucosa-to-mucosa in a circumferential manner until secured in both superior and inferior poles once again. Good flow was noted from the ureter at the time of operation. Additional Vicryl stitches were used to overlay the musculature in a seromuscular stitch over the dome of the bladder and over the ureter itself. At this time, an Ethibond stitch was used to make an additional seromuscular closure and rolling of the bladder musculature over the dome and over the anastomosis once again. This was inspected and noted for proper control. Irrigation of the bladder revealed that the bladder was appropriately filled and there were no flows and no defects. At this time, the anastomoses were all inspected, hemostasis was achieved and good closure of the anastomosis was noted at this time. The kidney was then placed back into its new position in the right pelvic fossa, and the area was once again inspected for hemostasis which was achieved. A 1-0 Prolene stitch was then used for mass closure of the external, internal, and transversalis fascias and musculature in a running fashion from superior to inferior. This was secured and knots were dumped. Subsequently, the area was then checked and inspected for hemostasis which was achieved with electrocautery, and the skin was closed with 4-0 running Monocryl. The patient tolerated procedure well without evidence of complication, transferred to the Dunn ICU where he was noted to be stable. Dr. A was present and scrubbed through the entire procedure. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] the, was, and, this, then [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Cadaveric renal transplant to right pelvis - endstage renal disease. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract original key medical terms from this text
cosmetic / plastic surgery, bilateral transaxillary subpectoral mammoplasty, saline filled implants, subpectoral mammoplasty, mammoplasty, transaxillary, subpectoral, implants, breasts, saline, anesthesia
DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral hypomastia.,NAME OF OPERATION:, Bilateral transaxillary subpectoral mammoplasty with saline-filled implants.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,PROCEDURE: , After first obtaining a suitable level of general anesthesia with the patient in the supine position, the breasts were prepped with Betadine scrub and solution. Sterile towels, sheets, and drapes were placed in the usual fashion for surgery of the breasts. Following prepping and draping, the anterior axillary folds and the inframammary folds were infiltrated with a total of 20 cc of 0.5% Xylocaine with 1:200,000 units of epinephrine.,After a suitable hemostatic waiting period, transaxillary incisions were made, and dissection was carried down to the edge of the pectoralis fascia. Blunt dissection was then used to form a bilateral subpectoral pocket. Through the subpectoral pocket a sterile suction tip was introduced, and copious irrigation with sterile saline solution was used until the irrigant was clear.,Following completion of irrigation, 350-cc saline-filled implants were introduced. They were first filled with 60 cc of saline and checked for gross leakage; none was evident. They were over filled to 400 cc of saline each. The patient was then placed in the seated position, and the left breast needed 10 cc of additional fluid for symmetry.,Following completion of the filling of the implants and checking the breasts for symmetry, the patient's wounds were closed with interrupted vertical mattress sutures of 4-0 Prolene. Flexan dressings were applied followed by the patient's bra.,She seemed to tolerate the procedure well.
Bilateral transaxillary subpectoral mammoplasty with saline-filled implants.
Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery
Mammoplasty - 4
cosmetic / plastic surgery, bilateral transaxillary subpectoral mammoplasty, saline filled implants, subpectoral mammoplasty, mammoplasty, transaxillary, subpectoral, implants, breasts, saline, anesthesia
the, of, were, and, with
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract original key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral hypomastia.,NAME OF OPERATION:, Bilateral transaxillary subpectoral mammoplasty with saline-filled implants.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,PROCEDURE: , After first obtaining a suitable level of general anesthesia with the patient in the supine position, the breasts were prepped with Betadine scrub and solution. Sterile towels, sheets, and drapes were placed in the usual fashion for surgery of the breasts. Following prepping and draping, the anterior axillary folds and the inframammary folds were infiltrated with a total of 20 cc of 0.5% Xylocaine with 1:200,000 units of epinephrine.,After a suitable hemostatic waiting period, transaxillary incisions were made, and dissection was carried down to the edge of the pectoralis fascia. Blunt dissection was then used to form a bilateral subpectoral pocket. Through the subpectoral pocket a sterile suction tip was introduced, and copious irrigation with sterile saline solution was used until the irrigant was clear.,Following completion of irrigation, 350-cc saline-filled implants were introduced. They were first filled with 60 cc of saline and checked for gross leakage; none was evident. They were over filled to 400 cc of saline each. The patient was then placed in the seated position, and the left breast needed 10 cc of additional fluid for symmetry.,Following completion of the filling of the implants and checking the breasts for symmetry, the patient's wounds were closed with interrupted vertical mattress sutures of 4-0 Prolene. Flexan dressings were applied followed by the patient's bra.,She seemed to tolerate the procedure well. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] cosmetic / plastic surgery, bilateral transaxillary subpectoral mammoplasty, saline filled implants, subpectoral mammoplasty, mammoplasty, transaxillary, subpectoral, implants, breasts, saline, anesthesia [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Bilateral transaxillary subpectoral mammoplasty with saline-filled implants. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
EXAM:,MRI RIGHT KNEE WITHOUT GADOLINIUM,CLINICAL:,This is a 21-year-old male with right knee pain after a twisting injury on 7/31/05. Patient has had prior lateral meniscectomy in 2001.,FINDINGS:,Examination was performed on 8/3/05,Normal medial meniscus without intrasubstance degeneration, surface fraying or discrete meniscal tear.,There is subtle irregularity along the superior and inferior articular surfaces of the lateral meniscus, likely reflecting previous partial meniscectomy and contouring, although subtle surface tearing cannot be excluded, particularly along the undersurface of the lateral meniscus (series #3, image #17). There is no displaced tear or displaced meniscal fragment.,There is a mild interstitial sprain of the anterior cruciate ligament without focal tear or discontinuity.,Normal posterior cruciate ligament.,Normal medial collateral ligament.,There is a strain of the popliteus muscle and tendon without complete tear.,There is a sprain of the posterolateral and posterocentral joint capsule (series #5 images #10-18). There is marrow edema within the posterolateral corner of the tibia, and there is linear signal adjacent to the cortex suggesting that there may be a Segond fracture for which correlation with radiographs is recommended (series #6, images #4-7).,Biceps femoris tendon and iliotibial band are intact and there is no discrete fibular collateral ligament tear. Normal quadriceps and patellar tendons.,There is contusion within the posterior non-weight bearing surface of the medial femoral condyle, as well as in the posteromedial corner of the tibia. There is linear vertically oriented signal within the distal tibial diaphyseal-metaphyseal junction (series #7, image #8; series #2, images #4-5). There is no discrete fracture line, and this is of uncertain significance, but this should be correlated with radiographs.,The patellofemoral joint is congruent without patellar tilt or subluxation. Normal medial and lateral patellar retinacula. There is a joint effusion.,IMPRESSION:,Changes within the lateral meniscus most likely reflect previous partial meniscectomy and re-contouring although a subtle undersurface tear in the anterior horn may be present.,Mild anterior cruciate ligament interstitial sprain.,There is a strain of the popliteus muscle and tendon and there is a sprain of the posterolateral and posterocentral joint capsule with a possible Second fracture which should be correlated with radiographs.,
MRI right knee without gadolinium
MRI Knee - 5
radiology, mri right knee, posterolateral and posterocentral, posterocentral joint capsule, lateral meniscus, cruciate ligament, mri, meniscectomy, cruciate, tendon, posterolateral, patellar, ligament, tear
is, there, the, and, of
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] EXAM:,MRI RIGHT KNEE WITHOUT GADOLINIUM,CLINICAL:,This is a 21-year-old male with right knee pain after a twisting injury on 7/31/05. Patient has had prior lateral meniscectomy in 2001.,FINDINGS:,Examination was performed on 8/3/05,Normal medial meniscus without intrasubstance degeneration, surface fraying or discrete meniscal tear.,There is subtle irregularity along the superior and inferior articular surfaces of the lateral meniscus, likely reflecting previous partial meniscectomy and contouring, although subtle surface tearing cannot be excluded, particularly along the undersurface of the lateral meniscus (series #3, image #17). There is no displaced tear or displaced meniscal fragment.,There is a mild interstitial sprain of the anterior cruciate ligament without focal tear or discontinuity.,Normal posterior cruciate ligament.,Normal medial collateral ligament.,There is a strain of the popliteus muscle and tendon without complete tear.,There is a sprain of the posterolateral and posterocentral joint capsule (series #5 images #10-18). There is marrow edema within the posterolateral corner of the tibia, and there is linear signal adjacent to the cortex suggesting that there may be a Segond fracture for which correlation with radiographs is recommended (series #6, images #4-7).,Biceps femoris tendon and iliotibial band are intact and there is no discrete fibular collateral ligament tear. Normal quadriceps and patellar tendons.,There is contusion within the posterior non-weight bearing surface of the medial femoral condyle, as well as in the posteromedial corner of the tibia. There is linear vertically oriented signal within the distal tibial diaphyseal-metaphyseal junction (series #7, image #8; series #2, images #4-5). There is no discrete fracture line, and this is of uncertain significance, but this should be correlated with radiographs.,The patellofemoral joint is congruent without patellar tilt or subluxation. Normal medial and lateral patellar retinacula. There is a joint effusion.,IMPRESSION:,Changes within the lateral meniscus most likely reflect previous partial meniscectomy and re-contouring although a subtle undersurface tear in the anterior horn may be present.,Mild anterior cruciate ligament interstitial sprain.,There is a strain of the popliteus muscle and tendon and there is a sprain of the posterolateral and posterocentral joint capsule with a possible Second fracture which should be correlated with radiographs., [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] MRI right knee without gadolinium [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Summarize this medical transcription
Repair of one-half full-thickness left lower lid defect by tarsoconjunctival pedicle flap from left upper lid to left lower lid and repair of left upper and lateral canthal defect by primary approximation to lateral canthal tendon remnant.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Status post Mohs resection epithelial skin malignancy left lower lid, left lateral canthus, and left upper lid.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Status post Mohs resection epithelial skin malignancy left lower lid, left lateral canthus, and left upper lid.,PROCEDURES:,1. Repair of one-half full-thickness left lower lid defect by tarsoconjunctival pedicle flap from left upper lid to left lower lid.,2. Repair of left upper and lateral canthal defect by primary approximation to lateral canthal tendon remnant.,ASSISTANT: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , Attended local by Strickland and Associates.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room, placed in supine position. Dressing was removed from the left eye, which revealed the defect as noted above. After systemic administration of alfentanil, local anesthetic was infiltrated into the left upper lid, left lateral canthus, and left lower eyelid. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual ophthalmic fashion. Protective scleral shell was placed in the left eye. A 4-0 silk traction sutures placed through the upper eyelid margin. The medial aspect of the remaining lower eyelid was freshened with straight iris scissors and fibrin was removed from the inferior aspect of the wound. The eyelid was everted and a tarsoconjunctival pedicle flap was developed by incision of the tarsus approximately 3-1/2-4 mm from the lid margin the full width of the eyelid. Relaxing incisions were made both medially and laterally and Mueller's muscle was subsequently dissected free from the superior tarsal border. The tarsoconjunctival pedicle was then anchored to the lateral orbital rim with two interrupted 6-0 Vicryl sutures and one 4-0 Vicryl suture. The protective scleral shell was removed from the eye. The medial aspect of the eyelid was advanced temporally. The tarsoconjunctival pedicle was then cut to size and the tarsus was anchored to the medial aspect of the eyelid with multiple interrupted 6-0 Vicryl sutures. The conjunctiva and lower lid retractors were attached to the advanced tarsal edge with a running 7-0 Vicryl suture. The upper eyelid wound was present. It was advanced to the advanced tarsoconjunctival pedicle temporally. The conjunctival pedicle was slightly trimmed to make a lateral canthal tendon and the upper eyelid was advanced to the tarsoconjunctival pedicle temporally with an interrupted 6-0 Vicryl suture, it was then secured to the lateral orbital rim with two interrupted 6-0 Vicryl sutures. Skin muscle flap was then elevated, was draped superiorly and nasally and was anchored to the medial aspect of the eyelid with interrupted 7-0 Vicryl sutures. Burrows triangle was removed as was necessary to create smooth wound closure, which was closed with interrupted 7-0 Vicryl suture. Temporally the orbicularis was resuspended from the advanced skin muscle flap with interrupted 6-0 Vicryl suture to the periosteum overlying the lateral orbital rim. The skin muscle flap was secured to the underlying tarsoconjunctival pedicle with vertical mattress sutures of 7-0 Vicryl followed by wound closure temporally with interrupted 7-0 Vicryl suture with removal of a burrow's triangle as was necessary to create smooth wound closure. Erythromycin ointment was then applied to the eye and to the wound followed by multiple eye pads with moderate pressure. The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in excellent condition. There were no apparent complications.
