1 class
What section of the Borrower's agreement does not require the Borrower to enter into a merger or consolidation transaction?
[ { "input": "The Borrower shall not change its organizational structure, enter into any transaction of merger or consolidation or amalgamation, or asset sale (other than pursuant to Section 2.07 or in connection with the repayment in full of the Obligations ), or liquidate, wind up or dissolve itself (or suffer any liquidation, winding up or dissolution) without the prior written consent of the Administrative Agent.", "output": "Section 2.07" } ]
What is an example of a wireless email device?
[ { "input": "The Company will provide and pay all such reasonable expenses related to Executive’s use of mobile technology during the Term of Employment, including monthly fees for business use of a cellular telephone, a wireless email device ( e.g. , a “Blackberry”), a personal digital assistant (PDA), and a laptop computer, in each case as approved by the Company, to allow Executive to perform his job duties outside of the Company’s offices.", "output": "Blackberry" } ]
How many common shares will Seller own?
[ { "input": "Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, at the Closing, Seller shall sell to Buyer, and Buyer shall purchase from Seller, all of Seller’s right, title and interest in and to 9,000,000 common shares whichever is greater, free and clear of all Encumbrances.", "output": "9,000,000" } ]
Who is entitled to deduct and withhold all Taxes that may be required to deduct and withhold under any provision of applicable Law?
[ { "input": "Purchaser shall be entitled to deduct and withhold from the Purchase Price all Taxes that Purchaser may be required to deduct and withhold under any provision of applicable Law. If Purchaser reasonably determines that any withholding in respect of Taxes is required from the Purchase Price, it shall notify Sellers as soon as reasonably practicable and shall reasonably cooperate with Sellers to lawfully mitigate such Taxes required to be withheld. To the extent that any amounts are withheld and paid to the appropriate Governmental Body, such withheld amounts shall be treated as delivered to Sellers hereunder.", "output": "Purchaser" } ]
What is the name of the document that sets out the terms of the Supplemental Term Loan Commitments?
[ { "input": "Except as set forth in this Lender Joinder Agreement, [Supplemental Term Loan Commitments] [Revolving Commitment Increases] shall otherwise be subject to the provisions of the Credit Agreement and the other Loan Documents.", "output": "this Lender Joinder Agreement" } ]
On what day after the participant's death is the amount of the Plan paid?
[ { "input": "The Plan is intended to comply with Code Section 409A.  Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, the Plan shall be interpreted, operated and administered consistent with this intent.  If any Participant is a “specified employee” within the meaning of Code Section 409A then, notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, any amount that would otherwise be payable to the Participant under the Plan during the first six months following the Participant’s “separation from service” (within the meaning of Code Section 409A) shall instead be paid to the Participant on the earlier of (i) the Participant’s death or (ii) the first day following the end of such six-month period.", "output": "the first day" } ]
Who will you direct all requests for references to?
[ { "input": "You agree that you will not engage in any activity or make any statement that may disparage or reflect negatively on RAIT, including those entities and individuals related to RAIT as defined in the Release above.  In response to requests for information regarding you from any prospective employer, RAIT will, consistent with company policy, provide dates of employment and position(s) held.  You agree to direct all such requests for references to RAIT’s Director of Human Resources.", "output": "Director of Human Resources" } ]
What section of the Code provides that any advances made by Members to the Company shall be considered a debt of the Company to the Member?
[ { "input": "Loans by Members to the Company shall not be considered Capital Contributions. Subject to the provisions of Section 3.01(c) , the amount of any such advances shall be a debt of the Company to such Member and shall be payable or collectible in accordance with the terms and conditions upon which such advances are made.", "output": "Section 3.01(c)" } ]
Who is responsible for the financial statements and financial statements furnished to Buyer?
[ { "input": "All information, reports, exhibits, schedules, financial statements or certificates of Seller, Guarantor or any Affiliate thereof or any of their officers furnished or to be furnished to Buyer in connection with the initial or any ongoing due diligence of Seller, Guarantor or any Affiliate or officer thereof, negotiation, preparation, or delivery of the Program Agreements are true and complete and do not omit to disclose any material facts necessary to make the statements herein or therein, in light of the circumstances in which they are made, not misleading. All financial statements have been prepared in accordance with GAAP.", "output": "Seller" } ]
Who is an accredited investor?
[ { "input": "Holder is an \"accredited investor\" within the meaning of Rule 501 of Regulation D of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the \" SEC \"), as presently in effect.", "output": "Holder" } ]
Who pays its broker?
[ { "input": "Landlord shall pay its broker as per their agreement and no other brokerage commissions will be paid by Landlord.", "output": "Landlord" } ]
Who will have enough funds at the Closing to allow WGP to pay in full at the Closing of the Purchase Price?
[ { "input": "WGP will have available to it at the Closing sufficient funds to enable WGP to pay in full at the Closing the entire amount of the Purchase Price in immediately available funds.", "output": "WGP" } ]
Whose records are the Participant's address?
[ { "input": "Any notice required to be delivered to the Company under this Agreement shall be in writing and addressed to the Chief Operating Officer of the Company at the Company’s principal corporate offices. Any notice required to be delivered to the Participant under this Agreement shall be in writing and addressed to the Participant at the Participant’s address as shown in the records of the Company. Either party may designate another address in writing (or by such other method approved by the Company) from time to time.", "output": "Company" } ]
Whose statements are not required to be made in a legal proceeding?
[ { "input": "The parties agree that they will not disparage or make derogatory or untruthful comments about each other or Oritani's present and former officers, directors, employees, agents, or attorneys, or their business practices.  The provisions of this Section 5 shall not apply to any truthful statement required to be made by Executive and Oritani, as the case may be, in any legal proceeding or governmental or regulatory investigation or inquiry.", "output": "Oritani" } ]
What year is the Performance Award due?
