1 class
Who is Acer's legal representative?
[ { "input": "Acer and Key Employee understand and expressly agree that this Agreement shall bind and benefit the heirs, partners, successors, employees, directors, stockholders, officers, attorneys, affiliates, predecessors, representatives and assigns of Acer and Key Employee.", "output": "Key Employee" } ]
Who does the Company agree to deliver the Transaction Documents to?
[ { "input": "On or prior to twenty (20) calendar days after the Closing Date, the Company agrees to deliver, or cause to be delivered, to each Buyer and Akerman LLP a complete closing set of the executed Transaction Documents, Securities, Warrant Shares and any other document required to be delivered to any party pursuant to Section 7 hereof or otherwise.", "output": "Buyer" } ]
What is the maximum Acquisition Fee per Investment acquisition?
[ { "input": "The Advisor shall receive an Acquisition Fee equal to 2.5% of the purchase price on each Investment acquisition. The Acquisition Fee shall be capped at 2.5% of $15,000,000 ($375,000) per acquisition. Unless approved by the Board, Acquisition Fees and Acquisition Expenses shall not, in the aggregate, exceed 6% of an Investment’s purchase price.", "output": "2.5%" } ]
When will the Executive be paid a base salary?
[ { "input": "Effective July 1, 2017, the Executive will be paid a base salary at an annualized rate of $300,000 (the “ Base Salary ”). During the Term, the Executive’s salary may be increased on an annual basis by the Board in its discretion based on the Executive’s performance. The Base Salary shall be paid to Executive in accordance with the Company’s normal and customary payroll practices as in effect from time to time and shall be subject to all applicable withholdings and deductions.", "output": "July 1, 2017" } ]
What rule does the Company follow to allow Investor to sell the Common Stock into which the Note may be converted?
[ { "input": "The Company shall file all reports required to be filed by it under the Securities Act and the Exchange Act and shall take such further action as Investor may reasonably request, all to the extent required to enable Investor to sell the Common Stock into which the Note may be converted pursuant to and in accordance with Rule 144.  Such action shall include, but not be limited to, making available adequate current public information meeting the requirements of paragraph (c) of Rule 144.", "output": "Rule 144" } ]
What is the name of the Lien Intercreditor Agreement?
[ { "input": "The Lenders hereby (i) authorize and instruct the Administrative Agent to execute and deliver this Amendment and the Approved Permitted First Lien Intercreditor Agreement (as defined in the Credit Agreement after giving effect to this Amendment) and (ii) acknowledge and agree that the instruction set forth in this Section 12 constitutes an instruction from the Lenders under the Loan Documents, including Section 9.03 and Section 9.04 of the Credit Agreement.", "output": "First" } ]
What article provides for the waiver of the Administrative Agent's duties?
[ { "input": "The Borrower and the Lenders agree that the Administrative Agent may delegate any of its duties under this Agreement to any of its Affiliates. Any such Affiliate (and such Affiliate’s directors, officers, agents and employees) which performs duties in connection with this Agreement shall be entitled to the same benefits of the indemnification, waiver and other protective provisions to which the Administrative Agent is entitled under Articles X and XI.", "output": "XI" } ]
Who acknowledges that Landlord has made no representations to Tenant regarding the condition of the Premises?
[ { "input": "Tenant acknowledges that Landlord has made no representations to Tenant with respect to the condition of the Premises. Tenant acknowledges that it is currently occupying the Premises and agrees to remain in possession of the same \"as is\" in the condition existing on the date hereof and that, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Lease, as amended by this Amendment, Landlord shall have no obligation to perform any work, provide any work allowance or rent credit (other than as expressly set forth in Paragraph 3(A) hereof), or alter, improve, decorate, or otherwise prepare the Premises for Tenant’s continued occupancy except for Landlord's Renewal Work (as such term is hereinafter defined).", "output": "Tenant" } ]
Who agrees to pay you the gross sum of $10,153.85?
[ { "input": "The Bank agrees to pay you the gross sum of $10,153.85 (which reflects an amount equal to 52.8 hours of accrued but unused PTO), which shall be paid to you on the Bank’s next regularly scheduled payroll period following your Last Day.", "output": "Bank" } ]
Who is employed by the Company for an initial term of five years?
[ { "input": "The Company hereby employs the Executive, and the Executive hereby accepts such employment, for an initial term commencing as of the Effective Date and continuing for a term of five years, through January 31, 2022 (the “ Termination Date ”) unless sooner terminated in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 hereof (the “ Initial Term ”), with such employment to continue for successive one-year periods in accordance with the terms of this Agreement (subject to termination as aforesaid) unless either Party notifies the other Party of non-renewal in writing prior to three months before the expiration of the initial term and each annual renewal, as applicable. (The period during which the Executive is employed hereunder being hereinafter referred to as the “ Term ”).", "output": "Executive" } ]
What will prevail in the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this Agreement and the ISDA Definitions?
[ { "input": "In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of this Agreement and the ISDA Definitions, this Agreement will prevail. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of the Credit Support Documents, if any, and the ISDA Definitions, the Credit Support Documents will prevail. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of any Confirmation and this Agreement or the ISDA Definitions, the Confirmation will prevail for the purpose of the relevant Transaction.", "output": "Confirmation" } ]
Who is the Paying Agent retained by?
[ { "input": "(i) AAC, (ii) the Segregated Account, (iii) the Rehabilitator, (iv) the Management Services Provider, (v) the Special Deputy Commissioner, (vi) OCI, (vii) the General Account, (viii) any Paying Agent retained by the Rehabilitator pursuant to the Plan, and each of their respective current and former members, shareholders, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents (including any attorneys, financial advisors, investment bankers, consultants and other professionals retained by such Persons, and any other advisors or experts with whom OCI, the Rehabilitator or the Special Deputy Commissioner consults, as contemplated by Wis. Stat. § 645.33(3)).", "output": "Rehabilitator" } ]
What is the Plan intended to comply with?