Repair of one-half full-thickness left lower lid defect by tarsoconjunctival pedicle flap from left upper lid to left lower lid and repair of left upper and lateral canthal defect by primary approximation to lateral canthal tendon remnant.
Repair of Canthal & Lid Defect
ophthalmology, mohs resection epithelial skin, lid left lateral canthus, lateral canthal defect, tarsoconjunctival pedicle flap, lateral canthal tendon, skin muscle flap, interrupted vicryl sutures, canthal defect, mohs resection, lid defect, pedicle flap, canthal tendon, lateral canthus, upper eyelid, lateral orbital, eyelid, vicryl, sutures, repair, eye, canthal, defect, tarsoconjunctival, pedicle
the, was, left, upper, to
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Summarize this medical transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Status post Mohs resection epithelial skin malignancy left lower lid, left lateral canthus, and left upper lid.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Status post Mohs resection epithelial skin malignancy left lower lid, left lateral canthus, and left upper lid.,PROCEDURES:,1. Repair of one-half full-thickness left lower lid defect by tarsoconjunctival pedicle flap from left upper lid to left lower lid.,2. Repair of left upper and lateral canthal defect by primary approximation to lateral canthal tendon remnant.,ASSISTANT: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , Attended local by Strickland and Associates.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room, placed in supine position. Dressing was removed from the left eye, which revealed the defect as noted above. After systemic administration of alfentanil, local anesthetic was infiltrated into the left upper lid, left lateral canthus, and left lower eyelid. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual ophthalmic fashion. Protective scleral shell was placed in the left eye. A 4-0 silk traction sutures placed through the upper eyelid margin. The medial aspect of the remaining lower eyelid was freshened with straight iris scissors and fibrin was removed from the inferior aspect of the wound. The eyelid was everted and a tarsoconjunctival pedicle flap was developed by incision of the tarsus approximately 3-1/2-4 mm from the lid margin the full width of the eyelid. Relaxing incisions were made both medially and laterally and Mueller's muscle was subsequently dissected free from the superior tarsal border. The tarsoconjunctival pedicle was then anchored to the lateral orbital rim with two interrupted 6-0 Vicryl sutures and one 4-0 Vicryl suture. The protective scleral shell was removed from the eye. The medial aspect of the eyelid was advanced temporally. The tarsoconjunctival pedicle was then cut to size and the tarsus was anchored to the medial aspect of the eyelid with multiple interrupted 6-0 Vicryl sutures. The conjunctiva and lower lid retractors were attached to the advanced tarsal edge with a running 7-0 Vicryl suture. The upper eyelid wound was present. It was advanced to the advanced tarsoconjunctival pedicle temporally. The conjunctival pedicle was slightly trimmed to make a lateral canthal tendon and the upper eyelid was advanced to the tarsoconjunctival pedicle temporally with an interrupted 6-0 Vicryl suture, it was then secured to the lateral orbital rim with two interrupted 6-0 Vicryl sutures. Skin muscle flap was then elevated, was draped superiorly and nasally and was anchored to the medial aspect of the eyelid with interrupted 7-0 Vicryl sutures. Burrows triangle was removed as was necessary to create smooth wound closure, which was closed with interrupted 7-0 Vicryl suture. Temporally the orbicularis was resuspended from the advanced skin muscle flap with interrupted 6-0 Vicryl suture to the periosteum overlying the lateral orbital rim. The skin muscle flap was secured to the underlying tarsoconjunctival pedicle with vertical mattress sutures of 7-0 Vicryl followed by wound closure temporally with interrupted 7-0 Vicryl suture with removal of a burrow's triangle as was necessary to create smooth wound closure. Erythromycin ointment was then applied to the eye and to the wound followed by multiple eye pads with moderate pressure. The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in excellent condition. There were no apparent complications. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Repair of one-half full-thickness left lower lid defect by tarsoconjunctival pedicle flap from left upper lid to left lower lid and repair of left upper and lateral canthal defect by primary approximation to lateral canthal tendon remnant. [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Repair of one-half full-thickness left lower lid defect by tarsoconjunctival pedicle flap from left upper lid to left lower lid and repair of left upper and lateral canthal defect by primary approximation to lateral canthal tendon remnant. [/DESCRIPTION] </s> exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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