[ { "input": "This 2019 Performance Award is subject to all of the terms, conditions and provisions of the Plan and administrative interpretations thereunder, if any, which have been adopted by the Committee thereunder and are in effect on the date hereof. Except as defined or otherwise specifically provided herein, capitalized terms shall have the same meanings ascribed to them under the Plan.", "output": "2019" } ]
What company will pay you a starting salary of $400,000 per year?
[ { "input": "The Company will pay you a starting salary of $400,000 per year. In addition, we will provide you a one-time signing bonus of $175,000 payable 60 days after your start date. If you were to resign within the first year of employment, you acknowledge and agree to pay back the $175,000 signing bonus from your final check or personal check upon separation from the Company.", "output": "Company" } ]
Who has the right to use the images of a person's face?
[ { "input": "You hereby gives the Company and its assigns permission to capture and record his image or likeness by means of photograph, facial imaging or similar means (“Recordings”); to make reasonable edits to these Recordings at its discretion and to incorporate these Recordings into publications, brochures, databases, or any other media (“Publications”); and to use such Recordings and Publications for the limited purposes of marketing, publicizing, or otherwise promoting the products and/or services of the Company or any of its affiliates.", "output": "Company" } ]
What is the name of the document that contains the provisions of the Loan Document?
[ { "input": "In the event any one or more of the provisions contained in this Guaranty or in any other Loan Document should be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein and therein shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. The parties shall endeavor in good-faith negotiations to replace the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions with valid provisions the economic effect of which comes as close as possible to that of the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions.", "output": "Guaranty" } ]
Who does not receive tax advice from the Board of Directors?
[ { "input": "None of the Board of Directors of the Company, the Company, the Partnership or any agent or affiliate of any of the foregoing provides or has provided any tax advice to Employee or any other person who may claim through or on behalf of Employee or makes or has made any assurance, commitment or guarantee that any federal, state, local or other tax treatment will (or will not) apply or be available to Employee or other person who may claim through or on behalf of Employee with respect to this Agreement, including with respect to Section 3 hereof, or assumes any obligation or liability or responsibility with respect to any tax or associated liabilities (including penalties and interest) to which the Employee or any other person who may claim through or on behalf of Employee may be subject.", "output": "Employee" } ]
How many counterparts are considered to be the same agreement?
[ { "input": "This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, all of which shall be considered one and the same agreement and shall become effective when counterparts have been signed by each of the parties hereto and delivered to the other party (including via facsimile or other electronic transmission), it being understood that each party hereto need not sign the same counterpart.", "output": "one" } ]
What is the term of the agreement that governs the payment of change in control benefits?
[ { "input": "No benefits under this section 3 shall be payable to Executive unless Executive and Company have executed a “ Separation and Release Agreement” (in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A) within forty-five (45) days following the Termination Date and the payment of change in control benefits under this section 3 shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Separation and Release Agreement .", "output": "the Separation and Release Agreement" } ]
Who reviews and redetermines the base salary?
[ { "input": "The Executive’s annual base salary is $520,000, which is subject to review and redetermination by the Company from time to time.  The annual base salary in effect at any given time is referred to herein as “Base Salary.”  The Base Salary will be payable in a manner that is consistent with the Company’s usual payroll practices for senior executives.", "output": "Company" } ]
Where is the term "Centre of main interest" used?
[ { "input": "For the purposes of the Insolvency Regulation, each of UK Borrower’s centre of main interest (as that term is used in Article 3(1) of the Insolvency Regulation) is situated in its jurisdiction of incorporation and none of them have an “establishment” (as that term is used in Article 2(h) of the Insolvency Regulation) in any other jurisdiction.", "output": "Article 3(1)" } ]
What is the Tenant allowed to use for office use?
[ { "input": "Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Lease, Tenant shall be permitted to use the 11120A Expansion Premises only for office use (and for no other purposes) in conformity with all Applicable Laws (as defined in the Fifth Amendment).", "output": "the 11120A Expansion Premises" } ]
What is entitled to one vote at each meeting?
[ { "input": "The holders of the Units entitled to vote at any applicable meeting shall be entitled to notice of such meeting in accordance with this Agreement, and except as otherwise required by law, the holders of the Units shall be entitled to vote on all matters submitted to the Unitholders for a vote with each Unit entitled to one vote. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement (including, for the avoidance of doubt, Section 5.1(b)(iv) ) or as required by law, the vote, consent or approval of Unitholders holding a Required Interest shall constitute the act of the Unitholders.", "output": "Unit" } ]
How much is the principal amount of the Term Loan?
[ { "input": "Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Lender agrees to make a Term Loan to Borrower in the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000). The Term Loan shall be advanced on the Closing Date and shall be, with respect to principal, payable in sixty (60) consecutive monthly principal installments commencing the 1 st day of April, 2016, and continuing the same day of each month thereafter until paid in full, of which the first fifty-nine (59) installments shall each be in the amount of Eight Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-Three Dollars and Thirty-Three Cents ($8,333.33), followed by a sixtieth (60th) and final installment in the amount of the entire unpaid balance of the Term Loan.", "output": "Thirty-Three Cents" } ]
Who were Pool Receivables sold to?
[ { "input": "All Pool Receivables:  (i) were originated by such Originator in the ordinary course of its business, (ii) were sold to Buyer for fair consideration and reasonably equivalent value and (iii) represent all, or a portion of the purchase price of merchandise, insurance or services within the meaning of Section 3(c)(5)(A) of the Investment Company Act.", "output": "Buyer" } ]
In what document are the parties to this Agreement expressly obligated to agree that each Service covered by this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and terminate on the expiration of the Service Period?
[ { "input": "The Parties agree that, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or as expressly set forth in the Distribution Services Addendum, (i) each Service covered by this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and terminate on expiration of the service period therefor set forth in the Services Letter (each, a “ Service Period ”) and (ii) the term of this Agreement shall begin on the Effective Date and continue until the last-to-expire of the Service Periods, as may be extended (the “ Term” ); provided that , unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in writing and subject to Section 7.1(c) , no Service Period nor the Term shall exceed a period of eighteen (18) months from the Effective Date.", "output": "the Distribution Services Addendum" } ]
Who may destroy or dispose of the foregoing information?