[ { "input": "The Plan is intended to comply with Code Section 409A.  Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, the Plan shall be interpreted, operated and administered consistent with this intent.  If any Participant is a “specified employee” within the meaning of Code Section 409A then, notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, any amount that would otherwise be payable to the Participant under the Plan during the first six months following the Participant’s “separation from service” (within the meaning of Code Section 409A) shall instead be paid to the Participant on the earlier of (i) the Participant’s death or (ii) the first day following the end of such six-month period.", "output": "Code Section 409A." } ]
What does Drapkin serve as a director of?
[ { "input": "Drapkin agrees to abide by the Company Policies, as they may be amended from time to time (provided such amendment applies to all non-employee directors in the same manner), during his service as a director of the Company and for such period of time thereafter as may be set forth in the Company Policies. The Shareholder Group will and will cause its Affiliates and Associates and all related persons to abide by all Company Policies concerning insider trading, window periods, and material non-public information until the time specified in the applicable Company Policy.", "output": "Company" } ]
What is the minimum exercise price per share for a Ten Percent Owner?
[ { "input": "The exercise price per share for the Stock covered by a Stock Option granted pursuant to this Section 5(a) shall be determined by the Administrator at the time of grant but shall not be less than 100 percent of the Fair Market Value on the date of grant.  In the case of an Incentive Stock Option that is granted to a Ten Percent Owner, the option price of such Incentive Stock Option shall be not less than 110 percent of the Fair Market Value on the grant date.", "output": "less than 110 percent" } ]
What percentage of the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock on the date of grant of a Free-Standing SAR shall the base price of a Free-Standing SAR not be?
[ { "input": "The number of SARs subject to an award shall be determined by the Committee. Any Tandem SAR related to an Incentive Stock Option shall be granted at the same time that such Incentive Stock Option is granted. The base price of a Tandem SAR shall be the purchase price per share of Common Stock of the related option. The base price of a Free-Standing SAR shall be determined by the Committee; provided, however, that (except with respect to awards under Section 6.15 of this Plan) such base price shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock on the date of grant of such SAR.", "output": "less than 100%" } ]
Where is the term of each Award stated?
[ { "input": "The term of each Award shall be determined by the Administrator and stated in the Award Agreement. In the case of an Option, the term shall be ten years from the Grant Date or such shorter term as may be provided in the Award Agreement.", "output": "the Award Agreement" } ]
Who is the Executive Compensation Committee in consultation with?
[ { "input": "The Company shall pay Executive a base salary (the “ Base Salary ”), payable pursuant to the Company’s normal practice, but no less frequently than monthly. The Base Salary shall be inclusive of all applicable income, Social Security and other taxes and charges which are required by law or requested to be withheld by Executive and which shall be withheld and paid in accordance with Company’s normal payroll practice for its similarly-situated executives as in effect from time to time. The Executive Compensation Committee, in consultation with Executive, shall periodically review Executive’s Base Salary during the Term at least annually for increases based on Executive’s performance and other relevant factors.", "output": "Executive" } ]
What section of the Agreement provides for indemnification of the requesting party?
[ { "input": "In case at any time after the closing any further action is necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this Agreement, each of the Parties will take such further action (including the execution and delivery of such further instruments and documents) as the other Party may request, all at the sole cost and expense of the requesting Party (unless the requesting Party is entitled to indemnification therefore under Section 5).", "output": "Section 5" } ]
Who is entitled to participate in the Altimmune 2016 Omnibus Incentive Plan?
[ { "input": "Tasker will be entitled to participate in the Altimmune 2016 Omnibus Incentive Plan or such other equity based long-term incentive compensation plan, program or arrangement generally made available to senior executive officers of Altimmune from time to time, as determined by the Committee in its sole and absolute discretion.", "output": "Tasker" } ]
What article of the Insolvency Regulation uses the term establishment?
[ { "input": "For the purposes of the Insolvency Regulation, each of UK Borrower’s centre of main interest (as that term is used in Article 3(1) of the Insolvency Regulation) is situated in its jurisdiction of incorporation and none of them have an “establishment” (as that term is used in Article 2(h) of the Insolvency Regulation) in any other jurisdiction.", "output": "Article 2(h)" } ]
What is the Base Salary?
[ { "input": "The Company agrees to pay the Executive a base salary (the “ Base Salary ”) at an annual rate of not less than $380,000, payable in accordance with the regular payroll practices of the Company, but not less frequently than monthly. The Executive’s Base Salary shall be subject to annual review by the Board (or a committee thereof).", "output": "380,000" } ]
When will your employment end?
[ { "input": "The term of your employment hereunder shall commence on July 5th, 2019 (the “ Start Date ”) and shall end on the earliest of (i) July 5th, 2022, (ii) the date on which your employment is terminated by Company or you pursuant to Paragraph 10 or (iii) the date of your death or the date of termination of your employment by reason of incapacity (determined in accordance with Paragraph 8) (the “ Employment Term ”). The period from the Start Date until July 5th, 2022, regardless of any earlier termination, shall hereinafter be referred to as the “ Original Employment Term ”.", "output": "July 5th, 2022" } ]
Who is in compliance with all applicable effective provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?
[ { "input": "The principal executive officer and principal financial officer of the Company have made all certifications required by Sections 302 and 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the rules and regulations promulgated in connection therewith (the “ Sarbanes-Oxley Act ”) with respect to all reports, schedules, forms, statements and other documents required to be filed by it with the Commission, and the statements contained in any such certification are complete and correct. The Company, and to its knowledge, all of the Company’s directors or officers, in their capacities as such, are in compliance in all material respects with all applicable effective provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.", "output": "Company" } ]
How many provisions of this Guaranty are considered to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable?
[ { "input": "In the event any one or more of the provisions contained in this Guaranty or in any other Loan Document should be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein and therein shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. The parties shall endeavor in good-faith negotiations to replace the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions with valid provisions the economic effect of which comes as close as possible to that of the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions.", "output": "one" } ]
How long is the time period for a revoked consent to electronic delivery of information?
