Peter Oppenheimer
Who was Chief Financial Officer of Apple in July of 2009?
From what year did iPod purchases begin to continuously decline?
How much revenue did iPod sales account for in Q4 2008?
220 million
Approximately how many total iPods had been sold by late 2009?
Which was the first year since iPod's introduction that no new model was released?
What rank did iPod achieve among various computer products in 2006?
What kind of reviews do iPods tend to get?
Sony Ericsson and Nokia
What two companies use the AAC format for music files?
What file format is not supported by Sony Ericsson and Nokia?
PC World
Which publication praised iPods for revolutionizing the industry?
Sony Ericsson and Nokia
Which phone manufacturers adopted the AAC file format to become better iPod-compatible?
PC World
Which PC magazine praised the iPod for having "altered the landscape for portable audio players"?
Aside from recreational use, in what other arena have iPods found use?
communication and training
What are two purposes for which iPods are used in business?
Royal and Western Infirmaries
What is the name of a company that uses iPods as part of its training?
Glasgow, Scotland
Where is Royal and Western Infirmaries located?
What University gave an iPod to first year students in 2004?
Entertainment Weekly
What publication lauded the iPod for enabling people to listen to thousands of songs on a portable player?
Which major university began issuing iPods to all incoming freshmen starting in 2004?
Entertainment Weekly
Which magazine placed the iPod on its Best of the Decade list for the 00's?
the Album Era
What period of music did the iPod help bring to a close?
music industry
In which industry did the iPod have a major impact?
digital music storage
What did the iPod promote that prompted a big change in the music industry?
the Album Era
The ease of collecting singles with the iPod and iTunes is credited with ending what "era" in pop music?
14 hours
How long were 5th generation iPods marketed as being able to function before needing to be charged?
Which website criticized Apple's battery life claims?
In what year was Apple sued for issues relating to its battery life?
battery life
Discrepancy in what spec brought about a class action suit against Apple in 2003?
8 hours
How many hours of real-time battery life did the 5th-generation iPod test at, compared to its advertised 14 hours?
third-party vendors
Whose directions can be followed to interact with iPod batteries?
refurbished replacement iPod
What did Apple originally tell consumers to purchase when their iPod batteries no longer worked?
What kind of battery does the iPod use?
Which iPod component did Apple somewhat inconveniently made non-replaceable?
What type of rechargeable battery does Apple use in its iPods?
battery replacement program
What did Apple launch on November 14, 2003?
How much did iPod owners originally have to pay for replacement batteries?
soldering tools
What was needed to replace an iPod Nano battery?
Fifth generation
What generation saw iPod batterys being affixed with glue?
In what year did Apple begin a formal battery replacement program?
What was the original price for a replacement battery from Apple?
Which iPod model has its battery soldered into the unit?
What part of the iPod Nano was the cause of the overheating issue?
Apple product replacement program
What program allowed users to exchange iPod Nanos which suffered from overheating problems with new safe models?
short life-span and fragile hard drives
What are two subjects of criticism of iPods?
What website ran a survey to learn how often iPods ceased working?
How often did MacInTouch discover iPods stopped working, according to their survey?
late 2005
When did iPod owners take issue with the fragility of the iPod screen?
protective sleeves
What did Apple include with the iPod to resolve the screen problem?
flash memory
Which type of iPod storage proved more reliable than hard drive storage?
The first generation nano suffered from which component getting damaged easily?
The Mail on Sunday
What publication revealed information about the working conditions of iPod labor?
Apple's Code of Conduct
What governs iPod manufacturers' labor policies?
What percentage of the time did The Mail on Sunday claim workers labored for at least seven straight days?
The Mail
Which British tabloid accused Apple of unfair worker conditions in 2006?
What percentage of Apple's manufacturing employees worked over 60 hour weeks?
Who did Apple partner with to monitor its labor policies?
Electronic Industry Code of Conduct Implementation Group
What organization did Apple join to monitor its labor policies?
What company was found to be violating Apple's labor policies?
Longhua, Shenzhen
Where was the Foxconn plant located?
What was the name of Apple's manufacturing company that was accused of overworking its employees?
What auditor company did Apple hire to oversee worker conditions following the controversy?
In what year did Foxconn workers first unionize?
In what year did Chinese Foxconn emplyees kill themselves?
Apple prototype
What disappeared in 2009 prior to the suicide of a Foxconn employee?
In what year did several Foxconn workers commit suicide?
What attribute of the United States could be thought to lead more international and less domestic employment opportunities?
To work as a boot disk for a Mac, what file system must an iPod be formatted with?
If connected to a Windows PC when first set up, what file system will an iPod be formatted with?
What category of game is Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess?
GameCube and Wii
What consoles can be used to play Twilight Princess?
November 2006
When was Twilight Princess launched in North America?
December 2006
When could GameCube owners purchase Twilight Princess?
What company developed Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess?
What year was the Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess originally planned for release?
What year was the Wii version of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess released?
Who is the main character of the story?
What land does Link serve to protect?
What character helped Link in Twilight Princess?
Who is the protagonist is Legend of Zelda?
What is the name of the mysterious creature that assists Link?
The Wind Waker
This storyline takes place alternate from what storyline?
Game of the Year
What accolade did Twilight Princess receive after its release?
Nintendo Selects
Under which brand was Twilight Princess for the Nintendo Wii published?
March 2016
When is the HD version of Twilight Princess slated for launch?
Twilight Princess
At the time of release which episode of the Legend of Zelda series was considered the greatest entry?
How many Game of the Year awards did Twilight Princess receive?
What year was Twilight Princess the most critically acclaimed game?
What year will the game release a high-definition port for the Wii U console?
combat, exploration, and item collection
What are the three main activities in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess?
Ocarina of Time
Twilight Princess uses the control setup first employed in which previous game?
What can be used to shoot without the need to manually target enemies?
What is Link's main weapon?
What secondary weapon in Twilight Princess is analogous to a weapon featured in previous games?
What genre of game is Twilight Princess?
Ocarina of Time
Twilight Princess follows the control scheme introduced in what game?
sword and shield
What 2 main weapons does Link use in combat?
What control can be used while targeting that allows the player to forego manual targeting?
Many different types of interaction can be controlled by how many buttons?
on-screen display
Where can players see what action will be performed in different scenarios?
on the ground
If Link is not moving, where will he put the projectile he's carrying?