[ { "input": "Parent and MYnd California shall retain or cause to be retained all Tax Returns, material schedules and material work papers, and all material records or other material documents relating thereto in their possession, in each case that relate to a Pre-Closing Period, until the expiration of all applicable statutes of limitations (the “ Retention Period ”). Upon the expiration of the Retention Period, the foregoing information may be destroyed or disposed of by the Party retaining such documentation or other information unless the other Party otherwise requests in writing before the expiration of the Retention Period. In such case, the Party retaining such documentation or other information shall deliver such materials to the other Party at the expense of such other Party.", "output": "Party" } ]
Whose filings does an Investor acknowledge receiving?
[ { "input": "Such Investor has had an opportunity to receive all information related to the Company requested by it and to ask questions of and receive answers from the Company regarding the Company, its business and the terms and conditions of the offering of the Securities. Such Investor acknowledges receipt of copies of the SEC Filings. Neither such inquiries nor any other due diligence investigation conducted by such Investor shall modify, amend or affect such Investor’s right to rely on the Company’s representations and warranties contained in this Agreement.", "output": "SEC" } ]
Who determines the actual value of the incentive plan?
[ { "input": "You will be eligible to participate in Tenneco’s executive annual incentive plan in a manner consistent with other Tenneco executives. The terms of the annual incentive plan are set forth in the Tenneco Inc. Annual Incentive Plan (“AIP” - copy attached). Your initial target bonus opportunity for the 2018 calendar year performance period under the AIP will be 125% of your annual base salary (or $1,312,500 based on the offered salary, pro-rated to the date that your employment commences with Tenneco) although the actual value will be determined by the Compensation Committee. The payment of an annual incentive to you is subject to achievement of pre-defined performance goals for the Company, the approval by the Compensation Committee, as well as the terms of the AIP (or successor plan).", "output": "the Compensation Committee" } ]
What is the name of the founder of the Association Institut De Myologie?
[ { "input": "Licensee agrees to make in France Clinical Trials on patients suffering from Spinal Muscle Atrophy and to retain “Association Institut De Myologie” (whose founders are the AFM-Téléthon and Genethon) as an investigative site to the extent it is regulatory possible. The clinical trial agreement shall be negotiated on commercially reasonable terms, directly by and between the “Association Institut De Myologie” and Licensee, and the parties shall execute such agreement before December 31th, 2019.", "output": "the AFM-Téléthon" } ]
What section of the contract states that the Swingline Loans must be made in accordance with the procedures?
[ { "input": "(a) Each Revolving Loan shall be made as part of a Borrowing consisting of Revolving Loans made by the Lenders ratably in accordance with their respective Commitments. Each Swingline Loan shall be made in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 2.04. The failure of any Lender to make any Loan required to be made by it shall not relieve any other Lender of its obligations hereunder; provided that the Commitments of the Lenders are several and no Lender shall be responsible for any other Lender’s failure to make Loans as required.", "output": "Section 2.04" } ]
What does Borrower hereby remake all representations and warranties contained in?
[ { "input": "Borrower hereby remakes all representations and warranties contained in the Credit Agreement and reaffirms all covenants set forth therein.  Borrower further certifies that as of the date of this Amendment there exists no Event of Default as defined in the Credit Agreement, nor any condition, act or event which with the giving of notice or the passage of time or both would constitute any such Event of Default.", "output": "the Credit Agreement" } ]
What does each Party agree to acknowledge by executing certificates?
[ { "input": "Each Party agrees to execute certificates acknowledging its ongoing compliance with this Article V I from time to time at the request of any other Party.", "output": "this Article V I" } ]
What section of the Code does the Company have to pay compensation to a Lender?
[ { "input": "If any Lender requests compensation under Section 3.04 or delivers a notice under Section 3.02 , or if the Company is required to pay any additional amount to any Lender or any Governmental Authority for the account of any Lender pursuant to Section 3.01 and, in each case, such Lender has declined or is unable to designate a different lending office in accordance with Section 3.06(a) , the Company may replace such Lender in accordance with Section 10.13 .", "output": "Section 3.04" } ]
What does Executive serve as the Executive Vice President - Operations and Administration, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of?
[ { "input": "During the Employment Term, Executive shall serve as the Executive Vice President – Operations and Administration, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of Company.  Executive shall have such duties, authority and responsibility as shall be determined from time to time by the Board, which duties, authority and responsibility shall be customary for persons occupying such positions in companies of like size and type. Executive shall report directly to the Chief Executive Officer of the Company.  Executive shall, if requested, also serve as an officer or director of any affiliate of Company for no additional compensation.", "output": "Company" } ]
What is prior and superior to the Leasehold Mortgage?
[ { "input": "Except for the Permitted Encumbrances, Borrower’s interest in the Ground Lease is not subject to any Liens or encumbrances superior to, or of equal priority with, the Security Instrument other than the ground lessor’s related leasehold interest.  There is no Lien, including, without limitation, any mortgage, deed of trust or other security instrument, encumbering the ground lessor’s leasehold interest other than one leasehold mortgage to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (the “ Leasehold Mortgage ”), and the Ground Lease is prior and superior to the Leasehold Mortgage and is and shall remain prior to any Lien upon the related leasehold interest that may hereafter be granted (including, without limitation, any future leasehold mortgage).", "output": "the Ground Lease" } ]
Who reviews Executive's Base Salary?