[ { "input": "In order to accept this Agreement, Participant must indicate acceptance of the Cash Award and acknowledgment that the terms of the Plan and this Agreement have been read and understood by signing and returning a copy of this Agreement as instructed by the Corporation. By accepting this Agreement, Participant consents to the electronic delivery of prospectuses, annual reports and other information required to be delivered by Securities and Exchange Commission rules (which consent may be revoked in writing by Participant at any time upon three business days’ notice to the Corporation, in which case subsequent prospectuses, annual reports and other information will be delivered in hard copy to Participant).", "output": "three business days’" } ]
What section of the Agreement survives the expiration of the Agreement?
[ { "input": "Sections 1.3, 2.3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11 survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.", "output": "10" } ]
What is the name of the document or other agreement executed in connection with the Purchase Agreement?
[ { "input": "To the extent any term or provision of the Purchase Agreement, or any other document or other agreement executed in connection with the Purchase Agreement, is in conflict with any term or provision of this Agreement or any Annex or Schedule hereto, the terms and provisions of this Agreement and the Annexes or Schedules hereto shall govern solely to the extent of any such conflict. To the extent any term or provision of this Agreement is in conflict with any term or provision of any Annex or Schedule hereto, the terms and provisions of the Annex or Schedule hereto shall govern solely to the extent of any such conflict.", "output": "Annex" } ]
Where are the additional parking spaces available?
[ { "input": "During the Second Expansion Space Term with respect to the Second Expansion Space, Tenant shall be entitled to use an additional one hundred fifty (150) unreserved parking spaces in the Parking Facility in accordance with the terms of the Lease.", "output": "the Parking Facility" } ]
What shall the Company establish?
[ { "input": "The Company shall establish the Trust (which may be referred to herein as a “Rabbi Trust”). Upon the establishment of the Trust, the Company shall provide for the funding of the Trust in accordance with the terms of the Trust.", "output": "Trust" } ]
What section of the Agreement provides for the deductibility of amounts owing by Borrower?
[ { "input": "Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement or in a separate writing by Agent or the applicable Lender, Borrower shall not be entitled to any credit, rebate, or repayment of any fees earned by Agent or any Lender pursuant to this Agreement notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement or the suspension or termination of any Lender’s obligation to make loans and advances hereunder.  Agent may deduct amounts owing by Borrower under the clauses of this Section 2.4 pursuant to the terms of Section 2.5(c).  Agent shall provide Borrower written notice of deductions made from the Designated Deposit Account pursuant to the terms of the clauses of this Section 2.4.", "output": "this Section 2.4." } ]
Who resigned his employment after the Retirement Date?
[ { "input": "Effective as of the Retirement Date, Executive resigned Executive’s employment and all appointments Executive held with the Company, and its subsidiaries and affiliates, other than his position as the Non-Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company. Executive and the Company acknowledge and agree that Executive’s cessation of employment constitutes a “Retirement” (as such term is defined for purposes of the Severance Agreement and the Outstanding Equity Awards).", "output": "Executive" } ]
What act requires the Secretary of State to file the documents required by the Delaware Act?
[ { "input": "The Company shall terminate when all of the Assets, after payment of or due provision for all debts, liabilities and obligations of the Company, shall have been distributed to the Members in the manner provided for in this Article 10 and the Formation Certificate shall have been canceled, or such other documents required under the Delaware Act to be executed and filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware have been so executed and filed, in the manner required by the Delaware Act.", "output": "the Delaware Act" } ]
Who is entitled to group medical, dental and hospital coverage?
[ { "input": "During the Employment Period, if requested by Executive during the Employment Period, Employer shall include Executive, his or her spouse and his or her dependents in any group medical, dental and hospital or similar plan of Employer in existence for senior executives from time to time until Executive and his spouse attain the age of 65. Employer will purchase individual medical, dental and hospital insurance for Executive, his or her spouse and his dependents if group coverage is not in existence or is unavailable.", "output": "Executive" } ]
How often is the incentive plan paid to you?
[ { "input": "You will be eligible to participate in Tenneco’s executive annual incentive plan in a manner consistent with other Tenneco executives. The terms of the annual incentive plan are set forth in the Tenneco Inc. Annual Incentive Plan (“AIP” - copy attached). Your initial target bonus opportunity for the 2018 calendar year performance period under the AIP will be 125% of your annual base salary (or $1,312,500 based on the offered salary, pro-rated to the date that your employment commences with Tenneco) although the actual value will be determined by the Compensation Committee. The payment of an annual incentive to you is subject to achievement of pre-defined performance goals for the Company, the approval by the Compensation Committee, as well as the terms of the AIP (or successor plan).", "output": "annual" } ]
How many instruments are in the same agreement?
[ { "input": "This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and by different parties hereto on separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed to be an original and all of which, taken together, shall constit ute but one and the same instrument .", "output": "one" } ]
What are the plans that Parent may establish from time to time called?
[ { "input": "The Executive shall be eligible to receive stock-based compensation, whether stock options, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock grants or otherwise, under the Parent’s 2012 Long Term Incentive Plan or other stock­based compensation plans as Parent may establish from time to time (collectively, the “ Plans ”). The Executive shall be considered for such grants no less often than annually as part of the Board’s annual compensation review, but any such grants shall be at the sole discretion of the Board.", "output": "Plans" } ]
What document states that all conditions to effecting or consummating the Bango Sale have been met or waived?
[ { "input": "On the Restatement Date, (i) all of the conditions to effecting or consummating the Bango Sale set forth in the Bango Sale Agreement have been duly satisfied or, with the consent of Administrative Agent, waived, and (ii) the Restatement Date Transactions and the other transactions contemplated by the Bango Sale Agreement to occur on or prior to the Restatement Date have been consummated in accordance with the Bango Sale Agreement and all applicable laws.", "output": "the Bango Sale Agreement" } ]
During what period of time has Seller not given notice of a default that has not been cured?
