In 2012 who placed Beyonce at 16 in the Celebrity List?
When did she and Jay Z become the highest paid black celebrity couple?
115 million
How much did she earn in 2014?
250 million
What is Beyonce's net worth in 2015?
Who began reporting Beyoncé's annual earnings, starting in 2008?
April 2014.
When did Beyoncé become the highest paid black musician, ever?
Who predicted that Beyoncé would become the highest paid black entertainer?
When did Jay Z and Beyoncé become the first music couple worth over a billion dollars?
Beyonce's range in singing is how many octaves?
Jody Rosen
who talked about Beyonce's tone and timbre as distinctive?
The Daily Mail
Which critic called Beyonce's voice "versatile"?
hip hop
Which era was credited to have influenced Beyonce's singing style by Jody Rosen?
four octaves
How many octaves does Beyonce have?
What did the Daily Mail say about Beyonce's voice?
hip hop
What does Rosen claim influenced Beyonce's style?
praise her range and power
What do other critics claim?
How many octaves does Beyoncé's voice span?
Her vocal abilities
Why is Beyoncé known as the centerpiece of Destiny's Child?
New York Times' Jon Pareles calls Beyoncé's voice velvety yet what?
the hip hop era
What does Jody Rosen say influenced Beyoncé's vocal style?
Music from Beyonce is generally categorized as what genre?
pop, soul and funk
Besides R&B, which genres does Beyonce dabble in?
Beyonce mostly releases English songs, but what other language did she release songs?
re-release of B'Day
Spanish songs Beyonce released were for what?
Rudy Perez
Beyonce was coached for her Spanish songs by which American?
What kind of music does Beyonce do?
What language does she mainly sing?
What other language has she sung?
What album did she re-release in Spanish?
What style of music does Beyoncé usually perform?
What language did Beyoncé release several songs in?
Rudy Perez.
Who coached Beyoncé for her Spanish recordings?
What album did the Spanish songs come from?
Beyonce does not create which aspect of her music?
Cater 2 U
An example of a song aimed towards a male audience is what?
What theme was Beyonce's early music?
man-tending anthems
With Jay Z what were her new themes?
co-producing credits
What does she get credits for in her music?
What part of production does she do?
Beyoncé's early recordings empowered who?
In addition to co-writing credits, Beyoncé also got what credits for most of her albums?
melodies and ideas
Rather than beats, what two things does Beyoncé usually come up with for producers?
Pop Songwriter of the Year award in 2001 was awarded to whom?
American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers Pop Music Awards
Beyonce received the Pop Songwriter of the Year award at which event?
Diane Warren
Beyonce has the same number of writing credits on number one singles as whom?
Top 20 Hot 100 Songwriters
Beyonce joined 2 other women on what list from Billboard magazine in 2011?
When did Beyonce become the first African American woman to win Pop songwriter of the year?
What place is she tied for in songwriting credits?
Billboard magazine
Who listed her at number 17 in their list of Top 20 hot 100 Songwriters?
third woman
Where does she place in writing credits for three number one songs?
Pop Songwriter of the Year award
What did Beyoncé win in 2001, making her the first black woman to do so?
the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers Pop Music Awards.
Who gave Beyoncé the Pop Songwriter of the Year award in 2001?
Beyoncé was one of how many women on Billboard magazine's 2011 "Top 20 Hot 100 Songwriters" list.
What number was Beyoncé on the Top 20 Hot 100 Songwriters list?
Michael Jackson
To whom did Beyonce credit as her major influence on her music?
How old was Beyonce when she went to her first Michael Jackson concert as a kid?
Michael Jackson
Beyonce gave a tribute award to who in 2006?
vocal runs
Beyonce cites Mariah Carey to making her want to start doing what?
Michael Jackson
Who influenced Beyonce?
Vision of Love
What song by Mariah Carey influenced her?
Michael Jackson
Who is Beyoncé's biggest musical influence?
Michael Jackson
What was Beyoncé's first concert?
Diana Ross
Who does Beyoncé feel is an all-around entertainer?
Whitney Houston
Who does she credit for the inspiration to "get up there and do what she did"?
Vision of Love
What song caused Beyoncé to practice runs as a child?
feminism and female empowerment
What themes were influenced by her acting role in Dreamgirls?
Josephine Baker
Which singer did Beyonce honor by entertaining with her song "Deja Vu"?
Etta James
Who motivated Beyonce to explore other areas of music?
What movie influenced Beyonce towards empowerment themes?
How did Etta James influence her?
2006 Fashion Rocks concert
Where did she perform wearing Baker's hula skirt?
Josephine Baker.
What singer inspired Beyoncé's B'Day album?
Déjà Vu
What song did Beyoncé sing at a 2006 concert to honor Josephine Baker?
Michelle Obama
Beyonce has noted which first lady with saying "She proves you can do it all"?
February 2013
Which month and year did Beyonce credit Madonna for inspiring her to take control of her career?
Oprah Winfrey
Beyonce has said that who embodies the "definition of inspiration and a strong woman"?
Michelle Obama
Who personally influences Beyonce?
a strong woman
Hoe does she describe Oprah Winfrey?
lyrical and raw
How does she describe Jean- Michel Basquiat?
to take control of her own career
How does Madonna influence her?
continuing inspiration
How does she describe Jay Z?
First Lady Michelle Obama
Who inspires Beyoncé because "she does it all?"
Oprah Winfrey
Who does Beyoncé describe as the definition of inspiration?
Jean-Michel Basquiat
Who does Beyoncé describe as lyrical and raw?
Who inspired Beyoncé to take control of her career?
Suga Mama
Beyonce had an all-female tour band whose name was what?
The Mamas
Beyonce had singers in the background known by the name as?
Montina Cooper-Donnell, Crystal Collins and Tiffany Moniqué Riddick
The Mamas members included which 3 musicians?
The Mamas first appearance was when?
Suga Mama
What band did Beyonce introduce in 2006?
Suga Mama
What song name does the band Suga Mama and a song on the B'Day album share?
2006 BET Awards
Where did Suga Mama band make their first appearance?
Suga Mama
What band supports Beyonce in her tours?
Suga Mama
What is the name of Beyoncé's female tour band?
Suga Mama is also a song on which Beyoncé album?
The Mamas
What are Beyoncé's backup singers called?
the 2006 BET Awards
When did The Mamas make their debut?
stage presence and voice
What characteristics has Beyonce received acclaim for?
L.A. Reid
Which former president of Def Jam called Beyonce the greatest entertainer alive?
stage presence
For what does Beyonce receive praise?