[ { "input": "For all of the services rendered by Executive hereunder, the Company shall pay Executive a base salary (“ Base Salary ”), which shall be at the annual rate of Three Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($325,000), payable in installments at such times as the Company customarily pays its other senior level executives. Executive’s Base Salary shall be reviewed annually for appropriate increases by the Board of Trustees of the Company (the “ Board ”) or the Compensation Committee of the Board (the “ Committee ”), pursuant to the Committee’s delegated authority, pursuant to the Board’s or the Committee’s, as applicable, normal performance review policies for senior level executives but shall not be decreased.", "output": "Board" } ]
Who shall pay all fees and expenses incurred by it in connection with any registration, qualification, exemption or compliance by Amicus in the performance of its obligations pursuant to this Section 7?
[ { "input": "Amicus shall pay all fees and expenses incurred by it in connection with any registration, qualification, exemption or compliance by Amicus in the performance of its obligations pursuant to this Section 7 , whether or not any Registrable Securities are sold pursuant to a Registration Statement, and including all registration and filing fees, exchange listing fees, and the fees and expenses of counsel and accountants for Amicus.  Each Holder shall pay any expenses incurred by it in connection with the performance of its obligations under or in compliance with this Section 7.", "output": "Amicus" } ]
What section of the Agreement is applicable to the remaining provisions of the Agreement?
[ { "input": "The provisions of this Agreement that may be reasonably interpreted as surviving its termination, including the applicable provisions of Sections 3- 10 , shall continue in effect after termination of this Agreement. Company is entitled to communicate Advisor’s obligations under this Agreement to any future client or potential client of Advisor.", "output": "Sections 3- 10" } ]
What section of the Plan provides that a Participant's participation shall commence?
[ { "input": "Provided a Participant has met all enrollment requirements set forth in this Plan or otherwise required by the Committee, the Participant’s participation shall commence as provided in Section 3.1(b). If a Participant fails to meet all such requirements within the specified time period with respect to any Plan Year, the Participant shall not be eligible to defer compensation during that Plan Year.", "output": "Section 3.1(b)." } ]
What currency is used in preparing the Company's annual and quarterly financial statements?
[ { "input": "For purposes of any determination under Article V (other than Section 5.07) or Article VI or any determination under any other provision of this Agreement expressly requiring the use of a current exchange rate, all amounts incurred, outstanding or proposed to be incurred or outstanding in currencies other than US Dollars shall be translated into US Dollars at currency exchange rates in effect on the date of such determination. For purposes of Section 5.07, amounts in currencies other than US Dollars shall be translated into US Dollars at the currency exchange rates most recently used in preparing the Company’s annual and quarterly financial statements.", "output": "US Dollars" } ]
What section of the Agreement allows no Group Member to be a party to any agreement or arrangement other than this Agreement and the Security Instruments?
[ { "input": "Except as set forth in Schedule  7.20 or as permitted under Section 9.15, no Group Member is a party to any agreement or arrangement (other than this Agreement and the Security Instruments), or subject to any order, judgment, writ or decree, which restricts or purports to restrict its ability to grant Liens pursuant to this Agreement and the Security Instruments to the Administrative Agent, for the benefit of the Secured Parties, on or in respect of its material Properties.", "output": "Section 9.15" } ]
What section of the Merger Agreement provides for the Company's rights to enforce this Agreement?
[ { "input": "This Agreement may only be enforced by (i) Parent at the direction of the Fund and (ii) the Company in accordance with the Company’s rights under clause (ii) of Section 9.12(b) (with respect to the Closing Commitment) or  Section 9.12(c)(iv) (with respect to the Damages Commitment) of the Merger Agreement. Neither Parent’s creditors nor any other Persons (other than the Company to the extent provided herein) shall have any right to enforce this Agreement or to cause Parent to enforce this Agreement.", "output": "Section 9.12(b) (" } ]
Who agrees to pay directly to Gladstone?
[ { "input": "Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, and  whether or not the transactions herein contemplated shall be consummated, Purchaser and Seller shall pay their own fees, expenses and disbursements, including the fees and expenses of their respective counsel, accountants and other experts, in connection with the subject matter of this Agreement and all other costs and expenses incurred in performing and complying with all conditions to be performed under this Agreement; provided, however, that Purchaser agrees to pay directly to Gladstone, at Closing, the sum of $* cash, as partial payment of the amounts payable by Seller to Gladstone in connection with the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.", "output": "Purchaser" } ]
Who shall Borrower and Operating Lessee cooperate fully with in any proceedings before any court, board or other Governmental Authority?
[ { "input": "Borrower and Operating Lessee shall cooperate fully with Lender with respect to any proceedings before any court, board or other Governmental Authority which may in any way affect the rights of Lender hereunder or any rights obtained by Lender under any of the other Loan Documents and, in connection therewith, permit Lender, at its election, to participate in any such proceedings.", "output": "Lender" } ]
Who is responsible for the performance of the Company's business endeavors?
[ { "input": "During the term of Executive’s employment under this Agreement, Executive agrees to use Executive’s reasonable best efforts in the conduct of the Company’s business endeavors entrusted to Executive and agrees to devote substantially all of Executive’s working time and efforts, attention and energy to the discharge of the duties and responsibilities of Executive to and for the Company. Executive agrees not to engage in any other activities that interfere with Executive’s performance under this Agreement and agrees not to work in any capacity for any other business or enterprise without first obtaining the Company’s written consent thereto.", "output": "Executive" } ]
What section of this Agreement does the Participant agree to keep confidential?
[ { "input": "The Participant hereby agrees to keep confidential the existence of, and any information concerning, a dispute described in this Section 14, except that the Participant may disclose information concerning such dispute to the court that is considering such dispute or to the Participant’s legal counsel (provided that such counsel agrees not to disclose any such information other than as necessary to the prosecution or defense of the dispute).", "output": "this Section 14" } ]
What section of this Agreement provides that nothing in this Agreement will be construed to give any person other than the Company, the other members of the Company Group, and Executive any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim under or with respect to this Agreement?
[ { "input": "Except as otherwise set forth in Section 12(b) hereof, nothing expressed or referred to in this Agreement will be construed to give any Person other than the Company, the other members of the Company Group, and Executive any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim under or with respect to this Agreement or any provision of this Agreement.", "output": "Section 12(b)" } ]
What are the terms of the Credit Agreements and the Credit Agreement Letters?