[ { "input": "All of the service, management, maintenance, repair, parking, construction, and other contracts relating to the ownership and operation of the Property, other than the Leases and brokerage agreements, are listed on Exhibit J attached hereto (the “ Contracts ”), and such list of Contracts is true, correct and complete. During the twenty-four (24) months prior to the Contract Date, Seller has not given to, or to Seller’s Knowledge, received from, any other party to a Contract any written notice of a default that has not subsequently been cured, and Seller has no Knowledge of any other uncured default under any of the Contracts by any party thereto.", "output": "the twenty-four (24) months" } ]
Who is authorized to assign this Agreement to a Company Affiliate?
[ { "input": "This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, personal representatives, legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns. Executive shall not assign this Agreement. However, the Company is expressly authorized to assign this Agreement to a Company Affiliate upon written notice to Executive, provided that (a) the assignee assumes all of the obligations of the Company under this Agreement, (b) Executive’s role when viewed from the perspective of Company Affiliates in the aggregate is comparable to such role immediately before the assignment, and (c) the Company, for so long as an affiliate of the assignee, remains secondarily liable for the financial obligations hereunder.", "output": "Company" } ]
What year does the Company reimburse Mr. Kanas for expenses incurred?
[ { "input": "If and to the extent requested by the Company or any of its subsidiaries, Mr. Kanas shall provide Mr. Kanas' reasonable cooperation in connection with any action or proceeding (or any appeal from any action or proceeding) which relates to events occurring during Mr. Kanas' service to the Company and its subsidiaries.  In respect of the foregoing cooperation, the Company shall provide reasonable compensation to Mr. Kanas and shall reimburse Mr. Kanas promptly for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses (including travel costs, lodging and meals); provided that such reimbursement shall be made no later than the end of the calendar year after the year in which the expenses are incurred.", "output": "the year" } ]
Who may terminate the Grantee's Service Relationship with?
[ { "input": "Notwithstanding Section 4(b) above, if the Grantee’s Service Relationship with the Company or its Subsidiaries is terminated by the Company without Cause or by the Grantee for Good Reason in either case within 24 months after a Sale Event, this Award shall become fully vested as of the date of such termination of employment.", "output": "Company" } ]
What documents are or will be effective to create in favor of the Collateral Agent?
[ { "input": "Except as otherwise contemplated hereby or under any other Loan Document, as and when executed, delivered and recorded in the proper filing or recording office, the provisions of the Collateral Documents are or will be effective to create in favor of the Collateral Agent for the benefit of the Secured Parties a legal, valid and enforceable first priority perfected Lien (subject to Permitted Liens) on all right, title and interest of the Collateral owned by the Grantors and described therein. Except for filings contemplated hereby and by the Collateral Documents, no filing will be necessary to perfect such Liens.", "output": "the Collateral Documents" } ]
Who is the company that owns the shares in the company?
[ { "input": "This contract is strictly between Exiting Shareholders, the Company, TongDa and the Adamant Group, and, except as specifically provided, no director, officer, stockholder, employee, agent, independent contractor or any other person or entity shall be deemed to be a third-party beneficiary of this Agreement.", "output": "TongDa" } ]
What section specifies the date on which the Borrowers must reimburse the LC Disbursement?
[ { "input": "If the LC Issuer shall make any LC Disbursement, then, unless the Borrowers shall reimburse such LC Disbursement in full on the date specified in Section 2.3(e) , the unpaid amount thereof shall bear interest payable on demand, for each day from and including the date such LC Disbursement is made to but excluding the date that the Borrowers reimburse such LC Disbursement, at the Default Rate.  Interest accrued pursuant to this Section 2.3(h) shall be for the account of the LC Issuer, except that interest accrued on and after the date of payment by any Revolving Lender pursuant to Section 2.3(e) to reimburse the LC Issuer shall be for the account of such Lender to the extent of such payment.", "output": "Section 2.3(e)" } ]
Who may deliver any documents related to the Performance Share Unit grant under and participation in the Plan by electronic means?
[ { "input": "The Company may, in its sole discretion, decide to deliver any documents related to the Performance Share Unit grant under and participation in the Plan or future Performance Share Units that may be granted under the Plan by electronic means or to request Awardee’s consent to participate in the Plan by electronic means. Awardee hereby consents to receive such documents by electronic delivery and to participate in the Plan through an on-line or electronic system established and maintained by the Company or another third party designated by the Company, including the acceptance of performance share unit grants and the execution of performance share unit agreements through electronic signature.", "output": "Company" } ]
Whose written agreement is the entire agreement including all terms of your employment with?
[ { "input": "This letter, along with the Employee Confidentiality and Inventions Agreement and the Arbitration Agreement attached as Exhibit A, sets forth the entire agreement including all terms of your employment with the Company and supersedes any prior representations or agreements, whether written or oral. This letter may not be modified or amended except by a written agreement signed by the Company and by you. Any employment policies represented herein may be modified from time to time at the Company’s sole discretion.", "output": "Company" } ]
What are the Loan Parties bound by?
[ { "input": "Each of the representations and warranties made by any Loan Party in or pursuant to the Loan Documents shall be true and correct in all material respects on and as of such date, before and after giving effect to the extensions of credit requested to be made on such date and the application of the proceeds therefrom, as if made on and as of such date.", "output": "the Loan Documents" } ]
Seller must maintain copies of all final written audits, examinations, evaluations, monitoring reviews, and reports of its origination and servicing operations for whom?
[ { "input": "Seller shall (i) at all times maintain copies of relevant portions of all final written Agency audits, examinations, evaluations, monitoring reviews and reports of its origination and servicing operations (including those prepared on a contract basis for any such agency) in which there are material adverse findings, including without limitation notices of defaults, notices of termination of approved status, notices of imposition of supervisory agreements or interim servicing agreements, and notices of probation, suspension, or non-renewal, and all necessary approvals from the Agency, and (ii) provide copies of all such audits, examinations, evaluations, monitoring reviews and reports to Agent in connection with any annual audit by Agent.", "output": "Agency" } ]
Who may terminate Executive's employment at any time and for no reason?
[ { "input": "Executive's employment hereunder shall commence as of the Commencement Date. There shall be no definite term of employment. Nothing specified herein shall be construed to alter the at-will nature of the employment, and thus, Executive or Employer may terminate Executive’s employment at any time and for any reason or for no reason, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Termination by Employer shall require the approval of the Board of Directors with Executive abstaining if Executive is a member of the Board of Directors at such time. Executive shall be entitled to Termination Pay in the event of certain terminations described in Article 5 hereunder.", "output": "Employer" } ]
What section of the Agreement shall survive termination?
[ { "input": "This Section 5 shall survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement.", "output": "This Section 5" } ]
What is the day that the payment of an obligation or the performance of a covenant, duty or obligation is stated to be due or required on?
[ { "input": "When payment of any obligation or the performance of any covenant, duty or obligation is stated to be due or required on a day which is not a Business Day, the date of such payment (other than as described in the definition of “Interest Period”) or performance shall extend to the immediately succeeding Business Day, and, in the case of any payment accruing interest, interest thereon shall be payable for the period of such extension.", "output": "a day" } ]
Who determines the number of SARs subject to an award?
[ { "input": "The number of SARs subject to an award shall be determined by the Committee. Any Tandem SAR related to an Incentive Stock Option shall be granted at the same time that such Incentive Stock Option is granted. The base price of a Tandem SAR shall be the purchase price per share of Common Stock of the related option. The base price of a Free-Standing SAR shall be determined by the Committee; provided, however, that (except with respect to awards under Section 6.15 of this Plan) such base price shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock on the date of grant of such SAR.", "output": "Committee" } ]
Who is responsible for providing the manager with human resource services?
[ { "input": "Manager shall provide PA with human resource services as reasonably required by PA.", "output": "PA" } ]
Who may make any capital expenditure within any Budget approved by the Company?
[ { "input": "Property Manager may make any capital expenditure within any Budget approved by the Company. All other capital expenditures, other than Permitted Expenditures, shall be subject to submittal of a revised Budget to Company for approval in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Unless Company specifically waives such requirements, Property Manager shall award any contract for a capital improvement exceeding $100,000 in cost on the basis of competitive bidding, selected from a minimum of two (2) written bids. Property Manager shall accept the bid of the lowest bidder determined by Property Manager, in its sole discretion, to be responsible, qualified and capable of completing such capital improvements on a reasonable schedule and as bid.", "output": "Property Manager" } ]
Where is the P.O. Box 5031 located?
[ { "input": "Consultant shall submit separate invoices monthly for each Task Order and such invoices shall include a breakdown of all charges and expenses, if any, incurred during the month together with the Project Number shown on the Task Order.  Invoices shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after receipt by AV’s Accounts Payable Group.  Invoices shall be sent to the attention of the Accounts Payable Group; AeroVironment, Inc.,   via e-mail to [email protected] , and also reference the Task Order Number as well as your organization’s name in the subject line or by mail to P.O. Box 5031, Monrovia, CA  91107 .  Unless otherwise agreed at the time individual Task Orders are accepted, all payments shall be made in US dollars.", "output": "Monrovia" } ]
Who shall pay any expenses incurred by the Committee in connection with the administration, termination or protection of the Plan?
[ { "input": "The Committee shall not receive additional compensation with respect to services for the Plan. To the extent required by applicable law, but not otherwise, the Committee shall furnish bond or security for the performance of their duties hereunder. Any expenses properly incurred by the Committee incident to the administration, termination or protection of the Plan, including the cost of furnishing bond, shall be paid by the Company.", "output": "Company" } ]
Who reviews Executive's Base Salary at least annually?
[ { "input": "The Company shall pay Executive a base salary (the “ Base Salary ”), payable pursuant to the Company’s normal practice, but no less frequently than monthly. The Base Salary shall be inclusive of all applicable income, Social Security and other taxes and charges which are required by law or requested to be withheld by Executive and which shall be withheld and paid in accordance with Company’s normal payroll practice for its similarly-situated executives as in effect from time to time. The Executive Compensation Committee, in consultation with Executive, shall periodically review Executive’s Base Salary during the Term at least annually for increases based on Executive’s performance and other relevant factors.", "output": "The Executive Compensation Committee" } ]
Who is responsible for the administration of the Plan?
[ { "input": "The Plan shall be administered by the Committee and the Committee shall be responsible for the general administration and interpretation of the Plan and for carrying out its provisions. The Committee shall have such powers as may be necessary to discharge its duties hereunder.", "output": "Committee" } ]
What state's laws govern this Agreement?
[ { "input": "This Agreement including all issues and questions concerning its application, construction, validity, interpretation and enforcement, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York without regard to conflict of laws principles (other than Section 5-1401 of the General Obligations Law).", "output": "the State of New York" } ]
How many equal monthly installments shall 1,640 Shares vest in?
[ { "input": "The Shares shall vest in increments, in accordance with the following schedule: (i) 2,682 Shares shall vest on May 31, 2017; and (ii) 1,640 Shares shall vest in seven (7) equal monthly installments starting with June 30, 2017 and at the end of each month thereafter. May 31, 2017 and each month end thereafter, being referred to herein as, a “ Vesting Date ”. There shall be no proportionate or partial vesting in the periods prior to the applicable Vesting Date and all vesting shall occur only on the appropriate Vesting Date provided Participant is then providing services to the Company or, if Participant is no longer providing services to the Company, Participant’s employment was terminated without cause by the Company.", "output": "seven" } ]
Whose employment is terminated by the Company?
[ { "input": "The Company shall have the right immediately to terminate Executive’s employment for cause during the Employment Period upon notice to Executive.", "output": "Executive" } ]
What percentage of the Building is the Tenant's Pro Rata Share?
[ { "input": "Effective as of the Execution Date, Tenant’s Pro Rata Share shall be calculated based on the rentable square footage of 100% of the Building.  Accordingly, the last sentence of Section 4.02(c) of the Existing Lease is hereby amended by deleting “95%” and replacing it with “100%.”  Effective as of the April 1, 2017, Tenant’s Pro Rata Share shall be 53.34%.  For the avoidance of doubt, Tenant’s Pro Rata Share will be recalculated if the rentable square footage of the Building increases.", "output": "100%" } ]
Who is the Participant's employer?