[ { "input": "The effectiveness of this Modification is contingent upon Peak Resorts closing on a private equity offering to Summer Road, LLC for no less than Fifteen Million and 00/100 Dollars ($15,000,000.00) no later than November 15, 2016, otherwise, this Modification shall automatically terminate and none of the parties hereto shall have any further obligations under this Modification and the terms of the Credit Agreements and the Credit Agreement Letters shall remain in full force and effect as if this Modification was never entered into among the parties hereto.", "output": "the Credit Agreements" } ]
What is the annual bonus?
[ { "input": "Employee shall be eligible to receive an annual bonus as set forth in the Company’s Annual Bonus Plan (as amended from time to time, the “Annual Bonus”), which is incorporated herein by reference. Pursuant to the Annual Bonus Plan, the Committee will review the plan annually to determine target participation levels and establish goals and subsequent payout levels against those goals. Subject to the Committee’s discretion to adjust Employee’s target participation level (e.g., to reflect changes in roles or modifications to pay mix), Employee’s target opportunity during the Term shall be $________________________.", "output": "annual" } ]
How long after the date of a Participant's Termination can Stock Options be exercised by the Participant?
[ { "input": "Unless otherwise determined by the Committee at grant (or, if no rights of the Participant (or, in the case of his death, his estate) are reduced, thereafter), if a Participant’s Termination is by reason of death or Disability, all Stock Options that are held by such Participant that are vested and exercisable on the date of the Participant’s Termination may be exercised by the Participant (or, in the case of death, by the legal representative of the Participant’s estate) at any time within a period of one year after the date of such Termination, but in no event beyond the expiration of the stated term of such Stock Options.", "output": "one year" } ]
Who will forfeit your RSUs in the event of a violation?
[ { "input": "You agree that in the event you violate the confidentiality, non-competition, non-solicitation or non-disparagement provisions of any agreement between you and the Company or any Subsidiary, or any plan of the Company or any Affiliate in which you participate, including without limitation, the non-solicitation provisions of Section 9 below, all of your RSUs for which the restrictions have not previously lapsed in accordance with Section 2 shall be forfeited to the Company and all of your rights to receive any Shares in the future pursuant to the RSUs shall automatically terminate without any payment of consideration by the Company.", "output": "Company" } ]
What does the Company not issue shares of?
[ { "input": "The Company will not issue the PVU shares if doing so would violate any applicable federal or state securities laws, or any other applicable law or regulation. The Associate may not sell or otherwise dispose of the PVU shares in violation of applicable law.", "output": "PVU" } ]
Who is responsible for preventing indemnification payments?
[ { "input": "The Bank shall not make any indemnification payments to the Officer under this Agreement if such payment is prohibited by regulation or an order issued by the director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (“Finance Agency”) in accordance with 12 U.S.C. 4518(e) with regard to any administrative proceeding or civil action instituted by the Finance Agency.", "output": "the Finance Agency" } ]
Who shall not receive additional compensation with respect to services for the Plan?
[ { "input": "The Committee shall not receive additional compensation with respect to services for the Plan. To the extent required by applicable law, but not otherwise, the Committee shall furnish bond or security for the performance of their duties hereunder. Any expenses properly incurred by the Committee incident to the administration, termination or protection of the Plan, including the cost of furnishing bond, shall be paid by the Company.", "output": "Committee" } ]
What section of the Credit Agreement provides for the conditions precedent to the amendment?
[ { "input": "As of the Amendment Effective Date, subject to the satisfaction of the conditions precedent set forth in Section 3.1, Schedule 1.1A to the Credit Agreement is hereby amended and restated as set forth in, and replaced by, Schedule 1.1A hereto.", "output": "Section 3.1" } ]
What Series Notes did ABRCF agree to have a capitalization equal to or greater than 3% of the Series 2017-1 Invested Amount?
[ { "input": "ABRCF agrees that on the Series 2017-1 Closing Date it will have capitalization in an amount equal to or greater than 3% of the sum of (x) the Series 2017-1 Invested Amount and (y) the invested amount of the Series 2010-6 Notes, the Series 2011-4 Notes, the Series 2012-2 Notes, the Series 2012-3 Notes, the Series 2013-1 Notes, the Series 2013-2 Notes, the Series 2014-1 Notes, the Series 2014-2 Notes, the Series 2015-1 Notes, Series 2015-2 Notes, the Series 2015-3 Notes, the Series 2016-1 Notes and the Series 2016-2 Notes.", "output": "2014-1" } ]
What does Tenant acknowledge that Tenant is in possession of?
[ { "input": "Tenant acknowledges that Tenant is in possession of the Premises and, except as specifically set forth in this First Amendment, Tenant accepts the same “as is”, without any obligation on the part of Landlord to refurbish the Premises, and without any representation by Landlord to Tenant as to the condition of the Premises and Tenant is satisfied with the condition of the Premises as it relates to the suitability of the Premises for Tenant’s purposes.", "output": "Premises" } ]
Along with the Repurchase Agreement Amendment, what other amendment is required to be enforced by the Seller and Guarantor?
[ { "input": "Within ten (10) Business Days following the Amendment Effective Date, Seller and Guarantor shall provide Buyer with legal opinions from counsel to Seller and Guarantor to Buyer with respect to the enforceability of each of this Amendment, the Repurchase Agreement Amendment and the Fee and Pricing Letter Amendment. The failure of Seller and Guarantor to do so on a timely basis shall constitute an immediate Event of Default under the Repurchase Agreement.", "output": "the Fee and Pricing Letter Amendment" } ]
Who will make the Swingline Advance available to Borrower?