[ { "input": "This Agreement, the Plan and certain definitions under the Employment Agreement constitute the entire understanding between the Participant and the Company regarding this Stock Award. Notwithstanding the terms of the Employment Agreement, or any other agreement between the Participant and the Company, the Restricted Stock awarded to the Participant under this Agreement shall vest only in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and any applicable vesting or accelerated vesting provisions contained in the Employment Agreement or any other agreement between the Participant and the Company are superseded by the terms of this Agreement.", "output": "Company" } ]
Who has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement?
[ { "input": "MELTEC has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement, and this Agreement, when executed and delivered, will constitute a valid and legally binding obligation of MELTEC.", "output": "MELTEC" } ]
What section of the Act does a Foreign Lender have to comply with?
[ { "input": "A Participant shall not be entitled to receive any greater payment under Sections 3.10. and 5.1. than the applicable Lender would have been entitled to receive with respect to the participation sold to such Participant, unless the sale of the participation to such Participant is made with the Borrower’s prior written consent. A Participant that would be a Foreign Lender if it were a Lender shall not be entitled to the benefits of Section 3.10. unless the Borrower is notified of the participation sold to such Participant and such Participant agrees, for the benefit of the Borrower and the Administrative Agent, to comply with Section 3.10.(c) as though it were a Lender.", "output": "Section 3.10.(c)" } ]
Who may request additional documents, certificates and instruments?
[ { "input": "Such additional documents, certificates and instruments reasonably requested by Seller to complete and evidence the transactions contemplated hereunder.", "output": "Seller" } ]
Who may purchase and maintain insurance?
[ { "input": "The Company may purchase and maintain insurance, or cause its Subsidiaries to purchase and maintain insurance, at its or their expense, to protect itself and any Person who is or was serving as a Manager, Officer or agent of the Company or is or was serving at the request of the Company as a manager, director, officer, partner, venturer, proprietor, trustee, employee, agent or similar functionary of another foreign or domestic limited ability company, corporation, partnership, joint venture, sole proprietorship, trust, employee benefit plan or other enterprise against any expense, liability or loss, whether or not the Company would have the power to indemnify such Person against such expense, liability or loss under this Article VI.", "output": "Company" } ]
On what day of the month will the payment of principal, interest and fees be settled?
[ { "input": "Payments of principal, interest and fees in respect of the Term Loans will be settled on the date of receipt if received by Agent on the last Business Day of a month or on the Business Day immediately following the date of receipt if received on any day other than the last Business Day of a month; provided, however, that, in the case such Term Lender is a Defaulted Lender, Agent shall be entitled to set off the funding short-fall against that Defaulted Lender’s respective share of all payments received from any Borrower.", "output": "the last Business Day of a month" } ]
What shall the Company and its Affiliates administer?
[ { "input": "Gender; Titles and Headings . The expenses of administering the Plan shall be borne by the Company and its Affiliates. Masculine pronouns and other words of masculine gender shall refer to both men and women. The titles and headings of the sections in the Plan are for convenience of reference only, and in the event of any conflict, the text of the Plan, rather than such titles or headings, shall control.", "output": "Plan" } ]
What does the Staff consider an underwriter to be under?
[ { "input": "(a) The Staff has taken the position that any broker-dealer that receives Exchange Securities for its own account in the Exchange Offer in exchange for Securities that were acquired by such broker-dealer as a result of market-making or other trading activities (a “ Participating Broker-Dealer ”) may be deemed to be an “underwriter” within the meaning of the Securities Act and must deliver a prospectus meeting the requirements of the Securities Act in connection with any resale of such Exchange Securities.", "output": "the Securities Act" } ]
During what period has the chief executive office of a Grantor not been located at any other address than that indicated on Annex A?
[ { "input": "The chief executive office of such Grantor is, on the date of this Agreement, located at the address indicated on Annex A hereto for such Grantor. During the period of the four calendar months preceding the date of this Agreement, the chief executive office of such Grantor has not been located at any address other than that indicated on Annex A in accordance with the immediately preceding sentence, in each case unless each such other address is also indicated on Annex A hereto for such Grantor.", "output": "the four calendar months" } ]
Where are the courts located?
[ { "input": "This Agreement shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the State of Washington, without regard to conflicts of laws principles. In the event of any legal action regarding or arising out of this Agreement, you and the Company each consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts located in King County, Washington, and agree that the substantially prevailing party in any such action, including any and all related appellate proceedings, shall be entitled to reimbursement for its reasonable costs and attorney's fees, including those for in-house counsel.", "output": "King County" } ]
Who shall administer the Plan unless and until it delegates administration to a Committee?
[ { "input": "The Board shall administer the Plan unless and until it delegates administration to a Committee, as provided in Section 3(c).", "output": "Board" } ]
What accounting standard is in effect from time to time?
[ { "input": "All accounting terms not specifically or completely defined herein shall be construed in conformity with, and all financial data required to be submitted pursuant to this Agreement shall be prepared in conformity with, GAAP as in effect from time to time.", "output": "GAAP" } ]
Who will make payments of Expenses to the Indemnitee pursuant to this Agreement?
[ { "input": "All payments of Expenses, including any Expense Advance, and other amounts by the Company to the Indemnitee pursuant to this Agreement will be made as soon as practicable after a written request or demand therefor by Indemnitee is presented to the Company, but in no event later than 30 days after (i) such demand is presented or (ii) such later date as a determination of entitlement to indemnification is made in accordance with Section 6.6, if applicable; provided , however , that an Expense Advance will be made within the time provided in Section 4.3 hereof.", "output": "Company" } ]
What section of the Restricted Period prohibits the Executive from providing services to?
[ { "input": "During the Restricted Period, the Executive shall not solicit or otherwise attempt to establish any business relationship with any person or entity that is, or during the twelve (12) month period preceding the date of the Executive’s termination of employment with the Company was, a customer, client or distributor of the Company, the Guarantor or any of their respective subsidiaries if the solicitation or establishment of the business relationship is in connection with or on behalf of any Restricted Business that the Executive is precluded from providing services to pursuant to Section 10(b) .", "output": "Section 10(b)" } ]
What year was the Investment Company Act passed?
[ { "input": "No Loan Party is a “registered investment company” or a company “controlled” by a “registered investment company” or a “principal underwriter” of a “registered investment company” as such terms are defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940. No Loan Party is required to be registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.", "output": "1940" } ]
Who is the person who has been given fifty-three (53) days to consider the terms and conditions of this Release?
[ { "input": "Executive acknowledges that the Company has offered him fifty-three (53) days to consider the terms and conditions of this Release, and to decide whether to sign and enter into this Release. In the event that Executive elects to sign this Release prior to the expiration of the fifty-three (53) day period, he acknowledges that in doing so he will voluntarily waive the balance of the permitted period. Executive understands and agrees that any changes to the initially drafted terms of this Release are not material and shall not restart the running of this period.", "output": "Executive" } ]
Borrower may not create, establish or acquire any other interest in any bank other than what?
[ { "input": "Except pursuant to a transaction or series of transactions permitted without the Lender's consent under Section 6.4 above, Borrower shall not create, establish or acquire Subsidiaries or acquire or own stock or any other interest in any bank other than the Bank, or permit the creation, establishment or acquisition of any such Subsidiaries by any other Subsidiary.", "output": "Bank" } ]
When does the notice of a Rent Refund Monthly Disbursement Amount for the Payment Date begin?
[ { "input": "Within five (5) days of the last day of each calendar month, commencing with the calendar month ending July 31, 2016, written notice of any Rent Refund Monthly Disbursement Amount for the Payment Date following such calendar month; provided that the notice given for the calendar month ending July 31, 2016 shall include Rent Refund Monthly Disbursement Amounts made by Borrower for the period from and including the Closing Date through and including July 31, 2016.", "output": "July 31, 2016" } ]
Who does the Company pay or reimburse for all reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred by the Bank in connection with the execution, delivery, filing, recording, enforcement and administration of this Agreement?
[ { "input": "Promptly upon the request of the Bank, the Company shall pay or reimburse the Bank for all reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred by the Bank in connection with the execution, delivery, filing, recording, enforcement and administration of this Agreement or any related document or instrument, including correspondent’s charges, attorney’s fees and other legal costs and expenses, and any and all stamp and other taxes and fees payable or determined to be payable in connection with any of the foregoing, and the Company shall save the Bank harmless from and against any and all liabilities with respect to or resulting from any delay in paying or omission to pay such taxes and fees.", "output": "Bank" } ]
Who will make the Swingline Advance available to Borrower?
[ { "input": "Except as provided in clause (c) above, each request for a Swingline Advance shall be made pursuant to telephone notice to Swingline Lender given no later than 1:00 p.m. (Atlanta, Georgia time) (or such later time as accepted by Swingline Lender) on the date of the proposed Swingline Advance, promptly confirmed by a completed and executed Notice of Borrowing telecopied or facsimiled to Administrative Agent and Swingline Lender.  Swingline Lender will promptly make the Swingline Advance available to Borrower at Borrower’s account with Administrative Agent or as otherwise directed by Borrower with written notice to Administrative Agent.", "output": "Administrative Agent" } ]
What is the amount of the processing and recordation fee set forth in?
[ { "input": "The parties to each assignment shall execute and deliver to the Administrative Agent an Assignment and Assumption, together with a processing and recordation fee in the amount, if any, required as set forth in Schedule 10.06 ; provided , however , that the Administrative Agent may, in its sole discretion, elect to waive such processing and recordation fee in the case of any assignment. The assignee, if it is not a Lender, shall deliver to the Administrative Agent an Administrative Questionnaire.", "output": "Schedule 10.06" } ]
Who may execute this Release via facsimile?
[ { "input": "This Release may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and it will not be necessary in making proof of this Release or the terms of this Release to produce or account for more than one of such counterparts. All counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. Each Party may execute this Release via a facsimile (or transmission of a PDF file) of a counterpart of this Release. In addition, facsimile or PDF signatures of authorized signatories of any Party shall be valid and binding and delivery of a facsimile or PDF signature by any Party shall constitute due execution and delivery of this Release.", "output": "Party" } ]
Who may determine to recognize only the legal representative of the Participant?
[ { "input": "A Participant hereunder may file with the Company a written designation of a beneficiary or beneficiaries under the Plan and may from time to time revoke or amend any such designation. Any designation of beneficiary under the Plan shall be controlling over any other disposition, testamentary or otherwise; provided, however, that if the Committee is in doubt as to the entitlement of any such beneficiary to any Award, the Committee may determine to recognize only the legal representative of the Participant in which case the Company, the Committee and the members thereof shall not have any further liability to anyone.", "output": "Committee" } ]
Who shall not accrue paid vacation or personal time off under any current or future paid time off policy of the Company?
[ { "input": "During the term of this Agreement, Executive shall not accrue paid vacation or personal time off under any current or future vacation or paid time off policy of the Company (collectively, the “ PTO Plans ”). Executive may take reasonable time off for vacation, consistent with the needs of the Company’s business, and shall notify the Board of such vacation usage, consulting in advance with the Board as appropriate. Executive’s accrued vacation and paid time off account balance of $148,229.86 as of December 31, 2016 (the “ Balance ”) shall not be affected by this Section 4.1, and such Balance shall be payable in full upon Executive’s termination of employment with the Company for any reason.", "output": "Executive" } ]
What percentage of the voting power of all classes of Common Stock of the Company or any Subsidiary is the Participant entitled to?
[ { "input": "If a Stock Option granted under the Plan is intended to be an Incentive Stock Option, and if the Participant, at the time of grant, owns stock possessing ten percent (10%) or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of Common Stock of the Company or any Subsidiary, then (i) the Stock Option exercise price per share shall in no event be less than 110% of the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock on the date of such grant and (ii) such Stock Option shall not be exercisable after the expiration of five (5) years following the date such Stock Option is granted.", "output": "ten percent" } ]
Who is prohibited from requiring the Company to register any shares of its capital stock for sale?