[ { "input": "Except as provided in clause (c) above, each request for a Swingline Advance shall be made pursuant to telephone notice to Swingline Lender given no later than 1:00 p.m. (Atlanta, Georgia time) (or such later time as accepted by Swingline Lender) on the date of the proposed Swingline Advance, promptly confirmed by a completed and executed Notice of Borrowing telecopied or facsimiled to Administrative Agent and Swingline Lender.  Swingline Lender will promptly make the Swingline Advance available to Borrower at Borrower’s account with Administrative Agent or as otherwise directed by Borrower with written notice to Administrative Agent.", "output": "Swingline" } ]
What is attached as Exhibit A?
[ { "input": "The Conoco General Provisions – Domestic Crude Oil Agreements, dated January 1, 1993, which are attached as Exhibit A , with those certain Buy/Sell Amendments thereto, dated February 26, 2009, which are attached as Exhibit B (as so amended, the “ General Terms ”) are incorporated herein by reference. Except to the extent otherwise specified in the main body of this Agreement, the General Terms shall apply to the purchase and sale of the Crude Oil under this Agreement. If any ambiguity or conflict should arise between the main body of this Agreement and the General Terms, the provisions of the main body of this Agreement shall prevail.", "output": "The Conoco General Provisions – Domestic Crude Oil Agreements" } ]
What section of the Securities Purchase Agreement does the Exchange Consideration fall under?
[ { "input": "Pursuant to Rule 144 promulgated under the Securities Act, the holding period of the Warrant tacks back to December 29, 2015. The Company agrees not to take a position contrary to this paragraph. The Company agrees to take all actions, including, without limitation, the issuance by its legal counsel of any legal opinions to JGBWL or the Company’s transfer agent, necessary to issue the Warrant Shares without restriction and not containing any restrictive legend without the need for any action by JGBWL in connection with a sale of the Warrant Shares by JGBWL. The Warrant (the “Exchange Consideration”) is being issued in substitution and exchange for and not in satisfaction of all rights and obligations under Section 4.13 of the Securities Purchase Agreement.", "output": "Section 4.13" } ]
When does the ratio of Borrower's total liabilities to Tangible Net Worth exceed 1.00 to 1.00?
[ { "input": "Borrower shall not permit the ratio of Borrower’s total liabilities (excluding Subordinated Debt) to Tangible Net Worth to exceed 1.00 to 1.00 at the end of any Fiscal Year.", "output": "the end of any Fiscal Year" } ]
How many counterparts of the Separation Agreement shall constitute one and the same instrument?
[ { "input": "This Separation Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and all such counterparts together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.  Your signature below reflects your understanding of, and agreement to, the terms and conditions set forth above.", "output": "one" } ]
What is the other part of the definition of "Collateral Requirement"?
[ { "input": "(a) Maintain, with financially sound and reputable insurance companies, insurance in such amounts and against such risks as are customarily maintained by similarly situated companies engaged in the same or similar businesses operating in the same or similar locations and cause, subject to the time periods set forth in clause (ix) of the definition of \"Collateral Requirement\" and Schedule 5.02(d) , if applicable, Agent to be listed as a co-loss payee on property and casualty policies and as an additional insured on liability policies.", "output": "Schedule 5.02(d)" } ]
Who is the Plan binding upon?
[ { "input": "The Plan shall be binding upon and enforceable against Actua and its successors and assigns.", "output": "Actua" } ]
What is the amount of the New Revolving Credit Facility payable to the Lenders per annum?
[ { "input": "Payable to the Lenders under the New Revolving Credit Facility equal to (x) 0.100% per annum , times (y) the daily average undrawn portion of the New Revolving Credit Facility (reduced by the amount of Letters of Credit issued and outstanding), with step- ups to (i) 0.150% per annum based on a Consolidated Leverage Ratio of greater than 1.25:1.00, but less than 1.75:1.00, (ii) 0.200% per annum based on a Consolidated Leverage Ratio of equal to or greater than 1.75:1.00, but less than 2.25:1.00 and (iii) 0.250% per annum based on a Consolidated Leverage Ratio of greater than 2.25:1.00.", "output": "0.100%" } ]
Who determines the amount of non-recourse deductions for the Allocation Period?
[ { "input": "Any “non-recourse deduction” (as defined in Treasury Regulations § 1.704-2(b)(1)) for any Allocation Period shall be allocated to the Members as determined by the Board, to the extent permitted by the Treasury Regulations.", "output": "Board" } ]
Who may request certificates acknowledging its compliance with Article V I?
[ { "input": "Each Party agrees to execute certificates acknowledging its ongoing compliance with this Article V I from time to time at the request of any other Party.", "output": "Party" } ]
In what line of subparagraph (i)(2) of the Agreement is the word "non-" added?
[ { "input": "Section 13(b) of the Agreement is hereby amended by: (x) deleting in the second line of subparagraph (i)(2) thereof the word, “non-”; and (y) adding in the third line of subparagraph (i)(2) thereof before the semicolon, “and each party irrevocably agrees to designate any Proceedings brought in the courts of the State of New York as ‘commercial’ on the Request for Judicial Intervention seeking assignment to the Commercial Division of the Supreme Court”.", "output": "third" } ]
When is the Consolidated Net Leverage Ratio permitted?
[ { "input": "Permit the Consolidated Net Leverage Ratio as of the end of any fiscal quarter of the Borrower to be greater than 3.75 to 1.00.", "output": "the end of any fiscal quarter" } ]
What is the par value per share of the Company's common stock?
[ { "input": "Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, the Company agrees to sell, and Purchaser agrees to purchase Twelve Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Five (12,395) shares (the “ Shares ”) of the Company’s common stock, $0.0001 par value per share (the “ Common Stock ”), at a purchase price of $3.60 per Share for an aggregate purchase price of $44,621 (the “ Purchase Price ”). The Purchase Price shall be paid by the conversion of a dividend payable in the amount of $44,621 on the Company’s Series B-1 Convertible Preferred Stock (the “ Series B -1 Preferred ”) presently due and payable to the Purchaser. Within a reasonable time following the date hereof, the Company shall deliver to Purchaser, a certificate evidencing the Shares.", "output": "0.0001" } ]
What is the name of the list of trademarks, trade names, copyrights, patents, and licenses that are necessary to the conduct of its business?
[ { "input": "Each of Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries own, or hold licenses in, all trademarks, trade names, copyrights, patents, and licenses that are necessary to the conduct of its business as currently conducted, and attached hereto as Schedule 4.23 is a true, correct, and complete listing of all material trademarks, trade names, copyrights, patents, and licenses as to which Company or one of its Restricted Subsidiaries is the owner or is an exclusive licensee; provided , however , that Company may amend Schedule 4.24 to add additional intellectual property so long as such amendment occurs by written notice to Collateral]Agent at the time that Company provides its Compliance Certificate pursuant to Section 5.1(d) .", "output": "Schedule 4.23" } ]
What is the form of the financial statements in Schedule 4?
[ { "input": "Financing statements in substantially the form of Schedule 4 hereto have been prepared for filing in the central UCC filing office in which such filings are to be made.", "output": "4" } ]
Who has not been notified of any landlord default under any of the Leases?
[ { "input": "The Leases are the only leases affecting the Property and are currently in full force and effect. Original Borrower has not been notified of any landlord default under any of the Leases. There are no leasing broker’s or finder’s commissions of any kind due or to become due with respect to the Leases or the Property. The rents and security deposits under the Leases shown on the Rent Roll are true and correct. Except as shown in the Rent Roll, Original Borrower has not received any prepaid rents or given any concessions for free or reduced rent under the Leases. All tenants at the Property are currently in possession of their leased premises.", "output": "Original Borrower" } ]
What company may provide benefits to employees under the Executive Choice Plan?
[ { "input": "Employee shall be eligible to participate in or receive benefits under the vacation and paid time off, health and welfare, deferred compensation and retirement plans generally provided or made available to other senior executive officers of Employer from time to time, including the Executive Choice Plan, subject to the regular eligibility, operational and other requirements of such plans.", "output": "Employer" } ]
How many counterparts of this Agreement will be deemed to be the same?
[ { "input": "This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed to be an original of this Agreement and all of which, when taken together, will be deemed to constitute one and the same agreement. Electronically transmitted (e.g., by facsimile or pdf) signed copies of this Agreement shall be deemed to be original signed versions of this Agreement.", "output": "one" } ]
How many trading days preceding the announcement date of this Agreement are there?
[ { "input": "Subject to credits, adjustments and prorations due Purchaser under Section 3.6 and other relevant Sections of this Agreement, up to $58,306.00 of the Purchase Price may be paid by delivery to Seller of Units of Purchaser (“Units”) as described on attached Exhibit “B”. The amount to be paid by delivery of Units is referred to as the “Unit Consideration.” The number of Units delivered to Seller on the Closing Date shall be equal to (i) the Unit Consideration, divided by the volume weighted average of the closing prices of the common shares of Condor Hospitality Trust, Inc. as reported by NASDAQ for the trailing three (3) trading days immediately preceding the announcement date of this Agreement, multiplied by (ii) eight (8).", "output": "three" } ]
What is the Prior Note Balance after forgiveness by Investor?
[ { "input": "Company acknowledges that the outstanding balance of the New Note will include a $20,000.00 fee to cover Investor’s legal fees, accounting costs, due diligence, monitoring and other transaction costs incurred in connection with the Settlement (the “ Transaction Expense Amount ”). The “ New Note Purchase Price ”, therefore, shall be $6,816,556.53, computed as follows: $6,836,556.53 initial principal balance, less the Transaction Expense Amount. The New Investment Amount shall be the New Note Purchase Price less the Prior Note Balance (following forgiveness by Investor of $2,677,393.47) .", "output": "2,677,393.47" } ]
Who will not allow any of its Restricted Subsidiaries to make any change in its fiscal year?
[ { "input": "The Company will not, and will not permit any of its Restricted Subsidiaries to, make any change in its fiscal year; provided that (i) the Company shall be permitted to make a single change in fiscal year during the term of this Agreement and (ii) each of Kodiak and Vector shall be permitted to change its fiscal year to end at March 31 for each fiscal year and, in each such case the Company and the Administrative Agent will, and are hereby authorized by the Lenders to, make any adjustments to this Agreement that are necessary to reflect such change in fiscal year.", "output": "Company" } ]
What day is not a bank holiday in Tennessee?
[ { "input": "Any day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or banking holiday in the State of Tennessee.", "output": "Saturday" } ]
Who does Executive work for?
[ { "input": "During the term of this Agreement (including all renewal periods, if any, the “ Term ”), Executive agrees to be employed by and to serve as the Vice President, Global Sales & Customer Operations and Luminex agrees to employ and retain Executive in such capacity subject to the provisions of this Agreement. Executive shall have such powers, authority and duties, and shall render such services of executive and administrative character, or act in such other capacity for Luminex, as the Chief Executive Officer shall from time to time lawfully direct and Executive shall report directly to the Chief Executive Officer of Luminex. Executive shall devote substantially all of his business time, energy, and skill to the business of Luminex.", "output": "Luminex" } ]
In what month shall the invoices for each Task Order be based?
[ { "input": "Consultant shall submit separate invoices monthly for each Task Order and such invoices shall include a breakdown of all charges and expenses, if any, incurred during the month together with the Project Number shown on the Task Order.  Invoices shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after receipt by AV’s Accounts Payable Group.  Invoices shall be sent to the attention of the Accounts Payable Group; AeroVironment, Inc.,   via e-mail to [email protected] , and also reference the Task Order Number as well as your organization’s name in the subject line or by mail to P.O. Box 5031, Monrovia, CA  91107 .  Unless otherwise agreed at the time individual Task Orders are accepted, all payments shall be made in US dollars.", "output": "the month" } ]
How long does the obligation of confidentiality last?