[ { "input": "The Company represents and warrants that no person, other than a holder of the Registrable Securities and the representative of the underwriters of the Company’s initial public offering, has any right to require the Company to register any shares of the Company’s capital stock for sale or to include shares of the Company’s capital stock in any registration filed by the Company for the sale of shares of capital stock for its own account or for the account of any other person. Further, the Company represents and warrants that this Agreement supersedes any other registration rights agreement or agreement with similar terms and conditions and in the event of a conflict between any such agreement or agreements and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.", "output": "Company" } ]
What is the ratio of Borrower's total liabilities to Tangible Net Worth?
[ { "input": "Borrower shall not permit the ratio of Borrower’s total liabilities (excluding Subordinated Debt) to Tangible Net Worth to exceed 1.00 to 1.00 at the end of any Fiscal Year.", "output": "1.00 to 1.00" } ]
Who shall have paid all of Borrower's fees, costs and expenses in connection with the preparation, negotiation, and closing of this Amendment?
[ { "input": "Borrower shall have paid to Lender all of Lender’s fees, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorneys’ fees) incurred in connection with the preparation, negotiation and closing of this Amendment.", "output": "Lender" } ]
When will the employee receive the " 2017 Retention Bonus"?
[ { "input": "Pursuant to Section 4.7 of the Employment Agreement, Employee will , subject to Employee’s compliance with the provisions of Section 7 of this Separation Agreement, receive payment in January 2018 of the “ 2017 Retention Bonus ”   thereunder in the amount of $ 6 75 , 675   (less applicable tax withholdings).", "output": "January 2018" } ]
In addition to Lenders, who else may the Company be required to pay to in order to compensate a Lender?
[ { "input": "If any Lender requests compensation under Section 3.04 or delivers a notice under Section 3.02 , or if the Company is required to pay any additional amount to any Lender or any Governmental Authority for the account of any Lender pursuant to Section 3.01 and, in each case, such Lender has declined or is unable to designate a different lending office in accordance with Section 3.06(a) , the Company may replace such Lender in accordance with Section 10.13 .", "output": "any Governmental Authority" } ]
Along with the Board, Committee and officers, what company does not warrant or represent that the value of a Participant's Account will increase or decrease?
[ { "input": "The Board, Committee, Employer and officers of the Employer do not warrant or represent in any respect that the value of any Participant’s Account will increase and not decrease. Each Participant assumes all related investment risk in connection with any change in value.", "output": "Employer" } ]
What section of the Option provides for the period of time after the Participant's death?
[ { "input": "Following Termination . If the Participant dies during the period set forth in Section 3(b)(i) or (iii), the Option shall be vested only to the extent it is vested on the date of death and may thereafter be exercised by the Participant’s executor, administrator, legal representative, guardian or similar person until and including the earlier to occur of (i) the date which is one year after the date of death and (ii) the Normal Expiration Date.", "output": "Section 3(b)(i)" } ]
Who does the Executive agree to cooperate with in any matter involving him during his employment with the Company?
[ { "input": "The Executive further agrees that he will cooperate fully with the Company and its counsel with respect to any matter (including litigation, investigations, or governmental proceedings) in which the Executive was in any way involved during his employment with the Company. The Executive shall render such cooperation in a timely manner on reasonable notice from the Company.", "output": "Company" } ]
What documents require the Mortgagor to keep all material licenses, permits and authorizations necessary for its operation of the Mortgaged Property in full force and effect?
[ { "input": "The Mortgagor of such Senior Loan, the related lessee, franchisor or operator is in possession of all material licenses, permits and authorizations required for use of the related Mortgaged Property by such Mortgagor and all such material licenses, permits and authorizations are in effect. The related ELA Documents require the Mortgagor to keep all material licenses, permits and authorizations necessary for its operation of the Mortgaged Property in full force and effect and to be qualified to do business in the jurisdiction in which the related Mortgaged Property is located.", "output": "ELA Documents" } ]
Who is responsible for the escrows and deposits held by Sellers?
[ { "input": "Sellers shall not receive a credit at the Closing for any insurance, tax or other reserves, escrows and/or such deposits held by HUD or the HUD servicer, it being understood that Sellers shall be entitled to pursue a refund of such amounts directly from HUD or the HUD servicer; provided , however , that to the extent available at Closing, Sellers agree that Sellers shall make such funds available to New Master Tenant and the Operators to satisfy their reserve requirements under the Master Lease; provided , further , however , that Owner Sellers shall be entitled to retain any replacement reserve funds in excess of Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($500.00) per bed per Facility to the extent refunded by HUD or the HUD servicer.", "output": "HUD" } ]
How much is the aggregate principal amount of all Loans in the aggregate?
[ { "input": "Subject to the terms provided for in this Loan Agreement, the Lender shall from time-to-time on or after the Effective Date make loans to the Borrower on a revolving basis (each, a “ Loan ” and collectively, the “ Loans ”), as requested by the Borrower and agreed to by the Lender (in the Lender’s sole discretion), in amounts that do not result in the aggregate principal amount of all Loans in the aggregate exceeding Five Hundred Million U.S. Dollars ($500,000,000) at any one time outstanding.", "output": "500,000,000" } ]
What section of the Exchange Act is the Common Stock registered pursuant to?
[ { "input": "The Common Stock is registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Exchange Act, and the Company has taken no action designed to, or which to its knowledge is likely to have the effect of, terminating the registration of the Common Stock pursuant to the Exchange Act nor has the Company received any notification that the SEC is currently contemplating terminating such registration. The Company has not, in the twelve (12) months preceding the date hereof, received any notice from the Principal Market to the effect that the Company is not in compliance with the listing or maintenance requirements of the Principal Market. The Company is in compliance with all such listing and maintenance requirements.", "output": "Section 12(b) of" } ]