[ { "input": "The obligation of confidentiality under this Section 20 shall survive the termination of this Agreement for a period of two (2) years.", "output": "two (2) years" } ]
What document and these Rules create only a contractual obligation on the part of the Company as to amounts payable?
[ { "input": "Participation in the Plan confers no rights or interests other than as herein provided. The Grant Notice and these Rules create only a contractual obligation on the part of the Company as to amounts payable and may not be construed as creating a trust. Neither the Plan nor any underlying program, in and of itself, has any assets. Participant will have only the rights of a general unsecured creditor of the Company with respect to amounts credited and benefits payable, if any, with respect to the Awards, and rights no greater than the right to receive the Stock as a general unsecured creditor with respect to the Awards, as and when exercised pursuant to the terms hereof.", "output": "The Grant Notice" } ]
Who may the Administrator grant awards to?
[ { "input": "The Administrator may grant awards under this Plan to employees, directors and other service providers of the Company or its Affiliates. All awards will be denominated in and settled in cash. Awards will vest and be settled pursuant to the terms and conditions determined by the Administrator, which conditions may include continued service, the achievement of individual performance goals, performance goals related to the Company or any division or department of the Company or any of their Affiliates or any combination thereof.", "output": "Affiliates" } ]
When was the Employment Protection Agreement amended?
[ { "input": "This Agreement forms the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes any prior agreements between them with respect to the subject matter hereof. The Parties agree that the Employment Protection Agreement dated October 25, 2006, and amended March 20, 2010, by and between the Company and Employee, is hereby terminated and of no further force and effect.", "output": "March 20, 2010" } ]
Which country may borrow from the UK to convert their Eurodollar Rate Loans?
[ { "input": "UK Borrowers may convert their Eurodollar Rate Loans to UK Base Rate Loans at any time; provided , that in the event that such Eurodollar Rate Loans are converted or prepaid on any date that is not the last day of the Interest Period applicable thereto, including as a result of any prepayment through the required application by Agent of any payments or proceeds of Collateral in accordance with the terms hereof or for any other reason, including early termination of the term of this Agreement or acceleration of all or any portion of the Obligations pursuant to the terms hereof, each UK Borrower shall indemnify, defend, and hold Agent and the UK Lenders and their Participants harmless against any and all UK Funding Losses in accordance with Section 3.1 (c)(ii) .", "output": "UK" } ]
Target is a company in good standing under what laws?
[ { "input": "(a) Target is a company duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the United Kingdom and has all requisite corporate power and authority to own, lease and operate its respective properties and to conduct its respective business as presently conducted and as proposed to be conducted and is duly qualified or licensed as a foreign corporation in good standing in each jurisdiction in which the character of its properties or the nature of its business activities require such qualification.", "output": "the United Kingdom" } ]
What is the schedule for the Borrower's Subsidiaries?
[ { "input": "The Borrower will, and will cause each of its Subsidiaries to, as applicable, not later than the dates specified therefor on Schedule 5.16 (or such later dates as the Administrative Agent may agree in writing in its sole discretion), satisfy each of the requirements set forth on Schedule 5.16 .", "output": "5.16" } ]
What is the address of the Borrower and Guarantors' principal place of business?
[ { "input": "As of the date hereof, the principal place of business of the Borrower and Guarantors is 1212 New York Avenue, N.W., Suite 900, Washington, DC 20005.", "output": "900" } ]
What section of the Agreement shall be binding on the parties to this Agreement?
[ { "input": "Subject to Section 9.3 , this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.", "output": "Section 9.3" } ]
What is the Borrower not allowed to allow the Leverage Ratio to be?
[ { "input": "Commencing with the fiscal quarter ending June 30, 2018, the Borrower will not permit the Leverage Ratio to be greater than 3.00 to 1.00.", "output": "greater than 3.00 to 1.00" } ]
What is the most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K?
[ { "input": "The Company has made available to the Investors through the EDGAR system, true and complete copies of the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 (the “ 10-K ”), and all other reports filed by the Company pursuant to the 1934 Act since the filing of the 10-K (collectively, the “ SEC Filings ”).  The SEC Filings are the only filings required of the Company pursuant to the 1934 Act for such period.", "output": "the 10-K" } ]
What section of this Agreement provides for the termination of this Agreement?
[ { "input": "In the event of the termination of this Agreement as provided in Section 6.1 , this Agreement (other than Article VII which shall remain in full force and effect) shall forthwith become wholly void and of no further force and effect; provided that nothing herein shall relieve any party from liability for fraud or willful breach of this Agreement.", "output": "Section 6.1" } ]
When does the Company file a Current Report on Form 8-K?
[ { "input": "The Company shall, by 5:30 p.m. eastern time on the second business day following the closing of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement, file a Current Report on Form 8-K, including the Operative Documents as exhibits thereto, with the SEC. Such Form 8-K shall be subject to the prior review and comment of the Lender. From and after the issuance of the Form 8-K, the Company represents to the Lender that it shall have publicly disclosed all material, non-public information delivered to Lender by the Company, or any of their respective officers, directors, employees or agents.", "output": "the second business day" } ]
Who is not responsible for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under this Agreement?
[ { "input": "The Servicer will not be responsible or liable for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under this Agreement caused by, directly or indirectly, forces beyond its control, including strikes, work stoppages, acts of war, terrorism, civil or military disturbances, fire, flood, earthquakes, storms, hurricanes or other natural disasters or failures of mechanical, electronic or communication systems.  The Servicer will use commercially reasonable efforts to resume performance as soon as practicable in the circumstances.", "output": "Servicer" } ]
Whose designation of payments is not considered to be a factor in the right of Landlord to apply the payments received pursuant to this Lease?
[ { "input": "Landlord shall have the right to apply payments received from Tenant pursuant to this Lease, regardless of Tenant's designation of such payments, to satisfy any accrued obligations of Tenant hereunder, in such order and amounts as Landlord, in its sole discretion, may elect.", "output": "Tenant" } ]